import time import os from statistics import mean from collections import defaultdict import torch import numpy as np import torch.nn.functional as F from torch import nn from import tqdm import pprint import math import constants from constants import PitchToken, DurationToken from utils import append_dict, print_divider class StepBetaScheduler(): def __init__(self, anneal_start, beta_max, step_size, anneal_end): self.anneal_start = anneal_start self.beta_max = beta_max self.step_size = step_size self.anneal_end = anneal_end self.update_steps = 0 self.beta = 0 n_steps = self.beta_max // self.step_size self.inc_every = (self.anneal_end-self.anneal_start) // n_steps def step(self): self.update_steps += 1 if (self.update_steps >= self.anneal_start or self.update_steps < self.anneal_end): # If we are annealing, update beta according to current step curr_step = (self.update_steps-self.anneal_start) // self.inc_every self.beta = self.step_size * (curr_step+1) return self.beta class ExpDecayLRScheduler(): def __init__(self, optimizer, peak_lr, warmup_steps, final_lr_scale, decay_steps): self.optimizer = optimizer self.peak_lr = peak_lr self.warmup_steps = warmup_steps self.decay_steps = decay_steps # Find the decay factor needed to reach the specified # learning rate scale after decay_steps steps self.decay_factor = -math.log(final_lr_scale) / self.decay_steps self.update_steps = 0 def set_lr(self, optimizer, lr): for param_group in optimizer.param_groups: param_group['lr'] = lr def step(self): self.update_steps += 1 if self.update_steps <= self.warmup_steps: = self.peak_lr else: # Decay lr exponentially steps_after_warmup = self.update_steps - self. warmup_steps = \ self.peak_lr * math.exp(-self.decay_factor*steps_after_warmup) self.set_lr(self.optimizer, return class PolyphemusTrainer(): def __init__(self, model_dir, model, optimizer, init_lr=1e-4, lr_scheduler=None, beta_scheduler=None, device=None, print_every=1, save_every=1, eval_every=100, iters_to_accumulate=1, **kwargs): self.__dict__.update(kwargs) self.model_dir = model_dir self.model = model self.optimizer = optimizer self.init_lr = init_lr self.lr_scheduler = lr_scheduler self.beta_scheduler = beta_scheduler self.device = device if device is not None else torch.device("cpu") self.cuda = True if self.device.type == 'cuda' else False self.print_every = print_every self.save_every = save_every self.eval_every = eval_every self.iters_to_accumulate = iters_to_accumulate # Losses (ignoring PAD tokens) self.bce_unreduced = nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss(reduction='none') self.ce_p = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(ignore_index=PitchToken.PAD.value) self.ce_d = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(ignore_index=DurationToken.PAD.value) # Training stats self.tr_losses = defaultdict(list) self.tr_accuracies = defaultdict(list) self.val_losses = defaultdict(list) self.val_accuracies = defaultdict(list) self.lrs = [] self.betas = [] self.times = [] def train(self, trainloader, validloader=None, epochs=100, early_exit=None): self.tot_batches = 0 self.beta = 0 self.min_val_loss = np.inf start = time.time() self.times.append(start) self.model.train() scaler = torch.cuda.amp.GradScaler() if self.cuda else None self.optimizer.zero_grad() progress_bar = tqdm(range(len(trainloader))) for epoch in range(epochs): self.cur_epoch = epoch for batch_idx, graph in enumerate(trainloader): self.cur_batch_idx = batch_idx # Move batch of graphs to device. Note: a single graph here # represents a bar in the original sequence. graph = s_tensor, c_tensor = graph.s_tensor, graph.c_tensor with torch.cuda.amp.autocast(enabled=self.cuda): # Forward pass to obtain mu, log(sigma^2), computed by the # encoder, and structure and content logits, computed by the # decoder (s_logits, c_logits), mu, log_var = self.model(graph) # Compute losses tot_loss, losses = self._losses( s_tensor, s_logits, c_tensor, c_logits, mu, log_var ) tot_loss = tot_loss / self.iters_to_accumulate # Backpropagation if self.cuda: scaler.scale(tot_loss).backward() else: tot_loss.backward() # Update weights with accumulated gradients if (self.tot_batches + 1) % self.iters_to_accumulate == 0: if self.cuda: scaler.step(self.optimizer) scaler.update() else: self.optimizer.step() self.optimizer.zero_grad() # Update lr and beta if self.lr_scheduler is not None: self.lr_scheduler.step() if self.beta_scheduler is not None: self.beta_scheduler.step() # Compute accuracies accs = self._accuracies( s_tensor, s_logits, c_tensor, c_logits, graph.is_drum ) # Update the stats append_dict(self.tr_losses, losses) append_dict(self.tr_accuracies, accs) last_lr = ( if self.lr_scheduler is not None else self.init_lr) self.lrs.append(last_lr) self.betas.append(self.beta) now = time.time() self.times.append(now) # Print stats if (self.tot_batches + 1) % self.print_every == 0: print("Training on batch {}/{} of epoch {}/{} complete." .format(batch_idx+1, len(trainloader), epoch+1, epochs)) self._print_stats() print_divider() # Eval on VL every `eval_every` gradient updates if (validloader is not None and (self.tot_batches + 1) % self.eval_every == 0): # Evaluate on VL print("\nEvaluating on validation set...\n") val_losses, val_accuracies = self.evaluate(validloader) # Update stats append_dict(self.val_losses, val_losses) append_dict(self.val_accuracies, val_accuracies) print("Val losses:") print(val_losses) print("Val accuracies:") print(val_accuracies) # Save model if VL loss (tot) reached a new minimum tot_loss = val_losses['tot'] if tot_loss < self.min_val_loss: print("\nValidation loss improved.") print("Saving new best model to disk...\n") self._save_model('best_model') self.min_val_loss = tot_loss self.model.train() progress_bar.update(1) # Save model and stats on disk if (self.save_every > 0 and (self.tot_batches + 1) % self.save_every == 0): self._save_model('checkpoint') # Stop prematurely if early_exit is set and reached if (early_exit is not None and (self.tot_batches + 1) > early_exit): break self.tot_batches += 1 end = time.time() hours, rem = divmod(end-start, 3600) minutes, seconds = divmod(rem, 60) print("Training completed in (h:m:s): {:0>2}:{:0>2}:{:05.2f}" .format(int(hours), int(minutes), seconds)) self._save_model('checkpoint') def evaluate(self, loader): losses = defaultdict(list) accs = defaultdict(list) self.model.eval() progress_bar = tqdm(range(len(loader))) with torch.no_grad(): for _, graph in enumerate(loader): # Get the inputs and move them to device graph = s_tensor, c_tensor = graph.s_tensor, graph.c_tensor with torch.cuda.amp.autocast(): # Forward pass, get the reconstructions (s_logits, c_logits), mu, log_var = self.model(graph) _, losses_b = self._losses( s_tensor, s_logits, c_tensor, c_logits, mu, log_var ) accs_b = self._accuracies( s_tensor, s_logits, c_tensor, c_logits, graph.is_drum ) # Save losses and accuracies append_dict(losses, losses_b) append_dict(accs, accs_b) progress_bar.update(1) # Compute avg losses and accuracies avg_losses = {} for k, l in losses.items(): avg_losses[k] = mean(l) avg_accs = {} for k, l in accs.items(): avg_accs[k] = mean(l) return avg_losses, avg_accs def _losses(self, s_tensor, s_logits, c_tensor, c_logits, mu, log_var): # Do not consider SOS token c_tensor = c_tensor[..., 1:, :] c_logits = c_logits.reshape(-1, c_logits.size(-1)) c_tensor = c_tensor.reshape(-1, c_tensor.size(-1)) # Reshape logits to match s_tensor dimensions: # n_graphs (in batch) x n_tracks x n_timesteps s_logits = s_tensor.reshape(-1, *s_logits.shape[2:]) # Binary structure tensor loss (binary cross entropy) s_loss = self.bce_unreduced( s_logits.view(-1), s_tensor.view(-1).float()) s_loss = torch.mean(s_loss) # Content tensor loss (pitches) # argmax is used to obtain token ids from onehot rep pitch_logits = c_logits[:, :constants.N_PITCH_TOKENS] pitch_true = c_tensor[:, :constants.N_PITCH_TOKENS].argmax(dim=1) pitch_loss = self.ce_p(pitch_logits, pitch_true) # Content tensor loss (durations) dur_logits = c_logits[:, constants.N_PITCH_TOKENS:] dur_true = c_tensor[:, constants.N_PITCH_TOKENS:].argmax(dim=1) dur_loss = self.ce_d(dur_logits, dur_true) # Kullback-Leibler divergence loss # Derivation in Kingma, Diederik P., and Max Welling. "Auto-encoding # variational bayes." (2013), Appendix B. # ( kld_loss = -0.5 * torch.sum(1 + log_var - mu.pow(2) - log_var.exp(), dim=1) kld_loss = torch.mean(kld_loss) # Reconstruction loss and total loss rec_loss = pitch_loss + dur_loss + s_loss tot_loss = rec_loss + self.beta*kld_loss losses = { 'tot': tot_loss.item(), 'pitch': pitch_loss.item(), 'dur': dur_loss.item(), 'structure': s_loss.item(), 'reconstruction': rec_loss.item(), 'kld': kld_loss.item(), 'beta*kld': self.beta*kld_loss.item() } return tot_loss, losses def _accuracies(self, s_tensor, s_logits, c_tensor, c_logits, is_drum): # Do not consider SOS token c_tensor = c_tensor[..., 1:, :] # Reshape logits to match s_tensor dimensions: # n_graphs (in batch) x n_tracks x n_timesteps s_logits = s_tensor.reshape(-1, *s_logits.shape[2:]) # Note accuracy considers both pitches and durations note_acc = self._note_accuracy(c_logits, c_tensor) pitch_acc = self._pitch_accuracy(c_logits, c_tensor) # Compute pitch accuracies for drums and non drums separately pitch_acc_drums = self._pitch_accuracy( c_logits, c_tensor, drums=True, is_drum=is_drum ) pitch_acc_non_drums = self._pitch_accuracy( c_logits, c_tensor, drums=False, is_drum=is_drum ) dur_acc = self._duration_accuracy(c_logits, c_tensor) s_acc = self._structure_accuracy(s_logits, s_tensor) s_precision = self._structure_precision(s_logits, s_tensor) s_recall = self._structure_recall(s_logits, s_tensor) s_f1 = (2*s_recall*s_precision / (s_recall+s_precision)) accs = { 'note': note_acc.item(), 'pitch': pitch_acc.item(), 'pitch_drums': pitch_acc_drums.item(), 'pitch_non_drums': pitch_acc_non_drums.item(), 'dur': dur_acc.item(), 's_acc': s_acc.item(), 's_precision': s_precision.item(), 's_recall': s_recall.item(), 's_f1': s_f1.item() } return accs def _pitch_accuracy(self, c_logits, c_tensor, drums=None, is_drum=None): # When drums is None, just compute the global pitch accuracy without # distinguishing between drum and non drum pitches if drums is not None: if drums: c_logits = c_logits[is_drum] c_tensor = c_tensor[is_drum] else: c_logits = c_logits[torch.logical_not(is_drum)] c_tensor = c_tensor[torch.logical_not(is_drum)] # Apply softmax to obtain pitch reconstructions pitch_rec = c_logits[..., :constants.N_PITCH_TOKENS] pitch_rec = F.softmax(pitch_rec, dim=-1) pitch_rec = torch.argmax(pitch_rec, dim=-1) pitch_true = c_tensor[..., :constants.N_PITCH_TOKENS] pitch_true = torch.argmax(pitch_true, dim=-1) # Do not consider PAD tokens when computing accuracies not_pad = (pitch_true != PitchToken.PAD.value) correct = (pitch_rec == pitch_true) correct = torch.logical_and(correct, not_pad) return torch.sum(correct) / torch.sum(not_pad) def _duration_accuracy(self, c_logits, c_tensor): # Apply softmax to obtain reconstructed durations dur_rec = c_logits[..., constants.N_PITCH_TOKENS:] dur_rec = F.softmax(dur_rec, dim=-1) dur_rec = torch.argmax(dur_rec, dim=-1) dur_true = c_tensor[..., constants.N_PITCH_TOKENS:] dur_true = torch.argmax(dur_true, dim=-1) # Do not consider PAD tokens when computing accuracies not_pad = (dur_true != DurationToken.PAD.value) correct = (dur_rec == dur_true) correct = torch.logical_and(correct, not_pad) return torch.sum(correct) / torch.sum(not_pad) def _note_accuracy(self, c_logits, c_tensor): # Apply softmax to obtain pitch reconstructions pitch_rec = c_logits[..., :constants.N_PITCH_TOKENS] pitch_rec = F.softmax(pitch_rec, dim=-1) pitch_rec = torch.argmax(pitch_rec, dim=-1) pitch_true = c_tensor[..., :constants.N_PITCH_TOKENS] pitch_true = torch.argmax(pitch_true, dim=-1) not_pad_p = (pitch_true != PitchToken.PAD.value) correct_p = (pitch_rec == pitch_true) correct_p = torch.logical_and(correct_p, not_pad_p) dur_rec = c_logits[..., constants.N_PITCH_TOKENS:] dur_rec = F.softmax(dur_rec, dim=-1) dur_rec = torch.argmax(dur_rec, dim=-1) dur_true = c_tensor[..., constants.N_PITCH_TOKENS:] dur_true = torch.argmax(dur_true, dim=-1) not_pad_d = (dur_true != DurationToken.PAD.value) correct_d = (dur_rec == dur_true) correct_d = torch.logical_and(correct_d, not_pad_d) note_accuracy = torch.sum( torch.logical_and(correct_p, correct_d)) / torch.sum(not_pad_p) return note_accuracy def _structure_accuracy(self, s_logits, s_tensor): s_logits = torch.sigmoid(s_logits) s_logits[s_logits < 0.5] = 0 s_logits[s_logits >= 0.5] = 1 return torch.sum(s_logits == s_tensor) / s_tensor.numel() def _structure_precision(self, s_logits, s_tensor): s_logits = torch.sigmoid(s_logits) s_logits[s_logits < 0.5] = 0 s_logits[s_logits >= 0.5] = 1 tp = torch.sum(s_tensor[s_logits == 1]) return tp / torch.sum(s_logits) def _structure_recall(self, s_logits, s_tensor): s_logits = torch.sigmoid(s_logits) s_logits[s_logits < 0.5] = 0 s_logits[s_logits >= 0.5] = 1 tp = torch.sum(s_tensor[s_logits == 1]) return tp / torch.sum(s_tensor) def _save_model(self, filename): path = os.path.join(self.model_dir, filename) print("Saving model to disk..."){ 'epoch': self.cur_epoch, 'batch': self.cur_batch_idx, 'tot_batches': self.tot_batches, 'betas': self.betas, 'min_val_loss': self.min_val_loss, 'print_every': self.print_every, 'save_every': self.save_every, 'eval_every': self.eval_every, 'lrs': self.lrs, 'tr_losses': self.tr_losses, 'tr_accuracies': self.tr_accuracies, 'val_losses': self.val_losses, 'val_accuracies': self.val_accuracies, 'model_state_dict': self.model.state_dict(), 'optimizer_state_dict': self.optimizer.state_dict() }, path) print("The model has been successfully saved.") def _print_stats(self): hours, rem = divmod(self.times[-1]-self.times[0], 3600) minutes, seconds = divmod(rem, 60) print("Elapsed time from start (h:m:s): {:0>2}:{:0>2}:{:05.2f}" .format(int(hours), int(minutes), seconds)) # Take mean of the last non-printed batches for each loss and accuracy avg_losses = {} for k, l in self.tr_losses.items(): v = mean(l[-self.print_every:]) avg_losses[k] = round(v, 2) avg_accs = {} for k, l in self.tr_accuracies.items(): v = mean(l[-self.print_every:]) avg_accs[k] = round(v, 2) print("Losses:") pprint.pprint(avg_losses, indent=2) print("Accuracies:") pprint.pprint(avg_accs, indent=2)