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# Simple APP for specialty pharmacy
# Import packages
import numpy as np
import os
import gradio as gr
from transformers import pipeline
#Import LLMs
from langchain.llms import OpenAI
from langchain.chat_models import ChatOpenAI
# Prompt template
from langchain import PromptTemplate
# Chains
from langchain.chains import LLMChain
# Import "secret" OPENAI_API_KEY
# Import GPT-4
llm_gpt = ChatOpenAI(model='gpt-4-0613',temperature=0.)
# ======================================================
# Set up an ASR pipeline using facebook's wav2vec2
p = pipeline("automatic-speech-recognition", chunk_length_s=40)
# =======================================================
# LLM Chains
# Dialogue chain
template_diag = """
You are an AI assistant with medical language understanding.
The input is a dialogue between a specialty pharmacist and patient: {input}
To give you context, the dialogue will have to do about symptoms, side effects, medications etc
of a rare disease, most probably multiple sclerosis.
You have a couple of tasks:
- First: If there are some non-sensical words, convert them to the most probable real word,
taking into account that this is a pharmaxist, so most of them should describe medical conditions
or symptoms, most probably about multiple sclerosis.
If a medication is mentioned, do your best to find which is that, if any. Correct any mispellings
Capitalize the names of the medications.
- Second: Convert the text into a dialogue of the form:
Where [PRx]: Pharmacist, [Pat]: Patient
Use your judgement to distinguish between the two roles and who said what.
Output only this dialogue.
prompt_diag = PromptTemplate(template=template_diag, input_variables=["input"])
chain_diag = LLMChain(llm=llm_gpt, prompt=prompt_diag, verbose=False)
# ==============================================
template_struct = """
You are an AI assistant with medical language understanding.
The input is a dialogue between a specialty pharmacist and patient: {input}
To give you context, the dialogue will have to do about symptoms, side effects, medications etc
of a rare disease, most probably multiple sclerosis.
Some words may not be clearly spelled, because they come from an automatic
audio to text transcript.
Your have a few tasks:
- First task: If there are some non-sensical words, convert them to the most probable real word,
taking into account that this is a dialogue about a medical condition, probably multiple sclerosis
- Second task: extract information from this dialogue
Specifically the following:
- A brief summary of the dialogue, highlighting the chief complaint
- The main disease mentioned by the patient
- Medications mentioned by the patient
- Side effets mentioned by the patient
The output should have the form of a json file with those four keys: (Summary, Disease, Medications, Side_Effects)
Do not hallucinate and do not make up information that is not included in the original file.
# SOAP notes
prompt_struct = PromptTemplate(template=template_struct, input_variables=["input"])
chain_struct = LLMChain(llm=llm_gpt, prompt=prompt_struct, verbose=False)
# Transcription function
def transcribe(audio):
#text = fake_audio
text = p(audio)["text"]
output_1 = eval(
output_2 =
summa = output_1['Summary']
disease = output_1['Disease']
meds = output_1['Medications']
sides = output_1['Side_Effects']
return summa, disease, meds, sides, output_2
with gr.Blocks(title="AI specialty scriber",theme=gr.themes.Soft()) as demo:
with gr.Row():
image_wag = gr.Image(value="Walgreens_AI.png", width=10, show_label=False,show_download_button=False, scale=1)
gr.Markdown("## <center> Walgreens AI-powered specialty pharmacy tool </center>")
gr.Markdown("<center> ________________________________________________________________________ </center>")
# ====================================================
# Dictation tool
gr.Markdown("**Record Patient Interaction**")
audio = gr.Audio(label='Your recording here',source="microphone", type="filepath",container=True)
audio_submit_btn = gr.Button(value="Submit Recording", variant="primary")
# Clinical notess and transcript
with gr.Tab("Extracted Information"):
with gr.Row():
summary = gr.Textbox(label='Summary',lines=3,interactive=True)
disease = gr.Textbox(label='Disease mentioned',lines=3,interactive=True)
with gr.Row():
medications = gr.Textbox(label='Medications mentioned',lines=3,interactive=True)
sides = gr.Textbox(label='Side Effects mentioned',lines=3,interactive=True)
with gr.Tab("Original Transcript"):
dialogue = gr.Textbox(label='Full conversation transcript',lines=10)
# ===============================================
# Submit and clear tool, inputs = audio, outputs=[summary,disease,medications,sides,dialogue])
audio_clear_btn = gr.ClearButton([audio,summary,disease,medications,sides,dialogue])