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import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch_scatter import scatter_mean, scatter_max
from .unet import UNet
from .resnet_block import ResnetBlockFC
from .PointEMB import PointEmbed
import numpy as np
class ParPoint_Encoder(nn.Module):
''' PointNet-based encoder network with ResNet blocks for each point.
Number of input points are fixed.
c_dim (int): dimension of latent code c
dim (int): input points dimension
hidden_dim (int): hidden dimension of the network
scatter_type (str): feature aggregation when doing local pooling
unet (bool): weather to use U-Net
unet_kwargs (str): U-Net parameters
plane_resolution (int): defined resolution for plane feature
plane_type (str): feature type, 'xz' - 1-plane, ['xz', 'xy', 'yz'] - 3-plane, ['grid'] - 3D grid volume
padding (float): conventional padding paramter of ONet for unit cube, so [-0.5, 0.5] -> [-0.55, 0.55]
n_blocks (int): number of blocks ResNetBlockFC layers
def __init__(self, c_dim=128, dim=3, hidden_dim=128, scatter_type='max', unet_kwargs=None,
plane_resolution=None, plane_type=['xz', 'xy', 'yz'], padding=0.1, n_blocks=5):
self.c_dim = c_dim
self.fc_pos = nn.Linear(dim, 2 * hidden_dim)
self.blocks = nn.ModuleList([
ResnetBlockFC(2 * hidden_dim, hidden_dim) for i in range(n_blocks)
self.fc_c = nn.Linear(hidden_dim, c_dim)
self.actvn = nn.ReLU()
self.hidden_dim = hidden_dim
self.unet = UNet(unet_kwargs['output_dim'], in_channels=c_dim, **unet_kwargs)
self.reso_plane = plane_resolution
self.plane_type = plane_type
self.padding = padding
if scatter_type == 'max':
self.scatter = scatter_max
elif scatter_type == 'mean':
self.scatter = scatter_mean
# takes in "p": point cloud and "query": sdf_xyz
# sample plane features for unlabeled_query as well
def forward(self, p,point_emb): # , query2):
batch_size, T, D = p.size()
# acquire the index for each point
coord = {}
index = {}
if 'xz' in self.plane_type:
coord['xz'] = self.normalize_coordinate(p.clone(), plane='xz', padding=self.padding)
index['xz'] = self.coordinate2index(coord['xz'], self.reso_plane)
if 'xy' in self.plane_type:
coord['xy'] = self.normalize_coordinate(p.clone(), plane='xy', padding=self.padding)
index['xy'] = self.coordinate2index(coord['xy'], self.reso_plane)
if 'yz' in self.plane_type:
coord['yz'] = self.normalize_coordinate(p.clone(), plane='yz', padding=self.padding)
index['yz'] = self.coordinate2index(coord['yz'], self.reso_plane)
net = self.fc_pos(point_emb)
net = self.blocks[0](net)
for block in self.blocks[1:]:
pooled = self.pool_local(coord, index, net)
net =[net, pooled], dim=2)
net = block(net)
c = self.fc_c(net)
fea = {}
# second_sum = 0
if 'xz' in self.plane_type:
fea['xz'] = self.generate_plane_features(p, c,
plane='xz') # shape: batch, latent size, resolution, resolution (e.g. 16, 256, 64, 64)
if 'xy' in self.plane_type:
fea['xy'] = self.generate_plane_features(p, c, plane='xy')
if 'yz' in self.plane_type:
fea['yz'] = self.generate_plane_features(p, c, plane='yz')
cat_feature =[fea['xz'], fea['xy'], fea['yz']],
dim=2) # concat at row dimension
return plane_feat
def normalize_coordinate(self, p, padding=0.1, plane='xz'):
''' Normalize coordinate to [0, 1] for unit cube experiments
p (tensor): point
padding (float): conventional padding paramter of ONet for unit cube, so [-0.5, 0.5] -> [-0.55, 0.55]
plane (str): plane feature type, ['xz', 'xy', 'yz']
if plane == 'xz':
xy = p[:, :, [0, 2]]
elif plane == 'xy':
xy = p[:, :, [0, 1]]
xy = p[:, :, [1, 2]]
#print("origin",torch.amin(xy), torch.amax(xy))
xy=xy/2 #xy is originally -1 ~ 1
xy_new = xy / (1 + padding + 10e-6) # (-0.5, 0.5)
xy_new = xy_new + 0.5 # range (0, 1)
# f there are outliers out of the range
if xy_new.max() >= 1:
xy_new[xy_new >= 1] = 1 - 10e-6
if xy_new.min() < 0:
xy_new[xy_new < 0] = 0.0
return xy_new
def coordinate2index(self, x, reso):
''' Normalize coordinate to [0, 1] for unit cube experiments.
Corresponds to our 3D model
x (tensor): coordinate
reso (int): defined resolution
coord_type (str): coordinate type
x = (x * reso).long()
index = x[:, :, 0] + reso * x[:, :, 1]
index = index[:, None, :]
return index
# xy is the normalized coordinates of the point cloud of each plane
# I'm pretty sure the keys of xy are the same as those of index, so xy isn't needed here as input
def pool_local(self, xy, index, c):
bs, fea_dim = c.size(0), c.size(2)
keys = xy.keys()
c_out = 0
for key in keys:
# scatter plane features from points
fea = self.scatter(c.permute(0, 2, 1), index[key], dim_size=self.reso_plane ** 2)
if self.scatter == scatter_max:
fea = fea[0]
# gather feature back to points
fea = fea.gather(dim=2, index=index[key].expand(-1, fea_dim, -1))
c_out += fea
return c_out.permute(0, 2, 1)
def generate_plane_features(self, p, c, plane='xz'):
# acquire indices of features in plane
xy = self.normalize_coordinate(p.clone(), plane=plane, padding=self.padding) # normalize to the range of (0, 1)
index = self.coordinate2index(xy, self.reso_plane)
# scatter plane features from points
fea_plane = c.new_zeros(p.size(0), self.c_dim, self.reso_plane ** 2)
c = c.permute(0, 2, 1) # B x 512 x T
fea_plane = scatter_mean(c, index, out=fea_plane) # B x 512 x reso^2
fea_plane = fea_plane.reshape(p.size(0), self.c_dim, self.reso_plane,
self.reso_plane) # sparce matrix (B x 512 x reso x reso)
return fea_plane |