import gradio as gr import whisper MODEL = whisper.load_model("base.en") def transcribe(audio): result = MODEL.transcribe(audio) try: return result["text"] except: return "" examples = [["apollo11_example.mp3"], ["ariane6_example.mp3"]] ui = gr.Interface( fn=transcribe, inputs=gr.Audio( sources=["microphone", "upload"], type="filepath", label="Input Audio", ), outputs=gr.Textbox( label="Transcription", placeholder="The transcribed text will appear here...", ), title="ECHO", description=""" This is a demo of the transcription capabilities of "ECHO". This could be adapded to run real-time transcription on a live audio stream like ISS communications. ### How to use: 1. **Record or Upload**: Click on the microphone icon 🎙️ to record audio, usign your microphone, or click on the upload button ⬆️ to upload an audio file. You can also use the **Examples** provided below, as inputs, by clicking on them. 2. **Click Submit**: Clicking the submit button will transcribe the audio. 3. **Read the Transcription**: The transcribed text will appear in the text box below the audio input section. """, examples=examples, ) ui.launch()