import string import pronouncing from Phyme import Phyme phyme = Phyme() from constants import * def is_iambic(phrase): """ check that we satisfy iambic meter. return 1 if so, otherwise 0. definitely an imperfect check... if we end up needing to check a word that's not in the CMU dictionary, just return 0. """ meter = '' for word in phrase.split(): word = word.strip().strip(string.punctuation).lower() try: phones_list = pronouncing.phones_for_word(word) stresses = pronouncing.stresses(phones_list[0]) if len(stresses) == 1: if stresses == '1': stresses = '2' # allow ambiguity for 1-syllable words with stress 1 meter += stresses # just default to the first pronunciation if > 1 given except: return 0 # word not found meter = [int(x) for x in meter] even_stresses_full = [meter[i] for i in range(0, len(meter), 2)] odd_stresses_full = [meter[i] for i in range(1, len(meter), 2)] even_stresses = set(even_stresses_full) odd_stresses = set(odd_stresses_full) if 0 in odd_stresses: return 0 if 1 in even_stresses: return 0 return 1 def count_syllables(words): syllables = 0 for word in words.split(): word = word.strip().strip(string.punctuation) try: phones_list = pronouncing.phones_for_word(word) stresses = pronouncing.stresses(phones_list[0]) syllables += min(MAX_SYLLABLES_PER_WORD, len(stresses)) except: # if we don't know, just do a quick approximation here; it shouldn't come up too often syllables += min(MAX_SYLLABLES_PER_WORD, round(len(word) / 3)) return syllables def get_rhymes(word): # throws exception if word not in the rhyme dict (rare) rhymes = [] rhyme_dict = phyme.get_perfect_rhymes(word) for length_dict in rhyme_dict.values(): for word in length_dict: if '(' in word: # sometimes you have stuff like preferred(1) where they indicate a particular pronunciation rhymes.append(word.split('(')[0]) else: rhymes.append(word) return sorted(list(set(rhymes))) def get_rhyme_group(word): sorted_rhyme_list = get_rhymes(word) return ' '.join(sorted_rhyme_list) def perfect_rhyme_end(s1, s2): ending_word1 = s1.split()[-1].strip(string.punctuation) ending_word2 = s2.split()[-1].strip(string.punctuation) try: return get_rhyme_group(ending_word1) == get_rhyme_group(ending_word2) except: return False # unknown words if __name__=='__main__': result = is_iambic('Shall I compare thee to a summer day') result2 = count_syllables('Shall I compare thee to a summer day') import pdb; pdb.set_trace()