var request = require("request").defaults({ jar: true }); | |
var parseProxy = proxy => (proxy.match(/^(?:http:\/\/)?(?:(\S+):(\S+)@)?([A-Za-z0-9.-]+):(\d{2,5})$/) || []).slice(1); | |
var utilsLib = require("../lib/utils"); | |
var log = require("../lib/log"); | |
var stream = require("stream"); | |
function setProxy(proxy) { | |
var proxyArray = parseProxy(proxy); | |
if (proxyArray) | |
request = require("request").defaults({ jar: true, proxy }); | |
else | |
request = require("request").defaults({ jar: true }); | |
} | |
function setHeaders(url, ctx, customHeaders) { | |
var headers = { | |
"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", | |
Referer: "", | |
Host: new URL(url).hostname, | |
Origin: "", | |
"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (Kbody, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36", | |
Connection: "keep-alive", | |
"sec-fetch-site": "same-origin" | |
} | |
if (customHeaders) | |
Object.assign(headers, customHeaders); | |
if (customHeaders && customHeaders.noRef) { | |
delete headers.Referer; | |
delete headers.noRef; | |
} | |
if (ctx && ctx.region) | |
headers["X-MSGR-Region"] = ctx.region; | |
return headers; | |
} | |
function get(url, jar, qs, ctx, customHeaders) { | |
if (utilsLib.getType(qs) === "Object") { | |
for (var prop in qs) { | |
if (qs.hasOwnProperty(prop) && utilsLib.getType(qs[prop]) === "Object") { | |
qs[prop] = JSON.stringify(qs[prop]); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
var options = { | |
headers: setHeaders(url, ctx, customHeaders), | |
timeout: 60000, | |
qs, | |
url, | |
method: "GET", | |
jar, | |
gzip: true | |
} | |
var callback; | |
var returnPromise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { | |
callback = (error, response) => error ? reject(error) : resolve(response); | |
}); | |
request(options, callback); | |
return returnPromise; | |
} | |
function post(url, jar, form, ctx, customHeaders) { | |
var options = { | |
headers: setHeaders(url, ctx, customHeaders), | |
timeout: 60000, | |
url, | |
method: "POST", | |
form, | |
jar, | |
gzip: true | |
} | |
var callback; | |
var returnPromise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { | |
callback = (error, response) => error ? reject(error) : resolve(response); | |
}); | |
request(options, callback); | |
return returnPromise; | |
} | |
function postData(url, jar, formData, qs, ctx, customHeaders) { | |
if (utilsLib.getType(qs) === "Object") { | |
for (var prop in qs) { | |
if (qs.hasOwnProperty(prop) && utilsLib.getType(qs[prop]) === "Object") { | |
qs[prop] = JSON.stringify(qs[prop]); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
var headers = setHeaders(url, ctx, customHeaders); | |
headers["Content-Type"] = "multipart/form-data"; | |
var options = { | |
headers, | |
timeout: 60000, | |
url, | |
method: "POST", | |
formData, | |
qs, | |
jar, | |
gzip: true | |
} | |
var callback; | |
var returnPromise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { | |
callback = (error, response) => error ? reject(error) : resolve(response); | |
}); | |
request(options, callback); | |
return returnPromise; | |
} | |
function isReadableStream(maybeStream) { | |
return (maybeStream instanceof stream.Stream && typeof maybeStream._read === "function" && utilsLib.getType(maybeStream._readableState) === "Object"); | |
} | |
function getGUID() { | |
var sectionLength =; | |
var id = "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx".replace(/[xy]/g, function (c) { | |
var r = Math.floor((sectionLength + Math.random() * 16) % 16); | |
sectionLength = Math.floor(sectionLength / 16); | |
var _guid = (c === "x" ? r : (r & 7) | 8).toString(16); | |
return _guid; | |
}); | |
return id; | |
} | |
function getSignatureID() { | |
return Math.floor(Math.random() * 2147483648).toString(16); | |
} | |
function makeDefaults(body, userID, ctx) { | |
var reqCounter = 1; | |
var fb_dtsg = /\["DTSGInitData",\[],{"token":"(\S+)","async_get_token"/g.exec(body)[1]; | |
var revision = /"server_revision":(\d+)/g.exec(body)[1]; | |
function mergeWithDefaults(Obj) { | |
fb_dtsg = ctx.fb_dtsg ? ctx.fb_dtsg : fb_dtsg | |
var ttstamp = "2"; | |
for (var i = 0; i < fb_dtsg.length; i++) { | |
ttstamp += fb_dtsg.charCodeAt(i); | |
} | |
var newObj = { | |
av: userID, | |
__user: userID, | |
__req: (reqCounter++).toString(36), | |
__rev: revision, | |
__a: 1, | |
fb_dtsg, | |
jazoest: ctx.ttstamp ? ctx.ttstamp : ttstamp | |
} | |
if (!Obj) | |
return newObj; | |
for (var prop in Obj) | |
if (Obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)) | |
if (!newObj[prop]) | |
newObj[prop] = Obj[prop]; | |
return newObj; | |
} | |
function postWithDefaults(url, jar, form, ctxx = ctx, customHeaders) { | |
return post(url, jar, mergeWithDefaults(form), ctxx, customHeaders); | |
} | |
function getWithDefaults(url, jar, qs, ctxx = ctx, customHeaders) { | |
return get(url, jar, mergeWithDefaults(qs), ctxx, customHeaders); | |
} | |
function postDataWithDefault(url, jar, form, qs, ctxx = ctx, customHeaders) { | |
return postData(url, jar, mergeWithDefaults(form), mergeWithDefaults(qs), ctxx, customHeaders); | |
} | |
return { | |
get: getWithDefaults, | |
post: postWithDefaults, | |
postData: postDataWithDefault | |
} | |
} | |
function makeParsable(body) { | |
var withoutForLoop = body.replace(/for\s*\(\s*;\s*;\s*\)\s*;\s*/, ""); | |
var maybeMultipleObjects = withoutForLoop.split(/\}\r\n *\{/); | |
if (maybeMultipleObjects.length === 1) | |
return maybeMultipleObjects; | |
return "[" + maybeMultipleObjects.join("},{") + "]"; | |
} | |
function parseAndCheckLogin(ctx, http, retryCount) { | |
var delay = ms => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms)); | |
var _try = tryData => new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { | |
try { | |
resolve(tryData()); | |
} catch (error) { | |
reject(error); | |
} | |
}); | |
if (retryCount === undefined) retryCount = 0; | |
return function (data) { | |
function any() { | |
if (data.statusCode >= 500 && data.statusCode < 600) { | |
if (retryCount >= 5) { | |
var err = new Error("Request retry failed. Check the `res` and `statusCode` property on this error."); | |
err.statusCode = data.statusCode; | |
err.res = data.body; | |
err.error = "Request retry failed. Check the `res` and `statusCode` property on this error."; | |
throw err; | |
} | |
retryCount++; | |
var retryTime = Math.floor(Math.random() * 5000); | |
var url = data.request.uri.protocol + "//" + data.request.uri.hostname + data.request.uri.pathname; | |
if (data.request.headers["Content-Type"].split(";")[0] === "multipart/form-data") { | |
return delay(retryTime) | |
.then(function () { | |
return http | |
.postData(url, ctx.jar, data.request.formData); | |
}) | |
.then(parseAndCheckLogin(ctx, http, retryCount)); | |
} | |
else { | |
return delay(retryTime) | |
.then(function () { | |
return http | |
.post(url, ctx.jar, data.request.formData); | |
}) | |
.then(parseAndCheckLogin(ctx, http, retryCount)); | |
} | |
} | |
if (data.statusCode !== 200) | |
throw new Error("parseAndCheckLogin got status code: " + data.statusCode + ". Bailing out of trying to parse response."); | |
var res = null; | |
try { | |
res = JSON.parse(makeParsable(data.body)); | |
} catch (e) { | |
var err = new Error("JSON.parse error. Check the `detail` property on this error."); | |
err.error = "JSON.parse error. Check the `detail` property on this error."; | |
err.detail = e; | |
err.res = data.body; | |
throw err; | |
} | |
if (res.redirect && data.request.method === "GET") { | |
return http | |
.get(res.redirect, ctx.jar) | |
.then(parseAndCheckLogin(ctx, http)); | |
} | |
if (res.jsmods && res.jsmods.require && Array.isArray(res.jsmods.require[0]) && res.jsmods.require[0][0] === "Cookie") { | |
res.jsmods.require[0][3][0] = res.jsmods.require[0][3][0].replace("_js_", ""); | |
var cookie = formatCookie(res.jsmods.require[0][3], "facebook"); | |
var cookie2 = formatCookie(res.jsmods.require[0][3], "messenger"); | |
ctx.jar.setCookie(request.cookie(cookie), ""); | |
ctx.jar.setCookie(request.cookie(cookie2), ""); | |
} | |
if (res.jsmods && Array.isArray(res.jsmods.require)) { | |
var arr = res.jsmods.require; | |
for (var i in arr) { | |
if (arr[i][0] === "DTSG" && arr[i][1] === "setToken") { | |
ctx.fb_dtsg = arr[i][3][0]; | |
ctx.ttstamp = "2"; | |
for (var j = 0; j < ctx.fb_dtsg.length; j++) { | |
ctx.ttstamp += ctx.fb_dtsg.charCodeAt(j); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
if (res.error === 1357001) { | |
var err = new Error('Facebook blocked login. Please visit and check your account.'); | |
err.type = "Logout."; | |
throw err; | |
} | |
return res; | |
} | |
return _try(any); | |
} | |
} | |
function formatID(id) { | |
if (id != undefined && id != null) { | |
return id.replace(/(fb)?id[:.]/, ""); | |
} | |
else { | |
return id; | |
} | |
} | |
function getDTSGInitData(ctx) { | |
return get("", ctx.jar) | |
.then(function (res) { | |
var body = res.body; | |
ctx.fb_dtsg = /\["DTSGInitData",\[],{"token":"(.+?)"/g.exec(body)[1]; | |
}); | |
} | |
function binaryToDecimal(data) { | |
var ret = ""; | |
while (data !== "0") { | |
var end = 0; | |
var fullName = ""; | |
var i = 0; | |
for (; i < data.length; i++) { | |
end = 2 * end + parseInt(data[i], 10); | |
if (end >= 10) { | |
fullName += "1"; | |
end -= 10; | |
} else | |
fullName += "0"; | |
} | |
ret = end.toString() + ret; | |
data = fullName.slice(fullName.indexOf("1")); | |
} | |
return ret; | |
} | |
function generateOfflineThreadingID() { | |
var ret =; | |
var value = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4294967295); | |
var str = ("0000000000000000000000" + value.toString(2)).slice(-22); | |
var message = ret.toString(2) + str; | |
return binaryToDecimal(message); | |
} | |
function generateTimestampRelative() { | |
var d = new Date(); | |
return d.getHours() + ":" + padZeros(d.getMinutes()); | |
} | |
function padZeros(val, len) { | |
val = String(val); | |
len = len || 2; | |
while (val.length < len) val = "0" + val; | |
return val; | |
} | |
function generateThreadingID(clientID) { | |
var k =; | |
var l = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4294967295); | |
var m = clientID; | |
return "<" + k + ":" + l + "-" + m + ">"; | |
} | |
var utils = { | |
getJar: request.jar, | |
cookie: request.cookie, | |
setProxy, | |
parseProxy, | |
get, | |
post, | |
postData, | |
isReadableStream, | |
getGUID, | |
getSignatureID, | |
makeDefaults, | |
parseAndCheckLogin, | |
formatID, | |
getDTSGInitData, | |
generateOfflineThreadingID, | |
generateTimestampRelative, | |
generateThreadingID | |
} | |
Object.assign(utils, utilsLib); | |
module.exports = utils; |