from pulsar_clip import PulsarCLIP, CONFIG_SPEC from datetime import datetime import gradio as gr def generate(*args): pc = PulsarCLIP(dict([(k, t(v) if not isinstance(t, (tuple, list)) else (type(t[0])(v) if isinstance(t, tuple) else v)) for v, (k, v0, t) in zip(args, (y for _, x in CONFIG_SPEC for y in x))])) frames = [] for image in pc.generate(): frames.append(image) from import tqdm from subprocess import Popen, PIPE fps = 30 video_path = f"{datetime.strftime(, '%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S')}.mp4" if frames: p = Popen((f"ffmpeg -y -f image2pipe -vcodec png -r {fps} -i - -vcodec libx264 -r {fps} " f"-pix_fmt yuv420p -crf 17 -preset fast ").split() + [str(video_path)], stdin=PIPE) for im in tqdm(frames):, "PNG") p.stdin.close() p.wait() model_path = None # TODO return [video_path, model_path] def main(): with gr.Blocks() as ui: gr.Markdown("# Pulsar+CLIP") gr.Markdown("Generate 3D point clouds from text!") with gr.Group(): gr.Markdown("## Settings") inputs = [] defaults = [] with gr.Tabs(): for name, section in CONFIG_SPEC: with gr.TabItem(name): for k, v0, t in section: if t in (float, int): element = gr.Number(label=k, value=v0) elif t == str: element = gr.Textbox(label=k, value=v0) elif t == bool: element = gr.Checkbox(label=k, value=v0) elif isinstance(t, tuple): element = gr.Slider(*t, label=k, value=v0) elif isinstance(t, list): element = gr.Dropdown(label=k, value=v0, choices=t) else: raise TypeError(f"Input format {t} should be one of str, int, bool, tuple, list") element = 1/0 inputs.append(element) defaults.append(v0) button = gr.Button("Run") gr.Markdown("## Result") with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): video = gr.Video() with gr.Column(): model = gr.Model3D(), inputs=inputs, outputs=[video, model]) gr.Markdown("## Examples") gr.Examples(fn=generate, inputs=inputs, outputs=[video, model], examples=[defaults], cache_examples=True, examples_per_page=1) return ui ui = main() ui.launch() demo = ui