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import os
from import ImageAnalysisClient
from import VisualFeatures
from azure.core.credentials import AzureKeyCredential
import numpy as np
import networkx as nx
from modules.utils import class_dict, proportion_inside
import json
from modules.utils import rescale_boxes as rescale, is_vertical
from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForSequenceClassification
import torch
import logging
VISION_KEY = os.getenv("VISION_KEY")
#If local execution
"""with open("VISION_KEY.json", "r") as json_file:
json_data = json.load(json_file)
VISION_KEY = json_data["VISION_KEY"]
# Suppress specific warnings from transformers
# Function to initialize the model and tokenizer
def initialize_model():
Initialize the tokenizer and model for sentiment analysis.
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("cardiffnlp/twitter-roberta-base-sentiment-latest")
model = AutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained("cardiffnlp/twitter-roberta-base-sentiment-latest")
return tokenizer, model
# Initialize model and tokenizer
tokenizer, emotion_model = initialize_model()
# Function to perform sentiment analysis and return the highest scoring emotion and its score between positive and negative
def analyze_sentiment(sentence, tokenizer=tokenizer, model=emotion_model):
Analyze the sentiment of a given sentence using the initialized tokenizer and model.
- sentence (str): The input sentence to analyze.
- tokenizer (AutoTokenizer): The tokenizer for processing the sentence.
- model (AutoModelForSequenceClassification): The model for sentiment analysis.
- tuple: The highest scoring emotion ('positive' or 'negative') and its corresponding score.
inputs = tokenizer(sentence, return_tensors="pt")
outputs = model(**inputs)
probs = torch.nn.functional.softmax(outputs.logits, dim=-1).squeeze().tolist()
labels = ["negative", "neutral", "positive"]
results = dict(zip(labels, probs))
# Filter out the neutral score and get the highest score between positive and negative
relevant_results = {k: results[k] for k in ["positive", "negative"]}
highest_emotion = max(relevant_results, key=relevant_results.get)
highest_score = relevant_results[highest_emotion]
return highest_emotion, highest_score
def sample_ocr_image_file(image_data):
Sample OCR function to analyze an image file and extract text using Azure's Computer Vision service.
- image_data (bytes): The image data in bytes.
- result: The OCR result from the Computer Vision service.
# Set the values of your computer vision endpoint and computer vision key as environment variables:
except KeyError:
print("Missing environment variable 'VISION_ENDPOINT' or 'VISION_KEY'")
print("Set them before running this sample.")
# Create an Image Analysis client
client = ImageAnalysisClient(
# Extract text (OCR) from an image stream. This will be a synchronously (blocking) call.
result = client.analyze(
return result
def text_prediction(image):
Perform OCR on an image to extract text.
- image: The image to process.
- ocr_result: The OCR result.
# Transform the image into a byte array'temp.jpg')
with open('temp.jpg', 'rb') as f:
image_data =
ocr_result = sample_ocr_image_file(image_data)
# Delete the temporary image
return ocr_result
def filter_text(ocr_result, threshold=0.5):
Filter and process the OCR results to remove unwanted characters and low-confidence words.
- ocr_result: The OCR result.
- threshold (float): The confidence threshold for filtering words.
- list_of_lines: Processed text lines and their bounding boxes.
words_to_cancel = {"-","--","---","+",".",",","#","@","!","?","(",")","[","]","{","}","<",">","/","\\","|","-","_","=","&","^","%","$","£","€","¥","¢","¤","§","©","®","™","°","±","×","÷","¶","∆","∏","∑","∞","√","∫","≈","≠","≤","≥","≡","∼"}
# Add every other one-letter word to the list of words to cancel, except 'I' and 'a'
for letter in "bcdefghjklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890": # All lowercase letters except 'a'
words_to_cancel.add(letter.upper()) # Add the uppercase version as well
characters_to_cancel = {"+", "<", ">"} # Characters to cancel
list_of_lines = []
for block in ocr_result['readResult']['blocks']:
for line in block['lines']:
line_text = []
x_min, y_min = float('inf'), float('inf')
x_max, y_max = float('-inf'), float('-inf')
for word in line['words']:
if word['text'] in words_to_cancel or any(disallowed_char in word['text'] for disallowed_char in characters_to_cancel):
if word['confidence'] > threshold:
if word['text']:
x = [point['x'] for point in word['boundingPolygon']]
y = [point['y'] for point in word['boundingPolygon']]
x_min = min(x_min, min(x))
y_min = min(y_min, min(y))
x_max = max(x_max, max(x))
y_max = max(y_max, max(y))
if line_text: # If there are valid words in the line
'text': ' '.join(line_text),
'boundingBox': [x_min,y_min,x_max,y_max]
list_text = []
list_bbox = []
for i in range(len(list_of_lines)):
for i in range(len(list_of_lines)):
list_of_lines = [list_bbox, list_text]
return list_of_lines
def get_box_points(box):
Returns all critical points of a box: corners and midpoints of edges.
- box (array): Bounding box coordinates [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax].
- numpy.array: Array of critical points.
xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = box
return np.array([
[xmin, ymin], # Bottom-left corner
[xmax, ymin], # Bottom-right corner
[xmin, ymax], # Top-left corner
[xmax, ymax], # Top-right corner
[(xmin + xmax) / 2, ymin], # Midpoint of bottom edge
[(xmin + xmax) / 2, ymax], # Midpoint of top edge
[xmin, (ymin + ymax) / 2], # Midpoint of left edge
[xmax, (ymin + ymax) / 2] # Midpoint of right edge
def min_distance_between_boxes(box1, box2):
Computes the minimum distance between two boxes considering all critical points.
- box1 (array): First bounding box coordinates.
- box2 (array): Second bounding box coordinates.
- float: The minimum distance between the two boxes.
points1 = get_box_points(box1)
points2 = get_box_points(box2)
min_dist = float('inf')
for point1 in points1:
for point2 in points2:
dist = np.linalg.norm(point1 - point2)
if dist < min_dist:
min_dist = dist
return min_dist
def are_close(box1, box2, threshold=50):
Determines if boxes are close based on their corners and center points.
- box1 (array): First bounding box coordinates.
- box2 (array): Second bounding box coordinates.
- threshold (int): Distance threshold for determining closeness.
- bool: True if boxes are close, otherwise False.
corners1 = np.array([
[box1[0], box1[1]], [box1[0], box1[3]], [box1[2], box1[1]], [box1[2], box1[3]],
[(box1[0]+box1[2])/2, box1[1]], [(box1[0]+box1[2])/2, box1[3]],
[box1[0], (box1[1]+box1[3])/2], [box1[2], (box1[1]+box1[3])/2]
corners2 = np.array([
[box2[0], box2[1]], [box2[0], box2[3]], [box2[2], box2[1]], [box2[2], box2[3]],
[(box2[0]+box2[2])/2, box2[1]], [(box2[0]+box2[2])/2, box2[3]],
[box2[0], (box2[1]+box2[3])/2], [box2[2], (box2[1]+box2[3])/2]
for c1 in corners1:
for c2 in corners2:
if np.linalg.norm(c1 - c2) < threshold:
return True
return False
def find_closest_box(text_box, all_boxes, labels, threshold, iou_threshold=0.5):
Find the closest box to the given text box within a specified threshold.
- text_box (array): The text box coordinates.
- all_boxes (list): List of all bounding boxes.
- labels (list): List of labels corresponding to the boxes.
- threshold (float): Distance threshold for determining closeness.
- iou_threshold (float): IoU threshold for determining if a text is inside a sequenceFlow.
- int or None: Index of the closest box or None if no box is close enough.
min_distance = float('inf')
closest_index = None
# Check if the text is inside a sequenceFlow
for j in range(len(all_boxes)):
if proportion_inside(text_box, all_boxes[j]) > iou_threshold and labels[j] == list(class_dict.values()).index('sequenceFlow'):
return j
for i, box in enumerate(all_boxes):
# Compute the center of both boxes
center_text = np.array([(text_box[0] + text_box[2]) / 2, (text_box[1] + text_box[3]) / 2])
center_box = np.array([(box[0] + box[2]) / 2, (box[1] + box[3]) / 2])
# Calculate Euclidean distance between centers
distance = np.linalg.norm(center_text - center_box)
# Update closest box if this box is nearer
if distance < min_distance:
min_distance = distance
closest_index = i
# Check if the closest box found is within the acceptable threshold
if min_distance < threshold:
return closest_index
return None
def group_texts(task_boxes, text_boxes, texts, min_dist=50, iou_threshold=0.8, percentage_thresh=0.8):
Maps text boxes to task boxes and groups texts within each task based on proximity.
- task_boxes (list): List of task bounding boxes.
- text_boxes (list): List of text bounding boxes.
- texts (list): List of texts corresponding to the text boxes.
- min_dist (float): Minimum distance threshold for grouping.
- iou_threshold (float): IoU threshold for determining if text is inside a task box.
- percentage_thresh (float): Percentage threshold for determining if text boxes are close.
- tuple: Grouped task-related texts, their bounding boxes, grouped information texts, and their bounding boxes.
G = nx.Graph()
# Map each text box to the nearest task box
task_to_texts = {i: [] for i in range(len(task_boxes))}
information_texts = [] # Texts not inside any task box
text_to_task_mapped = [False] * len(text_boxes)
for idx, text_box in enumerate(text_boxes):
mapped = False
for jdx, task_box in enumerate(task_boxes):
if proportion_inside(text_box, task_box) > iou_threshold:
text_to_task_mapped[idx] = True
mapped = True
if not mapped:
all_grouped_texts = []
sentence_boxes = [] # Store the bounding box for each sentence
# Process texts for each task
for task_texts in task_to_texts.values():
for i in task_texts:
for j in task_texts:
if i != j and are_close(text_boxes[i], text_boxes[j]) and not is_vertical(text_boxes[i]) and not is_vertical(text_boxes[j]):
G.add_edge(i, j)
groups = list(nx.connected_components(G))
for group in groups:
group = list(group)
lines = {}
for idx in group:
y_center = (text_boxes[idx][1] + text_boxes[idx][3]) / 2
found_line = False
for line in lines:
if abs(y_center - line) < (text_boxes[idx][3] - text_boxes[idx][1]) / 2:
found_line = True
if not found_line:
lines[y_center] = [idx]
sorted_lines = sorted(lines.keys())
grouped_texts = []
min_x = min_y = float('inf')
max_x = max_y = -float('inf')
for line in sorted_lines:
sorted_indices = sorted(lines[line], key=lambda idx: text_boxes[idx][0])
line_text = ' '.join(texts[idx] for idx in sorted_indices)
for idx in sorted_indices:
box = text_boxes[idx]
min_x = min(min_x-5, box[0]-5)
min_y = min(min_y-5, box[1]-5)
max_x = max(max_x+5, box[2]+5)
max_y = max(max_y+5, box[3]+5)
all_grouped_texts.append(' '.join(grouped_texts))
sentence_boxes.append([min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y])
# Group information texts
info_sentence_boxes = []
for i in information_texts:
for j in information_texts:
if i != j and are_close(text_boxes[i], text_boxes[j], percentage_thresh * min_dist) and not is_vertical(text_boxes[i]) and not is_vertical(text_boxes[j]):
G.add_edge(i, j)
info_groups = list(nx.connected_components(G))
information_grouped_texts = []
for group in info_groups:
group = list(group)
lines = {}
for idx in group:
y_center = (text_boxes[idx][1] + text_boxes[idx][3]) / 2
found_line = False
for line in lines:
if abs(y_center - line) < (text_boxes[idx][3] - text_boxes[idx][1]) / 2:
found_line = True
if not found_line:
lines[y_center] = [idx]
sorted_lines = sorted(lines.keys())
grouped_texts = []
min_x = min_y = float('inf')
max_x = max_y = -float('inf')
for line in sorted_lines:
sorted_indices = sorted(lines[line], key=lambda idx: text_boxes[idx][0])
line_text = ' '.join(texts[idx] for idx in sorted_indices)
for idx in sorted_indices:
box = text_boxes[idx]
min_x = min(min_x, box[0])
min_y = min(min_y, box[1])
max_x = max(max_x, box[2])
max_y = max(max_y, box[3])
information_grouped_texts.append(' '.join(grouped_texts))
info_sentence_boxes.append([min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y])
return all_grouped_texts, sentence_boxes, information_grouped_texts, info_sentence_boxes
def mapping_text(full_pred, text_pred, print_sentences=False, percentage_thresh=0.6, scale=1.0, iou_threshold=0.5):
Map the extracted texts to the predicted bounding boxes.
- full_pred (dict): Full prediction dictionary containing boxes, labels, BPMN IDs, and pool dictionary.
- text_pred (list): List containing text predictions and their bounding boxes.
- print_sentences (bool): Whether to print the sentences and their bounding boxes.
- percentage_thresh (float): Percentage threshold for determining closeness.
- scale (float): Scale factor for rescaling bounding boxes.
- iou_threshold (float): IoU threshold for determining if text is inside a bounding box.
- dict: Text mapping for BPMN elements.
boxes = rescale(scale, full_pred['boxes'])
min_dist = 200
labels = full_pred['labels']
avoid = [list(class_dict.values()).index('pool'), list(class_dict.values()).index('lane'), list(class_dict.values()).index('sequenceFlow'), list(class_dict.values()).index('messageFlow'), list(class_dict.values()).index('dataAssociation')]
for i in range(len(boxes)):
box1 = boxes[i]
if labels[i] in avoid:
for j in range(i + 1, len(boxes)):
box2 = boxes[j]
if labels[j] in avoid:
dist = min_distance_between_boxes(box1, box2)
min_dist = min(min_dist, dist)
# Print the minimum distance between boxes
# print("Minimum distance between boxes:", min_dist)
text_pred[0] = rescale(scale, text_pred[0])
task_boxes = [box for i, box in enumerate(boxes) if full_pred['labels'][i] == list(class_dict.values()).index('task')]
grouped_sentences, sentence_bounding_boxes, info_texts, info_boxes = group_texts(task_boxes, text_pred[0], text_pred[1], min_dist=min_dist)
BPMN_id = set(full_pred['BPMN_id']) # This ensures uniqueness of task names
text_mapping = {id: '' for id in BPMN_id}
if print_sentences:
for sentence, box in zip(grouped_sentences, sentence_bounding_boxes):
print("Task-related Text:", sentence)
print("Bounding Box:", box)
print("Information Texts:", info_texts)
print("Information Bounding Boxes:", info_boxes)
# Map the grouped sentences to the corresponding task
for i in range(len(sentence_bounding_boxes)):
for j in range(len(boxes)):
if proportion_inside(sentence_bounding_boxes[i], boxes[j]) > iou_threshold and full_pred['labels'][j] == list(class_dict.values()).index('task'):
text_mapping[full_pred['BPMN_id'][j]] = grouped_sentences[i]
# Map the grouped sentences to the corresponding pool
for key, elements in full_pred['pool_dict'].items():
if len(elements) > 0:
for i in range(len(info_boxes)):
# Find the position of the key in BPMN_id
position = list(full_pred['BPMN_id']).index(key)
if proportion_inside(info_boxes[i], boxes[position]) > iou_threshold:
text_mapping[key] = info_texts[i]
info_texts[i] = '' # Clear the text to avoid re-use
for i in range(len(info_boxes)):
if is_vertical(info_boxes[i]):
for j in range(len(boxes)):
if proportion_inside(info_boxes[i], boxes[j]) > 0 and full_pred['labels'][j] == list(class_dict.values()).index('pool'):
print("Text:", info_texts[i], "associate with ", full_pred['BPMN_id'][j])
bpmn_id = full_pred['BPMN_id'][j]
# Append new text or create new entry if not existing
if bpmn_id in text_mapping:
text_mapping[bpmn_id] += " " + info_texts[i] # Append text with a space in between
text_mapping[bpmn_id] = info_texts[i]
info_texts[i] = '' # Clear the text to avoid re-use
# Map the grouped sentences to the corresponding object
for i in range(len(info_boxes)):
if is_vertical(info_boxes[i]):
continue # Skip if the text is vertical
for j in range(len(boxes)):
if info_texts[i] == '':
continue # Skip if there's no text
if (proportion_inside(info_boxes[i], boxes[j]) > 0 or are_close(info_boxes[i], boxes[j], threshold=percentage_thresh * min_dist)) and (full_pred['labels'][j] == list(class_dict.values()).index('event')
or full_pred['labels'][j] == list(class_dict.values()).index('messageEvent')
or full_pred['labels'][j] == list(class_dict.values()).index('timerEvent')
or full_pred['labels'][j] == list(class_dict.values()).index('dataObject')):
bpmn_id = full_pred['BPMN_id'][j]
# Append new text or create new entry if not existing
if bpmn_id in text_mapping:
text_mapping[bpmn_id] += " " + info_texts[i] # Append text with a space in between
text_mapping[bpmn_id] = info_texts[i]
info_texts[i] = '' # Clear the text to avoid re-use
# Map the grouped sentences to the corresponding flow
for i in range(len(info_boxes)):
if info_texts[i] == '' or is_vertical(info_boxes[i]):
continue # Skip if there's no text
# Find the closest box within the defined threshold
closest_index = find_closest_box(info_boxes[i], boxes, full_pred['labels'], threshold=4 * min_dist)
if closest_index is not None and (full_pred['labels'][closest_index] == list(class_dict.values()).index('sequenceFlow') or full_pred['labels'][closest_index] == list(class_dict.values()).index('messageFlow')):
bpmn_id = full_pred['BPMN_id'][closest_index]
# Append new text or create new entry if not existing
if bpmn_id in text_mapping:
text_mapping[bpmn_id] += " " + info_texts[i] # Append text with a space in between
text_mapping[bpmn_id] = info_texts[i]
info_texts[i] = '' # Clear the text to avoid re-use
if print_sentences:
print("Text Mapping:", text_mapping)
print("Information Texts left:", info_texts)
return text_mapping