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import os
import re
import json
import math
from modules.extra_utils import get_files_from_folder
from random import Random
# cannot use modules.config - validators causing circular imports
styles_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../sdxl_styles/'))
def normalize_key(k):
k = k.replace('-', ' ')
words = k.split(' ')
words = [w[:1].upper() + w[1:].lower() for w in words]
k = ' '.join(words)
k = k.replace('3d', '3D')
k = k.replace('Sai', 'SAI')
k = k.replace('Mre', 'MRE')
k = k.replace('(s', '(S')
return k
styles = {}
styles_files = get_files_from_folder(styles_path, ['.json'])
for x in ['sdxl_styles_fooocus.json',
if x in styles_files:
for styles_file in styles_files:
with open(os.path.join(styles_path, styles_file), encoding='utf-8') as f:
for entry in json.load(f):
name = normalize_key(entry['name'])
prompt = entry['prompt'] if 'prompt' in entry else ''
negative_prompt = entry['negative_prompt'] if 'negative_prompt' in entry else ''
styles[name] = (prompt, negative_prompt)
except Exception as e:
print(f'Failed to load style file {styles_file}')
style_keys = list(styles.keys())
fooocus_expansion = 'Fooocus V2'
random_style_name = 'Random Style'
legal_style_names = [fooocus_expansion, random_style_name] + style_keys
def get_random_style(rng: Random) -> str:
return rng.choice(list(styles.items()))[0]
def apply_style(style, positive):
p, n = styles[style]
return p.replace('{prompt}', positive).splitlines(), n.splitlines(), '{prompt}' in p
def get_words(arrays, total_mult, index):
if len(arrays) == 1:
return [arrays[0].split(',')[index]]
words = arrays[0].split(',')
word = words[index % len(words)]
index -= index % len(words)
index /= len(words)
index = math.floor(index)
return [word] + get_words(arrays[1:], math.floor(total_mult / len(words)), index)
def apply_arrays(text, index):
arrays = re.findall(r'\[\[(.*?)\]\]', text)
if len(arrays) == 0:
return text
print(f'[Arrays] processing: {text}')
mult = 1
for arr in arrays:
words = arr.split(',')
mult *= len(words)
index %= mult
chosen_words = get_words(arrays, mult, index)
i = 0
for arr in arrays:
text = text.replace(f'[[{arr}]]', chosen_words[i], 1)
i = i+1
return text