"use client" import { useEffect, useRef, useState, useTransition } from "react" import qs from "qs" import { ImageRenderer } from "@/components/business/image-renderer" import { Select, SelectContent, SelectItem, SelectTrigger, SelectValue, } from "@/components/ui/select" import { render } from "./render" import { RenderedScene } from "./types" import { GameType } from "./games/types" import { defaultGame, games, getGame } from "./games" import { getBackground } from "@/app/queries/getBackground" import { getDialogue } from "@/app/queries/getDialogue" import { getActionnables } from "@/app/queries/getActionnables" export default function Main() { const [isPending, startTransition] = useTransition() const [rendered, setRendered] = useState({ assetUrl: "", error: "", maskBase64: "", segments:[] }) const urlParams = qs.parse(window.location.search.slice(1)) console.log("urlParams:", urlParams) const ref = useRef(`${urlParams?.game as any}` as GameType) const [situation, setSituation] = useState("") const [scene, setScene] = useState("") const [dialogue, setDialogue] = useState("") const [hoveredActionnable, setHoveredActionnable] = useState("") const [isLoading, setLoading] = useState(true) const loadNextScene = async (nextSituation?: string, nextActionnables?: string[]) => { // console.log(`update view..`) setLoading(true) await startTransition(async () => { // console.log(`getting agent..`) // note: we use a ref so that it can be changed in the background const type = ref?.current const game = getGame(type) // console.log(`rendering scene..`) const newRendered = await render( // SCENE PROMPT [...game.getScenePrompt(nextSituation)].join(", "), // ACTIONNABLES (Array.isArray(nextActionnables) && nextActionnables.length ? nextActionnables : game.initialActionnables ).slice(0, 6) // too many can slow us down it seems ) // detect if something changed in the background if (type !== ref?.current) { console.log("agent type changed! reloading scene") setTimeout(() => { loadNextScene() }, 0) return } if (newRendered.assetUrl) { // console.log(`got a new url: ${newRendered.assetUrl}`) setScene(scene) setRendered(newRendered) setLoading(false) } }) } useEffect(() => { loadNextScene() }, []) const handleUserAction = async (actionnable: string) => { console.log("user actionnable:", actionnable) setLoading(true) // TODO: ask Llama2 what to do about it // we need a frame and some actionnables, // perhaps even some music or sound effects await startTransition(async () => { const game = getGame(ref.current) let newDialogue = "" try { newDialogue = await getDialogue({ game, situation, actionnable }) console.log(`newDialogue:`, newDialogue) setDialogue(newDialogue) } catch (err) { console.log(`failed to generate dialogue (but it's only a nice to have, so..)`) setDialogue("") } try { const newActionnables = await getActionnables({ game, situation, actionnable, newDialogue }) console.log(`newActionnables:`, newActionnables) const newBackground = await getBackground({ game, situation, actionnable, newDialogue, newActionnables }) console.log(`newBackground:`, newBackground) setSituation(newBackground) console.log("loading next scene..") await loadNextScene(newBackground, newActionnables) // todo we could also use useEffect } catch (err) { console.error(`failed to get one of the mandatory entites: ${err}`) setLoading(false) } }) } return (

The server is blowing up! Loading a panel may take a few minutes.


🔎 Possible items:
{rendered.segments.map((segment, i) =>
{i < (rendered.segments.length - 1) ?
: null}

You may be looking at.. {hoveredActionnable || "nothing"}

) }