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from transformers import set_seed
from import trange
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
import random
import utils
import torch
("text", "A cloud at dawn", str),
("iterations", 5000, int),
("turns", 4, int),
("showoff", 5000, int),
("seed", 12, int),
("focal_length", 0.1, float),
("plane_width", 0.1, float),
("shade_strength", 0.25, float),
("gamma", 0.5, float),
("max_depth", 7, float),
("lr", 0.5, float),
("offset", 5, float),
("offset_random", 0.75, float),
("xyz_random", 0.25, float),
("altitude_range", 0.3, float),
("augments", 4, int),
("show_every", 50, int),
("epochs", 1, int),
("w", 224, int),
("h", 224, int),
("num_objects", 256, int),
#@markdown CLIP loss type, might improve the results
("loss_type", "spherical", ("spherical", "cosine")),
#@markdown CLIP loss weight
("clip_weight", 1.0, float), #@param {type: "number"}
#@markdown Number of dimensions. 0 is for point clouds (default), 1 will make
#@markdown strokes, 2 will make planes, 3 produces little cubes
("ndim", 0, (0, 1, 2, 3)), #@param {type: "integer"}
#@markdown Opacity scale:
("min_opacity", 1e-4, float), #@param {type: "number"}
("max_opacity", 1.0, float), #@param {type: "number"}
("log_opacity", False, bool), #@param {type: "boolean"}
("min_radius", 0.030, float),
("max_radius", 0.070, float),
("log_radius", False, bool),
# TODO dynamically decide bezier_res
#@markdown Bezier resolution: how many points a line/plane/cube will have. Not applicable to points
("bezier_res", 8, int), #@param {type: "integer"}
#@markdown Maximum scale of parameters: position, velocity, acceleration
("pos_scale", 0.4, float), #@param {type: "number"}
("vel_scale", 0.15, float), #@param {type: "number"}
("acc_scale", 0.15, float), #@param {type: "number"}
#@markdown Scale of each individual 3D object. Master control for velocity and acceleration scale.
("scale", 1, float), #@param {type: "number"}
# TODO: one day separate the config into multiple parts and split this megaobject into multiple objects
class PulsarCLIP(object):
def __init__(self, args):
args = DotDict(**args)
self.args = args
self.device = args.get("device", "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
# Defer the import so that we can import `pulsar_clip` and then install `pytorch3d`
import pytorch3d.renderer.points.pulsar as ps
self.ndim = int(self.args.ndim)
self.renderer = ps.Renderer(self.args.w, self.args.h,
self.args.num_objects * (self.args.bezier_res ** self.ndim)).to(self.device)
self.bezier_pos = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.randn((args.num_objects, 4)).to(self.device))
self.bezier_vel = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.randn((args.num_objects, 3 * self.ndim)).to(self.device))
self.bezier_acc = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.randn((args.num_objects, 3 * self.ndim)).to(self.device))
self.bezier_col = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.randn((args.num_objects, 4 * (1 + self.ndim))).to(self.device))
self.optimizer = torch.optim.Adam([dict(params=[self.bezier_col], lr=5e-1 *,
dict(params=[self.bezier_pos], lr=1e-1 *,
dict(params=[self.bezier_vel, self.bezier_acc], lr=5e-2 *,
self.model_clip, self.preprocess_clip = utils.load_clip()
self.scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.CosineAnnealingWarmRestarts(self.optimizer,
/ self.args.augments
/ self.args.epochs))
import clip
self.txt_emb = self.model_clip.encode_text(clip.tokenize([self.args.text]).to(self.device))[0].detach()
self.txt_emb = torch.nn.functional.normalize(self.txt_emb, dim=-1)
def get_points(self):
if self.ndim > 0:
bezier_ts = torch.stack(torch.meshgrid(
(torch.linspace(0, 1, self.args.bezier_res, device=self.device),) * self.ndim), dim=0
).unsqueeze(1).repeat((1, self.args.num_objects) + (1,) * self.ndim).unsqueeze(-1)
def interpolate_3D(pos, vel=0.0, acc=0.0, pos_scale=None, vel_scale=None, acc_scale=None, scale=None):
pos_scale = self.args.pos_scale if pos_scale is None else pos_scale
vel_scale = self.args.vel_scale if vel_scale is None else vel_scale
acc_scale = self.args.acc_scale if acc_scale is None else acc_scale
scale = self.args.scale if scale is None else scale
if self.ndim == 0:
return pos * pos_scale
result = 0.0
s = pos.shape[-1]
assert s * self.ndim == vel.shape[-1] == acc.shape[-1]
# O(dim) sequential lol
for d, bezier_t in zip(range(self.ndim), bezier_ts): # TODO replace with fused dimension operation
result = (result
+ torch.tanh(vel[..., d * s:(d + 1) * s]).view(
(-1,) + (1,) * self.ndim + (s,)) * vel_scale * bezier_t
+ torch.tanh(acc[..., d * s:(d + 1) * s]).view(
(-1,) + (1,) * self.ndim + (s,)) * acc_scale * bezier_t.pow(2))
result = (result * scale
+ torch.tanh(pos[..., :s]).view((-1,) + (1,) * self.ndim + (s,)) * pos_scale).view(-1, s)
return result
vert_pos = interpolate_3D(self.bezier_pos[..., :3], self.bezier_vel, self.bezier_acc)
vert_col = interpolate_3D(self.bezier_col[..., :4],
self.bezier_col[..., 4:4 + 4 * self.ndim],
self.bezier_col[..., -4 * self.ndim:])
to_bezier = lambda x: x.view((-1,) + (1,) * self.ndim + (x.shape[-1],)).repeat(
(1,) + (self.args.bezier_res,) * self.ndim + (1,)).reshape(-1, x.shape[-1])
rescale = lambda x, a, b, is_log=False: (torch.exp(x
* np.log(b / a)
+ np.log(a))) if is_log else x * (b - a) + a
return (
torch.sigmoid(vert_col[..., :3]),
torch.sigmoid(to_bezier(self.bezier_pos[..., -1:])[..., 0]),
self.args.min_radius, self.args.max_radius, is_log=self.args.log_radius
rescale(torch.sigmoid(vert_col[..., -1]),
self.args.min_opacity, self.args.max_opacity, is_log=self.args.log_opacity))
def camera(self, angle, altitude=0.0, offset=None, use_random=True, offset_random=None,
xyz_random=None, focal_length=None, plane_width=None):
if offset is None:
offset = self.args.offset
if xyz_random is None:
xyz_random = self.args.xyz_random
if focal_length is None:
focal_length = self.args.focal_length
if plane_width is None:
plane_width = self.args.plane_width
if offset_random is None:
offset_random = self.args.offset_random
device = self.device
offset = offset + np.random.normal() * offset_random * int(use_random)
position = torch.tensor([0, 0, -offset], dtype=torch.float)
position = utils.rotate_axis(position, altitude, 0)
position = utils.rotate_axis(position, angle, 1)
position = position + torch.randn(3) * xyz_random * int(use_random)
return torch.tensor([position[0], position[1], position[2],
altitude, angle, 0,
focal_length, plane_width], dtype=torch.float, device=device)
def render(self, cam_params=None):
if cam_params is None:
cam_params =, 0)
vert_pos, vert_col, radius, opacity = self.get_points()
rgb = self.renderer(vert_pos, vert_col, radius, cam_params,
self.args.gamma, self.args.max_depth, opacity=opacity)
opacity = self.renderer(vert_pos, vert_col * 0, radius, cam_params,
self.args.gamma, self.args.max_depth, opacity=opacity)
return rgb, opacity
def random_view_render(self):
angle = random.uniform(0, np.pi * 2)
altitude = random.uniform(-self.args.altitude_range / 2, self.args.altitude_range / 2)
cam_params =, altitude)
result, alpha = self.render(cam_params)
back = torch.zeros_like(result)
s = back.shape
for j in range(s[-1]):
n = random.choice([7, 14, 28])
back[..., j] = utils.rand_perlin_2d_octaves(s[:-1], (n, n)).clip(-0.5, 0.5) + 0.5
result = result * (1 - alpha) + back * alpha
return result
def generate(self):
for i in trange(self.args.iterations + self.args.showoff):
if i < self.args.iterations:
result = self.random_view_render()
img_emb = self.model_clip.encode_image(
self.preprocess_clip(result.permute(2, 0, 1)).unsqueeze(0).clamp(0., 1.))
img_emb = torch.nn.functional.normalize(img_emb, dim=-1)
if self.args.loss_type == "spherical":
clip_loss = (img_emb - self.txt_emb).norm(dim=-1).div(2).arcsin().pow(2).mul(2).mean()
elif self.args.loss_type == "cosine":
clip_loss = (1 - img_emb @ self.txt_emb.T).mean()
raise NotImplementedError(f"CLIP loss type not supported: {self.args.loss_type}")
loss = clip_loss * self.args.clip_weight + (0 and ...) # TODO add more loss types
if i % self.args.augments == self.args.augments - 1:
except AttributeError:
if i % self.args.show_every == 0:
cam_params = / self.args.iterations * np.pi * 2 * self.args.turns, use_random=False)
img_show, _ = self.render(cam_params)
img = Image.fromarray((img_show.cpu().detach().numpy() * 255).astype(np.uint8))
yield img
except KeyboardInterrupt:
class DotDict(dict):
def __getattr__(self, item):
return self.__getitem__(item)