const { cmd } = require('../command'); const { sleep } = require('../lib/functions'); cmd({ pattern: "restart", desc: "Restart Encrypto-27 AI", category: "owner", filename: __filename }, async (conn, mek, m, { from, quoted, body, isCmd, command, args, q, isGroup, senderNumber, reply }) => { try { // Get the bot owner's number dynamically from const botOwner =":")[0]; // Extract the bot owner's number if (senderNumber !== botOwner) { return reply("Only the bot owner can use this command."); } const { exec } = require("child_process"); reply("> Encrypto-27 AI Bot Restarting..."); await sleep(1500); exec("pm2 restart all"); } catch (e) { console.error(e); reply(`${e}`); } });