import gradio as gr # Assuming you have a dictionary of pet names and their image URLs or file paths pets = { "David": "Users/EmilyWitko/desktop/David AI/david.jpg", "Kikou": "Users/EmilyWitko/desktop/David AI/kikou.jpg", # Add as many pets as you have } def show_pet_image(pet_name): # If the pet name is in the dictionary, return the image if pet_name in pets: return pets[pet_name] else: return "Pet not found, please try another name." iface = gr.Interface( fn=show_pet_image, inputs=gr.inputs.Textbox(label="Enter Pet Name"), outputs=gr.outputs.Image(label="Pet Image"), examples=list(pets.keys()) # Optional: to provide example pet names in the interface ) iface.launch()