node_id,name,type,incorporation_date,struck_off_date,closed_date,jurisdiction,jurisdiction_description,countries,country_codes,sourceID,valid_until,note 85004929,ANTAM ENTERPRISES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,18-MAY-1983,,28-NOV-2012,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85008443,DEVIATION N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,28-JUN-1989,31-DEC-2002,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85008517,ARIAZI N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,19-JUL-1989,,19-MAY-2004,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85008542,FLAIRUBA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,27-JUL-1989,24-JUL-2000,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85008583,S.L. ARUBA FISHERIES TRADING N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,01-AUG-1989,,29-OCT-2007,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85008632,PALCOHI ARUBA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,18-AUG-1989,23-APR-2009,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85008634,CHEECHO (ARUBA) N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,18-AUG-1989,22-OCT-1996,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85008647,WINTERGARDEN N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,22-AUG-1989,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85008675,CRUKEL (ARUBA) II N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,29-AUG-1989,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85008706,CARAMBOLA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,04-SEP-1989,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85008794,BEACH BUM CO N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,29-SEP-1988,30-DEC-2005,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85008888,DE LANDAUER N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,16-OCT-1989,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85009016,RUPCHAND SONS N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,16-NOV-1989,,05-SEP-2016,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Liquidation date. 85009035,ASSANG TRADING COMPANY N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,20-NOV-1989,,18-DEC-2007,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85009054,RED SAIL SPORTS ARUBA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,10-JAN-1989,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85009128,DEALS ON WHEELS N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,06-DEC-1989,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85009129,JAVARUBA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,06-DEC-1989,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85009212,FURNITURE OUTLET CENTER N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,28-DEC-1989,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85009213,LING & SONS HOLDING & MANAGEMENT N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,28-DEC-1989,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85009339,ARTMAR N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,28-DEC-1989,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85009342,SADINI'S N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,24-JAN-1990,,22-DEC-1999,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85009380,DYNAMITE N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,03-MAY-1989,,04-DEC-2002,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85009382,HARBOUR TOWEL N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,29-JAN-1990,,03-MAR-2010,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85009385,CASA DEL MIMBRE NV (I.L.),LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,10-MAR-1989,,08-APR-2011,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Liquidation date. 85009429,OCEAN FUN N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,09-FEB-1990,,22-JUN-1999,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85009456,POTOSHI CLEANER N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,07-FEB-1990,,05-NOV-2016,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Liquidation date. 85009662,CAMPANA FAST FOODS N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,30-MAR-1990,26-AUG-2005,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85009739,JORDY'S N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,18-APR-1990,31-DEC-1999,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85009819,TANKI LEENDERT APARTMENTS N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,03-MAY-1990,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85009825,SHIVAS N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,07-MAY-1990,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85009834,ROMI ENTERPRISES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,08-MAY-1990,,13-MAY-2004,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85009994,GALERAS N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,03-MAY-1989,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85010058,SPRITZER & FUHRMANN ARUBA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,29-JUN-1990,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85010082,SATKAR CENTER N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,05-JUL-1990,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85010105,PRINT EXPRESS N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,10-JUL-1990,22-FEB-2005,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85010113,RPM PIZZA ARUBA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,12-JUL-1990,10-SEP-2003,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85010132,SUPERCAR RENTALS N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,18-JUL-1990,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85010143,MICHELLE,SOLE OWNERSHIP,23-JUL-1990,,21-DEC-1994,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85010149,COLONY FOOD SERVICES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,23-JUL-1990,,30-AUG-2010,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Liquidation date. 85010190,PACIFICO GROCERY & RESTAURANT N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,31-JUL-1990,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85010273,MODE D'EUROPE N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,14-AUG-1990,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85010353,T.M.T. FOOD N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,30-AUG-1990,31-DEC-2000,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85010372,NICITA DEVELOPMENT ARUBA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,03-SEP-1990,,01-SEP-2000,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85010422,A & E FOOD AND BEVERAGE SERVICES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,15-MAR-1988,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85010471,ROMESA IMPORT & EXPORT N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,14-SEP-1990,23-AUG-2001,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 80000012,GROUP - Ansbacher & Co (UK/Channel Is),,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80004686,AAK Company Ltd.,,,,,,,Bermuda;Isle of Man,BMU;IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80008912,Appleby Group (Mauritius),,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80010195,Chemsa Ltd.,,,,,,,Cayman Islands,CYM,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80010320,Marks & Spencer (Isle of Man) Pension Scheme Limited,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80010328,Brunswick Gardens Limited,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80010329,Crucible Insurance Company Limited,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80010333,Habib European Bank Limited,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80010338,Lan Fong Foundation Limited,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80010339,Lotpat Limited,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80010354,Castletown and District Over 60's Club,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80010355,Christopher Insurance Company Limited,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80010360,Manx Sports Aid Foundation,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80010361,Pembroke Insurance Company Limited,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80010366,Ruthlands Ltd.,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80010367,Abrahams Consolidated Limited,,,,,,,Isle of Man;United Kingdom,IMN;GBR,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80010369,Marsh (Isle of Man) Limited,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80010375,Prime Limited,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80010392,Greatways Investments Limited,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80010400,Sermar Limited,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80010401,FMG Services Limited,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80010418,Zurich Bank International Limited,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80010428,Biosil Limited,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80010436,Wish Upon a Dream,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80010455,The Eleanor Davies Trust,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80010459,Jacton Properties Limited,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80010475,Principle Energy Limited,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80010477,Tolmain Advisory Services Limited,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80010483,Manx Mencap,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80010486,China Central Properties Limited,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80010487,Calabrese Holdings Limited,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80010488,Argon Technologies Limited,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80010490,Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (Isle of Man) Limited,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80010491,Penfolds Limited,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80010499,The Fairway Partnership,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80010500,The Palmerston Partnership,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80010501,The Beaghmor Partnership,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80010521,RSA Isle of Man No.1 Limited,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80010523,Kazakhstan Kagazy Plc,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80010524,The Abode Partnership,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80010525,DLS Properties Limited,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80010537,ALG Trustee Limited - Isle of Man,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80010539,Argo Group Limited,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80010541,Playtech Limited,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80010544,Nexus Financial Services W.L.L.,,,,,,,Bahrain,BHR,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80010555,Vellon Limited,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80010572,Econergy International Plc,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80010589,Nationwide (Isle of Man) Limited,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80010606,Jerone Properties Limited,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80010608,Parima Limited,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80010623,Royal Insurance Service Company (Isle of Man) Limited,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80010624,DLS Investments Limited,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80010625,Hunter Resources Plc,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80010684,Morland Enterprises Limited,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80010686,The T T Grime Will Trust,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80010690,Denby Property Investments Limited,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80010695,Baccarat Limited,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80010697,Creation London Residential IoM PCC Limited,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80010699,Powertech Plc,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80011244,"The Wimbledon Fund, SPC",,,,,,,Cayman Islands,CYM,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80011498,Tanager SPC,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80011653,"BIAS Global Portfolios, SPC",,,,,,,Cayman Islands,CYM,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80011720,APOLLON ART INVESTMENT COMPANY SPC,,,,,,,Cayman Islands,CYM,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80012047,Renaissance Russia Master Fund SPC,,,,,,,Cayman Islands,CYM,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80012380,Trader Capital Fund SPC,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80012704,Freeport Development Corp.,,,,,,,Cayman Islands,CYM,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80013070,TCM MPS Ltd. SPC,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80013219,Vasco Strategic Fund SPC,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80013415,Ralph Ellis Limited,,,,,,,Cayman Islands,CYM,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80013443,South Coast Limited,,,,,,,Cayman Islands,CYM,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80013448,Lido Finance Corporation,,,,,,,Cayman Islands,CYM,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80013480,Chesterdale Investments Limited,,,,,,,Cayman Islands,CYM,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80013487,A.C. Investments (Cayman) Limited,,,,,,,Cayman Islands,CYM,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80013503,SUNSET MARITIME LIMITED,,,,,,,Cayman Islands,CYM,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80013519,The Company Ltd.,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80013555,THE BARRASPUR TRUST,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80013557,DAB TRUST DECLARATION OF TRUST,,,,,,,Cayman Islands,CYM,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80013600,Green Meadow Trust,,,,,,,Cayman Islands,CYM,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80013601,The Los Condores Discretionary Trust,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80013623,The Hambly Trust,,,,,,,Cayman Islands,CYM,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80013648,M.J. Knight Trust,,,,,,,Cayman Islands,CYM,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80013650,A.C. Wates 1971 Settlement,,,,,,,Cayman Islands,CYM,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80013655,The Esquire Trust,,,,,,,Cayman Islands,CYM,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80013659,Pine Tree Trust,,,,,,,Cayman Islands,CYM,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80013661,Global Educational Trust No.1,,,,,,,Cayman Islands,CYM,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80013693,MACAJA Trust,,,,,,,Cayman Islands,CYM,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80013700,The Niemo II Trust,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80013775,Myers & Alberga - ABATCO TRUST,,,,,,,Cayman Islands,CYM,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80013815,Isle of Man Bank Limited,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80013820,PELICAN INVESTMENT CO. LTD,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80013824,Kolad Investments - ABATCO TRUST,,,,,,,Cayman Islands,CYM,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80013840,The Gloriannaco Purpose Trust,,,,,,,Cayman Islands,CYM,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80013841,The Soren Purpose Trust,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80013920,Transcontinental Company Ltd,,,,,,,Cayman Islands,CYM,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80013964,DQ Entertainment Plc,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80014301,Appleby Holdings (Guernsey) Limited - Guernsey,,,,,,,Guernsey,GGY,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80014313,Cuprum Resources Limited,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80014372,New Century Hotel Group Limited 開元酒店集團有限公司,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80014397,Zverinata Advokata Andra Grutupa Birojs,,,,,,,Latvia,LVA,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80014599,Power India Plc,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80014600,Caravanserai,,,,,,,Cayman Islands,CYM,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80014694,Emerald Atlant.Is Limited,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80014742,Cartouche Limited,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80014752,Finevo Fund SPC,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80014801,Remember Me,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015733,Group - Aggreko plc Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015734,Group - AIG-CET Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015735,Group - Alpha Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015737,Group - Appleby Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015738,Group - W&G Baird Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015739,Group - John Bassadone Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015740,Group - James Bedford Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015742,Group - Billingham Manor Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015743,Group - Philip Binfield matters Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015744,Group - Jurat Michael Bonn Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015745,Group - Broad Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015746,Group - Burano Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015747,Group - The AB Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015748,Group - Churston Heard Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015749,Group - Glegg Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015750,Group - Cocolas Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015751,Group - Comet Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015752,Group - Cortez Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015753,Group - John Daleymount Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015754,Group - Dandara Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015755,Group - Michael Dee Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015757,Group - Owen Eastwood Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015758,Group - Michael Edmund Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015759,Group - Eland Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015760,Group - Venetia Fane Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015761,Group - Walter Frey Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015763,Group - Grail Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015764,Group - Dr Robert Graham Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015765,Group - Graham Boxall Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015768,Group - Hugo Heerema Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015769,Group - Herc Hefer Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015770,Group - Heusden Wiersum Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015772,Group - In Haus International Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015773,Group - International Research Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015774,Group - Issoudun Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015775,Group - Austen Janes Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015776,Group - Andreas Kannellopoulous Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015778,Group - Kite Warren Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015779,Group - Jacques Labesse Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015780,Group - Land Securities Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015781,Group - Le Cuirot Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015782,Group - David John Lewis Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015783,Group - Lundgren Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015784,Group - Marek Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015785,Group - Maroun Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015786,Group - Masonite International Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015787,Group - Mayshiel Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015788,Group - Lennie McGeoch Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015789,Group - Maxwell Mellor Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015790,Group - Miller Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015791,Group - Thyra Moller Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015792,Group - Mowinckel Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015793,Group - MS International Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015794,Group - Multiple Sclerosis Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015795,Group - Nerwan Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015796,Group - Niehans Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015797,Group - Noble Fund Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015798,Group - Omis Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015799,Group - Onterio Finance Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015800,Group - Ortuzar Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015801,Group - Owen Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015802,Group - Padulli Family GrouP,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015804,Group - Peregrine Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015805,Group - Perkins Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015806,Group - Pinchard Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015808,Group - Rawbone Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015809,Group - Frank Richardson Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015810,Group - Alan Rind Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015812,Group - Schroder Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015813,Group - Sherbeck Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015814,Group - SUN Capital Partner Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015816,Group - Threadneedle Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015817,Group - T M & F Overseas Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015819,Group - Churt Ling Tse Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015820,Group - Unsgaard Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015821,Group - Valentine Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015822,Group - Valldi Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015823,Group - Van Ekris Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015824,Group - Union Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015825,Group - Vittoria Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015826,Group - Michael Weaver Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015827,Group - Williams Lea Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015828,Group - Trevor Williams Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015829,Group - Alan Young Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015832,Group - INEOS Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015833,Group - Barclays Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015834,Group - Holiday Extras Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015836,Group - Bourne Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015839,Group - Aberdeen Asset Management Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015840,Group - Conegate Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015843,Group - Andrew Baxter Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015845,Group - Diageo Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015846,Group - Cameron Hannah Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015849,Group - Appleby (Private Clients - Staff) Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015853,Group - Stockport Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015854,Group - Brookhouse Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015855,Group - Glenn Maud Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015857,Group - Pickering Developments Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015862,Group - BlueBay Asset Management Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015865,Group - Lamont Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015866,Group - Lazari Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015867,Group - Singh Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015872,Group - Dubai International Capital Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015875,Group - Oxford Investment Partners Limited Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015876,Group - Travis Perkins PLC Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015877,Group - HCREP Holdings Limited Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015879,Group - M Bhatkuly Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015881,Group - PV Crystalox Solar plc Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015885,Group - SThree plc Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015892,Group - Ferrexpo Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015893,Group - Invista Real Estate Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015897,Group - Safestore Holdings Limited Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015901,Group - Think Money Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015904,Group - Usmanov Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015905,Group - PMM Partners Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015907,Group - Acromas Holdings Limited Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015908,Group - Mr Li Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015910,Group - Birds Eye Iglo Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015917,Group - Tritax Securities Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015928,Group - First State Media Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015935,Group - Actis LLP Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015936,Group - Timothy Mitchell Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015937,Group - Blackstone Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015940,Group - Gouman Hotel Management Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015950,Group - Petropavlovsk PLC Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015953,Group - Shuttleworth Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015954,Group - Farhad Moshiri Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015955,Group - Hilco Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015960,Group - Sapphire Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015961,Group - Bankers Petroleum Int. Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015966,Group - FHG Limited/Alzarka Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015969,Group - British Land Company plc Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015976,Group - Ambrian Capital Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015977,Group - Dandara Directors personal companies Grp,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015980,Group - HomeServe plc Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015985,Group - SONO Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015986,Group - Whiteside Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80015989,Group - Surrey Street (Harel/Menorah) Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80016003,Group - Arabian Gulf Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80016010,Group - LCP Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80016013,Group - Vanilla Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80016017,Group - Ashall Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80016019,Group - Vital Bio Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80016024,Group - LCH European Portfolio Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80016027,Group - HLCF Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80016028,Group - Tan Enerji Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80016030,Group - Mayer Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80016033,Group - Congregation Little Sisters of the Poor,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80016036,Group - Lunar House Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80016038,Group - Cognizant Technology Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80016039,Group - Prime London Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80016040,Group - Russian Platinum Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80016043,Group - Damille Investment Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80016046,Group - Loch Lomond Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80016048,Group - Nelson Tanure Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80016051,Group - Expro Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80016052,Group - Eric Samson Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80016057,Group - Franklin Marmorek Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80016062,Group - Kingway Sports Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80016064,Group - Edward Hanrahan Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80016065,Group - Simone Bois Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80016066,Group - Kambiz Babaee Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80016110,The Lievano Purpose Trust,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80016111,The Reding Purpose Trust,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80016112,The Tonina Purpose Trust,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80016113,The Wendall Purpose Trust,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80016153,Group - Christopher Whitfield Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80016205,The Losano Purpose Trust,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80016222,The Briden Purpose Trust,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80016223,The Hunson Purpose Trust,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80016248,Group - Tanoto & Bingei Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80016263,Group - Rontec Investment Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80016342,Group - Quinn Belgium Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80016343,Group - Quinn Plastics NV Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80016393,Group - Paulsen Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80016440,Sentonan Investments Limited,,,,,,,British Virgin Islands;Isle of Man,VGB;IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80016442,Mumba Holdings Limited,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80016455,Sogai Holdings Limited,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80016521,A&L Services Limited,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80016554,Group - DV4 Holdings Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80016577,Tarona Ltd.,,,,,,,British Virgin Islands;Isle of Man,VGB;IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80016607,Group - DouglasBay Advisors Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80016619,Group - Avondhu Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80019400,Group - DVM & Metro Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80019411,Hamilton Distribution Agent Limited,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80019424,Group - Abu Dhabi Capital Management Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80019510,ALEA SPC LTD.,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80019594,Intelligent Earth (Isle of Man) Limited,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80019600,Tailorbet Limited,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80019615,Group - Rational Holdings Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80019619,Group - NCM Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80019625,Group - Channel Capital Advisors Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80019636,Kippen Trading Limited,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80019644,Winter Limited,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80019729,IVM PCC,,,,,,,Mauritius,MUS,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80019730,Profid PCC,,,,,,,Mauritius,MUS,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80019733,Kerwin Group Holdings Inc,,,,,,,British Virgin Islands;Isle of Man,VGB;IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80019803,Group - Solaris Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80019828,Group - Edmiston Yacht Management Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80019838,Group - Bank of Ireland Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80019845,Group - Domus Leporario Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80019867,Group - Rowan Companies Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80019873,Group - Master Yachts Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80019891,Tetran Assets Ltd,,,,,,,British Virgin Islands;Isle of Man,VGB;IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80019931,Group - Richard De Souza Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80020042,Compound Limited,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80020144,Aquila Services Limited,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80020167,Group - Leinster Square Limited Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80020194,Blenheim PCC,,,,,,,Mauritius,MUS,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80020226,Group - Hamdi Akin Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80020229,Group - Tredevi Capital Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80020232,Group - Ship Investor Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80020240,Group - Zhang Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80020297,Calinvest SPC,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80020306,Group - Mille Roses Limited Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80020324,Group - Ipazia Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80020427,Group - Wyndham Hotel Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80020474,Group - Aluminum Corporation of China Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80020492,24/7 Gaming Group Holdings Plc,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80020577,Counterweight Short Credit Fund Ltd. SPC,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80020590,Group - Valentin Romanov Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80020637,Group - Jared Dann Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80020664,Group - Graham Tuckwell Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80020681,Mansoor L.G. - Iaa,,,,,,,Cayman Islands,CYM,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80020684,Group - Elite Master Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80020711,Group - Jersey Medical Consultants Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80020720,Group - Analog Devices Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80020721,Group - Kerim Derhalli Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80020795,N.J.A. International Consulting,,,,,,,Cayman Islands,CYM,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80020817,Group - Oleg Nikitin Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80020823,Group - Starcom Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80020870,FA Technologies Holding Limited,,,,,,,Cayman Islands,CYM,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80020880,Audley End PCC,,,,,,,Mauritius,MUS,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80020897,Espirito Santo Oversea Limited,,,,,,,Cayman Islands,CYM,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80020908,Group - Edif Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80020915,Gull Wing Limited,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80020948,Lechlade PCC,,,,,,,Mauritius,MUS,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80020977,Sarnia Yachts Cayman Ship Agen,,,,,,,Cayman Islands,CYM,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80020981,Group - Roberto Almaleh Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80020997,Group - Micro-Dent Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80021006,Group - Key Topco Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80021175,Group - Rose Knight Ventures Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80021193,Group - Flowstream Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80021225,ALIL Services Limited,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80021227,Group - Varde Partners Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80021302,Cloud Air Service (BVI) Limited,,,,,,,British Virgin Islands;Isle of Man,VGB;IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80021394,The Old Rectory PCC,,,,,,,Mauritius,MUS,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80021436,Group - Beckers Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80021574,ACMH Limited,,,,,,,Cayman Islands,CYM,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80021575,Ashmore Turkish Equity Fund Limited,,,,,,,British Virgin Islands;Isle of Man,VGB;IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80021578,CIM Dividend Income Fund Limited,,,,,,,British Virgin Islands,VGB,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80021579,CIM Global Property Fund Limited,,,,,,,British Virgin Islands,VGB,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80021639,Golden Star Aviation S.A.,,,,,,,Isle of Man;Panama,IMN;PAN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80021681,Cashleen Limited,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80021691,Corbally Limited,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80021780,Niki Shipping Company SA - Switzerland,,,,,,,Isle of Man;Switzerland,IMN;CHE,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80021806,Smit Salvage Limited,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80021820,The 4GL2 Trust,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80021928,Group - Oleg Bagrin Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80021973,FA TLP Fund PLC,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80021995,Floremzane Limited,,,,,,,British Virgin Islands;Isle of Man,VGB;IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80022024,Group - Promethean Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80022033,Group - Selman F Alfares Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80022043,Group - Bridgepoint Advisers Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80022062,Group - Barb Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80022075,Group - WMG Jersey Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80022129,Group - Chahine Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80022148,Wyatt Limited,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80022149,Horsfield Limited,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80022206,Group - Fin Topco Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80022349,Genetechma Finance Limited,,,,,,,Cyprus,CYP,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80022380,Group - Palace Revive Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80022401,Group - IMCO Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80022415,Group - Unal Aysal Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80022506,Sciens Global Strategies Fund SPC,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80022651,Group - Hard Rock Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80022670,Group - Vertu Motors Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80022690,Group - Kennedy Wilson Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80022703,Group - Quinn - John Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80022704,Group - Gawel Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80022705,Group - Wen Chee Han Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80022706,Group - Retail Money Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80022707,Group - Troy Asset Management Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80022708,Group - Gibbins Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80022709,Group - Karma Communications Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80022710,Group - ITRS Global Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80022711,Group - Avenue 64 Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80022712,Group - LondonMetric Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80022713,Group - Zhevago Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80022714,Group - OB Topco Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80022715,Group - Sportech Plc Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80022716,Group - Toumaz Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80022717,Group - Intercede 2462 Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80022723,Group - Valiant Petroleum Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80022724,Group - Vectura Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80022725,Group - Al-Zawawi Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80022726,Group - ODR Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80022727,Group - Nomad Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80022728,Group - Morrison Utility Services Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80022729,Group - Low Carbon Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80022733,Group - Wang - Yan Feng Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80022734,Group - Ivy Topco Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80022735,Group - IntelliFlo Holdings Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80022736,Group - AB Hotels Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80022739,Group - Adelphi London Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80022741,Group - Todd Shone Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80022744,Group - Danwood Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80022750,Group - Wonga Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80022756,Republic Private Equity Limited,,,,,,,Cayman Islands,CYM,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80022759,Group - Intertrust Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80022784,Group - Dina Taysom Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80022787,Group - Harel -Menorah Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80022835,Group - Kennedy Wilson - Varde Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80022853,Group - London & Country Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80022860,Group - Tritax Big Box REIT Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80022893,Group - AIB plc Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80022930,Climate Adaptation Platfrom PCC,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80022931,Commonwealth Opportunity Master Fund Ltd Trust,,,,,,,Cayman Islands,CYM,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80022996,Group - CAP Automotive Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80023017,Group - DMWSL 743 Limited,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80023018,Group - Agent International Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80023023,Group - Hassim Muhamad Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80023036,Group - The Hydra Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80023066,Group - Working Family LP Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80023087,Group - Scottish Retail Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80023175,Group - Rashed Al Nuaimi Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80023178,Providence Fixed Income Fund SPC,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80023285,The Maria Trust,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80023287,The De Verteuil Settlement,,,,,,,Bahamas,BHS,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80023290,The Michaelmore Trust,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80023292,The New Douglas Trust,,,,,,,Jersey,JEY,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80023294,The Three Nine Settlement,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80023329,Group - Lime Topco Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80023331,Group - Petroceltic Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80023398,Group - Eagle Topco Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80023402,Group - ATG Luxco Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80023440,Group - Admiral Taverns Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80023603,The ABZ Settlement,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80023605,The Basan Settlement,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80023607,The Bennett Family Trust,,,,,,,Jersey,JEY,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80023608,The Greenwood Trust,,,,,,,Guernsey,GGY,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80023609,The KFL Settlement,,,,,,,Guernsey,GGY,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80023644,Group - Aqualisa Holdings Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80023651,Elmenfor Limited,,,,,,,British Virgin Islands;Isle of Man,VGB;IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80023655,Group - The University of Law Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80023656,Group - The Arria Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80023657,Peckham PCC,,,,,,,Mauritius,MUS,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80023661,Hestia Properties Limited,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80023665,Rmb Resources (Cayman) Limited,,,,,,,Cayman Islands,CYM,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80023698,Lee International Limited,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80023709,Group - Meggitt Plc Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80023715,Group - Northacre Plc Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80023716,Group - Nord Gold NV Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80023724,Group - The St Enoch Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80023749,Group - Lifetime Enjoyment Limited Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80023813,Golden Aviation Limited,,,,,,,British Virgin Islands;Isle of Man,VGB;IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80023821,Group - GateNet Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80023835,Imperial Mining Holding Limited,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80023889,Group - MedTAG UK Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80023913,Aviva Investors Funds SPC Ltd.,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80023935,Interstate Investments Limited,,,,,,,Cayman Islands,CYM,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80023992,Group - JR Property Holdings Limited Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80024010,The M D Alexander Action Trust,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80024011,Peter Ronald Millson Settlement,,,,,,,Jersey,JEY,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80024012,The Darling Budds Trust,,,,,,,Jersey,JEY,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80024013,The Irene Trust,,,,,,,Jersey,JEY,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80024014,The Flomarau Trust,,,,,,,Cayman Islands,CYM,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80024017,The Leiman Trust,,,,,,,Jersey,JEY,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80024019,The Tree of Life Trust,,,,,,,Cayman Islands,CYM,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80024021,The Camilo Trust,,,,,,,Cayman Islands,CYM,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80024023,The PW Trust,,,,,,,Jersey,JEY,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80024032,Ansbacher Caribbean Limited,,,,,,,Cayman Islands,CYM,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80024052,Group - Dallas Burston Pharma (Jersey) Limited Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80024065,Group - Genghis Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80024074,Group - The Nille Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80024102,GROUP - ESG Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80024140,Group - Pejvak Danaee Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80024143,GROUP - Exova Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80024151,Group - Zoopla Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80024162,GROUP - Trifast Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80024167,GROUP - Canary Topco Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80024173,Group - Perform Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80024198,GROUP - LCM Partners Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80024340,Mai Tai Worldwide Limited,,,,,,,British Virgin Islands,VGB,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80024341,The Quantic Trust,,,,,,,Cayman Islands,CYM,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80024343,The Kambec Trust,,,,,,,Cayman Islands,CYM,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80024344,The Alice Siman Trust,,,,,,,Cayman Islands,CYM,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80024378,Group - Wonderland Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80024415,Group - Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80024416,Crossabeg Limited,,,,,,,Ireland;Isle of Man,IRL;IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80024424,The Hoogendoorn Family Trust,,,,,,,Jersey,JEY,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80024425,The Alcoro II Trust,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80024451,Sobha & BR Aviation (IOM) Limited,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80024463,Group - Gate Net Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80024505,Alpha SPC,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80024506,Alpha Stable Return SPC,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80024515,Sunburst Aircraft Leasing Limited,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80024596,Group - Auto Trader Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80024598,Group - Fairfield Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80024622,GROUP - MiDrive Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80024626,Group - Fairseas Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80024663,GROUP - Essenden Plc Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80024668,GROUP - China Investment Corporation Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80024702,VISURGIS CORPORATION,,,,,,,Cayman Islands,CYM,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80024716,Aztec Investment Company Limited,,,,,,,Cayman Islands,CYM,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80024742,Bicar Limited,,,,,,,Cayman Islands,CYM,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80024751,Talbott Agency Account,,,,,,,Cayman Islands,CYM,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80024756,Liberian Leasing Corp.,,,,,,,Cayman Islands,CYM,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80024757,R.DeLisser (Meadowbrook Farms) A/A,,,,,,,Cayman Islands,CYM,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80024787,Manro Hayden,,,,,,,Cayman Islands,CYM,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80024789,Fastnet Limited,,,,,,,Cayman Islands,CYM,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80024826,ATLANTIC FINANCIAL SERVICES L.P.,,,,,,,Cayman Islands,CYM,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80024827,ANSFINANCE INTERNATIONAL LTD.,,,,,,,Cayman Islands,CYM,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80024828,ATLANTIC FINANCIAL SERVICES LTD,,,,,,,Cayman Islands,CYM,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80024830,OUBLIMOI LIMITED,,,,,,,Cayman Islands,CYM,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80024837,Braithwaite Santander Corporat,,,,,,,Cayman Islands,CYM,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80024840,The Ceta Trust,,,,,,,Cayman Islands,CYM,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80024935,Price International Trust,,,,,,,Cayman Islands,CYM,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80024972,Uk Power Declaration Of Trust,,,,,,,Cayman Islands,CYM,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80024987,Valhalla Trust,,,,,,,Cayman Islands,CYM,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80025001,M. Burke No.2 Settlement-Natal,,,,,,,Cayman Islands,CYM,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80025015,Canton Trust,,,,,,,Cayman Islands,CYM,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80025047,GOSFORD TRUST,,,,,,,Cayman Islands,CYM,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80025055,AQUABA TRUST,,,,,,,Cayman Islands,CYM,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80025056,ATLANTIC FINANCIAL SERVICES TRUST,,,,,,,Cayman Islands,CYM,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80025443,Burt - Austin Craig,,,,,,,Canada;United Kingdom,CAN;GBR,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80025488,Danny ungar -,,,,,,,Israel,ISR,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80025538,Gary smith -,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80025590,Keith Button -,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80025674,Musgrave group -,,,,,,,Ireland,IRL,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80025735,Rami Ungar -,,,,,,,Israel,ISR,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80025815,Technomar shipping Inc -,,,,,,,Greece,GRC,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80025819,Theo priovolus -,,,,,,,Greece,GRC,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80025900,Gason Trust - Colonel A.W.,,,,,,,Cayman Islands,CYM,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80025906,Moyne Settlement,,,,,,,Cayman Islands,CYM,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80025910,Edmund Baccarat & Associates Ltd,,,,,,,Cayman Islands,CYM,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80025911,Mahogany Ltd,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80025918,Alex Novo Agency Account,,,,,,,Cayman Islands,CYM,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80025919,Gabler I.A.A. - Frank K.,,,,,,,Cayman Islands,CYM,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80025920,Munich Holdings Agency Account,,,,,,,Cayman Islands,CYM,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80025924,Caleb Brett Sud America S.A,,,,,,,Cayman Islands,CYM,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80025925,Multinational Investments Group Inc,,,,,,,Cayman Islands,CYM,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80025926,G.K. Investments (Cayman) Ltd,,,,,,,Cayman Islands,CYM,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80025931,International Mat. Ltd,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80025932,CYBER FINANCE CORP.,,,,,,,British Virgin Islands,VGB,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80025944,Irrevocable Trust No. H1210 Cu,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80025945,W.T.G. Price,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80025946,Stevenson Holdings Limited,,,,,,,British Virgin Islands,VGB,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80026169,LI - Aubrey Kwok Sing & Elizabeth Woo,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80026222,Caledonian Trust (IOM) Ltd,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80026234,Fields - Allan James Clifford,,,,,,,Barbados,BRB,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80026242,Air Contractors Limited,,,,,,,Ireland,IRL,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80026243,Equity Trust (Jersey) Limited,,,,,,,Jersey,JEY,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80026245,Mautain - D,,,,,,,France,FRA,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80026246,Moores Rowland,,,,,,,Monaco,MCO,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80026247,Single Buoy Moorings,,,,,,,Monaco,MCO,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80026345,Orion Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80026357,Caledonian Global Financial Services Inc,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80026586,Aer Lingus Beachey Limited,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80026588,Africa Resort Properties Limited,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80026591,The Aer Lingus Group PLC Employee Benefit Trust,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80026600,AAA Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80026738,Abdullah A A N AlSharhan and Wedad A Y H Algharabally,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80026977,Accenture Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80027026,AC Executive Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80027031,ACG Bermuda Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80027362,Ampersand Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80027363,Artemis Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80027364,Azopardi Marine Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80027365,Basel (Geneva) Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80027366,Basel (CI) Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80027367,Advance-Baccata Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80027368,BKS Family Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80027369,Consortia Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80027370,Advance-Capita Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80027371,Advance-Confiance Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80027383,Form-A-Co Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80027385,Guardian Trust Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80027386,Hapoalim Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80027387,Hamble Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80027388,Jeffcote Donnison Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80027389,Advance-Key Trust Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80027390,Marlborough Trust Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80027391,Advance-Opus Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80027394,Sphere Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80027411,AEGIS Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80027416,AEGON Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80027433,Aeolus Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80027447,Aeroflot Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80027465,Aetna Inc Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80027476,Afex Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80027489,Afinia Capital Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80027491,Afleet Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80027504,Africa Alpha Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80027509,African Quest Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80027522,A F Smith Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80027564,AGF Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80027574,AggCap Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80027723,Capita Trustree Services Limited as Trustee of the Anyar Trust,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80027736,A.I.C Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80027756,Aigeo Limited,,,,,,,Ireland,IRL,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80027799,AirBridge Bermuda Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80027824,Airtrails Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80028233,Alea Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80028253,Alere Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80028324,Alexion Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80028330,Alex Picot Trust Company Limited,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80028517,Alireza Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80028720,Allergan Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80028759,Allianz Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80028930,Aloga Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80028964,AlphaCat Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80028988,Alpstar Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80029199,Altitude Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80029201,Altius Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80029476,American Data Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80029487,American Fidelity Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80029517,American Safety Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80029540,Amgen Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80029644,Amundi Investment Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80029670,Anadarkko Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80029674,Anadarko Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80030010,Angela Wang Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80030026,Angelli Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80030076,Angola Development Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80030094,Anicon Limited as Trustee of The MJC Trust,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80030105,Aniyath Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80030128,Anne Hunt Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80030139,Annuity & Life Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80030192,Antares Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80030247,Anver Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80030287,Aon Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80030344,APL Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80030403,Appleby Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80030428,Appleby Trust (Isle of Man) Limited as Trustee of The Cutts Settlement,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80030429,Appleby Trust (Isle of Man) Limited & Richard William Dickinson as Trustees of the Malcolm Scott Dickinson Charitable Trust,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80030430,Appleby Trust (Isle of Man) Limited as Trustee of the Elizabeth Mary Thomas Will Trust,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80030431,Appleby Trust (Isle of Man) Limited & David Ashton,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80030442,Appleby Trust (Isle of Man) Limited as Trustee of The Gemstone B Trust,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80030443,Appleby Trust (Isle of Man) Limited & Abacus Trust Company Limited as Trustees of The South Holland Trust,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80030444,Appleby Trust (Isle of Man) Limited as Trustee of The Bowers Family Trust,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80030446,Appleby Trust (Isle of Man) as Trustee of the Michael Corbet Simpson Will Trust,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80030452,Appleby - Isle of Man,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80030501,AQR Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80030556,Aramex Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80030624,Arche Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80030739,Argentina Gold Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80030762,Argus Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80030792,Arion Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80030823,Arklow Shipping plc,,,,,,,Ireland,IRL,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80031083,Art I and Art II Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80031159,ASE Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80031407,Asset Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80031490,Asurion Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80031668,Atlantic Services Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80031677,Atlas Companies,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80031770,AUB Trustees (Guernsey) Limited,,,,,,,French Guiana,GUF,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80031917,Automaer Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80031960,Avalon Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80031968,Avanco Group,,,,,,,Australia,AUS,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80031976,Avaton Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80031983,Aven - Petr,,,,,,,Russia,RUS,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80032003,Aviation Finance Company Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80032004,Aviation Finance Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80032007,Aviator Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80032041,Avon Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80032090,AXA China Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80032154,Azeus Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80032216,Jean Burrell Will Trust,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80032219,The Brooks No 1 Settlement,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80032631,Baker Hughes Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80032697,Bakrie Kalila Investment,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80032698,Bakri Group,,,,,,,Saudi Arabia,SAU,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80032848,Balyasny Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80033051,Bank of Ireland Group,,,,,,,Ireland,IRL,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80033148,"Banl International Business (HK) Co., Limited",,,,,,,China,CHN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80033327,Barclay Family,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80033687,Barritt Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80033920,BassDrill Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80033938,Bassoe Rig Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80033952,Quantum Global Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80033973,Batelco Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80034206,BB Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80034275,BCG Ventures Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80034424,Bear Creek Mining Corporation,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80034718,Beidler Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80034725,"Beijing Boyuan Zhongteng Business Consulting Co., Ltd.",,,,,,,China,CHN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80034726,Beijing Changtong Wuxian Consulting Company,,,,,,,China,CHN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80034730,"Beijing YIDAI International Business Consulting Co., Ltd.",,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80034910,Belmont Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80035008,Group - Benefactor,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80035249,Berdaland Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80035317,Berg Family,,,,,,,United States,USA,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80035442,Bermuda Realty Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80035493,Bernhard Schulte Group,,,,,,,Bermuda,BMU,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80035619,Best Doctors Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80036060,Biogen Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80036366,BlackRock Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80036640,Blue Capital Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80036644,Blue Danube Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80036655,Blue Marble Aviation,,,,,,,United Kingdom,GBR,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80036798,Adam & Partners Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80037150,Mackie Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80037336,Credit Suisse Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80037397,ChemEnergy Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80037599,Magna Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80037661,Ashmore Energy Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80037782,Brilliance Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80038372,Renaissance Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80038387,Axmin Inc Group,,,,,,,United Kingdom,GBR,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80038704,Thomas Miller Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80039198,Ports Design Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80039289,Vistaprint Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80039328,Qatar Investment Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80039393,Gateway Ventures Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80039625,Investors Guaranty Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80039860,BOC Aviation Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80040425,Bosphorus Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80040446,Bossini Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80040565,Boundary Capital Plc,,,,,,,Ireland,IRL,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80041241,Brencourt Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80041394,Bridge Fund SPC Ltd,,,,,,,Cayman Islands,CYM,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80041571,Britchford - Margaret Mary Edith,,,,,,,Bahamas;United Kingdom,BHS;GBR,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80041626,Broadcom Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80041801,Brookfield Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80042187,Brummer Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80042312,BSG Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80042340,BTG Companies Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80042414,Buckingham Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80042525,Buhlmann - Charles (Karl),,,,,,,Switzerland,CHE,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80042826,Burling - Patrick Rodney,,,,,,,United Kingdom,GBR,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80042829,Burlington Resources Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80043125,Butler Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80043207,Buttermore Limited as Trustee of The Watts Family Settlement 2007,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80043269,BWG Foods,,,,,,,Ireland,IRL,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80043273, Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80043371,C.G. Maiden Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80043418,The Elizabeth Marjorie Cowell Deceased Trust,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80043420,The Marjorie Elise Cowley Will Trust,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80043496,The Mary Clucas Crook Deceased Trust,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80043585,CA-CIB Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80043600,Cadbury Schweppes Plc,,,,,,,United Kingdom,GBR,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80043931,Cal-Southampton Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80043960,Calypso Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80044030,Camford Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80044235,Canary Group,,,,,,,Bermuda,BMU,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80044489,Capital Z Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80044512,Capmark Group,,,,,,,United States,USA,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80044557,CapVest Group,,,,,,,United Kingdom,GBR,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80044650,Carestream Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80045200,Casi Videgar Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80045219,Cassatt Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80045278,Castellano-Wood Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80045367,CAT BOND GROUP,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80045411,Cathay Pacific Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80045651,CCT Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80045748,Celtic Pharma Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80045753,Celtic Therapeutics Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80045819,Centre Re Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80045933,CGA Mining Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80046114,Champion Sports Ireland,,,,,,,Ireland,IRL,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80046317,Chancellor Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80047120,Charming Shoppes Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80047145,Chartfield Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80048362,Chevalier Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80048524,Chicago Standard Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80048598,Children's Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80048663,China Century Cement Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80048679,China Healthcare Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80048684,Group - China International,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80048720,China Tai Long Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80048730,Chinese Estates Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80049334,Christian Straube Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80049494,Chubb Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80049937,Citadel Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80050027,CITIC HK Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80050106,Telecom Digital Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80050667,Clients Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80050778,CLUCAS - Elizabeth,,,,,,,United Kingdom,GBR,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80050800,CM Bermuda Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80050838,CNOOC,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80050889,Coal Contractors Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80051259,Collard Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80051266,Collateralised Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80051426,Colony Holdings Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80051695,Concord Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80051872,Consolidated Contractors International Company S.A.L.,,,,,,,Lebanon,LBN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80051880,Consolidated Contractors Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80051936,Conti Chia Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80051939,Continuity Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80051977,Contrarius Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80052046,Cook - Alexander John,,,,,,,Jersey;United Kingdom,JEY;GBR,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80052194,Cooper Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80052594,Correia Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80052674,COSL Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80052681,Cosmo Lady Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80052925,Covidien Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80052956,Cowell - William Henry,,,,,,,United Kingdom,GBR,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80053085,CPM Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80053090,C P Pokphand Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80053270,"Credican, C.A.",,,,,,,United States,USA,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80053329,Credit Suisse Securities (USA) LLC,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80053338,Credo Capital Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80053447,Crimson Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80053550,Cronos Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80053673,Crown Global Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80053745,Crystal Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80053786,CSL Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80053832,Cubitt - Robert John,,,,,,,United Kingdom,GBR,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80054130,Cuttermore Limited as Trustee of The Stewart Family Settlement,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80054180,Cyber Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80054220,D&H Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80054230,D. E. Shaw Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80054492,Dallas Family,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80054856,Dash 8F Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80055015,David Ross Dennett and Stephen James Morris,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80055365,DBTEL Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80055376,ATIOML as Trustee of the Bowers Family Trust,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80055408,Deacons Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80055650,Deep Blue Re Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80055718,DeGroote Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80055950,"Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu - Connaught Rd, Hong Kong",,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80056956,DIEZ GROUP,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80056992,Dijon Corporation Ltd,,,,,,,British Virgin Islands,VGB,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80057069,Dimension Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80057227,Ditco Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80057302,"D'kans Business Services Co., Ltd.",,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80057537,Dole Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80057548,Dolly's Bay Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80057664,Don Good Tequila Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80057835,Doshi - Ashok Labhanker Vanechand,,,,,,,Kenya,KEN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80057982,Dover Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80058129,DP World Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80058305,O'Reilly Group,,,,,,,United States,USA,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80058859,Dusseldorp Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80059049,Eagle Air Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80059117,Easeway Business Consulting Limited,,,,,,,China;Hong Kong,CHN;HKG,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80059157,Group - Eastern Sky,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80059164,Eastgate Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80059272,Ebel Group,,,,,,,Peru,PER,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80059368,Ecopetrol Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80059523,Education and Media Publishing Grioup Limited,,,,,,,Cayman Islands,CYM,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80059634,EF Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80059918,Element Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80060145,El Paso Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80062808,Energy Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80062836,Engelhorn - Kurt,,,,,,,Bermuda;Germany;Switzerland;United States,BMU;DEU;CHE;USA,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80062886,EnMobile Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80062995,Eos Partnership Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80063007,Epic Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80063010,Isis Shipping Limited,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80063430,eStats Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80063500,ETrawler,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80063504,Etruscan Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80063523,EunaCon Perfect Alliance CPA Partnership,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80063545,Eurogold Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80063680,"Evans Randall, L.L.C.",,,,,,,United States,USA,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80063740,Evergreen Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80063743,GROUP - Evergreen Life Services,,,,,,,Bermuda,BMU,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80063934,Fabiani Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80064078,Fairmont Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80064832,Ferdinand - B.,,,,,,,United States,USA,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80065047,FHL Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80065097,Fidelity Investments,,,,,,,United States,USA,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80065250,Financial Management,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80065286,Fincorp Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80065539,First Pacific Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80065546,First Quantum Minerals Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80065902,Fletcher Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80065945,Floatel Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80066028,Fluor Corporation,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80066288,Forbes Energy Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80066544,fortress Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80066682,Founder Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80066775,Fox P M,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80066914,Donagh Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80066923,FRANK GATES GROUP,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80067149,Freisenbruch-Meyer Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80067364,Friths Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80067411,Frontier Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80067421,Front Street Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80067504,FTH Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80067679,Funderburk Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80067829,FURTAK GROUP,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80067846,FUSADES Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80067914,G2 Investment Group,,,,,,,United States,USA,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80068002,GAI Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80068018,Gainwealth Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80068109,Gallaghers Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80068750,Gawne - David,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80068799,GCE Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80068815,G de Z Limited,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80069018,General Motors Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80069027,Generation Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80069070,Genpact LLC,,,,,,,United States,USA,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80069110,Geoffrey Friend Karran & Annette Jayne Magee as Trustees of The Hazel Mary Hyde Will Trust,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80069112,Geoffrey Friend Karran as Trustee of The Mary Hannah Hyde Will Trust,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80069118,GEO GROUP,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80069182,"George Ramsey Martin Moore, Paul David Morris & Michael Frank Gordon Crowe as Trustees of The G B H Wheler Trust",,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80069184,"George Ramsey Martin Moore, John Douglas Bolton & Michael Frank Gordon Crowe as Trustees of The Wannop Settlement",,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80069185,George Ramsey Martin Moore as Trustee of the Stephen Dodson Trust,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80069187,George Ramsey Martin Moore & Charles Thomas Michael Hartley as Trustees of The Charles Burrell Settlement,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80069189,"George Ramsey Martin Moore, Faye Patricia Moffett, Robert Adam Long, Elaine Moore & Rosemary Penn as Trustees of the Farmer Charitable Trust",,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80069254,Geranium Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80069325,GEROVA Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80069364,Gestetner Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80069513,Giant Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80069771,Gillian Little Group,,,,,,,United Arab Emirates,ARE,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80069837,Giltspur Capital LLP,,,,,,,United Kingdom,GBR,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80070061,Glencore Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80070072,Glendale Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80070148,Global Atlantic Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80070179,Global Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80070188,Global LNG Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80070211,Global Risk Capital Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80070215,Global Sources Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80070233,Globeleq Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80070267,GLORIOUS MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS LIMITED,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80070320,GMIF Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80070326,GMO Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80070336,GMR Holdings Private Limited,,,,,,,India,IND,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80070337,GMR Infrastructure Limited,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80070633,Golden Rule Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80070638,Golden State Re Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80070707,Goldman Sachs Group Inc,,,,,,,United States,USA,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80071104,Gorre - Harris,,,,,,,South Africa;United Kingdom,ZAF;GBR,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80071123,Gorgonians Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80071901,Greenfields Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072383,Group : Part LDC,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072384,Group - 3i/FS,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072385,Group - 40/86,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072386,Group - Ace Koeki,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072387,Group - Ackerman,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072389,GROUP - ADAM & PARTNERS,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072390,Group - ADAR,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072391,Group - Aegon,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072392,Group - AFC,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072394,Group - AIG,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072395,Group - AIREA,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072396,Group - Akanthos,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072397,Group - Alam,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072398,Group - Alan St. C. Byles,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072399,"Group - Al Blawi, Ahmed",,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072400,Group - Allianz,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072401,Group - Alpinex,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072402,"Group - Amecor International Corp, LLC",,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072403,Group - American Capital,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072404,Group - Amoco,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072405,Group - Amoumi Development,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072406,Group - Anangel Maritime,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072407,Group - Andrew Finlason,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072408,Group - Andrew Porter,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072409,Group - AP,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072410,Group - Apollo,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072411,Group - Applied Strategy,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072412,Group - Appleby,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072413,Group - Arche,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072414,Group-Arco,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072415,Group - Ares,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072416,Group - Arya Partners,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072417,Group-Ascend,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072419,Group - Asset Consulting,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072420,Group - ATC Bahamas,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072421,Group - ATC Hong Kong,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072422,Group - ATC Singapore,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072423,Group - ATU Fund,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072424,Group - aTyr Pharma,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072425,Group - Avalon,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072426,Group - Avant,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072427,Group - Aviation,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072429,Group - AXA,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072430,Group - Aztec,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072431,Group - Babson,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072432,Group - Babu Mathew,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072433,Group Balyasny,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072434,Group - Banco Pactual,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072435,Group - Banque Privée,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072437,Group - Battalion,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072438,Group - BCCI,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072439,Group - BDF,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072440,Group - BDT,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072441,Group - Beach Bay,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072442,Group - Belstar,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072443,Group-Birkin,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072444,Group - Black Rhino,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072445,Group - BlackrockKelso,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072446,Group - Quadra Mining,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072447,Group - Blue Pearl Series,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072448,Group - BNPP,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072449,Group - Bohong,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072450,Group – Bolina,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072451,Group – Bonjour,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072452,Group - Brad Konopaki,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072453,Group - Bradford & Marzac,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072454,Group - Brascan Brazil,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072455,Group-BRK Holdings,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072456,Group - Broadway,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072457,Group - Bruppacher,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072458,Group - BSI Trust Corp. CI,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072459,Group - BUE,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072460,Group - BV Nav,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072461,Group - By Design,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072462,Group - Cailon,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072463,Group - Calibria Financial,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072464,Group - Carlos Iglesias,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072465,Group - Carl Spangler Jr,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072466,Group - Carbon Compliance,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072467,Group - Carlos Bianchi,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072468,Group - Carlyle,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072469,Group-Carpe Vinum,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072470,Group - Liem Thian-Hok,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072471,Group - CC Group S.A.L.,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072472,Group - Centerra,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072473,Group - Cerca,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072474,Group - Certares,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072475,Group-Changjiang,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072476,Group - Chandi,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072477,Group - Chet Perry,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072478,Group - Chim Kee (Project PGA),,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072479,Group - China Tailong,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072480,Group - China Commonwealthy,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072481,Group - Christopher Rossman,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072482,Group - Christina Howard,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072483,Group - Chris Edwards,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072484,Group - Christopher Hawdon,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072485,Group - Christopher Issa,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072486,Group - CIC / Bal Sheet,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072487,Group - Cido,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072490,Group - CIG SPC,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072491,Group - CITIC,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072493,Group - CLO,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072494,Group - Cobalt,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072495,Group - Cody Gate Management,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072496,Group - Coller,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072497,Group - Columbia Knight,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072498,Group - CommonWealth,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072500,Group - Cowin China,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072501,Group - Cowin Capital,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072502,Group - CRC,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072503,Group - Crecera,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072504,Group - Credit Suisse,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072505,Group - Credit Value Partners,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072506,Group - Crescent Capital,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072507,Group - Cromwell Trust Company Limited,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072508,Group - Crystal,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072509,Group - CSAM,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072510,GROUP- CUSTOM HOUSE,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072511,Group - Cutwater,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072512,Group - CVC,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072513,Group-Cyproman,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072514,Group - D.A.R.T.,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072515,Group - DaChan,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072516,Group - Dalton Investments,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072517,Group - Tibbetts,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072518,Group - David Spencer,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072519,Group - David Witzke,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072520,Group - David Meyerhoff,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072521,Group-David Rexford White,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072523,Group - Deepa Bonthala,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072524,Group - DeltaEdge,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072525,Group - Denali,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072527,Group - Deson Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072528,Group - Deucalion Rediadis,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072529,Group - DFG,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072530,Group - DMM,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072531,Group - Domain,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072532,GROUP - DORIAN CLAYTON,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072533,Group - DORSETT,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072534,Group - Valerie Edwards,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072535,Group - Dragon Capital,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072536,Group - Dr Hamza Al-Kholi,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072537,Group - Dr Majuhid Al-Sawwaf,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072539,Group-Duke,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072540,Group - Dutko,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072541,Group - DV,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072542,Group - Eaton Vance,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072543,Group - Edif Inelectra,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072545,Group - Eduardo Sanchez,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072546,Group - Edward Hanna,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072547,Group - ENRON,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072548,Group - Elbrus,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072549,Group - Eletrobolt,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072550,Group - El Paso,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072551,Group-EnCap,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072553,Group-Encore,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072554,GROUP-Enko,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072555,Group - Enpak,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072556,Group - Erich Schlegel,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072557,Group - Ernst & Young - Gadkari,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072558,Group - ESC Evolution Service Company SA,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072559,Group - Evaldo Ramos,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072560,Group - Exodus Energy,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072561,Group - Export Credits Guarantee,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072562,Group - Facebook,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072563,Group - FB,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072565,Group - Felicity Keller,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072566,Group-Ferroconsult,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072567,Group - Finch,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072569,Group - First China,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072570,Group - FirstCorp,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072571,Group - Five Mile,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072572,Group - Forecast,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072573,Group - Formax,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072574,Group - Fortune Wings,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072575,Group - Fort Warren,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072576,Group - Foster Pepper,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072577,Group - Freetech,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072578,Group - Fullgoal Asset Management (HK) Ltd,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072580,Group-Fundamental,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072581,Group-Fusen,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072582,Group - Fuzon,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072583,Group - Galaxy,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072584,Group - Gallery,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072585,Group - Gas Natural,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072586,Group - GE Capital,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072588,Group - Gefinor (USA),,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072589,Group - Gemini,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072591,Group - Genghis Khan,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072593,Group-Geopoint,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072594,Group - Glacier Spring,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072595,Group - Gladstad,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072596,Group - GLB,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072597,Group - Global Health,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072600,Group - Golub,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072601,Group - Gonzalez,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072602,Group - Goodbody,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072603,Group - GP,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072604,Group - Grant Thornton,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072605,Group - Grandfield,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072606,Group - Granada,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072607,Group - GSO / Blackstone,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072608,Group - Gustaf Erikson,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072609,Group - Haina,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072610,Group – Haitong,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072611,Group - Halister,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072612,Group - Hanover,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072613,Group - Harken,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072614,Group - Harvey,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072615,Group - Havinvest,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072616,Group - Hawksburn,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072617,Group - Helikon Shipping,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072618,Group - Hellman & Friedman,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072619,Group - Henrik Preuss,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072620,Group - Heritage Trust Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072622,Group-Highclere,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072623,Group - Highlands,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072624,Group - Highbridge / Apollo,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072625,Group - Highland (CLO),,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072626,Group - HIG / Whitehorse,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072627,Group - Hinde,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072628,Group - Hines,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072629,Group - Holiday Partners,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072630,Group - Hong Kong Family,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072631,Group - Hong Kong,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072633,Group – Hop Hing,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072634,Group - HuaYuan,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072635,Group - Huff,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072636,Group - Hugin,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072637,Group - Hunt Petroleum,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072638,Group - Hunt Overseas,,,,,,,United States,USA,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072639,Group - Hyde Shipping,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072640,Group - HydroCarbon,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072641,Group - Hypa Management,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072642,Group - Ian Rostowsky,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072643,Group - IC Power,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072644,Group-Ideosource,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072645,Group - IKOS,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072646,Group - Imperium,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072647,Group - in Construction (Project Runway),,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072648,Group - Infrastructure,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072649,Group - Inglett & Stubbs,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072650,Group - Insight,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072651,Group - Insull,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072652,Group-Integrity,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072653,GROUP-INTERVENTURE,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072654,Group - Integre Offshore,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072655,Group - Intermediate Capital,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072656,Group - International Power Ltd.,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072657,Group - Invesco,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072658,Group - Investor Capital,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072659,Group - Invesco (CLO),,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072660,Group - Invicta,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072662,Group-iQor,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072664,Group - Issa,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072665,Group - ITV Entities,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072667,Group - J.L.S.,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072668,Group - Israel Cleantech,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072669,Group - James Alpha,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072670,Group - James Powell,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072671,Group - Japonica Partners,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072672,Group - Jaya Tiasa Holdings,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072673,Group - Jefferies,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072674,Group - Jet Offshore,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072675,Group - JIN,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072676,Group - JMP Credit Advisors,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072677,Group - John Issa,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072678,Group - John P. Hall,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072679,Group - John Mason,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072680,Group - Jorge Alonso,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072681,Group - Joseph,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072682,Group - JVSakk,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072684,Group - Kapital,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072686,Group - Keith Sparks,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072687,Group - Kent Rankin,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072688,Group - Kermas,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072690,Group - Kingsoft,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072691,Group – King Tower,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072693,Group - Koeck,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072694,Group - Kosmos,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072695,Group - KTH Capital,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072696,Group - KVK,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072697,Group-Kylin,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072698,Group - Lander,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072700,Group - Laurence Markowitz,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072701,Group - Laurel Sutton,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072702,Group - Laven Financial,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072703,Group - Leathes Prior,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072704,Group - Leif Hoegh & Co,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072705,Group - Ervin Lewis,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072706,Lightway Solar,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072708,Group - Linden Asset,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072709,Group - Litchfield,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072710,Group - LoanCore,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072711,Group - Loeb,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072712,Group - Longan,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072713,Group - Longrunner,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072715,Group - Lottvision,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072717,Group - Lotus,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072718,Group - LSP,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072719,Group - Lugo,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072720,Group - Luke Menkes,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072721,Group - Luminus,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072722,Group - Macaja Trust,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072723,Group - MadisonGrey Holdings LLC,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072724,Group - Maitreya,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072725,GROUP-Maoming,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072726,Group - Marc Briol,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072727,Group - Marubeni,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072728,Group - Mary Faries,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072729,Group - Matthew O'Kane,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072730,Group - Medipharm,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072732,Group - Mesa Capital,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072733,Group - Midas,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072734,Group - Mikol Dise,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072735,Group - Milestone,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072736,Group - Millennium,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072737,Group - Minmetals,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072738,Group-Mio,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072739,Group - MITseaAH,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072740,Group - MingJian,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072741,Group - Mohammed Al-Sabbagh,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072742,Group - Molinero,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072743,Group - Monitor,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072744,GROUP - MOORE,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072745,Group - Morningside Entities,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072746,Group - M Square,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072747,Group - MT Thaler,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072748,Group - Muriel Bonnet,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072749,Group - Napier Park,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072750,Group - Nations Energy,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072751,Group - Neptun Juridica Oy,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072752,Group - New Stream,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072753,Group - Niche,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072754,Group - Nippon Yusen Kabushiki Kaisha,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072756,Group - Northlander Commodity,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072757,Group - Nour Mousa,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072758,Group - NuWave,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072759,Group - NVC,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072760,Group-Nxt,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072761,Group - Nzam Global,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072762,Group - Oaks,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072764,Group - Octave,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072765,Group - Octagon,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072766,Group - OJV,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072769,Group - Oldendorff,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072770,Group - Olive Tree,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072771,Group - Omar El Alaoui,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072772,Group - OMB,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072773,Group - Onex,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072774,Group - Orchard First,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072775,Group - Orix,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072776,Group - Oryxa,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072777,Group - Pacific Harbor,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072778,Group - Pacific Star,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072779,Group - Pacific,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072780,Group - Palladin,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072781,Group - Palmyra,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072782,Group - Paul White,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072783,Group - Paul Kim,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072784,Group - Pelerin,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072785,Group - Peritus,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072786,Group - Peter Chykaliuk,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072787,Group - Peter Hertig,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072788,Group - PGP Partners,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072789,Group - PGSL,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072791,Group - Pictet,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072792,Group-Plurimi Global,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072793,Group - Pluspetrol,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072794,Group - Prime Trust,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072795,Group - AEI (formerly Ashmore/formerly Prisma),,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072796,Group - Pro-Air,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072797,Group-Prodigy,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072798,Group - Progressive Equity Advisors,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072799,Group - Project Heaven,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072800,Group - Prometheus,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072801,Group - Providence,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072802,Group - PRS International,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072803,Group - PWC,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072804,Group - Quarz,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072805,Group - Quinn,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072806,Group-Quippa,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072807,GROUP - RACKLIN,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072808,Group - Randal Hood,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072809,Group-Ray Langston,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072810,Group - Red Alder,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072811,Group - Redan Park,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072812,Group - Reflectivity,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072813,group - Regalado,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072814,Group - Regiment,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072815,Group - Remus,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072816,Group - Renaissance,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072817,Group - Renaissance Capital,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072818,Group - Resource Capital,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072819,Group - Reston,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072821,Group - Rialto,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072823,Group - Richard Issa,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072824,Group - Riley,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072825,Group - Ritz Carlton,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072826,Group-Riverstone Energy,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072827,Group - Riverstone Holdings,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072828,Group - Roderick McLean,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072829,Group - Roney,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072830,Group - Ross Allen,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072831,Group-Rover,,,,,,,United States,USA,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072833,Group - Sacher,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072834,Group - Saeilo,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072835,Group - Sage,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072836,GROUP-SALI,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072837,Group - Samco,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072838,Group - Santa Fe,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072839,Group - Sarnia Yachts,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072840,Group - Satterlee Stephens,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072841,Group - Saville & Co,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072842,Group - Saybrook,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072843,Group - Sciens,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072844,Group - SCIP,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072845,Group - Seahedge,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072846,Group - Seaside Capital,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072847,Group - Seawolf,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072848,GROUP - Sergy Galin,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072849,Group - Sethos,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072850,Group - SFC Energy,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072851,Group - Shanghai,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072852,Group - Shenning,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072853,Group - Shenkman,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072854,Group - Shipstern,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072856,Group - SIEMIC,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072857,Group - SIGN,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072858,Group - Silvermine,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072859,Group - Sinotrans,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072860,Group - Sinochem Petroleum (HK),,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072861,Group – Sino-Australia,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072862,Group - SINO-JAPAN,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072863,Group - SiS Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072864,Group - Sit Alpha,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072865,Group - Slofam,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072866,Group - Societe Generale,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072868,Group - South China,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072870,Group - Spector,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072871,Group - SRV,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072872,Group-Stabilis,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072873,Group - Steadfast,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072874,GROUP - Sun Redrock Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072876,Group - Susan Adams,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072877,Group - Swire Pacific,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072878,Group-SYW,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072879,Group - Taib,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072880,Group-Taiyo,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072881,Group - Talisman,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072882,Group - Talentum,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072883,Group - Talita Fittipaldi,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072884,Group - Tamalpais,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072885,Group - Tanager,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072886,Group - Tangent,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072887,Group - Tanrich,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072888,Group - TCM,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072889,Group - Telcom Ventures,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072890,Group - Telos,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072891,Group - Teragon,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072892,Group - Terra,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072893,Group - Thames River,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072895,Group - Thomas Ren,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072896,Group - Tiburon,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072897,Group - Titan,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072898,Group - Titan Advisors,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072899,Group - Ton Poh,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072901,Group - Top Crystal,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072903,Group - Toumazi,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072904,Group - TPG,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072905,Group - Trader Capital,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072906,Group - Trammell Crow,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072907,Group - TransGlobe,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072908,Group - Treetop,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072909,Group - Trezevant,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072910,Group - Trimaran Advisors,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072911,Group - Triumph,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072912,Group - TriVentures,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072913,Group - Tuckerbrook,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072914,Group - UBS,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072915,Group-Unitus,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072916,Group - Union Capital,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072917,Group - United Win,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072918,Group - Upper Brook,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072919,Group - Vachani,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072920,Group - Vanguard,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072921,Group - Varagkis,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072922,Group - Vardana,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072923,Group - Vectis,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072924,VEH,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072925,Group-Vela,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072926,Group - Verdi,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072928,Group - Viridian Fund,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072929,Group - Vishay,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072930,Group - Viva,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072931,VPH,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072934,Group - Wellcome Trust,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072935,Group - Wells Fargo,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072936,Group - Welsh Carson,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072937,Group - WeSoft,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072938,Group - West Side Advisors,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072939,Group - WG Nigeria,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072940,Group-Whitebox,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072941,Group - Willbros,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072942,Group - Wilkinson & Grist,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072944,Group - WL Ross,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072945,Group - WorldCap,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072947,Group-XHE Capital LLP,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072948,Group - XL Capital,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072949,Group - Xpronet,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072950,Group - Yi Hua,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072951,Group - YKS,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072952,Group - York,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072954,Group – Zenus Capital,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072955,Group - ZHONGCAI,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072956,Group - ZS Cayman,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80072980,Group Renaissance,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80073040,Gryphon Holdings Plc,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80073137,GuaranteedWeather Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80073313,Guiness Peat Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80073440,Guoco Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80073443,GuocoLeisure Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80073614,Gutteridge Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80073665,G X Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80073945,Hai Hwa Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80074287,Hamilton Investments Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80074472,"Hangzhou Zhengyu Technology Co., Ltd.",,,,,,,China,CHN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80074590,Hansard,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80074706,Harbor Sky LTD,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80074889,Harlequin Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80075154,Harrods Limited,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80075210,Hartford Managed Group,,,,,,,Bermuda,BMU,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80075358,Hasbro Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80075952,HedgeCo Hybrid Group,,,,,,,United States,USA,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80075971,Hedmark Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80076149,Hellman & Friedman Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80076173,Helmsman Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80076340,Henley Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80076790,Hewlett-Packard BVI Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80076803,HEXTAR GROUP,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80077149,Ladbrokes Plc,,,,,,,United Kingdom,GBR,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80077295,Hiscox Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80077350,HK Hybrids,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80077353,HK PRIDE INT'L REGISTER LIMITED,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80077356,HK Smartteam International (SH),,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80077357,HK ZHOUT INT'L INVEST CONSULTANT LIMITED,,,,,,,Hong Kong,HKG,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80077373,HLMG Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80077822,Holcim Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80077962,Holmes Family,,,,,,,Bermuda,BMU,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80078069,Homelite Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80078077,Homes Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80078169,HONGKONG CHINAFLYHK SECRETARY SERVICE LIMITED,,,,,,,Hong Kong,HKG,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80078173,Hong Kong Jin Nuo Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80078478,Horseshoe Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80078616,Hottinger Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80079151,Hsu Family,,,,,,,United States,USA,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80080391,Ian Campbell Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80080401,IAS Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80080426,IBID Capital Limited,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80080480,ICHEIC GROUP,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80080548,IDT Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80080567,iFormation Group,,,,,,,United States,USA,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80080623,Informa International Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80080682,ILS Fiduciaries Beijing Limited,,,,,,,China,CHN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80080702,Appleby Trust (Isle of Man) Limited & Marilyn Schofield as Trustees of The Thomas Schofield Settlement,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80080707,IMC Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80080739,Macquarie Group Limited,,,,,,,Australia,AUS,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80080756,Imperium Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80080767,Impulse Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80080898,Infomediary Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80080941,Ingenious Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80080961,Ingersoll Rand Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80081025,Inkia Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80081178,Integrity Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80081194,Intelsat Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80081234,Interinvest (Bermuda) Limited,,,,,,,Bermuda,BMU,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80081388,Inversiones de Plata Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80081398,INVESCO Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80081411,Investec Trust (Switzerland) SA,,,,,,,Switzerland,CHE,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80081585,Irmayani Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80081662,IsariaGroup,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80081753,Isnard Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80081815,Italian Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80082019,Group - J. Rothschild,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80082430,James Mellon and John Selby Smith,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80082586,Japonica Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80082680,Javelin Re Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80082737,JdB Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80082992,JER Real Estate Advisors (UK) LImited,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80082996,Jersey Trust Company,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80083014,Jessie Coward Will Trust - The Trustees of The,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80083133,Jianhua,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80083333,Jobel Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80083361,Joe MacDonald Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80083498,John McCrohon Wolstenholme Rimmer and Sean Dowling as Trustees of the Clarence Settlement,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80083501,John McCrohon Wolstenholme Rimmer & David Anthony Croft Lever as Trustees of The Edna Constance Hankinson Will Trust,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80083502,John McCrohon Wolstenholme Rimmer & Simon Thomas Hugh Cain as Trustees of The Patrick O'Neill Settlement,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80083503,John McCrohon Wolstenholme Rimmer & Simon Thomas Hugh Cain as Trustees of The Brendan O'Neill Settlement,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80083504,John McCrohon Wolstenholme Rimmer & Simon Thomas Hugh Cain as Trustees of The Sean Minihane Settlement,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80083505,"John McCrohon Wolstenholme Rimmer, Paul Seaward, Christine Barbara Tongue & Lorna Christine Tongue as Trustees of The J A Tongue Settlement",,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80083506,"John McCrohon Wolstenholme Rimmer, Paul David Morris & Michael Frank Gordon Crowe as Trustees of The CTAH Wheler 2004 Trust",,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80083507,John McCrohon Wolstenholme Rimmer and Sean Kevin Dowling as Trustees of the Margaret Taylor deceased Trust,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80083510,John McCrohon Wolstenholme Rimmer & Stewart Henderson Fleming as Trustees of The James Richard Armitage Trust,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80083614,Johnson Electric Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80083875,Jones - Alice,,,,,,,United Kingdom,GBR,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80084532,The J G Kennedy 1997 Settlement,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80084534,The Brice Manx Settlement,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80084840,Kane Group Limited - Guernsey,,,,,,,Guernsey,GGY,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80084841,Kane Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80085226,Katanga Mining Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80085443,KBDA Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80085445,KBN Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80085451,KCP Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80085506,Kearns - Joe,,,,,,,Ireland,IRL,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80085744,Kellogg Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80085961,Kendris Private Limited,,,,,,,Switzerland,CHE,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80086103,Kenwood Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80086374,Khan and Khan Niazi - Muhammad Ali and Muhammad Hussain,,,,,,,Pakistan;United Arab Emirates,PAK;ARE,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80086378,Khan Bank,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80086692,Kim Davenport Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80086967,Kingston/Liverpool Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80087011,Kinnish - Jessie Hilda,,,,,,,Isle of Man;United Kingdom,IMN;GBR,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80087227,Kitson Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80087341,Kleinwort Benson (Jersey) Trustees Limited,,,,,,,Jersey,JEY,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80087342,Kleinwort Benson (Guernsey) Trustees Limited,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80087387,Kling Mazuera - Johannes,,,,,,,Canada;Colombia,CAN;COL,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80089408,Langford Limited,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80089481,Ladies' Trust Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80090200,Langan - Michael James,,,,,,,Ireland,IRL,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80090378,Lariat Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80090505,Last Atlantis Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80090524,Lateen Partnership,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80090762,Laundry Warrior Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80090916,Law Brothers Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80092065,Leif Hoegh Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80093007,LEYTON GROUP,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80093010,LFG Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80093024,LGT Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80093033,Lhotse Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80093041,Li & Fung Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80093257,Liberty Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80093348,Lido Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80093467,Lightship Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80093586,Lily Pond Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80093674,Limitless International Holdings Limited,,,,,,,China,CHN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80093928,Linden Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80094010,line managment,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80094011,Line Management Services Limited,,,,,,,Gibraltar,GIB,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80094413,LItchfield Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80094763,Livanos Group,,,,,,,Monaco,MCO,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80094903,Lloyd George Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80094960,Loades - Olive Emily,,,,,,,Isle of Man;United Kingdom,IMN;GBR,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80095275,LONDAMST GROUP,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80095300,London Mining Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80095323,Lone Pine Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80095439,Loon Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80096199,Lumen Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80096204,Luminus Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80096242,Lundin Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80096462,LVGM Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80096484,Lyle - J. R. B.,,,,,,,United Kingdom;United States,GBR;USA,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80096530,Lyndhurst Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80096618,The Giovanni Moneta Will Trust,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80096619,The John Robert Moore Charitable Trust,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80096622,Millennium Court Management Limited,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80096623,Mossbank Investments Limited,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80096628,The Valley Partnership,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80096631,The Michael Murphey Discretionary Settlement,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80096870,Mackenzie Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80096872,Mackenzie Global Macro Asian Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80096898,Mackie Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80097014,Macquarie Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80097211,Magna Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80097407,Main Line Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80097517,Makshaff Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80097783,Mandarin Offshore Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80097832,Man Group Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80097847,"Manivest Xing Zhong (Shanghai) Consulting Co., Ltd.",,,,,,,China,CHN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80098016,Manulife Group,,,,,,,Canada,CAN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80098102,Mapleridge Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80098158,Marathon Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80098163,Marathon Pharmaceutical Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80098395,MARK GROUP,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80098410,Mark Morris & David Gerard Nagle,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80098524,Marriott Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80098545,Mars Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80098575,Marshall - Anthony,,,,,,,United Kingdom,GBR,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80098835,Martin R Cooper Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80098900,Marvell Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80099215,Matrix Property Fund Management LLP,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80099373,Maurice Tunney and Polar One Holdings Limited,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80099415,Maxdo Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80099448,MaxVest Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80099477,Maybury Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80099634,MC2 Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80099643,McAfee Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80099745,McCann Fitzgerald,,,,,,,Ireland,IRL,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80099980,MCD Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80100764,Meadowbrook Managed Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80100802,Mebco Limited Partnership,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80100847,MedicX Holdings Limited,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80101058,Mela Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80101074,Melco Crown Entertainment Limited,,,,,,,Cayman Islands,CYM,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80101198,MENA Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80101399,Mercury Capital Investment Limited,,,,,,,China,CHN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80101444,Meridian Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80101459,Merisol UK Limited,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80101622,Metacure Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80101665,Metrostar Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80101788,MGPA Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80101962,Microsemi Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80102378,Millicom Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80102583,Minihane - Sean Martin,,,,,,,Ireland,IRL,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80102943,Mount Kellett Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80102960,MKS Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80103001,Mobileserv UK Holdco 2 Limited,,,,,,,United Kingdom,GBR,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80103230,Molson Family,,,,,,,Canada,CAN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80103252,Monaghan Middlebrook Mushrooms Limited,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80103435,Mont Pelerin Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80103438,Montpelier Re Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80103442,Montpellier Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80103666,Martin Moore & Stephen Humphrey as Trustees of the E Clucas Charitable Trust,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80104287,Motyer Family,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80104538,M. Square Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80104542,MStar Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80104732,Mulleady - John,,,,,,,United Kingdom,GBR,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80104824,Mundipharma Group,,,,,,,Bermuda,BMU,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80105177,MVJets Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80105305,Nabors Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80105775,NatWell Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80105799,Nautilus Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80105887,NCR Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80106115,Nerine Trust Company Limited,,,,,,,Guernsey,GGY,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80106149,NetApp Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80106321,NewLead Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80106364,New Ocean Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80106466,NFSB Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80106997,Nike Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80107222,NOCM Re Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80107301,Nomura Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80107310,NONE,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80107364,Nordic Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80107537,Northstar Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80107638,Novartis Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80107867,Oak Hill Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80108073,Ocean View Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80108145,Octant Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80108255,Offerna LLC,,,,,,,Egypt,EGY,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80108271,OFFSHORE ICC LTD.,,,,,,,China,CHN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80108422,Oi Wah Pawnshop Credit Limited,,,,,,,Hong Kong,HKG,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80108474,Okigbo - Pius Nebolisa,,,,,,,Nigeria;United States,NGA;USA,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80108628,Olive Stone Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80108742,Omega Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80109043,Orca Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80109119,Belmond Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80109137,Orion Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80109253,Osama El-Haddad Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80109584,Oviation Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80109724,Pacific Andes Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80109760,Pacific Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80110075,Palm Tree Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80110085,Palo Verde Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80110115,Panacea SPC,,,,,,,Cayman Islands,CYM,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80110116,Panacea Trust,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80110252,Pan Orient Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80110276,Panther Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80110441,Par Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80110478,Parkdale Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80110650,Parry - Gabrielle Theresa Mary,,,,,,,Isle of Man;United Kingdom,IMN;GBR,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80110693,Partners Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80110759,Passion Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80110846,Pathfinder Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80110965,Paul David Morris & Paul Seaward as Trustee of the Isabel Elliott Settlement,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80110966,Paul David Morris & Michael Frank Gordon Crowe as Trustees of The M M Buchanan 1997 Settlement,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80110967,Trustees of The Sydney Shimmin Corlett Will Trust,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80110969,Paul David Morris & Sharon Roberts as Trustees of The John Winston Harrison Trust,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80110970,Paul David Morris & Paul Anthony Herbert as Trustees of The Richard Lionel Herbert Trust,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80110972,Paul David Morris & John McCrohon Wolstenholme Rimmer as Trustees of The Kelly Settlement,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80110973,Paul David Morris & Michael Frank Gordon Crowe as Trustees of the Lorimer Settlement,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80111515,PEN Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80111719,PERENCO UK,,,,,,,United Kingdom,GBR,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80111764,Performa Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80111982,Pertamina Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80112035,Peter Holmes Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80112163,Petro-Canada Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80112348,PHI Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80112357,Philadelphia Financial Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80112574,Pico Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80112842,Pinnacle Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80112995,Pitt Family,,,,,,,Bermuda,BMU,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80113016,Pivotal Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80113192,PMA Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80113298,Polis Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80113385,Poly Metal Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80113667,Ports Design,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80113680,Poseidon Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80114299,Primicia Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80114301,Primordia Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80114469,Project FEM,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80114472,Project Global Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80114473,Project Gold Companies,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80114475,Project Victory,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80114745,Pulsar Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80114889,Q & S Re Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80114945,QIHONG INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS LIMITED,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80114971,QInvest LLC,,,,,,,Qatar,QAT,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80115064,Quantum Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80115318,Cronkbourne Sports & Social Club Limited,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80115573,RAK Petroleum Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80115635,RAM Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80115699,Ramsey Golf Links Limited,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80115957,Rauschule Lynch Consultant Limited,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80116132,RBS Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80116233,Xchanging Global Insurance Systems Limited,,,,,,,United Kingdom,GBR,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80116246,Recipco Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80116323,Redmond Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80116350,Red Star Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80116685,Releck Limited as Corporate Trustee of the A R Allana Settlement,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80116723,Remora Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80116749,Renaissance Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80116880,Resolution Life Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80116941,Revelation Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80117035,Rezayat Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80117049,RG Capital Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80117328,Rich Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80117351,Richmond Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80117621,Rio Tinto Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80118237,Rock Island Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80118692,ROP Insurance Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80119270,Royal London 360 Management Services Limited,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80119343,Reynolds Porter Chamberlain LLP,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80119420,Rubicon Aviation Limited,,,,,,,United Kingdom,GBR,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80119422,Rubicon Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80119719,Ruxton,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80119836,S&K Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80119857,David Leslie Limited,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80119867,Stanley (IOM) Productions Limited,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80119870,Speymill Goodman Retirement Villages Limited,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80120038,S3 Global Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80120202,Safe Harbor Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80120210,SafeWealth Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80120212,Saffery Champness,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80120213,Saffery Champness Fund Services Limited,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80120263,Sagitta Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80120298,Said Group,,,,,,,Bermuda,BMU,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80120404,Salamander Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80120558,Samaritans of the Isle of Man,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80120622,Samuels - David Mark,,,,,,,United Kingdom,GBR,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80120624,Samuels - Ivor Leslie,,,,,,,United Kingdom,GBR,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80120777,Sandyport Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80121251,Sayer Group of Companies,,,,,,,Turkey,TUR,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80121370,SBM Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80121569,Scheid Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80122221,Scientific Games Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80122261,Scopia Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80122444,SCS Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80122472,SDI Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80122505,Seajacks Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80122525,Sean Dowling and Michael Crowe as Trustees of the C A Bailey Settlement,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80122526,Seanergis Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80122534,Sean Kevin Dowling and John Antony Melia as Trustees of the Mount Edgcumbe Trust,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80122535,Sean Kevin Dowling & John McCrohon Wolstenholme Rimmer as Trustees of The Roland Brown No.2 Settlement,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80122536,Sean Kevin Dowling & John McCrohon Wolstenholme Rimmer as Trustees of The Norman Cregeen Will Trust,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80122537,Sean Kevin Dowling & John McCrohon Wolstenholme Rimmer as Trustees of The Frances Irene Ashworth Will Trust,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80122538,"Sean Kevin Dowling, Paul David Morris & David Myles Morris as Trustees of The Edward Antrobus 1997 Trust",,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80122539,Sean Kevin Dowling & John McCrohon Wolstenholme Rimmer as Trustees of The Ben Holt Trust,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80122541,Sean Kevin Dowling & Lloyd Vincent Davies as Trustees of The Eleanor Davies Trust,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80122543,Sean Kevin Dowling & Janet Lucy Ann Suss-Francksen as Trustees of The E R Francksen Trust,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80122545,Sean Kevin Dowling & John McCrohon Wolstenholme Rimmer as Trustees of The Helen Brenda Gracey Will Trust,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80122546,Sean Kevin Dowling & John McCrohon Wolstenholme Rimmer as Trustees of The Samuel Hartley Deceased Settled Land Act Trust,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80122547,Sean Kevin Dowling & Richard Dennett as Trustees of The Frederick & June Halsall Settlement,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80122548,Sean Kevin Dowling & John McCrohon Wolstenholme Rimmer as Trustees of The F E Bentley Trust,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80122549,Sean Kevin Dowling & John McCrohon Wolstenholme Rimmer as Trustees of The Etrask Settlement,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80122551,Sean Kevin Dowling & Shane Robert Martin as Trustees of The Eleanor Martin Will Trust,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80122553,Sean Kevin Dowling & Geoffrey Friend Karran as Trustees of The Mary Orton Will Trust,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80122554,Sean Kevin Dowling & Judith Mary Quayle as Trustees of The Jesse Price Will Trust,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80122555,"Sean Kevin Dowling, Paul David Morris, Colin Matthewman & Richard George Woolley as Trustees of the Jack Alfonso Pulman Settlement",,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80122556,Sean Kevin Dowling & Arthur Roland Hunt as Trustees of The Lilian Preston Will Trust,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80122557,Sean Kevin Dowling as Trustee of The A C Quirk Trust,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80122558,Sean Kevin Dowling & Barry C Smith as Trustees of The Shelford Settlement,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80122559,Sean Kevin Dowling & Mark Stephen Humphrey as Trustees of The Sara Meaker Settlement,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80122560,Sean Kevin Dowling & John McCrohon Wolstenholme Rimmer as Trustees of The Elizabeth Alice Callin Will Trust,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80122562,"Sean Kevin Dowling, David John Cartmell, Christoher Jon McGowan & Julie Oates as Trustees of The Sellyoak Settlement",,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80122564,Sean Kevin Dowling & John McCrohon Wolstenholme Rimmer as Trustees of the Appleby Fund for the Community Trust,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80122566,Sean Kevin Dowling & John McCrohon Wolstenholme Rimmer as Trustees of the H E Johnson Will Trust,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80122567,Sean Kevin Dowling & Christopher Douglas Bailye Cope as Trustees of the Thomas Fairhurst Trust,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80122568,Sean Kevin Dowling and John McCrohon Wolstenholme Rimmer as Trustees of The Michael Corbet Simpson Settlement,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80122569,"Sean Kevin Dowling, Michael Frank Gordon Crowe & David John Morgan as Trustees of the Hampton Court Settlement",,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80122570,Sean Kevin Dowling & Rosamund Bernadette Lardner as Trustees of the South Hill Trust,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80122573,Sean Kevin Dowling and Appleby Trust (Isle of Man) Limited as Trustees of the A K Fairweather Trust,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80122574,Sean Kevin Dowling & Appleby Trust (Isle of Man) Limited as Trustees of the Aracena Settlement,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80122575,"Sean Kevin Dowling, Faye Patricia Moffett, Ian Henry Thyne Roberts & Richard Garsed Warrington as Trustees of the Patricia Jane Roberts De Zagal Settlement",,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80122578,"Sean Kevin Dowling, David John Cartmell, Christopher Jon McGowan & Julie Oates as Trustees of The Majestic Settlement",,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80122579,Sean Kevin Dowling & John McCrohon Wolstenholme Rimmer as Trustees of the T T Grime Will Trust,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80122580,"Sean Kevin Dowling, Paul David Morris & David Myles Morris as Trustees of The Lady Antrobus 2003 Settlement",,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80122581,"Sean Kevin Dowling, Paul David Morris & George Wright Ferguson as Trustees of The Edward Ardern Will Trust",,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80122582,Sean Kevin Dowling & John McCrohon Wolstenholme Rimmer as Trustees of The John William Bowman Will Trust,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80122583,Sean Kevin Dowling & Michael Frank Gordon Crowe as Trustees of The Mallard No.1 Settlement,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80122584,Sean Kevin Dowling & Michael Frank Gordon Crowe as Trustees of The Mallard No.2 Settlement,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80122585,"Sean Kevin Dowling, Michael Frank Gordon Crowe & William Allen Hamilton-Turner as Trustees of The Mallard No.3 Settlement",,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80122631,Seaview Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80122690,Secure Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80122695,Securis Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80122738,Sedgwick Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80122746,Sedna India Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80123193,Severian Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80123245,Seymour Trust Company Limited as Trustee of The AKA Trust,,,,,,,Jersey,JEY,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80123285,SGI Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80123475,Shangri-La Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80123872,"Shenzhen Hong Qin Corporate Management Consulting Co., Ltd.",,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80123873,"Shen Zhen Municipal Jia Mai Er Investment Consulting Co., Ltd.",,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80123875,"Shenzhen SenYou Investment Consulting Co., Ltd.",,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80123878,"Shenzhen VINI Management Consulting Co., Ltd.",,,,,,,China,CHN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80124299,Shroff Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80124466,Side Car,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80124477,Sidler - Bruno Arthur,,,,,,,Germany;Switzerland,DEU;CHE,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80124511,Siem Group,,,,,,,United States,USA,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80124551,SIF Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80124576,Sigma-Aldrich Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80124735,Silverwings Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80124863,Simon Groom Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80124875,Simon Property Group,,,,,,,United States,USA,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80125180,Sino Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80125469,Skuld Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80125475,Skyfleet Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80125916,Smith Int'l Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80126178,Smurfit Kappa Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80126610,Sonia Sacks Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80126619,Sonnedix Group,,,,,,,United Kingdom,GBR,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80126772,South American Gold Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80126799,Southern Cross Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80126956,Spectrum Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80126965,Speedbird Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80127083,Spiering Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80127212,Springfield Financial Advisory Ltd,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80127514,Standard Life Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80127605,Star Alliance Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80127614,Star Cruises Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80127675,StarVest Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80127954,Stelux Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80128185,Stewardship Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80128325,Stigwood Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80128567,Storey Family,,,,,,,Canada,CAN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80128599,Stotter Limited as Trustee of the Sharifa Allana Settlement,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80128623,Stow Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80128683,Strategic Capital International Group Limited,,,,,,,British Virgin Islands,VGB,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80128825,Stroud Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80129253,Summit Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80129323,Suncor Energy Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80129406,Sun Life Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80129447,Sunshine Re Ltd. Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80129514,Super Bass Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80129672,Suzanne B Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80129697,Svendsen Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80129871,Swire Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80129878,Swiru Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80129902,Swiss Re Group,,,,,,,Switzerland,CHE,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80129915,Swizzle Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80129956,Sykes Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80130006,Syncora Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80130008,Syncro Group,,,,,,,United Kingdom,GBR,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80130115,Thomas Wilson Holdings Limited,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80130117,The Samuels Partnership,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80130264,Tai Tau Tsai Environmental Engineering Limited,,,,,,,Hong Kong,HKG,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80130960,Tarim Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80131349,Techcomp Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80131414,Tejon Limited,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80131433,Telecom New Zealand Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80131597,Teradata Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80131620,"Terence Cassidy and James McNab - Terence, James",,,,,,,Isle of Man;United Kingdom,IMN;GBR,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80131954,Black Ant Group,,,,,,,United Kingdom,GBR,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80132094,The Council Members of The Cage Cricket Foundation,,,,,,,United Kingdom,GBR,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80132095,The Council Members of The Global Citizen Foundation,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80132263,The Hawthorne Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80132325,The JEDO Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80132626,Thermo Fisher Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80132702,The Simon Property Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80132768,The Trustees of the Hankey No 2 Settlement,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80132771,The Trustees of Eric Quillin Will Trust,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80132772,The Trustees of The Maan Trust,,,,,,,Argentina;Bahamas,ARG;BHS,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80132848,The Trustees of the Patent Capital Trust,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80132985,THL Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80133047,Thomas eggar Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80133384,Thyssen Foundation Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80133452,Tiberius Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80133505,Tiffany Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80133553,Timberlake Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80133624,Ting He International,,,,,,,China,CHN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80134168,Toruno-Steiner Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80134187,Total Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80134268,Town & Country Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80134345,Budd - Henry J,,,,,,,Malta;United Kingdom,MLT;GBR,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80134503,Standard Bank Of South Africa,,,,,,,South Africa,ZAF,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80134533,Batliner - Heinz,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80134576,Gonzalez Carbonell - Pablo Ignacio,,,,,,,Mexico,MEX,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80134601,De Nobriga Settlement -,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80135087,Assomull - Vashdev K.,,,,,,,India,IND,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80135229,Viyella - Fernando,,,,,,,Dominican Republic;Mexico;Spain,DOM;MEX;ESP,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80135234,Cayman Drama Society,,,,,,,Cayman Islands,CYM,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80135309,Ammar - Michael G,,,,,,,Jamaica,JAM,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80135696,Jumer - Jean Elizabeth,,,,,,,United States,USA,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80135821,Inglis - Robert Stewart Lawson,,,,,,,Canada,CAN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80135957,Manro Haydan Brokers Ltd,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80136009,Mayfield - Frederick Almond,,,,,,,United States,USA,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80136131,Grossman - Bruce,,,,,,,Mexico,MEX,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80136143,Bt Equity Opportunities Trust,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80136154,Widensohler - Stefan,,,,,,,Germany,DEU,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80136158,Grube - Eberhard,,,,,,,Germany,DEU,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80136207,Delano - G. Kristin,,,,,,,United States,USA,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80136405,Issa Hotels And Resorts Ltd,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80136593,Chase Manhattan,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80136690,UENO - KAZUYA,,,,,,,Japan,JPN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80136692,MORRIS - STEPHEN,,,,,,,Ireland,IRL,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80136695,WALSH - JOSEPH,,,,,,,Ireland,IRL,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80136813,Trafigura Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80136854,Transaero Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80136861,Transatlantic Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80136889,Transtel Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80136901,Transworld Oil Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80137017,"Trenwick Group, Inc.",,,,,,,United States,USA,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80137093,Tricor Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80137172,Trinan Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80137221,Triton Group,,,,,,,United States,USA,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80137317,Trout Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80137343,Troy Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80137431,Trustees of the Aston Settlement -,,,,,,,United Kingdom,GBR,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80137448,Trustees of The Unity Trust,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80137450,Trustees of The First Invicta Trust,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80137451,Trustees of The Second Invicta Trust,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80137462,Trustees of The Hankey No 1 Settlement,,,,,,,Isle of Man,IMN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80137762,TSM Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80137959,TUHS Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80138184,TVBO Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80138471,UFJ Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80138646,Unison Group Inc.,,,,,,,United States,USA,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80138674,United Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80138676,United Insurance Company Limited Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80138706,Unitek Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80138761,UNI-WORLD SERVICES COMPANY LIMITED,,,,,,,China,CHN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80138886,USI Holdings Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80138911,Utilico Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80139087,Valu-Trac Group,,,,,,,United Kingdom,GBR,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80139171,Van der Doe - Cornelis Pieter,,,,,,,Germany;Netherlands,DEU;NLD,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80139263,Van Geest - deceased - Leonard,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80139424,Vardinoyiannis - Georgios Vardis,,,,,,,Greece,GRC,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80139761,VeriFone Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80139774,Verizon Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80139885,Aero Toystore Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80139952,China Haohan,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80140064,Indian Ocean Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80140092,Kingdom Investments Foundation,,,,,,,Switzerland,CHE,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80140299,Viacom 18 Media Pvt Ltd,,,,,,,India,IND,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80140306,Viatel Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80140647,VITAL BIO-ENERGY (JERSEY) PLC,,,,,,,Jersey,JEY,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80140654,Vitamins Direct (Bermuda) Limited,,,,,,,Bermuda,BMU,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80140829,Voniati Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80140927,VP Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80140965,Vulcano Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80140985,The Eileen Woulfe Will Trust,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80140986,The Vivian Ward Will Trust,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80141074,Wafra/StarVest Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80141077,Wafra Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80141532,Walter Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80141772,Wang Family Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80142034,"Warburg, Pincus Group",,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80142162,Warner Chilcott Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80142333,Group - Wates,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80142511,Wayne Buchanan Eads and Troy Alvin Doby,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80143013,Wellington Group,,,,,,,United States,USA,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80143026,WellNet Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80143095,Welton Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80143267,Western Union Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80143423,Wharfside Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80143479,Wheelock Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80143530,Whirlpool Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80143600,Whitebox Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80144002,Paul Bolton and Paul Wildes - Paul,,,,,,,United Kingdom,GBR,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80144373,Willis Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80144427,Wilmar Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80144599,Wilton Re Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80144646,Windward Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80144693,Wing On Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80145918,WORLD BUSINESS LIMITED,,,,,,,China,CHN,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80146001,W P Stewart Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80146057,Wright Express Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80146122,WTSH Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80146445,X10 Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80146596,Glencore Xstrata Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80146739,Yadea Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80147177,Yazici - Memet,,,,,,,Turkey;United States,TUR;USA,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80147621,"YIXINDA BUSINESS (HK) CO., LIMITED",,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80147833,Young Life Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80147965,Yuan-da Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80148371,Zambezi Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80149185,"Zibo Hongda Mining Co., Ltd.",,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80149257,ZISL Group,,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 80149306,"Zoryana Blashchak, Achim Volk and CityLink Group Holdings Limited",,,,,,,,,Paradise Papers - Appleby,Appleby data is current through 2014, 85010555,CARIBBEAN OUTFITTERS N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,28-JUN-1989,27-AUG-2001,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85010648,T M MANAGEMENT SERVICES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,24-OCT-1990,,08-JUN-2001,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85010861,UNIQUE SPORTS OF ARUBA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,29-NOV-1990,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85010869,PAMPERED PIRATE N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,03-DEC-1990,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85010918,S.S.C. SAVANETA SHIPPING COMPANY N.V. (I.L.),LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,12-DEC-1990,,19-MAY-2003,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Liquidation date. 85010931,MARBAZ N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,14-DEC-1990,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85010966,UNITED COLORS OF ARUBA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,28-DEC-1990,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85011054,TASONIER N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,22-JAN-1991,18-SEP-2003,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85011056,SHARMA RENT-A-CAR & TOURIST SERVICES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,17-JAN-1991,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85011128,BODYWEAR UNLIMITED/CONFETTI ON THE BEACH,SOLE OWNERSHIP,06-FEB-1991,23-AUG-2001,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85011140,EMPRESA ITALO ARUBANO N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,07-FEB-1991,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85011153,J.R.A. HI TECHNOLOGIES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,12-FEB-1991,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85011175,RUCLA SERVICE CENTER N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,15-FEB-1991,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85011346,HONG KONG SUPERMARKET N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,14-MAR-1991,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85011473,MARTEX FOODSERVICES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,18-APR-1991,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85011510,GRAPE HOLDING N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,23-APR-1991,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85011680,CROBEKO N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,22-MAY-1991,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85011714,THE T STOP N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,03-JUN-1991,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85011768,ACE JEEP & CAR RENTAL N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,18-JUN-1991,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85011923,PINBALL PALACE N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,23-JUL-1991,,07-JUL-2010,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85011925,KARIN JEWELRY & TRADING N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,24-JUL-1991,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85000025,ANTILLIAN MERCANTILE CORPORATION N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,06-APR-1962,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85000041,G. DE VEER & ZONEN N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,04-JAN-1947,14-NOV-1991,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85000042,ARUBA BANK N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,12-JUN-1936,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85000063,LA LINDA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,03-JUL-1961,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85000085,ARUBA HANDELMAATSCHAPPIJ N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,05-AUG-1933,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85000089,TEXAS INVESTMENTS N.V. (I.L.),LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,12-DEC-1985,,08-APR-2011,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Liquidation date. 85000103,PONSON REAL ESTATE II N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,22-DEC-1980,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85000156,N.V. EMAN HANDEL MIJ,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,21-NOV-1939,,20-FEB-1995,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85000157,E. DE VEER CHAIN THEATRES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,09-APR-1963,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85000180,WEST INDIA MERCANTILE CO. OF ARUBA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,19-OCT-1942,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85000203,B.J. ARENDS & ZONEN N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,31-MAY-1977,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85000213,ACME STORES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,07-FEB-1977,,11-APR-2000,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85000232,AUBAR HOLDINGS N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,12-DEC-1946,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85000375,LEJBUSZ PICK & ZONEN HANDELMAATSCHAPPIJ N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,24-AUG-1948,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85000398,PLAYA LIQUOR & BOTTLING COMPANY N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,27-DEC-1948,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85000400,DE WIT STORES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,01-AUG-1962,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85000536,S.E.L. MADURO & SONS (ARUBA) N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,31-MAR-1939,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85000539,HAGEMEYER (ARUBA) N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,02-JUN-1954,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85000564,NAAMLOZE VENNOOTSCHAP ELECTRICITEIT-MAATSCHAPPIJ ARUBA,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,22-JUN-1950,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85000596,MARIO S. ARENDS N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,27-SEP-1949,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85000618,ROBERT NAHAR CONSTRUCTION COMPANY N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,11-JUN-1971,31-OCT-2000,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85000689,L.S. HOLDING ARUBA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,11-DEC-1953,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85000728,FANNY'S SHOP ARUBA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,12-APR-1956,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85000768,HARTOG'S SCHOENHANDEL N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,13-DEC-1955,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85000784,OKHJ HOLDING N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,23-JAN-1956,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85000795,ODUBER AGENTUREN N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,21-DEC-1955,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85000862,HUISVLIJT MAATSCHAPPIJ ARUBA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,07-JUL-1951,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85000894,HANDEL-MAATSCHAPPIJ MERCURIUS N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,28-JUN-1958,,20-DEC-2006,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85000916,ANTIL HOLDING N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,01-NOV-1957,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85001169,BEAUTILITIES ARUBA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,29-MAR-1983,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85001258,CRD GROUP N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,07-JUN-1963,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85001267,ATCO CONCRETE PRODUCTS N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,09-APR-1963,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85001273,CARIBBEAN MERCANTILE BANK N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,27-DEC-1963,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85001400,N.V. EMAN'S HANDEL MAATSCHAPPIJ,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,08-SEP-1939,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85001424,DE PALM TOURS N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,27-AUG-1970,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85001511,ARU-HIND N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,15-AUG-1978,13-FEB-2009,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85001573,VAN DORP ARUBA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,13-JUL-1967,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85001637,RITZ HOLDING N.V. (I.L.),LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,23-NOV-1966,,10-NOV-2002,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Liquidation date. 85001638,TOPCAR N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,20-DEC-1967,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85001642,BOTICA SAN LUCAS N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,10-OCT-1967,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85001662,MAGGY'S N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,29-MAR-1983,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85001695,SPORTSHOP ANTILIANO N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,29-NOV-1968,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85001784,ARTISTIC BOUTIQUE N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,03-JUL-1981,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85001859,JULIUS L. PENHA & SONS ARUBA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,04-DEC-1970,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85001876,CASA MONA LISA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,29-SEP-1970,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85001932,ARUBA ALOE BALM N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,16-AUG-1968,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85001955,CHECKPOINT COLOR N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,19-OCT-1971,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85002004,INTERNATIONAL AGENCIES ARUBA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,07-JUL-1971,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85002031,AMERICAN AIRLINES INC,FOREIGN FORMED CORPORATION,02-MAR-1971,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85002033,KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN ARUBA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,27-JAN-1981,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85002085,ABN AMRO BANK N.V.,FOREIGN FORMED CORPORATION,01-JUN-1972,10-AUG-2005,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85002100,GENERAL AIR SERVICES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,27-MAR-1980,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85002170,SEGUROS GEERMAN N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,29-JAN-1981,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85002233,BOOLCHAND PESSOOMAL (ARUBA) N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,17-JUL-1973,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85002244,PALAIS HINDU ARUBA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,30-MAY-1973,,19-NOV-2007,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85002258,DE MARQUEZ N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,15-AUG-1973,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85002420,BOTICA SAN NICOLAS N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,20-NOV-1974,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85002428,MILLY'S,SOLE OWNERSHIP,21-JAN-1975,,17-JAN-2011,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85002470,KAPRICHO N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,19-SEP-1978,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85002530,SAMSOM ARUBA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,24-JUL-1974,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85002755,THE STING ENTERPRISES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,25-AUG-1976,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85002767,JOALLY'S BEAUTY PARLOR N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,16-DEC-1976,,20-OCT-2010,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85002793,FOX TRADING N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,29-MAR-1976,,14-OCT-2004,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85003008,MARATHON ELECTRONICS N.V. (I.L.),LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,16-JAN-1978,,21-JAN-2010,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Liquidation date. 85003344,DECOR HOME N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,02-MAY-1979,,14-NOV-2003,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85003446,P.H. TRADING COMPANY N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,06-DEC-1978,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85003521,CALYPSO N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,11-DEC-1972,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85003648,AMI (ANTILLIAANSE MEUBEL INDUSTRIE) N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,09-APR-1980,09-SEP-2001,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85003710,INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION INSTITUTE N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,19-MAY-1978,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85003761,RENTCAR N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,28-DEC-1978,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85003806,EGNI N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,28-MAR-1985,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85003835,ALKA RESORTS N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,07-OCT-1980,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85005046,CASA DEPORTIVO MARIO N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,22-SEP-1983,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85005052,WEMA HOME & HARDWARE CENTER N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,29-SEP-1983,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85005111,ARUBA FAMILY FOODS SERVICES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,22-OCT-1975,,17-JAN-2008,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85005208,ARUBA PRINT SERVICES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,31-JAN-1984,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85005406,ROCK 'N ROLL N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,26-NOV-1985,31-DEC-2000,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85005671,AMERICANA DELICATESSEN N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,01-APR-1985,,28-APR-2008,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85005700,D'ORSY'S PERFUMERIES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,29-APR-1985,,05-JUN-1998,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85005793,ESSO PETROLERA S.A.,FOREIGN FORMED CORPORATION,21-MAY-1985,,04-AUG-1998,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85005808,STAR-MOTOR COMPANY N.V. (I.L.),LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,09-OCT-1985,,08-MAY-2009,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Liquidation date. 85005839,KENRO JEWELERS N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,27-DEC-1985,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85005840,POTPOURRI N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,01-AUG-1986,25-JUL-1993,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85005880,BELLA ITALIA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,24-OCT-1985,,22-MAR-1999,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85005978,ELKA & ASSOCIATES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,24-FEB-1986,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85006059,INVESTERINGEN TWEEHONDERD & TIEN N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,12-MAR-1986,31-DEC-2000,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85006064,NEW AGE AUTOPARTS N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,26-MAR-1986,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85006107,PELICAN ADVENTURES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,28-MAY-1986,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85006156,THE STONE FOOD SERVICES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,30-JUN-1986,,03-MAY-2011,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85006274,MRS. MINUTE N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,06-JUL-1987,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85006314,R.T. ZAPATERIA ARUBA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,16-OCT-1986,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85006339,KOOYMAN ARUBA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,08-DEC-1986,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85006342,M-FOUR (M-4) CORPORATION N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,05-DEC-1986,,09-JUL-2007,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85006346,IB ARUBA FINANCE N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,08-DEC-1986,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85006350,RBC ROYAL BANK (ARUBA) N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,18-DEC-1985,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85006362,BOULEVARD JEWELRY CENTER N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,31-DEC-1986,,10-OCT-2006,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85006377,87 STORE N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,08-JAN-1987,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85006437,IMPRESSIONS N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,13-FEB-1987,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85006544,KAY SHANK N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,22-APR-1987,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85006564,FIVE GEES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,03-JUN-1987,24-JUL-2000,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85006566,R.M. LANDSCAPING HOLDING N.V. (I.L.),LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,22-APR-1987,,20-JUN-2015,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Liquidation date. 85006600,TWINKLE BONES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,29-MAY-1987,22-SEP-2006,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85006616,EVA BOUTIQUE N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,15-JUN-1987,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85006679,SUPERMERCADO FAVORITO N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,20-JUL-1987,,24-APR-2003,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Liquidation date. 85006691,FAR EAST CENTER N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,21-JUL-1987,22-MAY-2008,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85006702,SOCIETE DE LOUIS N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,28-JUL-1987,25-NOV-2002,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85006735,KWIHI CORPORATION N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,24-AUG-1987,,12-FEB-2009,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85006742,HEDWINA BUGGIES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,28-AUG-1987,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85006763,OPTICA MODERNA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,17-SEP-1987,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85006787,BABELONIA CORPORATION N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,10-SEP-1987,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85006795,PENHA RETAIL & REAL ESTATE I VBA,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,29-SEP-1987,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85006834,HYATT ARUBA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,22-OCT-1987,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85006875,THE OLIVE TREE FUNERAL HOME N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,19-NOV-1987,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85006885,SAILBOARD VACATIONS N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,23-NOV-1987,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85006929,DRIFTWOOD RESTAURANT N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,30-DEC-1987,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85006979,BARLOCK CARIBBEAN OIL CO. N.V. (I.L.),LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,16-JAN-1988,,20-MAY-2008,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Liquidation date. 85006987,CLC FOOD & BEVERAGE N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,25-JAN-1988,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85007054,WENDICO ARUBA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,24-FEB-1988,17-SEP-2003,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85007107,PRO FASHION N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,17-MAR-1988,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85007144,THE WATERFRONT DEVELOPMENT COMPANY N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,29-MAR-1988,12-AUG-2013,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85007204,TICO INTERCRAFT N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,09-MAY-1988,31-MAY-2001,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85007206,LUCOR JEWELRY N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,05-MAY-1988,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85007223,COLOMBIAN EMERALDS INTERNATIONAL N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,20-MAY-1988,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85007244,BLUEWATER BOAT & TACKLE INC. N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,02-JUN-1988,,16-JUN-2011,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85007340,EL CAMPO ENTERPRISES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,01-JUL-1988,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85007362,TRAC RENT A CAR N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,19-JUL-1988,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85007457,TOPCAR SPEEDY SERVICE N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,19-AUG-1988,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85007502,SURINDO ARUBA N.V. (I.L.),LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,22-SEP-1988,,28-SEP-2000,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Liquidation date. 85007522,BEAUTY AND THE BEAST N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,26-SEP-1988,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85007594,A.I.F. ARUBA INTERNATIONAL FREIGHT SERVICES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,01-NOV-1988,,10-OCT-2007,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85007613,ANGELO ARUBA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,08-NOV-1988,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85007625,LABCO/D'YVONNES MEDICAL AND BEAUTY SUPPLIES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,10-NOV-1988,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85007662,PAWAN N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,21-NOV-1988,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85007695,ROB TIRE CENTER N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,01-DEC-1988,01-AUG-2005,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85007846,MCA BOTICA EAGLE N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,30-AUG-1988,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85007890,HERBAL CAMARA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,27-JAN-1989,,20-JUN-2008,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85007928,G. KOOLMAN INC. N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,17-FEB-1989,,19-FEB-2004,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85008059,NOTARISPRAKTIJK MR F.E.E. TJON AJONG N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,28-MAR-1989,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85008079,LICORES ARUBA TAX FREE SHOPPES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,29-MAR-1989,12-NOV-2002,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85008087,G & J BEST-SNEL HOTEL LAUNDRY & LINEN SUPPLY SERVICE N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,14-MAR-1989,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85008198,SHATRI ARUBA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,20-APR-1989,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85008215,I.L. LABORATORIO FAMILIAR N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,21-APR-1989,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85008249,D'LILAH'S,SOLE OWNERSHIP,01-JUN-1989,,06-FEB-2007,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85008290,CLASSIQUE DE L'ISLE N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,19-MAY-1989,,20-MAR-2000,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85008314,DUVRO N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,01-JUN-1989,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85008361,CIRCLE K ARUBA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,13-JUN-1989,10-SEP-2003,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85003969,ALKEN EXPLOITATIE MIJ N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,28-MAR-1980,,14-OCT-1996,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85003974,ISLAND FINANCE (ARUBA) N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,31-MAY-1979,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85003989,ARUBA FREEPORT ELECTRONICS AND GIFTS N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,30-OCT-1981,31-JAN-1998,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85004012,D'ORSY'S ARUBA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,20-MAR-1981,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85004080,SWISS PASTRY & CAKE N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,18-MAY-1981,,04-JUN-2002,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85004121,ARTESALA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,23-SEP-1981,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85004203,DE PALM WATERSPORTS N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,29-OCT-1976,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85004303,MONTERREY TRADING ARUBA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,23-AUG-1982,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85004424,BOOGAARD ASSURANTIEN N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,19-MAR-1982,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85004440,HABROS FAST FOODS N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,30-MAR-1982,,26-AUG-2002,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Liquidation date. 85004496,BAIRES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,24-MAY-1982,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85004666,THE DUTCH VILLAGE N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,25-OCT-1982,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85004680,M.D. DESIMONE N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,18-NOV-1982,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85004765,REVAN N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,13-JAN-1982,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85004768,AXROSS HOLDING VBA,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,14-JAN-1983,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85004817,TREASURE COVE N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,03-MAR-1983,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85004838,JOAQUIN & RAFAEL AGENCIES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,28-DEC-1983,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85011988,DELITE N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,26-JUL-1991,,18-MAY-2004,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85012013,SULINDA CHECO N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,14-AUG-1991,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85012151,LA DIFFERENCE N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,11-SEP-1991,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85012189,AMALO IMPORTACIONES Y EXPORTACIONES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,19-SEP-1991,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85012198,DOVE CREST CORPORATION N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,12-SEP-1990,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85012460,R.D.R. REALTY DEVELOPERS & RECLAIMERS N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,06-NOV-1991,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85012463,ZZAPP PRODUCTS N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,07-NOV-1991,,20-FEB-2006,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85012583,QUICKSTORE NOORD N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,09-DEC-1991,31-MAR-2004,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85012600,PALAIS ORIENTAL N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,13-DEC-1991,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85012652,ALLAMANDA APARTMENTS N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,31-DEC-1991,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85012703,SHOE EXPRESS SHOP & SERVICES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,08-JAN-1992,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85012723,MIRO'S VIDEO N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,10-JAN-1992,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85012794,INVAR DEVELOPMENT COMPANY N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,28-JAN-1992,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85012957,ARDECO KUNST ATELIER N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,27-FEB-1992,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85013276,VIDEO'S UNLIMITED N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,23-APR-1992,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85013365,T.M.T. ENTERTAINMENT N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,11-MAY-1992,29-MAY-2006,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85013405,BRIMA HOLDINGS N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,15-MAY-1992,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85013485,FRIMAR ENTERPRISES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,26-MAY-1992,31-DEC-2002,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85013611,S & F DOWCO N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,17-JUN-1992,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85013632,CONTRERAS VETERINARY SERVICES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,19-JUN-1992,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85013682,HARE KRISHNA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,01-JUL-1992,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85013871,TRECCA CAR RENTAL N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,18-AUG-1992,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85013900,ERICK'S STUDIO ONE BEAUTY PARLOR N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,24-AUG-1992,,12-MAR-2003,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85014127,CARIBE WINDS N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,01-OCT-1992,31-AUG-2003,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85014138,TEES 'N THINGS N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,06-OCT-1992,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85014213,SUNSHINE COLOURS N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,23-OCT-1992,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85014376,ADVENCO N.V. (I.L.),LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,01-DEC-1992,,31-JUL-2015,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Liquidation date. 85014400,HEALTHY WEALTHY SOLUTIONS N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,04-DEC-1992,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85014419,SHIRADHA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,09-DEC-1992,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85014704,RASBERRY INTERNATIONAL N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,21-MAR-1991,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85014733,WELL WELL BAR RESTAURANT N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,12-FEB-1993,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85014761,PANADERIA MODERNA & HORECA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,23-FEB-1993,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85014804,TEMPO ARUBA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,02-MAR-1993,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85014876,FAMILY CAR RENTAL N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,15-MAR-1993,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85015005,A.M. BAROUD APARTMENTS N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,08-APR-1993,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85015043,GOLDEN ISLAND TRANSPORT & ENTERTAINMENT N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,16-APR-1993,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85015081,JZ VIDEO N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,22-APR-1993,,19-MAR-2009,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85015155,PLAZA BOOKSHOP SOMERS/KOCK N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,05-MAY-1993,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85015235,REFORM REAL ESTATE N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,18-MAY-1993,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85015315,FIRGOS ARUBA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,02-JUN-1993,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85015358,TONY ENTERPRISES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,10-JUN-1993,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85015391,SANDENI N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,18-JUN-1993,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85015497,TANKI LEENDERT ENTERPRISES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,09-JUL-1993,,25-AUG-2003,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85015563,QUALITY CONTRACTORS & REALITY SERVICES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,22-JUL-1993,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85015597,THE CLASSICS BY R.C. N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,22-JUL-1993,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85015622,THE NEW SHAHAI TAKEAWAY N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,02-AUG-1993,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85015685,DE PALM FINANCIAL SERVICES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,17-AUG-1993,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85015753,TOYS 4 US N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,31-AUG-1993,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85015852,JOHNSON'S SUPERMARKET N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,13-SEP-1993,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85015870,LSF INTEGRITY N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,16-SEP-1993,,28-FEB-2003,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85015907,AUTOMOBIELBEDRIJF CENTRAAL ARUBA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,27-SEP-1993,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85015994,WAN BOY SUPERMARKET N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,13-OCT-1993,,29-JAN-2010,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85016129,BEACH & SUN N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,11-NOV-1993,,01-MAR-2010,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85016180,SAVANETTE-BENSING NV,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,22-NOV-1993,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85016296,DFI ARUBA NV,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,14-DEC-1993,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85016320,COS BON TRADING NV,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,22-DEC-1993,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85016329,ROCA CIUDAD REAL ESTATE N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,22-DEC-1993,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85016458,WHITE HOUSE APPARTMENTS N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,12-JAN-1994,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85016585,ALBERTO'S HAIR STYLING BEAUTY SALON NV,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,31-JAN-1994,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85016690,GURLINK WHOLESALE & RETAIL N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,23-FEB-1994,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85016722,SOHO WORLDWIDE FASHION NV,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,22-FEB-1994,,09-JUN-2009,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85016759,DUVIT HOLDINGS VBA,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,09-MAR-1994,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85016801,BARGAIN TOWN NV,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,20-FEB-1990,02-MAY-1995,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85016860,ALLROUND N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,30-MAR-1994,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85017146,SHANKARS NV,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,03-JUN-1994,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85017222,PAARDENBAAI NV,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,17-JUN-1994,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85017229,INGUZ REAL ESTATE SERVICES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,21-JUN-1994,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85017308,TOMLIN NV,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,06-JUL-1994,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85017330,DETAILS SIGNALS NV,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,11-JUL-1994,,09-JUN-2008,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85017345,HUGH SUE SELF SERVICE AND F&B N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,08-SEP-1992,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85017482,GREG AUTO SALES NV,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,10-AUG-1994,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85017577,MANUFACTURA DE LOS ANDES NV,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,30-AUG-1994,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85017583,MADURO TRAVEL (ARUBA) NV,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,05-SEP-1994,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85017592,EXITO STORE ARUBA NV,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,05-SEP-1994,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85017619,ROLANDRE TRADING NV,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,08-SEP-1994,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85017678,BIG TIME INTERNATIONAL N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,23-SEP-1994,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85017710,CROWN TRADING N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,30-SEP-1994,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85017723,PAPAGAYO RESTAURANT NV,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,03-OCT-1994,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85017780,LOJOBRISE NV,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,14-OCT-1994,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85017845,ARCHITECTUUR EN CONSTRUCTIEBEDRIJF ARCON NV,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,27-OCT-1994,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85017932,BERSAH ARUBA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,15-NOV-1994,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85018030,KAY'S FINE JEWELRY N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,07-DEC-1994,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85018056,NIELS ENTERPRISES NV,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,16-DEC-1994,,30-DEC-2010,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85018192,PRO-TEC MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS ARUBA NV,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,19-JAN-1995,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85018467,PUEBLO MEAT & FOOD NV,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,30-DEC-1985,,17-DEC-1997,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Liquidation date. 85018504,E & J SHOEBIZ CORPORATION NV,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,04-APR-1995,,06-JUL-2009,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85018647,ATMAN TRADING NV,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,04-MAY-1995,,24-JUL-2001,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85018706,I.F.T. INTERNATIONAL FASHION TRADING N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,16-MAY-1995,30-AUG-2001,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85018808,KNIPOOG EUROPEAN HAIRSTYLING NV,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,08-JUN-1995,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85018824,VECA AGENCY NV,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,15-JUN-1995,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85018868,INSHALLAH NV,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,26-JUN-1995,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85018909,DANEMERY CARPENTER SHOP NV,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,07-JUL-1995,,27-AUG-2003,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85018916,TERRA NOSTRA DECORATIONS & REAL ESTATE NV,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,07-JUL-1995,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85018970,GOLD'N DRI NV,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,03-JUL-1995,,16-DEC-1997,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85019079,ARUBA FINE SHOPPING N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,06-SEP-1994,,10-JUL-1998,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Liquidation date. 85019082,PELICAN EATERIES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,17-AUG-1995,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85019179,FUELS MARKETING & SUPPLY ARUBA (FMSA) N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,12-SEP-1995,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85019182,PYRAMID ENTERPRISES NV,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,11-SEP-1995,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85019226,GENERATION 2000 NV,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,21-SEP-1995,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85019236,DISCOUNT PROMOTIONS N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,08-SEP-1995,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85019251,LAZY FEET N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,29-SEP-1995,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85019264,SUI SANG SUPERMARKET NV,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,04-OCT-1995,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85019327,BUCUTI FAST FOOD NV,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,30-MAR-1990,,22-SEP-2008,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85019351,B.B.C. BEST BARGAIN CENTER NV,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,24-OCT-1995,,17-APR-2002,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85019444,"BERENDZ FOOD, CANDY & GIFTSHOP N.V.",LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,18-MAY-1989,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85019461,WESTER STORE ARUBA NV,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,16-NOV-1995,17-AUG-2001,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85019504,SEAHATCH LABORATORY NV,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,22-NOV-1995,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85019618,MAROLI TOO NV,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,21-DEC-1995,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85019622,CLAUDINE BEAUTY CLINIC NV,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,21-DEC-1995,,28-MAR-2002,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85019703,CARNAVAL RENT A CAR NV,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,05-JAN-1996,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85019705,DOWCO N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,07-AUG-1986,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85019822,OLYMPIC CATERERS NV,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,09-FEB-1996,,12-JAN-2006,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85019858,VIOSE BEAUTY SHOP N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,15-FEB-1996,,08-DEC-2008,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85019941,NEDANT CORPORATION N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,04-MAR-1996,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85019949,IP GLOBALCOM N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,06-MAR-1996,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85019996,KRB ARUBA REALTY II N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,19-MAR-1996,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85020138,CAP'S ENTERPRISES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,10-APR-1996,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85020170,REINA AGENCIES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,23-APR-1996,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85020177,TUSCANIA HOLD N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,23-APR-1996,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85020208,SIMPLE BEAUTY TRADING N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,06-MAY-1996,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85020216,CAPTAIN COOK ENTERPRISES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,08-MAY-1996,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85020286,VINIK N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,23-MAY-1996,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85020328,TRENDS HAIRSTUDIO & MORE N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,30-MAY-1996,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85020349,GOTCHA CARRENTAL N.V. (I.L.),LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,03-JUN-1996,,01-NOV-2011,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Liquidation date. 85020384,HAMARINO N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,12-JUN-1996,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85020386,ARUBA JOE'S N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,12-JUN-1996,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85020563,GLOBAL MERCHANDISE SERVICES NV,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,19-JUL-1996,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85020599,LA PRIMERA EN MUEBLES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,26-JUL-1996,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85020802,STAR NEON SIGN CO. N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,11-SEP-1996,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85020837,LAS AMERICAS RETAIL AND WHOLESALE N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,20-SEP-1996,,01-JUN-2011,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85020838,DUFRY ARUBA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,20-SEP-1996,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85020861,SUNROJ ENTERPRISES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,27-SEP-1996,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85020901,FANG FU N.V. (I.L.),LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,04-OCT-1996,,10-APR-2014,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Liquidation date. 85020925,DANA'S WOONIDEE N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,10-OCT-1996,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85020965,JAAZ N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,16-OCT-1996,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85021021,JAGY N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,28-OCT-1996,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85021032,COHIBAS HOLDINGS N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,25-OCT-1996,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85021049,HOLE NINETEEN N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,01-NOV-1996,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85021079,AVANT N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,12-NOV-1996,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85021090,CANTON HOUSE RESTAURANT N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,15-NOV-1996,29-MAY-2002,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85021100,MOGIRI N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,18-NOV-1996,,15-MAY-1998,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85021101,CRISTAL MECHANICAL SERVICES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,18-NOV-1996,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85021103,G.F.P. INTERNATIONAL N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,18-NOV-1996,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85021118,L'AMETHYST BOUTIQUE N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,19-NOV-1996,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85021218,ALISIOS N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,12-DEC-1996,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85021235,ABC ADVENTURES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,16-DEC-1996,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85021241,RETAILCORP. N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,18-DEC-1996,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85021281,KIMGA EQUATOR TRADING & ENTERTAINMENT N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,19-DEC-1996,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85021445,DA SILVA POOL N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,04-FEB-1997,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85021471,VIBES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,05-FEB-1997,,06-FEB-2009,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85021795,TOETANCHAMON RESTAURANT N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,25-APR-1997,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85021952,EDUCOR ARUBA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,10-JUN-1997,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85022028,APPARTEMENTEN COMPLEX MARCUS LACLE N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,03-JUL-1997,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85022045,JOLLY PIRATES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,07-JUL-1997,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85022128,CRO-VAL TRADING & MANUFACTURING N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,29-JUL-1997,,14-JUL-2004,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85022285,BECKER & BECKER N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,03-SEP-1997,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85022311,SAVANETA HEALTH & BEAUTY SPA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,08-SEP-1997,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85022321,PROFESSIONAL MANAGEMENT CONCEPTS N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,09-SEP-1997,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85022484,EXOTIC TOUCH N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,17-OCT-1997,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85022550,ALIGOVE N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,10-NOV-1997,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85022660,DELIDORP PLUS N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,10-DEC-1997,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85022738,B.M. INTERNATIONAL WHOLESALE & RETAIL N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,08-JAN-1998,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85022747,CANTON OVERSEAS SNACK TAKE AWAY N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,12-JAN-1998,,03-MAY-2011,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85022752,RONAK N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,04-OCT-1995,,28-DEC-2006,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85022860,ASIA MOTOR N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,02-FEB-1998,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85022887,ARGENSA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,11-FEB-1998,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85022946,THE BUTTERFLY FARM ARUBA & CAFE N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,02-MAR-1998,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85022982,NATHY'S JEWELRY & REPAIR SHOP N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,10-MAR-1998,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85023192,AMISOKASH N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,06-MAY-1998,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85023219,CUHA LAUNDRY N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,13-MAY-1998,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85023255,MIKA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,20-MAY-1998,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85023359,EXCELSIOR CASINO N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,19-JUN-1998,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85023386,PRONTOMAR N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,18-JUN-1998,,24-SEP-2009,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85023422,EQUUS N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,26-JUN-1998,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85023462,SEMDOR N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,13-JUL-1998,,18-AUG-2015,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Liquidation date. 85023493,ISLAND ASIA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,22-JUL-1998,,29-MAY-2000,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85023522,TROPICAL BREEZE N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,24-JUL-1998,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85023535,SPORT SYSTEMS N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,30-JUL-1998,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85023571,INTERNATIONAL FOOTWEAR TRADING N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,06-AUG-1998,,24-SEP-2009,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85023625,TWO CONTINENTS TRADING N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,25-AUG-1998,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85023690,ADIJU N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,07-SEP-1998,,15-FEB-2006,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85023707,PHYSIOTHERAPY PRACTICE CARLOS MURILLO N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,16-SEP-1998,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85023793,SPA MANAGEMENT & HOLDING N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,07-OCT-1998,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85023821,JAI AMBE N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,09-OCT-1998,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85023857,KO-VA HORECA & REAL ESTATE N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,20-OCT-1998,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85023871,S.K. ELECTRONICS & APPLIANCES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,23-OCT-1998,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85023906,EAGLE AGENCY N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,05-NOV-1998,13-JAN-2005,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85023944,PACIFIC TRADING AND MANAGEMENT N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,11-NOV-1998,,28-DEC-2005,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85024021,CENTRO MEDICO FAMILIAR N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,02-DEC-1998,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85024034,BARGAH N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,04-DEC-1998,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85024035,HOTEL ASTORIA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,03-DEC-1998,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85024056,KRIPA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,10-DEC-1998,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85024118,ULTIMATE AUTOMOBILES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,23-DEC-1998,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85024308,STREET MART N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,10-FEB-1999,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85024327,BEAUTY-LOOK N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,18-FEB-1999,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85024543,THE MILLENNIUM RESOURCE GROUP (TMRG) N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,09-APR-1999,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85025225,CT-TECH N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,04-JUN-1999,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85025232,SPECIALTY F & B N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,07-JUN-1999,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85025312,NAVIGATOR MANAGEMENT GROUP N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,24-JUN-1999,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85025314,DESIGN & LINES REPRESENTATIVES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,22-JUN-1999,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85025315,THE LAZY LIZARD N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,22-JUN-1999,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85025433,HUNG PARADISE N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,22-JUL-1999,,21-JAN-2003,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85025448,MARIE SOUVENIRS N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,26-JUL-1999,,06-OCT-2004,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85025489,YIN CHENG ARUBA CO. N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,04-AUG-1999,19-MAY-2003,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85025496,JOLLYMAN TRADING N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,09-AUG-1999,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85025557,SUSHI-YA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,24-AUG-1999,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85025580,YINLU TRADING ARUBA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,30-AUG-1999,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85025670,CENTURY 21 N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,15-SEP-1999,01-JUN-2006,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85025743,DESIGN STUDIO ARTE SANO N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,08-OCT-1999,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85025971,THE BIG BLUE N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,08-DEC-1999,,06-JUL-2006,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85026034,NEW STAR N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,21-DEC-1999,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85026129,INDO CARIBBEAN ENTERPRISES (ARUBA) N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,18-JAN-2000,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85026269,BRIAN ENTERPRISES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,16-FEB-2000,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85026351,WYNDE REAL ESTATE GROUP N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,02-MAR-2000,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85026391,RETAIL ESTATE N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,20-MAR-2000,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85026405,CLASSIQUE DE L'ISLE N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,19-MAY-1989,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85026428,J.K. SIMOONS HOLDING N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,21-MAR-2000,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85026445,DURA HOME CENTER N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,27-MAR-2000,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85026545,VICA GROUP N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,11-APR-2000,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85026565,WARUNG MINI N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,18-APR-2000,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85026595,TROPICAL IMPRESSIONS N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,25-APR-2000,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85026642,RMS RETAIL MANAGEMENT SERVICES N.V .,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,08-MAY-2000,,24-SEP-2009,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85026643,FRIOMAX ARUBA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,09-MAY-2000,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85026674,MONNIS ENTERPRISES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,11-MAY-2000,,10-APR-2014,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Liquidation date. 85026699,ABC TRIANGLE N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,15-MAY-2000,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85026710,CAPRICORN ENTERPRISES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,17-MAY-2000,,12-JUN-2008,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85026755,UNION CARIBE HOLDING N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,25-MAY-2000,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85026756,OPTICA ODUBER & KAN N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,26-MAY-2000,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85026768,BACKST'H N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,31-MAY-2000,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85026792,FANTASTIC GARDENS ARUBA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,05-JUN-2000,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85026847,HEE FA TRADING N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,15-JUN-2000,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85026934,ARASHI DELI & GIFT SHOP N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,11-JUL-2000,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85027022,THE ABSOLUTE REAL ESTATE N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,10-JUN-1993,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85027029,MARNA DISTRIBUTION N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,07-AUG-2000,,21-MAY-2007,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85027039,AVIRAJ N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,07-AUG-2000,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85027042,ROMITE N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,08-AUG-2000,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85027082,TEXAS FURNITURE STORE N.V. (I.L.),LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,17-AUG-2000,,16-APR-2010,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Liquidation date. 85027106,OKAY CENTER N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,20-JAN-1976,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85027370,VAN ROOIJEN OPTIEK N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,16-OCT-2000,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85027514,M.C. DUSHI BAGELS N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,22-NOV-2000,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85027575,24-STORE N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,12-DEC-2000,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85027576,CYNEL N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,11-DEC-2000,01-APR-2009,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85027603,SATTA AMASA GANA INC. N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,11-DEC-2000,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85027623,LIFE CHANGING FORMULAS N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,22-DEC-2000,,18-OCT-2006,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85027703,ROYAL DEN GROUP N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,16-JAN-2001,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85027760,VALU FOOD & DISTRIBUTORS N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,23-JAN-2001,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85027762,MONSERAT FOOD & BEVERAGE N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,19-JAN-2001,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85027781,ARUBA BLUE PARROT FISH N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,01-FEB-2001,,28-OCT-2008,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85027811,VENUS ENTERTAINMENT CLUB N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,02-FEB-2001,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85027882,TRI-BIKE & FYSIO N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,21-FEB-2001,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85027918,RENAISSANCE N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,27-FEB-2001,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85027922,AUTOFINISHING TECHNIQUE N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,01-MAR-2001,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85027986,MELODY KINDERDAGVERBLIJF EN VERVOERDIENSTEN N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,19-MAR-2001,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85028053,ICR TECH ARUBA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,30-MAR-2001,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85028061,KUSHI (ARUBA) N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,23-DEC-1987,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85028139,D.D. BRAKES & AUTOPARTS N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,23-APR-2001,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85028172,SELECT INTERNATIONAL FOODS N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,04-MAY-2001,,21-AUG-2009,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85028349,THE JUGGLING FISH N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,12-JUN-2001,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85028461,RACHIEM & KEVIN BROTHERS N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,03-JUL-2001,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85028576,GRANDMAMA'S FASHION & INVESTMENT N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,31-JUL-2001,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85028737,HUCHADA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,14-SEP-2001,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85028744,HARY BARE,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,17-SEP-2001,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85028806,HAO LING MINIMARKET N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,01-OCT-2001,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85028822,GREEN PASTURES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,05-OCT-2001,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85028918,K & G INTERNATIONAL N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,31-OCT-2001,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85028925,HEAVENLY SCENT N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,31-OCT-2001,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85029024,CABA SPA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,26-NOV-2001,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85029070,INDEPENDENT TIMESHARE RESALE REALTY N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,06-DEC-2001,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85029083,PARS ENTERPRISES ARUBA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,13-DEC-2001,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85029089,CABYA & CO. N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,14-DEC-2001,,09-MAY-2011,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85029113,UNITED TAX FREE SHOPPES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,21-DEC-2001,,30-NOV-2016,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Liquidation date. 85029198,BIRD CAGE PRODUCTIONS N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,22-JAN-2002,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85029210,INTER TOTAL SERVICES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,24-JAN-2002,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85029227,EXIMSOL ARUBA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,24-JAN-2002,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85029346,AL'S F. & B. N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,11-JAN-2002,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85029392,UNION CARIBE N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,01-MAR-2002,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85029395,WHEELS 4 U N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,04-MAR-2002,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85029528,FASHION CENTER THE SAINT N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,12-NOV-1976,,16-AUG-2010,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85029616,DO,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,19-APR-2002,,24-MAR-2005,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85029617,PECAS FOOD CONCEPTS N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,19-APR-2002,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85029665,N.G. ARUBA EMBROIDERY PRINTING & ENTERPRISES SERVICES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,06-MAY-2002,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85029682,DUSHI'S ICE CREAM & DELI N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,07-MAY-2002,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85029706,MEDIAMAX ARUBA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,14-MAY-2002,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85029731,KA WING HOME CENTER N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,17-MAY-2002,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85029773,AZZURRO N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,24-MAY-2002,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85029803,SHABBY SHIC INTERIOR AND DESIGN N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,31-MAY-2002,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85029804,TOP PICKS SOUVENIRS AND NOVELTIES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,31-MAY-2002,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85029888,REPRESENTACIONES VENARUBA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,18-JUN-2002,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85029893,CLAUDINE BEAUTY CLINIC N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,21-DEC-1995,,12-SEP-2008,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85030011,RANCHO NOTORIOUS ENTERPRISES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,15-JUL-2002,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85030078,BIP RESTAURANTS & NIGHTLIFE N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,30-JUL-2002,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85030086,LONG HING GROCERY & RESTAURANT N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,31-JUL-2002,,20-JAN-2011,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85030098,COMFORT HEALTHCARE N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,02-AUG-2002,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85030107,XENNA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,08-AUG-2002,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85030137,ALL AMERICAN BURGERS CORPORATION N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,20-AUG-2002,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85030317,BUYWAY DYNAMIC APPARELS N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,30-SEP-2002,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85030375,TJ IMPORT & EXPORT N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,15-OCT-2002,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85030398,GLOBAL ACCESS CORPORATION N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,18-OCT-2002,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85030473,LAGO HEIGHT FOOD CENTER N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,08-NOV-2002,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85030474,MARIETJE SOUVENIR & PRINT SHOP N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,11-NOV-2002,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85030535,BEST PIZZA ARUBA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,02-DEC-2002,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85030538,CARIBBEAN SUN GROUP (ARUBA) N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,02-DEC-2002,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85030581,MARRON N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,16-DEC-2002,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85030597,HENRIQUEZ AUTOMOTIVE & CONSULTANCY N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,17-DEC-2002,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85030652,ROTONDE FAST FOOD SERVICES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,30-DEC-2002,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85030744,SERVICIO DI TELECOMUNICACION DI ARUBA (SETAR) N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,24-JAN-2003,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85030747,H.S. COMPANY N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,23-JAN-2003,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85030860,DIRECT ARMORED SERVICES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,19-FEB-2003,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85030948,AMERICAN APPAREL ARUBA CORP. N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,12-MAR-2003,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85030979,SHIVON N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,11-FEB-1993,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85031125,VANSH JEWELRY & FASHION N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,16-APR-2003,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85031198,VARGAS & VARGAS N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,16-MAY-2003,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85031270,AMERICAN CORPORATION N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,04-JUN-2003,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85031370,T.H. PALM & COMPANY N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,24-JUN-2003,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85031402,SHANTAE AMYA CONSTRUCTORS N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,03-JUL-2003,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85031478,LUCIELLA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,23-JUL-2003,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85031518,TANGO TOURS N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,31-JUL-2003,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85031545,NG SUPERMARKET N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,06-AUG-2003,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85031584,DOLEGO N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,14-AUG-2003,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85031604,MIJAD INTERNATIONAL N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,21-AUG-2003,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85031621,S.G.S. PRINTING DEPARTMENT N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,27-AUG-2003,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85031694,PIZZA CURA CABAI N.V. (I.L.),LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,10-SEP-2003,,19-DEC-2014,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Liquidation date. 85031710,WAN TU CENTER N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,12-SEP-2003,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85031738,SHRI GANESH N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,23-SEP-2003,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85031801,JAY MATA DI N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,03-OCT-2003,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85031956,NOTARISKANTOOR MR R.E. YARZAGARAY N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,11-NOV-2003,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85031996,LIMSA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,20-NOV-2003,,18-NOV-2010,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85032028,IMPEX N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,24-NOV-2003,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85032056,GIONAT ENTERTAINMENT N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,04-DEC-2003,,16-JUN-2009,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85032104,DIJKHOFF CLEANING & SERVICES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,16-DEC-2003,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85032108,INSTRUCT EDUCATION CENTER (IEC) N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,15-DEC-2003,,07-DEC-2010,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85032121,AXROSS BUILDING N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,22-DEC-2003,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85032302,SARVOTTAMA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,03-FEB-2004,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85032311,MOVICES INTERNATIONAL N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,05-FEB-2004,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85032373,KUBERA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,19-FEB-2004,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85032506,REI HING N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,16-MAR-2004,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85032519,URBAN ARUBA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,22-MAR-2004,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85032532,SAVITRI N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,26-MAR-2004,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85032534,NAYRA ENTERPRISES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,26-MAR-2004,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85032662,UNITED HOME DECORATION N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,15-APR-2004,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85032663,PEWELUC N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,15-APR-2004,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85032828,PERFORMANCE AUTOMOTIVE DISTRIBUTORS N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,19-MAY-2004,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85032971,CONCEPTO M N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,18-JUN-2004,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85033115,AC XTREME MACHINES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,08-JUL-2004,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85033215,STEFFY BOUTIQUE & BEAUTY SALON N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,06-AUG-2004,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85033241,DOUBLE HAPPY BAR & RESTAURANT N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,12-AUG-2004,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85033286,REAL IMAGE ARUBA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,18-AUG-2004,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85033342,WAI FAT SUPERMARKET N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,31-AUG-2004,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85033365,LIVING TODAY ARUBA CONSULTANCY & DEVELOPMENT N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,06-SEP-2004,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85033370,LIN HAN CENTER N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,02-SEP-2004,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85033381,CROESCORP RETAIL & CONSULTANCY N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,13-SEP-2004,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85033491,MOOLCHAND & BROTHERS INTERNATIONAL WHOLESALE & RETAIL N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,28-SEP-2004,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85033602,ESTRELLA AMERICA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,26-OCT-2004,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85033607,MODATEX N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,27-OCT-2004,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85033608,HUA YI N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,19-OCT-2004,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85033671,SUN ADVENTURES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,05-NOV-2004,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85033696,PAYLESS GIFT & SOUVENIRS N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,10-NOV-2004,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85033706,LILLY FANG & SON N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,12-NOV-2004,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85033826,IJSKOUD CARIBBEAN N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,13-DEC-2004,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85033842,FOX TRADING N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,29-MAR-1976,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85033858,M&R FOOD SERVICES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,16-DEC-2004,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85033870,GALOX N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,29-DEC-2004,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85033871,NIRMAL N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,21-DEC-2004,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85033948,BOZA ENTERPRISES & CONSTRUCTION N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,13-JAN-2005,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85033981,SUA TRADING N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,19-JAN-2005,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85034074,STABIA ARUBA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,14-FEB-2005,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85034092,PROGRESS ADVIES- EN IMPLEMENTATIEBUREAU N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,21-FEB-2005,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85034152,FUNG SHUN N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,04-MAR-2005,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85034257,KIBAIMA PETSHOP N.V. (I.L.),LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,01-APR-2005,,07-JUN-2014,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Liquidation date. 85034262,KIRAN ENTERPRISES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,30-MAR-2005,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85034288,ALMA CARGO SERVICES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,07-APR-2005,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85034349,RUDOLFO M. ARENDS RENTAL & TOURS N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,20-APR-2005,,24-OCT-2006,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85034373,PLAZA BUSHIRI N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,20-AUG-1984,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85034404,IMOD N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,28-APR-2005,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85034433,B.B. BAMBU BABIJN N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,22-APR-2005,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85034517,HADAYA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,25-MAY-2005,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85034538,VIANA NATURAL HEALING CENTER N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,30-MAY-2005,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85034622,OSS QUALITY COMPANY N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,15-JUN-2005,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85034671,ANDINA PRODUCTS N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,24-JUN-2005,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85034727,ARCOS DORADOS ARUBA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,06-JUL-2005,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85034753,BLACK & WHITE BAR N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,12-JUL-2005,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85034817,DE NOVO CORPORATION N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,25-JUL-2005,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85034836,ELGRID CONSTRUCTION & REAL ESTATE N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,28-JUL-2005,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85034876,SPORT SYSTEMS GROUP N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,05-AUG-2005,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85034886,ANTILLIAN SOUVENIR N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,10-AUG-2005,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85034896,SHIVANI'S WORLD N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,12-AUG-2005,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85034922,DREAM TEASER CORPORATION N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,16-AUG-2005,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85034942,POST ARUBA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,24-AUG-2005,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85035036,FRUITEX TRADING N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,06-JAN-2000,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85035041,C.I. EULATAM N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,13-SEP-2005,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85035061,"VAN DEN BROEK CONSTRUCTION, LABOR & CLEANING N.V.",LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,14-SEP-2005,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85035146,TERRA SPORT N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,04-OCT-2005,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85035204,LIT KIN ENTERPRISES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,17-OCT-2005,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85035220,TRUEBLUE ARUBA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,20-OCT-2005,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85035243,PATRICE RETAIL CONCEPTS N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,24-OCT-2005,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85035259,C.F. LOS MULIS N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,27-OCT-2005,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85035353,BLUMOND SUPERMARKET N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,23-NOV-2005,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85035403,HARRY'S PLAZA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,21-JUL-2003,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85035451,HUAN ZHAN TRADING N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,27-DEC-2005,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85035492,ROBYAM ENTERPRISES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,06-NOV-2003,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85035537,RMA REAL ESTATE & HOLDING N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,17-JAN-2006,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85035732,PERMIT CARE ARUBA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,02-MAR-2006,,11-SEP-2009,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85035790,ENA ENTERPRISES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,14-MAR-2006,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85035791,IDI DEVELOPMENTS N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,14-MAR-2006,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85035831,B.P. BENLO ARUBA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,11-SEP-2002,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85035888,ODUBER TROPICAL FOODS N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,30-MAR-2006,,23-NOV-2010,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85036040,THREE STARS ELECTRONICS N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,12-MAY-2006,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85036044,TOBAR & MENDOZA ENTERPRISES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,12-MAY-2006,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85036094,TRIPLE B ENTERPRISES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,23-MAY-2006,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85036145,JUPARESA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,09-JUN-2006,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85036206,WEBMAR N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,23-JUN-2006,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85036231,INTERNATIONAL SECURITY ARUBA (ISA) N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,30-JUN-2006,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85036331,SAPPHIRE BEAUTY SALON N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,24-JUL-2006,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85036421,SUBLICIOUS N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,11-AUG-2006,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85036434,ANTILLES NUTRITION & ENTERPRISES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,14-AUG-2006,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85036455,VENICE ENTERPRISES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,16-AUG-2006,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85036535,BUILDERS SYSTEM N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,05-SEP-2006,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85036622,OM SAI RAM TRADING N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,26-SEP-2006,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85036665,IMPERIO REAL ESTATE N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,03-OCT-2006,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85036757,EXECUTIVE SOLUTIONS N.V,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,30-OCT-2006,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85036791,IMP COLLABORATIVE N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,03-NOV-2006,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85036858,SOHAIRA'S UNISEX BEAUTY PARLOR N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,16-AUG-1994,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85036859,GIEZEN DE MEY INVESTMENTS N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,20-NOV-2006,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85036884,RAJAKA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,05-JUL-2002,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85036923,ZEMING TRADING N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,06-DEC-2006,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85036963,CHEUNG GONG GROCERY RESTAURANT N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,14-DEC-2006,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85036972,OFFICE SYSTEMS ARUBA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,21-DEC-2006,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85037039,WAHOO RESTAURANTS N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,10-JAN-2007,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85037091,NICHE XPRESS N.V,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,23-JAN-2007,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85037148,DOUBLE HAPPY SUPERCENTER N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,15-MAR-2006,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85037196,TONCA BAR RESTAURANT & MINIMARKET N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,16-FEB-2007,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85037285,LA LANGOSTA BALNEARIE N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,14-MAR-2007,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85037305,24/7 ROAD & TRANSPORT SERVICES N.V,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,20-MAR-2007,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85037409,ARCHANA ENTERPRISES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,17-APR-2007,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85037519,S.M. OUR CONSTRUCTION N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,22-MAY-2007,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85037579,COMPRA Y VENTA EL TRIUNFO N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,27-MAR-2007,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85037910,JV COFFEE ARUBA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,03-SEP-2007,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85038115,SIM SISTERS ENTERPRISES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,19-OCT-2007,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85038164,ETENYA ENTERTAINMENT & RESTAURANT N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,29-OCT-2007,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85038195,AI MEE TAI ENTERPRISES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,07-NOV-2007,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85038262,ARUBA EL SHABOO N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,22-NOV-2007,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85038291,ISSE ENTERPRISES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,30-NOV-2007,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85038320,POLYRAMA AUTO PARTS & SERVICES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,07-DEC-2007,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85038355,VARU-AIR (ARUBA) N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,18-DEC-2007,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85038356,"WENG KEE BAR, RESTAURANT & FOOD MART N.V.",LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,18-DEC-2007,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85038383,PONSON'S GENERAL STORE N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,24-DEC-2007,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85038495,SNAM PROJECTS N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,18-JAN-2008,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85038615,DONTOM HORECA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,14-FEB-2008,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85038617,HAROCAR HORECA INVESTMENTS N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,15-FEB-2008,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85038628,OLYMPIC CATERERS NV (I.L.),LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,09-FEB-1996,,17-JUL-2015,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Liquidation date. 85038654,CLASSIC SUPERMARKET N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,26-FEB-2008,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85038658,PALM BEACH DREAM BOWL N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,25-FEB-2008,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85038671,SWAMIRAMA INTERNATIONAL N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,27-FEB-2008,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85038687,KINGDO BAR-RESTAURANT & FOOD MART N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,04-MAR-2008,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85038714,RADHA SOAMI N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,07-MAR-2008,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85038821,NAGICO ARUBA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,02-APR-2008,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85038884,PMEC PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND ENGINEERING CONSULTANCY N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,27-JUL-2000,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85038975,POSTMA TAX & LEGAL N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,19-MAY-2008,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85038980,ROXMAR N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,16-MAY-2008,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85039007,CASTA,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,26-MAY-2008,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85039008,RUBPER SERVICES & MORE N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,26-MAY-2008,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85039151,ARUBA ART & MANAGEMENT CONSULTANCY (A.A.M.C.) N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,01-JUL-2008,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85039204,ALL AROUND BOUNTY ADVENTURES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,08-APR-2003,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85039224,'T JUWELENHUISJE N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,15-JUL-2008,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85039345,BON FUNDESHI GROUP N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,20-AUG-2008,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85039401,MERIDIANUS BEACH COFFEA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,29-AUG-2008,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85039465,UNITED COMMERCIAL CITY N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,17-MAY-1991,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85039476,TWENTY GERAH CORPORATION N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,16-SEP-2008,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85039538,EL BORY BARBERSHOP N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,01-OCT-2008,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85039729,"DEVIDI RESTAURANT, CATERING & CAFE N.V.",LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,25-NOV-2008,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85039735,CROSS MEDIA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,26-NOV-2008,,20-SEP-2011,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Cancelled date. 85039811,ROOS SEA SERVICES & ENTERPRISES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,03-DEC-2008,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85039827,KOK OPTICA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,23-DEC-2008,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85039862,MARIN & SONS N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,13-OCT-2004,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85039891,COMPRA Y VENTA EL REY N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,14-JAN-2009,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85039929,COSBA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,26-JAN-2009,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85039959,DYNTEC SERVICES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,04-FEB-2009,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85039971,SAVE MORE SUPERMARKET N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,06-FEB-2009,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85040041,ERMOLO ENTERPRISES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,26-FEB-2009,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85040060,DREAM VACATION ARUBA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,17-APR-1989,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85040067,OVERLAND INTERIORS & EXTERIORS N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,12-FEB-2009,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85040137,INSELAIR ARUBA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,30-MAR-2009,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85040156,K. JIANDANI ENTERPRISES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,03-APR-2009,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85040222,PRO CARE SERVICES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,22-APR-2009,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85040306,SAYAN CARIBBEAN TRADING N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,20-MAY-2009,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85040318,FLAVORS CATERING N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,20-MAY-2009,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85040379,VINAYAK ENTERPRISES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,05-JUN-2009,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85040450,RED STRIPE ENTERPRISES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,23-JUN-2009,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85040504,LA BODEGA DEL NENE N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,01-JUL-2009,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85040534,TIME ELECTRICAL & CONSTRUCTION COMPANY (T.E.C. ELECTRICAL SERVICES) N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,09-JUL-2009,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85040558,ATHLEISURE BRANDS N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,16-JUL-2009,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85040565,GIAZA ENTERPRISES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,17-JUL-2009,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85040598,CORNUCOPIA CORPORATION N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,29-JUL-2009,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85040673,SHOES & ARTICLES GI 33 ARUBA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,19-AUG-2009,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85040700,HOUSE OF CAKES BAR & RESTAURANT (ARUBA) N.V,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,02-SEP-2009,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85040706,DRIFTWOOD REAL ESTATE N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,04-SEP-2009,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85040711,UEBERFLUSS CORPORATION N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,01-SEP-2009,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85040842,PARVATI N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,15-OCT-2009,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85040911,TAT FAT HOMEDEPOT & HARDWARE N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,02-NOV-2009,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85041038,BRICE,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,18-DEC-2009,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85041096,MICHELE BIJOUTERIE & BOUTIQUE N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,13-JAN-2010,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85041103,JUST 4 PETS N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,13-JAN-2010,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85041125,POST ARUBA FINANCIAL SERVICES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,19-JAN-2010,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85041178,SJ TRADERS INTERNATIONAL N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,03-FEB-2010,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85041236,FUNERARIA AURORA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,22-FEB-2010,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85041302,NEBARUBA ENTERPRISES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,02-MAR-2010,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85041370,SHERWIN-WILLIAMS ARUBA VBA,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,30-MAR-2010,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85041392,LAURA'S ENTERPRISES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,08-APR-2010,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85041498,"YOUTH CONTRACTOR, MANPOWER & CLEANING SERVICES N.V.",LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,04-MAY-2010,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85041541,SFG SPORT FASHION GROUP N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,12-MAY-2010,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85041644,CHICA CAFE N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,01-JUN-2010,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85041822,GP-GALPA MULTI SERVICES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,10-AUG-2010,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85041852,BAS-D MAINTENANCE & MORE N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,02-AUG-2010,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85041860,STARSTRUCK JEWELRY N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,17-AUG-2010,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85041895,NFP CORPORATION N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,30-AUG-2010,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85042071,MIND OVER MATTER SERVICES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,19-OCT-2010,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85042107,MELAO DE CANA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,03-NOV-2010,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85042141,SOLID ENERGY SERVICES II N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,09-NOV-2010,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85042142,IL GUSTO ARUBA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,05-NOV-2010,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85042204,FOUR HEAVENLY KINGS FOODCENTER N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,01-DEC-2010,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85042211,BKE BUSHIRI KARTING & ENTERPRISE N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,01-DEC-2010,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85042397,CRG CARIBBEAN RETAIL GROUP N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,31-JAN-2011,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85042452,LATHAM ENTERPRISES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,14-FEB-2011,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85042457,PL & AP ENTERPRISES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,14-FEB-2011,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85042465,WAH FA HORECA & FOODMART N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,15-FEB-2011,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85042479,FA YANG FOODCENTER N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,17-FEB-2011,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85042512,NASTY MONKEY'S ENTERTAINMENT N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,02-MAR-2011,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85042585,MARICAR LOGISTICS N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,04-MAR-2011,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85042670,TROYA ENTERPRISE COMPANY N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,13-APR-2011,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85042726,EXCELLENTIA GIFTS N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,03-MAY-2011,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85042802,XIN YU HORECA & FOODMART N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,30-MAY-2011,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85042882,ALL HATTER N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,21-JUN-2011,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85042899,PECHE ENTERPRISES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,07-JUL-2008,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85042923,AASHIRWAD ENTERPRISES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,07-JUL-2011,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85042965,MARJUCA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,21-JUL-2011,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85042980,NEREA SERVICES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,22-JUL-2011,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85043219,WELLCRO ARUBA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,04-OCT-2011,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85043313,BOSS ENTERPRISES VBA,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,28-OCT-2011,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85043352,ARTE SOLO ENTERPRISES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,14-NOV-2011,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85043505,DUVIT STORES VBA,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,23-DEC-2011,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85043512,OPTICA SUN SPECS N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,04-JAN-2012,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85043549,BERNARDUS HORECA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,06-JAN-2012,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85043715,BASHAKA SERVICES & ENTERPRISES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,08-MAR-2012,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85043754,AKI HORECA (ARUBA) VBA,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,20-MAR-2012,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85043780,PROSAPIA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,23-MAR-2012,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85043816,S&F CONSTRUCTION DEVELOPMENT & ENTERPRISES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,29-MAR-2012,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85043834,FINAL TOUCH BARBER SHOP & ENTERPRISES VBA,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,17-APR-2012,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85043839,TIERRAS COLOMBIANAS N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,19-APR-2012,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85043889,CARIBBEAN WHITE POINT N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,03-MAY-2012,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85043919,V&E LEJUEZ BEAUTY ENTERPRISES VBA,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,15-MAY-2012,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85043975,ELISA LEJUEZ ART & FASHION N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,30-MAY-2012,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85043979,KEMALI TIMES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,04-JUN-2012,,29-DEC-2016,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016,Closed date stands for Liquidation date. 85044006,TAI LIE WAH SUPERMARKET N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,07-JUN-2012,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85044118,O&I ENTERPRISES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,06-JUL-2012,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85044120,INTERNATIONAL CONSTRUCTION AND RECYCLING COMPANY (ICRC) N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,06-JUL-2012,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85044135,U BLOCK ENTERPRISES VBA,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,05-JUL-2012,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85044206,AG-47 THE SILVER SHOP N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,26-JUL-2012,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85044242,CEN & CEN ENTERPRISES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,06-AUG-2012,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85044276,SWEETLICIOUS ICE CREAM PARLOR & MORE VBA,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,14-AUG-2012,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85044325,WENTU ENTERPRISES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,28-AUG-2012,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85044352,GENERAL MAXI CONTRACTOR N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,04-SEP-2012,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85044389,CRYSTAL BEACH ENTERPRISES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,19-SEP-2012,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85044432,KALIN VBA,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,28-SEP-2012,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85044452,NA CARIBBEAN ENTERPRISES VBA,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,05-OCT-2012,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85044462,"ARENDS, LOPEZ & SPROK ENTERPRISES VBA",LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,08-OCT-2012,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85044497,HAMLYN CARIBBEAN SERVICES VBA,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,15-OCT-2012,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85044501,KESHET ALLIANCE N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,15-OCT-2012,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85044620,TEMPO PROJECT & CONTRACTING N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,09-NOV-2012,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85044678,"R.J.Q. DEVELOPMENT, CLEANING, MANPOWER & MORE N.V.",LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,16-NOV-2012,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85044682,ANTAM ENTERPRISES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,18-MAY-1983,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85044740,ANIMAL HEALTH VETERINARY HOSPITAL VBA,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,12-DEC-2012,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85044848,G.V. FASHION & REAL ESTATE VBA,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,14-JAN-2013,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85044872,ARUVEN AUTOCARE & MORE N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,09-JAN-2013,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85044897,HIGH FORCE GUARD & ENTERPRISES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,23-JAN-2013,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85044908,A+ GARAGE & UPHOLSTERY ENTERPRISES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,30-JAN-2013,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85045036,SKY FONDA ENTERPRISES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,01-MAR-2013,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85045251,V&V ALLIANCE N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,25-APR-2013,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85045272,DIA PRIVATE LIMITED N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,06-MAY-2013,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85045292,FIRULAI ENTERPRISES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,13-MAY-2013,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85045320,GOLDEN LOTUS MARKET N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,21-MAY-2013,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85045327,DROP & WASH LAUNDRY VBA,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,22-MAY-2013,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85045406,"RODRIGUEZ DEVELOPMENT, MANPOWER & CLEANING SERVICES N.V.",LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,07-JUN-2013,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85045407,CANDO ENTERPRISES VBA,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,05-JUN-2013,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85045458,MMT GLOBAL CARGO SERVICES & ENTERPRISES VBA,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,18-JUN-2013,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85045513,LUMIERE RESIDENCES & PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT VBA,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,26-JUN-2013,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85045557,"CORTEZ CONSTRUCTION, CLEANING & MANPOWER SERVICES VBA",LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,11-JUL-2013,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85045565,JIN FENG ENTERPRISES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,11-JUL-2013,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85045683,"B & M SAND, HEAVY EQUIPMENT & MORE N.V.",LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,12-AUG-2013,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85045729,DREAM CHOICE ENTERPRISES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,21-AUG-2013,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85045766,DJANGO TRADING N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,30-AUG-2013,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85045903,CARENTRA CARIBBEAN ENERGY TRADERS VBA,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,07-OCT-2013,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85045948,ETABELLA CORPORATION VBA,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,16-OCT-2013,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85046006,FAYA LOBI FOOD BEVERAGE & TRAVEL V.B.A.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,17-OCT-2013,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85046148,QI-DIAN ENTERPRISES VBA,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,03-DEC-2013,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85046214,RMA SERVICE STATION AND RETAIL STORE N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,23-DEC-2013,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85046289,EYE D TRANSPORT & MORE VBA,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,15-JAN-2014,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85046313,4 D GALLERY VBA,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,27-JAN-2014,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85046450,808 PRO ENTERPRISES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,28-FEB-2014,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85046490,PICK REAL ESTATE MANAGEMENT & SERVICES VBA,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,12-MAR-2014,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85046602,BEST TREASURE ENTERPRISES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,10-APR-2014,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85046639,VAN OMMEREN CORPORATION N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,22-APR-2014,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85046676,PP PINK PETIT LOCAL CONTRACTOR VBA,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,06-MAY-2014,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85046701,TEIRAMARHANDEL & SERVICES VBA,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,09-MAY-2014,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85046715,BALALA TRANSPORT & SERVICES VBA,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,14-MAY-2014,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85046719,GEKKOTA CELLARS VBA,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,05-MAY-2014,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85046756,LUCKY HLP CORPORATION NV,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,02-JUN-2014,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85046780,PIMIENTA CORPORATION VBA,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,21-MAY-2014,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85046862,A.MAYA'S BON FRIO VBA,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,24-JUN-2014,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85046887,FULL HOUSE RESTAURANT AND DEVELOPMENT VBA,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,02-JUL-2014,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85046890,LCA COMPANY VBA,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,01-JUL-2014,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85047012,V.C. TAIRONA ENTERPRISES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,25-JUL-2014,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85047026,RIVA REAL ESTATE & CONSTRUCTION N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,08-AUG-2014,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85047049,FRUMOSA 23 INTERNATIONAL N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,12-AUG-2014,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85047227,"RPS CONSTRUCTION, CLEANING & SERVICES VBA",LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,26-SEP-2014,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85047243,N.NOGUERA ENTERPRISE N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,26-SEP-2014,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85047335,MYSTICAL OCEAN LIFE VENTURES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,21-OCT-2014,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85047368,ECAN ECO ANTILLES VBA,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,29-OCT-2014,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85047410,PIALE ENTERPRISES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,12-NOV-2014,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85047427,DACON N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,14-NOV-2014,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85047433,OCTA ENTERPRISES VBA,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,14-NOV-2014,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85047440,TUCASITA ARUBA ENTERPRISES VBA,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,18-NOV-2014,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85047456,MABMEA CORPORATION N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,21-NOV-2014,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85047527,MTX ARUBA LEISURE N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,11-DEC-2014,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85047566,PAMARIAN TRADING VBA,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,23-DEC-2014,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85047648,ACQUAVERA PRODUCTION & SERVICES COMPANY VBA,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,23-JAN-2015,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85047682,ADT ARUBAN DREAM TOURS CORPORATION N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,22-DEC-2014,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85047700,TWC COFFEE SPOT VBA,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,03-FEB-2015,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85047789,KUSTOVSKYY ENTERPRISES VBA,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,02-MAR-2015,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85047809,YOUR GREAT CLEANING SERVICES VBA,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,06-MAR-2015,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85047819,VALLEJO GENERAL CONTRACTOR & MORE VBA,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,12-SEP-2014,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85047898,RED BLACK FOOD SERVICES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,27-MAR-2015,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85047919,ANOERADHA ENTERPRISES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,02-APR-2015,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85047997,WWC RESTAURANT VBA,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,23-APR-2015,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85048060,LINDEPALM ENTERPRISE VBA,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,31-MAR-2015,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85048109,COMMIT SECURITY SERVICES ARUBA VBA,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,21-MAY-2015,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85048128,PRO KITE SCHOOL ARUBA N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,26-MAY-2015,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85048243,MADE & ROY ASSORTMENTS V.B.A.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,11-JUN-2015,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85048359,MOIRAI CORPORATION VBA,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,13-JUL-2015,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85048545,NICE COCONUT GROUP VBA,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,02-SEP-2015,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85048561,SJ DREISCHOR ENTERPRISES VBA,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,08-SEP-2015,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85048574,HAMUDI UPHOLSTERY N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,27-AUG-2015,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85048640,HUA DAN ENTERPRISES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,23-SEP-2015,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85048653,"OR- TECH A&O, AUTO PARTS AND FINANCE V.B.A.",LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,28-SEP-2015,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85048689,ELITE PURE GOURMET BAR & RESTAURANT VBA,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,30-SEP-2015,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85048839,CONPRO CONSTRUCTION PROFESSIONAL & REAL ESTATE N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,09-NOV-2015,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85048900,NATURAL BRIDGE EXPLOITATIE VBA,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,27-NOV-2015,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85048945,MB COHEN SERVICES VBA,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,07-DEC-2015,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85049302,COMERCIALIZADORA A. ZEA VBA,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,15-MAR-2016,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85049366,SUNLIGHT CORPORATION VBA,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,04-APR-2016,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85049428,HD GLOBAL CLASS QUALITY SERVICES & PRODUCTS VBA,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,19-APR-2016,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85049584,MITZUYAN ENTERPRISES N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,02-JUN-2016,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85049607,CORPORATION ARUTRIP SERVICES VBA,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,02-JUN-2016,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85049755,RAW REAL ESTATE & CONSTRUCTION VBA,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,12-JUL-2016,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85049789,AURA QUARTZ CORPORATION VBA,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,21-JUL-2016,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85049790,CIDIN CORPORATION VBA,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,19-JUL-2016,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85049801,HYDE BAR N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,25-JUL-2016,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85049875,INFORMATION 4 SAFETY SECURITY TECHNOLOGY(I4SST) & MORE VBA,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,15-AUG-2016,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85049985,GAFRI CORPORATION VBA,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,09-SEP-2016,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 85050056,LSP HOUSE OF BRANDS MANAGEMENT & RETAIL N.V.,LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,22-SEP-2016,,,AW,Aruba,,,Paradise Papers - Aruba corporate registry,Aruba corporate registry data is current through 2016, 240558001,Joshari Investments Limited,,,,,VGB,British Virgin Islands,,,Pandora Papers - Trident Trust,Provider data is current through 2017, 240558002,Datya Financial Corp,,,,,VGB,British Virgin Islands,,,Pandora Papers - Trident Trust,Provider data is current through 2017, 240558003,Argenta Ltd,,,,,VGB,British Virgin Islands,,,Pandora Papers - Trident Trust,Provider data is current through 2017, 240558004,Eisler Holdings Limited,,,,,VGB,British Virgin Islands,,,Pandora Papers - Trident Trust,Provider data is current through 2016, 240558005,Multinvest Development Inc,,,,,VGB,British Virgin Islands,,,"Pandora Papers - Alemán, Cordero, Galindo & Lee (Alcogal)",Provider data is current through 2008, 240558006,MCFT Limited,,,,,VGB,British Virgin Islands,,,Pandora Papers - Trident Trust,Provider data is current through 2017, 240558007,O.B.A. Holdings Group Inc,,,,,VGB,British Virgin Islands,,,Pandora Papers - Trident Trust,Provider data is current through 2016, 240558008,Flipflop International Limited,,,,,VGB,British Virgin Islands,,,Pandora Papers - Trident Trust,Provider data is current through 2013, 240558009,Shampaign Investments Limited,,,,,VGB,British Virgin Islands,,,Pandora Papers - Trident Trust,Provider data is current through 2019, 240558010,Pacific Pier Inc,,,,,VGB,British Virgin Islands,,,Pandora Papers - Trident Trust,Provider data is current through 2017, 240558011,Paint Inc,,,,,VGB,British Virgin Islands,,,Pandora Papers - Trident Trust,Provider data is current through 2016, 240558012,lA Darwin Ltd,,,,,VGB,British Virgin Islands,,,Pandora Papers - Trident Trust,Provider data is current through 2017, 240558013,lP Saturn Ltd,,,,,VGB,British Virgin Islands,,,Pandora Papers - Trident Trust,Provider data is current through 2017, 240558014,Inplus Group Ltd,,,,,VGB,British Virgin Islands,,,Pandora Papers - Trident Trust,Provider data is current through 2017, 240558015,Cassandra Holdings International Corp,,,,,VGB,British Virgin Islands,,,Pandora Papers - Trident Trust,Provider data is current through 2016, 240558016,Medieval Chemist Ltd,,,,,VGB,British Virgin Islands,,,Pandora Papers - Trident Trust,Provider data is current through 2017, 240558017,Black Oak Ltd,,,,,VGB,British Virgin Islands,,,Pandora Papers - Trident Trust,Provider data is current through 2017, 240558018,Lonigo Holdings Ltd,,,,,VGB,British Virgin Islands,,,Pandora Papers - Trident Trust,Provider data is current through 2017, 240558019,Morgan Emerson Grand Ltd,,,,,VGB,British Virgin Islands,,,Pandora Papers - Trident Trust,Provider data is current through 2017, 240558020,Bretten Holdings Inc,,,,,PAN,Panama,,,"Pandora Papers - Alemán, Cordero, Galindo & Lee (Alcogal)",Provider data is current through 2018, 240558021,Greatful Services Corp,,,,,VGB,British Virgin Islands,,,Pandora Papers - Overseas Management Company (OMC),Provider data is current through 2017, 240558022,Kayché Limited,,,,,VGB,British Virgin Islands,,,Pandora Papers - Trident Trust,Provider data is current through 2017, 240558023,Mivec Limited,,,,,VGB,British Virgin Islands,,,Pandora Papers - Trident Trust,Provider data is current through 2017, 240558024,Kayché Limited,,,,,VGB,British Virgin Islands,,,Pandora Papers - Trident Trust,Provider data is current through 2017, 240558025,Mivec Limited,,,,,VGB,British Virgin Islands,,,Pandora Papers - Trident Trust,Provider data is current through 2017, 240558026,Pizano Limited,,,,,VGB,British Virgin Islands,,,Pandora Papers - Trident Trust,Provider data is current through 2017, 240558027,Geelux Holdings Ltd,,,,,VGB,British Virgin Islands,,,Pandora Papers - Trident Trust,Provider data is current through 2018, 240558028,Five Stars Family Ltd,,,,,VGB,British Virgin Islands,,,Pandora Papers - Trident Trust,Provider data is current through 2017, 240558029,Elverta Corporation,,,,,VGB,British Virgin Islands,,,Pandora Papers - Fidelity Corporate Services,Provider data is current through 2019, 240558030,"El Cuate Holdings, Inc",,,,,PAN,Panama,,,Pandora Papers - Overseas Management Company (OMC),Provider data is current through 2019, 240558031,Central Imports Ltd,,,,,BLZ,Belize,,,Pandora Papers - CILTrust International,Provider data is current through 2018, 240558032,Dreamwave Investments LLC,,,,,USA,South Dakota,,,Pandora Papers - Trident Trust,Provider data is current through 2017, 240558033,Amala Holdings Ltd,,,,,VGB,British Virgin Islands,,,Pandora Papers - Trident Trust,Provider data is current through 2017, 240558034,GGM 2016 Ltd,,,,,VGB,British Virgin Islands,,,Pandora Papers - Trident Trust,Provider data is current through 2016, 240558035,Green Meadows Enterprises Limited,,,,,VGB,British Virgin Islands,,,Pandora Papers - Trident Trust,Provider data is current through 2016, 240558036,Mara Group Limited,,,,,VGB,British Virgin Islands,,,Pandora Papers - Trident Trust,Provider data is current through 2017, 240558037,"Freshwater Investments, Inc",,,,,VGB,British Virgin Islands,,,Pandora Papers - Trident Trust,Provider data is current through 2019, 240558038,IC Continental Ltd,,,,,VGB,British Virgin Islands,,,Pandora Papers - Trident Trust,Provider data is current through 2017, 240558039,ON Technologies Inc,,,,,VGB,British Virgin Islands,,,Pandora Papers - Trident Trust,Provider data is current through 2016, 240558040,Fishtail Consultants Limited,,,,,VGB,British Virgin Islands,,,Pandora Papers - Trident Trust,Provider data is current through 2017, 240558041,Flipflop International Limited,,,,,VGB,British Virgin Islands,,,Pandora Papers - Trident Trust,Provider data is current through 2013, 240558042,Shampaign Investments Limited,,,,,VGB,British Virgin Islands,,,Pandora Papers - Trident Trust,Provider data is current through 2013, 240558043,Flipflop International Limited,,,,,VGB,British Virgin Islands,,,Pandora Papers - Trident Trust,Provider data is current through 2013, 240558044,Shampaign Investments Limited,,,,,VGB,British Virgin Islands,,,Pandora Papers - Trident Trust,Provider data is current through 2013, 240558045,Ventek (BVI) Ltd,,,,,VGB,British Virgin Islands,,,Pandora Papers - Trident Trust,Provider data is current through 2017, 240558046,Ensolix Limited,,,,,VGB,British Virgin Islands,,,Pandora Papers - Trident Trust,Provider data is current through 2017, 240558047,Crochetta Ltd,,,,,VGB,British Virgin Islands,,,Pandora Papers - Overseas Management Company (OMC),Provider data is current through 2019, 240558048,Belfort Investments Limited,,,,,VGB,British Virgin Islands,,,Pandora Papers - Trident Trust,Provider data is current through 2015, 240558049,Five Grandsons Inc,,,,,VGB,British Virgin Islands,,,Pandora Papers - Overseas Management Company (OMC),Provider data is current through 2017, 240558050,Beey Pacific Ltd,,,,,VGB,British Virgin Islands,,,Pandora Papers - Overseas Management Company (OMC),Provider data is current through 2017, 240558051,Joro Resources Ltd,,,,,BLZ,Belize,,,Pandora Papers - CILTrust International,Provider data is current through 2012, 240558052,Colonial Sea Ltd,,,,,VGB,British Virgin Islands,,,Pandora Papers - Overseas Management Company (OMC),Provider data is current through 2019, 240558053,Tango Universal Corp,,,,,VGB,British Virgin Islands,,,Pandora Papers - Overseas Management Company (OMC),Provider data is current through 2019, 240558054,Salto Corp,,,,,VGB,British Virgin Islands,,,Pandora Papers - Fidelity Corporate Services,Provider data is current through 2019, 240558055,Rotax Investments Corp ,,,,,BLZ,Belize,,,Pandora Papers - CILTrust International,Provider data is current through 2018, 240558056,Grove Investments International Corp,,,,,KNA,Nevis,,,Pandora Papers - Overseas Management Company (OMC),Provider data is current through 2018, 240558057,Rayford International Limited,,,,,VGB,British Virgin Islands,,,Pandora Papers - Trident Trust,Provider data is current through 2018, 240558058,Home Development Investments Corp,,,,,VGB,British Virgin Islands,,,Pandora Papers - Overseas Management Company (OMC),Provider data is current through 2018, 240558059,Sunset Management II Limited,,,,,VGB,British Virgin Islands,,,Pandora Papers - Trident Trust,Provider data is current through 2017, 240558060,Gogolina Properties Limited,,,,,VGB,British Virgin Islands,,,Pandora Papers - Trident Trust,Provider data is current through 2017, 240558061,AMG Investment Holding Ltd,,,,,VGB,British Virgin Islands,,,Pandora Papers - Trident Trust,Provider data is current through 2017, 240558062,N Tarantino Ltd,,,,,VGB,British Virgin Islands,,,Pandora Papers - Trident Trust,Provider data is current through 2017, 240558063,GP Tarantino Ltd,,,,,VGB,British Virgin Islands,,,Pandora Papers - Trident Trust,Provider data is current through 2017, 240558064,RDA Developments LLC,,,,,KNA,Nevis,,,Pandora Papers - Overseas Management Company (OMC),Provider data is current through 2018, 240558065,Sugarcity Holdings Limited,,,,,VGB,British Virgin Islands,,,Pandora Papers - Trident Trust,Provider data is current through 2017, 240558066,Donard Trading Limited,,,,,VGB,British Virgin Islands,,,"Pandora Papers - Alemán, Cordero, Galindo & Lee (Alcogal)",Provider data is current through 2018, 240558067,Ballford Holdings Limited,,,,,VGB,British Virgin Islands,,,"Pandora Papers - Alemán, Cordero, Galindo & Lee (Alcogal)",Provider data is current through 2018, 240558068,Lansdale Corporate Limited,,,,,VGB,British Virgin Islands,,,"Pandora Papers - Alemán, Cordero, Galindo & Lee (Alcogal)",Provider data is current through 2018, 240558069,Kapecod Enterprises Ltd,,,,,VGB,British Virgin Islands,,,Pandora Papers - Trident Trust,Provider data is current through 2017, 240558070,Prielau Investments Ltd,,,,,VGB,British Virgin Islands,,,Pandora Papers - Overseas Management Company (OMC),Provider data is current through 2019,