{ "tools": [ { "tool_description": "Returns a list of work items matching the request.", "tool_name": "works_list", "return_type": "array of objects", "argument_list": [ { "argument_name": "applies_to_part", "argument_description": "Filters for work belonging to any of the provided parts", "argument_type": "array of strings", "example": [ ["FEAT-123"], ["ENH-123", "PROD-123", "CAPL-123", "CAPL-359"], ["HGH-262", "FEAT-007"] ] }, { "argument_name": "created_by", "argument_description": "Filters for work created by any of these users", "argument_type": "array of strings", "example": [["DEVU-123"], ["PRO-233", "CRE-1233"]] }, { "argument_name": "issue.priority", "argument_description": "Filters for issues with any of the provided priorities. Allowed values: p0, p1, p2, p3.", "allowed_values": ["p0", "p1", "p2", "p3"], "argument_type": "array of strings", "example": [["p0"], ["p0", "p3"], ["p0", "p1", "p2", "p3"]] }, { "argument_name": "issue.rev_orgs", "argument_description": "Filters for issues with any of the provided Rev organizations", "argument_type": "array of strings", "example": [["REV-123"], ["REV-468", "REV-979"]] }, { "argument_name": "limit", "argument_description": "The maximum number of works to return. The default is 50", "argument_type": "integer(int32)", "example": [40, 25, 2, 1, 50] }, { "argument_name": "owned_by", "argument_description": "Filters for work owned by any of these users", "argument_type": "array of strings", "example": [["DEVU-123"], ["CAPL-264", "HGH-190"]] }, { "argument_name": "stage.name", "argument_description": "Filters for records in the provided stage(s) by name", "argument_type": "array of strings", "example": [["triage"], ["design", "triage"]] }, { "argument_name": "ticket.needs_response", "argument_description": "Filters for tickets that need a response", "argument_type": "boolean", "example": ["True", "False"] }, { "argument_name": "ticket.rev_org", "argument_description": "Filters for tickets associated with any of the provided Rev organizations", "argument_type": "array of strings", "example": [["REV-123"], ["REV-238", "REV-119"]] }, { "argument_name": "ticket.severity", "argument_description": "Filters for tickets with any of the provided severities. Allowed values: blocker, high, low, medium", "argument_type": "array of strings", "allowed_values": ["blocker", "high", "low", "medium"], "example": [ ["blocker"], ["blocker", "high"], ["blocker", "high", "low"] ] }, { "argument_name": "ticket.source_channel", "argument_description": "Filters for tickets with any of the provided source channels", "argument_type": "array of strings", "example": [["slack"], ["github"], ["slack", "scrum"]] }, { "argument_name": "type", "argument_description": "Filters for work of the provided types. Allowed values: issue, ticket, task", "allowed_values": ["issue", "ticket", "task"], "argument_type": "array of strings", "example": [["issue"], ["ticket"], ["task"]] } ] }, { "tool_description": "Summarizes a list of objects. The logic of how to summarize a particular object type is an internal implementation detail.", "tool_name": "summarize_objects", "return_type": "array of objects", "argument_list": [ { "argument_name": "objects", "argument_description": "List of objects to summarize", "argument_type": "array of objects", "example": [["issue1"], ["task1", "issue3"]] } ] }, { "tool_description": "Returns a list of objects sorted by priority.", "tool_name": "prioritize_objects", "return_type": "array of objects", "argument_list": [ { "argument_name": "objects", "argument_description": "A list of objects to be prioritized", "argument_type": "array of objects", "example": [["issue4"], ["task2", "issue3"], ["ticket9"]] } ] }, { "tool_description": "Adds the given work items to the sprint", "tool_name": "add_work_items_to_sprint", "return_type": "none", "argument_list": [ { "argument_name": "work_ids", "argument_description": "A list of work item IDs to be added to the sprint.", "argument_type": "array of strings", "example": [["deve/0:issue/6"], ["devdon:core:dvrv-us-1:task/1"]] }, { "argument_name": "sprint_id", "argument_description": "The ID of the sprint to which the work items should be added.", "argument_type": "str", "example": ["sprint_4", "sprint_1"] } ] }, { "tool_description": "Given a search string, returns the ID of a matching object in the system of record. If multiple matches are found, it returns the one where the confidence is highest.", "tool_name": "search_object_by_name", "return_type": "string", "argument_list": [ { "argument_name": "query", "argument_description": "The search string, for example, customer's name, part name, user name.", "argument_type": "string", "example": ["DEV-123", "REV-432"] } ] }, { "tool_description": "Returns the ID of the current sprint.", "tool_name": "get_sprint_id", "return_type": "string", "argument_list": [] }, { "tool_description": "Given a text, extracts actionable insights, and creates tasks for them, which are kind of a work item.", "tool_name": "create_actionable_tasks_from_text", "return_type": "array of strings", "argument_list": [ { "argument_name": "text", "argument_description": "The text from which the actionable insights need to be created.", "argument_type": "string", "example": [ "Transcript from slack channels", "Transcripts from a meeting", "workplace report" ] } ] }, { "tool_description": "Returns the ID of the current user.", "tool_name": "who_am_i", "return_type": "string", "argument_list": [] }, { "tool_description": "Returns a list of work items that are similar to the given work item", "tool_name": "get_similar_work_items", "return_type": "array of objects", "argument_list": [ { "argument_name": "work_id", "argument_description": "The ID of the work item for which you want to find similar items", "argument_type": "string", "example": ["der/0:issue/2", "ton:core:dvrv-us-3:sprint/10"] } ] }, { "tool_description": "Given the outputs from previous tools, process relevant outputs, combining them using mathematical operations, iterations, conditional logic etc and returns output matching the request", "tool_name": "lambda", "return_type": "any", "argument_list": [ { "argument_name": "expression", "argument_description": "Operation to be performed", "argument_type": "lambda statements", "example": "['lambda $$PREV[3], $$PREV[5] : $$PREV[3] + $$PREV[5]','lambda $$PREV[0]: len($$PREV[0])']" } ] } ] }