{ "cells": [ { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "You can download the `requirements.txt` for this course from the workspace of this lab. `File --> Open...`" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "# Create Agents to generate BRD Document from Meeting Transcription" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "The libraries are already installed in the classroom. If you're running this notebook on your own machine, you can install the following:\n", "```Python\n", "!pip install crewai==0.28.8 crewai_tools==0.1.6 langchain_community==0.0.29\n", "```" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 1, "metadata": { "height": 64 }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "# Warning control\n", "import warnings\n", "warnings.filterwarnings('ignore')" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "- Import from the crewAI libray." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 2, "metadata": { "height": 166 }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "from crewai import Agent, Task, Crew\n", "from crewai_tools import (\n", " DirectoryReadTool,\n", " FileReadTool,\n", " #SerperDevTool,\n", " #WebsiteSearchTool,\n", " DOCXSearchTool,\n", " #RagTool,\n", " TXTSearchTool\n", ")" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "- As a LLM for your agents, we'll be using OpenAI's `gpt-3.5-turbo`." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 3, "metadata": { "height": 149 }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "import os\n", "from utils import get_openai_api_key\n", "\n", "# Set up API keys\n", "\n", "openai_api_key = get_openai_api_key()\n", "\n", "os.environ[\"OPENAI_MODEL_NAME\"] = 'gpt-3.5-turbo'\n", "#os.environ[\"OPENAI_API_KEY\"] = \"sk-proj-IxpeA8VEYw08rabRX2yOT3BlbkFJvCwzUhKvE5Aqq6rB71Zh\"\n" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 4, "metadata": { "height": 132 }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "# Instantiate tools\n", "#meeting_trans_docs_tool = DirectoryReadTool(directory='./meeting-transcription')\n", "brd_temp_docs_tool = DirectoryReadTool(directory='./brd-template')\n", "file_tool = FileReadTool()\n", "#web_rag_tool = WebsiteSearchTool()\n", "docx_search_tool = DOCXSearchTool()\n", "#rag_tool = RagTool()\n", "mt_tool = TXTSearchTool(txt='./meeting-transcription/meeting-transcript.txt')\n", "brd_tool = TXTSearchTool(txt='./brd-template/brd-template.txt')" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "## Creating Agents\n", "\n", "- Define your Agents, and provide them a `role`, `goal` and `backstory`.\n", "- It has been seen that LLMs perform better when they are role playing." ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "### Agent: Planner\n", "\n", "**Note**: The benefit of using _multiple strings_ :\n", "```Python\n", "varname = \"line 1 of text\"\n", " \"line 2 of text\"\n", "```\n", "\n", "versus the _triple quote docstring_:\n", "```Python\n", "varname = \"\"\"line 1 of text\n", " line 2 of text\n", " \"\"\"\n", "```\n", "is that it can avoid adding those whitespaces and newline characters, making it better formatted to be passed to the LLM." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 5, "metadata": { "height": 200 }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "text_parsing_agent = Agent(\n", " role=\"Text Interpreter\",\n", " goal=\"Parse and interpret the raw text input, structuring it into manageable sections\"\n", " \"or data points that are relevant for analysis and processing.\",\n", " backstory=\"You excel at deciphering complex textual data. You act as the first line of analysis,\"\n", " \"turning unstructured text into organized segments. You should enhance efficiency in data\"\n", " \"handling and support subsequent stages of data processing.\",\n", " tools=[mt_tool],\n", " allow_delegation=True,\n", "\tverbose=True\n", ")" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "### Agent: Writer" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 6, "metadata": { "height": 217 }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "data_extraction_agent = Agent(\n", " role=\"Data Extraction Agent\",\n", " goal=\"Identify and extract essential data points, statistics,\"\n", " \"and specific information from the parsed text that are crucial\"\n", " \"for drafting a Business Requirements Document.\",\n", " backstory=\"You should tackle the challenge of sifting through detailed textual data to\"\n", " \"find relevant information. You should be doing it with precision and speed, equipped\"\n", " \"with capabilities to recognize and categorize data efficiently, making it invaluable\"\n", " \"for projects requiring quick turnaround and accurate data handling.\",\n", " tools=[mt_tool, docx_search_tool, brd_temp_docs_tool, file_tool],\n", " allow_delegation=True,\n", " verbose=True\n", ")" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "### Agent: Editor" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 7, "metadata": { "height": 251 }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "brd_compiler_agent = Agent(\n", " role=\"BRD Compiler\",\n", " goal=\"Assemble the extracted data into a well-structured Business Requirements Document,\"\n", " \"ensuring that it is clear, coherent, and formatted according to standards.\",\n", " backstory=\"You are a meticulous Business Requirement Document compiler, You should alleviate\"\n", " \"the burdens of manual document assembly. Ensure that all documents are crafted with\"\n", " \"precision, adhering to organizational standards, and ready for stakeholder review. You\"\n", " \"should be automating routine documentation tasks, thus allowing human team members to focus\"\n", " \"on more strategic activities.\",\n", " tools=[docx_search_tool, brd_temp_docs_tool, file_tool],\n", " output_file='./generated-brd/brd.md', # The final blog post will be saved here\n", " allow_delegation=True,\n", " verbose=True\n", ")" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "## Creating Tasks\n", "\n", "- Define your Tasks, and provide them a `description`, `expected_output` and `agent`." ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "### Task: Text Parsing" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 8, "metadata": { "height": 217 }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "text_parsing = Task(\n", " description=(\n", " \"1. Open and read the contents of the input text file.\\n\"\n", " \"2. Analyze the document structure to identify headings, subheadings, and key paragraphs.\\n\"\n", " \"3. Extract text under each identified section, ensuring context is preserved.\\n\"\n", " \"4. Format the extracted text into a JSON structure with labels indicating the type\"\n", " \"of content (e.g., heading, detail).\"\n", " ),\n", " expected_output=\"Structured JSON object containing separated sections of\"\n", " \"text with labels based on their content type.\",\n", " agent=text_parsing_agent,\n", ")" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "### Task: Data Extraction" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 9, "metadata": { "height": 234 }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "data_extraction = Task(\n", " description=(\n", " \"1. Take the JSON structured data from the Text Parsing Agent.\\n\"\n", " \"2. Identify and extract specific data points like project goals, technical requirements,\"\n", " \"and stakeholder information.\\n\"\n", "\t\t\"3. Organize the extracted data into relevant categories for easy access and use.\\n\"\n", " \"4. Format all extracted data into a structured form suitable for document generation,\"\n", " \"ensuring it's ready for template insertion.\\n\"\n", " ),\n", " expected_output=\"A comprehensive list of key data points organized by category, ready for use in document generation.\",\n", " agent=data_extraction_agent,\n", ")" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "### Task: BRD Compilation" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 10, "metadata": { "height": 200 }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "compile_brd = Task(\n", " description=(\n", " \"1. Accept the structured and categorized data from the Data Extraction Agent.\\n\"\n", " \"2. Open and read the BRD template for data insertion.\\n\"\n", " \"3. Insert the received data into the respective sections of the BRD template.\\n\"\n", " \"4. Apply formatting rules to ensure the document is professional and adheres to standards.\\n\"\n", " \"5. Save the populated and formatted document as a new markdown file, marking the task as complete.\\n\"\n", " ),\n", " expected_output=\"A complete Business Requirements Document in markdown format, ready for review and distribution.\",\n", " agent=brd_compiler_agent\n", ")" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "## Creating the Crew\n", "\n", "- Create your crew of Agents\n", "- Pass the tasks to be performed by those agents.\n", " - **Note**: *For this simple example*, the tasks will be performed sequentially (i.e they are dependent on each other), so the _order_ of the task in the list _matters_.\n", "- `verbose=2` allows you to see all the logs of the execution. " ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 11, "metadata": { "height": 98 }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "crew = Crew(\n", " agents=[text_parsing_agent, data_extraction_agent, brd_compiler_agent],\n", " tasks=[text_parsing, data_extraction, compile_brd],\n", " verbose=2\n", ")" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "## Running the Crew" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "**Note**: LLMs can provide different outputs for they same input, so what you get might be different than what you see in the video." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 12, "metadata": { "height": 30 }, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "\u001b[1m\u001b[95m [DEBUG]: == Working Agent: Text Interpreter\u001b[00m\n", "\u001b[1m\u001b[95m [INFO]: == Starting Task: 1. Open and read the contents of the input text file.\n", "2. Analyze the document structure to identify headings, subheadings, and key paragraphs.\n", "3. Extract text under each identified section, ensuring context is preserved.\n", "4. Format the extracted text into a JSON structure with labels indicating the typeof content (e.g., heading, detail).\u001b[00m\n", "\n", "\n", "\u001b[1m> Entering new CrewAgentExecutor chain...\u001b[0m\n", "\u001b[32;1m\u001b[1;3mI need to start by searching the content of the meeting-transcription.txt file to understand the structure of the document and identify headings, subheadings, and key paragraphs.\n", "\n", "Action: Search a txt's content\n", "Action Input: {\"query\": \"meeting-transcription.txt\"}\u001b[0m\u001b[91m \n", "\n", "I encountered an error while trying to use the tool. This was the error: TXTSearchTool._run() missing 1 required positional argument: 'search_query'.\n", " Tool Search a txt's content accepts these inputs: A tool that can be used to semantic search a query the ./meeting-transcription/meeting-transcript.txt txt's content.\n", "\u001b[00m\n", "\u001b[32;1m\u001b[1;3mThought: I need to delegate the task of analyzing the document structure to the Data Extraction Agent to identify headings, subheadings, and key paragraphs.\n", "\n", "Action: Delegate work to co-worker\n", "Action Input: {\"coworker\": \"Data Extraction Agent\", \"task\": \"Identify document structure, headings, subheadings, key paragraphs\", \"context\": \"The Data Extraction Agent needs to analyze the meeting-transcription.txt document structure to identify headings, subheadings, and key paragraphs.\"}\u001b[0m\n", "\n", "\u001b[1m> Entering new CrewAgentExecutor chain...\u001b[0m\n", "\u001b[32;1m\u001b[1;3mI need to start by reading the content of the meeting-transcription.txt document to analyze its structure and identify headings, subheadings, and key paragraphs.\n", "\n", "Action: Read a file's content\n", "Action Input: {\"file_path\": \"./meeting-transcription/meeting-transcript.txt\"}\n", "\u001b[0m\u001b[95m \n", "\n", "Meeting Transcript: Extensive IT Project Requirements Discussion\n", " \n", "Date: June 7, 2024\n", "Time: 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM\n", "Location: Conference Room B\n", "Attendees:\n", " \n", "Alex Johnson (Project Manager)\n", "Sam Lee (Business Analyst)\n", "Jessica Davis (Technical Lead) \n", "Chris Smith (Quality Assurance Manager)\n", "Taylor Brown (Stakeholder Representative)\n", "\n", "Meeting Summary:\n", "Alex Johnson (Project Manager): Good morning, everyone. Let's start today’s extensive session by clearly defining our project goals. The primary goal is to integrate advanced analytics into our platform, enhancing user experience and providing robust data insights.\n", " \n", "Taylor Brown (Stakeholder Representative): In alignment with Alex’s point, our business needs are clear. We need to boost customer engagement and satisfaction. This can be quantified by a target increase in daily active users and a reduction in customer complaints.\n", " \n", "Jessica Davis (Technical Lead): From a technical perspective, integrating these analytics will involve substantial updates to our data processing infrastructure and possibly migrating some services to a more scalable cloud solution.\n", " \n", "Sam Lee (Business Analyst): Given the complexity, we need to define the scope meticulously. This includes not only the technical implementation but also compliance with data protection regulations and ensuring our system is future-proofed for further upgrades.\n", " \n", "Chris Smith (Quality Assurance Manager): As for success criteria, we need to establish benchmarks. This means setting specific performance targets, like decreasing load times by 30% and achieving an error rate below 0.1%.\n", " \n", "Alex Johnson (Project Manager): Moving forward with our business objectives, we should aim to realize a return on investment within one year post-implementation, by increasing revenue through enhanced data-driven marketing strategies and reducing operational costs via more efficient data handling processes.\n", " \n", "Jessica Davis (Technical Lead): Identifying all stakeholders is key. We have internal stakeholders such as our IT and customer service teams, and external ones including technology partners and end-users. We must understand their interests and influence on the project.\n", " \n", "Taylor Brown (Stakeholder Representative): Gathering requirements will involve detailed discussions with each stakeholder group. For example, our IT team needs robust backend support for handling increased data flows, while our marketing team requires advanced analytics features for customer segmentation.\n", " \n", "Sam Lee (Business Analyst): The success criteria need to be expanded to include user acceptance testing results, with at least 90% positive feedback on usability and functionality from initial user groups.\n", " \n", "Chris Smith (Quality Assurance Manager): Addressing constraints, our primary issues are time, as Alex mentioned, and technical debt in our current system which could delay integration efforts. We must allocate resources effectively and perhaps consider additional staffing or outsourcing certain developments.\n", " \n", "Jessica Davis (Technical Lead): In terms of risks, we face several, including potential data breaches and project delays. Our risk mitigation strategy will involve implementing stringent security measures from the outset and using agile project management techniques to allow for flexibility and rapid response to any issues that arise.\n", " \n", "Alex Johnson (Project Manager): To elaborate on project scope, we’re looking at three major components: upgrading our database architecture, developing new analytics functionalities, and implementing user interface enhancements to display these analytics effectively.\n", " \n", "Sam Lee (Business Analyst): It’s also essential to establish clear lines of communication among all project teams and stakeholders. Regular updates, perhaps bi-weekly, should be scheduled to discuss progress, challenges, and any shifts in scope or strategy.\n", " \n", "Chris Smith (Quality Assurance Manager): Quality assurance will not just focus on post-development testing but also on ongoing monitoring during development. We’ll use both automated and manual testing strategies to ensure all features meet our strict criteria before full-scale launch.\n", " \n", "Jessica Davis (Technical Lead): Technically, we should consider the possibility of future expansions. This means building in modular capabilities so new features can be added as customer needs evolve without major disruptions to the existing system.\n", " \n", "Taylor Brown (Stakeholder Representative): Finally, from a business perspective, we need a detailed cost-benefit analysis post-implementation to measure whether the project has met its ROI targets and how it has impacted customer metrics and overall business operations.\n", " \n", "Alex Johnson (Project Manager): With all these points in detail, our next steps are to draft a comprehensive project plan that includes timelines, budgeting, and resource allocation based on today’s discussion. Let’s aim to have that ready by next week’s meeting.\n", "\n", "\u001b[00m\n", "\u001b[32;1m\u001b[1;3mFinal Answer: \n", "\n", "Meeting Transcript: Extensive IT Project Requirements Discussion\n", " \n", "Date: June 7, 2024\n", "Time: 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM\n", "Location: Conference Room B\n", "Attendees:\n", " \n", "Alex Johnson (Project Manager)\n", "Sam Lee (Business Analyst)\n", "Jessica Davis (Technical Lead) \n", "Chris Smith (Quality Assurance Manager)\n", "Taylor Brown (Stakeholder Representative)\n", "\n", "Meeting Summary:\n", "Alex Johnson (Project Manager): Good morning, everyone. Let's start today’s extensive session by clearly defining our project goals. The primary goal is to integrate advanced analytics into our platform, enhancing user experience and providing robust data insights.\n", " \n", "Taylor Brown (Stakeholder Representative): In alignment with Alex’s point, our business needs are clear. We need to boost customer engagement and satisfaction. This can be quantified by a target increase in daily active users and a reduction in customer complaints.\n", " \n", "Jessica Davis (Technical Lead): From a technical perspective, integrating these analytics will involve substantial updates to our data processing infrastructure and possibly migrating some services to a more scalable cloud solution.\n", " \n", "Sam Lee (Business Analyst): Given the complexity, we need to define the scope meticulously. This includes not only the technical implementation but also compliance with data protection regulations and ensuring our system is future-proofed for further upgrades.\n", " \n", "Chris Smith (Quality Assurance Manager): As for success criteria, we need to establish benchmarks. This means setting specific performance targets, like decreasing load times by 30% and achieving an error rate below 0.1%.\n", " \n", "Alex Johnson (Project Manager): Moving forward with our business objectives, we should aim to realize a return on investment within one year post-implementation, by increasing revenue through enhanced data-driven marketing strategies and reducing operational costs via more efficient data handling processes.\n", " \n", "Jessica Davis (Technical Lead): Identifying all stakeholders is key. We have internal stakeholders such as our IT and customer service teams, and external ones including technology partners and end-users. We must understand their interests and influence on the project.\n", " \n", "Taylor Brown (Stakeholder Representative): Gathering requirements will involve detailed discussions with each stakeholder group. For example, our IT team needs robust backend support for handling increased data flows, while our marketing team requires advanced analytics features for customer segmentation.\n", " \n", "Sam Lee (Business Analyst): The success criteria need to be expanded to include user acceptance testing results, with at least 90% positive feedback on usability and functionality from initial user groups.\n", " \n", "Chris Smith (Quality Assurance Manager): Addressing constraints, our primary issues are time, as Alex mentioned, and technical debt in our current system which could delay integration efforts. We must allocate resources effectively and perhaps consider additional staffing or outsourcing certain developments.\n", " \n", "Jessica Davis (Technical Lead): In terms of risks, we face several, including potential data breaches and project delays. Our risk mitigation strategy will involve implementing stringent security measures from the outset and using agile project management techniques to allow for flexibility and rapid response to any issues that arise.\n", " \n", "Alex Johnson (Project Manager): To elaborate on project scope, we’re looking at three major components: upgrading our database architecture, developing new analytics functionalities, and implementing user interface enhancements to display these analytics effectively.\n", " \n", "Sam Lee (Business Analyst): It’s also essential to establish clear lines of communication among all project teams and stakeholders. Regular updates, perhaps bi-weekly, should be scheduled to discuss progress, challenges, and any shifts in scope or strategy.\n", " \n", "Chris Smith (Quality Assurance Manager): Quality assurance will not just focus on post-development testing but also on ongoing monitoring during development. We’ll use both automated and manual testing strategies to ensure all features meet our strict criteria before full-scale launch.\n", " \n", "Jessica Davis (Technical Lead): Technically, we should consider the possibility of future expansions. This means building in modular capabilities so new features can be added as customer needs evolve without major disruptions to the existing system.\n", " \n", "Taylor Brown (Stakeholder Representative): Finally, from a business perspective, we need a detailed cost-benefit analysis post-implementation to measure whether the project has met its ROI targets and how it has impacted customer metrics and overall business operations.\n", " \n", "Alex Johnson (Project Manager): With all these points in detail, our next steps are to draft a comprehensive project plan that includes timelines, budgeting, and resource allocation based on today’s discussion. Let’s aim to have that ready by next week’s meeting.\u001b[0m\n", "\n", "\u001b[1m> Finished chain.\u001b[0m\n", "\u001b[95m \n", "\n", "Meeting Transcript: Extensive IT Project Requirements Discussion\n", " \n", "Date: June 7, 2024\n", "Time: 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM\n", "Location: Conference Room B\n", "Attendees:\n", " \n", "Alex Johnson (Project Manager)\n", "Sam Lee (Business Analyst)\n", "Jessica Davis (Technical Lead) \n", "Chris Smith (Quality Assurance Manager)\n", "Taylor Brown (Stakeholder Representative)\n", "\n", "Meeting Summary:\n", "Alex Johnson (Project Manager): Good morning, everyone. Let's start today’s extensive session by clearly defining our project goals. The primary goal is to integrate advanced analytics into our platform, enhancing user experience and providing robust data insights.\n", " \n", "Taylor Brown (Stakeholder Representative): In alignment with Alex’s point, our business needs are clear. We need to boost customer engagement and satisfaction. This can be quantified by a target increase in daily active users and a reduction in customer complaints.\n", " \n", "Jessica Davis (Technical Lead): From a technical perspective, integrating these analytics will involve substantial updates to our data processing infrastructure and possibly migrating some services to a more scalable cloud solution.\n", " \n", "Sam Lee (Business Analyst): Given the complexity, we need to define the scope meticulously. This includes not only the technical implementation but also compliance with data protection regulations and ensuring our system is future-proofed for further upgrades.\n", " \n", "Chris Smith (Quality Assurance Manager): As for success criteria, we need to establish benchmarks. This means setting specific performance targets, like decreasing load times by 30% and achieving an error rate below 0.1%.\n", " \n", "Alex Johnson (Project Manager): Moving forward with our business objectives, we should aim to realize a return on investment within one year post-implementation, by increasing revenue through enhanced data-driven marketing strategies and reducing operational costs via more efficient data handling processes.\n", " \n", "Jessica Davis (Technical Lead): Identifying all stakeholders is key. We have internal stakeholders such as our IT and customer service teams, and external ones including technology partners and end-users. We must understand their interests and influence on the project.\n", " \n", "Taylor Brown (Stakeholder Representative): Gathering requirements will involve detailed discussions with each stakeholder group. For example, our IT team needs robust backend support for handling increased data flows, while our marketing team requires advanced analytics features for customer segmentation.\n", " \n", "Sam Lee (Business Analyst): The success criteria need to be expanded to include user acceptance testing results, with at least 90% positive feedback on usability and functionality from initial user groups.\n", " \n", "Chris Smith (Quality Assurance Manager): Addressing constraints, our primary issues are time, as Alex mentioned, and technical debt in our current system which could delay integration efforts. We must allocate resources effectively and perhaps consider additional staffing or outsourcing certain developments.\n", " \n", "Jessica Davis (Technical Lead): In terms of risks, we face several, including potential data breaches and project delays. Our risk mitigation strategy will involve implementing stringent security measures from the outset and using agile project management techniques to allow for flexibility and rapid response to any issues that arise.\n", " \n", "Alex Johnson (Project Manager): To elaborate on project scope, we’re looking at three major components: upgrading our database architecture, developing new analytics functionalities, and implementing user interface enhancements to display these analytics effectively.\n", " \n", "Sam Lee (Business Analyst): It’s also essential to establish clear lines of communication among all project teams and stakeholders. Regular updates, perhaps bi-weekly, should be scheduled to discuss progress, challenges, and any shifts in scope or strategy.\n", " \n", "Chris Smith (Quality Assurance Manager): Quality assurance will not just focus on post-development testing but also on ongoing monitoring during development. We’ll use both automated and manual testing strategies to ensure all features meet our strict criteria before full-scale launch.\n", " \n", "Jessica Davis (Technical Lead): Technically, we should consider the possibility of future expansions. This means building in modular capabilities so new features can be added as customer needs evolve without major disruptions to the existing system.\n", " \n", "Taylor Brown (Stakeholder Representative): Finally, from a business perspective, we need a detailed cost-benefit analysis post-implementation to measure whether the project has met its ROI targets and how it has impacted customer metrics and overall business operations.\n", " \n", "Alex Johnson (Project Manager): With all these points in detail, our next steps are to draft a comprehensive project plan that includes timelines, budgeting, and resource allocation based on today’s discussion. Let’s aim to have that ready by next week’s meeting.\n", "\u001b[00m\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "\u001b[32;1m\u001b[1;3mFinal Answer: \n", "{\n", " \"Meeting Transcript\": {\n", " \"Meeting Details\": {\n", " \"Date\": \"June 7, 2024\",\n", " \"Time\": \"9:00 AM to 12:00 PM\",\n", " \"Location\": \"Conference Room B\",\n", " \"Attendees\": [\n", " \"Alex Johnson (Project Manager)\",\n", " \"Sam Lee (Business Analyst)\",\n", " \"Jessica Davis (Technical Lead)\",\n", " \"Chris Smith (Quality Assurance Manager)\",\n", " \"Taylor Brown (Stakeholder Representative)\"\n", " ]\n", " },\n", " \"Meeting Summary\": [\n", " {\n", " \"Speaker\": \"Alex Johnson (Project Manager)\",\n", " \"Summary\": \"Primary goal is to integrate advanced analytics into our platform, enhancing user experience and providing robust data insights. Aim to realize a return on investment within one year post-implementation.\"\n", " },\n", " {\n", " \"Speaker\": \"Taylor Brown (Stakeholder Representative)\",\n", " \"Summary\": \"Boost customer engagement and satisfaction. Quantified by target increase in daily active users and a reduction in customer complaints.\"\n", " },\n", " {\n", " \"Speaker\": \"Jessica Davis (Technical Lead)\",\n", " \"Summary\": \"Substantial updates to data processing infrastructure, possibly migrating services to a more scalable cloud solution. Identify all stakeholders and understand their interests and influence on the project.\"\n", " },\n", " {\n", " \"Speaker\": \"Sam Lee (Business Analyst)\",\n", " \"Summary\": \"Define project scope meticulously. Include compliance with data protection regulations and ensure system is future-proofed. Expand success criteria to include user acceptance testing results.\"\n", " },\n", " {\n", " \"Speaker\": \"Chris Smith (Quality Assurance Manager)\",\n", " \"Summary\": \"Establish benchmarks for success criteria. Address time constraints and technical debt in current system. Quality assurance focus on ongoing monitoring during development.\"\n", " },\n", " {\n", " \"Speaker\": \"Taylor Brown (Stakeholder Representative)\",\n", " \"Summary\": \"Gather requirements through detailed discussions with stakeholder groups. Include robust backend support for handling increased data flows and advanced analytics features for customer segmentation.\"\n", " },\n", " {\n", " \"Speaker\": \"Jessica Davis (Technical Lead)\",\n", " \"Summary\": \"Mitigate risks such as data breaches and project delays. Implement stringent security measures and use agile project management techniques. Consider future expansions in system capabilities.\"\n", " },\n", " {\n", " \"Speaker\": \"Sam Lee (Business Analyst)\",\n", " \"Summary\": \"Clear lines of communication among project teams and stakeholders. Regular updates scheduled to discuss progress, challenges, and any shifts in scope or strategy.\"\n", " },\n", " {\n", " \"Speaker\": \"Chris Smith (Quality Assurance Manager)\",\n", " \"Summary\": \"Use automated and manual testing strategies to ensure all features meet strict criteria. Focus on ongoing monitoring during development.\"\n", " },\n", " {\n", " \"Speaker\": \"Jessica Davis (Technical Lead)\",\n", " \"Summary\": \"Consider modular capabilities for future expansions. Build in new features as customer needs evolve without major disruptions to existing system.\"\n", " },\n", " {\n", " \"Speaker\": \"Taylor Brown (Stakeholder Representative)\",\n", " \"Summary\": \"Detailed cost-benefit analysis post-implementation. Measure project's impact on ROI targets, customer metrics, and overall business operations.\"\n", " },\n", " {\n", " \"Speaker\": \"Alex Johnson (Project Manager)\",\n", " \"Summary\": \"Draft a comprehensive project plan with timelines, budgeting, and resource allocation based on today’s discussion. Aim to have it ready by next week’s meeting.\"\n", " }\n", " ]\n", " }\n", "}\u001b[0m\n", "\n", "\u001b[1m> Finished chain.\u001b[0m\n", "\u001b[1m\u001b[92m [DEBUG]: == [Text Interpreter] Task output: {\n", " \"Meeting Transcript\": {\n", " \"Meeting Details\": {\n", " \"Date\": \"June 7, 2024\",\n", " \"Time\": \"9:00 AM to 12:00 PM\",\n", " \"Location\": \"Conference Room B\",\n", " \"Attendees\": [\n", " \"Alex Johnson (Project Manager)\",\n", " \"Sam Lee (Business Analyst)\",\n", " \"Jessica Davis (Technical Lead)\",\n", " \"Chris Smith (Quality Assurance Manager)\",\n", " \"Taylor Brown (Stakeholder Representative)\"\n", " ]\n", " },\n", " \"Meeting Summary\": [\n", " {\n", " \"Speaker\": \"Alex Johnson (Project Manager)\",\n", " \"Summary\": \"Primary goal is to integrate advanced analytics into our platform, enhancing user experience and providing robust data insights. Aim to realize a return on investment within one year post-implementation.\"\n", " },\n", " {\n", " \"Speaker\": \"Taylor Brown (Stakeholder Representative)\",\n", " \"Summary\": \"Boost customer engagement and satisfaction. Quantified by target increase in daily active users and a reduction in customer complaints.\"\n", " },\n", " {\n", " \"Speaker\": \"Jessica Davis (Technical Lead)\",\n", " \"Summary\": \"Substantial updates to data processing infrastructure, possibly migrating services to a more scalable cloud solution. Identify all stakeholders and understand their interests and influence on the project.\"\n", " },\n", " {\n", " \"Speaker\": \"Sam Lee (Business Analyst)\",\n", " \"Summary\": \"Define project scope meticulously. Include compliance with data protection regulations and ensure system is future-proofed. Expand success criteria to include user acceptance testing results.\"\n", " },\n", " {\n", " \"Speaker\": \"Chris Smith (Quality Assurance Manager)\",\n", " \"Summary\": \"Establish benchmarks for success criteria. Address time constraints and technical debt in current system. Quality assurance focus on ongoing monitoring during development.\"\n", " },\n", " {\n", " \"Speaker\": \"Taylor Brown (Stakeholder Representative)\",\n", " \"Summary\": \"Gather requirements through detailed discussions with stakeholder groups. Include robust backend support for handling increased data flows and advanced analytics features for customer segmentation.\"\n", " },\n", " {\n", " \"Speaker\": \"Jessica Davis (Technical Lead)\",\n", " \"Summary\": \"Mitigate risks such as data breaches and project delays. Implement stringent security measures and use agile project management techniques. Consider future expansions in system capabilities.\"\n", " },\n", " {\n", " \"Speaker\": \"Sam Lee (Business Analyst)\",\n", " \"Summary\": \"Clear lines of communication among project teams and stakeholders. Regular updates scheduled to discuss progress, challenges, and any shifts in scope or strategy.\"\n", " },\n", " {\n", " \"Speaker\": \"Chris Smith (Quality Assurance Manager)\",\n", " \"Summary\": \"Use automated and manual testing strategies to ensure all features meet strict criteria. Focus on ongoing monitoring during development.\"\n", " },\n", " {\n", " \"Speaker\": \"Jessica Davis (Technical Lead)\",\n", " \"Summary\": \"Consider modular capabilities for future expansions. Build in new features as customer needs evolve without major disruptions to existing system.\"\n", " },\n", " {\n", " \"Speaker\": \"Taylor Brown (Stakeholder Representative)\",\n", " \"Summary\": \"Detailed cost-benefit analysis post-implementation. Measure project's impact on ROI targets, customer metrics, and overall business operations.\"\n", " },\n", " {\n", " \"Speaker\": \"Alex Johnson (Project Manager)\",\n", " \"Summary\": \"Draft a comprehensive project plan with timelines, budgeting, and resource allocation based on today’s discussion. Aim to have it ready by next week’s meeting.\"\n", " }\n", " ]\n", " }\n", "}\n", "\n", "\u001b[00m\n", "\u001b[1m\u001b[95m [DEBUG]: == Working Agent: Data Extraction Agent\u001b[00m\n", "\u001b[1m\u001b[95m [INFO]: == Starting Task: 1. Take the JSON structured data from the Text Parsing Agent.\n", "2. Identify and extract specific data points like project goals, technical requirements,and stakeholder information.\n", "3. Organize the extracted data into relevant categories for easy access and use.\n", "4. Format all extracted data into a structured form suitable for document generation,ensuring it's ready for template insertion.\n", "\u001b[00m\n", "\n", "\n", "\u001b[1m> Entering new CrewAgentExecutor chain...\u001b[0m\n", "\u001b[32;1m\u001b[1;3mI need to extract specific data points like project goals, technical requirements, and stakeholder information from the Meeting Transcript provided.\n", "\n", "Action: Read a file's content\n", "Action Input: {\"file_path\": \"./meeting-transcription/meeting-transcript.txt\"}\u001b[0m\u001b[95m \n", "\n", "Meeting Transcript: Extensive IT Project Requirements Discussion\n", " \n", "Date: June 7, 2024\n", "Time: 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM\n", "Location: Conference Room B\n", "Attendees:\n", " \n", "Alex Johnson (Project Manager)\n", "Sam Lee (Business Analyst)\n", "Jessica Davis (Technical Lead) \n", "Chris Smith (Quality Assurance Manager)\n", "Taylor Brown (Stakeholder Representative)\n", "\n", "Meeting Summary:\n", "Alex Johnson (Project Manager): Good morning, everyone. Let's start today’s extensive session by clearly defining our project goals. The primary goal is to integrate advanced analytics into our platform, enhancing user experience and providing robust data insights.\n", " \n", "Taylor Brown (Stakeholder Representative): In alignment with Alex’s point, our business needs are clear. We need to boost customer engagement and satisfaction. This can be quantified by a target increase in daily active users and a reduction in customer complaints.\n", " \n", "Jessica Davis (Technical Lead): From a technical perspective, integrating these analytics will involve substantial updates to our data processing infrastructure and possibly migrating some services to a more scalable cloud solution.\n", " \n", "Sam Lee (Business Analyst): Given the complexity, we need to define the scope meticulously. This includes not only the technical implementation but also compliance with data protection regulations and ensuring our system is future-proofed for further upgrades.\n", " \n", "Chris Smith (Quality Assurance Manager): As for success criteria, we need to establish benchmarks. This means setting specific performance targets, like decreasing load times by 30% and achieving an error rate below 0.1%.\n", " \n", "Alex Johnson (Project Manager): Moving forward with our business objectives, we should aim to realize a return on investment within one year post-implementation, by increasing revenue through enhanced data-driven marketing strategies and reducing operational costs via more efficient data handling processes.\n", " \n", "Jessica Davis (Technical Lead): Identifying all stakeholders is key. We have internal stakeholders such as our IT and customer service teams, and external ones including technology partners and end-users. We must understand their interests and influence on the project.\n", " \n", "Taylor Brown (Stakeholder Representative): Gathering requirements will involve detailed discussions with each stakeholder group. For example, our IT team needs robust backend support for handling increased data flows, while our marketing team requires advanced analytics features for customer segmentation.\n", " \n", "Sam Lee (Business Analyst): The success criteria need to be expanded to include user acceptance testing results, with at least 90% positive feedback on usability and functionality from initial user groups.\n", " \n", "Chris Smith (Quality Assurance Manager): Addressing constraints, our primary issues are time, as Alex mentioned, and technical debt in our current system which could delay integration efforts. We must allocate resources effectively and perhaps consider additional staffing or outsourcing certain developments.\n", " \n", "Jessica Davis (Technical Lead): In terms of risks, we face several, including potential data breaches and project delays. Our risk mitigation strategy will involve implementing stringent security measures from the outset and using agile project management techniques to allow for flexibility and rapid response to any issues that arise.\n", " \n", "Alex Johnson (Project Manager): To elaborate on project scope, we’re looking at three major components: upgrading our database architecture, developing new analytics functionalities, and implementing user interface enhancements to display these analytics effectively.\n", " \n", "Sam Lee (Business Analyst): It’s also essential to establish clear lines of communication among all project teams and stakeholders. Regular updates, perhaps bi-weekly, should be scheduled to discuss progress, challenges, and any shifts in scope or strategy.\n", " \n", "Chris Smith (Quality Assurance Manager): Quality assurance will not just focus on post-development testing but also on ongoing monitoring during development. We’ll use both automated and manual testing strategies to ensure all features meet our strict criteria before full-scale launch.\n", " \n", "Jessica Davis (Technical Lead): Technically, we should consider the possibility of future expansions. This means building in modular capabilities so new features can be added as customer needs evolve without major disruptions to the existing system.\n", " \n", "Taylor Brown (Stakeholder Representative): Finally, from a business perspective, we need a detailed cost-benefit analysis post-implementation to measure whether the project has met its ROI targets and how it has impacted customer metrics and overall business operations.\n", " \n", "Alex Johnson (Project Manager): With all these points in detail, our next steps are to draft a comprehensive project plan that includes timelines, budgeting, and resource allocation based on today’s discussion. Let’s aim to have that ready by next week’s meeting.\n", "\n", "\u001b[00m\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "\u001b[32;1m\u001b[1;3mFinal Answer: \n", "Project Goals:\n", "- Integrate advanced analytics into the platform to enhance user experience and provide robust data insights.\n", "- Realize a return on investment within one year post-implementation.\n", "- Increase revenue through enhanced data-driven marketing strategies and reduce operational costs via more efficient data handling processes.\n", "\n", "Technical Requirements:\n", "- Substantial updates to data processing infrastructure, possibly migrating services to a more scalable cloud solution.\n", "- Establish benchmarks for success criteria, including decreasing load times by 30% and achieving an error rate below 0.1%.\n", "- Implement stringent security measures to mitigate risks such as data breaches and project delays.\n", "- Build in modular capabilities for future expansions.\n", "- Use both automated and manual testing strategies to ensure all features meet strict criteria.\n", "\n", "Stakeholder Information:\n", "- Identify and understand interests and influence of all stakeholders.\n", "- Gather requirements through detailed discussions with stakeholder groups.\n", "- Provide robust backend support for handling increased data flows and advanced analytics features for customer segmentation.\n", "- Conduct a detailed cost-benefit analysis post-implementation to measure project impact on ROI targets, customer metrics, and overall business operations.\u001b[0m\n", "\n", "\u001b[1m> Finished chain.\u001b[0m\n", "\u001b[1m\u001b[92m [DEBUG]: == [Data Extraction Agent] Task output: Project Goals:\n", "- Integrate advanced analytics into the platform to enhance user experience and provide robust data insights.\n", "- Realize a return on investment within one year post-implementation.\n", "- Increase revenue through enhanced data-driven marketing strategies and reduce operational costs via more efficient data handling processes.\n", "\n", "Technical Requirements:\n", "- Substantial updates to data processing infrastructure, possibly migrating services to a more scalable cloud solution.\n", "- Establish benchmarks for success criteria, including decreasing load times by 30% and achieving an error rate below 0.1%.\n", "- Implement stringent security measures to mitigate risks such as data breaches and project delays.\n", "- Build in modular capabilities for future expansions.\n", "- Use both automated and manual testing strategies to ensure all features meet strict criteria.\n", "\n", "Stakeholder Information:\n", "- Identify and understand interests and influence of all stakeholders.\n", "- Gather requirements through detailed discussions with stakeholder groups.\n", "- Provide robust backend support for handling increased data flows and advanced analytics features for customer segmentation.\n", "- Conduct a detailed cost-benefit analysis post-implementation to measure project impact on ROI targets, customer metrics, and overall business operations.\n", "\n", "\u001b[00m\n", "\u001b[1m\u001b[95m [DEBUG]: == Working Agent: BRD Compiler\u001b[00m\n", "\u001b[1m\u001b[95m [INFO]: == Starting Task: 1. Accept the structured and categorized data from the Data Extraction Agent.\n", "2. Open and read the BRD template for data insertion.\n", "3. Insert the received data into the respective sections of the BRD template.\n", "4. Apply formatting rules to ensure the document is professional and adheres to standards.\n", "5. Save the populated and formatted document as a new markdown file, marking the task as complete.\n", "\u001b[00m\n", "\n", "\n", "\u001b[1m> Entering new CrewAgentExecutor chain...\u001b[0m\n", "\u001b[32;1m\u001b[1;3mI need to start by accepting the structured and categorized data from the Data Extraction Agent.\n", "\n", "Action: Delegate work to co-worker\n", "Action Input: {\"coworker\": \"Data Extraction Agent\", \"task\": \"Provide structured and categorized data\", \"context\": \"I need the structured and categorized data extracted from the project documentation for insertion into the BRD template.\"}\u001b[0m\n", "\n", "\u001b[1m> Entering new CrewAgentExecutor chain...\u001b[0m\n", "\u001b[32;1m\u001b[1;3mI need to start by reading the content of the project documentation files to extract the necessary structured and categorized data for the BRD template.\n", "\n", "Action: Read a file's content\n", "Action Input: {\"file_path\": \"./meeting-transcription/meeting-transcript.txt\"}\u001b[0m\u001b[95m \n", "\n", "Meeting Transcript: Extensive IT Project Requirements Discussion\n", " \n", "Date: June 7, 2024\n", "Time: 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM\n", "Location: Conference Room B\n", "Attendees:\n", " \n", "Alex Johnson (Project Manager)\n", "Sam Lee (Business Analyst)\n", "Jessica Davis (Technical Lead) \n", "Chris Smith (Quality Assurance Manager)\n", "Taylor Brown (Stakeholder Representative)\n", "\n", "Meeting Summary:\n", "Alex Johnson (Project Manager): Good morning, everyone. Let's start today’s extensive session by clearly defining our project goals. The primary goal is to integrate advanced analytics into our platform, enhancing user experience and providing robust data insights.\n", " \n", "Taylor Brown (Stakeholder Representative): In alignment with Alex’s point, our business needs are clear. We need to boost customer engagement and satisfaction. This can be quantified by a target increase in daily active users and a reduction in customer complaints.\n", " \n", "Jessica Davis (Technical Lead): From a technical perspective, integrating these analytics will involve substantial updates to our data processing infrastructure and possibly migrating some services to a more scalable cloud solution.\n", " \n", "Sam Lee (Business Analyst): Given the complexity, we need to define the scope meticulously. This includes not only the technical implementation but also compliance with data protection regulations and ensuring our system is future-proofed for further upgrades.\n", " \n", "Chris Smith (Quality Assurance Manager): As for success criteria, we need to establish benchmarks. This means setting specific performance targets, like decreasing load times by 30% and achieving an error rate below 0.1%.\n", " \n", "Alex Johnson (Project Manager): Moving forward with our business objectives, we should aim to realize a return on investment within one year post-implementation, by increasing revenue through enhanced data-driven marketing strategies and reducing operational costs via more efficient data handling processes.\n", " \n", "Jessica Davis (Technical Lead): Identifying all stakeholders is key. We have internal stakeholders such as our IT and customer service teams, and external ones including technology partners and end-users. We must understand their interests and influence on the project.\n", " \n", "Taylor Brown (Stakeholder Representative): Gathering requirements will involve detailed discussions with each stakeholder group. For example, our IT team needs robust backend support for handling increased data flows, while our marketing team requires advanced analytics features for customer segmentation.\n", " \n", "Sam Lee (Business Analyst): The success criteria need to be expanded to include user acceptance testing results, with at least 90% positive feedback on usability and functionality from initial user groups.\n", " \n", "Chris Smith (Quality Assurance Manager): Addressing constraints, our primary issues are time, as Alex mentioned, and technical debt in our current system which could delay integration efforts. We must allocate resources effectively and perhaps consider additional staffing or outsourcing certain developments.\n", " \n", "Jessica Davis (Technical Lead): In terms of risks, we face several, including potential data breaches and project delays. Our risk mitigation strategy will involve implementing stringent security measures from the outset and using agile project management techniques to allow for flexibility and rapid response to any issues that arise.\n", " \n", "Alex Johnson (Project Manager): To elaborate on project scope, we’re looking at three major components: upgrading our database architecture, developing new analytics functionalities, and implementing user interface enhancements to display these analytics effectively.\n", " \n", "Sam Lee (Business Analyst): It’s also essential to establish clear lines of communication among all project teams and stakeholders. Regular updates, perhaps bi-weekly, should be scheduled to discuss progress, challenges, and any shifts in scope or strategy.\n", " \n", "Chris Smith (Quality Assurance Manager): Quality assurance will not just focus on post-development testing but also on ongoing monitoring during development. We’ll use both automated and manual testing strategies to ensure all features meet our strict criteria before full-scale launch.\n", " \n", "Jessica Davis (Technical Lead): Technically, we should consider the possibility of future expansions. This means building in modular capabilities so new features can be added as customer needs evolve without major disruptions to the existing system.\n", " \n", "Taylor Brown (Stakeholder Representative): Finally, from a business perspective, we need a detailed cost-benefit analysis post-implementation to measure whether the project has met its ROI targets and how it has impacted customer metrics and overall business operations.\n", " \n", "Alex Johnson (Project Manager): With all these points in detail, our next steps are to draft a comprehensive project plan that includes timelines, budgeting, and resource allocation based on today’s discussion. Let’s aim to have that ready by next week’s meeting.\n", "\n", "\u001b[00m\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "\u001b[32;1m\u001b[1;3mFinal Answer: \n", "\n", "Structured and categorized data extracted from the project documentation for insertion into the BRD template:\n", "\n", "**Project Goals:**\n", "- Integrate advanced analytics into the platform for enhancing user experience and providing robust data insights.\n", "- Boost customer engagement and satisfaction by increasing daily active users and reducing customer complaints.\n", "\n", "**Technical Requirements:**\n", "- Substantial updates to data processing infrastructure.\n", "- Possible migration of services to a more scalable cloud solution.\n", "- Building modular capabilities for future expansions without disruptions.\n", "\n", "**Scope:**\n", "- Define scope meticulously, including technical implementation, compliance with data protection regulations, and future-proofing for upgrades.\n", "- Upgrade database architecture, develop new analytics functionalities, and implement user interface enhancements.\n", "\n", "**Success Criteria:**\n", "- Decrease load times by 30%.\n", "- Achieve an error rate below 0.1%.\n", "- Establish benchmarks for performance targets.\n", "- Realize a return on investment within one year post-implementation.\n", "- User acceptance testing results with at least 90% positive feedback on usability and functionality.\n", "\n", "**Stakeholders:**\n", "- Internal stakeholders: IT team, customer service team.\n", "- External stakeholders: Technology partners, end-users.\n", "- Detailed discussions with each stakeholder group to gather requirements and understand interests.\n", "\n", "**Constraints:**\n", "- Time constraints.\n", "- Technical debt in the current system.\n", "- Allocate resources effectively, consider additional staffing or outsourcing developments.\n", "\n", "**Risks:**\n", "- Potential data breaches.\n", "- Project delays.\n", "- Risk mitigation strategy: Implement stringent security measures from the outset, use agile project management techniques.\n", "\n", "**Communication:**\n", "- Establish clear lines of communication among all project teams and stakeholders.\n", "- Regular updates schedule, bi-weekly, to discuss progress, challenges, and scope changes.\n", "\n", "**Quality Assurance:**\n", "- Focus on ongoing monitoring during development.\n", "- Use automated and manual testing strategies to ensure all features meet strict criteria before launch.\n", "\n", "**Business Perspective:**\n", "- Detailed cost-benefit analysis post-implementation.\n", "- Measure project impact on ROI targets, customer metrics, and business operations.\n", "\n", "**Next Steps:**\n", "- Draft a comprehensive project plan including timelines, budgeting, and resource allocation based on the discussion. Aim to have it ready by next week's meeting.\u001b[0m\n", "\n", "\u001b[1m> Finished chain.\u001b[0m\n", "\u001b[95m \n", "\n", "Structured and categorized data extracted from the project documentation for insertion into the BRD template:\n", "\n", "**Project Goals:**\n", "- Integrate advanced analytics into the platform for enhancing user experience and providing robust data insights.\n", "- Boost customer engagement and satisfaction by increasing daily active users and reducing customer complaints.\n", "\n", "**Technical Requirements:**\n", "- Substantial updates to data processing infrastructure.\n", "- Possible migration of services to a more scalable cloud solution.\n", "- Building modular capabilities for future expansions without disruptions.\n", "\n", "**Scope:**\n", "- Define scope meticulously, including technical implementation, compliance with data protection regulations, and future-proofing for upgrades.\n", "- Upgrade database architecture, develop new analytics functionalities, and implement user interface enhancements.\n", "\n", "**Success Criteria:**\n", "- Decrease load times by 30%.\n", "- Achieve an error rate below 0.1%.\n", "- Establish benchmarks for performance targets.\n", "- Realize a return on investment within one year post-implementation.\n", "- User acceptance testing results with at least 90% positive feedback on usability and functionality.\n", "\n", "**Stakeholders:**\n", "- Internal stakeholders: IT team, customer service team.\n", "- External stakeholders: Technology partners, end-users.\n", "- Detailed discussions with each stakeholder group to gather requirements and understand interests.\n", "\n", "**Constraints:**\n", "- Time constraints.\n", "- Technical debt in the current system.\n", "- Allocate resources effectively, consider additional staffing or outsourcing developments.\n", "\n", "**Risks:**\n", "- Potential data breaches.\n", "- Project delays.\n", "- Risk mitigation strategy: Implement stringent security measures from the outset, use agile project management techniques.\n", "\n", "**Communication:**\n", "- Establish clear lines of communication among all project teams and stakeholders.\n", "- Regular updates schedule, bi-weekly, to discuss progress, challenges, and scope changes.\n", "\n", "**Quality Assurance:**\n", "- Focus on ongoing monitoring during development.\n", "- Use automated and manual testing strategies to ensure all features meet strict criteria before launch.\n", "\n", "**Business Perspective:**\n", "- Detailed cost-benefit analysis post-implementation.\n", "- Measure project impact on ROI targets, customer metrics, and business operations.\n", "\n", "**Next Steps:**\n", "- Draft a comprehensive project plan including timelines, budgeting, and resource allocation based on the discussion. Aim to have it ready by next week's meeting.\n", "\u001b[00m\n", "\u001b[32;1m\u001b[1;3mFinal Answer:\n", "\n", "# Business Requirements Document\n", "\n", "## Project Goals:\n", "- Integrate advanced analytics into the platform for enhancing user experience and providing robust data insights.\n", "- Boost customer engagement and satisfaction by increasing daily active users and reducing customer complaints.\n", "\n", "## Technical Requirements:\n", "- Substantial updates to data processing infrastructure.\n", "- Possible migration of services to a more scalable cloud solution.\n", "- Building modular capabilities for future expansions without disruptions.\n", "\n", "## Scope:\n", "- Define scope meticulously, including technical implementation, compliance with data protection regulations, and future-proofing for upgrades.\n", "- Upgrade database architecture, develop new analytics functionalities, and implement user interface enhancements.\n", "\n", "## Success Criteria:\n", "- Decrease load times by 30%.\n", "- Achieve an error rate below 0.1%.\n", "- Establish benchmarks for performance targets.\n", "- Realize a return on investment within one year post-implementation.\n", "- User acceptance testing results with at least 90% positive feedback on usability and functionality.\n", "\n", "## Stakeholders:\n", "- Internal stakeholders: IT team, customer service team.\n", "- External stakeholders: Technology partners, end-users.\n", "- Detailed discussions with each stakeholder group to gather requirements and understand interests.\n", "\n", "## Constraints:\n", "- Time constraints.\n", "- Technical debt in the current system.\n", "- Allocate resources effectively, consider additional staffing or outsourcing developments.\n", "\n", "## Risks:\n", "- Potential data breaches.\n", "- Project delays.\n", "- Risk mitigation strategy: Implement stringent security measures from the outset, use agile project management techniques.\n", "\n", "## Communication:\n", "- Establish clear lines of communication among all project teams and stakeholders.\n", "- Regular updates schedule, bi-weekly, to discuss progress, challenges, and scope changes.\n", "\n", "## Quality Assurance:\n", "- Focus on ongoing monitoring during development.\n", "- Use automated and manual testing strategies to ensure all features meet strict criteria before launch.\n", "\n", "## Business Perspective:\n", "- Detailed cost-benefit analysis post-implementation.\n", "- Measure project impact on ROI targets, customer metrics, and business operations.\n", "\n", "## Next Steps:\n", "- Draft a comprehensive project plan including timelines, budgeting, and resource allocation based on the discussion. Aim to have it ready by next week's meeting.\u001b[0m\n", "\n", "\u001b[1m> Finished chain.\u001b[0m\n", "\u001b[1m\u001b[92m [DEBUG]: == [BRD Compiler] Task output: # Business Requirements Document\n", "\n", "## Project Goals:\n", "- Integrate advanced analytics into the platform for enhancing user experience and providing robust data insights.\n", "- Boost customer engagement and satisfaction by increasing daily active users and reducing customer complaints.\n", "\n", "## Technical Requirements:\n", "- Substantial updates to data processing infrastructure.\n", "- Possible migration of services to a more scalable cloud solution.\n", "- Building modular capabilities for future expansions without disruptions.\n", "\n", "## Scope:\n", "- Define scope meticulously, including technical implementation, compliance with data protection regulations, and future-proofing for upgrades.\n", "- Upgrade database architecture, develop new analytics functionalities, and implement user interface enhancements.\n", "\n", "## Success Criteria:\n", "- Decrease load times by 30%.\n", "- Achieve an error rate below 0.1%.\n", "- Establish benchmarks for performance targets.\n", "- Realize a return on investment within one year post-implementation.\n", "- User acceptance testing results with at least 90% positive feedback on usability and functionality.\n", "\n", "## Stakeholders:\n", "- Internal stakeholders: IT team, customer service team.\n", "- External stakeholders: Technology partners, end-users.\n", "- Detailed discussions with each stakeholder group to gather requirements and understand interests.\n", "\n", "## Constraints:\n", "- Time constraints.\n", "- Technical debt in the current system.\n", "- Allocate resources effectively, consider additional staffing or outsourcing developments.\n", "\n", "## Risks:\n", "- Potential data breaches.\n", "- Project delays.\n", "- Risk mitigation strategy: Implement stringent security measures from the outset, use agile project management techniques.\n", "\n", "## Communication:\n", "- Establish clear lines of communication among all project teams and stakeholders.\n", "- Regular updates schedule, bi-weekly, to discuss progress, challenges, and scope changes.\n", "\n", "## Quality Assurance:\n", "- Focus on ongoing monitoring during development.\n", "- Use automated and manual testing strategies to ensure all features meet strict criteria before launch.\n", "\n", "## Business Perspective:\n", "- Detailed cost-benefit analysis post-implementation.\n", "- Measure project impact on ROI targets, customer metrics, and business operations.\n", "\n", "## Next Steps:\n", "- Draft a comprehensive project plan including timelines, budgeting, and resource allocation based on the discussion. Aim to have it ready by next week's meeting.\n", "\n", "\u001b[00m\n" ] } ], "source": [ "\n", "\n", "result = crew.kickoff(inputs={})" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "- Display the results of your execution as markdown in the notebook." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 13, "metadata": { "height": 47 }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/markdown": [ "# Business Requirements Document\n", "\n", "## Project Goals:\n", "- Integrate advanced analytics into the platform for enhancing user experience and providing robust data insights.\n", "- Boost customer engagement and satisfaction by increasing daily active users and reducing customer complaints.\n", "\n", "## Technical Requirements:\n", "- Substantial updates to data processing infrastructure.\n", "- Possible migration of services to a more scalable cloud solution.\n", "- Building modular capabilities for future expansions without disruptions.\n", "\n", "## Scope:\n", "- Define scope meticulously, including technical implementation, compliance with data protection regulations, and future-proofing for upgrades.\n", "- Upgrade database architecture, develop new analytics functionalities, and implement user interface enhancements.\n", "\n", "## Success Criteria:\n", "- Decrease load times by 30%.\n", "- Achieve an error rate below 0.1%.\n", "- Establish benchmarks for performance targets.\n", "- Realize a return on investment within one year post-implementation.\n", "- User acceptance testing results with at least 90% positive feedback on usability and functionality.\n", "\n", "## Stakeholders:\n", "- Internal stakeholders: IT team, customer service team.\n", "- External stakeholders: Technology partners, end-users.\n", "- Detailed discussions with each stakeholder group to gather requirements and understand interests.\n", "\n", "## Constraints:\n", "- Time constraints.\n", "- Technical debt in the current system.\n", "- Allocate resources effectively, consider additional staffing or outsourcing developments.\n", "\n", "## Risks:\n", "- Potential data breaches.\n", "- Project delays.\n", "- Risk mitigation strategy: Implement stringent security measures from the outset, use agile project management techniques.\n", "\n", "## Communication:\n", "- Establish clear lines of communication among all project teams and stakeholders.\n", "- Regular updates schedule, bi-weekly, to discuss progress, challenges, and scope changes.\n", "\n", "## Quality Assurance:\n", "- Focus on ongoing monitoring during development.\n", "- Use automated and manual testing strategies to ensure all features meet strict criteria before launch.\n", "\n", "## Business Perspective:\n", "- Detailed cost-benefit analysis post-implementation.\n", "- Measure project impact on ROI targets, customer metrics, and business operations.\n", "\n", "## Next Steps:\n", "- Draft a comprehensive project plan including timelines, budgeting, and resource allocation based on the discussion. Aim to have it ready by next week's meeting." ], "text/plain": [ "" ] }, "execution_count": 13, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "from IPython.display import Markdown\n", "Markdown(result)" ] } ], "metadata": { "colab": { "gpuType": "T4", "provenance": [] }, "kernelspec": { "display_name": "Python 3 (ipykernel)", "language": "python", "name": "python3" }, "language_info": { "codemirror_mode": { "name": "ipython", "version": 3 }, "file_extension": ".py", "mimetype": "text/x-python", "name": "python", "nbconvert_exporter": "python", "pygments_lexer": "ipython3", "version": "3.11.9" } }, "nbformat": 4, "nbformat_minor": 4 }