Hello Hello. Hello. Who is this? How's it going this is Guillermo, how are you? Guillermo Yes This is José How is it going, where are you from? But I live here in Philadelphia. In Philadelphia. Yes and you? I am Peruvian. I am studying at the University of Pennsylvania. What do you study? I study history Oh I am also a student here, I'm a senior What university? From, University of Pennsylvania too. Oh, yes Yes, I'm almost finished here. Oh that's good. But And you are studying, is that you? I'm in Wharton None If it's business, but then you are a student for a PhD or the Master's? Is that undergraduate? I'm an undergraduate None But these hours here Sorry? But then did you live in Peru? I am sorry as you say? Did you live in Peru? I was living in Peru until three (3) months ago. None Clearly Then you're a freshman No, what happened what I studied at the University of Peru for two years and then I transferred. I'm an international transfer You are not an exchange student, you are a transfer. I will graduate with a degree from this university That's good As opposed to an exchange student who doesn't. What do you think so far? It's a bit hard, to tell you the truth Yes, I believe it is English. Oh yeah All the work. I have studied English for most of my life, but it's always more difficult to express myself in English than in Spanish. Yes That's very clear for me. Yes Because of the amount of work they send me More than in Peru? Yes, I think so. They send you more. None Even in the last cycle at the university in Peru i took six classes in one semester. None I'm taking 5 classes currently, working more than ever. None I'm talking five classes, but I also work. Ok That's the equivalent to taking six classes maybe. Yes Maybe it's a little less, I don't think it's so demanding as taking six classes Yes, but it's still pretty intensive I think so. Maybe in the future I'll decide to Yes, it's hard How many courses do you take per cycle? I think i ony took four but now i am taking five Yeah, and you But, in general, people in College only take four I see. In Wharton people generally take five I see. And do you work? None Are you a full time student? I have a library job, Work Study. But it's not really a job because when I'm there I study. It's not like that. I also work in the library but i am a shelver None So, it really doesn't give me the chance to study. What you are doing I did that sometimes in part of the library. On the fifth floor of Van Pelt Okay Where are you employed. In Lippinott Where's that? It's the library at Wharton. Yea Yes, it's on the second floor. It's a good job because I work alone. I don't work too many hours, just five hours a week. Sometimes I work ten hours. I do my homework, there are times there's only a little bit more than a month of work left There's more people who need help None Is doing their research but in general, no I dont have a lot of work. None Yes but what I've seen is that sometimes in Latin America, but you saw that in Europe, In universities there's not a lot of work until the end In England, for example? Europe in general. The amount of the number of hours that you have in class each week None They are less than three None You have a lot of free time. Doesn't have much class. Yes. And aside from that, they don't give you a lot of work. I'm not sure. Yes well no they don't give them much work but in general they want that we, well it is supposed true that one is Hat one reads all, that they are doing exercises, and that they continue doing all that Of course I understand. In the end they give exam for a grade. Here in the United States, it's One has to investigate history, then write an essay and take an exam. None That is the best in the sense that there are less risks but That is definitely an advantage. Yes Imagine that you go to decide your exam grade. The night before you couldn't sleep Whichever may have happened, and all of a sudden Yes You may have prepared a lot but for X reason it didn't go well in the exam. Yes I mean let's say your grade Yeah, I mean, your grade goes down, I don't know. No, there's all the work they give you every week that is one thing after another Another job Yes. Every system has it's advantages. But in Peru, how is it in general? Let's see, i would say they also make us work, we don't, we have an equivalent to midterms Yes. But they're mostly reading controls. None I'd like it spread throughout the semester None Eassy at the end of the course None You also have a final exam. You don't have to produce as much as you do here. None You don't have to write much. Right. Here they're like constantly making you writing papers, and reviews, right? Yes There not so much there instead what you had to write, for example, you wrote it in the exam, or to give in the investigation. None In the final semester. But aside all of that, no, you didn't have to produce much. Yes That could be seen as advantageous in the sense that you don't have to ask much. One can live more relaxed. Yes The disadvantage is that you are not in a constant practice of labor of Investigation,I mean sometimes one for not writing much None It's easier Yes It's easier, but I don't know if they form it so well like they form it here. None It has a cost in that they form you better. For example, I am very busy this last weekend. You live a little mor, at least, I live a little more anxious, a little more. Yes Stressed Yes But I don't know how Wharton might be I don't know. Yes, it is different, in Wharton it depends because classes I take in general don't have Like essays or research, only in general, two, three exams, and that's it. But there are classes for example that have more like that well, you have the two exams, but you also have projects. OK. These case studies Are the personal or group products? In groups, in general, those days almost everything is in groups. And if they give you homework to be reviewing, because otherwise I like that every week you have homework. A small one to turn in, because that way One has- they make you study every week truly. None But yes. They sometimes do that. But in general, they are exams or projects. But in None Each class always has an exam. I don't, I have never had a class where there were only projects, true, but in general two exams, and maybe one project. None Now in the Marketing class we have a project, I don't know how they did it They created a whole piece of software that is like a simulation and then one, for example, each request well there are like five orders, or six orders, then You have a group. None Each group is assigned, a company None This company has several products, then, you have to decide based on, each product where are we going, what kind of How are we going to sell this product, we are going to That is interesting. Place more if is like one, one is in a, of course is not like in the real life, but It resembles at least in some You have to write some essays like that, to make an analysis Of the mistakes you made, of what you did well None Everything depends on the course but there are many things like that too. None I hardly write anything in general. It looked pretty weird that I had to write Yeah But, have you been living long here in the United States? Why? Too much cold here Well yes. I think it was on Tuesday at night that was raining. Yes I got frozen, yes. I have to go with my coat, I mean I bought a coat that shelters a lot None And I have for, well, I always go out with it. But still, sometimes even using the coat, I get cold too. But well inside my room it is more, None Manageable the matter of the inside the dorm yea, the temperature it's good enough None Warm, right. But in Peru, I've heard there are parts where it really gets cold. Yes if you go to the mountains None Also at nighttime more than anything. If you go to the mountains in wintertime, the nights are really cold. Yeah I see. I must have gone to the mountains in peru on vacation with my family at night It could get even colder than the cold I've experienced here. Hello? Hello, my name is Glori. Hello, Gloria. I am Paulina. Where are you calling from? From New York I am in Georgia. From Long Island None From Long Island. Long Island None I am in Athens, Georgia Oh, from Georgia, on my God How is it? I didn't understand what she said. What? Something about religion. She said she talks You didn't understand what she said. No She was talking about the religion, what is the opinion about religion, if it unifies people, or separate them, if all the people should belong to the same religion, Ah, okay. I am Catholic. So I believe it joins some and seperates others. For example, I have a nephew that is gay. Catholics don't accept gay people. None They say that God didn't make them that way. So, I remember when my nephew was born, we knew that he was going to be one People never believe that they are born that way but he was. And if you have someone in your family you know. So, he Has a lot of problems with the Catholic religion, because they don't accept him and he knows he's not accepted. So, he finally found a church, in the thirty-two, in New York, that accepts homosexuals. I see. I think if people would stick to their religion, there wouldn't be that many problems. They wouldn't go to extremes, every religion None If people would follow what Jesus Christ said and his teachings, if they would act like he did None There wouldn't be a problem. None But when they start fighting, that's not what he taught us! None Jesus Christ. Exactly. WHEN TROUBLE ARISES None The same thing happens to Muslims. None Or the Jews, the principles of that religions teach us to, None People become fanatic and don't accept other people. None I believe that when there is division, problems. Yes. What was I going to say? At lunch time to the girls where I work, three I take this little book by Joyce Myers and everyday scriptures. I read them and they tell me that is shit but Listen to what she is saying, treat your neighbor well. I don't like her, but everybody is created in the image of God. Ay, we start to fight. Then, I say, look, I want peace because We talk about today's subject. But one has been made. They still look for me to read every day. None Because, there is one that is like a firecracker, and I was telling her that I don't want to hang out with her because she drains All my energy. And, she is always criticizing everyone, and I don't want, I don't want to be in this environment. She says, yes I read to her everyday, the other days she is saying, Write down five things you are thankful to God for. Who do you think you are? You are always reading something about religion. I know I am a good person. If I let people influence me, I would have already jumped out of a window Yes And, then he needed some kind of tension of emergencies here things that And it is true, the same as the Yes In one on one relationships, or like what happens in Israel, amongst the None Between the Palestinians and the, Yes And the Jews. None It's sad, and they go fighting Yes Because for the two there are sacred places but they dont respect. None Other people. It's that, precisely the Catholic religion, the whole world is going, like my friend went to another church. She tells me, You have to find that church that fits you. I'm not going to tell you that you should go to the Catholic church, if it's not giving you anything because I go to Catholic church. She asked me to go to other church with herbut I refused I am not going with her I have been to that church many times. It takes all day Sunday and I don't have the whole day on Sunday to be there. Three hours, four hours. Yes. None What religion goes, is your friend? I believe it's something like Christian Science. None They are like born again Christians Yeah. Yes, you know she was Catholic. But, the husband goes to the Catholic Church. In my house, the only one going to church is me. I don't think she likes to go, she always fights with me when she goes. I twelve. Of Katrina, and he says God made that, which None None God does not allow them. Even though the Bible said that a lot of those things would occur. I was telling him to ready the Bible. It will show you what there is. Yes. None That's the way it is, I find that, regarding religion, many people go solely by tradition, and Yes. When one goes and finds the truth None And there, one finds a religion that. Yes Many people who go, solely by religion, do not know what their own religion is about Exactly. They sit there, and once the father is finished, the leave, they run. Yes, or they don't study what's written for themselves, or anything. Yes. Yes. Help when we start studying, who would believe, it's your own religion. Yes. Ultimately I am going to a charismatic group. I am understanding more, even though they speak Spanish and I dont understand, I can speak Spanish but not read or write it. They gave me a Hispanic bible, and I am reading it. Then, I go and explain to them that I read this, and this, and this. That is what they read in English to see if I can understand. But the bible is much too difficult. The bible is difficult because of the vocabulary that it uses. Doesn't matter what language. I find it very difficult. They give me some passages, and I read them, and then they tell me this is this, and this is this, and this is this I begin to use it in our lives. Then, I understand. Where are you from? I am Puerto Rican. Puerto Rican. But were you born in the United States? Yes. I was born in Puerto Rico but I grew up in New York, in what they call el barrio. In East what they call el barrio, in Manhattan. Ok, I don't know. Yes. Have you always been from Georgia? No, I'm from Chile. Oh, from Chile, okay. Yes. I was born and raised in Chile and when I finished high school, I came to study at the University. None United States. None And we have been here in Georgia, my husband and I, two years, but we have been here in the United States, eleven years. Wow. I lived in Wyoming for a few months. I lived in Utah. None For a few years, and a year and a half in Maryland. Yeah, In Washington, DC Yeah, Now we are in Georgia. You travel a lot ! Dog Yeah, that's true. Yeah, yes I lived in Manhattan, then the Bronx, and now Long Island. In Florida. My oldest son and my grandchildren live in Florida. So then you will go So I would like to go to Florida to be close to them. But by then, my grandson will probably will be married. I retire is ten years more, he will be twenty-seven. He might be married Somewhere else, yes. I am going to be ok Who knows where we are going from here Yes My husband finishes his PHD OK Two more years, and from there, wherever there is work. What do you do for a living? Yes, I'm at home with my children. You are at home with the children. That is so nice. I have two babies. One is a year old, and the other one is three years old. It is a lot of work but I do children's parties. I dress like a clown and now I am figuring out how I can make Elmo's head. I have the bodysuit. Yes The head belongs to my friend. her and myself make the party. sometimes they request two, and we could not go. It can only go one person None I am trying. My friend is making it. The head is very heavy. I cannot even imagine how we are going to make the head. Thought, that is why I could not hear what you were telling me madam, And, I say, I am doing a lot of things, I should concentrate Everyone at the same time, yes Everything at once, because sometimes they call, or they don't call, and sometimes I answer or I do not answer. And, they had told me that speech last week, and I do not know why they argue the same thing Yes? Have you been doing this for a long time? I have done ten or eleven. Like me, yes. Yes, not so much. Yes But, the last time, that I did was of politics. No, I don't remember of what it was. I have a friend whose name is Norma, I think she lives in Georgia Yes? Yes, she's Peruvian. Yes Yes. I've talked to her four times already. I think so. I've talked to her twice, I think. I think she's from Georgia. Atlanta she lives there From Atlanta I live in Athens. In. In another city, yes. Yes, a niece of mine lived in Georgia but moved. She still lives in Georgia, but she had to sell her house because she got divorced from her husband She had to sell the house and now she's alone Who, her niece? My niece is over 40 None Yes. Good evening Good evening, Fabiola speaking, who I am speaking to? It is Lliorno from Philadelphia, how are you? Good, Washington says How are you? Good, thanks, and yourself? Good The topic for today is The Music. Yes, what's your taste in music like? Joyful music and romantic if talks about positive love. Why? I don't like music when it talks about lovers or deaths with cursing. Or violence Or violence, yes, that is a no Why? I also like music, exactly. It has to be positive music, nothing negative. I like music with rhythm and I also like to dance. OK Do you like to dance? I also like to talk as well That's good. I danced more when I was young but now I don't dance as much. It stopped. Me, too. Now I dance alone cleaning my house. You married? Yes I am married And children? No, I don't have children I'm married, I have two children, and I'm a granny. None My granddaughter is nine months old. None I'm thirty-nine years old I'm twenty eight You're young. Why do you say you danced when you were younger? Yes At twenty-eight I could still dance all night long. When I was at least in school, that's it, but now I almost don't And you have. I go because he doesn't dance either. None Then Do you have a favorite singer? I really like Argentina Where are you from? From Venezuela Venezuela? Yes None You? Chile I really like an Argentinean singer called Tito I also like him Yes, I like him I love Silvio Rodriguez's music. Nice. Nice music, I also like Ricardo Arjona's music I also like him He is really good. Do you have a cold? None Do you have a cold? Yes, a little bit. Where are you calling from? None Where are you calling from? From Philadelphia. Philadelphia, is that a city or a state? It's a city, are you in Washington, D.C. or Washington state? I'm calling from Richland, Washington state. Philadelphia is two hours from Washington, D.C. But it's a city in the state of Pennyslvania. In Pennsylvania, okay. That's what I didn't understand. I said, I've heard of Philadelphia but don't know what state it's in. I'm from the state of That's incredible how the calls can cross almost the whole country. Exactly. That's fantastic None Do you like Ricky Martin What? Ricky Martin? He's got a new CD out Yes, he's really good? You heard? Sounds all the time. Sounds because I am in the None In the house with my television on MTV Yes One of the music channels in Spanish. None Every time I hear the sounds I hear the music of Luis Fonsi. None What's new from Luis Fonsi, or Shakira? Ricky Martin, Thalia, I hear them all the time. I have not heard anything new from Ricky Martin. The singing in the music is a mix of pop and reggae, but it is very good. Yes. It is very good. Do it None There is a new group from Venezuela called the Invisible Friends. I have not heard of them. Solo. concert yesterday. Do you know if that's good? If you are well good What kind of music do you play? It is like disco music. Okay, pop. None I like a Chilean group that is call The Law. None Have you heard of them? Yes, already. If I remember what they did before That is good, they have a beautiful voice the Cuevas veto. Yes. There are other Chilean singers but I don't like them as much as the The law The law. I didn't know that the law was Chilean. Yes, they are Chilean. This Miriam Hernandez is Chilean also. She sings romantic music but I don't personally like her much Okay To see, if I remember something from Venezuela Of Ricardo Montaner? The sound sounds each time Yes, it is Ricardo Montaner yes. And this Frank Sinatra. I also hear that Franco and Son are good. It's famous for Venezuela Who? Idan called No He is good, but is no longer famous outside of Venezuala. He is called Idan and his music is very good. How long have you been in America? I have five years now. Five years. Do you speak good English? Yeah. I find it easy. Did you get your citizenship or not? But the home is because I have one more that four years of marriage None Then After three years of marriage you can apply for Citizenship Yes, but what happens is that I have a double-citizenship, I have my citizenship in Venezuela and I have my Italian citizenship. Because my father is Italian. Oh, do you speak Italian? Yes Yes I think that if I accept the American citizenship, I'll have to Quit now Citizenship, and that's not good for me The other two citizenships, have you researched something about it? because currently in Chile we have double citizenship, it could be American citizenship Yes, but the problem is I have two, they won't let you have three You are right Yes It's a little complicated. Yes Are you happy with the residence? Your parents are See They live in Italy, Venezuela or here? No, my parents live in Venezuela but my dad was born in Italy. Okay. Are your uncles in Italy? No, from my dad's side, they are Okay, in Italy, I have some friends who live in Rome No, my dad's family is in Palermo, close to Cicilia, to the south of It's pretty. I've seen pictures of that place, and I've seen pretty, pretty landscapes over there. None Do you own any animals? No, we don't have any because we live in an apartment. Animals are not allowed? MY neighbors have permission to keep animals, I don't really like to have them here locked up all day! None Do you have animals? Yes, I have a cat. None I have some plants outside the house and an aquarium. None I have lots of things to have fun. My husband and i would like to have a dog but since we live in apartment we don't have. Yes A garden or anything But you can take them out for a walk. I used to live in an apartment, I moved here abut five months ago and I've been here for three months with the dog, the cat, the plant And the aquarium. I used to take my dog out for a walk outside. Yes, we'd like to have one, but a puppy Yes, it's the Yes, ifYes, we are going to be here all day long and not just in the evenings. We really don't want to leave the poor puppy locked up in the apartment all day long. None This is the question. But we are thinking of moving to this Is your Husband from the United States or Venezuala No, he's from the United States. Few that are going to change soon. We are waiting to buy a house close by here. To move If so we can move. We can be able to find a puppy or anything else. Not feel like we moved out one month ago. This is my home. We had to close the yard and place cartons all around to have the hill just outside. Exactly. It can enter and leave the garage but it has the gate opened and has a space where it can walk, run and play. Yes, I want it. If it can enter and leave freely, it can play in the yard and that And has Runs all around exercising You have another idea? Like what kind of puppy you want? Yes if your are thinking of a reason why It's very little. Not like the medium ones. Which are ? I know that they look like teddies. Yes, I know which they are. They are pretty and colored. Hi Good evening How are you? How are you? Well, my name is Carlos. I'm from Houston Texas. And you? I'm Josma from Philadelphia Nice to meet you How are you doing? Where are you now? I listen to Latin American music, American music, folklore, bluegrass and country music. How old are you? Twenty-Five Twenty-five Twenty eight Okay. Sorry? Twenty-eight Twenty-eight, me too None I like almost all kinds of music, except rap and hip hop. None None Everything elses much Latina like American. like everything, I like rock en Espanol, English, I like music. Classical opera, dance, a little bit of everything And you? Pardon? And above everything else, I also really like live music. How? Live music. Live? Like concerts? None I find music online. Okay. So with that I have around five hundred CD's that I have bought. None A lot of them, I have looked for online Exactly. I need music for everything. I need it for when I work, when I study. I always like to have music, it's what keeps me alert. Music is extremely important It's substantive Exactly Music helps me concentrate, relax, and change my mood. Exactly Very calm. Yes, I listen to a song that can put me in a bad mood. I could be in a bad mood and listen to a song that makes me happy Exactly. I play my instrument, and my husband plays his instrument at one of the festivals. Okay. There is a bar very close to my house where many people come to play instruments every night And there are open circles every night and there are songs of, where the people pay and then on the weekends they come here different musical groups To play every night from on the weekends and it is very cool Okay. What is your favorite type of music? I like everything. Is there any type of music that you don't like? I don't like that way at least that if rap hip hop or at least music If Britney Spears--not that I don't like it, it doesn't strike my attention at all Okay. I have a lot of rock in Spanish and bluegrass music Do you have a favorite group? From rock in Spanish, I like Fito Paez a lot. Okay. That is from Argentina Yes Yes, I like it a lot Okay He does not believe that God is helping him, so everyday I tell him, you see, God gave you that, since today we were talking about That And the one who died, him too was a very good singer but more or less, where I live, there are many people who play None Many of our friends that play and sing and have bands Yes All of the groups they have are very good I go to one or two concerts each year But in general the type of concert I'm going to is more like rock in english, and the people that go are more They are too scandalous. For that, I didn't pay too much attention to going to concerts. None I went to a Willie Nelson concert this year. None And Bob Dylan Yes It had people of every age. There were people that were sixty or seventy years old and kids that were barely ten or eight years old in the concert. Yes Yes. It was held in a small baseball stadium and there weren't so many people there because of that. Was very good concert. You buy music or have many CD's? We buy more music than anything. We also bought a lot from groups that are not very popular, of people we know. Yeah. Yes, because we are members of one of the folk music societies of Philadelphia. At least there are many musicians Who are members and there are concerts in the homes, they do this every month Ok. There was a concert and we bought all these CDs. Ok. We see groups that are not so super famous, but they are good Ok. Sometimes we have seen groups And That did not know they were famous and suddenly they're in a festival Yeah. We hear a song it is famous Ok. But So, you say you play instruments, you and your husband play in a band or group? No. My husband played in a group before. They are not together in that group, they will be together again Okay But no, we don't play for a group, my husband sometimes plays with his friends, but we dont really have time, To compromise ourselves with other people Okay The job doesn't give us time to compromise ourselves that way with a group. If you have a group, you have to practice for at least one day. Practice and find that Week The promotions Okay Yeah If you have to dedicate too much time, you can get a group. There's a group that wants to play with my husband. But where do they get together, they get together on Wednesdays at night around ten and they practice until like 2 in the morning. Does he work, or study? how does he have time for that Yeah, we try, for example, like, knowing who they are before we go to a movie Music, I like music, its good for me I remember songs. lots of songs None Songs I still sing after years That happens to me whenever i don't listen to a song for a long time, i forget the lyrics She was with her, we listened to a song on the radio I hadn't heard in years, but she remembered the entire song. And afterwards they played a song that I hadn't listened to, and it was some four years that I hadn't listened to it, and I knew the song I knew that I knew the song, but I couldn't remember the words to the song. I remembered a little, but not much. To me, if I forget or not I know the song, but I forget the words a little. Well, for me, it depends on my mood. I have an Ipod. Do you know what Ipods are? None I have ten thousand songs in the Ipod. None So I have in all, I have a list of music that only has music for the dance music. I have a complete list that I use when I go to the gym. Exactly I have a list that is music only in Spanish and a list that is only classical music, opera, things like that For relaxation. And for studying. I have a list to the contrary. For me, to study I can't have that type of music, I can't have classical music, I need music... Yes? That have lyrics because if don't, if there are not lyrics I get bored, I need something to distract me What are you studying? I work with a virus. Okay. In biology Okay I always need something to distract me, that keeps me alert. Exactly. Yes, I put music but not classic. None I get sleep, I put classic music on when I have to concentrate on writing a report Then, even since I was a little kid always, when I had to study, I always was hearing to music while singing, I could be reading and my dad always criticized that Is impossible for a person to read and sing at the same time but I don't know, it always worked with me I always got good grades I suppose that I had a teacher Not When you are not studying, you can learn it by singing. Faster than normal Yes, that doesn't attracts me a little, the music, whatever, can Hello! You are speaking with Fabiola And they connected you, therefore was working That's how it was working, and therefore, they pay you. Look. Cool or not. that is the topic that that i tell you to chat and and from so a issue of conversation Let's talk about memories. About the best thing that has happened in your life None How has your life changed? Okay What is the best thing that has happened to you in your life A lot of things. The best thing you feel has happened in your life. None That's a good topic Yes, I met somebody with this kids Yes Everything begins knowing someone. Yes, I say the same Kids have not been here. The best thing that happened to me was meeting my husband. Yes because how Having my kids is the best thing Yes Be healthy and staying healthy Yes because if i had not meet the boy, I wouldn't be here And in reality Another wouldn't have these kids, I wouldn't have known you either Yes If it had not been for Why not? it's good that you find good conversation topics when you talk over here because they also put the music. yesterday there was the music Yes It is entertaining that you talk for twelve minutes and they cut you off. I like them Yes they tell you that you have thirty seconds to say goodbye None And even though we have twelve minutes to talk about what we want because they are starting to recognize our voices There is no need to talk about what they said. We need to talk about what they say or what ever you want, the idea is to talk because that is everything, the entire conversation is recorded That is after the computer knows that. Who is who? And for him, his accent. The accent, the system, it's the form of speaking. None They are invcenting something in the stamps i have Yes, for the They need people that have different voices. No idea, I have not called And the Earlier, Yes, the girls all connect using this number Yes Yes they call each other at the same time None And they connect well. I'm going to try to call a little later or in the middle of the day. I don't know if you can make two calls at the same time In the same day I don't know I can hear the voices of the beautiful kids Yes i hear them, they're here Yeah, I can hear it very clearly They are both laughing What are you doing for them to laugh? They are sitting on my lap. One is in front of the other. They look at each other and laugh. They look and laugh and say you look like me. One has a lollipop so he throws onto him while they are there They are interesting, they are growing, do you talk to them? None Do you talk to them now? How? Do you talk to them, do you talk to your kids? I talk to them when there's time English? In Spanish None And in english? In english, that's good because they are going to know to different languages. Yeah because, that's how they grow up with two languages. Yes Yes, besides they grow not having an accent Geni can speak and read both languages; nevetheless, she has an accent and has trouble with Spanish. None She was born here and lived her first three (3) years here. None But when she was two and a half months old I took her to Chile and in Chile the same Where did she learn how to talk? She learned to talk when she was in Chile? She just learned words, she couldn't complete phrases None We used to come here on vacation every year. One month here None And her father always spoke English to her So she was confused And of course, so when she would hear him, she would hear very bad Spanish from Michel None Or a bad English from me. None I speak better English, Michel speaks better Spanish and she can read both languages Speaks with a strong accent I speak in Spanish. But the bad thing is when I'm with another person and they speak English I speak to them in English understood But isn't that bad? My accent is not understandable. It's not good, no. And I know they are little now, they are not going to, but the same all of this is being engraved since Yes, from the time they're four months old, children begin to None What you are going to do for Christmas or for thanksgiving day? For the day of thanks, we are going to go with Armi's grandparents, come back, something to eat because my None My mother-in-law is fixing up the house Yes We are going to have to go to his grandparents' together Are you planning the gifts and all of that for Christmas? What thing? The gifts are you planning them for Christmas or not? Not yet Not yet And you? The children are going to be big for Christmas. They are going to play already Yes How beautiful And you already have plans for Christmas? We are going to buy the tree. None Every year we buy None Look at Michel I bought him a car. Really? Yes A real car A big remote control car None From 160 dollars I found it on sale for 50 dollars What kind of car is it? Like in James Bond. None But it's James Bond and with remote control I am going to put it like a present from Santa Claus None For Jenny I am still looking, there is something she likes, a game boy Okay You don't use keys, you touch the thing and it moves Yes One super new that came out None I think i would put that one for her because i think that's what she wants For her birthday, what did you give her? And karaoke Do you play with karaoke or not? Yes it sings, it is good because at her age she is readings, as she reads the letters and they get darker, change color None She sings the song. None And yes, it keeps her entertained and helps her read faster. That is great for Christmas, and my father-in-law I bought a gift for Jonathan None That is one None For the computer, it has to move the mouse. None You move the mouse and it has a calculator The mouse has a calculator? No, the part where you move the mouse is a small square That little plastic thing That Okay So that I bought one for me and one for us on the part of Jonathan None None And they are going to be here for Christmas or are they going going to? No, we already bought the tickets. We will leave for Arkansas for 15 A week Every year we go for a week. Cristina told you the other time that they are thinking about going to Chile for work Oh yes And from there it won't function No but it still has not begun But she said that at least no and all the things that At least it's not true. None They told her/him that, they have the personnel, they'll let him/her know Yes That's how we later call you Something like that It turns out that she/he hasn't started the job in Chile. None I got excited, I told Michel, if we get it, we go He would go Michel yes, but None Same, I think. But how can we not go if recently we bought the house? How, you say? None I get giggly because for him it is so easy to get rid of things For me, it's very hard Because it cost you a lot, same to find the house Yes then to put together. I tell you now I still not put curtains they are getting here slowly None We bought at jcpenny None They get here little by little. First some curtains got here, then last night one for the upstairs side. None Then I got the other upstairs part and I still need, am needing three curtains that need to get here And they are the living room curtains? The ones in the living dining room because I did not use blinds You did not use blinds? No the rest of the house I use blinds but not in the living room windows None Then they do not exist in that size unless you have one made exclusively for them Especially for Hi, Hi Who's this? My name is Annie Hi Annie, I'm Arturo Hi Arturo. You are calling from? Miami I'm calling from Miami. From where? Philadelphia Philadelphia Exactly. None None And you? I'm Mexican None Yes Are you studying here in the United States? Exactly That's good, Do you study or work? No, I have a twenty-three months old daughter and I have a four days old son now Oh that's cute I'm working, but no Yes, well, of course Not outside of home A lot of work at home. Yes That's good, and I imagine very happy, right? Yes, a little tired now but very happy Yes, your son is four days. Four days A little. Yes, Why do you live in the United States? Have you lived there your whole life? Yes, my parents are from Dominican Republic. Okay In nineteen seventy something None I believe it was sixty-three, I am not sure None A revolution in Santo Domingo. OK They went to live in Puerto Rico None Then they lived there for twenty-ish years. None Then from there, my sister when she went to college came here to the state of Florida then we moved to Miami Okay I think I was five years old Very small My sister is older Ok None. Yes, I went to school here and we made a life here None And You married a Latino or an American? An American None Yes, I met him at University In Miami, I suppose. No, I went to Ok In OK I met him there Very good. Then And After What language do you speak with your children? Well He is twenty four months. The other, no. She is twenty-three months and the other is four days old Twenty three, yes. no it is What we do here when he and my husband are not at home None I speak in Spanish to my daughter Okay So then when he's here we speak completely in English Okay None Recognize them. I was surprised because many times she said things. Oh, yes I had not even realized that she had already learned. Oh, really It could be in English or in Spanish Wow She's already learning Very fast Yes, Also, at what age do kids start talking normally, I really don't know. And I think she was, let's say sixteen months Okay Since she's learning English and Spanish None You take the kids that take a little more time to talk Yes So I picked up my little girl and her friends. Yes, She needs to speak louder than she is Yes, Until recently None I knew she could speak and understand it. Yes. But he had to learn the language that was a little more difficult Of course, it is much more difficult, but I believe it will be good in the long run but not very good, so far with the language is an advantage Yes The truth I know that she understood., None What I was saying in English and Spanish Yes I know that she understands me because when she doesn't know how to do something it makes her feel dumb Yes I see her little face and I know she understands me. Yes, of course, but children are very clever, and then, no Yes. None She understands it. She speaks it. None And I hope she stays like that, because then when she's growing, and a lot of her friends speak English, she's going to practice English more Yes, we're not going to send her to school, we're going to home-school her Okay Because I was a teacher None I think that instead of teaching other's kids, I should stay home. Yeah And I can teach my own children Yes, that's true So What do you think about her not having school mates? Well That's also not an experience, bone Yes, there are many programs here in Miami for people who teach their children at home None Then, usually once a week, they will be together Ok Then it's school. They have a class they'll have to teach in English or at the University, but as a school that meets once a week Okay I have many friends and family who have done that The I don't have any problems Okay Also not something that Yes, Because that worries me too and I want her to have lots of friends What I was thinking, is that part of the experience is to be in school with people you know. Yes When you're a kid, have true friends is very important Yes I don't think so Yes As long as she has contact with other people at least once a week. Also you knowthey have the sports in palces in the community Yes, there's a lot of contribution from the community Yes, so thing like that is how they socialize Yes. None It is not common for it to happen in Mexico. Yes, I don't know anyone who has come out from that type of school. I've always been very curious about how they do it here in the United States. I do know is much more common That come from home schooling before now I don't know Yes, like any other experience, it's how you take it, it can be good or bad Yes How the schools are here, also how the kids are It can be very bad also, right Yes, that also I would like for her to have friends and all those things, but at the same time I think I have to protect her Yes, but you have to be careful because it is bad to overprotect them. Yes It can be very bad I want to teach her because I can teach her anything Yes. You know Yes It's a little different than what they show you in school. Yes, true. Until what grade will you homeschool her? I don't know. I haven't given it much thought since she's only two years old. Yes And I haven't started We will see None Are you planning to teach him the whole elementary grades It would probably be until sixth grade Okay I can teach her up to High School Yes None You've taught classes up to high schoot? Yes Which subjects? I was a special education teacher. Yeah I taught everything. Okay, I understand. So now you know, the only thing is that, if you don't agree I won't do it. Yep. If I don't understand the topic I teach it to myself, and then I am able to teach it to the kids. Alright, OK I see So you know how are we going to say algebra. No It's not that I don't know it but I could forget it. If I don't have time before. Yep So, before I started the class I remembered everything. No What is it that i had to do Yes, of course. So I could teach them Okay. It's not that hard for me. I said in high school the subjects kind of get more specialized like chemistry is more advanced and physics is more advanced. Likely this time, I know that now None They have classes for kids that can solve them on the computer. Yes They can go to high school Yes There are many options Yes None Yes, no. To register the (person!?) in a public school None Do you know these universities? None Have high school classes for kids that can be taken in the University. Yes, I heard about that Therefore, we have many options. Good luck. And But like you say it, but he's barely two years old and right now there's no need to think a lot about this. No, my husband says that I'm a teacher. None I'm always reading her books, singing her songs None She's having fun but at the same time, she's learning something Yes, okay I'm not giving her formal schooling. Okay I'm teaching her. None Little by little, she already knows the alphabet. Well she knows the song Yes, she reads Yes, so she already knows the numbers Yes, A little. If I tell her one, she can tell me two, three. She already knows that eight comes after seven. Yes, she already knows the order. Little by little. Yes, that's good. So you know, Yes, sounds very interesting. Yes I don't know anything, I don't know I mean if I was in that situation, I don't know how I would do it because I could never imagine how I can't give my son classes because I don't have an education. None I imagine you must have studied something like Education? Well What did you study? I studied education but they didn't exactly teach me how to teach a kid to read Yes, no I had to learn all those things when I was working. None I am using the experience All the schools gave classes Yes, but for that reason, for me to do it with my son None Is not a problem because I already have the experience My name is Mariza. Hello, good afternoon. My name is Lorena. I am here in San Antonio, Texas Hello Hello, well today's topic is very moving. Yes, it has also been hard for me to think abut which one is better Exactly. Now I said memories are precisely the most important thing that can happen in life because you live off of memories, no? Exactly, with so much and I don't know the more time goes by, more memories there are, I don't know, I wouldn't know which one to choose to start with None For example the best Hat's how it is, I am a mom Yes me too And maybe I would like to think about the best that has happened to me, maybe that it is to have had my children. I remember that at that moment in which I was having him I said, this is the best that has happened my while life Of course. I want to be consistent with this comment that I made to myself at the moment. Something has happened, but there must also be other things You cannot stop with one. Of course that is what I was thinking and I asked, had that not happened, how your life would have been different. In your case, not having had your children Yes, I wouldn't have like it It is Now they are bigger they have given me so many beautiful things, that maybe by myself it wouldn't have been enough to get so many memories Positive and negative emotions, not everything is beautiful, I have a son who has a health problem and that is also very painful, no Yes Emotions are more like love and more tender and the husband is there Yes, and it's that no yes but the children That has a lot to do Yes No, not in one's life. No I would think that it can't be just one event Sure, A painful event or memory like the death of my mother. Yes, the death of a family member or a loved one has to be the worst that can happen to someone Yes or a son's illness Also It's very painful, but it's nice to try to think about it Sure like the second part of my question, it was that what would have been of your life if not, if that had not happened, that negative or painful event Yes It wouldn't be, that person would be now still. For example in my case, my mom is alive, but my grandparents died a long time ago I didn't have the opportunity to say goodbye to them because I lived far away Yes Exactly Sure, life would be pretty different Your husband, where did you meet him? Here in the UNited States, almost by chance Because you are from Spain I'm from Spain None I came here to study but I met him and ended up staying for twelve years None I have a five year old girl, she is still very young and I still have some time Yes Nothing. It's different when kids are older and become more independent. I still have to go through that. Yes, and there's so many phases. And sure, But at this age, the kids are more loving Yes, everybody says that It's a very loving phase, and well, when they grow up they go out and do their own things. For example, that's nice too, but you don't get as much love as you used to. Now, mom, I had a good time, and this is more like a conversation, like a different level And they don't depend on you that much, they are not that close Yes It's really nice. What is the best thing that has happened to you, your best memory Well I believe the same like you, to have children, well I only have one and I don't know if I'll have more Okay Was not, not I mean I don't believe I was ready to being mother maybe because it was a big change and oh the pregnancy was really hard and the, oh The, we have raised her, my husband and I here both alone, then it was a little bit difficult but also was of course to have a kid change your life, then so it is the best that have happened to me I say Until now Yes It can be compare with anything that's what I say Yes it's the twenty five or twenty four, I don't remember. Of course A person, in the sports in or in the academic life or in the work, no Of course and the other questions was what could be different if I have not lived that maybe have not being mother well my life would be very different I had finished the studies too, Right, exactly. Got a more important career, or had to travel more, or met some other person. You never know. You can only imagine. Exactly, however you go accumulating. Yes but Memories in Christmas pictures, and in the high school festivals pictures, and in the kids sports, festival pictures. None It is precisely, putting together this life because it is like it was made of memories Exactly yes, I have thousands and thousands of pictures, all of them are of, of my are all are of my daughter, that's because, the It's easy to say what is most important because without that, I don't know. I traveled a lot, met interesting people you can't compare with With the children I guess Yes because you don't study to become a mother No The human being doesn't study how to love but finally the emotion is more profound and complete Yes, i was saying to my sister she doesn't have any children and i say to her, until you become a mother you would not know how is like being a woman 20 years married no, they don't have any children and i don't think they will and then it's difficult to explain It is difficult to explain It's difficult to explain But the expedition and those huge cars and that spend like that, you know? it can only run like around twenty miles, eighteen miles per gallon something like that, that is a huge expense Yes, I had him because at the age of thirty, it was the best time to have one and not at old age. To raise a child you have to have a lot of patience and energy Lots of energy, indeed My daughter requries a lot of patience and sacrifice None And Yes, actually for example she, because she's very playful She's very active, more like hyper-active not like me when i was a child, i was lot more quiet and did all my fathers said, she is a lot more She is more like three, sometimes is Yes. At the end of the day, i'm exhausted, but that's what parenting is all about That's how it is, yes, And And this now I understand a lot because they are that way and everything they permit to happen because they have a strong and active character Should I wait for her She will achieve many things. Yes, if I compare her to my niece, they are so difficult. I think that my daughter has a stronger character. That will help her in the future to get ahead. Yes, with all the difficult things that will confront her Clearly No, my youngest daughter is really good in her studies as well as in sports. Yes we want my daughter to also practice a sport but we want to wait until she's a bit older because she's just five years old maybe she's much too young She has the body to become a sportsperson. Perhaps that will help her develop more. Perhaps her character could too Yes Also guide. Perhaps calm her And that she can get tired Yes I need this because sometimes we go to sleep before her, we can't continue like this Yes, she needs to get tired, what ridiculousness They tell me that it's the age Where do you live? We are living in Philadelphia right now. I have my oldest daughter studying at the University of Pennsylvania in Philidelphia. What a coincidence, it is a good university Yes it in in Philidelphia. Yes. Here is a city where many people come to study. That is another important thing, education. And yeah. Yeah, oh, yes, besides, for example we have found movies that are for children, or rather, they are not for children but when I would like my daughter to go to the University but I am still many years away from that. Yes she will do it; what did you study? Psychology, but I did not finish the degree. Aha. After I was pregnant, we wanted to raise the girl at home. We did not want to take her to day care because we felt that it's the traditional form that I was raised. I was with my parents, they took care of me. None We did not want to leave her alone in daycare. That is a good decision. It is good I support her, I have to take a lot of vitamins to have the necessary energy Yes, while it is possibel, and now, yes Now you will see how quickly time passes. I celebrated my youngest daughter's fifteenth birthday yesterday. Wow And now when you look back you will have many more memories of what she did, that will be yours because They achieve great things thanks to the support that parents can give. Form what is given, not saying that you leave to one side Maybe your thing is more personal, your career, your profession Yes Well, my name is Claudia Ivette. With whom do I have the pleasure of speaking? My name is Juan. It's a pleasure, Juan The pleasure is all mine. Where are you? Excuse me? Where are you? I'm in Idaho. Yeah In a place called Robert, and where are you speaking from? I'm in Texas, San Antonio A little far away. Of course Yes. We get the subject of the movies. No, yes... Well, I don't, about the ratings I don't understand a lot, I know that there are movies that are, PG thirteen, PG Yeah And actually I've seen some that have more swear words that are PG they're like more violent and more The PGs are more like that, the PGs than the PG thirteens, I've noticed Yes. I don't understand a lot of that I haven't taken into consideration those classifications OK I can't understand them very well OK They are complicated, they should have more information about what they have Yeah, i would have loved to learned how to play an instrument, but I'm horrible at that stuff I no longer have little children. Yes Children, well, i don't worry too much Yes About those classifications; however, i worry because when we go to see a movie that's worthy, that's interesting and not just any movie, then the classification... Yes I'm not so interested in that as much as i am in the quality and the comments i hear about the movies, right? Right That's it, that's what I'm interested about, I don't know if you do the same, if you always go alone or if you with someone No, I'm married, I've been married for three years and i do have a kid, he's 20 months old Right. My husband is more concerned about him turning two years old. F we watch a movie and we really love it, ~PG or ~PG 13 Right We don't really like to watch adult movies or those that None Up to PG13 Yes. Those, or at times one that is R, but the truth is that I don't pay attention, for example if there is a movie that we like Yes We buy it and sometimes it has nude scenes. My husband grabs the movie and erases that part. None And we do it mostly because, for example, there are times when neither my husband nor me are going to be there. So then the children might grab the movie and could watch it. So for that my husband will record some commercial or other thing. None They can watch the movie, it will be purely cars or action. Yes If you take away the part that is a bit pornographic, because you always see that, even though it's a good movie it always has to have some nudity. Yes At times it has nothing to do with it, but There is always something We have movies that are about action of cars. Yes, it has nothing to do with it, yes. We are going to have other children and once in a while they will be alone and we don't have to worry that they are going to watch a movie There will be no problem I believe you might be right Yes, Look at that very curiously Yeah, What worries me the most in the movies is language and violence. Oh, yes, because it really Generally, when there is an exaggeration in language Yes, Or in violence, everything else is the same Yes So if a movie is rated R it will have scenes of all types. None Those are free. R appear more than restricted. If you don't have much information about the movie, it's exaggerated on all levels. Right. Is for children of thirteen years of age, can see it butsometimes they say vocabulary and sometimes they show scenes. Of nudity and that, so then, I say, since they will be watching, well Yes, I am Mexican None Still on television Look at that None Making memory of the movies we have gone to see lately, they are all Very fast PG-13 or something like that. I don't know where to hold it because the ones we have around here. None Available in theaters. Right? None They are not really good. None Then no, let's not worry much abouth that information because my kids are already teenagers we always go to the theater all together None We always go for the quality of the movie more than anything else. Yes The classification they have to oriented us about the movies, it really does not give us much information, no Sometimes, it does not say anything, but sometimes it says, for example We don't take it into consideration. And it changes for example and when you are watching it, it's different to what it told you None Yes, for example, it says something like it has too much violence and then it's not that violent, or sometimes it is or not, it doesn't clearly state the information So, sometimes None You don't even pay attention to it because, for example Yes, no Those things that they sell, for example, TV sets, you see What They remove or block bad words. One of my friends says they don't work proper because sometimes they block words that are not cuss words, and really bad cuss words are not blocked. Yes So That's when I think we should be involved in the education of our children None We never done any acts of censorship we Yes We've tried to discuss or talk about the issue when we see strong scenes Yes We discussed it with them and said, Hey, that was really unnecessary, they could've cut it out of the film, that was rude. Yes No, we analyze it and so we take advantage of it as a way to educate our kids. Yes It generally works for us really good. Yes He has good common sense about which movies to watch Yes, that's a great idea. I remember when my mom would watch a movie with me and we would always watch them after ten in the evening because We knew that we were always going to find None My mom would get ugly movies. None The ones that are not made for children, if they were airing a movie that had bad language Yes My mom said, when we were kids, it is not nudity; however, with little clothes on. None You can watch it. You will understand more. Yes Because when you say, Turn around. Look away. You are not supposed to see that, you are telling them to do so. Teenagers will because they are wondering why their mom told them not to. Sure If the movie is playing on the television, they wonder why they are not allowed to watch it They are going to find out about those things in the end. They are going to have opportunities to see all those things. Yes. yes. Yes it is that censure or the nformation that should be censured Yes That type of thing I have never thought of it as good because No, yes, I believe that. There is to much information about the movies and it would be convenient to go and see it with your family Yes We are together after we informed ourselves what the movie was about. Yes, it's true. Because the restrictions that they put, there is too much violence found in cartoons Yea, There are cartoons for children has exaggerated violence Is that shown during the day? Yeah, fundamentalism, yes, from the right wing, But also the country is the party has the power so, everyone from the president to everyone who is into this, at the White House, they're all rightwing republicans. Yes, right? No, and of the other maybe, less than five percent are worth watching Yes No, but with those, you have enough to have an idea of what you must be looking for, right? Yes There are enough, it does not mean that not enough movies are not made, but so many are made, you don't have to see them all. That's true. Then That's true I am working with the parents of the deaf children. Right That was about the critics towards the movie and then we went. Yes That's what we always look for, we go to see this movie Right We've already made a decision about what movies. Since my kids were little, they've had that education because he likes the movies a lot.My wife and I love the movies. Right Never, even when they were little. Right If there was a movie, sometimes we took them even if it was for older people. Right Maybe there could be some scenes a little stronger, but one scene doesn't necessarily make the movie. Right We tried to talk about the message about a lot of war movies Yes A lot of war movies are, for example, Saving Private Ryan. Good evening. Good evening, I am Joe What is your name? Joe Joe? What is your name? Alex. Alex, where are you from? I am here in Los Angeles, I think we've spoken about religion before. Oh, yes, of course I rememeber. We talked on the fourth of October. It's been some time now. What a memory, yes I remember, how couldn't I. Where are you from again? I am from Denver , Colorado. Oh, yes. What do you think about tonight's topic? I watch television by quality not by classifications. Yes, I don't pay attention to the classification apart from I am at an adult stage and have a little girl Always keeping an eye on what they watch. i don't want her to watch programs that will give her nightmares or will give her bad motivations. There are a lot The movies out there are more violent. Enough to classify because they are making very violent movies with lots of topics Yes, no, I think I am interested in movies and television through the topics they have Yes Now if it is violent but does not have quality, it is not a good movie. But if it has some violence but it is teaching us something Like a documentary or something from life, then it has value Sure One cannot deny the truth of life Sure One cannot live life with blind eyes. The movie is about the allies side during the Iraq War and the soldier's experiences This one with the colored actor, his name is Jamie, I think it is Jamie foxx. Yes Here's is another white boy that looks traumatized when he is experimenting in Irak. Those things are very real and they happen every day there And those movies may be also a political critique Yes. Maybe the Bush Administration has always been obsessed with war. Yes Mistrusting the public with Iraq. Yes, transfering many things from outside of the lie he told in order to invade Iraq that is really, now one looks and really no, no It is not worthy to do that. More than one thousand soldiers already died. Those movies are important as the majority of the people are ignorant of the things that happen in life You don't have information Yes, it's true The information we get is all propaganda, it's important to see other versions of what happens in the world Yes its true. I think that movie classification today is rather relative. I know they have from thirteen, they clearly know that X are Obvious, true? But I think that these days is well beyond what is permitted or not. That I agree with. Allot of moves dont make sense None They need to see the violence Those movies are bad Yes, very bad Because they show the violence And it glorifies it some way Yes, they don't do it for the value, just to sell. That isn't for selling to Certain people's Boys copy their heros Those shows, and movies are corrupting the young, teach them fake values Society, the parents, the family has a lot to do to make them understand how to treat them, true? My daughter, I don't, when I see something and I don't want her to see it. I don't force her in such a manner, saying don't watch that I try in an educational way to teach her why this program is not good for her instead of imposing it by force. I have a fourteen year old son. None And every time he comes to visit me, I have to set the control on the sex channels. Oh, yes. Yes, because he's obsessed with that, because when I leave I go to work and he watches that. Is easy So I have had to control him, he can't do it anymroe because I already have it controlled. BUt I have it controlled because I took the step to control it. Yes, It is the job of each mom and dad to control the television that their kids are going to watch Yes, exactly. In my house I have basic cable so there's no channel that crosses the line. Do you have teenagers? No, my daughter is only five years old. A girl. A Disney channel that she loves to watch and also we watch the discovery channel Comedy program we watch together. I don't let her watch things that's not suitable They make those things interesting when it is not morally or socially correct. Yes, you can teach your kids but, the truth is that you as a parent should not have your eyes closed, especially when They are going to have more temptations than what we had. Yes. No because we are not good fathers according to culture. Which culture is more Because today's teenage culture involves gangs, hip hop music, a lot of sex and a lot of violence. The videos The videos Yes, all of these things It's not easy to control everything that you try and one, I try to explain the consequences if you do this. Yes, he does, if he has sex with a girl there are consequences, that can occur, what can happen? I'd like to understand. Yes One has to continuously talk to them about the things the parents see, because I am a substitute teacher in the school Yes They care a lot about the boys when they are five, six, seven, eight, nine, and ten years old but when they are thinking they need help the parents are not there. We begin to fail and these boys have a lot of temptation. The teenage years are critical. It's the teenage years where they start to do more than a boy would in life. Exactly Not only when he is five or six years old They say we were teenagers, I remember how I was in those years I had my rebellious spirit and all these things but it's when parental guidance is most necessary. Exactly. Then all depends on the education from the fathers, the way they're into the young ones' lives no, no the, not the clarifications The classification is just a number. Yes. And if anyone comes to see, it's like when they're all alone with their friends. They can see whatever they want because there is nobody to forbid them to do it Yes. If anybody helps him by taking him the good way in, That helps a lot to reason before doing To make a wrong choice We must give the boys a basis, what's good and what's wrong, not only when they are five or six years old but when they're fifteen, sixteen, eighteen years old Exactly And it is more important when they're fifteen than when they're five, because when they're five they're going to follow the easy rules Yes. When they're fifteen, that's another story. They believe themselves more independents, that they don't need their parents anymore They already have friends. They're already involved in culture. Yes. Mom or dad must go to work, they do not have always time Young people influence nowadays is pretty big. I was influenced by my friends when I was younger. I can see that technologies and such things are greater. Because really the movies, back in time when I was a boy weren't as violent as they are now There wasn't video games, and television was more restricted, not all that modern violence like blood, and bodies shown like on CSI. All those shows are pretty graphic. That show things like if they were real None Young people get used to watching that as acceptable. When I was growing up, if those things were shown, it would have been chaos! In fact, it wouldn't have been allowed at all, but it's true, times are changing and that's why, young people are influenced by it These things are acceptable in our society in a negative way. Yes. I hope that when my girl gets to that age, becomes a teenager Now thats going to be in a very little time, my friend. Yes, time flies. Time flies. I remember when she used to be a little baby and now she's jumping, running everywhere, learning lots of new things, being curious and asking lots of questions. Hello, my name is my name is Marisa from Philadelphia Hello, Marisa, this is Carolina, from Los Angeles. Hello, good evening. Here it is good afternoon Yes, it is three hours earlier today. I said, my mother, how is it going to be? Today we have a difficult topic Very difficult, yes. Because i am from venezuela None Where are you from? I am a Spaniard. Oh, ok. Well Now we are living a very critical moment with the United States and our new president Yes. And then mom Yes, what I have to say about the United States is not very positive either Wow, The United States which is, what It is strong. It's very Strong, and even, I don't know if you for some chance of life you have this, knowledge of a page that's called TV For All There you can see the television channels No. All the countries of the world including Spain. Yes. It's called a TV. TV for all Four and all like television for everyone, something like that. None We have been looking for a particular channel from Venezuela. None English in fact is a None And then now we can really see the truth, what is that which is happening this, that which never was said and especially with our president who is a person very As we say in Venezuela, clear and rough None I don't know if you've had the opportunity to hear him. Yes, on television after the Summits of the Americas. Exactly They air it here in Philadelphia. You have various Hispanic channels like Telemundo, Univision. Same Galavision and all that SAME AS HERE And you hear it all, yes, and All those people air whatever they want Here we have Government control. Correct. We only hear that no-, what they want us to hear Correct, and they put, sometimes they twist None They twist what is happening. I always meet people that say damn you, what do you have to say about that crazy guy you have as president? Mother I totally agree they truly touch the spot. None None I try to have patience, because it's a delicate issue. Yes I didn't have any, including with some Venezuela people None People that have lots of years here and lack the knowledge about what really happens there Yes And besides that, they are afraid of the idea that they have been slfd, that communism, that I don't know what that Fidel and that this and that and The situation that we are living in Venezuela is a very special situation. None It is distinctive to Venezuela, not related to the Cuban reality. Had to adopt that system, which were the necessities that got them to assume that system They were applying it because evidently there were mistakes in everything. Just like how we have mistakes right now. Of course, yes We have been making mistakes, however, it is being work on function of that, like the president says, clearly he has a claim against The government, not against the the country but against the government from here that they are the ones that they Of course. They assume some politics best Yes, that I mean no, has been don, in reality, like the question says, the world's police, they are the ones that pretend to be Exactly They tell you what is going to happen, and you have to agree with them. Exactly. Correct, that is, and if not, then, I extort you It is exact. None With embargo, with everything there might be, or the worst ways, with violence, with war None This Delicate, but I believe and from what I have seen that the North American town is waking up in some way None And there are a bit more people that are realizing what is really happening, because they have them in a bubble Still a lot is lacking, and that is what gives me more Yes Manipulating makes me mad Clearly None Liberal or communist Clearly They give you these labels and Some bad labels continue. If you are not a terrorist, leave. We don't want you if you don't like Correct No this country, he the leaders of the country Exactly, that is what they sometimes say to me, what are you doing here? Yes I could be in Venezuela and not support the president Country or not, does not imply that you have a position None Nobody knows the reason for the people being here Of course. In the opportune moment but that has nothing to do with the opposition because how many people, for example, in Venezuela they don't live in Venezuela and what they are doing is throwing them the enema None None That you don't have to be here to support or not support. When they tell me that, it makes me laugh. Yes. What do they do here? The same thing you are doing. Thank God you are here and not in Venezuela. No, but also in Spain it's the same, what happens is that different. The left government but even if it were right it is another mentality because the When it is not agreed, it is thrown in the streets and they make manifestations and I have never seen it. Correct, no. Well with all the gasoline problems that have really been None In a surprising manner, that the people don't protest, I say, my God but what happens with these people? well When it affects your wallet is when you react. I don't know what happens, they change their car and then buy a more economic car. Yes. I don't know what happens, but in general, they don't have the necessity to protest under certain things. Yes. All of a sudden here. You were in Pennsylvania you say? Yes, Philadelphia yes In Philadelphia. Here I have felt there is a little more, that people are starting to wake up None I feel that they are rejecting the politics of the current president and like they are seeing that really things are not like they are painting them because Me too. In the beginning I did not have access to that page. My God, could it be true what they are saying about Venezuela? I will speak with my friends They would tell me, no, what is that? Look at the power of television. Yes Very big, well speaking precisely about the topic, power Power, yes Television is a huge power. Yes, they are the one that control. None Philadelphia is a democrat city, everybody is democrat, but the rest of the state is republican and of people the anglo of the people that have things told to them I don't know, very radical Correct. Very religious, very closed Yes No, can not, it is not going to change, so as long as that doesn't change, and then What are you doing in Philadelphia? I with my husband moved here one year ago, before we lived in Florida. Okay. I'm looking for a job. We just moved. And do you think it's better there than Miami? We are in the process. The work is better here in the North. The south is really saturated. None And well, for certain things, easier. Right, and you came here. And what do you do? He works at the pharmaceutical industry, doing clinical research OK And I do administrative work, I volunteer and Whatever goes, right. Well, whatever i can find, sure. But, all the same I was like flying because they said, ah, this is my first boyfriend and and probably I'm going to get married with him and things like that, Twelve years. Twelve? None I have been here six years, and we're about to come back, God permitting. Yes, where are you from? Yeah, that is good, that is good, to move like that. You see, I live The republicans came in with Bush and everything went to hell. Yes, sir Little by little, Spain is ready Yes The to my husband is american look at him and he tells me he has much resentment because he says look at your country The world is destroyed. My God They believe they are the owners of everything Yes There is the power of resentment. Yes. Notice that before I used to be a little like that. Today I understand that is like us because we do not have Our government is at fault Sure I used to see the Americans like that. I understood that they were United States citizens because this is another concept they work. Yeah We are also Americans Sure Then after that I start to reflect a little and no, they are not northamericans it is the government politics what they do They decide and it reflects against the town, against the country. None That is the political state of goverment Yes, I don't like I'm Spanish and American Sure. I have to persist and I have to deal with the government does, but on the hand I don't know, I don't like it, it's a You have the right to protest in a democracy. None I hope that is it. It's like a dictatorship. It doesn't effect anyone,the project, this linguistic thing, at least it's an fairly controversial issue, when I heard Very The issue, I was dying, so I said I Why? I'm going to talk about Bush, because I have so much anger Thanks to God, you're not alone. I listen to so many people that say it's not, they talk but they rant and rave about him and I say Yes The people have realized That is what They think that the people are so dumb that they're not going to realize. None Realize the atrocities that they are doing The whole throws their hands above their head and exclaims By next week they forget about it Sure The press and TV move on to something else to distract and then people forget. Sure, a short while ago, the Latin American film festival ended None They showed a movie, the Argentinian, but the directors were Spanish. None And then, really interesting, because you know that the Spanish film industry has many types of movies, and this one was a protest movie, sort of... Yes Documentary Mhn. My name is Ibet, With whom do I have the pleasure of speaking with? This is Mercedes. Hello Mercedes, How are you? Where are you from Mercedes? From Honduras. Oh, Honduras? None Wow, I have a sister in law from Honduras also. Where exactly? I know that she is Honduranean That's nice. Yes, it is. Where are you from? I'm from Mexico. Where? The city, the capital? From the city. yes, Mexico City. Yes. And what do you think about today's issue? That is it easier to break up with someone when you're young or, or if age makes a difference. I've already passed that stage and i'm married, but for example -The experience that I had was, was very difficult It is difficult when you actually do not love her but believe it is everything else that you do love. To each their own. Yep. I believe that when you really love the person but in this case i imagine you did not get alone with the person I really do not know. maybe the two people weren't getting along. I believe they should Communication in a relationship None Or between in the relationship. And if one of the two pieces is missing, there will be distrust and This can cause a break up and may be hurtful. Did you ever have a break up that was hard Well really, yes because for example, before I married my husband I was going with a person and for example, It was not a long time but my first boyfriend. Yes? None Is hard always. It was the first illusion i had,with him i will get married I will have three children and I was putting my castles in the air. How? None I had more experiences to say, until now everything is finished, I believe for him It was not very easy but for me yes. None Everything was for the best, because then I met the one that is now my husband and, wow, he is a lot better! The truth How good I don't know then So, you have only had two boyfriends? That's right, and Just looking for trouble. And you? When ther is no need Yes, how did it happen to you? I don't think I ever had a difficult experience. None The first boyfriend I was with for about two years None I remember we decided that then, I don't remember the exact reason, we would break up None But that was ten years ago Wow I was nineteen, eighteen; it was Are you married now? Yes None We will let ourselves be seen afterwards. It was not so difficult that we each lived apart and on our own. Aha. There was another boy I went out with for a few months where he didn't live with me. None We were, in university where we were and he returned to his country of origin None That one was also easy because you stop seeing him quick. It's easy really. Yes. In that way. Yes. I didn't have any formal boyfriend. I never had a certain experience. Thank God. Yes. I think that, in my case, the first person that I fell in love too much It was a lot None More than how much he loved me, I think. And it wasn't long, two or three months. None But also I don't want to let it affect me. Yes. I think that he didn't think that way, I don't know if I was his third, fourth or fifth. He said yes and i am not going to marry her and i am goingto be with her and get to know here and that's it. I think i wa teh one that was getting my hopes up because of that Truthfully, yes it still hurts Really Yes, it hurts because I think you are excited and have a lot of faith in that relationship and when a person comes and tells you no, well. But I think that it must, it must hurt a lot more when you already live together like in a marriage. Yes. I think the must be the worst experience of your life. I hope to never go through it because we never know. None I hope I never go through that. I've been married for three years now and everything is working wonderfully. Thank God. A lot of communication You also say that is nothing; everything can be perfect, is true always. Besides Yes. Because there are people that are mistaken there's people that think that marriage is according to the stage and everything is peaceful No. But and you live with the person day and night and you see it Yes Is impossible for it to remain? A situation like that there is, None Yes, you always love the person but it's impossible for there to always be only peace, well that's what I'm saying, right? Yes. I am one to be human and things bother other people a lot, correct? Yes. To any other people. I am not saying to that person particularly, but to any other person. I know that Twenty-four hours a day, it is a coin of whole world. So it is. Yes. Yes, the truth is it's very difficult to keep everything happy. None And I think that also that and I think that when you take your engagement, for example you can know and, accordingly, you go knowing the person Ou're not going to know thoroughly, right? until now you are married with that person If you see that you don't get along with that person, I have known people that they beat up their boyfriends, and they abused and and they required them to everything that they wanted then I think that nothing good is going to come from those relationships because if they still aren't married And to behave Imagine how it's going to be if they're married Yes, yes. Now like they treat her, then I think that those relationships, they're not going to work ever, I don't know. Or change him or If it was a relationship like that, it doesn't have to hurt anything. You have to think it over if you have a boyfriend that beats you None You're going to rest, you're going to say, it's good we finished. everything starts doing it well Everything is going well and suddenly someone must travel to another country or has to go to another school, I think that that would hurt Yes. Because, everything is fine, but only the third circumstances, well, they have to separate. So, I think that this type of relationships, well that really hurts, but if it's a relationship that That they hit you no No, yes, that. It's ironic that those are the most difficult relationships at times. For people that are involved in that type of relationship That's true. Because usually people, when they are in that type of situation, there is a very low self confidence None And then they think that, people think that that's what, that's what's better that some times it's going to eh, what I'll be able to achieve I have to keep on enduring Yes. Really it's not as easy as one thinks to. He did that to me, I'm going to send him packing. No. That's true. It's hard, rather, because, let's not say an addict, but yes to that type of situation that The drama is people don't know how to get out of that cycle of abuse. That's what happens. Yes, it's true, you're right Yes, but One time I was in Mexico, I met a girl one time with dark glasses. None I asked Do you wear glasses now? It was a cloudy day. She had a bruise that her boyfriend had given her. None And told her you must not allow your boyfriend to touch you Because..., and she said, well it is very difficult to end my relationship with him. And I told her Why? And she said I still love him Mhn. And then, I told her What? How can you love a person who beats you? Sometimes she used to come bruised, and sometimes he.. None Used to smack her and similar things. No Therefore as sometimes you say those type of relationships are the hardest. And finally when she managed to do it I remember that she used to cry. Every time that she could, at every break and similar occasions, because she missed him and all that. Therefore I think, somehow sometimes, Some relationships, I imagine that it was very painful for her Carolina Fabiola What's up, Fabiola?, How are you? Fine, and you? What do you think about today's subject? In Washingtion, yeah. Dear mother, very far away. And you? I'm in Los Angeles. None Yeah Extremes We're just on the on opposite sides. That's good; and, where are you from? Chilean Where? Chilean from Chile. Chilean. I'm from Venezuela. From Maracabio? No I'm not. Why, do you know people from there? Yes, I'm right here Yeah. Well, you know that they have a stronger accent. Right? Yes. Yeah, Look, and are you Arepa? Yes, yes, yes. And that's great. Because sometimes it's very difficult to find Venezuelans, and they say no. No, in fact we know very few Venezuelans. We are very few here, in fact. But in about ten years, it has increased. Yes. None Young woman from Venezuela, in Houston. Do you work at the Hilton? No. In Houston I heard in Hilton Texas. No Texas None Do you work? I work with deaf children. None Yeah, when I got here, Bill Clinton was there, the country was in an incredible period. A lot of work, everybody happy, the economy going up A great job Listen, yes. Very strong work. Yes, but it satisfies you to have it Yes Having power to help people Exactly. I was doing the same in Venezuela, only that I was using sign language. I learned the alphabet there Ok, Chilean of course, no? I learned, yes None But, with signs Correct, But Here it is oral My daughter taught me the alphabet, some words Okay Not all, some like I love you None Yes, small words. None Pretty Yes, I'm with the first oral part? I'm at the other end Here the children are given incentives to talk . How ? To talk ? None Without listening, but, talk, Yes. Because they with auxiliary earpieces, are able to listen in. None Then they train you orally so they can recognize the sounds. How beautiful. They have the possiblility to speak clearly and you will feel the difference as she speak They will have that option. There are some parents who combine sign language with the oral part. No? Depends on Depending on the grade of auditory loss of the child. If it is very profound, there are no possibilities, even with the best operation, there We utilize sign language as complement. What a hard job for parents. It is great work, truthfully. It is very, very hard. But it is very rewarding. In the end you have your reward. Of course, you have to, as we say 'put on the batteries'. Because, in another form, well, hardly, they are going to achieve it, well. What is your opinion on the topic that they gave to us today? I think that the relationships between partners are not at all simple. You have to fight with a person that That is different from you. That comes from another world, customer, another way of being. Then attempt to have a single project. Sometimes it is a bit difficult. No? But, I think that love is the only thing that makes it possible for barriers to be overcome Only if there's love and a lot of disposition from the partners so that those tiffs that can be had at any moment, They overcome themselves. Do you think so? I think suddenly more of love. None It is acquired with time. None I believe tht you want to maintain your family and to keep them because there are very few people who love None Twelve, imagine. We have had two critical moments to the point of nearly separating. There was a point where maturity plays an important role, no? Correct. They don't work hard. And they love each other maybe even more than a couple who has been married for 30 years. Of course. They struggle day to day and they overcome problems, they go above problems. Correct. They as so young that the first thing that occurs to them when they have the opportunity, fight, split up Yes. If they decided to stay with or marry that partner, Of course. It is forever already. Do not go running after the first problem. With my husband we are going to reach eight years of marriage It went well, I was ready, I was ripe for the picking as we say here. I said, stop, I've got this far Yes, they gave him another one. It didn't work well on him and then they had to stop using it and return to basics. Yes. In another moment in my life I'd have done it. Me too. None But I had done nothing important. I had done nothing important. I don't see a thing. Yes, I said stop me if I fall. What is the problem? Exactly. But now I think three things. I understand. Right now it is true what you say. But he has other things. I'm focused on the good things he has. I say that he is different from me. He can't think like I can and it doesn't bother me if he doesn't. But he gave me his I understand. I feel the same as well. No? I understood exactly. But, unfortunately, good, the first was horrible because I thought that it was the end of the world. And good, I felt, and waited a long time that one day we tried while I thought it was a good day but is that what's happening? We have, we were married three weeks. we had almost gone three weeks. Never in life had we lasted three weeks without seeing each other without hablarnose. And sleeping in the same bed Oh my god Horrible. I said look, do you understand this? I haven't touched it. It hasn't come to that. It's not that bad. It's very rude on our part, in reality. He said, you know what? I think that this is full of crap. It does not have to make sense, if you do not want to continue with the project, we won't continue. I love you. But this can't continue, because you go for a day and I go for the other. And the truth, I think that I love you. And that's why I love you. Is this what I need to define it this way? It's insensitive on our part to live this way. In this way I don't believe in God. We will working on it. Because, irrespective of how serious may be the situation, that luckily wasn't so serious but that neither side wanted give in. right? It was pride Fool pride. Yes, it's up to nothing To nothing. But the opposite Only affect We are back on track. I think the first one was the one which really left us marked It's a channel of the state but, now the state Ripe for the picking, ready to throw in the towel Yes, I was ready to give in and said that I would not allow you to do it because you are wrong. If something I learned from this life, is to search for solutions to problems than can be solved Sure What are we going to do with a mediocre relationship? I don't want a mediocre relationship. There are people who spend thirty years together and that's a crap of a relationship. Yes? None A girl, and sometimes they treat each other well, but they don't love each other Exactly They spend all their lives together. Yes. A thousand things happen. Couples go through so much, that is an interesting topic. Because, you say, There are people whom look a lot like each other, but do not love each other. I got accostumed to live with him They respect Exactly. And, what they wanted to form was a family, and so. There are others that definitely they do whatever they feel like and they keep up an image. If there's no love, there's nothing. It's true that there has to be a big love. I feel that in my relationship, what was possible was love. Because truthfully, with a situation that was so difficult, like we were living, if there hadn't have been love, we would have broken up. Because it just wouldn't have made any sense. It doesn't make any sense to continue something like that, where there's no love. Yes, I feel that a lot of love. Many of his promises that you were talking about To be here because you want to be, because it was worth it. Nobody is forcing you. You want to be here, and you fight. Exactly. You could have a couple. And when you have it, you have Exactly. The hardest is to keep it going That's the hardest. Yes, sir. And to seek how to be constantly in that harmony that, like new things, we're going to do differently, let's not slip into a routine. None But, no. It's that as time goes by, you know, but, the important things is that you can not leave her. For sure I recognize that Exactly And that the system will also bring you to that conclusion. Your husband is also Chilean? He is from here Love can do anything So easy You think it is easier? From the American music there is a mister that we call Oh, okay, becasue my husband is Venezuelan and, For certain I believe it has nothing to do with nationality. It is a universal thing. Yes, I believe that for me it is easier because sometimes, they are very entertaining because I don't understand everything he says or he says it fast. Then it doesn't go well. No, fighting had no point. A lot with him, because it makes me laugh And, what was that you said? What do you say? Bad. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello, how are you? Good, I am Viola from Idaho Ah, you're from Idaho. I'm Alicia from Atlanta. Of Atlanta Yes. Oh, how are you? Good, and you? Good. That's good, where are you from originally? Of Chile. Me too? Really? Yes. Oh, that's good. That's funny How long did you live there? Yes. Well more or less for example I'm there all two thousand three Oh, okay. And what you call it, then I would come and go but more or less in ninety one, yes. You? I've been living here since two thousand two. It is not that long for nothing. It's been a short time From Santiago probably Yes, from Santiago. Of course. Where are you from? I lived. From Santiago also? I lived there in Santiago and in Concepcion. Oh, okay. Sure, Look, what a small world. Yes, that sounds good. And have you been in this thing of calling on the phone long time? Because, no, I don't know of waht. I registered Monday to do Yes? And I didn't know anything about it so far Hello? I mean hello. Oh, ok Oh, I wish it wasn't this phone, it's bad sometimes Ok I've been taking calls. You're calling every day? I started once, and i got four calls, but i could only take one. Ok. Yes. Yes, i got called this week, too, but couldn't answer None I've been lazy this week. None Yeah I'm telling you, it's been Yes Fun, they give you a subject to To talk about something what I thought. It must be Yes, I think so. I thought I would make a phone menu and items similar to that in this study. None For hospitals, theaters and stuff, people wanted to talk about health and stuff. For example It was because you have to talk about personal things. You should not or do not want to do Because you shouldn't like personal things None You never know if another person is on the phone. Of course, OK So, that's why they give you subjects to have to talk about I thought in this part of the study Castilian and Spanish were required. Maybe I am wrong. Okay. No All they told me was that I had to talk about issues of importance. Of course Have a theme, don't talk as a pure head of sin Is the fruit If what Yes Do you like it here? No, of course Idaho is good None Yes, I was in Washington near Seattle when I came to the United States. None I'm in Atlanta Georgia so it's as good here as it is for everyone there Even more to be posted there None Idaho is really rural whereas here it is not. It's like the countryside Yes, I would imagine myself there, why not, it depends Yes, it's like how there isn't much nightlife there I bet. The thing is, being in Atlanta, it's a pretty big city. Supposedly life should be really great here, you see. In two or three years None Also the stores, bars, and clubs need to close at 2 a.m. At 2. At 2 in the morning, everything is closed. And why So the reason is that it has the sector like that in Atlanta it is called Bucks Head None Two or threes years ago, there was crime that led to three people were killed. They killed three persons. None The people are killing the city on top. None Yes, a city that has to have an obligation. Yes. but over there do people use any cars or is there more public? None To go out at two am is not None If you have a car or something like that I would prefe to have a system so good Expensive and on top of that Yes A lot of congestion. Oh, okay A horrible traffic, is delay like to any place Yes Yes, the car Here is totally different Oh, yes, like over there. There are so many cars. Everyone has cars because it's a necessity. Of course Because there is no bus. None It doesn't take too long to travel in the city I live in. Santiago is half of the port, so there are much less people. Yes The houses are much biggerand further apart Of course, they are in or No, I am in Idaho Falls None In Idaho Falls Yeah, I am going to a much larger city. None There in a much larger city, but Of course Where we are is a country None None We were Latinos There are a lot of machines here, that's for sure. Ready It is rural place with lot of Mexicans. None They hire a lot of Mexicans to work in None The land Sure. They think you are Mexican Yes At least latinos, they say Mexican Yes, the wheat. You are saying no, no, no. No I am not Mexican What i like is when they believe that i am Palestinian or asian. Yes Yes, like from middle east, they tell me None They try to talk to my in Arabic. They think I have more of an Indian face or something, but is that discrimination or not? Yes, the same, but not the same None That is yes, like everywhere else Sure. More than anything with people who are Latin but don't speak Sure There are a bunch of people just the same, that go to buy and don't know anything about Yes. None Yes. Sure Over there they are very discriminating Well over here is super today. Atlanta and all of the south is sixty percent black, like that. Oh, okay So, it is the fact that it is more diverse that it is much more acceptable. I don't know, but at the same time to the south is the south of the United States has that history of being one of the more racist places of the whole United States, in fact here None A certain minority of Whites that hate any ethnic group and have their strange demonstrations Things strong like that, yes. Of course. They fight strong Yes, but. No, it's not something massive, it's not semi-heavy Of course for example in the rural parts of Georgia they saw things like were seen in the Ku Klux Klan I don't know Yes, really. Yes, still None Those rare things but they are very far the city None It's inside the city of Atlanta in a place more civilized None Yes by luck, look what was happened None And how did you get to iadho like that? I married a gringo. Idaho Yes. I was married to a gringo, that's how I came here, and you how My mother married a gringo None Yes, because of that we came we went to Seattle in ninety one, I had Eleven years. None But my dad stayed in Chile and that is why I come and go like that. Oh. okay Clearly. Okay None Okay Interesting. So you are single? Something like, We live together. Okay Clearly What do you call it? Do you like it or not? Yes, because or its like I am in the city, I like it more city because of, I am from the city or the countryl. For example I lived in San Rafael I don't know if you're familiar but He walked from San Felipe to the Andes which is in the question more rural and you couldn't imagine how None Typical Chilean country and that enchanted me. Yes Like to be in the city because it is it is more hip I don't know None Then Esta bien Yes It's not like But It's a super drastic change for me to come here I imagine I was accustomed to live in the city I could find all I need but the life is more Is more calm Sure More calm and everything, there is not as much crime as in a big city Sure But is bored. Yes, I imagine Kind of None It's the same. Like at least Chico is not that Big Well. Oh. Hello, Juan. Marcela Hello. How are you? My name is Juan. Marcela. Yes. How is it going? Didn't we talk the other day? I think so. You are in Texas and I am in North Carolina. None Yes, with pleasure. I have not forgotten you. Did we practice together, no? yes. Listen, but I am tocan, health. Yes. DO YOU HAVE SOCIAL SECURITY OR COVERED I am covered through my husband None The children are covered so we are alright. We are not. It is a problem, no? We are not covered. It is a problem because something can always happen We are very healthy but you never know. The other day I went to an office which supposedly they gave you a pension. People like that in the community, no? Yes. They already have the papers that they asked for with my address and proof of work. They finally found an excuse to not give it to me because they asked Me to give information about the person who was hiring me and in that moment because the person didn't want to give out the information None And, in my case I have a son who has epilepsy None They need people nowadays that have patience. They didn't give you the attention? He was sick and got worse. Then i had to go back to mexico. there he got attention from a doctor None They perscribed him medicine and already i've run out of it once. Normally I buy it in Mexico. Yes, but it can be cheaper. It is a problem with the prescription and then a friend who is a doctor had samples and he gave me medical samples Yes, that helps. what a thing. Yes, we think if there is a community it should be a certain kind I think that the whole system is going to have to fall The costs of everything, depend on demand. And then if these costs are rising and rising Yes. Because there is more demand and because people pay it. And then they raise the costs because people ask more and more money and people who work ask for more money, it is a vicious circle. And then how can suddenly they can have socialized medicine? Yes. It is impossible because all of that. People already are like Yes it should be Money does not stop being like a drug, you see. They are already used to a certain amount of money. None And then suddenly they are not going to have it. It is a problem, it is a circle that works with the earnings Yes. Of course it is. Then the interest is worse We would stop making bombs and going to war None For school or a medical system, of social medicine Well, if they would lower it just a little bit. Yes. With that. Over here I don't know where you are living. Here, if somebody has money it is the nurses and the doctors. Isn't it? Nurses are paid very well because few nurses you know there are less Then. And Well so here that as they say, time a good care with a woman that is around thirty years old, for example, no? None When you find out if they really are nurses Yes. Tell me, twenty, thirty dollars an hour. Yes, to me. Then here in this case it does get offered. In Canada it is my understanding they have much medicine, isn't it? None Then any Canadian resident has rights to medical services, just to be there and they don't have any economical consequences No, but the difference is that they started right. Yes, exactly. It's Argentina, my parents paid all the medical bills. None All medical coverage is paid, they only pay a small amount Yes, this is one thing we should make. Yes Having some type of social security, but even that is really Yes, it's really expensive It's expensive right?, I don't know how drugs are, but in Mexico is cheaper All over the world. And there is more competition there in drugs. That's weird. Yes, there was a drug my son was taking there, and when we moved here we couldn't find it. None So, we went to Argentina last year, I went to the drugstore and something you pay more than 50 dollars here I bought it there for 12 dollars Yes $12.00, the same company and everything Yes. It could have been less if I bought the unknown brand. Same. yes. I don't understand. There are five or six brands of my son's medicine in Mexico. None With similar ingredients None No? Yes, here there's only one. nd second that in the literature is not the best. And listen but only the laboratories, I thought that all the American laboratories So at the time of competition well here there's a monopoly. Yes. Big interest in everything, no? None None According to things like this But According to the specialty they have to operate here. You know what you have to do? Yes. Why don't you contact an organization that is called the Shriners? None Shriners yes. Yes, I already know. They help the children. None I don't know if they specialize in a specific disease or if they cover everything. None You can communicate with them and say, he hears we have this boy, and this is his condition, and this is our situation. Yes. And perhaps they can help in some way. Because the Shriners are dedicated to helping, to paying for the medical care of children. That they can't pay. Then yes he sees Of the parents who can't pay. Yes he knew of that. Was it already time? What I know, they say that it is twelve minutes but the twelve minutes seems like half an hour. I noticed that. Yes I only knew and thought it was for me. And I much smaller without you tiring and for more style Yes, Perhaps, uncertain to find out it costs nothing. I am going to crash If you call Catholic Charities Yes. Perhaps they have what I know, a wave or something you see that it can help you in Yes it's simple, because on one hand the maintenance is a medicine that this person who helped me with the sample says no man this Just go to some community center None Knowing a bit more, I can give a deeper diagnosis and give medicine that could improve the life of my son. With the epilepsy Sure. It was under control, but lately, nearly two years it has been uncontrolled. And of course he's growing up and then maybe that medicine doesn't work anymore. What are you going to do about it? None Yes, I was very ill. What a thing. It's a matter of experimenting. You must live with your hearts in your mouth. Sometimes yes And that causes a lot of stress. None Much stress You're always looking after him, all the time. Yes My son is a teenager and you always hope trauma does not happen. None It happens at school so he feels really bad. He is ashamed, how old is he? Yes it is a heavy load for him. How old is he? 17 It's just a teenager Yes..Hey, getting back at subject, I think there must be a good ones her Where you can ask? At teaching hospitals System of At teaching centers in medical schools None Plenty of times at different apartments Yes They check people who can't afford a normal consultation. They take care of people like us who can't afford an specialized doctor None And we do not have I see They take note of whatever they give us,after that they charge A reasonable account. Something we can afford None I had to get an abscess checked. It turns out I have something called ADD. Yeah A few years ago, I thought I had it, but I had self-diagnosed. In the end, I found the teaching hospital of the University of North Carolina here Yeah They performed all the test on me, and didn't charge me anything. Really? Yes I went to precisely is called University system, healthcare system and something like that Then it's that with the It's precisely there where they bounced me With the University? I told him But what a thing Then they told me, No, you have to give us information. I had a letter with my earnings and so on? None Not that, we needed was the social security of your employer. But that's when they didn't want to anymore They didn't want to give you that information. No, but not me. Well, now I have my social security. Maybe now you can Yes, employed None Well, maybe I'll go. Maybe, now you can. None Hello how are you? my name is John Matt here I am in San Antonio and Matt, you are in Philadelphia and we have spoken before. Yes and you are It's a pleasure to talk with you again Yes, how have you been? Hey, everything is fine what do you think about today theme? I didn't listen. What's the theme? The theme is how dependent are you on technology? Consider the technology question no? in your daily life, if it become more in a problem than in a solution This include cars? None It is a machine. Yes if the cars seems to be so important no then i thought better is a computer The most obvious its the computer Seems like a personal element depending on the case. It can be a car because the computer is a tool every time. More than once, we said that belongs to the institution, where are you now? It is more than a work tool. None But that tool is very personal seems like a car no? Yes, any car you buy will become a large part of your life. You will want to use it often and, therefore, must keep it well maintained.. Do you need to look after the car, do you know? Yes, exactly, besides as I'm here in Texas None I feel that the automobile culture here is reminiscent of the horse culture too. Did you use the horses more? No ? it is like a horse, it is something like, very personal, very close Yes It's very important here that we take care of them over the course of their life. Yes If they say no the devices that have to do with communication are the most important in our age, like computers As permitted by the information management Yes, because, here in Texas yes, because up here in Texas But Do you need the car for work? Yes Then Here the working people are like mules. They need a pickup truck. Yes Pick up truck, no ? give and do not leave, if you notice like there's a work culture that's very, very important I see In all houses there are television, telephone and computers. There are other dimensions. Of the technological question, the car seems to be The most important Which questions on the subject. What technology is most important in your life? Would it be the car or would it be the computer? Well, for me it would be more my computer and my cellular telephone Exactly Because? because I have my cellular and I'm always with it None This is what happens to her when she is criticized. I then say to her that God loves you like you are, but you cannot be so critical towards others. None Before, I didn't have a cellphone until I was twenty years old, but now that I live in Philadelphia and I'm not always at home for I'm not always going back home for, you know? to look at my messages Yes I have my cellphone You have your cellphone? I think that it's very surprising that almost everybody has a cellphone here in the United States. Notice that it's very important what youve just said. a while ago when I worked I had a kind of work in which the computer was the most important Yes There were message in the computer because it was always on the internet. Mail more than the telephone, neither the cellphone or anything else. Yes The computer was the most important. But now, The type of work that is the most important is auto work becuase it is real work, not like computer work. More physical, no? The the auto is converted in the apparatus and the computer, for a second diagram, is also very important. But of course if by the type of good work. Well, for me I think, very well, yourself was working for Texas and obviously you know. I understand that there is more like lands and someplace there. Understand? Way more space Yes For in the city having a auto it can be convenient as well. Yes Because you always have to try to park and pay for a lot for it, and the gas station is far away. It is more than a problem of one torque. That one helps obviously. Understand? Yes? It is better to have an auto. Yes, for the distance, the auto is fundamental. Clear Depends in the job also, maybe it can be a computer The next question or the apparatus of communication.no? None And if you consider that those technologies will convert more into a problem Well, what type of problems would it have, no?, like you just said, with the car, the problems that have to do with parking None No? Here in Texas there are no major problems with parking, there is a lot of space everywhere The care issues with cars has not been a large problem. We could consider, as a problem, the interests created around the auto industry, and sometimes they seem to affect the same technology development of the None But don't you think it's great that has changed in 60 years? Yes We look how seventy-five years in the past there were no cars, but these days almost everybody has Yes And the same thing with the computers they have, they have computers that are not going to let come out to the market until, like ten years, because Since Because they have the things very advances and the things have not Yes Gotten paid for their development costs, understand? I don't know how to explain it very well but The auto industry would have advanced technologically as much as the electronics industry One hundred kilometers with only one liter of gas None No? And instead of costing, say, twenty thousand dollars, it would cost you two thousand dollars Yes If that was the case, no? but, like technology, in this case industry, it has its own interests, it, like, moves on, you know what they're talking now about hybrids They are not affordable, that it's really a matter of image that companies do, and when it comes to see the, the return tables Of the hybrid cars, I thought they would be a lot more efficient, but I think what they've achieved is a minimal efficiency Yes No? no, I don't think that they are a really big technological breakthrough, given the efficiency that Yes, that was a very important breakthrough None You don't think it's an important breakthrough The efficiency they show is not radically different from the other cars None An economical car will give you thirty-six miles per gallon. Yeah A Hybrid can give you fifty Yes, there are cars now like Fords Well The pick up trucks no because they are changing them to be more efficient None But what else, and now, ant time here, surely you don't like it, right. Yes exactly, but at the same time for example with those autos, there have been small cars that give you almost the same mileage than the hybrid, and they are not hybrid, are they? By, small cars, new that are not in the Northamerican market, that are in the European or Latinamerican market where they have to be much more efficient. Oh, yes Smaller, no? If we compare the costs of a hybrid against a smaller European car, or of the ones that circulate in Latin America, then No- it is much more expensive to have a car which is because of the initial cost and while it will save a lot in gas, it ends up Being less than to what a car has, a good economy car, no? And, why is it that European Why is it that the United States is one of the few nations, only here you have those huge cares Yes, it is Over there in other countries everybody has small cars , different culture Yes years ago when there was the problem with petroleum, in the eighties None I thought that it there was going to be a change in the culture, because they started to develop smaller cars here in the United States. Yes, but I thought well as it was going to get change in their culture, but that was not only the moment. It seems there were some huge cars to which they continued to like. I'm Ana Maria. Faviola, hi Hello Faviola How are you? Fine and you? How's the weather there where you're at? Great, it's sunny but cold. Sunny, cold. Cold It's bad here, it's really cold her. What do you think about movies? Have you already talked about that subject? Yes I've talked about that before, too. The one I specifically remember talking about was about violence. None They didn't like the idea of going to see movies. And I told them, that the world has violence None I've had the chance to teach children about peace and love with the TV or, or in the world and later when they go out into the real world at school. They find that kids hit each other, they don't know how to defend themselves. Especially when you have only children. None It's ok that they rate the movies how they do. It's the responsibility of adults, even where their kids can watch tv. I agree. That's the most important responsibility of parents. They are doing their job They are earning their money, what is your job. It is His business Doing his business, yes Yes today the one that wants, the one that wants to see, he doesn't want to see him anymore it is not their responsibility, they see Yes That they sell Yes It's what they do, it's no one's fault Yes, of who likes the product, because of that Yes With you it is the maximum responsibility, if it is violence, sex, whatever it is protect a child. The biggest responsibility is of the parents, even with classification There is a classification of a movie for example -PG thirteen Yes It is your responsibility when you have a small child of that age and you let him watch that movie Yes It is because you let him. You thought what can be done. Exactly One who puts the classifications already has it then Yes, we believe more or less the same thing. In the end the responsibility of raising and taking care of them and wanting them to see or not see Your sons, or your family You as a mother or your husband as a mother. I believe that I agree. Normally the children have access to television when the parents are out. Exactly The kids are alone None There is no father to teach them or tell them, you should not watch this. If they go to a sleepover, you don't know either No because you don't have any idea If they go to a sleepover and the watch a movie, they watch a movie and they don't have any control at that house, or whatever You don't know either Exactly I believe it is important to give to your children one good principles at home. Sure I dont like and you are nor ready or the time will come They cannot have them in a crystal box No Exposed Yes, also when the children reach a certain age. My son was seventeen years old. He tells me, don't worry because you did better than you could do. None It is twenty-five percent genes and education. The rest is the decision of my life Look, with that that Then I learned None My cellphone was ringing. Let me answer Okay Don't hang up on me because we have to talk for twelve minutes. Yes I only went to turn it off. Okay I love to watch horror movies. OK There are times I get scared I'm an adult. You scare yourself I get scared from horror movies. But your responsibility is to watch it and scare yourself Yes I don't like them and I don't watch them, I don't watch any of that type. That's why it's also my decision be- even though I'm old enough to watch it, if it's too violent, I don't want to watch it Yes, that's why I respect what my son told me that time, fifty percent is responsibility, Yes Of the individual, you already did the best you could. Then comes the time for the young people of the past to be eighteen at the. That some are much more mature than normal Yes They start seeing rated R movies. None At around fourteen and fifteen years old and the PG-thirteen the kids that are eleven and twelve years old are already seeing them. Yes there. Sometimes even the little ones. Sometimes the much younger ones. I remember Jenny's little friend that used to watch Harry Potter. Already thirteen already Jenny doesn't like [PG-13 or -14] because she gets scared. Yeah She gets scared with the monsters and all that. Yes The major part is the criteria that you form. Take care of them and don't let them watch television when they are by themselves. Yes, because Don't leave them alone with the t.v. We can't control them It's the television more. That's what I'm telling you. You can control them. You can't see this movie because of this reason. You need to be more mature. Whatever you want to tell them, it's not true. You have to formulate criteria to go and see some movies. Yes, that's why I'm telling you you don't get nothing out in telling them. You can't see that. Because there will come a time in which they go to a friend's house. In the same school they show them movies Or the same school, but the same school is under a little more supervision because that's another thing. Because, because there is a goal. They show them documental What I fear the most is when it goes to friend's houses. They have the television right there, that's used a lot, or the computer. And they have access to the information without the parents, And they are in the piece and the parents think they are listening to music Maybe they are watching something non-adequate. son or daughter Is presented to that situation, it needs to learn to value itself. And learn to answer to that. That's what I say, therefore trying to give the values of the house Keep going like the superman kid that went up to the window and killed himself My, of course, because you know they are not ready for that It wanted to fly. I don't want to ask you a question. None Did you read the rules for this game, the telephone game Yes, OK I was wondering who is this?are you ready for Christmas already? Yes, yes, yes I'm getting ready, buying the presents for the family. But now I have another thing in my mind Of course about your birthday no Yes I'm buying presents for the nieces. I have them ready, the adults are left yet. Buy things for the adults, an antencion, although I'll make most of the presents That's what I was going to tell you I'm going to cook, yes You showed me how to sew. Yes also for some children too. Not that thing in the table. Yes, but I don't have time yet to wait until the middle of the week in Decemeber to do it. Because they are I don't use it. That is beautiful. Yes. So that is what I'm going to do. That's why I'm going to do some gifts. Andreita, it is about to be her birthday soon. Two days before Miranda. It's Andreita's birthday too. Yes it's true, , I thought that more have some nice memories in life about the achievements that you had I remember it was about three days. Three days from the twenty four. I have a little gift for her. I bought her the same as Miranda. What did you buy to Miranda? A screen like those that you draw and then you erase. It's nice Because she likes, she already knew them and she likes them, she makes little dashes and then she erases them and, I'm not going to give them to her yet because they are very small and she puts them in the mouth. The screen and the pencil yes, I will. That's nice. Yes, because of little things like this. What a feeling. Sure. You really enjoy to do those kinds of things. Then I brought the same to Andreita. And with that already, And do you know who else's birthday. Okay who The same date Who? Until I remember when i was there My father-in-law Your father-in-law It is true Juan Luis Sandra's younger son. Oh yes, okay Also the twenty nine. I also remember that, more or less in the same date,everybody were in there in the same date. I don't remember No, you went to the Carlistos girl's birthday party I have not gone to a birthday in Sandra's house. I went to one, surely, I don't remember, really. You went to Chile and left her a present for her birthday. Was in April, so, I went to Chile in April She is three. And i left the gift in that place Yes, for her nephew who came later He came and told me that he received it from her afterwards. But not his name No but Sandra won't throw a party this year for her birthday No okay No, she said that family only, because they will buy something better for the kid. So Yes, it's true She makes really big parties It gets away from her hands, yes. She spends too much on that and they cannot buy the kid what he What he wants They have to decide between the two things, so this year they decided that only the family So he could get a more special present For a better gift Juan Luis is the big one or the small one? The smallest. Yeah And he always says that he doesn't want any clothes Poor boy! He doesn't want books, only toys Carolina Tamara. Tamara how are you? Yes, and you? Where are you? I am in the State of Washington,Seattle I am in Los Angeles, wow! None Yes, incredible. Yes I was making a call and I did not think today was Sunday, I was half asleep and oh my God! Yes, they got me off guard. Do you have time participating here? Yes, I believe my twenty third call. It is almost ready just half almost to the tenth Yes, and this is the second time I do this service with them. Yes, I casually received mail from them that they are accepting persons to participate. In the beginning, only one time you could participate. Yes According to the mail that was sent this is going to be continued Yes I am Rather, yes please tell me What do you think about what they showin the movies? I stopped watch movie but go to cinema for over a year Not too conventional None We switch to movies, for example in the case of the movies just like on television. Now we see movies kind of documentaries. This with another kind of message then. None You watch movies that are infestivals, here there is one for example, recently ended the Latin American International Film Festival It was Yeah Hello! No, I am not here on my computer, sorry This approximately a month or less than a month ago, because since a long time we decided we were not going to continue wasting time Most of the movies were stupid or absurd; and we didn't want to waste our money. OK Watching a type of movies that really dont give you anything Yes because there are lots of movies so, I have noticed Yes Yes I like a, around here where I live there uste to be one of those ah like Hollywood Video or Blockbuster but it was like Smaller OK People like the movies, documentaries and other stuff which they had with them and they're talking about. As a result, the big stores got closed as people don't go to watch around. Sure Those are the best ones, I can find movies I like, my husband is from America, but he likes international movies too More important things to say Exactly! I have young children and sometimes they want to see movies and we take them, but usually no. Before, we used to go two or three times a month Yeah We reduced it, so it's once or twice every two months. We went to the movies very often and some day we watched a movie Stupid, so dumbt hat I felt angry for being at the movies. I was wondering why we were wasting our time there? We started getting information about other kind of movies and we changed to that movie. In one of those cases, we are kind of intellectuals now, because we arrived at that point where we feel like What are you doing? I mean, to watch this, I honestly prefer to go to sleep, or do something else instead. Not all movies, there are some that have I feel they're making movies just for the sake of making movies rather than movies worth watching with different content. Yeah, exactly and in general I think that eighty percent of the movies are bad, that you must not see them We Making them up as they go along. Where are you from? I'm from Panama. I'm from Venezuela Okay Yes If it is real Yes make the movies how you want but some may come out good and other may not Honestly no And the same is happening right now with the television we had cable and recently in a matter of a month we cut it off because all of sudden We see that there was a lot of manipulation in the media they only give you the news they want and hide what they want That is a level of news and movies. It is not good money. They were repeating Oh my God what is this we are paying for. The means of communication are like this Yes right what you say. I am here, my husband and I we watch news. I believe. Because every time you see something or they put on something really stupid Exactly They exagerate a lot Exactly. Because when I was, we would be in Panama before Noriega got out. Just imagine. And we were over there and my husband, you know that white man bought paper with my dad is dark and my mom is white and I came out dark like my dad like what When we went out did you know he was American. Logic We would go in both. we would go in for whatever we had to go, he to go to the military base and I had to go with him or something like that. Of course When we got home, we turned the TV on. There was a bunch of things going on in Panama, and, I looked at him. I do not remember if we were over there this morning watching any of that. Exactly. And the next day it was the same, and I say: what an ex-agent! I think they were showing the things that happened last week and exaggerating like that, what Exactly He doesn't want to believe what the tv says. Exactly. Don't believe everything the TV says Exactly It's not true Incidentally I borrowed a movie that's called the Panama's deception or Panama's Defense Right We were watching the whole documentary, and i would never imagined that it was so sad So ugly what happened That was the documentary where they spoke about that man that got his head cut off. And I have become accustomed to having a cellular telelphone. It isn't remembered What I can remember is that night,when they bombed and a lot of people died. Even so, a few days ago they showed a I recall now during our President's visit None He was there and the people was protesting that Why? the current President did nothing to remember the victims of that sector I think they were names 'Los de Richos', 'de Chinos' in the sector where practically the whole town disappeared. I Del churillo Del Chorrillo, exactly Yes, that's where the police station's located. Things happened in Venezuela happened here. Things are put here in Venezuela happened long time ago Univision. That aren't so shameless, don't put those things there; that was not reality, the first thing people tell you: eh! And that President He is nuts. What happens is the information is being twisted and he is shown like a monster A dictator, and we have been through four elections and four Referendum. It is not possible to be more democracy. He has a personality that He is not a common person and people don't accept that. He is the first to be critical of all that stuff. Yes, that. I don't know if you have heard him No because I don't get to much in that news stuff, sometimes Look there is a page on the internet where you can watch television from all the countries including Panama Tv for all TV For all Yes, theater Four is a number four None TV number four TV or TV for all Exactly there you go With It is dot com. OK I see the Venezuelan television I watch the channel from the government there. Because the other channels are from the opposition and more of the same. But I like to watch to see what horrific things they are saying. OK I compared and now I have this internet page, so I don't turn on the television. Now we are stuck with watching channels from the internet. The world is comparing what is going on. Even with community radio you feel you are. Are saying truly the truth or at least the other side of the coin, let's not say it's the truth a hundred per cent because sometimes it's not It's not that you can say everything others say None Good heavens! truly they manipulate it too much. Yes I don't know if you Say? You gave yourself a, I don't know if you watched a movie called Auto fox No, maybe, I don't remember. It's a documentary about those who work in Fox News None And they practically force them to say what it's not and then they decided to resign from the channel and besides resigning, they got together and started to protest at a level At the local level to tell the world what was going on inside Fox News. It's very interesting; it's called The Fox Workers that are Out Some Out of outside None And Fox from Fox News My name is Hi, my name is Fernanda Hi Fernanda, how are you? How are you? Where are yo talking...fine, Where are yo talking from? From Washington Oh, which one? Washington DC Because there are two of them, right? Yes, Washington State And the other one Where are you from? I'm talking from Idaho, i don't know if you know it Yes, of course. Yes, personally I don't believe much about ratings. For my point of view, the ratings don't go the way i suppose they would They don't know how to rate them. Sometimes they said that it is a PG movie, but when you watch it Has rude things, and pornography, and sometimes something stronger like a PG-13 is more quiet And doesn't have that many nude scenes or bad language. Personally, I don't care about those ratings, sometimes it just Dont know. People who rate those movies don't know how to rate them, or I don't know what are their point of view. I really don't know that much about movies because None I don't have children or anything like that, so I barely ever notice None What classification? None I think that the majority of TV, if you watch during the middle of the day that is when many times children are at home None Are things that are not appropriate for most Yes And I think that Americans have -- moral standards have gone down Yes Many things already are normal that should not be. Yes, yes it is true because, I don't have cable, the regular channels, the ones one can watch None But for example, I got to have one, cable one time and sometimes it was, well, which ones do you like? ten am, eleven, and well I like to be changing the channel To be choosing the program I am going to see for that time None And sometimes they air movies that a ten or nine year old boy was at home and was watching and changing it too at the same time. Stop on that channel there were things for adults already Sure Thinking about the children, I said I'm married for three years with a boy who is almost two. OK In any case, my son is going to grow up and this may get worse. Then Of course What kind of cartoons they are going to watching television. i am from maxico city None It was ten at night. Then I turned on the cable and I learned the To the channel that here is sixteen, then there was a cartoon in English. Because at night they show some in English, some in Spanish And there were cartoons in English. Then I told him. And, my mom was quiet because he was watching the cartoon channel. He cartoons started to show up naked None The cartoon was starting to do things, the two cartoon figures. It was a cartoon and it was ten at night, my mom told me What a horror She turned the television off and she had to explain a bit because of my mom. It surprised her because I had tuned to a normal channel. Not even cartoons are safe. Yes and that could happen to any child who was watching television. Sometimes cartoons yes You cannot either be on top let's say if the kid changes you cannot jump to see you have to trust that at least during the day Yes Programming does not contain nudity or curse words Yes, it's true but really it's not the cartoons. The Japanese cartoons are the ones that have more classification. In Mexico, In Cablevision and Multivision in Mexico hasn't all those restrictions with normal channels. Yes, it has more restrictions. Not so much now on the other cables. and, in tv's, for example, normal of children's channel Of television like any channel. For example, what is the five in cartoons? Yes You can watch TV at ten o'clock. In Mexico District Before, in Mexico. But for example, if you're watching a cable channel now you risk the cartoon possibly being something sometimes some kind of Pornography thing or with more nudity. Yes, I'm Colombian, and I think that in Colombia neither So right The TV is a lot better than here in that way. Right At ten pm, the shows they put on are never so you're at risk for them to be as bad as here. Right Here not even at ten or at any other hour. Are you risking to watch anything else ? Yes, that's true the other I was with a neighbor, and imagine, i was with a neighbor, it was twelve and a half p.m. HER KID WAS WATCHING A CARTOON CHANNEL SHE WANTED TO CHANGE ANOTHER AND IT WAS ALSO A PROGRAMME FOR KIDS Well there has a program were there was a girl that showed the adventures of a girl and that was, in a hospital They were showing how her mom was having her little brother in the hospital None I explained to her and her mother that there's no problem, it's a channel of Honestly it didn't leave much to the imagination. it was like an operation room where the woman was having her baby. What horror They are six years old. Yes They are six year old twins. I don't want to explain too much to my children in that moment None There are babysitters that you don't have control over and you're not in the house to see. None You don't know what they're watching, that they go to their friends or whatever. None I think It's one of those classifications that they have They don't leave anything to the imagination. They show it right away. Yes Now at any time of the day and you go and watch soap operas. I don't like watching soap operas. But, you see Many moms are at home and they have little children three, four years old, five or more or they're at home and they're watching their soap opera And they're always show scenes where they are, the couple, they're there having relations. None In the middle of the day, because soap operas are on from six in the morning until nightfall. Of course. And that's how they are. So now they don't leave anything to the imagination. No. The programs, are classified, to see a scene of pornography on the television at anytime of the day is normal. And for many Parents unfortunately are making it normal. Exactly If the parents spole to this television station and demand that there were more strict programs to pricacies of scenes I believe that they would decrease a little. If their children see something like that, it's okay. It doesn't matter to them. Teaching. And so, these things of classifications I don't like. And I believe it doesn't matter to the producers. I feel that to them it's beneficial because If a movie has a sex scene or some crudeness, people but it and they even laugh Or sometimes it even calls their attention because it has a very strong scene. So really, these things sometimes even help more Producers to sell None If that's the case, no. For me in particular, they type of movies I like are Disney movies, Children's movies. I like them. Yes. Even though I am tired I love all of this. I have Disney movies around here. Sincerely, I do not live the movies. I am going to have more kids and while I am not going to be And at least that if they are going to put on a movie, well that it is at least a decent movie. That it does not have so many things. Of course So while we have those from Disney they are going to have pornography? Yes he/she does not know how they are going to change Yes then already, this is the truth, this is bringing the truth far as it already goes, you turn on the television and if you already see a commercial. Of feminine towels, and it seems fine, well until almost, they're going to explain to your know, while they're goin to put a naked woman and they're going to. Put there, how she is placing the towel. Exactly Sometimes they show it to you. I don't know if you have seen the commercials? It frightens you because you are big. But if a boy or girl is seeing it, for example, and if it's the mom, you can answer:well fine. If it's the friend (boy or girl) Then you tell them and can explain to him/her the bad information. And that one becomes accustomed to it, do you understand me? We say Yes Sometimes I see and that one does not realize how they have changed things Good evening my name is Marzia from Philadelphia. Hello, my name is Juan. You are Marisol Mariza, Mariza. I see Mariza, we talked a few days ago I think, no. Maybe yes I could be, I am in San Antonio, Texas In San Antonio, yes. Listen, the theme today is about religion. Yes, that is a complicated and very controversial theme The need of religion is something that we all have None The institution tried this like any other need. Yes Give us an answer. The ends have been like a way to control. Yes, today in this country. In the United States there are a lot of problems regarding religion, it is a mix with politics and right side people that want to have control. Tried to control the country in base of religion also and, it can be positive or it can be negative to many people, it help to pray or believe, help in others, of others In other way, the, the, the Christians is the most powerful religion in the world and there a more, let's say that have power to have influence in politicians, to the countries Es, let's see in this case, for example here where I live, I went to a church None They express an ideology but regarding a conservative group in the United States, no. Yeah Then they exerted a very direct power trying to influence people at the church Yeah With the discourse, it came to my attention against the public schools None Directly against the public schools and praying for God to free us from public school some day Really? Because yes Oh, no. About trying to see the theory of evolution I've heard that No, terrible, they said. Why is this excruciating, the teachers that teach the Bible to explain the creation of the world? Exactly, yeah, there are a lot of problems, yeah What I say is that, the Bible doesn't make for an explanation of the world No, everyone can believe what they want. The thing is they try to impose their beliefs on everyone and for the Bible, for what they think Exactly, they're fundamentalisms, no Yes, I know some people from Maracaibo. Target of Christians and they are the ones that The people with power in the country, the ones with the companies, everyone is, maybe, there are a lot of rightwing republican fundamentalists who want to take the law away. The right to abort, the right of homosexuality, gay marriage, the right to the belief of Yes, more scientific, no, you can't just believe what they say, they say god created man and woman, you also have to give a choice for kids to believe That was Charles Darwin who came up with the theory of evolution. Yes It's really complicated, too. The other question was about homosexuality, yes. If we were all equal or all believed the same thing, there wouldn't be any problems, I was asking. But I think more problems, no. Yes The differences help to complement each other. I don't have any The subject of homosexuality is very controversial. None The phenomenon of homosexuality has to be something that we are well informed about, for example used to think Something to do with deviation, but lately I've read homosexuality is a matter of genetics. I'm convinced it's that because I know a lot of people that are No Homosexuals or lesbians I'm really informed about. Ever since I was a girl I would accept people for being homosexual and everyone has a right to get married. Yes, It is OK for people to be with who ever they want since we are all citizens with the same rights who pay taxes. Yes They have the right to get married and to live with whomever. I agree, they have all the rights and in this case the marriage rights are relatives Well many drive the homosexuality question as a very wicked situation and they don't have rights to marriage, when marriage is really a contract None Between two persons that stated doing something in common. But the church wont see it that way No, Believe it's an abomination because marriage is defined as the union between a woman and a man. People and Christian fundamentalists see it as an abomination, and are closed minded and don't understand that That was before, the tradicional thinking but now times have change and each one also. Same as before, homosexuality has been always, since the beginning of man but before was a way and now is , Things are more liberal and people are not scared to talk about being homeosexual or gay. That is the problem. The Church has a problem but they cannot do anything. None People are accepting the echo from others. There is one that is so extreme. The ecclesiastic institution , the blessing of God for marriage when in reality Well the church and religion is a way of institution, Right. The need to change and find new ways to learn things of life Yes From society and individuals, no. The religion has to be something personal,no something that mix with politics Let's see why you don't think the same as me, you are no me like you get punish because we are different, and shouldn't be that, each person can think whatever they want, believe in anything or anyone, don't have For the Christians, because they talk badly about the Musilims. They say they are radicals or they talk badly about the atheist. They don't believe in god and they call them heretic or, But I don't know. Right That is very christian, you have to accept the people like they are, and each and everyone one of them that believes or has your religion, but that is the problem with the fundamentalists, that they don't accept the differences. Yes, but in that case, accepting the difference seems like something that has to do with the matter of humanity right None Like one paradox not being able to accept the difference In this country christian families say that they raise their children in a manner that,when they are very little they teach them to be like that When they are older people are different Radicals don't accept differences because they were raised in a manner that their parents taught them. Yes For example, I was lucky to travel a lot and meet people of different races, cultures, so I am open to everything. Right When I see a person, I immediately know by looking at them, this person will not accept me because I'm not like them. I don't think or look the same. But is that there are classes there are people of different classes, and there has to be radicals Christians there has to be everything, but I think that yes, religion does influence the country, yes. What fascinates me is that in this case Yes In this country, being so fundamentalist Yes I am With the churches, there is a great proportion of fundamentalist even in the discourse of the president himself there are fundamentalists Yes Not there, The message is very clear and it's already been five years in government and when Bill Clinton was in office, he was more open. Of course he was a leftist, more This government doesn't have the religious Christians of the right to understand more people's concerns There is such a polemic with marriages It's expected of Catholics to not agree with abortion, but I don't agree with that during this day and age. None They want things go backwards, they go back instead of going forward and they want things to become as they were thirty or forty years ago but that cannot be. That's how we are now. Do you practice any religion in particular? My family are from Spain, I'm Catholic. As soon as you're born they baptize you, first communion, I got married in the church. Sure. I have my beliefs, but I don't go to church, to mass every Sunday, neither do I practice, I believe But let's say that I carry it on my own, let's say that I carry faith with me, I don't Yes Neither am I. I'm very open and my beliefs are contradictory, although I am Catholic. Yes, the same with me, as I get closer to the Catholic church there is a feeling of integration and community. Created interest in everyone, it seems There is much economic interest No then. The problem is that it goes right away that they are not interested on the followers, they are interested on money, and Yes Also they don't look like believers either. There have been many child abuse cases and things like that. How can a priest do that to a child? Yes I don't know that each person is free to believe what he wants, and practice it, but respecting others who are not the same. None Because there are many religions and what happens is that the Christian religion is the most let's say abundant in the world, it is the more, the one that has the power on everything Because on this side of the world, I believe there are more Muslims than Christians. They don't have as much economic power. That is the problem. None Hi, good night. Good night Good night. My name is Carolina. How are you Carolina? Talk to Alex. How about Alex? Of Los Angeles. Very good. I'm from New York. Oh, okay, I thought you were the other person. Okay? None I am here in Los Angeles Well and good. Gladly. Well we played tonight, the technical equipment. Where are you from? I'm from Peru. Okay And you? I am from Columbia. Columbian? None He speaks like a Mexican. Because here people speak Mexican Spanish Yes Right. Oh, okay, sure. You stick to the accent from where you live. None The Spanish accent got stuck when I lived in Spain. None When I lived in Columbia, I got stuck with the Bogota Spanish. None Now it's the time for the Spanish. Oh, that's good. That it is what is spoken here. Yeah, yes. I believe that Hispanics here are ninety five percent Mexicans. Yes. Yes. Yes, the tonight topic is the technical equipment. Yes, I use computers. Already. And, I have rapid DSL now. None Yes, because I like fast internet, I don't like to wait for pages Already, I search for work and do polls and i look for women None I don't like to wait for the, the pages, OK? Already. I like to do it fast by telephone Yes. It was very slow. Yes, very slow. Then I had to wait some two or three minutes only for one, one page to appear. It is clear Until now you can carry a Webcam and the Webcam comes fast with the DSL. Already, safe. The webcam is when can see you like in video conferences None It is fast. Yeah, sure. And you? My job, I am an administrator. For my job I use the computer, that is Everyday new technologies came up? Yes. So, the truth is I have adapted very well and I love it since I've been using the computer. Before I used a typewriter that was so slow to Now everything is done through the computer and the Internet. For me, it's essential, I think that I wouldn't know what to do without computers, no? So, the truth is that I'm very happy with this new technology, and I hope it keeps going Forward more every day I believe that they have made more advancements in the computer with medicine. That's true The computer is the most advanced of civilization now. Yes, for everything? Yes. None Some information, I sit down in front of the computer and there's no stopping me, when it's lan essential part of one's life, no? Yes, exactly. If you need to know what the temperature outside is, you go to the computer. News, sports. It was, yes. Oh, going out with women, of everything. Yes No, and even that survey that we are making now, I found it by the computer also. Also, yes The computer has a lot of influence. How many calls you made? In our lives, this is my twenty-second call. Oh, and you are finished then. I almost need three, but one call that the person spoke more in english,I think is going to have a replacement. Now But, who knows? Now Because I spoke in spanish, they should consider. None If you speak in English, they don't count it They give you the payment after you finish the twenty-five calls Yes, one call for replacement. None I went to speak to him; I know the owner. Oh, yes? I am going to ask if it is my job to replace it Do you know the owner? Yes. Oh, that's great. Yes, it is easy to speak with him Is he from is he from there from California? No, he must be in Philadelphia Oh, I see I had one because I wouldn't like to lose it But do you know him personally? No Just through the computer Yes, I know him through the computer Through the internet He talks with people that are participating Yes? No I never have speak with him, I Yes, if you have any questions you can call him, he is Chinese Oh, Yes. I don't know if he is the owner. None Him, the manager Yes Yes they are doing that for the project supervisor Okay. Yes, they are studying the way we talk Spanish Ok, right and Don't know, you heard that Yes, yes I did, and I think that they will start another one after the finish this one. I don't know. Probably they do because I already did two None One in English and another in Spanish. This is the second, yes ? Yes, and what we're doing right now is technology None. They are doing phone line connections The other was almost equal, twenty-five calls? Yes, he said something that meant this is technology in English. They payed you too, equal ? They paid the same None Yes, I like to do this not only for the payment, but for the opportunity given to me. Good. To speak in Spanish Of course. Because it's the only time in the day I speak Spanish Yes. I speak very little Spanish now, most of my day is English Yeah Yes. Yes. And? Yes, of course it is. This could not be done for about twenty, thirty years, what we are doing now Yes, exactly. They are using multiple telephone lines to connect many people living in different parts of the country. Exactly I think phone technology had made progress because I can make long distance calls. I do not have to pay. A monthly fee Yeah. You can make all the calls you want. Here in And that wasn't like that in twenty years. Of course, but here in the United States. Yes, here in the United States Verizon is offering me free calls here in the United States Yes. They give me and in the meantime they charge me. If they charge you monthly, you make a lot of calls, it's worthwhile. Yes. Some day they will make it international for your favorite country. How good it was. You pay a monthly quote and you came make all the calls you want. Yes. Yes. It would be excellent for calling the country when one wants Before it was pricey. Remember before? For calling the country of It is cheaper, right? Now it is very cheap And why is it cheap? Because of technology. Yes. Yes, technology. You can now talk for three, four or five hours for five dollars. Exactly. It was one minute, oh my god it was like eight. One minute was twenty cents It cost me like twenty-five dollars. None And I had to be careful a lot have the clock in front of me, no? Yes, that has happened to me too. Yes Yes, you have to be with the clock Of course, yes Yes, but with Hopefully technology keeps moving ahead. I say in about ten years, what are they going to come up with? This has to be moving forward What happens is that it is advancing, and technology is in the hands of more people None Then services are cheaper, because they sell to more people Yes. Do you understand? Of course For example, the computer a few years ago was worth one or two thousand dollars. Exactly, yes. Now you can buy a computer for $200-300 Yeah, true. Ha. Because there's more demand. Of course Because technology has advanced. Of course, that's true. What i would like to see is Yeah More advanced technology, with medicine. None They have to find cures for things like cancer. If you can go to the moon, why can't they find a cure for cancer? They could make a True. Fast computer that can think, why can't they find a cure for cancer? None I want to see more advances in medicine. I think they're going slow in that area. Yeah I haven't really seen so many advances, in diseases in the past 10,20,30,40 years. None Good It's true, because of the cancer and how many years it has Yes, it kills many people, right? We did not find the cure. That shortens the lives of many people. Yes. Heart disease AIDS is widespread across many areas. AIDS is more advanced than cancer, in None In the sense of control because you have to have the drugs to fight it. Yes, yes. The cancer is very slow Yeah. You've heard of adiscovery for cancer? No, it's not true. Nothing None Very slow. Yes That could be improved None Yes. I hope that God may enlighten them, so they can find something that could cure, for this, this catastrophe that is when cancer comes, it does not matter the age Yes It can happen to any person. I had a friend that died very young, at thirty-two years of age, and got cancer from one day to another. Yes And she died in three days. In three days? Because she got cerebral bleeding Oh, my God. And and she died immediately, she had leukemia, of the blood. None And of that, she got it from one day to the next Oh my God. There was nothing they could do None I don't know, no