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special_combs = {
"Dzs" : "Ј", "dzs" : "ј",
"Dz" : "Ъ", "dz" : "ъ", #Actually the sound of ds in kids
"Cs" : "Ч", "cs" : "ч",
"Zs" : "Ж", "zs" : "ж",
"Sz" : "S", "sz" : "s",
"Ly" : "y", "ly" : "y"
hungarian_dict = {
"á" : "a", "Á" : "A",
"é" : "e", "É" : "E",
"í" : "i", "Í" : "I",
"ó" : "o", "Ó" : "O",
"ö" : "a", "Ö" : "A",
"ő" : "a", "Ő" : "A",
"ú" : "u", "Ú" : "U",
"ü" : "ю", "Ü" : "Ю",
"ű" : "ю", "Ű" : "Ю",
"j" : "y", "J" : "Y"
cyrillic_equiv_dict = {
"ъ" : "ds", "ь" : "Ds",
"ч" : "ch", "Ч" : "Ch",
"ж" : "zh", "Ж" : "Zh",
"ш" : "sh", "Ш" : "Sh",
"ј" : "j", "Ј" : "J",
"ю" : "yu", "Ю" : "Yu"
def check_special_comb(word):
for comb in special_combs:
if comb in word:
word = word.replace(comb,special_combs[comb])
return word
def hungarian_letter_to_eng(letter):
if letter in hungarian_dict:
return hungarian_dict[letter]
return letter
def cyrillic_to_eng(word):
for cyrillic in cyrillic_equiv_dict:
if cyrillic in word:
word = word.replace(cyrillic,cyrillic_equiv_dict[cyrillic])
return word
def hungarian_word_to_eng(word):
assert type(word)==str, "Input must be a string"
# print("Original word: ", word)
word = check_special_comb(word)
# print("Just after special combination replacement: -",word)
word = ''.join([hungarian_letter_to_eng(letter) for letter in word])
# print("After regular word replacement: -",word)
word = cyrillic_to_eng(word)
# print("Simplified pronunciation: -",word)
return word |