from typing import List, Dict
from breed_health_info import breed_health_info, default_health_note
from breed_noise_info import breed_noise_info
from dog_database import get_dog_description
from scoring_calculation_system import UserPreferences, calculate_compatibility_score
def format_recommendation_html(recommendations: List[Dict]) -> str:
html_content = "
for rec in recommendations:
breed = rec['breed']
scores = rec['scores']
info = rec['info']
rank = rec.get('rank', 0)
final_score = rec.get('final_score', scores['overall'])
bonus_score = rec.get('bonus_score', 0)
health_info = breed_health_info.get(breed, {"health_notes": default_health_note})
noise_info = breed_noise_info.get(breed, {
"noise_notes": "Noise information not available",
"noise_level": "Unknown",
"source": "N/A"
# 解析噪音資訊
noise_notes = noise_info.get('noise_notes', '').split('\n')
noise_characteristics = []
barking_triggers = []
noise_level = ''
current_section = None
for line in noise_notes:
line = line.strip()
if 'Typical noise characteristics:' in line:
current_section = 'characteristics'
elif 'Noise level:' in line:
noise_level = line.replace('Noise level:', '').strip()
elif 'Barking triggers:' in line:
current_section = 'triggers'
elif line.startswith('•'):
if current_section == 'characteristics':
elif current_section == 'triggers':
# 生成特徵和觸發因素的HTML
noise_characteristics_html = '\n'.join([f'
{item}' for item in noise_characteristics])
barking_triggers_html = '\n'.join([f'
{item}' for item in barking_triggers])
# 處理健康資訊
health_notes = health_info.get('health_notes', '').split('\n')
health_considerations = []
health_screenings = []
current_section = None
for line in health_notes:
line = line.strip()
if 'Common breed-specific health considerations' in line:
current_section = 'considerations'
elif 'Recommended health screenings:' in line:
current_section = 'screenings'
elif line.startswith('•'):
if current_section == 'considerations':
elif current_section == 'screenings':
health_considerations_html = '\n'.join([f'
{item}' for item in health_considerations])
health_screenings_html = '\n'.join([f'
{item}' for item in health_screenings])
# 獎勵原因計算
bonus_reasons = []
temperament = info.get('Temperament', '').lower()
if any(trait in temperament for trait in ['friendly', 'gentle', 'affectionate']):
bonus_reasons.append("Positive temperament traits")
if info.get('Good with Children') == 'Yes':
bonus_reasons.append("Excellent with children")
lifespan = info.get('Lifespan', '10-12 years')
years = int(lifespan.split('-')[0])
if years > 12:
bonus_reasons.append("Above-average lifespan")
html_content += f"""
🏆 #{rank} {breed.replace('_', ' ')}
Overall Match: {final_score*100:.1f}%
Space Compatibility:
Exercise Match:
Grooming Match:
Experience Match:
Noise Compatibility:
Noise Compatibility Score:
• Based on your noise tolerance preference
• Considers breed's typical noise level
• Accounts for living environment
Breed Bonus:
Breed Bonus Points:
• {('
• '.join(bonus_reasons)) if bonus_reasons else 'No additional bonus points'}
Bonus Factors Include:
• Friendly temperament
• Child compatibility
• Longer lifespan
• Living space adaptability
''' if bonus_score > 0 else ''}
📋 Breed Details
Size Categories:
• Small: Under 20 pounds
• Medium: 20-60 pounds
• Large: Over 60 pounds
Exercise Needs:
Exercise Needs:
• Low: Short walks
• Moderate: 1-2 hours daily
• High: 2+ hours daily
• Very High: Constant activity
{info['Exercise Needs']}
Good with Children:
Child Compatibility:
• Yes: Excellent with kids
• Moderate: Good with older children
• No: Better for adult households
{info['Good with Children']}
Average Lifespan:
• Short: 6-8 years
• Average: 10-15 years
• Long: 12-20 years
• Varies by size: Larger breeds typically have shorter lifespans
📝 Description
{info.get('Description', '')}
Moderate to high barker
Alert watch dog
Attention-seeking barks
Social vocalizations
Separation anxiety
Attention needs
Strange noises
Source: Compiled from various breed behavior resources, 2024
Individual dogs may vary in their vocalization patterns.
Training can significantly influence barking behavior.
Environmental factors may affect noise levels.
Patellar luxation
Progressive retinal atrophy
Von Willebrand's disease
Open fontanel
Patella evaluation
Eye examination
Blood clotting tests
Skull development monitoring
Source: Compiled from various veterinary and breed information resources, 2024
This information is for reference only and based on breed tendencies.
Each dog is unique and may not develop any or all of these conditions.
Always consult with qualified veterinarians for professional advice.
html_content += "
return html_content
def get_breed_recommendations(user_prefs: UserPreferences, top_n: int = 10) -> List[Dict]:
print("Starting get_breed_recommendations")
recommendations = []
seen_breeds = set()
# 獲取所有品種
conn = sqlite3.connect('animal_detector.db')
cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute("SELECT Breed FROM AnimalCatalog")
all_breeds = cursor.fetchall()
# 收集所有品種的分數
for breed_tuple in all_breeds:
breed = breed_tuple[0]
base_breed = breed.split('(')[0].strip()
if base_breed in seen_breeds:
# 獲取品種資訊
breed_info = get_dog_description(breed)
if not isinstance(breed_info, dict):
# 獲取噪音資訊
noise_info = breed_noise_info.get(breed, {
"noise_notes": "Noise information not available",
"noise_level": "Unknown",
"source": "N/A"
# 將噪音資訊整合到品種資訊中
breed_info['noise_info'] = noise_info
# 計算基礎相容性分數
compatibility_scores = calculate_compatibility_score(breed_info, user_prefs)
# 計算品種特定加分
breed_bonus = 0.0
# 壽命加分
lifespan = breed_info.get('Lifespan', '10-12 years')
years = [int(x) for x in lifespan.split('-')[0].split()[0:1]]
longevity_bonus = min(0.02, (max(years) - 10) * 0.005)
breed_bonus += longevity_bonus
# 性格特徵加分
temperament = breed_info.get('Temperament', '').lower()
positive_traits = ['friendly', 'gentle', 'affectionate', 'intelligent']
negative_traits = ['aggressive', 'stubborn', 'dominant']
breed_bonus += sum(0.01 for trait in positive_traits if trait in temperament)
breed_bonus -= sum(0.01 for trait in negative_traits if trait in temperament)
# 與孩童相容性加分
if user_prefs.has_children:
if breed_info.get('Good with Children') == 'Yes':
breed_bonus += 0.02
elif breed_info.get('Good with Children') == 'No':
breed_bonus -= 0.03
# 噪音相關加分
if user_prefs.noise_tolerance == 'low':
if noise_info['noise_level'].lower() == 'high':
breed_bonus -= 0.03
elif noise_info['noise_level'].lower() == 'low':
breed_bonus += 0.02
elif user_prefs.noise_tolerance == 'high':
if noise_info['noise_level'].lower() == 'high':
breed_bonus += 0.01
# 計算最終分數
breed_bonus = round(breed_bonus, 4)
final_score = round(compatibility_scores['overall'] + breed_bonus, 4)
'breed': breed,
'base_score': round(compatibility_scores['overall'], 4),
'bonus_score': round(breed_bonus, 4),
'final_score': final_score,
'scores': compatibility_scores,
'info': breed_info,
'noise_info': noise_info # 添加噪音資訊到推薦結果
# 嚴格按照 final_score 排序
recommendations.sort(key=lambda x: (round(-x['final_score'], 4), x['breed'] )) # 負號使其降序排列,並確保4位小數
# 選擇前N名並確保正確排序
final_recommendations = []
last_score = None
rank = 1
for rec in recommendations:
if len(final_recommendations) >= top_n:
current_score = rec['final_score']
# 確保分數遞減
if last_score is not None and current_score > last_score:
# 添加排名資訊
rec['rank'] = rank
last_score = current_score
rank += 1
# 驗證最終排序
for i in range(len(final_recommendations)-1):
current = final_recommendations[i]
next_rec = final_recommendations[i+1]
if current['final_score'] < next_rec['final_score']:
print(f"Warning: Sorting error detected!")
print(f"#{i+1} {current['breed']}: {current['final_score']}")
print(f"#{i+2} {next_rec['breed']}: {next_rec['final_score']}")
# 交換位置
final_recommendations[i], final_recommendations[i+1] = \
final_recommendations[i+1], final_recommendations[i]
# 打印最終結果以供驗證
print("\nFinal Rankings:")
for rec in final_recommendations:
print(f"#{rec['rank']} {rec['breed']}")
print(f"Base Score: {rec['base_score']:.4f}")
print(f"Bonus: {rec['bonus_score']:.4f}")
print(f"Final Score: {rec['final_score']:.4f}\n")
return final_recommendations
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error in get_breed_recommendations: {str(e)}")
print(f"Traceback: {traceback.format_exc()}")
return []