import cv2 import os import numpy as np import torch import imageio from torchvision.utils import make_grid, save_image from .ray_marcher import RayMarcher, generate_colored_boxes def get_pose_on_orbit(radius, height, angles, world_up=torch.Tensor([0, 1, 0])): num_points = angles.shape[0] x = radius * torch.cos(angles) h = torch.ones((num_points,)) * height z = radius * torch.sin(angles) position = torch.stack([x, h, z], dim=-1) forward = position / torch.norm(position, p=2, dim=-1, keepdim=True) right = -torch.cross(world_up[None, ...], forward) right /= torch.norm(right, dim=-1, keepdim=True) up = torch.cross(forward, right) up /= torch.norm(up, p=2, dim=-1, keepdim=True) rotation = torch.stack([right, up, forward], dim=1) translation = torch.Tensor([0, 0, radius])[None, :, None].repeat(num_points, 1, 1) return torch.concat([rotation, translation], dim=2) def render_mvp_boxes(rm, batch, preds): with torch.no_grad(): boxes_rgba = generate_colored_boxes( preds["prim_rgba"], preds["prim_rot"], ) preds_boxes = rm( prim_rgba=boxes_rgba, prim_pos=preds["prim_pos"], prim_scale=preds["prim_scale"], prim_rot=preds["prim_rot"], RT=batch["Rt"], K=batch["K"], ) return preds_boxes["rgba_image"][:, :3].permute(0, 2, 3, 1) def save_image_summary(path, batch, preds): rgb = preds["rgb"].detach().permute(0, 3, 1, 2) # rgb_gt = batch["image"] rgb_boxes = preds["rgb_boxes"].detach().permute(0, 3, 1, 2) bs = rgb_boxes.shape[0] if "folder" in batch and "key" in batch: obj_list = [] for bs_idx in range(bs): tmp_img = rgb_boxes[bs_idx].permute(1, 2, 0).to(torch.uint8).cpu().numpy() tmp_img = np.ascontiguousarray(tmp_img) folder = batch['folder'][bs_idx] key = batch['key'][bs_idx] obj_list.append("{}/{}\n".format(folder, key)) cv2.putText(tmp_img, "{}".format(folder), (200, 200), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 2, (255, 0, 0), 2) cv2.putText(tmp_img, "{}".format(key), (200, 400), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 2, (255, 0, 0), 2) tmp_img_torch = torch.as_tensor(tmp_img).permute(2, 0, 1).float() rgb_boxes[bs_idx] = tmp_img_torch with open(os.path.splitext(path)[0]+".txt", "w") as f: f.writelines(obj_list) img = make_grid([rgb, rgb_boxes], dim=2) / 255.0).clip(0.0, 1.0) save_image(img, path) @torch.no_grad() def visualize_primsdf_box(image_save_path, model, rm: RayMarcher, device): # prim_rgba: primitive payload [B, K, 4, S, S, S], # K - # of primitives, S - primitive size # prim_pos: locations [B, K, 3] # prim_rot: rotations [B, K, 3, 3] # prim_scale: scales [B, K, 3] # K: intrinsics [B, 3, 3] # RT: extrinsics [B, 3, 4] preds = {} batch = {} prim_alpha = model.sdf2alpha(model.feat_geo).reshape(1, model.num_prims, 1, model.prim_shape, model.prim_shape, model.prim_shape) * 255 prim_rgb = model.feat_tex.reshape(1, model.num_prims, 3, model.prim_shape, model.prim_shape, model.prim_shape) * 255 preds['prim_rgba'] = torch.concat([prim_rgb, prim_alpha], dim=2) preds['prim_pos'] = model.pos.reshape(1, model.num_prims, 3) * rm.volradius preds['prim_rot'] = torch.eye(3).to(preds['prim_pos'])[None, None, ...].repeat(1, model.num_prims, 1, 1) preds['prim_scale'] = (1 / model.scale.reshape(1, model.num_prims, 1).repeat(1, 1, 3)) batch['Rt'] = torch.Tensor([ [ 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 * rm.volradius ], [ 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0 * rm.volradius ], [ 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 5 * rm.volradius ] ]).to(device)[None, ...] batch['K'] = torch.Tensor([ [ 2084.9526697685183, 0.0, 512.0 ], [ 0.0, 2084.9526697685183, 512.0 ], [ 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ]]).to(device)[None, ...] ratio_h = rm.image_height / 1024. ratio_w = rm.image_width / 1024. batch['K'][:, 0:1, :] *= ratio_h batch['K'][:, 1:2, :] *= ratio_w # raymarcher is in mm rm_preds = rm( prim_rgba=preds["prim_rgba"], prim_pos=preds["prim_pos"], prim_scale=preds["prim_scale"], prim_rot=preds["prim_rot"], RT=batch["Rt"], K=batch["K"], ) rgba = rm_preds["rgba_image"].permute(0, 2, 3, 1) preds.update(alpha=rgba[..., -1].contiguous(), rgb=rgba[..., :3].contiguous()) with torch.no_grad(): preds["rgb_boxes"] = render_mvp_boxes(rm, batch, preds) save_image_summary(image_save_path, batch, preds) @torch.no_grad() def render_primsdf(image_save_path, model, rm, device): preds = {} batch = {} preds['prim_pos'] = model.pos.reshape(1, model.num_prims, 3) * rm.volradius preds['prim_rot'] = torch.eye(3).to(preds['prim_pos'])[None, None, ...].repeat(1, model.num_prims, 1, 1) preds['prim_scale'] = (1 / model.scale.reshape(1, model.num_prims, 1).repeat(1, 1, 3)) batch['Rt'] = torch.Tensor([ [ 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 * rm.volradius ], [ 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0 * rm.volradius ], [ 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 5 * rm.volradius ] ]).to(device)[None, ...] batch['K'] = torch.Tensor([ [ 2084.9526697685183, 0.0, 512.0 ], [ 0.0, 2084.9526697685183, 512.0 ], [ 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ]]).to(device)[None, ...] ratio_h = rm.image_height / 1024. ratio_w = rm.image_width / 1024. batch['K'][:, 0:1, :] *= ratio_h batch['K'][:, 1:2, :] *= ratio_w # test rendering all_sampled_sdf = [] all_sampled_tex = [] for i in range(model.prim_shape ** 3): with torch.no_grad(): model_prediction = model(model.sdf_sampled_point[:, i, :].to(device)) sampled_sdf = model_prediction['sdf'] sampled_rgb = model_prediction['tex'] all_sampled_sdf.append(sampled_sdf) all_sampled_tex.append(sampled_rgb) sampled_sdf = torch.stack(all_sampled_sdf, dim=1) sampled_tex = torch.stack(all_sampled_tex, dim=1).permute(0, 2, 1).reshape(1, model.num_prims, 3, model.prim_shape, model.prim_shape, model.prim_shape) * 255 prim_rgb = sampled_tex prim_alpha = model.sdf2alpha(sampled_sdf).reshape(1, model.num_prims, 1, model.prim_shape, model.prim_shape, model.prim_shape) * 255 preds['prim_rgba'] = torch.concat([prim_rgb, prim_alpha], dim=2) rm_preds = rm( prim_rgba=preds["prim_rgba"], prim_pos=preds["prim_pos"], prim_scale=preds["prim_scale"], prim_rot=preds["prim_rot"], RT=batch["Rt"], K=batch["K"], ) rgba = rm_preds["rgba_image"].permute(0, 2, 3, 1) preds.update(alpha=rgba[..., -1].contiguous(), rgb=rgba[..., :3].contiguous()) with torch.no_grad(): preds["rgb_boxes"] = render_mvp_boxes(rm, batch, preds) save_image_summary(image_save_path, batch, preds) @torch.no_grad() def visualize_primvolume(image_save_path, batch, prim_volume, rm: RayMarcher, device): # prim_volume - [B, nprims, 4+6*8^3] def sdf2alpha(sdf): return torch.exp(-(sdf / 0.005) ** 2) preds = {} prim_shape = int(np.round(((prim_volume.shape[2] - 4) / 6) ** (1/3))) num_prims = prim_volume.shape[1] bs = prim_volume.shape[0] geo_start_index = 4 geo_end_index = geo_start_index + prim_shape ** 3 # non-inclusive tex_start_index = geo_end_index tex_end_index = tex_start_index + prim_shape ** 3 * 3 # non-inclusive mat_start_index = tex_end_index mat_end_index = mat_start_index + prim_shape ** 3 * 2 feat_geo = prim_volume[:, :, geo_start_index: geo_end_index] feat_tex = prim_volume[:, :, tex_start_index: tex_end_index] prim_alpha = sdf2alpha(feat_geo).reshape(bs, num_prims, 1, prim_shape, prim_shape, prim_shape) * 255 prim_rgb = feat_tex.reshape(bs, num_prims, 3, prim_shape, prim_shape, prim_shape) * 255 preds['prim_rgba'] = torch.concat([prim_rgb, prim_alpha], dim=2) pos = prim_volume[:, :, 1:4] scale = prim_volume[:, :, 0:1] preds['prim_pos'] = pos.reshape(bs, num_prims, 3) * rm.volradius preds['prim_rot'] = torch.eye(3).to(preds['prim_pos'])[None, None, ...].repeat(bs, num_prims, 1, 1) preds['prim_scale'] = (1 / scale.reshape(bs, num_prims, 1).repeat(1, 1, 3)) batch['Rt'] = torch.Tensor([ [ 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 * rm.volradius ], [ 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0 * rm.volradius ], [ 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 5 * rm.volradius ] ]).to(device)[None, ...].repeat(bs, 1, 1) batch['K'] = torch.Tensor([ [ 2084.9526697685183, 0.0, 512.0 ], [ 0.0, 2084.9526697685183, 512.0 ], [ 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ]]).to(device)[None, ...].repeat(bs, 1, 1) ratio_h = rm.image_height / 1024. ratio_w = rm.image_width / 1024. batch['K'][:, 0:1, :] *= ratio_h batch['K'][:, 1:2, :] *= ratio_w # raymarcher is in mm rm_preds = rm( prim_rgba=preds["prim_rgba"], prim_pos=preds["prim_pos"], prim_scale=preds["prim_scale"], prim_rot=preds["prim_rot"], RT=batch["Rt"], K=batch["K"], ) rgba = rm_preds["rgba_image"].permute(0, 2, 3, 1) preds.update(alpha=rgba[..., -1].contiguous(), rgb=rgba[..., :3].contiguous()) with torch.no_grad(): preds["rgb_boxes"] = render_mvp_boxes(rm, batch, preds) save_image_summary(image_save_path, batch, preds) @torch.no_grad() def visualize_multiview_primvolume(image_save_path, batch, prim_volume, view_counts, rm: RayMarcher, device): # prim_volume - [B, nprims, 4+6*8^3] view_angles = torch.linspace(0.5, 2.5, view_counts + 1) * torch.pi view_angles = view_angles[:-1] def sdf2alpha(sdf): return torch.exp(-(sdf / 0.005) ** 2) preds = {} prim_shape = int(np.round(((prim_volume.shape[2] - 4) / 6) ** (1/3))) num_prims = prim_volume.shape[1] bs = prim_volume.shape[0] geo_start_index = 4 geo_end_index = geo_start_index + prim_shape ** 3 # non-inclusive tex_start_index = geo_end_index tex_end_index = tex_start_index + prim_shape ** 3 * 3 # non-inclusive mat_start_index = tex_end_index mat_end_index = mat_start_index + prim_shape ** 3 * 2 feat_geo = prim_volume[:, :, geo_start_index: geo_end_index] feat_tex = prim_volume[:, :, tex_start_index: tex_end_index] prim_alpha = sdf2alpha(feat_geo).reshape(bs, num_prims, 1, prim_shape, prim_shape, prim_shape) * 255 prim_rgb = feat_tex.reshape(bs, num_prims, 3, prim_shape, prim_shape, prim_shape) * 255 preds['prim_rgba'] = torch.concat([prim_rgb, prim_alpha], dim=2) pos = prim_volume[:, :, 1:4] scale = prim_volume[:, :, 0:1] preds['prim_pos'] = pos.reshape(bs, num_prims, 3) * rm.volradius preds['prim_rot'] = torch.eye(3).to(preds['prim_pos'])[None, None, ...].repeat(bs, num_prims, 1, 1) preds['prim_scale'] = (1 / scale.reshape(bs, num_prims, 1).repeat(1, 1, 3)) batch['K'] = torch.Tensor([ [ 2084.9526697685183, 0.0, 512.0 ], [ 0.0, 2084.9526697685183, 512.0 ], [ 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ]]).to(device)[None, ...].repeat(bs, 1, 1) ratio_h = rm.image_height / 1024. ratio_w = rm.image_width / 1024. batch['K'][:, 0:1, :] *= ratio_h batch['K'][:, 1:2, :] *= ratio_w final_preds = {} final_preds['rgb'] = [] final_preds['rgb_boxes'] = [] for view_ang in view_angles: bs_view_ang = view_ang.repeat(bs,) batch['Rt'] = get_pose_on_orbit(radius=5*rm.volradius, height=0, angles=bs_view_ang).to(prim_volume) # raymarcher is in mm rm_preds = rm( prim_rgba=preds["prim_rgba"], prim_pos=preds["prim_pos"], prim_scale=preds["prim_scale"], prim_rot=preds["prim_rot"], RT=batch["Rt"], K=batch["K"], ) rgba = rm_preds["rgba_image"].permute(0, 2, 3, 1) preds.update(alpha=rgba[..., -1].contiguous(), rgb=rgba[..., :3].contiguous()) with torch.no_grad(): preds["rgb_boxes"] = render_mvp_boxes(rm, batch, preds) final_preds['rgb'].append(preds['rgb']) final_preds['rgb_boxes'].append(preds['rgb_boxes']) final_preds['rgb'] = torch.concat(final_preds['rgb'], dim=0) final_preds['rgb_boxes'] = torch.concat(final_preds['rgb_boxes'], dim=0) save_image_summary(image_save_path, batch, final_preds) @torch.no_grad() def visualize_video_primvolume(video_save_folder, batch, prim_volume, view_counts, rm: RayMarcher, device): # prim_volume - [B, nprims, 4+6*8^3] view_angles = torch.linspace(1.5, 3.5, view_counts + 1) * torch.pi def sdf2alpha(sdf): return torch.exp(-(sdf / 0.005) ** 2) preds = {} prim_shape = int(np.round(((prim_volume.shape[2] - 4) / 6) ** (1/3))) num_prims = prim_volume.shape[1] bs = prim_volume.shape[0] geo_start_index = 4 geo_end_index = geo_start_index + prim_shape ** 3 # non-inclusive tex_start_index = geo_end_index tex_end_index = tex_start_index + prim_shape ** 3 * 3 # non-inclusive mat_start_index = tex_end_index mat_end_index = mat_start_index + prim_shape ** 3 * 2 feat_geo = prim_volume[:, :, geo_start_index: geo_end_index] feat_tex = prim_volume[:, :, tex_start_index: tex_end_index] feat_mat = prim_volume[:, :, mat_start_index: mat_end_index] prim_alpha = sdf2alpha(feat_geo).reshape(bs, num_prims, 1, prim_shape, prim_shape, prim_shape) * 255 prim_rgb = feat_tex.reshape(bs, num_prims, 3, prim_shape, prim_shape, prim_shape) * 255 prim_mat = feat_mat.reshape(bs, num_prims, 2, prim_shape, prim_shape, prim_shape) * 255 dummy_prim = torch.zeros_like(prim_mat[:, :, 0:1, ...]) prim_mat = torch.concat([dummy_prim, prim_mat], dim=2) preds['prim_rgba'] = torch.concat([prim_rgb, prim_alpha], dim=2) preds['prim_mata'] = torch.concat([prim_mat, prim_alpha], dim=2) pos = prim_volume[:, :, 1:4] scale = prim_volume[:, :, 0:1] preds['prim_pos'] = pos.reshape(bs, num_prims, 3) * rm.volradius preds['prim_rot'] = torch.eye(3).to(preds['prim_pos'])[None, None, ...].repeat(bs, num_prims, 1, 1) preds['prim_scale'] = (1 / scale.reshape(bs, num_prims, 1).repeat(1, 1, 3)) batch['K'] = torch.Tensor([ [ 2084.9526697685183, 0.0, 512.0 ], [ 0.0, 2084.9526697685183, 512.0 ], [ 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ]]).to(device)[None, ...].repeat(bs, 1, 1) ratio_h = rm.image_height / 1024. ratio_w = rm.image_width / 1024. batch['K'][:, 0:1, :] *= ratio_h batch['K'][:, 1:2, :] *= ratio_w final_preds = {} final_preds['rgb'] = [] final_preds['rgb_boxes'] = [] final_preds['mat_rgb'] = [] for view_ang in view_angles: bs_view_ang = view_ang.repeat(bs,) batch['Rt'] = get_pose_on_orbit(radius=5*rm.volradius, height=0, angles=bs_view_ang).to(prim_volume) # raymarcher is in mm rm_preds = rm( prim_rgba=preds["prim_rgba"], prim_pos=preds["prim_pos"], prim_scale=preds["prim_scale"], prim_rot=preds["prim_rot"], RT=batch["Rt"], K=batch["K"], ) rgba = rm_preds["rgba_image"].permute(0, 2, 3, 1) preds.update(alpha=rgba[..., -1].contiguous(), rgb=rgba[..., :3].contiguous()) with torch.no_grad(): preds["rgb_boxes"] = render_mvp_boxes(rm, batch, preds) rm_preds = rm( prim_rgba=preds["prim_mata"], prim_pos=preds["prim_pos"], prim_scale=preds["prim_scale"], prim_rot=preds["prim_rot"], RT=batch["Rt"], K=batch["K"], ) mat_rgba = rm_preds["rgba_image"].permute(0, 2, 3, 1) preds.update(mat_rgb=mat_rgba[..., :3].contiguous()) final_preds['rgb'].append(preds['rgb']) final_preds['rgb_boxes'].append(preds['rgb_boxes']) final_preds['mat_rgb'].append(preds['mat_rgb']) assert len(final_preds['rgb']) == len(final_preds['rgb_boxes']) final_preds['rgb'] = torch.concat(final_preds['rgb'], dim=0) final_preds['rgb_boxes'] = torch.concat(final_preds['rgb_boxes'], dim=0) final_preds['mat_rgb'] = torch.concat(final_preds['mat_rgb'], dim=0) total_num_frames = final_preds['rgb'].shape[0] rgb_video = os.path.join(video_save_folder, 'rgb.mp4') rgb_video_out = imageio.get_writer(rgb_video, fps=20) prim_video = os.path.join(video_save_folder, 'prim.mp4') prim_video_out = imageio.get_writer(prim_video, fps=20) mat_video = os.path.join(video_save_folder, 'mat.mp4') mat_video_out = imageio.get_writer(mat_video, fps=20) rgb_np = np.clip(final_preds['rgb'].detach().cpu().numpy(), 0, 255).astype(np.uint8) prim_np = np.clip(final_preds['rgb_boxes'].detach().cpu().numpy(), 0, 255).astype(np.uint8) mat_np = np.clip(final_preds['mat_rgb'].detach().cpu().numpy(), 0, 255).astype(np.uint8) for fidx in range(total_num_frames): rgb_video_out.append_data(rgb_np[fidx]) prim_video_out.append_data(prim_np[fidx]) mat_video_out.append_data(mat_np[fidx]) rgb_video_out.close() prim_video_out.close() mat_video_out.close()