Runtime error
Runtime error
layout(local_size_x = 1024) in; | |
layout(binding = 0) buffer restrict readonly tensorInA { float inA[]; }; | |
layout(binding = 1) buffer restrict readonly tensorInB { float inB[]; }; | |
layout(binding = 2) buffer restrict writeonly tensorOut { float out_[]; }; | |
layout(push_constant) uniform PushConstants { | |
uint inAOff; | |
uint inBOff; | |
uint outOff; | |
int ne00; | |
int nb00; | |
int nb01; | |
int nb02; | |
int nb03; | |
int ne10; | |
int ne11; | |
int ne12; | |
int ne13; | |
int nb10; | |
int nb11; | |
int nb12; | |
int nb13; | |
int ne0; | |
int nb0; | |
int nb1; | |
int nb2; | |
int nb3; | |
//int offs; // TODO: needed for GGML_OP_ACC, see metal code | |
} pcs; | |
// general-purpose kernel for addition of two tensors | |
// pros: works for non-contiguous tensors, supports broadcast across dims 1, 2 and 3 | |
// cons: not very efficient | |
void main() { | |
const uint i03 = gl_WorkGroupID.z; | |
const uint i02 = gl_WorkGroupID.y; | |
const uint i01 = gl_WorkGroupID.x; | |
const uint i13 = i03 % pcs.ne13; | |
const uint i12 = i02 % pcs.ne12; | |
const uint i11 = i01 % pcs.ne11; | |
int offs = 0; // TMP (see above) | |
uint src0_off = uint((i03*pcs.nb03 + i02*pcs.nb02 + i01*pcs.nb01 + offs) / 4); | |
uint src1_off = uint((i13*pcs.nb13 + i12*pcs.nb12 + i11*pcs.nb11 ) / 4); | |
uint dst_off = uint((i03*pcs.nb3 + i02*pcs.nb2 + i01*pcs.nb1 + offs) / 4); | |
for (uint i0 = gl_LocalInvocationID.x; i0 < pcs.ne0; i0 += gl_WorkGroupSize.x) { | |
const uint i10 = i0 % pcs.ne10; | |
out_[pcs.outOff + dst_off + i0] = inA[pcs.inAOff + src0_off + i0] + inB[pcs.inBOff + src1_off + i10]; | |
} | |
} | |