import streamlit as st from groq import Groq def extract_id_details(image_url): client = Groq() completion = model="llama-3.2-90b-vision-preview", messages=[ { "role": "user", "content": [ {"type": "text", "text": "List all the details from the provided image of an ID card."}, {"type": "image_url", "image_url": {"url": image_url}} ] } ], temperature=0.2, max_completion_tokens=200, top_p=1, stream=False, stop=None, ) return completion.choices[0].message.content st.title("ID Card OCR Extractor") image_url = st.text_input("Enter the image URL:") if st.button("Extract Details"): if image_url: with st.spinner("Extracting details..."): details = extract_id_details(image_url) st.subheader("Extracted Details:") st.write(details) else: st.warning("Please enter a valid image URL.")