Runtime error
Runtime error
import os | |
import random | |
import time | |
import pickle | |
import math | |
from argparse import ArgumentParser | |
import string | |
from collections import defaultdict | |
from tqdm import tqdm | |
import numpy as np | |
import torch | |
import torch.nn as nn | |
import torch.nn.functional as F | |
from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelWithLMHead, pipeline, set_seed, GPT2Tokenizer, GPT2Model | |
from data import Dataset, load_rhyme_info | |
from model import Model | |
from util import save_checkpoint, ProgressMeter, AverageMeter, num_params | |
from constants import * | |
from poetry_util import get_rhymes, count_syllables | |
def main(args): | |
with open(args.dataset_info, 'rb') as rf: | |
dataset_info = pickle.load(rf) | |
gpt_tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(args.model_string) | |
gpt_tokenizer.add_special_tokens({'pad_token': PAD_TOKEN}) | |
gpt_pad_id = gpt_tokenizer.encode(PAD_TOKEN)[0] | |
gpt_model = AutoModelWithLMHead.from_pretrained(args.model_string).to(args.device) | |
gpt_model.eval() | |
checkpoint = torch.load(args.iambic_ckpt, map_location=args.device) | |
model_args = checkpoint['args'] | |
iambic_model = Model(model_args, gpt_pad_id, len(dataset_info.index2word)) # no need to get the glove embeddings when reloading since they're saved in model ckpt anyway | |
iambic_model.load_state_dict(checkpoint['state_dict']) | |
iambic_model = | |
iambic_model.eval() | |
print("=> loaded checkpoint '{}' (epoch {})" | |
.format(args.iambic_ckpt, checkpoint['epoch'])) | |
print('iambic model num params', num_params(iambic_model)) | |
with open(args.rhyme_info, 'rb') as rf: | |
rhyme_info = pickle.load(rf) | |
checkpoint = torch.load(args.rhyme_ckpt, map_location=args.device) | |
model_args = checkpoint['args'] | |
rhyme_model = Model(model_args, gpt_pad_id, len(dataset_info.index2word), rhyme_group_size=len(rhyme_info.index2rhyme_group)) # no need to get the glove embeddings when reloading since they're saved in model ckpt anyway | |
rhyme_model.load_state_dict(checkpoint['state_dict']) | |
rhyme_model = | |
rhyme_model.eval() | |
print("=> loaded checkpoint '{}' (epoch {})" | |
.format(args.rhyme_ckpt, checkpoint['epoch'])) | |
print('rhyme model num params', num_params(rhyme_model)) | |
checkpoint = torch.load(args.newline_ckpt, map_location=args.device) | |
model_args = checkpoint['args'] | |
newline_model = Model(model_args, gpt_pad_id, len(dataset_info.index2word)) # no need to get the glove embeddings when reloading since they're saved in model ckpt anyway | |
newline_model.load_state_dict(checkpoint['state_dict']) | |
newline_model = | |
newline_model.eval() | |
print("=> loaded checkpoint '{}' (epoch {})" | |
.format(args.newline_ckpt, checkpoint['epoch'])) | |
print('iambic model num params', num_params(newline_model)) | |
while True: | |
results = predict_couplet(gpt_model, | |
gpt_tokenizer, | |
iambic_model, | |
rhyme_model, | |
newline_model, | |
[args.input_text], | |
dataset_info, | |
rhyme_info, | |
args.precondition_topk, | |
args.topk, | |
condition_lambda=args.condition_lambda, | |
device=args.device) | |
for line in results: | |
print(line) | |
import pdb; pdb.set_trace() | |
def predict_couplet(gpt_model, gpt_tokenizer, iambic_model, rhyme_model, newline_model, input_text, dataset_info, rhyme_info, precondition_topk, postcondition_topk, condition_lambda=1.0, device='cuda'): | |
assert len(input_text) == 1 # only do one at a time for now | |
current_text = input_text[0] | |
current_line_text = '' | |
all_lines = [current_text] | |
ending_word = current_text.split()[-1].strip(string.punctuation) | |
word2rhyme_group = defaultdict(lambda: UNKNOWN_RHYME_GROUP, rhyme_info.word2rhyme_group) | |
rhyme_group = word2rhyme_group[ending_word] | |
line = predict_iambic_pentameter_line(gpt_model, | |
gpt_tokenizer, | |
iambic_model, | |
rhyme_model, | |
newline_model, | |
current_text, | |
current_line_text, | |
rhyme_group, | |
dataset_info, | |
rhyme_info, | |
precondition_topk, | |
postcondition_topk, | |
condition_lambda=condition_lambda, | |
device=device) | |
all_lines.append(line) | |
return all_lines | |
def predict_iambic_pentameter_line(gpt_model, gpt_tokenizer, iambic_model, rhyme_model, newline_model, current_text, current_line_text, rhyme_group, dataset_info, rhyme_info, precondition_topk, postcondition_topk, banned_tokens=POETRY_BANNED_TOKENS, condition_lambda=1.0, device='cuda', length_cutoff=30): | |
# TODO(poetry) delete banned tokens? | |
with torch.no_grad(): | |
batch_size = 1 | |
rhyme_group_index = rhyme_info.rhyme_group2index[rhyme_group] | |
future_words = torch.LongTensor([rhyme_group_index]).to(device) # 1 | |
log_probs = torch.Tensor([math.log(rhyme_info.rhyme_group_counts[rhyme_group] / rhyme_info.total_rhyme_groups)]).to(device) # 1 | |
# assumes initially all same length. | |
previous_encoded_text = [gpt_tokenizer.encode(it, return_tensors='pt').to(device) for it in [current_text]] | |
previous_enc_len = previous_encoded_text[0].shape[1] | |
encoded_input = [gpt_tokenizer.encode(it, return_tensors='pt').to(device) for it in [current_text + current_line_text]] # batch x seq | |
encoded_input =, dim=0) | |
lengths = torch.LongTensor([encoded_input.shape[1]]).to(device) | |
line_syllable_count = count_syllables(current_line_text) | |
assert line_syllable_count < POETRY_LINE_SYLLABLES # assume we started with less than one full line | |
syllables_to_go = POETRY_LINE_SYLLABLES - line_syllable_count | |
for _ in range(length_cutoff): # really shouldn't have a line this long anyway | |
gpt_logits = gpt_model(encoded_input)[0][:, -1, :] # batch x vocab | |
gpt_logits[:, banned_tokens] = -1e8 | |
top_logits, top_indices = gpt_logits.topk(precondition_topk, dim=1) | |
new_input_candidates =[encoded_input.unsqueeze(1).expand(-1, precondition_topk, -1), top_indices.unsqueeze(2)], dim=2) # batch x topk x seq+1 | |
expanded_lengths = (lengths + 1).unsqueeze(1).expand(batch_size, precondition_topk) # batch x topk | |
expanded_future_words = future_words.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(1).expand(batch_size, precondition_topk, -1) # batch x topk x N | |
candidate_syllables_to_go = [] | |
for candidate in new_input_candidates[0]: | |
candidate_until_last_word_text = ' '.join(gpt_tokenizer.decode(candidate[previous_enc_len:]).split()[:-1]) | |
candidate_syllables_to_go.append(10 - count_syllables(candidate_until_last_word_text)) | |
# usually these are all the same, but run them all for correctness. could do more efficiently but it's not too slow anyway. | |
expanded_syllables_to_go = torch.LongTensor(candidate_syllables_to_go).to(device).view(1, precondition_topk) | |
if condition_lambda == 0: | |
iambic_logits = torch.zeros_like(expanded_lengths).float() | |
else: | |
# truncate prefix because we trained on single lines | |
iambic_logits = iambic_model(new_input_candidates[:, :, previous_enc_len:].flatten(0, 1), expanded_lengths.flatten(0, 1) - previous_enc_len, None, None, None)[:, -1] # batch*topk x seq+1 -> batch*topk | |
iambic_logits = iambic_logits.view(batch_size, precondition_topk) | |
iambic_logits = iambic_logits - torch.log(1 + torch.exp(iambic_logits)) | |
if condition_lambda == 0: | |
rhyme_logits = torch.zeros_like(expanded_lengths).float() | |
else: | |
rhyme_logits = rhyme_model(new_input_candidates.flatten(0, 1), # batch*topk x seq+1 | |
expanded_lengths.flatten(0, 1), # batch*topk | |
expanded_future_words.flatten(0, 1), # batch*topk x N | |
log_probs, # N | |
expanded_syllables_to_go.flatten(0, 1)) # batch*topk | |
rhyme_logits = rhyme_logits.view(batch_size, precondition_topk, -1) # batch x topk x N | |
rhyme_logits = rhyme_logits - torch.log(1 + torch.exp(rhyme_logits)) # batch x topk x N | |
rhyme_logits = rhyme_logits.squeeze(2) # batch x topk | |
if condition_lambda == 0: | |
newline_logits = torch.zeros_like(expanded_lengths).float() | |
else: | |
newline_logits = newline_model(new_input_candidates.flatten(0, 1), # batch*topk x seq+1 | |
expanded_lengths.flatten(0, 1), # batch*topk | |
expanded_future_words.flatten(0, 1), # batch*topk x N | |
log_probs, # N | |
expanded_syllables_to_go.flatten(0, 1)) # batch*topk | |
newline_logits = newline_logits[:, -1].view(batch_size, precondition_topk, -1) # batch x topk x N | |
newline_logits = newline_logits - torch.log(1 + torch.exp(newline_logits)) # batch x topk x N | |
newline_logits = newline_logits.squeeze(2) # batch x topk | |
full_logits = top_logits + condition_lambda * iambic_logits + condition_lambda * rhyme_logits + condition_lambda * newline_logits | |
post_logits, post_indices = full_logits.topk(postcondition_topk, dim=1) | |
post_probs = F.softmax(post_logits, dim=1) | |
index_into_top_indices = post_indices[torch.arange(batch_size).to(post_indices.device), torch.multinomial(post_probs, 1).flatten()] # batch | |
next_indices = top_indices[torch.arange(batch_size).to(top_indices.device), index_into_top_indices] # batch | |
encoded_input =[encoded_input, next_indices.unsqueeze(1)], dim=1) # batch x seq+1 | |
lengths = lengths + 1 | |
syllables_to_go = POETRY_LINE_SYLLABLES - count_syllables(gpt_tokenizer.decode(encoded_input[0][previous_enc_len:])) # if we get very unlucky with a partial word that the syllable counter doesn't recognize we might end early, but it's unlikely | |
if syllables_to_go <= 0 and [gpt_tokenizer.decode(s) for s in encoded_input][0][-1] in PHRASE_ENDS: | |
break | |
if syllables_to_go < 0: | |
# encoded_input = encoded_input[:, :-1] | |
break | |
return [gpt_tokenizer.decode(s) for s in encoded_input][0][len(current_text):] | |
if __name__=='__main__': | |
parser = ArgumentParser() | |
# DATA | |
parser.add_argument('--iambic_ckpt', type=str, required=True) | |
parser.add_argument('--rhyme_ckpt', type=str, required=True) | |
parser.add_argument('--newline_ckpt', type=str, required=True) | |
parser.add_argument('--dataset_info', type=str, required=True, help='saved dataset info') | |
parser.add_argument('--rhyme_info', type=str, required=True, help='saved rhyme info') | |
parser.add_argument('--model_string', type=str, default='gpt2-medium') | |
parser.add_argument('--input_text', type=str, default=None, required=True, help='initial text') | |
parser.add_argument('--precondition_topk', type=int, default=200, help='consider top k outputs from gpt at each step before conditioning and re-pruning') | |
parser.add_argument('--topk', type=int, default=10, help='consider top k outputs from gpt at each step') | |
parser.add_argument('--condition_lambda', type=float, default=1.0, help='lambda weight on conditioning model') | |
parser.add_argument('--seed', type=int, default=1, help='random seed') | |
parser.add_argument('--device', type=str, default='cuda', choices=['cpu', 'cuda']) | |
parser.add_argument('--debug', action='store_true', default=False) | |
args = parser.parse_args() | |
random.seed(args.seed) | |
np.random.seed(args.seed) | |
torch.manual_seed(args.seed) | |
main(args) |