{'label': 4, 'text': "Can't miss stop for the best Fish Sandwich in Pittsburgh."} [('', 0.0), ('Can', 0.008766197948716581), ("'", -0.020100729656405747), ('t ', 0.16940022562630475), ('miss ', 0.13244043721351773), ('stop ', 0.007470712414942682), ('for ', -0.004040488682221621), ('the ', 0.009436534892302006), ('best ', 0.4308220697566867), ('Fish ', -0.031421395018696785), ('Sandwich ', -0.04581820638850331), ('in ', -0.009701519273221493), ('Pittsburgh', -0.0023589632473886013), ('.', -0.03660169988870621), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Good fish sandwich.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.781450648792088), ('fish ', -0.11043868446722627), ('sandwich', -0.04032863164320588), ('.', -0.04432392120361328), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Hoofah.'} [('', 0.0), ('Ho', -0.32206753885839134), ('of', 0.07277801854070276), ('ah', -0.1059214195702225), ('.', -0.04754602210596204), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Terrible service...terrible food...this place smells like rotten wet wood'} [('', 0.0), ('Terrible ', -0.08893069444638968), ('service', -0.02082086417976825), ('.', -0.005094701944472035), ('.', -0.007854545228838106), ('.', -0.011591662196224206), ('terrible ', -0.05655859699345456), ('food', -0.02457873034381919), ('.', -0.012733066925648018), ('.', -0.022421689616749063), ('.', -0.02409956118935952), ('this ', 0.013920612360379891), ('place ', 0.015189051968263811), ('smells ', 0.0003074434143854887), ('like ', -0.04702115069721913), ('rotten ', -0.06654083416651702), ('wet ', -0.043954027103609405), ('wood', -0.05853136005680426), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'The only thing worse than the food is the service.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.007824340267688967), ('only ', -0.10832024879709934), ('thing ', -0.08798365992333856), ('worse ', -0.20253900616808096), ('than ', -0.06460756232627318), ('the ', 0.011813953957243939), ('food ', 0.03853312267347064), ('is ', 0.17924515552840603), ('the ', 0.022663574813122978), ('service', -0.08909518698055763), ('.', -0.025362709355249535), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Horrible beer, horrible service, horrible menu'} [('', 0.0), ('Horrible ', -0.16797951078478945), ('beer', -0.04084748557943385), (', ', 0.07399813736992655), ('horrible ', -0.0732355733816803), ('service', -0.02685391381601221), (', ', 0.03319379861932248), ('horrible ', -0.051235003495094134), ('menu', -0.0173019531830505), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Dined in twice, food ok, atmosphere good.'} [('', 0.0), ('Din', 0.01700868457555771), ('ed ', 0.056933991611003876), ('in ', 0.03730559628456831), ('twice', 0.04893558192998171), (', ', 0.1030735895037651), ('food ', 0.04330346640199423), ('ok', 0.13576761353760958), (', ', 0.0187276192009449), ('atmosphere ', -0.0069929566234350204), ('good', 0.2263250406831503), ('.', -0.014484182000160217), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Slow service\\nBelow average food \\nIll pass'} [('', 0.0), ('Slow ', -0.08429259690456092), ('service', -0.02174857462887303), ('\\', -0.001614264907402685), ('n', 0.004456735105122789), ('Bel', -0.005083952466520714), ('ow ', -0.013713076130443369), ('average ', -0.04856567203387385), ('food ', 0.0019212838851672132), ('\\', -0.025144932162220357), ('nI', -0.13151685148477554), ('ll ', 0.038642836050712503), ('pass', -0.08539281350385863), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': '$1 burger night on Tuesday. Add ons more.'} [('', 0.0), ('$', -0.2356011199299246), ('1 ', -0.0022004087222740054), ('burger ', 0.06873311393428594), ('night ', 0.24478585738688707), ('on ', 0.11016461672261357), ('Tuesday', 0.12738528614863753), ('. ', 0.05042963195592165), ('Add ', 0.2973265666514635), ('on', -0.03509275056421757), ('s ', 0.06125979125499725), ('more', -0.05292261391878128), ('.', -0.09484656155109406), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Nope!'} [('', 0.0), ('Nope', -0.8554614123422652), ('!', 0.13529955386184156), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "Wasn't terrible,\\nBut certainly wasn't great.\\nSave your hard-earned cash."} [('', 1.1805094497200722e-05), ('Wasn', -0.01761940407535197), ("'", -0.0067363988558402825), ('t ', 0.024188244164785527), ('terrible', -0.003343441568479951), (',', -0.02614443461182721), ('\\', -0.009785737001948291), ('n', -0.00867106197316995), ('Bu', -0.010866176010191944), ('t ', -0.044712352707089544), ('certainly ', 0.04597727109648986), ('wasn', -0.08753950275392224), ("'", -0.03656832903622368), ('t ', -0.26255946019288484), ('great', 0.1145577479583153), ('.', 0.06370119104030891), ('\\', -0.024939099429078244), ('nSa', -0.0670189175803292), ('ve ', -0.007818744918525529), ('your ', -0.033582508766994576), ('hard', -0.08153705971126328), ('-', -0.020233652537475184), ('earned ', 0.027540357916829333), ('cash', -0.02807853369207199), ('.', -0.004094533644092735), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "It's not that delish."} [('', 0.0), ('It', 0.0003145216032862663), ("'", 0.07001593784661964), ('s ', -0.03592519724043086), ('not ', -0.17850583670951892), ('that ', 0.07594734472513665), ('del', 0.043081048963358626), ('ish', -0.16359988271142356), ('.', -0.07614941184874624), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'ewwww'} [('', 0.0), ('e', -0.20517398649826646), ('w', -0.19839117163792253), ('w', -0.015312909847125411), ('w', -0.1120388878043741), ('w', 0.2125562303699553), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Yes!!!!!!\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nGreat service!\\nGreat Food!\\nLove the BYOB!!! ($5).'} [('', 0.002861478365957737), ('Yes', 0.38342242245562375), ('!', 0.13179997657425702), ('!', 0.05180368362925947), ('!', 0.005858564516529441), ('!', -0.0012222500358178628), ('!', 0.0012760833065555083), ('!', 0.004591207268793939), ('\\', 0.0012581117494561362), ('n', 0.0012581117494561362), ('\\', 0.0012581117494561362), ('n', 0.004191260082948515), ('\\', 0.004191260082948515), ('n', 0.0037524988840553254), ('\\', 0.0037524988840553254), ('n', -0.00020469726472232175), ('\\', -0.00020469726472232175), ('nG', 0.0008023507215789614), ('rea', 0.0008023507215789614), ('t ', 0.0008023507215789614), ('service', -0.017946774816970115), ('!', -0.015210631980458978), ('\\', -0.0029064162368647372), ('nG', -0.0038606879967026026), ('rea', -0.0038606879967026026), ('t ', -0.0038606879967026026), ('Food', 0.07329568198511903), ('!', 0.04390777299741808), ('\\', -0.030020287772128867), ('nL', -0.05785843187426268), ('ove ', -0.03476842229669033), ('the ', -0.03440544027395907), ('BY', -0.04602973751750204), ('OB', -0.04602973751750204), ('!', -0.007091130234255036), ('!', 0.0012827496975660324), ('! ', 0.018963517621159554), ('(', -0.08432912454009056), ('$', -0.21044143180673322), ('5', -0.05921637670447429), (')', 0.0631909139143924), ('.', -0.06233935058116913), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Great'} [('', 0.0), ('Great', 0.06663268804550171), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Ugh. Dirty. Long lines. Walked out without making purchase .'} [('', 0.0), ('U', -0.07580581736692693), ('gh', -0.012349582621027366), ('. ', -0.010626494169628131), ('Dirty', -0.04482761485087394), ('. ', -0.011683173093842925), ('Long ', -0.021324301837012172), ('lines', -0.01964755722838163), ('. ', -0.01162567358733213), ('Walked ', -0.04546916180788685), ('out ', -0.040436274911371584), ('without ', -0.04772461172979092), ('making ', -0.0036733945289597614), ('purchase ', -0.03473936756927287), ('.', -0.03620716957811965), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Not Tasty At All.'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', -0.6012287299745367), ('Ta', 0.20933413298553205), ('sty ', 0.167522129308054), ('At ', 0.043467369374411646), ('All', 0.07886759084794903), ('.', -0.20645503673586063), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'local, friendly businesses serving a great product DO still exist.'} [('', 0.0), ('local', -0.017315413802862167), (', ', 0.021967988461256027), ('friendly ', 0.23835134226828814), ('businesses ', 0.07844098005443811), ('serving ', 0.020665490068495274), ('a ', -0.0042367419227957726), ('great ', 0.3283328702673316), ('product ', 0.025540719740092754), ('DO ', -0.12523348414106295), ('still ', 0.11505425110226497), ('exist', -0.020688546588644385), ('.', -0.03504841774702072), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "Good for Altar bar. But they didn't have fries...."} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.40542237902991474), ('for ', -0.07686424013809301), ('Altar ', -0.039559451601235196), ('bar', -0.038477732916362584), ('. ', 0.05282703274860978), ('But ', -0.3098252014024183), ('they ', -0.018656134721823037), ('didn', -0.06572085153311491), ("'", -0.02470194478519261), ('t ', -0.041018425254151225), ('have ', -0.01138972636545077), ('fries', -0.08456418412970379), ('.', -0.02694840740878135), ('.', -0.043841139413416386), ('.', -0.030830849893391132), ('.', -0.043226102367043495), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Food phenomenal! Service can be hit or miss.'} [('', 0.0), ('Food ', 0.13553641852922738), ('phenomena', 0.7412786742206663), ('l', -0.06285694474354386), ('! ', 0.006818567868322134), ('Service ', -0.07097103941487148), ('can ', -0.03217680362286046), ('be ', 0.013933207490481436), ('hit ', 0.01885174703784287), ('or ', -0.02095076537807472), ('miss', -0.051719526141823735), ('.', -0.01197956165560754), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'A delicious menu with a twist. Unique wine list too!'} [('', 0.0), ('A ', 0.015266664326190948), ('delicious ', 0.16082997806370258), ('menu ', -0.01755722053349018), ('with ', 0.025666010100394487), ('a ', 0.05174484336748719), ('twist', 0.08898260165005922), ('. ', -0.009827334433794022), ('Unique ', 0.2561827248428017), ('wine ', 0.019434686604654416), ('list ', -0.07141898635018151), ('too', -0.1306771823874442), ('!', 0.23867243411950767), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Solid Milkshakes and Falafel - block from my house'} [('', 0.0), ('Solid ', 0.856790394987911), ('Milk', -0.06449253420578316), ('sha', 0.016558812058065087), ('kes ', -0.03346563898958266), ('and ', 0.009516264544799924), ('Fa', 0.009727916913107038), ('la', 0.027725116931833327), ('fe', -0.05069878202630207), ('l ', -0.013840154686477035), ('- ', -0.011458842680440284), ('block ', -0.09150632355886046), ('from ', -0.09557526461139787), ('my ', 0.003601283809985034), ('house', 0.011396135960239917), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'A'} [('', 0.0), ('A', 0.05406045913696289), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'The best place for an artic swirl. :)'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.014809014275670052), ('best ', 0.41030292958021164), ('place ', 0.00984949804842472), ('for ', -0.017129247542470694), ('an ', 0.10901118768379092), ('art', 0.2450830879388377), ('ic ', -0.03801278246100992), ('swirl', -0.005923063959926367), ('. ', 0.04193047434091568), (':', -0.0350932776927948), (')', -0.0392414927482605), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Always fantastic.'} [('', 0.0), ('Always ', 0.2178008109331131), ('fantastic', 0.22092022001743317), ('.', 0.038171201944351196), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Fabulous!'} [('', 0.0), ('Fabulous', 0.13716766238212585), ('!', 0.1359693706035614), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Awesome fast pizza'} [('', 0.0), ('Awesome ', 0.24273601174354553), ('fast ', 0.1294497847557068), ('pizza', 0.104668527841568), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Best place in the city to get a dog'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.5962380180135369), ('place ', 0.12064156401902437), ('in ', 0.12175607681274414), ('the ', -0.008563548908568919), ('city ', 0.04794332466553897), ('to ', 0.04646352888084948), ('get ', -0.1105168960057199), ('a ', 0.06523244921118021), ('dog', -0.17372851446270943), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': '5 time Super Bowl champs.'} [('', 0.0), ('5 ', 0.08248346298933029), ('time ', 0.13459297269582748), ('Super ', 0.12751789391040802), ('Bowl ', 0.18315189890563488), ('champs', 0.18750771693885326), ('.', -0.02503233775496483), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Out of business.'} [('', 0.0), ('Out ', -0.5312285680411151), ('of ', 0.11450376496213721), ('business', 0.049024495245248545), ('.', -0.04501469325623475), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Had a friend who went here. REALLY BAD experience'} [('', 0.0), ('Had ', 0.012719245620246511), ('a ', 0.02670042607587675), ('friend ', 0.2384562715951688), ('who ', 0.035417221767602314), ('went ', 0.013559885137510719), ('here', 0.010592384435767599), ('. ', -0.00015510029152210336), ('REALLY ', 0.06740468739553762), ('BAD ', -0.7277647022219753), ('experience', 0.020466646357817808), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Always leaving incredibly happy'} [('', 0.0), ('Always ', 0.14262294227955863), ('leaving ', -0.4143415125727188), ('incredibly ', 0.06624683379777707), ('happy', 0.792004895512946), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Sushi selection limited... Miso soup tasted a little fishy.'} [('', 0.0), ('Su', -0.011950260115554556), ('shi ', -0.013055606134003028), ('selection ', -0.05227403368917294), ('limited', -0.11023386896704324), ('.', -0.018134035170078278), ('.', -0.025675359938759357), ('. ', -0.021706458006519824), ('Mis', -0.062355558162380476), ('o ', -0.002348380054172594), ('soup ', -0.020405100607604254), ('tasted ', 0.002855424383596983), ('a ', 0.001283274934394285), ('little ', -0.030716110806679353), ('fish', -0.03789169617812149), ('y', -0.022029490413842723), ('.', -0.01899272348964587), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'This \\"pizza\\" was the worst food I have ever eaten.'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', -0.03419922391185537), ('\\', -0.005121985228470294), ('"', -0.025621729266276816), ('pizza', -0.053095975173164334), ('\\', -0.014479054970252037), ('" ', -0.02944830835895118), ('was ', -0.0331743104970883), ('the ', 0.09000737877340725), ('worst ', -0.6380970550117127), ('food ', 0.02207955752237467), ('I ', 0.001060516860889038), ('have ', 0.15817254856756335), ('ever ', 0.14220811797531496), ('eaten', 0.018495771683774365), ('.', -0.03082604331757466), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "It's an IGA now."} [('', 0.0), ('It', 0.001045985147356987), ("'", 0.07973716594278812), ('s ', -0.029430337250232697), ('an ', 0.33297914266586304), ('I', 0.3134887428022921), ('GA ', 0.00596662750467658), ('now', 0.03802230581641197), ('.', -0.013939645141363144), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'pricey, pricey pricey and it isnt that good!'} [('', 0.0), ('price', 0.1343482518568635), ('y', 0.18762014713138342), (', ', -0.03632856160402298), ('price', -0.0058969734236598015), ('y ', 0.054181150160729885), ('price', 6.28642737865448e-07), ('y ', 0.05596438143402338), ('and ', 0.049868925707414746), ('it ', -0.021150836953893304), ('isn', 0.2422934859250745), ('t ', -0.30958993129479495), ('that ', 0.07183794083539397), ('good', 0.15274254709947854), ('!', 0.007430088007822633), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'best pizza on beverly rd'} [('', 0.0), ('best ', 0.1975867971777916), ('pizza ', 0.0440695621073246), ('on ', 0.10937963798642159), ('beverly ', 0.27387918531894684), ('rd', 0.038791507482528687), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Beer cave!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Beer ', -0.20373385143466294), ('cave', -0.6119859938044101), ('!', 0.13781527103856206), ('!', 0.27479954063892365), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'I like it. Veggie friendly too.'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', -0.008951211348176003), ('like ', 0.21756439004093409), ('it', 0.1452398533001542), ('. ', 0.008701547980308533), ('Ve', 0.021624696673825383), ('gg', 0.14698255830444396), ('ie ', -0.08693391596898437), ('friendly ', 0.22586598808993585), ('too', -0.16001299794879742), ('.', 0.186759794363752), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'New menu! Check it out!'} [('', 0.0), ('New ', 0.14037815481424332), ('menu', -0.025273196399211884), ('! ', 0.22270704805850983), ('Check ', 0.17774120438843966), ('it ', 0.22393750119954348), ('out', -0.0528851393610239), ('!', 0.0365104079246521), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'THE best cheesesteaks, freshest buns, there is nothing bad here!!'} [('', 2.17073829844594e-06), ('THE ', -0.0025040897889994085), ('best ', 0.3914304751669988), ('cheese', -0.05310958947908754), ('ste', 0.004018455006492634), ('aks', -0.030606781229532014), (', ', -0.018531158450059593), ('fresh', 0.10055109998211265), ('est ', 0.04560415609739721), ('bun', -0.07121696957619861), ('s', -0.021792579849716276), (', ', -0.019415318965911865), ('there ', -0.054091422469355166), ('is ', -0.007144712726585567), ('nothing ', 0.17392887557252834), ('bad ', 0.1130054985605966), ('here', 0.024609864922240376), ('!', 0.002993069589138031), ('!', -0.04747167229652405), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "Great pizza. Grandma's pie is an all time favorite!"} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.373992339707911), ('pizza', -0.05488080624490976), ('. ', -0.014739729464054108), ('Grandma', 0.027366591151803732), ("'", 0.017267442774027586), ('s ', 0.0415676711127162), ('pie ', -0.08032838255167007), ('is ', 0.02180782239884138), ('an ', 0.10491524101234972), ('all ', 0.0013199772220104933), ('time ', -0.017927467823028564), ('favorite', 0.1842850185930729), ('!', 0.004765402525663376), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Nothing special. Precooked meals that taste microwaved.'} [('', 0.0), ('Nothing ', -0.47381811049126554), ('special', 0.2243884676572634), ('. ', -0.03308742886292748), ('Pre', -0.05858640718179231), ('co', 0.010637135141223553), ('oked ', -0.03989807965263026), ('meals ', 0.09023142292062403), ('that ', 0.10417321134809754), ('taste ', 0.06908551215019543), ('microwave', -0.11824055556644453), ('d', -0.08729308877809672), ('.', -0.056338716283789836), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'good burgers and soup!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('good ', 0.4356468776240945), ('burger', -0.1041196957230568), ('s ', 0.15386646892875433), ('and ', 0.23229817440733314), ('soup', -0.15254060016013682), ('!', 0.09572817827574909), ('!', 0.028690338134765625), ('!', 0.03960564732551575), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Consumer alert... rats!'} [('', 0.0), ('Consumer ', -0.20428432655899087), ('alert', -0.012303151124797296), ('.', 0.1040869977150578), ('.', 0.02760529531224165), ('. ', -0.01604616425174754), ('rats', -0.22461755249241833), ('!', 0.05054558835399803), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Overpriced, very slow service, food was decent.'} [('', 0.0), ('Over', -0.16847823694115505), ('pr', 0.01601960143307224), ('ice', -0.03294022672343999), ('d', 0.0145173619966954), (', ', -0.023074792232364416), ('very ', -0.02038146308677824), ('slow ', -0.05618270275499526), ('service', -0.05046236838643381), (', ', 0.03216090898422408), ('food ', 0.08950883424768108), ('was ', 0.16005410995421698), ('decent', 0.6606193897059711), ('.', -0.013476187967171427), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Just above bar food but fine in a pinch.'} [('', 0.0), ('Just ', 0.045828511007130146), ('above ', 0.40019134315662086), ('bar ', -0.018183059291914105), ('food ', -0.025987416971474886), ('but ', -0.0769493468105793), ('fine ', 0.4164126440882683), ('in ', -0.044407593086361885), ('a ', 0.11363807786256075), ('pinch', -0.0791633864864707), ('.', -0.038169052451848984), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Fantastic martinis!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Fantastic ', 0.21038812026381493), ('martini', -0.020815061405301094), ('s', 0.050505636259913445), ('!', 0.1532868817448616), ('!', 0.2706310898065567), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good hangover breakfast. HUGE portions. ANGRY service. Get the sausage.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.6459459116740618), ('hang', 0.055041616687958594), ('over ', 0.005142772650287952), ('breakfast', 0.0984880252945004), ('. ', -0.025965820474084467), ('HUGE ', 0.033042447234038264), ('portions', -8.76391859492287e-05), ('. ', 0.015340884288889356), ('ANGRY ', -0.08940217569033848), ('service', -0.0582981391416979), ('. ', -0.020462100292206742), ('Get ', -0.01955662726686569), ('the ', -0.00929204466228839), ('sausage', -0.05114155333285453), ('.', -0.017543887661304325), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Nice menu and good service \\nI recommend'} [('', 0.0), ('Nice ', 0.3553923945873976), ('menu ', -0.03967595659196377), ('and ', 0.04903683811426163), ('good ', 0.3345042052678764), ('service ', -0.015231371857225895), ('\\', -0.03521230653859675), ('nI ', -0.10165158309973776), ('recommend', 0.18204964697360992), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Messy floors but quick waiter'} [('', 0.0), ('Messy ', -0.40979671318200417), ('floors ', 0.19304862190620042), ('but ', 0.17482698045205325), ('quick ', 0.10187843162566423), ('waiter', 0.24989763367921114), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'I crave the Jackie O cake, a must have!!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', 0.08229079935699701), ('cr', -0.03249914548359811), ('ave ', 0.10401229071430862), ('the ', 0.0004927800036966801), ('Jackie ', 0.09571109293028712), ('O ', 0.05139039340429008), ('cake', 0.008891905890777707), (', ', 0.0095975361764431), ('a ', 0.1787454105215147), ('must ', -0.024934184388257563), ('have', -0.07746529905125499), ('!', 0.19329799059778452), ('!', 0.0007106475532054901), ('!', 0.0013818256556987762), ('!', -0.025218479335308075), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Decent, not great'} [('', 0.0), ('Decent', 0.35742292812938103), (', ', 0.25296707465167856), ('not ', -0.44189160081441514), ('great', 0.05276062575285323), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'We tried it once. The price is good.'} [('', 0.0), ('We ', 0.07944430410861969), ('tried ', -0.14362019195687026), ('it ', 0.07622740871738642), ('once', -0.16422039456665516), ('. ', 0.032187433913350105), ('The ', 0.001150258060079068), ('price ', -0.050452155934181064), ('is ', 0.006343644752632827), ('good', 0.896758301241789), ('.', -0.03723903279751539), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Dan is awesome!'} [('', 0.0), ('Dan ', 0.09583716839551926), ('is ', 0.0657046027481556), ('awesome', 0.14786750450730324), ('!', 0.27717067301273346), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Since closed. Surprise surprise.'} [('', 0.0), ('Since ', 0.06120835244655609), ('closed', -0.00045818090438842773), ('. ', 0.03893454372882843), ('Surprise ', 0.33470393158495426), ('surprise', 0.3339247051626444), ('.', -0.07728606835007668), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great service, very clean and comfortable!! Definitely recommend!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.18253386951982975), ('service', -0.011341525241732597), (', ', -0.018940847367048264), ('very ', 0.011990225873887539), ('clean ', 0.0685784975066781), ('and ', -0.00417906790971756), ('comfortable', 0.07626551669090986), ('!', -0.00012845080345869064), ('! ', -0.03441496938467026), ('Definitely ', 0.14180191978812218), ('recommend', 0.1849334742873907), ('!', 0.023819057270884514), ('!', -0.011426053941249847), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Bad!!! Worst Chinese food in Pittsburgh!'} [('', 0.0), ('Bad', -0.23311785764235537), ('!', 0.08183100639871554), ('!', 0.06960856180012343), ('! ', 0.026251488696289016), ('Worst ', -0.34740981271852434), ('Chinese ', 0.0020141326144766936), ('food ', 0.04064952101316521), ('in ', 0.034591847178035096), ('Pittsburgh', 0.05446811343790614), ('!', -0.03158820433782239), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Food Good overall, Owner & some help a bit bitchy'} [('', 0.0), ('Food ', 0.046207558014430106), ('Good ', 0.7399561416823417), ('overall', 0.03527715464588255), (', ', -0.014880325412377715), ('Owner ', -0.017283636290812865), ('& ', 0.08358880787272938), ('some ', -0.0028381201555021107), ('help ', 0.01277440384728834), ('a ', 0.03772152593592182), ('bit ', -0.10451683815335855), ('bitch', -0.16865003906423226), ('y', -0.020170841191429645), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Freindly staff....good cheese....can\'t wait to try the aftermentioned \\"#7\\"'} [('', -0.0002287450188305229), ('Fr', -0.01766046595488054), ('ein', -0.0769357266156779), ('dly ', -0.05383364290658695), ('staff', -0.16896832996280864), ('.', 0.018476485449355096), ('.', 0.01568385846136759), ('.', 0.0385659309492136), ('.', 0.03921761530606697), ('good ', 0.5094153693062253), ('cheese', -0.07990712212631479), ('.', 0.03292314533609897), ('.', -0.06618151390769829), ('.', -0.06976224804141869), ('.', -0.11512667530526717), ('can', -0.043603530561941786), ("'", -0.08227862481811933), ('t ', -0.013023433378240204), ('wait ', 0.0173174180154627), ('to ', -0.012405520706071163), ('try ', -0.07371081175455509), ('the ', -0.03823156063384993), ('after', -0.013143755994079744), ('ment', -0.02308745860149536), ('ioned ', -0.03887618138482246), ('\\', -0.0395799961395895), ('"', -0.011363444266687877), ('#', -0.016722287268574148), ('7', -0.006814751719631364), ('\\', -0.028831915409810952), ('"', -0.03371740092201542), ('', -0.00042659725672017563)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Very nice hotel in a great, convenient location.'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', -0.0033233948051929474), ('nice ', 0.27571934182196856), ('hotel ', 0.12150101084262133), ('in ', -0.016424503410235047), ('a ', 0.06273189070634544), ('great', 0.22517468826845288), (', ', 0.12238743435591459), ('convenient ', 0.04532184358686209), ('location', 0.007937594316899776), ('.', -0.1441031266003847), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'completely worthless wifi.'} [('', 0.0), ('completely ', -0.09071817145741079), ('worthless ', -0.15857493100338615), ('wi', -0.06271101996389916), ('fi', -0.02187858323668479), ('.', -0.0017483426308899652), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Ice cream break!'} [('', 0.0), ('Ice ', -0.02970241941511631), ('cream ', 0.07559203449636698), ('break', -0.20756335463374853), ('!', 0.7309595793485641), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Excellent atmosphere and friendly service. Food was great.'} [('', 0.0), ('Excellent ', 0.11972168833017349), ('atmosphere ', 0.051403842866420746), ('and ', 0.004660069942474365), ('friendly ', 0.1944347289390862), ('service', -0.02725528972223401), ('. ', 0.005718018859624863), ('Food ', -0.041596677619963884), ('was ', 0.0010013948194682598), ('great', 0.41997909639030695), ('.', -0.031138967722654343), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Stay away!!!!!! The waiters/waitresses hate you and your hapiness.'} [('', -0.00019787197015830316), ('Stay ', -0.0455142028258706), ('away', -0.11257203543573269), ('!', -0.021867231847863877), ('!', -0.01944068627926754), ('!', -0.027790153348178137), ('!', -0.014863327392959036), ('!', -0.013335991810890846), ('! ', -0.03360815923952032), ('The ', -0.0011535716087867816), ('waiter', -0.0011875114772313584), ('s', -0.008196468222498273), ('/', -0.0069309183685012), ('waitress', 0.0002964314104853354), ('es ', -0.0014497199529917755), ('hate ', -0.10102502516929235), ('you ', 0.018821609426595387), ('and ', -0.004181731785138254), ('your ', 0.006771400976504083), ('ha', -0.04393917715636538), ('pine', -0.0044810085440379534), ('ss', -0.04735709154859554), ('.', -0.013219382912211586), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'They have really good pizza for really cheap. Bloomfield rocks!'} [('', 0.0), ('They ', 0.07709263730794191), ('have ', 0.016755621880292892), ('really ', 0.17968742828816175), ('good ', 0.3716627806352335), ('pizza ', 0.11821223625884159), ('for ', 0.04019607744703535), ('really ', -0.04430295577185461), ('cheap', -0.49428152586187935), ('. ', -0.021027304232120514), ('Bloomfield ', -0.06676774471998215), ('rocks', 0.2573943957686424), ('!', 0.1908940225839615), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'The lunch buffet? Totally worth it.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.015474851243197918), ('lunch ', 0.17961090290918946), ('buffet', 0.032925734762102365), ('? ', -0.19508483447134495), ('Totally ', 0.11808604042744264), ('worth ', 0.6293690587044694), ('it', 0.03876167768612504), ('.', -0.05893757566809654), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "I don't see the hype. Bad service, bland food."} [('', 0.0), ('I ', -0.0174128073558677), ('don', -0.019562275153930386), ("'", -0.02675520110869911), ('t ', -0.040444896680128295), ('see ', -0.0009007212311189505), ('the ', 0.01057819937068416), ('h', -0.028542746915263706), ('ype', -0.06175159982012701), ('. ', -0.030071082976064645), ('Bad ', -0.05856747485267988), ('service', -0.027962751644736272), (', ', -0.021610592764773173), ('bland ', -0.07482149041788944), ('food', -0.01671974389864772), ('.', -0.01733001601678552), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'The food here was awesome. Get some'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.06777582690119743), ('food ', 0.26784814102575183), ('here ', -0.020180928986519575), ('was ', -0.12976138573139906), ('awesome', 0.5007830886170268), ('. ', 0.003957703709602356), ('Get ', -0.005807526409626007), ('some', 0.04461435228586197), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best drugs in town!'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.6811719797551632), ('drugs ', -0.3748176979133859), ('in ', 0.06342383602168411), ('town', 0.020855748327448964), ('!', 0.2718155235052109), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "OVERHYPED. I've had better burgers almost everywhere."} [('', 0.0), ('OVER', -0.10570388645282947), ('HY', -0.01146241623791866), ('PED', -0.08058085577795282), ('. ', -0.024085302255116403), ('I', 0.00833494529069867), ("'", 0.023921038591652177), ('ve ', -0.018184902241046075), ('had ', -0.028035665083734784), ('better ', -0.12181484718166757), ('burger', -0.10682156905386364), ('s ', -0.0012404099179548211), ('almost ', 0.01988451657234691), ('everywhere', 0.05834701788262464), ('.', -0.02479324777959846), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "Awesome wings and they're 50 cents during all Pen's games"} [('', 0.0), ('Awesome ', 0.6864287876524031), ('wings ', 0.11946003371849656), ('and ', -0.03043998498469591), ('they', 0.018514188879635185), ("'", 0.028356308408547193), ('re ', -0.03116995480377227), ('50 ', 0.02254275546874851), ('cents ', -0.1556873971130699), ('during ', -0.0460855255369097), ('all ', 0.040026329923421144), ('Pen', -0.02266215335112065), ("'", -0.02542247681412846), ('s ', -0.003668160643428564), ('games', -0.01679718028753996), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Bummer. Closed until the end of January 2012 for renovations.'} [('', 0.0), ('Bum', -0.21267168084159493), ('mer', -0.00922064296901226), ('. ', -0.061997849959880114), ('Closed ', 0.021548483811784536), ('until ', -0.031194794282782823), ('the ', -0.022249119821935892), ('end ', -0.025997324381023645), ('of ', 0.0016781981394160539), ('January ', -0.020941233407938853), ('2012 ', 0.029285069424076937), ('for ', -0.029216404785984196), ('renovations', 0.03472957041230984), ('.', -0.015253745717927814), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'They only deliver through WheelDeliver.com'} [('', 0.0), ('They ', -0.017270018230192363), ('only ', -0.4349663561588386), ('deliver ', 0.3408040279027773), ('through ', -0.01896964097977616), ('Wheel', -0.10315311873273458), ('Del', 0.03689533165015746), ('iver', 0.02615108387544751), ('.', -0.008504367870045826), ('com', -0.10461052134633064), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great location!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.1713298261165619), ('location', 0.07011133432388306), ('!', 0.23544546961784363), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Mike, the owner/cook, is awesome and the food was delicious.'} [('', 0.0), ('Mike', 0.021491028368473053), (', ', -0.021672047674655914), ('the ', 0.029626299627125263), ('owner', -0.01393667422235012), ('/', 0.07127233501523733), ('cook', 0.0931891929358244), (', ', 0.05261930450797081), ('is ', 0.008632984012365341), ('awesome ', 0.17465683072805405), ('and ', -0.015791889280080795), ('the ', -0.009494845289736986), ('food ', -0.0052679418586194515), ('was ', -0.061164705315604806), ('delicious', 0.26260111504234374), ('.', -0.01914890483021736), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "Nice interiors ...food's just like any other chinese restaurant offering"} [('', 0.0), ('Nice ', 0.24721908941864967), ('interiors ', 0.051873866468667984), ('.', -0.01437743753194809), ('.', -0.018536020070314407), ('.', -0.024399269372224808), ('food', -0.015268285875208676), ("'", 0.005557711119763553), ('s ', 0.010194070870056748), ('just ', 0.019107261090539396), ('like ', 0.20081358694005758), ('any ', -0.0666423897491768), ('other ', 0.040895866812206805), ('chinese ', 0.018566192127764225), ('restaurant ', 0.04378202836960554), ('offering', 0.06876328587532043), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Awesome sushi. Nigiri sushi here is a must-try.'} [('', 0.0), ('Awesome ', 0.3008901793509722), ('su', -0.006274005398154259), ('shi', 0.01659613475203514), ('. ', -0.02650933712720871), ('Ni', -0.03547490993514657), ('giri ', 0.0169620499946177), ('su', -0.014767474494874477), ('shi ', 0.0024271002039313316), ('here ', -0.05475045018829405), ('is ', 0.017562837107107043), ('a ', 0.20722058415412903), ('must', 0.1570346080698073), ('-', 0.016329844016581774), ('try', -0.038954677525907755), ('.', 0.009176726453006268), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "With prices this cheap,\\nI expected bland sushi.\\nBut hey, it's Pittsburgh."} [('', 1.0840849427040666e-06), ('With ', -0.005447524310511653), ('prices ', -0.03734239167351916), ('this ', -0.02083783950729412), ('cheap', -0.2780512958779582), (',', -0.015801804824150167), ('\\', -0.027982804658677196), ('nI ', -0.02718096321768826), ('expected ', -0.0545190009597718), ('bland ', -0.2043617021281534), ('su', -0.03394278825544461), ('shi', -0.008226565432778443), ('.', -0.008110199338261737), ('\\', 0.009577605315522911), ('n', -0.034360407478137255), ('Bu', 0.06473491331659413), ('t ', -0.15341945281155253), ('hey', -0.012451462306974767), (', ', 0.027840408171565894), ('it', 0.05410584895313756), ("'", 0.07366923004762309), ('s ', 0.02603911603243129), ('Pittsburgh', 0.15587906801920326), ('.', 0.008916880533433869), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': "Asian Sesame Chicken Salad is my favorite 'healthy' lunch."} [('', 0.0), ('Asian ', 0.03980197384953499), ('Sesame ', -0.04756389814428985), ('Chicken ', -0.08733006310649216), ('Salad ', -0.01015041081700474), ('is ', 0.057968072476796806), ('my ', -0.03345937211997807), ('favorite ', 0.2766085765324533), ("'", 0.055252975318580866), ('healthy', 0.37083238223567605), ("' ", 0.0006468608044087887), ('lunch', 0.0389428585767746), ('.', -0.03963392972946167), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Really good burgers!'} [('', 0.0), ('Really ', 0.19410129636526108), ('good ', 0.22178100794553757), ('burger', -0.19840772170573473), ('s', 0.1797135742381215), ('!', 0.26681625843048096), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Boring pretentious mall with old dated stores'} [('', 0.0), ('Boring ', -0.08257835333643015), ('pre', -0.01910150481853634), ('ten', -0.014026949520484777), ('tious ', -0.03786839739404968), ('mall ', 0.06883564270719944), ('with ', 0.08045586856496811), ('old ', -0.10401292890674085), ('dated ', -0.11812310919776792), ('stores', -0.060065906451200135), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Pittsburgh Restoration Hardware has the worst customer service ..stay away.'} [('', 0.0), ('Pittsburgh ', -0.010127728535735514), ('Restoration ', -0.015595970701724582), ('Hardware ', -0.044287891621024755), ('has ', -0.004759539969199977), ('the ', -0.01310606057086261), ('worst ', -0.07878445790720434), ('customer ', 0.004974690886228927), ('service ', -0.01630882907375053), ('.', -0.01891381853420171), ('.', -0.042874920727626886), ('stay ', -0.03967082575036329), ('away', -0.08088704283727566), ('.', -0.029852747062250273), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Drinks: 3\\nDecor: 4.5\\nAmbiance: 5\\nService: 3.5\\nValue: 4'} [('', 0.0013578790239989758), ('Drinks', 0.06321502826176584), (': ', 0.017354544950649142), ('3', 0.03423450607806444), ('\\', -0.0633975900709629), ('n', -0.07130145898554474), ('De', -0.03699166898149997), ('cor', 0.004108791006729007), (': ', 0.003128202515654266), ('4', 0.0021164078498259187), ('.', 0.007789426948875189), ('5', 0.009858711622655392), ('\\', -0.0007534094620496035), ('nAm', -0.047126153425779194), ('bian', -0.04117822117405012), ('ce', -0.004609720315784216), (': ', 0.0039484430936032105), ('5', 0.0006361437163182667), ('\\', -0.005891840332852943), ('nS', -0.030460113756791023), ('er', -0.0262716365786868), ('vic', -1.5977721860898448e-05), ('e', 3.677011866654663e-05), (': ', -0.001826759947774311), ('3', 0.002367252429636816), ('.', -0.0039364790388693414), ('5', 0.009529213956557214), ('\\', 0.003482341836206615), ('n', 0.0003343949618283661), ('Val', 0.02566219654981978), ('ue', -0.0041214821278117595), (': ', 0.026118675557275612), ('4', 0.034330911779155336), ('', -0.00014676774541536966)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Meticulously organized and a great selection. Definitely worth a stop.'} [('', 0.0), ('Met', 0.14897855767048895), ('ic', 0.03409955627284944), ('ulously ', -0.021127745509147644), ('organized ', -0.016071324236690998), ('and ', -0.0010828590020537376), ('a ', 0.017508331686258316), ('great ', 0.15694195590913296), ('selection', -0.00840076245367527), ('. ', -0.0181439146399498), ('Definitely ', 0.07631914084777236), ('worth ', 0.32889559166505933), ('a ', 0.00257936236448586), ('stop', -0.08060830016620457), ('.', -0.036368340253829956), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Loved it! Great vibe.'} [('', 0.0), ('Loved ', 0.18425079062581062), ('it', -0.0002590008080005646), ('! ', 0.16159388422966003), ('Great ', 0.2002838384360075), ('vibe', 0.1717949789017439), ('.', -0.026520799845457077), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Yummy Asian Fusion. Delicious Cocktails. Cool Ambiance.'} [('', 0.0), ('Yu', 0.008346202783286572), ('mmy ', -0.01856150757521391), ('Asian ', 0.05898238066583872), ('Fusion', 0.0818715626373887), ('. ', 0.01421963982284069), ('Delicious ', 0.15470401383936405), ('Cocktail', -0.0010801688767969608), ('s', 0.012529489118605852), ('. ', -0.019055768847465515), ('Cool ', 0.08679990470409393), ('Am', 0.16223521530628204), ('bian', 0.1354601727798581), ('ce', -0.05683976877480745), ('.', -0.036057665944099426), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "Appearance is best\\nThe drinks and food don't live up\\nTo expectations.\\n\\n\\n(b)"} [('', 0.0015095339537462376), ('Appearance ', 0.12619664740365502), ('is ', 0.14657319781569336), ('best', 0.265370754596006), ('\\', 0.04276481850502023), ('nT', -0.017354121463237487), ('he ', 0.06810035530118815), ('drinks ', 0.00031511796745083603), ('and ', -0.01326796739049314), ('food ', 0.017078555881380453), ('don', -0.03505462423569649), ("'", -0.04795191359377592), ('t ', -0.07833627891292659), ('live ', -0.06454313287421039), ('up', -0.06678689047592863), ('\\', -0.009204351435333331), ('nT', -0.017896638809014848), ('o ', -0.00570920351730733), ('expectations', 0.017563943019359568), ('.', -0.02162123490351015), ('\\', -0.0010856427252292633), ('n', 0.07336728181689978), ('\\', -0.014057117514312267), ('n', 0.01613518533607324), ('\\', -0.00927187285075585), ('n', 0.005522316632171472), ('(', 0.025738819502294064), ('b', -0.003970003221184015), (')', 0.03346332861110568), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Weirdest nights ever.\\nWormhole tequila black-out.\\nToo crowded/hot/cold.\\n\\n(b)'} [('', -1.4966402280454834e-06), ('Weird', -0.09605023824163557), ('est ', -0.023476668463748258), ('nights ', 0.010965272692070963), ('ever', -0.00643603897090846), ('.', 0.009631811519890713), ('\\', -0.019857954641338438), ('nW', -0.015390834374557016), ('or', -0.010816901933139889), ('m', -0.009189817745209439), ('hole ', -0.021787214831419988), ('tequila ', -0.003542981523423805), ('black', -0.03565637142128253), ('-', -0.008995924506962183), ('out', -0.028373459119393374), ('.', -0.011352082241501193), ('\\', -0.011020030212724427), ('nT', -0.006434463005765186), ('oo ', -0.02553070649203922), ('crowded', -0.01841970658642822), ('/', -0.02037992829355062), ('hot', -0.005068928034840307), ('/', -0.009782515133944495), ('cold', -0.07095177070247398), ('.', -0.00887984367000172), ('\\', -0.02620374851418698), ('n', -0.010744661724553831), ('\\', -0.01843111885561181), ('n', -0.013097793587803608), ('(', -6.648993075941689e-05), ('b', -0.012879634730779799), (')', -0.01076479953553644), ('', -2.3045944544719532e-05)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Avg food, too salty.'} [('', 0.0), ('Av', 0.002434471476590261), ('g ', -0.02177181778824888), ('food', 0.16016708097595256), (', ', 0.20313200082455296), ('too ', -0.5618270182603737), ('salty', -0.0150134456489468), ('.', -0.03930917743127793), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Nothing stood out, including the famous burnt almond torte.'} [('', 0.0), ('Nothing ', -0.6016659849774442), ('stood ', 0.2130534066418477), ('out', 0.17664884975602035), (', ', -0.022528664136189036), ('including ', 0.09025297404696175), ('the ', -0.021963096221952583), ('famous ', 0.14063426420489122), ('burnt ', -0.08408925737694517), ('almond ', 0.001198974950966658), ('tor', -0.16646948166453512), ('te', -0.08957863425894175), ('.', -0.007488207418646198), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'too sweet for me'} [('', 0.0), ('too ', -0.41387747053522617), ('sweet ', 0.3758437743381364), ('for ', 0.20632209100585897), ('me', 0.19768761098384857), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "5 stars. 'Nuf said."} [('', 0.0), ('5 ', -0.0005999854765832424), ('stars', 0.7067758566699922), ('. ', 0.11051200330257416), ("'", 0.008421083446592093), ('Nu', -0.08294390118680894), ('f ', -0.08809545333497226), ('said', 0.09765094053000212), ('.', -0.0416945181787014), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'www.bigtsreviews.com'} [('', 0.0), ('www', 0.21738462895154953), ('.', 0.1990589126944542), ('big', 0.1116380940657109), ('ts', -0.27813530270941556), ('re', -0.15407623855571728), ('view', 0.3812899927579565), ('s', 0.1549331039423123), ('.', 0.053163301199674606), ('com', -0.06975511834025383), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': '.'} [('', 0.0), ('.', 0.03364783525466919), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'I love pams!'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', 0.11831686645746231), ('love ', 0.2186722829937935), ('pam', -0.016220543533563614), ('s', 0.1348685435950756), ('!', 0.20839611440896988), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great portions, homey service, homey atmosphere, reasonable prices. Classic.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.1513325171545148), ('portions', -0.00034123193472623825), (', ', 0.0309936311095953), ('home', 0.04798545554513112), ('y ', 0.04434267006581649), ('service', -0.0938625643029809), (', ', 0.0486409580335021), ('home', 0.0678536060731858), ('y ', 0.026098586851730943), ('atmosphere', 0.06654502172023058), (', ', 0.015478812158107758), ('reasonable ', 0.0856731238309294), ('prices', -0.06789146759547293), ('. ', 0.012147277593612671), ('Classic', 0.11940090358257294), ('.', -0.0029372721910476685), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Blueberry pancakes were amazing'} [('', 0.0), ('Blue', 0.034544799476861954), ('berry ', 0.25145478174090385), ('pancakes ', -0.011164143681526184), ('were ', 0.056873470544815063), ('amazing', 0.332293838262558), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Excellent food. Great omelettes, great pan-cakes, everything is excellent!'} [('', 3.427267074584961e-07), ('Excellent ', 0.23109379410743713), ('food', 0.04861751198768616), ('. ', -0.010756373405456543), ('Great ', 0.15724817523732781), ('om', -0.08004089080107708), ('ele', 0.03154585875260333), ('ttes', 0.007729487183193366), (', ', -0.009747274219989777), ('great ', 0.08134703468531371), ('pan', 0.014193757809698582), ('-', -0.0015635784715414048), ('cakes', -0.006862341985106468), (', ', -0.00757201537489891), ('everything ', 0.032920165142665304), ('is ', -0.005819886767615874), ('excellent', 0.05283100499461094), ('!', 0.003081889823079109), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great place for brunch. I love the breakfast specials'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.3613228611648083), ('place ', 0.02456577157136053), ('for ', 0.016248277970589697), ('br', -0.013056499941740185), ('un', -0.048036398424301296), ('ch', -0.017544208210892975), ('. ', -0.008802434196695685), ('I ', 0.03555029537528753), ('love ', 0.27974333334714174), ('the ', 0.012087005190551281), ('breakfast ', 0.022795037366449833), ('specials', -0.037817247211933136), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Love Crepes Parisiennes'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.3775765523314476), ('Cr', -0.001627485267817974), ('ep', 0.027702405117452145), ('es ', 0.05277595296502113), ('Paris', 0.23916609212756157), ('ien', 0.03214366361498833), ('nes', -0.004905037581920624), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Not really for females under 45.'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', -0.3423989086295478), ('really ', 0.07011927492567338), ('for ', 0.04523331034579314), ('females ', 0.10645558720716508), ('under ', -0.07589459514565533), ('45', -0.02537498362653423), ('.', -0.0498715408903081), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Too pricey for the quality.'} [('', 0.0), ('Too ', -0.8079681508534122), ('price', 0.02262037702894304), ('y ', 0.15639156820543576), ('for ', 0.045136390581319574), ('the ', 0.07759516183432424), ('quality', 0.25773919660423417), ('.', -0.026376609195722267), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best Chinese food!!! Good delivery service, just love it!'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.1950986161828041), ('Chinese ', 0.05102107860147953), ('food', 0.07210838608443737), ('!', -0.026551246643066406), ('!', -0.01585410349071026), ('! ', -0.02399461902678013), ('Good ', 0.20996295963414013), ('delivery ', -0.009144231560640037), ('service', -0.025714209652505815), (', ', -0.009743460454046726), ('just ', -0.026255526870954782), ('love ', 0.18838891462655738), ('it', 0.016145068686455488), ('!', -0.011912851594388485), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best Italian hoagies you can get'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.4255394581705332), ('Italian ', 0.07780672423541546), ('ho', -0.01904796902090311), ('agi', -0.07920513767749071), ('es ', -0.037450553849339485), ('you ', 0.27165792509913445), ('can ', 0.0811331681907177), ('get', 0.008525528013706207), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "Best place in da 'burgh for the frequent traveler!"} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.3672430207952857), ('place ', 0.0669924090616405), ('in ', -0.023857027757912874), ('da ', -0.01964665623381734), ("'", 0.011057523544877768), ('bu', -0.009917665738612413), ('rgh ', -0.06050859624519944), ('for ', 0.005222818814218044), ('the ', 0.038394455797970295), ('frequent ', 0.10718959756195545), ('traveler', 0.12922312505543232), ('!', 0.015382945537567139), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Excellent food with great service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Excellent ', 0.17480410635471344), ('food ', 0.14506106078624725), ('with ', 0.02591782808303833), ('great ', 0.3526057321578264), ('service', 0.01917947269976139), ('.', -0.026430945843458176), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Ok food...nothing great...many better Thai restaurants in Pittsburgh!'} [('', 0.0), ('Ok ', 0.05073959651053883), ('food', 0.10533171058341395), ('.', -0.008247918318375014), ('.', -0.0023831832222640514), ('.', -0.1606182621762855), ('nothing ', -0.6827237878424057), ('great', 0.015006311066827038), ('.', -0.019291283904749434), ('.', -0.06650254200212657), ('.', -0.026838878635317087), ('many ', 0.2150694171723444), ('better ', -0.03335543081630021), ('Thai ', -0.034570263014757074), ('restaurants ', 0.014918090877472423), ('in ', 0.005107688310090452), ('Pittsburgh', 0.08758899540407583), ('!', 0.10891685914248228), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Love the staff and LOVE the thai pad. Yummy!'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.15583693142980337), ('the ', 0.005836582742631435), ('staff ', 0.01615658588707447), ('and ', -0.0051979199051856995), ('LOVE ', 0.1929781544022262), ('the ', -0.007130184676498175), ('thai ', 0.028529359959065914), ('pad', -0.0314370458945632), ('. ', -0.012011723592877388), ('Yu', 0.1042302306741476), ('mmy', -0.02246403880417347), ('!', 0.20195512101054192), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'I love the Radisson!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', 0.008527858182787895), ('love ', 0.3400269076228142), ('the ', -0.0004111919552087784), ('Ra', 0.07580330647033406), ('dis', -0.06839441373449517), ('son', 0.23947430215775967), ('!', 0.06272657215595245), ('!', 0.04907325655221939), ('!', 0.0061838626861572266), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': '3x. So far so good.'} [('', 0.0), ('3', -0.07601604238152504), ('x', -0.0051628462970256805), ('. ', 0.02243468165397644), ('So ', -0.014370429562404752), ('far ', -0.006264328258112073), ('so ', 0.1364479656331241), ('good', 0.7082048421725631), ('.', -0.03601780906319618), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Get your wallet ready, the prices are crazy high!'} [('', 0.0), ('Get ', -0.09115529945120215), ('your ', 0.042399854864925146), ('wallet ', -0.10088469530455768), ('ready', 0.10649367305450141), (', ', 0.16922458447515965), ('the ', 0.01964803831651807), ('prices ', -0.26902136066928506), ('are ', 0.1326702939113602), ('crazy ', 0.1308448874624446), ('high', 0.4237940893508494), ('!', 0.09780360385775566), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Pricey,but worth it in an emergncy.'} [('', 0.0), ('Price', 0.1376536814495921), ('y', 0.19746283162385225), (',', -0.031191356480121613), ('but ', -0.09702562884194776), ('worth ', 0.48761474892671686), ('it ', 0.1053571440425003), ('in ', 0.02506630969583057), ('an ', 0.031328793993452564), ('em', -0.004526616103248671), ('er', -0.1027709859481547), ('gn', -0.07358549817581661), ('cy', -0.04654540857882239), ('.', -0.020507408189587295), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "I didn't wake up as a doctor."} [('', 0.0), ('I ', -0.07614809612277895), ('didn', -0.10788498701367644), ("'", -0.028031678830302553), ('t ', -0.14056656631146325), ('wake ', -0.013555380715843057), ('up ', 0.06491312852085684), ('as ', 0.03488506760368182), ('a ', 0.04986832290342136), ('doctor', 0.020891146999929333), ('.', -0.10647243804123718), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great food! awesome Margaritas!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.12390575557947159), ('food', 0.08402811735868454), ('! ', 0.15385472774505615), ('awesome ', 0.2577938362956047), ('Margarita', 0.0072624655440449715), ('s', 0.06968773435801268), ('!', 0.026906102895736694), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Very dated, small bathroom, tube TV\\n\\nBreakfast was good.'} [('', 5.548819899559021e-06), ('Very ', -0.10182024532696232), ('dated', -0.3506024968228303), (', ', 0.004170680418610573), ('small ', 0.025490248241112567), ('bathroom', -0.014815727670793422), (', ', 0.12137569877086207), ('tube ', -0.039402320224326104), ('TV', -0.03203239041249617), ('\\', -0.0147270241905062), ('n', -0.021461320342496037), ('\\', -0.03296404256252572), ('n', -0.007814010645233793), ('Break', -0.0036204460593580734), ('fast ', 0.0029186307147028856), ('was ', 0.02577607192324649), ('good', 0.6577806550649257), ('.', 0.13480389810865745), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "They've got boys' clothes. They've got girls' clothes."} [('', 0.0), ('They', -0.019240111578255892), ("'", -0.0516569665633142), ('ve ', 0.07510785013437271), ('got ', 0.13015608303248882), ('boys', 0.08114903280511498), ("' ", 0.018724425695836544), ('clothes', -0.10110075445845723), ('. ', 0.19576578494161367), ('They', 0.08774742670357227), ("'", -0.005324024707078934), ('ve ', 0.029550198232755065), ('got ', 0.23397670895792544), ('girls', 0.1369049516506493), ("' ", -0.056010008323937654), ('clothes', -0.14405252039432526), ('.', -0.06745587289333344), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'ALWAYS delicious! Oktoberfest is insane every year.'} [('', 0.0), ('ALWAYS ', 0.10795357543975115), ('delicious', 0.4482065411284566), ('! ', 0.21235869266092777), ('Ok', -0.028105896955821663), ('to', -0.02386680053314194), ('ber', -0.02700879832264036), ('fest ', 0.022690667654387653), ('is ', 0.001227076252689585), ('insane ', -0.2303935061499942), ('every ', 0.08046153161558323), ('year', 0.08102112481719814), ('.', -0.01726167753804475), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great food and service. Very happy with my visit.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.1914926916360855), ('food ', 0.003330126404762268), ('and ', 0.09164575580507517), ('service', 0.0009238463826477528), ('. ', 0.045873063150793314), ('Very ', -0.0338686415925622), ('happy ', 0.25306080374866724), ('with ', 0.03328993637114763), ('my ', 0.02535387221723795), ('visit', 0.09030396677553654), ('.', -0.035344198346138), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Booooo'} [('', 0.0), ('Boo', -0.3276344910264015), ('oo', 0.1914122775197029), ('o', 0.2468380630016327), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Good food and good service. Will definitely go back.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.14489022456109524), ('food ', 0.028105033561587334), ('and ', -0.005382407456636429), ('good ', 0.19899760140106082), ('service', -0.02721248520538211), ('. ', -0.0044526755809783936), ('Will ', 0.05054250336252153), ('definitely ', 0.3154935569036752), ('go ', 0.0364664108492434), ('back', -0.037128963973373175), ('.', -0.03426675498485565), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good service, small portions'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.6124126734212041), ('service', 0.05339758936315775), (', ', 0.049673186615109444), ('small ', -0.12000486627221107), ('portions', 0.06841621920466423), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Ate lunch here. Was good! Service was friendly'} [('', 0.0), ('Ate ', -0.08140846341848373), ('lunch ', 0.2890667342580855), ('here', 0.013517742510885), ('. ', 0.02807195484638214), ('Was ', -0.04522140836343169), ('good', 0.2456610552035272), ('! ', 0.02488642930984497), ('Service ', -0.0499115907587111), ('was ', -0.017296419013291597), ('friendly', 0.2894849209114909), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Very busy starbucks.'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.2831946931837592), ('busy ', -0.4291613675595727), ('starbucks', -0.22090345481410623), ('.', -0.04486426030052826), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Over-crowded, nothing special'} [('', 0.0), ('Over', -0.11010835964771104), ('-', -0.0018740349951258395), ('crowded', -0.1290175625545089), (', ', 0.08697952897637151), ('nothing ', -0.3187394953711191), ('special', 0.164273442744161), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': "You'll know when you've hit it.\\n\\n(Ba-dum crash!)"} [('', -2.491975707622866e-05), ('You', 0.004937613489649569), ("'", 0.005787577586791788), ('ll ', 0.018519886701445405), ('know ', -0.1499087529470368), ('when ', -0.15117276344487132), ('you', 0.0997586900969812), ("'", -0.030979275829546776), ('ve ', -0.018484875220262136), ('hit ', -0.048266865904831015), ('it', -0.007736209673263754), ('.', 0.07128983048217681), ('\\', -0.017989204119658098), ('n', -0.02023444217047654), ('\\', -0.011326521955197677), ('n', -0.033157799422042444), ('(', 0.016867800630279817), ('Ba', -0.023265128358616494), ('-', -0.002876684404327534), ('du', -0.0480566186215583), ('m ', -0.03136222503053432), ('crash', -0.08406064928203705), ('!', -0.0203213787972345), (')', -0.01613884055404924), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good beer, tried their Rock bottom IPA'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.7961773903225549), ('beer', -0.017052918614353985), (', ', 0.07864650816190988), ('tried ', -0.0335189901816193), ('their ', 0.0038360576436389238), ('Rock ', 0.008362506268895231), ('bottom ', -0.09093458332063165), ('IPA', -0.01853951602242887), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Excellent food and good portions for the price.'} [('', 0.0), ('Excellent ', 0.3465998247265816), ('food ', 0.010210074484348297), ('and ', 0.056544963270425797), ('good ', 0.31865517795085907), ('portions ', -0.021688144654035568), ('for ', 0.0340328689198941), ('the ', 0.0406022013630718), ('price', -0.07061020890250802), ('.', -0.0013351049274206161), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Their food is made of magic.'} [('', 0.0), ('Their ', 0.006341338157653809), ('food ', 0.30161978490650654), ('is ', 0.038695020601153374), ('made ', 0.10582157596945763), ('of ', -0.040720026940107346), ('magic', 0.3361661210656166), ('.', -0.024624131619930267), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Very poor service. Unremarkable at best.'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.04685879532189574), ('poor ', -0.219346070206484), ('service', 0.018693707220336364), ('. ', -0.015100599699508166), ('Un', -0.2089177661582653), ('rem', 0.07604325347892882), ('ark', -0.0777868859731825), ('able ', 0.022340317025737022), ('at ', -0.18204436026735493), ('best', 0.26065230999029154), ('.', -0.05502781147515634), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Time Warner over AT&T any day of the year...'} [('', 0.0001958864158950746), ('Time ', -0.08789943304145709), ('Warner ', 0.030216431616281625), ('over ', -0.2757932313470519), ('AT', 0.03594386168697383), ('&', 0.03067924537754152), ('T ', -0.19922194734681398), ('any ', -0.09178605570923537), ('day ', 0.11306195044016931), ('of ', 0.07200421999732498), ('the ', 0.06446382786089089), ('year', 0.11815096378268208), ('.', -0.018507740809582174), ('.', -0.08928330894559622), ('.', -0.08234419114887714), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Food is decent. But, the people are super nice.'} [('', 0.0), ('Food ', -0.023322800174355507), ('is ', 0.08686122391372919), ('decent', 0.275049046613276), ('. ', -0.024906985461711884), ('But', -0.07540384028106928), (', ', 0.0014096135273575783), ('the ', -0.004239415284246206), ('people ', -0.014725521206855774), ('are ', 0.029043448390439153), ('super ', 0.05325188976712525), ('nice', 0.3520406107418239), ('.', -0.027814019937068224), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Horrible!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Horrible', -0.8777475328679429), ('!', 0.1195693927584216), ('!', 0.23543030995642766), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Excellent! Home cooking, friendly service and the pies are amazing!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Excellent', 0.31966475024819374), ('! ', -0.009159427136182785), ('Home ', 0.01673635235056281), ('cooking', 0.0020393854938447475), (', ', 0.014682144857943058), ('friendly ', 0.1235249067734306), ('service ', -0.010935221837523082), ('and ', 0.023760384259124596), ('the ', -0.00664232197838525), ('pie', -0.037855950048348554), ('s ', -0.0014896669696706037), ('are ', -0.011603660503169522), ('amazing', 0.18445618168334477), ('!', 0.014225106802769005), ('!', -0.05378587543964386), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Very inconsistent.'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.20694836559414398), ('inconsistent', -0.7669216199865332), ('.', 0.03749161137966439), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Breakfast food is excellent, so is the service and restaurant.'} [('', 0.0), ('Breakfast ', 0.07999647129327059), ('food ', 0.25146803190000355), ('is ', -0.009651667205616832), ('excellent', 0.4504139949567616), (', ', -0.020733000710606575), ('so ', -0.21001582394819707), ('is ', 0.027065354748629034), ('the ', -0.03555921744555235), ('service ', -0.034156914334744215), ('and ', 0.05700456956401467), ('restaurant', 0.07254841714166105), ('.', -0.0011063881684094667), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great place...excellent fried catfish.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.29240320436656475), ('place', 0.011678734794259071), ('.', 0.053979359567165375), ('.', 0.010019764304161072), ('.', 0.0043606385588645935), ('excellent ', 0.44343326101079583), ('fried ', -0.027910715900361538), ('catfish', -0.042638476472347975), ('.', -0.032370563596487045), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Friendly, excellent service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Friendly', 0.21258649975061417), (', ', 0.11942393332719803), ('excellent ', 0.2956895977258682), ('service', 0.05876143276691437), ('.', -0.022434517741203308), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "Rudest bartender I've ever had"} [('', 0.0), ('Rude', -0.7351740532976692), ('st ', -0.03523786720325006), ('bartender ', 0.01667711464324384), ('I', 0.11349502725170169), ("'", 0.03939641854049114), ('ve ', 0.10830460801662412), ('ever ', 0.20531160665268544), ('had', 0.01806346361991018), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great service and wines. Best calamari in town'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.20055185537785292), ('service ', -0.019574793986976147), ('and ', 0.0031563378870487213), ('wines', 0.07925731129944324), ('. ', 0.07012859918177128), ('Best ', 0.25544612295925617), ('cal', -0.003738716710358858), ('ama', 0.023879618849605322), ('ri ', -0.008420157246291637), ('in ', 0.04896328318864107), ('town', 0.016397695057094097), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Excellent Health Care'} [('', 0.0), ('Excellent ', 0.24995216727256775), ('Health ', 0.07368531823158264), ('Care', 0.15321898460388184), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Norwood, Munnerlyn, Wharton - Go Gamecocks! Go Panthers!'} [('', 0.0), ('Norwood', 0.18383726198226213), (', ', 0.029694135300815105), ('Mu', 0.051254178513772786), ('nne', -0.03615294408518821), ('rly', 0.1527423586230725), ('n', 0.018689466873183846), (', ', 0.08391524478793144), ('Wharton ', 0.026600401382893324), ('- ', 0.02536111744120717), ('Go ', -0.009122803807258606), ('Game', 0.040463705256115645), ('cock', -0.1317569172824733), ('s', 0.07186982408165932), ('! ', 0.09868445992469788), ('Go ', 0.06902137212455273), ('Panthers', -0.13421533070504665), ('!', -0.02458130568265915), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'great team,'} [('', 0.0), ('great ', 0.19184516370296478), ('team', 0.18672321736812592), (',', 0.09830132126808167), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'So far I like it.'} [('', 0.0), ('So ', 0.11299869418144226), ('far ', 0.021026547998189926), ('I ', 0.06618914380669594), ('like ', 0.1682682614773512), ('it', 0.4217811580747366), ('.', -0.09915230050683022), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'The Colony & Sharon location closed.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.049201955494936556), ('Colony ', -0.03490199651423609), ('& ', 0.15904180725192418), ('Sharon ', 0.11062974038213724), ('location ', -0.06984209171059774), ('closed', -0.46868428934249096), ('.', -0.020762141153682023), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Best and worst bar in Charlotte, NC'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.3225218621373642), ('and ', 0.047677008544269484), ('worst ', -0.7381449094864365), ('bar ', -0.016959737447905354), ('in ', 0.01333888929366367), ('Charlotte', 0.05788318152553984), (', ', 0.055160369927762076), ('NC', -0.011064593272749335), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best sandwich in town...New Jersey all the way'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.44649597257375717), ('sandwich ', -0.10365911666303873), ('in ', 0.09352939017117023), ('town', 0.09073582198470831), ('.', 0.03934507071971893), ('.', 0.028766518458724022), ('.', 0.018148457631468773), ('New ', 0.037238565273582935), ('Jersey ', 0.036315125413239), ('all ', -0.01616318477317691), ('the ', 0.07281116908416152), ('way', -0.11669664457440376), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "An Omni hotel. You know what you're getting."} [('', 0.0), ('An ', 0.13869908079504967), ('Om', -0.1073938652407378), ('ni ', -0.09760906617157161), ('hotel', 0.04230248695239425), ('. ', 0.023321721702814102), ('You ', 0.16319627640768886), ('know ', -0.12371714739128947), ('what ', -0.0009875409305095673), ('you', 0.5616967141395435), ("'", 0.07695385941769928), ('re ', -0.004496263049077243), ('getting', -0.030224774091038853), ('.', -0.03439834527671337), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Rough start for lunch. Waitress with an attitude.'} [('', 0.0), ('Rough ', -0.6084608803503215), ('start ', -0.032828616618644446), ('for ', -0.011907146719750017), ('lunch', 0.12020680925343186), ('. ', 0.015384933911263943), ('Waitress ', -0.007395633030682802), ('with ', 0.1992215048521757), ('an ', 0.1136140717426315), ('attitude', 0.01334971736650914), ('.', 0.051713837310671806), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Michelins. Their service writers are competent and courteous. Free rotations.'} [('', 0.0), ('Michel', 0.1547650285065174), ('ins', -0.04691338539123535), ('. ', 0.04240754619240761), ('Their ', 0.004569919314235449), ('service ', -0.048179689794778824), ('writers ', 0.007088157697580755), ('are ', 0.01165089476853609), ('competent ', 0.2468016726197675), ('and ', 0.008491309359669685), ('court', 0.15036909037735313), ('eous', 0.06619009061250836), ('. ', -0.003530643880367279), ('Free ', -0.03937136381864548), ('rotation', 0.04075649520382285), ('s', -0.010948964860290289), ('.', -0.03245158493518829), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good but too pricey for what you get.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.5007945138495415), ('but ', -0.21793607180006802), ('too ', -0.7846566209336743), ('price', -0.01622564643912483), ('y ', 0.096631257867557), ('for ', 0.24665632494725287), ('what ', -0.10858279909007251), ('you ', 0.537781817605719), ('get', -0.12963880435563624), ('.', -0.10737927164882421), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good fresh sushi- I go once a week.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.30196699872612953), ('fresh ', 0.2517913915216923), ('su', -0.09430037997663021), ('shi', 0.030104557052254677), ('- ', -0.0014905603602528572), ('I ', 0.0026283571496605873), ('go ', 0.07099711033515632), ('once ', 0.019649698631837964), ('a ', 0.049881971441209316), ('week', 0.045893642120063305), ('.', -0.011282697319984436), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Solid deli with good ingredients, quick service and reasonable prices.'} [('', 0.0), ('Solid ', 0.19781670812517405), ('del', -0.015834809746593237), ('i ', -0.019743613433092833), ('with ', 0.011418956331908703), ('good ', 0.13802519533783197), ('ingredients', 0.021741807460784912), (', ', -0.005607549101114273), ('quick ', -0.03630214463919401), ('service ', -0.006589444354176521), ('and ', 0.14848739746958017), ('reasonable ', 0.2851474033668637), ('prices', -0.06284828018397093), ('.', -0.04632148705422878), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'You wont regret it'} [('', 0.0), ('You ', 0.2614259374095127), ('won', 0.19455401686718687), ('t ', 0.19416480319341645), ('regret ', -0.48367298941593617), ('it', 0.1394147687824443), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'service was great, food was good for the price.'} [('', 0.0), ('service ', -0.021701855584979057), ('was ', -0.04786647483706474), ('great', 0.39564582146704197), (', ', 0.024699419736862183), ('food ', 0.006620477885007858), ('was ', 0.02175092324614525), ('good ', 0.36861739261075854), ('for ', -0.03636218188330531), ('the ', -0.003232896327972412), ('price', -0.02501021884381771), ('.', -0.017319245263934135), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Awesome selection but staff are very rude'} [('', 0.0), ('Awesome ', 0.33848461566958576), ('selection ', 0.04445170413237065), ('but ', -0.2698977952823043), ('staff ', 0.0714899625054386), ('are ', 0.07960481229747529), ('very ', -0.07203073354321532), ('rude', -0.41791073919739574), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great Subs!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.5178685076534748), ('Sub', -0.309945703484118), ('s', 0.10033610183745623), ('!', 0.27825792133808136), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': "Delicious & unique. You can't go wrong here."} [('', 0.0), ('Delicious ', 0.17041828110814095), ('& ', 0.027855345979332924), ('unique', 0.1410998497158289), ('. ', -0.02523704618215561), ('You ', 0.053929039801005274), ('can', 0.05361651327984873), ("'", 0.06361667114833836), ('t ', 0.07067513026413508), ('go ', 0.001925410731928423), ('wrong ', 0.1175820749194827), ('here', -0.011284126318059862), ('.', -0.0368912493577227), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Try the Stingray! So delicious. Great service too.'} [('', 0.0), ('Try ', -0.12391620595008135), ('the ', -0.013287295587360859), ('Sting', -0.04430974833667278), ('ray', 0.033581001684069633), ('! ', -0.004222245886921883), ('So ', -0.030766537180170417), ('delicious', 0.4316870083566755), ('. ', -0.008923809975385666), ('Great ', 0.3629482451469812), ('service ', 0.007734150702162879), ('too', -0.09695105053833686), ('.', 0.1136622279882431), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'You must try the roti canai appetizer!'} [('', 0.0), ('You ', 0.04062729328870773), ('must ', -0.1790976687334478), ('try ', -0.2914563142694533), ('the ', 0.024948053061962128), ('rot', -0.48922174284234643), ('i ', 0.012938664411194623), ('can', 0.15946490966598503), ('ai ', 0.09477545358822681), ('app', 0.1670896956056822), ('eti', 0.2199811564933043), ('zer', -0.13913132366724312), ('!', 0.1171111618168652), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Love this place. Great sushi. Great service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.2757677938789129), ('this ', 0.04599082097411156), ('place', 0.02741624228656292), ('. ', -0.01604524254798889), ('Great ', 0.17956858314573765), ('su', -0.011379376519471407), ('shi', 0.008334445301443338), ('. ', -0.010291364043951035), ('Great ', 0.20271585416048765), ('service', -0.018511543981730938), ('.', -0.017498552799224854), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Not good Chinese food.'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', -0.630409715409769), ('good ', 0.13575771475552756), ('Chinese ', 0.041326355587443686), ('food', 0.16258355380705325), ('.', -0.0448994912658236), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'My cookie had no fortune.'} [('', 0.0), ('My ', -0.02900049880554434), ('cookie ', -0.08460717189882416), ('had ', -0.02278988440230023), ('no ', -0.44356377276199055), ('fortune', 0.2945185345415666), ('.', -0.022900388612470124), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best Chinese in town. Quick delivery, great service, great price.'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.24790016189217567), ('Chinese ', 0.02462274581193924), ('in ', 0.02369963936507702), ('town', 0.02999325655400753), ('. ', -0.03368483483791351), ('Quick ', 0.03499804553575814), ('delivery', 0.03331547579728067), (', ', 0.03203166555613279), ('great ', 0.22588388551957905), ('service', -0.035170427756384015), (', ', 0.02214840054512024), ('great ', 0.11178751941770315), ('price', -0.09193565975874662), ('.', -0.04209202155470848), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Very good, always friendly and great portions'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.053246501833200455), ('good', 0.23734598979353905), (', ', 0.07410076260566711), ('always ', 0.03598584420979023), ('friendly ', 0.12396872602403164), ('and ', 0.025785990059375763), ('great ', 0.17781656980514526), ('portions', 0.0010319948196411133), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Skip this one.'} [('', 0.0), ('Skip ', -0.6695263116998831), ('this ', 0.16708660396761843), ('one', 0.13378938771711546), ('.', -0.04439249055576511), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'BBQ shrimp...\\nFried oysters...\\nRBR...\\n\\nAll brilliant.'} [('', 0.0004351307482769092), ('BB', -0.04561171952324609), ('Q ', -0.021996798847491544), ('shrimp', -0.0021986759966239333), ('.', 0.029626908362843096), ('.', 0.006325053400360048), ('.', 0.019187644473277032), ('\\', 0.0058002798177767545), ('n', 0.0090437889060316), ('Fr', 0.04465831375758474), ('ied ', -0.057855321162302666), ('oyster', -0.019345776197345305), ('s', 0.0044704298294770215), ('.', -0.029938654353221256), ('.', -0.019463050450819235), ('.', -0.021895512278812628), ('\\', -0.045716699018764), ('nR', -0.043117821721049644), ('BR', -0.04125693630582342), ('.', -0.03228895905582855), ('.', -0.02927144238492474), ('.', -0.023087255598511547), ('\\', -0.02656740800011903), ('n', -0.019070581416599452), ('\\', -0.024569343659095466), ('nA', -0.023886150418547913), ('ll ', -0.02595049302908592), ('brilliant', 0.900423826824408), ('.', 0.001704860245808959), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'best fried chicken in charlotte.'} [('', 0.0), ('best ', 0.7118528708815575), ('fried ', -0.013743574265390635), ('chicken ', -0.1538920677267015), ('in ', 0.04567879997193813), ('charlotte', 0.14920965395867825), ('.', -0.04911242052912712), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'What a cluster'} [('', 0.0), ('What ', 0.20911714434623718), ('a ', 0.22378088533878326), ('cluster', -0.025391146540641785), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'beautiful airport- no wall plugs'} [('', 0.0), ('beautiful ', 0.7081664296565577), ('airport', 0.07156432358897291), ('- ', 0.04502044784021564), ('no ', -0.06317683489760384), ('wall ', -0.029635373095516115), ('plug', -0.0880212279735133), ('s', 0.014252458116970956), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Cleanest. Airport. Ever.'} [('', 0.0), ('Clean', 0.24651923403143883), ('est', 0.00689307227730751), ('. ', 0.10837113857269287), ('Airport', 0.09863198176026344), ('. ', 0.03942843899130821), ('Ever', 0.16779706999659538), ('.', 0.05554388836026192), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'This airport is really nice. That is all O_O'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', -0.018371178302913904), ('airport ', 0.009085218654945493), ('is ', 0.009924557292833924), ('really ', 0.18064567307010293), ('nice', 0.5726174339652061), ('. ', 0.03722349042072892), ('That ', 0.013587280176579952), ('is ', -0.03010911913588643), ('all ', -0.026493859943002462), ('O', 0.014465222833678126), ('_', -0.15923998900689185), ('O', 0.02393170678988099), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Clean, some renovations under way.'} [('', 0.0), ('Clean', 0.5742358416318893), (', ', 0.15764854848384857), ('some ', 0.0005315127782523632), ('renovations ', 0.16335367504507303), ('under ', -0.2438988301437348), ('way', 0.09497858048416674), ('.', -0.02462068200111389), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Weird airport setup. Not really a fan.'} [('', 0.0), ('Weird ', -0.1334247836130089), ('airport ', 0.0014826272054051515), ('setup', -0.03971974524392863), ('. ', 0.029914364582509734), ('Not ', -0.3631239271198865), ('really ', 0.05007344105979428), ('a ', 0.05592600891759503), ('fan', 0.14190146094551892), ('.', -0.029305962540092878), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Avg.'} [('', 0.0), ('Av', 0.06538742780685425), ('g', 0.06281659007072449), ('.', 0.2037009298801422), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Lines at TSA PreCheck is short. Love it.'} [('', 0.0), ('Lines ', -0.0234918832720723), ('at ', -0.009000176447443664), ('TS', -0.02864883690199349), ('A ', -0.02379537136584986), ('Pre', -0.010740583536971826), ('Che', -0.01918316478986526), ('ck ', -0.017433681336115114), ('is ', 0.006347805050609168), ('short', -0.052144407214655075), ('. ', -0.015891974573605694), ('Love ', 0.5928183023934253), ('it', 0.24713234268710949), ('.', -0.03662353064282797), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Bojangles is awesome in this airport. Great chicken sandos!'} [('', 0.0), ('Bo', 0.05582232028245926), ('jan', 0.014799978584051132), ('gles ', -0.01737869903445244), ('is ', 0.042847535805776715), ('awesome ', 0.2605891649145633), ('in ', 0.0015577959129586816), ('this ', 0.005093093146570027), ('airport', -0.03376378701068461), ('. ', -0.016937628388404846), ('Great ', 0.35434307192917913), ('chicken ', -0.11692928930278867), ('sand', 0.0239668944850564), ('os', 0.00133464764803648), ('!', 0.00814095139503479), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Bojangles in Terminal B, go ! That is all. :-)'} [('', 0.0002509336918592453), ('Bo', 0.22168438982528946), ('jan', 0.0735190953904142), ('gles ', 0.018811120962103207), ('in ', -0.051310551430409156), ('Terminal ', -0.3110826875393589), ('B', -0.06960393240054448), (', ', 0.02687472919933498), ('go ', 0.37318350188434124), ('! ', 0.2668060529977083), ('That ', 0.058339132384086646), ('is ', -0.08863635136124988), ('all', 0.06610457149023811), ('. ', 0.007506240159273148), (':', -0.07938541347781818), ('-', -0.02495259667436282), (')', 0.03095499922831853), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'This airport needs a train like Atlanta.'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', -0.012406121473759413), ('airport ', 0.06326200417242944), ('needs ', -0.6022711091209203), ('a ', 0.09542575816158205), ('train ', 0.09061200567521155), ('like ', 0.1697523485054262), ('Atlanta', 0.0495781596400775), ('.', -0.03232840890996158), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'i hate US Airways, shitty services'} [('', 0.0), ('i ', 0.03355953164282255), ('hate ', -0.24371226063158247), ('US ', 0.07717617038724711), ('Airways', -0.0886370447515219), (', ', 0.08330772127374075), ('shitty ', -0.19017967663239688), ('services', 0.05261717495159246), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'yeah, its an airport'} [('', 0.0), ('yeah', 0.22538777440786362), (', ', 0.13643183559179306), ('its ', 0.027280602604150772), ('an ', 0.15468192473053932), ('airport', 0.1155896857380867), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Clean and open airport. Loved it!'} [('', 0.0), ('Clean ', 0.16314777731895447), ('and ', 0.022896334528923035), ('open ', 0.12451269663870335), ('airport', 0.036693720147013664), ('. ', 0.017332427203655243), ('Loved ', 0.2701350226998329), ('it', 0.07448845356702805), ('!', 0.020082026720046997), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'This place is closed last year.'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', 0.022767684189602733), ('place ', 0.15802409127354622), ('is ', 0.059670549351722), ('closed ', -0.5143053009232972), ('last ', 0.026505643065320328), ('year', 0.02137981599662453), ('.', -0.046199497766792774), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "It doesn't get any better than this. My heart overfloweth."} [('', 0.0), ('It ', -0.12861860619159415), ('doesn', -0.06769989151507616), ("'", -0.0540251376805827), ('t ', -0.1148977015982382), ('get ', -0.06686240670023835), ('any ', -0.15402480215925607), ('better ', 0.08093339735023619), ('than ', 0.0018923382503999164), ('this', 0.039765294171957066), ('. ', 0.20426388760097325), ('My ', 0.1569536946772132), ('heart ', 0.2614753884554375), ('over', -0.09960612235590816), ('flow', 0.27345679118297994), ('eth', 0.05167684279149398), ('.', 0.08760152955073863), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great hotel. Good service, Great shuttle service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.24932756274938583), ('hotel', 0.07816309481859207), ('. ', 0.02151140570640564), ('Good ', 0.19876577658578753), ('service', -0.04519644333049655), (', ', 0.02534358948469162), ('Great ', 0.20601281011477113), ('shuttle ', -0.008571152575314045), ('service', -0.013514257501810789), ('.', -0.014943448826670647), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great Gyros! Its a hidden secret. Yum! Cheap prices too.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.20842900972638745), ('G', 0.042474123803913244), ('yr', 0.08064685215322243), ('os', -0.005275507923215628), ('! ', -0.055540862143971026), ('Its ', -0.03844686996671953), ('a ', 0.046897695152438246), ('hidden ', 0.012104036408345564), ('secret', 0.016960054517767276), ('. ', 0.03994719016191084), ('Yu', -0.01670736003870843), ('m', -0.035439924940874334), ('! ', 0.024581830235547386), ('Cheap ', -0.4848360039650288), ('prices ', -0.14675848010301706), ('too', -0.12835541729145916), ('.', -0.015378573109046556), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "I'm leaving California and moving into the parking lot."} [('', 0.0), ('I', 0.021647117740940303), ("'", 0.03604646836174652), ('m ', -0.01699033976183273), ('leaving ', -0.48977807941264473), ('California ', 0.12445258593652397), ('and ', 0.21997543808538467), ('moving ', 0.27236401176196523), ('into ', -0.05701151888933964), ('the ', -0.008486268889100756), ('parking ', -0.2578272028549691), ('lot', 0.13930303367669694), ('.', 0.002797864901367575), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "Dry chicken, bland help, yay it's southpark."} [('', 0.0), ('Dry ', -0.09304070893267635), ('chicken', -0.08205333350633737), (', ', 0.027632771292701364), ('bland ', -0.13490802586602513), ('help', -0.0632380855968222), (', ', 0.04805352109542582), ('ya', -0.00636567865149118), ('y ', 0.053055403230246156), ('it', -0.02241008626879193), ("'", 0.035977056380943395), ('s ', 0.00969216825615149), ('south', -0.15802947829070035), ('park', 0.03793105219665449), ('.', -0.06605016053072177), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'The fajitas were delicious!'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.05568687617778778), ('fa', 0.09902170207351446), ('jit', 0.1582764508202672), ('as ', 0.0013268329203128815), ('were ', -0.03747452795505524), ('delicious', 0.3977479487657547), ('!', 0.0488545298576355), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'A little too pricey sandwich-wise, but it was good.'} [('', 0.0), ('A ', 0.010854525346076116), ('little ', -0.03421788632113021), ('too ', -0.318041644510231), ('price', 0.04695159492621315), ('y ', 0.06664826012638514), ('sandwich', -0.07122453467491141), ('-', 0.01174609863119258), ('wise', 0.06419152719172416), (', ', 0.015953349211486056), ('but ', -0.0745235889335163), ('it ', -0.01928348114597611), ('was ', 0.04021452961023897), ('good', 0.8603582386858761), ('.', -0.016444265813333914), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great upscale selection. Desserts, pasta, fish etc. great coffee.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.16455240920186043), ('upscale ', 0.12883742712438107), ('selection', 0.01642235927283764), ('. ', -0.02609165757894516), ('Dessert', 0.08727063948754221), ('s', 0.023729837615974247), (', ', 0.04242578218691051), ('pasta', 0.0049748236779123545), (', ', 0.016481557162478566), ('fish ', -0.04015095601789653), ('etc', 0.00290526426397264), ('. ', -0.004611905664205551), ('great ', 0.19404432736337185), ('coffee', -0.025052102282643318), ('.', -0.018190037459135056), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Had lunch. Everything was good. Great service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Had ', -0.0016545113176107407), ('lunch', 0.13469883613288403), ('. ', 0.02506280690431595), ('Everything ', -0.0031300444388762116), ('was ', -0.009572790586389601), ('good', 0.2016449135262519), ('. ', 0.002292271703481674), ('Great ', 0.409563603810966), ('service', -0.030613682232797146), ('.', -0.03137863799929619), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Love this place!!! Food is great!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.26421898044645786), ('this ', 0.041657558642327785), ('place', 0.02015057858079672), ('!', 0.006992854177951813), ('!', 0.00010729674249887466), ('! ', 0.0007146475836634636), ('Food ', 0.09154266736004502), ('is ', 0.025130023597739637), ('great', 0.20446846820414066), ('!', 0.019597819074988365), ('!', -0.008508466184139252), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': "It's good and cheap(in that area)."} [('', 0.0), ('It', 0.008516990579664707), ("'", 0.1858285954222083), ('s ', 0.12947168201208115), ('good ', 0.5223984862932411), ('and ', 0.1388383764970058), ('cheap', -0.3360014661666355), ('(', 0.026133768260478973), ('in ', -0.009607253596186638), ('that ', -0.011521113105118275), ('area', -0.014075007755309343), (')', 0.010811201762408018), ('.', -0.024965547025203705), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great staff, very attentive Clean and organized.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.30048294365406036), ('staff', 0.049543119966983795), (', ', -0.016361497342586517), ('very ', -0.023923931643366814), ('at', 0.1148829470621422), ('ten', 0.11152754118666053), ('tive ', -0.02388768328819424), ('Clean ', 0.08696022257208824), ('and ', 0.08971801027655602), ('organized', -0.006030144169926643), ('.', -0.016913188621401787), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'This is not in Ballantyne'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', -0.0034264648566022515), ('is ', 0.04317417831043713), ('not ', -0.5719889940519352), ('in ', -0.03838243038626388), ('Ball', 0.1072677971678786), ('ant', 0.0225912916357629), ('yne', 0.17062933079432696), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "Disappointed every time I've gone...won't be trying it anymore!!"} [('', 0.0), ('Disappointed ', -0.18238508103240747), ('every ', 0.05075969585595885), ('time ', 0.00525567946897354), ('I', -0.0025103846972342582), ("'", -0.005789474624907598), ('ve ', -0.010599924334019305), ('gone', -0.07901709970501543), ('.', -0.015487668298010248), ('.', -0.020140510221608565), ('.', -0.02125090917070338), ('won', 0.05157972454041252), ("'", -0.0293390094869513), ('t ', -0.09762631917086158), ('be ', -0.007571376024316123), ('trying ', -0.029119378065843193), ('it ', -0.011784866996094934), ('anymore', -0.035868742650563945), ('!', -0.004777890440891497), ('!', -0.034811568417353556), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'The best goat roti in Charlotte!'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.0168575718998909), ('best ', 0.8695626357803121), ('goat ', -0.08607311791274697), ('rot', -0.32716988617903553), ('i ', 0.10261126080877148), ('in ', 0.06021793209947646), ('Charlotte', 0.07200530148111284), ('!', 0.019929219037294388), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'MALL CLOSED\\n\\nJune 30, 2010\\n\\nRIP'} [('', 0.0), ('MALL ', -0.07872283225879073), ('CLOSED', -0.04874604393262416), ('\\', -0.020666970289312303), ('n', -0.018532875896198675), ('\\', -0.04131792203406803), ('nJ', 0.02859373281535227), ('une ', -0.01697321118263062), ('30', -0.015770744445035234), (', ', -0.0149110599886626), ('2010', 0.002053151372820139), ('\\', -0.0269116802373901), ('n', -0.025473149493336678), ('\\', -0.022631864645518363), ('nR', -0.04811240511480719), ('IP', -0.06916474748868495), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great food and great brew! Definitely will be back.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.14279809035360813), ('food ', 0.030111024156212807), ('and ', -0.005552578717470169), ('great ', 0.16773624438792467), ('brew', 0.009690436534583569), ('! ', -0.010207027196884155), ('Definitely ', 0.13480485859327018), ('will ', 0.28919360670261085), ('be ', -0.017765760654583573), ('back', -0.040147726656869054), ('.', -0.03460030257701874), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Well....it is open 24 hours.'} [('', 0.0), ('Well', 0.3096216842532158), ('.', 0.019234783947467804), ('.', 0.018474070355296135), ('.', -0.03502712398767471), ('.', -0.013991447165608406), ('it ', -0.010830520885065198), ('is ', 0.05284284218214452), ('open ', 0.426901375525631), ('24 ', 0.08888238610234112), ('hours', -0.16404720349237323), ('.', -0.028808075934648514), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great staff!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.12781864404678345), ('staff', 0.1136261522769928), ('!', 0.23543384671211243), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great selection, great service. Reccommended...'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.17995622474700212), ('selection', 0.011307749897241592), (', ', -0.0124915586784482), ('great ', 0.20592621620744467), ('service', -0.017585450783371925), ('. ', -0.009715140797197819), ('Rec', -0.01630207445123233), ('com', 0.16846172951045446), ('men', 0.20353201116085984), ('ded', 0.014848403661744669), ('.', -0.016455570701509714), ('.', -0.028278440237045288), ('.', -0.07379941642284393), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Good diner food, great people. We love this place!'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.13442196417599916), ('diner ', -0.00393618643283844), ('food', 0.03490412514656782), (', ', -0.008443817496299744), ('great ', 0.18726328946650028), ('people', -0.01973443292081356), ('. ', -0.010762836784124374), ('We ', 0.016145684756338596), ('love ', 0.1557445516809821), ('this ', 0.06737723667174578), ('place', 0.08228544425219297), ('!', -0.007956862449645996), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Horrible showers, but nice folks.'} [('', 0.0), ('Horrible ', -0.24318543504341505), ('showers', 0.01779049026663415), (', ', 0.09095117927063257), ('but ', 0.018512181006371975), ('nice ', 0.8292726421786938), ('folks', 0.010655005084117875), ('.', -0.002759297378361225), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good food and good service, and right by the house....'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.17654460319317877), ('food ', 0.01668845280073583), ('and ', -0.01137346588075161), ('good ', 0.21284086629748344), ('service', -0.023962137289345264), (', ', -0.007934561930596828), ('and ', 0.09255741536617279), ('right ', 0.20385309221455827), ('by ', -0.09458662482211366), ('the ', 0.09042202204000205), ('house', 0.011234623496420681), ('.', 0.025088824331760406), ('.', -0.04520288296043873), ('.', -0.03257428668439388), ('.', -0.046007104218006134), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Good beer selection. Service sucks.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.5211773850714962), ('beer ', 0.2017434379649785), ('selection', 0.057050920147958095), ('. ', 0.06449619748309487), ('Service ', 0.017091902231186396), ('sucks', -0.13985060577761033), ('.', -0.03210710050916532), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Friendly staff!'} [('', 0.0), ('Friendly ', 0.12776823341846466), ('staff', 0.11365611851215363), ('!', 0.23543593287467957), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "There's a Chinese menu in addition to the regular menu"} [('', 0.0), ('There', -0.13052727840840816), ("'", 0.07753275148570538), ('s ', 0.031123466789722443), ('a ', 0.1048774232622236), ('Chinese ', 0.22143409471027553), ('menu ', -0.05102956830523908), ('in ', 0.01717063901014626), ('addition ', 0.28233390115201473), ('to ', 0.08632335439324379), ('the ', 0.039392142090946436), ('regular ', 0.019503056537359953), ('menu', -0.08227986842393875), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Excellent every time. Try the Green Curry'} [('', 0.0), ('Excellent ', 0.5147107178345323), ('every ', 0.21586943278089166), ('time', -0.0006079277954995632), ('. ', 0.03707458637654781), ('Try ', -0.012946393340826035), ('the ', 0.0541127547621727), ('Green ', -0.020863236859440804), ('Curry', -0.05863046087324619), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Nice decoration feels cool and the foods is ok'} [('', 0.0), ('Nice ', 0.1787145808339119), ('decoration ', 0.02785744913853705), ('feels ', -0.05821812874637544), ('cool ', 0.20781542686745524), ('and ', 0.0547053012996912), ('the ', 0.030391298700124025), ('foods ', -0.03994456911459565), ('is ', 0.05928102880716324), ('ok', 0.252394363284111), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Goooood Thai place.'} [('', 0.0), ('Goo', -0.2561786517035216), ('oo', 0.13003456010483205), ('od ', -0.19780620280653238), ('Thai ', 0.33206077106297016), ('place', 0.16564618796110153), ('.', 0.07543575204908848), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': "Best I've tasted in Charlotte thus far!"} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.30235426872968674), ('I', 0.02132316678762436), ("'", 0.025018230080604553), ('ve ', 0.02129690069705248), ('tasted ', 0.009568563662469387), ('in ', 0.025581239722669125), ('Charlotte ', 0.07966723758727312), ('thus ', 0.1759037987794727), ('far', -0.07052580802701414), ('!', 0.10635573789477348), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "I'm not even sure where to start. Horrible!"} [('', 0.0), ('I', -0.005516715656995075), ("'", 0.002076679889796651), ('m ', 0.0008071596862464503), ('not ', -0.07058160391488855), ('even ', -0.06465588295350244), ('sure ', 0.02404209541828095), ('where ', -0.03828135610638128), ('to ', 0.006038608679773461), ('start', -0.022904800837750372), ('. ', -0.017459456365031656), ('Horrible', -0.17599864189105574), ('!', -0.009917940114974044), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'love this place, we always have a great time!'} [('', 0.0), ('love ', 0.27641003392636776), ('this ', 0.02140420861542225), ('place', 0.02937554568052292), (', ', 0.005833640694618225), ('we ', 0.04202650859951973), ('always ', 0.04749951884150505), ('have ', 0.026277069002389908), ('a ', 0.046780358999967575), ('great ', 0.19288167264312506), ('time', -0.01955633144825697), ('!', -0.0028656385838985443), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Had the worst Italian food ever.......'} [('', 0.0), ('Had ', -0.007029372649412835), ('the ', -0.025225747620424954), ('worst ', -0.5780236924365454), ('Italian ', 0.18832262140040257), ('food ', 0.11211998264479917), ('ever', 0.09818892869861884), ('.', -0.012596691127328086), ('.', -0.025227383712262963), ('.', -0.025352929515065625), ('.', -0.024887923075311846), ('.', -0.02383770815731623), ('.', -0.027570124798330653), ('.', -0.03904847257581423), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'closed'} [('', 0.0), ('closed', 0.06394511461257935), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Busy drive thru'} [('', 0.0), ('Busy ', -0.6199121918762103), ('drive ', -0.07830191424000077), ('thru', 0.17607023342861794), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Currently staying here.'} [('', 0.0), ('Currently ', 0.28763991594314575), ('staying ', 0.17656627297401428), ('here', 0.1618417501449585), ('.', -0.042603135108947754), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Slowest customer service in charlotte'} [('', 0.0), ('Slow', -0.5805960319339647), ('est ', -0.005451597120554652), ('customer ', 0.07681168252020143), ('service ', 0.02829918263887521), ('in ', 0.08338036070927046), ('charlotte', 0.08908566625905223), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Love the stackable 7-layered chocolate cake'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.44005857198499143), ('the ', -0.009418845875188708), ('stack', -0.14558225381188095), ('able ', 0.1007050673943013), ('7', -0.018988416995853186), ('-', -0.0002672332338988781), ('layered ', 0.24244363233447075), ('chocolate ', 0.07872125878930092), ('cake', 0.02529790997505188), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'best chinese food! people that work here are so nice!'} [('', 0.0), ('best ', 0.19957119226455688), ('chinese ', 0.04948143847286701), ('food', 0.07053500227630138), ('! ', -0.005957931280136108), ('people ', -0.001478683203458786), ('that ', 0.019578712061047554), ('work ', 0.044581297785043716), ('here ', -0.015118764713406563), ('are ', -0.010999510064721107), ('so ', -0.0554431090131402), ('nice', 0.3090433580800891), ('!', 0.023504190146923065), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Nice ambiance but pasta was dry and cold'} [('', 0.0), ('Nice ', 0.17619334277696908), ('am', 0.09134589572204277), ('bian', 0.08647567554726265), ('ce ', -0.0022636163339484483), ('but ', -0.39491894058301114), ('pasta ', -0.033626561671553645), ('was ', -0.03187118359346641), ('dry ', -0.10207939136307687), ('and ', 0.002588899224065244), ('cold', -0.0864858566201292), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Not impressed at all'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', -0.819652992329793), ('impressed ', 0.11320869241899345), ('at ', 0.048565108168986626), ('all', 0.24516949552344158), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great service'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.14289453625679016), ('service', 0.13021507859230042), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'This location is no longer open.'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', 0.09448565318598412), ('location ', -0.012445293534256052), ('is ', 0.009076342619664501), ('no ', -0.3054370345562347), ('longer ', -0.30243656870152336), ('open', 0.34532111851876834), ('.', -0.10466652234026697), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Best gas prices in Tega Cay.'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.7125464770942926), ('gas ', -0.07294591492973268), ('prices ', -0.08438107813708484), ('in ', 0.028494241181761026), ('Te', 0.07697353512048721), ('ga ', 0.09773586876690388), ('Ca', -0.037632400169968605), ('y', 0.04283193126320839), ('.', -0.05166297033429146), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Pretty good. Buffet is decent. Nothing exceptional'} [('', 0.0), ('Pretty ', 0.0829189382493496), ('good', 0.22233813628554344), ('. ', 0.054488711059093475), ('Buffet ', -0.023586735405842774), ('is ', 0.0968438630370656), ('decent', 0.3516621716262307), ('. ', 0.002127601532265544), ('Nothing ', -0.16637767435167916), ('exceptional', 0.09225892028189264), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "it's ok nothing special"} [('', 0.0), ('it', 0.07818208553362638), ("'", 0.1566136134788394), ('s ', 0.05204948119353503), ('ok ', 0.10061233176020323), ('nothing ', -0.8830473574307689), ('special', 0.1953011859441176), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "It you're basic bar food. Nothing more."} [('', 0.0), ('It ', 0.01604419611976482), ('you', 0.32578019886568654), ("'", 0.04410830886627082), ('re ', -0.0288254450824752), ('basic ', 0.02045824420565623), ('bar ', -0.04560535165364854), ('food', -0.0011689861421473324), ('. ', -0.010812759457621723), ('Nothing ', -0.564908052328974), ('more', -0.028390472289174795), ('.', -0.04274033848196268), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'kind of disappointing pizza'} [('', 0.0), ('kind ', 0.17200624082033755), ('of ', -0.05168705391770345), ('disappointing ', -0.7717861739256477), ('pizza', 0.23841356158663984), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'It is not delicious, but the service is good.'} [('', 0.0), ('It ', -0.048443816322105704), ('is ', -0.008445839934211108), ('not ', -0.3013674645408173), ('delicious', 0.17158863284021209), (', ', 0.020116089661314618), ('but ', -0.05387648244504817), ('the ', 0.03595822428815154), ('service ', 0.013705317805033701), ('is ', 0.08067826497972419), ('good', 0.6716313827255362), ('.', 0.08446070631543989), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Grilled potstickers, moo shu pork, cashew chicken. Yum!!'} [('', 4.399650996284826e-05), ('Grille', -0.04001428994316874), ('d ', 0.011014362755564175), ('pots', -0.032919668178129496), ('tick', -0.027746390689918327), ('ers', -0.03086953554191582), (', ', -0.009353830549766176), ('mo', -0.034903302323881585), ('o ', -0.01861323946003621), ('shu ', -0.027536462920478597), ('pork', -0.020610742868383467), (', ', -0.008094948739097971), ('cash', 0.0035720555768218925), ('ew ', -0.00599325416098711), ('chicken', -0.03683501173347597), ('. ', 0.020109519965545688), ('Yu', -0.033280566334724426), ('m', -0.09980230685323477), ('!', -0.00017007440328598022), ('!', -0.073693729005754), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good food and prices are reasonable!'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.17462453991174698), ('food ', 0.1306919828057289), ('and ', 0.059783175587654114), ('prices ', -0.0743029125733301), ('are ', -7.365958299487829e-05), ('reasonable', 0.4055237064603716), ('!', 0.027101963758468628), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'it was okay.....small place but the food was good....large portions....'} [('', 0.00018472224473953247), ('it ', -0.005381107097491622), ('was ', 0.020946241565980017), ('okay', 0.2961699479492381), ('.', 0.0009822230786085129), ('.', -0.01583701092749834), ('.', -0.015751381404697895), ('.', -0.015630656853318214), ('.', -0.01675679348409176), ('small ', -0.01951374385195474), ('place ', -0.03287981000418464), ('but ', -0.13228576028874764), ('the ', -0.01623935422685463), ('food ', 0.02779475315765012), ('was ', -0.0136665621685097), ('good', 0.5165935607074061), ('.', -0.01384682604111731), ('.', -0.028134719158212345), ('.', -0.019384366149703663), ('.', -0.014447674776117006), ('large ', -0.00785348347077767), ('portions', 0.00272447740038236), ('.', 0.001553410974641641), ('.', 0.008839210495352745), ('.', 0.00454661063849926), ('.', -0.02333853393793106), ('', 1.4562159776687622e-05)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Worst service ever.'} [('', 0.0), ('Worst ', -0.6812283921062772), ('service ', 0.15708844143591705), ('ever', 0.15544002815295244), ('.', -0.04437960195355117), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Pretty bland for Chinese take out.'} [('', 0.0), ('Pretty ', 0.13804501028062077), ('bland ', -0.7236759926236118), ('for ', 0.007176362239988521), ('Chinese ', -0.057170107224919775), ('take ', 0.23896904260527663), ('out', 0.10045635499045602), ('.', 0.02000874727309565), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'This place is the best. Americano is ridiculously good.'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', -0.010606473311781883), ('place ', 0.030020928010344505), ('is ', 0.025617659091949463), ('the ', 0.02065528742969036), ('best', 0.2100436482578516), ('. ', 0.029034622013568878), ('American', 0.017664268612861633), ('o ', 0.0017910301685333252), ('is ', 0.0009208247065544128), ('ridiculous', -0.08126069440913852), ('ly ', -0.009255614815629087), ('good', 0.4008985412947368), ('.', -0.026049427688121796), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "It's Target.....get your shop on!"} [('', 0.0), ('It', 0.026755011058412492), ("'", -0.03605500407866202), ('s ', -0.03160935695632361), ('Target', -0.11197675167932175), ('.', 0.027272334933513775), ('.', -0.045169404649641365), ('.', -0.015859393926803023), ('.', -0.0279285148717463), ('.', -0.02645386359654367), ('get ', -0.07888212546822615), ('your ', -0.01849066006252542), ('shop ', -0.08353246848128038), ('on', 0.024729976641538087), ('!', -0.014678125327918679), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'The fried dumplings rock!'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.06425542198121548), ('fried ', -0.5815715584903955), ('dump', -0.24628155159007292), ('lings ', 0.06991375067445915), ('rock', 0.11094102240167558), ('!', 0.3898537536151707), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Nice atmosphere. Cheeseburger was not all that.'} [('', 0.0), ('Nice ', 0.2898792069754563), ('atmosphere', 0.09060237027006224), ('. ', 0.01415280275978148), ('Cheese', -0.06674409630068112), ('burg', -0.10427555341448169), ('er ', -0.08572821121197194), ('was ', -0.013363705045776442), ('not ', -0.10848047526087612), ('all ', -0.09037755201279651), ('that', -0.04816357778327074), ('.', -0.08152240951312706), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "Disgusting! I'd rather eat McDonald's over this place!"} [('', 0.0), ('Disgusting', -0.19922985632001655), ('! ', -0.008885285446012858), ('I', -0.005953007481366512), ("'", -0.01079572961498343), ('d ', -0.012041930909617804), ('rather ', -0.0729633838072914), ('eat ', -0.0025064270612347173), ('McDonald', -0.01828719555760472), ("'", -0.01677842756089376), ('s ', -0.014281273166488972), ('over ', -0.09617076815948167), ('this ', 0.04892101675477534), ('place', 0.010073928319798142), ('!', -0.01698349663092813), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'I love the food here. Love the vibe.'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', 0.03720836155116558), ('love ', 0.2688054060563445), ('the ', 0.03451704513281584), ('food ', -0.026710937730968), ('here', 0.007625107653439045), ('. ', 0.027274077758193016), ('Love ', 0.23329530842602253), ('the ', 0.04009966924786568), ('vibe', 0.10626680217683315), ('.', -0.03145400807261467), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Generally substantially slower and noticeably more expensive than badger cab.'} [('', 0.0), ('Generally ', -0.023849495919421315), ('substantially ', 0.1256236272311071), ('slower ', -0.48776484875997994), ('and ', 0.21237469313200563), ('noticeably ', -0.01439920740085654), ('more ', -0.011839144877740182), ('expensive ', -0.10096367300866405), ('than ', 0.05727488671982428), ('badger ', -0.03740629702224396), ('cab', -0.03129692203947343), ('.', -0.019960997684393078), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Quick, clean no muss no fuss, keeper!'} [('', 0.0), ('Quick', 0.11566165275871754), (', ', 0.19380263425409794), ('clean ', 0.35620988348091487), ('no ', -0.11263092483568471), ('mu', -0.05150545698415954), ('ss ', -0.19108737028727774), ('no ', -0.25081539085658733), ('fuss', -0.13199893907585647), (', ', 0.10644307581242174), ('keeper', 0.23779826099053025), ('!', -0.0855246358551085), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'The bastard child of two sexy Culvers.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.007151236524805427), ('bastard ', -0.10259750060504302), ('child ', 0.006002853799145669), ('of ', -0.042212575615849346), ('two ', 0.020370381826069206), ('sexy ', 0.8715607402846217), ('Cu', 0.0485760853625834), ('lver', -0.07205648301169276), ('s', -0.004237481392920017), ('.', -0.029421964660286903), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'This needs no explanation.'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', 0.2331724673276767), ('needs ', -0.2695154338161956), ('no ', -0.26184636322977894), ('explanation', 0.007497452977986541), ('.', -0.044907440737006254), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'The service was great, I love my server!'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.01945618912577629), ('service ', -0.06764034711522982), ('was ', -0.015096554707270116), ('great', 0.3865077531663701), (', ', 0.06408512592315674), ('I ', 0.02881769195664674), ('love ', 0.39098242681939155), ('my ', 0.013719619484618306), ('server', -0.08335135364905), ('!', -0.0016617253422737122), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Really nice place. Great beers on tap.'} [('', 0.0), ('Really ', 0.1073351614177227), ('nice ', 0.2211812874302268), ('place', 0.0012064846232533455), ('. ', 0.03183802217245102), ('Great ', 0.4241579691879451), ('beers ', -0.0023547415621578693), ('on ', 0.018028322607278824), ('tap', -0.05822289641946554), ('.', -0.030173692852258682), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Always a family favorite! Tastes great, cheap, and filling!'} [('', 0.0), ('Always ', 0.06543858535587788), ('a ', 0.06636215513572097), ('family ', 0.10233723884448409), ('favorite', 0.1133227264508605), ('! ', -0.032665956765413284), ('Tastes ', 0.024225662535172887), ('great', 0.22199049653863767), (', ', 0.0575330854699132), ('cheap', -0.4235967463464476), (', ', -0.012029748468194157), ('and ', 0.1457040054956451), ('filling', 0.19581457460299134), ('!', 0.08462933462578803), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Think Panera Bread with more of a coffee shop feel.'} [('', 0.0), ('Think ', -0.1629625114001101), ('Pan', -0.0379871080731391), ('era ', 0.058682839771790896), ('Bread ', -0.0692347133954172), ('with ', 0.009609054708562326), ('more ', -0.09029632676538313), ('of ', -0.05084452211303869), ('a ', 0.07687945132056484), ('coffee ', -0.08433135929954005), ('shop ', -0.10626690240314929), ('feel', 0.1254296359620639), ('.', -0.039720655215205625), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good food, comfy environment.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.1565549522638321), ('food', 0.11554564535617828), (', ', 0.08975744247436523), ('com', 0.11224309168756008), ('fy ', 0.08978080563247204), ('environment', 0.18454549089074135), ('.', -0.02499345690011978), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great old school diner with some tasty comfort food.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.3269568122923374), ('old ', -0.05020492407493293), ('school ', -0.05195639771409333), ('diner ', 0.07074758131057024), ('with ', 0.05225782934576273), ('some ', -0.015804102644324303), ('ta', 0.15156451193615794), ('sty ', 0.052269954700022936), ('comfort ', 0.18136719893664122), ('food', -0.0159207908436656), ('.', -0.03528064489364624), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great food, GREAT service. Highly recommend!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.12101483158767223), ('food', 0.03746029548346996), (', ', 0.02005189284682274), ('GREAT ', 0.19476649770513177), ('service', -0.0253543839789927), ('. ', 0.008607134222984314), ('Highly ', 0.16660280525684357), ('recommend', 0.18674372136592865), ('!', 0.0031283944845199585), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Love the BLT'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.7222241843119264), ('the ', 0.059519474394619465), ('B', -0.22304201032966375), ('LT', 0.027765587903559208), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'good food and very cheap.'} [('', 0.0), ('good ', 0.3330269884718291), ('food ', 0.19011154101826833), ('and ', 0.3119972900894936), ('very ', -0.0029636699000548106), ('cheap', -0.13179997828046908), ('.', -0.02959806918806862), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Excellent lunch buffet, quick service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Excellent ', 0.20304133743047714), ('lunch ', 0.166120495647192), ('buffet', -0.01902124658226967), (', ', 0.1476026028394699), ('quick ', 0.0808457788079977), ('service', 0.0963160116225481), ('.', 0.04847302287817001), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good service. Not that high on the food.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.617343425314175), ('service', -0.0527556344459299), ('. ', 0.23975928034633398), ('Not ', -0.3435359280992998), ('that ', 0.014918660235707648), ('high ', 0.11818411086278502), ('on ', 0.03601351044198964), ('the ', 0.015361089608632028), ('food', -0.0007625273428857327), ('.', -0.032707136881072074), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Unpretentious Wisconsin-y hangout with good live music.'} [('', 0.0), ('Un', -0.008877495303750038), ('pre', 0.07407696358859539), ('ten', 0.09479280444793403), ('tious ', -0.006436357973143458), ('Wisconsin', -0.05377505254000425), ('-', 0.0006312662735581398), ('y ', -0.03036101721227169), ('hang', -0.01620869431644678), ('out ', 0.03270579595118761), ('with ', 0.05349882040172815), ('good ', 0.2417137799784541), ('live ', 0.14793797209858894), ('music', 0.0766114704310894), ('.', -0.02280256897211075), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Another east-side dive bar... not great, but not bad either.'} [('', -0.006664946209639311), ('Another ', -0.11874723853543401), ('east', 0.02333491202443838), ('-', -0.0075537944212555885), ('side ', -0.05390479293419048), ('dive ', -0.20361275522736832), ('bar', 0.003604832454584539), ('.', 0.03469508560374379), ('.', 0.03418553830124438), ('. ', 0.03217498050071299), ('not ', -0.1870472689873471), ('great', 0.043445057851082915), (', ', -0.04500676771688935), ('but ', 0.014307720459328266), ('not ', 0.34242604236427115), ('bad ', 0.32458192360703225), ('either', -0.014007437092611022), ('.', 0.021768588258055388), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great food and service. Thanks.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.11469276994466782), ('food ', 0.0739627256989479), ('and ', 0.1304214634001255), ('service', 0.014567889273166656), ('. ', 0.028147924691438675), ('Thanks', 0.38674966245889664), ('.', -0.02511347085237503), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Best in Madison.'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.35890993475914), ('in ', 0.12021323293447495), ('Madison', 0.15168754011392593), ('.', -0.04433727264404297), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'best bbq in madison'} [('', 0.0), ('best ', 0.5444350484758615), ('bb', -0.16793061699718237), ('q ', 0.11976469028741121), ('in ', 0.0739133283495903), ('madison', 0.09363921731710434), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Grade: C\\n\\nLoud. Cheap. Okay overall.'} [('', 0.0), ('Grade', 0.073124055415974), (': ', 0.047962787342839874), ('C', 0.0025870895842672326), ('\\', -0.027793293840659317), ('n', -0.012874299318355042), ('\\', -0.042073113821970765), ('nL', -0.048418138569104485), ('oud', -0.09073360137699638), ('. ', -0.04773824557196349), ('Cheap', -0.6135460733639775), ('. ', -0.017983636338612996), ('Okay ', 0.24695069274639536), ('overall', 0.1371139648672397), ('.', -0.021243868832243606), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Awesome breakfast!'} [('', 0.0), ('Awesome ', 0.14239628612995148), ('breakfast', 0.09905321896076202), ('!', 0.23542866110801697), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Grade: C\\n\\nAverage food. Average prices. Average service. Average place.'} [('', 0.0), ('Grade', 0.056304184428881854), (': ', 0.032952815818134695), ('C', -0.013338004529941827), ('\\', -0.061385726963635534), ('n', -0.01870153413619846), ('\\', -0.08737196505535394), ('nAve', -0.07338970445562154), ('rage ', -0.16825682995840907), ('food', -0.0248430852079764), ('. ', -0.06323447986505926), ('Average ', 0.01473716605687514), ('prices', -0.08534609078196809), ('. ', 0.0030910648638382554), ('Average ', 0.016405089874751866), ('service', -0.019010871765203774), ('. ', 0.013449838384985924), ('Average ', -0.050952618941664696), ('place', 0.053445192286744714), ('.', 0.010689164279028773), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Awesome BBQ.'} [('', 0.0), ('Awesome ', 0.7523407861590385), ('BB', -0.20673241652548313), ('Q', 0.08532622642815113), ('.', -0.04436871409416199), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Friendly, Fast, and Clean. Good drinks too.'} [('', 0.0), ('Friendly', 0.09941072762012482), (', ', 0.00720582902431488), ('Fast', 0.03464791923761368), (', ', 0.035320036113262177), ('and ', 0.010710813105106354), ('Clean', 0.1232500821352005), ('. ', 0.04014471918344498), ('Good ', 0.3637191495508887), ('drinks ', -0.0531972975586541), ('too', -0.16428065276704729), ('.', 0.16905521228909492), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Service is horrible'} [('', 0.0), ('Service ', 0.20366323090274818), ('is ', 0.11216042310115881), ('horrible', -0.8382920707808807), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Grade: D+\\n\\nChain restaurant food. Loud and chaotic. Eat somewhere else.'} [('', 0.0), ('Grade', 0.03326706377265509), (': ', 0.015998841667169472), ('D', 0.010318687829567352), ('+', 0.04319188247609418), ('\\', -0.0229470632984885), ('n', -0.010882710113946814), ('\\', -0.04402268562989775), ('nC', 0.0018702223169384524), ('hai', -0.05688777253817534), ('n ', -0.10930820409703301), ('restaurant ', -0.04052081547342823), ('food', 0.013054257953626802), ('. ', -0.012067879935784731), ('Loud ', -0.06225057078700047), ('and ', 0.013281914158142172), ('chaotic', -0.1360176331945695), ('. ', 0.0023849349236115813), ('Eat ', 0.01651210202544462), ('somewhere ', -0.02105783057049848), ('else', -0.1093264482478844), ('.', -0.013221943576354533), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Drive a little further and find something better.'} [('', 0.0), ('Drive ', 0.03319419175386429), ('a ', 0.15691625827457756), ('little ', -0.018550999579019845), ('further ', 0.3510606165509671), ('and ', 0.36523158283671364), ('find ', -0.3981389502296224), ('something ', 0.27152177545940503), ('better', -0.2844446750241332), ('.', 0.09991842735325918), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Poor service, noisy, but pretty good food.'} [('', 0.0), ('Poor ', -0.06683656640598201), ('service', -0.014670855678559747), (', ', 0.0044349849958962295), ('noisy', -0.09513409065402811), (', ', 0.02068649216380436), ('but ', -0.05694938910892233), ('pretty ', 0.23963371916943288), ('good ', 0.6299326389762427), ('food', -0.012236585134814959), ('.', 0.047391699692525435), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Keep up all the good work at the Humane Society.'} [('', 0.0), ('Keep ', 0.08717701397836208), ('up ', 0.09424208011478186), ('all ', -0.00718990433961153), ('the ', 0.0088221225887537), ('good ', 0.18105426244437695), ('work ', -0.005641268566250801), ('at ', -0.00865752063691616), ('the ', 0.06171472743153572), ('Humane ', 0.27772655710577965), ('Society', 0.013668358325958252), ('.', -0.0368790477514267), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Okay but not great sushi.'} [('', 0.0), ('Okay ', 0.3289048642764101), ('but ', -0.10407278889033478), ('not ', -0.7682908948845579), ('great ', 0.15748846860515187), ('su', -0.03742156174121192), ('shi', 0.15111587341380073), ('.', 0.0006480635929619893), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'you get what you expect from this sub place.'} [('', 0.0), ('you ', 0.2525447311345488), ('get ', -0.07893307378981262), ('what ', 0.046088498434983194), ('you ', 0.3772932905703783), ('expect ', -0.18625440215691924), ('from ', 0.1087820491520688), ('this ', -0.09325587784405798), ('sub ', -0.5813031222205609), ('place', -0.06750534032471478), ('.', -0.041417062282562256), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good price, matches quality'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.25768110156059265), ('price', -0.006744049489498138), (', ', 0.08145410567522049), ('matches ', 0.09457875043153763), ('quality', 0.2370259240269661), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Closed, now called The Timbers.'} [('', 0.0), ('Closed', -0.10840461077168584), (', ', 0.2253958354704082), ('now ', -0.18514375679660589), ('called ', -0.35791480785701424), ('The ', 0.20546801330056041), ('Timbers', 0.027268777485005558), ('.', -0.05874753138050437), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Not crazy about this place.'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', -0.422050750348717), ('crazy ', -0.0728381586377509), ('about ', -0.033781103033106774), ('this ', 0.38928183959797025), ('place', 0.08857320714741945), ('.', -0.038787266705185175), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'This is a great academic institution. I love it here.'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', -0.03312700428068638), ('is ', -0.002734561450779438), ('a ', 0.012051491998136044), ('great ', 0.18454134091734886), ('academic ', 0.06324621848762035), ('institution', 0.05778316967189312), ('. ', 0.03191598504781723), ('I ', 0.02839242946356535), ('love ', 0.26767505798488855), ('it ', 0.01876281388103962), ('here', 0.03780771978199482), ('.', -0.03900685906410217), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great flowers'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.13689550757408142), ('flowers', 0.13623496890068054), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Terrible.'} [('', 0.0), ('Terrible', -0.8283469700691057), ('.', 0.10183230305847246), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "Zorba's burned to the ground March 23, 2011."} [('', 0.0), ('Z', 0.04991943025015644), ('or', 0.03733335146898753), ('ba', -9.394363587489352e-05), ("'", 0.021773440566903446), ('s ', 0.02880382455623476), ('burned ', -0.45837714522349415), ('to ', 0.08139280754403444), ('the ', 0.08552007467733347), ('ground ', 0.010042564372270135), ('March ', -0.07908803172176704), ('23', -0.04847369338676799), (', ', -0.003282436795416288), ('2011', -0.06880569108761847), ('.', -0.07190777524374425), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "The salad doesn't have enough cheese!"} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.007345720274315681), ('salad ', -0.006056923397409264), ('doesn', -0.06796254645450972), ("'", -0.0005966502358205616), ('t ', -0.06404502424993552), ('have ', -0.004200979230517987), ('enough ', -0.008580149828048889), ('cheese', -0.1254934091848554), ('!', -0.0015956184070091695), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Nice ambiance but portions are kinda small.'} [('', 0.0), ('Nice ', 0.2337754915934056), ('am', 0.22454971793922596), ('bian', 0.18250163938500918), ('ce ', 0.14797404676210135), ('but ', -0.1805109428241849), ('portions ', -0.14697141633951105), ('are ', 0.10498010975425132), ('kinda ', -0.10854002268752083), ('small', -0.1448555965325795), ('.', -0.06863002013415098), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'A place Gordon Ramsay should visit.'} [('', 0.0), ('A ', 0.1947481781244278), ('place ', 0.05932999029755592), ('Gordon ', 0.10703105852007866), ('Ramsay ', 0.09186769928783178), ('should ', -0.04544847644865513), ('visit', 0.33952565770596266), ('.', -0.024266012012958527), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'I got food poisoning here.'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', 0.05374343278526794), ('got ', 0.1258471241380903), ('food ', 0.15916040754382266), ('poisoning ', -0.7081095921967062), ('here', 0.089712654480536), ('.', -0.028260156672331505), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "Best Damn Chicken Fingers I've Ever Had.\\n\\nThat is all."} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.4815550100756809), ('Damn ', -0.1305072123213904), ('Chicken ', -0.18838928667537402), ('Fingers ', 0.09048083808738738), ('I', -0.05022009581443854), ("'", 0.030324488325277343), ('ve ', 0.06154910795157775), ('Ever ', 0.36613397821201943), ('Had', 0.00987475665169768), ('.', 0.06418740388471633), ('\\', -0.03958731866441667), ('n', -0.015023445012047887), ('\\', -0.025986548978835344), ('nT', -0.03256073236116208), ('hat ', -0.03604424578952603), ('is ', -0.03305426420411095), ('all', -0.012529286497738212), ('.', -0.03320037596859038), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'best chicken strips of all time. done.'} [('', 0.0), ('best ', 0.6982317909132689), ('chicken ', -0.24120227107778192), ('strips ', 0.006208467995747924), ('of ', 0.13940622721565887), ('all ', 0.14285063050920144), ('time', 0.07632719608955085), ('. ', 0.008251050487160683), ('done', -0.0809970572590828), ('.', -0.03660469874739647), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Mug club 70360'} [('', 0.0), ('Mug ', -0.6217155968770385), ('club ', 0.23372499085962772), ('70', -0.021399887278676033), ('36', 0.03192454529926181), ('0', 0.05451076989993453), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Delicious food! Well worth the wait.'} [('', 0.0), ('Delicious ', 0.17596197128295898), ('food', 0.06119482219219208), ('! ', 0.1285742074251175), ('Well ', 0.10955894156359136), ('worth ', 0.3235118871089071), ('the ', 0.09620791440829635), ('wait', -0.1400723783299327), ('.', -0.02568073570728302), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Jeff was awesome! Made us feel very welcome.'} [('', 0.0), ('Jeff ', 0.11021025478839874), ('was ', -0.03333789762109518), ('awesome', 0.24656360503286123), ('! ', 0.024972349405288696), ('Made ', 0.13189256004989147), ('us ', 0.05305503308773041), ('feel ', -0.018662473652511835), ('very ', 0.002397647127509117), ('welcome', 0.2113076881505549), ('.', -0.031480398029088974), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Best salad bar in town!! Good service!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.19918007031083107), ('salad ', -0.01367685291916132), ('bar ', -0.01578288059681654), ('in ', 0.0454417085275054), ('town', 0.052665931172668934), ('!', 0.06453536078333855), ('! ', -0.02161138691008091), ('Good ', 0.34554800880141556), ('service', -0.006858727196231484), ('!', 0.024924340657889843), ('!', -0.008360199630260468), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'So terrible.\\nEverything... besides the hotcakes.'} [('', 0.0), ('So ', -0.05353166678833077), ('terrible', -0.1811912083212519), ('.', -0.03719855228700908), ('\\', -0.10059510304017749), ('nEver', -0.06646350659048039), ('yt', -0.028430816188119934), ('hing', -0.05451315593836625), ('.', -0.01690484354912769), ('.', -0.005101990853290772), ('. ', 0.04674934994181967), ('besides ', 0.10107847896688327), ('the ', 0.021407014990472817), ('hot', 0.009284478066547308), ('cake', -0.06385066595794342), ('s', 0.0165329170977202), ('.', -0.0351434192416491), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Solid.'} [('', 0.0), ('Solid', 0.17094731330871582), ('.', 0.10217148065567017), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Closed.'} [('', 0.0), ('Closed', 0.16306090354919434), ('.', 0.10589194297790527), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Best French toast in town!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.1717885136604309), ('French ', 0.06711158901453018), ('toast ', 0.09750261157751083), ('in ', 0.12895807810127735), ('town', 0.11336689256131649), ('!', 0.0909012034535408), ('!', 0.05378350615501404), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Cheap beers, and Irish Nachos are awesome.'} [('', 0.0), ('Cheap ', -0.1197522343863966), ('beers', -0.02904213838337455), (', ', -0.017403851699782535), ('and ', 0.026256802790157963), ('Irish ', -0.0026263802792527713), ('Na', -0.04457839836322819), ('cho', -0.01364323965026415), ('s ', 0.017140094525530003), ('are ', 0.036955477415176574), ('awesome', 0.8261705896657077), ('.', -0.013761921276454814), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Irish Nachos. Nuff said.'} [('', 0.0), ('Irish ', 0.14712228998541832), ('Na', -0.19941334007307887), ('cho', -0.06746037723496556), ('s', 0.12019569426774979), ('. ', 0.0025859735906124115), ('Nu', -0.297912736190483), ('ff ', -0.09948561317287385), ('said', 0.2303017438389361), ('.', -0.058021003380417824), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'One of my favorites for breakfast or Brunch.'} [('', 0.0), ('One ', 0.004593254765495658), ('of ', 0.02606424764962867), ('my ', -0.04995810013497248), ('favorites ', 0.7172431234939722), ('for ', 0.12790325061359908), ('breakfast ', 0.016464918648125604), ('or ', -0.023981260193977505), ('Br', 0.0006658021593466401), ('un', -0.09348521044012159), ('ch', -0.03315025637857616), ('.', -0.03668143833056092), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Get the Italian beef sandwiches'} [('', 0.0), ('Get ', -0.11129161901772022), ('the ', -0.06433720514178276), ('Italian ', 0.1271908450871706), ('beef ', -0.16188251599669456), ('sandwiches', -0.01466032862663269), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "surly bartenders and foamy guinness.\\n\\nwhat's not to like?"} [('', 0.0), ('sur', 0.02286353358067572), ('ly ', 0.043850587448105216), ('bartender', -0.11916681937873363), ('s ', -0.008390573784708977), ('and ', 0.00923062372021377), ('foam', -0.09481670780223794), ('y ', 0.00327095840475522), ('guinness', 0.07988473161822185), ('.', 0.03547313413582742), ('\\', -0.07648783130571246), ('n', -0.042173829511739314), ('\\', -0.03309245908167213), ('nw', -0.03310647641774267), ('hat', -0.0893710331292823), ("'", -0.013006477849557996), ('s ', 0.016995897749438882), ('not ', -0.2079216918500606), ('to ', 0.17210084907128476), ('like', 0.06445756024913862), ('?', -0.12876456626690924), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great outdoor seating and bingo.\\n\\nGood beer selection.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.5096473728772253), ('outdoor ', 0.19056429306510836), ('seating ', 0.14202910487074405), ('and ', -0.001877431059256196), ('bingo', -0.06220785295590758), ('.', 0.0015827754978090525), ('\\', -0.029208383290097117), ('n', -0.026702651754021645), ('\\', -0.02968059224076569), ('nGo', -0.01203989190980792), ('od ', -0.038300557527691126), ('beer ', -0.033911232370883226), ('selection', -0.004089897032827139), ('.', -0.024112092331051826), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Decent!'} [('', 0.0), ('Decent', 0.13714179396629333), ('!', 0.13597819209098816), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'like the Tofu soup and Kimchi fried rice Here! l'} [('', 0.0), ('like ', -0.012680793064646423), ('the ', 0.011359771597199142), ('To', 0.09280702983960509), ('fu ', -0.19585627992637455), ('soup ', -0.18119447981007397), ('and ', 0.16000775713473558), ('Kim', 0.10117074160370976), ('chi ', -0.010477484320290387), ('fried ', -0.058231485018040985), ('rice ', -0.11577989102806896), ('Here', 0.09931171993957832), ('! ', 0.17737614130601287), ('l', -0.2926385626196861), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'This place is closed, and for good reason.'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', -0.03038637420104351), ('place ', -0.07434744220881839), ('is ', -0.06063765399812837), ('closed', -0.518011500047578), (', ', 0.04704464349197224), ('and ', 0.22218408866319805), ('for ', -0.1453289180608408), ('good ', 0.41698338843343663), ('reason', -0.11488745863607619), ('.', -0.033420282299630344), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'College bar with okay prices for a beer!'} [('', 0.0), ('College ', -0.09388002194464207), ('bar ', 0.0049035679548978806), ('with ', 0.018756035715341568), ('okay ', 0.5628369735786691), ('prices ', -0.2012592168757692), ('for ', 0.10796978394500911), ('a ', 0.17876336467452347), ('beer', 0.08672158792614937), ('!', 0.020528657361865044), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Cleanest kitchen I have ever seen!'} [('', 0.0), ('Clean', 0.25997716560959816), ('est ', -0.039278943091630936), ('kitchen ', 0.04249768704175949), ('I ', 0.10081162303686142), ('have ', 0.13910930138081312), ('ever ', 0.201456050388515), ('seen', 0.0023680198937654495), ('!', 0.02198110520839691), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Todays paper says they got a failing health dept. inspection.'} [('', 0.0), ('Today', 0.024942077809100738), ('s ', -0.012038565466355067), ('paper ', -0.07572532493304607), ('says ', -0.021650127561770205), ('they ', 0.0076413024489738746), ('got ', -0.0031190176705422346), ('a ', 0.021228739456091716), ('failing ', -0.10936255589422217), ('health ', -0.015753023762044904), ('dept', -0.023330274480940716), ('. ', -0.020864727262960514), ('inspection', -0.11844432380166836), ('.', -0.04360400112636853), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'I also found her rude, unwilling to answer questions.'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', -0.02964054898620816), ('also ', 0.0036705604434246197), ('found ', -0.029597422315418953), ('her ', 0.054526122059542104), ('rude', -0.2712678053885611), (', ', 0.10646787001314806), ('unwilling ', -0.09424839288931253), ('to ', 0.011007735362909443), ('answer ', -0.024213292434069444), ('questions', -0.025322977529867785), ('.', -0.0349903172282211), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Say it with me now: Blaaaaaaaaaand.'} [('', 0.0), ('Say ', -0.012142055435106158), ('it ', 0.006036294682417065), ('with ', -0.010244103439617902), ('me ', 0.14600908779539168), ('now', 0.02365571283735335), (': ', 0.10760663216933608), ('B', -0.06275786316837184), ('la', -0.04840995525592007), ('aa', -0.12820500016096048), ('aa', -0.0790862891881261), ('aa', -0.07977222185581923), ('aa', -0.20509699458489195), ('and', -0.001950489531736821), ('.', -0.06121311942115426), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'A let down...\\nread more...\\nhttp://www.thaifoodaficionado.com/2012/06/nitaya-thai-champaign-il.html'} [('', -0.0023936449042594177), ('A ', -0.005296115316923533), ('let ', -0.08789111489477364), ('down', -0.11245697027061397), ('.', -0.004521911414485658), ('.', -0.002984604088331772), ('.', -0.0019374696889177098), ('\\', -0.04174866037231238), ('nr', -0.015075612568970038), ('ead ', -0.028376905934627366), ('more', -0.017875690933059168), ('.', -0.004576565686355545), ('.', -0.004631154559724059), ('.', -0.00554783022420856), ('\\', -0.01386460117686915), ('nh', -0.02347904482586374), ('tt', -0.022464293094445666), ('p', -0.013061767221289402), (':', -0.004833170649766948), ('/', -0.008553373598665025), ('/', -0.0026741963524222635), ('www', -0.0033276180915385745), ('.', 0.0038971776662543155), ('thai', 0.007136037294248891), ('fo', -0.01353223277213161), ('oda', -0.000754592811727124), ('fi', 0.010945776023863655), ('cion', -0.005474954482206302), ('ado', -0.003868540620469647), ('.', -0.001444175128863352), ('com', -0.012066081066425087), ('/', -0.010703254158417823), ('2012', 0.002727436816510615), ('/', 0.002263870539334473), ('06', -0.003890099660768303), ('/', -0.005144144133939537), ('ni', -0.0018494054646806845), ('ta', -0.0018494054646806845), ('ya', -0.0010185687541605958), ('-', -0.00932111413607749), ('thai', -0.009304415056653347), ('-', -0.00669379867071661), ('champaign', -0.007274957927115288), ('-', -0.007863584644332554), ('il', -0.006721682119354632), ('.', -0.008918530628256526), ('html', -0.012447583576835718), ('', -0.00041931783238800964)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'found a bug in my rice...'} [('', 0.0), ('found ', -0.03532106338752783), ('a ', 0.041911119767974014), ('bug ', -0.15272781795101764), ('in ', 0.04791419137154662), ('my ', 0.10160953279910245), ('rice', -0.19115731362580846), ('.', -0.0030255849633249454), ('.', -0.0376922485884279), ('.', -0.05802451490308158), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'good burgers, good beers'} [('', 0.0), ('good ', 0.31356509029865265), ('burger', -0.08911702083423734), ('s', 0.03256624983623624), (', ', 0.08868055045604706), ('good ', 0.29529815912246704), ('beers', 0.05008336901664734), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': '\\"Farren\'s has the best burgers in town.\\"'} [('', 0.0), ('\\', 0.03055745456367731), ('"', -0.0216708118095994), ('Far', 0.10167561285197735), ('ren', 0.0897805793210864), ("'", 0.012480063829571009), ('s ', 0.017322261352092028), ('has ', 0.02628228603862226), ('the ', 0.09955829638056457), ('best ', 0.43975130980834365), ('burger', -0.18275921675376594), ('s ', -0.0263112832326442), ('in ', 0.03860842052381486), ('town', 0.03544661041814834), ('.', 0.015357250347733498), ('\\', -0.04705360159277916), ('"', -0.07758034393191338), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "The burger was really good. The service wasn't good."} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.026594382394250715), ('burger ', -0.04880241792307061), ('was ', -0.010987156349074212), ('really ', 0.03876996369945118), ('good', 0.3639838911803963), ('. ', -0.01004272983482224), ('The ', -0.015341958398494171), ('service ', -0.032831244006956695), ('wasn', -0.14233965398943837), ("'", -0.008184015742699557), ('t ', -0.39329561448721506), ('good', -0.08086934556558845), ('.', -0.020012435288663255), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Summer hours... Open at noon! WTF!'} [('', 0.0), ('Summer ', 0.27484737895429134), ('hours', -0.00557214580476284), ('.', 0.0054066479206085205), ('.', 0.0063178520649671555), ('. ', 0.025324638467282057), ('Open ', 0.32191896735457703), ('at ', 0.003224087238777429), ('noon', 0.1487806891091168), ('! ', 0.061369897332042456), ('W', -0.06010260106995702), ('TF', -0.17102619213983417), ('!', 0.014436960220336914), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'eeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww'} [('', 0.0), ('ee', -0.02621000079670921), ('ee', -0.030723703268449754), ('ee', -0.040950643830001354), ('ew', -0.02651229570619762), ('w', -0.025461903074756265), ('w', -0.026925871381536126), ('w', -0.02937583066523075), ('w', -0.02846161788329482), ('w', -0.018801094323862344), ('w', -0.01896929700160399), ('w', -0.017659359553363174), ('w', -0.015801265777554363), ('w', -0.016204096493311226), ('w', -0.016847291379235685), ('w', -0.01525606564246118), ('w', -0.015221468638628721), ('w', -0.03820283350069076), ('w', -0.03791745111811906), ('w', -0.012472206862488141), ('w', -0.01925357631019627), ('w', -0.0009537441267942388), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'I appreciate your collection. \\nBut its too expensive.'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', -0.02712045614316594), ('appreciate ', 0.22756177535302413), ('your ', 0.0543666189241776), ('collection', 0.08324399960474693), ('. ', -0.031325308736995794), ('\\', -0.026129742625926156), ('n', -0.021429000942589482), ('Bu', -0.1220316896760778), ('t ', 0.07990785287984181), ('its ', -0.06744171338232263), ('too ', -0.43954852806473355), ('expensive', -0.07153597956494195), ('.', -0.02426145075878594), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Great food & patio'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.15014564245939255), ('food ', 0.09945418313145638), ('& ', 0.049884114414453506), ('patio', 0.2871042340993881), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Addicting Brunch. MANY veggie options'} [('', 0.0), ('Addict', -0.17013322515413165), ('ing ', 0.05252475175075233), ('Br', 0.004354945020168088), ('un', -0.13311937013349961), ('ch', -0.09456826437963173), ('. ', 0.06189569516573101), ('MANY ', 0.08782093424815685), ('ve', -0.013376663730014116), ('gg', -0.0043620733777061105), ('ie ', -0.02948239812394604), ('options', -0.08006154163740575), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Just awesome.... vegetarian plate is great,cheap and healthy'} [('', 0.0), ('Just ', -0.047538572922348976), ('awesome', 0.36403306014835835), ('.', -0.014376290142536163), ('.', -0.0040419381111860275), ('.', -0.026762627065181732), ('. ', -0.0285209808498621), ('vegetarian ', -0.01764409354655072), ('plate ', -0.03236886236118153), ('is ', 0.07831393668311648), ('great', 0.3152537518471945), (',', 0.024664149386808276), ('cheap ', -0.30646000759952585), ('and ', 0.0481535245962732), ('healthy', 0.23061869685625425), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "never has crushed peppers! \\n\\nbut the pizza ain't too shabby."} [('', 0.0), ('never ', 0.353133661323227), ('has ', 0.09130928121157922), ('crushed ', 0.2257244542997796), ('peppers', -0.009178088104818016), ('! ', 0.002081679180264473), ('\\', -0.032642487824584045), ('n', -0.03247770589465896), ('\\', -0.029639888710031908), ('n', -0.02578130148079557), ('bu', -0.047214076553549), ('t ', -0.02578595468852048), ('the ', 0.04727206384995952), ('pizza ', 0.04096569219836965), ('ain', -0.039060665126877815), ("'", -0.023530120328056608), ('t ', 0.14998519400554264), ('too ', 0.06194575932871279), ('sha', -0.11369909116971637), ('bby', -0.11933585446301247), ('.', -0.026798193972354056), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'ooooohhhh\\nhaaahaaa wow\\nno\\nnope \\nnever again'} [('', -1.724792777427605e-05), ('o', 0.005649254299766783), ('oo', -0.019151650959559317), ('oo', -0.0315558817902846), ('hh', -0.020261798702579523), ('hh', -0.018415954961840595), ('\\', -0.02549035388178059), ('nh', -0.025978935504099354), ('aa', -0.014569247810868546), ('aha', -0.022434775572037324), ('aa ', -0.016321706323651597), ('wow', 0.03657342601218261), ('\\', 0.015569159557344392), ('n', -0.022544462175574154), ('no', -0.07618631832883693), ('\\', -0.016318957757903263), ('n', -0.021085066386149265), ('no', -0.06087342089449521), ('pe ', -0.022074682055972517), ('\\', -0.027181847719475627), ('n', -0.042674154403357534), ('ne', -0.011429049936850788), ('ver ', -0.02447047916939482), ('again', -0.025239587062969804), ('', -2.9512913897633553e-05)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great food and service'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.15204709023237228), ('food ', 0.14220299571752548), ('and ', 0.21976884454488754), ('service', 0.07256852835416794), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Fantastic food drinks atmosphere !!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Fantastic ', 0.24714855290949345), ('food ', 0.07827098341658711), ('drinks ', 0.06407366553321481), ('atmosphere ', 0.09166871663182974), ('!', 0.09798182919621468), ('!', 0.0905025452375412), ('!', 0.053781598806381226), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Kind of crowded right now.'} [('', 0.0), ('Kind ', 0.17413862270768732), ('of ', -0.10506620589876547), ('crowded ', -0.682386893837247), ('right ', 0.31274983612820506), ('now', 0.022352947969920933), ('.', -0.024518838967196643), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good Southwestern food: Addictive chips, efficient service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.1178511306643486), ('Southwestern ', -0.0005088439211249352), ('food', 0.03930928464978933), (': ', 0.04042308032512665), ('Addict', 0.0725661707110703), ('ive ', 0.07788240117952228), ('chips', -0.04388686269521713), (', ', 0.03416795656085014), ('efficient ', 0.40154472552239895), ('service', -0.03667733632028103), ('.', -0.0366855263710022), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Awesome food, awesome service (night crew), awesome time. Thanks guys'} [('', 0.0), ('Awesome ', 0.13575309701263905), ('food', 0.03144604526460171), (', ', -0.020818844437599182), ('awesome ', 0.09347830165643245), ('service ', -0.020572139997966588), ('(', 0.006232174579054117), ('night ', -0.006371574010699987), ('crew', 0.005186647176742554), (')', 0.0010980907827615738), (', ', -0.007862890139222145), ('awesome ', 0.09568990324623883), ('time', -0.01117010717280209), ('. ', -0.009461503475904465), ('Thanks ', 0.3191313035786152), ('guys', -0.0441587008535862), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Beautiful place and beautiful grounds.'} [('', 0.0), ('Beautiful ', 0.19662795960903168), ('place ', 0.07990162074565887), ('and ', 0.06909379363059998), ('beautiful ', 0.2571021821349859), ('grounds', 0.11493865214288235), ('.', -0.02651694044470787), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Terrible service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Terrible ', -0.7558700858789962), ('service', 0.19870293673011474), ('.', 0.0408445093780756), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good place for a beer. Excellent boneless wings.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.2802475839853287), ('place ', 0.05040454864501953), ('for ', -0.0384322851896286), ('a ', 0.04892842331901193), ('beer', -0.050370451528579), ('. ', 0.04779754392802715), ('Excellent ', 0.3757187879527919), ('bone', 0.012009120342554525), ('less ', -0.13620240191812627), ('wings', 0.07684201747179031), ('.', -0.001098625361919403), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Not so rad.'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', -0.021193265623878688), ('so ', 0.16461700637592003), ('ra', -0.21789784799329937), ('d', -0.08641171525232494), ('.', -0.1570993228815496), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'The bar was okay but the comedy show was horrible.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.017791478043363895), ('bar ', -0.013803395773720695), ('was ', 0.12249743256688816), ('okay ', 0.23710066993589862), ('but ', -0.3143533394068072), ('the ', -0.0003011906064784853), ('comedy ', 0.09191465134972532), ('show ', 0.011743909863071167), ('was ', -0.008357683376743807), ('horrible', -0.3939798707688169), ('.', -0.04801163670344977), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Arroz con pollo platter!'} [('', 0.0), ('Ar', 0.016235297545790672), ('ro', 0.039855947718024254), ('z ', 0.12479530647397041), ('con ', 0.06953012850135565), ('poll', -0.21887393947690725), ('o ', 0.049679845571517944), ('platt', 0.3250997147988528), ('er', 0.01696522836573422), ('!', 0.27518047019839287), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great food, awesome customer service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.15595119446516037), ('food', 0.11604311317205429), (', ', 0.0897294133901596), ('awesome ', 0.2843783386051655), ('customer ', 0.09558449685573578), ('service', 0.006909269839525223), ('.', -0.025154106318950653), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Awesome place. Really nice staff'} [('', 0.0), ('Awesome ', 0.18371601402759552), ('place', 0.051262468099594116), ('. ', 0.11060945689678192), ('Really ', 0.08338522166013718), ('nice ', 0.10859335213899612), ('staff', 0.15356847643852234), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "All I can say about Fate is 'yuck' \\n\\nThat's it."} [('', -0.00046785821905359626), ('All ', -0.06673801963916048), ('I ', -0.06428038264857605), ('can ', -0.029776464740280062), ('say ', 0.042609305967926045), ('about ', 0.020921752994763666), ('Fate ', -0.03840395294246264), ('is ', -0.03963568697217852), ("'", -0.0415018993197009), ('yu', -0.025079865008592606), ('ck', -0.04299048113171011), ("' ", -0.02156264882069081), ('\\', -0.02301173674641177), ('n', -0.014789821943850257), ('\\', -0.017751288760337047), ('nT', -0.015045934298541397), ('hat', -0.024274340190459043), ("'", -0.021907953487243503), ('s ', -0.009280108322855085), ('it', -0.03248647376312874), ('.', -0.017259813408600166), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Somewhat slow service and the food was only so-so.'} [('', 0.0), ('Somewhat ', -0.048702336542191915), ('slow ', -0.11719359712151345), ('service ', -0.005264321371214464), ('and ', -0.01796296943211928), ('the ', -0.008783548515566508), ('food ', -0.025891232153298915), ('was ', -0.015837005950743333), ('only ', -0.0410455107994494), ('so', -0.031678905465014395), ('-', -0.020386850939758006), ('so', -0.01807908949558623), ('.', -0.021247427037451416), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Wonderful food! Excellent service! Great lunchtime atmosphere!'} [('', 0.0), ('Wonderful ', 0.1194152757525444), ('food', 0.025171786546707153), ('! ', 0.02200489491224289), ('Excellent ', 0.20138931507244706), ('service', -0.022610718850046396), ('! ', -0.012271486222743988), ('Great ', 0.17405155301094055), ('lunch', 0.07588385511189699), ('time ', -0.01436199713498354), ('atmosphere', 0.05755982920527458), ('!', 0.03983296826481819), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'The service here blows. That is all!'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.0009645825484767556), ('service ', -0.08262661690241657), ('here ', -0.07625076899421401), ('blows', -0.4669207484694198), ('. ', 0.022318287403322756), ('That ', 0.11219025898026302), ('is ', 0.021720008400734514), ('all', 0.13543942011892796), ('!', 0.05410947743803263), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Why would anyone pay money for food like this?'} [('', 0.0), ('Why ', -0.07669349665229674), ('would ', -0.025264553194574546), ('anyone ', -0.0399063723089057), ('pay ', -0.024331401826202637), ('money ', -0.036219872472429415), ('for ', -0.002136610939487582), ('food ', -0.0298314633218979), ('like ', 0.034465048785932595), ('this', 0.034519063414336415), ('?', -0.13684078286314616), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Not worth the price'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', -0.7155380768490431), ('worth ', 0.20555521491041873), ('the ', 0.06062233246120741), ('price', 0.03626910251477966), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great food and fun atmosphere!\\nHighly recommend chicken parmigiana.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.2605000799521804), ('food ', 0.11783765535801649), ('and ', -0.0055864956229925156), ('fun ', 0.2999267177656293), ('atmosphere', 0.021082584746181965), ('!', 0.05247480608522892), ('\\', -0.021076425444334745), ('nH', -0.057349450973561034), ('igh', -0.004474853951251134), ('ly ', 0.01749682001536712), ('recommend ', 0.0314694088883698), ('chicken ', -0.09144719550386071), ('par', -0.011044077342376113), ('mi', -0.05123055609874427), ('gia', 0.014702661777846515), ('na', -0.02879959752317518), ('.', -0.006457388401031494), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Marsala spaghetti-nuff said!'} [('', 0.0), ('Mars', -0.010990791022777557), ('ala ', -0.0010404596105217934), ('spaghetti', -0.46060970425605774), ('-', 0.06383830588310957), ('nu', -0.16389694024110213), ('ff ', -0.1525372322066687), ('said', 0.3294415744021535), ('!', 0.16541470447555184), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Our spaghetti was fresh! What a hoax!'} [('', 0.0), ('Our ', 0.0632252634386532), ('spaghetti ', -0.07671632017445518), ('was ', -0.04888831233984092), ('fresh', 0.3657890435133595), ('! ', 0.05033625406213105), ('What ', -0.03423249948536977), ('a ', 0.038719488598871976), ('hoax', -0.6311589629622176), ('!', -0.0017432405147701502), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Very cool atmosphere.'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.28708867728710175), ('cool ', 0.32307572662830353), ('atmosphere', 0.02063390612602234), ('.', -0.044313669204711914), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good for a quick dinner.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.280863419175148), ('for ', -0.041787464171648026), ('a ', 0.13016584888100624), ('quick ', 0.0008620237931609154), ('dinner', 0.34762850869446993), ('.', -0.026826705783605576), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Overpriced for what you get.'} [('', 0.0), ('Over', -0.562905174359912), ('pr', -0.03594412482925691), ('ice', -0.07460257402271964), ('d ', 0.05092013636021875), ('for ', 0.052787726679525804), ('what ', 0.05502825657458743), ('you ', 0.3456554343938478), ('get', -0.08956032990681706), ('.', -0.02627789182588458), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'The steak rolls are good but not worth the price'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.01315073152181867), ('steak ', 0.03400595792118111), ('rolls ', -0.02068458319445199), ('are ', 0.016246202693764644), ('good ', 0.3926523917953091), ('but ', -0.05528175808467495), ('not ', -0.5536156389880489), ('worth ', -0.04222658521211997), ('the ', -0.011026187083189143), ('price', -0.03219870366592659), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great entertainment...Amanda went the extra mile for our thirst!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.22547420486807823), ('entertainment', 0.1094747893512249), ('.', -0.018416784703731537), ('.', -0.01995853427797556), ('.', -0.007530773989856243), ('Amanda ', 0.15358242741785944), ('went ', 0.004891033284366131), ('the ', 0.11054676596540958), ('extra ', 0.06733325181994587), ('mile ', -0.10431683095521294), ('for ', -0.021986656211083755), ('our ', 0.10149921526317485), ('thirst', -0.01785001702955924), ('!', 0.009711649734526873), ('!', -0.02485286444425583), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Is an OK venue....'} [('', 0.0), ('Is ', -0.021317445673048496), ('an ', 0.22089049662463367), ('OK ', 0.2153846740256995), ('venue', 0.3533673374913633), ('.', 0.036299148574471474), ('.', 0.0027831243351101875), ('.', -0.036269030533730984), ('.', -0.04190611280500889), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'This review pending a post-event phone call to air grievances.'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', -0.03875742823584005), ('review ', 0.06324726191814989), ('pending ', -0.18945414252812043), ('a ', -0.0010504800593480468), ('post', -0.006702582293655723), ('-', 0.01750116073526442), ('event ', -0.007768284354824573), ('phone ', -0.0778312791371718), ('call ', -0.046758048760239035), ('to ', -0.02658245977363549), ('air ', -0.04754683127976023), ('gr', -0.03597733148490079), ('ie', -0.025310908880783245), ('vances', 0.010795283247716725), ('.', -0.016724486369639635), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'I love you Phoenix Comicon, see you next year!'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', -0.02485367190092802), ('love ', 0.22212291252799332), ('you ', 0.17804084834642708), ('Phoenix ', -0.0014461087994277477), ('Comic', 0.031860795337706804), ('on', -0.09410561388358474), (', ', 0.001483098603785038), ('see ', 0.07794029358774424), ('you ', 0.22118951473385096), ('next ', -0.004518530331552029), ('year', 0.026990232057869434), ('!', -0.007435783743858337), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': "Good place to grab breakfast that doesn't cost a fortune."} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.6996515566715971), ('place ', 0.03956898144679144), ('to ', 0.08378560753772035), ('grab ', -0.040401879232376814), ('breakfast ', 0.0064320535166189075), ('that ', 0.012003763229586184), ('doesn', 0.005065012606792152), ("'", 0.01505809382069856), ('t ', -0.03492156695574522), ('cost ', -0.2397850607521832), ('a ', 0.03312593977898359), ('fortune', 0.07492176489904523), ('.', -0.04691293556243181), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best Philly cheesesteak in town!'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.5521750152111053), ('Phil', 0.08726659044623375), ('ly ', 0.07518595829606056), ('cheese', -0.18803828745149076), ('ste', 0.028227958595380187), ('ak ', -0.08016044925898314), ('in ', 0.09151396458037198), ('town', 0.09525599586777389), ('!', 0.051019019447267056), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Such great restaurants and parks...'} [('', 0.0), ('Such ', -0.00894420500844717), ('great ', 0.3134861611761153), ('restaurants ', 0.11885296041145921), ('and ', 0.1332828076556325), ('parks', 0.16914475779049098), ('.', 0.07595165842212737), ('.', -0.02145593985915184), ('.', -0.051049649715423584), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Thats not BBQ...its meat with BBQ sauce :((('} [('', 0.0), ('That', -0.007247815126902424), ('s ', -0.01581043809710536), ('not ', -0.07589389069471508), ('BB', -0.046598275323049165), ('Q', -0.010078476669150405), ('.', -0.02739108557580039), ('.', -0.015203360409941524), ('.', -0.008017826650757343), ('its ', -0.02175441038707504), ('meat ', -0.018226357591629494), ('with ', -0.008931022792239673), ('BB', -0.0395545715582557), ('Q ', -0.007437642823788337), ('sauce ', -0.019974636677943636), (':', -0.006524328848172445), ('(', -0.04132781398948282), ('(', -0.04115141707006842), ('(', -0.05400699516758323), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Solid place to hit up before a baseball game.'} [('', 0.0), ('Solid ', 0.8096157424151897), ('place ', -0.0004117029602639377), ('to ', 0.03305254428414628), ('hit ', 0.06892691412940621), ('up ', 0.09576688392553478), ('before ', -0.2758448193199001), ('a ', -0.017195774184074253), ('baseball ', 0.02343970024958253), ('game', -0.02111649455036968), ('.', -0.019497492699883878), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Go Phoenix Suns'} [('', 0.0), ('Go ', 0.2198353409767151), ('Phoenix ', 0.08711038529872894), ('Suns', 0.16837842762470245), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Really liked the Chicken Pita sub here'} [('', 0.0), ('Really ', 0.28921560384333134), ('liked ', 0.6240928794140927), ('the ', 0.08858422638149932), ('Chicken ', -0.2009887075982988), ('Pit', -0.12805212964303792), ('a ', 0.03132267785258591), ('sub ', -0.06659363792277873), ('here', -0.00661329529248178), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Affordable and good. Clean restaurant. Will return.'} [('', 0.0), ('Affordable ', 0.1728510484099388), ('and ', 0.0023058131337165833), ('good', 0.17384424060583115), ('. ', 0.002321697771549225), ('Clean ', 0.13246098347008228), ('restaurant', 0.06613531894981861), ('. ', 0.012226354330778122), ('Will ', 0.17648455826565623), ('return', -0.020509456750005484), ('.', -0.021209461614489555), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great place to visit.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.35477159917354584), ('place ', 0.08113835752010345), ('to ', 0.09761854261159897), ('visit', 0.1753881648182869), ('.', -0.044880300760269165), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Totally boring, I am glad my trip there was free.'} [('', 0.0), ('Totally ', 0.0065524049059604295), ('boring', -0.6411753270585905), (', ', -0.023021206361590885), ('I ', 0.009245697143342113), ('am ', 0.05451095423268271), ('glad ', 0.22207320013694698), ('my ', 0.025347905633680057), ('trip ', 0.03938480128090305), ('there ', 0.015463729812836391), ('was ', -0.08357826081373787), ('free', 0.0040387159042438725), ('.', -0.0005016071881982498), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'ok mexican food, but the best chili relleno w/ cheese!'} [('', 0.0), ('ok ', 0.035905685275793076), ('mexican ', 0.1264928188174963), ('food', 0.15898140333592892), (', ', -0.03656928986310959), ('but ', -0.13288104918319732), ('the ', 0.020440303866053), ('best ', 0.5329781105683651), ('chili ', -0.014325506635941565), ('re', -0.049535189483625196), ('llen', 0.02446439772999535), ('o ', -0.003500473996003469), ('w', -0.009326607163529843), ('/ ', 0.008394294243771583), ('cheese', -0.0806803876766935), ('!', -0.014167645014822483), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Freshest ingredients, authentic recipes and reasonably priced!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Fresh', 0.18262618221342564), ('est ', 0.029249565675854683), ('ingredients', 0.08794544544070959), (', ', 0.04173028189688921), ('authentic ', 0.14206563821062446), ('recipes ', 0.024170987773686647), ('and ', 0.0068426672369241714), ('reasonably ', 0.14647755678743124), ('priced', 0.014928347431123257), ('!', 0.007033107802271843), ('!', -0.0170372873544693), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'This place is awesome! My favorite lesbian bar in town!'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', -0.009529544040560722), ('place ', 0.06211920455098152), ('is ', 0.038985091261565685), ('awesome', 0.26985651161521673), ('! ', -0.030136801302433014), ('My ', -6.032921373844147e-05), ('favorite ', 0.22444291785359383), ('lesbian ', -0.1579074263572693), ('bar ', -0.06404254026710987), ('in ', 0.07481551170349121), ('town', 0.10074852406978607), ('!', 0.11796589940786362), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great. nuff said.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great', 0.587366733700037), ('. ', 0.1874387003481388), ('nu', -0.13438827742356807), ('ff ', -0.045058176037855446), ('said', 0.1390426552388817), ('.', -0.043314866721630096), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Decent, consistent Mexican food!'} [('', 0.0), ('Decent', 0.22630542516708374), (', ', 0.11929970979690552), ('consistent ', 0.11686425097286701), ('Mexican ', 0.03208010457456112), ('food', 0.11168263107538223), ('!', 0.0849069207906723), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'La Tolteca is dead, long live La Tolteca! :-('} [('', -0.00031456163560505956), ('La ', 0.008371342402824666), ('To', 0.06764152839453648), ('lt', -0.014259411620211418), ('eca ', -0.11485702102496968), ('is ', -0.001320241739449557), ('dead', -0.3084303201540024), (', ', 0.008776094444328919), ('long ', -0.09941899497269853), ('live ', 0.09658929344524429), ('La ', 0.008806598196055606), ('To', 0.07618821668837059), ('lt', -0.025228390553474173), ('eca', -0.05536385027118654), ('! ', 0.03565071480417308), (':', -0.05616687299334444), ('-', -0.017281087610172108), ('(', -0.06929346133256331), ('', 2.574216341599822e-05)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'ive had better.'} [('', 0.0), ('iv', -0.04249666165560484), ('e ', -0.009860598482191563), ('had ', -0.2515700694639236), ('better', 0.01942206430248916), ('.', -0.03598737856373191), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Get up, go downtown and eat here!'} [('', 0.0), ('Get ', -0.05873761512339115), ('up', 0.14130090363323689), (', ', 0.019582875072956085), ('go ', 0.08616159297525883), ('downtown ', 0.12185066379606724), ('and ', 0.07949433103203773), ('eat ', 0.163383224979043), ('here', 0.10938275419175625), ('!', 0.05001344531774521), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Absolutely one of our favorite spots.'} [('', 0.0), ('Absolutely ', 0.23095755279064178), ('one ', 0.1590055711567402), ('of ', -0.025887731462717056), ('our ', 0.16791118402034044), ('favorite ', 0.21212384570389986), ('spots', 0.0044675227254629135), ('.', -0.02517341822385788), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Not bad...they have decent prices.'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', 0.2543822744737554), ('bad', 0.07099030223980662), ('.', 0.02048271894454956), ('.', -0.0024337060749530792), ('.', 0.0009017549455165863), ('they ', 0.009807777823880315), ('have ', 0.048515107249841094), ('decent ', 0.3753472649259493), ('prices', -0.05078374210279435), ('.', -0.03084081970155239), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best donuts anywhere. Krispy Kreme has nothing on this place.'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.37468459233787144), ('don', -0.015504623052038369), ('uts ', -0.016150226614627172), ('anywhere', -0.03401724361538072), ('. ', -0.03127103263977915), ('Kris', 0.04385649269534042), ('py ', -0.014006106976012234), ('K', -0.027895978244487196), ('rem', -0.052377493113453966), ('e ', -0.04954192256991519), ('has ', 0.0036347110544738825), ('nothing ', -0.5760682002328394), ('on ', -0.0492168725522788), ('this ', 0.040413197873931495), ('place', -0.017053930252586724), ('.', -0.01871499868866522), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Consistently delicious.'} [('', 0.0), ('Consistently ', 0.2191435545682907), ('delicious', 0.21957121789455414), ('.', 0.03817138075828552), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Its alright.'} [('', 0.0), ('Its ', 0.16435427963733673), ('alright', 0.27407674491405487), ('.', 0.03820633888244629), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'The food was tasty, but the service was tasteless.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.009093325992580503), ('food ', -0.08450574372545816), ('was ', -0.038621743937255815), ('ta', 0.2577530032431241), ('sty', 0.1067302577139344), (', ', 0.0834199862438254), ('but ', -0.15471302860532887), ('the ', 0.05549932992289541), ('service ', -0.08142806073738029), ('was ', -0.014044334588106722), ('taste', 0.010881167807383463), ('less', -0.38208119513001293), ('.', -0.10073120510787703), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Delicious!'} [('', 0.0), ('Delicious', 0.13717153668403625), ('!', 0.1359732449054718), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'The best carne asada tacos!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.036778132896870375), ('best ', 0.3408788680098951), ('car', -0.0077195982448756695), ('ne ', -0.00225652614608407), ('asa', 0.035514455288648605), ('da ', 0.016904376447200775), ('ta', 0.1884155785664916), ('cos', 0.06365439761430025), ('!', 0.055078744888305664), ('!', 0.02932802587747574), ('!', -0.017039969563484192), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Two words: Molcajete Caliente\\n\\nEnough said.'} [('', 0.0), ('Two ', -0.039673334918916225), ('words', -0.0351567892357707), (': ', -0.05926318373531103), ('Mo', -0.016462966217659414), ('lc', -0.02772046357858926), ('aj', -0.04618108505383134), ('ete ', -0.07752560637891293), ('Cal', 0.05370102729648352), ('iente', 0.027696482953615487), ('\\', 0.011517856153659523), ('n', -0.050170712638646364), ('\\', -0.0886968239210546), ('nE', -0.01296680179075338), ('no', -0.00993098205071874), ('ugh ', -0.08688862371491268), ('said', 0.06481447687838227), ('.', -0.046272974577732384), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'The Butterfly Exhibit was worth the trip.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.02918802946805954), ('Butterfly ', 0.10222277417778969), ('Exhibit ', 0.1652396060526371), ('was ', -0.09222608339041471), ('worth ', 0.39793246518820524), ('the ', 0.08171323593705893), ('trip', 0.05323486868292093), ('.', -0.00812867283821106), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "What's with long lines to get breakfast! Very disappointing."} [('', 0.0), ('What', -0.06499450546471053), ("'", -0.012628346255951328), ('s ', 0.018085545099893352), ('with ', 0.042941621089539694), ('long ', -0.1328099334673425), ('lines ', -0.10973567211522095), ('to ', -0.00031583715963279246), ('get ', -0.06536355893240398), ('breakfast', 0.08179050583385106), ('! ', 0.06209828872579237), ('Very ', -0.00422025735679199), ('disappointing', -0.16713732079733745), ('.', -0.03791736203129403), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Travis is very nice and helpful'} [('', 0.0), ('Travis ', 0.14203102886676788), ('is ', 0.04051786661148071), ('very ', 0.048221342265605927), ('nice ', 0.11488088220357895), ('and ', 0.08594323694705963), ('helpful', 0.25951917469501495), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Average to below average sonic. Slower than most.'} [('', 0.0), ('Average ', -0.028316333758994006), ('to ', -0.014801886092755012), ('below ', -0.07713241197052412), ('average ', 0.010912351666775066), ('sonic', -0.02633452036388917), ('. ', 0.013097905364702456), ('Slower ', -0.23370902509486768), ('than ', -0.0010372987744631246), ('most', 0.08921534198452719), ('.', -0.033821164222899824), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Pretty good Pizza & I am from NJ.'} [('', 0.0), ('Pretty ', 0.06084828823804855), ('good ', 0.3856492396444082), ('Pizza ', -0.06005815975368023), ('& ', 0.11329540610313416), ('I ', 0.040141334757208824), ('am ', 0.16969509748741984), ('from ', -0.04204585449770093), ('NJ', 0.0798018155619502), ('.', -0.03435640409588814), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'This is my FAVORITE pizza in the world!!'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', 0.011620773002505302), ('is ', 0.09947377070784569), ('my ', 0.2171450089663267), ('FAVORITE ', 0.20590740302577615), ('pizza ', -0.04937072517350316), ('in ', 0.010433240560814738), ('the ', 0.03771681827493012), ('world', 0.1381030362099409), ('!', 0.02894391492009163), ('!', -0.004335120320320129), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Wings were tasty! Pizza sauce had great flavor! Worth trying.'} [('', 0.0), ('Wings ', 0.06145741231739521), ('were ', -0.03957081772387028), ('ta', 0.24650363880209625), ('sty', -0.003012747270986438), ('! ', 0.026447853073477745), ('Pizza ', -0.018269771710038185), ('sauce ', -0.025710991118103266), ('had ', -0.050827966013457626), ('great ', 0.19157318508950993), ('flavor', 0.07445726566947997), ('! ', -0.016512196511030197), ('Worth ', 0.17152609210461378), ('trying', -0.014844979159533978), ('.', -0.019678130745887756), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'This location is CLOSED.'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', 0.23330542123585474), ('location ', -0.037944010025967145), ('is ', -0.13168567089087446), ('CLOSED', -0.35384291689115344), ('.', -0.04502806160598993), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Ew. Each bite was pure fatty nastiness.'} [('', 0.0), ('E', -0.05368745047599077), ('w', -0.0246776370331645), ('. ', 0.013580616563558578), ('Each ', -0.006828409619629383), ('bite ', -0.05352043267339468), ('was ', -0.023273133032489568), ('pure ', 0.011617934505920857), ('fatty ', -0.043926005135290325), ('nas', -0.02408785483567044), ('tine', -0.048822067852597684), ('ss', -0.05491905740927905), ('.', -0.03650076570920646), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Hot links were very average. Terrible texture.'} [('', 0.0), ('Hot ', 0.060907214996404946), ('links ', -0.05825097698834725), ('were ', -0.09332881841692142), ('very ', -0.03520645693060942), ('average', -0.01965200391714461), ('. ', 0.005934803222771734), ('Terrible ', -0.3251087364333216), ('texture', 0.2087859241582919), ('.', -0.02600179857108742), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best place to eat'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.15277106314897537), ('place ', 0.07330554351210594), ('to ', 0.0705517940223217), ('eat', 0.289548322558403), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'eh.'} [('', 0.0), ('eh', -0.14634281396865845), ('.', 0.24545961618423462), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'In need of updating. Very 1983.'} [('', 0.0), ('In ', 0.024408985875197686), ('need ', -0.5873424690726097), ('of ', -0.013204166600189637), ('up', 0.23221936615300365), ('dating', 0.12033218573196791), ('. ', 0.035576803755247965), ('Very ', -0.017630918729992118), ('1983', -0.029933711972262245), ('.', -0.04953800966904964), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Did not care for the food at'} [('', 0.0), ('Did ', 0.07624330761609599), ('not ', -0.46302818734693574), ('care ', -0.04968750429543434), ('for ', -0.07160988627947518), ('the ', 0.09503504913664074), ('food ', 0.08753628882186604), ('at', 0.04938231360210921), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Not authentic. But again, this is not New York....'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', -0.3088742423879012), ('authentic', 0.16644043809901632), ('. ', -0.01665321366817807), ('But ', -0.03192912113718194), ('again', -0.018142823641937866), (', ', -0.01015418246788613), ('this ', -0.013287682097598008), ('is ', -0.0022690025184601836), ('not ', -0.10909666205770918), ('New ', 0.03828632846261826), ('York', 0.019045274700602022), ('.', -0.019313853601488518), ('.', -0.04585587572364602), ('.', -0.033160216131363995), ('.', -0.04651492930133827), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'best scallion pancakes in PHX!'} [('', 0.0), ('best ', 0.894437691080384), ('sc', -0.062099469447275624), ('all', -0.012098600243916735), ('ion ', -0.00410565099446103), ('pancakes ', -0.03385715838521719), ('in ', 0.02372669754549861), ('PH', -0.1343660489656031), ('X', 0.020746007561683655), ('!', 0.002706855535507202), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best Chinese food restaurant in Phoenix area!'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.23690173029899597), ('Chinese ', 0.06026758626103401), ('food ', 0.07340873405337334), ('restaurant ', 0.13273163884878159), ('in ', 0.04794226586818695), ('Phoenix ', 0.0661094393581152), ('area', 0.0861672330647707), ('!', 0.025707140564918518), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Horrible service and bland, tasteless food!'} [('', 0.0), ('Horrible ', -0.057320149451697944), ('service ', -0.018303348315384937), ('and ', 0.015124077319342177), ('bland', -0.13671538706330466), (', ', 0.04592991777099087), ('taste', 0.10782406502767117), ('less ', -0.3322996955503186), ('food', 0.08361226120905485), ('!', 0.005551842121349182), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Very nice!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.04683891870081425), ('nice', 0.08427211828529835), ('!', 0.10904211923480034), ('!', 0.15324773639440536), ('!', 0.27061520516872406), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good food, decent priced lunch menu. Definitely recommend!'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.1361666489392519), ('food', 0.03906220383942127), (', ', -0.008280400186777115), ('decent ', 0.13309351983480155), ('priced ', 0.015028205933049321), ('lunch ', 0.045014300383627415), ('menu', -0.01588017586618662), ('. ', -0.011172797530889511), ('Definitely ', 0.13745347782969475), ('recommend', 0.20403745397925377), ('!', -0.00846419483423233), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Costco is a great place to shop.'} [('', 0.0), ('Cost', -0.0529470955953002), ('co ', 0.10436097625643015), ('is ', 0.11196787236258388), ('a ', 0.12059381185099483), ('great ', 0.41904411371797323), ('place ', -0.0030026882886886597), ('to ', 0.06861809780821204), ('shop', -0.08983145328238606), ('.', 0.03409137111157179), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "Great staff and good food, don't change a thing!"} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.32015737335314043), ('staff ', 0.07462458850932308), ('and ', 0.004229938553180546), ('good ', 0.3716098871664144), ('food', 0.032517321582417935), (', ', -0.0015560169704258442), ('don', -0.019202007999410853), ("'", -0.032912090100580826), ('t ', -0.04424784146249294), ('change ', -0.0789709830423817), ('a ', 0.03303787694312632), ('thing', -0.03360128356143832), ('!', -0.01638239447493106), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Do not eat here. Terrible.'} [('', 0.0), ('Do ', -0.011751544931030367), ('not ', -0.1987448426116316), ('eat ', 0.056865758593630744), ('here', 0.019010770149179734), ('. ', -0.0008843411487760022), ('Terrible', -0.1124295273621101), ('.', -0.027121705381432548), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'I hate you.'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', 0.270902227377519), ('hate ', -0.8176369854190852), ('you', 0.17898533228435554), ('.', -0.044836752058472484), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Grade A white bread \\"Mexican\\" food'} [('', 0.0), ('Grade ', -0.1571255326271057), ('A ', 0.15751940850168467), ('white ', -0.07694076839834452), ('bread ', -0.09322720509953797), ('\\', -0.017450360814109445), ('"', -0.06816989881917834), ('Mexican', 0.042791405227035284), ('\\', 0.031623953487724066), ('" ', 0.18378440057858825), ('food', 0.5623283484019339), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Over rated :(((('} [('', 0.0), ('Over ', -0.5742686884186696), ('rated ', 0.35129343562584836), (':', -0.007583291546325199), ('(', 0.01638423441181658), ('(', -0.021776479938125703), ('(', -0.02316174808947835), ('(', -0.015732382773421705), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great lunch spot, really yummy sandwich and very shareable.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.24082865566015244), ('lunch ', 0.09971983078867197), ('spot', -0.006785334087908268), (', ', -0.028365522623062134), ('really ', 0.04483751091174781), ('yu', 0.05085582594620064), ('mmy ', 0.002033243828918785), ('sandwich ', -0.028677755035459995), ('and ', 0.03186919912695885), ('very ', 0.025275413878262043), ('share', 0.029422203544527292), ('able', 0.16848200233653188), ('.', -0.020086538046598434), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Tomato, mozzarella, and basil. ENOUGH SAID!'} [('', 0.0), ('Tomato', -0.1805103961378336), (', ', 0.07109708432108164), ('mo', -0.016589346574619412), ('zza', 0.05923858960159123), ('rella', 0.01763420971110463), (', ', 0.14869885938242078), ('and ', 0.15297532454133034), ('basil', 0.20852753799408674), ('. ', 0.05065721366554499), ('ENOUGH ', -0.14579511806368828), ('SAID', 0.1645205169916153), ('!', 0.09470350667834282), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Mozzarella sandwich ... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm\\nmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm\\nmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm\\nmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm\\nmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm\\nmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm\\nmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!! \\n\\nThat is all.'} [('', -0.0009046607398583243), ('Mo', -0.005532162409508601), ('zza', -0.005532162409508601), ('rella ', -0.006014088081428781), ('sandwich ', -0.012006599058319503), ('.', -0.0036215582610263177), ('.', -0.00025643003755249083), ('. ', -0.00025643003755249083), ('mmm', -0.002492635218331692), ('mm', -0.002492635218331692), ('mm', -0.0024442474226449703), ('mm', -0.0024442474226449703), ('mm', -0.002463763054365394), ('mm', -0.002463763054365394), ('mm', -0.002499085442068157), ('mm', -0.002499085442068157), ('mm', -0.002399649451766989), ('mm', -0.002399649451766989), ('mm', -0.0024081315885306214), ('mm', -0.0024081315885306214), ('mm', -0.00257210593372666), ('mm', -0.00257210593372666), ('mm', -0.002096253969288326), ('m', -0.002096253969288326), ('\\', -0.002096253969288326), ('nm', -0.0020150429390866074), ('mm', -0.0020150429390866074), ('mm', -0.002003040752236894), ('mm', -0.002003040752236894), ('mm', -0.0026032500954840097), ('mm', -0.0026032500954840097), ('mm', -0.0025331199922162804), ('mm', -0.0025331199922162804), ('mm', -0.0026494638961536573), ('mm', -0.0026494638961536573), ('mm', -0.0026062756744010137), ('mm', -0.0026062756744010137), ('mm', -0.0025120691314990083), ('mm', -0.0025120691314990083), ('mm', -0.0025120691314990083), ('mm', -0.0025120691314990083), ('m', -0.002082020920952634), ('\\', -0.002082020920952634), ('nm', -0.0021493690178936552), ('mm', -0.0021493690178936552), ('mm', -0.0025046124679243397), ('mm', -0.0025046124679243397), ('mm', -0.0028934198522215914), ('mm', -0.00327052074458657), ('mm', -0.0032917728272473645), ('mm', -0.0028897027109956574), ('mm', -0.0032738018987907304), ('mm', -0.0032738018987907304), ('mm', -0.0038228653345464005), ('mm', -0.0034591582577882542), ('mm', -0.003710444309722839), ('mm', -0.003710444309722839), ('mm', -0.0032732755560169204), ('mm', -0.0032732755560169204), ('m', -0.002746372387951447), ('\\', -0.002746372387951447), ('nm', -0.002728681969327024), ('mm', -0.0029884613629999673), ('mm', -0.0027087996293428456), ('mm', -0.0027087996293428456), ('mm', -0.003239457919132999), ('mm', -0.003239457919132999), ('mm', -0.0032467552971663987), ('mm', -0.0032467552971663987), ('mm', -0.0027078428816619433), ('mm', -0.0031819577839794673), ('mm', -0.0028085982472273625), ('mm', -0.0028085982472273625), ('mm', -0.0026099662341746606), ('mm', -0.0026099662341746606), ('mm', -0.002601536833551816), ('mm', -0.002601536833551816), ('m', -0.0026980275275289185), ('\\', -0.0026980275275289185), ('nm', -0.003619925381479659), ('mm', -0.0037597411143163824), ('mm', -0.003621734941242137), ('mm', -0.003621734941242137), ('mm', -0.00454231179957638), ('mm', -0.0049873470858241105), ('mm', -0.004833524494295814), ('mm', -0.004833524494295814), ('mm', -0.004210662656094753), ('mm', -0.004210662656094753), ('mm', -0.0047069535130670895), ('mm', -0.0047069535130670895), ('mm', -0.004077527173969147), ('mm', -0.004077527173969147), ('mm', -0.004164072303275762), ('mm', -0.004164072303275762), ('m', -0.003733161949959768), ('\\', -0.003733161949959768), ('nm', -0.0025388198845179913), ('mm', -0.0025388198845179913), ('mm', -0.0025226641154008148), ('mm', -0.0025226641154008148), ('mm', -0.0030147226933481333), ('mm', -0.0030147226933481333), ('mm', -0.003005306207211518), ('mm', -0.003005306207211518), ('mm', -0.0029929675829921077), ('mm', -0.0029929675829921077), ('mm', -0.0030162919747967433), ('mm', -0.0030162919747967433), ('mm', -0.003217334308880211), ('mm', -0.003217334308880211), ('mm', -0.003217334308880211), ('mm', -0.003217334308880211), ('m', -0.002695152189568446), ('\\', -0.002695152189568446), ('nm', -0.002626561681518885), ('mm', -0.002626561681518885), ('mm', -0.0029225063098246183), ('mm', -0.0029225063098246183), ('mm', -0.0031976317109191745), ('mm', -0.0031976317109191745), ('mm', -0.003872727169589383), ('mm', -0.003872727169589383), ('mm', -0.003872727169589383), ('!', -0.0030451903315637007), ('!', -0.0017602982698008418), ('! ', -0.0001657780958339572), ('\\', -0.0024209623160358104), ('n', -0.0016770702722068462), ('\\', -0.0016770702722068462), ('nT', -0.005555564996838156), ('hat ', -0.005555564996838156), ('is ', -0.005871174384891573), ('all', -0.005871174384891573), ('.', -0.007170284626125876), ('', -0.00016048718761238788)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best lunch place in town'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.18440287560224533), ('lunch ', 0.12954730913043022), ('place ', 0.02619306370615959), ('in ', 0.24854562431573868), ('town', 0.07525063306093216), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Two words- Smokey Forest.'} [('', 0.0), ('Two ', 0.04875617474317551), ('words', 0.051854878664016724), ('- ', 0.00740843266248703), ('Smoke', 0.12132547399960458), ('y ', 0.3602716962341219), ('Forest', 0.13628732413053513), ('.', -0.012356214225292206), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'please tear this place down.'} [('', 0.0), ('please ', 0.17095422254351433), ('tear ', -0.07501583054181538), ('this ', -0.05771190305313212), ('place ', -0.04085253556695534), ('down', -0.2624626897086273), ('.', -0.04191376535163727), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Always helpful and superior service!'} [('', 0.0), ('Always ', 0.11691422760486603), ('helpful ', 0.1595369577407837), ('and ', 0.06934060156345367), ('superior ', 0.2228570096194744), ('service', 0.03743726387619972), ('!', 0.08502782881259918), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Breakfast at 2:30.... Holla!'} [('', 0.0), ('Breakfast ', 0.2928052470088005), ('at ', 0.04379815049469471), ('2', -0.008484171703457832), (':', -0.010255851782858372), ('30', 0.0643775099888444), ('.', -0.034671179950237274), ('.', -0.00015108101069927216), ('.', -0.023973459377884865), ('. ', 0.011029455810785294), ('Ho', -0.12475587334483862), ('lla', 0.04393119644373655), ('!', 0.24883929640054703), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "Their quesadilla burger gave me food poisoning. 'Nuff said."} [('', 0.0), ('Their ', -0.020871774235274643), ('que', -0.034614973243151326), ('sa', -0.01835273316464736), ('di', 0.02139883463678416), ('lla ', 0.011908897085959325), ('burger ', -0.08685013910690031), ('gave ', 0.1324811261456489), ('me ', 0.0011633829717538902), ('food ', 0.049261678884249704), ('poisoning', -0.3054490047343279), ('. ', -0.023479843301174697), ("'", -0.06647183741733897), ('Nu', -0.06628390482364921), ('ff ', -0.05879111741523957), ('said', 0.05280603902065195), ('.', -0.03436984837753698), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'awesome!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('awesome', 0.08190703764557838), ('!', 0.0780547596514225), ('!', 0.14944801479578018), ('!', 0.27717025578022003), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Big portions low prices'} [('', 0.0), ('Big ', 0.04699291131328209), ('portions ', 0.14705007006887172), ('low ', -0.4712028426638426), ('prices', -0.1358884115688852), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'The orange chicken is great. This place is always packed.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.016133703757077456), ('orange ', -0.015406347345560789), ('chicken ', -0.04839315079152584), ('is ', 0.05184067157097161), ('great', 0.3468307035509497), ('. ', -0.005325342994183302), ('This ', 0.020242787897586823), ('place ', 0.014690794050693512), ('is ', 0.048899609595537186), ('always ', 0.12234741076827049), ('packed', 0.1465712934732437), ('.', -0.038927555084228516), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'My cousin took me here...delicious! Get the dumplings- amazing!'} [('', 0.0), ('My ', 0.006594818085432053), ('cousin ', 0.11864083632826805), ('took ', -0.06409481167793274), ('me ', 0.07185245398432016), ('here', 0.03351433668285608), ('.', 0.08582164160907269), ('.', -0.00902479700744152), ('.', -0.009720994159579277), ('delicious', 0.18894655024632812), ('! ', -0.02724142512306571), ('Get ', -0.03906937490683049), ('the ', -0.008528358885087073), ('dump', -0.05335059319622815), ('lings', 0.008813885739073157), ('- ', 0.009485046844929457), ('amazing', 0.2232209499925375), ('!', 0.0023662312887609005), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best egg roles.'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.681294284760952), ('egg ', -0.2534494223073125), ('roles', 0.20248933602124453), ('.', -0.04450640082359314), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'This station is ridiculous and infuriating'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', -0.012000046124740038), ('station ', -0.037538285921982606), ('is ', -0.0017283659199165413), ('ridiculous ', -0.08937070511092315), ('and ', 0.045951255182444584), ('in', -0.014892279270497966), ('fur', -0.07406680388703535), ('iating', -0.08651862938131671), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "It's a great place. They make you feel gpod."} [('', 0.0), ('It', -0.022741107502952218), ("'", -0.01373286615125835), ('s ', -0.016591988503932953), ('a ', 0.2522621066891588), ('great ', 0.6182602753979154), ('place', -0.04543134558480233), ('. ', 0.00297913933172822), ('They ', -0.0010789227671921253), ('make ', 0.05025740503333509), ('you ', 0.09043790178839117), ('feel ', -0.01403606019448489), ('gp', -0.11818748549558222), ('od', -0.17644451861269772), ('.', -0.022767426911741495), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good Place, Helpful staff!'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.19397736340761185), ('Place', 0.06765037029981613), (', ', 0.084361732006073), ('Helpful ', 0.1418650895357132), ('staff', 0.11848330497741699), ('!', 0.08477936685085297), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'They are closed.'} [('', 0.0), ('They ', 0.37411656603217125), ('are ', -0.12669015862047672), ('closed', -0.17750525660812855), ('.', 0.0009366422891616821), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'I love this place! Sally is the best!'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', 0.04484370909631252), ('love ', 0.26270571164786816), ('this ', 0.05056805536150932), ('place', -0.013799771666526794), ('! ', 0.004129618406295776), ('Sally ', 0.0530448229983449), ('is ', -0.0045970650389790535), ('the ', 0.05778608098626137), ('best', 0.24429189041256905), ('!', -0.0020519420504570007), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "Juan's has the best bean burritos! \\nFreindly, clean & independant."} [('', 4.9348920583724976e-05), ('Juan', 0.11087462756161888), ("'", -0.006345036129156749), ('s ', 0.013895916597296795), ('has ', -0.017046211170963943), ('the ', -0.0243336915737018), ('best ', 0.32457616401370615), ('bean ', -0.0364270854042843), ('burr', -0.047878670428569116), ('ito', -0.010356985420609513), ('s', -0.012911704058448473), ('! ', -0.03248378075659275), ('\\', -0.00830797820041577), ('n', 0.0016284319766176243), ('Fr', -0.027858059251836192), ('ein', 0.005611824764249225), ('dly', -0.06712985391883801), (', ', 0.02205686674763759), ('clean ', 0.1365058114086943), ('& ', 0.10616029652633838), ('ind', 0.025589124698724066), ('ep', -0.01572718477940985), ('end', 0.028210504496070956), ('ant', 0.014272855877477144), ('.', 0.01008428300597838), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'As far as pizza goes... Um no thanks.'} [('', 0.0), ('As ', -0.047155767504591495), ('far ', -0.060183444496942684), ('as ', -0.04428269746131264), ('pizza ', -0.06503990909550339), ('goes', 0.02679975552018732), ('.', 0.02666515519376844), ('.', -0.021149846841581166), ('. ', -0.02247399534098804), ('Um ', -0.028753827475156868), ('no ', -0.5320662338963302), ('thanks', 0.43264887709665345), ('.', -0.033590668288525194), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great pizza, I will be back.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.31665304489433765), ('pizza', -0.023495273664593697), (', ', 0.07614986598491669), ('I ', 0.07746324129402637), ('will ', 0.3437160197645426), ('be ', 0.028743863571435213), ('back', -0.06842291029170156), ('.', -0.021822839975357056), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best meatball sandwich! Rivals my mommas. Worth it!'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.39845729153603315), ('meat', -0.01875733386259526), ('ball ', -0.003138605155982077), ('sandwich', -0.034279381390661), ('! ', -0.037936512380838394), ('Rivals ', 0.125734219327569), ('my ', 0.05746648274362087), ('momma', -0.015557027887552977), ('s', -0.0049789161421358585), ('. ', -0.01483154483139515), ('Worth ', 0.1373357530683279), ('it', 0.023482656106352806), ('!', -0.0035704635083675385), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great Hardware store!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.49364992091432214), ('Hardware ', 0.015054998686537147), ('store', -0.19935414590872824), ('!', 0.27722035348415375), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Freshly-made pasta is delicious!'} [('', 0.0), ('Freshly', 0.41305729653686285), ('-', -0.10293955681845546), ('made ', 0.050410371739417315), ('pasta ', 0.0948695382103324), ('is ', 0.036635310389101505), ('delicious', 0.2041621059179306), ('!', 0.02724510431289673), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Home away from home. Love it.'} [('', 0.0), ('Home ', 0.31827136129140854), ('away ', -0.0051410626620054245), ('from ', -0.10987332137301564), ('home', 0.08740377658978105), ('. ', 0.06547455489635468), ('Love ', 0.31371086090803146), ('it', 0.0825629010796547), ('.', -0.02313348650932312), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Yummy hot dogs. Love the potato salad!'} [('', 0.0), ('Yu', 0.13303076103329659), ('mmy ', 0.056124962866306305), ('hot ', 0.16028289310634136), ('dogs', -0.15294123627245426), ('. ', 0.12565940618515015), ('Love ', 0.4170024888589978), ('the ', 0.019538341090083122), ('potato ', -0.09475551312789321), ('salad', 0.02479256922379136), ('!', 0.007936932146549225), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Great music, cheap drinks and a no frills attitude.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.49109176942147315), ('music', 0.3361983865033835), (', ', -0.0288509177044034), ('cheap ', -0.35207925697613973), ('drinks ', -0.001850087704951875), ('and ', 0.06110831873957068), ('a ', 0.01557524664531229), ('no ', 0.005416653839347418), ('fr', 0.1221053733906956), ('ill', -0.10531041475860548), ('s ', 0.003300259675597772), ('attitude', 0.06450536925694905), ('.', -0.004802461917279288), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'The staff is very friendly...'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.10317642986774445), ('staff ', 0.1761527517810464), ('is ', -0.02453193347901106), ('very ', 0.0003569629043340683), ('friendly', 0.49318374460563064), ('.', 0.053401748184114695), ('.', -0.021451961249113083), ('.', -0.05105328559875488), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Decent. Low key. Minimal attitude from patrons and staff.'} [('', 0.0), ('Decent', 0.816822203778429), ('. ', 0.03292851700098254), ('Low ', -0.10576716229115846), ('key', 0.05466988188709365), ('. ', -0.023018461710307747), ('Minimal ', -0.24214326808578335), ('attitude ', -0.15506893847486936), ('from ', 0.00017424070392735302), ('patrons ', 0.0531713061791379), ('and ', 0.05423797370167449), ('staff', 0.07310631455038674), ('.', -0.0006536531436722726), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'A walgreens with no liquor? What am I, in Utah?'} [('', 0.0), ('A ', 0.003156405407935381), ('wal', -0.02499157113925321), ('gree', -0.0088904522563098), ('ns ', -0.05573274596099509), ('with ', -0.012002045797999017), ('no ', -0.04883428792527411), ('liquor', -0.027360684594896156), ('? ', -0.04868044211616507), ('What ', -0.0636813175296993), ('am ', -0.007795411562256049), ('I', -0.009246288493159227), (', ', -0.03002596968144644), ('in ', -0.021680600846593734), ('Utah', -0.00702661774266744), ('?', -0.06875367541215383), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'out of business on april 30, 2014.'} [('', 0.0), ('out ', -0.16792801949486602), ('of ', 0.009383709453686606), ('business ', -0.07589069684763672), ('on ', 0.09354226927825948), ('april ', -0.04627653008355992), ('30', -0.03707469181972556), (', ', 0.0372706414636923), ('2014', -0.039781749626854435), ('.', -0.05918788831331767), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Went here last night, cheap drinks, friendly staff.. will return!'} [('', 0.0), ('Went ', -0.10553147969767451), ('here ', -0.03272140212357044), ('last ', -0.024558197474107146), ('night', -0.048578047193586826), (', ', -0.029737519333139062), ('cheap ', -0.7656692645614385), ('drinks', 0.02969971685524797), (', ', 0.042235533823259175), ('friendly ', 0.24100057118630502), ('staff', 0.09042246466560755), ('.', -0.05928376512019895), ('. ', -0.26276080729439855), ('will ', 0.34544139535864815), ('return', 0.006578821514267474), ('!', 0.20592373586259782), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Had some great breakfast service. Spacious. Good pricing. Clean.'} [('', 0.0), ('Had ', -0.02760140225291252), ('some ', 0.0016991933807730675), ('great ', 0.3348513590171933), ('breakfast ', 0.00969554204493761), ('service', -0.025783472694456577), ('. ', 0.010937992483377457), ('Spacious', 0.08500903844833374), ('. ', 0.014890171587467194), ('Good ', 0.13582394900731742), ('pricing', -0.0385222879704088), ('. ', 0.002098911441862583), ('Clean', 0.1098911501467228), ('.', -0.0035408176481723785), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Closed as of 2/17'} [('', 0.0), ('Closed ', 0.0718291848897934), ('as ', 0.09499552100896835), ('of ', 0.03983654826879501), ('2', 0.008751406334340572), ('/', -0.35158752370625734), ('17', -0.026478344574570656), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Fantastic food, great service, cozy atmosphere! A bit pricy,...worth it!'} [('', 0.0), ('Fantastic ', 0.1809124695137143), ('food', 0.014007311314344406), (', ', -0.009163086535409093), ('great ', 0.07581929316802416), ('service', 0.004995464623789303), (', ', 0.01110839139437303), ('cozy ', 0.05503417371073738), ('atmosphere', 0.04167205130215734), ('! ', -0.003463898377958685), ('A ', -0.0039154185855295506), ('bit ', -0.04060399841400795), ('pri', -0.01008445150218904), ('cy', -0.029708441731054337), (',', -0.014815664594061672), ('.', -0.01566393207758665), ('.', -0.018893059343099594), ('.', -0.017431210726499557), ('worth ', 0.2946486184373498), ('it', 0.026821783743798733), ('!', -0.028925806283950806), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Fun atmosphere, delicious food, good prices.'} [('', 0.0), ('Fun ', 0.21607477590441704), ('atmosphere', 0.10046279057860374), (', ', 0.03996426612138748), ('delicious ', 0.1339123360812664), ('food', 0.01701682060956955), (', ', 0.03263178840279579), ('good ', 0.20927012525498867), ('prices', -0.02106788381934166), ('.', -0.015241207554936409), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'closed :('} [('', 0.0), ('closed ', 0.26865876093506813), (':', 0.2249465249478817), ('(', -0.13570484519004822), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Pretty good subs. The pastrami is to die for.'} [('', 0.0), ('Pretty ', 0.04870583303272724), ('good ', 0.7100396417081356), ('sub', -0.16973567614331841), ('s', 0.03574272757396102), ('. ', -0.001714189536869526), ('The ', -0.11049996968358755), ('past', -0.1865716688334942), ('ram', 0.021229234524071217), ('i ', 0.030072566121816635), ('is ', 0.02109443605877459), ('to ', 0.03136744233779609), ('die ', -0.003568497922969982), ('for', 0.14866076080943458), ('.', 0.007973188534379005), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "It's a local bar.\\nFun.\\nNon pretentious.\\nGood times."} [('', 0.0), ('It', 0.014110547839663923), ("'", 0.023626336245797575), ('s ', 0.0258714571245946), ('a ', 0.09776080794108566), ('local ', 0.03132411859405693), ('bar', -0.07390536765160505), ('.', 0.023812989456928335), ('\\', -0.025319769127236214), ('n', -0.11926883939061857), ('Fu', -0.01727767169116608), ('n', -0.016397662123684615), ('.', -0.04555711252032779), ('\\', -0.002268780197482556), ('n', -0.020399065397214144), ('Non ', -0.024691989819984883), ('pre', -0.03687123712734319), ('ten', -0.04232761755702086), ('tious', -0.0812515964062186), ('.', -0.031143360640271567), ('\\', -0.06508392832862835), ('nGo', -0.0027399777124325433), ('od ', -0.047144843420634665), ('times', -0.01587382367385241), ('.', -0.05223860534412476), ('', -4.438693091894189e-05)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'The catfish rocked my world.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.10821046680212021), ('catfish ', -0.24827524181455374), ('rocked ', 0.17242349591106176), ('my ', 0.08747370354831219), ('world', 0.5260388907045126), ('.', 0.043355848640203476), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great Sunday brunch with my lovely wife'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.3713392694480717), ('Sunday ', 0.04812786774709821), ('br', 0.021311227465048432), ('un', -0.11293367086909711), ('ch ', -0.05018750252202153), ('with ', 0.043528659385629), ('my ', 0.03352015360724181), ('lovely ', 0.24081004410982132), ('wife', 0.11736155301332474), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "Pros: Clean, Friendly Staff\\nCons: Where's the holiday dog clothes?!?!?"} [('', -4.222368200620016e-05), ('Pro', -0.00030651326718119287), ('s', -0.08501716783697096), (': ', 0.0826295555307297), ('Clean', 0.3357747528789332), (', ', 0.23069270691485144), ('Friendly ', 0.23159166348826452), ('Staff', 0.017738664105612163), ('\\', -0.06712789782128918), ('nC', -0.03627770383415433), ('ons', -0.03203776083925428), (': ', -0.06446259987812179), ('Where', -0.11888462992646964), ("'", -0.03593999273289228), ('s ', -0.01884466082265135), ('the ', -0.0034409746433084363), ('holiday ', 0.01155544152497896), ('dog ', -0.08562642917895573), ('clothes', -0.05758021550645935), ('?', -0.13288962497899776), ('!', -0.1525958557613194), ('?', -0.21557981753721833), ('!', -0.05248252209275961), ('?', -0.1702809724956751), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Only one sentence needed: Best strawberry shakes.'} [('', 0.0), ('Only ', -0.33103107986971736), ('one ', -0.026017492869868875), ('sentence ', -0.21157469716854393), ('needed', -0.2564930264634313), (': ', 0.2659705068945186), ('Best ', 0.4451505210599862), ('strawberry ', 0.050071642093826085), ('shakes', -0.02571343572344631), ('.', -0.10578470071777701), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "I'm Sorry to say..But this store is just Nasty!!"} [('', 0.0), ('I', -0.027086780974059366), ("'", -0.00986479120911099), ('m ', 0.011231180949835107), ('Sorry ', -0.17869705969314964), ('to ', 0.01860877792842075), ('say', -0.0301260486130559), ('.', 0.002213946314441273), ('.', -0.036734309076564386), ('But ', -0.013926968736541312), ('this ', -0.017379797217017767), ('store ', -0.03727109119654415), ('is ', -0.005463684421101789), ('just ', -0.037907756286585936), ('Nasty', -0.057498581751133315), ('!', -0.00909852941185818), ('!', -0.018711476106545888), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Pros: Easy donation drop off. Contentious employees. \\n\\nCons: Scary neighborhood.'} [('', -2.0837527699768543e-05), ('Pro', 0.017578007755219005), ('s', 0.0076087899069534615), (': ', 0.0010342653840780258), ('Easy ', -0.014818439783994108), ('donation ', -0.0375591692609305), ('drop ', -0.04209387590162805), ('off', -0.043153413163963705), ('. ', -0.017946080130059272), ('Contentious ', -0.06091047642985359), ('employees', -0.0632950029685162), ('. ', -0.01878097839653492), ('\\', -0.07278368960542139), ('n', -0.05134471267374465), ('\\', -0.062041682891140225), ('nC', -0.04018965910072438), ('ons', -0.06970872595557012), (': ', 0.046486564198858105), ('Scary ', 0.06777025554038119), ('neighborhood', -0.011670760955894366), ('.', -0.016897330642677844), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'One of my absolute favorites ........ yummy!'} [('', 0.0), ('One ', -0.011427421122789383), ('of ', -0.0028792978264391422), ('my ', 0.0026815892197191715), ('absolute ', 0.025777375092729926), ('favorites ', 0.34114295500330627), ('.', 0.02085632411763072), ('.', -0.01520355511456728), ('.', -0.020324083976447582), ('.', -0.02465631626546383), ('.', -0.013052770867943764), ('.', -0.00820551160722971), ('.', -0.002519543282687664), ('. ', -0.013918612152338028), ('yu', 0.12437615194357932), ('mmy', -0.03069239784963429), ('!', 0.17926338594406843), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': '4 for service\\n3 for food\\n4 for being open 24 hours'} [('', 0.0), ('4 ', 0.07202820118982345), ('for ', 0.16863033536355942), ('service', 0.12665226322133094), ('\\', 0.05424888234119862), ('n', -0.03172035876195878), ('3 ', -0.026606462080962956), ('for ', -0.07835823250934482), ('food', -0.026122885872609913), ('\\', 0.028676985413767397), ('n', -0.12834840774303302), ('4 ', -0.04480157938087359), ('for ', -0.0252788916695863), ('being ', -0.19210719340480864), ('open ', 0.2842866671271622), ('24 ', 0.02947449591010809), ('hours', -0.14322636276483536), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "A nice diner; better than Denny's.\\nCan't go wrong.\\nGood service service."} [('', 8.983537554740906e-06), ('A ', 0.006418691016733646), ('nice ', 0.1704405192285776), ('diner', 0.015098084695637226), ('; ', -0.0028502466157078743), ('better ', 0.012134437914937735), ('than ', 0.15264596557244658), ('Denny', -0.043154935662945114), ("'", -0.01626570833226045), ('s', -0.006607855980594953), ('.', -0.01280936785042286), ('\\', -0.016300888237310573), ('nC', -0.011307712720736163), ('an', -0.011878141416673316), ("'", 0.02185075455417973), ('t ', 0.19224812734682928), ('go ', 0.010519429197302088), ('wrong', 0.1625285897462163), ('.', -0.004413314803969115), ('\\', -0.037715844344347715), ('nGo', 0.014015660155564547), ('od ', -0.04058042261749506), ('service ', -0.030093812694152195), ('service', -0.024365589798738558), ('.', -0.008033552983154854), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'flies everywhere, place is dirty and food not cooked well.'} [('', 0.0), ('flies ', -0.12635615108229103), ('everywhere', 0.02844511922376114), (', ', -0.03688505537866149), ('place ', -0.022042295994651795), ('is ', 0.013868643515706935), ('dirty ', -0.10244808287643536), ('and ', -0.0037628854952345137), ('food ', 0.03650700535217766), ('not ', -0.4205363932578621), ('cooked ', -0.019923352489968238), ('well', 0.2950945168531689), ('.', -0.01399632693573949), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "Z's is better and cheaper"} [('', 0.0), ('Z', 0.04277381859719753), ("'", 0.04990904591977596), ('s ', 0.010945621877908707), ('is ', 0.008619356667622924), ('better ', -0.16250735730864108), ('and ', 0.486471785698086), ('cheaper', 0.2851264178752899), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'wonderful, the best greek food.'} [('', 0.0), ('wonderful', 0.26374365389347076), (', ', 0.09798859059810638), ('the ', 0.02871863916516304), ('best ', 0.1748683974146843), ('greek ', 0.06000014580786228), ('food', 0.12328879721462727), ('.', -0.02516411989927292), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "WORST pedicure I've ever had -- EVER."} [('', 0.0), ('WORST ', -0.4087478574438137), ('pe', -0.10216998095484087), ('dic', -0.0682755052698667), ('ure ', -0.19061921250067826), ('I', 0.04126645033920795), ("'", 0.007000096346928331), ('ve ', 0.032973957029753365), ('ever ', 0.058102872762901825), ('had ', 0.06298951596090774), ('-', 0.06230003856126132), ('- ', 0.023218801492475905), ('EVER', 0.12129688126879046), ('.', -0.029512490047636675), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'good sandwiches.'} [('', 0.0), ('good ', 0.48551400750875473), ('sandwiches', -0.04684527963399887), ('.', 0.03818464279174805), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Tasty local grub. Not cheap but fresh and delicious.'} [('', 0.0), ('Ta', 0.22973340284079313), ('sty ', 0.1636927081272006), ('local ', -0.0201181354932487), ('gr', -0.027257993235252798), ('ub', -0.02828018309082836), ('. ', -0.013525727903470397), ('Not ', -0.018220239668153226), ('cheap ', -0.029797172755934298), ('but ', 0.10108194628264755), ('fresh ', 0.10195162810850888), ('and ', -0.002898909617215395), ('delicious', 0.17144788429141045), ('.', -0.01832638308405876), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'closed!!!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('closed', 0.03331993520259857), ('!', 0.31988297402858734), ('!', 0.1298162378370762), ('!', 0.06500362232327461), ('!', 0.05046149343252182), ('!', 0.09190584719181061), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'So slow. One cashier and 5 customers!!!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('So ', -0.12702017386618536), ('slow', -0.3186931211530464), ('. ', -0.030307795605040155), ('One ', -0.12155841978346871), ('cash', 0.016959072171630396), ('ier ', 0.031486364759075514), ('and ', 0.03760967643393087), ('5 ', -0.019192898162145866), ('customers', 0.02503644355238066), ('!', 0.04326207311532926), ('!', 0.009643937035434647), ('!', -0.001949054600117961), ('!', 0.022615002504608128), ('!', 0.01658203722035978), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Excellent all around. Highly recommended.'} [('', 0.0), ('Excellent ', 0.16849972307682037), ('all ', 0.07562992349267006), ('around', 0.054195862263441086), ('. ', 0.06345540285110474), ('Highly ', 0.1889529787003994), ('recommended', 0.1978405825793743), ('.', -0.025149919092655182), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Really bad & slow service. Will not return.'} [('', 0.0), ('Really ', 0.022568418893570197), ('bad ', -0.13337984844656603), ('& ', 0.03431726974667981), ('slow ', -0.05001515344429208), ('service', -0.030047122899304668), ('. ', 0.003797619536271668), ('Will ', 0.07264739900801942), ('not ', -0.15134638189465477), ('return', -0.03971036119219207), ('.', -0.03154344310678425), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great food, sandwiches, and customer service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.25698414631187916), ('food', 0.14557315595448017), (', ', 0.13805260136723518), ('sandwiches', -0.20056092087179422), (', ', 0.04877635929733515), ('and ', 0.14441335946321487), ('customer ', 0.11463944427669048), ('service', 0.05644788593053818), ('.', 0.008680136874318123), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'The stuffed mushrooms are amazing'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.10215320438146591), ('stuffed ', 0.2045895652845502), ('mushrooms ', 0.0006523756310343742), ('are ', 0.09313159435987473), ('amazing', 0.2634999677538872), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Awesome food!!! Try the Pork Tenderloin!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Awesome ', 0.5876626502722502), ('food', 0.19091328792273998), ('!', -0.0075593870133161545), ('!', -0.02184810151811689), ('! ', -0.0355627661338076), ('Try ', -0.09406943357316777), ('the ', 0.05333446743316017), ('Pork ', -0.23301768986857496), ('Tender', 0.11669060034182621), ('lo', -0.03558562564285239), ('in', 0.027843802672578022), ('!', 0.04383705323562026), ('!', 0.010178407188504934), ('!', -0.019451556727290154), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'My favorite, favorite, favorite place to go!'} [('', 0.0), ('My ', 0.01803811825811863), ('favorite', 0.14109002985060215), (', ', 0.013054799288511276), ('favorite', 0.13421321660280228), (', ', 0.040525130927562714), ('favorite ', 0.24973510624840856), ('place ', -0.06726396130397916), ('to ', 0.05130559392273426), ('go', 0.11717119999229908), ('!', -0.0012285634875297546), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "Excellent eggplant parm! Next time I'll try the meatballs."} [('', 0.0), ('Excellent ', 0.8993579926900566), ('egg', -0.03429243300342932), ('pl', -0.011685700912494212), ('ant ', -0.0070654015289619565), ('par', -0.041183615336194634), ('m', -0.018449750496074557), ('! ', -0.046577099710702896), ('Next ', 0.014507515938021243), ('time ', -0.08560276089701802), ('I', 0.04405516292899847), ("'", 0.005204765126109123), ('ll ', 0.04606059339130297), ('try ', -0.09604142635362223), ('the ', 0.01787690189667046), ('meat', -0.13322404772043228), ('balls', 0.024114725412800908), ('.', -0.039666351629421115), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best chicken parm in town.'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.7546571493148804), ('chicken ', -0.1886305809020996), ('par', -0.07007918413728476), ('m ', -0.012076064012944698), ('in ', 0.08467137068510056), ('town', 0.20265171490609646), ('.', -0.049931056797504425), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Redemption'} [('', 0.0), ('Redemption', 0.06593221426010132), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Slow service small portions and mediocre food'} [('', 0.0), ('Slow ', -0.18392061518170522), ('service ', 0.021185121496273496), ('small ', -0.0032453466765218764), ('portions ', -0.01785249238491815), ('and ', 0.04035795204981696), ('med', -0.10719397294269584), ('io', 0.021840602124939323), ('cre ', -0.080465811657632), ('food', 0.022696181877108756), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best Lobster Ravioli I have ever had.'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.3108799308538437), ('Lobster ', -0.11518079787492752), ('Ravi', 0.11584610678255558), ('oli ', -0.07106051780283451), ('I ', 0.0999712124466896), ('have ', 0.038335055112838745), ('ever ', 0.10858948342502117), ('had', 0.24146472476422787), ('.', -0.017381299287080765), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "I love this area, it's a hidden gem...!"} [('', 0.0), ('I ', -0.017295953817665577), ('love ', 0.3734713208395988), ('this ', 0.01630501844920218), ('area', -0.014575338456779718), (', ', -0.03020988591015339), ('it', 0.011475763516500592), ("'", 0.02672280906699598), ('s ', -0.008293968625366688), ('a ', 0.0956363333389163), ('hidden ', 0.008459043689072132), ('gem', 0.18302750401198864), ('.', 0.010420197620987892), ('.', -0.017166409641504288), ('.', -0.04991054907441139), ('!', -0.02044617384672165), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'really good food and not expensive'} [('', 0.0), ('really ', 0.14553500711917877), ('good ', 0.1304904669523239), ('food ', 0.08373257517814636), ('and ', 0.18953856825828552), ('not ', 0.03488718066364527), ('expensive', 0.10497899260371923), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'I usually just go on 99cent taco tuesdays.Cant beat it!'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', -0.007642132928594947), ('usually ', -0.06570794933941215), ('just ', -0.1300191212212667), ('go ', 0.14468716410920024), ('on ', 0.0519166172016412), ('99', 0.18767625303007662), ('cent ', -0.020723072346299887), ('ta', 0.0785015351139009), ('co ', 0.13639334915205836), ('tuesday', -0.015589217422530055), ('s', -0.0027115701232105494), ('.', 0.13170339167118073), ('Can', 0.2745539544848725), ('t ', -0.3265948890475556), ('beat ', 0.09003879688680172), ('it', 0.05396140553057194), ('!', -0.057895153760910034), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Terrible Nasty Trashy Place'} [('', 0.0), ('Terrible ', -0.3150278100511059), ('Nasty ', -0.31294384878128767), ('Trash', -0.03256532899104059), ('y ', 0.32167330830998253), ('Place', 0.0037284650170477107), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Very expensive hotel, but very good service overall.'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.034907016903162), ('expensive ', -0.04990124050527811), ('hotel', 0.3075337531045079), (', ', 0.04526153951883316), ('but ', -0.28746712021529675), ('very ', 0.09066424128832296), ('good ', 0.44978410500334576), ('service ', 0.06176269776187837), ('overall', 0.06491534120868891), ('.', -0.020620345836505294), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Its the Ritz, can they do anything wrong?'} [('', 0.0), ('Its ', 0.0060892715118825436), ('the ', -0.029567003715783358), ('Ri', 0.1785932535713073), ('tz', 0.1608101510501001), (', ', 0.017026074463501573), ('can ', -0.14904085570015013), ('they ', -0.12571342405863106), ('do ', -0.010183262580540031), ('anything ', -0.0943731936858967), ('wrong', -0.18401752080535516), ('?', -0.062085261568427086), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Uhu...it just doesnt stand out'} [('', 0.0), ('Uh', -0.09928847596165724), ('u', -0.038282814726699144), ('.', -0.0037964463990647346), ('.', -0.015802547546627466), ('.', -0.01162449525872944), ('it ', -0.03685165077695274), ('just ', -0.05089767051322269), ('doesn', -0.24587541210530617), ('t ', -0.24347138423581782), ('stand ', 0.2542863889830187), ('out', 0.15842612035339698), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Grotesque food, vulgar staff, blech.'} [('', 0.0), ('Grotesque ', -0.1624543044163147), ('food', 0.0730149617374991), (', ', 0.014050898076675367), ('vulgar ', -0.14777660900290357), ('staff', 0.024833305775246117), (', ', 0.025858668275759555), ('b', -0.06079941153075197), ('le', -0.028312096172157908), ('ch', -0.003166331436659675), ('.', -0.03772178731742315), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'One of the best Delis in Phoenix !!'} [('', 0.0), ('One ', -0.11470747832208872), ('of ', 0.051325813634321094), ('the ', 0.016958046471700072), ('best ', 0.42745002778247), ('Del', -0.01854805334005505), ('is ', -0.02393202029634267), ('in ', 0.15634577989112586), ('Phoenix ', 0.0818516731960699), ('!', 0.12430394440889359), ('!', -0.004156902432441711), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'The service was great but the cheesecake was par.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.08012131601572037), ('service ', -0.2116086947498843), ('was ', 0.08807694923598319), ('great ', 0.3924179913010448), ('but ', -0.1851717191748321), ('the ', 0.06900573172606528), ('cheese', -0.12193495352403261), ('cake ', 0.1350683259370271), ('was ', -0.041015953524038196), ('par', -0.07107651303522289), ('.', 0.009376523550599813), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'This place is not there anymore.'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', 0.049498785636387765), ('place ', 0.20649593211419415), ('is ', 0.09084169018024113), ('not ', -0.4002120300210663), ('there ', 0.09433433177036932), ('anymore', -0.2844290468347026), ('.', -0.03251346413162537), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "For a chain, it ain't bad, BUT it's a CHAIN!\\n\\nNext."} [('', -8.360687643289567e-05), ('For ', -0.03908145632594824), ('a ', -0.007568625919520855), ('chain', -0.0027588109485805036), (', ', 0.012226899433881045), ('it ', 0.026426126490150637), ('ain', 0.05983021529823418), ("'", 0.046386925566139325), ('t ', 0.4200665243529329), ('bad', 0.050651934659981634), (', ', 0.022545318490301725), ('BUT ', -0.21073768893256783), ('it', 0.07634255329806668), ("'", 0.02320652477404413), ('s ', 0.024494476926823456), ('a ', 0.09065001120325178), ('CHAIN', -0.0037430099910125136), ('!', 0.12162454938516021), ('\\', -0.04807751812040806), ('n', -0.02076801611110568), ('\\', -0.050438978243619204), ('n', -0.04660683521069586), ('Ne', -0.02365299896337092), ('xt', -0.018229934852570295), ('.', -0.01113150268793106), ('', -2.09026038646698e-05)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Gets your feet shiny.'} [('', 0.0), ('Gets ', 0.12968607246875763), ('your ', 0.21537681110203266), ('feet ', 0.07791332714259624), ('shiny', 0.28228096663951874), ('.', -0.04279175400733948), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great food- finest Cognac-Great service. No complaints'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.12379482388496399), ('food', 0.062384395860135555), ('- ', 0.01644530240446329), ('finest ', 0.17542030662298203), ('Co', 0.05322195973712951), ('gna', 0.06955318979453295), ('c', -0.08807760570198298), ('-', -0.010664131841622293), ('Great ', 0.23339695681352168), ('service', 0.03992101992480457), ('. ', 0.028870151843875647), ('No ', -0.049999202601611614), ('complaints', -0.044892643578350544), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Excellent food and service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Excellent ', 0.1747952625155449), ('food ', 0.15797316282987595), ('and ', 0.2200591340661049), ('service', 0.10774730145931244), ('.', 0.003451131284236908), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'YUMMY! Nothing fancy but some really good Greek food!'} [('', 0.0), ('YU', 0.15466406755149364), ('MMY', -0.04114486835896969), ('! ', 0.19016308337450027), ('Nothing ', -0.43818372349778656), ('fancy ', 0.04721267080458347), ('but ', 0.10623434581793845), ('some ', -0.008762005949392915), ('really ', 0.17497691279277205), ('good ', 0.25635638216044754), ('Greek ', 0.054318825947120786), ('food', 0.1298244936624542), ('!', 0.0014898446388542652), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good sushi, open late.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.43031203001737595), ('su', -0.07278881967067719), ('shi', 0.06647951900959015), (', ', 0.22593089193105698), ('open ', 0.32341189845465124), ('late', -0.09879250987432897), ('.', -0.15127919614315033), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Amazing food, amazing views. Great secret date place.'} [('', 0.0), ('Amazing ', 0.1379875112324953), ('food', 0.0396613422781229), (', ', -0.007256578654050827), ('amazing ', 0.143304031342268), ('views', 0.03052658960223198), ('. ', -0.0035541579127311707), ('Great ', 0.3538868511095643), ('secret ', -0.02360814716666937), ('date ', 0.01821003039367497), ('place', 0.009294151095673442), ('.', -0.032379910349845886), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great music good friendly staff good food. GREAT VIEW'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.08453360199928284), ('music ', 0.013911021873354912), ('good ', 0.07674841769039631), ('friendly ', 0.07262746710330248), ('staff ', 0.02003661449998617), ('good ', 0.0993166589178145), ('food', -0.006109981331974268), ('. ', -0.010730944573879242), ('GREAT ', 0.29915811121463776), ('VIEW', 0.04742072522640228), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Very fancy and somewhat spookey!'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.02911049872636795), ('fancy ', 0.3338058516383171), ('and ', 0.10372679959982634), ('somewhat ', -0.018089420162141323), ('sp', -0.04708192002726719), ('ook', 0.2889783537830226), ('ey', 0.01748873107135296), ('!', 0.021153226494789124), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great food! Great service! We will be back!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.11939005926251411), ('food', 0.027880024164915085), ('! ', 0.022364094853401184), ('Great ', 0.2246128567494452), ('service', -0.04429573053494096), ('! ', -0.010903574526309967), ('We ', 0.125660884892568), ('will ', 0.2711513766553253), ('be ', 0.009730048943310976), ('back', -0.07807196862995625), ('!', -0.0014729425311088562), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Horrible customer svc. Now i shop at Neiman. Bye Saks'} [('', 0.0), ('Horrible ', -0.14999664259084966), ('customer ', -0.04165972761984449), ('sv', -0.11299918623262784), ('c', -0.031992119118513074), ('. ', 0.004094484160305001), ('Now ', -0.010680588757168152), ('i ', 0.07999038050365925), ('shop ', -0.14783430754687288), ('at ', 0.005772037158749299), ('Ne', -0.12978150094932062), ('iman', 0.04282105838865391), ('. ', 0.03792511897336226), ('Bye ', 0.07807743641751586), ('Sa', -0.045490069929655874), ('ks', -0.009117776982748182), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'This place is awesome! Service and food is great!!'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', -0.0207262821495533), ('place ', 0.07014296343550086), ('is ', 0.022250434383749962), ('awesome', 0.2935266816057265), ('! ', -0.04354429058730602), ('Service ', -0.05478060059249401), ('and ', 0.00015227030962705612), ('food ', 0.12574996729381382), ('is ', 0.03654716652818024), ('great', 0.2195436996407807), ('!', -0.005568539723753929), ('!', -0.015989243984222412), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': "They have the best Paprdelle I've ever had.\\nGreat service too."} [('', 3.797258250415325e-05), ('They ', 0.04297075513750315), ('have ', -0.014217529096640646), ('the ', 0.13660164322936907), ('best ', 0.5202371057239361), ('Pa', -0.0029835510649718344), ('pr', -0.02764329087221995), ('dell', -0.02582253230502829), ('e ', 0.0010743570164777339), ('I', 0.012906135350931436), ("'", 0.001148164679761976), ('ve ', 0.01737308528390713), ('ever ', 0.04941133692045696), ('had', -0.0019811532110907137), ('.', 0.028466321993619204), ('\\', -0.04601354035548866), ('nG', 0.10369754978455603), ('rea', -0.025130833964794874), ('t ', -0.1630195346660912), ('service ', -0.06903102359501645), ('too', -0.26063218258786947), ('.', 0.22492396255256608), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "Good breakfast.\\nBetter than Denny's.\\nService is always nice."} [('', -8.891026178995768e-07), ('Good ', 0.35753382214655477), ('breakfast', 0.012068700355788073), ('.', -0.0018609492108225822), ('\\', -0.025686079869046807), ('n', -0.045156866476948686), ('Bet', 0.02006957389918777), ('ter ', -0.020393095871744055), ('than ', -0.016239453048910946), ('Denny', -0.011492845883670574), ("'", -0.01141664725340282), ('s', 0.0022081540761670717), ('.', -0.007268043234944344), ('\\', -0.023596911691129208), ('nS', -0.03934824466705322), ('er', -0.04540218925103545), ('vic', 0.0032590788323432207), ('e ', -0.0003054745029658079), ('is ', 0.001099941844586283), ('always ', 0.028650750580709428), ('nice', 0.3396362920757383), ('.', -0.010809848550707102), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Ok cupcake. Velvet topping is not soft'} [('', 0.0), ('Ok ', 0.3923342861235142), ('cup', -0.04381309077143669), ('cake', 0.07732813060283661), ('. ', 0.036708272993564606), ('Velvet ', 0.00453156721778214), ('topping ', 0.0735833931248635), ('is ', -0.005912116728723049), ('not ', -0.14380950946360826), ('soft', 0.3153109699487686), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best. Cupcakes. Ever.\\n\\n\\nThat is all. Carry on.'} [('', 0.0), ('Best', 0.19226963073015213), ('. ', 0.017970897257328033), ('Cup', 0.09086124692112207), ('cake', -0.04253742331638932), ('s', 0.023975520860403776), ('. ', -0.012418868020176888), ('Ever', 0.04172549955546856), ('.', -0.0026911888271570206), ('\\', 0.008939834350409607), ('n', -0.0026552037064296505), ('\\', 0.018884854138984036), ('n', 0.0012672992888838053), ('\\', 0.006784847879316658), ('nT', -0.05227747987373732), ('hat ', -0.07322221141657792), ('is ', 0.026322562305722386), ('all', 0.015693244815338403), ('. ', -0.024970798869617283), ('Carry ', 0.08428901562001556), ('on', 0.07413864822592586), ('.', 0.11324128578417003), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Must try - Pink Champagne Cupcake'} [('', 0.0), ('Must ', -0.1791631553787738), ('try ', -0.3552980951499194), ('- ', 0.16664675949141383), ('Pink ', -0.11212285608053207), ('Champagne ', 0.2905841285828501), ('Cup', 0.016614247928373516), ('cake', -0.096781748929061), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'So good'} [('', 0.0), ('So ', 0.10669746994972229), ('good', 0.16641023755073547), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Not at all happy!'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', -0.787737674658274), ('at ', 0.023285120639229717), ('all ', 0.05827663623585977), ('happy', 0.0999273869983881), ('!', 0.2705987108274712), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'found a cockroach in the bathroom....I just left.'} [('', 0.0), ('found ', -0.03866942227068648), ('a ', -0.006204566305314074), ('cock', -0.028543946991703706), ('ro', -0.0176299293525517), ('ach ', -0.028834561355324695), ('in ', -0.01699349822683871), ('the ', -0.010239360687592125), ('bathroom', -0.053844332416701945), ('.', -0.012418096943292767), ('.', -0.018136568061891012), ('.', -0.021903095021116314), ('.', -0.030833403096039547), ('I ', -0.013934292889643984), ('just ', -0.04973394701391953), ('left', -0.07555089617198973), ('.', -0.02431494783013477), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'I wish they would bring back the Club Sandwich.'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', -0.05374957248568535), ('wish ', -0.09111538744764403), ('they ', -0.0754679319798015), ('would ', -0.07102771232894156), ('bring ', 0.22369229439937044), ('back ', -0.018423183384584263), ('the ', 0.027974633820122108), ('Club ', 0.039555121649755165), ('Sandwich', -0.23442472526221536), ('.', -0.045771922217682004), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Really needs attention from its Chef owner. What happened?'} [('', 0.0), ('Really ', 0.03041716957159224), ('needs ', -0.3822842125318857), ('attention ', 0.0762753715589497), ('from ', 0.0008075314199231798), ('its ', -0.0050353081333014416), ('Chef ', 0.13598317523519654), ('owner', 0.004298408485738037), ('. ', -0.03198818654345814), ('What ', -0.07072363057159237), ('happened', -0.022750695872673532), ('?', -0.06837759495101636), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Walked in on Saturday and walked out.'} [('', 0.0), ('Walked ', -0.042450952489161864), ('in ', 0.22811069111412507), ('on ', 0.07952866710911621), ('Saturday ', 0.07542487783211982), ('and ', 0.04687714760075323), ('walked ', -0.3465844906786515), ('out', -0.30621206848081783), ('.', -0.004314639045333024), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'BBQ mix is great and is a lot of food'} [('', 0.0), ('BB', -0.07347464328631759), ('Q ', 0.008905692491680384), ('mix ', 0.05653466086369008), ('is ', 0.024162260466255248), ('great ', 0.31540339766070247), ('and ', 0.0020453110337257385), ('is ', 0.08211833983659744), ('a ', 0.07352979108691216), ('lot ', 0.10840529133565724), ('of ', 0.04798758472315967), ('food', 0.020438767969608307), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Love the Arizona Ballet and their School of Ballet.'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.2438892275094986), ('the ', 0.01432887651026249), ('Arizona ', 0.0347554050385952), ('Ballet ', 0.09826291538774967), ('and ', 0.06279239058494568), ('their ', -0.013404097873717546), ('School ', -0.06917057884857059), ('of ', 0.10366011876612902), ('Ballet', 0.25567741226404905), ('.', -0.03399113938212395), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Very helpful, knowledgable and repairs reasonably priced.'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.029978245496749878), ('helpful', 0.31567373126745224), (', ', -0.028980381786823273), ('know', -0.013467367738485336), ('led', 0.008734634146094322), ('ga', 0.08360424858983606), ('ble ', -0.03459505771752447), ('and ', 0.08516466245055199), ('repairs ', -0.08572696836199611), ('reasonably ', 0.2608728561317548), ('priced', 0.031177922151982784), ('.', -0.0293237566947937), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Get the asiago cheese bagel with sun-dried tomato cream cheese!!!!!!!!!'} [('', -0.0001993803889490664), ('Get ', -0.02840822486905381), ('the ', -0.03213918092660606), ('asia', 0.05261984146394146), ('go ', -0.016636186812926706), ('cheese ', -0.19113317106772834), ('bag', -0.03533144906396046), ('el ', 0.041835895215626806), ('with ', -0.026413704443257302), ('sun', 0.0536444821045734), ('-', -0.06527797161834314), ('dried ', -0.17948426451766863), ('tomato ', -0.03727029151438425), ('cream ', 0.04038182304551204), ('cheese', -0.09672904239657025), ('!', -0.015060900012031198), ('!', -0.043968683341518044), ('!', 0.01594034186564386), ('!', 0.05443314043805003), ('!', 0.024494248442351818), ('!', 0.033497381024062634), ('!', 0.03977015591226518), ('!', 0.028588324319571257), ('!', 0.039110564975999296), ('', -2.1547311916947365e-06)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Again, out of creamer for the coffee.'} [('', 0.0), ('Again', -0.05308048124425113), (', ', -0.004505746299400926), ('out ', 0.011274904536549002), ('of ', -0.0016938777989707887), ('cream', -0.06847104179905728), ('er ', -0.03131659916834906), ('for ', 0.002889523151679896), ('the ', 0.08859938468958717), ('coffee', -0.20418191977660172), ('.', -0.0348231031675823), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'I love Tammie Coe Cakes'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', 0.05137279070913792), ('love ', 0.33448689617216587), ('Tam', 0.22919648652896285), ('mie ', 0.11316346237435937), ('Coe ', -0.1628718040883541), ('Cakes', 0.12545039132237434), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Yummm'} [('', 0.0), ('Yu', -0.03344690799713135), ('mm', -0.1326802372932434), ('m', -0.29347753524780273), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great place for families, too.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.24848997965455055), ('place ', 0.051130861043930054), ('for ', 0.08312598057091236), ('families', 0.11272621341049671), (', ', 0.12023837119340897), ('too', 0.01078201032942161), ('.', 0.09694735013181344), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good neighborhood sandwich place.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.3708111494779587), ('neighborhood ', 0.31988688185811043), ('sandwich ', -0.027864912524819374), ('place', 0.04605445824563503), ('.', -0.04487350583076477), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'This pizza is amazing!!!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', -0.08222358766943216), ('pizza ', 0.01925843139179051), ('is ', 0.03969805198721588), ('amazing', 0.5193720599636436), ('!', 0.10386772453784943), ('!', 0.060432614758610725), ('!', -0.008063552901148796), ('!', -0.00535743311047554), ('!', 0.06600815057754517), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "Doesn't get much better."} [('', 0.0), ('Doesn', -0.11427190779068042), ("'", 0.026582592334307265), ('t ', -0.06053261341730831), ('get ', -0.13895638510439312), ('much ', 0.004580434069794137), ('better', 0.029521692238631658), ('.', -0.022977744389208965), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Their Bruschetta selection was absolutely amazing.'} [('', 0.0), ('Their ', -0.04852176830172539), ('Br', -0.08429657155647874), ('us', -0.10236754501238465), ('chet', 0.08508589654229581), ('ta ', 0.07054502819664776), ('selection ', 0.0226277660112828), ('was ', -0.0861614488530904), ('absolutely ', 0.3760415951255709), ('amazing', 0.45457702525891364), ('.', 0.00938970223069191), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'One of my all time favorite restaurants. Bruschetta is amazing!'} [('', 0.0), ('One ', -0.012866182252764702), ('of ', -0.014787002466619015), ('my ', -0.023657056502997875), ('all ', 0.051997475791722536), ('time ', 0.013542913366109133), ('favorite ', 0.22054278338328004), ('restaurants', 0.06658890517428517), ('. ', -0.021812282502651215), ('Br', -0.04028135817497969), ('us', -0.05786088388413191), ('chet', 0.015280847670510411), ('ta ', 0.006804778007790446), ('is ', -0.005776325706392527), ('amazing', 0.39010574435815215), ('!', -0.020211228169500828), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Favorite spot for tasty Bruchetta!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Favorite ', 0.1482422761619091), ('spot ', 0.10914833750575781), ('for ', 0.08874460775405169), ('ta', 0.20380257884971797), ('sty ', 0.06484411307610571), ('Br', -0.02507617004448548), ('uche', 0.06737462390447035), ('tta', 0.02114454284310341), ('!', 0.02244776114821434), ('!', -0.0041368454694747925), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Live music, great bruschetta, great service'} [('', 0.0), ('Live ', 0.19953059405088425), ('music', 0.13782905042171478), (', ', -0.0056614950299263), ('great ', 0.11314405407756567), ('br', -0.05213846894912422), ('us', -0.06760288099758327), ('chet', 0.04877677350305021), ('ta', 0.04285975801758468), (', ', 0.009272359311580658), ('great ', 0.3155643679201603), ('service', -0.07555151358246803), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Love love this place. Sooooo gooooooood! Recommend highly,'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.14416812360286713), ('love ', 0.16083890525624156), ('this ', 0.02783914702013135), ('place', -0.0264471136033535), ('. ', -0.029971644282341003), ('Soo', -0.017070725094527006), ('oo', -0.02054317365400493), ('o ', -0.008995956974104047), ('goo', -0.025065241439733654), ('oo', -0.0069009733269922435), ('oo', 0.0029718717851210386), ('ood', -0.006313957768725231), ('! ', -0.0041032780427485704), ('Recommend ', 0.17727278172969818), ('highly', 0.2021690383553505), (',', -0.018273692578077316), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'AWESOME Bruschetta and great wines!'} [('', 0.0), ('AWESOME ', 0.3565990477800369), ('Br', -0.03876103367656469), ('us', -0.060544674284756184), ('chet', 0.05959095782600343), ('ta ', 0.03930711396969855), ('and ', 0.034139327704906464), ('great ', 0.16145320981740952), ('wines', 0.12173958867788315), ('!', 0.03948882967233658), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great food and boards'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.1930117830634117), ('food ', 0.18216963857412338), ('and ', 0.20189158618450165), ('boards', 0.009508967399597168), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Arcadia area is very cool and Postino fits right in'} [('', 0.0), ('Arcadia ', 0.03226197138428688), ('area ', -0.00857405737042427), ('is ', -0.03135532885789871), ('very ', 0.0144678158685565), ('cool ', 0.280078393407166), ('and ', 0.04700377583503723), ('Post', -0.037083580158650875), ('ino ', 0.0025414032861590385), ('fits ', 0.19694981211796403), ('right ', 0.17501381179317832), ('in', -0.005338221788406372), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'great bruschettas!'} [('', 0.0), ('great ', 0.4544391706585884), ('br', -0.11338636069558561), ('us', -0.07537796883843839), ('chet', 0.10723230591975152), ('tas', 0.1428323534782976), ('!', 0.17506301403045654), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Good food, good service, nice atmosphere'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.20277906209230423), ('food', 0.08775506168603897), (', ', 0.07410849630832672), ('good ', 0.175948154181242), ('service', -0.026764150708913803), (', ', 0.03303806483745575), ('nice ', 0.13471899926662445), ('atmosphere', 0.0476963073015213), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Favorite resturant in Phoenix!'} [('', 0.0), ('Favorite ', 0.17233292758464813), ('rest', 0.16624937928281724), ('ura', -0.08406350924633443), ('nt ', 0.1130541954189539), ('in ', 0.12030691653490067), ('Phoenix', 0.08769632130861282), ('!', 0.1474173218011856), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great vibe, great food, great wine. Get there early.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.26338767213746905), ('vibe', 0.12296820757910609), (', ', -0.0059259431436657906), ('great ', 0.1827334447298199), ('food', 0.0010173816699534655), (', ', 0.006529788952320814), ('great ', 0.17155356449075043), ('wine', 0.01882694405503571), ('. ', -7.642386481165886e-05), ('Get ', -0.017248420044779778), ('there ', 0.05057778535410762), ('early', -0.11060127569362521), ('.', -0.07425501383841038), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': ";( RIP Chuy's"} [('', 0.0), (';', 0.24475529789924622), ('( ', 0.2066139094531536), ('RIP ', -0.4220164306461811), ('Chu', 0.008314669597893953), ('y', 0.06282379804179072), ("'", 0.12924718135036528), ('s', 0.3304548745509237), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "Ehhh I don't really like this place."} [('', 0.0), ('Eh', -0.03703128327833838), ('hh ', -0.017088802964281058), ('I ', -0.02212892634997843), ('don', -0.058896967933833366), ("'", -0.060870459619764006), ('t ', -0.4644487573459628), ('really ', 0.09261080069154559), ('like ', 0.09966661393082177), ('this ', 0.10705488110761507), ('place', 0.06348011974841938), ('.', -0.03542310242482927), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'I want to like it more, I really do.'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', -0.005436040461063385), ('want ', -0.1638081211131066), ('to ', 0.0516570087056607), ('like ', 0.28121738880872726), ('it ', 0.13972135982476175), ('more', -0.018092790385708213), (', ', 0.1474034432321787), ('I ', 0.039767781272530556), ('really ', 0.2647840790450573), ('do', 0.006975838914513588), ('.', -0.0782139003276825), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great wings...cool place to chill'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.1770142801105976), ('wings', 0.12520473077893257), ('.', 0.054331667721271515), ('.', 0.009452372789382935), ('.', 0.004314713180065155), ('cool ', 0.40169048914685845), ('place ', 0.0034468513913452625), ('to ', 0.016350419027730823), ('chill', -0.07879995158873498), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great food! I loved the Tangerine Chicken! :)'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.2338472530245781), ('food', 0.05616883188486099), ('! ', 0.027419790625572205), ('I ', 0.021972396411001682), ('loved ', 0.38636575266718864), ('the ', 0.004805537406355143), ('Tang', 0.004185330675682053), ('erine ', 0.00908001369680278), ('Chicken', -0.06713935552397743), ('! ', -0.0031193685717880726), (':', -0.01867721788585186), (')', -0.02769492007791996), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Food, tea, service are great!'} [('', 0.0), ('Food', 0.08209158107638359), (', ', 0.13916325941681862), ('tea', 0.007116806693375111), (', ', 0.13283905666321516), ('service ', -0.03913954785093665), ('are ', -0.007059294264763594), ('great', 0.3927568616345525), ('!', 0.021506980061531067), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best place in town for Friday night Prime Rib!'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.2686363607645035), ('place ', 0.04429629445075989), ('in ', 0.044415757060050964), ('town ', 0.11893430259078741), ('for ', -0.021288632415235043), ('Friday ', 0.12346005253493786), ('night ', 0.04856613464653492), ('Prime ', 0.12932899501174688), ('Rib', -0.043003673665225506), ('!', -0.017111066728830338), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Meh.....'} [('', 0.0), ('Me', 0.40739598125219345), ('h', -0.020536083728075027), ('.', -0.0899663157761097), ('.', -0.06565648410469294), ('.', -0.07250278163701296), ('.', -0.07964627631008625), ('.', -0.2276419922709465), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Doctors are great but the wait is loooooong...'} [('', -0.0006146896630525589), ('Doctors ', -0.1757869147695601), ('are ', -0.017605819273740053), ('great ', 0.5565814739093184), ('but ', -0.23232343010022305), ('the ', 0.03995677035224313), ('wait ', -0.3501226103156417), ('is ', 0.02479729384746558), ('lo', 0.06621683997218497), ('oo', 0.06868965238390956), ('oo', 0.008060416505031753), ('ong', -0.019566477327316534), ('.', 0.0735741559183225), ('.', -0.09835168719291687), ('.', -0.10455410182476044), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "Not the best run Dunkin' Donuts."} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', -0.700263594633725), ('the ', -0.006408991226635408), ('best ', 0.3766965648319456), ('run ', -0.1029584618008812), ('Dun', 0.1416290803354059), ('kin', 0.1404512677618186), ("' ", -0.052754505351913394), ('Don', 0.04094309847459954), ('uts', -0.11394238598404627), ('.', -0.025978733097872464), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good Sliders and Chili Cheese Fries'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.683834683150053), ('Slide', 0.08495005185250193), ('rs ', -0.016401674249209464), ('and ', 0.06793690472841263), ('Chili ', -0.019604794681072235), ('Cheese ', -0.039202495478093624), ('Fries', -0.038244941271841526), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Still love this place!__'} [('', 0.0), ('Still ', 0.04429103806614876), ('love ', 0.377471212297678), ('this ', 0.18764138408005238), ('place', -0.01201804168522358), ('!', 0.13051960617303848), ('_', 0.004642412066459656), ('_', -0.0091228187084198), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'All time favorite restaurant! Good prices, good food, fast service!!'} [('', 0.0), ('All ', -0.010768669657409191), ('time ', 0.012196391471661627), ('favorite ', 0.32417083194013685), ('restaurant', 0.029198630712926388), ('! ', -0.04614541679620743), ('Good ', 0.14546363675617613), ('prices', -0.09224791839369573), (', ', 0.022800519596785307), ('good ', 0.11514351586811244), ('food', 0.004469753010198474), (', ', 0.0019202944822609425), ('fast ', 0.07261842302978039), ('service', -0.008582748472690582), ('!', 0.051092883571982384), ('!', -0.05377937853336334), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'People working there are nice. Good food.'} [('', 0.0), ('People ', -0.022871437016874552), ('working ', -0.016540899639949203), ('there ', -0.02412075805477798), ('are ', 0.03063232428394258), ('nice', 0.370524707948789), ('. ', 0.019415469374507666), ('Good ', 0.36984762363135815), ('food', 0.01529044471681118), ('.', -0.0291646309196949), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Pei Wei, you give Pad Thai a bad name.'} [('', 0.0), ('Pei ', 0.04632745189155685), ('Wei', 0.05335559607920004), (', ', 0.05449315783334896), ('you ', 0.10830690709190094), ('give ', 0.018121885248547187), ('Pad ', -0.04997907982033212), ('Thai ', -0.04410944379924331), ('a ', 0.1559485678180863), ('bad ', -0.6233621300170853), ('name', 0.018534216449552332), ('.', -0.0709272478488856), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'It is fast and good'} [('', 0.0), ('It ', 0.057012833654880524), ('is ', 0.07457160577178001), ('fast ', 0.19772515818476677), ('and ', 0.08428341895341873), ('good', 0.2504394128918648), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Love the food.'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.3182567059993744), ('the ', 0.0948747768998146), ('food', 0.2178351804614067), ('.', -0.04437336325645447), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'very helpful and knowledgeable bike store!!'} [('', 0.0), ('very ', 0.05292148515582085), ('helpful ', 0.2464272640645504), ('and ', 0.05580330640077591), ('knowledge', 0.1660619205213152), ('able ', 0.23907050670823082), ('bike ', 0.007467580784577876), ('store', -0.08690973481861874), ('!', 0.025871139019727707), ('!', 0.00618213415145874), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Closed!'} [('', 0.0), ('Closed', 0.1311342716217041), ('!', 0.14155632257461548), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Place way over priced'} [('', 0.0), ('Place ', 0.15058620284253266), ('way ', 0.11529775054805214), ('over ', -0.8326780820716522), ('priced', 0.15449887368595228), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'best chinese food in the world!! \\nthats it!'} [('', 0.0), ('best ', 0.30807160632684827), ('chinese ', 0.09012626693584025), ('food ', 0.062343584606423974), ('in ', 0.018366086296737194), ('the ', 0.032321088714525104), ('world', 0.20320025249384344), ('!', 0.05178313283249736), ('! ', -0.056677963584661484), ('\\', 0.013415035791695118), ('nt', -0.12669570720754564), ('hat', -0.0752780910115689), ('s ', 0.0058006360195577145), ('it', 0.0312712958548218), ('!', 0.02543977997265756), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Very good food! Fast delivery!'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.039911236613988876), ('good ', 0.11616264842450619), ('food', 0.07932176999747753), ('! ', 0.12951679527759552), ('Fast ', 0.3105547148734331), ('delivery', 0.020153610035777092), ('!', 0.027814388275146484), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good food and service. Would definitely go back.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.2541092783212662), ('food ', 0.022120043635368347), ('and ', 0.21916543133556843), ('service', -0.10396520933136344), ('. ', 0.08701807213947177), ('Would ', -0.10365270217880607), ('definitely ', 0.24827559432014823), ('go ', 0.11249991320073605), ('back', -0.05565846897661686), ('.', 0.01694997027516365), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'decent donuts but horrible coffee....'} [('', 0.0), ('decent ', 0.42173409039969556), ('don', 0.014923883965821005), ('uts ', -0.03126951014564838), ('but ', -0.15276823268504813), ('horrible ', -0.3891928747034399), ('coffee', -0.06683997785148676), ('.', 0.021050922543508932), ('.', -0.030838436039630324), ('.', -0.04107981646666303), ('.', -0.04396173742134124), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Great Staff!\\nGood Care.\\nDirty facility and slow attention.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.374049198204375), ('Staff', 0.007912657643828425), ('!', -0.01885419031168567), ('\\', -0.028747783573635388), ('nGo', -0.006660049701167736), ('od ', -0.0348285294676316), ('Care', -0.01726192596470355), ('.', -0.01006609117393964), ('\\', -0.038892209600817296), ('n', -0.0002554064699324954), ('Di', -0.010865455358270992), ('rt', -0.0024395828672822972), ('y ', -0.007064845989134483), ('facility ', -0.03656784974191396), ('and ', -0.018522252221373492), ('slow ', -0.5639544299447152), ('attention', -0.03519977829637355), ('.', -0.016753015195718035), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great Pizza & Wing special. Always'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.21737466752529144), ('Pizza ', 0.00591927208006382), ('& ', 0.11876452527940273), ('Wing ', 0.0027061067521572113), ('special', 0.21373460441827774), ('. ', 0.07267753407359123), ('Always', 0.09222936630249023), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Nice little place with a nice selection'} [('', 0.0), ('Nice ', 0.4284771871753037), ('little ', -0.045566881308332086), ('place ', -0.021224702009931207), ('with ', 0.027834370732307434), ('a ', 0.12571384012699127), ('nice ', 0.1603671908378601), ('selection', 0.04783070087432861), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best pizza in town!'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.202200286090374), ('pizza ', 0.06011606194078922), ('in ', 0.09073765017092228), ('town', 0.04008505120873451), ('!', 0.27071230113506317), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Calzones are the best.'} [('', 0.0), ('Cal', 0.00856289267539978), ('zone', 0.01765536516904831), ('s ', 0.1006564274430275), ('are ', 0.06470165774226189), ('the ', 0.17335504293441772), ('best', 0.40058359131217003), ('.', -0.042107827961444855), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great pizza and service plus they deliver.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.3279483672231436), ('pizza ', -0.012661827728152275), ('and ', 0.04959697276353836), ('service ', 0.0031283185817301273), ('plus ', 0.15495649864897132), ('they ', -0.00978105328977108), ('deliver', 0.24127775244414806), ('.', -0.0252678245306015), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Hells yeah!'} [('', 0.0), ('Hell', -0.39390070794615895), ('s ', -0.16081423836294562), ('yeah', 0.3086822294862941), ('!', 0.12990296084899455), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'place is too good'} [('', 0.0), ('place ', 0.1332562049065018), ('is ', 0.043036354771174956), ('too ', -0.38251646470598644), ('good', 0.7926883994950913), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great food!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.12151272594928741), ('food', 0.11994583904743195), ('!', 0.23543187975883484), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'The best fricken caramel macchiato! Love their service, always friendly.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.033775113348383456), ('best ', 0.40001484513049945), ('fr', 0.005222552401392022), ('ick', -0.05216132305577048), ('en ', 0.003302167955553159), ('cara', -0.0028626811399590224), ('mel ', -0.012475609692046419), ('mac', -0.047908514679875225), ('chia', -0.013644603954162449), ('to', -0.012057375046424568), ('! ', -0.036185541888698936), ('Love ', 0.17873087362386286), ('their ', -0.0034183247480541468), ('service', -0.026606321334838867), (', ', -0.015847891569137573), ('always ', 0.033744169399142265), ('friendly', 0.11045392043888569), ('.', -0.01158595085144043), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'a nice change of scenery.'} [('', 0.0), ('a ', 0.3390211760997772), ('nice ', 0.2036771923303604), ('change ', 0.1710696667432785), ('of ', -0.031723806634545326), ('scenery', 0.15892036817967892), ('.', -0.14984069392085075), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "I simply cannot review this place because it's too amazing."} [('', 0.0), ('I ', 0.026665134937502444), ('simply ', -0.07482503115897998), ('cannot ', -0.2647993279970251), ('review ', 0.0817106425165548), ('this ', 0.055438747942389455), ('place ', -0.009346831844595727), ('because ', -0.07752965544204926), ('it', -0.017955738730961457), ("'", 0.005987227865261957), ('s ', -0.0859137328225188), ('too ', -0.5193278490369266), ('amazing', 0.47551539517371566), ('.', 0.020442319568246603), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'The best at removing ingrown nails.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.38311129063367844), ('best ', 0.6590773514471948), ('at ', -0.08329539513215423), ('removing ', -0.1524115614593029), ('ing', 0.03238638327457011), ('row', 0.004188838182017207), ('n ', -0.04716975335031748), ('nails', -0.07227261178195477), ('.', -0.01878201775252819), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Great little head shop.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.8301639314740896), ('little ', -0.09683842188678682), ('head ', -0.01589063531719148), ('shop', -0.009638449642807245), ('.', -0.04409211874008179), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'affordable drinking, pool tables, darts.'} [('', 0.0), ('affordable ', 0.6587006943300366), ('drinking', -0.08436761517077684), (', ', 0.113723985850811), ('pool ', 0.12443466437980533), ('tables', 0.15089128399267793), (', ', 0.06255693547427654), ('darts', -0.24601131491363049), ('.', -0.06888980604708195), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'The food is so yummy !!!'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.09883880615234375), ('food ', 0.2854163935990073), ('is ', -0.006306403840426356), ('so ', -0.1319610415957868), ('yu', 0.264630482532084), ('mmy ', 0.019943892024457455), ('!', 0.12648440524935722), ('!', 0.04898231476545334), ('!', 0.006045281887054443), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'real chinese food, excellent price'} [('', 0.0), ('real ', 0.1300944909453392), ('chinese ', 0.02179114520549774), ('food', 0.10514063388109207), (', ', 0.08862270414829254), ('excellent ', 0.35509780049324036), ('price', -0.009608685970306396), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'very good chinese food, need to know what to order'} [('', 0.0), ('very ', -0.0009985844371840358), ('good ', 0.7441439259855542), ('chinese ', 0.06810204024077393), ('food', -0.003369149926584214), (', ', 0.0200003485661), ('need ', -0.08782323541527148), ('to ', 0.03695729711034801), ('know ', -0.01335600222228095), ('what ', -0.03715743141947314), ('to ', -0.017368660657666624), ('order', -0.043125174823217094), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'awful, food is bad and there is nogood service.'} [('', 0.0), ('awful', -0.1618136853176111), (', ', -0.02372795108021819), ('food ', 0.00012227054321556352), ('is ', 0.01319624522329832), ('bad ', -0.10683904055440507), ('and ', -0.006332520286377985), ('there ', -0.00769903157652152), ('is ', 0.013533869653656438), ('no', -0.2240411001796474), ('good ', 0.16489863580977726), ('service', -0.01565161015423655), ('.', -0.01801793922277284), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'A \\"neighborhood joint\\" that\'s closed on Sundays during football season???'} [('', -0.0009762700647115707), ('A ', -0.0077711184858344495), ('\\', 0.0013142970613747216), ('"', -0.013299406704997333), ('neighborhood ', 0.013470632363654053), ('joint', -0.0050276409892831), ('\\', -0.006016183673636988), ('" ', -0.013818737963447347), ('that', -0.01897099079360487), ("'", -0.016821400909975637), ('s ', -0.012361157932900824), ('closed ', -0.02951758075505495), ('on ', -0.011078376439400017), ('Sundays ', -0.025584297938621603), ('during ', -0.021867332528927363), ('football ', -0.019188321311958134), ('season', -0.010612960788421333), ('?', -0.04053710796870291), ('?', -0.08582316595129669), ('?', -0.14753804029896855), ('', -0.00023950310423970222)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'never again'} [('', 0.0), ('never ', -0.3435960845090449), ('again', 0.6134964064694941), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Really? Not very coupon friendly. Moved to cvs.'} [('', 0.0), ('Really', 0.0010303173439751845), ('? ', -0.07430038974780473), ('Not ', -0.11700256317089952), ('very ', 0.034885829574704985), ('coup', -0.11329443469639955), ('on ', -0.013587680424279824), ('friendly', 0.0818486672033032), ('. ', -0.02483062321698526), ('Moved ', 0.028291878402342263), ('to ', -0.03640677802377468), ('cv', -0.09751450610383472), ('s', -0.02227213286278129), ('.', -0.036975285642256495), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Cluttered but convenient - passport photos until 9:00pm.'} [('', 0.0), ('Cl', -0.06003688447526656), ('uttered ', -0.060229138791328296), ('but ', -0.0703073491458781), ('convenient ', -0.042228595004417), ('- ', -0.021124722552485764), ('passport ', -0.015072378126205876), ('photos ', -0.05122166147339158), ('until ', -0.02396323207358364), ('9', -0.012132030053180642), (':', -0.017137611546786502), ('00pm', 0.02983763749944046), ('.', -0.018852463166695088), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Egg drop soup was great... Fast delivery... Friendly service...'} [('', 0.0), ('Egg ', -0.09448561747558415), ('drop ', 0.021115251700393856), ('soup ', -0.08166638307739049), ('was ', -0.057555288658477366), ('great', 0.40739047445822507), ('.', 0.016924100928008556), ('.', -0.024291913956403732), ('. ', -0.019904393702745438), ('Fast ', 0.06478191260248423), ('delivery', 0.027617378160357475), ('.', 0.03157454077154398), ('.', -0.0092816730029881), ('. ', -0.009879907127469778), ('Friendly ', 0.25773646496236324), ('service', 0.04528382420539856), ('.', -0.012082107365131378), ('.', -0.013007000088691711), ('.', -0.019818663597106934), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Western Bacon Cheeseburger. Enough said.'} [('', 0.0), ('Western ', -0.03201430896297097), ('Bacon ', -0.09315418498590589), ('Cheese', -0.0473994607309578), ('burg', -0.014199021228705533), ('er', -0.049967158236540854), ('. ', -0.0013572098687291145), ('Enough ', -0.05336438538506627), ('said', 0.07517018774524331), ('.', -0.03056275099515915), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'I buy pills here.'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', 0.2760174451395869), ('buy ', 0.04685128852725029), ('pills ', -0.7151637836359441), ('here', 0.130865050945431), ('.', -0.05405627191066742), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'I really enjoy shopping here. Thank you'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', 0.018439091742038727), ('really ', 0.0780157633125782), ('enjoy ', 0.15478818491101265), ('shopping ', -0.0026137693785130978), ('here', 0.041241595055907965), ('. ', 0.07471784204244614), ('Thank ', 0.18658855557441711), ('you', 0.17810070514678955), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'By far my favorite pizza!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('By ', 0.20541332755237818), ('far ', -0.1586386322742328), ('my ', 0.1380788361420855), ('favorite ', 0.354102578246966), ('pizza', 0.012461513048037887), ('!', 0.10806962475180626), ('!', 0.028842568397521973), ('!', 0.03956806659698486), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': '2 words . Soooooo good!'} [('', 0.0), ('2 ', 0.038761695846915245), ('words ', -0.02932136319577694), ('. ', 0.04210016131401062), ('Soo', -0.0036039564292877913), ('oo', 0.1616241263691336), ('oo ', 0.09496100107207894), ('good', 0.3854011818766594), ('!', 0.03930499404668808), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good Food....The Part-Time Hostess Is Awesome....'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.27045228611677885), ('Food', 0.06841305363923311), ('.', -0.016544539481401443), ('.', -0.010011703707277775), ('.', -0.017091414891183376), ('.', -0.019096332602202892), ('The ', 0.028363037505187094), ('Part', -0.006936946767382324), ('-', 0.016292082436848432), ('Time ', -0.010147931578103453), ('Hostess ', 0.0291023149038665), ('Is ', -0.036790695565287024), ('Awesome', 0.3486757214413956), ('.', 0.00010041543282568455), ('.', -0.039294177666306496), ('.', -0.026957960799336433), ('.', -0.040285419672727585), ('', -1.4901161193847656e-08)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'I think this place closed.'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', 0.15430860657943413), ('think ', -0.06963627075310796), ('this ', 0.10147043102188036), ('place ', 0.002650565598742105), ('closed', -0.5042214336426696), ('.', 0.00895092703285627), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great pizzas for very reasonable prices.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.41076264530420303), ('pizza', -0.04385281912982464), ('s ', 0.023272043094038963), ('for ', 0.004640528000891209), ('very ', 0.04080259706825018), ('reasonable ', 0.3754569757729769), ('prices', -0.07012964226305485), ('.', -0.012705042958259583), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Fast, fresh, delicious...how can I not love it?'} [('', 0.0), ('Fast', 0.12627242296002805), (', ', 0.0750078244600445), ('fresh', 0.2550976008642465), (', ', 0.030214692233130336), ('delicious', 0.2845146879553795), ('.', 0.0025100167840719223), ('.', -0.021892725955694914), ('.', -0.022980298846960068), ('how ', -0.06299473464605398), ('can ', -0.038254315935773775), ('I ', 0.02649435881176032), ('not ', -0.24246415836387314), ('love ', 0.15161024456028827), ('it', 0.038469399412861094), ('?', -0.034016297548078), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Open 24 hours and the best chicken tacos anywhere.'} [('', 0.0), ('Open ', 0.20378442853689194), ('24 ', 0.04504825919866562), ('hours ', 0.07025192677974701), ('and ', 0.01810295507311821), ('the ', 0.06718292029108852), ('best ', 0.43387156596872956), ('chicken ', -0.14541208185255527), ('ta', 0.025814872002229095), ('cos ', 0.02085614367388189), ('anywhere', -0.043834691401571035), ('.', -0.03027503192424774), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'I will miss you.'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', 0.2789656072854996), ('will ', 0.08873778845008928), ('miss ', -0.3713392733334331), ('you', 0.7123736979847308), ('.', -0.0449068546295166), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Dangerously dirty!'} [('', 0.0), ('Dangerously ', -0.2237817375571467), ('dirty', -0.5301256975508295), ('!', 0.23345146933570504), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Rushed and poor quality.'} [('', 0.0), ('Rushed ', -0.24848154289429658), ('and ', 0.08183136451771134), ('poor ', -0.32890132318789256), ('quality', 0.18105604271477205), ('.', -0.021164074132684618), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'I really like the remodeling going on'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', -0.01736720185726881), ('really ', 0.5946071180514991), ('like ', 0.2248358651995659), ('the ', 0.016380836721509695), ('re', -0.03249095438513905), ('mo', 0.02135208446998149), ('del', 0.017047554021701217), ('ing ', -0.03379103564657271), ('going ', -0.10874614072963595), ('on', 0.013753429520875216), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "Just fun, good food. Ask for Jimmy...he's a kick."} [('', 0.0), ('Just ', 0.02368373202625662), ('fun', 0.27736392884980887), (', ', -0.005522524937987328), ('good ', 0.30928087583743036), ('food', -0.002093292772769928), ('. ', -0.015274220379069448), ('Ask ', -0.1809407549444586), ('for ', -0.07785777188837528), ('Jimmy', 0.004911065800115466), ('.', -0.04658694891259074), ('.', -0.02166268229484558), ('.', -0.0076715946197509766), ('he', 0.10183289786800742), ("'", 0.03877623891457915), ('s ', -0.01062296237796545), ('a ', 0.14090656023472548), ('kick', 0.04396196361631155), ('.', -0.04183204658329487), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Great food, bad management and service. Get take out!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.46953412885341095), ('food', 0.23109233865034184), (', ', 0.18814818302416825), ('bad ', -0.2488168657728238), ('management ', 0.033632413715167786), ('and ', 0.13329938507922634), ('service', -0.0401580719571939), ('. ', 0.011459503532023518), ('Get ', -0.11077202775049955), ('take ', 0.06440650497097522), ('out', -0.081428661942482), ('!', -0.03591743763536215), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Pizza is awesome, period.'} [('', 0.0), ('Pizza ', 0.014178544282913208), ('is ', 0.09106229897588491), ('awesome', 0.49787331465631723), (', ', 0.08906340599060059), ('period', 0.0472932867705822), ('.', -0.048359464854002), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "OMGthis pizza is the bomb that's all i gotta say!"} [('', 0.0), ('OM', -0.09088128982693888), ('Gt', -0.003650809871032834), ('his ', -0.012704894033959135), ('pizza ', -0.048540532967308536), ('is ', 0.01016883525880985), ('the ', 0.1161495135165751), ('bomb ', -0.38503824052168056), ('that', 0.004288091397029348), ("'", 0.006172529523610137), ('s ', 0.02006315061589703), ('all ', -0.11176803676062264), ('i ', -0.05782501192879863), ('gotta ', 0.11400932454853319), ('say', -0.022363096853950992), ('!', 0.04095564014278352), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'The pizza is really good with wine.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.0011125728487968445), ('pizza ', -0.020000936463475227), ('is ', -0.011106794700026512), ('really ', 0.0705692358314991), ('good ', 0.3747645914554596), ('with ', 0.13599827699363232), ('wine', 0.20754904113709927), ('.', -0.02742161601781845), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Meh!! Wish the people were nicer'} [('', 0.0), ('Me', 0.2518774385098368), ('h', -0.2700636174995452), ('!', 0.05235917028039694), ('! ', 0.178626025095582), ('Wish ', -0.35199680691584945), ('the ', -0.06575518904719502), ('people ', -0.05197612554184161), ('were ', -0.22762429926660843), ('nice', 0.4073274894617498), ('r', -0.11370616522617638), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Fast friendly service (as usual)....and GREAT snacks too! LOL'} [('', -5.912035703659058e-06), ('Fast ', 0.01260647363960743), ('friendly ', 0.36359289777465165), ('service ', -0.03188497317023575), ('(', -0.012697982601821423), ('as ', -0.026790415480112035), ('usual', -0.029495605345194537), (')', -0.006799850923319657), ('.', -0.016756728291511536), ('.', -0.0150834321975708), ('.', -0.01762719824910164), ('.', -0.02707088366150856), ('and ', -0.0066263205371797085), ('GREAT ', 0.3876064140604285), ('snacks ', 0.0979670817432634), ('too', -0.15429788706387626), ('! ', 0.08509042311925441), ('LO', -0.0500666843727231), ('L', -0.021449696272611618), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'So far so good ;)\\nGreat place for lunch!\\nFast and tasty.'} [('', 0.0), ('So ', -0.009686287492513657), ('far ', -0.008080541156232357), ('so ', -0.028630522079765797), ('good ', 0.310187766328454), (';', -0.011347321793437004), (')', 0.0007642917335033417), ('\\', -0.034973930567502975), ('nG', 0.022677550408843672), ('rea', -0.021097164772072574), ('t ', -0.06113601863035001), ('place ', 0.009228292057135453), ('for ', -0.014086742982423553), ('lunch', 0.03589961324663212), ('!', 0.011941879754886031), ('\\', -0.015435108759750923), ('n', -0.044479208843161665), ('Fast ', 0.004774058858553569), ('and ', 0.019297799095511436), ('ta', 0.2309242164483294), ('sty', 0.12695346551481634), ('.', -0.018057904206216335), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Wonderful staff and Dr. Meek is a great vision specialist.'} [('', 0.0), ('Wonderful ', 0.22407202795147896), ('staff ', -0.012880783528089523), ('and ', -0.012583237141370773), ('Dr', 0.038947719149291515), ('. ', 0.07645747158676386), ('Meek ', -0.02610708959400654), ('is ', 0.0384200643748045), ('a ', 0.03353825397789478), ('great ', 0.17949632741510868), ('vision ', 0.03910102415829897), ('specialist', 0.06763084512203932), ('.', -0.01879483461380005), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'This place is closed'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', 0.06508419895544648), ('place ', 0.07296562517876737), ('is ', 0.013887584529584274), ('closed', -0.5644663737039082), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'They are now closed.'} [('', 0.0), ('They ', 0.26827178010717034), ('are ', -0.02561308688018471), ('now ', -0.05316129059065133), ('closed', -0.45521957403980196), ('.', -0.03632504027336836), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "It's QT? Friendly employees!"} [('', 0.0), ('It', -0.010982438921928406), ("'", 0.02391645358875394), ('s ', -0.01681351149454713), ('Q', 0.2847747541081844), ('T', -0.2926916227725087), ('? ', -0.0940037602558732), ('Friendly ', 0.8100688001140952), ('employees', -0.07630108762532473), ('!', 0.08184508420526981), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'clean, and good selection'} [('', 0.0), ('clean', 0.21183402091264725), (', ', 0.12006036192178726), ('and ', 0.0907711461186409), ('good ', 0.1478957049548626), ('selection', 0.09345283731818199), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "Cookie dough blizzards & mint Dilly bars, 'nuff said!"} [('', 0.0), ('Cookie ', -0.11409990047104657), ('dough ', -0.12438805983401835), ('blizzard', -0.007700999791268259), ('s ', -0.011011582391802222), ('& ', 0.20194062549853697), ('mint ', 0.05929813539842144), ('Dil', -0.09974199417047203), ('ly ', 0.09254684182815254), ('bars', -0.08862467855215073), (', ', 0.06944445474073291), ("'", -0.07859482523053885), ('nu', -0.11326356994686648), ('ff ', -0.1342586866230704), ('said', 0.2366638712119311), ('!', 0.08831892348825932), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'All they did was try to up sell me.'} [('', 0.0), ('All ', -0.05673062945425045), ('they ', -0.06181382921204204), ('did ', -0.019176444977347273), ('was ', 0.0005184404180909041), ('try ', -0.1216402737009048), ('to ', 0.012598989720572717), ('up ', 0.03348046911560232), ('sell ', -0.10060044695092074), ('me', 0.04114936792211665), ('.', -0.030318920016725315), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great food.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.22021283209323883), ('food', 0.21850033104419708), ('.', 0.03817668557167053), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "Lousy! You're a file number."} [('', 0.0), ('Lou', -0.4296640321153973), ('sy', -0.0630221055362199), ('! ', 0.27584203589503886), ('You', 0.12551890382201236), ("'", 0.03908717237391102), ('re ', -0.0034234472832395113), ('a ', 0.037269809118697594), ('file ', -0.1421992111554573), ('number', -0.10459936628649302), ('.', -0.03746913844224764), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'I love this store!!! Everyone is happy and kind.'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', 0.016127975657582283), ('love ', 0.36087719252100214), ('this ', 0.042476873320993036), ('store', -0.07675322925206274), ('!', -0.03802897408604622), ('!', -0.01832796074450016), ('! ', -0.021070482209324837), ('Everyone ', 0.03229023376479745), ('is ', 0.003136965911835432), ('happy ', 0.13795163109898567), ('and ', 0.046884157694876194), ('kind', 0.13674633763730526), ('.', -0.012811445631086826), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Over priced yuppie garbage.\\nPoor unknowledgable servants.\\nGo to the farmers market!'} [('', 7.419992622696252e-05), ('Over ', -0.09124023379839248), ('priced ', -0.034242213968658085), ('yu', 0.008528204411504703), ('pp', -0.020175491759346187), ('ie ', -0.013770219943580742), ('garbage', -0.09600805012451019), ('.', -0.013828327399096452), ('\\', -0.06821176182711497), ('nP', -0.07273885127142421), ('oor ', -0.07600460140020004), ('un', -0.00439320211944505), ('k', 0.02343433936994188), ('now', 0.01037307104206775), ('led', 0.0217437471460471), ('ga', 0.03206667669746821), ('ble ', -0.02423982951859216), ('servants', 0.021390436590081663), ('.', 0.014150651544696302), ('\\', -0.05227552540236502), ('nGo ', -0.0038596224003413226), ('to ', -0.0063083559907681774), ('the ', -0.008225226465583546), ('farmers ', 0.009517687581440745), ('market', -0.06192709205303496), ('!', -0.0034490430504471683), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Fried rice and duck is awesome!'} [('', 0.0), ('Fried ', -0.039941259659826756), ('rice ', -0.0845158426091075), ('and ', 0.06367028877139091), ('duck ', -0.1523001027526334), ('is ', 0.011751303798519075), ('awesome', 0.7667853420134634), ('!', 0.15792588889598846), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Been closed for quite some time.'} [('', 0.0), ('Been ', -0.47519466932862997), ('closed ', 0.1664970237761736), ('for ', 0.19331887643784285), ('quite ', 0.06786684249527752), ('some ', -0.027538419933989644), ('time', -0.13229843601584435), ('.', -0.030950475484132767), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "Don't go here if your hungry!"} [('', 0.0), ('Don', -0.10479156556539237), ("'", -0.026015154318884015), ('t ', -0.263753617182374), ('go ', 0.14340597635600716), ('here ', 0.047643130528740585), ('if ', -0.14544072712305933), ('your ', 0.19774546154076234), ('hungry', -0.08782817370956764), ('!', -0.028476672247052193), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best in town'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.23894864320755005), ('in ', 0.1415463536977768), ('town', 0.0963367372751236), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Indifferent food, atrocious service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Indifferent ', -0.526493551900785), ('food', 0.27979955250339117), (', ', 0.08971452002151636), ('at', -0.07695356318981794), ('ro', 0.03372414350633335), ('cious ', -0.04504949471083819), ('service', -0.007481959015422035), ('.', -0.015026071436295751), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Simply the BEST!'} [('', 0.0), ('Simply ', 0.1486717090010643), ('the ', 0.03187577798962593), ('BEST', 0.12883872166275978), ('!', 0.27716751396656036), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'My favorite pizza in the neighborhood!'} [('', 0.0), ('My ', -0.02485671266913414), ('favorite ', 0.36105615086853504), ('pizza ', 0.0016926471143960953), ('in ', 0.07242013141512871), ('the ', 0.10500543937087059), ('neighborhood', 0.16030173748731613), ('!', 0.04605230689048767), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'I recommend the Pollo Siciliano and the Pollo basil.\\n\\nGood Stuff.'} [('', 6.029673386365175e-06), ('I ', -0.025716447504237294), ('recommend ', 0.8437618825264508), ('the ', 0.03711103198293131), ('Poll', -0.0629553316248348), ('o ', 0.0038697538402630016), ('Sicilian', 0.0032453190942760557), ('o ', 0.011809454968897626), ('and ', 0.020918096881359816), ('the ', -0.014705856621731073), ('Poll', -0.05825001030461863), ('o ', -0.0198233884293586), ('basil', 0.011882135120686144), ('.', -0.014826482685748488), ('\\', -0.040133249247446656), ('n', -0.008825127908494323), ('\\', -0.02156368113355711), ('nGo', -0.024694745428860188), ('od ', -0.04875450429972261), ('Stuff', -0.06409093260299414), ('.', -0.024641384603455663), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Been going here for YEARS!!!!!!!!! Nice to see it busy!'} [('', 1.4919787645339966e-06), ('Been ', -0.026781650027260184), ('going ', -0.01814698602538556), ('here ', 0.06193920609075576), ('for ', 0.01785265828948468), ('YEARS', 0.12118474475573748), ('!', 0.0335535432677716), ('!', 0.005560044199228287), ('!', 0.01538742333650589), ('!', 0.022107708733528852), ('!', 0.009438753593713045), ('!', 0.0067487116903066635), ('!', -0.011797724291682243), ('!', -0.030687576159834862), ('! ', -0.025765465572476387), ('Nice ', 0.5058061352465302), ('to ', 0.05658769316505641), ('see ', 0.13886160702895722), ('it ', 0.00486966075914097), ('busy', -0.34783120710926596), ('!', -0.026883890852332115), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Food = OK. \\n\\nService = What service??'} [('', 0.0), ('Food ', 0.2545717782631982), ('= ', 0.013786002760753036), ('OK', 0.2992633802059572), ('. ', 0.2504849926335737), ('\\', -0.012414499040460214), ('n', -0.0082055447564926), ('\\', -0.008465530641842633), ('nS', -0.022842339712951798), ('er', -0.030309234709420707), ('vic', 0.0017689271408016793), ('e ', 0.0023771499763824977), ('= ', 0.003943029667425435), ('What ', -0.027907733725442085), ('service', -0.027905360315344296), ('?', -0.037409371259855106), ('?', -0.18807539343833923), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Your basic subway, the staff is fairly friendly'} [('', 0.0), ('Your ', 0.08849803917109966), ('basic ', 0.008252773433923721), ('subway', -0.2206144481897354), (', ', 0.11355639807879925), ('the ', 0.05308467708528042), ('staff ', 0.04397608898580074), ('is ', -0.0076854838989675045), ('fairly ', 0.2269751555286348), ('friendly', 0.4066719189286232), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Just nasty! Very cluttered and overpriced.'} [('', 0.0), ('Just ', -0.030258308521297295), ('nasty', -0.17929678565997165), ('! ', 0.025351219206640963), ('Very ', -0.025168097541609313), ('cl', -0.021784548154755612), ('uttered ', -0.04443184702722647), ('and ', -0.003138150783343008), ('over', -0.052722457754498464), ('pr', -0.01313938250314095), ('ice', -0.018078884801980166), ('d', 0.009924624085215328), ('.', -0.01935948461323278), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Even a gun dryer, perfect for motorcycles!'} [('', 0.0), ('Even ', 0.07704040454700589), ('a ', 0.013796271625324152), ('gun ', -0.15415154337824788), ('dry', -0.07157172448933125), ('er', -0.036545248003676534), (', ', 0.036268614465370774), ('perfect ', 0.7364861272508278), ('for ', -0.08104658138472587), ('motorcycles', -0.028225588146597147), ('!', 0.1920354114845395), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great sandwiches at an awesome price!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.3825609125196934), ('sandwiches ', -0.0453488714993), ('at ', 0.024037376046180725), ('an ', 0.15520258247852325), ('awesome ', 0.19655026495456696), ('price', -0.01661832630634308), ('!', 0.02702869474887848), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "They have teaworst, so they're awesome. Buy teaworst."} [('', 0.0), ('They ', 0.010786147322505713), ('have ', 0.011836764868348837), ('tea', 0.014166462402045), ('wo', -0.03527950413217695), ('rst', -0.04691633820766583), (', ', 0.009635190013796091), ('so ', -0.042113899369724095), ('they', -0.029921441368060187), ("'", -0.005715287377825007), ('re ', -0.04757859860546887), ('awesome', 0.8538488387130201), ('. ', 0.05892560072243214), ('Buy ', -0.07690641470253468), ('tea', 0.07393988093281223), ('wo', -0.1164474839988543), ('rst', -0.05881314049474895), ('.', -0.03530054911971092), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Ask for Justin, he is super helpful!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Ask ', -0.2816767478361726), ('for ', -0.02682713943067938), ('Justin', 0.14762505854014307), (', ', 0.04214837774634361), ('he ', -0.039738348132232204), ('is ', -0.009681499534053728), ('super ', 0.14649188943440095), ('helpful', 0.6933392717619427), ('!', 0.02357633924111724), ('!', -0.0029661208391189575), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Sprint salesman are worse then used car sales man.'} [('', 0.0), ('Sprint ', -0.01625983149278909), ('salesman ', -0.0860085026215529), ('are ', -0.01794604644237552), ('worse ', -0.2432259727611381), ('then ', -0.0992735561048903), ('used ', -0.13929765185093856), ('car ', 0.053549354339338606), ('sales ', 0.08805398540425813), ('man', 0.04262975158781046), ('.', 0.11587189449346624), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'quick, friendly service!'} [('', 0.0), ('quick', 0.015111744403839111), (', ', 0.30532316863536835), ('friendly ', 0.18117983266711235), ('service', 0.0654427818953991), ('!', 0.09684740751981735), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Now open for lunch.........'} [('', 0.0), ('Now ', -0.032544391229748726), ('open ', 0.5333896861411631), ('for ', 0.04230844369158149), ('lunch', 0.24581244215369225), ('.', -0.030659278854727745), ('.', -0.007862574188038707), ('.', -0.018946986878290772), ('.', -0.025381823536008596), ('.', -0.014119844418019056), ('.', -0.017317604855634272), ('.', -0.018214691313914955), ('.', -0.02281638002023101), ('.', -0.02932700701057911), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Typically clean, friendly staff, security at dusk.'} [('', 0.0), ('Typically ', -0.007119271904230118), ('clean', 0.32937484979629517), (', ', 0.03832310065627098), ('friendly ', 0.27219065465033054), ('staff', 0.041560159996151924), (', ', 0.04950426146388054), ('security ', -0.09134781314060092), ('at ', 0.02035847259685397), ('dusk', 0.046014148741960526), ('.', -0.004353407770395279), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Los Alamos is CLOSED for good.'} [('', 0.0), ('Los ', 0.11491579189896584), ('Alam', 0.003246899228543043), ('os ', -0.07812301767989993), ('is ', -0.09573755203746259), ('CLOSED ', -0.35288636782206595), ('for ', -0.14955089846625924), ('good', 0.4840072398073971), ('.', -0.05252579599618912), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'This restaurant is now closed.'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', 0.043514740449609235), ('restaurant ', 0.24286095939169172), ('is ', 0.004822745002456941), ('now ', -0.16942538371949922), ('closed', -0.39078611029253807), ('.', -0.037854592577787116), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Still closed, phone not in service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Still ', 0.05894735130277695), ('closed', 0.10662376245454652), (', ', 0.16900742244615685), ('phone ', -0.33481010878495), ('not ', -0.34631650834671746), ('in ', 0.1749698167968745), ('service', -0.06663545336232346), ('.', -0.031916989719320554), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Great neighborhood location to recycle batteries.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.5947939110919833), ('neighborhood ', 0.11608696775510907), ('location ', 0.0617149923928082), ('to ', 0.05356830544769764), ('rec', 0.005581459729000926), ('y', 0.030182559275999665), ('cle ', -0.09435620158910751), ('batteries', -0.03368852660059929), ('.', -0.020968792028725147), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'They over serve.'} [('', 0.0), ('They ', 0.2901991307735443), ('over ', -0.7661422968376428), ('serve', 0.18473460641689599), ('.', -0.09060141630470753), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "Won't go back, local vibe, bad music, slow service"} [('', 0.0), ('Won', 0.08932896802434698), ("'", -0.03940822972799651), ('t ', -0.2684968152898364), ('go ', 0.051284364017192274), ('back', -0.027599644919973798), (', ', 0.032388766630901955), ('local ', -0.001156966429334716), ('vibe', 0.04921113286218315), (', ', 0.01064055471579195), ('bad ', -0.18626820160443458), ('music', 0.011574857734558464), (', ', -0.0040327524111489765), ('slow ', -0.08134253434400307), ('service', -0.04168079829105409), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great people. Everyone is very professional and helpful.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.36359864845871925), ('people', -0.0362357534468174), ('. ', 0.021169513463974), ('Everyone ', -0.0075346725061535835), ('is ', 0.0010722307488322258), ('very ', 0.05683275172486901), ('professional ', 0.12072836933657527), ('and ', 0.00598561018705368), ('helpful', 0.17715597245842218), ('.', -0.005851917900145054), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Poor customer service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Poor ', -0.6674750781421608), ('customer ', 0.12636242681583099), ('service', 0.17239670870003465), ('.', -0.04438714529533172), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good service and tasty food.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.2892604526132345), ('service ', 0.01415436901152134), ('and ', 0.05829429626464844), ('ta', 0.2580796260153875), ('sty ', -0.017533082864247262), ('food', 0.14632900431752205), ('.', -0.02515033632516861), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'In the process of making an appointment'} [('', 0.0), ('In ', 0.23598962277173996), ('the ', 0.14693651162087917), ('process ', 0.27974300272762775), ('of ', -0.13732784800231457), ('making ', 0.0821008812636137), ('an ', 0.13623862899839878), ('appointment', -0.04990180768072605), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'This place is terrible. The meat tasted like asshole.'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', -0.014640151563071413), ('place ', 0.07190474472645292), ('is ', 0.04289859374603111), ('terrible', -0.24901875381510763), ('. ', -0.0177459064143477), ('The ', -0.0009273446430597687), ('meat ', -0.035387249788982444), ('tasted ', 0.016914757666199876), ('like ', -0.006206340746757633), ('asshole', -0.10577654744884057), ('.', -0.03543250947404886), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "I'm happy, my stuff looks great!"} [('', 0.0), ('I', 0.008595021441578865), ("'", 0.039349792525172234), ('m ', -0.005322419106960297), ('happy', 0.22031933069229126), (', ', 0.08553522080183029), ('my ', 0.021018375176936388), ('stuff ', -0.06997099751606584), ('looks ', -0.012588881887495518), ('great', 0.4120511105284095), ('!', -0.0020733103156089783), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'The staff has always been helpful.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.061141520738601685), ('staff ', 0.10654418170452118), ('has ', 0.058849915862083435), ('always ', 0.39112066151574254), ('been ', -0.17231416003778577), ('helpful', 0.32104791328310966), ('.', -0.04320306330919266), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'I do not recommend the salon!'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', -0.011050921399146318), ('do ', 0.05978525767568499), ('not ', -0.6598369573475793), ('recommend ', 0.14716716820839792), ('the ', 0.05636356142349541), ('salon', 0.13281628501135856), ('!', 0.0211576409637928), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Consistently good sushi, and great happy hour specials.'} [('', 0.0), ('Consistently ', 0.07490546628832817), ('good ', 0.24998864158988), ('su', -0.026670271530747414), ('shi', -0.0021831635385751724), (', ', 0.037091683596372604), ('and ', 0.0016497299075126648), ('great ', 0.178730184212327), ('happy ', 0.1903145257383585), ('hour ', 0.004449719563126564), ('specials', -0.007939238101243973), ('.', -0.03427986986935139), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Mediocre food. Good service. No need to return.'} [('', 0.0), ('Med', -0.1740156533451227), ('io', 0.0038600922307523433), ('cre ', -0.18542803829041077), ('food', -0.021000913809984922), ('. ', 0.05294278591463808), ('Good ', 0.6430559451764566), ('service', -0.019541667388693895), ('. ', 0.045049008607747965), ('No ', 0.14229322582832538), ('need ', 0.18053397643961944), ('to ', 0.017151241656392813), ('return', -0.050091023091226816), ('.', -0.030109964311122894), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'No good'} [('', 0.0), ('No ', -0.860057951809722), ('good', 0.1336253830959322), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Sharon the cashier that waited on us was fantastic.'} [('', 0.0), ('Sharon ', 0.1055364808999002), ('the ', 0.024178090039640665), ('cash', -0.03159698669333011), ('ier ', -0.009849107242189348), ('that ', 0.03182400355581194), ('waited ', -0.18598700233269483), ('on ', 0.005817549303174019), ('us ', 0.11257590167224407), ('was ', -0.06899459101259708), ('fantastic', 0.7457030992954969), ('.', -0.06316588446497917), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Had a pretty good pizza from here'} [('', 0.0), ('Had ', -0.0023907944560050964), ('a ', 0.18827910348773003), ('pretty ', 0.16264642402529716), ('good ', 0.3964684270322323), ('pizza ', -0.017038319259881973), ('from ', -0.03534150868654251), ('here', 0.029962942004203796), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "Not going to explain. Just don't waste your time."} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', -0.15039689029799774), ('going ', -0.03428542102301435), ('to ', 0.03947467315265385), ('explain', -0.10413636207522359), ('. ', 0.04786516015883535), ('Just ', -0.16714260554726934), ('don', -0.07514892052677169), ("'", -0.002782896077405894), ('t ', 0.15404665312780708), ('waste ', 0.10895075305234059), ('your ', -0.10723324949867674), ('time', -0.07698839915610733), ('.', -0.019603642882429995), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Refill propane gas tank for 4.4 gallons at $19.23 so-so.'} [('', 0.0), ('Ref', -0.003506337739963783), ('ill ', -0.05005759450796177), ('prop', 0.0006743129779351875), ('ane ', -0.017026401954353787), ('gas ', -0.034105258018826135), ('tank ', -0.047532066484563984), ('for ', -0.04915691711357795), ('4', -0.016921353846555576), ('.', -0.017007285670842975), ('4 ', -0.016554374429688323), ('gallons ', -0.020550171328068245), ('at ', -0.016979112046101363), ('$', -0.04584209051608923), ('19', -0.006630499949096702), ('.', -0.018944583483971655), ('23 ', -0.015749015772598796), ('so', -0.04138585344480816), ('-', -0.02271483905497007), ('so', -0.03099748192471452), ('.', -0.01370971353026107), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Always good! No complaints!'} [('', 0.0), ('Always ', 0.10838368535041809), ('good', 0.1536327451467514), ('! ', 0.13059912621974945), ('No ', 0.11568903509760275), ('complaints', 0.10915928002214059), ('!', 0.07364465296268463), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Super delicious sushi menu items!'} [('', 0.0), ('Super ', 0.06595142930746078), ('delicious ', 0.3442196920514107), ('su', -0.14669422945007682), ('shi ', 0.15008576354011893), ('menu ', -0.03921351861208677), ('items', 0.1850857837125659), ('!', 0.16399523615837097), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Closed... GONE UNDER, OUTTA HERE.. See ya later, bye bye..'} [('', 0.00048598996363580227), ('Closed', -0.0270989874843508), ('.', -0.016987629467621446), ('.', -0.05223883711732924), ('. ', -0.07966112333815545), ('GONE ', -0.2654735678152065), ('UNDER', -0.06674624299193965), (', ', 0.03499903227202594), ('OUTTA ', -0.13553768629208207), ('HERE', 0.05341959826182574), ('.', -0.008907604613341391), ('. ', -0.1523397482233122), ('See ', 0.0140240023683873), ('ya ', 0.21434743032295955), ('later', -0.06789125966315623), (', ', 0.12332663753477391), ('bye ', 0.20547260956664104), ('bye', 0.18024269094166812), ('.', -0.027356955339200795), ('.', -0.12223432562313974), ('', -0.0002476756926625967)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Nothing special. Forgettable at best.'} [('', 0.0), ('Nothing ', -0.2621951656310557), ('special', 0.037195992497800034), ('. ', 0.08980861070813262), ('Forget', -0.30095431038989773), ('table ', 0.004469764605346427), ('at ', 0.011150831406666839), ('best', 0.1756800494977142), ('.', -0.02552036755878362), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Bug in my veggie sandwich from the bar :('} [('', 0.0), ('Bug ', -0.12761846820649225), ('in ', -0.020817631811951287), ('my ', -0.026962146628648043), ('ve', 0.024906862532589003), ('gg', 0.014242322731661261), ('ie ', -0.004812217550352216), ('sandwich ', -0.08727114517387236), ('from ', -0.03727604567393428), ('the ', -0.010444899497088045), ('bar ', -0.025862263450108003), (':', 0.0011073354908148758), ('(', -0.07049187738448381), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'they suck.. dont go there'} [('', 0.0), ('they ', 0.017149553437775467), ('suck', -0.2536511442522169), ('.', 0.04825232224538922), ('. ', 0.051113491877913475), ('don', 0.03778621961828321), ('t ', -0.34099898184649646), ('go ', 0.11711712373653427), ('there', 0.06455898034619167), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'TOR.TI.LLAS......Delicioso :)!! Andale mi amgos.....'} [('', -0.02443868783302605), ('TOR', -0.16881209565326571), ('.', -0.04985359497368336), ('TI', -0.04014136455953121), ('.', -0.027552461018785834), ('LL', 0.06778347027526858), ('AS', -0.06483867268737716), ('.', 0.004841689641276996), ('.', -0.010336072416976094), ('.', -0.008388544665649533), ('.', -0.008454706675062576), ('.', -0.01220653314764301), ('.', -0.02732663896555702), ('Del', 0.036274633812718095), ('icio', -0.03852988549042493), ('so ', -0.05589639223180711), (':', 0.021396830771118404), (')', 0.06326213162392377), ('!', 0.009664034936577082), ('! ', 0.010571578051894903), ('And', 0.04852520243730396), ('ale ', 0.05471595050767064), ('mi ', -0.04136769229080528), ('am', -0.02394129770497481), ('gos', -0.007586489121119181), ('.', -0.009108897453794876), ('.', 0.0065487457904964685), ('.', 0.011102654272690415), ('.', 0.0016410327516496181), ('.', -0.03986542299389839), ('', -0.0006703445687890053)] {'label': 4, 'text': "Taco's and a 3-way does it for me!"} [('', 0.0), ('Ta', 0.12476615607738495), ('co', 0.02353261411190033), ("'", 0.0025790371000766754), ('s ', 0.0123373381793499), ('and ', -0.014599913731217384), ('a ', 0.024380046874284744), ('3', -0.09499436058104038), ('-', -0.05788662051782012), ('way ', -0.008154264185577631), ('does ', 0.17239662213250995), ('it ', 0.08229980571195483), ('for ', 0.040270193479955196), ('me', 0.19935330748558044), ('!', 0.07682879082858562), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Get a burro \\"double wrapped.\\"'} [('', 0.0), ('Get ', -0.05355810571927577), ('a ', -0.0033643164206296206), ('burr', -0.08418663922930136), ('o ', -0.04284038575133309), ('\\', -0.06421301403315738), ('"', 0.012303405383136123), ('double ', -0.0617940976517275), ('wrapped', 0.0933060857350938), ('.', -0.025254462205339223), ('\\', -0.03390498529188335), ('"', -0.06152591179125011), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': "great flavor\\ngreat price\\ndont let the 'atmosphere' scare you off"} [('', 0.0), ('great ', 0.37588999792933464), ('flavor', 0.5190670092124492), ('\\', -0.08485669014044106), ('ng', 0.020242041675373912), ('rea', -0.027718725381419063), ('t ', -0.016377150546759367), ('price', -0.04248535609804094), ('\\', -0.03376081655733287), ('n', -0.006996001407969743), ('don', -0.05305251834215596), ('t ', -0.06115883553866297), ('let ', -0.10435934842098504), ('the ', -0.009305000014137477), ("'", -0.0035720094456337392), ('atmosphere', -0.01451603569148574), ("' ", -0.030952900197007693), ('scare ', 0.028020249781548046), ('you ', 0.22078988204884809), ('off', -0.15834483795333654), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Best fried clams in Phoenix.'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.874462102772668), ('fried ', -0.027917473344132304), ('cl', -0.10480220365570858), ('ams ', -0.06654319568770006), ('in ', 0.04573297390015796), ('Phoenix', 0.02661511633777991), ('.', -0.028582505183294415), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Easy to navigate.\\nNot too bad compared to the other airports'} [('', 0.0), ('Easy ', -0.005140714358276455), ('to ', 0.10496536039863713), ('navigate', 0.21754748530293), ('.', -0.028421796210750472), ('\\', -0.020888299490252393), ('n', -0.2331101396221129), ('Not ', 0.17294133456471172), ('too ', -0.29990719203533445), ('bad ', -0.3122908893433305), ('compared ', 0.010722787399572553), ('to ', 0.007041785671390244), ('the ', 0.008504679872203269), ('other ', -0.01748679199772596), ('airports', -0.020371029710076982), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great airport. One of my favorite airports to travel through.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.32460067979991436), ('airport', 0.0009334255009889603), ('. ', -0.011377498507499695), ('One ', 0.014244453981518745), ('of ', 0.033706264570355415), ('my ', -0.006625281646847725), ('favorite ', 0.13282538019120693), ('airports ', 0.00638137711212039), ('to ', 0.030851120594888926), ('travel ', 0.08499637246131897), ('through', 0.030745266005396843), ('.', -0.014030858874320984), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Old, smells, and not enough signs. Not a fan.'} [('', 0.0), ('Old', -0.1338251242741535), (', ', -0.006552187933266396), ('smells', 0.04067818827388692), (', ', 0.01108359377758461), ('and ', -0.005302798315824475), ('not ', -0.061548039112494735), ('enough ', -0.003508100401631964), ('signs', -0.035034598635320435), ('. ', -0.0035719363040698227), ('Not ', -0.2781470092195377), ('a ', 0.037050083508802345), ('fan', 0.0860210841128719), ('.', -0.03686663131520618), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'nice airport, very clean, lots to offer the traveler'} [('', 0.0), ('nice ', 0.27078879438340664), ('airport', 0.02937203086912632), (', ', 0.025058947503566742), ('very ', 0.05079416651278734), ('clean', 0.1985292350873351), (', ', 0.07391028478741646), ('lots ', -0.12237625941634178), ('to ', 0.107391357421875), ('offer ', 0.0791077483445406), ('the ', -0.015210194513201714), ('traveler', -0.03135304898023605), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Very clean airport.'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.2870022803544998), ('clean ', 0.19802003353834152), ('airport', 0.14581190794706345), ('.', -0.044352561235427856), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Home sweet home!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Home ', 0.11782249435782433), ('sweet ', 0.06147600896656513), ('home', 0.060077184811234474), ('!', 0.15387658029794693), ('!', 0.270648255944252), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'no air conditioning??'} [('', 0.0), ('no ', -0.10735888196359156), ('air ', 0.014235028360417346), ('conditioning', -0.04669842280782177), ('?', -0.07415172200126108), ('?', -0.12106216858956032), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'I hate this place'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', 0.14800357598142), ('hate ', -0.6968137678595667), ('this ', 0.28399006669133087), ('place', -0.14809329580748454), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Your basic airport. Nothing special to get excited about.'} [('', 0.0), ('Your ', 0.05629734323156299), ('basic ', 0.04067502306497772), ('airport', 0.062475350645399885), ('. ', 0.10924047425214667), ('Nothing ', -0.8374943711896776), ('special ', 0.07580041464098031), ('to ', 0.005540161015233025), ('get ', -0.041320250238641165), ('excited ', 0.2411252294696169), ('about', -0.027975252509349957), ('.', -0.017259923901292495), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': "Never a delay and that's why I am a fan!"} [('', 0.0), ('Never ', 0.06664003408513963), ('a ', 0.11740979010937735), ('delay ', 0.05529165832558647), ('and ', -0.038679853081703186), ('that', 0.04023714712820947), ("'", 0.016967688454315066), ('s ', -0.014762499835342169), ('why ', -0.09630929445847869), ('I ', 0.07462198892608285), ('am ', 0.07553252391517162), ('a ', 0.1205926388502121), ('fan', 0.17809331975877285), ('!', 0.013737831264734268), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Fuck this airport. TPA represent!'} [('', 0.0), ('Fuck ', -0.7070665132268914), ('this ', 0.0008868664917827118), ('airport', 0.02971310809152783), ('. ', 0.0679185953194974), ('T', -0.10913049510782002), ('PA ', 0.05656428527072421), ('represent', 0.2663080020502093), ('!', 0.12466148148087086), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'small, plenty of escalators and elevators, security lines are short.'} [('', 0.0), ('small', -0.051732651292695664), (', ', -0.02813511340355035), ('plenty ', 0.2207113239739556), ('of ', -0.05344038249750156), ('es', 0.09535207355766033), ('cala', 0.11485024731628073), ('tors ', -0.10789401089350577), ('and ', 0.05816260715801036), ('elevators', -0.007157703510529245), (', ', 0.015378294241600088), ('security ', -0.14920765966235194), ('lines ', -0.12324996557435952), ('are ', -0.03932107177388389), ('short', -0.33930910206981935), ('.', -0.03573159207007848), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Decent airport and they have Carvel!'} [('', 0.0), ('Decent ', 0.5025243600830436), ('airport ', 0.04892099183052778), ('and ', 0.26134547777473927), ('they ', 0.00435181288048625), ('have ', 0.02597718732431531), ('Car', -0.08538912329822779), ('vel', -0.04007878992706537), ('!', 0.010861741378903389), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Confusing terminals.'} [('', 0.0), ('Confusing ', -0.49191073038673494), ('terminals', -0.0682860405795509), ('.', 0.037862157536437735), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "It's an airport......\\n\\nThe taxi guys were nice though."} [('', 0.0), ('It', -0.04450745182111859), ("'", 0.030430688057094812), ('s ', 0.01473722793161869), ('an ', 0.1378010290209204), ('airport', 0.02735184715129435), ('.', 0.24476218363270164), ('.', 0.01861947774887085), ('.', 0.018748030066490173), ('.', -0.0030458501229683557), ('.', -0.015470002467433611), ('.', 0.04506548990805944), ('\\', -0.061539245780468696), ('n', -0.018685745435678178), ('\\', -0.036990061762654), ('nT', -0.007658504639818733), ('he ', -0.0067941795485759425), ('taxi ', -0.09722930576286412), ('guys ', -0.05223705770081974), ('were ', -0.05656509459367953), ('nice ', 0.43652381919673644), ('though', -0.044018009677529335), ('.', -0.03266783989965916), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'NEEDS BETTER FOOD!!! Even Oakland upgraded... get with it Phoenix!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('NEEDS ', -0.13315533334753127), ('BETTER ', -0.13081327624058758), ('FOOD', 0.09180598387501959), ('!', -0.02338121427601436), ('!', -0.011814322915597586), ('! ', -0.011915514671272831), ('Even ', -0.07777351500863006), ('Oakland ', -0.03193736884804821), ('upgraded', 0.005670855125572416), ('.', 0.002323285865713842), ('.', -0.035776128601355595), ('. ', -0.07686465612096072), ('get ', -0.10617029480899873), ('with ', 0.05041071388504861), ('it ', -0.016950641359380826), ('Phoenix', 0.023475777342446234), ('!', 0.010438159595287289), ('!', 0.009273698065953795), ('!', -0.017013912249240093), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Just A-OK, long walkway between terminals.'} [('', 0.0), ('Just ', -0.007058595074340701), ('A', -0.040878841129597276), ('-', -0.22355214384151623), ('OK', 0.21304029074963182), (', ', 0.35673966677859426), ('long ', -0.2829022351652384), ('walkway ', 0.15616518934257329), ('between ', -0.006665471941232681), ('terminals', -0.38041055179201066), ('.', -0.06458700774237514), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Free WiFi!'} [('', 0.0), ('Free ', 0.36771954968571663), ('Wi', -0.17628725059330463), ('Fi', -0.016444223001599312), ('!', 0.36532019078731537), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'otAz was a blast'} [('', 0.0), ('ot', -0.035426415503025055), ('Az ', 0.23281141370534897), ('was ', 0.0283493734896183), ('a ', 0.2074395902454853), ('blast', 0.2295907363295555), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'yep yep it is a big azz airport!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'} [('', 0.0022063858976418323), ('yep ', 0.012403547594493086), ('yep ', 0.04070766346359795), ('it ', 0.02916112338954752), ('is ', 0.015501533698459918), ('a ', 0.02297782485203987), ('big ', 0.03715062590146607), ('az', -0.032083192776719276), ('z ', -0.0508224963506853), ('airport', -0.010634922126138752), ('!', 0.009127905422990973), ('!', 0.001641618087887764), ('!', 0.001641618087887764), ('!', 0.009041079320013523), ('!', 0.008830093778669834), ('!', 0.007912937086075544), ('!', 0.009239067789167166), ('!', 0.007181549444794655), ('!', 0.006105030886828899), ('!', 0.0060850814916193485), ('!', 0.0060850814916193485), ('!', 0.00951443612575531), ('!', 0.008592509664595127), ('!', 0.009679127018898726), ('!', 0.009809091221541166), ('!', 0.010361429769545794), ('!', 0.010321824345737696), ('!', 0.004728714469820261), ('!', 0.004240553360432386), ('!', 0.005161508917808533), ('!', 0.0055617522448301315), ('!', 0.007907603401690722), ('!', 0.009271909948438406), ('!', 0.008123922627419233), ('!', 0.00686637545004487), ('!', 0.00711874570697546), ('!', 0.007024504244327545), ('!', 0.007588792592287064), ('!', 0.007998055778443813), ('!', 0.008276500273495913), ('!', 0.00997999357059598), ('!', 0.008694742806255817), ('!', 0.007704425603151321), ('!', 0.005596010480076075), ('!', 0.005448624957352877), ('!', 0.004680236801505089), ('!', 0.00468225684016943), ('!', 0.005000199191272259), ('!', 0.004963068291544914), ('!', 0.006361041218042374), ('!', 0.006480473093688488), ('!', 0.0098324879495935), ('!', 0.011104604737325148), ('!', 0.011343413074924187), ('!', 0.010732174893333153), ('!', 0.01208627605387433), ('!', 0.01208627605387433), ('!', 0.01407339921729131), ('!', 0.01407339921729131), ('!', 0.014932760824872687), ('!', 0.005288294093175368), ('', 0.005288294093175368)] {'label': 2, 'text': "It's a typical airport. Nothing special."} [('', 0.0), ('It', -0.019277455841802293), ("'", 0.006302923513430869), ('s ', -0.024564603045291733), ('a ', 0.08591697979318269), ('typical ', -0.31510907606025285), ('airport', 0.07393478172889445), ('. ', 0.06308917518617818), ('Nothing ', -0.2370970222109463), ('special', 0.09592108117067255), ('.', -0.03147968358825892), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Ok as airports go.'} [('', 0.0), ('Ok ', 0.3762173354625702), ('as ', -0.04299548547714949), ('airports ', 0.043094721622765064), ('go', 0.33219376765191555), ('.', -0.04483422636985779), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Ok airport. My flight was on time this time'} [('', 0.0), ('Ok ', 0.38452641479671), ('airport', 0.14635389484465122), ('. ', 0.17362896353006363), ('My ', -0.10094028525054455), ('flight ', -0.002991102635860443), ('was ', -0.013451105216518044), ('on ', 0.08005440630950034), ('time ', -0.033542102202773094), ('this ', 0.03503891360014677), ('time', 0.02721505146473646), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Crowded with overpriced food :('} [('', 0.0), ('Crowded ', -0.08849121964885853), ('with ', -0.020262431731680408), ('over', -0.29230746003304375), ('pr', -0.07018203404004453), ('ice', 0.02968144401347672), ('d ', 0.04148464946229069), ('food ', 0.09020599935320206), (':', 0.07642345910426229), ('(', -0.04979208193253726), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Early flights in and out quick.'} [('', 0.0), ('Early ', -0.12818580120801926), ('flights ', 0.323140162974596), ('in ', 0.07090619578957558), ('and ', 0.1445484161376953), ('out ', -0.1934040104970336), ('quick', 0.041049645747989416), ('.', 0.1936455420218408), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'The terminals are confusing and the airport seems old'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.011146663655381417), ('terminals ', -0.029326074105483713), ('are ', -0.015067459520651028), ('confusing ', -0.08651441985421116), ('and ', 0.032509030044820975), ('the ', -0.006940703670807125), ('airport ', -0.03324008218896779), ('seems ', -0.05212075733106758), ('old', -0.08478200053468754), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Its an airport....'} [('', 0.0), ('Its ', 0.06948461011052132), ('an ', 0.41088310070335865), ('airport', 0.2207478303462267), ('.', 0.07389558851718903), ('.', 0.01805374026298523), ('.', -0.028754469007253647), ('.', -0.04148266837000847), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Clean and security was very friendly with a baby'} [('', 0.0), ('Clean ', 0.32519201934337616), ('and ', 0.027330994606018066), ('security ', -0.14488647505640984), ('was ', -0.051636883057653904), ('very ', 0.05303214117884636), ('friendly ', 0.35374309215694666), ('with ', 0.0034098103642463684), ('a ', 0.05240855738520622), ('baby', 0.09405087307095528), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great food and quality service'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.1256067268550396), ('food ', 0.11665308102965355), ('and ', 0.09152371436357498), ('quality ', 0.33343707025051117), ('service', -0.0031864941120147705), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Delicious and friendly!'} [('', 0.0), ('Delicious ', 0.18335486203432083), ('and ', 0.11019621044397354), ('friendly', 0.15444812923669815), ('!', 0.13858980685472488), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Still have popcorn ceilings. Room was nice and clean.'} [('', 0.0), ('Still ', 0.038809201680123806), ('have ', 0.1255480085965246), ('popcorn ', 0.11543002328835428), ('ceilings', -0.05097544798627496), ('. ', 0.05205632746219635), ('Room ', -0.06170989107340574), ('was ', -0.07426725421100855), ('nice ', 0.3311041407287121), ('and ', 0.022917993366718292), ('clean', 0.18801915273070335), ('.', -0.021104801446199417), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great sandwiches and cookies.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.40318321995437145), ('sandwiches ', -0.05999170057475567), ('and ', 0.18615496903657913), ('cookies', 0.07980745285749435), ('.', 0.05485774576663971), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good food!'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.12150663137435913), ('food', 0.11994126439094543), ('!', 0.2354302704334259), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Great place to have fresh mariscos in South Phoenix.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.26407109946012497), ('place ', 0.09583447687327862), ('to ', 0.011428670957684517), ('have ', 0.060842650942504406), ('fresh ', 0.2601416939869523), ('maris', 0.04091738071292639), ('cos ', -0.04580265562981367), ('in ', 0.020212552044540644), ('South ', -0.006207053083926439), ('Phoenix', -0.00854637660086155), ('.', -0.026858516037464142), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'had the super coctel..very fresh!!'} [('', 0.0), ('had ', -0.02270615752786398), ('the ', -0.011718750465661287), ('super ', 0.007729717995971441), ('co', 0.049747616169042885), ('ct', -0.053372872178442776), ('el', 0.08210885431617498), ('.', 0.09263380989432335), ('.', -0.0492979921400547), ('very ', 0.17738284915685654), ('fresh', 0.33379434794187546), ('!', 0.048357147723436356), ('!', -0.027469322085380554), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'they gave me cold mac and cheese.'} [('', 0.0), ('they ', -0.019930249924072996), ('gave ', 0.06253679403744172), ('me ', -0.043614033682388254), ('cold ', -0.31429661279253196), ('mac ', 0.05569630723039154), ('and ', 0.11401855255826376), ('cheese', -0.09465236269170418), ('.', -0.02674748405115679), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': '39 cent tacos and good breakfast.'} [('', 0.0), ('39 ', 0.03757045418024063), ('cent ', -0.03475390374660492), ('ta', 0.03986278176307678), ('cos ', 0.04137057811021805), ('and ', 0.10453436523675919), ('good ', 0.4326573386788368), ('breakfast', 0.09884611517190933), ('.', 0.008949317038059235), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Was ok'} [('', 0.0), ('Was ', 0.06474414467811584), ('ok', 0.2082667052745819), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Food was adequate. Staff were nice.'} [('', 0.0), ('Food ', 0.00030204281210899353), ('was ', 0.07496162131428719), ('adequate', 0.22774246335029602), ('. ', 0.05912144482135773), ('Staff ', 0.05321880895644426), ('were ', -0.06243979837745428), ('nice', 0.4013670403510332), ('.', -0.025060564279556274), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'closed - this is now la canasta.'} [('', 0.0), ('closed ', 0.11995986523106694), ('- ', 0.14339705952443182), ('this ', 0.11378733930177987), ('is ', -0.011527270777150989), ('now ', -0.20923250378109515), ('la ', -0.02503980230540037), ('can', 0.3724817469192203), ('ast', -0.18621452277875505), ('a', 0.13008660543709993), ('.', 0.0065493155270814896), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Service was terrible and staff was very unfriendly!'} [('', 0.0), ('Service ', -0.048201349476585165), ('was ', -0.02760873742226977), ('terrible ', -0.11083561806299258), ('and ', -0.0013931624998804182), ('staff ', -0.01721797512800549), ('was ', -0.008047501647524768), ('very ', -0.04559266236174153), ('un', -0.22756044142988685), ('fr', 0.15103278228161798), ('ien', -0.036365284544444876), ('dly', -0.03200145678783883), ('!', 0.03258885729883332), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'made us sick. :('} [('', 0.0), ('made ', 0.32757174434118497), ('us ', 0.09139532466178935), ('sick', -0.7271760870680737), ('. ', 0.020235436710208887), (':', -0.02048377501341747), ('(', 9.672156011220068e-05), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Closed rip.......... Available sign.........'} [('', 3.7600984796881676e-06), ('Closed ', -0.06256303520058282), ('rip', -0.11632816839846782), ('.', -0.007758246036246419), ('.', -0.012799896947399247), ('.', -0.011921426244953182), ('.', -0.010081315398565494), ('.', -0.010566441618721), ('.', -0.010193989175604656), ('.', -0.016807917185360566), ('.', -0.01304699678075849), ('.', -0.012535781072074315), ('. ', -0.015011965071607847), ('Available ', -0.042207973750919336), ('sign', -0.044680667229840765), ('.', -0.01961441357707372), ('.', -0.016320623697538394), ('.', -0.012483662321756128), ('.', -0.010676902238628827), ('.', -0.008240739436587319), ('.', -0.009625978033000138), ('.', -0.009029123037180398), ('.', -0.010961866821162403), ('.', -0.01613510778406635), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best mexican food in Phoenix. Good food low prices.'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.5542457036208361), ('mexican ', 0.12080553767737001), ('food ', 0.07279806805308908), ('in ', -0.04296168696600944), ('Phoenix', -0.0237034346209839), ('. ', 0.06291487696580589), ('Good ', 0.41362767535611056), ('food ', -0.04659548254858237), ('low ', -0.2769466685349471), ('prices', -0.2521314096156857), ('.', -0.06970846140757203), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': "Cheap and delicious! Can't beat that."} [('', 0.0), ('Cheap ', -0.08355772222421365), ('and ', 1.3201373803894967e-05), ('delicious', 0.8958043765378534), ('! ', 0.019538036540325265), ('Can', -0.05683368747122586), ("'", -0.05421561002731323), ('t ', -0.1645147406961769), ('beat ', 0.11067844438366592), ('that', 0.055763441836461425), ('.', -0.027513086330145597), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Really great bfast and beautiful setting. Great for kids.'} [('', 0.0), ('Really ', 0.003815685398876667), ('great ', 0.1825025388970971), ('bf', -0.012176721822470427), ('ast ', -0.017649097833782434), ('and ', -0.005082607269287109), ('beautiful ', 0.16304941987618804), ('setting', -0.00971326557919383), ('. ', 0.009081875905394554), ('Great ', 0.295380930416286), ('for ', 0.03955088835209608), ('kids', 0.017557622864842415), ('.', -0.039013996720314026), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great outdoor option for Phoenix people'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.19246485829353333), ('outdoor ', 0.19189873151481152), ('option ', -0.028025982901453972), ('for ', 0.15285732224583626), ('Phoenix ', 0.01751084253191948), ('people', 0.16436263918876648), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good park to hike in'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.17684989422559738), ('park ', 0.09090149775147438), ('to ', 0.08001695945858955), ('hike ', 0.12075962871313095), ('in', 0.19546856731176376), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good for a low intensity hike...'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.8462903923355043), ('for ', -0.03703216556459665), ('a ', 0.0756190768443048), ('low ', -0.2582485910243122), ('intensity ', 0.10075470477750059), ('hike', 0.08501259534386918), ('.', -0.00818931357935071), ('.', -0.03844606131315231), ('.', -0.059202082455158234), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'This location has closed.'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', 0.23351083147281315), ('location ', -0.05496554958881461), ('has ', -0.17918660377108608), ('closed', -0.2884515824189293), ('.', -0.04481817129999399), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'typical bar food nothing special imo'} [('', 0.0), ('typical ', -0.0995278721456998), ('bar ', -0.06826913952318137), ('food ', 0.0564551790994301), ('nothing ', -0.24228259559822618), ('special ', 0.14083630557070137), ('im', -0.12857688497388153), ('o', 0.06558664335534559), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Love this place!!!! Great FRESH sushi!'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.2587429638952017), ('this ', 0.03856603428721428), ('place', 0.022413549944758415), ('!', -0.006000488996505737), ('!', 0.00037567317485809326), ('!', -0.0018349513411521912), ('! ', -0.02327875792980194), ('Great ', 0.14425269840285182), ('FRESH ', 0.12481754971668124), ('su', 0.002668085042387247), ('shi', 0.06104792142286897), ('!', 0.00554288923740387), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'My husband loved the salmon sashimi'} [('', 0.0), ('My ', 0.004039885476231575), ('husband ', 0.15482111740857363), ('loved ', 0.6654407503083348), ('the ', 0.011534497141838074), ('salmon ', -0.14845423959195614), ('sash', 0.054858659859746695), ('imi', -0.020318928640335798), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'This location is now closed.'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', 0.18837733185500838), ('location ', -0.02489944951958023), ('is ', 0.0007526729314122349), ('now ', -0.11595994130038889), ('closed', -0.18667584728245856), ('.', -0.1696035642089555), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Cool staff and vibe plus great coffee'} [('', 0.0), ('Cool ', 0.2806663364171982), ('staff ', 0.08099077641963959), ('and ', 0.02995644509792328), ('vibe ', 0.060676172375679016), ('plus ', 0.0890146940946579), ('great ', 0.1916853915899992), ('coffee', -0.00956144742667675), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Service is fine. quality of food has fallen significantly'} [('', 0.0), ('Service ', -0.030496321447571972), ('is ', 0.04455838181638683), ('fine', 0.3354708429269522), ('. ', 0.004696665833762381), ('quality ', 0.07782853418029845), ('of ', -0.012414201424689963), ('food ', -0.1945123879449966), ('has ', -0.17880837417396833), ('fallen ', -0.5210772043683392), ('significantly', 0.18428771223625517), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'you get the cheapest branded stuff!'} [('', 0.0), ('you ', 0.15713055117521435), ('get ', -0.11480623177340021), ('the ', -0.024843632250849623), ('cheap', -0.386051205376134), ('est ', 0.010007201959524537), ('branded ', -0.15767228926051757), ('stuff', 0.11019558598127333), ('!', 0.13639540762233082), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'I often find good deals here'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', 0.16115137562155724), ('often ', -0.08372593019157648), ('find ', 0.06050992477685213), ('good ', 0.293916717171669), ('deals ', 0.09477649629116058), ('here', 0.16363361477851868), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Scale of 1-10 (multiple visits):\\n7 Food\\nn/a Service\\n7 Atmosphere\\n8 Value'} [('', 0.00038367739762179554), ('Scale ', 0.012212112749693915), ('of ', -0.01018473957083188), ('1', -0.026846424530958757), ('-', -0.01048634888138622), ('10 ', -0.007820714847184718), ('(', -0.020180266816169024), ('multiple ', -0.0043234223073037965), ('visits', 0.012907217043296745), (')', 0.0012639724494268496), (':', -0.008119033765979111), ('\\', -0.015678550000302494), ('n', -0.04767222865484655), ('7 ', -0.026574582559987903), ('Food', -0.007954608299769461), ('\\', -0.014195028808899224), ('n', -0.02402118651662022), ('n', -0.0294370447518304), ('/', -0.030423220247030258), ('a ', -0.006193623412400484), ('Service', -0.03126275632530451), ('\\', -0.021215452812612057), ('n', -0.045452605350874364), ('7 ', -0.03345184575300664), ('Atmosphere', 0.034320261562243104), ('\\', -0.012686045374721289), ('n', -0.06982615706510842), ('8 ', -0.033796977484598756), ('Value', 0.009831709554418921), ('', -0.00013391231186687946)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'It is a salad bar.'} [('', 0.0), ('It ', -0.05295633524656296), ('is ', 0.2973519302904606), ('a ', 0.2978171743452549), ('salad ', -0.1329467762261629), ('bar', -0.015772422775626183), ('.', -0.02975229173898697), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'decent food'} [('', 0.0), ('decent ', 0.13672122359275818), ('food', 0.1364102065563202), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'About the same as the rest.'} [('', 0.0), ('About ', -0.06082374043762684), ('the ', 0.0856437364127487), ('same ', -0.273235454922542), ('as ', 0.00039939419366419315), ('the ', 0.18928704666905105), ('rest', -0.17106378078460693), ('.', -0.028588113375008106), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Zach at Ganem Jewelers is fantastic!!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Zach ', 0.16274081822484732), ('at ', -0.06522614788264036), ('Gan', -0.07550932560116053), ('em ', -0.04274691827595234), ('Jewel', 0.17762612807564437), ('ers ', -0.03761995933018625), ('is ', -0.03828164376318455), ('fantastic', 0.44906136207282543), ('!', 0.08667675033211708), ('!', 0.025617029517889023), ('!', -0.01951727643609047), ('!', 0.004481740295886993), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Had a wonderful experience and prices are great!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Had ', -0.027939744293689728), ('a ', 0.048335670959204435), ('wonderful ', 0.3520006104372442), ('experience ', -0.021875769831240177), ('and ', 0.013743408024311066), ('prices ', -0.12397645649616607), ('are ', 0.052338210778543726), ('great', 0.40795360191259533), ('!', 0.0005013421177864075), ('!', -0.004156544804573059), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Just had some about 5 minutes ago. \\n\\nNo.'} [('', 0.0), ('Just ', -0.04494320845697075), ('had ', -0.014121389191132039), ('some ', -0.030391662323381752), ('about ', -0.01598891914181877), ('5 ', -0.0027751020243158564), ('minutes ', -0.04709218718926422), ('ago', -0.01321216209908016), ('. ', -0.009089651692193002), ('\\', -0.03841882094275206), ('n', -0.03077765749185346), ('\\', -0.03006659253151156), ('n', -0.028269602044019848), ('No', -0.07633148843888193), ('.', -0.02879985113395378), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Oh so good! They even have little $4 cakes!'} [('', 0.0), ('Oh ', 0.025288334873039275), ('so ', -0.010903869842877612), ('good', 0.7988627021259163), ('! ', -0.0034767662873491645), ('They ', -0.026948291662847623), ('even ', -0.023050758260069415), ('have ', -0.023747524217469618), ('little ', -0.032257005193969235), ('$', -0.07899496544268914), ('4 ', -0.007206929876701906), ('cakes', 0.012934349477291107), ('!', -0.0033071658690460026), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Just ok.\\nDont feel the need to go back.'} [('', 0.0), ('Just ', 0.14911675010807812), ('ok', 0.6392693729139864), ('.', -0.006528605008497834), ('\\', -0.02775032224599272), ('n', -0.04078066206420772), ('Don', -0.03609635922475718), ('t ', -0.00023156969109550118), ('feel ', -0.0016423216584371403), ('the ', 0.00983821701083798), ('need ', -0.08122891309903935), ('to ', 0.01491376297781244), ('go ', 0.020403157133841887), ('back', -0.0390712242515292), ('.', -0.022241046361159533), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Pretty good but small portions'} [('', 0.0), ('Pretty ', 0.10153100918978453), ('good ', 0.7181007144972682), ('but ', -0.1053017433732748), ('small ', -0.12020530179142952), ('portions', 0.06788155063986778), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "Good Mexican food. Not mind blowing, but it's just that."} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.18791494145989418), ('Mexican ', 0.052825648337602615), ('food', 0.0724339485168457), ('. ', -0.026894815266132355), ('Not ', 0.009390730527229607), ('mind ', 0.058674488798715174), ('blowing', 0.006342404754832387), (', ', 0.027333823963999748), ('but ', 0.1157298453617841), ('it', 0.0378347736550495), ("'", 0.03657321853097528), ('s ', -0.004133256617933512), ('just ', -0.051569249015301466), ('that', 0.04508937755599618), ('.', -0.00020458269864320755), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Great burrito, need to keep bathroom clean'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.6680534084734973), ('burr', -0.12041158000647556), ('ito', -0.02894303661014419), (', ', 0.3102720306487754), ('need ', -0.1908126255730167), ('to ', -0.02439583872910589), ('keep ', 0.009902177436742932), ('bathroom ', -0.10619186057010666), ('clean', 0.17523030377924442), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Bug in my food. Need I say more....'} [('', 0.0), ('Bug ', -0.19185649967039353), ('in ', 0.0357237425942003), ('my ', 0.0055257587828236865), ('food', 0.03348626760998741), ('. ', -0.020845384227868635), ('Need ', -0.12615725762407237), ('I ', 0.0509090815376112), ('say ', 0.0020676801723311655), ('more', -0.01954535433469573), ('.', -0.022356139772455208), ('.', -0.045952615211717784), ('.', -0.04200765577843413), ('.', -0.04895765118999407), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Nice try, but nothing memorable or worth going back for.'} [('', 0.0), ('Nice ', 0.3785596543457359), ('try', -0.03550620598252863), (', ', -0.033875299035571516), ('but ', -0.3447670470504818), ('nothing ', -0.5214829101760188), ('memorable ', 0.23456787957093184), ('or ', -0.08915750653250143), ('worth ', 0.11671345354261575), ('going ', 0.009274201998778153), ('back ', -0.0681527516208007), ('for', 0.013407033162366133), ('.', -0.025973943556891754), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Taco Bell is Taco Bell...'} [('', 0.0), ('Ta', 0.0495552564971149), ('co ', 0.17144441232085228), ('Bell ', -0.054495855467393994), ('is ', 0.33562832581810653), ('Ta', 0.09066194749902934), ('co ', 0.17859638796653599), ('Bell', -0.09354813094250858), ('.', 0.045625563245266676), ('.', -0.02710801176726818), ('.', -0.09857120364904404), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Scale of 1-10 (multiple visits):\\n6 Food\\n7 Service\\n8 Atmosphere\\n4 Value'} [('', 0.0005913792216839889), ('Scale ', 0.012207788803304235), ('of ', -0.007005515789690738), ('1', -0.030076986460092787), ('-', -0.009405758309488496), ('10 ', -0.007369906486322482), ('(', -0.0213627927005291), ('multiple ', -0.011385304882423952), ('visits', 0.026907416322501376), (')', -0.0040288574527949095), (':', -0.0072374348528683186), ('\\', -0.014373740646988153), ('n', -0.048908990691415966), ('6 ', -0.015865403809584677), ('Food', -0.010382521548308432), ('\\', -0.013880628277547657), ('n', -0.036654817406088114), ('7 ', -0.027880905428901315), ('Service', -0.05002223653718829), ('\\', -0.03352114791050553), ('n', -0.05371330352500081), ('8 ', -0.02965879300609231), ('Atmosphere', 0.03959595842752606), ('\\', -0.03711006639059633), ('n', -0.054777610348537564), ('4 ', -0.01694552320986986), ('Value', 0.01606776099652052), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Las vegas roll is all you need to know'} [('', 0.0), ('Las ', 0.10142475087195635), ('vegas ', 0.44715227792039514), ('roll ', 0.2694349051453173), ('is ', 0.02969918097369373), ('all ', -0.06895184447057545), ('you ', 0.17673910525627434), ('need ', -0.17523245117627084), ('to ', 0.09919963032007217), ('know', -0.16935933101922274), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Excellent Service, food is good.'} [('', 0.0), ('Excellent ', 0.3020490277558565), ('Service', -0.03009040839970112), (', ', 0.08973944187164307), ('food ', 0.13442209549248219), ('is ', 0.01184816099703312), ('good', 0.24060995504260063), ('.', -0.025152884423732758), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'You can get lots of stuff cheaper!'} [('', 0.0), ('You ', 0.2016139003681019), ('can ', -0.09389475506031886), ('get ', -0.2308551332098432), ('lots ', 0.03199425218917895), ('of ', 0.0776673878863221), ('stuff ', 0.12141915602842346), ('cheaper', -0.5011675625573844), ('!', 0.1294034095481038), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great!! Yummy lemon chicken!! So fresh'} [('', 0.0), ('Great', 0.30690012965351343), ('!', 0.04082051198929548), ('! ', 0.03662807494401932), ('Yu', -0.0018123281188309193), ('mmy ', -0.007480605039745569), ('lemon ', 0.03355496528092772), ('chicken', -0.07251296902541071), ('!', -0.0031459061428904533), ('! ', 0.0038014203310012817), ('So ', -0.052086710929870605), ('fresh', 0.3812651187181473), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good fish tacos.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.4335229620337486), ('fish ', -0.06077200919389725), ('ta', 0.1866958849132061), ('cos', 0.10907574370503426), ('.', -0.00461907684803009), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Food is always consistent. Staff always friendly.'} [('', 0.0), ('Food ', -0.02027987875044346), ('is ', 0.04245410393923521), ('always ', 0.08077426720410585), ('consistent', 0.2290176097303629), ('. ', 0.024577423930168152), ('Staff ', 0.09884284902364016), ('always ', 0.08320165891200304), ('friendly', 0.20332718081772327), ('.', -0.028920847922563553), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Impressive venue, excellent service, highly recommended'} [('', 0.0), ('Impressive ', 0.2238057404756546), ('venue', 0.06666012108325958), (', ', 0.07408145070075989), ('excellent ', 0.17618873342871666), ('service', -0.026794802397489548), (', ', 0.03310990333557129), ('highly ', 0.08806367963552475), ('recommended', 0.09416326135396957), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Pretty awesome place. Great pools and kid friendly.'} [('', 0.0), ('Pretty ', 0.08863522857427597), ('awesome ', 0.23959267139434814), ('place', 0.017049841582775116), ('. ', 0.0033170729875564575), ('Great ', 0.1560533493757248), ('pools ', 0.023331385105848312), ('and ', 0.02373753860592842), ('kid ', -0.02700656745582819), ('friendly', 0.13744247611612082), ('.', 0.034779200330376625), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Would not recommend this resort. Service is awful.'} [('', 0.0), ('Would ', -0.0523666365443205), ('not ', -0.2960377703439008), ('recommend ', 0.16853581536088313), ('this ', -0.017713400400680257), ('resort', 0.005367657955503091), ('. ', 0.04840688631156809), ('Service ', -0.037433298733049014), ('is ', -0.0045230354962768615), ('awful', -0.08333084172045346), ('.', -0.032983035387587734), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good food, awesome atmosphere with terrific views!!!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.21655579190701246), ('food', 0.10070305410772562), (', ', -0.04798504337668419), ('awesome ', 0.13774639694020152), ('atmosphere ', -0.005184802692383528), ('with ', 0.013311366783455014), ('terrific ', 0.08181245508603752), ('views', 0.0374938752502203), ('!', 0.004175245761871338), ('!', 0.025601008906960487), ('!', 0.00360742025077343), ('!', 0.008895829319953918), ('!', 0.032765962183475494), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'nice place but overprice and very bad'} [('', 0.0), ('nice ', 0.41531568997925206), ('place ', -0.003958249484639964), ('but ', -0.06904454895629897), ('over', -0.2303817645097297), ('pr', -0.05533171048409713), ('ice ', -0.03619439904286992), ('and ', 0.01848288709152257), ('very ', -0.015294617463950999), ('bad', -0.30814204379566945), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Overpriced for product received...great people...terrible work'} [('', 0.0), ('Over', -0.2689483506255783), ('pr', -0.06350430665770546), ('ice', -0.03353475121548399), ('d ', 0.05444307398283854), ('for ', -0.014262889333622297), ('product ', -0.1061762530116539), ('received', 0.1303454156513908), ('.', 0.057161276490660384), ('.', -0.002850712298823055), ('.', -4.477916081668809e-05), ('great ', 0.20272652668973024), ('people', 1.527040330984164e-05), ('.', 0.0006123978564573918), ('.', -0.016164421915163985), ('.', -0.0732897779198538), ('terrible ', -0.4392351538881485), ('work', 0.12188114675154793), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'The pizza I order is always delicious and always ontime.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.014581471681594849), ('pizza ', 0.032835801132023335), ('I ', 0.09780814033001661), ('order ', -0.059993484523147345), ('is ', 0.011968048755079508), ('always ', 0.08230336871929467), ('delicious ', 0.4368722902145237), ('and ', 0.08391587808728218), ('always ', 0.09325386304408312), ('on', 0.021483438555151224), ('time', -0.12612803233787417), ('.', -0.03247402608394623), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Hooters has closed this location, sorry.'} [('', 0.0), ('Ho', -0.02148037914048473), ('ote', -0.01193202407193894), ('rs ', -0.028752027228620136), ('has ', 0.054303100026118045), ('closed ', -0.1526981337747202), ('this ', 0.06305151755941552), ('location', -0.06970242132547355), (', ', 0.016129455118061742), ('sorry', -0.11968276140396483), ('.', -0.03193705937883351), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Food and service mediocre.'} [('', 0.0), ('Food ', 0.15388634761620779), ('and ', 0.21380605173726508), ('service ', 0.014774268054679851), ('med', -0.37081269380450976), ('io', 0.017020468813825573), ('cre', -0.3232373621012812), ('.', 0.018503787643567193), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Love this place!'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.1570759192109108), ('this ', 0.1071620024740696), ('place', 0.04518774524331093), ('!', 0.27716977894306183), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good food. Great service. Fair prices.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.22071603778749704), ('food', 0.11778113339096308), ('. ', 0.03064250387251377), ('Great ', 0.2642618394456804), ('service', 0.016913146246224642), ('. ', 0.08708152733743191), ('Fair ', 0.09683861024677753), ('prices', -0.07154961116611958), ('.', -0.04968569427728653), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Lunch buffet until 2.30pm.'} [('', 0.0), ('Lunch ', 0.29270966723561287), ('buffet ', 0.06285538244992495), ('until ', -0.13084429129958153), ('2', -0.04619108606129885), ('.', -0.03319800645112991), ('30', -0.040193306282162666), ('pm', 0.07866945303976536), ('.', -0.04562472552061081), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Great location; friendly staff. Nothing above and beyond to report.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.461413586512208), ('location', 0.017169107915833592), ('; ', 0.12585428054444492), ('friendly ', 0.22681509907124564), ('staff', 0.06661331298528239), ('. ', -0.10864065994974226), ('Nothing ', -0.4437920944474172), ('above ', 0.2687594084709417), ('and ', 0.034271867480129004), ('beyond ', 0.05401786774746142), ('to ', 0.031293626670958474), ('report', -0.10518128599505872), ('.', -0.03457863791845739), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Very disappointing. Not traditional Chinese food. Not worth the money.'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.02766210045228945), ('disappointing', -0.12095391645561904), ('. ', -0.010480819200893166), ('Not ', -0.1383966025441623), ('traditional ', 0.03165291585628438), ('Chinese ', 0.02419568087270818), ('food', 0.0062140884379005), ('. ', -0.015029887848868384), ('Not ', -0.1996963824967679), ('worth ', 0.10621943395926792), ('the ', -0.015503582861128962), ('money', -0.049182823864612146), ('.', -0.03689686283178162), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good quality chinese food for a buffet!'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.18989494442939758), ('quality ', 0.17564095556735992), ('chinese ', 0.011148586869239807), ('food ', 0.19060956221073866), ('for ', 0.032009937800467014), ('a ', 0.08759242668747902), ('buffet', -0.018483296036720276), ('!', 0.06083516776561737), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great places, full of nice baristas'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.3113505970686674), ('places', 0.005249166861176491), (', ', 0.04009208828210831), ('full ', 0.015818112529814243), ('of ', 0.013564066030085087), ('nice ', 0.3277996089309454), ('bari', -0.0008371630683541298), ('sta', -0.01602117996662855), ('s', 0.016005177050828934), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great food. I have never been disappointed.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.2370321936905384), ('food', 0.06638878956437111), ('. ', 0.05374791473150253), ('I ', 0.021217260509729385), ('have ', 0.03105010651051998), ('never ', 0.2896802340474096), ('been ', 0.04665046538138995), ('disappointed', -0.003990390032413416), ('.', -0.028813142329454422), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Always good and dependable food and service'} [('', 0.0), ('Always ', 0.08345097303390503), ('good ', 0.23328762501478195), ('and ', 0.04954061657190323), ('depend', -0.01845734752714634), ('able ', 0.19471549056470394), ('food ', 0.011545781046152115), ('and ', 0.13166075013577938), ('service', 0.043527403846383095), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Makeup staff is rude.'} [('', 0.0), ('Makeup ', -0.09103566257545026), ('staff ', 0.10425885227778053), ('is ', -0.13266654563449265), ('rude', -0.17107897743335343), ('.', -0.04492957783804741), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Waited 25 mins for service then left.'} [('', 0.0), ('Waited ', -0.11663566748029552), ('25 ', -0.007839390164008364), ('min', -0.07023457987816073), ('s ', -0.009787980059627444), ('for ', 0.05374918370216619), ('service ', 0.010509887462831102), ('then ', -0.02258398407138884), ('left', -0.09280377277173102), ('.', -0.028953252476640046), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Favorite stop! Great Beer and Food!! Tiger Fan Friendly!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Favorite ', 0.266656291380059), ('stop', -0.3688698287005536), ('! ', -0.01723608747124672), ('Great ', 0.3134863681625575), ('Beer ', -0.014315362786874175), ('and ', 0.04054008424282074), ('Food', 0.08844143827445805), ('!', 0.033900646260008216), ('! ', -0.04423573799431324), ('Tiger ', -0.011756157735362649), ('Fan ', 0.0969295494724065), ('Friendly', 0.18036770913749933), ('!', 0.012511957436800003), ('!', 0.007514011114835739), ('!', -0.01696283370256424), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'y u no tell me price of beer on menu?'} [('', 0.0), ('y ', -0.0016219152312260121), ('u ', -0.036142230179393664), ('no ', -0.07098257914185524), ('tell ', -0.02247995421930682), ('me ', -0.0068639868550235406), ('price ', -0.03445515529165277), ('of ', -0.013545069166866597), ('beer ', -0.014249816704250406), ('on ', -0.024100978880596813), ('menu', -0.007818662954377942), ('?', -0.10013439937029034), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Daria is the best bartender!!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Dar', 0.1181850004941225), ('ia ', 0.06024310551583767), ('is ', -0.018302856013178825), ('the ', 0.14883579313755035), ('best ', 0.2512432197108865), ('bartender', 0.010206573642790318), ('!', 0.06513404473662376), ('!', 0.036784760653972626), ('!', 0.0018351897597312927), ('!', 0.02273660898208618), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Still growing out my hair. Mureeza Salon still sucks.'} [('', 0.0), ('Still ', 0.051340334030101076), ('growing ', 0.22059576846368145), ('out ', -0.007391684819594957), ('my ', 0.014716137819050346), ('hair', -0.10289492717856774), ('. ', 0.09752660867525265), ('Mu', -0.093866503200843), ('ree', -0.07020922213268932), ('za ', 0.1015077713818755), ('Salon ', -0.06055438665498514), ('still ', 0.019303129171021283), ('sucks', -0.5346148278185865), ('.', -0.014872488856781274), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': "Delicious! Simple is better...who would've thunk! Love these burgers."} [('', 0.0), ('Delicious', 0.2262403555214405), ('! ', 0.03201248124241829), ('Simple ', -0.0017945212312042713), ('is ', 0.027082234155386686), ('better', -0.040050952695310116), ('.', 0.01296139881014824), ('.', -0.006566358206328005), ('.', -0.008119729638565332), ('who ', -0.02346016848847891), ('would', -0.024052876013835583), ("'", -0.015527849604647296), ('ve ', -0.013560949150511684), ('th', -0.021185354637661174), ('unk', -0.035886650281706046), ('! ', 0.03186780010582879), ('Love ', 0.4042827639786992), ('these ', 0.024941577488789335), ('burger', -0.03622838869341649), ('s', -0.009743197966599837), ('.', -0.010927723255008459), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'there oj not fresh anymore that sucks!!!!!!!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('there ', -0.043204370624152943), ('o', 0.008724046710995026), ('j ', 0.024990947931655683), ('not ', -0.5027733291262848), ('fresh ', 0.06781405183755851), ('anymore ', -0.12412044953634904), ('that ', 0.07750269052849035), ('sucks', -0.1101848857015284), ('!', -0.04557458881754428), ('!', 0.005024466023314744), ('!', 0.00021397235104814172), ('!', 0.024129230878315866), ('!', 0.041422561975196004), ('!', 0.038100611040135846), ('!', 0.027432352158939466), ('!', 0.02384382236050442), ('!', 0.033467744244262576), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Fast?'} [('', 0.0), ('Fast', 0.34001337364315987), ('?', -0.5738312490284443), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Ok'} [('', 0.0), ('Ok', 0.06655478477478027), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Butterfish is pretty amazing.'} [('', 0.0), ('Butter', -0.007094446569681168), ('fish ', -0.02140268310904503), ('is ', 0.07936879899352789), ('pretty ', 0.2722434373572469), ('amazing', 0.40037113055586815), ('.', -0.032343022525310516), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Terrible service. The water tastes like dirt.'} [('', 0.0), ('Terrible ', -0.13350331155379536), ('service', -0.06294473585876403), ('. ', 0.054469439608510584), ('The ', 0.009028116623085225), ('water ', -0.037775321787194116), ('tastes ', 0.02082319525834464), ('like ', -0.03798249430656142), ('dirt', -0.06888709583654418), ('.', -0.029292364313732833), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Always good. Great lunch spot, great food, great service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Always ', 0.0701507143676281), ('good', 0.2508354000747204), ('. ', -0.0162709578871727), ('Great ', 0.1444314089603722), ('lunch ', 0.041130191180855036), ('spot', -0.023592590354382992), (', ', -0.00969882681965828), ('great ', 0.09044498018920422), ('food', -0.004647545516490936), (', ', -0.00936809740960598), ('great ', 0.09542409866116941), ('service', -0.01017198315821588), ('.', -0.009171808138489723), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'The bubble/boba tea was absolutely disgusting.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.013681698314030655), ('bubble', -0.09233972999936668), ('/', -0.011391988045943435), ('bob', -0.012729881269478938), ('a ', -0.027267982808552915), ('tea ', -0.030840719577099662), ('was ', 0.0004894918311038055), ('absolutely ', 0.4383087461865216), ('disgusting', -0.5334407892114541), ('.', -0.01940945235401159), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Not a fan of Americanized pho.'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', -0.5510622056317516), ('a ', 0.06879155476053711), ('fan ', 0.29648169614665676), ('of ', 0.03983521438203752), ('American', 0.027677639824105427), ('ized ', -0.08961726981215179), ('ph', -0.06548250555351842), ('o', 0.018141324442694895), ('.', -0.029213961155619472), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'First time at the Cina-Capri! We really enjoyed ourselves!'} [('', 0.0), ('First ', 0.20648693572729826), ('time ', 0.13085894112009555), ('at ', 0.026240677922032773), ('the ', -0.011866130400449038), ('Ci', -0.02036327903624624), ('na', -0.027450603083707392), ('-', -0.0015686731785535812), ('Cap', -0.017798081855289638), ('ri', -0.007842520368285477), ('! ', -0.005354885011911392), ('We ', 0.04950018227100372), ('really ', 0.10828202590346336), ('enjoyed ', 0.17199070751667023), ('ourselves', -0.007994387298822403), ('!', -0.025522656738758087), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Not that many great deals for being an \\"outlet\\"'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', -0.5792460219163331), ('that ', -0.03587661689016386), ('many ', -0.019160217398166424), ('great ', 0.3953814430769853), ('deals ', 0.004563028092888999), ('for ', -0.0023772976237523835), ('being ', -0.006291563535341993), ('an ', -0.0010290367918059928), ('\\', -0.0376469732636906), ('"', -0.002850609180313768), ('outlet', -0.03425784527644282), ('\\', -0.001890957028081175), ('"', -0.06893533303809818), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "I can't find a better deal for such great fish...."} [('', 0.0), ('I ', -0.0028484645918069873), ('can', 0.05615395946097124), ("'", -0.013491890046680055), ('t ', -0.08358099221914017), ('find ', -0.2676710685955186), ('a ', -0.03156650169330533), ('better ', -0.26144611882045865), ('deal ', 0.007571626774733886), ('for ', -0.011616572870480013), ('such ', -0.024292266212796676), ('great ', 0.40852054539573146), ('fish', -0.03915094659168972), ('.', -0.013646227598655969), ('.', -0.03968498879112303), ('.', -0.024874903494492173), ('.', -0.04094488313421607), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Poor service in the morning for breakfast. Never again'} [('', 0.0), ('Poor ', -0.5912139589236176), ('service ', -0.02067381244887656), ('in ', 0.038065312217440805), ('the ', 0.005605856822512578), ('morning ', -0.001837624284235062), ('for ', 0.023531598339104676), ('breakfast', -0.05617022729529708), ('. ', 0.03142833746824181), ('Never ', 0.09962931730842683), ('again', 0.16905547927308362), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Nice people, great food, dirty restaurant.'} [('', 0.0), ('Nice ', 0.3421543315052986), ('people', -0.02520500123500824), (', ', 0.040164731442928314), ('great ', 0.37311457749456167), ('food', 0.02156167640350759), (', ', 0.03122868901118636), ('dirty ', -0.09917267499258742), ('restaurant', 0.04373419942567125), ('.', -0.014589738450013101), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "Ray's Pizza is the best!!!!!"} [('', 0.0), ('Ray', 0.13695613853633404), ("'", -0.01949191279709339), ('s ', -0.07575610652565956), ('Pizza ', -0.047859886195510626), ('is ', -0.08119331253692508), ('the ', 0.14703202107921243), ('best', 0.41122273774817586), ('!', 0.040994396433234215), ('!', 0.04307473264634609), ('!', 0.02464982680976391), ('!', 0.0005234070122241974), ('!', 0.04712929576635361), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "One word, Nicantoni's. See the original owner of Buono's."} [('', 0.00012052804231643677), ('One ', -0.07444759551435709), ('word', -0.20308823604136705), (', ', 0.06083128787577152), ('Nic', 0.05517652482958511), ('anto', 0.06740025958279147), ('ni', -0.03574118649121374), ("'", 0.054658158542588355), ('s', 0.06319844336248934), ('. ', -0.03273816034197807), ('See ', 0.13670183345675468), ('the ', 0.1381091345101595), ('original ', 0.0898370728828013), ('owner ', -0.09652158198878169), ('of ', 0.074530771933496), ('Bu', -0.06301122240256518), ('ono', 0.12480722845066339), ("'", 0.10844206192996353), ('s', 0.11558162828441709), ('.', -0.07429742254316807), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Wonder'} [('', 0.0), ('Wonder', 0.06652343273162842), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Open 24/7, firendly staff and the burguers there rock!!!'} [('', 0.002727250475436449), ('Open ', 0.14612651513889433), ('24', 0.0747874834574759), ('/', 0.0116671746596694), ('7', -0.0135893608443439), (', ', 0.03831190709024668), ('fire', -0.034885223906409614), ('nd', -0.055903376846496634), ('ly ', 0.018558235159919906), ('staff ', -0.019917876459658146), ('and ', 0.0675237361768571), ('the ', 0.034762439919480435), ('bu', -0.01680227966668705), ('rg', -0.0019072071105862651), ('uer', 0.04754547413661688), ('s ', 0.008348483167840945), ('there ', 0.005344107349325592), ('rock', 0.19300262753192024), ('!', 0.09720327156052615), ('!', -0.02360004186630249), ('!', -0.0682746171951294), ('', 3.8042664527893066e-05)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'A very busy golf course during weekend!'} [('', 0.0), ('A ', 0.31544595723971725), ('very ', -0.09180516604101285), ('busy ', -0.40497727651381865), ('golf ', 0.13735100787016563), ('course ', 0.09885473057511263), ('during ', 0.04701505062985234), ('weekend', 0.48248637581127696), ('!', 0.027869217679835856), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'small quiet library next to a park.'} [('', 0.0), ('small ', -0.03300340101122856), ('quiet ', 0.32887096982449293), ('library ', 0.06820424739271402), ('next ', 0.029328718781471252), ('to ', 0.08699925988912582), ('a ', 0.04941469058394432), ('park', 0.17177512869238853), ('.', -0.010956436395645142), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great sandwiches! I love this place!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.3393016392365098), ('sandwiches', -0.10339879337698221), ('! ', 0.12852734327316284), ('I ', 0.05242754891514778), ('love ', 0.12712210789322853), ('this ', 0.11329260794445872), ('place', 0.052152682561427355), ('!', 0.019861415028572083), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Delicious sandwiches, cute boys, and kool-aid. I likey.'} [('', 0.0), ('Delicious ', 0.2169920348096639), ('sandwiches', -0.03762764879502356), (', ', 0.007208547554910183), ('cute ', 0.1716478681191802), ('boys', 0.0011794595047831535), (', ', -0.005092054605484009), ('and ', -0.0066578583791852), ('ko', 0.005946618737652898), ('ol', 0.03876621462404728), ('-', -0.027261014911346138), ('aid', -0.06980441126506776), ('. ', -0.010020388755947351), ('I ', 0.20004144543781877), ('like', 0.13831174257211387), ('y', -0.04437802848406136), ('.', -0.027544602751731873), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Awesome service, great food, a bit pricey'} [('', 0.0), ('Awesome ', 0.1858296999707818), ('service', -0.014973384328186512), (', ', 0.00513821467757225), ('great ', 0.14069753978401423), ('food', 0.009856089018285275), (', ', 0.025323599576950073), ('a ', 0.012590849539265037), ('bit ', -0.0737613954115659), ('price', 0.188176253112033), ('y', 0.21805115439929068), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Their side dishes have very little flavor.'} [('', 0.0), ('Their ', -0.0218445806458476), ('side ', -0.12064059031763463), ('dishes ', 0.05114063725704909), ('have ', -0.12283912921338924), ('very ', -0.07497809989217785), ('little ', -0.45970933823628), ('flavor', 0.49954118854293483), ('.', -0.02100057210191153), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Decent place and people but a little run down.'} [('', 0.0), ('Decent ', 0.41799746666583815), ('place ', -0.00024186121663660742), ('and ', -0.029240399575428455), ('people ', 0.055902839436384966), ('but ', -0.13388710142680793), ('a ', 0.056510150872782106), ('little ', -0.21088039362439304), ('run ', -0.17122228854350396), ('down', -0.167562140723021), ('.', -0.11923755209136289), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'I so love it... Great food nice and fresh'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', -0.01987185887992382), ('so ', -0.03209286625497043), ('love ', 0.362643362255767), ('it', 0.029560895171016455), ('.', -0.026606373488903046), ('.', -0.019042162224650383), ('. ', -0.01845480315387249), ('Great ', 0.09990005171857774), ('food ', -0.009350494248792529), ('nice ', 0.08508275356143713), ('and ', 0.004605061374604702), ('fresh', 0.17092982586473227), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Overpriced, undercooked'} [('', 0.0), ('Over', -0.23629296721992432), ('pr', 0.017432707598345587), ('ice', -0.023892165914730867), ('d', 0.02182145684855641), (', ', 0.0830170080444077), ('under', -0.13859723262430634), ('co', 0.03599781263619661), ('oked', -0.029633605547132902), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Had the chicken Marsala. Pretty good. I would go back.'} [('', 0.0), ('Had ', -0.0014455979689955711), ('the ', -0.05177337257191539), ('chicken ', -0.11449951911345124), ('Mars', -0.011802535911556333), ('ala', -0.0076632825075648725), ('. ', -0.007580000557936728), ('Pretty ', 0.050896455300971866), ('good', 0.7715217208024114), ('. ', 0.03837099438533187), ('I ', -0.025380437000421807), ('would ', 0.0007794799457769841), ('go ', 0.03707805596059188), ('back', -0.0629324167384766), ('.', -0.03240720648318529), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Permanently closed!'} [('', 0.0), ('Permanently ', -0.8243697084253654), ('closed', 0.11403210286516696), ('!', 0.27751693525351584), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "Dirty, stinks horribly! Couldn't wait to leave."} [('', 0.0), ('Dirty', -0.22700817793884198), (', ', 0.024927979426138336), ('stink', -0.08811846673415857), ('s ', 0.011855846963953809), ('horribly', -0.06855443521817506), ('! ', -0.0701962283528701), ('Couldn', 0.0074392995029484155), ("'", -0.004297743775168783), ('t ', 0.027634898255200824), ('wait ', 0.019291199679173587), ('to ', 0.08015166338282143), ('leave', -0.1097591114230454), ('.', 0.006623548175411997), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "It's Starbucks, what else do you need to know."} [('', 0.0), ('It', 0.028753412538208067), ("'", 0.022645701945293695), ('s ', -0.06922969670267776), ('Starbucks', -0.10762899153633043), (', ', 0.036417752562556416), ('what ', 0.01649698568508029), ('else ', -0.18286845611874014), ('do ', -0.14262131229043007), ('you ', 0.13372899813111871), ('need ', -0.13338208066124935), ('to ', 0.11995468971144874), ('know', -0.07910963811445981), ('.', -0.024740231572650373), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Large, clean, friendly staff, mist machines outside'} [('', 0.0), ('Large', 0.15107755130156875), (', ', 0.021861279848963022), ('clean', 0.28649528324604034), (', ', 0.26708611100912094), ('friendly ', 0.1626216268632561), ('staff', 0.06137991789728403), (', ', 0.0056390229146927595), ('mist ', -0.09047662746161222), ('machines ', -0.06221445696428418), ('outside', -0.10886149713769555), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great location right outside the perimeter of Fiesta Mall.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.7262110151350498), ('location ', -0.09447364136576653), ('right ', 0.13137347251176834), ('outside ', -0.18215761659666896), ('the ', -0.051456987392157316), ('perimeter ', 0.05470840120688081), ('of ', 0.08665423328056931), ('Fiesta ', 0.15993054350838065), ('Mall', -0.09633253188803792), ('.', -0.03782730456441641), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "I wouldn't trust or recommend Eunique Rodgers, AT ALL!"} [('', 0.0), ('I ', -0.0568108035295154), ('wouldn', -0.19840629093550888), ("'", -0.03056530331787144), ('t ', -0.26099541637449875), ('trust ', -0.03866830194965587), ('or ', -0.041034633835806744), ('recommend ', 0.31957843306281575), ('Eun', 0.00429737701506383), ('ique ', -0.01578374298514973), ('Rodgers', 0.0825075325119542), (', ', 0.019418340221818653), ('AT ', -0.10035057819914073), ('ALL', -0.05471202507033013), ('!', -0.04424037048011087), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Average, very average. Wouldnt return.'} [('', 0.0), ('Average', -0.05178169417195022), (', ', 0.008681366685777903), ('very ', -0.03144136641640216), ('average', 0.006411543930880725), ('. ', 0.03908958751708269), ('Wouldn', -0.07115716321277432), ('t ', -0.10307258009561338), ('return', -0.028554434305988252), ('.', -0.041121336398646235), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good food, but the service varies.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.4113277420401573), ('food', 0.2546239569783211), (', ', 0.06059703230857849), ('but ', -0.0736032659187913), ('the ', 0.03629424644168466), ('service ', -3.256590571254492e-05), ('varies', 0.05843804497271776), ('.', -0.021422079764306545), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Lame school. Waste of time and money.'} [('', 0.0), ('Lame ', -0.1263281538940646), ('school', -0.07006871646626678), ('. ', 0.053469814298296114), ('Waste ', -0.060337317868288665), ('of ', -0.003721946332916559), ('time ', -0.016138716418936383), ('and ', 0.016539185224246467), ('money', -0.07814175012845226), ('.', -0.001925204483086418), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'The sign says: \\"Closed 5/14 - 10/25\\"'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.03707971330732107), ('sign ', -0.0457128684502095), ('says', -0.03369557322002947), (': ', -0.028602201025933027), ('\\', -0.00815142272040248), ('"', -0.02381588809657842), ('Closed ', -0.03642072144430131), ('5', -0.03204767731949687), ('/', -0.05351617094129324), ('14 ', -0.015089024440385401), ('- ', -0.008945210720412433), ('10', -0.02670774218859151), ('/', -0.034111343848053366), ('25', -0.010306128184311092), ('\\', 0.002899322658777237), ('"', -0.037575485883280635), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'love this place!'} [('', 0.0), ('love ', 0.1570759192109108), ('this ', 0.1071620024740696), ('place', 0.04518774524331093), ('!', 0.27716977894306183), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "There isn't a better Japanese Restaurant in town!"} [('', 0.0), ('There ', -0.2575299415475456), ('isn', -0.16042268211822375), ("'", 0.025232243442587787), ('t ', -0.226367049930559), ('a ', 0.1721011094741698), ('better ', -0.09763614999610581), ('Japanese ', -0.023018941639747936), ('Restaurant ', 0.0426320892147487), ('in ', 0.0499113727164513), ('town', 0.06798567058649496), ('!', 0.07411047159257578), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "It's closed."} [('', 0.0), ('It', 0.017583281733095646), ("'", 0.4088292261585593), ('s ', -0.05934527516365051), ('closed', -0.4679297488182783), ('.', 0.08603252284228802), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Dirty'} [('', 0.0), ('Dirty', -0.9327466606046073), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Not bad tonight'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', 0.24741683003958315), ('bad ', 0.11967845870094607), ('tonight', 0.10944909144745907), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Living in Asia for 5 years, this tastes pretty good!'} [('', 0.0), ('Living ', 0.011419501155614853), ('in ', 0.013276488520205021), ('Asia ', 0.23659639339894056), ('for ', 0.030046773608773947), ('5 ', -0.04866663599386811), ('years', -0.043069965206086636), (', ', 0.040022943168878555), ('this ', 0.024993599392473698), ('tastes ', 0.10051306243985891), ('pretty ', 0.07980338484048843), ('good', 0.15431459248065948), ('!', 0.028028815984725952), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'The best sushi in town!!!!!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.020850546658039093), ('best ', 0.26546069234609604), ('su', -0.09717858931981027), ('shi ', 0.032203580951318145), ('in ', 0.024557088501751423), ('town', 0.1051826337352395), ('!', 0.06744016148149967), ('!', 0.03753940016031265), ('!', 0.033977214246988297), ('!', 0.04801548086106777), ('!', 0.04193251021206379), ('!', 0.03071688488125801), ('!', 0.04043713957071304), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'I love the Unagi Don.'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', 0.06966318190097809), ('love ', 0.4190289117395878), ('the ', 0.02922801300883293), ('Una', -0.13604819437023252), ('gi ', 0.04072472674306482), ('Don', 0.2819358129054308), ('.', 0.01883482187986374), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'closed due to the roof collapsed during a monsoon rain'} [('', 0.0), ('closed ', 0.03229117837327067), ('due ', -0.0856127130027744), ('to ', 0.012974566379853059), ('the ', 0.02189863232342759), ('roof ', -0.16134572642476996), ('collapsed ', -0.34062936172267655), ('during ', -0.07482015912682982), ('a ', 0.030160351161612198), ('monsoon ', 0.24153665095218457), ('rain', 0.026082988013513386), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Since the changed menu yuk! Will not return.'} [('', 0.0), ('Since ', 0.04057211443432607), ('the ', -0.017707478911688668), ('changed ', 0.006702315260554315), ('menu ', -0.03973161508474732), ('yu', -0.02184456128088641), ('k', -0.06969569603461423), ('! ', 0.00842535101401154), ('Will ', 0.19310703208248015), ('not ', -0.35509536405515973), ('return', -0.03831075834023068), ('.', -0.03973646760277916), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Service was bad and food was subpar.'} [('', 0.0), ('Service ', 0.0004632771997421514), ('was ', -0.03871759207868308), ('bad ', -0.15315899418237677), ('and ', 0.04242124936718028), ('food ', -0.010762790707303793), ('was ', -0.0636302790389891), ('sub', -0.01651601579214912), ('par', -0.01284088660395355), ('.', -0.03359288912906777), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': "Whitest Chinese food you'll ever eat! Still pretty good though."} [('', 0.0), ('Whites', -0.016682950750691816), ('t ', -0.2648074059106875), ('Chinese ', -0.010474883834831417), ('food ', 0.019227383541874588), ('you', 0.13403626339277253), ("'", -0.0013136276393197477), ('ll ', 0.17613604676444083), ('ever ', 0.055279290420003235), ('eat', -0.011718177003785968), ('! ', 0.0861592679284513), ('Still ', 0.0519206253811717), ('pretty ', 0.11163743678480387), ('good ', 0.281008736230433), ('though', -0.012529348023235798), ('.', -0.030275635421276093), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'This restaurant closed down about a year (or more) ago.'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', -0.02796483475685818), ('restaurant ', -0.0020527939559542574), ('closed ', -0.06115153005521279), ('down ', -0.0597905851645919), ('about ', -0.02003680495909066), ('a ', -0.026939423263684148), ('year ', -0.009450011424632976), ('(', -0.004321712767705321), ('or ', -0.028048528325598454), ('more', -0.03111653093219502), (') ', -0.002854941336408956), ('ago', -0.059532303908781614), ('.', -0.05622507760563167), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Fantastic service, fantastic staff, great location!'} [('', 0.0), ('Fantastic ', 0.3510389644652605), ('service', -0.03457465209066868), (', ', 0.03997424989938736), ('fantastic ', 0.11350333131849766), ('staff', 0.03418713994324207), (', ', 0.03060873970389366), ('great ', 0.19539730995893478), ('location', -0.01875212788581848), ('!', 0.00164109468460083), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Excellent food and friendly staff.'} [('', 0.0), ('Excellent ', 0.14885909855365753), ('food ', 0.12776099145412445), ('and ', 0.06916949152946472), ('friendly ', 0.1994155328720808), ('staff', 0.1724537741392851), ('.', -0.026523780077695847), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great chiles rellenos!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.43250051885843277), ('chile', 0.1216450184583664), ('s ', 0.01784912496805191), ('re', -0.15833454846870154), ('llen', 0.25628321699332446), ('os', -0.04089982621371746), ('!', 0.09421177208423615), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Simply amazing.'} [('', 0.0), ('Simply ', 0.21683096885681152), ('amazing', 0.22187873721122742), ('.', 0.038169533014297485), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Ugh! Walmart. I wish the staff here cared more.'} [('', 0.0), ('U', -0.06593240642541787), ('gh', -0.04496511742763687), ('! ', -0.004211747182125691), ('Wal', -0.03501773505558958), ('mart', -0.0395344901480712), ('. ', -0.0192906572992797), ('I ', 0.0032634756826155353), ('wish ', -0.08961173167699599), ('the ', -0.005603565285127843), ('staff ', -0.010038691219961038), ('here ', -0.027851241020471207), ('cared ', -0.025687143841423676), ('more', -0.030625285682617687), ('.', -0.02078962877567392), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "Ok subs I'd rather have a hot sub fire house."} [('', 0.0), ('Ok ', 0.00529190206725616), ('sub', -0.023474499888834544), ('s ', -0.05717018144787289), ('I', -0.014506169449305162), ("'", -0.009866548425634392), ('d ', -0.018571874461486004), ('rather ', -0.13094133621780202), ('have ', 0.0231048356363317), ('a ', 0.015023934640339576), ('hot ', 0.05238621088938089), ('sub ', -0.06783359012479195), ('fire ', -0.13350510279997252), ('house', -0.029145596781745553), ('.', -0.024194683966925368), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Just a standard target. Nothing special.'} [('', 0.0), ('Just ', -0.02476939470943762), ('a ', 0.038427783862061915), ('standard ', -0.1422676869933639), ('target', 0.008835848275339231), ('. ', 0.06113702022412326), ('Nothing ', -0.3586878640417126), ('special', 0.18398796582914656), ('.', -0.03663225860509556), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Average Target.'} [('', 0.0), ('Average ', -0.3161657489836216), ('Target', -0.13420257344841957), ('.', 0.019831828773021698), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Excellent! I love this place!'} [('', 0.0), ('Excellent', 0.20118455588817596), ('! ', 0.16051088273525238), ('I ', 0.0466650016605854), ('love ', 0.12485255673527718), ('this ', 0.14091133046895266), ('place', 0.022411304526031017), ('!', 0.02691216766834259), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Awesome burgers!! Add some grilled jalepenos for an awesome treat.'} [('', 0.0), ('Awesome ', 0.37864895910024643), ('burger', -0.03743148362264037), ('s', -0.0002206866629421711), ('!', -0.014765357598662376), ('! ', -0.060840826481580734), ('Add ', 0.0108263217844069), ('some ', -0.005119512090459466), ('grille', -0.016987707116641104), ('d ', 0.0053607303416356444), ('ja', -0.030104762176051736), ('le', -0.02378840954042971), ('pen', -0.00363798625767231), ('os ', -0.027811758685857058), ('for ', -0.03223267127759755), ('an ', 0.004553520819172263), ('awesome ', 0.23041353491134942), ('treat', 0.1667248506564647), ('.', -0.012986446730792522), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "Didn't have matching bottoms:\\\\"} [('', 0.0), ('Didn', -0.06629100989084691), ("'", 0.0021229897101875395), ('t ', -0.06158787294407375), ('have ', -0.00367409827595111), ('matching ', 0.006397914694389328), ('bottoms', -0.06735532099264674), (':', -0.014034732696018182), ('\\', -0.025400845828698948), ('\\', -0.056454759498592466), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Average Sears chain.'} [('', 0.0), ('Average ', -0.23334718868136406), ('Sears ', -0.07112567592412233), ('chain', -0.04576439317315817), ('.', -0.05116291157901287), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'closed! closed! closed!'} [('', 0.0), ('closed', 0.01411474496126175), ('! ', 0.1704927608370781), ('closed', -2.9534101486206055e-05), ('! ', 0.18216267228126526), ('closed', 0.016468225046992302), ('!', 0.3051286358386278), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'They are closed now. :('} [('', 0.0), ('They ', 0.09956156730186194), ('are ', 0.021802415343699977), ('closed ', -0.240698824665742), ('now', -0.05084835534216836), ('. ', 0.03216555272229016), (':', -0.07960472395643592), ('(', -0.036721779964864254), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Lots of upselling. Quick oil change though.'} [('', 0.0), ('Lots ', -0.03551148728001863), ('of ', 0.004122647107578814), ('ups', -0.1691843083826825), ('elling', 0.019654258736409247), ('. ', 0.08120709075592458), ('Quick ', 0.00945734273409471), ('oil ', -0.33281630341662094), ('change ', 0.1753421180183068), ('though', 0.017536016297526658), ('.', -0.057147004175931215), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'I never had an issue. The cashier was friendly.'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', 0.07243314757943153), ('never ', -0.2100093155167997), ('had ', 0.09671908942982554), ('an ', -0.09102118242299184), ('issue', -0.13667676382465288), ('. ', 0.13942077581305057), ('The ', 0.0068693498615175486), ('cash', -0.030987537931650877), ('ier ', 0.014322388218715787), ('was ', -0.019087462686002254), ('friendly', 0.8123269479256123), ('.', -0.028497054940089583), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'The usual at a fair price.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.012112140655517578), ('usual ', 0.03753449581563473), ('at ', 0.1485868189483881), ('a ', 0.21730639412999153), ('fair ', 0.36510901525616646), ('price', -0.05062460899353027), ('.', -0.011227883398532867), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Slow and rude service at a dirty restaurant.'} [('', 0.0), ('Slow ', -0.1517954956361791), ('and ', 0.012286774421227165), ('rude ', -0.06631501537412987), ('service ', -0.021017934563133167), ('at ', -0.0015620261547155678), ('a ', 0.012313567225646693), ('dirty ', -0.09890318570251111), ('restaurant', 0.0430631528433878), ('.', -0.014380439795786515), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great Mexican food and very family friendly.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.16855085641145706), ('Mexican ', 0.06525347381830215), ('food ', 0.07725989818572998), ('and ', 0.054166749119758606), ('very ', 0.014001782052218914), ('family ', 0.18104804772883654), ('friendly', 0.19441477209329605), ('.', -0.025406286120414734), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Lunch Specials, fast service! Hot'} [('', 0.0), ('Lunch ', 0.13098186068236828), ('Specials', -0.0078007858246564865), (', ', 0.057600945234298706), ('fast ', 0.11185025237500668), ('service', -0.06337876431643963), ('! ', 0.13469185680150986), ('Hot', 0.3587457537651062), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Yuk. Dirty and gross'} [('', 0.0), ('Yu', 0.06199195232693455), ('k', -0.005002020687243203), ('. ', 0.07570752145693405), ('Dirty ', -0.29700283909551217), ('and ', 0.08003550420471583), ('gross', -0.22420719147339696), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Completely filthy,false advertising, unfriendly staff, outrageous pricing. ...NEVER AGAIN'} [('', 0.0), ('Completely ', -0.0553210843627312), ('filthy', -0.20262527436534583), (',', 0.024219537375756772), ('false ', -0.13395115646562772), ('advertising', -0.10608632514049532), (', ', 0.0066431292580091394), ('un', -0.1701862490763233), ('fr', 0.09835565817229508), ('ien', -0.03823642893848955), ('dly ', -0.045493463316688576), ('staff', -0.05339871306568966), (', ', 0.11277612598132691), ('outrageous ', 0.14341413148940774), ('pricing', -0.11869570644194027), ('. ', 0.0035928730212617666), ('.', -0.033479358644399326), ('.', 0.0011599536519497633), ('.', -0.032303716281603556), ('NEVER ', 0.007754381662380183), ('AGAIN', 0.10489599934589933), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great food awesome martinis and great service'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.15800495818257332), ('food ', 0.050398366525769234), ('awesome ', 0.11116270907223225), ('martini', -0.017392652109265327), ('s ', 0.019355660304427147), ('and ', 0.04372816160321236), ('great ', 0.3966611362993717), ('service', -0.032635364681482315), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Very slow service. Food is typical for BK.'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.049177802949998295), ('slow ', -0.25826147307998326), ('service', 0.0414564091606735), ('. ', 0.0007575204290333204), ('Food ', 0.00618335017861682), ('is ', 0.003488757323793834), ('typical ', -0.10342118480730278), ('for ', 0.03379640017374186), ('BK', -0.04465639325826487), ('.', -0.03048718092031777), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Horrible horrible service'} [('', 0.0), ('Horrible ', -0.262021057336824), ('horrible ', -0.35191152053448604), ('service', 0.09187520467821741), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Love this place. Ask for Shane he is awesome.'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.27589607052505016), ('this ', 0.04604637622833252), ('place', 0.027468698099255562), ('. ', -0.016035929322242737), ('Ask ', -0.07739974861033261), ('for ', 0.0006016388069838285), ('Shane ', 0.01973322802223265), ('he ', -0.006210421910509467), ('is ', -0.00352273928001523), ('awesome', 0.415255615953356), ('.', -0.01577967219054699), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Unprofessional, rude, and like to argue. No thanks!'} [('', -3.1189762618547925e-06), ('Un', -0.09216685250745892), ('pro', 0.04610678181464512), ('fe', -0.006620803764963057), ('ssion', -0.03277021578905988), ('al', -0.012570701565709896), (', ', 0.013372754598094616), ('rude', -0.09775263124902267), (', ', -0.008872719263308682), ('and ', 0.009103033662540838), ('like ', 0.08830051907837817), ('to ', 0.07875760326108623), ('argue', -0.18202115232512975), ('. ', -0.020673801816883497), ('No ', -0.5568447205296252), ('thanks', 0.349522106727818), ('!', -0.018827033462002873), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'great for a quick seafood fix'} [('', 0.0), ('great ', 0.7284949743188918), ('for ', -0.04407664365135133), ('a ', 0.11838701111264527), ('quick ', -0.008331344462931156), ('seafood ', 0.006184580735862255), ('fix', -0.11223810352385044), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'sadly, they are now closed.'} [('', 0.0), ('sadly', -0.25105071792495437), (', ', 0.09802728504291736), ('they ', 0.004169361309322994), ('are ', 0.013165661126549821), ('now ', 0.016443985969090136), ('closed', -0.1323949035759142), ('.', -0.024059435265371576), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Chicago pizza rocks!'} [('', 0.0), ('Chicago ', 0.1323329284787178), ('pizza ', 0.024156253784894943), ('rocks', 0.1522982083261013), ('!', 0.2776990383863449), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'My favorite!! Has a drive thru as well!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('My ', 0.09287630207836628), ('favorite', 0.22693227790296078), ('!', 0.03899635374546051), ('! ', -0.029069408774375916), ('Has ', 0.033636821957770735), ('a ', 0.019991232256870717), ('drive ', -0.1460427675046958), ('thru ', 0.022244577121455222), ('as ', -0.06296788924373686), ('well', 0.38221447239629924), ('!', 0.046793998684734106), ('!', 0.0059609562158584595), ('!', -0.022763296961784363), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'fast and tasty...............delivery driver Bryce was a sweet heart!'} [('', 7.888302206993103e-06), ('fast ', 0.06908870581537485), ('and ', 0.06442353781312704), ('ta', 0.13943576393648982), ('sty', 0.04499595100060105), ('.', 0.010593704879283905), ('.', -0.006479153409600258), ('.', -0.00720595708116889), ('.', -0.006513547617942095), ('.', -0.005752933211624622), ('.', -0.005908935563638806), ('.', -0.006682137725874782), ('.', -0.008236359804868698), ('.', -0.008206336759030819), ('.', -0.005226307548582554), ('.', -0.006923350505530834), ('.', -0.008145677857100964), ('.', -0.012983541004359722), ('.', -0.009350720793008804), ('.', -0.008874136954545975), ('delivery ', -0.029315423453226686), ('driver ', -0.03000082657672465), ('Bryce ', -0.010189679218456149), ('was ', -0.027031101053580642), ('a ', 0.09239518308701615), ('sweet ', 0.16714802423181632), ('heart', 0.11965708426820736), ('!', -0.02504347055219114), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Fall in love with the food everytime I eat here!'} [('', 0.0), ('Fall ', -0.02019134908914566), ('in ', -0.06804963713511825), ('love ', 0.24438847368583083), ('with ', 0.01559330802410841), ('the ', 0.012431799434125423), ('food ', 0.046353353187441826), ('every', 0.1129885483533144), ('time ', -0.026639947667717934), ('I ', 0.13911548350006342), ('eat ', 0.08276728074997663), ('here', 0.08142263814806938), ('!', 0.006886571645736694), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Large portions!'} [('', 0.0), ('Large ', 0.14152182638645172), ('portions', 0.09202270209789276), ('!', 0.2428056001663208), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'So good...feels like your in Hawaii n food is amazing'} [('', 0.0), ('So ', -0.03217467665672302), ('good', 0.3404890224337578), ('.', -0.016516782343387604), ('.', -0.020222725346684456), ('.', -0.02539040334522724), ('feels ', -0.028150514815934002), ('like ', 0.02384745527524501), ('your ', 0.061063601984642446), ('in ', 0.028873668634332716), ('Hawaii ', 0.015059696277603507), ('n ', -0.05718559795059264), ('food ', 0.009930779051501304), ('is ', -0.07959602057235315), ('amazing', 0.3635278679430485), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great food. Awesome wings!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.1276668980717659), ('food', 0.10729283839464188), ('. ', 0.11061312258243561), ('Awesome ', 0.13859403133392334), ('wings', 0.12214593589305878), ('!', 0.08483444154262543), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Cute, old home in Mesa.'} [('', 0.0), ('Cute', 0.325597420334816), (', ', 0.12856636941432953), ('old ', -0.14076347032096237), ('home ', 0.30417524033691734), ('in ', 0.08212278597056866), ('Mesa', 0.031909843906760216), ('.', -0.008228994905948639), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "I wouldn't trust or recommend Eunique Rodgers AT ALL!"} [('', 0.0), ('I ', -0.09932999445300084), ('wouldn', -0.20508895084185497), ("'", -0.048713150538787886), ('t ', -0.2621078874235536), ('trust ', -0.06424867771420395), ('or ', -0.05243207503735903), ('recommend ', 0.35350272963478346), ('Eun', 0.007175025016294967), ('ique ', -0.005928292145654268), ('Rodgers ', 0.11241882001559134), ('AT ', -0.0326464789613965), ('ALL', -0.03315182549340534), ('!', -0.05934590746619506), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good service! \\nThe rooms are nice!'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.25834631361067295), ('service', 0.021590610966086388), ('! ', 0.06840278208255768), ('\\', -0.07442433014512062), ('nT', 0.021253108978271484), ('he ', 0.03383960574865341), ('rooms ', 0.09104602690786123), ('are ', 0.03003738634288311), ('nice', 0.24034636933356524), ('!', 0.006442466750741005), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Horrible Customer Service!'} [('', 0.0), ('Horrible ', -0.8288092365910416), ('Customer ', 0.05122511035006028), ('Service', 0.08742698538844706), ('!', 0.2771034888428403), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Awesome personalities!'} [('', 0.0), ('Awesome ', 0.12135021388530731), ('personalities', 0.12010841071605682), ('!', 0.23542717099189758), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'American all the way'} [('', 0.0), ('American ', 0.0374031737446785), ('all ', 0.15258504822850227), ('the ', 0.10980700328946114), ('way', 0.2788784056901932), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Great service good food. Not fabulous but good.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.16894400119781494), ('service ', 0.009944351622834802), ('good ', 0.16295252623967826), ('food', 0.00226412620395422), ('. ', 0.004365414381027222), ('Not ', -0.22362518411500787), ('fabulous ', 0.10509432064463908), ('but ', 0.2088599293892912), ('good', 0.2447886522859335), ('.', 0.01328105665743351), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Close about a year ago!'} [('', 0.0), ('Close ', 0.2758612409234047), ('about ', 0.0518195778131485), ('a ', -0.03169814497232437), ('year ', -0.09015382919460535), ('ago', -0.40365877840667963), ('!', 0.18745684809982777), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'A bit slow..'} [('', 0.0), ('A ', 0.32525733690999914), ('bit ', -0.3162097921303939), ('slow', -0.3430178901908221), ('.', 0.043424834380857646), ('.', -0.04501616154448129), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Detailed review coming soon!'} [('', 0.0), ('Detailed ', 0.19896485656499863), ('review ', 0.10428211092948914), ('coming ', 0.08460604399442673), ('soon', 0.005025982856750488), ('!', 0.2708003371953964), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Tired. Staff and food.'} [('', 0.0), ('Tired', -0.7719804212138115), ('. ', 0.12400917990817106), ('Staff ', 0.12177832262386801), ('and ', 0.07100151952909073), ('food', 0.15320505833005882), ('.', -0.006535703931149328), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Just O.K., not bad, so-so.'} [('', 0.0), ('Just ', -0.11066832463257015), ('O', -0.08364479872398078), ('.', 0.008781560231000185), ('K', 0.006045725662261248), ('.', 0.02266832860186696), (', ', -0.01081127894576639), ('not ', 0.4381613016516894), ('bad', 0.41268737108521236), (', ', 0.027294394152704626), ('so', -0.04089457727968693), ('-', -0.02363022801000625), ('so', -0.01844119920860976), ('.', -0.023762104101479053), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Decent spot for pizza and beer. Hometown feel.'} [('', 0.0), ('Decent ', 0.23908264562487602), ('spot ', 0.1020692870952189), ('for ', 0.029589917045086622), ('pizza ', -0.009730217978358269), ('and ', 0.05918370373547077), ('beer', -0.07120212120935321), ('. ', 0.061070320662111044), ('Hometown ', 0.08243927918374538), ('feel', 0.23016919754445553), ('.', -0.025926973670721054), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'The food is really not good.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.022820955760835204), ('food ', 0.33018414631078485), ('is ', -0.0018639917543623596), ('really ', 0.05883170764263923), ('not ', -0.8589746381194345), ('good', 0.1972122494571522), ('.', -0.024400044403591892), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Fore!'} [('', 0.0), ('Fore', 0.09912535548210144), ('!', 0.1684676706790924), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great selection!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.12792430818080902), ('selection', 0.11352048814296722), ('!', 0.23543480038642883), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'This place is the best'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', 0.10114715248346329), ('place ', 0.197762131690979), ('is ', 0.02956605702638626), ('the ', 0.09800664335489273), ('best', 0.2375381663441658), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Always a good meal and good service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Always ', 0.04151654988527298), ('a ', 0.08278875984251499), ('good ', 0.17078706808388233), ('meal ', 0.06950491294264793), ('and ', 0.04514356702566147), ('good ', 0.29953628312796354), ('service', 0.027428400702774525), ('.', -0.0074310302734375), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great pizza, casual dining and great staff!!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.35755975265055895), ('pizza', -0.009190957061946392), (', ', -0.040394993498921394), ('casual ', 0.07545826397836208), ('dining ', 0.08784102089703083), ('and ', -0.010911300778388977), ('great ', 0.13528141705319285), ('staff', 0.013618574012070894), ('!', 0.007412586361169815), ('!', 0.025622371584177017), ('!', -0.019509341567754745), ('!', 0.00449632853269577), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'great slice of pizza!'} [('', 0.0), ('great ', 0.2098369374871254), ('slice ', 0.10571702569723129), ('of ', 0.07408719137310982), ('pizza', 0.0037087462842464447), ('!', 0.2706521302461624), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Not happy'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', -0.8599000769390841), ('happy', 0.13339105893828673), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Soooo slow....even the drive through'} [('', 0.0), ('Soo', -0.02450505287379201), ('oo ', -0.03977370430038718), ('slow', -0.10569513875634584), ('.', -0.01465994766294898), ('.', -0.0007991980010046973), ('.', -0.03220853606308083), ('.', -0.005335374395144754), ('even ', -0.030594115886742657), ('the ', 0.015144708348998392), ('drive ', -0.05339611836916447), ('through', -0.04175255793688848), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'They get my order wrong every time'} [('', 0.0), ('They ', 0.019169750506989658), ('get ', -0.12094583583530039), ('my ', 0.022493520635180175), ('order ', -0.06956407090183347), ('wrong ', -0.25451329175848514), ('every ', 0.18444938919856213), ('time', -0.05527799014816992), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "Can't beat the tacos in a pinch"} [('', 0.0), ('Can', -0.0839617096062284), ("'", -0.059186431142734364), ('t ', -0.41242308518849313), ('beat ', 0.2879902717686491), ('the ', 0.028294698291574605), ('ta', 0.03317527566105127), ('cos ', 0.025623391702538356), ('in ', -0.062073055960354395), ('a ', 0.015679594813263975), ('pinch', -0.07196281096548773), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'This place never has new stuff'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', 0.02535476814955473), ('place ', 0.09849008396849968), ('never ', -0.7558448085619602), ('has ', 0.10938638178049587), ('new ', 0.10145230914349668), ('stuff', 0.13477004639571533), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'They did a horrible job. Not recommended.'} [('', 0.0), ('They ', -0.004166275557508925), ('did ', 0.07387259337338037), ('a ', 0.09836434030876262), ('horrible ', -0.31673721797233156), ('job', -0.0019218555989937158), ('. ', 0.012617865068023093), ('Not ', -0.5388216688843386), ('recommended', 0.4210444989766984), ('.', -0.030683366341691), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Equipment always clean and ready to use'} [('', 0.0), ('Equipment ', -0.016696386970579624), ('always ', 0.0840899576433003), ('clean ', 0.25820494489744306), ('and ', 0.06810422986745834), ('ready ', 0.24875043332576752), ('to ', 0.11144966632127762), ('use', -0.031090371310710907), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Baconalia\\u00a1!!!!!!!!!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Bacon', -0.20730802067555487), ('alia', -0.06357543845660985), ('\\', -0.06789755495265126), ('u', -0.12826759309973568), ('00', -0.06867116381181404), ('a1', -0.07133735733805224), ('!', -0.07383457361720502), ('!', 0.006100226775743067), ('!', -0.00015332770999521017), ('!', 0.010494111338630319), ('!', 0.005803448613733053), ('!', 0.03622431156691164), ('!', 0.05476405087392777), ('!', 0.04747680830769241), ('!', 0.028368329163640738), ('!', 0.028174265986308455), ('!', 0.021467208629474044), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Sausage breakfast burrito and green salsa are awesome.'} [('', 0.0), ('Sausage ', -0.14053331210743636), ('breakfast ', -0.004295611404813826), ('burr', -0.040881349705159664), ('ito ', 0.02734707621857524), ('and ', 0.02310139685869217), ('green ', 0.017097318079322577), ('salsa ', 0.08252294454723597), ('are ', 0.058108372846618295), ('awesome', 0.7057897953782231), ('.', -0.0315472362563014), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'best place ever! i crave it everyday'} [('', 0.0), ('best ', 0.1644252873957157), ('place ', 0.05694455932825804), ('ever', 0.08511846605688334), ('! ', 0.05371696501970291), ('i ', 0.12596790865063667), ('cr', -0.02365838666446507), ('ave ', 0.06918809865601361), ('it ', 0.009729456156492233), ('everyday', 0.17153244838118553), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'The best'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.12710624933242798), ('best', 0.14599311351776123), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Fundido is amazing!'} [('', 0.0), ('Fund', 0.060641124844551086), ('ido ', 0.006743341684341431), ('is ', 0.01868303120136261), ('amazing', 0.31541725248098373), ('!', 0.2625560238957405), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Did you know they have happy hour till 7:30?'} [('', 0.0), ('Did ', -0.1445444778073579), ('you ', 0.05091424845159054), ('know ', 0.032927854685112834), ('they ', -0.03758629586081952), ('have ', -0.0017163556767627597), ('happy ', 0.672820795851294), ('hour ', -0.09520474291639403), ('till ', -0.060229724389500916), ('7', -0.05904267739970237), (':', -0.04459780571050942), ('30', -0.055715346708893776), ('?', -0.26432854449376464), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Pretty standard.'} [('', 0.0), ('Pretty ', 0.317669078707695), ('standard', 0.11212716996669769), ('.', 0.0441872775554657), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Always a bargain to be found'} [('', 0.0), ('Always ', 0.3152794763445854), ('a ', 0.21486700745299459), ('bargain ', -0.5695180934853852), ('to ', 0.1721097957342863), ('be ', -0.11553980968892574), ('found', 0.02597547322511673), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Tuesday, 39 dollar shots. Love it!'} [('', 0.0), ('Tuesday', 0.03207162953913212), (', ', 0.0076079536229372025), ('39 ', 0.024531578179448843), ('dollar ', -0.11589419888332486), ('shots', -0.07248550374060869), ('. ', 0.04578772559762001), ('Love ', 0.5857919733971357), ('it', 0.03832758031785488), ('!', 0.16725968196988106), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'The pizza muffins are to die for :)'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.014864581637084484), ('pizza ', -0.11223792005330324), ('mu', -0.13704249681904912), ('ffin', -0.06731634121388197), ('s ', 0.1718271686695516), ('are ', 0.07631901185959578), ('to ', 0.3272803723812103), ('die ', 0.0975209673633799), ('for ', 0.2720227889949456), (':', 0.0013533355668187141), (')', -0.03835989814251661), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great place! And cheap!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.25621797848361894), ('place', 0.13785889679638785), ('! ', 0.29924850272072945), ('And ', 0.04553186715202173), ('cheap', -0.5648688318833592), ('!', 0.21332304531824775), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Solid mom and pop Italian restaurant!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Solid ', 0.2478965586051345), ('mom ', 0.022156287916004658), ('and ', 0.08168712630867958), ('pop ', 0.09519284032285213), ('Italian ', 0.15396707132458687), ('restaurant', 0.06667757593095303), ('!', 0.022092297673225403), ('!', 0.03960391879081726), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'The pepperoni muffins are magical!'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.004434624686837196), ('pepper', -0.0664271293208003), ('oni ', -0.010149954818189144), ('mu', -0.0883832237450406), ('ffin', -0.013556489371694624), ('s ', 0.04692140547558665), ('are ', 0.12036625249311328), ('magical', 0.5865107974968851), ('!', 0.1421566316857934), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': '**** closed....closed ****'} [('', 0.0), ('*', 0.03968728706240654), ('*', 0.056886548176407814), ('*', 0.06034856475889683), ('* ', 0.08375771157443523), ('closed', -0.01765940710902214), ('.', 0.0687026809900999), ('.', -0.013235064223408699), ('.', -0.027656788006424904), ('.', -0.0257570780813694), ('closed ', 0.084035167878028), ('*', 0.178424859943334), ('*', 0.048648343654349446), ('*', 0.05239465436898172), ('*', -0.011482955887913704), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Friendly staff'} [('', 0.0), ('Friendly ', 0.1412908434867859), ('staff', 0.1318216323852539), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'decent place'} [('', 0.0), ('decent ', 0.1393442451953888), ('place', 0.13377729058265686), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'had the chicken schwarma. it was too dry.'} [('', 0.0), ('had ', 0.005733052601499367), ('the ', -0.06462593500964431), ('chicken ', -0.160959088519121), ('sc', -0.011870822239416157), ('hwa', 0.043065304108040436), ('rma', -0.010026093316810147), ('. ', 0.025861477695798385), ('it ', -0.04332150332265883), ('was ', -0.0003275942071923055), ('too ', -0.05807527306023985), ('dry', -0.05637587265300681), ('.', -0.041433587241044734), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Best spinach pie ever!'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.559338646940887), ('spin', 0.06343907862901688), ('ach ', -0.21170714031904936), ('pie ', -0.08972566574811935), ('ever', 0.19334965199232101), ('!', 0.17624002695083618), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Beef gyros are always good here.'} [('', 0.0), ('Beef ', -0.22039647586643696), ('g', 0.002717171097174287), ('yr', 0.07032963843084872), ('os ', 0.026405553799122572), ('are ', 0.11001094756647944), ('always ', 0.14802474295720458), ('good ', 0.5410494424868375), ('here', 0.06339613511227071), ('.', -0.028643222525715828), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great hummus and gyros. Tasty menu. Can get pricey..'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.2080547873629257), ('hum', -0.059580465022008866), ('mus ', -0.17171866277931258), ('and ', 0.010284708347171545), ('g', 0.011575099546462297), ('yr', 0.16752765025012195), ('os', 0.06753421132452786), ('. ', 0.029585926327854395), ('Ta', 0.11620262655196711), ('sty ', 0.09048447833629325), ('menu', -0.027145395055413246), ('. ', -0.019532340578734875), ('Can ', 0.00920890155248344), ('get ', -0.006136207142844796), ('price', 0.06037562567507848), ('y', 0.10260534385452047), ('.', -0.009818222373723984), ('.', -0.04892134666442871), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'i absolutely love the caramelized cauliflower!!!! great food. good service'} [('', 0.0), ('i ', 0.0059131719172000885), ('absolutely ', 0.14031166909262538), ('love ', 0.16490317834541202), ('the ', -0.011820784769952297), ('cara', 0.02386324410326779), ('mel', -0.02318284404464066), ('ized ', -0.046923333778977394), ('ca', -0.007228432164993137), ('uli', -0.05013439949834719), ('flower', 0.05766971688717604), ('!', 0.006114401388913393), ('!', -0.008261244278401136), ('!', -0.005901687312871218), ('! ', -0.012702763080596924), ('great ', 0.14604269294068217), ('food', 0.020475787576287985), ('. ', -0.009339009411633015), ('good ', 0.15425479412078857), ('service', -0.024980224668979645), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "Not bad. A little pricey, but the food's good."} [('', 3.725290298461914e-07), ('Not ', 0.16064943415403832), ('bad', 0.13318837391852867), ('. ', -0.014785878360271454), ('A ', 0.07025857362896204), ('little ', -0.07234836835414171), ('price', 0.06887088529765606), ('y', 0.08809603564441204), (', ', -0.015090666711330414), ('but ', -0.04982522479258478), ('the ', 0.012902791844680905), ('food', 0.00253982562571764), ("'", 0.013829371891915798), ('s ', 0.006607376504689455), ('good', 0.15878608264029026), ('.', 0.003919387236237526), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Love their sesame bagel'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.6929973755031824), ('their ', 0.002500315196812153), ('sesame ', -0.15791274514049292), ('bag', -0.14956330507993698), ('el', 0.27594468742609024), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Great place for a burger and a quick lunch.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.35633791238069534), ('place ', 0.1264134617522359), ('for ', -0.08889121282845736), ('a ', 0.03105145739391446), ('burger ', -0.08648176537826657), ('and ', 0.14696447551250458), ('a ', 0.13153802044689655), ('quick ', -0.04812086373567581), ('lunch', 0.18272236175835133), ('.', -0.054780762642621994), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'I love it! great coffee !'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', 0.02615000307559967), ('love ', 0.17716737184673548), ('it', 0.0296057453379035), ('! ', 0.12894147634506226), ('great ', 0.3119248319417238), ('coffee ', 0.022589771077036858), ('!', 0.02705298364162445), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'When over the phone help is not enough.'} [('', 0.0), ('When ', -0.0415638605481945), ('over ', -0.041318739160487894), ('the ', 0.00849297870445298), ('phone ', -0.10163850609751535), ('help ', 0.03983341218190617), ('is ', 0.02590128556948912), ('not ', -0.10121055206218443), ('enough', -0.02738651375329937), ('.', -0.04632652991858777), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Tailoring - good\\nCustomer Service - unimpressed'} [('', 0.0), ('Tailor', -0.1271087183849886), ('ing ', -0.14568277454236522), ('- ', -0.0281368014839245), ('good', 0.5918231537143583), ('\\', 0.013863808409951162), ('nC', -0.012326784410106484), ('ust', -0.03914348260877887), ('ome', -0.1039865591810667), ('r ', 0.025426009138755035), ('Service ', -0.11287312445347197), ('- ', -0.05585840638377704), ('un', -0.4229727817728417), ('im', 0.15700509418093134), ('pressed', -0.1105214370181784), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "Friendly service. Just doesn't compare to dim sum in Cali."} [('', 0.0), ('Friendly ', 0.32917039313178975), ('service', -0.02811489581654314), ('. ', -0.012900865054689348), ('Just ', -0.15924028684094083), ('doesn', -0.04955088720089407), ("'", -0.04142810491975979), ('t ', -0.008109509108180646), ('compare ', -0.025542625413436326), ('to ', 0.022118008439065306), ('dim ', -0.1899481165346515), ('sum ', -0.12259958514914615), ('in ', -0.06855155125595047), ('Cal', 0.005119271770430108), ('i', -0.013328263749523709), ('.', -0.057881023613542006), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'it has everything you need.'} [('', 0.0), ('it ', -0.0005978643894195557), ('has ', 0.10824823379516602), ('everything ', 0.24578145146369934), ('you ', 0.3336323141120374), ('need', 0.0108166360296309), ('.', -0.006982531398534775), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Went there tonight.\\n\\nWorst Sushi I have ever had.'} [('', -0.0001531057059764862), ('Went ', -0.06055536912754178), ('there ', 0.013934374786913395), ('tonight', 0.5482110013253987), ('.', 0.04593684431165457), ('\\', -0.04803864238783717), ('n', -0.05570924933999777), ('\\', -0.0897381859831512), ('nW', -0.022648882237263024), ('ors', 0.1924105150392279), ('t ', -0.3642690770793706), ('Su', -0.09649030480068177), ('shi ', 0.05602816340979189), ('I ', 0.057622664608061314), ('have ', 0.12112454511225224), ('ever ', 0.07965553485943626), ('had', 0.1015587749813373), ('.', -0.04267484050554534), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'They serve alot of food.'} [('', 0.0), ('They ', 0.0003065541386604309), ('serve ', 0.31051864475011826), ('al', 0.292440450983122), ('ot ', -0.06676481920294464), ('of ', 0.07597591145895422), ('food', 0.1533733771648258), ('.', -0.047871701419353485), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Fantastic sushi and wonderful happy hour!'} [('', 0.0), ('Fantastic ', 0.2802591286599636), ('su', -0.021679342724382877), ('shi ', 0.051911418326199055), ('and ', 0.05401089787483215), ('wonderful ', 0.16780208609998226), ('happy ', 0.16768924705684185), ('hour', 0.009457748383283615), ('!', 0.019843116402626038), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'We liked the service.....sushi also fresh....steak cooked right....generally pretty good'} [('', 1.2289732694625858e-06), ('We ', -0.03962523713707924), ('liked ', 0.31197132377419623), ('the ', 0.005017187423072755), ('service', -0.040390256233513354), ('.', 0.002340950071811676), ('.', -0.002552483230829239), ('.', -0.002337794750928879), ('.', -0.00027040086154426845), ('.', -0.0009543846494385175), ('su', -0.004137684325022357), ('shi ', -0.003444776604218142), ('also ', 0.02692927865843688), ('fresh', 0.04568899030398045), ('.', 0.00044950496937547414), ('.', -0.0016819642679322335), ('.', -0.001576786284290609), ('.', -0.0030122086228359314), ('steak ', -0.008930033660449442), ('cooked ', 0.01561021000989491), ('right', 0.03629031415940041), ('.', 0.020026775343077525), ('.', -0.0035251434892416), ('.', -0.003135319799184799), ('.', -0.006053676828742027), ('generally ', 0.015807773917913437), ('pretty ', 0.05103620886802673), ('good', 0.07007641717791557), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Always dependable big Mac, fries, and nuggets.'} [('', 0.0), ('Always ', 0.22497424809262156), ('depend', -0.19892132247332484), ('able ', 0.6345709339948371), ('big ', 0.04895790107548237), ('Mac', -0.00024513062089681625), (', ', 0.08422704134136438), ('fries', -0.08435217849910259), (', ', -0.0018402505666017532), ('and ', -0.015402141958475113), ('nu', -0.06046606239397079), ('gg', -0.03738459257874638), ('ets', 0.03868536162190139), ('.', -0.03169454075396061), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Not pleased with service. Very poor customer service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', -0.3176046783955826), ('pleased ', 0.16256748185014658), ('with ', 0.031130456579830934), ('service', -0.0316894990100991), ('. ', 0.004286443516321015), ('Very ', -0.011857551826324197), ('poor ', -0.13100405169279838), ('customer ', 0.0186453094756871), ('service', 0.0042647477821446955), ('.', -0.031500669403612847), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good service'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.1428801715373993), ('service', 0.13023588061332703), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best pokers in the valley!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.6020611410494894), ('poker', -0.21650927688460797), ('s ', -0.027037424850277603), ('in ', 0.018839015159755945), ('the ', 0.11496019037440419), ('valley', 0.1335133882239461), ('!', 0.03173371031880379), ('!', 0.049093328416347504), ('!', 0.006163865327835083), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'I wish they delivered! But overall really good!'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', 0.04140927386470139), ('wish ', -0.15193451478262432), ('they ', -0.04766802830272354), ('delivered', 0.04156628384953365), ('! ', 0.03224663436412811), ('But ', -0.09040405950509012), ('overall ', 0.036655138013884425), ('really ', 0.3557320055551827), ('good', 0.5004312363453209), ('!', -0.021142423152923584), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'crappy food and crappy service'} [('', 0.0), ('crap', -0.25837664950267936), ('py ', -0.053677315952882054), ('food ', 0.12183334265137091), ('and ', 0.052208012515620794), ('crap', -0.07014938918655389), ('py ', -0.038114132734335726), ('service', -0.029817064059898257), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "Great Pho and BYOB. Can't beat that."} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.42747186816995963), ('Ph', -0.06844047151389532), ('o ', -0.026595880946842954), ('and ', 0.10624151659430936), ('BY', 0.03443699118724908), ('OB', -0.17779928924210253), ('. ', 0.019034671218832955), ('Can', -0.03325626364676282), ("'", -0.08817155828000978), ('t ', -0.3943425389006734), ('beat ', -0.041182855842635036), ('that', 0.036306821973994374), ('.', -0.11673558363690972), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Nice desert setting. Good for out of town guests.'} [('', 0.0), ('Nice ', 0.4115359145216644), ('desert ', -0.05402772198431194), ('setting', -0.008727202890440822), ('. ', -0.015697479248046875), ('Good ', 0.1596001274883747), ('for ', 0.0069575235247612), ('out ', -0.0031652767211198807), ('of ', 0.0013187732547521591), ('town ', -0.010379763320088387), ('guests', 0.1955446396023035), ('.', -0.016946949064731598), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Always fun to shop here. Great selection.'} [('', 0.0), ('Always ', 0.05710635706782341), ('fun ', 0.1648238841444254), ('to ', 0.07982871122658253), ('shop ', -0.032911875285208225), ('here', 0.027217973954975605), ('. ', 0.06091054901480675), ('Great ', 0.32555106841027737), ('selection', 0.05947577767074108), ('.', -0.028989363461732864), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Not too busy mid-day. Lots of indoor and outdoor seating.'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', 0.40305199625436217), ('too ', -0.16719488870876376), ('busy ', 0.06691413665248547), ('mid', -0.035651400219649076), ('-', -0.025884330738335848), ('day', 0.02537321113049984), ('. ', -0.005478108301758766), ('Lots ', 0.11177817126736045), ('of ', -0.03625975036993623), ('indoor ', 0.11581203062087297), ('and ', -0.008584361523389816), ('outdoor ', 0.07742542959749699), ('seating', 0.08950347267091274), ('.', -0.02940405160188675), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': "Come here every morning! What's not to love."} [('', 0.0), ('Come ', 0.15917190606705844), ('here ', -0.03467238736629952), ('every ', 0.09226626313466113), ('morning', 0.0932949893467594), ('! ', -0.012007901445031166), ('What', 0.043446163123007864), ("'", -0.07406844716751948), ('s ', -0.016883070464245975), ('not ', -0.6854251850600122), ('to ', 0.1432268971548183), ('love', 0.03826787287835032), ('.', -0.10161136370152235), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "I can't even afford the milk here."} [('', 0.0), ('I ', -0.03408249787753448), ('can', -0.004637398404156556), ("'", -0.015092187761183595), ('t ', -0.07399935866851592), ('even ', -0.06587090832545073), ('afford ', 0.021428437179565663), ('the ', -0.006389064394170418), ('milk ', -0.08710218296619132), ('here', -0.0012483010650612414), ('.', -0.03379946207860485), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Beefeater sandwich was great!'} [('', 0.0), ('Beef', -0.09813912445679307), ('ea', 0.00917606195434928), ('ter ', -0.02106600161641836), ('sandwich ', -0.0664336213376373), ('was ', -0.005371063249185681), ('great', 0.8615077743306756), ('!', 0.04361266270279884), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Closed at Chandler Mall??'} [('', 0.0), ('Closed ', 0.03892550026648678), ('at ', 0.07878648897894891), ('Chandler ', -0.008147384847688954), ('Mall', -0.1500683888880303), ('?', -0.1372906132019125), ('?', -0.12716306082438678), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Once a month they offer addtional savings on clearance merchandise.'} [('', 0.0), ('Once ', -0.0012238689232617617), ('a ', -0.032572916825301945), ('month ', 0.03666493378113955), ('they ', 0.012962251668795943), ('offer ', 0.030211173929274082), ('add', 0.04121400910662487), ('tion', -0.08830985805252567), ('al ', -0.04020538507029414), ('savings ', -0.016780773177742958), ('on ', -0.024102386785671115), ('clearance ', -0.0848819735692814), ('merchandise', -0.1536078347126022), ('.', -0.04201729642227292), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Scale of 1-10 (multiple visits):\\n8 Food\\n8 Service\\n7 Atmosphere\\n7 Value'} [('', 0.0009246408590115607), ('Scale ', 0.013006254739593714), ('of ', -0.007972501742187887), ('1', -0.02855950378580019), ('-', -0.01043671160005033), ('10 ', -0.005729311844334006), ('(', -0.022690893849357963), ('multiple ', -0.010324567187732706), ('visits', 0.027319316538826872), (')', -0.003427444879586498), (':', -0.009473004727624357), ('\\', -0.017773416941054165), ('n', -0.049220186192542315), ('8 ', -0.01739527191966772), ('Food', -0.0036730702267959714), ('\\', -0.016304382239468396), ('n', -0.03918415738735348), ('8 ', -0.02160162024665624), ('Service', -0.03911972581408918), ('\\', -0.02974198921583593), ('n', -0.04867568309418857), ('7 ', -0.03158560558222234), ('Atmosphere', 0.03332490260557582), ('\\', -0.03490250002748022), ('n', -0.04906744176211456), ('7 ', -0.031120686248565715), ('Value', 0.014028461494793495), ('', 7.576619585355123e-06)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Amazing breakfast every time :)'} [('', 0.0), ('Amazing ', 0.356422059237957), ('breakfast ', 0.09345858916640282), ('every ', 0.18921199068427086), ('time ', -0.02227216213941574), (':', 0.019109681248664856), (')', 0.05517932027578354), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Closed'} [('', 0.0), ('Closed', 0.06394511461257935), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Worst car buying experience I have ever had.'} [('', 0.0), ('Worst ', -0.5816397434027749), ('car ', -0.029335334185816464), ('buying ', -0.0292863993508945), ('experience ', -0.030138131574858562), ('I ', 0.021312717613909626), ('have ', 0.09747050882970143), ('ever ', 0.19095686610899065), ('had', 0.10227118050170247), ('.', -0.02827023987629218), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Horrible customer service, I do not recommend:-('} [('', 0.0), ('Horrible ', -0.1739052836328483), ('customer ', 0.017304843841884576), ('service', -0.005257128835182812), (', ', 0.0098772717792599), ('I ', 0.010103802143021312), ('do ', -0.0030410579338422394), ('not ', -0.2793809782460812), ('recommend', 0.18165070730083244), (':', -0.025948691640223842), ('-', -0.004837519558350323), ('(', -0.05969812738476321), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "Jilly's was a crappy bar. It closed."} [('', 0.0), ('Jill', 0.04012332639831584), ('y', 0.023975742631591856), ("'", -0.0005305206796037965), ('s ', 0.002649484151334036), ('was ', 0.0023617418301000725), ('a ', 0.0674232934579777), ('crap', -0.27787825525365406), ('py ', -0.016541093723844824), ('bar', -0.12356089217519184), ('. ', 0.07933382732153405), ('It ', -0.04949705832405016), ('closed', -0.09531191928545013), ('.', -0.0396883909124881), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'The quality of food has gone down. Very greasy.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.019371102422155673), ('quality ', 0.15876149830910435), ('of ', 0.002590701382359839), ('food ', -0.028023533827763458), ('has ', -0.07586866193196329), ('gone ', -0.10031526900411336), ('down', -0.09807392049287955), ('. ', -0.006804498994824826), ('Very ', -0.022955186645049253), ('greasy', -0.10788413095906435), ('.', -0.03566009387213853), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'This place rocks!'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', 0.12269308418035507), ('place ', 0.0832970179617405), ('rocks', 0.10332779958844185), ('!', 0.2772633582353592), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Lobster was not fully cooked. Eewweee'} [('', 0.0), ('Lobster ', -0.07317705341483816), ('was ', -0.14204873476046487), ('not ', -0.26490787266084226), ('fully ', 0.24266471461851324), ('cooked', 0.05612684952029667), ('. ', 0.025125212199782254), ('Ee', -0.05741253136511659), ('w', -0.013782285539491568), ('wee', -0.07323900168557884), ('e', -0.0019132046072627418), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Hands down best Pad Thai around.'} [('', 0.0), ('Hands ', -0.05119585990905762), ('down ', -0.08693092782050371), ('best ', 0.8610500516369939), ('Pad ', -0.11190289142541587), ('Thai ', 0.13506815838627517), ('around', 0.024817269295454025), ('.', -0.06128520518541336), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Went once and never again! awful service and food mediocre.'} [('', 0.0), ('Went ', -0.030580187623854727), ('once ', -0.03420153674596804), ('and ', -0.027759272368712118), ('never ', 0.05244410300110758), ('again', 0.19295233892808028), ('! ', 0.07497037410576013), ('awful ', -0.1935893605441379), ('service ', -0.12673466650085174), ('and ', 0.018727477254287805), ('food ', -0.01986861024488462), ('med', -0.1973603550977714), ('io', 0.04451144832819409), ('cre', -0.1363366034183855), ('.', -0.03306597076516482), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Great food. Overpriced.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.29019601906475145), ('food', 0.17531064776994754), ('. ', 0.2525591646844987), ('Over', -0.1740434697494493), ('pr', -0.009610687535314355), ('ice', -0.05327368078724248), ('d', 0.04707621606212342), ('.', -0.09081011338275857), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'My wifes new addiction...the farfalle is the bomb!'} [('', 0.0), ('My ', 0.007849381217965856), ('wife', 0.028120336748543195), ('s ', -0.03566041980229784), ('new ', 0.008326820578076877), ('addiction', -0.18731670697161462), ('.', -0.031858662638114765), ('.', -0.022380555048584938), ('.', -0.024317740462720394), ('the ', -0.03301489894511178), ('far', -0.005914125101602015), ('fall', -0.027837069018763334), ('e ', 0.008382659917212246), ('is ', 0.0013719475045945728), ('the ', 0.04271681549107598), ('bomb', -0.164387042997987), ('!', -0.010127763875061646), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good prices, service better now.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.45493645034730434), ('prices', -0.11131355725228786), (', ', 0.1317184865474701), ('service ', 0.059087707195430994), ('better ', 0.1975887599401176), ('now', 0.028042709454894066), ('.', -0.03906000405550003), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Excellent ambient, nice place. Good food'} [('', 0.0), ('Excellent ', 0.1235915943980217), ('ambient', 0.02169724553823471), (', ', 0.03709140419960022), ('nice ', 0.19643785431981087), ('place', -0.01868141070008278), ('. ', 0.0046665966510772705), ('Good ', 0.2752416729927063), ('food', 0.08923813700675964), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'This review is based'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', 0.1594400331377983), ('review ', 0.1639716662466526), ('is ', 0.08659370616078377), ('based', 0.1734386831521988), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great Saturday happy hour spot'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.18590735644102097), ('Saturday ', 0.07598501816391945), ('happy ', 0.1102614589035511), ('hour ', 0.1680493727326393), ('spot', 0.12384150177240372), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Nice hotel. Nice location.'} [('', 0.0), ('Nice ', 0.14985331147909164), ('hotel', 0.08510606735944748), ('. ', 0.11063019931316376), ('Nice ', 0.38352940045297146), ('location', -0.011444548144936562), ('.', -0.026537057012319565), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Mediocre food and so so service. Would not return.'} [('', 0.0), ('Med', -0.13137823266606574), ('io', -0.0010859346411962179), ('cre ', -0.10821799755103712), ('food ', 0.07681527384193032), ('and ', 0.049135993904201314), ('so ', -0.019942876865570724), ('so ', -0.014326921386782487), ('service', -0.030787528143264353), ('. ', -0.013792877569358097), ('Would ', -0.01979721297539072), ('not ', -0.07275120262784185), ('return', -0.06547689142462332), ('.', -0.03757361663156189), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'I love their pitcher of margaritas!'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', -0.005417525768280029), ('love ', 0.3845752589404583), ('their ', 0.01178862527012825), ('pitcher ', 0.17224129103124142), ('of ', 0.05460402928292751), ('margarita', 0.013090316206216812), ('s', 0.05381479859352112), ('!', 0.04453378915786743), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'If you need a hat, this is where to go.'} [('', 0.0), ('If ', -0.051248307805508375), ('you ', 0.0811971944058314), ('need ', -0.13447787903714925), ('a ', 0.025516912806779146), ('hat', -0.13399885362014174), (', ', 0.046653373166918755), ('this ', 0.05962361616548151), ('is ', 0.3252365723019466), ('where ', -0.10173904889961705), ('to ', 0.1362798743066378), ('go', 0.35199311876203865), ('.', -0.010684178210794926), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'They must not associate their name with pizza.'} [('', 0.0), ('They ', -0.057344984728842974), ('must ', -0.1067447226960212), ('not ', -0.1277656874153763), ('associate ', 0.07738416522624902), ('their ', -0.0006616519822273403), ('name ', -0.0873603786167223), ('with ', 0.06872112513519824), ('pizza', -0.07436497489106841), ('.', 0.030203303787857294), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Overpriced for the type of food.'} [('', 0.0), ('Over', -0.3707726672582794), ('pr', 0.01750535794417374), ('ice', 0.019615317665738985), ('d ', 0.06926779329660349), ('for ', -0.003608590515796095), ('the ', -0.026720097157522105), ('type ', -0.02464559684813139), ('of ', 0.0280652351975732), ('food', 0.053787160126375966), ('.', -0.06441753529361449), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'The gorgonzola NY strip is amazing!!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.08173579163849354), ('go', 0.05963821057230234), ('rgo', -0.04683008138090372), ('nzo', -0.07432810519821942), ('la ', -0.0023813981097191572), ('NY ', -0.011640004348009825), ('strip ', -0.03935207845643163), ('is ', -0.013671587104909122), ('amazing', 0.8161177186993882), ('!', 0.0030143586918711662), ('!', 0.005154382437467575), ('!', -0.00652829185128212), ('!', 0.0020133331418037415), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'The mini burgers here will be the death of me.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.002202999578003073), ('mini ', -0.05541390984944883), ('burger', -0.07248101407640206), ('s ', 0.043928477227382245), ('here ', -0.03411600474464649), ('will ', 0.025402468390893773), ('be ', 0.014975058922573226), ('the ', 0.04494033865557867), ('death ', -0.513906467976085), ('of ', 0.07829069056515436), ('me', 0.12642367742409988), ('.', -0.03255589721084107), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great ambience and food.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.18535827100276947), ('am', 0.23484148178249598), ('bie', 0.10185369988903403), ('nce ', -0.1527342521585524), ('and ', 0.10184325277805328), ('food', 0.22205517068505287), ('.', 0.0302283875644207), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Awesome spot!'} [('', 0.0), ('Awesome ', 0.12292107939720154), ('spot', 0.11853235960006714), ('!', 0.2354261577129364), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "What can I say... it's a Burger.... but it's decent."} [('', 1.3007471958796183e-05), ('What ', -0.00977435273428758), ('can ', -0.012498547711099187), ('I ', -0.03397131936314205), ('say', 0.018102401712288458), ('.', 0.0018752763668696086), ('.', -0.04431554954499006), ('. ', 0.10831612814217806), ('it', 0.06171765182322512), ("'", 0.019478519951614242), ('s ', 0.031224485874796908), ('a ', 0.08241749465620767), ('Burger', -0.0949315110531946), ('.', 0.04602131507514665), ('.', -0.022341266895333927), ('.', -0.002782252306739489), ('. ', -0.014711412290732065), ('but ', -0.24843482114374638), ('it', 0.01099763682577759), ("'", 0.020904224715195596), ('s ', 0.0019177277572453022), ('decent', 0.6121698589995503), ('.', -0.0287021161057055), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Great choise for fast food'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.28218455612659454), ('choi', 0.23635092750191689), ('se ', -0.013919699937105179), ('for ', -0.09352712705731392), ('fast ', 0.1565149612724781), ('food', 0.12315347790718079), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'So sad closed. Oh well.'} [('', 0.0), ('So ', -0.07389440818224102), ('sad ', -0.5042400033853482), ('closed', -0.1020309423620347), ('. ', 0.0672602232079953), ('Oh ', -0.1933167715324089), ('well', 0.5863934784429148), ('.', -0.022859397577121854), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Oops. Wrong location.'} [('', 0.0), ('O', -0.038149113750478136), ('ops', -0.18487938181169739), ('. ', 0.09560925220648642), ('Wrong ', -0.13157478415087098), ('location', -0.018637944296642672), ('.', -0.03089917252509622), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Love the JessJess wings, the best!'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.19974535703659058), ('the ', -0.009314477443695068), ('Jess', 0.033947453601285815), ('Je', 0.06760231289081275), ('ss ', -0.035681291949003935), ('wings', 0.03771016001701355), (', ', 0.054432205855846405), ('the ', -0.0011810027062892914), ('best', 0.35168955102562904), ('!', -0.002021290361881256), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'just try the pretzels!!!!!!! they are heaven.'} [('', 0.0), ('just ', -0.04673139611259103), ('try ', -0.06538851943332702), ('the ', -0.01026011852081865), ('pre', -0.003810271678958088), ('tze', -0.029228855681139976), ('ls', -0.018000400508753955), ('!', -0.03272431646473706), ('!', -0.00834857823792845), ('!', -0.013844197965227067), ('!', -0.012527689803391695), ('!', -0.008756326977163553), ('!', -0.00016234791837632656), ('! ', 0.02035740134306252), ('they ', 0.04356457121321), ('are ', 0.0318048644985538), ('heaven', 0.7419486391590908), ('.', -0.049792482517659664), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good traditional Mexican food. Quick too.\\n\\nExcellent shredded chicken!'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.509229151182808), ('traditional ', 0.14126341237715678), ('Mexican ', 0.04073772209085291), ('food', 0.11010256785084493), ('. ', 0.0009067823411896825), ('Quick ', -0.04304856176895555), ('too', -0.03138782407040708), ('.', 0.027150936730322428), ('\\', -0.017946309817489237), ('n', -0.016129770898260176), ('\\', -0.014488601766061038), ('nE', -0.01990068648592569), ('x', -0.007288106455234811), ('cel', -0.02473091596039012), ('lent ', -0.0044344994821585715), ('shredded ', -0.06228256021859124), ('chicken', -0.054781088314484805), ('!', -0.013800528598949313), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'I love their Chicken Enchilada plate! Great place! Try it!'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', 0.0010852068662643433), ('love ', 0.35026393877342343), ('their ', 0.0023443682584911585), ('Chicken ', -0.10687222960405052), ('En', 0.06041741487570107), ('chi', 0.035885024117305875), ('lad', -0.03347810939885676), ('a ', 0.0045938442926853895), ('plate', -0.034169943537563086), ('! ', -0.0048363651148974895), ('Great ', 0.18944901786744595), ('place', 0.03307177312672138), ('! ', -0.048139117658138275), ('Try ', -0.03288130555301905), ('it', 0.06832412723451853), ('!', 0.06625766307115555), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best quick mexican food in town hands down!!!!!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.6102797957137227), ('quick ', 6.898259744048119e-05), ('mexican ', 0.059214099775999784), ('food ', 0.03162718741805293), ('in ', -0.03980365415918641), ('town ', 0.02421040846093092), ('hands ', -0.06974102086678613), ('down', -0.17234937648754567), ('!', -0.033766585402190685), ('!', 0.01611230056732893), ('!', 0.014784038998186588), ('!', 0.03234041389077902), ('!', 0.041811770759522915), ('!', 0.03135786019265652), ('!', 0.02030237764120102), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'WAY overpriced for what you get. Cheap ingredients, bland food.'} [('', 0.0), ('WAY ', 0.005575254584982758), ('over', -0.19956396154975664), ('pr', -0.06804307868424075), ('ice', -0.04204626550654211), ('d ', 0.03951656096342049), ('for ', -0.013291594675138185), ('what ', -0.02343147709416371), ('you ', 0.10641184450014407), ('get', -0.04286573661647708), ('. ', 0.015102079127245815), ('Cheap ', -0.09491376811456576), ('ingredients', 0.003892188795362017), (', ', -0.02089314628392458), ('bland ', -0.08649818294907163), ('food', -0.011489187907500309), ('.', -0.015367604071798269), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': "Accepts student I'd's! 7 dollars instead of 10:)"} [('', 0.0), ('Accepts ', 0.33734939829446375), ('student ', 0.025964304571971297), ('I', 0.10770417819730937), ("'", 0.013806388946250081), ('d', 0.038614835881162435), ("'", 0.07142391911474988), ('s', 0.0025676493532955647), ('! ', -0.05641752481460571), ('7 ', -0.11000552005134523), ('dollars ', -0.1802304198499769), ('instead ', -0.2300625602947548), ('of ', 0.11388570966664702), ('10', -0.0038609078619629145), (':', -0.01334492233581841), (')', 0.041741855908185244), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'This location does not even compare to the Chandler location.'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', 0.05150676598714199), ('location ', -0.043083819044113625), ('does ', 0.14152812322572572), ('not ', -0.30957871014106786), ('even ', -0.13013007825793466), ('compare ', -0.04955368656737846), ('to ', 0.10287682793932618), ('the ', 0.007289845270861406), ('Chandler ', 0.006733366455591749), ('location', -0.06824836484156549), ('.', -0.041372280567884445), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "Great service, fair prices! Can't beat it."} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.7382792271091603), ('service', 0.039870762208011), (', ', 0.058932293090038), ('fair ', 0.06010180673911236), ('prices', -0.08293372634216212), ('! ', -0.011002219980582595), ('Can', 0.004338942875619978), ("'", -0.07363068201811984), ('t ', -0.23598295694682747), ('beat ', 0.10126494045834988), ('it', 0.049974176683463156), ('.', -0.02917313063517213), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great family care physicians. New offices too!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.2930697984993458), ('family ', 0.1278585884720087), ('care ', 0.02301231399178505), ('physicians', -0.020014764741063118), ('. ', 0.07951928675174713), ('New ', 0.18613439936598297), ('offices ', -0.11225033841037657), ('too', -0.2837836693506688), ('!', 0.4193948101019487), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Excellent doctor, service, and care! Would recommend to anyone!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Excellent ', 0.1554436155129224), ('doctor', 0.010519162053242326), (', ', 0.03261326206848025), ('service', -0.033611092483624816), (', ', -0.003220199840143323), ('and ', 0.09189283661544323), ('care', 0.053075050469487906), ('! ', 0.0076153879053890705), ('Would ', -0.0324092615628615), ('recommend ', 0.41368518746457994), ('to ', 0.024850872199749574), ('anyone', -0.10665394269744866), ('!', 0.008060688152909279), ('!', -0.0005125738680362701), ('!', -0.053781136870384216), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Decent mexican, wonderful margaritas.'} [('', 0.0), ('Decent ', 0.21047646552324295), ('mexican', 0.06148586422204971), (', ', 0.08972449600696564), ('wonderful ', 0.3258478455245495), ('margarita', -0.015130913816392422), ('s', 0.07620044331997633), ('.', -0.025163911283016205), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Love this place.\\n\\nLove the food.\\n\\nLove the hotties that work there.'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.5837104895617813), ('this ', 0.05336627992801368), ('place', 0.11440678872168064), ('.', -0.014099397230893373), ('\\', -0.02919574415621658), ('n', -0.03171969445732733), ('\\', -0.03973131145661076), ('nL', -0.12651150691090152), ('ove ', 0.05389796831877902), ('the ', 0.010951814125292003), ('food', 0.025649084709584713), ('.', -0.03272572113201022), ('\\', -0.025279384572058916), ('n', -0.027550841215997934), ('\\', -0.052565351128578186), ('nL', -0.16660521894227714), ('ove ', 0.014383294922299682), ('the ', 0.042224950576201084), ('hot', -0.046603740705177185), ('ties ', 0.09922459297813475), ('that ', 0.1114036765260001), ('work ', 0.08486790287618835), ('there', -0.08855329050372045), ('.', -0.01971893385052681), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'I like it.'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', 0.2716032862663269), ('like ', 0.14806581288576126), ('it', 0.21127896755933762), ('.', -0.04436954855918884), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'pretty good'} [('', 0.0), ('pretty ', 0.13502642512321472), ('good', 0.13809093832969666), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Nice spot for a high quality lunch.'} [('', 0.0), ('Nice ', 0.19337064027786255), ('spot ', 0.07580730877816677), ('for ', 0.09557654894888401), ('a ', 0.07194178178906441), ('high ', 0.12086151912808418), ('quality ', 0.13690051063895226), ('lunch', 0.060259412974119186), ('.', -0.02545572817325592), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'good staff'} [('', 0.0), ('good ', 0.14130595326423645), ('staff', 0.13180497288703918), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Their lattes and Corditos are amazing.'} [('', 0.0), ('Their ', -0.022964302450418472), ('la', -0.04814735893160105), ('ttes ', -0.04476405959576368), ('and ', 0.03289824351668358), ('Cord', -0.036858542007394135), ('ito', 0.005075575434602797), ('s ', 0.03220224240794778), ('are ', 0.06289968267083168), ('amazing', 0.7332118013873696), ('.', -0.016626092605292797), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'OK food'} [('', 0.0), ('OK ', 0.1366056501865387), ('food', 0.13649669289588928), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Friendly service, good food, tasty coffee, nice and cozy envoirnment'} [('', 0.0), ('Friendly ', 0.08008016925305128), ('service', -0.003175889141857624), (', ', -0.009265368804335594), ('good ', 0.08434974355623126), ('food', -0.008613070007413626), (', ', -0.007294708862900734), ('ta', 0.10633444576524198), ('sty ', 0.07375421677716076), ('coffee', -0.02795142773538828), (', ', -0.022669970989227295), ('nice ', 0.19450964778661728), ('and ', 0.013150904327630997), ('cozy ', 0.06281333789229393), ('en', 0.02218355017248541), ('vo', 0.02302417776081711), ('ir', 0.006935430632438511), ('n', -0.04572398407617584), ('ment', -0.01178957533556968), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Zombie-like service, food mediocre. Meh.'} [('', 0.0), ('Zombie', -0.16472251288359985), ('-', 0.007980023519849055), ('like ', 0.01804646282471367), ('service', 0.017893436905069393), (', ', 0.0019942660292144865), ('food ', -0.017268053758016322), ('med', -0.044947481832423364), ('io', -0.010526727406613645), ('cre', -0.03648655939105083), ('. ', -0.026964153206790797), ('Me', -0.01377519013476558), ('h', 0.014208355656592175), ('.', -0.13270842336351052), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Awesome food!!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Awesome ', 0.12815485894680023), ('food', 0.10586413741111755), ('!', 0.2002323716878891), ('!', 0.12669429928064346), ('!', 0.018117688596248627), ('!', 0.11207759380340576), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Really good carne asada fries.'} [('', 0.0), ('Really ', 0.11862940527498722), ('good ', 0.637544235214591), ('car', -0.010808252729475498), ('ne ', 0.004967995919287205), ('asa', 0.12216125521808863), ('da ', 0.08405352383852005), ('fries', -0.10065385792404413), ('.', -0.12670008093118668), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Typical greasy spoon. Dive looking, average cooking and friendly staff.'} [('', 0.0), ('Typical ', -0.28079114167485386), ('greasy ', -0.24812432275211904), ('spoon', -0.07124995345657226), ('. ', -0.048457418102771044), ('Dive ', -0.1992535207537003), ('looking', -0.0030534443794749677), (', ', 0.10665512876585126), ('average ', -0.056652556610060856), ('cooking ', -0.01642008000635542), ('and ', 0.17589058994781226), ('friendly ', 0.277260790571745), ('staff', 0.021468230297614355), ('.', -0.03271510382182896), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'bacon! bacon! bacon! and every other kind of bacon!'} [('', 0.0), ('bacon', -0.027711066883057356), ('! ', 0.025507154408842325), ('bacon', -0.009599728509783745), ('! ', 0.024219077546149492), ('bacon', -0.040343556785956025), ('! ', -0.008389775874093175), ('and ', 0.04166198754683137), ('every ', 0.12312734487932175), ('other ', -0.050433098687790334), ('kind ', 0.052434141747653484), ('of ', -0.11852370831184089), ('bacon', -0.2078189596068114), ('!', 0.0687339878641069), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "Helpful staff. Easy to find layout. I'll be back!"} [('', 0.0), ('Helpful ', 0.18136532418429852), ('staff', 0.008971108123660088), ('. ', 0.014525260776281357), ('Easy ', 0.035095237544737756), ('to ', 0.11080016719643027), ('find ', -0.06048617046326399), ('layout', -0.043121724389493465), ('. ', 0.0482223741710186), ('I', 0.16381339728832245), ("'", -0.015000678598880768), ('ll ', 0.15761384926736355), ('be ', 0.06896271649748087), ('back', -0.08092016633599997), ('!', -0.007014527916908264), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Delicious food, fantastic Margaritas and wonderful service!'} [('', 0.0), ('Delicious ', 0.26541347429156303), ('food', 0.07393946871161461), (', ', 0.009105883538722992), ('fantastic ', 0.16441623494029045), ('Margarita', -0.010387897491455078), ('s ', 0.009788714349269867), ('and ', 0.010058071464300156), ('wonderful ', 0.19172836933284998), ('service', -0.01619954127818346), ('!', -0.000926528126001358), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'always had positive experiences at this store. no complaints.'} [('', 0.0), ('always ', 0.2121509164571762), ('had ', -0.05357169359922409), ('positive ', 0.5306258574128151), ('experiences ', 0.10172761173453182), ('at ', 0.023024134687148035), ('this ', 0.03719605295918882), ('store', -0.10257499245926738), ('. ', -0.020069414749741554), ('no ', 0.030912568094208837), ('complaints', 0.029882992384955287), ('.', -0.12387503683567047), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Not the best sushi but the prices are reasonable.'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', -0.3733114194692462), ('the ', -0.00592283406513161), ('best ', 0.12725058960859315), ('su', -0.07584905396288377), ('shi ', 0.016050569796789205), ('but ', 0.31103531679400476), ('the ', 0.036075214855372906), ('prices ', -0.2257633227854967), ('are ', 0.13289163308218122), ('reasonable', 0.6114648343063891), ('.', 0.1105140969157219), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'This place rocks!!'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', 0.07507926598191261), ('place ', 0.06556910462677479), ('rocks', 0.0993992704898119), ('!', 0.15335223823785782), ('!', 0.2706231325864792), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'If you like dudes, this is your Mecca!'} [('', 0.0), ('If ', -0.13101120200008154), ('you ', 0.343160807620734), ('like ', 0.11594344628974795), ('dude', -0.056653957813978195), ('s', 0.01647953875362873), (', ', 0.04371165670454502), ('this ', 0.06152158556506038), ('is ', 0.15595297561958432), ('your ', 0.14144666586071253), ('Mecca', -0.026276503689587116), ('!', -0.00302954763174057), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Been here twice. \\n\\nTerrible food and terrible service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Been ', -0.0449017034843564), ('here ', -0.07520441256929189), ('twice', 0.03583328903187066), ('. ', -0.001844567246735096), ('\\', -0.02599752612877637), ('n', -0.014869130740407854), ('\\', -0.025630286836531013), ('nT', -0.05653913999412907), ('er', -0.10449697344301967), ('ri', 0.039466065318265464), ('ble ', -0.03260720780963311), ('food ', 0.01199528366123559), ('and ', 0.05708765202871291), ('terrible ', -0.13038316895836033), ('service', -0.036312539217760786), ('.', -0.03034137934446335), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Dirty, Dirty, Dirty.....will not be returning.'} [('', 0.0), ('Dirty', -0.07954376960879017), (', ', -0.0033230054559680866), ('Dirty', -0.04131462240002293), (', ', 0.0001966871968761552), ('Dirty', -0.03390652809321182), ('.', -0.008927513192247716), ('.', -0.022427331692597363), ('.', -0.024353379048989154), ('.', -0.02528028272354277), ('.', -0.02737431268178625), ('will ', 0.01698859687348886), ('not ', -0.10131995645315328), ('be ', -0.01212466524248157), ('returning', -0.039617988611098554), ('.', -0.029504031692340504), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Always a great experience!!!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Always ', 0.14624690264463425), ('a ', 0.09351139888167381), ('great ', 0.18073229864239693), ('experience', 0.07542160898447037), ('!', 0.104015052318573), ('!', 0.06044025160372257), ('!', -0.008048666641116142), ('!', -0.005338873714208603), ('!', 0.06602726876735687), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Reuben sandwich was a joke. Guy was friendly.'} [('', 0.0), ('Reuben ', 0.13770610676147044), ('sandwich ', -0.08202713669743389), ('was ', -0.0637473602546379), ('a ', 0.004534359090030193), ('joke', -0.4098006095737219), ('. ', 0.27080311719328165), ('Guy ', -0.028238357859663665), ('was ', 0.046713279443793), ('friendly', 0.8242455199360847), ('.', -0.01339678280055523), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Overpriced...not all that good.'} [('', 0.0), ('Over', -0.1364214578507017), ('pr', 0.00867828309583274), ('ice', -0.05723730795580195), ('d', 0.027013432179956), ('.', -0.027080725587438792), ('.', -0.019307191139887436), ('.', -0.01848519761369971), ('not ', -0.4079946179322178), ('all ', -0.06585716308518386), ('that ', 0.0279675647170734), ('good', 0.32771272630816384), ('.', -0.031373410964079085), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Awesome dinner!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Awesome ', 0.08130642399191856), ('dinner', 0.07865874096751213), ('!', 0.14944572001695633), ('!', 0.2771693021059036), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Delicious food, wonderful atmosphere, but pricey!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Delicious ', 0.12090831529349089), ('food', 0.06030334811657667), (', ', -0.010171080008149147), ('wonderful ', 0.14529957296326756), ('atmosphere', 0.02214963687583804), (', ', 0.003550797700881958), ('but ', -0.05444353120401502), ('price', 0.06277557276189327), ('y', 0.29814861831255257), ('!', 0.03457374242134392), ('!', -0.01703186333179474), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best happy hour in town!'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.17318956553936005), ('happy ', 0.12444164603948593), ('hour ', 0.048837147653102875), ('in ', 0.14302994683384895), ('town', 0.10752395913004875), ('!', 0.09411832690238953), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great food, good service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.1403341144323349), ('food', 0.12106774747371674), (', ', 0.08426451683044434), ('good ', 0.3530034366995096), ('service', 0.019000979140400887), ('.', -0.026533063501119614), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Oops this review was for Peoria location. Delete'} [('', 0.0), ('O', 0.017778550150978845), ('ops ', -0.12844498000777094), ('this ', -0.0809979876567013), ('review ', 0.13088103235804738), ('was ', -0.02076845160081575), ('for ', -0.014744106145371916), ('Pe', -0.008180377988537657), ('oria ', 0.008544153657567222), ('location', -0.042719081679024384), ('. ', -0.016695372032700107), ('Del', -0.08396519627422094), ('ete', -0.13274881150573492), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'this place was great. but they are now closed.'} [('', 0.0), ('this ', -0.01659907936118543), ('place ', 0.011826037341961637), ('was ', 0.001488036330556497), ('great', 0.3533237464725971), ('. ', -0.003125612623989582), ('but ', -0.28326992550864816), ('they ', 2.8250302420929074e-05), ('are ', -0.0020132317149545997), ('now ', -0.0011904721905011684), ('closed', -0.3159353932423983), ('.', -0.026826729765161872), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great food, clean a bit old but nice'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.24193767085671425), ('food', 0.07467598095536232), (', ', 0.04000387340784073), ('clean ', 0.0270970847341232), ('a ', -0.02887502865632996), ('bit ', -0.02117874752730131), ('old ', -0.044106583343818784), ('but ', -0.024010612629354), ('nice', 0.4474222380667925), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great sushi!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.21265140920877457), ('su', -0.06029762700200081), ('shi', 0.15690037235617638), ('!', 0.27731113135814667), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Twice eaten, twice enjoyed the caterpillar.'} [('', 0.0), ('Twice ', 0.056903187185525894), ('eaten', -0.1940157674252987), (', ', 0.004509095102548599), ('twice ', 0.0011430596932768822), ('enjoyed ', 0.7164749233052135), ('the ', 0.04928714781999588), ('cater', -0.058540997793897986), ('pi', -0.09429893991909921), ('llar', 0.14941640058532357), ('.', 0.009226066060364246), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'OIY.\\n\\nGreasy noisy expensive questionable quality rude.'} [('', 2.6426278054714203e-08), ('O', -0.04711861590476474), ('IY', -0.020018503746541683), ('.', -0.044288654607953504), ('\\', -0.02127721109900449), ('n', -0.014240406934732164), ('\\', -0.01768434227869875), ('nG', 0.005812379105918808), ('rea', -0.03533771855836676), ('sy ', -0.0018043157233478269), ('noisy ', -0.02955269187259546), ('expensive ', -0.04451795599561592), ('questionable ', -0.07931376941633062), ('quality ', 0.00953200864023529), ('rude', -0.0634835484343057), ('.', -0.028598657736438327), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Very over priced and not very high quality.'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.014745744552783435), ('over ', -0.2579240010763897), ('priced ', 0.058035840940647176), ('and ', 0.04223574713250855), ('not ', -0.44462689101783326), ('very ', 0.0614255965774646), ('high ', 0.08692811385662935), ('quality', 0.1816401780833985), ('.', -0.02895517771685263), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Very good bagels and sandwiches!'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.0011107530444860458), ('good ', 0.3826949615031481), ('bag', -0.07511640526354313), ('els ', 0.10842247493565083), ('and ', 0.24268679693341255), ('sandwiches', -0.0720205744728446), ('!', 0.13563701044768095), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "Friday's AM Networking meeting with the SESORE Group."} [('', 0.0), ('Friday', 0.06998354103416204), ("'", -0.0010919952765107155), ('s ', -0.014586979523301125), ('AM ', -0.013270365539938211), ('Networking ', -0.11997750075533986), ('meeting ', 0.4710662120487541), ('with ', 0.06717541231773794), ('the ', -0.03134283842518926), ('SE', -0.046881939517334104), ('SOR', -0.07297286833636463), ('E ', 0.034039340913295746), ('Group', 0.06620433554053307), ('.', -0.02316000685095787), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Slow as hell for carry out.'} [('', 0.0), ('Slow ', -0.3301629777997732), ('as ', -0.00966488299309276), ('hell ', -0.2821509175992105), ('for ', -0.014694966506795026), ('carry ', 0.26608945841144305), ('out', 0.11376296452363022), ('.', -0.01728270371677354), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'love the Pastrami and Corned Beef!'} [('', 0.0), ('love ', 0.8951051803305745), ('the ', -0.008085659705102444), ('Past', -0.07804002927150577), ('ram', 0.016894411179237068), ('i ', 0.005289557855576277), ('and ', 0.023145852610468864), ('Corn', -0.11178082492551766), ('ed ', 0.01957921325811185), ('Beef', -0.059666589193511754), ('!', -0.005682305432856083), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Good food, tiny portions, pricey for the amount you get.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.279350345954299), ('food', 0.09754624776542187), (', ', -0.02290917932987213), ('tiny ', -0.006182215176522732), ('portions', -0.031144133768975735), (', ', -0.011795928701758385), ('price', 0.03837612783536315), ('y ', 0.1567664840258658), ('for ', -0.046717370860278606), ('the ', -0.018254918046295643), ('amount ', -0.00700733345001936), ('you ', 0.18566530849784613), ('get', 0.008538853377103806), ('.', -0.03868204355239868), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'I expected better for the price.'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', 0.05809679924277589), ('expected ', -0.26715409351163544), ('better ', -0.16789770187460817), ('for ', 0.06541457913408522), ('the ', 0.10527870363148395), ('price', -0.10074932206771336), ('.', 0.032693239802028984), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'This place is full of treasures !!!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', -0.03420389909297228), ('place ', 0.08491875324398279), ('is ', -0.004471946507692337), ('full ', 0.09074513288214803), ('of ', -0.022823199164122343), ('treasures ', 0.3549595819786191), ('!', 0.055508388206362724), ('!', 0.040777333080768585), ('!', 0.03262811526656151), ('!', 0.011448223143815994), ('!', 0.05632082372903824), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Long wait to check in. Creepy-ish location.'} [('', 0.0), ('Long ', -0.048370766402513254), ('wait ', -0.26135788540705107), ('to ', 0.001294043002417311), ('check ', 0.009255059680072009), ('in', 0.0638872308718419), ('. ', 0.05863817674253369), ('Creepy', -0.054520938007044606), ('-', -0.0073524127146811225), ('is', 0.01845964442145487), ('h ', -0.08062174757105822), ('location', -0.03228329764169757), ('.', -0.03928804225870408), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great place for an event!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.18161466717720032), ('place ', 0.09123129770159721), ('for ', 0.073752511292696), ('an ', 0.13679393380880356), ('event', 0.11603239923715591), ('!', 0.09171590209007263), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Excellent staff, awesome food! Just go!'} [('', 0.0), ('Excellent ', 0.1440816279500723), ('staff', 0.025094276294112206), (', ', 0.024274464696645737), ('awesome ', 0.13772061094641685), ('food', 0.029686756432056427), ('! ', 0.02608344331383705), ('Just ', -0.13986294390633702), ('go', 0.2549995412118733), ('!', 0.21093542501330376), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great place....delish food....always fast service!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.3907874036813155), ('place', 0.16029166389489546), ('.', 0.01210430433275178), ('.', 0.011916644114535302), ('.', -0.033842398319393396), ('.', -0.07100648985942826), ('del', -0.036355854961584555), ('ish ', -0.11896151099426788), ('food', -0.040781431911455), ('.', -0.004442400153493509), ('.', -0.018681928515434265), ('.', -0.020038720220327377), ('.', -0.02766590192914009), ('always ', 0.2070748833939433), ('fast ', 0.13653197279199958), ('service', -0.005725805182009935), ('!', -0.0030731037259101868), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'soild sandos. just go.'} [('', 0.0), ('soil', -0.3346960539929569), ('d ', -0.24281393690034747), ('sand', 0.06982115446589887), ('os', 0.07203797460533679), ('. ', 0.07433172408491373), ('just ', -0.17077613063156605), ('go', 0.24989150557667017), ('.', 0.09493104275316), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'This location is closed.'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', 0.23330542123585474), ('location ', -0.037944010025967145), ('is ', -0.13168567089087446), ('closed', -0.35384291689115344), ('.', -0.04502806160598993), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Awesome store, NB Scottsdale, you are the bomb!'} [('', 0.0), ('Awesome ', 0.6615463375346735), ('store', -0.1261658213334158), (', ', -0.005226640962064266), ('N', 0.004209732287563384), ('B ', 0.016118383849970996), ('Scott', 0.23781867034267634), ('sdale', -0.025971664930693805), (', ', 0.01998435938730836), ('you ', 0.15051233203848824), ('are ', 0.0019610855379141867), ('the ', 0.008654332486912608), ('bomb', -0.3222688178066164), ('!', -0.011873284354805946), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'New owners great staff! Price is awesome.'} [('', 0.0), ('New ', 0.0616406612098217), ('owners ', -0.022908078506588936), ('great ', 0.22875710390508175), ('staff', 0.04737459123134613), ('! ', 0.041467562317848206), ('Price ', -0.04102401831187308), ('is ', -0.007787205511704087), ('awesome', 0.434422240126878), ('.', -0.028927508741617203), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'The human race has jumped the shark.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.03859502077102661), ('human ', 0.24500937014818192), ('race ', 0.27319272607564926), ('has ', 0.22792046330869198), ('jumped ', -0.07176161743700504), ('the ', 0.1446090303361416), ('shark', -0.4039894789457321), ('.', -0.011863075196743011), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Bouncers need to learn they are there to help patrons.'} [('', 0.0), ('Bounce', 0.01746004121378064), ('rs ', -0.08056394336745143), ('need ', -0.47115725360345095), ('to ', 0.055250581237487495), ('learn ', -0.0071967728435993195), ('they ', -0.15961774624884129), ('are ', 0.019967923872172832), ('there ', -0.03457030700519681), ('to ', 0.18834404676454142), ('help ', -0.0075323376804590225), ('patrons', 0.1597124125692062), ('.', -0.03599885478615761), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Great for football Sunday! But a tad expensive!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.5911080460064113), ('for ', -0.029019476496614516), ('football ', -0.06224720773752779), ('Sunday', 0.08468318032100797), ('! ', 0.13060451298952103), ('But ', -0.2501923517265823), ('a ', 0.06878135926672257), ('tad ', -0.08003064469085075), ('expensive', -0.13204551875242032), ('!', 0.17258157627657056), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Sushi is average but good happy hour!'} [('', 0.0), ('Su', -0.007881264202296734), ('shi ', 0.060673671774566174), ('is ', 0.0415221881121397), ('average ', 0.011255437508225441), ('but ', -0.1568004572764039), ('good ', 0.3779245341429487), ('happy ', 0.37769670283887535), ('hour', 0.05316379969008267), ('!', -0.04454808635637164), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'I have had better.'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', 0.26023981161415577), ('have ', 0.0511532356031239), ('had ', -0.2396356570534408), ('better', -0.3270567683503032), ('.', -0.05695304647088051), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Eat there 2-3 x wk. great good and service'} [('', 0.0), ('Eat ', 0.07574325054883957), ('there ', 0.058927799575030804), ('2', 0.0033831344917416573), ('-', 0.01897301897406578), ('3 ', -0.013901988975703716), ('x ', 0.052867243997752666), ('w', -0.05159558169543743), ('k', -0.007043981924653053), ('. ', -0.019822638481855392), ('great ', 0.20212302822619677), ('good ', 0.20908549893647432), ('and ', 0.18315891362726688), ('service', -0.10247239097952843), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Decent food, decent service, nothing to write home about'} [('', 0.0), ('Decent ', 0.4118781436554855), ('food', 0.13307659134443384), (', ', 0.11061067177797668), ('decent ', 0.22028113294800278), ('service', -0.05718033459561411), (', ', 0.010472476395079866), ('nothing ', -0.18030686084239278), ('to ', -5.310059350449592e-05), ('write ', 0.04162745757275843), ('home ', 0.021333027860237053), ('about', -0.04793062130920589), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Excellent botox and juvederm. :-)'} [('', 0.0), ('Excellent ', 0.9158496510353871), ('bot', -0.04551434560562484), ('ox ', -0.03139198836288415), ('and ', -0.0029221675358712673), ('ju', -0.013878842233680189), ('ved', -0.008881854708306491), ('er', -0.050886865123175085), ('m', 0.004372064606286585), ('. ', -0.029344852082431316), (':', -0.053997283801436424), ('-', -0.009796744212508202), (')', -0.04698197916150093), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great Pizza! Thin crust. Delicious'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.22311100736260414), ('Pizza', -0.015619177371263504), ('! ', 0.1542072743177414), ('Thin ', -0.050994133634958416), ('crust', -0.01699888362782076), ('. ', -0.00046131631825119257), ('Delicious', 0.4301766837015748), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great service and food!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.30766212195158005), ('service ', 0.02441304177045822), ('and ', 0.09128984063863754), ('food', 0.12901421263813972), ('!', 0.11166441813111305), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Well not very good at all'} [('', 0.0), ('Well ', 0.17196501356738736), ('not ', -0.827746500259309), ('very ', 0.0019992083998658927), ('good ', 0.2369599404573819), ('at ', 0.0315162110618985), ('all', 0.07677920465357602), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Shea was great! Fast, friendly and honest service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Shea ', 0.07042437791824341), ('was ', 0.0025452952831983566), ('great', 0.25254359282553196), ('! ', 0.007528491318225861), ('Fast', 0.05963706970214844), (', ', 0.08339245617389679), ('friendly ', 0.08260306529700756), ('and ', 0.012245865538716316), ('honest ', 0.12207076093181968), ('service', -0.021931284572929144), ('.', -0.004998944699764252), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great place with perfect coffee and service!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.17672404274344444), ('place ', 0.07229760568588972), ('with ', 0.07407970074564219), ('perfect ', 0.2294072126969695), ('coffee ', -0.0017536832019686699), ('and ', 0.0952565185725689), ('service', 0.004082292318344116), ('!', 0.07919572293758392), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Mexican spiced mocha is REALLY good!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Mexican ', 0.10949209332466125), ('spice', 0.19885991793125868), ('d ', 0.015631207264959812), ('mo', -0.08633429300971329), ('cha ', 0.0015160024631768465), ('is ', 0.010353594610933214), ('REALLY ', 0.11382439424050972), ('good', 0.2694570010062307), ('!', 0.020975006744265556), ('!', 0.029320068657398224), ('!', -0.01703639328479767), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Everything here is great.'} [('', 0.0), ('Everything ', 0.3280441462993622), ('here ', 0.027528346981853247), ('is ', -0.025931454729288816), ('great', 0.3792752083390951), ('.', -0.044885486364364624), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "not very pleased 2nd time around won't return."} [('', 0.0), ('not ', -0.4603272683743853), ('very ', 0.05575083941948833), ('pleased ', 0.19801140762137948), ('2nd ', 0.056868717168981675), ('time ', 0.031427331268787384), ('around ', -0.05404849118349375), ('won', 0.1413350925759005), ("'", -0.06148643885171623), ('t ', -0.16798281099181622), ('return', -0.05420983819203684), ('.', -0.018356524749833625), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'DISGUSTING...Dnt waist your time or money.'} [('', 0.0), ('DISGUSTING', -0.18582900544424774), ('.', -0.001066462260496337), ('.', -0.007198641866125399), ('.', -0.020105278312257724), ('D', 0.011843718706586515), ('nt ', -0.023218246062242542), ('waist ', -0.00333671361386223), ('your ', 0.014783242510475247), ('time ', -0.062138325472460565), ('or ', -0.03414944343967363), ('money', -0.046273208011371025), ('.', -0.015597085010995215), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'I love this place. What a fun night out.'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', -0.008560940623283386), ('love ', 0.2961946437135339), ('this ', 0.06766358483582735), ('place', -0.0058701541274785995), ('. ', -0.016179054975509644), ('What ', 0.020914201624691486), ('a ', 0.03416537772864103), ('fun ', 0.2957125382963568), ('night ', 0.05128336907364428), ('out', -0.033984767738729715), ('.', -0.03527840971946716), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'terrible'} [('', 0.0), ('terrible', -0.9329832975345198), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Owner was cool'} [('', 0.0), ('Owner ', 0.16383281350135803), ('was ', 0.10537047684192657), ('cool', 0.20633293688297272), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'great place to be a cowboy !!'} [('', 0.0), ('great ', 0.21651886403560638), ('place ', 0.026585964486002922), ('to ', 0.11206788010895252), ('be ', -0.05152144143357873), ('a ', 0.23760229023173451), ('cowboy ', 0.06524739600718021), ('!', 0.08316975831985474), ('!', 0.039602965116500854), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Really, really cute but way overpriced. Love the clothes though.'} [('', 0.0), ('Really', 0.010008069803006947), (', ', -0.004148670588620007), ('really ', 0.04150351409043651), ('cute ', 0.24524390666920226), ('but ', -0.13280985032542958), ('way ', -0.033358819175191456), ('over', -0.2883580603011069), ('pr', -0.05964321259671124), ('ice', -0.02747412100143265), ('d', 0.004323034227127209), ('. ', 0.024324734549736604), ('Love ', 0.7426455808454193), ('the ', 0.09804512042319402), ('clothes ', -0.009278072917368263), ('though', -0.040607850591186434), ('.', -0.029644832015037537), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Average food ., overpriced ... But friendly staff'} [('', 0.0), ('Average ', -0.07989486819133162), ('food ', 0.03341557053499855), ('.', 0.019509122503222898), (', ', -0.028975057852221653), ('over', -0.14657801725479658), ('pr', 0.011727737863111543), ('ice', -0.053700473148637684), ('d ', 0.044189772681420436), ('.', -0.004753174391225912), ('.', -0.026136723114177585), ('. ', -0.0263427592581138), ('But ', 0.22890667963656597), ('friendly ', 0.614381084771594), ('staff', -0.007994069426786155), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Wonderful neighborhood Italian spot. Waiter was from Milan. Great evening!'} [('', 0.0), ('Wonderful ', 0.2570158839225769), ('neighborhood ', 0.020382551476359367), ('Italian ', 0.04285504575818777), ('spot', 0.01658892910927534), ('. ', -0.03179662674665451), ('Waiter ', -0.005459811072796583), ('was ', 0.025639230851083994), ('from ', 0.013333193492144346), ('Milan', 0.07471306202933192), ('. ', -0.012686001136898994), ('Great ', 0.13728045113384724), ('evening', 0.054181816056370735), ('!', 0.017425086349248886), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Amazing food and wine\\n\\n!'} [('', 0.0), ('Amazing ', 0.3500639721751213), ('food ', 0.012151859700679779), ('and ', 0.11408547312021255), ('wine', 0.16573247592896223), ('\\', 0.03690559137612581), ('n', -0.02415550802834332), ('\\', 0.05008993414230645), ('n', -0.023591100238263607), ('!', 0.031739682890474796), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great nail place. I go there quite often.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.3830603347159922), ('nail ', -0.045694256434217095), ('place', -0.001064110780134797), ('. ', 0.014347389340400696), ('I ', 0.038469609804451466), ('go ', 0.07045807037502527), ('there ', 0.06357010710053146), ('quite ', 0.09082985413260758), ('often', 0.11377580277621746), ('.', -0.03129207715392113), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Not worth the time or your money !'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', -0.5416531090850185), ('worth ', 0.4038639068567136), ('the ', 0.012295573385927128), ('time ', -0.02064298078403226), ('or ', -0.03405234603997087), ('your ', 0.07347355340061767), ('money ', -0.15904391040203336), ('!', -0.004633102984371362), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Fresh Raw Cow and Goats Milk.MMMm'} [('', 0.0), ('Fresh ', 0.8303563869558275), ('Raw ', 0.01979448110796511), ('Cow ', -0.10807048319838941), ('and ', 0.20392016181722283), ('Goats ', -0.1499995649792254), ('Milk', -0.15729398094117641), ('.', 0.07815490663051605), ('MMM', -0.029528720304369926), ('m', -0.05352025292813778), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great service...good food....'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.4025199939496815), ('service', -0.014783230144530535), ('.', 0.006429571658372879), ('.', -0.00458177225664258), ('.', -0.005216771271079779), ('good ', 0.3968546073883772), ('food', 0.009430957492440939), ('.', -0.0020369081757962704), ('.', -0.03515356965363026), ('.', -0.03991657681763172), ('.', -0.04750009998679161), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great school. My son loves it here and \\nexcels.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.34172613359987736), ('school', -0.04480751045048237), ('. ', -0.011948920786380768), ('My ', 0.04683321248739958), ('son ', 0.12558660469949245), ('loves ', 0.2893972630845383), ('it ', -0.02355397294741124), ('here ', -0.06541308970190585), ('and ', -0.0009701902745291591), ('\\', -0.022834928357042372), ('ne', -0.012060674314852804), ('x', -0.0016615397180430591), ('cel', -0.01841769932070747), ('s', -0.01432833104627207), ('.', -0.020022192038595676), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Love the crablegs cheese cake is really awesome too.'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.3879916821606457), ('the ', 0.0037270928733050823), ('crab', -0.05237720813602209), ('leg', -0.02130300272256136), ('s ', -0.004922684282064438), ('cheese ', -0.08320400468073785), ('cake ', -0.014372527366504073), ('is ', 0.0312877104151994), ('really ', 0.013924923026934266), ('awesome ', 0.43860245390533237), ('too', -0.08428581139742164), ('.', 0.01217164658010006), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Tasty sushi. Decent service. Good prices. Would recommend.'} [('', 0.0), ('Ta', 0.21910537127405405), ('sty ', 0.09735447820276022), ('su', -0.027286444790661335), ('shi', 0.0006634583696722984), ('. ', 0.0022262688726186752), ('Decent ', 0.1131568057462573), ('service', -0.01752933580428362), ('. ', -0.0001671481877565384), ('Good ', 0.09574893396347761), ('prices', -0.042385540902614594), ('. ', 0.0074266353622078896), ('Would ', -0.01898895390331745), ('recommend', 0.17465717531740665), ('.', -0.020529747009277344), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'No brown rice. Almost no vegetarian options.'} [('', 0.0), ('No ', -0.19507755630183965), ('brown ', -0.07784581335727125), ('rice', -0.06633779010735452), ('. ', -0.1288703754544258), ('Almost ', 0.04531600858899765), ('no ', 0.01024701225105673), ('vegetarian ', 0.03344899686635472), ('options', 0.09038358961697668), ('.', 0.015725189703516662), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Very good.'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.207286074757576), ('good', 0.2314043790102005), ('.', 0.03816530108451843), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "CLOSED :( \\nThey're gone..gone..gone"} [('', 0.0), ('CLOSED ', -0.05516520230594324), (':', -0.01808931554114679), ('( ', -0.015583666236125282), ('\\', -0.024777220734904404), ('nT', -0.01978357119651264), ('hey', -0.014437260707836685), ("'", -0.010311891240235127), ('re ', -0.027500434057401435), ('gone', -0.04944548132834825), ('.', -0.01703164887794628), ('.', -0.016914537773118354), ('gone', -0.06004515806489508), ('.', -0.013213836242357502), ('.', -0.016565187486776267), ('gone', -0.07312108527366945), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'just easy reading nothing special paperbacks only'} [('', 0.0), ('just ', -0.0016598144284216687), ('easy ', 0.04701008225674741), ('reading ', -0.11405529301555362), ('nothing ', -0.2160585382807767), ('special ', 0.06968069526919862), ('paperback', -0.0842620959301712), ('s ', 0.08889053682651138), ('only', -0.05853297140856739), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great place for both individual and group workouts.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.2555238753557205), ('place ', 0.0681832442060113), ('for ', 0.032099186442792416), ('both ', 0.03524215705692768), ('individual ', 0.06650813110172749), ('and ', 0.11399440094828606), ('group ', -0.009068259969353676), ('workout', 0.176957530900836), ('s', 0.05756726115942001), ('.', -0.10010358318686485), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'One word. Yuck!'} [('', 0.0), ('One ', -0.08522782928775996), ('word', -0.17082601168658584), ('. ', 0.13526766165159643), ('Yu', 0.12615584069862962), ('ck', -0.4038787283934653), ('!', 0.10028339130803943), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'I love the Meatloaf sandwich'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', -0.0009193588048219681), ('love ', 0.807014930061996), ('the ', 0.00192249845713377), ('Meat', -0.015649255132302642), ('lo', -0.01997697469778359), ('af ', -0.02009826060384512), ('sandwich', -0.029383115470409393), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great bagels and coffee. Very kid friendly.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.33319569006562233), ('bag', -0.0630688825622201), ('els ', 0.04812357295304537), ('and ', 0.03949814662337303), ('coffee', -0.05277445586398244), ('. ', 0.046515651512891054), ('Very ', 0.03409290872514248), ('kid ', -0.0032799597829580307), ('friendly', 0.3446061573922634), ('.', -0.03004547581076622), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Ny style'} [('', 0.0), ('Ny ', 0.13054534792900085), ('style', 0.1397869884967804), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'really, really nice place! Definitely check this one out!'} [('', 0.0), ('really', 0.05414436385035515), (', ', 0.016256581991910934), ('really ', 0.042740707751363516), ('nice ', 0.20519747538492084), ('place', -0.02518033515661955), ('! ', 0.0213885810226202), ('Definitely ', 0.20702058053575456), ('check ', 0.07267894851975143), ('this ', 0.04485494515392929), ('one ', 0.02196340577211231), ('out', -0.026510600466281176), ('!', -0.007273077964782715), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Service is slow server needs lesson'} [('', 0.0), ('Service ', 0.0407406739104772), ('is ', 0.014713126067363191), ('slow ', -0.2120163629806484), ('server ', -0.12713385078677675), ('needs ', -0.16205011853162432), ('lesson', 0.13863632702850737), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Very dated...'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.2116023470662185), ('dated', -0.636860293096106), ('.', 0.09128127279109322), ('.', 0.04342785214248579), ('.', -0.04501442611217499), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': "Good Networking Party tonight at Buster's."} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.45942361652851105), ('Networking ', -0.04162749834358692), ('Party ', -0.03382825665175915), ('tonight ', 0.23259274661540985), ('at ', 0.002947138622403145), ('Buster', 0.05310722580179572), ("'", 0.06602347875013947), ('s', 0.005425034090876579), ('.', -0.031269509345293045), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Awesome pool.'} [('', 0.0), ('Awesome ', 0.2837578058242798), ('pool', 0.15493258833885193), ('.', 0.038184672594070435), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Get some wings!'} [('', 0.0), ('Get ', -0.08167634904384613), ('some ', 0.04333508759737015), ('wings', 0.34654613584280014), ('!', 0.2780071943998337), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'My favorite pizza joint in Scottsdale.'} [('', 0.0), ('My ', -0.020648829638957977), ('favorite ', 0.43287996854633093), ('pizza ', -0.04071833845227957), ('joint ', 0.16597775928676128), ('in ', 0.06860298104584217), ('Scott', 0.32886209548451006), ('sdale', -0.184786373982206), ('.', -0.02540867030620575), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Yummy as always!'} [('', 0.0), ('Yu', 0.26341819018125534), ('mmy ', 0.05464085191488266), ('as ', 0.010095298290252686), ('always', 0.19055061787366867), ('!', 0.14503654092550278), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': "Pizzookie. It's the mic drop."} [('', 0.0), ('Pi', -0.009358525509014726), ('zzo', -0.38304928014986217), ('oki', -0.032886430621147156), ('e', 0.06668366957455873), ('. ', 0.13108906894922256), ('It', 0.02880167681723833), ("'", 0.062203925335779786), ('s ', -0.033604158787056804), ('the ', 0.1834887721342966), ('mic ', -0.1094114426523447), ('drop', -0.17308719793800265), ('.', -0.04715289711020887), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'This place is closed.'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', 0.233475858651218), ('place ', 0.17023611681725015), ('is ', -0.053118229068786604), ('closed', -0.6401899648699327), ('.', -0.04534455490647815), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'The place is closed, and out of business.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.028137263303506188), ('place ', 0.06411868296981993), ('is ', -0.007442474946401489), ('closed', -0.23090307384336484), (', ', 0.05042968065390596), ('and ', 0.020295130168960895), ('out ', -0.13670817208912922), ('of ', 0.02099460392309993), ('business', -0.025515220020679408), ('.', -0.02974688707399764), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Slowest delivery ever! Not worth it'} [('', 0.0), ('Slow', -0.25339684382197447), ('est ', -0.049953582492889836), ('delivery ', -0.0050800299241018365), ('ever', 0.13446529793964146), ('! ', 0.04199114378752711), ('Not ', -0.45993100817213417), ('worth ', 0.2554899867354834), ('it', 0.06607000577059807), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "Closed for year's so should be dropped"} [('', 0.0), ('Closed ', 0.0912156051635975), ('for ', 0.14940926388953812), ('year', 0.05330227802005538), ("'", 0.042003391890830244), ('s ', 0.031505266848398605), ('so ', 0.04252081590675516), ('should ', -0.10251147906819824), ('be ', -0.057813372113741934), ('dropped', -0.5342697986634448), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'meh... it was ok hot yoga. hard to find.'} [('', 0.0), ('me', 0.03832145780324936), ('h', 0.02544613927602768), ('.', -0.057574525475502014), ('.', -0.042948799120495096), ('. ', 0.06191334911272861), ('it ', 0.07379910475356155), ('was ', 0.08616556790002505), ('ok ', 0.4915857126889023), ('hot ', 0.08794829469661636), ('yoga', 0.04059417760799988), ('. ', -0.025241491370252334), ('hard ', -0.18833551919669844), ('to ', 0.04970758390845731), ('find', -0.04089235627907328), ('.', -0.03888142487267032), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best market in the world! I LOVE Sprouts!'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.1979021867737174), ('market ', -0.033656992483884096), ('in ', -0.004118470940738916), ('the ', 0.0018605701625347137), ('world', 0.14089417271316051), ('! ', 0.011163739487528801), ('I ', 0.012014650274068117), ('LOVE ', 0.3560374132357538), ('Sp', -0.07146281970199198), ('rou', 0.03482668229844421), ('ts', -0.011999492533504963), ('!', -0.0062865763902664185), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great time. Decent ice. Helpful staff. :)'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.22828192729502916), ('time', -0.04866300243884325), ('. ', 0.002376735210418701), ('Decent ', 0.21397219877690077), ('ice', -0.03184946905821562), ('. ', -0.0014770850539207458), ('Helpful ', 0.1781930085271597), ('staff', 0.1924383658915758), ('. ', -0.01877758651971817), (':', -0.015339449048042297), (')', -0.03312338888645172), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'I sure needed an easy button on this trip.'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', -0.0429914629785344), ('sure ', 0.36372074927203357), ('needed ', -0.46539197594393045), ('an ', 0.09641057762200944), ('easy ', -0.030012881179573014), ('button ', -0.2761802469321992), ('on ', 0.01635737277683802), ('this ', 0.03926765205687843), ('trip', 0.06461652342113666), ('.', -0.06321103608934209), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Average prices and frequently long lines to checkout.'} [('', 0.0), ('Average ', -0.18181233224458992), ('prices ', -0.2543346837628633), ('and ', 0.12158884620293975), ('frequently ', -0.056954509869683534), ('long ', -0.2334036022075452), ('lines ', -0.10775389394257218), ('to ', 0.19137112610042095), ('check', 0.10387346873176284), ('out', 0.10134187081712298), ('.', 0.042320003267377615), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Expensive'} [('', 0.0), ('Expensive', -0.9301889215130359), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Outdated. Dirty. Bad food.'} [('', 0.0), ('Outdated', -0.12686750220746035), ('. ', 0.05641751995426603), ('Dirty', -0.09726315670377517), ('. ', 0.029348617556024692), ('Bad ', -0.259125674587267), ('food', 0.14631973636642215), ('.', -0.025083542150241556), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Yum!'} [('', 0.0), ('Yu', 0.10709832608699799), ('m', 0.11150951683521271), ('!', 0.2552955746650696), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great location, friendly staff, knowledgeable.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.36012565717101097), ('location', -0.043972719460725784), (', ', 0.04023820906877518), ('friendly ', 0.11260794661939144), ('staff', 0.03496778570115566), (', ', 0.0310530923306942), ('knowledge', 0.09253884200006723), ('able', 0.09999328199774027), ('.', -0.014539370313286781), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Clean and quiet.....no complaints whatsoever.'} [('', 0.0), ('Clean ', 0.40365421629394405), ('and ', 0.1676847304624971), ('quiet', 0.0008090250485111028), ('.', -0.07471929406165145), ('.', 0.016534205293282866), ('.', 0.0031283716671168804), ('.', -0.0017869657604023814), ('.', -0.054479079437442124), ('no ', -0.20018251468809467), ('complaints ', 0.11444249314172339), ('whatsoever', -0.2501349610975012), ('.', -0.07550304802134633), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good burgers but I love their fries with the seasoning!'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.42478245636448264), ('burger', -0.038588446797803044), ('s ', -0.008924169698730111), ('but ', -0.08507341705262661), ('I ', 0.007631867658346891), ('love ', 0.27182102343067527), ('their ', -0.032571978867053986), ('fries ', -0.05135504249483347), ('with ', 0.04662777786143124), ('the ', -0.009910015622153878), ('season', -0.0309761893004179), ('ing', 0.01704461220651865), ('!', 0.09824812412261963), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Dorota is THE bomb waxer!'} [('', 0.0), ('Do', 0.037128526470041834), ('rot', -0.037489676135010086), ('a ', -0.06410126248374581), ('is ', 0.02509042707970366), ('THE ', 0.2349719699122943), ('bomb ', -0.37584897596389055), ('wax', -0.048332034901250154), ('er', -0.05692160228500143), ('!', 0.07033906958531588), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Starbucks carries a great reputation. LOVE STARBUCKS!'} [('', 0.0), ('Starbucks ', -0.12630786281079054), ('carries ', 0.07388656120747328), ('a ', -0.004734961315989494), ('great ', 0.33340522134676576), ('reputation', 0.05806443886831403), ('. ', 0.017780820839107037), ('LOVE ', 0.38671310991048813), ('STARBUCKS', -0.03982158750295639), ('!', 0.013901159167289734), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Uninspired and blend pizza!'} [('', 0.0), ('Un', -0.46462473666178994), ('ins', -0.15665617884951644), ('pired ', 0.019973074609879404), ('and ', 0.11941926617873833), ('blend ', 0.15022831223905087), ('pizza', -0.04235237609827891), ('!', 0.1528596996795386), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Very mediocre, very salty, very large portions. Meh.'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', -0.0060619972718996), ('med', -0.07295572871407785), ('io', -0.022066783569243853), ('cre', -0.05183414600105607), (', ', -0.010974661985528655), ('very ', -0.031249853602275834), ('salty', -0.09542681620951043), (', ', 0.01626957168809895), ('very ', 0.018098398343227018), ('large ', 0.022304653851733747), ('portions', -0.028815577416025917), ('. ', -0.011647147337498609), ('Me', -0.031985212888685055), ('h', -0.018273370849783532), ('.', -0.10696593328611925), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "Poor service. Don't care attitude. Food so so..."} [('', 0.0), ('Poor ', -0.0769638560027488), ('service', -0.01651534382972386), ('. ', -0.011371774001418089), ('Don', -0.02754834719576138), ("'", -0.029299900608521057), ('t ', -0.05270976876045097), ('care ', -0.0032709519512081897), ('attitude', 0.003824503369969534), ('. ', 0.005503425310507737), ('Food ', -0.05965445193874075), ('so ', -0.026597729868399256), ('so', -0.021724032890233502), ('.', -0.022795761123234115), ('.', -0.024251100288893213), ('.', -0.06866569625708507), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': '$5.25 for one 12oz can of tecate beer.'} [('', 0.0), ('$', -0.14682180411182344), ('5', 0.003377143759280443), ('.', -0.01604188303463161), ('25 ', -0.009027940439409576), ('for ', -0.019819772176560946), ('one ', -0.03002362948609516), ('12', -0.018352249753661454), ('oz ', -0.01519077952252701), ('can ', -0.021901209431234747), ('of ', -0.02870186767540872), ('te', -0.04486960964277387), ('cate ', -1.0193325579166412e-05), ('beer', -0.03758572228252888), ('.', -0.024719680193811655), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Stay away.'} [('', 0.0), ('Stay ', 0.20504646633344237), ('away', -0.7654901230562245), ('.', 0.037900870927842334), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Love the blue margarita!'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.3481828197836876), ('the ', 0.03712914325296879), ('blue ', 0.04405665211379528), ('margarita', -0.036044105887413025), ('!', 0.2706800252199173), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Love curbside service at lunch!'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.41126732155680656), ('curb', -0.07028045412153006), ('side ', 0.01983876060694456), ('service ', 0.013026924803853035), ('at ', 0.07387693412601948), ('lunch', 0.21756307408213615), ('!', 0.05785346031188965), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'great restaurant.....has been for years!'} [('', 0.0), ('great ', 0.3256542906165123), ('restaurant', 0.09565858915448189), ('.', 0.022583529353141785), ('.', 0.006546454504132271), ('.', -0.013537256047129631), ('.', -0.02748248539865017), ('.', -0.0388991292566061), ('has ', 0.11443475348642096), ('been ', -0.020919524074997753), ('for ', 0.15748217020882294), ('years', -0.0958331932197325), ('!', 0.1015594620257616), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best healthy mexican food around. I crave it.'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.18533332645893097), ('healthy ', 0.1498478390276432), ('mexican ', 0.03257046267390251), ('food ', 0.0029199174605309963), ('around', 0.02268722141161561), ('. ', -0.05830216407775879), ('I ', 0.16194851510226727), ('cr', 0.04900893592275679), ('ave ', 0.15081729157827795), ('it', -0.003957528620958328), ('.', -0.026998203247785568), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Love the food! Flavorful and healthy.'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.23113607242703438), ('the ', 0.009851538576185703), ('food', 0.06352971028536558), ('! ', 0.05197446793317795), ('Flavor', 0.20106643694452941), ('ful ', -0.03913644957356155), ('and ', 0.01777152717113495), ('healthy', 0.19162687845528126), ('.', -0.014796728268265724), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Great time'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.20768940448760986), ('time', 0.06545132398605347), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Below average bagels. Eggs had no taste. Fast service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Below ', -0.007823140360414982), ('average ', 0.013413883629254997), ('bag', -0.034000492858467624), ('els', 0.02223003449034877), ('. ', -0.021916945872362703), ('Eggs ', -0.1670886429019447), ('had ', -0.06846318501266069), ('no ', -0.32370726373301295), ('taste', 0.05497937796280894), ('. ', 0.01032625739753712), ('Fast ', 0.1830187334708171), ('service', 0.005872495225048624), ('.', -0.050864291668403894), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Consistent food. The mushroom soup is good.'} [('', 0.0), ('Consistent ', 0.23731591925024986), ('food', 0.06519697234034538), ('. ', 0.053985245525836945), ('The ', 0.004249787423759699), ('mushroom ', -0.03714286023750901), ('soup ', -0.010598174878396094), ('is ', 0.0044664518209174275), ('good', 0.4244859660975635), ('.', -0.02895897999405861), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "Don't waste your time at this store ."} [('', 0.0), ('Don', -0.1747017473608139), ("'", -0.05657390804117313), ('t ', 0.14045049266132992), ('waste ', 0.23954745117043785), ('your ', -0.13687396946806984), ('time ', -0.07112522989064018), ('at ', -0.07455187326468149), ('this ', -0.08908758022971597), ('store ', -0.036809449443353515), ('.', 0.030771871210163226), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'They have CLOSED!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('They ', 0.10251554846763611), ('have ', 0.08624967373907566), ('CLOSED', 0.07265867106616497), ('!', 0.1492442712187767), ('!', 0.10057881474494934), ('!', 0.17119169235229492), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Food is inconsistent at this location.'} [('', 0.0), ('Food ', 0.1279702405736316), ('is ', 0.06493887752003502), ('inconsistent ', -0.7134103142452659), ('at ', 0.06895533192437142), ('this ', 0.2326962816878222), ('location', -0.018341116316150874), ('.', -0.03636108885984868), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Sometimes service is slow.'} [('', 0.0), ('Sometimes ', -0.08022379739850294), ('service ', 0.06894924868902308), ('is ', -0.045243214724905556), ('slow', -0.23360409547603922), ('.', -0.045210008014691994), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'The Inebriator stout. Epic!\\n$3.00 at happy hour... Awesome!'} [('', -2.4959444999694824e-07), ('The ', 0.004777954425662756), ('In', -0.029602053458802402), ('eb', 0.06444287969497964), ('ria', -0.08198998728767037), ('tor ', -0.09028314735041931), ('stout', -0.05975718470290303), ('. ', 0.01822858350351453), ('Epic', 0.09681595747159528), ('!', 0.018428960016795566), ('\\', 0.01694307959904628), ('n', -0.02205822799670776), ('$', -0.17873143073894815), ('3', -0.009865616632409261), ('.', -3.997235991326826e-05), ('00 ', -0.029189741297159344), ('at ', -0.06463488767622039), ('happy ', 0.24517670093337074), ('hour', 0.030729251040611416), ('.', 0.008354182005859911), ('.', 0.044001031666994095), ('. ', 0.0066855065524578094), ('Awesome', 0.4421268031001091), ('!', 0.06735669821500778), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Horrible service every time.'} [('', 0.0), ('Horrible ', -0.6353248245432042), ('service ', 0.0691345591112622), ('every ', 0.27623376779956743), ('time', 0.00030034415976842865), ('.', -0.045318861899431795), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'We love this place!'} [('', 0.0), ('We ', 0.18138625472784042), ('love ', 0.1412437129765749), ('this ', 0.11892023123800755), ('place', -0.0481237955391407), ('!', 0.2706192582845688), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Gross food horrible parking.'} [('', 0.0), ('Gross ', -0.1454446637071669), ('food ', 0.15767599870468985), ('horrible ', -0.2746068708538587), ('parking', -0.028389260312906117), ('.', -0.044881574460305274), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Disgusting and overpriced cheap food.'} [('', 0.0), ('Disgusting ', -0.15617562559782527), ('and ', 0.015160881797783077), ('over', -0.0465137732335279), ('pr', -0.01423515505848627), ('ice', -0.012538961480458966), ('d ', 0.001072514078259701), ('cheap ', -0.06630165874048544), ('food', 0.0074274468770454405), ('.', -0.01441941980010597), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'They came to my rescue and are genuine people'} [('', 0.0), ('They ', -0.01668523997068405), ('came ', 0.07530104462057352), ('to ', 0.05607553478330374), ('my ', 0.0751536525785923), ('rescue ', 0.0814557895064354), ('and ', 0.07839083299040794), ('are ', 0.048427825793623924), ('genuine ', 0.3235126715153456), ('people', -0.008621294051408768), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great sandwich shop. Pastrami deluxe is my favorite.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.40852109296247363), ('sandwich ', -0.03836243017576635), ('shop', -0.033182902028784156), ('. ', -0.01966472715139389), ('Past', -0.1041931516956538), ('ram', 0.026838036021217704), ('i ', -0.00991442333906889), ('deluxe ', 0.002183546661399305), ('is ', 0.009635609691031277), ('my ', 0.03610771615058184), ('favorite', 0.3654457675293088), ('.', -0.01766684139147401), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Great service. Good food. Had baked scallops. Reasonable prices'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.318079742603004), ('service', -0.042846242897212505), ('. ', 0.004004441201686859), ('Good ', 0.3505093175917864), ('food', -0.021867085248231888), ('. ', -0.05173134617507458), ('Had ', -0.05025852157268673), ('baked ', 0.04126715497113764), ('sc', -0.16981688680243678), ('all', 0.016682450979715213), ('ops', -0.012286732613574713), ('. ', -0.009932481218129396), ('Reasonable ', 0.2188065736554563), ('prices', -0.0072710211388766766), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'The bread was good.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.20417606830596924), ('bread ', 0.04426766745746136), ('was ', -0.06371605955064297), ('good', 0.5241148099303246), ('.', -0.04485177993774414), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Love the juice bar'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.5704552754759789), ('the ', 0.06787379458546638), ('juice ', 0.05852099135518074), ('bar', -0.1103040874004364), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'love there juices. a little overpriced but worth it'} [('', 0.0), ('love ', 0.20021619647741318), ('there ', -0.01687510311603546), ('juice', 0.03633346036076546), ('s', 0.07366228476166725), ('. ', -0.0012385398149490356), ('a ', -0.04389219864970073), ('little ', -0.03984360379399732), ('over', -0.07429211642011069), ('pr', -0.018904955097241327), ('ice', -0.036124303689575754), ('d ', 0.006531148261274211), ('but ', 0.13662114366889), ('worth ', 0.3218972688919166), ('it', 0.03928533835278358), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Great bread and sandwiches. \\n\\nNimrod employees.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.6922696601832286), ('bread ', 0.09337239700835198), ('and ', 0.025118563324213028), ('sandwiches', -0.03751150390598923), ('. ', 0.007386220735497773), ('\\', -0.02503549784887582), ('n', -0.028345595055725425), ('\\', -0.018489299749489874), ('n', -0.020540948607958853), ('Ni', -0.021946377237327397), ('m', -0.023013487632852048), ('rod ', -0.016428282076958567), ('employees', -0.02977757074404508), ('.', -0.015557181905023754), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Had the BBQ sandwich on Focaccia. Really good!'} [('', 0.0), ('Had ', -0.01730299205519259), ('the ', -0.032484266674146056), ('BB', -0.03921564656775445), ('Q ', -0.011131281382404268), ('sandwich ', -0.01956748025259003), ('on ', 0.008582791488151997), ('F', -0.021576913306489587), ('oca', -0.0014275381108745933), ('cci', -0.029677384329261258), ('a', -0.0009620891360100359), ('. ', -0.012088133255019784), ('Really ', 0.23111820686608553), ('good', 0.442017306573689), ('!', 0.0871500913053751), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great place to stop for an early morning bagel.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.6238381145521998), ('place ', 0.09716631518676877), ('to ', 0.08906316990032792), ('stop ', -0.08989486965583637), ('for ', 0.008626208000350744), ('an ', 0.01784498692722991), ('early ', 0.01389572030166164), ('morning ', -0.044494650210253894), ('bag', -0.05120388278737664), ('el', 0.01297088572755456), ('.', -0.012820797972381115), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'This place is ghetto.'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', 0.23257379070855677), ('place ', 0.20153960553579964), ('is ', -0.03174441901501268), ('ghetto', -0.6900437211443204), ('.', -0.04522727709263563), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Overpriced movies and food, its your average movie theatre really.'} [('', 0.0), ('Over', -0.5411123948106251), ('pr', -0.24194733243712108), ('ice', 0.008062606520979898), ('d ', -0.04286300150488387), ('movies ', 0.049040065739973215), ('and ', 0.004601425152941374), ('food', 0.0074114646813541185), (', ', 0.04669791501873988), ('its ', 0.023798628099029884), ('your ', 0.07547951772721717), ('average ', -0.04203846682503354), ('movie ', 0.15212325983884512), ('theatre ', 0.019581519027269678), ('really', 0.10551675209353562), ('.', -0.05547970654151868), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "It's a bit rough here to say the least!"} [('', 0.0), ('It', -0.026041929246275686), ("'", -0.008206479134969413), ('s ', -0.018535585186327808), ('a ', 0.05460562243388267), ('bit ', -0.11634186628361931), ('rough ', -0.08442376877792412), ('here ', -0.006188364677655045), ('to ', 0.030204736853193026), ('say ', 0.04516089724347694), ('the ', 0.008138145385601092), ('least', -0.24899112784623867), ('!', -0.0004159759555477649), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "Nothing special discounts aren't impressive~"} [('', 0.0), ('Nothing ', -0.25676071230554953), ('special ', 0.07528388229548), ('discount', -0.010527356127568055), ('s ', 0.04872300275746966), ('aren', -0.002175942474423209), ("'", -0.023770627016347134), ('t ', -0.2734278223288129), ('impressive', 0.1475681672236533), ('~', 0.008944163033447694), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Love it! Always great food and great service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.28195306193083525), ('it', -0.001857246272265911), ('! ', 0.06835740804672241), ('Always ', 0.03945507947355509), ('great ', 0.10458746924996376), ('food ', 0.02042651828378439), ('and ', 0.010194774717092514), ('great ', 0.20482894172891974), ('service', -0.015322442632168531), ('.', -0.01568719558417797), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'soggy food'} [('', 0.0), ('so', -0.4196573459848878), ('ggy ', -0.34077629086823436), ('food', 0.237946635010303), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "Cold food. Don't waste your time or money."} [('', 0.0), ('Cold ', -0.4915529199060984), ('food', 0.09230809070868418), ('. ', -0.25498687860090286), ('Don', -0.022995132529104012), ("'", 0.004604554784236825), ('t ', 0.2213215534648043), ('waste ', 0.2638945249827884), ('your ', -0.05815294690273731), ('time ', -0.02257720068882918), ('or ', -0.015680879208957776), ('money', -0.04875607987924013), ('.', -0.00587038644880522), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "I can't find a more perfect iced Americano. Enough said."} [('', 0.0), ('I ', 0.020355419721454382), ('can', 0.0019387711945455521), ("'", -0.05591780398390256), ('t ', -0.11432251415681094), ('find ', -0.41837998863775283), ('a ', -0.0902657340047881), ('more ', 0.012387632188620046), ('perfect ', 0.3974170123692602), ('iced ', -0.08696258653071709), ('American', 0.059913185075856745), ('o', -0.010025049443356693), ('. ', 0.005277297925204039), ('Enough ', -0.1144283771282062), ('said', 0.017169486149214208), ('.', -0.039592741057276726), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'still my FAV'} [('', 0.0), ('still ', 0.1740822121500969), ('my ', 0.08129071444272995), ('FA', 0.07672519236803055), ('V', 0.2537563219666481), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "If you don't love YC's then we can't be friends."} [('', -7.026622067011582e-06), ('If ', -0.02012494932265933), ('you ', 0.0321158408781533), ('don', -0.07051997765574924), ("'", -0.056099672044183535), ('t ', -0.11370551397703821), ('love ', 0.17046003532414034), ('Y', -0.10121991253981832), ('C', -0.040101809361658525), ("'", -0.021240335921902442), ('s ', 0.00944441230603843), ('then ', -0.01721718157932628), ('we ', -0.018037149486190174), ('can', -0.07611421380170214), ("'", -0.19447490888160246), ('t ', -0.2914853289585153), ('be ', -0.009592674672603607), ('friends', 0.34030531377356965), ('.', 0.009110580198466778), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Beware.'} [('', 0.0), ('Be', -0.029092182870954275), ('ware', -0.5097611895762384), ('.', 0.03329790476709604), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'pretty girls but no lollipop selection.'} [('', 0.0), ('pretty ', 0.12782718264497817), ('girls ', 0.08888360136188567), ('but ', -0.17738430100143887), ('no ', -0.2494343977596145), ('lo', -0.03470303156063892), ('lli', 0.004853613645536825), ('pop ', -0.042511189996730536), ('selection', 0.022455414989963174), ('.', 0.002736054826527834), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Best friggin wings ever. Ask for them GRILLED after frying!'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.6210468198405579), ('fr', -0.06903286973829381), ('ig', -0.047982269403291866), ('gin ', 0.05715982272522524), ('wings ', 0.10023253015242517), ('ever', 0.06310467584989965), ('. ', 0.035511924885213375), ('Ask ', -0.027341860928572714), ('for ', -0.014336771564558148), ('them ', -0.012443970306776464), ('GRILLE', -0.03869746462441981), ('D ', -0.001331291743554175), ('after ', -0.012889339006505907), ('fry', -0.056040564784780145), ('ing', -0.0359621059615165), ('!', -0.0132991848513484), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Who doesnt like a BIG salad with lots of stuff?'} [('', 0.0), ('Who ', -0.06169382925145328), ('doesn', -0.05030841997358948), ('t ', -0.027048681513406336), ('like ', -0.04093998658936471), ('a ', 0.01682329038158059), ('BIG ', 0.011512436962220818), ('salad ', -0.018497448123525828), ('with ', 0.010285030817613006), ('lots ', 0.11176547058857977), ('of ', 0.04518005275167525), ('stuff', 0.04535547713749111), ('?', -0.36752691585570574), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Very respectable people.'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.28724440932273865), ('respectable ', 0.21056335419416428), ('people', 0.13304243236780167), ('.', -0.04438534379005432), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Really good coffee and good hot chocolate too.'} [('', 0.0), ('Really ', 0.06057946756482124), ('good ', 0.26613250840455294), ('coffee ', -0.01260355208069086), ('and ', 0.042803965508937836), ('good ', 0.284220737288706), ('hot ', 0.11182384321000427), ('chocolate ', 0.012378412910038605), ('too', -0.02495857878238894), ('.', -0.027376476675271988), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good pizza and wings'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.2393631413578987), ('pizza ', 0.05456916242837906), ('and ', 0.10801274329423904), ('wings', 0.18462441116571426), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good food for the price with excellent atmosphere and staff'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.11766722798347473), ('food ', 0.04875465389341116), ('for ', 0.02389275375753641), ('the ', -0.01625731075182557), ('price ', -0.10420214617624879), ('with ', 0.060351521940901875), ('excellent ', 0.25040342961438), ('atmosphere ', -2.9079150408506393e-05), ('and ', 0.09104426950216293), ('staff', 0.22528768330812454), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Long waits but great food!'} [('', 0.0), ('Long ', -0.03605465590953827), ('waits ', -0.0382044417783618), ('but ', -0.06257078517228365), ('great ', 0.48168492084369063), ('food', 0.25506981229409575), ('!', 0.0910571338608861), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good wings. Good Service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.1260814666748047), ('wings', 0.10892240703105927), ('. ', 0.11064641177654266), ('Good ', 0.35300045646727085), ('Service', 0.019004764035344124), ('.', -0.026536133140325546), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'really great!! had a wonderful brazilan'} [('', 0.0), ('really ', 0.08144872821867466), ('great', 0.1371785718947649), ('!', 0.08602603897452354), ('! ', 0.05203821510076523), ('had ', 0.029985535889863968), ('a ', 0.07982896268367767), ('wonderful ', 0.18740110471844673), ('brazil', 0.038801275193691254), ('an', 0.020306676626205444), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Fabulous food every time! Not to mention they deliver...'} [('', 0.0), ('Fabulous ', 0.19841374224051833), ('food ', 0.11127501737792045), ('every ', 0.08049777906853706), ('time', -0.010818513808771968), ('! ', -0.036980669014155865), ('Not ', -0.02900982543360442), ('to ', 0.015943971113301814), ('mention ', 0.24652265432814602), ('they ', 0.07611860790348146), ('deliver', 0.08216673074639402), ('.', -0.022621250245720148), ('.', -0.028216883540153503), ('.', -0.07380138337612152), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'food was expensive, service was a-ok. mediocore'} [('', 0.0), ('food ', 0.09750066687411163), ('was ', 0.011504736547067296), ('expensive', -0.18755562589649344), (', ', -0.007048019353533164), ('service ', -0.0813131361064734), ('was ', 0.030845865607261658), ('a', 0.024672589359397534), ('-', -0.07723848991008708), ('ok', 0.03247415153600741), ('. ', -0.016447573667392135), ('med', -0.1576574475329835), ('io', -0.0889940376218874), ('core', 0.032166565011721104), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Excellent food and margaritas!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Excellent ', 0.1458796225488186), ('food ', 0.1193668358027935), ('and ', 0.11783244460821152), ('margarita', -0.019203515723347664), ('s', 0.14814274199306965), ('!', 0.15764270722866058), ('!', 0.0537777841091156), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Food does not taste good... has a plastic aftertaste, overpriced.'} [('', 1.7105812730733305e-06), ('Food ', 0.0002464515309839044), ('does ', -0.02589978290234285), ('not ', -0.3554373726819904), ('taste ', 0.003047209306714649), ('good', 0.13271453336437844), ('.', 0.0009249767408618936), ('.', -0.012473286331442068), ('. ', -0.014649372473286348), ('has ', 0.0002912942333014577), ('a ', -0.0016472006494777382), ('plastic ', -0.04146851372514079), ('after', -0.0301963309512281), ('tas', -0.005058959385721772), ('te', -0.013062385558485056), (', ', -0.012847527804037131), ('over', -0.06501878244616818), ('pr', -0.0191586110408025), ('ice', -0.01853132821579493), ('d', 0.005108409194326669), ('.', -0.014229998001064814), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great job, awesome prices, lovely staff!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.25093982741236687), ('job', 0.0653921477496624), (', ', 0.04010986536741257), ('awesome ', 0.18985008564777672), ('prices', -0.042464372934773564), (', ', 0.030752550810575485), ('lovely ', 0.12946607917547226), ('staff', 0.04737485200166702), ('!', 0.0015940740704536438), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Very rude!'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.11057207659905544), ('rude', -0.8686398061472573), ('!', 0.23538643510255497), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good food decent prices, only been here for lunch though'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.4388636047951877), ('food ', 0.04178917710669339), ('decent ', 0.37364256428554654), ('prices', -0.062092948937788606), (', ', 0.014479042030870914), ('only ', -0.08263810351490974), ('been ', -0.04216474015265703), ('here ', 0.010401547187939286), ('for ', -0.005826316075399518), ('lunch ', 0.030946865677833557), ('though', -0.05224975198507309), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Hot dogs original to Buffalo. How could it be wrong'} [('', 0.0), ('Hot ', 0.09619412780739367), ('dogs ', -0.24608405854087323), ('original ', 0.11141738074366003), ('to ', 0.10098634497262537), ('Buffalo', -0.08101798221468925), ('. ', 0.033834142377600074), ('How ', -0.062296719013829716), ('could ', -0.046126946472213604), ('it ', -0.051901562765124254), ('be ', 0.0019228062155889347), ('wrong', -0.17934130545472726), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'The Doctor is Great!'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.10228557139635086), ('Doctor ', 0.028747406788170338), ('is ', -0.06234270241111517), ('Great', 0.3247231338173151), ('!', 0.27061794698238373), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "It's crappy."} [('', 0.0), ('It', 0.0750754525361117), ("'", 0.15814495903032366), ('s ', 0.051443737153022084), ('crap', -0.33009752781072166), ('py', -0.2524701189031475), ('.', -0.010623166264849715), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'bland, bland, flavorless, and more bland.'} [('', 0.0), ('bland', -0.04381017808918841), (', ', -0.0035860007901646895), ('bland', -0.04757342275024712), (', ', 0.00317166384866141), ('flavor', 0.0739782119571828), ('less', -0.15629152740530117), (', ', 0.007304056318389485), ('and ', -0.010787424384034239), ('more ', -0.04426797022279061), ('bland', -0.08649643096396176), ('.', -0.02525800971852732), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'C'} [('', 0.0), ('C', 0.05133986473083496), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'I saw 2 sharts, a skullet and a brony!'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', -0.054478157544508576), ('saw ', -0.03591129032429308), ('2 ', -0.06856610800605267), ('sha', -0.010109113762155175), ('rts', -0.04670972190797329), (', ', 0.02118205069564283), ('a ', 0.010791461332701147), ('skull', -0.4941085375030525), ('et ', -0.07616465335013345), ('and ', -0.002439845586195588), ('a ', 0.05336174805415794), ('bro', -0.033609659236390144), ('ny', 0.17819668201263994), ('!', 0.17133329040370882), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'They closed :-('} [('', 0.0), ('They ', 0.377418115735054), ('closed ', 0.2720326129347086), (':', -0.056617770344018936), ('-', 0.062091732397675514), ('(', -0.010208576917648315), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great Facility.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.22330407798290253), ('Facility', 0.21540425717830658), ('.', 0.03817436099052429), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Big fan of this gym. I love it! Very clean!'} [('', 0.0), ('Big ', 0.05681334808468819), ('fan ', 0.22023722901940346), ('of ', 0.02772613614797592), ('this ', -0.0007978514768183231), ('gym', -0.022593908477574587), ('. ', 0.020145914517343044), ('I ', 0.030460327863693237), ('love ', 0.14796989783644676), ('it', -0.006841342896223068), ('! ', -0.015082821249961853), ('Very ', 0.0850025974214077), ('clean', 0.07185254991054535), ('!', -0.005424033850431442), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'this location was closed! arrrrrrrrrgggggg!'} [('', 0.0), ('this ', -0.01652895389997866), ('location ', -0.06891007980084396), ('was ', -0.06805754237939254), ('closed', -0.010364964051404968), ('! ', -0.046362865788978525), ('ar', -0.007769044383167056), ('rr', -0.028457395474106306), ('rr', -0.022694866960591753), ('rr', -0.02561119425627112), ('rr', -0.024229672830188065), ('gg', -0.023785630817656056), ('gg', -0.02398520718998043), ('gg', -0.026589427921862807), ('!', -0.02201483864337206), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Not here. Just an Italian Bakery'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', -0.18889223593578208), ('here', -0.05219343000499066), ('. ', 0.10752770741237327), ('Just ', -0.2413272198755294), ('an ', 0.09921370109077543), ('Italian ', 0.051582406915258616), ('Bakery', -0.050630886398721486), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Out of business'} [('', 0.0), ('Out ', -0.628156581078656), ('of ', 0.13839417364215478), ('business', -0.03151442628586665), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great and affordable pizza'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.18430226296186447), ('and ', 0.11081784218549728), ('affordable ', 0.17282342165708542), ('pizza', 0.11861603707075119), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'I love this Olive Garden!'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', 0.058164894580841064), ('love ', 0.20628675818443298), ('this ', 0.0902433693408966), ('Olive ', -0.12257225252687931), ('Garden', 0.2133637387305498), ('!', 0.24565038830041885), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great place to eat'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.15297124534845352), ('place ', 0.07323108240962029), ('to ', 0.07084104046225548), ('eat', 0.2895399183034897), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Love this on a hot day.'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.337154783308506), ('this ', -0.01568412408232689), ('on ', 0.050264377146959305), ('a ', 0.07883378304541111), ('hot ', 0.16249310411512852), ('day', 0.1372288204729557), ('.', -0.02685176581144333), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Unfriendly people = no tip for you'} [('', 0.0), ('Un', -0.20357106139999814), ('fr', 0.13143751749885269), ('ien', -0.029881831083912402), ('dly ', -0.03820012853248045), ('people ', -0.05796078231651336), ('= ', 0.04508971399627626), ('no ', -0.24632256090990268), ('tip ', -0.16131501601194032), ('for ', 0.04015936597716063), ('you', 0.2275404523825273), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best in the valley - bar none!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.8130523917789105), ('in ', 0.09541937971516745), ('the ', -0.0860033418648527), ('valley ', 0.08353896458720556), ('- ', -0.0056586206701467745), ('bar ', -0.05228680717846146), ('none', -0.2128133859441732), ('!', 0.01878690585726872), ('!', 0.04273385554552078), ('!', -0.0053024739027023315), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "Samurai Sam's is way better."} [('', 0.0), ('Samurai ', -0.04536394029855728), ('Sam', -0.0035383598878979683), ("'", 0.03355614561587572), ('s ', 0.027418434619903564), ('is ', 0.005005448125302792), ('way ', 0.36022734735161066), ('better', 0.3829570822417736), ('.', -0.03289523348212242), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good as always.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.3170664757490158), ('as ', 0.05843956023454666), ('always', 0.2554256394505501), ('.', -0.04437747597694397), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Love this place! Always fun!'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.1761593148112297), ('this ', 0.04887218214571476), ('place', 0.007802469655871391), ('! ', 0.12890733778476715), ('Always ', 0.15126758068799973), ('fun', 0.18353483825922012), ('!', 0.026907414197921753), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "They don't have enough TVs"} [('', 0.0), ('They ', -0.10650544997770339), ('don', -0.0635462990612723), ("'", -0.04310739293578081), ('t ', -0.10732170377741568), ('have ', 0.12919162891921587), ('enough ', 0.012128706584917381), ('TV', -0.09957455861149356), ('s', 0.009552573319524527), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Eh, I was hungry, nothing else was open at 3am.'} [('', 0.0), ('Eh', -0.0435701677997713), (', ', -0.042292193065804895), ('I ', -0.017005600544507615), ('was ', -0.011661394215479959), ('hungry', -0.07225984619435621), (', ', -0.017743912918376736), ('nothing ', -0.2331266520632198), ('else ', -0.06435405154479668), ('was ', 0.02671145239037287), ('open ', 0.06104184006653668), ('at ', 0.04548763189086458), ('3a', -0.02555204260352184), ('m', 0.006829784684668994), ('.', -0.0280835210942314), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Good service and great drinks!'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.24606888368725777), ('service ', 0.030404772609472275), ('and ', 0.06910555064678192), ('great ', 0.16052871942520142), ('drinks', 0.1001378744840622), ('!', 0.08488751947879791), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': '......'} [('', 0.0), ('.', 0.06875310093164444), ('.', 0.18317953869700432), ('.', 0.15617092326283455), ('.', 0.08368620835244656), ('.', -0.049875957891345024), ('.', -0.16453740000724792), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Service excellent. Food not so great.'} [('', 0.0), ('Service ', -0.05765673832502216), ('excellent', 0.6088611092418432), ('. ', -0.07399941398762167), ('Food ', 0.031038867538882187), ('not ', -0.42300317828994594), ('so ', 0.06490178862804896), ('great', 0.019872193344781408), ('.', -0.2134993010549806), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Horrible service. \\nLumpy, jagged shellac manicure.'} [('', 0.0), ('Horrible ', -0.14776290016743587), ('service', -0.04430500308080809), ('. ', -0.01660509289649781), ('\\', -0.02298242018878227), ('nL', -0.015447062404746248), ('ump', -0.0348421818080169), ('y', -0.015405449183163), (', ', -0.016159070568392053), ('jagged ', -0.05678668586187996), ('shell', -0.05788104535713501), ('ac ', -0.05450159551583056), ('mani', 0.030075929975282634), ('cure', 0.03490487933595432), ('.', 0.0024420806039415766), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Wonderful Fresh Food, I highly recommend them'} [('', 0.0), ('Wonderful ', 0.13906586915254593), ('Fresh ', 0.10740124806761742), ('Food', 0.0312642864882946), (', ', 0.08697442710399628), ('I ', 0.030772261321544647), ('highly ', 0.1394115909934044), ('recommend ', 0.11735830456018448), ('them', 0.07704011350870132), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great food and lots of fun'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.14839982241392136), ('food ', 0.12811297923326492), ('and ', 0.06906947493553162), ('lots ', 0.020649073645472527), ('of ', 0.12892265804111958), ('fun', 0.1959960013628006), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Delivered on time, love there new crust good pizza!'} [('', 0.0), ('Delivered ', 0.20713176764547825), ('on ', 0.03313502483069897), ('time', -0.04080302268266678), (', ', 0.11366070806980133), ('love ', 0.2638456514105201), ('there ', -0.05171145964413881), ('new ', 0.03147429972887039), ('crust ', -0.06913389451801777), ('good ', 0.22491946630179882), ('pizza', -0.04785130359232426), ('!', 0.0010292045772075653), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good food if you like arbys'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.11492063105106354), ('food ', 0.11491145798936486), ('if ', -0.013103699777275324), ('you ', 0.2092171609401703), ('like ', 0.00703662633895874), ('ar', 0.17924985801801085), ('by', 0.08603766048327088), ('s', 0.03099265694618225), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Not bad food. But not great either.'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', 0.1738041211538075), ('bad ', 0.134718810348204), ('food', 0.020377113340146025), ('. ', 0.031598222034517676), ('But ', -0.017630546677537495), ('not ', -0.49597939877639874), ('great ', -0.029425009808619507), ('either', -0.0579244382242905), ('.', -0.031093949743080884), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'watch this \\n\\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZJSYVyoQns\\n\\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OwXWXmQILIk\\n\\n\\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6kMRlpLTudY\\n\\n\\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8_qLky8uY_w'} [('', -0.0034854410637524865), ('watch ', -0.0034854410637524865), ('this ', -0.0053180603731778405), ('\\', -0.0058156641621497415), ('n', -0.004225516361406161), ('\\', -0.005716483243962838), ('nh', -0.0071541822781520225), ('tt', -0.0071541822781520225), ('p', -0.00555075074412993), (':', -0.0011792288427906377), ('/', -0.0011792288427906377), ('/', -0.0011792288427906377), ('www', -0.0011792288427906377), ('.', -0.0006962295887725694), ('youtube', -0.003643339810272058), ('.', -0.0012548736607035003), ('com', -0.004415559504802028), ('/', -0.004415559504802028), ('watch', -0.009050589442873994), ('?', -0.009202778416996201), ('v', -0.00966953236440366), ('=', -0.006890770344232971), ('x', -0.005307525472781348), ('Z', -0.005307525472781348), ('JS', -0.0041058823299321414), ('Y', -0.0041058823299321414), ('Vy', -0.003320045601176756), ('o', -0.003320045601176756), ('Q', -0.006046291389102774), ('ns', -0.006046291389102774), ('\\', -0.005479174323445844), ('n', -0.0054569302476011215), ('\\', -0.0068638438708148895), ('nh', -0.0063032916203762095), ('tt', -0.0063032916203762095), ('p', -0.004928890293619285), (':', -0.002156708261463791), ('/', -0.002156708261463791), ('/', -0.002156708261463791), ('www', -0.002156708261463791), ('.', -0.002156708261463791), ('youtube', -0.0028093296956891813), ('.', -0.0021915256899471083), ('com', -0.004095001223807534), ('/', -0.004095001223807534), ('watch', -0.0044571732481320705), ('?', -0.006529635439316432), ('v', -0.01041471497155726), ('=', -0.006414529914036393), ('Ow', -0.009056104306364433), ('X', -0.007829691242659465), ('W', -0.008008640917250887), ('X', -0.007258485729107633), ('m', -0.004473264754051342), ('QI', -0.004473264754051342), ('LIk', -0.008182518609100953), ('\\', -0.00853180927806534), ('n', -0.003301532733963714), ('\\', -0.004499679691867814), ('n', -0.0034703631231206514), ('\\', -0.0048586074540036776), ('nh', -0.006735844468320942), ('tt', -0.006732553174342251), ('p', -0.004176771664615012), (':', -0.0015276750278038283), ('/', -0.0015276750278038283), ('/', -0.0015276750278038283), ('www', -0.0015276750278038283), ('.', -0.0015276750278038283), ('youtube', -0.0007065675454214215), ('.', -0.0007065675454214215), ('com', -0.0019465045382579167), ('/', -0.0019465045382579167), ('watch', -0.0019465045382579167), ('?', -0.0026646628975868225), ('v', -0.003887771533632148), ('=', -0.0026786694282828457), ('6', -0.005132380258088695), ('kM', -0.005132380258088695), ('Rl', -0.005132380258088695), ('pL', -0.005132380258088695), ('Tu', -0.006736738487176361), ('dY', -0.006736738487176361), ('\\', -0.006736738487176361), ('n', -0.0031388241512190908), ('\\', -0.0031388241512190908), ('n', -0.0031388241512190908), ('\\', -0.0031388241512190908), ('nh', -0.0031917951793210314), ('tt', -0.0031917951793210314), ('p', -0.0031917951793210314), (':', -0.000774243235909602), ('/', -0.000774243235909602), ('/', -0.000774243235909602), ('www', -0.000774243235909602), ('.', -0.000774243235909602), ('youtube', -0.0006682258487368623), ('.', -0.0006682258487368623), ('com', -0.0012771710365389783), ('/', -0.0012771710365389783), ('watch', -0.0012771710365389783), ('?', -0.0011310449723775187), ('v', -0.0037731760558450504), ('=', -0.002871088162508039), ('8', -0.0021482227747106836), ('_', -0.0021482227747106836), ('q', -0.0021186361311092265), ('Lk', -0.0021186361311092265), ('y', -0.0021186361311092265), ('8', -0.0020348807641615467), ('uY', -0.0020348807641615467), ('_', -0.0020348807641615467), ('w', -0.0020348807641615467), ('', -0.0010552567740281422)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'VERY nice store! More helpful and knowledgeable than most stores.'} [('', 0.0), ('VERY ', 0.06958293169736862), ('nice ', 0.35693613183684647), ('store', -0.10415626806207001), ('! ', -0.016223475337028503), ('More ', -0.08328811172395945), ('helpful ', 0.0955013632774353), ('and ', 0.0705439830198884), ('knowledge', 0.042265319265425205), ('able ', 0.11593886557966471), ('than ', 0.0726588312536478), ('most ', 0.06427603866904974), ('stores', -0.05467089172452688), ('.', -0.01992218568921089), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': '??? Closed :('} [('', 0.0), ('?', -0.12936503579840064), ('?', -0.07780262094456702), ('? ', -0.07003627216909081), ('Closed ', -0.03512954502366483), (':', 0.027019989676773548), ('(', -0.00743438582867384), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Richard had great customer service and accommodated our needs.'} [('', 0.0), ('Richard ', 0.0777600035071373), ('had ', -0.11742135870736092), ('great ', 0.3339574708370492), ('customer ', 0.029848643112927675), ('service ', 0.018856679555028677), ('and ', 0.12805397994816303), ('accommodated ', 0.000722566619515419), ('our ', 0.3496883022598922), ('needs', -0.06664145877584815), ('.', -0.05859864875674248), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Food was great, service sucked'} [('', 0.0), ('Food ', 0.10368299466063036), ('was ', -0.005932509775448125), ('great', 0.16566421501920559), (', ', 0.09308927626989316), ('service ', -0.039976348729396705), ('sucked', -0.6029628757751198), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Very customer focused, not a long wait. Great docs too!'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.029287902638316154), ('customer ', 0.021336686797440052), ('focused', 0.11871980968862772), (', ', -0.006428372114896774), ('not ', 0.07481933399685659), ('a ', -0.04326568284886889), ('long ', 0.0881697880977299), ('wait', -0.01258125904132612), ('. ', 0.015061609447002411), ('Great ', 0.29817823600023985), ('doc', -0.06328783230856061), ('s ', 0.0024136356078088284), ('too', -0.24849649891257286), ('!', 0.30891770496964455), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Awful, snotty service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Awful', -0.2578251923696371), (', ', 0.09707229128980543), ('s', 0.019719590634849737), ('not', -0.08113093572137586), ('ty ', -0.033065293086110614), ('service', 0.007427111577271717), ('.', -0.018937699791422347), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "Definately don't treat their employees well. Two thumbs down!"} [('', 0.0), ('Def', 0.0355426600553983), ('inate', -0.10466185544737527), ('ly ', -0.03948911965198931), ('don', -0.11525138346860331), ("'", -0.11705314844493842), ('t ', -0.23286119121621596), ('treat ', 0.18211999333016138), ('their ', 0.051848550820977835), ('employees ', -0.07895200238999678), ('well', 0.14777569764191867), ('. ', 0.04126730864663841), ('Two ', -0.022024932450221968), ('thumbs ', -0.04181903225435235), ('down', -0.10572795338157448), ('!', -0.032480463618412614), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Neighborhood bar , good drinks, nice bartenders. Downfall: cash only'} [('', 0.0), ('Neighborhood ', -0.0161963688879041), ('bar ', -0.040051556410617195), (', ', 0.017785953445127234), ('good ', 0.30896906815178227), ('drinks', 0.00273151537112426), (', ', 0.024693623621715233), ('nice ', 0.4167287338132155), ('bartender', 0.03745823585995822), ('s', -0.05601645546630607), ('. ', 0.07006984722102061), ('Downfall', -0.0667611836688593), (': ', -0.05574015632737428), ('cash ', -0.04087645572144538), ('only', -0.05954295874107629), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Costcos better'} [('', 0.0), ('Cost', -0.34586623311042786), ('cos ', -0.06257662177085876), ('better', 0.4540324807167053), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'this place is dirty and the food sucks'} [('', 0.0), ('this ', -0.010775560345791746), ('place ', 0.07015687975945184), ('is ', 0.04517849211333669), ('dirty ', -0.24006587224357645), ('and ', 0.044702313498419244), ('the ', 0.04260120626895514), ('food ', 0.06437312860543898), ('sucks', -0.28628243634375394), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Sesame Chicken is always my default choice from this spot!'} [('', 0.0), ('Sesame ', 0.005192985758185387), ('Chicken ', -0.2378599230432883), ('is ', -0.0014846049016341567), ('always ', 0.2822472720872611), ('my ', 0.1840889777522534), ('default ', -0.2492569718742743), ('choice ', 0.16499265294987708), ('from ', -0.22607451560907066), ('this ', 0.19156284094788134), ('spot', 0.04991011926904321), ('!', 0.1599468383938074), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Stupidest layout of 4 measly broken down pumps.'} [('', 0.0), ('Stupid', -0.15064357818664575), ('est ', -3.056684909097385e-05), ('layout ', -0.030606542364694178), ('of ', 0.009772439203516115), ('4 ', -0.01479189378733281), ('me', -0.008725893452719902), ('as', -0.08255320859825588), ('ly ', 0.0018527194424677873), ('broken ', -0.03574062900952413), ('down ', -0.030791385090196854), ('pumps', -0.009443015711440239), ('.', -0.020671562671850552), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'I like the fancy walking beer cooler.'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', 0.20785101875662804), ('like ', 0.31249752454459667), ('the ', 0.171216806396842), ('fancy ', 0.30867418251000345), ('walking ', -0.06988257705233991), ('beer ', -0.10956759611144662), ('cooler', -0.060781806241720915), ('.', -0.03914480656385422), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "It's a subway. Same ol' stuff"} [('', 0.0), ('It', 0.014151442388538271), ("'", 0.047457853506784886), ('s ', -0.04530741390772164), ('a ', 0.11013808983261697), ('subway', -0.24244439517497085), ('. ', 0.14451927749905735), ('Same ', -0.36186639149673283), ('ol', 0.042808101716218516), ("' ", -0.0076748432766180485), ('stuff', 0.0032100898679345846), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Meh.'} [('', 0.0), ('Me', 0.14073600620031357), ('h', 0.027081720530986786), ('.', -0.1987626999616623), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "It's Macayo's. Not terrible but not really Mexican food either."} [('', 0.0), ('It', 0.026803742337506264), ("'", -0.005507325113285333), ('s ', -0.020926398341543972), ('Mac', -0.06209193900576793), ('ayo', 0.17984795742086135), ("'", 0.07234368661011104), ('s', 0.06794967791938689), ('. ', -0.01585052569862455), ('Not ', 0.17131829899153672), ('terrible ', 0.04028954156092368), ('but ', -0.34002056188182905), ('not ', -0.33070742746349424), ('really ', -0.0161819503409788), ('Mexican ', 0.06273587257995435), ('food ', 0.002178823777588453), ('either', -0.25687421116405557), ('.', -0.02584688557544723), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Not the best Indian restaurant but it will do!'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', -0.28012842194584664), ('the ', -0.019730630447156727), ('best ', 0.21516028362384532), ('Indian ', 0.05016777332639322), ('restaurant ', 0.023255119202076457), ('but ', 0.3465654737519799), ('it ', -0.04344976646825671), ('will ', 0.35394470347091556), ('do', 0.04571288824081421), ('!', 0.005218289792537689), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Terrible'} [('', 0.0), ('Terrible', -0.9329832975345198), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Horrible.'} [('', 0.0), ('Horrible', -0.8285886849989765), ('.', 0.10206236707017524), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Seriously best turkey sandwich in town'} [('', 0.0), ('Seriously ', -0.05686389468610287), ('best ', 0.5674645337276161), ('turkey ', -0.0775831169448793), ('sandwich ', -0.03365955036133528), ('in ', 0.19960724096745253), ('town', 0.09169746935367584), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Mr pib is flat, Friday fish fry is great.'} [('', 0.0), ('Mr ', 0.015813207890460035), ('pi', 0.013617497599625494), ('b ', 0.0037987852665537503), ('is ', -0.07184914335084613), ('flat', -0.2532948916705209), (', ', 0.029804700017848518), ('Friday ', 0.10095129715409712), ('fish ', -0.04711634636987583), ('fry ', 0.005831244908222288), ('is ', 0.0404990352153618), ('great', 0.4673443163464981), ('.', 0.16920916535309516), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'No more karaoke. :('} [('', 0.0), ('No ', -0.5286687260013423), ('more ', -0.003289320367912296), ('kara', 0.31373703153803945), ('oke', 0.020160249201580882), ('. ', -0.00988324056379497), (':', -0.02713374188169837), ('(', -0.024252327159047127), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good food. Good service'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.11947567388415337), ('food', 0.1105397455394268), ('. ', 0.10205697268247604), ('Good ', 0.33499570190906525), ('service', -0.003048539161682129), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great pizza. I recommend the pepperoni roll appetizer too.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.36395950242877007), ('pizza', -0.057254333049058914), ('. ', -0.014303691685199738), ('I ', 0.01363175897859037), ('recommend ', 0.31458620517514646), ('the ', 0.016587990801781416), ('pepper', -0.06649966770783067), ('oni ', 0.008437105920165777), ('roll ', -0.004492199048399925), ('app', 0.05712914391187951), ('eti', 0.07256639172555879), ('zer ', -0.06881266180425882), ('too', -0.20157951166038401), ('.', 0.1494719614565838), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'this place is good but i think its over hyped...'} [('', -1.9150185835314915e-05), ('this ', -0.029471527795976726), ('place ', 0.015464490198610292), ('is ', 0.017305670192399703), ('good ', 0.34447170552994066), ('but ', -0.32476198161202774), ('i ', 0.005197110358039936), ('think ', -0.026214618972971948), ('its ', -0.05056212889621747), ('over ', -0.1002961146718917), ('h', -0.0077163806336102425), ('ype', -0.2010372144786743), ('d', 0.08853339688721462), ('.', -0.03338489257475885), ('.', -0.054995082959067076), ('.', -0.07117878494318575), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'The BEST sushi in the state. Try the Lobster Roll.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.07676351396366954), ('BEST ', 0.6368322730995715), ('su', -0.07000405597500503), ('shi ', -0.006993259536102414), ('in ', 0.026623327052220702), ('the ', 0.026011909591034055), ('state', 0.03853114228695631), ('. ', 0.03235323913395405), ('Try ', -0.03866230905987322), ('the ', 0.00014344719238579273), ('Lobster ', -0.16049098270013928), ('Roll', 0.07994648953899741), ('.', -0.0323166698217392), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'My son loved the sushi the portions are huge !!!'} [('', 0.0), ('My ', 0.006702771410346031), ('son ', 0.12039430369623005), ('loved ', 0.192559675546363), ('the ', -0.011410376522690058), ('su', -0.035890574974473566), ('shi ', 0.05233220331138), ('the ', 0.04618746694177389), ('portions ', -0.01522853597998619), ('are ', 0.03381631849333644), ('huge ', 0.1926646064966917), ('!', 0.0342385726980865), ('!', 0.01582890748977661), ('!', -0.022854790091514587), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'The owners are very rude.. food is OK..not the best'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.0038428892439696938), ('owners ', 0.004722620811662637), ('are ', 0.016872323627467267), ('very ', 0.04739201266784221), ('rude', -0.26573016023030505), ('.', -0.023526718898210675), ('. ', -0.013756200085481396), ('food ', 0.052450196186782705), ('is ', 0.15341105291781787), ('OK', 0.15216354852873337), ('.', 0.05396174723682634), ('.', -0.20494227897870587), ('not ', -0.4075694415023463), ('the ', -0.022325785126668052), ('best', 0.035736627116421005), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'WALLYMART! The freaks are out in force today!'} [('', 0.0), ('WALLY', 0.1513545960187912), ('MART', -0.2957322229631245), ('! ', -0.14918425166979432), ('The ', 0.11193201816058718), ('freaks ', -0.3593476192036178), ('are ', -0.04821560994605534), ('out ', -0.18600648900610395), ('in ', 0.11173095114645548), ('force ', 0.13824774834210984), ('today', 0.191989068640396), ('!', 0.021564973518252373), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'I think its time America got rid of Walmarts.'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', -0.02951008197851479), ('think ', -0.08833178872009739), ('its ', -0.03106944012688473), ('time ', -0.04020949575351551), ('America ', 0.025741474877577275), ('got ', -0.008552414619771298), ('rid ', -0.051060625999525655), ('of ', 0.04999454887001775), ('Wal', -0.05901217006612569), ('mart', -0.058435306418687105), ('s', -0.03299241664353758), ('.', -0.040294693084433675), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'BBQ joint pretty good. Lots of options.'} [('', 0.0), ('BB', -0.07588031655177474), ('Q ', 0.011748105753213167), ('joint ', 0.030402074451558292), ('pretty ', 0.06165061460342258), ('good', 0.3350271845702082), ('. ', 0.02023295545950532), ('Lots ', 0.12232103664427996), ('of ', 0.029017877764999866), ('options', 0.20013883896172047), ('.', -0.03774667903780937), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Perfect haircut for a great price!'} [('', 0.0), ('Perfect ', 0.42636987660080194), ('hair', -0.00891706207767129), ('cut ', -0.05284241074696183), ('for ', 0.030951397493481636), ('a ', 0.10474143736064434), ('great ', 0.2604896849952638), ('price', -0.06073257094249129), ('!', 0.029122069478034973), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great stuff for fast food...'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.37251783814281225), ('stuff ', 0.14212318556383252), ('for ', -0.05076219281181693), ('fast ', 0.2427289665210992), ('food', 0.07601229869760573), ('.', 0.019134285394102335), ('.', -0.021453645080327988), ('.', -0.051050662994384766), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "It's Rubio's. 'Nuff said."} [('', 0.0), ('It', 0.032119312323629856), ("'", 0.024518110789358616), ('s ', 0.027843890711665154), ('Rub', -0.004769269842654467), ('io', 0.15007907385006547), ("'", 0.18523375946097076), ('s', 0.2520177860278636), ('. ', 0.07568334229290485), ("'", -0.12222485989332199), ('Nu', -0.1402878202497959), ('ff ', -0.12687790393829346), ('said', 0.3147776462137699), ('.', -0.06008650362491608), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Awesome turkey cranberry !'} [('', 0.0), ('Awesome ', 0.4226152300834656), ('turkey ', -0.07608357071876526), ('cr', -0.17526590498164296), ('an', 0.12252398254349828), ('berry ', 0.19909953325986862), ('!', 0.1981283575296402), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Over rated... Sloppy Mexican food with plastic forks..'} [('', 0.0), ('Over ', -0.25484567852981854), ('rated', 0.08203538892848883), ('.', -0.017507281969301403), ('.', -0.0197387189946312), ('. ', -0.01959646115938085), ('Sloppy ', -0.13176610203208838), ('Mexican ', 0.042677543061472534), ('food ', 0.007732969015251001), ('with ', 0.01870580339937078), ('plastic ', -0.02999050576454465), ('forks', -0.01792023680809507), ('.', -0.011756643480111961), ('.', -0.037954888146487065), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Cheap and pretty quick. Food was average, margaritas alright.'} [('', 0.0), ('Cheap ', -0.5264070372795686), ('and ', -0.02245727169793099), ('pretty ', 0.11038131432724185), ('quick', 0.13160898895876016), ('. ', 0.1062347258994123), ('Food ', 0.07487926313478965), ('was ', -0.1013394480542047), ('average', -0.03638565537403338), (', ', 0.06549010082380846), ('margarita', -0.06390124368772376), ('s ', 0.1150758871663129), ('alright', 0.6510939265426714), ('.', 0.06140796636464074), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Just got juvederm done here. Turned out great.'} [('', 0.0), ('Just ', -0.03564343211473897), ('got ', -0.017880020604934543), ('ju', -0.01523922712658532), ('ved', -0.010789641848532483), ('er', -0.020682019123341888), ('m ', -0.008355322352144867), ('done ', -0.047241501190001145), ('here', -0.015005479188403115), ('. ', -0.018973404308781028), ('Turned ', 0.011852802184876055), ('out ', 0.007555348740424961), ('great', 0.8150102029321715), ('.', -0.035562085220590234), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best breakfast you will find.'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.17930914461612701), ('breakfast ', 0.05064179748296738), ('you ', 0.12388219684362411), ('will ', 0.37524204328656197), ('find', -0.015677593648433685), ('.', -0.022454645484685898), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': "Not bad. That's about all I can say."} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', 0.40866790831387334), ('bad', 0.3865408876135916), ('. ', -0.012021715752780437), ('That', 0.02842008013976738), ("'", -0.018776641169097275), ('s ', 0.017083925427868962), ('about ', 0.10847411258146167), ('all ', -0.036386887077242136), ('I ', -0.16215588571503758), ('can ', -0.008277393411844969), ('say', -0.040524222888052464), ('.', -0.04490062315016985), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Poorly maintained. Bare dirt everywhere.'} [('', 0.0), ('Poorly ', -0.4040384467225522), ('maintained', 0.14801097564486554), ('. ', 0.10697802284994395), ('Bare ', -0.11639612373710406), ('dirt ', -0.13230794478386088), ('everywhere', 0.14788326786037942), ('.', -0.02633671585499542), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Very nice local day spa and salon.'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.02353106066584587), ('nice ', 0.1826600981876254), ('local ', 0.02682181540876627), ('day ', 0.05495249945670366), ('spa ', -0.027004401199519634), ('and ', 0.16514374129474163), ('salon', 0.2861958295106888), ('.', 0.016926363110542297), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Customer Service lacking! Cleanliness Null & Void!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Customer ', -0.015982507362423348), ('Service ', -0.01552114867263299), ('lacking', -0.12056576212125947), ('! ', -0.02905908247703337), ('Clean', 0.02057113437672342), ('liness ', 0.005510569210628091), ('Null ', -0.15125409974052673), ('& ', 0.04146844451133802), ('Void', -0.10689391634059575), ('!', 0.012279113969270838), ('!', 0.003144151014566887), ('!', -0.01598666915378999), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': '....'} [('', 0.0), ('.', 0.17593105137348175), ('.', 0.27423378080129623), ('.', 0.14603667706251144), ('.', -0.06165426969528198), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Not gun friendly!'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', -0.3954001250094734), ('gun ', -0.17054891828229302), ('friendly', -0.10191086525082937), ('!', 0.2575098794186488), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good Sushi at a fair price.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.3677838370203972), ('Su', -0.05335813947021961), ('shi ', 0.05644024349749088), ('at ', -0.02097639162093401), ('a ', 0.15249755326658487), ('fair ', 0.2783007943071425), ('price', -0.027749671135097742), ('.', -0.023783937096595764), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'A good choice for Mexican food'} [('', 0.0), ('A ', 0.2526089996099472), ('good ', 0.1714254841208458), ('choice ', 0.11790775507688522), ('for ', -0.057831984013319016), ('Mexican ', 0.09452467784285545), ('food', 0.11244957149028778), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Poor management'} [('', 0.0), ('Poor ', -0.7963151139265392), ('management', 0.0697904463740997), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Avoid like the plague.'} [('', 0.0), ('Avoid ', -0.13338122778804973), ('like ', -0.05077176554186735), ('the ', 0.16820733407803345), ('plague', -0.2608554579783231), ('.', -0.04472412494942546), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Good food, great value n they deliver!!!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.21680384781211615), ('food', 0.10078865755349398), (', ', -0.04772714152932167), ('great ', 0.17985304398462176), ('value ', -0.03615543944761157), ('n ', -0.03402862593065947), ('they ', -0.008524259668774903), ('deliver', 0.16355264652520418), ('!', 0.0040292516350746155), ('!', 0.025600487366318703), ('!', 0.003610638901591301), ('!', 0.008901864290237427), ('!', 0.03277570754289627), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great place good food'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.148516483604908), ('place ', 0.06504858657717705), ('good ', 0.08361062034964561), ('food', 0.2894120067358017), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Amazing service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Amazing ', 0.241230770945549), ('service', 0.19746915996074677), ('.', 0.038184791803359985), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'I like BK, but this one was gross!!!'} [('', 3.6635567539633485e-06), ('I ', 0.2042079802824901), ('like ', 0.1726729221338701), ('BK', -0.06555273871595091), (', ', 0.005844647906997125), ('but ', -0.14162468932863703), ('this ', -0.0330367178311235), ('one ', 0.011744700877102332), ('was ', -0.09492700700025125), ('gross', -0.4559211323676209), ('!', 0.034917090195904166), ('!', 0.005398032284574583), ('!', -0.01601083914283663), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Thanks for having happy hour sonic.'} [('', 0.0), ('Thanks ', 0.39356430619955063), ('for ', -0.004074763506650925), ('having ', -0.027946900576353073), ('happy ', 0.21987239085137844), ('hour ', 0.03169890306890011), ('sonic', 0.1353403739631176), ('.', -0.025032736361026764), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Starch Paradise'} [('', 0.0), ('Star', 0.31129036098718643), ('ch ', -0.07351813465356827), ('Paradise', 0.23872685432434082), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Horrible experience, bad service, sub-par food.'} [('', 0.0), ('Horrible ', -0.11597563088434981), ('experience', 0.003032510943739908), (', ', 0.004486941037612269), ('bad ', -0.13151787828428496), ('service', -0.06230621370013978), (', ', 0.08464835111226421), ('sub', -0.026532289468377712), ('-', 0.008869808383678901), ('par ', -0.049605912710831035), ('food', -0.02562203425623011), ('.', -0.023095318792911712), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Wow, dirty bathrooms, dirty concession stand. Just eww.'} [('', 0.0), ('Wow', 0.14026019800803624), (', ', 0.047862114966847), ('dirty ', -0.20703403152583633), ('bathrooms', -0.0669262261071708), (', ', -0.00184251343307551), ('dirty ', -0.058581864890584257), ('concession ', -0.02789843675418524), ('stand', -0.014543022043653764), ('. ', -0.015727501275250688), ('Just ', -0.0716335728066042), ('e', -0.016683712688973173), ('w', -0.06639044420444407), ('w', -0.01325771352276206), ('.', -0.039044773555360734), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Typical.'} [('', 0.0), ('Typical', -0.8176742607029155), ('.', 0.0922854634700343), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Nice visit. Quick Service and good food.'} [('', 0.0), ('Nice ', 0.17937446013092995), ('visit', 0.12274232879281044), ('. ', 0.054076530039310455), ('Quick ', -0.007500451058149338), ('Service ', 0.015939921140670776), ('and ', 0.07946604862809181), ('good ', 0.22691531386226416), ('food', 0.028171482495963573), ('.', 0.013816123828291893), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "Rude employees. Don't expect much help. Slowest check-outs EVER."} [('', 0.0), ('Rude ', -0.08382299910954316), ('employees', -0.03045688523343415), ('. ', -0.006744946811522823), ('Don', -0.007265548548275547), ("'", -0.01631780787374737), ('t ', -0.017444527984480374), ('expect ', -0.0020182503494652337), ('much ', -0.029173068897762278), ('help', -0.024256817736386438), ('. ', -0.012858270572905894), ('Slow', -0.10734095515726949), ('est ', -0.022475945068435976), ('check', -0.02285262871737359), ('-', 0.01060523353953613), ('outs ', -0.06318450120306807), ('EVER', -0.015436660971317906), ('.', -0.009936752991052344), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Packed lines so messy I walk in I walk out'} [('', 0.0), ('Packed ', 0.08162843874379178), ('lines ', -0.04389090916265559), ('so ', -0.08413000714244845), ('messy ', -0.3047204925078404), ('I ', 0.033388485901014064), ('walk ', 0.07875618439538812), ('in ', 0.08619992594867654), ('I ', 0.026318067120882915), ('walk ', -0.05743935129066813), ('out', -0.11873684939200757), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'One of the best Starbucks in the valley.'} [('', 0.0), ('One ', 0.016830183565616608), ('of ', 0.05785836651921272), ('the ', 0.029755759984254837), ('best ', 0.4744503260590136), ('Starbucks ', -0.0736434836871922), ('in ', 0.06444118358194828), ('the ', 0.10953937098383904), ('valley', 0.12892919033765793), ('.', -0.09525313600897789), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Nice ambiance but a little noisy, over priced.'} [('', 0.0), ('Nice ', 0.2556409188400721), ('am', 0.10507399006382911), ('bian', 0.09844587849147501), ('ce ', 0.006645775320066605), ('but ', -0.30063962234999053), ('a ', -0.0008108753809210612), ('little ', -0.02816128895028669), ('noisy', -0.13173770556750242), (', ', -0.06555835527615272), ('over ', -0.390000433428213), ('priced', 0.13826630567200482), ('.', -0.05514556961134076), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Just another mediocre chain restaurant..'} [('', 0.0), ('Just ', -0.016803569449621136), ('another ', -0.18824393026989128), ('med', -0.12054635200729535), ('io', -0.0011033074169972679), ('cre ', -0.10613691553589888), ('chain ', 0.013778211587123224), ('restaurant', 0.21870661852699413), ('.', -0.028338158008409664), ('.', -0.05797363982128445), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Never...ever...again. There is too much other good food around town.'} [('', 0.0), ('Never', -0.18437641527270898), ('.', 0.016777824028395116), ('.', -0.012291775368794333), ('.', 0.0005015379210817628), ('ever', -0.033141857231385075), ('.', -0.029179304037825204), ('.', -0.011789572447014507), ('.', -0.011914237889868673), ('again', -0.046437398854322964), ('. ', -0.0201937216152146), ('There ', -0.021957792385364883), ('is ', 0.007404131538351066), ('too ', -0.2897874562186189), ('much ', -0.028759237495251), ('other ', -0.0240948958460649), ('good ', 0.15879176916787402), ('food ', 0.022739601786452113), ('around ', 0.022786240449204343), ('town', 0.014507417864660966), ('.', -0.015165538985456806), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': "All good, they don't make dumplins like me though!,"} [('', 0.0), ('All ', -0.027957839891314507), ('good', 0.8468948532827199), (', ', -0.046894453931599855), ('they ', -0.04125565811409615), ('don', -0.04838476330405683), ("'", -0.022910012670763535), ('t ', -0.11001784457766917), ('make ', -0.03576507935213158), ('dump', 0.0035772143382928334), ('lins ', -0.054577987277298234), ('like ', 0.018340894792345352), ('me ', 0.13279809821688104), ('though', 0.017890402144985273), ('!', -0.0002361490041948855), (',', -0.0658024251461029), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Closed!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Closed', 0.05984152480959892), ('!', 0.09908648952841759), ('!', 0.14961985498666763), ('!', 0.27734751999378204), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Manny from modern family was here'} [('', 0.0), ('Manny ', 0.010211504995822906), ('from ', -0.023321831598877907), ('modern ', 0.33565776236355305), ('family ', 0.2454448640346527), ('was ', 0.040867820382118225), ('here', 0.07810981571674347), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great place to sit, eat and watch sports!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.1749754399061203), ('place ', 0.030796067789196968), ('to ', 0.0693045761436224), ('sit', 0.02282910794019699), (', ', 0.05194614827632904), ('eat ', 0.05898023396730423), ('and ', 0.09720886498689651), ('watch ', 0.12924654223024845), ('sports', 0.05520004965364933), ('!', 0.006432052701711655), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': '**closed**'} [('', 0.0), ('*', 0.11226470023393631), ('*', 0.20859706215560436), ('closed', 0.135458717122674), ('*', 0.15909786522388458), ('*', 0.048287272453308105), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Always fun!'} [('', 0.0), ('Always ', 0.11929912865161896), ('fun', 0.12215782701969147), ('!', 0.23543205857276917), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good Mexican food and amazing atmosphere.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.1957210898399353), ('Mexican ', 0.06183050572872162), ('food ', 0.10415495932102203), ('and ', 0.0523424968123436), ('amazing ', 0.17029129341244698), ('atmosphere', 0.14417100325226784), ('.', -0.00506378710269928), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'The stylist Delilah is fabulous with hair color.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.005758374929428101), ('st', 0.13042791187763214), ('yl', 0.14501798525452614), ('ist ', 0.027163546532392502), ('Delilah ', -0.052300537936389446), ('is ', 0.021533834747970104), ('fabulous ', 0.23327394761145115), ('with ', 0.02583610825240612), ('hair ', 0.0033704526722431183), ('color', 0.1423615925014019), ('.', -0.004869416356086731), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': '10 TIMES better than the Phx Zoo.....'} [('', 0.0), ('10 ', 0.2501711491495371), ('TIMES ', 0.04202965018339455), ('better ', 0.24192193779163063), ('than ', 0.2290355961304158), ('the ', 0.01897154632024467), ('Ph', -0.07866794924484566), ('x ', 0.03290945029584691), ('Zoo', 0.08496675326023251), ('.', -0.06243319623172283), ('.', -0.03366667544469237), ('.', -0.035051165614277124), ('.', -0.038561297580599785), ('.', -0.04300944693386555), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Nice people, friendly service... going back soon for me... lol'} [('', 0.0), ('Nice ', 0.2732179034501314), ('people', -0.052079444751143456), (', ', 0.011447016149759293), ('friendly ', 0.32070647389627993), ('service', -0.09122074232436717), ('.', -0.009663935750722885), ('.', -0.005993535276502371), ('. ', -0.010112064890563488), ('going ', 0.07933830938418396), ('back ', -0.028048800682881847), ('soon ', 0.008287694123282563), ('for ', 0.03416171618300723), ('me', 0.1189137912588194), ('.', 0.02931534079834819), ('.', -0.04956923006102443), ('. ', -0.02741805510595441), ('lo', -0.044523824006319046), ('l', -0.026318341493606567), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Always friendly employees.'} [('', 0.0), ('Always ', 0.3105131834745407), ('friendly ', 0.19389475136995316), ('employees', 0.1263078823685646), ('.', -0.04435759782791138), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "Doesn't have a playplace for kids. Very dissapointed."} [('', 0.0), ('Doesn', -0.11929634086845908), ("'", -0.025700125901494175), ('t ', -0.12365235395554919), ('have ', -0.0036941211146768183), ('a ', 0.026323778671212494), ('play', -0.04793063935267128), ('pl', -0.042116381912819634), ('ace ', 0.014497838608804159), ('for ', 0.034107478846635786), ('kids', 0.05666325584934384), ('. ', -0.0007595732931804378), ('Very ', -0.05210862765670754), ('di', -0.11479866099944047), ('ssa', -0.13487462128068728), ('point', 0.055301813104961184), ('ed', 0.04714511026577384), ('.', -0.029625430004671216), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'I only go here for some sweet tea.'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', -0.03196396864950657), ('only ', -0.1794090559706092), ('go ', 0.07470483053475618), ('here ', 0.11147340550087392), ('for ', 0.03476156038232148), ('some ', 0.05914525652769953), ('sweet ', 0.6310510949697345), ('tea', -0.0035815987503156066), ('.', -0.020910996943712234), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Me no likely. Dirty bathrooms'} [('', 0.0), ('Me ', 0.07861559276352637), ('no ', -0.276517474630964), ('likely', -0.007692230588872917), ('. ', 0.05154111603042111), ('Dirty ', -0.1586558593553491), ('bathrooms', 0.006164733727928251), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "Burritos are mediocre. But the tacos aren't bad."} [('', 0.0), ('Burr', -0.05468235993612325), ('ito', -0.028366692269628402), ('s ', -0.01228675751190167), ('are ', -0.018602260628540535), ('med', -0.04844552777831268), ('io', -0.008032962812649203), ('cre', -0.04279162819511839), ('. ', -0.015918557575787418), ('But ', -0.006739693591953255), ('the ', -0.03563753413618542), ('ta', 0.040950862974568736), ('cos ', 0.014683618406706955), ('aren', 0.006224653523531742), ("'", -0.0040984186343848705), ('t ', 0.38741950919211376), ('bad', 0.3758219476803788), ('.', -0.01365998216351727), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Really good pizza and wings!'} [('', 0.0), ('Really ', 0.14406754076480865), ('good ', 0.2015584520995617), ('pizza ', 0.0003379024565219879), ('and ', 0.0673035979270935), ('wings', 0.1730298027396202), ('!', 0.10483411699533463), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Cheap. Fast. Fresh.'} [('', 0.0), ('Cheap', -0.881306914241577), ('. ', 0.058892602297419216), ('Fast', 0.1250747826998122), ('. ', 0.04457402853586245), ('Fresh', 0.3726562820447725), ('.', -0.026590935078274924), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'service was excellent'} [('', 0.0), ('service ', 0.20362526178359985), ('was ', 0.08208033442497253), ('excellent', 0.19114646315574646), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "This food is poison don't eat at any red lobster"} [('', 0.0), ('This ', -0.015943848760798573), ('food ', 0.035664870898472145), ('is ', -0.006087539048166946), ('poison ', -0.10756926541216671), ('don', -0.017911012924741954), ("'", -0.032365389924962074), ('t ', -0.04238451295532286), ('eat ', 0.035932479542680085), ('at ', 0.03301927528809756), ('any ', -0.1397401833673939), ('red ', -0.03754743316676468), ('lobster', -0.0680160813499242), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Always get good service here. Good family owned business.'} [('', 0.0), ('Always ', 0.08218490332365036), ('get ', -0.05120289046317339), ('good ', 0.3196602361276746), ('service ', -0.03650239109992981), ('here', -0.0002105189487338066), ('. ', 0.0171456141397357), ('Good ', 0.2501183729618788), ('family ', 0.08892974071204662), ('owned ', 0.008701142854988575), ('business', 0.022889397107064724), ('.', -0.0359184592962265), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Service could be better, but everything is usually quite acceptable.'} [('', 0.0), ('Service ', -0.040807846467942), ('could ', -0.060884368896950036), ('be ', -0.014251124986913055), ('better', -0.04517910839058459), (', ', -0.01332424208521843), ('but ', 0.03195632679853588), ('everything ', 0.008160055207554251), ('is ', 0.06438545213313773), ('usually ', -0.008590504061430693), ('quite ', 0.2224456804106012), ('acceptable', 0.5160306225297973), ('.', -0.03305174317210913), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Not my pleasure, not a fan.'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', -0.36954741306544747), ('my ', -0.0020593726439983584), ('pleasure', 0.1464615756922285), (', ', 0.08486421420820989), ('not ', -0.33806410311808577), ('a ', 0.054540553952392656), ('fan', 0.18075962435978), ('.', -0.02644451754167676), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Awesome pizza & wings! Great specials and great prices.'} [('', 0.0), ('Awesome ', 0.22065477818250656), ('pizza ', -0.015376211842522025), ('& ', 0.05670484690926969), ('wings', 0.08896828815340996), ('! ', -0.01643255352973938), ('Great ', 0.20651590172201395), ('specials ', 0.01911845337599516), ('and ', 0.049457114189863205), ('great ', 0.16361676156520844), ('prices', -0.06964372098445892), ('.', -0.03752148151397705), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Friendly staff.\\nFast check-out. \\nGreat selection.'} [('', 0.0), ('Friendly ', 0.44719744962640107), ('staff', 0.04238479142077267), ('.', -0.04727322841063142), ('\\', -0.008877953514456749), ('n', 0.006756586371921003), ('Fast ', 0.018396621220745146), ('check', 0.08451553780469112), ('-', 0.027013866958441213), ('out', 0.11507180565968156), ('. ', 0.05538233742117882), ('\\', -0.0572154289111495), ('nG', 0.010334188409615308), ('rea', -0.050253273046109825), ('t ', -0.051526338094845414), ('selection', -0.0143998465500772), ('.', -0.027111627627164125), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Not a bad place to get a giant burger.'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', 0.4075747057031549), ('a ', 0.0990618399791856), ('bad ', 0.28267675576171314), ('place ', 0.0062277959659695625), ('to ', -0.01985491719096899), ('get ', -0.08104126015678048), ('a ', 0.02981165098026395), ('giant ', 0.007845654850825667), ('burger', -0.03281103610061109), ('.', -0.004495488479733467), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'all i can say is, red robin, yum'} [('', 0.0), ('all ', -0.10236599016934633), ('i ', 0.03555515129119158), ('can ', 0.08939299173653126), ('say ', -0.01247585378587246), ('is', -0.06971770711243153), (', ', 0.20068336091935635), ('red ', -0.13008625467773527), ('robin', 0.47364568372722715), (', ', 0.2636207826435566), ('yu', -0.08062301017343998), ('m', -0.09931603260338306), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Great selection of Bbq/smoking needs!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.6967260949313641), ('selection ', 0.08964355452917516), ('of ', 0.05878471047617495), ('Bb', -0.06453271151985973), ('q', 0.009393347892910242), ('/', 0.0076715275790775195), ('smoking ', -0.05540601936809253), ('needs', -0.034419915959006175), ('!', 0.002951354254037142), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Music way too loud. Cannot have conversation without almost yelling'} [('', 0.0), ('Music ', 0.07584049293654971), ('way ', 0.09713003127399134), ('too ', -0.3925667198418523), ('loud', -0.1435967389115831), ('. ', -0.20315195620059967), ('Cannot ', -0.034907344306702726), ('have ', 0.0859263597521931), ('conversation ', 0.004947112851368729), ('without ', 0.3015324548832723), ('almost ', -0.015516329694946762), ('yelling', -0.10599581443966599), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Yum ice cream'} [('', 0.0), ('Yu', 0.169180266559124), ('m ', 0.12326311320066452), ('ice ', 0.13230041414499283), ('cream', 0.13028664141893387), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'You can eat there all day'} [('', 0.0), ('You ', 0.18462049961090088), ('can ', 0.0691000297665596), ('eat ', 0.11945908516645432), ('there ', 0.08244389295578003), ('all ', 0.046213164925575256), ('day', 0.1886722296476364), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great service. Always quick and friendly.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.3427904862910509), ('service', -0.06914317794144154), ('. ', 0.09090191125869751), ('Always ', 0.08662580046802759), ('quick ', 0.05301070865243673), ('and ', 0.04329132288694382), ('friendly', 0.19350678473711014), ('.', -0.011715762317180634), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good beer and food!'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.35882648453116417), ('beer ', -0.026609312742948532), ('and ', 0.09120900183916092), ('food', 0.128980103880167), ('!', 0.11161315813660622), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "It's pretty good, just a little crowded."} [('', 0.0), ('It', -0.016786420987045858), ("'", -0.000700006763509009), ('s ', -0.018480185608495958), ('pretty ', 0.19050352260819636), ('good', 0.5782465797383338), (', ', 0.09892168367514387), ('just ', -0.06296405461034738), ('a ', 0.0011862620594911277), ('little ', -0.022278274976997636), ('crowded', -0.04616337087645661), ('.', -0.035499553952831775), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Scenery nice, food meh.'} [('', 0.0), ('Scenery ', 0.14121242985129356), ('nice', 0.2697143666446209), (', ', 0.20353249460458755), ('food ', 0.12246757373213768), ('me', 0.1866723047569394), ('h', -0.06532444152981043), ('.', -0.1348520815372467), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'great gyros and friendly employees!'} [('', 0.0), ('great ', 0.21336457133293152), ('g', 0.0229928782209754), ('yr', 0.07887139450758696), ('os ', 0.048833465203642845), ('and ', 0.04626768082380295), ('friendly ', 0.2597263806965202), ('employees', -0.006291644414886832), ('!', 0.06551145389676094), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Affordable, clean, food is delicious. Recommended!'} [('', 0.0), ('Affordable', 0.0861444678157568), (', ', 0.002312632277607918), ('clean', 0.062348222360014915), (', ', 0.02363339252769947), ('food ', -0.0017860340885818005), ('is ', 0.016590274404734373), ('delicious', 0.17067904397845268), ('. ', -0.010785885155200958), ('Recommended', 0.3478200361132622), ('!', -3.086775541305542e-05), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "Really good gyros... best I've had in Phoenix"} [('', 0.0), ('Really ', 0.014669161289930344), ('good ', 0.17272784933447838), ('g', 0.02643174771219492), ('yr', 0.050425547640770674), ('os', 0.006585619878023863), ('.', 0.014005620032548904), ('.', -0.021397529169917107), ('. ', -0.023611215874552727), ('best ', 0.2484159069135785), ('I', 0.06099909311160445), ("'", 0.013129265513271093), ('ve ', -0.018871136475354433), ('had ', 0.007754249963909388), ('in ', 0.00592995248734951), ('Phoenix', 0.010398279875516891), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Lemon chicken delicious.'} [('', 0.0), ('Lemon ', 0.07252085953950882), ('chicken ', -0.1934289603959769), ('delicious', 0.7512974634300917), ('.', -0.044054627418518066), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Awesome gyros!'} [('', 0.0), ('Awesome ', 0.20051322132349014), ('g', 0.0681325551122427), ('yr', 0.08735467307269573), ('os', 0.03740837052464485), ('!', 0.2706243246793747), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'If you look, you can find some cool stuff.'} [('', 0.0), ('If ', -0.09200425818562508), ('you ', 0.1796965030953288), ('look', 0.09121558163315058), (', ', 0.07792399823665619), ('you ', 0.1538956998847425), ('can ', 0.05781860975548625), ('find ', -0.09143799124285579), ('some ', -0.043954776134341955), ('cool ', 0.35893884068354964), ('stuff', 0.044897614512592554), ('.', -0.07106515392661095), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Not good at all.'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', -0.6303995999405743), ('good ', 0.20305145012480352), ('at ', 0.018683816396332986), ('all', 0.11794122140054242), ('.', -0.04491029820928816), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'New shrimp cocktail was awesome! Love them!'} [('', 0.0), ('New ', 0.0027206819504499435), ('shrimp ', -0.050700376741588116), ('cocktail ', 0.0002670837566256523), ('was ', -0.012414494063705206), ('awesome', 0.35423759603872895), ('! ', 0.06235095951706171), ('Love ', 0.22940408438444138), ('them', 0.12354160100221634), ('!', 0.003563031554222107), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "eh it's chili's.."} [('', 0.0), ('eh ', -0.02620510198175907), ('it', -0.1057727875886485), ("'", 0.014257757691666484), ('s ', 0.08955475233960897), ('chili', -0.28936301040812396), ("'", 0.037560896103968844), ('s', 0.142189075704664), ('.', -0.0655245017260313), ('.', -0.06420376151800156), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'not good'} [('', 0.0), ('not ', -0.859887730468472), ('good', 0.13336490080837393), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Staff was real friendly, but the food was just ok.'} [('', 0.0), ('Staff ', 0.0007640887051820755), ('was ', 0.002589835785329342), ('real ', 0.15189677476882935), ('friendly', 0.16510343458503485), (', ', -0.006742700934410095), ('but ', -0.21172389620915055), ('the ', -0.0194626587908715), ('food ', 0.03911246289499104), ('was ', 0.07051824335940182), ('just ', 0.040083145489916205), ('ok', 0.4500058237463236), ('.', -0.05493658874183893), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good food, decent prices!'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.1408303752541542), ('food', 0.12078627198934555), (', ', 0.08439865708351135), ('decent ', 0.357614035718143), ('prices', -0.09785899054259062), ('!', 0.08536118268966675), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Terrible manager with terrible service and client interaction!'} [('', 0.0), ('Terrible ', -0.23499128227194888), ('manager ', 0.04453355399073189), ('with ', 0.024603817038041598), ('terrible ', -0.26541958357302065), ('service ', 0.008632092814877979), ('and ', 0.0903357827628497), ('client ', -0.15134678411959612), ('interaction', 0.21485362615385384), ('!', -0.017868095430458197), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Your one stop shop for Americanized Chinese takeout....'} [('', 0.0), ('Your ', 0.05013910075649619), ('one ', 0.013143411779310554), ('stop ', -0.12792705971514806), ('shop ', -0.13089593243785203), ('for ', -0.04032534849829972), ('American', -0.10366838017944247), ('ized ', -0.21604110451880842), ('Chinese ', 0.02326806471683085), ('take', 0.18215469975257292), ('out', 0.1447031339048408), ('.', 0.06653503980487585), ('.', -0.08484468376263976), ('.', -0.08839364489540458), ('.', -0.07943961676210165), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Bad service, cold food'} [('', 0.0), ('Bad ', -0.278969699418667), ('service', 0.02578678264762857), (', ', 0.0806793803058099), ('cold ', -0.32331889250781387), ('food', 0.16040371319104452), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best Chinese in Las Vegas.'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.3069536089897156), ('Chinese ', 0.05937600135803223), ('in ', 0.026938170194625854), ('Las ', 0.07964049093425274), ('Vegas', 0.23711453191936016), ('.', -0.018970485776662827), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Dirty. Not well staffed or cleaned.'} [('', 0.0), ('Dirty', -0.22124091192745254), ('. ', 0.08823530573499738), ('Not ', -0.15532244932819594), ('well ', 0.10088653733055253), ('staffed ', -0.01752599204519356), ('or ', -0.018798117756887223), ('cleaned', -0.03629850834477111), ('.', -0.010299232586476137), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'The service has gotten better...'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.12279439286794513), ('service ', -0.35599599219858646), ('has ', 0.1625585687579587), ('gotten ', -0.12693510868120939), ('better', 0.06459939328487962), ('.', 0.1690197999123484), ('.', -0.11620929930359125), ('.', -0.15336108021438122), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'really good thin NY style pizza'} [('', 0.0), ('really ', 0.15630000829696655), ('good ', 0.6091903863998596), ('thin ', -0.3860232947918121), ('NY ', 0.04526636749505997), ('style ', 0.23737481981515884), ('pizza', 0.02865441143512726), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'great for games'} [('', 0.0), ('great ', 0.2684689462184906), ('for ', 0.12807253003120422), ('games', 0.08032751083374023), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'always busy here'} [('', 0.0), ('always ', 0.24035184876993299), ('busy ', -0.8534781344933435), ('here', 0.10570910980459303), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Food was cold service sucked'} [('', 0.0), ('Food ', 0.14906698411505204), ('was ', 0.004525914486293914), ('cold ', -0.31951189913161215), ('service ', 0.058787488196685445), ('sucked', -0.22825255923817167), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'good food'} [('', 0.0), ('good ', 0.1367187201976776), ('food', 0.1364099681377411), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Hands down best pancakes!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Hands ', -0.0601225309073925), ('down ', -0.21389458433259279), ('best ', 0.7222388494992629), ('pancakes', -0.033375582192093134), ('!', 0.10270759463310242), ('!', 0.1689368486404419), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Like it'} [('', 0.0), ('Like ', 0.13723507523536682), ('it', 0.13574954867362976), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Food is pretty good but the serve is horrible!'} [('', 0.0), ('Food ', 0.08802299178933026), ('is ', 0.06303362348626251), ('pretty ', 0.09821324616859783), ('good ', 0.37825579477794236), ('but ', -0.2890631063200999), ('the ', -0.022618335127845057), ('serve ', 0.06497799937460513), ('is ', -0.009674106751845102), ('horrible', -0.6688046519684576), ('!', 0.0019307952316012233), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'great food...great value...gotta go early...usually busy!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('great ', 0.24571565305814147), ('food', 0.09027580684050918), ('.', -0.014273240230977535), ('.', -0.013515466125681996), ('.', -0.014186844462528825), ('great ', 0.3857890337239951), ('value', -0.02339768793899566), ('.', -0.016019116272218525), ('.', -0.00960337114520371), ('.', 0.03553961077705026), ('gotta ', 0.025395217875484377), ('go ', 0.051878576283343136), ('early', -0.047257063852157444), ('.', -0.015035995282232761), ('.', -0.012290685571497307), ('.', 0.021319669362856074), ('usually ', -0.011185867598396727), ('busy', -0.24300072744081264), ('!', 0.023488454445032402), ('!', 0.01698267483152449), ('!', 0.02898087492212653), ('', 1.125037670135498e-06)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Love their macaroni cheese.'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.8610846530646086), ('their ', -0.008323917165398598), ('mac', 0.025049573509022593), ('aro', -0.05911436956375837), ('ni ', -0.02900232491083443), ('cheese', -0.052366953110322356), ('.', -0.014052728889510036), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'hands down best bagels (in the world?)'} [('', 0.0), ('hands ', 0.050362623762339354), ('down ', -0.09492194588528946), ('best ', 0.8520448001218028), ('bag', -0.07985655730590224), ('els ', 0.04583972645923495), ('(', 0.06608585081994534), ('in ', 0.022178380575496703), ('the ', -0.010235810477752239), ('world', 0.20252649788744748), ('?', -0.37794049293734133), (')', -0.02835516631603241), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Excellent for quick meal on the go...'} [('', 0.0), ('Excellent ', 0.459144345484674), ('for ', -0.022406946634873748), ('quick ', -0.032490484649315476), ('meal ', 0.1415316149359569), ('on ', 0.13807272666599602), ('the ', 0.0692066460615024), ('go', 0.06069917918648571), ('.', -0.0125779346562922), ('.', -0.041328562423586845), ('.', -0.06299414485692978), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'This business is closed.'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', 0.23323786380933598), ('business ', 0.03424288475798676), ('is ', -0.18587713687884388), ('closed', -0.3714857263985323), ('.', -0.04511094742338173), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'business has now closed.'} [('', 0.0), ('business ', 0.1529476318974048), ('has ', 0.030304012150736526), ('now ', -0.019585746835218742), ('closed', -0.44955148035660386), ('.', -0.04533469909802079), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Service Is Good. Sometimes they take long, nevertheless there alright.'} [('', 0.0), ('Service ', -0.04737859405577183), ('Is ', 0.04803415108472109), ('Good', 0.3498566346243024), ('. ', -0.03219620883464813), ('Sometimes ', -0.019515824271366), ('they ', -0.012468802626244724), ('take ', 0.0005235603894107044), ('long', -0.04594509402522817), (', ', -0.0197802372276783), ('nevertheless ', 0.10357800318161026), ('there ', 0.057033665652852505), ('alright', 0.23998405248858035), ('.', -0.01257507549598813), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great Food and Delivers up to 5 am.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.344312883913517), ('Food ', 0.014549918472766876), ('and ', 0.03763050585985184), ('Delivers ', 0.23223787173628807), ('up ', 0.0681023858487606), ('to ', 0.012439453974366188), ('5 ', -0.03758928645402193), ('am', 0.05223414767533541), ('.', -0.010927567258477211), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "It's Mimi's. There the same everywhere."} [('', 0.0), ('It', -0.012809209991246462), ("'", 0.02417633356526494), ('s ', 0.010094997473061085), ('Mimi', 0.1512524705613032), ("'", 0.04594492935575545), ('s', 0.089665436767973), ('. ', 0.0014729942195117474), ('There ', -0.024215945741161704), ('the ', 0.003197478363290429), ('same ', -0.3797793372068554), ('everywhere', -0.19040471059270203), ('.', -0.05161820258945227), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "Roach on the windowsill. 'Nuff said."} [('', 0.0), ('Roach ', -0.11786780483089387), ('on ', -0.0020973003120161593), ('the ', -0.02856103185331449), ('windows', -0.03102295104690711), ('ill', -0.08147818658108008), ('. ', 0.017810772318625823), ("'", -0.049337501732225064), ('Nu', -0.06242401417330257), ('ff ', -0.04361613519358798), ('said', 0.11005896704591578), ('.', -0.04460509141063085), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'good breakfast.'} [('', 0.0), ('good ', 0.24908320605754852), ('breakfast', 0.18960486352443695), ('.', 0.0381755530834198), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great breakfast! Yummy! :)'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.18923179060220718), ('breakfast', 0.08781713992357254), ('! ', 0.1436765044927597), ('Yu', 0.11285349959507585), ('mmy', -0.0005779745988547802), ('! ', 0.2328236559405923), (':', -0.018142279237508774), (')', -0.018507424741983414), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Clean, uncluttered store. Always love shopping at Ross!'} [('', 0.0), ('Clean', 0.35097477573435754), (', ', 0.03915137320291251), ('un', -0.004359594611742068), ('cl', -0.03500114575581392), ('uttered ', -0.01838316276553087), ('store', -0.040446058148518205), ('. ', -0.003740756423212588), ('Always ', 0.06603666208684444), ('love ', 0.32419565320014954), ('shopping ', -0.05039944336749613), ('at ', -0.00710802455432713), ('Ross', -0.001668915618211031), ('!', -0.009997062385082245), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Very poor quality meat, not authentic, bad flavor. AVOID'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.04537294411420589), ('poor ', -0.2647482143152047), ('quality ', 0.1295097575816726), ('meat', -0.022179629692800518), (', ', 0.004393407485622447), ('not ', 0.003062524387587473), ('authentic', -0.05101650364258603), (', ', -0.0046326033925652155), ('bad ', -0.08198846446930474), ('flavor', 0.04139541650101819), ('. ', -0.012403217531755217), ('AVOID', -0.15907087415689602), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Its Wal-Mart'} [('', 0.0), ('Its ', 0.03818456188309938), ('Wal', -0.21037839556811377), ('-', -0.05459101282758638), ('Mart', -0.18226092564873397), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'It was ok.'} [('', 0.0), ('It ', 0.28769053518772125), ('was ', 0.05447828024625778), ('ok', 0.2887430116534233), ('.', -0.04437556862831116), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'BANZI BURGER!!\\nYour taste buds will THANK YOU!!!'} [('', -1.177564263343811e-05), ('BAN', -0.05124016018817201), ('ZI ', -0.011653640249278396), ('BURGER', -0.061064118635840714), ('!', -0.001932901213876903), ('!', -0.049038142897188663), ('\\', -0.022841236014695218), ('nY', -0.053242337816239646), ('our ', 0.007150393111320833), ('taste ', 0.038194281142205), ('buds ', 0.03441962655633688), ('will ', 0.11129196611000225), ('THANK ', 0.35221048357198015), ('YOU', 0.2813879877794534), ('!', 0.02115967543795705), ('!', -0.009260401129722595), ('!', -0.03396977484226227), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Extremely slow... We waited entirely too long for food.'} [('', 0.0), ('Extremely ', -0.03511302129118121), ('slow', -0.13958021944199572), ('.', -0.019849337033519987), ('.', -0.020548230237181997), ('. ', -0.023392107334075263), ('We ', -0.010147706770112563), ('waited ', -0.02474329527012742), ('entirely ', -0.016455104424494493), ('too ', -0.027884161857400613), ('long ', -0.0317117573208634), ('for ', -0.013088694952330115), ('food', -0.012522613116743742), ('.', -0.015044785777718062), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "2 Bad steaks at one table, side's were Meh."} [('', 0.0), ('2 ', 0.010379629904491594), ('Bad ', -0.2047034654278832), ('steak', 0.006643947162956465), ('s ', 0.023135573748731986), ('at ', -0.012724744716251735), ('one ', -0.03662000178155722), ('table', -0.01016833193716593), (', ', -0.008912500910810195), ('side', -0.04973043498466723), ("'", -0.008276306063635275), ('s ', -0.023179015202913433), ('were ', -0.06645723314431962), ('Me', -0.018457415248121833), ('h', 0.007761123106320156), ('.', -0.03885285850265063), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'better location 5 min away'} [('', 0.0), ('better ', 0.22954783006571233), ('location ', -0.06390695704612881), ('5 ', 0.050353744882158935), ('min ', -0.14396606385707855), ('away', -0.3804946066811681), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'well. a little too pricey for salad.'} [('', 0.0), ('well', 0.3153291529743001), ('. ', 0.03915768361184746), ('a ', 0.04530443986004684), ('little ', -0.08342874787922483), ('too ', -0.721720220084535), ('price', 0.07527584084891714), ('y ', 0.11337820989865577), ('for ', 0.0015033525014587212), ('salad', -0.02035277627510368), ('.', -0.03581622506317217), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'This place is always consistent. Salad bar is yummie!'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', -0.04702804051339626), ('place ', 0.05077476054430008), ('is ', -0.07911469228565693), ('always ', 0.06192824896425009), ('consistent', 0.24433864001184702), ('. ', 0.08526819944381714), ('Salad ', -0.000908146146684885), ('bar ', -0.06344312569126487), ('is ', 0.13175665214657784), ('yu', 0.11536251683719456), ('mm', 0.010250246850773692), ('ie', -0.014856511726975441), ('!', 0.11471628025174141), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'good for that quick get togeather with the girls ..'} [('', 0.0), ('good ', 0.5358509921934456), ('for ', -0.0037043325137346983), ('that ', 0.008227669633924961), ('quick ', -0.045531284529715776), ('get ', 0.07026647636666894), ('to', 0.037717190454714), ('ge', -0.07777129497844726), ('ath', -0.033773061470128596), ('er ', 0.0007771676173433661), ('with ', -0.011821986467111856), ('the ', 0.08872783911647275), ('girls ', 0.05112808011472225), ('.', 0.03486562706530094), ('.', -0.07240012288093567), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Nasty'} [('', 0.0), ('Nasty', -0.9329341366246808), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Food was good, a bit pricey. Atmosphere was fun.'} [('', 0.0), ('Food ', 0.017464112490415573), ('was ', 0.015260120388120413), ('good', 0.13587286183610559), (', ', -0.01402687281370163), ('a ', 0.018269432708621025), ('bit ', -0.028147728880867362), ('price', 0.06670691748149693), ('y', 0.10960326390340924), ('. ', -0.016173403710126877), ('Atmosphere ', -0.025450888089835644), ('was ', -0.033980618230998516), ('fun', 0.400914927944541), ('.', -0.03682238608598709), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Alright seafood. Nothing great and way overpriced.'} [('', 0.0), ('Alright ', 0.26130387953162426), ('seafood', 0.004439324089617003), ('. ', 0.040871647084713914), ('Nothing ', -0.5035273938156024), ('great ', 0.08706527860704227), ('and ', -0.035585861674917396), ('way ', -0.08306492092378903), ('over', -0.06980020402806986), ('pr', -0.02743252469917934), ('ice', -0.027013882438041037), ('d', 0.007039204130705912), ('.', -0.024979526744573377), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great local spot.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.31720922887325287), ('local ', 0.15192512422800064), ('spot', 0.16182968765497208), ('.', -0.044371575117111206), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'This store has Coke Zero in their fountain offerings!'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', -0.022167910428834148), ('store ', -0.07951658554520691), ('has ', 0.002439536612655502), ('Coke ', -0.28925724171858747), ('Zero ', -0.43027598824119195), ('in ', 0.08455411051181727), ('their ', 0.049028606630599825), ('fountain ', 0.20899450729848468), ('offerings', 0.16727565270775813), ('!', 0.006894478152389638), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'They are closed down'} [('', 0.0), ('They ', 0.14388773805694655), ('are ', -0.02900898714142386), ('closed ', -0.12219951434235554), ('down', -0.39720454637426883), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good Food. Big Portions. Service was awesome.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.2078300602734089), ('Food', 0.10664914920926094), ('. ', 0.025831423699855804), ('Big ', -0.010283172130584717), ('Portions', -0.010892527177929878), ('. ', 0.02945910580456257), ('Service ', -0.051032232004217803), ('was ', -0.0007372022373601794), ('awesome', 0.43157121050171554), ('.', -0.03147720918059349), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Rude service and mediocre food!'} [('', 0.0), ('Rude ', -0.17225470107223373), ('service ', -0.011719940026523545), ('and ', 0.04908730389433913), ('med', -0.18476971518612118), ('io', 0.02298232254179311), ('cre ', -0.15130958241206827), ('food', 0.09065090309741208), ('!', 0.08717076579341665), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Line huge. Try other Pilot or travel center'} [('', 0.0), ('Line ', -0.06089270341908559), ('huge', 0.20159652543952689), ('. ', 0.20692694699391723), ('Try ', -0.5333687725797063), ('other ', -0.1777093985438114), ('Pilot ', 0.009953992936061695), ('or ', -0.0010117132333107293), ('travel ', 0.030499859829433262), ('center', 0.050184651860035956), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Nice'} [('', 0.0), ('Nice', 0.06662493944168091), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Good food weak service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.818574569595512), ('food ', 0.15006250896658457), ('weak ', -0.37277949052986514), ('service', 0.04197025539542665), ('.', -0.043861329555511475), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'lots to do, love Austins steak house!'} [('', 0.0), ('lots ', 0.007490425370633602), ('to ', 0.2215686512645334), ('do', 0.0736258935648948), (', ', 0.04474147409200668), ('love ', 0.2560591697692871), ('Austin', 0.04520206339657307), ('s ', 0.016318706795573235), ('steak ', 0.028382292948663235), ('house', -0.00840760674327612), ('!', 0.011881686747074127), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "Great service!\\nEven vacuum'd up my crumbs! ;)"} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.4209325842675753), ('service', -0.008830889652017504), ('!', 0.07460395456291735), ('\\', -0.04347650312896197), ('nE', -0.015119374312538033), ('ven ', -0.014102539911012476), ('vacuum', -0.0934535234773648), ("'", 0.010800921249028761), ('d ', 0.03942898693328191), ('up ', 0.011741648868857217), ('my ', 0.019494007825934596), ('cr', -0.07472829781493472), ('umb', -0.0772190003948968), ('s', -0.05272121273758655), ('! ', -0.019629962003299233), (';', -0.10064039390999824), (')', -0.09789828222710639), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Knowledgable and caring staff. well stocked and neat.'} [('', 0.0), ('Know', -0.005969963036477566), ('led', -0.02706687804311514), ('ga', 0.030196256237104535), ('ble ', -0.04853544873185456), ('and ', 0.02245212532579899), ('caring ', 0.22382236272096634), ('staff', 0.08020955324172974), ('. ', 0.028019549325108528), ('well ', 0.16785570047795773), ('stocked ', 0.006606845185160637), ('and ', -0.010322857648134232), ('neat', 0.1350524164736271), ('.', 0.007100757211446762), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Military discount, kids menu\\n\\nOtherwise standard mexican restaurant.'} [('', 0.0), ('Military ', -0.2657821977045387), ('discount', -0.03291819873265922), (', ', 0.06248916545882821), ('kids ', 0.007787408074364066), ('menu', -0.02956095093395561), ('\\', -0.11237100965809077), ('n', -0.06294222734868526), ('\\', -0.09350615879520774), ('nOt', -0.3099960378240212), ('her', 0.07909809340344509), ('wise ', 0.07232719752937555), ('standard ', -0.0369253080280032), ('mexican ', 0.1100959796749521), ('restaurant', 0.2070079474360682), ('.', 0.011184170376509428), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': ':)'} [('', 0.0), (':', 0.07118314504623413), (')', -0.14898806810379028), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Not always the best customer service but they do help.'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', -0.011494617443531752), ('always ', 0.28723099222406745), ('the ', 0.0972776198759675), ('best ', 0.3160893944732379), ('customer ', 0.008341908251168206), ('service ', -0.03452931507490575), ('but ', 0.026381291449069977), ('they ', -0.01158954412676394), ('do ', 0.03407018235884607), ('help', -0.009827235247939825), ('.', -0.03609020262956619), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great service. Low prices.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.29016785114072263), ('service', -0.047957148315617815), ('. ', 0.11710500545450486), ('Low ', -0.35276267091103364), ('prices', -0.24700520317128394), ('.', -0.03935750658274628), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Why have this restaurant listed? IT HAS CLOSED DOWN!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Why ', -0.05721072860433196), ('have ', -0.011890589835275023), ('this ', -0.031752101535857946), ('restaurant ', 0.0062870747706256225), ('listed', -0.006829891729466908), ('? ', -0.08151522637308517), ('IT ', -0.03976394826986507), ('HAS ', -0.036087478894842207), ('CLOSED ', 0.02251948165394424), ('DOWN', -0.14139698653616506), ('!', 0.002959577721412643), ('!', 0.007569120320113143), ('!', -0.022888247316586785), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Food is amazing!!! And staff is ALWAYS so nice!!!'} [('', 1.4901161193847656e-08), ('Food ', 0.06875483691692352), ('is ', 0.03292861767113209), ('amazing', 0.21655776910483837), ('!', -0.03443317115306854), ('!', -0.023021963657811284), ('! ', -0.026885318337008357), ('And ', 0.04976783110760152), ('staff ', 0.0249003570061177), ('is ', -0.02663140161894262), ('ALWAYS ', 0.058052063221111894), ('so ', -0.011367382772732526), ('nice', 0.23829301568912342), ('!', 0.02812201716005802), ('!', -0.0005230866372585297), ('!', -0.026889480650424957), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Clean. Friendly. Great customer service. fast.'} [('', 0.0), ('Clean', 0.14899392053484917), ('. ', 0.023786384612321854), ('Friendly', 0.17145519703626633), ('. ', 0.00420350581407547), ('Great ', 0.2786384359933436), ('customer ', 0.012544755358248949), ('service', -0.05157508980482817), ('. ', 0.018949158489704132), ('fast', 0.08667930029332638), ('.', 0.003233620896935463), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Great food, not great service when you have a Groupon.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.29469676069857087), ('food', 0.10825929143175017), (', ', 0.01874888935708441), ('not ', -0.5063090309413383), ('great ', -0.033457136145443656), ('service ', -0.21032680023199646), ('when ', 0.035886647579900455), ('you ', -0.003580794062145287), ('have ', 0.05873946122665075), ('a ', 0.09717408014694229), ('Group', -0.035843974132149015), ('on', -0.03532813450874528), ('.', 0.05666954741172958), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Far from the madding crowd...super food and service'} [('', 0.0), ('Far ', -0.1110128122381866), ('from ', -0.17254643980413675), ('the ', 0.07931543653830886), ('mad', 0.28139817470218986), ('ding ', -0.2063946562120691), ('crowd', 0.3692452327813953), ('.', 0.0738935680128634), ('.', -0.05800811946392059), ('.', -0.021052025258541107), ('super ', 0.0639575810637325), ('food ', 0.12580368132330477), ('and ', 0.2581813931465149), ('service', -0.1372634507715702), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Understaffed, unknowledgeable employees, takes way too long to buy something,'} [('', 0.0), ('Under', -0.05173574853733953), ('sta', -0.05526263638648743), ('ffed', -0.042030220655760786), (', ', -0.025475191587247537), ('un', -0.050331083343508), ('k', 0.0620337004686462), ('now', 0.010820632375043715), ('led', 0.002747833747207551), ('ge', -0.08457094882896854), ('able ', 0.06364636372609311), ('employees', -0.06073033067968936), (', ', -0.002671060073225817), ('takes ', -0.031218502829688077), ('way ', -0.030745987251975748), ('too ', -0.10869868641839275), ('long ', -0.06895247890588507), ('to ', 0.01137708135183857), ('buy ', -0.04577402882159731), ('something', 0.06880227388410276), (',', -0.048540701498495764), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'The screens are small here compared to other movie theaters'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.0012135262950323522), ('screens ', -0.022417304455302656), ('are ', 0.0058579701581038535), ('small ', -0.5978637214866467), ('here ', -0.12484401505207643), ('compared ', 0.14012971476768143), ('to ', 0.043789382063550875), ('other ', 0.09935257234610617), ('movie ', 0.03801935096271336), ('theaters', 0.12267226399853826), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Service Was Great. Food was Meh.'} [('', 0.0), ('Service ', -0.05288675846531987), ('Was ', 0.03104118979535997), ('Great', 0.5793354145716876), ('. ', 0.24942857399582863), ('Food ', 0.006913754157721996), ('was ', -0.05182409938424826), ('Me', 0.10431723343208432), ('h', 0.018027837853878736), ('.', -0.17148233950138092), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Dump the new speakers- too much bass and very irratating.'} [('', 0.0), ('Dump ', -0.08279044647315459), ('the ', -0.015963833382556913), ('new ', -0.012074469204890192), ('speakers', -0.023975702499228646), ('- ', 0.004680782798459404), ('too ', -0.04398561469542983), ('much ', -0.02425650965733439), ('bass ', -0.02358100706442201), ('and ', -0.0007757248104098835), ('very ', -0.007906658270258049), ('ir', -0.050436776370133884), ('rata', -0.053665486214868), ('ting', -0.04311167497871793), ('.', -0.03829685563323437), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great service, happy hour & atmosphere :)'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.3491851184517145), ('service', -0.032986583188176155), (', ', 0.04028821736574173), ('happy ', 0.23398374672979116), ('hour ', 0.019441205076873302), ('& ', 0.05447895172983408), ('atmosphere ', 0.07149267289787531), (':', -0.012382574379444122), (')', -0.010492797940969467), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'ok, my girls love the fajitas'} [('', 0.0), ('ok', 0.18377353250980377), (', ', 0.17143714427947998), ('my ', 0.04826818406581879), ('girls ', 0.038112204521894455), ('love ', 0.15237094461917877), ('the ', 0.029299315065145493), ('fa', 0.06018370529636741), ('jit', 0.053531619254499674), ('as', -0.023991461843252182), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Stale cone, asked for chocolate sprinkles, and got rainbow.'} [('', 0.0), ('Stale ', -0.5656264082717826), ('cone', -0.023858259519329295), (', ', -0.028782577464880887), ('asked ', -0.05254539148245385), ('for ', -0.03460694742261694), ('chocolate ', 0.03624591737934679), ('sp', -0.02019928532126869), ('rin', 0.004005847963071574), ('kle', -0.012254939096692397), ('s', -0.0019662060572045448), (', ', -0.007772287817715551), ('and ', -0.03004019225772936), ('got ', 0.14420746197356493), ('rainbow', 0.17389259501578636), ('.', -0.0028520014457171783), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'My boy is getting his junk snipped!!!! 40 min,'} [('', 0.0), ('My ', 0.018843969251975068), ('boy ', 0.04439386371359433), ('is ', -0.006053718397197372), ('getting ', -0.09186569526718813), ('his ', 0.004779887238328229), ('junk ', -0.13296407505367824), ('s', -0.06719004165552178), ('ni', -0.024468287344461714), ('pped', -0.025903153624312836), ('!', -0.026038938671263168), ('!', -0.010940858175672474), ('!', -0.0035748582140513463), ('! ', -0.0011952072636631783), ('40 ', -0.05699515725609672), ('min', -0.02149902062410547), (',', -0.0469930232175102), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Friendly staff and decent pizza.'} [('', 0.0), ('Friendly ', 0.17139294743537903), ('staff ', 0.10538075864315033), ('and ', 0.06928534805774689), ('decent ', 0.37520767748355865), ('pizza', -0.003659922629594803), ('.', -0.026543643325567245), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Love the tatami seating, great sushi, delicious teppanyaki'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.2740374244749546), ('the ', -0.040875356644392014), ('tata', 0.05622052075341344), ('mi ', -0.011335077229887247), ('seating', 0.022257225587964058), (', ', -0.01624734327197075), ('great ', 0.17543952353298664), ('su', -0.010822226293385029), ('shi', -0.00217240396887064), (', ', -0.02026815339922905), ('delicious ', 0.15266404673457146), ('te', 0.0031416905112564564), ('ppa', -0.02634367486461997), ('nya', -0.006170420441776514), ('ki', 0.01805948419496417), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Always enjoy sushi here.'} [('', 0.0), ('Always ', 0.21015658974647522), ('enjoy ', 0.30281275510787964), ('su', -0.09855408128350973), ('shi ', 0.12613886315375566), ('here', 0.1680519785732031), ('.', -0.01757536455988884), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'The worst ever.. Wasted my money'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.004636772169760661), ('worst ', -0.2867162246384396), ('ever', 0.08812682577081432), ('.', 0.05874768095600302), ('. ', 0.03299723760574125), ('Wasted ', -0.1340676532490761), ('my ', 0.0361114549159538), ('money', -0.07021833510953002), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Very decent, quick Mexican food. No complaints!'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.10797099024057388), ('decent', 0.35058558359742165), (', ', 0.07058097794651985), ('quick ', -0.07834573206491768), ('Mexican ', 0.13688558642752469), ('food', 0.15193210169672966), ('. ', 0.005972834303975105), ('No ', 0.05667761334916577), ('complaints', 0.051763568131718785), ('!', -0.15727824717760086), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Thank you, Melissa for refunding ALL my money.'} [('', 0.0), ('Thank ', 0.618783981539309), ('you', 0.2008330775424838), (', ', -0.02807622030377388), ('Melissa ', 0.0017744104261510074), ('for ', -0.009226119902450591), ('ref', -0.020021824188006576), ('und', -0.022753040633688215), ('ing ', 0.010707378154620528), ('ALL ', -0.011715382133843377), ('my ', -0.013086586055578664), ('money', -0.07620143430540338), ('.', -0.023932047770358622), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Friendly leasing agents!'} [('', 0.0), ('Friendly ', 0.3483760170638561), ('leasing ', -0.12961195968091488), ('agents', 0.08940803445875645), ('!', 0.27802614867687225), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'now has self served for 88 cents! yuuuuuum!'} [('', 0.0), ('now ', -0.023471108550438657), ('has ', -0.004336894184234552), ('self ', -0.0800334856758127), ('served ', -0.00743068861993379), ('for ', -0.012681595446338179), ('88 ', -0.00677066076968913), ('cents', -0.050118083348934306), ('! ', -0.035074981875368394), ('yu', 0.00510149681213079), ('u', -0.028281152568524703), ('u', -0.0405742046314117), ('u', -0.023816420729417587), ('u', -0.0270874711277429), ('um', -0.06775482962257229), ('!', -0.028816069068852812), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': "dollar cones on tuesday and wednesday.. can't beat it!"} [('', 0.0), ('dollar ', -0.08860176919552032), ('cones ', -0.07073932516868808), ('on ', 0.008210676645830972), ('tuesday ', 0.019884679561073426), ('and ', -0.010890380464843474), ('wednesday', -0.022351848609105218), ('.', -0.006773302833607886), ('. ', -0.04174095834605396), ('can', -0.12331530477968045), ("'", -0.06581915650167502), ('t ', -0.21451832627644762), ('beat ', 0.06019098882097751), ('it', 0.15769572733552195), ('!', -0.014605647331336513), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good quick convienant coffee location. Service is good and friendly'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.40842134377453476), ('quick ', -0.040502182324416935), ('con', 0.0037736286758445203), ('vie', 0.07441088370978832), ('nant ', -0.0816697072586976), ('coffee ', -0.029615764506161213), ('location', -0.02798375114798546), ('. ', -0.01113771554082632), ('Service ', -0.035628090146929026), ('is ', -0.00304878456518054), ('good ', 0.19524540193378925), ('and ', -0.01055237278342247), ('friendly', 0.16762598976492882), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Messy plate , but its the Jonny!! Amazing'} [('', 0.0), ('Messy ', -0.0668353973160265), ('plate ', -0.017429501182050444), (', ', 0.0059625607682392), ('but ', -0.044344416324747726), ('its ', -0.015257870589266531), ('the ', 0.002170910440327134), ('Jonny', -0.014338428249175195), ('!', 0.01346299608121626), ('! ', 0.014308951096609235), ('Amazing', 0.8187355275731534), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'The pasta here is always delicious.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.006900317966938019), ('pasta ', 0.09282366186380386), ('here ', -0.008028790354728699), ('is ', -0.008648098446428776), ('always ', 0.31659229565411806), ('delicious', 0.32786956802010536), ('.', -0.0040807053446769714), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great service, great food. The conchiglie ai formaggio is incredible!'} [('', 4.842877388000488e-08), ('Great ', 0.15928197838366032), ('service', -0.008166233077645302), (', ', -0.018608365207910538), ('great ', 0.1510171117261052), ('food', -0.0073393965139985085), ('. ', -0.010906565934419632), ('The ', -0.018295789137482643), ('con', -0.002737551461905241), ('chi', 0.00553290406242013), ('gli', -0.025303673930466175), ('e ', -0.011571422219276428), ('ai ', 0.00038815103471279144), ('form', -0.008197549109657606), ('ag', -0.01615864069511493), ('gio ', 0.022574169250826042), ('is ', -0.03307966818101704), ('incredible', 0.2750478864181787), ('!', 0.07720332220196724), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'I was treated very poorly by management.'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', -0.0032935408817138523), ('was ', -0.01755485109788424), ('treated ', -0.048092499700942426), ('very ', 0.0640433417102031), ('poorly ', -0.18734644315190963), ('by ', 0.0018448907703714212), ('management', -0.04992566034889023), ('.', -0.03003586998238461), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'The food was horrible.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.20380632178421365), ('food ', 0.2730647501994099), ('was ', -0.036258335174352396), ('horrible', -0.7308213002652337), ('.', -0.04525688175635878), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Love this place!!!! Great food, great atmosphere!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.2527044862508774), ('this ', 0.039788185618817806), ('place', 0.025874481536448002), ('!', -0.0266105979681015), ('!', -0.006438540993258357), ('!', -0.008634816156700253), ('! ', -0.028164757415652275), ('Great ', 0.15401268168352544), ('food', 0.02983704092912376), (', ', -0.0060544186271727085), ('great ', 0.1438771248795092), ('atmosphere', 0.03020588681101799), ('!', 0.003723840694874525), ('!', -0.02055390179157257), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Always awesome!'} [('', 0.0), ('Always ', 0.11930246651172638), ('awesome', 0.12215705215930939), ('!', 0.2354280650615692), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Love spicy garlic edamame!'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.18818704783916473), ('spicy ', 0.27435153536498547), ('garlic ', -0.08633921854197979), ('ed', 0.027397483587265015), ('ama', 0.022680893540382385), ('me', 0.15700595080852509), ('!', 0.14004352688789368), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Service was ok... My pasta was over cooked .'} [('', 0.0), ('Service ', -0.09230283790384419), ('was ', 0.06424208948374144), ('ok', 0.2212570421579585), ('.', 0.14356965706974734), ('.', -0.019368070272321347), ('. ', -0.022515190161357168), ('My ', 0.03839776389122562), ('pasta ', -0.11911799863173655), ('was ', -0.1417645470996831), ('over ', -0.19709410498626312), ('cooked ', -0.07264631119778642), ('.', -0.12657083932572277), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Good for kids they are very kind and friendly'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.10134021565318108), ('for ', -6.131082773208618e-05), ('kids ', 0.07752050831913948), ('they ', -0.006294886581599712), ('are ', 0.011423940770328045), ('very ', 0.06230417126789689), ('kind ', 0.11044687544927001), ('and ', 0.0176815465092659), ('friendly', 0.3386406973004341), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Terrible pizza terrible service terrible timing terrible delivery terrible everything.'} [('', 0.0), ('Terrible ', -0.04129052410280565), ('pizza ', -0.015351871843449771), ('terrible ', -0.02675141303188866), ('service ', -0.016114849870064063), ('terrible ', -0.02580199556541629), ('timing ', -0.006162354678963311), ('terrible ', -0.03612426770632737), ('delivery ', 0.0040378712001256645), ('terrible ', -0.1508359229483176), ('everything', 0.016122536479088012), ('.', -0.035284741381474305), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'They get the job done'} [('', 0.0), ('They ', 0.21749641746282578), ('get ', -0.011808674782514572), ('the ', 0.1314859427511692), ('job ', 0.48906287737190723), ('done', -0.1653675902634859), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Awesome service - quick and friendly!'} [('', 0.0), ('Awesome ', 0.4100516512989998), ('service ', -0.012318650726228952), ('- ', 0.004172852728515863), ('quick ', -0.04035051539540291), ('and ', 0.05972029268741608), ('friendly', 0.2304484248161316), ('!', 0.07170777022838593), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'This place is love at first bite!'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', 0.09196803346276283), ('place ', 0.14262803830206394), ('is ', 0.09641349501907825), ('love ', 0.4788848734460771), ('at ', -0.002468669321388006), ('first ', 0.17612188961356878), ('bite', -0.2774695632979274), ('!', 0.023077264428138733), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Secret menu. Great alternative to coffee.'} [('', 0.0), ('Secret ', 0.031036810018122196), ('menu', -0.08775417599827051), ('. ', 0.07026916742324829), ('Great ', 0.4705760320648551), ('alternative ', 0.1968456832692027), ('to ', 0.13807260198518634), ('coffee', -0.06220764061436057), ('.', -0.0277353897690773), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good enough Chinese. Not my favorite.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.31957487638646853), ('enough ', 0.030444336729487986), ('Chinese', -0.03946540156721312), ('. ', 0.056004551181104034), ('Not ', -0.5573293802590342), ('my ', 0.012271991741727106), ('favorite', -0.054788270994322374), ('.', -0.03284242044901475), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'My favorite sushi spot. Great food and atmoshpere.'} [('', 0.0), ('My ', 0.03597905859351158), ('favorite ', 0.2334037758409977), ('su', -0.06049769127275795), ('shi ', 0.01292620471213013), ('spot', -0.002118327422067523), ('. ', 0.05074375821277499), ('Great ', 0.4406159655191004), ('food ', 0.04832052020356059), ('and ', 0.011150890961289406), ('atm', -0.08250554418191314), ('osh', 0.02304038777947426), ('per', -0.0677156038582325), ('e', 0.000602607149630785), ('.', -0.06089190673083067), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Grave yard special is unbeatable!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Grave ', -0.12400939007056877), ('yard ', -0.05070601291663479), ('special ', 0.11049271428782959), ('is ', -0.10775364548317157), ('un', -0.5460020585887833), ('beat', -0.008188486346625723), ('able', 0.3965305048623122), ('!', 0.01179226185195148), ('!', 0.03814483992755413), ('!', -0.005296294577419758), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'its a cool chill stop'} [('', 0.0), ('its ', -0.04977925820276141), ('a ', 0.2249440944287926), ('cool ', 0.3503568184096366), ('chill ', -0.19891972304321826), ('stop', -0.24225763394497335), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "DUBCHURCH Sunday nights, 'nuff said :)"} [('', 0.0), ('DUB', -0.3739351215772331), ('CHURCH ', -0.02769433567300439), ('Sunday ', 0.11135993665084243), ('nights', 0.07898594485595822), (', ', 0.021357904188334942), ("'", -0.05479808431118727), ('nu', -0.12782608508132398), ('ff ', -0.02464944706298411), ('said ', 0.18585949297994375), (':', 0.07045540818944573), (')', -0.15085053956136107), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': "Wow what a delicious and Fresh!! Place! I'm going back!"} [('', 0.0), ('Wow ', 0.029517479240894318), ('what ', -0.013368104584515095), ('a ', 0.008474544622004032), ('delicious ', 0.11468000337481499), ('and ', -0.019400764256715775), ('Fresh', 0.16787041816860437), ('!', -0.009550985880196095), ('! ', 0.03413109853863716), ('Place', 0.016081899404525757), ('! ', 0.03931864723563194), ('I', 0.10087249684147537), ("'", 0.003887495258823037), ('m ', 0.03744340315461159), ('going ', 0.07733669434674084), ('back', -0.04518168815411627), ('!', 0.009611498564481735), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'a must in vegas.. 24 hr pho.. cant beat that'} [('', 0.0), ('a ', 0.15764983603730798), ('must ', 0.10460030584363267), ('in ', 0.06257793499389663), ('vegas', 0.26648436044342816), ('.', -0.019294933415949345), ('. ', -0.0335215562954545), ('24 ', -0.058314077905379236), ('hr ', -0.05377428617794067), ('ph', -0.0652419215766713), ('o', -0.026197387487627566), ('.', -0.0473391767591238), ('. ', -0.04397988319396973), ('can', 0.2741387526039034), ('t ', -0.196366653079167), ('beat ', 0.16304236464202404), ('that', 0.06270588748157024), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'My favorite place :)'} [('', 0.0), ('My ', 0.023938588798046112), ('favorite ', 0.46392812207341194), ('place ', 0.06937593594193459), (':', 0.008911438286304474), (')', 0.09406525641679764), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'ok bun bo hue but great at 3am!'} [('', 0.0), ('ok ', 0.07955176429823041), ('bun ', -0.07887959573417902), ('bo ', 0.04520019900519401), ('hue ', 0.08208786544855684), ('but ', -0.24762479402124882), ('great ', 0.7550993144977838), ('at ', 0.03766969754360616), ('3a', 0.003918872447684407), ('m', 0.013080445816740394), ('!', 0.006013631820678711), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good food. Kind pricey as they charge for the extras.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.25817193649709225), ('food', 0.06303627975285053), ('. ', -0.016073621809482574), ('Kind ', 0.06397328712046146), ('price', 0.01870929030701518), ('y ', 0.18507571006193757), ('as ', 0.010900048073381186), ('they ', 0.04592576436698437), ('charge ', 0.026541575556620955), ('for ', -0.009232911514118314), ('the ', -0.00764809362590313), ('extras', -0.0006375294178724289), ('.', -0.029268089681863785), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Awesome cheap and fast'} [('', 0.0), ('Awesome ', 0.6444420666375663), ('cheap ', -0.3544575870910194), ('and ', 0.11108862608671188), ('fast', 0.18471302837133408), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'I love it here'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', 0.1520446464419365), ('love ', 0.11084100231528282), ('it ', 0.09853899106383324), ('here', 0.22516627609729767), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best place in Chinatown!!!\\nWorth the wait'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.7293532169423997), ('place ', 0.06938969116890803), ('in ', 0.07858076685806736), ('Chinatown', -0.04814912937581539), ('!', -0.027937970124185085), ('!', -0.012891564634628594), ('!', -0.014453924144618213), ('\\', -0.028115070424973965), ('nW', -0.003343033866258338), ('orth ', -0.02334295745822601), ('the ', 0.020111653138883412), ('wait', -0.11483035807032138), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Order the beer lol !!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Order ', 0.12893310096114874), ('the ', 0.06166553788352758), ('beer ', 0.06383900705259293), ('lo', -0.14232423854991794), ('l ', -0.035958553198724985), ('!', 0.09025571122765541), ('!', 0.08413735032081604), ('!', 0.10601824522018433), ('!', 0.15100473165512085), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Bad service, dirty, not good food!'} [('', 0.0), ('Bad ', -0.07548183329981839), ('service', -0.018416999576402304), (', ', 0.020270849285225268), ('dirty', -0.10376605394412763), (', ', 0.034406954793666955), ('not ', -0.37636557127552805), ('good ', 0.14730052276718197), ('food', 0.08238055633410113), ('!', 0.003006288818141911), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Meh... nothing too special. Flavorless food with slow service...'} [('', 1.2451967146868507e-05), ('Me', 0.018338455071595188), ('h', 0.013723803868439669), ('.', -0.04822315348428674), ('.', -0.021025269667006796), ('. ', -0.007415441239572829), ('nothing ', -0.09090428915806115), ('too ', -0.08880431285251689), ('special', 0.02051935468443844), ('. ', -0.01633399950878811), ('Flavor', 0.052718657645527855), ('less ', -0.1293092246105516), ('food ', -0.008170734683517367), ('with ', 0.013952465127658797), ('slow ', -0.0694536971495836), ('service', -0.026302382575522643), ('.', -0.006974115589400753), ('.', -0.01591781926981639), ('.', -0.0591660404970753), ('', 3.089735400862992e-07)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Favorite Pho joint in town!'} [('', 0.0), ('Favorite ', 0.3430718779563904), ('Ph', -0.027061449363827705), ('o ', 0.02680249698460102), ('joint ', 0.09298084303736687), ('in ', 0.14157862961292267), ('town', 0.10638963058590889), ('!', 0.03806786239147186), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'ok prices, barely ok food, works in a pinch.'} [('', 0.0), ('ok ', 0.20559782433701912), ('prices', -0.010128044872544706), (', ', 0.13121891845366918), ('barely ', -0.5399585239256339), ('ok ', -0.0391607556530289), ('food', 0.022966016274949652), (', ', -0.06825629652666976), ('works ', 0.298636369057931), ('in ', -0.07291398593224585), ('a ', 0.023844168088544393), ('pinch', -0.11543062283089967), ('.', -0.20755104752606712), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Pupusas were yummy.'} [('', 0.0), ('Pup', -0.20822636224329472), ('usa', 0.05538278631865978), ('s ', 0.0661223717033863), ('were ', -0.029017933644354343), ('yu', 0.3028962411917746), ('mmy', 0.25445956038311124), ('.', 0.2226818110793829), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'The staff is rude. never get the order correct.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.018975646336912178), ('staff ', 0.06931405126942991), ('is ', 0.015081680217008397), ('rude', -0.21492983130156063), ('. ', -0.01650917906226823), ('never ', -0.1607723114766486), ('get ', -0.11102838002898352), ('the ', 0.024879181804863038), ('order ', 0.0199029142040672), ('correct', 0.09480162899671996), ('.', -0.03537658356799511), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Try the Chicken Cacciatore!! Its good!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Try ', -0.07537664729170501), ('the ', 0.0028304525185376406), ('Chicken ', -0.10103774070739746), ('Ca', 0.0036982455058023334), ('cci', -0.006679056561551988), ('ator', -0.012579576985444874), ('e', 0.014782706217374653), ('!', -0.021443979814648628), ('! ', -0.04186925489921123), ('Its ', -0.02692238766758237), ('good', 0.8240632504603127), ('!', 0.034662263351492584), ('!', 0.011344564845785499), ('!', -0.02217627177014947), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Food is good; but service is horrible.'} [('', 0.0), ('Food ', 0.06636729510501027), ('is ', 0.06112416888936423), ('good', 0.3240145022573415), ('; ', 0.1613330354448408), ('but ', 0.0306330810271902), ('service ', -0.052077021283366776), ('is ', -0.008025968082620238), ('horrible', -0.3310767649891204), ('.', -0.021678828488802537), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'So good I like it will be back soon'} [('', 0.0), ('So ', -0.03242357447743416), ('good ', 0.3973113186657429), ('I ', -0.0060171931982040405), ('like ', 0.11838614824227989), ('it ', 0.09879070124588907), ('will ', 0.15509317931719124), ('be ', 0.044844412477687), ('back ', -0.03612199565395713), ('soon', -0.026859331410378218), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'No comment. :/'} [('', 0.0), ('No ', -0.48117804987123236), ('comment', 0.17175479797879234), ('. ', 0.09507671755272895), (':', 0.025999338133260608), ('/', -0.1400847160257399), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "Awesome Pho, Egg rolls & service'"} [('', 0.0), ('Awesome ', 0.7733015953563154), ('Ph', -0.024998143315315247), ('o', 0.009742727037519217), (', ', 0.07675949018448591), ('Egg ', -0.09285158873535693), ('rolls ', -0.09966787160374224), ('& ', 0.1319335657171905), ('service', -0.016847433988004923), ("'", -0.04449557373300195), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "Over priced, nothing special. Seattle pho is where it's at."} [('', 0.0), ('Over ', -0.19542339355757576), ('priced', 0.02501482241859776), (', ', -0.00727558795188088), ('nothing ', -0.2355322056573641), ('special', 0.08894233837418142), ('. ', -0.03547718379559228), ('Seattle ', 0.03740589996959898), ('ph', -0.09661882093678287), ('o ', 0.01642259296750126), ('is ', 0.021845818580914056), ('where ', -0.19335374141883221), ('it', 0.08979885708868096), ("'", 0.05437409712067165), ('s ', -0.024843550698278705), ('at', 0.07432839060857077), ('.', -0.06697680959405261), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best ph\\u00f3 in Vegas.'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.7709874212741852), ('ph', 0.010610993020236492), ('\\', 0.020910566672682762), ('u', -0.08808653149753809), ('00', -0.09918589377775788), ('f', -0.12485101679340005), ('3 ', -0.004198449198156595), ('in ', 0.04701083758845925), ('Vegas', 0.19662169460207224), ('.', -0.037908222526311874), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'I love the pho so 1'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', -0.017401868477463722), ('love ', 0.815426715882495), ('the ', 0.004010063363239169), ('ph', -0.07046864414587617), ('o ', 0.03468389483168721), ('so ', -0.036690713837742805), ('1', -0.006169583648443222), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Their broth is pretty good here. Taste really fresh'} [('', 0.0), ('Their ', -0.008888582699000835), ('bro', -0.0268210438080132), ('th ', -0.021281144116073847), ('is ', 0.0199078437872231), ('pretty ', 0.041542704682797194), ('good ', 0.3184645335422829), ('here', 0.02601173415314406), ('. ', -0.015759820118546486), ('Taste ', 0.013670504093170166), ('really ', 0.13780483603477478), ('fresh', 0.18140488862991333), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Best breakfast burritos in town'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.4712367160245776), ('breakfast ', 0.08814227115362883), ('burr', -0.14370459085330367), ('ito', -0.03055062284693122), ('s ', 0.01173956785351038), ('in ', 0.2470695823431015), ('town', 0.07897432148456573), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "It's like a blue Home Depot, just backwards."} [('', 0.0), ('It', -0.020212158909998834), ("'", -0.004683501902036369), ('s ', -0.0058772501070052385), ('like ', -0.0524511297699064), ('a ', 0.02793430571909994), ('blue ', 0.022858953881950583), ('Home ', 0.09703787517355522), ('Depot', -0.2060004929517163), (', ', 0.0018291454762220383), ('just ', -0.07287957449443638), ('backwards', -0.06978944665752351), ('.', -0.059291076846420765), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Pretty damn good. The veggie samosa was yums.'} [('', 0.0), ('Pretty ', 0.11458609357941896), ('damn ', -0.050321300368523225), ('good', 0.7514784044760745), ('. ', -0.02703396650031209), ('The ', -0.011758295353502035), ('ve', -0.011180542649526615), ('gg', 0.008948327529651579), ('ie ', -0.00017579506675247103), ('sam', -0.0005366426485124975), ('osa ', -0.0389443745079916), ('was ', -0.03120744414627552), ('yu', -0.04949688017950393), ('ms', -0.04121987955295481), ('.', -0.029983115673530847), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great naan.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.7096087913960218), ('na', -0.23359991796314716), ('an', 0.14570553973317146), ('.', -0.042427390813827515), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Not good. Threw away everything I bought. Blech. :-('} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', -0.41196371974501744), ('good', 0.3060317952463265), ('. ', -0.009975524112633138), ('Threw ', 0.022846315361630332), ('away ', 0.02079195449910003), ('everything ', -0.07098285947333048), ('I ', -0.0032671816031476435), ('bought', -0.05102864932675099), ('. ', -0.012649284401959449), ('B', -0.047933244007632915), ('le', -0.04082698516178122), ('ch', -0.014532975049557232), ('. ', -0.022771512697545404), (':', -0.03090244984105084), ('-', -0.01013047436481429), ('(', -0.07064219652238535), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'long time whiting to get help'} [('', 0.0), ('long ', -0.18341549742035568), ('time ', -0.13227729010395706), ('w', 0.16758432082133368), ('hiti', 0.06473329052096233), ('ng ', 0.05656608170829713), ('to ', 0.18457711301743984), ('get ', -0.44351514149457216), ('help', 0.06415719632059336), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Doors locked, no furniture inside. Apparently out of business.'} [('', 0.0), ('Doors ', 0.011497297747155244), ('locked', -0.035755153395257366), (', ', -0.0024278915570903337), ('no ', -0.22805933386689503), ('furniture ', -0.05806459796940544), ('inside', 0.12680548613298015), ('. ', 0.0004955492822773522), ('Apparently ', -0.0697034254699247), ('out ', -0.06892619974678382), ('of ', -0.007816347613697872), ('business', -0.0010342875175410882), ('.', -0.03928652364993468), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "Awesome place. Laulau's are good and moist."} [('', 0.0), ('Awesome ', 0.3182199615985155), ('place', 0.008324412629008293), ('. ', -0.012875482439994812), ('Lau', -0.004515406675636768), ('lau', 0.005150024779140949), ("'", 0.0232314164750278), ('s ', 0.014874402899295092), ('are ', 0.026276258751749992), ('good ', 0.11267625540494919), ('and ', 0.02606671117246151), ('moist', 0.09030932560563087), ('.', 0.01956646516919136), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': '?'} [('', 0.0), ('?', -0.9183326857164502), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'adobo fried rice omelette'} [('', 0.0), ('ad', 0.26579045760445297), ('ob', -0.057154982117936015), ('o ', 0.14159884676337242), ('fried ', -0.1646160837262869), ('rice ', -0.34251893498003483), ('om', -0.20978145929984748), ('ele', 0.267084403662011), ('tte', 0.01734253764152527), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Amazing Pork Adobo!..Loved the live music :)'} [('', 0.0), ('Amazing ', 0.34337152959778905), ('Pork ', -0.14205126138404012), ('Ad', 0.07467904606892262), ('ob', 0.012475259936763905), ('o', 0.028588951099663973), ('!', -0.027299076318740845), ('.', -0.021919984370470047), ('.', -0.024860013276338577), ('Loved ', 0.2183221490122378), ('the ', 0.00892598694190383), ('live ', 0.08495705807581544), ('music ', 0.06149456789717078), (':', -0.015658129937946796), (')', -0.017598207108676434), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Food is good and cheap!'} [('', 0.0), ('Food ', 0.12479569530114532), ('is ', 0.08217478572623804), ('good ', 0.6379410719382577), ('and ', 0.06897506551467814), ('cheap', -0.31752222018985776), ('!', 0.09415731878107181), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': '2 for 1 Jameson shots for $6!!'} [('', 0.0), ('2 ', 0.012139014550484717), ('for ', -0.055979533470235765), ('1 ', -0.04946882091462612), ('Jameson ', -0.015958541858708486), ('shots ', -0.07739863471942954), ('for ', 0.01721333505702205), ('$', -0.18576787624624558), ('6', 0.054249580891337246), ('!', 0.01629872794728726), ('!', -0.0076683093793690205), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'good ol southern family owned busines.'} [('', 0.0), ('good ', 0.6221836917102337), ('ol ', 0.005357289686799049), ('southern ', -0.03449997864663601), ('family ', 0.22955121379345655), ('owned ', 0.012495176866650581), ('bus', -0.09072173270396888), ('ines', -0.006151003995910287), ('.', -0.016020700335502625), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Beef taco ok.quesedilla..had me sick as shit'} [('', 0.0), ('Beef ', -0.13296591190737672), ('ta', 0.016694122186891036), ('co ', -0.07361692167251022), ('ok', 0.15514471325150225), ('.', -0.0074241303955204785), ('que', 0.0033972896853811108), ('sed', 0.006102954343077727), ('illa', -0.055060808146663476), ('.', -0.00848817391670309), ('.', -0.02074226940749213), ('had ', -0.05237728266365593), ('me ', 0.012629149678105023), ('sick ', -0.0880619407253107), ('as ', -0.03289243562903721), ('shit', -0.1499189818277955), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Taaaaaaaaacs!!! Bomb digitty all day errr day. Uwwwwwee!'} [('', 0.0), ('Ta', -0.006442725280066952), ('aa', -0.033480316487839445), ('aa', -0.03016237003612332), ('aa', -0.01757546464796178), ('aa', -0.03430182521697134), ('cs', -0.04927818651776761), ('!', -0.06538894341792911), ('!', -0.012888799246866256), ('! ', -0.017135717731434852), ('Bomb ', -0.041170853102812544), ('digit', -0.007236727862618864), ('ty ', -0.008069739589700475), ('all ', -0.008057267579715699), ('day ', -0.0039640909526497126), ('er', -0.014737867066287436), ('rr ', -0.01478332317492459), ('day', 0.00021397671662271023), ('. ', -0.012412077136104926), ('U', -0.022736779235856375), ('w', -0.01423960557076498), ('w', -0.014558152932295343), ('w', -0.013780279838101706), ('w', -0.020226074317179155), ('wee', -0.02585514162637992), ('!', -0.018042362557025626), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'goldiggers everywhere, place smells like smoke, no class\\n\\njust no'} [('', 0.0), ('gold', 0.03434419371842523), ('ig', -0.08141943526425166), ('gers ', -0.00940038083717809), ('everywhere', -0.04425591973631526), (', ', 0.012828751587221632), ('place ', 0.019909040229322272), ('smells ', 0.0886138424375531), ('like ', -0.060325232676404994), ('smoke', -0.12399758773608482), (', ', -0.017659122655459214), ('no ', -0.09901376905327197), ('class', -0.02826794033171609), ('\\', -0.021814649298903532), ('n', -0.01440085275862657), ('\\', -0.01664360362519801), ('nj', 0.008517518461303553), ('ust ', -0.025122677245235536), ('no', -0.09056202978536021), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "I love, love, love Trader Joe's. The end."} [('', 0.0), ('I ', -0.0012304076226428151), ('love', 0.21121586195658892), (', ', -0.006653351476415992), ('love', 0.18862758739851415), (', ', 0.009566609980538487), ('love ', 0.34754135936964303), ('Trader ', -0.07063096680212766), ('Joe', 0.11661540437489748), ("'", -0.0020060548558831215), ('s', -0.004697532393038273), ('. ', -0.026814389042556286), ('The ', -0.040702671743929386), ('end', -0.08646636549383402), ('.', -0.05092027969658375), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Very good breakfast, very friendly staff, nice to sit outside.'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.007537949830293655), ('good ', 0.14986646827310324), ('breakfast', 0.011077632196247578), (', ', -0.013843521475791931), ('very ', -0.002137791831046343), ('friendly ', 0.1540622473694384), ('staff', 0.014178602024912834), (', ', -0.012543611228466034), ('nice ', 0.37984282709658146), ('to ', -0.0023582912981510162), ('sit ', -0.015589348506182432), ('outside', -0.023098206613212824), ('.', -0.03753966838121414), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great \\"local\\" spot.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.3777669295668602), ('\\', 0.05603852681815624), ('"', -0.03864463232457638), ('local', 0.020209625363349915), ('\\', 0.018479175865650177), ('" ', 0.06432302622124553), ('spot', 0.2106257569976151), ('.', 0.019806325435638428), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'It was nice and clean employees were nice'} [('', 0.0), ('It ', -0.02222728356719017), ('was ', -0.008467895910143852), ('nice ', 0.39540798403322697), ('and ', 0.03126072883605957), ('clean ', 0.14636633545160294), ('employees ', -0.00015900284051895142), ('were ', -0.03948692977428436), ('nice', 0.22647084295749664), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'They should move the Oyster Bar in here!'} [('', 0.0), ('They ', -0.0475793331861496), ('should ', -0.19670248217880726), ('move ', 0.5353919882327318), ('the ', 0.17528347158804536), ('Oyster ', -0.4672787291929126), ('Bar ', -0.2835798206506297), ('in ', 0.1144602425629273), ('here', -0.026597863296046853), ('!', 0.07122436445206404), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'I was really drunk and it was really good!!'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', -0.006487608858151361), ('was ', -0.0072760818256938364), ('really ', 0.025683547584776534), ('drunk ', -0.1714563153363997), ('and ', 0.0037013738183304667), ('it ', -0.028709558660921175), ('was ', -0.03227251223142957), ('really ', 0.14201930312992772), ('good', 0.7433959260888514), ('!', 0.014471408736426383), ('!', -0.01703687012195587), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'waited long time but well wort hit.i will return.'} [('', 0.0), ('waited ', -0.2752118380740285), ('long ', -0.050473742303438485), ('time ', 0.04028267983812839), ('but ', 0.06551516242325306), ('well ', 0.2576983933104202), ('wo', -0.33015955712471623), ('rt ', 0.1686954977485584), ('hit', 0.19181864440906793), ('.', 0.22088742500636727), ('i ', 0.021283681970089674), ('will ', 0.4296816964633763), ('return', -0.03304397687315941), ('.', -0.10953692346811295), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "Always a destination when I'm in town..."} [('', 0.0), ('Always ', 0.0031871460378170013), ('a ', 0.10797241935506463), ('destination ', 0.22722850542049855), ('when ', 0.042871527024544775), ('I', 0.1326690288260579), ("'", 0.049971934175118804), ('m ', 0.02356424165191129), ('in ', 0.10056236997479573), ('town', 0.0674764042487368), ('.', 0.005368235986679792), ('.', -0.05585898458957672), ('.', -0.07805061340332031), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best authentic Japanese in Vegas bar none!'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.6729434581939131), ('authentic ', 0.18610259925480932), ('Japanese ', 0.0017534814542159438), ('in ', 0.007628191960975528), ('Vegas ', 0.1429822570644319), ('bar ', -0.08652679235092364), ('none', -0.21299775401712395), ('!', 0.014769862871617079), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great food, good service, I like the poke sashimi most!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.12260877154767513), ('food', 0.05440059304237366), (', ', -0.019916141405701637), ('good ', 0.19978021527640522), ('service', -0.025882771937176585), (', ', -0.017437027767300606), ('I ', 0.13593985023908317), ('like ', 0.04023122158832848), ('the ', 0.02019752678461373), ('poke ', -0.04292939347214997), ('sash', 0.01954953174572438), ('imi ', -0.014637086424045265), ('most', 0.1244855523109436), ('!', 0.02496694214642048), ('!', -0.05378730595111847), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "Food is suck, I'm whiting my food like 50min then......"} [('', -2.584182220743969e-05), ('Food ', -0.01998251234908821), ('is ', 0.08610974218026968), ('suck', -0.278070919935999), (', ', -0.017362448008498177), ('I', 0.00505243759592607), ("'", -0.014420791880790299), ('m ', 0.010877466619907258), ('w', -0.00450758496299386), ('hiti', -0.008807861770037562), ('ng ', -0.007693893014220521), ('my ', -0.03706719521627141), ('food ', 0.015561229275287284), ('like ', -0.005755421790430167), ('50', -0.04132883847341873), ('min ', -0.01885915148886852), ('then', -0.03456113186257426), ('.', 0.0015776094660395756), ('.', -0.032959092292003334), ('.', -0.022233240422792733), ('.', -0.021429762768093497), ('.', -0.020045737212058157), ('.', -0.02349857334047556), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': '\\u3053\\u3053\\u306f \\u98df\\u3079\\u308b\\u3068\\u3057\\u305f\\u3089 \\u6642\\u9593\\u304c\\u4f59\\u88d5\\u306e\\u6642\\u306e\\u65b9\\u304c\\u3044\\u3044\\u3068\\u601d\\u3044\\u307e\\u3059\\u3002\\u5ea7\\u308c\\u308b\\u53ef\\u80fd\\u6027\\u304c\\u5c11\\u306a\\u3044\\u306e\\u3067\\u3002\\u3042\\u3068\\u4e88\\u7d04\\u3057\\u3066\\u3082\\u610f\\u5473\\u304c\\u3042\\u308a\\u307e\\u305b\\u3093\\u3002\\u50d5\\u305f\\u3061\\u306f\\u5ea7\\u308c\\u307e\\u305b\\u3093\\u3067\\u3057\\u305f'} [('', -0.0009857776312856004), ('\\', -0.0009857776312856004), ('u', -0.0009857776312856004), ('30', -0.0009857776312856004), ('53', -0.0010749026405392215), ('\\', -0.0010749026405392215), ('u', -0.0010749026405392215), ('30', -0.0010749026405392215), ('53', -0.001365998168087875), ('\\', -0.001365998168087875), ('u', -0.001365998168087875), ('30', -0.001365998168087875), ('6', -0.001340575803381701), ('f ', -0.001340575803381701), ('\\', -0.0013405758033817013), ('u', -0.0013405758033817013), ('9', -0.0013405758033817013), ('8', -0.0017373677595363308), ('df', -0.0017373677595363308), ('\\', -0.0017373677595363308), ('u', -0.0017385140624052535), ('30', -0.0017385140624052535), ('7', -0.0017385140624052535), ('9', -0.0013608422596007586), ('\\', -0.0013608422596007586), ('u', -0.0013608422596007586), ('30', -0.0013608422596007586), ('8', -0.0012323263314707826), ('b', -0.0012323263314707826), ('\\', -0.0012323263314707826), ('u', -0.0012323263314707826), ('30', -0.0012323263314707826), ('6', -0.0012323263314707826), ('8', -0.0012876723485533148), ('\\', -0.0012876723485533148), ('u', -0.0012876723485533148), ('30', -0.0012876723485533148), ('57', -0.0015252303928718902), ('\\', -0.0015252303928718902), ('u', -0.0015252303928718902), ('30', -0.0015252303928718902), ('5', -0.001375541515396132), ('f', -0.001375541515396132), ('\\', -0.001375541515396132), ('u', -0.0011593595821371614), ('30', -0.0011593595821371614), ('8', -0.0011593595821371614), ('9 ', -0.0011593595821371614), ('\\', -0.0012448458209595023), ('u', -0.0012448458209595023), ('66', -0.0012448458209595023), ('42', -0.0012448458209595023), ('\\', -0.0012448458209595023), ('u', -0.0015534275640382161), ('9', -0.0015534275640382161), ('59', -0.0015534275640382161), ('3', -0.0013362848939333153), ('\\', -0.0013362848939333153), ('u', -0.0013362848939333153), ('30', -0.0013362848939333153), ('4', -0.0014106679427174802), ('c', -0.0014106679427174802), ('\\', -0.0014106679427174802), ('u', -0.0016129999451387003), ('4', -0.0016129999451387003), ('f', -0.0016129999451387003), ('59', -0.0010682054603701361), ('\\', -0.0010682054603701361), ('u', -0.0010682054603701361), ('8', -0.0010682054603701361), ('8', -0.0010682054603701361), ('d', -0.0010682054603701361), ('5', -0.0010682054603701361), ('\\', -0.0010682054603701361), ('u', -0.0011158767789288017), ('30', -0.0011158767789288017), ('6', -0.0011158767789288017), ('e', -0.0011158767789288017), ('\\', -0.0011158767789288017), ('u', -0.0011274966811446996), ('66', -0.0011274966811446996), ('42', -0.0011274966811446996), ('\\', -0.0011274966811446996), ('u', -0.0008953723156051105), ('30', -0.0008953723156051105), ('6', -0.0008953723156051104), ('e', -0.0008953723156051104), ('\\', -0.0008953723156051104), ('u', -0.0008965821834571853), ('65', -0.0008965821834571853), ('b', -0.0008965821834571853), ('9', -0.0008965821834571853), ('\\', -0.0008965821834571853), ('u', -0.0008965821834571853), ('30', -0.0008965821834571853), ('4', -0.0006876454131879814), ('c', -0.0006876454131879814), ('\\', -0.0006876454131879814), ('u', -0.0006876454131879815), ('30', -0.0006876454131879815), ('44', -0.0006876454131879815), ('\\', -0.0006876454131879815), ('u', -0.0006876454131879815), ('30', -0.0006876454131879815), ('44', -0.0006876454131879815), ('\\', -0.0006876454131879815), ('u', -0.0006876454131879814), ('30', -0.0006876454131879814), ('6', -0.0006876454131879814), ('8', -0.0006365673807782253), ('\\', -0.0006365673807782253), ('u', -0.0006365673807782253), ('60', -0.0006365673807782253), ('1', -0.0006365673807782253), ('d', -0.0006365673807782253), ('\\', -0.0006365673807782253), ('u', -0.0006843809643575537), ('30', -0.0006843809643575537), ('44', -0.0006843809643575537), ('\\', -0.0006843809643575537), ('u', -0.0006843809643575537), ('30', -0.0006843809643575537), ('7', -0.0006843809643575536), ('e', -0.0006843809643575536), ('\\', -0.0006843809643575536), ('u', -0.000628058577246992), ('30', -0.000628058577246992), ('59', -0.000628058577246992), ('\\', -0.000628058577246992), ('u', -0.000628058577246992), ('30', -0.000628058577246992), ('0', -0.000628058577246992), ('2', -0.000628058577246992), ('\\', -0.000628058577246992), ('u', -0.000628058577246992), ('5', -0.0006563098530293619), ('ea', -0.0006563098530293619), ('7', -0.0006563098530293619), ('\\', -0.0006563098530293619), ('u', -0.0006563098530293618), ('30', -0.0006563098530293618), ('8', -0.0006563098530293618), ('c', -0.0006563098530293618), ('\\', -0.0006563098530293618), ('u', -0.0010595258069128245), ('30', -0.0010595258069128245), ('8', -0.0010595258069128245), ('b', -0.0010595258069128245), ('\\', -0.0010595258069128245), ('u', -0.0010595258069128245), ('53', -0.0013250246319901026), ('ef', -0.0013250246319901026), ('\\', -0.0013250246319901026), ('u', -0.0013250246319901023), ('80', -0.0013121979918312107), ('f', -0.0013121979918312107), ('d', -0.0013121979918312107), ('\\', -0.0013121979918312107), ('u', -0.000923617669844613), ('60', -0.000923617669844613), ('27', -0.000923617669844613), ('\\', -0.000923617669844613), ('u', -0.0009331030971348141), ('30', -0.0009331030971348141), ('4', -0.0009331030971348142), ('c', -0.0009331030971348142), ('\\', -0.0009331030971348142), ('u', -0.0008602272145115352), ('5', -0.0008602272145115352), ('c', -0.0008602272145115352), ('11', -0.0008602272145115354), ('\\', -0.0008602272145115354), ('u', -0.0008602272145115354), ('30', -0.0008602272145115354), ('6', -0.0007595036136982146), ('a', -0.0007595036136982146), ('\\', -0.0007595036136982146), ('u', -0.0007595036136982147), ('30', -0.0007595036136982147), ('44', -0.0007595036136982147), ('\\', -0.0007595036136982147), ('u', -0.0007585443385330645), ('30', -0.0007585443385330645), ('6', -0.0007585443385330644), ('e', -0.0007585443385330644), ('\\', -0.0007585443385330644), ('u', -0.0007585443385330644), ('30', -0.0007585443385330644), ('6', -0.0007585443385330644), ('7', -0.0007585443385330645), ('\\', -0.0007585443385330645), ('u', -0.0007138418627755935), ('30', -0.0007138418627755935), ('0', -0.0007138418627755935), ('2', -0.0007138418627755935), ('\\', -0.0007138418627755935), ('u', -0.0007138418627755935), ('30', -0.0007138418627755935), ('42', -0.0012158073679628698), ('\\', -0.0012158073679628698), ('u', -0.0012158073679628698), ('30', -0.0012158073679628698), ('6', -0.0012158073679628698), ('8', -0.001577643627216193), ('\\', -0.001577643627216193), ('u', -0.001577643627216193), ('4', -0.001577643627216193), ('e', -0.001577643627216193), ('8', -0.001577643627216193), ('8', -0.0013260204668733334), ('\\', -0.0013260204668733334), ('u', -0.0013260204668733334), ('7', -0.0013260204668733334), ('d', -0.0013260204668733334), ('0', -0.0013260204668733334), ('4', -0.0012197977527310805), ('\\', -0.0012197977527310805), ('u', -0.0012197977527310805), ('30', -0.0012197977527310805), ('57', -0.0012197977527310805), ('\\', -0.0012197977527310805), ('u', -0.0012197977527310805), ('30', -0.0012197977527310805), ('66', -0.0010751739809891643), ('\\', -0.0010751739809891643), ('u', -0.0010751739809891643), ('30', -0.0010751739809891643), ('8', -0.0010751739809891643), ('2', -0.0010549519993035554), ('\\', -0.0010549519993035554), ('u', -0.0010549519993035554), ('6', -0.0010549519993035554), ('10', -0.0013327886307577328), ('f', -0.0013327886307577328), ('\\', -0.0013327886307577328), ('u', -0.0013327886307577328), ('54', -0.0013327886307577328), ('7', -0.0013327886307577328), ('3', -0.0010426570241526512), ('\\', -0.0010426570241526512), ('u', -0.0010426570241526512), ('30', -0.0010426570241526512), ('4', -0.0010426570241526512), ('c', -0.0010426570241526512), ('\\', -0.0010426570241526512), ('u', -0.0014304180693545797), ('30', -0.0014304180693545797), ('42', -0.0014304180693545797), ('\\', -0.0014304180693545797), ('u', -0.0014878570864641527), ('30', -0.0014878570864641527), ('8', -0.0014878570864641524), ('a', -0.0014878570864641524), ('\\', -0.0014878570864641524), ('u', -0.001134520560797108), ('30', -0.001134520560797108), ('7', -0.0011345205607971077), ('e', -0.0011345205607971077), ('\\', -0.0011345205607971077), ('u', -0.0011358026194533235), ('30', -0.0011358026194533235), ('5', -0.0011358026194533235), ('b', -0.0011358026194533235), ('\\', -0.0011358026194533235), ('u', -0.0008727269765751606), ('30', -0.0008727269765751606), ('9', -0.0008727269765751606), ('3', -0.0008727269765751606), ('\\', -0.0008727269765751606), ('u', -0.0008359026216732507), ('30', -0.0008359026216732507), ('0', -0.0008359026216732507), ('2', -0.0008359026216732507), ('\\', -0.0008359026216732507), ('u', -0.0008359026216732507), ('50', -0.0007825674993606906), ('d', -0.0007825674993606906), ('5', -0.0007825674993606906), ('\\', -0.0007825674993606906), ('u', -0.0007584372574153046), ('30', -0.0007584372574153046), ('5', -0.0007584372574153046), ('f', -0.0007584372574153046), ('\\', -0.0007584372574153046), ('u', -0.0009853591957392218), ('30', -0.0009853591957392218), ('6', -0.0009853591957392218), ('1', -0.0010111636995600584), ('\\', -0.0010111636995600584), ('u', -0.0010111636995600584), ('30', -0.0010111636995600584), ('6', -0.0009647843398106022), ('f', -0.0009647843398106022), ('\\', -0.0009647843398106022), ('u', -0.0011100895983429673), ('5', -0.0011100895983429673), ('ea', -0.0011100895983429673), ('7', -0.0006905849073447433), ('\\', -0.0006905849073447433), ('u', -0.0006905849073447433), ('30', -0.0006905849073447433), ('8', -0.000687672545238599), ('c', -0.000687672545238599), ('\\', -0.000687672545238599), ('u', -0.000687672545238599), ('30', -0.000687672545238599), ('7', -0.0006233567664144086), ('e', -0.0006233567664144086), ('\\', -0.0006233567664144086), ('u', -0.0006233567664144085), ('30', -0.0006233567664144085), ('5', -0.0006233567664144085), ('b', -0.0006233567664144085), ('\\', -0.0006233567664144085), ('u', -0.0004411355232852592), ('30', -0.0004411355232852592), ('9', -0.0004411355232852592), ('3', -0.0004411355232852592), ('\\', -0.0004411355232852592), ('u', -0.00042399743170405094), ('30', -0.00042399743170405094), ('6', -0.00042399743170405094), ('7', -0.0004239974317040509), ('\\', -0.0004239974317040509), ('u', -0.0004239974317040509), ('30', -0.0004239974317040509), ('57', -0.0005056450294008605), ('\\', -0.0005056450294008605), ('u', -0.0005056450294008605), ('30', -0.0005056450294008605), ('5', -0.00048204391837624233), ('f', -0.00048204391837624233), ('', -0.00048204391837624233)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'This is worst restaurant ever. It ruined my vegas trip.'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', -0.01820707272781874), ('is ', -0.009513833263554261), ('worst ', -0.3134885906929412), ('restaurant ', 0.07266678942232829), ('ever', 0.07783053202638257), ('. ', 0.004163347473877366), ('It ', -0.004337189503530681), ('ruined ', -0.24365351711185212), ('my ', -0.008531465935448068), ('vegas ', 0.08318200461053493), ('trip', 0.026491278625144332), ('.', -0.03897495725686895), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'They microwave their BBQ items. NOT FRESH!'} [('', 0.0), ('They ', -0.0053094112445251085), ('microwave ', -0.007562914988739067), ('their ', -0.04913102779210021), ('BB', -0.06835518025764031), ('Q ', -0.009765904149389826), ('items', 0.007466728056897409), ('. ', 0.005466167058330029), ('NOT ', -0.5157592770920019), ('FRESH', 0.320369987115555), ('!', 0.020008642037282698), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Bad customer service.\\nFood not really good,not recommend!!!'} [('', -9.604151728126453e-06), ('Bad ', -0.18566021834931234), ('customer ', 0.013497774387815298), ('service', -0.013979471020775236), ('.', -0.027810574636532692), ('\\', -0.007404311637143027), ('n', -0.01859236187863878), ('Fo', -0.006911307392676987), ('od ', -0.016504550534939495), ('not ', -0.1471003159891659), ('really ', 0.005114207682834838), ('good', 0.09623131512155465), (',', -0.0125971671247643), ('not ', -0.16124176761855558), ('recommend', 0.0644059472654066), ('!', -0.005857668697679015), ('!', -0.0034762170907924883), ('!', -0.033551153774169507), ('', -9.360264812130481e-07)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best ever.'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.261570543050766), ('ever', 0.17711174488067627), ('.', 0.03818538784980774), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'yum.yum yum \\n\\nBIG portions i love the gangster atmosphere....'} [('', 2.868473529815674e-06), ('yu', -0.0799270374700427), ('m', -0.02127917017787695), ('.', -0.014406668022274971), ('yu', -0.01642032071831636), ('m ', -0.007858194754226134), ('yu', -0.015310546309531978), ('m ', -0.012354384248222536), ('\\', -0.018405042718707895), ('n', -0.01576068993890658), ('\\', -0.01671222646255046), ('n', -0.020416580241483948), ('BI', -0.017989433384112394), ('G ', -0.006145992329887425), ('portions ', -0.006047178016160615), ('i ', -0.005127662399900146), ('love ', 0.791968894060119), ('the ', 0.1120867694116896), ('gangster ', -0.044837456589448266), ('atmosphere', -0.013783507092739455), ('.', -0.008808925602352247), ('.', -0.02456178516149521), ('.', -0.018409252166748047), ('.', -0.022858239710330963), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'amazing everything especially potatoes, banaba bread and lobster omelet yummmm!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('amazing ', 0.8719896918628365), ('everything ', 0.014224032910230259), ('especially ', 0.02265918276195104), ('potatoes', -0.08388423001936947), (', ', -0.03684723319020122), ('ban', -0.052798155161629744), ('aba ', -0.004476291001386319), ('bread ', -0.029178260553938646), ('and ', -0.00019350549458370853), ('lobster ', -0.01877481863387705), ('om', -0.014672576243659327), ('ele', 0.007981314166196777), ('t ', -0.00969868574369078), ('yu', -0.007289813188738966), ('mm', -0.029195620210278623), ('mm', -0.035189604071395784), ('!', 0.0016445628231546532), ('!', -0.008050262928009033), ('!', -0.06934100389480591), ('', 1.1488795280456543e-05)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Big portions, average food'} [('', 0.0), ('Big ', 0.06682715192437172), ('portions', 0.07181492820382118), (', ', 0.16995952278375626), ('average ', 0.04639994353055954), ('food', 0.2859654352068901), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'every thing people say about the service is true. horrible...'} [('', 0.0), ('every ', 0.015587158675771207), ('thing ', -0.055187865042171325), ('people ', -0.013400888574324199), ('say ', 0.016427237286734453), ('about ', 0.022449964666520827), ('the ', -0.014048222629298834), ('service ', -0.03190254276023552), ('is ', 0.007546054071553954), ('true', 0.37877221471580924), ('. ', 0.0005870428994967369), ('horrible', -0.6067636401821801), ('.', -0.03304544940692722), ('.', -0.02904637424944667), ('.', -0.0733709198248107), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'My favorite lunch!'} [('', 0.0), ('My ', 0.04157831519842148), ('favorite ', 0.14324133470654488), ('lunch', 0.12348956242203712), ('!', 0.2778777629137039), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "I won't go anywhere else for Chinese."} [('', 0.0), ('I ', -0.05274304607883096), ('won', 0.3108820335182827), ("'", -0.1396551682264544), ('t ', -0.3082243290555198), ('go ', 0.1440673377510393), ('anywhere ', 0.08676723013923038), ('else ', -0.20215987893971032), ('for ', 0.021523093400901416), ('Chinese', -0.029732251954555977), ('.', -0.130626977479551), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'best mongolian beef anywhere, swear....'} [('', 0.0), ('best ', 0.8571104315342382), ('mongolian ', 0.07665511497179978), ('beef ', -0.1014568257087376), ('anywhere', -0.01110600121319294), (', ', 0.06102355709299445), ('swear', -0.07418786198832095), ('.', -0.006415029289200902), ('.', -0.029919211752712727), ('.', -0.03809975739568472), ('.', -0.04260401427745819), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'This is the place to gp!'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', 0.1332821026444435), ('is ', 0.1778043806552887), ('the ', 0.2482941523194313), ('place ', 0.005038131959736347), ('to ', 0.128364241681993), ('gp', -0.05410278961062431), ('!', 0.08418726921081543), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Not a large selction of any thingand over priced'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', -0.13391305253753671), ('a ', 0.01320896296238061), ('large ', 0.014075678256631363), ('se', -0.005390681930293795), ('lc', -0.023250036298122723), ('tion ', -0.04833034875628073), ('of ', 0.0005606157537840772), ('any ', -0.06485144007820054), ('thing', -0.019765654011280276), ('and ', -0.004637620986613911), ('over ', -0.13042068582581123), ('priced', 0.030862308434734587), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Very friendly, knowledgeable staff !!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.0712205022573471), ('friendly', 0.2494885940104723), (', ', 0.008338386192917824), ('knowledge', 0.0902799959294498), ('able ', 0.1181582729332149), ('staff ', 0.11028967145830393), ('!', 0.009973030537366867), ('!', 0.04906872659921646), ('!', 0.006184101104736328), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Excellent food, very friendly service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Excellent ', 0.15656715631484985), ('food', 0.1155322790145874), (', ', 0.08980059623718262), ('very ', 0.09906766936182976), ('friendly ', 0.280680313706398), ('service', 0.006937693804502487), ('.', -0.02515304833650589), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Good Hawaiian/Korean style food and good island people.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.1496548354625702), ('Hawaiian', 0.03083229809999466), ('/', -0.012253798544406891), ('Korean ', 0.030588749796152115), ('style ', 0.10959955491125584), ('food ', 0.021824536845088005), ('and ', 0.005069795995950699), ('good ', 0.3955680141225457), ('island ', -0.007429358549416065), ('people', -0.021653536707162857), ('.', -0.03574678301811218), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great service and great food. Love the combo plate.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.19243308110162616), ('service ', -0.019828404765576124), ('and ', -0.005214925855398178), ('great ', 0.1832710411399603), ('food', -0.011118097230792046), ('. ', -0.004522658884525299), ('Love ', 0.3567312387749553), ('the ', 0.050180695950984955), ('combo ', -0.0021810862235724926), ('plate', -0.03781624836847186), ('.', -0.03586721420288086), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Terrible. Do not honor their warranties in tim,ely fashion.'} [('', 0.0), ('Terrible', -0.19968084540960263), ('. ', -0.007442351427016547), ('Do ', -0.011937073272747512), ('not ', -0.303992967906197), ('honor ', 0.14756894401580212), ('their ', -0.004128523407416651), ('warrant', -0.005978293893349473), ('ies ', -0.044579678349691676), ('in ', 0.0430512272228043), ('tim', 0.008691351676588965), (',', -0.011056840660785383), ('ely ', -0.004957246219419176), ('fashion', 0.011411686547944555), ('.', -0.03310878545016749), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Excellent boba !'} [('', 0.0), ('Excellent ', 0.19826028496026993), ('bob', 0.03204475715756416), ('a ', 0.07908128574490547), ('!', 0.27717752754688263), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Boba tea was great. Very friendly service!'} [('', 0.0), ('Bob', 0.021315399557352066), ('a ', -0.004895370453596115), ('tea ', -0.06549040088430047), ('was ', 0.03433468984439969), ('great', 0.3119754772633314), ('. ', 0.05144988000392914), ('Very ', 0.07160418760031462), ('friendly ', 0.31099415477365255), ('service', -0.03241744078695774), ('!', -0.0019667521119117737), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'This place was really good!'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', 0.06969603523612022), ('place ', 0.0759061835706234), ('was ', -0.16657911986112595), ('really ', 0.3129595033824444), ('good', 0.3478860817849636), ('!', 0.05125521868467331), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "This place is fabulous, and look I'm number 300!!"} [('', 0.0), ('This ', -0.03435971634462476), ('place ', 0.06143339222762734), ('is ', 0.005694877938367426), ('fabulous', 0.3155654848087579), (', ', -0.034660542383790016), ('and ', 0.002172393724322319), ('look ', 0.06131171900779009), ('I', 0.09100703103467822), ("'", 0.05304762488231063), ('m ', -0.016330440528690815), ('number ', -0.011710499878972769), ('300', 0.0605176598764956), ('!', 0.07098167017102242), ('!', -0.041121840476989746), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Very, Very good (great) donuts!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Very', -0.012207336723804474), (', ', -0.016544189304113388), ('Very ', -0.00778899691067636), ('good ', 0.323090749559924), ('(', 0.07415089383721352), ('great', 0.1973183040972799), (') ', 0.04310009558685124), ('don', -0.012342545203864574), ('uts', -0.046164614614099264), ('!', 0.09517997363582253), ('!', 0.005496963858604431), ('!', -0.01599043607711792), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Love this place. Stop here once a week.'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.5071250051259995), ('this ', 0.028104237280786037), ('place', 0.10920129809528589), ('. ', -0.0628431960940361), ('Stop ', -0.07105732976924628), ('here ', 0.07519107579719275), ('once ', 0.026773000368848443), ('a ', 0.019652364077046514), ('week', 0.07577982963994145), ('.', -0.010998141020536423), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Amazing donuts.\\n\\nCash only.'} [('', 0.0), ('Amazing ', 0.8804128019255586), ('don', -0.00380881033197511), ('uts', -0.030781759283854626), ('.', -0.01632136502303183), ('\\', -0.016896914690732956), ('n', -0.020137244428042322), ('\\', -0.01539915386820212), ('nC', -0.022402552131097764), ('ash ', -0.034679255390074104), ('only', -0.03247992100659758), ('.', -0.021944090141914785), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Definitely not worth it for the price.'} [('', 0.0), ('Definitely ', 0.2232308150632889), ('not ', -0.8587945947474509), ('worth ', 0.12582925599781447), ('it ', 0.1405536265901901), ('for ', 0.10744704953685869), ('the ', 0.10142498715595138), ('price', -0.11170123907777452), ('.', 0.0016107709707284812), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great new lunch special menu!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.19550476968288422), ('new ', 0.05182834714651108), ('lunch ', 0.12716736644506454), ('special ', 0.2706810738891363), ('menu', -0.09033343754708767), ('!', 0.13627268373966217), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Loved it,small intimate, food very good, desert nummy!'} [('', 0.0), ('Loved ', 0.17896141204982996), ('it', -0.008187313564121723), (',', -0.02097991481423378), ('small ', -0.02424082811921835), ('intimate', 0.17861806880682707), (', ', -0.012081202119588852), ('food ', 0.003211940929759294), ('very ', 0.010941040993202478), ('good', 0.39430392265785486), (', ', -0.020038714865222573), ('desert ', -0.036645122920162976), ('nu', -0.025388539012055844), ('mmy', -0.023453162924852222), ('!', -0.011477899039164186), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'always good'} [('', 0.0), ('always ', 0.1352357268333435), ('good', 0.13789093494415283), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Overrated, ok service, very bland food.'} [('', 0.0), ('Over', -0.336136446096134), ('rated', 0.13375723373792425), (', ', 0.05197636530647287), ('ok ', 0.039519000270956894), ('service', -0.08297006023713038), (', ', 0.05911634337826399), ('very ', 0.13283738291465852), ('bland ', -0.37526180444729107), ('food', 0.10872994068267872), ('.', -0.032873287149413954), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "It's made me happy my whole life."} [('', 0.0), ('It', -0.028862185776233673), ("'", 0.016153253614902496), ('s ', -0.039777353405952454), ('made ', 0.1144323218613863), ('me ', 0.08352244086563587), ('happy ', 0.1984241735190153), ('my ', 0.04830086790025234), ('whole ', 0.12086073192767799), ('life', 0.21010370482690632), ('.', -0.026225758716464043), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Will never see your money.'} [('', 0.0), ('Will ', 0.12455587310250849), ('never ', -0.5773973678151378), ('see ', 0.29620341562258545), ('your ', 0.0876146391092334), ('money', -0.2090526234533172), ('.', -0.029393251927103847), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Love that Tostada salad.'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.7903469745069742), ('that ', -0.03501628525555134), ('To', 0.08783222106285393), ('stad', -0.08360999007709324), ('a ', 0.00048812665045261383), ('salad', -0.008961165323853493), ('.', -0.027722502127289772), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great food. Wonderful find.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.12766655534505844), ('food', 0.10729073733091354), ('. ', 0.11061586439609528), ('Wonderful ', 0.3875165469944477), ('find', -0.015405915677547455), ('.', -0.026533659547567368), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Nope. Not worth it.'} [('', 0.0), ('Nope', -0.26811383562017), ('. ', 0.1171732357761357), ('Not ', -0.4951751539165343), ('worth ', 0.20243732781364088), ('it', 0.16224286589022086), ('.', -0.02704980826820247), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Baked Pork Buns !!!! Awesome pastries'} [('', 0.0), ('Baked ', 0.05650866497308016), ('Pork ', -0.08960326109081507), ('Bun', -0.07630511571187526), ('s ', -0.0025467349914833903), ('!', -0.010075343772768974), ('!', -0.0027123764157295227), ('!', -0.0042981114238500595), ('! ', -0.0023075882345438004), ('Awesome ', 0.8301813453435898), ('past', -0.03695348103065044), ('ries', 0.0038707313360646367), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'The baked items are awesome. \\nOwners attitude sucks.\\n\\nShortest review ever.'} [('', 2.294778823852539e-06), ('The ', 0.0033220718323718756), ('baked ', 0.02221759921667399), ('items ', 0.03774126947246259), ('are ', 0.059448922067531385), ('awesome', 0.5879301242384827), ('. ', 0.10341176006477326), ('\\', -0.014955986407585442), ('nOw', -0.03286138847033726), ('ners ', -0.023116858319554012), ('attitude ', -0.03287223493680358), ('sucks', -0.06311191525310278), ('.', -0.013220162072684616), ('\\', -0.012043896596878767), ('n', 0.023237952264025807), ('\\', 0.007843558909371495), ('nS', -0.13116074516437948), ('hort', -0.017768257996067405), ('est ', -0.10490264883264899), ('review ', 0.030596564523875713), ('ever', 0.05369619932025671), ('.', -0.018557988107204437), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Really slow service but great boba the food is okay.'} [('', 0.0), ('Really ', 0.015589312999509275), ('slow ', -0.21901192818768322), ('service ', 0.01771403825841844), ('but ', 0.018185140273999423), ('great ', 0.2383828209276544), ('bob', 0.006978471326874569), ('a ', 0.0056989806616911665), ('the ', 0.017657865970249986), ('food ', 0.06863918924864265), ('is ', 0.124710429674451), ('okay', 0.3377855648031982), ('.', -0.005197738406423014), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Great Tea, Good Food, Horrible Service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.2830873457714915), ('Tea', 0.03413704503327608), (', ', 0.04377121478319168), ('Good ', 0.36325184939050814), ('Food', 0.09452154413884273), (', ', 0.04847925492504146), ('Horrible ', -0.1607679074513726), ('Service', -0.030593186937039718), ('.', 0.03682402556296438), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great place for the best Tea/Boba/Smoothies/Desserts !!!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.16538993827998638), ('place ', 0.0408005565404892), ('for ', -0.02631496451795101), ('the ', -0.00445398548617959), ('best ', 0.19461535150185227), ('Tea', -0.003497269470244646), ('/', -0.005988776218146086), ('Bob', -0.0550608896301128), ('a', -0.059958575351629406), ('/', -0.057150432956404984), ('Smooth', 0.1569722679851111), ('ies', -0.055370956513797864), ('/', -0.01705321972258389), ('Dessert', 0.20093857939355075), ('s ', -0.0015754566993564367), ('!', 0.05901293735951185), ('!', 0.0021224021911621094), ('!', 0.002776261419057846), ('!', -0.00791696086525917), ('!', -0.015950284898281097), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Worst service.... & overpriced boba.'} [('', 0.0), ('Worst ', -0.14884603933387552), ('service', -0.0428654713978176), ('.', -0.016610005844995612), ('.', -0.008602208717093163), ('.', -0.028488489083429158), ('. ', -0.02288620329454716), ('& ', 0.011194290933417506), ('over', -0.06716348256907168), ('pr', -0.01813559759227701), ('ice', -0.013592367687806473), ('d ', -0.00019595697290242242), ('bob', -0.019639396656202734), ('a', -0.018045918040115794), ('.', -0.02226435106149438), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': '\\"When music was music, and lyrics were lyrics\\"'} [('', 0.0), ('\\', 0.06435115379281342), ('"', 0.010245733428746462), ('When ', -0.15761951892636716), ('music ', 0.06412424432346597), ('was ', 0.0621681043994613), ('music', 0.2692196514690295), (', ', 0.0052737588994205), ('and ', 0.08481702581048012), ('lyrics ', 0.01619089237647131), ('were ', -0.21007229544920847), ('lyrics', 0.21253488614456728), ('\\', -0.06548943830421194), ('"', 0.004786774516105652), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': "Great local's bar."} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.4472315311431885), ('local', 0.14917166531085968), ("'", 0.07521283626556396), ('s ', 0.08393512666225433), ('bar', -0.04590269923210144), ('.', -0.018582552671432495), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good for simple Mexican Food! ;)'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.37828934378921986), ('for ', -0.023763958364725113), ('simple ', 0.018015483394265175), ('Mexican ', 0.1191008910536766), ('Food', 0.1570812501013279), ('! ', 0.08382223173975945), (';', 0.009145788848400116), (')', -0.012753881514072418), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Never. Over priced salt lick with an autistic staff.'} [('', 0.0), ('Never', -0.18363104428863153), ('. ', -0.007650407089386135), ('Over ', -0.029682906984817237), ('priced ', -0.024702205300854985), ('salt ', -0.017518420649139443), ('lick ', -0.022469471168733435), ('with ', 0.008052465054788627), ('an ', 0.041257180128013715), ('au', -0.060099636072664), ('tist', -0.02801627386634209), ('ic ', -0.042817291874598595), ('staff', -0.011526220554515021), ('.', -0.01106230917139328), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Great hot chocolate an free refills but the wifi sucks!!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.23107189842266962), ('hot ', 0.09502428681298625), ('chocolate ', 0.13879901416657958), ('an ', 0.041374925120180706), ('free ', -0.07098656161906547), ('ref', 0.0518605839065458), ('ill', -0.06518980206283231), ('s ', 0.01145050327613717), ('but ', -0.18316805832728278), ('the ', -0.06005332840140909), ('wi', -0.21058385286596604), ('fi ', -0.22122823804966174), ('sucks', -0.23056666465708986), ('!', 0.09193515550578013), ('!', -0.03111591632477939), ('!', -0.012173653347417712), ('!', -0.00685858866199851), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Not my favorite frozen custard in Vegas, but pretty decent.'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', -0.3465020001895027), ('my ', -0.0044725024890794884), ('favorite ', 0.05437801789594232), ('frozen ', -0.027993573661660776), ('cu', -0.0259580450510839), ('star', 0.028139333866420202), ('d ', 0.010727503904490732), ('in ', 0.015771795511682285), ('Vegas', 0.07552833559384453), (', ', 0.012951193515618797), ('but ', 0.1824713122623507), ('pretty ', 0.21201511763501912), ('decent', 0.32789416347804945), ('.', 0.06852216586412396), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Ok. Not fantastic. Overpriced and overrated on yelp.'} [('', 0.0), ('Ok', 0.08894596772734076), ('. ', 0.11747178090445232), ('Not ', -0.6434782338692457), ('fantastic', 0.2499530586283072), ('. ', -0.03935414747684263), ('Over', -0.06155945506907301), ('pr', -0.034143737466365565), ('ice', -0.019915548466087785), ('d ', -0.0019032984782825224), ('and ', -0.012712442709016614), ('over', -0.08960965270853194), ('rated ', 0.06044728620508977), ('on ', -0.008587615033320617), ('ye', -0.0036559966538334265), ('lp', -0.0388729252590565), ('.', -0.008828080681269057), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best ice cream in the city! Just beware the neighborhood.'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.4503883486613631), ('ice ', 0.052792205242440104), ('cream ', 0.12688392610289156), ('in ', 0.0327920414856635), ('the ', 0.021844806207809597), ('city', 0.06681677559390664), ('! ', 0.03608162049204111), ('Just ', -0.021748800296336412), ('be', -0.062353560933843255), ('ware ', -0.11464600940234959), ('the ', 0.014237810741178691), ('neighborhood', 0.033767882152460515), ('.', -0.027866197982802987), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "Not impressed. Good chance I won't be a repeat customer."} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', -0.6046825907324092), ('impressed', 0.34650127794157015), ('. ', 0.002118397125741467), ('Good ', 0.2688333828409668), ('chance ', -0.1406373064382933), ('I ', -0.016196758777368814), ('won', 0.06634907166153425), ("'", -0.03855357609427301), ('t ', -0.13371007634850685), ('be ', 0.021558158689003903), ('a ', -0.025330340016807895), ('repeat ', -0.06064767342468258), ('customer', -0.046952262171544135), ('.', -0.050055563770001754), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Awesome!\\n\\nGreat experience, tasty treats!\\n\\nBring cash.'} [('', 0.0), ('Awesome', 0.3868691981770098), ('!', -0.02133270213380456), ('\\', -0.002634716259005169), ('n', -0.007750860803450148), ('\\', -0.010998373424323896), ('nG', 0.012263421724977281), ('rea', -0.00023892580162889013), ('t ', -0.03889757812527629), ('experience', 0.0036132575711235403), (', ', 0.005717501067556441), ('ta', 0.2285566678037867), ('sty ', 0.13671835511922836), ('treats', 0.03672773961443454), ('!', 0.0012946771457791328), ('\\', -0.03152296645566821), ('n', -0.017728101229295135), ('\\', -0.02419334719888866), ('n', -0.048435848322696984), ('Bri', -0.01801779691595584), ('ng ', -0.021883268607780337), ('cash', -0.046819498762488365), ('.', -0.018728635273873806), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Yumsters!!!! Fresh and tasty that is all.'} [('', 4.172325134277344e-07), ('Yu', 0.05227635777555406), ('ms', -0.022959522670134902), ('ters', -0.14672744274139404), ('!', -0.055827796459198), ('!', -0.0031575520212451615), ('!', -0.006012504609922568), ('! ', -0.03272611151138941), ('Fresh ', 0.3347463710233569), ('and ', 0.05396285932511091), ('ta', 0.2289194604381919), ('sty ', 0.1791610411601141), ('that ', 0.028574793759617023), ('is ', -0.026663240787456743), ('all', 0.0074809587094932795), ('.', -0.02346521313302219), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Two words come to mind: never again.'} [('', 0.0), ('Two ', 0.025035537779331207), ('words ', 0.013277662917971611), ('come ', 0.20441448129713535), ('to ', 0.13212118484079838), ('mind', 0.15605450421571732), (': ', -0.03802104324859101), ('never ', -0.1833897187752882), ('again', 0.46972559156711213), ('.', -0.07246807590126991), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Simply put. Order the food not the pizza.'} [('', 0.0), ('Simply ', -0.018749600101727992), ('put', -0.10434278391767293), ('. ', 0.03222992952214554), ('Order ', 0.008807369726127945), ('the ', 0.02433621209638659), ('food ', 0.04922666797938291), ('not ', -0.21577330336731393), ('the ', 0.009938740069628693), ('pizza', -0.06021871442499105), ('.', -0.0261168900760822), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Great location to purchase all your cheap gifts needs!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.8419535821303725), ('location ', -0.02816638955846429), ('to ', 0.015413591172546148), ('purchase ', 0.030674595531309023), ('all ', 0.049333885515807196), ('your ', 0.08622847506194375), ('cheap ', -0.3273837421729695), ('gifts ', 0.11468852136749774), ('needs', -0.12593384634237736), ('!', 0.03985166712664068), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'This store focuses on store policies than customer service.'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', -0.027829278726130724), ('store ', -0.15040915179997683), ('focuses ', 0.08437227597460151), ('on ', 0.00021620455663651228), ('store ', -0.08360757457558066), ('policies ', -0.0424154355423525), ('than ', -0.10046457417774945), ('customer ', 0.09509956906549633), ('service', -0.014514127047732472), ('.', -0.027034159284085035), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Bartender is the rudest p.o.s.'} [('', 0.0), ('Bartender ', -0.010885804418649059), ('is ', 0.13638812922363286), ('the ', 0.08925071574412868), ('rude', -0.49534918423523777), ('st ', 0.011881580077897524), ('p', 0.022472856180684175), ('.', 0.011780811779317446), ('o', 0.05930092770722695), ('.', 0.026645956706488505), ('s', -0.10196883985190652), ('.', -0.08106065783067606), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Outstanding.'} [('', 0.0), ('Outstanding', 0.17094630002975464), ('.', 0.10216820240020752), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'random confession #58239: I daydream about their ropa vieja.'} [('', 0.0), ('random ', -0.24352435977198184), ('confession ', -0.03763162123505026), ('#', 0.08055759768467396), ('58', -0.012554656714200974), ('23', 0.03476581536233425), ('9', -0.03636688436381519), (': ', 0.012485909508541226), ('I ', 0.18593394150957465), ('day', 0.0603447409812361), ('dre', 0.1935975132510066), ('am ', -0.004534790990874171), ('about ', 0.15129363490268588), ('their ', 0.05090724234469235), ('ro', -0.0067882954608649015), ('pa ', -0.04256964148953557), ('vie', 0.13451936352066696), ('ja', -0.07183962990529835), ('.', -0.022729871328920126), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good music and dancers on Thursday Salsa & Club Night.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.26907820999622345), ('music ', 0.08835691958665848), ('and ', -0.00567992776632309), ('dancers ', 0.11094441264867783), ('on ', 0.014118015766143799), ('Thursday ', 0.014833366498351097), ('Salsa ', 0.018790217116475105), ('& ', 0.08130347449332476), ('Club ', 0.05702970642596483), ('Night', 0.020630961284041405), ('.', -0.0033579617738723755), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Been to better.'} [('', 0.0), ('Been ', -0.35449820244684815), ('to ', 0.25724957417696714), ('better', -0.23103555897250772), ('.', -0.06265386752784252), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "Good burritos. But I've had better"} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.8810731214471161), ('burr', -0.06340448127593845), ('ito', -0.013438566122204065), ('s', 0.019154208130203187), ('. ', -0.015212236903607845), ('But ', -0.08887581434100866), ('I', 0.058610435226000845), ("'", 0.028963926597498357), ('ve ', -0.042034662677906454), ('had ', -0.052118405350483954), ('better', -0.06318633910268545), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Delicious food, great service, reasonably priced and generous portions'} [('', 0.0), ('Delicious ', 0.13622289709746838), ('food', 0.0390870776027441), (', ', -0.008357647806406021), ('great ', 0.18454972747713327), ('service', -0.02993908617645502), (', ', 0.01150820404291153), ('reasonably ', 0.10694237146526575), ('priced ', 0.06210064049810171), ('and ', -0.004137478768825531), ('generous ', 0.1743118241429329), ('portions', -0.0062228962779045105), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "Doesn't get any better. Only wish it stayed open later."} [('', 0.0), ('Doesn', -0.03860400739358738), ("'", -0.022630553226917982), ('t ', -0.03951808548299596), ('get ', -0.03781611980230082), ('any ', -0.04292026763141621), ('better', -0.022441273409640417), ('. ', -0.020270335720852017), ('Only ', -0.04623225437535439), ('wish ', -0.03965719357074704), ('it ', -0.027330298820743337), ('stayed ', -0.06220383904292248), ('open ', 0.018499263445846736), ('later', -0.013757486740360036), ('.', -0.019468464859528467), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'The food was delocious and the service was great'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.015383648395072669), ('food ', -0.006179881253046915), ('was ', -0.01454273596755229), ('del', -0.07630929138395004), ('oc', 0.01049281147425063), ('ious ', -0.06755351863102987), ('and ', 0.2064706824166933), ('the ', -0.023197182053991128), ('service ', -0.07030225173366489), ('was ', 0.025478005991317332), ('great', 0.6862696910393424), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'The food is very good. The building is old'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.028972738873562776), ('food ', -0.024627792932733428), ('is ', 0.13171064659400145), ('very ', 0.015205659001367167), ('good', 0.2293810890550958), ('. ', 0.04393437122053001), ('The ', -0.013529407893656753), ('building ', -0.16968298937717918), ('is ', -0.08487351407529786), ('old', -0.3638344952487387), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Tastiest selection of Tagalog cuisine in Lost Wages.'} [('', 0.0), ('Ta', 0.1801091193665343), ('sti', 0.0011184142604179215), ('est ', -0.028138117530033924), ('selection ', 0.05835238329746062), ('of ', 0.015870078561420087), ('Tag', 0.008232807826061617), ('alo', 0.048936067449176335), ('g ', 0.007796984813467134), ('cuisine ', 0.06485327055270318), ('in ', 0.03613594203488901), ('Lost ', -0.4242499270985718), ('Wages', -0.30675384232745273), ('.', -0.04628899149247445), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great pizza, and salad'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.3266827277839184), ('pizza', 0.13864625617861748), (', ', 0.12210430949926376), ('and ', 0.15272042155265808), ('salad', -0.07639683783054352), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best pizza in Las Vegas.'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.27402709424495697), ('pizza ', 0.06311272829771042), ('in ', 0.05588068813085556), ('Las ', 0.0796974878758192), ('Vegas', 0.2371541541069746), ('.', -0.018936123698949814), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great customer service. amazing low prices. and great selection'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.35970585187897086), ('customer ', 0.034252009296324104), ('service', -0.028904657752718776), ('. ', 0.041780386585742235), ('amazing ', 0.26151942598153255), ('low ', -0.17768123579662642), ('prices', -0.15013380511663854), ('. ', -0.012655774597078562), ('and ', -0.008808642625808716), ('great ', 0.2898058667778969), ('selection', 0.056983672082424164), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Caters to business not consumer'} [('', 0.0), ('Cater', 0.2722997775999829), ('s ', 0.151674312655814), ('to ', 0.21033404720947146), ('business ', 0.19407701073214412), ('not ', -0.29357070196419954), ('consumer', 0.14480331633239985), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Cool place. Love getting gas here instead of Henderson.'} [('', 0.0), ('Cool ', 0.45858131209388375), ('place', 0.12304974580183625), ('. ', 0.23270209971815348), ('Love ', 0.1939333404880017), ('getting ', 0.030240781605243683), ('gas ', -0.07696183410007507), ('here ', 0.011799026629887521), ('instead ', -0.31388217030325904), ('of ', 0.0780410158331506), ('Henderson', -0.04834994988050312), ('.', -0.02565282047726214), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'low low low ewpensive expensive'} [('', 0.0), ('low ', -0.06381444935686886), ('low ', -0.029799854222801514), ('low ', -0.03195863058499526), ('e', -0.006814041931647807), ('w', -0.11011481267632917), ('pen', -0.0178748010439449), ('sive ', 0.05707751701265806), ('expensive', -0.06458680657669902), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Over priced.'} [('', 0.0), ('Over ', -0.7679956088031759), ('priced', 0.20882097788125975), ('.', 0.03663554797822144), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'The spices on the burger was too heavy. Yikes!'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.037662585331418086), ('spices ', 0.22866975919168908), ('on ', 0.06489450198569102), ('the ', 0.005645684697810793), ('burger ', -0.013553237175074173), ('was ', -0.08610248813420185), ('too ', -0.1739663662010571), ('heavy', -0.19722407550216303), ('. ', 0.0007001680496614426), ('Yi', -0.06419577561609913), ('kes', -0.08054240378260147), ('!', -0.018353244639001787), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Do not visit this premises on tuesdays lol. Crowded.'} [('', 0.0), ('Do ', -0.028484844660852104), ('not ', -0.1920332844601944), ('visit ', 0.09404589096084237), ('this ', -0.002239948502392508), ('premises ', 0.0007560749800177291), ('on ', 0.023366874549537897), ('tuesday', 0.029102360960678197), ('s ', 0.004549851888441481), ('lo', -0.08118966350230039), ('l', 0.004691291836934397), ('. ', -0.02860903789405711), ('Crowded', -0.144194072810933), ('.', -0.05596458516083658), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "Food was ok. I didn't care about the ambience."} [('', 0.0), ('Food ', 0.17864309187280014), ('was ', 0.18083813654448022), ('ok', 0.41681536977921496), ('. ', -0.026611061417497694), ('I ', -0.009085394573048688), ('didn', -0.10549971443379036), ("'", -0.037114385032509745), ('t ', -0.13596422225964488), ('care ', -0.0340034005112102), ('about ', -0.01689428531062731), ('the ', -0.04058097808228922), ('am', 0.09476086014274188), ('bie', 0.06269589400199038), ('nce', -0.008328108704517945), ('.', -0.018874440880608745), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Rudeness......dumbness......carelessness.....dont go there'} [('', -4.1036582842934877e-07), ('Rude', -0.08477552573276625), ('ness', -0.03992550376096915), ('.', -0.0020319963678048225), ('.', -0.000996280250546988), ('.', -0.0012305424388614483), ('.', -0.0023330339110240552), ('.', -0.004242190801202621), ('.', -0.005136811636172449), ('dumb', -0.0605320118478024), ('ness', -0.03969392564552739), ('.', -0.008467517756192441), ('.', -0.005103929908727878), ('.', -0.006221282486876589), ('.', -0.007359917427644784), ('.', -0.00628060685918778), ('.', -0.00907163665912473), ('careless', -0.06210468092831434), ('ness', -0.03653442690483644), ('.', -0.009444828876439715), ('.', -0.006612450848479057), ('.', -0.0055009255338518415), ('.', -0.006340925032418454), ('.', -0.0064024861094367225), ('don', -0.002426000051491428), ('t ', -0.11040146135346732), ('go ', 0.014177641517017036), ('there', -0.004935675906017423), ('', -8.46989278215915e-06)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Nice! We had so much fun!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Nice', 0.3021579682826996), ('! ', 0.051310449838638306), ('We ', 0.019980463664978743), ('had ', -0.05045008426532149), ('so ', -0.00900170172099024), ('much ', -0.01772781868930906), ('fun', 0.3858237285166979), ('!', 0.02472590282559395), ('!', 0.006177842617034912), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Over priced for mediocre service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Over ', -0.11324327444890514), ('priced ', 0.014460862192208879), ('for ', -0.03385132747644093), ('med', -0.05634794582147151), ('io', -0.0020664756011683494), ('cre ', -0.04996697881142609), ('service', -0.010747475607786328), ('.', -0.0182568792370148), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Over rated'} [('', 0.0), ('Over ', -0.8561343871988356), ('rated', 0.13324533170089126), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Stop skimping on the damn meat!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Stop ', -0.09827848896384239), ('ski', -0.03513702499185456), ('mp', -0.062323139391082805), ('ing ', 0.004941409264574759), ('on ', -0.01700779053498991), ('the ', 0.011141183320432901), ('damn ', -0.11633565943338908), ('meat', -0.046921471890527755), ('!', 0.02621586120221764), ('!', 0.02988279820419848), ('!', -0.014922299887984991), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Small portion.... High price..'} [('', 0.0), ('Small ', -0.07884681783616543), ('portion', 0.025694632902741432), ('.', -0.0019576959311962128), ('.', -0.005005709361284971), ('.', 0.007515875622630119), ('. ', 0.042576787527650595), ('High ', 0.6411488384474069), ('price', 0.06774515123106539), ('.', 0.03646776685491204), ('.', -0.04432924836874008), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good hair cut for a good price.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.33443981409072876), ('hair ', 0.03928699530661106), ('cut ', -0.005729610100388527), ('for ', -0.010580288246273994), ('a ', 0.07969333790242672), ('good ', 0.36400293512269855), ('price', -0.047248418908566236), ('.', -0.024748265743255615), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Clean, organized; Halloween toys are on sale!'} [('', 0.0), ('Clean', 0.3302142843604088), (', ', 0.025838352739810944), ('organized', -0.04155458020977676), ('; ', 0.08106749667786062), ('Halloween ', -0.013493307400494814), ('toys ', -0.07500844309106469), ('are ', 0.12407846876885742), ('on ', 0.0947881747270003), ('sale', 0.019561718218028545), ('!', 0.1481364443898201), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "Great customer service they just didn't have what I needed"} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.5280013006158697), ('customer ', -0.005687238281097962), ('service ', 0.005729911914386321), ('they ', 0.023157903939136304), ('just ', -0.22191259525425266), ('didn', -0.04296535439789295), ("'", -0.036115787632297724), ('t ', -0.18764432854368351), ('have ', 0.0572372319875285), ('what ', -0.23510118515696377), ('I ', -0.004000337095931172), ('needed', -0.23006677185185254), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "Just a place to get food when you're desperate. Fourthmeal"} [('', 0.0), ('Just ', -0.17316202679648995), ('a ', 0.067862831230741), ('place ', 0.04698008327977732), ('to ', -0.08940025077026803), ('get ', -0.0844784004293615), ('food ', 0.029737351796939038), ('when ', 0.06467142257315572), ('you', 0.14909923401864944), ("'", 0.0625027764835977), ('re ', -0.03333437391847838), ('desperate', -0.28872074735409115), ('. ', -0.02528232045006007), ('Fourth', -0.25489574775565416), ('me', 0.1744670068146661), ('al', -0.07106798607856035), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'amazing salsa bar, everything ive had here is delicious!'} [('', 0.0), ('amazing ', 0.26889612525701523), ('salsa ', 0.07970887050032616), ('bar', -0.018107149749994278), (', ', -0.01685759425163269), ('everything ', 0.02917832788079977), ('iv', -0.006023551803082228), ('e ', 0.010816243011504412), ('had ', -0.046373561257496476), ('here ', -0.019757810747250915), ('is ', -0.0531661554123275), ('delicious', 0.36652704392326996), ('!', 0.03244198113679886), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Really good food and service'} [('', 0.0), ('Really ', 0.15568607300519943), ('good ', 0.09584965929389), ('food ', 0.08309286460280418), ('and ', 0.25082914531230927), ('service', 0.07856538891792297), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Love the soup, the atmosphere, and the Thai tea.'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.3857611306011677), ('the ', 0.036539415596053004), ('soup', -0.07287027197889984), (', ', 0.006049599498510361), ('the ', 0.03840509708970785), ('atmosphere', 0.20212639961391687), (', ', 0.029935941100120544), ('and ', -0.010712847113609314), ('the ', -0.01042628986760974), ('Thai ', 0.08474776614457369), ('tea', -0.0321576907299459), ('.', -0.030106540769338608), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Great food, great service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.1403709501028061), ('food', 0.12112466990947723), (', ', 0.08429989218711853), ('great ', 0.35260425694286823), ('service', 0.01917853392660618), ('.', -0.026431750506162643), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "Typical Chili's food."} [('', 0.0), ('Typical ', -0.41757730883546174), ('Chili', -0.09777032968122512), ("'", -0.05403466220013797), ('s ', -0.011971863335929811), ('food', 0.30957658123224974), ('.', -0.02097826125100255), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': '4 stars for the onion rings alone.'} [('', 0.0), ('4 ', 0.022686065174639225), ('stars ', 0.8068445500684902), ('for ', 0.012872485560365021), ('the ', 0.04596990393474698), ('onion ', -0.158966897521168), ('rings ', 0.06217304081656039), ('alone', -0.05274370894767344), ('.', -0.029841706156730652), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "It's a chain.\\n\\nThat is all."} [('', 0.0), ('It', 0.042109573958441615), ("'", 0.027179927099496126), ('s ', 0.05521253892220557), ('a ', 0.10315150459064171), ('chain', -0.07043677609181032), ('.', 0.13241078075952828), ('\\', -0.02972872112877667), ('n', -0.022623746714089066), ('\\', -0.034906401473563164), ('nT', -0.07726620091125369), ('hat ', -0.17556447826791555), ('is ', -0.12151731742778793), ('all', -0.06871273793512955), ('.', -0.1447649879846722), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Hangover Food!'} [('', 0.0), ('Hang', 0.10705749201588333), ('over ', -0.3331470338162035), ('Food', 0.4108052954543382), ('!', 0.35609694733284414), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Steam pots galore. Great taste, good service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Steam ', -0.07506481278687716), ('pots ', -0.07018741313368082), ('gal', 0.17442859313450754), ('ore', 0.09751513251103461), ('. ', 0.04019843600690365), ('Great ', 0.1998687107115984), ('taste', 0.054610537365078926), (', ', -0.004672009497880936), ('good ', 0.35554808657616377), ('service', -0.07039770018309355), ('.', -0.035885460674762726), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Horrible!! Food is cheap and now I know why.'} [('', 0.0), ('Horrible', -0.25646777213114547), ('!', 0.04467648236459354), ('! ', 0.02536027650057804), ('Food ', -0.0061621406744052365), ('is ', 0.02637397952412357), ('cheap ', -0.14019804360395938), ('and ', 0.010654110159521224), ('now ', -0.011967874656420463), ('I ', 0.008685485413934657), ('know ', 0.01411508218234303), ('why', -0.0654555073301708), ('.', -0.021957181994366692), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Food was amazing and our service was good.'} [('', 0.0), ('Food ', 0.025107594206929207), ('was ', 0.03999935369938612), ('amazing ', 0.24913269560784101), ('and ', 0.042905293405056), ('our ', 0.17461500316858292), ('service ', -0.004376744851469994), ('was ', -0.08351158536970615), ('good', 0.2969723455607891), ('.', -0.027835045009851456), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Bread is the best part of the whole meal!'} [('', 0.0), ('Bread ', 0.06179548799991608), ('is ', 0.0998903438448906), ('the ', 0.15021630376577377), ('best ', 0.20092875510454178), ('part ', 0.06162088364362717), ('of ', -0.06636061891913414), ('the ', 0.011631783097982407), ('whole ', -0.010862957686185837), ('meal', 0.09806687757372856), ('!', 0.08973735570907593), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Love the peach iced tea with real peach slices :-)'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.393916592001915), ('the ', -0.006783713586628437), ('peach ', -0.00129650067538023), ('iced ', 0.048901431262493134), ('tea ', 0.06193408742547035), ('with ', 0.08820056542754173), ('real ', 0.12295117229223251), ('peach ', 0.0014430340379476547), ('slices ', 0.014224166050553322), (':', -0.007306610234081745), ('-', -0.01654078532010317), (')', -0.07247302494943142), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Omg gross!'} [('', 0.0), ('Om', -0.26716681505422457), ('g ', 0.08167520968345343), ('gross', -0.45553711931279395), ('!', 0.22796648705843836), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good food, good service. No complaints.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.23714426159858704), ('food', 0.08781389147043228), (', ', 0.02265455573797226), ('good ', 0.3702630065381527), ('service', -0.016968950629234314), ('. ', -0.012515585869550705), ('No ', 0.08129178208764642), ('complaints', 0.07801444234792143), ('.', -0.13487004861235619), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Food always good here.'} [('', 0.0), ('Food ', 0.32594671845436096), ('always ', 0.11656699702143669), ('good ', 0.12737717851996422), ('here', 0.1390065774321556), ('.', -0.04487302899360657), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'food + service = excellence'} [('', 0.0), ('food ', 0.15412812680006027), ('+ ', 0.16991225630044937), ('service ', 0.004456385970115662), ('= ', -0.032097432762384415), ('excellence', 0.3674756772816181), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Our usual place for a car wash. Fast and easy...'} [('', 0.0), ('Our ', -0.00823624903568998), ('usual ', -0.019681424062582664), ('place ', -0.013053201560978778), ('for ', 0.0013111531188769732), ('a ', 0.009367434973682975), ('car ', -0.12713052879553288), ('wash', -0.46927748498274013), ('. ', 0.020699378423159942), ('Fast ', 0.2046258304035291), ('and ', 0.2765087364241481), ('easy', 0.03449145462946035), ('.', -0.032417321839602664), ('.', -0.15333386627025902), ('.', -0.10526298172771931), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Super friendly staff and more importantly - honest.'} [('', 0.0), ('Super ', 0.013842210173606873), ('friendly ', 0.20845957100391388), ('staff ', 0.08902657777070999), ('and ', 0.04453349858522415), ('more ', -0.011599910445511341), ('importantly ', 0.20334614720195532), ('- ', 0.00705010537058115), ('honest', 0.18713813368231058), ('.', -0.028784561902284622), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Bring back Tropicana Fruit Punch.'} [('', 0.0), ('Bring ', 0.6463833283632994), ('back ', 0.054249925538897514), ('Tr', 0.007043897174298763), ('op', -0.00020231585949659348), ('ica', -0.0030638164607807994), ('na ', -0.009565953281708062), ('Fruit ', 0.04240184184163809), ('Punch', -0.04772437456995249), ('.', 0.02074510045349598), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'love the food,service kinda rude'} [('', 0.0), ('love ', 0.4442809424290317), ('the ', 0.13963305280412897), ('food', 0.18665257438624394), (',', 0.09036756639397936), ('service ', -0.024791849977191305), ('kinda ', -0.03880554801071412), ('rude', -0.07495234481029911), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Its good cheap mexican food, but it give you diarehha!'} [('', 0.0), ('Its ', -0.05737319961190224), ('good ', 0.5182310441159643), ('cheap ', -0.40600353345507756), ('mexican ', 0.04891036497429013), ('food', 0.178614582400769), (', ', 0.07451694831252098), ('but ', -0.23641165485605597), ('it ', 0.07598184252856299), ('give ', 0.1458039850112982), ('you ', 0.32927641412243247), ('dia', 0.01676190906437114), ('re', -0.18722664337838069), ('hh', -0.11961260333191603), ('a', 0.09030597109813243), ('!', 0.07225205050781369), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Reasonablly priced'} [('', 0.0), ('Reason', 0.08835966419428587), ('ab', -0.3725737566128373), ('lly ', 0.09848206676542759), ('priced', 0.7252642996609211), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'love their hand tossed pan pizza'} [('', 0.0), ('love ', 0.7626076843589544), ('their ', 0.05241277813911438), ('hand ', -0.017805876210331917), ('tossed ', -0.08663257863372564), ('pan ', -0.03608856629580259), ('pizza', 0.016438892111182213), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Very bland.'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.2072201179471449), ('bland', -0.7681812482551322), ('.', 0.03816907020518556), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great tasting bread!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.1578916534781456), ('tasting ', 0.20821940898895264), ('bread', -0.056775666773319244), ('!', 0.27722297608852386), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': "Love the staff members! Especially Bartender's Tim and John!"} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.31111449375748634), ('the ', 0.022663996554911137), ('staff ', 0.02380115818232298), ('members', 0.007516402751207352), ('! ', -0.03536276891827583), ('Especially ', 0.10240779770538211), ('Bartender', -0.09782743931282312), ("'", 0.008418724755756557), ('s ', 0.02728727157227695), ('Tim ', 0.07200879417359829), ('and ', 0.155456880107522), ('John', 0.019749648869037628), ('!', -0.007759526371955872), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Very poor housekeeping'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', -0.015334569307015045), ('poor ', -0.6314973780354194), ('house', 0.029493629350326955), ('keeping', 0.20425141386658652), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Food was decent but service slow.'} [('', 0.0), ('Food ', 0.07860755291767418), ('was ', 0.035523526719771326), ('decent ', 0.2510768397478387), ('but ', -0.1034365296800388), ('service ', -0.035100615703413496), ('slow', -0.3539518542274891), ('.', -0.1291962403411162), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'MMMMMMMmmmmmmmMMMMMMMmmmmm!!!!\\n yeah its that good :)'} [('', 5.3441524505615236e-05), ('MMM', -0.014095262106275186), ('MM', -0.009924563759705051), ('MM', -0.010989456268725916), ('mm', -0.011797247285721823), ('mm', -0.010889065108494833), ('mm', -0.012647442874731496), ('mM', -0.013450791483046487), ('MM', -0.012024265836225822), ('MM', -0.020938778331037612), ('MM', -0.02177336501190439), ('mm', -0.02064206652576104), ('mm', -0.019608921522740276), ('m', -0.007469549286179244), ('!', -0.06065723961219192), ('!', -0.017675914025555056), ('!', -0.010611210173616806), ('!', -0.023586848905930918), ('\\', -0.006356143450830132), ('n ', -0.011970385967288166), ('yeah ', -0.020879429357592016), ('its ', -0.01833340578014031), ('that ', 0.05444833965157159), ('good ', 0.812915376824094), (':', -0.008391135488636792), (')', -0.014327515964396298), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Kinda shady and is totally dead till way late...'} [('', 0.0), ('Kinda ', -0.04446470766561106), ('shady ', -0.05389833684603218), ('and ', -0.010766933570266701), ('is ', 0.0010011300018959446), ('totally ', -0.021705882949390798), ('dead ', -0.04446101932171587), ('till ', 0.002165662232982868), ('way ', -0.007333431978622684), ('late', -0.03975333829657757), ('.', -0.015334963616624009), ('.', -0.056992697005625814), ('.', -0.07802099839318544), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'nice and clean. pleasing n quiet'} [('', 0.0), ('nice ', 0.15613910928368568), ('and ', 0.02587355300784111), ('clean', 0.1452176198363304), ('. ', 0.03486510366201401), ('pleasing ', 0.43246831675060093), ('n ', -0.007224382134154439), ('quiet', -0.06389950774610043), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Going downhill, food was below average. Service is ok.'} [('', 0.0), ('Going ', -0.011365298807504587), ('downhill', -0.07188469990796875), (', ', -0.01675392044126056), ('food ', -0.025357273807458114), ('was ', -0.04029014906700468), ('below ', -0.10696713218567311), ('average', 0.09995329849698464), ('. ', -0.010340598440961912), ('Service ', -0.06953137708478607), ('is ', 0.15527885055053048), ('ok', 0.7614538889029063), ('.', -0.03776027855928987), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Food is good, service is to be desired .'} [('', 0.0), ('Food ', 0.14162118919193745), ('is ', 0.16667392948875204), ('good', 0.4923987136571668), (', ', 0.03992276173084974), ('service ', -0.04255592357367277), ('is ', -0.005161817651242018), ('to ', 0.04256544908275828), ('be ', -0.06465652986662462), ('desired ', -0.04236349428538233), ('.', -0.031680702697485685), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': "Get the apple pancakes! You won't regret it."} [('', 0.0), ('Get ', -0.051741612143814564), ('the ', -0.017627812223508954), ('apple ', -0.04652602830901742), ('pancakes', 0.035738351522013545), ('! ', 0.024362534284591675), ('You ', 0.10751365247415379), ('won', 0.1791992627986474), ("'", 0.0899380306218518), ('t ', 0.04214230863726698), ('regret ', 0.35467018790950533), ('it', -0.0640638289769413), ('.', -0.028129014099249616), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'A bit pricey but healthy and tasty.'} [('', 0.0), ('A ', 0.04412456834688783), ('bit ', -0.0783327710814774), ('price', 0.154751047026366), ('y ', 0.2210110225714743), ('but ', -0.0707237240858376), ('healthy ', 0.21569599257782102), ('and ', 0.03145609423518181), ('ta', 0.11595711950212717), ('sty', 0.07809735555201769), ('.', -0.015107965096831322), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Some things are better left unsaid.'} [('', 0.0), ('Some ', -0.006195298825332429), ('things ', 0.02097690125083318), ('are ', -0.01702618328272365), ('better ', -0.02860845952272939), ('left ', -0.1085719377388159), ('un', -0.16115683713178441), ('sai', 0.02562659665272804), ('d', 0.03770293504021538), ('.', -0.04925952792837052), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good food, clean environment, friendly and fast service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.13686381839215755), ('food', 0.03906506113708019), (', ', -0.008071396499872208), ('clean ', 0.09582740627229214), ('environment', 0.05897002853453159), (', ', 0.011778876185417175), ('friendly ', 0.21190467849373817), ('and ', 0.07402738556265831), ('fast ', 0.08676142524927855), ('service', -0.0039114756509661674), ('.', -0.03717270493507385), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good all around gym.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.3677937984466553), ('all ', 0.1416052058339119), ('around ', 0.14979291707277298), ('gym', 0.04969172179698944), ('.', -0.04487338662147522), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'They have $2 BJ with loose rules.\\n\\nNice.'} [('', 0.0), ('They ', -0.0021117371506989002), ('have ', 0.01122510142158717), ('$', -0.08602255588630214), ('2 ', 0.0022063026553951204), ('B', -0.03139975102385506), ('J ', 0.001960710476851091), ('with ', 0.00041027429688256234), ('loose ', -0.06629081652499735), ('rules', -0.03834160750557203), ('.', -0.020481880754232407), ('\\', -0.04028917965479195), ('n', -0.026245200395351276), ('\\', -0.021765494864666834), ('n', -0.235631958959857), ('Nic', 0.13782101712422445), ('e', -0.01901054472546093), ('.', -0.0242787838797085), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Food poisoning! Yikes! AVOID'} [('', 0.0), ('Food ', 0.049151929073559586), ('poisoning', -0.3406365362898214), ('! ', 0.15364100058650365), ('Yi', -0.02985005021400866), ('kes', -0.042067291269631824), ('! ', 0.009739534543768968), ('AVOID', -0.0760814558234415), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Terrible service. Food was mediocre, deserts were inedible.'} [('', 0.0), ('Terrible ', -0.15423364206799306), ('service', -0.0460206848802045), ('. ', -0.013876920071197674), ('Food ', -0.03283170577742567), ('was ', -0.005572998621573788), ('med', -0.03339885592201123), ('io', -0.00962250460058082), ('cre', -0.032280969505033376), (', ', -0.017878511964227073), ('deserts ', -0.05025747094623512), ('were ', -0.05575565079925582), ('in', -0.018447918974440352), ('ed', 0.03932855485193917), ('ible', 0.021594327824762633), ('.', -0.01805353019881295), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'They do a good job, just very very expensive!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('They ', 0.04331419337540865), ('do ', 0.023701045662164688), ('a ', 0.049458867870271206), ('good ', 0.2902447187807411), ('job', -0.08792946976609528), (', ', 0.002556323539465666), ('just ', 0.06809252221137285), ('very ', 0.2331521132728085), ('very ', 0.14794133201939985), ('expensive', -0.1669774447218515), ('!', 0.0125782061368227), ('!', 0.0157138854265213), ('!', -0.02298031747341156), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'bad service, bad food, just bad all around!!'} [('', 0.0), ('bad ', -0.06980343407667533), ('service', -0.004368007482298708), (', ', -0.014916649145561678), ('bad ', -0.10058468207171245), ('food', 0.019354279935214436), (', ', -0.007799992526997812), ('just ', -0.07549907904012798), ('bad ', -0.2326348671949745), ('all ', 0.04905706865883985), ('around', 0.07806805983727827), ('!', 0.0027366948143026093), ('!', -0.015982096731022466), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "Director is rude. Setup is weird. Teachers don't care."} [('', 0.0), ('Director ', 0.00841205371398246), ('is ', 0.019823169687697373), ('rude', -0.11722892270609009), ('. ', -0.016594060209172312), ('Setup ', -0.027286156581794785), ('is ', -0.005536933888834028), ('weird', -0.05092778413018095), ('. ', -0.019363777591934195), ('Teachers ', -0.05357204351821565), ('don', -0.006013915070980147), ("'", -0.051376946151322045), ('t ', -0.04698096597167023), ('care', -0.023582155314215925), ('.', -0.025811615101702046), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'I had tuna it was ok'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', 0.05068109184503555), ('had ', -0.05615805834531784), ('tuna ', -0.10911442339420319), ('it ', 0.027840854600071907), ('was ', -0.057156190276145935), ('ok', 0.8345357310026884), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "Not bad, but not Capriotti's."} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', 0.38011148859004606), ('bad', 0.3378329695369757), (', ', -0.06983743235468864), ('but ', -0.3030155671876855), ('not ', -0.18189349927706644), ('Cap', 0.04341779029346071), ('rio', 0.15291165476082824), ('tti', -0.04921729740453884), ("'", 0.005751130753196776), ('s', -0.025123736704699695), ('.', 0.1028817119076848), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Awesome job Donna and Sharon thanks so much!'} [('', 0.0), ('Awesome ', 0.3196456730365753), ('job ', -0.03264602646231651), ('Donna ', 0.026819515973329544), ('and ', 0.042648278176784515), ('Sharon ', 0.11027437914162874), ('thanks ', 0.1827341141179204), ('so ', 0.003186402376741171), ('much', 0.05717216478660703), ('!', 0.003145560622215271), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Fails Fargo, keep your cash in your mattress!'} [('', 0.0), ('Fails ', -0.18406749546920764), ('Fargo', 0.018440704352542525), (', ', 0.010062799687148072), ('keep ', 0.007473584186300286), ('your ', 0.02329446697876847), ('cash ', -0.11171937484687078), ('in ', 0.011957648493989836), ('your ', 0.0007032942139630904), ('mattress', -0.0743291919479816), ('!', -0.00425290366547415), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "it's kmart!"} [('', 0.0), ('it', 0.08265082538127899), ("'", 0.16535481810569763), ('s ', 0.06354151666164398), ('km', -0.27455077320337296), ('art', 0.32242610305547714), ('!', 0.330577090382576), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'love the wings and deep dish supreme'} [('', 0.0), ('love ', 0.19508134946227074), ('the ', 0.0011764243245124817), ('wings ', 0.15517256036400795), ('and ', 0.07262920588254929), ('deep ', 0.015326217748224735), ('dish ', -0.10118482168763876), ('supreme', 0.3851186539977789), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great bar food. Friendly staff. Alcohol :D'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.40656846202909946), ('bar ', -0.07065671030431986), ('food', 0.016188188455998898), ('. ', 0.006211861968040466), ('Friendly ', 0.3476261815521866), ('staff', 0.05064414837397635), ('. ', -0.00932468893006444), ('Alcohol ', -0.053107308223843575), (':', -0.0051261065527796745), ('D', 0.007806899957358837), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great happy hour, the fish and chips are excellent!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.15881899744272232), ('happy ', 0.16435734368860722), ('hour', 0.004060102626681328), (', ', 0.005797386169433594), ('the ', 0.0034505175426602364), ('fish ', -0.04776456952095032), ('and ', 0.021465974859893322), ('chips ', -0.03102816524915397), ('are ', 0.04468544921837747), ('excellent', 0.32136116083711386), ('!', 0.02085571363568306), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good food, drinks, price and service. Great atmosphere.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.1271134614944458), ('food', 0.06537901610136032), (', ', 0.015011481940746307), ('drinks', 0.023771800100803375), (', ', 0.03282596170902252), ('price ', -0.03881709510460496), ('and ', 0.07862524455413222), ('service', -0.006314665544778109), ('. ', 0.016317231114953756), ('Great ', 0.3097124323248863), ('atmosphere', 0.04271251708269119), ('.', -0.03903399407863617), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Totally cheap, nasty, gross food! Skip this place.'} [('', 0.0), ('Totally ', 0.0006262706610868918), ('cheap', -0.07781117311606067), (', ', -0.0159270381245733), ('nasty', -0.04343188988241309), (', ', -0.0020949080262653297), ('gross ', -0.05322289832292881), ('food', 0.013664856974173745), ('! ', -0.008237781564275792), ('Skip ', -0.17776046626477182), ('this ', 0.07737017999261298), ('place', -0.046484154281642986), ('.', -0.03901745283292257), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good food, huge servings. Decent service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.13817119784653187), ('food', 0.04089287109673023), (', ', 0.0059904418885707855), ('huge ', 0.10245941020548344), ('serving', 0.09418988693505526), ('s', -0.031905065290629864), ('. ', 0.0025533996522426605), ('Decent ', 0.40977372508496046), ('service', -0.032171047292649746), ('.', -0.03304443880915642), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Sunday 2 4 1 refills are great'} [('', 0.0), ('Sunday ', 0.09786577522754669), ('2 ', 0.036864097230136395), ('4 ', 0.05017531383782625), ('1 ', 0.010687649250030518), ('ref', 0.20358685308383428), ('ill', -0.2065560202790948), ('s ', 0.04142903443425894), ('are ', 0.014487825334072113), ('great', 0.4641738757491112), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Crazy high ripoff prices!'} [('', 0.0), ('Crazy ', -0.029634786362294108), ('high ', 0.3224014902370982), ('rip', -0.17766467542969622), ('off ', -0.25554185759392567), ('prices', -0.27352540771244094), ('!', 0.10797924338839948), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Closed For Business. Suite 8 is now a Subway.'} [('', 0.0), ('Closed ', -0.1406300769886002), ('For ', 0.08625332120573148), ('Business', -0.08150972897419706), ('. ', -0.01379972044378519), ('Suite ', 0.26534549993812107), ('8 ', 0.06209690691321157), ('is ', -0.037504656676901504), ('now ', -0.19389039717498235), ('a ', 0.15950072184205055), ('Subway', -0.3852627656888217), ('.', -0.04090793733485043), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'I love this place!!!!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', 0.06104951910674572), ('love ', 0.3128179535269737), ('this ', 0.07476548291742802), ('place', -0.009290456771850586), ('!', 0.0444454550743103), ('!', 0.05766941420733929), ('!', 0.03231114335358143), ('!', 0.015845468267798424), ('!', 0.021432148292660713), ('!', 0.08588714152574539), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Awesome!! I love this place'} [('', 0.0), ('Awesome', 0.11834262311458588), ('!', 0.0895543098449707), ('! ', 0.15385155379772186), ('I ', 0.05127958953380585), ('love ', 0.13573002815246582), ('this ', 0.14415945811197162), ('place', 0.03052725689485669), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Amazing food! N great atmosphere!!! Love it!'} [('', 0.0), ('Amazing ', 0.11885090544819832), ('food', 0.025264348834753036), ('! ', 0.012832753360271454), ('N ', -0.01795767294242978), ('great ', 0.17962449276819825), ('atmosphere', 0.01515481062233448), ('!', -0.02010500803589821), ('!', -0.0053198132663965225), ('! ', 0.0037463922053575516), ('Love ', 0.2620009370148182), ('it', 0.03565848991274834), ('!', 0.017561696469783783), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Wahoo Skinny bowl is delicious! Very clean restaurant. Parking SUCKS!'} [('', 0.0), ('Wah', 0.06740439031273127), ('oo ', -0.11130205262452364), ('Skinny ', -0.20673476997762918), ('bowl ', -0.006337770260870457), ('is ', 0.02646129234926775), ('delicious', 0.6060833536903374), ('! ', 0.025204401463270187), ('Very ', 0.10296597077103797), ('clean ', 0.14812121643626597), ('restaurant', 0.019310867181047797), ('. ', 0.06862625398207456), ('Parking ', -0.07840550015680492), ('SUCKS', -0.10419132479000837), ('!', 0.02562401129398495), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great service, open late till 9pm. Good warranties.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.23941666074097157), ('service', -0.029619252309203148), (', ', -0.007641937583684921), ('open ', 0.11173755663912743), ('late ', -0.02058613847475499), ('till ', -0.08921627514064312), ('9', 0.018542659003287554), ('pm', 0.054989376571029425), ('. ', 0.030169745907187462), ('Good ', 0.3898714240640402), ('warrant', -0.019556967541575432), ('ies', -0.032057926058769226), ('.', -0.03684236854314804), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Fresh bread with healthy selections :-)'} [('', 0.0), ('Fresh ', 0.30594155192375183), ('bread ', 0.02305596135556698), ('with ', 0.03633717633783817), ('healthy ', 0.3114732336252928), ('selections ', 0.06678763590753078), (':', -0.019183109514415264), ('-', -0.0041892630979418755), (')', 0.008652033284306526), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great church, pastor and people'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.24865194782614708), ('church', 0.028606344014406204), (', ', 0.08929376304149628), ('pastor ', 0.07457318529486656), ('and ', 0.17206043377518654), ('people', 0.0779360830783844), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'good food and that what matters.'} [('', 0.0), ('good ', 0.1735943853855133), ('food ', 0.13019441068172455), ('and ', 0.058443501591682434), ('that ', 0.10759723465889692), ('what ', 0.07119023147970438), ('matters', 0.20715666934847832), ('.', -0.024738766252994537), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'My favorite so far is the Shrimp Bowls. Yummy!'} [('', 0.0), ('My ', -0.06816254882141948), ('favorite ', 0.3468643967062235), ('so ', 0.042649819515645504), ('far ', -0.05180343828396872), ('is ', -0.13598570047179237), ('the ', 0.04300623433664441), ('Shrimp ', -0.31458840012783185), ('Bowls', -0.020016852125991136), ('. ', 0.0829427654389292), ('Yu', 0.3027907768264413), ('mmy', 0.0039687445387244225), ('!', 0.36642809957265854), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great food, fun and relaxed atmosphere, and excellent service :]'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.1325458725914359), ('food', 0.03919865656644106), (', ', -0.019325662404298782), ('fun ', 0.08165469393134117), ('and ', -0.004985827952623367), ('relaxed ', 0.06966797914355993), ('atmosphere', 0.012743276543915272), (', ', -0.0066839344799518585), ('and ', -0.014824818819761276), ('excellent ', 0.39929536590352654), ('service ', -0.0313975871540606), (':', -0.023459138348698616), (']', -0.02494223602116108), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'great bbq!'} [('', 0.0), ('great ', 0.37877657264471054), ('bb', -0.18136089202016592), ('q', 0.11194308008998632), ('!', 0.27721212804317474), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'We tried the prime rib tonight. Very Yummy.'} [('', 0.0), ('We ', 0.0003404589369893074), ('tried ', -0.26588827930390835), ('the ', 0.011548382230103016), ('prime ', 0.08092885103542358), ('rib ', -0.05929084273520857), ('tonight', 0.15674008941277862), ('. ', 0.0647742934525013), ('Very ', 0.1899631666019559), ('Yu', 0.4106531539000571), ('mmy', 0.09760432364419103), ('.', -0.023480791598558426), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Way older crowd slow service leaving now'} [('', 0.0), ('Way ', -0.07344798080157489), ('older ', -0.190139283251483), ('crowd ', 0.16515877173515037), ('slow ', -0.07804550207220018), ('service ', -0.02225651463959366), ('leaving ', -0.06434116049786098), ('now', -0.012340609420789406), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "Try the 28 special. You won't be disappointed"} [('', 0.0), ('Try ', -0.10279159992933273), ('the ', 0.018100236542522907), ('28 ', 0.018961582332849503), ('special', 0.05970996152609587), ('. ', 0.01521344855427742), ('You ', 0.07220403122482821), ('won', 0.24451437046809588), ("'", 0.1155638573836768), ('t ', -0.017038074642186984), ('be ', 0.021811859507579356), ('disappointed', 0.21749030629871413), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'New owners took over. The pizza sucks now!'} [('', 0.0), ('New ', 0.059566891635768116), ('owners ', -0.04201402794569731), ('took ', 0.1482404161361046), ('over', 0.012697483703959733), ('. ', 0.06573840603232384), ('The ', 0.04357227822765708), ('pizza ', -0.06678586720954627), ('sucks ', -0.53834814124275), ('now', -0.022556067211553454), ('!', 0.046723655657842755), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Wisconsin in the final 4!'} [('', 0.0), ('Wisconsin ', 0.19498464465141296), ('in ', 0.05288511887192726), ('the ', 0.07954901084303856), ('final ', 0.18870865553617477), ('4', 0.05035177618265152), ('!', 0.12399619817733765), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Simple sweet little course. Expansive views of the LV Strip.'} [('', 0.0), ('Simple ', 0.0019104555249214172), ('sweet ', 0.31224904156988487), ('little ', -0.05317163042491302), ('course', 0.0754750408232212), ('. ', -0.030986003577709198), ('Expansive ', 0.18094986118376255), ('views ', 0.12838677130639553), ('of ', 0.03321945946663618), ('the ', 0.034519885666668415), ('L', -0.012146764667704701), ('V ', -0.023277534870430827), ('Strip', -0.017488321289420128), ('.', -0.02024046517908573), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great tacos!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.14551305398344994), ('ta', 0.04539398103952408), ('cos', 0.048713523894548416), ('!', 0.153733991086483), ('!', 0.27063269913196564), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'the drinks here are soooo good. as for the food.....eh'} [('', 0.0), ('the ', -0.007582695921882987), ('drinks ', 0.028361344273434952), ('here ', -0.013411434512818232), ('are ', -0.003850922570563853), ('soo', -0.020123013222473674), ('oo ', 0.012782911697286181), ('good', 0.8246231847442687), ('. ', -0.002857955638319254), ('as ', -0.03410945797804743), ('for ', -0.03181873180437833), ('the ', -0.005220065708272159), ('food', -0.02349232684355229), ('.', -0.023804768454283476), ('.', -0.041387876495718956), ('.', -0.03579939715564251), ('.', -0.027063756249845028), ('.', -0.007876352407038212), ('eh', -0.057126957923173904), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Friendly service, food came out fast :)'} [('', 0.0), ('Friendly ', 0.5545684304088354), ('service', -0.0392527487128973), (', ', 0.2351735532283783), ('food ', 0.013000532053411007), ('came ', 0.06439471151679754), ('out ', 0.0580483777448535), ('fast ', 0.016012432985007763), (':', -0.04547346010804176), (')', -0.14541634172201157), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "Super-yummy! Super-affordable! Super-nice employees! Super-clean!\\nI wish there were more Fazoli's!!!"} [('', -0.004371630765187244), ('Super', 0.01841159836233904), ('-', -0.0198549263101692), ('yu', 0.018359749771965046), ('mmy', -0.009042389031189185), ('! ', 0.09118920258091141), ('Super', -0.002965508271396781), ('-', -0.002965508271396781), ('affordable', -0.002965508271396781), ('! ', 0.15381409335532226), ('Super', 0.016610151524218963), ('-', 0.016610151524218963), ('nice ', 0.28395308478866355), ('employees', 0.11467869393891306), ('! ', 0.07960772346996237), ('Super', -0.015803338411690977), ('-', -0.020943701650442865), ('clean', -0.048812270780520826), ('!', -0.039544611077872105), ('\\', -0.024397399048514977), ('nI ', -0.024585601645715847), ('wish ', -0.06440839154432373), ('there ', -0.06024396914775328), ('were ', -0.10235912392575604), ('more ', -0.07594696018107545), ('Fa', 0.005602170887868851), ('zo', 0.005602170887868851), ('li', 0.005602170887868851), ("'", 0.016028733322552096), ('s', 0.015384433189562213), ('!', -0.004800289073803773), ('!', -0.03902894537895918), ('!', -0.1870645135641098), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Delicious Wor Wonton Soup!'} [('', 0.0), ('Delicious ', 0.5366059709340334), ('Wo', -0.228039036039263), ('r ', 0.078966133762151), ('Won', 0.3500889840070158), ('ton ', -0.10926687368191779), ('Soup', -0.103485818952322), ('!', 0.19834359735250473), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best Chinese food around in LV.'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.4729166589677334), ('Chinese ', 0.09441058337688446), ('food ', 0.2546311430633068), ('around ', -0.03124527633190155), ('in ', -0.02166217938065529), ('L', 0.0001933998428285122), ('V', -0.013451432343572378), ('.', -0.026571612805128098), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best curry ever. Try the massaman'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.5204150821082294), ('curry ', -0.035659195738844573), ('ever', 0.30161614471580833), ('. ', 0.05293139163404703), ('Try ', -0.03989959601312876), ('the ', -0.034041584469377995), ('mass', -0.1254793331027031), ('aman', 0.08593977801501751), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Excellent food, excellent price. Especially for lunch!'} [('', 0.0), ('Excellent ', 0.14291576482355595), ('food', 0.04487507976591587), (', ', 0.015379425138235092), ('excellent ', 0.24330625496804714), ('price', -0.05321907438337803), ('. ', 0.012730646878480911), ('Especially ', 0.1348711969330907), ('for ', 0.0010186722502112389), ('lunch', 0.065613504499197), ('!', 0.08943559974431992), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Fresh and delicious Thai food!'} [('', 0.0), ('Fresh ', 0.2765214592218399), ('and ', 0.0690327137708664), ('delicious ', 0.10980192199349403), ('Thai ', 0.039263855665922165), ('food', 0.11169193685054779), ('!', 0.08483573794364929), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Fantastic green curry!'} [('', 0.0), ('Fantastic ', 0.28468891233205795), ('green ', 0.15411380492150784), ('curry', -0.1294758152216673), ('!', 0.27720923721790314), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Has everything you could need, helpful staff, big parking lot.'} [('', 0.0), ('Has ', 0.15091969072818756), ('everything ', 0.21252736821770668), ('you ', 0.33153127133846283), ('could ', -0.15412839251803234), ('need', -0.09630842600017786), (', ', 0.1273843816597946), ('helpful ', 0.05027981474995613), ('staff', 0.06506291404366493), (', ', -0.032186925411224365), ('big ', 0.09110727673396468), ('parking ', -0.22711965534836054), ('lot', 0.13578497944399714), ('.', -0.05109637975692749), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Price is very helpful for me as family trip.'} [('', 0.0), ('Price ', -0.1867796741425991), ('is ', 0.05911886598914862), ('very ', 0.07509951759129763), ('helpful ', 0.3256491431966424), ('for ', 0.03682427015155554), ('me ', 0.047563244588673115), ('as ', -0.0238726744428277), ('family ', 0.3351540407165885), ('trip', 0.04207543283700943), ('.', -0.015658128075301647), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'expected more ...'} [('', 0.0), ('expected ', -0.5536404743324965), ('more ', 0.17134507815353572), ('.', 0.08338662702590227), ('.', 0.033958286978304386), ('.', -0.052998682484030724), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'ew'} [('', 0.0), ('e', -0.07990655303001404), ('w', -0.0384117066860199), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Service here was amazing. Ask for Tammy!'} [('', 0.0), ('Service ', -0.02860669232904911), ('here ', -0.017504793882835656), ('was ', -0.05098818225087598), ('amazing', 0.8544022507267073), ('. ', 0.02797025442123413), ('Ask ', -0.19455045368522406), ('for ', 0.019643819890916348), ('Tammy', 0.0919723603874445), ('!', 0.010554535314440727), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'kann man empfelen'} [('', 0.0), ('kan', 0.05108718015253544), ('n ', -0.0965097676962614), ('man ', 0.05382716283202171), ('em', -0.27381371054798365), ('pf', -0.13732605520635843), ('ele', 0.2537104315124452), ('n', 0.07081593992188573), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best pho in Vegas!'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.3478682190179825), ('ph', -0.040821077302098274), ('o ', 0.039355890825390816), ('in ', 0.06612246483564377), ('Vegas', 0.1636912003159523), ('!', 0.11478650569915771), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'First time eating Pho and I loved it!'} [('', 0.0), ('First ', 0.23798577766865492), ('time ', 0.08374058082699776), ('eating ', -0.11664844211190939), ('Ph', -0.03557342104613781), ('o ', 0.05603034049272537), ('and ', 0.10193981789052486), ('I ', 0.10115949623286724), ('loved ', 0.24408027343451977), ('it', 0.018285002559423447), ('!', 0.005848430097103119), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Not really the warmest service but always prompt and delicious.'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', -0.33713766941218637), ('really ', -0.0001897700349218212), ('the ', -0.004317411287047435), ('warm', 0.18580979058606317), ('est ', 0.0038343454580171965), ('service ', -0.03265158702561166), ('but ', 0.21277333423495293), ('always ', 0.08816830336581916), ('prompt ', 0.08483379590325058), ('and ', -0.0022609436127822846), ('delicious', 0.42165729476255365), ('.', 0.006775444897357374), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'mediocre . . . . at best!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('med', -0.33669151764843264), ('io', -0.011994879725534702), ('cre ', -0.30798498279909836), ('. ', -0.02552522531186696), ('. ', -0.003493553790576698), ('. ', -0.020768080171365), ('. ', -0.0034991315314982785), ('at ', -0.012458394920031424), ('best', 0.3580848162646362), ('!', 0.009001426396025636), ('!', -0.009022862544952659), ('!', -0.007863529339374509), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Sweetbreads! Yum.'} [('', 0.0), ('Sweet', 0.4897578377276659), ('bread', -0.23333368264138699), ('s', 0.14555786177515984), ('! ', 0.40055500715970993), ('Yu', -0.10669391602277756), ('m', 0.042632367461919785), ('.', -0.03172675147652626), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'McDonalds food served by English language challenged people. Enough said.'} [('', 0.0), ('McDonald', -0.1576606035232544), ('s ', -0.05660155788064003), ('food ', 0.11132378468755633), ('served ', -0.030432761064730585), ('by ', 0.007475328166037798), ('English ', 0.14099988737143576), ('language ', -0.050082594563718885), ('challenged ', -0.22548974229721352), ('people', -0.052670947392471135), ('. ', 0.06054999562911689), ('Enough ', -0.12283559958450496), ('said', 0.05054715019650757), ('.', -0.045881171245127916), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great food! Best polish sausage in the world!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.23115403205156326), ('food', 0.049147360026836395), ('! ', 0.06835925579071045), ('Best ', 0.2774661877192557), ('polish ', 0.03906106622889638), ('sausage ', -0.13746863161213696), ('in ', -0.003567334031686187), ('the ', 0.006919557228684425), ('world', 0.16604081727564335), ('!', -0.000207412987947464), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good selection of imported stuff.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.6248799012973905), ('selection ', 0.13944565260317177), ('of ', 0.06514026934746653), ('imported ', -0.16409051278606057), ('stuff', 0.05233930191025138), ('.', -0.026857559569180012), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Excellent service, great food, very super good!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Excellent ', 0.1836903834482655), ('service', -0.007710729609243572), (', ', -0.01651874789968133), ('great ', 0.14222228911239654), ('food', 0.029119929182343185), (', ', -0.011914847418665886), ('very ', 0.015147308586165309), ('super ', 0.12278486439026892), ('good', 0.16814263816922903), ('!', 0.01282772608101368), ('!', 0.005496695637702942), ('!', -0.015989601612091064), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Bacon pancakes, cold bathroom, amazing...'} [('', 0.0), ('Bacon ', -0.06331862730439752), ('pancakes', -0.009275123593397439), (', ', 0.035873128566890955), ('cold ', -0.0886728943514754), ('bathroom', -0.02182334956160048), (', ', 0.035235673378338106), ('amazing', 0.9178946795727825), ('.', -0.005396249893237837), ('.', -0.041167957708239555), ('.', -0.06283461302518845), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Not really that great..'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', -0.6198103822935082), ('really ', 0.10411283872599597), ('that ', 0.06665600643827929), ('great', 0.18200787649766426), ('.', 0.011671498177747708), ('.', -0.053101311321370304), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Never mind'} [('', 0.0), ('Never ', -0.4178910688497126), ('mind', 0.5720951394177973), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good food on the run!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.3932970082387328), ('food ', 0.3327371063642204), ('on ', 0.05128169385716319), ('the ', 0.10766149242408574), ('run', -0.2708132623229176), ('!', 0.05547110829502344), ('!', 0.053772956132888794), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'My boyfriend and I got food poisoning from this place.'} [('', 0.0), ('My ', 0.01683412578131538), ('boyfriend ', 0.012493568909121677), ('and ', 0.04159818355401512), ('I ', -0.0031383382192871068), ('got ', 0.022650966046057874), ('food ', 0.03547855042415904), ('poisoning ', -0.38006860265886644), ('from ', -0.14630891052729567), ('this ', 0.11788303486537188), ('place', 0.02981385869861697), ('.', -0.08046651195036247), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "It's McDonalds. Always consistent."} [('', 0.0), ('It', 0.05465590162202716), ("'", 0.08098354609683156), ('s ', -0.027940135449171066), ('McDonald', -0.12441755970939994), ('s', 0.027015904430299997), ('. ', 0.13790236320346594), ('Always ', 0.26068037562072277), ('consistent', 0.40355305187404156), ('.', -0.09960955008864403), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Nothing special. Nothing stood out as great or super fantastic.'} [('', 0.0), ('Nothing ', -0.25971331572145573), ('special', 0.08692324825460673), ('. ', -0.013104191624734085), ('Nothing ', -0.43279809160776495), ('stood ', 0.010393925816970295), ('out ', -0.002778215267426276), ('as ', -0.007215921857095964), ('great ', 0.0904124819116987), ('or ', -0.026306468036636943), ('super ', 0.010948287062092277), ('fantastic', 0.18430542084115586), ('.', -0.01319672234421887), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': "Awesome pizza for the price, plus it's 24hrs."} [('', 0.0), ('Awesome ', 0.7451194245368242), ('pizza ', 0.026429696939885616), ('for ', -0.030557011254131794), ('the ', -0.0325535018928349), ('price', -0.08271996444091201), (', ', -0.00688641332089901), ('plus ', 0.07587448973208666), ('it', 0.019667695043608546), ("'", 0.04444698826409876), ('s ', -0.00443272665143013), ('24', -0.0370882919523865), ('hr', -0.1011793075595051), ('s', 0.04552560904994607), ('.', -0.07838069647550583), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Closed!!!!!!!! :-/'} [('', 0.0), ('Closed', 0.2522589946165681), ('!', 0.29284358490258455), ('!', 0.11912517342716455), ('!', 0.03398152906447649), ('!', 0.03162914561107755), ('!', 0.04393294407054782), ('!', -0.00816954905167222), ('!', 0.006721335928887129), ('! ', -0.007559855468571186), (':', -0.0544521298725158), ('-', -0.02216709847562015), ('/', -0.06297327764332294), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Nice people and good food!'} [('', 0.0), ('Nice ', 0.23250484466552734), ('people ', 0.04398666322231293), ('and ', 0.06907801330089569), ('good ', 0.14901802688837051), ('food', 0.11169078201055527), ('!', 0.08485880494117737), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Absolutely HORRIBLE!\\n\\nThe worst Dim Sum I have ever had'} [('', 0.0), ('Absolutely ', 0.132410584772515), ('HORRIBLE', -0.33022070478364185), ('!', -0.01759408332509338), ('\\', -0.012238771383636049), ('n', -0.014683723150938022), ('\\', -0.03216125472181375), ('nT', -0.03940234552601396), ('he ', 0.025489409439160227), ('worst ', -0.1392687031020614), ('Dim ', -0.134195599681334), ('Sum ', 0.021740179929111036), ('I ', 0.005865935061592609), ('have ', 0.027885886662716075), ('ever ', 0.08122572363163272), ('had', -0.00690076495266112), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good food, servers are wearing gloves! Clean place.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.467456360347569), ('food', 0.09317236859351397), (', ', -0.04352671839296818), ('servers ', -0.2202605504426174), ('are ', -0.022766053618397564), ('wearing ', -0.010864454263355583), ('gloves', 0.0181734548532404), ('! ', 0.05575159331783652), ('Clean ', 0.32660759100690484), ('place', 0.03827362647280097), ('.', -0.03653046488761902), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Dim sum is good, service not so much.'} [('', 0.0), ('Dim ', -0.17255935533466982), ('sum ', 0.03321956854779273), ('is ', 0.06154099107152433), ('good', 0.45649550564485253), (', ', 0.13395031861728057), ('service ', -0.0591999184434826), ('not ', -0.12476436755605391), ('so ', -0.03260775684611872), ('much', -0.12191861652536318), ('.', -0.14760849019512534), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Dirty Dinning....enough said'} [('', 0.0), ('Dirty ', -0.5140538152190857), ('Din', 0.1474177515192423), ('ning', 0.04745683344663121), ('.', 0.030126318451948464), ('.', 0.031177874479908496), ('.', -0.02345156279625371), ('.', -0.0391372034791857), ('enough ', -0.03816306620137766), ('said', 0.07817725726636127), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good tacos! Cheap price'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.4041370424311026), ('ta', 0.12352873213058047), ('cos', 0.1494582842078671), ('! ', 0.13061782700242475), ('Cheap ', -0.16305247896525543), ('price', -0.026892151290667243), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Very helpful staff'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.2192153036594391), ('helpful ', 0.1399732232093811), ('staff', 0.11765304207801819), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Very dry chicken. Not very tasty.'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.045405984048557), ('dry ', -0.11947507274635427), ('chicken', -0.09639528750813042), ('. ', 0.029071591736283153), ('Not ', -0.526940200905301), ('very ', -0.01675789880209777), ('ta', 0.2303967983007169), ('sty', 0.19712169347440067), ('.', -0.029060283945000265), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'SUCH Terrible food NEVER AGAIN sooo disappointing'} [('', 0.0), ('SUCH ', 0.02153976447880268), ('Terrible ', -0.3764657463179901), ('food ', 0.2455455722520128), ('NEVER ', 0.43557877846433257), ('AGAIN ', 0.012593065008331905), ('soo', 0.06658204287850822), ('o ', 0.125130202884975), ('disappointing', 0.16127915249671787), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Must try the spinach pasta with feta cheese!'} [('', 0.0), ('Must ', -0.0363500127568841), ('try ', -0.045763862173771486), ('the ', -0.006300297245616093), ('spin', -0.02875389377004467), ('ach ', -0.09897921115043573), ('pasta ', 0.023225805576657876), ('with ', 0.026092131360201165), ('fe', -0.06937104556709528), ('ta ', 0.03499813756207004), ('cheese', -0.11677677481202409), ('!', -0.01119501783978194), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good service...not so good parking'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.41486456348138745), ('service', -0.0451084417909442), ('.', 0.0797402020325535), ('.', 0.04488929915896733), ('.', -0.00012854032320319675), ('not ', -0.44765922891565424), ('so ', 0.0647945425571379), ('good ', -0.07153501770335424), ('parking', -0.14024223972774053), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'The log cabin lodge in the desert! Food was great!'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.012426961213350296), ('log ', -0.044567779172211885), ('cabin ', 0.0003805686719715595), ('lodge ', 0.1600206815637648), ('in ', 0.014289038721472025), ('the ', 0.07536115928087384), ('desert', -0.017372583621181548), ('! ', 0.0999273732304573), ('Food ', 0.0174976815469563), ('was ', -0.09062919532880187), ('great', 0.40642952639609575), ('!', -0.00651058554649353), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Nothing special. Average food. Minimal beer selection.'} [('', 0.0), ('Nothing ', -0.29298611491321935), ('special', 0.13082991438932368), ('. ', 0.017530130651721265), ('Average ', -0.012210232744109817), ('food', -0.015602149949700106), ('. ', 0.01898637480189791), ('Minimal ', -0.085439768685319), ('beer ', -0.04660477584548062), ('selection', 0.01652002168702893), ('.', -0.03267392213456333), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Small portions for the price you pay...still hungry :('} [('', 0.0), ('Small ', -0.06917762811644934), ('portions ', 0.007739558262983337), ('for ', -0.0386830439674668), ('the ', -0.025270361335060443), ('price ', -0.003858565230984823), ('you ', 0.061049318082950776), ('pay', -0.06850687080077478), ('.', 0.00411552214063704), ('.', -0.024304866703459993), ('.', -0.022859853197587654), ('still ', -0.04721224488457665), ('hungry ', -0.08611842803657055), (':', -0.020769818976987153), ('(', -0.07691890164278448), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Shanghai Angus Steak ROCK!'} [('', 0.0), ('Shanghai ', 0.11704988032579422), ('Angus ', 0.10245178453624249), ('Steak ', 0.019222063943743706), ('ROCK', 0.08680636808276176), ('!', 0.33159153163433075), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good for a fast food italian place'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.3171350210905075), ('for ', -0.037123601883649826), ('a ', 0.08620833978056908), ('fast ', 0.115506112575531), ('food ', 0.06529811024665833), ('italian ', 0.14809655724093318), ('place', 0.02818331541493535), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'That was fun.'} [('', 0.0), ('That ', 0.2830655872821808), ('was ', -0.015932023525238037), ('fun', 0.3638114631175995), ('.', -0.044363170862197876), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'its nevada education what more do you want'} [('', 0.0), ('its ', -0.18258772231638432), ('nevada ', 0.04506833013147116), ('education ', 0.2762292353436351), ('what ', 0.06852408405393362), ('more ', -0.24375340435653925), ('do ', -0.2304681376554072), ('you ', 0.46002597408369184), ('want', 0.07543472945690155), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good taco shop with flavorful food; everyone enjoyed their lunch.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.1145830862224102), ('ta', 0.025052014738321304), ('co ', 0.00693347305059433), ('shop ', -0.024797390680760145), ('with ', -0.00914308661594987), ('flavor', 0.193194888997823), ('ful ', -0.01401943201199174), ('food', -0.00036284513771533966), ('; ', -0.013745792210102081), ('everyone ', 0.0706576919183135), ('enjoyed ', 0.27171755116432905), ('their ', -0.03196323523297906), ('lunch', 0.018066635821014643), ('.', -0.02262212336063385), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good food and nice service'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.1251077838242054), ('food ', 0.1162300743162632), ('and ', 0.09078039973974228), ('nice ', 0.33495351672172546), ('service', -0.0030461400747299194), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Mickey Ds in a Gas Station. Need i say more??'} [('', 0.0), ('Mickey ', 0.005390982165408786), ('Ds ', -0.04181530565620051), ('in ', -0.010971484287438216), ('a ', 0.0012066208983014803), ('Gas ', -0.038565221500903135), ('Station', -0.027026734453102108), ('. ', -0.008271325372334104), ('Need ', -0.05165036265498202), ('i ', 0.006071474037526059), ('say ', -0.004805000295164064), ('more', -0.02379340691550169), ('?', -0.04739533622341696), ('?', -0.14781017240602523), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Someone call the health department.'} [('', 0.0), ('Someone ', -0.22348215809324756), ('call ', -0.2484764063556213), ('the ', 0.02716298747691326), ('health ', -0.008027165633393452), ('department', 0.1158787124149967), ('.', 0.030945292965043336), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Grosss'} [('', 0.0), ('Gross', -0.8375464451528387), ('s', 0.11100564725347795), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Very slow service in an empty restaurant, average food.'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', -0.0005090515041956678), ('slow ', -0.11948831997142406), ('service ', 0.014315601431007963), ('in ', -0.023784187320416095), ('an ', 0.09587070195811975), ('empty ', -0.26298401340955024), ('restaurant', 0.07388085526781651), (', ', 0.012943413938046433), ('average ', -0.013165976841264637), ('food', -0.06778751459569321), ('.', -0.04283636977925198), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good beer. Decent food.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.2813335955142975), ('beer', -0.04631316661834717), ('. ', 0.11070805788040161), ('Decent ', 0.21835601143538952), ('food', 0.15360729210078716), ('.', -0.026570986956357956), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Setting - A\\nService - A\\nFood - D'} [('', 0.0), ('Setting ', -0.006661900348262861), ('- ', 0.008767193095991388), ('A', 0.0005908271414227784), ('\\', -0.061862699629273266), ('nS', -0.06684996990952641), ('er', -0.09455864410847425), ('vic', -0.0013137398636899889), ('e ', 0.005744491063524038), ('- ', -0.009453594393562526), ('A', -0.00773395033320412), ('\\', -0.039443218032829463), ('n', -0.04434279474662617), ('Fo', -0.02977010590257123), ('od ', -0.04918317904230207), ('- ', -0.028301080339588225), ('D', -0.017873302451334894), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'loud, mediocre food'} [('', 0.0), ('loud', -0.25911334149714094), (', ', 0.11567765130894259), ('med', -0.22559464580899657), ('io', 0.06299216999559576), ('cre ', -0.15720319309002662), ('food', 0.15472750518893008), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Ballast point on tap. Great food and knowleable servers.'} [('', 0.0), ('Ballast ', -0.1689626006409526), ('point ', 0.0818942787591368), ('on ', -0.06964938621968031), ('tap', -0.09811442927457392), ('. ', 0.08262422867119312), ('Great ', 0.7046610096585937), ('food ', 0.18255577940726653), ('and ', -0.007154413149692118), ('know', -0.009465824157814495), ('lea', -0.0029859344504075125), ('ble ', -0.032051622052676976), ('servers', -0.04291255946736783), ('.', -0.018638442968949676), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great sushi, love going to this place for lunch.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.33244824409484863), ('su', -0.015885048545897007), ('shi', 0.012906485237181187), (', ', -0.015113189816474915), ('love ', 0.3375128195621073), ('going ', -0.038189122918993235), ('to ', 0.017770249396562576), ('this ', 0.021658219397068024), ('place ', -0.02914343890734017), ('for ', -0.006489878287538886), ('lunch', 0.0211460767313838), ('.', -0.011414404958486557), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Crazy good dinner\\nYum yum sauce on everything!!\\nFilet mignon love'} [('', 0.0), ('Crazy ', 0.008730808272957802), ('good ', 0.5273674074560404), ('dinner', 0.2519723006989807), ('\\', 0.015898795099928975), ('nYu', -0.13447339105186984), ('m ', 0.010388215247076005), ('yu', -0.08125684363767505), ('m ', -0.06395653821527958), ('sauce ', -0.11060691287275404), ('on ', 0.002767211524769664), ('everything', 0.11614649661350995), ('!', 0.0071573033928871155), ('!', -0.033577606081962585), ('\\', -0.03311319719068706), ('n', -0.028538070269860327), ('Fi', -0.020412428537383676), ('let ', -0.08911033056210726), ('mig', 0.03178267992916517), ('non ', -0.17246498467284255), ('love', 0.30742734856903553), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'over rated, over priced and always crowded.'} [('', 0.0), ('over ', -0.3192901078873547), ('rated', 0.13731699755589943), (', ', 0.03530998490168713), ('over ', -0.10186249690741533), ('priced ', 0.005039613526605535), ('and ', 0.01846943746204488), ('always ', 0.07666098779736785), ('crowded', -0.12228995025361655), ('.', -0.01509541692212224), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Best place for some electronica beats.'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.21782828867435455), ('place ', 0.11791390646249056), ('for ', 0.04677108582109213), ('some ', -0.005865570157766342), ('electronic', -0.006311357021331787), ('a ', 0.07277124747633934), ('beats', 0.30913402512669563), ('.', -0.024119272828102112), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great staff'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.1413305103778839), ('staff', 0.13179436326026917), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Awful place. Disgusting. Filthy.'} [('', 0.0), ('Awful ', -0.27551019840575464), ('place', 0.029097717111653765), ('. ', 0.10862194130095304), ('Disgusting', -0.07718014074453095), ('. ', 0.0071998671137407655), ('Filthy', -0.054407177629400394), ('.', -0.014024872571098967), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Yum yum yum. Hungry for Gyros? This is your place.'} [('', 0.0), ('Yu', -0.04232101095840335), ('m ', -0.0017326059751212597), ('yu', -0.09582262742333114), ('m ', 0.042866762611083686), ('yu', -0.17071044945623726), ('m', 0.09229690744541585), ('. ', -0.43275448167696595), ('Hungry ', -0.1487888726987876), ('for ', -0.020584339305059984), ('G', -0.019764511904213578), ('yr', 0.01918999626650475), ('os', -0.03703787794802338), ('? ', -0.15139639674453065), ('This ', 0.04976394964614883), ('is ', 0.07893943044473417), ('your ', 0.23713141604093835), ('place', 0.1933320500247646), ('.', 0.06602482084417716), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best gyros (hard g) in Pittsburgh'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.7577559752389789), ('g', -0.007943926146253943), ('yr', 0.045723826508037746), ('os ', 0.02665922313462943), ('(', 0.05688669765368104), ('hard ', -0.18479580123675987), ('g', -0.021485950506757945), (') ', 0.027642209897749126), ('in ', -0.0253966823220253), ('Pittsburgh', 0.021335817873477936), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best Gyros in town, hands down!'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.4774426146177575), ('G', 0.0586238733085338), ('yr', 0.09261417246307246), ('os ', 0.014888530829921365), ('in ', 0.06791482615517452), ('town', 0.0435481442254968), (', ', 0.08638283994514495), ('hands ', -0.06100929155945778), ('down', -0.08105378155596554), ('!', -0.004054031567648053), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "Prices high, food great, but I can't afford this."} [('', 0.0), ('Prices ', -0.20370338996872306), ('high', 0.09782714419998229), (', ', 0.14000108069740236), ('food ', 0.0792387846740894), ('great', 0.43990400357870385), (', ', 0.0751933139981702), ('but ', -0.23208829783834517), ('I ', 0.024990369798615575), ('can', 0.16858731278625783), ("'", -0.06765474773419555), ('t ', -0.12842396646738052), ('afford ', 0.115107067162171), ('this', -0.042837055400013924), ('.', -0.191838153405115), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'My second family. Adore this place.'} [('', 0.0), ('My ', 0.0901237353682518), ('second ', -0.010431875474750996), ('family', 0.18807404208928347), ('. ', 0.05898197740316391), ('Ad', 0.16948497761040926), ('ore ', 0.05089207459241152), ('this ', 0.16421236796304584), ('place', 0.02694781357422471), ('.', -0.02532007172703743), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Crusty. Sloppy. Dark.'} [('', 0.0), ('Crust', -0.23299480795503769), ('y', 0.029768345657430473), ('. ', 0.10117773074307479), ('Sloppy', -0.10084681652369909), ('. ', 0.009838139543717261), ('Dark', -0.06393622967516421), ('.', -0.01923873691339395), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'yeah, not that good. Who took all the cool shit?'} [('', 0.0), ('yeah', 0.030153827554386226), (', ', 0.025650819234215305), ('not ', -0.5030842118521832), ('that ', -0.022499459802020283), ('good', 0.219678817359636), ('. ', 0.047808323075514636), ('Who ', 0.06017814586448367), ('took ', -0.006241506187507184), ('all ', 0.028498350035079056), ('the ', 0.03269203221498174), ('cool ', 0.05531326438722317), ('shit', -0.1903147857337899), ('?', -0.1674365377621143), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Get your morbid on!\\nGreat Halloween theme, drinks are\\nlike shitty candy.\\n\\n\\n\\n(b)'} [('', -0.00010304641424833486), ('Get ', -0.03722996828825368), ('your ', -0.012608427782348977), ('mor', -0.04541428483571508), ('bid ', -0.031765222116519), ('on', -0.011614736406045267), ('!', -0.025646416299423436), ('\\', -0.012139120629789042), ('nG', 0.00028516545647843967), ('rea', -0.014210431182402231), ('t ', -0.011070709079614886), ('Halloween ', -0.021830006517813586), ('theme', -0.008925982184120499), (', ', -0.006119721933611713), ('drinks ', -0.0028733016976426975), ('are', -0.004550285628890076), ('\\', -0.006655462776204028), ('nl', -0.014595595741047874), ('ike ', -0.006696561030912563), ('shitty ', -0.04389867975041852), ('candy', -0.012518152297707275), ('.', -0.006661587345297449), ('\\', -0.02778331289300695), ('n', -0.02184564812341705), ('\\', -0.02361310744890943), ('n', -0.020698907377664), ('\\', -0.026587973872665316), ('n', -0.019635854161433167), ('\\', -0.02077040575732965), ('n', -0.014048704749993271), ('(', -0.0033835938167093055), ('b', -0.01310715260582843), (')', -0.012229519846316959), ('', -1.3241436265941178e-05)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'tastiest food poisoning ever'} [('', 0.0), ('ta', 0.1874592450185446), ('sti', 0.044984016407397576), ('est ', 0.08492842759005725), ('food ', 0.10305194649845362), ('poisoning ', -0.8208975991001353), ('ever', 0.10159793321508914), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'absolutely not for vinyl. Probably fine for CDs though ...'} [('', 0.0), ('absolutely ', 0.11596788081806153), ('not ', -0.5156006784418423), ('for ', 0.030390266172616975), ('vinyl', -0.05618389931623824), ('. ', 0.14439053763635457), ('Probably ', 0.10326042663655244), ('fine ', 0.5214358076773351), ('for ', 0.008468027401249856), ('CDs ', -0.04075296723021893), ('though ', 0.16221585885068635), ('.', -0.05046824848977849), ('.', -0.03642188978847116), ('.', -0.06803734600543976), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great wings!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.12180730700492859), ('wings', 0.11962178349494934), ('!', 0.235457181930542), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Terrible place awful food worse bartenders. Gross'} [('', 0.0), ('Terrible ', -0.03496841894047975), ('place ', -0.0045682793879677774), ('awful ', -0.032207872020080686), ('food ', 0.023115698496440018), ('worse ', -0.09911182903579174), ('bartender', 0.0021465987992996816), ('s', 0.012459322279028129), ('. ', -0.010597218804832664), ('Gross', -0.14293513252050616), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "It's not delivery, it's digiorno...\\n\\nyou'll be better off"} [('', 0.0), ('It', -0.00999136219737314), ("'", -0.005014395306109994), ('s ', -0.003786454429549243), ('not ', -0.09869203417292738), ('delivery', -0.0025203439327015076), (', ', -0.015479557509024744), ('it', -0.013227091140530925), ("'", -0.0012861344572835758), ('s ', -0.0044959975518092206), ('dig', -0.04620145127137221), ('ior', 0.002794772753077268), ('no', -0.03633240942599514), ('.', -0.021206132522820553), ('.', -0.012751763490086887), ('.', -0.011797966319136322), ('\\', -0.015169141749841705), ('n', -0.009517245573382146), ('\\', -0.02012418453189942), ('ny', 0.018399996814817618), ('ou', -0.008475560475805348), ("'", -0.009028659255879272), ('ll ', 0.040934621277847326), ('be ', 0.026361088200792436), ('better ', -0.10510017508750025), ('off', -0.14830829220409214), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great place to take in the view :)'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.28061214834451675), ('place ', 0.016145789995789528), ('to ', 0.07593171112239361), ('take ', 0.18015582207590342), ('in ', 0.11045472044497728), ('the ', 0.026207691989839077), ('view ', 0.050881451927125454), (':', -0.00996609777212143), (')', -0.017426367849111557), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Good food, service sucks.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.28661910392474965), ('food', 0.23814133378255065), (', ', 0.31796003758790903), ('service ', 0.03736174964069505), ('sucks', -0.16662142162022064), ('.', -0.02760493783716811), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'solid food, good service.'} [('', 0.0), ('solid ', 0.14070124924182892), ('food', 0.120690256357193), (', ', 0.0842687338590622), ('good ', 0.353002080693841), ('service', 0.01899983175098896), ('.', -0.02653491124510765), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Excellent food, expensive beer... $6 for a southern tier dipa'} [('', 0.0), ('Excellent ', 0.643205642933026), ('food', 0.10447350307367742), (', ', 0.07619774248450994), ('expensive ', -0.042912262288155034), ('beer', -0.010098034254042432), ('.', -0.006855059880763292), ('.', -0.021387019427493215), ('. ', -0.025221301009878516), ('$', -0.0439177771913819), ('6 ', -0.006457544339355081), ('for ', -0.020197920326609164), ('a ', -0.009980200149584562), ('southern ', -0.013580476341303438), ('tier ', -0.019193389161955565), ('dip', -0.0492103070137091), ('a', -0.0033680780907161534), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Food quality is poor.'} [('', 0.0), ('Food ', 0.3259557139244862), ('quality ', 0.2252868466766813), ('is ', -0.10100017324111832), ('poor', -0.740942414598976), ('.', -0.04491446119209286), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Bad service, mediocre food but a great view.'} [('', 0.0), ('Bad ', -0.13756414534145733), ('service', -0.02745339960529236), (', ', -0.033133831835584715), ('med', -0.0022709039071742154), ('io', -0.01951161942224644), ('cre ', -0.03162835486455151), ('food ', 0.019678641088830773), ('but ', 0.18411798432498472), ('a ', 0.010153762296795321), ('great ', 0.3530327808612128), ('view', 0.1725246898658952), ('.', 0.10706548181042308), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best samosas. $1'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.7394453976303339), ('sam', 0.08839815901592374), ('osa', -0.11086168000474572), ('s', 0.06723886728286743), ('. ', 0.018234070390462875), ('$', -0.1060747541487217), ('1', 0.025474805384874344), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'The best bar in Oakland'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.15519001334905624), ('best ', 0.42981749027967453), ('bar ', -0.02810797095298767), ('in ', 0.08949010819196701), ('Oakland', 0.01756703108549118), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Better choices nearby.'} [('', 0.0), ('Better ', -0.021758563816547394), ('choices ', -0.009578537195920944), ('nearby', -0.022710110992193222), ('.', -0.10984091460704803), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good gyros; good desserts; reasonable prices.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.24852614849805832), ('g', 0.016533231362700462), ('yr', 0.048406196758151054), ('os', 0.00020879879593849182), ('; ', 0.004406854510307312), ('good ', 0.11426928266882896), ('dessert', 0.04459650255739689), ('s', 0.0118772704154253), ('; ', 0.018839965807273984), ('reasonable ', 0.1657656303141266), ('prices', -0.03810883080586791), ('.', -0.008084118366241455), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Terrible, preparation was sloppy, taste was mediocre.\\nSushi rolls fell apart.'} [('', -1.5202094800770283e-06), ('Terrible', -0.0519836746952933), (', ', -0.00771002596411563), ('preparation ', -0.010541508102505759), ('was ', -0.010926879136150092), ('sloppy', -0.03277137701252286), (', ', -0.007817083454938256), ('taste ', -0.014790281610657985), ('was ', -0.01441817975955928), ('med', -0.03398573373601721), ('io', -0.008200126514793737), ('cre', -0.03270082820972675), ('.', -0.017515965801067068), ('\\', -0.026040193861263106), ('nS', -0.06514265886880821), ('ush', 0.0007177862530625134), ('i ', -0.01619204081453063), ('rolls ', -0.029493597953660355), ('fell ', -0.08114405408650782), ('apart', -0.015067837752212654), ('.', -0.011618835835179198), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "haven't tried yet :)"} [('', 0.0), ('haven', -0.04664310812950134), ("'", -0.03402887471020222), ('t ', -0.12877091579139233), ('tried ', -0.0026477184146642685), ('yet ', -0.005953645333647728), (':', 0.06852126540616155), (')', -0.023301579523831606), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'good, cheap food. horrible service. sometimes super-crowded.'} [('', 0.0), ('good', 0.5252045444249234), (', ', 0.17241795690279105), ('cheap ', -0.3011436736715041), ('food', 0.014200537499164056), ('. ', -0.006424844057619339), ('horrible ', -0.4983905731132836), ('service', -0.06754318011371652), ('. ', -0.018471433213562705), ('sometimes ', -0.03298759338213131), ('super', 0.030434166605118662), ('-', -0.01980167510919273), ('crowded', -0.10193284705746919), ('.', -0.06466582138091326), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'not like what I expect'} [('', 0.0), ('not ', -0.7201180024567293), ('like ', 0.1284832975725294), ('what ', 0.10923807603103342), ('I ', 0.26868091990763787), ('expect', -0.1214228775788797), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great pad thai and bubble smoothies. Service is okay.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.3286238620057702), ('pad ', -0.046210869681090117), ('thai ', 0.021637524012476206), ('and ', 0.041907746344804764), ('bubble ', -0.09413163550198078), ('smooth', 0.0934492734959349), ('ies', -0.023964819847606122), ('. ', -0.006187090650200844), ('Service ', -0.059995363699272275), ('is ', 0.03692515636794269), ('okay', 0.37357390532270074), ('.', -0.038443565368652344), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Bad food, bad service!'} [('', 0.0), ('Bad ', -0.35917670836352045), ('food', 0.12062286381842569), (', ', 0.08412853049958358), ('bad ', -0.2760730195132055), ('service', 0.037167942564337864), ('!', 0.08479199599969434), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Tasty Chinese food!..Pretty good service with nice music...'} [('', 0.0), ('Ta', 0.14681652188301086), ('sty ', -0.004444420337677002), ('Chinese ', 0.028148320813973744), ('food', 0.08244664532442887), ('!', 0.022798440729578335), ('.', -0.020178996957838535), ('.', -0.0201609143987298), ('Pretty ', 0.01045319443801418), ('good ', 0.19616918201791123), ('service ', -0.01395049478742294), ('with ', -0.007883094862336293), ('nice ', 0.17839710391126573), ('music', 0.015241615939885378), ('.', -0.008416458265855908), ('.', -0.023203469812870026), ('.', -0.030504345893859863), ('', 7.450580596923828e-08)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Bros.'} [('', 0.0), ('Bros', 0.16697365045547485), ('.', 0.10529297590255737), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Taking off a star because of the surprise delivery charges.'} [('', 0.0), ('Taking ', 0.03410755377262831), ('off ', -0.312886010739021), ('a ', 0.0780965433223173), ('star ', 0.5835539109539241), ('because ', -0.16138614783994853), ('of ', 0.07336809020489454), ('the ', 0.05220790300518274), ('surprise ', 0.6620277238544077), ('delivery ', -0.03813969297334552), ('charges', -0.31280973949469626), ('.', -0.0035310499370098114), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best ice cream in Pittsburgh!'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.30521490424871445), ('ice ', 0.017672091722488403), ('cream ', 0.024242885410785675), ('in ', 0.0559065155684948), ('Pittsburgh', 0.07640951499342918), ('!', 0.2116328701376915), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'I go just for the lamb shank -- very good.'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', -0.03049592114984989), ('go ', 0.03680583601817489), ('just ', -0.11652732035145164), ('for ', 0.002448412822559476), ('the ', -0.011819095583632588), ('lamb ', -0.04334045201539993), ('shan', -0.02308951911982149), ('k ', -0.05806006689090282), ('-', -0.008032938465476036), ('- ', 0.01588415028527379), ('very ', 0.02926103351637721), ('good', 0.8460904657840729), ('.', -0.029848945792764425), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "Their baclava is God's gift to man."} [('', 0.0), ('Their ', 0.008675310760736465), ('ba', 0.03843039879575372), ('cl', 0.07564465655013919), ('ava ', 0.022433504462242126), ('is ', 0.0965705867856741), ('God', -0.05908568319864571), ("'", -0.0016493268776685), ('s ', 0.009677812922745943), ('gift ', 0.41403481108136475), ('to ', 0.04837007075548172), ('man', -0.006573461694642901), ('.', -0.019655336160212755), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'A good value for money at half off:)'} [('', 0.0), ('A ', 0.2439168191049248), ('good ', 0.6084488675114699), ('value ', -0.017877524776849896), ('for ', 0.014773211034480482), ('money ', -0.0550733931013383), ('at ', -0.002658762619830668), ('half ', -0.04580454376991838), ('off', -0.04377943312283605), (':', -0.009833364165388048), (')', -0.007454898441210389), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'For the price the Tuesday buffet is great!'} [('', 0.0), ('For ', 0.031023869290947914), ('the ', -0.02513017598539591), ('price ', -0.04262050334364176), ('the ', 0.08795307856053114), ('Tuesday ', 0.16018786933273077), ('buffet ', 0.025039840256795287), ('is ', 0.004105141153559089), ('great', 0.48543136613443494), ('!', -0.01316491886973381), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "Lose your cellphone here.\\nEverybody's doing it.\\nSo dark and so drunk.\\n\\n(b)"} [('', 0.0), ('Lose ', -0.05271918601829384), ('your ', -0.03139688143892272), ('cell', -0.0034581685107089775), ('phone ', -0.029356046350888693), ('here', -0.018621241775084247), ('.', -0.005575655217398889), ('\\', -0.040768556115532796), ('nEver', -0.04313717580722975), ('y', 0.002782866833998317), ('body', -0.013577841576504095), ("'", -0.012757067533554316), ('s ', 0.0037791010240956287), ('doing ', -0.010156321407218153), ('it', -0.010319212272103565), ('.', -0.002996843932730068), ('\\', -0.007623179572571341), ('nS', -0.02882778146219304), ('o ', -0.01053223723344369), ('dark ', -0.0297131586503383), ('and ', -0.01109313440065307), ('so ', -0.02033201929149679), ('drunk', -0.05973563729564072), ('.', -0.008599941363778877), ('\\', -0.023713162138543947), ('n', -0.012557387110670485), ('\\', -0.015770362506979534), ('n', -0.014406490237888647), ('(', 0.0005010447669822801), ('b', -0.012818286919961489), (')', -0.011284369768569983), ('', -1.0133751857210882e-05)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'This place was MUCH better when it was the SOD'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', -0.01032964454498142), ('place ', -0.0002657806035131216), ('was ', -0.015340837766416371), ('MUCH ', 0.03399012450245209), ('better ', -0.005301310127833858), ('when ', -0.014347784192068502), ('it ', -0.09388901074999012), ('was ', 0.1019647802459076), ('the ', 0.14948107895907015), ('SO', -0.4414215513970703), ('D', -0.006367405643686652), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Okey.'} [('', 0.0), ('Ok', 0.2698305547237396), ('ey', 0.14942294359207153), ('.', 0.046394914388656616), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Beer was cold. That is about all I got'} [('', 0.0), ('Beer ', -0.059727456551627256), ('was ', 0.019584941826906288), ('cold', -0.11998673828566098), ('. ', 0.0011913948837900534), ('That ', -0.017353932871628786), ('is ', -0.03225159787325538), ('about ', 0.021590391312201973), ('all ', 0.060563291430298705), ('I ', -0.09310538474528585), ('got', -0.08285630391037557), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best. Dentist. Ever.'} [('', 0.0), ('Best', 0.4160650484263897), ('. ', -0.030600834637880325), ('Dentist', -0.1360053364187479), ('. ', 0.14053881354629993), ('Ever', 0.20525045320391655), ('.', 0.09566058591008186), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Way overpriced for average food and less than average atmosphere.'} [('', 0.0), ('Way ', -0.005859729415533366), ('over', -0.14526602460773574), ('pr', -0.008305803095026931), ('ice', 0.00224727699514915), ('d ', 0.021648319389896642), ('for ', -0.0028869496682091267), ('average ', -0.04028583519630047), ('food ', -0.014843685619780445), ('and ', -0.020942889776051743), ('less ', -0.1882845139280107), ('than ', 0.060208426433746354), ('average ', -0.04508817521855235), ('atmosphere', 0.006693719726172276), ('.', -0.03496456860739272), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "exclusive supplier of all my 40's."} [('', 0.0), ('exclusive ', 0.37268849834799767), ('supplier ', -0.04662618599832058), ('of ', 0.29928182251751423), ('all ', 0.06508988654240966), ('my ', 0.01447388669475913), ('40', -0.024197851482313126), ("'", 0.03071820520563051), ('s', 0.03689761506393552), ('.', -0.039404116570949554), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Fancy looking but\\nBartender is a douchebag\\nDrinks usually suck.'} [('', 1.3128000621994337e-05), ('Fancy ', 0.08592016867381365), ('looking ', 0.03530897113281147), ('but', -0.17650116509321379), ('\\', -0.030370944579772186), ('nBa', -0.004246764796334901), ('rte', -0.020326093983385363), ('nder ', -0.0731331083625264), ('is ', 0.0003400401486336098), ('a ', -0.008585636662852872), ('do', -0.0742816338394429), ('uche', 0.004044672466382811), ('bag', -0.029136245379656128), ('\\', -0.034324352870195675), ('n', -0.027790256273874547), ('Dr', -0.005659843336616177), ('ink', -0.02000704098463757), ('s ', -0.012744009807647672), ('usually ', -0.017960069768378162), ('suck', -0.06849127669738664), ('.', -0.008847043656714959), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'They sell plants at this store!'} [('', 0.0), ('They ', 0.050460451282560825), ('sell ', 0.11190754221752286), ('plants ', 0.4160037715919316), ('at ', 0.13060006534215063), ('this ', 0.14896308758761734), ('store', -0.34014946571551263), ('!', 0.20220021158456802), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'I still have dreams about this pizza'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', 0.004460439085960388), ('still ', 0.2007338311523199), ('have ', 0.09038599766790867), ('dreams ', 0.3998159449547529), ('about ', 0.10357796214520931), ('this ', 0.014727605506777763), ('pizza', -0.092870207503438), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Inedible General Tso chicken. I will never go back here.'} [('', 0.0), ('In', -0.11589897135854699), ('ed', 0.21039607809507288), ('ible ', 0.040056019788607955), ('General ', 0.1180894784629345), ('Ts', 0.04078618317726068), ('o ', -0.024733368045417592), ('chicken', -0.4630787008209154), ('. ', -0.004581639193929732), ('I ', 0.05905032713781111), ('will ', 0.0951350994000677), ('never ', -0.30300687486305833), ('go ', 0.02190681907813996), ('back ', -0.03975367557723075), ('here', -0.016350519261322916), ('.', -0.031037434935569763), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Not worth it...'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', -0.64218473116307), ('worth ', 0.20358259995146), ('it', 0.13287309629095034), ('.', 0.03849661723143072), ('.', 0.011773577010899317), ('.', -0.053072059788974), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Yum GOOD cheap Chinese food... Mmmmmmm'} [('', 0.0), ('Yu', 0.0036927680484950542), ('m ', -0.019844367634505033), ('GOOD ', 0.6396845905655937), ('cheap ', -0.3561101244376914), ('Chinese ', 0.1172715671127662), ('food', 0.3648951781215146), ('.', 0.030285132117569447), ('.', -0.020907592959702015), ('. ', -0.02431340329349041), ('Mmm', -0.02978540421463549), ('mm', -0.04642812651582062), ('mm', -0.040094330441206694), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Nice, relaxing atmosphere. Food was well presented and good.'} [('', 0.0), ('Nice', 0.16757478192448616), (', ', -0.010508548468351364), ('relaxing ', 0.11107148975133896), ('atmosphere', 0.05858625844120979), ('. ', -0.013105932623147964), ('Food ', -0.030386492144316435), ('was ', -0.00594250438734889), ('well ', 0.11820523953065276), ('presented ', 0.07492132252082229), ('and ', -0.013266991823911667), ('good', 0.18287627678364515), ('.', -0.012723534367978573), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Used to be a fan.'} [('', 0.0), ('Used ', -0.1600685678422451), ('to ', 0.22302684001624584), ('be ', 0.08754205517470837), ('a ', 0.24380763433873653), ('fan', 0.28384544514119625), ('.', 0.008212734013795853), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good. Spicy food.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good', 0.21027318388223648), ('. ', 0.12183583527803421), ('Spicy ', 0.18441835790872574), ('food', 0.16989818960428238), ('.', -0.022392183542251587), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Spicy'} [('', 0.0), ('Spicy', 0.06656312942504883), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "Meh. They don't deliver to Swissvale."} [('', 0.0), ('Me', 0.06495240443473449), ('h', 0.06355041596543742), ('. ', -0.049686867379932664), ('They ', -0.15410415879887296), ('don', -0.090281218974269), ("'", -0.07636091403765022), ('t ', -0.16045716650478425), ('deliver ', 0.224273117651137), ('to ', 0.02218477200676716), ('Swiss', -0.037522435746723204), ('vale', -0.09069196643940813), ('.', -0.08785421490756562), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Another disappointment from Squirrel pizza...'} [('', 0.0), ('Another ', -0.00333287852936337), ('disappointment ', -0.1247596122093455), ('from ', 0.009612313069737866), ('Squirrel ', -0.05824039636718226), ('pizza', -0.024287852038469282), ('.', 0.0031225402253767243), ('.', -0.021467653059517033), ('.', -0.051053640054306015), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'not bad enough to complain, not good enough to compliment'} [('', 0.0), ('not ', 0.3412597398746584), ('bad ', 0.12224880934081739), ('enough ', -0.039197245951072546), ('to ', 0.025569892377461656), ('complain', -0.1067196782114479), (', ', 0.02278518247840111), ('not ', -0.651088594671819), ('good ', -0.16041551944545063), ('enough ', -0.0054892189200472785), ('to ', 0.00987684159372293), ('compliment', 0.18171054185950197), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'lol'} [('', 0.0), ('lo', -0.3163116704672575), ('l', -0.35424001328647137), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Timely, helpful, honest!'} [('', 0.0), ('Timely', 0.22633877396583557), (', ', 0.11932003498077393), ('helpful', 0.1277935579419136), (', ', 0.044807009398937225), ('honest', 0.13039115816354752), ('!', 0.04247265309095383), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Its decent but we prefer mineos.'} [('', 0.0), ('Its ', -0.006149302702397108), ('decent ', 0.484723434317857), ('but ', -0.0028642164543271065), ('we ', 0.26005916530266404), ('prefer ', 0.08901283564046025), ('mine', -0.009322267258539796), ('os', -0.035881544230505824), ('.', -0.05230368673801422), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Still the best in Pittsburgh, hands down......More later'} [('', 0.0), ('Still ', -0.006324767135083675), ('the ', 0.16522460849955678), ('best ', 0.7013397510163486), ('in ', -0.016395627229940146), ('Pittsburgh', 0.00021107023349031806), (', ', 0.007888006744906306), ('hands ', -0.03209221176803112), ('down', -0.05118514271453023), ('.', -0.022210033144801855), ('.', -0.03134198719635606), ('.', -0.03022408252581954), ('.', -0.02523108629975468), ('.', -0.020620453520677984), ('.', -0.02755750995129347), ('More ', -0.02969110617414117), ('later', -0.03035968029871583), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Fresh spring rolls and pad thai!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Fresh ', 0.31774047017097473), ('spring ', 0.2752650175243616), ('rolls ', -0.06606794334948063), ('and ', 0.11372922360897064), ('pad ', -0.11978071846533567), ('thai', 0.12829347245860845), ('!', 0.04035821184515953), ('!', 0.039613813161849976), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great food'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.13674333691596985), ('food', 0.13639941811561584), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': "Friendly and delicious! It's like having a friend for breakfast."} [('', 0.0), ('Friendly ', 0.15028685331344604), ('and ', -0.004237480461597443), ('delicious', 0.15980836749076843), ('! ', -0.012629546225070953), ('It', -0.021681412355974317), ("'", 0.013897456461563706), ('s ', 0.0006907852366566658), ('like ', 0.07349916244857013), ('having ', -0.03689946164377034), ('a ', 0.032727553276345134), ('friend ', 0.2817857244517654), ('for ', -0.027598479762673378), ('breakfast', -0.0032789278775453568), ('.', -0.022817131131887436), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best pizza in the east end'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.39256471395492554), ('pizza ', 0.10552696883678436), ('in ', 0.09336458146572113), ('the ', 0.07979211769998074), ('east ', 0.09765327163040638), ('end', -0.07835239917039871), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'My personal favorite!'} [('', 0.0), ('My ', 0.04183552414178848), ('personal ', 0.13102687522768974), ('favorite', 0.1363433562219143), ('!', 0.2773073762655258), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Be prepared for second hand smoke'} [('', 0.0), ('Be ', 0.08617989742197096), ('prepared ', 0.14300684840418398), ('for ', -0.07941674860194325), ('second ', -0.1054856323171407), ('hand ', -0.17710442398674786), ('smoke', -0.16342283738777041), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "Kazansky's is now closed."} [('', 0.0), ('Kazan', 0.015786477495566942), ('sky', 0.1578256911743665), ("'", 0.046254413478891365), ('s ', 0.003238909979700111), ('is ', -0.03486608286766568), ('now ', -0.15880574842594797), ('closed', -0.3012445982458303), ('.', 0.003082026116317138), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Downstairs, a bit awkward but food was decent.'} [('', 0.0), ('Downstairs', 0.0955466628074646), (', ', 0.062162935733795166), ('a ', 0.0014768589644518215), ('bit ', -0.04877616265366669), ('awkward ', -0.06721099919377593), ('but ', -0.07194462839106563), ('food ', -0.02847467444371432), ('was ', -0.016847121412865818), ('decent', 0.7672215544153005), ('.', 0.0033024833537638187), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'More outlets now. Still mediocre espresso/coffee.'} [('', 0.0), ('More ', 0.07175030851794872), ('outlets ', 0.013105921461828984), ('now', 0.009651017055148259), ('. ', 0.1067096617189236), ('Still ', -0.12860164282028563), ('med', -0.25056045044766506), ('io', -0.022123800205008592), ('cre ', -0.14305404647893738), ('es', 0.05183508425398031), ('press', -0.010240198149404023), ('o', -0.02306816415512003), ('/', -0.01594425431540003), ('coffee', -0.023795049033651594), ('.', -0.05044504444231279), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'love this place! good coffee'} [('', 0.0), ('love ', 0.12176977097988129), ('this ', 0.06738230958580971), ('place', 0.013744663447141647), ('! ', 0.14313101768493652), ('good ', 0.3373620957136154), ('coffee', 0.007749900221824646), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'The cookie was a really good dessert'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.011765037663280964), ('cookie ', -0.10652807401493192), ('was ', -0.024267951492220163), ('a ', 0.221435715444386), ('really ', 0.19262474589049816), ('good ', 0.3034351817332208), ('dessert', 0.12488187616690993), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "I've had General Tso. Mehh... I've experienced so much better."} [('', -0.00015069334767758846), ('I', 0.05581714049912989), ("'", 0.028441692236810923), ('ve ', -0.07635292934719473), ('had ', -0.015027767047286034), ('General ', 0.08445623808074743), ('Ts', 0.009773636586032808), ('o', 0.006426516803912818), ('. ', 0.005382404895499349), ('Me', -0.08520886348560452), ('hh', -0.19049103977158666), ('.', -0.18512769881635904), ('.', -0.13411240372806787), ('. ', 0.05079780425876379), ('I', 0.1103844260214828), ("'", 0.03782503999536857), ('ve ', -0.04510161856887862), ('experienced ', -0.2126787921297364), ('so ', 0.03884281114248248), ('much ', 0.12687441451513828), ('better', -0.022337420979359496), ('.', -0.0010541705414652824), ('', 4.345737397670746e-05)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Amazing food.\\nBig Portions\\nGreat service'} [('', 0.0), ('Amazing ', 0.672453619656153), ('food', 0.14162313390988857), ('.', -0.016903798328712583), ('\\', -0.0211287927813828), ('n', -0.02570017147809267), ('Bi', -0.029430694761686027), ('g ', -0.014575420995242894), ('Portions', -0.011274136806605384), ('\\', -0.0163220671529416), ('nG', 0.0034823712849174626), ('rea', -0.01943794199178228), ('t ', -0.0214442755386699), ('service', -0.0320182042196393), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Worst bacon egg and cheese bagel i ever had'} [('', 0.0), ('Worst ', -0.3475044438346231), ('bacon ', -0.012629542763534118), ('egg ', 0.0698469264589221), ('and ', 0.07834109746181639), ('cheese ', -0.24224111610055843), ('bag', -0.040932954454547144), ('el ', 0.10833728255602182), ('i ', -0.027441975485999137), ('ever ', 0.0757162861773395), ('had', 0.03581720815418521), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': '\\u611f\\u89c9\\u8fd8\\u4e0d\\u9519\\u7684\\u4e00\\u5bb6\\u5e97\\uff0c\\u5c31\\u5728\\u5b66\\u6821\\u8fb9\\u4e0a\\uff0c\\u86ee\\u8fd1\\u7684\\u3002\\n\\n\\u73af\\u5883ok\\uff0c\\u91cc\\u9762\\u6709\\u70b9\\u6697\\u3002\\n\\n\\u5348\\u5e02\\u7279\\u60e0\\u8fd8\\u86ee\\u4fbf\\u5b9c\\u7684\\uff0c\\u5de6\\u5b97\\u9e21\\u548c\\u53c9\\u70e7\\u996d\\u4e0d\\u9519\\uff0c\\u5bff\\u53f8\\u8fd8\\u53ef\\u4ee5\\u3002\\u5927\\u76d8\\u7684\\u83dc\\u53ef\\u4ee5\\u591a\\u70b9\\u4eba\\u53bb\\u4e00\\u8d77\\u70b9\\uff0c\\u4f1a\\u5f88\\u7701\\uff5e'} [('', -0.000705105227373243), ('\\', -0.000705105227373243), ('u', -0.000705105227373243), ('6', -0.000705105227373243), ('11', -0.0006908675947087016), ('f', -0.0006908675947087016), ('\\', -0.0006908675947087016), ('u', -0.0010835971364833634), ('8', -0.0010835971364833634), ('9', -0.0010835971364833634), ('c', -0.0010835971364833634), ('9', -0.0010419058217438777), ('\\', -0.0010419058217438777), ('u', -0.0010419058217438777), ('8', -0.0010419058217438777), ('f', -0.0010419058217438777), ('d', -0.0010419058217438777), ('8', -0.0012824710851859751), ('\\', -0.0012824710851859751), ('u', -0.0012824710851859751), ('4', -0.0012166662379802966), ('e', -0.0012166662379802966), ('0', -0.001257958302493066), ('d', -0.001257958302493066), ('\\', -0.001257958302493066), ('u', -0.001479331815834016), ('9', -0.001479331815834016), ('51', -0.001479331815834016), ('9', -0.0009176496338720123), ('\\', -0.0009176496338720123), ('u', -0.0009176496338720123), ('7', -0.0009176496338720123), ('6', -0.0009402486650894085), ('8', -0.0009402486650894085), ('4', -0.0009402486650894087), ('\\', -0.0009402486650894087), ('u', -0.0009402486650894087), ('4', -0.0013738526729866862), ('e', -0.0013738526729866862), ('00', 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-0.0006822096180298064), ('u', -0.0006822096180298064), ('53', -0.0006822096180298064), ('48', -0.0006822096180298063), ('\\', -0.0006822096180298063), ('u', -0.0006822096180298063), ('5', -0.0006583059869185144), ('e', -0.0006583059869185144), ('0', -0.0006583059869185144), ('2', -0.0006583059869185144), ('\\', -0.0006583059869185144), ('u', -0.0006583059869185144), ('7', -0.0006583059869185144), ('27', -0.0006583059869185144), ('9', -0.0008353116526339598), ('\\', -0.0008353116526339598), ('u', -0.0008353116526339598), ('60', -0.0008353116526339597), ('e', -0.0008353116526339597), ('0', -0.0008353116526339596), ('\\', -0.0008353116526339596), ('u', -0.0008353116526339596), ('8', -0.0008353116526339596), ('f', -0.0008353116526339596), ('d', -0.0008353116526339596), ('8', -0.0007201286081737081), ('\\', -0.0007201286081737081), ('u', -0.0007201286081737081), ('86', -0.0007201286081737081), ('ee', -0.0007201286081737081), ('\\', -0.0007201286081737081), ('u', -0.0007201286081737081), ('4', -0.0007884410907494611), ('fb', -0.0007884410907494611), ('f', -0.0007884410907494611), ('\\', -0.0007884410907494611), ('u', -0.0007884410907494612), ('5', -0.0007884410907494612), ('b', -0.0007884410907494612), ('9', -0.0007884410907494612), ('c', -0.0007884410907494612), ('\\', -0.0007884410907494612), ('u', -0.0008642390079330653), ('7', -0.0008642390079330653), ('6', -0.0008642390079330653), ('8', -0.0008642390079330653), ('4', -0.0008642390079330653), ('\\', -0.0008642390079330653), ('u', -0.0008642390079330653), ('ff', -0.0008642390079330653), ('0', -0.0008863660196463265), ('c', -0.0008863660196463265), ('\\', -0.0008863660196463265), ('u', -0.0008863660196463265), ('5', -0.0008863660196463265), ('de', -0.0008863660196463265), ('6', -0.0008374849334359169), ('\\', -0.0008374849334359169), ('u', -0.0008374849334359169), ('5', -0.0008374849334359169), ('b', -0.0008374849334359169), ('9', -0.0008374849334359169), ('7', -0.0008130619385293826), ('\\', -0.0008130619385293826), 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-0.0007779488137371286), ('u', -0.0007166118191668479), ('9', -0.0007166118191668479), ('51', -0.0007166118191668479), ('9', -0.0007166118191668479), ('\\', -0.0007166118191668479), ('u', -0.0007166118191668479), ('ff', -0.0007166118191668479), ('0', -0.0006651106204285666), ('c', -0.0006651106204285666), ('\\', -0.0006651106204285666), ('u', -0.0006651106204285666), ('5', -0.0006651106204285666), ('bf', -0.0006651106204285666), ('f', -0.0006651106204285666), ('\\', -0.0006651106204285666), ('u', -0.0006634978560247909), ('53', -0.0006634978560247909), ('f', -0.0006634978560247909), ('8', -0.0006634978560247909), ('\\', -0.0006634978560247909), ('u', -0.0006634978560247909), ('8', -0.0006676715781429301), ('f', -0.0006676715781429301), ('d', -0.0006676715781429301), ('8', -0.0006676715781429301), ('\\', -0.0006676715781429301), ('u', -0.0006676715781429301), ('53', -0.0006215426820778737), ('ef', -0.0006215426820778737), ('\\', -0.0006215426820778737), ('u', -0.0006215426820778736), ('4', -0.0006215426820778736), ('ee', -0.0006215426820778736), ('5', -0.0006215426820778737), ('\\', -0.0006215426820778737), ('u', -0.0007111610262038767), ('30', -0.0007111610262038767), ('0', -0.0007111610262038767), ('2', -0.0007111610262038767), ('\\', -0.0007111610262038767), ('u', -0.0007111610262038767), ('59', -0.0007111610262038767), ('27', -0.0004227589200197074), ('\\', -0.0004227589200197074), ('u', -0.0004227589200197074), ('7', -0.0004227589200197074), ('6', -0.0004227589200197074), ('d', -0.0004227589200197074), ('8', -0.0004227589200197074), ('\\', -0.0004227589200197074), ('u', -0.0004227589200197074), ('7', -0.0004227589200197074), ('6', -0.0004227589200197074), ('8', -0.0004227589200197074), ('4', -0.0004227589200197074), ('\\', -0.0004227589200197074), ('u', -0.0004227589200197074), ('8', -0.0004227589200197074), ('3d', -0.000699189892755105), ('c', -0.000699189892755105), ('\\', -0.000699189892755105), ('u', -0.000699189892755105), ('53', -0.0006247600671859124), ('ef', -0.0006247600671859124), ('\\', -0.0006247600671859124), ('u', -0.0006247600671859124), ('4', -0.0006247600671859124), ('ee', -0.0006247600671859124), ('5', -0.0007553734317361912), ('\\', -0.0007553734317361912), ('u', -0.0007553734317361912), ('59', -0.0007553734317361912), ('1', -0.0007553734317361912), ('a', -0.0007553734317361912), ('\\', -0.0007553734317361912), ('u', -0.0007553734317361912), ('70', -0.0007553734317361912), ('b', -0.0007553734317361912), ('9', -0.0007311442434195563), ('\\', -0.0007311442434195563), ('u', -0.0007311442434195563), ('4', -0.0007311442434195564), ('eb', -0.0007311442434195564), ('a', -0.0007311442434195564), ('\\', -0.0007311442434195564), ('u', -0.0007535241343568832), ('53', -0.0007535241343568831), ('bb', -0.0007535241343568831), ('\\', -0.0007535241343568831), ('u', -0.0007535241343568834), ('4', -0.0007535241343568834), ('e', -0.0007535241343568834), ('00', -0.0007535241343568834), ('\\', -0.0007535241343568834), ('u', -0.0007535241343568834), ('8', -0.0007667347277692032), ('d', -0.0007667347277692032), ('7', -0.0007667347277692032), ('7', -0.0007667347277692032), ('\\', -0.0007667347277692032), ('u', -0.0007667347277692032), ('70', -0.0007667347277692031), ('b', -0.0007667347277692031), ('9', -0.0007667347277692031), ('\\', -0.0007667347277692031), ('u', -0.0007667347277692031), ('ff', -0.0007667347277692031), ('0', -0.0007667347277692032), ('c', -0.0007667347277692032), ('\\', -0.0007667347277692032), ('u', -0.000656959285014168), ('4', -0.000656959285014168), ('f', -0.000656959285014168), ('1', -0.000656959285014168), ('a', -0.000656959285014168), ('\\', -0.000656959285014168), ('u', -0.000640703359915113), ('5', -0.000640703359915113), ('f', -0.000640703359915113), ('8', -0.000640703359915113), ('8', -0.000640703359915113), ('\\', -0.000640703359915113), ('u', -0.0005715146607888694), ('7', -0.0005715146607888694), ('70', -0.0005715146607888694), ('1', -0.0005715146607888693), ('\\', -0.0005715146607888693), ('u', -0.0005715146607888693), ('ff', -0.0005715146607888693), ('5', -0.0005715146607888692), ('e', -0.0005715146607888692), ('', -0.0005715146607888692)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good pizza. Loved the sweet tomato sauce.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.3735678503289819), ('pizza', -0.07070051971822977), ('. ', 0.05402693897485733), ('Loved ', 0.17810562532395124), ('the ', 0.018558545969426632), ('sweet ', 0.21171243116259575), ('tomato ', -0.01237721648067236), ('sauce', -0.010911012999713421), ('.', -0.02897707000374794), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good food and courteous service. Great lunch spot.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.14537966810166836), ('food ', 0.028382999822497368), ('and ', -0.004869032651185989), ('court', 0.11617758846841753), ('eous ', 0.07567384443245828), ('service', -0.02829231647774577), ('. ', 0.001023314893245697), ('Great ', 0.35644929483532906), ('lunch ', 0.02869422733783722), ('spot', -0.017207760363817215), ('.', -0.035359784960746765), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Quick and good Food !'} [('', 0.0), ('Quick ', 0.05853648483753204), ('and ', 0.2714383900165558), ('good ', 0.10579711571335793), ('Food ', 0.09369026497006416), ('!', 0.13457124680280685), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Food was great.\\nService was awesome.\\n\\nPrice was right.'} [('', 8.437782526016235e-07), ('Food ', 0.004624370485544205), ('was ', 0.02834167703986168), ('great', 0.13382904045283794), ('.', -0.00027880072593688965), ('\\', -0.0038878207560628653), ('nS', -0.03147332643857226), ('er', -0.03441087662940845), ('vic', 0.010988853638991714), ('e ', -7.554108742624521e-05), ('was ', -0.004259568871930242), ('awesome', 0.21970195043832064), ('.', 0.009607900166884065), ('\\', -0.0030541792511940002), ('n', -0.03893052879720926), ('\\', -0.015016729943454266), ('nPr', -0.06405296490993351), ('ice ', -0.05268888163845986), ('was ', 0.0546151811722666), ('right', 0.25730037596076727), ('.', 0.04137442633509636), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Old. Dingy. Bring on the CONSOL Energy Center.\\n\\nGo Pens!'} [('', 0.0), ('Old', -0.19211232241650578), ('. ', -0.02249670539458748), ('Ding', -0.1651417733519338), ('y', 0.010332755220588297), ('. ', -0.04635049318312667), ('Bring ', 0.1824686600411951), ('on ', 0.004149067844991805), ('the ', -0.008362181921256706), ('CON', -0.00863914255387499), ('SOL ', 0.02370667782452074), ('Energy ', 0.08971602243400412), ('Center', -0.09154487356136087), ('.', -0.008911728029488586), ('\\', -0.033828440646175295), ('n', -0.020652592880651355), ('\\', -0.02500334446085617), ('nGo ', -0.05633809196297079), ('Pens', -0.11049818398896605), ('!', 0.0031129042617976665), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Get a steam pot yummy food'} [('', 0.0), ('Get ', -0.0394420400261879), ('a ', 0.025359759107232094), ('steam ', -0.08073521591722965), ('pot ', -0.05367259867489338), ('yu', 0.277085003326647), ('mmy ', 0.2318450432503596), ('food', 0.3185653737746179), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Average food at high price.'} [('', 0.0), ('Average ', -0.05693082883954048), ('food ', 0.20860786736011505), ('at ', 0.1346440650522709), ('high ', 0.3933772034943104), ('price', 0.014376617968082428), ('.', -0.007277604192495346), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Customer service needs some work'} [('', 0.0), ('Customer ', -0.014940774417482316), ('service ', 0.048104923334904015), ('needs ', -0.5989244550000876), ('some ', 0.018427178962156177), ('work', 0.2170364281628281), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'great place! Wonderful staff'} [('', 0.0), ('great ', 0.10927313938736916), ('place', 0.06195572391152382), ('! ', 0.16079122573137283), ('Wonderful ', 0.18589002639055252), ('staff', 0.14612732082605362), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great stuff and awesome service all the time!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.34877368062734604), ('stuff ', 0.007709704339504242), ('and ', 0.02320057526230812), ('awesome ', 0.1959609743207693), ('service ', -0.02045278437435627), ('all ', 0.08692464651539922), ('the ', 0.06297077098861337), ('time', -0.01735472958534956), ('!', 0.02528727799654007), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Fresh produce and helpfull staff !!'} [('', 0.0), ('Fresh ', 0.14857723005115986), ('produce ', 0.13441322930157185), ('and ', 0.09278614446520805), ('helpful', 0.1049531139433384), ('l ', -0.12371072452515364), ('staff ', 0.31725168880075216), ('!', 0.015286125242710114), ('!', 0.039604395627975464), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Busy, confusing, crazy parking lot.'} [('', 0.0), ('Busy', -0.1869042662146967), (', ', 0.02646238516899757), ('confusing', -0.24986024774989346), (', ', 0.06545718239067355), ('crazy ', -0.005257585740764625), ('parking ', -0.02643079661356751), ('lot', 0.07843588496325538), ('.', 0.03476759188924916), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "Words just can't describe Peppi's.... just great food all around."} [('', 3.417953848838806e-06), ('Words ', 0.006328045797999948), ('just ', -0.06368929153541103), ('can', 0.015619888682219122), ("'", -0.06444093590228779), ('t ', -0.13225010746585517), ('describe ', -0.013666975050000474), ('Pep', -0.0239888446230907), ('pi', 0.016977035877062008), ("'", 0.01861890370491892), ('s', 0.021249312383588403), ('.', -0.019963117316365242), ('.', -0.017189238453283906), ('.', -0.016468847170472145), ('. ', -0.024087173398584127), ('just ', -0.02969631714222487), ('great ', 0.8093566237221239), ('food ', 0.014022770873755993), ('all ', 0.027320694743442193), ('around', 0.010398071846187426), ('.', -0.022591967368498445), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Great beer. So-so food!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.33762506768107414), ('beer', -0.059683527797460556), ('. ', 0.09269742667675018), ('So', -0.13942873873747885), ('-', 0.07767057209275663), ('so ', -0.036989633343182504), ('food', 0.21237704425584525), ('!', 0.24496958404779434), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Love the German style dining room'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.39021865651011467), ('the ', 0.0008504092693328857), ('German ', -0.04257110878825188), ('style ', 0.17539572715759277), ('dining ', 0.1629621535539627), ('room', 0.004249110817909241), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Delicious, Unique experience, great for groups or intimate dinners.'} [('', 0.0), ('Delicious', 0.16924599185585976), (', ', -0.010240491479635239), ('Unique ', 0.15964464750140905), ('experience', -0.0006172051653265953), (', ', -0.0028401389718055725), ('great ', 0.16665926482528448), ('for ', 0.007924215868115425), ('groups ', 0.0068585434928536415), ('or ', -0.025526875630021095), ('intimate ', 0.17886949703097343), ('dinners', -0.0028741471469402313), ('.', -0.01979585736989975), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'always have a great time here.'} [('', 0.0), ('always ', 0.15805718302726746), ('have ', 0.07079722732305527), ('a ', 0.12418300658464432), ('great ', 0.3705440852791071), ('time ', -0.03523171506822109), ('here', 0.057672370225191116), ('.', -0.02258949726819992), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great time with the kids'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.2137899473309517), ('time ', 0.018379613757133484), ('with ', 0.10391070693731308), ('the ', 0.09745209664106369), ('kids', 0.23049458116292953), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Nice Aquarium, and nice programs. (Like feed the bears)'} [('', 0.0), ('Nice ', 0.4139280617237091), ('Aquarium', -0.02293415181338787), (', ', -0.00472044013440609), ('and ', -0.005031140521168709), ('nice ', 0.3690711329691112), ('programs', 0.0004605739377439022), ('. ', 0.021865111775696278), ('(', 0.02208644850179553), ('Like ', -0.059987891698256135), ('feed ', -0.1043164983857423), ('the ', 0.010547057958319783), ('bears', 0.005622508702799678), (')', -0.037482742220163345), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'I love this zoo and aquarium!'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', 0.002788245677947998), ('love ', 0.29461220279335976), ('this ', 0.060236334800720215), ('zoo ', 0.01070922240614891), ('and ', 0.2630431577563286), ('aquarium', -0.005332538858056068), ('!', 0.09737400896847248), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Beautiful Products. Gifts for everyone. Great quality, nice people.'} [('', 0.0), ('Beautiful ', 0.18230400327593088), ('Products', -0.021588598378002644), ('. ', -0.007879707962274551), ('Gifts ', 0.11746752262115479), ('for ', 0.026640504598617554), ('everyone', 0.021609682589769363), ('. ', -0.01379670575261116), ('Great ', 0.10768117941915989), ('quality', 0.06363234110176563), (', ', -0.018880169838666916), ('nice ', 0.181773504242301), ('people', -0.011063652113080025), ('.', -0.018399197608232498), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "I'm still waiting for my cab from last night."} [('', 0.0), ('I', -0.018180984421633184), ("'", -0.002352595329284668), ('m ', -0.02998942308477126), ('still ', -0.05858455793350004), ('waiting ', -0.155470965342829), ('for ', 0.06820527694071643), ('my ', -0.02546721769613214), ('cab ', -0.04594884332618676), ('from ', -0.053465565462829545), ('last ', -0.017121224489528686), ('night', 0.008704499312443659), ('.', -0.038860275875777006), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Pricing is way too extreme.'} [('', 0.0), ('Pricing ', -0.16064207071758574), ('is ', -0.03061359344792436), ('way ', 0.08921443212966551), ('too ', -0.122562187112635), ('extreme', -0.044662676817097235), ('.', -0.039111931873776484), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Food is good .. take out and delivery needs work.'} [('', 0.0), ('Food ', -0.025653480552136898), ('is ', 0.18027250422164798), ('good ', 0.6341488319449127), ('.', -0.002743856981396675), ('. ', -0.021011343225836754), ('take ', 0.08281990338582546), ('out ', 0.015312197268940508), ('and ', 0.012069776421412826), ('delivery ', -0.00615128775825724), ('needs ', -0.2255615287576802), ('work', 0.0011857305653393269), ('.', -0.017476263223215938), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'This place is okay nothing really good to talk about.'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', 0.012372241006232798), ('place ', 0.04478594064494246), ('is ', 0.04221982910166844), ('okay ', 0.0923868150657654), ('nothing ', -0.8186775785525242), ('really ', -0.11572503172646975), ('good ', 0.1070896252131206), ('to ', 0.07870478977565654), ('talk ', 0.1668558097735513), ('about', 0.10423955792794004), ('.', -0.04050192644353956), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Gross. Rude and gross.'} [('', 0.0), ('Gross', -0.2760552504660154), ('. ', 0.12179419558742666), ('Rude ', -0.10982082847112906), ('and ', 0.0334971280717582), ('gross', -0.06435377636444173), ('.', -0.01356048515663133), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Not great but not bad either'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', -0.11053531983634457), ('great ', 0.22106411500135437), ('but ', 0.1365890222368762), ('not ', 0.3246700092640822), ('bad ', 0.2977149412545259), ('either', -0.20415852963924408), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Very spicy food \\nGood service nice atmosphere'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.002653263509273529), ('spicy ', 0.2523246333003044), ('food ', 0.1166815422475338), ('\\', -0.01514216884970665), ('nGo', -0.009995496366173029), ('od ', -0.03672355646267533), ('service ', -0.024796887766569853), ('nice ', 0.3802718003280461), ('atmosphere', 0.04722645878791809), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great food! Love the crawfish fondue and Cajun skillet.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.2280886135995388), ('food', 0.07427610829472542), ('! ', -0.023416265845298767), ('Love ', 0.34916683367919177), ('the ', 0.03493206144776195), ('cr', -0.01479663968590709), ('aw', -0.029257012890108552), ('fish ', -0.03473963120874638), ('fond', 0.06659022939857095), ('ue ', -0.042814502841793), ('and ', 0.012409713119268417), ('Ca', -0.059932006523013115), ('jun ', -0.034147437661886215), ('skill', 0.09354238072410226), ('et', -0.05347300739958882), ('.', -0.014729976654052734), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': ':('} [('', 0.0), (':', -0.021350957453250885), ('(', -0.49935025721788406), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Excellent service. Really good potato skins!'} [('', 0.0), ('Excellent ', 0.3440860006958246), ('service', -0.07008864916861057), ('. ', 0.09073843061923981), ('Really ', 0.04449992056470364), ('good ', 0.3720835876883939), ('potato ', -0.05044795176945627), ('skins', -0.02158680954016745), ('!', 0.01993604004383087), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Great guy hangout; waitresses are scantily-clad and friendly.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.5432574450969696), ('guy ', -0.14352526515722275), ('hang', 0.008636662503704429), ('out', 0.1565909928176552), ('; ', 0.11573098227381706), ('waitress', -0.023521581393045683), ('es ', -0.02140836949304988), ('are ', 0.04040655192026558), ('scan', -0.31002819642526447), ('ti', -0.20174083395613707), ('ly', 0.01434681662794901), ('-', -0.02579255616001319), ('clad ', -0.06385867171047721), ('and ', 0.11645467969356105), ('friendly', 0.25703686443375773), ('.', 0.030637490421213442), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Bad service at this location'} [('', 0.0), ('Bad ', -0.6560721534406184), ('service ', -0.018481801513189566), ('at ', 0.091316408064813), ('this ', 0.2639076768318773), ('location', -0.016306321216688957), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Gone downhill fast'} [('', 0.0), ('Gone ', -0.2602796141291037), ('downhill ', -0.3797867288812995), ('fast', 0.11944710358511657), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Great margaritas but food was just ok'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.36054977029561996), ('margarita', -0.0228786189109087), ('s ', 0.024710724130272865), ('but ', -0.23110444517806172), ('food ', 0.004472721833735704), ('was ', 0.005964094772934914), ('just ', -0.02776564471423626), ('ok', 0.615133386105299), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'One word sums up this place - yuck.'} [('', 0.0), ('One ', -0.05095697892829776), ('word ', -0.2786738839931786), ('sums ', 0.19792577903717756), ('up ', 0.24145294964546338), ('this ', 0.06822899600956589), ('place ', 0.04329611864523031), ('- ', 0.02209316418156959), ('yu', -0.15788440441247076), ('ck', -0.3583542910637334), ('.', -0.01725180773064494), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Typical fresh frozen prepared food.'} [('', 0.0), ('Typical ', -0.41581824887543917), ('fresh ', 0.5321996095590293), ('frozen ', -0.4083352745510638), ('prepared ', 0.09374869801104069), ('food', 0.4247425477951765), ('.', -0.10740895569324493), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Great penne alla vodka!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.7483252212405205), ('penn', -0.0657485444098711), ('e ', 0.010282324627041817), ('alla ', -0.013585420325398445), ('vodka', -0.3262153510004282), ('!', 0.32402991130948067), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'X'} [('', 0.0), ('X', 0.03580009937286377), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "The triple cheese burger was good but I've had better."} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.004646128276363015), ('triple ', 0.06270227394998074), ('cheese ', -0.09281636192463338), ('burger ', -0.007260154117830098), ('was ', 0.05997668590862304), ('good ', 0.695835311897099), ('but ', -0.1428632417228073), ('I', 0.22802443010732532), ("'", 0.08895236370153725), ('ve ', -0.09985740605043247), ('had ', -0.10912930179620162), ('better', -0.10771962336730212), ('.', -0.10284635168500245), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "Great location way better than other Fuddrucker's"} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.33736598305404186), ('location ', 0.0012656478211283684), ('way ', 0.03225309308618307), ('better ', 0.0455368310213089), ('than ', 0.3425477771088481), ('other ', -0.018105695955455303), ('Fu', -0.05548078066203743), ('dd', -0.023433342925272882), ('ruck', -0.03218955546617508), ('er', -0.013763491064310074), ("'", -0.02163385273888707), ('s', 0.032814118545502424), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Awful.'} [('', 0.0), ('Awful', -0.8286236177809769), ('.', 0.10209311432845425), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Just went back and the Asian Tuna burger was delicious!'} [('', 0.0), ('Just ', -0.13888111989945173), ('went ', 0.0001001956406980753), ('back ', 0.016266853315755725), ('and ', 0.01143975742161274), ('the ', 0.0008822674863040447), ('Asian ', 0.0358880409039557), ('Tuna ', -0.057862121844664216), ('burger ', -0.05005514598451555), ('was ', -0.010926588554866612), ('delicious', 0.839301549945958), ('!', 0.019729256629943848), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Wonderful Food'} [('', 0.0), ('Wonderful ', 0.1367512047290802), ('Food', 0.136398583650589), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'fantastic!!!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('fantastic', 0.1871528923511505), ('!', 0.16972240805625916), ('!', 0.12918903678655624), ('!', 0.06456219404935837), ('!', 0.04968714714050293), ('!', 0.09082643687725067), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'fresh ingredients and tasty Burrito.'} [('', 0.0), ('fresh ', 0.18725703284144402), ('ingredients ', 0.12870384380221367), ('and ', 0.048998452723026276), ('ta', 0.23835756455082446), ('sty ', 0.19045006844680756), ('Burr', -0.06513351947069168), ('ito', 0.026019668206572533), ('.', -0.025390997529029846), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'sunday brunch rocks the school house.'} [('', 0.0), ('sunday ', 0.013042217120528221), ('br', 0.10655162471812218), ('un', -0.3226100568426773), ('ch ', -0.39896109979599714), ('rocks ', 0.2898702481179498), ('the ', 0.30235500080743805), ('school ', -0.198169577983208), ('house', -0.028550611226819456), ('.', -0.031441119965165854), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Slow slow slow!\\nFood was nothing to call home about'} [('', 0.0), ('Slow ', -0.08323195157572627), ('slow ', -0.04179927095538005), ('slow', -0.047601970902178437), ('!', -0.020590576343238354), ('\\', -0.07547094533219934), ('n', -0.034402449266053736), ('Fo', -0.027521916024852544), ('od ', -0.04028364323312417), ('was ', -0.007618170231580734), ('nothing ', -0.11825015351496404), ('to ', 0.03699874843005091), ('call ', -0.010766243365651462), ('home ', 0.054733154247514904), ('about', 0.02084245515288785), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'half off wine wednesdays, cute look, too quiet'} [('', 0.0), ('half ', -0.1979628016706556), ('off ', -0.15590603649616241), ('wine ', -0.011175176361575723), ('wednesday', 0.02968552548554726), ('s', 0.028620694210985675), (', ', 0.14050666062394157), ('cute ', 0.2767527709074784), ('look', 0.1516069468052592), (', ', -0.004206601865007542), ('too ', -0.33383538401540136), ('quiet', -0.23760810761450557), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Hands down, best fried chicken in Charlotte, NC!'} [('', 0.0), ('Hands ', -0.04415555950254202), ('down', -0.07597842253744602), (', ', -0.023447399027645588), ('best ', 0.7086522196768783), ('fried ', -0.07697350304806605), ('chicken ', -0.07664409224526025), ('in ', 0.06990635048714466), ('Charlotte', 0.11259710625745356), (', ', 0.05399577924981713), ('NC', -0.00849732756614685), ('!', 0.021072196774184704), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "Oh My Goodness!! Oh My Goodness!!! Don't walk run folks...."} [('', -1.648440957069397e-06), ('Oh ', -0.004483798518776894), ('My ', 0.032898399978876114), ('Goodness', 0.1486496403813362), ('!', 0.006513454020023346), ('! ', -0.007381262257695198), ('Oh ', 0.019126633880659938), ('My ', 0.030452848179265857), ('Goodness', 0.13608368998393416), ('!', 0.0116915637627244), ('!', 0.03800378041341901), ('! ', -0.04410970164462924), ('Don', 0.008792800845445268), ("'", 0.010000619239040784), ('t ', 0.09290394991902369), ('walk ', 0.06048608384749275), ('run ', 0.06034182377057039), ('folks', -0.02026260340339615), ('.', -0.008220933361112006), ('.', -0.028948862105607986), ('.', -0.02247532457113266), ('.', -0.015436574816703796), ('', -1.6067177057266235e-05)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Great place. ALWAYS crowded!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.5747423972934484), ('place', 0.14532977156341076), ('. ', 0.11402856558561325), ('ALWAYS ', 0.12705392693169415), ('crowded', -0.3546367671806365), ('!', 0.08461363799870014), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Vitamins, shakes, food, soups, fruits!! Great place!'} [('', 0.0), ('Vitamin', 0.07262027263641357), ('s', 0.008487610146403313), (', ', -0.004404818639159203), ('shakes', -0.010004349052906036), (', ', 0.03287753649055958), ('food', 0.02346090809442103), (', ', 0.0236856488045305), ('soup', -0.048140871338546276), ('s', -0.004158311523497105), (', ', 0.01264939084649086), ('fruits', 0.11317999754101038), ('!', 0.05338445957750082), ('! ', -0.04382680356502533), ('Great ', 0.2607206590473652), ('place', 0.05559701845049858), ('!', 0.005598768591880798), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Regular pizza at fine dinning prices'} [('', 0.0), ('Regular ', 0.08197460882365704), ('pizza ', 0.05379624245688319), ('at ', 0.23229923425242305), ('fine ', 0.4465703582391143), ('din', 0.16594917001202703), ('ning ', -0.07439416507259011), ('prices', -0.19035904295742512), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Sadly, Nikko has closed their Ballantyne location.'} [('', 0.0), ('Sadly', -0.15816123508557212), (', ', -0.027085172070655972), ('Nik', 0.0698823187576636), ('ko ', 0.01636767051058996), ('has ', 0.0332826814164946), ('closed ', -0.22891101030199934), ('their ', -0.06111698205859284), ('Ball', 0.04651501736179853), ('ant', -0.019981246462975832), ('yne ', 0.021303592420736095), ('location', -0.04344396728447464), ('.', -0.020990255290598725), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'over priced and overrated'} [('', 0.0), ('over ', -0.3660223880870035), ('priced ', 0.09384101991599891), ('and ', 0.08222753499285318), ('over', -0.30514576031418983), ('rated', 0.16016245454375166), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Sushi is good. Not very many drink specials.'} [('', 0.0), ('Su', -0.019395916198845953), ('shi ', -0.008557999157346785), ('is ', 0.11319221439771354), ('good', 0.7480085238930769), ('. ', -0.0030821177642792463), ('Not ', -0.1676039936064626), ('very ', -0.0037942769049550407), ('many ', 0.07030745194788324), ('drink ', -0.040864123962819576), ('specials', 0.011654567068035249), ('.', -0.03516787471016869), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great service and prices!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.3116682395339012), ('service ', 0.025108687579631805), ('and ', 0.2869870103895664), ('prices', -0.1586545780301094), ('!', 0.19888575747609138), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Gross, I dont understand this place at all.'} [('', 0.0), ('Gross', -0.15246323379687965), (', ', -0.015103841971722431), ('I ', -0.011607522896156297), ('don', -0.039377900719955505), ('t ', -0.0682544967994545), ('understand ', 0.007445195045875153), ('this ', 0.02911490928454441), ('place ', -0.01950875481361436), ('at ', -0.01708832423264539), ('all', -0.02538467289014079), ('.', -0.021320467680197908), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great dive bar! Great when they have live music.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.3832460679113865), ('dive ', -0.03541829588357359), ('bar', -0.024702074355445802), ('! ', 0.009257189929485321), ('Great ', 0.26078370912000537), ('when ', -0.07452189875766635), ('they ', -0.015663273632526398), ('have ', -0.000988587737083435), ('live ', 0.1476645078510046), ('music', 0.03299218602478504), ('.', -0.01669243723154068), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Charbroiled burger is fantastic. Delicious shakes. Friendly owner. Horrendous parking.'} [('', 0.0), ('Char', 0.056210202630609274), ('bro', -0.061206873040646315), ('iled ', -0.0778129156678915), ('burger ', -0.05305746663361788), ('is ', 0.006071516079828143), ('fantastic', 0.4077092476654798), ('. ', -0.01731929834932089), ('Delicious ', 0.34328621372696944), ('shakes', -0.015788828139193356), ('. ', 0.0004737271519843489), ('Friendly ', 0.054083704853837844), ('owner', -0.0015403517390950583), ('. ', 0.004272645921446383), ('Ho', -0.010729854082455859), ('rre', -0.027865897834999487), ('ndo', -0.02747168086352758), ('us ', -0.011782679561292753), ('parking', -0.03919602636597119), ('.', -0.009346389007987455), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Hit & miss. Returned food it was cold.'} [('', 0.0), ('Hit ', -0.13160258502466604), ('& ', 0.11088056534936186), ('miss', -0.10930218936118763), ('. ', 0.004462342360056937), ('Returned ', 0.02562449685865431), ('food ', -0.029707754245464457), ('it ', 0.007963983136505703), ('was ', -6.599006701435428e-05), ('cold', -0.141441858781036), ('.', -0.03836332919308916), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Fun atmosphere, great food.'} [('', 0.0), ('Fun ', 0.14870812743902206), ('atmosphere', 0.11267759650945663), (', ', 0.08424992859363556), ('great ', 0.21811562590301037), ('food', 0.15393262915313244), ('.', -0.02653532847762108), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Hipster hangout. Flavorless food. Difficult parking. Expensive. Really? Really? Really?'} [('', 0.0), ('Hips', 0.11604887362045702), ('ter ', -0.041161055662087165), ('hang', 0.0015670052380301058), ('out', 0.09319223232159857), ('. ', 0.06486237763601821), ('Flavor', 0.22057578414751333), ('less ', -0.33620566605895874), ('food', -0.07442032606923021), ('. ', -0.022367147117620334), ('Difficult ', -0.19515983597375453), ('parking', -0.09497771074529737), ('. ', 0.02154767740285024), ('Expensive', -0.04264792625326663), ('. ', -0.018172055133618414), ('Really', -0.017017474689055234), ('? ', -0.033587014477234334), ('Really', -0.025678445119410753), ('? ', -0.02934338862542063), ('Really', -0.009941091993823647), ('?', -0.055412547080777586), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Love this place. The food is great!'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.2630103789269924), ('this ', 0.04550445079803467), ('place', 0.018296878784894943), ('. ', 0.029674716293811798), ('The ', 0.043029339984059334), ('food ', 0.06368871591985226), ('is ', 0.021848254837095737), ('great', 0.22484114672988653), ('!', 0.003129333257675171), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'sorry.\\nbut it totally sucks.'} [('', 0.0), ('sorry', -0.1795352684930549), ('.', 0.028189459182613064), ('\\', -0.008761705688812071), ('n', 0.0008886860350685311), ('bu', -0.010238746447612357), ('t ', -0.0479798968990508), ('it ', 0.022832018108601915), ('totally ', 0.013312035904164077), ('sucks', -0.10432405978826864), ('.', -0.017006259458867135), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Lemon grilled shrimp tacos are unbelievable'} [('', 0.0), ('Lemon ', 0.07179789245128632), ('grille', -0.017526049399748445), ('d ', 0.025898581137880683), ('shrimp ', -0.1305881510488689), ('ta', 0.07573932968080044), ('cos ', 0.03694282844662666), ('are ', 0.11055233422666788), ('unbelievable', -0.3913045162335038), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'great selection VERY HIGH PRICES'} [('', 0.0), ('great ', 0.32853013277053833), ('selection ', 0.1773686483502388), ('VERY ', 0.11029534786939621), ('HIGH ', 0.2465527579188347), ('PRICES', -0.2006048783659935), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Please update this place.'} [('', 0.0), ('Please ', 0.35258086025714874), ('update ', 0.11069911438971758), ('this ', 0.2203816520050168), ('place', 0.005996329709887505), ('.', -0.038318097591400146), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Dear God. Bring a Clorox wipe.'} [('', 0.0), ('Dear ', 0.20129684708081186), ('God', -0.2214319808408618), ('. ', 0.03520153579302132), ('Bring ', 0.3166980214009527), ('a ', -0.01463956679799594), ('Cl', -0.0983711528533604), ('oro', 0.01015591315808706), ('x ', 0.08792658371385187), ('wipe', -0.568562847096473), ('.', -0.03887923760339618), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'What a bunch of losers, my kind of people.'} [('', 0.0), ('What ', -0.03802748449379578), ('a ', 0.0683219694201398), ('bunch ', -0.12392034134427377), ('of ', 0.009007735236082226), ('losers', -0.608140733660548), (', ', 0.05987279910186771), ('my ', 0.21229630058769544), ('kind ', 0.11035705223366676), ('of ', -0.03791567642474547), ('people', 0.0354549954936374), ('.', -0.02081064115918707), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Hit and miss.'} [('', 0.0), ('Hit ', -0.0724934247409692), ('and ', 0.25984507774410304), ('miss', -0.6026717365602963), ('.', 0.005336945701856166), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Dingy atmosphere, lousy food, surly staff, poor service.....thoroughly unimpressed.'} [('', -2.23652426332895e-05), ('Ding', -0.038041432759503856), ('y ', -0.01644362851978561), ('atmosphere', -0.0031018486574794224), (', ', -0.0039300315788750595), ('lou', -0.038777606695930444), ('sy ', -0.009511730927897588), ('food', -0.011567163107429224), (', ', -0.005333993512977031), ('sur', -0.010602337934869865), ('ly ', -0.00512660681943089), ('staff', -0.019574041410123755), (', ', -0.014654016412350757), ('poor ', -0.05393457265063262), ('service', -0.01894103602762698), ('.', -0.004947766402437992), ('.', -0.012969783680091496), ('.', -0.013149430275007035), ('.', -0.010902967290348897), ('.', -0.01247972743385617), ('thoroughly ', -0.049473209781353944), ('un', -0.1679966699321085), ('im', 0.08854826131027949), ('pressed', -0.04946601843221288), ('.', -0.02398984582578123), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Average, not as awesome as advertised.'} [('', 0.0), ('Average', -0.12253077447530814), (', ', 0.05374815079267137), ('not ', -0.554974427268462), ('as ', -0.019127169744024286), ('awesome ', 0.44065655386566505), ('as ', -0.006072784247407981), ('advertised', -0.039695005312751164), ('.', -0.021664571773726493), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "gino's is awesome! friendly and helpful!"} [('', 0.0), ('gin', 0.0391539242118597), ('o', 0.0603079367429018), ("'", 0.017895955592393875), ('s ', 0.01778707280755043), ('is ', -0.0036494843661785126), ('awesome', 0.19994822703301907), ('! ', 0.0017326828092336655), ('friendly ', 0.1595836877822876), ('and ', 0.008197590708732605), ('helpful', 0.1643090732395649), ('!', 0.0007872842252254486), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Hidden gem - great food!'} [('', 0.0), ('Hidden ', -0.04072868451476097), ('gem ', 0.37732983008027077), ('- ', 0.0072697922587394714), ('great ', 0.14950425177812576), ('food', 0.11224206537008286), ('!', 0.08552929759025574), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great Friendly Neighborhood Coffee Shp'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.4014200493693352), ('Friendly ', 0.3411778728477657), ('Neighborhood ', 0.07755970908328891), ('Coffee ', -0.015110312961041927), ('Sh', -0.1446119761094451), ('p', 0.030572987161576748), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Quoth theYerg, Nevermore...'} [('', 0.0), ('Quo', -0.0806570446875412), ('th ', -0.025970921415137127), ('theY', -0.03642292943914072), ('er', -0.09478299399415846), ('g', 0.022369408412487246), (', ', -0.021740029827924445), ('Never', -0.0210857408674201), ('more', 0.033032231716788374), ('.', 0.022185366949997842), ('.', -0.05101653840392828), ('.', -0.07232530228793621), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Visit THE DIAMOND for the Penguin goodies now.'} [('', 0.0), ('Visit ', 0.06710240989923477), ('THE ', -0.01069844700396061), ('DIAMOND ', 0.1597109455615282), ('for ', 0.0354581568390131), ('the ', 0.09703602455556393), ('Penguin ', 0.016835957765579224), ('good', 0.546093083685264), ('ies ', -0.18173077306710184), ('now', -0.01983502507209778), ('.', -0.017529379576444626), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Beware! Fried to die for.'} [('', 0.0), ('Be', -0.006661234423518181), ('ware', -0.5409731008112431), ('! ', 0.26394504960626364), ('Fried ', -0.1663989054504782), ('to ', -0.017122695920988917), ('die ', 0.04699595912825316), ('for', 0.16742188215721399), ('.', 0.03206547535955906), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great People Watching Spot, Classic Menue Items!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.2864301670342684), ('People ', -0.040484082186594605), ('Watching ', 0.04817909677512944), ('Spot', 0.009240913204848766), (', ', 0.05513903498649597), ('Classic ', 0.16529550962150097), ('Menu', -0.05816751439124346), ('e ', -0.07242556381970644), ('Items', 0.20161892287433147), ('!', 0.10206673108041286), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'the best BBQ in town!'} [('', 0.0), ('the ', 0.018330425024032593), ('best ', 0.3493318259716034), ('BB', -0.1098529752343893), ('Q ', 0.026813869830220938), ('in ', 0.15603801817633212), ('town', 0.2057843490038067), ('!', 0.07697832584381104), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great and fast service, excellent beef tips and fried pickles!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.182338435202837), ('and ', 0.01630927249789238), ('fast ', 0.08358123572543263), ('service', 0.006266038399189711), (', ', 0.016469530761241913), ('excellent ', 0.3432263005524874), ('beef ', -0.04805745370686054), ('tips ', 0.0285200085490942), ('and ', 0.02407975308597088), ('fried ', -0.06278944993391633), ('pick', -0.03208570380229503), ('les', 0.04096186684910208), ('!', 0.010588186793029308), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Good Service. Good Beer. Good Food.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.182474160566926), ('Service', -0.03097355179488659), ('. ', 0.02711315080523491), ('Good ', 0.19086079485714436), ('Beer', -0.021095531061291695), ('. ', 0.008653469383716583), ('Good ', 0.3698395621031523), ('Food', 0.015291815623641014), ('.', -0.02916831150650978), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Bad neighborhood. Crime. Difficult to park. No fire exit!!!!!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Bad ', -0.14213731036124955), ('neighborhood', 0.006441650618398853), ('. ', -0.017371544889101642), ('Crime', -0.08229666953047854), ('. ', -0.038314356992486864), ('Difficult ', -0.10610606946193002), ('to ', -0.003681392364342173), ('park', -0.006074955594158382), ('. ', -0.026889813991147093), ('No ', -0.05735826765521779), ('fire ', -0.007970256467160652), ('exit', -0.05533480478152342), ('!', -0.0074137253977824), ('!', 4.06056315114256e-05), ('!', -0.0035087273172393907), ('!', 0.021889166835535434), ('!', 0.025283043118179194), ('!', 0.018422033012029715), ('!', 0.002202511881478131), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'One word: Salmonella.'} [('', 0.0), ('One ', -0.019145422847941518), ('word', -0.10380662383977324), (': ', -0.02340890432242304), ('Salmon', -0.39063430367968976), ('ella', 0.28055926226079464), ('.', -0.04684584098868072), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "Hello...it's Dairy Queen!!! #TeamOreoBlizzard"} [('', 0.0), ('Hello', 0.4658744903281331), ('.', 0.08745669666677713), ('.', -0.02786990674212575), ('.', 0.06919766077771783), ('it', 0.044517614238429815), ("'", 0.027457616000901908), ('s ', 0.0370648680254817), ('Dairy ', -0.15031301983981393), ('Queen', 0.0836915225663688), ('!', 0.07136736251413822), ('!', -0.03181984554976225), ('! ', -0.026577052660286427), ('#', -0.044487813487648964), ('Team', -0.005249447276582941), ('Ore', -0.005862855556188151), ('oB', -0.0609542305173818), ('li', 0.02778439302346669), ('zza', -0.037253100832458586), ('rd', -0.02102472208207473), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Food network. Good!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Food ', 0.18248275015503168), ('network', -0.11026392225176096), ('. ', 0.15789952129125595), ('Good', 0.22633904963731766), ('!', 0.06498802453279495), ('!', 0.16965416073799133), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Good pupusas and empanadas'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.5784985013306141), ('pup', -0.19513986608944833), ('usa', 0.0030993574764579535), ('s ', 0.030959749594330788), ('and ', 0.12687376886606216), ('em', 0.08502096123993397), ('pan', 0.15882826410233974), ('ada', -0.059340694919228554), ('s', -0.01592625491321087), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "Errrrrr, definitely NOT the best Wendy's in Crown town. Adequate......"} [('', -3.1810036792497457e-05), ('Er', -0.06055254653741334), ('rr', -0.050975737876190884), ('rr', -0.09717918282088552), ('r', 0.005082842412472625), (', ', -0.018992369311793784), ('definitely ', 0.012833335620436108), ('NOT ', -0.5589283875294119), ('the ', 0.009001264484660558), ('best ', 0.1759231593437757), ('Wendy', -0.018773162003916304), ("'", -0.004545980098035736), ('s ', 0.02753047031598856), ('in ', -0.0077332163829548035), ('Crown ', 0.0032282163254725065), ('town', 0.02460263676296866), ('. ', -0.005207824879562395), ('Adequate', 0.18644665772444569), ('.', -0.010963139735395089), ('.', -0.030849158831794437), ('.', -0.02057213715549248), ('.', -0.01962818025882977), ('.', -0.017093395882208522), ('.', -0.023501884260137256), ('', -0.0001595728778435538)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'I gave up on Carolina Asthma and Allergy.'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', -0.013409426668658853), ('gave ', -0.04948144708760083), ('up ', -0.20603038324043155), ('on ', 0.012128914706408978), ('Carolina ', -0.021932202216703445), ('Asthma ', -0.2681832056841813), ('and ', 0.021299064392223954), ('All', 0.12931181746535003), ('ergy', 0.1047087770421058), ('.', 0.03918759245425463), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Sadly - it closed this weekend'} [('', 0.0), ('Sadly ', -0.39570577828999376), ('- ', -0.0054372784252336714), ('it ', -0.10246108893261408), ('closed ', -0.06086738339581643), ('this ', 0.16581731383121223), ('weekend', 0.09032042129547335), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'My wife likes this place! A'} [('', 0.0), ('My ', -0.008632989600300789), ('wife ', 0.106541165150702), ('likes ', 0.20878411922603846), ('this ', 0.24729647347703576), ('place', -0.016291672829538584), ('! ', 0.07639357075095177), ('A', 0.1091623455286026), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Really cool store!!!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Really ', 0.15423832088708878), ('cool ', 0.38525823142845184), ('store', -0.1645668112905696), ('!', 0.15618978440761566), ('!', 0.1055689062923193), ('!', 0.02769949845969677), ('!', -0.026782285422086716), ('!', 0.0915573462843895), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best elephant ears in the Universe!\\n\\nYour pal,\\nWalter'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.6327885710634291), ('elephant ', -0.0354377938201651), ('ears ', 0.011517547885887325), ('in ', 0.003057662514038384), ('the ', 0.013775229046586901), ('Universe', 0.08016536693321541), ('!', 0.05221141409128904), ('\\', -0.022432233905419707), ('n', -0.020955917483661324), ('\\', -0.032484017487149686), ('nY', -0.03682679652411025), ('our ', 0.022863410078571178), ('pal', 0.005063537653768435), (',', -0.010254708235152066), ('\\', -0.028762239031493664), ('nWa', -0.032734919572249055), ('lter', -0.06514387088827789), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Awful'} [('', 0.0), ('Awful', -0.933025821679621), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'not bad'} [('', 0.0), ('not ', 0.13962180539238034), ('bad', 0.13323252276313724), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Changed my rating after finding Musashi!'} [('', 0.0), ('Changed ', -0.017450058367103338), ('my ', -0.22049521817825735), ('rating ', -0.32830782583914697), ('after ', -0.12987932981923223), ('finding ', 0.18531534634530544), ('Musa', -0.005481754138600081), ('shi', 0.14012506388826296), ('!', 0.12120601395145059), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Grab a coffee, and window shop. People watch. Sip. Enjoy.'} [('', 0.0), ('Grab ', -0.09018652176018804), ('a ', 0.015683935198467225), ('coffee', -0.02461885689990595), (', ', -0.01686851494014263), ('and ', -0.010902429698035121), ('window ', -0.03229177731554955), ('shop', -0.04765016620513052), ('. ', 0.0036859544925391674), ('People ', 0.12153510213829577), ('watch', 0.16202344512566924), ('. ', 0.037492787931114435), ('Sip', -0.035972853540442884), ('. ', -0.048316398984752595), ('Enjoy', 0.5996202593669295), ('.', -0.06590816425159574), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Just your avg Starbucks nothing special'} [('', 0.0), ('Just ', 0.11464921249717008), ('your ', 0.12706130322476383), ('av', -0.07198843279547873), ('g ', -0.10415200370698585), ('Starbucks ', -0.17013844135726686), ('nothing ', -0.39164818363133236), ('special', 0.22124213057395536), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Yuck! what happen to hair nets?! gross!!!!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Yu', -0.005873667583728093), ('ck', -0.06485940464153828), ('! ', -0.024838532954163384), ('what ', -0.03498581852954885), ('happen ', -0.01558987608177631), ('to ', -0.008228434660168205), ('hair ', -0.014241034499036687), ('nets', -0.015164060981533112), ('?', -0.04576638735306915), ('! ', -0.017645203182837577), ('gross', -0.2397192721555257), ('!', -0.0011990696484645014), ('!', -0.0002483589942130493), ('!', 0.005007287683838513), ('!', 0.0025190834021486808), ('!', 0.008716480528164539), ('!', 0.010712847040849738), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Eh. Lost its mojo when Frank sold.'} [('', 0.0), ('Eh', -0.07268212656344986), ('. ', 0.05389202856895281), ('Lost ', -0.235010117667116), ('its ', -0.10686586212614202), ('mojo ', 0.10536874477929814), ('when ', 0.0896161023329114), ('Frank ', 0.04436447657735698), ('sold', -0.1376434467265426), ('.', -0.027609559298070963), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Excellent, fresh food and wonderful service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Excellent', 0.30093349516391754), (', ', 0.0636807233095169), ('fresh ', 0.12530248425900936), ('food ', 0.03428083471953869), ('and ', 0.022658314555883408), ('wonderful ', 0.20028727408498526), ('service', -0.005107848905026913), ('.', -0.01274622231721878), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Dr Taylor is the best!'} [('', 0.0), ('Dr ', -0.004844933748245239), ('Taylor ', 0.2646647896617651), ('is ', 0.0603646133095026), ('the ', 0.07917188107967377), ('best', 0.19641970098018646), ('!', 0.09535309672355652), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Vvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeerrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyy sssssssssssslllllllllllllllllooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.'} [('', 0.0), ('V', -0.0050638342363527045), ('v', -0.0050638342363527045), ('v', -0.004899272331385873), ('v', -0.004899272331385873), ('v', -0.005757266757427715), ('v', -0.006002392721711658), ('v', -0.005504807093529962), ('v', -0.006968742804019712), ('v', -0.011375245740055107), ('ve', -0.004620293257175945), ('ee', -0.015039736506878398), ('ee', -0.016862820004462264), ('ee', -0.01604476674401667), ('er', -0.011866280445246957), ('rr', -0.014077956191613339), ('rr', -0.013614253475680016), ('ry', -0.008117612424449852), ('y', -0.008117612424449852), ('y', -0.0043038651078509595), ('y', -0.0043038651078509595), ('y', -0.004581672578262022), ('y', -0.004581672578262022), ('y', -0.004498240045415094), ('y', -0.004498240045415094), ('y', -0.005592679973834983), ('y', -0.006059725206488601), ('y', -0.00379982456827584), ('y', -0.00379982456827584), ('y ', -0.007984484604392678), ('ss', -0.00953094750730088), ('ss', -0.009593546819814947), ('ss', -0.010099655795784201), ('ss', -0.0100750451310887), ('ss', -0.013710674211324658), ('ss', -0.01232219588564476), ('ll', -0.007663326068723109), ('ll', -0.007442241731041577), ('ll', -0.007886455765401479), ('ll', -0.007639591487532016), ('ll', -0.007880781915446278), ('ll', -0.008623600610007998), ('ll', -0.006726433777657803), ('ll', -0.007318800104258116), ('lo', -0.00649507485650247), ('oo', -0.010780156146211084), ('oo', -0.00630484190696734), ('oo', -0.00630484190696734), ('oo', -0.00622427412235993), ('oo', -0.00622427412235993), ('oo', -0.007206401332950918), ('oo', -0.007206401332950918), ('oo', -0.006389605940057663), ('w', -0.006389605940057663), ('w', -0.004013040201243712), ('w', -0.004013040201243712), ('w', -0.0039764431821822654), ('w', -0.0039764431821822654), ('w', -0.003996935189206852), ('w', -0.003996935189206852), ('w', -0.004061763389472617), ('w', -0.004061763389472617), ('w', -0.004654901660978794), ('w', -0.004539842810481786), ('w', -0.0036235762294381858), ('w', -0.0036897932644933463), ('w', -0.0034071077107607076), ('w', -0.0034071077107607076), ('w', -0.003321673998531575), ('w', -0.003321673998531575), ('w', -0.004789099840369696), ('w', -0.00448667704865026), ('.', -0.00541293912101537), ('', -0.00037150189746171236)] {'label': 2, 'text': "there dryer don't get that hot"} [('', 0.0), ('there ', -0.03716177248861641), ('dry', -0.2770375731633976), ('er ', -0.016698361258022487), ('don', -0.05209063419897575), ("'", -0.09939276451768819), ('t ', -0.14792873014812358), ('get ', -0.04520254937233403), ('that ', 0.017157099151518196), ('hot', 0.37814986950252205), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'casual atmosphere...with a foray of stocking and interesting people'} [('', 0.0), ('casual ', 0.1534685343503952), ('atmosphere', 0.13708607107400894), ('.', -0.01171056181192398), ('.', -0.019806448370218277), ('.', -0.024503592401742935), ('with ', 0.0035964170820079744), ('a ', 0.01754281431203708), ('for', 0.06599119382735807), ('ay ', 0.09513474769482855), ('of ', 0.009063822479220107), ('stock', -0.09636135643813759), ('ing ', 0.004382475046440959), ('and ', 0.03687741549219936), ('interesting ', 0.22045809496194124), ('people', -0.0250621372833848), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Order their delicious Reuben! Fast, efficient, courteous service. Extra clean.'} [('', 0.0), ('Order ', -0.04500623419880867), ('their ', -0.02447197330184281), ('delicious ', 0.3756983208004385), ('Reuben', 0.022762459702789783), ('! ', -0.05382050201296806), ('Fast', 0.014707780443131924), (', ', 0.007964522577822208), ('efficient', 0.06070205755531788), (', ', 0.003459325060248375), ('court', 0.022013099049218), ('eous ', 0.05645918019581586), ('service', -0.0204448236618191), ('. ', 0.01281619630753994), ('Extra ', 0.05135696195065975), ('clean', 0.06878183968365192), ('.', -0.0013080164790153503), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'It appears this restaurant is now closed.'} [('', 0.0), ('It ', -0.033818818046711385), ('appears ', -0.0658300480718026), ('this ', 0.0029220153955975547), ('restaurant ', 0.1182428901847743), ('is ', -0.02128477833684883), ('now ', -0.09048954415266053), ('closed', -0.14325946453391225), ('.', -0.03650120952806901), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "It's closed!"} [('', 0.0), ('It', 0.09541189298033714), ("'", 0.15493765100836754), ('s ', 0.07118409126996994), ('closed', -0.26478262804448605), ('!', 0.6057957168668509), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "Swallow Xanax, 'cuz the drive-thru is S-L-OOOO-W. Ham/egg biscuit."} [('', -0.00010008015669882298), ('Swallow ', -0.076257289852947), ('X', -0.004198300031324227), ('ana', 0.0309343581708769), ('x', -0.05436629087974628), (', ', -0.008048837567912415), ("'", -0.012509316118666902), ('cu', -0.010937070444924757), ('z ', -0.01218598076957278), ('the ', -0.016163443797267973), ('drive', -0.042356030782684684), ('-', -0.004964311548974365), ('thru ', -0.017693298344966024), ('is ', -0.006159896665485576), ('S', -0.012520472978940234), ('-', -0.004033874161541462), ('L', -0.005104909092187882), ('-', -0.0025434813811443745), ('O', -0.004716144991107285), ('OO', -0.033340268419124186), ('O', -0.016096798703074455), ('-', -0.0013074197486275807), ('W', -0.008082204512902535), ('. ', 0.0023817433684598655), ('Ham', -0.0541224597254768), ('/', -0.0330452952766791), ('egg ', -0.06272776727564633), ('bis', -0.0033852918228755393), ('cuit', -0.045427410785729684), ('.', -0.0041929927344123525), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "Pretty good barbecue. Dark,1950's, Bonanza interior. Friendly servers. Expensive."} [('', 0.0), ('Pretty ', 0.017593134951312095), ('good ', 0.5776119811634999), ('barbecue', 0.010352295561460778), ('. ', -0.010734140523709357), ('Dark', -0.0685176191618666), (',', 0.01462306611938402), ('1950', 0.005829740887444738), ("'", 0.008672927736067019), ('s', 0.0021609725942350146), (', ', 0.007184179776231758), ('Bon', 0.009682842995971441), ('anza ', 0.006329839205136523), ('interior', 0.06964261966641061), ('. ', 0.10429737804224715), ('Friendly ', 0.013280182203743607), ('servers', -0.10546370112570003), ('. ', -0.015803317888639867), ('Expensive', -0.10949532798258588), ('.', -0.01929488027235493), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': '*** closed ***'} [('', 0.0), ('*', 0.014173857867717743), ('*', 0.04280102252960205), ('* ', 0.08682484179735184), ('closed ', 0.1973326038569212), ('*', 0.21883969940245152), ('*', 0.1067825760692358), ('*', 0.05633688159286976), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "The times I've eaten here, the food was so-so. Meh."} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.02941835706587881), ('times ', -0.05798254150431603), ('I', 0.00779431386035867), ("'", -0.003752206830540672), ('ve ', -0.000711599102942273), ('eaten ', -0.05336144639295526), ('here', -0.008730459143407643), (', ', 0.034752306528389454), ('the ', -0.016866891251993366), ('food ', -0.022158305553602986), ('was ', -0.032951861794572324), ('so', -0.03850449953461066), ('-', -0.021057842124719173), ('so', -0.035526150779332966), ('. ', -0.014269789680838585), ('Me', -0.02673062589019537), ('h', -0.027290187310427427), ('.', -0.11532465228810906), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Closed :('} [('', 0.0), ('Closed ', 0.26865876093506813), (':', 0.2249465249478817), ('(', -0.13570484519004822), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Place is closed!'} [('', 0.0), ('Place ', -0.1137617128842976), ('is ', -0.11350996377586853), ('closed', -0.4199097282689763), ('!', 0.3193241117405705), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "LOYAL local's lunch spot. Great service. Average food. Complimentary soup."} [('', 0.0), ('LOYAL ', 0.2612071707844734), ('local', -0.0023684962652623653), ("'", -0.0034528938122093678), ('s ', -0.01933796890079975), ('lunch ', 0.03721647057682276), ('spot', -0.01845682878047228), ('. ', 0.012652430683374405), ('Great ', 0.2018254881259054), ('service', -0.009980711853131652), ('. ', -0.0071357302367687225), ('Average ', -0.019311402225866914), ('food', -0.019362147198989987), ('. ', -0.008896153885871172), ('Compliment', 0.1806433256715536), ('ary ', 0.003488499205559492), ('soup', -0.035756593104451895), ('.', -0.014792468398809433), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'good teriaky chicken with rice, sushi is decent.'} [('', 0.0), ('good ', 0.4055206389166415), ('ter', -0.026732588652521372), ('ia', -0.01493335678242147), ('ky ', 0.012414362048730254), ('chicken ', -0.036603657878004014), ('with ', -0.005568341468460858), ('rice', -0.019580343272536993), (', ', -0.01142921019345522), ('su', -0.032030683010816574), ('shi ', -0.009795062243938446), ('is ', 0.005515660159289837), ('decent', 0.3793182233348489), ('.', -0.036871857941150665), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Dude totally worth it man....'} [('', 0.0), ('Dude ', 0.00495495367795229), ('totally ', 0.10199191817082465), ('worth ', 0.547170803649351), ('it ', 0.03672964544966817), ('man', 0.01754948915913701), ('.', 0.10576759371906519), ('.', -0.013970754109323025), ('.', -0.04455702658742666), ('.', -0.042701324447989464), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': '\\"Welcome to Costco, I love you\\"'} [('', 0.0), ('\\', -0.05154355242848396), ('"', -0.005336168222129345), ('Welcome ', 0.36593911377713084), ('to ', -0.01767381699755788), ('Cost', -0.031682157423347235), ('co', 0.010461245197802782), (', ', 0.04359458852559328), ('I ', 0.07103019766509533), ('love ', 0.23060638085007668), ('you', 0.09318166133016348), ('\\', -0.02931865770369768), ('"', -0.05202750489115715), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Overpriced and overbearing...food was plain.'} [('', 0.0), ('Over', -0.06730689229061682), ('pr', -0.02192621973426867), ('ice', -0.020022124132992758), ('d ', 0.0023621810132681276), ('and ', -0.018402718313154764), ('over', -0.07755950159685199), ('be', -0.01586016412807112), ('aring', 0.008640484565603401), ('.', -0.005968372888673912), ('.', -0.024341481581359403), ('.', -0.02744786744005978), ('food ', -0.030982643344941607), ('was ', -0.019037998354178853), ('plain', -0.08460319617097412), ('.', -0.02960998231174017), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good for Lunch'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.25418832898139954), ('for ', 0.09517355263233185), ('Lunch', 0.12743337452411652), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Eff'} [('', 0.0), ('E', -0.4780755112878978), ('ff', -0.23360658390447497), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'The most low-rent taco bell i ever been to'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.00012030344805680215), ('most ', 0.05959560495102778), ('low', -0.37101101662847213), ('-', 0.0010198937525274232), ('rent ', -0.3251615872577531), ('ta', 0.026806156296515837), ('co ', 0.01798710902221501), ('bell ', 0.04147848067805171), ('i ', 0.07623984568635933), ('ever ', 0.04925234452821314), ('been ', -0.014571258128853515), ('to', 0.06948212761199102), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Fine swine'} [('', 0.0), ('Fine ', 0.6994344145059586), ('sw', -0.13996278680860996), ('ine', -0.15179981850087643), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'E'} [('', 0.0), ('E', -0.11825138330459595), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Nice hotel, very clean and hospitable.'} [('', 0.0), ('Nice ', 0.25266390666365623), ('hotel', 0.0971820317208767), (', ', -0.016743890941143036), ('very ', 0.023654592223465443), ('clean ', 0.2483007973060012), ('and ', 0.10161935910582542), ('ho', -0.013806792660034262), ('sp', -0.10504880525695626), ('ita', 0.07291642177733593), ('ble', 0.011297838558675721), ('.', -0.005993190221488476), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great soups...if you love vietnamese food great place'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.3837168547324836), ('soup', -0.07484766445122659), ('s', 0.014540501171723008), ('.', -0.02601127326488495), ('.', -0.028882082551717758), ('.', -0.022614572197198868), ('if ', -0.10473381704650819), ('you ', 0.07169765210710466), ('love ', 0.15210319543257356), ('vietnamese ', -0.03670914703980088), ('food ', 0.031209792476147413), ('great ', 0.2578748562373221), ('place', -0.007992183789610863), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Spinach Wet Burrito!'} [('', 0.0), ('Spin', -0.0531435867305845), ('ach ', -0.0941067326348275), ('Wet ', -0.19223936268826947), ('Burr', -0.10785674539511092), ('ito', 0.05592204266577028), ('!', 0.09138501051347703), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'The bi bam bap is fantastic! Friendly service. Highly recommended.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.025975987315177917), ('bi ', -0.025581303983926773), ('bam ', -0.026145081967115402), ('ba', -0.01646285009337589), ('p ', -0.01625089015578851), ('is ', 0.00511190335964784), ('fantastic', 0.4301279649953358), ('! ', -0.03304037731140852), ('Friendly ', 0.14232749678194523), ('service', 0.009064491838216782), ('. ', -0.014659060165286064), ('Highly ', 0.0818839929997921), ('recommended', 0.09325585141777992), ('.', -0.02013690024614334), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Wow the Gulab Jamun from here is AMAZING!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Wow ', 0.3791401325725019), ('the ', 0.0021617761813104153), ('Gu', -0.03047300153411925), ('lab ', -0.019311459036543965), ('Jam', -0.0007243669824674726), ('un ', -0.013674347079358995), ('from ', -0.028501616674475372), ('here ', -0.04027331981342286), ('is ', 0.007779095321893692), ('AMAZING', 0.3836454914417118), ('!', 0.0033706501126289368), ('!', -0.01596146821975708), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Lunch buffet during the week'} [('', 0.0), ('Lunch ', 0.3993299938738346), ('buffet ', -0.21328632719814777), ('during ', -0.12356873042881489), ('the ', 0.10394130647182465), ('week', -0.024358049035072327), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Stay tuned....'} [('', 0.0), ('Stay ', 0.28486488573253155), ('tuned', 0.3290820103138685), ('.', 0.12547695264220238), ('.', 0.039392171427607536), ('.', -0.03754446469247341), ('.', -0.05200880765914917), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'OK place. Fun food.'} [('', 0.0), ('OK ', 0.17405832558870316), ('place', 0.06040314584970474), ('. ', 0.11091281473636627), ('Fun ', 0.21856880001723766), ('food', 0.153731195256114), ('.', -0.026532497256994247), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best NY pie in Charlotte!'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.3902093134820461), ('NY ', 0.016651060432195663), ('pie ', -0.060596369206905365), ('in ', 0.07222141325473785), ('Charlotte', 0.10896967351436615), ('!', 0.16326749324798584), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Awesome wings!'} [('', 0.0), ('Awesome ', 0.12183374166488647), ('wings', 0.11962500214576721), ('!', 0.23542609810829163), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'No complaints... It is an average Chilies .'} [('', 0.0), ('No ', 0.1528816607024055), ('complaints', 0.14978054983657785), ('.', -0.019165735691785812), ('.', 0.03562164353206754), ('. ', 0.036882391665130854), ('It ', 0.06844546791398898), ('is ', 0.12457026360789314), ('an ', 0.15437822829699144), ('average ', 0.017802116402890533), ('Chili', -0.3512047359254211), ('es ', -0.0918053516652435), ('.', -0.058566241059452295), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Standard Chinese food for a low price.'} [('', 0.0), ('Standard ', -0.0022353141102939844), ('Chinese ', 0.07502846706483979), ('food ', 0.23142804477538448), ('for ', 0.012131477029470261), ('a ', 0.09105473574163625), ('low ', -0.5678190396138234), ('price', -0.0699441214237595), ('.', -0.028708867961540818), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Excellent restaurant. Ate here over 30 times. Highly recommend.'} [('', 0.0), ('Excellent ', 0.2865806433837861), ('restaurant', 0.10593433561734855), ('. ', -0.015285184141248465), ('Ate ', -0.03867561346851289), ('here ', 0.010489391395822167), ('over ', -6.778654642403126e-05), ('30 ', 0.0025025391951203346), ('times', -0.023360070073977113), ('. ', -0.014478778466582298), ('Highly ', 0.16913337260484695), ('recommend', 0.18352136760950089), ('.', -0.039015620946884155), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'To quote Arrest Development, \\"I\'ve made a huge mistake.\\"'} [('', -3.123492206213996e-06), ('To ', -0.011052351257603732), ('quote ', -0.024272836147702037), ('Arrest ', -0.0385301323690328), ('Development', -0.03436417792818247), (', ', -0.026430593912664335), ('\\', -0.023427958819411288), ('"', 0.013643970892189827), ('I', 0.016651184419970377), ("'", 0.010386222673332668), ('ve ', 0.002347446549720189), ('made ', 0.06665440638334985), ('a ', 0.08291968697972152), ('huge ', 0.2100325596377388), ('mistake', -0.5616965394683575), ('.', -0.02687195899306971), ('\\', -0.0368389388822834), ('"', -0.0805341794693959), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Come Monday - Thursday $5 movies!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Come ', 0.3156755715608597), ('Monday ', 0.12405001232400537), ('- ', -0.01879535848274827), ('Thursday ', 0.13350145917502232), ('$', -0.5914066976692993), ('5 ', 0.11037868331186473), ('movies', 0.248323597246781), ('!', 0.20261187944561243), ('!', 0.06931079179048538), ('!', 0.02635250985622406), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Woah long waits!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Wo', -0.2783502035017591), ('ah ', 0.039771627372829244), ('long ', -0.1510290238657035), ('waits', -0.13120738620636985), ('!', 0.05168854142539203), ('!', 0.16856236243620515), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "Keep looking. It's not even fair."} [('', 0.0), ('Keep ', 0.09476771459776501), ('looking', 0.02479442854928493), ('. ', 0.1470068749404163), ('It', -0.024623770126709132), ("'", 0.03689893142109213), ('s ', -0.008661761101393495), ('not ', -0.5294171318469125), ('even ', -0.16465159265180773), ('fair', 0.18826004169568478), ('.', -0.0671091518997855), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good store. Always has what I need.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.39085842994973063), ('store', -0.08836516318842769), ('. ', 0.054221414029598236), ('Always ', 0.0800589183345437), ('has ', 0.09820926282554865), ('what ', 0.09601338731590658), ('I ', 0.09614724817220122), ('need', 0.014724048553034663), ('.', -0.02890685573220253), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Only place we go for pizza locally'} [('', 0.0), ('Only ', -0.6549350451678038), ('place ', 0.018562919925898314), ('we ', 0.09431364620104432), ('go ', 0.20545968296937644), ('for ', 0.043738314881920815), ('pizza ', -0.06954734251485206), ('locally', 0.09371660152100958), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "Nice little Italian Restorante' \\n\\nWe shall return someday.........."} [('', 0.0), ('Nice ', 0.4120388284791261), ('little ', -0.020644662086851895), ('Italian ', 0.03334709338378161), ('Rest', -0.06851123418891802), ('oran', 0.009388044069055468), ('te', 0.006956236902624369), ("' ", -0.01186107425019145), ('\\', -0.0007865645845110217), ('n', -0.02383358698959152), ('\\', -0.007308869428622226), ('nW', -0.031472607399336994), ('e ', -0.009246312431059778), ('shall ', 0.09690301723700638), ('return ', 0.011269522927856693), ('someday', 0.24714285732867816), ('.', 0.0022747418843209743), ('.', -0.025361369363963604), ('.', -0.017272372730076313), ('.', -0.016966868191957474), ('.', -0.010401308536529541), ('.', -0.015547720715403557), ('.', -0.013990869745612144), ('.', -0.015940965618938208), ('.', -0.018102422822266817), ('.', -0.02766398899257183), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Slightly below average'} [('', 0.0), ('Slightly ', 0.16052701324224472), ('below ', -0.7496633809059858), ('average', 0.07714171521365643), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Slowest.Subway.Ever.'} [('', 0.0), ('Slow', -0.4297404617755092), ('est', 0.04626155760342954), ('.', -0.010106138157425448), ('Subway', -0.09016641480411636), ('.', -0.04057552331505576), ('Ever', 0.15085775696934434), ('.', 0.09767125544749433), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'This is where all of the village idiots work.'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', -0.023191884334664792), ('is ', -0.0069002226809971035), ('where ', -0.06229554890887812), ('all ', 0.016211509795539314), ('of ', -0.045812665248377016), ('the ', 0.0378444452144322), ('village ', 0.03980602271622047), ('idiots ', -0.35935645883364487), ('work', 0.06773986027474166), ('.', 0.03432210333266994), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "Pizza's ok. Customer service is awful."} [('', 0.0), ('Pizza', -0.028963002037926344), ("'", 0.0030329145265568513), ('s ', 0.0009168774449790362), ('ok', 0.24241952476768347), ('. ', 0.13129429843866092), ('Customer ', -0.057438612927398935), ('service ', -0.1072371196542008), ('is ', -0.059962825792354124), ('awful', -0.39256567221400473), ('.', -0.0331382101176132), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Very good fish fry.'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.2341642528772354), ('good ', 0.5729130418039858), ('fish ', -0.20848782965913415), ('fry', 0.1102064996957779), ('.', -0.04485824704170227), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Fantastic pizza!! Been enjoying it for 30 years!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Fantastic ', 0.33089163061231375), ('pizza', -0.0037155039608478546), ('!', 0.024172483943402767), ('! ', -0.02789624221622944), ('Been ', -0.013696724665351212), ('enjoying ', 0.3960347311804071), ('it ', -0.004957323020789772), ('for ', 0.008076894155237824), ('30 ', -0.02766154904384166), ('years', -0.044305298128165305), ('!', 0.006291869329288602), ('!', -0.015986770391464233), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Very decent bar food and always extremely quick.'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.002852506935596466), ('decent ', 0.39748133160173893), ('bar ', -0.031246986240148544), ('food ', -0.011800175532698631), ('and ', 0.042207710444927216), ('always ', 0.22913177614100277), ('extremely ', 0.08673388021998107), ('quick', 0.02829708158969879), ('.', -0.030708951875567436), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Im From NYC This place was definitely subpar.'} [('', 0.0), ('Im ', -0.07729635416762903), ('From ', 0.01042547868564725), ('NYC ', -0.023213809414301068), ('This ', 0.03707152605056763), ('place ', -0.016949896555161104), ('was ', -0.026281764949089848), ('definitely ', 0.340349665042595), ('sub', -0.47678770263155457), ('par', -0.038134082438773476), ('.', -0.028844993765233085), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Grade: D\\n\\nNice place. Nasty, overpriced food. Dopey but hot servers.'} [('', 1.2787349987775087e-05), ('Grade', 0.02449361202889122), (': ', 0.0007638441165909171), ('D', 0.004870499033131637), ('\\', -0.012268714956007898), ('n', -0.013126498444762547), ('\\', -0.013289660630107392), ('n', -0.14908936743571152), ('Nic', 0.031787920523735615), ('e ', -0.01427844106850292), ('place', -0.03185941132687731), ('. ', -0.01994540058512939), ('Nasty', -0.06853678731931723), (', ', -0.01072583009590744), ('over', -0.06811330911841651), ('pr', -0.007988443501744769), ('ice', -0.0026291698286513565), ('d ', 0.006990697236687993), ('food', -0.010366578870161902), ('. ', -0.004106018990569282), ('Do', -0.02505726717148112), ('pe', -0.023207328347173945), ('y ', -0.012754158443688842), ('but ', -0.023711142961474252), ('hot ', -0.012996487883962496), ('servers', -0.04877929734054002), ('.', -0.009340579160076837), ('', 1.1400019502616487e-05)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Bad'} [('', 0.0), ('Bad', -0.9330126744753215), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Very good breakfasts,reasonable with attentive service!'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.007902983576059341), ('good ', 0.23538411036133766), ('breakfast', 0.01465332880616188), ('s', 0.031635839492082596), (',', 0.026123061776161194), ('reasonable ', 0.11875060852617025), ('with ', 0.029950515367090702), ('at', 0.05481378035619855), ('ten', 0.08824347192421556), ('tive ', 0.04478148836642504), ('service', -0.03607495687901974), ('!', 0.011079614982008934), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': "It's a great bank - but not for a mortgage."} [('', 0.0), ('It', 0.03819810342974961), ("'", 0.12938733003102243), ('s ', 0.12947794701904058), ('a ', 0.11829139076871797), ('great ', 0.4401124532450922), ('bank ', -0.11173941090237349), ('- ', 0.0006614996818825603), ('but ', -0.21780871134251356), ('not ', 0.2170800098683685), ('for ', 0.134809588547796), ('a ', 0.0783377344487235), ('mortgage', -0.20270847075153142), ('.', -0.1695613618940115), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Sadly, the West Washington store closed :-('} [('', 0.0), ('Sadly', -0.12804176074132556), (', ', 0.0019213396080886014), ('the ', -0.0024708058572286973), ('West ', -0.011078249957790831), ('Washington ', 0.04595900885669835), ('store ', -0.11300512055186118), ('closed ', -0.03943819908454316), (':', -0.00924868781112309), ('-', 0.003018387769770925), ('(', -0.050333304243395105), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Friendliest bartenders and best martinis in Madison'} [('', 0.0), ('Friend', 0.30744747817516327), ('liest ', 0.04386197030544281), ('bartender', -0.02436809614300728), ('s ', 0.014081019908189774), ('and ', 0.023554541170597076), ('best ', 0.30192200280725956), ('martini', -0.03400801680982113), ('s ', -0.003807689994573593), ('in ', -0.008021295070648193), ('Madison', 0.07534068822860718), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good quality food ...'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.347136621363461), ('quality ', 0.18835503654554486), ('food ', 0.1584217739291489), ('.', 0.03851371817290783), ('.', 0.011777721345424652), ('.', -0.05307465046644211), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Charges for not being a member. Never again.'} [('', 0.0), ('Charges ', -0.40098472218960524), ('for ', -0.020456765894778073), ('not ', -0.19780768814962357), ('being ', -0.049710604711435735), ('a ', 0.04362017509993166), ('member', 0.04541785747278482), ('. ', -0.012393202749080956), ('Never ', 0.13201682303042617), ('again', 0.2033116015518317), ('.', -0.029599918285384774), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Plenty to find. Hipster place for sure'} [('', 0.0), ('Plenty ', 0.2017478086054325), ('to ', 0.13148019323125482), ('find', -0.007252695504575968), ('. ', 0.031223870813846588), ('Hips', 0.15706289559602737), ('ter ', 0.0006885901093482971), ('place ', -0.039494562428444624), ('for ', 0.017226423602551222), ('sure', 0.22005727142095566), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': "Sadly, Jolly Bob's is no more :("} [('', 0.0), ('Sadly', -0.1435169373289682), (', ', -0.014388590177986771), ('Jolly ', 0.11705547184101306), ('Bob', 0.03210501483772532), ("'", 0.023578858166729333), ('s ', 0.005842563463374972), ('is ', -0.020029763076308882), ('no ', -0.2701667501751217), ('more ', -0.004727582392661134), (':', 0.002359311270993203), ('(', -0.05995921732392162), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'excellent and quick service. Great hummus plate'} [('', 0.0), ('excellent ', 0.5048409746959805), ('and ', 0.18406782764941454), ('quick ', 0.08778789010830224), ('service', -0.05145484511740506), ('. ', 0.09656428918242455), ('Great ', 0.2208107381593436), ('hum', -0.08959576289635152), ('mus ', -0.1665934332413599), ('plate', -0.07348415441811085), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'solid, quick, and cheap. long lines during lunch.'} [('', 0.0), ('solid', 0.5166073624823184), (', ', 0.1912989387892594), ('quick', 0.049219601878576213), (', ', 0.09783615474952967), ('and ', 0.11225659326009918), ('cheap', -0.2003439058898948), ('. ', -0.05573871709930245), ('long ', -0.26707953482400626), ('lines ', -0.012466783984564245), ('during ', 0.014567001955583692), ('lunch', 0.0952061153948307), ('.', -0.05741939414292574), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Awesome.. simply best'} [('', 0.0), ('Awesome', 0.21024791151285172), ('.', 0.12179432064294815), ('. ', 0.10204500705003738), ('simply ', 0.057529058307409286), ('best', 0.17240969464182854), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "amazing decor\\n\\ntry the entire menu\\n\\ndon't forget yak meat"} [('', 0.0), ('amazing ', 0.46604598104022443), ('decor', 0.014844718331005424), ('\\', -0.0062839973834343255), ('n', -0.004627532383892685), ('\\', -0.03558581182733178), ('nt', -0.02126094265258871), ('ry ', -0.033496647112770006), ('the ', -0.013465266325511038), ('entire ', -0.009279833058826625), ('menu', -0.03508060984313488), ('\\', -0.024806515779346228), ('n', -0.01416420447640121), ('\\', -0.013387958751991391), ('n', -0.037553511559963226), ('don', -0.007860385114327073), ("'", -0.017437233706004918), ('t ', 0.19108339247759432), ('forget ', 0.19441102095879614), ('ya', -0.04036828508833423), ('k ', -0.02362236095359549), ('meat', -0.022709021577611566), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Excellent food, wine and service!'} [('', 0.0), ('Excellent ', 0.15674518793821335), ('food', 0.11564699560403824), (', ', 0.08999082446098328), ('wine ', 0.1428435891866684), ('and ', 0.11476790904998779), ('service', 0.037488359957933426), ('!', 0.06595909222960472), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Did the Thanksgiving buffet there. Everything was fantastic'} [('', 0.0), ('Did ', -0.06944972835481167), ('the ', 0.0521656796336174), ('Thanksgiving ', 0.07147629372775555), ('buffet ', -0.04931532312184572), ('there', 0.02832387574017048), ('. ', 0.23085458856076002), ('Everything ', -0.011517845094203949), ('was ', 0.005801193416118622), ('fantastic', 0.454671248793602), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'This was a sweet little spot for great organic coffee.'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', -0.07457399740815163), ('was ', 0.023876940831542015), ('a ', 0.04566999338567257), ('sweet ', 0.3365152681071777), ('little ', -0.1178449110884685), ('spot ', 0.05852373084053397), ('for ', 0.06199240917339921), ('great ', 0.26626677019521594), ('organic ', 0.13639454869553447), ('coffee', -0.035264681093394756), ('.', -0.035601601004600525), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Fantastic vet!'} [('', 0.0), ('Fantastic ', 0.17134028673171997), ('vet', 0.07004278898239136), ('!', 0.23548245429992676), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Bad food, bad service. We will not be back.'} [('', 0.0), ('Bad ', -0.17602237382379826), ('food', 0.08544758724747226), (', ', -0.012539305302198045), ('bad ', -0.060289463654044084), ('service', -0.029039926615951117), ('. ', -0.01410163002583431), ('We ', 0.10015097237373993), ('will ', 0.05787330243947508), ('not ', -0.18177027907677257), ('be ', 0.0029165544010538724), ('back', -0.11048597427361528), ('.', -0.034119597970857285), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Always fantastic food. well priced and quick service. Tasty!'} [('', 0.0), ('Always ', 0.06301862001419067), ('fantastic ', 0.19992004428058863), ('food', 0.0704002222046256), ('. ', -0.028591573238372803), ('well ', 0.14670899510383606), ('priced ', 0.004199998453259468), ('and ', 0.03504580445587635), ('quick ', -0.012821598444133997), ('service', -0.012100239284336567), ('. ', -0.00901590334251523), ('Ta', 0.13039275398477912), ('sty', 0.027804205659776926), ('!', -0.0054713524878025055), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "tried it, not impressed. There's much better local choices."} [('', 0.0), ('tried ', -0.03353126124420669), ('it', -0.002860161868738942), (', ', 0.0007303603633772582), ('not ', -0.5587466985161882), ('impressed', 0.36105911497725174), ('. ', 0.021535875712288544), ('There', -0.06401976494817063), ("'", -0.011865862092236057), ('s ', 0.022330715699354187), ('much ', 0.05316317833785433), ('better ', -0.10866516953683458), ('local ', -0.004672755978390342), ('choices', -0.0525100220584136), ('.', -0.03478074728627689), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Decent fare. Spicy level was disappointing.'} [('', 0.0), ('Decent ', 0.26201416880940087), ('fare', 0.019747281941818073), ('. ', 0.09697507281089202), ('Spicy ', 0.17966562790388707), ('level ', 0.028659018469625153), ('was ', -0.014161427949147765), ('disappointing', -0.7484704234448145), ('.', -0.06438321270979941), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "Not great. I probably won't go back."} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', -0.5661059692210983), ('great', 0.3989526359073352), ('. ', -0.0025626009446568787), ('I ', -0.010667956576071447), ('probably ', -0.04564969904095051), ('won', 0.1602881031394645), ("'", -0.07921201408316847), ('t ', -0.12950376793378382), ('go ', 0.033430995943490416), ('back', -0.03705206891754642), ('.', -0.05471272468275856), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'ok place'} [('', 0.0), ('ok ', 0.13919496536254883), ('place', 0.13383007049560547), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'nice'} [('', 0.0), ('nice', 0.06662493944168091), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Yum! Rich, delicious ice cream.'} [('', 0.0), ('Yu', 0.07805002480745316), ('m', -0.04538378119468689), ('! ', 0.2258596494793892), ('Rich', 0.16712794825434685), (', ', 0.058801572769880295), ('delicious ', 0.29044644511304796), ('ice ', 0.0006510748062282801), ('cream', -0.02900216355919838), ('.', -0.03352469392120838), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Grade: B-\\n\\nCheap drinks. Good food. College bar.'} [('', 0.0), ('Grade', 0.03122517606243491), (': ', 0.002791944658383727), ('B', -0.017704207682982087), ('-', -0.009320546174421906), ('\\', -0.001021418021991849), ('n', -0.012449118541553617), ('\\', -0.009180668974295259), ('nC', 0.035697759478352964), ('hea', -0.08589895942714065), ('p ', -0.008408679626882076), ('drinks', -0.03557218471542001), ('. ', 0.0018177288584411144), ('Good ', 0.6618123953230679), ('food', 0.12679753173142672), ('. ', -0.01332605117931962), ('College ', -0.06542070372961462), ('bar', -0.04431625152938068), ('.', -0.02826293231919408), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great food and atmosphere. Small portion for the price though...'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.5584374682512134), ('food ', 0.16454728203825653), ('and ', 0.0019274998921900988), ('atmosphere', 0.059318447252735496), ('. ', 0.016697173472493887), ('Small ', -0.030292429524706677), ('portion ', -0.003782274288823828), ('for ', 0.0031311266939155757), ('the ', 0.008842494280543178), ('price ', -0.034374075185041875), ('though', -0.04272669058991596), ('.', -0.015670044464059174), ('.', -0.03029744792729616), ('.', -0.07229691743850708), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'love the noodle soups!'} [('', 0.0), ('love ', 0.8172368742525578), ('the ', -0.001452762633562088), ('no', -0.07735052256612107), ('odle ', 0.014582647185306996), ('soup', -0.15350171085447073), ('s', 0.09445462189614773), ('!', 0.02939133159816265), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Price is right and wonton noodle is excellent!'} [('', 0.0), ('Price ', -0.05337563529610634), ('is ', 0.025610686745494604), ('right ', 0.35183347994461656), ('and ', 0.0078459233045578), ('won', 0.15216905833221972), ('ton ', -0.06795576983131468), ('no', -0.139378082472831), ('odle ', 0.09300164366140962), ('is ', 0.018318629823625088), ('excellent', 0.22433331329375505), ('!', 0.05363854393362999), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great noodles! I will return for sure.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.3562774080783129), ('noodles', -0.09642585553228855), ('! ', 0.0989449992775917), ('I ', 0.06670798361301422), ('will ', 0.23811817727982998), ('return ', -0.053646496031433344), ('for ', -0.02576064458116889), ('sure', 0.157297907397151), ('.', -0.02860059216618538), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Lazy. Closes early.'} [('', 0.0), ('Lazy', -0.776073585904669), ('. ', 0.11486907524522394), ('Closes ', 0.3498478642104601), ('early', -0.003876191894960357), ('.', -0.019697058058227412), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Pretty standard bar, not enough seating to relax.'} [('', 0.0), ('Pretty ', 0.08035201257735025), ('standard ', -0.11381705143867293), ('bar', -0.051761920876742806), (', ', 0.09860372207185719), ('not ', -0.5877313064120244), ('enough ', -0.027296354732243344), ('seating ', 0.1169315830557025), ('to ', 0.03312722838745685), ('relax', 0.16677820138284005), ('.', -0.016119186126161367), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Not sure why the hotel recommended this loud crowded firetrap.'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', -0.2837483771145344), ('sure ', 0.033984472771408036), ('why ', -0.32564459231798537), ('the ', -0.012580603419337422), ('hotel ', 0.03140742378309369), ('recommended ', 0.29410928091965616), ('this ', 0.05996744619915262), ('loud ', -0.02745650106226094), ('crowded ', -0.04038961310288869), ('fire', -0.024069173625321127), ('tra', -0.04380370482977014), ('p', -0.0023423904203809798), ('.', -0.03975439094938338), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Grade: B\\n\\nVery underrated place. Unique food. Excellent service. Somewhat pricey.'} [('', -2.086162567138672e-07), ('Grade', 0.02868977014441043), (': ', -0.00046674173790961504), ('B', -0.00622206594562158), ('\\', -0.006540912145283073), ('n', -0.013869270973373204), ('\\', -0.024518196762073785), ('n', -0.030992999440059066), ('Very ', -0.025394739117473364), ('under', -0.1331770578690339), ('rated ', 0.046889099321560934), ('place', -0.03795990743674338), ('. ', -0.027725168969482183), ('Unique ', 0.21164459572173655), ('food', -0.012228760635480285), ('. ', -0.005179870408028364), ('Excellent ', 0.2435241812490858), ('service', -0.035269827174488455), ('. ', -0.0104896305128932), ('Somewhat ', -0.02296896919142455), ('price', 0.1820399730349891), ('y', 0.1870171154732816), ('.', -0.004092092160135508), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Overpriced drinks served by lousy inept bartenders.'} [('', 0.0), ('Over', -0.13086701876090956), ('pr', -0.03897855570176034), ('ice', -0.03700477560778381), ('d ', 0.00020149701595073566), ('drinks ', 0.045608424778947665), ('served ', 0.048417947064990585), ('by ', -0.028386887555825524), ('lou', -0.08134799213621591), ('sy ', -0.033054382734917453), ('in', -0.0397611939588387), ('ept ', -0.07366513799570384), ('bartender', -0.008731588404771173), ('s', -0.013395520029007457), ('.', -0.025006598323670914), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Mashawa and Lamb Kabobs.\\n\\nThat is all.'} [('', 0.0), ('Mas', -0.016945161623880267), ('haw', -0.02682922367239371), ('a ', -0.02513896516757086), ('and ', 0.0317566027661087), ('Lamb ', -0.07226996838289779), ('Ka', -0.033326750017295126), ('bo', -0.03208461325993994), ('bs', -0.009473629834246822), ('.', -0.02017568697920069), ('\\', -0.036751103529240936), ('n', -0.030806986731477082), ('\\', -0.023421085730660707), ('nT', -0.016813394526252523), ('hat ', -0.03558079508366063), ('is ', -0.0446361535723554), ('all', -0.029123215019353665), ('.', -0.03407786198658869), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Fun, well priced, and tasty. Solid eastern fare.'} [('', 0.0), ('Fun', 0.0831596739590168), (', ', -0.006346393376588821), ('well ', 0.08761686133220792), ('priced', -0.006645519752055407), (', ', -0.005096506327390671), ('and ', -0.010791487991809845), ('ta', 0.06401016004383564), ('sty', 0.09699242375791073), ('. ', 0.0024272799491882324), ('Solid ', 0.3504719575867057), ('eastern ', 0.016655749641358852), ('fare', -0.025977520272135735), ('.', -0.03698062151670456), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'You can buy bus tickets from here also'} [('', 0.0), ('You ', 0.11220969446003437), ('can ', 0.07266299519687891), ('buy ', 0.11708215344697237), ('bus ', -0.37701764795929193), ('tickets ', 0.13194019487127662), ('from ', -0.047389100305736065), ('here ', -0.018477959092706442), ('also', 0.2241818979382515), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'overhyped...'} [('', 0.0), ('over', -0.25520267059437174), ('hy', 0.09105157962949306), ('ped', -0.14035592179789091), ('.', 0.03788032090960769), ('.', 0.011614299874054268), ('.', -0.05320651110378094), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Awesome place for buying used bikes'} [('', 0.0), ('Awesome ', 0.6634963708929718), ('place ', 0.08735080319456756), ('for ', 0.07148366956971586), ('buying ', -0.17440532403998077), ('used ', -0.05793092283420265), ('bikes', 0.10105676716193557), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Perfect lunch food.'} [('', 0.0), ('Perfect ', 0.31935830414295197), ('lunch ', 0.13988826423883438), ('food', 0.17171085625886917), ('.', -0.04437771439552307), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'A pretty nasty little Walgreens.'} [('', 0.0), ('A ', 0.2885530997882597), ('pretty ', 0.19584160260274075), ('nasty ', -0.6713795180985471), ('little ', 0.002217234534327872), ('Wal', -0.012254702363861725), ('gree', 0.10944985027890652), ('ns', -0.13641225171159022), ('.', -0.04288355360040441), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Stay away'} [('', 0.0), ('Stay ', 0.12810104998061433), ('away', -0.8544011366902851), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Lousy steak. Greasy potatoes. Good drink.'} [('', 0.0), ('Lou', -0.22243327720207162), ('sy ', -0.07179680539411493), ('steak', 0.11100300081307068), ('. ', 0.046442377381026745), ('Greasy ', -0.251079626599676), ('potatoes', -0.017724993493175134), ('. ', 0.18063644504582044), ('Good ', 0.7318437322246609), ('drink', 0.05576151664718054), ('.', 0.10755507143039722), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Big beers, peanuts and a decent breakfast? Enough said..'} [('', 0.0), ('Big ', 0.14507795218378305), ('beers', -0.11012889142148197), (', ', 0.06948960036970675), ('peanuts ', -0.18529668950941414), ('and ', 0.1805645537097007), ('a ', 0.03733858931082068), ('decent ', 0.380335732952517), ('breakfast', 0.032730151200667024), ('? ', -0.4873755753505975), ('Enough ', -0.1369242831133306), ('said', 0.18445927137508988), ('.', -0.03098237607628107), ('.', -0.22852420806884766), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'They have raised their prices, but not the quality.'} [('', 0.0), ('They ', 0.0009476006380282342), ('have ', 0.11108154623070732), ('raised ', 0.27201793622225523), ('their ', -0.0056677125103306025), ('prices', -0.07205615114071406), (', ', 0.02118681848514825), ('but ', -0.30403688477235846), ('not ', -0.4499511442736548), ('the ', -0.02936870309713413), ('quality', 0.16371640544821275), ('.', -0.02610049665963743), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'relaxing, very good location. little cramped with small tables'} [('', 0.0), ('relaxing', 0.3657099171541631), (', ', 0.0401621381752193), ('very ', 0.028848189976997674), ('good ', 0.4065192610723898), ('location', -0.02209347113966942), ('. ', -0.0020017139613628387), ('little ', -0.052872653293889016), ('cramped ', -0.08307914127362892), ('with ', 0.01621563412481919), ('small ', 5.700450856238604e-06), ('tables', -0.03154861880466342), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Excellent food. Horrible front-end service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Excellent ', 0.6457094206525653), ('food', 0.14053520185916568), ('. ', 0.05108834223210579), ('Horrible ', -0.13215869007763104), ('front', -0.03834626495154225), ('-', 0.030845616951410193), ('end ', -0.0638961426793685), ('service', -0.017003101189402514), ('.', 0.05846300462144427), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good food, below average bar'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.4813905321061611), ('food', 0.15752748027443886), (', ', 0.08694692701101303), ('below ', -0.12723839282989502), ('average ', 0.12189297005534172), ('bar', -0.029592547565698624), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great coffee & great service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.24225585162639618), ('coffee ', 0.007780665531754494), ('& ', 0.09566926024854183), ('great ', 0.3526192922145128), ('service', 0.01921595074236393), ('.', -0.0264042429625988), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'no......just no!'} [('', 0.0), ('no', -0.1544126744774985), ('.', 0.029030615660303738), ('.', -0.007543260791862849), ('.', -0.004051132120366674), ('.', 0.002885603178583551), ('.', -0.02850654647045303), ('.', -0.008218074675824028), ('just ', -0.059787654638057575), ('no', -0.0828811812971253), ('!', 0.01137191237648949), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good work, fair prices, friendly people.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.24685951322317123), ('work', 0.07190877199172974), (', ', 0.04160895198583603), ('fair ', 0.08278163732029498), ('prices', -0.08401756384409964), (', ', 0.09110351093113422), ('friendly ', 0.3004801915958524), ('people', -0.018953579477965832), ('.', -0.018804484978318214), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Three words--chilli cheese fries. YUM!'} [('', 0.0), ('Three ', 0.06573999486863613), ('words', -0.0682490523904562), ('-', 0.062493796460330486), ('-', 0.038124014623463154), ('chill', 0.2479780218563974), ('i ', 0.2313512929249555), ('cheese ', -0.3741547471145168), ('fries', 0.03409741062205285), ('. ', 0.12397662922739983), ('YU', -0.031502267345786095), ('M', -0.13529438711702824), ('!', 0.3645424544811249), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Melt-in-your-mouth food...and close to my office! Bring cash, though...no plastic!'} [('', 0.0), ('Melt', 0.25238809920847416), ('-', 0.0419467743486166), ('in', 0.06759493798017502), ('-', 0.09083166257478296), ('your', 0.13904679943807424), ('-', 0.0109055170789361), ('mouth ', -0.12977754389867185), ('food', 0.020163554511964322), ('.', 0.0770234689116478), ('.', -0.029650799580849707), ('.', -0.03190430684480816), ('and ', 0.07489231469420095), ('close ', 0.0028719824496268604), ('to ', 0.0028719824496268604), ('my ', 0.07129182915571922), ('office', 0.050618835421240266), ('! ', 0.03104063120748227), ('Bring ', 0.06552769095481684), ('cash', -0.10452125672406207), (', ', -0.07099160874883334), ('though', -0.05351439658552408), ('.', -0.01888490216806531), ('.', -0.02258216713865598), ('.', -0.08672398266692956), ('no ', 0.0015274620770166316), ('plastic', 0.05237667394491533), ('!', -0.04602136493970951), ('', -0.0008724632983406384)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Poor quality food, bad service, high price, filthy bathrooms.'} [('', 0.0), ('Poor ', -0.33288457775779534), ('quality ', 0.14207276771048782), ('food', 0.023800599061360117), (', ', -0.028866780980024487), ('bad ', -0.14044950586412597), ('service', -0.011791508851274557), (', ', 0.008323254976858152), ('high ', 0.04331919400738116), ('price', -0.01128489619895845), (', ', 0.012596596261573723), ('filthy ', -0.05623990455387684), ('bathrooms', -0.01959528384213627), ('.', -0.01904456613920047), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Yummmyyyyyyyyy truffles!'} [('', 0.0), ('Yu', 0.10425945778843015), ('mm', -0.14698373444844037), ('my', -0.06422601744998246), ('y', -0.014319531270302832), ('y', -0.008165331615600735), ('y', -0.0016560876392759383), ('y', -0.0034128628321923316), ('y', -0.006198951101396233), ('y', -0.003868728526867926), ('y', -0.0122684818925336), ('y ', -0.0034047639928758144), ('tr', -0.024791564152110368), ('uf', -0.05726996221346781), ('fles', -0.1315483683720231), ('!', 0.002478688955307007), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Place went belly up!!! So sad'} [('', 0.0), ('Place ', -0.004686659318394959), ('went ', 0.08807541530404706), ('belly ', 0.038766765319451224), ('up', 0.2010348458061344), ('!', 0.04006107579334639), ('!', 0.023008361938991584), ('! ', 0.004018740248284303), ('So ', -0.17955568997422233), ('sad', -0.4809857595828362), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'really really cold bibimbap.\\n\\nsuper-ketchupy super-weak-ass chili sauce.'} [('', -9.835847959038801e-05), ('really ', -0.022373977339157136), ('really ', -0.01134168829958071), ('cold ', -0.15973515711448272), ('bi', -0.029583791738332366), ('bi', -0.024373867667236482), ('mba', 0.008204670621125842), ('p', -0.013120059391440009), ('.', -0.010389266310085077), ('\\', -0.019548519409865895), ('n', -0.012688784886406557), ('\\', -0.015908117024948643), ('ns', -0.0349244013483431), ('up', -0.012154744326489024), ('er', -0.01559040673566328), ('-', -0.00644791477887858), ('ke', -0.008412688323915063), ('tch', -0.011719198949322163), ('up', -0.0029185838293415145), ('y ', -0.011652855807369633), ('super', -0.0021147577945157536), ('-', -0.0015276294589057215), ('weak', -0.03668316190032783), ('-', -0.0018981108632942778), ('ass ', -0.030712918183780857), ('chili ', -0.014120508954874822), ('sauce', -0.0128380924306839), ('.', -0.004627513802915928), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Lovely staff; great hair stylists. Love it!'} [('', 0.0), ('Lovely ', 0.12327372655272484), ('staff', 0.016591105610132217), ('; ', 0.017224915325641632), ('great ', 0.11464793886989355), ('hair ', -0.021621523424983025), ('st', 0.030902146943844855), ('yl', 0.045528427814133465), ('ists', 0.00325340055860579), ('. ', -0.016132229939103127), ('Love ', 0.2849429026246071), ('it', 0.03662969917058945), ('!', -0.0079374760389328), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'The crab cakes were to die for!'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.015155259519815445), ('crab ', -0.09843927528709173), ('cakes ', 0.002315065823495388), ('were ', -0.18562614195980132), ('to ', 0.32755230576731265), ('die ', -0.06494187389034778), ('for', 0.5899346527876332), ('!', 0.13255020417273045), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Excellent bread. Delicious menu. Genuine customer service. Love it!'} [('', 0.0), ('Excellent ', 0.1610033679753542), ('bread', -0.0006955098360776901), ('. ', -0.00807465985417366), ('Delicious ', 0.19058727426454425), ('menu', -0.02406328869983554), ('. ', -0.014008499681949615), ('Genuine ', 0.19696260429918766), ('customer ', -0.0019525196403265), ('service', -0.025964247062802315), ('. ', -0.019310640171170235), ('Love ', 0.13832573406398296), ('it', 0.02142898552119732), ('!', -0.004744928330183029), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great brunch food.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.6171448132954538), ('br', 0.26050319318892434), ('un', -0.26639874425018206), ('ch ', -0.21466493024490774), ('food', 0.31321264430880547), ('.', -0.019226204603910446), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Delicious frozen custard and great outdoor atmosphere! Two spoons up!'} [('', 0.0), ('Delicious ', 0.3784970208071172), ('frozen ', -0.03767225192859769), ('cu', -0.0397828824352473), ('star', 0.03960244753398001), ('d ', 0.02013598894700408), ('and ', 0.024711971171200275), ('great ', 0.22594951000064611), ('outdoor ', 0.14189468882977962), ('atmosphere', -0.0026992359198629856), ('! ', -0.02788559114560485), ('Two ', -0.11306797061115503), ('spoon', -0.16731447773054242), ('s ', 0.009980346541851759), ('up', 0.10007194429636002), ('!', 0.015185447409749031), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Awesome custard.'} [('', 0.0), ('Awesome ', 0.38733601570129395), ('cu', -0.011226741597056389), ('star', 0.15305222384631634), ('d', 0.17974205315113068), ('.', -0.04487469792366028), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great drinks. Great desserts. Okay food.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.12369084358215332), ('drinks', 0.04029102623462677), ('. ', 0.010763734579086304), ('Great ', 0.10460289381444454), ('dessert', 0.033224862068891525), ('s', 0.03697466291487217), ('. ', -0.000528138130903244), ('Okay ', 0.3538848776370287), ('food', 0.0252664927393198), ('.', -0.031246688216924667), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Perfectly okay pizza'} [('', 0.0), ('Perfectly ', 0.2387189269065857), ('okay ', 0.13493546843528748), ('pizza', 0.10321041941642761), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Nini always takes good care of me !'} [('', 0.0), ('Ni', 0.009027654305100441), ('ni ', -0.04495622776448727), ('always ', 0.11129740439355373), ('takes ', 0.05391412973403931), ('good ', 0.24094336852431297), ('care ', 0.04434357024729252), ('of ', 0.005784368142485619), ('me ', 0.2800948712974787), ('!', 0.012502014636993408), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Yum! Great fresh baked goods in the Fitchburg hood.'} [('', 0.0), ('Yu', 0.05034736171364784), ('m', -0.07103478536009789), ('! ', 0.08942829817533493), ('Great ', 0.3931123409420252), ('fresh ', 0.33466572500765324), ('baked ', 0.020982836605980992), ('goods ', -0.03241329756565392), ('in ', -0.0008406266570091248), ('the ', -0.0060498518869280815), ('Fitch', -0.024871197347238194), ('burg ', -0.0666553875853424), ('hood', -0.04973680782131851), ('.', -0.02766290307044983), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'They make smoothies. Can a smoothie ever be bad?'} [('', 0.0), ('They ', 0.07759688049554825), ('make ', 0.188860222697258), ('smooth', 0.5077526425011456), ('ies', -0.2627834868617356), ('. ', 0.13505138084292412), ('Can ', -0.07277988456189632), ('a ', -0.06331250257790089), ('smooth', 0.11546235741116107), ('ie ', -0.06300440640188754), ('ever ', 0.1789216640027007), ('be ', 0.21125880915496964), ('bad', -0.19528404989978299), ('?', -0.168357633985579), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Favorite store in Madison. Super cool finds!'} [('', 0.0), ('Favorite ', 0.3438872527331114), ('store ', -0.10377738194074482), ('in ', 0.026478408719412982), ('Madison', 0.04988371441140771), ('. ', 0.03039516508579254), ('Super ', 0.04669945500791073), ('cool ', 0.17276259697973728), ('finds', 0.14013825356960297), ('!', 0.006513193249702454), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Very good average hotel outside of the downtown area.'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.0007752925157546997), ('good ', 0.38879636861383915), ('average ', -0.03036501444876194), ('hotel ', 0.15762792900204659), ('outside ', -0.029378294944763184), ('of ', 0.027472401037812233), ('the ', 0.006074028089642525), ('downtown ', 0.15799948573112488), ('area', 0.021122736856341362), ('.', -0.0032736193388700485), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Alright'} [('', 0.0), ('Alright', 0.06634747982025146), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Average at best.'} [('', 0.0), ('Average ', 0.042840369045734406), ('at ', 0.05211334675550461), ('best', 0.4801952540874481), ('.', -0.014234066009521484), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Fighting Bob Fest 2011 was held here. Solid sports stadium.'} [('', 0.0), ('Fighting ', -0.13494271924719214), ('Bob ', -0.003528791246935725), ('Fest ', 0.0319892552215606), ('2011 ', 0.08481328946072608), ('was ', -0.016907340264879167), ('held ', 0.18324657646007836), ('here', 0.022580028045922518), ('. ', 0.02932318253442645), ('Solid ', 0.36350431852042675), ('sports ', 0.05234377272427082), ('stadium', 0.024366140365600586), ('.', -0.00986972451210022), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'One star'} [('', 0.0), ('One ', -0.40819753147661686), ('star', -0.2847843263298273), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'interesting. 99% all about dancing.'} [('', 0.0), ('interesting', 0.27995477616786957), ('. ', 0.09148551523685455), ('99', 0.20078540686517954), ('% ', -0.01120878104120493), ('all ', 0.09610221651382744), ('about ', 0.03597552585415542), ('dancing', 0.060426291078329086), ('.', -0.02432219684123993), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Great waxing!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.5503045246005058), ('wax', -0.30229231528937817), ('ing', 0.06124558113515377), ('!', 0.27727971971035004), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Extremely slow delivery and the food is mediocre.'} [('', 0.0), ('Extremely ', -0.05830270777732949), ('slow ', -0.07223388348756998), ('delivery ', -0.03558055507710378), ('and ', 0.07772170900716446), ('the ', 0.013014751663376956), ('food ', 0.0398702142433649), ('is ', 0.026650177837836964), ('med', -0.15286934665846275), ('io', -0.0059516632513805234), ('cre', -0.14869792232548207), ('.', -0.01722696455726691), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great sandwiches. Cool place.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.3418821422383189), ('sandwiches', -0.10697110276669264), ('. ', 0.11081700026988983), ('Cool ', 0.4077120437286794), ('place', -0.03578597819432616), ('.', -0.02653878554701805), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Love the food here. Great sandwiches!'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.23323014378547668), ('the ', 0.02136996202170849), ('food ', 0.057930465787649155), ('here', 0.01923774741590023), ('. ', 0.03315936028957367), ('Great ', 0.4018675843253732), ('sandwiches', -0.05747546348720789), ('!', 0.019959479570388794), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Yummy!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Yu', 0.20637447386980057), ('mmy', -0.04953920841217041), ('!', 0.15170938521623611), ('!', 0.2770317941904068), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Their spicy cheese pizza must be had!'} [('', 0.0), ('Their ', -0.03180607222020626), ('spicy ', 0.8637187080457807), ('cheese ', -0.0788804879412055), ('pizza ', 0.059499881230294704), ('must ', -0.11649637576192617), ('be ', -0.0635271635837853), ('had', -0.03812493709847331), ('!', 0.11833803355693817), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Bland, bland, bland. \\n\\nAnd greasy.'} [('', 0.0), ('Bland', -0.08401398096793855), (', ', -0.01701277433130599), ('bland', -0.04091055007575051), (', ', -0.008474438561279385), ('bland', -0.04338235142859048), ('. ', -0.008170991175575182), ('\\', -0.024456552351693972), ('n', -0.02478378403975512), ('\\', -0.02332345618015097), ('nAn', 0.0023418069449689938), ('d ', 0.008920122620111215), ('greasy', -0.09732234403236362), ('.', -0.029597389288028353), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good service and a decent latte.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.3288634791970253), ('service ', -0.012552261352539062), ('and ', 0.04932769387960434), ('a ', 0.04852467554155737), ('decent ', 0.3877279580337927), ('la', -0.01331510511226952), ('tte', -0.03387855109758675), ('.', -0.02551451325416565), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great dinner. Good service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.12000857293605804), ('dinner', 0.1149945855140686), ('. ', 0.11064891517162323), ('Good ', 0.3530075419694185), ('service', 0.019001701846718788), ('.', -0.02653193101286888), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Nice restaurant. Great food.'} [('', 0.0), ('Nice ', 0.1421656683087349), ('restaurant', 0.09277506917715073), ('. ', 0.11064493656158447), ('Great ', 0.21813438646495342), ('food', 0.1539491843432188), ('.', -0.026528295129537582), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "The McDonald's of Italian food. Need I say more?"} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.020786665612831712), ('McDonald', -0.12738854749477468), ("'", -0.048787674197228625), ('s ', 0.03461379173677415), ('of ', 0.010370333868195303), ('Italian ', 0.1466435116744833), ('food', 0.033004894881742075), ('. ', 0.019587690534535795), ('Need ', -0.22804929643461946), ('I ', 0.06731152605789248), ('say ', -0.04064950943575241), ('more', -0.05275386790162884), ('?', -0.17953077796846628), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Minimal bagel selection on a Sunday morning was disappointing.'} [('', 0.0), ('Minimal ', -0.13883399234327953), ('bag', -0.006846662019597716), ('el ', -0.027835736074848683), ('selection ', 0.0032944454469543416), ('on ', 0.025601197139621945), ('a ', -0.029018307475780603), ('Sunday ', 0.021078167847008444), ('morning ', -0.02662078988760186), ('was ', -0.022265942929152516), ('disappointing', -0.09535848540690495), ('.', -0.03669576731044799), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'I am enjoying the bread. Will be back.'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', 0.037098346278071404), ('am ', 0.06032775342464447), ('enjoying ', 0.4426534343510866), ('the ', -0.025945836445316672), ('bread', -0.18258352088741958), ('. ', 0.07448527636006474), ('Will ', 0.23946752399206161), ('be ', 0.04130885191261768), ('back', 0.00128263421356678), ('.', 0.008748982101678848), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'staff charge extra money watch out ..!!'} [('', 0.0), ('staff ', 0.06630275398492813), ('charge ', 0.0969763332977891), ('extra ', 0.2670927671715617), ('money ', -0.5676769433775917), ('watch ', 0.22800840984564275), ('out ', 0.13455448276363313), ('.', 0.06166374962776899), ('.', -0.08557428140193224), ('!', 0.11465883534401655), ('!', 0.20003660209476948), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Better out there. Heck better 1 block away.'} [('', 0.0), ('Better ', 0.045720903523033485), ('out ', 0.00661564213805832), ('there', 0.024508515547495335), ('. ', 0.21658175467746332), ('Heck ', -0.11399702605558559), ('better ', -0.09026041062315926), ('1 ', 0.0008786593680270016), ('block ', -0.15992659167386591), ('away', -0.18418174394173548), ('.', -0.042722206795588136), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best Pho in Madison!'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.3584354668855667), ('Ph', -0.09202964045107365), ('o ', 0.08270254172384739), ('in ', 0.06942151486873627), ('Madison', 0.097020223736763), ('!', 0.1753179132938385), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'The best goat curry and Kulfi!\\nyum yum yum'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.018098992528393865), ('best ', 0.8579229351016693), ('goat ', -0.022245458385441452), ('curry ', -0.031076113577000797), ('and ', -0.0006270084995776415), ('Ku', -0.021258503897115588), ('lf', -0.00909902318380773), ('i', 0.024867107393220067), ('!', -0.059950632974505424), ('\\', -0.029335097409784794), ('nyu', -0.03301268594805151), ('m ', -0.007483576308004558), ('yu', -0.0282338613178581), ('m ', -0.021165901562198997), ('yu', -0.06850861106067896), ('m', -0.019610010087490082), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'They had crayons for the kids'} [('', 0.0), ('They ', -0.060682916548103094), ('had ', -0.13630643067881465), ('cr', -0.4540831719641574), ('ayo', 0.31651834590593353), ('ns ', -0.1297074647154659), ('for ', 0.07583927921950817), ('the ', 0.07281333673745394), ('kids', 0.25093409325927496), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good but not as good as the Raymond Road location.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.42015671719673264), ('but ', -0.02312526925561542), ('not ', -0.5203904351146775), ('as ', -0.012371131242616684), ('good ', -0.02032667531602783), ('as ', -0.027706453251084895), ('the ', 0.007709416327998042), ('Raymond ', 0.1060866336338222), ('Road ', -0.07528363389428705), ('location', -0.12750896892976016), ('.', -0.02564979624003172), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Solid. Not fancy. Good, not great, food. Decent service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Solid', 0.14364679052960128), ('. ', -0.0002297082683071494), ('Not ', -0.21613913704641163), ('fancy', 0.004700488410890102), ('. ', -0.13661082764156163), ('Good', 0.1989258437151875), (', ', 0.04883733523274714), ('not ', -0.3193624625373559), ('great', 0.04779112387495843), (', ', 0.07484437067796534), ('food', -0.0052841854630969465), ('. ', 0.08327973278937861), ('Decent ', 0.6800695095444098), ('service', -0.0035770913818851113), ('.', -0.03514413395896554), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Had the Bayou burger, it was awesome!'} [('', 0.0), ('Had ', -0.04363922541961074), ('the ', -0.017863699584268034), ('Bayou ', -0.02469943033065647), ('burger', -0.09057403239421546), (', ', 0.097667814232409), ('it ', -0.03233783063478768), ('was ', 0.0067057127598673105), ('awesome', 0.8307585483416915), ('!', -0.013093287125229836), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'the bread...the bread...the bread. \\n\\neat it and be happy.'} [('', 1.975521445274353e-05), ('the ', 0.016204731538891792), ('bread', -0.004387861117720604), ('.', 0.05716510862112045), ('.', 0.004712909832596779), ('.', 0.019534290209412573), ('the ', -0.0020459248684346677), ('bread', -0.088839350361377), ('.', -0.006470746919512748), ('.', 0.0005011174827814103), ('.', 0.017667881026864053), ('the ', -0.001431785011664033), ('bread', -0.07130085485987366), ('. ', -0.02532732132822275), ('\\', -0.002210481837391853), ('n', -0.05296232346445322), ('\\', -0.005481823161244392), ('neat ', 0.17650048080831765), ('it ', 0.06629064418375492), ('and ', 0.0331945801153779), ('be ', 0.018294885056093335), ('happy', 0.37529356800951064), ('.', -0.02217525476589799), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Lots of food and grease. Enuff said.'} [('', 0.0), ('Lots ', 0.1862535320688039), ('of ', 0.00883142719976604), ('food ', 0.3556608771905303), ('and ', 0.08727642055600882), ('grease', -0.451697793090716), ('. ', -0.04262578650377691), ('En', 0.40381139155942947), ('uf', -0.0906591109232977), ('f ', -0.15513785649091005), ('said', 0.42854974418878555), ('.', -0.11248043179512024), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Drive through... check.\\nItalian sausage... check.\\ndipped... double check.'} [('', -0.0002676152580534108), ('Drive ', -0.07499425131391035), ('through', -0.023692368660704233), ('.', -0.0011499937681946903), ('.', -0.0045226928559714), ('. ', -0.0035563361379900016), ('check', -0.04682312563090818), ('.', -0.005506384251930285), ('\\', -0.01594336179550737), ('nI', -0.01626268558902666), ('tal', -0.0041878373012878), ('ian ', -0.003859868666040711), ('sausage', -0.04488107880024472), ('.', -0.014246260754589457), ('.', -0.009636681723350193), ('. ', -0.007442895519488957), ('check', -0.035561042714107316), ('.', -0.011472429141576868), ('\\', -0.016752200754126534), ('n', -0.01414481069756827), ('di', -0.019291561703236464), ('pped', -0.019499323034930665), ('.', -0.010553228799835779), ('.', -0.007613221285282634), ('. ', -0.010140030106413178), ('double ', -0.02193835192883853), ('check', -0.061590821962454356), ('.', -0.011949795050895773), ('', -5.795540346298367e-05)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'My favorite bar. I moved away and it closed.\\nSad'} [('', 0.0), ('My ', 0.025403141975402832), ('favorite ', 0.4732477916404605), ('bar', -0.23589257430285215), ('. ', 0.19718337059020996), ('I ', 0.030887617693224456), ('moved ', 0.14964015424629906), ('away ', -0.07676040614023805), ('and ', 0.2499519787961617), ('it ', -0.016623819654341787), ('closed', -0.022024048084858805), ('.', 0.08715666341595352), ('\\', 0.1125874170102179), ('nSa', -0.584888597484678), ('d', 0.0017473269253969193), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "So-so pizza. There's definitely better pies in town."} [('', 0.0), ('So', -0.10523072397336364), ('-', -0.015506260795518756), ('so ', -0.058372348081320524), ('pizza', -0.01222146232612431), ('. ', 0.2892317334190011), ('There', -0.19784819125197828), ("'", 0.11582929431460798), ('s ', 0.2771588643081486), ('definitely ', 0.6195871069066925), ('better ', -0.16753949066333007), ('pie', -0.3388488201890141), ('s ', 0.0008488127496093512), ('in ', 0.06238879566080868), ('town', 0.04794893250800669), ('.', -0.02820452069863677), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'A small coffee is now $2.50 \\n\\n\\n\\nLol.'} [('', 0.0), ('A ', 0.007283276005182415), ('small ', -0.04500247977557592), ('coffee ', -0.04624087511911057), ('is ', -0.005073125066701323), ('now ', -0.06163049419410527), ('$', -0.07223675733257551), ('2', -0.007644399054697715), ('.', -0.01658974529709667), ('50 ', -0.016677326115313917), ('\\', -0.02716175641398877), ('n', -0.028845714492490515), ('\\', -0.020676990010542795), ('n', -0.016778970166342333), ('\\', -0.017612489697057754), ('n', -0.014908986806403846), ('\\', -0.017638584977248684), ('nL', -0.030530304182320833), ('ol', -0.021277263847878203), ('.', -0.01570671980152838), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'i make better sandwiches'} [('', 0.0), ('i ', 0.37491638702340424), ('make ', 0.14671122783329338), ('better ', -0.39082219323609024), ('sandwiches', -0.49714551493525505), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'They have the best cream br\\u00fbl\\u00e9e ever.'} [('', 0.0), ('They ', 0.025659393053501844), ('have ', -0.02457384206354618), ('the ', 0.02915197890251875), ('best ', 0.7188788207713515), ('cream ', 0.07950475683901459), ('br', -0.028721352544380352), ('\\', -0.014843635930446908), ('u', -0.04278804472414777), ('00', -0.021193710962376957), ('fb', -0.025175584239020412), ('l', -0.005489257679853056), ('\\', -0.011442708599913334), ('u', -0.030466288378063058), ('00', -0.02878624392074666), ('e', -0.014005836032863175), ('9', -0.02877822337904945), ('e ', -0.022004616737831384), ('ever', -0.018820502678863704), ('.', -0.0184149497654289), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'god awful service'} [('', 0.0), ('god ', -0.21173493703827262), ('awful ', -0.6129758585884701), ('service', 0.328950757131679), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Very expensive and the doctor gave me the creeps.'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.00898224487900734), ('expensive ', -0.19379210006445646), ('and ', 0.18766521086217836), ('the ', -0.1504552620172035), ('doctor ', -0.11937085303361528), ('gave ', 0.12721026680083014), ('me ', 0.0500645236170385), ('the ', 0.07989802752854303), ('creep', -0.2371023929445073), ('s', -0.08927424077410251), ('.', 0.03294728649780154), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Just horrible'} [('', 0.0), ('Just ', 0.1278649265950662), ('horrible', -0.8543904464968364), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'All the flights are delayed aaaaaaaaaa'} [('', 0.0), ('All ', 0.001496078199124895), ('the ', 0.008058567524130922), ('flights ', 0.029602765971503686), ('are ', -0.04346641317533795), ('delayed ', -0.15380837007251102), ('aaa', -0.021891689728363417), ('aa', -0.05019177256326657), ('aa', -0.037217735007288866), ('aa', -0.052183950392645784), ('a', 0.018166320020100102), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Fly another airline. Best advise I can give!'} [('', 0.0), ('Fly ', 0.11331015173345804), ('another ', -0.22629606910049915), ('airline', -0.12864710297435522), ('. ', -0.1803598329424858), ('Best ', 0.24257611657958478), ('advise ', -0.44701511960010976), ('I ', -0.16990156448446214), ('can ', 0.1494503280846402), ('give', 0.39894827629905194), ('!', 0.11084097437560558), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'One of the nicest airlines to stand-by passengers!'} [('', 0.0), ('One ', -0.04938400164246559), ('of ', 0.06434214860200882), ('the ', 0.03293544426560402), ('nice', 0.34648436307907104), ('st ', -0.07574519515037537), ('airlines ', 0.045406329445540905), ('to ', 0.08071499038487673), ('stand', -0.06483202544040978), ('-', 0.09665553853847086), ('by ', -0.022405192721635103), ('passengers', 0.014632664155215025), ('!', 0.15842590853571892), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Nice hotel. Went to it for a convention. Clean inside.'} [('', 0.0), ('Nice ', 0.16847662068903446), ('hotel', 0.039527783170342445), ('. ', 0.016190465539693832), ('Went ', 0.05855360347777605), ('to ', 0.027894028462469578), ('it ', 0.025741084944456816), ('for ', -0.02356211608275771), ('a ', 0.007646144367754459), ('convention', -0.025174668058753014), ('. ', 0.01846798975020647), ('Clean ', 0.1216927208006382), ('inside', 0.2122117467224598), ('.', -0.0384613499045372), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'A surprisingly classy and well-stocked collection. Props!'} [('', 0.0), ('A ', 0.07769494561944157), ('surprisingly ', 0.0763425367185846), ('class', 0.18283999827690423), ('y ', 0.06083575449883938), ('and ', -0.00039146607741713524), ('well', 0.27015559538267553), ('-', -0.008181525859981775), ('stocked ', 0.017794415121898055), ('collection', 0.12878473801538348), ('. ', -0.010429741349071264), ('Props', -0.1138619901612401), ('!', -0.05432349909096956), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'They will make up stuff to have the story first.....SLANDER!!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('They ', -0.05132217213395052), ('will ', 0.1804311839150614), ('make ', 0.2954822076790151), ('up ', 0.19600868824636564), ('stuff ', -0.06391760119004175), ('to ', 0.028359142525005154), ('have ', -0.03017833897320088), ('the ', -0.07876155934354756), ('story ', -0.0030747151613468304), ('first', 0.15372057966305874), ('.', 0.10571139300009236), ('.', 0.03137997447629459), ('.', 0.021107342065079138), ('.', 0.001302140299230814), ('.', -0.01261327532120049), ('SL', -0.30996706636506133), ('ANDER', -0.07699575432343408), ('!', -0.08137011955841444), ('!', 0.10557263367809355), ('!', 0.07723772595636547), ('!', -0.014148314017802477), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "Staff isn't friendly, place is a maze!"} [('', 0.0), ('Staff ', 0.008239354923716746), ('isn', -0.33294265599943174), ("'", -0.02262741847698635), ('t ', -0.35667107949848287), ('friendly', 0.19498383318568813), (', ', 0.08110959873738466), ('place ', -0.04296971559233498), ('is ', -0.0019455578658380546), ('a ', 0.18699582092449418), ('maze', -0.14536130754640908), ('!', 0.09797466720920056), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Has needs - trash cans - benches - amphitheatre'} [('', 0.0), ('Has ', -0.0016444944776594639), ('needs ', -0.11307411550660618), ('- ', -0.0048748864501249045), ('trash ', -0.08435820722661447), ('cans ', -0.052216300697182305), ('- ', 0.006741205172147602), ('benches ', -0.0905022211954929), ('- ', 0.011947386316023767), ('amp', 0.02713699743617326), ('hit', -0.02616134623531252), ('hea', -0.07602310564834625), ('tre', 0.047461409703828394), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Excellent place to unwind in hectic downtown!'} [('', 0.0), ('Excellent ', 0.3698443863540888), ('place ', 0.003975811414420605), ('to ', 0.021931624971330166), ('un', -0.16117122350260615), ('wind ', 0.10871470207348466), ('in ', 0.027228151448071003), ('he', 0.03135215234942734), ('ctic ', -3.009405918419361e-05), ('downtown', 0.28153256699442863), ('!', 0.013434968888759613), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "Lo-Lo's never disappoints!"} [('', 0.0), ('Lo', -0.06450753274839371), ('-', -0.007596181589178741), ('Lo', 0.008541377610526979), ("'", 0.02899311884539202), ('s ', 0.030976031150203198), ('never ', 0.315399453160353), ('di', 0.4235321840387769), ('sa', -0.02593729572254233), ('pp', -0.016970632023003418), ('oint', -0.03203381878120126), ('s', -0.02613131755788345), ('!', -0.00702726177405566), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'so good, food is great!!'} [('', 0.0), ('so ', -0.03274578624404967), ('good', 0.31934756063856184), (', ', 0.05823170393705368), ('food ', 0.12788376724347472), ('is ', 0.011968343053013086), ('great', 0.19061081483960152), ('!', 0.014378659427165985), ('!', 0.039603620767593384), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Very soulful place to go to.'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', -0.006093375384807587), ('soul', 0.6655214731581509), ('ful ', -0.2487216372974217), ('place ', -0.015000776387751102), ('to ', 0.07302332017570734), ('go ', 0.20790588669478893), ('to', 0.08461587317287922), ('.', -0.03201451897621155), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "If it's Friday, it's time for LoLo's"} [('', 0.0), ('If ', -0.42605659167747945), ('it', -0.021268663738737814), ("'", -0.025546895209117793), ('s ', -0.004555131046799943), ('Friday', 0.1553027430200018), (', ', 0.040028186223935336), ('it', 0.02446041104849428), ("'", 0.04535260226111859), ('s ', -0.0222000686917454), ('time ', -0.2584198825061321), ('for ', 0.07452540285885334), ('Lo', -0.018293989240191877), ('Lo', -0.03500907064881176), ("'", 0.011153548839502037), ('s', 0.050191477756015956), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'The breakfast was delicious.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.20415017008781433), ('breakfast ', 0.10007251985371113), ('was ', -0.11967580951750278), ('delicious', 0.5243667438626289), ('.', -0.04487857222557068), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "Great men's salon! I love the haircut!"} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.27000801265239716), ('men', 0.03308616345748305), ("'", 1.3735610991716385e-05), ('s ', 0.03321865759789944), ('salon', 0.010442888364195824), ('! ', -0.032815029844641685), ('I ', 0.012196009454783052), ('love ', 0.40688030066667125), ('the ', -0.016743596992455423), ('hair', -0.04095645382767543), ('cut', -0.043474885111209005), ('!', -0.004570530145429075), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Poor gym with poor lack of customer service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Poor ', -0.18730493651310098), ('gym ', 0.017442326678065), ('with ', 0.0268736653142696), ('poor ', -0.057281138003418164), ('lack ', -0.05374893426869676), ('of ', 0.0009329155946034007), ('customer ', 0.009918394847773015), ('service', -0.014559710667526815), ('.', -0.028935410067788325), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Terrible service and average food. Enough said'} [('', 0.0), ('Terrible ', -0.5880473664001329), ('service ', 0.014441901774262078), ('and ', 0.2343375398486387), ('average ', -0.0068907316963304766), ('food', 0.03840374340506969), ('. ', -0.032178396635572426), ('Enough ', -0.07030590792419389), ('said', 0.14145573793211952), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Very friendly staff and great food!'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.02899535745382309), ('friendly ', 0.2743714414536953), ('staff ', 0.0582926981151104), ('and ', 0.05235777050256729), ('great ', 0.13284957222640514), ('food', 0.10427024774253368), ('!', 0.07230761274695396), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Does being in the ghetto make you extra divey?'} [('', 0.0), ('Does ', -0.0470501109957695), ('being ', -0.09689492965117097), ('in ', 0.04803056502714753), ('the ', 0.010371357726398855), ('ghetto ', -0.16212361661018804), ('make ', 0.18418808905698825), ('you ', 0.28302752507443074), ('extra ', 0.0943334489420522), ('dive', -0.07964766572695225), ('y', -0.002156905480660498), ('?', -0.4796346896328032), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'best place ever my home away from home'} [('', 0.0), ('best ', 0.19850361347198486), ('place ', 0.11471373587846756), ('ever ', 0.058154575526714325), ('my ', 0.1293246583081782), ('home ', 0.20137820625677705), ('away ', -0.04766978835687041), ('from ', -0.08631117967888713), ('home', 0.16113968193531036), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Its ok for in a ghetto'} [('', 0.0), ('Its ', -0.02424562885425985), ('ok ', 0.7658819885691628), ('for ', 0.09431600093375891), ('in ', 0.014687227201648057), ('a ', 0.10638316965196282), ('ghetto', -0.2690112900454551), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Not really loving the new changes going on...'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', -0.6918293118869769), ('really ', 0.04194898132027447), ('loving ', 0.24074209750051523), ('the ', 0.0525451952230469), ('new ', 0.10192334198427488), ('changes ', 0.07938011626379193), ('going ', -0.1027756258856698), ('on', 0.07985247907345183), ('.', -0.015688549048718414), ('.', -0.048980693631165195), ('.', -0.07064984944008756), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great red chile burros, tasty beans and super cheap.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.3051982647739351), ('red ', -0.1318738218396902), ('chile ', -0.16822954872623086), ('burr', -0.19352868403075263), ('os', -0.1401505142566748), (', ', 0.23951378092169762), ('ta', 0.3354668827014393), ('sty ', 0.304095306993986), ('beans ', -0.20734820002689958), ('and ', 0.018149626906961203), ('super ', 0.11287778984842589), ('cheap', -0.4752901036044932), ('.', -0.1757431238074787), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'They have added BBQ sauce.'} [('', 0.0), ('They ', 0.012663125060498714), ('have ', 0.25069631868973374), ('added ', 0.5457246680743992), ('BB', -0.09195951162837446), ('Q ', 0.004188216058537364), ('sauce', -0.024632259272038937), ('.', -0.0161750428378582), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Very good food!!!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.09587421640753746), ('good ', 0.18300607986748219), ('food', 0.09653194434940815), ('!', 0.15605749189853668), ('!', 0.10554401017725468), ('!', 0.02765248902142048), ('!', -0.026851344853639603), ('!', 0.09147094935178757), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'adorable.'} [('', 0.0), ('adorable', 0.17096668481826782), ('.', 0.10217869281768799), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good food big portions reasonably priced.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.18564681708812714), ('food ', 0.17441891133785248), ('big ', 0.006987899541854858), ('portions ', -8.25338065624237e-05), ('reasonably ', 0.24558532238006592), ('priced', 0.1370832957327366), ('.', -0.02623983472585678), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great Mexican food and is usually serviced fast.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.4085294962860644), ('Mexican ', 0.19135904172435403), ('food ', 0.13314820267260075), ('and ', 0.0922336196526885), ('is ', 0.0006812699139118195), ('usually ', -0.03722384385764599), ('serviced ', -0.20849060360342264), ('fast', 0.15696824062615633), ('.', -0.026601679623126984), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Amazing food!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Amazing ', 0.08294523879885674), ('food', 0.07703190669417381), ('!', 0.14944828301668167), ('!', 0.277168944478035), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Thank you for the great cocktail.'} [('', 0.0), ('Thank ', 0.18130247294902802), ('you ', 0.15970923379063606), ('for ', 0.02110924944281578), ('the ', 0.03114713542163372), ('great ', 0.26875519193708897), ('cocktail', 0.0862959772348404), ('.', -0.024914614856243134), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'great music, reasonable cover and strong drinks!'} [('', 0.0), ('great ', 0.21522589400410652), ('music', 0.10157496109604836), (', ', 0.04010867327451706), ('reasonable ', 0.1729930741712451), ('cover ', -0.02523095067590475), ('and ', 0.022187579423189163), ('strong ', 0.14169231429696083), ('drinks', 0.055608537048101425), ('!', -0.011153556406497955), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Carne Asada fries were disappointing.'} [('', 0.0), ('Car', -0.0011505303664307576), ('ne ', -0.058611726370145334), ('Asa', 0.12091868522475124), ('da ', 0.11195919319652603), ('fries ', -0.03165911563883128), ('were ', -0.006290255982094095), ('disappointing', -0.38380978622080875), ('.', -0.021538755674555432), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'sorry i missed 4th of July here!'} [('', 0.0), ('sorry ', -0.3173108516057255), ('i ', 0.01034593884833157), ('missed ', -0.3228588069177931), ('4th ', 0.006023235277098138), ('of ', 0.06259094575216295), ('July ', 0.06977675460075261), ('here', 0.05124371191050159), ('!', 0.17149607054307126), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'This place is bogus. No delivery on orders.'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', 0.010135977128811646), ('place ', 0.04003889107025316), ('is ', 0.03706900480483455), ('bog', -0.3106235128534536), ('us', 0.029919101491941547), ('. ', 0.02650300582899945), ('No ', -0.06713095756640541), ('delivery ', -0.03213743746164255), ('on ', -0.005104737966576067), ('orders', -0.02696502209164464), ('.', -0.035338427165697794), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Better place for sure for customer service'} [('', 0.0), ('Better ', 0.07081635296344757), ('place ', 0.16710738465189934), ('for ', 0.004597160965204239), ('sure ', 0.30783673748373985), ('for ', -0.019743677228689194), ('customer ', 0.1863874476402998), ('service', -0.11675026826560497), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great healthy breakfast!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.15475434809923172), ('healthy ', 0.09716838970780373), ('breakfast', 0.05748355761170387), ('!', 0.27717365324497223), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'one of our favorite old style ice cream parlors'} [('', 0.0), ('one ', -0.05651970952749252), ('of ', 0.05782610550522804), ('our ', 0.15807219222187996), ('favorite ', 0.42769935890100896), ('old ', -0.09602180100046098), ('style ', 0.2620691009797156), ('ice ', -0.004787840880453587), ('cream ', -0.010297610890120268), ('parlor', -0.08942405134439468), ('s', 0.04674706235527992), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'The best ice cream ever'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.07637845724821091), ('best ', 0.2754209004342556), ('ice ', -0.014366302639245987), ('cream ', 0.016565829515457153), ('ever', 0.31002651154994965), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Its a McDonalds...'} [('', 0.0), ('Its ', 0.10684763360768557), ('a ', 0.42635916266590357), ('McDonald', -0.07872497814241797), ('s', -0.08335764741059393), ('.', 0.10168789699673653), ('.', 0.003926042467355728), ('.', -0.20725573599338531), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Crooked haircut. Had to go elsewhere to have fixed'} [('', 0.0), ('Crooked ', -0.08050891196944576), ('hair', -0.009652098698097689), ('cut', -0.05330945366858941), ('. ', -0.017033722400810802), ('Had ', -0.025551453230036714), ('to ', -0.022050521384699096), ('go ', 0.0030673379596919403), ('elsewhere ', -0.05653511605760286), ('to ', -0.009158663947346213), ('have ', -0.0033498151251478703), ('fixed', -0.059493742150152684), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'good bye chez nous..it was great while it lasted!!'} [('', 0.0), ('good ', 0.30422877985984087), ('bye ', -0.011881175450980663), ('che', -0.04853953362908214), ('z ', 0.03854296694044024), ('no', -0.15995440416736528), ('us', 0.04298460896825418), ('.', -0.022869189269840717), ('.', -0.05216273106634617), ('it ', -0.017914885305799544), ('was ', -0.014853860368020833), ('great ', 0.5143795807380229), ('while ', -0.06286640139296651), ('it ', -0.021180470765102655), ('lasted', -0.049874692980665714), ('!', 0.07195726328063756), ('!', 0.041486166417598724), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "Pretty good. Probably won't return though."} [('', 0.0), ('Pretty ', 0.13347750177490525), ('good', 0.5392379778495524), ('. ', 0.173364712507464), ('Probably ', -0.0389906219788827), ('won', 0.15499761347018648), ("'", -0.05530001668375917), ('t ', -0.1539781754690921), ('return ', -0.017553532525198534), ('though', -0.013168403907911852), ('.', -0.02652510959887877), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Best salsa in Phoenix...I never never found another that compares!'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.3988706059753895), ('salsa ', 0.16846009623259306), ('in ', 0.03215986397117376), ('Phoenix', 0.08351376093924046), ('.', -0.07337496429681778), ('.', 0.0247719194740057), ('.', -0.03015727363526821), ('I ', 0.021138963231351227), ('never ', -0.09973600512603298), ('never ', -0.06061470531858504), ('found ', -0.0846229043090716), ('another ', -0.09837616188451648), ('that ', 0.12222759169526398), ('compares', 0.15757902362383902), ('!', 0.005337097682058811), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'This restaurant is no longer a Buffet.'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', 0.02702454905374907), ('restaurant ', 0.2707287529556197), ('is ', 0.00021570620447164401), ('no ', -0.3120055089057132), ('longer ', -0.3123933771676093), ('a ', 0.1074603806991945), ('Buffet', -0.02077581013145391), ('.', -0.030115786663373), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Thai Rama restaurant has good pad thai!'} [('', 0.0), ('Thai ', 0.05151654779911041), ('Rama ', 0.0942339226603508), ('restaurant ', 0.049774788320064545), ('has ', 0.08176129683852196), ('good ', 0.34888484701514244), ('pad ', -0.04081662744283676), ('thai', 0.0653277188539505), ('!', 0.07848550379276276), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': "It's easy to get lost in this place."} [('', 0.0), ('It', -0.12223896232899278), ("'", 0.049296663724817336), ('s ', 0.016607085010036826), ('easy ', 0.1501111779070925), ('to ', 0.2809767551079858), ('get ', -0.09792554096202366), ('lost ', -0.4397886949882377), ('in ', 0.19882179953856394), ('this ', 0.3537376699387096), ('place', 0.14485662744846195), ('.', -0.10469919070601463), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'nice looking Hospital'} [('', 0.0), ('nice ', 0.734260642202571), ('looking ', 0.0643235327443108), ('Hospital', -0.32235295756254345), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Awesome staff. Great hosptial.'} [('', 0.0), ('Awesome ', 0.23289121687412262), ('staff', 0.04512716829776764), ('. ', 0.09355852007865906), ('Great ', 0.4233686923980713), ('ho', 0.007437657681293786), ('sp', -0.008381119114346802), ('tial', -0.039860283955931664), ('.', -0.024868056178092957), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'I had the vegetarian taco and it was amazing!'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', -0.007820178754627705), ('had ', -0.004981636302545667), ('the ', 0.06013857084326446), ('vegetarian ', -0.11216145986691117), ('ta', 0.11982692452147603), ('co ', 0.08043168066069484), ('and ', 0.1328234188258648), ('it ', -0.04680264089256525), ('was ', 0.014615500345826149), ('amazing', 0.4217239608988166), ('!', 0.008253015577793121), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Oh just delicious, no honeys though, 0 bees'} [('', 0.0), ('Oh ', -0.029498022107873112), ('just ', -0.045351936045335606), ('delicious', 0.8995269385341089), (', ', 0.005884029786102474), ('no ', -0.13638589772745036), ('honey', 0.0033973362005781382), ('s ', 0.04736236989265308), ('though', -0.010405637309304439), (', ', -0.00696361118752975), ('0 ', -0.030842128151562065), ('bees', -0.031075815961230546), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "Culinary perfection! That's all I have to say..."} [('', 0.0), ('Culinary ', 0.2772116740234196), ('perfection', 0.4505573739297688), ('! ', 0.04235027823597193), ('That', -0.011040926285204478), ("'", -0.006194471774506383), ('s ', 0.03816017438657582), ('all ', -0.06530187686439604), ('I ', -0.00888405239675194), ('have ', -0.04174499563911619), ('to ', 0.010252235389392203), ('say', 0.017700345333044726), ('.', 0.009922710480168462), ('.', -0.05712014716118574), ('.', -0.0723257064819336), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Jumbo shrimp are bigger than red lobster'} [('', 0.0), ('Ju', -0.031102245207875967), ('mbo ', -0.06014867080375552), ('shrimp ', -0.05244053853675723), ('are ', 0.08054543938487768), ('bigger ', 0.5905549263115972), ('than ', 0.2050755040254444), ('red ', -0.05083501897752285), ('lobster', 0.010624459013342857), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "Meh. That's about all I will write."} [('', 0.0), ('Me', -0.17989136977121234), ('h', 0.07771888049319386), ('. ', -0.2636460168287158), ('That', -0.06980087514966726), ("'", 0.03908678190782666), ('s ', 0.10940518882125616), ('about ', 0.228038685338106), ('all ', -0.2792908301926218), ('I ', -0.12177600734867156), ('will ', 0.3484922209754586), ('write', -0.07477504969574511), ('.', -0.14301282307133079), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Decent vietnamese near downtown.'} [('', 0.0), ('Decent ', 0.47061075270175934), ('vietnamese ', -0.008923550136387348), ('near ', -0.056117658503353596), ('downtown', 0.30255536176264286), ('.', -0.044769287109375), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Pretty good pho'} [('', 0.0), ('Pretty ', 0.19479288905858994), ('good ', 0.21806588023900986), ('ph', -0.09355203807353973), ('o', 0.2672649919986725), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'so cheap and so good...best in phoenix!'} [('', 0.0), ('so ', -0.07760186236555455), ('cheap ', -0.28801216715510236), ('and ', 0.0266271744039841), ('so ', 0.009243829124898184), ('good', 0.5810213773147552), ('.', 0.058900390489725396), ('.', -0.018615886569023132), ('.', -0.022938229143619537), ('best ', 0.2913127397187054), ('in ', 0.024228088092058897), ('phoenix', 0.030167069286108017), ('!', 0.012888196855783463), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'That Viet coffee though.'} [('', 0.0), ('That ', 0.2252944177016616), ('Viet ', -0.5080309765180573), ('coffee ', 0.005415627616457641), ('though', 0.046818085480481386), ('.', -0.05903383530676365), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Horrible place Will never go back there again'} [('', 0.0), ('Horrible ', -0.3964901577855926), ('place ', -0.00973523581342306), ('Will ', 0.10695976008719299), ('never ', -0.14749338552792324), ('go ', 0.20280398184695514), ('back ', 0.006978648365475237), ('there ', 0.0007289509667316452), ('again', -0.03210535543621518), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "They never answered their phone.\\nMaybe they're out of business?"} [('', 0.0), ('They ', -0.019687112737301504), ('never ', -0.1076390877187805), ('answered ', 0.0023657337096665287), ('their ', -0.03179881476899027), ('phone', -0.06042658121441491), ('.', -0.013093004872644087), ('\\', -0.036443604603846325), ('nM', -0.03131406827833416), ('ay', -0.012310489296396554), ('be ', -0.0261504199643241), ('they', -0.01353797444699012), ("'", -0.00613024299400422), ('re ', -0.02086590453836834), ('out ', -0.022689721297865617), ('of ', -0.006253617421862145), ('business', 0.0005908344692215906), ('?', -0.05580297438245907), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Why does anyone go there? Horrible customer service'} [('', 0.0), ('Why ', -0.06313354885423905), ('does ', 0.00610920551844174), ('anyone ', -0.06693245916176238), ('go ', 0.074310780635642), ('there', 0.019296740463687456), ('? ', -0.108432959910715), ('Horrible ', -0.12408571319974726), ('customer ', 0.023769280494889244), ('service', -0.04751841711549787), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good food for value.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.35482561588287354), ('food ', 0.14519578590989113), ('for ', 0.038102131336927414), ('value', 0.17077626287937164), ('.', -0.044874876737594604), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Best chicken fried chicken and gravy anywhere!'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.7519503431394696), ('chicken ', -0.01871400501113385), ('fried ', -0.04864088271278888), ('chicken ', -0.08344450499862432), ('and ', 0.20926456712186337), ('gr', -0.11663164524361491), ('av', -0.04499330231919885), ('y ', 0.045272478833794594), ('anywhere', -0.0353060900233686), ('!', 0.03717262810096145), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'this place is falling apart...outdated'} [('', 0.0), ('this ', 0.03796863800380379), ('place ', 0.05547359363117721), ('is ', 0.04211823802324943), ('falling ', -0.29411629269270634), ('apart', -0.007442767122483929), ('.', 0.023166044884419534), ('.', -0.010599665363770328), ('.', -0.026520525383602944), ('outdated', -0.10672925398830557), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'First, the service was amazing!\\nSecond, the burger was amazing!\\nGo.'} [('', 0.0), ('First', -0.0073907338082790375), (', ', -0.016792308539152145), ('the ', -0.015373897505924106), ('service ', -0.0432955042924732), ('was ', -0.022677873785141855), ('amazing', 0.41603858215967193), ('!', -0.05460691265761852), ('\\', -0.014226996386423708), ('nS', -0.024280890810769052), ('ec', -0.00026886198902502655), ('ond', -0.01774277100339532), (', ', -0.01591732194647193), ('the ', -0.003545661660609767), ('burger ', -0.02023576680221595), ('was ', -0.011614438888500445), ('amazing', 0.4553878292645095), ('!', -0.01321794860996306), ('\\', -0.04230614968885978), ('nGo', -0.018769910869499046), ('.', -0.01753070515890916), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great Service, Great Hair Cut, Great Prices!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.3642589394003153), ('Service', -0.02530744858086109), (', ', 0.009649701416492462), ('Great ', 0.19411832769401371), ('Hair ', 0.04464360396377742), ('Cut', -0.08004575222730637), (', ', 0.019938834011554718), ('Great ', 0.17690941016189754), ('Prices', -0.06038763071410358), ('!', 0.053087275475263596), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Joe is an arrogant prick.'} [('', 0.0), ('Joe ', 0.12035297026159242), ('is ', 0.011635653034318238), ('an ', 0.21096132032107562), ('arrogant ', -0.32172257799538784), ('prick', -0.3004700161109213), ('.', -0.027160388068296015), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Giddy up. Food was actually ok. Service not so much.'} [('', 0.0), ('Gi', 0.20552102326473687), ('ddy ', -0.005739967222325504), ('up', 0.07084019351896131), ('. ', 0.0974862643997767), ('Food ', 0.034940935771373915), ('was ', 0.04905278885962616), ('actually ', 0.07157418188944575), ('ok', 0.18653767000796506), ('. ', 0.06062598454445833), ('Service ', -0.03808938765723724), ('not ', -0.09175932931248099), ('so ', -0.012552244275866542), ('much', -0.03952223392116139), ('.', -0.0455752266861964), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Hi'} [('', 0.0), ('Hi', 0.06509637832641602), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'A very good place to go for dimsum.'} [('', 0.0), ('A ', 0.08640065300278366), ('very ', 0.053919616155326366), ('good ', 0.7035738823469728), ('place ', -0.02024230886308942), ('to ', 0.042260672911652364), ('go ', 0.09587608548463322), ('for ', 0.0034064238134305924), ('dim', -0.19675439584534615), ('sum', -0.04318245395552367), ('.', -0.028500798856839538), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'The crab soup is to die for !'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.001618286594748497), ('crab ', -0.07021984178572893), ('soup ', -0.06677371729165316), ('is ', -0.04463762789964676), ('to ', 0.2403566688299179), ('die ', -0.10877735060057603), ('for ', 0.48026774343452416), ('!', 0.22471533343195915), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Cool store!'} [('', 0.0), ('Cool ', 0.3956705294549465), ('store', -0.15439658984541893), ('!', 0.2354944944381714), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Nice people and great local business!'} [('', 0.0), ('Nice ', 0.26661401614546776), ('people ', 0.03683562949299812), ('and ', 0.05827026069164276), ('great ', 0.19182117842137814), ('local ', 0.09850024618208408), ('business', 0.04440481960773468), ('!', 0.026992470026016235), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good pizza, so so wings good pasta.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.3492343733087182), ('pizza', -0.03256762865930796), (', ', 0.040056727826595306), ('so ', -0.021990297129377723), ('so ', -0.019316764315590262), ('wings ', 0.17957931815180928), ('good ', 0.2415374299744144), ('pasta', 0.0053204691503196955), ('.', -0.028950516134500504), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'slow, slow, slow!'} [('', 0.0), ('slow', -0.2689927177852951), (', ', 0.11673992621945217), ('slow', -0.1182214600557927), (', ', 0.04313367421855219), ('slow', -0.1230474105977919), ('!', 0.04418314024223946), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'The service here is awesome.\\nCool little hardware store.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.023150530527345836), ('service ', -0.03455537249101326), ('here ', -0.019919513550121337), ('is ', 0.01476991212257417), ('awesome', 0.8701727634397685), ('.', -0.0065240377734880894), ('\\', -0.025865944917313755), ('nC', -0.01673143933294341), ('ool ', -0.045642475539352745), ('little ', -0.021375914744567126), ('hardware ', -0.02363590430468321), ('store', -0.03881729597924277), ('.', -0.019797175307758152), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'CLOSED!!! Drat!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('CLOSED', 0.049511519027873874), ('!', 0.316886541666463), ('!', 0.07036620023427531), ('! ', 0.044335317943478), ('Dr', -0.43196567500854144), ('at', -0.153941406555532), ('!', -0.15074722278222907), ('!', 0.01675454544601962), ('!', 0.004520540009252727), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'lovely food, healthy, good prices, I would recommended to everyone...'} [('', 6.0838181525468826e-05), ('lovely ', 0.16232093959115446), ('food', 0.03310562972910702), (', ', -0.01724459370598197), ('healthy', 0.10511993723921478), (', ', 0.010982677014544607), ('good ', 0.09968259091838264), ('prices', -0.05982355465530418), (', ', 0.0198354952968657), ('I ', -0.00858079269528389), ('would ', -0.03195905638858676), ('recommended ', 0.19420096231624484), ('to ', 0.11584141966886818), ('everyone', 0.05226174625568092), ('.', -0.016645323485136032), ('.', -0.04641363024711609), ('.', -0.06103399395942688), ('', -3.8743019104003906e-07)] {'label': 2, 'text': "It's too confusing to order here.\\nMakes me get a rash."} [('', 0.0), ('It', -0.022116429632660584), ("'", -0.014179251296809525), ('s ', -0.013903968345402973), ('too ', -0.04984834075003164), ('confusing ', -0.0428263431731466), ('to ', 0.007020263247341063), ('order ', -0.052332523137465614), ('here', -0.013384207792114466), ('.', -0.02976532328830217), ('\\', -0.041532462779287016), ('nM', -0.023446613615305978), ('akes ', -0.031016228005682933), ('me ', -0.008495959062202019), ('get ', -0.02481137407994538), ('a ', 0.022368877245753538), ('rash', -0.10540624827626743), ('.', -0.017628938130656024), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Bad service. Really really bad. Food is okay'} [('', 0.0), ('Bad ', -0.11837658276181173), ('service', -0.14757969214679179), ('. ', 0.03395343202100776), ('Really ', 0.06875034079939724), ('really ', -0.030127562248253525), ('bad', -0.45067270391336933), ('. ', 0.00034682577825151384), ('Food ', 0.02523849569115555), ('is ', 0.08993579358138959), ('okay', 0.24013121924144798), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great place for lunch. Service is good.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.203352689743042), ('place ', 0.04397753858938813), ('for ', 0.026030415203422308), ('lunch', 0.058700453490018845), ('. ', 0.024434775114059448), ('Service ', -0.03202240588143468), ('is ', -0.010037260595709085), ('good', 0.4274825705215335), ('.', -0.028925124555826187), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Try the shrimp tacos!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Try ', -0.408242127741687), ('the ', 0.01306068035773933), ('shrimp ', -0.2023244652664289), ('ta', 0.1846005370025523), ('cos', 0.09784220153233036), ('!', 0.0634505704510957), ('!', 0.031002912670373917), ('!', 0.04946089908480644), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'not worth the money \\nthe food and service is awful'} [('', 0.0), ('not ', -0.2864921702621359), ('worth ', 0.18809123247501702), ('the ', -0.004000100004304841), ('money ', -0.06851417187317566), ('\\', -0.026752648105684784), ('nt', 0.01922330752677226), ('he ', 0.01625973993577645), ('food ', -0.02410734397744818), ('and ', -0.021584482015896356), ('service ', 0.004385910551718553), ('is ', 0.018259995596963563), ('awful', -0.18716187221434666), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Pretty bad. Wow. Marriott should be embarrassed.'} [('', 0.0), ('Pretty ', 0.04504321085732954), ('bad', -0.389198382059476), ('. ', 0.008447113010333851), ('Wow', 0.15803215670894133), ('. ', 0.023042755950882565), ('Marriott ', -0.01842367865901906), ('should ', -0.13178358857840067), ('be ', 0.04088181948463898), ('embarrassed', -0.007808065907738637), ('.', -0.030766490730457008), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'They have great food, they also have roaches'} [('', 0.0), ('They ', -0.026568272267468274), ('have ', 0.07251039447146468), ('great ', 0.5844284082704689), ('food', 0.1568471384816803), (', ', 0.05013893567956984), ('they ', -0.014072674151975662), ('also ', 0.09828264795942232), ('have ', 0.024997970438562334), ('roach', -0.26309394172858447), ('es', 0.012130677350796759), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Awesome burgers.'} [('', 0.0), ('Awesome ', 0.5431463122367859), ('burger', -0.14625113736838102), ('s', 0.2340112579986453), ('.', -0.04435974359512329), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'awful, place full of flies, food is not good.'} [('', 0.0), ('awful', -0.09013050511566689), (', ', -0.010427437900943914), ('place ', -0.012965854034518998), ('full ', -0.0029867118937545456), ('of ', -0.0011977141884926823), ('flies', -0.06544286045937042), (', ', -0.0024331222575710854), ('food ', -0.008871571802956169), ('is ', 0.018638970468600746), ('not ', -0.5526747778212666), ('good', 0.39502042625736067), ('.', -0.03887821534954128), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good pizza and great wings.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.23766570538282394), ('pizza ', 0.03896871954202652), ('and ', 0.06916582584381104), ('great ', 0.19649805687367916), ('wings', 0.1752533670514822), ('.', -0.02641608938574791), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'comforting in the midst of quiteness!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('comforting ', 0.6847090423107147), ('in ', 0.01696178875863552), ('the ', -0.029460012912750244), ('midst ', -0.08237498463131487), ('of ', -0.10233053076080978), ('quite', 0.21203887200681493), ('ness', -0.10117481433553621), ('!', 0.05953580839559436), ('!', 0.04261858016252518), ('!', -0.004250183701515198), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Consistently good food and service..\\n\\nGood food and service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Consistently ', 0.08293051575310528), ('good ', 0.378723616944626), ('food ', 0.06111673824489117), ('and ', 0.15463127312250435), ('service', 0.034444042132236063), ('.', 0.06559924280736595), ('.', -0.028574704192578793), ('\\', -0.017084479215554893), ('n', -0.07316339638782665), ('\\', -0.029757138749118894), ('nGo', 0.0371931487461552), ('od ', -0.11917903402354568), ('food ', -0.10174920316785574), ('and ', 0.07521391590125859), ('service', 0.03640041116159409), ('.', -0.0050859610782936215), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "The re-done bar looks great! Havin' some bday margs!"} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.020630963379517198), ('re', -0.0712521435925737), ('-', -0.00934145285282284), ('done ', -0.027296191576169804), ('bar ', -0.020636799308704212), ('looks ', 0.1160379919456318), ('great', 0.8014832338667475), ('! ', -0.015746720135211945), ('Ha', -0.02288941908045672), ('vin', -0.005824989435495809), ("' ", -0.030313684954307973), ('some ', -0.026225730660371482), ('b', -0.06257619598181918), ('day ', 0.02250715618720278), ('mar', -0.004048271046485752), ('gs', -0.0672334479750134), ('!', -0.018594393972307444), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Food is expensive for serving size.'} [('', 0.0), ('Food ', 0.14825754263438284), ('is ', -0.02626505319494754), ('expensive ', -0.5804193470394239), ('for ', 0.04081612502341159), ('serving ', 0.13682742629316635), ('size', 0.018380059802439064), ('.', -0.007855147123336792), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Have been here twice and its was just ok.'} [('', 0.0), ('Have ', 0.06371870264410973), ('been ', 0.0024481427390128374), ('here ', 0.06661193375475705), ('twice ', 0.15697069419547915), ('and ', 0.026513636112213135), ('its ', -0.09197489637881517), ('was ', -0.09500045608729124), ('just ', -0.116635677870363), ('ok', 0.7104149325750768), ('.', -0.026512470096349716), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': '\\u81ea\\u5bb6\\u88fd\\u306e\\u30b5\\u30eb\\u30b5\\u304c\\u3001\\u4ed6\\u3067\\u306f\\u898b\\u3089\\u308c\\u306a\\u3044\\u7f8e\\u5473\\u3057\\u3055\\u3068\\u30d5\\u30ec\\u30c3\\u30b7\\u30e5\\u3055\\u3002\\n\\u30bf\\u30b3\\u30b9\\u3084\\u30d6\\u30ea\\u30c8\\u30fc\\u306e\\u5177\\u3082\\u30a6\\u30a3\\u30f3\\u30c9\\u30fc\\u306e\\u4e2d\\u3067\\u624b\\u4f5c\\u308a\\u3057\\u3066\\u3044\\u308b\\u69d8\\u5b50\\u304c\\u898b\\u3089\\u308c\\u307e\\u3059\\u3002\\n\\u4f55\\u6545\\u304b\\u5973\\u5b50\\u30c8\\u30a4\\u30ec\\u306e\\u8868\\u793a\\u304c\\u9752\\u3044\\u8272\\u3067\\u5c11\\u3057\\u6238\\u60d1\\u3044\\u307e\\u3057\\u305f\\u304c\\u554f\\u984c\\u3042\\u308a\\u307e\\u305b\\u3093\\u3002'} [('', -0.0009119796236821762), ('\\', -0.0009119796236821762), ('u', -0.0009119796236821762), ('8', -0.0009119796236821762), ('1', -0.0011008868440209576), ('ea', -0.0011008868440209576), ('\\', -0.0011008868440209576), ('u', -0.0011008868440209576), ('5', -0.0011008868440209576), ('bb', -0.0011008868440209576), ('6', -0.001115171694740032), ('\\', -0.001115171694740032), ('u', -0.001115171694740032), ('8', -0.001115171694740032), ('8', -0.001085535380601262), ('f', -0.001085535380601262), ('d', -0.001085535380601262), ('\\', -0.001085535380601262), ('u', -0.0009968576681314988), ('30', -0.0009968576681314988), ('6', -0.0009968576681314986), ('e', -0.0009968576681314986), ('\\', -0.0009968576681314986), ('u', -0.0009462479075242163), ('30', -0.0009462479075242163), ('b', -0.0009462479075242163), ('5', -0.0009462479075242163), ('\\', -0.0009462479075242163), ('u', -0.0009462479075242163), ('30', -0.0010756592449839585), ('eb', -0.0010756592449839585), ('\\', -0.0010756592449839585), ('u', -0.0010756592449839585), ('30', -0.0010756592449839585), ('b', -0.0010756592449839585), ('5', -0.0009238825945291095), ('\\', -0.0009238825945291095), ('u', -0.0009238825945291095), ('30', -0.0009238825945291095), ('4', -0.0009238825945291094), ('c', -0.0009238825945291094), ('\\', -0.0009238825945291094), ('u', -0.0009238825945291094), ('30', -0.0009238825945291094), ('01', -0.0008400939718603528), ('\\', -0.0008400939718603528), ('u', -0.0008400939718603528), ('4', -0.0008400939718603528), ('ed', -0.0008400939718603528), ('6', -0.0008400939718603528), ('\\', -0.0008400939718603528), ('u', -0.0008400939718603528), ('30', -0.0008400939718603528), ('6', -0.0008400939718603528), ('7', -0.0008400939718603528), ('\\', -0.0008400939718603528), ('u', -0.0008400939718603528), ('30', -0.0008400939718603528), ('6', -0.0008102994437556333), ('f', -0.0008102994437556333), ('\\', -0.0008102994437556333), ('u', -0.0008102994437556333), ('8', -0.0008102994437556333), ('9', -0.0008102994437556333), ('8', -0.0008102994437556333), ('b', -0.0008102994437556333), ('\\', -0.0008102994437556333), ('u', -0.0008102994437556333), ('30', -0.0008102994437556333), ('8', -0.0008102994437556333), ('9', -0.0006722203876594441), ('\\', 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('55', -0.0005101573915964221), ('\\', -0.0005101573915964221), ('u', -0.0005101573915964221), ('30', -0.0005101573915964221), ('6', -0.0005101573915964221), ('8', -0.0005101573915964221), ('\\', -0.0005101573915964221), ('u', -0.0005101573915964221), ('30', -0.0005101573915964221), ('d', -0.0005101573915964221), ('5', -0.0004393278390202988), ('\\', -0.0004393278390202988), ('u', -0.0004393278390202988), ('30', -0.0004393278390202988), ('ec', -0.0004393278390202988), ('\\', -0.0004393278390202988), ('u', -0.0004958399495764642), ('30', -0.0004958399495764642), ('c', -0.0004958399495764642), ('3', -0.0004958399495764641), ('\\', -0.0004958399495764641), ('u', -0.0004958399495764641), ('30', -0.0004958399495764642), ('b', -0.0004958399495764642), ('7', -0.0005361883381348368), ('\\', -0.0005361883381348368), ('u', -0.0005361883381348368), ('30', -0.0005361883381348369), ('e', -0.0005361883381348369), ('5', -0.0005361883381348369), ('\\', -0.0005361883381348369), ('u', 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('d', -0.0007113984279376289), ('6', -0.0007113984279376288), ('\\', -0.0007113984279376288), ('u', -0.0007113984279376288), ('30', -0.0007113984279376288), ('ea', -0.0007113984279376288), ('\\', -0.0007113984279376288), ('u', -0.0005347934187392682), ('30', -0.0005347934187392682), ('c', -0.0005347934187392682), ('8', -0.0005347934187392682), ('\\', -0.0005347934187392682), ('u', -0.0005347934187392682), ('30', -0.0004853918008198629), ('fc', -0.0004853918008198629), ('\\', -0.0004853918008198629), ('u', -0.0004853918008198629), ('30', -0.0004853918008198629), ('6', -0.0004853918008198629), ('e', -0.0004853918008198629), ('\\', -0.0004853918008198629), ('u', -0.000593285675191464), ('51', -0.000593285675191464), ('7', -0.000593285675191464), ('7', -0.000593285675191464), ('\\', -0.000593285675191464), ('u', -0.000593285675191464), ('30', -0.000593285675191464), ('8', -0.000593285675191464), ('2', -0.0006293818231515158), ('\\', -0.0006293818231515158), ('u', -0.0006293818231515158), ('30', -0.000629381823151516), ('a', -0.000629381823151516), ('6', -0.0006293818231515158), ('\\', -0.0006293818231515158), ('u', -0.0006293818231515158), ('30', -0.000629381823151516), ('a', -0.000629381823151516), ('3', -0.0006401797434460677), ('\\', -0.0006401797434460677), ('u', -0.0006401797434460677), ('30', -0.0006401797434460677), ('f', -0.0006401797434460677), ('3', -0.0006021950653899767), ('\\', -0.0006021950653899767), ('u', -0.0006021950653899767), ('30', -0.0006021950653899767), ('c', -0.0006021950653899767), ('9', -0.0006021950653899767), ('\\', -0.0006021950653899767), ('u', -0.0006021950653899767), ('30', -0.0007922128082178065), ('fc', -0.0007922128082178065), ('\\', -0.0007922128082178065), ('u', -0.0007922128082178065), ('30', -0.0007922128082178065), ('6', -0.0007922128082178066), ('e', -0.0007922128082178066), ('\\', -0.0007922128082178066), ('u', -0.0007922128082178066), ('4', -0.0007922128082178066), ('e', -0.0007922128082178066), ('2', -0.0006930581829604989), ('d', -0.0006930581829604989), ('\\', -0.0006930581829604989), ('u', -0.0006930581829604989), ('30', -0.0006930581829604989), ('6', -0.0006930581829604989), ('7', -0.0006930581829604988), ('\\', -0.0006930581829604988), ('u', -0.0006930581829604988), ('6', -0.0006930581829604988), ('24', -0.0007256049649889562), ('b', -0.0007256049649889562), ('\\', -0.0007256049649889562), ('u', -0.0007256049649889562), ('4', -0.0007256049649889562), ('f', -0.0007256049649889562), ('5', -0.000725604964988956), ('c', -0.000725604964988956), ('\\', -0.000725604964988956), ('u', -0.0007256049649889561), ('30', -0.0007256049649889561), ('8', -0.0006591106808477117), ('a', -0.0006591106808477117), ('\\', -0.0006591106808477117), ('u', -0.0006591106808477118), ('30', -0.0006591106808477118), ('57', -0.0006591106808477118), ('\\', -0.0006591106808477118), ('u', -0.0006591106808477118), ('30', -0.0006591106808477118), ('66', -0.0006591106808477118), ('\\', -0.0006591106808477118), ('u', -0.0006591106808477118), ('30', -0.0006591106808477118), ('44', -0.0006591106808477118), ('\\', -0.0006591106808477118), ('u', -0.0008142949155812221), ('30', -0.0008142949155812221), ('8', -0.0008142949155812221), ('b', -0.0008142949155812221), ('\\', -0.0008142949155812221), ('u', -0.0007931707633806595), ('6', -0.0007931707633806595), ('9', -0.0007931707633806595), ('d', -0.0007931707633806595), ('8', -0.0007931707633806596), ('\\', -0.0007931707633806596), ('u', -0.0007931707633806596), ('5', -0.00048789562387091507), ('b', -0.00048789562387091507), ('50', -0.00048789562387091507), ('\\', -0.00048789562387091507), ('u', -0.000487895623870915), ('30', -0.000487895623870915), ('4', -0.00048789562387091496), ('c', -0.00048789562387091496), ('\\', -0.00048789562387091496), ('u', -0.00048789562387091507), ('8', -0.00048789562387091507), ('9', -0.00048789562387091507), ('8', -0.00048789562387091507), ('b', -0.00048789562387091507), ('\\', -0.00048789562387091507), ('u', 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('u', -0.00038091074052076264), ('65', -0.00038091074052076264), ('45', -0.00038091074052076264), ('\\', -0.00038091074052076264), ('u', -0.0005032430947830644), ('30', -0.0005032430947830644), ('4', -0.0005032430947830645), ('b', -0.0005032430947830645), ('\\', -0.0005032430947830645), ('u', -0.0005032430947830644), ('59', -0.0005032430947830644), ('7', -0.0005032430947830644), ('3', -0.0005100866393258538), ('\\', -0.0005100866393258538), ('u', -0.0005100866393258538), ('5', -0.0005100866393258538), ('b', -0.0005100866393258538), ('50', -0.0005100866393258538), ('\\', -0.0005100866393258538), ('u', -0.0005100866393258538), ('30', -0.0005100866393258538), ('c', -0.0005100866393258538), ('8', -0.00065728001985388), ('\\', -0.00065728001985388), ('u', -0.00065728001985388), ('30', -0.00065728001985388), ('a', -0.00065728001985388), ('4', -0.00065728001985388), ('\\', -0.00065728001985388), ('u', -0.00065728001985388), ('30', -0.0006777804087816378), ('ec', -0.0006777804087816378), ('\\', -0.0006777804087816378), ('u', -0.0006777804087816378), ('30', -0.0006777804087816378), ('6', -0.0006777804087816378), ('e', -0.0006777804087816378), ('\\', -0.0006777804087816378), ('u', -0.0006673127763656564), ('8', -0.0006673127763656564), ('86', -0.0006673127763656564), ('8', -0.0006673127763656565), ('\\', -0.0006673127763656565), ('u', -0.0006673127763656565), ('7', -0.0006673127763656565), ('9', -0.0006673127763656565), ('3', -0.0006277305218524051), ('a', -0.0006277305218524051), ('\\', -0.0006277305218524051), ('u', -0.0006277305218524051), ('30', -0.0006277305218524051), ('4', -0.0006277305218524051), ('c', -0.0006277305218524051), ('\\', -0.0006277305218524051), ('u', -0.0006277305218524051), ('9', -0.0006277305218524051), ('75', -0.0006277305218524051), ('2', -0.0004353024383239445), ('\\', -0.0004353024383239445), ('u', -0.0004353024383239445), ('30', -0.0004353024383239445), ('44', -0.0004353024383239445), ('\\', -0.0004353024383239445), ('u', -0.0004353024383239445), ('8', -0.0004353024383239445), ('27', -0.0004353024383239445), ('2', -0.0004353024383239445), ('\\', -0.0004353024383239445), ('u', -0.0004353024383239445), ('30', -0.0004353024383239445), ('6', -0.0004353024383239445), ('7', -0.0004353024383239445), ('\\', -0.0004353024383239445), ('u', -0.0004353024383239445), ('5', -0.00043530243832394456), ('c', -0.00043530243832394456), ('11', -0.00043530243832394456), ('\\', -0.00043530243832394456), ('u', -0.0007416971980193112), ('30', -0.0007416971980193112), ('57', -0.0007416971980193112), ('\\', -0.0007416971980193112), ('u', -0.0007416971980193113), ('6', -0.0007416971980193113), ('23', -0.0007416971980193113), ('8', -0.0007416971980193113), ('\\', -0.0007416971980193113), ('u', -0.0007416971980193113), ('60', -0.000825803273281743), ('d', -0.000825803273281743), ('1', -0.000825803273281743), ('\\', -0.000825803273281743), ('u', -0.000825803273281743), ('30', -0.000825803273281743), ('44', -0.000825803273281743), ('\\', -0.000825803273281743), ('u', -0.0009197172952007069), ('30', -0.0009197172952007069), ('7', -0.0009197172952007069), ('e', -0.0009197172952007069), ('\\', -0.0009197172952007069), ('u', -0.0009197172952007069), ('30', -0.0009197172952007069), ('57', -0.0009197172952007069), ('\\', -0.0009197172952007069), ('u', -0.0010093750549241946), ('30', -0.0010093750549241946), ('5', -0.0010093750549241946), ('f', -0.0010093750549241946), ('\\', -0.0010093750549241946), ('u', -0.0009490758297726557), ('30', -0.0009490758297726557), ('4', -0.0009490758297726557), ('c', -0.0009490758297726557), ('\\', -0.0009490758297726557), ('u', -0.0006080320433729119), ('55', -0.0006080320433729119), ('4', -0.0006080320433729118), ('f', -0.0006080320433729118), ('\\', -0.0006080320433729118), ('u', -0.0006080320433729119), ('9', -0.0006080320433729119), ('8', -0.0006080320433729119), ('4', -0.0006080320433729119), ('c', -0.0006080320433729119), ('\\', -0.0006080320433729119), ('u', -0.0005854056649431016), ('30', -0.0005854056649431016), ('42', -0.0005854056649431016), ('\\', -0.0005854056649431016), ('u', -0.0005854056649431016), ('30', -0.0005854056649431016), ('8', -0.0005854056649431016), ('a', -0.0005854056649431016), ('\\', -0.0005854056649431016), ('u', -0.00056925763873833), ('30', -0.00056925763873833), ('7', -0.00056925763873833), ('e', -0.00056925763873833), ('\\', -0.00056925763873833), ('u', -0.00056925763873833), ('30', -0.00056925763873833), ('5', -0.00056925763873833), ('b', -0.00056925763873833), ('\\', -0.00056925763873833), ('u', -0.0005811986177379788), ('30', -0.0005811986177379788), ('9', -0.0005811986177379788), ('3', -0.0005811986177379788), ('\\', -0.0005811986177379788), ('u', -0.0005811986177379788), ('30', -0.0005811986177379788), ('0', -0.00048138372166531864), ('2', -0.00048138372166531864), ('', -0.00048138372166531864)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Bring cash only. Good for an after dinner drink.'} [('', 0.0), ('Bring ', 0.2620521138596814), ('cash ', -0.26252392602327745), ('only', -0.28821685891307425), ('. ', 0.2878668310586363), ('Good ', 0.6866550149861723), ('for ', -0.1620702885556966), ('an ', -0.07880659541115165), ('after ', -0.10199029883369803), ('dinner ', 0.06871262937784195), ('drink', -0.11435104161500931), ('.', -0.13230112381279469), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Multiple visits.\\nAlways quick service. \\nAlways good food quality.'} [('', 0.0), ('Multiple ', -0.0011595948599278927), ('visits', 0.10154653713107109), ('.', -0.012364951428025961), ('\\', -0.04245172347873449), ('nA', -0.01571063432493247), ('l', 0.028613387985387817), ('ways ', -0.013723799725994468), ('quick ', -0.10448289301712066), ('service', -0.07579364289995283), ('. ', -0.02443070523440838), ('\\', -0.05286448635160923), ('nA', -0.019101279554888606), ('l', 0.022149843396618962), ('ways ', -0.011664409656077623), ('good ', 0.5419762379024178), ('food ', 0.02623122581280768), ('quality', 0.2028627903200686), ('.', -0.01913727167993784), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'No!\\n\\nI said - NO!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('No', -0.1808147845804342), ('!', 0.004605623231327627), ('\\', 0.0031129057661019033), ('n', -0.020407303617503203), ('\\', -0.015056912793625088), ('nI ', -0.04723992966614787), ('said ', -0.0013324690933131933), ('- ', 0.008778692144915112), ('NO', -0.11642373560698616), ('!', 0.00672596547883586), ('!', 0.0020397943080752157), ('!', -0.016065195202827454), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best haircuts in North Phoenix'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.7718519503250718), ('hair', -0.06744320865254849), ('cut', -0.14788827940355986), ('s ', 0.06631492055021226), ('in ', 0.06820199638605118), ('North ', 0.03445859253406525), ('Phoenix', -0.0023606792092323303), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Not Bad! Best Produce in the Valley!'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', 0.2571242510457523), ('Bad', 0.0007930711726658046), ('! ', 0.09755656868219376), ('Best ', 0.11983199790120125), ('Produce ', 0.08536415174603462), ('in ', 0.03960255440324545), ('the ', 0.07134417444467545), ('Valley', 0.03754041437059641), ('!', 0.0035303980112075806), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Love their corned beef and cabbage on wed. nights.'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.8513552972581238), ('their ', -0.0033064887393265963), ('corn', -0.056412527337670326), ('ed ', -0.016785784158855677), ('beef ', -0.029676614329218864), ('and ', 0.026204329449683428), ('cabbage ', -0.15318227116949856), ('on ', -0.006515571614727378), ('wed', -0.023756726644933224), ('. ', -0.04190261336043477), ('nights', 0.11798053979873657), ('.', -0.03704805672168732), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Waitress was rude, food was cold service sucked.. Never again!!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Waitress ', -0.06583801066153683), ('was ', -0.025867435680083872), ('rude', -0.15839932428298198), (', ', -0.04149585600680439), ('food ', -0.06661222032016667), ('was ', -0.04941931265966559), ('cold ', -0.06196647313208814), ('service ', -0.023471329373023764), ('sucked', -0.07517127047503891), ('.', -0.027207381768675987), ('. ', -0.060328194213070674), ('Never ', 0.045074721353557834), ('again', 0.19381617012459174), ('!', 0.029734942165305256), ('!', -0.04777079060295364), ('!', -0.028205984242958948), ('!', 0.0018287123311893083), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Decent Chain food... nuf said.'} [('', 0.0), ('Decent ', 0.886036763433367), ('Chain ', -0.1009275196120143), ('food', 0.04304510308429599), ('.', -2.6171095669269562e-05), ('.', -0.009680587332695723), ('. ', -0.003990947734564543), ('nu', -0.08522096095839515), ('f ', -0.059789827617350966), ('said', 0.05221695743966848), ('.', -0.02524923300370574), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': '5 stars for their red velvet cupcakes. Yummy!'} [('', 0.0), ('5 ', 0.007085593417286873), ('stars ', 0.2677574744448066), ('for ', 0.003104458563029766), ('their ', 0.04554171860218048), ('red ', -0.0055987900123000145), ('velvet ', 0.04370554070919752), ('cup', 0.018403636990115047), ('cake', -0.011456797597929835), ('s', -0.01851331628859043), ('. ', -0.022771647199988365), ('Yu', 0.11117509379982948), ('mmy', -0.026132769882678986), ('!', 0.19685110822319984), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "Confirming that it's closed! Just drove by it yesterday."} [('', 0.0), ('Confirming ', 0.296521401964128), ('that ', -0.0922706788405776), ('it', -0.0831445079529658), ("'", 0.11246458126697689), ('s ', 0.06051102839410305), ('closed', -0.10127730784006417), ('! ', 0.443735538283363), ('Just ', -0.07252113451249897), ('drove ', 0.051291793351992965), ('by ', 0.005053553381003439), ('it ', -0.010604566778056324), ('yesterday', 0.032858657417818904), ('.', -0.07867038249969482), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great french toast especially the cinnamon french toast!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.1743422131985426), ('french ', 0.09816925134509802), ('toast ', 0.0570030203089118), ('especially ', 0.05782723659649491), ('the ', 0.06597348256036639), ('cinnamon ', -0.04014470102265477), ('french ', 0.0869085225276649), ('toast', 0.12825063336640596), ('!', 0.02539619617164135), ('!', 0.02932628244161606), ('!', -0.01703120768070221), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'I call it Crapper Barrel, enough said.'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', 0.077892211091239), ('call ', -0.0201875653656316), ('it ', 0.013778752188954968), ('Crap', -0.2577449519139918), ('per ', 0.058815158508878085), ('Barrel', -0.14914962618786376), (', ', 0.019449162020464428), ('enough ', -0.09821849242143799), ('said', 0.08857790705224033), ('.', -0.03533353682723828), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "Its Denny's - what else is there to say..."} [('', -0.00012154376599937677), ('Its ', -0.0408381883171387), ('Denny', -0.03269703403687648), ("'", -0.015172436583573775), ('s ', -0.01920865568293569), ('- ', 0.06593173630244564), ('what ', 0.009370621221023612), ('else ', -0.2988726415351266), ('is ', 0.025610261349356733), ('there ', 0.01720572728906215), ('to ', 0.08063973793711436), ('say', -0.04453664411751864), ('.', -0.017945534666068852), ('.', -0.06397744570858777), ('.', -0.07356283580884337), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'well, the place looks legit from the outside......'} [('', 0.0), ('well', 0.28519726172089577), (', ', 0.01070212759077549), ('the ', -0.09472183557227254), ('place ', 0.06257628428284079), ('looks ', 0.0822059802012518), ('leg', 0.019461666466668248), ('it ', 0.31459421617910266), ('from ', 0.007915827736724168), ('the ', 0.03355326788732782), ('outside', -0.08812747790943831), ('.', -0.022248989436775446), ('.', -0.05328591400757432), ('.', -0.04256938071921468), ('.', -0.03469362808391452), ('.', -0.02315816981717944), ('.', -0.07235177420079708), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good breakfast.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.24908320605754852), ('breakfast', 0.18960486352443695), ('.', 0.0381755530834198), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "Fast food + chain. What's not to dislike."} [('', 0.0), ('Fast ', 0.03308875486254692), ('food ', 0.11711440747603774), ('+ ', 0.15871957456693053), ('chain', -0.028400800190865993), ('. ', 0.002553589642047882), ('What', -0.019817689433693886), ("'", 0.0034972596913576126), ('s ', 0.011314205825328827), ('not ', 0.04495939510525204), ('to ', 0.2850479835178703), ('dislike', 0.05581428049481474), ('.', -0.03973862901329994), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'What happened to you?? :('} [('', 0.0), ('What ', -0.06886379099887563), ('happened ', -0.19389270755164034), ('to ', 0.060306419431071845), ('you', 0.11971136251304415), ('?', -0.06076227755693253), ('? ', -0.08115887943131384), (':', -0.017806147676310502), ('(', -0.02636548684677109), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Take that you poop stain. You cant swear here!'} [('', 0.0), ('Take ', -0.005969640566036105), ('that ', -0.07652240639436059), ('you ', 0.07240823676693253), ('po', -0.14391885517397895), ('op ', -0.03561443625949323), ('stain', -0.16209288785466924), ('. ', 0.12241479323711246), ('You ', 0.021780275739729404), ('can', 0.08563889810466208), ('t ', 0.005898608680581674), ('swear ', -0.23914298106683418), ('here', -0.001948292541783303), ('!', -0.02601065661292523), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "Horrible customer service! I'm never going back!"} [('', 0.0), ('Horrible ', -0.17353384511807235), ('customer ', -0.032956166618532734), ('service', 0.018336053773964522), ('! ', 0.002144139158190228), ('I', 0.07169097002770286), ("'", -0.005323557950760005), ('m ', -0.009534884871754912), ('never ', -0.3071866160698846), ('going ', 0.007346165282797301), ('back', 0.0129562719448586), ('!', 0.0831048101936176), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Run down and gross.'} [('', 0.0), ('Run ', -0.08857857863040408), ('down ', -0.07886266559216892), ('and ', 0.09100418595335213), ('gross', -0.27203057385850116), ('.', 0.012810169489966938), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'The Coco Motion Margarita is Sooooo GOOOOD!:D'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.025060423417016864), ('Coco ', -0.06900576339103281), ('Motion ', -0.01752833928912878), ('Margarita ', -0.007096322980942205), ('is ', -0.010687685833545402), ('Soo', -0.08649021390010603), ('oo', 0.004878063686192036), ('o ', -0.0011694667919073254), ('GOO', -0.02967504586558789), ('OOD', -0.029790843022055924), ('!', -0.04853078676387668), (':', -0.06355292815715075), ('D', 0.012320400215685368), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Trying the Ultimate Burrito w/ Green Sauce'} [('', 0.0), ('Trying ', -0.5249773447867483), ('the ', 0.07665010960772634), ('Ultimate ', 0.2719389202538878), ('Burr', -0.10642761073540896), ('ito ', -0.03243868064600974), ('w', -0.0290438502561301), ('/ ', 0.06970254448242486), ('Green ', 0.033608995378017426), ('Sauce', -0.025047408882528543), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Ghetto'} [('', 0.0), ('Ghetto', -0.931880465359427), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Pass....'} [('', 0.0), ('Pass', -0.5117607191641582), ('.', 0.1995401619496988), ('.', 0.08885633806494297), ('.', -0.027092926255136263), ('.', -0.0844699945737375), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'The burgers are great, but kind of expensive.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.03474988415837288), ('burger', -0.017866769805550575), ('s ', 0.02184182219207287), ('are ', 0.004132523667067289), ('great', 0.389277417678386), (', ', 0.0339311920106411), ('but ', 0.13452132418751717), ('kind ', 0.23056697816355154), ('of ', -0.004973348171915859), ('expensive', -0.08044979744590819), ('.', -0.012571647297590971), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great subs at low prices... eat here!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.30296990007627755), ('sub', 0.062301348021719605), ('s ', -0.0037085592630319297), ('at ', 0.05971316262730397), ('low ', -0.36488645573263057), ('prices', -0.22571567061822861), ('.', -0.023992157308384776), ('.', -0.02398920920677483), ('. ', -0.024053595261648297), ('eat ', 0.28260076203150675), ('here', 0.2555848374613561), ('!', 0.29312140052206814), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'My all time favorite sandwich place!'} [('', 0.0), ('My ', 0.0970187745988369), ('all ', 0.20375319197773933), ('time ', 0.02310122549533844), ('favorite ', 0.5328497388400137), ('sandwich ', -0.14251817809417844), ('place', -0.0399151686578989), ('!', 0.04620528221130371), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Meatball sub horrible,little rocks of meat? Never again'} [('', 0.0), ('Meat', -0.0645250040688552), ('ball ', -0.04380769346607849), ('sub ', -0.04361675704421941), ('horrible', -0.1332678780745482), (',', -0.008851425256580114), ('little ', 0.0026608112530084327), ('rocks ', 0.011980007737292908), ('of ', -0.02264824062876869), ('meat', -0.12470722546277102), ('? ', -0.130166927119717), ('Never ', 0.05099866725504398), ('again', 0.1465020994655788), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Crap food.'} [('', 0.0), ('Crap ', -0.7792761525852256), ('food', 0.21857845578779234), ('.', 0.038039152408600785), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Good food realy bad service'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.26463535143921035), ('food ', 0.21979245757029275), ('real', 0.13748362678234116), ('y ', 0.17851566212266334), ('bad ', -0.15078737289877608), ('service', -0.0477258556347806), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Service slow, pizza and wings were horrible. Never again'} [('', 0.0), ('Service ', -0.07720969420915935), ('slow', -0.20353723749576602), (', ', -0.0008807774574961513), ('pizza ', -0.08814207246905426), ('and ', 0.01402238153241342), ('wings ', 0.06509664355780842), ('were ', -0.021764757681921765), ('horrible', -0.2517307459474978), ('. ', 0.002225483905931469), ('Never ', 0.07616030133794993), ('again', 0.15483392251189798), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Its cool. There was a bum.'} [('', 0.0), ('Its ', -0.046227660961449146), ('cool', 0.32040560425957665), ('. ', 0.09282868064474314), ('There ', -0.07393273059278727), ('was ', -0.09572471074352507), ('a ', 0.029323540067707654), ('bum', -0.45556388961995253), ('.', -0.03487565825344063), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Not the best coffee, but the service was good!'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', -0.3314257576057571), ('the ', -0.01419710253867379), ('best ', 0.17799342467878887), ('coffee', -0.019080364323599497), (', ', 0.020103901260881685), ('but ', 0.24517937464406714), ('the ', 0.03368778216281498), ('service ', 0.0305058249286958), ('was ', -0.021582761330137146), ('good', 0.5345300291155581), ('!', 0.010276120847265702), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great service and great food!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.2456175871193409), ('service ', 0.03067433461546898), ('and ', 0.06922988593578339), ('great ', 0.14886996150016785), ('food', 0.11187206208705902), ('!', 0.08488653600215912), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Have the chicken avocado burrito. It was great.'} [('', 0.0), ('Have ', 0.0017198366113007069), ('the ', -0.04747467231936753), ('chicken ', -0.10360691719688475), ('av', 0.027583933668211102), ('oca', 0.03823270299471915), ('do ', -0.02042140020057559), ('burr', -0.07187585299834609), ('ito', 0.0031577892368659377), ('. ', 0.0051989947678521276), ('It ', -0.004142575664445758), ('was ', -0.03904633433558047), ('great', 0.8589424369856715), ('.', -0.03891940601170063), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'food was good our service was not'} [('', 0.0), ('food ', 0.07120668236166239), ('was ', 0.033281934913247824), ('good ', 0.24286905070766807), ('our ', 0.1312720738351345), ('service ', -0.14182697981595993), ('was ', -0.09244399890303612), ('not', -0.4878428690135479), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Not'} [('', 0.0), ('Not', -0.9238773537799716), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Over priced and disorganized!'} [('', 0.0), ('Over ', -0.26457122638385044), ('priced ', 0.08322881494677858), ('and ', 0.04738799233746249), ('di', -0.15291067391262914), ('sor', 0.06581949539213383), ('gan', -0.03501856229013356), ('ized', -0.034038423147649155), ('!', 0.019876724130881485), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Dis place is closed.'} [('', 0.0), ('Di', -0.1723147648444865), ('s ', 0.024400299473199993), ('place ', -0.010815243269462371), ('is ', -0.01730128511917428), ('closed', -0.10270377677079523), ('.', -0.029266047771670856), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'FIVE stars for carrying New Mexico Hatch chile!!!!! e.o.m.'} [('', 0.0), ('FIVE ', 0.012239635922014713), ('stars ', 0.6164485437329859), ('for ', 0.11245541949756444), ('carrying ', -0.009808658505789936), ('New ', -0.006452621077187359), ('Mexico ', 0.06684140744619071), ('Hatch ', -0.1875220607034862), ('chile', 0.015654835617169738), ('!', -0.02395609300583601), ('!', -0.022325558587908745), ('!', -0.019108479842543602), ('!', 0.0012896065600216389), ('! ', -0.01462332671508193), ('e', -0.012575904838740826), ('.', -0.030892938375473022), ('o', 0.034206735203042626), ('.', -0.012277915375307202), ('m', 0.013220342341810465), ('.', -0.04888598760589957), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Not bad, I usually leave pretty happy and full.'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', 0.18422750577519764), ('bad', 0.16381695672680507), (', ', -0.016722477972507477), ('I ', 0.00616980716586113), ('usually ', -0.09321733564138412), ('leave ', -0.10614742385223508), ('pretty ', 0.03798440098762512), ('happy ', 0.3300386187620461), ('and ', 0.0565800815820694), ('full', 0.11105839535593987), ('.', -0.007773559540510178), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'So Gerow, the light there not even working'} [('', 0.0), ('So ', -0.15458332837806665), ('Ge', 0.0479575325789483), ('row', -0.0385649991894752), (', ', 0.04027037772902986), ('the ', 0.0038534261057066033), ('light ', 0.12451882173081685), ('there ', -0.015765845239002374), ('not ', -0.20614940190171183), ('even ', -0.06083396012400044), ('working', -0.043310590510373004), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great Bosnian food, excellent friendly service. I love this place.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.11970974504947662), ('Bosnian ', 0.010577615816146135), ('food', 0.036134238820523024), (', ', -0.014169134199619293), ('excellent ', 0.10281521896831691), ('friendly ', 0.09268037299625576), ('service', -0.02721071382984519), ('. ', -0.015758052468299866), ('I ', 0.023973984643816948), ('love ', 0.1851538773626089), ('this ', 0.08005885127931833), ('place', 0.052397231571376324), ('.', -0.036877430975437164), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Food was delicious, has a store too.'} [('', 0.0), ('Food ', 0.13375005312263966), ('was ', -0.014391228556632996), ('delicious', 0.44378899596631527), (', ', 0.07400637120008469), ('has ', 0.01884938436705852), ('a ', 0.07768607838806929), ('store ', -0.19667788595688762), ('too', -0.12203854177641915), ('.', 0.2978876853303518), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': "This is my favorite QT.\\nKnow why?\\nI'll tell you why.\\nProximity.\\nThat's it.\\nBAM"} [('', -0.000536057713907212), ('This ', -0.01568795050261542), ('is ', 0.02762375957875823), ('my ', -0.0042191036084356405), ('favorite ', 0.04056985250984629), ('Q', -0.01847905783506576), ('T', -0.02664408211421687), ('.', 0.03643314549117349), ('\\', -0.04819898115238175), ('nK', -0.057988890999695286), ('now ', -0.03534715421847068), ('why', -0.07389860134571791), ('?', -0.09197604784276336), ('\\', -0.0024694220531576625), ('nI', -0.006840536011926209), ("'", -0.004895542389325176), ('ll ', -0.003160630672937259), ('tell ', -0.006648820562986657), ('you ', 0.0074027046211995184), ('why', -0.03861243126448244), ('.', -0.004379055026220158), ('\\', -0.015868197625968604), ('nPr', -0.014429704353096895), ('ox', -0.013470350598799996), ('imi', -0.01621214749466162), ('ty', -0.007138634982402437), ('.', -0.011026401538401842), ('\\', -0.030100624565966426), ('nT', -0.015084776119329036), ('hat', -0.020265216031111775), ("'", -0.006036336440593005), ('s ', -0.004768721200525761), ('it', -0.010581478534732014), ('.', -0.004687048553023487), ('\\', -0.023092639215368155), ('nBA', -0.01211772444852007), ('M', -0.0031408067346395305), ('', 0.00014047572039999068)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'typical B&N bookstore!'} [('', 0.0), ('typical ', -0.30442430457333103), ('B', -0.08296376428916119), ('&', 0.1194396494247485), ('N ', 0.014292276639025658), ('bookstore', -0.17166324565187097), ('!', 0.11906035308493301), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Descent breakfast. Need hotter salsa.'} [('', 0.0), ('Descent ', -0.15509293344803154), ('breakfast', 0.010585848242044449), ('. ', 0.15251595969311893), ('Need ', -0.47170869557885453), ('hotter ', -0.03313500731019303), ('salsa', 0.2677803599508479), ('.', -0.032195704290643334), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Steak and eggs!! The homemade green salsa is really good.'} [('', 0.0), ('Steak ', 0.18226311379112303), ('and ', 0.15515834116376936), ('eggs', -0.0832179244607687), ('!', 0.0250911726616323), ('! ', -0.028006289154291153), ('The ', -0.02969509456306696), ('homemade ', 0.003841766156256199), ('green ', 0.037208654917776585), ('salsa ', 0.08302964176982641), ('is ', -0.004479860886931419), ('really ', 0.1485334299504757), ('good', 0.18874861113727093), ('.', -0.06900239363312721), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great food, great prices, awesome.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.20172309130430222), ('food', 0.0888153687119484), (', ', 0.07412105798721313), ('great ', 0.14189997175708413), ('prices', -0.08606556663289666), (', ', 0.08874129503965378), ('awesome', 0.22708842903375626), ('.', -0.00703006237745285), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Bad Service, food cold, really slow service'} [('', 0.0), ('Bad ', -0.07454961626081058), ('Service', -0.017178186680212093), (', ', 0.01998155395631329), ('food ', -0.025270737531172927), ('cold', -0.07678713938548754), (', ', 0.030500192973704543), ('really ', 0.04647101375121565), ('slow ', -0.14393999325147888), ('service', -0.04582159092751681), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'The beef my husband had smelled B A D'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.002467874903231859), ('beef ', -0.11298712273128331), ('my ', 0.015754624037072062), ('husband ', 0.06541049433872104), ('had ', -0.0335423790384084), ('smelled ', -0.141420386149548), ('B ', -0.07986662199255079), ('A ', 0.036407434614375234), ('D', -0.006915743229910731), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'They are now out of business.'} [('', 0.0), ('They ', 0.0501772835268639), ('are ', 0.06776580282894429), ('now ', -0.09058498647937085), ('out ', -0.2635770841225167), ('of ', -0.011473341328382958), ('business', 0.0317139954859158), ('.', -0.05944369445205666), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Creepy customers.'} [('', 0.0), ('Creepy ', -0.7185152675956488), ('customers', 0.19841846637427807), ('.', 0.03033166378736496), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': '8/7/13 This location now closed.'} [('', 0.0), ('8', 0.023965747823240235), ('/', -0.08745660430577118), ('7', -0.032966241022222675), ('/', -0.028700269322143868), ('13 ', 0.11090859533578623), ('This ', 0.0901562220606138), ('location ', 0.04281227311730618), ('now ', -0.0509530805866234), ('closed', -0.24479272034659516), ('.', -0.12406536079652142), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'What Korina says about this place is dead-on!\\nhttp://www.yelp.com/biz/west-marine-phoenix#hrid:dXDOGM1mJC4GnsWtjq4h8Q'} [('', -0.002313283518350755), ('What ', -0.010927250389403734), ('Ko', 0.0007331252429419411), ('rina ', 0.0007331252429419411), ('says ', 0.013469799408295121), ('about ', 0.01435204547417995), ('this ', 0.004410154754833247), ('place ', 0.0046218385552772535), ('is ', -0.011868186891996839), ('dead', -0.07476447308760656), ('-', -0.00107102932849487), ('on', -0.00436375064634306), ('!', -0.027487128485853857), ('\\', -0.03146520478185266), ('nh', -0.024153112521162257), ('tt', -0.021805827593198046), ('p', -0.01402138889534399), (':', -0.0008032079436816275), ('/', -0.004739154328126461), ('/', 0.002991626365110278), ('www', 0.004958322714082896), ('.', -0.0011333053931593894), ('ye', -0.016969442057112854), ('lp', -0.020811814504365127), ('.', -0.020304491898665827), ('com', -0.01242505171103403), ('/', -0.013374268251936883), ('bi', -0.017831599980127066), ('z', -0.016218329954426736), ('/', -0.009760076820384711), ('west', -0.004539072222542018), ('-', -0.004271376004908234), ('marine', -0.012015224725473672), ('-', -0.00478524996045356), ('phoenix', -0.012264335081757356), ('#', -0.019354054781918723), ('hr', -0.005151324439793825), ('id', -0.0071564228273928165), (':', -0.008917634258978069), ('d', -0.0022610083397012204), ('X', -0.009962817857740447), ('DOG', -0.011852051567984745), ('M', -0.008913646423025057), ('1', -0.009611665649572387), ('m', -0.006061287975171581), ('J', -0.004904891509795561), ('C', -0.00593070374452509), ('4', -0.0061058248622540496), ('Gn', -0.007626454834473517), ('sW', -0.00836699260363468), ('t', -0.010057050175612058), ('j', -0.0022204839853767417), ('q', -0.005618446063828852), ('4', -0.0030947469365359705), ('h', -0.006401593070900576), ('8', -0.0037588758584619925), ('Q', -0.0037588758584619925), ('', -0.0017350588184358044)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Awesome Brownies!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Awesome ', 0.12992463633418083), ('Brown', 0.22991560655646026), ('ies', -0.1196877125184983), ('!', 0.1532534882426262), ('!', 0.27062056958675385), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'They closed!'} [('', 0.0), ('They ', 0.1352512538433075), ('closed', 0.10424262285232544), ('!', 0.2368076741695404), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Very average food'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.21763315796852112), ('average ', 0.09955260157585144), ('food', 0.1548265814781189), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good atmosphere. Decent food. This place needs a better rating.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.4341767826845171), ('atmosphere', 0.08007607264153194), ('. ', 0.10321688014664687), ('Decent ', 0.23265025307046017), ('food', -0.04678947573847836), ('. ', -0.0019290931813884526), ('This ', 0.00822748967766529), ('place ', 0.011238242434046697), ('needs ', -0.224935898957483), ('a ', 0.06846590428176569), ('better ', -0.03954674909618916), ('rating', -0.001967590091226157), ('.', -0.0188050614669919), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Bummer. They no longer carry GTs Kombucha. =('} [('', 0.0), ('Bum', -0.135932985490399), ('mer', -0.018575195173070824), ('. ', -0.020160067952019745), ('They ', -0.00790016734447363), ('no ', -0.027496985245875294), ('longer ', -0.035835401836834535), ('carry ', -0.005628099411865151), ('GT', -0.0171821216583794), ('s ', -0.004955627862045731), ('Ko', -0.006891534016358491), ('mb', -0.01987312806177215), ('uch', -0.021581477885956702), ('a', 0.004999679782304156), ('. ', -0.014803417078110215), ('=', -0.04538714281989087), ('(', -0.07066849578768597), ('', -3.833283335552551e-05)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Bomb sandwiches and fresh baked bread!'} [('', 0.0), ('Bomb ', -0.21223923843353987), ('sandwiches ', -0.001964279916137457), ('and ', 0.06907503167167306), ('fresh ', 0.5682179921423085), ('baked ', 0.2700579922529869), ('bread', -0.05856792186386883), ('!', 0.05209805886261165), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "Tastes like just bread. Wasn't good at all."} [('', 0.0), ('Tastes ', -0.03062867483095033), ('like ', -0.00637273656866455), ('just ', 0.01257792529577273), ('bread', -0.07914495574914326), ('. ', -0.038375500102119986), ('Wasn', -0.2776420068821608), ("'", -0.008850188851283747), ('t ', -0.2815459746743727), ('good ', 0.40031835816171224), ('at ', -0.02756699901601678), ('all', -0.008714280293133925), ('.', -0.026277831053448608), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Great for kids haircuts. Terrible for adults. Never going again'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.48283756818273105), ('for ', 0.051264463865663856), ('kids ', 0.09313290580757894), ('hair', -0.13396577883395366), ('cut', -0.1906515058799414), ('s', 0.011917914685909636), ('. ', -0.008382151194382459), ('Terrible ', -0.45716367874410935), ('for ', 0.0033082022273447365), ('adults', -0.03134374599903822), ('. ', -0.12560600315919146), ('Never ', -0.16335291368886828), ('going ', -0.01849786058301106), ('again', 0.1159464858355932), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'fresh donuts and great service!'} [('', 0.0), ('fresh ', 0.3643876910209656), ('don', 0.04354226589202881), ('uts ', -0.052504897117614746), ('and ', 0.054572172462940216), ('great ', 0.20936957746744156), ('service', 0.030269470065832138), ('!', 0.07379518821835518), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "The pizza isn't bad and the prices are fair"} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.013831750489771366), ('pizza ', -0.04631601180881262), ('isn', 0.13720471629585518), ("'", -0.03468270075518376), ('t ', 0.34002700619566895), ('bad ', -0.050655843511776766), ('and ', -0.0003710249438881874), ('the ', 0.013154445216059685), ('prices ', -0.08009025920182467), ('are ', 0.09058542735874653), ('fair', 0.3090575095266104), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Excellent, fast and professional! I highly recommend this company!'} [('', 0.0), ('Excellent', 0.1683710403740406), (', ', -0.01078539714217186), ('fast ', 0.08813309203833342), ('and ', 0.08145008888095617), ('professional', -0.001636730507016182), ('! ', -0.011846572160720825), ('I ', 0.0027440786361694336), ('highly ', 0.13851451873779297), ('recommend ', 0.1563537921756506), ('this ', 0.04294583946466446), ('company', -0.01897302083671093), ('!', -0.007965072989463806), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Rude service. Stale treats. Not going back.'} [('', 0.0), ('Rude ', -0.06667060616018716), ('service', -0.022272280544711975), ('. ', 0.01046445111205685), ('Stale ', -0.08208434542393661), ('treats', -0.0006193083136167843), ('. ', 0.002414491435047239), ('Not ', -0.03137177269309177), ('going ', -0.04420888349341112), ('back', -0.03632387858669972), ('.', -0.03188015054911375), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Way slow'} [('', 0.0), ('Way ', 0.13389536720933393), ('slow', -0.8602582646417432), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'See Mesa TV & Appliance review.'} [('', 0.0), ('See ', -0.2554348763078451), ('Mesa ', -0.05400038417428732), ('TV ', -0.14250006340444088), ('& ', 0.13875351753085852), ('App', -0.08931786846369505), ('lian', 0.12022996041923761), ('ce ', -0.11473850719630718), ('review', 0.1900624455884099), ('.', 0.004690385423600674), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'best in town!'} [('', 0.0), ('best ', 0.1560724452137947), ('in ', 0.08657117560505867), ('town', 0.0667247362434864), ('!', 0.2771916836500168), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Hooray! Video game music books!'} [('', 0.0), ('Ho', 0.16124135884456336), ('ora', 0.04160960507579148), ('y', 0.15023955330252647), ('! ', 0.06316571682691574), ('Video ', -0.01938987011089921), ('game ', 0.04055285034701228), ('music ', 0.16022607823833823), ('books', -0.08520463155582547), ('!', 0.20011370442807674), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'These guys are great! Honest, reliable, and reasonable.'} [('', 0.0), ('These ', -0.016591545194387436), ('guys ', 0.057725037913769484), ('are ', 0.01789228105917573), ('great', 0.2839099746197462), ('! ', -0.029223166406154633), ('Honest', 0.0776819996535778), (', ', 0.002414025366306305), ('reliable', 0.06594090908765793), (', ', 0.012923594564199448), ('and ', -0.00681975856423378), ('reasonable', 0.17254688870161772), ('.', -0.011098279617726803), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Want good Mexican food? Go here.'} [('', 0.0), ('Want ', -0.43521094927564263), ('good ', 0.39873938099481165), ('Mexican ', 0.08829416718799621), ('food', 0.005967781995423138), ('? ', -0.15030245017260313), ('Go ', 0.40855746692977846), ('here', 0.283097191946581), ('.', 0.002885422669351101), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'The best. Hands Down.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.059875125996768475), ('best', 0.6601163870655), ('. ', 0.11065578693524003), ('Hands ', -0.023997045995201916), ('Down', -0.09027391631389037), ('.', -0.025408181827515364), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Love love love the wings!'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.17224277555942535), ('love ', 0.0873020738363266), ('love ', 0.08661827445030212), ('the ', 0.07588078826665878), ('wings', 0.17464033514261246), ('!', 0.09442725777626038), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "Kaila's teeth are just about perfect."} [('', 0.0), ('Kai', 0.23049307614564896), ('la', 0.053911902010440826), ("'", -0.008586816489696503), ('s ', 0.02556503564119339), ('teeth ', -0.09099866915494204), ('are ', -0.041498865000903606), ('just ', -0.061467540450394154), ('about ', -0.005782806780189276), ('perfect', 0.6837534778751433), ('.', -0.08848794922232628), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Not bad'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', 0.13962180539238034), ('bad', 0.13323252276313724), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'No chicken fingers or chicken nuggets for the little ones.'} [('', 0.0), ('No ', -0.1025764874793822), ('chicken ', -0.08679632372513879), ('fingers ', -0.003584935242542997), ('or ', -0.03480631415732205), ('chicken ', -0.09795217411010526), ('nu', -0.016712153017579112), ('gg', -0.033156557408801746), ('ets ', 0.0015751707251183689), ('for ', 0.00657454375323141), ('the ', 0.030488238320685923), ('little ', -0.012602074901224114), ('ones', -0.017136207105068024), ('.', -0.0226240381016396), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Smoked beef is the best. My favorite Mexican restaurant.'} [('', 0.0), ('Smoked ', -0.03587974142283201), ('beef ', -0.024920947616919875), ('is ', -0.005356169538572431), ('the ', 0.02779465075582266), ('best', 0.3732443945482373), ('. ', -0.002536701038479805), ('My ', 0.009690579026937485), ('favorite ', 0.2243124134838581), ('Mexican ', 0.07337400317192078), ('restaurant', 0.060672491788864136), ('.', -0.03441832959651947), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': "Love this place! Best Mexican food I've found in Mesa."} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.2528335377573967), ('this ', 0.03980094846338034), ('place', 0.02589279506355524), ('! ', -0.026584193110466003), ('Best ', 0.25116098625585437), ('Mexican ', 0.09383086627349257), ('food ', -0.012387017719447613), ('I', 0.033621863927692175), ("'", -0.004706340376287699), ('ve ', -0.021145342150703073), ('found ', 0.01688917842693627), ('in ', -0.02358145173639059), ('Mesa', -0.015020790509879589), ('.', -0.027048716321587563), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "Honest, great quality work, friendly people, quick....don't go anywhere else!"} [('', 0.0), ('Honest', 0.2550429099064786), (', ', 0.05629762730677612), ('great ', 0.19930436625509174), ('quality ', 0.10520802085011383), ('work', -0.007682505492994096), (', ', 0.025250295002479106), ('friendly ', 0.14394293440151765), ('people', 0.02259992647911228), (', ', 0.0020839683590262816), ('quick', -0.03785767740191659), ('.', -0.013032856390054803), ('.', -0.016382791043724865), ('.', -0.015338966273702681), ('.', -0.02294905617600307), ('don', -0.016948462750103015), ("'", -0.03742378646954118), ('t ', -0.0364896949128403), ('go ', 0.032553230651804675), ('anywhere ', -0.011517858940957618), ('else', -0.09725477568160083), ('!', -0.02377763277036138), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Love jack in the box'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.33844492584466934), ('jack ', 0.06854020431637764), ('in ', 0.14391954615712166), ('the ', 0.21206733956933022), ('box', -0.09898345544934273), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Blehh!\\n\\nIs that even meat in the .50 cent tacos?'} [('', 0.0), ('B', -0.033025485623511486), ('le', -0.028566091947141103), ('hh', -0.022997726366156712), ('!', -0.04300750023685396), ('\\', -0.00975617452544005), ('n', -0.011118976076735029), ('\\', -0.01061612492533944), ('nI', -0.01812100370443659), ('s ', -0.007740064356767107), ('that ', -0.0077897735391161405), ('even ', -0.02257270001427969), ('meat ', -0.023511262457759585), ('in ', -0.009370218664116692), ('the ', -0.016997837767121382), ('.', -0.012442717008525506), ('50 ', -0.011995352106168866), ('cent ', -0.10452990839257836), ('ta', 0.04827614827081561), ('cos', 0.008426235057413578), ('?', -0.14494360447861254), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Not great...just okay.'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', -0.5531058942069649), ('great', 0.0203680156628252), ('.', -0.08171993422729429), ('.', -0.20257901950753876), ('.', -0.01278047934101778), ('just ', 0.05409630257963727), ('okay', 0.5753543604423612), ('.', -0.029625901268445887), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Went during lunch time and serve was extremely slow.'} [('', 0.0), ('Went ', -0.07089897061814554), ('during ', 0.02498440312774619), ('lunch ', 0.18375345208551153), ('time ', -0.04849681271662121), ('and ', 0.057897888094885275), ('serve ', 0.01937736130639678), ('was ', -0.09722595902712783), ('extremely ', 0.017209677942446433), ('slow', -0.33628701702400576), ('.', -0.052701473061461), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'This place is brand new, clean, and reasonably priced.'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', -0.002607462927699089), ('place ', 0.03719783015549183), ('is ', 0.032816801220178604), ('brand ', 0.07918769679963589), ('new', 0.12528479658067226), (', ', 0.04229026660323143), ('clean', 0.07122139632701874), (', ', 0.07363045960664749), ('and ', -0.0053840093314647675), ('reasonably ', 0.13077957276254892), ('priced', 0.06157471984624863), ('.', -0.018782553263008595), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'They are very slow in the drive thru.'} [('', 0.0), ('They ', 0.0515608759233146), ('are ', 0.11167556980217341), ('very ', 0.11990404441166902), ('slow ', -0.5553049776845), ('in ', 0.02619619834695186), ('the ', 0.017543867544191016), ('drive ', -0.12299299087226245), ('thru', 0.09467997147112328), ('.', -0.02980553577071987), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Umm.....'} [('', 0.0), ('Umm', -0.35964160203002393), ('.', 0.14861442451365292), ('.', 0.05965077824657783), ('.', -0.03889692999655381), ('.', -0.043093583662994206), ('.', -0.06597152934409678), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'CLOSED! - This pretty bad place finally folded!'} [('', 0.0), ('CLOSED', 0.05749877806738368), ('! ', 0.2741885338873544), ('- ', 0.0007867128551879432), ('This ', -0.04944108867493924), ('pretty ', 0.1209903050257708), ('bad ', -0.4959778750962869), ('place ', -0.08412695085371524), ('finally ', 0.11789491922263551), ('folded', -0.26741628739546286), ('!', 0.022867452968057478), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great service. Great food and never ending sodas.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.37433601822704077), ('service', -0.03689305391162634), ('. ', -0.0010713934898376465), ('Great ', 0.34734722215216607), ('food ', 0.06155215238686651), ('and ', -0.000412157503888011), ('never ', -0.12582458562974352), ('ending ', 0.09660342342976946), ('soda', -0.022972411825321615), ('s', -0.009134085499681532), ('.', -0.017520927358418703), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'No surprise, the place is gone.'} [('', 0.0), ('No ', -0.34576519422989804), ('surprise', 0.1398216404923005), (', ', 0.07310534919088241), ('the ', 0.07502730510350375), ('place ', 0.015263765873896773), ('is ', 0.023457139941456262), ('gone', -0.22595168206316885), ('.', -0.02521830244222656), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great food. Impeccable service. Weird location.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.26259500277228653), ('food', 0.1532680244417861), ('. ', -2.8566806577146053e-05), ('Imp', 0.015262079388776328), ('ec', 0.28162491397961276), ('cable ', 0.14752598814084195), ('service', -0.02886250137089519), ('. ', -0.0023205042889458127), ('Weird ', -0.08627430466003716), ('location', -0.0403957471717149), ('.', -0.03641142277047038), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Wonderful. Delicious. Friendly. Intimate.'} [('', 0.0), ('Wonderful', 0.13676325976848602), ('. ', 0.04580852389335632), ('Delicious', 0.07699782773852348), ('. ', 0.014576535671949387), ('Friendly', 0.08823654428124428), ('. ', 0.002764809876680374), ('Intimate', 0.38919006288051605), ('.', -0.025054708123207092), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Clean, cheap, friendly, and yummy.'} [('', 0.0), ('Clean', 0.3901387481018901), (', ', 0.018497618846595287), ('cheap', -0.42000906934117666), (', ', 0.018254363247251604), ('friendly', 0.31770923635485815), (', ', 0.0259163919618004), ('and ', 0.07976969331502914), ('yu', 0.15059753693640232), ('mmy', 0.024212617427110672), ('.', 0.09025403298437595), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Very bad food!'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.133662170079333), ('bad ', -0.910033251528148), ('food', 0.08615362794989778), ('!', 0.2771280938395648), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'LOVE this place! GREAT service everytime!'} [('', 0.0), ('LOVE ', 0.25102417543530464), ('this ', 0.04977437760680914), ('place', 0.00389679241925478), ('! ', 0.05206532031297684), ('GREAT ', 0.2667679637670517), ('service ', -0.02998669445514679), ('every', 0.1308087883517146), ('time', -0.014771181158721447), ('!', 0.003447487950325012), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "Won't go back!"} [('', 0.0), ('Won', 0.13806193671189249), ("'", 0.017341842176392674), ('t ', -0.7542598368600011), ('go ', 0.27211335278116167), ('back', -0.07717630569823086), ('!', 0.14384988648816943), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'They gave me an amazing price and excellent service!'} [('', 0.0), ('They ', -0.021991800516843796), ('gave ', 0.04479971155524254), ('me ', -0.04452662542462349), ('an ', 0.0866889504250139), ('amazing ', 0.19868186837993562), ('price ', 0.023136852774769068), ('and ', 0.06172467581927776), ('excellent ', 0.38292831368744373), ('service', -0.03245536424219608), ('!', -0.0020562931895256042), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'went here the other nite ....................ditto'} [('', 0.00014152513176668435), ('went ', -0.018002378681558184), ('here ', -0.023805699265115738), ('the ', -0.011372720281845735), ('other ', -0.013969001452399729), ('ni', -0.07360285556933377), ('te ', -0.04829690513724927), ('.', -0.00695492050726898), ('.', -0.007881170022301376), ('.', -0.007978931098477915), ('.', -0.006363948356010951), ('.', -0.005991732366965152), ('.', -0.008494068126310594), ('.', -0.009461213441682048), ('.', -0.01027750015782658), ('.', -0.013527938412153162), ('.', -0.013216508683399297), ('.', -0.009880082288873382), ('.', -0.007891702771303244), ('.', -0.0060998501285212114), ('.', -0.00768204678024631), ('.', -0.008494442401570268), ('.', -0.010124392792931758), ('.', -0.012227496961713769), ('.', -0.00785507817636244), ('.', -0.01766285003395751), ('.', -0.03592132209450938), ('di', -0.059871755220228806), ('tto', -0.060064184275688604), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great sandwiches and rootbeer floats..I will return for sure!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.21981179481372237), ('sandwiches ', -0.02848598500713706), ('and ', 0.015243586152791977), ('root', -0.0003332564374431968), ('bee', -0.008510344778187573), ('r ', 0.030909592751413584), ('floats', 0.031510123051702976), ('.', 0.02449720073491335), ('.', -0.03654616326093674), ('I ', 0.08646375918760896), ('will ', 0.23538464540615678), ('return ', -0.05094616411952302), ('for ', -0.06627571786521003), ('sure', 0.13080813398119062), ('!', -0.015981290489435196), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Skip this place http://www.redmountainteaparty.com/actionitems/517meeting.html\\n\\nDisgusting'} [('', 0.0), ('Skip ', -0.11540391681410256), ('this ', -0.010602646061670384), ('place ', -0.002548624810515321), ('http', -0.012817114698555088), (':', -0.0034994931971596087), ('/', -0.007108970273839077), ('/', -0.0047715408341900915), ('www', -0.003370376687234966), ('.', -0.00039997258500079624), ('red', -0.037821862553842255), ('mount', -0.013533297866247483), ('aint', -0.017705447446219512), ('ea', -0.018630845645107218), ('par', -0.007074004503097274), ('ty', -0.018310709039810934), ('.', -0.0070026044517622465), ('com', -0.011571878601898788), ('/', -0.018640084459548234), ('action', -0.006918351928106858), ('ite', -0.010568869596681907), ('ms', -0.018137619632398128), ('/', -0.014280090637839749), ('51', -0.002533004217184498), ('7', -0.020697366058811895), ('me', -0.012069733251337311), ('eti', -0.015780535313751898), ('ng', -0.008891935072824708), ('.', -0.007885615317718475), ('html', -0.017730290585152235), ('\\', -0.013311618988356914), ('n', -0.005186550950586227), ('\\', -0.009742603337346938), ('n', 0.0031492784198942697), ('Dis', -0.052356500235166296), ('gus', -0.01276406866074669), ('ting', -0.0045750983901800485), ('', -4.395824200603076e-05)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'A little pricey but excellent, hands down absolutely incredible. :)'} [('', 2.0852312445640564e-06), ('A ', 0.07139235851354897), ('little ', -0.069110645679757), ('price', 0.07213609665632248), ('y ', 0.08906845981255174), ('but ', -0.0670674811117351), ('excellent', 0.23584558302536607), (', ', 0.0078037092462182045), ('hands ', -0.0231908920686692), ('down ', -0.03340353677049279), ('absolutely ', 0.07858397986274213), ('incredible', 0.3438499396434054), ('. ', -0.026049645617604256), (':', -0.03831198811531067), (')', -0.058008745312690735), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Large portions. Great bread sticks. Chicken parmesan was top quality.'} [('', 0.0), ('Large ', 0.012218572199344635), ('portions', 0.0037728101015090942), ('. ', 0.041690751910209656), ('Great ', 0.338523511425592), ('bread ', -0.01598318398464471), ('sticks', -0.0972733530215919), ('. ', 0.0032447539269924164), ('Chicken ', -0.061482908204197884), ('par', -0.01806554093491286), ('mes', -0.02372652303893119), ('an ', -0.0007176296785473824), ('was ', 0.12485498277237639), ('top ', 0.15962370001943782), ('quality', 0.11682055029086769), ('.', -0.01685138465836644), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Disappointing food, little high priced for what you get.'} [('', 0.0), ('Disappointing ', -0.48491388213733444), ('food', 0.07505130382924108), (', ', 0.21174198838707525), ('little ', -0.19630169450647372), ('high ', 0.08174295928802167), ('priced ', -0.07159122088705772), ('for ', -0.10620464170642663), ('what ', -0.0008959078086263617), ('you ', 0.18496459262951248), ('get', -0.011274750393567956), ('.', -0.015828663657885045), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Great food great staff and great atmosphere.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.1807687133550644), ('food ', 0.02011967822909355), ('great ', 0.13085955008864403), ('staff ', 0.0329284742474556), ('and ', 0.04509327560663223), ('great ', 0.19560129567980766), ('atmosphere', 0.13134142383933067), ('.', -0.007421925663948059), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'The employees always seem to be smiling.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.09549461305141449), ('employees ', 0.040464188903570175), ('always ', 0.04677637293934822), ('seem ', -0.22262889193370938), ('to ', 0.14248254103586078), ('be ', 0.03854620782658458), ('smiling', 0.5551452240906656), ('.', 0.0321071594953537), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Super friendly staff.\\n\\nBasic, decent food.\\n\\nRun down, western, rustic decor.'} [('', 7.133372128009796e-05), ('Super ', -0.004578894353471696), ('friendly ', 0.33214077848242596), ('staff', 0.028599479759577662), ('.', 0.0015932503156363964), ('\\', -0.019800392891435575), ('n', -0.009734570873357976), ('\\', -0.03195415700126129), ('nBa', -0.01632596301108909), ('sic', -0.010555126840093484), (', ', 0.010606651436925555), ('decent ', 0.2546314875653479), ('food', 0.19056442941655405), ('.', -0.0009542890475131571), ('\\', -0.026405242232916255), ('n', -0.01961463162054618), ('\\', -0.024606354262990255), ('nR', -0.021588895625124376), ('un ', -0.04088277018551404), ('down', -0.07398929107390965), (', ', 0.0032055124174803495), ('western', -0.02034527426585555), (', ', -5.6762620806694025e-05), ('rustic ', -0.018958789688379815), ('decor', 0.009710126630185794), ('.', -0.0046308565496777495), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Everything about this place is DISGUSTING!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Everything ', 0.23389603598843678), ('about ', 0.11138401887183136), ('this ', -0.08762583635507326), ('place ', -0.025338602913507202), ('is ', -0.00957383825789293), ('DISGUSTING', -0.5841949072109855), ('!', 0.0517128865722043), ('!', 0.039558099408168346), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Recommend. Very busy but worth the wait.'} [('', 0.0), ('Recommend', 0.31806691735982895), ('. ', 0.0551716610789299), ('Very ', -0.006618244995479472), ('busy ', -0.1548899569461355), ('but ', 0.08934235232300125), ('worth ', 0.417955427619745), ('the ', 0.1536546427378198), ('wait', -0.15328468900406733), ('.', -0.009616254828870296), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'The place rocks. Great Mexican , but processed high.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.014239219948649406), ('place ', 0.08589082676917315), ('rocks', 0.34155742917209864), ('. ', 0.04612250626087189), ('Great ', 0.2575931455940008), ('Mexican ', 0.08721475582569838), (', ', 0.02305117342621088), ('but ', -0.15651201829314232), ('processed ', -0.18676935840630904), ('high', 0.1746552775730379), ('.', -0.001434157369658351), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Really nice green chili.'} [('', 0.0), ('Really ', 0.33826786279678345), ('nice ', 0.4994613886810839), ('green ', 0.09672446036711335), ('chili', -0.22572143469005823), ('.', -0.04482853412628174), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'not as friendly as other places,get ob done.'} [('', 0.0), ('not ', -0.22386006513806933), ('as ', -0.03207837741229014), ('friendly ', 0.12289710226377792), ('as ', -0.03282123413782756), ('other ', 0.0063986173795456125), ('places', -0.023537692446552683), (',', 0.01399618966934213), ('get ', -0.038930161090320325), ('ob ', -0.04958098784118192), ('done', -0.040629318815263105), ('.', -0.03545761445275275), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': "Can't beat $1/lb."} [('', 0.0), ('Can', -0.06333259848179296), ("'", -0.009486523282248527), ('t ', -0.09772525413427502), ('beat ', 0.12206381983560277), ('$', -0.13985341224906733), ('1', -0.013103518438583706), ('/', -0.02225713921507122), ('lb', -0.017868014678242616), ('.', -0.04173727345187217), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Ghetto. Quality and selection seems to have gone way downhill.'} [('', 0.0), ('Ghetto', -0.17292382468804135), ('. ', -0.002593965775304241), ('Quality ', 0.0699144516411252), ('and ', -0.0003838561615339131), ('selection ', -0.035296528747949196), ('seems ', -0.10690455883241157), ('to ', -0.006978812944907986), ('have ', -0.014290856504885596), ('gone ', -0.032502549738637754), ('way ', -0.00369221590244706), ('downhill', -0.04476688798877149), ('.', -0.02196465763154265), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': "Best pizza in the East Valley that i've found yet."} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.4317053537815809), ('pizza ', -0.012670613825321198), ('in ', 0.0011720601469278336), ('the ', 0.01648287195712328), ('East ', -0.0048395683988928795), ('Valley ', 0.1643124558031559), ('that ', 0.15943440608680248), ('i', 0.029188656713813543), ("'", -0.016637299675494432), ('ve ', -0.04242244560737163), ('found ', 0.04695013083983213), ('yet', -0.1150705274194479), ('.', -0.048631858080625534), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great Pizza Every time!! Had some with the fam tonight.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.32562048453837633), ('Pizza ', 0.003692466765642166), ('Every ', 0.15572363208048046), ('time', -0.014670092379674315), ('!', 0.01906369812786579), ('! ', -0.02983604371547699), ('Had ', 0.06250597815960646), ('some ', 0.010291335172951221), ('with ', -0.012118005193769932), ('the ', 0.046411589719355106), ('fa', -0.022717493353411555), ('m ', -0.012526537058874965), ('tonight', 0.09595210244879127), ('.', -0.04467465355992317), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Not a bad place.\\n\\nNot a great place.\\n\\nPleasant enough service.\\n\\nFair pricing.'} [('', 4.729479551315308e-05), ('Not ', 0.22451879012951395), ('a ', 0.0060580260029382774), ('bad ', 0.1538651755450701), ('place', -0.023047821844011197), ('.', 0.0014597903937101364), ('\\', -0.007285242597572505), ('n', -0.005312296724878251), ('\\', -0.006758161983452737), ('n', 0.047052273320150564), ('Not ', -0.08710952429391909), ('a ', 0.06626295432215557), ('great ', 0.22823916311608627), ('place', 0.10214401176199317), ('.', 0.009800785221159458), ('\\', -0.012177185233061513), ('n', -0.006997713140056779), ('\\', -0.010653382419453314), ('nP', -0.03680628246123282), ('lea', -0.006474245446346079), ('sant ', -0.007202591417202105), ('enough ', -0.012182461951548854), ('service', -0.024793176950576406), ('.', -0.004499041746991376), ('\\', -0.01669904574130972), ('n', -0.008130831255887946), ('\\', -0.01463353595075508), ('n', -0.03111410391284153), ('Fa', -0.003680991183500737), ('ir ', -0.017160288873128593), ('pricing', -0.032747271412517875), ('.', -0.01314110477687791), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'We had dinner there and loved it!'} [('', 0.0), ('We ', 0.039341263473033905), ('had ', -0.017149377148598433), ('dinner ', 0.3819663063623011), ('there ', -0.047658103518188), ('and ', 0.04783403128385544), ('loved ', 0.1827791165560484), ('it', 0.07487780414521694), ('!', 0.06729300692677498), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Sadly this place has gone out of business'} [('', 0.0), ('Sadly ', -0.14013128304941347), ('this ', -0.0025134638362942496), ('place ', 0.007101963828972657), ('has ', 0.04315115066765429), ('gone ', -0.10117477869698632), ('out ', -0.08027511075124494), ('of ', 0.03661698694122606), ('business', -0.03312526269291993), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Wait and see! Just turn my car in to them!'} [('', 0.0), ('Wait ', -0.49386409207363613), ('and ', 0.03569977523875423), ('see', 0.2120503707556054), ('! ', 0.2371180373011157), ('Just ', -0.13806203356944025), ('turn ', -0.019997940165922046), ('my ', -0.12842286680825055), ('car ', -0.37811498739756644), ('in ', 0.06299411749932915), ('to ', 0.13139876711647958), ('them', 0.12966726161539555), ('!', -0.011572198942303658), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Slow service. Mediocre food.'} [('', 0.0), ('Slow ', -0.15262121724663302), ('service', -0.07330136243399465), ('. ', 0.09023759178671753), ('Med', -0.10480954073682369), ('io', 0.01800331018421275), ('cre ', -0.07957139983409434), ('food', 0.04017016876969137), ('.', -0.008477534378471319), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Pretty good, portions are huge!'} [('', 0.0), ('Pretty ', 0.09935983270406723), ('good', 0.17292559891939163), (', ', 0.08982232213020325), ('portions ', 0.03071022219955921), ('are ', 0.04306572116911411), ('huge', 0.25824645534157753), ('!', 0.029300004243850708), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Bad service and mediocore food.'} [('', 0.0), ('Bad ', -0.1742466098839941), ('service ', -0.012113881562981987), ('and ', 0.048880488764552865), ('med', -0.16518770876973576), ('io', -0.14371957694493176), ('core ', 0.14473162054127897), ('food', 0.03998959904856747), ('.', -0.008713563962373883), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Food was ok.. Waitress was horrible'} [('', 0.0), ('Food ', 0.03172467925469391), ('was ', 0.20566295097523835), ('ok', 0.554115046033985), ('.', 0.05973748111864552), ('. ', 0.033456918550655246), ('Waitress ', -0.04945766631135484), ('was ', 0.009061919299711008), ('horrible', -0.13535873677756172), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'awesome breakfast.'} [('', 0.0), ('awesome ', 0.24910582602024078), ('breakfast', 0.18960155546665192), ('.', 0.03817674517631531), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good Chicago-style pizza, but the chicken-parm sandwich was outstanding.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.22621363028883934), ('Chicago', 0.04401816800236702), ('-', 0.02232746034860611), ('style ', 0.029035509563982487), ('pizza', -0.05691710766404867), (', ', 0.011707378551363945), ('but ', -0.0610200809314847), ('the ', -0.014106361496184642), ('chicken', -0.03833818314402985), ('-', 0.0021024446662825844), ('par', -0.008291443809866905), ('m ', -0.011993455467745662), ('sandwich ', -0.04041751893237233), ('was ', -0.035441839951090515), ('outstanding', 0.5093840073095635), ('.', -0.0268379847984761), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "Yes it WAS a dump. Surprisingly it's closed lol"} [('', 0.0), ('Yes ', 0.33375770602651755), ('it ', -0.027065978838436422), ('WAS ', -0.08918135368912772), ('a ', 0.00843287022325967), ('dump', -0.6008280680816824), ('. ', 0.15418108643279993), ('Surprisingly ', 0.10689279210055247), ('it', 0.08812224903522292), ("'", 0.06849743687052978), ('s ', -0.01787248594337143), ('closed ', -0.055654155294178054), ('lo', -0.1789825758751249), ('l', -0.13402945482812356), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "Long waits and teenage workers with bad attitudes...nuff' said."} [('', 0.0), ('Long ', -0.04306565530714579), ('waits ', -0.046705831453436986), ('and ', -0.007097658912243787), ('teenage ', -0.009699282523797592), ('workers ', -0.025849237204965902), ('with ', -0.008256880355475005), ('bad ', -0.06244388555023761), ('attitudes', -0.012160352978753508), ('.', -0.01752855575614376), ('.', -0.024590195665950887), ('.', -0.027676366371451877), ('nu', -0.06327683820563834), ('ff', -0.034574651152070146), ("' ", -0.059374065756856), ('said', 0.018413597677863436), ('.', -0.023533151867013657), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great service and selection!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.30823682993650436), ('service ', 0.024366699159145355), ('and ', 0.10263078659772873), ('selection', 0.09314768388867378), ('!', 0.13564864173531532), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "Elmer's bean & cheese with red sauce!!!!"} [('', 0.0), ('Elmer', 0.06353595107793808), ("'", 0.0005809813737869263), ('s ', 0.05214738845825195), ('bean ', 0.05338533886242658), ('& ', 0.39691945060621947), ('cheese ', -0.15449085994623601), ('with ', 0.1441125066485256), ('red ', -0.13478334085084498), ('sauce', -0.063760592835024), ('!', 0.23040102375671268), ('!', 0.00475943461060524), ('!', -0.0043822042644023895), ('!', 0.009827934205532074), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Nondescript place serving great bean & cheese burritos and tacos.'} [('', 0.0), ('Non', -0.0026106065488420427), ('des', -0.03145631222287193), ('cript ', -0.33215177059173584), ('place ', 0.0700684969779104), ('serving ', -0.04582668351940811), ('great ', 0.4260334922000766), ('bean ', -0.10788651229813695), ('& ', 0.13924105931073427), ('cheese ', -0.15005100658163428), ('burr', -0.1880660739261657), ('ito', -0.04694363963790238), ('s ', -0.021721364930272102), ('and ', 0.13620622036978602), ('ta', 0.16282418300397694), ('cos', -0.007707677083089948), ('.', -0.021319056395441294), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Went for dinner and food was not good.'} [('', 0.0), ('Went ', -0.023525864489784), ('for ', 0.004358708672953071), ('dinner ', 0.308427846084669), ('and ', 0.04274080873437924), ('food ', -0.018845007851268747), ('was ', -0.008106497994958772), ('not ', -0.7605963709720527), ('good', 0.2079119913323666), ('.', -0.03886662430886645), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'closed!!'} [('', 0.0), ('closed', 0.10585376620292664), ('!', 0.13489669561386108), ('!', 0.23555871844291687), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Overall this is an average location.'} [('', 0.0), ('Overall ', 0.4120314382016659), ('this ', 0.08190396893769503), ('is ', 0.17001800891011953), ('an ', 0.25460323318839073), ('average ', -0.18933529034256935), ('location', -0.07715098187327385), ('.', -0.06294706836342812), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Course is a little ran down for my likings.'} [('', 0.0), ('Course ', 0.14395315176807344), ('is ', 0.06252455812500557), ('a ', 0.10760366010799771), ('little ', -0.28224008181678073), ('ran ', -0.31874408270778076), ('down ', -0.22525743906862772), ('for ', 0.00999997235066985), ('my ', 0.035975540691651986), ('liking', 0.10627339972779737), ('s', 0.04686957347439602), ('.', -0.020303660068748286), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Went for lunch. It was awful.'} [('', 0.0), ('Went ', 0.0005481906555360183), ('for ', 0.03985310811185627), ('lunch', 0.2288220366644964), ('. ', 0.06712184168281965), ('It ', -0.030370531323569594), ('was ', 0.015197482080111513), ('awful', -0.5673035564323072), ('.', -0.02392006381705869), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great food. Great service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.12773136049509048), ('food', 0.10736418515443802), ('. ', 0.11069585382938385), ('Great ', 0.3526055086404085), ('service', 0.019176656380295753), ('.', -0.026428919285535812), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good sandwiches, good prices and decent pizza.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.38360355608165264), ('sandwiches', -0.06702025793492794), (', ', 0.04009952396154404), ('good ', 0.19593884446658194), ('prices ', -0.04246588074602187), ('and ', 0.025772932916879654), ('decent ', 0.20924795884639025), ('pizza', -0.01730452012270689), ('.', -0.01491432823240757), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Our favorite spot :)'} [('', 0.0), ('Our ', 0.22577648609876633), ('favorite ', 0.22569990530610085), ('spot ', 0.10719286277890205), (':', 0.009058304131031036), (')', 0.0946451798081398), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good food, snobby staff... nothing outstanding about this place.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.3814318366603402), ('food', 0.04449475427099969), (', ', -0.018368089837167645), ('s', 0.008404413740208838), ('nob', -0.10165060938925308), ('by ', -0.008703727640750003), ('staff', 0.0061213733733893605), ('.', 0.0014597273566323565), ('.', -0.04062705131218536), ('. ', -0.14771019947511377), ('nothing ', -0.5399135435554854), ('outstanding ', -0.0051468735737216775), ('about ', -0.011470459271549771), ('this ', 0.050488064907767694), ('place', 0.08048199041968473), ('.', -0.0720177937837434), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great place for breakfast. Definitely a go to place.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.27406706660985947), ('place ', 0.05554254539310932), ('for ', 0.015968402847647667), ('breakfast', 0.0036946386098861694), ('. ', -0.01625145971775055), ('Definitely ', 0.13084623962640762), ('a ', 0.06537645310163498), ('go ', 0.12472286506090313), ('to ', 0.056312284083105624), ('place', -0.00885944371111691), ('.', -0.03538626432418823), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Love this place! Fantastic omelets and benedicts'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.26428274251520634), ('this ', 0.04166226740926504), ('place', 0.02017982956022024), ('! ', 0.007035113871097565), ('Fantastic ', 0.2518337853252888), ('om', -0.0801578399259597), ('ele', 0.01148946094326675), ('ts ', -0.006451343651860952), ('and ', 0.010147377848625183), ('benedict', 0.14921754226088524), ('s', -0.0031663887202739716), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'This is a great place for breakfast in Scottsdale.'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', -0.05493573844432831), ('is ', 0.010705867782235146), ('a ', 0.04838802479207516), ('great ', 0.35571180284023285), ('place ', 0.08387790620326996), ('for ', 0.044005186296999454), ('breakfast ', 0.00314469076693058), ('in ', 0.017718863673508167), ('Scott', 0.2629168789135292), ('sdale', -0.0860946747707203), ('.', -0.019568320363759995), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Under New Management'} [('', 0.0), ('Under ', -0.2037404663860798), ('New ', 0.3723296318203211), ('Management', 0.2954712603241205), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good, fast and inexpensive Mexican food.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good', 0.30130375921726227), (', ', 0.06387002766132355), ('fast ', 0.10975193232297897), ('and ', 0.07769870012998581), ('inexpensive ', 0.03683860832825303), ('Mexican ', 0.04489666083827615), ('food', 0.1090805446729064), ('.', -0.014157019555568695), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Very friendly staff , food was okay'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.0555756501853466), ('friendly ', 0.17628871835768223), ('staff ', 0.044799650087952614), (', ', 0.0858212411403656), ('food ', 0.026641298085451126), ('was ', 0.01046653464436531), ('okay', 0.3237820491194725), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "Bleh. Thats all i'm gonna say."} [('', 0.0), ('B', -0.13299673260189593), ('le', -0.1368354440201074), ('h', 0.10594435455277562), ('. ', -0.07917663175612688), ('That', -0.08310166368028149), ('s ', 0.08206816291203722), ('all ', -0.08729626843705773), ('i', -0.03282463480718434), ("'", 0.04720450262539089), ('m ', -0.005472114426083863), ('gonna ', -0.03638417925685644), ('say', 0.013969736057333648), ('.', -0.025825974298641086), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Super quesadillas ,nachos and ambiance'} [('', 0.0), ('Super ', 0.04647013172507286), ('que', -0.03569414187222719), ('sa', 0.034234250895679), ('di', 0.05049618543125689), ('llas ', 0.015496004140004516), (',', 0.03064541518688202), ('na', 0.016681445529684424), ('cho', -0.039185058092698455), ('s ', 0.015787841752171516), ('and ', 0.004054773598909378), ('am', 0.32188183115795255), ('bian', 0.18091468838974833), ('ce', -0.032683562487363815), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Hot bartender! Good food! Great atmosphere!'} [('', 0.0), ('Hot ', 0.11701403465121984), ('bartender', -0.017438183538615704), ('! ', 0.07244974747300148), ('Good ', 0.13543936610221863), ('food', 0.027376342564821243), ('! ', 0.02167101576924324), ('Great ', 0.25442564487457275), ('atmosphere', 0.098843514919281), ('!', 0.0032223016023635864), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Fun atmosphere. Great menu.'} [('', 0.0), ('Fun ', 0.1426524743437767), ('atmosphere', 0.0923743024468422), ('. ', 0.11065039038658142), ('Great ', 0.3885146975517273), ('menu', -0.01659344509243965), ('.', -0.026451867073774338), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Food makes up for the horrible service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Food ', 0.003939562477171421), ('makes ', 0.4756677209516056), ('up ', 0.38210142886964604), ('for ', 0.1643101504087099), ('the ', 0.16784085339895682), ('horrible ', -0.37426735058397753), ('service', -0.0663497265704791), ('.', -0.0256006988347508), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Awesome flannel, mex coffee and mmm good arrogant burger'} [('', 0.0), ('Awesome ', 0.3872016631066799), ('fl', -0.06563153653405607), ('anne', 0.05084945890121162), ('l', -0.04211429227143526), (', ', -0.022547408938407898), ('me', 0.00026547349989414215), ('x ', 0.012346843257546425), ('coffee ', -0.06522000581026077), ('and ', 0.02750405977712944), ('mmm ', 0.016839082818478346), ('good ', 0.382070352032315), ('arrogant ', -0.06460625038016587), ('burger', -0.0076319113140925765), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great fresh food! We will definitely be returning!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.15946786850690842), ('fresh ', 0.1346453782171011), ('food', 0.029824065044522285), ('! ', 0.025126919150352478), ('We ', 0.07176400907337666), ('will ', 0.20221698470413685), ('definitely ', 0.16308530536480248), ('be ', -0.0391368109267205), ('returning', -0.04935679445043206), ('!', -0.0007077082991600037), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Appears to be some kind of Scottsdale institution'} [('', 0.0), ('Appears ', -0.10636556288227439), ('to ', 0.00924042536644265), ('be ', -0.025613727688323706), ('some ', -0.1717897360213101), ('kind ', 0.07039608899503946), ('of ', 0.003512172494083643), ('Scott', 0.1387008911697194), ('sdale ', -0.08855707838665694), ('institution', -0.09978654514998198), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best bar in Scottsdale!! Old west style!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.23296529240906239), ('bar ', -0.04142944701015949), ('in ', 0.014894090592861176), ('Scott', 0.13947309064678848), ('sdale', -0.0640426694881171), ('!', 0.039806464686989784), ('! ', -0.039074286818504333), ('Old ', -0.09939801730797626), ('west ', 0.10100566889741458), ('style', 0.27340135374106467), ('!', 0.06997810397297144), ('!', -0.00039552152156829834), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "Horrendous, start to finish. Don't bother."} [('', 0.0), ('Ho', 0.04657826689071953), ('rre', -0.1152656789708999), ('ndo', -0.12219741418448393), ('us', -0.03889386616720003), (', ', -0.007932735388749279), ('start ', -0.03969638774651685), ('to ', 0.025394703196070623), ('finish', 0.027721478461899096), ('. ', 0.02097482098179171), ('Don', -0.013843023167282809), ("'", -0.04156627794873202), ('t ', -0.046239057774073444), ('bother', -0.08893505473679397), ('.', -0.021712691421271302), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Brilliant ambience and avocado egg roll is delicious'} [('', 0.0), ('Brilliant ', 0.16616304218769073), ('am', 0.10273518459871411), ('bie', 0.07430827128700912), ('nce ', -0.019166889833286405), ('and ', -0.010412439703941345), ('av', 0.05964561435393989), ('oca', 0.051674530608579516), ('do ', -0.032063883263617754), ('egg ', -0.08386379154399037), ('roll ', 0.019356691744178534), ('is ', -0.0017216354608535767), ('delicious', 0.30064941197633743), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great ambiance! Great food!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.1393304392695427), ('am', 0.12657707603648305), ('bian', 0.07833009213209152), ('ce', -0.06385335000231862), ('! ', 0.0842786580324173), ('Great ', 0.25440579652786255), ('food', 0.09036785364151001), ('!', 0.019856899976730347), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Overall good food and location!'} [('', 0.0), ('Overall ', 0.07424770295619965), ('good ', 0.15776687860488892), ('food ', 0.12496747076511383), ('and ', 0.27115369960665703), ('location', -0.07578652910888195), ('!', 0.13878612406551838), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'The food and service was okay. Nothing less, nothing more.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.0016386350616812706), ('food ', 0.08803476160392165), ('and ', 0.09791178489103913), ('service ', -0.1866980887716636), ('was ', 0.06318046746309847), ('okay', 0.4673985787667334), ('. ', 0.24392785178497434), ('Nothing ', -0.11144550237804651), ('less', 0.2027724189683795), (', ', -0.02804183680564165), ('nothing ', -0.15084083849797025), ('more', -0.025010293524246663), ('.', -0.05471578217111528), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'not impressed. lol it was just ok...'} [('', 0.0), ('not ', -0.3057576332212193), ('impressed', 0.17252548104443122), ('. ', -0.013042002246947959), ('lo', -0.01763180818670662), ('l ', -0.0014805087121203542), ('it ', -0.047449411282286746), ('was ', 0.026747405037895078), ('just ', 0.1932297105267935), ('ok', 0.682497354773659), ('.', 0.04293352132663131), ('.', -0.02787673528655432), ('.', -0.07795941829681396), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Open 24 hours. Always has what I need.'} [('', 0.0), ('Open ', 0.2790575996041298), ('24 ', 0.039393724873661995), ('hours', 0.01739267073571682), ('. ', 0.004551514983177185), ('Always ', 0.07832451723515987), ('has ', 0.08395231515169144), ('what ', 0.09742606536019593), ('I ', 0.12297200888860971), ('need', 0.005900271004065871), ('.', -0.032155733555555344), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Sadly, the Billet Bar is no more :o('} [('', 0.0), ('Sadly', -0.13122898802248528), (', ', -0.025949164577468764), ('the ', -0.015500709301704774), ('Bill', -0.0511692065592797), ('et ', -7.93667059042491e-05), ('Bar ', -0.007241024468385149), ('is ', -0.004196752873212972), ('no ', -0.06730983768466103), ('more ', 0.015458460570698662), (':', -0.011554457931197248), ('o', -0.0031545372658001725), ('(', -0.07009549703798257), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good solid veggie salad.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.32168421894311905), ('solid ', 0.3217809274792671), ('ve', 0.1016587110934779), ('gg', 0.033769579720683396), ('ie ', 0.018077995628118515), ('salad', -0.07097400724887848), ('.', -0.0026014819741249084), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'A good resort for a quick staycation or getting away!!!'} [('', -2.1206215023994446e-06), ('A ', -0.0006947595393285155), ('good ', 0.7943867223220877), ('resort ', 0.08097664435626939), ('for ', -0.021465405021444894), ('a ', -0.003444920977926813), ('quick ', -0.030880972859449685), ('stay', -0.027486701801535673), ('cation ', -0.008819696769933216), ('or ', -0.07897490612231195), ('getting ', -0.04660765545122558), ('away', -0.049149147256684955), ('!', -0.007465793984010816), ('!', 0.022832229733467102), ('!', -0.041211992502212524), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'I like the atmosphere and the restaurant.'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', 0.08392439782619476), ('like ', 0.08121909853070974), ('the ', 0.051259600557386875), ('atmosphere ', 0.20410794019699097), ('and ', 0.09853474050760269), ('the ', 0.05765417404472828), ('restaurant', 0.1457377951592207), ('.', 0.00659286230802536), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best-organized rubber stamp/craft store in the valley.'} [('', 0.0), ('Best', 0.8456509080715477), ('-', -0.05054229497909546), ('organized ', -0.018543504644185305), ('rubber ', -0.12082452233880758), ('stamp', -0.019693466369062662), ('/', 0.005966705968603492), ('craft ', 0.09507702267728746), ('store ', -0.09448589046951383), ('in ', -0.013845367939211428), ('the ', 0.015292779542505741), ('valley', 0.008681664243340492), ('.', -0.025711439549922943), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good ice cream but great environment! Very cute.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.18664696253836155), ('ice ', -0.003790535032749176), ('cream ', -0.008526192978024483), ('but ', -0.03424144955351949), ('great ', 0.1460001013474539), ('environment', 0.050620698486454785), ('! ', 0.011817220831289887), ('Very ', -0.020649065263569355), ('cute', 0.40050375554710627), ('.', -0.03145752474665642), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Not bad it was a little hot inside.'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', 0.4071954928440391), ('bad ', -0.0016907253411773127), ('it ', -0.05312557956131059), ('was ', 0.04069750476628542), ('a ', 0.11140785831958055), ('little ', -0.10945514764171094), ('hot ', 0.20974543213378638), ('inside', 0.12897454295307398), ('.', -0.030401010066270828), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Worth the experience but average ice cream, ambiance and service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Worth ', 0.3476201680023223), ('the ', 0.081278141355142), ('experience ', -0.020338119938969612), ('but ', -0.07463817577809095), ('average ', -0.028871388640254736), ('ice ', -0.009104493074119091), ('cream', -0.05241278978064656), (', ', -0.007355733774602413), ('am', 0.17756938561797142), ('bian', 0.1720608938485384), ('ce ', -0.14499188028275967), ('and ', 0.1700416998937726), ('service', 0.005029729101806879), ('.', -0.033404949586838484), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'They close at 10pm minus 1 star'} [('', 0.0), ('They ', 0.02476796312839724), ('close ', 0.2900981966085965), ('at ', 0.019200554364942946), ('10', -0.0435408832054236), ('pm ', -0.060842952494567726), ('minus ', -0.49780419792659814), ('1 ', -0.14736949830694357), ('star', 0.1463939179375302), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Cute little authentic place. Chimichanga wasnt that bad.'} [('', 0.0), ('Cute ', 0.8505919134040596), ('little ', -0.19525413135488634), ('authentic ', 0.13132033215879346), ('place', -0.040720349563343916), ('. ', -0.023917049169540405), ('Chi', 0.021873694844543934), ('mic', 0.025386701803654432), ('hang', -0.08871438860660419), ('a ', -0.009560496604535729), ('wasn', 0.08918168034051632), ('t ', 0.1272093472571214), ('that ', -0.016805289401418122), ('bad', -0.25777561084851186), ('.', -0.03763764165341854), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Not my favorite! Lacking service and quality .'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', -0.3315589703452133), ('my ', 0.02705588531898684), ('favorite', 0.11225417213427136), ('! ', 0.04935642530472251), ('Lacking ', -0.3247812902291116), ('service ', -0.011093269759840041), ('and ', 0.019802572425760445), ('quality ', 0.1873344023424579), ('.', -0.015047640014017816), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Love this place...very intimate atmosphere.'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.27475644275546074), ('this ', 0.04551674332469702), ('place', 0.025136654265224934), ('.', 0.0033287405967712402), ('.', -0.008927090093493462), ('.', -0.004450982436537743), ('very ', -0.0376792186871171), ('intimate ', 0.3638025298714638), ('atmosphere', 0.06181585695594549), ('.', -0.02636771835386753), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "Don't go!!! Rude bartender"} [('', 0.0), ('Don', -0.05262568020407343), ("'", -0.03868856756162131), ('t ', -0.20798392118012998), ('go', 0.09524541535938624), ('!', 0.0703070181334624), ('!', 0.019130944972857833), ('! ', 0.006164449063362554), ('Rude ', -0.16690977880352875), ('bartender', -0.009957808659237344), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Stetson Chopped Salad. Enough Said.'} [('', 0.0), ('Ste', -0.11879600957036018), ('tson ', 0.0641472302377224), ('Chopped ', -0.1743372476194054), ('Salad', 0.060160948196426034), ('. ', -0.03567511960864067), ('Enough ', 0.07220854051411152), ('Said', 0.10987395234405994), ('.', -0.05553256347775459), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'get the chopped salad!!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('get ', -0.36187174962833524), ('the ', 0.11192620394285768), ('chopped ', -0.20234420627821237), ('salad', 0.27599503681994975), ('!', 0.31722103152424097), ('!', 0.1505151353776455), ('!', -0.0019182376563549042), ('!', 0.06868913769721985), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Excellent service, good food! Recommended spot in Old Town!'} [('', 0.0), ('Excellent ', 0.1860972512513399), ('service', -0.013105129823088646), (', ', -0.015701312571763992), ('good ', 0.14634505240246654), ('food', 0.03014765540137887), ('! ', -0.019234294071793556), ('Recommended ', 0.2336415108293295), ('spot ', 0.029565127566456795), ('in ', 0.006421258440241218), ('Old ', -0.028390502789989114), ('Town', 0.07832009391859174), ('!', -0.006828829646110535), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great product and awesome customer service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.3132459279149771), ('product ', -0.009801050648093224), ('and ', 0.058271512389183044), ('awesome ', 0.2843797393143177), ('customer ', 0.09559261053800583), ('service', 0.006907474249601364), ('.', -0.025153063237667084), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great selection, and VERY helpful staff. Highly recommend!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.15886581130325794), ('selection', 0.01575534977018833), (', ', -0.00811375305056572), ('and ', -0.0001777857542037964), ('VERY ', 0.0085626186337322), ('helpful ', 0.11499013402499259), ('staff', 0.036674708127975464), ('. ', 0.006469773128628731), ('Highly ', 0.16640352830290794), ('recommend', 0.1750900261104107), ('!', -0.008462406694889069), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "Can't beat the free bd grand slam!"} [('', 0.0), ('Can', -0.1430320347117231), ("'", -0.12208879224817792), ('t ', -0.49208251393429236), ('beat ', 0.16156225727900164), ('the ', 0.03718586540344404), ('free ', -0.08659575707861222), ('b', -0.07757410252816044), ('d ', 0.0023834602397982962), ('grand ', 0.2531413736396644), ('slam', 0.12092906678662985), ('!', 0.01290680757665541), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great happy hour food menu! Fills up quickly!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.11072718352079391), ('happy ', 0.10581177100539207), ('hour ', 0.010199200361967087), ('food ', 0.0778745780698955), ('menu', 0.008746702689677477), ('! ', 0.047632668167352676), ('Fills ', -0.001663185190409422), ('up ', 0.21108668018132448), ('quickly', -0.07836362486705184), ('!', 0.2048247903585434), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Love tis place for NYE with my family!'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.22382232546806335), ('tis ', 0.03488892875611782), ('place ', 0.04187940992414951), ('for ', 0.04774594306945801), ('NY', -0.02634149044752121), ('E ', 0.003188496455550194), ('with ', 0.10661759274080396), ('my ', 0.07545573310926557), ('family', 0.19027894083410501), ('!', -0.0007136538624763489), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Incredibly knowledgeable staff. Great book signings.'} [('', 0.0), ('Incredibly ', -0.010007299482822418), ('knowledge', 0.1753257476957515), ('able ', 0.17818633106071502), ('staff', 0.000209547346457839), ('. ', 0.0047144293785095215), ('Great ', 0.40590760903432965), ('book ', -0.013486007694154978), ('signing', -0.017288305796682835), ('s', 0.004786736331880093), ('.', -0.031444963067770004), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "I got the Chicken Parm delivered. It wasn't so hot."} [('', 0.0), ('I ', -0.004544529598206282), ('got ', -0.02796323102666065), ('the ', -0.004818777844775468), ('Chicken ', -0.2007319196127355), ('Par', -0.0012574559077620506), ('m ', -0.024904018500819802), ('delivered', 0.005045281955972314), ('. ', 0.21928918734192848), ('It ', -0.013450112426653504), ('wasn', -0.05264712934149429), ("'", 0.026822010928299278), ('t ', -0.14660008111968637), ('so ', 0.3754554947372526), ('hot', 0.2849130164831877), ('.', 0.06313864211551845), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'My favorite Thai place.'} [('', 0.0), ('My ', 0.08655025064945221), ('favorite ', 0.319418647326529), ('Thai ', 0.22768510226160288), ('place', 0.07409563474357128), ('.', -0.04457610845565796), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "Malee's on Mill is solid, reasonably-priced, standard Thai fare."} [('', 0.0), ('Male', -0.006655905395746231), ('e', 0.01479305699467659), ("'", -0.001577543094754219), ('s ', 0.024079972878098488), ('on ', -0.05572341079823673), ('Mill ', -0.08484617504291236), ('is ', 0.043673272943124175), ('solid', 0.3756553155835718), (', ', -0.03507555276155472), ('reasonably', 0.19844206981360912), ('-', 0.0024610068649053574), ('priced', 0.07647062838077545), (', ', -0.019668851047754288), ('standard ', -0.03568984940648079), ('Thai ', 0.06318881828337908), ('fare', -0.007359159179031849), ('.', -0.014014791697263718), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'I crave their jalapeno fried rice. AMAZING!'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', 0.00366166140884161), ('cr', 0.06161103269550949), ('ave ', 0.09061029402073473), ('their ', 0.001472996547818184), ('ja', -0.06512544536963105), ('la', 0.052024654345586896), ('pen', -0.04033404460642487), ('o ', 0.020455035264603794), ('fried ', -0.12463177042081952), ('rice', -0.10972510138526559), ('. ', -0.0028460919857025146), ('AMAZING', 0.5571744441986084), ('!', 0.1649753600358963), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'First time here and food was very, very good....very authentic.'} [('', 0.0), ('First ', 0.09803494613151997), ('time ', 0.05281658860621974), ('here ', -0.02595871832454577), ('and ', 0.004433110821992159), ('food ', -0.0333701545605436), ('was ', -0.02308257098775357), ('very', -0.006242831237614155), (', ', 0.016564831603318453), ('very ', -0.019132260233163834), ('good', 0.21321948617696762), ('.', -0.008013363927602768), ('.', -0.019825746305286884), ('.', -0.019524761475622654), ('.', -0.02712070755660534), ('very ', -0.00716083450242877), ('authentic', 0.3676268304698169), ('.', -0.02503756806254387), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Great food. Not very expensive.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.14932071285147686), ('food', 0.10759117659472395), ('. ', 0.11091950591071509), ('Not ', -0.14690904919189052), ('very ', -0.13308291923385696), ('expensive', -0.25811471923225326), ('.', -0.09195726836333051), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Even despite management...\\nFood was spectacular....\\nServer ( Cameron) above avg.!'} [('', -0.0002554023638367653), ('Even ', 0.021799681754782797), ('despite ', -0.1419742096448317), ('management', -0.14034441562835126), ('.', -0.0021181518211960794), ('.', -0.08567526750266552), ('.', -0.08570276200771332), ('\\', -0.049995605659205467), ('n', -0.07330121222670034), ('Fo', -0.045665965071142026), ('od ', -0.05620688641405044), ('was ', 0.149231957810116), ('spectacular', 0.3328672522184206), ('.', 0.10920755786355585), ('.', -0.00497187330343184), ('.', -0.0067569960928743796), ('.', -0.011290949591923328), ('\\', -4.893813248989839e-05), ('nS', -0.03257553393667054), ('er', -0.026407631209059174), ('ver ', -0.01719397672457576), ('( ', -0.018985100733559756), ('Cameron', 0.047414335826899676), (') ', 0.04191058728333917), ('above ', 0.5698628992374454), ('av', -0.01676362591596054), ('g', -0.01689225180806326), ('.', -0.03191581544732409), ('!', 0.053258053958415985), ('', -0.0001775994896888733)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best ever. Great service. Nice people --love my boots'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.16100915148854256), ('ever', -0.0003103911876678467), ('. ', -0.008036021143198013), ('Great ', 0.19069313537329435), ('service', -0.02509064506739378), ('. ', -0.013512909412384033), ('Nice ', 0.17105920426547527), ('people ', -0.021197492256760597), ('-', 0.0018083900213241577), ('-', 0.002260129898786545), ('love ', 0.17409136146306992), ('my ', 0.009130660444498062), ('boots', -0.03242258355021477), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'A little pricey, but they get the job done!'} [('', 0.0), ('A ', 0.14353110641241074), ('little ', -0.1790195368230343), ('price', 0.14020665548741817), ('y', 0.1894993893802166), (', ', 0.017621325328946114), ('but ', -0.05671631172299385), ('they ', 0.06195561040658504), ('get ', -0.0873572948621586), ('the ', 0.12949492619372904), ('job ', 0.30785792227834463), ('done', -0.0690490456763655), ('!', 0.028661319985985756), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Pretty healthy fare for not much cash.'} [('', 0.0), ('Pretty ', 0.10430589974566828), ('healthy ', 0.279460986443155), ('fare ', 0.04352963421115419), ('for ', 0.094043861314276), ('not ', -0.23491750383618637), ('much ', -0.18398690253707173), ('cash', -0.04915143321522919), ('.', -0.1978982849541353), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'it is what it is'} [('', 0.0), ('it ', 0.07405238598585129), ('is ', 0.12044497951865196), ('what ', 0.17317428812384605), ('it ', 0.2670063376426697), ('is', 0.029084965586662292), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Staff was friendly and nice selection.'} [('', 0.0), ('Staff ', 0.034638144075870514), ('was ', -0.044286077842116356), ('friendly ', 0.37067642621695995), ('and ', 0.05261322110891342), ('nice ', 0.20832161605358124), ('selection', 0.1064053401350975), ('.', -0.004954725503921509), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'The kung pao shrimp and fried bananna desert is delish!'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.025598319109121803), ('kung ', -0.039515993172244634), ('pa', -0.034698872430453775), ('o ', -0.02493433837298653), ('shrimp ', -0.062117795016092714), ('and ', -0.01262773134658346), ('fried ', -0.05087359391473001), ('ban', -0.0730970524773511), ('anna ', 0.053803146222890064), ('desert ', -0.04563735109695699), ('is ', 0.005839393714268226), ('del', -0.01921157373362803), ('ish', -0.0768798043463903), ('!', -0.009901716184685938), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'great service, fantastic food'} [('', 0.0), ('great ', 0.22584077343344688), ('service', 0.02493230625987053), (', ', 0.08120334893465042), ('fantastic ', 0.1737547442317009), ('food', 0.15831317752599716), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Happy Birthday Chey-Chey!'} [('', 0.0), ('Happy ', 0.3395914975553751), ('Birthday ', 0.277485067024827), ('Che', -0.17165190214291215), ('y', 0.042572539765387774), ('-', -0.09724673442542553), ('Che', -0.035877881571650505), ('y', 0.1536691766232252), ('!', 0.22066724300384521), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Things got really salty here.'} [('', 0.0), ('Things ', -0.19805439689662308), ('got ', -0.0333081537974067), ('really ', 0.13027456257259473), ('salty ', -0.47612255412968807), ('here', 0.31013105550664477), ('.', -0.03426242829300463), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Been closed awhile, the website lives on FOREVER'} [('', 0.0), ('Been ', -0.13619040232151747), ('closed ', -0.07498913363087922), ('awhile', 0.008359078434295952), (', ', 0.08406656235456467), ('the ', 0.0525015703169629), ('website ', -0.1144311799434945), ('lives ', 0.3983174399472773), ('on ', 0.19351839600130916), ('FOREVER', 0.29874748177826405), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "These folks are doin' DD RIGHT!!!"} [('', 0.0), ('These ', -0.014185399282723665), ('folks ', 0.02912790235131979), ('are ', -0.021970535162836313), ('doin', 0.4252731573651545), ("' ", 0.013035764743108302), ('DD ', -0.2803345862485003), ('RIGHT', 0.44301466501201503), ('!', 0.06393747963011265), ('!', 0.04267611354589462), ('!', -0.0041872113943099976), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Pretty cool place for coffee and donuts exceptional customer service'} [('', 0.0), ('Pretty ', 0.04251653701066971), ('cool ', 0.26039170660078526), ('place ', 0.07218691520392895), ('for ', -0.009079993702471256), ('coffee ', -0.041685025207698345), ('and ', 0.008722078055143356), ('don', 0.0025168817956000566), ('uts ', -0.03130395547486842), ('exceptional ', 0.41720054810866714), ('customer ', -0.0007809256203472614), ('service', -0.054660260677337646), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'WOW! It was awesome. Peppers suffer with dungeness crab.'} [('', 0.0), ('WOW', 0.12829592761409003), ('! ', 0.05080566460674163), ('It ', -0.011106684301921632), ('was ', 0.024864207960490603), ('awesome', 0.455833534579142), ('. ', 0.12603572141961195), ('Peppers ', -0.02775602077599615), ('suffer ', -0.05892815481638536), ('with ', -0.02967047819402069), ('dung', -0.04641456118406495), ('enes', -0.013372757828619797), ('s ', -0.004777473979629576), ('crab', -0.030075960254180245), ('.', -0.011638237090664916), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great food and Tracy is a great server!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.2843414805829525), ('food ', 0.0661148689687252), ('and ', 0.05591065622866154), ('Tracy ', 0.07776034506969154), ('is ', -0.029965881956741214), ('a ', 0.05543963244417682), ('great ', 0.2802237971336581), ('server', -0.10496164590585977), ('!', 0.01621195860207081), ('!', -0.004159227013587952), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Fun patio.'} [('', 0.0), ('Fun ', 0.22518682479858398), ('patio', 0.21348196268081665), ('.', 0.038200438022613525), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great out door seating!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.1987123116850853), ('out ', 0.0691132191568613), ('door ', -0.029583102092146873), ('seating', 0.15514564886689186), ('!', 0.27063195407390594), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'great atmosphere and staff but food was subpar'} [('', 0.0), ('great ', 0.4685273820068687), ('atmosphere ', 0.20762817608192563), ('and ', 0.029330251971259713), ('staff ', 0.024123425828292966), ('but ', -0.3444712625350803), ('food ', 0.059086188208311796), ('was ', -0.1264892523176968), ('sub', -0.331208688672632), ('par', -0.16864126874133945), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Watery bloody and slow service. Terrible management.'} [('', 0.0), ('Watery ', -0.03983328241520212), ('bloody ', -0.04420011182810413), ('and ', 0.013278236303449376), ('slow ', -0.05324154435584205), ('service', -0.02771094234776683), ('. ', 0.008120106762362411), ('Terrible ', -0.10825339407165302), ('management', -0.005726259551011026), ('.', -0.029028645680227783), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'RG3 time. Go Redskins!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('R', -0.1364005757495761), ('G', 0.0003981413319706917), ('3 ', -0.0803268258459866), ('time', 0.08906043134629726), ('. ', 0.003921621013432741), ('Go ', 0.30942749278619885), ('Redskins', -0.23829492693766952), ('!', 0.1273814970627427), ('!', -0.02736891433596611), ('!', -0.11531392484903336), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great place to have some Chicago Style Baby Back Ribs!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.427988535258919), ('place ', 0.036031478084623814), ('to ', -0.011639095377177), ('have ', 0.01411099685356021), ('some ', 0.014680726919323206), ('Chicago ', 0.0966441803611815), ('Style ', 0.22360504372045398), ('Baby ', 0.01813934836536646), ('Back ', -0.08894917089492083), ('Ribs', -0.058241091668605804), ('!', -0.00646321102976799), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'great food, great service, awesome slaw!!'} [('', 0.0), ('great ', 0.12034776154905558), ('food', 0.06194664258509874), (', ', -0.010019661858677864), ('great ', 0.19565264810808003), ('service', -0.027880161302164197), (', ', 0.003918755799531937), ('awesome ', 0.4092076300876215), ('sl', -0.04963318363297731), ('aw', -0.037286510691046715), ('!', 0.016826290637254715), ('!', -0.017032459378242493), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'My favorite music venue in the valley!'} [('', 0.0), ('My ', -0.01976289600133896), ('favorite ', 0.25580183044075966), ('music ', 0.1282251663506031), ('venue ', 0.15227249264717102), ('in ', 0.046082206070423126), ('the ', 0.07548747770488262), ('valley', 0.0694067869335413), ('!', 0.021525174379348755), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'classic Italian food and a great service!'} [('', 0.0), ('classic ', 0.11101116240024567), ('Italian ', 0.0991026721894741), ('food ', 0.09871392324566841), ('and ', 0.05490472912788391), ('a ', 0.12429716438055038), ('great ', 0.21916157752275467), ('service', 0.0018089860677719116), ('!', 0.02026285231113434), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Sucked... I still have\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nStill dusty with waterspots'} [('', 0.0), ('Sucked', -0.18069070947967703), ('.', -0.0490643897865084), ('.', -0.001298208848311333), ('. ', 0.0032638761804264504), ('I ', -0.016092180474061024), ('still ', -0.03273621975267815), ('have', -0.011370456518761785), ('\\', -0.01249357915685323), ('n', -0.01565361916027541), ('\\', -0.018499840890854102), ('n', -0.013497437812020507), ('\\', -0.015454894276899722), ('n', -0.0076178690246446685), ('\\', -0.006170106225428234), ('n', -0.005476799680283356), ('\\', -0.006380235721254784), ('n', -0.0020494146011103675), ('\\', -0.003746461457971929), ('nS', -0.010799723197173773), ('till ', -0.008313467944439946), ('dusty ', -0.03217378791924126), ('with ', -0.007270622579021403), ('waters', -0.023503399793363706), ('pot', -0.022700065678756282), ('s', -0.01017443789630436), ('', -0.00013529572340433203)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'I love their shellac!'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', 0.05722531536594033), ('love ', 0.7008691483642906), ('their ', 0.07380795921199024), ('shell', -0.18482913891784847), ('ac', -0.039577644085511565), ('!', 0.08362063346430659), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great place! Good bar type food and great service!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.24601736664772034), ('place', 0.04292210936546326), ('! ', 0.04407903552055359), ('Good ', 0.19718959974125028), ('bar ', -0.01133071118965745), ('type ', -0.007948786485940218), ('food ', -0.011732605751603842), ('and ', -0.0052231959998607635), ('great ', 0.15453816344961524), ('service', 0.00323800602927804), ('!', 0.01430639997124672), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Great dive bar. Great jukebox'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.3727427627891302), ('dive ', -0.04848859505727887), ('bar', -0.019698841031640768), ('. ', 0.06013330817222595), ('Great ', 0.4179981453344226), ('ju', -0.05225353001151234), ('ke', 0.017717948299832642), ('box', -0.019279078114777803), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "Dear Ra:\\n\\nGet over yourself. \\n\\nJust sayin'.\\n- Alicia"} [('', 0.0), ('Dear ', 0.2804488220717758), ('Ra', 0.0004918970807921141), (':', -0.030341805453645065), ('\\', 0.008715432893950492), ('n', -0.026517323858570307), ('\\', 0.009438197303097695), ('nG', -0.10408376000123098), ('et ', -0.03936167591018602), ('over ', -0.19369868433568627), ('yourself', -0.057765457313507795), ('. ', -0.08045538968872279), ('\\', -0.01939564962716152), ('n', -0.013275883994841328), ('\\', -0.019550660528087366), ('nJ', 0.010462328908033669), ('ust ', -0.05046182556543499), ('say', -0.010624146680735672), ('in', -0.008109235272665197), ("'", -0.04099565352468441), ('.', -0.017349244095385075), ('\\', -0.016566989314742386), ('n', -0.05970784982200712), ('- ', -0.021618304029107093), ('Alicia', 0.05067279497161507), ('', -4.576705396175384e-06)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'RA is to sushi what date rape is to romance.'} [('', 0.0), ('RA ', 0.0060377223417162895), ('is ', -0.02261622902005911), ('to ', 0.10979122947901487), ('su', -0.04426589573267847), ('shi ', 0.13781324785668403), ('what ', -0.1729579612147063), ('date ', 0.12292420049197972), ('rape ', -0.6073701330460608), ('is ', -0.044693161034956574), ('to ', -0.01797875459305942), ('romance', 0.22900907648727298), ('.', -0.019365334883332253), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Good Sushi\\nWay too noise!!!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.5467742366454331), ('Su', 0.16052276443588198), ('shi', 0.049732406416296726), ('\\', 0.004214011845760979), ('nWa', -0.06933685771036835), ('y ', 0.011510308819197235), ('too ', -0.12034161250812758), ('noise', -0.0634719584868435), ('!', 0.00467271868546959), ('!', 0.028198933228850365), ('!', 0.006025033071637154), ('!', 0.009650617837905884), ('!', 0.02848217636346817), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Go for happy hour.'} [('', 0.0), ('Go ', 0.2420673668384552), ('for ', 0.03759426437318325), ('happy ', 0.3080314267426729), ('hour', 0.1212104931473732), ('.', -0.04486551880836487), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Crowded, pushy, noisey unimaginative. Do not bother.'} [('', 0.0), ('Crowded', -0.048844565768376924), (', ', -0.01539372450497467), ('push', -0.0319958601903636), ('y', -0.014843755081528798), (', ', -0.008407756133237854), ('noise', -0.029832096166501287), ('y ', -0.007701756949245464), ('un', -0.09228723752494261), ('ima', 0.0455660012903536), ('gina', 0.009298644661612343), ('tive', -0.011158254797919653), ('. ', -0.03725945792393759), ('Do ', -0.021088952282298123), ('not ', -0.057078168818406994), ('bother', -0.09405572735704482), ('.', -0.031120093946810812), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best New Mexican in Arizona...easily.'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.3489281442016363), ('New ', 0.019740902818739414), ('Mexican ', 0.01500167790800333), ('in ', -0.01580679975450039), ('Arizona', 0.0016328804194927216), ('.', 0.02033303864300251), ('.', 0.008425969630479813), ('.', -0.01297447457909584), ('easily', 0.33774035051465034), ('.', -0.0262455977499485), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'I love the patio and the ambiance,'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', -0.02861492708325386), ('love ', 0.256961396895349), ('the ', 0.02378441672772169), ('patio ', 0.09633804298937321), ('and ', 0.0535928038880229), ('the ', 0.012789684347808361), ('am', 0.18711374420672655), ('bian', 0.15862776804715395), ('ce', -0.03851715847849846), (',', -0.025151919573545456), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Pasta Brioni in a nut shell: Hot waiters. Mediocre food.'} [('', 0.0), ('Pasta ', 0.02323222210907261), ('Br', 0.010324738727831573), ('ion', 0.008484313611006655), ('i ', -2.290749216626864e-05), ('in ', -0.02788155816233484), ('a ', 0.011491359626234043), ('nut ', -0.10517980382428505), ('shell', -0.06575751755008241), (': ', 0.021103809966007248), ('Hot ', 0.03630797104779049), ('waiter', -0.056764781424135435), ('s', -0.04140971993547282), ('. ', -0.026232055555738043), ('Med', -0.11515675374539569), ('io', -0.02762467839056626), ('cre ', -0.12675031402613968), ('food', 0.02110243147762958), ('.', -0.007791447758791037), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Awesome service...good traditional Italian cuisine....love Pasta Brioni!'} [('', 0.0), ('Awesome ', 0.1499847210943699), ('service', -0.016582272946834564), ('.', -0.0031642653048038483), ('.', -0.005255021154880524), ('.', -0.007653247565031052), ('good ', 0.0801265207119286), ('traditional ', 0.015926789958029985), ('Italian ', 0.03092528274282813), ('cuisine', 0.03208460612222552), ('.', -0.01607458107173443), ('.', -0.017389687709510326), ('.', -0.0179962245747447), ('.', -0.02677134983241558), ('love ', 0.3019874729216099), ('Pasta ', 0.007116603199392557), ('Br', -0.014300289136978487), ('ion', 0.05348550012179961), ('i', -0.0020521110078940787), ('!', -0.025326182134449482), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'This pizza was worth 5 stars.'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', -0.013652803376317024), ('pizza ', -0.05531188938766718), ('was ', -0.03774359170347452), ('worth ', 0.4332199515774846), ('5 ', -0.0055948588997125626), ('stars', 0.42673088889569044), ('.', -0.024562055245041847), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'OMG! So freaking good!!!! Sangria yummers!!!'} [('', -1.961986223856608e-07), ('OM', -0.08940272281567256), ('G', -0.024365789877871673), ('! ', -0.022792180068790913), ('So ', -0.03458930610213429), ('freaking ', -0.0036460512783378363), ('good', 0.4785351260798052), ('!', -0.01881478982977569), ('!', 0.0028413599357008934), ('!', -0.0034759435802698135), ('! ', -0.012271211482584476), ('Sang', 0.11087514682828138), ('ria ', -0.07563586694498857), ('yu', 0.08962821300374343), ('mmer', 0.06255929291946813), ('s', 0.046304728579707445), ('!', 0.04976227080139021), ('!', -0.0062576476484537125), ('!', -0.01858121156692505), ('', -1.341104507446289e-07)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Garbage is the only nice word that comes to mind'} [('', 0.0), ('Garbage ', -0.47668953959146165), ('is ', 0.08074271229816077), ('the ', -0.13792737668882182), ('only ', -0.21961801682664372), ('nice ', 0.2648428567135852), ('word ', -0.16822006764414255), ('that ', 0.015211248290142976), ('comes ', 0.16131260591282626), ('to ', 0.09782931656445726), ('mind', 0.08007756825827528), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Not even one star.'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', -0.15559032559394836), ('even ', -0.05336531273496803), ('one ', -0.22143167645845097), ('star', 0.1412735194026027), ('.', -0.04580093128606677), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Excellent hem done quickly and beautifully! Highly recommend'} [('', 0.0), ('Excellent ', 0.20885218353942037), ('hem ', -0.00856962357647717), ('done ', -0.007147928234189749), ('quickly ', -0.014943782007321715), ('and ', 0.020249728113412857), ('beautifully', 0.12799742631614208), ('! ', 0.030277809128165245), ('Highly ', 0.17477229982614517), ('recommend', 0.18151722103357315), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Mojitos.'} [('', 0.0), ('Mo', -0.025639310013502836), ('jit', 0.6140545937232673), ('os', 0.03802381083369255), ('.', -0.041509419679641724), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'SMoCA is divine.'} [('', 0.0), ('SM', -0.24208700796589255), ('oCA ', 0.08146682614460588), ('is ', -0.0033810853492468596), ('divine', 0.8492555196862668), ('.', -0.021414226852357388), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'probably my favorite restaurant :)'} [('', 0.0), ('probably ', -0.15329033508896828), ('my ', 0.0523065160959959), ('favorite ', 0.4962341096252203), ('restaurant ', 0.2356162704527378), (':', 0.023960363119840622), (')', 0.03381998836994171), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Love this location at Gainey Ranch! Great food consistently!'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.33927964232861996), ('this ', 0.021974976174533367), ('location ', -0.026458775624632835), ('at ', 0.014555797912180424), ('Gain', 0.044559411238878965), ('ey ', 0.004619359504431486), ('Ranch', -0.07531590852886438), ('! ', -0.009564535692334175), ('Great ', 0.18709025532007217), ('food ', -0.018423758447170258), ('consistently', 0.15294377505779266), ('!', -0.007951006293296814), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Ooohhhhhh..... Mmmmmyyyyy.... Gggooosssshhhhh!!!!!! Need I say more?'} [('', -0.0007724472328961368), ('O', 0.0018525838611706618), ('oo', -0.05123036119695162), ('hh', -0.02142235704305922), ('hh', -0.02527492607551967), ('hh', -0.015103727672988223), ('.', -0.0023987362168670172), ('.', -0.0014232189601494207), ('.', -0.0016514805352522267), ('.', 0.00015472373666448725), ('. ', -0.0004236476056070791), ('Mmm', -0.04775633619930078), ('mmy', -0.02444058543834318), ('y', -0.00947722033662204), ('y', -0.00855688643706445), ('y', -0.01526846475381818), ('y', -0.006416603172611859), ('.', -0.010738771667497026), ('.', -0.0032999111572280526), ('.', -0.003269501612521708), ('. ', -0.005892601795494556), ('G', -0.0035122268309351057), ('gg', -0.013058326992904767), ('oo', -0.017858549574157223), ('oss', -0.018151862983359024), ('ss', -0.030239006358897313), ('hh', -0.012091653217794374), ('hh', -0.010028749296907336), ('h', -0.009750025870744139), ('!', -0.02154623414389789), ('!', -0.005396938533522189), ('!', -0.005808314890600741), ('!', -0.0014863267230490844), ('!', -0.0015958351238320272), ('! ', -0.006513110750044386), ('Need ', -0.036317820592861004), ('I ', -0.019431263606141634), ('say ', -0.01655777583558423), ('more', -0.01655777583558423), ('?', -0.020674787655783195), ('', -0.0009249563639362653)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Love love love this store!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.37685520644299686), ('love ', 0.18934709613677114), ('love ', 0.18873411824461073), ('this ', 0.0668034348054789), ('store', -0.2263686775113456), ('!', 0.0655324247200042), ('!', 0.02871832251548767), ('!', 0.03961491584777832), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Great salads!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.22990752011537552), ('salad', -0.01879936084151268), ('s', 0.09791431203484535), ('!', 0.27738212049007416), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "Don't bother. I've enjoyed Taco Bell more."} [('', 0.0), ('Don', 0.011425522796344012), ("'", -0.06497864407720044), ('t ', -0.049295535893179476), ('bother', -0.19084679742809385), ('. ', 0.09418903582263738), ('I', 0.06129914300981909), ("'", -0.015751021215692163), ('ve ', -0.03961541206808761), ('enjoyed ', 0.7958613719674759), ('Ta', 0.029283656418556347), ('co ', 0.01161329701426439), ('Bell ', -0.044030193821527064), ('more', 0.0018646559910848737), ('.', -0.018537783646024764), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Please remove this restaurant, its been closed for months.'} [('', 0.0), ('Please ', 0.09421646977716591), ('remove ', -0.3012865043092461), ('this ', -0.018646043736225693), ('restaurant', 0.02770497829624219), (', ', 0.013977276015793905), ('its ', -0.02713814515300328), ('been ', -0.031304123702284414), ('closed ', -0.017729583003529115), ('for ', -0.0017543578032928053), ('months', -0.03606007547932677), ('.', -0.03452669465332292), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'This place WAS fantastic however it is closed'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', 0.03602732717990875), ('place ', -0.06338969431817532), ('WAS ', -0.40064247883856297), ('fantastic ', 0.8018296020454727), ('however ', -0.12459113501245156), ('it ', 0.06051378701522481), ('is ', -0.06289679596375208), ('closed', -0.27344575757160783), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "5 stars - that 's it."} [('', 0.0), ('5 ', 0.034195028245449066), ('stars ', 0.32298849895596504), ('- ', 0.0007345862686634064), ('that ', 0.15320468693971634), ("'", 0.08933908119797707), ('s ', 0.006842497736215591), ('it', 0.1223243921995163), ('.', -0.0006804764270782471), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Delicious food, wonderful lunch menu. Super cute patio.'} [('', 0.0), ('Delicious ', 0.1361889448016882), ('food', 0.03900301270186901), (', ', -0.008399296551942825), ('wonderful ', 0.15612907148897648), ('lunch ', 0.03924533352255821), ('menu', -0.023489711806178093), ('. ', -0.005112268030643463), ('Super ', 0.02998356521129608), ('cute ', 0.2662236616015434), ('patio', 0.07139553874731064), ('.', -0.0351007878780365), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "Terrible service! Don't trust delivery..."} [('', 0.0), ('Terrible ', -0.20013811010721838), ('service', 0.04635800219512021), ('! ', 0.025293328259067493), ('Don', -0.016308506429822955), ("'", -0.06770695078580502), ('t ', -0.08285763594858508), ('trust ', 0.034870424338123485), ('delivery', 0.0026804577239545324), ('.', 0.019432502182553435), ('.', -0.024548527662773267), ('.', -0.07066103010583902), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Awesome place!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Awesome ', 0.09072388336062431), ('place', 0.06924810633063316), ('!', 0.14944497495889664), ('!', 0.2771695405244827), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Slow service at Lons tonight. Great atmosphere.'} [('', 0.0), ('Slow ', -0.15408002455660608), ('service ', -0.08990865207306342), ('at ', 0.032260398809739854), ('Lo', 0.062366534676584706), ('ns ', -0.11699077360844967), ('tonight', 0.11614748463762226), ('. ', 0.0007866445521358401), ('Great ', 0.7621790470147971), ('atmosphere', 0.11471415453706868), ('.', -0.03155381017131731), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Amazing Asian Chicken salad!'} [('', 0.0), ('Amazing ', 0.4408804550766945), ('Asian ', 0.1287121211644262), ('Chicken ', -0.25522947567515075), ('salad', 0.07889256533235312), ('!', 0.27068693935871124), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Amazing service and really friendly staff!!! Very much recommended!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Amazing ', 0.18437931593507528), ('service ', -0.020475770346820354), ('and ', -0.017698202282190323), ('really ', 0.05317363562062383), ('friendly ', 0.13668680330738425), ('staff', -0.015999652445316315), ('!', -0.028258195146918297), ('!', -0.016345822252333164), ('! ', -0.013709801249206066), ('Very ', 0.12344689597375691), ('much ', 0.03105843416415155), ('recommended', 0.17229314800351858), ('!', 0.01556493528187275), ('!', -0.02056226134300232), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Steak ok, overpriced, pecan pie almost inedible'} [('', 0.0), ('Steak ', 0.022623381271841936), ('ok', 0.09077922567666974), (', ', 0.05342297846800648), ('over', -0.25344720111752395), ('pr', -0.1494464752759086), ('ice', -0.007142780246795155), ('d', 0.03627702627272811), (', ', -0.0027867614990100265), ('pe', -0.09456637647235766), ('can ', -0.0033279366907663643), ('pie ', -0.07064912066562101), ('almost ', -0.09439551149262115), ('in', -0.06636840006103739), ('ed', 0.08380021824268624), ('ible', 0.0370589941740036), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Serving pho without bean sprout? What the...'} [('', 0.0), ('Serving ', 0.2788118013413623), ('ph', -0.1043524569249712), ('o ', 0.026244763110298663), ('without ', 0.15206901742203627), ('bean ', 0.09032197030319367), ('sp', -0.06688168210166623), ('rou', 0.014214254068065202), ('t', -0.03270336639980087), ('? ', -0.5263597334269434), ('What ', -0.06960914586670697), ('the', -0.02981965965591371), ('.', -0.025925723370164633), ('.', 0.0007457914762198925), ('.', -0.07613475061953068), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'The food is borderline gross but the pie is amazing!'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.031791403802344576), ('food ', 0.04606246266484959), ('is ', 0.03514413300581509), ('border', -0.08043379312584875), ('line ', -0.022528988625708735), ('gross ', -0.15779799220399582), ('but ', 0.026339395604736637), ('the ', -0.01798278723435942), ('pie ', -0.04761857075209264), ('is ', -0.005830573238199577), ('amazing', 0.8909505669143982), ('!', -0.0074348399066366255), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Nothing to write home about. Okay burger.'} [('', 0.0), ('Nothing ', -0.7940322349459166), ('to ', 0.020945385411323514), ('write ', -0.0021028223345638253), ('home ', 0.1589982156510814), ('about', -0.005517343459359836), ('. ', 0.03771660372149199), ('Okay ', 0.28176044386054855), ('burger', -0.09269228573248256), ('.', 0.11430582890170626), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Very expensive and just ok.'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.15121271507814527), ('expensive ', -0.10154616320505738), ('and ', 0.2871199566870928), ('just ', -0.05849991785362363), ('ok', 0.4372439500875771), ('.', -0.024445202201604843), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Food was good. Nice setting. A bit pricey.'} [('', 0.0), ('Food ', -0.011971079744398594), ('was ', 0.04298085020855069), ('good', 0.139470134396106), ('. ', -0.01239413395524025), ('Nice ', 0.18022213224321604), ('setting', -0.01142409909516573), ('. ', -0.01075008139014244), ('A ', 0.005810254719108343), ('bit ', -0.0618377816863358), ('price', 0.19034210476092994), ('y', 0.21571429469622672), ('.', -0.03886575996875763), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Persian room special is a great value!!! $39.99'} [('', 0.0), ('Persian ', 0.0623360532335937), ('room ', -0.0217834843788296), ('special ', 0.05087337433360517), ('is ', 0.012156364449765533), ('a ', 0.10429859050782397), ('great ', 0.5214072959497571), ('value', 0.05931295990012586), ('!', -0.02228553919121623), ('!', -0.007217260776087642), ('! ', -0.0010880199261009693), ('$', -0.12488433049293235), ('39', -0.017547385359648615), ('.', -0.035929742152802646), ('99', 0.003647452685981989), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Worth trying'} [('', 0.0), ('Worth ', 0.2156701683998108), ('trying', 0.057388246059417725), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'The More beers the better!!'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.15868445578962564), ('More ', -0.06427230918779969), ('beers ', -0.18026431323960423), ('the ', 0.3293449874036014), ('better', 0.17796058906242251), ('!', 0.22572595532983541), ('!', 0.06607133150100708), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Extensive beer selection and laid back spot.'} [('', 0.0), ('Extensive ', 0.16693167388439178), ('beer ', -0.07138653937727213), ('selection ', 0.19980464223772287), ('and ', 0.06269040703773499), ('laid ', 0.28663473785854876), ('back ', 0.07314881472848356), ('spot', 0.03602265566587448), ('.', -0.02481149137020111), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good buffet at a fair price.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.3344344049692154), ('buffet ', -0.0002515893429517746), ('at ', 0.03219090215861797), ('a ', 0.17004701681435108), ('fair ', 0.223467031493783), ('price', -0.012449938803911209), ('.', -0.024038545787334442), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Nice orange chicken'} [('', 0.0), ('Nice ', 0.7039036490023136), ('orange ', -0.006989095360040665), ('chicken', -0.2209944725036621), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'RUDE Customer Service!!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('RUDE ', -0.6884541724648443), ('Customer ', 0.00010554934669926297), ('Service', 0.06760770358414447), ('!', 0.2096103827789193), ('!', 0.09792121191640035), ('!', -0.007142181257222546), ('!', 0.04421361597633222), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Wish they had wi fi here.'} [('', 0.0), ('Wish ', -0.10116638866020367), ('they ', -0.047706852230476215), ('had ', -0.009943767596269026), ('wi ', -0.07636452573206043), ('fi ', -0.06642936767457286), ('here', 0.05437804799294099), ('.', -0.027024674927815795), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': "really fun! it was 80's nite!! great time!"} [('', 0.0), ('really ', 0.07179441675543785), ('fun', 0.2630662675946951), ('! ', 0.023794205859303474), ('it ', -0.009349967527668923), ('was ', 0.004239792993757874), ('80', -0.004665208252845332), ("'", 0.01997577355359681), ('s ', 0.005928148806560785), ('ni', -0.06874647759832442), ('te', -0.03814340173266828), ('!', 0.015800552908331156), ('! ', -0.042185358703136444), ('great ', 0.33204958215355873), ('time', -0.0008267946541309357), ('!', -0.005124814808368683), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Meh!'} [('', 0.0), ('Me', 0.16283772885799408), ('h', 0.04066990315914154), ('!', 0.23143699765205383), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "Now a J.J. North's Country Buffet"} [('', 0.0), ('Now ', -0.12619667500257492), ('a ', 0.07298696041107178), ('J', 0.028749415650963783), ('.', 0.1283660065382719), ('J', 0.05306445248425007), ('. ', -0.028147118166089058), ('North', 0.058756811544299126), ("'", 0.0691464776173234), ('s ', 0.01097970362752676), ('Country ', -0.23658075276762247), ('Buffet', -0.2162743853405118), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Kinda over priced but always taste good.'} [('', 0.0), ('Kinda ', -0.01670791002106853), ('over ', -0.05562058546638582), ('priced ', -0.001957872314960696), ('but ', -0.052569529914762825), ('always ', 0.15952632250264287), ('taste ', 0.23543265205807984), ('good', 0.4851360188331455), ('.', -0.02425122307613492), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Seriously unhealthy stuff.'} [('', 0.0), ('Seriously ', -0.059504009383090306), ('un', -0.37906702094005595), ('hea', 0.12103904288414924), ('lth', -0.09676826434770192), ('y ', -0.02397019233649189), ('stuff', 0.11831668969534803), ('.', 0.04379251124919392), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great bartenders cheap beer and pool and awesome local music!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.17863098240923136), ('bartender', -0.0010375532729085535), ('s ', -0.005402333888923749), ('cheap ', -0.293627161096083), ('beer ', -0.03202748778858222), ('and ', 0.08599622547626495), ('pool ', 0.012409054674208164), ('and ', 0.10459445137530565), ('awesome ', 0.2653014276875183), ('local ', 0.041432480909861624), ('music', 0.18745716521516442), ('!', 0.08348786551505327), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Its a racket.'} [('', 0.0), ('Its ', 0.044271208345890045), ('a ', 0.2712545469403267), ('rack', -0.15851494250819087), ('et', 0.5208388823084533), ('.', -0.014574900269508362), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Gone!- Drummed out of business!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Gone', -0.18365339031151962), ('!', 0.018361897164140828), ('- ', -0.013282039730256656), ('Drum', 0.04102744041301776), ('med ', -0.0066640817749430425), ('out ', -0.07181857742943976), ('of ', -0.049255748595896875), ('business', -0.09256425888816011), ('!', 0.028312986565651954), ('!', 0.01407308827037923), ('!', -0.017017541511449963), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'capital T for Terrible.'} [('', 0.0), ('capital ', -0.24415737413801253), ('T ', -0.007187438908658805), ('for ', 0.0210440585960896), ('Terrible', -0.04851798745585256), ('.', -0.04973327415063977), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Love this place! Good quality meats and Gnarly Service. Thanks!'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.24204747006297112), ('this ', 0.042511895298957825), ('place', 0.03199556842446327), ('! ', -0.04066729545593262), ('Good ', 0.128174627374392), ('quality ', 0.08460130746243522), ('meat', -0.01223683517309837), ('s ', -6.938228034414351e-05), ('and ', -0.009263509884476662), ('G', -0.009185319155221805), ('nar', -0.024203490960644558), ('ly ', 0.0034870599629357457), ('Service', -0.01451151497894898), ('. ', -0.008419790945481509), ('Thanks', 0.14101949706673622), ('!', -0.003557104617357254), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'The food is always awesome, Todd and Natasha are great.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.03163060359656811), ('food ', 0.045595224015414715), ('is ', 0.03532577585428953), ('always ', 0.039375968277454376), ('awesome', 0.1771831400692463), (', ', 0.04781840369105339), ('Todd ', 0.04313478246331215), ('and ', 0.04382285848259926), ('Natasha ', 0.059361566323786974), ('are ', 0.02092986134812236), ('great', 0.15747645497322083), ('.', -0.011090874671936035), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great food, obnoxious bartender, average atmosphere, good service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.16819184764608508), ('food', 0.04670128739235224), (', ', -0.013734277134062722), ('ob', -0.07034527698851889), ('no', -0.17239293237071251), ('xious ', -0.093838943328592), ('bartender', -0.034255660910275765), (', ', -0.010304342329618521), ('average ', 0.05890074674971402), ('atmosphere', -0.025134891970083117), (', ', 0.02657009521499276), ('good ', 0.6245384935755283), ('service', 0.03576934733428061), ('.', 0.0424543465487659), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good sandwiches, and desserts.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.36066670529544353), ('sandwiches', -0.08375069312751293), (', ', 0.09144662320613861), ('and ', 0.0637006089091301), ('dessert', 0.21056486293673515), ('s', 0.08783411607146263), ('.', -0.007050305604934692), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'The best philly cheesesteak in town!'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.03817302733659744), ('best ', 0.5384868755936623), ('phil', 0.10474487766623497), ('ly ', 0.06459047272801399), ('cheese', -0.19738827599212527), ('ste', 0.04446867201477289), ('ak ', -0.10616005538031459), ('in ', 0.06621957710012794), ('town', 0.07890758803114295), ('!', 0.06476599629968405), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'burned the calzone.'} [('', 0.0), ('burned ', -0.5624415370402858), ('the ', 0.07711277576163411), ('cal', 0.0793711680744309), ('zone', 0.007085030694724992), ('.', 0.06608198588946834), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Just awesome food and service...Thank you!'} [('', 0.0), ('Just ', -0.013932378962635994), ('awesome ', 0.20615932065993547), ('food ', 0.015537072904407978), ('and ', 0.09038934390991926), ('service', -0.014490313362330198), ('.', 0.04938210966065526), ('.', -0.012606337666511536), ('.', -0.02475384622812271), ('Thank ', 0.19084611348807812), ('you', 0.17307510785758495), ('!', 0.006453957408666611), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Very good food nice place'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.10030382126569748), ('good ', 0.1219257228076458), ('food ', 0.10980330035090446), ('nice ', 0.400669421069324), ('place', -0.06866733264178038), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "They have It's It!!!!!!! Best ice cream sandwich ever!"} [('', -1.7757217089335123e-07), ('They ', 0.027514764418204624), ('have ', -0.061715188125769295), ('It', 0.06722909739861886), ("'", 0.035170591824377574), ('s ', 0.05408717870401839), ('It', 0.03718057228252292), ('!', 0.12656392296776175), ('!', -0.01260607410222292), ('!', -0.01684278342872858), ('!', -0.0192104484885931), ('!', -0.022746767848730087), ('!', -0.03220379538834095), ('! ', -0.020145820453763008), ('Best ', 0.36249745334498584), ('ice ', 0.025411456590518355), ('cream ', 0.006819437529581289), ('sandwich ', -0.07317334200100352), ('ever', 0.05605368308412532), ('!', -0.020882485434412956), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'RIP Blockbuster. You will be missed.'} [('', 0.0), ('RIP ', -0.3070635726908222), ('Blockbuster', 0.10954034293536097), ('. ', 0.09618934523314238), ('You ', 0.2664159435516922), ('will ', -0.14299684452998918), ('be ', 0.14724940636369865), ('missed', -0.3965445362700848), ('.', -0.026973421685397625), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'There are much better places for breakfast. Sorry.'} [('', 0.0), ('There ', -0.029752351583738346), ('are ', 0.04958816298676538), ('much ', -0.01494085738886497), ('better ', -0.21949144935388176), ('places ', 0.056492174860977684), ('for ', 0.014356911341565137), ('breakfast', -0.015285134623809427), ('. ', 0.019668630342493998), ('Sorry', -0.12625422852579504), ('.', -0.03706301303463988), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'This place has put the meaning of wait into waitstaff.'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', -0.020640136499423534), ('place ', 0.1053209618839901), ('has ', 0.07446107591385953), ('put ', -0.013502729561878368), ('the ', 0.0955491611675825), ('meaning ', -0.02163681824458763), ('of ', 0.0496069630025886), ('wait ', -0.47915574521175586), ('into ', 0.022227795707294717), ('waits', -0.002362595812883228), ('taff', -0.06463819416239858), ('.', -0.11127957224380225), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'not the real deal, but it works for Scottsdale'} [('', 0.0), ('not ', -0.23123839363324805), ('the ', -0.003828166997664084), ('real ', 0.13480144353979995), ('deal', 0.009644879579354892), (', ', 0.06516882350115338), ('but ', 0.13905236859500292), ('it ', 0.10529944683094072), ('works ', 0.44239692532664776), ('for ', 0.012176037793324213), ('Scott', 0.2810980346148426), ('sdale', -0.2945806116440508), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Service was wonderful. Phad Thai not that great.'} [('', 0.0), ('Service ', -0.05240548084839247), ('was ', -0.015760049951495603), ('wonderful', 0.6935350192070473), ('. ', -0.23354169083177112), ('Ph', -0.018593737466289895), ('ad ', -0.03891621746515739), ('Thai ', 0.03350162803690182), ('not ', -0.5166256291049649), ('that ', -0.05511156083957758), ('great', 0.11069986919756047), ('.', -0.12207276340632234), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great service. Good Happy Hour'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.286422498524189), ('service', -0.05169738084077835), ('. ', 0.11075496673583984), ('Good ', 0.14717791974544525), ('Happy ', 0.1472291201353073), ('Hour', 0.051252156496047974), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'beer is good. food is not.'} [('', 0.0), ('beer ', -0.08247189090616303), ('is ', 0.06016896909204661), ('good', 0.3339289128452947), ('. ', 0.06041680158523377), ('food ', 0.043620194628601894), ('is ', -0.09781924824346788), ('not', -0.29783917748136446), ('.', -0.2739177237963304), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great food and beer.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.2024175152182579), ('food ', 0.18486716598272324), ('and ', 0.2369396910071373), ('beer', -0.023183580487966537), ('.', 0.0629965253174305), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'The eggs benedict delivers!'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.10237812250852585), ('eggs ', -0.13313354272395372), ('benedict ', 0.14702049735933542), ('delivers', 0.27686309441924095), ('!', 0.27072758972644806), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Stoutamisu. \\n\\nEspresso & Oatmeal Stout in a cake?!?! Genius!'} [('', -0.0001900126226246357), ('Stout', -0.19192253658547997), ('ami', -0.12694036681205034), ('su', 0.004685082472860813), ('. ', -0.025996397249400616), ('\\', -0.008606955364701293), ('n', -0.017077111478318415), ('\\', -0.02417869989516302), ('nEs', -0.007862215312863035), ('press', -0.01697482160359089), ('o ', 0.010235512275747689), ('& ', 0.012907992986064138), ('O', -0.03524985023250338), ('at', -0.06730944475566503), ('me', -0.025456462972215377), ('al ', -0.020766165558598004), ('Stout ', -0.10214966860949062), ('in ', -0.06080141249694861), ('a ', -0.004342182213440538), ('cake', -0.009789872472174466), ('?', 0.0073185251443646845), ('!', -0.03870031796395779), ('?', -0.1844170968979597), ('! ', 0.06018862349446863), ('Genius', 0.37280474306317046), ('!', 0.06086645770119503), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Amazing beer selection!'} [('', 0.0), ('Amazing ', 0.18479058891534805), ('beer ', -0.03484019637107849), ('selection', 0.15945524722337723), ('!', 0.27717144787311554), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Tasted at Tempe arts fair and came over for more!'} [('', 0.0), ('Tasted ', 0.060582712292671204), ('at ', -0.006599046289920807), ('Te', -0.003951347665861249), ('mp', -0.08744302694685757), ('e ', 0.004519993904978037), ('arts ', 0.1983946580439806), ('fair ', 0.0995380338281393), ('and ', 0.002423033118247986), ('came ', 0.3588489092653617), ('over ', -0.10281534574460238), ('for ', 0.03454230260103941), ('more', 0.013988436665385962), ('!', 0.03136632777750492), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': '5/5'} [('', 0.0), ('5', 0.20599815249443054), ('/', 0.04354390501976013), ('5', 0.20203441381454468), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Awesome place... great beer'} [('', 0.0), ('Awesome ', 0.22397252544760704), ('place', 0.029217783361673355), ('.', 0.10862275958061218), ('.', 0.027599427849054337), ('. ', -0.017801892012357712), ('great ', 0.39218039717525244), ('beer', -0.04035631474107504), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "Food is sub-par/prices average. But hey, I'm from Ca."} [('', 0.0), ('Food ', 0.17213669372722507), ('is ', 0.045004033017903566), ('sub', -0.16484523471444845), ('-', -0.04119486827403307), ('par', -0.05709779844619334), ('/', -0.09845913498429582), ('prices ', -0.17578670888906345), ('average', -0.011902995058335364), ('. ', -0.014251322951167822), ('But ', 0.04388729692436755), ('hey', 0.15784828807227314), (', ', 0.11969268321990967), ('I', 0.12207579426467419), ("'", 0.12756054382771254), ('m ', 0.005912949059469004), ('from ', -0.11670791943712781), ('Ca', -0.049816254914427795), ('.', 0.0018877331167459488), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'The Sweet potato roll is a hidden gem.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.0077463723719120026), ('Sweet ', 0.1964531575795263), ('potato ', -0.2821932618971914), ('roll ', 0.14565201802179217), ('is ', 0.07626563822850585), ('a ', 0.16243872314225882), ('hidden ', -0.02776944765355438), ('gem', 0.4739770325832069), ('.', -0.024146242067217827), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'would go again.'} [('', 0.0), ('would ', -0.05324682593345642), ('go ', 0.3687945455312729), ('again', 0.31396831572055817), ('.', -0.04355818033218384), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Love this place! Especially because they are open until 3am.'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.2897706422954798), ('this ', 0.04835230950266123), ('place', 0.039133829064667225), ('! ', 0.0022600889205932617), ('Especially ', 0.06840947363525629), ('because ', -0.10023929923772812), ('they ', 0.035923597402870655), ('are ', 0.09334217198193073), ('open ', 0.16705189901404083), ('until ', -0.0054454507771879435), ('3a', 0.0008484723512083292), ('m', 0.0004946452099829912), ('.', -0.030409064143896103), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Very yummy. Great for vegetarians and non alike.'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.14217986725270748), ('yu', 0.14053316693753004), ('mmy', 0.03219529893249273), ('. ', -0.0020067617297172546), ('Great ', 0.347408875124529), ('for ', 0.08758064196445048), ('vegetarian', -0.041204149601981044), ('s ', 0.0007988607976585627), ('and ', 0.0023969621397554874), ('non ', -0.11408432002644986), ('alike', 0.053402468212880194), ('.', -0.022490107687190175), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'This place is awesome! Food and drinks are A+'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', -0.0005219541490077972), ('place ', 0.056941039860248566), ('is ', 0.037814076989889145), ('awesome', 0.25710607320070267), ('! ', -0.016812995076179504), ('Food ', 0.033308010548353195), ('and ', 0.08889936283230782), ('drinks ', 0.008325966075062752), ('are ', 0.03894984535872936), ('A', 0.06402119621634483), ('+', 0.09802976623177528), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Fast, friendly, quality food and *ahem* ambiance.'} [('', 1.5497207641601562e-06), ('Fast', 0.08617502823472023), (', ', 0.03689076378941536), ('friendly', 0.1606850065290928), (', ', -9.14447009563446e-05), ('quality ', 0.1339619578793645), ('food ', 0.02148446347564459), ('and ', -0.014107096940279007), ('*', -0.005721193699476619), ('ah', -0.014488954465681067), ('em', -0.02043942818030094), ('* ', -0.009809517534449697), ('am', 0.10387593123596162), ('bian', 0.08726134919561446), ('ce', 0.010520281037315726), ('.', -0.008613912737928331), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Just a sandwich joint'} [('', 0.0), ('Just ', 0.1247814386151731), ('a ', 0.04833249165676534), ('sandwich ', -0.6167493837419897), ('joint', 0.060854475013911724), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Worst customer experience from these obnoxious pricks!'} [('', 0.0), ('Worst ', -0.12503273859692854), ('customer ', -0.029088776975186192), ('experience ', -0.013829356337737408), ('from ', 0.001412622532370733), ('these ', -0.004496118854149245), ('ob', -0.03852988478683983), ('no', -0.028023392038448947), ('xious ', -0.01700635382439941), ('prick', -0.04865356778464047), ('s', -0.02240232741496584), ('!', -0.007977700408446253), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great customer service and good selection of grains and yeast.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.31658298522233963), ('customer ', 0.015605976805090904), ('service ', 0.002238752320408821), ('and ', -0.00038757920265197754), ('good ', 0.3058007825165987), ('selection ', 0.07474845834076405), ('of ', -0.028389389626681805), ('grains ', -0.015440919436514378), ('and ', 0.01912960223853588), ('yeast', -0.024239209480583668), ('.', 0.00035019125789403915), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Friendly staff and good prices'} [('', 0.0), ('Friendly ', 0.13654165342450142), ('staff ', 0.10516813769936562), ('and ', 0.09121664613485336), ('good ', 0.386536568403244), ('prices', -0.055460259318351746), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Pretty weak selection. Nice staff.'} [('', 0.0), ('Pretty ', -0.008964179374743253), ('weak ', -0.4619818927931192), ('selection', 0.023834826923121), ('. ', 0.29736767325084656), ('Nice ', 0.6991695285778405), ('staff', 0.1783374480492057), ('.', -0.02778505304013379), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Over priced rubbish!'} [('', 0.0), ('Over ', -0.33281899111898383), ('priced ', 0.064727674885944), ('rubbish', -0.42206357476243284), ('!', 0.27714160340838134), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "Service was slow. Chili's food is bland."} [('', 0.0), ('Service ', -0.03300325132840953), ('was ', 0.01590792022398091), ('slow', -0.13325893340697803), ('. ', -0.01621112491193344), ('Chili', -0.04897925946806936), ("'", 0.010302398052772332), ('s ', 0.00525743260368472), ('food ', 0.032118433827236004), ('is ', 0.021739633153629256), ('bland', -0.16968530087160616), ('.', -0.01780540100298822), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Dry microwaved chicken. Bad service. Not impressed'} [('', 0.0), ('Dry ', -0.07973783479974372), ('microwave', -0.019817605576463393), ('d ', -0.009484243591941777), ('chicken', -0.03990246354442206), ('. ', 0.003944975294871256), ('Bad ', -0.04728095678547106), ('service', -0.020767048235939), ('. ', -0.011098151131591294), ('Not ', -0.27158436781246564), ('impressed', 0.1931319536997762), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Service and food suck balls!'} [('', 0.0), ('Service ', 0.13571419660001993), ('and ', 0.18807643465697765), ('food ', 0.11760198450065218), ('suck ', -0.8480636956519447), ('balls', 0.015323804545914754), ('!', 0.0878407929558307), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good food, good service. More of a bar than restaurant.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.30015346873551607), ('food', 0.10780854802578688), (', ', -0.017700329422950745), ('good ', 0.4208320393227041), ('service', -0.026073649991303682), ('. ', -0.005221822299063206), ('More ', -0.029052173253148794), ('of ', -0.041459943633526564), ('a ', 0.004261697642505169), ('bar ', -0.04015238955616951), ('than ', -0.025452634785324335), ('restaurant', -0.01372585166245699), ('.', -0.024788076523691416), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'This isnt food'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', 0.08453764207661152), ('isn', -0.3537934978521662), ('t ', -0.38291761865548324), ('food', 0.2864357642829418), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'decent education at a decent price!'} [('', 0.0), ('decent ', 0.2710976302623749), ('education ', 0.06965645402669907), ('at ', 0.020681269466876984), ('a ', 0.11939956992864609), ('decent ', 0.23213757574558258), ('price', -0.016662709414958954), ('!', 0.0270664244890213), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Beautiful Campus'} [('', 0.0), ('Beautiful ', 0.14715710282325745), ('Campus', 0.12598124146461487), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'music hall is perfect!'} [('', 0.0), ('music ', 0.14763285964727402), ('hall ', 0.10095753520727158), ('is ', 0.01869146153330803), ('perfect', 0.1261371560394764), ('!', 0.27061627805233), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'The food is... ok. But the waitress are *hot*'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.044729819521307945), ('food ', 0.14297394454479218), ('is', 0.09117886237800121), ('.', 0.07861124724149704), ('.', 0.001541009172797203), ('. ', 0.008931171149015427), ('ok', 0.0042212652042508125), ('. ', 0.004690886475145817), ('But ', -0.18325066531542689), ('the ', 0.016268385224975646), ('waitress ', -0.007861180929467082), ('are ', 0.004025420872494578), ('*', 0.07504313951358199), ('hot', 0.2501958659850061), ('*', 0.11678345408290625), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Amazing!!! Love it. Hummus is the best.'} [('', 0.0), ('Amazing', 0.29367391020059586), ('!', 0.011021159589290619), ('!', 0.01533987931907177), ('! ', 0.002547459676861763), ('Love ', 0.14106075605377555), ('it', 0.0007629659958183765), ('. ', -0.007263539358973503), ('Hum', -0.017273468081839383), ('mus ', -0.017035539844073355), ('is ', 0.015695990179665387), ('the ', 0.01138481986708939), ('best', 0.17797142860945314), ('.', -0.018395010381937027), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'bring back the taco flatbread thingie!!'} [('', 0.0), ('bring ', 0.6013899082317948), ('back ', -0.15472787013277411), ('the ', -0.05630137724801898), ('ta', 0.14961019065231085), ('co ', 0.15469776769168675), ('flat', -0.4222274237545207), ('bread ', 0.019296027603559196), ('thing', 0.13593486114405096), ('ie', -0.12634931947104633), ('!', 0.19479448441416025), ('!', -0.05587072670459747), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Great place but inconsistent.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.6394828902557492), ('place ', 0.1697204140946269), ('but ', 0.18115281645441428), ('inconsistent', -0.33055482525378466), ('.', -0.007649442704860121), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'So delicious. Try their tea, it tastes like Christmas.'} [('', 0.0), ('So ', -0.03521005064249039), ('delicious', 0.37332937866449356), ('. ', -0.020736142992973328), ('Try ', -0.08526169531978667), ('their ', 0.04549469822086394), ('tea', -0.00041057541966438293), (', ', 0.048469703644514084), ('it ', 0.010633770376443863), ('tastes ', 0.027832768857479095), ('like ', -0.06824297946877778), ('Christmas', 0.273916867794469), ('.', 0.05736086890101433), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Worst customer experience ever from these inconsiderate pricks!'} [('', 0.0), ('Worst ', -0.17185271640119026), ('customer ', -0.029496488245968067), ('experience ', 0.0473475034459625), ('ever ', 0.003315501221550221), ('from ', 0.027647426263683883), ('these ', -0.07320864980283659), ('inc', -0.044450973327911925), ('ons', -0.01295239452701935), ('ider', -0.02586861690178921), ('ate ', -0.017684576578176348), ('prick', -0.05476421508137719), ('s', -0.028051070952642476), ('!', -0.010184019134612754), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'You likely will get sick.'} [('', 0.0), ('You ', 0.2079744576039957), ('likely ', -0.03650584048591554), ('will ', 0.16584708758455236), ('get ', -0.014218189222447108), ('sick', -0.6063604960727389), ('.', -0.024515226934454404), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'I would rather eat Digiorno!'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', 0.04176197381457314), ('would ', -0.1591698116826592), ('rather ', -0.24774650392646436), ('eat ', 0.20598623773548752), ('Dig', -0.1451946395318373), ('ior', 0.11692019932525), ('no', -0.08522231929237023), ('!', 0.004606799397151917), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'EXCELLENT, you really get the taste of Vietnam here'} [('', 0.0), ('EXCELLENT', 0.5004740431904793), (', ', 0.06888505071401596), ('you ', 0.19853949104435742), ('really ', 0.07597183180041611), ('get ', -0.04488064371980727), ('the ', 0.029548741644248366), ('taste ', 0.10332309547811747), ('of ', 0.058456724509596825), ('Vietnam ', -0.2954805779736489), ('here', 0.0019360703881829977), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'WoW.. Great Service, Great Food.. Typical traditional Diner.. Fabulous.. Enjoy!'} [('', 0.0), ('WoW', 0.09387939795851707), ('.', 0.029449421912431717), ('. ', -0.0013495758175849915), ('Great ', 0.08178696362301707), ('Service', -0.010254462715238333), (', ', -0.0049935150891542435), ('Great ', 0.07484295452013612), ('Food', -0.0018861466087400913), ('.', -0.0052399300038814545), ('. ', -0.029008268378674984), ('Typical ', -0.08199285517912358), ('traditional ', 0.049162714392878115), ('Diner', -0.020075078820809722), ('.', -0.016639769077301025), ('. ', -0.006420115940272808), ('Fabulous', 0.17854579258710146), ('.', 0.004895738326013088), ('. ', -0.006241983734071255), ('Enjoy', 0.18992100795730948), ('!', -0.006032535340636969), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'I lose all hope for humanity here.'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', -0.016278135917673353), ('lose ', -0.6342933844280196), ('all ', 0.018803133170877118), ('hope ', 0.1683467260809266), ('for ', 0.038494331820402294), ('humanity ', 0.16394621288782218), ('here', 0.015636109383194707), ('.', -0.024967480523628183), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Scale of 1-10 (multiple visits):\\n10 Food\\n9 Service\\n10 Atmosphere\\n8 Value'} [('', 0.0012794823851436377), ('Scale ', 0.015351492329500616), ('of ', -0.00872238032752648), ('1', -0.029711631184909493), ('-', -0.01151254610158503), ('10 ', -0.008118119789287448), ('(', -0.024849269771948457), ('multiple ', -0.010722913721110672), ('visits', 0.023905685229692608), (')', -0.0012663978850468993), (':', -0.010314899729564786), ('\\', -0.021124523133039474), ('n', -0.03894057800062001), ('10 ', -0.010917981155216694), ('Food', -0.013827737071551383), ('\\', -0.013198128785006702), ('n', -0.04138572863303125), ('9 ', -0.022118806140497327), ('Service', -0.06135695846751332), ('\\', -0.0346803511492908), ('n', -0.04220586223527789), ('10 ', -0.017554605845361948), ('Atmosphere', 0.04722439404577017), ('\\', -0.03765787137672305), ('n', -0.06030724383890629), ('8 ', -0.022564368788152933), ('Value', 0.004036492668092251), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great pizza, better pizza cookie.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.7545914015499875), ('pizza', 0.00282274407800287), (', ', 0.09480151091702282), ('better ', 0.0008267829543910921), ('pizza ', -0.052853061410132796), ('cookie', -0.05396650836337358), ('.', -0.0257244270760566), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'One of the best indian food preparations in Phoenix/Tempe area'} [('', 0.0), ('One ', -0.0001821490004658699), ('of ', 0.014591382816433907), ('the ', -0.010252207517623901), ('best ', 0.4404324700590223), ('indian ', 0.11526735476218164), ('food ', 0.10215031111147255), ('preparations ', -0.077493492863141), ('in ', 0.11991526419296861), ('Phoenix', 0.060095945838838816), ('/', 0.005850158166140318), ('Te', -0.032447079196572304), ('mp', -0.08304075710475445), ('e ', -0.01606153603643179), ('area', -0.0553235812112689), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great location lots of fun!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.3992306385189295), ('location ', -0.032355993054807186), ('lots ', -0.021446804516017437), ('of ', 0.0766211599111557), ('fun', 0.1841822862625122), ('!', 0.08491729199886322), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Cheap. College. Bar. \\n\\nXtra pts for quality/friendly barkeeps.'} [('', 0.0), ('Cheap', -0.2286068987523322), ('. ', -0.005490761082910467), ('College', -0.0055574453581357375), ('. ', 0.004205501594697125), ('Bar', -0.037174191580561455), ('. ', -0.008672939955431502), ('\\', -0.013423255910917456), ('n', -0.019391400508235773), ('\\', -0.024179050947774765), ('n', 0.004610263606688629), ('Xt', -0.02106900200791036), ('ra ', -0.00898358993557243), ('pts ', -0.2191780334815121), ('for ', -0.014032068609594717), ('quality', 0.11124865316794187), ('/', -0.02003851810461908), ('friendly ', 0.09884759168614567), ('bark', -0.053157169382237565), ('ee', -0.031281822487861585), ('ps', -0.003788506651679719), ('.', 0.0013128973265078717), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'This place sucks.'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', 0.27750084092258476), ('place ', 0.140859150858887), ('sucks', -0.7858854291334865), ('.', -0.045133423496736214), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "Fun hookah time, i didn't pay, so it was great."} [('', 0.0), ('Fun ', 0.3844476155936718), ('hook', -0.029785313022633392), ('ah ', -0.01572102339317401), ('time', -0.02548150283594926), (', ', -0.03740864247083664), ('i ', -0.01061334127249817), ('didn', -0.015565140941665353), ("'", -0.0036659821028782367), ('t ', -0.015479975486717498), ('pay', -0.08303390877942245), (', ', 0.02440278170009454), ('so ', -0.05042698106262833), ('it ', -0.06472285540075973), ('was ', -0.017055384145351127), ('great', 0.526095370965777), ('.', -0.014558949042111635), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great place to see a show.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.20565272867679596), ('place ', 0.0389941968023777), ('to ', 0.1195625476539135), ('see ', 0.13796322606503963), ('a ', 0.20784512348473072), ('show', 0.03824317455291748), ('.', -0.02482452243566513), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'the buffet, you, must...go to it...nurrrrrr, AMAZING!'} [('', -1.9241124391555786e-06), ('the ', 0.006805324461311102), ('buffet', -0.06285714777186513), (', ', 0.017608449794352055), ('you', 0.1754149072803557), (', ', 0.05541600799188018), ('must', -0.04428285080939531), ('.', 0.03665321413427591), ('.', -0.032090095803141594), ('.', -0.014852045103907585), ('go ', 0.05144726725605627), ('to ', 0.025825528505568702), ('it', -0.0079109330351154), ('.', 0.029288618825376034), ('.', -0.01896844059228897), ('.', -0.013907134532928467), ('nur', -0.030620052944868803), ('rr', -0.06509364023804665), ('rr', -0.1037694055121392), ('r', -0.008026894880458713), (', ', 0.02151723299175501), ('AMAZING', 0.48062574467621744), ('!', 0.004301572451367974), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Location closed in 2010'} [('', 0.0), ('Location ', -0.42454570380505174), ('closed ', -0.20975335192633793), ('in ', 0.2542283277143724), ('2010', -0.025899682892486453), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Avoid this place if you care about your health.'} [('', 0.0), ('Avoid ', -0.4870410548755899), ('this ', 0.05232644224452088), ('place ', 0.04088934577157488), ('if ', -0.21036942181126506), ('you ', 0.17294882797614264), ('care ', 0.137865813301687), ('about ', 0.12422134333792201), ('your ', 0.03008122730170726), ('health', -0.133187089671992), ('.', -0.030288793459476437), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Overpriced. The the stars are for the comedian...not the establishment'} [('', 0.0), ('Over', -0.22882958978880197), ('pr', -0.04825307258579414), ('ice', -0.0457632409161306), ('d', 0.009927549202984665), ('. ', 0.00035223879967816174), ('The ', -0.010065314036182826), ('the ', -0.007391656228719512), ('stars ', 0.07430285866212216), ('are ', -0.013930617325968342), ('for ', -0.007889609258199926), ('the ', 0.004414220371472766), ('comedian', 0.037346177796280244), ('.', 0.00459963265893748), ('.', -0.025087836038437672), ('.', -0.022796648801886477), ('not ', -0.17216862637724262), ('the ', 0.01885563814721536), ('establishment', -0.035147178889019415), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': "Can't go wrong with shepherd's pie and a Guiness."} [('', 0.0), ('Can', -0.008120996033539996), ("'", -0.021700315090129152), ('t ', 0.41884479112923145), ('go ', 0.008561798815208022), ('wrong ', 0.37309748031111667), ('with ', -0.019516571905114688), ('shepherd', -0.03157688325154595), ("'", -0.008594583458034322), ('s ', 0.0005436743958853185), ('pie ', -0.05454990081489086), ('and ', -0.004395310766994953), ('a ', 0.003854391979984939), ('Gui', -0.022474830446299165), ('ness', -0.057724714220967144), ('.', -0.017263005953282118), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Was a quite evening in tempe! Excellent food and service!'} [('', 0.0), ('Was ', -0.004872679710388184), ('a ', 0.11227868497371674), ('quite ', 0.10659067332744598), ('evening ', 0.16272416315041482), ('in ', 0.029755870578810573), ('te', -0.04794332553865388), ('mp', -0.12372405495261773), ('e', -0.01776857511140406), ('! ', 0.045458560809493065), ('Excellent ', 0.28189906012266874), ('food ', 0.006175980903208256), ('and ', 0.09410528466105461), ('service', -0.08476649969816208), ('!', 0.023602768778800964), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Expensive and crowded. Not fun.'} [('', 0.0), ('Expensive ', -0.0033633764942351263), ('and ', 0.10312215652447776), ('crowded', -0.22379145177546889), ('. ', -0.00711416366539197), ('Not ', -0.5441573513598996), ('fun', 0.42399735633080127), ('.', -0.024821335391607136), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Decent Irish pub, great staff'} [('', 0.0), ('Decent ', 0.21816961839795113), ('Irish ', 0.07022788096219301), ('pub', -0.03188494686037302), (', ', 0.08841314911842346), ('great ', 0.19201986491680145), ('staff', 0.1540534645318985), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Beautiful presentation! Great food!'} [('', 0.0), ('Beautiful ', 0.1113535612821579), ('presentation', 0.07267656922340393), ('! ', 0.161553755402565), ('Great ', 0.14885631203651428), ('food', 0.11185100674629211), ('!', 0.08485749363899231), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Amazing. Simply AMAZING food.'} [('', 0.0), ('Amazing', 0.2236413061618805), ('. ', 0.1219247579574585), ('Simply ', 0.06565237697213888), ('AMAZING ', 0.15281347837299109), ('food', 0.15364724956452847), ('.', -0.02653440460562706), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great for hanging out with your vegan and vegetarian friends'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.3785654394887388), ('for ', 0.07315478683449328), ('hanging ', -0.12204829952679574), ('out ', 0.0006216033361852169), ('with ', 0.05490281851962209), ('your ', 0.0001125577837228775), ('vega', -0.02984107192605734), ('n ', 0.0029400205239653587), ('and ', 0.050726041197776794), ('vegetarian ', -0.07453873287886381), ('friends', 0.3311499757692218), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Simply delicious. Definitely on the expensive side though!'} [('', 0.0), ('Simply ', -0.0025029610842466354), ('delicious', 0.3333583604544401), ('. ', 0.021575599908828735), ('Definitely ', 0.20105980895459652), ('on ', 0.03640620596706867), ('the ', 0.0682389666326344), ('expensive ', -0.0719652627594769), ('side ', 0.032729675993323326), ('though', 0.06009986810386181), ('!', 0.017932888120412827), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best buffalo \\"chicken\\" wings ever.'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.8153359210118651), ('buffalo ', 0.05549730779603124), ('\\', -0.0238328508567065), ('"', -0.0952223192434758), ('chicken', -0.40994360181503), ('\\', -0.07515939162112772), ('" ', 0.0398816853412427), ('wings ', 0.1884810621268116), ('ever', 0.21772325411438942), ('.', -0.02860536426305771), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'test'} [('', 0.0), ('test', -0.893805842846632), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'So good!! Meat tastes like the real thing too...'} [('', 0.0), ('So ', -0.01396238710731268), ('good', 0.7099704914726317), ('!', 0.041820980142802), ('! ', -0.004234791733324528), ('Meat ', -0.09193718805909157), ('tastes ', 0.009989431826397777), ('like ', -0.07655876665376127), ('the ', 0.0358243128284812), ('real ', 0.1261478772839837), ('thing ', 0.027658285768666246), ('too', -0.10334069048985839), ('.', 0.11832251254600124), ('.', -0.12387266475707293), ('.', -0.07233300805091858), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great Happy Hour!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.15463664382696152), ('Happy ', 0.10763677582144737), ('Hour', 0.047148432582616806), ('!', 0.2771657258272171), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'the best long island tea'} [('', 0.0), ('the ', 0.10010123997926712), ('best ', 0.4283315213397145), ('long ', -0.08930166531354189), ('island ', 0.045251183211803436), ('tea', 0.17960663884878159), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Nothing special. Not authentic as they claim. Skip it.'} [('', 0.0), ('Nothing ', -0.13005389978388848), ('special', 0.04347173395581194), ('. ', -0.006576192905413336), ('Not ', -0.15924248663031904), ('authentic ', 0.06843654263866483), ('as ', 0.004718376179425832), ('they ', 0.015829282318009064), ('claim', -0.006160676440686075), ('. ', -0.016977410041363328), ('Skip ', -0.11797700096576591), ('it', -0.02865154696701211), ('.', -0.03918721556692617), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'This store is closed.'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', 0.2332149984431453), ('store ', -0.2013828411072609), ('is ', -0.05205749920423841), ('closed', -0.2701690467365552), ('.', -0.04491793521447107), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Delivery was delish.'} [('', 0.0), ('Delivery ', -0.05129288126772735), ('was ', -0.08097461522265803), ('del', 0.03293337225477444), ('ish', -0.20567178614874138), ('.', -0.03033452325325925), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best Pizza in Tempe hands down.'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.6135779499309137), ('Pizza ', 0.19533076224615797), ('in ', 0.0316557920887135), ('Te', 0.07833061537530739), ('mp', -0.12796776120376308), ('e ', -0.0036932346411049366), ('hands ', -0.024189630086766556), ('down', -0.046195402363082394), ('.', -0.018844040925614536), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'YUM and super cheap!'} [('', 0.0), ('YU', 0.11203806364937918), ('M ', 0.06095674797688844), ('and ', 0.10902135366632137), ('super ', 0.08266764586733188), ('cheap', -0.786633302050177), ('!', 0.11414153366058599), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Tasty...reasonable price, ample portions. The chicken shwarma is delicious.'} [('', 0.0), ('Ta', 0.18852118402719498), ('sty', 0.07755906879901886), ('.', -0.006664104759693146), ('.', -0.0052500516176223755), ('.', -0.007788445800542831), ('reasonable ', 0.03033678641077131), ('price', -0.018788731540553272), (', ', 0.0007295296527445316), ('ample ', 0.10510656602370243), ('portions', 0.026347108573342364), ('. ', -0.00315866277863582), ('The ', -0.011353862937539816), ('chicken ', -0.04550530621781945), ('sh', -0.00883318722480908), ('war', 0.008633628080133349), ('ma ', -0.005857052281498909), ('is ', -0.0138221753295511), ('delicious', 0.22163558169268072), ('.', -0.012833007611334324), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'cockroach infested! terrible beyond belief. huge ripoff!'} [('', 0.0), ('cock', -0.029695295273995725), ('ro', -0.02210186783122481), ('ach ', -0.03243536864465568), ('in', -0.03666448343574302), ('fest', -0.03301357111195102), ('ed', -0.016839917785546277), ('! ', -0.04013599442259874), ('terrible ', -0.08370799729527789), ('beyond ', 0.004507504683715524), ('belief', -0.013884440260881092), ('. ', -0.018807293890859), ('huge ', 0.029740678059170023), ('rip', -0.053340876271249726), ('off', -0.07010395008546766), ('!', -0.01456298962875735), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Black Rasberry Mojito!'} [('', 0.0), ('Black ', -0.08326919004321098), ('Ras', -0.05352114560082555), ('berry ', 0.10390258627012372), ('Mo', -0.16177945490926504), ('jit', 0.36840943340212107), ('o', 0.21561882831156254), ('!', 0.32674237713217735), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Wonderful atmosphere, but food is nothing special!'} [('', 0.0), ('Wonderful ', 0.2904751801979728), ('atmosphere', 0.08152827672893181), (', ', 0.037693044054321945), ('but ', -0.09023833560786443), ('food ', 0.04646464416782692), ('is ', -0.03240066523812857), ('nothing ', -0.5381205266176039), ('special', 0.0030733606463400065), ('!', 0.026180100019701058), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Terrible customer service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Terrible ', -0.6659912623435957), ('customer ', 0.12576052466465626), ('service', 0.1716348277986981), ('.', -0.04444108466850594), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'just about the only place to get coffee on Mill.'} [('', 0.0), ('just ', 0.021391971720731817), ('about ', 0.014645163930254057), ('the ', 0.00031205458799377084), ('only ', -0.15714388768174103), ('place ', 0.002355434906348819), ('to ', 0.0035132428783981595), ('get ', -0.07047462463015108), ('coffee ', -0.030824377088720212), ('on ', -0.004199965904263081), ('Mill', -0.07963540753553389), ('.', -0.03288774499378633), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Love UO for:\\n\\nRetro items\\nClothes\\nFurniture\\nCool books\\nLocations'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.3870793331298046), ('U', -0.10588325673597865), ('O ', -0.0033312458253931254), ('for', -0.09370674737729132), (':', -0.09408958428539335), ('\\', 0.026644254010170697), ('n', -0.007802406651899218), ('\\', 0.047033973643556236), ('nR', -0.05464891883311793), ('et', -0.005842302029486745), ('ro ', 0.026052458817139267), ('items', -0.05827856428222731), ('\\', 0.013859856722410769), ('nC', -0.03375776653410867), ('lot', 0.01848905923543498), ('hes', 0.002944395353551954), ('\\', 0.005238368117716163), ('n', -0.06562483857851475), ('Fur', 2.8746319003403187e-05), ('ni', -0.03796182138224443), ('ture', -0.02660278168817361), ('\\', -0.004619391712670525), ('nC', -0.016865023877471685), ('ool ', -0.09974249231163412), ('books', -0.07088447798741981), ('\\', -0.017914889787789434), ('nL', -0.05154676048550755), ('ocation', -0.011345367995090783), ('s', 0.023574250342790037), ('', 3.381067654117942e-05)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best (Asian) Pastry in town!!! Sooo Yummy!'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.34936054423451424), ('(', -0.049693312495946884), ('Asian', 0.09303836524486542), (') ', -0.0028266608715057373), ('Pastry ', -0.07994431117549539), ('in ', 0.041735153179615736), ('town', 0.11142587568610907), ('!', 0.0495966337621212), ('!', 0.029714577831327915), ('! ', 0.04174117837101221), ('Soo', -0.15889758459525183), ('o ', -0.006679774785879999), ('Yu', 0.1247615817701444), ('mmy', -0.015690302709117532), ('!', 0.039654034888371825), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'I love the fries here!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', 0.1195133812725544), ('love ', 0.34070407319813967), ('the ', 0.07297561224550009), ('fries ', -0.12930529261939228), ('here', 0.11560673755593598), ('!', 0.1413966934196651), ('!', 0.028700292110443115), ('!', 0.03959915041923523), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'The best pizza this side of the Mississippi!'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.006161056458950043), ('best ', 0.4331183601170778), ('pizza ', -0.05642078258097172), ('this ', 0.021072094794362783), ('side ', 0.03819597186520696), ('of ', 0.14208674663677812), ('the ', 0.11337665980681777), ('Mississippi', 0.000603875145316124), ('!', 0.026921868324279785), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Amazing gluten-free pizza!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Amazing ', 0.8146957939025015), ('g', 0.05243963160319254), ('lu', -0.07612364966189489), ('ten', -0.01837658230215311), ('-', 0.019662342441733927), ('free ', -0.08617579011479393), ('pizza', -0.08020362083334476), ('!', 0.03221789258532226), ('!', 0.04269275814294815), ('!', -0.0041344016790390015), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great pizza!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.16933344304561615), ('pizza', 0.07204528152942657), ('!', 0.23546046018600464), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'This place sucks mega nuts'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', 0.09328995685791597), ('place ', 0.11124637592001818), ('sucks ', -0.8191171721846331), ('mega ', 0.35621897387318313), ('nuts', -0.041732582496479154), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "Great quick lunch and you can't beat the prices!"} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.5130150230252184), ('quick ', 0.07088851189473644), ('lunch ', 0.22312642144970596), ('and ', 0.061664732413191814), ('you ', 0.07855361594556598), ('can', 0.013873609317670343), ("'", -0.03410818961492623), ('t ', -0.191545352950925), ('beat ', 0.02546537818852812), ('the ', 0.01646596817590762), ('prices', -0.10192452806222718), ('!', -0.05742559800273739), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good place to grab a drink.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.3663816750049591), ('place ', 0.02513568475842476), ('to ', 0.09171144291758537), ('grab ', -0.12832199689000845), ('a ', 0.22310799732804298), ('drink', 0.17021588515490294), ('.', -0.024903707206249237), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'awesome!'} [('', 0.0), ('awesome', 0.13716283440589905), ('!', 0.13596978783607483), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Delicious! Great service! Nice ambiance and AMAZING prime rib!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Delicious', 0.16001220606267452), ('! ', -0.0045379046350717545), ('Great ', 0.19733593193814158), ('service', -0.018452204298228025), ('! ', -0.023668020963668823), ('Nice ', 0.08414533408358693), ('am', 0.04781846312107518), ('bian', 0.042349744762759656), ('ce ', -0.00012088892981410027), ('and ', -0.01885384786874056), ('AMAZING ', 0.14428975014016032), ('prime ', 0.03585594752803445), ('rib', -0.024540487676858902), ('!', -0.00022444315254688263), ('!', -0.053787246346473694), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Overpriced bikes and bad service. Shop elsewhere!'} [('', 0.0), ('Over', -0.07398465765345463), ('pr', 0.002342660962312948), ('ice', -0.006306215228505607), ('d ', -0.007150774770707358), ('bikes ', -0.01093228037825611), ('and ', 0.0030125113371468615), ('bad ', -0.05263472361366439), ('service', -0.025026086861544172), ('. ', -0.016506257230503252), ('Shop ', -0.08610528466124379), ('elsewhere', -0.08936323531634116), ('!', -0.009716372303955723), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Worst planned parenthood. No one go here.'} [('', 0.0), ('Worst ', -0.24768254587434058), ('planned ', -0.015144919061640394), ('parent', 0.07169087869169743), ('hood', 0.009683458399194933), ('. ', 0.026090100394867477), ('No ', -0.13820722047057643), ('one ', -0.09118707687230199), ('go ', 0.08388665448637767), ('here', 0.031022005353406712), ('.', -0.032895426549657714), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great spot for outdoor business meal. Limited vegetarian options.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.2016081556212157), ('spot ', 0.13583373150322586), ('for ', 0.0031553521985188127), ('outdoor ', 0.14905923028709367), ('business ', 0.10107928985962644), ('meal', 0.11108113720547408), ('. ', 0.10971455206163228), ('Limited ', -0.0618958396371454), ('vegetarian ', -0.04434800031594932), ('options', -0.0037865289486944675), ('.', -0.036121913231909275), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Overpriced, mediocre food, uninformed and disinterested service. Will not return.'} [('', 1.5699135308915918e-07), ('Over', -0.038786651831680334), ('pr', -0.008667571445068295), ('ice', -0.011849335669405098), ('d', 0.002519941886992621), (', ', -0.005989186172138778), ('med', -0.019233932044788602), ('io', -0.008343360344132165), ('cre ', -0.02079910293955298), ('food', -0.011894468150496157), (', ', -0.004339338754727412), ('un', -0.04488078150446503), ('in', 0.0019626794930142446), ('formed ', -0.008071360079005293), ('and ', -0.011309094562875543), ('di', -0.012301641966359966), ('sin', -0.010313311223171695), ('ter', -0.014739482635150125), ('ested ', -0.0062433302325644036), ('service', -0.015251534814979095), ('. ', -0.006322750842173264), ('Will ', -0.030916861863261147), ('not ', -0.15098617204148468), ('return', -0.052060330142921885), ('.', -0.017564843550644582), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Excellent, excellent, excellent. Consistently wonderful service and food.'} [('', 0.0), ('Excellent', 0.16776367649435997), (', ', -0.01096530631184578), ('excellent', 0.08264117315411568), (', ', -0.004211209714412689), ('excellent', 0.08399081416428089), ('. ', -0.005550255998969078), ('Consistently ', 0.11744257900863886), ('wonderful ', 0.19128471333533525), ('service ', 0.02233118750154972), ('and ', 0.005149276927113533), ('food', 0.004653521813452244), ('.', -0.027221771888434887), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Nice place, to bad the Cubs always suck....'} [('', 0.0), ('Nice ', 0.6237768848513952), ('place', 0.10065477091120556), (', ', 0.10394967532192823), ('to ', -0.0066560524010128574), ('bad ', -0.12898517295070633), ('the ', 0.03179059409103502), ('Cubs ', 0.009964543190108088), ('always ', 0.003923461743397638), ('suck', -0.06167579500834108), ('.', -0.01613413756058435), ('.', -0.059401643462479115), ('.', -0.06037870142608881), ('.', -0.07112344168126583), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'I like that they have Japanese bento style meals.'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', 0.16090261936187744), ('like ', 0.2533038882538676), ('that ', -0.013268544338643551), ('they ', -0.08793258480727673), ('have ', 0.04666330851614475), ('Japanese ', -0.020591840147972107), ('bent', 0.05326739139854908), ('o ', 0.07428004406392574), ('style ', 0.17760323360562325), ('meals', 0.052967850118875504), ('.', -0.03255082666873932), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Thursday night. Cheap drinks. Ok music. Just go.'} [('', 0.0), ('Thursday ', 0.06620450015179813), ('night', 0.09117636154405773), ('. ', -0.09687658911570907), ('Cheap ', -0.5877582407811133), ('drinks', 0.19186777516370057), ('. ', 0.051776408770820126), ('Ok ', 0.2829788551898673), ('music', 0.23109655821463093), ('. ', 0.10592631157487631), ('Just ', -0.22207009326666594), ('go', 0.37843034882098436), ('.', 0.08276489190757275), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'This place is a hell hole.'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', 0.047687324055004865), ('place ', 0.20608586484740954), ('is ', 0.0896028312999988), ('a ', 0.07913840853871079), ('hell ', -0.3597666313362424), ('hole', -0.30272563971811906), ('.', -0.034706483012996614), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'they make burgers!'} [('', 0.0), ('they ', 0.15001460164785385), ('make ', 0.26154371351003647), ('burger', -0.27697954420000315), ('s', 0.23514116648584604), ('!', 0.28795434534549713), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Huge, delicious, decently priced burger.'} [('', 0.0), ('Huge', 0.08375705033540726), (', ', 0.07930584251880646), ('delicious', 0.1567750684916973), (', ', 0.03766746446490288), ('decent', 0.2844448024407029), ('ly ', -0.011816046200692654), ('priced ', 0.0773947243578732), ('burger', 0.03417116543278098), ('.', -0.028676141053438187), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Legendary among sun devils and understandably so.'} [('', 0.0), ('Legendary ', 0.32206346094608307), ('among ', 0.1275170175358653), ('sun ', 0.051332502625882626), ('devils ', -0.15746602602303028), ('and ', 0.11944768577814102), ('understand', 0.26033926475793123), ('ably ', 0.05338793061673641), ('so', -0.030282256193459034), ('.', -0.038106849417090416), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'One of the best around.'} [('', 0.0), ('One ', 0.09061595797538757), ('of ', 0.12795906513929367), ('the ', 0.09100938588380814), ('best ', 0.40654742904007435), ('around', 0.05586589314043522), ('.', -0.08086548373103142), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Great location. Decent burgers and ok wings.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.37715280521661043), ('location', -0.05012357700616121), ('. ', 0.021582722663879395), ('Decent ', 0.2661918359808624), ('burger', -0.07789164129644632), ('s ', 0.024442517664283514), ('and ', 0.055534932762384415), ('ok ', 0.026294355280697346), ('wings', 0.07063450757414103), ('.', -0.01693013124167919), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Excellent burger'} [('', 0.0), ('Excellent ', 0.22672417759895325), ('burger', 0.046361297369003296), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'A must stop every time I am in Phoenix.'} [('', 0.0), ('A ', 0.05967450561001897), ('must ', 0.01726646488532424), ('stop ', -0.6974499141797423), ('every ', 0.19605641091038706), ('time ', -0.054384907976782415), ('I ', 0.09633453876449494), ('am ', 0.08527273653453449), ('in ', 0.013051389818429016), ('Phoenix', 0.01315968825656455), ('.', -0.023432614078046754), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Love this place, favorite dive in AZ'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.2329368144273758), ('this ', 0.029703520238399506), ('place', 0.02232711762189865), (', ', 0.08591830730438232), ('favorite ', 0.3935064496472478), ('dive ', -0.0674525173380971), ('in ', 0.022903338074684143), ('AZ', 0.009421586990356445), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Yuk yuk yuk...'} [('', 0.0), ('Yu', 0.022795124677941203), ('k ', 0.06343368487432599), ('yu', -0.03679670256678946), ('k ', -0.00015900578000582755), ('yu', -0.1364808950747829), ('k', -0.047558479447616264), ('.', -0.012019629473797977), ('.', -0.038769680075347424), ('.', -0.07818867079913616), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Excellent food, but terrible service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Excellent ', 0.3765713516622782), ('food', 0.26009475626051426), (', ', 0.20304645970463753), ('but ', -0.05472978739999235), ('terrible ', -0.15850389694969635), ('service', 0.09350054305105004), ('.', -0.0014628977223765105), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Meh...'} [('', 0.0), ('Me', 0.29115377366542816), ('h', 0.16987460479140282), ('.', 0.01191013678908348), ('.', -0.10371167212724686), ('.', -0.33666104078292847), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Food is delicious, good prices and nice people. Perfect combination...'} [('', 0.0), ('Food ', 0.010511950589716434), ('is ', 0.027758815907873213), ('delicious', 0.13883975462522358), (', ', -0.01666969247162342), ('good ', 0.09053687937557697), ('prices ', -0.03091544657945633), ('and ', 0.015165179967880249), ('nice ', 0.10344265191815794), ('people', -0.010868868557736278), ('. ', -0.007216115482151508), ('Perfect ', 0.3608168405480683), ('combination', 0.0007073064334690571), ('.', -0.021230162121355534), ('.', -0.02461564913392067), ('.', -0.06864230334758759), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'love this place. great food with local feel.'} [('', 0.0), ('love ', 0.27463095262646675), ('this ', 0.04547770228236914), ('place', 0.025110688991844654), ('. ', 0.0033375918865203857), ('great ', 0.1958544235676527), ('food ', -0.0026602447032928467), ('with ', 0.06631716107949615), ('local ', 0.06147978221997619), ('feel', 0.058883401565253735), ('.', -0.03149699792265892), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best Irish pub in Arizona'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.46976613998413086), ('Irish ', 0.16971999406814575), ('pub ', -0.02191847562789917), ('in ', 0.07018782198429108), ('Arizona', -0.024295136332511902), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': "First time here....and Im sure it won't be the last!"} [('', -0.002994611393660307), ('First ', 0.32896862737834454), ('time ', 0.26117733132559806), ('here', -0.06609725637827069), ('.', 0.0483980979770422), ('.', -0.01791240368038416), ('.', -0.049792307429015636), ('.', -0.016390129923820496), ('and ', 0.11087310838047415), ('Im ', 0.008432489480280006), ('sure ', 0.17691797135436596), ('it ', 0.051214176210730024), ('won', 0.030545567569788545), ("'", -2.4004897568374872e-05), ('t ', -0.3896462378324941), ('be ', 0.0675067789949632), ('the ', -0.03056734624745635), ('last', -0.14690782923329002), ('!', 0.07058618206065148), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Great food, too many \\"hipsters\\" and service is slow'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.2553350616435637), ('food', 0.0724764050974045), (', ', -0.04378489552618703), ('too ', -0.13744195142589888), ('many ', -0.02795350570249866), ('\\', -0.053624559227955615), ('"', 0.0021058796260149393), ('hips', 0.028010014463575317), ('ters', 0.029324392535613697), ('\\', -0.02708476976226848), ('" ', -0.01863547253287834), ('and ', -0.04153825338198658), ('service ', -0.07084715016753762), ('is ', -0.04734180135346833), ('slow', -0.3503342227777466), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Yuk. poor food and even worse service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Yu', -0.05731789792662312), ('k', 0.037022325332145556), ('. ', -0.029856555800506612), ('poor ', -0.24115624327259866), ('food ', 0.019475792486446153), ('and ', 0.09474104669607186), ('even ', -0.02610706256609774), ('worse ', -0.045598695420721924), ('service', -0.026398474213237932), ('.', -0.027530619057870354), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Loved the mexican pizza.'} [('', 0.0), ('Loved ', 0.5550455302000046), ('the ', 0.05469309352338314), ('mexican ', 0.05645168758928776), ('pizza', 0.04255117475986481), ('.', -0.044780880212783813), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'It was fine. Most anything tastes good in butter.'} [('', 0.0), ('It ', -0.0524129793047905), ('was ', 0.01428575161844492), ('fine', 0.5231871223077178), ('. ', 0.11281556636095047), ('Most ', -0.0337464427575469), ('anything ', -0.09151704283431172), ('tastes ', 0.04922118270769715), ('good ', 0.2922895113006234), ('in ', -0.018679405096918344), ('butter', -0.1216817949898541), ('.', -0.007985812611877918), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'So absolutely disappointing.'} [('', 0.0), ('So ', 0.08537820835772436), ('absolutely ', 0.27212197826520423), ('disappointing', -0.7262087231392798), ('.', -0.04438157557888189), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'they suck'} [('', 0.0), ('they ', 0.13073572859866545), ('suck', -0.8538691291469149), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Good price. Not so good service. Enough said.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.3708727354896837), ('price', -0.014159899139485788), ('. ', 0.011387302554794587), ('Not ', -0.4897761622160033), ('so ', 0.028634912061534123), ('good ', -0.10619756882442744), ('service', -0.05709693935568794), ('. ', -0.0030486027826555073), ('Enough ', -0.12410799611825496), ('said', 0.0932153727626428), ('.', -0.040426990133710206), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Hot shrimp was awesome'} [('', 0.0), ('Hot ', 0.1844654930755496), ('shrimp ', -0.26238162303343415), ('was ', -0.02010468440130353), ('awesome', 0.6843476817011833), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'As of 11 Nov, 2010, this store is open.'} [('', 0.0), ('As ', -0.06798139400780201), ('of ', -0.007534180302172899), ('11 ', 0.015923242550343275), ('Nov', -0.008636274375021458), (', ', -0.026705626398324966), ('2010', -0.02836906537413597), (', ', 0.02989642322063446), ('this ', 0.0097560960566625), ('store ', -0.08659311779774725), ('is ', 0.13519377837656066), ('open', 0.7210838018800132), ('.', -0.060024130158126354), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Love the store! Awesome variety of things :)'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.3979480564594269), ('the ', 0.04513417568523437), ('store', -0.11982596304733306), ('! ', 0.02506519854068756), ('Awesome ', 0.2775794630870223), ('variety ', 0.06534436624497175), ('of ', 0.02954612486064434), ('things ', 0.004768203943967819), (':', -0.012726057320833206), (')', -0.0159178227186203), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Crappiest Chinese food ever. You call that fried rice?!?'} [('', 0.0), ('Crap', -0.3483102074196722), ('pies', 0.088034266046634), ('t ', -0.2221597828920494), ('Chinese ', 0.05531814776001435), ('food ', 0.06223019347923279), ('ever', 0.09827445876696099), ('. ', 0.11594966845768795), ('You ', 0.019103486871426868), ('call ', -0.024689173494880378), ('that ', -0.015582447526685427), ('fried ', -0.020408515435337903), ('rice', -0.02164853765934822), ('?', -0.05138736711523961), ('!', -0.012813735971576534), ('?', -0.1535681202658452), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Cheap and very friendly!'} [('', 0.0), ('Cheap ', -0.5863794019969646), ('and ', 0.12970394958392717), ('very ', 0.08081683350974345), ('friendly', 0.2579208032366296), ('!', 0.20382486033486202), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "The drive through is soooooo slow. What's up with that?"} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.023063097083650064), ('drive ', -0.04702520331375126), ('through ', -0.009412112538484507), ('is ', -0.008024914055567933), ('soo', -0.01573703546091565), ('oo', -0.00022066344536142424), ('oo ', -0.020070225353265414), ('slow', -0.12683355742774438), ('. ', 0.018500710575608537), ('What', -0.0264129544084426), ("'", -0.01067739026620984), ('s ', -0.003442388027906418), ('up ', 0.06316770559351426), ('with ', -0.05247513572976459), ('that', -0.0386066654973547), ('?', -0.14728493733127834), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Nice! But no shirataki noddles!'} [('', 0.0), ('Nice', 0.29814692470245063), ('! ', 0.09004728053696454), ('But ', -0.230937750719022), ('no ', -0.31474403181346133), ('shi', -0.02218036539852619), ('rata', 0.016332146828062832), ('ki ', -0.05324371310416609), ('nod', 0.029962326283566654), ('dles', -0.08286938711535186), ('!', 0.057152033783495426), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'FAIL.'} [('', 0.0), ('FAIL', -0.8286597289334168), ('.', 0.10215027018421097), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'The horchaitas are the best ive tasted... So far.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.028040437027812004), ('ho', -0.04624307341873646), ('rch', -0.033316955203190446), ('ai', -0.007602987578138709), ('tas ', 0.011562880128622055), ('are ', 0.06507838435936719), ('the ', 0.05565469933208078), ('best ', 0.7364086476154625), ('iv', 0.0018706857226788998), ('e ', -0.035936769912950695), ('tasted', 0.007063657860271633), ('.', -0.006262911017984152), ('.', -0.03778097126632929), ('. ', -0.03453048039227724), ('So ', -0.026518404483795166), ('far', -0.04288602154701948), ('.', -0.04061582963913679), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'I love this place. mmmmmmmm fish tacos.'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', -0.02172336634248495), ('love ', 0.7464612919138744), ('this ', 0.09881623194087297), ('place', -0.009806242072954774), ('. ', -0.030391166917979717), ('mmm', -0.03594918781891465), ('mm', -0.043715846724808216), ('mm', -0.02768280729651451), ('m ', -0.005085948389023542), ('fish ', -0.09997369127813727), ('ta', 0.042181433585938066), ('cos', 0.01989850023528561), ('.', -0.023705460829660296), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'man, my stomch still hurts!!'} [('', 0.0), ('man', -0.07742634773239843), (', ', -0.048878142039029626), ('my ', -0.0038118787324492587), ('st', -0.03235326628646362), ('om', -0.0660362012972655), ('ch ', 0.02379274271243048), ('still ', -0.028773195364010462), ('hurts', -0.07257174442474934), ('!', 0.00781011201434012), ('!', -0.0042920633422909304), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Pretty darn good Asian food. :)'} [('', 0.0), ('Pretty ', 0.13332860358059406), ('dar', 0.07633041450753808), ('n ', 0.16442758915945888), ('good ', 0.26327377324923873), ('Asian ', 0.10410041129216552), ('food', 0.01765571441501379), ('. ', -0.0003163497895002365), (':', -0.02493855357170105), (')', -0.020897455513477325), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Pretty good food and good-sized meals'} [('', 0.0), ('Pretty ', 0.078697070479393), ('good ', 0.21768242865800858), ('food ', 0.06833875924348831), ('and ', 0.028760962188243866), ('good', 0.15642733499407768), ('-', 0.003296341747045517), ('sized ', 0.006312349811196327), ('meals', 0.16976415179669857), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Fresh and quick.'} [('', 0.0), ('Fresh ', 0.2178109511733055), ('and ', 0.1437854990363121), ('quick', 0.09673913568258286), ('.', 0.12822815030813217), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Not great. Food was below average'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', -0.44529973975295434), ('great', 0.19562819212296745), ('. ', 0.1076940006314544), ('Food ', 0.004276098872651346), ('was ', -0.03109345125267282), ('below ', -0.15265483556868276), ('average', 0.04667357003927464), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "Don't like"} [('', 0.0), ('Don', -0.06284304161090404), ("'", -0.06398958445060998), ('t ', -0.5252504202071577), ('like', 0.2576695731841028), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Mm? Mm'} [('', 0.0), ('Mm', -0.027690256014466286), ('? ', -0.33339246176183224), ('Mm', -0.08021403849124908), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Home made! Authentic and delicious'} [('', 0.0), ('Home ', 0.08942987024784088), ('made', 0.09422838687896729), ('! ', 0.16178317368030548), ('Authentic ', 0.12981373816728592), ('and ', 0.043014101684093475), ('delicious', 0.17288002371788025), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'The Gyro combo is fantastic'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.014162763953208923), ('G', 0.0665819738060236), ('yr', 0.1313441563397646), ('o ', 0.1366555280983448), ('combo ', 0.0684286504983902), ('is ', 0.06634809076786041), ('fantastic', 0.23992198705673218), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "Isn't the Chicago Style pizza I was looking for."} [('', 0.0), ('Isn', -0.11661027405352797), ("'", 0.0650961804567487), ('t ', -0.38205650560121285), ('the ', 0.01075736153870821), ('Chicago ', 0.08711759676953079), ('Style ', 0.14857556388960802), ('pizza ', -0.14892923202933162), ('I ', -0.03020649527752539), ('was ', 0.023753057437716052), ('looking ', -0.05376501925275079), ('for', 0.009259859773010248), ('.', 0.015135288427700289), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Very good food.'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.28702355921268463), ('good ', 0.1739194616675377), ('food', 0.17001923173666), ('.', -0.04437634348869324), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Horrible....What else can I say.'} [('', 0.0), ('Horrible', -0.1811366986730718), ('.', 0.007013712696789298), ('.', 0.023458980651412276), ('.', -0.035455459357763175), ('.', -0.019535882167474483), ('What ', -0.027995365213882906), ('else ', -0.08193466315560727), ('can ', 0.01659163855447332), ('I ', 0.018486954481431894), ('say', -0.022364563173141505), ('.', -0.030733637231605826), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'No thank you food was over cooked bland'} [('', 0.0), ('No ', -0.3021273660415318), ('thank ', 0.09241740246943664), ('you ', 0.08814837491081562), ('food ', -0.014581582669052295), ('was ', -0.019283763322164305), ('over ', -0.044702111517835874), ('cooked ', 0.004270782410458196), ('bland', -0.07414757914375514), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Western omelet was good, service was nice...'} [('', 1.2665987014770508e-07), ('Western ', -0.015136729925870895), ('om', -0.04735934437485412), ('ele', 0.1430660832556896), ('t ', -0.12786181119736284), ('was ', 0.007224622531794012), ('good', 0.41229433787520975), (', ', -0.0005242635961622), ('service ', -0.04491024723392911), ('was ', -0.0028180452354718), ('nice', 0.4300145975430496), ('.', -0.01408794755116105), ('.', -0.056689172983169556), ('.', -0.07379584014415741), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'For best location but a bit of slow in service.'} [('', 0.0), ('For ', 0.005555877411097754), ('best ', 0.23416759217434446), ('location ', -0.055615977089473745), ('but ', -0.28239448465319583), ('a ', 0.043936116748227505), ('bit ', -0.13846888244734146), ('of ', 0.08995193950431712), ('slow ', -0.19931159641964769), ('in ', 0.048027513175838976), ('service', -0.04152768898529757), ('.', -0.03789141642846516), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Service here is going down hill fast at this store!'} [('', 0.0), ('Service ', -0.0647983665112406), ('here ', -0.032446043216623366), ('is ', 0.021839947323314846), ('going ', 0.049476894113468006), ('down ', -0.06028735023573972), ('hill ', 0.1624650494195521), ('fast ', 0.06534478755202144), ('at ', -0.1608461860450916), ('this ', -0.019180824689101428), ('store', -0.26801112585235387), ('!', -0.0073048509657382965), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Food tasty for a fast food.'} [('', 0.0), ('Food ', 0.009974472224712372), ('ta', 0.5802489626221359), ('sty ', -0.02758401958271861), ('for ', -0.07071864418685436), ('a ', 0.10110815055668354), ('fast ', 0.19897868670523167), ('food', 0.01510276086628437), ('.', -0.07787495851516724), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': "I'm a sucker for the Chicken Katsu."} [('', 0.0), ('I', -0.0025841385358944535), ("'", 0.01934457870083861), ('m ', 0.027621445937256794), ('a ', 0.11927015301625943), ('sucker ', -0.3760169078086619), ('for ', 0.025389938055013772), ('the ', 0.0062284044761327095), ('Chicken ', -0.11897412675170926), ('Kat', 0.009687798905360978), ('su', -0.00559554770734394), ('.', -0.03644928973517381), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'place is just to cram packed in certain areas'} [('', 0.0), ('place ', 0.013957371353171766), ('is ', 0.16642446057448979), ('just ', 0.0075362750903877895), ('to ', 0.14868748334265547), ('cr', -0.6951277672196738), ('am ', -0.06465427082730457), ('packed ', 0.13673834881046787), ('in ', 0.011211567238206044), ('certain ', -0.005376410117605701), ('areas', -0.020934570929966867), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Delicious!!!! Every single time!!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Delicious', 0.2739640846848488), ('!', 0.04252152889966965), ('!', 0.05328516848385334), ('!', 0.011693291366100311), ('! ', 0.0175799410790205), ('Every ', 0.19855773891322315), ('single ', -0.050936580868437886), ('time', -0.02658867696300149), ('!', 0.0966550586745143), ('!', 0.025614526122808456), ('!', -0.019520167261362076), ('!', 0.004478193819522858), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'very sloooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.\\n\\nbut fine pancakes.'} [('', -0.0013912739814259112), ('very ', -0.08708569715963677), ('sl', -0.18670538492733613), ('oo', -0.008576097985496745), ('oo', -0.04514192837814335), ('w', -0.02385545901779551), ('w', -0.04178935577510856), ('w', -0.03576018204330467), ('w', -0.03110123411170207), ('w', -0.01975990631035529), ('w', -0.015435133919527288), ('w', -0.015386550196853931), ('w', -0.014652145536092575), ('w', -0.014652145536092575), ('w', -0.008861329527280758), ('w', -0.008861329527280758), ('w', -0.008729949947155546), ('w', -0.008729949947155546), ('w', -0.010778371568137247), ('w', -0.010778371568137247), ('w', -0.008610227759761203), ('w', -0.008610227759761203), ('w', -0.004449567838483268), ('w', -0.0029872265522412596), ('w', -0.004992112307254934), ('.', 0.009391431929543614), ('\\', 0.000685509837542971), ('n', -0.010439245418335), ('\\', 0.026385166294251878), ('n', -0.045518277892066784), ('bu', 0.045791085013964526), ('t ', -0.15551904371629158), ('fine ', 0.19713948565186), ('pancakes', 0.015098297881195322), ('.', 0.018497551965992898), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great food!! They have been in biz for 45 years'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.5142009395640343), ('food', 0.24499411252327263), ('!', 0.03973708860576153), ('! ', -0.01764419861137867), ('They ', -0.026972665917128325), ('have ', 0.008245822042226791), ('been ', -0.04614001093432307), ('in ', 0.005612634122371674), ('bi', -0.05952203995548189), ('z ', -0.020817017648369074), ('for ', -0.010872451297473162), ('45 ', -0.013048936671111733), ('years', -0.008365016430616379), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Hot, delicious Mexican food! Love this little joint !'} [('', 0.0), ('Hot', 0.09750373661518097), (', ', 0.061152562499046326), ('delicious ', 0.12075681518763304), ('Mexican ', 0.029245725832879543), ('food', 0.03328966163098812), ('! ', -0.008855514228343964), ('Love ', 0.3831288705114275), ('this ', -0.0005448830779641867), ('little ', 0.01194890565238893), ('joint ', -0.05312750884331763), ('!', -0.008435003459453583), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Orgasmic tacos'} [('', 0.0), ('Orgasm', 0.2258022939786315), ('ic ', -0.2218883102759719), ('ta', 0.3040223680436611), ('cos', 0.2310146577656269), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'great services, great people.'} [('', 0.0), ('great ', 0.20621353387832642), ('services', 0.054374173283576965), (', ', 0.08457688987255096), ('great ', 0.28572708182036877), ('people', 0.08663670532405376), ('.', -0.026420336216688156), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Very short golf course! Was in great shape!'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.053838031890336424), ('short ', -0.2999668957054382), ('golf ', 0.01752553450933192), ('course', 0.05692558261216618), ('! ', -0.006604220601730049), ('Was ', -0.049966692400630563), ('in ', 0.023046575486660004), ('great ', 0.5588205215026392), ('shape', 0.23578550225647632), ('!', 0.046423482592217624), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Nice Staff. Always a good night at Harolds.'} [('', 0.0), ('Nice ', 0.3145327530801296), ('Staff', 0.02151079848408699), ('. ', -0.003075733780860901), ('Always ', 0.03196248784661293), ('a ', 0.12549601309001446), ('good ', 0.19350412720814347), ('night ', 0.021524157840758562), ('at ', 0.007865133695304394), ('Harold', 0.044227588921785355), ('s', -0.03899609483778477), ('.', -0.05251993052661419), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': "Great place for Sunday brunch. Blood Mary's very good."} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.2937177522107959), ('place ', 0.04951714427443221), ('for ', 0.020270980603527278), ('Sunday ', 0.021218473557382822), ('br', -0.020143326139077544), ('un', -0.04613028489984572), ('ch', -0.01910252496600151), ('. ', -0.017195189371705055), ('Blood ', -0.04426080919802189), ('Mary', 0.012837075162678957), ("'", -0.021735086105763912), ('s ', -0.02065306482836604), ('very ', -0.007107958197593689), ('good', 0.38804441411048174), ('.', -0.021688045002520084), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Very good food and excellent entertainment!'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.02885434776544571), ('good ', 0.19991176202893257), ('food ', 0.13294163718819618), ('and ', 0.05233471840620041), ('excellent ', 0.13796821050345898), ('entertainment', 0.09915388189256191), ('!', 0.07228038087487221), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great guys. Great service'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.12392108514904976), ('guys', 0.10616946592926979), ('. ', 0.10209696739912033), ('Great ', 0.33485108613967896), ('service', -0.0030195266008377075), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good food, good service. Nice place.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.1219573151320219), ('food', 0.036415791139006615), (', ', 0.020052704960107803), ('good ', 0.19563479954376817), ('service', -0.025964143220335245), ('. ', 0.008541978895664215), ('Nice ', 0.42347440402954817), ('place', -0.03813059534877539), ('.', -0.028974417597055435), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Cool place for breakfast. Breakfast burrito was fantastic.'} [('', 0.0), ('Cool ', 0.27128536254167557), ('place ', 0.05624775402247906), ('for ', 0.016026848927140236), ('breakfast', 0.005089282989501953), ('. ', -0.016205057501792908), ('Breakfast ', 0.006620144471526146), ('burr', -0.06188184814527631), ('ito ', -0.009580704849213362), ('was ', 0.002912052208557725), ('fantastic', 0.4162840077187866), ('.', -0.020766541361808777), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Lots of fun'} [('', 0.0), ('Lots ', 0.23411744832992554), ('of ', 0.06424175202846527), ('fun', 0.17852921783924103), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great variety - good for families - perfect Fried Chicken!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.1616423986852169), ('variety ', -0.000807437114417553), ('- ', 0.008890814147889614), ('good ', 0.15198191534727812), ('for ', -0.021111908368766308), ('families ', 0.02482580579817295), ('- ', 0.012819511815905571), ('perfect ', 0.32362834457308054), ('Fried ', -0.07676289090886712), ('Chicken', -0.04026065254583955), ('!', 0.12117359787225723), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Nothing negative about this place!'} [('', 0.0), ('Nothing ', 0.1774694050254766), ('negative ', 0.15785971430887002), ('about ', 0.012217338909977116), ('this ', 0.261990075930953), ('place', -0.007242327556014061), ('!', 0.08852112293243408), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Home made tortillas !'} [('', 0.0), ('Home ', 0.16870005428791046), ('made ', 0.17721055448055267), ('tor', 0.1278374483808875), ('till', 0.12245433311909437), ('as ', -0.0007606614381074905), ('!', 0.09552809596061707), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Cheap, rundown, dirty, but cheap.'} [('', 0.0), ('Cheap', -0.07763804737624014), (', ', 0.0007476397950085811), ('run', -0.027457982303531026), ('down', -0.02489947681715421), (', ', 0.013045551590039395), ('dirty', -0.04376933741514222), (', ', 0.007852549842937151), ('but ', -0.05425644386559725), ('cheap', -0.07929857163617271), ('.', -0.01581295954019879), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "Meh! Food's alright. Ambience is okay. People are nice. Meh!"} [('', 0.0), ('Me', 0.031150344759225845), ('h', -0.042930858209729195), ('! ', -0.08004921488463879), ('Food', 0.007891847984865308), ("'", 0.022519600810483098), ('s ', 0.030146494042128325), ('alright', 0.22141598304733634), ('. ', 0.06200338760390878), ('Am', 0.033359171357005835), ('bie', 0.01654642028734088), ('nce ', 0.0013086041435599327), ('is ', 0.02718369849026203), ('okay', 0.017411990091204643), ('. ', 0.030755676329135895), ('People ', -0.007627898128703237), ('are ', -0.004570131306536496), ('nice', 0.19680049538146704), ('. ', -0.007164968643337488), ('Me', -0.0017023892141878605), ('h', -0.022728547919541597), ('!', -0.026032469235360622), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great Sonoran enchiladas. Very flavorful, authentic Mexican food.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.27169190533459187), ('Sonora', -0.028898014687001705), ('n ', -0.025109986774623394), ('en', 0.061674514785408974), ('chi', 0.023403776809573174), ('lad', 0.020523166749626398), ('as', -0.03784082690253854), ('. ', -0.012733735144138336), ('Very ', -0.020939513109624386), ('flavor', 0.21134889562381431), ('ful', -0.026245431683491915), (', ', -0.023097801953554153), ('authentic ', 0.10183235537260771), ('Mexican ', 0.05714432243257761), ('food', -0.005366262048482895), ('.', -0.015661321580410004), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Convenient, fast, and a good cut.'} [('', 0.0), ('Convenient', 0.11271694302558899), (', ', 0.07228925079107285), ('fast', 0.06799719110131264), (', ', 0.0991690643131733), ('and ', 0.042171575129032135), ('a ', 0.0585275546181947), ('good ', 0.35112859052605927), ('cut', -0.059027540031820536), ('.', -0.03211374394595623), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Fun family atmosphere ...just kinda priced 2 high'} [('', 0.0), ('Fun ', 0.429548186250031), ('family ', 0.283761003986001), ('atmosphere ', 0.0898094205185771), ('.', -0.02334323339164257), ('.', -0.035095575265586376), ('.', 0.003923184238374233), ('just ', -0.036401414254214615), ('kinda ', 0.014333475555758923), ('priced ', -0.027699250378645957), ('2 ', -0.1903005918720737), ('high', 0.15635049436241388), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Not the best pizza, but the kids loved it.'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', -0.33150741655481397), ('the ', -0.012153397036854585), ('best ', 0.18422110241317569), ('pizza', -0.02737825731128396), (', ', 0.020128937154368032), ('but ', 0.2185484437723062), ('the ', 0.048164846950385254), ('kids ', 0.07802939370776585), ('loved ', 0.35091851293782383), ('it', 0.08087092495497927), ('.', 0.05617509701187373), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Quick, courteous, and helpful staff.'} [('', 0.0), ('Quick', 0.024901551194489002), (', ', 0.09844477009028196), ('court', 0.21153211034834385), ('eous', -0.03857728652656078), (', ', 0.06050437316298485), ('and ', 0.035845302045345306), ('helpful ', 0.18969268631190062), ('staff', 0.14695733319967985), ('.', -0.016359223052859306), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Cheap prices. \\nFast service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Cheap ', -0.30397418420761824), ('prices', -0.10811878339154646), ('. ', 0.10614453937159851), ('\\', -0.09104301159095485), ('n', -0.08139834720350336), ('Fast ', 0.17141177006124053), ('service', 0.03182674811250763), ('.', 0.006029571792169008), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Terrible!!!Please avoid.'} [('', 0.0), ('Terrible', -0.30237007442337926), ('!', 0.15950648668513168), ('!', 0.09651075554211275), ('!', 0.07160174562523025), ('Please ', 0.10656295738408517), ('avoid', -0.38068656949508295), ('.', -0.027251506715401774), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "I'll go straight price is not acceptable vs. the services!"} [('', 0.0), ('I', -0.0335668236557467), ("'", -0.018101244361787394), ('ll ', 0.052038962518508924), ('go ', 0.0418765733015789), ('straight ', -0.1768711900335802), ('price ', -0.12261323519896905), ('is ', -0.019485150514356064), ('not ', -0.1860559655410725), ('acceptable ', -0.0743308642095144), ('vs', -0.1894895170298696), ('. ', 0.06817677090839425), ('the ', 0.06297125322271313), ('services', 0.08755018826741434), ('!', 0.09179468996808282), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "Typical taco bell/KFC. Doesn't participate in dbacks taco promo."} [('', -6.938207661733031e-06), ('Typical ', -0.16359002978424542), ('ta', 0.024907487560994923), ('co ', -0.005197280610445887), ('bell', -0.001755333665641956), ('/', -0.0326195814559469), ('K', -0.008869008175679483), ('FC', -0.027677996069542132), ('. ', -0.020529888744931668), ('Doesn', -0.041365959208633285), ("'", -0.02026490735443076), ('t ', -0.051692908731638454), ('participate ', -0.0029062090325169265), ('in ', -0.009393367217853665), ('db', -0.04405709798447788), ('ack', -0.018961546826176345), ('s ', -0.010540462099015713), ('ta', 0.01388083638206202), ('co ', 0.005035036546663226), ('promo', -0.05811561674151259), ('.', -0.009662831042078324), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'They must have heard me! They recovered the booths!'} [('', 0.0), ('They ', -0.06983776832930744), ('must ', -0.20253897982183844), ('have ', -0.06164920947048813), ('heard ', 0.18965821689926088), ('me', 0.05118870711885393), ('! ', 0.3542886241339147), ('They ', 0.05977315083146095), ('recovered ', 0.1888559442013502), ('the ', 0.11531748482957482), ('booths', -0.15443652914837003), ('!', 0.10009638220071793), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'this business is closed permanently!!'} [('', 0.0), ('this ', -0.05533518240554258), ('business ', -0.08458045368024614), ('is ', -0.04684888404153753), ('closed ', -0.02434613132936647), ('permanently', -0.19807594102894654), ('!', 0.08004574959340971), ('!', 0.05396793922409415), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Out of business!'} [('', 0.0), ('Out ', -0.5531954992038663), ('of ', 0.08160969040181953), ('business', -0.21655488961550873), ('!', 0.2776365649770014), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'It was good'} [('', 0.0), ('It ', 0.22943910956382751), ('was ', 0.07899588346481323), ('good', 0.16840681433677673), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Horrible service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Horrible ', -0.7577837288627052), ('service', 0.1978032695260481), ('.', 0.03847403434338048), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Service auks here today very SLOW'} [('', 0.0), ('Service ', -0.0443237647486967), ('au', 0.05805874720681459), ('ks ', -0.04188256717316108), ('here ', 0.03515037380930153), ('today ', 0.3129097390374227), ('very ', -0.025737080479302676), ('SLOW', -0.5702388059762598), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'People are nice here'} [('', 0.0), ('People ', 0.08406545966863632), ('are ', 0.0665634460747242), ('nice ', 0.21077600494027138), ('here', 0.2251671701669693), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Best $10 wash around'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.7804857186274603), ('$', -0.08690550137544051), ('10 ', -0.010510135034564883), ('wash ', -0.2938630599528551), ('around', 0.06808401457965374), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best pizza in Arizona!'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.2252984121441841), ('pizza ', 0.07220996730029583), ('in ', 0.06007441692054272), ('Arizona', 0.03554278239607811), ('!', 0.2706947773694992), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'One large pizza and hot wings, Excellent!'} [('', 0.0), ('One ', -0.06696840189397335), ('large ', 0.04992491542361677), ('pizza ', -0.01867667189799249), ('and ', 0.0830796156078577), ('hot ', 0.09887034306302667), ('wings', 0.13202532241120934), (', ', 0.07251313049346209), ('Excellent', 0.3565409183502197), ('!', 0.005664452910423279), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Ignored the reviews here. Went anyway. Now I regret it.'} [('', 0.0), ('Ignored ', -0.12807945662007114), ('the ', -0.015099122799938414), ('reviews ', 0.06616014243195423), ('here', -0.014176908317040215), ('. ', -0.019566064986065612), ('Went ', -0.029484801641046943), ('anyway', -0.03874667502805096), ('. ', -0.01713612477942661), ('Now ', -0.031282893362913455), ('I ', 0.003459823660705297), ('regret ', -0.19954435520503466), ('it', 0.07072037629677652), ('.', -0.03737604674461181), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good food and pretty dog friendly. Cash only.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.48208629665896297), ('food ', 0.08569968258962035), ('and ', 0.07953272480517626), ('pretty ', 0.09385510921129026), ('dog ', -0.1430522307928186), ('friendly', 0.22726152261020616), ('. ', 0.000359612749889493), ('Cash ', -0.05689558805897832), ('only', -0.0437148311175406), ('.', -0.028379333205521107), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Best biscuits and gravy in town!'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.3192560411989689), ('biscuits ', 0.008466038852930069), ('and ', 0.03067813068628311), ('gr', -0.07027051318436861), ('av', 0.03387282323092222), ('y ', 0.00073963962495327), ('in ', 0.16603664960712194), ('town', 0.1679017459973693), ('!', 0.05615877918899059), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Poor customer service, inferior work and overpriced.'} [('', 0.0), ('Poor ', -0.17645187973903376), ('customer ', 0.015676876648285543), ('service', -0.008558240142519935), (', ', -0.017029402071784716), ('inferior ', -0.07926121757463989), ('work ', -0.01041935053308407), ('and ', -0.0035504914703778923), ('over', -0.04183079587164684), ('pr', -0.022527940690451942), ('ice', -0.018470758662715525), ('d', 0.009635903620164754), ('.', -0.019583448261982994), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'This store is an expensive food city!'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', -0.002485104836523533), ('store ', -0.09318299079313874), ('is ', -0.0005713854916393757), ('an ', 0.43585015553981066), ('expensive ', -0.06444872636348009), ('food ', 0.1388016054406762), ('city', 0.29414792265743017), ('!', 0.019659388810396194), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Terribly slow, always. At least they are consistent!'} [('', 0.0), ('Terribly ', -0.345500780029397), ('slow', -0.24054388759395806), (', ', -0.035123083551297896), ('always', 0.13594688728335313), ('. ', 0.2020036778994836), ('At ', 0.20866880839457735), ('least ', -0.2998407041304745), ('they ', 0.09373620585574827), ('are ', 0.14206262203333608), ('consistent', 0.38887283241638215), ('!', 0.17892105091596022), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Just raised their tuition....out of my budget. Not happy.'} [('', 0.0), ('Just ', -0.10412789782822074), ('raised ', 0.0910816698005874), ('their ', 0.006862265471681894), ('tuition', -0.1554267068131594), ('.', -0.020603975011908915), ('.', -0.009745786941948609), ('.', -0.012421408347563556), ('.', -0.014797491718127276), ('out ', -0.013745887353479702), ('of ', -0.009699321917878478), ('my ', 0.009332731428003171), ('budget', -0.058540534744224715), ('. ', -0.016895166118956695), ('Not ', -0.5449620060890084), ('happy', 0.4256352909587804), ('.', -0.019830118193567614), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "dirty, don't touch anything!"} [('', 0.0), ('dirty', -0.19341744363191538), (', ', 0.060371396393748), ('don', -0.05085315793257905), ("'", -0.03292651891388232), ('t ', -0.07721947197569534), ('touch ', 0.1666118881184957), ('anything', -0.09132175648846896), ('!', -0.05040751628985163), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'awesome! great owners and great coffee!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('awesome', 0.31327466294169426), ('! ', 0.037216540426015854), ('great ', 0.14983365428633988), ('owners ', 0.02051541837863624), ('and ', -0.0057099927216768265), ('great ', 0.1807335566263646), ('coffee', -0.025461151031777263), ('!', 0.009347712621092796), ('!', 0.021334227174520493), ('!', -0.004156246781349182), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'The hotel is closed'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.09442532746470533), ('hotel ', 0.06668193913355935), ('is ', -0.010292628823663108), ('closed', -0.5632072237785906), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great, fresh subs...but the sourdough was kinda hard. Nice employees!!'} [('', -0.0003584055230021477), ('Great', 0.23280678177252412), (', ', 0.07475868379697204), ('fresh ', 0.06848585985911389), ('sub', -0.09492198661124955), ('s', -0.05261062275773535), ('.', 0.009976137429475784), ('.', -0.012100556050427258), ('.', -0.013874132768251002), ('but ', -0.25024049474232013), ('the ', -0.02601299251327873), ('sour', -0.10986632230584897), ('dou', -0.022476528418580225), ('gh ', -0.03204951694012076), ('was ', -0.033938744851790645), ('kinda ', -0.07389270783884665), ('hard', -0.28635103966250125), ('. ', 0.016570142164709978), ('Nice ', 0.18044314195382563), ('employees', -0.026456631724916708), ('!', 0.01642094928926478), ('!', -0.035386950708925724), ('', 4.0240585803985596e-05)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great breakfast burritos and great service,'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.35381372552365065), ('breakfast ', 0.04410545062273741), ('burr', -0.06513972859829664), ('ito', -0.001094619743525982), ('s ', 0.02371092140674591), ('and ', 0.03454824537038803), ('great ', 0.3081782916560769), ('service', 0.010015434585511684), (',', 0.004841506481170654), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'We really like their chicken nachos.'} [('', 0.0), ('We ', 0.04662602301687002), ('really ', 0.582543876953423), ('like ', 0.1974004227668047), ('their ', 0.031020356807857752), ('chicken ', -0.10265014739707112), ('na', -0.015599707840010524), ('cho', -0.028719255700707436), ('s', 0.022884968435391784), ('.', -0.02682018931955099), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Pretty Good nothing to write home about.'} [('', 0.0), ('Pretty ', 0.5612212719861418), ('Good ', 0.3919304122682661), ('nothing ', -0.6028612963855267), ('to ', 0.08822046313434839), ('write ', -0.22516859974712133), ('home ', 0.1646557948552072), ('about', 0.35267814295366406), ('.', -0.015124872326850891), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best theater in vegas'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.15594514459371567), ('theater ', 0.08617613092064857), ('in ', 0.06634141877293587), ('vegas', 0.2780565172433853), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Over priced service and bad at time estaments'} [('', 0.0), ('Over ', -0.23926960487006), ('priced ', 0.07312910839391407), ('service ', 0.02163121941703139), ('and ', 0.012211029355967185), ('bad ', -0.12281987810365536), ('at ', -0.005535853825676895), ('time ', -0.041814899384917226), ('est', 0.037221874266833765), ('ament', -0.024265166041004704), ('s', -0.012869469508586917), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'A nice place for locals to go for cheap breakfast!'} [('', 0.0), ('A ', 0.0478044929477619), ('nice ', 0.5399796481433441), ('place ', 0.08164966788172023), ('for ', -0.006102933009970002), ('locals ', 0.024159842170774937), ('to ', 0.07253257418051362), ('go ', 0.07182738768460695), ('for ', -0.049631453985057306), ('cheap ', -0.17704121561109787), ('breakfast', 0.06867899325152393), ('!', -0.008775681460974738), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'It is very bad course.'} [('', 0.0), ('It ', 0.006277297467022436), ('is ', 0.14338450201285013), ('very ', 0.17415345190784137), ('bad ', -0.763235684891697), ('course', 0.16056878675954067), ('.', -0.02964388596228673), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Love this place - Great Local Casino!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.38586452417075634), ('this ', -0.02296972880139947), ('place ', -0.009365684818476439), ('- ', 0.01059240149334073), ('Great ', 0.24998034304007888), ('Local ', 0.07103973533958197), ('Casino', -0.0029867375269532204), ('!', 0.02469099685549736), ('!', 0.0061814188957214355), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Not very good. They were sloppy.'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', -0.47987777740854654), ('very ', 0.046376274214708246), ('good', 0.2379332337914093), ('. ', 0.0581223233093624), ('They ', -0.008138677264469152), ('were ', 0.010311411108887114), ('sloppy', -0.108962254385915), ('.', -0.026146534080908168), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Cheap but food tasted weird. Would not go back.'} [('', 0.0), ('Cheap ', -0.06536565757414792), ('but ', -0.014269245773903094), ('food ', 0.0294034165708581), ('tasted ', 0.060123527684481815), ('weird', -0.15544999441772234), ('. ', -0.017908588284626603), ('Would ', -0.032848737231688574), ('not ', -0.07183644248289056), ('go ', 0.022134288941742852), ('back', -0.04068631408154033), ('.', -0.040401253500021994), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Slow service, below average food.'} [('', 0.0), ('Slow ', -0.1964023443069891), ('service', -0.032662377001543064), (', ', 0.08970971424423624), ('below ', -0.23431057051493553), ('average ', 0.05069855525289313), ('food', 0.07533201112164534), ('.', -0.02842319754563505), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'They always have amazing customer service, when I am there.'} [('', 0.0), ('They ', -0.01016877219080925), ('always ', 0.10392353218048811), ('have ', -0.05849912669509649), ('amazing ', 0.3919812587555498), ('customer ', -0.01812877901829779), ('service', -0.10751504031941295), (', ', 0.06001359969377518), ('when ', -0.10426752734929323), ('I ', 0.12068185117095709), ('am ', 0.16262364014983177), ('there', 0.11949005164206028), ('.', -0.032841309905052185), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Horrible service!! Served me old food!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Horrible ', -0.5445670491189958), ('service', 0.15256393056370143), ('!', 0.1273673773976043), ('! ', 0.06001171839307062), ('Served ', 0.05941772646474419), ('me ', 0.08112460309348535), ('old ', -0.2037452392760315), ('food', -0.05816518029314466), ('!', 0.032325628242688254), ('!', -0.004336382960900664), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'service were ok,, food was horrible'} [('', 0.0), ('service ', 0.016664658513036557), ('were ', 0.0011523477587616071), ('ok', 0.285587878403021), (',', 0.08987787258229218), (', ', 0.0024270272988360375), ('food ', 0.10801939342491096), ('was ', -0.03195660838537151), ('horrible', -0.6817558774637291), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'My neighborhood place. Good ppl good food.'} [('', 0.0), ('My ', 0.03790544345974922), ('neighborhood ', 0.14046776946634054), ('place', 0.08115864265710115), ('. ', 0.0707121193408966), ('Good ', 0.2105005569756031), ('pp', -0.01765232253819704), ('l ', -0.010161100886762142), ('good ', 0.20279497373849154), ('food', -0.0037842607125639915), ('.', -0.015022976323962212), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Very, very noisy. Fair service. Food was mediocre.'} [('', 0.0), ('Very', 0.022018274681613548), (', ', -0.027661640731821535), ('very ', 0.013621886570035713), ('noisy', -0.3352354225862655), ('. ', 0.009506345075351419), ('Fair ', 0.11813531009829603), ('service', 0.036619202874135226), ('. ', 0.010461224461323582), ('Food ', -0.052264892983657774), ('was ', -0.01047692359861685), ('med', -0.07538468928760267), ('io', -0.02158490530200652), ('cre', -0.07992227854992962), ('.', -0.02260499555268325), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'What a f#@king dump... and the managers are a joke.'} [('', 0.0), ('What ', -0.046415661763603566), ('a ', -0.009638599287427496), ('f', -0.046140563008520985), ('#', -0.016444357057480374), ('@', -0.02520823092345381), ('king ', -0.0015934117309370777), ('dump', -0.0709627937485493), ('.', -0.016737151880079182), ('.', -0.022185632838954916), ('. ', -0.02491057139923214), ('and ', 0.027895663260096626), ('the ', -0.008085943941296136), ('managers ', 0.0177535736856953), ('are ', -0.006918768378000095), ('a ', 0.057491647163260495), ('joke', -0.24382145661866161), ('.', -0.025470806090197584), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'It was a decent experience.'} [('', 0.0), ('It ', -0.004422858357429504), ('was ', 0.001966148614883423), ('a ', 0.343976154923439), ('decent ', 0.23825195245444775), ('experience', 0.1367549430578947), ('.', -0.025421511381864548), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great airport. You can gamble while u wait.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.3298833277076483), ('airport', 0.0023853275924921036), ('. ', 0.0248662531375885), ('You ', 0.26368842607189436), ('can ', 0.1065727385430364), ('gamble ', 0.08534034970216453), ('while ', 0.16680021968204528), ('u ', -0.06641655441490002), ('wait', -0.10462268002447672), ('.', -0.11195037659490481), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Three stars for cheerful and quick service at 5:30 AM...'} [('', -0.0001522451639175415), ('Three ', 0.000500931404531002), ('stars ', 0.32378769759088755), ('for ', 0.02129182731732726), ('cheerful ', 0.3210074664093554), ('and ', 0.047360742930322886), ('quick ', -0.01575358596164733), ('service ', 0.00508369249291718), ('at ', 0.008032116340473294), ('5', 0.008472032961435616), (':', -0.04221520082016165), ('30 ', 0.0035893504003373287), ('AM', 0.008225171904390058), ('.', -0.004477749578654766), ('.', -0.04873407632112503), ('.', -0.06863419711589813), ('', 8.165836334228516e-06)] {'label': 1, 'text': "It's an airport. Not too exciting."} [('', 0.0), ('It', -0.010320762525225291), ("'", 0.020441553398995893), ('s ', -0.012490669367252849), ('an ', 0.15020252189424355), ('airport', 0.05987458603340201), ('. ', 0.13758947349560913), ('Not ', -0.16252293212528457), ('too ', -0.18151442632006365), ('exciting', -0.26784335522097535), ('.', -0.034295372024644166), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Nothing beats landing in Vegas on a Friday night!'} [('', 0.0), ('Nothing ', -0.7229644279577769), ('beats ', 0.13348673676955514), ('landing ', -0.05213443448883481), ('in ', 0.015459983573236968), ('Vegas ', 0.1506336821403238), ('on ', 0.010966434303554706), ('a ', 0.011488709773402661), ('Friday ', 0.05938655349018518), ('night', 0.04648973421717528), ('!', 0.05824196609319188), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "Airport isn't bad, tsa is rude and liars."} [('', 0.0), ('Airport ', -0.006844242074294016), ('isn', 0.00443767721299082), ("'", 0.005852863192558289), ('t ', 0.24710850880364887), ('bad', 0.30249356309650466), (', ', -0.10113542160252109), ('ts', -0.04164046695223078), ('a ', -0.001987161405850202), ('is ', -0.1707657661754638), ('rude ', -0.10407296137418598), ('and ', -0.017246216593775898), ('liar', -0.21169089752947912), ('s', -0.024455732840579003), ('.', 0.03806538676144555), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Always a wait... But ppl are nice.'} [('', 0.0), ('Always ', 0.07053947169333696), ('a ', 0.05165972269605845), ('wait', -0.26708825991954654), ('.', -0.02323397481814027), ('.', -0.024910278152674437), ('. ', -0.01634392188861966), ('But ', -0.040726916515268385), ('pp', -0.02322520292364061), ('l ', 0.0003580275224521756), ('are ', 0.00042617740109562874), ('nice', 0.9188141142949462), ('.', -0.01932939444668591), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Inefficient gateways. Need to shuttle everywhere. Slow security checkpoint lines.'} [('', 0.0), ('In', -0.10991829618433258), ('ef', 0.05987784532044316), ('fi', -0.02810903931458597), ('cie', -0.036401169789314736), ('nt ', -0.07682649356502225), ('gateway', -0.002436393297102768), ('s', -0.003799586833338253), ('. ', -0.022086953722464386), ('Need ', -0.03832071920624003), ('to ', -0.007367740246991161), ('shuttle ', -0.02624665855728381), ('everywhere', -0.015380842150989338), ('. ', -0.02783160535909701), ('Slow ', -0.05085075114038773), ('security ', -0.028670101241004886), ('checkpoint ', -0.022527416880620876), ('lines', -0.019950252732087392), ('.', -0.011698623653501272), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'i love vegas!'} [('', 0.0), ('i ', 0.12678005546331406), ('love ', 0.09716350212693214), ('vegas', 0.08542688563466072), ('!', 0.27721165120601654), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Huge. Overpriced everything. $9 subs. Very sparse food selection.'} [('', 0.0), ('Huge', 0.054329796137608355), ('. ', 0.05524308410167578), ('Over', -0.24048614153252856), ('pr', -0.07865569909154146), ('ice', -0.02971766476821358), ('d ', 0.014715488566253043), ('everything', -0.002793757279505371), ('. ', -0.004556669262456126), ('$', -0.048808732960424095), ('9 ', -0.0046068147757978295), ('sub', -0.027253457039478235), ('s', -0.009827881869568955), ('. ', -0.020673767263360787), ('Very ', -0.029555611068644794), ('sparse ', -0.08585371603112435), ('food ', -0.0068706766824107035), ('selection', 0.009038887404130946), ('.', -0.012562327559862752), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Always a smooth experience both ways...flying in and out.'} [('', 0.0), ('Always ', 0.06941472738981247), ('a ', 0.06729023531079292), ('smooth ', 0.1518668197095394), ('experience ', 0.08449701685458422), ('both ', 0.06568152643740177), ('ways', 0.05868056882172823), ('.', 0.030427616089582443), ('.', -0.05751781724393368), ('.', 0.037941304966807365), ('flying ', 0.06426275183912367), ('in ', 0.0749356223968789), ('and ', 0.06402845936827362), ('out', -0.09413153724744916), ('.', -0.03431652346625924), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Airports suck and this one is no exception.'} [('', 0.0), ('Airports ', -0.052201675018295646), ('suck ', -0.2388056966010481), ('and ', 0.08037432347191498), ('this ', -0.01595048201852478), ('one ', 0.022199958941200748), ('is ', 0.030326693606184563), ('no ', -0.10013012690251344), ('exception', 0.07499239844764816), ('.', -0.0793338542280253), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Crowded, noisy, and expensive.'} [('', 0.0), ('Crowded', -0.17969397877459414), (', ', 0.08922861781320535), ('noisy', -0.516381961730076), (', ', 0.06818438056507148), ('and ', 0.3057231411803514), ('expensive', 0.03298458817880601), ('.', 0.027929465170018375), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Consistently the best airport in the country!'} [('', 0.0), ('Consistently ', 0.16988489031791687), ('the ', 0.0005041435360908508), ('best ', 0.19591742008924484), ('airport ', 0.07035348005592823), ('in ', 0.07521204464137554), ('the ', 0.10201384779065847), ('country', 0.09348564688116312), ('!', 0.02188420295715332), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Simply, I hate this airport.'} [('', 0.0), ('Simply', 0.0730668869218789), (', ', 0.230488327157218), ('I ', 0.07462245415626967), ('hate ', -0.7715810279023572), ('this ', 0.06778900089557283), ('airport', 0.050883806914498564), ('.', -0.0013867161615053192), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'The heart of airport traffic in Vegas.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.007629655301570892), ('heart ', 0.38776203617453575), ('of ', -0.020450282841920853), ('airport ', 0.04462746623903513), ('traffic ', 0.03271857742220163), ('in ', 0.09170982148498297), ('Vegas', 0.20196206774562597), ('.', -0.016903340816497803), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "Crowded...loud...few amenities..what's to like?"} [('', 0.0), ('Crowded', -0.10658603758201934), ('.', -0.019217070104787126), ('.', -0.004723705482319929), ('.', -0.008354556994163431), ('loud', -0.08461203482875135), ('.', -0.02010432914539706), ('.', -0.022315754480587202), ('.', -0.09246661843098991), ('few ', -0.15384002676364616), ('amenities', -0.04306898936192738), ('.', -0.024611494784039678), ('.', -0.023542929513496347), ('what', 0.0013056240750302095), ("'", 0.0014594990643672645), ('s ', 0.0084623398106487), ('to ', 0.060223650102670945), ('like', 0.12040484875342372), ('?', -0.05417328144540079), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': "Easy in and out. Can't really complain."} [('', 0.0), ('Easy ', 0.23289842810481787), ('in ', 0.09359532687813044), ('and ', -0.026701083406805992), ('out', -0.07285164296627045), ('. ', -0.023634949699044228), ('Can', 0.18251381540903822), ("'", 0.08073040965246037), ('t ', -0.026204490684904158), ('really ', 0.031561271935061086), ('complain', 0.13042075261910213), ('.', -0.060921087162569165), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'i love the slot machines in the airport, hahaha'} [('', 0.0), ('i ', -0.021475342102348804), ('love ', 0.8740561070735566), ('the ', -0.005412622063886374), ('slot ', -0.05850415432360023), ('machines ', -0.0392699382500723), ('in ', 0.005744831898482516), ('the ', -0.004297665931517258), ('airport', -0.007146391202695668), (', ', -0.008101088926196098), ('ha', -0.03827367536723614), ('ha', -0.012929508462548256), ('ha', -0.057437993586063385), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Vegas baby ;-)'} [('', 0.0), ('Vegas ', 0.25904009491205215), ('baby ', 0.19773845002055168), (';', 0.07781809195876122), ('-', 0.040583476424217224), (')', 0.08143928647041321), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'This airport definitly need some renovation.'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', -0.05947659641969949), ('airport ', -0.048592495266348124), ('def', 0.031744562889798544), ('ini', -0.07644129572145175), ('tly ', 0.13338857080088928), ('need ', -0.14874009601771832), ('some ', -0.07476915314327925), ('renovation', -0.027117110672406852), ('.', -0.008148881141096354), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': "Nice and Clean Airport,I'm A Fannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn"} [('', 0.0), ('Nice ', 0.45791103766532615), ('and ', 0.09848780749598518), ('Clean ', 0.15117036117590033), ('Airport', 0.022803773259511217), (',', -0.008716166543308645), ('I', 0.006783533492125571), ("'", -0.010854238178581), ('m ', 0.006425851781386882), ('A ', 0.014042199414689094), ('Fan', 0.0007139642548281699), ('nn', -0.01737569333636202), ('nn', -0.01858010166324675), ('nn', -0.020890089916065335), ('nn', -0.01668150906334631), ('nn', -0.016918507375521585), ('nn', -0.016906856413697824), ('nn', -0.016290472907712683), ('nn', -0.015305159875424579), ('nn', -0.01668748355587013), ('nn', -0.01682505724602379), ('nn', -0.016287408448988572), ('nn', -0.019513593841111287), ('nn', -0.023034369543893263), ('nn', -0.01555462769465521), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Best to come and leave opposite of the mad crowd!'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.17233470699284226), ('to ', -0.0009037099953275174), ('come ', 0.15417290883488022), ('and ', 0.003046363824978471), ('leave ', -0.5049607015680522), ('opposite ', -0.18328388570807874), ('of ', 0.046701939281774685), ('the ', 0.06706371347536333), ('mad ', -0.12154648566502146), ('crowd', 0.060897348244907334), ('!', -0.011318683216813952), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "It's cool, I guess\\n\\nHow does one review an airport?"} [('', 0.0), ('It', 0.005871069733984768), ("'", -0.020937507157213986), ('s ', 0.004433462978340685), ('cool', 0.7012680782936513), (', ', 0.0713701139902696), ('I ', -0.011011506210447155), ('guess', -0.024652752935903015), ('\\', -0.015674173858964684), ('n', -0.013773086929826863), ('\\', -0.013181161817296274), ('nH', -0.022847470999944823), ('ow ', -0.01866997746193582), ('does ', -0.00972067444527056), ('one ', 0.003966063706320711), ('review ', 0.007579937852763881), ('an ', 0.014219188246837195), ('airport', -0.04956185392899594), ('?', -0.07824618043377995), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'The bar is close to everything.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.04351699352264404), ('bar ', 0.014642743393778801), ('is ', 0.0017527658492326736), ('close ', 0.17970049940049648), ('to ', 0.10904851369559765), ('everything', 0.4292234964668751), ('.', -0.05694340914487839), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Nice airport, busy though, super long walk..'} [('', 0.0), ('Nice ', 0.7239653083961457), ('airport', 0.10308912629261613), (', ', 0.010734267649240792), ('busy ', -0.15636553774675122), ('though', -0.04976536267349729), (', ', 0.05745132977608591), ('super ', 0.041783087770454586), ('long ', -0.040565977920778096), ('walk', 0.03138837614096701), ('.', 0.014125136658549309), ('.', -0.07066896557807922), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'raising price, lower rating'} [('', 0.0), ('raising ', 0.24396454317320604), ('price', -0.013229227435658686), (', ', 0.09858894333592616), ('lower ', -0.7235982466372661), ('rating', 0.06241292000049725), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best rewards program'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.23850661516189575), ('rewards ', 0.16215628385543823), ('program', 0.07617342472076416), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'In and out via priceline with NO ISSUES =)'} [('', 0.0), ('In ', 0.03272575233131647), ('and ', -0.02412063628435135), ('out ', -0.05718380329199135), ('via ', -0.08167963312007487), ('price', -0.09944578050635755), ('line ', -0.02311267307959497), ('with ', 0.0057175508118234575), ('NO ', -0.030661745986435562), ('ISSUES ', 0.03356554632773623), ('=', 0.007567836437374353), (')', -0.018798112694639713), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Saimin is good.'} [('', 0.0), ('Sai', 0.08830013498663902), ('min ', 0.1198330707848072), ('is ', 0.02080568205565214), ('good', 0.45174083579331636), ('.', -0.01665516197681427), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Tripe stew is delicious.'} [('', 0.0), ('Trip', -0.11115527572110295), ('e ', -0.039820094127207994), ('stew ', -0.032578615384409204), ('is ', 0.0014526323066093028), ('delicious', 0.9005165620765183), ('.', -0.027310618257615715), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "below average. it's acceptable for the price in LV though."} [('', 0.0), ('below ', -0.23264064360409975), ('average', 0.08402870688587427), ('. ', 0.03017827495932579), ('it', 0.2978327098535374), ("'", 0.03804091410711408), ('s ', 0.04148831299971789), ('acceptable ', 0.40469497605226934), ('for ', 0.02457643928937614), ('the ', 0.004711776738986373), ('price ', -0.04892609245143831), ('in ', -0.01290886988863349), ('L', -0.006958903337363154), ('V ', -0.017126393096987158), ('though', -0.0405156904598698), ('.', -0.015659727156162262), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'This was the most disturbingly bland meal. Yuck.'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', -0.06011949706226005), ('was ', 0.05174394038840546), ('the ', 0.1226502703029837), ('most ', 0.059647136218700325), ('disturbing', -0.2621387969084026), ('ly ', 0.061054225738189416), ('bland ', -0.3440651957780574), ('meal', 0.08825821547998203), ('. ', 0.08746387629798846), ('Yu', -0.0697165656274592), ('ck', -0.06694779664030648), ('.', -0.0400255278145778), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'food not hot, no flavor. people were nice.'} [('', 0.0), ('food ', 0.0387999835802475), ('not ', -0.08251104852024582), ('hot', -0.0020285352948121727), (', ', -0.03593677347453195), ('no ', -0.3365752202553267), ('flavor', 0.026037001251097536), ('. ', 0.22038582752429647), ('people ', -0.01651445213065017), ('were ', -0.015591994233545847), ('nice', 0.8817639462358784), ('.', -0.0271855648024939), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'It was good for the price and convenience.'} [('', 0.0), ('It ', -0.07261422695592046), ('was ', -0.017327728448435664), ('good ', 0.6723316602874547), ('for ', -0.06988130882382393), ('the ', 0.016797639429569244), ('price ', -0.0991160236299038), ('and ', 0.1499951034784317), ('convenience', 0.0727340430021286), ('.', 0.05977354943752289), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Good for price.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.6990422606468201), ('for ', 0.0399671271443367), ('price', -0.10821608453989029), ('.', -0.04430997371673584), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'The best tamales on the planet. Really.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.0037576742470264435), ('best ', 0.2533997520804405), ('tam', 0.012862235307693481), ('ales ', 0.08896289393305779), ('on ', 0.039125626906752586), ('the ', 0.09011523053050041), ('planet', 0.1601536888629198), ('. ', 0.0497797466814518), ('Really', 0.17541370168328285), ('.', -0.17666291072964668), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "Creepy location. You couldn't pay me to stay here again."} [('', 0.0), ('Creepy ', -0.14012626523617655), ('location', -0.06183955760207027), ('. ', -0.0245276540517807), ('You ', 0.023555086343549192), ('couldn', -0.009658239752752706), ("'", -0.008855429477989674), ('t ', -0.044630141608649865), ('pay ', -0.11570108283194713), ('me ', 0.03165497802547179), ('to ', 0.02366826766228769), ('stay ', -0.05622855517140124), ('here ', -0.003845044266199693), ('again', -0.009610768960556015), ('.', -0.012003896699752659), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'only cheap other than too bad'} [('', 0.0), ('only ', -0.0007745166076347232), ('cheap ', -0.25952074692759197), ('other ', 0.10179200528364163), ('than ', 0.09900001601999975), ('too ', -0.07481216169617255), ('bad', -0.17315248162049102), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Cheap gambling, strong drinks. \\n\\n... very strong.'} [('', 0.0), ('Cheap ', -0.37775969679569243), ('gambling', 0.013822053249896271), (', ', -0.011395152469049208), ('strong ', 0.21765821801818674), ('drinks', 0.04160154610144673), ('. ', -0.0046022858150536194), ('\\', -0.036485953780356795), ('n', -0.028866190958069637), ('\\', -0.026551263668807223), ('n', -0.007852435286622494), ('.', 0.0021141896140761673), ('.', -0.026966454461216927), ('. ', -0.025956361321732402), ('very ', 0.21796185756102204), ('strong', 0.6275574492756277), ('.', -0.025497111026197672), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Ox tail soup special after 11pm. market Street Cafe.'} [('', 0.0), ('Ox ', -0.05348708853125572), ('tail ', -0.1260762745514512), ('soup ', -0.06113822478801012), ('special ', 0.23675986321177334), ('after ', 0.003175443154759705), ('11', -0.06858036562334746), ('pm', -0.08850772969890386), ('. ', -0.019078803714364767), ('market ', -0.025133621762506664), ('Street ', 0.038840066525153816), ('Cafe', 0.03213257435709238), ('.', -0.05093599483370781), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Good location downtown, rooms too dark for me.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.528427913741325), ('location ', 0.11283071988873417), ('downtown', 0.14773377980600344), (', ', 0.04985455411951989), ('rooms ', 0.0435477236751467), ('too ', -0.10924225134658627), ('dark ', -0.1128576240298571), ('for ', 0.009711073653306812), ('me', 0.04387394145305734), ('.', -0.03317124379100278), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Decent pizza place for Vegas, I enjoyed...'} [('', 0.0), ('Decent ', 0.25268672220408916), ('pizza ', -0.004593380668666214), ('place ', 0.032812483550515026), ('for ', -0.014778355369344354), ('Vegas', 0.1004585379268974), (', ', 0.026238576974719763), ('I ', 0.006964040920138359), ('enjoyed', 0.40337382722646), ('.', -0.017539807595312595), ('.', -0.048949677497148514), ('.', -0.07063499093055725), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Small location, BUT AMAZING PIZZA!'} [('', 0.0), ('Small ', -0.13370507408399135), ('location', -0.08665057097095996), (', ', 0.08784143696539104), ('BUT ', 0.06467839039396495), ('AMAZING ', 0.7606736867455766), ('PIZZA', 0.00433338200673461), ('!', 0.026127954246476293), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Always hits the stop after some gambling'} [('', 0.0), ('Always ', 0.10773279285058379), ('hits ', 0.2213722974411212), ('the ', 0.04667050117859617), ('stop ', -0.24866312986705452), ('after ', 0.11979367595631629), ('some ', -0.19587636133655906), ('gambling', -0.26438470650464296), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Fun!'} [('', 0.0), ('Fun', 0.13716962933540344), ('!', 0.1359725296497345), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Table side salad and table side coffee is my fav!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Table ', 0.005987138487398624), ('side ', -0.053411556873470545), ('salad ', 0.007643637713044882), ('and ', 0.1677996045909822), ('table ', -0.02275381819345057), ('side ', -0.0440702207852155), ('coffee ', -0.03276653750799596), ('is ', 0.1547717449720949), ('my ', 0.14013848640024662), ('fa', 0.1840712355915457), ('v', 0.07410283549688756), ('!', 0.04986751638352871), ('!', -0.02289484441280365), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Way too old school and average for the price.'} [('', 0.0), ('Way ', 0.039171306325442856), ('too ', -0.197857229724832), ('old ', -0.15603715573706722), ('school ', 0.00720610142161604), ('and ', 0.05418437652406283), ('average ', 0.06280004203654244), ('for ', 0.0317517053008487), ('the ', 0.021632290838169865), ('price', -0.14311318446561927), ('.', -0.022379292408004403), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'I want to go back soon.'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', 0.10459742322564125), ('want ', -0.14067721320316195), ('to ', 0.34467464266344905), ('go ', 0.3205109164118767), ('back ', -0.3302376326173544), ('soon', 0.08329835347831249), ('.', -0.15387152135372162), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Same review: http://www.yelp.com/biz/golden-nugget-hotel-and-casino-las-vegas-2#hrid:m3H2-jZzZMgkzYAWqZSC2g'} [('', -0.00019406343344599008), ('Same ', -0.0631638169521466), ('review', 0.002131152874790132), (': ', -0.007990935840643943), ('http', -0.02499192056711763), (':', -0.006250703590922058), ('/', -0.008240861430143317), ('/', -0.007725369728480777), ('www', -0.007395623911482593), ('.', 0.0007946463068947196), ('ye', -0.014773297201221188), ('lp', -0.03895532999498149), ('.', -0.021234659555678565), ('com', -0.006272429300588555), ('/', -0.011229071000707335), ('bi', -0.023516909385216424), ('z', -0.022406699767452666), ('/', -3.454891072275732e-05), ('golden', 0.03267097521068839), ('-', 0.003034908454477166), ('nu', -0.024535058392211796), ('gg', -0.022488204622641207), ('et', -0.003295832086587325), ('-', -0.009505550833030915), ('hotel', -0.009505550833030915), ('-', -0.004081362732298052), ('and', -0.009972770494641736), ('-', -0.003878302791336965), ('casino', -0.005939970643440675), ('-', -0.002078267664829683), ('las', -0.00045444761700410815), ('-', -0.0028196016391221846), ('vegas', 0.003632672869652096), ('-', -0.004162765824649897), ('2', -0.004162765824649897), ('#', -0.005869548436668184), ('hr', -0.005801583196790446), ('id', -0.005801583196790446), (':', -0.009626680658021499), ('m3', -0.017036029935947487), ('H', -0.013378450513950417), ('2', -0.006888737536168524), ('-', -0.006888737536168524), ('j', -0.0067234103044029325), ('Zz', -0.011995475593721494), ('Z', -0.010990162700181827), ('Mg', -0.011505573842441663), ('k', -0.00829431606689468), ('zY', -0.00829431606689468), ('AW', -0.006718951684888452), ('q', -0.006718951684888452), ('Z', -0.008418679353781044), ('SC', -0.01019703468773514), ('2', -0.017366545740514994), ('g', -0.009298935998231173), ('', -0.0020879816729575396)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Water slide through a shark tank!\\n\\nReally nice employees. \\n\\nNice rooms.'} [('', 0.0008548600017093122), ('Water ', 0.01754311443073675), ('slide ', 0.042950085015036166), ('through ', -0.014679672662168741), ('a ', -0.06987067671434488), ('shark ', -0.11065253218112048), ('tank', -0.1513153501728084), ('!', 0.11903259571408853), ('\\', -0.02143406922308107), ('n', -0.04406281367604), ('\\', 0.03307638999346333), ('nR', 0.031040885689435527), ('eal', 0.06702615166432224), ('ly ', 0.06924304109998047), ('nice ', 0.4634688475052826), ('employees', -0.07217218674486503), ('. ', 0.22067852562759072), ('\\', 0.01087319136907657), ('n', 0.030028342579801876), ('\\', -0.06429616423944633), ('n', -0.20800229839514942), ('Nic', -0.0064384194789454344), ('e ', -0.0612477112095803), ('rooms', 0.05104951919056475), ('.', -0.05050750463269651), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'worst buffet for this price'} [('', 0.0), ('worst ', -0.5190736631957407), ('buffet ', -0.07036893882832373), ('for ', 0.037458548409631476), ('this ', 0.21851878891538945), ('price', -0.002156640348403016), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Shitty'} [('', 0.0), ('Shitty', -0.9330125897831749), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'best downtown hotel!...great hosts..host Jason very helpful!'} [('', 0.0), ('best ', 0.19552647322416306), ('downtown ', 0.07463116943836212), ('hotel', 0.04608956724405289), ('!', -0.040568605065345764), ('.', -0.007132417522370815), ('.', -0.010999738238751888), ('.', -0.011832823976874352), ('great ', 0.1662972210906446), ('hosts', 0.02442528260871768), ('.', -0.007770555093884468), ('.', -0.013993184082210064), ('host ', 0.017298921011388302), ('Jason ', 0.0073510417714715), ('very ', 0.02507954090833664), ('helpful', 0.09461889788508415), ('!', -0.007320139557123184), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Its where all the action is!!! The best!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Its ', -0.055609887233003974), ('where ', -0.23317415278870612), ('all ', -0.02849246293772012), ('the ', 0.01623984327306971), ('action ', 0.018754542048554868), ('is', 0.015147441416047513), ('!', 0.07184129254892468), ('!', -0.016443952859845012), ('! ', -0.005501966050360352), ('The ', 0.05360971749178134), ('best', 0.7396370338683482), ('!', 0.017221436195541173), ('!', 0.012085216585546732), ('!', -0.021801407914608717), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Lame. Looks much bigger and more interesting on tv.'} [('', 0.0), ('Lame', -0.663755523339205), ('. ', 0.007968276906467509), ('Looks ', -0.041084046243668126), ('much ', 0.03018835243619833), ('bigger ', 0.169569866195161), ('and ', 0.23598489923460875), ('more ', -0.08087696772145136), ('interesting ', 0.1570860943511434), ('on ', -0.012244148570971447), ('tv', -0.11314038434102258), ('.', -0.023033736506477), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "Closed. Now Oscar's!"} [('', 0.0), ('Closed', -0.007140442728996277), ('. ', 0.2134438306093216), ('Now ', 0.010889476165175438), ('Oscar', 0.26029125647619367), ("'", 0.027368092443794012), ('s', 0.12463551014661789), ('!', 0.09366938471794128), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Hot basic old school buffet'} [('', 0.0), ('Hot ', 0.20001310063526034), ('basic ', 0.0625603562220931), ('old ', -0.38298834720626473), ('school ', -0.17092532105743885), ('buffet', 0.08067279495298862), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "Eh. I've had better."} [('', 0.0), ('Eh', -0.0836611979175359), ('. ', 0.08881813008338213), ('I', 0.08547842357074842), ("'", 0.09248412493616343), ('ve ', -0.14227053728245664), ('had ', -0.1336249004380079), ('better', -0.15358963192556985), ('.', -0.020433927536942065), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Party time!'} [('', 0.0), ('Party ', -0.11388896405696869), ('time', 0.09138211607933044), ('!', 0.4978448897600174), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': '$2 Blackjack! ...do I need to explain further?'} [('', 0.0), ('$', -0.10358021460706368), ('2 ', 0.010178717784583569), ('Black', -0.04751149698859081), ('jack', -0.00642114898073487), ('! ', -0.046035991195822135), ('.', -0.01311086853093002), ('.', -0.027253204039880075), ('.', -0.025698651355924085), ('do ', -0.01764040741545614), ('I ', -0.01475655534886755), ('need ', -0.04673831422405783), ('to ', -0.004746659018564969), ('explain ', -0.021092456328915432), ('further', -0.012826353355194442), ('?', -0.0526174242986599), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Maintaince and maid service should be better.'} [('', 0.0), ('Maintain', 0.06952663059928454), ('ce ', -0.17610164728830568), ('and ', 0.07114446665218566), ('maid ', -0.06383653914235765), ('service ', -0.0691812359218602), ('should ', -0.07583197222993476), ('be ', -0.03634643183613662), ('better', 0.00504569574695779), ('.', -0.010047785370261408), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'My Li Hing fix outside of Hawaii!'} [('', 0.0), ('My ', 0.013967039762064815), ('Li ', 0.16412888537161052), ('Hi', 0.12731155345682055), ('ng ', -0.10486644215416163), ('fix ', -0.22698513406794518), ('outside ', -0.14076725987251848), ('of ', 0.17203906923532486), ('Hawaii', 0.3722285721451044), ('!', 0.18969355709850788), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good eats and decent prices'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.12961215153336525), ('eats ', 0.11216557398438454), ('and ', 0.09118107706308365), ('decent ', 0.38647861778736115), ('prices', -0.055432289838790894), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Excellent. Could not ask for better.'} [('', 0.0), ('Excellent', 0.29247114062309265), ('. ', 0.08632311224937439), ('Could ', 0.036786793047212996), ('not ', 0.164441139306291), ('ask ', 0.07212075534334872), ('for ', 0.10716954809322488), ('better', -0.011395521985832602), ('.', -0.01877734065055847), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Food is pretty good. Solid cheap Chinese take out.'} [('', 0.0), ('Food ', -0.027268319856375456), ('is ', 0.060809136426541954), ('pretty ', 0.2197554802405648), ('good', 0.5870981879997998), ('. ', -0.01653643511235714), ('Solid ', 0.1851253841741709), ('cheap ', -0.31272680863912683), ('Chinese ', -0.010341062705265358), ('take ', 0.02585303140222095), ('out', -0.008804896206129342), ('.', -0.03697990160435438), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'cant go wrong with the classics...s1&s2'} [('', 0.0), ('can', -0.07533444766886532), ('t ', 0.278654768015258), ('go ', -0.03302441170671955), ('wrong ', -0.45487000566208735), ('with ', 0.003870955086313188), ('the ', 0.04994681722018868), ('classics', 0.5181959145702422), ('.', 0.03874549129977822), ('.', -0.02243825141340494), ('.', -0.018836085684597492), ('s', -0.053926501888781786), ('1', -0.1020564204081893), ('&', 0.07982115307822824), ('s', -0.12092292867600918), ('2', -0.023506524972617626), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Loved it. Outstanding customer service, great food and yummi brownies!'} [('', 0.0), ('Loved ', 0.283551212400198), ('it', 0.005123395472764969), ('. ', -0.012942209839820862), ('Outstanding ', 0.19411142612807453), ('customer ', -0.008576972177252173), ('service', -0.03024607803672552), (', ', -0.017237447202205658), ('great ', 0.14479520668586096), ('food ', -0.010421159366766611), ('and ', 0.023020663609107334), ('yu', -0.0004481166445960601), ('mm', -0.035606381095324956), ('i ', 0.0010035803231100242), ('brown', 0.0036215232491182783), ('ies', -0.0007264424542275568), ('!', 0.012712544451157251), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Awesome now'} [('', 0.0), ('Awesome ', 0.15172114968299866), ('now', 0.12141123414039612), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great job! Efficient, courteous, and a fair price!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.23770547658205032), ('job', 0.05769088864326477), ('! ', 0.009195826947689056), ('Efficient', 0.08214684203267097), (', ', -0.004316624253988266), ('court', 0.05212825327180326), ('eous', 0.028545586625114083), (', ', -0.004768300801515579), ('and ', -0.013196449726819992), ('a ', 0.10159519873559475), ('fair ', 0.08249242976307869), ('price', -0.023601796478033066), ('!', 0.0038743149489164352), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "It's now closed, sadly."} [('', 0.0), ('It', -0.012852085430495208), ("'", 0.044604107475606725), ('s ', -0.03541031813438167), ('now ', -0.029673180601093918), ('closed', -0.20799416791123804), (', ', 0.11916543677216396), ('sadly', -0.12104025161534082), ('.', -0.027061454675276764), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "Third time I've gotten sick after eating here....never again!"} [('', 0.0), ('Third ', 0.020061081741005182), ('time ', -0.0659263901761733), ('I', 0.012465713145502377), ("'", -0.012433388437784743), ('ve ', 0.027002560680557508), ('gotten ', -0.12520700840832433), ('sick ', -0.34008464546786854), ('after ', -0.01860349780326942), ('eating ', -0.09537861275020987), ('here', -0.018207990113296546), ('.', -0.017544613016070798), ('.', -0.06478477016207762), ('.', -0.05381406252854504), ('.', -0.10529115790268406), ('never ', 0.09187589057546575), ('again', 0.23747493406699505), ('!', 0.0809587940457277), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Always quick to serve good, tasting affordable lunches !'} [('', 0.0), ('Always ', 0.0848156213760376), ('quick ', 0.02336047776043415), ('to ', 0.0282734464854002), ('serve ', 0.049629516899585724), ('good', 0.12310720980167389), (', ', 0.02664933353662491), ('tasting ', 0.08358774892985821), ('affordable ', 0.1810151245445013), ('lunch', 0.04753347858786583), ('es ', 0.026349477469921112), ('!', -0.008554480969905853), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'My family loves the Tom Yum soup ( hot )....'} [('', 0.0), ('My ', -0.0007830256363376975), ('family ', 0.04518584121251479), ('loves ', 0.5928345090360381), ('the ', 0.01875175046734512), ('Tom ', -0.03182718448806554), ('Yu', -0.03147108599659987), ('m ', -0.025918087252648547), ('soup ', -0.2061576874111779), ('( ', 0.029410683549940586), ('hot ', 0.23225437197834253), (')', 0.09472485445439816), ('.', -0.030026957392692566), ('.', -0.04457111842930317), ('.', -0.03171586059033871), ('.', -0.04495617002248764), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Favourite Thai place in Vegas!'} [('', 0.0), ('Favourite ', 0.18427610397338867), ('Thai ', 0.10711736604571342), ('place ', 0.054433394223451614), ('in ', 0.06621754914522171), ('Vegas', 0.16367316991090775), ('!', 0.11484198272228241), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'The best Mexican food in town and they deliver too'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.02870767191052437), ('best ', 0.21887527406215668), ('Mexican ', 0.05383475497364998), ('food ', 0.05237266328185797), ('in ', 0.07456238754093647), ('town ', 0.05690381210297346), ('and ', 0.05545502528548241), ('they ', -0.04826623294502497), ('deliver ', 0.3675032975152135), ('too', -0.10561339184641838), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Excellent food. Delivered to my room at around midnight.'} [('', 0.0), ('Excellent ', 0.5914857322350144), ('food', 0.1991997892037034), ('. ', -0.015730073675513268), ('Delivered ', -0.08072485774755478), ('to ', 0.002894710749387741), ('my ', 0.031064052134752274), ('room ', -0.06967374496161938), ('at ', -0.007477532839402556), ('around ', -0.023460443364456296), ('midnight', 0.04031636007130146), ('.', -0.0018768766894936562), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Delicious cheap mexican food! Enough said!!!!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Delicious ', 0.7270860209173406), ('cheap ', -0.3561916564267449), ('mexican ', 0.027596681009526947), ('food', 0.058386602398968535), ('! ', 0.002645839937031269), ('Enough ', -0.09344444144517183), ('said', 0.04397295881062746), ('!', 0.021766480058431625), ('!', 0.03718451038002968), ('!', 0.04247790947556496), ('!', 0.022795116528868675), ('!', 0.02164282090961933), ('!', 0.051752299070358276), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Try the Irish Stew - ridiculously good and hella hearty.'} [('', 0.0), ('Try ', -0.08747975993901491), ('the ', -0.023281951434910297), ('Irish ', -0.003648456186056137), ('Stew ', -0.07026022055651993), ('- ', 0.04660634452011436), ('ridiculous', -0.12205564646865241), ('ly ', 0.04989627332543023), ('good ', 0.5194126646383666), ('and ', 0.014081415720283985), ('hell', -0.14622279000468552), ('a ', -0.055310221621766686), ('heart', 0.178565519512631), ('y', 0.12045221857260913), ('.', 0.16220774874091148), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Everyone in this store is clueless!'} [('', 0.0), ('Everyone ', 0.05914200567349326), ('in ', -0.01275395668199053), ('this ', -0.07218290259334026), ('store ', -0.18700589766012854), ('is ', 0.029063187965221005), ('clue', -0.05760308564094885), ('less', -0.17161916712757375), ('!', 0.14317137382749934), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Excellent food, great service, reasonable prices.'} [('', 0.0), ('Excellent ', 0.2441624365746975), ('food', 0.0730387531220913), (', ', 0.04035266488790512), ('great ', 0.1993110002949834), ('service', -0.02636356744915247), (', ', 0.04860414192080498), ('reasonable ', 0.18864101730287075), ('prices', -0.025928456336259842), ('.', -0.028817782178521156), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Mai she can fade some hair'} [('', 0.0), ('Mai ', 0.10272885375889018), ('she ', -0.009580789919709787), ('can ', 0.0729146410303656), ('fade ', -0.6213240406068508), ('some ', 0.02136561181396246), ('hair', 0.12922297467594035), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great dry cleaners!! My clothes are always well done.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.3518584220437333), ('dry ', -0.12745454197283834), ('cleaner', 0.10363493231125176), ('s', -0.054397519677877426), ('!', 0.07711598952300847), ('! ', -0.047057729214429855), ('My ', -0.028742083348333836), ('clothes ', -0.050038025714457035), ('are ', 0.008293682243674994), ('always ', 0.01195694925263524), ('well ', 0.3840802260674536), ('done', -0.02067814441397786), ('.', 0.0007824581116437912), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'One of the best options for Dim Sum in Vegas.'} [('', 0.0), ('One ', 0.09526427066884935), ('of ', 0.1985087423818186), ('the ', 0.29059001768473536), ('best ', 0.5287637486762833), ('options ', -0.07231603350373916), ('for ', 0.048792975750984624), ('Dim ', -0.5170654650137294), ('Sum ', -0.021287274546921253), ('in ', 0.00046090129762887955), ('Vegas', 0.163287702947855), ('.', -0.05039224028587341), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Nice Dim Sum restaurant. Will visit again.'} [('', 0.0), ('Nice ', 0.4186904322123155), ('Dim ', -0.2837252834433457), ('Sum ', 0.02414492679235991), ('restaurant', 0.16724955406971276), ('. ', 0.029533520340919495), ('Will ', 0.2003312767483294), ('visit ', 0.2021456197835505), ('again', -0.019043550826609135), ('.', -0.029078949242830276), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best pizza in town... hands down'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.5940622221678495), ('pizza ', 0.05101736861979589), ('in ', 0.07467167696449906), ('town', 0.10526033834321424), ('.', 0.02545650745742023), ('.', 0.003381491871550679), ('. ', -0.01987933530472219), ('hands ', -0.034925452462630346), ('down', -0.08752220866153948), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Great food! Below average service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.2811962812556885), ('food', 0.16699503624113277), ('! ', 0.39888355997391045), ('Below ', -0.13831914115871768), ('average ', 0.10202921174641233), ('service', -0.05602533649653196), ('.', -0.04126095958054066), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great Service and knowledgable staff.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.3854763153940439), ('Service ', -0.030092136934399605), ('and ', 0.050909824669361115), ('know', -0.08847717847675085), ('led', 0.04635264817625284), ('ga', 0.1323092104285024), ('ble ', -0.0445434739231132), ('staff', 0.22037463821470737), ('.', 0.04055285267531872), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'locals appreciation Wednesdays 5p-2a 50% off all food...'} [('', 0.00047198681568261236), ('locals ', 0.10601790864893701), ('appreciation ', 0.44793666739133187), ('Wednesday', 0.10055947834916878), ('s ', 0.055071752387448214), ('5', -0.0014574302767869085), ('p', 0.008773253910476342), ('-', 0.005529843008844182), ('2a ', 0.016457721329061314), ('50', 0.027911781187867746), ('% ', -0.1146827329939697), ('off ', -0.1267440708288632), ('all ', 0.03940883719405974), ('food', -0.03150887350784615), ('.', -0.012015282409265637), ('.', -0.01894146203994751), ('.', -0.030492186546325684), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Really good food, service, atmosphere! Pricey.'} [('', 0.0), ('Really ', 0.06994943041354418), ('good ', 0.13974596047773957), ('food', 0.06958272540941834), (', ', 0.0947874803096056), ('service', -0.11276493687182665), (', ', 0.03059521410614252), ('atmosphere', 0.03309763874858618), ('! ', 0.016858466900885105), ('Price', 0.15142998192459345), ('y', 0.1982778599485755), ('.', -0.02549883723258972), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'no thank you!'} [('', 0.0), ('no ', -0.8255021431250498), ('thank ', 0.07587782654445618), ('you', 0.0766957113519311), ('!', 0.2729550264775753), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'great food locals place check it out!'} [('', 0.0), ('great ', 0.1893398016691208), ('food ', 0.13749424740672112), ('locals ', 0.038184139877557755), ('place ', -0.04991074278950691), ('check ', 0.1547434562817216), ('it ', 0.15244854800403118), ('out', 0.08659279067069292), ('!', 0.020368561148643494), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'The food speaks for itself! Love this place.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.035990435630083084), ('food ', 0.062453195452690125), ('speaks ', 0.10112285241484642), ('for ', 0.060526912566274405), ('itself', -0.0026113553903996944), ('! ', 0.09023330733180046), ('Love ', 0.30761335720308125), ('this ', 0.1147360906470567), ('place', -0.0416297004558146), ('.', -0.031515058130025864), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Food was good, service was great. Nice atmosphere'} [('', 0.0), ('Food ', 0.01968419086188078), ('was ', 0.0151785877533257), ('good', 0.12058470072224736), (', ', 0.019129280000925064), ('service ', -0.05100613890681416), ('was ', 0.005559648270718753), ('great', 0.19299725233577192), ('. ', 0.026340723037719727), ('Nice ', 0.3214120492339134), ('atmosphere', 0.027035333216190338), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'I use their prepaid card. It works.'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', -0.06597025645896792), ('use ', -0.09663286339491606), ('their ', 0.009316106792539358), ('prep', -0.202769806899596), ('aid ', -0.004746390215586871), ('card', 0.0015967797953635454), ('. ', 0.22630343004129827), ('It ', -0.01739453710615635), ('works', 0.8813368324190378), ('.', -0.034241149201989174), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best corned beef hash ever. Diner is awesome.'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.449158729868941), ('corn', -0.031140349397901446), ('ed ', -0.009477950457949191), ('beef ', -0.02702047800994478), ('hash ', -0.060074362001614645), ('ever', 0.01276844006497413), ('. ', -0.005045620957389474), ('Diner ', -0.02711186883971095), ('is ', 0.0016413466073572636), ('awesome', 0.39737480599433184), ('.', -0.03511941432952881), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good place for breakfast!'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.211391381919384), ('place ', 0.08835448510944843), ('for ', 0.03775634802877903), ('breakfast', 0.05584482476115227), ('!', 0.2706403285264969), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "i've only eaten breakfast here. the service is great."} [('', 0.0), ('i', 0.007005990599282086), ("'", 0.017403881181962788), ('ve ', -0.04040225560311228), ('only ', -0.16041124344337732), ('eaten ', -0.019587830116506666), ('breakfast ', 0.029765000042971224), ('here', -0.0197778414003551), ('. ', 0.002705870196223259), ('the ', -0.021877667168155313), ('service ', -0.036145826103165746), ('is ', -0.006026667892001569), ('great', 0.894601347274147), ('.', -0.037896831054240465), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'very fresh and lots of food. very yummy'} [('', 0.0), ('very ', 0.033028192818164825), ('fresh ', 0.14102192968130112), ('and ', 0.0049242377281188965), ('lots ', 0.08798287168610841), ('of ', 0.01120509288739413), ('food', 0.07537585683166981), ('. ', 0.0006344951689243317), ('very ', 0.006516415625810623), ('yu', 0.18958317395299673), ('mmy', 0.146644433028996), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Love the wranglers.'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.8101356392726302), ('the ', 0.012011784128844738), ('wr', -0.055892820470035076), ('ang', -0.007737413048744202), ('lers', -0.014363044872879982), ('.', -0.05303322244435549), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Popvich movie great'} [('', 0.0), ('Pop', 0.0839248076081276), ('vich ', 0.11723954230546951), ('movie ', 0.16054772585630417), ('great', 0.22481798380613327), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'bleh-bad mcdonalds food.\\nslow service.\\nand never get orders right. ever.'} [('', -2.7467422114568762e-06), ('b', -0.011106499703297837), ('le', -0.019129168523856304), ('h', -0.007067219001025175), ('-', -0.0019732270993699785), ('bad ', -0.05158521219027534), ('mcdonald', -0.02720160150549115), ('s ', -7.025298183786315e-05), ('food', -0.008654956199886025), ('.', -0.00728134195014718), ('\\', -0.025758420905428164), ('ns', -0.016431718661503208), ('low ', -0.030388486441249068), ('service', -0.030670346393890213), ('.', -0.01616435409960104), ('\\', -0.06302502956289875), ('nan', -0.012523767832438656), ('d ', -0.0070668759775192784), ('never ', -0.12136090005401456), ('get ', -0.006182602985290941), ('orders ', -0.05699165563510178), ('right', 0.05112387330154888), ('. ', -0.004512908590186271), ('ever', -0.01908689418026673), ('.', -0.013307392576583274), ('', -2.323199926953142e-06)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good size room. Decent pool area.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.16200336813926697), ('size ', 0.10707485303282738), ('room', 0.038392458111047745), ('. ', 0.06012570858001709), ('Decent ', 0.29968711640685797), ('pool ', 0.009120632894337177), ('area', 0.07939758524298668), ('.', -0.026537224650382996), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'One word...WHACK!'} [('', 0.0), ('One ', -0.11664138734340668), ('word', -0.13653531204909086), ('.', 0.05204608477652073), ('.', 0.00964954704977572), ('.', 0.038173453183844686), ('W', 0.025897731376971933), ('HA', -0.11230170524322602), ('CK', -0.06680757412686944), ('!', 0.0404584058560431), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'The store is a disorganized mess with a rude proprieter.'} [('', -8.747065294301137e-07), ('The ', -0.03344026754166407), ('store ', -0.11542542319602944), ('is ', -0.008633276337604912), ('a ', -0.013153206589777255), ('di', -0.05862298145302702), ('sor', -0.013993398504226207), ('gan', -0.017742314363658807), ('ized ', -0.025643206963195553), ('mess ', -0.053376849720734754), ('with ', -0.008134167115713353), ('a ', 0.003239192973524041), ('rude ', -0.059500386120816984), ('prop', 0.04222541169974647), ('rie', 0.016114422478949564), ('ter', -0.08134597704520274), ('.', -0.020538229600788327), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Hit or miss, just like all Robertos are.'} [('', 0.0), ('Hit ', -0.06433547509368509), ('or ', 0.22264158760663122), ('miss', -0.3016383145004511), (', ', 0.013224024325609207), ('just ', 0.10227627423591912), ('like ', 0.4130434475373477), ('all ', 0.09228486754000187), ('Roberto', 0.15027770190499723), ('s ', -0.017063480569049716), ('are', 0.029778551310300827), ('.', 0.02025464829057455), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'They were okay.....but now they closed down'} [('', 0.0), ('They ', 0.024152002995833755), ('were ', 0.021381047983595636), ('okay', 0.3266238407595665), ('.', -0.018616701941937208), ('.', -0.026186053699348122), ('.', -0.022291038825642318), ('.', -0.02127640333492309), ('.', -0.025777768227271736), ('but ', -0.2702174800215289), ('now ', -0.011539813436684199), ('they ', -0.008988699686597101), ('closed ', -0.10076017028768547), ('down', -0.24938568050856702), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'i like their torta....... half like their sinigang.......'} [('', -5.8830722991842777e-05), ('i ', 0.1391662491732859), ('like ', 0.14461417103302665), ('their ', 0.024037882045377046), ('tor', -0.12819903126122276), ('ta', -0.006886405031157968), ('.', 0.05332997855536329), ('.', -0.04681579349562526), ('.', -0.017553012643475085), ('.', -0.012238636496476829), ('.', -0.009737759886775166), ('.', -0.01930462129530497), ('. ', -0.017240820598090068), ('half ', -0.4050224103302753), ('like ', -0.08951681063990691), ('their ', 0.0210286199071561), ('sin', -0.06012837350135669), ('igan', 0.0051725091761909425), ('g', -0.016048085963120684), ('.', -0.025539169902913272), ('.', -0.01331382144417148), ('.', -0.003721118831890635), ('.', 0.00010747333484080923), ('.', -0.0018228119103393208), ('.', -0.007829734948851788), ('.', -0.011815764417406172), ('', -2.2970547433942556e-05)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Food is ok.'} [('', 0.0), ('Food ', 0.3012518584728241), ('is ', 0.018970265984535217), ('ok', 0.3107004314661026), ('.', -0.04437515139579773), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': "My favorite Filipino restaurant in Vegas, that's all!"} [('', 0.0), ('My ', -0.011696215718984604), ('favorite ', 0.11119217611849308), ('Filipino ', 0.07099413312971592), ('restaurant ', 0.043344583828002214), ('in ', 0.031659632455557585), ('Vegas', 0.06357650086283684), (', ', 0.006638318300247192), ('that', 0.08421959541738033), ("'", 0.06783690117299557), ('s ', 0.016617294400930405), ('all', 0.04766362905502319), ('!', 0.0949380174279213), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'its a typical Filipino Grill...'} [('', 0.0), ('its ', -0.020810240413993597), ('a ', 0.21318368893116713), ('typical ', -0.4575194916687906), ('Filipino ', 0.19296273158397526), ('Grill', 0.04472292133141309), ('.', 0.09804162522777915), ('.', -0.0436326339840889), ('.', -0.14141836762428284), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'ewww......'} [('', 0.0), ('e', -0.12975849732174538), ('w', 0.04548374252044596), ('w', -0.09973807571805082), ('w', 0.017120946577051654), ('.', 0.006972896051593125), ('.', -0.006609269912587479), ('.', -0.01978565045283176), ('.', -0.031795285729458556), ('.', -0.03549706455669366), ('.', -0.04207645065616816), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Still sucks....\\n\\nCarry on..'} [('', 0.0), ('Still ', -0.07601266711208154), ('sucks', -0.13401768973199069), ('.', -0.019274390375358053), ('.', -0.010783441084640799), ('.', -0.022735771253792336), ('.', -0.022518607656820677), ('\\', -0.03820818393069203), ('n', -0.00536324476433947), ('\\', -0.04566813328074204), ('nC', -0.015370329918368952), ('ar', 0.026316603449686227), ('ry ', -0.02031292188939915), ('on', 0.004766041932725784), ('.', -0.01744434482179713), ('.', -0.035320444745593704), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': "Best tuna I've ever had!"} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.29784124437719584), ('tuna ', -0.07153446320444345), ('I', 0.06004130467772484), ("'", 0.07893939688801765), ('ve ', 0.1130697913467884), ('ever ', 0.22238696180284023), ('had', 0.0038683172315359116), ('!', 0.024533510208129883), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'This mediocre, at best, restaurant has closed.'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', -0.03120909268182004), ('med', -0.08022669778438285), ('io', 0.0003889267973136157), ('cre', -0.07214683078200324), (', ', -0.007872231915825978), ('at ', -0.07340755018958589), ('best', 0.21768243998667458), (', ', -0.015322490784456022), ('restaurant ', -0.003280911700130673), ('has ', -0.031852315662035835), ('closed', -0.25372189234803955), ('.', -0.02129626517125871), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Amazing view, good services, good food.'} [('', 0.0), ('Amazing ', 0.24835072085261345), ('view', 0.06818002089858055), (', ', 0.04000736027956009), ('good ', 0.1595056038349867), ('services', -0.012064287438988686), (', ', 0.030832264572381973), ('good ', 0.1850942401215434), ('food', 0.007653220556676388), ('.', -0.014537477865815163), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'I love this place. Very good food..'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', 0.014232134446501732), ('love ', 0.30585635220631957), ('this ', 0.06367970327846706), ('place', -0.004513548919931054), ('. ', 0.0009022150188684464), ('Very ', 0.06554974685423076), ('good ', 0.33773763733915985), ('food', -0.0028489683754742146), ('.', -0.0206645792350173), ('.', -0.06299575418233871), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'expensive and kind of awkward. Rich people live uncomfortable lives'} [('', 0.0), ('expensive ', 0.07056656165514141), ('and ', 0.11415968101937324), ('kind ', 0.17742409221682465), ('of ', -0.1198914929482271), ('awkward', -0.4364355205470929), ('. ', 0.027638186293188483), ('Rich ', 0.40296892065089196), ('people ', -0.1136593020055443), ('live ', 0.1263384303310886), ('uncomfortable ', -0.512129295617342), ('lives', -0.01334641664288938), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Better places to eat in Vegas then here honestly ...'} [('', 0.0), ('Better ', -0.09421384893357754), ('places ', 0.004946705186739564), ('to ', 0.009729597484692931), ('eat ', 0.1547323256963864), ('in ', 0.029182199272327125), ('Vegas ', 0.20662566437385976), ('then ', 0.09350983682088554), ('here ', -0.08191854599863291), ('honestly ', 0.2675650855526328), ('.', 0.10329895652830601), ('.', -0.027790740132331848), ('.', -0.07716676592826843), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Very good, and their prices are great!'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.05073363706469536), ('good', 0.2659167908132076), (', ', 0.03997174650430679), ('and ', 0.04288973659276962), ('their ', 0.026162188674788922), ('prices ', -0.11524810403352603), ('are ', 0.04642406746279448), ('great', 0.34043800306972116), ('!', 0.01573026180267334), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best local sushi in Vegas!'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.3672460913658142), ('local ', 0.005140751600265503), ('su', -0.08010188676416874), ('shi ', 0.10347926802933216), ('in ', 0.05904589034616947), ('Vegas', 0.16978744976222515), ('!', 0.09866742789745331), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great food service. Good service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.2350262589752674), ('food ', 0.1219816068187356), ('service', -0.058798630721867085), ('. ', 0.063613161444664), ('Good ', 0.37989525869488716), ('service', 0.0068687982857227325), ('.', -0.02515951544046402), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "It's OK. Next time I'll try another menu item."} [('', 0.0), ('It', -0.005830085807247087), ("'", 0.0002548891643527895), ('s ', 0.008686776796821505), ('OK', 0.6342435083352029), ('. ', 0.14164966973476112), ('Next ', 0.04358553700149059), ('time ', -0.06192112294957042), ('I', 0.032335127296391875), ("'", 0.036457263806369156), ('ll ', 0.007273005961906165), ('try ', -0.08968853706028312), ('another ', -0.0675089741271222), ('menu ', -0.050085233538993634), ('item', -0.01753201850806363), ('.', -0.04457552800886333), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Get your sexy on'} [('', 0.0), ('Get ', 0.10753949731588364), ('your ', -0.1857439698651433), ('sexy ', 0.41810107696801424), ('on', 0.24518494307994843), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'love ya kim this place is great!'} [('', 0.0), ('love ', 0.3218996897339821), ('ya ', 0.008293785154819489), ('kim ', 0.03374592959880829), ('this ', -0.009219807107001543), ('place ', -0.006519421469420195), ('is ', 0.06980426423251629), ('great', 0.29116505198180676), ('!', 0.0201198011636734), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great local business. Quality meat at a great price.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.26781119406223297), ('local ', 0.03924648370593786), ('business', 0.04408393893390894), ('. ', -0.01510290801525116), ('Quality ', 0.2921001957729459), ('meat ', -0.0294736186042428), ('at ', -0.027559698559343815), ('a ', 0.06470103282481432), ('great ', 0.1471305200830102), ('price', -0.08195557538419962), ('.', -0.035108692944049835), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'real good!'} [('', 0.0), ('real ', 0.12054400146007538), ('good', 0.12089173495769501), ('!', 0.23542097210884094), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Everything was great!'} [('', 0.0), ('Everything ', 0.14849957078695297), ('was ', 0.0024279020726680756), ('great', 0.15848317369818687), ('!', 0.2771693021059036), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Someone condense these: http://www.yelp.com/biz/excalibur-las-vegas#hrid:EbB0EKtVh33AWJRNqhIJ4Q'} [('', -0.0036644524152507074), ('Someone ', -0.025300616696767975), ('conde', -0.052201948848960456), ('nse ', -0.0420032449401333), ('these', -0.013497515406925231), (': ', -0.011709646496456116), ('http', -0.010927153169177473), (':', -0.004239703179337084), ('/', -0.01165387064005093), ('/', -0.0121442259454246), ('www', -0.005072027449690116), ('.', -0.0041508488793624565), ('ye', -0.022052898867210995), ('lp', -0.027767997099241864), ('.', -0.01885298602671052), ('com', -0.015501611967596949), ('/', -0.016380131346199454), ('bi', -0.023210560257494864), ('z', -0.015801094641857263), ('/', -0.015247114928853181), ('ex', -0.02108247432301545), ('cal', 0.00011176505682265595), ('ib', 0.007648109519828318), ('ur', -0.010333131238844039), ('-', -0.0005961246322840452), ('las', 0.00012430925853550433), ('-', -0.0016642177671504518), ('vegas', 0.0027998348503994446), ('#', -0.016823159387179962), ('hr', -0.0029882770135170886), ('id', -0.005042255400783486), (':', -0.0068913702956504294), ('E', -0.00055192208253882), ('bB', -0.01034494426437757), ('0', -0.031464615576421946), ('EK', -0.0015707298605573466), ('tV', -0.00957672661914128), ('h', -0.009286793561639368), ('33', -0.009027397658376556), ('AW', -0.011721040287687045), ('J', -0.0020425955207818854), ('RN', -0.01027927872741462), ('q', -0.005785872355114579), ('hI', -0.0021856493651977783), ('J', -0.007341359402995468), ('4', -0.007424913833771522), ('Q', -0.004406287821863468), ('', -0.0008970508565350126)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'rooms really big nice and clean. awsome for bachlors party.'} [('', 0.0), ('rooms ', 0.026395621243864298), ('really ', 0.05655505700269714), ('big ', 0.03505673393374309), ('nice ', 0.3631669329479337), ('and ', 0.06637811521068215), ('clean', 0.16203860891982913), ('. ', 0.05971272010356188), ('aw', -0.0464386478997767), ('some ', -0.034502147231251), ('for ', -0.03760483395308256), ('bach', 0.04056926304474473), ('lor', -0.06947426218539476), ('s ', -0.012175892479717731), ('party', -0.032948435633443296), ('.', -0.01054177910555154), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Be prepared to pay for \\"Mandatory hidden fees\\"!'} [('', 0.0), ('Be ', -0.027320763911120594), ('prepared ', -0.008184828388039023), ('to ', -0.006972128350753337), ('pay ', -0.10051077156094834), ('for ', -0.028076818853151053), ('\\', -0.03698037605499849), ('"', -0.034383061283733696), ('Mandatory ', -0.10823603247990832), ('hidden ', -0.04437760770088062), ('fees', -0.062325484192115255), ('\\', -0.016444547727587633), ('"', 0.08639583399053663), ('!', 0.007804471300914884), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Landfill. Sorry but it is.'} [('', 0.0), ('Landfill', -0.250602990941843), ('. ', 0.10868604728602804), ('Sorry ', -0.17161134044908977), ('but ', -0.11300322443094046), ('it ', 0.0760634534744895), ('is', 0.05858993092988385), ('.', 0.017272851211600937), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'A place to sleep'} [('', 0.0), ('A ', 0.14657089847605675), ('place ', 0.0745409026130801), ('to ', 0.07259512717428152), ('sleep', -0.7038423415506259), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Felt to be the old side'} [('', 0.0), ('Felt ', -0.20493941160384566), ('to ', 0.15098352837958373), ('be ', -0.06475429682177491), ('the ', 0.21051138386246748), ('old ', -0.5629203087009955), ('side', 0.16441691713407636), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'This hotel smells...ew I would never stay here.'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', 0.03443592187250033), ('hotel ', 0.1563813719258178), ('smells', 0.22206240743980743), ('.', -0.07046196144074202), ('.', -0.176851554075256), ('.', -0.08828743733465672), ('e', -0.050184606603579596), ('w ', -0.06495247982093133), ('I ', 0.031368703275802545), ('would ', 0.02664153442310635), ('never ', -0.21307461164906272), ('stay ', -0.08265937817122904), ('here', -0.003379765352292452), ('.', -0.012999471684452146), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'An old hotel that smells like car freshener. \\n\\nThe end.'} [('', 0.0), ('An ', 0.023389369249343872), ('old ', -0.2326079286285676), ('hotel ', 0.12585377792129293), ('that ', 0.011669803730910644), ('smells ', 0.14038590525160544), ('like ', -0.1288627662579529), ('car ', -0.113190375152044), ('fresh', 0.07617974546155892), ('ener', -0.09904113478842191), ('. ', -0.002351528382860124), ('\\', -0.04328774276655167), ('n', -0.030583346204366535), ('\\', -0.02524779475061223), ('nT', -0.005364061042200774), ('he ', 0.026804557885043323), ('end', -0.12489704292966053), ('.', -0.05433049099519849), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Rooms are clean but a little dated.'} [('', 0.0), ('Rooms ', 0.05758177976531442), ('are ', 0.03193904639192624), ('clean ', 0.31138864604145056), ('but ', -0.07586073206039146), ('a ', 0.050373466350720264), ('little ', -0.22231082383950707), ('dated', -0.3887615775165614), ('.', -0.029543248878326267), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Favorite spot was the pool. Okay casino.'} [('', 0.0), ('Favorite ', 0.30883227474987507), ('spot ', 0.04110495653003454), ('was ', -0.0715074623003602), ('the ', 0.071882463991642), ('pool', 0.027022071182727814), ('. ', 0.11904449015855789), ('Okay ', 0.18868250586092472), ('casino', -0.026409408077597618), ('.', 0.04953303560614586), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Boop'} [('', 0.0), ('Boo', -0.2215681029483676), ('p', 0.4290870977565646), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "the philly's here are just ok."} [('', 0.0), ('the ', 0.012237899005413055), ('phil', 0.09710550494492054), ('ly', 0.08545677177608013), ("'", 0.03720080852508545), ('s ', 0.05805479735136032), ('here ', 0.009073872119188309), ('are ', 0.009928131476044655), ('just ', -0.17395311780273914), ('ok', 0.60903000831604), ('.', -0.04724515601992607), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "It's big.\\n\\nThe bathrooms are okay.\\n\\nThe parking's too expensive.\\n\\nIt's big."} [('', -1.266346468279759e-05), ('It', 0.03129632930116107), ("'", 0.011650632795256874), ('s ', 0.008013858188254138), ('big', 0.019993482817274828), ('.', 0.03622789933190992), ('\\', -0.013512204983271658), ('n', -0.0031748166074976325), ('\\', -0.0025233764899894595), ('nT', -0.0186212562257424), ('he ', 0.014601261704228818), ('bathrooms ', -0.0370531913334465), ('are ', 0.024568348892595775), ('okay', 0.07050137012508155), ('.', 0.08145132578647463), ('\\', -0.009665000053549496), ('n', -0.0055824468411932076), ('\\', -0.007741676320923337), ('nT', -0.01100932814006228), ('he ', -0.0040872693789424375), ('parking', -0.0228574235055324), ("'", -0.0034284139231507047), ('s ', -0.0027376519477305314), ('too ', -0.4145920799110172), ('expensive', -0.14565174962081073), ('.', -0.01559053389064502), ('\\', -0.02386245228893434), ('n', -0.017130357954495898), ('\\', -0.027977407719784728), ('nI', -0.01418253038379286), ('t', -0.04186999103355144), ("'", -0.0004569291306931215), ('s ', 0.0016158170362662835), ('big', 0.006618030874718291), ('.', -0.00841537346811189), ('', 2.813618630170822e-06)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Nice \\nBig\\nSeemed pretty clean\\nEverything was overpriced\\n$10 for parking :('} [('', 0.0004931136167475156), ('Nice ', 0.3054501134569624), ('\\', 0.03625091348242547), ('n', -0.019733233294183652), ('Bi', -0.02741497886433665), ('g', -0.003737475872705025), ('\\', -0.019373916239211603), ('nS', -0.023415981559082866), ('eem', -0.058792140102013946), ('ed ', -0.005230167647823691), ('pretty ', 0.04497930593788624), ('clean', 0.024364047567360103), ('\\', 0.00048379681538790464), ('nEver', -0.05766304614856684), ('yt', -0.009578261383770345), ('hing ', 0.017939396168609772), ('was ', -0.13129916875914205), ('over', -0.22279769751476125), ('pr', -0.0907251768396236), ('ice', -0.02073902231544101), ('d', -0.022808450412897703), ('\\', -0.01991943407532138), ('n', -0.01656991449999623), ('$', -0.06355616761720739), ('10 ', -0.013798134896205738), ('for ', -0.029442292667226866), ('parking ', -0.032461583003168926), (':', -0.0063996180833783), ('(', -0.04674618598073721), ('', -0.0007219230756163597)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'I love their ribeye gorgonzola. Good price, beer and food.'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', -0.006714302115142345), ('love ', 0.4235316551057622), ('their ', -0.05857067450415343), ('rib', -0.016479039564728737), ('eye ', -0.00947294756770134), ('go', 0.05230944021604955), ('rgo', -0.045078726252540946), ('nzo', -0.013596364762634039), ('la', -0.03215856337919831), ('. ', -0.013275682926177979), ('Good ', 0.3204500419087708), ('price', -0.07442414062097669), (', ', 0.03446199372410774), ('beer ', -0.07807016465812922), ('and ', 0.04088802728801966), ('food', 0.02957824617624283), ('.', -0.015270121395587921), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Happy hour is from 5pm to 7pm worth the trip.'} [('', 0.0), ('Happy ', 0.2714361399412155), ('hour ', 0.03328927978873253), ('is ', 0.005451630800962448), ('from ', 0.0014494732022285461), ('5', -0.0008769165724515915), ('pm ', 0.04177403077483177), ('to ', -0.0013623740524053574), ('7', -0.027188844047486782), ('pm ', 0.024942352436482906), ('worth ', 0.2530927206389606), ('the ', 0.01900731259956956), ('trip', 0.012513021007180214), ('.', -0.02430553361773491), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Awesome food great service excellent draft beer'} [('', 0.0), ('Awesome ', 0.18122737109661102), ('food ', 0.0707770362496376), ('great ', 0.1101648285984993), ('service ', -0.04094456322491169), ('excellent ', 0.39863848127424717), ('draft ', 0.028680948540568352), ('beer', -0.025136714801192284), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great pizza'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.14676615595817566), ('pizza', 0.1263069212436676), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'this business is now closed'} [('', 0.0), ('this ', 0.17406584933632985), ('business ', 0.04127931559924036), ('is ', -0.07571044529322535), ('now ', -0.009855846205027774), ('closed', -0.4642490587721113), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'So good..\\n\\nso fun..\\n\\n..definitly worth it!!'} [('', 3.123655915260315e-06), ('So ', -0.015893335221335292), ('good', 0.3538530839141458), ('.', -0.0016576079651713371), ('.', -0.001331336796283722), ('\\', -0.043474189316233), ('n', -0.026795198985685904), ('\\', -0.03406529578690728), ('ns', -0.0643750931097505), ('o ', -0.028314135638841737), ('fun', 0.07231972556716453), ('.', 0.03480176022276282), ('.', -0.014696223040421804), ('\\', -0.03363098052019874), ('n', -0.018401875734950106), ('\\', -0.023910028502965967), ('n', -0.003811061413337787), ('.', -0.00023819043611486752), ('.', -0.015486054654632295), ('def', -0.034480292120687886), ('ini', -0.011332327328827455), ('tly ', -0.007426230080281606), ('worth ', 0.3661867764084101), ('it', 0.05548264223658147), ('!', -0.0007052782249437379), ('!', -0.013097289949655533), ('', 1.601874828338623e-06)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Delicious macaroons!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Delicious ', 0.31494468450546265), ('mac', 0.16737055941484869), ('aro', -0.1433814351912588), ('ons', 0.08070935495197773), ('!', 0.10183456540107727), ('!', 0.16966024041175842), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Horrible experience!'} [('', 0.0), ('Horrible ', -0.8604676355389529), ('experience', 0.10237128134031082), ('!', 0.2353796868410427), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best. Place. Ever.'} [('', 0.0), ('Best', 0.2624855786561966), ('. ', 0.08544547855854034), ('Place', -0.0190739668905735), ('. ', 0.0634048618376255), ('Ever', 0.20384563133120537), ('.', 0.0950128622353077), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': '$1 Dollar jello shots...who can beat that'} [('', 0.0), ('$', -0.17042378953192383), ('1 ', 0.002654146170243621), ('Dollar ', -0.09183648030739278), ('je', -0.37581957547809), ('llo ', 0.12977444476564415), ('shots', -0.17406938987551257), ('.', 0.014608124154619873), ('.', -0.027667589369229972), ('.', -0.03130440216045827), ('who ', 0.054914992942940444), ('can ', 0.05819049273850396), ('beat ', 0.17613368562888354), ('that', 0.05521574418526143), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great food and atmosphere! I love this place!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.1864035725593567), ('food ', 0.004136711359024048), ('and ', 0.06106617674231529), ('atmosphere', 0.047056376934051514), ('! ', 0.049867067486047745), ('I ', 0.03283681534230709), ('love ', 0.15380276553332806), ('this ', 0.08609706908464432), ('place', 0.07770099863409996), ('!', -0.0020277276635169983), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "Hands down best tapas I've ever had !!"} [('', 0.0), ('Hands ', -0.02344688307493925), ('down ', -0.31853726354893297), ('best ', 0.5926493866136298), ('tap', -0.033089372562244534), ('as ', 0.002333809854462743), ('I', 0.049273433862254024), ("'", 0.060639816569164395), ('ve ', 0.07248342875391245), ('ever ', 0.24920144164934754), ('had ', -0.03549642441794276), ('!', 0.02580258995294571), ('!', -0.015920400619506836), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Love this place. Good food, fun atmosphere.'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.2746022529900074), ('this ', 0.04545615892857313), ('place', 0.025087528862059116), ('. ', 0.0032896101474761963), ('Good ', 0.14159836154431105), ('food', 0.014904146082699299), (', ', 0.0176674947142601), ('fun ', 0.1502607362344861), ('atmosphere', 0.039818392135202885), ('.', -0.015749504789710045), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'The casino took all our money.\\n\\nThe end.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.024225661160016898), ('casino ', -0.015185907523118658), ('took ', -0.04120611122561968), ('all ', -0.027867634851645562), ('our ', 0.0673906831380009), ('money', -0.15831263844665955), ('.', -0.002359955477004405), ('\\', -0.03210345813567983), ('n', -0.031287217996577965), ('\\', -0.031650718930904986), ('nT', 0.00502728954415943), ('he ', 0.022995776946117985), ('end', -0.10208503075773478), ('.', -0.04464439609000692), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'It stinks of raw sewage and the bathrooms are awful!'} [('', 0.0), ('It ', -0.016754370159105747), ('stink', -0.070371288210481), ('s ', -0.0073741129717745935), ('of ', -0.004047479200835369), ('raw ', -0.005801067593438347), ('sewage ', -0.07688541508559865), ('and ', -0.005054695249782526), ('the ', -0.018225433115730993), ('bathrooms ', -0.048199400951489224), ('are ', -0.015700602490142046), ('awful', -0.09533994277899183), ('!', -0.00858288147355779), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': '\\"30 dollar Panda express!\\" :('} [('', 0.0), ('\\', 0.02692948654294014), ('"', 0.017477164627052844), ('30 ', -0.0454833802068606), ('dollar ', -0.1210544888745062), ('Panda ', 0.04199006356066093), ('express', 0.02649378520436585), ('!', -0.02372304443269968), ('\\', -0.018706067698076367), ('" ', -0.044237005757167935), (':', -0.05183320352807641), ('(', -0.08453747071325779), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': '\\"Food was pretty good; tad pricey. Long lines\\"'} [('', 0.0), ('\\', 0.02680143527686596), ('"', -0.004391856724396348), ('Food ', 0.018977467203512788), ('was ', -0.043877511692699045), ('pretty ', 0.10906308988342062), ('good', 0.5237180782714859), ('; ', 0.10065071622375399), ('tad ', -0.08519357384648174), ('price', 0.052405584225198254), ('y', 0.10077249971800484), ('. ', -0.03537424257956445), ('Long ', -0.07726746937260032), ('lines', -0.0426259619416669), ('\\', -0.017623939900659025), ('"', -0.05867102276533842), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Food was amazing the lettuce wedges were to die for'} [('', 0.0), ('Food ', -0.026464044116437435), ('was ', 0.06276118219830096), ('amazing ', 0.7441939229611307), ('the ', 0.001596702728420496), ('let', -0.08326624426990747), ('tu', -0.04701278591528535), ('ce ', -0.014102208893746138), ('wedge', -0.08860342553816736), ('s ', -0.032318365294486284), ('were ', -0.04837994452100247), ('to ', 0.033336416934616864), ('die ', 0.015454684384167194), ('for', 0.0920661585405469), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "Great Caesar salad. Wolfgang's restaraunt is great!"} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.22096186690032482), ('Caesar ', -0.10894511174410582), ('salad', -0.06411756854504347), ('. ', 0.010535359382629395), ('Wolfgang', 0.07513880683109164), ("'", 0.010118832113221288), ('s ', -0.0014489416498690844), ('rest', -0.15616711840266362), ('ara', 0.07038298767292872), ('unt ', -0.1287574958987534), ('is ', -0.010192571673542261), ('great', 0.5423865537159145), ('!', 0.14942742604762316), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good food reasonably priced for Vegas.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.25783638656139374), ('food ', 0.11546163260936737), ('reasonably ', 0.13652244210243225), ('priced ', 0.0017937496304512024), ('for ', -0.018520329147577286), ('Vegas', 0.2794199325144291), ('.', -0.04913938790559769), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great food and excellent service!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.14839782565832138), ('food ', 0.12811199575662613), ('and ', 0.06907448172569275), ('excellent ', 0.22357551380991936), ('service', 0.037139613181352615), ('!', 0.08484616875648499), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'pricey, slow service and small portions. Better options close by.'} [('', 0.0), ('price', 0.17575830770510947), ('y', 0.20841210574872093), (', ', -0.008207994134863839), ('slow ', -0.5374150591451325), ('service ', -0.04616293599974597), ('and ', 0.007201277316198684), ('small ', -0.01984468942100648), ('portions', -0.0013041356069152243), ('. ', -0.007988601668330375), ('Better ', -0.07093149988213554), ('options ', -0.05105129722505808), ('close ', 0.015029459493234754), ('by', -0.038546969066374004), ('.', -0.038469872379209846), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': "Cookie platter for dessert... Why don't more people do this?"} [('', 0.0), ('Cookie ', -0.2650182102806866), ('platt', 0.1113078152993694), ('er ', -0.06235527724493295), ('for ', -0.046992004150524735), ('dessert', 0.17907415400259197), ('.', 0.08607885288074613), ('.', 0.016783928964287043), ('. ', -0.024006967432796955), ('Why ', -0.10967030498431996), ('don', -0.022342577707604505), ("'", -0.028993882137001492), ('t ', -0.04099231367581524), ('more ', -0.05755558704258874), ('people ', -0.032379192893859), ('do ', -0.009105016270768828), ('this', -0.04848883312370163), ('?', -0.07757102972827852), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'This is my favorite Vegas restaurant. Never disappoints me.'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', -0.0023302994668483734), ('is ', 0.028942715376615524), ('my ', 0.035768263041973114), ('favorite ', 0.11881245393306017), ('Vegas ', 0.06809656228870153), ('restaurant', 0.021473802626132965), ('. ', 0.010308418422937393), ('Never ', 0.3224866611417383), ('di', 0.11341443881974556), ('sa', -0.10745718443649821), ('pp', 0.023437179304892197), ('oint', -0.02323861329932697), ('s ', -0.008087532187346369), ('me', -0.00603267177939415), ('.', -0.028077062219381332), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great location, delicious fish entr\\u00e9es and very good service!'} [('', 1.9768873850504556e-06), ('Great ', 0.32829225311676663), ('location', -0.026935731371243794), (', ', -0.03734777122735977), ('delicious ', 0.21423422896768898), ('fish ', -0.013278334611095488), ('en', 0.006417639091766129), ('tr', -0.005537812710584452), ('\\', -0.014584419721116623), ('u', -0.015229436739658316), ('00', -0.014509566590034714), ('e', -0.007425614978031566), ('9', -0.009956683125346899), ('es ', -0.007910789316520095), ('and ', -0.021236538887023926), ('very ', 0.04890293185599148), ('good ', 0.11992348195053637), ('service', -0.004393927287310362), ('!', -0.008761858567595482), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Fun place.'} [('', 0.0), ('Fun ', 0.225216343998909), ('place', 0.2134910374879837), ('.', 0.03817901015281677), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Everything was good here, but not memorable.'} [('', 0.0), ('Everything ', 0.03873297377140261), ('was ', -0.04030665728714666), ('good ', 0.28234094798972365), ('here', 0.0025875687242660206), (', ', 0.07421150390291587), ('but ', -0.06107150972093223), ('not ', -0.5056070376831485), ('memorable', -0.05502318159597053), ('.', -0.016760056390921818), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'good enough to lift you from your lost moniez'} [('', 0.0), ('good ', 0.382024385035038), ('enough ', -0.0011133591178804636), ('to ', 0.019274000311270356), ('lift ', 0.197640061378479), ('you ', 0.19779778085649014), ('from ', 0.041293518122984096), ('your ', 0.03873563357046805), ('lost ', -0.0759477813844569), ('mon', -0.05170468986034393), ('ie', -0.06889756768941879), ('z', -0.0130678191781044), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'I think the forum shops at Caesars are better.'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', -0.023870681077823974), ('think ', -0.046920745975512546), ('the ', -0.03387230101361638), ('forum ', 0.03430008595751133), ('shops ', -0.09151419253612403), ('at ', -0.0029042892856523395), ('Caesar', -0.04882541624101577), ('s ', -0.0022234768766793422), ('are ', -0.0176265358531964), ('better', -0.06184955364005873), ('.', -0.03738117721513845), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Excellent Place to kill time!'} [('', 0.0), ('Excellent ', 0.6769700953736901), ('Place ', 0.05240204045549035), ('to ', 0.10489175328984857), ('kill ', -0.1993840440409258), ('time', -0.021381476777605712), ('!', 0.07744195219129324), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Awesome...authentic street food. Pazole took me back!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Awesome', 0.2791992276906967), ('.', -0.002419218420982361), ('.', 0.024376506451517344), ('.', 0.0019887941889464855), ('authentic ', 0.3245481352205388), ('street ', -0.03545174474129453), ('food', -0.04815686459187418), ('. ', -0.009402371942996979), ('Paz', 0.020839292373109077), ('ole ', -0.029825360464331294), ('took ', 0.04949366570162099), ('me ', 0.08395443991702493), ('back', -0.05160674830022756), ('!', -0.029976096536431993), ('!', -0.008954825411949838), ('!', -0.016941331326961517), ('', 1.8328428268432617e-06)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'This place is great clean beds and all different kinds!'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', 0.008512485772371292), ('place ', 0.04602659121155739), ('is ', 0.03780960291624069), ('great ', 0.17927835462614894), ('clean ', 0.18952299980446696), ('beds ', -0.15303784143179655), ('and ', 0.037454795092344284), ('all ', 0.06110078189522028), ('different ', 0.18509368877857924), ('kinds', 0.05203049257397652), ('!', 0.022196732461452484), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Overpriced, mediocre food.'} [('', 0.0), ('Over', -0.21476405446082936), ('pr', 0.02566452102837502), ('ice', -0.02866639630883583), ('d', 0.015598046182276448), (', ', 0.05088190898823086), ('med', -0.06042236624125508), ('io', -0.0036897868594678584), ('cre ', -0.05747131937096128), ('food', -0.014093034118559444), ('.', -0.015666435352613917), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Eh. Online is just as easy.'} [('', 0.0), ('Eh', -0.3694874309003353), ('. ', 0.15464360639452934), ('Online ', -0.1572331862989813), ('is ', 0.11739797214977443), ('just ', 0.03182337008183822), ('as ', 0.014431571180466563), ('easy', -0.016466593835502863), ('.', 0.09342185873538256), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'So many choices, great store!'} [('', 0.0), ('So ', -0.04061139188706875), ('many ', 0.1535671940073371), ('choices', 0.036474562250077724), (', ', 0.17199641466140747), ('great ', 0.5107044538017362), ('store', -0.15686691901646554), ('!', 0.04803727567195892), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Apple Zombies everywhere! Watch your back!'} [('', 0.0), ('Apple ', -0.012527880491688848), ('Zombies ', -0.3829420591937378), ('everywhere', 0.13781631679739803), ('! ', 0.11433473695069551), ('Watch ', 0.36049956470378675), ('your ', -0.14793310550157912), ('back', -0.3498476928798482), ('!', 0.019474476808682084), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Great for kids, not suitable for adults.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.16501066859200364), ('for ', -0.007716087770859303), ('kids', 0.1413143749896335), (', ', 0.07160097108862828), ('not ', -0.5274987755155962), ('suitable ', -0.11433296965424233), ('for ', -0.014092093159888464), ('adults', 0.05358482300562173), ('.', -0.026990966118319193), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'holy fucking freak me out batman\\n\\nclowns everywhere\\n\\nnever again\\n\\nCoulrophobia'} [('', -0.0003418967826291919), ('holy ', 0.00592253590002656), ('fucking ', -0.11937980289803818), ('freak ', -0.011921861732844263), ('me ', -0.0052464168111328036), ('out ', -0.013580481667304412), ('batman', 0.006450819841120392), ('\\', -0.014299443806521595), ('n', -0.020520178630249575), ('\\', -0.02644747289014049), ('nc', -0.006936443649465218), ('low', -0.04174086087732576), ('ns ', -0.033530082379002124), ('everywhere', -0.005563127626373898), ('\\', -0.004805603348359), ('n', -0.008853523548168596), ('\\', -0.0035843075238517486), ('n', -0.01496222631734175), ('ne', -0.009852318374517685), ('ver ', -0.01650088593790618), ('again', -0.018544361606473103), ('\\', -0.01210192232974805), ('n', -0.009743763221194968), ('\\', -0.011747574753826484), ('nC', -0.019229887155233882), ('ou', -0.01792648654372897), ('lr', -0.004662127859774046), ('op', -0.02034500722947996), ('ho', -0.014276422996772453), ('bia', -0.04977395790047012), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Ghetto hotel.\\nGood location.\\n\\nYou make the final call.'} [('', 0.0), ('Ghetto ', -0.3474549751263112), ('hotel', 0.13630618166644126), ('.', -0.006523096584714949), ('\\', -0.06263554043835029), ('nGo', 0.07825400188448839), ('od ', -0.03910504971281625), ('location', -0.10028055851580575), ('.', -0.03453688352601603), ('\\', -0.059925447567366064), ('n', -0.031363183312350884), ('\\', -0.0806055232824292), ('nY', 0.07805527545860969), ('ou ', 0.012618555076187477), ('make ', 0.1466260292509105), ('the ', 0.12114573651342653), ('final ', 0.03335608524503186), ('call', -0.288671073212754), ('.', -0.010080377920530736), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Two words folks: Ghetto-ghetto'} [('', 0.0), ('Two ', 0.061595584091264755), ('words ', 0.008507653459673747), ('folks', 0.034879006881965324), (': ', -0.04874019671115093), ('Ghetto', -0.13847200872260146), ('-', -0.009624005790101364), ('ghetto', -0.18156276727677323), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'One word that describes this place....(Ghetto) !'} [('', 0.0), ('One ', -0.08157860577921383), ('word ', -0.13998395152157173), ('that ', -0.01916858323966153), ('describes ', 0.285311517334776), ('this ', 0.10292815332650207), ('place', 0.06654803530545905), ('.', 0.051220491994172335), ('.', -0.01638976630056277), ('.', -0.02875883475644514), ('.', -0.0324579868465662), ('(', -0.14648778730770573), ('Ghetto', -0.5074832288955804), (') ', 0.07933378816233017), ('!', -0.013640238787047565), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'dirty with paper-thin walls.'} [('', 0.0), ('dirty ', -0.07365121376642492), ('with ', -0.00547898638251354), ('paper', -0.05663552714031539), ('-', -0.013895909827624564), ('thin ', -0.11739995080461085), ('walls', 0.016419570532889338), ('.', -0.025425527142942883), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'they need to remodel the casino, is so outdated.'} [('', 0.0), ('they ', -0.06750438112248958), ('need ', -0.11643315912806429), ('to ', -0.055208797870363924), ('re', -0.044583681182302826), ('mo', 0.010980706569171161), ('del ', 0.03502914579166827), ('the ', 0.0039173712611955125), ('casino', 0.009669056484199245), (', ', 0.030791085941018537), ('is ', -0.011460317381533969), ('so ', -0.02889117043105216), ('outdated', -0.11950798222096637), ('.', -0.03700807895074831), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'yuck-ey!!\\nnever again!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('yu', -0.06837568897753954), ('ck', -0.311125130392611), ('-', -0.06378549733199179), ('e', -0.04417877539526671), ('y', 0.0005016044015064836), ('!', -0.004458670038729906), ('!', 0.016303962212987244), ('\\', -0.08061974294832908), ('n', -0.05150163277236667), ('ne', -5.344054322146486e-05), ('ver ', 0.013510954440183317), ('again', 0.03526952309766784), ('!', 0.057619558880105615), ('!', 0.09037754219025373), ('!', 0.10840410366654396), ('', 0.00016753561794757843)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Def just for kids.'} [('', 0.0), ('Def ', 0.03271301090717316), ('just ', 0.267325141467154), ('for ', 0.008063302375376225), ('kids', 0.08239843510091305), ('.', 0.19198867678642273), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Disgusting!'} [('', 0.0), ('Disgusting', -0.8616832254774636), ('!', 0.13532841858977918), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Depressing.'} [('', 0.0), ('De', -0.23762590903425007), ('pressing', -0.32332145515465527), ('.', 0.038150628555740695), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Shady and smelly. Avoid.'} [('', 0.0), ('Shady ', -0.1900756455870578), ('and ', 0.11918887721549254), ('smell', -0.1002891862699471), ('y', 0.03675793054208043), ('. ', 0.0016968868731055409), ('Avoid', -0.11623955432150979), ('.', -0.02688735992705915), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Not a great hotel.'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', -0.6303517472770181), ('a ', 0.07962661566671159), ('great ', 0.09979954903792532), ('hotel', 0.16028527147500427), ('.', -0.044949593357159756), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'This place is creepy.'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', 0.23452523245941848), ('place ', 0.20062517980113626), ('is ', -0.035415530030149966), ('creepy', -0.6775888235424645), ('.', -0.05188795528374612), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Took a long time but lamb was truly amazing!!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Took ', -0.03479216946288943), ('a ', -0.005251670168945566), ('long ', -0.031871905986918136), ('time ', -0.030029136571101844), ('but ', -0.08455720660276711), ('lamb ', -0.02954064881487284), ('was ', -0.04162849344720598), ('truly ', 0.3064164797542617), ('amazing', 0.5529591747326776), ('!', 0.007028738851659), ('!', 0.005157444626092911), ('!', -0.006525855511426926), ('!', 0.002016209065914154), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "I've had better. Nice decor though."} [('', 0.0), ('I', 0.009558073244988918), ("'", 0.03873441834002733), ('ve ', -0.06754707603249699), ('had ', -0.1592216322897002), ('better', -0.2476497278548777), ('. ', 0.3112863274291158), ('Nice ', 0.7536388256121427), ('decor ', 0.1222494465764612), ('though', -0.03313327860087156), ('.', -0.03286626935005188), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Horrible sushi.... service was fine but will not be back!'} [('', 0.0), ('Horrible ', -0.2101926214672858), ('su', -0.008573218838137109), ('shi', 0.01642518711014418), ('.', -0.025072211428778246), ('.', -0.014715952456754167), ('.', -0.02200677234941395), ('. ', -0.02231212171318475), ('service ', -0.05235017289093472), ('was ', 0.009547253272406428), ('fine ', 0.1259295679913824), ('but ', -0.13858296409307513), ('will ', 0.07335011272334668), ('not ', -0.14265444487864443), ('be ', -0.019035330491533387), ('back', -0.032354370390748954), ('!', 0.019650282913062256), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Horrible service! But Jalapeno popper roll is amazing.'} [('', 0.0), ('Horrible ', -0.23212504931143485), ('service', 0.031308561185142025), ('! ', -0.005578127223998308), ('But ', -0.047211347380653024), ('Ja', -0.009206702874507755), ('la', 0.018401148103293963), ('pen', -0.019427758481469937), ('o ', -0.009032943227794021), ('pop', -0.017572173677763203), ('per ', -0.027178636428288883), ('roll ', -0.006481637012257124), ('is ', -0.005922087484577787), ('amazing', 0.923835196721484), ('.', -0.01035100276931189), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Avoid at all cost... Got sick here.'} [('', 0.0), ('Avoid ', -0.08891191935254028), ('at ', -0.009891390436678194), ('all ', -0.0013107909289828967), ('cost', -0.0368731696762552), ('.', -0.010430947979330085), ('.', -0.018128529445675667), ('. ', -0.017935541058250237), ('Got ', 0.04917751677567139), ('sick ', -0.15492669520244817), ('here', -0.01193931333909859), ('.', -0.03022365682409145), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Closed and blowed up.'} [('', 0.0), ('Closed ', -0.028679549926891923), ('and ', 0.06678871647454798), ('blow', -0.6041034203954041), ('ed ', -0.045661864802241325), ('up', 0.24659262504428625), ('.', 0.06202442431822419), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'food is ok.\\nSpecialty drinks are better.'} [('', 0.0), ('food ', 0.09856914298143238), ('is ', 0.2627041620144155), ('ok', 0.4392523390997667), ('.', -0.005025059217587113), ('\\', -0.02670154208317399), ('nS', -0.028451240650611), ('pe', -0.019281235960079357), ('cial', -0.008087272115517408), ('ty ', -0.022354269574861974), ('drinks ', 0.005063210875960067), ('are ', -0.007350420200964436), ('better', -0.06386740115704015), ('.', -0.01754695305135101), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Happy hour is m-f, 4-6.\\n$3 cocktails.\\n$4 specialty drinks.\\n$5 appetizers.'} [('', 0.0), ('Happy ', 0.6284351721405983), ('hour ', 0.05451204488053918), ('is ', 0.009213413577526808), ('m', 0.00216925338221093), ('-', 0.0005389191986372071), ('f', -0.02222141173357765), (', ', 0.011436684988439083), ('4', -0.033281829518576465), ('-', -0.014683972423275312), ('6', -0.026448311594625313), ('.', -0.015930557623505592), ('\\', -0.011107508356318525), ('n', -0.009951853689373187), ('$', -0.05487550018132543), ('3 ', -0.004440785998114101), ('cocktail', 0.004778131346582719), ('s', 0.0005258223669522481), ('.', -0.013500969188854746), ('\\', -0.009598436504703663), ('n', -0.005415910361435912), ('$', -0.048685702700269125), ('4 ', 0.007820411147448518), ('specialty ', 0.03527110590822185), ('drinks', 0.020105835834882506), ('.', -0.002296551161081247), ('\\', -0.016243575636864356), ('n', -0.01288159427475994), ('$', -0.11896675735023683), ('5 ', 0.016629531949191638), ('app', 0.060250775683570006), ('eti', 0.05961800194800953), ('zers', -0.03824156362806325), ('.', -0.007147449797586254), ('', -2.950689067011294e-05)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'love the Tostones!!!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('love ', 0.2949149403721094), ('the ', 0.03064490668475628), ('To', 0.15454346034675837), ('stones', 0.0012712134048342705), ('!', 0.1185714565217495), ('!', 0.06043579988181591), ('!', -0.00805770792067051), ('!', -0.0053498633205890656), ('!', 0.06602135300636292), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great share of the bahamas'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.1829286739230156), ('share ', 0.13790972158312798), ('of ', 0.04308224841952324), ('the ', 0.15913354605436325), ('bahamas', 0.14034643024206161), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Food is decent, service was slow, ambiance is nice'} [('', 0.0), ('Food ', 0.01936185948579805), ('is ', 0.02261387469479814), ('decent', 0.1296906403003959), (', ', -0.011712226238159928), ('service ', -0.09785840616495989), ('was ', -0.06259077657705348), ('slow', -0.16378426483061048), (', ', -0.01592373707535444), ('am', 0.17559137381613255), ('bian', 0.1597395851276815), ('ce ', 0.05445071775466204), ('is ', 0.011923959711566567), ('nice', 0.387745144078508), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Excellent mango salsa.'} [('', 0.0), ('Excellent ', 0.3284563273191452), ('mango ', 0.15064415335655212), ('salsa', 0.15181614458560944), ('.', -0.044355034828186035), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great experience. So fun!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.23598551051691175), ('experience', 0.003771706949919462), ('. ', 0.09501754492521286), ('So ', -0.07151746330782771), ('fun', 0.3611114430241287), ('!', 0.04529835283756256), ('!', 0.053776293992996216), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great service! But pushy sales'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.44045324600301683), ('service', -0.04292729566805065), ('! ', 0.4532244121655822), ('But ', -0.07737415505107492), ('push', -0.170836205186788), ('y ', 0.09005518438061699), ('sales', 0.024147150106728077), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Expensive and not that great!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Expensive ', -0.03650911718796124), ('and ', 0.2597866947980947), ('not ', -0.7984322717793475), ('that ', -0.005601899316388881), ('great', 0.16024018300868192), ('!', 0.08209409189112193), ('!', 0.028620882600080222), ('!', 0.039585237434948795), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great table cooking! Love it!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.14580757915973663), ('table ', -0.006910830736160278), ('cooking', 0.09388278424739838), ('! ', 0.12891346216201782), ('Love ', 0.20874860882759094), ('it', 0.12606863677501678), ('!', 0.0269288569688797), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Beautiful and perfect environment with a standard Benihana food!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Beautiful ', 0.1549741942435503), ('and ', 0.013718938454985619), ('perfect ', 0.18298995262011886), ('environment ', 0.012834273977205157), ('with ', 0.0071578905917704105), ('a ', 0.0033202540362253785), ('standard ', -0.03750180115457624), ('Ben', 0.036241785250604154), ('ih', 0.060619976930320264), ('ana ', -0.034666913002729415), ('food', 0.061133253015577795), ('!', 0.14090572539716958), ('!', 0.022953197360038757), ('!', -0.04111999273300171), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'ghetto.\\nnot too far from strip'} [('', 0.0), ('ghetto', -0.1941726403310895), ('.', 0.04973779711872339), ('\\', -0.05036606200155802), ('n', -0.09231036389246583), ('not ', 0.0442079731146805), ('too ', -0.036239699518773705), ('far ', 0.042382100684335455), ('from ', -0.03330872053629719), ('strip', -0.00901361889555119), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Really good'} [('', 0.0), ('Really ', 0.13489338755607605), ('good', 0.13822397589683533), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'cheap and friendly..:)'} [('', 0.0), ('cheap ', -0.7025725034836796), ('and ', 0.04919154047820484), ('friendly', 0.3122579179580498), ('.', 0.03227514223908656), ('.', 0.02634717826731503), (':', -0.0479730871738866), (')', 0.062306261039339006), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "Didn't care to much for this place. Way over priced."} [('', 0.0), ('Didn', -0.13527791110573162), ("'", -0.009877076650809613), ('t ', -0.12935241832383326), ('care ', 0.007204673791420646), ('to ', 0.04350278577112476), ('much ', -0.031020227052977134), ('for ', 0.004963909680554934), ('this ', -0.0004473487870200188), ('place', 0.012538306539681798), ('. ', 0.02900407899505808), ('Way ', 0.03253060477254621), ('over ', -0.17455809344210138), ('priced', -0.028162059577880427), ('.', -0.037102951006090734), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "it's closed"} [('', 0.0), ('it', -0.0666339062154293), ("'", 0.21596272569149733), ('s ', 0.026653609238564968), ('closed', -0.5400342810899019), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Too rich for my blood.'} [('', 0.0), ('Too ', -0.696696465194691), ('rich ', 0.3134182093926938), ('for ', -0.014267986189224757), ('my ', 0.12475358793744817), ('blood', -0.06836609094170853), ('.', 0.03503169410396367), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Saw Garth, excellent venue, excellent show.'} [('', 0.0), ('Saw ', -0.03817870654165745), ('Garth', 0.042710619047284126), (', ', 0.09315397590398788), ('excellent ', 0.17534474097192287), ('venue', 0.06969485990703106), (', ', 0.062475744634866714), ('excellent ', 0.25506552681326866), ('show', 0.044033465906977654), ('.', 0.008695689961314201), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'love it.. just fantastic'} [('', 0.0), ('love ', 0.2130233459174633), ('it', 0.021935705095529556), ('.', 0.1106136292219162), ('. ', 0.05303284525871277), ('just ', -0.08191414596512914), ('fantastic', 0.3744518351741135), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Sexy people everywhere'} [('', 0.0), ('Sexy ', 0.2422451376914978), ('people ', 0.11174649000167847), ('everywhere', 0.12281686067581177), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Super Grimey casino. Food is bomb tho.'} [('', 0.0), ('Super ', -0.01663460402050987), ('Grim', -0.1768040463066427), ('ey ', 0.028884072657092474), ('casino', 0.020041100215166807), ('. ', 0.005478762905113399), ('Food ', 0.13933449654723518), ('is ', 0.12569829073618166), ('bomb ', -0.23983171954751015), ('tho', -0.14321165293222293), ('.', -0.03250040486454964), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Old, outdated & grungy. Pass'} [('', 0.0), ('Old', -0.0914136406572652), (', ', 0.01089051191956969), ('outdated ', -0.0638230316726549), ('& ', 0.02016052541330282), ('gr', -0.01210142739978437), ('ung', -0.027949279450467657), ('y', 0.013833216257353342), ('. ', -0.015392439599963836), ('Pass', -0.120809521569754), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'its a locals casino with GREAT DEALS!!'} [('', 0.0), ('its ', -0.03543001040816307), ('a ', 0.1393365184776485), ('locals ', 0.04422924341633916), ('casino ', 0.048550337087363005), ('with ', 0.15463115880265832), ('GREAT ', 0.24037222284823656), ('DEALS', 0.007026755250990391), ('!', 0.10800153389573097), ('!', 0.006190955638885498), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great and friendly service as always.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.31024227291345596), ('and ', 0.051856182515621185), ('friendly ', 0.2053079316392541), ('service ', -0.004945230670273304), ('as ', 0.009174492210149765), ('always', 0.17673828452825546), ('.', -0.024947471916675568), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "didn't have a lot of inventory"} [('', 0.0), ('didn', -0.2058098693851207), ("'", -0.014599863065086538), ('t ', -0.22105661572277313), ('have ', 0.06434786071440612), ('a ', 0.07051478079483786), ('lot ', 0.03340468682836217), ('of ', 0.11697489001926442), ('inventory', -0.11398891894350527), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Service was top-notch.'} [('', 0.0), ('Service ', 0.20797088742256165), ('was ', -0.07367680221796036), ('top', 0.6016004756093025), ('-', 0.06310643069446087), ('notch', -0.03403865732252598), ('.', -0.07404239848256111), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Sucks'} [('', 0.0), ('Sucks', -0.932360009115655), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good food. Cheap'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.45416562095851987), ('food', 0.172780436299945), ('. ', 0.1652092134245322), ('Cheap', -0.2072526563279098), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Two words: food poisoning.'} [('', 0.0), ('Two ', 0.03352041724429), ('words', 0.010210628046479542), (': ', -0.02717009750631405), ('food ', 0.2860152727298555), ('poisoning', -0.5410098329812172), ('.', -0.06972058348765131), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'I had a burger. It was... A burger!'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', 0.035608056001365185), ('had ', 0.0923865977092646), ('a ', 0.13267306151101366), ('burger', -0.048684265464544296), ('. ', 0.17422282695770264), ('It ', -0.02834347542375326), ('was', -0.00490416307002306), ('.', 0.007420998066663742), ('.', -0.005490276962518692), ('. ', -0.011556416749954224), ('A ', 0.20190272899344563), ('burger', -0.18594437511637807), ('!', 0.23248882964253426), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'A fantasic Rib special!!'} [('', 0.0), ('A ', 0.22554001212120056), ('fan', 0.24772761401254684), ('tas', 0.4017125262180343), ('ic ', -0.2729770995210856), ('Rib ', -0.17543409811332822), ('special', 0.22977195354178548), ('!', 0.029873181134462357), ('!', 0.039570629596710205), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Update: They are also anti-vegetarian!'} [('', 0.0), ('Update', 0.0632628588937223), (': ', 0.0860891928896308), ('They ', -0.04801401635631919), ('are ', 0.006694223033264279), ('also ', 0.18787703989073634), ('anti', -0.4097006568335928), ('-', -0.04523454955779016), ('vegetarian', -0.15331059036543593), ('!', 0.04105593403801322), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': '@ Lunch buffet. Food was OK.'} [('', 0.0), ('@ ', -0.047986360266804695), ('Lunch ', 0.272164243273437), ('buffet', 0.022139101289212704), ('. ', 0.05951906740665436), ('Food ', 0.03419202100485563), ('was ', -0.027559720911085606), ('OK', 0.4380204062908888), ('.', -0.021428346633911133), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Cheap gambling and good fun'} [('', 0.0), ('Cheap ', -0.14416627150058048), ('gambling ', -0.11315437099983683), ('and ', 0.09026874657138251), ('good ', 0.4142037254932802), ('fun', 0.4167602581146639), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'was super fun,\\nwayyy to busy!!! And no payouts....blahhhh'} [('', 1.6823753867356572e-05), ('was ', 0.006559247581208183), ('super ', 0.027983921977465798), ('fun', 0.30467099874022097), (',', 0.051986216407385655), ('\\', -0.028168327105049684), ('nwa', -0.01474619310010894), ('y', -0.008102420887553308), ('y', -0.00655143417952786), ('y ', -0.005314762161106046), ('to ', 0.0012580513839566265), ('busy', -0.07028839398390119), ('!', -0.01806022784421657), ('!', -0.01132410258287564), ('! ', -0.016160490515176207), ('And ', -0.004849768864005455), ('no ', -0.3153199280350236), ('pay', -0.19422642759400333), ('outs', -0.055262171678805316), ('.', -0.014753412859136006), ('.', -0.008978988841893928), ('.', -0.006388053746680574), ('.', -0.006645118655190648), ('blah', -0.08971058653150976), ('hh', -0.010522061495066737), ('h', -0.008805327905065496), ('', -2.939204750873614e-05)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'GEH - TOE.'} [('', 0.0), ('GE', 0.10283208824694157), ('H ', 0.12064450792968273), ('- ', 0.03248593024909496), ('TOE', -0.2833311092108488), ('.', -0.08423801511526108), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Fun place to stay, good gaming and nice staff!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Fun ', 0.2885685348883271), ('place ', 0.03969523968407884), ('to ', 0.023506545985583216), ('stay', -0.010551737272180617), (', ', -0.019621290266513824), ('good ', 0.17277066968381405), ('gaming ', -0.005523720756173134), ('and ', -0.006305914372205734), ('nice ', 0.15708352555520833), ('staff', 0.0022401034366339445), ('!', 0.0014294274151325226), ('!', -0.015988469123840332), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Rude staff. Below average rooms.'} [('', 0.0), ('Rude ', -0.30800975834426936), ('staff', 0.05324662384373369), ('. ', 0.1040986521911691), ('Below ', -0.2431877489307226), ('average ', 0.045063159390338114), ('rooms', 0.10404421294879285), ('.', -0.03133873514161678), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Dr Schreiber gets you results, simple as that. Highly recommended.'} [('', 0.0), ('Dr ', -0.009594065137207508), ('Sc', -0.02845897455699742), ('hre', -0.006573485909029841), ('ibe', 0.015939093136694282), ('r ', 0.05375046661356464), ('gets ', 0.02770951355341822), ('you ', 0.20007628516759723), ('results', 0.04168226849287748), (', ', 0.031222326681017876), ('simple ', 0.015956456307321787), ('as ', -0.03303103568032384), ('that', 0.010693563148379326), ('. ', -0.044829245656728745), ('Highly ', 0.12270335108041763), ('recommended', 0.18460849672555923), ('.', -0.03017236292362213), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Not worth $60 a night.'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', -0.6444630290643545), ('worth ', 0.37559687762040994), ('$', -0.06313263978154282), ('60 ', -0.09131761127628124), ('a ', 0.0645623756781788), ('night', 0.08206784136564238), ('.', 0.000451556592452107), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good service got a good deal on Expedia'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.44693148706573993), ('service ', -0.04472933505894616), ('got ', 0.006644356704782695), ('a ', 0.008941183565184474), ('good ', 0.4129107480403036), ('deal ', -0.02085074200294912), ('on ', 0.0049547620583325624), ('Ex', -0.01719843689352274), ('ped', 0.020794586278498173), ('ia', -0.1240481287240982), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'CLOSED ... actually sold to Planet Hollywood.'} [('', 0.0), ('CLOSED ', -0.053957801312208176), ('.', 0.05666847573593259), ('.', -0.053854262572713196), ('. ', 0.008025161805562675), ('actually ', 0.08963094561477192), ('sold ', -0.3165522856579628), ('to ', 0.05056774360127747), ('Planet ', 0.06705850604339503), ('Hollywood', -0.07885259427712299), ('.', -0.06451407272834331), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'fun, four story store.\\nbut very overpriced.'} [('', 0.0), ('fun', 0.49356149622326484), (', ', 0.09544654032652033), ('four ', -0.10480517017640523), ('story ', 0.08008562130635255), ('store', -0.2098858784956974), ('.', -0.0019501382630551234), ('\\', -0.07316421913128579), ('n', 0.03234877578506712), ('bu', -0.07524037866096478), ('t ', -0.002910334376792889), ('very ', -0.17690420668805018), ('over', -0.11249124578171177), ('pr', -0.057351192175701726), ('ice', -0.04672243956156308), ('d', -0.030484776470984798), ('.', -0.10281445606960915), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Nice tour and \\"shut up and take my money\\".'} [('', 0.0), ('Nice ', 0.8121563510212582), ('tour ', 0.0891919044952374), ('and ', -0.015943971055094153), ('\\', -0.014448717964114621), ('"', -0.01298639812739566), ('shut ', -0.06645468722854275), ('up ', -0.014064149188925512), ('and ', 0.07039921346586198), ('take ', 0.03851493477122858), ('my ', 0.02317359676817432), ('money', -0.25632073343149386), ('\\', -0.03860098888981156), ('"', -0.009149445744697005), ('.', -0.02406654425431043), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'place to party after the regular parties shut down.'} [('', 0.0), ('place ', 0.03826401988044381), ('to ', 0.16851740726269782), ('party ', 0.00203063921071589), ('after ', -0.11797459904482821), ('the ', 0.03223312701447867), ('regular ', 0.07985142633333453), ('parties ', -0.019828083601169055), ('shut ', -0.23934817500776262), ('down', -0.24579722833368578), ('.', 0.011017976656148676), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'They close around 6pm'} [('', 0.0), ('They ', 0.15322091430425644), ('close ', 0.21523309871554375), ('around ', 0.0463077537715435), ('6', 0.05009786784648895), ('pm', 0.12535500526428223), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Very expensive with no choices.'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.061214430490508676), ('expensive ', -0.22028481430606917), ('with ', 0.03885724890278652), ('no ', -0.27842137921834365), ('choices', 0.13171619031345472), ('.', -0.03245449822861701), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Decent food, decent service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Decent ', 0.1407158300280571), ('food', 0.12077411264181137), (', ', 0.0844016820192337), ('decent ', 0.3529106918722391), ('service', 0.018889831379055977), ('.', -0.02658374235033989), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Love the remodel and the stylist are great'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.35628336295485497), ('the ', -0.020491886883974075), ('re', -0.0158740715123713), ('mo', -0.0033916267566382885), ('del ', -0.003267413005232811), ('and ', 0.012950196862220764), ('the ', 0.002152141183614731), ('st', 0.044738339725881815), ('yl', 0.06098209088668227), ('ist ', 0.023489203304052353), ('are ', -0.01015176996588707), ('great', 0.17989161983132362), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'I love the atmosphere and the service.'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', 0.008586689829826355), ('love ', 0.246807511895895), ('the ', 0.024905655533075333), ('atmosphere ', 0.14437048137187958), ('and ', 0.1826765462756157), ('the ', 0.08630253467708826), ('service', 0.011420763097703457), ('.', 0.024206236004829407), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Very over priced food was average at best.'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', -0.04334212833782658), ('over ', -0.5795232606178615), ('priced ', 0.06084451961214654), ('food ', -0.01866574163432233), ('was ', -0.050325396965490654), ('average ', -4.995783092454076e-05), ('at ', -0.07474734297284158), ('best', 0.444216018608131), ('.', -0.020169385243207216), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'great store!!!!!!!! Stuart Berger is the greatest!'} [('', 0.0), ('great ', 0.3807798030320555), ('store', -0.06560411513783038), ('!', 0.012711962684988976), ('!', -0.0031061070039868355), ('!', -0.010799876414239407), ('!', -0.01892142929136753), ('!', -0.01970004104077816), ('!', -0.010612578131258488), ('!', -0.010552038438618183), ('! ', -0.031406672671437263), ('Stuart ', 0.07909357454627752), ('Berger ', 0.022067016921937466), ('is ', 0.02521907410118729), ('the ', 0.055177526897750795), ('greatest', 0.15358970779925585), ('!', -0.006228003650903702), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Outstanding service and great food. Enough said.'} [('', 0.0), ('Outstanding ', 0.3307798723690212), ('service ', -0.04919940186664462), ('and ', 0.07852783054113388), ('great ', 0.30875795148313046), ('food', 0.03158838115632534), ('. ', 0.019556928426027298), ('Enough ', -0.06339254789054394), ('said', 0.08044661022722721), ('.', -0.02405516430735588), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Solid chinese, little overpriced though. Service is eh-ok.'} [('', 0.0), ('Solid ', 0.787349356804043), ('chinese', 0.04037042031995952), (', ', 0.01968490588478744), ('little ', -0.009079737676074728), ('over', -0.017437421935028397), ('pr', -0.010970406990963966), ('ice', -0.031804451609787066), ('d ', -0.005333906017767731), ('though', -0.017425581580027938), ('. ', -0.016240941593423486), ('Service ', -0.10057021817192435), ('is ', -0.004440228454768658), ('eh', -0.1259651732398197), ('-', -0.06022590433713049), ('ok', 0.1261302016209811), ('.', -0.03411074820905924), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Food is totally tasteless, big portions, atmosphere poor.'} [('', 0.0), ('Food ', 0.07272433807156631), ('is ', 0.06731381562167371), ('totally ', 0.004385269896374666), ('taste', 0.02520489059133979), ('less', -0.3448989227599668), (', ', -0.0036364298466651235), ('big ', -0.010057304374640808), ('portions', -0.008507714468578342), (', ', 0.003790999442571774), ('atmosphere ', 0.049514601139890146), ('poor', -0.1907997396101564), ('.', -0.03738830407746718), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Excellent service always and steak cooked to perfection.'} [('', 0.0), ('Excellent ', 0.2710278443992138), ('service ', -0.025181191973388195), ('always ', 0.06843979563564062), ('and ', 0.04305613785982132), ('steak ', 0.04963576886802912), ('cooked ', 0.07022048626095057), ('to ', 0.022724165581166744), ('perfection', 0.24180664401501417), ('.', -0.028763893991708755), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great food, wonderful service !'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.14030583947896957), ('food', 0.12104577571153641), (', ', 0.08422356843948364), ('wonderful ', 0.22359584644436836), ('service ', 0.03713550791144371), ('!', 0.08484263718128204), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Food is ok, very pricey and the hostess was snobby.'} [('', 0.0), ('Food ', 0.09474185993894935), ('is ', 0.23277328978292644), ('ok', 0.4322052167262882), (', ', 0.002568338066339493), ('very ', 0.004042806860525161), ('price', 0.07722056047350634), ('y ', 0.08183252775052097), ('and ', -0.01479458378162235), ('the ', -0.030408625573424313), ('hostess ', 0.037474569869421735), ('was ', -0.06364743566761415), ('s', -0.1265847925824346), ('nob', -0.14755127603712026), ('by', -0.003646449273219332), ('.', -0.009172897145617753), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'simply amazing!'} [('', 0.0), ('simply ', 0.11848035454750061), ('amazing', 0.12297701835632324), ('!', 0.23542699217796326), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great food, whatever u desire out of a mexican resturaunt.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.7209566249512136), ('food', 0.1018643663264811), (', ', -0.043001613579690456), ('whatever ', -0.07026027620304376), ('u ', -0.0638298443518579), ('desire ', 0.03591225791024044), ('out ', 0.005409556266386062), ('of ', -0.017259187414310873), ('a ', -0.007360156276263297), ('mexican ', 0.021812645718455315), ('rest', -0.02085848746355623), ('ura', -0.018384647322818637), ('unt', -0.042737263604067266), ('.', -0.019006687216460705), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Save your money..... Fake Mexican food here'} [('', 0.0), ('Save ', -0.05672554857483192), ('your ', -0.004061694496158452), ('money', -0.060288528485216375), ('.', -0.019727448856428964), ('.', -0.02206164262679522), ('.', -0.017344827068882296), ('.', -0.018467793910531327), ('. ', -0.023773100045218598), ('Fake ', -0.20869424474221887), ('Mexican ', 0.0872299472503073), ('food ', -0.03338423556488124), ('here', 0.0050614681604201905), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Food was pretty good with decent prices.'} [('', 0.0), ('Food ', 0.15966297686100006), ('was ', 0.04087347909808159), ('pretty ', 0.13949129357933998), ('good ', 0.18236499466001987), ('with ', 0.031272513791918755), ('decent ', 0.28322220081463456), ('prices', -0.07612102711573243), ('.', -0.03150908648967743), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'always ask for limited selections. they have them all'} [('', 0.0), ('always ', 0.02332302532158792), ('ask ', -0.12471114349318668), ('for ', 0.051789093704428524), ('limited ', -0.3389264070428908), ('selections', -0.012261211406439543), ('. ', 0.23583955504000187), ('they ', 0.1793898493051529), ('have ', 0.014455410186201334), ('them ', 0.36278976686298847), ('all', 0.25475268671289086), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good food and service at a premium price point.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.2898776978254318), ('food ', 0.06949926912784576), ('and ', 0.024393051862716675), ('service ', -0.03300405479967594), ('at ', -0.006868021562695503), ('a ', 0.1437947228550911), ('premium ', 0.1639750488102436), ('price ', -0.06259272154420614), ('point', 0.100944341160357), ('.', 0.006892478093504906), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "Our salad had yellow/brown lettuce. Wasn't impressed with the service."} [('', 0.0), ('Our ', 0.009961331510567106), ('salad ', 0.004960112630215008), ('had ', -0.023866464813181665), ('yellow', -0.04406734859367134), ('/', 0.006316244624031242), ('brown ', -0.0071427450311603025), ('let', -0.07170738870627247), ('tu', -0.023435526483808644), ('ce', -0.013944482037913986), ('. ', -0.02083820733241737), ('Wasn', -0.127009791918681), ("'", -0.04169433364586439), ('t ', -0.4228402239969), ('impressed ', 0.3330038316125865), ('with ', 0.02824247972603189), ('the ', -0.004669260568334721), ('service', -0.029568466372438706), ('.', -0.018422757042571902), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Gloppy.'} [('', 0.0), ('G', -0.02128773197182454), ('lo', -0.2515860499406699), ('ppy', -0.09007919911528006), ('.', -0.04672732844483107), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Wonderful food and service. PFC at its top form.'} [('', 0.0), ('Wonderful ', 0.19246673956513405), ('food ', -0.005406122654676437), ('and ', 0.08819894772022963), ('service', 0.0047291177324950695), ('. ', 0.03881678869947791), ('P', -0.008821862284094095), ('FC ', 0.04249409819021821), ('at ', 0.007099692709743977), ('its ', -0.0442104609683156), ('top ', 0.3089198162779212), ('form', 0.03304278198629618), ('.', -0.030022569000720978), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Inexpensive great food. Awesome burritos.'} [('', 0.0), ('Inexpensive ', 0.029389411211013794), ('great ', 0.2048067171126604), ('food', 0.09253770671784878), ('. ', 0.02971244603395462), ('Awesome ', 0.4270582413300872), ('burr', -0.03683380351867527), ('ito', -0.014736775658093393), ('s', 0.010036122752353549), ('.', -0.028971169143915176), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'No longer open for lunch,'} [('', 0.0), ('No ', -0.2669905195652973), ('longer ', -0.37208345966791967), ('open ', 0.09708963515731739), ('for ', 0.059493755717994645), ('lunch', 0.15534199825196993), (',', 0.018776051918393932), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great food great dining experience!!! Thanks Carlo & Crew!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.06284510716795921), ('food ', 2.382323145866394e-05), ('great ', 0.08178162574768066), ('dining ', 0.06632046587765217), ('experience', 0.08836464025080204), ('!', -0.015431065112352371), ('!', -0.028101481264457107), ('! ', -0.024202129105105996), ('Thanks ', 0.18087242951150984), ('Carlo ', 0.04595126898493618), ('& ', 0.09078937355661765), ('Crew', 0.03946564829675481), ('!', 0.0063211447559297085), ('!', -0.0005085133016109467), ('!', -0.02688240259885788), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Overpriced. Bland sauces. Mediocre service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Over', -0.06931141765335269), ('pr', -0.002863833086394152), ('ice', -0.027491155944062484), ('d', 0.012977773546936078), ('. ', -0.01710773776176211), ('Bland ', -0.05165709129505558), ('sauce', -0.03472146793137654), ('s', 0.0006393785406544339), ('. ', -0.019372139035112923), ('Med', -0.04888884626234358), ('io', -0.019577058186769136), ('cre ', -0.06130082130766823), ('service', -0.046903823102184106), ('.', -0.03054422243803856), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "I've had better"} [('', 0.0), ('I', 0.14399807574227452), ("'", 0.16959049832075834), ('ve ', -0.09663641534280032), ('had ', -0.15560640709009022), ('better', -0.3905190418008715), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Bone in ribeye was mediocre...no taste, tough'} [('', 0.0), ('Bone ', -0.03662355691631092), ('in ', -0.01931502814841224), ('rib', -0.006772881330107339), ('eye ', 0.004353032447397709), ('was ', -0.02628975355764851), ('med', -0.04465598653405323), ('io', -0.015194624251307687), ('cre', -0.0464809439072269), ('.', -0.02552116733568255), ('.', -0.025283476963522844), ('.', -0.028362186756567098), ('no ', -0.08241857807297492), ('taste', 0.008259897273092065), (', ', -0.013487681091646664), ('tough', -0.07356375800736714), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Good Stuff- Very precise and warm place'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.15146849304437637), ('Stuff', 0.0226941779255867), ('- ', 0.008297070860862732), ('Very ', 0.025392835028469563), ('precise ', 0.13115044962614775), ('and ', 0.02577349543571472), ('warm ', 0.4225442064926028), ('place', -0.05803381931036711), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Great food, great service, smells like a sewer.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.1601629926590249), ('food', 0.0669783704506699), (', ', -0.024240380938863382), ('great ', 0.18927829714812106), ('service', -0.022906802529178094), (', ', 0.006870769982924685), ('smells ', -0.0472347588656703), ('like ', -0.10691774783481378), ('a ', -0.05598437254957389), ('sewer', -0.23992619446653407), ('.', -0.17132422159193084), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best steak in town.'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.3675152510404587), ('steak ', 0.11251886561512947), ('in ', 0.0882396288216114), ('town', 0.1400161162018776), ('.', -0.044761985540390015), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Overpriced! The food is average.'} [('', 0.0), ('Over', -0.26968407425738405), ('pr', -0.11265927767090034), ('ice', 0.08124327652330976), ('d', 0.09324297284183558), ('! ', 0.01227890484733507), ('The ', 0.033313050313154235), ('food ', 0.010313817852875218), ('is ', -0.03248818537394982), ('average', 0.07100668064958882), ('.', -0.1816281887004152), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Loved the lobster sandwich !'} [('', 0.0), ('Loved ', 0.638369569554925), ('the ', -0.02169371210038662), ('lobster ', -0.12896397896111012), ('sandwich ', -0.09471132047474384), ('!', 0.2708153873682022), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Thoroughly unimpressed.'} [('', 0.0), ('Thoroughly ', 0.33813749672845006), ('un', -0.6179237604010268), ('im', 0.1258352521326742), ('pressed', -0.1355598550871946), ('.', -0.04570722300559282), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Whip cream donuts are amazing!'} [('', 0.0), ('Whip ', -0.0878835916519165), ('cream ', 0.009281933307647705), ('don', 0.021002947818487883), ('uts ', -0.026104805525392294), ('are ', 0.16929240617901087), ('amazing', 0.6051517622545362), ('!', 0.03269200772047043), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'This location does not exist.'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', 0.03775271571794292), ('location ', 0.01091712378183729), ('does ', 0.293534299966268), ('not ', -0.44228914766790695), ('exist', -0.1811767472208885), ('.', -0.02704601041477872), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Looks good from far but far from good.'} [('', 0.0), ('Looks ', -0.03836331496859202), ('good ', 0.42730528924948885), ('from ', -0.0048124393324542325), ('far ', -0.027951562857197132), ('but ', -0.1802268326682679), ('far ', -0.14033139825141916), ('from ', -0.36294413534733394), ('good', 0.19374054072341096), ('.', -0.1526777678864164), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "It was ok.\\n\\nI wouldn't go to the place again though."} [('', 0.0), ('It ', 0.07218077592551708), ('was ', 0.06077354936860502), ('ok', 0.6239529990125448), ('.', -0.011191324330866337), ('\\', -0.018827785931838054), ('n', -0.014821358393722525), ('\\', -0.014174375818887105), ('nI ', -0.025242603151127696), ('wouldn', -0.1210350863984786), ("'", -0.0134216591832228), ('t ', -0.13699236628599465), ('go ', 0.032529418560443446), ('to ', -0.0015915318217594177), ('the ', 0.05620767580694519), ('place ', 0.05708723617135547), ('again ', 0.0061736708545746906), ('though', -0.006260794257589926), ('.', -0.015247227003177008), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Awsome food and best service'} [('', 0.0), ('Aw', -0.28916320390999317), ('some ', 0.011230457574129105), ('food ', 0.149024598300457), ('and ', 0.07212151400744915), ('best ', 0.7324882224202156), ('service', 0.004529684782028198), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Giod one'} [('', 0.0), ('Gi', 0.358191835694015), ('od ', -0.1165374992415309), ('one', 0.22411000728607178), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'beyond bad. beyond.'} [('', 0.0), ('beyond ', 0.18910633273480926), ('bad', -0.7519723688164959), ('. ', -0.05096037150360644), ('beyond', 0.3308755096513778), ('.', -0.042752347653731704), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Stupid place,ugly Strippers.'} [('', 0.0), ('Stupid ', -0.27491180041215557), ('place', 0.04706358734438254), (',', 0.08971060067779035), ('ugly ', -0.18366760744174826), ('Strip', 0.00840154814250127), ('pers', 0.062312917101735366), ('.', -0.02516005062352633), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Not impressed. Staff was rude and girls were boring'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', -0.3722236669927952), ('impressed', 0.20061907079798402), ('. ', 0.021279371721902862), ('Staff ', -0.002819253746565664), ('was ', -0.023949161903146887), ('rude ', -0.05888023706211243), ('and ', 0.010128170637472067), ('girls ', -0.0011396581339795375), ('were ', -0.008855269590640091), ('boring', -0.06655257870079367), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Excellent beef with Broccoli! Will be back'} [('', 0.0), ('Excellent ', 0.5060606538318098), ('beef ', -0.0575400679372251), ('with ', -0.004644907079637051), ('Bro', 0.022812736220657825), ('cco', -0.13494324288330972), ('li', -0.06340241222642362), ('! ', 0.10303911892697215), ('Will ', 0.2993340278044343), ('be ', 0.03443656396120787), ('back', -0.008944470435380936), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good & conveniently located.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.2734854072332382), ('& ', 0.07587705552577972), ('convenient', 0.1491420017555356), ('ly ', -0.02294085454195738), ('located', 0.23990594036877155), ('.', -0.02436591312289238), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'One star is generous.... soggy chimichanga.... over-priced....'} [('', -4.3265805743430974e-05), ('One ', -0.05857975861772502), ('star ', 0.019328420696183457), ('is ', 0.09457175039824506), ('generous', 0.32136516420996486), ('.', 0.03083137660905777), ('.', 0.011098365379924265), ('.', 0.014172714516947356), ('. ', 0.0007918735723554467), ('so', -0.0709032968905376), ('ggy ', -0.06354314562013315), ('chi', 0.004841772432155267), ('mic', 0.022096714994586365), ('hang', -0.04042773772362125), ('a', -0.012798468087385117), ('.', -0.008431662576913367), ('.', -0.004494102448613073), ('.', -0.0042790884714728845), ('. ', -0.027639384041928377), ('over', -0.31497079762448266), ('-', -0.14696834861933894), ('priced', -0.12688923294263077), ('.', -0.06151189414958935), ('.', -0.008812130850856192), ('.', -0.006555495274369605), ('.', -0.010333559665014036), ('', -1.4098084648139775e-05)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great happy hour food deals, very good food.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.11569452285766602), ('happy ', 0.10830532759428024), ('hour ', 0.012679614126682281), ('food ', 0.010269115678966045), ('deals', 0.040784657932817936), (', ', 0.06104700639843941), ('very ', 0.07307253312319517), ('good ', 0.3211304610595107), ('food', -0.014461284503340721), ('.', -0.03158677741885185), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'standard business hotel...'} [('', 0.0), ('standard ', -0.02955847792327404), ('business ', 0.25115399714559317), ('hotel', 0.450225249864161), ('.', 0.053466400131583214), ('.', 0.01674874871969223), ('.', -0.052818648517131805), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': "Amazing Nacho's@ 2 am"} [('', 0.0), ('Amazing ', 0.37206700444221497), ('Na', 0.02558832010254264), ('cho', 0.02519634598866105), ("'", 0.16918629221618176), ('s', 0.10241345874965191), ('@ ', -0.010415205731987953), ('2 ', -0.09435208700597286), ('am', 0.13958120346069336), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Portions are HUGE!'} [('', 0.0), ('Portions ', 0.019300371408462524), ('are ', 0.11451031267642975), ('HUGE', 0.17441460490226746), ('!', 0.2780706435441971), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Meh. Food is consistent but nothing amazing.'} [('', 0.0), ('Me', 0.09604777861386538), ('h', 0.06800480652600527), ('. ', -0.045468276366591454), ('Food ', -0.017015904224535916), ('is ', 0.14104986993334023), ('consistent ', 0.36743605650553945), ('but ', -0.160096943291137), ('nothing ', -0.8062684285760042), ('amazing', 0.18112697876495076), ('.', -0.024408550569205545), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good pizza!'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.16935770213603973), ('pizza', 0.07207106053829193), ('!', 0.2354346215724945), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Inexpensive pasta!'} [('', 0.0), ('Inexpensive ', 0.15683014690876007), ('pasta', 0.07518477737903595), ('!', 0.23633012175559998), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'hype, food sucks, the atmosphere is kinda cool though.'} [('', 0.0), ('h', -0.03336236746690702), ('ype', -0.036812462596572004), (', ', -0.02847824021591805), ('food ', -0.03185106308956165), ('sucks', -0.18312129178957548), (', ', 0.11356212996179238), ('the ', 0.0181045877179713), ('atmosphere ', 0.016073300888820086), ('is ', 0.10095631042349851), ('kinda ', 0.04094092346349498), ('cool ', 0.6506637991260504), ('though', -0.0017950605979422107), ('.', -0.028611494723008946), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great place, good food, sometime its slow service'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.24264632826088928), ('place', 0.021382204664405435), (', ', 0.02970037402701564), ('good ', 0.24898063205182552), ('food', 0.16531149542424828), (', ', 0.13365758553845808), ('sometime ', -0.008319311440573074), ('its ', -0.0425326149124885), ('slow ', -0.06622761917242315), ('service', -0.038788031655712985), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'What was I thinking eating here?'} [('', 0.0), ('What ', 0.11138167604804039), ('was ', -0.22970523871481419), ('I ', 0.09698413871228695), ('thinking ', 0.2227955728303641), ('eating ', 0.12403379776515067), ('here', 0.247868818230927), ('?', -0.21528183482587337), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Love the atmosphere. Food was average.'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.3648535721004009), ('the ', 0.09941334277391434), ('atmosphere', 0.16081787645816803), ('. ', 0.1885942853987217), ('Food ', 0.04282183386385441), ('was ', -0.12005105428397655), ('average', 0.08361703157424927), ('.', -0.09109725430607796), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': '5 words \\"i\'ve had better and cheaper\\" (shrug)'} [('', 0.0), ('5 ', 0.011363841767888516), ('words ', -0.004283797170501202), ('\\', -0.025393075251486152), ('"', -0.037491795083042234), ('i', 7.886698585934937e-05), ("'", -0.006483407370978966), ('ve ', -0.024351785279577598), ('had ', -0.04050196454045363), ('better ', -0.09512184758204967), ('and ', -0.019769441161770374), ('cheaper', -0.053564578673103824), ('\\', -0.01914416689396603), ('" ', -0.022068861151637975), ('(', -0.02253220381680876), ('shrug', -0.0663661694561597), (')', -0.02039987817988731), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'A solid buffet.'} [('', 0.0), ('A ', 0.31062865257263184), ('solid ', 0.23664922267198563), ('buffet', 0.0835186168551445), ('.', -0.044382065534591675), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Charging to cut paper is ridiculous. Otherwise friendly'} [('', 0.0), ('Charging ', -0.01127695596369449), ('to ', 0.09723047109582694), ('cut ', -0.1474354580786894), ('paper ', -0.11934831299186044), ('is ', 0.03547076619179279), ('ridiculous', -0.2427362625603564), ('. ', 0.25190226425183937), ('Otherwise ', 0.12898923389730044), ('friendly', 0.6063646571710706), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "Should of went to Grimaldi's......"} [('', 0.0), ('Should ', -0.34582733479328454), ('of ', 0.043680197617504746), ('went ', -0.21486545336665586), ('to ', -0.006222548428922892), ('Grim', -0.05052255783812143), ('aldi', 0.24205589314806275), ("'", 0.08014330617152154), ('s', 0.08617436693748459), ('.', -0.033576431684195995), ('.', -0.037153154611587524), ('.', -0.04053318966180086), ('.', -0.039779168204404414), ('.', -0.034360510180704296), ('.', -0.0569001124240458), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Would never go back'} [('', 0.0), ('Would ', -0.11345196515321732), ('never ', -0.43823810323374346), ('go ', 0.2075192968477495), ('back', -0.029284298419952393), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best Prime Rib !'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.1566917672753334), ('Prime ', 0.2698048474267125), ('Rib ', -0.11726814974099398), ('!', 0.2772422283887863), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'best prime rib house in southern nevada.'} [('', 0.0), ('best ', 0.2848397195339203), ('prime ', 0.2396875899285078), ('rib ', -0.05330636911094189), ('house ', 0.09206082578748465), ('in ', 0.06806580442935228), ('southern ', 0.049694787710905075), ('nevada', 0.06586602330207825), ('.', -0.01767154037952423), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "The best prime rib I've ever had..."} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.004094901494681835), ('best ', 0.40743739111348987), ('prime ', 0.1293256846256554), ('rib ', -0.12345766182988882), ('I', 0.029831362422555685), ("'", 0.01424565096385777), ('ve ', 0.10286306060152128), ('ever ', 0.1904333220445551), ('had', 0.012068963493220508), ('.', -0.005691629368811846), ('.', -0.05587765574455261), ('.', -0.07808127999305725), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'They were helpful!'} [('', 0.0), ('They ', 0.1401274874806404), ('were ', -0.018117908388376236), ('helpful', 0.18672258779406548), ('!', 0.27714313566684723), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Always a great stay. Small casino and great restrarants.'} [('', 0.0), ('Always ', 0.1032840283587575), ('a ', 0.18968414282426238), ('great ', 0.3783909482881427), ('stay', 0.1086323601193726), ('. ', -0.060705358162522316), ('Small ', -0.023795383982360363), ('casino ', -0.004248775541782379), ('and ', 0.03162095870357007), ('great ', 0.1560447047231719), ('rest', -0.1093778541253414), ('rar', -0.09254432280431502), ('ants', -0.07313143619103357), ('.', 0.0036888006143271923), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Horrible customer service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Horrible ', -0.6670376804031548), ('customer ', 0.1261922221929126), ('service', 0.17223445259514847), ('.', -0.044442024736781605), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'it was empty and girls were not very pretty!'} [('', 0.0), ('it ', -0.028947638249519514), ('was ', -0.013038421802775702), ('empty ', -0.10922108633531025), ('and ', 0.03695508828604943), ('girls ', -0.001620792552785133), ('were ', -0.01917011780642497), ('not ', -0.3516618208532236), ('very ', 0.020625193704290723), ('pretty', 0.14880271294714476), ('!', 0.014540451462380588), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': '$2 drinks Tuesday nights!'} [('', 0.0), ('$', -0.21452721022069454), ('2 ', 0.03244894836097956), ('drinks ', 0.28763820696622133), ('Tuesday ', 0.13730604946613312), ('nights', 0.1442854404449463), ('!', 0.28406767547130585), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Terrible service!'} [('', 0.0), ('Terrible ', -0.8573148213909008), ('service', 0.10219676402630284), ('!', 0.23740339349023998), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Excellent.'} [('', 0.0), ('Excellent', 0.17093688249588013), ('.', 0.10216987133026123), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'great food. Great view.'} [('', 0.0), ('great ', 0.1278088018298149), ('food', 0.10741598159074783), ('. ', 0.11078375577926636), ('Great ', 0.20100205950438976), ('view', 0.17040562443435192), ('.', -0.026268478482961655), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great stuff if you can afford their prices.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.2291756346821785), ('stuff ', 0.17840481735765934), ('if ', -0.027756722643971443), ('you ', 0.18677642988041043), ('can ', 0.20751877967268229), ('afford ', 0.07181091548409313), ('their ', -0.056815166608430445), ('prices', -0.07592645310796797), ('.', -0.00019124522805213928), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Very helpful & friendly employs'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.09969419986009598), ('helpful ', 0.16106576845049858), ('& ', 0.07364093884825706), ('friendly ', 0.20285310596227646), ('employs', 0.12671243399381638), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Clean, nice room a bit far from the strip.'} [('', 0.0), ('Clean', 0.31500089168548584), (', ', 0.01598304510116577), ('nice ', 0.43068792182020843), ('room ', 0.006038830382749438), ('a ', 0.005704071605578065), ('bit ', -0.038805487332865596), ('far ', -0.055743209552019835), ('from ', -0.05232092994265258), ('the ', 0.02384703082498163), ('strip', 0.03590534010436386), ('.', -0.020682303700596094), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'GO GO GO!'} [('', 0.0), ('GO ', 0.12866006046533585), ('GO ', 0.08817632123827934), ('GO', 0.09177708253264427), ('!', 0.27773045003414154), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Terrible Service'} [('', 0.0), ('Terrible ', -0.8548139969934709), ('Service', 0.13147333363303915), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'x'} [('', 0.0), ('x', 0.03580009937286377), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'There Mu Shu Chicken is alright with me!!!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('There ', -0.06655160197988153), ('Mu ', -0.07582057092804462), ('Shu ', -0.05421793682035059), ('Chicken ', -0.08836856251582503), ('is ', -0.026027756626717746), ('alright ', 0.623389251093613), ('with ', 0.1740420946443919), ('me', 0.05110339046223089), ('!', -0.00150362029671669), ('!', 0.025705305859446526), ('!', 0.0037608761340379715), ('!', 0.00916176289319992), ('!', 0.03305656462907791), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great place, nice people and doctors.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.25210950896143913), ('place', 0.03848125413060188), (', ', 0.0741453766822815), ('nice ', 0.2499701576307416), ('people ', 0.017242825590074062), ('and ', 0.09247743710875511), ('doctors', 0.004041312262415886), ('.', 0.0008184406906366348), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Amazing bookstore! Friendly, Wide, Light-well. There is also Starbucks.'} [('', 0.0), ('Amazing ', 0.3893062835559249), ('bookstore', -0.03191703651100397), ('! ', -0.009419897571206093), ('Friendly', 0.11577586457133293), (', ', 0.021573971025645733), ('Wide', 0.08080058172345161), (', ', 0.019429410807788372), ('Light', 0.029790137195959687), ('-', -0.018214569659903646), ('well', 0.09514059964567423), ('. ', 0.005364784970879555), ('There ', -0.06235465360805392), ('is ', 0.007063297089189291), ('also ', 0.0694533558562398), ('Starbucks', -0.1336779398843646), ('.', -0.026536859571933746), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Excellent service. Breakfast was yummy. Nice atmosphere.'} [('', 0.0), ('Excellent ', 0.20622059283778071), ('service', -0.022922355215996504), ('. ', 0.0019346103072166443), ('Breakfast ', -0.002737256698310375), ('was ', -0.0032294970005750656), ('yu', 0.042302686953917146), ('mmy', 0.015395305817946792), ('. ', 0.09559096861630678), ('Nice ', 0.3044550195336342), ('atmosphere', 0.06423474103212357), ('.', -0.03524850308895111), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Terrible service on Monday nights'} [('', 0.0), ('Terrible ', -0.6632614134432515), ('service ', 0.03989247898425674), ('on ', 0.11319337423628895), ('Monday ', -0.01085362391313538), ('nights', 0.18579352585948072), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'stay away yuck !!!!!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('stay ', -0.1348734560306184), ('away ', -0.2961714926059358), ('yu', 0.0015277127677109092), ('ck ', -0.15290612776880153), ('!', 0.009392698353622109), ('!', 0.043077280453871936), ('!', 0.016941820620559156), ('!', 0.0429845918843057), ('!', 0.05362752318615094), ('!', 0.031997157173464075), ('!', 0.055597998783923686), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'No Lox??!??'} [('', 0.0), ('No ', -0.010901340516284108), ('Lo', -0.029774050402920693), ('x', 0.014590325590688735), ('?', -0.08788434194866568), ('?', -0.08216320289648138), ('!', 0.03024079164606519), ('?', -0.03675540542462841), ('?', -0.06289206689689308), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Try the Hefe!'} [('', 0.0), ('Try ', -0.2822187051642686), ('the ', -0.2415496737230569), ('He', -0.11926032090559602), ('fe', 0.05017749033868313), ('!', 0.26273505948483944), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'PizzA was pretty good, happy hour is a pretty good'} [('', 0.0), ('PizzA ', -0.04825497418642044), ('was ', -0.007626811042428017), ('pretty ', 0.07470579259097576), ('good', 0.29397760704159737), (', ', 0.02018187940120697), ('happy ', 0.12597059458494186), ('hour ', -0.014677196741104126), ('is ', 0.019726239144802094), ('a ', 0.03536064922809601), ('pretty ', 0.07151446491479874), ('good', 0.09517773240804672), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Must be a beer thing, cuz the food sucked.'} [('', 0.0), ('Must ', -0.07674093786044978), ('be ', 0.009594835908501409), ('a ', -0.0006690910959150642), ('beer ', -0.07032455673834193), ('thing', -0.0516587160891504), (', ', 0.011422391693486134), ('cu', -0.010491137023564079), ('z ', -0.010825370909515186), ('the ', 0.009783277760107012), ('food ', -0.0014737728624822921), ('sucked', -0.14145989481039578), ('.', -0.039450706433854066), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': '\\"Meh. I\'ve experienced better. \\"'} [('', 0.0), ('\\', -0.05149064725264907), ('"', -0.040470473701134324), ('Me', 0.04560123331611976), ('h', -0.003918986825738102), ('. ', -0.060511370305903256), ('I', 0.06790427964006085), ("'", 0.05940091113734525), ('ve ', -0.09465655128587969), ('experienced ', 0.04216601626831107), ('better', -0.22873508575139567), ('. ', -0.043691440019756556), ('\\', -0.02786703349556774), ('"', -0.04627105069812387), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Need office supplies.\\n\\nThey have it.\\n\\nI pay.\\n\\nShort lines, quick service.\\n\\n3 Stars.'} [('', -0.0021124295599292964), ('Need ', -0.06996869202703238), ('office ', -0.03318294607743155), ('supplies', -0.037597523114527576), ('.', -0.013379040698055178), ('\\', -0.027015518319482606), ('n', -0.011133067377765352), ('\\', -0.02592345101099151), ('nT', -0.01631662764993962), ('hey ', -0.030588809898472392), ('have ', -0.01759981297363993), ('it', -0.015249645835137927), ('.', -0.0036561686312779782), ('\\', -0.010081281509580245), ('n', 0.002879542732747116), ('\\', -0.0009175064357502076), ('nI ', -0.039135138108880106), ('pay', -0.07052747726023274), ('.', -0.021641056531128317), ('\\', -0.013965717978550986), ('n', -0.005197663554697231), ('\\', -0.006733770478292302), ('nS', -0.03961291386409097), ('hort ', -0.019484571191839807), ('lines', -0.0363742041187444), (', ', -0.005405044237392888), ('quick ', -0.03179363058928478), ('service', -0.009794049105160714), ('.', 0.019517332175261495), ('\\', -0.00857964945940434), ('n', -0.004314491953534473), ('\\', -0.0003596362283652914), ('n', -0.012446733260904216), ('3 ', 0.0007278173468962673), ('Stars', 0.08512416309150424), ('.', -0.00590569813253491), ('', -2.1991581888869405e-05)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Clean, quick and fairly priced for any office supply needs.'} [('', 0.0), ('Clean', 0.29455751925706863), (', ', 0.016528673470020294), ('quick ', 0.04066307959146798), ('and ', 0.07747299619950354), ('fairly ', 0.1569954688893631), ('priced ', 0.05102757050190121), ('for ', 0.025879484717734158), ('any ', 0.04689388221595436), ('office ', -0.011418656562454998), ('supply ', -0.020677409367635846), ('needs', -0.036022540531121194), ('.', -0.01515457616187632), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Slow service and disorganized'} [('', 0.0), ('Slow ', -0.2073876967660908), ('service ', 0.011073669487814186), ('and ', 0.05819958760548616), ('di', -0.13351680509003927), ('sor', 0.05529664042478544), ('gan', -0.017297852549745585), ('ized', -0.04261203124951862), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'standard Gas Station. Chevron with Techron.'} [('', 0.0), ('standard ', -0.07179886335507035), ('Gas ', -0.051413725945167243), ('Station', -0.05433740059379488), ('. ', 0.001719912514090538), ('Che', -0.046043234498938546), ('vron ', 0.027994905452942476), ('with ', 0.017683938378468156), ('Tech', -0.1372113199904561), ('ron', 0.03896413743495941), ('.', -0.008372907992452383), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "Self serve car wash and it's a Chevron.."} [('', 0.0), ('Self ', -0.13140137279697228), ('serve ', 0.05268487075227313), ('car ', -0.08933589794469299), ('wash ', -0.12049561195453862), ('and ', 0.06679206024637097), ('it', 0.0013643009651786997), ("'", 0.04556886625414336), ('s ', 0.005702841996026109), ('a ', 0.0712316026983899), ('Che', -0.18031214591974276), ('vron', -0.06327826047709095), ('.', 0.02602127191494219), ('.', -0.07395402732072398), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Very clean and well kept community association'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.031040288507938385), ('clean ', 0.33016353100538254), ('and ', 0.049700453877449036), ('well ', 0.161597503349185), ('kept ', 0.033928634598851204), ('community ', 0.11035836488008499), ('association', 0.006532244384288788), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "Wide selection, but customer service wasn't all that great"} [('', 0.0), ('Wide ', 0.2786730226071086), ('selection', 0.05759603009209968), (', ', -0.02606383361853659), ('but ', -0.21291252998707932), ('customer ', -0.025918456016370328), ('service ', -0.05001085888216039), ('wasn', -0.22036459618902882), ("'", -0.03350671870794031), ('t ', -0.2811001262452919), ('all ', -0.025945557543309405), ('that ', -0.016063639806816354), ('great', 0.18756054557161406), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'worst costumer service ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('worst ', -0.7888678759063623), ('costume', 0.09768238981087052), ('r ', -0.06396009320451412), ('service ', -0.07393833206788258), ('ever', 0.11811005247454887), ('!', 0.020899434284729068), ('!', -0.00033315058590233093), ('!', -0.0013978968318042462), ('!', 0.0041544333325873595), ('!', 0.0193646074476419), ('!', 0.01776185447761236), ('!', 0.02389295045486506), ('!', 0.02773382243958622), ('!', 0.016466674359435274), ('!', -0.011629542254013359), ('!', -0.002260560611830442), ('!', 0.018150484307625447), ('!', 0.028095509393097018), ('!', 0.019663764242068282), ('!', 0.01771860727421881), ('!', 0.01892955501898541), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Wonderful customer service and great inventory selection.'} [('', 0.0), ('Wonderful ', 0.26799060963094234), ('customer ', 0.031128237023949623), ('service ', 0.012579351663589478), ('and ', 0.05454477667808533), ('great ', 0.3704727296717465), ('inventory ', -0.057554949540644884), ('selection', 0.0759781189262867), ('.', -0.025858163833618164), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Old men everywhere\\n\\nSalty pot roast makes me sad\\n\\nPie is redemption.'} [('', -0.00017586305815105638), ('Old ', -0.058940396372539304), ('men ', -0.010704275531073412), ('everywhere', -0.01047392281179782), ('\\', -0.007210625321022235), ('n', -0.01718625424837228), ('\\', -0.011660279691568576), ('nSa', -0.023537780696642585), ('lty ', -0.014767697124625556), ('pot ', -0.018892475665779784), ('roast ', -0.016444460110506043), ('makes ', -0.011451753845904022), ('me ', -0.004405625048093498), ('sad', -0.04667060208157636), ('\\', -0.005802940024295822), ('n', -0.06810465073795058), ('\\', -0.0678072962036822), ('nP', -0.07734465054818429), ('ie ', -0.0855218457581941), ('is ', -0.002686879350221716), ('redemption', 0.035358175591682084), ('.', 0.03834282993921079), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best pumpkin pie ever.'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.3864648789167404), ('pumpkin ', 0.03820886183530092), ('pie ', -0.042588445357978344), ('ever', 0.32667374424636364), ('.', -0.04485517740249634), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'One of my favorites'} [('', 0.0), ('One ', 0.11003831773996353), ('of ', 0.061659324914216995), ('my ', 0.0976220853626728), ('favorites', 0.3171931654214859), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "Probably the worst macayo's in town the food was terrible"} [('', 0.0), ('Probably ', -0.06203124649800884), ('the ', -0.017708641855278984), ('worst ', -0.2047184105922497), ('mac', -0.04404081481334288), ('ayo', 0.07592552091227844), ("'", 0.01948100191566482), ('s ', 0.03689916616440314), ('in ', 0.01355945247451018), ('town ', 0.04492451564328803), ('the ', 0.03179714081124985), ('food ', 0.020159978008450707), ('was ', 0.0026819182367034955), ('terrible', -0.3071242278583668), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "Food didn't have much flavor and service could've been better."} [('', 0.0), ('Food ', -0.022832830883999122), ('didn', -0.15975629220702103), ("'", -0.015618865609212662), ('t ', -0.16147072208150348), ('have ', 0.00950985786766978), ('much ', -0.0039058946076693246), ('flavor ', 0.1530293169325887), ('and ', -0.018451504725817358), ('service ', -0.05146810734004248), ('could', -0.02873663043283159), ("'", -0.022690831741783768), ('ve ', -0.015565565132419579), ('been ', -0.03792202732802252), ('better', -0.035727305305044865), ('.', -0.020244939063559286), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "Pricey, but I've been coming here for 10+ years!! lol"} [('', 0.0), ('Price', 0.16254465118981898), ('y', 0.22912263474427164), (', ', -0.008806725963950157), ('but ', -0.09549320209771395), ('I', 0.09274388407357037), ("'", 0.021015061298385262), ('ve ', 0.014553908607922494), ('been ', 0.019458604627288878), ('coming ', 0.08467910828767344), ('here ', 0.022957863344345242), ('for ', 0.0037125012022443116), ('10', -0.0525775775895454), ('+ ', 0.10509806027403101), ('years', 0.01703702931990847), ('!', 0.08548493089620024), ('! ', -0.03582004830241203), ('lo', -0.08312148414552212), ('l', -0.05557500384747982), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Outstanding course , great people'} [('', 0.0), ('Outstanding ', 0.13315391167998314), ('course ', 0.11773314699530602), (', ', 0.08113911002874374), ('great ', 0.22153352946043015), ('people', 0.11047296971082687), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'All 4 courses are amazing!'} [('', 0.0), ('All ', 0.021532222628593445), ('4 ', 0.08823506534099579), ('courses ', 0.20922252535820007), ('are ', 0.027158312499523163), ('amazing', 0.2482638582587242), ('!', 0.09673576056957245), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best Vets and staff in town!!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.3307644226588309), ('Vet', -0.034847796196118), ('s ', 0.03516054688952863), ('and ', -0.013039574027061462), ('staff ', 0.05025680363178253), ('in ', 0.10408296715468168), ('town', 0.034031216986477375), ('!', 0.10979710519313812), ('!', 0.040602896362543106), ('!', -0.005087625235319138), ('!', 0.014160491526126862), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Very good service!! Great food...very tasty!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.033003801479935646), ('good ', 0.12618168769404292), ('service', -9.643053635954857e-05), ('!', -0.017173893749713898), ('! ', -0.025548864156007767), ('Great ', 0.1617058850824833), ('food', 0.01579296588897705), ('.', -0.010007523000240326), ('.', -0.021199701353907585), ('.', -0.018039172515273094), ('very ', 0.07764069177210331), ('ta', 0.29044695693301037), ('sty', -0.0186378353391774), ('!', 0.0004422031342983246), ('!', -0.026891179382801056), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Food was average... place was clean... service was decent...'} [('', 2.0526349544525146e-06), ('Food ', 0.02945582987740636), ('was ', 0.018029737984761596), ('average', -0.04268881329335272), ('.', 0.015989921987056732), ('.', -0.030276698991656303), ('. ', 0.007697230204939842), ('place ', 0.03114053327590227), ('was ', 0.058572286972776055), ('clean', 0.06814873707480729), ('.', 0.10096238134428859), ('.', -0.02149801841005683), ('. ', -0.024701491463929415), ('service ', -0.03880759346066043), ('was ', -0.03013607836328447), ('decent', 0.44560442393412814), ('.', -0.012306571938097477), ('.', -0.01891293376684189), ('.', -0.025839433073997498), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "It's cool"} [('', 0.0), ('It', 0.0925697572529316), ("'", 0.06819804385304451), ('s ', 0.13088730722665787), ('cool', 0.2949274629354477), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'friendly service and great ice cream:)'} [('', 0.0), ('friendly ', 0.39539293199777603), ('service ', -0.03112778812646866), ('and ', 0.05584108084440231), ('great ', 0.3238664297387004), ('ice ', 0.0038433121517300606), ('cream', -0.00415105652064085), (':', 0.0016596047207713127), (')', -0.016102991998195648), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Favorite place for sushi in Vegas!!! Never disappoints...'} [('', 1.5252166324191623e-05), ('Favorite ', 0.11990925752454334), ('place ', 0.08313760523580843), ('for ', -0.0019987692228621906), ('su', -0.03815429388648934), ('shi ', 0.00394716848515802), ('in ', 0.009293149121933512), ('Vegas', 0.06449501392328078), ('!', 0.012054768287473254), ('!', -0.03383396519348025), ('! ', -0.03422961384057999), ('Never ', 0.22378695023386777), ('di', 0.22300885041264942), ('sa', -0.018056874063707557), ('pp', -0.010568470135694952), ('oint', -0.014884179583532386), ('s', -0.012739557552777114), ('.', -0.01236966927535832), ('.', -0.01785561814904213), ('.', -0.026107802987098694), ('', 6.817281246185303e-06)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Excellent service, food, and interior. Upscale hawaiian-fusion.'} [('', 0.0), ('Excellent ', 0.1649971967563033), ('service', -0.0028144018724560738), (', ', 0.018544001504778862), ('food', 0.0059222010895609856), (', ', 0.04376423079520464), ('and ', -0.0002084597945213318), ('interior', 0.04371735826134682), ('. ', 0.03949778154492378), ('Upscale ', 0.05457266978919506), ('hawaiian', 0.10449430160224438), ('-', -0.002529011107981205), ('fusion', 0.1768308999016881), ('.', -0.03731655329465866), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Marche baccus is much better and less expensive.'} [('', 0.0), ('Marche ', 0.020697133033536375), ('ba', 0.0001503265812061727), ('ccus ', -0.06036001077154651), ('is ', 0.0970490017789416), ('much ', 0.05093531450256705), ('better ', 0.061654179997276515), ('and ', 0.16717319039162248), ('less ', -0.34363019128795713), ('expensive', -0.24462194473017007), ('.', -0.03651246754452586), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Was not impressed at all, food was subpar'} [('', 0.0), ('Was ', -0.0053166058351052925), ('not ', -0.3199613215692807), ('impressed ', 0.2287762025516713), ('at ', -0.045284523748705396), ('all', -0.022516498476761626), (', ', 0.009688392652606126), ('food ', -0.05988410127611132), ('was ', -0.017721057585731614), ('sub', -0.04774291443027323), ('par', -0.02106106859719148), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Great service at this location'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.3428763076663017), ('service ', -0.01838795468211174), ('at ', 0.09152141585946083), ('this ', 0.2639991529285908), ('location', -0.01616746559739113), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'another irish pub for your next crawl...'} [('', 0.0), ('another ', -0.06697083020117134), ('irish ', 0.10729030994116329), ('pub ', -0.054429896030342206), ('for ', 0.10526629529340426), ('your ', 0.13872028186597163), ('next ', 0.00046569006735808216), ('crawl', -0.3831526681133255), ('.', -0.018386451702099293), ('.', -0.05501647829078138), ('.', -0.06782116321846843), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'The happy hour here is amazing!'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.01580449938774109), ('happy ', 0.25784721970558167), ('hour ', 0.08782905340194702), ('here ', -0.002131657674908638), ('is ', -0.03596203401684761), ('amazing', 0.37307152710855007), ('!', 0.026985496282577515), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good food. Good service. Open 24 hours.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.1636405698955059), ('food', 0.04645102098584175), ('. ', 0.029470771551132202), ('Good ', 0.2326182690449059), ('service', -0.026206225622445345), ('. ', 0.03257075324654579), ('Open ', 0.2276157489977777), ('24 ', 0.07185340253636241), ('hours', -0.034747120924293995), ('.', -0.046369802206754684), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Long Lines, But normal atmosphere.'} [('', 0.0), ('Long ', -0.18500818591564894), ('Lines', -0.19556283950805664), (', ', 0.20495159644633532), ('But ', -0.015763813629746437), ('normal ', 0.21346719772554934), ('atmosphere', 0.32959710736759007), ('.', 0.09322928497567773), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Sloppy service yesterday, real sloppy.'} [('', 0.0), ('Sloppy ', -0.27939611812325893), ('service ', 0.0029732205293839797), ('yesterday', 0.054355376843886916), (', ', 0.08570547022100072), ('real ', 0.18953078842969262), ('sloppy', -0.30378069475045777), ('.', -0.025520847462757956), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'They do a great job on my dirty car!'} [('', 0.0), ('They ', 0.03556560352444649), ('do ', 0.09803297370672226), ('a ', 0.18368448689579964), ('great ', 0.6529735947260633), ('job ', 0.022929038270376623), ('on ', 0.0039314599125646055), ('my ', 0.004541800415609032), ('dirty ', -0.23551292275078595), ('car', -0.07090909429825842), ('!', 0.0008559632115066051), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "Amazing food, but the worst service I've ever had."} [('', 0.0), ('Amazing ', 0.27395262414211174), ('food', 0.07097631611395627), (', ', -0.039085742690076586), ('but ', -0.3636976563502685), ('the ', 0.03537268335230692), ('worst ', -0.5231556070716579), ('service ', -0.022658358609987772), ('I', 0.053312055672904535), ("'", 0.003994094907284307), ('ve ', 0.027825055511129904), ('ever ', 0.04136982418822299), ('had', 0.06275638005172368), ('.', -0.00875304251894704), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Very good cornbread!\\n\\nSweet style sauce.'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.09646608121693134), ('good ', 0.6259166654199362), ('corn', -0.07162851782049984), ('bread', -0.011747926124371588), ('!', 0.001318751834332943), ('\\', -0.008418863639235497), ('n', -0.045050312764942646), ('\\', -0.0005270028486847878), ('nSw', 0.04403497441671789), ('eet ', -0.04014388867653906), ('style ', 0.1042111786082387), ('sauce', -0.05125227337703109), ('.', -0.03386418614536524), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Friendly service and excellent Korean food. We would visit again.'} [('', 0.0), ('Friendly ', 0.19028103072196245), ('service ', -0.020086021162569523), ('and ', -0.010530862957239151), ('excellent ', 0.1495917970314622), ('Korean ', 0.03807887155562639), ('food', -0.017238395288586617), ('. ', -0.010141890496015549), ('We ', 0.06400962453335524), ('would ', 0.05416357051581144), ('visit ', 0.19292948301881552), ('again', 0.034207399003207684), ('.', -0.03805425763130188), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "It's a little small but foods always good here"} [('', 0.0), ('It', -0.04622298339381814), ("'", 0.02917806664481759), ('s ', 0.008127421140670776), ('a ', 0.1003620601259172), ('little ', -0.09227547748014331), ('small ', -0.026786884292960167), ('but ', -0.03053576173260808), ('foods ', 0.09057483216747642), ('always ', 0.267291153781116), ('good ', 0.3780011273920536), ('here', -0.011827509850263596), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Health nut is perfect to start the day'} [('', 0.0), ('Health ', -0.021149951964616776), ('nut ', -0.03724278789013624), ('is ', 0.002994290553033352), ('perfect ', 0.2991854101419449), ('to ', 0.07122595980763435), ('start ', 0.033374822698533535), ('the ', 0.10474057216197252), ('day', 0.27604516595602036), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'This business has closed.'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', 0.232689852186013), ('business ', 0.04130040519521572), ('has ', -0.20929900975897908), ('closed', -0.3532378851377871), ('.', -0.04484778561163694), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "nice location nice pt's......very average service"} [('', 0.0), ('nice ', 0.3709173705428839), ('location ', -0.042257037945091724), ('nice ', 0.4026622651144862), ('pt', -0.08881216146983206), ("'", -0.0018184285145252943), ('s', 0.03487219940871), ('.', 0.009341545403003693), ('.', -0.02474243938922882), ('.', -0.019076958298683167), ('.', -0.013811953598633409), ('.', -0.011189276119694114), ('.', -0.0005702394992113113), ('very ', 0.08107169775757939), ('average ', -0.0711044151103124), ('service', -0.058735545957461), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'fast service.'} [('', 0.0), ('fast ', 0.2373698353767395), ('service', 0.20001313090324402), ('.', 0.03903922438621521), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Very, very overprice, food was ok. Waiter service is ok.'} [('', 0.0), ('Very', -0.0014644627008237876), (', ', -0.015713621491158847), ('very ', -0.015489965666347416), ('over', -0.04961443214506289), ('pr', -0.014235560121051094), ('ice', -0.020177221960693714), (', ', -0.010034124898083974), ('food ', 0.06777903965121368), ('was ', 0.10195660103636328), ('ok', 0.14145566609659), ('. ', 0.09147683151240926), ('Waiter ', -0.019934563897550106), ('service ', -0.047986422665417194), ('is ', 0.07903444371186197), ('ok', 0.29321727924980223), ('.', -0.02954581379890442), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'A bit pricey, but the food is amazing.'} [('', 0.0), ('A ', 0.024877166375517845), ('bit ', -0.08130893856287003), ('price', 0.16184079577215016), ('y', 0.20204551261849701), (', ', 0.022577335592359304), ('but ', -0.10430595651268959), ('the ', 0.018011735286563635), ('food ', 0.005528703331947327), ('is ', 0.07255792431533337), ('amazing', 0.36385429883375764), ('.', -0.019615208730101585), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Not impressed....'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', -0.6764072659716476), ('impressed', 0.30437206107308157), ('.', 0.11691018176497892), ('.', 0.038460303454485256), ('.', -0.038727664468751755), ('.', -0.05291581455094274), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'loved their sunday brunch!!! amazing tapas!'} [('', 0.0), ('loved ', 0.39382986002601683), ('their ', -0.015198145876638591), ('sunday ', 0.016589089413173497), ('br', -0.01278395566623658), ('un', -0.03263620228972286), ('ch', -0.02144298073835671), ('!', -0.0241184514015913), ('!', -0.012399589642882347), ('! ', -0.009802499786019325), ('amazing ', 0.32693467382341623), ('tap', -0.002330781426280737), ('as', -0.0029471698217093945), ('!', 0.005763109773397446), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Horrible Food, Excellent Service. Food served ice cold.'} [('', 0.0), ('Horrible ', -0.145057243964402), ('Food', 0.030898623110260814), (', ', -0.0117328382038977), ('Excellent ', 0.7511632203531917), ('Service', 0.033392373617971316), ('. ', 0.08341431652661413), ('Food ', -0.03956827081856318), ('served ', 0.2833929931221064), ('ice ', 0.0011077191156800836), ('cold', -0.3800992569013033), ('.', -0.07433394249528646), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Fresh chips and Salsa'} [('', 0.0), ('Fresh ', 0.37701102532446384), ('chips ', -0.07967252470552921), ('and ', 0.12508780509233475), ('Salsa', 0.16399122029542923), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best in Vegas hands down.'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.6090522576123476), ('in ', 0.05561776226386428), ('Vegas ', 0.16557959793135524), ('hands ', -0.024286098720040172), ('down', -0.09018056053901091), ('.', -0.0254090609960258), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Great costumer service!! Not good sushi !!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.370561119305421), ('costume', 0.08542526721157628), ('r ', -0.02085039608664374), ('service', -0.0923631954119628), ('!', -0.02912652558006812), ('! ', -0.0478566363635764), ('Not ', -0.6247919045299568), ('good ', -0.06274589961958554), ('su', 0.0001707206833998498), ('shi ', 0.052939452006739884), ('!', 0.004555270410492085), ('!', -0.007955643712193705), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'good but too busy'} [('', 0.0), ('good ', 0.6514203692495357), ('but ', -0.27858389136963524), ('too ', -0.37367929724860005), ('busy', -0.2523986302257981), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Love their Seafood Salad!'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.2305818423628807), ('their ', 0.06943653337657452), ('Seafood ', 0.05738390050828457), ('Salad', 0.035877976566553116), ('!', 0.27065782248973846), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "Best pancakes ever! Check 'em out."} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.208708506077528), ('pancakes ', 0.01584448665380478), ('ever', 0.08042154088616371), ('! ', 0.05256650596857071), ('Check ', 0.1454857774078846), ("'", -0.03397314716130495), ('em ', 0.05028792028315365), ('out', 0.22207145555876195), ('.', -0.028533656150102615), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Awesome !!!! And now remodeling for us. Jejeje great biscuits.'} [('', 0.0), ('Awesome ', 0.29884692281484604), ('!', -0.04233000427484512), ('!', 0.006839923094958067), ('!', -0.005961413029581308), ('! ', -0.04519879911094904), ('And ', 0.024566889624111354), ('now ', -0.028772166115231812), ('re', -0.05988866051484365), ('mo', 0.03265890585316811), ('del', 0.012852926505729556), ('ing ', -0.032836913655046374), ('for ', -0.06262414025453229), ('us', 0.09311836158546309), ('. ', 0.08337283289680879), ('Je', 0.021015177480876446), ('je', 0.02362802717834711), ('je ', -0.016940195113420486), ('great ', 0.24197084720556936), ('biscuits', -0.026203058815250795), ('.', -0.0058412278691927595), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "Try the calamari. It's perfect."} [('', 0.0), ('Try ', -0.13490038318559527), ('the ', -0.03998650563880801), ('cal', -0.027284205425530672), ('ama', 0.00918774283491075), ('ri', 0.016601808136329055), ('. ', 0.0219300277531147), ('It', 0.04452226444846019), ("'", 0.06253055814886466), ('s ', -0.043946732301265), ('perfect', 0.8096073064953089), ('.', -0.05223069945350289), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Kabobs trio Rocks!'} [('', 0.0), ('Ka', -0.07350890524685383), ('bo', 0.03745085559785366), ('bs ', 0.004853319376707077), ('trio ', 0.13670898973941803), ('Rocks', 0.3135453760623932), ('!', 0.27199648320674896), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'This place is fantastic, great relaxing hookah, and delicious tapas!'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', -0.0044849952682852745), ('place ', 0.028857067693024874), ('is ', 0.009527523070573807), ('fantastic', 0.16127473348751664), (', ', -0.01832258701324463), ('great ', 0.13023107196204364), ('relaxing ', 0.0579862913582474), ('hook', -0.026663811644539237), ('ah', -0.019672409864142537), (', ', -0.034798573702573776), ('and ', -0.043788596987724304), ('delicious ', 0.3393586343154311), ('tap', 0.01915208576247096), ('as', -0.01423964137211442), ('!', -0.0167931467294693), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'The service was horrible sadly enough and food decent'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.012806880862626713), ('service ', -0.11928971749875927), ('was ', 0.00032323788036592305), ('horrible ', -0.18022123041191662), ('sadly ', -0.24853131862801092), ('enough ', 0.0624140254840313), ('and ', 0.24321385569055565), ('food ', -0.043331303299055435), ('decent', 0.8122681261011166), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great quality of fish and the prices are super reasonable'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.19742164760828018), ('quality ', 0.17189270188100636), ('of ', 0.006746354745700955), ('fish ', -0.0210560061968863), ('and ', 0.048420846462249756), ('the ', 0.00758970039896667), ('prices ', -0.21215473231859505), ('are ', 0.07030140422284603), ('super ', 0.04528284398838878), ('reasonable', 0.3816502885892987), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'No longer exists.'} [('', 0.0), ('No ', -0.1755684619420208), ('longer ', -0.335632527290727), ('exists', 0.14341115274874028), ('.', -0.04495577560737729), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'It serves its purpose....point blank and period.'} [('', 0.0), ('It ', -0.01422948953404557), ('serves ', 0.29421758350508753), ('its ', 0.006752519351721276), ('purpose', -0.04821463578991825), ('.', 0.0416967726778239), ('.', -0.007671537401620299), ('.', -0.023177731956820935), ('.', -0.018628774385433644), ('point ', 0.014610658661695197), ('blank ', -0.6170639419869985), ('and ', 0.025860558802378364), ('period', -0.004895330210274551), ('.', -0.030081730779784266), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'AWFUL!!!! Very unorganized.....does not deserve the one star'} [('', 0.0), ('AWFUL', -0.09607283172590542), ('!', -0.026751660319860093), ('!', 0.0004387079623029422), ('!', -0.0005637534834477265), ('! ', -0.020422752439571923), ('Very ', -0.011019568067649744), ('uno', -0.052633297453280645), ('rgan', -0.009502801351186464), ('ized', 0.005620840820301965), ('.', -0.01095184876176063), ('.', -0.010807988225678855), ('.', -0.011580602024878317), ('.', -0.02195733802363975), ('.', -0.01952114469531807), ('does ', -0.02575107443954039), ('not ', -0.04125778882735176), ('deserve ', -0.022116908937277913), ('the ', -0.01692989265848155), ('one ', -0.05699243224808015), ('star', -0.03857118371524848), ('', -1.8829014152288437e-06)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best donut shop in town! Hand made, consistently tasty!'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.2820581216365099), ('don', -0.007724553346633911), ('ut ', -0.06632418371737003), ('shop ', -0.05966252239886671), ('in ', 0.04621657181996852), ('town', 0.05637035658583045), ('! ', 0.03996359370648861), ('Hand ', -0.03843861259520054), ('made', -0.013324861414730549), (', ', -0.022835607640445232), ('consistently ', 0.13933288678526878), ('ta', 0.2351853232830763), ('sty', 0.0036246981471776962), ('!', -0.010951107367873192), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Never use!! Complete waste of time.'} [('', 0.0), ('Never ', -0.09847507113499887), ('use', -0.0860486752635552), ('!', 0.1399538805726479), ('! ', 0.09708397628492094), ('Complete ', 0.011072902247178718), ('waste ', -0.1645290969972848), ('of ', -0.005469905758218374), ('time', -0.07936021800014714), ('.', -0.10088133207682404), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "It's a bus company!"} [('', 0.0), ('It', 0.20521762873977423), ("'", 0.2625342970713973), ('s ', 0.17496456764638424), ('a ', 0.17731443885713816), ('bus ', -0.4489656579680741), ('company', 0.281432521995157), ('!', 0.06357917375862598), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'i got food poisoning. \\n\\nfrom the coffee.'} [('', 0.0), ('i ', -0.03495465433661593), ('got ', 0.14677695538011903), ('food ', 0.18665877434432332), ('poisoning', -0.5039062950418156), ('. ', -0.038051244962844066), ('\\', -0.0100227592374722), ('n', -0.021853165766515303), ('\\', -0.004065071316290414), ('n', -0.02223058510753617), ('fr', -0.010143185458218795), ('om ', -0.030357304658537032), ('the ', -0.01375757032292313), ('coffee', -0.03931195090626716), ('.', -0.020335456465545576), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Food ok. Service stinks.'} [('', 0.0), ('Food ', 0.10113644581360859), ('ok', 0.16858886160844122), ('. ', 0.1266480075501022), ('Service ', -0.11758981224556919), ('stink', -0.43883722997270525), ('s', 0.00582593418948818), ('.', -0.05216976271185558), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "I've been here many times over the years. Not bad."} [('', 0.0), ('I', 0.04305245075374842), ("'", 0.017118080519139767), ('ve ', 0.015916197327896953), ('been ', -0.02136022155173123), ('here ', 0.11368024884723127), ('many ', 0.041034093825146556), ('times ', 0.01964544807560742), ('over ', -0.10130566009320319), ('the ', 0.04988361313007772), ('years', 0.08397291530855), ('. ', 0.0161898136138916), ('Not ', 0.19109756082070817), ('bad', 0.14873036414610397), ('.', -0.035126760601997375), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Wonderful selection, along with the more obscure comics.'} [('', 0.0), ('Wonderful ', 0.31956371665000916), ('selection', 0.035834766924381256), (', ', 0.005121253430843353), ('along ', 0.10233896638965234), ('with ', 0.0403111758059822), ('the ', 0.09598464606096968), ('more ', 0.15755331789841875), ('obscure ', -0.15107974204875063), ('comics', 0.10494015731092077), ('.', -0.013634035247378051), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Review Soon To Be Posted............'} [('', 0.0), ('Review ', 0.24401223752647638), ('Soon ', 0.09263927396386862), ('To ', 0.029847526922822), ('Be ', -0.01748594833770767), ('Posted', -0.32808495772769675), ('.', 0.08439667988568544), ('.', -0.04388710448984057), ('.', -0.05889690003823489), ('.', -0.04809843155089766), ('.', -0.020172733697108924), ('.', -0.044068045797757804), ('.', -0.035614885040558875), ('.', -0.019991132779978216), ('.', -0.006193599780090153), ('.', -0.025741579942405224), ('.', -0.010278101544827223), ('.', -0.12374296551570296), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'The best chicken cheesesteaks ever!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.1278846450150013), ('best ', 0.6723147820448503), ('chicken ', -0.12433513847645372), ('cheese', -0.16066564997890964), ('ste', 0.04177671927027404), ('aks ', -0.11060499964514747), ('ever', 0.11969018826493993), ('!', 0.09221877559321001), ('!', 0.04264461249113083), ('!', -0.004165485501289368), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'The wings with teriyaki sauce is awesome!'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.027320843189954758), ('wings ', 0.19473120290786028), ('with ', 0.03724965360015631), ('ter', -0.11324182339012623), ('iya', 0.21622543968260288), ('ki ', 0.03292613476514816), ('sauce ', -0.14356442354619503), ('is ', 0.001896057277917862), ('awesome', 0.4967519883066416), ('!', 0.0012053176760673523), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'i love this bar. period =)'} [('', 0.0), ('i ', 0.024079314433038235), ('love ', 0.7502673878334463), ('this ', 0.03139535430818796), ('bar', -0.0681827305816114), ('. ', 0.017291180789470673), ('period ', 0.00695403479039669), ('=', -0.04320400021970272), (')', 0.010473936796188354), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'The place in Vegas for Prime Meat!'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.15501093864440918), ('place ', 0.30294157192111015), ('in ', 0.16383609548211098), ('Vegas ', 0.15936507191509008), ('for ', -0.06687510292977095), ('Prime ', 0.22865842282772064), ('Meat', -0.28281477466225624), ('!', 0.06681495159864426), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Average bacon melt, average service, average place. Ho hum.'} [('', 0.0), ('Average ', -0.025934839737601578), ('bacon ', -0.0625798909313744), ('melt', -0.03205197422357742), (', ', -0.006960491300560534), ('average ', 0.0037769779592053965), ('service', -0.051463487834553234), (', ', -0.004095525393495336), ('average ', 0.002431334534776397), ('place', 0.005975348947686143), ('. ', -0.012270729435840622), ('Ho ', -0.06254719465505332), ('hum', -0.09337830392178148), ('.', -0.044356575002893806), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great Italian food in Las Vegas. Never been disappointed here'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.14033079147338867), ('Italian ', 0.06086380034685135), ('food ', 0.0426936075091362), ('in ', 0.013716229237616062), ('Las ', 0.029814421199262142), ('Vegas', 0.0611150860786438), ('. ', -0.013777978718280792), ('Never ', 0.3322630436741747), ('been ', 0.06375166802899912), ('disappointed ', -0.1247844063618686), ('here', 0.05997130760806613), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great service and products!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.3083261623978615), ('service ', 0.024632073938846588), ('and ', 0.10048314183950424), ('products', 0.044896192848682404), ('!', 0.18570177257061005), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'you get what you pay for.'} [('', 0.0), ('you ', 0.5307077765464783), ('get ', -0.2531144837848842), ('what ', 0.1534426431171596), ('you ', 0.31067053508013487), ('pay ', -0.21630624402314425), ('for', 0.17540995962917805), ('.', 0.01779765635728836), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great food for a decent price'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.17462079226970673), ('food ', 0.14135825261473656), ('for ', 0.029727060347795486), ('a ', 0.11597821116447449), ('decent ', 0.2390751838684082), ('price', -0.00962725281715393), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Love this place! Love the fish&chips!'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.26346931234002113), ('this ', 0.04581182077527046), ('place', 0.014281995594501495), ('! ', 0.025082707405090332), ('Love ', 0.2965063448064029), ('the ', 0.028749931138008833), ('fish', -0.04410515818744898), ('&', 0.09729777369648218), ('chips', -0.02864524256438017), ('!', -0.0015172883868217468), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'All I can really say about this place is \\"Meh\\".....'} [('', 0.0), ('All ', -0.11528958084818441), ('I ', -0.11427324097894598), ('can ', -0.012271161889657378), ('really ', -0.036924480307789054), ('say ', 0.05239423085731687), ('about ', 0.0463031602994306), ('this ', -0.02122830576263368), ('place ', -0.007838885299861431), ('is ', -0.0016436822625109926), ('\\', -0.019507171826262493), ('"', -0.028355628026474733), ('Me', -0.006045663063559914), ('h', -0.008699041518411832), ('\\', -0.06485735621390631), ('"', -0.024156564082659315), ('.', -0.012992312222195324), ('.', -0.03393758441961836), ('.', -0.02023546140117105), ('.', -0.02540311057236977), ('.', -0.029773116868454963), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'good food, good drinks, good times'} [('', 0.0), ('good ', 0.20277965813875198), ('food', 0.08775738626718521), (', ', 0.07410718500614166), ('good ', 0.13323472253978252), ('drinks', 0.015743965283036232), (', ', 0.033103056252002716), ('good ', 0.1928717214614153), ('times', -0.01032199151813984), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Decent Italian food in a good setting.'} [('', 0.0), ('Decent ', 0.19978785514831543), ('Italian ', 0.11379335075616837), ('food ', 0.05097951740026474), ('in ', -0.046558416448533535), ('a ', 0.06066883075982332), ('good ', 0.26935785356909037), ('setting', 0.10678116325289011), ('.', -0.025535881519317627), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': "A place for trouble every time I'm in Vegas."} [('', 0.0), ('A ', 0.09982243564445525), ('place ', 0.08441288955509663), ('for ', 0.07187104725744575), ('trouble ', -0.6949611649324652), ('every ', 0.02253837525495328), ('time ', -0.08093130897032097), ('I', 0.0555379893630743), ("'", -0.005961091723293066), ('m ', 0.044165553292259574), ('in ', 0.00985681894235313), ('Vegas', 0.26449112547561526), ('.', -0.06757310405373573), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Tad pricy for a gay bar,'} [('', 0.0), ('Tad ', -0.0402360555017367), ('pri', -0.031176126387435943), ('cy ', -0.07713686098577455), ('for ', -0.009407442208612338), ('a ', 0.1031293146952521), ('gay ', -0.10766744127613492), ('bar', -0.0920571718888823), (',', -0.009802535292692482), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Amazing time'} [('', 0.0), ('Amazing ', 0.2076932191848755), ('time', 0.0654492974281311), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'I recommend the garlic chicken sandwich.'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', 0.0046407245099544525), ('recommend ', 0.785565949510783), ('the ', 0.019108124542981386), ('garlic ', 0.008507601218298078), ('chicken ', -0.07293594465591013), ('sandwich', -0.013384493999183178), ('.', -0.016028428450226784), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Good chicken fingers.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.7961974907666445), ('chicken ', -0.30971160042099655), ('fingers', 0.1443879089783877), ('.', -0.04438081383705139), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Favorite bar in Vegas'} [('', 0.0), ('Favorite ', 0.18416840583086014), ('bar ', -0.0042727068066596985), ('in ', 0.12723053991794586), ('Vegas', 0.2782011777162552), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'When in Vegas a MUST stop in place !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'} [('', -0.0023208479396998882), ('When ', 0.030371392145752907), ('in ', 0.06437641778029501), ('Vegas ', 0.3454244213644415), ('a ', 0.060583924797053136), ('MUST ', 0.012256752622003358), ('stop ', -0.38737582538306015), ('in ', 0.041168992764141876), ('place ', -0.02347299043321982), ('!', 0.047793334970871605), ('!', 0.001617862842977047), ('!', 0.0060530295595526695), ('!', 0.014921067282557487), ('!', 0.010998141020536423), ('!', 0.008946948684751987), ('!', 0.007111179642379284), ('!', -0.0010065063834190369), ('!', -0.0034903325140476227), ('!', -0.005758501589298248), ('!', -0.006073242053389549), ('!', -0.0022036731243133545), ('!', 0.0005243364721536636), ('!', 0.023610999807715416), ('!', 0.01856810785830021), ('!', 0.027000035159289837), ('!', 0.04007295612245798), ('!', 0.02299730572849512), ('!', 0.032018753699958324), ('!', 0.025083701126277447), ('!', 0.029311303980648518), ('!', 0.021015994250774384), ('', 0.0021072514355182648)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Breakfast was good, but the shuttle service sucked!! Always late!'} [('', 0.0), ('Breakfast ', 0.045953806988109136), ('was ', -0.04064776364066347), ('good', 0.33041823763960565), (', ', -0.019683967941091396), ('but ', -0.2299853408767376), ('the ', 0.021209923653259466), ('shuttle ', -0.13259728419961903), ('service ', -0.04679180888888368), ('sucked', -0.23939868304842093), ('!', -0.05474842938565416), ('! ', 0.02709627959120553), ('Always ', 0.1395088206336368), ('late', -0.24798314365762053), ('!', 0.03219789884315105), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Solid pizza with good service.\\nSmaller shop with less seating.'} [('', 0.0), ('Solid ', 0.3513543149601901), ('pizza ', -0.04532249534895527), ('with ', 0.06161501863607555), ('good ', 0.41403767168230843), ('service', -0.007166415409301408), ('.', 0.0057764438388403505), ('\\', -0.024077416834188625), ('nS', -0.014642901605839143), ('mal', -0.024720602759771282), ('ler ', -0.029065840113617014), ('shop ', -0.02933526442029688), ('with ', -0.008490280646583415), ('less ', -0.08970422201855399), ('seating', 0.018910906850578613), ('.', -0.01767435776127968), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'great food and service. I love this place.'} [('', 0.0), ('great ', 0.19727611541748047), ('food ', 0.008713334798812866), ('and ', 0.10015606321394444), ('service', -0.008656088262796402), ('. ', 0.05108002759516239), ('I ', 0.020444604568183422), ('love ', 0.1892158417031169), ('this ', 0.10721196164377034), ('place', 0.06296954187564552), ('.', -0.03147706016898155), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Simply awesome food! Manu covers almost everything.'} [('', 0.0), ('Simply ', 0.05036089010536671), ('awesome ', 0.19422771502286196), ('food', 0.08037120942026377), ('! ', 0.02553623914718628), ('Man', 0.13666085340082645), ('u ', 0.03927837684750557), ('covers ', 0.08287107199430466), ('almost ', 0.0022613070905208588), ('everything', 0.11683628894388676), ('.', -0.031472112983465195), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Must go! while in vegas.'} [('', 0.0), ('Must ', 0.04864402115345001), ('go', 0.244717825204134), ('! ', 0.481240663677454), ('while ', -0.21547814994119108), ('in ', -0.0020520060788840055), ('vegas', 0.19069190928712487), ('.', -0.024699602276086807), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Except their biryani nothing is really worth trying.'} [('', 0.0), ('Except ', -0.023955158270837273), ('their ', -0.024783696127997246), ('bi', -0.022490726129035465), ('rya', 0.032005824647058034), ('ni ', -0.017627588527830085), ('nothing ', -0.5964736617788731), ('is ', -0.0015368621425295714), ('really ', 0.022438730233261595), ('worth ', 0.3778710243823298), ('trying', -0.04137279769201996), ('.', -0.03694129157520365), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Safe to pass.'} [('', 0.0), ('Safe ', 0.805681170662865), ('to ', 0.13215889793355018), ('pass', -0.307329052942805), ('.', -0.0443916916847229), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great food, reasonable prices!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.14317134767770767), ('food', 0.1233387216925621), (', ', 0.08538171648979187), ('reasonable ', 0.3512211022898555), ('prices', -0.09816159587353468), ('!', 0.08615067601203918), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "Toto's is so-so. Not bad or good, just fine."} [('', 0.0), ('To', 0.0674640869256109), ('to', 0.046547940699383616), ("'", 0.029444675659760833), ('s ', 0.058305164566263556), ('is ', -0.05193505925126374), ('so', -0.051093232119455934), ('-', -0.07986217364668846), ('so', -0.03728150809183717), ('. ', 0.015061397105455399), ('Not ', -0.041953010234010435), ('bad ', 0.21299048674381993), ('or ', -0.04003265127539635), ('good', 0.1278524026274681), (', ', 0.005595587193965912), ('just ', -0.015603418927639723), ('fine', 0.3388984794728458), ('.', -0.04692265763878822), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Highly Recommended. Good Food!'} [('', 0.0), ('Highly ', 0.11118058115243912), ('Recommended', 0.12372816354036331), ('. ', 0.11063463985919952), ('Good ', 0.14903194457292557), ('Food', 0.1116831973195076), ('!', 0.08487372100353241), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Yummy flame broiled corn'} [('', 0.0), ('Yu', 0.24687768748844974), ('mmy ', 0.03376248668064363), ('flame ', 0.09274146193638444), ('bro', -0.25712972751352936), ('iled ', -0.1733001257525757), ('corn', -0.24164172098971903), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Place has terrible parking.'} [('', 0.0), ('Place ', 0.22161154996138066), ('has ', 0.16311970288370503), ('terrible ', -0.5817014307176578), ('parking', -0.09017707750899717), ('.', -0.04533635848201811), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good prices but the service is horrible!'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.3552748579058971), ('prices ', -0.11035159870880307), ('but ', -0.22245603257761104), ('the ', 0.008354441567462345), ('service ', -0.044140564167719276), ('is ', 0.05963769831396348), ('horrible', -0.4302778377877985), ('!', 0.11481043668027269), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Terrible service. Over priced. Small portions.'} [('', 0.0), ('Terrible ', -0.10227593753734254), ('service', -0.03453478439041646), ('. ', 0.02623811322337133), ('Over ', -0.0369787560612167), ('priced', -0.06853246797800239), ('. ', -0.0024293897113238927), ('Small ', -0.050805961753212614), ('portions', 0.015439299128047423), ('.', -0.03263554241129896), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Molto bene!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Mo', 0.1659663172904402), ('lto ', 0.16823463491164148), ('ben', 0.1938710429240018), ('e', -0.0760073319543153), ('!', 0.09779217839241028), ('!', 0.10844647884368896), ('!', 0.05735123157501221), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Brad is awesome!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Brad ', 0.09679235890507698), ('is ', 0.009599035605788231), ('awesome', 0.1337640266865492), ('!', 0.15325286239385605), ('!', 0.27061961591243744), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'killer pancakes!!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('killer ', -0.09474696591496468), ('pancakes', -0.06342720612883568), ('!', 0.5289702862501144), ('!', 0.1230039894580841), ('!', 0.008414536714553833), ('!', 0.09491053223609924), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "It has it's pros and cons. Cute bartender tho"} [('', 0.0), ('It ', -0.009341856930404902), ('has ', -0.00643347529694438), ('it', 0.02628142648609355), ("'", 0.02761658950475976), ('s ', 0.031559286173433065), ('pro', 0.17492578993551433), ('s ', 0.11325217015109956), ('and ', -0.013501910492777824), ('con', -0.04334597033448517), ('s', -0.016321747796609998), ('. ', -0.008764829020947218), ('Cute ', 0.4349701842293143), ('bartender ', 0.07721278537064791), ('tho', -0.20544326677918434), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great service by KFC employee Marquese.. Kind of unheard of..'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.609033702115994), ('service ', 0.1707506868915516), ('by ', 0.015105765844054986), ('K', -0.03225211481185397), ('FC ', -0.04150479648524197), ('employee ', -0.06955253778141923), ('Mar', 0.09210131496365648), ('ques', 0.024886233135475777), ('e', -0.02150144983897917), ('.', -0.015586454246658832), ('. ', -0.04574124934151769), ('Kind ', 0.002005842143262271), ('of ', 0.004783695309015457), ('un', -0.13040063561493298), ('heard ', 0.010162805032450706), ('of', -0.043673800442775246), ('.', -0.021605936955893412), ('.', -0.0360267898067832), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Kool comics n toys'} [('', 0.0), ('Ko', 0.5067085847258568), ('ol ', 0.08350706845521927), ('comics ', 0.0755891976878047), ('n ', 0.05865454953163862), ('toys', -0.13790257833898067), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'This place confused wont be back food is ok'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', -0.03969418641645461), ('place ', -0.060877446725498885), ('confused ', -0.14483136782655492), ('won', 0.2609943288989598), ('t ', -0.24167864433547948), ('be ', -0.16374634702515323), ('back ', -0.05816677834081929), ('food ', -0.008099047467112541), ('is ', 0.21592224156484008), ('ok', 0.33819088712334633), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Cramped small pet shop. Ghetto pet shop.'} [('', 0.0), ('Cramped ', -0.10151108422724064), ('small ', -0.010046510946267517), ('pet ', -0.022865881324833026), ('shop', -0.03519203240284696), ('. ', 0.023816033935872838), ('Ghetto ', -0.04607816975476453), ('pet ', -0.01859455192607129), ('shop', -0.045511298478231765), ('.', -0.030015377007657662), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'I like this store. They are knowledgable and friendly.'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', 0.17553355218842626), ('like ', 0.19461186224361882), ('this ', 0.08077147259609774), ('store', -0.13362996350042522), ('. ', -0.02607029676437378), ('They ', -0.006615128833800554), ('are ', 0.06388651905581355), ('know', -0.006476101465523243), ('led', 0.02122484939172864), ('ga', 0.0269939627032727), ('ble ', -0.007556562544777989), ('and ', 0.004430871456861496), ('friendly', 0.19810236152261496), ('.', -0.0018410934135317802), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "Smith's is cheaper."} [('', 0.0), ('Smith', 0.06710842251777649), ("'", 0.12600277364253998), ('s ', 0.05414862930774689), ('is ', -0.07654904760420322), ('cheaper', 0.49606131576001644), ('.', 0.016403887420892715), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Everyone always nice and eager to help'} [('', 0.0), ('Everyone ', 0.11543379351496696), ('always ', 0.061952004209160805), ('nice ', 0.16517736203968525), ('and ', 0.0780816301703453), ('eager ', 0.13459889590740204), ('to ', 0.11465930938720703), ('help', 0.0534851998090744), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Good cheese burgers, cheap drinks. They have a water wheel!'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.8267132705659606), ('cheese ', 0.05843635927885771), ('burger', -0.07179744345194194), ('s', 0.021692804075428285), (', ', 0.01020772656193003), ('cheap ', -0.22461936436593533), ('drinks', -0.006128144101239741), ('. ', 0.08465147810056806), ('They ', -0.0024858666583895683), ('have ', 0.007267124485224485), ('a ', 0.08139186026528478), ('water ', -0.18334861798211932), ('wheel', -0.04377463413402438), ('!', 0.014448856934905052), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Food was fair.'} [('', 0.0), ('Food ', 0.30188508331775665), ('was ', 0.06215851753950119), ('fair', 0.2667997404932976), ('.', -0.04428747296333313), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Amazing and authentic. Next level, not your average Mexican restaurant.'} [('', 0.0), ('Amazing ', 0.3673226460814476), ('and ', -0.025002937763929367), ('authentic', 0.3650421849451959), ('. ', -0.025286668445914984), ('Next ', 0.05581112904474139), ('level', 0.10358633240684867), (', ', -0.0093560004606843), ('not ', -0.2138357303047087), ('your ', -0.1179844314174261), ('average ', 0.044663387448963476), ('Mexican ', 0.057142405883496394), ('restaurant', 0.025801680945733096), ('.', -0.018543303478509188), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Not a fan.\\nGuacamole is the only thing I like here.'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', -0.32739817156107165), ('a ', 0.03396260213048663), ('fan', 0.08397796341159847), ('.', -0.022899280244018883), ('\\', -0.03548029196099378), ('nG', 0.004336333440733142), ('ua', -0.02511453875922598), ('cam', -0.007493033706850838), ('ole ', -0.012120132763811853), ('is ', 0.007498165519791655), ('the ', -0.003743914916412905), ('only ', -0.2588567381462781), ('thing ', -0.06345538137247786), ('I ', 0.09615753059915733), ('like ', 0.08542560413479805), ('here', -0.005347665079170838), ('.', -0.007586084466311149), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'The service was amazing, but the food was just ok.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.029053188860416412), ('service ', -0.04542457277420908), ('was ', -0.01814663375262171), ('amazing', 0.41312472452409565), (', ', -0.0068048834800720215), ('but ', -0.07460243487730622), ('the ', 0.0038723128382116556), ('food ', -0.004893705016002059), ('was ', 0.02187573187984526), ('just ', 0.018901924369856715), ('ok', 0.37244151160120964), ('.', -0.024050516076385975), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great for some upscale Mexican. Not a taco joint.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.2943029210146051), ('for ', 0.030140831309836358), ('some ', 0.02230213358416222), ('upscale ', 0.24823419757012744), ('Mexican', 0.09603969393356238), ('. ', -0.06164704842376523), ('Not ', -0.16490226643509232), ('a ', -0.04911749958409928), ('ta', -0.007004013619734906), ('co ', 0.03102918814693112), ('joint', -0.09249571632244624), ('.', -0.07860099116805941), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Fish is not fresh! Way better places in town.'} [('', 0.0), ('Fish ', -0.057421955487370724), ('is ', -0.0004445497643246199), ('not ', -0.6286652050794146), ('fresh', 0.10064585950203764), ('! ', 0.04130465956404805), ('Way ', 0.13738294504037185), ('better ', -0.006638107495746226), ('places ', 0.04623350992551423), ('in ', 0.02178885302055278), ('town', 0.07525911246193573), ('.', -0.05970885019632988), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'I was in a bind. I hold my head down'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', -0.014112481730990112), ('was ', -0.02349631761899218), ('in ', -0.032939987315330654), ('a ', -0.005560141813475639), ('bind', -0.15172356547554955), ('. ', 0.06636216852348298), ('I ', 0.13177774874202441), ('hold ', 0.14347399248799775), ('my ', -0.05550216507981531), ('head ', -0.05110317128128372), ('down', -0.33519140642601997), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Always crowded. I prefer going to other Walmarts.'} [('', 0.0), ('Always ', 0.22099328658077866), ('crowded', -0.39666675974149257), ('. ', -0.01602432271465659), ('I ', 0.010895438259467483), ('prefer ', -0.0008045878494158387), ('going ', -0.07198237007833086), ('to ', 0.05397483354317956), ('other ', -0.05002988362684846), ('Wal', -0.03969842873630114), ('mart', -0.03777000293484889), ('s', -0.012975553632713854), ('.', -0.023450962966307998), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Cheap, cheap, cheap!'} [('', 0.0), ('Cheap', -0.2731559855674277), (', ', 0.1189904090060736), ('cheap', -0.12126317690854194), (', ', 0.04420416296488838), ('cheap', -0.11955003787079477), ('!', 0.042328658604674274), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Always have my order wrong. I hate that!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Always ', 0.07875537278596312), ('have ', 0.0013443871430354193), ('my ', -0.010863860850804485), ('order ', -0.07305822808848461), ('wrong', -0.2109177616875968), ('. ', 0.03710845140449237), ('I ', 0.062327128332981374), ('hate ', -0.2240617798815947), ('that', -0.025121137143287342), ('!', 0.008093481592368335), ('!', 0.002040737133938819), ('!', -0.016411388060078025), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'I love the italian subs! And there fruit punch!'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', -0.04486366035416722), ('love ', 0.44426930171903223), ('the ', 0.0219055408379063), ('italian ', 0.05579033284448087), ('sub', -0.06612494331784546), ('s', -0.015499212080612779), ('! ', -0.06796180224046111), ('And ', 0.11570951994508505), ('there ', 0.08698433358222246), ('fruit ', 0.19415138568729162), ('punch', -0.1033585099503398), ('!', 0.006103694438934326), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good quality clothes at bargain prices. Enough said.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.47730217408388853), ('quality ', 0.2881301352754235), ('clothes ', 0.07053078152239323), ('at ', 0.023667854256927967), ('bargain ', -0.07751988875679672), ('prices', -0.05585761251859367), ('. ', 0.013356088194996119), ('Enough ', -0.09836779162287712), ('said', 0.0883452519774437), ('.', -0.03507343307137489), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good Gym, Great Vibe, Decent Price!'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.3224596083164215), ('Gym', -0.0059720054268836975), (', ', 0.03996460884809494), ('Great ', 0.10735427401959896), ('Vibe', 0.04045793227851391), (', ', 0.030753973871469498), ('Decent ', 0.19451702712103724), ('Price', -0.018246616702526808), ('!', 0.0017171278595924377), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Sauerkraut? For the Hot Dogs? Would you mind?'} [('', 0.0), ('Sa', 0.0006167255924083292), ('uer', -0.048036452557425946), ('kra', -0.036904316395521164), ('ut', -0.032844707486219704), ('? ', -0.10456573427654803), ('For ', 0.0007943582895677537), ('the ', 0.0167383199732285), ('Hot ', 0.047100825468078256), ('Dogs', -0.11239206936443225), ('? ', -0.0968083719490096), ('Would ', -0.10385815747576999), ('you ', 0.1304249269378488), ('mind', 0.03345690865535289), ('?', -0.0997788057429716), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Terrible late night happy hour. Food sucked prices'} [('', 0.0), ('Terrible ', -0.10649068808197626), ('late ', -0.0035846289229084505), ('night ', 0.020189335295071942), ('happy ', 0.32199892450989864), ('hour', -0.020740021644087392), ('. ', 0.11760396932368167), ('Food ', -0.043259112564555835), ('sucked ', -0.309914047793427), ('prices', -0.2600259010650916), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'smoke filled bar that serves TV dinners'} [('', 0.0), ('smoke ', -0.23988362029194832), ('filled ', 0.1630571996793151), ('bar ', -0.11233496945351362), ('that ', -0.003467962611466646), ('serves ', 0.5834534256719053), ('TV ', -0.4277112460695207), ('dinners', 0.13684854330495), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Great prices...bad customer service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.3526596654992318), ('prices', -0.07831462615649798), ('.', 0.06983925711756456), ('.', 0.004556594109089929), ('.', 0.006287943788265693), ('bad ', -0.5970854851534568), ('customer ', 0.049608897572852584), ('service', -0.04720415193332883), ('.', -0.04701462763296149), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Service is ok but foods not good for me'} [('', 0.0), ('Service ', -0.06842010863329051), ('is ', 0.1777916365826968), ('ok ', 0.2236424256770988), ('but ', -0.4415026241185842), ('foods ', -0.027191124001546996), ('not ', -0.6567264755103679), ('good ', 0.13315349073673133), ('for ', 0.022060529998270795), ('me', 0.3533002051699441), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Ukffdfghhff'} [('', 0.0), ('Uk', -0.04074059287086129), ('ff', -0.015536070801317692), ('df', -0.07888668263331056), ('gh', -0.04993576370179653), ('h', -0.11994653893634677), ('ff', 0.00814427761361003), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'My favorite Mexican joint. Oh so good.'} [('', 0.0), ('My ', 0.005762707442045212), ('favorite ', 0.2644507938530296), ('Mexican ', 0.10762451752088964), ('joint', -0.051782074850052595), ('. ', 0.024469241499900818), ('Oh ', 0.022068215534090996), ('so ', 0.010478440672159195), ('good', 0.3577787894755602), ('.', -0.02786937728524208), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "Good food...lot's of choices. A bit pricey."} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.23631833121180534), ('food', 0.05406928434967995), ('.', -0.013116464018821716), ('.', -0.02939305268228054), ('.', -0.0301364753395319), ('lot', -0.03232207545079291), ("'", 0.0238878121599555), ('s ', 0.03622660995461047), ('of ', -0.01557797018904239), ('choices', 0.02431557804811746), ('. ', 0.022288519889116287), ('A ', 0.04959465633146465), ('bit ', -0.08704961906187236), ('price', 0.1332164779305458), ('y', 0.2112063653767109), ('.', -0.03180622681975365), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Love the atmosphere, service good, food is bland.'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.24723865977830428), ('the ', -0.0004354592774689081), ('atmosphere', 0.08284970721160789), (', ', 0.00776973399479175), ('service ', -0.02977513731639192), ('good', 0.1840328039816086), (', ', 0.006511442483315477), ('food ', -0.1003968967606852), ('is ', -0.24518368352346442), ('bland', -0.45954482608431135), ('.', -0.017738941016432364), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Great Service and convenient location'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.20060232654213905), ('Service ', 0.047612015157938004), ('and ', 0.0976651981472969), ('convenient ', 0.3507618345320225), ('location', -0.032654840499162674), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Never have issues, the staff is great.'} [('', 0.0), ('Never ', -0.011187692289240658), ('have ', 0.1811296449159272), ('issues', 0.06032222678186372), (', ', 0.12322985380887985), ('the ', 0.02701487299054861), ('staff ', 0.13612475525587797), ('is ', -0.09925879561342299), ('great', 0.3246503046248108), ('.', -0.02907485142350197), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Randy, Mary Beth, and Jonas are STELLAR.'} [('', 0.0), ('Randy', 0.059658877551555634), (', ', 0.045676447451114655), ('Mary ', 0.11667479574680328), ('Beth', 0.02750944346189499), (', ', 0.0605287179350853), ('and ', 0.022759772837162018), ('Jonas ', 0.05772219458594918), ('are ', 0.07220413396134973), ('STELLAR', 0.25973881501704454), ('.', -0.02555602230131626), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Nicest Chuck E Cheese I have EVER been to!'} [('', 0.0), ('Nice', 0.45225078356452286), ('st ', -0.04793352750129998), ('Chuck ', 0.04507273365743458), ('E ', 0.08182012452743948), ('Cheese ', -0.17174697387963533), ('I ', -0.02267514169216156), ('have ', 0.08289623586460948), ('EVER ', 0.12999351369217038), ('been ', -0.013495618710294366), ('to', 0.13809595839120448), ('!', -0.008437760174274445), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Sales people here were nice. Store looked clean.'} [('', 0.0), ('Sales ', -0.008198248222470284), ('people ', 0.04068502760492265), ('here ', -0.04933284013532102), ('were ', -0.009019628632813692), ('nice', 0.7441181554459035), ('. ', 0.0452670669183135), ('Store ', -0.21996982250129804), ('looked ', 0.015038585348520428), ('clean', 0.2084923762595281), ('.', -0.07417745143175125), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'This place is cool.'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', 0.23322518169879913), ('place ', 0.20158465998247266), ('is ', -0.029898465145379305), ('cool', 0.30389126390218735), ('.', -0.04480573534965515), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Service & Staff are A ok'} [('', 0.0), ('Service ', 0.05582702159881592), ('& ', 0.14792770147323608), ('Staff ', 0.11410775780677795), ('are ', 0.032835766673088074), ('A ', 0.12858900427818298), ('ok', 0.21162791550159454), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'They no longer provide shuttle service.'} [('', 0.0), ('They ', -0.09382983820978552), ('no ', -0.13922071462729946), ('longer ', -0.1342313106288202), ('provide ', 0.21963176757890324), ('shuttle ', -0.10584086411290627), ('service', 0.07805724081845256), ('.', -0.09294391551520675), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great pizza! Highly recommend if you are in the area.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.3165753986686468), ('pizza', -0.029853617772459984), ('! ', 0.02684226632118225), ('Highly ', 0.08774170465767384), ('recommend ', 0.17756749130785465), ('if ', -0.09423418249934912), ('you ', 0.08049141895025969), ('are ', 0.07506355177611113), ('in ', -0.01989345531910658), ('the ', 0.011541178449988365), ('area', 0.019003519788384438), ('.', -0.023623839020729065), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good peruvian not like mi peru'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.6623654793947935), ('peruvian ', 0.03784903744235635), ('not ', -0.3003188488073647), ('like ', 0.02791603095829487), ('mi ', 0.04066276736557484), ('peru', 0.22124145552515984), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'AYCE .. cant beat it..'} [('', 0.0), ('A', 0.3525766594102606), ('YCE ', -0.2297511057695374), ('.', -0.027719472534954548), ('. ', -0.01384334173053503), ('can', 0.14606864347297233), ('t ', -0.19337806261319201), ('beat ', 0.0991383723448962), ('it', -0.16891042771749198), ('.', -0.0731280017644167), ('.', -0.12235924229025841), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'The best AYCE sushi place.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.07082533836364746), ('best ', 0.4981270581483841), ('A', 0.05234306491911411), ('YCE ', -0.18961704708635807), ('su', 0.044510114938020706), ('shi ', 0.1412239009514451), ('place', 0.0760515658184886), ('.', 0.03556923568248749), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'There is always a good deal here.'} [('', 0.0), ('There ', 0.05312538892030716), ('is ', 0.05634545348584652), ('always ', 0.08791840262711048), ('a ', 0.13840302918106318), ('good ', 0.34464161191135645), ('deal ', -0.006095302291214466), ('here', 0.040298919193446636), ('.', 0.014608755707740784), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Nothing better than hot donuts right out of the fryer.'} [('', 0.0), ('Nothing ', -0.6675174440897536), ('better ', 0.09290495602544979), ('than ', 0.15953806095421896), ('hot ', 0.06726076217455557), ('don', 0.020571840548655018), ('uts ', -0.08943627649568953), ('right ', 0.13688676909077913), ('out ', 0.0942139396793209), ('of ', -0.020816405944060534), ('the ', -0.012680687883403152), ('fry', -0.042955743381753564), ('er', -0.08531395473983139), ('.', -0.03550039348192513), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'eh.....you gotta get money from ATM sometimes'} [('', 0.0), ('eh', -0.042389243317302316), ('.', 0.00012565398355945945), ('.', -0.012725522683467716), ('.', -0.012131904775742441), ('.', -0.02599022729555145), ('.', -0.006311497825663537), ('you ', 0.026257160105160438), ('gotta ', -0.047082835881155916), ('get ', -0.06522948692145292), ('money ', -0.09874065507028718), ('from ', -0.025178834432153963), ('ATM ', -0.02181821601698175), ('sometimes', -0.05496383331774268), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Raw bloody chicken. 1 star for the atmosphere.'} [('', 0.0), ('Raw ', -0.06724534486420453), ('bloody ', -0.3191781217465177), ('chicken', -0.15179878834169358), ('. ', -0.021127834683284163), ('1 ', -0.16954512355732732), ('star ', 0.22868508929968812), ('for ', 0.06599977382575162), ('the ', 0.11835846441681497), ('atmosphere', 0.09587408840889111), ('.', -0.04281960683874786), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Excellent pizza!'} [('', 0.0), ('Excellent ', 0.169357031583786), ('pizza', 0.07205381989479065), ('!', 0.23544645309448242), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': ':/'} [('', 0.0), (':', 0.081684410572052), ('/', -0.3154897093772888), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "Not good I won't be back"} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', -0.5589998425275553), ('good ', 0.3462459768707049), ('I ', 0.06458798769017449), ('won', 0.15716600992163876), ("'", -0.07662846325183637), ('t ', -0.14085916115072905), ('be ', -0.03789511800277978), ('back', -0.023699048280832358), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great food. Really liked lunch specials.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.19759124517440796), ('food', 0.08038517832756042), ('. ', 0.09378412365913391), ('Really ', 0.06388243101537228), ('liked ', 0.23886366374790668), ('lunch ', 0.10223955847322941), ('specials', -0.021613406017422676), ('.', -0.025893092155456543), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Very rude, unprofessional,'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.04907245845242869), ('rude', -0.23847275409207214), (', ', 0.03871644681203179), ('un', -0.15722414436822874), ('pro', 0.09811684093074291), ('fe', -0.001920466058436432), ('ssion', -0.03356975045426225), ('al', -0.021162915167224128), (',', -0.019180565082933754), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Abosultely love the pepperoni pizza and Ceasar Salad here.'} [('', 0.0), ('Ab', -0.0031293178908526897), ('os', -0.03859237767755985), ('ult', -0.029058851767331362), ('ely ', -0.035205479711294174), ('love ', 0.8333644842496142), ('the ', 0.037068704259581864), ('pepper', -0.018414804013445973), ('oni ', -0.009099718648940325), ('pizza ', -0.0025535968597978354), ('and ', -0.02558179572224617), ('Ce', -0.07290740520693362), ('asa', 0.006669009802863002), ('r ', -0.017829364631325006), ('Salad ', -0.03292107209563255), ('here', -0.018168493174016476), ('.', -0.027428618632256985), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'The Keno is Goooooooooooooood!! Won 5G'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.020594105124473572), ('Ken', 0.03425021329894662), ('o ', -0.02199064940214157), ('is ', -0.029685887042433023), ('Goo', -0.09241197013761848), ('oo', -0.01258101302664727), ('oo', -0.0024260838981717825), ('oo', -0.00735825183801353), ('oo', -0.01321416234713979), ('oo', 0.017681729659670964), ('oo', 0.031202905112877488), ('od', -0.027052486198954284), ('!', -0.011527024675160646), ('! ', -0.031758157536387444), ('Won ', 0.8091512583196163), ('5', -0.048674226738512516), ('G', -0.043145244009792805), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Food was a great. Definitely recommend the Cracked Croissant!'} [('', 0.0), ('Food ', -0.029985172674059868), ('was ', 0.055104726459831), ('a ', 0.10750585934147239), ('great', 0.2035043640062213), ('. ', -0.030715815722942352), ('Definitely ', 0.031864344113273546), ('recommend ', 0.3223877546552103), ('the ', -0.012974116340046749), ('Cracked ', -0.12686158283031546), ('Cr', -0.006809966755099595), ('ois', 0.028473639977164567), ('sant', 0.029322411864995956), ('!', 0.038609933108091354), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'I,m from New York this is not pizza!'} [('', 0.0), ('I', -0.03919001949543599), (',', 0.0013261643325677142), ('m ', 0.10458828737137082), ('from ', -0.04460841529908066), ('New ', 0.09000331470815581), ('York ', 0.07100409563645371), ('this ', 0.02283741095197911), ('is ', 0.03529719434482104), ('not ', -0.5797472873528022), ('pizza', -0.05694063435294083), ('!', 0.06198893523105653), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Love that you can eat outside!'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.1979406774044037), ('that ', -0.007799413055181503), ('you ', 0.17636572942137718), ('can ', 0.1251602340489626), ('eat ', 0.21479969657957554), ('outside', -0.019127648323774338), ('!', 0.03609195351600647), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Quick, good mexican food.'} [('', 0.0), ('Quick', 0.014448750764131546), (', ', 0.3128787986934185), ('good ', 0.20984066184610128), ('mexican ', 0.021240106783807278), ('food', 0.16473831050097942), ('.', -0.032012950628995895), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Shitty ass fries man!'} [('', 0.0), ('Shitty ', -0.3100233246368589), ('ass ', -0.18566403382646968), ('fries ', -0.11462022695923224), ('man', 0.004294208050851012), ('!', 0.2706043259240687), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Bad customer service. Unreliable.'} [('', 0.0), ('Bad ', -0.279301065225809), ('customer ', 0.05352508578926063), ('service', 0.018200067878751724), ('. ', 0.052903061518009054), ('Unreliable', -0.12727394758258015), ('.', -0.026607347594108433), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Closed...Booo'} [('', 0.0), ('Closed', 0.03496669337619096), ('.', 0.2352206053910777), ('.', -0.1024348660139367), ('.', -0.043547316803596914), ('Boo', -0.6301289746770635), ('o', 0.20207659888546914), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "What can I say? It's a Walgreens."} [('', 0.0), ('What ', -0.04691861575702205), ('can ', -0.0026529978822509293), ('I ', -0.012754067862260854), ('say', -0.0032061932724900544), ('? ', -0.0953761930577457), ('It', 0.019799998284725007), ("'", 0.054686175753886346), ('s ', 0.0015720701776444912), ('a ', 0.06634741416200995), ('Wal', -0.17660903003707062), ('gree', 0.02680271769349929), ('ns', -0.19479341310216114), ('.', -0.02446979738306254), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Excellent pork tamale'} [('', 0.0), ('Excellent ', 0.6254291627556086), ('pork ', -0.3268375340849161), ('tam', 0.08852686733007431), ('ale', 0.1988372728228569), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Really good food and service!! Highly recommend it!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Really ', 0.01082044467329979), ('good ', 0.13216927088797092), ('food ', 0.021751658990979195), ('and ', 0.09843598026782274), ('service', 0.010265474207699299), ('!', 0.040202608332037926), ('! ', -0.04561501741409302), ('Highly ', 0.16356534941587597), ('recommend ', 0.17345571576151997), ('it', 0.018575887894257903), ('!', 0.011653340421617031), ('!', -0.007984116673469543), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Bad service, food is great'} [('', 0.0), ('Bad ', -0.34312115198918036), ('service', -0.13570503591108718), (', ', 0.32260380683874246), ('food ', 0.2858380955622124), ('is ', 0.13022462386652478), ('great', 0.42721173272730084), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Just OK. It used to be better.'} [('', 0.0), ('Just ', 0.07041687471792102), ('OK', 0.7127848356030881), ('. ', 0.05678196158260107), ('It ', -0.023818217450752854), ('used ', -0.013790320605039597), ('to ', 0.039227299494086765), ('be ', -0.050491204237914644), ('better', -0.05027110467199236), ('.', -0.028206723276525736), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Tasty but expensive. Prices comes with Taxes.'} [('', 0.0), ('Ta', 0.43178329803049564), ('sty ', 0.23808802757412195), ('but ', -0.21140003704931587), ('expensive', -0.018736380443442613), ('. ', 0.025303426838945597), ('Prices ', -0.16130029410123825), ('comes ', 0.011247413232922554), ('with ', -0.07129565137438476), ('Taxes', -0.14901095838285983), ('.', -0.12503987085074186), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'The decoration was good...people friendly..but cake was VERY DRY..VERY DISAPPOINTED'} [('', -1.2072969184373505e-05), ('The ', -0.03172675421410531), ('decoration ', 0.02972924639834673), ('was ', -0.015351263569755247), ('good', 0.28747414920144365), ('.', -0.014172287010296714), ('.', 0.007660230472659653), ('.', 0.015066859090560077), ('people ', -0.029309537752957717), ('friendly', 0.09469576521986103), ('.', 0.024965195360103585), ('.', 0.01025573779346208), ('but ', -0.1145841632351221), ('cake ', -0.0053345227830504886), ('was ', -0.023475759748725976), ('VERY ', -0.027765170732072873), ('DRY', -0.26979463290363126), ('.', -0.06279889365087002), ('.', -0.02070109575652168), ('VERY ', -0.09738926172030915), ('DISAPPOINTED', -0.24431131321944122), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'cheap and quick pest control service'} [('', 0.0), ('cheap ', -0.2533364472328685), ('and ', 0.07925916553358547), ('quick ', -0.03688669260736788), ('pest ', -0.07391093289334094), ('control ', 8.14318482298404e-05), ('service', -0.022963026480283588), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Yuk!\\n\\nMe no likey your chiney.'} [('', 0.0), ('Yu', 0.05448734003584832), ('k', -0.09308166266418993), ('!', -0.027348223025910556), ('\\', -0.02257633555564098), ('n', -0.014822603858192451), ('\\', -0.04151330278546084), ('nMe ', -0.12210448575206101), ('no ', -0.4429412999888882), ('like', 0.12219083288073307), ('y ', 0.07856946982064983), ('your ', 0.11003283494210336), ('chin', -0.07616256705659907), ('ey', 0.09113152154895943), ('.', -0.02769009186886251), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'All the dishes tasted the same.'} [('', 0.0), ('All ', 0.1703890934586525), ('the ', 0.13359811156988144), ('dishes ', 0.3762211948633194), ('tasted ', 0.1254231738857925), ('the ', 0.1662621241994202), ('same', -0.3000556752085686), ('.', 0.01976921409368515), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Gotta live $0.49 medium slurpee!!!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Gotta ', 0.05001611616171431), ('live ', 0.11698493021322065), ('$', -0.19352595109012327), ('0', -0.10947543216025224), ('.', -0.0702412887767423), ('49 ', 0.012545539957500296), ('medium ', -0.03874864592580707), ('sl', -0.07250036749246647), ('ur', -0.0408138351085654), ('pee', -0.09560775275895139), ('!', -0.014001329749589786), ('!', 0.002582915738457814), ('!', 0.007771343720378354), ('!', 0.014210139925125986), ('!', 0.0005499684484675527), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Friendly and energetic crew!'} [('', 0.0), ('Friendly ', 0.25031066685914993), ('and ', 0.08166379481554031), ('energetic ', 0.10124395415186882), ('crew', 0.09549472853541374), ('!', 0.13532059639692307), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good selection and helpful staff'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.14057639613747597), ('selection ', 0.10081243887543678), ('and ', 0.09082234650850296), ('helpful ', 0.18519439548254013), ('staff', 0.1466020569205284), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best Beat Buy in Vegas!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.2652662806212902), ('Beat ', 0.09792349487543106), ('Buy ', -0.03135043755173683), ('in ', 0.09628438577055931), ('Vegas', 0.1770818494260311), ('!', 0.06391751021146774), ('!', 0.053993016481399536), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'the best buy online pickup was the worst'} [('', 0.0), ('the ', 0.17366310798752238), ('best ', 0.2967485848857905), ('buy ', -0.12168011592802941), ('online ', -0.07348811537485744), ('pickup ', -0.2829840624672215), ('was ', 0.007550785766397894), ('the ', 0.04370908151668118), ('worst', -0.3139110232441453), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'puke'} [('', 0.0), ('pu', -0.8160427489783615), ('ke', 0.0970221331808716), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Starbucks is always a favorite!'} [('', 0.0), ('Starbucks ', -0.13126344978809357), ('is ', 0.07102823443710804), ('always ', 0.22956599108874798), ('a ', 0.1587880551815033), ('favorite', 0.20566138625144958), ('!', 0.15679234266281128), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Decent food and friendly service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Decent ', 0.14887771755456924), ('food ', 0.1278446838259697), ('and ', 0.06931373476982117), ('friendly ', 0.3522660229355097), ('service', 0.019087733700871468), ('.', -0.026270519942045212), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Always friendly service. Decent quality food.'} [('', 0.0), ('Always ', 0.07853348925709724), ('friendly ', 0.2277715504169464), ('service', -0.0006662197411060333), ('. ', 0.058878183364868164), ('Decent ', 0.17569766379892826), ('quality ', 0.1744877714663744), ('food', 0.040084827691316605), ('.', -0.025518834590911865), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Better than subway, jersey mikes and Quiznos!'} [('', 0.0), ('Better ', 0.29079698072746396), ('than ', 0.43460490909637883), ('subway', -0.18239212065236643), (', ', 0.17680097743868828), ('jersey ', -0.01491454429924488), ('mike', 0.10217442153953016), ('s ', -0.052551940781995654), ('and ', 0.03078556712716818), ('Quiz', -0.06112024583853781), ('nos', -0.11988194636069238), ('!', 0.060670724138617516), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Food was below average and staff a little rude !'} [('', 0.0), ('Food ', 0.013667285496921977), ('was ', -0.0076170698330315645), ('below ', -0.20354315966960712), ('average ', 0.03358876796301047), ('and ', 0.019105835301161278), ('staff ', 0.10175570256978972), ('a ', 0.06439375829359051), ('little ', -0.0005942159041296691), ('rude ', -0.32056485220527975), ('!', -0.0026522565312916413), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Like it here little far from the strip but nice.'} [('', 0.0), ('Like ', 0.16699391417205334), ('it ', 0.16785921901464462), ('here ', 0.04292743839323521), ('little ', -0.14450440148357302), ('far ', -0.008614285034127533), ('from ', 0.06714104890124872), ('the ', 0.043882984027732164), ('strip ', -0.007567295688204467), ('but ', -0.0652274452149868), ('nice', 0.4182478152215481), ('.', -0.0151175856590271), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Pizza was very bad like cardboard and was very expensive'} [('', 0.0), ('Pizza ', -0.04052015225533978), ('was ', 0.007363100549810042), ('very ', -0.008512500621691288), ('bad ', -0.08378456637319687), ('like ', 0.010656402228505613), ('cardboard ', -0.06541578292581107), ('and ', 0.023352417088972288), ('was ', 0.04599706856242847), ('very ', -0.0019602994434535503), ('expensive', -0.18941878694022307), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Delish! Chicken fingers & wings are da truth!'} [('', 0.0), ('Del', -0.12374579097377136), ('ish', -0.4397334440727718), ('! ', -0.03208585234824568), ('Chicken ', -0.21037742521730252), ('fingers ', 0.06733942244318314), ('& ', 0.1488662510237191), ('wings ', 0.15411235296051018), ('are ', 0.032361931502236985), ('da ', -0.1738440365443239), ('truth', 0.14674150638165884), ('!', 0.15077892987756059), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Big branch building not usually too busy.'} [('', 0.0), ('Big ', 0.03607618436217308), ('branch ', -0.05650283209979534), ('building ', 0.06919790990650654), ('not ', 0.40077976480097277), ('usually ', -0.016560094019951066), ('too ', 0.3678848330036999), ('busy', -0.05292264905983757), ('.', -0.025369107723236084), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'The food is very bland.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.05065334041501046), ('food ', 0.30695793419363326), ('is ', -0.016042221075622365), ('very ', -0.002505801092411275), ('bland', -0.6213861223968706), ('.', -0.02622003229043912), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Always a very helpful staff.'} [('', 0.0), ('Always ', 0.14265204966068268), ('a ', 0.14549534767866135), ('very ', 0.05544545501470566), ('helpful ', 0.1999682690948248), ('staff', 0.17331587336957455), ('.', -0.025823485106229782), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best corned beef hash on the damn planet. Seriously.'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.808143119502347), ('corn', -0.10304472284042276), ('ed ', -0.021449438791023567), ('beef ', -0.04019631205301266), ('hash ', -0.21817287868179847), ('on ', -0.0028193143662065268), ('the ', -0.001834515598602593), ('damn ', -0.08305491026840173), ('planet', 0.03810345134115778), ('. ', 0.03636436956003308), ('Seriously', 0.07968912273645401), ('.', 0.1267761066555977), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Solid service, solid food. Excellent breakfast spot.'} [('', 0.0), ('Solid ', 0.1840190077200532), ('service', -0.014239070005714893), (', ', 0.004708129912614822), ('solid ', 0.17981818597763777), ('food', -0.010091482661664486), ('. ', 0.004532422870397568), ('Excellent ', 0.38736698124557734), ('breakfast ', 0.0014687376096844673), ('spot', -0.00912013091146946), ('.', -0.03154417499899864), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best Eggs Benedict in town.'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.3644753247499466), ('Eggs ', -0.18891130574047565), ('Benedict ', 0.1773673314601183), ('in ', 0.16186110116541386), ('town', 0.19682236202061176), ('.', -0.021157708019018173), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good value compared to many asian places.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.1912078708410263), ('value ', 0.09533720463514328), ('compared ', 0.07979493588209152), ('to ', 0.06055338867008686), ('many ', 0.13442938588559628), ('asian ', 0.13176935259252787), ('places', 0.062017991207540035), ('.', -0.0258319228887558), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Went to Paseo verde location'} [('', 0.0), ('Went ', -0.08196999318897724), ('to ', 0.19182253070175648), ('Pas', 0.3310851538553834), ('eo ', 0.05344367679208517), ('verde ', 0.09468935802578926), ('location', 0.06737501546740532), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'pretty good food at a fair price.'} [('', 0.0), ('pretty ', 0.08127208054065704), ('good ', 0.2197735533118248), ('food ', 0.06999128311872482), ('at ', -0.021063239313662052), ('a ', 0.1524580316618085), ('fair ', 0.27824323112145066), ('price', -0.02758202562108636), ('.', -0.023812085390090942), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Service was worse than bad.'} [('', 0.0), ('Service ', 0.04102798385429196), ('was ', -0.053312182826630305), ('worse ', -0.1445986272810842), ('than ', 0.07779610678517201), ('bad', -0.20198025752142712), ('.', -0.02737533020990668), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'they are so kind and caring'} [('', 0.0), ('they ', 0.044926658272743225), ('are ', 0.06298729311674833), ('so ', -0.08526259567588568), ('kind ', 0.3230057843029499), ('and ', 0.08772176504135132), ('caring', 0.2577286660671234), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Received Smog Check here. It was quick with friendly service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Received ', -0.11635951255448163), ('Sm', -0.2390164581593126), ('og ', -0.14975639269687235), ('Check ', -0.10184272522747051), ('here', -0.021223845091299154), ('. ', 0.2822456815629266), ('It ', 0.017987260886002332), ('was ', -0.011012029077392071), ('quick ', -0.040983292856253684), ('with ', 0.17382531752809882), ('friendly ', 0.4622659627639223), ('service', -0.03301465910044499), ('.', 0.05478175194002688), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'great selection, great customer service......creepy creepers loitering !!! ekkkkkk'} [('', 9.807354460159938e-05), ('great ', 0.16634531424885304), ('selection', 0.008847290194050098), (', ', 0.026417905872222036), ('great ', 0.3763025886582909), ('customer ', 0.06875104364007711), ('service', 0.06088216161879245), ('.', 0.045068486186210066), ('.', -0.004459513234905899), ('.', -0.008478974807076156), ('.', -0.00520860848579711), ('.', -0.006273477595338288), ('.', -0.01274998149407717), ('creepy ', -0.02281663722533267), ('creep', -0.01654715525364736), ('ers ', -0.016990602111036424), ('lo', -0.026099722697836114), ('iter', -0.033124226927611744), ('ing ', -0.005214408090978395), ('!', -0.015605159802362323), ('!', -0.014917572714953817), ('! ', -0.011509999503946997), ('ek', 0.014305703805543349), ('kk', -0.030979968609504534), ('kk', -0.03353643702783821), ('k', -0.015417642020370945), ('', -9.992292949131557e-06)] {'label': 1, 'text': "I'll update my review when they settle my case."} [('', 0.0), ('I', -0.029532697051763535), ("'", -0.017939496785402298), ('ll ', 0.244126764126122), ('update ', -0.2174599515274167), ('my ', -0.17026728112250566), ('review ', 0.15935966838151217), ('when ', -0.0063626933842897415), ('they ', -0.034974390640854836), ('settle ', -0.025442637968808413), ('my ', 0.006921387976035476), ('case', -0.08180967275984585), ('.', -0.05110616981983185), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': '???'} [('', 0.0), ('?', -0.13900875742547214), ('?', -0.14484910177998245), ('?', -0.2310527297668159), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great food, service, and atmosphere. Highly recommended.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.12656903872266412), ('food', 0.057956519071012735), (', ', 0.05174658913165331), ('service', -0.035854386165738106), (', ', 0.0099160335958004), ('and ', 0.04135451838374138), ('atmosphere', 0.044456448405981064), ('. ', 0.03708186000585556), ('Highly ', 0.1783706396818161), ('recommended', 0.1897481083869934), ('.', -0.035284385085105896), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'slightly overpriced but the food is great.'} [('', 0.0), ('slightly ', -0.02372057578759268), ('over', -0.1330449848464923), ('pr', 0.007052762943203561), ('ice', -0.017902689694892615), ('d ', 0.0021311980963218957), ('but ', -0.06695244571892545), ('the ', 0.012697799375018803), ('food ', 0.06276022327438113), ('is ', 0.15787196300880169), ('great', 0.6813003998649947), ('.', -0.016196264536119998), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Bad service, ok pizza. Other locations are better.'} [('', 0.0), ('Bad ', -0.3687256615503429), ('service', -0.15681910909006547), (', ', 0.001125509759731358), ('ok ', 0.2362034090419911), ('pizza', -0.007644787225217442), ('. ', 0.10084569230457419), ('Other ', -0.008524947083060397), ('locations ', -0.025075098736124346), ('are ', -0.014600496366256266), ('better', -0.05825672756509448), ('.', -0.030979503397247754), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Fast, fresh, hot, friendly'} [('', 0.0), ('Fast', 0.23064221441745758), (', ', 0.12805326282978058), ('fresh', 0.07081211358308792), (', ', 0.022366546094417572), ('hot', 0.06845544278621674), (', ', 0.021633639931678772), ('friendly', 0.18146896362304688), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'The service is terrible. Go elsewhere'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.023957649753356236), ('service ', -0.018079779851632338), ('is ', 0.03502219503707238), ('terrible', -0.1975313545017343), ('. ', 0.017992059652897296), ('Go ', 0.13645437894228962), ('elsewhere', -0.2740623336540011), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'I like it better than Costco.'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', -0.009476453065872192), ('like ', 0.276857134886086), ('it ', 0.0983916549012065), ('better ', 0.1173254488967359), ('than ', 0.28911803057417274), ('Cost', -0.02786608086898923), ('co', 0.010387477930635214), ('.', -0.02549608051776886), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'This pizza is mediocre at best.'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', -0.038267014191660564), ('pizza ', -0.059277535536239156), ('is ', -0.005940766062849434), ('med', -0.22511897567710548), ('io', -0.06307820806796371), ('cre ', -0.2642906791261339), ('at ', 0.01977945513499435), ('best', 0.37366770261724014), ('.', -0.023936309553391766), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Love the finger bucket! Pure heaven and the pizza rocks!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.4168213523225859), ('the ', 0.012253773253178224), ('finger ', -0.029222446406492963), ('bucket', -0.04137071507284418), ('! ', -0.047983815893530846), ('Pure ', 0.04085741564631462), ('heaven ', 0.12469333969056606), ('and ', -0.01314740814268589), ('the ', 0.013725673081353307), ('pizza ', -0.016837596194818616), ('rocks', 0.12804375868290663), ('!', 0.024806766770780087), ('!', 0.0120018869638443), ('!', -0.041120707988739014), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'pizza is one thing they could make..the only thing.'} [('', 0.0), ('pizza ', -0.04446531570283696), ('is ', 0.14845627712202258), ('one ', 0.023739252268569544), ('thing ', -0.08099812467116863), ('they ', -0.04619491318590008), ('could ', 0.031125068984692916), ('make', 0.05212218931410462), ('.', 0.0976632972015068), ('.', -0.12280972325243056), ('the ', -0.0719765467219986), ('only ', -0.24325723841320723), ('thing', -0.035915116022806615), ('.', -0.0941770636709407), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'horrible. Just horrible'} [('', 0.0), ('horrible', -0.3184460559641593), ('. ', 0.11185401918919524), ('Just ', -0.08312633707100758), ('horrible', -0.12336458963545738), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Walmart sucks i hate it'} [('', 0.0), ('Wal', -0.03482323104617535), ('mart ', -0.01623533162273816), ('sucks ', -0.14365068385814084), ('i ', 0.05855421860178467), ('hate ', -0.5059837935696123), ('it', 0.3339330277085537), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Customer Service is abysmal.'} [('', 0.0), ('Customer ', -0.009712049301015213), ('Service ', -0.0020644414325943217), ('is ', -0.023632809447008185), ('ab', -0.19230546534163295), ('ys', 0.11778147466611699), ('mal', -0.12367666114732856), ('.', -0.041484156769001856), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Oh dear!'} [('', 0.0), ('Oh ', 0.10728965699672699), ('dear', 0.1298048049211502), ('!', 0.23829835653305054), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Such a great park! Great price and lots of fun!'} [('', 0.0), ('Such ', -0.03548084665089846), ('a ', 0.10596512141637504), ('great ', 0.2498837865423411), ('park', 0.01944266026839614), ('! ', -0.026577599346637726), ('Great ', 0.14097920339554548), ('price ', -0.0620863763615489), ('and ', 0.04957730323076248), ('lots ', 0.017195357009768486), ('of ', 0.02432125434279442), ('fun', 0.13614497147500515), ('!', 0.007942132651805878), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great beer. Good service. Nuff said.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.38669680152088404), ('beer', -0.013476400636136532), ('. ', 0.014926029369235039), ('Good ', 0.4139668229036033), ('service', -0.0384573838673532), ('. ', 0.012449594214558601), ('Nu', -0.108542863978073), ('ff ', -0.04024867503903806), ('said', 0.1047618524171412), ('.', -0.03522148355841637), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'This is your standard dive diner with good breakfast.'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', 0.03547480329871178), ('is ', 0.10313776694238186), ('your ', 0.1965580563992262), ('standard ', -0.10101593262515962), ('dive ', -0.2506353671196848), ('diner ', 0.03299191617406905), ('with ', 0.05107036395929754), ('good ', 0.6241394425742328), ('breakfast', 0.011369823943823576), ('.', -0.008482423610985279), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'great local spot to get a greasy dinner breakfast!'} [('', 0.0), ('great ', 0.5384360277093947), ('local ', 0.14689279437880032), ('spot ', 0.1559785162389744), ('to ', 0.17009892066562315), ('get ', 0.042205763784295414), ('a ', -0.009709657351777423), ('greasy ', -0.5311041072636726), ('dinner ', 0.09435236968420213), ('breakfast', 0.04857446949608857), ('!', 0.02927931578597054), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Just ok.'} [('', 0.0), ('Just ', 0.20166932046413422), ('ok', 0.23700259625911713), ('.', 0.038169413805007935), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'great service and amazing fish tacos!!'} [('', 0.0), ('great ', 0.31010266952216625), ('service ', -0.01134401373565197), ('and ', 0.0545293390750885), ('amazing ', 0.2521300633670762), ('fish ', -0.04885341052431613), ('ta', 0.10393562656827271), ('cos', 0.021623725770041347), ('!', 0.024695206433534622), ('!', 0.0061844587326049805), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'The food is all spicy, not what I typically enjoy.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.009358922972751316), ('food ', 0.07153768796342774), ('is ', 0.07553177265435806), ('all ', 0.07576108413559268), ('spicy', 0.2960502030873613), (', ', 0.0075683289396693), ('not ', -0.3449766607154743), ('what ', -0.06751876071939478), ('I ', -0.04091542436253803), ('typically ', 0.015543105198958074), ('enjoy', 0.11396457617956912), ('.', -0.13838733398006298), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "Sushi guy is great.\\nHis avocado is not.\\nSomehow, I'll return."} [('', 8.839900450160107e-06), ('Su', 0.04033657101293405), ('shi ', 0.06325284329553445), ('guy ', -0.008133492823011087), ('is ', 0.07502167232693562), ('great', 0.3075423683864453), ('.', 0.1532968912360957), ('\\', -0.020184982660187718), ('nH', -0.046370326175140995), ('is ', -0.0007063499482076925), ('av', 0.0021709535333987637), ('oca', 0.04024424815482538), ('do ', -0.03759897275692007), ('is ', -0.0610930207913043), ('not', -0.19984440256666858), ('.', -0.037435862090205774), ('\\', -0.14844750594347716), ('nS', -0.030961060943081972), ('ome', -0.0753532764967531), ('how', -0.1684145348146558), (', ', -0.0035012120380997665), ('I', 0.08799483191687614), ("'", 0.043163234204985204), ('ll ', 0.04217732937540859), ('return', 0.03331670684274286), ('.', 0.10081333732232452), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good burgers and mac & cheese.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.705039325170219), ('burger', -0.05534826032817364), ('s ', 0.10287307668477297), ('and ', 0.06955850310623646), ('mac ', 0.05624155327677727), ('& ', 0.06765263923443854), ('cheese', -0.17796872765757143), ('.', -0.038855792954564095), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Food was great. Their Burgers esp. so bigggggg and good!!'} [('', 1.7881393432617188e-07), ('Food ', 0.058199506253004074), ('was ', 0.025448157102800906), ('great', 0.2790775502799079), ('. ', -0.0003406587056815624), ('Their ', -0.00876261324932178), ('Burger', -0.03295663391084721), ('s ', -0.004653537141469617), ('es', 0.004761574828686814), ('p', -0.011005119847444197), ('. ', -0.015681285023068387), ('so ', -0.028005296550691127), ('big', -0.0032331181690096857), ('gg', -0.030233635171316563), ('gg', -0.02930052876472473), ('g ', -0.0047913229325786235), ('and ', -0.015469636884517968), ('good', 0.38905255356803536), ('!', 0.016265961923636496), ('!', -0.06933917105197906), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "Worst service we've ever had at any restaurant."} [('', 0.0), ('Worst ', -0.5725140920676495), ('service ', -0.00959967994094768), ('we', -0.03703458237214363), ("'", 0.030743659184736316), ('ve ', 0.052748922164028045), ('ever ', 0.25328249810081616), ('had ', -0.0007683293661102653), ('at ', 0.02984480210034235), ('any ', -0.10258850005902787), ('restaurant', 0.05738967437082465), ('.', -0.03510346811890486), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "Disgusting and dirty! Don't go!!!"} [('', 0.0), ('Disgusting ', -0.08991799519208143), ('and ', 0.009549142389005283), ('dirty', -0.06644119424527162), ('! ', -0.012106346872315044), ('Don', -0.08204397636836802), ("'", -0.07542129851208301), ('t ', -0.1662622587991791), ('go', 0.10832259719063586), ('!', 0.044072545437302324), ('!', 0.013954049005405977), ('!', -0.017059655307093635), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best Thai food in Charlotte'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.23777037113904953), ('Thai ', 0.05699324235320091), ('food ', 0.17334511503577232), ('in ', 0.094656802713871), ('Charlotte', 0.10120902210474014), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "Feta-freaking-licious. Holy shit. That's all I can say."} [('', 8.563123022516569e-07), ('Fe', -0.08203056848530348), ('ta', -0.00027548741005981964), ('-', 0.057874029143325366), ('freaking', -0.06849951874270725), ('-', -0.06579755599765728), ('li', 0.20341189714963548), ('cious', 0.1606864385830704), ('. ', 0.13534595572855324), ('Holy ', -0.04489050630945712), ('shit', -0.45808141480665654), ('. ', -0.022731528617441654), ('That', -0.03467567404732108), ("'", -0.02854587370529771), ('s ', -0.012887751683592796), ('all ', -0.07004989427514374), ('I ', -0.026339793344959617), ('can ', -0.000912718940526247), ('say', -0.02650899952277541), ('.', -0.05425029341131449), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'FETALICIOIUS.\\n\\nThat is all.'} [('', 0.0), ('FETAL', -0.032123022770974785), ('ICIO', -0.04515094734961167), ('IUS', -0.058798288577236235), ('.', -0.030507405987009406), ('\\', -0.026537432859186083), ('n', -0.023234713036799803), ('\\', -0.021686975873308256), ('nT', -0.01363043618039228), ('hat ', -0.030327745742397383), ('is ', -0.024687412806088105), ('all', -0.027947485126787797), ('.', -0.03402732824906707), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Grade: C+\\n\\nSurprisingly decent. Fantastic martinis make this food taste better.'} [('', 5.409121513366699e-06), ('Grade', 0.037471579387784004), (': ', 0.01203418243676424), ('C', 0.0024134675040841103), ('+', 0.02917425613850355), ('\\', -0.015592135488986969), ('n', -0.006482819560915232), ('\\', -0.024914749432355165), ('nS', -0.032663319376297295), ('ur', -0.059592423611320555), ('pr', -0.08077391830738634), ('ising', 0.045203480520285666), ('ly ', 0.06497728545218706), ('decent', 0.2335596119519323), ('. ', 0.0519599427934736), ('Fantastic ', 0.24932932946830988), ('martini', -0.0010118493810296059), ('s ', 0.010569706559181213), ('make ', -0.07371826283633709), ('this ', -0.028426112607121468), ('food ', 0.04225161454329888), ('taste ', 0.06577153100321691), ('better', -0.022238274415334065), ('.', -0.002035040408372879), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Lots of junk which makes it fun for the kids'} [('', 0.0), ('Lots ', -0.039835231465986), ('of ', 0.11652162653990672), ('junk ', -0.43584899844790925), ('which ', -0.01770085428324819), ('makes ', 0.2791334195917443), ('it ', 0.10251423529007297), ('fun ', 0.27576145468810864), ('for ', 0.014280775561928749), ('the ', 0.07620579563081264), ('kids', 0.21135534346103668), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Grade: D-\\n\\nMmmm, baked-egg omelet...makes me vomit.'} [('', -2.5701530830701813e-05), ('Grade', 0.004556009840598563), (': ', 0.0017792111684684642), ('D', 0.0022452230114140548), ('-', -0.0014732853769601206), ('\\', -0.012615019400072924), ('n', -0.008601599684880057), ('\\', -0.017729383957885148), ('nM', -0.02867205426749327), ('mm', -0.037542927231091504), ('m', -0.00710969223776677), (', ', -0.01205151302201557), ('baked', -0.013193841608881485), ('-', -0.0008888170050340705), ('egg ', -0.04356564516638173), ('om', -0.042490315236742994), ('ele', -0.007052151070335337), ('t', -0.006062272651130722), ('.', -0.01572920591206639), ('.', -0.013775899478787323), ('.', -0.011759371835069032), ('makes ', 0.11412497067249205), ('me ', 0.10266420849075075), ('vomit', -0.4303874261513556), ('.', -0.020965184059605235), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Ok. Not amazing but my girlfriend really likes it.'} [('', 0.0), ('Ok', 0.1432105451822281), ('. ', 0.17921949923038483), ('Not ', -0.4117317050749989), ('amazing ', 0.022060291719753877), ('but ', 0.2989392826675612), ('my ', 0.021927403518930078), ('girlfriend ', 0.018653429695405066), ('really ', 0.05422059484408237), ('likes ', 0.26774652852327563), ('it', 0.07053734973305836), ('.', 0.0009157254826277494), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Pokey sticks! enough said.'} [('', 0.0), ('Poke', -0.267909137532115), ('y ', 0.2969725914299488), ('sticks', -0.015263502486050129), ('! ', 0.398511721752584), ('enough ', 0.12493084743618965), ('said', 0.1024756170809269), ('.', 0.012946464121341705), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'I love Boltini and Boltini loves me :)'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', 0.00016331300139427185), ('love ', 0.2753557674586773), ('Bolt', 0.024590938352048397), ('ini ', 0.02952114585787058), ('and ', 0.006120845675468445), ('Bolt', 0.009477737825363874), ('ini ', 0.008740662131458521), ('loves ', 0.3067555036395788), ('me ', 0.04296497255563736), (':', -0.017468906939029694), (')', -0.020281217992305756), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Thought about it. Still SUX!'} [('', 0.0), ('Thought ', 0.4343681978061795), ('about ', 0.1807780786184594), ('it', 0.025427638669498265), ('. ', 0.19688737019896507), ('Still ', -0.012655961327254772), ('SU', -0.12268448900431395), ('X', -0.003568030893802643), ('!', 0.021416230127215385), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Just hoping next time...I actually get to eat : /'} [('', 0.0), ('Just ', -0.034479770809412), ('hoping ', 0.04565650364384055), ('next ', -0.02759315399453044), ('time', -0.06147666089236736), ('.', -0.0029094330966472626), ('.', -0.05118968524038792), ('.', 0.04650232754647732), ('I ', 0.13430840312503278), ('actually ', 0.17473915847949684), ('get ', 0.0758556630462408), ('to ', 0.27126129204407334), ('eat ', 0.11589796165935695), (': ', 0.008120306534692645), ('/', -0.1189341270364821), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'The pizza is worth the price but not the wait'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.029361898079514503), ('pizza ', -0.028946146834641695), ('is ', 0.14755435148254037), ('worth ', 0.3743184228660539), ('the ', 0.028848992311395705), ('price ', -0.023332063807174563), ('but ', -0.17405084427446127), ('not ', 0.2853190553141758), ('the ', 0.021140454220585525), ('wait', 0.03417528350837529), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Good pizza nothing else to say'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.7512099081650376), ('pizza ', 0.08025207019818481), ('nothing ', -0.321343329953379), ('else ', -0.5197139661759138), ('to ', 0.0758974514901638), ('say', 0.10288323648273945), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best pizza in the valley. Handle this!'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.431249984074384), ('pizza ', 0.049070200650021434), ('in ', 0.021976390620693564), ('the ', 0.13197708898223937), ('valley', 0.15876365662552416), ('. ', 0.039643070194870234), ('Handle ', -0.075299306306988), ('this', -0.03563088597729802), ('!', -0.009541421197354794), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'lonnng wait!'} [('', 0.0), ('lo', 0.048470211899257265), ('nn', -0.0754552566941129), ('ng ', -0.1359683114278596), ('wait', -0.3024012897803914), ('!', 0.13110360366408713), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'NOT WORTH IT, and disorganized.'} [('', 0.0), ('NOT ', -0.3394589911604271), ('WORTH ', 0.15442061190697132), ('IT', -0.005273700580801233), (', ', 0.038090108708274784), ('and ', 0.02343618525264901), ('di', -0.12088465212809751), ('sor', 0.03748003150076329), ('gan', -0.02996641895833818), ('ized', -0.025897789004829974), ('.', -0.0347087073369039), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Super over rated. its just okay. sorry'} [('', 0.0), ('Super ', 0.040500844828784466), ('over ', -0.3084259508177638), ('rated', 0.4071902856230736), ('. ', 0.07612277939915657), ('its ', 0.01945751320090494), ('just ', 0.09170757553147268), ('okay', 0.49765223907888867), ('. ', 0.11588244578160811), ('sorry', -0.27243157918564975), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Pizza was good, wait was A-W-F-U-L!'} [('', 0.0), ('Pizza ', 0.021829778590472415), ('was ', 0.10819778365839738), ('good', 0.6648119078745367), (', ', -0.024477391445543617), ('wait ', -0.10234910825965926), ('was ', -0.02412171635660343), ('A', -0.04157774201303255), ('-', 0.0005155099934199825), ('W', -0.011094867339124903), ('-', 0.01703492205706425), ('F', -0.015870208459091373), ('-', -0.010249900675262325), ('U', -0.04643122114794096), ('-', 0.0020210864386172034), ('L', -0.0038202830910449848), ('!', 0.011078748415457085), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': "Great pizza and ambiance. Worth the wait...?... I've had better."} [('', 0.00030202449609835946), ('Great ', 0.3236607189949912), ('pizza ', 0.01384406020709624), ('and ', 0.039620752970222384), ('am', 0.1732784164729916), ('bian', 0.12570490958266115), ('ce', 0.06774269627445999), ('. ', 0.009830889292061329), ('Worth ', 0.046832990364540215), ('the ', 0.021214783451190062), ('wait', -0.10347229791902161), ('.', 0.02454963733907789), ('.', -0.013238569779787213), ('.', -0.009169085824396461), ('?', -0.04419058916391805), ('.', -0.011763378919567913), ('.', -0.010196987791762998), ('. ', -0.011539974036471298), ('I', -0.005411533269493486), ("'", -0.007567222792117502), ('ve ', -0.02326440547940798), ('had ', -0.037596403462798446), ('better', -0.05291189172740338), ('.', -0.01931525370483065), ('', -8.26489357721238e-05)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'It almost lived up to the hype. Very good pizza.'} [('', 0.0), ('It ', -0.006538845947943628), ('almost ', -0.10173179669072852), ('lived ', -0.006280034256633371), ('up ', -0.003024485195055604), ('to ', 0.021075051568914205), ('the ', 0.014849658764433116), ('h', -0.09153437905479223), ('ype', -0.09143919113557786), ('. ', 0.07370725506916642), ('Very ', 0.0691309483081568), ('good ', 0.8188035605999175), ('pizza', -0.05102746357442811), ('.', -0.03765168401878327), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Pita Jungle\\nThe food is good,'} [('', 0.0), ('Pit', -0.12045604432933033), ('a ', -0.009098549140617251), ('Jungle', -0.04392419953364879), ('\\', -0.03665047127287835), ('nT', 0.034968885651323944), ('he ', 0.037907174264546484), ('food ', 0.003783491672948003), ('is ', 0.02155996090732515), ('good', 0.8336605094373226), (',', -0.025060436688363552), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great Pizza. Long wait but it was worth it.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.38768654223531485), ('Pizza', -0.05281112249940634), ('. ', -0.0021919161081314087), ('Long ', -0.07716092403279617), ('wait ', -0.09477634500944987), ('but ', 0.09740780654828995), ('it ', -0.025081634928938), ('was ', -0.006341728556435555), ('worth ', 0.4052179111749865), ('it', 0.05199136823648587), ('.', -0.017974876798689365), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'It is a unique place, very old Phoenix.'} [('', 0.0), ('It ', 0.017696043476462364), ('is ', 0.03928900230675936), ('a ', 0.07576500531286001), ('unique ', 0.5539335273206234), ('place', 0.09712826693430543), (', ', 0.04549890710040927), ('very ', -0.021850676799658686), ('old ', -0.07695682399207726), ('Phoenix', -0.0020080896792933345), ('.', -0.03287951275706291), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Cool atmosphere, good food'} [('', 0.0), ('Cool ', 0.13595865294337273), ('atmosphere', 0.11442012712359428), (', ', 0.08144547790288925), ('good ', 0.17382877320051193), ('food', 0.15837975591421127), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great old fashioned steak house! Great steaks, great service!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.20471323281526566), ('old ', -0.0011630752123892307), ('fashioned ', 0.1176436715759337), ('steak ', 0.0029902830719947815), ('house', -0.008526470512151718), ('! ', -0.011517133563756943), ('Great ', 0.135470325127244), ('steak', 0.013005306478589773), ('s', 0.021814261097460985), (', ', -0.0190737284719944), ('great ', 0.1621671887114644), ('service', -0.0032377252355217934), ('!', -0.004822622984647751), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Fun, great food, classic old-school feel.'} [('', 0.0), ('Fun', 0.17870569974184036), (', ', -0.00373183935880661), ('great ', 0.14337211241945624), ('food', 0.01946105668321252), (', ', 0.012009203433990479), ('classic ', 0.3007859882200137), ('old', -0.04102227429393679), ('-', 0.028630455723032355), ('school ', -0.04535664222203195), ('feel', 0.10744046606123447), ('.', -0.034228116273880005), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'air conditioned stadium!!!!!\\nenough said'} [('', 0.0), ('air ', 0.2525729686021805), ('conditioned ', -0.01988617004826665), ('stadium', 0.23628759430721402), ('!', -0.0033810846507549286), ('!', 0.009069632738828659), ('!', 0.003999162465333939), ('!', 0.0009557567536830902), ('!', 0.035291220992803574), ('\\', -0.11590167786926031), ('ne', 0.038111704954644665), ('no', 0.1222963508189423), ('ugh ', -0.15540028120449279), ('said', 0.20408875308930874), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'I love baseball. I love this stadium. Enough Said'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', -0.018426258116960526), ('love ', 0.3425461230799556), ('baseball', 0.02277504000812769), ('. ', -0.01518242061138153), ('I ', 0.00770340533927083), ('love ', 0.19391239108517766), ('this ', 0.03732313076034188), ('stadium', 0.13745144987478852), ('. ', -0.025677474215626717), ('Enough ', -0.0726754441857338), ('Said', 0.05627194046974182), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Go dbacks'} [('', 0.0), ('Go ', 0.24928825488314033), ('db', -0.3765905866166577), ('ack', -0.3971643935656175), ('s', 0.1337179692927748), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great night out for the entire family!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.21246032416820526), ('night ', 0.07252722233533859), ('out ', 0.08005177229642868), ('for ', 0.04358720779418945), ('the ', 0.0706985667347908), ('entire ', -0.011017813347280025), ('family', 0.24078126903623343), ('!', 0.02017785608768463), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "Honestly, just didn't like it very much."} [('', 0.0), ('Honestly', 0.20266279022325762), (', ', 0.10472468836815096), ('just ', -0.08908084368158597), ('didn', -0.31866330208504223), ("'", -0.03282159061564016), ('t ', -0.3718003514513839), ('like ', 0.011100726320364629), ('it ', 0.06244783875808935), ('very ', 0.07564464079223399), ('much', 0.04510375922836829), ('.', -0.02092094275576528), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Worth every penny.'} [('', 0.0), ('Worth ', 0.519096702337265), ('every ', 0.245290944352746), ('penny', -0.1340229008346796), ('.', -0.04398924112319946), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Pros- tasty\\n\\nCons- location, overpriced, noisy.'} [('', -7.519884093198925e-07), ('Pro', 0.0007300439210666809), ('s', -0.009874771141767269), ('- ', -0.0013343773571250495), ('ta', 0.21938045934894035), ('sty', 0.1941952137995031), ('\\', -0.031367979478091), ('n', -0.017365362438795273), ('\\', -0.015017701896795188), ('nC', -0.018017368789514876), ('ons', -0.021791815421238425), ('- ', -0.0003578856158128474), ('location', -0.02538462754455395), (', ', -0.015035232459922554), ('over', -0.11908399945968995), ('pr', -0.0727800614622538), ('ice', -0.08184388642985141), ('d', -0.012918336513394024), (', ', 0.01368365014786832), ('noisy', -0.32644743093987927), ('.', -0.1344174071564339), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'overpriced'} [('', 0.0), ('over', -0.6435375073269824), ('pr', -0.003187869609973859), ('ice', 0.03566025198233547), ('d', 0.19820331049413653), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Lux is like being taught physics by Sir Isaac Newton.'} [('', 0.0), ('Lux ', -0.0755902286618948), ('is ', 0.0602297259029001), ('like ', -0.0660206617321819), ('being ', -0.2036987174069509), ('taught ', -0.09978887427132577), ('physics ', 0.11807981284800917), ('by ', -0.04765389615204185), ('Sir ', 0.36489153443835676), ('Isaac ', 0.10545990872196853), ('Newton', 0.16449324833229184), ('.', -0.06968480814248323), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Very good, Cartel is better by far.'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.07574072387069464), ('good', 0.7098436523228884), (', ', 0.031320820562541485), ('Cartel ', -0.0737184714525938), ('is ', 0.025127580389380455), ('better ', -0.0038558337837457657), ('by ', -0.0072978169191628695), ('far', -0.020458371145650744), ('.', -0.02383672259747982), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great food, culture, and atmosphere. Great mixologists as well.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.13789024110883474), ('food', 0.07181466650217772), (', ', 0.023907871916890144), ('culture', -0.013879978097975254), (', ', -0.010365339927375317), ('and ', 0.026150666177272797), ('atmosphere', 0.03152618370950222), ('. ', 0.029344389215111732), ('Great ', 0.28754320181906223), ('mix', 0.02263209130614996), ('ologists ', 0.008283424191176891), ('as ', -0.11984428809955716), ('well', 0.13161524618044496), ('.', -0.04306133650243282), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'one word....amazing!'} [('', 0.0), ('one ', -0.08469674317166209), ('word', -0.07261627679690719), ('.', 0.0389381842687726), ('.', 0.0286302138119936), ('.', 0.0011394824832677841), ('.', 0.015100568532943726), ('amazing', 0.772659795358777), ('!', 0.03013049252331257), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great Coffee, great food, Great scene'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.28464314714074135), ('Coffee', 0.0055079273879528046), (', ', 0.07416068017482758), ('great ', 0.12070044688880444), ('food', 0.028915749862790108), (', ', 0.0331016480922699), ('Great ', 0.19578674249351025), ('scene', -0.013523830100893974), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'whats with the attitude?'} [('', 0.0), ('what', 0.2489678740967065), ('s ', 0.040909909876063466), ('with ', -0.09640623780433089), ('the ', 0.025822008959949017), ('attitude', -0.12981921911705285), ('?', -0.38396568573080003), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "Absolutely horrible. I'd be offended if I was Mexican."} [('', 0.0), ('Absolutely ', 0.25320534120692173), ('horrible', -0.45043559927580645), ('. ', -0.0223947979247896), ('I', 0.007966554057929898), ("'", -0.013249253501271596), ('d ', -0.007217395286716055), ('be ', -0.01221763066132553), ('offended ', -0.06840566063783626), ('if ', -0.059329352162421856), ('I ', -0.006784945941944898), ('was ', -0.020824325413741462), ('Mexican', 0.028524163064503227), ('.', -0.018491502880351618), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "Worst mexican ever!!!!!!\\n\\nDon't go there!!!"} [('', -0.00033259457450185437), ('Worst ', -0.28234626499033766), ('mexican ', 0.07373927281059878), ('ever', 0.04690243010463746), ('!', -0.026639757674274733), ('!', -0.029020231017057085), ('!', -0.030685934969369555), ('!', -0.01516727836891126), ('!', -0.010355203543743604), ('!', -0.02689259233041715), ('\\', -0.006368647144275504), ('n', -0.011628263095493216), ('\\', -0.004233264179068404), ('n', -0.014936809149730834), ('Don', -0.03386056313865993), ("'", -0.009674725222794223), ('t ', -0.2184063300210255), ('go ', 0.05865326437894206), ('there', 0.05569683837499421), ('!', 0.03343529462987741), ('!', -0.010458992745952855), ('!', -0.031140046829932544), ('', -0.0001330251643594238)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Bad skinny margarita and just o.k. food. \\nNot a fan'} [('', 0.0), ('Bad ', -0.36675908602774143), ('skinny ', -0.3347419256315334), ('margarita ', -0.004811526698176749), ('and ', 0.11681792262243107), ('just ', -0.21866090081311995), ('o', 0.07134524446883006), ('.', 0.03485383091901895), ('k', 0.003158112187520601), ('. ', 0.0172307862812886), ('food', -0.07624436600599438), ('. ', -0.02451031722011976), ('\\', 0.006176874172524549), ('n', 0.0846196862476063), ('Not ', -0.15967988628108287), ('a ', 0.08861951479775598), ('fan', 0.3178758940703119), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'The burro is awesome.The green chili is awesome!'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.017061435617506504), ('burr', -0.04225917113944888), ('o ', -0.024853176902979612), ('is ', 0.0008702203631401062), ('awesome', 0.40804952941834927), ('.', -0.011069832369685173), ('The ', 0.00821797177195549), ('green ', 0.03148306533694267), ('chili ', -0.05248180963099003), ('is ', -0.00840158574283123), ('awesome', 0.3427716791629791), ('!', -0.00798971951007843), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Favorite Mexican food in Phoenix, Arizona hands down.'} [('', 0.0), ('Favorite ', 0.13271768076810986), ('Mexican ', 0.07502572739031166), ('food ', 0.0682881255634129), ('in ', 0.010877073102165014), ('Phoenix', 0.005263012077193707), (', ', 0.06868963409215212), ('Arizona ', -0.042195936548523605), ('hands ', -0.12205445894505829), ('down', -0.23157795029692352), ('.', -0.19732402451336384), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Gross, tasteless food. Good margaritas.'} [('', 0.0), ('Gross', -0.2662729199437308), (', ', 0.039912253771035466), ('taste', 0.26132119914746), ('less ', -0.236982271456327), ('food', -0.014361971876496682), ('. ', 0.0642199863505084), ('Good ', 0.812804296707327), ('margarita', 0.0872037367298617), ('s', -0.02921647165203467), ('.', -0.028974918008316308), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'love via delosantos - good friend GREAT customer service!'} [('', 0.0), ('love ', 0.35651768278330564), ('via ', 0.014085493050515652), ('del', -0.014981691259890795), ('osa', -0.012873358558863401), ('nto', -0.05500393337570131), ('s ', 0.01580509706400335), ('- ', -0.01331494189798832), ('good ', 0.1510199699550867), ('friend ', 0.056389689445495605), ('GREAT ', 0.08245579898357391), ('customer ', -0.021699600853025913), ('service', 0.01629920955747366), ('!', 0.03477041609585285), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Huevos rancheros! New favorite restaurant!'} [('', 0.0), ('Hue', 0.1503064502030611), ('vos ', -0.05899438448250294), ('ranch', 0.043679076712578535), ('eros', -0.04765977105125785), ('! ', 0.22760590724647045), ('New ', 0.0983769241720438), ('favorite ', 0.20682899095118046), ('restaurant', 0.08564211055636406), ('!', 0.00698244571685791), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Los Dos Molinos por vida!'} [('', 0.0), ('Los ', 0.006585649214684963), ('Dos ', -0.06117796804755926), ('Mo', 0.01695314422249794), ('lino', 0.06495293602347374), ('s ', 0.07301125675439835), ('por ', 0.12738285586237907), ('vida', 0.29048048332333565), ('!', 0.20955199003219604), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good food, Good menu. Knowledgeable staff. Would definately go again.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.07544662337750196), ('food', 0.01098658423870802), (', ', -0.008680673316121101), ('Good ', 0.11665986059233546), ('menu', -0.028450252022594213), ('. ', -0.010987168177962303), ('Knowledge', 0.041295312345027924), ('able ', 0.1613268330693245), ('staff', -0.03716340661048889), ('. ', -0.015030764043331146), ('Would ', -0.03941851668059826), ('def', 0.06850981618481455), ('inate', -0.1232537710966426), ('ly ', 0.05307454615831375), ('go ', 0.15037096990272403), ('again', 0.11824884032830596), ('.', 0.005261759273707867), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Very good pollo and green chili burrito enchilada style...Yum!'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', -0.008930676965974271), ('good ', 0.6421510818181559), ('poll', -0.12055712495930493), ('o ', -0.03377633658237755), ('and ', 0.07769524771720171), ('green ', 0.04204451700206846), ('chili ', -0.08663913514465094), ('burr', -0.10234596248483285), ('ito ', 0.010932740813586861), ('en', 0.1090682327048853), ('chi', 0.016209378954954445), ('lad', -0.05933349975384772), ('a ', 0.024306350853294134), ('style', 0.1442778913769871), ('.', 0.02373464615084231), ('.', -0.01917719654738903), ('.', -0.0031028129160404205), ('Yu', -0.041031332686543465), ('m', -0.07537875697016716), ('!', -0.02787337452173233), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Awesomely hot food! You gotta try this place!'} [('', 0.0), ('Awesome', 0.1582396849989891), ('ly ', 0.021515242755413055), ('hot ', 0.1115945833735168), ('food', 0.06551938178017735), ('! ', -0.004827618598937988), ('You ', 0.06133211404085159), ('gotta ', -0.016620401293039322), ('try ', -0.06141727592330426), ('this ', 0.2084386096103117), ('place', 0.09008645359426737), ('!', 0.03205304592847824), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Your mouth will be on fire with flavor!\\n GREAT FOOD!'} [('', 0.0), ('Your ', 0.014056174084544182), ('mouth ', -0.0846931510604918), ('will ', 0.021590542513877153), ('be ', 0.0018498227000236511), ('on ', 0.043618773110210896), ('fire ', 0.02239257236942649), ('with ', 0.09373998129740357), ('flavor', 0.21047566551715136), ('!', -0.03119601123034954), ('\\', -0.01769636245444417), ('n ', -0.041343803983181715), ('GREAT ', 0.28667903039604425), ('FOOD', 0.08437452372163534), ('!', -0.020304664969444275), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Hot hot hot'} [('', 0.0), ('Hot ', 0.2357291877269745), ('hot ', 0.11951431632041931), ('hot', 0.12138873338699341), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Decent Chinese food, they have everything.'} [('', 0.0), ('Decent ', 0.16681954264640808), ('Chinese ', 0.024999285116791725), ('food', 0.08679265342652798), (', ', 0.08779656887054443), ('they ', 0.04308384284377098), ('have ', 0.0843985415995121), ('everything', 0.25974176824092865), ('.', -0.02438892424106598), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Very good food but the service is slow.'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.018034080294455634), ('good ', 0.366732220598351), ('food ', 0.036194006097503006), ('but ', -0.06244580460770521), ('the ', 0.0034543764722911874), ('service ', -0.051738858712269575), ('is ', -0.0001576263221068075), ('slow', -0.5500644591465971), ('.', -0.029839102207915857), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Really good happy hour specials and Atmosphere is awesome!'} [('', 0.0), ('Really ', 0.08467501029372215), ('good ', 0.1169919054955244), ('happy ', 0.11398153565824032), ('hour ', 0.02127018477767706), ('specials ', -0.015862341038882732), ('and ', 0.027428340166807175), ('Atmosphere ', -0.004430156433954835), ('is ', -0.027195137226954103), ('awesome', 0.38214924978092313), ('!', -0.0020743682980537415), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'the best thing there is the stuffed shrimp!!!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('the ', 0.1326587083749473), ('best ', 0.30931347282603383), ('thing ', -0.43606247194111347), ('there ', -0.06344297382747754), ('is ', -0.2044792798697017), ('the ', 0.040776295732939616), ('stuffed ', 0.0055162055941764265), ('shrimp', -0.2490049788611941), ('!', 0.12401825259439647), ('!', 0.009317526826635003), ('!', -0.016704781679436564), ('!', -0.009211061056703329), ('!', -0.011927993968129158), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'best pork ribs ever'} [('', 0.0), ('best ', 0.6268002549186349), ('pork ', -0.16644088551402092), ('ribs ', -0.145431955344975), ('ever', 0.270665779709816), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great food, club atmosphere, great service, great bar.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.26507504656910896), ('food', 0.08026011660695076), (', ', -0.0315869078040123), ('club ', 0.006055827718228102), ('atmosphere', 0.028733993414789438), (', ', 0.03383933566510677), ('great ', 0.12751940172165632), ('service', -0.02595955040305853), (', ', -0.0080941841006279), ('great ', 0.190289456397295), ('bar', -0.02332897111773491), ('.', -0.015503749251365662), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Ehh. Average food. Fun tropical atmosphere, however.'} [('', 0.0), ('Eh', -0.06639870023354888), ('h', -0.014722348656505346), ('. ', -0.004666133783757687), ('Average ', -0.03564798389561474), ('food', -0.028648270526900887), ('. ', 0.01028874097391963), ('Fun ', 0.7814347912790254), ('tropical ', 0.05176253768149763), ('atmosphere', -0.0029234036337584257), (', ', -0.019896977581083775), ('however', -0.028990620747208595), ('.', -0.016053490340709686), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Mediocre food at best and overpriced.'} [('', 0.0), ('Med', -0.180697236519336), ('io', -0.02973372853375622), ('cre ', -0.13210267223621486), ('food ', 0.010187111020059092), ('at ', 0.01008876670493919), ('best ', 0.14090955643223424), ('and ', -0.003977824842877453), ('over', -0.08563191597204423), ('pr', -0.044750770124664996), ('ice', -0.03625190106686205), ('d', 0.01958256005309522), ('.', -0.039508551242761314), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'I should have gone to the Central Ave location.'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', -0.030486845891573466), ('should ', -0.08508187563711544), ('have ', -0.02568766855256399), ('gone ', -0.1559788216400193), ('to ', 0.060643646866083145), ('the ', -0.012063579288223991), ('Central ', -0.028387450740410713), ('Ave ', 0.018250416062073782), ('location', -0.01725806096510496), ('.', -0.026354304412961937), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'I love this neighborhood gem!'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', 0.05472877621650696), ('love ', 0.2022535800933838), ('this ', 0.08866754174232483), ('neighborhood ', 0.0927482470870018), ('gem', 0.1677834764122963), ('!', 0.08497017621994019), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Nice open place, large selection of drinks and food.'} [('', 0.0), ('Nice ', 0.16471074521541595), ('open ', 0.13339091278612614), ('place', 0.03049338422715664), (', ', 0.006211519241333008), ('large ', 0.10150771494954824), ('selection ', 0.11854730639606714), ('of ', -0.010839191265404224), ('drinks ', 0.06585939694195986), ('and ', 0.042908910661935806), ('food', 0.03810665104538202), ('.', -0.024837438948452473), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Outdated decor and food not great. Service was okay.'} [('', 0.0), ('Outdated ', -0.45277314780832967), ('decor ', 0.11342249909284874), ('and ', -0.0032707351601857226), ('food ', 0.050876594509645656), ('not ', -0.33231973463534814), ('great', 0.17098507316222822), ('. ', 0.22146354431606596), ('Service ', -0.003981659801866044), ('was ', 0.07322925258449686), ('okay', 0.5182572284138587), ('.', 0.16490947046986548), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Da. Bomb.'} [('', 0.0), ('Da', -0.08473803923698142), ('. ', 0.29607521469006315), ('Bomb', -0.5552387687494047), ('.', -0.06876467302208766), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Spicy and good. Love the Thai green curry.'} [('', 0.0), ('Spicy ', 0.17335578799247742), ('and ', 0.002341628074645996), ('good', 0.17399322241544724), ('. ', 0.00320599228143692), ('Love ', 0.3481651246547699), ('the ', -0.00241839699447155), ('Thai ', 0.05336673278361559), ('green ', 0.014966168440878391), ('curry', -0.03739191219210625), ('.', -0.03265560790896416), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Delish!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Everything was AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'} [('', 2.468004822731018e-06), ('Del', -0.10772640717914328), ('ish', -0.17029660422122106), ('!', -0.033318157657049596), ('!', -0.005412721133325249), ('!', -0.0061550187529064715), ('!', -0.009523203421849757), ('!', -0.00686470401706174), ('!', -0.0019600208033807576), ('!', -0.0023283775080926716), ('!', -0.001781967410352081), ('!', -0.0014383587404154241), ('!', -0.006899456144310534), ('!', -0.0040775524685159326), ('!', 0.0018582309421617538), ('!', -0.0008586088370066136), ('! ', 0.012592209095600992), ('Everything ', 0.03299822882399894), ('was ', -0.09434406031505205), ('AWESOME', 0.6752188840182498), ('!', 0.009179134387522936), ('!', -0.009178809109417832), ('!', -0.004842733252136146), ('!', 0.0028100700720268138), ('!', 0.009870087508769596), ('!', 0.01616174612632569), ('!', 0.019069448825629318), ('!', 0.022303203833015525), ('!', 0.016310670193942153), ('!', 0.015118172173114383), ('!', 0.016705469940515125), ('!', 0.017326366868527496), ('!', 0.015539812636287773), ('!', 0.016184149556519353), ('!', 0.010827560224296415), ('!', 0.0085276074378806), ('!', 0.006339892525883282), ('', 0.0003760380341726191)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'The joint is closed!'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.0997522990219295), ('joint ', -0.08681327174417675), ('is ', -0.21928576240316033), ('closed', -0.37188531761057675), ('!', 0.27733670081943274), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'The Christmas lights were beautiful!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.029630199074745178), ('Christmas ', 0.16724219731986523), ('lights ', 0.12575425393879414), ('were ', -0.1920207932125777), ('beautiful', 0.49123098398558795), ('!', 0.03914913535118103), ('!', 0.028685450553894043), ('!', 0.039606302976608276), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great burger. Awesome view.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.3235135478898883), ('burger', -0.08920046221464872), ('. ', 0.1109962910413742), ('Awesome ', 0.20184930972754955), ('view', 0.17046104185283184), ('.', -0.026490818709135056), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Solid hotel and very cheap. We would go back.'} [('', 0.0), ('Solid ', 0.32603821601878735), ('hotel ', 0.054922195744438795), ('and ', 0.037086980759340804), ('very ', 0.000635273550869897), ('cheap', -0.44167593122983817), ('. ', -0.13991225094650872), ('We ', -0.003248785506002605), ('would ', -0.034470983198843896), ('go ', 0.10881689854431897), ('back', -0.1482921902788803), ('.', -0.050412160344421864), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Too far from most of hotels in the strip.'} [('', 0.0), ('Too ', -0.33045784779824317), ('far ', -0.23886739560111891), ('from ', -0.038243123519350775), ('most ', -0.018742216096143238), ('of ', -0.01994786372233648), ('hotels ', 0.18349746601597872), ('in ', 0.0438980426552007), ('the ', 0.08367798171093455), ('strip', 0.058649635619076435), ('.', -0.023725993291009218), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'One word: Magic.'} [('', 0.0), ('One ', 0.09930313378572464), ('word', -0.09980002488009632), (': ', -0.053869897266849875), ('Magic', 0.7586730630137026), ('.', -0.04178798198699951), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "Expensive for what you're getting. Food is good."} [('', 0.0), ('Expensive ', -0.23116417549317703), ('for ', -0.052082776121096686), ('what ', -0.05359455235884525), ('you', 0.12735184405755717), ("'", 0.02483357157325372), ('re ', -0.010148353991098702), ('getting', -0.04976512877328787), ('. ', 0.06399756565224379), ('Food ', 0.032625189516693354), ('is ', 0.05754182499367744), ('good', 0.7555822475114837), ('.', -0.03790426324121654), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best Thai Food Ever....'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.3846270451322198), ('Thai ', 0.1074509082827717), ('Food ', 0.16455798246897757), ('Ever', 0.11169291147962213), ('.', 0.036295363679528236), ('.', 0.0027978988364338875), ('.', -0.036256506107747555), ('.', -0.04188954271376133), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best thai in Vegas!'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.2060391828417778), ('thai ', 0.04634060896933079), ('in ', 0.04985125549137592), ('Vegas', 0.09106631204485893), ('!', 0.27066467702388763), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Wondertum.'} [('', 0.0), ('Wonder', 0.7073487450834364), ('tum', -0.2858841528650373), ('.', 0.037109047174453735), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good food but TERRIBLE service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.6751283077755943), ('food ', 0.1967773704091087), ('but ', -0.035555706126615405), ('TERRIBLE ', -0.3245856554422062), ('service', 0.19660743841086514), ('.', -0.022061225317884237), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Health department just issued 40 demerits during a routine inspection.'} [('', 0.0), ('Health ', -0.03347558650420979), ('department ', -0.07913424898288213), ('just ', -0.0401842683495488), ('issued ', -0.1228114020486828), ('40 ', -0.010570645710686222), ('dem', 0.021249881174298935), ('eri', 0.036148122264421545), ('ts ', 0.029624779330333695), ('during ', -0.04981427502934821), ('a ', -0.010694092168705538), ('routine ', -0.042942046449752524), ('inspection', -0.048927825439022854), ('.', -0.034637621720321476), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Simply, best of the best. A true gem of Vegas'} [('', 0.0), ('Simply', -0.03509829565882683), (', ', -0.023491118103265762), ('best ', 0.1698424112983048), ('of ', 0.0004973649047315121), ('the ', 0.01380988396704197), ('best', 0.17326535657048225), ('. ', 0.0148223377764225), ('A ', 0.019724363461136818), ('true ', 0.08065554685890675), ('gem ', 0.09638617001473904), ('of ', 0.0070051755756139755), ('Vegas', 0.10987334698438644), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best Thai Food in Town...hands down!! :)'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.4874714083271101), ('Thai ', 0.09942283265991136), ('Food ', 0.07862745592137799), ('in ', 0.03306108771357685), ('Town', 0.025169153115712106), ('.', 0.06173903099261224), ('.', -0.013712414482142776), ('.', -0.014288664737250656), ('hands ', -0.03288223408162594), ('down', -0.047785715374629945), ('!', -0.01512576750246808), ('! ', -0.025326519273221493), (':', -0.03203007759293541), (')', -0.020980542816687375), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Very good had pad Thai'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.20926063507795334), ('good ', 0.6320617669261992), ('had ', -0.21081715309992433), ('pad ', -0.12216451019048691), ('Thai', 0.15555525571107864), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Hair in food.\\nThe end.'} [('', 0.0), ('Hair ', -0.060450488585047424), ('in ', 0.10760329809272662), ('food', 0.17643033532658592), ('.', 0.14112184499390423), ('\\', -0.14703936548903584), ('nT', -0.05853006953839213), ('he ', 0.05820071289781481), ('end', -0.2908969293348491), ('.', -0.16781845409423113), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Favorite thai.'} [('', 0.0), ('Favorite ', 0.25959908962249756), ('thai', 0.1782614290714264), ('.', 0.0382438600063324), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great Thai in the desert'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.6052103042602539), ('Thai ', 0.10648976964876056), ('in ', 0.06020481185987592), ('the ', 0.12145451875403523), ('desert', -0.2366001126356423), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'One of the best sushi places in town!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('One ', -0.0518428273499012), ('of ', 0.021232014754787087), ('the ', -0.0010072158183902502), ('best ', 0.3660623203031719), ('su', -0.09963569196406752), ('shi ', 0.14889500488061458), ('places ', -0.029564305732492357), ('in ', 0.06415209564147517), ('town', 0.17943529866170138), ('!', 0.04000904597342014), ('!', 0.005498811602592468), ('!', -0.015992015600204468), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Cool place, cool music, good drinks (and reasonable).'} [('', 0.0), ('Cool ', 0.1570746200159192), ('place', 0.014909259043633938), (', ', -0.019057270139455795), ('cool ', 0.11054176464676857), ('music', 0.051573943346738815), (', ', -0.00922173261642456), ('good ', 0.1776672014966607), ('drinks ', -0.005550791509449482), ('(', -0.006879220716655254), ('and ', 0.056217257399111986), ('reasonable', 0.12392024439759552), (')', -0.004491249797865748), ('.', -0.0372246578335762), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Discriminates against Men. $40 for guys, $30 for ladies.'} [('', 0.0), ('Disc', -0.04066884105850477), ('rim', 0.000913019452127628), ('inates ', -0.08721507116570137), ('against ', -0.044638230465352535), ('Men', -0.011174887884408236), ('. ', -0.030490085016936064), ('$', -0.043712307582609355), ('40 ', -0.01398011262062937), ('for ', -0.01006220729323104), ('guys', -0.03863195487065241), (', ', -0.020078449975699186), ('$', -0.08348906686296687), ('30 ', -0.022182589338626713), ('for ', -0.0032734699780121446), ('ladies', 0.03373803524300456), ('.', -0.013706180732697248), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'the best sea food i ever had in my life!'} [('', 0.0), ('the ', -0.012121446430683136), ('best ', 0.18887693341821432), ('sea ', -0.00790449883788824), ('food ', 0.0472350032068789), ('i ', 0.01549254497513175), ('ever ', 0.0854575876146555), ('had ', 0.018705246970057487), ('in ', 0.04672651179134846), ('my ', 0.09059812128543854), ('life', 0.1993489172309637), ('!', -0.006364785134792328), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Make sure you eat the whole wheat salmon with sprouts'} [('', 0.0), ('Make ', 0.3942057406529784), ('sure ', 0.2511036582291126), ('you ', 0.05099094193428755), ('eat ', 0.11899098724825308), ('the ', 0.042143137368839234), ('whole ', -0.016883528034668416), ('wheat ', -0.13013541110558435), ('salmon ', -0.14036965393461287), ('with ', 0.023074929835274816), ('sp', -0.14566508494317532), ('rou', -0.0013329945504665375), ('ts', -0.05026017315685749), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good food and beer, great joint.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.18929652124643326), ('food ', 0.07170078903436661), ('and ', 0.06487639993429184), ('beer', -0.04649741109460592), (', ', 0.08736744429916143), ('great ', 0.41207630187273026), ('joint', -0.023591257631778717), ('.', -0.02595093846321106), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Still Love this place!'} [('', 0.0), ('Still ', 0.06799424439668655), ('Love ', 0.17310804314911366), ('this ', 0.14937366731464863), ('place', 0.002942759543657303), ('!', 0.2706269472837448), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'great!'} [('', 0.0), ('great', 0.13716593384742737), ('!', 0.13596943020820618), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'wont be coming back....'} [('', 0.0), ('won', 0.4566776789724827), ('t ', -0.06541746389120817), ('be ', -0.24632104358170182), ('coming ', -0.022496827295981348), ('back', -0.13487047282978892), ('.', -0.003988016862422228), ('.', -0.06375603983178735), ('.', -0.09939185017719865), ('.', -0.05768060404807329), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Overpriced and overhyped.'} [('', 0.0), ('Over', -0.12882946566605824), ('pr', 0.006566791900695534), ('ice', -0.028484633137850324), ('d ', 0.007999659788765712), ('and ', 0.040038509730948135), ('over', -0.0890745935121231), ('hy', 0.004890793865342857), ('ped', -0.06706050495449745), ('.', -0.03247621279297164), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Pretty good food. Always busy though. Decent service. Great milkshakes.'} [('', 0.0), ('Pretty ', 0.0332222580909729), ('good ', 0.09784067561849952), ('food', 0.035404468420892954), ('. ', -0.012695986777544022), ('Always ', 0.05695250619464787), ('busy ', -0.1908646365700406), ('though', -0.0352385196601972), ('. ', 0.08871065359562635), ('Decent ', 0.2307618127670139), ('service', -0.012126753106713295), ('. ', 0.010538627160713077), ('Great ', 0.35465471912175417), ('milk', -0.04290638165548444), ('sha', 0.05389628326520324), ('kes', -0.07748589105904102), ('.', -0.03899817168712616), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Look good to me Burger Bar will look'} [('', 0.0), ('Look ', 0.13501249253749847), ('good ', 0.1896309107542038), ('to ', 0.057042330503463745), ('me ', 0.07874164055101573), ('Burger ', -0.06897313031367958), ('Bar ', -0.10670514591038227), ('will ', 0.147086463868618), ('look', 0.2972905933856964), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'A little pricy for burgers but good nonetheless.'} [('', 0.0), ('A ', 0.03630403068382293), ('little ', -0.09162060089875013), ('pri', -0.0323314166162163), ('cy ', -0.03212545718997717), ('for ', 0.03296344052068889), ('burger', -0.09902572527062148), ('s ', 0.029797122231684625), ('but ', -0.06685898825526237), ('good ', 0.5779683403670788), ('nonetheless', 0.33096924237906933), ('.', -0.02011996880173683), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Its ok i liked their burgers.'} [('', 0.0), ('Its ', -0.0245634987950325), ('ok ', 0.269028902053833), ('i ', 0.1256660893559456), ('liked ', 0.3880044845864177), ('their ', 0.021507203578948975), ('burger', -0.06099684117361903), ('s', 0.03549855249002576), ('.', -0.025245651602745056), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'great place'} [('', 0.0), ('great ', 0.1393708884716034), ('place', 0.13377103209495544), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great Place, Good Service,'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.19331534951925278), ('Place', 0.06807804852724075), (', ', 0.08426064252853394), ('Good ', 0.30005141720175743), ('Service', 0.027259591966867447), (',', 0.01816648244857788), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great Burger'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.2267095148563385), ('Burger', 0.046326130628585815), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "I'm in love!"} [('', 0.0), ('I', 0.10310548543930054), ("'", 0.2285221815109253), ('m ', 0.05561677739024162), ('in ', 0.04613965377211571), ('love', 0.1656455472111702), ('!', 0.0920349508523941), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great unpretentious food. Bobby flay is the man!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.22223280370235443), ('un', 0.04852449399186298), ('pre', 0.03616455482551828), ('ten', 0.25390625873114914), ('tious ', -0.23278657265473157), ('food', -0.03220137022435665), ('. ', 0.001222630962729454), ('Bobby ', 0.1044548696372658), ('fl', -0.154475876246579), ('ay ', 0.0290096279932186), ('is ', 0.17823611199855804), ('the ', 0.11886184383183718), ('man', -0.02145941834896803), ('!', 0.03177952207624912), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Southwest Burger... that is all Im going to say'} [('', 0.0), ('Southwest ', 0.2073823418468237), ('Burger', -0.1870157066732645), ('.', 0.05104357376694679), ('.', -0.07513492368161678), ('. ', -0.09260284714400768), ('that ', -0.01802977453917265), ('is ', 0.010311396326869726), ('all ', 0.02087113820016384), ('Im ', 0.0028293165378272533), ('going ', 0.24499316164292395), ('to ', 0.2662009277846664), ('say', -0.09177533350884914), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Famous chef attraction. Nothing special about the place.'} [('', 0.0), ('Famous ', 0.17039782002029824), ('chef ', 0.060117158291177475), ('attraction', 0.11005973261671897), ('. ', 0.004828484779864084), ('Nothing ', -0.821448648634032), ('special ', 0.06259640474127082), ('about ', -0.008704216307705792), ('the ', 0.11105063242484903), ('place', 0.03990851941307483), ('.', -0.03134160466288449), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'The rabbit!'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.16544553823769093), ('rabbit', -0.2305994350463152), ('!', 0.5407922863960266), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "It's okay."} [('', 0.0), ('It', 0.09417686238884926), ("'", 0.1524699367582798), ('s ', 0.0683031752705574), ('okay', 0.3634035438299179), ('.', -0.014370739459991455), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "Wonderful! Get the Ribeye you won't be disappointed!"} [('', 0.0), ('Wonderful', 0.29406050592660904), ('! ', 0.010981909930706024), ('Get ', -0.057128043845295906), ('the ', -0.043117684312164783), ('Rib', -0.05994347226805985), ('eye ', 0.047865380300208926), ('you ', 0.03183243377134204), ('won', 0.14245553244836628), ("'", 0.03130289074033499), ('t ', 0.028145559364929795), ('be ', -0.002721721601119498), ('disappointed', 0.19007094967309968), ('!', -0.004324633977375925), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Yummy'} [('', 0.0), ('Yu', 0.3929547965526581), ('mmy', -0.12038412690162659), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "So forgettable.\\nBeen here twice, can't remember\\nA thing about it.\\n\\n(b)"} [('', -0.00022759785133530386), ('So ', -0.017279434297961416), ('forget', -0.10183366109777126), ('table', -0.04704989403762738), ('.', -0.0063803553057368845), ('\\', -0.014050223342824861), ('n', -0.01370390636016271), ('Bee', -0.011032323677638834), ('n ', -0.010635229668835), ('here ', -0.015753684623286107), ('twice', -0.005698164400763787), (', ', -0.009645255434969883), ('can', -0.001588262378659454), ("'", -0.009171158505792153), ('t ', -0.024291248978711554), ('remember', -0.008236093845542719), ('\\', -0.011926983896617976), ('nA ', -0.017098970622672433), ('thing ', -0.010941537124952966), ('about ', -0.0038843628019094465), ('it', -0.004142965411301702), ('.', -0.00026473482575966044), ('\\', -0.04412525913600499), ('n', -0.027745223824846715), ('\\', -0.030439879034626454), ('n', -0.029049192249658518), ('(', -0.0016568894255518292), ('b', -0.026416864687538084), (')', -0.02148511118624204), ('', 8.807852282188833e-06)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great unique menu! Best restaurant in Pittsburgh for micro brews!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.1711388546973467), ('unique ', 0.18974160961806774), ('menu', -0.013873282819986343), ('! ', -0.03596906736493111), ('Best ', 0.3210151258390397), ('restaurant ', 0.05882925749756396), ('in ', -0.009573201590683311), ('Pittsburgh ', 0.023712182824965566), ('for ', -0.0561359767394606), ('micro ', -0.0926332027243916), ('brew', 0.03966457702917978), ('s', 0.0268783399136737), ('!', -0.0009133325889706612), ('!', -0.0005131326615810394), ('!', -0.053785160183906555), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Best beer selection in Pgh.'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.5528609827160835), ('beer ', -0.05246448935940862), ('selection ', 0.1473703566007316), ('in ', 0.1203508609905839), ('Pg', -0.04600263386964798), ('h', 0.024478621780872345), ('.', -0.023519381880760193), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Had Aloha burger...delicious. Great craft brews as well.'} [('', 0.0), ('Had ', -0.020160453394055367), ('Al', 0.0005964450538158417), ('oh', -0.03398178517818451), ('a ', -0.042849281802773476), ('burger', -0.09748074738308787), ('.', -0.0180428852327168), ('.', -0.010109140770509839), ('.', -0.011163147864863276), ('delicious', 0.4092713660793379), ('. ', -0.011986083467490971), ('Great ', 0.23593943030573428), ('craft ', 0.07741283811628819), ('brew', 0.038305056281387806), ('s ', 0.0326034736353904), ('as ', -0.09478492342168465), ('well', 0.10887058865046129), ('.', -0.02422043343540281), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Best worst buffet in pgh.'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.3839576946775196), ('worst ', -0.6239242663668847), ('buffet ', -0.008465618479021941), ('in ', 0.01783173546937178), ('pg', -0.046051989891566336), ('h', 0.02449862837966066), ('.', -0.023665090746362694), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Very good, inexpensive pad thai.'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.1502734045498073), ('good', 0.5301074231974781), (', ', 0.1595486169680953), ('inexpensive ', 0.05657682940363884), ('pad ', -0.20266844891011715), ('thai', 0.0581286633387208), ('.', -0.028555643744766712), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Friendly staff, generous portions, incredible food.'} [('', 0.0), ('Friendly ', 0.2638253904879093), ('staff', 0.052468184381723404), (', ', 0.040073879063129425), ('generous ', 0.16650420241057873), ('portions', -0.018839644268155098), (', ', 0.030619081109762192), ('incredible ', 0.18527949508279562), ('food', 0.007571729831397533), ('.', -0.014479460194706917), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Overpriced, Average'} [('', 0.0), ('Over', -0.48329232864489313), ('pr', 0.029315551990293898), ('ice', 0.0014609666541218758), ('d', -0.023122458456782624), (', ', 0.031225826067384332), ('Average', 0.13648421643301845), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'The official bar of CMU. A fantastic disaster every time.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.00901982439972926), ('official ', 0.010087324812047882), ('bar ', -0.02877381559301284), ('of ', 0.040923719316197094), ('CM', -0.039722846006043255), ('U', -0.05468560203735251), ('. ', 0.03660322261566762), ('A ', 0.018055307195027126), ('fantastic ', 0.34286739796880283), ('disaster ', -0.6232947970347595), ('every ', 0.027342060224327724), ('time', -0.040265567920869216), ('.', -0.0688878980872687), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Love the pizza inside.'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.3783704489469528), ('the ', 0.04774082265794277), ('pizza ', -0.018871286883950233), ('inside', 0.3016383834183216), ('.', -0.04486489295959473), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Quick service.. Decent food.. Ok price..'} [('', 0.0), ('Quick ', 0.024396170862019062), ('service', 0.004673962481319904), ('.', 0.14428974501788616), ('. ', -0.015055712312459946), ('Decent ', 0.2671398490201682), ('food', 0.05489091691561043), ('.', 0.00124337337911129), ('. ', 0.008067457005381584), ('Ok ', 0.0717972912825644), ('price', -0.04931310610845685), ('.', 0.04313690960407257), ('.', 0.07164064049720764), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'As the chant goes \\"Overrated,Overrated!!\\"'} [('', 0.0), ('As ', -0.013603427796624601), ('the ', -0.00845921182190068), ('chant ', 0.015971682412782684), ('goes ', 0.015592631796607748), ('\\', -0.00454190862365067), ('"', -0.02930364597705193), ('Over', -0.15306270447035786), ('rated', 0.043448378550237976), (',', 0.005173528217710555), ('Over', -0.39910397661151364), ('rated', 0.29158529854612425), ('!', -0.025002121226862073), ('!', -0.03859887132421136), ('\\', -0.032348330365493894), ('"', -0.08959565847180784), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Not that good.'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', -0.6733431044012832), ('that ', 0.1361976506868814), ('good', 0.1684809974667587), ('.', -0.04441253882396268), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'only good after 4 to 7 beers'} [('', 0.0), ('only ', -0.12957223132252693), ('good ', 0.7095052795484662), ('after ', -0.03434786293655634), ('4 ', 0.02172820270061493), ('to ', 0.06314177811145782), ('7 ', -0.004959635436534882), ('beers', 0.07820125669240952), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Over-hyped tourist trap slop...'} [('', 0.0), ('Over', -0.053612116232670814), ('-', -0.007128740028292668), ('h', -0.006733193934906012), ('ype', -0.04505078170768684), ('d ', -0.00672751964566487), ('tourist ', 0.0675824356439989), ('trap ', -0.10628488100246614), ('sl', -0.05849525752773843), ('op', -0.0012702830495072703), ('.', -0.02062756195300608), ('.', -0.05593810324353399), ('.', -0.07808684522751719), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Horrible sandwiches.'} [('', 0.0), ('Horrible ', -0.5135274771091645), ('sandwiches', -0.0465726659676875), ('.', 0.03783291159197688), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': "The food takes too long, but it's SO good."} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.031632926111342385), ('food ', 0.017444100973079912), ('takes ', -0.0010746990010375157), ('too ', -0.12075222446583211), ('long', -0.09160764442640357), (', ', 0.03312684744014405), ('but ', -0.06039141715154983), ('it', 0.013823205616063206), ("'", 0.027158405351656256), ('s ', -0.02433787797781406), ('SO ', 0.12454994648578577), ('good', 0.7508896723011276), ('.', -0.027725796462618746), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Holy-fucking-awful-fuck.'} [('', 0.0), ('Holy', 0.02232228468346875), ('-', 0.05898185623664176), ('fucking', -0.197731379281322), ('-', -0.001805524752853671), ('awful', -0.06658227890511625), ('-', 0.007401764927635668), ('fuck', -0.06548849620230612), ('.', -0.02685480059881229), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'yum yum dim sum!'} [('', 0.0), ('yu', 0.07319199142511934), ('m ', 0.043196718383114785), ('yu', -0.01124309622173314), ('m ', 0.03277067540693679), ('dim ', -0.45947719634568784), ('sum', -0.07926361580030061), ('!', 0.12635425975895487), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Dim sum was ok. Chung Funn was not good.'} [('', 0.0), ('Dim ', -0.1879903835397272), ('sum ', 0.008699297885868873), ('was ', 0.07859429322616052), ('ok', 0.19373789327983104), ('. ', 0.22005958844238194), ('Chung ', 0.015230236560455523), ('Fun', 0.10362619424267905), ('n ', -0.11780501280736644), ('was ', 0.012577293498907238), ('not ', -0.5468836611416918), ('good', -0.07578156075214793), ('.', -0.06070264955997118), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'This place is absolutely disgusting. Will never return.'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', 0.025681193117634393), ('place ', 0.04640570414994727), ('is ', 0.04111941843802924), ('absolutely ', 0.0973387602443836), ('disgusting', -0.3881593723035621), ('. ', 0.02626168339702417), ('Will ', 0.07780765575625992), ('never ', -0.16147433795958932), ('return', -0.03583455099214916), ('.', -0.031804328646103386), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best curry dishes in town!'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.2616077959537506), ('curry ', -0.032528504729270935), ('dishes ', 0.1170421689748764), ('in ', 0.1430697701871395), ('town', 0.1075419969856739), ('!', 0.09417085349559784), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'It was Laosy.'} [('', 0.0), ('It ', 0.10326652531512082), ('was ', -0.040231118677183986), ('Laos', -0.2929234633920714), ('y', -0.02809035766404122), ('.', -0.06279216124676168), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Mediocre food. Very poor service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Med', -0.1704145576868541), ('io', 0.04048364764184953), ('cre ', -0.11783600778835535), ('food', 0.024381889448704896), ('. ', 0.08019081790189375), ('Very ', 0.01564167890319368), ('poor ', -0.11006182049459312), ('service', -0.020063636540726293), ('.', -0.02898192120483145), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good drinks, kinda blah atmosphere.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.6571277487673797), ('drinks', 0.11086238251300529), (', ', 0.0899626148166135), ('kinda ', -0.1222824917640537), ('blah ', -0.1585398237220943), ('atmosphere', 0.1720402566716075), ('.', -0.026032891357317567), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Simply the best.'} [('', 0.0), ('Simply ', 0.30930662155151367), ('the ', 0.09649081528186798), ('best', 0.22512514889240265), ('.', -0.044387757778167725), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Amazing omelet!'} [('', 0.0), ('Amazing ', 0.42161841690540314), ('om', -0.1959111598553136), ('ele', 0.26066614978481084), ('t', -0.09295618254691362), ('!', 0.2706199735403061), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'The burgers and cheese curds are amazing!'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.001715267077088356), ('burger', -0.07752636168152094), ('s ', 0.001546601764857769), ('and ', 0.10874337516725063), ('cheese ', -0.09377424046397209), ('cu', 0.023669657355640084), ('rds ', -0.03888708824524656), ('are ', 0.1282141343690455), ('amazing', 0.5426972159184515), ('!', 0.10394676495343447), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Basil mozarella burger is the best'} [('', 0.0), ('Basil ', 0.27527445182204247), ('mo', -0.0486051207408309), ('zar', -0.010190433822572231), ('ella ', 0.08637730963528156), ('burger ', -0.043232911732047796), ('is ', 0.022058518137782812), ('the ', 0.052517252042889595), ('best', 0.3948983009904623), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Awesome Food'} [('', 0.0), ('Awesome ', 0.1367410123348236), ('Food', 0.13640055060386658), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best city ever. I never want to live anyplace else.'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.5746086653671227), ('city ', 0.12211005901917815), ('ever', 0.1190805485821329), ('. ', -0.02962483454030007), ('I ', 0.01735136406205129), ('never ', -0.08027146295353305), ('want ', -0.0350018976314459), ('to ', -0.013725704018725082), ('live ', 0.007324594887904823), ('any', -0.024966861150460318), ('pl', -0.02495935943443328), ('ace ', -0.004942806292092428), ('else', -0.0325018692528829), ('.', -0.011762570939026773), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "Irksome gimmicky pub atmosphere, like a classier Bennigan's."} [('', 0.0), ('Ir', -0.08795351575827226), ('ks', 0.03933905763551593), ('ome ', -0.17018102906877175), ('gi', 0.007372120286163408), ('mm', -0.039035758476529736), ('ick', -0.22273896515253), ('y ', 0.02859163933317177), ('pub ', -0.2795349325751886), ('atmosphere', 0.006117885990533978), (', ', 0.003297512128483504), ('like ', -0.052826811392151285), ('a ', 0.12732836900249822), ('class', 0.18120160762191517), ('ier ', 0.02469433627993567), ('Ben', 0.012767676592920907), ('nig', -0.061683441416244024), ('an', 0.010373853592318483), ("'", -0.010246829305348608), ('s', 0.030149721364917545), ('.', -0.032806818630585134), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Quiche is huge and delicious! Changes daily.'} [('', 0.0), ('Qui', 0.08132020523771644), ('che ', -0.08187354123219848), ('is ', 0.0766157815232873), ('huge ', 0.11779140960425138), ('and ', 0.026590578258037567), ('delicious', 0.1974567547440529), ('! ', 0.022500604391098022), ('Changes ', 0.23971442133188248), ('daily', 0.044953782111406326), ('.', -0.028139706701040268), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Solid, but expensive and overrated.'} [('', 0.0), ('Solid', 0.7085795644670725), (', ', 0.11954318173229694), ('but ', 0.025054805795662105), ('expensive ', 0.013897563214413822), ('and ', 0.11605901853181422), ('over', -0.40217880823183805), ('rated', 0.1440097998129204), ('.', -0.005268007516860962), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great decor, great service, Great homemade food using local ingredients!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.14332201145589352), ('decor', 0.02868698351085186), (', ', -0.019073594361543655), ('great ', 0.18632286228239536), ('service', -0.025416584685444832), (', ', -0.008969344198703766), ('Great ', 0.1853626649826765), ('homemade ', -0.00517331063747406), ('food ', -0.01688531320542097), ('using ', -0.008252169005572796), ('local ', 0.043820456601679325), ('ingredients', 0.09674642514437437), ('!', 0.00900079682469368), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Not quite Chipotle. However delicious'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', -0.11171418659796473), ('quite ', 0.15275618621672038), ('Chip', -0.012144049132984946), ('ot', 0.057828489605526556), ('le', -0.04218632811898715), ('. ', 0.14805481180519564), ('However ', -0.20467239833669737), ('delicious', 0.728191459144), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Worth the wait!'} [('', 0.0), ('Worth ', 0.6434306865558028), ('the ', 0.08053923945408314), ('wait', -0.41565907455515116), ('!', 0.27800653874874115), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'hnnnnnnnnnnghhhhhh. THE SCONES. my god, the sconnnnnnnnnnnes.'} [('', -2.4199607485735957e-05), ('h', -0.0054375778412742715), ('nn', -0.010774623369268904), ('nn', -0.016687312279298733), ('nn', -0.0202896039694844), ('nn', -0.016510231361660938), ('nn', -0.017278210201237182), ('gh', -0.008523302210431377), ('hh', -0.011534611519362609), ('hh', -0.00886319568909874), ('h', -0.005445503076242114), ('. ', -0.009675907786004245), ('THE ', -0.017706525293760933), ('SC', -0.08342837706004502), ('ONES', -0.0227164048483246), ('. ', -0.011722476279828697), ('my ', -0.030868695757817477), ('god', -0.04693078965647146), (', ', -0.037143377878237516), ('the ', -0.013920234440593048), ('sc', -0.023202859255252405), ('on', -0.007745135732693598), ('nn', -0.014837540639564394), ('nn', -0.01474958281032741), ('nn', -0.01613257836725097), ('nn', -0.016650701986509375), ('nne', -0.020871435696608386), ('s', -0.004354891422553919), ('.', -0.010663140373071655), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Best scones & croissants in the city by far!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.45450098943547346), ('sc', -0.21943029156682314), ('ones ', -0.09519377188553335), ('& ', 0.21588454801531043), ('cr', -0.02993474225513637), ('ois', 0.08946003369055688), ('sant', 0.040237850276753306), ('s ', -0.009888209169730544), ('in ', -0.06558888324070722), ('the ', 0.07024785445537418), ('city ', 0.05969537602504715), ('by ', -0.009228077542502433), ('far', 0.008342540473677218), ('!', 0.0986388809978962), ('!', -0.022244170308113098), ('!', -0.03400544822216034), ('', 6.496906280517578e-06)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great spot!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.12291048467159271), ('spot', 0.11854498088359833), ('!', 0.2354261577129364), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Pretty good coffee but stale environment. Shakes are good though!'} [('', 0.0), ('Pretty ', 0.004688666464062408), ('good ', 0.16250459851289634), ('coffee ', -0.006340273059322499), ('but ', 0.07036460524250288), ('stale ', -0.37341455666501133), ('environment', -0.0315016370605008), ('. ', -0.006042655648343498), ('Shakes ', 0.06685106072109193), ('are ', 0.07110290171112865), ('good ', 0.7028791839256883), ('though', -0.03025191999040544), ('!', -0.004086912143975496), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Quite possibly the worst-run company on Earth. Period.'} [('', 0.0), ('Quite ', 0.01116826514044078), ('possibly ', -0.02803022434909508), ('the ', 0.0016859645884323982), ('worst', -0.4526168258330472), ('-', 0.0786036344711647), ('run ', -0.15208505336386224), ('company ', 0.018601476699132036), ('on ', 0.06521461315924171), ('Earth', 0.16262027152197334), ('. ', 0.0031768939770699944), ('Period', -0.020632604941056343), ('.', -0.06009454126979108), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great dive bar on State St.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.7182065472006798), ('dive ', -0.17575659276917577), ('bar ', 0.0682956394739449), ('on ', 0.07000414002686739), ('State ', -0.0019108233973383904), ('St', 0.005893668159842491), ('.', 0.03705231100320816), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best\\n\\nUnion\\n\\nEver\\n\\n...nuf said.'} [('', 0.0), ('Best', 0.09754017120576464), ('\\', -0.040421936399070546), ('n', -0.041810899041593075), ('\\', -0.02760168327949941), ('nUn', -0.04250730628943226), ('ion', -0.007586823364060062), ('\\', -0.008056342524165908), ('n', -0.005034155539760832), ('\\', -0.000993952176941093), ('nEver', -0.13567965323818498), ('\\', 0.0014924214665370528), ('n', -0.020202688334393315), ('\\', -0.005769938536104746), ('n', -0.0018818575917975977), ('.', -0.017921506878337823), ('.', -0.021795379579998553), ('.', -0.02028356201481074), ('nu', -0.08854474501761918), ('f ', -0.07366360434874271), ('said', 0.0018698965820173423), ('.', -0.028772003715857863), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Lakefront patio + beer is all you need to know'} [('', 0.0), ('Lake', 0.41527017345651984), ('front ', -0.09630259079858661), ('patio ', 0.31463625410106033), ('+ ', 0.13767167588230222), ('beer ', -0.07092657790053636), ('is ', -0.16091018042061478), ('all ', 0.02742195874452591), ('you ', 0.15282586961984634), ('need ', -0.2018104047747329), ('to ', 0.16331157099921256), ('know', -0.3718171715736389), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Beautiful place to hang out'} [('', 0.0), ('Beautiful ', 0.17819180339574814), ('place ', 0.07945775613188744), ('to ', 0.08558320626616478), ('hang ', 0.14053752436302602), ('out', 0.18026988790370524), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'We love the caribou!'} [('', 0.0), ('We ', 0.08918949961662292), ('love ', 0.28144581988453865), ('the ', -0.0009067542850971222), ('car', -0.029763391707092524), ('ib', 0.28854284761473536), ('ou', -0.04120468068867922), ('!', 0.13612085580825806), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Really cool atmosphere. Mediocre food.'} [('', 0.0), ('Really ', 0.1360036875557853), ('cool ', 0.18719697837150306), ('atmosphere', 0.06486945287542767), ('. ', -0.01735874627775047), ('Med', -0.2275798193513765), ('io', -0.10705918687017402), ('cre ', -0.292368523470941), ('food', 0.010559231857769191), ('.', -0.010556399443885311), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'BEST\\nBREAKFAST\\nEVER\\n!'} [('', 0.0), ('BEST', 0.43697885182336904), ('\\', 0.024419191147899255), ('n', -0.035138796258252114), ('BREAK', 0.037672357517294586), ('FAST', 0.04303202667506412), ('\\', -0.009065232938155532), ('nEVER', -0.4666414629027713), ('\\', 0.003972842852817848), ('n', -0.06172578176483512), ('!', 0.07861755369231105), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'The Scramblerrrrr...........Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh\\nThe buttermilk pancake........Ooohhhhhhhhhh\\nThe prices......ummm, did I even pay?'} [('', -0.005747288839969163), ('The ', -0.005747288839969163), ('Scramble', -0.01662328277210084), ('rr', -0.016977844261176264), ('rr', -0.020043051186560964), ('r', -0.015345672228916859), ('.', -0.00044063260041487715), ('.', -0.001813226230054473), ('.', -0.001813226230054473), ('.', -0.0017171984907084455), ('.', -0.0017171984907084455), ('.', -0.002028686310707902), ('.', -0.002028686310707902), ('.', -0.0024708573143774025), ('.', -0.0024708573143774025), ('.', -0.0013356065303216586), ('.', -0.0013356065303216586), ('Ah', -0.006536289989728377), ('hh', -0.007197788856703685), ('hh', -0.008162080716121838), ('hh', -0.007962444271672413), ('hh', -0.008842538574956253), ('hh', -0.009505168067537144), ('hh', -0.012592761310063198), ('\\', -0.01636936981069286), ('nT', -0.011601919906226815), ('he ', -0.010801969693986595), ('butter', -0.008470003120924552), ('mi', -0.008470003120924552), ('lk ', -0.01054984940015452), ('pan', -0.005358580352751435), ('cake', -0.005358580352751435), ('.', -0.0037357784151228974), ('.', -0.001858929499959279), ('.', -0.001858929499959279), ('.', -0.001802631981646348), ('.', -0.001802631981646348), ('.', -0.0020278652546837465), ('.', -0.0020278652546837465), ('.', -0.002560690266443743), ('O', -0.010271342663225113), ('oo', -0.010271342663225113), ('hh', -0.00783215878171879), ('hh', -0.00783215878171879), ('hh', -0.00939665177710387), ('hh', -0.00939665177710387), ('hh', -0.010607029910795717), ('\\', -0.010607029910795717), ('nT', -0.009033744968371792), ('he ', -0.009033744968371792), ('prices', -0.009222165844301088), ('.', -0.005069190566325887), ('.', -0.0014789406632189639), ('.', -0.0014789406632189639), ('.', -0.00229198885911804), ('.', -0.00229198885911804), ('.', -0.00229198885911804), ('umm', -0.02758401988750039), ('m', -0.01271309245122312), (', ', -0.009896722112090275), ('did ', -0.016366543640389055), ('I ', -0.016366543640389055), ('even ', -0.02284939649608633), ('pay', -0.02284939649608633), ('?', -0.009829063971766219), ('', -0.0005100665758719617)] {'label': 1, 'text': "I'm a Michael's gal!"} [('', 0.0), ('I', 0.09236513078212738), ("'", 0.12600889056921005), ('m ', 0.016993802040815353), ('a ', 0.11714279279112816), ('Michael', 0.1426982842385769), ("'", 0.024559058248996735), ('s ', 0.014461565762758255), ('gal', 0.11917314678430557), ('!', 0.059297189116477966), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great curds'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.26229166984558105), ('cu', 0.24033766239881516), ('rds', -0.025828711688518524), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Average food. No atmosphere.'} [('', 0.0), ('Average ', -0.1687713136561797), ('food', 0.17716146157908952), ('. ', 0.3160112555633532), ('No ', -0.727280405597412), ('atmosphere', 0.11897315968235489), ('.', -0.024015609902562574), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Food is okay. But the place is smelly.'} [('', 0.0), ('Food ', 0.1088253203779459), ('is ', 0.15393163915723562), ('okay', 0.47612351458519697), ('. ', -0.051877591758966446), ('But ', -0.13512811227701604), ('the ', 0.08733032247982919), ('place ', -0.0024807442678138614), ('is ', 0.05675022478681058), ('smell', 0.03477277373895049), ('y', -0.0374415279366076), ('.', -0.03595873340964317), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'The waitstaff are always nice and the food is ok.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.034290741197764874), ('waits', -0.010150483343750238), ('taff ', -0.017597198951989412), ('are ', -0.00023483717814087868), ('always ', 0.05038191983476281), ('nice ', 0.28904635552316904), ('and ', 0.03643218893557787), ('the ', -0.006077721249312162), ('food ', -0.02398266503587365), ('is ', 0.06638307962566614), ('ok', 0.31642783153802156), ('.', -0.03904721140861511), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Sound quality is bad, though screen is ok.'} [('', 0.0), ('Sound ', 0.043519858381841914), ('quality ', 0.15389518927941026), ('is ', -0.047358408401578345), ('bad', -0.5465809213555985), (', ', -0.003925789733330021), ('though ', -0.13882400236343528), ('screen ', 0.07693957530045736), ('is ', 0.11746358685923042), ('ok', 0.5117876598396833), ('.', 0.03105560946642072), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great place for a date night...'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.26448042690753937), ('place ', 0.07366617512889206), ('for ', 0.07793075102381408), ('a ', 0.15077151951845735), ('date ', 0.15503931872081012), ('night', 0.0823367761913687), ('.', 0.004260883200913668), ('.', -0.03752628713846207), ('.', -0.0579630509018898), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'I cant imagine hell to be much different'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', -0.13453063368797302), ('can', 0.2992540136910975), ('t ', -0.0639581517316401), ('imagine ', 0.1856014736695215), ('hell ', -0.44014775834511966), ('to ', 0.26211631554178894), ('be ', -0.24386107991449535), ('much ', -0.027674264973029494), ('different', 0.6444066518452018), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Yawn. Enough said.'} [('', 0.0), ('Ya', -0.2500262404209934), ('wn', -0.40713890217011794), ('. ', 0.08925572468433529), ('Enough ', 0.19853851721563842), ('said', 0.10755148260795977), ('.', -0.042120980069739744), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Love the drinks, food, atmosphere.'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.22199010103940964), ('the ', -0.0018833763897418976), ('drinks', 0.06732569262385368), (', ', 0.09406007826328278), ('food', 0.09071505442261696), (', ', 0.09416882321238518), ('atmosphere', 0.1584968864917755), ('.', 0.004411980509757996), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "terrible cocktails. didn't eat."} [('', 0.0), ('terrible ', -0.21934823174160556), ('cocktail', -0.007486777518352028), ('s', 0.05905786531002377), ('. ', 0.02738294496521121), ('didn', -0.0741317675292521), ("'", -0.03860274634826055), ('t ', -0.1353376544684579), ('eat', 0.10417429059816641), ('.', -0.0021749698316853028), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'No high chair, no thank you....'} [('', 0.0), ('No ', -0.2573503166277078), ('high ', 0.0763301318838785), ('chair', 0.0399608650659502), (', ', 0.03336468194902409), ('no ', -0.3853848726266733), ('thank ', 0.11484258086602495), ('you', 0.18516628019642667), ('.', -0.014443061074416619), ('.', -0.0363840623467695), ('.', -0.04091470336425118), ('.', -0.04743296391097829), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'A very nice high end mall.'} [('', 0.0), ('A ', 0.1501280516386032), ('very ', 0.020746402442455292), ('nice ', 0.2063702568411827), ('high ', 0.3112900103442371), ('end ', 0.03283086372539401), ('mall', -0.029405958019196987), ('.', 0.03147434443235397), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'I love this mall!'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', 0.14378879219293594), ('love ', 0.32014473527669907), ('this ', 0.09249984659254551), ('mall', -0.16304502822458744), ('!', 0.27064312994480133), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great selection of stores.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.38974153995513916), ('selection ', 0.207252552267164), ('of ', 0.17882083589211106), ('stores', -0.067458875477314), ('.', -0.044558942317962646), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Awesome!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Awesome', 0.08190703764557838), ('!', 0.0780547596514225), ('!', 0.14944801479578018), ('!', 0.27717025578022003), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Elephants'} [('', 0.0), ('Elephants', 0.0035308003425598145), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'You get what you pay for.'} [('', 0.0), ('You ', 0.5307077765464783), ('get ', -0.2531144837848842), ('what ', 0.1534426431171596), ('you ', 0.31067053508013487), ('pay ', -0.21630624402314425), ('for', 0.17540995962917805), ('.', 0.01779765635728836), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great hotel!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.07289295457303524), ('hotel', 0.05821910314261913), ('!', 0.10905024781823158), ('!', 0.1532519981265068), ('!', 0.27061717212200165), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Famous for their spam and eggs. Enough said.'} [('', 0.0), ('Famous ', 0.2576167820370756), ('for ', -0.04780548301641829), ('their ', 0.11954594819690101), ('spa', -0.3589958818629384), ('m ', -0.19991005235351622), ('and ', 0.09788451984059066), ('eggs', -0.10327592049725354), ('. ', 0.0054177523124963045), ('Enough ', -0.1405485742725432), ('said', 0.10897934576496482), ('.', -0.04536635987460613), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Not as nice as I hoped. Tight slots, rude service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', -0.5142112017820182), ('as ', -0.04606853577388392), ('nice ', 0.25232395649254613), ('as ', -0.01132738404248812), ('I ', -0.0107988530116927), ('hoped', 0.09129563041642541), ('. ', 0.04182016810955247), ('Tight ', 0.08674345067447575), ('slots', -0.11074067778645258), (', ', -0.02480537321025622), ('rude ', -0.0807379204852623), ('service', -0.03804284913712763), ('.', -0.025374852481036214), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Beautiful hotel yet I was not highly impressed.'} [('', 0.0), ('Beautiful ', 0.27010445966152474), ('hotel ', 0.08389747873297893), ('yet ', 0.011295519390841946), ('I ', -0.004712661604571622), ('was ', -0.014513180249196012), ('not ', -0.6648087521825801), ('highly ', 0.034959118864207994), ('impressed', 0.04754458018578589), ('.', -0.03104888484813273), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "The Bellagio's seafood buffet is outstanding. Worth the experience."} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.0293731652200222), ('Bella', 0.0016237678937613964), ('gio', 0.08665260626003146), ("'", -0.010464842896908522), ('s ', 0.029514786321669817), ('seafood ', -0.014269434846937656), ('buffet ', 0.019344612024724483), ('is ', -0.0032690237276256084), ('outstanding', 0.21682332223281264), ('. ', -0.0036708153784275055), ('Worth ', 0.27192118391394615), ('the ', 0.01831900328397751), ('experience', 0.03661344572901726), ('.', -0.03621722757816315), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Simply overpriced.\\nBad food, stagnant atmosphere.\\nWhy am I still here?'} [('', -1.9661201804410666e-05), ('Simply ', -0.023836240368837025), ('over', -0.0886492384097437), ('pr', -0.013867366767044587), ('ice', -0.022543288052474963), ('d', 0.013689623656318872), ('.', -0.005511450217454694), ('\\', -0.00613995962194167), ('nBa', -0.014416413984145037), ('d ', -0.005646354299096856), ('food', -0.013462259647349128), (', ', -0.0037237400996673387), ('st', -0.0264389601043149), ('ag', -0.023259055161361175), ('nant ', -0.029497697834813152), ('atmosphere', -0.008549604679501499), ('.', -0.009992379122195416), ('\\', -0.029784656453557545), ('nW', -0.02282789032688015), ('hy ', -0.013236365371994907), ('am ', -0.01607145750676864), ('I ', -0.01434684041669243), ('still ', -0.04278104016339057), ('here', 0.00488005709121353), ('?', -0.09023634190452867), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Beautiful hotel and super cool water show!'} [('', 0.0), ('Beautiful ', 0.20307808741927147), ('hotel ', 0.11294790729880333), ('and ', 0.04897511750459671), ('super ', 0.12517846189439297), ('cool ', 0.23807226680219173), ('water ', -0.061680488055571914), ('show', 0.042542647337540984), ('!', 0.02017374336719513), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Loving the penthouse suite!'} [('', 0.0), ('Loving ', 0.19914040714502335), ('the ', 0.010585634037852287), ('penthouse ', 0.09087497554719448), ('suite', 0.09279963746666908), ('!', 0.2706324905157089), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great Hotel. Love it'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.132183488458395), ('Hotel', 0.09780312702059746), ('. ', 0.10205519944429398), ('Love ', 0.179087333381176), ('it', 0.1529049500823021), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Smells like old people.'} [('', 0.0), ('Smells ', 0.33048044505994767), ('like ', -0.05707168424851261), ('old ', -0.6858986353909131), ('people', 0.1298107253969647), ('.', -0.048553136410191655), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Absolutely gorgeous place.'} [('', 0.0), ('Absolutely ', 0.3148467689752579), ('gorgeous ', 0.2675928398966789), ('place', 0.048529379069805145), ('.', -0.04438069462776184), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Love the Bellagio! Never disappoints.'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.18488754332065582), ('the ', -0.019438229501247406), ('Bella', 0.058744052425026894), ('gio', 0.05512882210314274), ('! ', 0.03453705087304115), ('Never ', 0.17583276703953743), ('di', 0.21719197105267085), ('sa', -0.012140468432335183), ('pp', -0.005984147766866954), ('oint', -0.013646233859617496), ('s', -0.008772314213274512), ('.', -0.039046481251716614), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Blech.'} [('', 0.0), ('B', -0.3000197729561478), ('le', -0.038695145631209016), ('ch', -0.007590291555970907), ('.', -0.054758891463279724), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good casino, good food options, fun bars, just go.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.1702158097177744), ('casino', 0.0025568995624780655), (', ', -0.018908966332674026), ('good ', 0.14687207317911088), ('food ', 0.02101686899550259), ('options', -0.005259803496301174), (', ', -0.009161796420812607), ('fun ', 0.382443702314049), ('bars', -0.05602198699489236), (', ', -0.009014226496219635), ('just ', -0.0793098108842969), ('go', 0.05538182705640793), ('.', 0.008654830045998096), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Stinky dirty hotel'} [('', 0.0), ('Stink', -0.28417128990986384), ('y ', 0.0728049948811531), ('dirty ', -0.3391495515461429), ('hotel', 0.13773614650563104), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Horrible place, lost our rooms 3 times, seriously?'} [('', 0.0), ('Horrible ', -0.183275217339542), ('place', 0.03352188798817224), (', ', -0.01733608864742564), ('lost ', -0.12874514376926527), ('our ', -0.0018880174120567972), ('rooms ', 0.044696931498037884), ('3 ', 0.002987802382449445), ('times', -0.005108458365612023), (', ', -0.006442022313422058), ('seriously', -0.02990968639642233), ('?', -0.042045153939398006), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Comfortable'} [('', 0.0), ('Comfortable', 0.0666247010231018), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'very depressing! I guess Hilton dumped it for good reason.'} [('', 0.0), ('very ', 0.06823673745748238), ('de', -0.12387227935687406), ('pressing', -0.12252263154368848), ('! ', -0.017361622351018013), ('I ', -0.017185333952511428), ('guess ', -0.03378389335193788), ('Hilton ', 0.03245073592461267), ('dumped ', -0.1137623193599211), ('it ', 0.0010426811118122714), ('for ', -0.09178177387775577), ('good ', 0.131545890902089), ('reason', -0.050551622186503664), ('.', -0.052634486064562225), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Dirty,dirty,air conditioner still out of order,restaurants bad service.'} [('', -4.14467285736464e-06), ('Dirty', -0.09007816286612069), (',', -0.020175697205559118), ('dirty', -0.0810117472683487), (',', -0.026758451484056422), ('air ', -0.010720904612147327), ('condition', -0.02276596024724616), ('er ', -0.009473906471005952), ('still ', -0.027024679140140506), ('out ', -0.028323386135070905), ('of ', 0.0021134971689207305), ('order', -0.004591325934143242), (',', -0.012805010304873576), ('restaurants ', -0.0035357766146262293), ('bad ', -0.07244177953089093), ('service', -0.024977143893920584), ('.', -0.01526304857179639), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Dreadfully awful. Stay away at all cost.'} [('', 0.0), ('Dreadful', -0.11916274368377344), ('ly ', 0.030479099705189583), ('awful', -0.08629913218646834), ('. ', -0.007877535370425903), ('Stay ', -0.026141892422856472), ('away ', -0.051642111672663304), ('at ', 0.0028517471350824053), ('all ', 0.0029881714494877087), ('cost', -0.02474070914013282), ('.', -0.02318798441774561), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'pretty good steak.'} [('', 0.0), ('pretty ', 0.307842954993248), ('good ', 0.23388372361660004), ('steak', 0.08914387226104736), ('.', -0.044323742389678955), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'what a dump'} [('', 0.0), ('what ', 0.22537904309865553), ('a ', 0.12103242990997387), ('dump', -0.8691393079716363), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': ': /'} [('', 0.0), (': ', 0.081684410572052), ('/', -0.3154897093772888), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'OK'} [('', 0.0), ('OK', 0.06655478477478027), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Fantastic French dip and service!'} [('', 0.0), ('Fantastic ', 0.3161979764699936), ('French ', 0.08470793068408966), ('dip ', -0.05512848496437073), ('and ', 0.09709307551383972), ('service', 0.08750816062092781), ('!', 0.16069535538554192), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'love the paris'} [('', 0.0), ('love ', 0.2436886727809906), ('the ', 0.09930478036403656), ('paris', 0.13388793170452118), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great location, and always fun!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.3214635457843542), ('location', -0.04962760768830776), (', ', 0.0898253470659256), ('and ', 0.052348487079143524), ('always ', 0.10964352451264858), ('fun', 0.12748239748179913), ('!', 0.07231377437710762), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Comfortable, modern, excellent service. Great atmosphere with smaller casino.'} [('', 0.0), ('Comfortable', 0.08910270780324936), (', ', -0.0028328895568847656), ('modern', 0.04775136895477772), (', ', 0.02199934981763363), ('excellent ', 0.1968891741707921), ('service', -0.028362342156469822), ('. ', -0.012362856417894363), ('Great ', 0.29285620525479317), ('atmosphere ', 0.049453943967819214), ('with ', -0.005653497995808721), ('smaller ', -0.001260713441297412), ('casino', 0.0012706685811281204), ('.', -0.03937318176031113), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Skip-able. \\n\\nTacky. Loud. Skip.'} [('', 0.0), ('Skip', -0.2800193424191093), ('-', 0.019264571041276213), ('able', 0.17301237803621916), ('. ', -0.012007865618215874), ('\\', -0.007106410717824474), ('n', -0.008225507954193745), ('\\', -0.01017019489518134), ('nT', -0.03012630361263291), ('ack', -0.03215422555877012), ('y', -0.0006119685203884728), ('. ', -0.017547542811371386), ('Loud', -0.0745125261018984), ('. ', -0.03635212912922725), ('Skip', -0.08949541562469676), ('.', -0.020046494726557285), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'not as new as some others on strip street'} [('', 0.0), ('not ', -0.2776919435491436), ('as ', -0.11470445232043858), ('new ', 0.043386401961470256), ('as ', -0.022550201132617076), ('some ', -0.034095806748155155), ('others ', 0.11885497179900995), ('on ', 0.09795162903537857), ('strip ', -0.006096307741245255), ('street', -0.09163390944740968), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'rooms need updating but great casino.'} [('', 0.0), ('rooms ', 0.06661129207350314), ('need ', -0.35596601222641766), ('up', 0.09560574917122722), ('dating ', 0.0693127172999084), ('but ', 0.17776331375353038), ('great ', 0.6703493392560631), ('casino', 0.029103093198500574), ('.', -0.023725876002572477), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Good service, decent atmosphere and Very very good food!!!'} [('', 7.636845111846924e-08), ('Good ', 0.3578736484050751), ('service', -0.01368377823382616), (', ', -0.036080834455788136), ('decent ', 0.1575820562429726), ('atmosphere ', 0.003359867725521326), ('and ', -0.0069070300087332726), ('Very ', 0.010377900616731495), ('very ', 0.04075883101904765), ('good ', 0.07317855511792004), ('food', 0.028741348767653108), ('!', 0.0013454826548695564), ('!', 0.015811100602149963), ('!', -0.02286665141582489), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'JESUS HAS RETURNED...\\n\\nin the form of Black Cod Miso.'} [('', 0.000534822087502107), ('JESUS ', -0.050783718266757205), ('HAS ', 0.10389631454017945), ('RETURNED', 0.07265646223095246), ('.', 0.010730420355685055), ('.', -0.01569415640551597), ('.', -0.015147969243116677), ('\\', -0.04583113722037524), ('n', -0.022155005601234734), ('\\', -0.02395667659584433), ('ni', -0.041891286411555484), ('n ', -0.015624277322785929), ('the ', -0.0422320757934358), ('form ', -0.013389507279498503), ('of ', -0.03205471388355363), ('Black ', -0.09226412112184335), ('Cod ', -0.07262324678595178), ('Mis', -0.15104189380508615), ('o', 0.0061753416594001465), ('.', -0.03130682645132765), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great sushi and sake!! A bit pricy.. but hey....'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.48727454897016287), ('su', -0.021824828116223216), ('shi ', 0.053086357889696956), ('and ', 0.1013325770618394), ('sake', -0.0693386715138331), ('!', 0.08228338928893209), ('! ', 0.06197665398940444), ('A ', 0.0503308521292638), ('bit ', 0.006741943449014798), ('pri', -0.05945026990957558), ('cy', -0.02450640604365617), ('.', -0.07634506816975772), ('. ', 0.010354053229093552), ('but ', -0.025436076801270247), ('hey', 0.08923087152652442), ('.', 0.029880837304517627), ('.', -0.07959330268204212), ('.', -0.04905466176569462), ('.', -0.057108838111162186), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Average Japanese food at amazing Japanese food prices.'} [('', 0.0), ('Average ', -0.14063848555088043), ('Japanese ', 0.009999033063650131), ('food ', 0.0210718996822834), ('at ', 0.11105258855968714), ('amazing ', 0.7465329561382532), ('Japanese ', 0.026418041670694947), ('food ', 0.023768812185153365), ('prices', -0.0562412915751338), ('.', -0.02900262549519539), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Nobu is always perfect.'} [('', 0.0), ('No', 0.08681313320994377), ('bu ', 0.17490090802311897), ('is ', 0.007235988974571228), ('always ', 0.21394473128020763), ('perfect', 0.23075027577579021), ('.', -0.022501584142446518), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'My all-time favorite. Superb!'} [('', 0.0), ('My ', 0.006528329104185104), ('all', 0.0687872339040041), ('-', 0.034224824979901314), ('time ', 0.011104234494268894), ('favorite', 0.2057893043383956), ('. ', 0.03800281882286072), ('Superb', 0.3446989208459854), ('!', 0.02014051377773285), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'My least favorite casino on the strip. Enough said.'} [('', 0.0), ('My ', 0.04699496607645415), ('least ', -0.7149165920272935), ('favorite ', 0.20704193957499228), ('casino ', -0.006105720622144872), ('on ', 0.05372912186066969), ('the ', 0.0669954059058), ('strip', 0.07466432130877365), ('. ', 0.01004213105989038), ('Enough ', -0.1240730253921356), ('said', 0.0923881415365031), ('.', -0.03981583770655561), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'OK!'} [('', 0.0), ('OK', 0.13700968027114868), ('!', 0.13604813814163208), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "For room to price to location this place isn't bad."} [('', 0.0), ('For ', -0.01822106703184545), ('room ', -0.0683989095268771), ('to ', -0.023844014736823738), ('price ', -0.020620983676053584), ('to ', -0.04507971822749823), ('location ', -0.022596551541937515), ('this ', 0.019684279657667503), ('place ', 0.003508203779347241), ('isn', -0.0208767626536428), ("'", -0.019543669766790117), ('t ', 0.44592851567176695), ('bad', 0.3976980758288846), ('.', -0.021200787554334966), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Room was outdated and gross. We will not stay again'} [('', 0.0), ('Room ', -0.01873131373213255), ('was ', -0.009993991704504879), ('outdated ', -0.056112015497092216), ('and ', -0.0006722165853716433), ('gross', -0.10085702915057482), ('. ', 0.01658040109941794), ('We ', 0.0667329403995609), ('will ', 0.11231147894704918), ('not ', -0.19493033983235364), ('stay ', -0.10887655389888096), ('again', -0.03907938713382464), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Awesome show. It was exciting, funny, and really sexy!'} [('', 0.0), ('Awesome ', 0.343626132234931), ('show', -0.02262486331164837), ('. ', -0.0162949338555336), ('It ', -0.019863589201122522), ('was ', -0.005861521232873201), ('exciting', 0.10699341911822557), (', ', -0.0045042987912893295), ('funny', 0.0831176396459341), (', ', -0.007501048967242241), ('and ', -0.017526881769299507), ('really ', 0.05842923792079091), ('sexy', 0.0984696545638144), ('!', 0.013037587516009808), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'From a Las Vegas local: Favorite show on the strip!'} [('', 0.0), ('From ', -0.033303387463092804), ('a ', -0.018053019419312477), ('Las ', 0.07913930155336857), ('Vegas ', 0.15140597615391016), ('local', -0.05403028894215822), (': ', 0.06813674326986074), ('Favorite ', 0.2833008663728833), ('show ', -0.09824292734265327), ('on ', -0.01097813993692398), ('the ', 0.11646297993138433), ('strip', 0.07083008391782641), ('!', 0.07149466872215271), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Absolutely beautiful. My visual favorite!'} [('', 0.0), ('Absolutely ', 0.12475516647100449), ('beautiful', 0.12854846566915512), ('. ', 0.10869772732257843), ('My ', 0.031983913853764534), ('visual ', 0.12272047810256481), ('favorite', 0.17912115156650543), ('!', 0.027613982558250427), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'By far the best hotel in Vegas.'} [('', 0.0), ('By ', 0.183137409389019), ('far ', 0.011327816173434258), ('the ', 0.06785115040838718), ('best ', 0.2018626630306244), ('hotel ', 0.13088193535804749), ('in ', 0.03806750103831291), ('Vegas', 0.14317544177174568), ('.', -0.047060757875442505), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Love this place.. 2nd only behind The Palazzo..'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.3087469395250082), ('this ', 0.07388832489959896), ('place', 0.050017747329548), ('.', -0.006677720695734024), ('. ', -0.023356003686785698), ('2nd ', 0.04918626230210066), ('only ', -0.04980043601244688), ('behind ', 0.23440282815136015), ('The ', 0.019441191805526614), ('Palazzo', 0.07282354962080717), ('.', -0.023319780826568604), ('.', -0.07807907462120056), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Comfortable rooms and very large bathrooms.'} [('', 0.0), ('Comfortable ', 0.18342015147209167), ('rooms ', 0.1307145655155182), ('and ', 0.0649736225605011), ('very ', 0.030647038016468287), ('large ', 0.3344218540005386), ('bathrooms', 0.0071806591004133224), ('.', -0.028038062155246735), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Bad service and not worth the price.'} [('', 0.0), ('Bad ', -0.17172984328681196), ('service ', -0.012117990494516562), ('and ', 0.04892262894281885), ('not ', -0.2858534335882723), ('worth ', 0.1853100025855383), ('the ', 0.04318814319140074), ('price', -0.05263809285042953), ('.', -0.025475742331764195), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Beautiful hotel to stay at For an affordable price!!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Beautiful ', 0.20420483872294426), ('hotel ', 0.09707174636423588), ('to ', 0.008997129276394844), ('stay ', -0.0479104220867157), ('at ', 0.03877601306885481), ('For ', -0.0007345343474298716), ('an ', 0.018250120105221868), ('affordable ', 0.17189339082688093), ('price', 0.0629612160846591), ('!', 0.05527540110051632), ('!', 0.0051521845161914825), ('!', -0.006526511162519455), ('!', 0.00202188640832901), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best hotel to stay at!'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.2047117054462433), ('hotel ', 0.11309482157230377), ('to ', 0.08211229741573334), ('stay ', -0.021124418824911118), ('at', 0.148179080337286), ('!', 0.16395777463912964), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'The volcano show sucked!'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.10204112608334981), ('volcano ', -0.0201983672377537), ('show ', 0.12937050844993792), ('sucked', -0.817341312100325), ('!', 0.27059587312396616), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'good hotel. reasonable prices, good food options. Love the pool.'} [('', 0.0), ('good ', 0.13821044750511646), ('hotel', 0.017841139808297157), ('. ', -0.007284078747034073), ('reasonable ', 0.03391815070062876), ('prices', -0.05116892606019974), (', ', 0.0032591288909316063), ('good ', 0.14202844304963946), ('food ', 0.02235476393252611), ('options', -0.005514517892152071), ('. ', -0.0007777400314807892), ('Love ', 0.3269691411405802), ('the ', 0.04223066009581089), ('pool', -0.042423758655786514), ('.', -0.036119669675827026), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Big Smoke at Mirage. A+'} [('', 0.0), ('Big ', 0.16331348195672035), ('Smoke ', -0.09735235315747559), ('at ', 0.09493904444389045), ('Mirage', 0.061802270356565714), ('. ', 0.021471112966537476), ('A', 0.1506238877773285), ('+', 0.2615433931350708), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Nice and clean, expected for a 4 stars hotel'} [('', 0.0), ('Nice ', 0.18919792026281357), ('and ', 0.007190875709056854), ('clean', 0.15399723127484322), (', ', 0.03634002432227135), ('expected ', -0.0826568161137402), ('for ', 0.012074567843228579), ('a ', 0.022958360612392426), ('4 ', 0.0031467601656913757), ('stars ', 0.261597141623497), ('hotel', 0.09290761500597), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Incredible steak. Delicious.'} [('', 0.0), ('Incredible ', 0.16020673140883446), ('steak', 0.06932802125811577), ('. ', 0.10228816419839859), ('Delicious', 0.3545885533094406), ('.', -0.022374749183654785), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "Delmonico is\\nEmeril's Vegas steakhouse\\nSuch yummy goodness"} [('', 0.0), ('Del', 0.023773171938955784), ('mon', 0.12009095121175051), ('ico ', -0.11807876825332642), ('is', 0.06541829276829958), ('\\', -0.03863340895622969), ('nE', -0.04143660608679056), ('mer', 0.03885094961151481), ('il', 0.007285561878234148), ("'", 0.030793052166700363), ('s ', 0.07935047056525946), ('Vegas ', 0.03169307857751846), ('steak', -0.009172502905130386), ('house', 0.027535573579370975), ('\\', -0.052179683931171894), ('nS', -0.06817205960396677), ('uch ', -0.1052437435137108), ('yu', -0.05160653602797538), ('mmy ', -0.08410019299481064), ('goodness', 0.6527448738925159), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Not Impressed. Had to ask for Ketchup. Enough Said.'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', -0.5414620259944058), ('Impressed', 0.39734878817762365), ('. ', -0.011628021973592695), ('Had ', -0.021251859856420197), ('to ', -0.024337676069990266), ('ask ', -0.02220015939019504), ('for ', -0.01433635503417463), ('Ke', 0.046373011728974234), ('tch', -0.10869042159811215), ('up', 0.01671636206083349), ('. ', -0.005998028333124239), ('Enough ', -0.12021357438788982), ('Said', 0.031213679649226833), ('.', -0.037314216868253425), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best steak in town!'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.20729399472475052), ('steak ', 0.05620566941797733), ('in ', 0.06353824771940708), ('town', 0.06581065431237221), ('!', 0.2707986980676651), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'over priced and barely average food. wouldnt return'} [('', 0.0), ('over ', -0.11342260315359454), ('priced ', 0.031637385163776344), ('and ', 0.0036208079691277817), ('barely ', -0.0668998568007737), ('average ', -0.0025158794114759075), ('food', -0.010083257391670486), ('. ', 0.00011712233390426263), ('wouldn', -0.050455499193049036), ('t ', -0.06179832582711242), ('return', -0.03256176626018714), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best bone and rib eye ever!'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.5071008270606399), ('bone ', -0.1165978079661727), ('and ', 0.09927189350128174), ('rib ', -0.21349228592589498), ('eye ', 0.11205688817426562), ('ever', 0.16495694685727358), ('!', 0.16985754668712616), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good steak in general. Not worth the price your paying.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.3639884768399497), ('steak ', -0.03816323682985967), ('in ', 0.005822884055305622), ('general', 0.030516874099703273), ('. ', -0.006272478822211269), ('Not ', -0.3649911190987041), ('worth ', -0.08110794136518962), ('the ', -0.07820874563185498), ('price ', -0.035003371249331394), ('your ', 0.005806373025734501), ('paying', -0.057268455207122315), ('.', -0.032711037558328826), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Outstanding'} [('', 0.0), ('Outstanding', 0.06662541627883911), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "very disappointed. my steak was burnt and it wasn't great."} [('', 0.0), ('very ', 0.0482570843269059), ('disappointed', -0.23934710921093938), ('. ', -0.016833704030432273), ('my ', -0.006630843482525961), ('steak ', -0.010699589126488718), ('was ', -0.018562423214461887), ('burnt ', -0.06061674474403844), ('and ', 0.017770559652490192), ('it ', 0.0028987780096940696), ('wasn', -0.10579116239205177), ("'", -0.01881032500477886), ('t ', -0.13063181591405737), ('great', 0.1027400749608205), ('.', 0.020224882469847216), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Steak was cooked to perfection. Service in general excellent!'} [('', 0.0), ('Steak ', 0.045805081725120544), ('was ', 0.003945057280361652), ('cooked ', 0.050556967966258526), ('to ', 0.032184526324272156), ('perfection', 0.19638977944850922), ('. ', 0.0035766959190368652), ('Service ', -0.025052917189896107), ('in ', -0.00625238474458456), ('general ', 0.07846710085868835), ('excellent', 0.2947109453380108), ('!', -0.008316241204738617), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great food, amazing service. A must have when in Vegas.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.20213851984590292), ('food', 0.09147922415286303), (', ', -0.022335845977067947), ('amazing ', 0.38164206547662616), ('service', -0.047844293992966413), ('. ', -0.06262357905507088), ('A ', 0.11135366861708462), ('must ', -0.06544232671149075), ('have ', -0.11072723590768874), ('when ', -0.0428608653601259), ('in ', -0.011109782848507166), ('Vegas', 0.2123141181655228), ('.', -0.026492616161704063), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best steak available Well worth the cost.'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.22048982977867126), ('steak ', 0.10413540713489056), ('available ', 0.037922577932477), ('Well ', 0.15320509672164917), ('worth ', 0.26612352579832077), ('the ', 0.03695388650521636), ('cost', -0.06461727386340499), ('.', -0.025315359234809875), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'This place is awesome. Even the name sounds erotic.'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', -0.02291792631149292), ('place ', 0.10334112495183945), ('is ', 0.029071387834846973), ('awesome', 0.6721745254471898), ('. ', 0.011712396517395973), ('Even ', -0.1082945428788662), ('the ', -0.004301352426409721), ('name ', -0.10145210532937199), ('sounds ', 0.01799528591800481), ('erotic', 0.10552168218418956), ('.', -0.03679831326007843), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Two words. HOT and WOMEN.'} [('', 0.0), ('Two ', -0.02452707663178444), ('words', -0.008364271372556686), ('. ', 0.1032043993473053), ('HOT ', 0.3364587277173996), ('and ', 0.20291608572006226), ('WOMEN', 0.11698507145047188), ('.', -0.004848349839448929), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'I want my money back.'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', 0.05697765582590364), ('want ', -0.16055988535663346), ('my ', -0.016589512284554075), ('money ', -0.11250246882264037), ('back', -0.04397285451705102), ('.', -0.030971556581789628), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Hot women and cheap beer! Need i say more!'} [('', 0.0), ('Hot ', 0.14251442862587282), ('women ', 0.07494740183028625), ('and ', 0.032571516450843774), ('cheap ', -0.2949866462549835), ('beer', -0.06517490921032731), ('! ', -0.04886851759511046), ('Need ', -0.27573060485883616), ('i ', 0.10562160136760212), ('say ', 0.005180927051696926), ('more', 0.004603388602845371), ('!', -0.011568941175937653), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "This place smells fishy, and I'm not talking about food."} [('', 0.0), ('This ', -0.04188145590160275), ('place ', 0.031259516883437755), ('smells ', 0.10061057508937665), ('fish', -0.22467988081552903), ('y', -0.0267004749730404), (', ', -0.002041642197582405), ('and ', -0.058705643605208024), ('I', 0.06983018860410084), ("'", 0.05250071008413215), ('m ', 0.06585431999337743), ('not ', -0.3854161948438559), ('talking ', 0.022585173792322166), ('about ', 0.053185436758212745), ('food', -0.018279275434906594), ('.', -0.06713989932904951), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Needs more cigarette filtration and space to sit.'} [('', 0.0), ('Needs ', -0.2398101112448785), ('more ', -0.039749435909470776), ('cigarette ', -0.19263923296966823), ('fi', -0.03188560112266714), ('lt', -0.00706852421444637), ('ration ', -0.002973621483761235), ('and ', 0.14177024656601134), ('space ', 0.05874098467029398), ('to ', 0.07515971479733707), ('sit', -0.13157367528765462), ('.', 0.03663880542444531), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Terrible service, plain and simple!'} [('', 0.0), ('Terrible ', -0.6583245233341586), ('service', -0.03623179017449729), (', ', 0.105410807474982), ('plain ', -0.12396470636304002), ('and ', 0.03397504008898977), ('simple', 0.2705661414511269), ('!', 0.13921237869362812), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'decent rooms and comfortable beds, but please clean the carpet!'} [('', 0.0), ('decent ', 0.28191136475652456), ('rooms ', 0.09847030695527792), ('and ', 0.006173731759190559), ('comfortable ', 0.4011609395965934), ('beds', -0.03449068497866392), (', ', 0.0023474358022212982), ('but ', -0.11044991947710514), ('please ', 0.13225084519945085), ('clean ', -0.018674979568459094), ('the ', -0.06351831537904218), ('carpet', -0.04279299854533747), ('!', -0.026669043116271496), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Very interesting casino. Especially the Lion Exhibit.'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.05072665587067604), ('interesting ', 0.2903627036139369), ('casino', -0.0077532073482871056), ('. ', 0.03075132519006729), ('Especially ', 0.07775878999382257), ('the ', 0.04323604051023722), ('Lion ', 0.08190894220024347), ('Exhibit', 0.17363680247217417), ('.', -0.02776988223195076), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Addicted to Majestic Lions! Jackpot!'} [('', 0.0), ('Addicted ', -0.3703509666956961), ('to ', 0.03991821699310094), ('Majestic ', 0.5014125009765849), ('Lions', 0.01052248664200306), ('! ', 0.19102786481380463), ('Jack', 0.15854163467884064), ('pot', 0.005857974290847778), ('!', 0.18710298836231232), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': "I love Vegas!! =) That's all."} [('', 0.0), ('I ', 0.01712784869596362), ('love ', 0.3341103882994503), ('Vegas', 0.08018450322560966), ('!', 0.034276656806468964), ('! ', 0.02856963314116001), ('=', -0.05426262877881527), (') ', 0.03430687263607979), ('That', 0.12140532745979726), ("'", 0.10195229318924248), ('s ', -0.000349520705640316), ('all', 0.009118126705288887), ('.', -0.0792414303869009), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "At eagle's concert"} [('', 0.0), ('At ', 0.07390101999044418), ('eagle', 0.07975882291793823), ("'", 0.05290621146559715), ('s ', 0.12652337178587914), ('concert', 0.327822282910347), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Great casino and good food. I still prefer Bellagio.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.16567925550043583), ('casino ', 0.0075359586626291275), ('and ', -0.010193746536970139), ('good ', 0.18586009414866567), ('food', -0.014404401648789644), ('. ', -0.008472252637147903), ('I ', 0.08973173564299941), ('still ', 0.011335088405758142), ('prefer ', 0.12904546782374382), ('Bella', 0.02445748634636402), ('gio', 0.07212640158832073), ('.', -0.02541438490152359), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'what happened to the lions?!'} [('', 0.0), ('what ', -0.03270987568248529), ('happened ', -0.2099769497071975), ('to ', 0.07626100934430724), ('the ', 0.06602366745937616), ('lions', 0.06405190897930879), ('?', -0.29248720964824315), ('!', 0.05354282393818721), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'TRES bien mais TRES (TROP) grand :p'} [('', 0.0), ('TRES ', -0.049013113719411194), ('bien ', 0.16174729552585632), ('mai', 0.03906475892290473), ('s ', 0.017436410067602992), ('TRES ', -0.05665112775750458), ('(', -0.1417649807408452), ('TR', -0.12972725043073297), ('OP', -0.051408298779278994), (') ', 0.14348872657865286), ('grand ', 0.371626868378371), (':', 0.08431506576016545), ('p', -0.2576141394674778), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'The room was great the service was terrible!'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.11121491150697693), ('room ', 0.021614265075186267), ('was ', 0.01045028810040094), ('great ', 0.42269007627146493), ('the ', 0.1590197466484824), ('service ', -0.06499252004596201), ('was ', -0.1294758560734408), ('terrible', -0.22256351656142215), ('!', -0.1082302769063972), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Ok room\\nOk food choices\\nBEST pool in town'} [('', 0.0), ('Ok ', 0.10753815528005362), ('room', 0.08569596253801137), ('\\', 0.06771636323537678), ('nO', -0.32143263401576405), ('k ', 0.009093533145460242), ('food ', 0.03960360318887979), ('choices', 0.019645826658234), ('\\', -0.019373745191842318), ('n', -0.31521713361144066), ('BES', 0.10068615851923823), ('T ', -0.2056329776532948), ('pool ', -0.051213529775850475), ('in ', 0.06717014929745346), ('town', 0.028302318649366498), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'drunk gurls after the clubs are best found here!!'} [('', 0.0), ('drunk ', -0.1724053010402713), ('gu', -0.03628991829464212), ('rl', -0.0462166506331414), ('s ', -0.016972586483461782), ('after ', -0.16432425679886364), ('the ', -0.0025124534258793574), ('clubs ', -0.002135775728675071), ('are ', -0.07797885660693282), ('best ', 0.2179339236136002), ('found ', -0.06200267174790497), ('here', -0.07852452294901013), ('!', 0.07625260554777924), ('!', -0.022963323746807873), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'The MGM never disappoint$. :)'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.014551465515978634), ('MGM ', -0.019200580492906738), ('never ', 0.403194548918691), ('di', 0.3337182174982445), ('sa', 0.11059092418508953), ('pp', -0.0030113336633803556), ('oint', -0.0214508681656298), ('$', -0.040598055682494305), ('. ', -0.008760965967667289), (':', -0.035158783197402954), (')', -0.03910958766937256), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Beautiful Casino. Wait staff was kind of rude.'} [('', 0.0), ('Beautiful ', 0.36558686101489), ('Casino', -0.01480495047144359), ('. ', 0.03498134641267825), ('Wait ', -0.1841939794139762), ('staff ', -0.0072369828885712195), ('was ', 0.025374459401064087), ('kind ', -0.10839268165000249), ('of ', -0.07913225931406487), ('rude', -0.25095675594639033), ('.', -0.008591750462073833), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Solid hotel. The SkyLoft suites were pretty darn impressive.'} [('', 0.0), ('Solid ', 0.2731114812195301), ('hotel', 0.03511843457818031), ('. ', -0.016466058790683746), ('The ', -0.014568121638149023), ('Sky', 0.01750978804193437), ('Lo', -0.013308928115293384), ('ft ', -0.004977196920663118), ('suites ', 0.027322394074872136), ('were ', -0.08810727368108928), ('pretty ', -0.0015084980987012386), ('dar', 0.057373211020603776), ('n ', 0.051850648829713464), ('impressive', 0.2778224819339812), ('.', -0.017626171000301838), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'need sooo much updating. bad smells and dirty rooms.'} [('', 0.0), ('need ', -0.2878025062054803), ('soo', -0.03192636872518051), ('o ', -0.0022708348278683843), ('much ', -0.016080517696536845), ('up', 0.11046829721090035), ('dating', 0.04780810921147349), ('. ', -0.013320687467057724), ('bad ', -0.10996914264069346), ('smells ', 0.02728055250008765), ('and ', -0.017755593449692242), ('dirty ', -0.07653492410645413), ('rooms', -0.0008099091046460671), ('.', -0.019165220161085017), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Excellent service. Great value!'} [('', 0.0), ('Excellent ', 0.28689729422330856), ('service', -0.051964811980724335), ('. ', 0.1106315553188324), ('Great ', 0.1693069487810135), ('value', 0.09139959514141083), ('!', 0.08487012982368469), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Very good! Try the Uni Shooters!'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.045185704017058015), ('good', 0.7046624582726508), ('! ', 0.09462010255083442), ('Try ', -0.0489752582507208), ('the ', 0.044254070962779224), ('Un', -0.09663934173295274), ('i ', 0.011979586852248758), ('Shooters', -0.03613028826657683), ('!', -0.00603580242022872), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Disappointing. Avocado was hard in the sushi roll\\nNO HO'} [('', 0.0), ('Disappointing', -0.22234738988481695), ('. ', -0.0038598804458160885), ('Av', 0.011785040682298131), ('oca', 0.02375395731178287), ('do ', -0.027853993024109513), ('was ', -0.005904167005610361), ('hard ', -0.10514986523503467), ('in ', -0.0023210271583593567), ('the ', -0.008509815102115681), ('su', -0.015873483680479694), ('shi ', -0.009218926110406755), ('roll', 0.0007774926771162427), ('\\', -0.006567796271156112), ('n', -0.015641919619156397), ('NO ', -0.04426193934523326), ('HO', -0.016584545533987693), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'This place sucks. Loved it.'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', 0.025425672734854743), ('place ', 0.04830165817111265), ('sucks', -0.2765931711328449), ('. ', 0.06601940392283723), ('Loved ', 0.6800304350035731), ('it', 0.20347294028033502), ('.', -0.024426742980722338), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Football Sundays with Scotty! Hell yeah!'} [('', 0.0), ('Football ', -0.04272208269685507), ('Sundays ', 0.04861070355400443), ('with ', -0.029873082879930735), ('Scott', 0.15886019356548786), ('y', 0.09879523329436779), ('! ', 0.11056634783744812), ('Hell ', -0.19105358212254941), ('yeah', 0.4272647777106613), ('!', 0.12614968419075012), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'ass juice.'} [('', 0.0), ('ass ', -0.7297751910518855), ('juice', 0.1961660000961274), ('.', 0.03803801164031029), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'My favorite bar in Vegas.'} [('', 0.0), ('My ', 0.013318907469511032), ('favorite ', 0.4500253889709711), ('bar ', -0.023306896910071373), ('in ', 0.03997696004807949), ('Vegas', 0.2654795553535223), ('.', -0.05730405077338219), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'the best free punk rock in town'} [('', 0.0), ('the ', 0.019474506378173828), ('best ', 0.3357856050133705), ('free ', 0.014389179646968842), ('punk ', -0.056636638939380646), ('rock ', 0.12978465110063553), ('in ', 0.1833747997879982), ('town', 0.09725149720907211), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Ass juice yes. Bacon martini NOPE'} [('', 0.0), ('Ass ', -0.09201392601244152), ('juice ', 0.05678738365531899), ('yes', 0.3150443085178267), ('. ', 0.06813923304434866), ('Bacon ', -0.06767874053912237), ('martini ', 0.015242986322846264), ('NOPE', -0.5526122289011255), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'dive bar, fun times!'} [('', 0.0), ('dive ', -0.16957729449495673), ('bar', -0.008198196534067392), (', ', 0.0868723951280117), ('fun ', 0.7005364298820496), ('times', -0.002347797155380249), ('!', 0.08373197168111801), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Nice rooms, small tvs'} [('', 0.0), ('Nice ', 0.6180608994327486), ('rooms', 0.1312004248611629), (', ', 0.08152007311582565), ('small ', -0.04951239796355367), ('tv', -0.1276508397422731), ('s', 0.03735464531928301), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'The breakfast was wonderful!!'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.1359110251069069), ('breakfast ', 0.09422683040611446), ('was ', -0.14976108935661614), ('wonderful', 0.3392832954414189), ('!', 0.10182720422744751), ('!', 0.1696580946445465), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "Senor Frog's is garish. Talk about selling out."} [('', 0.0), ('Sen', 0.11799879849422723), ('or ', 0.013126375328283757), ('Frog', -0.11924653031746857), ("'", -0.06382975066662766), ('s ', 0.02205095050157979), ('is ', -0.09302919410401955), ('ga', -0.3335205369221512), ('rish', -0.21409098492586054), ('. ', 0.0361203356878832), ('Talk ', 0.12379537466040347), ('about ', -0.2016685723356204), ('selling ', 0.20353303209412843), ('out', 0.21242740837624297), ('.', -0.022668328369036317), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "Don't stay here."} [('', 0.0), ('Don', -0.09204916670569219), ("'", -0.09232934741885401), ('t ', -0.15187705989228562), ('stay ', 0.016027290788770188), ('here', 0.11097931861149846), ('.', -0.09603782912017778), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'just avoid.......this hotellllllll\\n\\nperiod!!!!'} [('', -0.00039181495958473533), ('just ', -0.06413583327957895), ('avoid', -0.14894261791778263), ('.', -0.011914327813428827), ('.', -0.005130683064635377), ('.', -0.007685751908866223), ('.', -0.007468268166121561), ('.', -0.006499960909422953), ('.', -0.010113782387634274), ('.', -0.014375354068761226), ('this ', -0.025019378591553374), ('hotel', -0.007453436490149692), ('ll', -0.01850688689574738), ('ll', -0.01441412207333044), ('ll', -0.021494556691149705), ('l', -0.0077142721382274645), ('\\', -0.011167941683933827), ('n', -0.015427752409110932), ('\\', -0.010224800800885229), ('np', -0.027217873714350086), ('eri', -0.01339885358926646), ('od', -0.026602304533541125), ('!', -0.01554277944402808), ('!', 0.0013263793880469166), ('!', -0.002291695309395436), ('!', -0.01758468521438772), ('', 1.0508716513868421e-05)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Still pissed off about this place.'} [('', 0.0), ('Still ', -0.03203786694211885), ('pissed ', -0.37947922304738313), ('off ', -0.19876070565078408), ('about ', 0.02285020270937821), ('this ', 0.3202207782669575), ('place', 0.024138250126270577), ('.', -0.032487067888723686), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Nasty, Nasty, Nasty no other info required'} [('', 0.0), ('Nasty', -0.08453830721555278), (', ', 0.01220970184658654), ('Nasty', -0.10241652705008164), (', ', 0.03217010264052078), ('Nasty ', -0.05272896170936292), ('no ', -0.049145610617415514), ('other ', 0.008160277886418044), ('info ', -0.09114228282669501), ('required', 0.04105622663337272), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'good price for rooms. clean and friendly staff!'} [('', 0.0), ('good ', 0.3546361643821001), ('price ', -0.032408596482127905), ('for ', -0.021063781809061766), ('rooms', 0.04040039237588644), ('. ', 0.005411595106124878), ('clean ', 0.14061488583683968), ('and ', 0.03210214897990227), ('friendly ', 0.16431279852986336), ('staff', 0.014803282916545868), ('!', -0.001982729882001877), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Not even going to write anything.........miserable'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', -0.05438838663394563), ('even ', -0.028241747345418844), ('going ', -0.03108432891258417), ('to ', -0.0042529822212600266), ('write ', -0.028313202148638084), ('anything', -0.055702151496916485), ('.', -0.018346234364798875), ('.', -0.015169880001394631), ('.', -0.0159191355328403), ('.', -0.014456818175858643), ('.', -0.014444693008954346), ('.', -0.016578782358010358), ('.', -0.017029512156113924), ('.', -0.01385454339106218), ('.', -0.013175806157960324), ('miserable', -0.10694376805258798), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': '...and here are some photos right at the end.'} [('', -0.0006411150097846985), ('.', -0.0035457205958664417), ('.', -0.02269078779499978), ('.', -0.02357341756578535), ('and ', 0.1298978699487634), ('here ', -0.1801399377582129), ('are ', 0.03672361990902573), ('some ', -0.07623684882128146), ('photos ', -0.11541180695348885), ('right ', 0.1541106705350103), ('at ', 0.020325842816964722), ('the ', -0.05629239349800628), ('end', -0.1350055611314019), ('.', -0.10304255542578175), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great food! Blood Mary Bar. done.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.6602030031499453), ('food', 0.09133617935003713), ('! ', 0.09310559777077287), ('Blood ', -0.09729522146517411), ('Mary ', 0.12285050720674917), ('Bar', -0.03162874223198742), ('. ', -0.03365919296629727), ('done', -0.07123416871763766), ('.', -0.020841309102252126), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great patio seating. French toast to die for.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.1826840192079544), ('patio ', 0.08172312751412392), ('seating', 0.08382363244891167), ('. ', 0.005033344030380249), ('French ', 0.10395332146435976), ('toast ', 0.08208934310823679), ('to ', 0.03824342496227473), ('die ', 0.03100671956781298), ('for', 0.11754872417077422), ('.', -0.029370035976171494), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'YUM! Best French food I have in the states......love!'} [('', 0.0), ('YU', -0.0017443718388676643), ('M', -0.030651691369712353), ('! ', -0.01758827269077301), ('Best ', 0.10413065226748586), ('French ', 0.07907240511849523), ('food ', 0.01833861554041505), ('I ', 0.01463792147114873), ('have ', 0.023464981000870466), ('in ', -0.001938067376613617), ('the ', 0.0036664356011897326), ('states', 0.03633795981295407), ('.', 0.03192177042365074), ('.', -0.020974610932171345), ('.', -0.01619997899979353), ('.', -0.01557723805308342), ('.', -0.017512638121843338), ('.', -0.01752423122525215), ('love', 0.35895305359736085), ('!', -0.011768682394176722), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Awesome view with incredible view...wait staff sucks balls'} [('', 0.0), ('Awesome ', 0.3471304468694143), ('view ', 0.04067466013657395), ('with ', 0.01921988527465146), ('incredible ', 0.3970157836592989), ('view', 0.01710345754690934), ('.', -0.009093180095078424), ('.', -0.018257258489029482), ('.', -0.023469891777494922), ('wait ', -0.062378259768593125), ('staff ', -0.011452988066594116), ('sucks ', -0.05849853878316935), ('balls', -0.011148965320899151), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Worst Steak ever. \\nService was ok. \\nView: amaizing. \\nNever again!'} [('', 0.0), ('Worst ', -0.6360854156555433), ('Steak ', -0.014870094379148213), ('ever', 0.06359506601438625), ('. ', -0.011022207174391951), ('\\', -0.04205619441017916), ('nS', -0.07418668283298757), ('er', -0.03314784312624397), ('vic', 0.05414925456261699), ('e ', -0.04333625676827069), ('was ', -0.04564808943086973), ('ok', 0.058664570909058966), ('. ', 0.07351121019019047), ('\\', 0.007185727867181413), ('n', -0.027352164979674853), ('View', 0.021765328936453443), (': ', 0.01838651142619104), ('ama', 0.084169548915573), ('izing', -0.02201836872579103), ('. ', -0.01535800879173621), ('\\', -0.028067155446305628), ('n', -0.033203477567266895), ('Ne', 0.014259148109149897), ('ver ', -0.018938259392425175), ('again', 0.06387156463842118), ('!', 0.0758847764847728), ('', -2.0106464424835783e-06)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good price, good food. Not GREAT, but definitely good.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.179843632504344), ('price', -0.011631140485405922), (', ', -0.016315359622240067), ('good ', 0.1820519594475627), ('food', -0.015067930333316326), ('. ', -0.014179714024066925), ('Not ', -0.20859942649985896), ('GREAT', 0.023801304218068253), (', ', -0.08957617067790125), ('but ', 0.1760160498233745), ('definitely ', 0.19536207875171385), ('good', 0.22686389569753374), ('.', -0.01918499968451215), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Ehh. Ok. Cool views from outside'} [('', 0.0), ('Eh', -0.07923007756471634), ('h', -0.0954851284623146), ('. ', -0.06873429752886295), ('Ok', 0.097582689486444), ('. ', 0.10267424862831831), ('Cool ', 0.385611891746521), ('views ', 0.3219022899866104), ('from ', 0.024633395951241255), ('outside', 0.02386304410174489), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Bread is delicious'} [('', 0.0), ('Bread ', 0.11058646440505981), ('is ', 0.16126687824726105), ('delicious', 0.20502601563930511), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great place for Brunch!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.6310147601179779), ('place ', 0.10855520516633987), ('for ', 0.11258584586903453), ('Br', 0.06196873530279845), ('un', -0.06311926373746246), ('ch', -0.15581110352650285), ('!', 0.02805430255830288), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Steak was meh.'} [('', 0.0), ('Steak ', 0.17381183058023453), ('was ', -0.11459874361753464), ('me', 0.33252083510160446), ('h', -0.02687976509332657), ('.', -0.08581492304801941), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Steak was delicious!'} [('', 0.0), ('Steak ', 0.12190999835729599), ('was ', -0.005458105355501175), ('delicious', 0.1929267756640911), ('!', 0.2771843522787094), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Very Good!'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.11076365411281586), ('Good', 0.13067440688610077), ('!', 0.23542270064353943), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Over rated. Food was cold. Atmosphere was nice.'} [('', 0.0), ('Over ', -0.1401175258033618), ('rated', 0.06001853061388829), ('. ', -0.0024967131394078024), ('Food ', -0.031245407295500627), ('was ', 0.009417557041160762), ('cold', -0.05930771628845832), ('. ', -0.005337532893463504), ('Atmosphere ', -0.007723772963800002), ('was ', -0.03046643250854686), ('nice', 0.8990401475093677), ('.', -0.03116491522814613), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Delicious breakfast'} [('', 0.0), ('Delicious ', 0.1468239426612854), ('breakfast', 0.12632036209106445), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'sit on the patio and people watch.. great time.'} [('', 0.0), ('sit ', -0.0034849420189857483), ('on ', 0.03187620406970382), ('the ', 0.017519426066428423), ('patio ', 0.09723863564431667), ('and ', 0.0032774657011032104), ('people ', 0.031250109896063805), ('watch', 0.10799265652894974), ('.', 0.026004904881119728), ('. ', -0.03309721127152443), ('great ', 0.4106791093945503), ('time', -0.031649861484766006), ('.', -0.030315741896629333), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great view from water show'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.30325832962989807), ('view ', 0.3333823857828975), ('from ', -0.0356414495036006), ('water ', -0.07842760346829891), ('show', 0.141161372885108), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Amazing as usual'} [('', 0.0), ('Amazing ', 0.28960123658180237), ('as ', 0.09711703658103943), ('usual', 0.09016931056976318), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'What a gem breakfast place'} [('', 0.0), ('What ', 0.1656336858868599), ('a ', 0.08457950875163078), ('gem ', 0.12082460150122643), ('breakfast ', 0.3150800270959735), ('place', -0.022137786261737347), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great ambiance and interesting, delicious food.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.08444792777299881), ('am', 0.06801115022972226), ('bian', 0.06013314751908183), ('ce ', -0.038335662335157394), ('and ', 0.011972248554229736), ('interesting', 0.13743847236037254), (', ', 0.024881813675165176), ('delicious ', 0.3942251745611429), ('food', -0.01433880440890789), ('.', -0.03149886056780815), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'One of my favorite lunch spots in Vegas!'} [('', 0.0), ('One ', -0.032418254762887955), ('of ', 0.00876409187912941), ('my ', -0.022207312285900116), ('favorite ', 0.2592962356284261), ('lunch ', 0.11456740740686655), ('spots ', 0.0016880659386515617), ('in ', 0.10214266367256641), ('Vegas', 0.23533612582832575), ('!', 0.045362215489149094), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great food and ambience.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.17313675582408905), ('food ', 0.13080985844135284), ('and ', 0.05854329466819763), ('am', 0.2250304026529193), ('bie', 0.1910258000716567), ('nce', -0.03031807579100132), ('.', -0.02478118985891342), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': '\\"Steak and entire dinner was excellent. Great service!\\"'} [('', 0.0), ('\\', -0.004568275064229965), ('"', -0.011437498033046722), ('Steak ', 0.014536531642079353), ('and ', 0.012474143877625465), ('entire ', -0.05786873586475849), ('dinner ', 0.07735338620841503), ('was ', -0.02965168352238834), ('excellent', 0.3245595551561564), ('. ', -0.03343350440263748), ('Great ', 0.393783472944051), ('service', -0.031160898972302675), ('!', -0.017313264310359955), ('\\', -0.01450406014919281), ('"', -0.03924240916967392), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': "Great appetizers, great drinks, great lunches... what's not to like?"} [('', 1.0468065738677979e-06), ('Great ', 0.2790734083391726), ('app', 0.07321114017395303), ('eti', 0.06673253333428875), ('zers', -0.05413832957856357), (', ', -0.014392147772014141), ('great ', 0.17548277624882758), ('drinks', 0.004295503022149205), (', ', -0.004635259974747896), ('great ', 0.18521291110664606), ('lunch', -0.0011760046472772956), ('es', 0.00013717717956751585), ('.', -0.008925504516810179), ('.', -0.023460271768271923), ('. ', -0.015813990496098995), ('what', -0.03761161491274834), ("'", -0.033043642062693834), ('s ', -0.029744937550276518), ('not ', -0.19591964398568962), ('to ', 0.07113018097879831), ('like', 0.1388548935065046), ('?', -0.06961781810969114), ('', -3.725290298461914e-08)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Absolutely wonderful,,'} [('', 0.0), ('Absolutely ', 0.21093065664172173), ('wonderful', 0.21214621886610985), (',', 0.06979510933160782), (',', 0.09371106326580048), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Awesome food, awesome atmosphere, great staff!'} [('', 0.0), ('Awesome ', 0.2437710277736187), ('food', 0.07277743145823479), (', ', 0.0399530753493309), ('awesome ', 0.11076934821903706), ('atmosphere', 0.03691197372972965), (', ', 0.030613478273153305), ('great ', 0.12899239361286163), ('staff', 0.04764237254858017), ('!', 0.0015937834978103638), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great food and wonderful service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.1483975425362587), ('food ', 0.12811192125082016), ('and ', 0.0690750777721405), ('wonderful ', 0.3530788738280535), ('service', 0.019012445583939552), ('.', -0.026529189199209213), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'nice view, good service'} [('', 0.0), ('nice ', 0.14536616578698158), ('view', 0.10550135746598244), (', ', 0.08119449764490128), ('good ', 0.33501407504081726), ('service', -0.00305725634098053), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Very nice and delicious!'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.10030192881822586), ('nice ', 0.23170749098062515), ('and ', 0.09073720127344131), ('delicious', 0.13644862547516823), ('!', 0.10484075918793678), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Loved the chicken =] very good'} [('', 0.0), ('Loved ', 0.4169549150392413), ('the ', 0.0012018419802188873), ('chicken ', -0.057848586700856686), ('=', -0.04127863608300686), ('] ', 0.005802871659398079), ('very ', -0.020357729867100716), ('good', 0.418819522485137), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Always have good experiences here!'} [('', 0.0), ('Always ', 0.1323276311159134), ('have ', 0.05862919241189957), ('good ', 0.1570618823170662), ('experiences ', 0.12122634425759315), ('here', 0.12865028902888298), ('!', 0.09322570264339447), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Patio is awesome but can get crowded.'} [('', 0.0), ('Patio ', 0.23845543677452952), ('is ', 0.08724771410925314), ('awesome ', 0.5844974517240189), ('but ', -0.05570858414284885), ('can ', 0.10171942430315539), ('get ', 0.0021247179829515517), ('crowded', -0.20685332478024065), ('.', -0.024834386073052883), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Food was okay, but too pricey for my like.'} [('', 0.0), ('Food ', 0.04313100688159466), ('was ', 0.07704482227563858), ('okay', 0.224225752055645), (', ', -0.038383835926651955), ('but ', -0.34314969135448337), ('too ', -0.5443039431847865), ('price', -0.003395141779037658), ('y ', 0.13209582911076723), ('for ', 0.055778372421627864), ('my ', 0.061829187179682776), ('like', 0.05679641949245706), ('.', -0.04170148551929742), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Quality food. Great view when dining on the patio.'} [('', 0.0), ('Quality ', 0.25236308574676514), ('food', 0.0830027312040329), ('. ', -0.0020817071199417114), ('Great ', 0.1638459013774991), ('view ', 0.07385427970439196), ('when ', -0.06552628288045526), ('dining ', 0.020193491596728563), ('on ', 0.026825089007616043), ('the ', 0.016927169635891914), ('patio', 0.11111150123178959), ('.', -0.01447489857673645), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Favorite place to eat on the strip!'} [('', 0.0), ('Favorite ', 0.21346089243888855), ('place ', 0.034515973180532455), ('to ', 0.1193566657602787), ('eat ', 0.0678948163986206), ('on ', 0.10835143178701401), ('the ', 0.1095963241532445), ('strip', 0.05012109410017729), ('!', 0.025556564331054688), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': '\\u9031\\u672b\\u3060\\u3063\\u305f\\u306e\\u3067\\u5927\\u5206\\u5f85\\u3061\\u307e\\u3057\\u305f\\u3002'} [('', -0.0008774490431985921), ('\\', -0.0032993766815505093), ('u', -0.006626016214593417), ('90', -0.0038028440774521893), ('31', -0.0023062585956520505), ('\\', -0.004498339547879166), ('u', -0.010630245920684601), ('6', -0.005321736116376188), ('7', -0.0022685321927484537), ('2', -0.004577109789741891), ('b', -0.004577109789741891), ('\\', -0.006091673010294991), ('u', -0.006840728015439319), ('30', -0.00586112288458805), ('60', -0.0037438620596991056), ('\\', -0.0037438620596991056), ('u', -0.007075197878293693), ('30', -0.0047051216242834926), ('6', -0.0031626842683181167), ('3', -0.0028738765977323055), ('\\', -0.003722710069268942), ('u', -0.008506262674927711), ('30', -0.006085020489990711), ('5', -0.0071117397941028076), ('f', -0.00804587729120006), ('\\', -0.009642889567961294), ('u', -0.010757060663308948), ('30', -0.008557741472031921), ('6', -0.007417842745780945), ('e', -0.007408622186630964), ('\\', -0.0071793143870308995), ('u', -0.009429438117270669), ('30', -0.006875651500498256), ('6', -0.004329786946376165), ('7', -0.0019558252533897758), ('\\', -0.003672997816465795), ('u', -0.015684571815654635), ('59', -0.012287893332540989), ('27', -0.0032173543702811004), ('\\', -0.005173123395070434), ('u', -0.007143152443071206), ('52', -0.005195369975020488), ('0', -0.0060285951786985), ('6', -0.0016137838274950071), ('\\', -0.002603955744277863), ('u', -0.015310476478632717), ('5', -0.00936979554327471), ('f', -0.01148460792111499), ('85', -0.0040888316995863405), ('\\', -0.005542646727657744), ('u', -0.013053099874274006), ('30', -0.007650342088059655), ('6', -0.0029159293210666093), ('1', -0.0027422380974582794), ('\\', -0.0038942766716770294), ('u', -0.011633309290378487), ('30', -0.0070429786449364784), ('7', -0.008391743803042032), ('e', -0.008570039922016718), ('\\', -0.010704222878086426), ('u', -0.0136216878558376), ('30', -0.008770269774166601), ('57', -0.004683064496410745), ('\\', -0.006709147444260972), ('u', -0.01162157153012231), ('30', -0.008367733482737094), ('5', -0.006241965938049059), ('f', -0.006241965938049059), ('\\', -0.009855002529608707), ('u', -0.008208148088306189), ('30', -0.0037758377380669116), ('0', -0.0009261215881754955), ('2', -0.0009261215881754955), ('', -0.0009261215881754955)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great service and a great meal!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.2690467070788145), ('service ', -0.0032960865646600723), ('and ', 0.07900234684348106), ('a ', 0.07135344296693802), ('great ', 0.13951117917895317), ('meal', 0.11964204534888268), ('!', 0.014422640204429626), ('!', 0.03960558772087097), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Great service- overpriced food :-/'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.3831191102217417), ('service', -0.01523859678854933), ('- ', -0.011675905239826534), ('over', -0.33363946104509523), ('pr', -0.2057561012552469), ('ice', -0.0646301308843249), ('d ', -0.036399772554432275), ('food ', 0.1039047974627465), (':', 0.09474064013920724), ('-', -0.04828739701770246), ('/', -0.1679664987605065), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Not terrible but nothing exceptional.'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', 0.23694930064084474), ('terrible ', 0.07253054111788515), ('but ', -0.19446952568250708), ('nothing ', -0.6433417322696187), ('exceptional', 0.3482836522744037), ('.', -0.07378664758289233), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Love coming here in Vegas for some late night eats.'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.3895591478794813), ('coming ', 0.009292753413319588), ('here ', -0.09284234046936035), ('in ', 0.02129839826375246), ('Vegas ', 0.1464623073115945), ('for ', -0.021130837500095367), ('some ', -0.029120950028300285), ('late ', -0.04235408897511661), ('night ', 0.07445916230790317), ('eats', 0.25737452507019043), ('.', -0.047324880957603455), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great place for traditional greasy breakfast. Large portion as well.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.3370606164098717), ('place ', 0.13414950095466338), ('for ', 0.07775546165066771), ('traditional ', 0.13219084458978614), ('greasy ', -0.5027410758120823), ('breakfast', -0.03209222064469941), ('. ', -0.03988272458082065), ('Large ', 0.060825217980891466), ('portion ', -0.022517270874232054), ('as ', -0.1065156739205122), ('well', 0.6382418731227517), ('.', -0.0815172865986824), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great fire Jacuzzi nice atmosphere normally good service'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.38400457706302404), ('fire ', -0.04322855081409216), ('Ja', -0.0065840426832437515), ('cu', -0.00845937617123127), ('zzi ', 2.370402216911316e-05), ('nice ', 0.20140355080366135), ('atmosphere ', 0.014340274035930634), ('normally ', -0.06484743696637452), ('good ', 0.2785836283583194), ('service', -0.058532536029815674), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Loud colors. Sugary drinks. Average food. Meh'} [('', 0.0), ('Loud ', -0.3946611495921388), ('colors', 0.29789965332020074), ('. ', 0.04173146979883313), ('Sugar', 0.01346604572609067), ('y ', 0.2599737059790641), ('drinks', 0.3348431733902544), ('. ', 0.05838929070159793), ('Average ', -0.11246649362146854), ('food', -0.049206675961613655), ('. ', 0.014505334198474884), ('Me', 0.07222032453864813), ('h', -0.07885211985558271), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Vegas kitsch with great diner food!'} [('', 0.0), ('Vegas ', 0.1816653609275818), ('kits', 0.047454750165343285), ('ch ', 0.12541317380964756), ('with ', 0.06071081757545471), ('great ', 0.19074492901563644), ('diner ', 0.011921519413590431), ('food', 0.08801440708339214), ('!', 0.023303836584091187), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'too many smokers'} [('', 0.0), ('too ', -0.40087267574563157), ('many ', 0.1376774853124516), ('smoke', -0.09059225204691757), ('rs', -0.0586889161641011), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'I always have a great time gambling here!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', 0.0216533150523901), ('always ', 0.1304018551018089), ('have ', 0.03351147868670523), ('a ', 0.0108211156912148), ('great ', 0.45551666617393494), ('time ', 0.014039287591003813), ('gambling ', -0.16883448728185613), ('here', 0.07901218492770568), ('!', 0.07720256969332695), ('!', 0.029293157160282135), ('!', -0.01707179844379425), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Clean your carpeting. Have a reasonable parking structure.'} [('', 0.0), ('Clean ', 0.3788075710181147), ('your ', -0.43700578552670777), ('carpet', -0.14113467989955097), ('ing', -0.003277762676589191), ('. ', 0.13404396967962384), ('Have ', -0.10899723693728447), ('a ', 0.15685792360454798), ('reasonable ', 0.5027142339968123), ('parking ', -0.3484195918426849), ('structure', -0.03530174447223544), ('.', -0.12651270627975464), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Horrible service, stay away!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Horrible ', -0.22982235886411218), ('service', -0.0046996360852062935), (', ', 0.06046758114825934), ('stay ', -0.06806213214076706), ('away', -0.12990996178632486), ('!', 0.03452647181984503), ('!', 0.028363053308567032), ('!', 0.039626621233765036), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Poop'} [('', 0.0), ('Po', -0.8238112227991223), ('op', 0.10747949685901403), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'I love going here, and looking at the Flamingos!'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', -0.017107242718338966), ('love ', 0.3426975794136524), ('going ', -0.03799125272780657), ('here', 0.03546810429543257), (', ', -0.006044939160346985), ('and ', 0.04230429697781801), ('looking ', -0.03783692023716867), ('at ', 0.0423299924004823), ('the ', -0.01441494794562459), ('Flaming', 0.17207619594410062), ('os', -0.04575756611302495), ('!', 0.15150409564375877), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "Worst hotel service! The rooms aren't great for the price!!!!!"} [('', 0.0), ('Worst ', -0.2574424477406865), ('hotel ', 0.0885473283851752), ('service', -0.02298832432097697), ('! ', -0.03346450362732867), ('The ', -0.011191632068403123), ('rooms ', 0.004862673211391666), ('aren', -0.08174381934713892), ("'", -0.07462237091021962), ('t ', -0.18614630553565803), ('great ', 0.16330927894932756), ('for ', -0.020243654756995966), ('the ', 0.007161177674106511), ('price', -0.019929091002950372), ('!', -0.006290546994023316), ('!', -0.015553246325907821), ('!', -0.0021141994975550915), ('!', 0.004056316814967431), ('!', -0.005202765660214936), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "Not great service, not great rooms. Crowded, loud...wouldn't recommend."} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', -0.15785231560948887), ('great ', 0.09230044048399577), ('service', 0.008827882334117021), (', ', -0.008242118747148197), ('not ', -0.13713269877280254), ('great ', 0.08708256889713084), ('rooms', -0.00852487174597627), ('. ', -0.006379297894454794), ('Crowded', -0.03478663987334585), (', ', -0.030268774535215925), ('loud', -0.03422119675815338), ('.', -0.019864289053657558), ('.', -0.025517597059661057), ('.', -0.02713488690642407), ('wouldn', -0.10439015068914159), ("'", -0.05077473519850173), ('t ', -0.16817091701523168), ('recommend', 0.156147547528235), ('.', -0.011133486830658512), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Who wants to sleep in a tomb?'} [('', 0.0), ('Who ', -0.04774923014338128), ('wants ', -0.12865849123045336), ('to ', 0.0869602427846985), ('sleep ', -0.08337782970193075), ('in ', 0.02360037409380311), ('a ', 0.014168755507853348), ('tomb', -0.06551311870134668), ('?', -0.06850368939922191), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "I don't get it."} [('', 0.0), ('I ', -0.1272809622460045), ('don', -0.08350254092692921), ("'", -0.10537665007541364), ('t ', -0.18486371482140385), ('get ', -0.024103758922137786), ('it', 0.2964688621505047), ('.', -0.04725408247031737), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'This is the shit! looks like shit!!! oh yeah!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', -0.0620688154886011), ('is ', -0.020920813675729732), ('the ', 0.05039296128870774), ('shit', -0.2590277776507719), ('! ', -0.025683441606815904), ('looks ', -0.044333933168672957), ('like ', -0.12580212685861625), ('shit', -0.19086773281742353), ('!', -0.033983489382080734), ('!', -0.024740992070292123), ('! ', -0.008740471079363488), ('oh ', 0.1268866418104153), ('yeah', 0.17833882708509918), ('!', 0.03882999588677194), ('!', -0.012592084240168333), ('!', -0.019472623360343277), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Cheap but nothing special.'} [('', 0.0), ('Cheap ', -0.11094729097385425), ('but ', -0.048454087096615694), ('nothing ', -0.38337902404600754), ('special', 0.2323336683330126), ('.', -0.02163124509388581), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Niiiccceeeee .... room was cozy and the bed was amazing!'} [('', -1.1399388313293457e-06), ('Ni', -0.044925806229002774), ('ii', -0.015880835824646056), ('cc', -0.01715528650674969), ('ce', -0.025608492200262845), ('ee', -0.05551781738176942), ('ee ', -0.03668287768959999), ('.', -0.02229612786322832), ('.', -0.01412877564628919), ('.', -0.0183275764187177), ('. ', -0.024459316705663998), ('room ', 0.04430374124785885), ('was ', 0.03325874073198065), ('cozy ', 0.1433472455246374), ('and ', 0.16329489392228425), ('the ', -0.01171344707836397), ('bed ', -0.027702296298230067), ('was ', -0.0073204275977332145), ('amazing', 0.47031054223771207), ('!', -0.013796168379485607), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'The staff was great, the Hotel was not!'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.0165264693350764), ('staff ', 0.02854419537834474), ('was ', 0.012301159069465939), ('great', 0.31152160637793713), (', ', 0.01012038576300256), ('the ', -0.09088348234945443), ('Hotel ', -0.004112985261599533), ('was ', -0.13207598742155824), ('not', -0.326690319008776), ('!', -0.09436560707399622), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Dear Luxor,\\nPlease fix your elevators & get wifi.\\nThank you.'} [('', 0.00024552244576625526), ('Dear ', 0.17819678378873505), ('Lux', 0.08797173848142847), ('or', 0.06395735725527629), (',', 0.007899080635979772), ('\\', -0.021634841483319178), ('nP', -0.0502158374292776), ('lea', -0.018920636037364602), ('se ', -0.006650583789451048), ('fix ', -0.14495032830745913), ('your ', -0.08492429586476646), ('elevators ', -0.018879883500630967), ('& ', 0.027945414840360172), ('get ', -0.07364704218343832), ('wi', -0.16458593011581493), ('fi', -0.06750665051610365), ('.', 0.0010203268514790882), ('\\', -0.06828399305231869), ('nT', -0.1671997170196846), ('han', 0.09481973852962255), ('k ', -0.333321740035899), ('you', 0.2470028370153159), ('.', 0.022813000483438373), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Okay.'} [('', 0.0), ('Okay', 0.17081746459007263), ('.', 0.10220041871070862), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Old and worn out, check in then checked out.'} [('', 0.0), ('Old ', -0.06474279880421818), ('and ', 0.00724914738748339), ('worn ', -0.5575676397147618), ('out', -0.012770233153787558), (', ', 0.029246155947475927), ('check ', 0.01579636176029453), ('in ', 0.05748895328360959), ('then ', -0.025027880342349818), ('checked ', 0.03865940458217665), ('out', 0.22061663920430874), ('.', -0.0373208615128533), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Upstairs is better. The downstairs part is kinda ghetto.'} [('', 0.0), ('Upstairs ', 0.16642310422321316), ('is ', 0.026567993802018464), ('better', 0.018935238898848183), ('. ', 0.09766143205342814), ('The ', -0.031094281817786396), ('downstairs ', 0.0006785854347981513), ('part ', 0.030638621654361486), ('is ', -0.0941909514949657), ('kinda ', -0.10819244492449798), ('ghetto', -0.3624062474409584), ('.', -0.07078418467426673), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Run down! Cheap looking!'} [('', 0.0), ('Run ', -0.16163961779784586), ('down', -0.15380494208693563), ('! ', 0.16138409594714176), ('Cheap ', -0.2602780489360157), ('looking', 0.021044003595307004), ('!', 0.08475460018598824), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Tower Rooms are great pyramid rooms not so great.'} [('', 0.0), ('Tower ', 0.01997387845767662), ('Rooms ', 0.1709026086900849), ('are ', -0.01255277349264361), ('great ', 0.2107920901835314), ('pyramid ', -0.15684107076231157), ('rooms ', 0.06219649489503354), ('not ', -0.7550483443483245), ('so ', 0.039956402750249254), ('great', 0.13612797675523325), ('.', -0.017202225906657986), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Definitely not worth the money. Dirty, terrible customer service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Definitely ', 0.06934526210534386), ('not ', -0.33009608538759494), ('worth ', 0.15101166811928124), ('the ', -0.008458056539893732), ('money', -0.05862532312858093), ('. ', -0.009777148054126883), ('Dirty', -0.07946809340683103), (', ', -0.01068391601620533), ('terrible ', -0.04544278622233833), ('customer ', -0.007090884456374624), ('service', -0.02303696169747127), ('.', -0.02006821761096944), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'manmade waves at the pool. nuff said. weeeee'} [('', 0.0), ('man', -0.25317627866752446), ('made ', -0.174413449363783), ('waves ', 0.2722134174546227), ('at ', -0.0624546775361523), ('the ', 0.019519143796060234), ('pool', 0.02754164388170466), ('. ', 0.1320902486331761), ('nu', -0.1017708873259835), ('ff ', -0.06341530365170911), ('said', 0.08388815214857459), ('. ', -0.0007890709675848484), ('wee', -0.04970211582258344), ('ee', -0.11803448153659701), ('e', -0.05166310351341963), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Excellent. simply excellent. Best hotel for the price.'} [('', 0.0), ('Excellent', 0.16204142943024635), ('. ', 0.004544716328382492), ('simply ', -0.02202797355130315), ('excellent', 0.19687824370339513), ('. ', -0.008128106594085693), ('Best ', 0.2589001515880227), ('hotel ', 0.1377984369173646), ('for ', 0.02103727194480598), ('the ', 0.024107110919430852), ('price', -0.07378129474818707), ('.', -0.035318538546562195), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Really great Buffet. One o the best in Las Vegas'} [('', 0.0), ('Really ', 0.10569413006305695), ('great ', 0.2915582228451967), ('Buffet', -0.04857570119202137), ('. ', -0.015873640775680542), ('One ', -0.03261973802000284), ('o ', -0.004250586964190006), ('the ', 0.0275535611435771), ('best ', 0.2383152013644576), ('in ', 0.00201591569930315), ('Las ', 0.0328127471730113), ('Vegas', 0.06941168010234833), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Fairly expensive joint'} [('', 0.0), ('Fairly ', 0.2376600969582796), ('expensive ', -0.7850575940683484), ('joint', 0.052251326851546764), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great resort and great pools. They treat their VIPS right!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.14801013469696045), ('resort ', 0.020772341638803482), ('and ', -0.014436814934015274), ('great ', 0.1837506489828229), ('pools', -0.023143288679420948), ('. ', -0.009826891124248505), ('They ', 0.011899029836058617), ('treat ', 0.15954366885125637), ('their ', -0.02063208445906639), ('VIP', 0.05730651458725333), ('S ', 0.009509433526545763), ('right', 0.08944026194512844), ('!', -0.002715613692998886), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'It is spacious and lots of restaurant to choose from.'} [('', 0.0), ('It ', -0.03674093633890152), ('is ', 0.015253552235662937), ('spacious ', 0.36172526981681585), ('and ', 0.003532320261001587), ('lots ', 0.03167731827124953), ('of ', 0.04653197014704347), ('restaurant ', 0.1683608442544937), ('to ', 0.07339277863502502), ('choose ', -0.01342111174017191), ('from', 0.023699012584984303), ('.', -0.00800492987036705), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Bad services!!!!!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Bad ', -0.7485931180817715), ('services', 0.028032527883624425), ('!', 0.10969431407283992), ('!', 0.12631089357455494), ('!', 0.08519684369457536), ('!', 0.0543776460326626), ('!', 0.020456617331547022), ('!', 0.003246610132009664), ('!', 0.03471620166237699), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'place was ok, nothing to rave about!'} [('', 0.0), ('place ', 0.02589958719909191), ('was ', 0.15160243539139628), ('ok', 0.5997941624373198), (', ', 0.06447068462148309), ('nothing ', -0.49265618083882146), ('to ', 0.17492861769278534), ('rave ', 0.20617117288929876), ('about', -0.005061711228336208), ('!', -0.024928868748247623), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'This Place Closed on Jan 27 2012'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', 0.0377017674036324), ('Place ', -0.038962218444794416), ('Closed ', -0.40978004364296794), ('on ', 0.3051505938055925), ('Jan ', 0.020916466892231256), ('27 ', -0.13054330239538103), ('2012', -0.047952720313332975), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Pricey, noisey, tasty.. I will go else where'} [('', 0.0), ('Price', 0.017829373478889465), ('y', 0.16101233661174774), (', ', -0.009504921734333038), ('noise', -0.06343892309814692), ('y', 0.018748093862086535), (', ', 0.011673822533339262), ('ta', 0.12124239164404571), ('sty', 0.0881887802388519), ('.', 0.0015833866782486439), ('. ', -0.014467068016529083), ('I ', 0.1371280574821867), ('will ', 0.1976917135179974), ('go ', 0.09665178571594879), ('else ', -0.20182491681771353), ('where', 0.005074089393019676), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'So overrated.\\nSo not that good.\\nAnd SO expensive!!'} [('', -2.9460445603035623e-06), ('So ', -0.01918056034833171), ('over', -0.07306811755756826), ('rated', 0.014849645891217733), ('.', -0.017340710129246872), ('\\', -0.006439441456222994), ('nS', -0.029030205774915885), ('o ', -0.01282201489379986), ('not ', -0.36081977954654576), ('that ', 0.010503230982294554), ('good', 0.2872233450063959), ('.', -0.011960906600052112), ('\\', -0.06772133894719445), ('nAn', -0.005455133301893511), ('d ', -0.00842519440311662), ('SO ', -0.02790747716593008), ('expensive', -0.08582657475729623), ('!', -0.008060644270093084), ('!', -0.04748613834453863), ('', 1.180171238956973e-06)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'SALIVATING at the moment...need I say more???'} [('', 0.0), ('SALIVA', -0.0802882123971358), ('TING ', -0.05475748231401667), ('at ', -0.07758673628995894), ('the ', -0.013088152954878751), ('moment', 0.024738479172810912), ('.', -0.0030168470402713865), ('.', -0.013035746807872783), ('.', -0.013176345273677725), ('need ', -0.02825482261050638), ('I ', 0.0011628106231000856), ('say ', -0.00572812700556824), ('more', -0.01661341312865261), ('?', -0.02406910301942844), ('?', -0.04782817006343976), ('?', -0.0791677082888782), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "Decent steak. Didn't find it outstanding"} [('', 0.0), ('Decent ', 0.4929437456303276), ('steak', 0.008087708964012563), ('. ', 0.23212899555801414), ('Didn', -0.15240365342106088), ("'", -0.011211358792934334), ('t ', -0.19625826167612104), ('find ', -0.015704115849075606), ('it ', 0.022779216338676633), ('outstanding', 0.08963104633585317), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Favorite place in Vegas. Must go everytime I am here.'} [('', 0.0), ('Favorite ', 0.11217034980654716), ('place ', 0.07572204060852528), ('in ', 0.041823575273156166), ('Vegas', 0.11800603568553925), ('. ', -0.027067609131336212), ('Must ', -0.04106246028095484), ('go ', 0.06789160240441561), ('every', 0.1512997057288885), ('time ', -0.09855152107775211), ('I ', 0.10861349431797862), ('am ', 0.10322701232507825), ('here', 0.02546541392803192), ('.', -0.02919892594218254), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'A dinner I will never forget....'} [('', 0.0), ('A ', 0.13564957212656736), ('dinner ', 0.2550481138750911), ('I ', 0.011470071971416473), ('will ', 0.1324528192053549), ('never ', 0.11904636563849635), ('forget', 0.15537361477618106), ('.', -0.0010472238063812256), ('.', -0.029553924687206745), ('.', -0.039120993576943874), ('.', -0.04265974462032318), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'cute enough staff, decent enough food'} [('', 0.0), ('cute ', 0.14817996323108673), ('enough ', 0.06267561763525009), ('staff', 0.06538178771734238), (', ', 0.08553743362426758), ('decent ', 0.22457501664757729), ('enough ', 0.025245394557714462), ('food', 0.11184567213058472), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'C\'mon \\"Pink Taco\\", best name ever.'} [('', 0.0), ('C', -0.00038162712007761), ("'", 0.023160656914114952), ('mon ', -0.05205602874048054), ('\\', -0.052649133605882525), ('"', -0.005582553334534168), ('Pink ', -0.09731894824653864), ('Ta', 0.05597962765023112), ('co', 0.03765914053656161), ('\\', -0.02252872590906918), ('"', -0.04596811067312956), (', ', -0.028920818585902452), ('best ', 0.6694537178846076), ('name ', -0.10500109021086246), ('ever', 0.22487254068255424), ('.', -0.035800933837890625), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "White people's mexican. Lacking flavor, will not return."} [('', 0.0), ('White ', -0.10385868869707338), ('people', -0.08735550310393592), ("'", -0.00165699883018533), ('s ', 0.011914831296962802), ('mexican', 0.028283425788686145), ('. ', -0.018056761735351756), ('Lacking ', -0.28326373851632525), ('flavor', 0.1877107551390509), (', ', -0.015227457199216587), ('will ', 0.012748557065606292), ('not ', -0.07554270300261123), ('return', -0.02636443251867604), ('.', -0.019291669654194266), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Way too expensive for mediocre Mexcian food.'} [('', 0.0), ('Way ', -0.00974397559548379), ('too ', -0.06345921912452468), ('expensive ', -0.02968314523332083), ('for ', -0.01977379012714664), ('med', -0.057074074540651054), ('io', -0.012075319713403587), ('cre ', -0.047822024524066364), ('Me', 0.03005970786580292), ('x', -0.014083908698012237), ('cian ', -0.09802482415761915), ('food', -0.015359261029516347), ('.', -0.03510121794533916), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great food, great drinks! Fun place to go!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.11666950071230531), ('food', 0.05909127602353692), (', ', -0.014847354032099247), ('great ', 0.1526940232142806), ('drinks', 0.03188283834606409), ('! ', -0.023760072886943817), ('Fun ', 0.2246238710358739), ('place ', -0.04771107155829668), ('to ', 0.043449193239212036), ('go', 0.09841375052928925), ('!', 0.0027894824743270874), ('!', -0.015988945960998535), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Bland food and warm beer.'} [('', 0.0), ('Bland ', -0.8459644339964143), ('food ', 0.12603019914968172), ('and ', 0.07062175625469536), ('warm ', 0.39228682584143826), ('beer', -0.022083759802626446), ('.', -0.027443837625469314), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Three words, Fried Ice Cream!'} [('', 0.0), ('Three ', 0.10655521601438522), ('words', 0.054966963827610016), (', ', 0.15210163593292236), ('Fried ', -0.250279308995232), ('Ice ', 0.1252353743184358), ('Cream', 0.2571805031038821), ('!', 0.23618672788143158), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'over-rated... overpriced. food was just ok.'} [('', 0.0), ('over', -0.2997763131206739), ('-', 0.03675724586719298), ('rated', 0.06305534628700116), ('.', -0.023783958386047743), ('.', -0.011037803824365255), ('. ', -0.01043902218407311), ('over', -0.042135186590257945), ('pr', -0.014784196387608972), ('ice', -0.028554882225307665), ('d', 0.012993698001537268), ('. ', -0.016865248757312656), ('food ', 0.006848636458926194), ('was ', 0.11400019481061463), ('just ', 0.17488508852238738), ('ok', 0.5910203012908823), ('.', -0.002912614228989696), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Ahhhh yummmy! *sighs dreamily*'} [('', 0.0), ('Ah', -0.02708048012573272), ('hh', -0.024827862507663667), ('h ', -0.03817778592929244), ('yu', -0.00886683992575854), ('mm', -0.08718042389955372), ('my', 0.0253311051055789), ('! ', -0.010093535063788295), ('*', -0.0081350029213354), ('sighs ', -0.07020110206212848), ('dream', 0.6998039259342477), ('ily', 0.18084379972424358), ('*', -0.018806382082402706), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'good food...i remember getting the rabbit, that was pretty yummy.'} [('', 0.0), ('good ', 0.23704910278320312), ('food', 0.05363553762435913), ('.', -0.009731397032737732), ('.', -0.0135498046875), ('.', -0.01849190890789032), ('i ', 0.028909761073569264), ('remember ', -0.007604781224822195), ('getting ', -0.04708111126763889), ('the ', -0.0019676467994801127), ('rabbit', -0.04865819021450499), (', ', -0.006469060935509892), ('that ', 0.009856529090589343), ('was ', -0.04443467417821431), ('pretty ', 0.18195083105148604), ('yu', 0.15580163950709483), ('mmy', 0.043060989781784326), ('.', 0.025911834870035257), ('', 6.0819662534273584e-06)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'This place is sick. Eat here. Eat outside.'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', -0.010435128657263704), ('place ', 0.08004760205949424), ('is ', 0.03277010275633074), ('sick', -0.7257800104052876), ('. ', -0.010858188034035265), ('Eat ', 0.13073861894008587), ('here', 0.10441771504338249), ('. ', 0.064417176436109), ('Eat ', 0.032069711851363536), ('outside', -0.020708116462628823), ('.', -0.008926454844186082), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Very good food and beautiful setting. Excellent lobster and salmon.'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', -0.006764199584722519), ('good ', 0.14321287162601948), ('food ', 0.022161157801747322), ('and ', -0.008425630629062653), ('beautiful ', 0.15568518778309226), ('setting', -0.005595450755208731), ('. ', 0.017024610191583633), ('Excellent ', 0.4076275797560811), ('lobster ', -0.03233192767947912), ('and ', 0.010220160707831383), ('salmon', -0.0552389919757843), ('.', -0.02027757838368416), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Amazing foie gras and mussels!'} [('', 0.0), ('Amazing ', 0.8465309314196929), ('f', -0.01954729898716323), ('oi', 0.03696654553641565), ('e ', 0.02276627329410985), ('gr', -0.0297033058013767), ('as ', -0.04516687954310328), ('and ', 0.010134155512787402), ('mu', -0.048712928663007915), ('ssel', -0.04775343358051032), ('s', -0.04246250237338245), ('!', -0.017084330786019564), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Excellent food. That is all.'} [('', 0.0), ('Excellent ', 0.184920996427536), ('food', 0.14116981625556946), ('. ', 0.08878597617149353), ('That ', 0.21446575038135052), ('is ', -0.03328210115432739), ('all', 0.16447518207132816), ('.', -0.03709390014410019), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good food. There are much better places in Vegas.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.5146748824045062), ('food', 0.24828759860247374), ('. ', 0.03173644654452801), ('There ', -0.08200775366276503), ('are ', 0.030749276280403137), ('much ', 0.014702544780448079), ('better ', -0.24368066736496985), ('places ', 0.02414703124668449), ('in ', 0.02648165391292423), ('Vegas', 0.11728797177784145), ('.', -0.01656226022168994), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great food. Horrible music ruined patio experience'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.19514971884746046), ('food', 0.07960892334631353), ('. ', 0.09066526316382806), ('Horrible ', -0.14528585029165697), ('music ', 0.05402653238434141), ('ruined ', -0.6433685870379122), ('patio ', 0.06306586854407215), ('experience', 0.037367209184594685), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "No bueno. Esp in Vegas I've had better."} [('', 0.0), ('No ', -0.17600110277999192), ('bu', -0.09432238253066316), ('eno', 0.09501672530313954), ('. ', -0.03954011597670615), ('Es', 0.027663813292747363), ('p ', -0.011499576998176053), ('in ', 0.03232135019788984), ('Vegas ', 0.06395405744842719), ('I', 0.02176374338887399), ("'", 0.012700779428996611), ('ve ', -0.06274178551757359), ('had ', -0.09451754043038818), ('better', -0.15595855381980073), ('.', -0.032504684233572334), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Food is alright. I go there for their Cable Cars!'} [('', 0.0), ('Food ', 0.06928128935396671), ('is ', 0.15209990832954645), ('alright', 0.3857450978830457), ('. ', 0.04159790277481079), ('I ', -0.0012167055392637849), ('go ', 0.12239137280266732), ('there ', 0.05275514209643006), ('for ', 0.04786063893698156), ('their ', -0.009127270546741784), ('Cable ', -0.22432061901781708), ('Cars', -0.04257188877090812), ('!', 0.03245018026791513), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Outstanding Brazilian BBQ. Amazing surroundings. Good service. Visually stunning.'} [('', 0.0), ('Outstanding ', 0.3517915210686624), ('Brazilian ', 0.030226224567741156), ('BB', -0.06570005579851568), ('Q', -0.006285555427893996), ('. ', -0.018648853059858084), ('Amazing ', 0.07682797405868769), ('surroundings', 0.00479398388415575), ('. ', -0.008423248305916786), ('Good ', 0.09568653162568808), ('service', -0.01228780671954155), ('. ', -0.010432443581521511), ('Visually ', 0.061605002731084824), ('stunning', 0.10243656113743782), ('.', -0.018030889332294464), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "Don't miss this joint if you are within walking/stumbling distance."} [('', 0.0), ('Don', -0.02968577909268788), ("'", -0.028892994167108554), ('t ', 0.43538227586759604), ('miss ', 0.3992829537110083), ('this ', -0.018314523074877798), ('joint ', -0.004274057138900389), ('if ', -0.05730848002167477), ('you ', 0.07636618876131251), ('are ', -0.018784480809699744), ('within ', 0.10735651530558243), ('walking', 0.053696304152254015), ('/', 0.020384899544296786), ('stumbling ', -0.28198177614831366), ('distance', -0.07562361931195483), ('.', -0.04406416218262166), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Excellent pasta & service'} [('', 0.0), ('Excellent ', 0.27337072044610977), ('pasta ', 0.027384329587221146), ('& ', 0.22244786098599434), ('service', 0.06332071125507355), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "The escargot ... THE best I've ever had!"} [('', 6.705522537231445e-08), ('The ', -0.0404767245054245), ('es', 0.06866209371946752), ('car', 0.0069250662345439196), ('go', 0.00440373900346458), ('t ', -0.038463344564661384), ('.', -0.03232366591691971), ('.', 0.0015674009919166565), ('. ', -0.022706203162670135), ('THE ', 0.0500510991550982), ('best ', 0.23321113316342235), ('I', 0.03330568643286824), ("'", 0.018884347286075354), ('ve ', 0.07094630924984813), ('ever ', 0.11994074610993266), ('had', 0.04789652395993471), ('!', 0.029892828315496445), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Food, service, interior, mostly everything about this restaurant was speculator.'} [('', 0.0), ('Food', 0.21434328006580472), (', ', 0.23462243005633354), ('service', -0.18100871500791982), (', ', -0.07123270438751206), ('interior', 0.04648762283613905), (', ', 0.04667866445379332), ('mostly ', -0.07711803744314238), ('everything ', -0.04665779258357361), ('about ', -0.034268641320522875), ('this ', -0.09020293416688219), ('restaurant ', -0.0848525982000865), ('was ', -0.22241289622616023), ('spec', -0.12835140177048743), ('ulator', -0.009590302419383079), ('.', 0.012633246835321188), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Food was delicious, but way too expensive.'} [('', 0.0), ('Food ', 0.037294585432391614), ('was ', 0.027311284706229344), ('delicious', 0.23122805912862532), (', ', 0.06282249611103907), ('but ', -0.3112411347392481), ('way ', 0.0874965098555549), ('too ', -0.3682104385807179), ('expensive', -0.026086697034770623), ('.', -0.020567224964906927), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'cant beat the foie gras here...'} [('', 0.0), ('can', 0.17118311172816902), ('t ', -0.2984129200922325), ('beat ', 0.6252693362766877), ('the ', -0.03895066131372005), ('f', 0.0037914206041023135), ('oi', 0.06064680649433285), ('e ', 0.034804217517375946), ('gr', -0.11310111930652056), ('as ', -0.06536994480120484), ('here', -0.2526490865566302), ('.', -0.04871969629311934), ('.', -0.2870199978351593), ('.', -0.14549855887889862), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'just another outlet'} [('', 0.0), ('just ', 0.20054898044327274), ('another ', -0.7940296483866405), ('outlet', 0.07209782957215793), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'great mall, stores with wonderful discounts'} [('', 0.0), ('great ', 0.2274644337594509), ('mall', -0.14348416402935982), (', ', 0.2406637892127037), ('stores ', -0.05661134026013315), ('with ', 0.0037550346460193396), ('wonderful ', 0.3764038775116205), ('discount', -0.011002309620380402), ('s', 0.09208590537309647), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'not bad....'} [('', 0.0), ('not ', 0.321901383522345), ('bad', 0.3039364156393276), ('.', 0.11685849353671074), ('.', 0.0388163011521101), ('.', -0.038191547617316246), ('.', -0.05254904925823212), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Two words: Bohemian Rhapsody!'} [('', 0.0), ('Two ', 0.034348659217357635), ('words', 0.011926107108592987), (': ', -0.02501712739467621), ('Bohemian ', 0.04639509320259094), ('Rhapsody', 0.2977921664714813), ('!', 0.32531994581222534), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Favorite sandwich place of all time!'} [('', 0.0), ('Favorite ', 0.3420657254755497), ('sandwich ', -0.044793570414185524), ('place ', 0.03078942559659481), ('of ', 0.1871924288570881), ('all ', 0.16804279759526253), ('time', 0.002728797495365143), ('!', 0.035194650292396545), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "the breakfast quesadilla is the best breakfast I've ever had."} [('', 7.450580596923828e-08), ('the ', -0.0480523407459259), ('breakfast ', 0.03099096566438675), ('que', -0.017296151258051395), ('sa', -0.022812764160335064), ('di', 0.021173836896196008), ('lla ', 0.008232192834839225), ('is ', 0.03868510015308857), ('the ', 0.05260767973959446), ('best ', 0.2276234831660986), ('breakfast ', 0.03825392387807369), ('I', 0.04767158534377813), ("'", -2.3904256522655487e-05), ('ve ', 0.042770108596111335), ('ever ', 0.11922509587990741), ('had', 0.048042112650970616), ('.', -0.03541627526283264), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Attentive staff. Great burger joint with above average fries.'} [('', 0.0), ('At', 0.13479319214820862), ('ten', 0.08607158157974482), ('tive ', 0.03158825542777777), ('staff', -0.0001581236720085144), ('. ', 0.03399335592985153), ('Great ', 0.2622079513967037), ('burger ', -0.07331655733287334), ('joint ', -0.01689994614571333), ('with ', -0.006538401357829571), ('above ', 0.22887046169489622), ('average ', 0.009938566014170647), ('fries', -0.06357177812606096), ('.', -0.01885620877146721), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "Gambler's Special. Hell yeah. 5 Star."} [('', 0.0), ('Gamble', -0.009019746445119381), ('r', -0.014126677997410297), ("'", 0.013436405919492245), ('s ', 0.034254846163094044), ('Special', 0.2344522662460804), ('. ', 0.08588967099785805), ('Hell ', -0.17113737820181996), ('yeah', 0.3050629604840651), ('. ', 0.012854930944740772), ('5 ', -0.13278367230668664), ('Star', 0.31910174945369363), ('.', -0.06093306839466095), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'The Bartenders are rude!'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.10320394729205873), ('Bartender', 0.0853498040123668), ('s ', 0.07021628087022691), ('are ', 0.03533464085194282), ('rude', -0.7242019409168279), ('!', 0.12193578689766582), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'best 300$ dinner i have ever had'} [('', 0.0), ('best ', 0.379745539277792), ('300', 0.035625310614705086), ('$ ', -0.06305998377501965), ('dinner ', 0.1426260508596897), ('i ', 0.03178783133625984), ('have ', 0.060447534546256065), ('ever ', 0.1154381949454546), ('had', 0.026396706700325012), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Everything was delicious, Service, food, ambiance. Great!'} [('', 0.0), ('Everything ', 0.029386300593614578), ('was ', -0.02507452038116753), ('delicious', 0.15942670521326363), (', ', -0.017541024833917618), ('Service', -0.004771664040163159), (', ', 0.031917517306283116), ('food', 0.0267883138731122), (', ', 0.014017567969858646), ('am', 0.06000137596856803), ('bian', 0.03204811236355454), ('ce', -0.0031455610878765583), ('. ', -0.01113730389624834), ('Great', 0.3098154366016388), ('!', -0.01817290484905243), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Top notch sushi resto in Vegas!'} [('', 0.0), ('Top ', 0.21869589388370514), ('notch ', 0.04120095819234848), ('su', -0.044244629330933094), ('shi ', 0.024907140992581844), ('rest', -0.09622959420084953), ('o ', 0.20995679683983326), ('in ', 0.07085929624736309), ('Vegas', 0.2118403185158968), ('!', 0.07490132749080658), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Dude!!! Waygu and fois gras gyoza!!!'} [('', -7.842481136322021e-05), ('Dude', -0.09862612932920456), ('!', -0.043558888137340546), ('!', 0.05658424599096179), ('! ', 0.0018721255473792553), ('Way', 0.029043801322889824), ('gu ', -0.0037834910132611794), ('and ', 0.25354420983542997), ('f', 0.02203347689646762), ('ois ', 0.06939129678357858), ('gr', -0.04313606332289055), ('as ', -0.022943581512663513), ('g', 0.08790735364891589), ('yo', 0.10700127593008801), ('za', 0.0329208783514332), ('!', 0.05853806875529699), ('!', 0.0004907343536615372), ('!', -0.01801159232854843), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Terrible. Mediocre service, way overpriced and \\"meh\\" sushi at best.'} [('', -7.84502966174235e-06), ('Terrible', -0.1206043560935844), ('. ', -0.004506817216073007), ('Med', -0.033678554730007214), ('io', -0.01724862196382067), ('cre ', -0.0358850731675678), ('service', -0.03238640547533578), (', ', -0.009535993429381051), ('way ', -0.02156169814261375), ('over', -0.0692621287475049), ('pr', -0.03362356226934935), ('ice', -0.02436054691715981), ('d ', 0.0005232948875345756), ('and ', -0.00815774770732484), ('\\', -0.00912523849607775), ('"', -0.013749096630514638), ('me', 0.0027244936712425747), ('h', -0.010140814069624563), ('\\', -0.03253256956365173), ('" ', -0.01261311942592632), ('su', -0.005826679858121982), ('shi ', 0.006438143799338529), ('at ', -0.04702185525699557), ('best', 0.05740632151112853), ('.', -0.031678637635801955), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Awesome! Best sushi in Las Vegas!'} [('', 0.0), ('Awesome', 0.24166058748960495), ('! ', 0.11484279483556747), ('Best ', 0.17935510724782944), ('su', -0.024723190814256668), ('shi ', 0.024217713624238968), ('in ', 0.01980178104713559), ('Las ', 0.05610779253765941), ('Vegas', 0.06726332381367683), ('!', 0.034476086497306824), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': "Great ol' time atmosphere. Great mix of people. GREAT BEER!"} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.36826910451054573), ('ol', -0.014796220697462559), ("' ", -0.012880484573543072), ('time ', -0.047290949150919914), ('atmosphere', 0.016929099336266518), ('. ', -0.018987905234098434), ('Great ', 0.13920044526457787), ('mix ', 0.04927326738834381), ('of ', -0.0066920798271894455), ('people', -0.015403904020786285), ('. ', -0.020765556022524834), ('GREAT ', 0.1857950994744897), ('BEER', -0.02934150490909815), ('!', -0.009762696921825409), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'great beer, great food. Awesome secluded back patio.'} [('', 0.0), ('great ', 0.19034099113196135), ('beer', -0.015491238795220852), (', ', -0.008240792900323868), ('great ', 0.18292581103742123), ('food', -0.011286525055766106), ('. ', -0.005053602159023285), ('Awesome ', 0.22970426455140114), ('secluded ', 0.010584782809019089), ('back ', 0.002702118596062064), ('patio', 0.12512947455979884), ('.', -0.03526216745376587), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great pizza, atmosphere, and beer'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.226029260084033), ('pizza', 0.04062097705900669), (', ', 0.10132818669080734), ('atmosphere', 0.20500119775533676), (', ', 0.10367817431688309), ('and ', 0.11303490772843361), ('beer', -0.06629366055130959), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Braised pork belly -YUM YUM YUM!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Bra', -0.034805446048267186), ('ised ', -0.13260993419680744), ('pork ', -0.23620952089549974), ('belly ', 0.005245215317700058), ('-', 0.061179159209132195), ('YU', -0.0657565780566074), ('M ', 0.031778737728018314), ('YU', -0.05886389664374292), ('M ', 0.028311312198638916), ('YU', 0.06760140211554244), ('M', -0.04076535563217476), ('!', 0.03124659974128008), ('!', -0.02598302811384201), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'hidden gem'} [('', 0.0), ('hidden ', -0.11391313374042511), ('gem', 0.387025848031044), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'overcrowded. overrated.'} [('', 0.0), ('over', -0.07966352620496764), ('crow', -0.05222112264527823), ('ded', -0.08063034951192094), ('. ', 0.05576224232208915), ('over', -0.2994547677662922), ('rated', 0.2053148218546994), ('.', -0.025052946017240174), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'nothing special. just a white room with music'} [('', 0.0), ('nothing ', -0.41996009954891633), ('special', 0.20388309455302078), ('. ', 0.06343808307428844), ('just ', -0.23561294766477658), ('a ', -0.05808771614465513), ('white ', -0.003246616688556969), ('room ', -0.011550634575542063), ('with ', 0.06745631981902989), ('music', 0.10812151288700989), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'This place is washed up, time to retire.'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', 0.024884259448299417), ('place ', 0.04594435994113155), ('is ', 0.04021104328603542), ('washed ', -0.35346538532030536), ('up', 0.035204469073505607), (', ', 0.04759432151331566), ('time ', -0.04180899391940329), ('to ', -0.0020551085399347357), ('retire', -0.06964743813296081), ('.', -0.029333102793316357), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'huge crowd... dance floor packed..long lines'} [('', 0.0), ('huge ', 0.1778894525486976), ('crowd', 0.2116034859791398), ('.', -0.011693213833495975), ('.', -0.042967326124198735), ('. ', 0.0009145633084699512), ('dance ', 0.3206348903477192), ('floor ', -0.14812431018799543), ('packed', 0.34545758413150907), ('.', -0.05413972749374807), ('.', -0.04274809593334794), ('long ', -0.08033816958777606), ('lines', -0.05468283942900598), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "This place is lame. Don't waste your time."} [('', 0.0), ('This ', -0.012922880952828564), ('place ', 0.07337694775196724), ('is ', 0.04080243260250427), ('lame', -0.7329440209869063), ('. ', -0.026587345404550433), ('Don', -0.014930628824004089), ("'", -0.02890133311666432), ('t ', 0.20206703696931072), ('waste ', 0.18540814839570885), ('your ', -0.007203543915693444), ('time', -0.0317206213121608), ('.', -0.018374297109403415), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "I'll make this one short and simple....\\n\\nLAME\\n\\nCROWDED\\n\\nYAWN\\n\\nNEXT!!!"} [('', -0.0007088621651443342), ('I', 0.013170905919590345), ("'", 0.030265172054835907), ('ll ', -0.026678380358498545), ('make ', 0.04969073060201481), ('this ', 0.031682609929703176), ('one ', -0.033039597677998245), ('short ', -0.290404801198747), ('and ', 0.09272822811423491), ('simple', 0.037729267651836075), ('.', 0.0453281308679531), ('.', -0.059811936235443376), ('.', -0.03232399514915111), ('.', -0.013920190724699447), ('\\', -0.018153479759348556), ('n', -0.01605231114081107), ('\\', -0.012888312427094206), ('nL', -0.023216773605478618), ('AME', -0.02303926806295446), ('\\', -0.023005097502997767), ('n', -0.02103269679355435), ('\\', -0.015190670703304932), ('nC', -0.013767871999880298), ('ROW', -0.013767871999880298), ('DED', -0.014702803682303055), ('\\', -0.014702803682303055), ('n', -0.01043347916274797), ('\\', -0.0114764377445681), ('nY', -0.01077319272881141), ('AW', -0.01077319272881141), ('N', -0.013258566019067075), ('\\', -0.014706618255877402), ('n', -0.01630689439092142), ('\\', -0.018129699539470797), ('n', -0.012287783709083063), ('NE', -0.012127708567034764), ('XT', -0.010456353916864222), ('!', -0.0009287365440589686), ('!', -0.0007131855624417464), ('!', -0.01839622405047218), ('', -0.0006766125249365965)] {'label': 0, 'text': "Don't pay to get in... Ever"} [('', 0.0), ('Don', -0.005513740528840572), ("'", -0.05513204593444243), ('t ', -0.024853855720721185), ('pay ', -0.17709718650439754), ('to ', 0.08847715030424297), ('get ', -0.06692746578482911), ('in', 0.08431295270565897), ('.', -0.023128780419938266), ('.', -0.05922104592900723), ('. ', -0.01608106156345457), ('Ever', -0.06331415963359177), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Never again'} [('', 0.0), ('Never ', -0.3435960845090449), ('again', 0.6134964064694941), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great beer, wonderful schintzel, spatzel, live music, spankings and more...\\n\\nPROST!'} [('', 0.0003549537310997645), ('Great ', 0.2712924402828018), ('beer', -0.029335652322818834), (', ', 0.014162270817905664), ('wonderful ', 0.28108708013314754), ('sc', -0.053234665290801786), ('hin', 0.014760790872969665), ('tze', 0.018429891948471777), ('l', 0.007196333885076456), (', ', -0.008261858019977808), ('spat', -0.07904287273413502), ('zel', 0.03472999433870427), (', ', 0.0077648094156757), ('live ', 0.09825553972041234), ('music', 0.11301435198402032), (', ', 0.04780850594397634), ('span', -0.032648233871441334), ('king', -0.030873886484187096), ('s ', -0.022768664523027837), ('and ', 0.00905244192108512), ('more', 0.016178756312001497), ('.', 0.01603411411633715), ('.', -0.009287753970258765), ('.', -0.00855362591230207), ('\\', -0.037029050652765565), ('n', -0.011232159229823284), ('\\', -0.03666175728560322), ('nPR', 0.004964057284976459), ('OST', -0.09364278400446185), ('!', -0.03293186043285661), ('', -9.768539004855686e-07)] {'label': 2, 'text': "Wholesome comfort food and beer, what's not to like"} [('', 0.0), ('Whole', 0.2386916629038751), ('some ', 0.1661816411651671), ('comfort ', 0.34591129096224904), ('food ', 0.038695554714649916), ('and ', 0.02382645010948181), ('beer', -0.07075433840509504), (', ', 0.027461581281386316), ('what', 0.014485122170299292), ("'", -0.03557809488847852), ('s ', -0.0323244733735919), ('not ', -0.29898372694151476), ('to ', 0.08438660233514383), ('like', 0.10726718790829182), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great food , live music. Lots of fun'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.12197673507034779), ('food ', 0.03797483630478382), (', ', 0.020594511181116104), ('live ', 0.10978254675865173), ('music', 0.0566483810544014), ('. ', 0.00957217812538147), ('Lots ', -0.01316068321466446), ('of ', 0.05702468007802963), ('fun', 0.3126136064529419), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'amazing atmosphere & service!'} [('', 0.0), ('amazing ', 0.19892051070928574), ('atmosphere ', 0.08494873903691769), ('& ', 0.0670963954180479), ('service', 0.04245074465870857), ('!', 0.27062807977199554), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Fun environment. Good service. Terrible food.'} [('', 0.0), ('Fun ', 0.3573200049577281), ('environment', 0.03816675196867436), ('. ', 0.029380682623013854), ('Good ', 0.4375299953389913), ('service', -0.03050390351563692), ('. ', 0.009682216914370656), ('Terrible ', -0.1225697144982405), ('food', 0.018876581045333296), ('.', -0.024987132055684924), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Booze filled Guitars!! \\n$40.00 and they play music!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Boo', -0.4877618949394673), ('ze ', -0.20041841710917652), ('filled ', 0.026553194737061858), ('Guitars', 0.030462204944342375), ('!', 0.046929895179346204), ('! ', -0.058981105394195765), ('\\', -0.02165919831895735), ('n', -0.026821370658581145), ('$', -0.13185691740363836), ('40', -0.02231809584191069), ('.', -0.014115744328591973), ('00 ', 0.0030791760073043406), ('and ', 0.11726913799066097), ('they ', 0.07425400543919143), ('play ', 0.028161776853570093), ('music', 0.12718571656053732), ('!', 0.056888959734351374), ('!', 0.009823587257415056), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Had it twice. Both times good.'} [('', 0.0), ('Had ', -0.06019160524010658), ('it ', -0.030677072005346417), ('twice', 0.10129496012814343), ('. ', 0.20883825421333313), ('Both ', 0.058103134855628014), ('times ', 0.0048301201313734055), ('good', 0.5401602797210217), ('.', -0.09315836429595947), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Mc Donalds with a high price tag, enough said.'} [('', 0.0), ('Mc ', 0.011901834979653358), ('Donald', 0.12326338235288858), ('s ', -0.007510620169341564), ('with ', 0.13298496650531888), ('a ', 0.14883687486872077), ('high ', 0.35083953640423715), ('price ', -0.01380777615122497), ('tag', -0.12741952296346426), (', ', 0.08318021520972252), ('enough ', -0.10882111079990864), ('said', 0.07732953317463398), ('.', -0.0532890185713768), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Believe the hype!'} [('', 0.0), ('Believe ', 0.5080242976546288), ('the ', 0.18615757673978806), ('h', -0.14872464435757138), ('ype', -0.09046707200468518), ('!', 0.2051850760472007), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best burgers around. Also the milk shakes are the greatest.'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.39072411973029375), ('burger', -0.0579523288179189), ('s ', 0.009834258584305644), ('around', -0.010148931760340929), ('. ', -0.03109057992696762), ('Also ', 0.017322446685284376), ('the ', -0.0037142043001949787), ('milk ', -0.0610099988989532), ('shakes ', -0.024984908755868673), ('are ', 0.0198871863540262), ('the ', 0.003569557098671794), ('greatest', 0.3765392326749861), ('.', -0.01959011983126402), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good burgers, but I like bootleggers burgers better!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.4280562340281904), ('burger', -0.060798428603447974), ('s', 0.006406223517842591), (', ', -0.031257495284080505), ('but ', 0.01870128366863355), ('I ', 0.11261868639849126), ('like ', 0.15107320208335295), ('boot', -0.11049447004916146), ('leg', -0.0015454735257662833), ('gers ', 0.03622765245381743), ('burger', -0.13286222366150469), ('s ', 0.022702097543515265), ('better', 0.052623158087953925), ('!', 0.12553563434630632), ('!', -0.054158225655555725), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'come to hh.'} [('', 0.0), ('come ', 0.2959653213620186), ('to ', 0.19140524417161942), ('h', 0.047680266201496124), ('h', 0.0901372954249382), ('.', -0.0005260556936264038), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Simply put - unique, tasty and cool!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Simply ', -0.019225837662816048), ('put ', -0.050115162128349766), ('- ', -0.002397379226749763), ('unique', 0.40838920878013596), (', ', 0.0034817419946193695), ('ta', 0.11084818956442177), ('sty ', 0.04754883307032287), ('and ', 0.01345120370388031), ('cool', 0.15688535012304783), ('!', 0.014239871874451637), ('!', -0.017036810517311096), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Low quality ingredients.'} [('', 0.0), ('Low ', -0.6831531821262615), ('quality ', 0.15773972405258974), ('ingredients', 0.1567319243968086), ('.', -0.044398221689334605), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Cookies were delicious. Food okay.'} [('', 0.0), ('Cookies ', -0.009098570793867111), ('were ', 0.016517946496605873), ('delicious', 0.29170541651546955), ('. ', 0.06353609263896942), ('Food ', 0.07013886794447899), ('okay', 0.3159290961921215), ('.', -0.02530834823846817), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "doesn't matter, had really good food."} [('', 0.0), ('doesn', -0.06893740832856565), ("'", -0.01723847118591948), ('t ', -0.5552260777258198), ('matter', -0.03708249785267981), (', ', 0.04187854669726221), ('had ', 0.05742614614428021), ('really ', 0.05173635031678714), ('good ', 0.2399533214920666), ('food', 0.020998255437007174), ('.', -0.0315194777213037), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'This place is very good.'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', 0.05016788840293884), ('place ', 0.2145199291408062), ('is ', 0.0741448886692524), ('very ', -0.0017520133405923843), ('good', 0.38468680344522), ('.', -0.030642639845609665), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'What is the BIG DEAL about this place?? Seriously.'} [('', 0.0), ('What ', -0.078348932787776), ('is ', 0.015603463863953948), ('the ', -0.024748010328039527), ('BIG ', 0.02431500528473407), ('DEAL ', 0.06941022048704326), ('about ', 0.06143373862141743), ('this ', 0.030826653935946524), ('place', 0.026500943989958614), ('?', -0.3373674498870969), ('? ', -0.3022233685478568), ('Seriously', 0.1014564986107871), ('.', 0.10911592945922166), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Terrible. Not even worth writing a review.'} [('', 0.0), ('Terrible', -0.19853796039387817), ('. ', 0.05572483078867663), ('Not ', -0.21409334334020969), ('even ', -0.18025832201783487), ('worth ', 0.1137443673760572), ('writing ', -0.03213959402819455), ('a ', 0.08526527573576459), ('review', 0.10032013420550356), ('.', -0.01670099030525307), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'It was free. But yuck.'} [('', 0.0), ('It ', -0.01795653603039682), ('was ', 0.036656580632552505), ('free', 0.0897279973141849), ('. ', 0.2218750691972673), ('But ', -0.4616632736288011), ('yu', 0.03536659851670265), ('ck', -0.13027173466980457), ('.', -0.02815867168828845), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "Nightmare. Not worth it even it's cheap."} [('', 0.0), ('Nightmare', -0.16922249090566766), ('. ', 0.0037600622381432913), ('Not ', -0.14478038057768572), ('worth ', 0.09410425414807833), ('it ', -0.017507622827906744), ('even ', -0.015929244998915237), ('it', 0.020810509625334817), ("'", 0.03127460972973495), ('s ', -0.02107994912603317), ('cheap', -0.08802829999149253), ('.', -0.027036838850108325), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Who doesn\'t like \\"FREE\\" food! meh regular!'} [('', 0.0), ('Who ', 0.017932260874658823), ('doesn', -0.056695809893426485), ("'", -0.01791898084047716), ('t ', -0.04991795541718602), ('like ', -0.09340097059612162), ('\\', -0.03285336427506991), ('"', -0.1532151849824004), ('FREE', -0.05695328884758055), ('\\', 0.008808093261905015), ('" ', 0.031705542904092), ('food', 0.08396787141100504), ('! ', 0.09030866040848196), ('me', 0.024754289508564398), ('h ', -0.05734841086086817), ('regular', -0.151266488537658), ('!', -0.027532227686606348), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'garbage....\\ndont spend a penny here.\\nyur better off ordering room service.'} [('', 0.0), ('garbage', -0.2448033037726418), ('.', -0.0029393436343525536), ('.', 0.0006085594559408491), ('.', -0.004251756336088874), ('.', -0.005679804156898172), ('\\', -0.017415437215428636), ('n', -0.008045956440128066), ('don', -0.008024483317512932), ('t ', -0.020238594758211548), ('spend ', -0.020418959720169976), ('a ', -0.005516797964825552), ('penny ', -0.022801374906445442), ('here', -0.00452023266636085), ('.', -0.009290276822563706), ('\\', -0.012521543166763472), ('nyu', -0.009094546685042183), ('r ', -0.006149343656539309), ('better ', -0.017815224838967778), ('off ', -0.02538684320997062), ('ordering ', -0.027271510511329526), ('room ', -0.01062590680359992), ('service', -0.01404747026228708), ('.', -0.005226218087854149), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Very good show, and definitely worth the money!'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.03573213890194893), ('good ', 0.22263271734118462), ('show', 0.05215590447187424), (', ', 0.037946172058582306), ('and ', 0.023416757583618164), ('definitely ', 0.1827992025646381), ('worth ', 0.22185313812224194), ('the ', 0.02676180674461648), ('money', -0.09443302225554362), ('!', -0.011941321194171906), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Favorite!'} [('', 0.0), ('Favorite', 0.13681867718696594), ('!', 0.1362442672252655), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Gorgeous eggs benedict, not best service(('} [('', 0.0), ('Gorgeous ', 0.8050593238294823), ('eggs ', -0.17829385048389668), ('benedict', 0.0896787251040223), (', ', 0.16269377939170226), ('not ', -0.29196871165186167), ('best ', 0.19159406636026688), ('service', -0.014189154986524954), ('(', -0.01700795441865921), ('(', -0.04148110747337341), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Mediocre. Was not worth the price!!!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Med', -0.08681965448840856), ('io', -0.007849059360069077), ('cre', -0.07920302910042665), ('. ', -0.057988010712506366), ('Was ', -0.04514875774111715), ('not ', -0.28175434111835784), ('worth ', 0.1155078594670158), ('the ', 0.032217135314112966), ('price', -0.04606264351878053), ('!', -0.0070255948121484835), ('!', 0.0100418512674878), ('!', -0.0015773174991409178), ('!', 0.022806721482993453), ('!', 0.016721301330107963), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Chaos...bad food...nothing special about it...not worth paying!!!'} [('', -3.523073246469721e-07), ('Chaos', -0.04380296142153384), ('.', -0.012432888766852557), ('.', -0.00126170805970105), ('.', -0.001584067436397163), ('bad ', -0.04904842328339024), ('food', -0.011638328215819152), ('.', -0.004513822791219961), ('.', -0.004760266657675467), ('.', -0.007118109926003464), ('nothing ', -0.10586703355732295), ('special ', 0.03317495802145588), ('about ', -0.011105941703525397), ('it', -0.01122540166982487), ('.', -0.017296570132592542), ('.', -0.018432911429499654), ('.', -0.016625241556084802), ('not ', -0.2772338441453333), ('worth ', 0.1552880097316726), ('paying', -0.04812123714062485), ('!', -0.00522810703137111), ('!', -0.010890064208069816), ('!', -0.0271475106892467), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'This is a great buffet but it is quite pricy.'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', -0.08879781514406204), ('is ', 0.11654460243880749), ('a ', 0.14289327152073383), ('great ', 0.3838402172550559), ('buffet ', -0.09042722871527076), ('but ', -0.13342359429225326), ('it ', 0.0496089207008481), ('is ', 0.050869873724877834), ('quite ', 0.26575199514627457), ('pri', -0.0024695442989468575), ('cy', -0.08434011600911617), ('.', -0.015792363323271275), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'the food is awesome... but the hostess are not nice....'} [('', 0.0), ('the ', -0.032847267255419865), ('food ', 0.060104990163381444), ('is ', 0.05598141913287691), ('awesome', 0.21484759234590456), ('.', -0.026899965057964437), ('.', -0.028550974344398128), ('. ', -0.03091297981518437), ('but ', -0.187275387525915), ('the ', 0.012808799539470783), ('hostess ', -0.034507355778714555), ('are ', 0.012538968399894657), ('not ', -0.4229551808271026), ('nice', 0.05207065728654925), ('.', -0.04506430008859752), ('.', -0.020116767333092866), ('.', -0.014579112827050267), ('.', -0.021128535059688147), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': '2 thumbs up to all the seafood and yummy dessert~~'} [('', 0.0), ('2 ', 0.009117741137742996), ('thumbs ', 0.057035273872315884), ('up ', 0.1121866600587964), ('to ', 0.07570421788841486), ('all ', 0.07756008300930262), ('the ', 0.013744217343628407), ('seafood ', -0.0019040023908019066), ('and ', 0.002255745232105255), ('yu', -0.049999537877738476), ('mmy ', 0.006902090273797512), ('dessert', 0.20976700074970722), ('~', 0.055935027077794075), ('~', 0.04011257737874985), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Excellence. That is all.'} [('', 0.0), ('Excellence', 0.24769242107868195), ('. ', 0.13465474545955658), ('That ', 0.17867262661457062), ('is ', -0.037282928824424744), ('all', 0.20433367416262627), ('.', -0.03693435713648796), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Not worth the money... Pre cut prime rib ?'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', -0.3015075465373229), ('worth ', 0.22482595415704054), ('the ', 0.019029474152830517), ('money', -0.11145637066056224), ('.', -0.027885686133231502), ('.', -0.019964746634286712), ('. ', -0.019660996053062263), ('Pre ', -0.026522562143327377), ('cut ', -0.08278434445674066), ('prime ', 0.03918618158195386), ('rib ', -0.0003591425688682648), ('?', -0.0652873643230123), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Mediocre Buffet.'} [('', 0.0), ('Med', -0.21969004195489106), ('io', 0.0003788742578763049), ('cre ', -0.1951778812581324), ('Buffet', 0.0593680942474748), ('.', 0.019713695561222266), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Definitely worth the money. Not the best of atmospheres.'} [('', 0.0), ('Definitely ', 0.31247918121516705), ('worth ', 0.432803346028777), ('the ', 0.09410344877960597), ('money', -0.16771402953418146), ('. ', 0.1072360645775916), ('Not ', -0.31382127346660127), ('the ', 0.052915272182872286), ('best ', 0.06397457046841737), ('of ', -0.06442510867054807), ('atmosphere', 0.046611573849077104), ('s', 0.014191811616910854), ('.', -0.019768468220718205), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Expensive but very good food.'} [('', 0.0), ('Expensive ', -0.04591751750558615), ('but ', -0.013571985997259617), ('very ', 0.1255611628293991), ('good ', 0.3105143867433071), ('food', 0.3669471852481365), ('.', -0.05242208391427994), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Love it because its International!'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.32638542354106903), ('it ', 0.033494786359369755), ('because ', -0.012753129936754704), ('its ', 0.03186541423201561), ('International', 0.21789683774113655), ('!', 0.09426115453243256), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'what a stupid buffet!'} [('', 0.0), ('what ', 0.08574257569853216), ('a ', 0.11109651907554507), ('stupid ', -0.679598277470177), ('buffet', -0.12337645694242383), ('!', 0.27058759024657775), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "WORST buffet on the Vegas Strip. \\n\\n'Nuf said"} [('', 0.0), ('WORST ', -0.39531003643060103), ('buffet ', -0.03411342855360999), ('on ', -0.08649766550479399), ('the ', 0.04801089049078655), ('Vegas ', 0.11862941957451767), ('Strip', 0.009536280868815084), ('. ', 0.10140575764853565), ('\\', -0.029929924554380705), ('n', -0.030601538162045472), ('\\', -0.029430793857500248), ('n', -0.0202957049896213), ("'", -0.03075629669638147), ('Nu', -0.05043761493288912), ('f ', -0.05287796365792019), ('said', 0.0506274789931922), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'the prime rib was good. decent buffet but nothing wow.'} [('', 0.0), ('the ', -0.0510847931727767), ('prime ', 0.09384771343320608), ('rib ', -0.016095494851469994), ('was ', 0.030884337960742414), ('good', 0.2498032624134794), ('. ', 0.09090364817529917), ('decent ', 0.1262497741554398), ('buffet ', -0.022436168015701696), ('but ', -0.3647502073436044), ('nothing ', -0.4821078178938478), ('wow', 0.24594222358427942), ('.', -0.08601527742575854), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Not much for breakfast just eggs and meat'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', -0.27374404334113933), ('much ', -0.016315602872055024), ('for ', 0.03218132190522738), ('breakfast ', 0.07963560975167638), ('just ', -0.18600888607306842), ('eggs ', -0.12841712487715995), ('and ', 0.18764484518760582), ('meat', 0.03488616193499183), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Worst Buffet ever! \\nNever again. \\nQuality sucks, Service Too!'} [('', 0.0), ('Worst ', -0.07541720288099896), ('Buffet ', -0.029285907818120904), ('ever', -0.0037519827874348266), ('! ', -0.02663043538268539), ('\\', -0.021014278339862358), ('n', -0.03167184776884824), ('Ne', 0.003204110262231552), ('ver ', -0.016351686571397295), ('again', -0.025696496082673548), ('. ', -0.013719429436605424), ('\\', -0.021922384350546054), ('n', -0.03221909031708492), ('Qual', 0.013587997814283881), ('ity ', -0.05514598865647713), ('sucks', -0.19948843614110956), (', ', 0.06565337032589014), ('Service ', -0.024857008265826153), ('Too', -0.020657223132729996), ('!', 0.03492436898886808), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Everything you could want from a buffet!'} [('', 0.0), ('Everything ', 0.4128095470368862), ('you ', 0.417664946988225), ('could ', 0.003086501732468605), ('want ', -0.1716106820385903), ('from ', -0.04958148184232414), ('a ', 0.08294958365149796), ('buffet', -0.0314863387029618), ('!', 0.0469741141423583), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'The Good:\\n\\nGreat service\\nWonderful desserts\\nClean\\n\\nThe Bad:\\n\\nEverything Else'} [('', -9.05751208351417e-05), ('The ', -0.00880661890418692), ('Good', 0.412155194689562), (':', 0.0020792780137112873), ('\\', -0.012830340229398147), ('n', -0.009165885551324622), ('\\', -0.015975794913670557), ('nG', 2.3676612534362677e-05), ('rea', -0.01650091737357081), ('t ', -0.015999754506276186), ('service', -0.024295514258979398), ('\\', -0.010521634757010774), ('nW', -0.003436083191032098), ('ond', -0.020298190399030733), ('er', 0.013273188743782654), ('ful ', -0.011666786258997903), ('dessert', 0.010267347404309972), ('s', 0.0022217873060567813), ('\\', -0.005015540793961422), ('nC', -0.044562523761256176), ('lean', -0.009355832864953713), ('\\', -0.014854741790755228), ('n', 0.0008434144256170839), ('\\', -0.01744986357516609), ('nT', -0.02009563459432684), ('he ', -0.00037873213295824826), ('Bad', -0.4270449095056392), (':', -0.030442691990174353), ('\\', -0.014704756787978113), ('n', 0.01035329481237568), ('\\', 0.0014045411080587655), ('nEver', -0.16072327968625663), ('yt', 0.018384239471439894), ('hing ', -0.04080344301958879), ('Else', -0.07314689073245972), ('', -3.0155177228152752e-05)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Variety,but not quality!'} [('', 0.0), ('Variety', 0.2034948233049363), (',', 0.14568503317423165), ('but ', -0.18085798426909605), ('not ', -0.6525912199122104), ('quality', 0.05683087576653634), ('!', 0.1395347905381641), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Expensive and salty... Nothing was memorable kinda disappointed'} [('', 0.0), ('Expensive ', -0.13750746010919102), ('and ', 0.08587381450342946), ('salty', -0.05861744853609707), ('.', -0.009441502610570751), ('.', -0.027802774573501665), ('. ', -0.015244550399074797), ('Nothing ', -0.28452534662119433), ('was ', 0.0007285801848411211), ('memorable ', 0.19077689978166745), ('kinda ', 0.007494375077840232), ('disappointed', -0.08476441956372582), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Pretty good option for lunch buffet (with the buffet pass).'} [('', 0.0), ('Pretty ', 0.14783622324466705), ('good ', 0.6136537855491042), ('option ', -0.02776381280273199), ('for ', -0.034601944498717785), ('lunch ', 0.11814594501629472), ('buffet ', -0.0666819061152637), ('(', -0.002047210931777954), ('with ', 0.0027972713578492403), ('the ', -0.008967724861577153), ('buffet ', -0.03255279059521854), ('pass', -0.06954158213920891), (')', 0.002042515203356743), ('.', -0.033480627462267876), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'I love Cirque du Soleil. Mystere was fantastic show.'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', -0.016277065500617027), ('love ', 0.25321160443127155), ('Ci', 0.011260518338531256), ('r', 0.02237535873427987), ('que ', -0.003249209374189377), ('du ', -0.02755486685782671), ('Sole', 0.022301373071968555), ('il', 0.023006383329629898), ('. ', -0.010901551693677902), ('My', 0.038731920532882214), ('ster', 0.00017490331083536148), ('e ', -0.05720273032784462), ('was ', 0.0039019216783344746), ('fantastic ', 0.3371150945313275), ('show', -0.013263079337775707), ('.', -0.0319261085242033), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Compared to Le Reve, this show was boring.'} [('', 0.0), ('Compared ', 0.030498354259179905), ('to ', 0.11094262419828738), ('Le ', 0.068556513002477), ('Rev', 0.11076154052898346), ('e', -0.08641724417793739), (', ', 0.05407990921594319), ('this ', 0.003952578243115568), ('show ', -0.006110481523137423), ('was ', -0.0051517093834263505), ('boring', -0.5877124888520484), ('.', -0.02679928291036049), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great beer great food'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.14865589886903763), ('beer ', -0.018370233476161957), ('great ', 0.1668645143508911), ('food', 0.28942762315273285), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': "Cheesecurds and Old Fashions.....That's all you need."} [('', -0.0011738409230019897), ('Cheese', -0.2713916403396676), ('cu', 0.040785940849067025), ('rds ', -0.07342112042048636), ('and ', 0.11177738197147846), ('Old ', -0.26130651323668036), ('Fashion', 0.148212317066888), ('s', 0.0046593739340702696), ('.', 0.009110243583563715), ('.', -0.1130507045891136), ('.', -0.011071203043684363), ('.', -0.05118266702629626), ('.', -0.08774216682650149), ('That', 0.13373764615971595), ("'", -0.004896163591183722), ('s ', 0.0006338476669043303), ('all ', 0.0014705965004395694), ('you ', 0.4121360632998403), ('need', 0.0640620086924173), ('.', 0.017296226578764617), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Solid food. Best beer selection in town. Awesome cheese curds.'} [('', 0.0), ('Solid ', 0.12501800619065762), ('food', 0.02955934964120388), ('. ', -0.008017335087060928), ('Best ', 0.1297245577443391), ('beer ', -0.01838664268143475), ('selection ', 0.014239973155781627), ('in ', 0.030360673321411014), ('town', 0.008885544259101152), ('. ', -0.01895025372505188), ('Awesome ', 0.4214842764195055), ('cheese ', -0.0539558173622936), ('cu', -0.0068780770525336266), ('rds', -0.033382839523255825), ('.', -0.03615832328796387), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good spot for lunch.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.3578813821077347), ('spot ', 0.14595920220017433), ('for ', 0.06829525157809258), ('lunch', 0.13673657178878784), ('.', -0.044876694679260254), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': "Good food but always crowded....guess that means it's good!"} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.40599121747072786), ('food ', -0.005726142902858555), ('but ', -0.03563991631381214), ('always ', 0.07207939436193556), ('crowded', -0.17836863233242184), ('.', -0.007981436559930444), ('.', -0.01698367763310671), ('.', -0.02270293701440096), ('.', -0.027318807318806648), ('guess ', -0.07771633204538375), ('that ', -0.016697461367584765), ('means ', 0.014405684312805533), ('it', -0.004064411070430651), ("'", 0.003187518654158339), ('s ', 0.004095276410225779), ('good', 0.3863647425896488), ('!', 0.04529087251285091), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Decent, a classic, but a little overhyped.'} [('', 0.0), ('Decent', 0.1705104274878977), (', ', -0.008933327088016085), ('a ', 0.06584915686835302), ('classic', 0.08466072461305885), (', ', 0.002864075024263002), ('but ', -0.31909699116658885), ('a ', -0.014288600723375566), ('little ', -0.03163140133256093), ('over', -0.15119941748707788), ('hy', -0.014801998862822074), ('ped', -0.13333877848344855), ('.', -0.019209396952646784), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Dirty!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Dirty', -0.8746229013777338), ('!', 0.1171973662567325), ('!', 0.2353392366785556), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "$60 cover. No thanks. 'Nuf said."} [('', 0.0), ('$', -0.06988954060943797), ('60 ', -0.004123279781197198), ('cover', -0.0461896719498327), ('. ', 0.0216951088514179), ('No ', -0.5428076586395036), ('thanks', 0.43140978648443706), ('. ', -0.0018517134594731033), ("'", -0.05140640214085579), ('Nu', -0.06212276266887784), ('f ', -0.06697343592531979), ('said', 0.07860339531907812), ('.', -0.05389032472157851), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'This club is a has been... That is All!'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', -0.1416841819882393), ('club ', 0.3268252699635923), ('is ', -0.054213525261729956), ('a ', 0.0178926843800582), ('has ', 0.20411492575658485), ('been', -0.16217191354371607), ('.', 0.06800845824182034), ('.', -0.020021431148052216), ('. ', -0.08439835906028748), ('That ', 0.012797623872756958), ('is ', -0.08919468801468611), ('All', 0.21191215049475431), ('!', 0.23150190711021423), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Gross. \\nA dump.\\nGo to XS, much classier.'} [('', 0.0), ('Gross', -0.13896421058780106), ('. ', -0.003811910204603919), ('\\', -0.02168782636454125), ('nA ', -0.016419840534581454), ('dump', -0.07960371869830851), ('.', -0.023068102878823993), ('\\', -0.11355962226252814), ('nGo ', 0.01579422245367823), ('to ', -0.05541661484312499), ('X', -0.11507654076422114), ('S', -0.028210967758695915), (', ', -0.0016709938390704338), ('much ', 0.03257492763623304), ('class', 0.0785122540150951), ('ier', 0.04911315400704552), ('.', -0.026413090816276963), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Food 4 out of 5'} [('', 0.0), ('Food ', 0.25883521884679794), ('4 ', 0.04450524225831032), ('out ', 0.05714823678135872), ('of ', 0.22317387908697128), ('5', 0.08003779500722885), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Very bad!'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.11072796628650394), ('bad', -0.8689294122559659), ('!', 0.23544020635745255), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'so this is where the sexy ladys stay...'} [('', 0.0), ('so ', -0.07611614582128823), ('this ', -0.0318125985795632), ('is ', -0.009424803894944489), ('where ', 0.056802498758770525), ('the ', 0.05201004387345165), ('sexy ', 0.5775286098942161), ('lady', 0.1818222034489736), ('s ', -0.014153913245536387), ('stay', -0.02500951220281422), ('.', 0.04903223691508174), ('.', -0.055640846490859985), ('.', -0.07801029086112976), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Amazing place to stay... Great suites!!! Very modern!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Amazing ', 0.14018876943737268), ('place ', 0.006489325896836817), ('to ', 0.003127361531369388), ('stay', -0.0020072353072464466), ('.', -0.013034004718065262), ('.', -0.009272769093513489), ('. ', -0.009833011776208878), ('Great ', 0.1583418408408761), ('suites', 0.02275527734309435), ('!', -0.02732671983540058), ('!', -0.0262522934935987), ('! ', -0.01729522692039609), ('Very ', 0.1221240502782166), ('modern', 0.20072159869596362), ('!', 0.009663423523306847), ('!', -0.003402501344680786), ('!', -0.016740866005420685), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Solid hotel. Free wifis. Will go back for sure.'} [('', 0.0), ('Solid ', 0.5783847420243546), ('hotel', 0.06202464352827519), ('. ', -0.018420483684167266), ('Free ', -0.03696997312363237), ('wi', -0.17166486268979497), ('fi', -0.09657446391065605), ('s', 0.002608661015983671), ('. ', -0.007318772608414292), ('Will ', 0.1560244606807828), ('go ', 0.1125180097296834), ('back ', -0.0817828238941729), ('for ', -0.0729531585238874), ('sure', 0.19654069654643536), ('.', -0.039563149213790894), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Total pain in the ass'} [('', 0.0), ('Total ', 0.10807514324551448), ('pain ', -0.3479844887042418), ('in ', 0.04654419427970424), ('the ', 0.10573796828975901), ('ass', -0.24535982176894322), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Homemade pasta ...heavenly...\\nbeautiful place & wonderful service'} [('', 0.0), ('Homemade ', 0.03922789916396141), ('pasta ', 0.029215913265943527), ('.', 0.03803703933954239), ('.', -0.0034706685692071915), ('.', -0.005561744794249535), ('heavenly', 0.15115437470376492), ('.', 0.015911275520920753), ('.', -0.018284860998392105), ('.', -0.023139845579862595), ('\\', -0.027836934896185994), ('n', -0.09328382456442341), ('beau', 0.06078946153866127), ('ti', -0.005460162239614874), ('ful ', -0.021464613790158182), ('place ', -0.015317727229557931), ('& ', 0.005901045980863273), ('wonderful ', 0.4190636355779134), ('service', -0.014833640248980373), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Yummmmmmm.'} [('', 0.0), ('Yu', 0.368745852727443), ('mm', -0.1033790367655456), ('mm', -0.45007898984476924), ('mm', -0.19260521791875362), ('m', 0.13245716923847795), ('.', -0.05610709264874458), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great seafood good service, would highly recommend.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.14036798104643822), ('seafood ', -0.0037121225614100695), ('good ', 0.19093547179363668), ('service', -0.042955674696713686), (', ', 0.07462253421545029), ('would ', -0.02868315763771534), ('highly ', 0.15584112331271172), ('recommend', 0.25449862517416477), ('.', -0.028081703931093216), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "outstanding seafood, but don't be afraid to try the chicken"} [('', 0.0), ('outstanding ', 0.36325978860259056), ('seafood', -0.017315823584794998), (', ', -0.03875575214624405), ('but ', -0.14326294884085655), ('don', 0.05593638273421675), ("'", 0.011914164409972727), ('t ', 0.07072256016544998), ('be ', 0.10397995696985163), ('afraid ', 0.2597135584510397), ('to ', 0.07432165864156559), ('try ', -0.05095476092537865), ('the ', -0.0014039899688214064), ('chicken', -0.07987514906562865), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'the chili rubbed rib-eye very tender....'} [('', 0.0), ('the ', -0.015622635837644339), ('chili ', -0.04116641799919307), ('rubbed ', -0.039506437024101615), ('rib', -0.026755252736620605), ('-', -0.008369732298888266), ('eye ', 0.062222886248491704), ('very ', 0.06882690085330978), ('tender', 0.7559732390218414), ('.', -0.0037935529835522175), ('.', -0.03854383621364832), ('.', -0.03996799606829882), ('.', -0.05106964521110058), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'fun environment, steak ok.'} [('', 0.0), ('fun ', 0.14222538471221924), ('environment', 0.1211715042591095), (', ', 0.08484801650047302), ('steak ', 0.049591606482863426), ('ok', 0.31764707528054714), ('.', -0.024469774216413498), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': "I've been to SW twice. Great service, great food"} [('', 0.0), ('I', -0.004403712227940559), ("'", 0.012618966400623322), ('ve ', 0.016546203289180994), ('been ', 0.09305943874642253), ('to ', 0.15243051230208948), ('SW ', -0.12718539946945384), ('twice', 0.09646201180294156), ('. ', 0.02314884401857853), ('Great ', 0.2673137094825506), ('service', -0.07911449484527111), (', ', -0.015312857925891876), ('great ', 0.15476349741220474), ('food', 0.01910967379808426), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Decent cafeteria food, nothing more.'} [('', 0.0), ('Decent ', 0.6578116286545992), ('cafeteria ', -0.20227568526752293), ('food', 0.061502320459112525), (', ', 0.24999024718999863), ('nothing ', -0.33935505111003295), ('more', 0.17339580674888566), ('.', -0.05660277116112411), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'We did not enjoy the food...The staff was polite.'} [('', 0.0), ('We ', 0.013548727587476606), ('did ', -0.16993602399998053), ('not ', -0.4680121384571976), ('enjoy ', 0.14459879025616829), ('the ', -0.025912005860845966), ('food', -0.0793712791546568), ('.', -0.11880544797531911), ('.', -0.028058973275619792), ('.', -0.028444938903703587), ('The ', 0.015531158803241851), ('staff ', 0.005221816639277677), ('was ', -0.006890777082844579), ('polite', 0.35552553590332536), ('.', -0.02485995101960725), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'They only have like 10 crepes. Lame.'} [('', 0.0), ('They ', -0.03190599869412836), ('only ', -0.07272668862060527), ('have ', 0.043839968278916785), ('like ', -0.05293883119702514), ('10 ', -0.0074726356579049025), ('cr', -0.017121963925774253), ('ep', 0.0015847390511680715), ('es', 0.013103679381856637), ('. ', -0.01474528729886515), ('Lame', -0.1529249051309307), ('.', -0.04203360848623561), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Fast, delicous, and a nice ending to a great day!'} [('', 0.0), ('Fast', 0.0837867857189849), (', ', 0.033107258030213416), ('del', -0.02656935695267748), ('ico', -0.2559719740675064), ('us', -0.03843438171315938), (', ', -0.008317753672599792), ('and ', -0.0062014274299144745), ('a ', 0.0534175111388322), ('nice ', 0.6036086319654714), ('ending ', -0.04039030382409692), ('to ', 0.01887595182051882), ('a ', -0.000273988553090021), ('great ', 0.14505235498654656), ('day', 0.01430188218364492), ('!', -0.008617049606982619), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Crepes are pricey and super bland not savory at all...'} [('', -0.00026881003577727824), ('Cr', -0.025440806362894364), ('ep', -0.003495015043881722), ('es ', -0.0019573337194742635), ('are ', 0.04256023971538525), ('price', 0.13725652858556714), ('y ', 0.17141902817820664), ('and ', -0.01523514099244494), ('super ', 0.0499127992807189), ('bland ', -0.31652910348930163), ('not ', -0.4312603674843558), ('sa', 0.10295793645006295), ('vor', 0.0915356374559148), ('y ', 0.004690640630239311), ('at ', -0.06470832078775857), ('all', -0.07390325133746956), ('.', -0.03769776810077019), ('.', -0.04351345938630402), ('.', -0.051265619695186615), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': '10$ for a Cr\\u00eape. Really?????\\n\\nOverpriced & Bad. Never ever again'} [('', 0.001386734216898081), ('10', 0.004814194075255987), ('$ ', -0.040022893007110164), ('for ', -0.016179726588736575), ('a ', -0.013422249203861049), ('Cr', -0.01348008749933104), ('\\', -0.009885797150629861), ('u', -0.01728662485125131), ('00', -0.017002216277996057), ('ea', -0.017190710466474274), ('pe', -0.011265419990758389), ('. ', -0.005564677669359038), ('Really', -0.0234676801722214), ('?', -0.020350985660375694), ('?', -0.03303713571949629), ('?', -0.033104321562859695), ('?', -0.031983840663087904), ('?', -0.029914907563579618), ('\\', -0.008777692465097667), ('n', -0.007087635457007006), ('\\', -0.009108106487853245), ('nOv', -0.014122337101207449), ('er', -0.05906682892068602), ('pr', -0.01593882082502205), ('ice', -0.01737051647628505), ('d ', -0.002716323824779465), ('& ', -0.008199413705066641), ('Bad', -0.12851999472119738), ('. ', -0.008670868863797901), ('Never ', -0.046695695873495424), ('ever ', 0.04471429573823116), ('again', 0.0687495576821675), ('', 2.8016595024382696e-05)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Not bad. A bit overpriced. Coffee subpar.'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', 0.21667492282904277), ('bad', 0.1975469814697135), ('. ', -0.040354858865612186), ('A ', -0.03770306715159677), ('bit ', -0.10584829084473313), ('over', -0.2891571736699916), ('pr', -0.0640997725431589), ('ice', -0.10341088091900019), ('d', 0.043342728756215365), ('. ', -0.03405463815579424), ('Coffee ', -0.06965232198126614), ('sub', -0.0354632354574278), ('par', -0.03482815495226532), ('.', -0.04718345683068037), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Best crepes in Vegas.'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.38834623247385025), ('cr', 0.009694927372038364), ('ep', 0.0344195244833827), ('es ', 0.03513346239924431), ('in ', 0.02986285462975502), ('Vegas', 0.272548396140337), ('.', -0.0467444583773613), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "These are some of the best crepes I've ever had."} [('', 0.0), ('These ', -0.008755307644605637), ('are ', 0.003936867229640484), ('some ', -0.013623475097119808), ('of ', 0.043531911447644234), ('the ', 0.015269095078110695), ('best ', 0.2656133510172367), ('cr', -0.07090993784368038), ('ep', 0.07614322286099195), ('es ', -0.008546841330826283), ('I', 0.04975524079054594), ("'", 0.018265818245708942), ('ve ', 0.04313197499141097), ('ever ', 0.12210358353331685), ('had', 0.0381691288203001), ('.', -0.006487809121608734), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Nice views.'} [('', 0.0), ('Nice ', 0.22378060221672058), ('views', 0.2149040699005127), ('.', 0.038186103105545044), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Great view. Expensive drinks!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.15531674027442932), ('view', 0.08702699840068817), ('. ', 0.11749286949634552), ('Expensive ', -0.0866478425450623), ('drinks', 0.33134609879925847), ('!', 0.08633863925933838), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'I like this place. I get drunk here sometimes.'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', 0.06155369710177183), ('like ', 0.4548120432300493), ('this ', 0.2396029393421486), ('place', 0.06103599723428488), ('. ', -0.007174171507358551), ('I ', 0.01929567486513406), ('get ', -0.017165342927910388), ('drunk ', -0.13810916349757463), ('here ', 0.05241674778517336), ('sometimes', -0.02685005567036569), ('.', -0.03438901901245117), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'amazing view!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('amazing ', 0.07505086995661259), ('view', 0.05607263930141926), ('!', 0.10904854163527489), ('!', 0.15325196832418442), ('!', 0.27061913907527924), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Discriminates against Men. $20 for guys, $10 for ladies'} [('', 0.0), ('Disc', -0.039354100823402405), ('rim', 0.0010526695987209678), ('inates ', -0.08551120094489306), ('against ', -0.045560397556982934), ('Men', -0.002610591589473188), ('. ', -0.02916847704909742), ('$', -0.05354896257631481), ('20 ', -0.008904117275960743), ('for ', -0.0064925444312393665), ('guys', -0.0408103953814134), (', ', -0.017408675281330943), ('$', -0.10580546851269901), ('10 ', -0.014377901097759604), ('for ', -0.0031468948582187295), ('ladies', 0.047669669263996184), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'I was very disappointed in this one.'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', 0.04844673813931877), ('was ', 0.05991249458384118), ('very ', 0.05314768016614835), ('disappointed ', -0.6536330704511784), ('in ', 0.09818799668937572), ('this ', 0.11729401716547727), ('one', 0.048342930431317654), ('.', -0.04204271919297753), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Stunning. Speechless...'} [('', 0.0), ('Stunning', 0.7408028558129445), ('. ', 0.11375148908700794), ('Speechless', -0.12661546375602484), ('.', 0.019789800513535738), ('.', -0.003668172750622034), ('.', -0.05308448523283005), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'OOOOkay?!\\n\\nDefinitely not worth $125... Love was so much better!!'} [('', 1.5602265540066936e-07), ('O', 0.01043916787304971), ('OO', -0.053981786218424706), ('Oka', -0.01066564521468189), ('y', 0.00916902246237788), ('?', -0.028169010087800588), ('!', -0.031888617145471344), ('\\', -0.008022788849454324), ('n', -0.0037616650180704405), ('\\', -0.006851406821776133), ('n', -0.021110955233325512), ('De', -0.01765223436859742), ('fin', 0.002494008721290205), ('ite', -0.012557004370288874), ('ly ', 0.001799519294612158), ('not ', -0.44170259936709044), ('worth ', -0.09461134583307285), ('$', -0.050770603290402505), ('125', 0.007563720287180331), ('.', -0.008237213427491952), ('.', -0.010839368232700508), ('. ', -0.008044290372345131), ('Love ', 0.23892835013830335), ('was ', -0.051420337536546866), ('so ', -0.020890694981305084), ('much ', 0.06350265030390195), ('better', 0.022250373676555076), ('!', 0.02871285284199985), ('!', -0.029929137804720084), ('', 3.7560079363174736e-06)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'What else can you say except AMAZEBALLS!'} [('', 0.0), ('What ', -0.0671609677374363), ('else ', -0.12101078080013394), ('can ', 0.001375668216496706), ('you ', 0.08478981349617243), ('say ', -0.048486524261534214), ('except ', 0.03240930661559105), ('AMA', 0.5780462721595541), ('ZE', 0.22845509403850883), ('BALLS', -0.006508089601993561), ('!', 0.011065073311328888), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'One word: Breathtaking'} [('', 0.0), ('One ', 0.027507096529006958), ('word', -0.11622977070510387), (': ', -0.029340406879782677), ('Breath', 0.49174184538424015), ('taking', 0.2903390023857355), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'This show is spectacular.'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', 0.2332213968038559), ('show ', 0.19719472946599126), ('is ', -0.057366390246897936), ('spectacular', 0.3358284533023834), ('.', -0.04485958814620972), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "I only found it ok. Wasn't as entertaining as Mystere!"} [('', 0.0), ('I ', 0.0065704693442967255), ('only ', -0.1486048270307947), ('found ', 0.03769845544229611), ('it ', 0.11997280147807032), ('ok', 0.15346866459913144), ('. ', 0.10104523215341032), ('Wasn', -0.1470247646484495), ("'", -0.028345411095870077), ('t ', -0.4205732006630569), ('as ', -0.034430354899086524), ('entertaining ', -0.02814433454477694), ('as ', -0.08861671835620655), ('My', 0.0709275737790449), ('ster', 0.006094716551160673), ('e', -0.06770025323930895), ('!', 0.026172873956966214), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'The vertical stage is amazing.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.10376657545566559), ('vertical ', 0.0028586164116859436), ('stage ', 0.14439726620912552), ('is ', -0.107417450286448), ('amazing', 0.5904717268422246), ('.', -0.04292839393019676), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'a great show to go to in Vegas.'} [('', 0.0), ('a ', 0.08305934816598892), ('great ', 0.26251401379704475), ('show ', 0.029430914670228958), ('to ', 0.05218894872814417), ('go ', 0.12633458990603685), ('to ', 0.04212495544925332), ('in ', -0.0009850547648966312), ('Vegas', 0.15084834955632687), ('.', -0.03251812234520912), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'loved it!!'} [('', 0.0), ('loved ', 0.1000535674393177), ('it', 0.05991165712475777), ('!', 0.14945722371339798), ('!', 0.27717168629169464), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Not as gay as I expected.'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', -0.14898012520279735), ('as ', -0.05960170283651678), ('gay ', -0.08079651324806036), ('as ', 0.21472473003086634), ('I ', 0.31358232445199974), ('expected', -0.03936937666730955), ('.', 0.04873221553862095), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Cool\\n\\ndramatic and entertaining for a family outting.'} [('', 0.0), ('Cool', 0.39140505949035287), ('\\', 0.011807702947407961), ('n', -0.01916913315653801), ('\\', -0.01503018569201231), ('n', 0.0008814537432044744), ('dra', -0.0018897007685154676), ('matic ', -0.06729516852647066), ('and ', -0.021675189957022667), ('entertaining ', 0.3491635697428137), ('for ', -0.02594109741039574), ('a ', 0.01812319876626134), ('family ', 0.038060756865888834), ('out', -0.03610024740919471), ('ting', -0.01990746660158038), ('.', -0.034826953895390034), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Excellent show, worth every penny.'} [('', 0.0), ('Excellent ', 0.2510667610913515), ('show', 0.02455897442996502), (', ', 0.09204459190368652), ('worth ', 0.3152010999619961), ('every ', 0.10193453915417194), ('penny', -0.04309528134763241), ('.', -0.018279097974300385), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Fell asleep. Need I say more?'} [('', 0.0), ('Fell ', -0.116660262356163), ('asleep', -0.11522902699653059), ('. ', 0.09052413779136259), ('Need ', -0.12280711133462319), ('I ', 0.06267553667021275), ('say ', 0.0013012403069296852), ('more', -0.020391491194459377), ('?', -0.04961992320022546), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Worst show I have ever seen. Waste of money!'} [('', 0.0), ('Worst ', -0.3126617030084162), ('show ', -0.012125589159040828), ('I ', -0.0030007188870513346), ('have ', 0.07014993346183473), ('ever ', 0.10188051563454792), ('seen', -0.008857034009452036), ('. ', -0.002178038441343233), ('Waste ', -0.066818616674027), ('of ', -0.021438216747810657), ('money', -0.07004199120456178), ('!', -0.008526443078153534), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Ice cream name game ROCK!'} [('', 0.0), ('Ice ', 0.017585566267371178), ('cream ', -0.0016764504835009575), ('name ', -0.07102303486317396), ('game ', 0.06366967409849167), ('ROCK', 0.2741471119225025), ('!', 0.39647525176405907), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Best seafood restaurant in Vegas? My halliBUTT!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.36981478333473206), ('seafood ', -0.03482135618105531), ('restaurant ', 0.09569300943985581), ('in ', -0.020119830616749823), ('Vegas', 0.12984786008019), ('? ', -0.13352560112252831), ('My ', 0.060663205571472645), ('hall', 0.06777961790794507), ('iB', 0.11723646085010841), ('UT', 0.012525423284387216), ('T', -0.14196936573716812), ('!', 0.10824709758162498), ('!', -0.0225512832403183), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great food..'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.26341407001018524), ('food', 0.2556530386209488), ('.', 0.11190187931060791), ('.', -0.04437783360481262), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'great seafood and management and staff are wonderful.'} [('', 0.0), ('great ', 0.23892340436577797), ('seafood ', 0.01099245622754097), ('and ', 0.04973782878369093), ('management ', -0.005511290393769741), ('and ', 0.062252920120954514), ('staff ', 0.12277656514197588), ('are ', 0.001046796329319477), ('wonderful', 0.2617542464286089), ('.', -0.028954479843378067), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Awesome food...I want to go back.'} [('', 0.0), ('Awesome ', 0.6429740656167269), ('food', 0.16812890209257603), ('.', -0.0035590697079896927), ('.', -0.03890956798568368), ('.', -0.0077996947802603245), ('I ', 0.008185277925804257), ('want ', -0.06882344372570515), ('to ', 0.10792357711761724), ('go ', 0.11062800242507365), ('back', -0.1797875607444439), ('.', -0.07291667023673654), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Was good but definitely nothing to write home about.'} [('', 0.0), ('Was ', 0.000865457666805014), ('good ', 0.6567799314798322), ('but ', -0.30935193464392796), ('definitely ', 0.08602990183135262), ('nothing ', -0.8547749448989634), ('to ', 0.012404049492033664), ('write ', 0.010352172750572208), ('home ', 0.09858896010700846), ('about', 0.038565492890484165), ('.', -0.0210913666523993), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'The worst food....ever.......kill me now..........'} [('', -1.764102762535913e-06), ('The ', -0.00909925983296489), ('worst ', -0.2593208963471625), ('food', 0.07272776666741265), ('.', 2.6173565856879577e-05), ('.', -0.005080847958925006), ('.', -0.003649449108525005), ('.', 0.003964747566472701), ('ever', -0.01731493134499639), ('.', -0.011862029460614092), ('.', -0.007895419466422027), ('.', -0.0069682694734183315), ('.', -0.010948639952857775), ('.', -0.015148421942740242), ('.', -0.014878692409335295), ('.', -0.014458794101453046), ('kill ', -0.09628807240634767), ('me ', -0.00193130476228968), ('now', -0.027671422717427657), ('.', -0.01438280679114238), ('.', -0.011737337516933621), ('.', -0.009301877237703593), ('.', -0.007546652482233185), ('.', -0.00570035082182585), ('.', -0.012404705514654779), ('.', -0.010629987111769879), ('.', -0.009581400627212133), ('.', -0.008070229269833362), ('.', -0.011375895229321031), ('', -4.5582510210806504e-07)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great ambiance and view. Preferred it to Mix'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.09097396582365036), ('am', 0.11391822108998895), ('bian', 0.03711822396144271), ('ce ', -0.05165834352374077), ('and ', 0.05645008385181427), ('view', 0.0527584720402956), ('. ', 0.06443558447062969), ('Preferred ', 0.048124296590685844), ('it ', 0.2234222088009119), ('to ', 0.012264668941497803), ('Mix', 0.018055714666843414), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Fantastic strip view, excellent cocktail waitresses, beautiful crowd.'} [('', 0.0), ('Fantastic ', 0.3178203981369734), ('strip ', -0.0429537259042263), ('view', 0.05558326654136181), (', ', -0.01684008538722992), ('excellent ', 0.18010221049189568), ('cocktail ', -0.0016036732122302055), ('waitress', -0.011285078711807728), ('es', 0.0019423402845859528), (', ', -0.012566417455673218), ('beautiful ', 0.12413317710161209), ('crowd', 0.05251060426235199), ('.', -0.019547730684280396), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Another bomb. Just a very strange crowd.'} [('', 0.0), ('Another ', -0.06833481485955417), ('bomb', -0.5587421834934503), ('. ', 0.06119016092270613), ('Just ', -0.12068260338855907), ('a ', 0.03408173267962411), ('very ', 0.03640348932822235), ('strange ', -0.008187073864974082), ('crowd', 0.40344326381455176), ('.', -0.04846547683700919), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Aaaa'} [('', 0.0), ('Aaa', -0.5096539214719087), ('a', -0.20989894424565136), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'WhatEVER.'} [('', 0.0), ('WhatEVER', -0.774618819821626), ('.', 0.060702941846102476), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Expensive and crowded.'} [('', 0.0), ('Expensive ', -0.1863093994325027), ('and ', 0.22228639968670905), ('crowded', -0.3275087933870964), ('.', -0.1104065800900571), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'RIP'} [('', 0.0), ('RIP', -0.9235935714095831), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'two words: cheesecake factory'} [('', 0.0), ('two ', 0.029512410750612617), ('words', 0.0029884736868552864), (': ', -0.030944352271035314), ('cheese', -0.11997752317984123), ('cake ', -0.01745459444646258), ('factory', -0.17139749010675587), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': "get the chicken and waffles. it's amazing."} [('', 0.0), ('get ', -0.042157761519774795), ('the ', -0.002619107603095472), ('chicken ', -0.04954383696895093), ('and ', 0.004162837751209736), ('wa', -0.03208628430729732), ('ffle', -0.03305438283132389), ('s', 0.02185000409372151), ('. ', -0.016024807933717966), ('it', 0.17441011173650622), ("'", 0.10170957958325744), ('s ', -0.04780564922839403), ('amazing', 0.5725055625662208), ('.', -0.04185402300208807), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "all you can drink mimosa's cures any hangover."} [('', 0.0), ('all ', -0.19165680650621653), ('you ', 0.04107032180763781), ('can ', 0.0927102763671428), ('drink ', -0.02448003413155675), ('mi', 0.02010233059991151), ('mos', 0.06094496394507587), ('a', -0.032874964526854455), ("'", 0.02819147240370512), ('s ', 0.07040483271703124), ('cure', -0.1645818481920287), ('s ', -0.035428831237368286), ('any ', -0.01764320209622383), ('hang', -0.1589894497883506), ('over', -0.06997846794547513), ('.', 0.0006158290198072791), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'consistant'} [('', 0.0), ('consist', 0.15192991495132446), ('ant', 0.10428237915039062), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Yumm...its ok... fun place to hang out though.'} [('', 0.0), ('Yu', -0.048361158929765224), ('mm', -0.10347092617303133), ('.', 0.0037636980414390564), ('.', 0.006425079656764865), ('.', 0.02789279236458242), ('its ', -0.024062052136287093), ('ok', -0.0019046079833060503), ('.', 0.011932475958019495), ('.', -0.02874036133289337), ('. ', -0.026015695184469223), ('fun ', 0.6460097858216614), ('place ', -0.007088516838848591), ('to ', 0.02700672997161746), ('hang ', -0.010322534246370196), ('out ', 0.0932236632797867), ('though', 0.0110362209379673), ('.', -0.03928964748047292), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Decent price, decent food--excellent service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Decent ', 0.3450726103037596), ('price', -0.00712602399289608), (', ', 0.009683020412921906), ('decent ', 0.16670155618339777), ('food', -0.0019495869055390358), ('-', 0.006175760179758072), ('-', 0.003453601151704788), ('excellent ', 0.2066085203550756), ('service', -0.015866439323872328), ('.', -0.015857061371207237), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Like Cheesecake factory, except not, and in a casino.'} [('', 0.0), ('Like ', 0.01115807713358663), ('Cheese', -0.06631659587583272), ('cake ', -0.020530801055429038), ('factory', -0.09130204505345318), (', ', 0.015968556806910783), ('except ', -0.01244577908073552), ('not', -0.13329052008339204), (', ', -0.011966958350967616), ('and ', 0.0040799909038469195), ('in ', -0.11419782276789192), ('a ', 0.048181435427977704), ('casino', 0.004285745933884755), ('.', -0.017427144688554108), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "DON'T COME HERE SOBER! That is all."} [('', 0.0), ('DON', -0.03582709073089063), ("'", -0.07096301042474806), ('T ', -0.12697686161845922), ('COME ', 0.04876593401422724), ('HERE ', -0.020876859962299932), ('SOBER', -0.028557690435263794), ('! ', -0.010031854384578764), ('That ', 0.06818894867319614), ('is ', -0.040336343576200306), ('all', -0.00456763431429863), ('.', -0.08690149988979101), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'If you can deal with the poor service'} [('', 0.0), ('If ', -0.027539538947166875), ('you ', 0.31284127598337363), ('can ', 0.054610756269539706), ('deal ', 0.051679448852155474), ('with ', 0.034316938266783836), ('the ', 0.03998702194803627), ('poor ', -0.5350258850157843), ('service', -0.20077455902355723), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Was a perfect dining experience!'} [('', 0.0), ('Was ', -0.008018054068088531), ('a ', 0.13700496777892113), ('perfect ', 0.2178174965083599), ('dining ', 0.14771852642297745), ('experience', 0.11012040823698044), ('!', 0.08646780252456665), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'It was Cheese cake factory'} [('', 0.0), ('It ', 0.05029963725246489), ('was ', -0.015757262124679983), ('Cheese ', -0.2126230465946719), ('cake ', 0.005736281629651785), ('factory', -0.1585430153645575), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Large selection of tasty food. Crab omelette was very good.'} [('', 0.0), ('Large ', 0.04451470449566841), ('selection ', 0.03344198875129223), ('of ', 0.015329604968428612), ('ta', 0.17735582700697705), ('sty ', 0.027061898086685687), ('food', -0.0032409364357590675), ('. ', -0.010782692581415176), ('Crab ', -0.057754166424274445), ('om', -0.035991893382743), ('ele', 0.020395680330693722), ('tte ', -0.016994608333334327), ('was ', -0.011616755044087768), ('very ', -0.011023727944120765), ('good', 0.4144057468511164), ('.', -0.017524112947285175), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Perfect size. Friendly staff.'} [('', 0.0), ('Perfect ', 0.17562230676412582), ('size', 0.05944938212633133), ('. ', 0.11069691181182861), ('Friendly ', 0.1994147878140211), ('staff', 0.17246718518435955), ('.', -0.02651987597346306), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Man, (most) security guards SUCKED this time around. . .'} [('', -0.00015996793808881193), ('Man', -0.03666118207911495), (', ', -0.07810794610122684), ('(', -0.02627640303520214), ('most', -0.007660621227235727), (') ', 0.020608224888443754), ('security ', -0.022891554329362407), ('guards ', -0.0038860126869622036), ('SUCKED ', -0.08558006187013234), ('this ', -0.005897348119106027), ('time ', -0.01124325359796785), ('around', -0.015312125965465384), ('. ', -0.014547773856975255), ('. ', -0.05444626373355277), ('.', -0.07283864711644128), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Had breakfast here food was good. Nothing special.'} [('', 0.0), ('Had ', -0.005013296169636305), ('breakfast ', 0.07774175318263588), ('here ', -0.037918594734946964), ('food ', -0.014831326247076504), ('was ', -0.009446286843740381), ('good', 0.32283500967605505), ('. ', 0.024036416958551854), ('Nothing ', -0.5880605389756965), ('special', 0.07079523732681992), ('.', -0.12375792888633441), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Medium food, high prices, staff keeps the change.'} [('', 0.0), ('Medium ', 0.09894770849496126), ('food', 0.17945335153490305), (', ', 0.07747683487832546), ('high ', 0.07709115371108055), ('prices', -0.15136315766721964), (', ', 0.041158237494528294), ('staff ', 0.02239053789526224), ('keeps ', 0.14521284494549036), ('the ', 0.08228613156825304), ('change', 0.13350760284811258), ('.', -0.041214391589164734), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Must they over salt everything?'} [('', 0.0), ('Must ', -0.0463004601188004), ('they ', -0.03008411289192736), ('over ', -0.07979030639398843), ('salt ', -0.1020648505364079), ('everything', 0.08502696463256143), ('?', -0.13433480326784775), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Yummy sandwiches, the bread is very good'} [('', 0.0), ('Yu', 0.15865050442516804), ('mmy ', 0.058260491117835045), ('sandwiches', -0.06958667188882828), (', ', 0.1661888211965561), ('the ', 0.029728406574577093), ('bread ', -0.025134611409157515), ('is ', 0.09222530107945204), ('very ', 0.04303046967834234), ('good', 0.2595995292067528), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Truly as good as it gets!'} [('', 0.0), ('Truly ', 0.17421749234199524), ('as ', -0.009652839973568916), ('good ', 0.20794682390987873), ('as ', 0.014122669585049152), ('it ', 0.022839327342808247), ('gets', 0.10353748686611652), ('!', 0.21041478589177132), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': '#5 pork sandwich, YUM! Bring cash and an appetite.'} [('', 0.0), ('#', 0.003383257891982794), ('5 ', 0.042481976037379354), ('pork ', -0.2723761637462303), ('sandwich', -0.032120155228767544), (', ', 0.15214888099581003), ('YU', -0.02698008017614484), ('M', -0.002983898390084505), ('! ', 0.237862185575068), ('Bring ', 0.19254309101961553), ('cash ', -0.3227957913186401), ('and ', -0.031738532707095146), ('an ', 0.10829293518327177), ('appetite', 0.5367982618045062), ('.', -0.05067480402067304), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'The best sandwiches and shakes in town!'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.005662787705659866), ('best ', 0.3638090556487441), ('sandwiches ', -0.05797007214277983), ('and ', 0.05444326996803284), ('shakes ', 0.0020443941466510296), ('in ', 0.18800742784515023), ('town', 0.13682364113628864), ('!', 0.036429569125175476), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Simple yet amazingggg #5 grilled pork sandwich!!! Yum'} [('', 0.0), ('Simple ', 0.17171118594706059), ('yet ', 0.15079433051869273), ('amazing', 0.5705134684685618), ('gg', -0.06809227541089058), ('g ', -0.0017446677666157484), ('#', -0.02726281015202403), ('5 ', 0.008343531982973218), ('grille', -0.017934170784428716), ('d ', 0.00752989761531353), ('pork ', -0.06829016585834324), ('sandwich', -0.0221387033816427), ('!', -0.0035787117667496204), ('!', -0.009376564994454384), ('! ', 0.003675667569041252), ('Yu', -0.06246570870280266), ('m', -0.08400416374206543), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'great food and place, aubrey is wonderful.'} [('', 0.0), ('great ', 0.17923666909337044), ('food ', 0.012943867594003677), ('and ', 0.09272927418351173), ('place', -0.01912111509591341), (', ', 0.09072607103735209), ('aubrey ', 0.08859225269407034), ('is ', -0.0020983191207051277), ('wonderful', 0.29899598099291325), ('.', -0.028980154544115067), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Had a great time'} [('', 0.0), ('Had ', -0.1009853184223175), ('a ', 0.30107319355010986), ('great ', 0.32302026450634), ('time', 0.06345047056674957), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Smells like shit inside but great waterfall view'} [('', 0.0), ('Smells ', 0.15101899183355272), ('like ', -0.09818720901967026), ('shit ', -0.26660703963716514), ('inside ', 0.08455346495611593), ('but ', -0.03548266249708831), ('great ', 0.5063492806511931), ('waterfall ', 0.17179293715162203), ('view', 0.2148936236044392), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Perfect summer Saturdays.'} [('', 0.0), ('Perfect ', 0.33453600108623505), ('summer ', 0.1863682121038437), ('Saturdays', 0.11004886031150818), ('.', -0.04436585307121277), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good pasta dishes great atmosphere and delicious butter cake!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.12128359638154507), ('pasta ', 0.02563346829265356), ('dishes ', 0.023993036709725857), ('great ', 0.15168896364048123), ('atmosphere ', 0.020464034285396338), ('and ', -0.0013701077550649643), ('delicious ', 0.3451852877624333), ('butter ', -0.028378424234688282), ('cake', 0.00983377592638135), ('!', 0.014765236526727676), ('!', -0.01703573763370514), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'This is a good Mexican place.'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', -6.507337093353271e-05), ('is ', 0.060313932597637177), ('a ', 0.27209746092557907), ('good ', 0.31179895531386137), ('Mexican ', 0.12672466319054365), ('place', -0.025445258244872093), ('.', -0.021990470588207245), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'it was soso for me. i liked raku better'} [('', 0.0), ('it ', -0.0271169557236135), ('was ', -0.028788401279598475), ('so', 0.008279748144559562), ('so ', 0.04256034980062395), ('for ', 0.2359783537685871), ('me', 0.25587463984265924), ('. ', 0.2872144151479006), ('i ', -0.006718862801790237), ('liked ', 0.24135905038565397), ('ra', -0.10683135828003287), ('ku ', -0.055708063300698996), ('better', -0.22400551289319992), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Wonderful food.'} [('', 0.0), ('Wonderful ', 0.2202337086200714), ('food', 0.21848493814468384), ('.', 0.0381719172000885), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'closed 2/14/10'} [('', 0.0), ('closed ', 0.2971828356385231), ('2', 0.33511259872466326), ('/', -0.09655220527201891), ('14', 0.21217669919133186), ('/', -0.23836828395724297), ('10', 0.12587261199951172), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'name changed to El Segundo Sol but website remains cafebabareeba.com'} [('', 1.8708989955484867e-05), ('name ', -0.013191635836847126), ('changed ', -0.08609446376794949), ('to ', -0.02644614444579929), ('El ', 0.010669696552213281), ('Se', 0.036962348497278676), ('gun', 0.011072310061232807), ('do ', -0.03715054646211987), ('Sol ', -0.006853641825728118), ('but ', -0.04186202387791127), ('website ', -0.041905867867171764), ('remains ', -0.049045527703128755), ('cafe', -0.007607661726069637), ('ba', -0.01332856722001452), ('bar', -0.010897512162046041), ('ee', -0.029102928725478705), ('ba', -0.007879702359787188), ('.', -0.01825941097922623), ('com', -0.10580991022288799), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'CLOSED Las Vegas location only open in Chicago.'} [('', 0.0), ('CLOSED ', -0.08196007297374308), ('Las ', -0.033442813088186085), ('Vegas ', 0.22406526550184935), ('location ', -0.36384622496552765), ('only ', -0.21609771030489355), ('open ', 0.23118667394737713), ('in ', -0.012262934033060446), ('Chicago', 0.06800408038543537), ('.', -0.08786735008470714), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Worth a visit just for the view.'} [('', 0.0), ('Worth ', 0.21278275549411774), ('a ', 0.019959211349487305), ('visit ', 0.16301248967647552), ('just ', -0.04703755024820566), ('for ', 0.0171605059877038), ('the ', 0.06776466872543097), ('view', 0.26317563001066446), ('.', 0.03224162757396698), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Chicken mole and beef fajita was amazing. Big portions!'} [('', 0.0), ('Chicken ', -0.15438944823108613), ('mole ', -0.16743594664148986), ('and ', 0.045451539393980056), ('beef ', -0.08091881545260549), ('fa', 0.022963023104239255), ('jit', 0.012684406974585727), ('a ', 0.01267082113190554), ('was ', 0.003497424302622676), ('amazing', 0.6478163017891347), ('. ', -0.0061900310683995485), ('Big ', 0.1257961168885231), ('portions', 0.004540488123893738), ('!', 0.1427638903260231), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Pretty plain, nice presentation but lacks every place else.'} [('', 0.0), ('Pretty ', 0.09043844315601746), ('plain', -0.23577825319807744), (', ', -0.02201599614636507), ('nice ', 0.4033866023128212), ('presentation ', 0.01936729985027341), ('but ', -0.05929818463846459), ('lacks ', -0.41503030429385035), ('every ', 0.1730604615718221), ('place ', -0.04044541118582856), ('else', -0.19520505401214905), ('.', -0.05158909882084117), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Loved the steak tower.'} [('', 0.0), ('Loved ', 0.7241430580615997), ('the ', 0.03951823338866234), ('steak ', -0.08705884590744972), ('tower', 0.03215629607439041), ('.', -0.0448070764541626), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Great place for lunch! Salads are awesome!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.20090734213590622), ('place ', 0.04080396285280585), ('for ', 0.034195119980722666), ('lunch', 0.06837770715355873), ('! ', 0.004127278923988342), ('Salad', 0.010405735112726688), ('s ', 0.020558330230414867), ('are ', 0.02981522213667631), ('awesome', 0.2897454285994172), ('!', -0.0020427927374839783), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great green tea:)'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.30053041130304337), ('green ', 0.12338341027498245), ('tea', 0.13595950603485107), (':', 0.009126327931880951), (')', 0.09459009021520615), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'It is a beautiful place but rooms were small.'} [('', 0.0), ('It ', -0.04094349849037826), ('is ', 0.1756903204950504), ('a ', 0.09660319500835612), ('beautiful ', 0.4916932773485314), ('place ', 0.07731328895897605), ('but ', -0.3339689086424187), ('rooms ', -0.16564938047667965), ('were ', -0.11493659153347835), ('small', -0.1062536615645513), ('.', -0.12933010864071548), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'The food is not good\\nWeekends are very crowded\\nSo mediocre.\\n\\n(b)'} [('', -0.0001042654512275476), ('The ', -0.007477772673155414), ('food ', 0.030298550106635957), ('is ', 0.12600245086196082), ('not ', -0.22695612907591567), ('good', 0.06899539774667574), ('\\', 0.01959233057596066), ('nW', -0.024594223596750453), ('ee', -0.01866747202143415), ('ken', 0.001551337703176614), ('ds ', -0.011326389689884309), ('are ', -0.06546975616083728), ('very ', -0.024249814129234437), ('crowded', -0.048287015512414655), ('\\', 0.008680333024585707), ('nS', -0.047108532156016736), ('o ', -0.01638861381161405), ('med', -0.04376307773600274), ('io', -0.014905633206581115), ('cre', -0.03705504848221608), ('.', -0.009909930282447021), ('\\', -0.040397633170869085), ('n', -0.026521525183852646), ('\\', -0.033122977079983684), ('n', -0.029333096301343176), ('(', -0.003003049945618841), ('b', -0.024951163983132574), (')', -0.021358829295422765), ('', -1.3339576980797574e-06)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Cute place to visit with friends'} [('', 0.0), ('Cute ', 0.18772190809249878), ('place ', 0.05316818505525589), ('to ', 0.10610982030630112), ('visit ', 0.10986756533384323), ('with ', 0.057696886360645294), ('friends', 0.17656120657920837), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "Way too many people on this trail. Don't Go!!"} [('', 0.0), ('Way ', -0.01871161559029133), ('too ', -0.3053765196727909), ('many ', 0.04232144403977145), ('people ', 0.0034307804144191323), ('on ', 0.023990450874407543), ('this ', -0.015684053681980004), ('trail', 0.06321058764660847), ('. ', 0.014739776768692536), ('Don', -0.08274589349457528), ("'", -0.07477459283836652), ('t ', -0.16330636572820367), ('Go', 0.09222024711561971), ('!', 0.04677669557349873), ('!', -0.041391497768927366), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'One of the best hikes in the valley'} [('', 0.0), ('One ', -0.018335506319999695), ('of ', 0.034697504714131355), ('the ', 0.02659439481794834), ('best ', 0.3633441664278507), ('hike', 0.14128863718360662), ('s ', 0.07694316748529673), ('in ', 0.0034853853285312653), ('the ', 0.09747080877423286), ('valley', -0.012538477778434753), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'The LA fitness of hiking trails.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.033459849655628204), ('LA ', -0.22183130122721195), ('fitness ', 0.2386538553982973), ('of ', 0.09124276600778103), ('hiking ', 0.1992498990148306), ('trails', 0.38507476076483727), ('.', -0.014908097684383392), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Poor service. Mediocre food.'} [('', 0.0), ('Poor ', -0.15614800163348264), ('service', -0.06991369732168096), ('. ', 0.09032272502008709), ('Med', -0.10472984367243043), ('io', 0.018099553833053506), ('cre ', -0.07941836478494224), ('food', 0.039969567047592136), ('.', -0.008557424471291597), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good food, nice atmosphere'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.12973677739501), ('food', 0.12114664539694786), (', ', 0.08113863319158554), ('nice ', 0.17949799448251724), ('atmosphere', 0.15251512080430984), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Excellent, open late, generous with samples, pretty presentation.'} [('', 0.0), ('Excellent', 0.26285091787576675), (', ', 0.04554150253534317), ('open ', 0.0626348874066025), ('late', -0.04241583333350718), (', ', -0.014913078397512436), ('generous ', 0.18305921740829945), ('with ', 0.007317106239497662), ('samples', -0.020701629109680653), (', ', -0.012493886053562164), ('pretty ', 0.12076199613511562), ('presentation', 0.05516166426241398), ('.', -0.019500665366649628), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'The ice cream is okay here...'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.00218331441283226), ('ice ', -0.009149742778390646), ('cream ', 0.00822272663936019), ('is ', 0.16451897285878658), ('okay ', 0.5749799949117005), ('here', 0.0602556518279016), ('.', 0.01125795766711235), ('.', -0.03747015446424484), ('.', -0.058002181351184845), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Huge portions. Amazing cornbread and pulled pork.'} [('', 0.0), ('Huge ', 0.16372665762901306), ('portions', 0.00417095422744751), ('. ', 0.15482884645462036), ('Amazing ', 0.7621455121552572), ('corn', -0.09927791211521253), ('bread ', -0.011819210776593536), ('and ', 0.01969799865037203), ('pulled ', 0.002953925868496299), ('pork', -0.26587241771630943), ('.', -0.03415639419108629), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'permanently closed!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('permanently ', -0.8776565258740447), ('closed', 0.058869976026471704), ('!', 0.11077214917168021), ('!', 0.1433361042290926), ('!', 0.2716144807636738), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great pizza and nutella cepes.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.5521985720843077), ('pizza ', 0.21916242502629757), ('and ', 0.04857974871993065), ('nut', -0.2039619127754122), ('ella ', 0.1825006410945207), ('ce', 0.0026752676931209862), ('pes', -0.0376128347706981), ('.', -0.036134034395217896), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great atmosphere, delicious fresh food!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.15925663709640503), ('atmosphere', 0.11266835033893585), (', ', 0.08975692093372345), ('delicious ', 0.09672041982412338), ('fresh ', 0.0957728773355484), ('food', 0.1423630639910698), ('!', 0.026910483837127686), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great Pizza. Worth the wait. Would come back again.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.43436738941818476), ('Pizza', -0.03529938030987978), ('. ', 0.035785142332315445), ('Worth ', 0.2684633973403834), ('the ', 0.12130542757222429), ('wait', -0.101884501054883), ('. ', -0.04245664086192846), ('Would ', 0.0561579205095768), ('come ', 0.11571851558983326), ('back ', -0.08843419793993235), ('again', -0.02700724173337221), ('.', -0.11013127118349075), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "one of the valley's top places to take a date!"} [('', 0.0), ('one ', 0.03527804650366306), ('of ', 0.04597367066890001), ('the ', -0.04138655122369528), ('valley', 0.040047772228717804), ("'", 0.03686898574233055), ('s ', 0.036489810794591904), ('top ', 0.11397056560963392), ('places ', 0.04321966040879488), ('to ', 0.03137375134974718), ('take ', 0.04112267028540373), ('a ', 0.09528063051402569), ('date', 0.08220979385077953), ('!', 0.048907000571489334), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'The eggplant parm sandwich is amazing!'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.010027842596173286), ('egg', -0.06118035316467285), ('pl', -0.012570741586387157), ('ant ', 0.002175291068851948), ('par', -0.05646014912053943), ('m ', 0.0028784763999283314), ('sandwich ', -0.03785388870164752), ('is ', 0.0259442375972867), ('amazing', 0.8427582546137273), ('!', 0.0011359341442584991), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'great atmosphere.... great pizza... delicious wine!'} [('', 0.0), ('great ', 0.11984016560018063), ('atmosphere', 0.034345490857958794), ('.', -0.008129503577947617), ('.', -0.004225398413836956), ('.', -0.014105040580034256), ('. ', -0.011064128018915653), ('great ', 0.2031816935632378), ('pizza', -0.01984817930497229), ('.', -0.008210202679038048), ('.', -0.024915870279073715), ('. ', -0.028474703431129456), ('delicious ', 0.2832363387569785), ('wine', 0.06127121951431036), ('!', 0.0006592106074094772), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Pizza was good. Long wait. Would definitely come back again!'} [('', 0.0), ('Pizza ', -0.003200185834430158), ('was ', 0.046064338166615926), ('good', 0.5658624177594902), ('. ', 0.0382115303655155), ('Long ', -0.11575598537456244), ('wait', -0.19937863748054951), ('. ', -0.018214381532743573), ('Would ', -0.08978967368602753), ('definitely ', 0.2846976723521948), ('come ', 0.1194231822155416), ('back ', -0.04611160000786185), ('again', 0.0251015592366457), ('!', 0.0010350868105888367), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'LOVE Cibo!! Go there every chance I get..HIGHLY recommend!'} [('', 0.0), ('LOVE ', 0.2020938517525792), ('Ci', -0.03273895208258182), ('bo', 0.00635829393286258), ('!', -0.0004375642165541649), ('! ', -0.02680826745927334), ('Go ', 0.05734544130973518), ('there ', 0.0006370584014803171), ('every ', 0.06044867401942611), ('chance ', 0.04343480011448264), ('I ', -0.000841500936076045), ('get', -0.024971234844997525), ('.', -0.009012255817651749), ('.', -0.043352387845516205), ('HIGHLY ', 0.13811746425926685), ('recommend', 0.17796253599226475), ('!', 0.0034807883203029633), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great food, service and overall good time.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.2418397180736065), ('food', 0.07467852160334587), (', ', 0.039989911019802094), ('service ', -0.044394305907189846), ('and ', 0.04341586586087942), ('overall ', 0.09736914513632655), ('good ', 0.2671972024254501), ('time', -0.012528673745691776), ('.', 0.00544760562479496), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Overpriced. Tiny dishes.. Food was cold. Avoid at all costs.'} [('', 0.0), ('Over', -0.09541751675715204), ('pr', -0.0107649595811381), ('ice', -0.02911678523378214), ('d', 0.01832774857757613), ('. ', -0.012700320483418182), ('Tiny ', 0.023931680782879994), ('dishes', 0.01833468296626961), ('.', 0.008898547990611405), ('. ', -0.007720112829701975), ('Food ', -0.003201513558451552), ('was ', -0.03089467211975716), ('cold', -0.12718748007318936), ('. ', -0.01563170080044074), ('Avoid ', -0.06876515095973446), ('at ', -0.06291627881546447), ('all ', 0.002701732621062547), ('costs', -0.0531274846434826), ('.', -0.023162915909779258), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'consistently tasty!'} [('', 0.0), ('consistently ', 0.15413358062505722), ('ta', 0.23965039011090994), ('sty', -0.08436354901641607), ('!', 0.2771715670824051), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'best pizza in phoenix'} [('', 0.0), ('best ', 0.2844218537211418), ('pizza ', 0.10986941680312157), ('in ', 0.1189848743379116), ('phoenix', 0.07304267585277557), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'LOVE CIBO. Arugula and fungi pizza is my favorite.'} [('', 0.0), ('LOVE ', 0.37653336860239506), ('CI', -0.058650871738791466), ('BO', 0.010961052030324936), ('. ', -0.01970687508583069), ('Ar', -0.0006418111734092236), ('ug', -0.03780499892309308), ('ula ', -0.050914181396365166), ('and ', -0.0007732301019132137), ('fungi ', -0.02184815297368914), ('pizza ', -0.02543595142196864), ('is ', 0.042929386167088524), ('my ', 0.026487435592571273), ('favorite', 0.3317481490666978), ('.', 0.010055203456431627), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'this place is awesome. best pizza in town.'} [('', 0.0), ('this ', -0.011925807222723961), ('place ', 0.0712955966591835), ('is ', 0.046291098929941654), ('awesome', 0.23924956936389208), ('. ', 0.004479512572288513), ('best ', 0.3293980157468468), ('pizza ', -0.05490466603077948), ('in ', 0.05951938033103943), ('town', 0.0450733732432127), ('.', -0.03156748041510582), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'The best pizza there is.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.050067558884620667), ('best ', 0.31291652098298073), ('pizza ', -0.0061655230820178986), ('there ', 0.18816320411860943), ('is', 0.12327609769999981), ('.', 0.022799227386713028), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': '12.00 for a small spinach salad that was bitter.'} [('', 0.0), ('12', 0.03301313321571797), ('.', -0.025581966736353934), ('00 ', -0.022202498344995547), ('for ', -0.04033517700008815), ('a ', 0.00018535614071879536), ('small ', -0.05316769720229786), ('spin', -0.0412104685237864), ('ach ', -0.11603351334997569), ('salad ', 0.02569042284267198), ('that ', 0.03735936355042213), ('was ', -0.03874291689498932), ('bitter', -0.13176479045432643), ('.', -0.015306777007936034), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'The FEZ Kisra is very good.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.02069163555279374), ('FE', -0.039749565767124295), ('Z ', -0.005985846044495702), ('Ki', -0.006401242455467582), ('sr', -0.028715351363644004), ('a ', -0.02759405178949237), ('is ', 0.04013636871241033), ('very ', 0.029225259786471725), ('good', 0.7867132923565805), ('.', -0.030031495727598667), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Burgers were awesome! Love the decor and the customer service!'} [('', 0.0), ('Burger', -0.05464718118309975), ('s ', -0.01880118064582348), ('were ', -0.03540586098097265), ('awesome', 0.4129697054158896), ('! ', 7.324572652578354e-05), ('Love ', 0.15248422091826797), ('the ', 0.009235717821866274), ('decor ', 0.04393335245549679), ('and ', 0.011450190097093582), ('the ', 0.009249505819752812), ('customer ', -0.003163224784657359), ('service', 0.010129666421562433), ('!', 0.07191321533173323), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'This place is badass!'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', 0.04858180712471949), ('place ', 0.21371659612486837), ('is ', 0.07273313203768339), ('bad', -0.36617724516327144), ('ass', -0.3521833542799868), ('!', 0.07483503421099158), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Decent food but nothing special, best spot in the area'} [('', 0.0), ('Decent ', 0.28752658620578586), ('food ', -0.003924456494132755), ('but ', 0.10932925929955672), ('nothing ', -0.7479249581738259), ('special', 0.06154199515731307), (', ', 0.12901927281927783), ('best ', 0.7593105484265834), ('spot ', 0.08436768944375217), ('in ', -0.003945874166674912), ('the ', 0.005237055593170226), ('area', -0.03410287061706185), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'The burgers are delicious!'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.14599480479955673), ('burger', -0.02660508919507265), ('s ', 0.06107791978865862), ('are ', 0.059022024273872375), ('delicious', 0.29086413979530334), ('!', 0.16077344119548798), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good food, good drink and Great staff'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.2027803584933281), ('food', 0.08775647729635239), (', ', 0.07410602271556854), ('good ', 0.177269016392529), ('drink ', -0.02035651821643114), ('and ', 0.025407008826732635), ('Great ', 0.10816136747598648), ('staff', 0.07415220886468887), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Amazing food, excellent staff, and super cool atmosphere!'} [('', 0.0), ('Amazing ', 0.13606402091681957), ('food', 0.03893379680812359), (', ', -0.00839979574084282), ('excellent ', 0.13386168330907822), ('staff', 0.021374225616455078), (', ', 0.011266089975833893), ('and ', 0.006392247974872589), ('super ', 0.09062044136226177), ('cool ', 0.1925007477402687), ('atmosphere', 0.04870149306952953), ('!', -0.005243238061666489), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great food, atmosphere but a little small.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.6582605512812734), ('food', 0.13054794538766146), (', ', 0.04356596991419792), ('atmosphere ', 0.035207128967158496), ('but ', -0.09751991007942706), ('a ', 0.05300289191654883), ('little ', -0.02019591981661506), ('small', -0.07130755338585004), ('.', -0.030301878578029573), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Awesome food! Love the fries.'} [('', 0.0), ('Awesome ', 0.12462020665407181), ('food', 0.08369594067335129), ('! ', 0.15422266721725464), ('Love ', 0.324978728312999), ('the ', 0.09063993813470006), ('fries', -0.0296610901132226), ('.', -0.02506861835718155), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Awesome.. great food ambiance and service..'} [('', 0.0), ('Awesome', 0.3655028771609068), ('.', 0.000494491308927536), ('. ', -0.013348499312996864), ('great ', 0.10449866927228868), ('food ', -0.004233572399243712), ('am', 0.07520216412376612), ('bian', 0.06714976520743221), ('ce ', -0.042741582030430436), ('and ', 0.09533353243023157), ('service', 0.04342619422823191), ('.', 0.014106294140219688), ('.', -0.0780843198299408), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great atmosphere. Fun place'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.12686917558312416), ('atmosphere', 0.10312667861580849), ('. ', 0.10207176953554153), ('Fun ', 0.4006863636896014), ('place', -0.06871214043349028), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'We loooooooooooooooooooooooove this place :)'} [('', 0.0026681125164031982), ('We ', -0.08035287261009216), ('lo', 0.06909635488409549), ('oo', 0.02781038254033774), ('oo', -0.024195057922042906), ('oo', -0.027684320113621652), ('oo', -0.02788299514213577), ('oo', -0.027631211967673153), ('oo', -0.03189323656260967), ('oo', -0.022474972531199455), ('oo', -0.10751713044010103), ('oo', -0.06734690838493407), ('oo', 0.005696957736896973), ('oo', 0.03836742722584556), ('ove ', 0.22350361004161337), ('this ', 0.08376492187380791), ('place ', 0.227727759629488), (':', -0.010556627064943314), (')', -0.16546721383929253), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Turned me on to Sweet Potato Fries!! SOOOO good'} [('', 0.0), ('Turned ', -0.04267408326268196), ('me ', 0.17994791362434626), ('on ', 0.15788341592997313), ('to ', 0.03402429516427219), ('Sweet ', 0.1123628297355026), ('Potato ', -0.2427221735706553), ('Fries', -0.06887647474650294), ('!', 0.10820637876167893), ('! ', -0.058324865996837616), ('SOO', 0.019942302955314517), ('OO ', -0.017391172936186194), ('good', 0.4447410861030221), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Awesome restaurant!'} [('', 0.0), ('Awesome ', 0.12846671044826508), ('restaurant', 0.11298076808452606), ('!', 0.23543056845664978), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Order a slice, fold it, eat it, love it.'} [('', 0.0), ('Order ', -0.15178025141358376), ('a ', 0.09246495086699724), ('slice', 0.10834018047899008), (', ', 0.02938181161880493), ('fold ', -0.08671388495713472), ('it', -0.03542773984372616), (', ', 0.0903893206268549), ('eat ', 0.16717506968416274), ('it', 0.036430654814466834), (', ', 0.03098032157868147), ('love ', 0.35616235341876745), ('it', 0.015131586231291294), ('.', -0.04304880648851395), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "It's overrated sloppy and greasy."} [('', 0.0), ('It', -0.012981206433323678), ("'", 0.01968205211960594), ('s ', -0.02127044610460871), ('over', -0.14011438473426097), ('rated ', 0.08499493662566238), ('sloppy ', -0.07255849819921423), ('and ', 0.03343035766010871), ('greasy', -0.17677024249496753), ('.', -0.0010363975416112226), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good, consistent, New York style pizza. Good customer service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good', 0.08878560736775398), (', ', -0.0042203254997730255), ('consistent', 0.08460452780127525), (', ', -0.0021219663321971893), ('New ', 0.04476219601929188), ('York ', 0.04237135499715805), ('style ', 0.0827179413754493), ('pizza', -0.0330993824172765), ('. ', 0.0018549002707004547), ('Good ', 0.3989498154260218), ('customer ', -0.014869868289679289), ('service', -0.04318600054830313), ('.', -0.03707181662321091), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'used to be better.'} [('', 0.0), ('used ', -0.0350261926651001), ('to ', 0.28967638142057694), ('be ', -0.08724828498088755), ('better', -0.36691892659291625), ('.', -0.04321978613734245), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'really?'} [('', 0.0), ('really', 0.1484006568789482), ('?', -0.7646645158529282), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Very good pizza although pricier than most.'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.0018994435667991638), ('good ', 0.3392529017291963), ('pizza ', -0.036229593213647604), ('although ', 0.07024940103292465), ('pri', 0.05825990065932274), ('cier ', 0.031170928850769997), ('than ', 0.11492865718901157), ('most', 0.1672641821205616), ('.', -0.03387172892689705), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'This place as CHANGES...... FOR THE BETTER..... Its AWESOME!!!!!'} [('', -4.789792001247406e-06), ('This ', 0.06004198652226478), ('place ', 0.04868502292083576), ('as ', -0.029539231036324054), ('CHANGES', 0.046736085903830826), ('.', 0.02998791798017919), ('.', -0.024635186651721597), ('.', 0.007578019751235843), ('.', 0.010217520097891489), ('.', 0.012104564035932222), ('. ', 0.00986367758984367), ('FOR ', -0.062829450936988), ('THE ', 0.03373795188963413), ('BETTER', -0.10176388337276876), ('.', -0.007364808116108179), ('.', -0.021367747336626053), ('.', 0.009908653795719147), ('.', -0.001673346385359764), ('. ', -4.7577545046806335e-05), ('Its ', -0.018528086016885936), ('AWESOME', 0.5022964560193941), ('!', -0.00473945215344429), ('!', 0.03811959574619929), ('!', 0.016965838397542635), ('!', -0.01950255942841371), ('!', -0.04495534524321556), ('', 9.676069021224976e-06)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Totally swanky and delicious'} [('', 0.0), ('Totally ', 0.008901499211788177), ('swan', -0.01623817579820752), ('ky ', 0.33879993902519345), ('and ', 0.08311835676431656), ('delicious', 0.24946165829896927), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great service. Great food. Dessert was awesome.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.18720702920109034), ('service', -0.02376487199217081), ('. ', 0.010797984898090363), ('Great ', 0.17870263289660215), ('food', -0.008864304982125759), ('. ', 0.004433821886777878), ('Dessert ', 0.03012665919959545), ('was ', 0.031062737107276917), ('awesome', 0.3187000434845686), ('.', -0.031473588198423386), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'This place has finally closed! Good riddance!'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', 0.006647652015089989), ('place ', 0.03311364632099867), ('has ', 0.02976400312036276), ('finally ', 0.1868416757788509), ('closed', -0.1509575175587088), ('! ', 0.23675529519096017), ('Good ', 0.3024995382875204), ('rid', -0.09091207175515592), ('dance', 0.13721404946409166), ('!', 0.0055482760071754456), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'best fish tacos ever'} [('', 0.0), ('best ', 0.3668784573674202), ('fish ', -0.032069556415081024), ('ta', 0.032742831856012344), ('cos ', 0.11806732788681984), ('ever', 0.17814461141824722), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'margarita...WHAT?? give me some!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('margarita', 0.07077899086289108), ('.', 0.005224340362474322), ('.', -0.02816187683492899), ('.', -0.07390764867886901), ('WHAT', -0.29973984439857304), ('?', -0.08979642647318542), ('? ', -0.14521907235030085), ('give ', 0.1282885668842937), ('me ', 0.05456890764617128), ('some', 0.1742351953726029), ('!', 0.279790169239277), ('!', 0.06599624152295291), ('!', -0.0395875028334558), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'horrible! $8 drafts!! ridiculous!'} [('', 0.0), ('horrible', -0.13076055266901676), ('! ', 0.056927234703834984), ('$', -0.03947700698608969), ('8 ', -0.0032530039788980503), ('drafts', -0.043162801171092724), ('!', 0.0156462411123357), ('! ', 0.028254450313397683), ('ridiculous', -0.1843487054666184), ('!', 0.013517735469577019), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "Service slow. Food just okay. Won't come back"} [('', 0.0), ('Service ', -0.03424195712432265), ('slow', -0.15368243487318978), ('. ', 0.1190425130771473), ('Food ', 0.08042880676293862), ('just ', 0.16017373597424012), ('okay', 0.37038009224124835), ('. ', 0.1947216795742861), ('Won', 0.02793822923558764), ("'", -0.04124177314224653), ('t ', -0.2280481164343655), ('come ', -0.06505786592606455), ('back', 0.05729133787099272), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "Sometimes they have decent djs. Otherwise it's typical Scottsdale superficialness."} [('', 0.0), ('Sometimes ', -0.05341023359505925), ('they ', -0.014625589807110373), ('have ', -0.03722026281320723), ('decent ', 0.33382209818955744), ('djs', 0.008465900988085195), ('. ', 0.0005169865835341625), ('Otherwise ', -0.22578873920429032), ('it', -0.04694302441566833), ("'", -0.02238052177199279), ('s ', -0.03832268364931224), ('typical ', -0.05566777141211787), ('Scott', 0.04452246624168765), ('sdale ', -0.054303688777508796), ('superficial', -0.18997079361361102), ('ness', -0.08111100262976834), ('.', -0.013857936814019922), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'great spot. trendy. yummy.'} [('', 0.0), ('great ', 0.16903581656515598), ('spot', 0.03991048224270344), ('. ', 0.02731604501605034), ('trend', 0.013705538585782051), ('y', 0.13418052904307842), ('. ', 0.011913590133190155), ('yu', 0.09841167740523815), ('mmy', 0.07093780674040318), ('.', 0.1475464627146721), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Fun place to spend an afternoon.'} [('', 0.0), ('Fun ', 0.2613420635461807), ('place ', 0.07162471488118172), ('to ', 0.13101747259497643), ('spend ', 0.012416241224855185), ('an ', 0.12946552643552423), ('afternoon', 0.12790896371006966), ('.', -0.010363422334194183), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'One phrase: \\"Doctor Who Pinball Machine\\"'} [('', 0.0), ('One ', -0.0439692271174863), ('phrase', -0.02564853214425966), (': ', -0.01297981379320845), ('\\', -0.023248157056514174), ('"', -0.030892131209839135), ('Doctor ', -0.01975005742860958), ('Who ', -0.023021780129056424), ('Pin', -0.027721074264263734), ('ball ', -0.007343635923461989), ('Machine', -0.07215218932833523), ('\\', -0.021816703723743558), ('"', -0.052923633717000484), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'super awesome!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('super ', 0.043640343472361565), ('awesome', 0.08747313730418682), ('!', 0.10904432460665703), ('!', 0.15325351804494858), ('!', 0.27062003314495087), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Love this place! Please get a tempest machine.'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.7432342189131305), ('this ', 0.052459949045442045), ('place', 0.02107365638948977), ('! ', 0.025815635453909636), ('Please ', 0.10546295822132379), ('get ', -0.1393704510992393), ('a ', 0.08851653299643658), ('tempest ', 0.07152141458936967), ('machine', -0.23758472595363855), ('.', -0.03423478128388524), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Used to be good. Not anymore'} [('', 0.0), ('Used ', -0.09253094822634012), ('to ', 0.22583402541204123), ('be ', -0.18055650433962), ('good', 0.5589622445986606), ('. ', 0.05284916888922453), ('Not ', -0.4371189125813544), ('anymore', 0.03875315980985761), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'One word: DISGUSTING!!\\n\\nThe one on Maryland is wayyyy better.'} [('', 0.0001307827333221212), ('One ', -0.005982812523143366), ('word', -0.040022105178650236), (': ', -0.026314713944884716), ('DISGUSTING', -0.17243061948829563), ('!', 0.0008365121320821345), ('!', -0.04029060190077871), ('\\', -0.01777170814036961), ('n', -0.013858693711679533), ('\\', -0.015703084705617383), ('nT', -0.003705623955991339), ('he ', 0.018327544396217692), ('one ', -0.03215502649598218), ('on ', -0.030064011621814442), ('Maryland ', -0.018635853955654764), ('is ', -0.006570096191151404), ('way', 0.0035557431704849782), ('y', -0.016043713045898283), ('y', -0.028542327042183995), ('y ', -0.003020360879114984), ('better', -0.03472215371827284), ('.', -0.005171726598443153), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'I love it!!! Delisc!!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', 0.0781521825119853), ('love ', 0.6719345762394369), ('it', 0.03727546473965049), ('!', -0.0111923236399889), ('!', -0.008061270113103092), ('! ', -0.012110470794141293), ('Del', -0.0429708829469746), ('is', -0.05906987084017601), ('c', -0.07900340980268084), ('!', 0.024626679543871433), ('!', 0.004981405567377806), ('!', -0.0012965269852429628), ('!', 0.006223231786862016), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Expensive. Poor process flow and service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Expensive', -0.20910941715555964), ('. ', 0.08427634905092418), ('Poor ', -0.389195750251929), ('process ', -0.0037256699661156745), ('flow ', 0.07089548095245846), ('and ', 0.1293133511171618), ('service', 0.0388682714828974), ('.', 0.008264226177743694), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Wonderful service and great food.'} [('', 0.0), ('Wonderful ', 0.24611328914761543), ('service ', 0.030405055731534958), ('and ', 0.06910347938537598), ('great ', 0.21811687760055065), ('food', 0.1539404969662428), ('.', -0.026529069989919662), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': '2 stars and five words: GO TO THE BELLAGIO INSTEAD'} [('', 0.0), ('2 ', -0.025654174634837545), ('stars ', 0.20071689733595122), ('and ', 0.08085776644293219), ('five ', -0.011770789940783288), ('words', -0.05246633123169886), (': ', 0.02733908522350248), ('GO ', 0.05770250175555702), ('TO ', 0.00467942345130723), ('THE ', 0.00035584431316237897), ('BELLA', 0.007846154840080999), ('GIO ', 0.09361473259923514), ('INSTEAD', -0.7542269081459381), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'One of the best buffers in Vegas.'} [('', 0.0), ('One ', -0.03829570300877094), ('of ', 0.10524667939171195), ('the ', 0.05239025643095374), ('best ', 0.668344265781343), ('buffer', -0.16372731421142817), ('s ', -0.008783630095422268), ('in ', 0.012922292575240135), ('Vegas', 0.10774753242731094), ('.', -0.022920643910765648), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'I expected way too much...'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', 0.007057655915559735), ('expected ', -0.13813714563730173), ('way ', 0.062278070145112), ('too ', -0.11447248248259712), ('much', -0.011920954277229612), ('.', 0.0012606889213202521), ('.', -0.023724427941488102), ('.', -0.05166719731641933), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'like it as much as the buffet at bellagio'} [('', 0.0), ('like ', 0.3613477870821953), ('it ', 0.2531229453161359), ('as ', 0.020998704247176647), ('much ', -0.036964813712984324), ('as ', -0.10444727865979075), ('the ', 0.08410315751098096), ('buffet ', -0.09433683915995061), ('at ', 0.011104563251137733), ('bella', 0.08429447002708912), ('gio', 0.1164578627794981), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Disappointed! Choices are limited and the food is cold....'} [('', 0.0), ('Disappointed', -0.13050379915875965), ('! ', -0.009594230708898976), ('Choices ', -0.007367151423068208), ('are ', -0.008764270889287218), ('limited ', -0.046726810164727794), ('and ', -0.006310610522632487), ('the ', 0.007290073911917716), ('food ', -0.004243168616085313), ('is ', 0.0012261908293567103), ('cold', -0.06199566006876012), ('.', -0.013581542877545871), ('.', -0.047330951632829965), ('.', -0.038185418537977966), ('.', -0.050050288540660404), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Not so good'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', -0.7519676192023326), ('so ', 0.1632811953968485), ('good', 0.06592318080220139), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'nothing to eat ........'} [('', 0.0), ('nothing ', -0.5268316991459869), ('to ', 0.0763226403050794), ('eat ', 0.25992342954668857), ('.', -0.017283112225413788), ('.', -0.0036749895625689533), ('.', -0.011978258698945865), ('.', -0.020237312393874163), ('.', -0.013054330731392838), ('.', -0.021172411821680726), ('.', -0.02419667234971712), ('.', -0.03132989603545866), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "It's aightttt. Kinda pricey but good food."} [('', 0.0), ('It', -0.025897697065374814), ("'", -0.015712057807832025), ('s ', -0.01795226344256662), ('ai', -0.05262358198524453), ('ght', -0.031613011175068095), ('tt', -0.06220385030610487), ('t', 0.014721126441145316), ('. ', -0.023965657193912193), ('Kinda ', 0.03655585821252316), ('price', -0.0010901073655986693), ('y ', 0.13664103319388232), ('but ', 0.011065517523093149), ('good ', 0.4287276642571669), ('food', 0.1780416773399338), ('.', -0.008447455620625988), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'AMAZING! I loved everything about it'} [('', 0.0), ('AMAZING', 0.20128220319747925), ('! ', 0.16056814789772034), ('I ', 0.004074018448591232), ('loved ', 0.11710945144295692), ('everything ', 0.07638501189649105), ('about ', 0.03106517530977726), ('it', 0.13296450674533844), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Yuck.... dont waste your time your money'} [('', 0.0), ('Yu', 0.06247363402508199), ('ck', -0.06504748319275677), ('.', -0.11619698954746127), ('.', -0.08838856138754636), ('.', -0.004611391457729042), ('. ', -0.03624724270775914), ('don', -0.16290164780184568), ('t ', 0.24326081320214143), ('waste ', 0.11504326830436185), ('your ', -0.06205014775514428), ('time ', -0.12237627149443142), ('your ', 0.04238366350182332), ('money', -0.09683239966398105), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'will never go back'} [('', 0.0), ('will ', 0.2558130129473284), ('never ', -0.7996132203843445), ('go ', 0.16619055054616183), ('back', -0.02363909617997706), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good variety, quick service. And sooo cheap. Love it.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.23333166912198067), ('variety', 0.036532219499349594), (', ', 0.03886008262634277), ('quick ', -0.015613393858075142), ('service', -0.015428714454174042), ('. ', 0.014156172052025795), ('And ', 0.033377909821865615), ('soo', -0.0701487417863973), ('o ', 0.0864917889375647), ('cheap', -0.152860057351063), ('. ', -0.06685311735782307), ('Love ', 0.32552896990819136), ('it', 0.12477633447269909), ('.', 0.011365505917638075), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "Nice place but it's freakin' pricey!!!!!!!!!"} [('', 0.0), ('Nice ', 0.26856875140219927), ('place ', 0.017110061831772327), ('but ', -0.12648850865662098), ('it', 0.00757636281196028), ("'", 0.01839339907746762), ('s ', 0.024527200032025576), ('freak', 0.0014417264610528946), ('in', 0.011136631015688181), ("' ", -0.03159135999158025), ('price', -0.06002197612542659), ('y', 0.18564660579431802), ('!', 0.05480962339788675), ('!', -0.000768774189054966), ('!', -0.0013002259656786919), ('!', 0.011570969596505165), ('!', 0.026252472773194313), ('!', 0.039050089195370674), ('!', 0.03075557015836239), ('!', 0.015876010060310364), ('!', 0.019606642425060272), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Bleh. Bad food, snotty service, crappy table. Bleh.'} [('', 0.0), ('B', -0.032321335173340536), ('le', -0.05829289270544299), ('h', 0.00891214841309799), ('. ', -0.011065048567616032), ('Bad ', -0.04058870375706647), ('food', -0.006986442799870929), (', ', -0.005208504138408898), ('s', -0.005515152926849017), ('not', -0.011912168071861136), ('ty ', -0.006981729804950495), ('service', -0.011904355975457293), (', ', -0.005868147931505518), ('crap', -0.04958271984196472), ('py ', -0.018059030767290096), ('table', -0.015191233182122232), ('. ', -0.011324956132739317), ('B', -0.08156093325032998), ('le', -0.07294168364114739), ('h', -0.026157910624533542), ('.', -0.0247580107061367), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Horrible service, rude server, bad drinks!'} [('', 0.0), ('Horrible ', -0.14753719871441717), ('service', -0.035054050113103585), (', ', 0.040093526418786496), ('rude ', -0.057029887920180045), ('server', -0.04505546860764298), (', ', 0.03071454032760812), ('bad ', -0.12916671602943097), ('drinks', 0.05518973258222104), ('!', 0.0012821967029594816), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Mediocre food with low quality ingredients.'} [('', 0.0), ('Med', -0.08136829573777504), ('io', 0.0013488782569766045), ('cre ', -0.0641362132737413), ('food ', 0.0732382851838338), ('with ', 0.09223567209664907), ('low ', -0.4289277503676203), ('quality ', 0.06825939799546177), ('ingredients', 0.08157822825887706), ('.', -0.028840465769462753), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Food is ok at best, wings are way over rated.'} [('', 0.0), ('Food ', 0.14276242711639497), ('is ', 0.2479003031621687), ('ok ', 0.2769475320383208), ('at ', -0.011851375609694514), ('best', 0.15522197235986823), (', ', -0.010883258393732831), ('wings ', 0.05307625309797004), ('are ', 0.035393154714256525), ('way ', 0.005109860438096803), ('over ', -0.34637872495659394), ('rated', 0.10041242506122217), ('.', -0.04513487947406247), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good stuff...man vs food atomic wing challenge!'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.7387740649282932), ('stuff', 0.05653525423258543), ('.', -0.012298294343054295), ('.', -0.01849192613735795), ('.', -0.018863479141145945), ('man ', -0.0008965495508164167), ('vs ', -0.08680762024596334), ('food ', -0.04658900457434356), ('atomic ', -0.051638789009302855), ('wing ', -0.056215388351120055), ('challenge', 0.07737822050694376), ('!', 0.04631611192598939), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great wings and beer selection!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.19645170867443085), ('wings ', 0.1812337189912796), ('and ', 0.1647825539112091), ('beer ', -0.12227455154061317), ('selection', 0.19563907757401466), ('!', 0.07530641555786133), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Itty bitty portions of average Asian fusion food.'} [('', 0.0), ('It', 0.04595623619388789), ('ty ', -0.014310643426142633), ('bit', -0.25787812762428075), ('ty ', -0.1854216792853549), ('portions ', -0.11378215142758563), ('of ', -0.11172221455490217), ('average ', 0.020198658894514665), ('Asian ', 0.07703140602097847), ('fusion ', 0.18256616266444325), ('food', 0.09817125438712537), ('.', -0.03136168560013175), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Pricey Chinese but so worth it.'} [('', 0.0), ('Price', 0.16978194180410355), ('y ', 0.21843602799344808), ('Chinese ', 0.011487254872918129), ('but ', -0.07680549565702677), ('so ', -0.06697315792553127), ('worth ', 0.41306646238081157), ('it', 0.09790699928998947), ('.', -0.037645548582077026), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Escape is now closed.'} [('', 0.0), ('Escape ', 0.30136447341647), ('is ', -0.053484757692785934), ('now ', -0.12768588613835163), ('closed', -0.4042786355712451), ('.', -0.046093245735391974), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Delicious food, excellent service & nice presentation.'} [('', 0.0), ('Delicious ', 0.2437727488577366), ('food', 0.07277247682213783), (', ', 0.03995887190103531), ('excellent ', 0.2067630235105753), ('service ', -0.014058813452720642), ('& ', 0.037076185923069715), ('nice ', 0.113521549385041), ('presentation', 0.04219264816492796), ('.', -0.028979767113924026), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great service and food was outstanding.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.288631035014987), ('service ', 0.014587657526135445), ('and ', 0.058418720960617065), ('food ', 0.03312367293983698), ('was ', -0.040979321114718914), ('outstanding', 0.39478843100368977), ('.', -0.025130264461040497), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Average sushi. They do have a vast roll selection.'} [('', 0.0), ('Average ', -0.11439568502828479), ('su', -0.032268236856907606), ('shi', 0.014998335391283035), ('. ', -0.01907781232148409), ('They ', 0.01345638046041131), ('do ', 0.007355953101068735), ('have ', 0.014373871497809887), ('a ', 0.08653307892382145), ('vast ', 0.3835252675926313), ('roll ', 0.23836771806236356), ('selection', 0.027008585399016738), ('.', 0.005814702715724707), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good sushi with okay service. a-ok indeed.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.24720869213342667), ('su', -0.041340919211506844), ('shi ', 0.0003675837069749832), ('with ', 0.011166127165779471), ('okay ', 0.11390847037546337), ('service', -0.07929180795326829), ('. ', 0.07372283190488815), ('a', -0.0103020453825593), ('-', -0.024019195698201656), ('ok ', 0.023605947382748127), ('indeed', 0.3470687447115779), ('.', -0.03506658971309662), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'This lounge has CLOSED.\\nBlush has taken its place.'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', -0.1292889143805951), ('lounge ', 0.16275918573956005), ('has ', -0.05922878239653073), ('CLOSED', -0.359156152815558), ('.', -0.0929316848050803), ('\\', -0.03311155061237514), ('nBl', -0.1931800430174917), ('ush ', -0.045255070086568594), ('has ', 0.15982671722304076), ('taken ', 0.017618545680306852), ('its ', 0.06685035995906219), ('place', 0.10868476197356358), ('.', 0.023173717549070716), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Jazz brunch is it!!!!! Food just simply perfect.'} [('', 0.0), ('Jazz ', 0.36734694126062095), ('br', 0.04436816596717108), ('un', -0.07355521510180552), ('ch ', -0.009057877003215253), ('is ', -0.05655246018432081), ('it', 0.05511023127473891), ('!', -0.00019634561613202095), ('!', -0.025810258463025093), ('!', -0.03244907222688198), ('!', -0.030105935409665108), ('! ', -0.02587478794157505), ('Food ', -0.015632329392246902), ('just ', -0.09372020012233406), ('simply ', -0.07240192260360345), ('perfect', 0.5549323111190461), ('.', -0.03467889782041311), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great service, delicious food.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.2766805775463581), ('service', -0.015557248145341873), (', ', 0.08436793088912964), ('delicious ', 0.2184936534613371), ('food', 0.1536766868084669), ('.', -0.026514213532209396), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'A beautiful setting and GREAT food. Have the burger!'} [('', 0.0), ('A ', 0.025301896035671234), ('beautiful ', 0.17542818654328585), ('setting ', -0.003346589393913746), ('and ', 0.013891592621803284), ('GREAT ', 0.15638268645852804), ('food', 0.0023808227851986885), ('. ', 0.024790499359369278), ('Have ', 0.03675096342340112), ('the ', 0.05981373740360141), ('burger', 0.013408156111836433), ('!', 0.16126487404108047), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Stomp was better than this!! And cheaper too!!'} [('', 0.0), ('St', -0.16940494650043547), ('omp ', -0.324844857910648), ('was ', 0.0670898663229309), ('better ', 0.1452270327717997), ('than ', 0.42072846641531214), ('this', -0.05888292711460963), ('!', -0.09937984624411911), ('! ', 0.10093723610043526), ('And ', 0.1855128124516341), ('cheaper ', -0.056960123394674156), ('too', -0.09038892875832971), ('!', 0.5291344247816596), ('!', -0.04638107866048813), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'NOT hilarious! what a waste of $$$ and time!'} [('', 0.0), ('NOT ', -0.4700767651320348), ('hilarious', 0.2666943732419895), ('! ', 0.008387684138142504), ('what ', -0.04985200476176033), ('a ', 0.008501113246438763), ('waste ', -0.0856225565130444), ('of ', -0.03293957199457509), ('$', -0.03732421064069058), ('$', -0.03792298243934056), ('$ ', -0.06532063368558738), ('and ', 0.04861602551136457), ('time', -0.02353584522734309), ('!', 0.08019749117283936), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "This show sucks!!!! Negative five stars. Don't waste your money"} [('', 0.0), ('This ', -0.020283426449168473), ('show ', 0.052191227761795744), ('sucks', -0.23803974912152626), ('!', -0.03597109636757523), ('!', 0.02556924214877654), ('!', 0.03145954359206371), ('! ', 0.013163540352252312), ('Negative ', -0.35509509837265796), ('five ', -0.016077177610895887), ('stars', 0.06584084800124401), ('. ', -0.13585821058950387), ('Don', -0.035346215019671945), ("'", -0.013236989003416966), ('t ', 0.13740457875792345), ('waste ', 0.1537345791439293), ('your ', -0.05689207712202915), ('money', -0.0297617958203773), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'This was a great show, kids will love it.'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', -0.07422097399830818), ('was ', 0.024119319394230843), ('a ', 0.04449492134153843), ('great ', 0.21775827882811427), ('show', 0.047114715445786715), (', ', 0.0737597607076168), ('kids ', 0.0374331334605813), ('will ', 0.13852866645902395), ('love ', 0.18649937398731709), ('it', 0.00587441585958004), ('.', -0.0353177934885025), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Very fun and entertaining show for the entire family!'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.06512143462896347), ('fun ', 0.2753032222390175), ('and ', 0.007970273494720459), ('entertaining ', 0.14281905349344015), ('show ', -0.0034948280081152916), ('for ', 0.018741481006145477), ('the ', 0.019303277134895325), ('entire ', -0.013079904019832611), ('family', 0.16731134429574013), ('!', 0.016940299421548843), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'More of a kids show than for adults. Juvenile.'} [('', 0.0), ('More ', -0.004451908098417334), ('of ', -0.04926669273118023), ('a ', -0.1210516768915113), ('kids ', 0.024579690951213706), ('show ', 0.008204792611650191), ('than ', 0.20097258093119308), ('for ', -0.017427218046577764), ('adults', -0.06968207682439242), ('. ', -0.07821370537567418), ('Juvenile', -0.16219012593501247), ('.', -0.06424946585320868), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Expensive, bad service, uninspiring food.'} [('', 0.0), ('Expensive', -0.0675116299862566), (', ', -0.010170945239224238), ('bad ', -0.07526979533213307), ('service', -0.030062830341194058), (', ', 0.013787293071800377), ('un', -0.22434739804339188), ('ins', 0.13918511220072105), ('pi', -0.020423054060302093), ('ring ', -0.019132571700538392), ('food', -0.01903758882326656), ('.', -0.02058119373032241), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Quick service, pretty place and great sushi'} [('', 0.0), ('Quick ', 0.01567187625914812), ('service', 0.06689204555004835), (', ', 0.16854235529899597), ('pretty ', 0.16931861732155085), ('place ', 0.026541504077613354), ('and ', 0.03584388270974159), ('great ', 0.2822015732526779), ('su', -0.06866050325334072), ('shi', 0.016636816784739494), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Quesedilla with burnt cheese was amazing'} [('', 0.0), ('Que', -0.0037177209742367268), ('sed', 0.04416068783029914), ('illa ', -0.014703028835356236), ('with ', 0.011378667200915515), ('burnt ', -0.08370883821044117), ('cheese ', -0.08154504175763577), ('was ', 0.011213221703656018), ('amazing', 0.84548524254933), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Gotta hot tub time machine in my suite. =)'} [('', 0.0), ('Gotta ', -0.00773610093165189), ('hot ', 0.12536615747376345), ('tub ', -0.2165427575528156), ('time ', -0.0865305565239396), ('machine ', -0.3053394839807879), ('in ', 0.0454341072763782), ('my ', 0.06581382889999077), ('suite', 0.17188132510636933), ('. ', -0.017960545024834573), ('=', -0.051546003902330995), (')', -0.047189249424263835), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Nice hotel. Nothing special. Great for families. Not for singles.'} [('', 0.0), ('Nice ', 0.26610545877338154), ('hotel', -0.02680819075612817), ('. ', -0.01674339123565005), ('Nothing ', -0.5917164023630903), ('special', -0.0734052023399272), ('. ', -0.1085191933234455), ('Great ', 0.33144700914272107), ('for ', 0.06095775161520578), ('families', 0.07042627426562831), ('. ', -0.11034652474336326), ('Not ', -0.08405431614664849), ('for ', 0.02728314012347255), ('singles', -0.012820709176594391), ('.', -0.056440524058416486), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'best in all categories'} [('', 0.0), ('best ', 0.16359110921621323), ('in ', 0.06577399000525475), ('all ', 0.09672537073493004), ('categories', 0.2604193240404129), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "Best steak I've had in my life."} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.3820053543895483), ('steak ', 0.0026189927011728287), ('I', 0.010552833788096905), ("'", 0.012477069161832333), ('ve ', -0.024878527969121933), ('had ', -0.03609469346702099), ('in ', 0.12581404205411673), ('my ', 0.15059565287083387), ('life', 0.10331849940121174), ('.', -0.0300881527364254), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'just ok for the price.'} [('', 0.0), ('just ', 0.07297305762767792), ('ok ', 0.4051261432468891), ('for ', 0.11367752775549889), ('the ', 0.14253231696784496), ('price', -0.0845742505043745), ('.', 0.0413590669631958), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Not a good egg samwich.'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', -0.6383405358719756), ('a ', 0.04205883311442449), ('good ', 0.3594125302915927), ('egg ', -0.07026001889971667), ('sam', 0.16438778011797694), ('wich', -0.1103886444834643), ('.', -0.02306589321233332), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Will never come here ever again! Horrible service!'} [('', 0.0), ('Will ', 0.04113068652804941), ('never ', -0.15329550406022463), ('come ', 0.03726319117413368), ('here ', -0.023042674703901866), ('ever ', 0.16139510591165163), ('again', 0.16770881723277853), ('! ', 0.10556327737867832), ('Horrible ', -0.5749226241896395), ('service', -0.04213164540124126), ('!', -0.02127967943670228), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great place! Great food!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.14984330534934998), ('place', 0.03417842090129852), ('! ', 0.16155917942523956), ('Great ', 0.14885640144348145), ('food', 0.1118515133857727), ('!', 0.0848565399646759), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'never and ever'} [('', 0.0), ('never ', -0.8278374503133819), ('and ', 0.13555605511646718), ('ever', 0.19647950120270252), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Atmosphere 4/5\\nFood is 2/5\\nDisappointing !!'} [('', 0.0), ('Atmosphere ', 0.04530076577793807), ('4', -0.0033453654614277184), ('/', -0.027743187791202217), ('5', 0.0006243755342438817), ('\\', 0.012787833577021956), ('n', -0.07631303882226348), ('Fo', -0.05584388715215027), ('od ', -0.087804029812105), ('is ', -0.02269261991023086), ('2', -0.022343425458529964), ('/', -0.035425589652732015), ('5', -0.010331473487894982), ('\\', -0.009731135389301926), ('n', -0.0001406745456582333), ('Dis', -0.04620994756549711), ('app', -0.00024604977952549236), ('oint', -0.02774606987222796), ('ing ', -0.005496177612803877), ('!', -0.023198871950929362), ('!', -0.06989589519798756), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Nothing very special.'} [('', 0.0), ('Nothing ', -0.6797979289185605), ('very ', 0.1279867787961848), ('special', 0.18349053318524966), ('.', -0.04468559676024597), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'A buffet. Not bad. Not the best. Okay.'} [('', 0.0), ('A ', 0.0854675879527349), ('buffet', -0.026934486959362403), ('. ', 0.08080665091983974), ('Not ', 0.37129398416254844), ('bad', 0.28956560253755015), ('. ', -0.013746779091889039), ('Not ', -0.4513587600649771), ('the ', -0.055939033854883746), ('best', -0.03478523418743862), ('. ', 0.05308554532530252), ('Okay', 0.3182195807530661), ('.', -0.028946889309736434), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Bad service, ok food'} [('', 0.0), ('Bad ', -0.5739379516126064), ('service', -0.17016708586379536), (', ', 0.0816367353691021), ('ok ', 0.17478531524102436), ('food', 0.16170958788279677), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Real good food.worth. the price.'} [('', 0.0), ('Real ', 0.14512570574879646), ('good ', 0.14990393444895744), ('food', 0.0376037135720253), ('.', 0.030948348343372345), ('worth', 0.33870952762663364), ('. ', 0.02791276015341282), ('the ', 0.028346619103103876), ('price', -0.04467903124168515), ('.', -0.0008567068725824356), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Another average buffet on the Strip.'} [('', 0.0), ('Another ', -0.166287362575531), ('average ', 0.03321504406630993), ('buffet ', -0.04622226767241955), ('on ', 0.1718825688585639), ('the ', 0.28433125000447035), ('Strip', 0.06858804635703564), ('.', -0.035162463784217834), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': "Not bad,there's a lot to pick from"} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', 0.30426058873490547), ('bad', 0.04727651223583962), (',', -0.014243297278881073), ('there', -0.03957296162843704), ("'", 0.04681240953505039), ('s ', 0.0835787933319807), ('a ', 0.1763740450842306), ('lot ', 0.03211939602624625), ('to ', 0.0881881945533678), ('pick ', 0.005681208684109151), ('from', -0.0654248595237732), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Over rated, over priced and over hyped!'} [('', 0.0), ('Over ', -0.28251555194947287), ('rated', 0.13658074774502893), (', ', -0.019615259407146368), ('over ', -0.04911590114352293), ('priced ', -0.031169409652648028), ('and ', -0.006354936080242624), ('over ', -0.03311622831461136), ('h', 0.005242759516022488), ('ype', -0.043546593228256825), ('d', -0.004682490030063491), ('!', -0.005142965292179724), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'This was some good food. great value.'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', -0.009468311443924904), ('was ', -0.012023486196994781), ('some ', -0.01647263951599598), ('good ', 0.2584566371515393), ('food', 0.08879795763641596), ('. ', 0.04742571525275707), ('great ', 0.35110544227063656), ('value', 0.03415682725608349), ('.', -0.028977815061807632), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'great food decent price lot of choices'} [('', 0.0), ('great ', 0.18322892487049103), ('food ', 0.07230592519044876), ('decent ', 0.11280364543199539), ('price ', -0.10473279235884547), ('lot ', 0.08193015167489648), ('of ', 0.265535528305918), ('choices', 0.11233850801363587), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'AWESOME buffet, especially when locals get it for 12 bucks!'} [('', 0.0), ('AWESOME ', 0.694849519059062), ('buffet', -0.001499829813838005), (', ', -0.05437575280666351), ('especially ', 0.03816637443378568), ('when ', -0.023833243176341057), ('locals ', 0.024953614338301122), ('get ', 0.0002481640549376607), ('it ', 0.009808197151869535), ('for ', 0.024762218818068504), ('12 ', -0.06764288176782429), ('bucks', -0.027404944645240903), ('!', 0.009146011434495449), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great service and great food'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.19519109651446342), ('service ', 0.0460091196000576), ('and ', 0.09083882719278336), ('great ', 0.17360428720712662), ('food', 0.15840018540620804), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Nothing to write home about. Ok service. Ok food.'} [('', 0.0), ('Nothing ', -0.7560500744293677), ('to ', -0.012470878922613338), ('write ', 0.003370181148056872), ('home ', 0.12128919251699699), ('about', -0.005072416322946083), ('. ', 0.030918688426027074), ('Ok ', -0.25121234334801557), ('service', -0.03265224300412228), ('. ', -0.04358401210629381), ('Ok ', 0.1633040270244237), ('food', 0.3302093558886554), ('.', 0.0843275809311308), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Slow and expensive. Food was normal ihop.'} [('', 0.0), ('Slow ', -0.30566491710487753), ('and ', 0.22566116764210165), ('expensive', -0.07405462604947388), ('. ', 0.004410556168295443), ('Food ', 0.009979652881156653), ('was ', -0.03971045452635735), ('normal ', 0.002743528166320175), ('i', 0.018312085245270282), ('hop', -0.08552106196293607), ('.', -0.04434679728001356), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Short ribs were great. Cool atmosphere indoors & out.'} [('', 0.0), ('Short ', -0.06475252006202936), ('ribs ', -0.01195485086645931), ('were ', -0.047297641285695136), ('great', 0.3666837438941002), ('. ', 0.0803382396697998), ('Cool ', 0.26277281530201435), ('atmosphere ', 0.09255763329565525), ('indoors ', 0.03213992330711335), ('& ', 0.05552151019219309), ('out', -0.06110829068347812), ('.', -0.03914731740951538), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'best mac n cheese ever!'} [('', 0.0), ('best ', 0.5749658811837435), ('mac ', 0.04446995351463556), ('n ', 0.16761453542858362), ('cheese ', -0.24001481151208282), ('ever', 0.09126167697831988), ('!', 0.05275472439825535), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Yumm!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Yu', 0.19976733811199665), ('mm', -0.0934604313224554), ('!', 0.10083216056227684), ('!', 0.16588317602872849), ('!', 0.2703464478254318), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Love this place, great for a lazy Sunday.'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.2663945108652115), ('this ', 0.018120551481842995), ('place', 0.0334103237837553), (', ', 0.04416174441576004), ('great ', 0.41732419072650373), ('for ', 0.003261156613007188), ('a ', -0.0033239642216358334), ('lazy ', -0.0992295668402221), ('Sunday', 0.05099151795729995), ('.', -0.03418613597750664), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "Sunday brunch favorite...Taco's, seafood, Stella.."} [('', 4.2747706174850464e-05), ('Sunday ', 0.06918022688478231), ('br', 0.18454944877885282), ('un', -0.31667359196580946), ('ch ', -0.23260471457615495), ('favorite', 0.44891158305108547), ('.', 0.12358477339148521), ('.', -3.5460107028484344e-05), ('.', -0.03686132933944464), ('Ta', 0.09404612851277408), ('co', 0.05930760905094859), ("'", 0.02024864458427247), ('s', 0.02523875405960199), (', ', 0.05489183118980792), ('seafood', -0.05042248748294595), (', ', 0.07457955351047632), ('Stella', 0.015324349114153948), ('.', 0.006936244731251564), ('.', -0.043442025780677795), ('', 8.86768102645874e-05)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'no that great just pricey'} [('', 0.0), ('no ', -0.756457555340603), ('that ', -0.05761134342174046), ('great ', 0.11652852108818479), ('just ', 0.0921852876781486), ('price', 0.1637497342308052), ('y', 0.21748771908460185), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great food, great atmosphere! Will definitely return again.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.134163411334157), ('food', 0.04121913202106953), (', ', -0.008172426372766495), ('great ', 0.1685916054993868), ('atmosphere', 0.010440384969115257), ('! ', -0.01187751442193985), ('Will ', 0.09725866699591279), ('definitely ', 0.31562931509688497), ('return ', -0.028857259545475245), ('again', -0.01698433654382825), ('.', -0.03534558415412903), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Love parasol up, good service. Parasol down for outdoor drinks'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.30197469488484785), ('para', 0.06010079641418997), ('sol ', 0.013079120588372461), ('up', 0.02803526062052697), (', ', -0.00879153807181865), ('good ', 0.3525403398089111), ('service', -0.00349654711317271), ('. ', 0.04062458535190672), ('Para', -0.007434022205416113), ('sol ', -0.015175832959357649), ('down ', -0.17555365787120536), ('for ', -0.0715852536377497), ('outdoor ', 0.046634643571451306), ('drinks', 0.021970793139189482), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Pathetic.'} [('', 0.0), ('Pathetic', -0.8287010254935012), ('.', 0.10215503388462821), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Lunch buffet here is not attracting as other Indian cuisines.'} [('', 0.0), ('Lunch ', 0.10274062692406005), ('buffet ', -0.028604377926967572), ('here ', -0.006091962150094332), ('is ', -0.0323453446271742), ('not ', -0.7235435813763615), ('attracting ', 0.05930735512447427), ('as ', -0.0442782226637064), ('other ', 0.059917775141002494), ('Indian ', 0.11672699135124276), ('cuisine', 0.11203949887749332), ('s', 0.0524569586978032), ('.', -0.040628333736094646), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Hidden on the strip, this restaurant is an absolute delight.'} [('', 0.0), ('Hidden ', -0.08029276132583618), ('on ', -0.014705713838338852), ('the ', -0.012041106820106506), ('strip', -0.01983841136097908), (', ', 0.010330535471439362), ('this ', 0.06394682917743921), ('restaurant ', 0.050609138794243336), ('is ', 0.04670423176139593), ('an ', 0.2072524717077613), ('absolute ', 0.020814859308302402), ('delight', 0.3748511718586087), ('.', -0.02033381350338459), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "not too great; wasn't spicy"} [('', 0.0), ('not ', -0.07099673608900048), ('too ', -0.14939612761918397), ('great', 0.06505591315544734), ('; ', 0.02027491351691424), ('wasn', -0.20818010940456588), ("'", -0.025640624275183654), ('t ', -0.2544294042381807), ('spicy', 0.35312906102626584), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Ridiculously fast service. BUSY! Comfortable seating. Great menu selections. Wifi.'} [('', 0.0), ('Ridiculous', -0.39183478549239226), ('ly ', 0.006799200578825548), ('fast ', 0.09582306782249361), ('service', -0.04996623285114765), ('. ', 0.03810832335148007), ('BUSY', -0.2776787356415298), ('! ', 0.13790069581591524), ('Comfortable ', 0.4470766587764956), ('seating', 0.07949948048917577), ('. ', 0.20239708217559382), ('Great ', 0.3953147812280804), ('menu ', 0.13242514338344336), ('selections', -0.05953170987777412), ('. ', 0.0053804065100848675), ('Wi', -0.1489183814264834), ('fi', -0.06323841447010636), ('.', -0.01680260617285967), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "Sorry... can't get over the teaspoon of orange juice."} [('', 0.0), ('Sorry', -0.22561523606418632), ('.', -0.005107046075863764), ('.', -0.007474278419977054), ('. ', -0.01928236265666783), ('can', -0.0362633077869153), ("'", -0.004416101682484926), ('t ', -0.06513170460978775), ('get ', -0.05662263129427932), ('over ', -0.06969277386027291), ('the ', 0.004136797892594283), ('tea', 0.015558762777280728), ('sp', 0.01840187346845466), ('oon ', -0.030399249607009033), ('of ', 0.007120834943569727), ('orange ', -0.010515728568926923), ('juice', 0.02403693177250586), ('.', 0.00016925907760066496), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best Breakfast in Phoenix!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.26944263838231564), ('Breakfast ', 0.09840432275086641), ('in ', 0.06594543345272541), ('Phoenix', 0.047254628501832485), ('!', 0.09802966937422752), ('!', 0.09051637351512909), ('!', 0.053778499364852905), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Too much good food'} [('', 0.0), ('Too ', -0.3505821361904964), ('much ', 0.021753080683993176), ('good ', 0.6253285611455794), ('food', 0.28972651064395905), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Overrated... I will not go back'} [('', 0.0), ('Over', -0.2982909647980705), ('rated', 0.13853923126589507), ('.', 0.017802505288273096), ('.', -0.0030914018279872835), ('. ', -0.007907252002041787), ('I ', 0.04609023675948265), ('will ', 0.09772410829828004), ('not ', -0.27871480791145586), ('go ', 0.02943997087641037), ('back', -0.037067298879264854), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "meh. i've experienced better."} [('', 0.0), ('me', 0.23405838757753372), ('h', 0.05111984070390463), ('. ', 0.12206657137721777), ('i', 0.17646349547430873), ("'", 0.10892357397824526), ('ve ', -0.13918730401201174), ('experienced ', -0.11542918445775285), ('better', -0.2599577500950545), ('.', -0.11324568558484316), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "Food was ok. Service was ok. Probably won't go back."} [('', 0.0), ('Food ', 0.21509003412211314), ('was ', 0.13509107561549172), ('ok', 0.19843014562502503), ('. ', 0.09879375691525638), ('Service ', -0.07671306504198583), ('was ', 0.0723207381888642), ('ok', 0.03719428191834595), ('. ', 0.0920644883881323), ('Probably ', -0.06719305145088583), ('won', 0.134075174559257), ("'", -0.08126777569123078), ('t ', -0.1380743350891862), ('go ', 0.019578488601837307), ('back', -0.04551144264405593), ('.', -0.038657463039271533), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': ':-)'} [('', 0.0), (':', 0.10809803009033203), ('-', -0.07987633347511292), (')', 0.00956699252128601), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Very friendly and helpful staff!'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.07538443803787231), ('friendly ', 0.20133154094219208), ('and ', 0.0692465752363205), ('helpful ', 0.14187637716531754), ('staff', 0.11849179118871689), ('!', 0.08479461073875427), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'boots.\\nI like his boots...'} [('', 0.0), ('boots', -0.06335876509547234), ('.', 0.0413797739893198), ('\\', -0.12081740234862082), ('nI ', -0.007369244907749817), ('like ', 0.14699399157689186), ('his ', 0.2112468343329965), ('boots', -0.2639513064932544), ('.', 0.030444719712249935), ('.', -0.01736797671765089), ('.', -0.07376604527235031), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good show. Props fantastik. Too short,only about an hour.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.2415443753125146), ('show', 0.03136033096234314), ('. ', 0.03826279172790237), ('Props ', -0.03345765226549702), ('fan', 0.12028760660359694), ('tas', 0.06031951901422872), ('ti', -0.16236285062223033), ('k', 0.01980881527379097), ('. ', -0.030790160279138945), ('Too ', -0.1770230187685229), ('short', -0.1599526863428764), (',', -0.14215661818161607), ('only ', -0.02194451339164516), ('about ', -0.05494408230151748), ('an ', 0.02778546276385896), ('hour', -0.13216880430991296), ('.', -0.0459233901638072), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Was dead bored and fell asleep. zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.'} [('', 0.0), ('Was ', -0.015976202565070707), ('dead ', -0.04558348825048597), ('bored ', -0.05186147782842454), ('and ', -0.021256980879115872), ('fell ', -0.04979200316029164), ('asleep', -0.037797388532453624), ('. ', -0.004153412130108336), ('z', -0.016606128961029754), ('zz', -0.02736700025616301), ('zz', -0.027334124604749377), ('zz', -0.023087905005013454), ('zz', -0.023182451895991107), ('zz', -0.027466849842312513), ('zz', -0.028974298873436055), ('z', -0.016369165417927434), ('.', -0.030852245501591824), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Very good show. My love and I enjoyed the show.'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.041634101420640945), ('good ', 0.26259341929107904), ('show', 0.03462519031018019), ('. ', -0.02521311491727829), ('My ', 0.0029301922768354416), ('love ', 0.1545607317239046), ('and ', -0.0016842260956764221), ('I ', 0.007234910968691111), ('enjoyed ', 0.13453407725319266), ('the ', 0.019001202657818794), ('show', 0.016335638239979744), ('.', -0.019248850643634796), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best show on the strip.'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.3303929343819618), ('show ', -0.006555672734975815), ('on ', 0.05147193744778633), ('the ', 0.22085645236074924), ('strip', 0.116147356107831), ('.', -0.0212678425014019), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Most amazing show I have ever seen. Period.'} [('', 0.0), ('Most ', -0.0025729816406965256), ('amazing ', 0.3841791935265064), ('show ', -0.00024183280766010284), ('I ', 0.02645982103422284), ('have ', 0.016117230523377657), ('ever ', 0.1829413091763854), ('seen', 0.1500683892518282), ('. ', -0.00982123427093029), ('Period', -0.002405516803264618), ('.', -0.047802552580833435), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'This is the best show in Las Vegas ,Amazing.Amazing.Amazing!'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', -0.0147709921002388), ('is ', 0.003827034030109644), ('the ', -0.0004153461195528507), ('best ', 0.08566552225966007), ('show ', 0.016531327622942626), ('in ', 0.015551950898952782), ('Las ', 0.017333564697764814), ('Vegas ', 0.030444993171840906), (',', -0.012212865054607391), ('Amazing', 0.16269909590482712), ('.', -0.02081078290939331), ('Amazing', 0.162674218416214), ('.', -0.02078232914209366), ('Amazing', 0.15524401888251305), ('!', -0.013354692608118057), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'A must see-beautiful masterpiece.'} [('', 0.0), ('A ', 0.14522682130336761), ('must ', 0.09256049059331417), ('see', 0.12285237945616245), ('-', 0.00418445561081171), ('beautiful ', 0.18988561164587736), ('masterpiece', 0.19385556504130363), ('.', -0.02513159066438675), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great show, 75 min went by so fast... very entertaining'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.37905168114230037), ('show', -0.019342123996466398), (', ', -0.0013702698051929474), ('75 ', -0.04178100067656487), ('min ', -0.04284353123512119), ('went ', -0.02593852998688817), ('by ', -0.021700341952964664), ('so ', -0.006117561366409063), ('fast', 0.057884790468961), ('.', 0.01186053967103362), ('.', -0.02798604965209961), ('. ', -0.027658827602863312), ('very ', -0.010578218847513199), ('entertaining', 0.36005764827132225), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Awesome sandwiches!!!! Good healthy variety.'} [('', 0.0), ('Awesome ', 0.3646761570125818), ('sandwiches', -0.08467335440218449), ('!', 0.06832918524742126), ('!', 0.025871112942695618), ('!', 0.009879052639007568), ('! ', -0.0029102563858032227), ('Good ', 0.14990109438076615), ('healthy ', 0.14610142866149545), ('variety', 0.0739317899569869), ('.', -0.05418974906206131), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Nice downtown boutique food'} [('', 0.0), ('Nice ', 0.15070448070764542), ('downtown ', 0.08712833747267723), ('boutique ', 0.059322427958250046), ('food', 0.28941933810710907), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': "Cool place. Would've never known it existed in Scottsdale."} [('', 0.0), ('Cool ', 0.5168639644980431), ('place', 0.1206803172826767), ('. ', -0.05247855931520462), ('Would', -0.02001636242493987), ("'", -0.023762706201523542), ('ve ', 0.010720955790020525), ('never ', 0.008263128227554262), ('known ', 0.07875362550839782), ('it ', -0.024958800990134478), ('existed ', -0.06775021716021001), ('in ', 0.033836717484518886), ('Scott', 0.08502047520596534), ('sdale', -0.08246638264972717), ('.', -0.0006630141288042068), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Wear your cowboy boots!'} [('', 0.0), ('Wear ', -0.1298482809215784), ('your ', 0.24847222538664937), ('cowboy ', 0.20097062038257718), ('boots', 0.04812185186892748), ('!', 0.2949007600545883), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'This place never disappoints, a true Arizona experience.'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', -0.029064234491670504), ('place ', -0.00959453203540761), ('never ', 0.1817468360386556), ('di', 0.17044396887649782), ('sa', 0.035738134203711525), ('pp', -0.004395174928504275), ('oint', -0.023248109697306063), ('s', -0.006233988522581058), (', ', -0.021757396985776722), ('a ', 0.11219481192529202), ('true ', 0.20684592612087727), ('Arizona ', -0.030572070740163326), ('experience', 0.038023523055016994), ('.', -0.03675024211406708), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Very good new american style.'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.040386050939559937), ('good ', 0.2231498584151268), ('new ', 0.11553431302309036), ('american ', 0.03440954349935055), ('style', 0.3103066887706518), ('.', -0.03265909478068352), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Caters to party animals with managers picking their battles loosely.'} [('', 0.0), ('Cater', 0.12411132882698439), ('s ', 0.07956943270983174), ('to ', 0.0419346431226586), ('party ', -0.006388954738213215), ('animals ', 0.014786489620746579), ('with ', 0.009114875494560692), ('managers ', -0.1080301118126954), ('picking ', -0.11966911970375804), ('their ', 0.04622984170782729), ('battles ', -0.07258805801757262), ('loosely', -0.3145330459010438), ('.', -0.0655124239565339), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'great service!'} [('', 0.0), ('great ', 0.1402149200439453), ('service', 0.10118144750595093), ('!', 0.2354753613471985), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Awesome place!'} [('', 0.0), ('Awesome ', 0.1259266436100006), ('place', 0.11552989482879639), ('!', 0.2354261577129364), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Not worth $$$'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', -0.6033040809707018), ('worth ', 0.4056775380267936), ('$', -0.03378512613926432), ('$', -0.06250510928657604), ('$', -0.04170821214938769), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Excellent Selections, and Superb Service!'} [('', 0.0), ('Excellent ', 0.23401014506816864), ('Selections', 0.03797256946563721), (', ', 0.08972497284412384), ('and ', 0.0523514524102211), ('Superb ', 0.20274536311626434), ('Service', 0.034324053674936295), ('!', 0.07230791822075844), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Generally bad.'} [('', 0.0), ('Generally ', 0.2168061210322776), ('bad', -0.7777647297625663), ('.', 0.03817209069529781), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Perhaps the worst buffet in Vegas. Skip it!'} [('', 0.0), ('Perhaps ', -0.04015740528120659), ('the ', 0.01973983477910224), ('worst ', -0.2734471691928775), ('buffet ', -0.0006722988505316607), ('in ', 0.009613996035568562), ('Vegas', 0.1337545035612493), ('. ', -0.0002817965505528264), ('Skip ', -0.1560573277729418), ('it', 0.006992976059336797), ('!', -0.002221279097284423), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Yay. Cafeteria food. Yay.'} [('', 0.0), ('Ya', -0.1037227677879855), ('y', 0.06784160470124334), ('. ', -0.0027912617661058903), ('Cafeteria ', -0.21019036462530494), ('food', 0.07546149822883308), ('. ', 0.0011864060070365667), ('Ya', 0.005347403464838862), ('y', -0.001933801220729947), ('.', -0.10767828533425927), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Breakfast buffet, def go for it!'} [('', 0.0), ('Breakfast ', 0.2101568654179573), ('buffet', 0.0121588334441185), (', ', 0.09255540370941162), ('def ', -0.13883382128551602), ('go ', 0.2561881993897259), ('for ', 0.1318431068211794), ('it', 0.07892326824367046), ('!', 0.07390861213207245), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'best. burger. in. the. world.'} [('', 0.0), ('best', 0.45836884155869484), ('. ', 0.037852995097637177), ('burger', -0.11988923093304038), ('. ', -0.017732190433889627), ('in', 0.012972303666174412), ('. ', -0.015770808793604374), ('the', 0.026167074218392372), ('. ', -0.04264255426824093), ('world', 0.36695591174066067), ('.', -0.009714925661683083), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Super bon'} [('', 0.0), ('Super ', 0.13541141152381897), ('bon', 0.13610270619392395), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'yummy food'} [('', 0.0), ('yu', 0.18804942071437836), ('mmy ', 0.04932038486003876), ('food', 0.23912176489830017), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'NOT a good buffet.'} [('', 0.0), ('NOT ', -0.6303463867589016), ('a ', 0.13732626514774893), ('good ', 0.17195182187151659), ('buffet', 0.030344146909556002), ('.', -0.04490145815361757), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'You used to be good.'} [('', 0.0), ('You ', 0.3596712425351143), ('used ', -0.18577904615085572), ('to ', 0.4617952889529988), ('be ', -0.11678578890860081), ('good', 0.23440986685454845), ('.', -0.06225006654858589), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'went for lunch.. i give it 3.5 stars :)'} [('', 6.674975156784058e-05), ('went ', 0.01636684313416481), ('for ', 0.004019075073301792), ('lunch', 0.1982713444158435), ('.', -0.008482977747917175), ('. ', 0.017891697585582733), ('i ', 0.020439123967662454), ('give ', 0.22926791687496006), ('it ', 0.10148004267830402), ('3', -0.010382861481048167), ('.', -0.048864531330764294), ('5 ', -0.04447130672633648), ('stars ', 0.17753606475889683), (':', -0.053725045174360275), (')', -0.03276845067739487), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Super yummy and the crepes are amazing!'} [('', 0.0), ('Super ', 0.18356963992118835), ('yu', 0.049558255821466446), ('mmy ', 0.04867183789610863), ('and ', 0.05895919259637594), ('the ', 0.02037444431334734), ('cr', -0.037514840019866824), ('ep', 0.0212475738953799), ('es ', 0.019261173903942108), ('are ', 0.022463846020400524), ('amazing', 0.22424537781625986), ('!', 0.055226508527994156), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Great burger deal! Decent nighttime'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.26744589395821095), ('burger ', -0.08521326584741473), ('deal', 0.01952672516927123), ('! ', 0.14385156333446503), ('Decent ', 0.1975647360086441), ('nighttime', 0.1479477733373642), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good service and meals- have eaten here multiple times'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.3883529454469681), ('service ', -0.0397769957780838), ('and ', 0.011537253856658936), ('meals', 0.12931878119707108), ('- ', 0.03742904309183359), ('have ', 0.15447637345641851), ('eaten ', 0.05713106878101826), ('here ', 0.010809899540618062), ('multiple ', -0.020352078834548593), ('times', -0.032569278962910175), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Decent Pho. Not great but not bad'} [('', 0.0), ('Decent ', 0.35000024549663067), ('Ph', -0.031100227497518063), ('o', 0.015946590341627598), ('. ', 0.034612588584423065), ('Not ', -0.08272020462754881), ('great ', 0.10920533593889559), ('but ', -0.044558466601301916), ('not ', 0.34314344073209213), ('bad', 0.016953848353296053), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Our absolute favorite place to eat!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Our ', 0.09446239471435547), ('absolute ', -0.02703102771192789), ('favorite ', 0.27996709290891886), ('place ', -0.012816713657230139), ('to ', 0.15811784332618117), ('eat', 0.17783082649111748), ('!', 0.018864892423152924), ('!', 0.039632558822631836), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Looks like their always pack!!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Looks ', -0.19994640024378896), ('like ', -0.04283015779219568), ('their ', 0.10839543421752751), ('always ', 0.43049838999286294), ('pack', 0.029184898361563683), ('!', 0.34520909609273076), ('!', 0.01991961896419525), ('!', -0.010285668075084686), ('!', 0.029176615178585052), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'not impressed!!!! food sucked more of a bar!'} [('', 0.0), ('not ', -0.34168625896199956), ('impressed', 0.13891750958646298), ('!', 0.008366142785234842), ('!', 0.005065434426796855), ('!', -0.0050698823943093885), ('! ', -0.03336218410549918), ('food ', 0.027855833066496416), ('sucked ', -0.10490935994494066), ('more ', -0.0300515101162091), ('of ', -0.023475805412999762), ('a ', 0.04937928411800385), ('bar', -0.08561580118930578), ('!', 0.004495093735386035), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'So good!'} [('', 0.0), ('So ', 0.04790954291820526), ('good', 0.19351617991924286), ('!', 0.235422283411026), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'my go to for BBQ. Love the beer selection too'} [('', 0.0), ('my ', 0.018489113077521324), ('go ', 0.09046108287293464), ('to ', 0.051074745249934494), ('for ', -0.06442189891822636), ('BB', -0.2455091041047126), ('Q', 0.027796364156529307), ('. ', 0.023938739206641912), ('Love ', 0.844459947780706), ('the ', -0.018421535030938685), ('beer ', -0.05144384014420211), ('selection ', -0.019041964085772634), ('too', -0.030909445136785507), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good service and bbq'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.5348991095088422), ('service ', 0.04455760354176164), ('and ', 0.20589637383818626), ('bb', -0.24982591066509485), ('q', 0.12846507970243692), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'The lunch buffet is no more. Boooooo.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.06728131440468132), ('lunch ', 0.18680377362761647), ('buffet ', 0.03921016969252378), ('is ', -0.04768800612509949), ('no ', -0.28635687256610254), ('more', -0.02295241496176459), ('. ', 0.05039207707159221), ('Boo', -0.0673592378734611), ('oo', 0.014310596918221563), ('oo', -0.062016254756599665), ('.', -0.052160839550197124), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Was good for the price'} [('', 0.0), ('Was ', -0.029292136430740356), ('good ', 0.5110554955899715), ('for ', 0.17357251420617104), ('the ', 0.1021609678864479), ('price', -0.09369555860757828), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Always a favorite'} [('', 0.0), ('Always ', 0.23579877614974976), ('a ', 0.11631876230239868), ('favorite', 0.12471133470535278), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'nice hotel, good accommodations'} [('', 0.0), ('nice ', 0.14159313961863518), ('hotel', 0.1094185821712017), (', ', 0.08124174922704697), ('good ', 0.1751321330666542), ('accommodations', 0.15664110332727432), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'awesome food at great prices! open sooooo late, like chinatown!'} [('', 0.0), ('awesome ', 0.37627117591910064), ('food ', 0.016687713214196265), ('at ', 0.004445781116373837), ('great ', 0.29275699774734676), ('prices', -0.07115130499005318), ('! ', 0.15278577315621078), ('open ', 0.036430317733902484), ('soo', -0.049779669985582586), ('oo', 0.021795366053993348), ('o ', 0.030732144121429883), ('late', -0.11359538638498634), (', ', -0.021635888959281147), ('like ', -0.023847933509387076), ('chinatown', -0.06347317865584046), ('!', -0.020846660481765866), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "Service wasn't great. The food was ok."} [('', 0.0), ('Service ', -0.024213092852733098), ('wasn', 0.006939128690646612), ("'", -0.043179174232136575), ('t ', -0.2666102578295977), ('great', 0.16319137990649324), ('. ', -0.0018845326703740284), ('The ', 0.013804087509925012), ('food ', -0.0067513380708987825), ('was ', 0.08255764212663053), ('ok', 0.7768832434012438), ('.', -0.03521474901936017), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'beef noodle soup is awesome~'} [('', 0.0), ('beef ', -0.043445952236652374), ('no', -0.06700546480715275), ('odle ', 0.019399134442210197), ('soup ', 0.030979693867266178), ('is ', 0.05434163007885218), ('awesome', 0.7482748990878463), ('~', -0.01920670736581087), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'oks'} [('', 0.0), ('ok', 0.16190409660339355), ('s', 0.11101895570755005), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Food was OK at best. Portions were small and overpriced.'} [('', 0.0), ('Food ', 0.21279726779903285), ('was ', 0.11080540952389129), ('OK ', 0.1864352867123671), ('at ', -0.01655419191229157), ('best', 0.11587624966341536), ('. ', 0.050570822655572556), ('Portions ', -0.019428873543802183), ('were ', -0.03396303148474544), ('small ', -0.04303397442708956), ('and ', -0.06381966901244596), ('over', -0.11500830981458421), ('pr', 0.0005290504959702957), ('ice', -0.018443252436554758), ('d', -0.003939876867661951), ('.', -0.0403141252027126), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': ': ('} [('', 0.0), (': ', -0.021350957453250885), ('(', -0.49935025721788406), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Our go to diner when headed out of town.'} [('', 0.0), ('Our ', 0.2592930756509304), ('go ', 0.2848976347595453), ('to ', 0.20448492653667927), ('diner ', 0.02230590069666505), ('when ', -0.037705664057284594), ('headed ', 0.13323735538870096), ('out ', -0.04491987358778715), ('of ', -0.03241611085832119), ('town', -0.010358380153775215), ('.', -0.09479983523488045), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Prepare to be unimpressed. Long waits, mediocre service and food.'} [('', 0.0), ('Prepare ', 0.14511164123541676), ('to ', 0.04183070968429092), ('be ', -0.055382209466188215), ('un', -0.29308112716898904), ('im', 0.15092537737291423), ('pressed', -0.12431599541741889), ('. ', 0.0112352822907269), ('Long ', -0.07768309738457901), ('waits', -0.05938147330743959), (', ', -0.018497587632737122), ('med', -0.04446216127689695), ('io', -0.035647657052322756), ('cre ', -0.07545293595467228), ('service ', -0.022428095689974725), ('and ', 0.006373770353093278), ('food', 0.010815971862029983), ('.', -0.014874351796606788), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'The top level really is supreme.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.03465864062309265), ('top ', 0.2421496883034706), ('level ', 0.07621090859174728), ('really ', 0.1686482783406973), ('is ', 0.027085421606898308), ('supreme', 0.20089219883084297), ('.', -0.026204369962215424), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Quality Chinese food. Extremely recommended.'} [('', 0.0), ('Quality ', 0.1583273857831955), ('Chinese ', 0.01937767118215561), ('food', 0.1203160211443901), ('. ', 0.063605397939682), ('Extremely ', -0.015601901337504387), ('recommended', 0.4024424906820059), ('.', -0.025065280497074127), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Fabulous breakfast joint with amazing omelletes & muffins.'} [('', 0.0), ('Fabulous ', 0.3886719204019755), ('breakfast ', 0.014566853060387075), ('joint ', -0.007073384360410273), ('with ', -0.024914515437558293), ('amazing ', 0.4211072928737849), ('om', -0.06923717496101744), ('elle', 0.02168217653525062), ('tes ', -0.04425000515766442), ('& ', 0.003861247096210718), ('mu', -0.053582792286761105), ('ffin', -0.006864575785584748), ('s', -0.010703880805522203), ('.', -0.023781051626428962), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'The best pancakes ever and great great drinks and food'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.01827315241098404), ('best ', 0.29245809558779), ('pancakes ', 0.010357839055359364), ('ever ', 0.06383069045841694), ('and ', 0.019443489611148834), ('great ', 0.09129503276199102), ('great ', 0.09157426562160254), ('drinks ', -0.002198329195380211), ('and ', 0.05993473529815674), ('food', 0.08851239085197449), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good eggs and house fries.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.7668767403811216), ('eggs ', -0.07255320437252522), ('and ', 0.07150957360863686), ('house ', 0.03389443922787905), ('fries', -0.09377337154000998), ('.', -0.014868838712573051), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good breakfast burrito at a good price. Large portions.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.3877893746830523), ('breakfast ', 0.008833127561956644), ('burr', -0.07902444899082184), ('ito ', 0.026867614593356848), ('at ', -0.015906941844150424), ('a ', 0.01744640083052218), ('good ', 0.36043816804885864), ('price', -0.04415748082101345), ('. ', 0.013990750536322594), ('Large ', 0.02391418069601059), ('portions', -0.002903074026107788), ('.', -0.07029523700475693), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Pretty good place to chill and get Margarita!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Pretty ', 0.08014840679243207), ('good ', 0.34132016520015895), ('place ', 0.10911713144741952), ('to ', 0.11127567524090409), ('chill ', -0.001997389830648899), ('and ', 0.1430625761859119), ('get ', -0.1658318208064884), ('Margarita', 0.04903575754724443), ('!', 0.034933265298604965), ('!', -0.004156723618507385), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Poor customer service ruined an otherwise decent breakfast.'} [('', 0.0), ('Poor ', -0.10830394402364618), ('customer ', -0.017307474847257254), ('service ', -0.017659354891293333), ('ruined ', -0.37061753398302244), ('an ', 0.07343841017973318), ('otherwise ', -0.03814637835193935), ('decent ', 0.19874618791573084), ('breakfast', 0.022142005982459523), ('.', -0.02894711773842573), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'another americanized asian food, taste really bad'} [('', 0.0), ('another ', -0.01612667592235084), ('american', -0.011523237936671649), ('ized ', -0.1278884375869893), ('asian ', 0.07519347500056028), ('food', 0.062266200737212785), (', ', 0.11814916313960566), ('taste ', 0.11347268757344864), ('really ', 0.16533489556059067), ('bad', -0.665534248619224), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': "they're open 7 days a week now"} [('', 0.0), ('they', 0.039856203366070986), ("'", 0.06006396422162652), ('re ', 0.0002626033965498209), ('open ', 0.6390291892457753), ('7 ', 0.04841389809735119), ('days ', 0.04005682864226401), ('a ', 0.04063117736950517), ('week ', -0.09027154510840774), ('now', -0.06623873393982649), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'I love it!'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', 0.12667954713106155), ('love ', 0.09451897069811821), ('it', 0.08822184428572655), ('!', 0.27716685831546783), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Amazing little place for tea lovers. Great selection and atmosphere.'} [('', 0.0), ('Amazing ', 0.3285160958766937), ('little ', -0.10639213211834431), ('place ', -0.0626873280853033), ('for ', -0.003943274728953838), ('tea ', -0.02300705574452877), ('lovers', 0.18829989898949862), ('. ', -0.006534945219755173), ('Great ', 0.25451003573834896), ('selection ', -0.007655808702111244), ('and ', 0.018488045781850815), ('atmosphere', 0.04103219509124756), ('.', 0.0066649094223976135), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Amazing food with perfect portions'} [('', 0.0), ('Amazing ', 0.16680779308080673), ('food ', 0.12204321846365929), ('with ', 0.04321029409766197), ('perfect ', 0.30247028917074203), ('portions', 0.02950870245695114), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Nice menu, excellent food!'} [('', 0.0), ('Nice ', 0.31403161585330963), ('menu', -0.052740663290023804), (', ', 0.0842515379190445), ('excellent ', 0.14906097948551178), ('food', 0.11168354749679565), ('!', 0.08485130965709686), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Excellent food, even better service! Highly recommend!'} [('', 0.0), ('Excellent ', 0.14343168400228024), ('food', 0.04449860565364361), (', ', 0.014525037258863449), ('even ', 0.0844370246049948), ('better ', 0.08281205146340653), ('service', -0.05505020171403885), ('! ', 0.033823102712631226), ('Highly ', 0.1699857898056507), ('recommend', 0.18049238994717598), ('!', -0.002034015953540802), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Lunch not exciting...'} [('', 0.0), ('Lunch ', 0.31963927393735503), ('not ', -0.8026172131985732), ('exciting', 0.1773116736103475), ('.', 0.03846873444308585), ('.', 0.011774648181017255), ('.', -0.05308742937631905), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Absolute bliss!'} [('', 0.0), ('Absolute ', 0.1107979416847229), ('bliss', 0.13066789507865906), ('!', 0.23542830348014832), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great menu and service. Sweet breads were fantastic.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.29267498292028904), ('menu ', -0.09859918989241123), ('and ', 0.09191420767456293), ('service', 0.0010303002782166004), ('. ', 0.04598250472918153), ('Sweet ', 0.17854236252605915), ('bread', -0.019471706822514534), ('s ', -0.005693942308425903), ('were ', -0.08189755026251078), ('fantastic', 0.28516020718961954), ('.', -0.023583337664604187), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Delicious, exquisitely prepared food.'} [('', 0.0), ('Delicious', 0.2637177109718323), (', ', 0.09800952672958374), ('exquisite', 0.17968548461794853), ('ly ', 0.0425771027803421), ('prepared ', 0.09418992139399052), ('food', 0.07042367942631245), ('.', -0.025160036981105804), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Average food for super expensive prices.'} [('', 0.0), ('Average ', -0.17998955585062504), ('food ', 0.44031602470204234), ('for ', 0.25063877971842885), ('super ', 0.04412071197293699), ('expensive ', -0.15492244041524827), ('prices', -0.24808271043002605), ('.', 0.0352377537637949), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Almost like being in Philly.'} [('', 0.0), ('Almost ', -0.01209774799644947), ('like ', 0.09087396925315261), ('being ', -0.1397801456041634), ('in ', 0.06432720366865396), ('Phil', 0.13146601058542728), ('ly', 0.4605427701026201), ('.', 0.10837676748633385), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'worse than dog food :('} [('', 0.0), ('worse ', -0.4407215096780419), ('than ', 0.005496114271409169), ('dog ', -0.21280568333440897), ('food ', 0.30682969391455117), (':', 0.03251709812866466), ('(', 0.00016474420408485457), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Hae Jang Gook was pretty decent.'} [('', 0.0), ('Ha', -0.05599129234906286), ('e ', 0.0015069517539814115), ('Jang ', 0.0473732331302017), ('Goo', -0.13083100877702236), ('k ', 0.0010373732075095177), ('was ', 0.011154427076689899), ('pretty ', 0.03862356429453939), ('decent', 0.8305334041360766), ('.', -0.030458836816251278), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Way Overpriced!!\\nI will never go to that place again.'} [('', 0.0), ('Way ', 0.009877304612018634), ('Over', -0.18163007870862202), ('pr', -0.03322829821809137), ('ice', 0.018066475224259193), ('d', 0.024896856795749045), ('!', -0.032909842309891246), ('!', -0.07051680187578313), ('\\', -0.016072476602857932), ('nI ', -0.05253451195312664), ('will ', -0.014862979282042943), ('never ', -0.25004053658631165), ('go ', 0.033018918249581475), ('to ', 0.012017298897262663), ('that ', 0.04342526061736862), ('place ', 0.03369893165290705), ('again', 0.03156511011184193), ('.', -0.014574031185475178), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'So so'} [('', 0.0), ('So ', 0.11457785964012146), ('so', 0.12878504395484924), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Yum!!! HORRIBLE SERVICE!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Yu', 0.07598210242576897), ('m', -0.05797689163591713), ('!', 0.1894916290184483), ('!', 0.02457742043043254), ('! ', 0.07520373973238748), ('HORRIBLE ', -0.5084903516635677), ('SERVICE', -0.0982125750688283), ('!', 0.04459162475177436), ('!', 0.013795890394249), ('!', -0.06032719253562391), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "Excellent food, drinks and service, can't wait to return."} [('', 0.0), ('Excellent ', 0.16269424743950367), ('food', 0.04534984566271305), (', ', -0.0004966892302036285), ('drinks ', 0.040945486165583134), ('and ', 0.12350807804614305), ('service', -0.033537463285028934), (', ', 0.012633557431399822), ('can', -0.007379263755865395), ("'", -0.01594735577236861), ('t ', 0.15638831537216902), ('wait ', 0.06267212468083017), ('to ', 0.07296527686412446), ('return', -0.04962191527010873), ('.', 0.013330581481568515), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Back porch = yum, but hit and miss.'} [('', 0.0), ('Back ', -0.03516304702498019), ('porch ', -0.007795336074195802), ('= ', -0.015290367417037487), ('yu', -0.08046501188073307), ('m', -0.029186153144109994), (', ', 0.000338590529281646), ('but ', -0.06358780790469609), ('hit ', -0.0021266022085910663), ('and ', 0.009025287479744293), ('miss', -0.08848503543413244), ('.', -0.0169999408244621), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best BBQ in Vegas! Great staff and greater food.'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.23319303803145885), ('BB', -0.06557756988331676), ('Q ', 0.005399478133767843), ('in ', 0.028245775029063225), ('Vegas', 0.10000375285744667), ('! ', 0.012865280732512474), ('Great ', 0.19768627919256687), ('staff ', 0.06185627542436123), ('and ', 0.07722952961921692), ('greater ', 0.1101908441632986), ('food', -0.030608044937253), ('.', -0.10319340601563454), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Always finding good deals here.'} [('', 0.0), ('Always ', 0.24773073196411133), ('finding ', -0.030939657241106033), ('good ', 0.35788943246006966), ('deals ', 0.12603233568370342), ('here', 0.026692597195506096), ('.', -0.03655947372317314), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great outlets!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.16650082170963287), ('outlets', 0.07493366301059723), ('!', 0.23545226454734802), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'No interesting stores.'} [('', 0.0), ('No ', -0.6706998515073792), ('interesting ', 0.36738921773576294), ('stores', -0.06533179449252202), ('.', -0.044427227330743335), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Parking is a nightmare here...good luck!'} [('', 0.0), ('Parking ', -0.1703165965154767), ('is ', -0.026226302041322924), ('a ', -0.037273873705998994), ('nightmare ', -0.49199508228412014), ('here', 0.012646250801481074), ('.', 0.05586943786329357), ('.', -0.01798772270558402), ('.', -0.021141399032785557), ('good ', 0.20711013720574556), ('luck', 0.16401404616044601), ('!', 0.009513250581221655), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'girls swimming in jumbo cocktail glasses :)'} [('', 0.0), ('girls ', 0.05624840408563614), ('swimming ', 0.20245189033448696), ('in ', -0.013172270730137825), ('ju', -0.11774517386220396), ('mbo ', -0.14634043374098837), ('cocktail ', -0.04716575867496431), ('glasses ', -0.1550553108099848), (':', 0.014988780952990055), (')', -0.008717118762433529), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'I saw Mike Tyson when I was there last night.'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', 0.04550028219819069), ('saw ', 0.11366369388997555), ('Mike ', 0.2062442060559988), ('Tyson ', 0.16455572051927447), ('when ', 0.0605658502317965), ('I ', 0.027430708520114422), ('was ', 0.06671102996915579), ('there ', 0.027063309215009212), ('last ', -0.014882647432386875), ('night', -0.005113175138831139), ('.', -0.02947552502155304), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Get the Killer Tacos! 5 stars. Enough said.'} [('', 0.0), ('Get ', -0.11578691797330976), ('the ', -0.02452907362021506), ('Killer ', -0.14029687107540667), ('Ta', 0.08594351809006184), ('cos', 0.03981933288741857), ('! ', 0.030872656032443047), ('5 ', 0.023496116511523724), ('stars', 0.6822868576273322), ('. ', 0.006662735715508461), ('Enough ', -0.020175062119960785), ('said', 0.07909267023205757), ('.', -0.044879890978336334), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Service was ok, food so so.'} [('', 0.0), ('Service ', 0.07612684136256576), ('was ', 0.02976084384135902), ('ok', 0.5596359323244542), (', ', 0.17558120097965002), ('food ', 0.014459229074418545), ('so ', -0.0610544653609395), ('so', -0.03683716990053654), ('.', -0.028935356065630913), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Over priced and small portions, but the food is good.'} [('', 0.0), ('Over ', -0.14078524769865908), ('priced ', 0.0003168490657117218), ('and ', 0.00534913846058771), ('small ', -0.03549340629251674), ('portions', -0.013137704459950328), (', ', -0.0008462673868052661), ('but ', -0.07347310142358765), ('the ', 0.002485172099113697), ('food ', -0.0079911958273442), ('is ', 0.07166532110204571), ('good', 0.8408188256616995), ('.', -0.02169350450276397), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best restaurant ever. Really. I love it.'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.13087321445345879), ('restaurant ', 0.06201896583661437), ('ever', 0.027860617730766535), ('. ', -0.0032007768750190735), ('Really', 0.04141386225819588), ('. ', 0.08943783864378929), ('I ', 0.07997579406946898), ('love ', 0.30087395664304495), ('it', -0.0008566435426473618), ('.', -0.031466659158468246), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Not a fan of their service or menu during breakfast.'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', -0.5269423748686677), ('a ', 0.0830086546811799), ('fan ', 0.2889245976220991), ('of ', -0.0019682609126903117), ('their ', -0.03170132533705328), ('service ', -0.027545837001525797), ('or ', -0.030932465830119327), ('menu ', -0.013658948315423913), ('during ', -0.05890641205769498), ('breakfast', 0.02663165589910932), ('.', -0.03711843688506633), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Food is horrible!'} [('', 0.0), ('Food ', 0.14540892399963923), ('is ', 0.04474839329122915), ('horrible', -0.8784482624578231), ('!', 0.2755764304602053), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'These sandwiches scare me.....'} [('', 0.0), ('These ', 0.14141966588795185), ('sandwiches ', -0.14558810205198824), ('scare ', -0.01491194637492299), ('me', 0.581835315329954), ('.', 0.10343341901898384), ('.', -0.03814108343794942), ('.', -0.03192773042246699), ('.', -0.05293305590748787), ('.', -0.08502623066306114), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best. Cheesecake. Ever.'} [('', 0.0), ('Best', 0.41152484342455864), ('. ', 0.03537435829639435), ('Cheese', -0.17601898475550115), ('cake', 0.14659378840588033), ('. ', 0.01449599489569664), ('Ever', 0.19186457246541977), ('.', 0.09957627207040787), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': "The sandwiches are delicious! Don't forget the cheesecake."} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.007726090028882027), ('sandwiches ', -0.022476408630609512), ('are ', 0.014570829924196005), ('delicious', 0.3603389081545174), ('! ', -0.03782539442181587), ('Don', 0.027879594010300934), ("'", 0.042926600319333375), ('t ', 0.09034602926112711), ('forget ', 0.20664768276037648), ('the ', -0.0140333067975007), ('cheese', -0.03545517200836912), ('cake', 0.0015642858925275505), ('.', -0.017292138189077377), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'The worst deli food ever!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.005644034595206904), ('worst ', -0.6406129945962675), ('del', -0.10120774645611164), ('i ', 0.023798933114449028), ('food ', 0.05379307675093514), ('ever', 0.3071749352966435), ('!', 0.00951484243159939), ('!', 0.049071934961830266), ('!', 0.006184946221765131), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Huge sandwich, loved it!'} [('', 0.0), ('Huge ', 0.1873191725462675), ('sandwich', -0.13698199205100536), (', ', 0.11799998581409454), ('loved ', 0.21295329928398132), ('it', 0.16460363566875458), ('!', 0.1452324241399765), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Very Very good!! Yummy!!! Very nice service and authentic food!'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.0481127742677927), ('Very ', 0.033043031580746174), ('good', 0.12402897793799639), ('!', -0.014433149248361588), ('! ', -0.02191334217786789), ('Yu', 0.04346031881868839), ('mmy', 0.0022387048229575157), ('!', 0.05459578987210989), ('!', -0.032771699130535126), ('! ', -0.03212704882025719), ('Very ', 0.039566333522088826), ('nice ', 0.1555500157410279), ('service ', -0.022421628003939986), ('and ', -0.00515527930110693), ('authentic ', 0.12050686590373516), ('food', 0.05280963517725468), ('!', -0.006846977397799492), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Amazing food and service! Friendly staff!'} [('', 0.0), ('Amazing ', 0.14915113896131516), ('food ', 0.03472933918237686), ('and ', 0.11050207167863846), ('service', -0.011509069707244635), ('! ', 0.08204516908153892), ('Friendly ', 0.20057637244462967), ('staff', 0.14388927072286606), ('!', 0.01990249752998352), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Prepare to be underwhelmed.'} [('', 0.0), ('Prepare ', 0.3436979098187294), ('to ', 0.02827027050079778), ('be ', -0.0096490086580161), ('under', -0.3767224428593181), ('w', -0.3721760175540112), ('helm', 0.10756650264374912), ('ed', 0.0388450984028168), ('.', -0.02606059465324506), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'So sad this place is gone. :('} [('', 0.0), ('So ', -0.025394563299414585), ('sad ', -0.05561688361376582), ('this ', -0.022233483905438334), ('place ', -0.0019118307786811783), ('is ', -0.005012666379570874), ('gone', -0.09701554214734642), ('. ', -0.00021758920047432184), (':', -0.030772231773880776), ('(', -0.0483734845474828), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good eats!'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.12201757729053497), ('eats', 0.11941863596439362), ('!', 0.2354361116886139), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Yummy hummus.....'} [('', 0.0), ('Yu', 0.1701504796219524), ('mmy ', 0.04598875195370056), ('hum', -0.06807986012427136), ('mus', -0.4075790377683006), ('.', 0.07981097314041108), ('.', 0.002582777146017179), ('.', -0.028262927633477375), ('.', -0.038556737708859146), ('.', -0.03804798470810056), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': "It's just fun and I'll be back ! Very chill."} [('', 0.0), ('It', -0.017347828019410372), ("'", 0.0007767784409224987), ('s ', 0.02903201337903738), ('just ', -0.018401645414996892), ('fun ', 0.4638542140019126), ('and ', 0.03112581791356206), ('I', 0.08740936615504324), ("'", 0.010540093295276165), ('ll ', 0.10259266925277188), ('be ', 0.02797078579897061), ('back ', -0.019180069561116397), ('! ', 0.06906071049161255), ('Very ', -0.05325938109308481), ('chill', -0.10226507391780615), ('.', -0.04436735808849335), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'This place is horrible. Old, expensive, dumb. Rip off!'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', -0.025467061779636424), ('place ', 0.06305149042509584), ('is ', 0.03114136672047607), ('horrible', -0.2417982293309251), ('. ', -0.03473813975142548), ('Old', -0.046888172193121136), (', ', 0.021964764162930805), ('expensive', -0.013949217291155946), (', ', -0.006709707017762412), ('dumb', -0.04404894235995016), ('. ', -0.014647846728621516), ('Rip ', -0.043092596635688096), ('off', -0.050042697785102064), ('!', -0.010870206529943971), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Omg I love the inverter!!!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Om', -0.14691450726240873), ('g ', -0.006410418543964624), ('I ', -0.017062260420061648), ('love ', 0.8087149230996147), ('the ', -0.04643555777147412), ('in', -0.17852324317209423), ('vert', 0.13362084771506488), ('er', -0.046416180208325386), ('!', 0.03750896640121937), ('!', 0.025643372908234596), ('!', 0.003683490678668022), ('!', 0.009017273783683777), ('!', 0.03295937925577164), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Ok nothing special.'} [('', 0.0), ('Ok ', 0.31386775520513766), ('nothing ', -0.8307418475887971), ('special', 0.15127805473457556), ('.', -0.04589290014700964), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "don't be a sucker...an hour walk for one nurse shark."} [('', 0.0), ('don', 0.011724245850928128), ("'", -0.010721438098698854), ('t ', 0.07016024889890105), ('be ', 0.03301400147029199), ('a ', 0.027275951608316973), ('sucker', -0.029641943343449384), ('.', 0.001267744111828506), ('.', -0.004344777204096317), ('.', -0.006083485670387745), ('an ', 0.04044372879434377), ('hour ', -0.15740577050019056), ('walk ', 0.07150908163748682), ('for ', -0.04057958466000855), ('one ', -0.13436675467528403), ('nurse ', -0.09663559135515243), ('shark', -0.08719712391030043), ('.', -0.05321488087065518), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Unique and fun decor...great salad and dessert selections.'} [('', 0.0), ('Unique ', 0.16168970987200737), ('and ', -0.010321270674467087), ('fun ', 0.15806183964014053), ('decor', 0.010737191885709763), ('.', -0.015280116349458694), ('.', -0.02101849764585495), ('.', -0.020694583654403687), ('great ', 0.25235997000709176), ('salad ', -0.036022286396473646), ('and ', 0.048317507840693), ('dessert ', 0.04974457807838917), ('selections', 0.049381764605641365), ('.', -0.017457962036132812), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Haha Pheast!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Ha', 0.023210345243569463), ('ha ', 0.03509988711448386), ('Ph', -0.23258451197762042), ('ea', -0.07682106446009129), ('st', -0.18286473432090133), ('!', 0.11732670303899795), ('!', 0.028615734539926052), ('!', 0.040006731636822224), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Nice coaster but to pricey for the ride!'} [('', 0.0), ('Nice ', 0.4083734857849777), ('coaster ', -0.027079243678599596), ('but ', -0.08898942824453115), ('to ', 0.01783940941095352), ('price', 0.02186639280989766), ('y ', 0.14628390548750758), ('for ', 0.024225646164268255), ('the ', 0.05093821184709668), ('ride', 0.13004705496132374), ('!', 0.013203483074903488), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'restaurant is closed and not open for business anymore.'} [('', 0.0), ('restaurant ', -0.04399003367871046), ('is ', 0.035268184496089816), ('closed ', -0.13446560391457751), ('and ', 0.010944037756416947), ('not ', -0.19648196881462354), ('open ', 0.10777764696103986), ('for ', 0.01353060980909504), ('business ', 0.01147512184252264), ('anymore', -0.0886947391772992), ('.', -0.01679497204895597), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Rude no customer service at all.'} [('', 0.0), ('Rude ', -0.22904312791797565), ('no ', -0.24451357547513908), ('customer ', 0.02016702204127796), ('service ', 0.10187449787918013), ('at ', 0.04577202298969496), ('all', 0.1350034294591751), ('.', -0.10505464641028084), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Boring.'} [('', 0.0), ('Boring', -0.8286726505612023), ('.', 0.10213727835798636), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'i ended up getting my refund back. thanks'} [('', 0.0), ('i ', -0.009341966360807419), ('ended ', -0.044266064011026174), ('up ', 0.017802314192522317), ('getting ', -0.048858032540010754), ('my ', 0.011139034766529221), ('ref', -0.02893233238864923), ('und ', -0.02922752951417351), ('back', -0.022085064920247532), ('. ', 0.004741043376270682), ('thanks', 0.8442294578999281), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Closed down. Take this shit off.'} [('', 0.0), ('Closed ', -0.04293435253202915), ('down', -0.16811543673975393), ('. ', 0.0829713370767422), ('Take ', 0.11214344516338315), ('this ', 0.07182023189670872), ('shit ', -0.16438063357782084), ('off', -0.1317559646704467), ('.', -0.02787965431343764), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Ugh.'} [('', 0.0), ('U', -0.5789734124045935), ('gh', 0.01870096485799877), ('.', 0.03758554182422813), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'this place is closed'} [('', 0.0), ('this ', 0.06508419895544648), ('place ', 0.07296562517876737), ('is ', 0.013887584529584274), ('closed', -0.5644663737039082), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great portion sizes and the service was very good!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.3215245380997658), ('portion ', -0.03327072411775589), ('sizes ', 0.01734447479248047), ('and ', 0.07250907551497221), ('the ', -0.01690536644309759), ('service ', -0.09506187215447426), ('was ', -0.15947277046507224), ('very ', 0.09359608631348237), ('good', 0.39422364439815283), ('!', 0.10242389142513275), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Had the lamb. Very fatty. Slow service. Great view'} [('', 0.0), ('Had ', -0.02536682685604319), ('the ', -0.036684692197013646), ('lamb', -0.04528986816876568), ('. ', 0.005454352212836966), ('Very ', -0.004234521124089952), ('fatty', -0.0369127595131431), ('. ', 0.0024881396020646207), ('Slow ', -0.3688041162386071), ('service', -0.21108430388267152), ('. ', -0.010956644822726957), ('Great ', 0.30926573697070125), ('view', 0.051408775165327825), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best breakfast in Vegas!!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.2828429639339447), ('breakfast ', 0.06721033528447151), ('in ', 0.033286865800619125), ('Vegas', 0.13663317263126373), ('!', 0.15722841024398804), ('!', 0.0714058130979538), ('!', -0.053466469049453735), ('!', 0.034090861678123474), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'good food, loved the breakfast selection'} [('', 0.0), ('good ', 0.1568627506494522), ('food', 0.11573639512062073), (', ', 0.0902380496263504), ('loved ', 0.2250448614358902), ('the ', 0.032570675015449524), ('breakfast ', 0.05143650621175766), ('selection', 0.05153483897447586), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Stuffed French Toast.... Brunch time'} [('', 0.0), ('Stuffed ', -0.37594530370552093), ('French ', 0.09897371480474249), ('Toast', 0.233811438374687), ('.', -0.00997145683504641), ('.', 0.0008459555101580918), ('.', -0.034595939272549), ('. ', -0.004997127107344568), ('Br', 0.05800666837603785), ('un', -0.121270307834493), ('ch ', -0.08077759167645127), ('time', -0.06256109406240284), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Good not great'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.27811050627497025), ('not ', -0.6056191680399934), ('great', -0.11581539003236685), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "It's out of business. Nuff said"} [('', 0.0), ('It', 0.039301767934375675), ("'", 0.056049584611173486), ('s ', 0.02720673089788761), ('out ', -0.34961266930440615), ('of ', 0.06188161672798742), ('business', -0.10762555544715724), ('. ', 0.03641963039262919), ('Nu', -0.12423508361462154), ('ff ', -0.07902858933448442), ('said', 0.1371246437265654), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Loved everything about this place..read my tips'} [('', 0.0), ('Loved ', 0.2256951741874218), ('everything ', 0.06486095208674669), ('about ', 0.05951416399329901), ('this ', 0.15150986332446337), ('place', -0.01511565875262022), ('.', 0.14003961347043514), ('.', -0.023295477032661438), ('read ', -0.03826450929045677), ('my ', 0.012510565109550953), ('tips', 0.11945247557014227), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Tiny portions and way bland food. Skip this one altogether.'} [('', 0.0), ('Tiny ', -0.005537839327189431), ('portions ', -0.04068362881389476), ('and ', -0.01889516862684104), ('way ', 0.017696962507670833), ('bland ', -0.17354353910604914), ('food', 0.04130849798548297), ('. ', -0.007380974215266178), ('Skip ', -0.10123656716496043), ('this ', -5.812395102111623e-05), ('one ', -0.021048683885055652), ('altogether', -0.023949691884809), ('.', -0.03905426299752435), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'The BOMB wish they had one in San Diego.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.013892668852349743), ('BOMB ', -0.22414025028410833), ('wish ', -0.16543984231248032), ('they ', -0.01937826263019815), ('had ', -7.188718882389367e-05), ('one ', 0.037961813461151905), ('in ', 0.025953918244340457), ('San ', -0.024223076477937866), ('Diego', 0.11439061686542118), ('.', -0.03232395192026161), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'This place made our whole group sick.'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', -0.01070170685852645), ('place ', 0.09181269954206073), ('made ', 0.2666624180164945), ('our ', 0.18938820767471043), ('whole ', 0.0009299707580794347), ('group ', 0.04594370719314611), ('sick', -0.822103993368728), ('.', -0.03217173326993361), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Nicely organized with interesting artifacts and interactive presentations.'} [('', 0.0), ('Nicely ', 0.1440957672894001), ('organized ', 0.022496764548122883), ('with ', 0.014104439876973629), ('interesting ', 0.12741417437791824), ('artifacts ', 0.033693406730890274), ('and ', 0.018167581409215927), ('interactive ', 0.19934670440852642), ('presentations', 0.1818868573755026), ('.', -0.028189990669488907), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Brunch. Heaven.'} [('', 0.0), ('Br', 0.045777578256092966), ('un', -0.16887959244195372), ('ch', -0.07427384261973202), ('. ', 0.05770717980340123), ('Heaven', 0.8386189173907042), ('.', -0.016802439466118813), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Make reservations and get there early'} [('', 0.0), ('Make ', 0.39267070032656193), ('reservations ', -0.10747411288321018), ('and ', 0.15332715213298798), ('get ', 0.06164951529353857), ('there ', 0.28746854048222303), ('early', -0.09912684746086597), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Moderately good food. Less than I expected. Cash needed'} [('', 0.0), ('Moderately ', 0.08183260879013687), ('good ', 0.6774025530321524), ('food', 0.080024333903566), ('. ', -0.01742278109304607), ('Less ', -0.13530789732612902), ('than ', 0.037007393075327855), ('I ', 0.025405145897821058), ('expected', 0.0012051801677444018), ('. ', -0.014515699178446084), ('Cash ', -0.07242503995075822), ('needed', 0.0016849092207849026), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'simple, beautuful space inside with delicious coffee!'} [('', 0.0), ('simple', 0.17958718538284302), (', ', 0.1370891034603119), ('beau', 0.05820024153217673), ('tu', 0.06105623813346028), ('ful ', -0.07419152371585369), ('space ', 0.05917185731232166), ('inside ', 0.06907100789248943), ('with ', 0.03228869242593646), ('delicious ', 0.1648973715491593), ('coffee', -0.019717782735824585), ('!', -0.0014097653329372406), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great Coffee\\nGreat Atmosphere\\nGood Baked Goods\\nFriendly Staff\\nFun and Hip'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.46852728934027255), ('Coffee', 0.14136310282628983), ('\\', -0.08010591717902571), ('nG', 0.07296939071966335), ('rea', -0.2052879310795106), ('t ', -0.0429705671267584), ('Atmosphere', -0.0016171103343367577), ('\\', -0.08951313560828567), ('nGo', -0.13428802718408406), ('od ', -0.08865125814918429), ('Baked ', 0.026739023276604712), ('Goods', -0.05357484705746174), ('\\', -0.07983390963636339), ('n', -0.11468454747227952), ('Fr', 0.12573801790131256), ('ien', -0.08670154382707551), ('dly ', -0.09853765059961006), ('Staff', -0.0024953772313892827), ('\\', -0.04213096995372325), ('n', -0.17568422000622377), ('Fu', -0.1383768425672315), ('n ', -0.10585844658780844), ('and ', 0.12572771531995386), ('Hip', 0.27692534832749516), ('', 0.0358722471864894)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'No flavor!'} [('', 0.0), ('No ', -0.8727949004023685), ('flavor', 0.1147241297076107), ('!', 0.23532797074585687), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Service! Service! Service!\\n\\nI COULD NOT FIND ANY....'} [('', 0.0), ('Service', 0.14417213745764457), ('! ', 0.13799914652190637), ('Service', 0.007958184090966824), ('! ', 0.045660218740522396), ('Service', -0.034749957121675834), ('!', -0.0034485458600101992), ('\\', -0.03980368772226939), ('n', -0.0050676973792178615), ('\\', -0.06600979010408992), ('nI ', -0.02680853702895547), ('COULD ', -0.08563049500389752), ('NOT ', -0.16073188268092053), ('FIND ', -0.15437482838933647), ('ANY', -0.09633730495625059), ('.', -0.03493967088434147), ('.', -0.036380212142830715), ('.', -0.02611994813196361), ('.', -0.03332578644040041), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'it was ok.'} [('', 0.0), ('it ', 0.28769053518772125), ('was ', 0.05447828024625778), ('ok', 0.2887430116534233), ('.', -0.04437556862831116), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Closed. 4 good'} [('', 0.0), ('Closed', 0.13411442190408707), ('. ', 0.1494075134396553), ('4 ', 0.05916392058134079), ('good', 0.24385344237089157), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Pretty good but not Texas good.'} [('', 0.0), ('Pretty ', 0.09893242473845021), ('good ', 0.33077646661695326), ('but ', -0.064787255909323), ('not ', -0.5435604715985392), ('Texas ', 0.03062661419971846), ('good', -0.09317776154239255), ('.', -0.026836016393644968), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great food! Great service!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.10163275897502899), ('food', 0.08240409195423126), ('! ', 0.161568284034729), ('Great ', 0.2232925482094288), ('service', 0.03722120448946953), ('!', 0.08502814173698425), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Still good but a bit down from last time.'} [('', 0.0), ('Still ', 0.008743472688365728), ('good ', 0.722935960337054), ('but ', -0.23594151507131755), ('a ', -0.004066370805958286), ('bit ', -0.05592198940576054), ('down ', -0.336840196599951), ('from ', 0.10650426548090763), ('last ', 0.008062124252319336), ('time', -0.09853682829998434), ('.', -0.11371440475340933), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Not real BBQ...just over cooked meat.'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', -0.1469740134962194), ('real ', 0.04207626338393311), ('BB', -0.07009408011981577), ('Q', 0.002875352211049176), ('.', -0.014834800440439722), ('.', -0.019999292788270395), ('.', -0.01926359658682486), ('just ', -0.0861057747479208), ('over ', -0.08528753226528352), ('cooked ', 0.04296040306780924), ('meat', 0.013773830590253056), ('.', -0.031400833307998255), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'The perfect burger. Awesome BBQ! NEVER a bad meal!'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.011761194095015526), ('perfect ', 0.2034694927278906), ('burger', -0.025507362792268395), ('. ', -0.013800263404846191), ('Awesome ', 0.20621729944832623), ('BB', -0.02648617431987077), ('Q', -0.0039498993428424), ('! ', -0.022951727733016014), ('NEVER ', 0.13636027002758055), ('a ', 0.024406320504567702), ('bad ', 0.11720944420085289), ('meal', 0.03739895805483684), ('!', -0.011141173541545868), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best BBQ in all of Phoenix!'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.4229015316814184), ('BB', -0.07839154358953238), ('Q ', 0.021262616850435734), ('in ', 0.08368651010096073), ('all ', 0.14937486313283443), ('of ', 0.0468071773648262), ('Phoenix', 0.06329049915075302), ('!', 0.020227402448654175), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'BBQ Brisket is amazing'} [('', 0.0), ('BB', -0.11168288113549352), ('Q ', 0.05276638502255082), ('Brisk', -0.09126879461109638), ('et ', 0.025963567197322845), ('is ', 0.028188664466142654), ('amazing', 0.7871728166937828), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best pit BBQ'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.8568937731906772), ('pit ', -0.12550572957843542), ('BB', -0.22750819474458694), ('Q', 0.07726123556494713), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Thumbs down. Service is terrible!'} [('', 0.0), ('Thumbs ', -0.0671831906765874), ('down', -0.1607536317424092), ('. ', 0.10010500218049856), ('Service ', -0.018006816660999903), ('is ', -0.01954088598540693), ('terrible', -0.1406046124830027), ('!', 0.029997588484548032), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good staff, great drinks, good BBQ.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.14478331431746483), ('staff', 0.025371089577674866), (', ', 0.004739362746477127), ('great ', 0.14638235792517662), ('drinks', 0.0027303658425807953), (', ', 0.025443382561206818), ('good ', 0.42923499131575227), ('BB', -0.06083892402239144), ('Q', 0.010638969717547297), ('.', -0.031572382897138596), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Place is amazing.'} [('', 0.0), ('Place ', 0.27628837525844574), ('is ', 0.024976082146167755), ('amazing', 0.32970768958330154), ('.', -0.044377297163009644), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Awful. Good food poisoning.'} [('', 0.0), ('Awful', -0.3953784223558614), ('. ', 0.2813322925794637), ('Good ', 0.7602817731067262), ('food ', 0.15796463964124996), ('poisoning', -0.07524867424581316), ('.', -0.03957328755495837), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "Don't waste your money. Total crap."} [('', 0.0), ('Don', -0.008384426568227354), ("'", -0.02393760181257676), ('t ', 0.21384682509415143), ('waste ', 0.182840165340167), ('your ', -0.010719486564084946), ('money', -0.05379035090390971), ('. ', 0.039230287349710125), ('Total ', 0.01042890462485957), ('crap', -0.6169711902657582), ('.', -0.0335051469373866), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great Super Awesome Passion Fruit Margaritas!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.1829778254032135), ('Super ', 0.017581705003976822), ('Awesome ', 0.16919445618987083), ('Passion ', 0.21090088225901127), ('Fruit ', 0.03774324990808964), ('Margarita', 0.006813939660787582), ('s', 0.06793037056922913), ('!', 0.03612838685512543), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'no refills on coffee, WTF'} [('', 0.0), ('no ', -0.24787663186725695), ('ref', -0.07255251785045402), ('ill', 0.010104955924362002), ('s ', 0.07612719651660882), ('on ', 0.03182005063354154), ('coffee', -0.07238654709726688), (', ', 0.0813747018110007), ('W', -0.010479123404365964), ('TF', -0.08243155373202171), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good drinks, sometimes not so good service, but oh well.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.27303609019872965), ('drinks', 0.026536442841461394), (', ', 0.10218909759714734), ('sometimes ', 0.003439491174503928), ('not ', -0.15997091838289634), ('so ', 0.011406483674818446), ('good ', 0.07541688811716085), ('service', -0.02373999893461587), (', ', -0.005501566236489452), ('but ', -0.0713103786110878), ('oh ', -0.02053369232453406), ('well', 0.41556331398896873), ('.', -0.017709324602037668), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Closest Thing To California Mexican Food Ive Had In Arizona...'} [('', 0.0002762768417596817), ('Closest ', 0.48080362007021904), ('Thing ', -0.10452918568626046), ('To ', 0.09219332179054618), ('California ', 0.005074692046036944), ('Mexican ', 0.10343911065137945), ('Food ', -0.046296041284222156), ('Iv', -0.059656354307662696), ('e ', -0.014968651288654655), ('Had ', 0.004694862756878138), ('In ', 0.03554795170202851), ('Arizona', -0.1248120442032814), ('.', 0.017287186346948147), ('.', -0.04727369546890259), ('.', -0.10111236572265625), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Thee best red velvet I have tasted.'} [('', 0.0), ('Thee ', 0.07275249063968658), ('best ', 0.35030124336481094), ('red ', -0.05670055001974106), ('velvet ', 0.041995374485850334), ('I ', 0.1080507431179285), ('have ', 0.07719172537326813), ('tasted', 0.15951476246118546), ('.', -0.024260729551315308), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': '*4 stars* for their red velvet cupcakes =)'} [('', 0.0), ('*', 0.013313675299286842), ('4 ', 0.0955501776188612), ('stars', 0.44563576579093933), ('* ', 0.027905834838747978), ('for ', 0.012363230809569359), ('their ', 0.056864599930122495), ('red ', -0.0031031526159495115), ('velvet ', 0.04215575149282813), ('cup', 0.023639049846678972), ('cake', -0.02572348853573203), ('s ', -0.022560550831258297), ('=', -0.024006446823477745), (')', -0.04114708863198757), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "You can't go wrong here!"} [('', 0.0), ('You ', 0.13386163802351803), ('can', 0.09986929895239882), ("'", 0.13987321147578768), ('t ', 0.051695185189601034), ('go ', 0.11289226183725987), ('wrong ', 0.1835741241084179), ('here', 0.0016785229090601206), ('!', 0.005594830494374037), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good atmosphere close to everything good food too!'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.19044557958841324), ('atmosphere ', 0.07591210678219795), ('close ', 0.09021829441189766), ('to ', 0.04900718410499394), ('everything ', 0.05023472825996578), ('good ', 0.2174948107713135), ('food ', -0.030185822150087915), ('too', -0.08169678514241241), ('!', 0.15155163407325745), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best ribs in Arizona (besides my own)!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.7244346342049539), ('ribs ', -0.24372424802277237), ('in ', 0.008364383014850318), ('Arizona ', 0.049727340461686254), ('(', 0.03873729333281517), ('besides ', 0.05204007949214429), ('my ', 0.10929644771385938), ('own', -0.07831201469525695), (')', 0.052857492584735155), ('!', -0.03165321424603462), ('!', -0.016874507069587708), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'One word: PISTACHIO...\\nin all its glory...\\nno need to say more.'} [('', -0.0013128975115250796), ('One ', -0.02421030236291699), ('word', -0.03360198691370897), (': ', 0.0032106943253893405), ('PI', 0.013375671206934689), ('STA', -0.021660517197839606), ('CHIO', -0.015363499415495122), ('.', 0.008038069732720032), ('.', -0.0063847298410514165), ('.', -0.010384954712612348), ('\\', -0.05030059130189733), ('ni', -0.05924241753786595), ('n ', -0.060838939706122294), ('all ', -0.0175523344724853), ('its ', -0.026568826992944296), ('glory', 0.09574185805912647), ('.', -0.006800866711677777), ('.', -0.020047949394211173), ('.', -0.015965420519933105), ('\\', -0.03015747821579377), ('n', -0.011120311721848944), ('no ', -0.06992216703171532), ('need ', -0.07913856689992826), ('to ', -0.011992947649559937), ('say ', -0.010302382477675565), ('more', -0.028662004115176387), ('.', -0.016533246904145926), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Small menu but great selections'} [('', 0.0), ('Small ', -0.02544875373132527), ('menu ', 0.012837946647778153), ('but ', -0.13631471153348684), ('great ', 0.5530821559950709), ('selections', 0.2596806464716792), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Very good lunch buffet. All vegetarian.'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.12799799349159002), ('good ', 0.3355287006124854), ('lunch ', 0.27218479942530394), ('buffet', -0.0008138036355376244), ('. ', 0.0818136353045702), ('All ', 0.014558380469679832), ('vegetarian', -0.06915147602558136), ('.', -0.03289825655519962), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "You get your money's worth."} [('', 0.0), ('You ', 0.4886218742467463), ('get ', -0.07449373253621161), ('your ', -0.20317250327207148), ('money', -0.4029859413858503), ("'", 0.12456634058617055), ('s ', 0.06373681779950857), ('worth', 0.8069639166351408), ('.', -0.08225177670828998), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Not bad. Better than most buffets.'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', 0.2835924456376233), ('bad', 0.020485991750319954), ('. ', 0.05661935359239578), ('Better ', 0.04538673721253872), ('than ', 0.2661642376333475), ('most ', 0.03695009648799896), ('buffet', -0.02116478979587555), ('s', 0.01533128134906292), ('.', 0.009281160309910774), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "I just like the cute desserts.\\n\\nIt's around $25 per person."} [('', 0.0), ('I ', -0.012907450611237437), ('just ', 0.026161919435253367), ('like ', 0.043765112961409613), ('the ', 0.015714148510596715), ('cute ', 0.4223507099522976), ('dessert', 0.1536983192054322), ('s', -0.006322425513644703), ('.', 0.10570148861734197), ('\\', -0.02156942882963146), ('n', -0.020048662680589285), ('\\', -0.020879649450459208), ('nI', -0.01233472823514603), ('t', -0.02525595112820156), ("'", -0.011298155499389395), ('s ', -0.0005844248516950756), ('around ', -0.017859341256553307), ('$', -0.05677117427694611), ('25 ', -0.011987038684310392), ('per ', -0.025787595892325044), ('person', -0.007977403671247885), ('.', -0.010612471611239016), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Fair buffet, at best.'} [('', 0.0), ('Fair ', 0.4894985957071185), ('buffet', -0.2326241536065936), (', ', 0.09389176964759827), ('at ', 0.04790443740785122), ('best', 0.30032738111913204), ('.', -0.030438896268606186), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Too expensive! Just not a good deal...'} [('', 0.0), ('Too ', -0.08921764129900112), ('expensive', -0.06563676817222586), ('! ', 0.02407341062098567), ('Just ', -0.006375825142185931), ('not ', -0.2850568031149123), ('a ', 0.047956559706221924), ('good ', 0.19126686017614247), ('deal', -0.037701336244026606), ('.', -0.017680437853414332), ('.', -0.024619521951535717), ('.', -0.07064577199344058), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'I thought it was decent.\\n\\nFree Champlain'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', -0.03118249401450157), ('thought ', -0.02737776469439268), ('it ', -0.0702083008363843), ('was ', 0.07217941945418715), ('decent', 0.6975555489771068), ('.', 0.0340373357757926), ('\\', -0.033173165284097195), ('n', -0.04835972830187529), ('\\', 0.007879945798777044), ('n', -0.05552871408872306), ('Free ', -0.06731773330830038), ('Champ', 0.20430603972636163), ('lain', -0.08458908717148006), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'its compped.. get some.. if not? go elsewehre'} [('', 0.0), ('its ', -0.02499806151172379), ('com', -0.03953384334090515), ('pped', -0.025110390310146613), ('.', -0.021471368105267175), ('. ', -0.023084152446244843), ('get ', -0.050262829561688704), ('some', -0.029782369423628552), ('.', -0.00853873561572982), ('. ', -0.024398383175139315), ('if ', -0.013185505758883664), ('not', -0.02459255597568699), ('? ', -0.046731931950489525), ('go ', 0.0081967845762847), ('else', -0.06700338033624575), ('wehr', -0.03902772974470281), ('e', -0.017323299871350173), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great selection, satisfies all tastes. Service was attentive and friendly.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.14976891502738), ('selection', 0.003729499876499176), (', ', -0.019451525062322617), ('sat', 0.022079771384596825), ('is', 0.1324177235364914), ('fies ', -0.04716468043625355), ('all ', 0.0012268624268472195), ('tastes', 0.011143856216222048), ('. ', 0.015666073188185692), ('Service ', -0.037529402412474155), ('was ', -0.007294979877769947), ('at', 0.03378042997792363), ('ten', 0.04245883226394653), ('tive ', 0.06708859791979194), ('and ', 0.010369118303060532), ('friendly', 0.1547342650592327), ('.', 0.005178481340408325), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Awesome! Luxury at its best!'} [('', 0.0), ('Awesome', 0.201600581407547), ('! ', 0.16057345271110535), ('Luxury ', 0.12819788046181202), ('at ', 0.03773772530257702), ('its ', 0.0046453773975372314), ('best', 0.16376769542694092), ('!', 0.026902437210083008), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'One word: butler'} [('', 0.0), ('One ', 0.02014485001564026), ('word', -0.26628826186060905), (': ', 0.1371246762573719), ('butler', 0.5540840849280357), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great selection, great prices, nice people.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.275699146091938), ('selection', 0.0405518114566803), (', ', 0.040283121168613434), ('great ', 0.1333191089797765), ('prices', -0.09829810936935246), (', ', 0.08006797730922699), ('nice ', 0.25069166254252195), ('people', 0.007930389605462551), ('.', -0.01725062169134617), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'good sushi, nice atmosphere and the price is right!!!'} [('', 6.575137376785278e-07), ('good ', 0.30589299369603395), ('su', -0.00407579040620476), ('shi', 0.03866582328919321), (', ', -0.03970908746123314), ('nice ', 0.1498003676533699), ('atmosphere ', 0.012706289999186993), ('and ', -0.011513168923556805), ('the ', -0.0009989853133447468), ('price ', -0.03261753363767639), ('is ', 0.017725006386172026), ('right', 0.16421064239693806), ('!', 0.001630331389605999), ('!', 0.022953644394874573), ('!', -0.04112103581428528), ('', -2.9802322387695312e-08)] {'label': 1, 'text': "The fish didn't appear to be fresh. No warm rolls."} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.01874198587029241), ('fish ', -0.05135284319840139), ('didn', -0.13654295817377715), ("'", -0.007536325661021692), ('t ', -0.13581537268873944), ('appear ', -0.012492773774283705), ('to ', 0.04470948121706897), ('be ', -0.041854804065224016), ('fresh', 0.15411309877345047), ('. ', -0.0029565348850155715), ('No ', -0.29899923302582465), ('warm ', 0.1717149135438376), ('rolls', -0.04407424307282781), ('.', -0.036120352291618474), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Low class Italian food. Will not be back'} [('', 0.0), ('Low ', -0.36072243504168), ('class ', 0.07412142873727134), ('Italian ', 0.09665191400927142), ('food', 0.03032091430213768), ('. ', 0.02317386632785201), ('Will ', 0.17174402810633183), ('not ', -0.27406613738276064), ('be ', -0.012045523879351094), ('back', -0.029420153674436733), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Food is pretty good bit parking is a nightmare!'} [('', 0.0), ('Food ', 0.10450085328193381), ('is ', 0.09368929483753163), ('pretty ', 0.14014233990747016), ('good ', 0.4294710246304021), ('bit ', -0.1303787509441463), ('parking ', -0.19342740913998568), ('is ', -0.1306944543903228), ('a ', 0.10225441729926388), ('nightmare', -0.7144338390680787), ('!', 0.0031027953009470366), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Greasy and soggy. I have had way better pizza.'} [('', 0.0), ('Greasy ', -0.09168435571336886), ('and ', -0.012196055533422623), ('so', -0.09804065637581516), ('ggy', 0.002717770723393187), ('. ', -0.009471755751292221), ('I ', 0.004434508578924579), ('have ', -0.00012401852109178435), ('had ', 0.019612269277786254), ('way ', -0.008625609983937466), ('better ', -0.08891761414452048), ('pizza', -0.050740114087602706), ('.', -0.03919116691031377), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Love the pizza here!'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.2548695430159569), ('the ', 0.0030327346175909042), ('pizza ', 0.023665638640522957), ('here', 0.11176562309265137), ('!', 0.2706264704465866), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Fantastic everything: pizza, beer, ambience, service. The burger is exceptional.'} [('', 0.0), ('Fantastic ', 0.13984215073287487), ('everything', 0.02192287496291101), (': ', 0.023252642480656505), ('pizza', -0.015291393268853426), (', ', -0.006988905370235443), ('beer', -0.02289301878772676), (', ', -0.0026230241637676954), ('am', 0.08430217918551837), ('bie', 0.0731939200971586), ('nce', 0.010144152290498218), (', ', 0.01217077486217022), ('service', -0.034140551928430796), ('. ', -0.01730697462335229), ('The ', -0.026182381436228752), ('burger ', -0.05555527936667204), ('is ', -0.016118610743433237), ('exceptional', 0.38735398976132274), ('.', -0.024398013949394226), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Excellent food very over the top pretentious gay waiters'} [('', 0.0), ('Excellent ', 0.5427800086326897), ('food ', 0.09557374217547476), ('very ', 0.10388761782087386), ('over ', 0.04194426257163286), ('the ', 0.042765551479533315), ('top ', -0.0162108619697392), ('pre', -0.008568295364966616), ('ten', 0.02762821750366129), ('tious ', -0.03676941274898127), ('gay ', -0.13554830756038427), ('waiter', -0.02101885201409459), ('s', -0.009438930545002222), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Food is average/good\\nService very good'} [('', 0.0), ('Food ', 0.14356326684355736), ('is ', 0.08470243774354458), ('average', 0.040868498384952545), ('/', -0.043398285284638405), ('good', 0.3107779325218871), ('\\', -0.029760466306470335), ('nS', -0.03504458110546693), ('er', -0.09230063570430502), ('vic', 0.04049248615046963), ('e ', 0.0054314236040227115), ('very ', -0.007122717797756195), ('good', 0.20900289714336395), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'ahaha hahaha ahhahahah ahahaha.....\\n\\nuhhh.... no.\\n\\nNo. simply... \\n\\nyeah. no.'} [('', -0.00038539367184663815), ('ah', -0.0013574872204723458), ('aha ', -0.0013574872204723458), ('ha', -0.006518825473419081), ('ha', -0.0062546791081937655), ('ha ', -0.008831335980600367), ('ah', -0.00947752413727964), ('ha', -0.009578380318513761), ('ha', -0.004432868030077468), ('ha', -0.004417954296028863), ('h ', -0.005883482102459918), ('ah', -0.007479049665077279), ('aha', -0.009364746910675119), ('ha', -0.006304919770142684), ('.', -0.0006089539305927853), ('.', 0.0006572119283108887), ('.', 0.000723298578205603), ('.', -0.0016155895454258743), ('.', -0.0016155895454258743), ('\\', -0.02784806377674227), ('n', -0.015170224779991037), ('\\', -0.021950540203375345), ('nu', -0.02288588940934984), ('hh', -0.02288588940934984), ('h', -0.01805878062220996), ('.', -0.008945282027442856), ('.', -0.0004170277825323865), ('.', -0.00024288349959533662), ('. ', -0.012750848535991585), ('no', -0.03669887099143428), ('.', 0.006014290100817258), ('\\', -0.013427773330477066), ('n', -0.00784023517917376), ('\\', -0.013145085700671189), ('n', -0.018943056983213562), ('No', -0.029667694524202187), ('. ', -0.009068284120682318), ('simply', -0.01743212348083034), ('.', -0.007117462402675301), ('.', -0.004128618485992774), ('. ', -0.00415142098790966), ('\\', -0.014366293987092962), ('n', -0.005676537947562922), ('\\', -0.0077054507190561184), ('ny', -0.009533034338216697), ('ea', -0.011188453462507044), ('h', -0.00617597414280421), ('. ', -0.007708169628001218), ('no', -0.07585880867554806), ('.', 0.002282478759298101), ('', -0.0010742376034613699)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Phenomenal , Authentic Greek!'} [('', 0.0), ('Phenomena', 0.2659277953207493), ('l ', -0.002901975065469742), (', ', 0.08548688888549805), ('Authentic ', 0.1851850524544716), ('Greek', 0.07080773264169693), ('!', 0.08663974702358246), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great decor. Food very good.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.15347103774547577), ('decor', 0.09959079325199127), ('. ', 0.10862764716148376), ('Food ', 0.14899123460054398), ('very ', 0.028445955365896225), ('good', 0.20945558324456215), ('.', -0.02514994889497757), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good service. Offers a variety of asian cuisines.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.37899628188461065), ('service', -0.04165352787822485), ('. ', -0.0024005919694900513), ('Offers ', 0.06073639914393425), ('a ', 0.014017131179571152), ('variety ', 0.040085585322231054), ('of ', 0.04096984537318349), ('asian ', 0.038628021255135536), ('cuisine', 0.11574437003582716), ('s', 0.04500331450253725), ('.', -0.02410399168729782), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Excellent! Great food / great service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Excellent', 0.22171054780483246), ('! ', 0.14288930594921112), ('Great ', 0.16889440268278122), ('food ', 0.026726238429546356), ('/ ', -0.005487914429977536), ('great ', 0.20517654181458056), ('service', -0.005088656209409237), ('.', -0.02553558349609375), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'I expected better service from a restaraunt in the Bellagio.'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', -0.042743617843370885), ('expected ', -0.19651836177217774), ('better ', -0.1290632334712427), ('service ', -0.07734062161762267), ('from ', -0.028112847940064967), ('a ', -0.05565586173906922), ('rest', -0.0780675328860525), ('ara', 0.08203881338704377), ('unt ', -0.10752035849145614), ('in ', 0.00454827822977677), ('the ', 0.004690618370659649), ('Bella', 0.07623358634009492), ('gio', 0.15690332710801158), ('.', -0.02324637828860432), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best sushi, ever.'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.24668433517217636), ('su', -0.05244720634073019), ('shi', 0.08799058105796576), (', ', 0.10985539853572845), ('ever', 0.20398272201418877), ('.', 0.09499042108654976), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "I'm happy to see that this place has closed down!"} [('', 0.0), ('I', 0.018590130988741294), ("'", 0.021916874422458932), ('m ', -0.09670403832569718), ('happy ', 0.5477285235538147), ('to ', 0.17270294931222452), ('see ', 0.06244631158915581), ('that ', -0.061490025458624586), ('this ', 0.04425597772933543), ('place ', -0.006833682971773669), ('has ', -0.03207536647096276), ('closed ', 0.021862586785573512), ('down', -0.3056248822249472), ('!', 0.07028229592833668), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Really good sushi! Hell...really good everything!'} [('', 0.0), ('Really ', 0.049310209578834474), ('good ', 0.3677292106440291), ('su', -0.014032687060534954), ('shi', 0.0004359275335446), ('! ', -0.0035958554362878203), ('Hell', -0.07465234026312828), ('.', -0.020611034706234932), ('.', -0.023128755390644073), ('.', -0.026538580656051636), ('really ', 0.0786442095413804), ('good ', 0.17031627614051104), ('everything', 0.09477093629539013), ('!', 0.010837335139513016), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "Food was good, but that service wasn't that great."} [('', 0.0), ('Food ', 0.03575538797304034), ('was ', 0.03103409723553341), ('good', 0.2697809333476471), (', ', -0.02747790247667581), ('but ', -0.156443342079001), ('that ', 0.008405263988606748), ('service ', -0.07761750769896025), ('wasn', -0.12883070857060375), ("'", -0.02260226853104541), ('t ', -0.3227839478495298), ('that ', -0.007118754539988004), ('great', 0.06125516498286743), ('.', -0.042764146666741), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': '\\u4e0d\\u529f\\u4e0d\\u904e\\u7684\\u4e00\\u9910\\u98ef\\u3002lunch special\\u597d\\u62b5\\u98df\\uff0c\\u4eba\\u574720\\u3002\\u4e0d\\u904e\\u51fa\\u54c1\\u9ebb\\u9ebb\\uff0c\\u62c9\\u9eb5\\u6e6f\\u5e95\\u904e\\u9e79\\uff0c\\u5b8c\\u5168\\u963b\\u66ec\\u5176\\u4ed6\\u914d\\u6599D\\u9bae\\u5473\\u3002Sashimi\\u9ede\\u5497Yellowtail with jappelano?(forgot the name)\\uff0c$28\\u5b9a\\u5e7e\\u591a\\uff0c\\u597d\\u4fbf\\uff0c\\u4f46\\u5514\\u597d\\u98df\\u3002\\u6210\\u9910\\u98ef\\u6700\\u597d\\u7e6b\\u7897\\u5473\\u564c\\u6e6f........\\u7e3d\\u4e4b\\u4e00\\u53e5\\u8b1b\\u66ec\\uff0c\\u5187\\u9a5a\\u559c\\uff01'} [('', -0.0005766794701533702), ('\\', -0.0005766794701533702), ('u', -0.0005766794701533702), ('4', -0.0005766794701533702), ('e', -0.0005766794701533702), ('0', -0.0006994899978356746), ('d', -0.0006994899978356746), ('\\', -0.0006994899978356746), ('u', -0.0006994899978356746), ('52', -0.0006994899978356746), ('9', -0.000649820230275068), ('f', -0.000649820230275068), ('\\', -0.000649820230275068), ('u', -0.000649820230275068), ('4', -0.000649820230275068), ('e', -0.000649820230275068), ('0', -0.0008336877071556184), ('d', -0.0008336877071556184), ('\\', -0.0008336877071556184), ('u', -0.0008336877071556184), ('90', -0.0008336877071556184), ('4', -0.0006735415145013822), ('e', -0.0006735415145013822), ('\\', -0.0006735415145013822), ('u', -0.0006735415145013822), ('7', -0.0006735415145013822), ('6', -0.0006735415145013822), ('8', -0.0006735415145013822), ('4', -0.0006363076371065016), ('\\', -0.0006363076371065016), ('u', -0.0006363076371065016), ('4', -0.0006363076371065016), ('e', -0.0006363076371065016), ('00', -0.0006363076371065016), ('\\', -0.0006363076371065016), ('u', -0.0006260831301311351), ('9', -0.0006260831301311351), ('9', -0.0006260831301311351), ('10', -0.0006260831301311351), ('\\', -0.0006260831301311351), ('u', -0.0006260831301311351), ('9', -0.0006260831301311351), ('8', -0.0006484749797720694), ('ef', -0.0006484749797720694), ('\\', -0.0006484749797720694), ('u', -0.0006484749797720694), ('30', -0.0006484749797720694), ('0', -0.0006484749797720694), ('2', -0.00083594675001682), ('lun', -0.00083594675001682), ('ch ', -0.00083594675001682), ('special', -0.00083594675001682), ('\\', -0.00083594675001682), ('u', -0.00083594675001682), ('59', -0.00083594675001682), ('7', -0.0007766249612119482), ('d', -0.0007766249612119482), ('\\', -0.0007766249612119482), ('u', -0.0007766249612119483), ('6', -0.0007766249612119483), ('2', -0.0007766249612119483), ('b', -0.0007766249612119483), ('5', -0.0008556246079012808), ('\\', -0.0008556246079012808), ('u', -0.0008556246079012808), ('9', -0.0008556246079012808), ('8', -0.0008556246079012807), ('df', -0.0008556246079012807), ('\\', -0.0008556246079012807), ('u', -0.0008556246079012807), ('ff', -0.0008556246079012807), ('0', -0.000785086152022172), ('c', -0.000785086152022172), ('\\', -0.000785086152022172), ('u', -0.000785086152022172), ('4', -0.000785086152022172), ('eb', -0.000785086152022172), ('a', -0.000785086152022172), ('\\', -0.000785086152022172), ('u', -0.00047363984149288566), ('57', -0.00047363984149288566), ('47', -0.00047363984149288566), ('20', -0.0004736398414928857), ('\\', -0.0004736398414928857), ('u', -0.0004736398414928857), ('30', -0.0004736398414928857), ('0', -0.0004736398414928857), ('2', -0.00047363984149288566), ('\\', -0.00047363984149288566), ('u', -0.00047363984149288566), ('4', -0.0004736398414928857), ('e', -0.0004736398414928857), ('0', -0.0005513080368444619), ('d', -0.0005513080368444619), ('\\', -0.0005513080368444619), ('u', -0.0005513080368444619), ('90', -0.0005513080368444619), ('4', -0.0005513080368444619), ('e', -0.0005513080368444619), ('\\', -0.0005513080368444619), ('u', -0.0005513080368444619), ('51', -0.0006177348968185597), ('fa', -0.0006177348968185597), ('\\', -0.0006177348968185597), ('u', -0.0006177348968185597), ('54', -0.0006177348968185597), ('c', -0.0006177348968185597), ('1', -0.0005074364531553154), ('\\', -0.0005074364531553154), ('u', -0.0005074364531553154), ('9', -0.0005074364531553154), ('eb', -0.0005074364531553154), ('b', -0.0005074364531553154), ('\\', -0.0005074364531553154), ('u', -0.0005074364531553154), ('9', -0.0005258061391061965), ('eb', -0.0005258061391061965), ('b', -0.0005258061391061965), ('\\', -0.0005258061391061965), ('u', -0.0005258061391061965), ('ff', -0.0005258061391061965), ('0', -0.0005258061391061965), ('c', -0.0005258061391061965), ('\\', -0.0005258061391061965), ('u', -0.00047304449042807916), ('6', -0.00047304449042807916), ('2', -0.00047304449042807916), ('c', -0.00047304449042807916), ('9', -0.0004730444904280791), ('\\', -0.0004730444904280791), ('u', -0.0004730444904280791), ('9', -0.0004730444904280791), ('eb', -0.0004730444904280791), ('5', -0.0005974750967124299), ('\\', -0.0005974750967124299), ('u', -0.0005974750967124299), ('6', -0.0005974750967124299), ('e', -0.0005974750967124299), ('6', -0.0005974750967124299), ('f', -0.0005974750967124299), ('\\', -0.0005974750967124299), ('u', -0.0005974750967124299), ('5', -0.0005974750967124299), ('e', -0.0005974750967124299), ('9', -0.0004977269353450352), ('5', -0.0004977269353450352), ('\\', -0.0004977269353450352), ('u', -0.0004977269353450351), ('90', -0.0004977269353450351), ('4', -0.0004977269353450352), ('e', -0.0004977269353450352), ('\\', -0.0004977269353450352), ('u', -0.0004977269353450352), ('9', -0.0004977269353450352), ('e', -0.0004977269353450352), ('7', -0.0006368954418822562), ('9', -0.0006368954418822562), ('\\', -0.0006368954418822562), ('u', -0.0006368954418822562), ('ff', -0.0006368954418822562), ('0', -0.0006368954418822561), ('c', -0.0006368954418822561), ('\\', -0.0006368954418822561), ('u', -0.0006368954418822561), ('5', -0.0006368954418822561), ('b', -0.0006368954418822561), ('8', -0.0005578249369052271), ('c', -0.0005578249369052271), ('\\', -0.0005578249369052271), ('u', -0.0005578249369052271), ('51', -0.0005578249369052271), ('6', -0.0005578249369052271), ('8', -0.0005578249369052271), ('\\', -0.0005578249369052271), ('u', -0.0005320436889924421), ('9', -0.0005320436889924421), ('6', -0.0005320436889924421), ('3', -0.0005320436889924421), ('b', -0.0005320436889924421), ('\\', -0.0005320436889924421), ('u', -0.0005320436889924421), ('66', -0.00059698038833815), ('ec', -0.00059698038833815), ('\\', -0.00059698038833815), ('u', -0.00059698038833815), ('51', -0.00059698038833815), ('7', -0.00059698038833815), ('6', -0.0004079667400887228), ('\\', -0.0004079667400887228), ('u', -0.0004079667400887228), ('4', -0.00040796674008872284), ('ed', -0.00040796674008872284), ('6', -0.00040796674008872284), ('\\', -0.00040796674008872284), ('u', -0.0004998147835475252), ('9', -0.0004998147835475252), ('14', -0.000499814783547525), ('d', -0.000499814783547525), ('\\', -0.000499814783547525), ('u', -0.0007514880860100062), ('65', -0.0007514880860100062), ('9', -0.0007514880860100062), ('9', -0.0007514880860100062), ('D', -0.0007514880860100062), ('\\', -0.0007514880860100062), ('u', -0.0007514880860100062), ('9', -0.0007452977511641396), ('ba', -0.0007452977511641396), ('e', -0.0007452977511641396), ('\\', -0.0007452977511641396), ('u', -0.000564226409449064), ('54', -0.000564226409449064), ('7', -0.000564226409449064), ('3', -0.000564226409449064), ('\\', -0.000564226409449064), ('u', -0.00068235002523053), ('30', -0.00068235002523053), ('0', -0.00068235002523053), ('2', -0.0007291552965620124), ('Sas', -0.0007291552965620124), ('him', -0.0007291552965620124), ('i', -0.0007291552965620124), ('\\', -0.0007291552965620124), ('u', -0.0008234478489054491), ('9', -0.0008234478489054491), ('ede', -0.0008234478489054491), ('\\', -0.0008234478489054491), ('u', -0.0008234478489054492), ('54', -0.0008234478489054492), ('9', -0.0008234478489054492), ('7', -0.0014842522219845615), ('Ye', -0.0014842522219845615), ('llo', -0.0014842522219845617), ('wt', -0.0014842522219845617), ('ail ', -0.0014842522219845617), ('with ', -0.002121706994352635), ('ja', -0.002121706994352635), ('ppel', -0.002121706994352635), ('ano', -0.002121706994352635), ('?', -0.002121706994352635), ('(', -0.00526027051216968), ('forgot ', -0.005322498809053084), ('the ', -0.005322498809053084), ('name', -0.005322498809053084), (')', -0.005322498809053084), ('\\', -0.0017090393289592354), ('u', -0.0017090393289592354), ('ff', -0.0017090393289592354), ('0', -0.0017090393289592354), ('c', -0.0017090393289592354), ('$', -0.0017090393289592354), ('28', -0.001646083874812125), ('\\', -0.001646083874812125), ('u', -0.001646083874812125), ('5', -0.001646083874812125), ('b', -0.001646083874812125), ('9', -0.0010130557659576323), ('a', -0.0010130557659576323), ('\\', -0.0010130557659576323), ('u', -0.0010130557659576323), ('5', -0.0010130557659576323), ('e', -0.0010130557659576323), ('7', -0.00101780310517152), ('e', -0.00101780310517152), ('\\', -0.00101780310517152), ('u', -0.00101780310517152), ('59', -0.00101780310517152), ('1', -0.00101780310517152), ('a', -0.00101780310517152), ('\\', -0.00101780310517152), ('u', -0.00101780310517152), ('ff', -0.00101780310517152), ('0', -0.0007195855975549748), ('c', -0.0007195855975549748), ('\\', -0.0007195855975549748), ('u', -0.0007195855975549749), ('59', -0.0007195855975549749), ('7', -0.0007195855975549748), ('d', -0.0007195855975549748), ('\\', -0.0007195855975549748), ('u', -0.0007195855975549749), ('4', -0.0007195855975549749), ('fb', -0.0007195855975549749), ('f', -0.0007195855975549749), ('\\', -0.0007195855975549749), ('u', -0.0005693552569330981), ('ff', -0.0005693552569330981), ('0', -0.0005693552569330981), ('c', -0.0005693552569330981), ('\\', -0.0005693552569330981), ('u', -0.0005485126810416467), ('4', -0.0005485126810416467), ('f', -0.0005485126810416467), ('46', -0.0005485126810416467), ('\\', -0.0005485126810416467), ('u', -0.0005485126810416467), ('55', -0.0005485126810416467), ('14', -0.0005485126810416467), ('\\', -0.0005485126810416467), ('u', -0.0005485126810416467), ('59', -0.0005485126810416467), ('7', -0.0006681419520949324), ('d', -0.0006681419520949324), ('\\', -0.0006681419520949324), ('u', -0.0006681419520949324), ('9', -0.0006681419520949324), ('8', -0.0006681419520949324), ('df', -0.0006681419520949324), ('\\', -0.0006681419520949324), ('u', -0.0003912190411997388), ('30', -0.0003912190411997388), ('0', -0.0003912190411997388), ('2', -0.00039121904119973877), ('\\', -0.00039121904119973877), ('u', -0.0003912190411997388), ('6', -0.0003912190411997388), ('21', -0.0003912190411997388), ('0', -0.00039121904119973877), ('\\', -0.00039121904119973877), ('u', -0.0003912190411997388), ('9', -0.0003912190411997388), ('9', -0.0003912190411997388), ('10', -0.0003912190411997388), ('\\', -0.0003912190411997388), ('u', -0.0003912190411997388), ('9', -0.0003912190411997388), ('8', -0.0005044386784805786), ('ef', -0.0005044386784805786), ('\\', -0.0005044386784805786), ('u', -0.0005044386784805786), ('6', -0.0005044386784805786), ('70', -0.0005044386784805786), ('0', -0.0005044386784805786), ('\\', -0.0005044386784805786), ('u', -0.0005044386784805786), ('59', -0.0005044386784805786), ('7', -0.0005044386784805788), ('d', -0.0005044386784805788), ('\\', -0.0005044386784805788), ('u', -0.0005044386784805788), ('7', -0.0005044386784805788), ('e', -0.0005044386784805788), ('6', -0.0005044386784805788), ('b', -0.0005044386784805788), ('\\', -0.0005044386784805788), ('u', -0.0005044386784805788), ('7', -0.0005044386784805788), ('8', -0.0005044386784805788), ('9', -0.0005044386784805788), ('7', -0.0006754964226999559), ('\\', -0.0006754964226999559), ('u', -0.0006754964226999559), ('54', -0.0006754964226999559), ('7', -0.0006754964226999559), ('3', -0.0006754964226999559), ('\\', -0.0006754964226999559), ('u', -0.0006754964226999559), ('56', -0.0006754964226999559), ('4', -0.0008335286698757288), ('c', -0.0008335286698757288), ('\\', -0.0008335286698757288), ('u', -0.0008335286698757288), ('6', -0.0008335286698757288), ('e', -0.0008335286698757288), ('6', -0.0008335286698757288), ('f', -0.0008335286698757288), ('.', -0.0008335286698757288), ('.', -0.0007972517632879317), ('.', -0.0007972517632879317), ('.', -0.0007972517632879317), ('.', -0.0007972517632879317), ('.', -0.000524887941993665), ('.', -0.000524887941993665), ('.', -0.000524887941993665), ('\\', -0.0007696626993607063), ('u', -0.0007696626993607063), ('7', -0.0007696626993607063), ('e', -0.0007696626993607063), ('3d', -0.0007220647350664515), ('\\', -0.0007220647350664515), ('u', -0.0007220647350664515), ('4', -0.0007220647350664516), ('e', -0.0007220647350664516), ('4', -0.0005906122361465661), ('b', -0.0005906122361465661), ('\\', -0.0005906122361465661), ('u', -0.0005906122361465661), ('4', -0.0005906122361465661), ('e', -0.0005906122361465661), ('00', -0.0005900259220197169), ('\\', -0.0005900259220197169), ('u', -0.0005900259220197169), ('53', -0.000590025922019717), ('e', -0.000590025922019717), ('5', -0.0005460733533473322), ('\\', -0.0005460733533473322), ('u', -0.0005460733533473322), ('8', -0.0005460733533473323), ('b', -0.0005460733533473323), ('1', -0.0005460733533473322), ('b', -0.0005460733533473322), ('\\', -0.0005460733533473322), ('u', -0.0005460733533473322), ('66', -0.0007265462149464715), ('ec', -0.0007265462149464715), ('\\', -0.0007265462149464715), ('u', -0.0007265462149464717), ('ff', -0.0007265462149464717), ('0', -0.000675599253479007), ('c', -0.000675599253479007), ('\\', -0.000675599253479007), ('u', -0.000675599253479007), ('51', -0.000675599253479007), ('8', -0.000675599253479007), ('7', -0.0008696289217295979), ('\\', -0.0008696289217295979), ('u', -0.0008696289217295979), ('9', -0.0008696289217295979), ('a', -0.0008696289217295979), ('5', -0.0008676798498454427), ('a', -0.0008676798498454427), ('\\', -0.0008676798498454427), ('u', -0.0008676798498454426), ('55', -0.0008676798498454426), ('9', -0.0007905750396636148), ('c', -0.0007905750396636148), ('\\', -0.0007905750396636148), ('u', -0.0009413553883917152), ('ff', -0.0009413553883917152), ('01', -0.0009413553883917152), ('', -0.0009413553883917152)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'This restaurant is closed.'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', 0.2328872065700125), ('restaurant ', 0.2031916640335112), ('is ', -0.06332070483040297), ('closed', -0.6619548724411288), ('.', -0.04527862655231729), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Very good for with large portions. Worth the money.'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.0663759708404541), ('good ', 0.3920235028490424), ('for ', 0.025258862413465977), ('with ', 0.06557551398873329), ('large ', 0.08375333249568939), ('portions', -0.02777109295129776), ('. ', 0.16220573708415031), ('Worth ', 0.26022164383903146), ('the ', -0.02026099432259798), ('money', -0.23642995348200202), ('.', -0.10498791933059692), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great Food \\nNice Service\\nHosts were Great!!!'} [('', 8.932314813137054e-06), ('Great ', 0.1585286718327552), ('Food ', 0.1814235778292641), ('\\', 0.058529227622784674), ('n', -0.09247449609780839), ('Nic', 0.038093334074559), ('e ', -0.0032201339238478494), ('Service', -0.03353922621463425), ('\\', -0.00203541363007389), ('nH', -0.015031532704597339), ('ost', -0.057742527074879035), ('s ', -0.01976332551566884), ('were ', -0.0606760113441851), ('Great', 0.42140865212422796), ('!', 0.03401040396420285), ('!', -0.022257134318351746), ('!', -0.033969029784202576), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Bland'} [('', 0.0), ('Bland', -0.9329953505657613), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good breakfast. Fast service. Nice dining room.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.1531662754714489), ('breakfast', 0.026385996490716934), ('. ', 0.015172317624092102), ('Fast ', 0.10374949919059873), ('service', -0.0054307845421135426), ('. ', 0.05523033067584038), ('Nice ', 0.2695732500869781), ('dining ', 0.152436786564067), ('room', -0.04188851127400994), ('.', -0.031487878412008286), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Mmmmm breakfast taquitos!'} [('', 0.0), ('Mmm', 0.10289320908486843), ('mm ', -0.1443521101027727), ('breakfast ', 0.17675047740340233), ('ta', 0.3639093288293225), ('qui', -0.20066842297819676), ('tos', 0.1984393633902073), ('!', 0.21769386529922485), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Love the A1 burger good onion rings also good service'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.23516137711703777), ('the ', -0.02910660021007061), ('A1 ', -0.020304694771766663), ('burger ', -0.022562346886843443), ('good ', 0.21148385060951114), ('onion ', -0.025917560793459415), ('rings ', -0.0004680221900343895), ('also ', 0.09563875943422318), ('good ', 0.30235784500837326), ('service', -0.04945477843284607), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best dim sum in Vegas!'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.4736444899463095), ('dim ', -0.6160905956930947), ('sum ', 0.09254461285308935), ('in ', 0.15371898002922535), ('Vegas', 0.27331230230629444), ('!', 0.3076933063566685), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great Dim Sum!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.15477413350890856), ('Dim ', -0.8974865539348684), ('Sum', 0.0532147389894817), ('!', 0.2777193047659239), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'cheap and good...'} [('', 0.0), ('cheap ', -0.2655789117616223), ('and ', 0.13138891830931243), ('good', 0.8390759596950375), ('.', 0.025952541171136545), ('.', 0.012172333896160126), ('.', -0.052995942533016205), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Very tasty food. Good soups. Fair prices'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.009415645152330399), ('ta', 0.3117686751065776), ('sty ', 0.02050359977874905), ('food', 0.009497163351625204), ('. ', -0.014759659767150879), ('Good ', 0.39386022137477994), ('soup', -0.03870560007635504), ('s', -0.013203699956648052), ('. ', 0.026772713288664818), ('Fair ', 0.03280876204371452), ('prices', -0.07191483676433563), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'P.S. Dollar sushi has been extended to Sundays as well!'} [('', 0.0), ('P', 0.008268911391496658), ('.', -0.03218071535229683), ('S', 0.013007357716560364), ('. ', -0.056313201785087585), ('Dollar ', -0.34631822584196925), ('su', -0.08855833986308426), ('shi ', 0.05540415633004159), ('has ', 0.24238044244702905), ('been ', -0.10089802404399961), ('extended ', 0.09314633859321475), ('to ', -0.00490954564884305), ('Sundays ', -0.07194420439191163), ('as ', -0.19217627425678074), ('well', 0.5993956481106579), ('!', 0.21529747918248177), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Below average sushi and service. Above average price.'} [('', 0.0), ('Below ', -0.5713501691352576), ('average ', -0.015986492624506354), ('su', -0.10593741689808667), ('shi ', -0.03103575366549194), ('and ', 0.09297046903520823), ('service', -0.029248664272017777), ('. ', 0.07354317104909569), ('Above ', 0.3599713920557406), ('average ', 0.04624929002602585), ('price', -0.06525530631188303), ('.', -0.065034672152251), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Closed???? Fail.'} [('', 0.0), ('Closed', 0.006598892490728758), ('?', -0.05672059612697922), ('?', -0.04080540514041786), ('?', -0.03220259454610641), ('? ', -0.04914463333261665), ('Fail', -0.08751806417785701), ('.', -0.01640299016071367), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "i'm so sad this place closed! :("} [('', 0.0), ('i', 0.0002764013888736372), ("'", 0.016545625848266354), ('m ', 0.016058854428592895), ('so ', -0.019622039384557866), ('sad ', -0.13192569921693575), ('this ', -0.016424812721652415), ('place ', -0.10963483279101638), ('closed', 0.01716115298859222), ('! ', -0.0038957770502747735), (':', -0.04223378501046682), ('(', -0.059776505557238124), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Yup'} [('', 0.0), ('Yu', 0.2197515070438385), ('p', 0.05057242512702942), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'All in all its just fun pizza.'} [('', 0.0), ('All ', -0.020158912986516953), ('in ', 0.18035304360091686), ('all ', 0.1706008594483137), ('its ', -0.010839975904673338), ('just ', -0.12434217194095254), ('fun ', 0.7062614148017019), ('pizza', -0.15306339948438108), ('.', -0.01960816979408264), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Not the best Italian food I have have.'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', -0.8049766425101552), ('the ', -0.01493336522980826), ('best ', 0.17892433834640542), ('Italian ', 0.10689244790955854), ('food ', 0.04153482314541179), ('I ', 0.09120618239376199), ('have ', 0.065319683440066), ('have', 0.07776457998261321), ('.', -0.02829319804732222), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best Italian food in the valley!'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.19698262214660645), ('Italian ', 0.07689373195171356), ('food ', 0.09727592766284943), ('in ', 0.08092659339308739), ('the ', 0.11797192320227623), ('valley', 0.1102113202214241), ('!', 0.04315921664237976), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Friendly staff and great food. They also use Belly.'} [('', 0.0), ('Friendly ', 0.33394182845950127), ('staff ', 0.010953610762953758), ('and ', 0.017506251111626625), ('great ', 0.31788446102291346), ('food', 0.0404102997854352), ('. ', 0.0034149494022130966), ('They ', -0.06582478852942586), ('also ', 0.1154376738704741), ('use ', -0.10455821407958865), ('Belly', 0.023796794470399618), ('.', -0.027101438492536545), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Everything here is great, enough said.'} [('', 0.0), ('Everything ', 0.14965401589870453), ('here ', -0.09877893282100558), ('is ', -0.02807081723585725), ('great', 0.49415587820112705), (', ', 0.10488703846931458), ('enough ', 0.03666812181472778), ('said', 0.11610029637813568), ('.', -0.04533810913562775), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Coffee is OK, people nice. Always desolate,though.'} [('', 0.0), ('Coffee ', -0.0015805881703272462), ('is ', 0.12572274435660802), ('OK', 0.17082243112963624), (', ', -0.008625557529740036), ('people ', 0.013474704144755378), ('nice', 0.43056672930833884), ('. ', 0.07139752566581592), ('Always ', 0.02912286353239324), ('des', -0.05929207041481277), ('olate', -0.06706681634386769), (',', -0.021799143112730235), ('though', -0.05195420660311356), ('.', -0.022681704780552536), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great service great coffee'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.19856420904397964), ('service ', 0.04759960249066353), ('great ', 0.15046777203679085), ('coffee', 0.1899043172597885), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Nice environment. Good coffee. No wifi.'} [('', 0.0), ('Nice ', 0.3138464321709762), ('environment', 0.1020515775635431), ('. ', 0.0342659064262989), ('Good ', 0.40209203659105697), ('coffee', -0.0006590422672161367), ('. ', -0.007451251243765), ('No ', -0.06150239970884286), ('wi', -0.0340443960740231), ('fi', -0.02590993363992311), ('.', -0.03307862736983225), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Their fresh pressed coffee is really good.'} [('', 0.0), ('Their ', -0.000805143266916275), ('fresh ', 0.4150224016048014), ('pressed ', -0.057642216328531504), ('coffee ', 0.00500157754868269), ('is ', 0.019039281643927097), ('really ', 0.05553318187594414), ('good', 0.3183087334036827), ('.', -0.02518998086452484), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Perfect ambiance- Fantastic for date night.'} [('', 0.0), ('Perfect ', 0.17360880970954895), ('am', 0.09272670652717352), ('bian', 0.08681729156523943), ('ce', -0.0045810602605342865), ('- ', 0.0027136607095599174), ('Fantastic ', 0.27681809943169355), ('for ', 0.00488680973649025), ('date ', 0.049066382460296154), ('night', 0.046351767145097256), ('.', -0.03148235008120537), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Simply a bad place. Owner has no clue. Very aloff.'} [('', 0.0), ('Simply ', -0.03511142735624162), ('a ', 0.10804170956680537), ('bad ', -0.23776423809931657), ('place', -0.009748016000230564), ('. ', -0.03384725249998155), ('Owner ', -0.017351855447031994), ('has ', -0.007077882329667773), ('no ', -0.043380722754136514), ('clue', -0.02102731403783764), ('. ', -0.019888800798071316), ('Very ', -0.027011993814085145), ('al', -0.019122625546970085), ('off', -0.0343400224751349), ('.', -0.01852563797001494), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Awesome hike. Great cardio. incredible view.'} [('', 0.0), ('Awesome ', 0.16633285116404295), ('hike', -0.0008598370477557182), ('. ', 0.011197805404663086), ('Great ', 0.19577665254473686), ('card', -0.01873186184093356), ('io', -0.005939409602433443), ('. ', 0.0006857849657535553), ('incredible ', 0.317456616088748), ('view', 0.06245831958949566), ('.', -0.031452830880880356), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Rocky with a breathtaking view at the top.'} [('', 0.0), ('Rocky ', -0.04840896651148796), ('with ', -0.08396757580339909), ('a ', 0.10740031860768795), ('breath', 0.14288918022066355), ('taking ', 0.06008857395499945), ('view ', 0.12390779424458742), ('at ', 0.03901662211865187), ('the ', 0.07678653858602047), ('top', 0.2702912874519825), ('.', 0.008889561519026756), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Cafe food perfect for seniors.'} [('', 0.0), ('Cafe ', 0.24437352269887924), ('food ', 0.16861607506871223), ('perfect ', 0.21378907933831215), ('for ', 0.11221479624509811), ('seniors', -0.034157197922468185), ('.', -0.013864424079656601), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'The atmosphere and the staff are amazing!'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.024776041507720947), ('atmosphere ', 0.2388952597975731), ('and ', 0.08738309890031815), ('the ', 0.03694623149931431), ('staff ', 0.11494897119700909), ('are ', -0.05364749953150749), ('amazing', 0.2550823427736759), ('!', 0.024906039237976074), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Lousy food, lousy service, at least the prices were high.'} [('', 0.0), ('Lou', -0.11142155108973384), ('sy ', -0.04685854961280711), ('food', 0.010430493803141871), (', ', 0.02157873403848498), ('lou', -0.08961157543672016), ('sy ', -0.0213267680228455), ('service', -0.040364752763707656), (', ', 0.02810626923746895), ('at ', -0.0035302782998769544), ('least ', -0.06326049185736338), ('the ', 0.007742033099930268), ('prices ', -0.090055129105167), ('were ', -0.07736290378670674), ('high', 0.074885716298013), ('.', -0.02927247344632633), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Too country for my taste'} [('', 0.0), ('Too ', -0.7215512765396852), ('country ', 0.04888578144891653), ('for ', 0.11579846801760141), ('my ', 0.05279660798260011), ('taste', 0.16891999074141495), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Highly mediocre food.'} [('', 0.0), ('Highly ', 0.1880239197780611), ('med', -0.4812896960756916), ('io', 0.07886960609539528), ('cre ', -0.38131190725107444), ('food', 0.30733145090925973), ('.', -0.02003847221203614), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great beer specials.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.5021854639053345), ('beer ', -0.07470976933836937), ('specials', 0.20339175686240196), ('.', -0.04431647062301636), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good salad. Fast.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.23598278686404228), ('salad', -0.0017329789698123932), ('. ', 0.10494599491357803), ('Fast', 0.3331202268600464), ('.', -0.008377596735954285), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good simple pizzas and salads at good prices. Friendly staff'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.19292896101251245), ('simple ', 0.0013896864838898182), ('pizza', -0.03088102862238884), ('s ', -0.00199334230273962), ('and ', 0.017636997625231743), ('salad', -0.008238685317337513), ('s ', 0.009320641867816448), ('at ', -0.0064428451005369425), ('good ', 0.18858949490822852), ('prices', -0.0493097985163331), ('. ', -0.0007948866114020348), ('Friendly ', 0.28125061094760895), ('staff', 0.01592157781124115), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Support your local bookstore! Changing hands is amazing!'} [('', 0.0), ('Support ', 0.35870636999607086), ('your ', 0.039314498542807996), ('local ', 0.06542441470082849), ('bookstore', -0.1438982707913965), ('! ', 0.0019239932298660278), ('Changing ', 0.21145530510693789), ('hands ', -0.03676080051809549), ('is ', -0.08076213672757149), ('amazing', 0.2820075452327728), ('!', -0.0004800334572792053), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "Decent food. I'd go back for quick Asian food."} [('', 0.0), ('Decent ', 0.7303719772025943), ('food', 0.06319502042606473), ('. ', -0.020771259907633066), ('I', 0.000733329332433641), ("'", -0.023992018890567124), ('d ', -0.03642610216047615), ('go ', 0.045753514976240695), ('back ', -0.1281893552513793), ('for ', -0.04385379084851593), ('quick ', -0.11630328698083758), ('Asian ', 0.12690527620725334), ('food', 0.007774285273626447), ('.', -0.03392313001677394), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Meh'} [('', 0.0), ('Me', 0.2116900086402893), ('h', 0.0406152606010437), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'LOVE. enough said.'} [('', 0.0), ('LOVE', 0.23833145946264267), ('. ', 0.12835266441106796), ('enough ', 0.20759492367506027), ('said', 0.12207893282175064), ('.', -0.032338544726371765), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'This place is gone....'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', 0.04702381471724948), ('place ', 0.15621422843105393), ('is ', 0.05746887433997472), ('gone', -0.4918652227970597), ('.', 0.03629369189729914), ('.', 0.002782633211609209), ('.', -0.036274012596550165), ('.', -0.04191444635944208), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Love the cilantro margaritas, patio, and live music.'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.344772738404572), ('the ', -0.00811797846108675), ('ci', -0.009065636666491628), ('lan', 0.017116775503382087), ('tro ', -0.04290569992735982), ('margarita', -0.016889827325940132), ('s', 0.010253028944134712), (', ', -0.0016820654273033142), ('patio', 0.044174687936902046), (', ', 0.009188955649733543), ('and ', 0.007162164896726608), ('live ', 0.14918971620500088), ('music', 0.09079987369477749), ('.', -0.010513663291931152), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'closed!'} [('', 0.0), ('closed', 0.1311342716217041), ('!', 0.14155632257461548), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Loveeeeee the potstickers with brown rice! perfect simple meal'} [('', 0.0), ('Love', 0.32999254181049764), ('ee', -0.11866795527748764), ('ee', -0.049696116242557764), ('e ', 0.03951773000881076), ('the ', 0.07030631531961262), ('pots', -0.07736325438600034), ('tick', -0.03883790515828878), ('ers ', 0.011588116874918342), ('with ', 0.024501013453118503), ('brown ', -0.044416692457161844), ('rice', -0.09813212789595127), ('! ', 0.09867459116503596), ('perfect ', 0.24839085713028908), ('simple ', 0.04140949621796608), ('meal', 0.12990648299455643), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Excellent service and the food was great.'} [('', 0.0), ('Excellent ', 0.3278539851307869), ('service ', -0.012090042233467102), ('and ', 0.04889119416475296), ('the ', 0.01749143935739994), ('food ', 0.0250698272138834), ('was ', -0.018364702817052603), ('great', 0.365777553524822), ('.', -0.02535426616668701), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': "just like every other PF Chang's - which is OK."} [('', 0.0), ('just ', 0.007986832410097122), ('like ', 0.2203809623606503), ('every ', 0.060858483891934156), ('other ', 0.0051894038915634155), ('P', 0.0050929756835103035), ('F ', -0.029796035028994083), ('Chang', 0.012787805870175362), ("'", 0.012944274581968784), ('s ', -0.004929444752633572), ('- ', 0.005842716433107853), ('which ', -0.008518924005329609), ('is ', 0.019766432233154774), ('OK', 0.3119875406846404), ('.', -0.036084145307540894), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'High prices, watery mustard and stale buns'} [('', 0.0), ('High ', 0.14552129409639747), ('prices', -0.12707149331617984), (', ', 0.1824683987579192), ('watery ', -0.17307799473201158), ('mustard ', -0.09463175209384644), ('and ', 0.04530064436403336), ('stale ', -0.1508068946095591), ('bun', -0.12363347316204454), ('s', 0.009477017243625596), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "awful. don't bother."} [('', 0.0), ('awful', -0.2524401065566053), ('. ', 0.11243404171909788), ('don', 0.006175844239805883), ("'", -0.0372214290428019), ('t ', -0.022593535964915645), ('bother', -0.06465847801700875), ('.', -0.017894991613502498), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Your average magic show. I was not impressed.'} [('', 0.0), ('Your ', 0.1804849796462804), ('average ', -0.16599276970373467), ('magic ', 0.18726876840810291), ('show', 0.0017849670548457652), ('. ', 0.10246408259263262), ('I ', 0.00976768770487979), ('was ', -0.035769375768722966), ('not ', -0.7319004786986625), ('impressed', 0.1877641969040269), ('.', -0.033436376543249935), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Nice venue. Friendly staff.'} [('', 0.0), ('Nice ', 0.15624475479125977), ('venue', 0.0788375735282898), ('. ', 0.110680490732193), ('Friendly ', 0.19940810464322567), ('staff', 0.1724696960300207), ('.', -0.026526015251874924), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "Over-rated. Won't recommend nor come back again."} [('', 0.0), ('Over', -0.3077127284850576), ('-', 0.026572154372843215), ('rated', 0.10884871067901258), ('. ', -0.032000301478547044), ('Won', 0.08798069873955683), ("'", -0.04873376092291437), ('t ', -0.0885599019638903), ('recommend ', 0.10307136666233419), ('nor ', -0.15703987292363308), ('come ', 0.03851220027081581), ('back ', -0.04627382166199823), ('again', -0.046315076820974355), ('.', -0.027576695869356627), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'My favorite seafood buffet in VEgas'} [('', 0.0), ('My ', -0.012007329612970352), ('favorite ', 0.32224504835903645), ('seafood ', 0.054467665031552315), ('buffet ', -0.009187083691358566), ('in ', 0.08412463590502739), ('VEgas', 0.24771222472190857), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best seafood buffet in Vegas.'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.2515895366668701), ('seafood ', 0.11703784018754959), ('buffet ', 0.09935944527387619), ('in ', 0.02776872180402279), ('Vegas', 0.2525222208350897), ('.', -0.05766771361231804), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'the place has gone downhill'} [('', 0.0), ('the ', 0.1022822980194178), ('place ', 0.21540902346896473), ('has ', -0.017051244136382593), ('gone ', -0.31752346494977246), ('downhill', -0.31874930375124677), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Good food, good ambiance, awesome service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.2718273289501667), ('food', 0.07797341421246529), (', ', -0.016805745661258698), ('good ', 0.08323523588478565), ('am', 0.053136353846639395), ('bian', 0.037185054272413254), ('ce', -0.00691591901704669), (', ', 1.9300729036331177e-05), ('awesome ', 0.2024556314572692), ('service', -0.01845404412597418), ('.', -0.01759061962366104), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best best place to eat and drinks.'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.16772575676441193), ('best ', 0.15600094106048346), ('place ', 0.012880207039415836), ('to ', 0.08851759508252144), ('eat ', 0.14166542515158653), ('and ', 0.09585505723953247), ('drinks', 0.12477503716945648), ('.', -0.06008027493953705), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Food is pretty good. Service is totally fine.'} [('', 0.0), ('Food ', -0.030676528811454773), ('is ', 0.04898155527189374), ('pretty ', 0.09729693783447146), ('good', 0.22862403839826584), ('. ', 0.0043378472328186035), ('Service ', -0.03697808110155165), ('is ', -0.011008666129782796), ('totally ', -0.026791094249347225), ('fine', 0.45461687064380385), ('.', -0.03149106726050377), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': '$2 Jameson shots.\\n\\nThe beer menu is pretty good.'} [('', 0.0), ('$', -0.09655629238113761), ('2 ', 0.009466451010666788), ('Jameson ', -0.006457316572777927), ('shots', -0.0699319327250123), ('.', -0.03167566750198603), ('\\', -0.036288348375819623), ('n', -0.02290183410514146), ('\\', -0.02942333067767322), ('nT', 0.004557977430522442), ('he ', 0.007534976699389517), ('beer ', -0.023636278929188848), ('menu ', -0.007078335271216929), ('is ', -0.019002780260052532), ('pretty ', 0.03087301953928545), ('good', 0.8611112979706377), ('.', -0.01917151326779276), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great selection, great staff!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.1779848411679268), ('selection', 0.08330083638429642), (', ', 0.0842573493719101), ('great ', 0.14294440299272537), ('staff', 0.11776251345872879), ('!', 0.08488158881664276), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Terrible...'} [('', 0.0), ('Terrible', -0.673900320642133), ('.', 0.19335860868523014), ('.', 0.11186702940176474), ('.', -0.0444086126080947), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'small and noisy'} [('', 0.0), ('small ', -0.3146202991192695), ('and ', 0.06153971891035326), ('noisy', -0.2690701824030839), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Not bad. Authentic Jalisco style. I would come back.'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', 0.1987836476218945), ('bad', 0.17501140164313256), ('. ', -0.0051689352840185165), ('Authentic ', 0.17011715471744537), ('Ja', -0.009094406384974718), ('lis', -0.004489936865866184), ('co ', 0.02527062175795436), ('style', 0.11643838044255972), ('. ', 0.0766808157786727), ('I ', -0.045161765068769455), ('would ', 0.016751743853092194), ('come ', 0.13008776912465692), ('back', -0.1351164490915835), ('.', -0.12782270088791847), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'One of the best indian food I ever had.'} [('', 0.0), ('One ', -0.00504525750875473), ('of ', 0.03961050510406494), ('the ', 0.008260034024715424), ('best ', 0.11994746699929237), ('indian ', 0.0722612701356411), ('food ', 0.07623690832406282), ('I ', 0.07613966893404722), ('ever ', 0.16815674072131515), ('had', 0.17135073663666844), ('.', -0.029991360381245613), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Very Good Food!! It tastes great!! Along with great service!'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.03296490199863911), ('Good ', 0.09653475508093834), ('Food', 0.02974862791597843), ('!', -0.017199203372001648), ('! ', -0.02559654787182808), ('It ', 0.012341881869360805), ('tastes ', 0.05279118777252734), ('great', 0.12297131959348917), ('!', -0.020541401579976082), ('! ', -0.0617215670645237), ('Along ', 0.013728925492614508), ('with ', 0.01721328916028142), ('great ', 0.35240084561519325), ('service', -0.022793114883825183), ('!', -0.015221208333969116), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'FYI: This location is closed as of 9/23/08.'} [('', 0.0), ('F', -0.04194293940963689), ('YI', -0.01775130741589237), (': ', -0.030313817849673796), ('This ', -0.03571169487986481), ('location ', -0.0484834187082015), ('is ', 0.008168322121491656), ('closed ', -0.08620185879408382), ('as ', -0.03567007087985985), ('of ', -0.0025245375727536157), ('9', -0.014445705426624045), ('/', -0.03918874375631276), ('23', -0.00958524569250585), ('/', -0.03332967895039474), ('08', -0.019322941785503644), ('.', -0.02540574606973678), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Expensive, long wait & just ok food.'} [('', 0.0), ('Expensive', -0.15286071738228202), (', ', 0.023036061320453882), ('long ', -0.03513971499342006), ('wait ', -0.2675353867089143), ('& ', 0.16256532863189932), ('just ', 0.06545140389061999), ('ok ', 0.6103506440704223), ('food', 0.3140825425798539), ('.', -0.010937682818621397), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "The most disgusting meal I've ever had in my life!!"} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.02417662471998483), ('most ', 0.05486891725377063), ('disgusting ', -0.8401865692394495), ('meal ', 0.0341840127366595), ('I', 0.013401212054304779), ("'", -0.008153528906404972), ('ve ', 0.03752601204905659), ('ever ', 0.043712585931643844), ('had ', -0.08231171983061358), ('in ', 0.07623531477293), ('my ', 0.048041983449365944), ('life', 0.23995496245333925), ('!', 0.02746367803774774), ('!', -0.045155709609389305), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Best Late night Ox tail soup in downtown Las Vegas'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.6038566972129047), ('Late ', -0.008570881909690797), ('night ', 0.05420359771233052), ('Ox ', -0.054931240156292915), ('tail ', -0.09287996916100383), ('soup ', -0.11986153270117939), ('in ', -0.021454916102811694), ('downtown ', 0.17632774263620377), ('Las ', 0.012802772223949432), ('Vegas', 0.14661958813667297), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "Can't say much about the Steelers, but U2 was fantastic."} [('', 0.0), ('Can', -0.04182403338018048), ("'", -0.09336858114147617), ('t ', -0.1808273457500036), ('say ', 0.05917042477449286), ('much ', 0.004396964159241179), ('about ', 0.03509343948371679), ('the ', 0.017179303499688103), ('Steelers', 0.021666475187885226), (', ', -0.02886053890688345), ('but ', -0.07909916964126751), ('U2 ', -0.006548609724632115), ('was ', 0.045643916417247965), ('fantastic', 0.8526031430628791), ('.', -0.02178404115693411), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Regal Manor Twin you rock!'} [('', 0.0), ('Regal ', 0.18273834884166718), ('Manor ', 0.06677073240280151), ('Twin ', 0.09524784982204437), ('you ', 0.20740744471549988), ('rock', 0.05368262529373169), ('!', 0.08524829149246216), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Tony the Owner is Very friendly ;-)'} [('', 0.0), ('Tony ', 0.12294314056634903), ('the ', 0.06307335384190083), ('Owner ', 0.014686426147818565), ('is ', 0.04496849700808525), ('Very ', -0.012321889400482178), ('friendly ', 0.46938855992630124), (';', -0.04263232322409749), ('-', 0.0306733138859272), (')', 0.021952491253614426), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'my favorite market ever'} [('', 0.0), ('my ', 0.0439964160323143), ('favorite ', 0.34244364593178034), ('market ', -0.07183332089334726), ('ever', 0.27162428200244904), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'PF Changs stinks. Lousy food, lousy drinks, lousy service.'} [('', 0.0), ('P', -0.003638873089585104), ('F ', -0.03910029775761359), ('Chang', -0.0012625087160813564), ('s ', -0.018497707872938918), ('stink', -0.14934019823567724), ('s', -0.009381304902944976), ('. ', -0.018481795168554527), ('Lou', -0.028552734111751004), ('sy ', -0.009442997849570626), ('food', -0.013327624930449625), (', ', -0.01115402898631146), ('lou', -0.03776768484067361), ('sy ', -0.0051110678327859205), ('drinks', -0.006921914872236812), (', ', -0.008323656752054376), ('lou', -0.06742970442246587), ('sy ', -0.012330511954132817), ('service', -0.028230742211235338), ('.', -0.012283890760954819), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'perfect for family lunch on sabbaths! my fav.!!! :D'} [('', 0.0), ('perfect ', 0.40981070324778557), ('for ', -0.016152995405718684), ('family ', 0.1364028553944081), ('lunch ', 0.1659024558030069), ('on ', 0.05687535903416574), ('sabbath', -0.11998125567333773), ('s', -0.01126201165607199), ('! ', 0.14525597169995308), ('my ', -0.03655924182385206), ('fa', 0.02420816896483302), ('v', 0.02000280423089862), ('.', -0.11272469162940979), ('!', -0.013539664447307587), ('!', -0.008421139791607857), ('! ', -0.036537161096930504), (':', -0.06157480925321579), ('D', -0.0037593916058540344), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Super expensive and the waiter is not nice at all.'} [('', 0.0), ('Super ', 0.11922476264226134), ('expensive ', -0.05217019021438318), ('and ', 0.12606305445660837), ('the ', -0.09955076788537554), ('waiter ', -0.006749219090124825), ('is ', -0.045658175124117406), ('not ', -0.5978395138481574), ('nice ', 0.2750611161800407), ('at ', -0.018295698989277298), ('all', 0.007095470609783661), ('.', -0.040702065594814485), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Slow uncaring service'} [('', 0.0), ('Slow ', -0.1657690760184778), ('un', -0.2195079613775306), ('car', 0.04666727989024366), ('ing ', 0.009373780972964596), ('service', -0.006314704398391768), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Order the ravioli they are amazing'} [('', 0.0), ('Order ', -0.0013920590281486511), ('the ', -0.02035512775182724), ('ravi', 0.11113861110061407), ('oli ', -0.0360875865444541), ('they ', 0.16229619085788727), ('are ', 0.12753120809793472), ('amazing', 0.380305714905262), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Lots of fun. Great Chicago food....'} [('', 0.0), ('Lots ', -0.0311275334097445), ('of ', 0.05397514277137816), ('fun', 0.37597389169968665), ('. ', -0.00443960539996624), ('Great ', 0.28879371425136924), ('Chicago ', 0.12205242132768035), ('food', -0.0028701787814497948), ('.', -0.013713926076889038), ('.', -0.03515462763607502), ('.', -0.039918141439557076), ('.', -0.0475018285214901), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'excellent!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('excellent', 0.08190319314599037), ('!', 0.07805699482560158), ('!', 0.14944545179605484), ('!', 0.2771685868501663), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great meal, love the twice baked potatoes.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.25225361809134483), ('meal', 0.0645470879971981), (', ', 0.0403052493929863), ('love ', 0.37729439325630665), ('the ', 0.028570421040058136), ('twice ', 0.011408826801925898), ('baked ', -0.009995942935347557), ('potatoes', -0.022349706385284662), ('.', -0.029034335166215897), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Great food and beverages, but indifferent service'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.16763872382580303), ('food ', 0.04943176018423401), ('and ', 0.04832079942570999), ('beverages', 0.028703849828161765), (', ', 0.07931095029198332), ('but ', -0.09335285634733737), ('indifferent ', -0.4869773417885881), ('service', -0.04432837458443828), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Amazing food!'} [('', 0.0), ('Amazing ', 0.1215309202671051), ('food', 0.11993151903152466), ('!', 0.23542991280555725), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Caffeine was needed.\\n\\nStarbucks was there.'} [('', 0.0), ('Caf', 0.18834218475967646), ('fe', 0.12816803064197302), ('ine ', -0.0653441846370697), ('was ', -0.00027958914870396256), ('needed', -0.3413394534145482), ('.', 0.051684817182831466), ('\\', -0.09739688597619534), ('n', -0.020297116017900407), ('\\', -0.05722812458407134), ('nS', -0.1719460071180947), ('tar', -0.08268001588294283), ('buck', -0.02129033801611513), ('s ', -0.022271207068115473), ('was ', 0.02039124700240791), ('there', 0.1242448294069618), ('.', 0.05471421591937542), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great food! Great service! The bacon waffles are amazing.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.11709409393370152), ('food', 0.031620243564248085), ('! ', -0.0027070455253124237), ('Great ', 0.19365057349205017), ('service', -0.021526306867599487), ('! ', -0.026334352791309357), ('The ', -0.01982845226302743), ('bacon ', -0.03177092457190156), ('wa', -0.020842783502303064), ('ffle', -0.011948531144298613), ('s ', -0.0018968870863318443), ('are ', -0.015378248877823353), ('amazing', 0.41258289851248264), ('.', -0.019158906303346157), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Chicken and waffles. Go Hungry. Go NOW!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Chicken ', -0.058149260585196316), ('and ', 0.3005943988682702), ('wa', -0.007995809573912993), ('ffle', -0.17315940812113695), ('s', 0.06933849782217294), ('. ', 0.01385446428321302), ('Go ', -0.05210465792333707), ('Hungry', -0.1540057747042738), ('. ', -0.009215447003953159), ('Go ', 0.16712459395057522), ('NOW', 0.006915957637829706), ('!', 0.25384016503812745), ('!', 0.11805817822460085), ('!', -0.1185343861579895), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Wild menu..huge portions .. Just ok.'} [('', 0.0), ('Wild ', 0.05915132584050298), ('menu', 0.008507195394486189), ('.', 0.06408434361219406), ('.', -0.02895081788301468), ('huge ', 0.1555908815935254), ('portions ', -0.014982263557612896), ('.', 0.0834518950432539), ('. ', -0.021921582520008087), ('Just ', -0.02176156686618924), ('ok', 0.4140119538642466), ('.', -0.031198879703879356), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good good food! Huge plates!'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.12211485207080841), ('good ', 0.07729342579841614), ('food', 0.04487811028957367), ('! ', 0.13462558388710022), ('Huge ', 0.3623894499614835), ('plates', -0.061320056207478046), ('!', 0.04344736039638519), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Man vs Food!!!!!!!!! Huge portions'} [('', 0.0), ('Man ', 0.03591903066262603), ('vs ', -0.40622511866968125), ('Food', -0.09319532394874841), ('!', -0.0471117296256125), ('!', 0.018951554433442652), ('!', 0.020935488399118185), ('!', 0.02484472480136901), ('!', 0.043163132620975375), ('!', 0.05567004042677581), ('!', 0.07229576469399035), ('!', 0.030818432802334428), ('! ', 0.09132959390990436), ('Huge ', 0.5172128325793892), ('portions', 0.052457405952736735), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Yummmm...'} [('', 0.0), ('Yu', 0.29168210981879383), ('mm', -0.09128447982948273), ('mm', -0.4470188405830413), ('.', 0.029855796601623297), ('.', 0.001201358623802662), ('.', -0.07530595175921917), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Wonderful for the portions and prices!\\nDelicious biscuits and gravy.'} [('', 0.0), ('Wonderful ', 0.8823228433029726), ('for ', -0.010678834019927308), ('the ', -0.010530551109695807), ('portions ', -0.010284377029165626), ('and ', -0.01421234686858952), ('prices', -0.05063888581935316), ('!', -0.0279040519380942), ('\\', -0.019129838170816323), ('n', -0.15014171827559558), ('Del', 0.09168269880839423), ('icio', -0.037317532087659595), ('us ', -0.02138849275278127), ('biscuits ', -0.0028879293406914386), ('and ', -0.0032816960176985177), ('gr', -0.06037662795279175), ('av', 0.01987898477818817), ('y', -0.03239577612839639), ('.', -0.012099824380129576), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'big platters of tasteless food.'} [('', 0.0), ('big ', -0.0016383891925215721), ('platt', 0.25982054191990755), ('ers ', 0.08375482252449729), ('of ', 0.014645684976130724), ('taste', 0.14355520573008107), ('less ', -0.7567800466276822), ('food', 0.03592913324246183), ('.', -0.016823554295115173), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Incredible food, ginormous portions, great service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Incredible ', 0.2721410430967808), ('food', 0.0780392624437809), (', ', -0.016688592731952667), ('gin', -0.025013282400323078), ('or', 0.01860523599316366), ('mous ', -0.04024727601790801), ('portions', -0.014804712496697903), (', ', -0.00011580251157283783), ('great ', 0.3276338786818087), ('service', 0.0837140535004437), ('.', -0.01720163132995367), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'love the large portions'} [('', 0.0), ('love ', 0.24884194880723953), ('the ', 0.06987791135907173), ('large ', 0.16207729652523994), ('portions', 0.10577909648418427), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "Most over rated restaurant I've been to."} [('', 0.0), ('Most ', 0.4186613857746124), ('over ', -0.42418801155872643), ('rated ', 0.1076781009323895), ('restaurant ', 0.2770665667485446), ('I', 0.12835230771452188), ("'", 0.029366728849709034), ('ve ', -0.0053224326111376286), ('been ', -0.020622418262064457), ('to', 0.24144594138488173), ('.', -0.06092379614710808), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'great food, huge portion sizes!'} [('', 0.0), ('great ', 0.16204648464918137), ('food', 0.12136442214250565), (', ', 0.0972217321395874), ('huge ', 0.21878043748438358), ('portion ', -0.011491658166050911), ('sizes', 0.07426760345697403), ('!', 0.06123839318752289), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'amazing!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('amazing', 0.0819178856909275), ('!', 0.07805416360497475), ('!', 0.1494467630982399), ('!', 0.27716924250125885), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Comfort food, big portions nothing special.'} [('', 0.0), ('Comfort ', 0.21952475181024056), ('food', 0.08071938015928026), (', ', 0.07849399346741848), ('big ', 0.028155071438959567), ('portions ', -0.12672432291219593), ('nothing ', -0.454026886876818), ('special', 0.003431282875681063), ('.', -0.07080458107520826), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Ridiculously large portions'} [('', 0.0), ('Ridiculous', -0.7697793158877175), ('ly ', 0.09118351197685115), ('large ', 0.22380697849439457), ('portions', 0.0444295410416089), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "Too much food *Maybe that's a good thing*"} [('', 0.0), ('Too ', -0.38882229414593894), ('much ', -0.13575922413292574), ('food ', -0.08151358192117186), ('*', 0.05376107248594053), ('Maybe ', -0.23819886645651422), ('that', 0.03255934915978287), ("'", 0.04128893487904861), ('s ', 0.05692718272621278), ('a ', 0.062444916693493724), ('good ', 0.2894063135609031), ('thing', -0.02136662631528452), ('*', 0.005952173902187496), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Huge portions! Great service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Huge ', 0.1098458468914032), ('portions', 0.017643392086029053), ('! ', 0.21680888533592224), ('Great ', 0.3545373324304819), ('service', 0.01863381452858448), ('.', -0.026358958333730698), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'AWESOME FOOD!!! Plates are enough to share.'} [('', 0.0), ('AWESOME ', 0.24002694338560104), ('FOOD', 0.05081675201654434), ('!', 0.04394826292991638), ('!', 0.01887790486216545), ('! ', -0.005629982799291611), ('Plates ', -0.05455945781432092), ('are ', 0.011726271593943238), ('enough ', 0.13747735909419134), ('to ', 0.1726859583868645), ('share', 0.102562002139166), ('.', -0.05188068561255932), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Love this place the chicken and waffles rock!!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.4030159185640514), ('this ', -0.014698273269459605), ('place ', 0.0023922643158584833), ('the ', 0.004705982166342437), ('chicken ', -0.11238005419727415), ('and ', 0.02465295000001788), ('wa', 0.010446702828630805), ('ffle', -0.0792999875266105), ('s ', 0.039607015904039145), ('rock', 0.2074781833216548), ('!', 0.100149299018085), ('!', -0.0005532093346118927), ('!', 0.007410477846860886), ('!', -0.009388349950313568), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'The kiwi watermelon lemonade. omg.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.008180076256394386), ('ki', -0.035882874857634306), ('wi ', 0.022055246867239475), ('water', 0.011568372778128833), ('mel', -0.02328213391592726), ('on ', 0.00041192397475242615), ('lemon', 0.11512416752520949), ('ade', 0.029850629856809974), ('. ', -0.031677233637310565), ('om', -0.3892457743640989), ('g', 0.04878632095642388), ('.', -0.06782559910789132), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'very good.. huge plates!!'} [('', 0.0), ('very ', 0.04646394029259682), ('good', 0.2307669036090374), ('.', 0.0903998464345932), ('. ', 0.065398670732975), ('huge ', 0.3164892343338579), ('plates', -0.07499315752647817), ('!', 0.034513773396611214), ('!', 0.020235300064086914), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Tasty and huge portions.'} [('', 0.0), ('Ta', 0.40074826288037), ('sty ', -0.10858791577629745), ('and ', 0.07791976630687714), ('huge ', 0.3171230871230364), ('portions', 0.028202394023537636), ('.', -0.02426273748278618), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great food and large portions!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.14961490780115128), ('food ', 0.12910715490579605), ('and ', 0.07048456370830536), ('large ', 0.19238388538360596), ('portions', -0.00017820298671722412), ('!', 0.1497354358434677), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'great food and the portions are large and in charge'} [('', 0.0), ('great ', 0.18175001814961433), ('food ', 0.06947213038802147), ('and ', 0.06442254781723022), ('the ', -0.010567963123321533), ('portions ', -0.01653679832816124), ('are ', 0.0337214395403862), ('large ', 0.04221339896321297), ('and ', 0.023827359080314636), ('in ', 0.10303755104541779), ('charge', 0.20558464527130127), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'huge portions. interesting drinks. decent service.'} [('', 0.0), ('huge ', 0.08553528971970081), ('portions', -0.058968981727957726), ('. ', 0.14348822459578514), ('interesting ', 0.16196199133992195), ('drinks', 0.017107155174016953), ('. ', 0.013520114123821259), ('decent ', 0.4034855142235756), ('service', -0.021539855748414993), ('.', -0.031615231186151505), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'excellent place for breakfast.'} [('', 0.0), ('excellent ', 0.37857525050640106), ('place ', 0.1581171602010727), ('for ', 0.07289579510688782), ('breakfast', 0.09929764270782471), ('.', -0.04486700892448425), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Awesomeness. Pure Awesomness.'} [('', 0.0), ('Awesome', 0.37009880878031254), ('ness', -0.07554889656603336), ('. ', 0.10127827525138855), ('Pure ', 0.3304329998791218), ('Awe', 0.25386335083749145), ('som', -0.20858906803186983), ('ness', -0.025304033420979977), ('.', -0.016991257667541504), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'great food'} [('', 0.0), ('great ', 0.13674333691596985), ('food', 0.13639941811561584), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Too much food and not tasty!,'} [('', 0.0), ('Too ', -0.21779300531125045), ('much ', -0.04345206231755583), ('food ', 0.08019009121107956), ('and ', 0.057596798813392525), ('not ', -0.3324742513041201), ('ta', 0.15118299222876885), ('sty', 0.04605775975278448), ('!', 0.010970411267408053), (',', -0.03891097006999189), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'best food and biggest portions in las vegas'} [('', 0.0), ('best ', 0.218520175665617), ('food ', 0.09808526560664177), ('and ', 0.04879689961671829), ('biggest ', 0.1846714150160551), ('portions ', -0.013123339042067528), ('in ', 0.00984998419880867), ('las ', 0.034705717116594315), ('vegas', 0.14775432646274567), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great breakfast A+ service'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.18782862275838852), ('breakfast ', 0.055821966379880905), ('A', 0.09505749866366386), ('+ ', 0.30011171102523804), ('service', 0.02513234317302704), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Way more Hype than quality and taste.'} [('', 0.0), ('Way ', 0.07763492410595063), ('more ', -0.003995856357505545), ('H', -0.20761429572667112), ('ype ', -0.3108504889132746), ('than ', -0.21409626562308404), ('quality ', 0.03995051511810743), ('and ', 0.08796612139849458), ('taste', 0.25170671508385567), ('.', -0.006783356344385538), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'amazingly delicious! awesome every time!'} [('', 0.0), ('amazingly ', 0.09961771965026855), ('delicious', 0.10829098522663116), ('! ', 0.15383099019527435), ('awesome ', 0.19544808566570282), ('every ', 0.1509837657213211), ('time', -0.011617794632911682), ('!', 0.026894524693489075), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': '(Breakfast) No turkey products :( Not everyone eats pork.'} [('', 0.0), ('(', -0.02392068604240194), ('Breakfast', 0.040085965127218515), (') ', 0.0063084111316129565), ('No ', -0.1301444350319798), ('turkey ', -0.060815989279944915), ('products ', -0.01723331116954796), (':', -0.0009480589942540973), ('( ', -0.02090220188256353), ('Not ', -0.06248829219839536), ('everyone ', -0.027999456360703334), ('eats ', 0.005100849150039721), ('pork', -0.05881801457871916), ('.', -0.03388367407023907), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "Great food, definitely lives up to it's reputation"} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.26784196123480797), ('food', 0.08227501437067986), (', ', -0.01665882021188736), ('definitely ', 0.16103271441534162), ('lives ', 0.09885721327736974), ('up ', 0.07426991825923324), ('to ', 0.06573508633300662), ('it', 0.04180802369955927), ("'", 0.026059287250973284), ('s ', -0.01129165687598288), ('reputation', -0.12387264519929886), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Gluttony. Huge portions but the taste is just underwhelming.'} [('', 0.0), ('G', 0.012532854603705346), ('lu', -0.10512405997178575), ('tton', -0.07972590773169941), ('y', -0.01770018408751639), ('. ', -0.028797235332604032), ('Huge ', 0.04983968361890826), ('portions ', -0.04432945227047943), ('but ', 0.0064519419981176425), ('the ', 0.021829916868227883), ('taste ', 0.05531806023827812), ('is ', 0.009597906757335295), ('just ', -0.0266861003710801), ('under', -0.09107480804868828), ('w', -0.21952844272800576), ('helm', 0.05746006454592134), ('ing', 0.007389339113615279), ('.', -0.06865311182264122), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Decent place for chicken strips. Fast, friendly service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Decent ', 0.3820413714274764), ('place ', 0.01809376059100032), ('for ', 0.010084804613143206), ('chicken ', -0.042018795385956764), ('strips', -0.030074306298047304), ('. ', -0.005264487583190203), ('Fast', 0.022465385496616364), (', ', 0.051106907427310944), ('friendly ', 0.2536461306735873), ('service', 0.007953484542667866), ('.', -0.0023424625396728516), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Love this place...'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.37161135766655207), ('this ', 0.2884464272065088), ('place', 0.033871546504087746), ('.', 0.03851388208568096), ('.', 0.011777691543102264), ('.', -0.05307721346616745), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Out of yellowtail ! Out of snapper ! Wtf ?'} [('', 0.0), ('Out ', 0.014492049522232264), ('of ', 0.00824287737486884), ('yellow', -0.05373994915862568), ('tail ', -0.018557986564701423), ('! ', 0.030566860921680927), ('Out ', -0.02133354204124771), ('of ', -0.08112233385327272), ('snap', 0.036188157682772726), ('per ', 0.02542286436073482), ('! ', -0.13370704499538988), ('W', -0.051117333059664816), ('tf ', -0.052700182830449194), ('?', -0.0864426022162661), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'The view was excellent\\nFood was good\\nService was less than ok...'} [('', -0.002136108811100712), ('The ', -0.02196894760345458), ('view ', -0.005599282474577194), ('was ', -0.034313825683057075), ('excellent', 0.44511673058168527), ('\\', -0.00928876284870057), ('n', -0.016474918547343502), ('Fo', -0.024320565947588572), ('od ', -0.02160811410928242), ('was ', 0.04011274796946617), ('good', 0.1719719220404624), ('\\', -0.007692805085320114), ('nS', -0.028902626355245178), ('er', -0.026965168412841325), ('vic', 0.0017659658998517053), ('e ', 0.0017659658998517053), ('was ', -0.19505846798165294), ('less ', -0.34079436679348873), ('than ', -0.11071777915094572), ('ok', -0.11149120704249071), ('.', -0.07519413994305069), ('.', -0.04667593166232109), ('.', -0.04690704122185707), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great view and atmosphere. The best espresso martinis.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.177376389503479), ('view ', 0.0392535924911499), ('and ', 0.009726475924253464), ('atmosphere', 0.049061644822359085), ('. ', 0.029693186283111572), ('The ', -0.016595646739006042), ('best ', 0.3580871131271124), ('es', 0.018876288319006562), ('press', -0.026259795995429158), ('o ', 0.0032623177394270897), ('martini', -0.002564815804362297), ('s', -0.011814823374152184), ('.', -0.01863495633006096), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Nice selection of fish, pasta, salads.\\nFriendly and attentive employees/servers.'} [('', 0.0), ('Nice ', 0.5499105681665242), ('selection ', 0.07772895231028087), ('of ', 0.04806955807725899), ('fish', -0.051966591738164425), (', ', 0.05753905652090907), ('pasta', 0.003244897350668907), (', ', 0.022362479008734226), ('salad', 0.0413365118826429), ('s', -0.021706439865132172), ('.', -0.00777857502301534), ('\\', -0.0378751921467483), ('n', -0.08214085784275085), ('Fr', 0.038959301286377014), ('ien', -0.028107410203665494), ('dly ', -0.04223264371976256), ('and ', 0.036969178705476224), ('at', 0.03380354682546264), ('ten', 0.03653032914250313), ('tive ', 0.05275958297230924), ('employees', -0.07047078909818083), ('/', -0.008340336033143103), ('servers', -0.13487115781754255), ('.', -0.017315804259851575), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Always great food, and always excellent service!'} [('', 0.0), ('Always ', 0.05664999410510063), ('great ', 0.16969886794686317), ('food', 0.06537576764822006), (', ', 0.06475517898797989), ('and ', 0.04034643620252609), ('always ', 0.1060602474026382), ('excellent ', 0.18677348969504237), ('service', 0.020230711437761784), ('!', 0.0031318068504333496), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good stuff. Def worth trying out.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.30855078995227814), ('stuff', 0.11858010292053223), ('. ', 0.12766329944133759), ('Def ', -0.017770973965525627), ('worth ', 0.3058473765850067), ('trying ', -0.03899878007359803), ('out', -0.029358719242736697), ('.', -0.045256465673446655), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'The deal and food were awesome.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.12053216248750687), ('deal ', 0.06674621254205704), ('and ', 0.09018804132938385), ('food ', 0.1300287852063775), ('were ', -0.10591336619108915), ('awesome', 0.45950484462082386), ('.', -0.03765878826379776), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'This review is for both the restaurant and nightclub.\\n\\nYum!'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', -0.05610748566687107), ('review ', 0.15879159362521023), ('is ', 0.07409060571808368), ('for ', 0.09642467799130827), ('both ', 0.17840565845835954), ('the ', 0.05769032728858292), ('restaurant ', 0.031261352356523275), ('and ', 0.12823138246312737), ('nightclub', -0.05119488248601556), ('.', 0.044267759658396244), ('\\', -0.006390060763806105), ('n', 0.05877158651128411), ('\\', 0.044127095490694046), ('nYu', -0.16855719755403697), ('m', -0.07434274698607624), ('!', -0.07998728333041072), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Wonderful food in a relaxed friendly area'} [('', 0.0), ('Wonderful ', 0.18577279150485992), ('food ', 0.14879219979047775), ('in ', 0.027363739907741547), ('a ', 0.06184105575084686), ('relaxed ', 0.11924748122692108), ('friendly ', 0.1700112372636795), ('area', 0.010416314005851746), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'amazing food, good drinks, great service, beautiful setting'} [('', 0.0), ('amazing ', 0.2719896174967289), ('food', 0.0778653658926487), (', ', -0.016829736530780792), ('good ', 0.07743919640779495), ('drinks', 9.961426258087158e-05), (', ', 0.005765728652477264), ('great ', 0.0977475456893444), ('service', -0.011221252381801605), (', ', -0.003287229686975479), ('beautiful ', 0.16422856971621513), ('setting', 0.0022725053131580353), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Outstanding food quality and customer service by the waiter.'} [('', 0.0), ('Outstanding ', 0.2243615984916687), ('food ', 0.010996438562870026), ('quality ', 0.18464445322752), ('and ', 0.12601976189762354), ('customer ', -0.00026322389021515846), ('service ', 0.05173642886802554), ('by ', 0.040921482257544994), ('the ', 0.056391235906630754), ('waiter', -0.005396380089223385), ('.', 0.007495963480323553), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'A decent Asian buffet with a huge selection.'} [('', 0.0), ('A ', 0.07533418387174606), ('decent ', 0.20739759132266045), ('Asian ', 0.07630158588290215), ('buffet ', 0.01177760073915124), ('with ', 0.058144140522927046), ('a ', 0.09561542375013232), ('huge ', 0.14462225465103984), ('selection', 0.07143349852412939), ('.', -0.027712557464838028), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'nice shopping area with good places to eat'} [('', 0.0), ('nice ', 0.19860577583312988), ('shopping ', 0.062099866569042206), ('area ', 0.1039154902100563), ('with ', 0.009171497076749802), ('good ', 0.1174306683242321), ('places ', 0.020851424895226955), ('to ', 0.06548324320465326), ('eat', 0.15172238647937775), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Quick, cheap, tons of food, but terrible tasting'} [('', 0.0), ('Quick', 0.03989689872832969), (', ', 0.07009328540880233), ('cheap', -0.29665045034198556), (', ', 0.04527008121658582), ('tons ', -0.06049312630057102), ('of ', -0.013885264306736644), ('food', -0.021855302053154446), (', ', -0.004209449922200292), ('but ', -0.027223066543228924), ('terrible ', -0.3126316170382779), ('tasting', 0.25438329446478747), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Cool place. Went here for my friends ASU Graduation ceremony.'} [('', 0.0), ('Cool ', 0.32849970646202564), ('place', 0.007624765858054161), ('. ', -0.010098420083522797), ('Went ', 0.02488514594733715), ('here ', -0.0007289443165063858), ('for ', 0.03526119701564312), ('my ', 0.03366120904684067), ('friends ', 0.16323076747357845), ('AS', -0.015621843049302697), ('U ', -0.05264780134893954), ('Graduation ', 0.016635469859465957), ('ceremony', 0.11113718221895397), ('.', -0.03263008967041969), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Meh pretty good'} [('', 0.0), ('Me', 0.24765265733003616), ('h ', 0.026111163198947906), ('pretty ', 0.1488688811659813), ('good', 0.1639404520392418), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'OK sandwiches served by real life Beavis and Buttheads'} [('', 0.0), ('OK ', 0.26972546288743615), ('sandwiches ', 0.016531882109120488), ('served ', 0.058215194614604115), ('by ', -0.009104996803216636), ('real ', 0.24097522522788495), ('life ', 0.21116432780399919), ('Bea', -0.006679756799712777), ('vis ', 0.021226136712357402), ('and ', -0.0031187599524855614), ('Butt', -0.0790213798172772), ('heads', -0.058223279658704996), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best BBQ ever. Go here and thank me later.'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.38995606917887926), ('BB', -0.05354794196318835), ('Q ', -0.009318953496403992), ('ever', 0.013108337298035622), ('. ', -0.02664082497358322), ('Go ', 0.0924654109403491), ('here ', -0.0053388094529509544), ('and ', 0.04811886325478554), ('thank ', 0.1971024319063872), ('me ', 0.05615899874828756), ('later', -0.04627498099580407), ('.', -0.02852049469947815), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "Always delicious. Don't miss the homemade root beer!"} [('', 0.0), ('Always ', 0.07373582199215889), ('delicious', 0.2549050860106945), ('. ', -0.013250485062599182), ('Don', 0.03042884303977189), ("'", 0.014268186589106335), ('t ', 0.06515330227193772), ('miss ', 0.10503087862525717), ('the ', -0.012234277030074736), ('homemade ', 0.04227919830009341), ('root ', -0.02101492276415229), ('beer', 0.01657979190349579), ('!', 0.07141147740185261), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Kind of bland food. Hard veggie burger. Again, bland.'} [('', 0.0), ('Kind ', 0.08416625571044278), ('of ', -0.05966150093036049), ('bland ', -0.24261337470534272), ('food', 0.03474340601496806), ('. ', -0.03239598863729043), ('Hard ', -0.04479893410280056), ('ve', -0.0059234396208012186), ('gg', -0.0006665073478870909), ('ie ', -0.005169922780169145), ('burger', -0.031032701406729757), ('. ', -0.012502268293246743), ('Again', -0.02218029742289218), (', ', -0.008878247848770116), ('bland', -0.0707750589481293), ('.', -0.014342786771521787), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Hamburger so so, onion rings burnt'} [('', 0.0), ('Hamburger ', -0.1954941520380089), ('so ', -0.02697755778353894), ('so', 0.015471564016479533), (', ', 0.0873383964644745), ('onion ', -0.194263101904653), ('rings ', 0.15573879389557987), ('burnt', -0.11505598248913884), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great happy hour!! awesome food!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.1506466530263424), ('happy ', 0.1451794169843197), ('hour', 0.00873979926109314), ('!', 0.051951102912425995), ('! ', 0.029482562094926834), ('awesome ', 0.24889103416353464), ('food', 0.05932088475674391), ('!', 0.015718549489974976), ('!', 0.003094404935836792), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great food, not ideal to watch a basketball game.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.39698320502066053), ('food', 0.20808367975405417), (', ', 0.22588684488437138), ('not ', -0.3978307899651554), ('ideal ', 0.07603276026384265), ('to ', 0.07540422964120808), ('watch ', 0.13167893811078102), ('a ', 0.02721043588644534), ('basketball ', -0.016502837714142515), ('game', -0.03906990910763852), ('.', -0.025039945503522176), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Friendly service and delicious ice cream!'} [('', 0.0), ('Friendly ', 0.2888386454433203), ('service ', 0.014444643631577492), ('and ', 0.05835007131099701), ('delicious ', 0.2948712231591344), ('ice ', 0.019810481928288937), ('cream', 0.020234037190675735), ('!', 0.026891425251960754), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Really great shaved ice here.'} [('', 0.0), ('Really ', 0.14417491666972637), ('great ', 0.7805032087489963), ('shaved ', -0.13510723505169153), ('ice ', -0.1398821324110031), ('here', 0.06715496256947517), ('.', -0.026339706033468246), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Cold eggs. Crappy sevice. Rude manager. NEVER AGAIN!!!!'} [('', -1.4341963681848333e-06), ('Cold ', -0.0581503098688548), ('eggs', -0.03874370268370816), ('. ', -0.011226375124351762), ('Crap', -0.042801740742334005), ('py ', -0.010007910068679848), ('se', -0.005133984507324385), ('vic', -0.0060317109397374224), ('e', -0.027039150224709374), ('. ', -0.022070029920541856), ('Rude ', -0.27845275919253254), ('manager', -0.023112529648187774), ('. ', -0.03128613813350967), ('NEVER ', 0.034961961881435855), ('AGAIN', 0.07938759656872207), ('!', 0.004934901263368374), ('!', -0.008839724452627706), ('!', -0.0018168290607718518), ('!', -0.023539965204690816), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Cheap for vegas. Quality is on level with dennys'} [('', 0.0), ('Cheap ', -0.7024811318260618), ('for ', -0.03339662210055394), ('vegas', 0.09884987142140744), ('. ', -0.011948013678193092), ('Quality ', 0.06799866484652739), ('is ', -0.05069117776292842), ('on ', 0.13611588854109868), ('level ', 0.11715884448494762), ('with ', 0.060722573136445135), ('denny', -0.011714598862454295), ('s', 0.005228583933785558), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'The healthy veggie omelet was really bad.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.0003755016623472329), ('healthy ', 0.32246369950735243), ('ve', -0.010829795092831773), ('gg', 0.005146568461896095), ('ie ', -0.009644257137551904), ('om', -0.07078387401179498), ('ele', 0.04949485897577688), ('t ', -0.027101895946543664), ('was ', 0.03389731269180629), ('really ', 0.08537593501114316), ('bad', -0.720044690206123), ('.', -0.0307011827644601), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': '1.Cheap\\n2.Creative\\n3.Good service\\n4. The food was has always been good.'} [('', 9.182695066556334e-07), ('1', 0.008686741566634737), ('.', 0.007775011792546138), ('Cheap', -0.30058424040616954), ('\\', -0.04067446093249601), ('n', -0.008533728378824889), ('2', -0.008917244337499141), ('.', -0.013078763597877695), ('Creative', 0.010597503004828469), ('\\', -0.020753208006499334), ('n', -0.01757192088989541), ('3', -0.005528619699180126), ('.', -0.0009618875745218247), ('Good ', 0.1821773163974285), ('service', 0.021728153653384652), ('\\', 0.0005685375290340744), ('n', -0.008562768969568424), ('4', -0.006234069165657274), ('. ', -0.007155434272135608), ('The ', -0.017472711275331676), ('food ', -0.02056804287713021), ('was ', -0.037717922357842326), ('has ', -0.021312484983354807), ('always ', 0.18810418533394113), ('been ', -0.05093025782844052), ('good', 0.6710843740729615), ('.', -0.020563405938446522), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "This place was terrible. There aren't even words..."} [('', 0.0), ('This ', -0.01699891940370435), ('place ', 0.004711077568572364), ('was ', -0.008876240533936652), ('terrible', -0.11867978454756667), ('. ', -0.031981992742657894), ('There ', -0.028612014181817358), ('aren', -0.007593636863248321), ("'", -0.012626730753027005), ('t ', -0.020906746257423947), ('even ', -0.03959522358582035), ('words', -0.019297471191748627), ('.', -0.015955597879838024), ('.', -0.027260335271421354), ('.', -0.07232340787595604), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Poor food, long wait for service!!!! Stay away.'} [('', 0.0), ('Poor ', -0.1203770035335765), ('food', 0.034310910168642295), (', ', -0.021592812565359054), ('long ', -0.04650740241322637), ('wait ', -0.07367544536373316), ('for ', 0.029420149022371334), ('service', 0.015603053344420914), ('!', -0.027300755220494466), ('!', -0.0032746197193773696), ('!', -0.0023150912038545357), ('! ', -0.013597787994513055), ('Stay ', -0.03780558791186195), ('away', -0.10548670967909857), ('.', -0.04330647525421227), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Love the mason jar margaritas....yum'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.8485778404865414), ('the ', -0.006159491429571062), ('mason ', 0.002427555329632014), ('jar ', -0.03809968230780214), ('margarita', -0.03191200376022607), ('s', 0.029861461487598717), ('.', -0.010364494286477566), ('.', -0.016617383575066924), ('.', -0.028556609293445945), ('.', -0.027804268989712), ('yu', -0.0773930512368679), ('m', -0.01679375022649765), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Really good, cost effective specials and the steak was amazing'} [('', 0.0), ('Really ', 0.09883743897080421), ('good', 0.2510794587433338), (', ', -0.016791217029094696), ('cost ', -0.10256368760019541), ('effective ', 0.1197727108374238), ('specials ', -0.018151327967643738), ('and ', 0.055628854781389236), ('the ', 0.018576839473098516), ('steak ', 0.0006264583207666874), ('was ', -0.007782417582347989), ('amazing', 0.26681356807239354), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Excellent, friendly service. Really make you feel at home.'} [('', 0.0), ('Excellent', 0.16889989748597145), (', ', -0.010208036750555038), ('friendly ', 0.19222197914496064), ('service', -0.024946896824985743), ('. ', -0.01113424077630043), ('Really ', 0.00861872173845768), ('make ', 0.051153821870684624), ('you ', 0.19786718115210533), ('feel ', 0.10964993759989738), ('at ', -0.0254735485650599), ('home', -0.013213921803981066), ('.', -0.016136628575623035), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'terrible bar! way too loud!'} [('', 0.0), ('terrible ', -0.21327072548410797), ('bar', -0.07645855902046605), ('! ', 0.1528358959731122), ('way ', 0.0625449034932899), ('too ', -0.1705777576089531), ('loud', -0.05777427735483798), ('!', 0.026491434069612296), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Food is ok but service sucks. Dont bother.'} [('', 0.0), ('Food ', 0.00044350646203383803), ('is ', 0.17208405549172312), ('ok ', 0.2570033104275353), ('but ', -0.1745403766108211), ('service ', -0.039774363896867726), ('sucks', -0.23033045577903977), ('. ', -0.11549269247916527), ('Don', 0.0533033981337212), ('t ', -0.11343625670997426), ('bother', -0.0779275803361088), ('.', -0.04968116385862231), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "Lots O'fun"} [('', 0.0), ('Lots ', 0.14307906478643417), ('O', 0.13182782754302025), ("'", 0.01746484264731407), ('fun', 0.2942107170820236), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS....\\n\\ni loved the outdoor lounge area..\\n\\n\\nDEFINITELY COMING BACK.'} [('', 0.001598753035068512), ('ABSOLUTELY ', 0.06263960152864456), ('GORGEOUS', 0.17244768142700195), ('.', 0.0037726908922195435), ('.', -0.0016537799632975034), ('.', -0.0075279536790081435), ('.', -0.011208256440503257), ('\\', -0.004243878736483232), ('n', -0.0055986505773349855), ('\\', -0.005951116823448167), ('ni ', 0.01009688554377017), ('loved ', 0.036639731191552255), ('the ', 0.05033273353519571), ('outdoor ', 0.05961738851665241), ('lounge ', -0.004196234019795731), ('area', -0.01053575935805805), ('.', -0.009192396626198963), ('.', -0.009924496511940831), ('\\', 0.008202717983208242), ('n', -0.0014820024426583024), ('\\', -0.0015862025375965806), ('n', -0.006461261505527156), ('\\', 0.011468166285859687), ('n', -0.04865958491739418), ('DE', -0.035814837752176185), ('FIN', 0.019016520318386722), ('ITE', -0.0067835430146217165), ('LY ', 0.04484160779420996), ('COMING ', 0.1420990927089449), ('BACK', 0.012383907562166098), ('.', 0.00044381094076448974), ('', 7.69857849393572e-06)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'The bar tender was rude and has poor customer service'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.0008658549577376107), ('bar ', -0.08247228063191869), ('tender ', 0.10071463805252279), ('was ', -0.058893182656902354), ('rude ', -0.1594251706446812), ('and ', 0.05221142294976744), ('has ', 0.05594344341989199), ('poor ', -0.191918777223691), ('customer ', -0.0005306952443788759), ('service', -0.019240951638494153), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Love the Hot and Sour Soup!!!!\\n\\n*update* Not so much anymore.'} [('', 0.00017778441724658478), ('Love ', 0.34533318600551866), ('the ', 0.010446335832966724), ('Hot ', 0.016289046212477842), ('and ', -0.017105351258578594), ('Sour ', -0.04827723994397578), ('Soup', -0.024590711330650567), ('!', -0.027488300827220275), ('!', -0.012889325402890487), ('!', -0.015585552685176177), ('!', -0.03597643236813989), ('\\', -0.01861451177215453), ('n', -0.012568723412966522), ('\\', -0.011076106867091897), ('n', -0.014088183876862916), ('*', -0.009298102176087144), ('update', -0.023033695763712916), ('* ', -0.009711946537988427), ('Not ', -0.20895767902857187), ('so ', -0.003885239258124784), ('much ', -0.252992613835886), ('anymore', -0.07070416495480458), ('.', -0.044767362014681567), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Average place. Nothing memorable.'} [('', 0.0), ('Average ', -0.11411959288852813), ('place', 0.12131883344591188), ('. ', 0.2123660154902609), ('Nothing ', -0.7504110702939215), ('memorable', 0.24487394950847374), ('.', -0.022521996637806296), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Excellent show!'} [('', 0.0), ('Excellent ', 0.1293822079896927), ('show', 0.11206360161304474), ('!', 0.23542997241020203), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'best mexican food,very authentic,,reasonable prices'} [('', 0.0), ('best ', 0.09797738678753376), ('mexican ', 0.03131188731640577), ('food', 0.03758916910737753), (',', 0.021164093166589737), ('very ', -0.027764075435698032), ('authentic', 0.19722718838602304), (',', 0.017883658409118652), (',', 0.030621014535427094), ('reasonable ', 0.3612917475402355), ('prices', -0.07040706649422646), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Waiters are not very good but the food is great!'} [('', 0.0), ('Waiter', -0.031685438898421125), ('s ', -0.02010293770217686), ('are ', -0.01298466722255398), ('not ', -0.2925433979162335), ('very ', -0.023458321589714615), ('good ', 0.19467193453237996), ('but ', 0.11199816355656367), ('the ', 0.03885132781215361), ('food ', 0.12667717303884274), ('is ', 0.08491335012422496), ('great', 0.4420215665622891), ('!', 0.008886763287591748), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "Everything I've ever had here was delicious."} [('', 0.0), ('Everything ', 0.12183292210102081), ('I', 0.1553948000073433), ("'", 0.044237054884433746), ('ve ', 0.05034665949642658), ('ever ', 0.12216764315962791), ('had ', -0.014026942662894726), ('here ', 0.01028523314744234), ('was ', -0.09297210350632668), ('delicious', 0.31761527992784977), ('.', -0.017983397468924522), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'pathetic eclair. shame to be in a french hotel'} [('', 0.0), ('pathetic ', -0.14555430191830965), ('ec', 0.014827320892436546), ('lai', -0.019579737358071725), ('r', -0.01699936022851034), ('. ', -0.03007135163352359), ('shame ', -0.24252775207787636), ('to ', -0.025075994792132406), ('be ', -0.028948985796887428), ('in ', -0.03856142964650644), ('a ', 0.04481745421071537), ('french ', 0.050685329020780046), ('hotel', 0.0651314940841985), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Its just ok'} [('', 0.0), ('Its ', 0.14404535293579102), ('just ', 0.10272462666034698), ('ok', 0.2300400584936142), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great food, great wine list. Specialty wines by the glass.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.13565574493259192), ('food', 0.040534515865147114), (', ', -0.01827937737107277), ('great ', 0.17291899234987795), ('wine ', 0.024141803616657853), ('list', -0.02747337380424142), ('. ', -0.011863905936479568), ('Specialty ', 0.1726386845111847), ('wines ', 0.20584090054035187), ('by ', -0.03731537447310984), ('the ', -0.013377242488786578), ('glass', 0.005988246761262417), ('.', -0.039919041097164154), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'And again - tremendous.'} [('', 0.0), ('And ', 0.13224685192108154), ('again ', 0.1817608866840601), ('- ', 0.014667173847556114), ('tremendous', 0.3802403211593628), ('.', -0.04487648606300354), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Excellent breakfast. Great staff.'} [('', 0.0), ('Excellent ', 0.16022082418203354), ('breakfast', 0.07473988085985184), ('. ', 0.11063838005065918), ('Great ', 0.1996294241398573), ('staff', 0.17242364399135113), ('.', -0.02651728317141533), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Pricy but fast for lunch and tasty.'} [('', 0.0), ('Pri', 0.02100824238732457), ('cy ', -0.05316848075017333), ('but ', -0.08500756230205297), ('fast ', 0.0016959980130195618), ('for ', -0.04015873186290264), ('lunch ', 0.1030322564765811), ('and ', 0.06128729414194822), ('ta', 0.4831190707627684), ('sty', 0.19239129987545311), ('.', 0.012458688113838434), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Average chain... really nice outdoor area - really average food.'} [('', 0.0), ('Average ', -0.10763714136555791), ('chain', -0.052710425574332476), ('.', -0.01807102281600237), ('.', -0.025836330838501453), ('. ', -0.02128614205867052), ('really ', 0.01021780152223073), ('nice ', 0.7575214793032501), ('outdoor ', 0.06368035275954753), ('area ', 0.031246014987118542), ('- ', 0.04986946046119556), ('really ', -0.00038667325861752033), ('average ', -0.16232897760346532), ('food', 0.06274346256395802), ('.', -0.0064392691710963845), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'This place is quality. More later.\\n--------------------------------------------'} [('', -0.0006114763382356614), ('This ', -0.007208671857370064), ('place ', 0.09991755877369239), ('is ', 0.1380735252702531), ('quality', 0.43807873695429106), ('. ', 0.13059603475267068), ('More ', -0.01955021164030768), ('later', -0.015522245346801355), ('.', -0.013747969816904515), ('\\', -0.04257085209246725), ('n', -0.027966875582933426), ('-', -0.0050559641676954925), ('-', -0.004836570646148175), ('-', -0.004787226032931358), ('-', -0.004787226032931358), ('-', -0.004029407922644168), ('-', -0.004029407922644168), ('-', -0.0032734229462221265), ('-', -0.0032734229462221265), ('-', -0.0035487572895362973), ('-', -0.0035487572895362973), ('-', -0.0036139514995738864), ('-', -0.0036139514995738864), ('-', -0.003952999017201364), ('-', -0.003952999017201364), ('-', -0.006640694802626967), ('-', -0.006640694802626967), ('-', -0.004942105384543538), ('-', -0.004942105384543538), ('-', -0.004737394163385034), ('-', -0.004737394163385034), ('-', -0.004390715388581157), ('-', -0.004390715388581157), ('-', -0.0039029824547469616), ('-', -0.0039029824547469616), ('-', -0.005424323491752148), ('-', -0.005497187376022339), ('-', -0.005527656991034746), ('-', -0.005532096605747938), ('-', -0.005315911956131458), ('-', -0.005315911956131458), ('-', -0.004765263510247072), ('-', -0.004765263510247072), ('-', -0.005217187323917945), ('-', -0.005342263945688804), ('-', -0.004954159942766031), ('-', -0.004890591589113077), ('-', -0.004752277613927921), ('-', -0.004752277613927921), ('-', -0.0043280184047207945), ('-', -0.0043280184047207945), ('-', -0.004837236019028794), ('-', -0.004907924799425971), ('-', -0.008134079671331815), ('-', -0.007812829262443952), ('', -3.6239198275974805e-05)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Solid 4.5 great lunch spot and amazing gyro.'} [('', 0.0), ('Solid ', 0.3245425820350647), ('4', -0.004811383783817291), ('.', -0.015351854264736176), ('5 ', -0.004417074844241142), ('great ', 0.13992728106677532), ('lunch ', 0.02794775739312172), ('spot ', -0.01139635220170021), ('and ', 0.005268546286970377), ('amazing ', 0.11110544530674815), ('g', 0.01956418575718999), ('yr', 0.014072775840759277), ('o', 0.021443964447826147), ('.', -0.018400531262159348), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Save your money this chain restaurant sucks in all aspects!'} [('', 0.0), ('Save ', -0.06541727017611265), ('your ', -0.02646747913240688), ('money ', -0.22462972247012658), ('this ', -0.1595521203998942), ('chain ', 0.021845571376616135), ('restaurant ', 0.12005570075416472), ('sucks ', -0.3172057003102964), ('in ', 0.06375461106654257), ('all ', 0.09497066363110207), ('aspects', 0.18528890106244944), ('!', -0.00782634416827932), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great patio.\\nLoved the pesto and focaccia bread. \\nGreat service.'} [('', 0.0008333620789926499), ('Great ', 0.38845251910970546), ('patio', 0.17339306708890945), ('.', 0.1956210257485509), ('\\', -0.019484563235891983), ('nL', -0.07713931274338393), ('ove', -0.02878081611561356), ('d ', -0.03579054963483941), ('the ', -0.07382199267158285), ('pest', -0.09081500767933903), ('o ', -0.005687240794941317), ('and ', 0.03160520280653145), ('f', -0.01049709516034151), ('oca', 0.06978636737524842), ('cci', -0.0061803511149870856), ('a ', -0.0008371248647260169), ('bread', 0.030740180421465386), ('. ', 0.0006506570110407968), ('\\', -0.008889419957995415), ('nG', 0.12857217551209033), ('rea', -0.14560626656748354), ('t ', -0.08941229991614819), ('service', -0.07431677589192986), ('.', 0.013275059405714273), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Enjoyed the atmosphere and food!'} [('', 0.0), ('Enjoyed ', 0.197499081492424), ('the ', 0.0019439905881881714), ('atmosphere ', 0.14677363634109497), ('and ', 0.06812404096126556), ('food', 0.16141106933355331), ('!', 0.11539008468389511), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Nice place to stop in every once in a while.'} [('', 0.0), ('Nice ', 0.4734255666844547), ('place ', 0.02792709576897323), ('to ', 0.036623286781832576), ('stop ', -0.1290458959992975), ('in ', 0.11992380605079234), ('every ', 0.2044092456344515), ('once ', 0.07801362336613238), ('in ', -0.046889961580745876), ('a ', -0.005425765295512974), ('while', -0.055819300934672356), ('.', -0.03713644668459892), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Overpriced most dishes look slopped on the plate. Typical Scottsdale.'} [('', 0.0), ('Over', -0.08103124803528772), ('pr', -0.02890226945237373), ('ice', -0.020903153525068774), ('d ', 0.007967876414113562), ('most ', 0.013134261684172088), ('dishes ', -0.0028496365594037343), ('look ', 0.012732718569168355), ('sl', -0.07343492948893982), ('opped ', -0.03819572942848026), ('on ', -0.008831625478705973), ('the ', -0.006676367218460655), ('plate', -0.011620958599451114), ('. ', -0.010859495967451949), ('Typical ', -0.15256355988094583), ('Scott', 0.03487863971895422), ('sdale', -0.06356738048998523), ('.', -0.0303630281414371), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Very good food and slightly entertaining servers.'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.043965939432382584), ('good ', 0.17592008970677853), ('food ', 0.09098847769200802), ('and ', 0.0539049357175827), ('slightly ', -0.013779093511402607), ('entertaining ', 0.4477959629148245), ('servers', -0.04395587835460901), ('.', -0.025554120540618896), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'This place is great. Tasty tasty'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', -0.005314698442816734), ('place ', 0.07011532178148627), ('is ', 0.04699407471343875), ('great', 0.22010341007262468), ('. ', 0.024657100439071655), ('Ta', 0.11133060604333878), ('sty ', 0.06687851250171661), ('ta', 0.11930632218718529), ('sty', 0.058954592794179916), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Honestly, not impressed. My bread was so dry and stale'} [('', 0.0), ('Honestly', 0.10033138324433821), (', ', 0.043285107203701045), ('not ', -0.3744738493105615), ('impressed', 0.057395047447243996), ('. ', -0.007274149991644663), ('My ', -0.0055134587519205525), ('bread ', -0.025797001283535792), ('was ', -0.009897043774799386), ('so ', -0.015444243487763742), ('dry ', -0.03828419974161079), ('and ', -0.013959656967927003), ('stale', -0.08267032277581166), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'OK not great. Sorry!'} [('', 0.0), ('OK ', 0.13675145248271292), ('not ', -0.4543896831019083), ('great', 0.11082685338624287), ('. ', 0.05282671070744982), ('Sorry', -0.23904925004171673), ('!', 0.0846620139782317), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good food but pricey for food amount.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.34709884971380234), ('food ', 0.010220907628536224), ('but ', -0.04159567225724459), ('price', 0.1970298436935991), ('y ', 0.20465663564391434), ('for ', -0.007909372448921204), ('food ', -0.005272108130156994), ('amount', 0.035916746594011784), ('.', -0.02728932909667492), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "Overpriced w/ very average food. Past it's prime."} [('', 0.0), ('Over', -0.10658292772859568), ('pr', -0.01680118792137364), ('ice', -0.01691773316997569), ('d ', 0.007196469960035756), ('w', -0.023970427271706285), ('/ ', -0.01235981974969036), ('very ', 0.006148523812953499), ('average ', -0.037823365164513234), ('food', -0.01104191318336234), ('. ', -0.015621682126948144), ('Past ', -0.3664536992146168), ('it', 0.13306614892644575), ("'", 0.024675596177985426), ('s ', -0.004815250707906671), ('prime', 0.01473347436694894), ('.', -0.020476953490287997), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great choice! Excellent wine list and great food!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.22275203093886375), ('choice', 0.05580710247159004), ('! ', 0.06961406767368317), ('Excellent ', 0.16180756827816367), ('wine ', 0.02932364633306861), ('list ', -0.026828370057046413), ('and ', 0.010064702481031418), ('great ', 0.14215292036533356), ('food', 0.03321954980492592), ('!', -0.0009843595325946808), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Tasty food. Great Atmosphere. Small menu. Creepy Staff.'} [('', 0.0), ('Ta', 0.24216483207419515), ('sty ', -0.05750755639746785), ('food', 0.0473529901355505), ('. ', 0.07296968437731266), ('Great ', 0.42365109507227316), ('Atmosphere', 0.02258887846255675), ('. ', -0.00758228509221226), ('Small ', -0.015487416851101443), ('menu', -0.01619849741109647), ('. ', -0.013373332214541733), ('Creepy ', -0.05765911052003503), ('Staff', -0.012544600293040276), ('.', -0.018888757098466158), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'The steak is not worth $48.00.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.014427671070734505), ('steak ', 0.03653638197283726), ('is ', 0.05266001095151296), ('not ', -0.48731719499664905), ('worth ', 0.25359543592458067), ('$', -0.09150600454722735), ('48', -0.0076204677070563775), ('.', 0.0008412933857471216), ('00', -0.04397130115830805), ('.', -0.03035361404181458), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Nicely decorated interior, very friendly service, and excellent food.'} [('', 0.0), ('Nicely ', 0.0841628834605217), ('decorated ', 0.06086275912821293), ('interior', 0.020468054339289665), (', ', -0.00838964432477951), ('very ', 0.010622319066897035), ('friendly ', 0.18209627293981612), ('service', -0.029340312350541353), (', ', -0.006744686514139175), ('and ', -0.021480463445186615), ('excellent ', 0.3444760153070092), ('food', 0.019738287664949894), ('.', -0.02916964329779148), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Our favorite restaurant!'} [('', 0.0), ('Our ', 0.13799742609262466), ('favorite ', 0.09485604986548424), ('restaurant', 0.07571534439921379), ('!', 0.2777346223592758), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Overpriced, food is so-so, not better than in Olive Garden.'} [('', 0.0), ('Over', -0.0866841018141713), ('pr', -0.011528042974532582), ('ice', -0.018718174454988912), ('d', 0.006861351241241209), (', ', -0.014494532399112359), ('food ', -0.026439426988872583), ('is ', 0.00710738577072334), ('so', -0.03519951485031925), ('-', -0.004493918841035338), ('so', -0.028846409479228896), (', ', -0.024327551436726935), ('not ', -0.20688198432617355), ('better ', 0.09161745813617017), ('than ', -0.02923595863103401), ('in ', -0.0048077403189381585), ('Olive ', -0.057028789989999495), ('Garden', -0.010569947931799106), ('.', -0.013554990146076307), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Service was very slow but the food was quite good.'} [('', 0.0), ('Service ', -0.039337079870165326), ('was ', -0.009390191156853689), ('very ', -0.015071395751874661), ('slow ', -0.1027101028666948), ('but ', -0.05943928142369259), ('the ', 0.00673332082988054), ('food ', -0.010088201352118631), ('was ', 0.031972918475730694), ('quite ', 0.22084087507209915), ('good', 0.6608748134494817), ('.', -0.01850433967047138), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great food my go to Thai restaurant.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.21521376073360443), ('food ', 0.15845196694135666), ('my ', 0.04225759953260422), ('go ', 0.1028448585420847), ('to ', 0.04410876892507076), ('Thai ', 0.08974313735961914), ('restaurant', 0.09854215383529663), ('.', -0.021980777382850647), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Staff - Super Nice\\n\\nBeer - Cold\\n\\nFood - Amazing\\n\\nMike - Happy'} [('', 1.8067657947540283e-05), ('Staff ', -0.039359550923109055), ('- ', 0.021472083404660225), ('Super ', -0.0007764976471662521), ('Nice', 0.33712069026660174), ('\\', 0.017046110820956528), ('n', -0.030601171543821692), ('\\', -0.035632790299132466), ('n', -0.010301112197339535), ('Bee', -0.029894642531871796), ('r ', 0.0015817685052752495), ('- ', -0.011879403159643214), ('Cold', -0.13441689249981817), ('\\', -0.03493891768545533), ('n', -0.01440585576929152), ('\\', -0.0027959263883531094), ('n', -0.02741200342037094), ('Fo', 0.0005084162209338198), ('od ', -0.04645923428082218), ('- ', 0.000306244221671174), ('Amazing', 0.21216466229331368), ('\\', 0.02788208102962623), ('n', -0.03627613646676764), ('\\', -0.02847462211502716), ('nMi', -0.02753752813441679), ('ke ', -0.011875644966494292), ('- ', -0.007674024673178792), ('Happy', 0.39131217007525265), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'good food. lazy service. beautiful location. mediocre wine list.'} [('', 0.0), ('good ', 0.4487714538590808), ('food', 0.10808651596380514), ('. ', 0.046183814098185394), ('lazy ', -0.17062651771448145), ('service', -0.04674494278879138), ('. ', 0.012348921040029381), ('beautiful ', 0.3986183164961403), ('location', -0.03180885949950607), ('. ', -0.06531854571403528), ('med', -0.10565781279365183), ('io', -0.06733955780873657), ('cre ', -0.14049534570222022), ('wine ', -0.005306157498125685), ('list', 0.015131642740016105), ('.', 0.004709139502665494), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Amazing. Romantic!'} [('', 0.0), ('Amazing', 0.18128394335508347), ('. ', 0.11210223287343979), ('Romantic', 0.15431275218725204), ('!', 0.1388886496424675), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Very good, outdoor seating is very nice!'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.050716105848550797), ('good', 0.265839297324419), (', ', 0.03995966166257858), ('outdoor ', 0.07398883625864983), ('seating ', 0.09974752739071846), ('is ', 0.017250301782041788), ('very ', 0.04616639902815223), ('nice', 0.11624516919255257), ('!', 0.0031050294637680054), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Great food, but the waiting is the hardest part.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.3488906789571047), ('food', 0.034872325137257576), (', ', -0.03449887037277222), ('but ', -0.1998093812726438), ('the ', -0.015651632682420313), ('waiting ', -0.2585558037972078), ('is ', -0.03137823240831494), ('the ', -0.06071911100298166), ('hardest ', -0.13021673983894289), ('part', 0.12673746165819466), ('.', -0.016916954424232244), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'good food, and drink. very cozy.'} [('', 0.0), ('good ', 0.16749329678714275), ('food', 0.05719681642949581), (', ', 0.06174891069531441), ('and ', 0.0603308342397213), ('drink', -0.041966390796005726), ('. ', 0.05194253567606211), ('very ', 0.010813871398568153), ('cozy', 0.3743059132248163), ('.', -0.028852228075265884), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'The best pan roast I have ever had.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.010952971875667572), ('best ', 0.35937014780938625), ('pan ', 0.009890081360936165), ('roast ', -0.03049456514418125), ('I ', 0.020834585651755333), ('have ', 0.1072455570101738), ('ever ', 0.20806718803942204), ('had', 0.076169079169631), ('.', -0.02726103737950325), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'I apologize I reviewed the wrong restaurant.'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', -0.015332833369029686), ('apologize ', -0.12463887519697892), ('I ', 0.011091376924014185), ('reviewed ', 0.1367947185099183), ('the ', 0.04710990893727285), ('wrong ', -0.3507660841969482), ('restaurant', 0.048407348618638935), ('.', -0.022075147600844502), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Ok prices but a unfriendly enviorment.'} [('', 0.0), ('Ok ', 0.08187011536210775), ('prices ', 0.006508295424282551), ('but ', -0.2302059424109757), ('a ', 0.062115116976201534), ('un', -0.290859438595362), ('fr', 0.2319720426457934), ('ien', -0.05086080901673995), ('dly ', -0.011387872247723863), ('en', 0.05019135173643008), ('vio', -0.010877512802835554), ('rm', -0.21432656556135044), ('ent', 0.06912992551224306), ('.', -0.0433004442602396), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Great trivia host. Good karaoke. Typical bar food.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.3544189017266035), ('tri', -0.024261840851977468), ('via ', -0.012805883539840579), ('host', 0.00691802054643631), ('. ', -0.010121159255504608), ('Good ', 0.4566253225784749), ('kara', 0.123006221401738), ('oke', -0.008811504376353696), ('. ', -0.06903992826119065), ('Typical ', -0.08370727743022144), ('bar ', -0.04710349813103676), ('food', -0.05165003030560911), ('.', -0.024490979965776205), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Crappy service and the food was terrible'} [('', 0.0), ('Crap', -0.07566300003236393), ('py ', -0.020597565904608928), ('service ', -0.03941902203223435), ('and ', 0.05169604533875827), ('the ', 0.03391102391287859), ('food ', 0.04634384862038132), ('was ', 0.047223379158822354), ('terrible', -0.31380253610404907), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Pinnacle Peak location now closed, just fyi!'} [('', 0.0), ('Pinnacle ', 0.15969032899010926), ('Peak ', 0.09422583093692083), ('location ', -0.06382314955408219), ('now ', -0.05180721379292663), ('closed', -0.3458260542101925), (', ', 0.058156297222012654), ('just ', -0.08869660409982316), ('f', -0.04804529405373614), ('yi', -0.029360530243138783), ('!', 0.015209703997243196), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Totally mediocre pad thai.'} [('', 0.0), ('Totally ', -0.039016180198814254), ('med', -0.08614772829059802), ('io', -0.016002869933799957), ('cre ', -0.08986125253795763), ('pad ', -0.0799850313742354), ('thai', 0.08991899169996032), ('.', -0.055111040572228376), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Great food. Service is excellent. Highly recommend it.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.13051005825400352), ('food', 0.037584464997053146), ('. ', -0.0015528574585914612), ('Service ', -0.026774248341098428), ('is ', 0.0028887705411762), ('excellent', 0.19559015752747655), ('. ', -0.005159497261047363), ('Highly ', 0.18150138668715954), ('recommend ', 0.19895142130553722), ('it', -0.012177180498838425), ('.', -0.03530816733837128), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "Fast and friendly this time. I'm shocked.."} [('', 0.0), ('Fast ', 0.13476349227130413), ('and ', 0.08929508365690708), ('friendly ', 0.23157671000808477), ('this ', 0.009047916391864419), ('time', 0.00210514641366899), ('. ', 0.001310097984969616), ('I', 0.20009928953368217), ("'", 0.04075533908326179), ('m ', -0.05478864966426045), ('shocked', 0.09809748863335699), ('.', -0.047275133430957794), ('.', -0.07810533046722412), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'They are really proud of there drinks'} [('', 0.0), ('They ', 0.0361764058470726), ('are ', 0.1283295564353466), ('really ', 0.17696040496230125), ('proud ', 0.22452683001756668), ('of ', 0.014942385256290436), ('there ', 0.08862271904945374), ('drinks', 0.05387614667415619), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'yummers!!! Travelzoo special'} [('', 0.0), ('yu', 0.30123062431812286), ('mmer', -0.055499881505966187), ('s', 0.05766800791025162), ('!', 0.21910863369703293), ('!', 0.10361938830465078), ('! ', 0.1063819294795394), ('Travel', -0.07498648972250521), ('zoo ', -0.09931902051903307), ('special', 0.1474440679885447), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "Upon further reflection, I have realized: It's JUST A HOTDOG."} [('', 0.0), ('Upon ', 0.0408197203068994), ('further ', -0.045936835784232244), ('reflection', 0.15099369586096145), (', ', -0.06961949216201901), ('I ', -0.0074122211164129636), ('have ', 0.027847106618407582), ('realized', 0.09716608863423712), (': ', 0.08696505385783634), ('It', -0.015695917850410166), ("'", 0.029552393278988478), ('s ', -0.003134058534799676), ('JUST ', -0.3551737899251748), ('A ', -0.06318211278994568), ('HOT', 0.08609987539239228), ('DOG', -0.30993814655812457), ('.', -0.08892145927529782), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Decent food. Too expensive. Small portions.Average service'} [('', 0.0), ('Decent ', 0.30527158733457327), ('food', 0.08204247406683862), ('. ', 0.04153602698352188), ('Too ', -0.2180970355439058), ('expensive', -0.18550306788893067), ('. ', -0.1374683412941522), ('Small ', 0.00020326132107584272), ('portions', -0.005513572688869317), ('.', 0.008052536875766236), ('Average ', 0.0544976615201449), ('service', -0.08500020772044081), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'This place closed a couple of years ago.'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', -0.02285341068636626), ('place ', -0.030332969094160944), ('closed ', -0.10449500667164102), ('a ', 0.012774863964295946), ('couple ', 0.021536534259212203), ('of ', 0.0010355928679928184), ('years ', -0.08668994726031087), ('ago', -0.0401328117295634), ('.', -0.03574382804799825), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Excellent fixture in downtown Champaign. Great selections of indie films.'} [('', 0.0), ('Excellent ', 0.13559449091553688), ('fixture ', 0.034742288291454315), ('in ', 0.018616419285535812), ('downtown ', 0.13521182909607887), ('Champaign', -0.01536683738231659), ('. ', 0.004901934415102005), ('Great ', 0.17914695478975773), ('selections ', -0.0008872915059328079), ('of ', 0.04708800511434674), ('indie ', 0.04643292585387826), ('films', 0.08084061834961176), ('.', -0.039039045572280884), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good atmosphere, great service, food was just okay.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.13240364752709866), ('atmosphere', 0.043256258592009544), (', ', -0.008281763643026352), ('great ', 0.1847790377214551), ('service', -0.02996122557669878), (', ', 0.011715345084667206), ('food ', -0.042328915325924754), ('was ', -0.007066318532451987), ('just ', -0.018896409776061773), ('okay', 0.43579705990850925), ('.', -0.03537420928478241), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best Pizza Hands Down in AZ!'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.8250693446025252), ('Pizza ', -0.0297735002823174), ('Hands ', -0.06099356198683381), ('Down ', -0.21946553175803274), ('in ', 0.010196765535511076), ('AZ', 0.11750961630605161), ('!', 0.07812166679650545), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best burger in town. Everything else is great too'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.3285387400537729), ('burger ', -0.04965794994495809), ('in ', 0.045105909230187535), ('town', 0.019203329924494028), ('. ', 0.004488840699195862), ('Everything ', -0.00991495547350496), ('else ', -0.030237930244766176), ('is ', -0.004160315147601068), ('great ', 0.43454720557201654), ('too', -0.041041772812604904), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Always stay here on business.'} [('', 0.0), ('Always ', 0.18181179463863373), ('stay ', 0.16417868062853813), ('here ', 0.024182680994272232), ('on ', 0.22150960750877857), ('business', 0.08870058692991734), ('.', 0.0093596912920475), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great Mexican food and drinks'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.17909600585699081), ('Mexican ', 0.039751168340444565), ('food ', 0.12917324528098106), ('and ', 0.12045901268720627), ('drinks', 0.19554799050092697), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great Happy Hour. Get the TACO BASKET~!\\nThursday-Mexican Beer $3'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.345455567818135), ('Happy ', 0.43873263127170503), ('Hour', 0.025424171006307006), ('. ', -0.006491615436971188), ('Get ', -0.06874107476323843), ('the ', -0.02512362296693027), ('TA', 0.03563011431833729), ('CO ', 0.022739911277312785), ('BASKET', -0.02288919931743294), ('~', 0.0004792372928932309), ('!', -0.03431883500888944), ('\\', -0.06416225712746382), ('nT', -0.03780814877245575), ('hur', 0.0022654245840385556), ('sd', -0.04902071843389422), ('ay', -0.006664348649792373), ('-', 0.006910979864187539), ('Mexican ', 0.03307311877142638), ('Beer ', -0.011061497963964939), ('$', -0.08343126345425844), ('3', 0.00447575468569994), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Chips and salsa are good. Great happy hr. specials'} [('', 0.0), ('Chips ', -0.053844720125198364), ('and ', -0.00772116519510746), ('salsa ', 0.09571002586744726), ('are ', 0.03810033551417291), ('good', 0.26581391459330916), ('. ', -0.004977949894964695), ('Great ', 0.18899760744534433), ('happy ', 0.19447400025092065), ('hr', 0.011744929011911154), ('. ', -0.026554488576948643), ('specials', -0.035683054476976395), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Love this place! Great food, great staff!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.28817537147551775), ('this ', 0.03005116735585034), ('place', 0.03206385835073888), ('! ', -0.02863992191851139), ('Great ', 0.12909126351587474), ('food', 0.03870796482078731), (', ', -0.008286082651466131), ('great ', 0.14233203697949648), ('staff', 0.010593237355351448), ('!', 0.0064590806141495705), ('!', 0.0027539581060409546), ('!', -0.01598888635635376), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'always an excellent choice'} [('', 0.0), ('always ', 0.14983675628900528), ('an ', 0.07729979231953621), ('excellent ', 0.08180024102330208), ('choice', 0.2776399403810501), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'No hot water today.'} [('', 0.0), ('No ', -0.6225740608060732), ('hot ', 0.19279126686160453), ('water ', -0.029965858411742374), ('today', 0.1764274801244028), ('.', -0.048171573551371694), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Uhh Huh...pastry and my sixteen year old loves their Cuban'} [('', 0.0), ('Uh', -0.09293459006585181), ('h ', -0.016407361486926675), ('Huh', -0.06495352345518768), ('.', -0.02652868046425283), ('.', -0.02443516324274242), ('.', -0.023291243938729167), ('pastry ', -0.14773504209006205), ('and ', 0.045678264752496034), ('my ', 0.058811125287320465), ('sixteen ', 0.019128479703795165), ('year ', 0.028216775492182933), ('old ', 0.0014363246882567182), ('loves ', 0.7360524003161117), ('their ', 0.09175712079741061), ('Cuban', -0.019484795513562858), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great for breakfast. Wonderful treats and bread.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.2963968925178051), ('for ', -0.015847167000174522), ('breakfast', 0.04592144675552845), ('. ', 0.029782108962535858), ('Wonderful ', 0.3478709636256099), ('treats ', 0.030916874296963215), ('and ', 0.019965920597314835), ('bread', -0.025959288701415062), ('.', -0.016026681289076805), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good food, cowboy scramble rocks'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.3849985599517822), ('food', 0.3253878206014633), (', ', 0.10680585354566574), ('cowboy ', 0.005259608384221792), ('scramble ', -0.3044100166298449), ('rocks', 0.17307671252638102), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Delicious find in what looks like a chain.'} [('', 0.0), ('Delicious ', 0.8717313716188073), ('find ', -0.04323473712429404), ('in ', -0.00974274380132556), ('what ', 0.04240967589430511), ('looks ', -0.10132495989091694), ('like ', -0.03801601240411401), ('a ', 0.02646601665765047), ('chain', -0.013176211155951023), ('.', -0.022115648724138737), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Fantastic food, fantastic atmosphere.'} [('', 0.0), ('Fantastic ', 0.1406957283616066), ('food', 0.12067293375730515), (', ', 0.08422195911407471), ('fantastic ', 0.20449147187173367), ('atmosphere', 0.16760342381894588), ('.', -0.026533838361501694), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Out of business! Boo.'} [('', 0.0), ('Out ', -0.23468827124452218), ('of ', 0.07925163939944468), ('business', -0.18583686582860537), ('! ', 0.14129235374275595), ('Boo', -0.09397048963000998), ('.', -0.01229156443150714), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Rude. Ruder. Rudest.'} [('', 0.0), ('Rude', -0.11394463311808067), ('. ', 0.045488781684980495), ('Rude', -0.12571756678335078), ('r', 0.04328850437195797), ('. ', 0.015394082391139818), ('Rude', -0.12006831250255345), ('st', 0.011405598739656853), ('.', -0.026184415437455755), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'My recommendation: Red Velvet\\n\\nBest red velvet cakes...period'} [('', 0.0), ('My ', 0.05632141116075218), ('recommendation', 0.20565820223418996), (': ', 0.12788865849142894), ('Red ', -0.09042601368855685), ('Velvet', 0.12199827932636254), ('\\', -0.058218559745000675), ('n', -0.05334134688018821), ('\\', -0.07274378472357057), ('n', -0.16652563170646317), ('Bes', 0.1230433315213304), ('t ', -0.1847950659575872), ('red ', -0.056729670031927526), ('velvet ', 0.015124154393561184), ('cakes', -0.00018379208631813526), ('.', -0.035335714695975184), ('.', -0.05179983377456665), ('.', -0.05604224652051926), ('period', -0.12984120100736618), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': '03/31/2013 Sinful in sin city...'} [('', 0.0), ('03', -0.0004358542209956795), ('/', -0.03271223806950729), ('31', -0.007010025830822997), ('/', -0.018220885620394256), ('2013 ', 0.011520847438077908), ('Sin', -0.04068534520047251), ('ful ', -0.03353549308667425), ('in ', 0.007250742448377423), ('sin ', -0.11390497976390179), ('city', 0.005255283787846565), ('.', -0.02640766993863508), ('.', -0.05820701410993934), ('.', -0.07540375553071499), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'It was disgusting. I would never come here again.'} [('', 0.0), ('It ', 0.04666030377848074), ('was ', 0.036930842041329015), ('disgusting', -0.3803259360793163), ('. ', -0.00774278532480821), ('I ', 0.009381933319673408), ('would ', 0.006752317167411093), ('never ', -0.025710636116855312), ('come ', -0.025171626046358142), ('here ', 0.03193339190329425), ('again', -0.010279790352797136), ('.', -0.014249092491809279), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great selection and variety of food. Great gelato selection.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.16620509326457977), ('selection ', 0.006873916834592819), ('and ', -0.010280255228281021), ('variety ', 0.11144365509971976), ('of ', 0.025917806196957827), ('food', 0.026398437097668648), ('. ', -0.010318715125322342), ('Great ', 0.3867962593212724), ('gel', -0.008781520649790764), ('ato ', -0.03590140771120787), ('selection', -0.006924085319042206), ('.', -0.024145223200321198), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Gross gross gross says it all'} [('', 0.0), ('Gross ', -0.32466769038001075), ('gross ', -0.1625890966024599), ('gross ', -0.16252346637338633), ('says ', 0.12323840815406584), ('it ', 0.14127281333094288), ('all', 0.07674293020318146), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'ummm its ok!'} [('', 0.0), ('umm', -0.1945083923637867), ('m ', 0.044532280415296555), ('its ', -0.08450736245140433), ('ok', 0.5522510386072099), ('!', 0.34533771499991417), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "It's edible. But this buffet's not worth your money."} [('', 0.0), ('It', -0.021258564343042963), ("'", -0.0127092847988024), ('s ', -0.015281016267181258), ('edible', 0.19912628422753187), ('. ', 0.13387051532117766), ('But ', -0.08901900218461378), ('this ', -0.0463860971858594), ('buffet', -0.03200940172064293), ("'", -0.0175773542114257), ('s ', -0.020217596541442617), ('not ', -0.49636089833620645), ('worth ', 0.1697205190666864), ('your ', -0.06114515799981746), ('money', -0.07116903553196607), ('.', -0.05147232115996303), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "I say... It's ok. Not bad."} [('', 0.0), ('I ', -0.053104883059859276), ('say', -0.026030147448182106), ('.', -0.014200098812580109), ('.', -0.015596768818795681), ('. ', -0.009245784021914005), ('It', 0.01440957689192146), ("'", 0.040645691216923296), ('s ', 0.03156411834061146), ('ok', 0.2174348896369338), ('. ', 0.07361158262938261), ('Not ', 0.20122317042478244), ('bad', 0.1765836011218198), ('.', -0.027953684329986572), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "Warm crab legs...melted butter. Ughh..'nuff said!"} [('', 0.0), ('Warm ', 0.785619038855657), ('crab ', -0.10291261179372668), ('legs', -0.01611730852164328), ('.', 0.02295428328216076), ('.', 0.028755321394419296), ('.', 0.060376564267789944), ('melted ', 0.04836582183294619), ('butter', 0.047168061606741196), ('. ', 0.024288595308704922), ('U', -0.22923114576406078), ('gh', -0.11812256149278255), ('h', 0.023968573004822247), ('.', 0.004417662130435929), ('.', -0.005120275600347668), ("'", -0.020733646194760997), ('nu', -0.05722756412190696), ('ff ', -0.05620451698390146), ('said', 0.045354083471465856), ('!', -0.03824653156334534), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Ehh...it was ok. Nothing special, and way overpriced.'} [('', 0.0), ('Eh', -0.09477482334477827), ('h', -0.04994711623294279), ('.', -0.006488803424872458), ('.', -0.010141304918458141), ('.', -0.008643130996157803), ('it ', 0.08401878537491332), ('was ', 0.06464283946782719), ('ok', 0.20263215828102452), ('. ', 0.0020878317003128664), ('Nothing ', -0.315052448657904), ('special', 0.003499453157322326), (', ', -0.019592524814167216), ('and ', -0.04272559643976863), ('way ', -0.09214917111347902), ('over', -0.11756750363082617), ('pr', -0.05681035473634481), ('ice', -0.020295855751729028), ('d', 0.006303080165989307), ('.', -0.009143058380556925), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good food for the price. Good selection.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.19836308620870113), ('food ', 0.13221577275544405), ('for ', 0.03718413505703211), ('the ', 0.01514900429174304), ('price', -0.055058937054127455), ('. ', 0.02884567528963089), ('Good ', 0.32660440169274807), ('selection', 0.05869640223681927), ('.', -0.02901327982544899), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Looking for Lychee? Bayside buffet has it for breakfast!'} [('', 0.0), ('Looking ', -0.11895995773375034), ('for ', -0.09919673018157482), ('L', -0.014802437304751948), ('ych', -0.06945683583035134), ('ee', -0.06943810463417321), ('? ', -0.17896040645428002), ('Bays', 0.09714767822879367), ('ide ', -0.0432229770522099), ('buffet ', -0.05444426176836714), ('has ', 0.06940820574527606), ('it ', -0.033737283054506406), ('for ', 0.07218860453576781), ('breakfast', 0.14357402961468324), ('!', 0.15026051178574562), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Fantastic Pizza!'} [('', 0.0), ('Fantastic ', 0.16936764121055603), ('Pizza', 0.07204696536064148), ('!', 0.2354411482810974), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'always nice to be there for a quick warm-up drink'} [('', 0.0), ('always ', 0.12715932354331017), ('nice ', 0.2831875719130039), ('to ', 0.09535898268222809), ('be ', -0.05438327929005027), ('there ', 0.022312302608042955), ('for ', -0.05383810866624117), ('a ', 0.01630602963268757), ('quick ', -0.037090744357556105), ('warm', 0.3552304902113974), ('-', -0.03712059976533055), ('up ', -0.032041715923696756), ('drink', -0.057951800525188446), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'yeah,yeah,yeah!'} [('', 0.0), ('yeah', 0.22191917896270752), (',', 0.12117335200309753), ('yeah', 0.12644711136817932), (',', 0.04621724784374237), ('yeah', 0.1258024051785469), ('!', 0.048805005848407745), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Great 2-for1s before the show were great.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.805840514600277), ('2', -0.002071221126243472), ('-', -0.014601275557652116), ('for', -0.0577916419133544), ('1', -0.17817308939993382), ('s ', 0.04580680001527071), ('before ', -0.3325614358764142), ('the ', 0.032771767815575004), ('show ', -0.0864918187726289), ('were ', 0.044183644000440836), ('great', 0.3988511299248785), ('.', -0.06507875118404627), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Loved this place Beatlesland'} [('', 0.0), ('Loved ', 0.4022831991314888), ('this ', 0.16969440132379532), ('place ', 0.19132712483406067), ('Beatles', 0.08884128928184509), ('land', -0.1881561428308487), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'pretty damn good.'} [('', 0.0), ('pretty ', 0.3078024834394455), ('damn ', -0.04886208660900593), ('good', 0.3719994444400072), ('.', -0.044378966093063354), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great show for kids and family!!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.1750720627605915), ('show ', 0.029621800873428583), ('for ', 0.03968230215832591), ('kids ', 0.0749290082603693), ('and ', -0.005367569625377655), ('family', 0.23137988150119781), ('!', 0.09026294946670532), ('!', 0.03678308427333832), ('!', 0.0018313974142074585), ('!', 0.02273048460483551), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Its worth it.....I will come back!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Its ', -0.023842012509703636), ('worth ', 0.3502980740740895), ('it', 0.038520692847669125), ('.', -0.021479422226548195), ('.', -0.024985576048493385), ('.', -0.021845893934369087), ('.', -0.021384328603744507), ('.', -0.012659149244427681), ('I ', 0.05709504405967891), ('will ', 0.2487845632713288), ('come ', 0.11221632151864469), ('back', -0.0865523882675916), ('!', 0.009752016514539719), ('!', -0.020394399762153625), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'It was amazing!!'} [('', 0.0), ('It ', 0.061331119388341904), ('was ', -0.0589466392993927), ('amazing', 0.23778214678168297), ('!', 0.15325196832418442), ('!', 0.270619198679924), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Pretty funny!'} [('', 0.0), ('Pretty ', 0.11860617995262146), ('funny', 0.12285453081130981), ('!', 0.23542973399162292), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'good time good deal'} [('', 0.0), ('good ', 0.2307690605521202), ('time ', 0.03472306579351425), ('good ', 0.19603973627090454), ('deal', 0.12503616511821747), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Awesome show. Laugh from the begin to the end'} [('', 0.0), ('Awesome ', 0.35888882353901863), ('show', -0.029990945011377335), ('. ', 0.02174021303653717), ('Laugh ', 0.34651775006204844), ('from ', -7.376261055469513e-05), ('the ', 0.035350777208805084), ('begin ', 0.028008765541017056), ('to ', 0.017245389986783266), ('the ', 0.011285712476819754), ('end', -0.09205495193600655), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'A Beautiful bar downtown that puts on great events!!'} [('', 0.0), ('A ', 0.014596667140722275), ('Beautiful ', 0.37287180684506893), ('bar ', -0.04640010930597782), ('downtown ', 0.08544494397938251), ('that ', -0.00032196566462516785), ('puts ', 0.035470330622047186), ('on ', 0.04793648095801473), ('great ', 0.11150252725929022), ('events', 0.054082549177110195), ('!', 0.007911046966910362), ('!', -0.017035678029060364), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Radical dive bar. I get drunk here sometimes.'} [('', 0.0), ('Radical ', -0.07162084482843056), ('dive ', -0.06432316210702993), ('bar', -0.016484311694512144), ('. ', 0.0026698625879362226), ('I ', 0.040071603638352826), ('get ', -0.003945387987187132), ('drunk ', -0.17472552711842582), ('here ', 0.06266843035700731), ('sometimes', -0.04039696275140159), ('.', -0.03210816392675042), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'good food, staff very helpful and nice local spot.'} [('', 0.0), ('good ', 0.27183786407113075), ('food', 0.07797131314873695), (', ', -0.016805417835712433), ('staff ', 0.02370526478625834), ('very ', 0.003615487599745393), ('helpful ', 0.1356764673255384), ('and ', 0.003412347286939621), ('nice ', 0.17588413739576936), ('local ', 0.016976754646748304), ('spot', -0.008582619950175285), ('.', -0.017639435827732086), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great cheese program...awesome service...a foodies must visit off strip!!'} [('', 5.679205060005188e-06), ('Great ', 0.2969277909724042), ('cheese ', -0.128659472160507), ('program', -0.025052358920220286), ('.', -0.007776498794555664), ('.', -0.008452624082565308), ('.', -0.0073842331767082214), ('awesome ', 0.3188527182210237), ('service', -0.14440481853671372), ('.', -0.014413436874747276), ('.', -0.016518661752343178), ('.', -0.015951033681631088), ('a ', 0.03498031400764982), ('food', 0.12153695748808484), ('ies ', -0.028033602594708402), ('must ', 0.01530121873365715), ('visit ', 0.23868716311408206), ('off ', -0.15178014610428364), ('strip', -0.015720355254597963), ('!', 0.07840079669840634), ('!', -0.02856745570898056), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Excellent food. Great service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Excellent ', 0.12811259925365448), ('food', 0.10698315501213074), ('. ', 0.11069117486476898), ('Great ', 0.35260640271008015), ('service', 0.019179457798600197), ('.', -0.026431839913129807), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Swanky dinner and drinks with a hefty price tag.'} [('', 0.0), ('Swan', 0.07301656529307365), ('ky ', 0.10087395831942558), ('dinner ', 0.10260669142007828), ('and ', 0.04086469113826752), ('drinks ', 0.04626569151878357), ('with ', 0.021539654582738876), ('a ', 0.0592486746609211), ('he', 0.04529905924573541), ('ft', 0.04664315143600106), ('y ', 0.15967283118516207), ('price ', -0.0750847035087645), ('tag', -0.004905161913484335), ('.', -0.007044890895485878), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'The best new/used music store in Phoenix period!'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.008641984895803034), ('best ', 0.770531024900265), ('new', 0.11277873907238245), ('/', -0.023279317014385015), ('used ', -0.027254410844761878), ('music ', 0.09181904699653387), ('store ', -0.13436419481877238), ('in ', 0.025823818054050207), ('Phoenix ', -0.04460420971736312), ('period', -0.06847609579563141), ('!', -0.045634377747774124), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Definitely not thrilled with vinyl selection. Cool place though.'} [('', 0.0), ('Definitely ', 0.057710759563633474), ('not ', -0.6296483081077895), ('thrilled ', -0.01892754544496711), ('with ', 0.010690485248233017), ('vinyl ', -0.08202399519632309), ('selection', 0.006526336144816014), ('. ', -0.001103686838177964), ('Cool ', 0.4347266090953781), ('place ', -0.020453179604373872), ('though', -0.03904368239091127), ('.', -0.03533649219752988), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Beautiful stadium! Food is made fresh! A must see!'} [('', 0.0), ('Beautiful ', 0.11479838006198406), ('stadium', 0.029552878811955452), ('! ', 0.012866176664829254), ('Food ', 0.016057434491813183), ('is ', 0.018647925928235054), ('made ', 0.029190826695412397), ('fresh', 0.10907127847895026), ('! ', -0.015969911590218544), ('A ', 0.147426325827837), ('must ', 0.10560336709022522), ('see', 0.06720774993300438), ('!', -0.00714641809463501), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': '.Beautiful, water-front stadium'} [('', 0.0), ('.', 0.047461748123168945), ('Beautiful', 0.27394673228263855), (', ', 0.09361857175827026), ('water', -0.13511092867702246), ('-', 0.09768223948776722), ('front ', 0.010570571525022388), ('stadium', 0.33526777871884406), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Dump'} [('', 0.0), ('Dump', -0.9329811162897386), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Gelato heaven indeed!'} [('', 0.0), ('Gel', 0.010065693408250809), ('ato ', -0.0847417376935482), ('heaven ', 0.16406388767063618), ('indeed', 0.25895522721111774), ('!', 0.31309041753411293), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': '4 stars for kids, 2 for adults.'} [('', 0.0), ('4 ', 0.009420514106750488), ('stars ', 0.3670676709152758), ('for ', -0.0018018563278019428), ('kids', 0.2048699501901865), (', ', 0.15535812824964523), ('2 ', -0.026175953447818756), ('for ', 0.04246259853243828), ('adults', -0.011980626732110977), ('.', -0.030308082699775696), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Yeah, not so much. But the balloon animals were fun.'} [('', 0.0), ('Yeah', 0.025155842758977087), (', ', 0.023705909898126265), ('not ', -0.19399386457189394), ('so ', -0.013954536714663845), ('much', -0.0646330255040084), ('. ', 0.029288805002579466), ('But ', -0.02640848325972911), ('the ', -0.0013899572804803029), ('balloon ', -0.018420792155666277), ('animals ', -0.00963810714893043), ('were ', 0.04361703545146156), ('fun', 0.8289287761581363), ('.', -0.013120961608365178), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'The BEST chicken fajita quesadilla in town!!! Love this place!'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.0165423434227705), ('BEST ', 0.3240201671142131), ('chicken ', -0.1040566295851022), ('fa', 0.03942038584500551), ('jit', -0.002256668172776699), ('a ', 0.0018571820110082626), ('que', -0.033857906237244606), ('sa', -0.023614379577338696), ('di', -0.00686971191316843), ('lla ', -0.0114235058426857), ('in ', 0.021296026185154915), ('town', 0.03460548538714647), ('!', 0.03662948962301016), ('!', -0.028304485604166985), ('! ', -0.0246437955647707), ('Love ', 0.25026135705411434), ('this ', 0.060032911598682404), ('place', 0.01654309220612049), ('!', -0.014036327600479126), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'expensive.\\n\\n1 star for the experience.'} [('', 0.0), ('expensive', -0.6649325467878953), ('.', -0.006356767495162785), ('\\', 0.006976839096751064), ('n', 0.011876806078362279), ('\\', 0.015997614900697954), ('n', -0.03413298411760479), ('1 ', -0.03259606876235921), ('star ', 0.2154109229304595), ('for ', 0.04831049658241682), ('the ', 0.023656399702304043), ('experience', 0.0767006872483762), ('.', -0.03007060565869324), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Quick place to grab a bite! Decent food!'} [('', 0.0), ('Quick ', -0.0020023267716169357), ('place ', 0.041364646051079035), ('to ', 0.09639785392209888), ('grab ', -0.10600679146591574), ('a ', 0.1294322955654934), ('bite', -0.0559958522208035), ('! ', 0.14164927694946527), ('Decent ', 0.33062996715307236), ('food', 0.0999801903963089), ('!', 0.021065525710582733), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'This Restaurant closed quite some time ago.'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', -0.03363178833387792), ('Restaurant ', 0.11857752839569002), ('closed ', -0.22774964885320514), ('quite ', 0.05616762911085971), ('some ', 0.03463107658899389), ('time ', -0.09287420712644234), ('ago', -0.07840538962045684), ('.', -0.03211802686564624), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Overrated and overpriced.\\n\\nBread is good, but REALLY greasy.'} [('', -4.467709610859553e-06), ('Over', -0.08055661621134884), ('rated ', -0.009975276678839387), ('and ', -0.024326495738932863), ('over', -0.06763656689872732), ('pr', -0.02842988199699903), ('ice', -0.029080078806146048), ('d', 0.008848563040373847), ('.', -0.011172972721396945), ('\\', -0.01745548287969238), ('n', -0.01388454798022091), ('\\', -0.013591792098547254), ('n', -0.01216207343077258), ('Bread ', -0.009645928311329044), ('is ', 0.06092420799905085), ('good', 0.37794638817831583), (', ', 0.004644438082323177), ('but ', -0.15524292279587826), ('REALLY ', -0.025839100688244798), ('greasy', -0.40745491597226646), ('.', -0.031504369875619886), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'what t.j. said. :)'} [('', 0.0), ('what ', -0.07629250036552548), ('t', -0.048896529246121645), ('.', 0.39579323772341013), ('j', 0.11889565084129572), ('. ', -0.03139558341354132), ('said', 0.10378246521577239), ('. ', -0.03733642725273967), (':', -0.11917170882225037), (')', -0.02238507941365242), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'overpriced and complicated.'} [('', 0.0), ('over', -0.5171133317780914), ('pr', -0.021159187963348813), ('ice', -0.02432949394278694), ('d ', -0.010596279476885684), ('and ', 0.26909999901545234), ('complicated', -0.03482193944364553), ('.', 0.06393361143273069), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'The restaurant of last resort.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.055869974195957184), ('restaurant ', 0.5433148182928562), ('of ', 0.1505778767168522), ('last ', -0.08784446306526661), ('resort', 0.046951932832598686), ('.', -0.023250069469213486), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'They charged me the drink I sent back, not cool'} [('', 0.0), ('They ', -0.1584621416441223), ('charged ', 0.08087803373564384), ('me ', 0.06070876893500099), ('the ', 0.046313138391269604), ('drink ', -0.05966795850872586), ('I ', 0.09013966516022265), ('sent ', -0.17059082458445118), ('back', -0.00022172539593157126), (', ', 0.016796240146504715), ('not ', -0.6057820220885333), ('cool', 0.3668050385604147), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'I love their happy hour! Killer martinis!'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', -0.014887070283293724), ('love ', 0.35572494473308325), ('their ', 0.007185078226029873), ('happy ', 0.28806585632264614), ('hour', 0.029881244525313377), ('! ', 0.03037301078438759), ('Killer ', -0.11519673187285662), ('martini', 0.06858205376192927), ('s', 0.006885384675115347), ('!', 0.04030686244368553), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "The food sounded great but wasn't executed well at all!"} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.03134226346446667), ('food ', -0.0006662440446234541), ('sounded ', -0.047128701755354996), ('great ', 0.38002184621291235), ('but ', -0.25417596884290106), ('wasn', -0.21768427228107612), ("'", -0.017681135986094887), ('t ', -0.322823167020033), ('executed ', -0.011147669211823086), ('well ', 0.18291946783119784), ('at ', -0.027130935032801062), ('all', -0.020768573326677142), ('!', -0.0023043269793561194), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'The food is excellent!'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.1022859588265419), ('food ', 0.14333292096853256), ('is ', 0.0005536042153835297), ('excellent', 0.14724211767315865), ('!', 0.2706216424703598), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Much better steakhouses elsewhere!'} [('', 0.0), ('Much ', 0.22516788949724287), ('better ', 0.12193369667511433), ('steak', -0.01485122603844502), ('houses ', 0.06120504239152069), ('elsewhere', -0.7444389485244756), ('!', 0.052663863520137966), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Awesome rib eye steak!'} [('', 0.0), ('Awesome ', 0.38758521527051926), ('rib ', -0.1282506985589862), ('eye ', 0.02322541456669569), ('steak', 0.11053557693958282), ('!', 0.27073247730731964), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Not worth price'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', -0.7518983081681654), ('worth ', 0.17898780267569236), ('price', 0.050125548063078895), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good food. Lots of outdoor seating.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.1974073126912117), ('food', 0.07932832092046738), ('. ', 0.09275573492050171), ('Lots ', 0.021579692140221596), ('of ', 0.029741348698735237), ('outdoor ', 0.21120464242994785), ('seating', 0.12317956425249577), ('.', -0.025921985507011414), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "Cool atmosphere' pretty decent menu"} [('', 0.0), ('Cool ', 0.19279304146766663), ('atmosphere', 0.11902948468923569), ("' ", 0.03354651480913162), ('pretty ', 0.17764177545905113), ('decent ', 0.21140722557902336), ('menu', -0.043289490044116974), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Staff was great, food good. Way too hot in there!'} [('', 0.0), ('Staff ', -0.04956496070008143), ('was ', -0.00021305935479176696), ('great', 0.2589548759879108), (', ', 0.030285844622994773), ('food ', -0.04765233990474371), ('good', 0.46643742614105577), ('. ', 0.14401628683845047), ('Way ', -0.016373060490877833), ('too ', -0.31165279744163854), ('hot ', 0.0941695539149805), ('in ', 0.018752009636955336), ('there', 0.030529169242072385), ('!', -0.01193850694107823), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'The food is great. The service is awful and slow.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.02331299220895744), ('food ', 0.07262558603906655), ('is ', 0.06705951701042068), ('great', 0.22640864296226937), ('. ', -0.025860255722363945), ('The ', -0.03730107892624801), ('service ', -0.16208453133367584), ('is ', -0.03320705739315599), ('awful ', -0.12594123926464817), ('and ', 0.006775898102205247), ('slow', -0.3123911899601808), ('.', -0.018324007811315823), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Amazing food, incredible service!'} [('', 0.0), ('Amazing ', 0.14070815593004227), ('food', 0.12066560238599777), (', ', 0.08422252535820007), ('incredible ', 0.22356797382235527), ('service', 0.037125665694475174), ('!', 0.08486020565032959), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Very good food and service!'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.05071209371089935), ('good ', 0.16350983083248138), ('food ', 0.1316821277141571), ('and ', 0.09705768525600433), ('service', 0.08748796954751015), ('!', 0.1606881432235241), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Photos with the cocacola polar bear!'} [('', 0.0), ('Photos ', 0.28105649538338184), ('with ', -0.026984340511262417), ('the ', -0.016987799666821957), ('coca', -0.3223620669450611), ('cola ', -0.02816745894961059), ('polar ', 0.2511038901284337), ('bear', -0.028190312441438437), ('!', 0.24690728727728128), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'outstanding customer service very friendly staff'} [('', 0.0), ('outstanding ', 0.3034132495522499), ('customer ', 0.023468822240829468), ('service ', 0.018746159970760345), ('very ', 0.006364505738019943), ('friendly ', 0.18551580980420113), ('staff', 0.1535881757736206), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Delicious, clean, convenient location.'} [('', 0.0), ('Delicious', 0.20099420845508575), (', ', 0.06873345375061035), ('clean', 0.17882505059242249), (', ', 0.08952732384204865), ('convenient ', 0.2670471426099539), ('location', 0.005610587075352669), ('.', -0.08729652315378189), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'luv their thai tea :)'} [('', 0.0), ('lu', -0.13271114323288202), ('v ', 0.06657085288316011), ('their ', -0.23219671845436096), ('thai ', 0.14876383915543556), ('tea ', 0.039497168734669685), (':', 0.13518557138741016), (')', -0.18274110183119774), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Excellent meal. Good service. I will return'} [('', 0.0), ('Excellent ', 0.13073582388460636), ('meal', 0.02934330888092518), ('. ', 0.027640413492918015), ('Good ', 0.22089080372825265), ('service', -0.045350118074566126), ('. ', 0.011965207755565643), ('I ', 0.03777744248509407), ('will ', 0.31899097189307213), ('return', -0.018995076417922974), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good food , good service , I will come back'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.14209496043622494), ('food ', 0.038260577246546745), (', ', 0.0069279782474040985), ('good ', 0.24392490601167083), ('service ', -0.08744240319356322), (', ', 0.02974201738834381), ('I ', 0.010420311242341995), ('will ', 0.30545005574822426), ('come ', 0.12424424104392529), ('back', -0.11673610471189022), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'You can not go wrong here.'} [('', 0.0), ('You ', 0.16669914964586496), ('can ', 0.009353833040222526), ('not ', 0.21694576018489897), ('go ', 0.10115664306795225), ('wrong ', 0.21264328446704894), ('here', 0.04746164375683293), ('.', -0.03095383709296584), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Gross. Everything.'} [('', 0.0), ('Gross', -0.8117866953871271), ('. ', 0.11766521876779734), ('Everything', 0.3052483312712866), ('.', -0.02421217995288316), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great good'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.13657167553901672), ('good', 0.13654616475105286), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'This place is terrible. Hot mess, indeed.'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', -0.011695858529492398), ('place ', 0.07092218616253376), ('is ', 0.045669053964047635), ('terrible', -0.2586111278960743), ('. ', 0.002873532535886625), ('Hot ', 0.07943027377132239), ('mess', -0.3534283180406419), (', ', -0.026003294535257737), ('indeed', 0.16862377402867423), ('.', -0.02054066271011834), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Exquisite place! Bring you golf clubs!'} [('', 0.0), ('Exquisite ', 0.21396803483366966), ('place', 0.022476959973573685), ('! ', 0.1284012645483017), ('Bring ', 0.10444015264511108), ('you ', 0.10544714331626892), ('golf ', 0.02423136681318283), ('clubs', 0.11037874966859818), ('!', 0.019942045211791992), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Went there today at 3 and they were closed!'} [('', 0.0), ('Went ', 0.04821851756423712), ('there ', -0.043662458192557096), ('today ', 0.04586686985567212), ('at ', 0.06960097327828407), ('3 ', -0.056534137576818466), ('and ', 0.08631215989589691), ('they ', 0.048353817546740174), ('were ', -0.15573230874724686), ('closed', -0.24062066432088614), ('!', 0.2440655380487442), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'It\'s closed! They didn\'t pay their rent\\"'} [('', 0.0), ('It', 0.017800247866034624), ("'", 0.0030433693591476185), ('s ', 0.016265973972622305), ('closed', -0.003880749598465627), ('! ', 0.24478416115380242), ('They ', -0.08498083671292989), ('didn', -0.0978826393647978), ("'", -0.03764344873252412), ('t ', -0.08246815013808373), ('pay ', -0.1636793702164141), ('their ', -0.006419614685000852), ('rent', -0.19106630348142062), ('\\', 0.01078743736979959), ('"', -0.04066232290642802), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "Way to go not letting employees know...that's awesome!"} [('', 0.0), ('Way ', 0.07794256549095735), ('to ', 0.17801126834820025), ('go ', 0.053490672347834334), ('not ', -0.21921833046508254), ('letting ', 0.035740168670599815), ('employees ', -0.1369953022003756), ('know', -0.2709163655017619), ('.', 0.01438914131722413), ('.', -0.03887187398504466), ('.', -0.038706638501025736), ('that', 0.04603785480139777), ("'", 0.06149344643927179), ('s ', 0.016919595771469176), ('awesome', 0.5125586355425185), ('!', 0.16950585226004478), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Horrible service bad food'} [('', 0.0), ('Horrible ', -0.3502517421293305), ('service ', 0.03836502881858905), ('bad ', -0.3902370525520382), ('food', 0.2895812147471588), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'always good and quick'} [('', 0.0), ('always ', 0.14301299303770065), ('good ', 0.15134956687688828), ('and ', 0.12651629000902176), ('quick', 0.16569942981004715), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Try the blueberry pancakes'} [('', 0.0), ('Try ', -0.5101031064987183), ('the ', -0.033456772565841675), ('blue', 0.07626478467136621), ('berry ', 0.1808634316548705), ('pancakes', 0.08502545207738876), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Amazing dining experience!'} [('', 0.0), ('Amazing ', 0.15618356317281723), ('dining ', 0.08868104591965675), ('experience', 0.06454800441861153), ('!', 0.27717043459415436), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Its only $2. But man does it take forever.'} [('', 0.0), ('Its ', -0.03554054431151599), ('only ', -0.06825316656613722), ('$', -0.09644206712255254), ('2', -0.010574812768027186), ('. ', -0.02843261486850679), ('But ', -0.11895707520307042), ('man ', 0.03592447383562103), ('does ', 0.07406938476196956), ('it ', 0.024174347330699675), ('take ', -0.2229521943954751), ('forever', 0.08517313445918262), ('.', 0.0029930424643680453), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Food is always good, I would highly recommend this place.'} [('', 0.0), ('Food ', 0.0166485495865345), ('is ', 0.027120122220367193), ('always ', 0.06551365600898862), ('good', 0.21161470003426075), (', ', -0.0066949427127838135), ('I ', -0.012178454548120499), ('would ', -0.05312214232981205), ('highly ', 0.11491843964904547), ('recommend ', 0.1692069238051772), ('this ', 0.08489033998921514), ('place', 0.05265559582039714), ('.', -0.04327881336212158), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great service! Great food'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.15777995064854622), ('service', 0.013367418199777603), ('! ', 0.1608993336558342), ('Great ', 0.17360078543424606), ('food', 0.15839114040136337), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great Pizza!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.16933344304561615), ('Pizza', 0.07204528152942657), ('!', 0.23546046018600464), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Pizza was soggy and not very flavorful.'} [('', 0.0), ('Pizza ', -0.043273078686979716), ('was ', -0.01327814022624807), ('so', -0.07278665451121924), ('ggy ', -0.044682432382614934), ('and ', 0.023496079687902238), ('not ', -0.49501630014674447), ('very ', 0.018468847209078376), ('flavor', 0.29600846446555806), ('ful', 0.05981289215924335), ('.', -0.03141999518265948), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'no delivery, only 1 size pizza ? wtf'} [('', 0.0), ('no ', -0.10680604044318898), ('delivery', -0.014658556050562765), (', ', 0.02115313599642832), ('only ', -0.019683251846799976), ('1 ', -0.00885612914680678), ('size ', -0.00542875584687863), ('pizza ', -0.022821145475973026), ('? ', -0.03625546484545339), ('w', -0.02894019200175535), ('tf', -0.07984518776356708), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'I love this place! Awesome pizza.'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', 0.035324253141880035), ('love ', 0.2133102440275252), ('this ', 0.05943858390673995), ('place', -0.027593962848186493), ('! ', 0.08427412807941437), ('Awesome ', 0.4213264249265194), ('pizza', -0.03130331262946129), ('.', -0.025496482849121094), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'The food was A-OK.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.07568799704313278), ('food ', 0.22962918691337109), ('was ', -0.09122117422521114), ('A', 0.14401439763605595), ('-', 0.010224590077996254), ('OK', 0.3544107414782047), ('.', 0.0001438036561012268), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'I am the Mayor of La Barquita.\\nBow down.'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', 0.04207596756168641), ('am ', 0.1432900100480765), ('the ', 0.04630156172788702), ('Mayor ', 0.06997876918467227), ('of ', 0.028345599028398283), ('La ', -0.02010504130157642), ('Bar', 0.010561499635514338), ('qui', -0.04842128992459038), ('ta', 0.0017783547809813172), ('.', -0.017013670760206878), ('\\', -0.04238458908366738), ('n', -0.08970875300656189), ('Bow ', 0.047062402194569586), ('down', -0.56828308920376), ('.', -0.03194245137274265), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Good beer, good food, good location!'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.35511009953916073), ('beer', -0.038615910336375237), (', ', 0.03996487706899643), ('good ', 0.13178978860378265), ('food', 0.015801075845956802), (', ', 0.030613426119089127), ('good ', 0.19566155597567558), ('location', -0.01894284412264824), ('!', 0.0016293451189994812), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Poor service, poor food.'} [('', 0.0), ('Poor ', -0.2229029424579494), ('service', -0.0156589901434927), (', ', 0.08404345495364396), ('poor ', -0.28120104648769484), ('food', 0.15375575374127948), ('.', -0.0265478270011954), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'WOW!'} [('', 0.0), ('WOW', 0.1367819607257843), ('!', 0.1361333429813385), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Best shellfish in Phoenix, but you will pay for it.'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.6113268472254276), ('shell', -0.1260024099610746), ('fish ', -0.12935532117262483), ('in ', 0.0036749737337231636), ('Phoenix', -0.0017990870401263237), (', ', 0.09626791439950466), ('but ', -0.14144864957779646), ('you ', 0.17591077415272593), ('will ', 0.2647986658848822), ('pay ', -0.16856899566482753), ('for ', -0.019196197274141014), ('it', 0.0359781461302191), ('.', -0.01254143426194787), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Fantastic steakhouse experience!'} [('', 0.0), ('Fantastic ', 0.20586060732603073), ('steak', 0.048417532816529274), ('house ', 0.023242102935910225), ('experience', 0.1158817820250988), ('!', 0.2706236094236374), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Pretty legit steakhouse. Needs an extended happy hour.'} [('', 0.0), ('Pretty ', 0.3104165371041745), ('leg', 0.2227664050878957), ('it ', 0.022657736553810537), ('steak', -0.0926616852520965), ('house', -0.04822343640262261), ('. ', -0.09862803178839386), ('Needs ', -0.5853016162291169), ('an ', -0.17364177550189197), ('extended ', -0.06061560529633425), ('happy ', 0.22619945180485956), ('hour', 0.004483576281927526), ('.', -0.06954883318394423), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "Does anyone even go here? 'Nuff said."} [('', 0.0), ('Does ', 0.014235436450690031), ('anyone ', -0.09874667780240998), ('even ', -0.10812021634774283), ('go ', 0.04713350396195892), ('here', -0.0055530064419144765), ('? ', -0.08668546751141548), ("'", -0.05099945075926371), ('Nu', -0.06527356813603546), ('ff ', -0.0457639974047197), ('said', 0.11252152026281692), ('.', -0.04387618551845662), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "There aren't very many stores opened here anymore...dissapointed"} [('', 0.0), ('There ', -0.030641526682302356), ('aren', -0.02353925694114878), ("'", -0.019736809914320474), ('t ', -0.05872122551227221), ('very ', -0.008070546744420426), ('many ', 0.03242682402560604), ('stores ', -0.06878434150712565), ('opened ', 0.06676925817737356), ('here ', -0.02796690796094481), ('anymore', -0.08332280063768849), ('.', -0.00625143050274346), ('.', -0.027905847411602736), ('.', -0.029092145734466612), ('di', -0.13369168232020456), ('ssa', -0.15981202012335416), ('point', 0.05177878234826494), ('ed', 0.06676025081833359), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'nice deals'} [('', 0.0), ('nice ', 0.1388368010520935), ('deals', 0.13427436351776123), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "They advertise a free week then don't honor it."} [('', 0.0), ('They ', -0.014893834151735064), ('ad', -0.06511171382862813), ('vert', 0.0383197198398193), ('ise ', -0.03383532220868801), ('a ', -0.01592875615460798), ('free ', -0.030779976328631165), ('week ', -0.024487272092301282), ('then ', -0.041438303369432106), ('don', -0.13668767366289103), ("'", -0.15785585849334893), ('t ', -0.2967971061843855), ('honor ', 0.28976953692654206), ('it', 0.09313452098467678), ('.', -0.019417468156461837), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Decent dim sum and a crazy screaming host to boot.'} [('', 0.0), ('Decent ', 0.46477928169770166), ('dim ', -0.5215749840572244), ('sum ', 0.007230780131067149), ('and ', 0.05889907293021679), ('a ', 0.015859763137996197), ('crazy ', 0.08529022429138422), ('screaming ', -0.43344703153707087), ('host ', 0.046590820187702775), ('to ', 0.17628090103971772), ('boot', 0.0858603429805953), ('.', -0.02112199692055583), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'nothing special'} [('', 0.0), ('nothing ', -0.8612583067006199), ('special', 0.1348762939014705), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best Calzone i have ever had!'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.3610959053039551), ('Cal', 0.00774543359875679), ('zone ', -0.0028909631073474884), ('i ', 0.11855282448232174), ('have ', 0.028677204623818398), ('ever ', 0.1283366596326232), ('had', 0.06712364498525858), ('!', 0.02059023082256317), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "It's a gay club. Nothing special."} [('', 0.0), ('It', -0.015587265626891167), ("'", 0.012451325392248691), ('s ', -0.021890322910621762), ('a ', 0.08681971497571794), ('gay ', -0.2791269183799159), ('club', 0.06529104717628798), ('. ', 0.05955873949278612), ('Nothing ', -0.4607439318569959), ('special', 0.28963444739201805), ('.', -0.03889417716709431), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Nice but the music is WAY too loud bring earplugs'} [('', 0.0), ('Nice ', 0.31573895736801205), ('but ', -0.17592835837422172), ('the ', -0.042448881729796994), ('music ', 0.0377548852484324), ('is ', -0.006109727430157363), ('WAY ', -0.002682667698536534), ('too ', -0.44616370860967436), ('loud ', -0.04508534229353245), ('bring ', 0.15667651056173781), ('ear', -0.03880164652946405), ('pl', -0.047556116740452126), ('ug', -0.07565650422475301), ('s', -0.01781041713547893), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Drink before you go'} [('', 0.0), ('Drink ', -0.04467078298330307), ('before ', -0.3052626382559538), ('you ', 0.3770395126193762), ('go', 0.2816789597272873), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Another John Taffer bar that closed.'} [('', 0.0), ('Another ', -0.08952889707870781), ('John ', 0.23951641167514026), ('Ta', 0.032882933504879475), ('ffer ', 0.07072468148544431), ('bar ', -0.13465923082549125), ('that ', -0.01622483239043504), ('closed', -0.3454111230093986), ('.', -0.011495437938719988), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Will wrote more when ready............'} [('', 0.0), ('Will ', 0.22632893081754446), ('wrote ', 0.0029413383454084396), ('more ', -0.1542802331969142), ('when ', -0.11788558587431908), ('ready', -0.004336672369390726), ('.', -0.024627372156828642), ('.', -0.07447540073189884), ('.', -0.05194694420788437), ('.', -0.04154196206945926), ('.', -0.03605291584972292), ('.', -0.03592895343899727), ('.', -0.03212571400217712), ('.', -0.028249590657651424), ('.', -0.007240315200760961), ('.', -0.0042405088897794485), ('.', -0.010530247120186687), ('.', -0.05142771219834685), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'DUCK FAT FRIES.\\n\\nSeriously.'} [('', 0.0), ('DUCK ', -0.07328436989337206), ('FAT ', -0.05614072739263065), ('FRIES', -0.027927152550546452), ('.', -0.017250523902475834), ('\\', -0.01630557607859373), ('n', -0.02208469167817384), ('\\', -0.012967904563993216), ('nS', -0.028205106427776627), ('eri', -0.02218362309213262), ('ously', -0.02949803913361393), ('.', -0.0223624263308011), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Chef Doug is the best!'} [('', 0.0), ('Chef ', 0.18752174079418182), ('Doug ', 0.11684305593371391), ('is ', 0.020175103098154068), ('the ', 0.07834561914205551), ('best', 0.19428537040948868), ('!', 0.09395432472229004), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Wow. As good as meat gets.'} [('', 0.0), ('Wow', 0.2689271420240402), ('. ', 0.09547917544841766), ('As ', -0.006009632954373956), ('good ', 0.43747667758725584), ('as ', 0.0015397639945149422), ('meat ', -0.06595055502839386), ('gets', 0.022783559514209628), ('.', -0.025000467896461487), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'closed!!!!!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('closed', 0.07064501196146011), ('!', 0.21899721771478653), ('!', 0.14509505778551102), ('!', 0.09385550767183304), ('!', 0.1060533095151186), ('!', 0.02821861393749714), ('!', -0.0263536237180233), ('!', 0.09204339236021042), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': '**Half Shell is now closed :('} [('', 0.0), ('*', -0.007060070463921875), ('*', -0.010409247879579198), ('Half ', -0.08202619781513931), ('Shell ', -0.02137285987555515), ('is ', -0.004269149110768922), ('now ', -0.04415154237722163), ('closed ', -0.03909785878568073), (':', -0.021025792833825108), ('(', -0.05147268017753959), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Always loved this place...hope to see you soon'} [('', 0.0), ('Always ', 0.024544544517993927), ('loved ', 0.2520839390344918), ('this ', 0.04983269376680255), ('place', 0.0136953704059124), ('.', -0.026541121304035187), ('.', -0.019013522192835808), ('.', -0.01839694194495678), ('hope ', 0.17211318132467568), ('to ', 0.005474897101521492), ('see ', 0.04533567756880075), ('you ', 0.15402273659128696), ('soon', -0.025860341731458902), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Bad food Bad service. Yuck!'} [('', 0.0), ('Bad ', -0.09765424356373842), ('food ', 0.14541342431812154), ('Bad ', -0.21556325564188228), ('service', -0.028070120694792422), ('. ', 0.04107837611809373), ('Yu', 0.04340479893471638), ('ck', -0.18267111546629167), ('!', 0.02366056449682219), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great store - tastefully displayed items.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.41863685892894864), ('store ', -0.06613077013753355), ('- ', 0.0018284742254763842), ('taste', 0.11525238677859306), ('fully ', 0.18473130837082863), ('displayed ', 0.0008121524006128311), ('items', 0.1006211694329977), ('.', -0.026511043310165405), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': "Great place for UFC...sit in Chicago's section. She's awesome!"} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.2758384570479393), ('place ', 0.02655935473740101), ('for ', 0.02117620874196291), ('UFC', -0.04421501513570547), ('.', -0.019987113773822784), ('.', -0.018694790545850992), ('.', -0.028146618511527777), ('sit ', -0.005312970641534775), ('in ', 0.0013319492223672568), ('Chicago', -0.001363962923642248), ("'", 6.29051006399095e-05), ('s ', 0.0022802626714110374), ('section', -0.03373527084477246), ('. ', -0.00748489866964519), ('She', 0.04875632235780358), ("'", 0.0032455776818096638), ('s ', -0.031246325932443142), ('awesome', 0.2726622084155679), ('!', 0.05733299162238836), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Shuffleboard is gone : ('} [('', 0.0), ('Shuffle', -0.17079794374512858), ('board ', 0.057644524775241734), ('is ', -0.02255717593470763), ('gone ', -0.16066997567941144), (': ', -0.01216867482798989), ('(', 0.00017267008661292493), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'horrible sound system, no'} [('', 0.0), ('horrible ', -0.3049833939749078), ('sound ', 0.09048477945998457), ('system', -0.05616138989262254), (', ', 0.08562885753417504), ('no', -0.15056041719799396), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': "Best Outback I've ever been to."} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.3665115237236023), ('Out', 0.004426533356308937), ('back ', 0.0036078747361898422), ('I', 0.07485838420689106), ("'", 0.028595438227057457), ('ve ', 0.02930518612265587), ('ever ', 0.15647457167506218), ('been ', 0.006885972339659929), ('to', 0.0862295045517385), ('.', -0.0601187776774168), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Tequilla shots, slots and friends ..good salsa, really hot.'} [('', 0.0), ('Te', -0.0021974234841763973), ('quil', 0.1138523924164474), ('la ', -0.11453712359070778), ('shots', -0.16120738070458174), (', ', 0.007535398937761784), ('slots ', -0.09258060250431299), ('and ', 0.005932833068072796), ('friends ', 0.20846019126474857), ('.', 0.06241239607334137), ('.', 0.029204241931438446), ('good ', 0.20219016447663307), ('salsa', 0.04681641049683094), (', ', -0.0005673486739397049), ('really ', 0.12531404616311193), ('hot', 0.15152777591720223), ('.', -0.030499725602567196), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Not good'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', -0.859887730468472), ('good', 0.13336490080837393), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'great food affordable options!'} [('', 0.0), ('great ', 0.1967289075255394), ('food ', 0.0545236486941576), ('affordable ', 0.058653729036450386), ('options', 0.0834672786295414), ('!', 0.2706315666437149), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'The best sandwich on campus.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.06534884870052338), ('best ', 0.3747344259172678), ('sandwich ', -0.0533487293869257), ('on ', 0.2009825613349676), ('campus', 0.1104357149451971), ('.', -0.007168333977460861), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Horrible. Should be called the beast. Yikes.'} [('', 0.0), ('Horrible', -0.1280996941786725), ('. ', 7.690672646276653e-05), ('Should ', -0.052278947699960554), ('be ', 0.01383023536800465), ('called ', -0.02756578028424883), ('the ', 0.02291699610100295), ('beast', 0.0043794576581603906), ('. ', -0.008005626608792227), ('Yi', -0.04440477168827783), ('kes', -0.06608356090146117), ('.', -0.048066263101645745), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Poor selection of food, decore old, way to bright.'} [('', 0.0), ('Poor ', -0.6864221501164138), ('selection ', 0.10178203851501166), ('of ', 0.06191090711763536), ('food', 0.07640085149250808), (', ', 0.1812348006933462), ('decor', -0.02606769767771766), ('e ', 0.006428849607800657), ('old', -0.16837692449644237), (', ', -0.12025614217600378), ('way ', -0.03670314228247662), ('to ', -0.05122082966727248), ('bright', 0.27975797644194245), ('.', -0.008558977269785828), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Excellent ambiance service and food!'} [('', 0.0), ('Excellent ', 0.18414491415023804), ('am', 0.11094705935101956), ('bian', 0.09240206878166646), ('ce ', -0.002988742431625724), ('service ', -0.018162844702601433), ('and ', 0.05487574636936188), ('food', 0.15051740407943726), ('!', 0.15754379332065582), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Fell sick the next day. Ruined Vegas trip'} [('', 0.0), ('Fell ', -0.0570021673465817), ('sick ', -0.06856200101083232), ('the ', 0.007606934418618039), ('next ', -0.022591956852920703), ('day', 0.003267267422415898), ('. ', -0.005779229973995825), ('Ruined ', -0.3142650500394666), ('Vegas ', 0.07779716035838646), ('trip', 0.0928663703489292), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'The best! Both food and service were wonderful.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.020001668483018875), ('best', 0.2601323090493679), ('! ', 0.0683247298002243), ('Both ', 0.04556481074541807), ('food ', 0.07354226801544428), ('and ', 0.04740147665143013), ('service ', -0.025155808893032372), ('were ', -0.11090183129999787), ('wonderful', 0.33526650886051357), ('.', -0.01724238507449627), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Expensive! Quality of meat is not that good. Stay away!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Expensive', -0.0788484252152557), ('! ', -0.007145239174860762), ('Quality ', 0.037162850120239455), ('of ', -0.009792777612801729), ('meat ', -0.025817723933414527), ('is ', -0.012014897509743605), ('not ', -0.43905140962658606), ('that ', 0.004536142470556115), ('good', 0.34315386282446525), ('. ', -0.009905547366088285), ('Stay ', -0.08129871468918282), ('away', -0.09719043744553346), ('!', -0.0016658859422022942), ('!', -0.00021215651941020042), ('!', -0.05379633922711946), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'stracciatella and ferrero rocher. happiness.'} [('', 0.0), ('st', -0.06588164251297712), ('rac', -0.020954755134880543), ('cia', -0.04355886043049395), ('tell', 0.016801948891952634), ('a ', -0.05304863769561052), ('and ', 0.02903061918914318), ('ferrer', -0.011911152862012386), ('o ', 0.03584261192008853), ('roche', 0.10902876011095941), ('r', 0.02212171978317201), ('. ', 0.021819936111569405), ('happiness', 0.6346874237060547), ('.', -0.06460535526275635), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Closed after fire'} [('', 0.0), ('Closed ', 0.35734057426452637), ('after ', 0.244295546784997), ('fire', -0.1410155389457941), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'grreat, stocked produce section and good breads/rolls!'} [('', 0.0), ('gr', 0.03690615529194474), ('rea', -0.10739621194079518), ('t', -0.06495105475187302), (', ', -0.03937033377587795), ('stocked ', -0.02727012790273875), ('produce ', 0.06921735510695726), ('section ', -0.06375923124141991), ('and ', 0.07289460394531488), ('good ', 0.7190121496096253), ('bread', -0.03752276173327118), ('s', 0.03208654385525733), ('/', 0.017368049826472998), ('rolls', -0.12520090700127184), ('!', 0.09893528581596911), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Little place tucked away but amazingly good'} [('', 0.0), ('Little ', -0.23068078979849815), ('place ', 0.007358917064266279), ('tucked ', 0.08467797326738946), ('away ', 0.08014870574697852), ('but ', -0.028692713007330894), ('amazingly ', 0.40241027157753706), ('good', 0.4081944404169917), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Fabulous!!!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Fabulous', 0.18714527785778046), ('!', 0.1697341352701187), ('!', 0.12918907403945923), ('!', 0.06456153094768524), ('!', 0.04968583583831787), ('!', 0.09082473814487457), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'amazing!'} [('', 0.0), ('amazing', 0.1371711790561676), ('!', 0.13596883416175842), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great pastry filled goodness. Had the Bangers and Mash. Excellent!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.147518802434206), ('pastry ', 0.00460952939465642), ('filled ', 0.028516593854874372), ('goodness', 0.13545691594481468), ('. ', -0.032322920858860016), ('Had ', -0.010515224421396852), ('the ', -0.0020251600071787834), ('Bang', 0.08568447013385594), ('ers ', 0.0663248710334301), ('and ', 0.05949247465468943), ('Mas', -0.058794415614102036), ('h', -0.009498238156083971), ('. ', -0.0017719973111525178), ('Excellent', 0.1658574901521206), ('!', -0.010980058461427689), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'This place was amazing! And the selection was fantastic :)'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', -0.008214829489588737), ('place ', 0.022935953922569752), ('was ', -0.04737741453573108), ('amazing', 0.3756093685515225), ('! ', -0.029277659952640533), ('And ', 0.04139443300664425), ('the ', 0.009851109236478806), ('selection ', -0.005575534887611866), ('was ', -0.02083968836814165), ('fantastic ', 0.30982630234211683), (':', 0.01037547830492258), (')', -0.031413186341524124), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'good food, good drinks service was okay'} [('', 0.0), ('good ', 0.2031153440475464), ('food', 0.08800487220287323), (', ', 0.07449911534786224), ('good ', 0.18820345867425203), ('drinks ', 0.009344423189759254), ('service ', -0.03724695509299636), ('was ', -0.0005694939754903316), ('okay', 0.20386861264705658), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Not a bad palce.'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', 0.403683346521575), ('a ', 0.14137466919783037), ('bad ', 0.2369719557609642), ('pal', -0.022233353927731514), ('ce', -0.03243056498467922), ('.', -0.037011049687862396), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Very unique and great food.'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.07542921602725983), ('unique ', 0.20086471736431122), ('and ', 0.06925183534622192), ('great ', 0.21816378645598888), ('food', 0.15394611470401287), ('.', -0.02650458738207817), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "It's In-N-Out. Good, fresh burgers. Good service."} [('', 0.0), ('It', -0.023106391192413867), ("'", -0.006525336182676256), ('s ', -0.005262884311378002), ('In', 0.01564845332177356), ('-', 0.030963909288402647), ('N', -0.09982149652205408), ('-', -0.02833041676785797), ('Out', -0.04733777430374175), ('. ', -0.02668590657413006), ('Good', 0.2129966001957655), (', ', 0.02301415055990219), ('fresh ', 0.16035821964032948), ('burger', -0.03310574381612241), ('s', 0.009025904815644026), ('. ', -0.011209665797650814), ('Good ', 0.40166506147943437), ('service', -0.025112177012488246), ('.', -0.01654451433569193), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Still one of the best in LV.'} [('', 0.0), ('Still ', 0.10184142924845219), ('one ', 0.12558518489822745), ('of ', 0.11939724208787084), ('the ', 0.044463757425546646), ('best ', 0.3361230995506048), ('in ', 0.010115725919604301), ('L', 0.023704209364950657), ('V', -0.03570577409118414), ('.', -0.012524308636784554), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good sushi.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.3908378779888153), ('su', 0.006187796592712402), ('shi', 0.23391488194465637), ('.', -0.04437372088432312), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great sushi'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.2680967450141907), ('su', -0.03321259468793869), ('shi', 0.2418723627924919), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best in-n-Out in town'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.494905486702919), ('in', 0.0643734522163868), ('-', 0.12339011952280998), ('n', -0.08675983874127269), ('-', 0.017937610391527414), ('Out ', -0.04707738058641553), ('in ', 0.1268776054494083), ('town', 0.0355896670371294), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'This is great anytime of the day.'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', -0.005141731351613998), ('is ', -0.00030253641307353973), ('great ', 0.38452459312975407), ('anytime ', 0.12593859620392323), ('of ', 0.04540530405938625), ('the ', 0.06505890004336834), ('day', 0.13929305411875248), ('.', -0.0255013108253479), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Burger is a 8.5/10. Fries are a 2/10'} [('', 0.0), ('Burger ', 0.14598795864731073), ('is ', 0.07603835605550557), ('a ', 0.15167471079621464), ('8', -0.026980859925970435), ('.', -0.028296570293605328), ('5', -0.01635523373261094), ('/', -0.08577796630561352), ('10', -0.0862945462577045), ('. ', 0.009573612362146378), ('Fries ', -0.015780098736286163), ('are ', 0.09053426887840033), ('a ', 0.18231544317677617), ('2', -0.050991549622267485), ('/', -0.1517370641231537), ('10', -0.040721070021390915), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great wings and a good burger.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.16232266277074814), ('wings ', 0.14094793051481247), ('and ', 0.05858840048313141), ('a ', 0.1004939607810229), ('good ', 0.32145533594302833), ('burger', -0.03521407349035144), ('.', -0.025159530341625214), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Food prices and service still \\"SUCK\\" stay away!!!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Food ', 0.04799510703742271), ('prices ', -0.051722281059483066), ('and ', -0.0030204229478840716), ('service ', -0.02657940721474006), ('still ', -0.12889672250821604), ('\\', -0.010049070340755861), ('"', -0.032371615670854226), ('SUCK', -0.09015107678351342), ('\\', -0.025392403007572284), ('" ', -0.009614272168619209), ('stay ', -0.04239353633784049), ('away', -0.06854986656617257), ('!', -0.012326655720244162), ('!', -0.006845397561846767), ('!', -0.013284671214933041), ('!', 0.007137064516427927), ('!', 0.0058221529761794955), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'decent food at a decent price'} [('', 0.0), ('decent ', 0.17549589276313782), ('food ', 0.1428384780883789), ('at ', 0.027340620756149292), ('a ', 0.11597905308008194), ('decent ', 0.23907411843538284), ('price', -0.009632155299186707), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great atmosphere. Great food. Service was slow today.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.12899705280506168), ('atmosphere', 0.04658955020204303), ('. ', -0.0039936358443810605), ('Great ', 0.18488681135931984), ('food', -0.011319858851493336), ('. ', -0.0022268217289820313), ('Service ', -0.22980115207610652), ('was ', -0.057356788784090895), ('slow ', -0.30681698198168306), ('today', 0.012781124489265494), ('.', -0.07504792041436303), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Ditto on my review of Rain and Playboy'} [('', 0.0), ('Di', 0.0043014673865400255), ('tto ', 0.0785031994455494), ('on ', 0.012243698351085186), ('my ', 0.030074830166995525), ('review ', 0.1978450338356197), ('of ', 0.08235706435516477), ('Rain ', 0.027335211634635925), ('and ', 0.22124916315078735), ('Playboy', -0.08372427523136139), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'preety ok'} [('', 0.0), ('pre', -0.270926296710968), ('ety ', 0.012558817863464355), ('ok', 0.6978251934051514), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'no more giant whoopee pies.\\n\\nboo.'} [('', 0.0), ('no ', -0.07001985212264117), ('more ', -0.015502262562222313), ('giant ', -0.023291158773645293), ('who', -0.016972070439805975), ('ope', -0.04386121740026283), ('e ', -0.0014579324124497361), ('pie', -0.03465451987358392), ('s', -0.006784562054235721), ('.', -0.012726421795377973), ('\\', -0.0355024909513304), ('n', -0.02773805119068129), ('\\', -0.02330757784511661), ('n', -0.044526623914862284), ('bo', -0.03890070594570716), ('o', -0.02975267197325593), ('.', -0.021291739409207366), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'A delicious sweet potato and goat cheese sandwich.'} [('', 0.0), ('A ', 0.07633364945650101), ('delicious ', 0.6651712163584307), ('sweet ', 0.1939316625939682), ('potato ', -0.10761179984547198), ('and ', 0.04632276762276888), ('goat ', -0.03770617791451514), ('cheese ', -0.0572978463023901), ('sandwich', -0.03698303154669702), ('.', -0.029236347414553165), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Awesome! Great service, great food, great prices!'} [('', 0.0), ('Awesome', 0.28050340712070465), ('! ', 0.05243070423603058), ('Great ', 0.09432954993098974), ('service', -0.015039595775306225), (', ', 0.005086209625005722), ('great ', 0.084644217742607), ('food', -0.0003158960025757551), (', ', 0.0005069319158792496), ('great ', 0.1847689503338188), ('prices', -0.050054834922775626), ('!', 0.0292096845805645), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best Gyro in town. Great service and nice establishment.'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.11171451210975647), ('G', 0.03641620511189103), ('yr', 0.027919755782932043), ('o ', 0.010990869253873825), ('in ', 0.04084382113069296), ('town', 0.02587625104933977), ('. ', 0.050750281661748886), ('Great ', 0.19149553729221225), ('service ', -0.022252833005040884), ('and ', -0.016680428758263588), ('nice ', 0.17983968928456306), ('establishment', -0.009573355317115784), ('.', -0.017850924283266068), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'service was slow, food sucked'} [('', 0.0), ('service ', 0.03906415579331224), ('was ', -0.04042408641362272), ('slow', -0.24138462717928633), (', ', 0.08857173262367724), ('food ', 0.1371464267213014), ('sucked', -0.29150049320742255), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Food took forever to arrive.'} [('', 0.0), ('Food ', 0.24977341666817665), ('took ', -0.2098290380090475), ('forever ', -0.042540667578577995), ('to ', 0.1549283992499113), ('arrive', -0.10430251993238926), ('.', -0.02364407852292061), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best Greek Restaurant in town!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.18431966751813889), ('Greek ', 0.07150208950042725), ('Restaurant ', 0.08055705577135086), ('in ', 0.12896485440433025), ('town', 0.11337362416088581), ('!', 0.09090325236320496), ('!', 0.05378672480583191), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good happy hour, but not if you arrive after 430!'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.39893636340275407), ('happy ', 0.3935684768948704), ('hour', 0.005688425386324525), (', ', -0.020774190314114094), ('but ', -0.033295760629698634), ('not ', -0.13524165487615392), ('if ', -0.07972352270735428), ('you ', 0.12976472539594397), ('arrive ', 0.05184100446058437), ('after ', -0.02936461614444852), ('430', -0.056060926988720894), ('!', 0.0018144468776881695), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great happy hour... And Joel... The best bartender....'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.08191596902906895), ('happy ', 0.10422736313194036), ('hour', -0.0008489834144711494), ('.', -0.006728712469339371), ('.', -0.007920535281300545), ('. ', 0.0050510261207818985), ('And ', 0.042828477919101715), ('Joel', 0.05413600616157055), ('.', -0.0072153490036726), ('.', -0.020548148080706596), ('. ', -0.022533928975462914), ('The ', 0.023341492982581258), ('best ', 0.3647751179523766), ('bartender', -0.012438921490684152), ('.', -0.020135495346039534), ('.', -0.01792607270181179), ('.', -0.012832479551434517), ('.', -0.01644846796989441), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great food, Awesome service and very cool environment... Loved it...'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.12050178460776806), ('food', 0.03510047309100628), (', ', -0.021061677485704422), ('Awesome ', 0.09275495470501482), ('service ', -0.01528117642737925), ('and ', -0.010115139186382294), ('very ', 0.004219748312607408), ('cool ', 0.07883891626261175), ('environment', -0.006998026743531227), ('.', -0.008701372891664505), ('.', -0.023428364424034953), ('. ', -0.024573548464104533), ('Loved ', 0.39720663928892463), ('it', -0.015050219488330185), ('.', -0.015989904990419745), ('.', -0.020491711795330048), ('.', -0.02868209034204483), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Very good happy hour!'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.12685104459524155), ('good ', 0.09882509149610996), ('happy ', 0.09882592596113682), ('hour', 0.06891289725899696), ('!', 0.27061377465724945), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Cheap, ripe Avocados. TIGHT aisles. Great produce selection. Inexpensive. Funky.'} [('', 0.0), ('Cheap', -0.3525903803820256), (', ', -0.011997481720754877), ('ripe ', 0.003261322039179504), ('Av', 0.04421573762465414), ('oca', 0.11437818075410178), ('dos', -0.03598271392547758), ('. ', 0.005211064941249788), ('TIGHT ', 0.19605374757520622), ('aisles', -0.03604725121840602), ('. ', 0.043971041101031005), ('Great ', 0.21367995093896752), ('produce ', 0.050669357311562635), ('selection', 0.02847235983790597), ('. ', 0.07136373373214155), ('Inexpensive', -0.0013186803844291717), ('. ', -0.0046530972176697105), ('Funky', 0.20017927496519405), ('.', -0.0012153924471931532), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best dog park in az'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.3993329331278801), ('dog ', -0.11010007653385401), ('park ', 0.26688648108392954), ('in ', 0.057336725294589996), ('az', 0.0502767339348793), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Whiskey river! Always a good choice.'} [('', 0.0), ('Whiskey ', -0.07802280131727457), ('river', 0.11191745568066835), ('! ', 0.3086020387709141), ('Always ', 0.07901760749518871), ('a ', 0.12170484848320484), ('good ', 0.14831265807151794), ('choice', 0.06400597095489502), ('.', -0.026304632425308228), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Good bunt cakes, friendly staff, fairly quick on preparations'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.3955477746203542), ('bun', 0.07147156061546411), ('t ', -0.14520403287315276), ('cakes', 0.0006165599916130304), (', ', -0.004894629120826721), ('friendly ', 0.3396810994017869), ('staff', 0.042997105279937387), (', ', 0.010020436253398657), ('fairly ', 0.009738012100569904), ('quick ', -0.03191909973975271), ('on ', -0.010934361256659031), ('preparations', -0.04993415670469403), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "It was alright but I've had better!"} [('', 0.0), ('It ', -0.022681924514472485), ('was ', 0.015496823471039534), ('alright ', 0.7839937335811555), ('but ', -0.2743176291696727), ('I', 0.18086597986984998), ("'", 0.07213369279634207), ('ve ', -0.10097599867731333), ('had ', -0.1578971875132993), ('better', -0.052673197467811406), ('!', 0.15988532989285886), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "I don't like this place. Lunch is cheap."} [('', 0.0), ('I ', -0.02174774651939515), ('don', -0.017976767066102184), ("'", -0.022617527231886925), ('t ', -0.255105583657496), ('like ', 0.05546761520054133), ('this ', 0.1063735416628333), ('place', -0.002895803852879908), ('. ', -0.010816179586981889), ('Lunch ', 0.08787455024867086), ('is ', 0.16372477615368553), ('cheap', -0.41273182773875305), ('.', -0.04130445311602671), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Ate there twice was not really a fan either time'} [('', 0.0), ('Ate ', -0.1423249204090098), ('there ', -0.08050957358500455), ('twice ', 0.11740213813027367), ('was ', 0.009902507619699463), ('not ', -0.507208940180135), ('really ', 0.0718315370977507), ('a ', 0.04808519289508695), ('fan ', 0.1778477260231739), ('either ', -0.09136325186409522), ('time', 0.09521498347749002), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Excellent food and friendly people everytime'} [('', 0.0), ('Excellent ', 0.2211197167634964), ('food ', 0.14068754017353058), ('and ', 0.03996901959180832), ('friendly ', 0.1392165757715702), ('people ', 0.04577263072133064), ('every', 0.15239008329808712), ('time', -0.015715157613158226), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Got under cook shrimps twice... :('} [('', 0.0), ('Got ', 0.054134171456098557), ('under ', -0.22470870532561094), ('cook ', 0.26430626295041293), ('shrimp', -0.5124317861627787), ('s ', 0.1704981122747995), ('twice', 0.16773612872930244), ('.', -0.024993410683237016), ('.', -0.05243156151846051), ('. ', -0.0444101681932807), (':', -0.031515736132860184), ('(', -0.05707648582756519), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Awesome drunken noodles.'} [('', 0.0), ('Awesome ', 0.811404382577166), ('drunken ', -0.11837106116581708), ('noodles', -0.06225488951895386), ('.', -0.04437574744224548), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "I've had better....a lot better."} [('', 0.0), ('I', -0.01908969267969951), ("'", -0.007932980020996183), ('ve ', -0.07962182351911906), ('had ', -0.292992036047508), ('better', -0.29425325265037827), ('.', 0.05112874886253849), ('.', -0.11915291388868354), ('.', -0.10862073962925933), ('.', 0.20234010234707966), ('a ', 0.16424425911100116), ('lot ', -0.007667419864446856), ('better', 0.152386352972826), ('.', -0.023960516962688416), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Pizza was nasty, soggy, floppy, oily.'} [('', 0.0), ('Pizza ', -0.04393973565311171), ('was ', 0.005636693949782057), ('nasty', -0.1268384598697594), (', ', -0.01867293120449176), ('so', -0.029288559483575227), ('ggy', -0.022023520713446487), (', ', -0.002008609046242782), ('floppy', -0.03613832600422029), (', ', -0.009201483660945087), ('oil', -0.048390824058515136), ('y', -0.020134579770456185), ('.', -0.021129370219568955), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'This business is now closed.'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', 0.08497468469431624), ('business ', -0.0047339995799120516), ('is ', -0.08412774835596792), ('now ', -0.07816060204640962), ('closed', -0.13069982756860554), ('.', -0.09487531680497341), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great Mexican food, Sonora style with there own variations.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.24174192547798157), ('Mexican ', 0.09240989573299885), ('food', 0.10254728607833385), (', ', 0.05872984230518341), ('Sonora ', -0.09263018891215324), ('style ', 0.21375581994652748), ('with ', 0.11643031053245068), ('there ', -0.038224564865231514), ('own ', -0.0051821512170135975), ('variations', 0.004896689672023058), ('.', -0.02851288393139839), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Good Food, great service...Will come back a lot!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.13485539890825748), ('Food', 0.030634818598628044), (', ', -0.021494463086128235), ('great ', 0.187862329185009), ('service', -0.030401911586523056), ('.', -0.014399770647287369), ('.', -0.019735367968678474), ('.', -0.02043786086142063), ('Will ', 0.18540871451841667), ('come ', 0.1883882315014489), ('back ', -0.09009128963225521), ('a ', 0.056724354886682704), ('lot', 0.009369521168991923), ('!', -0.0021486282348632812), ('!', -0.02694762498140335), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'good food, fun, good drinks, ok setting'} [('', 0.0), ('good ', 0.2653614394366741), ('food', 0.07396970316767693), (', ', 0.009120382368564606), ('fun', 0.07562216743826866), (', ', 0.013872679322957993), ('good ', 0.08234799094498158), ('drinks', 0.0036963149905204773), (', ', 0.0028143059462308884), ('ok ', 0.1429249495267868), ('setting', 0.027192607522010803), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'As far as I can tell, no longer there.'} [('', 0.0), ('As ', 0.04699131342204055), ('far ', -0.08624758940277388), ('as ', 0.03599388890143018), ('I ', 0.0666220589328077), ('can ', 0.09035001965730771), ('tell', -0.049408054999730666), (', ', 0.13924522025990882), ('no ', -0.3031422789754288), ('longer ', -0.30752602322536404), ('there', 0.0508305196344736), ('.', -0.017019899780279957), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'One drink got me drunk. Five stars'} [('', 0.0), ('One ', -0.03983821699512191), ('drink ', -0.04431237078097183), ('got ', -0.002827105243341066), ('me ', 0.15491874527651817), ('drunk', -0.6566727117169648), ('. ', 0.01443704345729202), ('Five ', -0.15351490548346192), ('stars', 0.4884057278977707), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best theater in Phoenix for Indie films!'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.21999700367450714), ('theater ', 0.09568851441144943), ('in ', 0.05014451593160629), ('Phoenix ', 0.03689436987042427), ('for ', 0.07938917353749275), ('Indie ', 0.07448379509150982), ('films', 0.14780249632894993), ('!', 0.024716630578041077), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'The worst buffet I been to in Vegas. Nuff said!'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.042365418921690434), ('worst ', -0.637467583797843), ('buffet ', 0.03700145543189137), ('I ', -3.452351393207209e-05), ('been ', -0.06024079442158836), ('to ', 0.11906002758041723), ('in ', 0.012607934214429406), ('Vegas', 0.1486834253255438), ('. ', 0.04536187985650031), ('Nu', -0.12264693574434204), ('ff ', -0.10902750524655858), ('said', 0.13931279563257704), ('!', -0.004963670267898124), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Service sucks!\\nFood inedible!\\nWorst\\nBuffet \\nEver!!!'} [('', -0.0003947137374780141), ('Service ', 0.005818800920678768), ('sucks', -0.09865371687919833), ('!', -0.019753014188609086), ('\\', -0.011129029453513795), ('n', -0.041284252129116794), ('Fo', -0.03835857734884485), ('od ', -0.06820016912206484), ('in', -0.005910460566155962), ('ed', 0.028929328991580405), ('ible', 0.016552441064050072), ('!', 0.01284685487371462), ('\\', -0.018064831940137083), ('nW', -0.006098251415096456), ('ors', -0.023319359726883704), ('t', -0.03224249682170921), ('\\', -0.007862669972382719), ('n', -0.016441208725154866), ('Bu', -0.004369606213003863), ('ffe', -0.01490985445707338), ('t ', -0.01862063573935302), ('\\', -0.00042328809104219545), ('nEver', -0.06824029102244822), ('!', -0.0018620658629515674), ('!', -0.0063006046184455045), ('!', -0.07154637800704222), ('', -1.4426579582504928e-05)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Nothing impressive at all.'} [('', 0.0), ('Nothing ', -0.6401397367444588), ('impressive ', 0.20633298742541228), ('at ', 0.02102112761713215), ('all', 0.12222885878145462), ('.', -0.044938184204511344), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Bartender ignored us. Food is good here.'} [('', 0.0), ('Bartender ', -0.057071992865530774), ('ignored ', -0.26242130050377455), ('us', -0.005971353777567856), ('. ', 0.18473750271368772), ('Food ', 0.0459853837674018), ('is ', 0.026142104965401813), ('good ', 0.7331008864857722), ('here', 0.07477001383085735), ('.', -0.027673176140524447), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'CLOSOSOSOSOSeeedddddddd \\nThanks god Shit hole'} [('', 0.0), ('CL', -0.01285931546590291), ('OSO', -0.04296166301355697), ('SOS', -0.012378934799926355), ('OSO', -0.03181976152700372), ('See', -0.01928277655679267), ('edd', -0.025265151271014474), ('dd', -0.020204569525958505), ('dd', -0.02015234680584399), ('dd ', -0.029530058687669225), ('\\', -0.05805566653725691), ('nT', -0.03129246572643751), ('han', -0.006771617474441882), ('ks ', -0.00403688769438304), ('god ', -0.00836594590509776), ('Shit ', -0.06264426799316425), ('hole', -0.05985793305444531), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Almost two decades and never disappointed.'} [('', 0.0), ('Almost ', -0.057615868747234344), ('two ', -0.01794366165995598), ('decades ', 0.051908981055021286), ('and ', 0.14216789975762367), ('never ', 0.3279818166192854), ('disappointed', 0.3123656203824794), ('.', -0.036255923099815845), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great karaoke DJ Frankie Almost!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.560919628944248), ('kara', 0.13384946988662705), ('oke ', -0.04285945318406448), ('DJ ', 0.08686357934493572), ('Frankie ', 0.053672135807573795), ('Almost', -0.22021121729630977), ('!', 0.08491322677582502), ('!', 0.049194760620594025), ('!', 0.006173372268676758), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'I hate this theater. It really just sucks.'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', 0.01241059412859613), ('hate ', -0.22002517900000385), ('this ', 0.0265503598475334), ('theater', 0.017486532760813134), ('. ', 0.009295750554883853), ('It ', 0.038102302180050174), ('really ', 0.0490632982509851), ('just ', -0.09260324338174541), ('sucks', -0.10959235252448707), ('.', -0.03239174580085091), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Pretty small theatre... Service was ok'} [('', 0.0), ('Pretty ', -0.011004998814314604), ('small ', -0.20576408482156694), ('theatre', 0.0853899868670851), ('.', 0.016080808825790882), ('.', -0.004666763823479414), ('. ', -0.00040052505210042), ('Service ', -0.052524228231050074), ('was ', -0.011697223293595016), ('ok', 0.8964128461666405), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "Valle Luna isn't bad but it could be better."} [('', 0.0), ('Valle ', 0.12810720899142325), ('Luna ', -0.08203413127921522), ('isn', -0.03443765993506531), ("'", -0.0008629361873317976), ('t ', 0.2223398224741686), ('bad ', 0.13728017400717363), ('but ', -0.4420421237591654), ('it ', 0.02711354588973336), ('could ', -0.09735669768997468), ('be ', -0.0407208900724072), ('better', -0.0038591834309045225), ('.', -0.04221457929816097), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Chips and salsa were good.'} [('', 0.0), ('Chips ', -0.1662212824448943), ('and ', 0.09969708975404501), ('salsa ', 0.22417173348367214), ('were ', -0.0318111926317215), ('good', 0.5475249942392111), ('.', 0.017744679003953934), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'LoVe this restaurant and the prices----I will be back'} [('', 0.0), ('LoVe ', 0.4049164862371981), ('this ', -0.02629563887603581), ('restaurant ', 0.17695696256123483), ('and ', 0.05117746349424124), ('the ', -0.05903905630111694), ('prices', -0.18862130120396614), ('-', -0.04416603082790971), ('-', -0.01823179004713893), ('-', 0.005206980276852846), ('-', 0.00718986289575696), ('I ', 0.07004920160397887), ('will ', 0.284635195042938), ('be ', -0.03114636242389679), ('back', -0.049105092883110046), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best drink spot in town...super chill!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.20684479270130396), ('drink ', -0.01439474755898118), ('spot ', -0.009117631707340479), ('in ', 0.037268832325935364), ('town', 0.0286918543279171), ('.', 0.06095154955983162), ('.', -0.02175182430073619), ('.', -0.010583458002656698), ('super ', 0.2499326062388718), ('chill', 0.07166785607114434), ('!', 0.012634774670004845), ('!', 0.008940614759922028), ('!', -0.011869244277477264), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Almost as cool as Peter Griffin'} [('', 0.0), ('Almost ', -0.19527512416243553), ('as ', -0.03494173474609852), ('cool ', 0.5893248897045851), ('as ', 0.03553582727909088), ('Peter ', 0.17971426248550415), ('Griffin', 0.11295609176158905), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'one of my favorite bars, nice and cozy.'} [('', 0.0), ('one ', -0.014315707609057426), ('of ', 0.001440039835870266), ('my ', -0.011783027090132236), ('favorite ', 0.3283422226086259), ('bars', -0.06523545179516077), (', ', 0.10464782267808914), ('nice ', 0.17979290336370468), ('and ', 0.015188105404376984), ('cozy', 0.11445519886910915), ('.', 0.044376129284501076), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great atmosphere. Nice crowd. Good place to meet friends.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.1236870065331459), ('atmosphere', 0.03953559696674347), ('. ', -0.006339341402053833), ('Nice ', 0.11126101575791836), ('crowd', 0.05689087323844433), ('. ', -0.011086653918027878), ('Good ', 0.19751561479642987), ('place ', -0.020652652252465487), ('to ', 0.0018524397164583206), ('meet ', 0.09142014943063259), ('friends', 0.08231242001056671), ('.', -0.03909808397293091), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'What can I say ? Viva Griffen.'} [('', 0.0), ('What ', -0.02179337479174137), ('can ', 0.03813726699445397), ('I ', 0.09188608673866838), ('say ', 0.11872462462633848), ('? ', -0.2880054656416178), ('Viva ', 0.4812035486102104), ('Gr', 0.2265433716820553), ('iff', -0.07210839830804616), ('en', 0.1428700964897871), ('.', -0.04341171681880951), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Awesome atmosphere, good drink (Hard palmer)'} [('', 0.0), ('Awesome ', 0.216640155762434), ('atmosphere', 0.10077009722590446), (', ', 0.04052146524190903), ('good ', 0.3851358965039253), ('drink ', -0.05253579467535019), ('(', 0.0266822949051857), ('Hard ', -0.076184963574633), ('palmer', 0.0509372113738209), (')', 0.021004758309572935), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Dark. Ominous. Good bar.'} [('', 0.0), ('Dark', -0.1176783973351121), ('. ', 0.04879256710410118), ('Ominous', -0.09223824401851743), ('. ', 0.02757776516955346), ('Good ', 0.9035361855058), ('bar', -0.02125551935750991), ('.', -0.02546566934324801), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "Walked out before ordering. Menu wasn't appealing enough to friends."} [('', 0.0), ('Walked ', -0.05557332296302775), ('out ', -0.036330431528767804), ('before ', -0.04186997329725273), ('ordering', -0.04023953699015692), ('. ', -0.03380782073872979), ('Menu ', -0.04669174195078085), ('wasn', -0.245989345839007), ("'", -0.029469545477695647), ('t ', -0.2732924870788338), ('appealing ', 0.19974572706632898), ('enough ', 0.04572547595398646), ('to ', 0.037334986607220344), ('friends', 0.12191092506827772), ('.', -0.017576045898749726), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best sushi in Phoenix.'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.4859904646873474), ('su', -0.06914464198052883), ('shi ', 0.2060625609010458), ('in ', 0.08297469280660152), ('Phoenix', 0.0372342374175787), ('.', -0.0523250512778759), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good. Intimate. Expensive.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good', 0.35805420513497666), ('. ', 0.06283799296943471), ('Intimate', 0.3908728233072907), ('. ', 0.02971330494619906), ('Expensive', -0.12221921980381012), ('.', -0.028114699758589268), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best food in town. By a mile.'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.48080874141305685), ('food ', 0.18740661640185863), ('in ', 0.04774702189024538), ('town', 0.06832479918375611), ('. ', 0.025522461161017418), ('By ', -0.07275595888495445), ('a ', 0.023360193707048893), ('mile', -0.023109260015189648), ('.', -0.024428801611065865), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Beautiful downtown property with amazing guest rooms'} [('', 0.0), ('Beautiful ', 0.3545428663492203), ('downtown ', 0.09988405555486679), ('property ', -0.09274072200059891), ('with ', 0.02255392074584961), ('amazing ', 0.17004278302192688), ('guest ', 0.09532883018255234), ('rooms', 0.07383463531732559), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'So so.'} [('', 0.0), ('So ', 0.21958737075328827), ('so', 0.19201599061489105), ('.', 0.05043545365333557), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great patio and awesome food! The flavors are delicious!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.11455596424639225), ('patio ', 0.05716191418468952), ('and ', -0.005394246429204941), ('awesome ', 0.1472532358020544), ('food', 0.03168863244354725), ('! ', -0.012231610715389252), ('The ', 0.026054827496409416), ('flavors ', 0.13615993969142437), ('are ', -0.0035599255934357643), ('delicious', 0.18289062846451998), ('!', -0.00851217657327652), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Completely lame.'} [('', 0.0), ('Completely ', -0.2258321130357217), ('lame', -0.33512478786724387), ('.', 0.03817545985657489), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Not my favorite. Teriaki Madness is much better'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', -0.623420950883883), ('my ', 0.012393823089951184), ('favorite', 0.12249557195900707), ('. ', 0.10535024522687308), ('Ter', 0.02904439171834383), ('ia', 0.032964414509478956), ('ki ', 0.11925444334337953), ('Madness ', -0.16173688111302909), ('is ', 0.129105222018552), ('much ', 0.21121415760717355), ('better', 0.12226279216702096), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'They get you there... thats about it.'} [('', 0.0), ('They ', -0.04386552795767784), ('get ', 0.029380599735304713), ('you ', 0.2943918586242944), ('there', 0.09239017032086849), ('.', -0.025914020836353302), ('.', -0.0010622423142194748), ('. ', 0.03622910566627979), ('that', 0.06111546466127038), ('s ', 0.07644365262240171), ('about ', 0.011370949796400964), ('it', 0.17032871034462005), ('.', -0.07441429980099201), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Second worse airline after American Airlines.'} [('', 0.0), ('Second ', 0.07016001338342903), ('worse ', -0.5433870339002169), ('airline ', 0.009032814650709042), ('after ', 0.04820033673058788), ('American ', 0.1139841738386167), ('Airlines', 0.009802410961128771), ('.', 0.01602723472751677), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great food and dessert...total scottsdale snobbery atmosphere.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.538126228377223), ('food ', 0.10979364346712828), ('and ', -0.0007161343237385154), ('dessert', 0.08442238715360872), ('.', 0.049347934691468254), ('.', -0.022196252655703574), ('.', -0.022578360221814364), ('total ', -0.003599393297918141), ('scott', 0.04663583930232562), ('sdale ', -0.04939821260632016), ('s', -0.0017232074278581422), ('nob', -0.16791842698512482), ('bery ', 0.013002264422539156), ('atmosphere', 0.010412482195533812), ('.', -0.016093541315058246), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "The best white chocolate bread pudding I've ever had!!!"} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.009218106046319008), ('best ', 0.320992250344716), ('white ', -0.014462039223872125), ('chocolate ', 0.18846723325744583), ('bread ', -0.07196446485856238), ('pudding ', -0.1800517994367207), ('I', 0.06151734932791442), ("'", 0.030835508950985968), ('ve ', 0.06930310057941824), ('ever ', 0.21347242535557598), ('had', -0.05334402900189161), ('!', 0.027659697458148003), ('!', 0.022959962487220764), ('!', -0.04112929105758667), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Dirty gross, all the bums hang out here. Avoid!'} [('', 0.0), ('Dirty ', -0.04189435714033607), ('gross', -0.05020840390898229), (', ', -0.01663868539253599), ('all ', -0.004982662804650317), ('the ', -0.004689256516030582), ('bum', -0.14831284433876135), ('s ', -0.002075728459203674), ('hang ', 0.0384138445069766), ('out ', 0.04728236409891906), ('here', -0.010264957782510464), ('. ', -0.0032814835522003705), ('Avoid', -0.172478854910878), ('!', -0.020988577809475828), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Cool interior decor and good hangout bar.'} [('', 0.0), ('Cool ', 0.17418750002980232), ('interior ', 0.0809412058442831), ('decor ', 0.058750374242663383), ('and ', 0.04273504763841629), ('good ', 0.23856669012457132), ('hang', 0.07287162984721363), ('out ', 0.09077522554434836), ('bar', -0.029096481390297413), ('.', -0.01673563290387392), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Food was good but VERY pricey!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Food ', 0.03856920194812119), ('was ', -0.0003666302654892206), ('good ', 0.3444408322684467), ('but ', -0.07666431600227952), ('VERY ', 0.04524367395788431), ('price', 0.045455133193172514), ('y', 0.2636913483729586), ('!', 0.04641303792595863), ('!', 0.0061927735805511475), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good pizza good salads ..great place for lunch..'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.1860346458852291), ('pizza ', -0.014916257932782173), ('good ', 0.1980148833245039), ('salad', -0.061332457698881626), ('s ', 0.015462967567145824), ('.', -0.018394457176327705), ('.', -0.023516802117228508), ('great ', 0.37930413568392396), ('place ', -0.013144700089469552), ('for ', -0.001226473250426352), ('lunch', 0.024004245060496032), ('.', -0.023956057149916887), ('.', -0.036922670900821686), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Love this place! great service and really good food'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.2634088061749935), ('this ', 0.045788682997226715), ('place', 0.01426110789179802), ('! ', 0.0249909907579422), ('great ', 0.1844980181194842), ('service ', -0.020718539599329233), ('and ', 0.01026603952050209), ('really ', 0.013874070718884468), ('good ', 0.14678318984806538), ('food', 0.013782214373350143), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'They need to add dark chicken curry to their menu.'} [('', 0.0), ('They ', -0.03096975540393032), ('need ', -0.10612273134756833), ('to ', -0.017788603581720963), ('add ', 0.044141872771433555), ('dark ', -0.052418385093915276), ('chicken ', -0.0507269368681591), ('curry ', -0.0012816407543141395), ('to ', 0.036069345427677035), ('their ', 0.010390851355623454), ('menu', -0.11149984318763018), ('.', -0.05198720406042412), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Excellent beer, and excellent food. Never disappoints.'} [('', 0.0), ('Excellent ', 0.18965378031134605), ('beer', -0.02225850522518158), (', ', -0.021476466208696365), ('and ', -0.017714492976665497), ('excellent ', 0.15868845768272877), ('food', -0.0006484109908342361), ('. ', 0.005799487233161926), ('Never ', 0.1640836208825931), ('di', 0.21621015388518572), ('sa', -0.01708007574779913), ('pp', -0.009673634795035468), ('oint', -0.01453623053021147), ('s', -0.01130113260296639), ('.', -0.03619976341724396), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Noisey, limited atmosphere'} [('', 0.0), ('Noise', -0.17622968279465567), ('y', 0.1093161901953863), (', ', 0.08334520811331458), ('limited ', -0.5367014770454261), ('atmosphere', 0.18560179471387528), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Way too noisy but mussels are great..'} [('', 0.0), ('Way ', -0.004605174151947722), ('too ', -0.07028106935467804), ('noisy ', -0.05644542435038602), ('but ', 0.21543836237106007), ('mu', -0.007207458802440669), ('ssel', -0.01906116455393203), ('s ', 0.0035931906259065727), ('are ', 0.0399730773679039), ('great', 0.6390813744255865), ('.', -0.005622342920105439), ('.', -0.07042798399925232), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good service. Enjoyed the Jambalaya !'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.3644348047673702), ('service', -0.0617867149412632), ('. ', 0.05383985489606857), ('Enjoyed ', 0.16888878494501114), ('the ', 0.013959929347038269), ('Jam', -0.00783070968464017), ('bala', 0.16164080100134015), ('ya ', 0.016703084111213684), ('!', 0.003159433603286743), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'I love the sports book. Not smokey.'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', -0.046758928801864386), ('love ', 0.816873612231575), ('the ', 0.011685444158501923), ('sports ', 0.03375165141187608), ('book', -0.06985746952705085), ('. ', 0.015769772231578827), ('Not ', -0.1997148720547557), ('smoke', 0.11548837879672647), ('y', 0.045886215288192034), ('.', -0.03576178848743439), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Goin to win mega bucks! my favorite hang out!'} [('', 0.0), ('Goin ', -0.018020063638687134), ('to ', 0.048448216170072556), ('win ', 0.19741329923272133), ('mega ', 0.038784485310316086), ('bucks', 0.047326091676950455), ('! ', 0.018991708755493164), ('my ', 0.013674568384885788), ('favorite ', 0.18509593605995178), ('hang ', 0.05973723949864507), ('out', 0.08153990609571338), ('!', -0.007083170115947723), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Staff at the sports bar provide an excellent service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Staff ', -0.04628760367631912), ('at ', -0.0032309964299201965), ('the ', 0.002698749303817749), ('sports ', 0.009292691946029663), ('bar ', -0.02160388045012951), ('provide ', 0.19950804766267538), ('an ', 0.17548225726932287), ('excellent ', 0.42103011906147003), ('service', -0.005440092645585537), ('.', -0.03458069358021021), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'way to spicy and expensive....'} [('', 0.0), ('way ', 0.16363549698144197), ('to ', 0.04192101792432368), ('spicy ', 0.5357831853907555), ('and ', 0.1476576292188838), ('expensive', -0.04112626571441069), ('.', -0.03423693269724026), ('.', -0.013872995041310787), ('.', -0.04443614091724157), ('.', -0.042568570002913475), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Amazing! The Chicken sausage pasta definitely works!'} [('', 0.0), ('Amazing', 0.2417682483792305), ('! ', 0.11486075073480606), ('The ', -0.005706300027668476), ('Chicken ', -0.029641705565154552), ('sausage ', -0.024761143838986754), ('pasta ', 0.0005266738589853048), ('definitely ', 0.2064732308499515), ('works', 0.2072526733390987), ('!', 0.0021819444373250008), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Classic All- American. Top notch service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Classic ', 0.08724644780158997), ('All', 0.09945122199133039), ('- ', 0.048108001705259085), ('American', 0.0918134767562151), ('. ', 0.02552182972431183), ('Top ', 0.29489296954125166), ('notch ', 0.11722398269921541), ('service', -0.023684818297624588), ('.', -0.0276930071413517), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Once was enough for me. Over all mediocre.'} [('', 0.0), ('Once ', -0.3032296998426318), ('was ', -0.011071014450863004), ('enough ', 0.0409801306668669), ('for ', 0.03472265228629112), ('me', 0.2151163313537836), ('. ', -0.13493730500340462), ('Over ', 0.1319543906756735), ('all ', 0.23962203083283384), ('med', -0.28672382540207764), ('io', 0.09200966862590576), ('cre', -0.23036932081959094), ('.', -0.051496997475624084), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'great place to watch a game'} [('', 0.0), ('great ', 0.19202081859111786), ('place ', 0.05386576056480408), ('to ', 0.10720859467983246), ('watch ', 0.27401615120470524), ('a ', 0.08396413363516331), ('game', -0.01994595304131508), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'great beer selection!'} [('', 0.0), ('great ', 0.1847020611166954), ('beer ', -0.034811846911907196), ('selection', 0.1594891995191574), ('!', 0.27717168629169464), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Great selection of beers, cool place just alil crowded'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.44693646766245365), ('selection ', 0.1234599215677008), ('of ', 0.007077319663949311), ('beers', -0.07363797118887305), (', ', 0.19844383001327515), ('cool ', 0.344438477040967), ('place ', 0.01919364361674525), ('just ', -0.1402666629292071), ('ali', -0.016067060932982713), ('l ', 0.17356601782375947), ('crowded', -0.42096945946104825), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great atmosphere, amazing music. The perfect place!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.12292330525815487), ('atmosphere', 0.0466644000262022), (', ', 0.004604395478963852), ('amazing ', 0.129780488088727), ('music', 0.04010075516998768), ('. ', 0.004411052912473679), ('The ', 0.051580180414021015), ('perfect ', 0.3299014391377568), ('place', -0.030964026227593422), ('!', -0.002070032060146332), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Love This Historical District First Friday setting!'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.3249557912349701), ('This ', -0.005213355645537376), ('Historical ', 0.047473764047026634), ('District ', 0.024747829884290695), ('First ', 0.12234208360314369), ('Friday ', 0.10099520161747932), ('setting', 0.0657472275197506), ('!', 0.04822942614555359), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "Meh. I've expirienced better."} [('', 0.0), ('Me', 0.09955842141062021), ('h', 0.029100362211465836), ('. ', -0.04278188105672598), ('I', 0.04665777494665235), ("'", 0.013273947755806148), ('ve ', -0.07810571254231036), ('ex', -0.13085832353681326), ('pi', 0.1572449340019375), ('rien', 0.08888911391841248), ('ced ', -0.30654773773858324), ('better', -0.123266069451347), ('.', -0.06981771648861468), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Amazing Gelato and great selection. Enough said.'} [('', 0.0), ('Amazing ', 0.3551108557730913), ('Gel', 0.04683007998391986), ('ato ', -0.03104054694995284), ('and ', 0.07005921937525272), ('great ', 0.24259625421836972), ('selection', 0.033734282944351435), ('. ', 0.02451933454722166), ('Enough ', -0.09825751557946205), ('said', 0.08865536749362946), ('.', -0.03527620807290077), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'get on their text club to save 20 percent!'} [('', 0.0), ('get ', -0.05951783317141235), ('on ', -0.01399244397180155), ('their ', -0.03575582563644275), ('text ', -0.23938110150629655), ('club ', 0.09542357124155387), ('to ', 0.154633030469995), ('save ', -0.11575952387647703), ('20 ', -0.07013115953304805), ('percent', -0.061898020474473014), ('!', 0.04942191328154877), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good pizza.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.2714579701423645), ('pizza', 0.1672256886959076), ('.', 0.03817972540855408), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great raspberry flavor!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.2145889401435852), ('ras', -0.0008609378710389137), ('p', 0.0619249427691102), ('berry ', 0.07017683982849121), ('flavor', 0.25977300107479095), ('!', 0.08554281294345856), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Good stuff sushi, fresh and fast!'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.3062227889895439), ('stuff ', -0.0018910318613052368), ('su', -0.030187235213816166), ('shi', 0.00859097670763731), (', ', 0.07367326132953167), ('fresh ', 0.16902843862771988), ('and ', 0.026014789938926697), ('fast', 0.13555065542459488), ('!', 0.02600686252117157), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "Tacky as all hell.\\nSalad surprisingly good.\\nI'm a biker chick."} [('', 0.0), ('Tack', -0.040053253702353686), ('y ', -0.02030175138497725), ('as ', -0.0141211275246557), ('all ', -0.00667914905231252), ('hell', -0.03926587648553929), ('.', -0.005754031473770738), ('\\', -0.02689457341330126), ('nSa', -0.033147073118016124), ('lad ', 0.004753239685669541), ('surprisingly ', 0.14256353390373988), ('good', 0.7854343108701869), ('.', -0.008625316855614074), ('\\', -0.03684477088972926), ('nI', -0.02292467374354601), ("'", -0.0237557222135365), ('m ', -0.012753483140841126), ('a ', -0.006869286531582475), ('biker ', -0.05489958531688899), ('chick', -0.04874502925667912), ('.', -0.019047184847295284), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'It Was Horrible Ruined My Valentines Day'} [('', 0.0), ('It ', -0.022734387133823475), ('Was ', -0.008968077181634726), ('Horrible ', -0.10280811442498816), ('Ruined ', -0.36792636736299755), ('My ', 0.02848535889188497), ('Valentine', 0.04746479520781577), ('s ', 0.04989819898491987), ('Day', 0.10619320275145583), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Example'} [('', 0.0), ('Example', 0.03572970628738403), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "Totally sucks! Don't go here."} [('', 0.0), ('Totally ', 0.041662267729407176), ('sucks', -0.27781489011249505), ('! ', 0.09774731216020882), ('Don', -0.056859276024624705), ("'", -0.09590567136183381), ('t ', -0.14956711826380342), ('go ', 0.11330058169551194), ('here', 0.043047772778663784), ('.', 0.004857545776758343), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'This store location is CLOSED.'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', 0.030891849819454364), ('store ', -0.18229357605741825), ('location ', 0.011003251216607168), ('is ', -0.03514660873770481), ('CLOSED', -0.10236617046030005), ('.', -0.030333442889968865), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great food, great atmosphere, and great service!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.1311561819165945), ('food', 0.0386467631906271), (', ', 0.004646081477403641), ('great ', 0.12314178980886936), ('atmosphere', 0.025686798617243767), (', ', 0.02521873265504837), ('and ', 0.02007473260164261), ('great ', 0.2882003793492913), ('service', 0.002193002961575985), ('!', 0.037973932921886444), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Ther is always a wait!'} [('', 0.0), ('The', -0.02552224599639885), ('r ', 0.08632929241866805), ('is ', -0.006737273688486312), ('always ', 0.2742751804398722), ('a ', 0.12858185696677538), ('wait', -0.8139372709192685), ('!', 0.0824359187099617), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Its a Target'} [('', 0.0), ('Its ', 0.1452709138393402), ('a ', 0.35729528963565826), ('Target', -0.03958241641521454), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Bad trade today.................'} [('', 0.0), ('Bad ', -0.194195956850308), ('trade ', -0.05148107965351301), ('today', 0.06403547626860018), ('.', -0.012813973573429394), ('.', -0.01112367923678903), ('.', -0.010910933883224061), ('.', -0.012830041551296745), ('.', -0.012189147943445278), ('.', -0.013421295178432047), ('.', -0.01399440224531645), ('.', -0.015947120778491808), ('.', -0.019572096250612958), ('.', -0.03707819495230069), ('.', -0.027062410604230536), ('.', -0.02329110813934676), ('.', -0.0176728707510847), ('.', -0.018103020884609577), ('.', -0.013098702204388246), ('.', -0.01941319920206297), ('.', -0.027126650367790717), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Bulls beat ya 4-2 in the Finals. Barkley was sour'} [('', 0.0), ('Bulls ', -0.03452328471757937), ('beat ', 0.10426281147374539), ('ya ', 0.02266422335378593), ('4', 0.009653560009610374), ('-', 0.021661912971467245), ('2 ', -0.009992929924919736), ('in ', 0.013518399566237349), ('the ', 0.05738249375826854), ('Finals', 0.07562993229475978), ('. ', 0.006705137031531194), ('Bark', -0.011272773670498282), ('ley ', 0.020274222377338447), ('was ', 0.031994969860534184), ('sour', -0.7232443111715838), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great Place. But They need better Wings.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.34847190568689257), ('Place', 0.040596312494017184), ('. ', 0.09824045677669346), ('But ', -0.14677066897274926), ('They ', -0.07035070360871032), ('need ', -0.3559304563968908), ('better ', -0.0847978314559441), ('Wings', 0.19334211997920647), ('.', -0.03482810012064874), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Decent food...worst service....ever.'} [('', 0.0), ('Decent ', 0.2842346130619262), ('food', 0.11062887564003177), ('.', -0.005125720086653018), ('.', -0.009037716456987255), ('.', -0.011950855635404878), ('worst ', -0.6469327086228986), ('service', 0.06568123557144645), ('.', -0.007486329002858838), ('.', -0.028229421528521925), ('.', -0.037585601035971195), ('.', -0.033546614067745395), ('ever', -0.013704839744605124), ('.', -0.05672028053959366), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Not the greatest. Bad tea.'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', -0.11280470731071546), ('the ', 0.008241678114245587), ('greatest', 0.13941968641029234), ('. ', -0.17167850945406826), ('Bad ', -0.16031717974692583), ('tea', 0.04742832162446575), ('.', -0.025339119842101354), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'My favorite pizza joint in LV.'} [('', 0.0), ('My ', -0.13810475170612335), ('favorite ', 0.6042501954361796), ('pizza ', 0.05613140482455492), ('joint ', 0.13101061526685953), ('in ', 0.10856229532510042), ('L', 0.01585189439356327), ('V', -0.03942476958036423), ('.', -0.017290934920310974), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'So fresh and delicious!'} [('', 0.0), ('So ', -0.008609749376773834), ('fresh ', 0.3405267223715782), ('and ', 0.09077820926904678), ('delicious', 0.13649245724081993), ('!', 0.10485611483454704), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'I really dislike this place!'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', 0.0546285655873362), ('really ', 0.12880076334113255), ('dislike ', -0.831294891278958), ('this ', 0.2607643235824071), ('place', -0.008469740831060335), ('!', 0.08744363105506636), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Food is ok, price is ok. nothing special.'} [('', 0.0), ('Food ', 0.19494122351534315), ('is ', 0.18320250764918455), ('ok', 0.2308497133617493), (', ', 0.03637214619811857), ('price ', 0.01077845544568845), ('is ', 0.06486670751110069), ('ok', 0.1364913885918213), ('. ', -0.04438613053935114), ('nothing ', -0.19919810592546128), ('special', 0.05673488465254195), ('.', -0.043133063707500696), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Food is great.'} [('', 0.0), ('Food ', 0.3012431412935257), ('is ', 0.018741406500339508), ('great', 0.3109743073582649), ('.', -0.04436877369880676), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Beat up mini golf course'} [('', 0.0), ('Beat ', -0.13142891973257065), ('up ', -0.2749700262211263), ('mini ', -0.1817622766830027), ('golf ', 0.10142980981618166), ('course', 0.17833399679511786), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Driving range rocks'} [('', 0.0), ('Driving ', 0.12669596076011658), ('range ', 0.17360548675060272), ('rocks', 0.17646770179271698), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good food at an awesome price!!! Need I say more?'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.3757525437977165), ('food ', 0.010717442841269076), ('at ', 0.004209602833725512), ('an ', 0.044241380906896666), ('awesome ', 0.3945982912846375), ('price', -0.019350221438799053), ('!', -0.028634564019739628), ('!', -0.018971530254930258), ('! ', -0.02132314397022128), ('Need ', -0.09757617994910106), ('I ', 0.019625890359748155), ('say ', 0.006178413634188473), ('more', -0.02056920900940895), ('?', -0.06540634855628014), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'As always, the Cheesecake Factory did not disappoint.'} [('', 0.0), ('As ', -0.040403010323643684), ('always', 0.03643509931862354), (', ', -0.04196128249168396), ('the ', -0.018766033259453252), ('Cheese', -0.06094343891891185), ('cake ', -0.0012737681536236778), ('Factory ', -0.125497904518852), ('did ', 0.18316667625913396), ('not ', 0.3106037854740862), ('di', 0.3663588651761529), ('sa', 0.04567419076192891), ('pp', -0.008819775699521415), ('oint', -0.035521708938176744), ('.', -0.026476582104805857), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "Its Cheesecake Factory....been to one, you've been to them all."} [('', 0.0004015602171421051), ('Its ', -0.19130033045075834), ('Cheese', -0.1709269121347461), ('cake ', 0.03227592250914313), ('Factory', -0.3059088808950037), ('.', -0.012148531153798103), ('.', -0.010731279384344816), ('.', -0.014297704678028822), ('.', -0.04376147920265794), ('been ', -0.07098797167418525), ('to ', -0.0009587535751052201), ('one', -0.054979279171675444), (', ', 0.023098863195627928), ('you', 0.16269050535629503), ("'", -0.009165556955849752), ('ve ', -0.015200935245957226), ('been ', -0.10806416108971462), ('to ', 0.17603963756846497), ('them ', 0.04735372031427687), ('all', 0.10916564153740183), ('.', 0.01151903357822448), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good curry fries'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.6015609949827194), ('curry ', -0.10986018553376198), ('fries', -0.01496921107172966), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'love it'} [('', 0.0), ('love ', 0.14035466313362122), ('it', 0.13278678059577942), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'NOT a fan...anymore!'} [('', 0.0), ('NOT ', -0.4639550785868778), ('a ', 0.06037623357042321), ('fan', 0.21078274376122863), ('.', 0.05723577232856769), ('.', 0.010691292583942413), ('.', -0.013859683342161588), ('anymore', -0.15826416715572122), ('!', 0.027252782456343994), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Fully loaded burgers for cheap late night in Vegas!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Fully ', 0.2031143874337431), ('loaded ', -0.2835821524786297), ('burger', 0.009393874737725127), ('s ', 0.05336410878226161), ('for ', -0.00825898409675574), ('cheap ', -0.5952105071482947), ('late ', -0.1157332325092284), ('night ', 0.07449680594436359), ('in ', 0.03515628528839443), ('Vegas', 0.28252040249935817), ('!', 0.030483411683235317), ('!', -0.025502239353954792), ('!', -0.023648278787732124), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Never a disappointment here!'} [('', 0.0), ('Never ', 0.2029744163810392), ('a ', 0.048409044573418214), ('disappointment ', 0.07553034660122648), ('here', 0.0652075521502411), ('!', 0.27143172919750214), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best thai food restaurant I ever went!\\nEVERYTHING is so good!'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.0774792805314064), ('thai ', 0.04883168917149305), ('food ', 0.01442613173276186), ('restaurant ', 0.06567374337464571), ('I ', 0.033312829211354256), ('ever ', 0.05580190476030111), ('went', 0.005532575771212578), ('!', -0.02492762729525566), ('\\', -0.04787341691553593), ('nEVER', -0.030122494383249432), ('YT', -0.006998427154030651), ('HING ', -0.00892345979809761), ('is ', -0.016926937794778496), ('so ', -0.015531887474935502), ('good', 0.41395280812866986), ('!', -0.012045339681208134), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'love the chicken satay'} [('', 0.0), ('love ', 0.6596976593136787), ('the ', -0.05160178244113922), ('chicken ', -0.2422228530049324), ('sat', 0.020601674914360046), ('ay', 0.2773559093475342), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'boo. messed up my order and had over-the-counter-static.'} [('', 4.912035365123302e-07), ('boo', -0.16975989262209623), ('. ', -0.006952014759008307), ('messed ', -0.08079167992218572), ('up ', -0.010929963927992503), ('my ', 0.008060719859713572), ('order ', -0.03499629648467817), ('and ', -0.018096859254001174), ('had ', -0.01160095301020192), ('over', -0.054475320132041816), ('-', 0.0028278837835387094), ('the', -0.004695192403232795), ('-', -0.0001015436014313309), ('counter', -0.012328245562912343), ('-', -0.0013663649301633995), ('static', -0.04034453101530744), ('.', -0.01225195480765251), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great place to take the dogs and get some exercise!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.6621620064834133), ('place ', 0.09197331854375079), ('to ', -0.008615060418378562), ('take ', 0.04141654685372487), ('the ', 0.04207022854825482), ('dogs ', -0.05365889600943774), ('and ', 0.03562032536137849), ('get ', -0.08362893643788993), ('some ', -0.00622316321823746), ('exercise', -0.0802423640852794), ('!', 0.002088450128212571), ('!', -0.015966445207595825), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Everything I could want for $3.'} [('', 0.0), ('Everything ', 0.2853704681620002), ('I ', 0.13246152736246586), ('could ', -0.01778863836079836), ('want ', -0.04696858336683363), ('for ', 0.05853764375206083), ('$', -0.5016270070336759), ('3', 0.005129627417773008), ('.', -0.023710036650300026), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': '$3 Movies. Yea. \\nOlder movies but who cares its fun.'} [('', 0.0), ('$', -0.31260049482807517), ('3 ', 0.042209278559312224), ('Movies', -0.000984750920906663), ('. ', -0.0816491199657321), ('Ye', -0.01563418284058571), ('a', -0.05774622783064842), ('. ', -0.15733996499329805), ('\\', -0.04581667090921352), ('nO', 0.046307649133571736), ('lder ', -0.02841903663162763), ('movies ', -0.10036572441458702), ('but ', 0.15374403132591397), ('who ', -0.07671947599737905), ('cares ', -0.14768021399504505), ('its ', -0.07762120148981921), ('fun', 0.5485024825029541), ('.', -0.0971483247121796), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'best dog park...so far'} [('', 0.0), ('best ', 0.5258021056652069), ('dog ', -0.17053446150384843), ('park', 0.18078111088834703), ('.', 0.04907800257205963), ('.', 0.042632296681404114), ('.', -0.003053233027458191), ('so ', 0.04611661983653903), ('far', 0.05820089625194669), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great dog park off warm springs and eastern end'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.4178749043494463), ('dog ', -0.1588533129543066), ('park ', 0.09562411531805992), ('off ', -0.2253546870779246), ('warm ', 0.26582859619520605), ('springs ', 0.03193539474159479), ('and ', 0.2799075301736593), ('eastern ', 0.06663107126951218), ('end', -0.10207865387201309), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Lovely, small theater. Anywhere you sit is a good seat.'} [('', 0.0), ('Lovely', 0.38700525742024183), (', ', -0.01791857462376356), ('small ', -0.033326828852295876), ('theater', -0.014565544202923775), ('. ', -0.01611851528286934), ('Anywhere ', -0.022213689982891083), ('you ', 0.10992791503667831), ('sit ', 0.037973469123244286), ('is ', -0.010999402031302452), ('a ', 0.04525149241089821), ('good ', 0.16629952564835548), ('seat', -0.002577211707830429), ('.', -0.01927032694220543), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Food is great, but service SUCKS.'} [('', 0.0), ('Food ', 0.04752203467069194), ('is ', 0.01887670799624175), ('great', 0.21486194810131565), (', ', 0.09156990505289286), ('but ', -0.16453342197200982), ('service ', -0.036472688776484574), ('SUCKS', -0.34336097436425916), ('.', -0.07811766965824063), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Good happy hour place. Two for one drinks!'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.3494760235771537), ('happy ', 0.3259904508013278), ('hour ', 0.03412219253368676), ('place', -0.008620224427431822), ('. ', 0.08681809715926647), ('Two ', -0.0322831510566175), ('for ', -0.016240224707871675), ('one ', -0.10761628113687038), ('drinks', 0.0625552162528038), ('!', 0.002708759158849716), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Love the food, service, and prices!'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.23288547527045012), ('the ', -0.005205862689763308), ('food', 0.060852802824229), (', ', 0.14845905639231205), ('service', -0.06631209142506123), (', ', 0.07687876932322979), ('and ', 0.22810426633805037), ('prices', -0.1029649362899363), ('!', 0.1403229939751327), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Sushi is great and staff is friendly.'} [('', 0.0), ('Su', -0.025645190849900246), ('shi ', 0.013866772875189781), ('is ', 0.015164108946919441), ('great ', 0.3527488876134157), ('and ', 0.040537409484386444), ('staff ', 0.09690859215334058), ('is ', -0.06232271110638976), ('friendly', 0.31386474799364805), ('.', -0.032119547948241234), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good Fish, great prices.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.3087010495364666), ('Fish', -0.026335429400205612), (', ', 0.10282191634178162), ('great ', 0.39201563876122236), ('prices', -0.06011760886758566), ('.', -0.02607211098074913), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'There is too much to say...you must try it yourself!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('There ', -0.05495822390366811), ('is ', -0.060935120745853055), ('too ', -0.2273668909983826), ('much ', -0.21922273053617877), ('to ', -0.015074151147321876), ('say', -0.04048983532751057), ('.', -0.02375730923085939), ('.', -0.031551302137813764), ('.', -0.021213358635577606), ('you ', 0.171214990773539), ('must ', -0.037365197326774555), ('try ', -0.029489254900242182), ('it ', 0.15042558935850442), ('yourself', -0.06652566378240105), ('!', 0.1044597479182509), ('!', -0.01807108569482807), ('!', -0.03987159262760542), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'The head chef left. Sushi & service suffers terribly.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.024510684052074794), ('head ', 0.01131215361010618), ('chef ', 0.12352108256300198), ('left', -0.26255838559063704), ('. ', -0.031595075597579125), ('Su', -0.043457278549794864), ('shi ', -0.019215762363273825), ('& ', 0.0630901758413529), ('service ', -0.058049337021657266), ('suffers ', -0.05496494579620048), ('terribly', -0.05418306184310495), ('.', -0.021753494282165775), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Mediocre at best. Much better AYCE in the area.'} [('', 0.0), ('Med', -0.17502211041937699), ('io', -0.062238113565399544), ('cre ', -0.20109601497097174), ('at ', -0.08188778608018765), ('best', 0.18964531804522267), ('. ', 0.09530443116091192), ('Much ', -0.012517858729552245), ('better ', -0.02216359803787782), ('A', -0.010849281865375815), ('YCE ', -0.05908079062282923), ('in ', -0.021132132578713936), ('the ', -0.009230699883119087), ('area', -0.018101220004609786), ('.', -0.02632998967601452), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good AYCE and sushi is very good.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.35991714149713516), ('A', -0.00047345831990242004), ('YCE ', -0.011243034154176712), ('and ', 0.0494536142796278), ('su', -0.04592591058462858), ('shi ', 0.061546591110527515), ('is ', 0.039564798353239894), ('very ', 0.024652543710544705), ('good', 0.22386933118104935), ('.', -0.004447301849722862), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Could not find location. Maybe closed? Or wrong address...'} [('', 0.0), ('Could ', -0.04063533808221109), ('not ', -0.0533409970039429), ('find ', -0.020985922507861687), ('location', -0.02313110864633927), ('. ', -0.03164603912955499), ('Maybe ', -0.02148364330514596), ('closed', -0.02254551961868856), ('? ', -0.036985438942792825), ('Or ', -0.01065976442896499), ('wrong ', -0.033370458325407526), ('address', -0.02242881199981639), ('.', -0.012307000265536772), ('.', -0.014120110879957792), ('.', -0.0723716880165739), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Not my favorite location but it has a neat atmophere!'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', -0.2897253139090026), ('my ', -0.00576508225640282), ('favorite ', 0.10919052066310542), ('location ', -0.020739657709782477), ('but ', 0.220238026289735), ('it ', 0.0020953726143488893), ('has ', 0.0260086154758028), ('a ', 0.21721661515221058), ('neat ', 0.35951234639833274), ('atm', -0.09104578283131559), ('op', 0.029565438554527645), ('her', 0.018338623037379875), ('e', 0.004525224901044567), ('!', 0.0024206513735407498), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Aaaaaaaaaaand NOT so much....'} [('', 0.0), ('Aaa', -0.00866076283818984), ('aa', -0.01767952231966774), ('aa', -0.02047627160754928), ('aa', -0.011949843126785709), ('aan', -0.04649049139698036), ('d ', -0.010371713255153736), ('NOT ', -0.0433362841795315), ('so ', 0.008703269337274833), ('much', -0.07955577413304127), ('.', -0.023945191853272263), ('.', -0.04553704074351117), ('.', -0.04163794009218691), ('.', -0.04912563725520158), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Okay food and not that great field'} [('', 0.0), ('Okay ', 0.21710065047227545), ('food ', 0.15510039065702586), ('and ', 0.037286529932316625), ('not ', -0.5892747632697137), ('that ', 0.0005694637929991586), ('great ', -0.10902586230440647), ('field', 0.033787040836614324), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'I tried the animal-style fries. Heart-cloggingly, disgustingly, bad-for-you tasty.'} [('', 0.00028420903254300356), ('I ', -0.04338835121598095), ('tried ', -0.11932705040089786), ('the ', 0.011439296882599592), ('animal', -0.015014944120775909), ('-', 0.01051192149752751), ('style ', 0.028767149324994534), ('fries', -0.09044473023386672), ('. ', 0.0058294250164181), ('Heart', 0.05723499020677991), ('-', 0.012766152824042365), ('cl', -0.07162391812501785), ('og', -0.041194478273003675), ('gingly', 0.015269106933070967), (', ', 0.010608547367155552), ('disgusting', -0.23266245223931037), ('ly', 0.05409008412971161), (', ', 0.011679675662890077), ('bad', -0.2031404049746925), ('-', -0.034697657069773416), ('for', -0.13935226076088536), ('-', -0.017816340688538428), ('you ', -0.024086291864902402), ('ta', 0.17291309446348654), ('sty', 0.14076579898149552), ('.', 0.0027215565690615526), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Five stars for fast food. Much better than Five Guys.'} [('', 0.0), ('Five ', -0.01811002567410469), ('stars ', 0.29883828572928905), ('for ', -0.06859532184898853), ('fast ', 0.06185312243178487), ('food', -0.0064615909941494465), ('. ', 0.04784488305449486), ('Much ', 0.0019099963828921318), ('better ', 0.23019120935350657), ('than ', 0.13171059521846473), ('Five ', -0.04907512408681214), ('Guys', 0.03808185691013932), ('.', -0.041095733642578125), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'great food but parking sucks!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('great ', 0.5557782741234405), ('food ', 0.171579043744714), ('but ', -0.18778118659975007), ('parking ', -0.10618356725171907), ('sucks', -0.4737826756099821), ('!', 0.14042337247519754), ('!', -0.11935918778181076), ('!', -0.09971682727336884), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'The food was OK. Good customer service.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.007383797317743301), ('food ', 0.07564878836274147), ('was ', 0.06302215903997421), ('OK', 0.20039255172014236), ('. ', 0.025092080235481262), ('Good ', 0.3681388385593891), ('customer ', 0.03718924894928932), ('service', -0.020075354725122452), ('.', -0.029070261865854263), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "Once it's craved, you know it's a winner."} [('', 0.0), ('Once ', -0.0165783129632473), ('it', -0.026779748150147498), ("'", -0.009953060536645353), ('s ', 0.0038376813754439354), ('craved', -0.10629662126302719), (', ', 0.010998209938406944), ('you ', 0.09941194951534271), ('know ', 0.027787083759903908), ('it', 0.051571916323155165), ("'", 0.07560330117121339), ('s ', 0.030919689685106277), ('a ', 0.11401457153260708), ('winner', 0.33589970879256725), ('.', -0.007103085517883301), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'love the tennis'} [('', 0.0), ('love ', 0.24108776450157166), ('the ', 0.10172231495380402), ('tennis', 0.13406939804553986), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'I love the rumbi rice it is wonderful.'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', -0.028642717748880386), ('love ', 0.3918126504868269), ('the ', -0.014972174540162086), ('rum', -0.026408866746351123), ('bi ', -0.015952063957229257), ('rice ', -0.014741813531145453), ('it ', -0.00641348329372704), ('is ', 0.007157949730753899), ('wonderful', 0.41836301796138287), ('.', -0.013279719278216362), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Friendy, clean, food is really good.'} [('', 0.0), ('Friend', 0.16640036925673485), ('y', 0.0025397688150405884), (', ', 0.006655249744653702), ('clean', 0.11621297895908356), (', ', 0.05644109845161438), ('food ', 0.014182079583406448), ('is ', 0.016778534278273582), ('really ', 0.07789578754454851), ('good', 0.27127996552735567), ('.', -0.03146817907691002), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Love the rice bowls here. Would get anything else.'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.7497402779845288), ('the ', 0.10106441748939687), ('rice ', -0.08283316002780339), ('bowls ', -0.0012092480610590428), ('here', 0.014330787147628143), ('. ', 0.04909790068631992), ('Would ', 0.003813694405835122), ('get ', -0.029668023518752307), ('anything ', -0.05306497274432331), ('else', -0.04942273430060595), ('.', -0.03651179373264313), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good food, reasonable prices, quick service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.25079401955008507), ('food', 0.07881417497992516), (', ', 0.04961144179105759), ('reasonable ', 0.2546189355198294), ('prices', -0.1361634994391352), (', ', 0.23314741626381874), ('quick ', -0.0660288983490318), ('service', 0.04982547811232507), ('.', -0.0016849618405103683), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Confortable place to shop!'} [('', 0.0), ('Con', -0.09025791706517339), ('fort', -0.19262531073763967), ('able ', 0.18460168223828077), ('place ', 0.02760420646518469), ('to ', 0.32093217223882675), ('shop', 0.009237057995051146), ('!', 0.3511500651948154), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Lots of great stores'} [('', 0.0), ('Lots ', 0.23465664684772491), ('of ', 0.11757020279765129), ('great ', 0.37668732181191444), ('stores', -0.142392098903656), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'This theatre is closed.'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', 0.23327955947024748), ('theatre ', 0.20552511543792207), ('is ', -0.048002340146922506), ('closed', -0.6801329878508113), ('.', -0.04558858758537099), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'The'} [('', 0.0), ('The', 0.030367732048034668), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'I really like rubios. It tastes great and seems fresh.'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', 0.01876525580883026), ('really ', 0.1633132165297866), ('like ', 0.1040861839428544), ('rub', -0.02313243132084608), ('ios', 0.030282783322036266), ('. ', 0.008837059140205383), ('It ', 0.004408533684909344), ('tastes ', 0.02587023749947548), ('great ', 0.14046699833124876), ('and ', -0.016599858179688454), ('seems ', -0.03165203635580838), ('fresh', 0.2027104937005788), ('.', -0.017872896045446396), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'The best tapas place in Pittsburgh! .'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.027905702590942383), ('best ', 0.36587329767644405), ('tap', 0.052807009778916836), ('as ', -0.03659758809953928), ('place ', 0.04056592099368572), ('in ', 0.12106118770316243), ('Pittsburgh', 0.1466709920205176), ('! ', 0.052675782702863216), ('.', -0.05796150118112564), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Food was excellent, but service was lacking.'} [('', 0.0), ('Food ', 0.037076790002174675), ('was ', 0.027790633102995344), ('excellent', 0.22886875508993398), (', ', 0.06565773859620094), ('but ', -0.20402876504522283), ('service ', 0.0050021777642541565), ('was ', -0.01782065841325675), ('lacking', -0.3737731450055435), ('.', -0.04620295497443294), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Nice location with STARBUCKS inside.'} [('', 0.0), ('Nice ', 0.3271065801382065), ('location ', 0.009046321734786034), ('with ', 0.06961981393396854), ('STARBUCKS ', -0.12204266525804996), ('inside', 0.318694269284606), ('.', 0.08864671364426613), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good food... Nice and clean'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.1957724243402481), ('food', 0.0781901478767395), ('.', 0.09065775573253632), ('.', 0.024011485278606415), ('. ', -0.0017004385590553284), ('Nice ', 0.13973636738955975), ('and ', 0.03340575285255909), ('clean', 0.16919827461242676), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Love the Korean Chirashi! Fun place.'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.2755221053957939), ('the ', 0.04871981032192707), ('Korean ', 0.021324506029486656), ('Chi', 0.04046796454349533), ('ras', -0.07060513464966789), ('hi', 0.01564030349254608), ('! ', 0.017499182373285294), ('Fun ', 0.4215636202134192), ('place', -0.04173558810725808), ('.', -0.03146838769316673), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'neat place.... over priced for the food though :('} [('', 0.0), ('neat ', 0.35164532314956887), ('place', 0.11508974432945251), ('.', 0.04881670498434687), ('.', 0.02616380705512711), ('.', -0.059709268734877696), ('. ', -0.05085671971755801), ('over ', -0.12685199881343578), ('priced ', -0.04716166973776126), ('for ', -0.04319274686167773), ('the ', -0.01890306425957533), ('food ', -0.15618502794040978), ('though ', 0.0011443681933087646), (':', -0.007117677638234454), ('(', -0.417994849383831), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great place for really good Italian.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.19667261838912964), ('place ', 0.08165303617715836), ('for ', 0.0834101065993309), ('really ', 0.10486134141683578), ('good ', 0.19528717547655106), ('Italian', 0.08671433478593826), ('.', -0.025160111486911774), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'The food was not the greatest.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.07410186118795536), ('food ', 0.228326145617757), ('was ', -0.09220756604918279), ('not ', -0.7947710965163424), ('the ', 0.07110166300117271), ('greatest', 0.2545887388550909), ('.', -0.016428590344730765), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Awesome Chinese buffet. Good price, good selection, great location.'} [('', 0.0), ('Awesome ', 0.3247462622821331), ('Chinese ', 0.025170802138745785), ('buffet', -0.016599739901721478), ('. ', -0.02857394516468048), ('Good ', 0.08972112042829394), ('price', -0.012101428117603064), (', ', -0.002123011276125908), ('good ', 0.08623564336448908), ('selection', 0.00028606969863176346), (', ', -0.009193917736411095), ('great ', 0.18967504054307938), ('location', -0.019234057515859604), ('.', -0.018528755754232407), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'big fan ! love it.'} [('', 0.0), ('big ', 0.02533266320824623), ('fan ', 0.15532071515917778), ('! ', 0.16466261446475983), ('love ', 0.20700364373624325), ('it', 0.1653254833072424), ('.', -0.02650238201022148), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'One of my favorite places to shop!'} [('', 0.0), ('One ', -0.02274712547659874), ('of ', 0.024037180468440056), ('my ', -0.027497025206685066), ('favorite ', 0.4000750470440835), ('places ', 0.1285962404217571), ('to ', 0.19016127102077007), ('shop', -0.10796848544850945), ('!', 0.14438781142234802), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': '5 stars says it all.'} [('', 0.0), ('5 ', 0.03838195651769638), ('stars ', 0.19609875604510307), ('says ', 0.10991444811224937), ('it ', 0.21924703381955624), ('all', 0.15042211674153805), ('.', -0.023554157465696335), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Awesome Gelato, many flavors to choose from. Very clean'} [('', 0.0), ('Awesome ', 0.170651082880795), ('Gel', 0.008465760387480259), ('ato', -0.01233777217566967), (', ', -0.00826629251241684), ('many ', 0.06546345073729753), ('flavors ', 0.10936838947236538), ('to ', 0.0057066528825089335), ('choose ', 0.0068852187832817435), ('from', -0.011130031431093812), ('. ', -0.01863849349319935), ('Very ', -0.007075011730194092), ('clean', 0.3182043582201004), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'I love this place!!! Tartufo is my favorite!'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', 0.009631399065256119), ('love ', 0.2879030187614262), ('this ', 0.045664175879210234), ('place', -0.0035520121455192566), ('!', -0.04611726477742195), ('!', -0.022463470697402954), ('! ', -0.024961229413747787), ('Tar', -0.02156679332256317), ('tu', -0.02617869875393808), ('fo ', -0.025616486091166735), ('is ', 0.09519678971264511), ('my ', 0.047622183221392334), ('favorite', 0.2648279631976038), ('!', 0.0031349207274615765), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best steak ever!'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.16330105811357498), ('steak ', 0.08198739215731621), ('ever', 0.06376179680228233), ('!', 0.27734051644802094), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Near airport. Across from UNLV campus. Friendly staff'} [('', 0.0), ('Near ', -0.039393674582242966), ('airport', -0.03504718840122223), ('. ', 0.005255427211523056), ('Across ', 0.28853239212185144), ('from ', -0.01509187277406454), ('UN', -0.09733370141475461), ('L', 0.12846212051226757), ('V ', -0.06282537570223212), ('campus', 0.015074582770466805), ('. ', 0.016710951924324036), ('Friendly ', 0.33756084367632866), ('staff', 0.08473024144768715), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Bad service and staff'} [('', 0.0), ('Bad ', -0.7784213429476949), ('service ', 0.07638463368493831), ('and ', 0.11659142693679314), ('staff', 0.17240177244821098), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'And the credit card arrived! Thanks so much!'} [('', 0.0), ('And ', 0.1612317655235529), ('the ', 0.03221091162413359), ('credit ', 0.08867403399199247), ('card ', -0.20114602334797382), ('arrived', 0.10488051362335682), ('! ', 0.1390143781900406), ('Thanks ', 0.3727713022381067), ('so ', 0.020170405507087708), ('much', -0.0123415756970644), ('!', -0.008736766874790192), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Solid deli. Nice people, food is good not great.'} [('', 0.0), ('Solid ', 0.5235785413824487), ('del', -0.038383818544389214), ('i', -0.13686972723371582), ('. ', -0.014305697637610137), ('Nice ', 0.19051100710930768), ('people', -0.015949424923746847), (', ', -0.006982802209677175), ('food ', 0.0037110261037014425), ('is ', -0.05875400290096877), ('good ', 0.08883986192086013), ('not ', -0.5962428217571869), ('great', -0.1711852370390261), ('.', -0.09380235575372353), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "Good show! Very classy and sexy. I'd watch it again."} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.13241197168827057), ('show', 0.019146278500556946), ('! ', -0.012149214744567871), ('Very ', -0.010218745097517967), ('class', 0.059854487190023065), ('y ', 0.018296058988198638), ('and ', -0.008292661979794502), ('sexy', 0.08170627802610397), ('. ', -0.001853233203291893), ('I', 0.10716275312006474), ("'", 0.0142842847853899), ('d ', -0.013278677128255367), ('watch ', 0.20308663230389357), ('it ', -0.014671450480818748), ('again', -0.0016861092299222946), ('.', -0.022062476724386215), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Fun show!'} [('', 0.0), ('Fun ', 0.12938331067562103), ('show', 0.11205439269542694), ('!', 0.23543593287467957), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Boring.......only like the one with prison bars props'} [('', 0.0), ('Boring', -0.16592570711327426), ('.', -0.0003022039727511583), ('.', -0.006846883406069537), ('.', -0.017585665426850028), ('.', -0.022684464295707585), ('.', -0.017543706216201826), ('.', -0.022026401915354654), ('.', -0.02615853325187345), ('only ', -0.05324146978909994), ('like ', -0.014134600754005078), ('the ', -0.003202411034180841), ('one ', -0.005647407620017475), ('with ', -0.00670794577763445), ('prison ', -0.04706112793428474), ('bars ', -0.021013392473832937), ('props', -0.017842645634118526), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'interesting'} [('', 0.0), ('interesting', 0.06661432981491089), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great bakery. Breakfast is nom nom nom!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.7780912043526769), ('bakery', -0.023646497167646885), ('. ', 0.008769888430833817), ('Breakfast ', -0.006515846122056246), ('is ', -0.021781523246318102), ('no', -0.05651477666106075), ('m ', 0.0448801409220323), ('no', -0.0400912354234606), ('m ', 0.026364736957475543), ('no', -0.14672804975998588), ('m', 0.017025923618348315), ('!', 0.04569305572658777), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Quality food at a great price. Overall great!'} [('', 0.0), ('Quality ', 0.10911306738853455), ('food ', 0.04601189028471708), ('at ', 0.026168261654675007), ('a ', 0.0388970288913697), ('great ', 0.15221562958322465), ('price', -0.03034611279144883), ('. ', 0.006265278905630112), ('Overall ', 0.07983191311359406), ('great', 0.27072177082300186), ('!', -0.0019443854689598083), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Ok breakfast nothing that great, nice service'} [('', 0.0), ('Ok ', 0.017005394911393523), ('breakfast ', 0.15550692436954705), ('nothing ', -0.5766802085490781), ('that ', -0.06482352525927126), ('great', 0.1295635254937224), (', ', 0.19364381668856367), ('nice ', 0.7150140681769699), ('service', 0.13357301987707615), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Bad Service and Mean management !!! No people skills'} [('', 0.0), ('Bad ', -0.06321893917447596), ('Service ', -0.01800676335733442), ('and ', -0.006662944750132738), ('Mean ', -0.03945680353353964), ('management ', -0.024337894255950232), ('!', -0.01515501745052461), ('!', -0.00912471856099728), ('! ', 0.004916034939014935), ('No ', -0.323816961628836), ('people ', 0.0076489867897180375), ('skills', 0.1535913811512728), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'BEST mexican food Ive ever had.'} [('', 0.0), ('BEST ', 0.24200280010700226), ('mexican ', 0.11498113721609116), ('food ', 0.07589822262525558), ('Iv', -0.03939729789271951), ('e ', -0.012505352962762117), ('ever ', 0.1718688397668302), ('had', 0.20362417912110686), ('.', -0.027321457862854004), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'cockroaches in every room! need i say more?'} [('', 0.0), ('cock', -0.06909749808255583), ('ro', 0.05259416828630492), ('ache', -0.17503586036036722), ('s ', 0.025489291321719065), ('in ', -0.002164055251341779), ('every ', 0.19982709094620077), ('room', -0.0038939968071645126), ('! ', 0.07518341206014156), ('need ', -0.29647913297230843), ('i ', 0.04058440368680749), ('say ', 0.006377993617206812), ('more', -0.012319482513703406), ('?', -0.22305613523349166), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great food, great happy hour specials, nice waitstaff.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.13286575861275196), ('food', 0.040118077769875526), (', ', -0.01576225832104683), ('great ', 0.08812831295654178), ('happy ', 0.09231997607275844), ('hour ', -0.0021174061112105846), ('specials', -0.014504935126751661), (', ', -0.006787922233343124), ('nice ', 0.36367176845669746), ('waits', 0.009215024299919605), ('taff', -0.02091993484646082), ('.', -0.03891591727733612), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Perfect place for a work day lunch. Locally owned too.'} [('', 0.0), ('Perfect ', 0.42866519931703806), ('place ', 0.09237423236481845), ('for ', -0.005898356204852462), ('a ', 0.06985801784321666), ('work ', -0.021991075482219458), ('day ', 0.04394536162726581), ('lunch', 0.11647097417153418), ('. ', 0.056081476621329784), ('Locally ', -0.057400139805395156), ('owned ', -0.040241911832708865), ('too', -0.21814307721797377), ('.', 0.16302979760803282), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Awesome Staff and great food!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Awesome ', 0.15898515656590462), ('Staff ', 0.08093734458088875), ('and ', 0.09491781145334244), ('great ', 0.22325430065393448), ('food', 0.066292405128479), ('!', 0.045279063284397125), ('!', 0.0537777841091156), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Good food great service'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.26163529604673386), ('food ', 0.12653789296746254), ('great ', 0.13508867099881172), ('service', 0.06331475079059601), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Just sloppy messy mexican food - nothing special'} [('', 0.0), ('Just ', -0.016422844404587522), ('sloppy ', -0.06039486981535447), ('messy ', -0.05811958577760379), ('mexican ', 0.04070996167774865), ('food ', 0.03677947358755773), ('- ', 0.012092651888451655), ('nothing ', -0.383894862514353), ('special', 0.15891200303303776), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'excellent food and drinks, happy hour is awesome'} [('', 0.0), ('excellent ', 0.20248642936348915), ('food ', 0.024752307683229446), ('and ', 0.029435288161039352), ('drinks', 0.023202946409583092), (', ', 0.07663767598569393), ('happy ', 0.17823967710137367), ('hour ', -0.0001322440803050995), ('is ', 0.01148640364408493), ('awesome', 0.16691353917121887), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'One word: disgusting. Avoid at all costs.'} [('', 0.0), ('One ', -0.04894261892695795), ('word', -0.052586128213079064), (': ', 0.017824108439526754), ('disgusting', -0.12409052094335493), ('. ', -0.046185299041098915), ('Avoid ', 0.003152980962113361), ('at ', -0.04061157299474871), ('all ', -0.0029553183376265224), ('costs', -0.005291359419061337), ('.', -0.0028980386850889772), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great location, very comfortable/large theatre'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.34103183075785637), ('location', -0.05069815739989281), (', ', 0.0743035227060318), ('very ', 0.03319316450506449), ('comfortable', 0.18100991006940603), ('/', 0.00304400734603405), ('large ', 0.08558272011578083), ('theatre', 0.06180858612060547), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "Love dine in theatres! I won't go anywhere else!"} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.7448406077019172), ('din', -0.05009135229192907), ('e ', -0.05732559812167892), ('in ', 0.06514814095862675), ('theatres', -0.1034894098265795), ('! ', -0.11143477421137504), ('I ', -0.09082483308156952), ('won', 0.11253559339093044), ("'", -0.09239993854134809), ('t ', -0.18141335174732376), ('go ', -0.04912484748638235), ('anywhere ', -0.11645942076575011), ('else', -0.10076584396301769), ('!', 0.012811518216039985), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'They took the potato skins off the menu :('} [('', 0.0), ('They ', -0.03429882705677301), ('took ', -0.0040225839329650626), ('the ', 0.007883342317654751), ('potato ', -0.10551308112917468), ('skins ', -0.017072767339413986), ('off ', -0.034055313022690825), ('the ', 0.01488020691613201), ('menu ', -0.07963093160651624), (':', 0.0032083425321616232), ('(', -0.051402749959379435), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'thebomb.com'} [('', 0.0), ('the', 0.032105044985655695), ('bo', 0.0013007933157496154), ('mb', -0.2481828413438052), ('.', 0.10144033934921026), ('com', 0.04369957372546196), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Totally awesome. Foie gras pudding pops. Hell yeah.'} [('', 0.0), ('Totally ', 0.07105977227911353), ('awesome', 0.712503855349496), ('. ', 0.012776359217241406), ('F', -0.02174965085578151), ('oi', 0.026596689509460703), ('e ', -0.000616788980551064), ('gr', -0.02464524333481677), ('as ', -0.022346153011312708), ('pudding ', -0.08123347969376482), ('pops', 0.028903055732371286), ('. ', -0.034223759081214666), ('Hell ', -0.14538588793948293), ('yeah', 0.08126230211928487), ('.', -0.019508838653564453), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'absolutely my favorite deli in Arizona. Love the bread bowls.'} [('', 0.0), ('absolutely ', 0.22717116214334965), ('my ', 0.010080269537866116), ('favorite ', 0.1395959286019206), ('del', -0.02420228347182274), ('i ', -0.019488311372697353), ('in ', -0.005391628015786409), ('Arizona', -0.009325250517576933), ('. ', -0.013038263656198978), ('Love ', 0.3979108836501837), ('the ', 0.0037361979484558105), ('bread ', -0.03910557180643082), ('bowls', -0.021345501765608788), ('.', -0.0371595099568367), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best wine bar in town'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.3714844584465027), ('wine ', 0.03748762980103493), ('bar ', -0.06890927627682686), ('in ', 0.24857979267835617), ('town', 0.07528974860906601), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Worst food! Worst service! Stupid crew at the Mongolian station!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Worst ', -0.1344608190524923), ('food', 0.04928094323940968), ('! ', -0.009584151873241353), ('Worst ', -0.04614369879618607), ('service', -0.021307690536559676), ('! ', -0.027283856360554637), ('Stupid ', -0.154744533571602), ('crew ', 0.04155915389924303), ('at ', -0.046962821052147774), ('the ', 0.017166076634566707), ('Mongolian ', 0.06338273164351449), ('station', -0.10559672486829186), ('!', -0.0030810275379735685), ('!', -0.0004894458961643977), ('!', -0.05378518838551827), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'No bueno. torta was bland,service bland,worst gaucamole ever!!!'} [('', -2.2881460608914496e-06), ('No ', -0.1942681896063732), ('bu', -0.06497202749887947), ('eno', 0.07785358436813113), ('. ', -0.02157459326845128), ('tor', -0.014492877513862367), ('ta ', -0.0015986955717607998), ('was ', -0.006133986956615445), ('bland', -0.019802512935189042), (',', -0.012021264503619022), ('service ', -0.014729579968843609), ('bland', -0.023841355126933195), (',', -0.014749842526725843), ('worst ', -0.06584722510555625), ('ga', 0.001833196726153931), ('uca', -0.0036287964099691247), ('mo', -0.04730196483578116), ('le ', 0.002199966924678977), ('ever', 0.0017170628437790064), ('!', 0.003273201582812492), ('!', -0.013822747401718516), ('!', -0.06201957955636317), ('', -5.5362252169288695e-06)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'yummmmmmy'} [('', 0.0), ('yu', 0.41567057836800814), ('mm', 0.007447714917361736), ('mm', -0.3184072058647871), ('mmy', -0.053747477009892464), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Love their carne asada nacho supreme! Craving it right now'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.4313847101293504), ('their ', -0.03718133317306638), ('car', -0.031382770044729114), ('ne ', -0.050256898859515786), ('asa', -0.002102907281368971), ('da ', -0.00014740461483597755), ('na', -0.07644580956548452), ('cho ', -0.048834859393537045), ('supreme', 0.21189768984913826), ('! ', 0.18196156062185764), ('Craving ', -0.07874933257699013), ('it ', 0.03175869956612587), ('right ', 0.2011126559227705), ('now', -0.14980254881083965), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'I love weiners! The pastrami is pretty good too!'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', 0.019798257388174534), ('love ', 0.35233152378350496), ('wei', -0.025362469721585512), ('ners', -0.003013350535184145), ('! ', -0.052170258946716785), ('The ', -0.024388357065618038), ('past', -0.07587035559117794), ('ram', 0.014692147262394428), ('i ', -0.00018061138689517975), ('is ', -0.0016468296525999904), ('pretty ', 0.12513993086759), ('good ', 0.3875966882733337), ('too', -0.12186906793431262), ('!', -0.011517373379319906), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'I love this market . fresh food!'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', 0.04278992861509323), ('love ', 0.31329509685747325), ('this ', 0.06537268008105457), ('market ', -0.08972094720229506), ('. ', 0.03329463303089142), ('fresh ', 0.2536686360836029), ('food', 0.09054115414619446), ('!', 0.020051687955856323), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "I'm sorry, but...well...\\nYou're wearing pasties. PAS-TIES!\\nI'M HERE FOR TIT-TIES!!!"} [('', 0.0004652715821672852), ('I', -0.015226090273548227), ("'", -0.008297823316145998), ('m ', 0.006134312983097819), ('sorry', -0.16094888789909115), (', ', -0.01340050791138007), ('but', 0.02936924816458486), ('.', -0.026673377869883552), ('.', -0.0131445323349908), ('.', -0.10891247063409537), ('well', 0.056389733450487256), ('.', 0.054411169374361634), ('.', -0.019627928384579718), ('.', -0.01702792861033231), ('\\', -0.011966535051113978), ('nY', -0.009114643021247402), ('ou', -0.009114643021247402), ("'", -0.009114643021247402), ('re ', -0.023115072065492213), ('wearing ', -0.023115072065492213), ('past', -0.022823421823785692), ('ies', -0.022823421823785692), ('. ', -0.012486938613518659), ('PAS', 0.009311422269092873), ('-', 0.009311422269092873), ('TIES', 0.007504757406422868), ('!', 2.1722778910771012e-05), ('\\', -0.010520023246168752), ('nI', -0.006576975410677154), ("'", -0.006576975410677154), ('M ', 0.011371826441697494), ('HERE ', 0.010489879679605083), ('FOR ', 0.007540836880886645), ('TI', -0.06614837456912606), ('T', -0.07869879289249762), ('-', -0.006025528962014835), ('TIES', 0.004284116594829936), ('!', 0.011950359587684613), ('!', -0.008216664311476052), ('!', -0.035205966560170054), ('', -0.0002316224854439497)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Standard Madison Coffee Cafe'} [('', 0.0), ('Standard ', -0.01042918860912323), ('Madison ', 0.05842902883887291), ('Coffee ', 0.03006412461400032), ('Cafe', 0.4743601977825165), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Classic Mario. Solid in every sense.'} [('', 0.0), ('Classic ', 0.09852448105812073), ('Mario', 0.15241678059101105), ('. ', 0.09025250375270844), ('Solid ', 0.2190699465572834), ('in ', 0.022563476115465164), ('every ', 0.1775334649719298), ('sense', -0.009296695236116648), ('.', -0.021794691681861877), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Went for lunch, food was great, service not so much.'} [('', 0.0), ('Went ', 0.012141642142523779), ('for ', -0.00363562437814835), ('lunch', 0.11500858389081259), (', ', -0.012452824870706536), ('food ', -0.01014827565268206), ('was ', -0.005267011658361298), ('great', 0.2202230060393049), (', ', 0.0016514468516106717), ('service ', -0.06350167699201847), ('not ', -0.22728333028862835), ('so ', 0.014791145931667415), ('much', -0.2421258977810794), ('.', -0.162772264884552), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'This is the best Italian spot in Las Vegas!!'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', -0.011119686998426914), ('is ', 0.06790340878069401), ('the ', 0.0770678436383605), ('best ', 0.13772133085876703), ('Italian ', 0.07297963369637728), ('spot ', 0.0201678320299834), ('in ', 0.04670562711544335), ('Las ', 0.08924036007374525), ('Vegas', 0.12774707656353712), ('!', 0.05467524938285351), ('!', -0.017036154866218567), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Very authentic food and service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.050330907106399536), ('authentic ', 0.16462010890245438), ('food ', 0.132432721555233), ('and ', 0.24392759799957275), ('service', 0.08931558765470982), ('.', 0.010504966601729393), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'EXCELLENT food. The flavors are great.'} [('', 0.0), ('EXCELLENT ', 0.1957770735025406), ('food', 0.07818518579006195), ('. ', 0.09065017104148865), ('The ', 0.03164835274219513), ('flavors ', 0.16037607938051224), ('are ', 0.011749420315027237), ('great', 0.1864234246313572), ('.', -0.02552458643913269), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Absolutely heavenly food. For sure a must try!'} [('', 0.0), ('Absolutely ', 0.17270363122224808), ('heavenly ', 0.1502550821751356), ('food', 0.03303980268537998), ('. ', -0.0009104907512664795), ('For ', 0.024017980322241783), ('sure ', 0.21463781781494617), ('a ', 0.21490772091783583), ('must ', -0.037724351743236184), ('try', -0.07426690496504307), ('!', 0.0002122446894645691), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'meat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('meat', -0.2437955690547824), ('!', 0.023546411655843258), ('!', 0.07650720188394189), ('!', 0.01761658350005746), ('!', 0.013568941503763199), ('!', 0.012176069431006908), ('!', 0.01965286349877715), ('!', 0.03988814214244485), ('!', 0.03662910405546427), ('!', 0.04617468547075987), ('!', 0.031904637813568115), ('!', 0.03258092049509287), ('!', 0.03609064035117626), ('!', 0.01344964001327753), ('!', -0.00957394391298294), ('!', 0.023441966623067856), ('!', 0.05037606135010719), ('!', 0.0662684440612793), ('!', 0.07164369244128466), ('!', 0.04936570208519697), ('!', 0.042841218411922455), ('!', 0.04184785485267639), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'ONLY FOR THEIR TAKEOUT BREAKFAST:\\n\\nbest potatoes ever. yum.'} [('', 0.0), ('ONLY ', -0.11417966723092832), ('FOR ', -0.04003830249712337), ('THEIR ', -0.03600213707250077), ('TAKE', 0.037504210748011246), ('OUT ', 0.026309633103664964), ('BREAKFAST', 0.02889770473120734), (':', 0.01929688845120836), ('\\', -0.04468821074988227), ('n', -0.01763429593120236), ('\\', -0.014314019630546682), ('n', -0.1411262886977056), ('bes', 0.11449048906797543), ('t ', -0.02158846652309876), ('potatoes ', -0.03438036456645932), ('ever', -0.021017596052843146), ('. ', -0.013364662387175485), ('yu', -0.11969122581649572), ('m', -0.04647206736262888), ('.', -0.038556199287995696), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good.\\nThis restaurant serves the most delicious food in this area.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good', 0.284472793340683), ('.', -0.0005322247743606567), ('\\', -0.02521171219026049), ('nT', -0.017173279620086152), ('his ', 0.0029358429989467063), ('restaurant ', 0.02898989454843104), ('serves ', 0.03577174083329737), ('the ', 0.046212844317778945), ('most ', 0.06536978180520236), ('delicious ', 0.190400127787143), ('food ', -0.017722197342664003), ('in ', -0.009505440713837743), ('this ', 0.005091720959171653), ('area', -0.004667606670409441), ('.', -0.016842853277921677), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best Restaurant EVER.'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.31653985381126404), ('Restaurant ', 0.19547352939844131), ('EVER', 0.11888506263494492), ('.', -0.04433351755142212), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Believe the hype of the West Coast burger.'} [('', 0.0), ('Believe ', 0.0395599736366421), ('the ', -0.023158941650763154), ('h', -0.13208292811759748), ('ype ', -0.20386511148535646), ('of ', 0.07121590795577504), ('the ', 0.08392717494280078), ('West ', 0.013041095458902419), ('Coast ', -0.0013612386537715793), ('burger', -0.09384522098116577), ('.', -0.03013181872665882), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Surprisingly affordable for being inside'} [('', 0.0), ('Surprisingly ', 0.1816864088177681), ('affordable ', 0.1524277739226818), ('for ', 0.047729309648275375), ('being ', -0.04948410019278526), ('inside', 0.32961202785372734), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'One Word: Overrated'} [('', 0.0), ('One ', 0.0321479479316622), ('Word', -0.1279115289216861), (': ', -0.04235951055306941), ('Over', -0.5756654035067186), ('rated', 0.38410308968741447), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Forum Shops a blast.\\nMakes me wish I was filthy.\\nFilthy-rich, dumbass.'} [('', 0.0002930211107013747), ('Forum ', 0.04914756074722391), ('Shops ', -0.017669972174432284), ('a ', 0.1379369586754668), ('blast', 0.1397085709356664), ('.', 0.29524778042105027), ('\\', -0.12267160854082451), ('nM', -0.030503840248113395), ('akes ', -0.0023022259744013554), ('me ', 0.06549561865847661), ('wish ', 0.11954117535367711), ('I ', 0.04230617958981182), ('was ', -0.09262034919649725), ('filthy', -0.16537734358118744), ('.', -0.09549348045968348), ('\\', -0.06769941524835303), ('n', -0.03949173134169541), ('Fi', -0.05886478578322567), ('lth', -0.06322172358632087), ('y', -0.0395973639562726), ('-', -0.02092469947335), ('rich', 0.14570705687704807), (', ', -0.05805528278384978), ('dumb', -0.326693060589605), ('ass', -0.01240213839628268), ('.', -0.08921348585863598), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Not a bad stay.'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', 0.36803202237933874), ('a ', 0.10196816220195615), ('bad ', 0.1273146196945163), ('stay', 0.11053210548561765), ('.', -0.044593989849090576), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'really sylish looking so amazing great'} [('', 0.0), ('really ', 0.25349661707878113), ('sy', 0.0505790188908577), ('lish ', 0.015824846923351288), ('looking ', -0.05875842645764351), ('so ', -0.056766364723443985), ('amazing ', 0.25966229662299156), ('great', 0.25940361246466637), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Finally stayed here - awesome! Great room and great view!'} [('', 0.0), ('Finally ', 0.08275609090924263), ('stayed ', 0.025925773195922375), ('here ', 0.0006222287192940712), ('- ', 0.008884572423994541), ('awesome', 0.19689928088337183), ('! ', -0.0015337038785219193), ('Great ', 0.1860464122146368), ('room ', -0.01909572072327137), ('and ', -0.010221060365438461), ('great ', 0.1157889124006033), ('view', 0.04430721886456013), ('!', -0.0030774474143981934), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': '10 bucks for wi-fi?! Cheap bastards.'} [('', 0.0), ('10 ', -0.019982867044745944), ('bucks ', 0.019734133400561404), ('for ', -0.05039910662344482), ('wi', -0.03132952716987347), ('-', -0.0018476624827599153), ('fi', -0.02354286225454416), ('?', -0.0481346432279679), ('! ', -0.010337966188671999), ('Cheap ', -0.06573029986248002), ('bastards', -0.06023701602316578), ('.', -0.041499098697386216), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Outdated rooms. An old crowd and no Jacuzzi'} [('', 0.0), ('Outdated ', -0.20793530736045795), ('rooms', 0.04305900605322677), ('. ', -0.0033622349583311006), ('An ', 0.07589771516359178), ('old ', -0.08075252551134326), ('crowd ', 0.15725380616277107), ('and ', 0.013828598752297694), ('no ', -0.3662306769292627), ('Ja', -0.014601674924051622), ('cu', 0.017798552027670667), ('zzi', 0.031479228357056854), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'All time classic hotel what needs to be said?'} [('', 0.0), ('All ', 0.03955296124331653), ('time ', 0.10457834950648248), ('classic ', 0.24808579636737704), ('hotel ', 0.10315897787222639), ('what ', 0.1126442639506422), ('needs ', -0.4633286988828331), ('to ', -0.012370811076834798), ('be ', 0.017119028547313064), ('said', 0.09238484903471544), ('?', -0.38998025679029524), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'huge hotel and casino'} [('', 0.0), ('huge ', 0.14825014024972916), ('hotel ', 0.14758659154176712), ('and ', 0.14196806401014328), ('casino', 0.14862226694822311), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "I'm the Duke"} [('', 0.0), ('I', 0.15419607609510422), ("'", 0.17319881170988083), ('m ', 0.0769895501434803), ('the ', 0.09435023739933968), ('Duke', 0.16510940343141556), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'FYI, I just called and Penazzi is no longer open.'} [('', 0.0), ('F', -0.032815035792737035), ('YI', -0.010127507648576284), (', ', -0.05601528499391861), ('I ', -0.0031577135014231317), ('just ', -0.11244574195552559), ('called ', -0.05280638863951026), ('and ', 0.07997229670581874), ('Pena', -0.026778796242979297), ('zzi ', -0.008072748653830786), ('is ', 0.007990457723280997), ('no ', -0.07799999667804514), ('longer ', -0.18724733368526358), ('open', 0.07856515124058205), ('.', -0.015118237179194693), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Meh. I was unimpressed.'} [('', 0.0), ('Me', 0.10693548957351595), ('h', 0.09624618745874614), ('. ', 0.046536342706531286), ('I ', 0.01238025666680187), ('was ', -0.08038238959852606), ('un', -0.3903192802099511), ('im', 0.1640939530916512), ('pressed', -0.17911523336078972), ('.', -0.04694976191967726), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'a whole lotta oysters.. and yes they are good!!'} [('', 0.0), ('a ', 0.033311283215880394), ('whole ', -0.023655599914491177), ('lot', 0.0004872706485912204), ('ta ', 0.05651495710480958), ('oyster', -0.21787898964248598), ('s', 0.018435282865539193), ('.', -0.030213465448468924), ('. ', -0.03826291859149933), ('and ', 0.010647681076079607), ('yes ', 0.3654343044036068), ('they ', -0.0035682140733115375), ('are ', 0.05210565199377015), ('good', 0.3417505249963142), ('!', 0.02272354788146913), ('!', -0.02032550983130932), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Awesome. Oyster heaven.'} [('', 0.0), ('Awesome', 0.21677101403474808), ('. ', 0.1251351609826088), ('Oyster ', -0.058469513431191444), ('heaven', 0.3682220224291086), ('.', 0.012363731861114502), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'This place is the worst. Low grade dog food.'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', 0.010265120818075957), ('place ', 0.04010054218906589), ('is ', 0.03736068228590739), ('the ', 0.020249711156793637), ('worst', -0.30386587557950406), ('. ', 0.026091768879268784), ('Low ', -0.06938389056085725), ('grade ', -0.005307781260853517), ('dog ', -0.04130302283374476), ('food', -0.013320287502210704), ('.', -0.034510252269683406), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'It was free and it was still wack.'} [('', 0.0), ('It ', -0.05939287692308426), ('was ', -0.032828349620103836), ('free ', 0.029543135315179825), ('and ', 0.5984886274673045), ('it ', -0.020367147983051836), ('was ', -0.10435132670681924), ('still ', 0.10713477432727814), ('wa', 0.027937021106481552), ('ck', 0.06528424471616745), ('.', 0.07658428698778152), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Stellar. Awesome prices. great sushi, especially for the price.'} [('', 0.0), ('Stellar', 0.14720064029097557), ('. ', -0.0001425333321094513), ('Awesome ', 0.19523930549621582), ('prices', -0.03215877711772919), ('. ', -0.01616499572992325), ('great ', 0.35457081720232964), ('su', -0.03892947104759514), ('shi', -0.010238810209557414), (', ', -0.013159621506929398), ('especially ', 0.017004588851705194), ('for ', 0.0002730905544012785), ('the ', -0.0018810825422406197), ('price', -0.019447948783636093), ('.', 0.0013732407242059708), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'above average to good sushi at compelling prices. Service is....deliberate.'} [('', 2.3325905203819275e-05), ('above ', 0.32734843250364065), ('average ', -0.0023163849400589243), ('to ', -0.07207363237102982), ('good ', 0.13014803442638367), ('su', -0.037987173069268465), ('shi ', -0.0007020479533821344), ('at ', 0.021474876506545115), ('compelling ', 0.49991456278803525), ('prices', -0.10198995081009343), ('. ', 0.04829821642488241), ('Service ', -0.06047200912144035), ('is', -0.002930970978923142), ('.', -0.019052666146308184), ('.', -0.028217424638569355), ('.', -0.025951930321753025), ('.', -0.031508768908679485), ('deliberate', -0.09101298684254289), ('.', -0.0289483186788857), ('', -0.00027744099497795105)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Yuck!'} [('', 0.0), ('Yu', 0.18024787306785583), ('ck', -0.3621445745229721), ('!', 0.3488444834947586), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'yummy, great late night eats'} [('', 0.0), ('yu', 0.21269544772803783), ('mmy', -0.017853138968348503), (', ', 0.163600355386734), ('great ', 0.22915542963892221), ('late ', -0.01773741189390421), ('night ', 0.016353841871023178), ('eats', 0.13708575442433357), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Very disappointing, tasteless and expensive for what you get.'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.011127289984870004), ('disappointing', -0.3641301359566569), (', ', 0.13294899497850565), ('taste', 0.0741208033350631), ('less ', -0.17744329247852875), ('and ', 0.026610026689013466), ('expensive ', -0.053189730240774225), ('for ', -0.09342985524563119), ('what ', -0.0013654915446750238), ('you ', 0.09400301060304628), ('get', -0.009318152689047565), ('.', -0.012174896779470146), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Worst dinner in Vegas by far.'} [('', 0.0), ('Worst ', -0.7896141190431081), ('dinner ', 0.1746813185618521), ('in ', 0.0060807127210864564), ('Vegas ', 0.3114994019806545), ('by ', 0.0503973744389441), ('far', -0.036172283835185226), ('.', 0.006881160006741993), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Had the BBQ Pork Noodles. VERY good.'} [('', 0.0), ('Had ', -0.01930943876504898), ('the ', -0.0402634683996439), ('BB', -0.04468149284366518), ('Q ', 0.0026082859840244055), ('Pork ', -0.028079915180569515), ('Noodles', -0.013987266487674788), ('. ', 0.007473645964637399), ('VERY ', -0.015802619513124228), ('good', 0.8820279850624502), ('.', -0.03320509381592274), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'The buffet is amazing.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.20414620637893677), ('buffet ', 0.0005058394744992256), ('is ', -0.1659661941230297), ('amazing', 0.6702323025092483), ('.', -0.04487845301628113), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'The residential apartments above Maharani have serious cockroach problems.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.04935011046472937), ('residential ', 0.016486983913637232), ('apartments ', -0.05059791987150675), ('above ', 0.16852414127788506), ('Maha', 0.0710754778701812), ('rani ', 0.03284665542014409), ('have ', -0.10605216945259599), ('serious ', -0.1967473055337905), ('cock', -0.03978689970972482), ('ro', -0.027705057567800395), ('ach ', -0.05042511614738032), ('problems', -0.1467205588996876), ('.', -0.008652018354041502), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'there is water leaking unhygienic food.'} [('', 0.0), ('there ', -0.033495816838694736), ('is ', 0.002805101095873397), ('water ', -0.026857584474782925), ('leaking ', -0.10553511886973865), ('un', -0.11160413192919805), ('hy', 0.043004027884308016), ('gie', -0.03601918168715201), ('nic ', -0.00812640305957757), ('food', -0.012335424071352463), ('.', -0.014202556667441968), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Awesome lunch buffet! Highly recommend it.'} [('', 0.0), ('Awesome ', 0.15705570578575134), ('lunch ', 0.12312787212431431), ('buffet', -0.009650880470871925), ('! ', 0.09412696957588196), ('Highly ', 0.15264389663934708), ('recommend ', 0.16200503706932068), ('it', 0.0754970833659172), ('.', -0.025522470474243164), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Great atmosphere and food. Pretty terrible service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.5211855296511203), ('atmosphere ', 0.15949531737715006), ('and ', 0.047259910381399095), ('food', 0.023095743672456592), ('. ', 0.10060427518328652), ('Pretty ', 0.12459513613430317), ('terrible ', -0.2180988386826357), ('service', -0.020080727292224765), ('.', -0.02563448215369135), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great bar. Love the location and the atmosphere.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.3588333707302809), ('bar', -0.04406842403113842), ('. ', 0.032127201557159424), ('Love ', 0.2034685555845499), ('the ', 0.0133128697052598), ('location ', -0.03944395389407873), ('and ', 0.014100845903158188), ('the ', 0.042910074815154076), ('atmosphere', 0.12049617618322372), ('.', -0.004805831238627434), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "I can't believe how wrong I was ... wtf?"} [('', 0.0), ('I ', -0.02515064159160829), ('can', -0.008401706279983046), ("'", -0.01846626379483496), ('t ', -0.03715427824863582), ('believe ', -0.027943111299464363), ('how ', -0.06698564128055295), ('wrong ', 0.012450098932276887), ('I ', -0.03035771010127064), ('was ', -0.009087130738407723), ('.', -0.022959179550525732), ('.', -0.028143723167886492), ('. ', -0.029558276997704525), ('w', -0.029553815058534383), ('tf', -0.04272218302321562), ('?', -0.06794710595931974), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Always a decent pick if you want Americanized Mediterranean food.'} [('', 0.0), ('Always ', 0.1548037752509117), ('a ', 0.1022424940019846), ('decent ', 0.2941445019096136), ('pick ', -0.04556242283433676), ('if ', -0.025561577640473843), ('you ', 0.19295978429727256), ('want ', -0.10126703302375972), ('American', -0.052231683395802975), ('ized ', -0.08363936934620142), ('Mediterranean ', 0.20647195866331458), ('food', 0.05505119124427438), ('.', -0.07029085606336594), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'like the star says \\"Meh. Ive experianced better\\"'} [('', 0.0), ('like ', 0.023006389383226633), ('the ', -0.01478708878858015), ('star ', 0.07092642661882564), ('says ', -0.08557943074265495), ('\\', -0.05154789186781272), ('"', -0.05668586434330791), ('Me', -0.002468980208504945), ('h', -0.003277262847404927), ('. ', -0.06102485710289329), ('Iv', -0.03914930668543093), ('e ', -0.037377807864686474), ('ex', -0.030295733246020973), ('per', -0.014056855492526665), ('iance', -0.014182177488692105), ('d ', -0.021065926091978326), ('better', -0.0849620811350178), ('\\', -0.008613824466010556), ('"', -0.03359423443907872), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Long wait but worth it. Great food and service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Long ', -0.01321825769264251), ('wait ', -0.03168081131298095), ('but ', -0.02653018175624311), ('worth ', 0.38432154688052833), ('it', 0.02102242480032146), ('. ', -0.0016179918311536312), ('Great ', 0.24409250169992447), ('food ', 0.053520211949944496), ('and ', 0.09879146702587605), ('service', -0.038708074018359184), ('.', -0.02395128272473812), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Not impressed with this place! Geezer place for me!'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', -0.8263835125253536), ('impressed ', 0.052423010172788054), ('with ', -0.03914271027315408), ('this ', 0.04450158151666983), ('place', 0.023715585473837564), ('! ', 0.06866511009866372), ('Gee', 0.02500349654292222), ('zer ', -0.03631582377420273), ('place ', -0.0072402683945256285), ('for ', 0.1254509822683758), ('me', 0.1766335551510565), ('!', 0.021349565970012918), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Nice place, good food.'} [('', 0.0), ('Nice ', 0.19367144256830215), ('place', 0.06771779805421829), (', ', 0.0842590183019638), ('good ', 0.2183914240449667), ('food', 0.15363997779786587), ('.', -0.02654598280787468), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Very slow service'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.2189962950651534), ('slow ', -0.8403588671208126), ('service', 0.09864192768873181), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great tofu soup and hot pot bibimbap.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.7004683995619416), ('to', 0.014804763835854828), ('fu ', -0.17376611020881683), ('soup ', -0.07865175511687994), ('and ', 0.2092999943997711), ('hot ', 0.22699889086652547), ('pot ', -0.02752246882300824), ('bi', -0.10818696429487318), ('bi', -0.11001882085110992), ('mba', 0.022636358626186848), ('p', -0.038097519194707274), ('.', -0.025463892612606287), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Friendly service. Small town feel. Bad food.'} [('', 0.0), ('Friendly ', 0.2327549127057864), ('service', 0.0002959297034976771), ('. ', -0.03159795493047568), ('Small ', -0.04214945540252302), ('town ', 0.05275050000227566), ('feel', 0.06672211989280186), ('. ', 0.07034100737655535), ('Bad ', -0.6021105176914716), ('food', -0.015064074737892952), ('.', -0.03235770039464114), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Very good! Get the cajun turkey!'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.04171534534543753), ('good', 0.7124110492877662), ('! ', 0.0960686313919723), ('Get ', -0.06474832177627832), ('the ', 0.02271748159546405), ('ca', -0.010468934051459655), ('jun ', 0.014650476718088612), ('turkey', -0.09900022274814546), ('!', -0.0004955609329044819), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Turkey bacon avocado- its a must!'} [('', 0.0), ('Turkey ', -0.1121734962798655), ('bacon ', -0.03294504573568702), ('av', 0.030427606776356697), ('oca', 0.057412664871662855), ('do', -0.041411423590034246), ('- ', 0.08227518573403358), ('its ', -0.0036155078560113907), ('a ', 0.3667924562469125), ('must', 0.3436444038525224), ('!', 0.003963783383369446), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Love this place. Great splash pad and tot lot.'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.2682345528155565), ('this ', 0.04476430546492338), ('place', 0.025928805582225323), ('. ', -0.02512957900762558), ('Great ', 0.2515965622733347), ('splash ', 0.09624398656887934), ('pad ', -0.1054429275682196), ('and ', 0.06350649893283844), ('to', 0.023592971614561975), ('t ', -0.03781829203944653), ('lot', 0.004743635188788176), ('.', 0.017091097310185432), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "I'm here all the time"} [('', 0.0), ('I', 0.08681364357471466), ("'", 0.24272792041301727), ('m ', 0.12988377641886473), ('here ', 0.14731572847813368), ('all ', 0.1431692698970437), ('the ', 0.09394886810332537), ('time', -0.1232450120151043), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'All I have to say about this place is GROSS.'} [('', 0.0), ('All ', -0.14648219181435707), ('I ', -0.1293025474597016), ('have ', -0.01319248020536179), ('to ', 0.032610965555250004), ('say ', 0.054728979929677735), ('about ', 0.058729848377879534), ('this ', 0.0016936731635723845), ('place ', -0.030079892676440068), ('is ', -0.0050413633634889266), ('GROSS', -0.11595231286446506), ('.', -0.041281712208729004), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "Terrible service and overpriced meals. \\n'nough said."} [('', 0.0), ('Terrible ', -0.08971399435540661), ('service ', -0.029561018687672913), ('and ', -0.010480551572982222), ('over', -0.11360174310175353), ('pr', -0.02484823701888672), ('ice', 0.014730611377672176), ('d ', 0.022033658186046523), ('meals', -0.011561121667909902), ('. ', -0.010363271278038155), ('\\', -0.06297772174002603), ('n', -0.028383674507495016), ("'", -0.0638281992287375), ('no', -0.022363199806932244), ('ugh ', -0.036131978189587244), ('said', 0.06571686323877657), ('.', -0.04339736913971137), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'It is so average! maybe even below average.'} [('', 0.0), ('It ', 0.04280558414757252), ('is ', 0.0355957159990794), ('so ', -0.089576391990704), ('average', -0.1379061316838488), ('! ', -0.01076407905202359), ('maybe ', -0.01960017325473018), ('even ', -0.017955159215489402), ('below ', -0.04612402837665286), ('average', -0.010501510070753284), ('.', -0.04679209610912949), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Not worth the money... It was basically a square room...'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', -0.27904854597545636), ('worth ', 0.1878411638358557), ('the ', 0.010954260948437877), ('money', -0.11930666648640909), ('.', -0.03077608591047465), ('.', -0.02082051860725187), ('. ', -0.019475767437143077), ('It ', -0.02443886059347733), ('was ', -0.011780078173728725), ('basically ', -0.07273952771936365), ('a ', 0.024338987782471122), ('square ', -0.009977127828771396), ('room', -0.01337781598889857), ('.', -0.014756923713245365), ('.', -0.023833130308048567), ('.', -0.030760224606638076), ('', 2.4796827347017825e-07)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great Italian food. The chef is very friendly.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.18824522197246552), ('Italian ', 0.08715763501822948), ('food', 0.06965729780495167), ('. ', 0.003429040312767029), ('The ', 0.009110852144658566), ('chef ', 0.15410009678453207), ('is ', 0.009432189865037799), ('very ', 0.0038072403986006975), ('friendly', 0.20342699065804482), ('.', -0.0314454548060894), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Completely competent gluten free dining. Much appreciated!'} [('', 0.0), ('Completely ', -0.014941203291527927), ('competent ', 0.4452167156850919), ('g', -0.0020455187186598778), ('lu', -0.0454825006891042), ('ten ', -0.0016452178824692965), ('free ', -0.03605764312669635), ('dining', -0.005620006006211042), ('. ', -0.00796909723430872), ('Much ', -0.04513257835060358), ('appreciated', 0.38722748402506113), ('!', -0.007569856941699982), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'This venue is purdy'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', 0.11138417571783066), ('venue ', 0.21391445398330688), ('is ', 0.02594863623380661), ('pu', -0.046619865112006664), ('rdy', 0.3464894173666835), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'i wanted to like this.\\ni really wanted to like this.'} [('', 0.0), ('i ', -0.021716075018048286), ('wanted ', -0.05195424729026854), ('to ', -0.013058252399787307), ('like ', 0.23571999790146947), ('this', 0.07400539377704263), ('.', 0.06992846634238958), ('\\', -0.032568906899541616), ('ni ', -0.04040842363610864), ('really ', 0.002212957013398409), ('wanted ', -0.01630933815613389), ('to ', 0.2018045277800411), ('like ', 0.20784524059854448), ('this', -0.01053493283689022), ('.', -0.021639203187078238), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Ditto on my review of Rain'} [('', 0.0), ('Di', 0.03602640121243894), ('tto ', 0.06937231332994998), ('on ', 0.18721288535743952), ('my ', 0.08549198601394892), ('review ', 0.2923403577879071), ('of ', 0.12508878577500582), ('Rain', -0.11457755789160728), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Nice place...'} [('', 0.0), ('Nice ', 0.39425714081153274), ('place', 0.17872841516509652), ('.', 0.0922783724963665), ('.', 0.04364409297704697), ('.', -0.04488524794578552), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'great beer selection and wings as well.'} [('', 0.0), ('great ', 0.29782985895872116), ('beer ', -0.03591010067611933), ('selection ', 0.05099391285330057), ('and ', 0.05515412986278534), ('wings ', 0.1488817622885108), ('as ', -0.008013187907636166), ('well', 0.24673908948898315), ('.', -0.026433974504470825), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'This place was so packed!'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', 0.06978705152869225), ('place ', 0.07605331763625145), ('was ', -0.1665833815932274), ('so ', -0.12647403730079532), ('packed', 0.7835021982900798), ('!', 0.05444685369729996), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'They have gluten free protein bars now! Horray!'} [('', 0.0), ('They ', 0.06318911793641746), ('have ', 0.011817390331998467), ('g', 0.05626458360347897), ('lu', -0.2358192022657022), ('ten ', 0.0019904698710888624), ('free ', 0.11961952701676637), ('protein ', -0.0019705627346411347), ('bars ', -0.1546730602858588), ('now', 0.07395449059549719), ('! ', -0.02779075992293656), ('Ho', 0.16453998419456184), ('rra', 0.10963360988534987), ('y', 0.22164907399564981), ('!', 0.12528929486870766), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Pretty dope base! Been here a couple times!'} [('', 0.0), ('Pretty ', 0.5670552512165159), ('do', 0.10935147426789626), ('pe ', -0.1831146635231562), ('base', -0.07231959921773523), ('! ', 0.15720469132065773), ('Been ', -0.09291956527158618), ('here ', -0.003417996224015951), ('a ', 0.031091627199202776), ('couple ', 0.05485639860853553), ('times', 0.09793347772210836), ('!', -0.03835085779428482), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Proud to be an American!'} [('', 0.0), ('Proud ', 0.2492557168006897), ('to ', 0.0696626678109169), ('be ', 0.028369002044200897), ('an ', 0.19166013970971107), ('American', 0.061094965785741806), ('!', 0.09109082818031311), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Not. Very good place to be at management sucks'} [('', 0.0), ('Not', -0.6559400224759884), ('. ', 0.023144258109823568), ('Very ', 0.13612168653708068), ('good ', 0.5035556304101192), ('place ', -0.02026343289981014), ('to ', 0.007026122610113816), ('be ', -0.02107965872710338), ('at ', -0.15524688263394637), ('management ', -0.11528430564067094), ('sucks', 0.002008595627557952), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Recommend the Fried Chicken and Mac n Cheese!'} [('', 0.0), ('Recommend ', 0.5963907651603222), ('the ', 0.06417697411961854), ('Fried ', -0.016140825347974896), ('Chicken ', -0.12138708122074604), ('and ', 0.17342635989189148), ('Mac ', 0.03274626220809296), ('n ', 0.024698778346646577), ('Cheese', -0.12012186518404633), ('!', 0.0789053663611412), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Loved it. Going for breakfast tomorrow.'} [('', 0.0), ('Loved ', 0.3481424618512392), ('it', -0.0015775132924318314), ('. ', 0.13127127289772034), ('Going ', -0.016971902921795845), ('for ', 0.08061469905078411), ('breakfast ', 0.0222555473446846), ('tomorrow', 0.2213328443467617), ('.', -0.055797189474105835), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'The Smothered Fried Chicken was incrediable!!'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.0316454176499974), ('Sm', -0.07055929240596015), ('oth', -0.021799496258608997), ('ered ', -0.04135231448162813), ('Fried ', -0.01919153567723697), ('Chicken ', -0.0386633420639555), ('was ', -0.02134872139140498), ('inc', -0.05872217367141275), ('red', -0.007671840379771311), ('iable', -0.04253787692869082), ('!', -0.0003698604996316135), ('!', -0.015956972958520055), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best fried catfish evvveeerr!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.7394302035681903), ('fried ', -0.04037936346139759), ('catfish ', -0.14916352566797286), ('ev', 0.1807197046582587), ('v', 0.018662296643014997), ('ve', 0.14490119478432462), ('eer', -0.11578066769288853), ('r', -0.1337604277068749), ('!', 0.006081055849790573), ('!', 0.029220379889011383), ('!', -0.017348632216453552), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'very good service food was alright.'} [('', 0.0), ('very ', 0.028908200562000275), ('good ', 0.2876041904091835), ('service ', 0.045394912362098694), ('food ', 0.03366004768759012), ('was ', -0.04031801503151655), ('alright', 0.3932286221534014), ('.', -0.025136791169643402), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'I have tasted better Filipino food.'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', 0.09497019601985812), ('have ', 0.15216461149975657), ('tasted ', 0.30142854806035757), ('better ', -0.434431946487166), ('Filipino ', 0.07157352252397686), ('food', 0.06856832467019558), ('.', -0.07840453647077084), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'No tissues on the tables. No trays. Dirty place.'} [('', 0.0), ('No ', -0.14691270757612074), ('tissues ', 5.681226321030408e-05), ('on ', 0.001654226791288238), ('the ', -0.015470765552890953), ('tables', -0.02566910960013047), ('. ', -0.009846666136581916), ('No ', -0.042157639349170495), ('tray', -0.02250019122766389), ('s', -0.009682896014055586), ('. ', -0.021197807967837434), ('Dirty ', -0.05110178310860647), ('place', -0.027461186480650213), ('.', -0.019426506361924112), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'My last stop in Vegas always a satisfied coustomer!'} [('', 0.0), ('My ', -0.02592894248664379), ('last ', 0.0016026801895350218), ('stop ', -0.08669026824645698), ('in ', -0.0013490221463143826), ('Vegas ', 0.1893545906059444), ('always ', 0.15456067037303), ('a ', 0.17926229897420853), ('satisfied ', 0.31235664151608944), ('co', 0.01274115964770317), ('ust', -0.008738144300878048), ('ome', -0.08203672990202904), ('r', -0.035898166708648205), ('!', -0.00013791583478450775), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Its pricey but great place.'} [('', 0.0), ('Its ', -0.024594567716121674), ('price', 0.12130786571651697), ('y ', 0.26243997272104025), ('but ', -0.06277001649141312), ('great ', 0.45015033264644444), ('place', -0.012475393479689956), ('.', -0.010631732176989317), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "Adequate, but you certainly won't feel pampered."} [('', 0.0), ('Adequate', 0.3221741020679474), (', ', -0.012814521789550781), ('but ', -0.1944325515651144), ('you ', 0.16563150254660286), ('certainly ', 0.06854239947278984), ('won', 0.16619563401764026), ("'", -0.01791879520897055), ('t ', -0.06874310098646674), ('feel ', 0.09308869336382486), ('pam', 0.008165249339072034), ('per', 0.06235374996322207), ('ed', 0.04209053696831688), ('.', -0.03429353528190404), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': '##############56 East Closed####################'} [('', -0.000286784372292459), ('#', -0.005864789127372205), ('#', -0.001967923133634031), ('#', -0.007414123392663896), ('#', -0.008149084518663585), ('#', -0.007898326846770942), ('#', -0.010216145194135606), ('#', -0.011100795469246805), ('#', -0.013444241951219738), ('#', -0.014265749952755868), ('#', -0.013473704573698342), ('#', -0.013954053749330342), ('#', -0.01577203336637467), ('#', -0.016274984809570014), ('#', -0.02710460324306041), ('56 ', -0.019696342409588397), ('East ', -0.02740431239362806), ('Closed', -0.04533388221170753), ('#', -0.01664692012127489), ('#', -0.01702471578028053), ('#', -0.012686750036664307), ('#', -0.010830051847733557), ('#', -0.009811300900764763), ('#', -0.01155568624380976), ('#', -0.013739215035457164), ('#', -0.012916391075123101), ('#', -0.01272838149452582), ('#', -0.011235749872867018), ('#', -0.01260316459229216), ('#', -0.012313216633629054), ('#', -0.008332972240168601), ('#', -0.008220941585022956), ('#', -0.006895588486388857), ('#', -0.006563246025637324), ('#', -0.008263353033856089), ('#', -0.009866270477816994), ('#', -0.014504868797736154), ('#', -0.01240458924301146), ('', -0.00046270750906495824)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Decent banh mi. Okay bun cha.'} [('', 0.0), ('Decent ', 0.7427398669533432), ('ban', -0.1518856429029256), ('h ', 0.046807623002678156), ('mi', -0.007467130897566676), ('. ', -0.007992260158061981), ('Okay ', 0.20122135896235704), ('bun ', -0.22868560627102852), ('cha', 0.08133413549512625), ('.', 0.03301970660686493), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "I'm addicted to the chopped salad!"} [('', 0.0), ('I', 0.038477616384625435), ("'", 0.06083286926150322), ('m ', 8.257315494120121e-05), ('addicted ', -0.5294291607569903), ('to ', 0.13454801368061453), ('the ', 0.0421625830931589), ('chopped ', -0.10061404714360833), ('salad', 0.09667854150757194), ('!', 0.022514349780976772), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Its back open and better than ever. New owners.'} [('', 0.0), ('Its ', -0.0686995901633054), ('back ', -0.10323037125635892), ('open ', 0.2689502144930884), ('and ', 0.2403012583963573), ('better ', 0.1598590718349442), ('than ', 0.21176428662147373), ('ever', 0.07932498282752931), ('. ', 0.013498075772076845), ('New ', -0.03668509377166629), ('owners', -0.05256991786882281), ('.', -0.046707398258149624), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "Great activity for kids. It's clean, spacious and safe."} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.1722697913646698), ('activity ', 0.04768639104440808), ('for ', 0.014252068009227514), ('kids', 0.0913341548293829), ('. ', -0.03385046124458313), ('It', -0.005137796979397535), ("'", 0.008900478016585112), ('s ', -0.005051605403423309), ('clean', 0.09191311988979578), (', ', 0.054944331757724285), ('spacious ', 0.08735203556716442), ('and ', 0.027664272114634514), ('safe', 0.041670866310596466), ('.', -0.010392274707555771), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Your average run of the mill everyday burger king.'} [('', 0.0), ('Your ', 0.07100868225097656), ('average ', -0.011080606142058969), ('run ', -0.10924530611373484), ('of ', -0.02704898244701326), ('the ', 0.05337274307385087), ('mill ', -0.27058624767232686), ('everyday ', 0.12540735269431025), ('burger ', -0.2620591115555726), ('king', 0.12596250959904864), ('.', 0.010233348119072616), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Prices are reasonable! Cabs are not bad.'} [('', 0.0), ('Prices ', -0.06946341786533594), ('are ', 0.013257809914648533), ('reasonable', 0.3468143120408058), ('! ', 0.022176653146743774), ('Cab', -0.1139306677505374), ('s ', -0.04046648275107145), ('are ', -0.006973034280235879), ('not ', 0.37976346878167533), ('bad', 0.19412841730627406), ('.', -0.029883097857236862), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'This is no longer a Long John Silvers.'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', -0.03275223379023373), ('is ', -0.009462286601774395), ('no ', -0.08481853769626468), ('longer ', -0.29291125416057184), ('a ', -0.01194209954701364), ('Long ', -0.03347397157631349), ('John ', -0.033507340485812165), ('Silver', 0.20786767997196876), ('s', 0.004347356298239902), ('.', -0.006117393611930311), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Service is slow'} [('', 0.0), ('Service ', 0.2034513956605224), ('is ', 0.11209047446027398), ('slow', -0.8382842590945074), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Donna, you said it all!'} [('', 0.0), ('Donna', 0.1083088293671608), (', ', 0.20502498000860214), ('you ', 0.07531305402517319), ('said ', 0.025299176573753357), ('it ', 0.09342665784060955), ('all', 0.13613286055624485), ('!', 0.07843305170536041), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Your typical big chain book store. Cute desk accessories.'} [('', 0.0), ('Your ', 0.027361573884263635), ('typical ', -0.13158406526781619), ('big ', 0.02792334882542491), ('chain ', -0.008847395482007414), ('book ', -0.023980869038496166), ('store', -0.04556965746451169), ('. ', 0.0019056287128478289), ('Cute ', 0.9066472029080614), ('desk ', -0.04909119906369597), ('accessories', -0.005631596082821488), ('.', -0.03386532561853528), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Good Korean market in Mesa AZ'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.5965972170233727), ('Korean ', 0.06873500440269709), ('market ', -0.05189008358865976), ('in ', 0.03382968530058861), ('Mesa ', -0.06462353095412254), ('AZ', 0.10822020471096039), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great kimbop :)'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.5645032878965139), ('kim', 0.04147144849412143), ('bo', -0.053348976420238614), ('p ', 0.06132496939972043), (':', -0.0037671104073524475), (')', 0.08036277443170547), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great prices super nice staff happy hr all day'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.3843287266790867), ('prices ', -0.0682384641841054), ('super ', -0.005104205571115017), ('nice ', 0.14889691211283207), ('staff ', 0.05357975699007511), ('happy ', 0.1653778851032257), ('hr ', 0.03732478991150856), ('all ', -0.04153864085674286), ('day', 0.03822211176156998), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Overrated. IMHO.'} [('', 0.0), ('Over', -0.7527157489676028), ('rated', 0.16537607577629387), ('. ', 0.15361309424042702), ('IM', -0.043817544472403824), ('HO', 0.18259106867481023), ('.', 0.010789946652948856), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Yummy Thrifty ice cream, snowie treats, and world famous smoothies....'} [('', 0.00010195812986542781), ('Yu', 0.03321099696525683), ('mmy ', -0.008538254575493434), ('Th', -0.07966395082864135), ('rift', -0.12874646717197416), ('y ', 0.08844636635816035), ('ice ', -0.009680858987849206), ('cream', -0.016816910880152136), (', ', 0.004008219810202718), ('snow', 0.06442973529919982), ('ie ', -0.011046171886846423), ('treats', 0.049509412376210093), (', ', 0.006697820033878088), ('and ', 0.011581508908420801), ('world ', 0.17233818816021085), ('famous ', 0.2749211974442005), ('smooth', 0.1450603533303365), ('ies', -0.038274657796137035), ('.', 0.02238943660631776), ('.', -0.02994648367166519), ('.', -0.021023541688919067), ('.', -0.02685070037841797), ('', 0.00048620253801345825)] {'label': 0, 'text': "Closed permanently don't bother."} [('', 0.0), ('Closed ', -0.001908684615045786), ('permanently ', -0.11994524975307286), ('don', 0.005071839856100269), ("'", -0.03982804391125683), ('t ', -0.023011006123851985), ('bother', -0.07456945371814072), ('.', -0.018781966413371265), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Slow drive through'} [('', 0.0), ('Slow ', -0.6920061064593028), ('drive ', 0.14359750416770112), ('through', 0.025816537425271235), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great Pizza!!!! They have good wings and sandwiches.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.32669415697455406), ('Pizza', -0.03230274096131325), ('!', 0.010060466825962067), ('!', 0.005200300365686417), ('!', -0.004936994984745979), ('! ', -0.032967397943139076), ('They ', 0.0019306032918393612), ('have ', 0.036063339095562696), ('good ', 0.21568708447739482), ('wings ', 0.10934429941698909), ('and ', 0.012697989586740732), ('sandwiches', -0.023383882828056812), ('.', -0.014608332421630621), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Best slices in the area by a NY mile'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.8345659635961056), ('slices ', -0.03457109443843365), ('in ', -0.0028892774134874344), ('the ', 0.026089231949299574), ('area ', -0.03012539679184556), ('by ', -0.13392678136005998), ('a ', 0.08522396860644221), ('NY ', 0.0026290379464626312), ('mile', -0.03987162746489048), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'The one on McKellips is soooo much better!'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.01240028627216816), ('one ', -0.02333197183907032), ('on ', -0.053892817348241806), ('Mc', 0.011966978665441275), ('Kell', 0.044032645877450705), ('ip', -0.13167951861396432), ('s ', 0.023300434928387403), ('is ', 0.0010657445527613163), ('soo', -0.08044865704141557), ('oo ', 0.013219855958595872), ('much ', 0.14207700244151056), ('better', 0.46373613993637264), ('!', 0.2076398548670113), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Just stopped in for a subway sandwich.'} [('', 0.0), ('Just ', -0.029070578515529633), ('stopped ', -0.10826855772756971), ('in ', 0.006320604734355584), ('for ', 0.03809206100413576), ('a ', 0.06996688217623159), ('subway ', -0.10601697652600706), ('sandwich', -0.10390850552357733), ('.', -0.02363461605273187), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "What can i say... Its McDonald's..."} [('', -0.000215145293623209), ('What ', -0.03975835663732141), ('can ', 0.006134481023764238), ('i ', -0.013250559131847695), ('say', -0.017443648248445243), ('.', -0.00221230392344296), ('.', -0.04448012518696487), ('. ', -0.010077801940497011), ('Its ', -0.07379516193759628), ('McDonald', -0.05754339722382914), ("'", -0.06458496553871858), ('s', 0.03349346000565371), ('.', -0.015971677843481302), ('.', -0.03444812970701605), ('.', -0.07291467790491879), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Stores in phoenix all closed!!! Pity!'} [('', 0.0), ('Stores ', -0.2909628414963663), ('in ', 0.01450087873308803), ('phoenix ', 0.009271040456951596), ('all ', 0.013153073477951693), ('closed', 0.014876290309985052), ('!', 0.0913949112255068), ('!', -0.004404367333336268), ('! ', 0.015173881140071899), ('Pity', -0.19736474312958308), ('!', 0.031683777742728125), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': '\\"Old\\" Wal Mart is always an adventure.'} [('', 0.0), ('\\', -0.00770218315301463), ('"', -0.01346327067585662), ('Old', -0.08867498065228574), ('\\', -0.021341193903936073), ('" ', -0.014943153830245137), ('Wal ', -0.03775475668953732), ('Mart ', -0.04632013865921181), ('is ', -0.012461319143767469), ('always ', 0.20293337150360458), ('an ', 0.19891897145134863), ('adventure', 0.5026571144262562), ('.', -0.03753775858785957), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Over priced for basic italian food'} [('', 0.0), ('Over ', -0.6450689121556934), ('priced ', 0.05664928451005835), ('for ', -0.055725583268213086), ('basic ', 0.11870642032590695), ('italian ', 0.06645208582631312), ('food', 0.15217050368664786), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Okay bank, just stopped by here to get some cash.'} [('', 0.0), ('Okay ', 0.12957262515556067), ('bank', -0.06683753977995366), (', ', 0.03247974067926407), ('just ', -0.06384030015033204), ('stopped ', -0.06038988214277197), ('by ', 0.019356332733877935), ('here ', -0.07566814868187066), ('to ', 0.021510203485377133), ('get ', -0.08625854167621583), ('some ', -0.030767629854381084), ('cash', -0.10387519747018814), ('.', -0.054942142916843295), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'had to go... I drank Tea :)'} [('', 0.0), ('had ', -0.23056200391147286), ('to ', 0.07294561521848664), ('go', 0.23015166394179687), ('.', 0.19847852387465537), ('.', -0.20391152845695615), ('. ', -0.08263595215976238), ('I ', -0.020116706960834563), ('drank ', -0.04866361164022237), ('Tea ', -0.053423594625201076), (':', -0.08568286889931187), (')', -0.08805777679663152), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'They are moving.\\nThat would explain it.'} [('', 0.0), ('They ', 0.08759862231090665), ('are ', 0.17343881184933707), ('moving', 0.563112772826571), ('.', -0.007492424454540014), ('\\', -0.1369954312685877), ('nT', -0.029840258765034378), ('hat ', -0.07476586324628443), ('would ', 0.049862999469041824), ('explain ', 0.03082430362701416), ('it', 0.055228779790923), ('.', -0.049047592328861356), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'I love Costco!'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', 0.12691866606473923), ('love ', 0.23340775817632675), ('Cost', -0.09688603691756725), ('co', 0.08080299757421017), ('!', 0.3197913095355034), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good cut. Took her time.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.6478010988794267), ('cut', -0.2693826979957521), ('. ', 0.17448203265666962), ('Took ', 0.10301660699769855), ('her ', 0.1552645959891379), ('time', -0.09464463032782078), ('.', 0.006692878901958466), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Love the blue cheese burger'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.770313136279583), ('the ', 0.027213511057198048), ('blue ', -0.00017221737653017044), ('cheese ', -0.09656072687357664), ('burger', -0.03690724540501833), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Terrible service. Stay away'} [('', 0.0), ('Terrible ', -0.27825729457254056), ('service', 0.009053384928847663), ('. ', 0.09950095109525137), ('Stay ', 0.2365532437688671), ('away', -0.395418272993993), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Excellent. Fresh and yummy!'} [('', 0.0), ('Excellent', 0.24808670580387115), ('. ', 0.1136857122182846), ('Fresh ', 0.15527911111712456), ('and ', 0.02704242244362831), ('yu', 0.13062477950006723), ('mmy', 0.011667593382298946), ('!', 0.037057064473629), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Healthy fast food! Amazing :)'} [('', 0.0), ('Healthy ', 0.13251683115959167), ('fast ', 0.0570141077041626), ('food', 0.043039947748184204), ('! ', 0.1289684772491455), ('Amazing ', 0.3471321817487478), (':', -0.007537906989455223), (')', 0.022287815809249878), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'customer service has gone down over the last few years'} [('', 0.0), ('customer ', -0.032886192417208804), ('service ', -0.01820580217281531), ('has ', -0.001277640052649076), ('gone ', -0.08551943513703009), ('down ', -0.07948264155675133), ('over ', -0.011148632225740585), ('the ', 0.025136200218184968), ('last ', 0.023294240560062462), ('few ', -0.06373031630573678), ('years', -0.05869758461631136), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Fabulous food'} [('', 0.0), ('Fabulous ', 0.13674625754356384), ('food', 0.13640055060386658), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'The food was excellent even for take out.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.008029140532016754), ('food ', 0.04562351480126381), ('was ', -0.05002174898982048), ('excellent ', 0.7644373592920601), ('even ', -0.00614022696390748), ('for ', -0.012615241925232112), ('take ', 0.1138486365089193), ('out', -0.07839876017533243), ('.', -0.05573267489671707), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Tasty food, friendly service'} [('', 0.0), ('Ta', 0.14071861281991005), ('sty ', 0.03466219827532768), ('food', 0.11336097121238708), (', ', 0.05794300138950348), ('friendly ', 0.37032514438033104), ('service', -0.025883760303258896), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Jerry and his staff are great!'} [('', 0.0), ('Jerry ', 0.1672864332795143), ('and ', 0.06431400030851364), ('his ', -0.037234025076031685), ('staff ', 0.08557236008346081), ('are ', -0.03755723126232624), ('great', 0.39145163260400295), ('!', 0.08959972858428955), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'update: see below'} [('', 0.0), ('update', 0.04605622310191393), (': ', 0.01348530501127243), ('see ', 0.20030964259058237), ('below', -0.5801523085683584), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Best pizza in cave creek!'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.3099067807197571), ('pizza ', 0.07720831781625748), ('in ', 0.09703772515058517), ('cave ', -0.11212299019098282), ('creek', 0.10199695453047752), ('!', 0.21659184619784355), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Friendly folks and great food. Enjoyed very much!'} [('', 0.0), ('Friendly ', 0.1639323951676488), ('folks ', 0.005721095018088818), ('and ', 0.004246816039085388), ('great ', 0.17897728364914656), ('food', -0.008856370113790035), ('. ', 0.004449706524610519), ('Enjoyed ', 0.2627199739217758), ('very ', 0.11066682823002338), ('much', -0.02301565743982792), ('!', -0.0019129738211631775), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "the branch inside Fry's is now closed"} [('', 0.0), ('the ', -0.03205952081771102), ('branch ', -0.07150666155575891), ('inside ', 0.1263829823328706), ('Fry', 0.01170674396053073), ("'", 0.09074878684259602), ('s ', -0.04611596004542662), ('is ', -0.09001682068628725), ('now ', -0.029009941572439857), ('closed', -0.24628236360149458), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Big Bank but very little personal touch.'} [('', 0.0), ('Big ', 0.00707956404221477), ('Bank ', -0.050437871883332264), ('but ', -0.07690682967950124), ('very ', -0.01918303776619723), ('little ', -0.5307507010511472), ('personal ', 0.07115786840586225), ('touch', 0.36022120857523987), ('.', -0.025884924951242283), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Love this store! Great home decorating at very reasonable prices!'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.39799075899645686), ('this ', 0.03431464824825525), ('store', -0.10891534062102437), ('! ', -0.016536831855773926), ('Great ', 0.23361394181847572), ('home ', 0.016319669783115387), ('decor', -0.013655180111527443), ('ating ', -0.06393027491867542), ('at ', -0.02782767079770565), ('very ', 0.028396371752023697), ('reasonable ', 0.13909704808611423), ('prices', -0.00928945851046592), ('!', -0.00017276033759117126), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best Mexican food in AZ. Good price and great taste.'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.2115887552499771), ('Mexican ', 0.08440539799630642), ('food ', 0.05452052690088749), ('in ', -0.017170782200992107), ('AZ', -0.011564568616449833), ('. ', -0.008189503103494644), ('Good ', 0.18227987084537745), ('price ', -0.02005153615027666), ('and ', -0.006135430186986923), ('great ', 0.1579799223691225), ('taste', 0.01970491372048855), ('.', -0.0200689435005188), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Only five dollar pizza worth getting... Great for the price!'} [('', 0.0), ('Only ', -0.5037639260553988), ('five ', -0.06927274063491495), ('dollar ', -0.14178044436994242), ('pizza ', -0.06574076736433199), ('worth ', 0.05442939524073154), ('getting', 0.02528634668124141), ('.', -0.0046572231949539855), ('.', -0.028994471256737597), ('. ', -0.0301674439542694), ('Great ', 0.4010805880498083), ('for ', -0.019645669039164204), ('the ', 0.007939425206132), ('price', -0.0334037748107221), ('!', -0.005912260894547217), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "What are the hours on Saturday's?"} [('', 0.0), ('What ', -0.06438447907567024), ('are ', 0.04233491106424481), ('the ', 0.014920845977030694), ('hours ', -0.08311054686782882), ('on ', 0.027661335130687803), ('Saturday', 0.19789314366062172), ("'", -0.007461566739948466), ('s', -0.03361777076497674), ('?', -0.37079746602103114), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Liked the store unfortunately it is closing on Oct 16th'} [('', 0.0), ('Liked ', 0.36198710386815947), ('the ', 0.0435056962633098), ('store ', -0.13537251750312862), ('unfortunately ', -0.64003924116696), ('it ', 0.07871491841069655), ('is ', -0.07534133519948227), ('closing ', -0.08237856835330604), ('on ', 0.05258570471778512), ('Oct ', 0.04047544550849125), ('16th', 0.05644554569153115), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Gross. It was really pricey for not good food.'} [('', 0.0), ('Gross', -0.19696341338567436), ('. ', 0.008492085034959018), ('It ', -0.01289427850406355), ('was ', 0.01595448934040178), ('really ', 0.03450282167068508), ('price', 0.052439050703924295), ('y ', 0.18886359080943294), ('for ', 0.046148306469603995), ('not ', -0.4190862055861544), ('good ', -0.04576514759901329), ('food', -0.022438669915572973), ('.', -0.017555638347403146), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'ok'} [('', 0.0), ('ok', 0.06655478477478027), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Excellent Mexican food, good service, comfortable surroundings. Excellent choice.'} [('', 0.0), ('Excellent ', 0.09851224347949028), ('Mexican ', 0.03403185820207), ('food', 0.0343759641982615), (', ', -0.014267563819885254), ('good ', 0.0955810600426048), ('service', -0.014435350662097335), (', ', -0.004675677046179771), ('comfortable ', 0.08131376979872584), ('surroundings', 0.00430625444278121), ('. ', -0.00939848367124796), ('Excellent ', 0.3234263025224209), ('choice', 0.017720352858304977), ('.', -0.03699920326471329), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Pretty good place for young kids'} [('', 0.0), ('Pretty ', 0.13698573410511017), ('good ', 0.19152989611029625), ('place ', 0.02792273834347725), ('for ', 0.04346755892038345), ('young ', 0.12303002923727036), ('kids', 0.168203204870224), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good food , good service. got my moneys worth.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.2961873491294682), ('food ', 0.06195029662922025), (', ', 0.028317474760115147), ('good ', 0.3943608542904258), ('service', -0.06930919550359249), ('. ', 0.06092283967882395), ('got ', 0.06494912676862441), ('my ', -0.029523649107431993), ('money', -0.2621271717362106), ('s ', -0.016186938621103764), ('worth', 0.19460743060335517), ('.', -0.09691565670073032), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Awesome food, great service, friendly staff!'} [('', 0.0), ('Awesome ', 0.24378449842333794), ('food', 0.07278243824839592), (', ', 0.039960406720638275), ('great ', 0.18031139764934778), ('service', -0.0327942268922925), (', ', 0.03084617480635643), ('friendly ', 0.12687474116683006), ('staff', 0.04950215294957161), ('!', 0.00175408273935318), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "it' is now close down, gone, no longer there..."} [('', -5.292342393659055e-06), ('it', -0.02212250379852776), ("' ", -0.01512573154650454), ('is ', -0.0065874249801709086), ('now ', -0.04699296233120549), ('close ', 0.1299428360973252), ('down', -0.16514521862773107), (', ', -0.02269950950067141), ('gone', -0.06256641134132224), (', ', -0.01970446415907645), ('no ', -0.03629080771406734), ('longer ', -0.03500905393048015), ('there', -0.0003853771695503383), ('.', -0.011350128217600286), ('.', -0.04907640321471263), ('.', -0.06867818144382909), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great place to buy used games'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.6703097850549966), ('place ', 0.05398196273017675), ('to ', 0.10590495320502669), ('buy ', -0.08539072400890291), ('used ', -0.10288454196415842), ('games', 0.048608030658215284), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'I LOVE the first watch....great breakfast!'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', -0.014996619895100594), ('LOVE ', 0.29518700391054153), ('the ', -0.10101066343486309), ('first ', 0.05695335939526558), ('watch', 0.08631639927625656), ('.', -0.009016979485750198), ('.', -0.006382567808032036), ('.', -0.028195815160870552), ('.', -0.026454847306013107), ('great ', 0.30432177893817425), ('breakfast', 0.0653925184160471), ('!', 0.005150366574525833), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Go QuikTrip!\\nTry The Freaking Egg Rolls. Amazing.'} [('', 0.0), ('Go ', 0.04627084359526634), ('Qui', 0.028984677453991026), ('kT', -0.005875366798136383), ('rip', -0.1490612527122721), ('!', -0.06847668439149857), ('\\', -0.017922107450431213), ('nT', -0.05552230750618037), ('ry ', -0.004241548114805482), ('The ', 0.005812585797684733), ('Freaking ', -0.015692621069320012), ('Egg ', -0.022068801292334683), ('Rolls', -0.01618507418606896), ('. ', -0.01232550066197291), ('Amazing', 0.878339990566019), ('.', -0.024603088560979813), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'This hotel was okay nothing fancy but did the job!'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', 0.01265543233603239), ('hotel ', 0.10724259144626558), ('was ', -0.12486765976063907), ('okay ', 0.11505588781437837), ('nothing ', -0.46807477551919874), ('fancy ', 0.06401765988266561), ('but ', 0.21294945059344172), ('did ', 0.14719446562230587), ('the ', 0.19159088283777237), ('job', 0.24966228194534779), ('!', 0.15819315612316132), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'This restaurant is CLOSED...FINALLY'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', 0.020205179331242107), ('restaurant ', 0.10361287154591992), ('is ', 0.0008682155712449457), ('CLOSED', -0.7199463578363066), ('.', 0.05740291075198911), ('.', 0.011173274484463036), ('.', -0.04708474944345653), ('FINALLY', 0.304952630714979), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'over-priced, weak coffee, boring/awkward staff.'} [('', 0.0), ('over', -0.09919608721065742), ('-', 0.013907507605836145), ('priced', -0.0006025929542374797), (', ', -0.008617970503109973), ('weak ', -0.07051763466006378), ('coffee', -0.019594196091929916), (', ', -0.0018635728629305959), ('boring', -0.05162506331180339), ('/', -0.02200824485589692), ('awkward ', -0.07352067291321873), ('staff', 0.00018796234144247137), ('.', -0.03893312493528356), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great outdoor and seating friendly staff'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.14303575456142426), ('outdoor ', 0.13409700989723206), ('and ', 0.06956268846988678), ('seating ', 0.08577787131071091), ('friendly ', 0.10409889370203018), ('staff', 0.1545659899711609), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Dragon Jasmine hot tea is amazing'} [('', 0.0), ('Dragon ', 0.09663887321949005), ('Jasmine ', 0.1158922091126442), ('hot ', 0.13040075451135635), ('tea ', 0.04474543035030365), ('is ', 0.10132963955402374), ('amazing', 0.20212915539741516), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Horrible customer service. Horrible management. Incompetent employees.'} [('', 0.0), ('Horrible ', -0.08974493356436142), ('customer ', 0.0007396759419862065), ('service', -1.7974499314732384e-05), ('. ', -0.015823448684386676), ('Horrible ', -0.0663804183850516), ('management', -0.020588155403856945), ('. ', -0.0171734221985389), ('Inc', -0.046711702182619774), ('omp', -0.06651687718385801), ('ete', 0.012409923512677778), ('nt ', -0.02257260404076078), ('employees', -0.041582849251426524), ('.', -0.016218780183407944), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Beautiful church. Friendly people.'} [('', 0.0), ('Beautiful ', 0.23891712352633476), ('church', -0.0031342320144176483), ('. ', 0.11138826608657837), ('Friendly ', 0.28487379662692547), ('people', 0.08596318773925304), ('.', -0.026868384331464767), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Nice Gym, friendly staff.'} [('', 0.0), ('Nice ', 0.20988675951957703), ('Gym', 0.05150239169597626), (', ', 0.08433704078197479), ('friendly ', 0.19945134036242962), ('staff', 0.1724585872143507), ('.', -0.02652139589190483), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "Don't blame me. I was hungry, and it was there."} [('', 0.0), ('Don', -0.019578711944632232), ("'", -0.029440574697218835), ('t ', -0.03011213685385883), ('blame ', -0.09603391168639064), ('me', 0.007694318890571594), ('. ', -0.022933912929147482), ('I ', -0.0018850838241633028), ('was ', -0.002130196866346523), ('hungry', -0.07594710524426773), (', ', -0.01820419740397483), ('and ', 0.332554888096638), ('it ', 0.04327213247597683), ('was ', 0.07611204542627092), ('there', 0.2736532725393772), ('.', 0.12717406189767644), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "Just like mom's cooking."} [('', 0.0), ('Just ', 0.190803162753582), ('like ', 0.16995642334222794), ('mom', 0.03814959968440235), ("'", 0.10443438147194684), ('s ', 0.08309286832809448), ('cooking', 0.14353404566645622), ('.', -0.006661023944616318), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Nice wait staff. Terrible food.'} [('', 0.0), ('Nice ', 0.8159735386579996), ('wait ', -0.17988835753203603), ('staff', 0.005695374587958213), ('. ', -0.06904133828356862), ('Terrible ', -0.5348719121539034), ('food', 0.24558555899420753), ('.', -0.06936537800356746), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "Don't pass this place up. The food is fantastic!"} [('', 0.0), ('Don', -0.026686366414651275), ("'", -0.048555549466982484), ('t ', -0.17954646237194538), ('pass ', 0.031336659063526895), ('this ', 0.007552201124781277), ('place ', 0.06723348488594638), ('up', 0.0850424185700831), ('. ', 0.006223656237125397), ('The ', 0.03815541695803404), ('food ', 0.09336190018802881), ('is ', 0.07617874257266521), ('fantastic', 0.31815767101943493), ('!', 0.1410333439707756), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Excellent quality'} [('', 0.0), ('Excellent ', 0.1367148756980896), ('quality', 0.1364119052886963), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great wood fired food'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.48899307660758495), ('wood ', 0.27654262678697705), ('fired ', -0.46936685452237725), ('food', 0.2900342792272568), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'over priced, but a nice treat.'} [('', 0.0), ('over ', -0.27491990401176736), ('priced', 0.06927597319008783), (', ', 0.07309719279874116), ('but ', -0.0512775945244357), ('a ', 0.03092183558328543), ('nice ', 0.49234226161206607), ('treat', 0.400474250462139), ('.', -0.010699168022256345), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'II highly recommend this place very professional and family oriented.'} [('', 0.0), ('II ', 0.004190076142549515), ('highly ', 0.010823756456375122), ('recommend ', 0.15664615854620934), ('this ', 0.020527970977127552), ('place ', -0.02649733331054449), ('very ', 0.08200734062120318), ('professional ', 0.08777634287253022), ('and ', -0.008630238473415375), ('family ', 0.17789120227098465), ('oriented', 0.1848965659737587), ('.', -0.023602329194545746), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Sushi at Castco mmmmmm goood'} [('', 0.0), ('Su', -0.03687455048202537), ('shi ', 0.010031785437604412), ('at ', -0.017177452624309808), ('Cast', -0.03431718368665315), ('co ', -0.03289014057372697), ('mmm', -0.03482015006011352), ('mm', -0.041005673934705555), ('m ', -0.0008486819569952786), ('goo', -0.0655322399106808), ('od', -0.04380929755279794), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Very basic, gets the job done!'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.12773970514535904), ('basic', 0.13186552375555038), (', ', 0.1002877950668335), ('gets ', 0.02447952376678586), ('the ', 0.14579417509958148), ('job ', 0.1459450894035399), ('done', 0.02903159474954009), ('!', 0.023017212748527527), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Right on time and very efficient.'} [('', 0.0), ('Right ', 0.355328768491745), ('on ', 0.014760838821530342), ('time ', -0.012620793655514717), ('and ', 0.05438428372144699), ('very ', 0.05239946208894253), ('efficient', 0.2638703603297472), ('.', -0.00469622015953064), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Horrible, Awful Service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Horrible', -0.2889662509696791), (', ', 0.11992086736427154), ('Awful ', -0.20290027888404438), ('Service', 0.05917823222262086), ('.', -0.021182289870921522), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'No comment'} [('', 0.0), ('No ', -0.8054174550343305), ('comment', 0.1026103098411113), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "Rudy's Rocks! Best Mexican Cuisine,,, street tacos are delicious!"} [('', 0.0), ('Rudy', -0.00046996213495731354), ("'", -0.0014000404626131058), ('s ', -0.0029371827840805054), ('Rocks', 0.06911155581474304), ('! ', 0.06997202709317207), ('Best ', 0.10237308125942945), ('Mexican ', 0.03151026088744402), ('Cuisine', 0.023073844611644745), (',', -0.022104591131210327), (',', -0.03198551759123802), (', ', -0.03228532895445824), ('street ', -0.05062770005315542), ('ta', 0.02201742841862142), ('cos ', 0.009085600497201085), ('are ', -0.0075665744952857494), ('delicious', 0.3334889863617718), ('!', 0.026991250924766064), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Had lunch yesterday,delicious. Very friendly staff and great value'} [('', 0.0), ('Had ', -0.014553530141711235), ('lunch ', 0.09218901582062244), ('yesterday', -0.010741408914327621), (',', 0.0042242854833602905), ('delicious', 0.22659530863165855), ('. ', 0.01586301252245903), ('Very ', -0.002978322561830282), ('friendly ', 0.14019957510754466), ('staff ', 0.03303888998925686), ('and ', -0.013023678213357925), ('great ', 0.13966317102313042), ('value', 0.016833510249853134), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Not happy with my recent experience.'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', -0.7908137137419544), ('happy ', 0.16780254178956966), ('with ', 0.010612839152599918), ('my ', 0.05458069614633132), ('recent ', 0.15432895471622032), ('experience', 0.14779027499207587), ('.', -0.02053838055144297), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Reviewed this place to get a discount. Yeeeeahhhh boiiii.'} [('', 0.0), ('Reviewed ', 0.301911729387939), ('this ', 0.20440270868130028), ('place ', 0.06077390513382852), ('to ', 0.019929767004214227), ('get ', -0.21419893379788846), ('a ', 0.036571354838088155), ('discount', -0.15169998700730503), ('. ', 0.07880083192139864), ('Ye', 0.18915066705085337), ('ee', -0.10056595946662128), ('ea', -0.0824964395724237), ('hh', -0.08568563289009035), ('hh ', -0.013189176330342889), ('bo', -0.0054393046302720904), ('iii', -0.07871119386982173), ('i', -0.0047969764564186335), ('.', -0.06727171875536442), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Awful place. Pathetic staff'} [('', 0.0), ('Awful ', -0.3590752519103262), ('place', 0.08923950850839901), ('. ', 0.10187968420723337), ('Pathetic ', -0.3137133390264353), ('staff', 0.14602859732258366), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Decent breakfast, nothing too memorable about it.'} [('', 0.0), ('Decent ', 0.22763019340709434), ('breakfast', 0.09044037154308171), (', ', 0.0414200077575515), ('nothing ', -0.5294958336544369), ('too ', -0.05095542828166799), ('memorable ', 0.026780035066622077), ('about ', -0.004828024751986959), ('it', -0.04991730705842201), ('.', -0.030795119964750484), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best mex food!! The carne asada is the best'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.2818116769194603), ('me', 0.03477444592863321), ('x ', 0.033620120491832495), ('food', 0.01130761532112956), ('!', -0.015611251816153526), ('! ', -0.054354578256607056), ('The ', -0.02468717470765114), ('car', -0.02763076825067401), ('ne ', -0.01763327093794942), ('asa', 0.02699051098898053), ('da ', -0.003643515519797802), ('is ', 0.011827714391984046), ('the ', 0.035986699047498405), ('best', 0.29077092092484236), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Love Costco. All of them.'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.37382394447922707), ('Cost', -0.11317577306181192), ('co', 0.06240393687039614), ('. ', 0.05308717489242554), ('All ', 0.09453287534415722), ('of ', 0.08365354873239994), ('them', 0.194795660674572), ('.', -0.019901275634765625), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Costco... yup!'} [('', 0.0), ('Cost', -0.15467680804431438), ('co', 0.003271041437983513), ('.', 0.10208828747272491), ('.', 0.050073305144906044), ('. ', 0.01763453148305416), ('yu', 0.4327624309808016), ('p', 0.10527556948363781), ('!', 0.16758288443088531), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'These guys are the best I have ever used!'} [('', 0.0), ('These ', -0.015782367438077927), ('guys ', -0.0024039018899202347), ('are ', 0.007910488173365593), ('the ', 0.1236519692465663), ('best ', 0.24246177356690168), ('I ', 0.09631113242357969), ('have ', 0.0985418064519763), ('ever ', 0.22469113487750292), ('used', -0.05661908257752657), ('!', -0.021849829703569412), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Yeah, its as good as it gets for convenience stores.'} [('', 0.0), ('Yeah', 0.11444275826215744), (', ', 0.08273430913686752), ('its ', -0.1278542860527523), ('as ', 0.021083209139760584), ('good ', 0.6892717184382491), ('as ', 0.07949864951660857), ('it ', 0.0405383636825718), ('gets ', 0.032032712537329644), ('for ', -0.02088852929591667), ('convenience ', -0.18122532141569536), ('stores', -0.07917516029556282), ('.', -0.023421345511451364), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Not the best area and not the cleanest QT.'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', -0.3836485820575035), ('the ', 0.041884402082359884), ('best ', 0.261425571719883), ('area ', -0.10629619107930921), ('and ', -0.0016357532877009362), ('not ', -0.296015602020816), ('the ', 0.008909738532565825), ('clean', 0.13226393663535418), ('est ', 0.03325679977751861), ('Q', 0.009872663375062984), ('T', -0.0457959939903958), ('.', -0.026522650397964753), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "It's Pei Wei. The service and food are always satisfactory."} [('', 0.0), ('It', 0.046021198853850365), ("'", 0.04113890044391155), ('s ', -0.00019590184092521667), ('Pei ', 0.0391265070065856), ('Wei', 0.05721553694456816), ('. ', 0.08731182478368282), ('The ', 0.02879991428926587), ('service ', -0.10858573438599706), ('and ', 0.030596941709518433), ('food ', 0.05234763550106436), ('are ', -0.038320101448334754), ('always ', 0.16228948440402746), ('satisfactory', 0.223877158947289), ('.', -0.038101134821772575), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Very reasonable prices for such a good pizza.'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.1250392124056816), ('reasonable ', 0.364100469276309), ('prices ', -0.17144166491925716), ('for ', 0.022435197606682777), ('such ', -0.015971984714269638), ('a ', 0.0441539166495204), ('good ', 0.4493089341558516), ('pizza', -0.04383423877879977), ('.', -0.0774417407810688), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Nothing special and the owner is not too friendly.'} [('', 0.0), ('Nothing ', -0.25367951983207604), ('special ', 0.09311342336150119), ('and ', 0.007838274046662264), ('the ', -0.007815940276486799), ('owner ', 0.010829276940057753), ('is ', -0.007294311357327388), ('not ', -0.06504398315337312), ('too ', -0.039867804443929344), ('friendly', -0.023705793832050404), ('.', -0.016119166222779313), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good food and great view!'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.14875566214323044), ('food ', 0.12776505202054977), ('and ', 0.06908370554447174), ('great ', 0.14321764558553696), ('view', 0.11702557653188705), ('!', 0.08529521524906158), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Quick service, excellent value for money.'} [('', 0.0), ('Quick ', 0.028923165053129196), ('service', 0.07672478631138802), (', ', 0.1880045235157013), ('excellent ', 0.5771678546443582), ('value ', 0.1331380121409893), ('for ', 0.034679406555369496), ('money', -0.28828833089210093), ('.', -0.021332815289497375), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'food is fresh and warm!!'} [('', 0.0), ('food ', 0.11288052797317505), ('is ', 0.007384816184639931), ('fresh ', 0.21448673866689205), ('and ', 0.09778470173478127), ('warm', 0.18259442411363125), ('!', 0.05453767441213131), ('!', 0.05377665162086487), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good yogurt but this place is really dirty.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.33476173854433), ('yo', -0.005076737244962715), ('gur', 0.022560096796951257), ('t ', -0.01701203838456422), ('but ', -0.12045765908260364), ('this ', -0.000627663052000571), ('place ', -0.003102085589489434), ('is ', -0.015036781471280847), ('really ', 0.17677008749888046), ('dirty', -0.5590736371086678), ('.', -0.1375382584228646), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Not bad at all.'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', 0.36885703902953537), ('bad ', 0.20279305513940926), ('at ', 0.018541207167800167), ('all', 0.11797747350647114), ('.', -0.044730186462402344), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': "The best restaurant in Verrado and Buckeye...hand's down."} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.006825769727583975), ('best ', 0.6819124804278545), ('restaurant ', 0.22790210453604232), ('in ', -0.011888409026141744), ('Ve', 0.0063393599120900035), ('rrado ', -0.05464620064594783), ('and ', 0.0019673241768032312), ('Buck', -0.06688528381346259), ('eye', 0.010256500114337541), ('.', -0.02135793655179441), ('.', -0.02297680077026598), ('.', -0.025416940596187487), ('hand', -0.028374904133670498), ("'", -0.018870987063564826), ('s ', -0.013072855872451328), ('down', -0.09469468041788787), ('.', -0.025325975148007274), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Very good pizza and salads. Will definitely be back!'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.022629763931035995), ('good ', 0.3149144612252712), ('pizza ', 0.004415228962898254), ('and ', 0.006468567997217178), ('salad', -0.0678930920548737), ('s', 0.02836222806945443), ('. ', 0.005383187904953957), ('Will ', 0.16804888052865863), ('definitely ', 0.22485505556687713), ('be ', -0.02568756276741624), ('back', -0.04778567934408784), ('!', -0.006436139345169067), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Not good pizza.'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', -0.6733330208408006), ('good ', 0.22590838126234303), ('pizza', 0.07875552511723072), ('.', -0.044408180699974764), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great cafe with delicious muffins and americanos!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.22425994463264942), ('cafe ', 0.07342583080753684), ('with ', 0.030531644355505705), ('delicious ', 0.13281136844307184), ('mu', -0.08815238776151091), ('ffin', -0.029255367699079216), ('s ', 0.05748646566644311), ('and ', 0.03286480065435171), ('american', 0.1769942007958889), ('os', -0.05796366557478905), ('!', 0.11304670572280884), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'So sad that they closed down!! :('} [('', 0.0), ('So ', -0.02419747880230716), ('sad ', -0.05264452544088272), ('that ', -0.020184491110740055), ('they ', 0.021416025506823644), ('closed ', 0.028843494073498732), ('down', -0.12076212668307562), ('!', 0.002838738064383506), ('! ', -0.008399865440878784), (':', -0.07889681348387967), ('(', -0.0504821677604923), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'good cheap tools and accessories!'} [('', 0.0), ('good ', 0.6643144227709854), ('cheap ', -0.32993885035830317), ('tools ', -0.004758489340019878), ('and ', 0.09050808846950531), ('accessories', 0.11330577731132507), ('!', 0.1552324742078781), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Cheap tools, cheap quality.'} [('', 0.0), ('Cheap ', -0.27548461504557054), ('tools', 0.03694569674189552), (', ', 0.08414691092912108), ('cheap ', -0.31184130149995326), ('quality', 0.1843893820368976), ('.', -0.026557862765912432), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Super convenient location! Great selection of adult beverages!'} [('', 0.0), ('Super ', 0.2101130671799183), ('convenient ', -0.00574869429692626), ('location', 0.08319474896416068), ('! ', 0.01565191149711609), ('Great ', 0.40645092935301363), ('selection ', 0.07420235150493681), ('of ', 0.01862480735871941), ('adult ', -0.09073698951397091), ('beverages', 0.01946023805066943), ('!', -0.03518097847700119), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "This place is bad, even for a McDonald's"} [('', 0.0), ('This ', -0.02431749786956061), ('place ', 0.12108848065690836), ('is ', 0.057661398181153345), ('bad', -0.36457290261387243), (', ', 0.025772928674996365), ('even ', -0.06236457978775434), ('for ', 0.008778138419074821), ('a ', -0.011070938169723377), ('McDonald', -0.03703275438692799), ("'", -0.02386955315432715), ('s', -0.023703183131146943), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Like'} [('', 0.0), ('Like', 0.057826101779937744), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Day I went service was extremely slow.'} [('', 0.0), ('Day ', 0.1699082912891754), ('I ', 0.042329762705776375), ('went ', -0.08437280166253913), ('service ', -0.006674931930319872), ('was ', -0.15064416357927257), ('extremely ', -0.06394480934432067), ('slow', -0.12987469200561463), ('.', -0.04694819725409616), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Ok for a quick bite'} [('', 0.0), ('Ok ', 0.46275628358125687), ('for ', 0.0021344348788261414), ('a ', 0.20733089745044708), ('quick ', 0.025932729244232178), ('bite', -0.03512786328792572), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Excellent place, highly recommended! Great service and food'} [('', 0.0), ('Excellent ', 0.150255985558033), ('place', 0.019486065953969955), (', ', 0.004590611904859543), ('highly ', 0.055914465337991714), ('recommended', 0.117247074842453), ('! ', 0.0010612718760967255), ('Great ', 0.2693347940221429), ('service ', -0.008924723602831364), ('and ', 0.06037474423646927), ('food', 0.027589522302150726), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Always very attentive! Best customer service, great job consistantly :)'} [('', 3.2782554626464844e-07), ('Always ', 0.020539965480566025), ('very ', -0.002737041562795639), ('at', 0.1336640038061887), ('ten', 0.05981353926472366), ('tive', 0.02382916398346424), ('! ', 0.03934895619750023), ('Best ', 0.19510843278840184), ('customer ', 0.000600909348577261), ('service', -0.029355844482779503), (', ', -0.021774698048830032), ('great ', 0.1678813281469047), ('job ', 0.013739407528191805), ('consist', -0.006948560010641813), ('antly ', -0.015933858696371317), (':', -0.006471467204391956), (')', -0.019964043982326984), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great location. Angela is the bomb! Outstanding service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.42964542796835303), ('location', -0.01855905237607658), ('. ', -0.0008262221235781908), ('Angela ', 0.0315324904222507), ('is ', -0.02100962438271381), ('the ', 0.04134318830620032), ('bomb', -0.11685889730870258), ('! ', -0.012983515625819564), ('Outstanding ', 0.4057785328477621), ('service', -0.036871155723929405), ('.', -0.03517715632915497), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Horrible. Raw tortillas and cold food'} [('', 0.0), ('Horrible', -0.21642478226567619), ('. ', 0.05247214323026128), ('Raw ', -0.02125279524625512), ('tor', 0.07198395769592025), ('till', 0.05710215629005688), ('as ', 0.007535502059909049), ('and ', 0.05188505029218504), ('cold ', -0.3362951863746275), ('food', 0.04726864259282593), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best for Indian,\\nBetter for Korean,\\nGood for European,'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.7895798929966986), ('for ', -0.00419497222173959), ('Indian', 0.06595456798095256), (',', -0.019680726807564497), ('\\', -0.024965237360447645), ('n', -0.012676063139224425), ('Bet', -0.015096550603630021), ('ter ', -0.021687100699637085), ('for ', -0.014915514970198274), ('Korean', 0.005101651884615421), (',', -0.026723374845460057), ('\\', -0.06206299923360348), ('nGo', -0.00038437871262431145), ('od ', -0.12128499010577798), ('for ', -0.012282841373234987), ('European', 0.031786355655640364), (',', -0.028089440427720547), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Sincerely appreciate their low key sales approach.\\nThanks, ladies! :)'} [('', 2.863258123397827e-05), ('Sincerely ', 0.39562904043123126), ('appreciate ', 0.35204292088747025), ('their ', 0.02771209878847003), ('low ', -0.1797727681347169), ('key ', 0.029044995352160187), ('sales ', -0.06797546185553074), ('approach', 0.026400491339154543), ('.', -0.010542858997359872), ('\\', -0.0380636845016852), ('nT', -0.06690843614245144), ('han', 0.027688803486914063), ('ks', -0.0534950065620554), (', ', 0.06239497601054609), ('ladies', 0.12302938336506486), ('! ', 0.07665807195007801), (':', -0.10617945715785027), (')', -0.059943851083517075), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good selection, service and people'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.18014635145664215), ('selection', 0.08341777324676514), (', ', 0.08572281897068024), ('service ', 0.07082129269838333), ('and ', 0.16007878631353378), ('people', 0.11090093851089478), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'The prices still higher than other designer outlet stores.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.017560606822371483), ('prices ', -0.057817189022898674), ('still ', -0.04985601454973221), ('higher ', 0.3410625448450446), ('than ', 0.28590704780071974), ('other ', 0.07155838748440146), ('designer ', 0.1454680566675961), ('outlet ', 0.0011651290114969015), ('stores', -0.020623814081773162), ('.', -0.00712117925286293), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Really slow drive through...'} [('', 0.0), ('Really ', 0.3282248044924927), ('slow ', -0.47758501472162607), ('drive ', 0.058406780704899575), ('through', -0.14716104324543267), ('.', 0.016911876024096273), ('.', -0.004460364885744639), ('.', -0.05033622871269472), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Good maids.\\nGood service.\\nBad plumbing.\\nPoor wireless connection.\\nHorrible snack bar selection.'} [('', 0.0015975972928572446), ('Good ', 0.51864542948897), ('maids', -0.057502280425978824), ('.', 0.05223457372630946), ('\\', -0.014776828733738511), ('nGo', -0.02545707353274338), ('od ', -0.03386829147930257), ('service', -0.06721121413866057), ('.', -0.00630320367636159), ('\\', -0.03599032450777789), ('nBa', -0.05335265077495327), ('d ', -0.007213218890440961), ('plumbing', -0.10612660347251221), ('.', -0.055480490939226), ('\\', -0.04270349844591692), ('nP', -0.03269657358760014), ('oor ', -0.04754736815812066), ('wireless ', -0.08080489077838138), ('connection', -0.02834697748767212), ('.', -0.021969362685922533), ('\\', -0.05226472928188741), ('nH', -0.06113871425623074), ('or', -0.050693987926933914), ('ri', -0.0046029316727072), ('ble ', -0.020940865273587406), ('snack ', -0.062026502312316247), ('bar ', -0.06875952168290193), ('selection', -0.015231234293120602), ('.', -0.01965656247921288), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'guy with the turban-----not friendly!'} [('', 0.0), ('guy ', -0.045017482956609456), ('with ', -0.07287361179442087), ('the ', -0.02745534517998749), ('tu', -0.004296313636587001), ('rba', 0.0005207246649661101), ('n', -0.021934500873612706), ('-', -0.005113102374707523), ('-', 0.014266820054217533), ('-', 0.008428207024735457), ('-', -0.004442039527020825), ('-', 0.0078100389177961915), ('not ', -0.6440394198766626), ('friendly', 0.30708531606705947), ('!', 0.07097629533200234), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Don Rafa has closed due to economic reasons. :('} [('', 0.0), ('Don ', 0.10489236033754423), ('Raf', 0.034655099821975455), ('a ', 0.050865452707512304), ('has ', 0.02857651027443353), ('closed ', -0.13191344191727694), ('due ', -0.23096022120444104), ('to ', -0.003073490137467161), ('economic ', 0.06005014332185965), ('reasons', -0.1438904683891451), ('. ', -0.004909574054181576), (':', -0.052499138517305255), ('(', -0.07332114735618234), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Not the best service in town!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', -0.8133189259406208), ('the ', -0.009979465422475187), ('best ', 0.17994646057650243), ('service ', -0.011605964064528962), ('in ', 0.13251959761282706), ('town', 0.13774291494610225), ('!', 0.0747204227718612), ('!', 0.03959182944527129), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Fast friendly service. Standard Native New Yorker food'} [('', 0.0), ('Fast ', 0.0916764922440052), ('friendly ', 0.2588744414970279), ('service', -0.026254362426698208), ('. ', 0.030629314482212067), ('Standard ', -0.006086464039981365), ('Native ', 0.0523740453645587), ('New ', 0.11740570701658726), ('Yorker ', 0.16866513900458813), ('food', 0.025428302586078644), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'garbage!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('garbage', -0.9175879288141005), ('!', 0.07791313737288874), ('!', 0.14943972311084508), ('!', 0.27717488553753356), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Very unfriendly service!'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.08240193920210004), ('un', -0.3671963938686531), ('fr', 0.30433163067209534), ('ien', -0.06572242121910676), ('dly ', 0.04404586035525426), ('service', 0.28041470563039184), ('!', 0.3205063841305673), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'This place closed up more than year ago.'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', -0.024347329861484468), ('place ', -0.009327675390522927), ('closed ', -0.13349654449848458), ('up ', 0.15667138560093008), ('more ', 0.0497244052530732), ('than ', 0.06723114881606307), ('year ', -0.15720843100280035), ('ago', -0.1882545072294306), ('.', -0.03868655313272029), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Walmart needs to have a bigger grocery area!'} [('', 0.0), ('Wal', -0.029439308262226405), ('mart ', -0.018863221532228636), ('needs ', -0.5821338723853842), ('to ', -0.0013381463159021223), ('have ', -0.028632802324864315), ('a ', 0.04313131154049188), ('bigger ', 0.2591891212596238), ('grocery ', -0.1210495269351668), ('area', 0.09243592646816978), ('!', 0.08419008229975589), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'As WalMarts go this one is better than average.'} [('', 0.0), ('As ', -0.037613063119351864), ('Wal', -0.05955645488575101), ('Mart', -0.06574107054620981), ('s ', -0.003592932131141424), ('go ', 0.07922409242019057), ('this ', 0.06829712772741914), ('one ', 0.002951636677607894), ('is ', 0.0686975356657058), ('better ', 0.2075861839693971), ('than ', 0.42603614571271464), ('average', 0.03579416964203119), ('.', -0.09523041173815727), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Everything was so bland. It tasted like nothing.'} [('', 0.0), ('Everything ', 0.061062380835210206), ('was ', -0.015613841481808777), ('so ', -0.06884401644174432), ('bland', -0.13346054979774635), ('. ', 0.003923337753803935), ('It ', -0.01258565880380047), ('tasted ', 0.024260517968286877), ('like ', -0.02352495836203161), ('nothing', -0.10563454570910835), ('.', -0.03226761511905352), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Foods good and the service sucks!'} [('', 0.0), ('Foods ', 0.04373063929233467), ('good ', 0.277774542082625), ('and ', 0.05660751654068008), ('the ', 0.046820005984045565), ('service ', -0.22321578273840714), ('sucks', -0.37209658180654515), ('!', -0.07229521163390018), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great food, great service and reasonably priced!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.24187790229916573), ('food', 0.07472150400280952), (', ', 0.04002145677804947), ('great ', 0.1814588364213705), ('service ', -0.017021866515278816), ('and ', 0.020499754697084427), ('reasonably ', 0.10978118516504765), ('priced', 0.06228812597692013), ('!', -0.0006084516644477844), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great place to go for a walk or bike ride.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.21386327221989632), ('place ', -0.026475587859749794), ('to ', 0.031145771965384483), ('go ', 0.08137229736894369), ('for ', -0.040890700183808804), ('a ', 0.041957564651966095), ('walk ', 0.07286032289266586), ('or ', -0.051062844693660736), ('bike ', -0.004639118444174528), ('ride', 0.36112999776378274), ('.', -0.013286001048982143), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Not much selections.Service is good and team is nice.'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', -0.10258686883025803), ('much ', -0.05274620687123388), ('selections', -0.0057023286644835025), ('.', -0.025025597744388506), ('Service ', 0.01829285628264188), ('is ', 0.07892786468801205), ('good ', 0.3155607451190008), ('and ', -0.005146474039065652), ('team ', -0.010030331226516864), ('is ', 0.1136893251696165), ('nice', 0.3162791608883708), ('.', -0.01436378475773381), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Tons of stuff! Great deals on baby clothes.'} [('', 0.0), ('Tons ', -0.008757414761930704), ('of ', 0.08053632103838027), ('stuff', 0.07018343568779528), ('! ', 0.20305857807397842), ('Great ', 0.4175088102929294), ('deals ', -0.01665570167824626), ('on ', 0.022199647035449743), ('baby ', -0.0011054100468754768), ('clothes', -0.03770348848775029), ('.', -0.03273395821452141), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Great gyros but the owner is always really rude.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.23755031713517383), ('g', 0.017404381098458543), ('yr', 0.05870778567623347), ('os ', -0.0037146723771002144), ('but ', -0.0340345897275256), ('the ', -0.0013880221122235525), ('owner ', -0.03594228049405501), ('is ', -0.0005176696613489185), ('always ', 0.11118521123353275), ('really ', 0.08293637677707011), ('rude', -0.8218700072247884), ('.', 0.02004854859842453), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'gotta love the smell of leather'} [('', 0.0), ('gotta ', 0.1401594579219818), ('love ', 0.21101567149162292), ('the ', 0.03453996777534485), ('smell ', -0.010218572802841663), ('of ', 0.18888592440634966), ('leather', 0.12651865184307098), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Very good food but, pricey!'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.013627749867737293), ('good ', 0.34101317822933197), ('food ', 0.057134260423481464), ('but', -0.0965454182587564), (', ', 0.04682383267208934), ('price', 0.049504449125379324), ('y', 0.2927697547711432), ('!', 0.024892643094062805), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Amazing Food and Great Service! They are a little pricey....'} [('', 0.0), ('Amazing ', 0.1682616793550551), ('Food ', 0.013847750145941973), ('and ', -0.014515840448439121), ('Great ', 0.20336908975150436), ('Service', -0.012753601535223424), ('! ', -0.023389168083667755), ('They ', 0.011463775532320142), ('are ', 0.028173830593004823), ('a ', 0.2042653239914216), ('little ', -0.16613123478600755), ('price', 0.08672213554382324), ('y', 0.16078676842153072), ('.', 0.005680952221155167), ('.', -0.042359478771686554), ('.', -0.029971648007631302), ('.', -0.04171225056052208), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good service, OK food, overpriced for what you get'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.4791262139042374), ('service', -0.05966542006353848), (', ', -0.017460413393564522), ('OK ', 0.21222369302995503), ('food', 0.1674618124961853), (', ', 0.005499629769474268), ('over', -0.20642896814388223), ('pr', -0.07541522549581714), ('ice', -0.04877268205746077), ('d ', 0.03295996462111361), ('for ', -0.022245236963499337), ('what ', -0.015195692947600037), ('you ', 0.13884524672175758), ('get', -0.00861035377602093), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Food Poisoning!!! Simple as that.'} [('', 0.0), ('Food ', 0.025916699392837472), ('Poisoning', -0.7579401062248508), ('!', 0.09706760832341388), ('!', 0.07275657304853667), ('! ', 0.07236609481333289), ('Simple ', 0.2695021795880166), ('as ', -0.03350381278869463), ('that', 0.05699571661534719), ('.', -0.0872800733341137), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Gorgeous museum with a friendly staff. Well worth the visit.'} [('', 0.0), ('Gorgeous ', 0.1135268323123455), ('museum ', 0.034907251596450806), ('with ', 0.008852358907461166), ('a ', 0.036924809217453), ('friendly ', 0.10700778476893902), ('staff', 0.02354510687291622), ('. ', -0.010804977267980576), ('Well ', 0.09996713697910309), ('worth ', 0.10733288526535034), ('the ', 0.02362442947924137), ('visit', 0.12150006555020809), ('.', -0.039089351892471313), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'No help.'} [('', 0.0), ('No ', -0.6378265707171522), ('help', 0.08714153413893655), ('.', 0.030299190781079233), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Everyone was nice and friendly. Not bad.'} [('', 0.0), ('Everyone ', 0.009926266968250275), ('was ', -0.012029958888888359), ('nice ', 0.18246801011264324), ('and ', 0.02229362353682518), ('friendly', 0.13570914417505264), ('. ', 0.022570643573999405), ('Not ', 0.3616194190544775), ('bad', 0.020825651838094927), ('.', -0.030443567782640457), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best food ever!!! Just like when I was a kid!'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.1677723452448845), ('food ', 0.09295462258160114), ('ever', 0.06510013900697231), ('!', -0.024618089199066162), ('!', -0.01214519701898098), ('! ', -0.02034442313015461), ('Just ', 0.027005026815459132), ('like ', 0.1683920791838318), ('when ', -0.099281070753932), ('I ', 0.04537892062216997), ('was ', -0.010587298311293125), ('a ', 0.10843289224430919), ('kid', 0.05816422449424863), ('!', 0.017317012883722782), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Place is Closed down.'} [('', 0.0), ('Place ', 0.22092146132490598), ('is ', 0.010668558059478528), ('Closed ', -0.24364916606828046), ('down', -0.2781519890122581), ('.', -0.0451055541052483), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Bad service will not order from this location again!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Bad ', -0.1450453009656485), ('service ', -0.056718169916166516), ('will ', 0.01629531477647106), ('not ', -0.08478354891121853), ('order ', -0.03810174878435646), ('from ', -0.07106408540721532), ('this ', 0.017882198831557616), ('location ', -0.03017651753862083), ('again', 0.013402274187228613), ('!', 0.017850903182988986), ('!', 0.005180770822335035), ('!', -0.0160043808282353), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best fish tacos ever. You gotta try them.'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.42984544672071934), ('fish ', -0.09027098305523396), ('ta', 0.046433769166469574), ('cos ', 0.10097216349095106), ('ever', 0.17396481800824404), ('. ', 0.08013344556093216), ('You ', 0.12556946091353893), ('gotta ', -0.052318304777145386), ('try ', -0.10365693178027868), ('them', -0.006309605203568935), ('.', -0.041130177676677704), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Every Tuesday they have $1.50 fish tacos after 2.30pm :)'} [('', 0.00034422148019075394), ('Every ', 0.04672489641234279), ('Tuesday ', 0.027691547060385346), ('they ', -0.0415855513419956), ('have ', 0.023047110492674012), ('$', -0.13144864960728833), ('1', -0.021230265653381746), ('.', 0.009773257654160261), ('50 ', -0.043627544422633946), ('fish ', -0.1560571970185265), ('ta', 0.07257675507571548), ('cos ', 0.041169148054905236), ('after ', -0.046187088902418814), ('2', -0.04260853639182945), ('.', -0.010496653926869234), ('30', -0.04263823782093823), ('pm ', -0.012489763787016273), (':', -0.025571139995008707), (')', -0.03911488736048341), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great and flavorful salmon burrito!!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.30746517330408096), ('and ', 0.0009350255131721497), ('flavor', 0.4491024757735431), ('ful ', -0.038539824075996876), ('salmon ', -0.07334327371791005), ('burr', -0.09347588091623038), ('ito', 0.03441770456265658), ('!', 0.029997121542692184), ('!', 0.040566299110651016), ('!', -0.005146410316228867), ('!', 0.014059804379940033), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good food. Service was a little slow.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.2401845701788261), ('food', 0.065032569658797), ('. ', 0.05506907735980349), ('Service ', -0.19100977422385768), ('was ', -0.0541415051502554), ('a ', -0.03528846286917542), ('little ', -0.034084524263562344), ('slow', -0.23028969194820093), ('.', -0.09428399104945129), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Pretty yummy crunch rolls!'} [('', 0.0), ('Pretty ', 0.293411610648036), ('yu', 0.5018470645882189), ('mmy ', 0.007006920408457518), ('crunch ', -0.09912444557994604), ('rolls', -0.12670121621340513), ('!', 0.1008246373385191), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Dirty, service sucks, and music horrible.'} [('', 0.0), ('Dirty', -0.08171749204848311), (', ', 0.011896643492946168), ('service ', -0.033391754350304836), ('sucks', -0.07573210221380577), (', ', 0.03642077424592571), ('and ', 0.03419719937664922), ('music ', 0.07210906401087414), ('horrible', -0.23377200361937867), ('.', -0.01633049939846387), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "The grandest of all ghetto McDonald's."} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.026629155967384577), ('grande', 0.7735397036885843), ('st ', 0.09234423760790378), ('of ', 0.08551086863735691), ('all ', 0.05522234836826101), ('ghetto ', -0.16658416122663766), ('McDonald', -0.042307402938604355), ("'", -0.03264322318136692), ('s', -0.005403552204370499), ('.', -0.03735515661537647), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'DT is SLOW!'} [('', 0.0), ('DT ', -0.017053760195267387), ('is ', 0.011808447867224459), ('SLOW', -0.6847325235648896), ('!', 0.27705743195838295), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good wings and a hell of a margarita surprisingly.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.3276744820177555), ('wings ', 0.23563364520668983), ('and ', 0.1168019250035286), ('a ', 0.06372671853750944), ('hell ', -0.12631755508482456), ('of ', -0.006546944670844823), ('a ', 0.006997676857281476), ('margarita ', -0.040097285294905305), ('surprisingly', 0.2466407238971442), ('.', -0.12763256905600429), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Wednesday 2 banger is awsome'} [('', 0.0), ('Wednesday ', 0.07533249573316425), ('2 ', -0.013455441570840776), ('bang', 0.22509094886481762), ('er ', 0.06807866995222867), ('is ', -0.00584306032396853), ('aw', -0.5654065292328596), ('some', -0.03741507604718208), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Their standards are becoming less and less desirable.'} [('', 0.0), ('Their ', -0.0032075710223580245), ('standards ', -0.006935796061952715), ('are ', -0.004943541136526619), ('becoming ', -0.0803758337679028), ('less ', -0.12249271248219884), ('and ', 0.07664153596851975), ('less ', -0.3004833031918679), ('desirable', 0.18543722382673877), ('.', -0.029259347742481623), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good burritos! worth the try if your in the area.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.41712429374456406), ('burr', -0.03955376800149679), ('ito', 0.0013605998829007149), ('s', -0.0065133292227983475), ('! ', -0.017301443964242935), ('worth ', 0.28880918165668845), ('the ', 0.0722430250607431), ('try ', -0.04541710903868079), ('if ', -0.0543432361446321), ('your ', 0.07436803542077541), ('in ', -0.032318190671503544), ('the ', -0.001197958830744028), ('area', 0.006085240747779608), ('.', -0.08001122251152992), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'quality is slipping here....slower service....food freshness issues.'} [('', 0.0), ('quality ', 0.05848473826154077), ('is ', 0.0433780132893844), ('slipping ', -0.21327635162424485), ('here', -0.009305491485974926), ('.', -0.009631506894947961), ('.', -0.004684271065343637), ('.', -0.00653776406943507), ('.', -0.010650159221768263), ('slower ', -0.051081228625662334), ('service', -0.03942497282241675), ('.', -0.016821696828628774), ('.', -0.021230234668109915), ('.', -0.025257097180656274), ('.', -0.03687422593066003), ('food ', -0.08290371235489147), ('fresh', 0.24849624469970877), ('ness ', 0.0004553075177682331), ('issues', -0.28485633151103684), ('.', -0.0188298063530965), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Quick update, the Drive-Thru guy is \\"Brad\\"'} [('', 0.0), ('Quick ', -0.07687034248374403), ('update', -0.057427386520430446), (', ', -0.04260915773920715), ('the ', -0.010530994375585578), ('Drive', -0.034803423142875545), ('-', -0.003379991539986804), ('Thru ', -0.022512727649882436), ('guy ', -0.012267006692127325), ('is ', -0.01403806910093408), ('\\', -0.0222795605805004), ('"', -0.014856345122097991), ('Brad', -0.04307352734031156), ('\\', -0.020725742739159614), ('"', -0.03632474481128156), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'one word! HIPPIES!!'} [('', 0.0), ('one ', -0.11467673466540873), ('word', -0.19396988139487803), ('! ', 0.18123428663238883), ('HIP', 0.6809871140867472), ('PIES', -0.17520060623064637), ('!', 0.18232421157881618), ('!', 0.08999401330947876), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good food, but employees are a little slow'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.25985562009736896), ('food', 0.07939442025963217), (', ', 0.03671815095003694), ('but ', -0.19611398287088377), ('employees ', -0.03413648155856208), ('are ', -0.018790961640661408), ('a ', -0.00836111391618033), ('little ', -0.02889433735072089), ('slow', -0.3337362745987775), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "Awful. Don't move here!"} [('', 0.0), ('Awful', -0.22675685843933024), ('. ', 0.09125070442314609), ('Don', -0.05259328948432085), ("'", -0.09162045999892143), ('t ', -0.13674842675573018), ('move ', 0.1164910661191243), ('here', -0.008973738298664102), ('!', 0.038583654784815735), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Clean and well organized. Slightly above average chain location.'} [('', 0.0), ('Clean ', 0.15615734085440636), ('and ', 0.007134471088647842), ('well ', 0.16263052821159363), ('organized', 0.017023801803588867), ('. ', -0.00505828857421875), ('Slightly ', -0.0007311264052987099), ('above ', 0.39944047201424837), ('average ', 0.0011374519672244787), ('chain ', -0.021261322544887662), ('location', -0.014126496855169535), ('.', -0.036346226930618286), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great views, great customer service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.1438828632235527), ('views', 0.12734513729810715), (', ', 0.09016643464565277), ('great ', 0.2833571881055832), ('customer ', 0.09672931954264641), ('service', 0.0069985948503017426), ('.', -0.02505045384168625), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Shit Sandwich!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Shit ', -0.6608080361329485), ('Sandwich', -0.19982146672555245), ('!', 0.10800472338451073), ('!', 0.15195441944524646), ('!', 0.27025396283715963), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Here is my blog on my experience with them. http://coulterinfinitiaz.blogspot.com/?m=1'} [('', -0.000146038131788373), ('Here ', -0.12624801602214575), ('is ', 0.024597911280579865), ('my ', -0.12046619725879282), ('blog ', -0.10488653025822714), ('on ', 0.017080661084037274), ('my ', -0.04705597093561664), ('experience ', 0.06575984641676769), ('with ', 0.01618487065813194), ('them', 0.024799291548940044), ('. ', 0.053594103238234915), ('http', -0.0074607644928619266), (':', 0.004446589504368603), ('/', -0.013274599914439023), ('/', -0.015526230563409626), ('coulter', -0.020225172949722037), ('in', -0.033587593847187236), ('fin', 0.0007670559765150149), ('itia', -0.016957410650017362), ('z', -0.010763586188356081), ('.', -0.016358030028641224), ('blogs', -0.017531293463738013), ('pot', -0.012251895871789506), ('.', -0.006482008456562956), ('com', 0.0011391928613496323), ('/', -0.01650836712603147), ('?', -0.05988053434217969), ('m', -0.0035014934837818146), ('=', -0.03165012504905462), ('1', -0.0028608080465346575), ('', 0.000288976589217782)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Very nice owner and good selection.'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.028940729796886444), ('nice ', 0.22956513985991478), ('owner ', 0.1031205765902996), ('and ', 0.052410535514354706), ('good ', 0.20796459168195724), ('selection', 0.10647980868816376), ('.', -0.005055278539657593), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good juice, good prices.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.18228066712617874), ('juice', 0.07999002188444138), (', ', 0.08505496382713318), ('good ', 0.41139531414955854), ('prices', -0.04125774558633566), ('.', -0.026353027671575546), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Nice people and helped me\\nWith the items I needed'} [('', 0.0), ('Nice ', 0.3907288368791342), ('people ', -0.03083382360637188), ('and ', -0.009063787758350372), ('helped ', 0.31855202186852694), ('me', 0.032158827409148216), ('\\', -0.060265504755079746), ('nW', 0.03635191894136369), ('ith ', -0.038988792104646564), ('the ', 0.04831713903695345), ('items ', -0.029707128182053566), ('I ', -0.03406481258571148), ('needed', 0.0026633087545633316), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'lie after lie...this church breeds Atheists!'} [('', 0.0), ('lie ', -0.09527777711628005), ('after ', 0.01507793138443958), ('lie', -0.060392929808585905), ('.', -0.02581711928360164), ('.', -0.025939771730918437), ('.', -0.02064872457413003), ('this ', 0.023101983606466092), ('church ', -0.0016482126229675487), ('breeds ', -0.041657365567516536), ('Atheist', -0.14410840289201587), ('s', 0.03147368726786226), ('!', -0.02253929851576686), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Its Taco Bell'} [('', 0.0), ('Its ', 0.07830419391393661), ('Ta', 0.2120756022632122), ('co ', 0.1296711377799511), ('Bell', 0.15298183262348175), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Fatburger was good. Onion rings were okay. Lemonade was refreshing.'} [('', 0.0), ('Fat', -0.03193049551919103), ('burg', -0.04425593977794051), ('er ', -0.021702579222619534), ('was ', 0.011147131212055683), ('good', 0.3758102571591735), ('. ', -0.013215187005698681), ('Onion ', -0.03779648710042238), ('rings ', -0.002378143835812807), ('were ', 0.007257667719386518), ('okay', 0.09277554240543395), ('. ', 0.0727086178958416), ('Lemon', -0.006268187891691923), ('ade ', -0.008542304392904043), ('was ', -0.017342108534649014), ('refreshing', 0.1903891193214804), ('.', -0.01494993269443512), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Better than Five Guys Burgers.'} [('', 0.0), ('Better ', 0.41029700078070164), ('than ', 0.33316096593625844), ('Five ', -0.011702323565259576), ('Guys ', 0.05777574423700571), ('Burger', -0.14141027862206101), ('s', 0.09691832819953561), ('.', -0.028810355812311172), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great burgers and fries.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.6043170467019081), ('burger', -0.0599313760176301), ('s ', 0.1516715595498681), ('and ', 0.11348508298397064), ('fries', -0.1478442493826151), ('.', 0.029150405898690224), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Toasted Coconut Concrete with Vanilla Base. Period.'} [('', 0.0), ('Toast', 0.3963802745565772), ('ed ', 0.08896814193576574), ('Coconut ', 0.039815609343349934), ('Concrete ', -0.010635330341756344), ('with ', 0.09311562264338136), ('Vanilla ', 0.059856674168258905), ('Base', 0.03699240926653147), ('. ', 0.040138790383934975), ('Period', -0.002783261239528656), ('.', -0.04741130769252777), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'just okay'} [('', 0.0), ('just ', 0.12798812985420227), ('okay', 0.1451338827610016), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "Average McDonald's chain."} [('', 0.0), ('Average ', -0.4037150393705815), ('McDonald', -0.12088209524517879), ("'", -0.08043444104259834), ('s ', 0.17765985999722034), ('chain', 0.05559321655891836), ('.', 0.0694299980532378), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'The Jim Beam burger is VERY good.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.024738743901252747), ('Jim ', -0.0025509335100650787), ('Beam ', 0.07312819734215736), ('burger ', -0.0533205303363502), ('is ', 0.019772978965193033), ('VERY ', 0.08913908712565899), ('good', 0.6791647551581264), ('.', -0.05134974420070648), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Went back, coupon in hand and...meh.'} [('', 0.0), ('Went ', 0.02902521117357537), ('back', 0.042577548359986395), (', ', 0.0606307735433802), ('coup', -0.42946275701979175), ('on ', -0.003104650473687798), ('in ', 0.028334751696093008), ('hand ', -0.05491730183712207), ('and', 0.10017598525155336), ('.', 0.009078936534933746), ('.', -0.02029054972808808), ('.', -0.04005272651556879), ('me', 0.014027829165570438), ('h', -0.013014277559705079), ('.', -0.12734822579659522), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Service was ok, food was ok... nothing spectacular...'} [('', 0.0), ('Service ', -0.0209845761746692), ('was ', 0.04300330342721281), ('ok', 0.08194088588516024), (', ', 0.1314736493077362), ('food ', 0.028920281925820746), ('was ', 0.06922581116850779), ('ok', 0.03674519995729497), ('.', 0.10220300544096972), ('.', -0.03040316343685845), ('. ', -0.15976048864467884), ('nothing ', -0.39144142670102156), ('spectacular', 0.18873399061067175), ('.', -0.06981899415586668), ('.', -0.03463698295672657), ('.', -0.02693315499345772), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Very very slow drive thru\\n\\nRecommend going inside'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', -0.007760642223729519), ('very ', 0.0028472419407989946), ('slow ', -0.08521375820691901), ('drive ', -0.058291133149396046), ('thru', -0.021054571594504523), ('\\', -0.010359371675804141), ('n', -0.033646784200755064), ('\\', -0.015937071753796772), ('nR', -0.09358830731434864), ('ec', -0.08271761933065136), ('om', -0.043144542237314454), ('men', -0.012909996768030396), ('d ', -0.061365879240838694), ('going ', -0.017962968780921074), ('inside', 0.10928448558479431), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Very nice friendly staff!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.13492409139871597), ('nice ', 0.09290400333702564), ('friendly ', 0.09222819842398167), ('staff', 0.09956660494208336), ('!', 0.10182127356529236), ('!', 0.16965171694755554), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Servings are very small. food so-so.'} [('', 0.0), ('Serving', 0.09876585644087754), ('s ', -0.038099577504908666), ('are ', 0.011286915694654454), ('very ', 0.031560989351419266), ('small', -0.24666768973111175), ('. ', -0.025834096246398985), ('food ', -0.02980049460893497), ('so', -0.03394359856611118), ('-', -0.019263465947005898), ('so', -0.040079816651996225), ('.', -0.03971591277513653), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "This is the worst Wendy's i've ever been to"} [('', 0.0), ('This ', -0.028675071971520083), ('is ', 0.018471431696525542), ('the ', 0.012456529157134355), ('worst ', -0.6707863331412227), ('Wendy', -0.01474095858839064), ("'", -0.08994846254108779), ('s ', 0.10334011706709134), ('i', 0.07708870870283135), ("'", 0.04581924164631346), ('ve ', 0.007456615589944704), ('ever ', 0.1252971652411361), ('been ', -0.01721105692377023), ('to', 0.04126766708031937), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Like the tacos! Menudo is fair.'} [('', 0.0), ('Like ', 0.01664804294705391), ('the ', -0.024897214025259018), ('ta', 0.10011790040880442), ('cos', 0.06678504403680563), ('! ', 0.18696247786283493), ('Menu', -0.00603475421667099), ('do ', -0.00022929906845092773), ('is ', 0.0991693614050746), ('fair', 0.2837182888761163), ('.', -0.02613132819533348), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good distribution of meat and cheese'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.7549347877502441), ('distribution ', -0.017740919953212142), ('of ', 0.05561120039783418), ('meat ', 0.032159142196178436), ('and ', 0.08749937731772661), ('cheese', -0.22146717924624681), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'This place closed!'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', 0.011837224243208766), ('place ', -0.05102732602972537), ('closed', -0.3677285333396867), ('!', 0.5508902869187295), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Always a nightmare to cash out here.'} [('', 0.0), ('Always ', 0.04496993325301446), ('a ', 0.10637067684729118), ('nightmare ', -0.3220342712447746), ('to ', 0.12049904657033039), ('cash ', -0.17889862639276544), ('out ', -0.01843657484278083), ('here', 0.003812915427261032), ('.', -0.025858206528937444), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Anything and everything you would need for home and auto.'} [('', 0.0), ('Anything ', -0.20953731890767813), ('and ', -0.04396430868655443), ('everything ', 0.14225667086429894), ('you ', 0.2131786784157157), ('would ', -0.011860870436066762), ('need ', -0.022668793419143185), ('for ', 0.06358757603447884), ('home ', -0.03646199672948569), ('and ', 0.1049462747760117), ('auto', -0.4235889643896371), ('.', -0.07677076221443713), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "Maps wrong. It's NE of AZ ave & 202"} [('', 0.0), ('Maps ', -0.04898873772617662), ('wrong', -0.17104010686307447), ('. ', -0.005878436422790401), ('It', -0.05475088297316688), ("'", -0.0077609892541659065), ('s ', 0.005460907723318087), ('NE ', -0.07850559754115238), ('of ', -0.03870923858085007), ('AZ ', -0.022875108728840132), ('ave ', -0.03806397430707875), ('& ', 0.06786872162774671), ('202', 0.0213377297623083), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "Keeping it short, I won't be renewing my lease."} [('', 0.0), ('Keeping ', 0.09776779177991557), ('it ', -0.01323144383059116), ('short', -0.24189869860492763), (', ', -0.03185417711210903), ('I ', -0.024747102441324387), ('won', 0.19163339475198882), ("'", -0.04398841394504416), ('t ', -0.22946943607894354), ('be ', -0.07676535789505579), ('renew', -0.0043534253072721185), ('ing ', 0.01150975440577895), ('my ', -0.0017094983522838447), ('lease', -0.04095996799878776), ('.', -0.007838753135729348), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great food, terrific service, reasonable prices. I definitely recommend.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.13261430244892836), ('food', 0.039284066297113895), (', ', -0.019257444888353348), ('terrific ', 0.13601625338196754), ('service', -0.010893704369664192), (', ', 0.024979958310723305), ('reasonable ', 0.030737126246094704), ('prices', -0.0252040084451437), ('. ', -0.003490760922431946), ('I ', 0.033344210125505924), ('definitely ', 0.13538504671305418), ('recommend', 0.17285307869315147), ('.', -0.0368756428360939), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Monkey.'} [('', 0.0), ('Monkey', -0.2745496481657028), ('.', 0.3452138155698776), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Luv luv luv! Phat Thai is good!'} [('', 0.0), ('Lu', -0.006753749679774046), ('v ', -0.007855285424739122), ('lu', -0.02397649420890957), ('v ', -0.0016537787159904838), ('lu', -0.010462188045494258), ('v', -0.01526471704710275), ('! ', -0.034609733149409294), ('Ph', -0.06777325889561325), ('at ', -0.038335349527187645), ('Thai ', 0.07848886732244864), ('is ', -0.0364826709846966), ('good', 0.8028596852673218), ('!', -0.028722701594233513), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Good food horrible service!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.7334968269060482), ('food ', 0.10459762964546826), ('horrible ', -0.3763697652384508), ('service', 0.007641967165909591), ('!', 0.10490002855658531), ('!', 0.08926562964916229), ('!', 0.05311816930770874), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Love It! Try the Salted Caramel Mocha! Sooo good :)'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.39404289424419403), ('It', -0.0004568006843328476), ('! ', -0.021930763497948647), ('Try ', -0.02955322798031072), ('the ', 0.015117229505752524), ('Salt', -0.02013960659193496), ('ed ', -0.0032422201863179603), ('Cara', 0.013444831032150736), ('mel ', -0.006304286168112109), ('Mo', -0.03555398828272397), ('cha', 0.009892705265277376), ('! ', 0.01700507088874777), ('Soo', -0.08823666907846928), ('o ', -0.029004419222474098), ('good ', 0.3725125603377819), (':', -0.007638425566256046), (')', -0.04181020613759756), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Pretty picked clean for dudes right now.'} [('', 0.0), ('Pretty ', 0.20461910218000412), ('picked ', -0.010045576840639114), ('clean ', 0.13969344273209572), ('for ', 0.11857721954584122), ('dude', -0.10410957876592875), ('s ', 0.12473818566650152), ('right ', 0.2817595084197819), ('now', -0.08881778502836823), ('.', 0.03146011754870415), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Rude Owners and dirty unsanitary.. Would not return'} [('', 0.0), ('Rude ', -0.0703763849378447), ('Owners ', -0.027614824211923406), ('and ', -0.002432370039059606), ('dirty ', -0.03354786479485483), ('un', -0.023037986982899383), ('san', -0.0036398497625214077), ('ita', -0.011635327466819945), ('ry', -0.004778434705940526), ('.', -0.01782908359746216), ('. ', -0.03897382887225831), ('Would ', -0.029676019572434598), ('not ', -0.09013849966322596), ('return', -0.03645367430362967), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Beautiful place! Worth visiting if not living there.'} [('', 0.0), ('Beautiful ', 0.24567032977938652), ('place', 0.03675398603081703), ('! ', 0.0697658509016037), ('Worth ', 0.2905841754982248), ('visiting ', 0.12604435777757317), ('if ', 0.09498020919272676), ('not ', -0.11760604224400595), ('living ', -0.02429994149133563), ('there', 0.0011079763062298298), ('.', -0.02607907634228468), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Skip this place. horrible derive'} [('', 0.0), ('Skip ', -0.32860594721387315), ('this ', 0.09282653806349117), ('place', 0.02748340650850878), ('. ', 0.05301353890172322), ('horrible ', -0.27399035543203354), ('derive', 0.12072934049501782), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Always good. Dan Dan noodles a spicy favorite.'} [('', 0.0), ('Always ', 0.07174165174365044), ('good', 0.25658849254250526), ('. ', 0.021528437733650208), ('Dan ', 0.010984844528138638), ('Dan ', 0.009541128762066364), ('noodles ', -0.0955917565152049), ('a ', 0.042172002606093884), ('spicy ', 0.18959599547088146), ('favorite', 0.19070680998265743), ('.', -0.0004199892282485962), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Check out my blog review and photos:\\n\\nhttp://food-tales-and-other-fun.tumblr.com/post/29101828753/'} [('', -0.001894694830601414), ('Check ', 0.041403272577250995), ('out ', 0.12640103014806905), ('my ', -0.026108018433054287), ('blog ', -0.02239027409814298), ('review ', 0.022436997154727578), ('and ', -0.006861213129013777), ('photos', 0.003211846497530739), (':', -0.0025531939075638848), ('\\', -0.007832787775744995), ('n', 0.01780206353093187), ('\\', 0.007308943352351586), ('nh', -0.030307293801016107), ('tt', -0.028261301970488324), ('p', -0.03347349742092837), (':', -0.024369472937882188), ('/', -0.03517585557162786), ('/', -0.004949891541376952), ('food', 0.0005917622966316904), ('-', 0.0020853735005595918), ('tales', 0.0020853735005595918), ('-', -0.0008712217712661986), ('and', 0.038787672370248896), ('-', -0.001997575833229348), ('other', -0.12357683476875536), ('-', -0.026258653699187562), ('fun', 0.6236008127743844), ('.', 0.12626884249038994), ('tu', -0.03903453820385039), ('mb', -0.06153693166561425), ('lr', -0.021053666714578867), ('.', 0.0018806662410497665), ('com', -0.019944000174291432), ('/', -0.021037931204773486), ('post', 0.005498340935446322), ('/', 0.001403889269568026), ('291', -0.01024831912945956), ('01', -0.01250659755896777), ('8', -0.0065932575380429626), ('28', -0.0065932575380429626), ('75', -0.00547985709272325), ('3', -0.006981115555390716), ('/', -0.024410405894741416), ('', -0.002497156849130988)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Meat was fantastic -'} [('', 0.0), ('Meat ', -0.13927756622433662), ('was ', 0.11130647547543049), ('fantastic ', 0.5523989964276552), ('-', 0.06215764582157135), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great food at good prices. Good live music'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.10354205593466759), ('food ', 0.04769874922931194), ('at ', 0.031043274328112602), ('good ', 0.1959977752994746), ('prices', -0.036031246883794665), ('. ', 0.014240555465221405), ('Good ', 0.15967290475964546), ('live ', 0.1388498730957508), ('music', 0.05800319463014603), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good booze, good prices, good clean fun!'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.4044270764570683), ('boo', -0.052525198203511536), ('ze', -0.025071610347367823), (', ', 0.006100207567214966), ('good ', 0.18781227618455887), ('prices', -0.043280571699142456), (', ', 0.01578950136899948), ('good ', 0.08861058577895164), ('clean ', -0.0012313295155763626), ('fun', 0.08822898752987385), ('!', -0.0028347037732601166), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Like always. Starbucks comes through with exceptional service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Like ', 0.06368640623986721), ('always', 0.14408872462809086), ('. ', 0.12651099264621735), ('Starbucks ', -0.17420836398378015), ('comes ', -0.005261953454464674), ('through ', -0.04402366140857339), ('with ', 0.035044210497289896), ('exceptional ', 0.6418846938759089), ('service', -0.08755851304158568), ('.', -0.0035947621800005436), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'over price and food is not that great'} [('', 0.0), ('over ', -0.14769383377642953), ('price ', -0.029257107296871254), ('and ', 0.04468912672746228), ('food ', 0.015472118966499693), ('is ', 0.03501895627232443), ('not ', -0.4487184955214616), ('that ', 0.07732683632275439), ('great', 0.18281489444780163), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Not on the approved diet...but dam good'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', -0.17142120206699474), ('on ', -0.035125141042954056), ('the ', -0.04996288199254195), ('approved ', 0.11556594936701003), ('diet', -0.05204994242376415), ('.', 0.02708040025754599), ('.', -0.003174952718836721), ('.', -0.014837622838967945), ('but ', 0.1941428530481062), ('dam ', -0.08246213950587844), ('good', 0.7352421641244291), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "The food was pretty average - and now it's closed."} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.016612310864729807), ('food ', 0.002437986433506012), ('was ', -0.03486411442281678), ('pretty ', 0.05188696435652673), ('average ', -0.15104600775521249), ('- ', -0.010827774851350114), ('and ', 0.01749169879622059), ('now ', -0.07690680414816597), ('it', -0.021340416631574044), ("'", 0.05633223912809626), ('s ', 0.00029920830274932086), ('closed', -0.25537733384408057), ('.', 0.049140569230075926), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'It was so much better a few years ago.'} [('', 0.0), ('It ', -0.03847913909703493), ('was ', -0.014207713364157826), ('so ', -0.07895050378283486), ('much ', 0.047888060653349385), ('better ', -0.013469884725054726), ('a ', -0.06302685884293169), ('few ', -0.046342131798155606), ('years ', -0.05550778261385858), ('ago', -0.008400279330089688), ('.', -0.021157802548259497), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'They always screw up the order, especially on take out!'} [('', 0.0), ('They ', -0.010459413897478953), ('always ', -0.0019864115602103993), ('screw ', -0.7473214811616344), ('up ', 0.0928801582485903), ('the ', 0.12882149628421757), ('order', -0.0630149482312845), (', ', 0.016141160303959623), ('especially ', 0.14515183460025582), ('on ', 0.04488042184675578), ('take ', 0.08068419323535636), ('out', -0.10221994991297834), ('!', 0.045606156112626195), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'good pizza good service'} [('', 0.0), ('good ', 0.26163899153470993), ('pizza ', 0.016105350106954575), ('good ', 0.24548962339758873), ('service', 0.06331999599933624), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "Can't get enough of their Pho!!!"} [('', 0.0), ('Can', -0.026867910049986676), ("'", -0.0465791664646531), ('t ', -0.11309605827955238), ('get ', -0.053146172028846195), ('enough ', -0.012589171504714614), ('of ', -0.0007475486668226949), ('their ', 0.017828241216648166), ('Ph', -0.16695127798766407), ('o', 0.03408732089383193), ('!', 0.006626514269555628), ('!', 0.005320915086485911), ('!', -0.01604975362715777), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Like earning cheaper gas'} [('', 0.0), ('Like ', 0.2881545629352331), ('earning ', 0.13480099570006132), ('cheaper ', 0.29011456575244665), ('gas', -0.15373390913009644), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'This shop is now closed.'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', 0.19231214064348023), ('shop ', -0.027427252214693), ('is ', 0.04316595748969121), ('now ', -0.13879724810976768), ('closed', -0.19199792014114792), ('.', -0.18524754968530033), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Had to give this one ONE BIG YUCH!'} [('', 0.0), ('Had ', -0.2633725854102522), ('to ', -0.0034399742144159973), ('give ', 0.07859190547605976), ('this ', 0.02922660890908446), ('one ', 0.04219263560662512), ('ONE ', 0.02845462618279271), ('BIG ', 0.0698557629075367), ('YU', -0.06608789769234136), ('CH', -0.26503427064744756), ('!', 0.05262441572267562), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Pretty standard Home Depot, love this place'} [('', 0.0), ('Pretty ', 0.08181704767048359), ('standard ', -0.0848979705478996), ('Home ', 0.0757228541187942), ('Depot', -0.24460104457102716), (', ', 0.09105785936117172), ('love ', 0.6300307004712522), ('this ', 0.234896473120898), ('place', -0.05476714391261339), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'food is ok, but service is very slow!'} [('', 0.0), ('food ', 0.043772363336756825), ('is ', 0.07506772255874239), ('ok', 0.196429910894949), (', ', 0.0372734283155296), ('but ', -0.12766437828395283), ('service ', -0.09395451848240555), ('is ', -0.03427229792259823), ('very ', 0.044718593851030164), ('slow', -0.432958790693192), ('!', -0.0014409581890504342), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Checkin online and then call and ask wait time'} [('', 0.0), ('Check', -0.02975274925120175), ('in ', 0.01594923308584839), ('online ', -0.05388193915132433), ('and ', 0.05234829310211353), ('then ', -0.06277892086654902), ('call ', -0.07481391986948438), ('and ', 0.03797576139913872), ('ask ', -0.0010496773174963892), ('wait ', -0.12860021420056), ('time', -0.05338144022971392), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Still sucks, and YELP is still biased!\\n\\nWhy do I bother.'} [('', 0.0), ('Still ', -0.03612413707014639), ('sucks', -0.06742311720154248), (', ', -0.022759820727515034), ('and ', -0.007465313348802738), ('YE', 0.006475368574683671), ('LP ', -0.03345030834498175), ('is ', 0.0007915885780676035), ('still ', -0.012509844351370702), ('biased', -0.07978125465160701), ('!', 0.005483974135131575), ('\\', -0.030201706424122676), ('n', -0.020075145162991248), ('\\', -0.012144126681960188), ('nW', -0.01726991366740549), ('hy ', -0.012282649193366524), ('do ', -0.022449825908552157), ('I ', -0.009413671596121276), ('bother', -0.0948308113074745), ('.', -0.013759516252321191), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Service sucks, tiny portions, WAY OVER PRICED! Will not return.'} [('', 0.0), ('Service ', -0.013163343699034158), ('sucks', -0.05037325932926251), (', ', -0.014008492772518366), ('tiny ', -0.005332149886726256), ('portions', -0.01498212210890415), (', ', -0.007424819764310087), ('WAY ', 0.0014768677469874092), ('OVER ', -0.04292227764335621), ('PRICED', -0.033590810809073446), ('! ', -0.02847699417361582), ('Will ', 0.0034119272904717945), ('not ', -0.12617562641662516), ('return', -0.04811822500960261), ('.', -0.03640912795162876), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good pizza for Arizona. Always friendly service too.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.3537079282104969), ('pizza ', -0.03196896915324032), ('for ', 0.015575567493215203), ('Arizona', 0.008439113385975361), ('. ', 0.005531907081604004), ('Always ', 0.08403787661518436), ('friendly ', 0.35572405891434755), ('service ', -0.024371932915528305), ('too', -0.06695816580031533), ('.', -0.0029399804770946503), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Southwest so-slow.'} [('', 0.0), ('Southwest ', 0.23574165773607092), ('so', -0.12415397897166258), ('-', -0.11131255822874664), ('slow', -0.29007061389347655), ('.', -0.04557873145677149), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Deliciously decadent little bites of chocolate paradise!'} [('', 0.0), ('Delicious', 0.3364158794283867), ('ly ', 0.015904702246189117), ('decade', 0.09693356044590473), ('nt ', 0.003729484509676695), ('little ', 0.011145333992317319), ('bites ', -0.1074970259796828), ('of ', -0.0612742742523551), ('chocolate ', 0.02027807291597128), ('paradise', 0.32759544253349304), ('!', 0.05368027836084366), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Awesome staff :)'} [('', 0.0), ('Awesome ', 0.3265516310930252), ('staff ', 0.19754518195986748), (':', 0.016158726066350937), (')', 0.04630974680185318), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Please listen... It would really mean a lot to us.'} [('', 0.0), ('Please ', 0.07966048270463943), ('listen', 0.2079782783985138), ('.', 0.008042462170124054), ('.', -0.021872902289032936), ('. ', 0.0024441834539175034), ('It ', -0.018654311395948753), ('would ', 0.17344016357674263), ('really ', 0.03187523037195206), ('mean ', -0.2668243695516139), ('a ', 0.10943072754889727), ('lot ', 0.04319954663515091), ('to ', 0.09213960799388587), ('us', 0.15247905091382563), ('.', -0.014673400670289993), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'No thanks. Ill stick to being hungry.'} [('', 0.0), ('No ', -0.4377655982389115), ('thanks', 0.2746246120077558), ('. ', 0.07458380551543087), ('Ill ', -0.1808460760039452), ('stick ', 0.06526072449560161), ('to ', 0.021845017230589292), ('being ', -0.04618287668017729), ('hungry', -0.04632921225493192), ('.', -0.005753987585194409), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great service, great food, and friendly staff.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.1821872005239129), ('service', -0.012695622630417347), (', ', 0.004791762679815292), ('great ', 0.1395711349323392), ('food', 0.00953740905970335), (', ', 0.025234609842300415), ('and ', 0.020816735923290253), ('friendly ', 0.2208899511024356), ('staff', 0.12864798214286566), ('.', -0.02205135114490986), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Best tortillas in town! I like the green chile burro.'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.2523009069263935), ('tor', -0.028013273375108838), ('till', 0.1344054986257106), ('as ', -0.03975422866642475), ('in ', 0.06183317117393017), ('town', 0.09847503900527954), ('! ', 0.1405847016721964), ('I ', 0.13055341108702123), ('like ', 0.07701971544884145), ('the ', 0.009118507849052548), ('green ', 0.02609663549810648), ('chile ', -0.03468644223175943), ('burr', -0.13812753977254033), ('o', -0.07159600639715791), ('.', -0.051112701185047626), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Great food. Get take out though...'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.41929947305470705), ('food', 0.20073335338383913), ('. ', -0.052445245906710625), ('Get ', -0.04196595761459321), ('take ', 0.21953632670920342), ('out ', 0.05291380168637261), ('though', 0.07650970254326239), ('.', -0.057935810182243586), ('.', -0.056810914538800716), ('.', -0.06297697871923447), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good tacos.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.33967258036136627), ('ta', 0.17334741353988647), ('cos', 0.11791633069515228), ('.', -0.044374018907547), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Soo... goood.'} [('', 0.0), ('Soo', -0.18090579548152164), ('.', 0.14232598064700142), ('.', 0.014294588414486498), ('. ', 0.006789175502490252), ('goo', -0.09990387977450155), ('od', -0.09504302314599045), ('.', -0.062354226829484105), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'The best flour tortillas.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.019232377409934998), ('best ', 0.5621480559930205), ('flour ', -0.21206847485154867), ('tor', 0.21509304409846663), ('till', 0.1585118412040174), ('as', -0.004863320849835873), ('.', -0.014690183103084564), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great tamales, fast food prices'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.38419577572494745), ('tam', 0.006131975445896387), ('ales', 0.25081236893311143), (', ', 0.16227232106029987), ('fast ', 0.07318081194534898), ('food ', 0.08770928485319018), ('prices', -0.2412975411862135), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Never again will I step foot on there lot'} [('', 0.0), ('Never ', -0.25728500029072165), ('again ', 0.47616078914143145), ('will ', 0.10817267675884068), ('I ', 0.056413765996694565), ('step ', 0.07942871749401093), ('foot ', -0.02205497957766056), ('on ', 0.08572972379624844), ('there ', 0.09694171324372292), ('lot', 0.08589095249772072), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'The dumbest employees I have ever seen.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.01144237659900682), ('dumb', -0.6571469045848062), ('est ', 0.02728208914413699), ('employees ', 0.016698843443009537), ('I ', 0.06264735235163243), ('have ', 0.12232938360739354), ('ever ', 0.14699545786334056), ('seen', 0.03458898147982836), ('.', -0.028482988564064726), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'CLOSED! Out of business'} [('', 0.0), ('CLOSED', 0.09249711327720433), ('! ', 0.29091301711741835), ('Out ', -0.38371317711425945), ('of ', 0.04113423853414133), ('business', -0.26896052656229585), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "Don't go here if you're in a hurry. Slow service."} [('', 0.0), ('Don', -0.029553120542914257), ("'", -0.006324133648377028), ('t ', -0.05708330733978073), ('go ', 0.012599347506693448), ('here ', -0.0029888829394622007), ('if ', -0.008202895329304738), ('you', 0.0639227795163606), ("'", 0.006705059802698088), ('re ', -0.01566205024573719), ('in ', 0.014152464180369861), ('a ', -0.01278558974081534), ('hurry', -0.15060638655995717), ('. ', -0.010759906876046443), ('Slow ', -0.1586356627958594), ('service', -0.05282554709992837), ('.', -0.038687112129991874), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Typical Costco. I spend way too much there!'} [('', 0.0), ('Typical ', -0.08806588629886392), ('Cost', -0.024949163203928038), ('co', -0.016058853381764493), ('. ', -0.019695495117048267), ('I ', 0.0026960601680912077), ('spend ', -0.10131607410221477), ('way ', 0.00966321906525991), ('too ', -0.14632169286778662), ('much ', -0.0672463756545767), ('there', 0.06879373103765829), ('!', 0.04900680353239295), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Dinner with the Saunders Family'} [('', 0.0), ('Dinner ', 0.2809964641928673), ('with ', 7.800757884979248e-06), ('the ', 0.0646921694278717), ('Saunders ', 0.07845456153154373), ('Family', 0.23930243402719498), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'chicken pho and veggie spring rolls? oh, yeah baby'} [('', 0.0), ('chicken ', -0.4219129494158551), ('ph', -0.10355626157252118), ('o ', -0.008699349302332848), ('and ', 0.04985654819756746), ('ve', -0.0039805465276003815), ('gg', 0.001444063069357071), ('ie ', 0.006192208966240287), ('spring ', 0.047705485427286476), ('rolls', -0.0872429009177722), ('? ', -0.14349551871418953), ('oh', 0.00468892278149724), (', ', 0.027207749197259545), ('yeah ', 0.08353160496335477), ('baby', 0.1869718375382945), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Darn good Pho!'} [('', 0.0), ('Dar', 0.1747327670454979), ('n ', 0.15772903710603714), ('good ', 0.3397216573357582), ('Ph', -0.1257805279456079), ('o', 0.05451150005683303), ('!', 0.09022246301174164), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Yummy steak. Decent service'} [('', 0.0), ('Yu', 0.2224043384194374), ('mmy ', -0.01010970026254654), ('steak', 0.06257771700620651), ('. ', 0.06276682764291763), ('Decent ', 0.3796628676354885), ('service', -0.02652588114142418), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Love Dr Luce!\\nEveryone was very nice!'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.36206414364278316), ('Dr ', -0.05641081545036286), ('Luce', 0.01345114957075566), ('!', -0.004867583513259888), ('\\', -0.03911639004945755), ('nEver', -0.16842468119284604), ('yon', 0.13234352263680194), ('e ', 0.0021289149299263954), ('was ', -0.02058714150916785), ('very ', 0.02973448613192886), ('nice', 0.38276316644623876), ('!', -0.005926358513534069), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good place. Tasted Great. Great Delivery. On time.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.3469646256417036), ('place', 0.028999898582696915), ('. ', -0.0006314869970083237), ('Tasted ', 0.020892492961138487), ('Great', 0.167702445294708), ('. ', -0.0010060025379061699), ('Great ', 0.20265760668553412), ('Delivery', -0.00710837752558291), ('. ', -0.007929790765047073), ('On ', -0.019533738493919373), ('time', -0.06566013768315315), ('.', -0.03805260732769966), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good Chinese food, fast and very cheap. Definitely recommended!'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.2859812056121882), ('Chinese ', 0.033177020071889274), ('food', 0.09417229825339746), (', ', -0.002093937306199223), ('fast ', 0.059548462137172464), ('and ', 0.06264222155004973), ('very ', -0.021907090729655465), ('cheap', -0.17186856518310378), ('. ', -0.026529535629379097), ('Definitely ', 0.11273536831140518), ('recommended', 0.20903467386960983), ('!', -0.00763915479183197), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Great products but high prices!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.4563611508347094), ('products ', 0.04355017328634858), ('but ', 0.01775424089282751), ('high ', 0.2792332721874118), ('prices', -0.3647797694429755), ('!', 0.25772858038544655), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great store friendly associates.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.3609219342470169), ('store ', -0.04030170082114637), ('friendly ', 0.21849438338540494), ('associates', 0.16964716464281082), ('.', -0.04484957456588745), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Very nice selection of quality foods.'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.02588609606027603), ('nice ', 0.2847498431801796), ('selection ', 0.0526859313249588), ('of ', 0.07057968713343143), ('quality ', 0.2913267556577921), ('foods', 0.022564474493265152), ('.', -0.024366803467273712), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Cardboard pizza!'} [('', 0.0), ('Cardboard ', -0.829234192147851), ('pizza', 0.07207822817144915), ('!', 0.2354981493554078), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great food, atmoshere and wine...LOVE St. Francis.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.2289318535476923), ('food', 0.1056192945688963), (', ', -0.010263189673423767), ('atm', -0.018436668207868934), ('osh', -0.003402391215786338), ('ere ', -0.09135590167716146), ('and ', 0.04966687178239226), ('wine', -0.0018707832787185907), ('.', 0.022748493356630206), ('.', -0.01951198186725378), ('.', -0.022223095409572124), ('LOVE ', 0.29068162431940436), ('St', 0.0034796693362295628), ('. ', 0.001739373430609703), ('Francis', 0.03495200723409653), ('.', -0.019047848880290985), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Consistent great food & service make this a great place!'} [('', 0.0), ('Consistent ', 0.0823526531457901), ('great ', 0.09406312555074692), ('food ', -0.007818378508090973), ('& ', 0.049375997856259346), ('service ', -0.005413474515080452), ('make ', 0.08842363581061363), ('this ', 0.032072413712739944), ('a ', 0.11156556662172079), ('great ', 0.2552038384601474), ('place', -0.0252805445343256), ('!', -0.00847681611776352), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Fingerling potatoes!'} [('', 0.0), ('Finger', -0.18213465064764023), ('ling ', -0.033644236624240875), ('potatoes', -0.35278218192979693), ('!', 0.17847934318706393), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': "awesome job for my son's cup cakes"} [('', 0.0), ('awesome ', 0.33213280886411667), ('job ', 0.10183737426996231), ('for ', 0.04003912955522537), ('my ', 0.07832209020853043), ('son', 0.19199182745069265), ("'", -0.0075829727575182915), ('s ', 0.035249512642621994), ('cup ', -0.04398033022880554), ('cakes', -0.015027590095996857), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Hardly anything to choose from. Looked empty inside.'} [('', 0.0), ('Hardly ', -0.1595147276057105), ('anything ', -0.08830232243417413), ('to ', 0.0404101540116244), ('choose ', 0.027619112223874254), ('from', 0.008325480989697098), ('. ', 0.01991178158459661), ('Looked ', -0.009736021142089157), ('empty ', -0.27034807788913895), ('inside', 0.16049021420258214), ('.', -0.03159134299130528), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Messy long lines of course makes me craaaazy'} [('', 0.0), ('Messy ', -0.2952434663675376), ('long ', -0.027680497838446172), ('lines ', -0.011852499377710046), ('of ', 0.006918668637808878), ('course ', 0.0005408282595453784), ('makes ', 0.09583436445245752), ('me ', 0.05883465505030472), ('cr', -0.03874733109114459), ('aa', -0.035191486349503975), ('aa', -0.06300664920127019), ('zy', -0.023318747131270356), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Incompetent, slow paced staff.'} [('', 0.0), ('Inc', -0.09923487199739611), ('omp', -0.09571948892880755), ('ete', -0.0031090480624698102), ('nt', -0.017123996101872763), (', ', 0.07301106823433656), ('slow ', -0.2581675140199877), ('paced ', -0.0044862999575343565), ('staff', 0.14747934066326707), ('.', -0.02926220636436483), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'wow,wow,wow, ...service a+,coffee a+,coffee BUZZ..A+ yaaaa!!!! I LOVE THIS PLACE!!!!!'} [('', 5.62518835067749e-06), ('wow', 0.056044832221232355), (',', 0.04048517078626901), ('wow', 0.08761941260308959), (',', 0.037108132702996954), ('wow', 0.07146458915667608), (', ', 0.026587951637338847), ('.', 0.017499407287687063), ('.', 3.008008934557438e-05), ('.', 0.0002874576020985842), ('service ', -0.016844843925244993), ('a', -0.004058333350147939), ('+', -0.0020646718656997), (',', -0.0044121919914191085), ('coffee ', -0.006248839876616527), ('a', -0.0020951444534605037), ('+', -0.0006657665730474186), (',', -0.0014435505319096438), ('coffee ', -0.007135058974305942), ('BUZZ', -0.012937512935529305), ('.', -0.002806327090290218), ('.', -0.0023263993207365274), ('A', 0.0005100880186849584), ('+ ', 0.0005100880186849584), ('ya', -0.021942388590347642), ('aa', -0.021359350157824034), ('a', -0.004007219690053413), ('!', -0.015185216073102007), ('!', -0.007550631649792194), ('!', -0.009214001707732677), ('! ', -0.009639713913202286), ('I ', 0.017214623279869556), ('LOVE ', 0.20875239185988903), ('THIS ', 0.028767992742359638), ('PLACE', 0.046962324529886246), ('!', -0.007702663540840149), ('!', -0.0013526929542422295), ('!', -0.0006866464391350746), ('!', -0.003520868718624115), ('!', -0.012770392000675201), ('', 0.0003548748791217804)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Dang good coffee and friendly staff!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Dan', -0.01453603059053421), ('g ', -0.01809007301926613), ('good ', 0.4166435864754021), ('coffee ', -0.032958552706986666), ('and ', 0.041315287351608276), ('friendly ', 0.1913941204547882), ('staff', 0.10700528509914875), ('!', 0.015862179920077324), ('!', 0.006161153316497803), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'I was not pleased at all! I was disappointed'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', -0.062168308315449394), ('was ', -0.030727109038707567), ('not ', -0.32217753959048423), ('pleased ', 0.2965351419193212), ('at ', -0.04229387283567121), ('all', -0.026375343773906934), ('! ', 0.03508449244327494), ('I ', -0.01327714846956951), ('was ', -0.016090258630356402), ('disappointed', -0.1212581777072046), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Food was good but the service was mediocre.'} [('', 0.0), ('Food ', -0.03208471383550204), ('was ', 0.056763575281365775), ('good ', 0.30853057162312325), ('but ', -0.29463829687665566), ('the ', -0.02015590380597132), ('service ', -0.10187653204684466), ('was ', -0.11287392657868622), ('med', -0.05027583370610955), ('io', -0.007674168507946888), ('cre', -0.05037255618663039), ('.', -0.02771781338378787), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Pizza is okay. \\nPasta is just okay.\\nService is really bad.'} [('', -6.744554866600083e-06), ('Pizza ', -0.024339561587567005), ('is ', 0.04205178429629086), ('okay', 0.1004893755930425), ('. ', 0.01147161350127135), ('\\', -0.016804169025817828), ('nP', -0.021559347440870624), ('ast', -0.015512250311530806), ('a ', -0.0052910761842213105), ('is ', 0.024929884368020794), ('just ', 0.02529907945222476), ('okay', 0.056519606272104284), ('.', 0.07288190025337826), ('\\', -0.02374886002689891), ('nS', -0.03945913296911385), ('er', -0.04619216493438216), ('vic', 0.0035964165349469113), ('e ', 5.6336225043196464e-05), ('is ', -0.02958398897681036), ('really ', -0.011553311640454922), ('bad', -0.5851136482142465), ('.', -0.011653552302959724), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Bad Experience, we will not be returning.'} [('', 0.0), ('Bad ', -0.17111671883321833), ('Experience', -0.013821705033478793), (', ', 0.03882280890684342), ('we ', 0.04844761991989799), ('will ', 0.13548888810328208), ('not ', -0.2121484195067751), ('be ', -0.027145314857989433), ('returning', -0.055530170549900504), ('.', -0.02934736551833339), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': "In love with their fried calamari's"} [('', 0.0), ('In ', 0.08085468038916588), ('love ', 0.515768819488585), ('with ', 0.027080616913735867), ('their ', -0.026638147421181202), ('fried ', -0.18478174414485693), ('cal', -0.006343815475702286), ('ama', 0.07399076223373413), ('ri', 0.008740972727537155), ("'", 0.09672238398343325), ('s', 0.11033061426132917), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Best Boba in the valley! Hands down!\\n\\nBest flavors and service!'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.48741423850879073), ('Bob', 0.022756233462132514), ('a ', -0.00021283200476318598), ('in ', -0.00568967655999586), ('the ', 0.0007039161282591522), ('valley', 0.06744135706685483), ('! ', 0.02585038379766047), ('Hands ', -0.03446408244781196), ('down', -0.2291653777938336), ('!', -0.06800665473565459), ('\\', -0.02455343585461378), ('n', -0.01072044437751174), ('\\', -0.004309000913053751), ('n', -0.028978340269532055), ('Bes', 0.08048714400501922), ('t ', -0.13428347220178694), ('flavors ', 0.03172398591414094), ('and ', 0.17900051921606064), ('service', 0.07560503203421831), ('!', 0.08043270092457533), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "It's aight."} [('', 0.0), ('It', 0.07490882129786769), ("'", 0.15777938816609094), ('s ', 0.05134153085236903), ('ai', -0.3237218239082722), ('ght', -0.256723396392772), ('.', -0.011940494747250341), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Awesome catering too!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Awesome ', 0.3682149366941303), ('catering ', 0.05553956770745572), ('too', -0.18387681104650255), ('!', 0.15352433174848557), ('!', 0.2706214636564255), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'BEST mediterranean in the east valley!!'} [('', 0.0), ('BEST ', 0.19749736785888672), ('mediterranean ', 0.1458700466901064), ('in ', 0.0070295315235853195), ('the ', 0.08893793355673552), ('east ', 0.03943121898919344), ('valley', 0.14664971083402634), ('!', 0.06422414630651474), ('!', 0.039609283208847046), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Sweet pork is my absolute fav!!! Love it love it!'} [('', 0.0), ('Sweet ', 0.20308868773281574), ('pork ', -0.2816876290598884), ('is ', 0.02754388249013573), ('my ', 0.04694454954005778), ('absolute ', 0.02450209832750261), ('fa', 0.10044392105191946), ('v', 0.06095016282051802), ('!', -0.04053039848804474), ('!', -0.08156691305339336), ('! ', -0.08328538946807384), ('Love ', 0.34784871246665716), ('it ', -0.01192243117839098), ('love ', 0.24907209165394306), ('it', 0.08718777447938919), ('!', -0.08099909126758575), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'The sweet cinnamon tortilla is a tasty desert.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.0035868752747774124), ('sweet ', 0.23248853720724583), ('cinnamon ', -0.03409061208367348), ('tor', 0.03133948752656579), ('till', 0.033139856066554785), ('a ', -0.004344698041677475), ('is ', 0.014669833704829216), ('a ', 0.038494689390063286), ('ta', 0.23835303634405136), ('sty ', 0.174315654207021), ('desert', -0.06172689842060208), ('.', -0.039746642112731934), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Gotta have my sweet pork salad! So yummy!'} [('', 0.0), ('Gotta ', 0.02886989526450634), ('have ', -0.06181988678872585), ('my ', 0.029108010232448578), ('sweet ', 0.29990740749053657), ('pork ', -0.21144522330723703), ('salad', 0.026604446582496166), ('! ', 0.13975715823471546), ('So ', -0.05298369750380516), ('yu', 0.22189160739071667), ('mmy', 0.007249799324199557), ('!', 0.22771305218338966), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'it was good, but a little expensive..'} [('', 0.0), ('it ', -0.03255437780171633), ('was ', -0.023233485175296664), ('good', 0.7529092968907207), (', ', 0.06450488418340683), ('but ', -0.011131637031212449), ('a ', 0.13302241612836951), ('little ', -0.06466503922274569), ('expensive', 0.009346712089609355), ('.', -0.07222964055836201), ('.', -0.06378891319036484), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Sweet Pork salad, always. YUM.'} [('', 0.0), ('Sweet ', 0.6331176310777664), ('Pork ', -0.23322790709789842), ('salad', 0.06416159716900438), (', ', 0.09093635901808739), ('always', 0.10709426552057266), ('. ', 0.15488194301724434), ('YU', -0.10442424565553665), ('M', 0.014372436329722404), ('.', -0.03232779912650585), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'I love this place. I also frequent the Scottsdale location.'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', -0.019930610433220863), ('love ', 0.32102142041549087), ('this ', 0.06881422502920032), ('place', -0.006566244177520275), ('. ', -0.029367558658123016), ('I ', 0.031627969816327095), ('also ', 0.0809903871268034), ('frequent ', 0.17314659152179956), ('the ', 0.04047811683267355), ('Scott', 0.10999848879873753), ('sdale ', -0.11708903685212135), ('location', -0.02099808119237423), ('.', -0.02265571802854538), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Food is fine, just too expensive for what you get.'} [('', 0.0), ('Food ', 0.05963517513737315), ('is ', 0.04680964872932236), ('fine', 0.26328887712770666), (', ', 0.014734859840245917), ('just ', -0.07992798368650256), ('too ', -0.18662918806512607), ('expensive ', -0.26600767803756753), ('for ', 0.006556180007464718), ('what ', -0.14013565472487244), ('you ', 0.1460041949630977), ('get', -0.011272897079834365), ('.', -0.08315479501834488), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great date night!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.15844004601240158), ('date ', 0.06223703548312187), ('night', 0.08872265741229057), ('!', 0.2771834284067154), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Service kinda sucks and the servers are bitchy.'} [('', 0.0), ('Service ', -0.033634801460721064), ('kinda ', -0.04221550032889354), ('sucks ', -0.07234649866222753), ('and ', 0.015744946536869975), ('the ', 0.006748745429831615), ('servers ', -0.12251100144840166), ('are ', 0.016563366787522682), ('bitch', -0.04739450616943941), ('y', -0.003147572790112463), ('.', -0.020295777012506733), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'This place rocks! Love it!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', 0.015527274925261736), ('place ', 0.07092522294260561), ('rocks', 0.24925048206932843), ('! ', 0.017666926607489586), ('Love ', 0.2591784973628819), ('it', 0.05977808637544513), ('!', 0.00996963307261467), ('!', 0.024547699838876724), ('!', 0.006181061267852783), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great Gluten free and Organic options for Italian Style restaurant.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.17590786144137383), ('G', -0.017422912525944412), ('lu', -0.2121756651904434), ('ten ', -0.0265569161856547), ('free ', -0.007100202841684222), ('and ', 0.049842387437820435), ('Organic ', 0.18869296228513122), ('options ', 0.04882074007764459), ('for ', 0.005177201237529516), ('Italian ', 0.06594491237774491), ('Style ', 0.2282420201227069), ('restaurant', 0.13552370388060808), ('.', -0.02606915682554245), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'The dairy case next to the diapers. Perfectly logical.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.009673100663349032), ('dairy ', -0.10660914552863687), ('case ', -0.13536571466829628), ('next ', 0.05490897176787257), ('to ', 0.030819443985819817), ('the ', -0.0024694367311894894), ('dia', -0.025217888643965125), ('pers', 0.013312002993188798), ('. ', 0.01893567095976323), ('Perfectly ', 0.6129927968140692), ('logical', 0.22172257653437555), ('.', -0.04612425109371543), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great food! Quality is great.. well worth the price'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.11635491624474525), ('food', 0.02774849161505699), ('! ', 0.012903131544589996), ('Quality ', 0.0604598899371922), ('is ', -0.012422185856848955), ('great', 0.1313556544482708), ('.', -0.008972875773906708), ('. ', -0.013393230736255646), ('well ', 0.159611988812685), ('worth ', 0.20489122346043587), ('the ', -0.02603701874613762), ('price', -0.025198858231306076), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'awesome watermelon tea!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('awesome ', 0.2963234558701515), ('water', 0.11240107292542234), ('mel', -0.06472654227400199), ('on ', 0.045048168394714594), ('tea', 0.10963800782337785), ('!', 0.16228551184758544), ('!', 0.028685778379440308), ('!', 0.03960403800010681), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'The Wine Studio is now \\"Fired Up\\", fyi\\n\\nhttp://www.yelp.com/biz/fired-up-scottsdale#hrid:Gr3IeqT9YIgarxd9FqDd-w'} [('', -0.0032321815093522533), ('The ', -0.0032321815093522533), ('Wine ', -0.008744565857901202), ('Studio ', -0.0037458067241599425), ('is ', -0.011271825654526205), ('now ', -0.014262107562367768), ('\\', -0.009809243213945034), ('"', -0.00945905288737357), ('Fired ', -0.0280627320475245), ('Up', -0.007940168160786971), ('\\', -0.015788558306014285), ('"', -0.008437240997665914), (', ', -0.00485974090826438), ('f', -0.007401186407663865), ('yi', -0.007401186407663865), ('\\', -0.010145522059760062), ('n', -0.004864664542065629), ('\\', -0.008260207975791464), ('nh', -0.011653716683119852), ('tt', -0.010264798773184735), ('p', -0.006390792557701785), (':', -0.002726669694339552), ('/', -0.006852036613082209), ('/', -0.0021671103695832875), ('www', -0.0018478981601499703), ('.', -0.003402738171672144), ('ye', -0.019998800477575667), ('lp', -0.021933988204788573), ('.', -0.011340303814601308), ('com', -0.007402658287446684), ('/', -0.008722933532681054), ('bi', -0.012320500972691661), ('z', -0.008687791123065836), ('/', -0.011905804683465249), ('fired', -0.03514657769073892), ('-', -0.0048052740065334856), ('up', -0.0048052740065334856), ('-', -0.0031110869211564327), ('scott', -0.00640334501966728), ('sdale', -0.014852993060945403), ('#', -0.013694687937264203), ('hr', -0.0023167903289374537), ('id', -0.003315312483924312), (':', -0.0053854113664653725), ('Gr', -0.010377002808841749), ('3', -0.003933064458023081), ('Ie', -0.00855208449537612), ('q', -0.00446073646197773), ('T', -0.009574168180178175), ('9', -0.005587605461540888), ('YI', -0.0028260147013396716), ('gar', -0.008810869469370017), ('x', -0.012337955697502265), ('d', -0.004836898115526209), ('9', -0.004448716860874161), ('F', -0.006624567654593453), ('q', -0.002098498965291843), ('Dd', -0.015142768720774516), ('-', -0.003665731387822494), ('w', -0.011093798192827567), ('', -0.00013463115939365316)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'I bring patients here a lot. ED staff is awesome!'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', -0.019361184909939766), ('bring ', 0.20804709801450372), ('patients ', -0.03728428157046437), ('here ', 0.010454555042088032), ('a ', 0.07295341091230512), ('lot', 0.016595224384218454), ('. ', 0.05404673516750336), ('ED ', 0.03779430687427521), ('staff ', 0.020856425166130066), ('is ', -0.037510201102122664), ('awesome', 0.30651272810064256), ('!', -0.005858227610588074), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Excellent and fresh. Going back for more.'} [('', 0.0), ('Excellent ', 0.3827946810051799), ('and ', 0.03454350959509611), ('fresh', 0.31581088062375784), ('. ', 0.09833411034196615), ('Going ', -0.024655404733493924), ('back ', -0.01032014167867601), ('for ', 0.04204635485075414), ('more', -0.09045401471666992), ('.', -0.035086773335933685), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Better menu for dinner!'} [('', 0.0), ('Better ', 0.057876743376255035), ('menu ', 0.048607226461172104), ('for ', 0.03737364709377289), ('dinner', 0.20422803983092308), ('!', 0.2967580705881119), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great service. Will put you in agreat mood.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.4903859607875347), ('service', -0.08458812162280083), ('. ', 0.059405192732810974), ('Will ', 0.0766828820342198), ('put ', -0.06071654299739748), ('you ', 0.20331222261302173), ('in ', 0.10416437988169491), ('ag', -0.04349062955589034), ('rea', 0.009861293918220326), ('t ', -0.07345846184762195), ('mood', -0.03168474289122969), ('.', -0.022903290926478803), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'great food!'} [('', 0.0), ('great ', 0.12151272594928741), ('food', 0.11994583904743195), ('!', 0.23543187975883484), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'the best of in, out and gas!!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('the ', 0.1677769263042137), ('best ', 0.6681621235329658), ('of ', -0.10443914262577891), ('in', 0.05685279064346105), (', ', -0.01001670048572123), ('out ', -0.07728879968635738), ('and ', 0.004528656601905823), ('gas', -0.1317057014675811), ('!', 0.01704344095196575), ('!', 0.01959114894270897), ('!', -0.026018042117357254), ('!', -0.00487799197435379), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great place for a fast and quality haircut!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.17212610971182585), ('place ', 0.0455132310744375), ('for ', -0.02259727451018989), ('a ', 0.05544593441300094), ('fast ', 0.11477615521289408), ('and ', 0.019487074576318264), ('quality ', 0.3219046621234156), ('hair', 0.01279384462395683), ('cut', -0.11656144552398473), ('!', 0.03484124876558781), ('!', 0.005508676171302795), ('!', -0.01598966121673584), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Awesome thin crust Pizza and good wine. Great patio'} [('', 0.0), ('Awesome ', 0.21229124255478382), ('thin ', -0.09489376784767956), ('crust ', 0.026113779516890645), ('Pizza ', 0.031028207507915795), ('and ', 0.011919625103473663), ('good ', 0.13066838029772043), ('wine', 0.025283887051045895), ('. ', 0.00754179060459137), ('Great ', 0.2665351629257202), ('patio', 0.08043673634529114), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'what happened to the bob???!!!!!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('what ', -0.1615025978680933), ('happened ', -0.14868602861679392), ('to ', -0.01966297435137676), ('the ', -0.04628934057109291), ('bob', -0.05125000380940037), ('?', -0.0702881566103315), ('?', -0.076502145784616), ('?', -0.07744661822653143), ('!', 0.02508447701256955), ('!', 0.02565031775884563), ('!', 0.0347821232098795), ('!', 0.039956731776328525), ('!', 0.03389695246369229), ('!', 0.028107648340665037), ('!', 0.033639032757491805), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Excellent staff, super friendly, and very knowledgeable!'} [('', 0.0), ('Excellent ', 0.1622343249619007), ('staff', 0.031406767666339874), (', ', 0.0025714822113513947), ('super ', -0.03066597878932953), ('friendly', 0.11100036650896072), (', ', 0.05646093934774399), ('and ', 0.006457529962062836), ('very ', 0.06104360707104206), ('knowledge', 0.13003289978951216), ('able', 0.14094778057187796), ('!', -0.005434099584817886), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'This place is nasty!'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', 0.1092078873043647), ('place ', 0.11141071324163931), ('is ', 0.020229197263688548), ('nasty', -0.8464428569204756), ('!', 0.27024364250246435), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great location. Good pizza. Good cheesy bread and boasted chicken.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.2514270590618253), ('location', 0.005376140587031841), ('. ', 0.063043013215065), ('Good ', 0.24395615747198462), ('pizza', 0.0033907578326761723), ('. ', 0.0734119638800621), ('Good ', 0.32768080895766616), ('che', -0.022588837193325162), ('es', -0.0368736379314214), ('y ', 0.016939813271164894), ('bread ', -0.0845836263615638), ('and ', -0.004587548552080989), ('boasted ', -0.04217543010599911), ('chicken', -0.14743564859963953), ('.', -0.07944847596809268), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Pizza is good but service was SLOW! Rather expensive.'} [('', 0.0), ('Pizza ', -0.013589397918622126), ('is ', 0.06449583656012692), ('good ', 0.2852266918935129), ('but ', -0.13641913546598516), ('service ', -0.10261693572738295), ('was ', -0.06209353554459085), ('SLOW', -0.2687454347142193), ('! ', 0.08611833911709255), ('Rather ', -0.07040749565931037), ('expensive', -0.07396807096665725), ('.', -0.03612394956871867), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Very crowded sometimes...'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.22254639651509933), ('crowded ', -0.4504830933146877), ('sometimes', -0.07160753231437411), ('.', 0.03629419283242896), ('.', 0.010830998653545976), ('.', -0.054277225281111896), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Rip off. So no. just. No.'} [('', 0.0), ('Rip ', -0.08478525213286048), ('off', -0.08595618808612926), ('. ', 0.020515108000836335), ('So ', -0.04331777609513665), ('no', -0.035074156323389616), ('. ', 0.01012457652723242), ('just', -0.02321833158021036), ('. ', -0.005094286885650945), ('No', -0.049328641845932), ('.', -0.006435433420847403), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Worst airport EVER!'} [('', 0.0), ('Worst ', -0.8438974817763665), ('airport ', 0.10661433734276216), ('EVER', 0.047047043652128195), ('!', 0.2771651540824678), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great Happy Hour prices. Amazing Sweet Potato Chips.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.24000297859311104), ('Happy ', 0.23540909704752266), ('Hour ', -0.0042429964523762465), ('prices', -0.1277386792935431), ('. ', 0.004832863807678223), ('Amazing ', 0.3392655960051343), ('Sweet ', 0.09286838478874415), ('Potato ', -0.038680641795508564), ('Chips', -0.013212917256169021), ('.', -0.03157351538538933), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Painfully slow pumps. Dirty store.'} [('', 0.0), ('Painfully ', -0.10218894777062815), ('slow ', -0.07681634216169186), ('pumps', -0.019762023684961605), ('. ', 0.06189867481589317), ('Dirty ', -0.05935999816574622), ('store', -0.05350386143254582), ('.', -0.02599277431727387), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great food, drinks, and great service!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.148241912946105), ('food', 0.05998355709016323), (', ', 0.04866212233901024), ('drinks', 0.02541365474462509), (', ', 0.07422251999378204), ('and ', 0.03410106152296066), ('great ', 0.26148314122110605), ('service', 0.02123404946178198), ('!', 0.03968501091003418), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Very good pizza!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.0839482955634594), ('good ', 0.16080766543745995), ('pizza', -0.004605308175086975), ('!', 0.15326198190450668), ('!', 0.2706182450056076), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great Service and fresh food'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.19545024260878563), ('Service ', 0.04595191404223442), ('and ', 0.09098232537508011), ('fresh ', 0.17342237383127213), ('food', 0.1582348719239235), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "Pretty standard McDonald's."} [('', 0.0), ('Pretty ', 0.4613262712955475), ('standard ', -0.07733738422393799), ('McDonald', -0.16158336633816361), ("'", -0.018151844386011362), ('s', 0.23580259177833796), ('.', -0.07743174210190773), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Eh. ER nurses are hit or miss on friendliness.'} [('', 0.0), ('Eh', -0.07151771476492286), ('. ', -0.010625240858644247), ('ER ', -0.04200095220585354), ('nurses ', -0.0978212071058806), ('are ', -0.10371631468296982), ('hit ', -0.09407481199014), ('or ', -0.276363130658865), ('miss ', -0.057079541074926965), ('on ', 0.013334427247173153), ('friend', 0.3434754390036687), ('liness', 0.0631233534659259), ('.', -0.01619244390167296), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Clean store, good customer service. STARBUCKS INSIDE!'} [('', 0.0), ('Clean ', 0.20872670272365212), ('store', -0.05742597812786698), (', ', 0.01023862138390541), ('good ', 0.26102596637792885), ('customer ', 0.006256309105083346), ('service', -0.044730449095368385), ('. ', 0.007614221423864365), ('STARBUCKS ', -0.14764515031129122), ('INSIDE', 0.2614805521443486), ('!', 0.1910344883799553), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Fake locksmith company, do not call!'} [('', 0.0), ('Fake ', -0.18197039006918203), ('locks', 0.015152566558754188), ('mith ', -0.0166045175446925), ('company', -0.045805582994944416), (', ', 0.07252528445678763), ('do ', -0.0036448073187784757), ('not ', -0.03680173090469907), ('call', -0.034624712126969825), ('!', -0.053255085862474516), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Love.'} [('', 0.0), ('Love', 0.17093250155448914), ('.', 0.10221263766288757), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Total rip off. Upsell to the max. Never again.'} [('', 0.0), ('Total ', 0.033677752151561435), ('rip ', -0.3054295164656651), ('off', -0.30140992555607227), ('. ', -0.0711562428768957), ('Ups', -0.0844615906571562), ('ell ', 0.14855329114652704), ('to ', 0.09939733151531982), ('the ', 0.060904078821295116), ('max', -0.03845441959310847), ('. ', -0.023111803362553474), ('Never ', -0.0853215519382502), ('again', 0.1920401863681036), ('.', -0.014699677340104245), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'The best food distributor in the valley....thats it'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.008875537663698196), ('best ', 0.4527311911806464), ('food ', 0.12117583397775888), ('distributor ', -0.0609802408143878), ('in ', 0.012060385197401047), ('the ', 0.05992949428036809), ('valley', 0.10174265829846263), ('.', 0.025274711661040783), ('.', -0.04411835642531514), ('.', -0.05187342083081603), ('.', -0.087412865832448), ('that', 0.03715821960940957), ('s ', 0.016429230105131865), ('it', -0.007476108148694038), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'CLOSED!\\n\\nThey have moved to San Tan Village. Talk about lame.'} [('', 0.0), ('CLOSED', 0.01976607574033551), ('!', 0.047246316593373194), ('\\', -0.06521189725390286), ('n', -0.03469968043464178), ('\\', -0.10917918382438074), ('nT', -0.06311719681707473), ('hey ', 0.0015079476643222733), ('have ', 0.004393234271447), ('moved ', 0.038688608344273234), ('to ', -0.01157980307325488), ('San ', 0.05183001990881166), ('Tan ', 0.0001639553407585481), ('Village', 0.013252304026173079), ('. ', -0.033580561152484735), ('Talk ', 0.13704529623646522), ('about ', 0.19028630124375923), ('lame', -0.6136164021736477), ('.', -0.040739990188740194), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Nice bar near the baseball complex.'} [('', 0.0), ('Nice ', 0.5642077066004276), ('bar ', -0.11766915954649448), ('near ', -0.03438133932650089), ('the ', 0.05514847859740257), ('baseball ', 0.038299672305583954), ('complex', 0.24773164466023445), ('.', -0.030567027628421783), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'closed closed closed'} [('', 0.0), ('closed ', 0.21494445204734802), ('closed ', 0.1963045448064804), ('closed', 0.0022922009229660034), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good qucik cheap mexican food.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.7484266905084951), ('qu', -0.01845669068279676), ('ci', 0.005234527663560584), ('k ', 0.12146893983299378), ('cheap ', -0.2489580883702729), ('mexican ', 0.09222968317044433), ('food', 0.04358811677957419), ('.', -0.02701894912752323), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'The Lo Mein is awesome!'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.040439920499920845), ('Lo ', -0.05840624263510108), ('Mein ', -0.11860770219936967), ('is ', 0.10939563857391477), ('awesome', 0.5862181265838444), ('!', 0.1320867845788598), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Chef went to Jail. Restauranr out of business.'} [('', 0.0), ('Chef ', 0.0763881698512705), ('went ', -0.0022484212786366697), ('to ', 0.0732149572831986), ('Jail', -0.2999076625710586), ('. ', -0.0324777573114261), ('Rest', -0.0669015698513249), ('aur', 0.015589389484375715), ('an', -0.017627639554120833), ('r ', -0.016615926357189892), ('out ', -0.0657751745202404), ('of ', 0.004337758826295612), ('business', -0.0355726066409261), ('.', -0.021890680291107856), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'The best! love them all! :)'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.020997654646635056), ('best', 0.2386651299893856), ('! ', 0.09705806523561478), ('love ', 0.2323730713687837), ('them ', 0.11464093951508403), ('all', 0.024790027178823948), ('! ', 0.007451931014657021), (':', -0.012485437095165253), (')', -0.010477226227521896), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Lvoe this place!!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('L', 0.17073177895508707), ('vo', -0.044393636053428054), ('e ', -0.01872951164841652), ('this ', 0.17099764104932547), ('place', 0.10568143893033266), ('!', 0.27898015454411507), ('!', 0.021083272993564606), ('!', -0.010446816682815552), ('!', 0.028733082115650177), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Has Gone Out of business'} [('', 0.0), ('Has ', 0.0866234513814561), ('Gone ', -0.45268868407583795), ('Out ', -0.21645661719958298), ('of ', 0.245501879719086), ('business', 0.002715073758736253), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'The best red sauce in town! I highly recommend trying!'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.0021397043019533157), ('best ', 0.21225591655820608), ('red ', -0.014422372914850712), ('sauce ', -0.047950968611985445), ('in ', 0.060399561654776335), ('town', 0.06505125481635332), ('! ', 0.0364869050681591), ('I ', 0.015039609745144844), ('highly ', 0.1388393845409155), ('recommend ', 0.21011188998818398), ('trying', -0.043291013687849045), ('!', -0.007417932152748108), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Food is ok, but they do not deliver.'} [('', 0.0), ('Food ', 0.0413171136751771), ('is ', 0.0751834432448959), ('ok', 0.19577731921162922), (', ', 0.037662126997020096), ('but ', -0.37050066626397893), ('they ', 0.026669203294659383), ('do ', 0.0197364618343272), ('not ', -0.35427633606923337), ('deliver', 0.11470971118797024), ('.', -0.08299799711676314), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Try the chocolate chip scones'} [('', 0.0), ('Try ', -0.08623358653858304), ('the ', -0.008936510897910921), ('chocolate ', 0.07450672999038943), ('chip ', -0.10943883528670995), ('sc', -0.26197570517251734), ('ones', 0.08559380656515714), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Needs some new equipment'} [('', 0.0), ('Needs ', -0.6514290102932137), ('some ', 0.08325515473552514), ('new ', 0.0967119488195749), ('equipment', 0.05988223437452689), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'This location has closed'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', 0.17411252076271921), ('location ', -0.06254731953958981), ('has ', 0.024715852545341477), ('closed', -0.5466035797726363), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great lunch specials! Good wings and pizza!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.19818058982491493), ('lunch ', 0.11123962420970201), ('specials', -0.005003505386412144), ('! ', 0.05200072377920151), ('Good ', 0.15402261540293694), ('wings ', 0.09602848812937737), ('and ', 0.1003069132566452), ('pizza', -0.023414012975990772), ('!', 0.02965021599084139), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great shop, friendly owners-could spend all day there!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.38905766047537327), ('shop', -0.0445330161601305), (', ', -0.029073812067508698), ('friendly ', 0.1949663390405476), ('owners', -0.02464857744053006), ('-', -0.0034301411360502243), ('could ', -0.05454072542488575), ('spend ', -0.12253342906478792), ('all ', -0.005049472441896796), ('day ', 0.16198354650987312), ('there', 0.10871157859219238), ('!', 0.05627834424376488), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'The passion tea is awesome:)'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.007163837552070618), ('passion ', 0.3592194877564907), ('tea ', -0.0347832553088665), ('is ', 0.0094095878303051), ('awesome', 0.3692963607609272), (':', -0.0018276628106832504), (')', 0.014911508187651634), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'U get 10% off when u spend more than $25...woohoo!'} [('', 0.0), ('U ', -0.02545057328825351), ('get ', -0.03441603860119358), ('10', -0.005928994840360247), ('% ', -0.018705756920098793), ('off ', -0.038636501056316774), ('when ', -0.025500565869151615), ('u ', -0.018639886169694364), ('spend ', -0.0301815003840602), ('more ', -0.016894284221052658), ('than ', -0.0007377893343800679), ('$', -0.06346448003023397), ('25', 0.011273973635979928), ('.', -0.018107640382368118), ('.', -0.02038772209198214), ('.', -0.0247236586001236), ('woo', -0.037529034685576335), ('ho', -0.053847573915845715), ('o', -0.03168759153049905), ('!', -0.024798233032925054), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Great breakfast sandwiches....like Chaz, Callie and Radio City'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.4674915783107281), ('breakfast ', 0.04862194927409291), ('sandwiches', -0.1927693192847073), ('.', -0.023729346692562103), ('.', -0.0030110711231827736), ('.', -0.0062482478097081184), ('.', -0.016776466742157936), ('like ', 0.04718839260749519), ('Cha', 0.011228937422856688), ('z', -0.018020511139184237), (', ', 0.03989401273429394), ('Callie ', 0.12708310224115849), ('and ', 0.12510805018246174), ('Radio ', -0.06966571439988911), ('City', 0.030877943383529782), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'free rotations and tire repairs - and it was quick.'} [('', 0.0), ('free ', -0.07609730260446668), ('rotation', 0.04176663071848452), ('s ', 0.024655095534399152), ('and ', 0.13800659670960158), ('tire ', -0.2312972186919069), ('repairs ', -0.13094227852707263), ('- ', 0.1360684843675699), ('and ', 0.2016056627035141), ('it ', 0.08635026891715825), ('was ', 0.024607825791463256), ('quick', 0.232190172187984), ('.', 0.175355127081275), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'they always take forrrrreverrrr!!'} [('', 0.0), ('they ', 0.07654369133524597), ('always ', 0.14850508247036487), ('take ', 0.19074826186988503), ('for', 0.029692510928725824), ('rr', -0.06442712145508267), ('rre', -0.17968996077252086), ('ver', 0.08021500652830582), ('rr', -0.2798413782729767), ('r', -0.08530875103315338), ('!', 0.07924171653576195), ('!', 0.0966765508055687), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Reminds me of home made.'} [('', 0.0), ('Reminds ', 0.20693108439445496), ('me ', 0.11013127118349075), ('of ', 0.026281170547008514), ('home ', 0.2697156723588705), ('made', 0.10310997627675533), ('.', -0.025521989911794662), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Food is fine, service sucks.'} [('', 0.0), ('Food ', 0.20199625655368436), ('is ', 0.06991849845690012), ('fine', 0.2549483128950669), (', ', -0.08385517877468374), ('service ', -0.08908172484734678), ('sucks', -0.2502358821548114), ('.', -0.21707512500142911), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "I'm done eating at Sylvia's!"} [('', 0.0), ('I', 0.01463550100743305), ("'", 0.05727582900726702), ('m ', 0.030485105358820874), ('done ', -0.5351988727270509), ('eating ', -0.15806171816802816), ('at ', 0.003785768429224845), ('Sylvia', 0.03722472718800418), ("'", 0.07290594371443149), ('s', 0.07600262029154692), ('!', 0.09906176521326415), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Yuck.'} [('', 0.0), ('Yu', 0.0849282443523407), ('ck', -0.3637754023075104), ('.', -0.14261576533317566), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'I am addicted to this place!'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', 0.017477627843618393), ('am ', 0.08931130776181817), ('addicted ', -0.2729383581317961), ('to ', 0.3717510563437827), ('this ', 0.34230715717421845), ('place', 0.06725251150783151), ('!', 0.024708029814064503), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Always enjoy eating here.'} [('', 0.0), ('Always ', 0.33774256706237793), ('enjoy ', 0.18511253595352173), ('eating ', 0.04979391396045685), ('here', 0.136146679520607), ('.', -0.044824957847595215), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Unfortunately, this business is now closed permanently.'} [('', 0.0), ('Unfortunately', -0.16936723110848106), (', ', 0.026476725848624483), ('this ', -0.01811782322511135), ('business ', -0.011063681840823847), ('is ', -0.015181145095993998), ('now ', -0.02034037252087728), ('closed ', -0.03734211710616364), ('permanently', -0.02233726648046286), ('.', -0.019313060824060813), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Edible is the best I can muster.'} [('', 0.0), ('Edible ', 0.22596992552280426), ('is ', 0.06273864582180977), ('the ', 0.0817486010491848), ('best ', 0.19898707047104836), ('I ', 0.010593775659799576), ('can ', 0.1225294005125761), ('muster', 0.05292733944952488), ('.', -0.02624623477458954), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'fast pharmacy.'} [('', 0.0), ('fast ', 0.4361696392297745), ('pharmacy', -0.039202168583869934), ('.', 0.058222174644470215), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'best in the valley'} [('', 0.0), ('best ', 0.2127012237906456), ('in ', 0.07944520190358162), ('the ', 0.09195652976632118), ('valley', 0.20242054760456085), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "I've had better........from the frozen aisle at frys"} [('', 0.0), ('I', -0.021470027197210584), ("'", -0.01061027358082356), ('ve ', -0.014336629845274729), ('had ', -0.03280018874829693), ('better', -0.08613148389486014), ('.', -0.0035529869273887016), ('.', -0.01581402737792814), ('.', -0.01592747099493863), ('.', -0.017691175737127196), ('.', -0.020267185631382745), ('.', -0.018972821162606124), ('.', -0.01962304503103951), ('.', -0.032572674928815104), ('from ', -0.00813460387144005), ('the ', -0.017736694964696653), ('frozen ', -0.04084887831231754), ('aisle ', -0.027803579656392685), ('at ', -0.01313081384068937), ('fry', -0.04654916434083134), ('s', -0.02256318110448774), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Excellent pedi over lunch. A must try.'} [('', 0.0), ('Excellent ', 0.5549382716417313), ('pe', -0.004805573727935553), ('di ', 0.0101777627132833), ('over ', -0.08836660487577319), ('lunch', 0.22159858560189605), ('. ', 0.027889514341950417), ('A ', 0.22037416393868625), ('must ', -0.0001370373647660017), ('try', -0.15223499573767185), ('.', -0.09302360936999321), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'This place is perfect.'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', 0.23321552574634552), ('place ', 0.20150117995217443), ('is ', -0.030049425084143877), ('perfect', 0.30424997955560684), ('.', -0.044881969690322876), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'great place near town, good restaurant, great views, friendly people.'} [('', 0.0), ('great ', 0.23623962700366974), ('place ', 0.0794924208894372), ('near ', 0.022486910223960876), ('town', -0.01679313275963068), (', ', -0.030518189072608948), ('good ', 0.08046133257448673), ('restaurant', 0.006787218153476715), (', ', -0.009117914363741875), ('great ', 0.08377729542553425), ('views', 0.0016235820949077606), (', ', -0.00823245383799076), ('friendly ', 0.14925246592611074), ('people', 0.007878937758505344), ('.', -0.01978749781847), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good pizza, but kind of pricey.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.3505125427618623), ('pizza', -0.03309889230877161), (', ', 0.04013928025960922), ('but ', -0.06475800182670355), ('kind ', 0.08883464970858768), ('of ', -0.07379982672864571), ('price', 0.19530209159711376), ('y', 0.22655950690386817), ('.', -0.017229729797691107), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'very dirty i would not go every again'} [('', 0.0), ('very ', 0.010826094541698694), ('dirty ', -0.1622877245536074), ('i ', -0.019108611973933876), ('would ', 0.014808081272349227), ('not ', -0.2702760811007465), ('go ', 0.05666456159815425), ('every ', 0.11972230184619548), ('again', -0.019153209519572556), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "Dude this shit's hurtin."} [('', 0.0), ('Dude ', -0.026108891615876928), ('this ', -0.03781134699238464), ('shit', -0.19614825626922539), ("'", 0.04371063425060129), ('s ', 0.04386238468578085), ('hurt', -0.17696987014642218), ('in', 0.09769343077641679), ('.', -0.018078720531775616), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great pizza and wings nice inside and clean'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.3263565879315138), ('pizza ', -0.011488711461424828), ('and ', 0.04914764314889908), ('wings ', 0.030087903141975403), ('nice ', 0.07086411863565445), ('inside ', 0.08206702023744583), ('and ', 0.026714790612459183), ('clean', 0.15553564950823784), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Hire some damn cashiers!!!!!!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Hire ', -0.16626028018072248), ('some ', -0.040637442434672266), ('damn ', -0.300496744166594), ('cash', -0.04888582549756393), ('iers', 0.08376144856447354), ('!', -0.004441745928488672), ('!', 0.023357872269116342), ('!', 0.03358300786931068), ('!', 0.07179604226257652), ('!', 0.07767713943030685), ('!', 0.04838973013102077), ('!', 0.06402458364027552), ('!', 0.08857028553029522), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Yummm! Food is great and happy hour starts at 3pm!:)'} [('', 1.2558698654174804e-05), ('Yu', 0.02789962599053979), ('mm', -0.10107278702780605), ('m', -0.07356210071593523), ('! ', -0.05691587664186955), ('Food ', 0.039077801862731576), ('is ', 0.07634775363840163), ('great ', 0.342643344309181), ('and ', 0.03439284535124898), ('happy ', 0.35850108020323596), ('hour ', 0.006480560010199302), ('starts ', -0.022650195826177617), ('at ', -0.0015958287570226406), ('3', -0.027201934035734406), ('pm', -0.007103852944315544), ('!', -0.0012757392999316966), (':', -0.022081493865698576), (')', -0.03371102875098586), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Excellent service! They are helpful and friendly. Highly recommend.'} [('', 0.0), ('Excellent ', 0.13030514679849148), ('service', 0.013754213228821754), ('! ', 0.012860648334026337), ('They ', -0.0007037697359919548), ('are ', 0.0012953262776136398), ('helpful ', 0.07581400219351053), ('and ', -0.0001363791525363922), ('friendly', 0.0734421438537538), ('. ', 0.007151941303163767), ('Highly ', 0.16909822076559067), ('recommend', 0.18345645815134048), ('.', -0.03903801739215851), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Horrible job!'} [('', 0.0), ('Horrible ', -0.8729459887908888), ('job', 0.11525771447486477), ('!', 0.23534724616911262), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Real NY Bagels!'} [('', 0.0), ('Real ', 0.27617692202329636), ('NY ', 0.061179839074611664), ('Bag', -0.1771679949015379), ('els', 0.229395879432559), ('!', 0.27427296340465546), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great service and competitive rates!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.2484164573252201), ('service ', 0.03117005154490471), ('and ', 0.07204346358776093), ('competitive ', 0.23931203596293926), ('rates', -0.05332737974822521), ('!', 0.15350796282291412), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': '..'} [('', 0.0), ('.', 0.1378040909767151), ('.', 0.09486216306686401), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Greta hoagies.'} [('', 0.0), ('Greta ', 0.48294647969305515), ('ho', -0.09369148267433047), ('agi', -0.1394423726014793), ('es', -0.05844600033015013), ('.', -0.4814574308693409), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Always good. Specialty pizzas bring us back..'} [('', 0.0), ('Always ', 0.09197980724275112), ('good', 0.30877915024757385), ('. ', 0.013318890705704689), ('Specialty ', 0.13554258830845356), ('pizza', -0.1853048838675022), ('s ', 0.06976627372205257), ('bring ', 0.35029686422785744), ('us ', 0.03279785782797262), ('back', -0.06971347669605166), ('.', -0.010846966877579689), ('.', -0.07061764597892761), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'its panda. decent food at decent price. nothing else'} [('', 0.0), ('its ', -0.09767034277319908), ('panda', 0.17867254093289375), ('. ', 0.17991869896650314), ('decent ', 0.4082467783919128), ('food ', 0.0009788620118342806), ('at ', -0.04513539017170842), ('decent ', 0.23201692254042428), ('price', 0.027925877475354355), ('. ', -0.20440942292043474), ('nothing ', -0.5321487294277176), ('else', -0.03878783027175814), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Pizza is great!'} [('', 0.0), ('Pizza ', 0.06541772931814194), ('is ', 0.08098479732871056), ('great', 0.16293316707015038), ('!', 0.27720658481121063), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Love this place. Decorate my house with this place'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.2755877263844013), ('this ', 0.04578543361276388), ('place', 0.025224913842976093), ('. ', 0.003985300660133362), ('Decorate ', 0.10576671734452248), ('my ', 0.04779950529336929), ('house ', 0.005053247325122356), ('with ', 0.018959307111799717), ('this ', 0.11044369591400027), ('place', 0.05832503782585263), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Great shop'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.30100470781326294), ('shop', -0.0278933048248291), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best service!'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.14018818736076355), ('service', 0.10118845105171204), ('!', 0.2354673147201538), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'I LOVED the ice cream cookie!!'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', 0.087870042771101), ('LOVED ', 0.5685874130576849), ('the ', 0.0601778831332922), ('ice ', 0.021595284692011774), ('cream ', 0.022960143047384918), ('cookie', -0.12067459826357663), ('!', 0.04908295813947916), ('!', 0.03962525725364685), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': '2 words. best bakery! that is all.'} [('', 0.0), ('2 ', 0.04205164033919573), ('words', 0.09827065002173185), ('. ', -0.01552554965019226), ('best ', 0.736173651763238), ('bakery', -0.15151152352336794), ('! ', -0.013664525002241135), ('that ', 0.10782456863671541), ('is ', -0.03776582982391119), ('all', 0.031027933582663536), ('.', -0.1005476675927639), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best customer service and product in town! I highly recommend.'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.1713343607261777), ('customer ', 0.0023255166597664356), ('service ', -0.002127335872501135), ('and ', -0.006304614245891571), ('product ', -0.019961143378168344), ('in ', 0.04802084341645241), ('town', 0.09262534277513623), ('! ', 0.02786356769502163), ('I ', -0.0019373353570699692), ('highly ', 0.17156447283923626), ('recommend', 0.18290219455957413), ('.', -0.039028942584991455), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great bakery with great prices'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.20831980556249619), ('bakery ', 0.012902820482850075), ('with ', 0.12421235255897045), ('great ', 0.38020165264606476), ('prices', -0.06199151277542114), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'The frozen ice cream sandwiches are bomb!'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.0011250579555053264), ('frozen ', -0.09143530695291702), ('ice ', -0.001174741264549084), ('cream ', 0.11206481760746101), ('sandwiches ', -0.0407759002482635), ('are ', 0.09139895453699864), ('bomb', -0.44448408370953985), ('!', 0.10424176408560015), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great cake and desserts only wish the price was less.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.7491610253928229), ('cake ', 0.0729686914710328), ('and ', -0.03042359254322946), ('dessert', 0.05308954347856343), ('s ', 0.04561567702330649), ('only ', 0.05652027943870053), ('wish ', 0.1461599282338284), ('the ', 0.06469501962055801), ('price ', -0.10860531366415671), ('was ', -0.12660580311785452), ('less', -0.2784514472587034), ('.', -0.023213691369164735), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'the guy owner is rude and unfriendly!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('the ', -0.012976531666936353), ('guy ', -0.016416728605690878), ('owner ', -0.030759613342524972), ('is ', -0.04160629742909805), ('rude ', -0.15648401056751027), ('and ', 0.05768533634545747), ('un', -0.24379076195327798), ('fr', 0.15499952953177853), ('ien', -0.041057248670767876), ('dly', -0.048289999866028666), ('!', -0.0017874965560622513), ('!', 0.015168085810728371), ('!', -0.022860971745103598), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Bad food... Wings are oily and cold!'} [('', 0.0), ('Bad ', -0.23973915806891455), ('food', 0.06594056438734697), ('.', -0.013165579181077192), ('.', -0.018358363728111726), ('. ', -0.01981988622173958), ('Wings ', 0.045930795121876145), ('are ', 0.023360897674592707), ('oil', -0.07841268168158422), ('y ', -0.0027969372804363957), ('and ', 0.06906806237657293), ('cold', -0.27605447918404025), ('!', 0.07170599189839777), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'The food is super good, the wait is super bad!'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.01669976848643273), ('food ', 0.022932220698749006), ('is ', 0.0801172622550439), ('super ', 0.034818305781300296), ('good', 0.2106815672796074), (', ', 0.05817675805883482), ('the ', -0.15535404203365033), ('wait ', -0.08640985121019185), ('is ', -0.1074231569668882), ('super ', 0.06844449516074746), ('bad', -0.3475135523758581), ('!', 0.01881363522988977), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'My nephews wedding was awesome beautiful place'} [('', 0.0), ('My ', -0.003640599548816681), ('nephew', 0.2672329284250736), ('s ', 0.07500505819916725), ('wedding ', 0.18247755314223468), ('was ', -0.016683778958395123), ('awesome ', 0.1582638944964856), ('beautiful ', 0.1581740479450673), ('place', -0.09154612850397825), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'I love the movie theater here and the slots.'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', -0.06719815544784069), ('love ', 0.7316678264178336), ('the ', -0.02626853110268712), ('movie ', -0.01753777521662414), ('theater ', 0.12185566476546228), ('here ', -0.1104400334879756), ('and ', 0.08565067686140537), ('the ', 0.032266235910356045), ('slots', -0.047274342738091946), ('.', -0.005916982889175415), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Not worth the time.'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', -0.6303887179528829), ('worth ', 0.2603207810998356), ('the ', 0.08360840071236453), ('time', -0.0042945918157784035), ('.', -0.04489350119547453), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Reasonably priced gas station/store next to Fox Rental car.'} [('', 0.0), ('Reasonably ', 0.3881200309842825), ('priced ', 0.4058842696249485), ('gas ', -0.037823013961315155), ('station', -0.05168436234816909), ('/', 0.027018236927688122), ('store ', -0.05818034801632166), ('next ', 0.011095908936113119), ('to ', 0.009084673132747412), ('Fox ', -0.03285736171528697), ('Rental ', 0.008703203639015555), ('car', 0.019646637374535203), ('.', -0.14576658234000206), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Its a McDonalds, clean but staff is young and immature.'} [('', 0.0), ('Its ', -0.043054267720435746), ('a ', -0.008320947395986877), ('McDonald', -0.08026975846587447), ('s', -0.04413452521839645), (', ', 0.040486341960786376), ('clean ', 0.06317281399606145), ('but ', -0.20871570138479), ('staff ', -0.06185530471611855), ('is ', -0.034665893080273236), ('young ', 0.14848062818782637), ('and ', 0.07176449840335408), ('immature', -0.1958833424905606), ('.', -0.036513201503112214), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Average quality sushi at super-high prices. All about the atmosphere.'} [('', 0.0), ('Average ', -0.30625090515241027), ('quality ', 0.355985791888088), ('su', -0.12894069828325883), ('shi ', 0.11888754501705989), ('at ', -0.003926318138837814), ('super', 0.11241974693257362), ('-', -0.010682972788345069), ('high ', 0.21702805027598515), ('prices', -0.3753591865533963), ('. ', -0.0608347796369344), ('All ', 0.026615480659529567), ('about ', -0.2857468433212489), ('the ', 0.09795501455664635), ('atmosphere', 0.0698589887470007), ('.', -0.12993163987994194), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good place.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.2251920849084854), ('place', 0.2134961038827896), ('.', 0.03816935420036316), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great sushi, Great cocktails, Good Service'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.31175325252115726), ('su', -0.016735482960939407), ('shi', 0.0132665503770113), (', ', 0.039196304976940155), ('Great ', 0.12546354718506336), ('cocktail', 0.016911725513637066), ('s', 0.027057877741754055), (', ', 0.005216371268033981), ('Good ', 0.19995982944965363), ('Service', -0.02519187331199646), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'The Super burrito is awesome! Will be returning soon.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.0027760248631238937), ('Super ', 0.0557576809078455), ('burr', -0.10449831048026681), ('ito ', 0.008694257121533155), ('is ', 0.022528555244207382), ('awesome', 0.427825721912086), ('! ', 0.04928916320204735), ('Will ', 0.20313391066156328), ('be ', 0.018518626922741532), ('returning ', 0.02274210168980062), ('soon', -0.0072396190371364355), ('.', -0.07228235900402069), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Man havent been here in ages. Ricardos is #oldschool'} [('', 0.0), ('Man ', 0.020305775105953217), ('haven', -0.06632521151914261), ('t ', -0.1046854980813805), ('been ', -0.019205122138373554), ('here ', -0.016054818115662783), ('in ', 0.0007953400490805507), ('ages', 0.019827086885925382), ('. ', -0.002970998641103506), ('Ricardo', 0.0861132248537615), ('s ', 0.0031365457689389586), ('is ', 0.0005973211373202503), ('#', -0.08958406065357849), ('olds', -0.07530699163908139), ('cho', -0.09953534085070714), ('ol', -0.07817597733810544), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Very helpful employees. Great selection.'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.06380407139658928), ('helpful ', 0.2869761921465397), ('employees', -0.052813172340393066), ('. ', 0.0635310560464859), ('Great ', 0.26791171357035637), ('selection', 0.1190495602786541), ('.', -0.02506347745656967), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Small vanilla soft serve with chocolate crunchies... LOVE Carvel!'} [('', 0.0), ('Small ', 0.005172114819288254), ('vanilla ', 0.055692942813038826), ('soft ', 0.06117674149572849), ('serve ', -0.020398189313709736), ('with ', 0.049899691715836525), ('chocolate ', 0.08867531921714544), ('crunch', 0.06027796724811196), ('ies', -0.05242113256826997), ('.', -0.006778880953788757), ('.', -0.01725316233932972), ('. ', -0.023782292380928993), ('LOVE ', 0.3817167088855058), ('Car', -0.04791690735146403), ('vel', 0.008520020404830575), ('!', 0.02397262118756771), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Oh wonderful! Dawn is the best!'} [('', 0.0), ('Oh ', 0.005569962784647942), ('wonderful', 0.23074169643223286), ('! ', 0.12831242382526398), ('Dawn ', 0.1430908227339387), ('is ', -0.002760813571512699), ('the ', 0.04552380181849003), ('best', 0.15897914581000805), ('!', 0.019819140434265137), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Over priced and sloppy work! Will never go back!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Over ', -0.13917084000058821), ('priced ', 0.015571262785670115), ('and ', 0.014846090009086765), ('sloppy ', -0.11472864232564461), ('work', 0.033680658762023086), ('! ', -0.03074636273959186), ('Will ', -0.029864382708183257), ('never ', -0.20373229380493285), ('go ', 0.12179659349021676), ('back', -0.01557337512531376), ('!', -0.007630025909747928), ('!', -0.016106406110338867), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good service, good food, good specials'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.32791101932525635), ('service', -0.03746339678764343), (', ', 0.07415184378623962), ('good ', 0.12114314921200275), ('food', 0.02817831002175808), (', ', 0.033070050179958344), ('good ', 0.1752227135002613), ('specials', 0.00705617293715477), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Amaze-balls!'} [('', 0.0), ('Ama', 0.25766846537590027), ('ze', 0.08231674134731293), ('-', 0.054760027676820755), ('balls', 0.07667701318860054), ('!', 0.19193051010370255), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Customer service was good.'} [('', 0.0), ('Customer ', 0.015469513833522797), ('service ', 0.00731120677664876), ('was ', -0.1337710921652615), ('good', 0.8197815977036953), ('.', -0.04481905698776245), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Bad service place needs a good cleaning or new Management!'} [('', 0.0), ('Bad ', -0.06915905113237386), ('service ', -0.01296615376486443), ('place ', -0.011251379461100441), ('needs ', -0.1811007895585135), ('a ', 0.0020113504333494348), ('good ', 0.15284429557596013), ('cleaning ', -0.06595757100785704), ('or ', -0.25209843311677105), ('new ', 0.06976018538352946), ('Management', -0.038149964289004856), ('!', 0.07245433234675147), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'I like their hazelnut coffee, nice outdoor seating, ample parking.'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', 0.12727832607924938), ('like ', 0.18907204642891884), ('their ', 0.016000961884856224), ('hazel', -0.001092278165742755), ('nut ', -0.035667876014485955), ('coffee', -0.01692255586385727), (', ', 0.007939132861793041), ('nice ', 0.11452848557382822), ('outdoor ', 0.04254311788827181), ('seating', 0.015086410567164421), (', ', -0.01768018677830696), ('ample ', 0.16795834060758352), ('parking', -0.006041138432919979), ('.', -0.019509583711624146), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'I love the bell!'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', 0.14383047074079514), ('love ', 0.21507189609110355), ('the ', 0.03485657460987568), ('bell', -0.00037151947617530823), ('!', 0.2706378549337387), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'I love it!\\n\\nThe end!'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', 0.04894487571436912), ('love ', 0.7490703257790301), ('it', 0.022516645927680656), ('!', 0.00717505207285285), ('\\', -0.018770913244225085), ('n', -0.021568076917901635), ('\\', -0.01954348210711032), ('nT', 0.02663318844861351), ('he ', 0.03396909710136242), ('end', -0.148130516638048), ('!', -0.014262630138546228), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Why have a phone if you NEVER answer.. very annoying!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Why ', -0.07984262720128754), ('have ', -0.013390354051807662), ('a ', 0.00014223304242477752), ('phone ', -0.026508180802920833), ('if ', -0.017274332958550076), ('you ', 0.021654154981661122), ('NEVER ', -0.04158088852636865), ('answer', -0.0332562256098754), ('.', -0.018927609369711718), ('. ', -0.02665912023076089), ('very ', 0.11227521141699981), ('annoying', -0.2908073448434152), ('!', 0.009165193247099523), ('!', 0.00040542686474509537), ('!', -0.02684601428336464), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'closed for business.'} [('', 0.0), ('closed ', -0.0814958531409502), ('for ', 0.1942395045189187), ('business', -0.19339243497233838), ('.', -0.24077925458550453), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'I come here often..'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', 0.2075074203312397), ('come ', 0.2542486973106861), ('here ', 0.0669678095728159), ('often', 0.19348200969398022), ('.', 0.014766953885555267), ('.', -0.05478080362081528), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "Really wasn't impressed. Completely forgettable filet."} [('', 0.0), ('Really ', 0.0011626648665696848), ('wasn', -0.13022770141833462), ("'", -0.028138591782408184), ('t ', -0.18147080673043092), ('impressed', 0.16923349550779676), ('. ', -0.015090433225850575), ('Completely ', -0.040264796753035625), ('forget', -0.038790150136264856), ('table ', -0.019879904428307782), ('file', -0.039289729535084916), ('t', -0.02863301124671125), ('.', -0.020704298636701424), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': '=) pretty good even though i was half drunk'} [('', 0.0), ('=', -0.03366466611623764), (') ', -0.004239238798618317), ('pretty ', 0.18673671958094928), ('good ', 0.33501741250802297), ('even ', 0.15875793840677943), ('though ', 0.18534028819703963), ('i ', -0.011662221848382615), ('was ', -0.017930401387275197), ('half ', -0.04838644969277084), ('drunk', -0.053111868852283806), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great steaks, salads, ambiance, decor. Highly recommend coming.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.136397045571357), ('steak', 0.019563819048926234), ('s', 0.012970411917194724), (', ', -0.00033967848867177963), ('salad', -0.021565401926636696), ('s', -0.005485878325998783), (', ', -0.007597929798066616), ('am', 0.09505402925424278), ('bian', 0.06504467013292015), ('ce', 0.0187774202786386), (', ', -0.013431639410555363), ('decor', -0.009026207961142063), ('. ', -0.021589593030512333), ('Highly ', 0.1018855981528759), ('recommend ', 0.19592183828353882), ('coming', 0.00015519186854362488), ('.', -0.028531499207019806), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'T\\u00eeI'} [('', 0.0), ('T', -0.07284922921098769), ('\\', 0.05089534423314035), ('u', -0.05713888583704829), ('00', -0.04459425341337919), ('ee', -0.25241801235824823), ('I', 0.09976544231176376), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'i love their garlic knots & gnochi with meat sauce'} [('', 0.0), ('i ', -0.034491891507059336), ('love ', 0.8452330527361482), ('their ', -0.00194012769497931), ('garlic ', 0.0013303537853062153), ('knots ', -0.04304057662375271), ('& ', 0.041244544787332416), ('g', -0.016357164713554084), ('no', -0.08131549984682351), ('chi ', 0.013918997719883919), ('with ', 0.02695286925882101), ('meat ', -0.08327701967209578), ('sauce', -0.04161158576607704), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great sauce, meatballs, pizza...friendly neighborly place'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.3825134104117751), ('sauce', -0.0033357637003064156), (', ', 0.044720591977238655), ('meat', -0.03651734231971204), ('balls', -0.027853127801790833), (', ', 0.040180325508117676), ('pizza', -0.06924901064485312), ('.', 0.0007535414770245552), ('.', -0.017150266095995903), ('.', -0.011004528030753136), ('friendly ', 0.24532928504049778), ('neighbor', -0.03911175322718918), ('ly ', 0.10573368822224438), ('place', -0.03171033784747124), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'It is a 7-11. Usual stuff. Clean store.'} [('', 0.0), ('It ', 0.07443005731329322), ('is ', 0.12092762952670455), ('a ', 0.26266294438391924), ('7', -0.07568564836401492), ('-', 0.010593084734864533), ('11', 0.01043277746066451), ('. ', -0.010350072290748358), ('Usual ', 0.026624361402355134), ('stuff', -0.023690518806688488), ('. ', 0.08830974204465747), ('Clean ', 0.4291801063809544), ('store', -0.3880028377752751), ('.', -0.09706514375284314), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Yummy yummy'} [('', 0.0), ('Yu', 0.24033023416996002), ('mmy ', 0.049643874168395996), ('yu', 0.26383217237889767), ('mmy', 0.031211310997605324), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'two words: totally lame.'} [('', 0.0), ('two ', 0.03388596458171378), ('words', 0.011236122225454892), (': ', -0.025740918130395585), ('totally ', -0.0870387829709216), ('lame', -0.17045254796175868), ('.', -0.0704350078049174), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Rough crowd to say the least.'} [('', 0.0), ('Rough ', -0.44845420285128057), ('crowd ', 0.19951100903563201), ('to ', 0.10315883439034224), ('say ', -0.0379599689040333), ('the ', 0.06442859274102375), ('least', -0.13768925127806142), ('.', -0.012241161079145968), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'cheezy nightmare'} [('', 0.0), ('che', -0.1804412246638094), ('ez', -0.04854226540919626), ('y ', 0.024567088708863594), ('nightmare', -0.20837478051544167), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Free rock concerts! What could be better:)'} [('', 0.0), ('Free ', -0.09792608441784978), ('rock ', 0.25599677418358624), ('concerts', 0.5091992227826267), ('! ', 0.11205471772700548), ('What ', -0.01557882351335138), ('could ', -0.04300187423359603), ('be ', 0.027126275352202356), ('better', -0.11048253963235766), (':', 0.009806877002120018), (')', 0.02993531944230199), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Still the same this time stay away!'} [('', 0.0), ('Still ', -0.042622275883331895), ('the ', 0.05307240627007559), ('same ', -0.11279060173546895), ('this ', 0.09064860788930673), ('time ', 0.13250015578523744), ('stay ', 0.005763907465734519), ('away', -0.4327425821538782), ('!', 0.03841876104706898), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good Bahn Mi. Not great, but good.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.37746160849928856), ('Bahn ', -0.087173359002918), ('Mi', -0.010440597776323557), ('. ', -0.0019941627979278564), ('Not ', -0.24924358266071067), ('great', 0.03212933888062253), (', ', -0.035187853885872755), ('but ', 0.21787947640405037), ('good', 0.4670038111253234), ('.', -0.017409566633432405), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Excellent sandwiches, PERIOD!!!!!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Excellent ', 0.6430773423053324), ('sandwiches', -0.1960046417079866), (', ', 0.005518746562302113), ('PERIOD', -0.027354014106094837), ('!', -0.0072705307975411415), ('!', 0.043604131788015366), ('!', 0.017147287726402283), ('!', 0.04322588909417391), ('!', 0.054230776615440845), ('!', 0.032520318403840065), ('!', 0.05723651498556137), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Food - 4.5\\nAmbience - 3\\nService - 3\\nValue - ?'} [('', 0.0008152246009558439), ('Food ', 0.06142028560861945), ('- ', 0.07960331125650555), ('4', -0.007981061819009483), ('.', 0.012819330208003521), ('5', -0.023657367657870056), ('\\', -0.037553501408547164), ('nAm', -0.005471618725763013), ('bie', 0.027537353224276254), ('nce ', -0.017841416232598325), ('- ', 4.169915891474212e-05), ('3', -0.017655518366068247), ('\\', -0.020754695631608013), ('nS', -0.08453570239778076), ('er', -0.08327174958373819), ('vic', 0.018414748450075943), ('e ', 0.004386234180336552), ('- ', -0.004453986107061307), ('3', -0.04101068961123625), ('\\', -0.026749916995565098), ('n', 0.005994489959751567), ('Val', 0.09138736276266475), ('ue ', -0.027699547276521724), ('- ', 0.029347656411118805), ('?', -0.264276597998105), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "It's Arby's. Nothing much to say."} [('', 0.0), ('It', -0.0087825678565423), ("'", -0.0075130863006052095), ('s ', -0.008856302800268168), ('Ar', 0.09099226029957208), ('by', 0.13409972216959432), ("'", 0.027581405174714746), ('s', 0.0760006765522121), ('. ', -0.003123844875517534), ('Nothing ', -0.6025118140496488), ('much ', -0.06114446548963315), ('to ', -0.0009314534927398199), ('say', 0.012813045848815818), ('.', -0.03848408030171413), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Horrible, horrible, HORRIBLE service! Skip this location at all costs!'} [('', 0.0), ('Horrible', -0.04428724626177427), (', ', -0.008010790296793857), ('horrible', -0.042190893460428924), (', ', -0.009334924798167776), ('HORRIBLE ', -0.04994874868862098), ('service', -0.02476329100500152), ('! ', -0.028659802957918146), ('Skip ', -0.07027788417599368), ('this ', -0.006908683722031128), ('location ', -0.023889162868727), ('at ', -0.015589973765600007), ('all ', 0.009236412037353148), ('costs', -0.07412084813222464), ('!', -0.027368582883354975), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Starbucks....need I say more? Caffeine...Im good to go!'} [('', 0.0), ('Starbucks', -0.08224948588758707), ('.', -0.0065857768058776855), ('.', -0.0039931270002853125), ('.', -0.0080745508603286), ('.', -0.014416668040212244), ('need ', -0.04839121157419868), ('I ', 0.006750028085662052), ('say ', -0.0036276702521718107), ('more', -0.016281672091281507), ('? ', -0.02857634937390685), ('Caf', 0.025800569914281368), ('fe', 0.007235755329020321), ('ine', -0.03341878380160779), ('.', -0.019039245322346687), ('.', -0.015337192453444004), ('.', -0.01843568403273821), ('Im ', -0.016567722894251347), ('good ', 0.5377535161096603), ('to ', 0.0835607562912628), ('go', 0.1887517956783995), ('!', -0.029712446499615908), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Fun, but bar closes at 1am'} [('', 0.0), ('Fun', 0.7321481090039015), (', ', 0.07172461040318012), ('but ', -0.13517668982967734), ('bar ', -0.06849027622956783), ('closes ', 0.06283405085559934), ('at ', 0.08649434451945126), ('1a', -0.04873097222298384), ('m', 0.0019525131210684776), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Descent.'} [('', 0.0), ('Descent', 0.0667090117931366), ('.', 0.11814793944358826), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Expensive ice cream here! Crazy expensive!'} [('', 0.0), ('Expensive ', 0.007145297015085816), ('ice ', 0.07028250413713977), ('cream ', 0.37894899485399947), ('here', 0.020202751387842), ('! ', 0.36640799092128873), ('Crazy ', 0.06381117459386587), ('expensive', -0.1993308407254517), ('!', 0.018496614415198565), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Very good and affordable.'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.10036059468984604), ('good ', 0.2318294271826744), ('and ', 0.09121977537870407), ('affordable', 0.22736430913209915), ('.', 0.013259395956993103), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Its fast food, chicken is ok, burritos are better.'} [('', 0.0), ('Its ', 0.017314288765192032), ('fast ', 0.23620222799945623), ('food', 0.0609663532814011), (', ', 0.06781616853550076), ('chicken ', -0.23684514165506698), ('is ', 0.0676489390025381), ('ok', 0.2471207643393427), (', ', 0.1943583283573389), ('burr', -0.081539022969082), ('ito', -0.03061757725663483), ('s ', -0.04518812010064721), ('are ', -0.046295345295220613), ('better', -0.06270630843937397), ('.', -0.03565384494140744), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Staff are great!'} [('', 0.0), ('Staff ', 0.11448340862989426), ('are ', 0.06626811996102333), ('great', 0.12865107133984566), ('!', 0.2771805673837662), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Awesome place to get your hair done try there voucher'} [('', 0.0), ('Awesome ', 0.89613383388496), ('place ', -6.0677615692839026e-05), ('to ', 0.004422526340931654), ('get ', -0.035431372321909294), ('your ', -0.0018238338234368712), ('hair ', -0.013996125024277717), ('done ', -0.02929354173829779), ('try ', -0.03816742915660143), ('there ', -0.011311816051602364), ('vo', -0.15029723988845944), ('ucher', 0.04531719675287604), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great Service! \\nClean and Modern Shop!\\nJessica is the best!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.22708219476044178), ('Service', 0.016428453847765923), ('! ', 0.030632242560386658), ('\\', -0.008501649484969676), ('nC', -0.10225494840415195), ('lean ', -0.0006375143420882523), ('and ', 0.0034321954008191824), ('Modern ', 0.0791620226809755), ('Shop', -0.014340796857140958), ('!', 0.03413985320366919), ('\\', -0.033728236332535744), ('nJ', -0.010305921779945493), ('ess', -0.01565565331839025), ('ica ', -0.028657150454819202), ('is ', 0.03496460756286979), ('the ', 0.08912962255999446), ('best', 0.24164890963584185), ('!', -0.011862164363265038), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Bartender was awful'} [('', 0.0), ('Bartender ', -0.042200296753435396), ('was ', 0.10748537594190566), ('awful', -0.5871441362032783), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'They put more meat on than most stores'} [('', 0.0), ('They ', 0.0018545258790254593), ('put ', -0.11317129153758287), ('more ', -0.17527712229639292), ('meat ', -0.22013614341267385), ('on ', 0.15661477352841757), ('than ', 0.1361565912666265), ('most ', 0.25403335053124465), ('stores', -0.23372884117998183), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'A perfect slice of Italy right by the Campus.'} [('', 0.0), ('A ', 0.06068442761898041), ('perfect ', 0.2518305778503418), ('slice ', 0.054166898131370544), ('of ', 0.044669389724731445), ('Italy ', 0.17262516543269157), ('right ', 0.10712174978107214), ('by ', -0.015511157922446728), ('the ', 0.03399166278541088), ('Campus', 0.006935030221939087), ('.', -0.01967792771756649), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Its the bomb dot com.'} [('', 0.0), ('Its ', -0.036875237128697336), ('the ', 0.04375599305785727), ('bomb ', -0.13248450092214625), ('dot ', -0.08831779085448943), ('com', -0.06353838261566125), ('.', -0.029953090066555887), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'I love the knots and the homemade mozzarella is amazing'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', -0.038966838270425797), ('love ', 0.39459725469350815), ('the ', -0.014985386282205582), ('knots ', -0.02729552984237671), ('and ', 0.0372278387658298), ('the ', 0.0011130673810839653), ('homemade ', -0.041022122371941805), ('mo', -0.014427970629185438), ('zza', 0.01432790094986558), ('rella ', -0.012966894544661045), ('is ', 0.0012538917362689972), ('amazing', 0.32843876257538795), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'THE Best Italian Deli in Las Vegas, Period.'} [('', 0.0), ('THE ', 0.024262236431241035), ('Best ', 0.4110887860879302), ('Italian ', 0.10873385425657034), ('Del', -0.023770976113155484), ('i ', -0.04473097366280854), ('in ', 0.05238159908913076), ('Las ', 0.0743140853010118), ('Vegas', 0.08691470441408455), (', ', 0.04046296328306198), ('Period', -0.01116114854812622), ('.', -0.052471935749053955), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Best Melts I could find in Vegas.'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.2978701815009117), ('Melt', -0.0009654536843299866), ('s ', 0.062899649143219), ('I ', 0.03868621354922652), ('could ', -0.014926962088793516), ('find ', 0.031876004417426884), ('in ', 0.14103831897955388), ('Vegas', 0.18430486414581537), ('.', -0.029246438294649124), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great customer service. Spa pedicure is done right. :-)'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.30688259936869144), ('customer ', 0.01079055666923523), ('service', -0.005450697615742683), ('. ', -0.025893233716487885), ('Spa ', -0.02807147358544171), ('pe', -0.01781172241802172), ('dic', -0.0003584851559329157), ('ure ', -0.031139401651065175), ('is ', 0.10503996427481373), ('done ', 0.0549405786053588), ('right', 0.24661415019848695), ('. ', 0.008013309561647475), (':', -0.025588003918528557), ('-', -0.0007771309465169907), (')', -0.029736343771219254), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Dirty!'} [('', 0.0), ('Dirty', -0.8607022337091621), ('!', 0.13459665203117765), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Not open anymore take off yelp'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', -0.5536346588633023), ('open ', 0.2406132474716287), ('anymore ', -0.19319651011028327), ('take ', 0.22494308292516507), ('off ', -0.04242343510850333), ('ye', 0.21010677571757697), ('lp', -0.15553800415364094), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'No tank tops'} [('', 0.0), ('No ', -0.35249354783445597), ('tank ', -0.18132110021542758), ('tops', 0.03041000838857144), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'update: this store location has closed. good riddens!'} [('', 0.0), ('update', -0.026924757301458158), (': ', -0.10008316957828356), ('this ', -0.07018120763677871), ('store ', -0.1667067856506037), ('location ', -0.13070341082129744), ('has ', 0.03634154426617897), ('closed', -0.23403012635026244), ('. ', 0.09030205624003429), ('good ', 0.5204946899466449), ('ridden', -0.10844735005957773), ('s', -0.052957321364374366), ('!', 0.03504882424022071), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Worst JITB ever. Slow and rude employees.'} [('', 0.0), ('Worst ', -0.322199937856567), ('JI', 0.0783969999843066), ('T', 0.048913024060766475), ('B ', -0.04359759669023333), ('ever', 0.026067315184263862), ('. ', 0.04508825366610836), ('Slow ', -0.07282012657196901), ('and ', -0.008857160426487098), ('rude ', -0.05688770923188713), ('employees', -0.010338420113839675), ('.', -0.017388300288075698), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Food is always good at the Maple Leaf'} [('', 0.0), ('Food ', 0.1467309594154358), ('is ', 0.09815345890820026), ('always ', 0.11020724289119244), ('good ', 0.2664811797440052), ('at ', -0.0013547129929065704), ('the ', 0.05465100519359112), ('Maple ', 0.04842961020767689), ('Leaf', 0.00589965283870697), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'I loved the apple fritter!'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', -0.005625264719128609), ('loved ', 0.8268311331048608), ('the ', 0.03831981774419546), ('apple ', -0.015495812520384789), ('fr', -0.22291673975996673), ('itte', 0.10840285080485046), ('r', -0.019400292076170444), ('!', 0.01907531265169382), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Pretty good food but cramped and loud atmosphere.'} [('', 0.0), ('Pretty ', 0.22764423536136746), ('good ', 0.4498176632914692), ('food ', 0.062314808601513505), ('but ', -0.2382722524635028), ('cramped ', -0.2485921268525999), ('and ', 0.1207605765084736), ('loud ', -0.13893201941391453), ('atmosphere', 0.2545799753279425), ('.', 0.009466214920394123), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Fast service with a smile. Will come back again !'} [('', 0.0), ('Fast ', 0.12233074195683002), ('service ', 0.009512701537460089), ('with ', 0.012228686828166246), ('a ', 0.03177773952484131), ('smile', 0.16239945590496063), ('. ', 0.0014031529426574707), ('Will ', 0.2393424748443067), ('come ', 0.12704332498833537), ('back ', -0.0534716653637588), ('again ', 0.00659166881814599), ('!', 0.006610460579395294), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Ralph always rocks'} [('', 0.0), ('Ralph ', 0.23214736580848694), ('always ', 0.11928562819957733), ('rocks', 0.1254088133573532), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Quick, attentive business and a good express wash.'} [('', 0.0), ('Quick', -0.024813082069158554), (', ', 0.05167565867304802), ('at', 0.044882940826937556), ('ten', 0.15018576197326183), ('tive ', 0.026665499666705728), ('business ', 0.03706043306738138), ('and ', 0.049099408090114594), ('a ', 0.028934168338309973), ('good ', 0.3918740015360527), ('express ', 0.022761284315492958), ('wash', -0.14268706255825236), ('.', -0.008779972791671753), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Typical Herbst. Dirty and poorly stocked, but needed some gasoline....'} [('', 0.0), ('Typical ', -0.11407843123015482), ('Herbs', 0.08158102065317507), ('t', -0.05187785693669866), ('. ', -0.034284253808436915), ('Dirty ', -0.04707600058736716), ('and ', -0.008875711640030204), ('poorly ', -0.047894393886508624), ('stocked', -0.00835253885406928), (', ', -0.00955816916848562), ('but ', -0.03830268393176084), ('needed ', -0.038423065058168504), ('some ', -0.01345961672973317), ('gasoline', -0.01559629080202285), ('.', -0.007839834551305103), ('.', -0.03953733695379924), ('.', -0.02714757324429229), ('.', -0.04042074097378645), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'good steak, good portions, good option for vegas.'} [('', 0.0), ('good ', 0.21478688716888428), ('steak', 0.03350582346320152), (', ', 0.048206571489572525), ('good ', 0.24545446503907442), ('portions', -0.017064561136066914), (', ', 0.06786389648914337), ('good ', 0.2987185036763549), ('option ', -0.1123352712020278), ('for ', -0.042549400590360165), ('vegas', 0.05964895989745855), ('.', -0.1303134709596634), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Enjoyed everything;)'} [('', 0.0), ('Enjoyed ', 0.30279020965099335), ('everything', 0.21792196854948997), (';', 0.006746646016836166), (')', 0.059117309749126434), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Slow and rude at this location, poorly managed store.'} [('', 0.0), ('Slow ', -0.07004148843770963), ('and ', -0.010297522785549518), ('rude ', -0.0833100543331966), ('at ', -0.007972778881594422), ('this ', 0.00874206674961897), ('location', -0.01281822613600525), (', ', 0.009374848703373573), ('poorly ', -0.09105277219987329), ('managed ', 0.01763613843377243), ('store', -0.0586185408737947), ('.', -0.03527624883281533), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Quick and easy!!! Good job guys!!!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Quick ', 0.02133552823215723), ('and ', 0.24620813969522715), ('easy', -0.027035959996283054), ('!', 0.00603055115789175), ('!', -0.012101278640329838), ('! ', -0.013462505303323269), ('Good ', 0.242473850492388), ('job ', -0.008188847918063402), ('guys', 0.06709011550992727), ('!', 0.0131294010207057), ('!', 0.010039892047643661), ('!', -0.0015758611261844635), ('!', 0.02280949056148529), ('!', 0.016721613705158234), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'So slowwwwwww. But pretty good gyro.'} [('', 0.0), ('So ', -0.034613050578627735), ('slow', -0.05062694951084268), ('w', -0.014645653833213146), ('w', -0.021851306675671367), ('w', -0.022451038912549848), ('w', -0.018015465240750927), ('w', -0.03341719555464806), ('w', 0.01139181292091962), ('. ', -0.03749695478472859), ('But ', 0.042351609270554036), ('pretty ', 0.13311871560290456), ('good ', 0.5284508230979554), ('g', 0.04950893584464211), ('yr', 0.016274937821435742), ('o', 0.01932794722961262), ('.', -0.016195110918488353), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Yummy kabobs!'} [('', 0.0), ('Yu', 0.29489487409591675), ('mmy ', 0.028891295194625854), ('ka', 0.04761947877705097), ('bo', 0.15778536163270473), ('bs', -0.05107686668634415), ('!', 0.20864348113536835), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Tasty middle eastern food...service was great too.'} [('', 0.0), ('Ta', 0.14864793233573437), ('sty ', 0.026330338791012764), ('middle ', 0.025556021137163043), ('eastern ', 0.05382730648852885), ('food', -0.0019705509766936302), ('.', 0.05450271815061569), ('.', -0.020388014614582062), ('.', -0.023180842399597168), ('service ', -0.09208073795889504), ('was ', -0.02011479515931569), ('great ', 0.4037877429746004), ('too', -0.16445646984539053), ('.', 0.2189206691691652), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Elegant Kitchen Cabinets made my kitchen remodel a total nightmare.'} [('', 0.0), ('Elegant ', 0.3442485742998542), ('Kitchen ', -0.010366226195401396), ('Cabinets ', -0.015788928301844862), ('made ', 0.038952942707510374), ('my ', 0.03363545151933067), ('kitchen ', -0.04079388750506041), ('re', -0.059796566358272685), ('mo', -0.006223014603165211), ('del ', 0.0259141033020569), ('a ', 0.002756817080808105), ('total ', -0.044507299000542844), ('nightmare', -0.5762571877421578), ('.', -0.06860717592644505), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good food, nice lunch.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.14068368822336197), ('food', 0.12067625671625137), (', ', 0.08423374593257904), ('nice ', 0.24128449521958828), ('lunch', 0.13078795932233334), ('.', -0.026536043733358383), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Delicious Greek homemade style food'} [('', 0.0), ('Delicious ', 0.22056370228528976), ('Greek ', 0.07459211722016335), ('homemade ', 0.037488002330064774), ('style ', 0.16969404369592667), ('food', 0.1616711989045143), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Worst customer service ever!'} [('', 0.0), ('Worst ', -0.799755837993871), ('customer ', 0.037845366317924345), ('service ', 0.05999683029949665), ('ever', 0.09565405409739469), ('!', 0.27062416925036814), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'All ways good, Too more visits'} [('', 0.0), ('All ', 0.003071424740483053), ('ways ', 0.07053180854563834), ('good', 0.6983472523643286), (', ', 0.08872679359046742), ('Too ', -0.18077112463652156), ('more ', -0.09223782535991631), ('visits', 0.1354914011899382), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Good food, good service, nice atmosphere. Cool vibe.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.13526066578924656), ('food', 0.03741554357111454), (', ', -0.01582164689898491), ('good ', 0.09394246409647167), ('service', -0.015042352257296443), (', ', -0.0005711708217859268), ('nice ', 0.0775843751616776), ('atmosphere', 0.009278443176299334), ('. ', -0.008336124010384083), ('Cool ', 0.26050788909196854), ('vibe', 0.09201783686876297), ('.', -0.03893360495567322), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'If Imperial Palace is 2*, this is obviously 1*.'} [('', 0.0), ('If ', -0.15024042257573456), ('Imperial ', -0.0031669397721998394), ('Palace ', 0.09348823904292658), ('is ', -0.05245723613188602), ('2', -0.020817334501771256), ('*', -0.029096012352965772), (', ', 0.0005567192565649748), ('this ', -0.05003334325738251), ('is ', -7.994205225259066e-05), ('obviously ', -0.05373326444532722), ('1', -0.06856402521952987), ('*', 0.003591718152165413), ('.', -0.04851491120643914), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Worth the money. Incredible course, designed by Arnold Palmer.'} [('', 0.0), ('Worth ', 0.3955054064281285), ('the ', -0.008829700527712703), ('money', -0.05107600777409971), ('. ', -0.023065470159053802), ('Incredible ', 0.15270391665399075), ('course', 0.022550033405423164), (', ', -0.00018683075904846191), ('designed ', 0.019936281722038984), ('by ', -0.02335896296426654), ('Arnold ', 0.0780135728418827), ('Palmer', 0.07916557788848877), ('.', -0.014073021709918976), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'This place. Failed white helt inspection.. have.... b......'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', 0.006623548047173244), ('place', 0.04196850211428682), ('. ', 0.04709238704708696), ('Failed ', -0.13489950014673013), ('white ', -0.05564727329556263), ('he', -0.029407015620790844), ('lt ', -0.03625098997895293), ('inspection', -0.08099285613707252), ('.', -0.022350185974573833), ('. ', -0.028782712724478188), ('have', -0.020919265460406677), ('.', -0.01507872496881646), ('.', -0.01691483380000136), ('.', -0.02210151339750155), ('. ', -0.02041009513231984), ('b', -0.027538792952782387), ('.', -0.012588832463279687), ('.', -0.017857460927189095), ('.', -0.011973557796409295), ('.', -0.01212042381575884), ('.', -0.011741787599021336), ('.', -0.014951266091884463), ('', -3.414897946640849e-07)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'I think $65 brazilian is too much'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', -0.012096521153580397), ('think ', -0.025205369776813313), ('$', -0.06685935039422475), ('65 ', -0.020221663155098213), ('brazilian ', 0.13359326953286654), ('is ', -0.052288998442236334), ('too ', -0.16572365966567304), ('much', -0.06138886511325836), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Its a mall. Need I say more?'} [('', 0.0), ('Its ', -0.011267717170994729), ('a ', 0.14281597701483406), ('mall', -0.06354964405181818), ('. ', 0.2555776771623641), ('Need ', -0.3542239135422278), ('I ', 0.10565676182159223), ('say ', -0.07752263691509143), ('more', -0.08764536614762619), ('?', -0.1886756077874452), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'good pizza in there. lol'} [('', 0.0), ('good ', 0.5679905004799366), ('pizza ', 0.0636958449613303), ('in ', 0.07528717978857458), ('there', 0.08225988363847136), ('. ', 0.04568186402320862), ('lo', -0.10123376175761223), ('l', -0.01031268760561943), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'My wifes favorite place in Vegas'} [('', 0.0), ('My ', 0.02679920569062233), ('wife', 0.13684515096247196), ('s ', 0.06611629016697407), ('favorite ', 0.2834820933640003), ('place ', 0.02118391916155815), ('in ', 0.04766920208930969), ('Vegas', 0.13851475715637207), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Big anchor stores and wonderful brands with above average selection.'} [('', 0.0), ('Big ', 0.10806169733405113), ('anchor ', 0.25293975230306387), ('stores ', -0.06153919082134962), ('and ', 0.0206051766872406), ('wonderful ', 0.1962058306671679), ('brands ', -0.027591454330831766), ('with ', 0.026382502168416977), ('above ', 0.13816580921411514), ('average ', 0.01562601886689663), ('selection', 0.011923087760806084), ('.', -0.014732789248228073), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "Red Velvet cafe and The limited... It's a good day"} [('', 0.0), ('Red ', -0.024005869403481483), ('Velvet ', 0.010732830967754126), ('cafe ', -0.009640197735279799), ('and ', 0.008065307512879372), ('The ', 0.002143651247024536), ('limited', -0.11380467191338539), ('.', 0.018668515607714653), ('.', -0.04973703436553478), ('. ', -0.02132490836083889), ('It', 0.04255385394208133), ("'", 0.04832482081837952), ('s ', -0.018485119566321373), ('a ', 0.12037153891287744), ('good ', 0.39692403678782284), ('day', 0.15682115498930216), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Drive thru super slow, not enough food for the money'} [('', 0.0), ('Drive ', -0.0878439791395067), ('thru ', 0.001814955839108734), ('super ', 0.03076443857207778), ('slow', -0.12681405726743833), (', ', 0.017228988308488624), ('not ', -0.08095803997366602), ('enough ', -0.04653335199054709), ('food ', 0.010182306155002152), ('for ', 0.020220409321154875), ('the ', -0.01030571657429391), ('money', -0.0613644271488738), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Uhhh one word YARDDOG.'} [('', 0.0), ('Uh', -0.18186634872108698), ('hh ', 0.03679650789126754), ('one ', 0.03549232007935643), ('word ', -0.11378167639486492), ('YARD', -0.011029395624063909), ('DOG', -0.010044125956483185), ('.', -0.025218732422217727), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'my go-to combination: 190 Octane mixed with Strawberry'} [('', 0.0), ('my ', 0.05132381245493889), ('go', 0.15555734746158123), ('-', 0.04144049622118473), ('to ', -0.054795585572719574), ('combination', -0.11514349654316902), (': ', 0.11177344154566526), ('190 ', -0.07888196688145399), ('Oct', 0.21720776613801718), ('ane ', 0.07628110004588962), ('mixed ', -0.17447458417154849), ('with ', 0.10995150706730783), ('Strawberry', 0.27751751244068146), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great & friendly staff who do top notch work :)'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.149931188672781), ('& ', 0.04448251985013485), ('friendly ', 0.11338568292558193), ('staff ', 0.07533049397170544), ('who ', 0.08377565629780293), ('do ', -0.011466307565569878), ('top ', 0.15239464305341244), ('notch ', 0.025956272147595882), ('work ', 0.026274793781340122), (':', 0.10715025290846825), (')', -0.10119080916047096), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'the worst hair salon.'} [('', 0.0), ('the ', 0.2040379837162618), ('worst ', -0.5822465543487851), ('hair ', -0.14026300884052034), ('salon', 0.22774711960482819), ('.', -0.04490335810260149), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great for meet with friends. Free wifi'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.22882896102964878), ('for ', -0.0039896644884720445), ('meet ', 0.20127206633333117), ('with ', 0.023716629948467016), ('friends', 0.3623946448788047), ('. ', 0.027129686903208494), ('Free ', -0.04349448624998331), ('wi', -0.05480088398326188), ('fi', -0.028520351159386337), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Love the Benedicts and the Hawaiian breakfasts.'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.3066028840839863), ('the ', -0.014837067574262619), ('Benedict', 0.15197383053600788), ('s ', 0.031821420416235924), ('and ', 0.09321723878383636), ('the ', 0.045808409340679646), ('Hawaiian ', 0.03620345238596201), ('breakfast', 0.004766465164721012), ('s', 0.09683009702712297), ('.', -0.0554986409842968), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Yummy food. Good service. Clean place.'} [('', 0.0), ('Yu', 0.06803380511701107), ('mmy ', -0.020649468526244164), ('food', 0.1459009237587452), ('. ', 0.15343030914664268), ('Good ', 0.20093915797770023), ('service', -0.024976884946227074), ('. ', 0.00014990195631980896), ('Clean ', 0.1966582436580211), ('place', -0.006732612149789929), ('.', -0.015869339928030968), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Absolutly a great choice for breakfast'} [('', 0.0), ('Abs', -0.03697323985397816), ('ol', -0.026876235380768776), ('ut', -0.06670327764004469), ('ly ', 0.014819535426795483), ('a ', 0.19380963197909296), ('great ', 0.4757296673487872), ('choice ', 0.08425422385334969), ('for ', 0.01053801504895091), ('breakfast', 0.059683285653591156), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Rea was awesomeness!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Re', -0.18151790974661708), ('a ', 0.04605395020917058), ('was ', -0.01761804730631411), ('awesome', 0.8465895493864082), ('ness', -0.08405570051399991), ('!', 0.060181218665093184), ('!', 0.05378350615501404), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "Boston's is closed down."} [('', 0.0), ('Boston', 0.17877780172420898), ("'", 0.03466728745115688), ('s ', 0.034974687616340816), ('is ', -0.0479147264486528), ('closed ', -0.17678230689489283), ('down', -0.2520048350925208), ('.', -0.047475677594775334), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Surprisingly not bad.'} [('', 0.0), ('Surprisingly ', 0.3119734078645706), ('not ', 0.16806832833390217), ('bad', 0.15053293721575756), ('.', -0.04436689615249634), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Clean and bright flavors with Friendly atmosphere.'} [('', 0.0), ('Clean ', 0.3210250586271286), ('and ', 0.04097624123096466), ('bright ', 0.10969741642475128), ('flavors ', 0.08644482493400574), ('with ', 0.022563121281564236), ('Friendly ', 0.10106250364333391), ('atmosphere', 0.07232087478041649), ('.', -0.024805277585983276), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great sushi! And sashimi!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.26358602568507195), ('su', -0.028783172369003296), ('shi', 0.039903078228235245), ('! ', 0.09596066176891327), ('And ', 0.12917540594935417), ('sash', 0.008936544880270958), ('imi', 0.04652467928826809), ('!', 0.17386405915021896), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Awesome Bar Food!!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Awesome ', 0.37508259899914265), ('Bar ', -0.11530602816492319), ('Food', 0.118863589130342), ('!', 0.20959313213825226), ('!', 0.09797492995858192), ('!', -0.00708591565489769), ('!', 0.044296763837337494), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Slow food delivery...would have eaten somewhere else.'} [('', 0.0), ('Slow ', -0.16406796103183297), ('food ', 0.01635092368996993), ('delivery', -0.014391818831427372), ('.', -0.025807708683714736), ('.', -0.021677184027794283), ('.', -0.018081156988046132), ('would ', -0.03667146882708039), ('have ', 0.0035334646481715026), ('eaten ', -0.02093517221419461), ('somewhere ', -0.02290798595186061), ('else', -0.036701495830129716), ('.', -0.03091513966137427), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'decent breakfast.'} [('', 0.0), ('decent ', 0.2490609586238861), ('breakfast', 0.18958613276481628), ('.', 0.03820067644119263), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Meh. Not outstanding, not horrible, just meh.'} [('', 0.0), ('Me', 0.15584806469269097), ('h', 0.0025698430836200714), ('. ', 0.03304492239840329), ('Not ', -0.44486139824493875), ('outstanding', 0.04949338484675536), (', ', -0.045634463805981795), ('not ', 0.24091815502106328), ('horrible', 0.21152447496751847), (', ', 0.07241185217390012), ('just ', -0.13513292546849698), ('me', -0.03891067247604951), ('h', 0.028070606815163046), ('.', -0.22327232686802745), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great tan fair price great guy'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.26791222393512726), ('tan ', -0.020048469305038452), ('fair ', 0.09476955235004425), ('price ', -0.06274391151964664), ('great ', 0.2947190944105387), ('guy', 0.1160859614610672), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': "Quick service to obtain you're social security card."} [('', 0.0), ('Quick ', 0.11189675331115723), ('service ', 0.04427156993187964), ('to ', 0.08721705409698188), ('obtain ', 0.028170702047646046), ('you', 0.15038598305545747), ("'", 0.05456946580670774), ('re ', -0.18461423588450998), ('social ', 0.06092979374807328), ('security ', -0.3019254475366324), ('card', -0.2242593716364354), ('.', -0.03314361674711108), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'One of my favorite locations. Always friendly service.'} [('', 0.0), ('One ', -0.014345301315188408), ('of ', 0.0009191101416945457), ('my ', -0.014175334013998508), ('favorite ', 0.29031478334218264), ('locations', 0.04747962113469839), ('. ', 0.037261996418237686), ('Always ', 0.07434368086978793), ('friendly ', 0.34077564207836986), ('service', -0.03473383840173483), ('.', -0.03102552518248558), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Absolutely horrible service. Completely unorganized and flat-out rude'} [('', 0.0), ('Absolutely ', 0.1535934501880547), ('horrible ', -0.2974769197335263), ('service', -0.02175857160727901), ('. ', -0.028323518017714377), ('Completely ', -0.043233523138042074), ('uno', -0.029881716949603288), ('rgan', -0.0048154933592741145), ('ized ', -0.013270793546325876), ('and ', -0.009117737188717001), ('flat', -0.041091077725468494), ('-', -0.0027965465897068498), ('out ', -0.014346985226438846), ('rude', -0.037626858425937826), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Better then Panda express...\\nthats all I can say.'} [('', 0.0), ('Better ', -0.04566446034004912), ('then ', 0.030946234803802024), ('Panda ', 0.12515052662153417), ('express', -0.03620389944020038), ('.', -0.03657547349575907), ('.', -0.03560505103087053), ('.', -0.05451693938812241), ('\\', -0.18817733923788182), ('nt', -0.1036433090121136), ('hat', -0.03978588837344432), ('s ', -0.0008204811747418717), ('all ', -0.040868185031285975), ('I ', -0.011611776579229627), ('can ', 0.04144145632017171), ('say', -0.004825631833227817), ('.', -0.04218147127539851), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'I wish I checked yelp before coming here.'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', -0.02923739270772785), ('wish ', -0.05851376311329659), ('I ', -0.02558975740976166), ('checked ', -0.03532781093963422), ('ye', 0.0512657795479754), ('lp ', -0.08932558313244954), ('before ', -0.051421781037788605), ('coming ', -0.03488940407623886), ('here', 0.003313191329652909), ('.', -0.03223253964097239), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great sandwiches. Just a lil pricey'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.38160931318998337), ('sandwiches', -0.09248117357492447), ('. ', 0.10400219261646271), ('Just ', -0.09979861904866993), ('a ', 0.014674928737804294), ('lil ', 0.017496318090707064), ('price', 0.1835892666131258), ('y', 0.21999560296535492), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': '100 % The best around'} [('', 0.0), ('100 ', 0.13622327893972397), ('% ', 0.09054533019661903), ('The ', 0.10535012558102608), ('best ', 0.2595878466963768), ('around', 0.07230677455663681), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great Thai Food one of my favorites!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.1942361742258072), ('Thai ', 0.09633982181549072), ('Food ', 0.07400651276111603), ('one ', 0.043835850432515144), ('of ', 0.11241073720157146), ('my ', 0.033592650666832924), ('favorites', 0.15491101704537868), ('!', 0.019925296306610107), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'The lunch specials are great!'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.04587733745574951), ('lunch ', 0.21354172751307487), ('specials ', 0.022273022681474686), ('are ', 0.030533671379089355), ('great', 0.2627777010202408), ('!', 0.11613069474697113), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "Everything but water AND good customer service. nuff' said."} [('', 0.0), ('Everything ', -0.007154787890613079), ('but ', -0.0658064796589315), ('water ', -0.03092834650306031), ('AND ', 0.03402550163445994), ('good ', 0.8984924500109628), ('customer ', -0.009083622077014297), ('service', -0.025220727489795536), ('. ', -0.004365966422483325), ('nu', -0.07433001592289656), ('ff', -0.046828385326080024), ("' ", -0.07815595506690443), ('said', 0.06554536893963814), ('.', -0.04800523305311799), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'A great place to eat, watch a sporting event.'} [('', 0.0), ('A ', 0.03019268810749054), ('great ', 0.14989437721669674), ('place ', 0.013929853215813637), ('to ', 0.05216715484857559), ('eat', 0.04550648480653763), (', ', 0.053950726985931396), ('watch ', 0.06563457660377026), ('a ', 0.030276888981461525), ('sporting ', 0.138144938275218), ('event', 0.12451476790010929), ('.', -0.038176506757736206), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Love the tostada here!'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.3712163046002388), ('the ', -0.0034288838505744934), ('to', 0.14513165317475796), ('stad', -0.06015157513320446), ('a ', 0.033990226686000824), ('here', 0.05980432778596878), ('!', 0.1768646463751793), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'It is convenient location.'} [('', 0.0), ('It ', 0.17238566279411316), ('is ', 0.1290345173329115), ('convenient ', 0.33498345501720905), ('location', 0.07116170227527618), ('.', -0.044882357120513916), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'The Calzone is amazing.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.0694437325000763), ('Cal', 0.008921507745981216), ('zone ', 0.013176005333662033), ('is ', -0.03873947262763977), ('amazing', 0.68015231564641), ('.', -0.041807059198617935), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great customer service today!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.20076393336057663), ('customer ', 0.02593766339123249), ('service ', 0.04172888584434986), ('today', 0.12496677413582802), ('!', 0.27062956988811493), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Fun place. Sandwiches satisfactory.'} [('', 0.0), ('Fun ', 0.18408313393592834), ('place', 0.051330626010894775), ('. ', 0.11094698309898376), ('Sandwiches ', -0.0449404688552022), ('satisfactory', 0.41632234398275614), ('.', -0.026614423841238022), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Not bad for a chain.'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', 0.2643991168733919), ('bad ', 0.29525478903451585), ('for ', -0.05435514239434269), ('a ', 0.20692883245646954), ('chain', -0.05649980343878269), ('.', 0.03419221565127373), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Quick response, very clean cab, friendly service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Quick ', -0.018402379006147385), ('response', 0.12517212703824043), (', ', 0.14905043691396713), ('very ', 0.10428807628341019), ('clean ', 0.23245976213365793), ('cab', -0.1339670999441296), (', ', 0.017539039254188538), ('friendly ', 0.3133286847732961), ('service', -0.07717938302084804), ('.', -0.016077091917395592), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'super rude service!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('super ', 0.1123487555560132), ('rude ', -0.8127944128245872), ('service', -0.00521793520601932), ('!', 0.12673666605405742), ('!', 0.10150273109320551), ('!', 0.1694718500948511), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Unexpectly good...and they are on skates'} [('', 0.0), ('Une', -0.16236476670019329), ('x', 0.007518816972151399), ('pe', -0.014558947994373739), ('ct', -0.021194961736910045), ('ly ', -0.07875628978945315), ('good', 0.708553628064692), ('.', -0.028635723516345024), ('.', -0.04701188951730728), ('.', -0.06244445592164993), ('and ', 0.14822001056745648), ('they ', 0.09246631572023034), ('are ', 0.09163051936775446), ('on ', 0.00162498839199543), ('skate', -0.04788535460829735), ('s', -0.019718309864401817), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Honest & knowledgeable, when he answers the phone...'} [('', 0.0), ('Honest ', 0.39155932725407183), ('& ', -0.0032115282956510782), ('knowledge', 0.07760002731811255), ('able', 0.3038994848029688), (', ', -0.0025962479412555695), ('when ', -0.06122530926950276), ('he ', 0.015720591647550464), ('answers ', 0.02800603699385344), ('the ', 0.03832473634489967), ('phone', -0.044948914602476485), ('.', -0.0031673251651227474), ('.', -0.05670975148677826), ('.', -0.07379834353923798), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Poor service...'} [('', 0.0), ('Poor ', -0.5846433802471438), ('service', 0.15803660375058826), ('.', 0.09222765913909825), ('.', 0.04364556747532333), ('.', -0.04490159844135633), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'great low prices'} [('', 0.0), ('great ', 0.2384383830067236), ('low ', -0.681531476744567), ('prices', -0.07928919944970403), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Overpriced. Got the orders mixed up.'} [('', 0.0), ('Over', -0.1461139965122129), ('pr', 0.02118553503350995), ('ice', -0.054662292737702955), ('d', 0.02779401032421447), ('. ', -0.017234334845852572), ('Got ', 0.0691136014629592), ('the ', 0.061826922681575525), ('orders ', -0.08730986359569215), ('mixed ', -0.2008836265113132), ('up', 0.028374368232107372), ('.', -0.03548921872425126), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Ok if you need a toco fix.'} [('', 0.0), ('Ok ', 0.37077666010009125), ('if ', 0.21136717553599738), ('you ', 0.2685836839664262), ('need ', -0.09329552241251804), ('a ', 0.02842010310268961), ('to', 0.004894506455457304), ('co ', -0.009116464039834682), ('fix', -0.047342478414066136), ('.', -0.028493836522102356), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Awesome service. Reliable.'} [('', 0.0), ('Awesome ', 0.22282780334353447), ('service', 0.007231961935758591), ('. ', 0.10209666937589645), ('Reliable', 0.3541668951511383), ('.', -0.022290781140327454), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'best coffee around.'} [('', 0.0), ('best ', 0.3372288942337036), ('coffee ', 0.048756226897239685), ('around', 0.24466855823993683), ('.', -0.044447094202041626), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'I eat there all the time! Good food, reasonably priced.'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', -0.00935274362564087), ('eat ', 0.08492953423410654), ('there ', 0.008583358488976955), ('all ', 0.06027805036865175), ('the ', 0.016103790374472737), ('time', -0.049136786721646786), ('! ', 0.17963477037847042), ('Good ', 0.18856427446007729), ('food', -0.009105809032917023), (', ', -0.014857586473226547), ('reasonably ', 0.11623010691255331), ('priced', 0.05666912812739611), ('.', -0.019104409962892532), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Dr.Miller and his staff is the best.'} [('', 0.0), ('Dr', 0.03413360193371773), ('.', 0.13372154161334038), ('Miller ', 0.03993205726146698), ('and ', 0.12348328530788422), ('his ', -0.06356531288474798), ('staff ', 0.04000526759773493), ('is ', 0.03895007667597383), ('the ', 0.13799848745111376), ('best', 0.22749637253582478), ('.', -0.015250599011778831), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Corny? Sometimes. Unexpected? YES! Hilarious? Verymuchso.'} [('', 0.0), ('Corn', -0.20310859507299028), ('y', -0.0523933999647852), ('? ', -0.0890765028889291), ('Sometimes', -0.03779843117808923), ('. ', 0.07530220504850149), ('Unexpected', 0.13697948229673784), ('? ', -0.03215297205315437), ('YES', 0.18444999167695642), ('! ', 0.13156816782429814), ('Hilarious', 0.607214248389937), ('? ', -0.07474072615150362), ('Very', -0.026773484831210226), ('mu', -0.02224622998619452), ('chs', -0.023452153138350695), ('o', -0.008257983543444425), ('.', -0.015487855300307274), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Very funny.'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.20729713141918182), ('funny', 0.23142008483409882), ('.', 0.03817644715309143), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "No hot water, soap that doesn't lather."} [('', 0.0), ('No ', -0.49806400478701107), ('hot ', 0.18980594753520563), ('water', 0.03149226700770669), (', ', -0.04414195189019665), ('soap ', -0.022118649780168198), ('that ', 0.009336373652331531), ('doesn', 7.899448428361211e-05), ("'", -0.006663233465587837), ('t ', 0.005936138659308199), ('la', 0.11193443009688053), ('ther', -0.03824371745577082), ('.', -0.08219749193813186), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "Not good at all. Don't go here."} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', -0.5611306982118549), ('good ', 0.41571338452422424), ('at ', -0.029862106087875873), ('all', 0.01824922542891727), ('. ', -0.01731754182037548), ('Don', -0.019517650412126386), ("'", -0.10642499318328191), ('t ', -0.12222710405512771), ('go ', 0.07007286022690096), ('here', 0.033830485036560276), ('.', -0.014975372510889429), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great deals! Great service!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.10774309933185577), ('deals', 0.07596676051616669), ('! ', 0.16186699271202087), ('Great ', 0.22331025078892708), ('service', 0.03721311315894127), ('!', 0.08504287898540497), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "Just an FYI, they've shut down. :("} [('', -9.144440127784037e-06), ('Just ', -0.10956993625700306), ('an ', -0.03887177027490907), ('F', -0.00496736505078843), ('YI', 0.01187488422624483), (', ', 0.0097763888065856), ('they', 0.027227904664641756), ("'", 0.03381426123610254), ('ve ', -0.021421012125415473), ('shut ', -0.0694115407851541), ('down', -0.09346748093753376), ('. ', -0.018684902060158493), (':', -0.044710426471283427), ('(', -0.07174212829704629), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Fantastic!!! And Vivian is my favorite!!!!! Love that place.'} [('', 0.0), ('Fantastic', 0.1508760042488575), ('!', -0.018215883523225784), ('!', 0.0009203348308801651), ('! ', -0.005108309909701347), ('And ', 0.017682584235444665), ('Vivian ', 0.041767347836866975), ('is ', 0.013705414448243877), ('my ', 0.0336480566378062), ('favorite', 0.061610393303756915), ('!', -0.03155699837952852), ('!', -0.03376125171780586), ('!', -0.02980777621269226), ('!', -0.006345850415527821), ('! ', -0.0020515741780400276), ('Love ', 0.3037225810694508), ('that ', 0.06859695416642353), ('place', -0.007428412674926221), ('.', -0.02755859261378646), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "search Wasabi Jane's rice and noodle works for more reviews."} [('', 0.0), ('search ', -0.2980917327804491), ('Was', -0.06793111405568197), ('abi ', 0.21598276327131316), ('Jane', 0.062363465229282156), ("'", -0.000957765121711418), ('s ', -0.04405625310027972), ('rice ', -0.08980314817745239), ('and ', -0.008206784492358565), ('no', -0.5139790998509852), ('odle ', 0.09552942604932468), ('works ', 0.2358300024352502), ('for ', -0.047805485752178356), ('more ', -0.12051356553274672), ('reviews', 0.3361069864331512), ('.', -0.15484179044142365), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'EXPENSIVE....only window shopped. sadface/'} [('', 0.0), ('EXPENSIVE', -0.17176249285694212), ('.', -0.010480828350409865), ('.', -0.002000928499910515), ('.', -0.016507943895703647), ('.', -0.01755175628932193), ('only ', -0.01983633523195749), ('window ', -0.01456261409475701), ('shop', -0.0033600724309508223), ('ped', -0.019290035266749328), ('. ', -0.00799194436694961), ('sad', -0.04843557739513926), ('face', -0.0200858018361032), ('/', -0.03414864555816166), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'BACON chocolate. Need I say more?'} [('', 0.0), ('BACON ', -0.08612061536405236), ('chocolate', 0.5240642809076235), ('. ', 0.2750860273372382), ('Need ', -0.3336891630315222), ('I ', 0.1833058578777127), ('say ', 0.009835106262471527), ('more', -0.008908440649975091), ('?', -0.0009797720704227686), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': "Mo's Bacon Bar - Enuff said."} [('', 0.0), ('Mo', -0.08218861860223114), ("'", 0.028874605195596814), ('s ', 0.016175413504242897), ('Bacon ', -0.3641500547528267), ('Bar ', -0.1351989102549851), ('- ', 0.014624394942075014), ('En', 0.18527945590903983), ('uf', 0.010406400600913912), ('f ', -0.09706899477168918), ('said', 0.1883504525758326), ('.', -0.047871391754597425), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'So so good. All the chicken dishes are great.'} [('', 0.0), ('So ', -0.03544691018760204), ('so ', -0.021905464585870504), ('good', 0.4065516102127731), ('. ', -0.01609155535697937), ('All ', 0.002173492219299078), ('the ', 0.007342399563640356), ('chicken ', -0.10366419819183648), ('dishes ', 0.02911172271706164), ('are ', -0.0013146977871656418), ('great', 0.41816156543791294), ('.', -0.018866397440433502), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'A Pizza place that DOESNT deliver. false advertisement. enough said'} [('', 0.0), ('A ', 0.07163253808175796), ('Pizza ', -0.026320290137846314), ('place ', 0.08183518443092908), ('that ', -0.0024522086550859967), ('DOESN', -0.20734103850281826), ('T ', -0.14134361460037326), ('deliver', 0.04017496086999017), ('. ', -0.015214474933600286), ('false ', -0.080976068502423), ('advertisement', -0.05665980267986015), ('. ', -0.030701495921675814), ('enough ', -0.06597948344642646), ('said', 0.04342401352550951), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Happy tummy! (:'} [('', 0.0), ('Happy ', 0.39396024215966463), ('tu', 0.0028758225962519646), ('mmy', -0.03623005002737045), ('! ', 0.2690214216709137), ('(', -0.007650457322597504), (':', 0.06913702934980392), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'It is closed, out of business.'} [('', 0.0), ('It ', -0.018715070342295803), ('is ', -0.048924614318821114), ('closed', -0.13488704262272222), (', ', 0.0816916999174282), ('out ', -0.06601172732189298), ('of ', 0.05620476166950539), ('business', -0.11404567892896011), ('.', -0.025268019817303866), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Place is ok .'} [('', 0.0), ('Place ', 0.27628715336322784), ('is ', 0.02527763694524765), ('ok ', 0.32934343069791794), ('.', -0.044363439083099365), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Wrong place. my review is regarding Siena Hills Primary Care.'} [('', 0.0), ('Wrong ', -0.560850276335259), ('place', 0.05273807169578504), ('. ', 0.08356637923861854), ('my ', 0.00716473646753002), ('review ', 0.14966384917352116), ('is ', 0.048288102912920294), ('regarding ', -0.09292358669699752), ('Siena ', 0.03384549556358252), ('Hills ', 0.05615987742203288), ('Primary ', -0.05706055484915851), ('Care', -0.04160907373443479), ('.', -0.05041027526021935), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "not all it's crabbed up to be."} [('', 0.0), ('not ', -0.27231713687069714), ('all ', -0.017375382129102945), ('it', -0.03550331725273281), ("'", 0.0040364614833379164), ('s ', 0.003276849995017983), ('crab', -0.1434148921034648), ('bed ', -0.1631885172755574), ('up ', 0.09972800148534589), ('to ', 0.13725932440138422), ('be', 0.0925047573982738), ('.', -0.02952780993655324), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Not really worth it. Just paying for location'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', -0.5730925232401205), ('really ', 0.12564547241663604), ('worth ', 0.2585550779544974), ('it', 0.01829924309913622), ('. ', 0.02460796884042793), ('Just ', -0.04833523901470471), ('paying ', -0.04617895784394932), ('for ', 0.008817857526082662), ('location', -0.054962365413302905), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great atmosphere. Fair food. Nothing like Miami location.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.3318462842144072), ('atmosphere', 0.11507888371124864), ('. ', 0.04489812161773443), ('Fair ', 0.16540048411116004), ('food', 0.12525950139388442), ('. ', -0.026167619042098522), ('Nothing ', -0.1492968618258601), ('like ', 0.0706435057654744), ('Miami ', 0.10162950679659843), ('location', -0.09024998359382153), ('.', -0.023170262575149536), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "Couldn't be better. Enough said!"} [('', 0.0), ('Couldn', -0.12091882026288658), ("'", -0.006602615001611412), ('t ', -0.1065630684606731), ('be ', -0.09296561626251787), ('better', -0.07845002238173038), ('. ', 0.09623093763366342), ('Enough ', -0.31988512445241213), ('said', 0.2178632877767086), ('!', 0.3458498204126954), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'All I can say is YUM!!!! Service was great also.'} [('', 0.0), ('All ', -0.05318044405430555), ('I ', -0.014467973727732897), ('can ', -0.03206060314550996), ('say ', 0.015160684124566615), ('is ', 0.009494358324445784), ('YU', 0.014289491693489254), ('M', -0.06693501595873386), ('!', 0.01564804557710886), ('!', -0.030985393561422825), ('!', 0.004218709655106068), ('! ', 0.0002654530107975006), ('Service ', -0.06703727737476584), ('was ', -0.051478635738021694), ('great ', 0.7915373021824053), ('also', 0.06912198579811957), ('.', -0.05215450096875429), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Very good seafood'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.21921810507774353), ('good ', 0.14366652071475983), ('seafood', 0.11397899687290192), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': '\\"Great view, pretty good food, but so overpriced\\"'} [('', 0.0), ('\\', -0.018023742049990688), ('"', 0.0005624726927635493), ('Great ', 0.16359818773526058), ('view', 0.00545507195420214), (', ', -0.015870057672145776), ('pretty ', 0.055409709759260295), ('good ', 0.12259769325828529), ('food', -0.016737331105105113), (', ', -0.022932123058126308), ('but ', -0.2920182393208961), ('so ', -0.02228381923487177), ('over', -0.22618126130328164), ('pr', -0.07954198570587323), ('ice', -0.027562255223529064), ('d', -0.002543863820392289), ('\\', -0.014710790088429349), ('"', -0.05897482464206405), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Lamb chops and scallop is so yummy.'} [('', 0.0), ('Lamb ', -0.057920316234230995), ('chop', -0.09958085743710399), ('s ', 0.01821221550926566), ('and ', 0.02056528301909566), ('sc', -0.08877568901516497), ('all', -0.007038064184598625), ('op ', -0.027180343749932945), ('is ', 0.13935924266115762), ('so ', 0.030252505181124434), ('yu', 0.23211771628120914), ('mmy', 0.21005099633475766), ('.', 0.21533816121518612), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great Tapas, decent if not mildly aloof service!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.33343906700611115), ('Tap', 0.016426170244812965), ('as', -0.0267623458057642), (', ', -0.015162304043769836), ('decent ', 0.4208404002711177), ('if ', -0.01957027753815055), ('not ', -0.014647300471551716), ('mildly ', 0.021471761749126017), ('al', -0.02761006134096533), ('oof ', -0.09904756990727037), ('service', -0.08036727970466018), ('!', 0.11657794797793031), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Memphis BBQ -Yuuuuuuuuuuuuum!!!\\n\\ncream corn, mac & cheese, BBQ Oooh MY!!!!'} [('', -0.0001258854288607836), ('Memphis ', -0.03313078400678933), ('BB', -0.0415220898304445), ('Q ', -0.00996598086397474), ('-', -0.0028750396178414423), ('Yu', -0.002043496850092197), ('u', -0.0043668360776791815), ('u', -0.011326679235935444), ('u', -0.009471824483625824), ('u', -0.008447129210253479), ('u', -0.009105468681809725), ('u', -0.01121789681565133), ('u', -0.009934057819918962), ('u', -0.0135762854013592), ('u', -0.01358384471386671), ('u', -0.014406319059586774), ('u', -0.0150006055405053), ('um', -0.022497824356347944), ('!', -0.02888238144805655), ('!', -0.019059855811065063), ('!', -0.01749692516750656), ('\\', -0.010254165251050532), ('n', -0.008718453761199877), ('\\', -0.009441954962918922), ('nc', -0.01364400414095144), ('rea', -0.02168094397566165), ('m ', -0.01046444467137917), ('corn', -0.03360469242252293), (', ', -0.016946820064185887), ('mac ', -0.0007592125991571016), ('& ', 0.000503463837296956), ('cheese', -0.03312524397254244), (', ', -0.004900253152961589), ('BB', -0.012317804245099836), ('Q ', -0.006215904639389777), ('O', -0.0034482042090735474), ('oo', -0.0034482042090735474), ('h ', -0.0031083733327454963), ('MY', -0.004330792730030083), ('!', -0.004541991544243359), ('!', -0.0067157869634684175), ('!', -0.008874335646396503), ('!', -0.012350797973340377), ('', 0.0005195845442358404)] {'label': 4, 'text': "One of the best places I've had Greek food at."} [('', 0.0), ('One ', -0.022312527522444725), ('of ', 0.06386877875775099), ('the ', 0.0018876520916819572), ('best ', 0.3534233793616295), ('places ', -0.020393766462802887), ('I', 0.08497128635644913), ("'", -0.013721533119678497), ('ve ', -0.08626285381615162), ('had ', 0.06513314507901669), ('Greek ', 0.20620313356630504), ('food ', 0.02465310343541205), ('at', 0.028246751986443996), ('.', -0.07630760222673416), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Gud herbz mon'} [('', 0.0), ('Gu', -0.06106787105090916), ('d ', 0.022698995424434543), ('herb', -0.20714026724454015), ('z ', 0.0753333029570058), ('mon', -0.15349767380394042), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Is very good'} [('', 0.0), ('Is ', 0.12001073360443115), ('very ', 0.1345827877521515), ('good', 0.2222658097743988), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Fast and Easy.\\nAlways great prices.\\nI love their per-packed Sushi'} [('', 0.0), ('Fast ', 0.10162205435335636), ('and ', 0.1258752141147852), ('Easy', -0.05271189007908106), ('.', 0.010020767338573933), ('\\', -0.006413524970412254), ('nA', -0.05494968348648399), ('l', 0.03417187591549009), ('ways ', 0.009266912005841732), ('great ', 0.1836259620031342), ('prices', -0.08587142860051244), ('.', 0.0037311362102627754), ('\\', -0.02030389802530408), ('nI ', -0.04274012427777052), ('love ', 0.3182530312333256), ('their ', 0.05529828113503754), ('per', -0.05692140618339181), ('-', -0.005440024193376303), ('packed ', 0.017994707450270653), ('Su', -0.038200666196644306), ('shi', 0.015133487991988659), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'The only cool art gallery in Las Vegas :)'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.14099386986345053), ('only ', -0.6363320667296648), ('cool ', 0.24349171575158834), ('art ', -0.024759365594945848), ('gallery ', -0.03506146848667413), ('in ', 0.026003309292718768), ('Las ', 0.06221970613114536), ('Vegas ', 0.198842057492584), (':', -0.028001988888718188), (')', 0.045031425659544766), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'I hate this place. Everything about it is fake.'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', -0.008553808904252946), ('hate ', -0.1998603714218916), ('this ', 0.06459112540142087), ('place', -0.0060840704827569425), ('. ', -0.016864812874700874), ('Everything ', 0.0897149392258143), ('about ', 0.06890148406091612), ('it ', -0.03774481374239258), ('is ', -0.0212543684119737), ('fake', -0.23115650327963522), ('.', -0.03524286433821544), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Palabra!'} [('', 0.0), ('Pal', 0.010353494435548782), ('ab', 0.02391180768609047), ('ra', 0.10342829674482346), ('!', 0.4477221518754959), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': "Starbucks review? Here goes..... great as always. \\n\\nYou're welcome."} [('', 2.1225876278347437e-06), ('Starbucks ', -0.0974983923499369), ('review', 0.029116900974056788), ('? ', -0.06842039468594724), ('Here ', -0.05494681118418359), ('goes', -0.023457896675811045), ('.', 0.011431641281685896), ('.', -0.00867384196155601), ('.', -0.01340057969921165), ('.', -0.0053407561499625444), ('. ', -0.0074092617724090815), ('great ', 0.3645539476128761), ('as ', 0.026856986078200862), ('always', 0.00042849418241530657), ('. ', -0.016326940152794123), ('\\', -0.009147432399913669), ('n', -0.005639249517116696), ('\\', -0.009031015390064567), ('nY', 0.008072488592006266), ('ou', -0.015745689976029098), ("'", 0.0027300063520669937), ('re ', -0.0468435573275201), ('welcome', 0.4037627621437423), ('.', 0.03296601306647062), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Never again stay away scammers'} [('', 0.0), ('Never ', 0.18757479754276574), ('again ', 0.23646942646882962), ('stay ', 0.010331949291867204), ('away ', -0.05658597603905946), ('sc', -0.5632773461547913), ('am', -0.006732190100592561), ('mers', -0.016986377857392654), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'there ok'} [('', 0.0), ('there ', 0.10110294818878174), ('ok', 0.17195749282836914), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Average quality. Slow service,'} [('', 0.0), ('Average ', -0.10386738379384042), ('quality', 0.2609354216219799), ('. ', 0.14308626064303098), ('Slow ', -0.6703458121883159), ('service', 0.032448943155031884), (',', 0.02935301708203042), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'excellent customer service and conveniently located.'} [('', 0.0), ('excellent ', 0.2768635284155607), ('customer ', 0.02267722599208355), ('service ', 0.019790727645158768), ('and ', 0.060385093092918396), ('convenient', 0.1025296812877059), ('ly ', -0.008419283665716648), ('located', 0.2765581030398607), ('.', -0.02116653323173523), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Expensive and pizza sucks!'} [('', 0.0), ('Expensive ', -0.06438745680497959), ('and ', 0.24520801397738978), ('pizza ', 0.03933967371995095), ('sucks', -0.7603140426945174), ('!', 0.20786558825057), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': "Pear cider on tap and great ground beef quesudilla's!!!!"} [('', 8.77082347869873e-05), ('Pear ', -0.06769974995404482), ('cid', 0.23882400407455862), ('er ', 0.0939829268027097), ('on ', -0.03811068832874298), ('tap ', -0.0674418369308114), ('and ', 0.10624610353261232), ('great ', 0.40800188831053674), ('ground ', -0.04418047773651779), ('beef ', -0.2799569023773074), ('que', 0.0002497485838830471), ('su', -0.032752329017966986), ('di', 0.02275991305941716), ('lla', -0.011327467451337725), ("'", 0.014985218993388116), ('s', 0.08895177172962576), ('!', 0.11767650488764048), ('!', -0.004132997244596481), ('!', 0.000464756041765213), ('!', -0.034534163773059845), ('', 6.490945816040039e-05)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'This place has been shut down.'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', 0.021383125615102472), ('place ', 0.1793525481607503), ('has ', 0.12520626262084988), ('been ', -0.10483111938901857), ('shut ', -0.15787707251820393), ('down', -0.2649933317752584), ('.', -0.07445623772582621), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Affordable and appears to be clean.'} [('', 0.0), ('Affordable ', 0.3115544244647026), ('and ', 0.0646001473069191), ('appears ', 0.054828613298013806), ('to ', 0.20585088548250496), ('be ', -0.15458378568291664), ('clean', 0.26092016277834773), ('.', -0.021260209381580353), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Awesome burgers!!!!!!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Awesome ', 0.38139303401112556), ('burger', -0.05661703273653984), ('s', 0.02580086886882782), ('!', 0.018105484545230865), ('!', 0.04641830921173096), ('!', 0.02455110475420952), ('!', 0.02871540281921625), ('!', 0.05143739562481642), ('!', 0.04475429840385914), ('!', 0.031080709770321846), ('!', 0.0703510157763958), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Good food fun people!'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.19670727103948593), ('food ', 0.0605985913425684), ('fun ', 0.0656211469322443), ('people', 0.07049277797341347), ('!', 0.2706184834241867), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Cheap internet price and then they add lots of fees.'} [('', 0.0), ('Cheap ', -0.3410215170297306), ('internet ', -0.22672935636364855), ('price ', -0.042492488224525005), ('and ', 0.016060433525126427), ('then ', -0.023305275142774917), ('they ', 0.16852155276865233), ('add ', 0.12408553270506673), ('lots ', 0.044262108189286664), ('of ', 0.04482869893399766), ('fees', -0.09542717946897028), ('.', 0.0033366582065355033), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Clean hospital and plenty of parking'} [('', 0.0), ('Clean ', 0.4358964813873172), ('hospital ', -0.1467758370563388), ('and ', 0.08964124321937561), ('plenty ', 0.3066011923365295), ('of ', -0.015147003810852766), ('parking', 0.018594510853290558), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Staff was nice.'} [('', 0.0), ('Staff ', 0.25502072274684906), ('was ', -0.10501920990645885), ('nice', 0.48091219179332256), ('.', -0.044352829456329346), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Food items forgotten in drive through'} [('', 0.0), ('Food ', 0.13516556411923375), ('items ', 0.07966954310541041), ('forgotten ', -0.39464711751497816), ('in ', 0.00135715334181441), ('drive ', -0.07887732458038954), ('through', -0.05100119658163749), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Nice sandwich shop.'} [('', 0.0), ('Nice ', 0.7924235416576266), ('sandwich ', -0.14011559868231416), ('shop', -0.02181066619232297), ('.', -0.04422888159751892), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Always busy, food usually cold. Sigh.'} [('', 0.0), ('Always ', 0.10823608981445432), ('busy', -0.21647600198048167), (', ', 0.04031545578618534), ('food ', 0.17901696607805206), ('usually ', 0.005208013430092251), ('cold', -0.31177352793019963), ('. ', 0.004896353668300435), ('Sigh', -0.06318241060944274), ('.', -0.03027454315451905), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Cheese graters for callous removal????'} [('', 0.0), ('Cheese ', -0.07149957622459624), ('gr', -0.02500568071991438), ('ater', -0.00694438334176084), ('s ', -0.006455431648646481), ('for ', -0.011308016350085381), ('call', -0.02818120684241876), ('ous ', -0.013605000633106101), ('removal', -0.021320891624782234), ('?', -0.02548738928453531), ('?', -0.044615115475608036), ('?', -0.04382128230645321), ('?', -0.07303528394550085), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Your typical Walgreens experience.'} [('', 0.0), ('Your ', 0.08760644751600921), ('typical ', -0.675958288135007), ('Wal', 0.03122644836548716), ('gree', 0.10069328220561147), ('ns ', -0.13070100580807775), ('experience', 0.2834541773190722), ('.', 0.03997554664965719), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'This store is closed. :( So disappointed!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', -0.009472379285398347), ('store ', -0.06851626635398134), ('is ', -0.0038485436466544343), ('closed', -0.060196745128905604), ('. ', -0.010226357877400005), (':', -0.03358265950373607), ('( ', 0.021696706379771058), ('So ', -0.06047647746436269), ('disappointed', -0.1345969861699814), ('!', -0.00787992161940565), ('!', 0.0027152684324391885), ('!', -0.007998013130418258), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Hilarious! My stomach hurt from laughing so much! Must see!'} [('', 0.0), ('Hilarious', 0.5780719170579687), ('! ', -0.038460697629489005), ('My ', 0.014000725801452063), ('stomach ', -0.011781529363361187), ('hurt ', -0.3106332441238919), ('from ', -0.05280788506206591), ('laughing ', 0.030939640735596186), ('so ', -0.000659123183140764), ('much', 0.023190268089820165), ('! ', 0.07424485593219288), ('Must ', 0.04353180527687073), ('see', 0.2660209462046623), ('!', -0.0065575167536735535), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Gross everything'} [('', 0.0), ('Gross ', -0.8578695471733226), ('everything', 0.13135192685149377), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great sushi bar great staff highly recommend'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.3582054153084755), ('su', -0.04550805129110813), ('shi ', 0.0489493478089571), ('bar ', -0.017543351277709007), ('great ', 0.08516555093228817), ('staff ', 0.04738685116171837), ('highly ', 0.06798211112618446), ('recommend', 0.1845596879720688), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "The Service was trouble, Don't go !!!"} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.010646892427757848), ('Service ', -0.03758989063680929), ('was ', -0.028533288141261437), ('trouble', -0.07493854751737672), (', ', -0.029485433929949068), ('Don', -0.08301679465876077), ("'", -0.07318851700620144), ('t ', -0.16747799076256342), ('go ', 0.10457174755720189), ('!', 0.042675332275393885), ('!', 0.004824048548471183), ('!', -0.016353641054593027), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'waker upper'} [('', 0.0), ('wake', 0.12107895314693451), ('r ', 0.08270998299121857), ('upper', 0.16359460353851318), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'great sushi'} [('', 0.0), ('great ', 0.2680967450141907), ('su', -0.03321259468793869), ('shi', 0.2418723627924919), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Great food. Fun vibe from the sushi chefs!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.2609937712550163), ('food', 0.0751572772860527), ('. ', -0.003073081374168396), ('Fun ', 0.2230972358956933), ('vibe ', 0.1295487554743886), ('from ', -0.07584046991541982), ('the ', 0.021214476320892572), ('su', -0.049707107711583376), ('shi ', 0.0060516237281262875), ('chefs', 0.04031381290405989), ('!', 0.03830790892243385), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Fun, good food.'} [('', 0.0), ('Fun', 0.21272990852594376), (', ', 0.1193041279911995), ('good ', 0.18480848520994186), ('food', 0.16962891072034836), ('.', -0.022434234619140625), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Never Disappoints- My son won;t go anywhere else!'} [('', 0.0), ('Never ', 0.17517639108700678), ('Di', 0.18664417549371137), ('sa', 0.017691370212560287), ('pp', 0.0012666467440188474), ('oint', -0.07054640103948866), ('s', 0.027042233502773644), ('- ', -0.07286379222932737), ('My ', -0.019138778836349957), ('son ', 0.04381077841389924), ('won', -0.03333033874514513), (';', 0.05382270098925801), ('t ', -0.3321060772432247), ('go ', -0.06872951935595968), ('anywhere ', -0.1266899536052127), ('else', -0.09317269331343898), ('!', -0.011105635712738149), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "Worst sushi I've ever had"} [('', 0.0), ('Worst ', -0.6333299594916753), ('su', -0.14497299773029226), ('shi ', 0.15111750638425292), ('I', 0.08503250217745517), ("'", 0.02569169457001408), ('ve ', 0.042577849805638834), ('ever ', 0.18131449964221247), ('had', 0.0221856599127932), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great place to have a little happy hour fun!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.31030165404081345), ('place ', 0.002992350608110428), ('to ', 0.03508870676159859), ('have ', -0.013565607368946075), ('a ', 0.014316532760858536), ('little ', -0.01975836930796504), ('happy ', 0.19330429984256625), ('hour ', -0.011220497079193592), ('fun', 0.1864487836137414), ('!', -0.0009768493473529816), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Terrible, my comments in the tip section tells it all.'} [('', 0.0), ('Terrible', -0.6573644079035148), (', ', -0.023324159323237836), ('my ', -0.02861264336934255), ('comments ', -0.010894560165979783), ('in ', -0.008855584548655315), ('the ', 0.008841297270919313), ('tip ', -0.025598534102755366), ('section ', -0.01540321822903934), ('tells ', 0.3792336547639934), ('it ', 0.04522866798288305), ('all', -0.006348535452161741), ('.', -0.02643897467351053), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Way better than Chipotle!'} [('', 0.0), ('Way ', 0.05616413801908493), ('better ', 0.09852111712098122), ('than ', 0.23311370983719826), ('Chip', 0.07109404692891985), ('ot', 0.060691519058309495), ('le', -0.01838248036801815), ('!', 0.2221362553536892), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Pizza huts food takes like crap!'} [('', 0.0), ('Pizza ', -0.05712214943196159), ('huts ', -0.12882615313719725), ('food ', 0.18106116177659715), ('takes ', 0.03557915241981391), ('like ', -0.03213151603267761), ('crap', -0.4570218299559201), ('!', 0.18250918453850318), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Wings were outstanding!'} [('', 0.0), ('Wings ', 0.15064051002264023), ('were ', -0.018165890127420425), ('outstanding', 0.17693739756941795), ('!', 0.27717186510562897), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Fresh Pasta made daily. Highly recommend this place.'} [('', 0.0), ('Fresh ', 0.25307147204875946), ('Pasta ', 0.01497987424954772), ('made ', 0.07201751647517085), ('daily', -0.0008480558171868324), ('. ', 0.0058580487966537476), ('Highly ', 0.08454572688788176), ('recommend ', 0.12886841129511595), ('this ', 0.10707323928363621), ('place', 0.06306481244973838), ('.', -0.03173508867621422), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'One of our favorite Mexican places in town!'} [('', 0.0), ('One ', -0.043512433767318726), ('of ', 0.05068492889404297), ('our ', 0.20761729776859283), ('favorite ', 0.16751073487102985), ('Mexican ', 0.07306036911904812), ('places ', 0.023500406416133046), ('in ', 0.08484775735996664), ('town', 0.10895967949181795), ('!', 0.04001884162425995), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great place, nice people, superb service!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.27607458643615246), ('place', 0.04040835238993168), (', ', 0.03997410088777542), ('nice ', 0.15464836359024048), ('people', -0.007005181163549423), (', ', 0.030632678419351578), ('superb ', 0.1764659145846963), ('service', 0.00020769145339727402), ('!', 0.0016122981905937195), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Pretty small, but the people are nice'} [('', 0.0), ('Pretty ', 0.10852175019681454), ('small', -0.21500387601554394), (', ', 0.09814605861902237), ('but ', -0.04763732245191932), ('the ', 0.021732602966949344), ('people ', -0.007941552670672536), ('are ', 0.11691588070243597), ('nice', 0.6544729610905051), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Sucky, and not a very good area either.'} [('', 0.0), ('Suck', -0.13703547675322625), ('y', -0.004394765241158893), (', ', -0.01921989475522423), ('and ', 0.0027529627732292283), ('not ', -0.5514886961564116), ('a ', 0.009556491705552617), ('very ', 0.034734141693206766), ('good ', 0.3953001661243434), ('area ', -0.00893452966647601), ('either', -0.03948158220282494), ('.', -0.015391485947475303), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Expensive coffee.'} [('', 0.0), ('Expensive ', -0.2174970107153058), ('coffee', 0.6359447138383985), ('.', 0.044747382402420044), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'pow ! ! !'} [('', 0.0), ('pow ', 0.036198247224092484), ('! ', 0.11777539923787117), ('! ', 0.15116054564714432), ('!', 0.27792908251285553), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'the clothes come back clean but way too expensive!!'} [('', 0.0), ('the ', 0.011164138342792285), ('clothes ', -0.022857239360746462), ('come ', 0.08133629348048999), ('back ', -0.08394126833718474), ('clean ', 0.05160821248591674), ('but ', -0.17328167911000492), ('way ', 0.14895876149330434), ('too ', -0.27898564422412164), ('expensive', -0.06937690795712115), ('!', 0.01934170127424295), ('!', -0.017146850936114788), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "It's taco bell, neither really good or bad"} [('', 0.0), ('It', -0.001046716248310986), ("'", 0.013808517547658994), ('s ', 0.004497708439885173), ('ta', 0.1130232878804236), ('co ', 0.072664967899982), ('bell', 0.008986509146780008), (', ', 0.095122273756715), ('neither ', -0.30728905602154555), ('really ', -0.10782591463066638), ('good ', 0.07549809177726274), ('or ', -0.06884376710513607), ('bad', -0.2705846116441535), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Who doesnt love starbucks! Any place, any time!'} [('', 0.0), ('Who ', -0.21012954763136804), ('doesn', -0.17381496372399852), ('t ', -0.20221046038204804), ('love ', 0.41791135258972645), ('starbucks', -0.03176357410848141), ('! ', -0.0038046990521252155), ('Any ', -0.05554620159091428), ('place', -0.016101627552416176), (', ', -0.029477493138983846), ('any ', -0.041638856317149475), ('time', -0.00409596852841787), ('!', -0.01054989523254335), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'grande skinny caramel macchiato.... only 140-calories!!! amazing :)'} [('', 0.0028811356518417598), ('grande ', 0.06452047484926879), ('skinny ', -0.033327680686488746), ('cara', 0.003664299007505178), ('mel ', -0.01588814044371247), ('mac', -0.09519666204384218), ('chia', -0.05476680762755374), ('to', -0.05323071746776501), ('.', -0.038670034729875624), ('.', -0.013825095016121244), ('.', -0.01294854911005435), ('. ', -0.03624675782824246), ('only ', -0.3932141745244735), ('140', -0.03551014253025642), ('-', 0.02347331070632208), ('cal', -0.06802666120105035), ('ories', -0.039081811698755096), ('!', -0.02858714752558929), ('!', -0.018331396306166425), ('! ', -0.01959611047641374), ('amazing ', 0.5294125877820383), (':', -0.003514878847151218), (')', -0.13288347875156128), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'do not move here!!'} [('', 0.0), ('do ', -0.03497590872575529), ('not ', -0.6471595701123078), ('move ', -0.011208646884369955), ('here', 0.11367588694884034), ('!', 0.10164681343303528), ('!', 0.1695930274145212), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Food was not bad, but not really good either.'} [('', 0.0), ('Food ', 0.028501083914306946), ('was ', 0.0153695641683953), ('not ', 0.13256953077052458), ('bad', 0.13380351127125323), (', ', 0.019205983873689547), ('but ', -0.17681022371107247), ('not ', -0.5752805654465192), ('really ', -0.03054350656020688), ('good ', 0.19650529169575748), ('either', -0.04747759094698267), ('.', -0.02742773680438404), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Nom nom nom.'} [('', 0.0), ('No', -0.19284299435094), ('m ', 0.26656754733994603), ('no', -0.043284143903292716), ('m ', 0.19050614873412997), ('no', -0.1603797334828414), ('m', 0.19050163362408057), ('.', -0.13756604492664337), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'The Mint Chocolate Almond Concrete is always made perfect!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.01823596190661192), ('Mint ', 0.06833833875134587), ('Chocolate ', 0.20879883924499154), ('Almond ', 0.0015428236220031977), ('Concrete ', -0.020562686724588275), ('is ', -0.02427716745296493), ('always ', 0.06515274062985554), ('made ', 0.09789273561909795), ('perfect', 0.19421367393806577), ('!', 0.064905752427876), ('!', 0.005501970648765564), ('!', -0.01598721742630005), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'A little too sweet for me!'} [('', 0.0), ('A ', 0.3361993922444526), ('little ', -0.10956326704763342), ('too ', -0.42266720918996725), ('sweet ', 0.45237870328492136), ('for ', 0.1980020243972831), ('me', 0.14273225014767377), ('!', 0.008855944717652164), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'The vanilla custard with Oreos is super yummy!'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.010368287563323975), ('vanilla ', 0.028472207486629486), ('cu', -0.031666768714785576), ('star', 0.05320504307746887), ('d ', 0.013540392741560936), ('with ', 0.027931194752454758), ('Ore', 0.05061413440853357), ('os ', -0.04028622526675463), ('is ', 0.057623942382633686), ('super ', 0.1924026980996132), ('yu', 0.1517845499329269), ('mmy', -0.007938411552459002), ('!', 0.12335338070988655), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'very expensive and not that impressed.'} [('', 0.0), ('very ', 0.12857574941881467), ('expensive ', -0.03648814506595954), ('and ', 0.26049444171076175), ('not ', -0.8269002274755621), ('that ', 0.03864289837656543), ('impressed', 0.18312268673616927), ('.', -0.023337303049629554), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Not so friendly..mediocre service'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', -0.43065416260469647), ('so ', 0.04377298273357155), ('friendly', 0.21507588888925966), ('.', 0.028994793730817037), ('.', 0.02396983574362821), ('med', -0.05897531351138241), ('io', 0.00032007362688091234), ('cre ', -0.049188758755008166), ('service', -0.059945623064777465), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Wont go back. Very little seating in bar area.'} [('', 0.0), ('Won', 0.3567446801971528), ('t ', -0.0926502001893823), ('go ', 0.04824460371310124), ('back', -0.029300267044163775), ('. ', 0.02398780666408129), ('Very ', -0.20627117223557434), ('little ', -0.37235458346185624), ('seating ', 0.019082680766587146), ('in ', -0.04927923417562852), ('bar ', -0.03183478127903072), ('area', -0.014655344966740813), ('.', -0.021416816802229732), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "They don't have BBQ Pork? Really? \\n$3 delivery fee\\n\\nno thanks"} [('', 4.927380359731615e-06), ('They ', -0.012307322511333041), ('don', -0.008690475750578722), ("'", -0.01703285490172372), ('t ', -0.018306517066472832), ('have ', -0.014613280829507858), ('BB', -0.020817514989175834), ('Q ', -0.012922073845402338), ('Pork', -0.03954715686268173), ('? ', -0.010588189121335745), ('Really', -0.03373963001649827), ('? ', -0.052701956243254244), ('\\', -0.015623385465005413), ('n', -0.016553098830627277), ('$', -0.05982639950525481), ('3 ', -0.010648725161445327), ('delivery ', -0.01670906730578281), ('fee', -0.020122256784816273), ('\\', -0.012446328430087306), ('n', -0.015237752682878636), ('\\', -0.01673933105485048), ('n', 0.013656404757057317), ('no ', -0.3010293889674358), ('thanks', 0.241633769866894), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Delicious fresh fruit smoothies and veggie food too.'} [('', 0.0), ('Delicious ', 0.26089722849428654), ('fresh ', 0.2402740465477109), ('fruit ', 0.01005073357373476), ('smooth', 0.2626086714444682), ('ies ', -0.10907784837763757), ('and ', 0.1228595245629549), ('ve', -0.0008475211216136813), ('gg', 0.008931968244723976), ('ie ', -0.005446706898510456), ('food ', -0.053098142248927616), ('too', -0.08549786410003435), ('.', -0.02437001033104025), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Excellent vegan food. Crispy Chicken sandwich was delish!'} [('', 0.0), ('Excellent ', 0.719618743925821), ('vega', 0.08394851390767144), ('n ', 0.022338054455758538), ('food', 0.005743410816648975), ('. ', -0.030378806521184742), ('Crisp', 0.061560622343677096), ('y ', 0.01885817809670698), ('Chicken ', -0.08983421816083137), ('sandwich ', -0.04665505744924303), ('was ', -0.027656404621666297), ('del', -0.02502969221677631), ('ish', -0.08033570309635252), ('!', -0.0038785053184255958), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "Root beer icy. 'Nuff said."} [('', 0.0), ('Root ', -0.1201180545031093), ('beer ', -0.042803063115570694), ('icy', -0.1261468700831756), ('. ', 0.08707471389789134), ("'", -0.01242904452374205), ('Nu', -0.07115052189328708), ('ff ', -0.05028976980247535), ('said', 0.09103149324073456), ('.', -0.036525890784105286), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Very good, food and service\\nCallie was awesome!\\nPleasantly suprizied'} [('', 4.213303327560425e-06), ('Very ', 0.027471542241983116), ('good', 0.3674831624375656), (', ', -0.015281620435416698), ('food ', -0.01612093666335568), ('and ', 0.003644607204478234), ('service', -0.009929514306713827), ('\\', 0.001753653262858279), ('nC', -0.020806141625507736), ('all', 0.030832859768997876), ('ie ', -0.026108692333218643), ('was ', 0.012560987032581275), ('awesome', 0.329222016344526), ('!', 0.05724929416707406), ('\\', -0.036326786736026406), ('nP', -0.03894919581944123), ('lea', -0.02097626304021105), ('sant', -0.011807193630374968), ('ly ', 0.0004997377982363105), ('su', -0.014832684479188174), ('pr', -0.012675987149123102), ('iz', -0.014765420579351485), ('ied', -0.0903787697898224), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "No biscuits 'n' gravy, what kind of place is this!!"} [('', 0.0), ('No ', -0.15663893272540008), ('biscuits ', 0.01909605413857207), ("'", -0.022924757686269004), ('n', -0.004841614397264493), ("' ", -0.005542561046240735), ('gr', -0.054569654198909724), ('av', 0.021148832206184427), ('y', -0.007257195624485273), (', ', -0.024563240900533856), ('what ', -0.1483082566774101), ('kind ', 0.057322780281538144), ('of ', -0.13097394768738013), ('place ', -0.03507965822245751), ('is ', -0.008102964216959663), ('this', 0.02483141121410881), ('!', 0.04873139080882538), ('!', -0.033566515528946184), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Thanks for the great business cards and fast delivery.'} [('', 0.0), ('Thanks ', 0.18728710897266865), ('for ', -0.008229087106883526), ('the ', 0.0004793936386704445), ('great ', 0.19968025339767337), ('business ', 0.0007090731523931026), ('cards ', -0.033425276167690754), ('and ', 0.012728426605463028), ('fast ', 0.30946706607937813), ('delivery', 0.057087160646915436), ('.', -0.028870876878499985), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Service, scallops, all - top notch in every way!'} [('', 0.0), ('Service', 0.022172920173034072), (', ', 0.04731050948612392), ('sc', -0.21096179581945762), ('all', -0.031515772629063576), ('ops', -0.024831737508066), (', ', 0.0029267689678817987), ('all ', 0.0032358369790017605), ('- ', -0.0017949261236935854), ('top ', 0.3022494225297123), ('notch ', 0.1484701121225953), ('in ', 0.05056108860298991), ('every ', 0.10434297029860318), ('way', 0.11535041593015194), ('!', 0.053692326648160815), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Blah, no flavor. Busy but I have no idea why.'} [('', 0.0), ('Blah', -0.07745521437027492), (', ', -0.015095939190359786), ('no ', -0.2287438648418174), ('flavor', 0.14191600363119505), ('. ', -0.015727180456451606), ('Busy ', -0.05415098017692799), ('but ', -0.04009802079963265), ('I ', 0.002679213264855207), ('have ', -0.0015758428489789367), ('no ', -0.03586687112920117), ('idea ', -0.01116284071622431), ('why', -0.03539786565397662), ('.', -0.0193188929297321), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'XCLLNT service! FABulous alteration/repair!'} [('', 0.0), ('X', 0.0029575361404567957), ('CL', -0.02239129855297506), ('LN', 0.14690185760264285), ('T ', -0.20434759560157545), ('service', -0.05674442648887634), ('! ', -0.009700908325612545), ('FABulous ', 0.899116576416418), ('alteration', -0.012347697746008635), ('/', -0.005995566782075912), ('repair', -0.07391842402284965), ('!', -0.0016061672940850258), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'The coffee is over rated.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.05911206883320119), ('coffee ', 0.07583303959108889), ('is ', 0.10287721156782936), ('over ', -0.7084145811968483), ('rated', 0.24010282778181136), ('.', -0.07790383059182204), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Lol five minute wait For chicken wtf...'} [('', 0.0), ('Lo', -0.03907716616959078), ('l ', -0.005779292834631633), ('five ', -0.009811481104406994), ('minute ', -0.047036507159646135), ('wait ', -0.05641342371200153), ('For ', 0.007381364534012391), ('chicken ', -0.03664608592225704), ('w', 0.004429475167853525), ('tf', -0.03980627779310453), ('.', -0.012869278871221468), ('.', -0.056391261343378574), ('.', -0.07844966149423271), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'The pretzels were delicious and fresh!! Yummy!!'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.023638340644538403), ('pre', -0.01743699423968792), ('tze', -0.03266150690615177), ('ls ', -0.010501011274755001), ('were ', -0.035356449196115136), ('delicious ', 0.23475144733674824), ('and ', -0.0026166588068008423), ('fresh', 0.18426205543801188), ('!', 0.009516680147498846), ('! ', -0.03146531991660595), ('Yu', 0.2072851846460253), ('mmy', -0.028012013295665383), ('!', 0.14337383210659027), ('!', -0.013953283429145813), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Cool manager (shaved head). Good food, quick friendly service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Cool ', 0.3544175672577694), ('manager ', 0.02759758138563484), ('(', -0.02093657269142568), ('shaved ', -0.07080076198326424), ('head', -0.0307950820424594), (')', 0.03388439316768199), ('. ', -0.02612992376089096), ('Good ', 0.2644924493506551), ('food', -0.016795593313872814), (', ', 0.03402957133948803), ('quick ', -0.04259398486465216), ('friendly ', 0.24997814651578665), ('service', -0.1424086056649685), ('.', -0.03062831237912178), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Teryaki meal! Need I say more?'} [('', 0.0), ('Ter', 0.08090515743242577), ('ya', 0.22670968138845637), ('ki ', -0.09942431061062962), ('meal', 0.033161209896206856), ('! ', 0.19319535931572318), ('Need ', -0.4080250184633769), ('I ', 0.12342422228539363), ('say ', 0.001218821620568633), ('more', -0.038506572833284736), ('?', -0.17837118078023195), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Lunch was okay. Not great, not terrible. Just average.'} [('', 0.0), ('Lunch ', 0.11804734409088269), ('was ', 0.17105188479763456), ('okay', 0.46367827293579467), ('. ', 0.036089200410060585), ('Not ', -0.3646241424503387), ('great', -0.06883266245858977), (', ', -0.0020871380547760054), ('not ', 0.25977165692347626), ('terrible', 0.06752625290573633), ('. ', -0.04104978131726966), ('Just ', -0.022404980452847667), ('average', 0.008380051134736277), ('.', -0.04006300348555669), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'do not use for scorpion issues, waste of money.'} [('', 0.0), ('do ', -0.016245361326582497), ('not ', -0.021800555663503474), ('use ', -0.009249926617485471), ('for ', 0.02351140444079647), ('scorpion ', -0.027872661877154314), ('issues', -0.05670184620885266), (', ', 0.016096371544335852), ('waste ', -0.08061736756462778), ('of ', -0.02704804045606579), ('money', -0.0754171537955699), ('.', -0.04413835965533508), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "Don't!"} [('', 0.0), ('Don', -0.23605244111968204), ("'", -0.13722751277964562), ('t', -0.31147723604226485), ('!', 0.2733040404273197), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'They SUCK! Pay the extra $30 and go elsewhere!'} [('', 0.0), ('They ', 0.03296116275669192), ('SUCK', -0.23278555364595377), ('! ', 0.022676996639347635), ('Pay ', -0.03571567491417227), ('the ', -0.01030164843359671), ('extra ', 0.01016220045312366), ('$', -0.03434873922014958), ('30 ', -0.011247836586335325), ('and ', -0.008947889695264166), ('go ', 0.06286234163599147), ('elsewhere', -0.1821391443390894), ('!', 0.014536366597894812), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'closed as of may 2013.'} [('', 0.0), ('closed ', -0.07184542343020439), ('as ', 0.19657189957797527), ('of ', 0.06161048822104931), ('may ', -0.026001352816820145), ('2013', -0.24909714981913567), ('.', -0.08161146938800812), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Definitely closed. Sign on door!'} [('', 0.0), ('Definitely ', 0.6424965346232057), ('closed', -0.07823512423783541), ('. ', 0.2122899927198887), ('Sign ', -0.18944790633395314), ('on ', 0.1722212010063231), ('door', -0.0838706661015749), ('!', 0.04577808454632759), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Quick and easy'} [('', 0.0), ('Quick ', 0.00894734263420105), ('and ', 0.2675633728504181), ('easy', 0.1998693346977234), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': '$35 for a oil change?! no thanks...never going back :('} [('', -3.427367482800037e-05), ('$', -0.0721579640667187), ('35 ', 0.0024435148952761665), ('for ', -0.017415539812645875), ('a ', -0.012409133101755287), ('oil ', -0.045261505954840686), ('change', -0.01546742553182412), ('?', -0.037340480368584394), ('! ', -0.00568265569745563), ('no ', -0.34407986112637445), ('thanks', 0.2891160910803592), ('.', -0.005192887576413341), ('.', -0.08176549265044741), ('.', -0.04882464194088243), ('never ', -0.037187698941124836), ('going ', 0.015374730795883806), ('back ', 0.0027553819891181774), (':', 0.023905884714622516), ('(', -0.0707432865165174), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Got the chili chicken. It was pretty spicy and tasty.'} [('', 0.0), ('Got ', 0.004339125938713551), ('the ', 0.024804927059449255), ('chili ', -0.041039933799766004), ('chicken', -0.09372561541385949), ('. ', -0.014741530641913414), ('It ', -0.032804525922983885), ('was ', -0.011312886606901884), ('pretty ', 0.03940290259197354), ('spicy ', 0.36689273128286004), ('and ', 0.005728667601943016), ('ta', 0.2310683586401865), ('sty', 0.15349763038102537), ('.', -0.022658020723611116), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great chicken kabobs the red sweet chili sauce is tasty!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.27411949005909264), ('chicken ', -0.18066225689835846), ('ka', -0.09960121056064963), ('bo', 0.02075920207425952), ('bs ', -0.11137543059885502), ('the ', -0.00018480373546481133), ('red ', -0.09353638114407659), ('sweet ', 0.22549629444256425), ('chili ', 0.02229464566335082), ('sauce ', 0.00241844542324543), ('is ', -0.01171537209302187), ('ta', 0.45096398994792253), ('sty', -0.04663399618584663), ('!', 0.1311021875590086), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'The Super Gyro is pretty darn good!'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.00043241679668426514), ('Super ', 0.02617635577917099), ('G', 0.12082277657464147), ('yr', 0.10006468975916505), ('o ', 0.06869364995509386), ('is ', 0.00215267576277256), ('pretty ', -0.007554022595286369), ('dar', 0.039402928203344345), ('n ', 0.09539974480867386), ('good', 0.22017017379403114), ('!', 0.001153700053691864), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great place to buy auto parts'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.6049745455384254), ('place ', 0.05382858216762543), ('to ', 0.048557378351688385), ('buy ', 0.0066701206378638744), ('auto ', -0.11862745089456439), ('parts', 0.09555180743336678), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'not much to say...it was just OK'} [('', 0.0), ('not ', -0.07960723343057907), ('much ', -0.05015734989592602), ('to ', 0.03259952533971955), ('say', -0.05452490268544352), ('.', -0.016690332551661413), ('.', -0.030568929272703826), ('.', 0.0024195661244448274), ('it ', -0.03322852647579566), ('was ', -0.00015592912495776545), ('just ', 0.18280353290720086), ('OK', 0.7097410774749733), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Dysfunctional gas machines. Good price though.'} [('', 0.0), ('Dysfunction', -0.37211855899658985), ('al ', 0.04180373596318532), ('gas ', -0.03845746559818508), ('machines', -0.0149284920989885), ('. ', 0.22903489194868598), ('Good ', 0.8092282627549139), ('price ', -0.13536320385173894), ('though', 0.18661082541802898), ('.', -0.02760203183424892), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Go elsewhere.'} [('', 0.0), ('Go ', 0.2012556332265376), ('elsewhere', -0.7618372495417134), ('.', 0.03787921914772596), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great experience from CarMax Las Vegas. Customer service fantastic!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.2594502568244934), ('experience ', 0.07476226054131985), ('from ', 0.021582046523690224), ('Car', -0.09272888116538525), ('Max ', 0.013887968845665455), ('Las ', 0.002963293343782425), ('Vegas', 0.046798533760011196), ('. ', -0.013270014896988869), ('Customer ', -0.024152277037501335), ('service ', -0.026023423299193382), ('fantastic', 0.37146032229065895), ('!', -0.007490172982215881), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Customer service is awsome at this location.'} [('', 0.0), ('Customer ', -0.03287845151498914), ('service ', -0.02706643019337207), ('is ', -0.01901200774591416), ('aw', -0.21751522226259112), ('some ', -0.03765051590744406), ('at ', 0.044842207309557125), ('this ', 0.08748388491221704), ('location', -0.054368857061490417), ('.', -0.025378492893651128), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': "One of my go-to's!"} [('', 0.0), ('One ', -0.03229985013604164), ('of ', 0.008795130997896194), ('my ', -0.022166170179843903), ('go', 0.2183035295456648), ('-', 0.07570770755410194), ('to', 0.21516675502061844), ("'", 0.03550559701398015), ('s', 0.16423627501353621), ('!', 0.04878885671496391), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Well worth the drive for the service !!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Well ', 0.24350876617245376), ('worth ', 0.5721810989780352), ('the ', -0.04518714000005275), ('drive ', -0.22850750153884292), ('for ', 0.019559632753953338), ('the ', 0.08452256675809622), ('service ', -0.02418088703416288), ('!', 0.036460078321397305), ('!', 0.04263455420732498), ('!', -0.004167273640632629), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Cool fruit arrangements..but the prices are a little to high'} [('', 0.0), ('Cool ', 0.7220264263451099), ('fruit ', 0.08246249635703862), ('arrangements', -0.006775443674996495), ('.', -0.023871704004704952), ('.', -0.07017638254910707), ('but ', -0.1795344286947511), ('the ', 0.05733591306488961), ('prices ', -0.2378807379573118), ('are ', 0.06849907677678857), ('a ', 0.19100848749803845), ('little ', -0.23036139502073638), ('to ', -0.030655078327981755), ('high', 0.1284725324367173), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'they are absolutely great!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('they ', 0.04685606807470322), ('are ', 0.03895530826412141), ('absolutely ', 0.17657728889025748), ('great', 0.21880456805229187), ('!', 0.09796860441565514), ('!', 0.09049816429615021), ('!', 0.05377504229545593), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'I had the chicken bowl. Tasty.'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', -0.010003810748457909), ('had ', -0.009848738554865122), ('the ', -0.006364384200423956), ('chicken ', -0.22613091813400388), ('bowl', 0.06697084568440914), ('. ', 0.10204042913392186), ('Ta', 0.478687334805727), ('sty', 0.34731082431972027), ('.', -0.029901819303631783), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good service. Food is fresh!'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.31931731663644314), ('service', -0.06627876125276089), ('. ', 0.10865455865859985), ('Food ', 0.14541210513561964), ('is ', 0.012009580619633198), ('fresh', 0.1773889884352684), ('!', 0.02692696452140808), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "This place has always been me & my family's favorite!"} [('', 0.0), ('This ', -0.014446994289755821), ('place ', 0.016563070006668568), ('has ', 0.0109496945515275), ('always ', 0.03043175395578146), ('been ', -0.03732380922883749), ('me ', 0.09034854685887694), ('& ', 0.1171634835191071), ('my ', 0.08889425359666348), ('family', 0.10654245223850012), ("'", 0.007565352134406567), ('s ', 0.00144280306994915), ('favorite', 0.17106737568974495), ('!', 0.020213734358549118), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'tearable service and poor quality food, would never go back'} [('', 0.0), ('tear', -0.21447267394160008), ('able ', 0.11273244900712598), ('service ', -0.13360773614112986), ('and ', 0.04096349600877147), ('poor ', -0.5740313987525951), ('quality ', 0.2481334756639626), ('food', 0.09835510284028715), (', ', -0.0704835862343316), ('would ', 0.0028139058558735996), ('never ', -0.04767070148955099), ('go ', 0.13225131656508893), ('back', 0.03888465842464939), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'we love this place, great food fun atmosphere'} [('', 0.0), ('we ', 0.03542081639170647), ('love ', 0.22943200776353478), ('this ', 0.03911037789657712), ('place', -0.02099959086626768), (', ', 0.07356236129999161), ('great ', 0.19630187563598156), ('food ', -0.018109088763594627), ('fun ', 0.15816988050937653), ('atmosphere', 0.020139820873737335), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'When you feel nothing to do, you can come here.'} [('', 0.0), ('When ', -0.03480682586086914), ('you ', 0.0414822582679335), ('feel ', -0.03034561811364256), ('nothing ', -0.36409704957259237), ('to ', 0.041677313351101475), ('do', 0.01374699503503507), (', ', 0.17178895558754448), ('you ', 0.33275640732608736), ('can ', 0.24107621959410608), ('come ', 0.16331218159757555), ('here', 0.07748320302926004), ('.', -0.028908309526741505), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Nice place. Rib eye was good.'} [('', 0.0), ('Nice ', 0.26466068252921104), ('place', 0.00939856842160225), ('. ', 0.0907345861196518), ('Rib ', -0.06373333558440208), ('eye ', 0.026363779790699482), ('was ', 0.015531828161329031), ('good', 0.41165502509102225), ('.', -0.025340676307678223), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best Mani Pedi ever! Great deal $30 combo!'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.5048637958243489), ('Mani ', -0.06940676737576723), ('Pe', 0.030347946798428893), ('di ', -0.10874774749390781), ('ever', -0.018873837776482105), ('! ', 0.05237823538482189), ('Great ', 0.3103357485961169), ('deal ', -0.11022528656758368), ('$', -0.23796256736386567), ('30 ', -0.010344966663978994), ('combo', 0.12222481518983841), ('!', 0.16185345128178596), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Love the doctors and staff! Great crew!'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.20092887990176678), ('the ', -0.006688077002763748), ('doctors ', -0.010314391925930977), ('and ', 0.07970495149493217), ('staff', 0.040456002578139305), ('! ', 0.05244680307805538), ('Great ', 0.2517593130469322), ('crew', 0.10154252499341965), ('!', 0.0031787455081939697), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Just arrive early.'} [('', 0.0), ('Just ', 0.28428296744823456), ('arrive ', 0.37664697505533695), ('early', -0.03394013084471226), ('.', -0.0445820689201355), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Las Vegas hidden gem... great place to stay.'} [('', 0.0), ('Las ', 0.011493124067783356), ('Vegas ', 0.07722197193652391), ('hidden ', -0.036905902437865734), ('gem', 0.27865940891206264), ('.', -0.019648127257823944), ('.', -0.018108835443854332), ('. ', -0.01722102425992489), ('great ', 0.44159492186736315), ('place ', -0.01941232744138688), ('to ', -0.008287884993478656), ('stay', -0.030551044503226876), ('.', -0.031542928889393806), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Smells like cigarettes.'} [('', 0.0), ('Smells ', 0.29973040404729545), ('like ', 0.08549616427626461), ('cigarettes', -0.741521391668357), ('.', -0.04561483906581998), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Fresh, BYOB, great service. Say no more.'} [('', 0.0), ('Fresh', 0.4516690277378075), (', ', 0.1442134042736143), ('BY', -0.0065038947577704675), ('OB', -0.08600032861431828), (', ', 0.0030042171420063823), ('great ', 0.3652639883221127), ('service', -0.08635812014108524), ('. ', 0.017814060556702316), ('Say ', -0.007459340326022357), ('no ', -0.09235290886135772), ('more', -0.042325309943407774), ('.', -0.042579212225973606), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Ordered take-out lamb sandwich (forgot the name). Tasty,'} [('', 0.0), ('Ordered ', -0.037549711152678356), ('take', -0.009049197935382836), ('-', -0.006133088187198155), ('out ', -0.013673860084963962), ('lamb ', -0.01829395053209737), ('sandwich ', -0.026180610322626308), ('(', -0.00696048975805752), ('forgot ', -0.08781181305676), ('the ', -0.042542594055703375), ('name', -0.03415033756027697), (')', 0.09136409941856982), ('. ', -0.022797651297878474), ('Ta', 0.45853728626389056), ('sty', 0.3472481690114364), (',', -0.02980424417182803), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Most delicious Greek food in Southside'} [('', 0.0), ('Most ', 0.04498858004808426), ('delicious ', 0.2603539265692234), ('Greek ', 0.1190229244530201), ('food ', 0.22142520174384117), ('in ', 0.065956000238657), ('South', -0.0013717785477638245), ('side', 0.013037659227848053), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Always great food and service, but decor kinda dated'} [('', 0.0), ('Always ', 0.00797375502588693), ('great ', 0.15023469476000173), ('food ', 0.03551511553087039), ('and ', 0.10666507115820423), ('service', -0.01891991207958199), (', ', 0.06863518626778387), ('but ', -0.3101089809788391), ('decor ', 0.04474933411984239), ('kinda ', -0.04104985106096137), ('dated', -0.3411564877605997), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': "Frittelle di Prosciuttio, delicious. Bucatini all'Amatriciana, delicious!"} [('', 4.518218338489532e-06), ('Fr', -0.013875239971093833), ('itte', -0.007519565033726394), ('lle ', -0.013447593757882714), ('di ', -0.01137916799634695), ('Pro', 0.00923335583259662), ('sc', -0.012448991804073254), ('iu', 0.00340141235695531), ('tti', -0.01934125697395454), ('o', -0.010066291006902853), (', ', -0.004367768454054992), ('delicious', 0.3308276943862438), ('. ', -0.002464134246110916), ('Bu', -0.022029861140375338), ('cat', -0.006414725243424376), ('ini ', -0.009724356730779012), ('all', -0.005643698805943132), ("'", -0.008225408336147665), ('Ama', 0.017313705815467983), ('tric', -0.022572318150196224), ('iana', -0.031117712147533894), (', ', 0.0031926073133945465), ('delicious', 0.2840968146920204), ('!', 0.05072584003210068), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'nice location.\\nok food.\\npricey in general\\ninteresting wine list.\\ncute (female) som'} [('', 0.0), ('nice ', 0.6423323494236683), ('location', 0.1933258152275812), ('.', 0.016679564068908803), ('\\', -0.018954605946782978), ('no', -0.09199556052990374), ('k ', 0.02568286673122202), ('food', -0.026021843680064195), ('.', -0.01123785660311114), ('\\', -0.01042574701880637), ('npr', -0.040319396557086815), ('ice', -0.009032176133976983), ('y ', -0.0007984629441385289), ('in ', -0.02047203615629336), ('general', -0.00673881316296978), ('\\', -0.02404392979778571), ('ni', 0.02543127144495624), ('nte', -0.04841998512815086), ('rest', -0.03801204492005387), ('ing ', -0.01961492686781899), ('wine ', -0.010365728530034955), ('list', -0.03062851949029469), ('.', -0.017298001629699553), ('\\', -0.06017569359391928), ('nc', -0.03348880191333592), ('ute ', -0.07955230749212205), ('(', -0.02351149288006127), ('female', -0.045231343945488334), (') ', -0.01210129726678133), ('so', -0.11443077493458986), ('m', -0.0701872268691659), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Recommend this entry be merged with Pioneer Living History Village;\\nhttp://www.yelp.com/biz/pioneer-living-history-village-phoenix#hrid:pY7yIpW9ClU0ctztyhE88A/src:self'} [('', 0.0016620725925479618), ('Recommend ', 0.11412456525223595), ('this ', 0.06157304426389081), ('entry ', -0.018549756280013492), ('be ', 0.000525897235742637), ('merged ', -0.10901646515620607), ('with ', 0.01195586599143488), ('Pioneer ', 0.07943409528317195), ('Living ', 0.060725534481129474), ('History ', 0.04862341299386961), ('Village', -0.00012397464320418387), (';', -0.00012397464320418387), ('\\', -0.013693321039456696), ('nh', -0.035672535321542194), ('tt', -0.0362294606332268), ('p', -0.015193408488162927), (':', 0.0015161022144768918), ('/', 0.0015161022144768918), ('/', 0.005620306690356561), ('www', 0.005620306690356561), ('.', -0.005410639702209404), ('ye', -0.00582283145437638), ('lp', -0.027170937197903793), ('.', -0.02225956126737098), ('com', -0.010938090220831025), ('/', -0.010938090220831025), ('bi', -0.02893916745185076), ('z', -0.02878808457850634), ('/', -0.005633965607072848), ('pioneer', -0.03387483000503077), ('-', 0.004403337247398061), ('living', 0.004403337247398061), ('-', -0.0001306034023097406), ('history', -0.0001306034023097406), ('-', -0.0001306034023097406), ('village', -0.0001306034023097406), ('-', -0.010125124004359047), ('phoenix', -0.010125124004359047), ('#', -0.017809973439822595), ('hr', -0.009526945413513618), ('id', -0.009526945413513618), (':', -0.009526945413513618), ('p', -0.00897613423453136), ('Y', -0.00897613423453136), ('7', -0.022708250640073056), ('yI', -0.022708250640073056), ('pW', -0.035321707569175596), ('9', -0.008957712526546056), ('Cl', -0.008957712526546056), ('U', -0.012444252578654523), ('0', -0.01989554138854146), ('ct', -0.018569338042289017), ('z', -0.005865657686566313), ('ty', -0.005865657686566313), ('hE', -0.005865657686566313), ('8', -0.01282329267835141), ('8', -0.01282329267835141), ('A', -0.01282329267835141), ('/', -0.027022393966843892), ('sr', -0.027022393966843892), ('c', -0.027022393966843892), (':', -0.05329049575892794), ('self', -0.05938613612023699), ('', -0.009289977832749072)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great prices and friendly staff!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.32302313670516014), ('prices ', -0.09577326104044914), ('and ', 0.11702297627925873), ('friendly ', 0.1431894302368164), ('staff', 0.11812321841716766), ('!', 0.08553887903690338), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great seafood and wine. Very helpful and knowledgeable staff.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.19346150197088718), ('seafood ', -0.01711994595825672), ('and ', 0.017621707171201706), ('wine', 0.05520701967179775), ('. ', 0.06441614590585232), ('Very ', 0.002492955420166254), ('helpful ', 0.1607936224900186), ('and ', -0.0068838931620121), ('knowledge', 0.07276433147490025), ('able ', 0.10140879638493061), ('staff', 0.002618025988340378), ('.', -0.019494637846946716), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Overall a great dining experience.'} [('', 0.0), ('Overall ', 0.06803850829601288), ('a ', 0.10052551329135895), ('great ', 0.18181389570236206), ('dining ', 0.2235956322401762), ('experience', 0.1438452135771513), ('.', -0.026680316776037216), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'I personally prefer Pizza Hut...'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', 0.036175720393657684), ('personally ', 0.5170176387764513), ('prefer ', 0.23194504948332906), ('Pizza ', -0.0016860677860677242), ('Hut', -0.02805265923961997), ('.', 0.04144572094082832), ('.', -0.020725812762975693), ('.', -0.05174654722213745), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great food, great atmosphere, great service, and friendly waiters/waitresses!!!'} [('', 2.0148232579231262e-05), ('Great ', 0.11491646035574377), ('food', 0.05408907844685018), (', ', -0.01929568639025092), ('great ', 0.08090178567605714), ('atmosphere', 0.0031324042162547507), (', ', -0.009040328053136667), ('great ', 0.09351084868346031), ('service', -0.00858864993400251), (', ', -0.010183459691082438), ('and ', -0.007681527175009251), ('friendly ', 0.20254713762551546), ('waiter', 0.07206701417453587), ('s', -0.014228052692487836), ('/', -0.017566048617785174), ('waitress', 0.00021333938154081503), ('es', 0.023709627023587625), ('!', 0.03798196790739894), ('!', -0.008073374629020691), ('!', -0.06935210525989532), ('', 3.8743019104003906e-07)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Was a great place went downhill'} [('', 0.0), ('Was ', -0.007775117133860476), ('a ', 0.1368777424977452), ('great ', 0.2161953782888304), ('place ', 0.01686272346705664), ('went ', 0.007743999281956349), ('downhill', -0.6782643733386067), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Overpriced pho that tastes like nothing? Hmm.. next!'} [('', 0.0), ('Over', -0.13091850715136388), ('pr', -0.027577216445934027), ('ice', -0.009949714371032314), ('d ', 0.008101449737296207), ('ph', -0.04906494641909376), ('o ', 0.0019294168741907924), ('that ', 0.02174334937990352), ('tastes ', 0.045700703654802055), ('like ', -0.03945856861082575), ('nothing', -0.09271980669564073), ('? ', -0.052387664409252466), ('Hmm', -0.18368893343722448), ('.', -0.0032388576364610344), ('. ', -0.0701569355733227), ('next', 0.052950051096559037), ('!', 0.08131806152960053), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'terrible.'} [('', 0.0), ('terrible', -0.8283469700691057), ('.', 0.10183230305847246), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Very unpleasant experience here!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.13431725606278633), ('unpleasant ', -0.8005081296751086), ('experience ', 0.01899990050605993), ('here', 0.06762229084597493), ('!', 0.1016296513917041), ('!', 0.16963379467779305), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': '$1 bowling and $3 shoes after 12 midnight to 8am.'} [('', 0.0), ('$', -0.18961392436176538), ('1 ', 0.011041536694392562), ('bowling ', 0.06603862275369465), ('and ', -0.009705973789095879), ('$', -0.10403549089096487), ('3 ', -0.015675888629630208), ('shoes ', -0.05572102149017155), ('after ', -0.054243447026237845), ('12 ', 0.01625403098296374), ('midnight ', 0.06972798949573189), ('to ', 0.016788397915661335), ('8', -0.06468696508090943), ('am', -0.021640663384459913), ('.', -0.010174180613830686), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Damn good sushi. Good price.'} [('', 0.0), ('Damn ', -0.05384912993758917), ('good ', 0.4217032780870795), ('su', -0.04272711090743542), ('shi', 0.025798829272389412), ('. ', 0.016032900661230087), ('Good ', 0.41005119401961565), ('price', -0.02262375969439745), ('.', -0.025215819478034973), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Excellent, as always.'} [('', 0.0), ('Excellent', 0.2158701941370964), (', ', 0.11979540437459946), ('as ', 0.029048670083284378), ('always', 0.3199326656758785), ('.', -0.02062857151031494), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'rude employees that lack communication skills'} [('', 0.0), ('rude ', -0.26935588898777496), ('employees ', 0.010605242037854623), ('that ', 0.10471907453757012), ('lack ', -0.37708350727916695), ('communication ', 0.05441275664634304), ('skills', 0.16821958529908443), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "As expected, they're now closed!"} [('', 0.0), ('As ', 0.1320094456896186), ('expected', -0.24762408714741468), (', ', 0.14429664239287376), ('they', 0.16524573077913374), ("'", 0.20242853683885187), ('re ', 0.0006464965990744531), ('now ', 0.08222737553296611), ('closed', -0.18163394217845052), ('!', 0.36898361425846815), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'it is goodwill.. u know what to expect =)'} [('', 0.0), ('it ', 0.014171099872328341), ('is ', 0.030939465563278645), ('goodwill', 0.7840923393960111), ('.', -0.01793351350352168), ('. ', -0.0271267369389534), ('u ', -0.039843576261773705), ('know ', -0.020349974976852536), ('what ', -0.028237322228960693), ('to ', 0.017614686279557645), ('expect ', -0.043076975853182375), ('=', -0.02175771666225046), (')', -0.022944514639675617), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good food. Good portions. Great service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.11938229389488697), ('food', 0.03231721557676792), ('. ', 0.027056094259023666), ('Good ', 0.1795965861529112), ('portions', -0.009801587089896202), ('. ', 0.008774220943450928), ('Great ', 0.403913177549839), ('service', -0.019353587180376053), ('.', -0.028873000293970108), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'What can you really expect from an airport chinese place....really?!'} [('', 0.0), ('What ', 0.04968818323686719), ('can ', 0.02978943061316386), ('you ', 0.2924272422096692), ('really ', 0.04553149132698309), ('expect ', 0.003632867752457969), ('from ', 0.006565530246007256), ('an ', -0.020914790700771846), ('airport ', -0.1702530334587209), ('chinese ', 0.03775666287401691), ('place', 0.03348441852722317), ('.', 0.09096270427107811), ('.', -0.10316155711188912), ('.', -0.03792270598933101), ('.', 0.07175913639366627), ('really', 0.21014923846814781), ('?', -0.5300765602150932), ('!', 0.009946098551154137), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Not as tasty as i like.'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', -0.7949283719826781), ('as ', -0.01520784273816389), ('ta', 0.2201128553097078), ('sty ', -0.037933277959382394), ('as ', 0.00285496444121236), ('i ', 0.18162620535076712), ('like', 0.19669590086778044), ('.', -0.023562310328998137), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'The mall is too dark and difficult to exit'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.010212279761617538), ('mall ', -0.0292780883191881), ('is ', -0.0025187259361700853), ('too ', -0.11673272703046678), ('dark ', -0.09682316234102473), ('and ', 0.10960787095973501), ('difficult ', -0.08554628593265079), ('to ', 0.015041358965390828), ('exit', -0.06982317106303526), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': "It's so good"} [('', 0.0), ('It', 0.09410714730620384), ("'", 0.15239247307181358), ('s ', 0.0681694969534874), ('so ', -0.046645402908325195), ('good', 0.3959779590368271), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'The casino floor drives me crazy, im always lost here.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.057179334689863026), ('casino ', 0.03457260527648032), ('floor ', -0.09284737298730761), ('drives ', 0.11996399774216115), ('me ', 0.3819021111121401), ('crazy', -0.06265648372936994), (', ', 0.0602272511459887), ('im ', -0.21372808853629977), ('always ', 0.0649153859121725), ('lost ', -0.5668999894405715), ('here', 0.17737645556917414), ('.', -0.05782916350290179), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Yuck this place is sp ghetto'} [('', 0.0), ('Yu', 0.028305887477472425), ('ck ', -0.12639456219039857), ('this ', 0.010837018897291273), ('place ', 0.028711721359286457), ('is ', 0.03421055055514444), ('sp ', -0.11786665623367298), ('ghetto', -0.1260084449313581), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'It is always fun but the comps are terrible.'} [('', 0.0), ('It ', -0.0459779211669229), ('is ', 0.018953328763018362), ('always ', -0.0075411080761114135), ('fun ', 0.45094461567350663), ('but ', -0.26204386312747374), ('the ', -0.004069619928486645), ('com', -0.010960285151668359), ('ps ', -0.003331764710310381), ('are ', 0.01981961462297477), ('terrible', -0.2961845927347895), ('.', -0.023312292818445712), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Dirty rooms. Really overpriced Internet in room'} [('', 0.0), ('Dirty ', -0.19975631967827212), ('rooms', 0.04009349046100397), ('. ', -0.004610751726431772), ('Really ', -0.023164536294643767), ('over', -0.05591229676974763), ('pr', -0.004519632015217212), ('ice', -0.007806836440067855), ('d ', -0.0002481637584423879), ('Internet ', -0.03348714407184161), ('in ', -0.011787859330070205), ('room', -0.03194108030584175), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'awesoooooommmmmmmeee'} [('', 0.0), ('awe', 0.45119131286628544), ('so', -0.2877048689406365), ('oo', 0.05283560242969543), ('oo', -0.01614380779210478), ('om', -0.18984309793449938), ('mm', -0.005524564767256379), ('mm', -0.0950348797487095), ('mme', 0.04294599511194974), ('ee', -0.0943345190025866), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Better than the Luxor, but barely!'} [('', 0.0), ('Better ', 0.04544464300852269), ('than ', 0.1901984004653059), ('the ', -0.04759524232940748), ('Lux', 0.048436610493808985), ('or', 0.030260993167757988), (', ', 0.08806824358180165), ('but ', -0.2976499145152047), ('barely', -0.355426216206979), ('!', 0.032496647734660655), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Nice Hotel,Nice Staff,the Pool Party is Awesome......'} [('', 0.0), ('Nice ', 0.15333810518495739), ('Hotel', 0.0342692534904927), (',', -0.014329151716083288), ('Nice ', 0.1762463734485209), ('Staff', 0.004239081870764494), (',', -0.007682103663682938), ('the ', -0.005083573050796986), ('Pool ', -0.023691766429692507), ('Party ', -0.01816117556882091), ('is ', -0.0061069737712386996), ('Awesome', 0.42533259227639064), ('.', -0.02615267876535654), ('.', -0.0431409552693367), ('.', -0.030896136537194252), ('.', -0.02677476592361927), ('.', -0.019130855798721313), ('.', -0.03403027728199959), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Fabulous and very affordable!'} [('', 0.0), ('Fabulous ', 0.2507224753499031), ('and ', 0.0817292109131813), ('very ', 0.01251612976193428), ('affordable', 0.18373960629105568), ('!', 0.13533621281385422), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Love the atmosphere. One of my favorite hotels in Vegas.'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.2529820390045643), ('the ', 0.0016216738149523735), ('atmosphere', 0.08510746899992228), ('. ', -0.025340057909488678), ('One ', 0.01824514288455248), ('of ', 0.03618843760341406), ('my ', -0.009905444458127022), ('favorite ', 0.13350139372050762), ('hotels ', 0.0635661487467587), ('in ', 0.03696678904816508), ('Vegas', 0.05529223009943962), ('.', -0.020922191441059113), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "Why does the bathroom not have ventilation...? I don't understand."} [('', 0.0), ('Why ', -0.06860048937960528), ('does ', -0.020038556340296054), ('the ', -0.015747989567898912), ('bathroom ', -0.018395847917417996), ('not ', -0.05627791149163386), ('have ', -0.001315356295890524), ('ventilation', -0.027456138626803295), ('.', -0.016598697904555593), ('.', -0.016159208353201393), ('.', -0.011138877307530493), ('? ', -0.06081404412543634), ('I ', -0.02298149492344237), ('don', -0.022656391452073876), ("'", -0.025265047380344186), ('t ', -0.04342460911357193), ('understand', -0.010498529747565044), ('.', -0.02347428333814605), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'good food good show, thats all i gotta say'} [('', 0.0), ('good ', 0.37113916128873825), ('food ', 0.08247980941087008), ('good ', 0.2244543256238103), ('show', 0.06438710354268551), (', ', 0.026176907122135162), ('that', 0.00966421002522111), ('s ', 0.03660434624180198), ('all ', 0.02307379525154829), ('i ', -0.07321111392229795), ('gotta ', -0.021038800477981567), ('say', -0.07770035043358803), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Awesome shoe selection!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Awesome ', 0.23772276565432549), ('shoe ', -0.11887562228366733), ('selection', 0.12126807449385524), ('!', 0.15325605124235153), ('!', 0.2706224173307419), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'What a mess......tasty, spicy, finger-licking, burn your lips mess.'} [('', -0.0006115444957686123), ('What ', -0.0859047751982871), ('a ', 0.004528235527686775), ('mess', -0.6344850639325159), ('.', -0.009564136704284465), ('.', -0.0060917503251403105), ('.', -0.006315006972727133), ('.', 0.01522945594883317), ('.', 0.014428376973632516), ('.', 0.04369610157704705), ('ta', 0.1347114997719877), ('sty', 0.11706745515443294), (', ', 0.0068537712908841465), ('spicy', 0.143088782967829), (', ', -0.002812704881358109), ('finger', -0.03303152394305976), ('-', -0.006941450543814022), ('licking', -0.011672034061626214), (', ', -0.01556682157620849), ('burn ', -0.03894649509134575), ('your ', -0.0051487379733367155), ('lips ', -0.02873763238044881), ('mess', -0.07985270089653164), ('.', -0.01454713776870954), ('', 2.2526652578057514e-05)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Awesome!!! Loved the crawfish and \\u00e9touff\\u00e9e.'} [('', 0.0), ('Awesome', 0.2944757863879204), ('!', -0.0457763597369194), ('!', 0.056396644562482834), ('! ', 0.0546819306910038), ('Loved ', 0.3321662306109266), ('the ', 0.04888142169442117), ('cr', -0.031543527444314566), ('aw', -0.025803624832492676), ('fish ', -0.02151418495313486), ('and ', -9.435220050536797e-05), ('\\', -0.006923061807867184), ('u', -0.01647778764669229), ('00', -0.009550738218933388), ('e', -0.004428621335648045), ('9', -0.011382671197463338), ('tou', -0.027715832701471214), ('ff', -0.01873614977445132), ('\\', -0.007176798892725769), ('u', -0.020239571299281948), ('00', -0.013661192337860398), ('e', -0.009819435261999302), ('9', -0.005967234024345609), ('e', -0.00936129316271815), ('.', -0.007548425226039919), ('', 1.79679620833624e-05)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'An experience'} [('', 0.0), ('An ', 0.15527182817459106), ('experience', 0.11643999814987183), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'FABULOUS.....Always if there is a wait it is worth it!'} [('', 0.0), ('FABULOUS', 0.33574020862579346), ('.', -0.017221800982952118), ('.', -0.0135415717959404), ('.', -0.03076028823852539), ('.', 0.03470355644822121), ('.', 0.039154861122369766), ('Always ', 0.011686587473377585), ('if ', -0.08493462041951716), ('there ', -0.0343510250095278), ('is ', -0.012061465764418244), ('a ', -0.01856059115795818), ('wait ', -0.088890801886529), ('it ', 0.007035079247933547), ('is ', 0.020384279934140586), ('worth ', 0.31509679636240306), ('it', 0.040320232135335185), ('!', 0.03442231058891464), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'fantastic meal and a fun atmosphere'} [('', 0.0), ('fantastic ', 0.16608384251594543), ('meal ', 0.11044831573963165), ('and ', 0.06907428801059723), ('a ', 0.08133425563573837), ('fun ', 0.11191234737634659), ('atmosphere', 0.15229588747024536), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'love love love this place!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('love ', 0.16689832136034966), ('love ', 0.08433644287288189), ('love ', 0.08371611498296261), ('this ', 0.20126131270080805), ('place', -0.01584289874881506), ('!', 0.14056874625384808), ('!', 0.028707101941108704), ('!', 0.03961041569709778), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good boil'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.6340578484814614), ('boil', -0.36122187855653465), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "Always a good move! Can't go wrong."} [('', 0.0), ('Always ', 0.07289071381092072), ('a ', 0.06434264313429594), ('good ', 0.1378219062462449), ('move', 0.07565997168421745), ('! ', -0.017055943608283997), ('Can', 0.04866318422136828), ("'", 0.04181178967701271), ('t ', 0.0977287138812244), ('go ', 0.06701944742235355), ('wrong', 0.09479023623862304), ('.', -0.017634447547607124), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Ok not great.'} [('', 0.0), ('Ok ', 0.3133202875906136), ('not ', -0.825998139611329), ('great', 0.1448035530775087), ('.', -0.044856834574602544), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'The chicken caesar wrap and sweet potatoes fries are delicious.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.02668343484401703), ('chicken ', -0.10249600722454488), ('caesar ', 0.012116627069190145), ('wrap ', -0.007115002255886793), ('and ', 0.023870129138231277), ('sweet ', 0.23473486443981528), ('potatoes ', -0.16836762009188533), ('fries ', -0.026121585397049785), ('are ', 0.1261327585671097), ('delicious', 0.5870040445588529), ('.', 0.012928334064781666), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'reat food and smoothies! Portions were just enough.G'} [('', 0.0), ('re', -0.2702296524657868), ('at ', -0.15853617986431345), ('food ', -0.20181776757817715), ('and ', 0.04133173415903002), ('smooth', 0.32462612513336353), ('ies', -0.08634285503649153), ('! ', 0.04637477645883337), ('Portions ', -0.1323315227346029), ('were ', -0.06034837200422771), ('just ', 0.0735573909478262), ('enough', 0.17892084666527808), ('.', 0.09007134265266359), ('G', -0.20483039366081357), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great go-to restaurant for tasty and healthy.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.12083624303340912), ('go', 0.03279505670070648), ('-', 0.01611115038394928), ('to ', -0.007922160439193249), ('restaurant ', 0.007733241654932499), ('for ', -0.0013778898864984512), ('ta', 0.09750084113329649), ('sty ', 0.06826479826122522), ('and ', -0.00830833613872528), ('healthy', 0.36136145889759064), ('.', -0.02093866467475891), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Quality is awful service is worse'} [('', 0.0), ('Quality ', 0.1701280350171146), ('is ', 0.0023148039435909595), ('awful ', -0.32580809713181225), ('service ', 0.0040074579756037565), ('is ', 0.029625938384924666), ('worse', -0.18878187390146195), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'bland.'} [('', 0.0), ('bland', -0.8286822242152994), ('.', 0.10216822531219805), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': "This one's easy--best brisket sandwich outside of New York."} [('', 1.2211501598358154e-05), ('This ', -0.05669403076171875), ('one', 0.021680195815861225), ("'", -0.002306242473423481), ('s ', 0.023411475121974945), ('easy', -0.05086943000787869), ('-', -0.017008347378578037), ('-', 0.0034549235715530813), ('best ', 0.7058943757438101), ('brisk', -0.04394791240338236), ('et ', -0.016187011846341193), ('sandwich ', -0.13146427611354738), ('outside ', -0.10934862412977964), ('of ', 0.113216417375952), ('New ', 0.07988440664485097), ('York', 0.09121122490614653), ('.', -0.0600759107619524), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'worth the buck'} [('', 0.0), ('worth ', 0.4956790804862976), ('the ', 0.15092172473669052), ('buck', -0.16989006847143173), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great experience! This is a MUST SEE!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.23787312395870686), ('experience', 0.02141815982758999), ('! ', 0.09721793979406357), ('This ', -0.008237301371991634), ('is ', 0.011099697090685368), ('a ', 0.1537473425269127), ('MUST ', 0.1063005207106471), ('SEE', 0.09040148835629225), ('!', 0.0031917542219161987), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'the sandwich is authentic :), nice one'} [('', 0.0), ('the ', -0.008272852748632431), ('sandwich ', -0.0271370280534029), ('is ', -0.005102997645735741), ('authentic ', 0.39027235889807343), (':', -0.0022534155286848545), (')', 0.008353915065526962), (', ', 0.04306551814079285), ('nice ', 0.3107647933065891), ('one', 0.0032014958560466766), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Oyster were not that good this place is nothing special.'} [('', 0.0), ('Oyster ', -0.0368417372010299), ('were ', -0.0133167573794708), ('not ', -0.2739352157450412), ('that ', -0.005569752509472892), ('good ', 0.1396670991089195), ('this ', 0.014297572506620781), ('place ', 0.00887012274688459), ('is ', 0.05764909396202711), ('nothing ', -0.249771214721477), ('special', 0.06111556249379646), ('.', -0.0354310169495875), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best chowder.\\nBest customer service.\\nLOVE this place.'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.5328356543905102), ('chow', 0.13997927740274463), ('der', -0.020816345306229778), ('.', -0.016723566222935915), ('\\', -0.05291989661054686), ('n', -0.10957026699907146), ('Bes', 0.05005746989627369), ('t ', -0.09143621695693582), ('customer ', -0.016437192214652896), ('service', -0.06791647174395621), ('.', -0.043119003996253014), ('\\', -0.2245996743440628), ('nL', -0.2852550698444247), ('OVE ', -0.026669801212847233), ('this ', -0.03758101281709969), ('place', 0.10198732116259634), ('.', -0.07900906261056662), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "Ehh, s'ok"} [('', 0.0), ('Eh', -0.09150972170755267), ('h', -0.10667899949476123), (', ', 0.05975568387657404), ('s', 0.10587702598422766), ("'", -0.014337211847305298), ('ok', 0.7171012600883842), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'thisv good'} [('', 0.0), ('this', 0.23702257871627808), ('v ', -0.03814545273780823), ('good', 0.27799293398857117), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'It was ok...'} [('', 0.0), ('It ', 0.08011863101273775), ('was ', 0.006554164225235581), ('ok', 0.6071698709856719), ('.', 0.03852633945643902), ('.', 0.011766724288463593), ('.', -0.05308984965085983), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "not very pleased won't return."} [('', 0.0), ('not ', -0.3602620938763721), ('very ', 0.01634472276782617), ('pleased ', 0.20461753617564682), ('won', 0.1551400594307779), ("'", -0.03454800161671301), ('t ', -0.21181360366608715), ('return', -0.034026305096631404), ('.', -0.004873832433077041), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Small portions. Not tasty.'} [('', 0.0), ('Small ', -0.15650503968572593), ('portions', -0.02236614528737846), ('. ', 0.10013178979716031), ('Not ', -0.557971440586698), ('ta', 0.2302219589564629), ('sty', 0.16450706195064413), ('.', -0.03420653650391614), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': "Oh yeah it's good. Good sandwhiches and pastries and coffee."} [('', 0.0), ('Oh ', -0.025861885398626328), ('yeah ', -0.015626322478055954), ('it', 0.010861687827855349), ("'", 0.006514625158160925), ('s ', -0.007044604048132896), ('good', 0.25989666394889355), ('. ', 0.039680978283286095), ('Good ', 0.3706979672424495), ('sand', -0.0167361949570477), ('w', -0.01058409409597516), ('hic', -0.01734851289074868), ('hes ', -0.007783474982716143), ('and ', -0.021358265541493893), ('past', -0.021820429828949273), ('ries ', -0.011200048844330013), ('and ', 0.011838224716484547), ('coffee', -0.006318947765976191), ('.', -0.007142743561416864), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'One word: AWESOME!!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('One ', -0.03374176844954491), ('word', -0.12138008535839617), (': ', -0.00833604740910232), ('AWESOME', 0.6835892954841256), ('!', 0.1571657806634903), ('!', 0.07138928771018982), ('!', -0.053484782576560974), ('!', 0.03406532108783722), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best bakery, very awesome atmosphere.'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.31654299329966307), ('bakery', -0.04496235679835081), (', ', 0.08956924080848694), ('very ', -0.06814475543797016), ('awesome ', 0.28165110759437084), ('atmosphere', 0.17393327876925468), ('.', -0.025150291621685028), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'delicious. so glad to find such a treasure.'} [('', 0.0), ('delicious', 0.3198418989777565), ('. ', 0.02872248739004135), ('so ', 0.007145294453948736), ('glad ', 0.12395707378163934), ('to ', 0.0435949913226068), ('find ', 0.00016401195898652077), ('such ', -0.01921688299626112), ('a ', 0.012971112504601479), ('treasure', 0.19588134344667196), ('.', -0.016130564734339714), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'No skim milk. Overpriced.'} [('', 0.0), ('No ', -0.06514763534141821), ('ski', -0.05006224714452401), ('m ', 0.024893617639463628), ('milk', -0.04055752279236913), ('. ', 0.006582762362086214), ('Over', -0.103992094140267), ('pr', -0.02905862857005559), ('ice', -0.03785687508934643), ('d', 0.02916967791679781), ('.', -0.03525018662912771), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Excellent...Excellent...Excellent!'} [('', 0.0), ('Excellent', 0.15988094732165337), ('.', 0.014329124242067337), ('.', 0.01053035818040371), ('.', 0.0016256552189588547), ('Excellent', 0.1431809887290001), ('.', 0.01892853155732155), ('.', -0.007386196404695511), ('.', -0.028083648532629013), ('Excellent', 0.382557176053524), ('!', 0.0013542398810386658), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Tasty pastries, coffee, and wonderful atmosphere!'} [('', 0.0), ('Ta', 0.2278302381746471), ('sty ', 0.06534941541031003), ('past', -0.014962953515350819), ('ries', -0.0010102400556206703), (', ', 0.06286217831075191), ('coffee', -0.038793884217739105), (', ', 0.03128846734762192), ('and ', -0.010594300925731659), ('wonderful ', 0.24280588701367378), ('atmosphere', 0.07308462634682655), ('!', 0.028209775686264038), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Cute, eclectic, tasty and pricey'} [('', 0.0), ('Cute', 0.1679079607129097), (', ', 0.0157516747713089), ('eclectic', 0.13559410348534584), (', ', 0.037170249968767166), ('ta', 0.15420154947787523), ('sty ', 0.011976885609328747), ('and ', 0.021478570997714996), ('price', 0.07198962103575468), ('y', 0.09695093054324389), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "Got Amelie's Yet?"} [('', 0.0), ('Got ', 0.06291910447180271), ('Amelie', 0.1888914853334427), ("'", 0.054988388903439045), ('s ', 0.18628314975649118), ('Yet', 0.040198877453804016), ('?', -0.4693113639950752), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'I have enjoyed every pastry I have tasted. Great atmosphere.'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', -0.015071118250489235), ('have ', -0.008591054007411003), ('enjoyed ', 0.1993393450975418), ('every ', 0.02285102172754705), ('pastry ', -0.03275296161882579), ('I ', 0.03411705303005874), ('have ', 0.05478293797932565), ('tasted', 0.06480007106438279), ('. ', -0.005799012258648872), ('Great ', 0.30986642092466354), ('atmosphere', 0.0427122488617897), ('.', -0.03895680606365204), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "Best all you can eat sushi I've had. Only $19.95"} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.36777582808281295), ('all ', 0.07339437511109281), ('you ', -0.03900599059124943), ('can ', 0.08627141419856343), ('eat ', 0.025615774342441), ('su', -0.08023801400850061), ('shi ', 0.03057451620406937), ('I', 0.028629976019146852), ("'", 0.035201080012484454), ('ve ', 0.022438111060182564), ('had', -0.00949063828738872), ('. ', 0.08057776099303737), ('Only ', -0.14300412556622177), ('$', -0.15070403774734586), ('19', -0.039377002976834774), ('.', -0.04698454914614558), ('95', 0.023305689450353384), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'yak . nasty food. never go back'} [('', 0.0), ('ya', -0.11200441229448188), ('k ', 0.0073068244237219915), ('. ', 0.012576959823491052), ('nasty ', -0.10044437306351028), ('food', 0.005919298797380179), ('. ', 0.0028014634444843978), ('never ', -0.20668987403041683), ('go ', 0.14279497429379262), ('back', -0.03410800913115963), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Pizza is their strength.'} [('', 0.0), ('Pizza ', 0.08141717314720154), ('is ', 0.11519220657646656), ('their ', 0.18980440311133862), ('strength', 0.3221341073513031), ('.', -0.04476448893547058), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Rather uninteresting.'} [('', 0.0), ('Rather ', -0.0930671568166872), ('un', -0.32966474013574043), ('int', 0.23271138613290532), ('eres', -0.06331041428256867), ('ting', -0.0019508780305841356), ('.', -0.05322654614428757), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'If you want something stolen....come here!'} [('', 0.0), ('If ', -0.04421192029258236), ('you ', 0.2625901497376617), ('want ', -0.02600123398588039), ('something ', 0.11125786002958193), ('stolen', -0.6501178481266834), ('.', 0.04017180809751153), ('.', -0.04187253268901259), ('.', -0.06298036186490208), ('.', -0.06909507256932557), ('come ', 0.13993903994560242), ('here', -0.059341116226278245), ('!', 0.033842887612991035), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'The blueberry pie is outstanding!'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.033464908599853516), ('blue', 0.09738349169492722), ('berry ', 0.11380592733621597), ('pie ', -0.03544384706765413), ('is ', 0.03200221713632345), ('outstanding', 0.3983637671917677), ('!', 0.08385226130485535), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "Don't waste your time."} [('', 0.0), ('Don', -0.018814186616509687), ("'", -0.057251800997619284), ('t ', 0.4392903248917719), ('waste ', 0.30416903064724465), ('your ', 0.0547678301572887), ('time', -0.02854157149340608), ('.', -0.015236693448969163), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "Hhhhmmmm..it's OK...nothing special. I've had FAR better"} [('', 0.0), ('H', -0.015986001802957617), ('hh', -0.012867536323028617), ('hm', -0.06397880273107148), ('mm', -0.044683138925392996), ('m', 0.02738935509478324), ('.', -0.0037893129701842554), ('.', -0.0032036112970672548), ('it', 0.16727489573380203), ("'", 0.04611089647217644), ('s ', -0.005632417313487774), ('OK', 0.17698648430723551), ('.', -0.015353241697994235), ('.', -0.05067482587401173), ('.', -0.20536641028229496), ('nothing ', -0.3178170219380263), ('special', -0.024246906794360257), ('. ', -0.05181420505323331), ('I', 0.0063233431392291095), ("'", 0.009021876812767005), ('ve ', -0.02654886285381508), ('had ', -0.08403275200907956), ('FAR ', 0.0009116145059427557), ('better', -0.0014450868499504093), ('', 5.095729041689386e-06)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great Happy hour, nice ambience, yummy sushi!!!'} [('', 0.00012481650337576867), ('Great ', 0.1832941404543817), ('Happy ', 0.17889219378121196), ('hour', 0.01002290747128427), (', ', -0.026470532454550267), ('nice ', 0.16577990013174712), ('am', 0.0892448425060138), ('bie', 0.10034931859117932), ('nce', -0.024251027783611788), (', ', 0.014336298312991857), ('yu', -0.013618374546058475), ('mmy ', -0.0701311685377732), ('su', -0.03668779490981251), ('shi', 0.015389281953684986), ('!', 0.021759675163775683), ('!', -0.02229207754135132), ('!', -0.03401242196559906), ('', -4.76837158203125e-07)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great prices and convenient location'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.3050219230353832), ('prices ', -0.07304421439766884), ('and ', 0.11341992765665054), ('convenient ', 0.3509862460196018), ('location', -0.0325438566505909), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Walmart is so dirty, but their stuff is cheap.'} [('', 0.0), ('Wal', -0.036374780771438964), ('mart ', -0.03874738223385066), ('is ', -0.01918122461756866), ('so ', -0.028116144587329472), ('dirty', -0.06715259590055211), (', ', 0.004044327120936941), ('but ', -0.0731821498775389), ('their ', -0.012530199878710846), ('stuff ', -0.01974336121656961), ('is ', -0.0022889711035531946), ('cheap', -0.05643467755544407), ('.', -0.022148486856167438), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Service is slooooow. Pricey for a salad.'} [('', 0.0), ('Service ', -0.0886840217281133), ('is ', 0.07251165411435068), ('sl', -0.42474462985410355), ('oo', -0.011928051273571327), ('oo', 0.2714851684286259), ('ow', 0.04068903619190678), ('. ', 0.07923443778418005), ('Price', 0.1502133629983291), ('y ', 0.2032387851504609), ('for ', -0.04076482611708343), ('a ', 0.05698371457401663), ('salad', 0.07150614948477596), ('.', -0.07715410506352782), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Huge portions...extremely yummy...poor service...I guess there is always takeout :)'} [('', 0.001928645058796974), ('Huge ', 0.06769070575319347), ('portions', -0.0014756062410015147), ('.', 0.03536237670414266), ('.', -0.0010162695652979892), ('.', -0.000209673435165314), ('extremely ', 0.028917021184800735), ('yu', 0.020990121245025268), ('mmy', 0.021489425046941808), ('.', 0.07250574125282583), ('.', -0.0052825918082817225), ('.', -0.006711605716191116), ('poor ', -0.6361126196870828), ('service', -0.08005561884147028), ('.', -0.010654740372046945), ('.', -0.02445606144266838), ('.', -0.003419145961577835), ('I ', 0.012958922287163494), ('guess ', -0.16342143844469154), ('there ', -0.009213567110374712), ('is ', 0.011326181372031428), ('always ', 0.07455314988769576), ('take', 0.0763540525023762), ('out ', 0.06906450572767592), (':', -0.01176952339830512), (')', -0.04944676861288661), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'fantastic nachos and gyro. very trendy place, feels like Seattle.'} [('', 0.0), ('fantastic ', 0.30670036748051643), ('na', -0.012901790905743837), ('cho', -0.07557613728567958), ('s ', -0.03728353977203369), ('and ', 0.026294484734535217), ('g', 0.013492222176864743), ('yr', 0.020890195621177554), ('o', 0.052655575796961784), ('. ', 0.00997638888657093), ('very ', -0.006290818564593792), ('trend', 0.03304819809272885), ('y ', 0.06885523395612836), ('place', 0.03371735382825136), (', ', 0.0018326910212635994), ('feels ', -0.14522252837195992), ('like ', 0.008434210205450654), ('Seattle', 0.21840529353357852), ('.', 0.013534165918827057), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "Blah. Mediocrity at it's best."} [('', 0.0), ('Blah', -0.351678432431072), ('. ', -0.2340691233985126), ('Med', -0.12069223286380293), ('io', -0.08287835890223505), ('cr', -0.07957927753886906), ('ity ', -0.04554056518099969), ('at ', -0.094742887555185), ('it', 0.12282239762816971), ("'", 0.09717028160639529), ('s ', 0.09780077338655246), ('best', 0.423994385455444), ('.', 0.018990272910741623), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great sushi and drinks!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.28228624165058136), ('su', -0.04592820443212986), ('shi ', 0.10971937514841557), ('and ', 0.0735214352607727), ('drinks', 0.14797016978263855), ('!', 0.12353783845901489), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'The food is great... but the wait is long.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.02692155260592699), ('food ', 0.07273627382528502), ('is ', 0.071095412116847), ('great', 0.2288285714457743), ('.', -0.027056420920416713), ('.', -0.04036901757353917), ('. ', -0.04255300114164129), ('but ', -0.2813459898461588), ('the ', -0.007396678724035155), ('wait ', -0.06168308006454026), ('is ', -0.020186689296679106), ('long', -0.185314761059999), ('.', -0.0348100331320893), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Nm'} [('', 0.0), ('Nm', 0.0513119101524353), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'This store went out of business and no longer exists'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', -0.012150465474405792), ('store ', -0.03571071051010222), ('went ', -0.023813032186808414), ('out ', -0.06234867612693051), ('of ', 0.013114928398863412), ('business ', -0.04097000145884522), ('and ', 0.010497892941202736), ('no ', -0.12205154278126429), ('longer ', -0.12523568789401907), ('exists', 0.09615593142370926), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Average Thai cuisine. Not the speediest service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Average ', -0.051939684060926083), ('Thai ', 0.08859278109594015), ('cuisine', 0.25572764505341183), ('. ', 0.02045586210442707), ('Not ', -0.4891679763313732), ('the ', 0.11145544032478938), ('speed', 0.027316975174471736), ('iest ', -0.13251286414742935), ('service', -0.09784883228712715), ('.', -0.034367417480098084), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Asian girl approve. mmm yuuum.'} [('', 0.0), ('Asian ', 0.19328180700540543), ('girl ', 0.03451037313789129), ('approve', 0.4475525328889489), ('. ', 0.14018380641937256), ('mmm ', -0.02848804648965597), ('yu', 0.07122077709937003), ('u', -0.013449994483380578), ('um', -0.10445920052006841), ('.', -0.0299063827842474), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Pulled pork with Cole slaw Sammy is pretty good!'} [('', 0.0), ('Pulled ', -0.05654992815107107), ('pork ', -0.13327209022827446), ('with ', 0.036438579903915524), ('Cole ', 0.0010741529986262321), ('sl', -0.05149102193536237), ('aw ', -0.026018110977020115), ('Sammy ', -0.007044880359899253), ('is ', 0.0048479814431630075), ('pretty ', 0.09975693444721401), ('good', 0.8025806117802858), ('!', -0.004428197396919131), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "Service, food, atmosphere was blah. Won't be back."} [('', 0.0), ('Service', 0.03405964045668952), (', ', 0.050269208528334275), ('food', 0.04514341105823405), (', ', 0.03511292950133793), ('atmosphere ', -0.04057818473665975), ('was ', -0.06737117501324974), ('blah', -0.2294452803907916), ('. ', -0.03390036552445963), ('Won', 0.20304737228434533), ("'", -0.0739654287463054), ('t ', -0.2246042019687593), ('be ', -0.02960943104699254), ('back', -0.05160665069706738), ('.', -0.023329603718593717), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Very friendly and comfortable feeling salon.'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.0718512199819088), ('friendly ', 0.2318190522491932), ('and ', 0.05849577486515045), ('comfortable ', 0.20903239957988262), ('feeling ', 0.007499841973185539), ('salon', 0.16982321068644524), ('.', -0.025099925696849823), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': '$28.50 for a pound of cashews.'} [('', 0.0), ('$', -0.11601238080766052), ('28', -0.006816795910708606), ('.', -0.012008539168164134), ('50 ', -0.015350703499279916), ('for ', -0.030945252510719), ('a ', -0.007191017095465213), ('pound ', -0.052286370599176735), ('of ', -0.015597559977322817), ('cash', -0.012248927378095686), ('ew', -0.048249771003611386), ('s', -0.019901340128853917), ('.', -0.02574163256213069), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'This is the slowest Starbucks I have ever been to'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', -0.01042011308891233), ('is ', 0.030680321473482763), ('the ', 0.03198213289215346), ('slow', -0.6514196041680407), ('est ', -0.06940815359121189), ('Starbucks ', -0.03176214855557191), ('I ', 0.04531902369853924), ('have ', 0.10424608524044743), ('ever ', 0.15673473664355697), ('been ', -0.013693664855964016), ('to', 0.07437236143596238), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'good music but pricey and over crowded'} [('', 0.0), ('good ', 0.6142205904470757), ('music ', 0.04485026921611279), ('but ', -0.1710384585603606), ('price', 0.11167185987869743), ('y ', 0.19584456355369184), ('and ', 0.0373981716693379), ('over ', -0.06717918568756431), ('crowded', -0.0910091974074021), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Forget jamba juice this place is better'} [('', 0.0), ('Forget ', -0.6085968204424717), ('jam', 0.002136312803486362), ('ba ', -0.00891782293911092), ('juice ', 0.08381645811459748), ('this ', 0.17999569098901702), ('place ', -0.029115129786077887), ('is ', 0.036046477340278216), ('better', 0.07672325236489996), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Yum got the chiliquiles with eggs'} [('', 0.0), ('Yu', 0.04643562249839306), ('m ', 0.06494258157908916), ('got ', 0.2559642307460308), ('the ', 0.2411038726568222), ('chili', -0.10861230222508311), ('quil', 0.0937588824890554), ('es ', -0.01680784486234188), ('with ', 0.22284403210505843), ('eggs', -0.40504218405112624), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Gotta get the Whiskey! Love Bev Mo helpful people!'} [('', 0.0), ('Gotta ', 0.026630313601344824), ('get ', -0.14848200138658285), ('the ', -0.060130159137770534), ('Whiskey', -0.1509169803466648), ('! ', 0.19018853642046452), ('Love ', 0.6076566395349801), ('Be', 0.02206489141099155), ('v ', 0.0009631819557398558), ('Mo ', -0.18426415376598015), ('helpful ', 0.2452060876530595), ('people', 0.120598602341488), ('!', -0.04593435348942876), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'still the best Wingstop in town!'} [('', 0.0), ('still ', -0.04328562878072262), ('the ', 0.051398719660937786), ('best ', 0.35788541566580534), ('Wings', -0.011900517158210278), ('top ', 0.006999966688454151), ('in ', 0.1832918245345354), ('town', 0.15143084898591042), ('!', 0.033455073833465576), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Finally I get a real coconut!'} [('', 0.0), ('Finally ', 0.2955549359321594), ('I ', 0.06443839147686958), ('get ', -0.006159324198961258), ('a ', 0.08387579396367073), ('real ', 0.141363974660635), ('coconut', 0.11003914475440979), ('!', 0.03293667733669281), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Excellent food.\\n\\nNaan was excellent along with Chicken Tikka masala.'} [('', 0.0), ('Excellent ', 0.22462471202015877), ('food', 0.046082500368356705), ('.', -0.0055050328373909), ('\\', -0.01581281831022352), ('n', -0.012018419278319925), ('\\', -0.01609362050658092), ('n', -0.014838764528394676), ('Na', -0.020464442754746414), ('an ', 0.0002803363197017461), ('was ', 0.0009920553740812466), ('excellent ', 0.44062765897542705), ('along ', 0.00517419318202883), ('with ', -0.007582591963000596), ('Chicken ', -0.043464615009725094), ('Ti', -0.013109268620610237), ('kka ', -0.004498609690926969), ('mas', -0.029951981094200164), ('ala', -0.008516662346664816), ('.', -0.007097816793248057), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best burgers on the strip'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.5831813737750053), ('burger', -0.2152748266234994), ('s ', 0.02037420216947794), ('on ', 0.12494300305843353), ('the ', 0.1470182240009308), ('strip', 0.03009907901287079), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great fried pickles. Burgers galore. Went twice in one weekend.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.3944902545772493), ('fried ', -0.06892142398282886), ('pick', -0.016438765916973352), ('les', 0.05442753667011857), ('. ', 0.012610482051968575), ('Burger', -0.09925963589921594), ('s ', 0.027688317466527224), ('gal', 0.20747575198765844), ('ore', 0.1381324582034722), ('. ', 0.01487806811928749), ('Went ', -0.00625706696882844), ('twice ', 0.011561351362615824), ('in ', 0.04686389351263642), ('one ', -0.08347019320353866), ('weekend', -0.013445341028273106), ('.', -0.07023899629712105), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "Lamb Tandoori burger! That's all you need to know!"} [('', 0.0), ('Lamb ', -0.04243116942234337), ('Tan', -0.019673165341373533), ('door', -0.03743275790475309), ('i ', -0.001499179343227297), ('burger', -0.06133624236099422), ('! ', -0.03244699747301638), ('That', 0.021073671552585438), ("'", -0.0132635778572876), ('s ', 0.04425826109945774), ('all ', -0.032307810499332845), ('you ', 0.09268216567579657), ('need ', -0.09217956842621788), ('to ', 0.03731134528061375), ('know', -0.2538675242103636), ('!', -0.022719649598002434), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good Burger, but over price.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.39074282068759203), ('Burger', -0.0694690162781626), (', ', 0.09784627635963261), ('but ', -0.2809365240391344), ('over ', -0.25364235969027504), ('price', -0.020143032365012914), ('.', -0.010461671277880669), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "It was solidly good, nothing amazing, but can't complain either"} [('', 0.0), ('It ', 0.008037444596993737), ('was ', -0.014037710352567956), ('solid', 0.26009534725744743), ('ly ', 0.018265678285388276), ('good', 0.20208911252848338), (', ', -0.021616619007545523), ('nothing ', -0.20108484945376404), ('amazing', 0.1020719732332509), (', ', -0.011765756702516228), ('but ', -0.07341388007625937), ('can', 0.017705784004647285), ("'", -0.006159657903481275), ('t ', 0.1768834888935089), ('complain ', 0.23408622934948653), ('either', -0.12379937234800309), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "They don't offer Pear cider anymore...Boooooooooooooo Bring back the cider!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"} [('', -0.0015904251486063004), ('They ', -0.04440841497853398), ('don', 0.0005024169901541118), ("'", -0.029593716482243813), ('t ', -0.07120808122757201), ('offer ', -0.09227126073286247), ('Pear ', -0.0269992310689607), ('cid', -0.02363361686972591), ('er ', -0.02873692301606449), ('anymore', -0.16175627520230287), ('.', -0.08141015012127657), ('.', -0.0112291244789958), ('.', -0.019004250504076482), ('Boo', -0.025666131669716846), ('oo', -0.023816428644644033), ('oo', -0.012836947603212608), ('oo', -0.01284213786392094), ('oo', -0.011922312854540162), ('oo', -0.012020406267356686), ('oo ', -0.03383677750894111), ('Bring ', 0.010495367256375268), ('back ', 0.010495367256375268), ('the ', -0.005414556915489718), ('cid', 0.048025079255995265), ('er', 0.01218027535181206), ('!', 0.019936462233846004), ('!', 0.00015606707893311977), ('!', 0.0022167114075273275), ('!', 0.007456690538674593), ('!', 0.009074120316654444), ('!', 0.015038948389701545), ('!', 0.016475817072205245), ('!', 0.013433988089673221), ('!', 0.011932174558751285), ('!', 0.008547538063592382), ('!', 0.01003362714416451), ('!', 0.013479888542658754), ('!', 0.013623165070182748), ('!', 0.016328415067659485), ('!', 0.0172810192944275), ('!', 0.012026260306851732), ('!', 0.002952989899656839), ('', 0.005082032420775957)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Its a hotdog. Nothing special.'} [('', 0.0), ('Its ', 0.021324235407519154), ('a ', 0.1785968360491097), ('hot', 0.15009389849547006), ('dog', -0.17418176954925002), ('. ', 0.16730022848787485), ('Nothing ', -0.7462207258358831), ('special', 0.16186673934862483), ('.', -0.029053896490950137), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Their Mediterranean salad is amazing!! Wonderful food, every time!'} [('', 0.0), ('Their ', -0.005740869790315628), ('Mediterranean ', 0.08347518276423216), ('salad ', -0.010900995694100857), ('is ', 0.005974452011287212), ('amazing', 0.22862971108406782), ('!', 0.003280656412243843), ('! ', -0.04978764429688454), ('Wonderful ', 0.19651010166853666), ('food', 0.03697830345481634), (', ', 0.013998135924339294), ('every ', 0.07194001018069685), ('time', -0.00803061411716044), ('!', 0.04317379975691438), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great food, great people!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.1403036043047905), ('food', 0.12104866653680801), (', ', 0.08421951532363892), ('great ', 0.18716132640838623), ('people', 0.07356685400009155), ('!', 0.08485099673271179), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'The teriyaki and arizona bowls are good!'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.07658429071307182), ('ter', -0.08171959710307419), ('iya', 0.16896057431586087), ('ki ', 0.1106331255286932), ('and ', 0.11400211602449417), ('arizona ', 0.10743626765906811), ('bowls ', -0.0046743545681238174), ('are ', -0.03109469637274742), ('good', 0.33731627464294434), ('!', 0.05261767655611038), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'holy amazeballs. get some caramel popcorn.'} [('', 0.0), ('holy ', 0.11552299000322819), ('ama', 0.4722310469369404), ('ze', 0.07432900863932446), ('balls', -0.01044312585145235), ('. ', 0.07105362042784691), ('get ', -0.1422475427389145), ('some ', 0.02492474764585495), ('cara', 0.08395438070874661), ('mel ', -0.08492847613524646), ('popcorn', 0.09639748092740774), ('.', -0.04788997769355774), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Wings, Deep fried cheesecake, fried squash!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Wings', 0.49135102634318173), (', ', 0.1881332383491099), ('Deep ', 0.00836919542052783), ('fried ', -0.08702303990139626), ('cheese', -0.08715843362733722), ('cake', 0.1995420372695662), (', ', 0.033363097929395735), ('fried ', -0.07235857238993049), ('squash', -0.1150804809294641), ('!', 0.02621122309938073), ('!', -0.00786939263343811), ('!', -0.054678648710250854), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'great barbecue and drink specials!!! I absolutely love this place!!!'} [('', 3.916876656668527e-07), ('great ', 0.3235965423019869), ('barbecue ', 0.007989288839910711), ('and ', 0.016607160280857767), ('drink ', -0.028031134445752417), ('specials', -0.01650495587715081), ('!', -0.028342246477093016), ('!', -0.02923352364450693), ('! ', -0.026987689547240734), ('I ', 0.006273072678595781), ('absolutely ', 0.17263308074325323), ('love ', 0.14751147581652427), ('this ', 0.033993274885384984), ('place', 0.0007281856766591469), ('!', -0.00046486128121614456), ('!', -0.011075906455516815), ('!', -0.0169568732380867), ('', -1.7881393432617188e-07)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great food reasonable prices. Must try the Mac & Cheese!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.4995260024443269), ('food ', 0.17764696781523526), ('reasonable ', 0.24444147408939898), ('prices', -0.12499607028439641), ('. ', -0.03389130346477032), ('Must ', -0.0714098532916978), ('try ', 0.0007019414333626628), ('the ', -0.0023572439095005393), ('Mac ', 0.007532131508924067), ('& ', 0.05418945773271844), ('Cheese', -0.12710289348615333), ('!', -2.5460030883550644e-05), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'They are closed'} [('', 0.0), ('They ', 0.16534747183322906), ('are ', -0.18540168553590775), ('closed', -0.35317496210336685), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "Closed. It's a tiny little gambling room now."} [('', 0.0), ('Closed', -0.17031658813357353), ('. ', 0.1395277939736843), ('It', -0.07321937335655093), ("'", 0.1378374381456524), ('s ', 0.14514410286210477), ('a ', 0.1897819001460448), ('tiny ', 0.2823256616247818), ('little ', 0.015091057575773448), ('gambling ', -0.36373036325676367), ('room ', 0.0358460177667439), ('now', -0.11124346358701587), ('.', -0.11287509277462959), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Home run. Again. Carpets cleaned perfectly.'} [('', 0.0), ('Home ', 0.3835586219211109), ('run', -0.06738021440105513), ('. ', 0.02534235641360283), ('Again', -0.016858508810400963), ('. ', 0.02822747640311718), ('Carpets ', -0.058720873668789864), ('cleaned ', -0.08634310029447079), ('perfectly', 0.5335544310510159), ('.', -0.028524402529001236), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': '5 stars for the attentive staff, the jellyfish is awesome!'} [('', 0.0), ('5 ', 0.008779656141996384), ('stars ', 0.1606200197711587), ('for ', -0.007968787103891373), ('the ', -0.022255764342844486), ('at', 0.05114239756949246), ('ten', 0.05456573306582868), ('tive ', 0.01166923251003027), ('staff', 0.008131986483931541), (', ', 0.015534678474068642), ('the ', -0.022605937905609608), ('jelly', -0.03190361708402634), ('fish ', -0.029170905239880085), ('is ', -0.01648238697089255), ('awesome', 0.40144379367120564), ('!', -0.013894573785364628), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Happening club. Great place to see and be seen.'} [('', 0.0), ('Happening ', 0.19127095490694046), ('club', 0.01750805228948593), ('. ', 0.08533889055252075), ('Great ', 0.1318739466369152), ('place ', -0.02107064798474312), ('to ', 0.05699489079415798), ('see ', 0.04868599958717823), ('and ', 0.1142244040966034), ('be ', 0.07767378515563905), ('seen', -0.029978755628690124), ('.', -0.006486047059297562), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Thirsty Beavers. Tall Boys. Good Times.'} [('', 0.0), ('Thirsty ', -0.07468276470899582), ('Beaver', -0.09537117672152817), ('s', 0.03644149494357407), ('. ', -0.0013304688036441803), ('Tall ', 0.18249558564275503), ('Boys', -0.009397102519869804), ('. ', 0.004546814598143101), ('Good ', 0.6975123073207214), ('Times', -0.019494032370857894), ('.', -0.023903557332232594), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'great music\\ngreat food\\ngreat hosts\\n\\nwhat more needs to said'} [('', 0.0), ('great ', 0.5279674048069865), ('music', 0.2892725564306602), ('\\', 0.008107465109787881), ('ng', 0.029638056294061244), ('rea', -0.059018118190579116), ('t ', -0.0471701828064397), ('food', -0.01863737648818642), ('\\', -0.011248370632529259), ('ng', 0.0185676789842546), ('rea', -0.04733872029464692), ('t ', -0.0262090367032215), ('hosts', -0.025308748183306307), ('\\', -0.013884779356885701), ('n', -0.011979775037616491), ('\\', -0.011603652499616146), ('nw', -0.00227143571828492), ('hat ', -0.052959943684982136), ('more ', -0.022562589729204774), ('needs ', -0.12424532772274688), ('to ', 0.0018160984036512673), ('said', 0.06017539539607242), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'closed - july 1 2013'} [('', 0.0), ('closed ', 0.16343755275011063), ('- ', 0.1579202264547348), ('july ', 0.134592704474926), ('1 ', 0.129530169069767), ('2013', 0.05010945349931717), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Terrible service terrible food so to sum up terrible!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Terrible ', -0.07877723932324443), ('service ', -0.025398346591828158), ('terrible ', -0.055357253633701475), ('food ', 0.013369711617997382), ('so ', -0.03277439558223705), ('to ', 0.034768066225296934), ('sum ', 0.06129821012473258), ('up ', 0.07813096578865952), ('terrible', -0.3267136547383416), ('!', 0.016099513097287854), ('!', -0.017253284459002316), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Panda Express quality food at 4 times the price.'} [('', 0.0), ('Panda ', 0.15300258994102478), ('Express ', 0.055148158222436905), ('quality ', 0.33400117978453636), ('food ', 0.22506562620401382), ('at ', 0.05518863536417484), ('4 ', -0.07756446208804846), ('times ', 0.08033734280616045), ('the ', 0.012497317045927048), ('price', -0.12530954275280237), ('.', -0.017030919902026653), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Always friendly helpful staff. Convenient. Favorite store ever.'} [('', 0.0), ('Always ', 0.03443712741136551), ('friendly ', 0.12756190355867147), ('helpful ', 0.11758365388959646), ('staff', 0.07401376403868198), ('. ', -0.016244620084762573), ('Convenient', -0.01128777489066124), ('. ', 0.02106359228491783), ('Favorite ', 0.32970543386181816), ('store ', -0.006201214098837227), ('ever', 0.0015759961679577827), ('.', -0.006275683641433716), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good food. Clean environment.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.12810789793729782), ('food', 0.10696738213300705), ('. ', 0.11065523326396942), ('Clean ', 0.1909348275512457), ('environment', 0.1808441635221243), ('.', -0.02638309821486473), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'yep - closed...sad.'} [('', 0.0), ('yep ', 0.1499230162044114), ('- ', -0.03311185273378214), ('closed', -0.08717915060151427), ('.', 0.19570314833254088), ('.', -0.060670450679026544), ('.', 0.008166252286173403), ('sad', -0.3758120238198899), ('.', -0.06618170876754448), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'The food looked good but had no taste.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.011785477923694998), ('food ', 0.01674422661017161), ('looked ', -0.07024652547261212), ('good ', 0.4178296957688872), ('but ', -0.15173413348384202), ('had ', -0.1505376203203923), ('no ', -0.40168547066423343), ('taste', 0.16048035517451353), ('.', -0.09249768679728732), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Worst customer service. Go to Home Depot across the street.'} [('', 0.0), ('Worst ', -0.17261912907451915), ('customer ', 0.0024951518744273926), ('service', -0.0021708498761654482), ('. ', -0.028501836124632973), ('Go ', 0.06906223151781887), ('to ', 0.01998206926691637), ('Home ', 0.043248135435533186), ('Depot ', -0.24188603102720663), ('across ', 0.028715296572954685), ('the ', -0.025352018042212876), ('street', -0.04379375531425467), ('.', -0.021547605501837097), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Delicious food and great service on this trip. Yum!'} [('', 0.0), ('Delicious ', 0.26764410734176636), ('food ', 0.05164644122123718), ('and ', 0.015745699405670166), ('great ', 0.22441857680678368), ('service ', -0.06050046905875206), ('on ', 0.014539195224642754), ('this ', 0.02839739853516221), ('trip', 0.06489006290212274), ('. ', 0.031135165132582188), ('Yu', -0.0020281895995140076), ('m', -0.06860378012061119), ('!', 0.060019779950380325), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "Food was good but wasn't over the top great"} [('', 0.0), ('Food ', -0.044152608257718384), ('was ', 0.10447709978325292), ('good ', 0.5177824729471467), ('but ', -0.24075227929279208), ('wasn', -0.033654510756605305), ("'", -0.04307552507088985), ('t ', -0.25840905879158527), ('over ', -0.00042231054976582527), ('the ', -0.08240959257818758), ('top ', 0.08467342308722436), ('great', -0.12551415082998574), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'closed...that was quick.'} [('', 0.0), ('closed', 0.02210344560444355), ('.', -0.03387808986008167), ('.', -0.25913457199931145), ('.', 0.014332182705402374), ('that ', 0.02312009211163968), ('was ', -0.06961932487320155), ('quick', 0.037210159469395876), ('.', 0.036987847182899714), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Just tried the pho. its good.'} [('', 0.0), ('Just ', -0.05425498355180025), ('tried ', -0.09186288435012102), ('the ', 0.01196007989346981), ('ph', -0.07235021633096039), ('o', 0.019470052095130086), ('. ', 0.057693831622600555), ('its ', -0.023794749518856406), ('good', 0.8967567433137447), ('.', -0.030937980394810438), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Really really good!'} [('', 0.0), ('Really ', 0.15020636469125748), ('really ', 0.0771874375641346), ('good', 0.08200915530323982), ('!', 0.2771665006875992), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'slow slow slow ... turtle or snail slow service'} [('', 0.0), ('slow ', -0.06615735365630826), ('slow ', -0.03232131829827267), ('slow ', -0.03514625496791268), ('.', -0.026357626848039217), ('.', -0.019492954244924476), ('. ', -0.012405414487147937), ('turtle ', -0.024984646122902632), ('or ', -0.017157835536636412), ('snail ', -0.022817977853264892), ('slow ', -0.04322078228506143), ('service', -0.03332357697945554), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Clean, bright and accesible'} [('', 0.0), ('Clean', 0.2603846788406372), (', ', 0.10097888112068176), ('bright ', 0.15753551200032234), ('and ', 0.030009429901838303), ('acc', 0.005788683891296387), ('es', 0.09598319418728352), ('ible', 0.07275919429957867), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'fuck YEAH! (will expand later) :)'} [('', 0.0), ('fuck ', -0.6199357658624649), ('YEAH', 0.26442763581871986), ('! ', 0.05535483732819557), ('(', 0.020781947299838066), ('will ', 0.33048304286785424), ('expand ', 0.25509723857976496), ('later', -0.08942303864751011), (') ', -0.027708985726349056), (':', -0.03871363215148449), (')', -0.004442049190402031), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great BBQ!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.3219941183924675), ('BB', -0.10624623484909534), ('Q', 0.0771413017064333), ('!', 0.12674594670534134), ('!', 0.10183574259281158), ('!', 0.1696617305278778), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "No comparison to Mac's Speed Shop."} [('', 0.0), ('No ', -0.1079892915149685), ('comparison ', -0.0524097409688693), ('to ', 0.024121080718032317), ('Mac', 0.04718773637432605), ("'", 0.03777155908755958), ('s ', 0.026142510934732854), ('Speed ', -0.039801884442567825), ('Shop', -0.21314016135875136), ('.', 0.0008429334266111255), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Amazing, low key restaurant. Make sure you get their muffins!'} [('', 0.0), ('Amazing', 0.26555610820651054), (', ', 0.02599840983748436), ('low ', -0.17910636408487335), ('key ', 0.10897094436222687), ('restaurant', 0.04792681382969022), ('. ', 0.032065761275589466), ('Make ', 0.029440187849104404), ('sure ', 0.23707746621221304), ('you ', 0.13819428271381184), ('get ', -0.08325908210827038), ('their ', -0.0099752233363688), ('mu', -0.06656390253920108), ('ffin', -0.025469323969446123), ('s', 0.023832928854972124), ('!', 0.02290733903646469), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'the soup great as well as the sandwiches !'} [('', 0.0), ('the ', -0.06518949568271637), ('soup ', -0.15787514671683311), ('great ', 0.28490618988871574), ('as ', -0.005976730026304722), ('well ', 0.44126018043607473), ('as ', -0.05239935254212469), ('the ', 0.15203598362859339), ('sandwiches ', -0.10689613968133926), ('!', 0.22282781451940536), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': "Average, but good food in a 50's diner"} [('', 0.0), ('Average', -0.09297844022512436), (', ', -0.028273753821849823), ('but ', -0.049065271858125925), ('good ', 0.8465359542169608), ('food ', 0.06586820428492501), ('in ', -0.008927201328333467), ('a ', -0.0034852050594054163), ('50', -0.01590835873503238), ("'", -0.0072519086534157395), ('s ', -0.007427989738062024), ('diner', -0.0332651324570179), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good food and good value with decent service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.3463418558239937), ('food ', 0.010107673704624176), ('and ', 0.014983754605054855), ('good ', 0.14537721686065197), ('value ', 0.018680019304156303), ('with ', 0.013749856501817703), ('decent ', 0.18877286091446877), ('service', -0.010355493053793907), ('.', -0.014654556289315224), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'The Pho here is delicious, and thee people are nice.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.026148399338126183), ('Ph', -0.015330175869166851), ('o ', -0.01599582191556692), ('here ', -0.02373467432335019), ('is ', -0.014480509329587221), ('delicious', 0.41204452980309725), (', ', -0.011645782738924026), ('and ', -0.02682630717754364), ('thee ', 0.020791729679331183), ('people ', -0.016113277291879058), ('are ', 0.03124178247526288), ('nice', 0.32960966555401683), ('.', -0.033925166353583336), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great food and friendly service! Will go back.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.15822089463472366), ('food ', 0.0411214604973793), ('and ', 0.03000861406326294), ('friendly ', 0.3178122974932194), ('service', -0.12031484395265579), ('! ', 0.02429785206913948), ('Will ', 0.21870871167629957), ('go ', 0.14221329893916845), ('back', -0.06561184488236904), ('.', -0.04954152926802635), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Nice place and great customer service just pricey'} [('', 0.0), ('Nice ', 0.2891641017049551), ('place ', 0.03810650296509266), ('and ', 0.02932117134332657), ('great ', 0.21680132439360023), ('customer ', -0.006409444380551577), ('service ', -0.014077513944357634), ('just ', -0.009298467542976141), ('price', 0.07205526810139418), ('y', 0.09735002089291811), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Come here great pizza.. Hand made..'} [('', 0.0), ('Come ', 0.13988722395151854), ('here ', -0.025290694960858673), ('great ', 0.6690585892065428), ('pizza', 0.016336163505911827), ('.', -0.007812364026904106), ('. ', 0.05748825520277023), ('Hand ', -0.09775459172669798), ('made', 0.09836956404615194), ('.', -0.01895669801160693), ('.', -0.1360322590917349), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': "Crispy chicken sandwich, can't go wrong"} [('', 0.0), ('Crisp', 0.2906669396907091), ('y ', -0.007846634835004807), ('chicken ', -0.16786003578454256), ('sandwich', -0.0472970912232995), (', ', 0.04645310342311859), ('can', 0.0358054839016404), ("'", 0.019008561823284253), ('t ', 0.26798513665562496), ('go ', 0.05860875052167103), ('wrong', 0.1945078507415019), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great lunch bar!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.19765456765890121), ('lunch ', 0.18289679661393166), ('bar', -0.07116840407252312), ('!', 0.27718566358089447), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'The food is awesome!'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.10228485614061356), ('food ', 0.14333244413137436), ('is ', 0.000552888959646225), ('awesome', 0.14724399521946907), ('!', 0.2706180065870285), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "Just not the best service. I'll try again."} [('', 0.0), ('Just ', -0.030346277948410716), ('not ', -0.5504658480895159), ('the ', 0.008198668063414516), ('best ', 0.32541174975631293), ('service', -0.04723719873436494), ('. ', 0.05695965828635963), ('I', 0.04195475173764862), ("'", 0.011980226525338367), ('ll ', 0.12507942345837364), ('try ', -0.2345821897033602), ('again', -0.04375143262586789), ('.', -0.0342624626646284), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Best Strawberry Vodka Lemonade.'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.42959028482437134), ('Strawberry ', 0.1440320359542966), ('Vodka ', -0.14283884037286043), ('Lemon', 0.13200589641928673), ('ade', 0.13252125680446625), ('.', -0.004248064011335373), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Both Market Bistro locations are now out of business.'} [('', 0.0), ('Both ', 0.05776273372612195), ('Market ', -0.09957351620687405), ('Bis', 0.013968939500045963), ('tro ', 0.009342655808723066), ('locations ', 0.003988404027040815), ('are ', 0.03200880532313022), ('now ', -0.15345572651494876), ('out ', -0.19748850630639936), ('of ', -0.012085350390407257), ('business', 0.054845430538989604), ('.', -0.042594095604727045), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best city water park in the East Valley!'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.40431536361575127), ('city ', -0.0015732115134596825), ('water ', -0.045276482589542866), ('park ', 0.1438715923577547), ('in ', 0.051637886092066765), ('the ', 0.06365306722000241), ('East ', 0.02379343518987298), ('Valley', 0.06329298857599497), ('!', 0.009276866912841797), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Veryyy good! :) Specialty coffee is better than Starbucks!'} [('', 0.0), ('Very', 0.0019290230702608824), ('y', -0.007405700394883752), ('y ', -0.0575966271571815), ('good', 0.3292997949756682), ('! ', 0.070203120354563), (':', -0.03167661279439926), (') ', -0.008586592972278595), ('Specialty ', 0.03390071075409651), ('coffee ', -0.03798480425029993), ('is ', -0.006604913156479597), ('better ', 0.1373883760534227), ('than ', 0.19562803721055388), ('Starbucks', -0.016748452559113503), ('!', -0.018263242673128843), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'its walmart...nothing else to say'} [('', 0.0), ('its ', -0.026191166656644782), ('wal', -0.05101866552467982), ('mart', -0.04554294347508403), ('.', 0.005195136909605935), ('.', -0.006774049121304415), ('.', -0.0026052192188217305), ('nothing ', -0.16160788546221738), ('else ', -0.11294395888216968), ('to ', 0.060039504407541244), ('say', 0.03886731401689758), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'fantastic'} [('', 0.0), ('fantastic', 0.06664401292800903), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great food & great service!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.17543072998523712), ('food ', 0.12664194405078888), ('& ', 0.04352840781211853), ('great ', 0.22329385951161385), ('service', 0.03722308203577995), ('!', 0.08503162860870361), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "Try feta cheese mozzeralla\\nMixed pizza it's money"} [('', 0.0), ('Try ', -0.04440586906275712), ('fe', -0.019878595099726226), ('ta ', -0.0018214171504951082), ('cheese ', -0.06212449933809694), ('mo', -0.01528246625821339), ('zz', -0.02039662152674282), ('eral', 0.0021300688131304923), ('la', -0.0019409624183026608), ('\\', -0.014401466927665751), ('nMi', -0.027173256741662044), ('xed ', -0.011116464193037245), ('pizza ', -0.027612521589617245), ('it', 0.016150072013260797), ("'", 0.001441560103558004), ('s ', 0.002561231405707076), ('money', -0.22118891129503027), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best in town! Family friendly too!'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.21047015488147736), ('in ', 0.03272334020584822), ('town', 0.028456625528633595), ('! ', 0.09479735791683197), ('Family ', 0.07198605558369309), ('friendly ', 0.11673003836767748), ('too', -0.09174985851859674), ('!', 0.26585412165150046), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "Grimaldi's pizza is good but over priced."} [('', 0.0), ('Grim', -0.03888749939505942), ('aldi', 0.07982736430130899), ("'", 0.02123968918749597), ('s ', 0.02671792839828413), ('pizza ', -0.07379066876819707), ('is ', 0.09479606215973035), ('good ', 0.5235712637295364), ('but ', -0.3014985650079325), ('over ', -0.5769759102258831), ('priced', -0.04200070281513035), ('.', -0.03900290420278907), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Love this place, great salads'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.2012844681739807), ('this ', 0.04141196794807911), ('place', 0.03757320158183575), (', ', 0.08705078065395355), ('great ', 0.34540339559316635), ('salad', -0.013074345886707306), ('s', 0.023784026503562927), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Nom nom nom. Sums it up!'} [('', 0.0), ('No', -0.0995706720277667), ('m ', 0.07528565358370543), ('no', -0.0726058870786801), ('m ', 0.07602609659079462), ('no', -0.0894211838603951), ('m', 0.12425342859933153), ('. ', 0.018715981394052505), ('Sums ', 0.16595886880531907), ('it ', 0.14874733006581664), ('up', 0.1920713260769844), ('!', 0.12649722397327423), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Super good! Great service!'} [('', 0.0), ('Super ', 0.03644406795501709), ('good', 0.1475820541381836), ('! ', 0.16155636310577393), ('Great ', 0.223287183791399), ('service', 0.03723035380244255), ('!', 0.08502340316772461), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Recommend it.'} [('', 0.0), ('Recommend ', 0.2291322648525238), ('it', 0.2095544934272766), ('.', 0.0381757915019989), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Alright... nothing special.'} [('', 0.0), ('Alright', 0.24443536407488864), ('.', 0.11667241422401275), ('.', 0.05792125218431465), ('. ', 0.010487661435035989), ('nothing ', -0.766177352050363), ('special', 0.11859803284642112), ('.', -0.057753520046389895), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "Outstanding! Best jerk chicken I've ever had"} [('', 0.0), ('Outstanding', 0.2667801082134247), ('! ', 0.08236727118492126), ('Best ', 0.3872602959163487), ('jerk ', -0.05965791642665863), ('chicken ', -0.14118609623983502), ('I', 0.04951882688328624), ("'", 0.021503583062440157), ('ve ', 0.040019161999225616), ('ever ', 0.07627156004309654), ('had', -0.026086993515491486), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Love'} [('', 0.0), ('Love', 0.06664317846298218), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Hands down the best golf experience I have ever had.'} [('', 0.0), ('Hands ', -0.11643119575455785), ('down ', -0.2227034338284284), ('the ', 0.03533059055916965), ('best ', 0.5581923825666308), ('golf ', 0.06421651365235448), ('experience ', 0.0015998147428035736), ('I ', 0.019122037570923567), ('have ', 0.1129546407610178), ('ever ', 0.21337768994271755), ('had', 0.023494169116020203), ('.', -0.023984089493751526), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'This theater gets dirtier everytime I go in it.'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', -0.09011464103241451), ('theater ', -0.02346552987000905), ('gets ', -0.18009715137304738), ('dirt', -0.38021838998247404), ('ier ', -0.17989097473036963), ('every', 0.27880325984733645), ('time ', -0.08536472222476732), ('I ', 0.110419467840984), ('go ', 0.153332877853245), ('in ', -0.0005135219689691439), ('it', 0.05916518713638652), ('.', -0.03207253065193072), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'beautiful salon'} [('', 0.0), ('beautiful ', 0.13930541276931763), ('salon', 0.13380420207977295), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best pizza I have ever tasted in my life!'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.3391311466693878), ('pizza ', -0.013979850336909294), ('I ', 0.022061048075556755), ('have ', 0.05909806024283171), ('ever ', 0.06490833032876253), ('tasted ', 0.03630967065691948), ('in ', 0.03621678426861763), ('my ', 0.07906730193644762), ('life', 0.0764913996681571), ('!', -0.0024590156972408295), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'This is what you call a \\"clown factory.\\"'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', -0.01221616620750865), ('is ', -0.0031229191408783663), ('what ', -0.024117566677887226), ('you ', 0.1057528690653271), ('call ', -0.12249415252153995), ('a ', -0.03200506166467676), ('\\', -0.029173135168093722), ('"', -0.018446138470608275), ('clown ', -0.04562055540009169), ('factory', -0.06649753051169682), ('.', -0.032682166405720636), ('\\', -0.03865550542832352), ('"', -0.07008634766680188), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Good music and a good crowd.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.196755088865757), ('music ', 0.10671990364789963), ('and ', 0.058240681886672974), ('a ', 0.07659635506570339), ('good ', 0.11821423284709454), ('crowd', 0.19207540526986122), ('.', -0.02516304701566696), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Not worth it -,totally boring'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', -0.3508899790012947), ('worth ', 0.12064671625057599), ('it ', 0.004157287703947077), ('-', 0.00444184896787192), (',', 0.08343541784051922), ('totally ', -0.0072297032274946105), ('boring', -0.13081124117525178), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Too crowded and music was questionable...'} [('', 0.0), ('Too ', -0.07686194124744361), ('crowded ', -0.0702887590859973), ('and ', 0.05215964980015997), ('music ', 0.029382986780092324), ('was ', -0.009964484418105712), ('questionable', -0.10799184932602657), ('.', -0.007356551943303202), ('.', -0.03761608660715865), ('.', -0.05799256660975516), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Delivered fast and hot. Crust good sauce to sweet'} [('', 0.0), ('Delivered ', 0.06377295404672623), ('fast ', 0.10593272000551224), ('and ', 0.008849762380123138), ('hot', 0.10956429317593575), ('. ', 0.06316838040947914), ('Crust ', -0.0228713545948267), ('good ', 0.1979751717299223), ('sauce ', -0.019198311958462), ('to ', 0.008386532310396433), ('sweet', 0.1808142364025116), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Food: 3.5\\nDecor: 1.5\\nAmbiance: 2\\nService: 3\\nValue: 3'} [('', 0.0005409359000623226), ('Food', 0.22502400784287602), (': ', 0.18573140382068232), ('3', 0.005547843931708485), ('.', 0.0022723455913364887), ('5', -0.01893797335214913), ('\\', -0.007413499103859067), ('n', -0.17953883756417782), ('De', -0.08639176881406456), ('cor', 0.032036481378600004), (': ', 0.01051917679918309), ('1', 0.017354369241123397), ('.', -0.012518335754672686), ('5', 0.00924329983536154), ('\\', 0.002354166586883366), ('nAm', -0.013683724275324494), ('bian', -0.01889508293243125), ('ce', 0.01762858231086284), (': ', 0.011070411918418748), ('2', 0.005789845865885062), ('\\', -0.0009985289902293254), ('nS', -0.03543987447795059), ('er', -0.025093498839331527), ('vic', 0.030503752907471995), ('e', -0.00023896360237683593), (': ', 0.008820831154783567), ('3', 1.7826988672216444e-05), ('\\', -0.009795503147567313), ('n', 0.02241550562515234), ('Val', 0.06205404225814467), ('ue', 0.010529261625682315), (': ', 0.029620730007688206), ('3', 0.02073731521765391), ('', 0.0020102841469148793)] {'label': 3, 'text': "Can't beat the taste, price and variety of flavors!"} [('', 0.0), ('Can', -0.07648056725884089), ("'", -0.16799857036676258), ('t ', -0.5145685423121904), ('beat ', 0.08835835047648288), ('the ', 0.008080346957285656), ('taste', 0.009512412445474183), (', ', -0.039532183051051106), ('price ', -0.038612653537711594), ('and ', -0.011191555218829308), ('variety ', 0.13850380205985857), ('of ', -0.015964388574502664), ('flavors', 0.2234944469128095), ('!', 0.006791290878027212), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "Simple and plain don't waste your time or money..."} [('', 0.00037033262196928263), ('Simple ', 0.037486794986762106), ('and ', 0.03915912172328717), ('plain ', -0.08684737687485722), ('don', -0.004519546693662354), ("'", -0.0034987289208932757), ('t ', 0.4377187314643531), ('waste ', 0.4125079446887412), ('your ', -0.004991594483044537), ('time ', -0.03603847147678607), ('or ', -0.030364534934051335), ('money', -0.06954040197888389), ('.', -0.010596845590043813), ('.', -0.06064207851886749), ('.', -0.07261651754379272), ('', -0.0002881288528442383)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Overpriced'} [('', 0.0), ('Over', -0.6435375073269824), ('pr', -0.003187869609973859), ('ice', 0.03566025198233547), ('d', 0.19820331049413653), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Had a great time here!'} [('', 0.0), ('Had ', -0.053536079823970795), ('a ', 0.15878938511013985), ('great ', 0.2834419943392277), ('time ', -0.08606879413127899), ('here', 0.13493482023477554), ('!', 0.25353289395570755), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'low quality and pretty expensive, dont go.'} [('', 0.0), ('low ', -0.4848407531462726), ('quality ', 0.06706820241379319), ('and ', 0.15698919727583416), ('pretty ', 0.1209261248295661), ('expensive', -0.023359824226645287), (', ', 0.013957449271401856), ('don', 0.005295109571306966), ('t ', -0.21634730974619742), ('go', 0.10267954610753804), ('.', -0.03862513857893646), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Place is terrible'} [('', 0.0), ('Place ', 0.22995862914831378), ('is ', 0.10230030270759016), ('terrible', -0.8546811693522613), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': "Good food, good prices. I love the falafel at Leena's."} [('', 2.60770320892334e-06), ('Good ', 0.13150301575660706), ('food', 0.02777080237865448), (', ', -0.012168757617473602), ('good ', 0.14414030484234294), ('prices', -0.06423694935316841), ('. ', 0.03437103455265363), ('I ', 0.023682006789992254), ('love ', 0.3138377491074304), ('the ', -0.004990522128840287), ('fa', 0.011926210834644735), ('la', 0.006793196429498494), ('fe', -0.04137123841792345), ('l ', -0.006173974368721247), ('at ', -0.028924562968313694), ('Lee', 0.02023448934778571), ('na', -0.010415697004646063), ("'", -9.654788300395012e-05), ('s', 0.017055980395525694), ('.', -0.04390431568026543), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Fast. Tasty. Cheap.'} [('', 0.0), ('Fast', 0.16410037907553487), ('. ', 0.08364834052554215), ('Ta', 0.2150928212704457), ('sty', 0.19273336843070865), ('. ', -0.02747584065218689), ('Cheap', -0.2304228062130278), ('.', -0.1407088370906422), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Just a regular pizza joint dressed for uptown. Not impressed.'} [('', 0.0), ('Just ', -0.08316979107621592), ('a ', -0.010423786461615236), ('regular ', -0.019561105942557333), ('pizza ', -0.08577106306984206), ('joint ', -0.0323600787196483), ('dressed ', -0.028364004266222764), ('for ', 0.02292315788417909), ('uptown', 0.05996215898449009), ('. ', 0.0035225221363361925), ('Not ', -0.5605954280108563), ('impressed', 0.40521008612267906), ('.', -0.04336874406726565), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great place to eat. Try the blue cheese dressing.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.5811581283342093), ('place ', 0.03960341654601507), ('to ', 0.08479151324718259), ('eat', 0.13088390690973029), ('. ', -0.015754221472889185), ('Try ', -0.018712980789132416), ('the ', 0.01737146999221295), ('blue ', -0.007191315642558038), ('cheese ', -0.06320593482814729), ('dressing', -0.048469100263901055), ('.', -0.03532167663797736), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Had their godiva chocolate cheesecake. Delicious. Great service as well.'} [('', 0.0), ('Had ', -0.02745874715037644), ('their ', -0.04957735748030245), ('god', -0.014520762488245964), ('iva ', -0.02074001030996442), ('chocolate ', 0.0230860048905015), ('cheese', -0.08243926672730595), ('cake', 0.017237255699001253), ('. ', -0.0057356848847121), ('Delicious', 0.3814982669427991), ('. ', -0.016732976771891117), ('Great ', 0.31068303040228784), ('service ', -0.032119472278282046), ('as ', -0.05401903600431979), ('well', 0.15679373708553612), ('.', -0.0183746088296175), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Overpriced and the food is not that great!'} [('', 0.0), ('Over', -0.11983815846178913), ('pr', -0.026278286371962167), ('ice', -0.03402317183645209), ('d ', -0.004064537366502918), ('and ', -0.008896462310076458), ('the ', 0.008626844847640314), ('food ', -0.008970476675131067), ('is ', 0.010234347119876475), ('not ', -0.5890862480691794), ('that ', -0.0033179258134623524), ('great', 0.28534267597206053), ('!', 0.11794718301825924), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good food, good service, good price.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.24376009032130241), ('food', 0.0727941207587719), (', ', 0.03999193757772446), ('good ', 0.18235927913337946), ('service', -0.03358664084225893), (', ', 0.031476106494665146), ('good ', 0.2035087482072413), ('price', -0.012771320063620806), ('.', -0.014528656378388405), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'nice zoo and decent animals, nothing extraordinary though.'} [('', 0.0), ('nice ', 0.4549568301299587), ('zoo ', -0.012611840211320668), ('and ', 0.11240667809033766), ('decent ', 0.23896518189576454), ('animals', -0.025156973715638742), (', ', 0.07702891941880807), ('nothing ', -0.2915152209097869), ('extraordinary ', 0.2055488587138825), ('though', -0.03061126645479817), ('.', -0.033229638007469475), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Bon, copieux, accueillant, un super brunch !'} [('', 0.0008417852222919464), ('Bon', 0.09429018571972847), (', ', -0.005362331867218018), ('cop', 0.005606640828773379), ('ieu', 0.01825185981579125), ('x', -0.021656746044754982), (', ', 0.07457282021641731), ('acc', 0.1673461477039382), ('ue', 0.06121594284195453), ('illa', -0.009014652576297522), ('nt', -0.021338208112865686), (', ', 0.01611267402768135), ('un ', -0.02732483734143898), ('super ', 0.17531147779664025), ('br', -0.015036830824101344), ('un', -0.10516081468085758), ('ch ', -0.15133523161057383), ('!', 0.25552494963631034), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'So so. Overpriced and slow. Food was bland.'} [('', 0.0), ('So ', -0.019549895670024853), ('so', -0.025069706044632767), ('. ', 0.004340785562817473), ('Over', -0.0435393314310204), ('pr', -0.026535404937021667), ('ice', -0.014813812568718276), ('d ', 0.0009119101787291584), ('and ', 0.0010445146454003407), ('slow', -0.0684758264451375), ('. ', -0.015672836008889135), ('Food ', -0.049683214512697305), ('was ', -0.017956337074792827), ('bland', -0.1049187501448614), ('.', -0.03619376671122154), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Meilleur pizza dans le coin!'} [('', 0.0), ('Mei', -0.006503220647573471), ('lle', 0.20846793055534363), ('ur ', -0.010668549686670303), ('pizza ', -0.127863809466362), ('dans ', 0.1638554334640503), ('le ', 0.1887966487556696), ('coin', -0.05618916638195515), ('!', 0.35490133613348007), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Ok sushi. Had better. Fast delivery.'} [('', 0.0), ('Ok ', 0.4447702672332525), ('su', 0.01387840136885643), ('shi', 0.06415032781660557), ('. ', -0.04356227442622185), ('Had ', -0.20497694160440005), ('better', -0.21336384690948762), ('. ', 0.26145637716399506), ('Fast ', 0.2692229808308184), ('delivery', 0.0699988272972405), ('.', -0.0010372931137681007), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Tr\\u00e8s bon et personnel tr\\u00e8s attentionn\\u00e9 et sympathique'} [('', 0.00032764797409375507), ('Tr', -0.009219957670817772), ('\\', -0.02443082087362806), ('u', -0.03430496151559055), ('00', -0.028111730772070586), ('e', -0.02041581373196095), ('8', -0.00969573687762022), ('s ', -0.0073879255913198), ('bon ', 0.013233374649037916), ('et ', 0.018936237630744774), ('personnel ', -0.003373162743325035), ('tr', -0.019608546649881948), ('\\', -0.015524199833938232), ('u', -0.03402304598906388), ('00', -0.025654968456365168), ('e', -0.015911710797809064), ('8', -0.00700373062863946), ('s ', -0.004842301597818732), ('attention', -0.015717515159243096), ('n', -0.021865947540694226), ('\\', -0.026541064920214314), ('u', -0.07847524364478886), ('00', -0.05515573685988784), ('e', -0.04725643456913531), ('9 ', -0.005102082621306181), ('et ', 0.029784672427922487), ('sy', 0.0448636703658849), ('mp', -0.018191086361184716), ('athi', 0.08449138747528195), ('que', -0.05758442310616374), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'D\\u00e9jeun\\u00e9 OK, rien de super sp\\u00e9cial mais bon...'} [('', -0.0010958843437644343), ('D', -0.0013809551989349227), ('\\', -0.011401758859089265), ('u', -0.018125832042035956), ('00', -0.023727513898241643), ('e', -0.008395149886685733), ('9', -0.004416994459461421), ('je', -0.014502572536002845), ('un', -0.027528873994015157), ('\\', -0.018436547019518912), ('u', -0.03393334984624138), ('00', -0.03982389074129363), ('e', -0.017639456627269585), ('9 ', -0.008742522002042582), ('OK', -0.020236804635108758), (', ', -0.015105431045716008), ('ri', -0.027452203061589638), ('en ', -0.011440592201584616), ('de ', -0.011760900577688256), ('super ', -0.004968599265599291), ('sp', -0.022897258892910378), ('\\', -0.019906671627679663), ('u', -0.031913272888189), ('00', -0.032240775879472494), ('e', -0.02572984783910215), ('9', -0.0009296735515818), ('cial ', -0.02074041764717549), ('mai', -0.01425864826887846), ('s ', -0.00825801701284945), ('bon', 0.0009404974989593029), ('.', -0.003924115793779492), ('.', -0.01087391993496567), ('.', -0.021821623668074608), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Mediocre for the price.'} [('', 0.0), ('Med', -0.21369490450524609), ('io', 0.006893216126627522), ('cre ', -0.18374569489242276), ('for ', 0.06509789856318093), ('the ', 0.11012569727790833), ('price', -0.09582229104853468), ('.', 0.034932807546283584), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "Come on. It's greasy fast food."} [('', 0.0), ('Come ', 0.2034130678148358), ('on', -0.05528672473883489), ('. ', 0.06277207554376218), ('It', -0.013084340767818503), ("'", 0.062459737091558054), ('s ', 0.024294181013829075), ('greasy ', -0.7450169512958382), ('fast ', 0.152222756856645), ('food', 0.04827026066777762), ('.', -0.04199162304576021), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Tr\\u00e8s bon, tr\\u00e8s frais, belle atmosph\\u00e8re! Y retournerons s\\u00fbrement!'} [('', -0.001553515220681826), ('Tr', -0.004983502222845952), ('\\', -0.008143876461933056), ('u', -0.013217796276633938), ('00', -0.012255790930551787), ('e', -0.011171469053563973), ('8', -0.0055356894115296505), ('s ', -0.004923541327783217), ('bon', -0.002927527759068956), (', ', -0.004946625942829996), ('tr', -0.007297446232266901), ('\\', -0.007877321194835184), ('u', -0.011623434061628012), ('00', -0.01106742451167), ('e', -0.007819340291566081), ('8', -0.00625944663271574), ('s ', -0.004727700627076306), ('fra', -0.009407251584343612), ('is', -0.0072471624938771125), (', ', -0.0026234010932967068), ('belle ', 0.02267012845682488), ('atm', -0.00663454372128895), ('os', -0.011921823561847717), ('ph', -0.004015313532859595), ('\\', -0.010693353672236712), ('u', -0.025376566611653703), ('00', -0.02456662004855885), ('e', -0.011537314784205095), ('8', -0.0038957416774902604), ('re', -0.017086594155636813), ('! ', -0.01702176869113111), ('Y ', -0.022462939750403164), ('re', -0.019534270593430846), ('tour', -0.002989286172669381), ('ner', -0.025429497787263243), ('ons ', -0.023353838676121084), ('s', -0.0048977168432126445), ('\\', -0.01174225976380209), ('u', -0.022466084143767755), ('00', -0.0379819295485504), ('fb', -0.014581042632926255), ('rem', -0.04700433899415657), ('ent', -0.0171450853231363), ('!', -0.010494543239474297), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Best place for breakfast all day and night.'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.25234098359942436), ('place ', 0.11839271243661642), ('for ', 0.019063820131123066), ('breakfast ', 0.0745271984487772), ('all ', -0.059200795367360115), ('day ', 0.11161370575428009), ('and ', 0.10688459128141403), ('night', 0.048855697736144066), ('.', 0.039582984521985054), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Mediocre.'} [('', 0.0), ('Med', -0.37820727327562054), ('io', 0.19036445968595217), ('cre', -0.18078354205499636), ('.', -0.04444393412268255), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'mediocre pita + grumpy server'} [('', 0.0), ('med', -0.04276058718096465), ('io', -0.004973411836544983), ('cre ', -0.03650396490411367), ('pit', -0.11317679062631214), ('a ', 0.032240167714917334), ('+ ', 0.012058269032422686), ('gr', -0.02511738577959477), ('ump', -0.0518736335397989), ('y ', -0.008450182962405961), ('server', -0.06409993451234186), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great concept! \\n\\nDefinitely worth the try !'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.22213483229279518), ('concept', 0.07751081511378288), ('! ', -0.015732645988464355), ('\\', -0.01173222390934825), ('n', -0.01085477089509368), ('\\', -0.009171291254460812), ('n', -0.033668211614713076), ('De', -0.026436981232836842), ('fin', 0.01077316906885244), ('ite', -0.01395339784794487), ('ly ', 0.007912850053980947), ('worth ', 0.3670090272789821), ('the ', 0.052948629832826555), ('try ', -0.0400039532687515), ('!', -0.00920953694730997), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great little fruit store. Nice selection and very fair prices.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.32779290340840816), ('little ', -0.053436371963471174), ('fruit ', -0.0480822513345629), ('store', -0.027404343942180276), ('. ', 0.08098458498716354), ('Nice ', 0.20647579245269299), ('selection ', -0.007107602432370186), ('and ', 0.017932530492544174), ('very ', 0.07910039043053985), ('fair ', 0.22789137158542871), ('prices', -0.12418178329244256), ('.', -0.052737586200237274), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Continental Bistro. Awesome.'} [('', 0.0), ('Continental ', 0.16045688092708588), ('Bis', 0.09509716648608446), ('tro', 0.0002478836104273796), ('. ', 0.07250185310840607), ('Awesome', 0.38667916879057884), ('.', -0.023851778358221054), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'The staff is incredibly accommodating.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.017974935472011566), ('staff ', -0.07381593342870474), ('is ', 0.05749424081295729), ('incredibly ', -0.04111737385392189), ('acc', 0.49813883344177157), ('om', 0.3352469044039026), ('mo', -0.01172065397258848), ('dating', -0.0231566111324355), ('.', -0.04606177657842636), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Not bad. Not the greatest.'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', 0.14158284255245235), ('bad', 0.12560091087652836), ('. ', 0.11455419997218996), ('Not ', -0.4379222440184094), ('the ', -0.035236078809248284), ('greatest', 0.01504480410949327), ('.', -0.15498020238010213), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'simply: the best bagels in the world!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('simply', -0.02365973498672247), (': ', 0.0015794512582942843), ('the ', -0.020019638701342046), ('best ', 0.36700647277757525), ('bag', -0.13548970420379192), ('els ', 0.1043644166784361), ('in ', -0.04320979246404022), ('the ', 0.05307517678011209), ('world', 0.31764675048179924), ('!', 0.01648537628352642), ('!', 0.005501404404640198), ('!', -0.015987634658813477), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'The original, often imitated never duplicated.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.06966941989958286), ('original', 0.16139341704547405), (', ', 0.14968318864703178), ('often ', -0.029026062227785587), ('im', 0.21126068802550435), ('itated ', 0.01581393601372838), ('never ', 0.2511849832299049), ('duplicate', -0.04003667542929179), ('d', 0.08177084182170802), ('.', -0.03643827699124813), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Excellent service.\\nBeautiful patio.\\nGood crepes.'} [('', 0.0), ('Excellent ', 0.8728859173133969), ('service', -0.008609966607764363), ('.', -0.0052130024414509535), ('\\', -0.019992545945569873), ('n', -0.17516524318489246), ('Beau', 0.15117522267973982), ('ti', -0.016132167031173594), ('ful ', -0.03597306383016985), ('patio', 0.0024660983472131193), ('.', -0.010408963251393288), ('\\', -0.06325864652171731), ('nGo', -0.02547808294184506), ('od ', -0.05453357310034335), ('cr', -0.05220822017872706), ('ep', 0.0012785825529135764), ('es', 0.0026828511618077755), ('.', -0.026166121941059828), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'This branch is closed but the st-denis one still open'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', -0.03634173650061712), ('branch ', -0.1740925008925842), ('is ', -0.06297610230103601), ('closed ', -0.2670033205358777), ('but ', -0.057354440563358366), ('the ', 0.05156178039396764), ('st', -0.0075921028437733185), ('-', 0.07803677954871091), ('denis ', 0.14199353256481118), ('one ', -0.11177853282424621), ('still ', 0.10307287736213766), ('open', 0.2435187611845322), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Acceptable (but not great) food, terrible service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Acceptable ', 0.31134309541084804), ('(', 0.09839449743594741), ('but ', -0.00463324806332821), ('not ', -0.1935731405574188), ('great', 0.11783783987993957), (') ', 0.20370261708740145), ('food', 0.11533864386728965), (', ', 0.15995641981135122), ('terrible ', -0.43981837762112264), ('service', 0.06889975465310272), ('.', 0.1892659488657955), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'great brunch!'} [('', 0.0), ('great ', 0.6793811284005642), ('br', 0.12279597664019093), ('un', -0.16158443124732003), ('ch', -0.2506686095148325), ('!', 0.27375002205371857), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Wonderful. Food and service are great'} [('', 0.0), ('Wonderful', 0.24807950854301453), ('. ', 0.11365047097206116), ('Food ', 0.12143699452280998), ('and ', 0.055265892297029495), ('service ', -0.024284478276968002), ('are ', 0.021857645362615585), ('great', 0.1874348521232605), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great value for quality food. Reasonably priced beer. Long lines.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.27831108681857586), ('value ', -0.01745929243043065), ('for ', -0.07327107479795814), ('quality ', 0.20920593943446875), ('food', 0.007640407420694828), ('. ', 0.039044156670570374), ('Reasonably ', 0.15255356131820008), ('priced ', 0.1913304208428599), ('beer', 0.021147088147699833), ('. ', -0.04119707620702684), ('Long ', -0.08244739717338234), ('lines', -0.02531491091940552), ('.', -0.05054908082820475), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Pretty good but clearly overrated.'} [('', 0.0), ('Pretty ', 0.12340784491971135), ('good ', 0.6126545588485897), ('but ', 0.10516158118844032), ('clearly ', 0.18763920990750194), ('over', -0.3890591609524563), ('rated', 0.10931671655271202), ('.', -0.027192451991140842), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Descent food, good service! Popular spot! crowded.'} [('', 0.0), ('Descent ', -0.011958479881286621), ('food', 0.07414501532912254), (', ', 0.08981235697865486), ('good ', 0.22187238419428468), ('service', -0.032078342977911234), ('! ', -0.00635363906621933), ('Popular ', 0.3200661442533601), ('spot', 0.010797151975566521), ('! ', 0.08647329331142828), ('crowded', -0.06294825667282566), ('.', -0.023979551100637764), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Over rated! Very good presentation and service, poor flavor...'} [('', 0.0), ('Over ', -0.37135898642009124), ('rated', 0.21243399806553498), ('! ', 0.04670575528871268), ('Very ', 0.09356850361223223), ('good ', 0.3205186227989998), ('presentation ', 0.038071132950335596), ('and ', 0.051292416130005826), ('service', 0.011194372563901803), (', ', 0.023388093700911366), ('poor ', -0.31201911699326956), ('flavor', -0.037669034756163455), ('.', -0.11163492022205901), ('.', -0.17352955252863467), ('.', -0.13696792349219322), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Ouvert 24/7!!!\\nOpen 24/7!!!\\nEnjoy'} [('', 0.0), ('Ou', -0.16967616591136903), ('vert ', 0.12873544672038406), ('24', 0.009470347547903657), ('/', -0.043927528662607074), ('7', -0.007450223551131785), ('!', -0.02367957157548517), ('!', -0.005143849062733352), ('!', -0.005375452106818557), ('\\', -0.02065264669363387), ('nOpe', -0.15333481262496207), ('n ', -0.03739265959302429), ('24', 0.01263277760881465), ('/', -0.027623396439594217), ('7', -0.0038392363057937473), ('!', 0.022284376493189484), ('!', -0.017139660427346826), ('!', -0.007711056852713227), ('\\', -0.12300953851081431), ('nE', -0.0035651016708773873), ('n', -0.31074160746842), ('joy', 0.31799248411941033), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Fine microbrews but\\nthis place gets crowded quickly.\\n2 for 1 Wednesdays.'} [('', -3.3690419513732193e-06), ('Fine ', 0.299397839512676), ('micro', 0.033088850944477596), ('bre', 0.002292210188170429), ('ws ', 0.001459184949635528), ('but', -0.1900926252019417), ('\\', -0.014170911123073893), ('nt', -0.04552957068881369), ('his ', -0.004335549059760524), ('place ', -0.02803969100204995), ('gets ', -0.07598855685137096), ('crowded ', -0.10193411124237173), ('quickly', -0.12251087385993742), ('.', -0.02828366254834691), ('\\', -0.02714757659850875), ('n', -0.03217853257228853), ('2 ', -0.03324025332767633), ('for ', -0.033578996462892974), ('1 ', -0.023726875333522912), ('Wednesday', -0.03541061401241071), ('s', -0.018362827101858176), ('.', -0.014066740031315325), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': "Les bi\\u00e8res sont bonnes, l'endroit est confortable, beaucoup d'espace."} [('', 0.001512416224512789), ('Les ', 0.05005270620394084), ('bi', -0.05043710642752962), ('\\', -0.10144633860586004), ('u', -0.0763389463795142), ('00', -0.1346440193657246), ('e', -0.030901077151712444), ('8', -0.03233837237995532), ('res ', -0.012559230387624767), ('son', 0.047128939838148656), ('t ', -0.03492079807911068), ('bonn', -0.05740700969472527), ('es', -0.01417854642495513), (', ', -0.005924549698829651), ('l', 0.0012282425382484988), ("'", -0.0008284641585002347), ('end', -0.00013272832147777084), ('roi', -0.00013272832147777084), ('t ', -0.00013272832147777084), ('est ', -0.006943754029149811), ('con', -0.028767353692092), ('fort', -0.05896768749225885), ('able', 0.024118023039773107), (', ', -0.004008718486875296), ('beau', 0.10645354480948299), ('co', -0.068852219148539), ('up ', 0.045365321449935436), ('d', -0.006279207183979452), ("'", -0.006279207183979452), ('es', 0.08413276181090623), ('pace', 0.1283910620259121), ('.', -0.038461719173938036), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good pizza and reasonable price.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.2413211390376091), ('pizza ', 0.040226154029369354), ('and ', 0.07360629737377167), ('reasonable ', 0.37977634742856026), ('price', -0.01678217202425003), ('.', -0.027070414274930954), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Resto ferme'} [('', 0.0), ('Rest', -0.06362402252852917), ('o ', 0.40892725996673107), ('fe', 0.26925032306462526), ('rm', -0.2713618250563741), ('e', -0.14620711654424667), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Service is great, everything is home made. Very helpful staff.'} [('', 0.0), ('Service ', -0.0175307746976614), ('is ', 0.005213097203522921), ('great', 0.17891686176881194), (', ', -0.012901589274406433), ('everything ', 0.0022423178888857365), ('is ', 0.02285946486517787), ('home ', 0.10521135106682777), ('made', 0.03901831619441509), ('. ', -0.016493503004312515), ('Very ', 0.047549810260534286), ('helpful ', 0.3079585637897253), ('staff', -0.01536705531179905), ('.', -0.03724571317434311), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Relaxed, unpretentious, and friendly...'} [('', 0.0), ('Relaxed', 0.21267240750603378), (', ', 0.006937318714335561), ('un', 0.017968761938391253), ('pre', 0.04074870367185213), ('ten', 0.05113135656938539), ('tious', 0.00781083741094335), (', ', 0.04354724520817399), ('and ', 0.007361765950918198), ('friendly', 0.3607456686440855), ('.', 0.01233999035321176), ('.', -0.05590394139289856), ('.', -0.078081876039505), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'I highly recommend getting a haircut with Mary.'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', -0.033875787165015936), ('highly ', 0.18618607777170837), ('recommend ', 0.673478509997949), ('getting ', -0.17081718656118028), ('a ', 0.04218421733821742), ('hair', -0.04484474239870906), ('cut ', -0.15440031047910452), ('with ', 0.07085584092419595), ('Mary', 0.11525401112157851), ('.', -0.004973940085619688), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great wine and tapas. Service was great'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.25032556615769863), ('wine ', 0.08630203269422054), ('and ', 0.023270394653081894), ('tap', 0.0004509836435317993), ('as', -0.009167216718196869), ('. ', 0.009989053010940552), ('Service ', -0.06584851443767548), ('was ', 0.003171481192111969), ('great', 0.4144800826907158), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good service! Cool vibe & decent polish food.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.25831921584904194), ('service', 0.021602584049105644), ('! ', 0.06836941838264465), ('Cool ', 0.08396671526134014), ('vibe ', 0.020048843696713448), ('& ', 0.015759484842419624), ('decent ', 0.08790096454322338), ('polish ', 0.10058473516255617), ('food', 0.053315081633627415), ('.', -0.012944383546710014), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Outdoor seating is gorgeous. Decent food, attentive staff. Business crowd.'} [('', 0.0), ('Outdoor ', 0.03903915360569954), ('seating ', 0.06690372573211789), ('is ', 0.014229798223823309), ('gorgeous', 0.1858986783772707), ('. ', -0.030040964484214783), ('Decent ', 0.09872008068487048), ('food', -0.009095957037061453), (', ', -0.004544759169220924), ('at', 0.02998664928600192), ('ten', 0.02328882017172873), ('tive ', 0.018180264392867684), ('staff', -0.003933684900403023), ('. ', -0.004467599093914032), ('Business ', 0.018622837960720062), ('crowd', 0.09953155368566513), ('.', 0.009409591555595398), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'terrible and expensive.. very cheap food quality..'} [('', 0.0), ('terrible ', -0.1937984401047288), ('and ', 0.10939444457108038), ('expensive', -0.06529599638270156), ('.', -0.012551265974252601), ('. ', -0.01460065026913071), ('very ', -0.002120744071817171), ('cheap ', -0.2739337586685906), ('food ', -0.014068250950913352), ('quality', 0.1883402869298152), ('.', -0.019556871262466302), ('.', -0.03527309613127727), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Cuisine in\\u00e9gale, rapport qualit\\u00e9 prix m\\u00e9diocre.'} [('', 0.007084856042638421), ('Cuisine ', 0.2249181744409725), ('in', 0.14377157813093314), ('\\', -0.025459422225443028), ('u', -0.04249539571659019), ('00', -0.13903729904753467), ('e', 0.010450770535195868), ('9', -0.024935107716980077), ('gal', -0.017390401141407587), ('e', -0.02404382095361749), (', ', 0.0844337767145286), ('rap', 0.07785053113316694), ('port ', 0.04172051743212664), ('qu', 0.004150128822816028), ('ali', 0.009904656109442427), ('t', 0.005903109400109812), ('\\', 0.0021678939969702205), ('u', 0.002646914252898458), ('00', -0.0068767415006842575), ('e', -0.000199678318687912), ('9 ', 0.02241337853907184), ('prix ', 0.11930747430729256), ('m', -0.058541954735604425), ('\\', -0.038840915782687564), ('u', 0.011933560941057901), ('00', 0.0019352106144651772), ('e', 0.02237650433089584), ('9', -0.032448909022302054), ('dio', -0.036863057651013754), ('cre', -0.026882353714123987), ('.', -0.0004272929800208658), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "Best Bagels in The World. Nuff' said"} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.5499332118779421), ('Bag', -0.11552710284013301), ('els ', 0.019650047761388123), ('in ', 0.03202347503975034), ('The ', 0.046489198342897), ('World', 0.19193804555106908), ('. ', 0.09822571813128889), ('Nu', -0.08414156071376055), ('ff', -0.049449361744336784), ("' ", -0.11399899213574827), ('said', 0.08997684950008988), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Amazing bagels! Crusty on the outside, soft and chewy inside....'} [('', 0.0), ('Amazing ', 0.3900680122897029), ('bag', -0.020214905263856053), ('els', -0.0008624119218438864), ('! ', -0.040925903245806694), ('Crust', -0.08416506988578476), ('y ', 0.03766078277840279), ('on ', -0.010633641693857498), ('the ', 0.0023118392418837175), ('outside', -0.023431521112797782), (', ', -0.014820866170339286), ('soft ', 0.04899926879443228), ('and ', 0.04252336034551263), ('chew', -0.06940235778650579), ('y ', 0.09076023702315676), ('inside', 0.21177413621141264), ('.', 0.0489624731708318), ('.', -0.034163281321525574), ('.', -0.02126622200012207), ('.', -0.034137144684791565), ('', -4.470348358154297e-08)] {'label': 4, 'text': ':)\\nthe. end.'} [('', 0.0), (':', 0.02443430630955845), (')', -0.014966930146329105), ('\\', -0.10262524304562248), ('nt', 0.03376418426341843), ('he', 0.15459122070751619), ('. ', 0.027263577503617853), ('end', -0.37234636914217845), ('.', -0.013628181593958288), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Currently closed. Call ahead to see if they have reopened.'} [('', 0.0), ('Currently ', -0.035373666090890765), ('closed', -0.145936684217304), ('. ', -0.03549576480872929), ('Call ', -0.11989831036771648), ('ahead ', 0.17574632205651142), ('to ', 0.13688055431703106), ('see ', 0.18540916207712144), ('if ', -0.48055175867921207), ('they ', 0.04725976109330077), ('have ', -0.044776007591281086), ('reopened', -0.026862329803407192), ('.', -0.018402133602648973), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'The worst service ever'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.08787033663975308), ('worst ', -0.8404499537646188), ('service ', 0.07023724821192445), ('ever', 0.2692579395734356), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'See my review of ChuChai (with beautiful photos) here:\\n\\nhttp://alltheveganthings.com/post/16403693116/vegan-dining-restaurants-montreal-chuchai#.Tx6ZsbytM6w'} [('', 0.0006924717154886041), ('See ', -0.02031578277902944), ('my ', 0.016678459019888014), ('review ', 0.027806499748978586), ('of ', 0.0052217284771835515), ('Chu', -0.019160774403384755), ('Chai ', 0.04328997539622443), ('(', -0.01462270738556981), ('with ', 0.11150339111918584), ('beautiful ', 0.6137285938602872), ('photos', -0.009661067451816052), (') ', -0.00207814498571679), ('here', -0.011248811201728656), (':', -0.011248811201728656), ('\\', -0.012490951975412442), ('n', -0.006493956680324944), ('\\', -0.008071702337739142), ('nh', -0.010463800443562144), ('tt', -0.010463800443562144), ('p', -0.008551572611781234), (':', -0.006333753473661614), ('/', -0.006333753473661614), ('/', -0.0065838047373814115), ('all', -0.009056891517026261), ('the', -0.011102986724359826), ('ve', -0.006965588165691034), ('gan', -0.02000912287483169), ('thing', -0.010948871988581405), ('s', -0.00500915830932735), ('.', -0.0030153883355004446), ('com', -0.008565530140438805), ('/', -0.007858407643178234), ('post', -0.00025642566058946704), ('/', -0.0034236767855675325), ('1640', -0.0032068590694309578), ('36', -0.0031895541646720276), ('9', -0.0014862108105064735), ('31', -0.002385914052391182), ('16', -0.000799269696675506), ('/', -0.000799269696675506), ('vega', 0.0035152954031002852), ('n', 0.0035152954031002852), ('-', 0.003567259818404116), ('dining', 0.003567259818404116), ('-', 0.0028519910425833838), ('restaurants', 0.0028519910425833838), ('-', 0.0006477629858334337), ('montreal', 0.0006477629858334337), ('-', 0.0006477629858334337), ('chu', -0.005239449292286366), ('chai', -0.005239449292286366), ('#', -0.007642662236332029), ('.', -0.004413882509359847), ('Tx', -0.03499798756092787), ('6', -0.00896102818660438), ('Z', -0.008441152749583125), ('sby', -0.025063725421205163), ('tM', -0.02123456192202866), ('6', -0.00636865912626187), ('w', -0.01693922622750203), ('', -0.0006581439326206843)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Too much sugar in everything.'} [('', 0.0), ('Too ', -0.34922217076382367), ('much ', -0.06256285693234531), ('sugar ', -0.23940759303513914), ('in ', 0.06619788943862659), ('everything', 0.30286445314777666), ('.', -0.026255333687004168), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Bon restaurant style STEAKHOUSE, bonne viande, d\\u00e9cor sympathique'} [('', 0.0), ('Bon ', 0.1473805047571659), ('restaurant ', 0.26068228855729103), ('style ', 0.27595932222902775), ('STEAK', -0.030006055254489183), ('HOUSE', 0.008696909062564373), (', ', 0.022326964419335127), ('bonn', -0.0643745930865407), ('e ', 0.008327797520905733), ('via', -0.05146167194470763), ('nde', 0.01995973475277424), (', ', 0.01378900557756424), ('d', 0.035712273442186415), ('\\', -0.017319790669716895), ('u', -0.10193183179944754), ('00', -0.07438147626817226), ('e', -0.041887032333761454), ('9', -0.03835982223972678), ('cor ', -0.04729452822357416), ('sy', 0.04703369666822255), ('mp', -0.04474562616087496), ('athi', 0.10242329037282616), ('que', -0.037662926712073386), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Beautiful restaurant. O.k food.'} [('', 0.0), ('Beautiful ', 0.4290137644857168), ('restaurant', 0.19362149201333523), ('. ', 0.04737459681928158), ('O', 0.07128611672669649), ('.', 0.07449412066489458), ('k ', -0.053190513513982296), ('food', 0.009114769287407398), ('.', -0.0424285102635622), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'No fanfare.'} [('', 0.0), ('No ', -0.6704858907323796), ('fan', 0.1588232395151863), ('fare', 0.14389717609446961), ('.', -0.045038253942038864), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Cardamon-flavoured ice cream was delicious!'} [('', 0.0), ('Card', -0.06986154709011316), ('amo', 0.018011958338320255), ('n', -0.0199483260512352), ('-', -0.007202113047242165), ('flavour', 0.2341194972395897), ('ed ', 0.0854578111320734), ('ice ', -0.03791363537311554), ('cream ', -0.018584204837679863), ('was ', -0.07462413888424635), ('delicious', 0.5386903965845704), ('!', 0.017879165709018707), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good beers, good food.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.2933921404182911), ('beers', -0.0321616567671299), (', ', 0.08435945212841034), ('good ', 0.21841957233846188), ('food', 0.15365665219724178), ('.', -0.026548098772764206), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Dirty change room.'} [('', 0.0), ('Dirty ', -0.4260174164082855), ('change ', 0.08408811915433034), ('room', -0.022644207056146115), ('.', -0.045057548210024834), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Les pizzas sont vraiment mauvaises, tr\\u00e8s grasses et sans gout.'} [('', -0.00045507075265049934), ('Les ', 0.039953169762156904), ('pizza', -0.0941653668996878), ('s ', 0.014499759941827506), ('son', 0.049385697185061875), ('t ', -0.0483685782412067), ('vr', -0.03149035280803218), ('ai', -0.007957263954449446), ('ment ', -0.005183432181365788), ('ma', 0.03391148307127878), ('u', -0.023966512933839113), ('va', 0.03704534919233993), ('ises', -0.0003328571910969913), (', ', -0.018430810887366533), ('tr', -0.03455385740380734), ('\\', -0.04150077316444367), ('u', -0.056078429101035), ('00', -0.055926121422089636), ('e', -0.03753416158724576), ('8', -0.029754286049865186), ('s ', -0.007329723215661943), ('grasses ', -0.02208323225689431), ('et ', 0.008863333069408933), ('sans ', -0.08943524685067435), ('go', 0.00021716121894617868), ('ut', -0.04271434030185143), ('.', -0.011917353297273317), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great atmosphere & OK crepes.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.33420100063085556), ('atmosphere ', 0.09760930761694908), ('& ', 0.07804881036281586), ('OK ', 0.156390231102705), ('cr', -0.03265823167748749), ('ep', 0.03777322662062943), ('es', 0.0783090591430664), ('.', -0.02045438438653946), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great find nestled in the heart of Old Montreal.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.220913365483284), ('find ', 0.03943055309355259), ('nestled ', 0.08793981932103634), ('in ', 0.027841733768582344), ('the ', 0.022523321211338043), ('heart ', 0.2543852562084794), ('of ', 0.08415365312248468), ('Old ', -0.061625868547707796), ('Montreal', 0.036449671257287264), ('.', -0.015149582177400589), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Oh mama, try the desserts.'} [('', 0.0), ('Oh ', -0.01892641931772232), ('mama', 0.0860985778272152), (', ', 0.19662893936038017), ('try ', -0.40087903663516045), ('the ', 0.19201625231653452), ('dessert', 0.44364313618279994), ('s', 0.12656002189032733), ('.', -0.03050956130027771), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Great waitress. Blah food.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.6865674802102149), ('waitress', -0.09593590022996068), ('. ', 0.21329565905034542), ('Blah ', -0.2609564361628145), ('food', 0.16637184913270175), ('.', -0.018605642952024937), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'A solid bowl of pho and good Bun Ga.'} [('', 0.0), ('A ', 0.05151580274105072), ('solid ', 0.27995530143380165), ('bowl ', -0.05693891644477844), ('of ', -0.03082868829369545), ('ph', -0.03933771885931492), ('o ', 0.06937944889068604), ('and ', 0.0941705796867609), ('good ', 0.4220784784993157), ('Bun ', -0.052409622236154974), ('Ga', -0.02571287751197815), ('.', -0.045895978808403015), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Tres bonne nourriture !!!! Personnel acceuillant'} [('', 0.0), ('Tres ', -0.00843830406665802), ('bonn', -0.0754004386253655), ('e ', 0.10151224071159959), ('no', -0.11184224762837403), ('ur', 0.12844975522602908), ('rit', 0.06715755158802494), ('ure ', -0.15450647234683856), ('!', -0.009426392614841461), ('!', 0.10453454498201609), ('!', 0.09273746889084578), ('! ', 0.05788959190249443), ('Personnel ', 0.05673163756728172), ('acc', 0.14617096487199888), ('eu', 0.36762101418571547), ('illa', -0.2326119636418298), ('nt', 0.011604567407630384), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good coffee and toasted bagel.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.32409658282995224), ('coffee ', -0.006553396582603455), ('and ', 0.050431810319423676), ('toast', 0.24722350016236305), ('ed ', 0.13943396508693695), ('bag', -0.05469499947503209), ('el', 0.05417470680549741), ('.', -0.024881824851036072), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Dirty....'} [('', 0.0), ('Dirty', -0.5277616542734904), ('.', 0.20882357920345385), ('.', 0.09200238338962663), ('.', -0.026172426179982722), ('.', -0.08237056473444682), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best burger I had, anywhere.'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.4100920185446739), ('burger ', -0.04442797554656863), ('I ', 0.1475870474241674), ('had', 0.016739776358008385), (', ', 0.1660342663526535), ('anywhere', 0.06618645042181015), ('.', -0.04094233363866806), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Now closed.'} [('', 0.0), ('Now ', -0.19418958760797977), ('closed', -0.23954609967768192), ('.', 0.017589058727025986), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'I had the lemon pie and it tasted amazing.'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', -0.0027171140536665916), ('had ', 0.001194917131215334), ('the ', -0.01194189814850688), ('lemon ', 0.06297224899753928), ('pie ', -0.05797940818592906), ('and ', 0.09602341428399086), ('it ', -0.0007292758673429489), ('tasted ', 0.20818671584129333), ('amazing', 0.45573716796934605), ('.', -0.05382482334971428), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Delicious breakfast and croissants nice neighborhood hang out (outrermont)\\nHighly recommended'} [('', 0.0), ('Delicious ', 0.15486211329698563), ('breakfast ', 0.0006548687815666199), ('and ', -0.012395188212394714), ('cr', -0.0054616499692201614), ('ois', -0.001844880636781454), ('sant', 0.00966549082659185), ('s ', 0.001351791201159358), ('nice ', 0.13383422535844147), ('neighborhood ', 0.019320189720019698), ('hang ', 0.004137105424888432), ('out ', 0.015073359827511013), ('(', -0.02092993911355734), ('out', 0.0064363980006116135), ('rer', -0.012348854118802896), ('mont', -0.012401030010854205), (')', 0.0029979804530739784), ('\\', -0.019738066165397566), ('nH', -0.08201857834743957), ('igh', -0.029537973847861092), ('ly ', 0.02824981262286504), ('recommended', 0.32568455518533784), ('', 7.947285970052083e-08)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Les meilleurs croissants \\u00e0 Montr\\u00e9al!'} [('', 0.00366052781464532), ('Les ', 0.025552099628839642), ('mei', 0.0039090990903787315), ('lle', 0.034077678981702775), ('urs ', -0.018820870667696), ('cr', -0.010602368914987892), ('ois', -0.0013135363697074354), ('sant', 0.021073832002002746), ('s ', -0.00682052195770666), ('\\', -0.025246024248190224), ('u', -0.06571032817009836), ('00', -0.05501689703669399), ('e', -0.0031069990945979953), ('0 ', -0.06896531535312533), ('Mont', -0.04629693238530308), ('r', -0.046907985233701766), ('\\', -0.02076728385873139), ('u', -0.058943116338923573), ('00', -0.04342596244532615), ('e', -0.021877518040128052), ('9', 0.005156100727617741), ('al', -0.060426296666264534), ('!', 0.01363716647028923), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good time out. Great meal and great service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.4066195641644299), ('time ', -0.04362077941186726), ('out', -0.01784527418203652), ('. ', 0.0033059418201446533), ('Great ', 0.13936489261686802), ('meal ', 0.02489098347723484), ('and ', 0.010277654975652695), ('great ', 0.2049298225902021), ('service', -0.01532838074490428), ('.', -0.015670573338866234), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Choix de bi\\u00e8res au f\\u00fbt incroyable, super ambiance'} [('', 7.580965757369995e-06), ('Choi', 0.020426067640073597), ('x ', -0.015555810066871345), ('de ', 0.00013264554824369648), ('bi', -0.012619907885285405), ('\\', -0.012786838842051415), ('u', -0.021163258973198634), ('00', -0.02220045423988874), ('e', -0.010490461815303812), ('8', -0.006654548109509051), ('res ', -0.012862679199315608), ('au ', -0.003841496421955526), ('f', -0.006308940700061309), ('\\', -0.0024168518672619634), ('u', -0.016599882112738367), ('00', -0.015049975874717347), ('fb', -0.008804648285149597), ('t ', -0.011920080258278176), ('inc', -0.08450772744254209), ('roy', -0.044709436857374385), ('able', 0.050444966473151), (', ', -0.0031964556546881795), ('super ', -0.00464188726618886), ('am', 0.23641769110690802), ('bian', 0.19221040199045092), ('ce', 0.29734277073293924), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "Closed. It's now Hachoir."} [('', 0.0), ('Closed', -0.050053483340889215), ('. ', 0.06791632669046521), ('It', -0.08732758002588525), ("'", 0.2048701691091992), ('s ', 0.045085880905389786), ('now ', -0.3144617145881057), ('Ha', -0.18405081445962423), ('cho', 0.1600432167542749), ('ir', -0.03477328550070524), ('.', -0.0673901999834925), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Their squash soup warms the heart!'} [('', 0.0), ('Their ', -0.0019480902701616287), ('squash ', -0.04863210581243038), ('soup ', -0.0359090231359005), ('warm', 0.35794071294367313), ('s ', 0.043307396583259106), ('the ', 0.08590392023324966), ('heart', 0.30857006181031466), ('!', 0.019823366776108742), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Nothing to see here.'} [('', 0.0), ('Nothing ', -0.6397225241671549), ('to ', 0.1013273297539854), ('see ', 0.11988565441788523), ('here', 0.12836281715863151), ('.', -0.045273171534063295), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Surprenant pas le d\\u00e9cor, un peu bruyant mais agr\\u00e9able'} [('', -0.00011674623237922788), ('Sur', 5.0287247480202985e-06), ('pre', 0.010390670320096737), ('nant ', -0.04852900518259654), ('pas ', 0.029713728383649142), ('le ', 0.004501015564892441), ('d', -0.00808685711817816), ('\\', -0.015400467638392002), ('u', -0.04592262501828372), ('00', -0.05182282201712951), ('e', -0.02494670863961801), ('9', -0.030345369887072593), ('cor', -0.026639697200153023), (', ', -0.021571477642282844), ('un ', -0.025096199358813465), ('pe', -0.0035659403074532747), ('u ', -0.027466506813652813), ('br', -0.010583779687294737), ('uy', -0.008062216133112088), ('ant ', -0.004764742974657565), ('mai', -0.013148540572728962), ('s ', -0.0055573274730704725), ('ag', -0.02732496045064181), ('r', -0.01713161775842309), ('\\', -0.021847285446710885), ('u', -0.03337875289920097), ('00', -0.031442889875809975), ('e', -0.016604948837387685), ('9', -0.1295567723767211), ('able', 0.09675090845363836), ('', -4.238526647289594e-05)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Excellent French food for my first visit to Montreal!'} [('', 0.0), ('Excellent ', 0.18522842228412628), ('French ', 0.14456162974238396), ('food ', 0.02014121785759926), ('for ', 0.013081317767500877), ('my ', 0.037245841696858406), ('first ', 0.04684394598007202), ('visit ', 0.06969518214464188), ('to ', 0.03461526893079281), ('Montreal', 0.06603931076824665), ('!', 0.07946456223726273), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Decent place for lunch. Lively environment. Friendly, professional staff.'} [('', 0.0), ('Decent ', 0.13473626784980297), ('place ', 0.019916631281375885), ('for ', -0.00012979656457901), ('lunch', 0.01578197441995144), ('. ', -0.01613815501332283), ('Lively ', 0.14909803122282028), ('environment', 0.02207300066947937), ('. ', -0.016406454145908356), ('Friendly', 0.21123471856117249), (', ', 0.06829588860273361), ('professional ', 0.024397470988333225), ('staff', 0.015794078819453716), ('.', -0.01917548105120659), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'LOUD! good spot for wine and appetizers'} [('', 0.0), ('LOUD', -0.17877358198165894), ('! ', 0.11319544166326523), ('good ', 0.27181976614519954), ('spot ', 0.04701425274834037), ('for ', -0.017591250129044056), ('wine ', 0.05008196644484997), ('and ', 0.06341088376939297), ('app', 0.17990141455084085), ('eti', 0.20627897698432207), ('zers', -0.038455622270703316), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Solid shish-kebabs, great entrees & ambience. A little pricey.'} [('', 0.0), ('Solid ', 0.14463694486767054), ('shi', 0.02673287154175341), ('sh', -0.03724585543386638), ('-', -0.019233974162489176), ('ke', 0.027902922593057156), ('ba', 0.015171823091804981), ('bs', -0.010665424168109894), (', ', -0.013304207473993301), ('great ', 0.044367678463459015), ('en', 0.011111835793902477), ('tree', 0.013881708340098461), ('s ', -0.00011042288194100063), ('& ', -0.0016932711005210876), ('am', 0.0564971364607724), ('bie', 0.02100727891471858), ('nce', -0.006840925974150498), ('. ', -0.003980763256549835), ('A ', 0.11516799684613943), ('little ', -0.1454999102279544), ('price', 0.13426379906013608), ('y', 0.146832715254277), ('.', -0.01618238538503647), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Not worth a longer review. Avoid, if possible...'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', -0.28993253044427547), ('worth ', 0.15671644223584735), ('a ', 0.04137151411487139), ('longer ', -0.08138308562092789), ('review', 0.030540386268967268), ('. ', -0.017903170409226732), ('Avoid', -0.08032230530170636), (', ', -0.006898063523294695), ('if ', -0.02624391999324871), ('possible', -0.0036636546792578883), ('.', -0.009300191751208331), ('.', -0.029286420256539714), ('.', -0.07383818230300676), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'dull. not much flavor.'} [('', 0.0), ('dull', -0.2761767006631999), ('. ', 0.12185989373756456), ('not ', -0.2913148749703396), ('much ', -0.022014405545633053), ('flavor', 0.18565715096519853), ('.', -0.02655421530653257), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': "Very good food. I'm never disappointed."} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.04820720851421356), ('good ', 0.2202888373285532), ('food', 0.07699397765100002), ('. ', 0.0032864362001419067), ('I', 0.05244720261543989), ("'", 0.043213571421802044), ('m ', -0.002470891248776752), ('never ', 0.16022787656311266), ('disappointed', 0.12615047100916854), ('.', -0.03141678497195244), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'this is the BEST jewish deli in the whole world!'} [('', 0.0), ('this ', -0.017842398956418037), ('is ', 0.019892845302820206), ('the ', 0.016962898895144463), ('BEST ', 0.3209398132748902), ('jewish ', 0.0364157441072166), ('del', -0.06647384073585272), ('i ', 0.004769883118569851), ('in ', -0.026556973345577717), ('the ', 0.00012437347322702408), ('whole ', 0.01742301369085908), ('world', 0.32916937908157706), ('!', -0.0075513869524002075), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Mediocre service and equally unremarkable sandwich.'} [('', 0.0), ('Med', -0.10014560839044861), ('io', -0.06861998213571496), ('cre ', -0.14818403753452003), ('service ', -0.010641446388035547), ('and ', 0.06686814799104468), ('equally ', 0.06974908548363601), ('un', -0.23007551451701147), ('rem', 0.16406480451223615), ('ark', -0.11094322802273382), ('able ', 0.06357638413646782), ('sandwich', -0.04555787327262806), ('.', -0.02234046872035833), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Land mark'} [('', 0.0), ('Land ', 0.12489792704582214), ('mark', 0.14783123135566711), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'it was the best smoked meat ever'} [('', 0.0), ('it ', -0.0007494278252124786), ('was ', 0.11071870662271976), ('the ', 0.24103430844843388), ('best ', 0.3985626418143511), ('smoked ', -0.08754167146980762), ('meat ', -0.024825574830174446), ('ever', 0.08611560054123402), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'The best smoked meat!'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.10275451093912125), ('best ', 0.5801835982128978), ('smoked ', -0.18047948274761438), ('meat', -0.1091588232666254), ('!', 0.2706560343503952), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'great NY deli. Get the corned beef.. yummm'} [('', 0.0), ('great ', 0.6235156485781772), ('NY ', -0.05340861824515741), ('del', -0.09931676305131987), ('i', -0.024334127141628414), ('. ', 0.06195664266124368), ('Get ', 0.2186405148531776), ('the ', 0.022240454651182517), ('corn', -0.17945659528049873), ('ed ', 0.002206225755799096), ('beef', -0.06757607996405568), ('.', -0.06162561278324574), ('. ', -0.05230423156172037), ('yu', -0.0627737648319453), ('mm', -0.23214382934384048), ('m', -0.06347668869420886), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Try the cheese croissants !!'} [('', 0.0), ('Try ', -0.348709735320881), ('the ', 0.013822328532114625), ('cheese ', -0.22590948641300201), ('cr', -0.05891870253253728), ('ois', 0.088123545399867), ('sant', 0.22327544819563627), ('s ', 0.003605033503845334), ('!', 0.07225647708401084), ('!', -0.005038740113377571), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'I hate this place. Overpriced, limited selection.'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', -0.025179960994137218), ('hate ', -0.18404219995227322), ('this ', 0.059100951199980045), ('place', -0.01320178290552576), ('. ', -0.032707608450436965), ('Over', -0.04745765578263672), ('pr', -0.023049220715620322), ('ice', -0.014942406277441478), ('d', 0.006411507173652353), (', ', -0.019430295058555203), ('limited ', -0.06259532388321531), ('selection', -0.013886018232369679), ('.', -0.01907973839479382), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Overrated, slow service'} [('', 0.0), ('Over', -0.35786768107209355), ('rated', 0.11966988020139979), (', ', 0.07947267746931175), ('slow ', -0.1758009283876163), ('service', -0.001023826545861084), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Russian Chocolate Babka!'} [('', 0.0), ('Russian ', 0.15377405285835266), ('Chocolate ', 0.19398769736289978), ('Ba', 0.0519561282126233), ('b', -0.15994169178884476), ('ka', 0.14762859791517258), ('!', 0.2974991351366043), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best sea food restaurant in town. Top service!'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.20785279851406813), ('sea ', -0.011904450599104166), ('food ', -0.00894619571045041), ('restaurant ', 0.09239554684609175), ('in ', 0.046752575784921646), ('town', 0.014167544431984425), ('. ', 0.01681351289153099), ('Top ', 0.29966594465076923), ('service', 0.0014370884746313095), ('!', 0.03864394873380661), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Fantastic little hotel in old Montreal.'} [('', 0.0), ('Fantastic ', 0.3908112123608589), ('little ', -0.03937149420380592), ('hotel ', 0.31435273215174675), ('in ', 0.06459993997123092), ('old ', -0.1428712805500254), ('Montreal', 0.162388663738966), ('.', -0.026497498154640198), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Where there is alcohol, there is a Happy Sabrina'} [('', 0.0), ('Where ', -0.07774608302861452), ('there ', -0.012587909470312297), ('is ', -0.00590389606077224), ('alcohol', -0.08153575658798218), (', ', 0.05231393501162529), ('there ', -0.010233704932034016), ('is ', 0.049204586539417505), ('a ', 0.06873403419740498), ('Happy ', 0.6313444694969803), ('Sabrina', 0.08306577708572149), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "250$ + taxes pour une plante pleine d'insectes."} [('', 0.0), ('250', -0.030465172370895743), ('$ ', -0.14069709868635982), ('+ ', 0.01934919145423919), ('taxes ', -0.20807228911144193), ('pour ', 0.1128091905702604), ('une ', -0.011178375396411866), ('plant', 0.00011346035171300173), ('e ', 0.014414496487006545), ('pl', -0.01582924131071195), ('ein', -0.02534116170136258), ('e ', -0.0039968694327399135), ('d', 0.03522705135401338), ("'", -0.003699630149640143), ('insect', -0.10416016110684723), ('es', -0.029371851473115385), ('.', -0.04141136631369591), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great specialty coffee/liquor drinks.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.326878622174263), ('specialty ', 0.19850805960595608), ('coffee', 0.013725796714425087), ('/', 0.049199672881513834), ('liquor ', -0.09516573743894696), ('drinks', 0.2588715981692076), ('.', -0.028613366186618805), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Chewy crepes, hard to digest. Overpriced for the quality. Touristy.'} [('', 0.0), ('Chew', -0.06487518141511828), ('y ', -0.00768682271882426), ('cr', -0.026476201563127688), ('ep', -0.008181168490409618), ('es', 0.002559639598985086), (', ', -0.010265830900607398), ('hard ', -0.07224932185999933), ('to ', -0.023374180596874794), ('digest', -0.02861431538622128), ('. ', -0.013595810669357888), ('Over', -0.22689098372939043), ('pr', -0.09708145624244935), ('ice', -0.014190228521329118), ('d ', -0.005951848950644489), ('for ', -0.007360168555351265), ('the ', -0.012340507578301185), ('quality', 0.07300357871645247), ('. ', -0.01597612442856189), ('Tourist', 0.06802434164637816), ('y', 0.004636155961634358), ('.', -0.0060071849438827485), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Great jazz - horrible service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.18769631371833384), ('jazz ', 0.19814558600774035), ('- ', -0.01615629269508645), ('horrible ', -0.63141248577449), ('service', 0.023249148871400394), ('.', -0.017585675552254543), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Rude service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Rude ', -0.7582459615296102), ('service', 0.19752694453200093), ('.', 0.03816583572188392), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'great food and nice people! Miraz is a great host!'} [('', 0.0), ('great ', 0.14526165556162596), ('food ', 0.022693843580782413), ('and ', -0.015384908765554428), ('nice ', 0.19371739588677883), ('people', -0.018048226833343506), ('! ', -0.023433944210410118), ('Mira', 0.000234297476708889), ('z ', -0.017411609180271626), ('is ', 0.02887707483023405), ('a ', 0.07066090684384108), ('great ', 0.14876403473317623), ('host', 0.04482192359864712), ('!', 0.028746236115694046), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best Ricotta of my life.'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.2920283079147339), ('Rico', 0.14614907931536436), ('tta ', -0.06855685543268919), ('of ', 0.09193398058414459), ('my ', 0.12286146357655525), ('life', 0.1662900187075138), ('.', -0.027292288839817047), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Great bar very cozy and relax. \\n\\nCheers,\\n\\nEric Van Nguyen'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.15097935870289803), ('bar ', -0.01877202116884291), ('very ', 0.09438629006035626), ('cozy ', 0.12628010753542185), ('and ', 0.13468865305185318), ('relax', 0.15490303747355938), ('. ', 0.04799354262650013), ('\\', -0.03733071428723633), ('n', -0.02005303732585162), ('\\', -0.064234379096888), ('nC', 0.005629600957036018), ('hee', -0.01774086174555123), ('rs', 0.0037229841109365225), (',', -0.0021039489656686783), ('\\', -0.01851885172072798), ('n', -0.013367110688704997), ('\\', -0.021058967162389308), ('nE', -0.01612615550402552), ('ric ', -0.018553455476649106), ('Van ', -0.0027207660023123026), ('Nguyen', 0.03746792417950928), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good bar...great bartenders.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.3546141944825649), ('bar', -0.05186982825398445), ('.', 0.05378133803606033), ('.', 0.009128965437412262), ('.', 0.003892660140991211), ('great ', 0.32796213030815125), ('bartender', 0.013215186074376106), ('s', 0.03405697084963322), ('.', -0.03179142251610756), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'maple. fudge.\\n\\nare. you. fucking. kidding. me.\\n\\nsweet jesus on a biscuit.'} [('', 0.00019643030342801165), ('maple', -0.01833656331776486), ('. ', -8.937734431431939e-05), ('fu', -0.04181153643245731), ('dge', -0.016979070775657117), ('.', -0.002262000993747885), ('\\', -0.013866640234482475), ('n', -0.006230217615666334), ('\\', -0.01188567418284947), ('na', -0.013286305096698925), ('re', -0.01091644141706638), ('. ', -0.006140207638964057), ('you', 0.0003820575147983618), ('. ', 0.0007757004423183389), ('fucking', -0.07310007121850504), ('. ', -0.00961382517562015), ('kidding', -0.030058144140639342), ('. ', -0.01471574637980666), ('me', -0.009415677035576664), ('.', -0.003908879225491546), ('\\', -0.029480261821299793), ('n', -0.016302569629624487), ('\\', -0.030626831436529757), ('nsw', 0.0037250420078635215), ('eet ', -0.029590482451021673), ('jesus ', -0.024602769563595455), ('on ', -0.01807552056076626), ('a ', -0.007221741058553259), ('bis', -0.038964971812674776), ('cuit', -0.05562916296184994), ('.', -0.005037156923208386), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great for straight and gay people. Great rooftop for smokers.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.40029900800436735), ('for ', 0.003917221911251545), ('straight ', -0.01950780302286148), ('and ', -0.0052992780692875385), ('gay ', -0.09148109308443964), ('people', -0.05150135699659586), ('. ', 0.07866663974709809), ('Great ', 0.4029851262457669), ('rooftop ', 0.004030227195471525), ('for ', -0.02214100770652294), ('smoke', -0.02155093289911747), ('rs', -0.045059834606945515), ('.', -0.02429484110325575), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Ditto !'} [('', 0.0), ('Di', -0.009008026914671063), ('tto ', 0.1092780299950391), ('!', 0.3458718955516815), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Poutine here is just average, not great.'} [('', 0.0), ('Po', -0.03294700047808874), ('uti', -0.010696106792238425), ('ne ', -0.03468043004613719), ('here ', -0.03371149411032093), ('is ', -0.006851766198451514), ('just ', -0.03193083874339209), ('average', -0.009596812916242925), (', ', -0.0018888228114519734), ('not ', -0.532737896177423), ('great', 0.39683336027155747), ('.', -0.03521976709453156), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'This restaurant is no longer here.'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', 0.02681711534387432), ('restaurant ', 0.29114219715847867), ('is ', 0.011843426174891647), ('no ', -0.32136795178303146), ('longer ', -0.3189068973333633), ('here', 0.07513507163821487), ('.', -0.04072029011149425), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Coffee roasted on premises. Perfect!'} [('', 0.0), ('Coffee ', 0.04761485196650028), ('roasted ', 0.002250708406791091), ('on ', 0.11204199981875718), ('premises', -0.03777389880269766), ('. ', 0.09439767897129059), ('Perfect', 0.4131632000207901), ('!', 0.0916411429643631), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "Marjorie's Pizza:quel d\\u00e9lice!"} [('', 0.0), ('Marjorie', 0.059705686348024756), ("'", -0.02856515982421115), ('s ', -0.02901240484789014), ('Pizza', -0.030197049112757668), (':', 0.011256165947997943), ('que', -0.10010885447263718), ('l ', 0.008898924163077027), ('d', 0.016914631560212), ('\\', -0.09223480874788947), ('u', -0.05963638046523556), ('00', -0.056821148784365505), ('e', -0.03952679591020569), ('9', 0.023823506227927282), ('lice', -0.09523637444362976), ('!', -0.011678072856739163), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Quite the experience. Expect a line. Worth the wait.'} [('', 0.0), ('Quite ', 0.22055205577635206), ('the ', 0.11827877645555418), ('experience', 0.05367452475184109), ('. ', -0.24651111190905795), ('Expect ', -0.5706969484454021), ('a ', -0.012552439700812101), ('line', 0.07073396595660597), ('. ', 0.1380236514378339), ('Worth ', 0.3694653906568419), ('the ', 0.17659819973050617), ('wait', -0.42832109617302194), ('.', -0.16901765251532197), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best Chicken ever!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.5272732013836503), ('Chicken ', -0.35719225206412375), ('ever', 0.06941557233221829), ('!', 0.15350934118032455), ('!', 0.2705968767404556), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'A bit pricy but I love the variety.'} [('', 0.0), ('A ', 0.011197790561709553), ('bit ', -0.06379474274581298), ('pri', -0.00861213164171204), ('cy ', -0.015372075547929853), ('but ', -0.06103411712683737), ('I ', 0.11665747524239123), ('love ', 0.5507475633639842), ('the ', 0.05154803581535816), ('variety', 0.14570556906983256), ('.', -0.030352807603776455), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Really fun candy store in the St Hubert shopping corridor'} [('', 0.0), ('Really ', 0.17247327789664268), ('fun ', 0.4181254939176142), ('candy ', -0.09441495919600129), ('store ', -0.09470348199829459), ('in ', 0.03514197422191501), ('the ', -0.0008229892700910568), ('St ', 0.0013041645288467407), ('Hubert ', 0.10358282644301653), ('shopping ', 0.08477155398577452), ('corridor', 0.07129820436239243), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Very good food. Excellent service. Order the onion bagi.'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.05243772128596902), ('good ', 0.23642900050617754), ('food', 0.10011853859759867), ('. ', -0.013533086515963078), ('Excellent ', 0.4279336631298065), ('service', -0.03167703002691269), ('. ', -0.021056557074189186), ('Order ', -0.011964502511546016), ('the ', -0.0017779564950615168), ('onion ', -0.07764505688101053), ('bag', -0.0323042506352067), ('i', 0.019729075022041798), ('.', -0.037259602919220924), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great baked goods and irish coffee!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.2830633372068405), ('baked ', 0.09396234806627035), ('goods ', 0.009108432568609715), ('and ', 0.1212528869509697), ('irish ', 0.06171962898224592), ('coffee', -0.006396288983523846), ('!', 0.16070657968521118), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "My 4 year old's favorite restaurant."} [('', 0.0), ('My ', -0.05793176591396332), ('4 ', -0.03409667685627937), ('year ', 0.14319922402501106), ('old', -0.02798472752328962), ("'", 0.060788839240558445), ('s ', 0.06469242763705552), ('favorite ', 0.39960113959386945), ('restaurant', 0.2043008846230805), ('.', -0.040176925249397755), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Bien sans plus, peut-\\u00eatre remplacer par reubens tr\\u00e8s facilement.'} [('', 0.0005604857578873634), ('Bien ', 0.01036626030690968), ('sans ', -0.09663544513750821), ('plus', 0.0026950471801683307), (', ', -0.008864004397764802), ('pe', -0.018824108049739153), ('ut', -0.01452415353851393), ('-', -0.005907351673037435), ('\\', -0.01379385130518737), ('u', -0.026459240963837755), ('00', -0.01772127633947613), ('ea', -0.011004581656639596), ('tre ', -0.009101572695986502), ('re', -0.02002364334683599), ('mp', -0.01689476958043607), ('lace', -0.008487984554709067), ('r ', -0.009893053460733166), ('par ', -0.015027635265141726), ('reuben', -0.0061693317256867886), ('s ', -0.008578031789511442), ('tr', -0.02678240955962489), ('\\', -0.02322743208302806), ('u', -0.030267188015083473), ('00', -0.02895438767154701), ('e', -0.017397994903149083), ('8', -0.013514389662304893), ('s ', -0.008179389318684116), ('fa', -0.006349443097133189), ('ci', -0.015131855953950436), ('lem', -0.05028108034748584), ('ent', -0.011924992594867945), ('.', -0.009268205310218037), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Carrot cake cupcake was amazing. We also got a truffle'} [('', 0.0), ('Carrot ', -0.17989674769341946), ('cake ', 0.035945817828178406), ('cup', 0.05288475472480059), ('cake ', 0.008062164299190044), ('was ', -0.021541890455409884), ('amazing', 0.5996278009843081), ('. ', -0.02387593500316143), ('We ', -0.00894061615690589), ('also ', 0.11531991651281714), ('got ', 0.11728346534073353), ('a ', 0.024525349959731102), ('tr', 0.04229463404044509), ('uf', -0.0482389903627336), ('fle', -0.12994370609521866), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Average W Hotel.'} [('', 0.0), ('Average ', -0.026220031082630157), ('W ', -0.049932945519685745), ('Hotel', 0.49338897690176964), ('.', 0.03242611885070801), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "Superbe endroit! Service parfait, cadre enchanteur! J'adore!"} [('', 0.0), ('Superb', 0.19598563387989998), ('e ', -0.06088026240468025), ('end', 0.053060878068208694), ('roi', 0.05491157528012991), ('t', -0.02385480049997568), ('! ', 0.023133693262934685), ('Service ', -0.06739198504947126), ('par', -0.0366171031317208), ('fa', -0.013531811110442504), ('it', -0.01832117112353444), (', ', 0.010941873583942652), ('cad', -0.0045478332419103635), ('re ', -0.03473833012200581), ('en', 0.03306127661683907), ('chan', 0.053045020690963916), ('te', 0.03939983618814343), ('ur', -0.01794912572465061), ('! ', -0.01990066934376955), ('J', 0.03545380616560578), ("'", 0.016797117423266172), ('ad', 0.1506304838694632), ('ore', 0.09236597595736384), ('!', 0.036753542721271515), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good music. Good drinks.mgreat creme br\\u00fbl\\u00e9e.'} [('', 9.24430787563324e-05), ('Good ', 0.32488387485500425), ('music', 0.04685756203252822), ('. ', 0.0007554388139396906), ('Good ', 0.3462600182974711), ('drinks', 0.013254765304736793), ('.', 0.007508295821025968), ('mg', 0.0004829189468485614), ('rea', -0.013193131696122387), ('t ', -0.014008947919743756), ('cr', -0.010859533358598128), ('eme ', -0.02194437073194422), ('br', -0.010390344294137321), ('\\', -0.006770132560632192), ('u', -0.01668135353247635), ('00', -0.015990064464858733), ('fb', -0.012235638554557227), ('l', -0.001552933463244699), ('\\', -0.007572439484647475), ('u', -0.0308700074092485), ('00', -0.02865820244187489), ('e', -0.01800174522213638), ('9', -0.013398539595073089), ('e', -0.01632808832800947), ('.', -0.008591533813159913), ('', 1.0132789611816406e-06)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'horrible'} [('', 0.0), ('horrible', -0.9330145211424679), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Awesome, halal and cheap!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Awesome', 0.755495985475136), (', ', 0.08391205235966481), ('hal', -0.008185857642274641), ('al ', -0.017796382900087337), ('and ', 0.08726426210341742), ('cheap', -0.27538772614934715), ('!', 0.053928267348965164), ('!', 0.04041758179664612), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good Lamb Shawerma , friendly staff'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.24837610684335232), ('Lamb ', -0.01933499239385128), ('Shaw', 0.016585747245699167), ('er', 0.006283783819526434), ('ma ', 0.02357574924826622), (', ', 0.08816744387149811), ('friendly ', 0.2141791433095932), ('staff', 0.15123267471790314), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great place for a beer!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.19334456324577332), ('place ', 0.10866324976086617), ('for ', 0.055378418415784836), ('a ', 0.2304492499679327), ('beer', -0.09788890741765499), ('!', 0.20111265778541565), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'By far the best movie theatre in Montreal'} [('', 0.0), ('By ', 0.18314633518457413), ('far ', 0.011329976841807365), ('the ', 0.06786000169813633), ('best ', 0.17805165797472), ('movie ', 0.058744143694639206), ('theatre ', 0.11323411576449871), ('in ', 0.03149130009114742), ('Montreal', 0.08538860827684402), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "Quick and clean. It seems weird, but it's likeable enough."} [('', 1.4200806617736816e-05), ('Quick ', 0.014980178326368332), ('and ', 0.07273270562291145), ('clean', 0.1089157797396183), ('. ', 0.0730658583343029), ('It ', -0.046718766272533685), ('seems ', -0.08485491905594245), ('weird', -0.15437017392832786), (', ', -0.05166073702275753), ('but ', 0.04579903988633305), ('it', 0.009229279909050092), ("'", 0.021809398342156783), ('s ', 0.014767964254133403), ('like', 0.1325199841230642), ('able ', 0.2779277263034601), ('enough', 0.13706809631548822), ('.', -0.019652816001325846), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Nice clean airport with lots of healthily food options'} [('', 0.0), ('Nice ', 0.17420406639575958), ('clean ', 0.18217743374407291), ('airport ', -0.007605547085404396), ('with ', 0.012217263458296657), ('lots ', 0.051144942408427596), ('of ', -0.06086938316002488), ('health', 0.05737198982387781), ('ily ', 0.12861048337072134), ('food ', 0.04565943405032158), ('options', 0.11397180333733559), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Every Wednesday got special price for fajita, love it'} [('', 0.0), ('Every ', 0.07845966052263975), ('Wednesday ', 0.032542495522648096), ('got ', 0.0388006498105824), ('special ', 0.10915050748735666), ('price ', -0.10796251334249973), ('for ', 0.019625580869615078), ('fa', 0.07427706103771925), ('jit', 0.04192221071571112), ('a', 0.0021001379936933517), (', ', -0.005461864173412323), ('love ', 0.3541732132434845), ('it', -0.010458394885063171), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Nourriture mexicaine am\\u00e9ricanis\\u00e9. Restaurant sale. Cocktail moyen. Nourriture sans go\\u00fbt.'} [('', 8.410389224688212e-05), ('No', -0.029362285401051243), ('ur', -0.010544295779739817), ('rit', -0.0031459628449132045), ('ure ', -0.04256916174975534), ('me', 0.007883154476682344), ('xi', 0.008611366773645083), ('ca', -0.00644861285885175), ('ine ', -0.011668051903446516), ('am', -0.010303461769621613), ('\\', -0.015041469441752674), ('u', -0.019148431360048967), ('00', -0.01577063293920623), ('e', -0.011578137686269151), ('9', -0.0015678886233622), ('rica', 0.000441921325141771), ('nis', -0.013377219639045911), ('\\', -0.00575038601204546), ('u', -0.034633684484288094), ('00', -0.02224707875866443), ('e', -0.01658230966422707), ('9', -0.006478512939065695), ('. ', -0.006290287990123033), ('Restaurant ', -0.012188378255814314), ('sale', -0.020763731794431806), ('. ', -0.010036905528977513), ('Cocktail ', 0.009853645460680127), ('mo', 0.005226438952377066), ('yen', 0.01090691561694257), ('. ', -0.0067386001464910805), ('No', -0.0163304241723381), ('ur', -0.00725064316065982), ('rit', -0.010170112131163478), ('ure ', -0.018005155492573977), ('sans ', -0.04416738305008039), ('go', -0.020406661642482504), ('\\', -0.020384562289109454), ('u', -0.028281293692998588), ('00', -0.01555299456231296), ('fb', -0.008753321366384625), ('t', -0.023368775378912687), ('.', -0.006709566805511713), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Service was not good. Food average. Margaritas nothing special. Ew.'} [('', 0.0), ('Service ', -0.04825292033274309), ('was ', -0.0005270786059554666), ('not ', -0.5171051786946919), ('good', 0.37139569039027265), ('. ', -0.03015566465910524), ('Food ', -0.026947683498292463), ('average', -0.017343132803944172), ('. ', -0.011015613828931237), ('Margarita', -0.004894736371625186), ('s ', -0.004910403200028668), ('nothing ', -0.11044822659187048), ('special', 0.03870013690357155), ('. ', -0.010667275060768588), ('E', -0.02310537280754943), ('w', -0.03532643785183609), ('.', -0.017224294959305553), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'average to below average for a fairmont.'} [('', 0.0), ('average ', -0.007999660912901163), ('to ', 0.02825310197658837), ('below ', -0.48934463947080076), ('average ', 0.02928958497068379), ('for ', 0.009158304295851849), ('a ', 0.0796296822372824), ('fair', 0.08794139698147774), ('mont', 0.011426740558817983), ('.', -0.02377180685289204), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Completely average'} [('', 0.0), ('Completely ', -0.5634022541344166), ('average', -0.14734365418553352), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Pizzas are ok.'} [('', 0.0), ('Pizza', 0.07721179723739624), ('s ', 0.05180330574512482), ('are ', 0.08155855536460876), ('ok', 0.477389320731163), ('.', -0.02413034439086914), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Yes..verryy niccee :)'} [('', 0.0), ('Yes', 0.45170958340168), ('.', 0.054558150470256805), ('.', 0.060068316757678986), ('ve', 0.266451706062071), ('rry', -0.10763695545028895), ('y ', -0.0424782857298851), ('nic', 0.15123607916757464), ('ce', -0.10786757105961442), ('e ', -0.04771836195141077), (':', -0.014234421774744987), (')', -0.006663849577307701), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Not bad. The quality is very inconsistent.'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', 0.24627088614761306), ('bad', 0.22932829004457744), ('. ', -0.10520512383664027), ('The ', -0.0573141782078892), ('quality ', 0.05292490980355069), ('is ', 0.040642218707944266), ('very ', 0.017015449731843546), ('inconsistent', -0.6233790920960018), ('.', -0.052657934837043285), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Nothing memorable about this place.'} [('', 0.0), ('Nothing ', -0.8196175484990817), ('memorable ', 0.1618754309747601), ('about ', 0.01018898745678598), ('this ', 0.32739686982677085), ('place', 0.03661552910489263), ('.', -0.02492968951992225), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Excellent! Hit the spot perfectly.'} [('', 0.0), ('Excellent', 0.2011898308992386), ('! ', 0.16051353514194489), ('Hit ', 0.10011409968137741), ('the ', 0.06692224368453026), ('spot ', 0.016883037984371185), ('perfectly', 0.20298055931925774), ('.', -0.02517016977071762), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Top class steakhouse'} [('', 0.0), ('Top ', 0.17987174540758133), ('class ', 0.1802031472325325), ('steak', 0.11699024587869644), ('house', 0.10911313444375992), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Bon, tr\\u00e8s copieux, bonne ambiance, service super sympa !'} [('', 0.00083514799674352), ('Bon', 0.058525558871527515), (', ', -0.009149055617551008), ('tr', -0.021165809012018144), ('\\', -0.033386966097168624), ('u', -0.058262788923457265), ('00', -0.04390552861150354), ('e', -0.02830646571237594), ('8', -0.012953799217939377), ('s ', -0.012047193013131618), ('cop', -0.0028788635972887278), ('ieu', -0.017599051585420966), ('x', -0.02974272472783923), (', ', -0.02045652410015464), ('bonn', -0.058996072271838784), ('e ', -0.028736099833622575), ('am', 0.23762730153976008), ('bian', 0.2176798460423015), ('ce', 0.32051982858683914), (', ', 0.021416431292891502), ('service ', -0.09894565590657294), ('super ', -0.02256817421875894), ('sy', -0.013307846935155491), ('mp', -0.04537919661185394), ('a ', 0.01695576476243635), ('!', 0.07570808473974466), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "Pretty decent, but I feel like there's better out there!"} [('', 0.0), ('Pretty ', 0.07691926881670952), ('decent', 0.26120033487677574), (', ', -0.04267587512731552), ('but ', -0.047130161896348), ('I ', 0.036653766282446064), ('feel ', -0.005591421572413917), ('like ', 0.07556110791241129), ('there', -0.10476703685708344), ("'", 0.04866752494126558), ('s ', 0.05406878306530416), ('better ', 0.06910301034804434), ('out ', 0.01867818704340607), ('there', 0.11024105455726385), ('!', 0.031406721100211143), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "Manti wasn't bad! Worth going"} [('', 0.0), ('Man', 0.04228069446980953), ('ti ', -0.012730306014418602), ('wasn', -0.016060897023180587), ("'", 0.026944744742195326), ('t ', 0.19135301851383701), ('bad', 0.07093548653028847), ('! ', 0.05606585338500736), ('Worth ', 0.38746415451169014), ('going', -0.033571843057870865), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Je suis un mauvais perdant. I am a sore loser.'} [('', 0.0), ('Je ', 0.04309559604007518), ('sui', -0.08819499277069554), ('s ', -0.005025584708164388), ('un ', -0.05255285014754918), ('ma', 0.06209449595189653), ('u', 0.019493543235512334), ('va', -0.058168824615677295), ('is ', 0.0718226787439562), ('per', -0.056453942615917185), ('dant', 0.10263908940942201), ('. ', 0.021940414915661677), ('I ', 0.04357445321511477), ('am ', 0.0910707350994926), ('a ', 0.020393514452734962), ('sore ', -0.3118384836361656), ('loser', -0.29073166515991034), ('.', -0.0745034555438906), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Wings are small and WAY overpriced.'} [('', 0.0), ('Wings ', 0.26466525636351435), ('are ', 0.018778200839733472), ('small ', -0.011577689092518995), ('and ', 0.026603826290738652), ('WAY ', -0.03168764459587692), ('over', -0.355763805985589), ('pr', -0.20339481167229678), ('ice', -0.06341343331860116), ('d', 0.09502307831735379), ('.', -0.03925335150415776), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Hands down the best city to shop in Canada.'} [('', 0.0), ('Hands ', -0.052865058183670044), ('down ', -0.0650196229107678), ('the ', -0.01695610536262393), ('best ', 0.7159153415705077), ('city ', 0.12536711426218972), ('to ', 0.015163946896791458), ('shop ', -0.05461904837284237), ('in ', 0.01641895668581128), ('Canada', 0.028947471641004086), ('.', -0.015903001185506582), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Belle atmosph\\u00e8re de party.'} [('', 0.0), ('Belle ', 0.2026955878827721), ('atm', -0.018686389521462843), ('os', -0.04040550490026362), ('ph', -0.05956888449145481), ('\\', -0.00022091629216447473), ('u', -0.08832815242931247), ('00', -0.1676048826193437), ('e', -0.027215393376536667), ('8', -0.0009267671557608992), ('re ', -0.08818841198808514), ('de ', 0.11557071274728514), ('party', -0.13469920531497337), ('.', -0.04896731534972787), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Super ambiance, super bi\\u00e8res, tr\\u00e8s bonne cuisine style brasserie ...'} [('', 0.0020498501835390925), ('Super ', 0.017393793794326484), ('am', 0.2813762328878511), ('bian', 0.25546877973829396), ('ce', 0.19013333920156583), (', ', -0.023644289700314403), ('super ', -0.014774215239514079), ('bi', -0.02935314452689555), ('\\', -0.030397781119164493), ('u', -0.030806753092393693), ('00', -0.02988539878343646), ('e', -0.024254747993028205), ('8', -0.016171108375096485), ('res', -0.017909181679392025), (', ', -0.015126090289817916), ('tr', -0.027528190861145656), ('\\', -0.02739377912754814), ('u', -0.051573227850409846), ('00', -0.030533921654568984), ('e', -0.021926578582497313), ('8', -0.013267899845959618), ('s ', -0.013267899845959618), ('bonn', -0.028213594906264915), ('e ', -0.027474027924472465), ('cuisine ', 0.08001622163574211), ('style ', 0.06612680644611828), ('brass', 0.02288042618893087), ('erie ', 0.005138791678473354), ('.', 0.012556743272580207), ('.', 0.016935446113348008), ('.', -0.02332395315170288), ('', 0.0010184645652770996)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good beer and the lamb was great'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.38570571318268776), ('beer ', -0.023688051849603653), ('and ', 0.05422663874924183), ('the ', 0.000962122343480587), ('lamb ', -0.019005642272531986), ('was ', 0.0026724375784397125), ('great', 0.32251038774847984), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good food and OK service--but cash only.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.6146938540041447), ('food ', 0.10582645097747445), ('and ', 0.04919801326468587), ('OK ', 0.04382878006435931), ('service', -0.08039486594498158), ('-', 0.03816720412578434), ('-', 0.007117563276551664), ('but ', -0.06004328653216362), ('cash ', -0.027700867736712098), ('only', -0.025706056272611022), ('.', -0.014955461025238037), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Really good shawarma, Horrible service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Really ', 0.17030793044250458), ('good ', 0.7391729741066229), ('shaw', 0.024006097460187448), ('arm', -0.1038251352010775), ('a', -0.01670128524165193), (', ', 0.04140155261484324), ('Horrible ', -0.09390640666242689), ('service', -0.021240398928057402), ('.', -0.029039903776720166), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Absolutley appalling seasonal beer and very good fish and chips'} [('', 0.0), ('Abs', -0.04111136856590747), ('ol', -0.06656262576507288), ('ut', -0.04270040861956659), ('ley ', -0.056427476196404314), ('app', -0.05918197448590945), ('all', -0.045705641137828934), ('ing ', -0.05740284986313782), ('seasonal ', -0.034147230806411244), ('beer ', -0.04425930808793055), ('and ', -0.04280561557243345), ('very ', 0.12313371962045494), ('good ', 0.49727317693941586), ('fish ', -0.10450628739636159), ('and ', 0.13321398734115064), ('chips', -0.05483739418559708), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Tr\\u00e8s bon burger dans une ambiance de pub.'} [('', 0.0), ('Tr', -0.024225288652814925), ('\\', -0.06554216926451772), ('u', -0.13073284039273858), ('00', -0.041141043649986386), ('e', -0.058140970999374986), ('8', -0.02179741347208619), ('s ', 0.035584045108407736), ('bon ', 0.10086214705370367), ('burger ', -0.10987569089047611), ('dans ', -0.0856288222130388), ('une ', -0.07383623090572655), ('am', 0.17710655671544373), ('bian', 0.1576969618909061), ('ce ', 0.21690717176534235), ('de ', 0.07247983454726636), ('pub', -0.18832291779108346), ('.', 0.06102862721309066), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'The people are nice.O.K standard fare veggie food.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.010812073480337858), ('people ', -0.04606295970734209), ('are ', 0.06094230571761727), ('nice', 0.70560231001582), ('.', -0.05156630929559469), ('O', 0.03921082895249128), ('.', 0.021624823100864887), ('K ', -0.01722672814503312), ('standard ', -0.026637581642717123), ('fare ', -0.03917037136852741), ('ve', -0.01160608569625765), ('gg', -0.008697633515112102), ('ie ', -0.02130398014560342), ('food', -0.023372492287307978), ('.', -0.02509651379659772), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'There is nothing special about this place!'} [('', 0.0), ('There ', -0.008958746875578072), ('is ', -0.003128527747321641), ('nothing ', -0.6082632269935857), ('special ', 0.12888190342346206), ('about ', 0.03996520953660365), ('this ', 0.11187793939461699), ('place', 0.05141160288621904), ('!', 0.018002793993218802), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Expensive and time consuming. \\nMy wife loves this place.'} [('', 0.0), ('Expensive ', -0.08073456084821373), ('and ', -0.0017306561348959804), ('time ', -0.06598728022072464), ('consuming', -0.058769200346432626), ('. ', 0.017513702157884836), ('\\', -0.024379216833040118), ('nM', -0.030297744684503414), ('y ', -0.02149134465435054), ('wife ', -0.011833126809506211), ('loves ', 0.5906768272761838), ('this ', 0.19234225984837394), ('place', 0.12235333073476795), ('.', -0.02098986803321168), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good Locations,Clean Place,Good Prieces'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.19496582355350256), ('Locations', -0.021539772860705853), (',', 0.005404260009527206), ('Clean ', 0.16496704425662756), ('Place', -0.015786207281053066), (',', 0.02724478393793106), ('Good ', 0.3946935757994652), ('Pri', 0.00587839400395751), ('ece', -0.04105848399922252), ('s', -0.01788192428648472), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great food and beautifully presented. Very friendly and attentive staff.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.1440244484692812), ('food ', 0.01980043388903141), ('and ', -0.017709750682115555), ('beautifully ', 0.12242976017296314), ('presented', 0.03929327614605427), ('. ', -0.01554296538233757), ('Very ', 0.00986147578805685), ('friendly ', 0.1585644381120801), ('and ', -0.012987140566110611), ('at', 0.0629094229079783), ('ten', 0.06875227717682719), ('tive ', 0.024098586291074753), ('staff', -0.010418246500194073), ('.', -0.009518499486148357), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Best Thai Basil Beef Stir-Fry, bar none.'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.6274388420861214), ('Thai ', 0.156883655465208), ('Basil ', 0.006423460668884218), ('Beef ', -0.0323521388345398), ('Stir', 0.020115956605877727), ('-', 0.032879771693842486), ('Fry', -0.012542217184090987), (', ', -0.002547886921092868), ('bar ', -0.023259684909135103), ('none', -0.11920719686895609), ('.', -0.03455097181722522), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Many amazing MTL nights were centered here.\\n\\nSorry about that MTL.\\n\\n_C$'} [('', 9.521405445411801e-06), ('Many ', 0.024592348985606804), ('amazing ', 0.7771945146960206), ('MT', -0.026617624185746536), ('L ', -0.009581444755895063), ('nights ', 0.038608615956036374), ('were ', -0.07372012585983612), ('centered ', 0.009524096269160509), ('here', -0.022270146873779595), ('.', 0.007925980375148356), ('\\', -0.016045319226880867), ('n', -0.009650115728921568), ('\\', -0.0123874194008143), ('nS', -0.01806080485403072), ('or', -0.007228199203382246), ('ry ', -0.017959919437998906), ('about ', -0.012797075879643672), ('that ', -0.018939115459215828), ('MT', -0.023324721888639034), ('L', 0.0006482610013335943), ('.', -0.007232660939916968), ('\\', -0.016415316029451787), ('n', -0.008031554752960801), ('\\', -0.0155690727988258), ('n', -0.006319423282790618), ('_', -0.024249063357516813), ('C', -0.0034095174962809932), ('$', -0.03778346787439659), ('', -0.00023772791028022766)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Very nice hotel with great services, stores and room service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', -0.02427458018064499), ('nice ', 0.2483083438128233), ('hotel ', 0.12696660496294498), ('with ', -0.010176342912018299), ('great ', 0.27637619338929653), ('services', 0.02220181655138731), (', ', 0.06125574931502342), ('stores ', -0.15334540605545044), ('and ', 0.10912584327161312), ('room ', -0.023253594990819693), ('service', -0.01156590087339282), ('.', 0.005678347311913967), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'The place is closed.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.20404288296413142), ('place ', 0.19068880343183991), ('is ', -0.09131805896686274), ('closed', -0.5937281582373544), ('.', -0.04504383823950775), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "Ok place, atmosphere is nice, couches are 70's basment...ok shisha"} [('', 1.8496066331863403e-06), ('Ok ', 0.03600752470083535), ('place', 0.08948401000816375), (', ', 0.04504506022203714), ('atmosphere ', 0.0790260603534989), ('is ', -0.00011948886094614863), ('nice', 0.5282695320202038), (', ', -0.01605063711758703), ('couch', -0.08536725924932398), ('es ', -0.025250460399547592), ('are ', 0.00722362200031057), ('70', -0.03894609835697338), ("'", -0.004414690134581178), ('s ', 0.002789957099594176), ('bas', -0.037017017835751176), ('ment', -0.011911249486729503), ('.', -0.006560214329510927), ('.', 0.00010196119546890259), ('.', -0.015678010880947113), ('ok ', -0.005032230168581009), ('shi', -0.018507864326238632), ('sha', -0.018442928791046143), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great service and fresh food! Super bacon!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.36761728348210454), ('service ', -0.02122073480859399), ('and ', 0.044961197301745415), ('fresh ', 0.21978695038706064), ('food', 0.10652315337210894), ('! ', 0.06408538483083248), ('Super ', 0.09307902865111828), ('bacon', -0.17446724511682987), ('!', 0.012635547667741776), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Far too overpriced for a cupcake! No ty.'} [('', 0.0), ('Far ', -0.013283714073622832), ('too ', -0.11812178888430935), ('over', -0.05426953204550955), ('pr', -0.07024776312573522), ('ice', -0.02292867448522884), ('d ', 0.02400064861467399), ('for ', -0.03848044322876376), ('a ', 0.038939718091569375), ('cup', 0.003571991428543697), ('cake', 0.005061352281700238), ('! ', 0.02842974887607852), ('No ', -0.09008836260909447), ('ty', -0.045125088312488515), ('.', -0.06296020226727705), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Exceptionally attentive service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Exceptionally ', 0.3362298607826233), ('at', 0.17206442402675748), ('ten', 0.21261124731972814), ('tive ', -0.019681026227772236), ('service', 0.038024161010980606), ('.', -0.04840878024697304), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Had an alright time. Loud/rowdy dudes. Nice servers. Made picklebacks.'} [('', 0.0), ('Had ', -0.13387155625969172), ('an ', 0.2092558874282986), ('alright ', 0.33707034797407687), ('time', -0.07868019817396998), ('. ', 0.14003201387822628), ('Loud', -0.058781901956535876), ('/', -0.007610262022353709), ('row', 0.047025867039337754), ('dy ', 0.02029323298484087), ('dude', -8.509238250553608e-05), ('s', -0.034062128979712725), ('. ', 0.04941479838453233), ('Nice ', 0.24380904249846935), ('servers', -0.14713880140334368), ('. ', 0.10008932743221521), ('Made ', -0.012355548329651356), ('pick', 0.05066649320845803), ('le', -0.09129240193093817), ('backs', -0.0754039731497566), ('.', -0.050836142152547836), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Grande conf\\u00e9rence, service OK mais pas sp\\u00e9cial'} [('', 0.0), ('Grande ', 0.09256460471078753), ('con', -0.03248288625036366), ('f', -0.048802789562614635), ('\\', -0.010875888809096068), ('u', -0.062323957215994596), ('00', -0.04470865477924235), ('e', -0.02211928225005977), ('9', -0.0413323087268509), ('rence', -0.021393942064605653), (', ', -0.029295163752976805), ('service ', -0.04865914070978761), ('OK ', -0.03823918360285461), ('mai', -0.015246606606524438), ('s ', -0.019524690054822713), ('pas ', 0.021667981753125787), ('sp', -0.02140407176921144), ('\\', -0.011384640703909099), ('u', -0.031862940813880414), ('00', -0.03252757713198662), ('e', -0.021657087025232613), ('9', -0.003492665826343), ('cial', -0.03948076709639281), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Bonne ambiance, sympathique et le jeudi: drinks \\u00e0 1$ :))'} [('', 0.0), ('Bonn', -0.07364860898815095), ('e ', -0.025468942476436496), ('am', 0.2452789466478862), ('bian', 0.2205056676757522), ('ce', 0.3080766930943355), (', ', 0.009080796269699931), ('sy', 0.007657539623323828), ('mp', -0.006267094460781664), ('athi', 0.010084474051836878), ('que ', -0.0030241316999308765), ('et ', 0.004813770530745387), ('le ', 0.0024585879873484373), ('je', 0.0017306313384324312), ('udi', -0.005519373109564185), (': ', -0.0119989252416417), ('drinks ', -0.008351171272806823), ('\\', -0.02676677401177585), ('u', -0.0425049033947289), ('00', -0.021667501681284715), ('e', -0.0054571515897155875), ('0 ', -0.022222651251857836), ('1', -0.006905182813560324), ('$ ', -0.0567253615064103), (':', -0.011166331130966899), (')', 0.0003061911501433879), (')', -0.0508066862821579), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Mice infestation! \\nhttp://m.journaldemontreal.com/2014/05/09/infestation-de-souris\\nGraphic pics'} [('', -0.0009300344536313787), ('Mice ', -0.03509736376872752), ('in', -0.04798074886396838), ('fest', -0.026052730672139052), ('ation', -0.007175424883219724), ('! ', -0.027527692553121597), ('\\', -0.023075563072375696), ('nh', -0.012477711421120653), ('tt', -0.012172040758337567), ('p', -0.007946776396743694), (':', -0.0029024843653638124), ('/', -0.009774705960040188), ('/', -0.008120392664891875), ('m', -0.0012070399071995375), ('.', -0.001776648246191649), ('journal', 0.0016306729638017714), ('de', -0.02202214695280418), ('mont', -0.01183788663474843), ('real', -0.003738236136268824), ('.', -0.00915255640866235), ('com', -0.013974291614431422), ('/', -0.00847017554769991), ('2014', 0.005870258035429288), ('/', -0.002969792047224473), ('05', -0.007596274073875975), ('/', -0.004596235397912096), ('09', -0.004842264745093416), ('/', -0.004022813569463324), ('in', -0.03332663704835189), ('fest', -0.032600825351740546), ('ation', -0.0027843988112484417), ('-', 5.13597139312576e-05), ('de', -0.022802841781716172), ('-', -0.00271780639498805), ('sour', -0.059040127171222895), ('is', -0.007827578543704779), ('\\', -0.033391044986395474), ('nG', 0.005471986357588321), ('raphic ', -0.00874507090775296), ('pic', -0.013223031031278273), ('s', -0.010992375629333159), ('', -0.00039017417778571445)] {'label': 3, 'text': "Bakery chain with good croissants. Haven't tried anything else yet?"} [('', 0.0), ('Bakery ', -0.13352868158835918), ('chain ', -0.004559190187137574), ('with ', 0.07590050133876503), ('good ', 0.6419734927476384), ('cr', 0.048948314564768225), ('ois', 0.0038503334508277476), ('sant', 0.08104373380774632), ('s', -0.07997007708763704), ('. ', 0.11244785389862955), ('Haven', -0.010507379280170426), ("'", 0.015348893793998286), ('t ', 0.02669465576764196), ('tried ', -0.050410364783601835), ('anything ', -0.06764965967158787), ('else ', -0.0748958449694328), ('yet', -0.019573346769902855), ('?', -0.04150505713187158), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Perhaps the worst so-called Italian food I have ever eaten.'} [('', 0.0), ('Perhaps ', -0.02410760478778684), ('the ', 0.0077824829049859545), ('worst ', -0.5883133849210935), ('so', -0.048560264771367656), ('-', -0.014243932693716488), ('called ', -0.06321697713065078), ('Italian ', 0.03782056628369901), ('food ', 0.028549995737193967), ('I ', 0.024524319678675965), ('have ', 0.14207622394997088), ('ever ', 0.11573525233370674), ('eaten', 0.028334486876701703), ('.', -0.0365509416005807), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best Smoked Meat in Montr\\u00e9al.'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.6150711104273796), ('Smoked ', 0.013547676964662969), ('Meat ', 0.09472888975869864), ('in ', 0.06015156744979322), ('Mont', -0.0009736943175084889), ('r', -0.034251260629389435), ('\\', -0.02583530021365732), ('u', -0.032809802680276334), ('00', -0.02398939267732203), ('e', -0.014647591509856284), ('9', -0.0025390516384504735), ('al', -0.031589662248734385), ('.', -0.02655678940936923), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "Un endroit incontournable pour tout amateur d'architecture !"} [('', 0.0), ('Un ', -0.5243849023245275), ('end', 0.21615069668041542), ('roi', 0.20211300620576367), ('t ', -0.07747619110159576), ('inc', -0.27008408249821514), ('ont', -0.30450894380919635), ('our', 0.11567455570911989), ('nable ', -0.03585726168239489), ('pour ', 0.3648600174346939), ('to', 0.023403762344969437), ('ut ', -0.022616456117248163), ('amateur ', -0.2778649628162384), ('d', 0.05089614598546177), ("'", 0.0006061684107407928), ('architecture ', 0.0787545875646174), ('!', 0.0719077312387526), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Excellent Russian food! Nice waitress. Get the borscht!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Excellent ', 0.28248208784498274), ('Russian ', 0.04258591230609454), ('food', 0.09433469743817113), ('! ', -0.015971462707966566), ('Nice ', 0.4205606398463715), ('waitress', -0.007374054723186418), ('. ', -0.013505287060979754), ('Get ', -0.09015545877628028), ('the ', -0.012852174462750554), ('bo', 0.035020401439396665), ('rs', -0.06088792093214579), ('cht', -0.052935482875909656), ('!', 0.0032690982334315777), ('!', -0.041110336780548096), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Oh, please. No. Just, no. No.'} [('', 0.0), ('Oh', -0.011884588413522579), (', ', 0.0069227776693878695), ('please', 0.23344499801896745), ('. ', 0.04622742137144087), ('No', -0.1401996045242413), ('. ', 0.010771992449008394), ('Just', -0.08555296038321103), (', ', -0.0036412065201147925), ('no', -0.13826536412670976), ('. ', 0.016021405812352896), ('No', -0.2876916556269862), ('.', -0.016394727339502424), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "Doesn't compare to America. Go on, give me some hate."} [('', 0.0), ('Doesn', -0.04854648082982749), ("'", -0.0012271860614418983), ('t ', -0.029967376263812184), ('compare ', -0.04555500757123809), ('to ', 0.023514700136729516), ('America', 0.016278112743748352), ('. ', -0.030722787079866976), ('Go ', 0.13858974527101964), ('on', 0.003527950495481491), (', ', 0.022733054240234196), ('give ', 0.11335899823461659), ('me ', 0.05906363212852739), ('some ', -0.002361371385632083), ('hate', -0.5752013182791416), ('.', -0.060414755484089255), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Tr\\u00e8s bonne bouffe. Prix moyen-haut.'} [('', 0.0), ('Tr', -0.004055052064359188), ('\\', -0.020255419425666332), ('u', -0.03587852464988828), ('00', -0.10771679366007447), ('e', -0.060799635015428066), ('8', -0.05463580146897584), ('s ', 0.0018928098725154996), ('bonn', -0.09067086665891111), ('e ', 0.025672588730230927), ('bo', 0.18833380690193735), ('uf', 0.016867031605215743), ('fe', -0.024836394819431007), ('. ', 0.09557247045449913), ('Prix ', 0.2984207393601537), ('mo', 0.06238787167239934), ('yen', 0.08233268454205245), ('-', -0.00952122500166297), ('ha', -0.05598519847262651), ('ut', -0.05823151383083314), ('.', 0.04273779271170497), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "Superbe cr\\u00e8me glac\\u00e9e \\nJ'adore !"} [('', 0.00011927386124928792), ('Superb', 0.09392988235534479), ('e ', -0.05951034072010467), ('cr', -0.05898905427117521), ('\\', -0.025317167843847226), ('u', -0.08271896144530426), ('00', -0.02860153972869739), ('e', -0.016657971951644868), ('8', -0.011838868784252554), ('me ', -0.01397520216414705), ('g', -0.0033370714518241584), ('la', -0.015536929189693183), ('c', -0.021911792166065425), ('\\', -0.021526743366848677), ('u', -0.03668860640997688), ('00', -0.030108129353417706), ('e', -0.01681910895664866), ('9', -0.008958629992169639), ('e ', -0.01944012726501872), ('\\', -0.017133846141708393), ('nJ', -0.03160392455174588), ("'", -0.027601603040238842), ('ad', 0.42413510030019097), ('ore ', 0.4047570443653967), ('!', 0.057733471621759236), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'meeehhhhhh!!!!!!! Very average at best, much betta options out there.'} [('', 0.0003037765466918548), ('me', 0.08390653436848274), ('ee', 0.026847610723537703), ('hh', -0.10142731204008062), ('hh', -0.03384665170063575), ('hh', -0.04815273618636032), ('!', -0.020859993062913418), ('!', 0.006352784112095833), ('!', 0.007892224006354809), ('!', 0.002242821268737316), ('!', -0.0032738065347075462), ('!', -0.022075601387768984), ('! ', 0.022234079893678427), ('Very ', -0.026550546113867313), ('average ', -0.10225781315239146), ('at ', -0.03970641054911539), ('best', -0.0007691231439821422), (', ', 0.07206283649429679), ('much ', -0.04140681936959958), ('bet', -0.0024326844778399734), ('ta ', -0.0007316857282560138), ('options ', -0.04685675662836902), ('out ', -0.029886191318620973), ('there', 0.000206515614298128), ('.', -0.003804383475133883), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Came here mostly with friends. yea good place'} [('', 0.0), ('Came ', 0.023988579865545034), ('here ', -0.022049763472750783), ('mostly ', -0.06411158968694508), ('with ', 0.07806480792351067), ('friends', 0.3193131156731397), ('. ', 0.008223014418035746), ('ye', 0.005090224556624889), ('a ', -0.05650968570262194), ('good ', 0.4415260190144181), ('place', -0.03668877389281988), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Read the reviews here\\nhttp://latouchemontreal.wordpress.com/2009/10/26/sourcils-parfaits-5-minutes-3-dollars/'} [('', -7.983030445757322e-05), ('Read ', -0.004011395514680771), ('the ', -0.0030203352907847147), ('reviews ', 0.00098807485846919), ('here', -0.015627176022098864), ('\\', -0.02294895133090904), ('nh', -0.01353838953121643), ('tt', -0.013947388571007954), ('p', -0.00843581121346991), (':', -0.004947726243699435), ('/', -0.007111226303095464), ('/', -0.008340047126694117), ('la', -0.01131700366483225), ('tou', -0.00792296105743541), ('che', -0.013757083304032372), ('mont', -0.013100372599243806), ('real', -0.0047893013407398636), ('.', -0.01084737473380907), ('word', -0.03901652966548378), ('press', -0.04029024274010832), ('.', -0.011551376878439138), ('com', -0.016051815862738295), ('/', -0.009006361051433487), ('2009', 0.0009487473471381236), ('/', -0.0034079470606229734), ('10', -0.0010888233482546639), ('/', -0.004714507766038878), ('26', -0.0017605313732929062), ('/', -0.0053966540544934105), ('sour', -0.04181911282285), ('ci', -0.019082092021562858), ('ls', -0.0258947464863013), ('-', -0.005355652141588507), ('par', -0.013388850042247213), ('fa', -0.0094258588651428), ('its', -0.019076312208198942), ('-', -0.0048597249333397485), ('5', -0.007314162248803768), ('-', -0.0055696575800538994), ('minutes', -0.021035513178503606), ('-', -0.003583064569587198), ('3', -0.007861272698695151), ('-', -0.008452068116942732), ('dollars', -0.01681942822081813), ('/', -0.027578205573566567), ('', -0.00047863158882440376)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Bad quality...$150 shoes completely wore off after only 3 months'} [('', 0.0), ('Bad ', -0.3251628230973438), ('quality', 0.1235113118418667), ('.', -0.01480948301468743), ('.', -0.018970307926792884), ('.', -0.024751560249569593), ('$', -0.05765409281548273), ('150 ', 0.007057604006604379), ('shoes ', -0.00783694534402457), ('completely ', -0.020802658273169072), ('wore ', -0.007671124091075399), ('off ', -0.028333943791267302), ('after ', -0.009707599291004954), ('only ', -0.012559980933701809), ('3 ', -0.013585982379026973), ('months', -0.020734208154408407), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'This restaurant is closed now.'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', 0.036174778651911765), ('restaurant ', 0.23337808324140497), ('is ', -0.0001722399319987744), ('closed ', -0.5878908601007424), ('now', 0.04502106533618644), ('.', -0.03394736722111702), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Kinda cute mais tres chere!!! oh baby watch your wallet!'} [('', 0.0), ('Kinda ', -0.03134410874918103), ('cute ', 0.7976950225420296), ('mai', -0.019648429355584085), ('s ', 0.024614531663246453), ('tres ', -0.018579084193333983), ('cher', 0.12696010805666447), ('e', -0.13647239468991756), ('!', -0.015327583998441696), ('!', -0.02760049421340227), ('! ', -0.022609207779169083), ('oh ', 0.0666858812328428), ('baby ', 0.04658985009882599), ('watch ', 0.03577282404876314), ('your ', -0.020355981338070706), ('wallet', -0.24501810845686123), ('!', -0.010720632504671812), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "Food sucks. There's not much else to say"} [('', 0.0), ('Food ', 0.0006161656456242781), ('sucks', -0.1610270920464245), ('. ', -0.005580322802416049), ('There', -0.04494594654534012), ("'", -0.003052877975278534), ('s ', 0.012380459862470161), ('not ', -0.03720496110690874), ('much ', -0.03350568791211117), ('else ', -0.05026036459457828), ('to ', -0.00726271055827965), ('say', -0.003709723176143598), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'My best place for a croissant, great value\\n\\nhttp://lovetoblog.ca/?p=77'} [('', -0.003454979509115219), ('My ', 0.017408432438969612), ('best ', 0.3790207258425653), ('place ', 0.02642620773985982), ('for ', -0.05505317566761126), ('a ', -0.01744812448353817), ('cr', 0.0015668892806085452), ('ois', 0.0026397619435253247), ('sant', 0.028461929635765652), (', ', 0.07732281523446242), ('great ', 0.181130076032908), ('value', -0.01566601864566716), ('\\', 0.00826824706940291), ('n', -0.012347332655917854), ('\\', -0.005416904564481228), ('nh', -0.04637830960564315), ('tt', -0.05682397005148232), ('p', -0.037441913736984134), (':', -0.00038772082189098), ('/', -0.0038286280469037592), ('/', 0.001722832559607923), ('love', 0.22631046622991563), ('to', -0.05768227293156088), ('bl', -0.005693387426435948), ('og', -0.008819561637938022), ('.', 0.02086018123663962), ('ca', -0.032753476252158485), ('/', -0.07586476517220338), ('?', -0.04177039799590906), ('p', -0.0125111760571599), ('=', -0.033050757832825184), ('77', -0.0065644970163702965), ('', -0.0008834255859255791)] {'label': 1, 'text': '\\u00c0'} [('', 0.0), ('\\', 0.13580408412963152), ('u', -0.1115315305069089), ('00', -0.15871483273804188), ('c', -0.012758558616042137), ('0', -0.05400723218917847), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Twas real'} [('', 0.0), ('T', -0.5647642782860203), ('was ', 0.3246615736716194), ('real', 0.6535143218934536), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'I found a hair in my salad!!'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', -0.053267275681719184), ('found ', -0.21986781002487987), ('a ', -0.11544031125959009), ('hair ', -0.1566709855105728), ('in ', 0.11628271813970059), ('my ', 0.16794326616218314), ('salad', -0.09263964352430776), ('!', 0.10336638544686139), ('!', -0.005401800386607647), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Cupcakes are awful.'} [('', 0.0), ('Cup', 0.07890543314715615), ('cake', 0.017786812291888054), ('s ', 0.12384551933791954), ('are ', 0.07748573046046658), ('awful', -0.585181583515805), ('.', -0.021239043955574743), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Hot and Spicy\\n\\nRIP'} [('', 0.0), ('Hot ', 0.26612408459186554), ('and ', 0.14925168454647064), ('Spicy', 0.5101248398423195), ('\\', -0.005165442358702421), ('n', -0.03178843925707042), ('\\', -0.023159969365224242), ('nR', 0.00860776100307703), ('IP', -0.1450245277956128), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'This is closed'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', 0.1854942962527275), ('is ', -0.10955473408102989), ('closed', -0.5738666169345379), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Overpriced, unsavoury, feeling terrible right now...'} [('', 0.0), ('Over', -0.11524655472294398), ('pr', -0.009818835790611047), ('ice', -0.03357363421582704), ('d', 0.009887111788884795), (', ', -0.03448824924635119), ('un', -0.09267555898622959), ('sa', 0.041647584414022276), ('vo', -0.005504622498847311), ('ury', -0.008621917189884698), (', ', -0.0198773911652097), ('feeling ', 0.026322472671381547), ('terrible ', -0.09404011620245001), ('right ', 0.020191186466036015), ('now', -0.03502335337361728), ('.', -0.010557990139204776), ('.', -0.04177962210087571), ('.', -0.057657745986944064), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Bon restaurant pour d\\u00e9jeuner.'} [('', 0.0), ('Bon ', 0.12036719592288136), ('restaurant ', 0.19009251636452973), ('pour ', 0.43115001008845866), ('d', 0.04816090036183596), ('\\', -0.061907783849164844), ('u', -0.05512420763261616), ('00', -0.08483856660313904), ('e', -0.032242305343970656), ('9', -0.1258502248674631), ('je', 0.18388517620041966), ('une', -0.0074387595523148775), ('r', -0.02746121515519917), ('.', -0.053387269377708435), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'nothing great'} [('', 0.0), ('nothing ', -0.8619462307106005), ('great', 0.13554491200193297), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': '3rd visit was just as good!'} [('', 0.0), ('3rd ', 0.03870360925793648), ('visit ', 0.16945887729525566), ('was ', -0.17095592617988586), ('just ', -0.05988474562764168), ('as ', 0.08228478394448757), ('good', 0.6558694820851088), ('!', 0.007886901497840881), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'A vegetarians dream'} [('', 0.0), ('A ', 0.15267111361026764), ('vegetarian', -0.23124992474913597), ('s ', -0.10076705738902092), ('dream', 0.7441947981715202), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Very delicious crepes!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.048238638788461685), ('delicious ', 0.3407030217349529), ('cr', -0.07898065773770213), ('ep', 0.08672243030741811), ('es', 0.16215514298528433), ('!', 0.11082464456558228), ('!', 0.05377945303916931), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Worst service ever'} [('', 0.0), ('Worst ', -0.7594430481694872), ('service ', 0.12010590245336061), ('ever', 0.11655385897756787), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Prix tres eleves pour une qualite douteuse.'} [('', 0.0), ('Prix ', 0.43382152915000916), ('tres ', -0.06716536357998848), ('el', 0.07593441102653742), ('eves ', 0.07991495449095964), ('pour ', 0.25929527124390006), ('une ', -0.0902460846118629), ('qu', -0.08377102669328451), ('ali', 0.0782740656286478), ('te ', 0.03477402124553919), ('do', -0.040120436577126384), ('ute', -0.041025758953765035), ('use', -0.014071065932512283), ('.', -0.01874392479658127), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Service lent, cocktails pas \\u00e0 leur meilleur. Ambiance de Casino.'} [('', -0.0003191586583852768), ('Service ', -0.061519159469753504), ('lent', -0.015540693420916796), (', ', -0.015259581618010998), ('cocktail', 0.004963977076113224), ('s ', -0.0005907325074076652), ('pas ', 0.026438947968805828), ('\\', -0.021336940846716366), ('u', -0.038074212179829675), ('00', -0.046596903644967824), ('e', -0.006648949172813445), ('0 ', -0.05460495373699814), ('le', -0.014865183853544295), ('ur ', -0.027698349324055016), ('mei', 0.0064252140776564675), ('lle', 0.06646093093634893), ('ur', -0.040448198948676385), ('. ', 0.044390138355083764), ('Am', 0.22431242978200316), ('bian', 0.21053249528631568), ('ce ', 0.26929755974560976), ('de ', 0.006057261489331722), ('Casino', -0.021942381747066975), ('.', -0.0087598767131567), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best pizza ever brings me back to childhood \\"cornet pizzeria\\"!!!!!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.2295186696574092), ('pizza ', -0.021304921247065067), ('ever ', -0.008648933842778206), ('brings ', 0.16898018587380648), ('me ', 0.04273086320608854), ('back ', -0.018719221465289593), ('to ', 0.0016668839380145073), ('childhood ', 0.06442700396291912), ('\\', -0.01802105479873717), ('"', -0.03497710032388568), ('corn', -0.05335120903328061), ('et ', 0.04862431390210986), ('pi', 0.021638742880895734), ('zz', -0.010252165840938687), ('eria', 0.024711600271984935), ('\\', -0.011848971946164966), ('"', -0.006403991021215916), ('!', 0.03655470069497824), ('!', -0.009044161066412926), ('!', -0.0029827114194631577), ('!', 0.014085282571613789), ('!', 0.022055703215301037), ('!', 0.02364131435751915), ('!', -0.01002465933561325), ('', 4.246830940246582e-06)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Exp\\u00e9rience ordinaire. Brunch ordinaire. Staffas sympathique par contre.'} [('', 0.0), ('Ex', -0.02513870280138993), ('p', -0.004036237577868936), ('\\', -0.049780046208373584), ('u', -0.032369616281357594), ('00', -0.035904346012102906), ('e', -0.018362349110248033), ('9', -0.0018590306378124903), ('rien', -0.013497824732136602), ('ce ', -0.01660174353552672), ('or', -0.017202582414029166), ('dina', 0.02702622460492421), ('ire', -0.0702989957499085), ('. ', -0.020553860522340983), ('Br', -0.026472831566934474), ('un', -0.06090596226567868), ('ch ', -0.04059034862439148), ('or', -0.00854949232598301), ('dina', 0.02654927599360235), ('ire', -0.039558524498716), ('. ', -0.015324107356718741), ('Staff', -0.016290266081341542), ('as ', -0.03092998430656735), ('sy', 0.002060675142274704), ('mp', -0.006669179922027979), ('athi', 0.018052285849989858), ('que ', -0.006385971013514791), ('par ', -0.011852730890192712), ('con', -0.014709608871877814), ('tre', -0.014178259540737296), ('.', -0.005802072846563533), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Bien situ\\u00e9 au coeur de Lachine. Le brunch est correct.'} [('', 0.0), ('Bien ', 0.12972848443314433), ('situ', 0.058791714487597346), ('\\', -0.03932908456772566), ('u', -0.14615999697707593), ('00', -0.11997411481570452), ('e', -0.06875931692775339), ('9 ', -0.013644498190842569), ('au ', -0.025716553325764835), ('coe', 0.039975299732759595), ('ur ', 0.03699624398723245), ('de ', 0.07764709345065057), ('Lac', 0.013059196411632001), ('hine', 0.03292408294510096), ('. ', 0.17246002075262368), ('Le ', 0.1970752701163292), ('br', 0.08394337876234204), ('un', -0.20294475450646132), ('ch ', -0.17598780361004174), ('est ', 0.022204404522199184), ('correct', 0.3755936576635577), ('.', -0.009241772233508527), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great food, great service...hidden gem!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.13404558412730694), ('food', 0.041255420073866844), (', ', -0.008301887661218643), ('great ', 0.1964773084037006), ('service', -0.025298095773905516), ('.', -0.004826657474040985), ('.', -0.012637399137020111), ('.', -0.024752601981163025), ('hidden ', -0.030755816027522087), ('gem', 0.3924989867955446), ('!', 0.008364249020814896), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': '\\u795e\\u7530\\u6253\\u6b7b\\u4e0d\\u53bb\\u7b2c\\u4e8c\\u6b21\\uff0c\\u561b\\u73a9\\u610f\\uff0c\\u9876\\u7ea7\\u665a\\u9910\\u81ea\\u52a9\\u5145\\u5176\\u91cf\\u5c31\\u662f\\u6e29\\u54e5\\u534e\\u5348\\u9910\\u6c34\\u5e73\\uff0c\\u8981\\u5565\\u6ca1\\u5565\\u3002\\u66f4\\u795e\\u5947\\u7684\\u662f\\uff0c\\u7237\\u4ece\\u897f\\u5403\\u5230\\u4e1c\\uff0c\\u5934\\u4e00\\u6b21\\u78b0\\u5230\\u559d\\u8336\\u8fd8\\u8981\\u53e6\\u4ed8\\u8d39\\u7684\\u3002\\n\\nNo second time. Never.'} [('', -0.0006765954157647988), ('\\', -0.0006765954157647988), ('u', -0.0006765954157647988), ('7', -0.0006765954157647988), ('9', -0.0006765954157647988), ('5', -0.0009068223830711628), ('e', -0.0009068223830711628), ('\\', -0.0009068223830711628), ('u', -0.0010658599929662333), ('75', -0.0010658599929662333), ('30', -0.0010658599929662333), ('\\', -0.0010658599929662333), ('u', -0.0011667656091352305), ('6', -0.0011667656091352305), ('25', -0.0011667656091352305), ('3', -0.0011496381213267645), ('\\', -0.0011496381213267645), ('u', -0.0011496381213267645), ('6', -0.0011496381213267645), ('b', -0.0011496381213267645), ('7', -0.0014770214717524748), ('b', -0.0014770214717524748), ('\\', -0.0014770214717524748), ('u', -0.0014770214717524748), ('4', -0.0014770214717524748), ('e', -0.0014770214717524748), ('0', -0.0014672815062416096), ('d', -0.0014672815062416096), ('\\', -0.0014672815062416096), ('u', -0.0014672815062416096), ('53', -0.0013571932489127821), ('bb', 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-0.000641872769843721), ('34', -0.000641872769843721), ('\\', -0.000641872769843721), ('u', -0.000641872769843721), ('5', -0.000641872769843721), ('e', -0.000641872769843721), ('7', -0.000641872769843721), ('3', -0.000745812191411526), ('\\', -0.000745812191411526), ('u', -0.000745812191411526), ('ff', -0.000745812191411526), ('0', -0.0007458121914115261), ('c', -0.0007458121914115261), ('\\', -0.0007458121914115261), ('u', -0.0006843690909277039), ('8', -0.0006843690909277039), ('9', -0.0006843690909277039), ('8', -0.0006843690909277039), ('1', -0.0006870766786339435), ('\\', -0.0006870766786339435), ('u', -0.0006870766786339435), ('55', -0.0006870766786339435), ('65', -0.0006870766786339436), ('\\', -0.0006870766786339436), ('u', -0.0006870766786339436), ('6', -0.0007870800968472323), ('ca', -0.0007870800968472323), ('1', -0.0007870800968472323), ('\\', -0.0007870800968472323), ('u', -0.0007870800968472323), ('55', -0.0007870800968472323), ('65', -0.0007870800968472323), ('\\', -0.0007870800968472323), ('u', -0.0005902395936168936), ('30', -0.0005902395936168936), ('0', -0.0005902395936168936), ('2', -0.0005902395936168936), ('\\', -0.0005902395936168936), ('u', -0.0005902395936168936), ('66', -0.0006854401244911261), ('f', -0.0006854401244911261), ('4', -0.0006854401244911261), ('\\', -0.0006854401244911261), ('u', -0.0008115858702074057), ('7', -0.0008115858702074057), ('9', -0.0008115858702074057), ('5', -0.0008115858702074057), ('e', -0.0008115858702074057), ('\\', -0.0008115858702074057), ('u', -0.0007541374312177863), ('59', -0.0007541374312177863), ('47', -0.0007541374312177863), ('\\', -0.0007541374312177863), ('u', -0.0007541374312177863), ('7', -0.0007541374312177863), ('6', -0.0007541374312177863), ('8', -0.0007541374312177863), ('4', -0.0008848978770113299), ('\\', -0.0008848978770113299), ('u', -0.0008848978770113299), ('66', -0.0008848978770113299), ('2', -0.0009082970540187071), ('f', -0.0009082970540187071), ('\\', -0.0009082970540187071), ('u', -0.0009082970540187071), ('ff', -0.0009082970540187071), ('0', -0.0007476301133883971), ('c', -0.0007476301133883971), ('\\', -0.0007476301133883971), ('u', -0.0007476301133883971), ('7', -0.0007476301133883971), ('23', -0.0007476301133883971), ('7', -0.0008415962926052985), ('\\', -0.0008415962926052985), ('u', -0.0008415962926052985), ('4', -0.0008415962926052985), ('ece', -0.0008415962926052985), ('\\', -0.0008415962926052985), ('u', -0.0010979313861024034), ('8', -0.0010979313861024034), ('9', -0.0010979313861024034), ('7', -0.0010979313861024034), ('f', -0.0010979313861024034), ('\\', -0.0010979313861024034), ('u', -0.0009368743861426421), ('54', -0.0009368743861426421), ('0', -0.0009368743861426421), ('3', -0.0009368743861426421), ('\\', -0.0009368743861426421), ('u', -0.0009368743861426421), ('52', -0.0009368743861426421), ('30', -0.0009702064947112267), ('\\', -0.0009702064947112267), ('u', -0.0009702064947112267), ('4', -0.0009702064947112267), ('e', -0.0009702064947112267), ('1', -0.0009702064947112267), ('c', -0.0009702064947112267), ('\\', -0.0009702064947112267), ('u', -0.0009702064947112267), ('ff', -0.0009702064947112267), ('0', -0.0008968378336055939), ('c', -0.0008968378336055939), ('\\', -0.0008968378336055939), ('u', -0.0008968378336055939), ('59', -0.0008968378336055939), ('34', -0.0008968378336055939), ('\\', -0.0008968378336055939), ('u', -0.0008968378336055939), ('4', -0.0008968378336055939), ('e', -0.0008968378336055939), ('00', -0.0005955787273220874), ('\\', -0.0005955787273220874), ('u', -0.0005955787273220874), ('6', -0.0005955787273220874), ('b', -0.0005955787273220874), ('21', -0.0005955787273220874), ('\\', -0.0005955787273220874), ('u', -0.0005955787273220874), ('7', -0.0005955787273220874), ('8', -0.0005955787273220874), ('b', -0.0005955787273220874), ('0', -0.0005955787273220874), ('\\', -0.0005955787273220874), ('u', -0.0005955787273220874), ('52', -0.0005955787273220874), ('30', -0.0005596424544637558), ('\\', -0.0005596424544637558), ('u', -0.0005596424544637558), ('55', -0.0005596424544637558), ('9', -0.0005596424544637559), ('d', -0.0005596424544637559), ('\\', -0.0005596424544637559), ('u', -0.0005596424544637559), ('8', -0.0005596424544637559), ('33', -0.0005596424544637559), ('6', -0.0005762677739160913), ('\\', -0.0005762677739160913), ('u', -0.0005762677739160913), ('8', -0.0005762677739160913), ('f', -0.0005762677739160913), ('d', -0.0005762677739160913), ('8', -0.0005377996243219564), ('\\', -0.0005377996243219564), ('u', -0.0005377996243219564), ('8', -0.0005377996243219564), ('9', -0.0005377996243219564), ('8', -0.0005377996243219564), ('1', -0.0005377996243219563), ('\\', -0.0005377996243219563), ('u', -0.0005377996243219563), ('53', -0.0006083405862429774), ('e', -0.0006083405862429774), ('6', -0.0006083405862429774), ('\\', -0.0006083405862429774), ('u', -0.0006083405862429774), ('4', -0.0006083405862429774), ('ed', -0.0006083405862429774), ('8', -0.0006083405862429774), ('\\', -0.0006083405862429774), ('u', -0.0006083405862429774), ('8', -0.0005646114115936345), ('d', -0.0005646114115936345), ('39', -0.0005646114115936345), ('\\', -0.0005646114115936345), ('u', -0.0005646114115936345), ('7', -0.0005646114115936345), ('6', -0.0005646114115936345), ('8', -0.0005646114115936345), ('4', -0.0006106020037617465), ('\\', -0.0006106020037617465), ('u', -0.0006106020037617465), ('30', -0.0006106020037617465), ('0', -0.0006106020037617465), ('2', -0.0006106020037617465), ('\\', -0.0006106020037617465), ('n', -0.0006106020037617465), ('\\', -0.0006106020037617465), ('n', -0.001910630574327245), ('No ', -0.001910630574327245), ('second ', -0.001910630574327245), ('time', -0.001910630574327245), ('. ', -0.001893909434199616), ('Never', -0.0355997269313472), ('.', -0.010693080703883123), ('', -0.00044340719856942695)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Salmon is amazing with scalloped potatoes.'} [('', 0.0), ('Salmon ', -0.04627930384594947), ('is ', -0.021188433514907956), ('amazing ', 0.9235875076265074), ('with ', -0.0033722135121934116), ('sc', -0.05578530870843679), ('all', -0.0056885568192228675), ('oped ', -0.017742736730724573), ('potatoes', -0.04452932300046086), ('.', -0.01626517390832305), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "Incredibly overpriced, tiny portions. Won't be going back."} [('', 0.0), ('Incredibly ', -0.02390117137110792), ('over', -0.13665845766081475), ('pr', -0.006869010961963795), ('ice', -0.019381021927983966), ('d', 0.01801051415532129), (', ', -0.023311496304813772), ('tiny ', -0.010931353346677497), ('portions', -0.008170434011844918), ('. ', -0.02151332818903029), ('Won', 0.11644311198324431), ("'", -0.04702383749827277), ('t ', -0.17286555559257977), ('be ', -0.02821787042194046), ('going ', -0.032422078016679734), ('back', -0.02651331463130191), ('.', -0.02112951027811505), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "Great when it's good but tends to be uneven."} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.1915287464071298), ('when ', -0.029393313176115043), ('it', -0.021390534362581093), ("'", -0.002985905848618131), ('s ', -0.0005870349850738421), ('good ', 0.1766224777820753), ('but ', -0.2967013410816435), ('tends ', -0.03385755386261735), ('to ', -0.016232693546044175), ('be ', 0.04885529665261856), ('uneven', -0.3459434690485068), ('.', -0.03830120757629629), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great place if you get stranded in Montreal!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.6402618391439319), ('place ', 0.08907309779897332), ('if ', 0.11096413107588887), ('you ', 0.1637687910697423), ('get ', -0.05084293446270749), ('stranded ', -0.3592055646076915), ('in ', 0.02960660009557614), ('Montreal', 0.08442234023823403), ('!', 0.0047953263856470585), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Very authentic fine Italian cuisine close to the office!'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', -0.003666415810585022), ('authentic ', 0.1783951222896576), ('fine ', 0.17562104761600494), ('Italian ', 0.06341025978326797), ('cuisine ', 0.1558438427746296), ('close ', -0.041486279340460896), ('to ', 0.05693407845683396), ('the ', 0.06504479190334678), ('office', 0.02538632834330201), ('!', 0.021401021629571915), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Trop graisseux...'} [('', 0.0), ('Tr', -0.20013797050341964), ('op ', -0.17716155340895057), ('gr', -0.08812150141420716), ('ais', -0.00033033018735295627), ('se', 0.23638046119594947), ('ux', 0.08080208342289552), ('.', -0.0026524867862462997), ('.', -0.0333382124081254), ('.', -0.07311193738132715), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good breakfast, inexpensive and fast'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.16997803002595901), ('breakfast', 0.09214704483747482), (', ', 0.08477073907852173), ('inexpensive ', 0.11479922384023666), ('and ', 0.06063532084226608), ('fast', 0.16878722608089447), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great selection of pastries !'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.40689498372375965), ('selection ', 0.32813254557549953), ('of ', 0.048967327922582626), ('past', -0.11897088121622801), ('ries ', -0.06552921701222658), ('!', 0.09128176793456078), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great breke - standard fare, but cheap!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.34645048379024956), ('br', 0.020779410093382467), ('eke ', -0.06433618184382794), ('- ', 0.028043980166330584), ('standard ', -0.14581573446230323), ('fare', -0.023956587647262495), (', ', 0.10960437827452552), ('but ', -0.24174700572621077), ('cheap', -0.4806894291250501), ('!', 0.1515175351232756), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'This is an awesome University.'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', 0.032089561223983765), ('is ', 0.038340307772159576), ('an ', 0.27375315874814987), ('awesome ', 0.33692427538335323), ('University', 0.03608219884335995), ('.', -0.026057373732328415), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Expensive and the food is very average.'} [('', 0.0), ('Expensive ', -0.27219322067685425), ('and ', 0.3097185913939029), ('the ', -0.08215972676407546), ('food ', 0.2382523677079007), ('is ', 0.12237070011906326), ('very ', -0.1794128727633506), ('average', -0.09422037983313203), ('.', -0.2420218549668789), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Decent food. Ice cold beer. Chillin atmosphere'} [('', 0.0), ('Decent ', 0.5973858729121275), ('food', 0.096007626329083), ('. ', 0.018160541891120374), ('Ice ', -0.010738939672592096), ('cold ', -0.24233261328481603), ('beer', 0.007331670611165464), ('. ', -0.01027514087036252), ('Chill', 0.02291041612625122), ('in ', 0.09692616015672684), ('atmosphere', 0.12111856788396835), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Overpriced, overrated. Their pad Thai is different alright--chow mein noodles?'} [('', 0.0), ('Over', -0.09029997975449078), ('pr', -0.014995305595220998), ('ice', -0.021876610378967598), ('d', 0.006966088461922482), (', ', -0.018793453695252538), ('over', -0.0701138261356391), ('rated', -0.016482314618770033), ('. ', -0.017688631429336965), ('Their ', -0.043538268408156), ('pad ', -0.029040773093583994), ('Thai ', 0.013966727594379336), ('is ', 0.06401992894825526), ('different ', 0.03438984329113737), ('alright', 0.048892786930082366), ('-', 0.015604084255755879), ('-', 0.005589178079389967), ('chow ', -0.0856413803412579), ('mein ', -0.06027288926998153), ('noodles', -0.038753536267904565), ('?', -0.15588590750121512), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Potato chip pickerel = YUM!!\\nGood service - fast'} [('', 0.0), ('Potato ', -0.05653020483441651), ('chip ', -0.02030886081047356), ('pick', -0.016352980564988684), ('ere', -0.015660200129786972), ('l ', -0.011405826633563265), ('= ', -0.032950086606433615), ('YU', -0.015443519034306519), ('M', -0.018809110842994414), ('!', -0.03759770072065294), ('!', -0.06964370340574533), ('\\', -0.08025805759825744), ('nGo', 0.007824803527910262), ('od ', -0.056558029347797856), ('service ', -0.029408766844426282), ('- ', -0.045458727501682006), ('fast', 0.05399833549745381), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'cause their food is great'} [('', 0.0), ('cause ', -0.08950739726424217), ('their ', -0.06092841038480401), ('food ', 0.052981088403612375), ('is ', 0.2515716217458248), ('great', 0.5099167190492153), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Phenomenal sandwiches perfect for a quick lunch or dinner.'} [('', 0.0), ('Phenomena', 0.3767870608717203), ('l ', -0.0019593853503465652), ('sandwiches ', -0.0293728387914598), ('perfect ', 0.37866547843441367), ('for ', 0.0012963106855750084), ('a ', 0.014303316362202168), ('quick ', -0.14321809960529208), ('lunch ', 0.08566755196079612), ('or ', -0.12659787200391293), ('dinner', 0.14315100852400064), ('.', -0.03279512096196413), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Amazing food. Nothing even comes close in area'} [('', 0.0), ('Amazing ', 0.7361897403752664), ('food', 0.06543670724204276), ('. ', 0.05359830890665762), ('Nothing ', -0.2634088495033211), ('even ', -0.06477894618728897), ('comes ', 0.10545657782859053), ('close ', 0.04359074627063819), ('in ', 0.036556452003424056), ('area', -6.127798405941576e-05), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Good Daal, Tandoori Butter Chicken.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.8354596463032067), ('Da', -0.027584917261265218), ('al', -0.018189750728197396), (', ', 0.0417235279455781), ('Tan', -0.002153911627829075), ('door', -0.04501626896671951), ('i ', -0.00073423539288342), ('Butter ', -0.023513283813372254), ('Chicken', -0.04310691892169416), ('.', -0.02073161769658327), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Bad service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Bad ', -0.7584070566881564), ('service', 0.19746898102312116), ('.', 0.038144479229231365), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Nice location'} [('', 0.0), ('Nice ', 0.16862908005714417), ('location', 0.10449686646461487), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'nasty...ghetto...smelly...dirty...trasy...gross...unpleasant...makes you want to puke.....get my point?'} [('', -0.0012563095484070107), ('nasty', -0.037589387368424945), ('.', -0.002497117832317166), ('.', -0.0004648049597497967), ('.', -0.0004648049597497967), ('ghetto', -0.023802346806308248), ('.', -0.0020600500519256976), ('.', -0.0013034244186352832), ('.', -0.002877349325187121), ('smell', -0.013741233085556814), ('y', -0.011898273941869774), ('.', -0.002857087330585273), ('.', -0.003960563978959423), ('.', -0.0027057460423899706), ('dirty', -0.0218342849579282), ('.', -0.008046862977986772), ('.', -0.0010876497595918842), ('.', -0.0013786917894495197), ('tr', -0.017618931466391326), ('as', -0.012507504187202098), ('y', -0.018654249012148023), ('.', -0.004852475719980291), ('.', -0.0029950092696578523), ('.', -0.002791656615305068), ('gross', -0.028031561695830272), ('.', -0.007053116654138388), ('.', -0.0032464424705592266), ('.', -0.0024684636712533703), ('unpleasant', -0.030677095620636204), ('.', -0.007660801127063418), ('.', -0.0011405477153958701), ('.', -0.0006975822935702228), ('makes ', 0.005394454751593811), ('you ', 0.03534731245316733), ('want ', -0.016686268764816405), ('to ', 0.00795859200014901), ('pu', -0.11555699562005531), ('ke', -0.03287549154184591), ('.', -0.010879747543286713), ('.', -0.00026360704497266043), ('.', -0.0008050621573703312), ('.', -0.0029850132733473503), ('.', -0.006229608409840794), ('get ', -0.03387751722564442), ('my ', -0.023946172221056057), ('point', -0.03230190348201884), ('?', -0.023265664672281774), ('', -1.8304300384544251e-06)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Good service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.24120499193668365), ('service', 0.19747789204120636), ('.', 0.038178712129592896), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Closed now'} [('', 0.0), ('Closed ', 0.14121219515800476), ('now', 0.12251737713813782), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Closed in Kitchener'} [('', 0.0), ('Closed ', 0.23410722613334656), ('in ', 0.13985098898410797), ('Kitchener', 0.10053332149982452), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Rate this place 3.5. Good food and service.'} [('', 0.0), ('Rate ', -0.028232970740646124), ('this ', 0.05943750962615013), ('place ', 0.05267967330291867), ('3', 0.00803092960268259), ('.', 0.06744331121444702), ('5', -0.08292349055409431), ('. ', 0.06945811957120895), ('Good ', 0.38848282815888524), ('food ', 0.07007709564641118), ('and ', 0.22056276444345713), ('service', -0.15859853569418192), ('.', -0.03922369424253702), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'average food. average service. above average pricing'} [('', 0.0), ('average ', -0.1435142490081489), ('food', 0.1583255366422236), ('. ', 0.10584321338683367), ('average ', -0.004811447579413652), ('service', -0.09551239898428321), ('. ', 0.1843124907463789), ('above ', 0.6000547790899873), ('average ', 0.07675947342067957), ('pricing', -0.17973116971552372), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Fast, cheap pizza. Tastes better when drunk.'} [('', 0.0), ('Fast', 0.11807197447342332), (', ', 0.055842440502601676), ('cheap ', -0.32165919576073065), ('pizza', -0.02077487406495493), ('. ', 0.005584132406511344), ('Tastes ', 0.008538408837921452), ('better ', -0.06141250918881269), ('when ', 0.005881305391085334), ('drunk', -0.05893761306651868), ('.', -0.032464121031807736), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Currently closed'} [('', 0.0), ('Currently ', -0.3169105015695095), ('closed', -0.37031417712569237), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Mediocre Caesar salad\\nTough sirloin'} [('', 0.0), ('Med', -0.07696386413954315), ('io', -0.0030610734720539767), ('cre ', -0.054402966146881226), ('Caesar ', -0.012734866675600642), ('salad', -0.025095612843870185), ('\\', -0.006062012555048568), ('nT', -0.018529211130953627), ('ough ', -0.05230758955804049), ('sir', 0.17790671515103895), ('lo', -0.22256587342417333), ('in', -0.03935355515568517), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great food and amazing ambiance. The outdoor patio is wonderful.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.15771030262112617), ('food ', -0.011991824954748154), ('and ', -0.0030471114441752434), ('amazing ', 0.08502086345106363), ('am', 0.05155546497553587), ('bian', 0.02521291933953762), ('ce', 0.004332204349339008), ('. ', -0.016995344310998917), ('The ', -0.013831409625709057), ('outdoor ', 0.026794358156621456), ('patio ', 0.055124973179772496), ('is ', -0.0200095868203789), ('wonderful', 0.2798518920317292), ('.', -0.036163389682769775), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': "food's great, service during lunch could be a bit quicker."} [('', 0.0), ('food', 0.025399442529305816), ("'", 0.019872596953064203), ('s ', -0.029098012251779437), ('great', 0.6721836440265179), (', ', 0.09276611870154738), ('service ', -0.02929014654364437), ('during ', -0.02934125263709575), ('lunch ', 0.027740573277696967), ('could ', -0.05215342412702739), ('be ', -0.07676117998198606), ('a ', 0.043409749428974465), ('bit ', -0.06166486709844321), ('quicker', -0.0007910034619271755), ('.', -0.019330855691805482), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'This is now out of business.'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', -0.010829442893736996), ('is ', 0.00017686852152110077), ('now ', -0.06350575508622569), ('out ', -0.12340175024291966), ('of ', 0.008691378243383951), ('business', -0.041137357577099465), ('.', -0.045982738622114994), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'mouai'} [('', 0.0), ('mo', -0.03258318081498146), ('ua', 0.16324219480156898), ('i', 0.33038029074668884), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'This resto is a duplicate and should be deleted.'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', -0.060396621469408274), ('rest', -0.01856092450543656), ('o ', 0.005192618835280882), ('is ', 0.016954360393356183), ('a ', 0.07430202086288773), ('duplicate ', -0.19090744305503904), ('and ', 0.009104464632400777), ('should ', -0.03832780342600017), ('be ', -0.012062244599292171), ('deleted', -0.08345141721656546), ('.', -0.03541858044627588), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'The most amazing place! Absolutely stunning! Must to see!'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.0021424423903226852), ('most ', 0.11840726900845766), ('amazing ', 0.2347211865708232), ('place', -0.008042888715863228), ('! ', -0.0292973592877388), ('Absolutely ', 0.09307750035077333), ('stunning', 0.08052941877394915), ('! ', -0.016396069899201393), ('Must ', -0.017285063629969954), ('to ', 0.052350264275446534), ('see', 0.12468672869727015), ('!', -0.003304317593574524), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Beautiful views and great spaces for walking, biking and relaxing.'} [('', 0.0), ('Beautiful ', 0.1250387839972973), ('views ', 0.04448768496513367), ('and ', -0.011679444462060928), ('great ', 0.10578273795545101), ('spaces ', 0.052473461255431175), ('for ', 0.012056433130055666), ('walking', -0.006598406005650759), (', ', -0.006666053086519241), ('biking ', 0.06172451935708523), ('and ', 0.07746482081711292), ('relaxing', 0.16950368881225586), ('.', 0.003712780773639679), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Nice little store, friendly associates.'} [('', 0.0), ('Nice ', 0.34721471229568124), ('little ', 0.0018107122741639614), ('store', -0.07271726056933403), (', ', 0.08597405254840851), ('friendly ', 0.22640793398022652), ('associates', 0.15941651538014412), ('.', -0.024807102978229523), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Food poison!'} [('', 0.0), ('Food ', 0.11071132030338049), ('poison', -0.8580331290140748), ('!', 0.2355337804183364), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': '\\"CLOSED\\"? I have to say I\'m not surprised...'} [('', 0.0007305805075226263), ('\\', -0.014316263751381831), ('"', -0.007409322683954434), ('CLOSED', -0.009064148694007946), ('\\', -0.010055585579677773), ('"', -0.011739323778740419), ('? ', -0.061162863634568305), ('I ', -0.024085155615466647), ('have ', -0.027350033560651354), ('to ', -0.021215897097135894), ('say ', -0.006586377785424702), ('I', 0.013413709792075679), ("'", 0.008469856664305553), ('m ', -0.03094061696053056), ('not ', -0.3768328451430231), ('surprised', 0.20768736437579113), ('.', -0.021177852031541988), ('.', -0.026380857336334884), ('.', -0.04906812123954296), ('', -0.000121263787150383)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Slow service, they need to hire more staff!'} [('', 0.0), ('Slow ', -0.13527723813604098), ('service', -0.03237872014869936), (', ', 0.0019477386958897114), ('they ', -0.012287959973036777), ('need ', -0.0489044282840041), ('to ', 0.050300991442782106), ('hire ', -0.07912942685652524), ('more ', -0.06729129471023043), ('staff', 0.012939273723532096), ('!', 0.007414350791805191), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Always a great place for healthy choices.'} [('', 0.0), ('Always ', 0.04257357865571976), ('a ', 0.08023395016789436), ('great ', 0.2437582053244114), ('place ', 0.002988041378557682), ('for ', 0.07302564661949873), ('healthy ', 0.2435038462281227), ('choices', 0.06894112005829811), ('.', -0.025763943791389465), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'I found my happy place.'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', 0.08859629929065704), ('found ', 0.08414105698466301), ('my ', 0.14022541418671608), ('happy ', 0.4277938990853727), ('place', -0.019922373350709677), ('.', -0.029712896794080734), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'It was an ok studio.'} [('', 0.0), ('It ', -0.004095256328582764), ('was ', -0.006200611591339111), ('an ', 0.35501334071159363), ('ok ', 0.24735993705689907), ('studio', 0.12537177465856075), ('.', -0.02637612447142601), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'its expensive but its holts! the foods quite good...'} [('', 0.0), ('its ', -0.007043019810225815), ('expensive ', -0.02811784070217982), ('but ', -0.030283949803560972), ('its ', -0.07653979933820665), ('holt', -0.007639302319148555), ('s', -0.008870339108398184), ('! ', 0.033710321644321084), ('the ', 0.030590369598940015), ('foods ', -0.016044940566644073), ('quite ', 0.2670103313867003), ('good', 0.5344780411105603), ('.', -0.01696659391745925), ('.', -0.018430632539093494), ('.', -0.0723232626914978), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Very generic fare. Bartender too friendly. Lots of TVs.'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.031539640032860916), ('generic ', -0.22155181908419763), ('fare', 0.05363964107345964), ('. ', -0.04210100126510952), ('Bartender ', -0.04925922951861139), ('too ', -0.2873393159979969), ('friendly', 0.10657320074824383), ('. ', 0.05300083180918591), ('Lots ', 0.009620156124583445), ('of ', 0.04082507969724247), ('TV', 0.04289393410363118), ('s', -0.018961585275974358), ('.', -0.108693089481676), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Way better than most!'} [('', 0.0), ('Way ', 0.12291298061609268), ('better ', 0.06896287389099598), ('than ', 0.08742852695286274), ('most', 0.11404614523053169), ('!', 0.27062569558620453), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Fresh. Great service. Super lunch specials.'} [('', 0.0), ('Fresh', 0.23308372125029564), ('. ', 0.04507535323500633), ('Great ', 0.2899584253318608), ('service', -0.06089946674183011), ('. ', 0.04857225716114044), ('Super ', 0.073234629817307), ('lunch ', 0.1633249493315816), ('specials', -0.008685221895575523), ('.', -0.07065526023507118), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Gross. Hot. Not good.'} [('', 0.0), ('Gross', -0.3735688125852903), ('. ', 0.05557205661534681), ('Hot', 0.13281876654946245), ('. ', 0.04719394577114144), ('Not ', -0.5414898905837617), ('good', 0.42847589154189336), ('.', -0.02523398168705171), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'BEST stake for under $20'} [('', 0.0), ('BEST ', 0.4983484107069671), ('stake ', 0.18855842493940145), ('for ', 0.07273804524447769), ('under ', -0.10503472748678178), ('$', -0.10644279501866549), ('20', -0.014020274626091123), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good food relaxed atmosphere. Would recommend!'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.16708874702453613), ('food ', 0.031419625505805016), ('relaxed ', 0.07832538150250912), ('atmosphere', 0.05676545575261116), ('. ', 0.034066855907440186), ('Would ', -0.01198580488562584), ('recommend', 0.35028256103396416), ('!', 0.023310020565986633), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Georges Rocks !! Love the place and food.'} [('', 0.0), ('Georges ', 0.10200271755456924), ('Rocks ', 0.11892007291316986), ('!', 0.1014065369963646), ('! ', 0.02565036714076996), ('Love ', 0.2288319356739521), ('the ', 0.06539447978138924), ('place ', -0.04637280851602554), ('and ', 0.0676480084657669), ('food', 0.04706673603504896), ('.', -0.013610485009849072), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Nice place, pretty good, but could be much better.'} [('', 0.0), ('Nice ', 0.4378251164453104), ('place', 0.0518106633098796), (', ', 0.060421580681577325), ('pretty ', 0.05364763305988163), ('good', 0.1827757543651387), (', ', 0.00958647788502276), ('but ', -0.07530310144647956), ('could ', -0.07328998949378729), ('be ', -0.05404700536746532), ('much ', 0.021457360999193043), ('better', 0.030919489392545074), ('.', -0.022690139012411237), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'The cheese dip the chorizo is a must'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.014503696002066135), ('cheese ', -0.08536933036521077), ('dip ', -0.025388351175934076), ('the ', -0.01081303134560585), ('cho', -0.05260525876656175), ('riz', 0.016646598000079393), ('o ', 0.0002637617290019989), ('is ', 0.21457945951260626), ('a ', 0.3944221206475049), ('must', 0.2524649337865412), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'The Cove is closed, as of 12/09.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.025525249540805817), ('Cove ', -0.008261194394435734), ('is ', -0.02963701484259218), ('closed', -0.16203090926865116), (', ', 0.01540946087334305), ('as ', -0.017998176845139824), ('of ', 0.01058114277839195), ('12', -0.003484271052002441), ('/', -0.05883123430976411), ('09', -0.015661741999792866), ('.', -0.03385609691031277), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'there are better greek/mediterranean places around.'} [('', 0.0), ('there ', -0.002349289134144783), ('are ', 0.07385886460542679), ('better ', -0.3447761218994856), ('greek', 0.07617735955864191), ('/', 0.05991350021213293), ('mediterranean ', 0.4289587310049683), ('places ', 0.11227987776510417), ('around', 0.02502341102808714), ('.', -0.06262139044702053), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Good Place'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.13934138417243958), ('Place', 0.1337766945362091), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'I Love the location,Take a Walk and Enjoy'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', 0.005130162462592125), ('Love ', 0.343891162192449), ('the ', 0.007925559068098664), ('location', -0.05972309224307537), (',', 0.051548466086387634), ('Take ', 0.018518105149269104), ('a ', 0.033931441605091095), ('Walk ', 0.056362755596637726), ('and ', -0.0052077434957027435), ('Enjoy', 0.24455085024237633), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Decent car wash for the price.'} [('', 0.0), ('Decent ', 0.797610744193662), ('car ', 0.023595690581714734), ('wash ', -0.2146366081724409), ('for ', 0.06503878999501467), ('the ', 0.11026992928236723), ('price', -0.09532958269119263), ('.', 0.03519754111766815), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'This place is closed.......'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', -0.003122599569906015), ('place ', 0.07939534775687207), ('is ', 0.0392675687562587), ('closed', -0.2999644018309482), ('.', -0.016404370791860856), ('.', -0.009400319055203), ('.', -0.014192648750395165), ('.', -0.023863861452809942), ('.', -0.02289149137232016), ('.', -0.02530238216422731), ('.', -0.0369998586611473), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'This bad boy is C L O S E D!'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', -0.06127283535897732), ('bad ', -0.3789854398683019), ('boy ', 0.20759130034002737), ('is ', -0.048779717879369855), ('C ', 0.09413572610355914), ('L ', 0.060872676549479365), ('O ', 0.020231068367138505), ('S ', -0.042181947734206915), ('E ', -0.034128806088119745), ('D', -0.01822320930659771), ('!', 0.008406711742281914), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'love the selection'} [('', 0.0), ('love ', 0.256251722574234), ('the ', 0.09394751489162445), ('selection', 0.12668834626674652), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good food but the service is a little shabby.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.35373058027471416), ('food ', -0.020458818326005712), ('but ', -0.04847172262452659), ('the ', -0.016888044685401837), ('service ', -0.026092684698596713), ('is ', 0.0033003760336214327), ('a ', 0.0394656911275888), ('little ', -0.0705021721241792), ('sha', -0.3034219167966512), ('bby', -0.22195929894951405), ('.', -0.02126768334710505), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "Rude staff. Couldn't shop comfortably without being followed around."} [('', 0.0), ('Rude ', -0.17576415270013968), ('staff', -0.009594624301826116), ('. ', -0.018009130377322435), ('Couldn', -0.21640783532347996), ("'", 0.02088479231315432), ('t ', -0.19847328734613257), ('shop ', -0.13267491872284154), ('comfortably ', 0.18416833368064545), ('without ', 0.12005095352196804), ('being ', 0.10151204453813989), ('followed ', -0.008280459307570709), ('around', -0.02699182415017276), ('.', -0.029801024495100137), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Poor service-small portions-pricey'} [('', 0.0), ('Poor ', -0.6056726278184215), ('service', -0.033335872685711365), ('-', 0.006457139308622573), ('small ', -0.02786005553389259), ('portions', -0.0031975936271919636), ('-', 0.017234047823876608), ('price', 0.16243066120659932), ('y', 0.2138320526937605), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'wow..restuarant week menu is AWESOME. Great food and great service.'} [('', 0.0), ('wow', 0.11403441801667213), ('.', 0.022149380296468735), ('.', -0.0048379674553871155), ('rest', -0.012883339310064912), ('ua', 0.04607177886646241), ('rant ', -0.07937523408327252), ('week ', -0.014822873461525887), ('menu ', -0.0038084216066636145), ('is ', 0.004264836432412267), ('AWESOME', 0.20776077918708324), ('. ', -0.009602164383977652), ('Great ', 0.15949769970029593), ('food ', -0.004036284051835537), ('and ', -0.020443998277187347), ('great ', 0.16834143362939358), ('service', -0.019904280081391335), ('.', -0.014169830828905106), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'I thoroughly enjoyed everything I ate. Nice plate presentations. $$$.'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', -0.021996906027197838), ('thoroughly ', 0.12161809671670198), ('enjoyed ', 0.2852441715076566), ('everything ', -0.01455793110653758), ('I ', -0.015428712125867605), ('ate', -0.06719959527254105), ('. ', 0.03143769223242998), ('Nice ', 0.2694071509176865), ('plate ', -0.01975729805417359), ('presentations', 0.040257170679979026), ('. ', 0.07804424804635346), ('$', -0.026547854591626674), ('$', -0.026842527964618057), ('$', -0.043384489603340626), ('.', -0.022729294141754508), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great salads. Very filling. And super waitstaff.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.3160265190526843), ('salad', -0.07180966064333916), ('s', 0.016189915128052235), ('. ', -0.008301157504320145), ('Very ', 0.1864210180938244), ('filling', 0.0589168518781662), ('. ', 0.003525998443365097), ('And ', 0.10776782501488924), ('super ', 0.009769081138074398), ('waits', 0.013771540019661188), ('taff', -0.02328820014372468), ('.', 0.01797528564929962), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Expensive and poor customer service. Food was terrible.'} [('', 0.0), ('Expensive ', -0.0514223793943529), ('and ', 0.013410234569164459), ('poor ', -0.15014916626205377), ('customer ', -0.011677625179800089), ('service', -0.013387413189775543), ('. ', 0.06115514047269244), ('Food ', -0.04195015285858972), ('was ', 0.0008948243184931925), ('terrible', -0.07785976118248072), ('.', -0.03166606923696236), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'A truly exceptional Thai restaurant'} [('', 0.0), ('A ', 0.1710478588938713), ('truly ', 0.09308919683098793), ('exceptional ', 0.09487848356366158), ('Thai ', 0.0896015390753746), ('restaurant', 0.2153705283999443), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great happy hour. Food always the best.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.16153158619999886), ('happy ', 0.16562934592366219), ('hour', -0.00028370320796966553), ('. ', 0.029675237834453583), ('Food ', 0.0584448492154479), ('always ', 0.12628345470875502), ('the ', 0.025734453462064266), ('best', 0.17498304974287748), ('.', -0.02897970750927925), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Food was not good. App and Entree'} [('', 0.0), ('Food ', -0.005995755585900042), ('was ', 0.040593812630504544), ('not ', -0.8391784275218015), ('good', 0.18155520629443345), ('. ', 0.04032090416876599), ('App ', -0.09741431156726321), ('and ', 0.04590284132427769), ('En', 0.18289427463605534), ('tree', 0.16500095996889286), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Awesome flavors!'} [('', 0.0), ('Awesome ', 0.12080501019954681), ('flavors', 0.12065289914608002), ('!', 0.23542740941047668), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Nuff said.'} [('', 0.0), ('Nu', -0.5070342249237001), ('ff ', -0.0701385042630136), ('said', 0.33109710132703185), ('.', -0.08195773744955659), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Go cheap but quality breakfast!'} [('', 0.0), ('Go ', 0.04527499571850058), ('cheap ', -0.38249191518116277), ('but ', 0.18258535087807104), ('quality ', 0.4529702049912885), ('breakfast', 0.2735318705672398), ('!', 0.10073745134286582), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good greek restaurant, nice ambiance, outstanding Gyros.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.09806018881499767), ('greek ', 0.043576763942837715), ('restaurant', 0.02189885452389717), (', ', -0.017536338418722153), ('nice ', 0.07960334233939648), ('am', 0.05697550252079964), ('bian', 0.03758096694946289), ('ce', -0.007634615525603294), (', ', -0.020633045583963394), ('outstanding ', 0.22935833036899567), ('G', 0.02672617183998227), ('yr', 0.053716354072093964), ('os', 0.017972982954233885), ('.', -0.03611378371715546), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great serviceee!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.17421535402536392), ('service', 0.1700837267562747), ('ee', -0.035046505741775036), ('!', 0.2772745043039322), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "Ludo's out."} [('', 0.0), ('Lu', -0.04547393845859915), ('do', 0.14635664748493582), ("'", 0.07260884088464081), ('s ', 0.08333077630959451), ('out', -0.5295774550177157), ('.', -0.020604409743100405), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': '----------------------'} [('', 0.0), ('-', 0.012671136180870235), ('-', 0.0047896806499920785), ('-', -0.012888770608697087), ('-', -0.02011679351562634), ('-', -0.019305079302284867), ('-', -0.018425273708999157), ('-', -0.021764608682133257), ('-', -0.029489593638572842), ('-', -0.02496858040103689), ('-', -0.026846121880225837), ('-', -0.032664825208485126), ('-', -0.03598928771680221), ('-', -0.031419063510838896), ('-', -0.028467155760154128), ('-', -0.03498672344721854), ('-', -0.022685498697683215), ('-', -0.016170574352145195), ('-', -0.01725845888722688), ('-', -0.02068858512211591), ('-', -0.021640530438162386), ('-', -0.02802967617753893), ('-', -0.03796461853198707), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': '------------'} [('', 0.0), ('-', 0.028894206043332815), ('-', 0.022068188758566976), ('-', -0.0076980923768132925), ('-', -0.01916270167566836), ('-', -0.011364454636350274), ('-', -0.01972842332907021), ('-', -0.02578684245236218), ('-', -0.05526018957607448), ('-', -0.04740166640840471), ('-', -0.05248275608755648), ('-', -0.08260453515686095), ('-', -0.06708571594208479), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Hot and lovely. Long line and unfriendly door staff.'} [('', 0.0), ('Hot ', 0.08414403127972037), ('and ', 0.057069037458859384), ('lovely', 0.6571688611875288), ('. ', -0.01389994629425928), ('Long ', -0.04447042872197926), ('line ', -0.03222713991999626), ('and ', -0.01750642783008516), ('un', -0.13466527743730694), ('fr', 0.09682040885672905), ('ien', -0.014160667022224516), ('dly ', -0.01596621409407817), ('door ', -0.029555393470218405), ('staff', -0.0013409433013293892), ('.', -0.010859319474548101), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'beware of josh blaha.'} [('', 0.0), ('be', -0.023570810677483678), ('ware ', -0.13222696189768612), ('of ', 0.05714640882797539), ('josh ', 0.17989806539844722), ('blah', -0.3593197302543558), ('a', 0.05491707701003179), ('.', -0.04458666080608964), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'So...many...sinks...felt the need to constantly wash my hands...'} [('', -0.0001405682269250974), ('So', -0.019832029545796104), ('.', 0.014202450998709537), ('.', -0.005239426227490185), ('.', -0.01659971980188857), ('many', 0.0048544864694122225), ('.', 0.004567793883325066), ('.', -0.01701586380295339), ('.', -0.015048078432300827), ('sinks', -0.1606879306891642), ('.', -0.046520431289536646), ('.', -0.018354744806856615), ('.', -0.02144834694263409), ('felt ', -0.01676552664503106), ('the ', -0.00584070719560259), ('need ', -0.03721376719113323), ('to ', -0.009598577100405237), ('constantly ', -0.005043252243922325), ('wash ', -0.05443271186595666), ('my ', -0.01113227538735373), ('hands', -0.02606654758710647), ('.', -0.00812420912188827), ('.', -0.013202798563725082), ('.', -0.016509849527210463), ('', -0.00016347686323570088)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'disappointing to say the least'} [('', 0.0), ('disappointing ', -0.30548628032192937), ('to ', 0.12761710815721017), ('say ', 0.0022246782918955432), ('the ', 0.09363805359316757), ('least', -0.25362842122558504), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Enormous amounts of food. Peach salad was the best.'} [('', 0.0), ('Enormous ', 0.18725120276212692), ('amounts ', 0.052641843212768435), ('of ', -0.003752608085051179), ('food', 0.10896582109853625), ('. ', -0.013666853308677673), ('Peach ', 0.012545236386358738), ('salad ', -0.0031192870810627937), ('was ', 0.021115775452926755), ('the ', 0.0417682200204581), ('best', 0.297774326056242), ('.', -0.035545602440834045), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'This place has been closed for awhile now.'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', 0.010488606989383698), ('place ', 0.0850252890959382), ('has ', 0.0852640988305211), ('been ', -0.09506430925102904), ('closed ', -0.2019669360597618), ('for ', 0.13258777747978456), ('awhile ', -0.10068421959294938), ('now', -0.12764953036094084), ('.', -0.06250834814272821), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': '0'} [('', 0.0), ('0', -0.8379756584763527), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'They serve Illy coffee - nuff said!'} [('', 0.0), ('They ', -0.05394663184415549), ('serve ', 0.27358887682203203), ('Ill', -0.5251863466401119), ('y ', 0.12424023766652681), ('coffee ', -0.10856745485216379), ('- ', -0.005891738808713853), ('nu', -0.12457418872509152), ('ff ', -0.08955849811900407), ('said', 0.1769685058388859), ('!', 0.040515846107155085), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best gay bar in Vegas if you like men.'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.6430814024060965), ('gay ', -0.26450298354029655), ('bar ', -0.027556175366044044), ('in ', 0.045002007856965065), ('Vegas ', 0.16861426085233688), ('if ', -0.09576003765687346), ('you ', 0.2574135879985988), ('like ', 0.01198468916118145), ('men', -0.014422671869397163), ('.', -0.0314035564661026), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Great bartenders, cheap drinks'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.46662065407144837), ('bartender', 0.229170435006381), ('s', 0.05117042009078432), (', ', 0.09458723274292424), ('cheap ', -0.30740752058045473), ('drinks', 0.15271600217965897), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'okay food either over seasoned or not seasoned enough'} [('', 0.0), ('okay ', 0.43422229262796463), ('food ', 0.24050399549741996), ('either ', 0.08428972771798726), ('over ', 0.016177359688299475), ('seasoned ', 0.060311065823043464), ('or ', 0.010891939768043812), ('not ', -0.27044589802244445), ('seasoned ', 0.15636820722284028), ('enough', -0.03463592221669387), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Overpriced and slow service. The food is just ok.'} [('', 0.0), ('Over', -0.064894856639512), ('pr', -0.019767227773627383), ('ice', -0.0187360482832446), ('d ', 0.00020185901485092472), ('and ', -0.01569676000144682), ('slow ', -0.06110603800971148), ('service', -0.030323882528136892), ('. ', 0.0017054308937076712), ('The ', -0.016082952224678593), ('food ', -0.02603484905557707), ('is ', 0.1423484102870134), ('just ', 0.08353331190664903), ('ok', 0.6429256297324173), ('.', -0.035921836250054184), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'chips/salsa/fajitas are amazing!'} [('', 0.0), ('chips', -0.10796643793582916), ('/', 0.04313096054829657), ('salsa', 0.19315620348788798), ('/', 0.0363448834978044), ('fa', 0.055599662475287914), ('jit', 0.15959578286856413), ('as ', -0.09168052487075329), ('are ', 0.023517939262092113), ('amazing', 0.2815803000703454), ('!', 0.1036459170281887), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'food was good - great service -'} [('', 0.0), ('food ', 0.077212855219841), ('was ', 0.03635572828352451), ('good ', 0.24839149974286556), ('- ', 0.025178397074341774), ('great ', 0.3486026991158724), ('service ', -0.02922259084880352), ('-', 0.01690739579498768), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Sugar Magnolia now closed according to the Charlotte Observer 7/6/09'} [('', 0.0), ('Sugar ', -0.06518264557234943), ('Magnolia ', 0.030007923836819828), ('now ', -0.1647318663308397), ('closed ', -0.2650195317110047), ('according ', 0.11811040423344821), ('to ', -0.02243759046541527), ('the ', 0.05671522143529728), ('Charlotte ', 0.043326711835106835), ('Observer ', 0.009779532643733546), ('7', -0.030179726396454498), ('/', -0.0367683396616485), ('6', -0.0055517457076348364), ('/', -0.05357435008045286), ('09', -0.023830190591979772), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'The very best!'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.08366204053163528), ('very ', 0.08505695685744286), ('best', 0.14067639037966728), ('!', 0.2771673947572708), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Pizza sucks and so does service'} [('', 0.0), ('Pizza ', 0.01364044593356084), ('sucks ', -0.6910305762721691), ('and ', 0.10902300059387926), ('so ', -0.06726857965259114), ('does ', 0.36759550379792927), ('service', -0.039774053657311015), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'good stuff!'} [('', 0.0), ('good ', 0.12422123551368713), ('stuff', 0.11721944808959961), ('!', 0.23542603850364685), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "I'd rather have a vietnamese pho with 10dollars included taxes."} [('', 0.0), ('I', -0.01993236632551998), ("'", -0.010302340524503961), ('d ', -0.017869875446194783), ('rather ', -0.11138215177925304), ('have ', -0.022318541196000297), ('a ', 0.00513766826770734), ('vietnamese ', -0.019210231948818546), ('ph', -0.022541931986779673), ('o ', -0.015539315510977758), ('with ', -0.020686214345914777), ('10', -0.02621727029327303), ('do', -0.08029202770558186), ('llar', 0.028109059181588236), ('s ', -0.021337944555853028), ('included ', -0.01016894333588425), ('taxes', -0.07704211569216568), ('.', -0.01899203538778238), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Breakfast is always good. Homefries lack. Friendly service and atmosphere.'} [('', 0.0), ('Breakfast ', -0.034836870510844165), ('is ', 0.12799083728941696), ('always ', 0.10383375360697755), ('good', 0.3788454283558167), ('. ', -0.0984963440678257), ('Home', -0.050109123843867565), ('fr', 0.02012219076641486), ('ies ', -0.07085101786651649), ('lack', -0.3661113534053584), ('. ', -0.053000127472841996), ('Friendly ', 0.2647430105134845), ('service ', 0.022721965797245502), ('and ', 0.06065119057893753), ('atmosphere', 0.18445311300456524), ('.', -0.07320291362702847), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Prime Rib Tuesdays. That is all.'} [('', 0.0), ('Prime ', 0.4022039920091629), ('Rib ', -0.027620680630207062), ('Tuesday', 0.11095449794083834), ('s', 0.07887833099812269), ('. ', -0.011091336607933044), ('That ', 0.17408051155507565), ('is ', -0.02385416440665722), ('all', 0.09488531574606895), ('.', -0.10540607944130898), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'http://lamestizamadison.wordpress.com/'} [('', 0.0), ('http', -0.05571926600532606), (':', 0.005568442502408288), ('/', -0.041102979696006514), ('/', -0.03501333252643235), ('lame', -0.11257120802656573), ('sti', -0.030524391751896474), ('zam', 0.017436640679079574), ('adi', 0.009906890249112621), ('son', 0.04490422915114323), ('.', -0.028336322866380215), ('word', -0.04359081978327595), ('press', -0.04791314524482004), ('.', -0.021596669976133853), ('com', -0.03983600827632472), ('/', -0.050205739156808704), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Touristy and overpriced. Taste mediocre.'} [('', 0.0), ('Tourist', 0.10671900979650673), ('y ', 0.03461946003153571), ('and ', -0.00246704618257354), ('over', -0.1977413990689456), ('pr', -0.1092181818175959), ('ice', -0.02536424681329663), ('d', 0.013357707782233774), ('. ', -0.014486257543467218), ('Taste ', -0.015150643652305007), ('med', -0.07013412031665212), ('io', -0.0036285085589042865), ('cre', -0.06886199299333384), ('.', -0.03773996770178201), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "Known as the ghetto Walmart. Don't go there"} [('', 0.0), ('Known ', -0.005660930561134592), ('as ', -0.015108721469005104), ('the ', -0.013229957949079107), ('ghetto ', -0.0657415661989944), ('Wal', -0.038503891322761774), ('mart', -0.03828510991297662), ('. ', -0.012760438432451338), ('Don', -0.05233369566849433), ("'", -0.10694737880839966), ('t ', -0.16234298009658232), ('go ', 0.07505259377649054), ('there', 0.06453943433007225), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Just gross.'} [('', 0.0), ('Just ', 0.20139186523738317), ('gross', -0.7623582610976882), ('.', 0.03817970410455018), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': "It's a great Walmart."} [('', 0.0), ('It', 0.0005777236074209213), ("'", 0.07339668460190296), ('s ', -0.03404655307531357), ('a ', 0.23328531871084124), ('great ', 0.6238168893614784), ('Wal', -0.03646982868667692), ('mart', -0.0585893316892907), ('.', -0.07276404276490211), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Friendly staff everytime we go!'} [('', 0.0), ('Friendly ', 0.28186583518981934), ('staff ', 0.08127948641777039), ('every', 0.16170719638466835), ('time ', -0.020665761083364487), ('we ', 0.08286738768219948), ('go', 0.10572229698300362), ('!', 0.030581772327423096), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'too much bread!'} [('', 0.0), ('too ', -0.42351795223657973), ('much ', -0.06328630337884533), ('bread', -0.20298585594355245), ('!', 0.27702122466871515), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'The new Celine show at Caesars is without a doubt-FANTASTIC!'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.029715675860643387), ('new ', 0.036922505125403404), ('Celine ', 0.1242112722247839), ('show ', 0.03641271498054266), ('at ', 0.08658499363809824), ('Caesar', -0.01363212987780571), ('s ', 0.022437777370214462), ('is ', -0.08610309020150453), ('without ', 0.042664633016102016), ('a ', -0.1368143983418122), ('doubt', 0.29466412763576955), ('-', 0.016744812950491905), ('FANTASTIC', 0.17678367532789707), ('!', 0.012252472341060638), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Saw Celine last night! She was FABULOUS!'} [('', 0.0), ('Saw ', -0.005741151049733162), ('Celine ', 0.18811429059132934), ('last ', 0.06889058602973819), ('night', 0.06129678804427385), ('! ', 0.041982829570770264), ('She ', -0.021927773021161556), ('was ', -0.012712277472019196), ('FABULOUS', 0.3894210970029235), ('!', 0.003662109375), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'see the absinthe show! it is awesome'} [('', 0.0), ('see ', 0.0668695867061615), ('the ', 0.001164410263299942), ('abs', -0.05998962209559977), ('int', 0.030503239249810576), ('he ', 0.059317678678780794), ('show', 0.011884274426847696), ('! ', 0.23543630866333842), ('it ', 0.004877351224422455), ('is ', 0.0510968342423439), ('awesome', 0.29575759172439575), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Very tasty, classic Chinese food out of the box.'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.026434563100337982), ('ta', 0.2510618957458064), ('sty', 0.055818049353547394), (', ', -0.01574389636516571), ('classic ', 0.3163633802905679), ('Chinese ', 0.06300184689462185), ('food ', 0.0030943970195949078), ('out ', -0.00026556896045804024), ('of ', -0.010567402467131615), ('the ', 0.016576692927628756), ('box', -0.030399569775909185), ('.', -0.0481047322973609), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Worst airline ever!'} [('', 0.0), ('Worst ', -0.8416033620960661), ('airline ', -0.02102153490341152), ('ever', 0.1723849149311718), ('!', 0.27716974992654286), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Always problems and delays. Us air can suck it'} [('', 0.0), ('Always ', 0.004952479328494519), ('problems ', -0.31902969832299277), ('and ', 0.01594453101279214), ('delays', -0.38869490596698597), ('. ', 0.06937008956447244), ('Us ', -0.03326976834068773), ('air ', -0.028775839986337814), ('can ', 0.15362569810531568), ('suck ', 0.0022481605265056714), ('it', 0.23118610063102096), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Treated like cattle'} [('', 0.0), ('Treated ', 0.17298782896250486), ('like ', -0.30858326191082597), ('cattle', -0.36643013590946794), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Service ok, Food ok. Nice atmosphere.'} [('', 0.0), ('Service ', -0.009396386332809925), ('ok', 0.07617476303130388), (', ', 0.10696562379598618), ('Food ', 0.03077229391783476), ('ok', 0.13835970032960176), ('. ', 0.012486465275287628), ('Nice ', 0.26776969619095325), ('atmosphere', 0.11860440857708454), ('.', -0.028775755316019058), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good place, wish they had more veg. Options'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.505057678281446), ('place', 0.2553091840527486), (', ', 0.035062598981312476), ('wish ', -0.03590445086956606), ('they ', -0.026862707618420245), ('had ', -0.021088186807901366), ('more ', -0.026168130494625075), ('ve', -0.056081618215102935), ('g', -0.02039128944670665), ('. ', -0.01618641774985008), ('Options', 0.06345207989215851), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Nasty, nasty, nasty food. Worst expierence in quite awhile.'} [('', 0.0), ('Nasty', -0.04772794792006607), (', ', -0.007633360091858776), ('nasty', -0.044060155320039485), (', ', -0.009211254997353535), ('nasty ', -0.06875432479500887), ('food', -0.019892821172106778), ('. ', -0.015343907682108693), ('Worst ', -0.09486835130519466), ('ex', -0.013354682745557511), ('pie', -0.005908874492888572), ('rence ', -0.013506392744602636), ('in ', -0.009501627486315556), ('quite ', 0.001551588862639619), ('awhile', -0.060331020129524404), ('.', -0.02321708341332851), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Ski ball and alcohol!'} [('', 0.0), ('Ski ', -0.27551452443003654), ('ball ', 0.17737196013331413), ('and ', 0.25496588461101055), ('alcohol', -0.47456956934183836), ('!', 0.3591249855235219), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Nice Place, quality clientel, draught specials and healthy woman.'} [('', 0.0), ('Nice ', 0.1684409910812974), ('Place', 0.011752474121749401), (', ', -0.01697837933897972), ('quality ', 0.16112062660977244), ('client', -0.033565594581887126), ('el', 0.020148805575445294), (', ', 0.0016612447798252106), ('draught ', -0.0348546402528882), ('specials ', -0.02648703847080469), ('and ', -0.016856646165251732), ('healthy ', 0.37768859788775444), ('woman', 0.015309371054172516), ('.', -0.017944850027561188), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'I love this place and their excellent steaks...'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', -0.014417008962482214), ('love ', 0.3556778552592732), ('this ', 0.044947723334189504), ('place ', -0.007484192959964275), ('and ', 0.003813249059021473), ('their ', -0.024977346532978117), ('excellent ', 0.3713344557909295), ('steak', 0.023231024737469852), ('s', 0.02921842352952808), ('.', -0.020064823795109987), ('.', -0.0559086948633194), ('.', -0.07808074355125427), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'This place is pretty much a dump.'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', 0.09166313284731586), ('place ', 0.14233337550649594), ('is ', 0.09589501039408788), ('pretty ', 0.15309361846448155), ('much ', -0.01564216236511129), ('a ', 0.10751746222013026), ('dump', -0.8040114071336575), ('.', -0.04119609816552838), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Indian food done well. Friendly service and great atmosphere.'} [('', 0.0), ('Indian ', 0.10989884287118912), ('food ', 0.07629915536381304), ('done ', -0.0006286336574703455), ('well', 0.16345159336924553), ('. ', -0.0161648690700531), ('Friendly ', 0.18851304100826383), ('service ', -0.018795367795974016), ('and ', -0.00398046150803566), ('great ', 0.15354638174176216), ('atmosphere', 0.03152334317564964), ('.', -0.01760418713092804), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best Indian food I have had in years.'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.20773040503263474), ('Indian ', 0.13839462399482727), ('food ', 0.014290623366832733), ('I ', 0.06466735526919365), ('have ', 0.07377742789685726), ('had ', 0.08306284144055098), ('in ', 0.1853721447987482), ('years', -0.0286284068133682), ('.', -0.0256635881960392), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Hit or miss'} [('', 0.0), ('Hit ', -0.02307009969081264), ('or ', -0.21609620175149757), ('miss', -0.2813866750802845), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'El servicio es horrible.'} [('', 0.0), ('El ', 0.137489903223468), ('ser', 0.04015665131737478), ('vic', 0.10831562652310822), ('io ', 0.03453638109203894), ('es ', 0.0248023338499479), ('horrible', -0.5992826117872028), ('.', -0.02186218158749398), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "This is the worst Roberto's in town"} [('', 0.0), ('This ', -0.011823728065792238), ('is ', 0.052636534145676706), ('the ', 0.06691050240533514), ('worst ', -0.7333662466608075), ('Roberto', 0.14252467862388585), ("'", 0.04963541469987831), ('s ', 0.005462770215672208), ('in ', 0.0937043957383139), ('town', 0.047664820835052524), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Bad service & location'} [('', 0.0), ('Bad ', -0.6915102922575898), ('service ', 0.08669738657226844), ('& ', 0.2106154092525685), ('location', -0.01886986291356152), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great food, service, and atmosphere!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.16962596820667386), ('food', 0.1057995562441647), (', ', 0.10386937949806452), ('service', -0.06750601250678301), (', ', 0.05171945225447416), ('and ', 0.13459542393684387), ('atmosphere', 0.10435636341571808), ('!', 0.10438196361064911), ('!', 0.006180286407470703), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'This gallery closed in August 2011.\\n\\nhttp://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=green%20rice%20gallery%20closing&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CFYQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.charlotteviewpoint.org%2Farticle%2F2505%2FNoDa---Still-Charlottes-arts-district&ei=P97kT7SOFoOQ8wTF-vHjCQ&usg=AFQjCNF7AOdmpanwf_4TP-Kem1s0GcfMhw&sig2=m4VjSdfCXCkJeBXWQ5yASw'} [('', -0.002431000757496804), ('This ', -0.0037544702063314617), ('gallery ', -0.0030209505348466337), ('closed ', -0.0030209505348466337), ('in ', -0.003531436358268062), ('August ', -0.003531436358268062), ('2011', -0.003723954587864379), ('.', -0.0014057484222576022), ('\\', -0.005047075991046079), ('n', -0.005047075991046079), ('\\', -0.005047075991046079), ('nh', -0.0038289663665857392), ('tt', -0.0038289663665857392), ('p', -0.0038289663665857392), (':', -0.00131043262010666), ('/', -0.00131043262010666), ('/', -0.00131043262010666), ('www', -0.00131043262010666), ('.', -0.0014081301044136512), ('google', -0.006877186091428268), ('.', -0.003013417439346778), ('com', -0.004708299093458447), ('/', -0.004708299093458447), ('ur', -0.005412600032563898), ('l', -0.005412600032563898), ('?', -0.0064923162865895955), ('sa', -0.001148123713210225), ('=', -0.001148123713210225), ('t', -0.001148123713210225), ('&', -0.001148123713210225), ('rc', -0.002597392839379609), ('t', -0.002597392839379609), ('=', -0.001940492377616465), ('j', -0.001940492377616465), ('&', -0.0016285814810544253), ('q', -0.0016285814810544253), ('=', -0.0020017373686035474), ('green', -0.0020017373686035474), ('%', -0.0020017373686035474), ('20', -0.0024622488922129075), ('rice', -0.0024622488922129075), ('%', -0.0024622488922129075), ('20', -0.002512032527010888), ('gall', -0.002512032527010888), ('ery', -0.002512032527010888), ('%', -0.002512032527010888), ('20', -0.0019021112811373304), ('cl', -0.0019021112811373304), ('osing', -0.0019021112811373304), ('&', -0.001885851048671368), ('source', -0.001885851048671368), ('=', -0.001885851048671368), ('web', -0.001885851048671368), ('&', -0.0011212246689312096), ('cd', -0.0011212246689312096), ('=', -0.0011212246689312096), ('1', -0.0011212246689312096), ('&', -0.0011212246689312096), ('ve', -0.0011212246689312096), ('d', -0.0011212246689312096), ('=', -0.0011212246689312096), ('0', -0.002080779699083012), ('C', -0.002080779699083012), ('FY', -0.002080779699083012), ('Q', -0.002080779699083012), ('F', -0.004035882692413619), ('jA', -0.004035882692413619), ('A', -0.0038589059082811982), ('&', -0.001966000616855778), ('ur', -0.001966000616855778), ('l', -0.001966000616855778), ('=', -0.001966000616855778), ('http', -0.001966000616855778), ('%', -0.0021006734933032172), ('3A', -0.0021006734933032172), ('%', -0.0021006734933032172), ('2', -0.0020624191081100285), ('F', -0.0020624191081100285), ('%', -0.0020624191081100285), ('2', -0.001944337297423404), ('F', -0.001944337297423404), ('w', -0.0019443372974234042), ('w', -0.0019443372974234042), ('w', -0.0019443372974234042), ('.', -0.0014112747984068809), ('charlotte', -0.005417642083678705), ('view', -0.003237611514244539), ('point', -0.004360115870561761), ('.', -0.00033004040305968375), ('org', -0.00315381418245368), ('%', -0.00315381418245368), ('2', -0.0026133290425174715), ('Far', -0.0026133290425174715), ('tic', -0.0026133290425174715), ('le', -0.0026133290425174715), ('%', -0.0013036304397119364), ('2', -0.0013036304397119364), ('F', -0.0013036304397119364), ('25', -0.0013036304397119366), ('0', -0.0013036304397119366), ('5', -0.0013036304397119366), ('%', -0.0013036304397119366), ('2', -0.0030102375924476715), ('F', -0.0030102375924476715), ('No', -0.0032838382787891956), ('Da', -0.0032838382787891956), ('-', -0.0012468723493517667), ('-', -0.0012468723493517667), ('-', -0.0012468723493517667), ('Still', -0.0012468723493517667), ('-', -0.0012468723493517667), ('Charlotte', -0.0012098089125218048), ('s', -0.0012098089125218048), ('-', -0.0012098089125218048), ('arts', -0.0012098089125218048), ('-', -0.000911074391028489), ('district', -0.000911074391028489), ('&', -0.000911074391028489), ('e', -0.000911074391028489), ('i', -0.000911074391028489), ('=', -0.0018516396281830522), ('P', -0.0018516396281830522), ('9', -0.0018516396281830522), ('7', -0.002617974295364028), ('kT', -0.002617974295364028), ('7', -0.002187631573481318), ('SO', -0.002187631573481318), ('Fo', -0.0021742043078720142), ('O', -0.0021742043078720142), ('Q', -0.0021742043078720142), ('8', -0.00127401904058626), ('wT', -0.00127401904058626), ('F', -0.00127401904058626), ('-', -0.00127401904058626), ('v', -0.0018172135647539864), ('H', -0.0018172135647539864), ('j', -0.0018172135647539864), ('C', -0.0018172135647539864), ('Q', -0.0018172135647539864), ('&', -0.0014717640367955783), ('us', -0.0014717640367955783), ('g', -0.0014717640367955783), ('=', -0.0014717640367955783), ('AF', -0.0017495877996304306), ('Q', -0.0017495877996304306), ('j', -0.0017495877996304306), ('C', -0.0017495877996304306), ('N', -0.002182104771699128), ('F', -0.002182104771699128), ('7', -0.0022742875665843054), ('AO', -0.0022742875665843054), ('dm', -0.0022742875665843054), ('pan', -0.0022742875665843054), ('w', -0.0030146781382722975), ('f', -0.0030146781382722975), ('_', -0.0030146781382722975), ('4', -0.0019054400891562997), ('TP', -0.0019054400891562997), ('-', -0.0019054400891562997), ('Ke', -0.0017137321878101129), ('m', -0.0017137321878101129), ('1', -0.0017137321878101129), ('s', -0.0017137321878101129), ('0', -0.0015865494637953177), ('Gc', -0.0015865494637953177), ('fM', -0.0015865494637953177), ('h', -0.0015865494637953177), ('w', -0.0015865494637953177), ('&', -0.0015956020899630524), ('si', -0.0015956020899630524), ('g', -0.0015956020899630524), ('2', -0.0014685561866081692), ('=', -0.0014685561866081692), ('m', -0.0014685561866081692), ('4', -0.0025070143521018096), ('V', -0.0025070143521018096), ('jS', -0.0025070143521018096), ('df', -0.0025070143521018096), ('C', -0.0025023839326761433), ('X', -0.0025023839326761433), ('Ck', -0.0025023839326761433), ('Je', -0.0025023839326761433), ('B', -0.0018174868520302468), ('X', -0.0018174868520302468), ('W', -0.0018174868520302468), ('Q', -0.0018174868520302468), ('5', -0.0010340631237982854), ('yAS', -0.0010340631237982854), ('w', -0.0010340631237982854), ('', -0.0010340631237982854)] {'label': 1, 'text': "What's a social club?\\nZen is a dirty dance club.\\nVices required.\\n\\n(b)"} [('', -0.00016012578271329403), ('What', -0.029006566774720948), ("'", -0.007802217655504743), ('s ', 0.006071850735073288), ('a ', 0.01964614709140733), ('social ', 0.03451331501128152), ('club', 0.029664828209206462), ('?', -0.17661548301111907), ('\\', -0.01262652453345557), ('nZ', -0.03631769858378296), ('en ', -0.006154464484037211), ('is ', 0.004912211128976196), ('a ', 0.009913507185410708), ('dirty ', -0.19146782474126667), ('dance ', 0.08205930975964293), ('club', 0.023008088872302324), ('.', -0.013898162986151874), ('\\', -0.02635267050936818), ('n', -0.01623038264612357), ('Vic', -0.03053983106898765), ('es ', -0.02900435697908203), ('required', -0.023685458465479314), ('.', -0.006885555456392467), ('\\', -0.031678611024593316), ('n', -0.017315082329635818), ('\\', -0.020793601016824443), ('n', -0.01689363573677838), ('(', 0.0003068388517325123), ('b', -0.014658811773794392), (')', -0.009659854035514096), ('', -8.881243411451578e-05)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'chipotle philly cheesesteak!'} [('', 0.0), ('chip', 0.07370658463332802), ('ot', 0.027438543154858053), ('le ', -0.18124677427113056), ('phil', 0.05697746900841594), ('ly ', 0.08723260788246989), ('cheese', -0.3854546380462125), ('ste', 0.11904970882460475), ('ak', -0.15782084816601127), ('!', 0.17302291188389063), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "Haven't been back since I wrote this"} [('', 0.0), ('Haven', -0.017064433079212904), ("'", -0.030737748369574547), ('t ', -0.07159916264936328), ('been ', -0.08505658968351781), ('back ', -0.23399005341343582), ('since ', 0.13832004799041897), ('I ', -0.050507719279266894), ('wrote ', 0.0978002012707293), ('this', -0.022664030082523823), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'great stuff.'} [('', 0.0), ('great ', 0.2237473875284195), ('stuff', 0.21495796740055084), ('.', 0.03816768527030945), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Food was good but forgettable.'} [('', 0.0), ('Food ', 0.08086316694971174), ('was ', 0.039918237656820565), ('good ', 0.2581332526751794), ('but ', -0.30576283583650365), ('forget', -0.29459769029926974), ('table', -0.005013089466956444), ('.', -0.008217291004257277), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Just an anerage Asain Buffet'} [('', 0.0), ('Just ', -0.11566968681290746), ('an ', 0.10868533095344901), ('an', 0.05507043201941997), ('era', 0.24637695064302534), ('ge ', -0.18364383419975638), ('Asa', -0.006622650660574436), ('in ', 0.11904889903962612), ('Buffet', -0.4739957405254245), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'One of our favorite places to eat.'} [('', 0.0), ('One ', -0.015570726245641708), ('of ', 0.05498705618083477), ('our ', 0.2558410298079252), ('favorite ', 0.24244413571432233), ('places ', 0.013002186547964811), ('to ', 0.07281696796417236), ('eat', 0.15091019123792648), ('.', -0.0454658567905426), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great food, great service, great experience. Nice job guys!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.13275547977536917), ('food', 0.03932588268071413), (', ', -0.019249197095632553), ('great ', 0.09359325934201479), ('service', -0.013005045242607594), (', ', -0.0043718814849853516), ('great ', 0.08178542135283351), ('experience', 0.003057593945413828), ('. ', -0.008483720943331718), ('Nice ', 0.2963450909592211), ('job ', -0.008011846337467432), ('guys', 0.02687811851501465), ('!', -0.01112750917673111), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Great wedge salad... lousy steaks!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.36435763924964704), ('wedge ', -0.07899203218403272), ('salad', -0.008523595257429406), ('.', 0.0303579522005748), ('.', -0.021665446562110446), ('. ', -0.030079545205808245), ('lou', -0.4315275101516818), ('sy ', -0.23615743916616339), ('steak', 0.04409754764401441), ('s', 0.034485376573684334), ('!', 0.02679066090786364), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Come to see steel panther!'} [('', 0.0), ('Come ', 0.15655000507831573), ('to ', 0.11619029194116592), ('see ', 0.07802469283342361), ('steel ', 0.12651495821774006), ('panther', -0.042377592995762825), ('!', 0.25599731504917145), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Excellent, many stakes and the cocktail service is super!'} [('', 0.0), ('Excellent', 0.3478216081857681), (', ', -0.012848243117332458), ('many ', 0.08505853544920683), ('stakes ', 0.061683294363319874), ('and ', 0.014027781784534454), ('the ', -0.0046312399208545685), ('cocktail ', 0.0071182590909302235), ('service ', -0.10151465184753761), ('is ', 0.03852027893299237), ('super', 0.11906424292828888), ('!', 0.11172523628920317), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Awesomely good'} [('', 0.0), ('Awesome', 0.14904257655143738), ('ly ', 0.08940014243125916), ('good', 0.2384287714958191), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'xxxx'} [('', 0.0), ('xx', 0.026672959327697754), ('xx', -0.016452133655548096), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'I love the market and the food is wonderful.'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', -0.024035712704062462), ('love ', 0.40452865592669696), ('the ', 0.005950118764303625), ('market ', -0.06173384026624262), ('and ', 0.023601993918418884), ('the ', 0.02180998958647251), ('food ', -0.011779867112636566), ('is ', 0.013147671706974506), ('wonderful', 0.3569401102140546), ('.', -0.031493108719587326), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'A ok place for work lunch.'} [('', 0.0), ('A ', 0.2527305334806442), ('ok ', 0.2635175287723541), ('place ', 0.0735291987657547), ('for ', 0.09474674798548222), ('work ', -0.014492614194750786), ('lunch', 0.08815508708357811), ('.', -0.0350315198302269), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best Sports Bar in Montreal.'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.42421838641166687), ('Sports ', 0.18694692850112915), ('Bar ', -0.004988640546798706), ('in ', 0.03669106774032116), ('Montreal', 0.11686231009662151), ('.', -0.0687607042491436), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'This place seems to be closed.'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', 0.001490603681304492), ('place ', 0.06193003113003215), ('seems ', -0.1909476450891816), ('to ', 0.16829797245009104), ('be ', 0.06344653759879293), ('closed', -0.3415288211690495), ('.', -0.03798332638689317), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'I spend too much time here. AMAZING atmosphere and bartenders'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', -0.0700532722985372), ('spend ', -0.04309090799506521), ('too ', -0.18792563825991238), ('much ', -0.029755772473436082), ('time ', -0.043834794912982034), ('here', 0.0917338498911704), ('. ', 0.09736684977542609), ('AMAZING ', 0.7735502081923187), ('atmosphere ', 0.015602923842379823), ('and ', 0.03453224242548458), ('bartender', -0.005708895070711151), ('s', -0.0059982323728036135), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'This is my \\"neighborhood\\" bar. Love this place!'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', -0.011715231463313103), ('is ', 0.028583400882780552), ('my ', 0.025255720131099224), ('\\', -0.05330583651084453), ('"', -0.014737276011146605), ('neighborhood', 0.04582998459227383), ('\\', -0.027659999672323465), ('" ', -0.02841395791620016), ('bar', -0.08304579043760896), ('. ', -0.053329968359321356), ('Love ', 0.6187860979698598), ('this ', 0.1019958765245974), ('place', 0.03337305597960949), ('!', 0.001916525885462761), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'The best fast food burgers'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', 0.06154901534318924), ('best ', 0.32373252883553505), ('fast ', 0.14821460470557213), ('food ', 0.23152190446853638), ('burger', -0.18039331026375294), ('s', 0.10647698678076267), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Fasts friendly service very clean and always a tasty burger!'} [('', 0.0), ('Fast', 0.019857995212078094), ('s ', -0.05088907480239868), ('friendly ', 0.18217402277514338), ('service ', -0.01810645265504718), ('very ', 0.022114655002951622), ('clean ', 0.1483824085444212), ('and ', 0.012094013392925262), ('always ', 0.038010518066585064), ('a ', 0.09553625900298357), ('ta', 0.14446523343212903), ('sty ', 0.062178465304896235), ('burger', -0.04491187073290348), ('!', -0.0016610510647296906), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Best hamburger place in Queen Creek/San Tan Valley area!!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.5111222621053457), ('hamburger ', -0.1887853208463639), ('place ', 0.018091180128976703), ('in ', -0.0035074930638074875), ('Queen ', 0.02435506135225296), ('Creek', -0.022048598853871226), ('/', -0.006626020418480039), ('San ', 0.0530062704347074), ('Tan ', 0.02158093499019742), ('Valley ', 0.03599262051284313), ('area', 0.06773988902568817), ('!', 0.07904360443353653), ('!', 0.0007225237786769867), ('!', 0.001324828714132309), ('!', -0.025096379220485687), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Friendly staff and fun events!'} [('', 0.0), ('Friendly ', 0.17114593088626862), ('staff ', 0.10531042516231537), ('and ', 0.06910929083824158), ('fun ', 0.14231673628091812), ('events', 0.11839594691991806), ('!', 0.08485963940620422), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Thanks for the business Stussy!'} [('', 0.0), ('Thanks ', 0.8067612906452268), ('for ', 0.03595667413901538), ('the ', 0.007532396353781223), ('business ', 0.0029752807458862662), ('Stu', -0.07303421327378601), ('ss', -0.09916905511636287), ('y', 0.049351020716130733), ('!', -0.001369547564536333), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "Lucky's the bartender's name!!"} [('', 0.0), ('Lucky', 0.42450735811144114), ("'", 0.0878555728122592), ('s ', 0.21958915516734123), ('the ', 0.008930901065468788), ('bartender', -0.1287722100969404), ("'", 0.03757576714269817), ('s ', 0.062058824114501476), ('name', -0.07326094014570117), ('!', 0.06148875271901488), ('!', -0.004332557320594788), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': "Delicious and healthy food just like your momma's."} [('', 0.0), ('Delicious ', 0.34611187130212784), ('and ', -0.012952961027622223), ('healthy ', 0.18426917726173997), ('food ', 0.0016499864868819714), ('just ', 0.009977869456633925), ('like ', 0.12650050898082554), ('your ', 0.052615790627896786), ('momma', -0.010337853105738759), ("'", 0.0009167299140244722), ('s', -0.005717456340789795), ('.', -0.026965884491801262), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Yummy sandwiches, and great chips!'} [('', 0.0), ('Yu', 0.18583930423483253), ('mmy ', 0.06340395519509912), ('sandwiches', -0.07386394217610359), (', ', 0.16426752880215645), ('and ', 0.0481584295630455), ('great ', 0.32222047494724393), ('chips', -0.05237082066014409), ('!', 0.07151426002383232), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'fish taco friday!!!!!!\\n\\nthat is all.'} [('', -0.00015654796734452248), ('fish ', -0.1203398022102192), ('ta', 0.14431104442725579), ('co ', 0.0857380522104601), ('friday', 0.06271832593871901), ('!', 0.022796157281845808), ('!', -0.01663584285415709), ('!', -0.019969674525782466), ('!', -0.009666915982961655), ('!', -0.0144105174113065), ('!', -0.030696056550368667), ('\\', -0.03517431082824866), ('n', -0.01760193418400983), ('\\', -0.03173934753673772), ('nt', -0.0560639108880423), ('hat ', -0.1420141356647946), ('is ', -0.17118470769491978), ('all', 0.014514041860820726), ('.', -0.11878704745322466), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Tr\\u00e8s beau cin\\u00e9ma, assez m\\u00e9connu des Montr\\u00e9alais.'} [('', -0.00027053118295346695), ('Tr', -0.008781372239657989), ('\\', -0.009501517420479407), ('u', -0.02754940218680228), ('00', -0.021276156107584637), ('e', -0.01506673094506065), ('8', -0.005013060954903874), ('s ', -0.0023435863792352998), ('beau ', 0.010836182559917992), ('ci', -0.005371619365178049), ('n', -0.006798016256652772), ('\\', -0.012679236358962953), ('u', -0.03687485553867494), ('00', -0.03895402436804337), ('e', -0.016626249232407037), ('9', -0.017307529458776116), ('ma', -0.022554591530933976), (', ', -0.014780347933992743), ('ass', -0.025110880786087364), ('ez ', -0.008001609181519598), ('m', -0.011497247682806725), ('\\', -0.015838804373440023), ('u', -0.01793054535907383), ('00', -0.017762173471661907), ('e', -0.008538425007524589), ('9', -0.008502944081556052), ('con', -0.007338598079513758), ('nu ', -0.006892870645970106), ('des ', -0.019222132900419336), ('Mont', -0.014839919148168217), ('r', -0.010608092745921265), ('\\', -0.016085738122152787), ('u', -0.02145850033654521), ('00', -0.018700495808540534), ('e', -0.011466307080506038), ('9', -0.008619344405209025), ('ala', -0.012469325757895907), ('is', -0.010469304009651145), ('.', -0.005488088121637702), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Very good service and prime rib.'} [('', 0.0), ('Very ', 0.029661737382411957), ('good ', 0.28886860609054565), ('service ', 0.045995958149433136), ('and ', 0.056880347430706024), ('prime ', 0.3595240474678576), ('rib', -0.061282938811928034), ('.', 0.0037729814648628235), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Mmm! Delicious French Cappuccino Macaroons!'} [('', 0.0), ('Mmm', -0.05367594212293625), ('! ', 0.0770898088812828), ('Delicious ', 0.32793455477803946), ('French ', 0.17036426719278097), ('Cap', -0.024108865181915462), ('pu', 0.07901942357420921), ('cci', 0.0486672543847817), ('no ', -0.09106216171494452), ('Mac', 0.08129724417813122), ('aro', -0.07048513717018068), ('ons', 0.03292028000578284), ('!', 0.04929474275559187), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "As always great service! Thanks D'Lisa!"} [('', 0.0), ('As ', -0.02537856623530388), ('always ', 0.10698769392911345), ('great ', 0.29300410544965416), ('service', -0.030543752247467637), ('! ', 0.004492223262786865), ('Thanks ', 0.15794368833303452), ('D', 0.0806320128031075), ("'", -0.029906917829066515), ('Lisa', 0.08372943848371506), ('!', 0.05595593899488449), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Not good empanada'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', -0.7923612113663694), ('good ', 0.18284722477255855), ('em', 0.0015688592920923838), ('pan', 0.19550289294966205), ('ada', 0.0768397869032924), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Smell you later, Monroe Street Bistro.'} [('', 0.0), ('Smell ', -0.056222207844257355), ('you ', 0.6645734219346195), ('later', -0.09587114141322672), (', ', 0.10691171139478683), ('Monroe ', 0.09709654841572046), ('Street ', 0.07297996524721384), ('Bis', -0.0016266459133476019), ('tro', -0.013263464206829667), ('.', -0.06256962195038795), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "... and now it's appropriately closed."} [('', 0.0), ('.', 0.005915015935897827), ('.', -0.018577802926301956), ('. ', 0.003130834549665451), ('and ', 0.10856034350581467), ('now ', -0.14991682604886591), ('it', -0.03304165636654943), ("'", 0.1175513732014224), ('s ', 0.04183636559173465), ('appropriately ', 0.8055292581993854), ('closed', -0.11003204526787158), ('.', -0.11053712479770184), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Pretty nice place to get coffee:3'} [('', 0.0), ('Pretty ', 0.1455189511179924), ('nice ', 0.5062392018735409), ('place ', 0.02855708822607994), ('to ', 0.00562958512455225), ('get ', 0.010329942218959332), ('coffee', -0.05546065233647823), (':', 0.08482630737125874), ('3', 0.0035706087946891785), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great service and my Chai was great!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.3566372040659189), ('service ', -0.029888661578297615), ('and ', 0.029512040317058563), ('my ', -0.007315240800380707), ('Cha', 0.003402908332645893), ('i ', 0.046913604252040386), ('was ', -0.06885615270584822), ('great', 0.33935463707894087), ('!', 0.04322735220193863), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Just bad. Period. F this location.'} [('', 0.0), ('Just ', -0.05045502811935876), ('bad', -0.23181044971624942), ('. ', 0.013378020925301826), ('Period', -0.0051721843337873), ('. ', 0.021487022928340593), ('F ', -0.04975107921382005), ('this ', 0.07875626998429652), ('location', 0.0056116454707080266), ('.', -0.0687215232210292), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Mediocre food. Expensive'} [('', 0.0), ('Med', -0.2909284419110918), ('io', 0.00630127842669026), ('cre ', -0.27515598606987623), ('food', 0.21853597267181613), ('. ', 0.17885406316781882), ('Expensive', -0.14492658467497677), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "How does a Irish pub not serve Murphy's"} [('', 0.0), ('How ', -0.1660198052850319), ('does ', 0.18988875653667492), ('a ', 0.09551985350481118), ('Irish ', 0.07818095676702796), ('pub ', -0.19214225269752205), ('not ', -0.486759122901276), ('serve ', 0.20304469551410875), ('Murphy', -0.0294650794021436), ("'", 0.013893364863179158), ('s', -0.008467391468002461), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'it was good but it can be better!'} [('', 0.0), ('it ', -0.018793944735080004), ('was ', -0.002641205210238695), ('good ', 0.8840612135827541), ('but ', -0.040121364407241344), ('it ', 0.008186361752450466), ('can ', 0.07086713518947363), ('be ', -0.060748825781047344), ('better', -0.1402252670377493), ('!', 0.00862524937838316), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'There were boobs, I guess.'} [('', 0.0), ('There ', 0.10606510657817125), ('were ', -0.057359316386282444), ('boo', 0.16801783838309348), ('bs', 0.317961786640808), (', ', 0.15361164044588804), ('I ', 0.25504173850640655), ('guess', -0.35223210556432605), ('.', -0.005524670705199242), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Yummy cupcakes! Definitely taste gourmet.'} [('', 0.0), ('Yu', 0.09310659393668175), ('mmy ', -0.017181526869535446), ('cup', 0.08902811678126454), ('cake', 0.02710126293823123), ('s', 0.04096723534166813), ('! ', 0.08162222243845463), ('Definitely ', 0.11504630744457245), ('taste ', 0.10197792947292328), ('go', 0.12041394039988518), ('ur', -0.07234930247068405), ('met', 0.0862891785800457), ('.', -0.03903143107891083), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'The food is phenomenal and worth every expensive penny.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.002753164619207382), ('food ', 0.13835344277322292), ('is ', 0.08407908119261265), ('phenomena', 0.3526829523034394), ('l ', 0.019915619399398565), ('and ', 0.189929923042655), ('worth ', 0.14918730547651649), ('every ', 0.05205103987827897), ('expensive ', -0.050422258442267776), ('penny', -0.23177596949972212), ('.', -0.03520987555384636), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "It's always a must when in Las Vegas!!"} [('', 0.0), ('It', -0.024399450048804283), ("'", -0.003553492948412895), ('s ', -0.005215790122747421), ('always ', 0.15051869116723537), ('a ', 0.1689395746216178), ('must ', 0.0658072424121201), ('when ', -0.02311072638258338), ('in ', -0.00202958844602108), ('Las ', 0.13016125187277794), ('Vegas', 0.1374091748148203), ('!', 0.048679858446121216), ('!', -0.015985310077667236), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': "I just passed by this morning...it's back in business"} [('', 0.0), ('I ', 0.041891298547852784), ('just ', -0.11467379060923122), ('passed ', -0.36345463394536637), ('by ', -0.028380893942085095), ('this ', 0.0494242560089333), ('morning', 0.007220759027404711), ('.', -0.040280439250636846), ('.', -0.10849604022223502), ('.', 0.08723982819356024), ('it', 0.08038613188546151), ("'", 0.049608164525125176), ('s ', -0.049303088686428964), ('back ', -0.16362593539815862), ('in ', 0.11257308661879506), ('business', 0.013402133743511513), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Nice location but the food was very disappointing.'} [('', 0.0), ('Nice ', 0.3906185771920718), ('location ', -0.0329421439091675), ('but ', -0.08730617540641106), ('the ', -0.0013509591863112291), ('food ', 0.020433084022442927), ('was ', 0.02916261389691499), ('very ', 0.10530528518575011), ('disappointing', -0.6870972072320001), ('.', -0.019329829185153358), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Quality food Quality service. 5 star!'} [('', 0.0), ('Quality ', 0.17265239357948303), ('food ', 0.06064148969016969), ('Quality ', 0.14093216485343874), ('service', -0.02548387600108981), ('. ', 0.0267878919839859), ('5 ', -0.013795465230941772), ('star', 0.3428826928138733), ('!', 0.024481624364852905), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Lords food'} [('', 0.0), ('Lords ', 0.11831888556480408), ('food', 0.1518729031085968), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'I aware there food is Lined with crak.. So good'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', -0.047479780681896955), ('aware ', 0.02270723629044369), ('there ', -0.0571668257471174), ('food ', 0.03824938982143067), ('is ', 0.022078840105677955), ('Lined ', 0.005680069407389965), ('with ', 0.026553232710284647), ('cr', -0.1393792817252688), ('ak', -0.06927267514402047), ('.', 0.007867417065426707), ('. ', -0.042392417788505554), ('So ', -0.025230580708011985), ('good', 0.8667788470629603), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Dislike'} [('', 0.0), ('Dislike', -0.932713235844858), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Fun and Delicious!! Great Hibachi!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Fun ', 0.17295410856604576), ('and ', -0.006430339068174362), ('Delicious', 0.16302844509482384), ('!', 0.003576982766389847), ('! ', -0.031589582562446594), ('Great ', 0.28576642367988825), ('Hi', 0.05927972123026848), ('bach', 0.013054152019321918), ('i', 0.004822151735424995), ('!', 0.010089892894029617), ('!', -0.008482865989208221), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Food was alright, seating was cramped. Overpriced yuppie pizza.'} [('', 0.0), ('Food ', 0.10726455734402407), ('was ', 0.0845131147398206), ('alright', 0.234593431592657), (', ', -0.028209064446855336), ('seating ', -0.007421424788844888), ('was ', -0.16486342661119124), ('cramped', -0.38263793613077723), ('. ', -0.033128251030575484), ('Over', -0.10775906941853464), ('pr', -0.019913182826712728), ('ice', -0.018606689700391144), ('d ', 0.005551043839659542), ('yu', 0.0026310908506275155), ('pp', -0.03454522153333528), ('ie ', -0.0186718776676571), ('pizza', -0.045257206656970084), ('.', -0.018594679422676563), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Closed--out of business. Bummer.'} [('', 0.0), ('Closed', -5.310608685249463e-05), ('-', 0.031227136900270125), ('-', 0.021212519339314895), ('out ', -0.043587025341366825), ('of ', 0.19931530212579673), ('business', -0.4013942857473012), ('. ', 0.03713113177582272), ('Bum', -0.1042011770150566), ('mer', -0.006843621315056225), ('.', -0.035281335171021055), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'So hungry! Satisfied'} [('', 0.0), ('So ', 0.0077910156105645), ('hungry', -0.36191419017268345), ('! ', 0.14200904534664005), ('Satisfied', 0.7795666493475437), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'I think Manchester is better. But, its ok.'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', 0.09499795408919454), ('think ', -0.21298205154016614), ('Manchester ', 0.0676257275044918), ('is ', 0.012996874283999205), ('better', -0.06826764950528741), ('. ', 0.16673168446868658), ('But', -0.14158636098727584), (', ', 0.06405344931408763), ('its ', -0.021932172821834683), ('ok', 0.7607798462267965), ('.', -0.05693996557965875), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Parking is a pain'} [('', 0.0), ('Parking ', -0.03885876981075853), ('is ', 0.10104491229867563), ('a ', 0.2135909903445281), ('pain', -0.6865901000564918), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Nice people and good service, its just too cold inside!'} [('', 0.0), ('Nice ', 0.31280324118051794), ('people ', -0.10283109701776993), ('and ', 0.07928567848284729), ('good ', 0.2736345678986254), ('service', -0.04508347540649993), (', ', 0.057012389101146255), ('its ', -0.07143626984179718), ('just ', -0.09269423464866122), ('too ', -0.16964537221429055), ('cold ', -0.16554389686280047), ('inside', 0.13050283290067455), ('!', -0.05488563803373836), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Closed! big fat greek express now!'} [('', 0.0), ('Closed', 0.08824063837528229), ('! ', 0.45266176760196686), ('big ', 0.11725001677405089), ('fat ', -0.21373137820046395), ('greek ', -0.007590426364913583), ('express ', 0.0886086521204561), ('now', 0.037260068114846945), ('!', 0.16079042293131351), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Bored'} [('', 0.0), ('Bored', -0.9330274430976715), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Awesome experience - great food and friendly staff!'} [('', 0.0), ('Awesome ', 0.1533859744668007), ('experience ', 0.0023946696892380714), ('- ', 0.022891378961503506), ('great ', 0.13802286237478256), ('food ', 0.023388128727674484), ('and ', 0.01723570004105568), ('friendly ', 0.2534985989332199), ('staff', 0.09894479811191559), ('!', 0.0032613426446914673), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Does not accept dogs'} [('', 0.0), ('Does ', 0.17516404498019256), ('not ', -0.7055716098257108), ('accept ', -0.10467543480626773), ('dogs', 0.22234116675099358), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great service and a clean salon.. Very friendly girls..'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.18638129066675901), ('service ', -0.01608423050493002), ('and ', -0.014141011983156204), ('a ', 0.062238169834017754), ('clean ', 0.08216657675802708), ('salon', 0.018691372126340866), ('.', -0.014368269592523575), ('. ', -0.02598738856613636), ('Very ', 0.0571896267356351), ('friendly ', 0.34709415829274803), ('girls', -0.013523556990548968), ('.', -0.023317521438002586), ('.', -0.03686986118555069), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Horrible. Bad service and the place is FILTHY.'} [('', 0.0), ('Horrible', -0.17840033773245523), ('. ', 0.02735238945024321), ('Bad ', -0.06246562009437184), ('service ', -0.025302497406300972), ('and ', 0.011482027588499477), ('the ', 0.029677283134333265), ('place ', 0.006936512251741078), ('is ', 0.011702717862135614), ('FILTHY', -0.10784229191085615), ('.', -0.015828366231289692), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Terrible service. Decent appetizers. Main courses were mediocre.'} [('', 0.0), ('Terrible ', -0.2695171958148421), ('service', -0.10742690570259583), ('. ', 0.12245279573835433), ('Decent ', 0.30109420728695113), ('app', 0.1329281919861387), ('eti', 0.0361849540440744), ('zers', -0.039746509964970755), ('. ', 0.11134463601774769), ('Main ', -0.03701987189924694), ('courses ', -0.046555271506804274), ('were ', -0.11657082241436001), ('med', -0.13312004366525798), ('io', -0.09324601385378628), ('cre', -0.169318278953142), ('.', -0.1005049340747064), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Terrible service; mediocre food. We will not visit here again!'} [('', 0.0), ('Terrible ', -0.0932490240156767), ('service', -0.012026152475300478), ('; ', -0.003110661815298954), ('med', -0.03566230817523319), ('io', -0.01013497487292625), ('cre ', -0.03654955996898934), ('food', -0.022660210546746384), ('. ', -0.006904594651132356), ('We ', 0.03562218227307312), ('will ', 0.05194404112990014), ('not ', -0.396378198020102), ('visit ', 0.016340481080987956), ('here ', 0.0178197145141894), ('again', 0.017243958936887793), ('!', 0.046938479179516435), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Love Sunday Night Steak night'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.27713800221681595), ('Sunday ', 0.10833335295319557), ('Night ', 0.09273934736847878), ('Steak ', 0.0275302454829216), ('night', 0.1581999883055687), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Small portions, inflated prices, and bland food.'} [('', 0.0), ('Small ', -0.04506707703785651), ('portions', -0.0030100777084953734), (', ', -0.004573833213726175), ('inflated ', -0.07038309392282827), ('prices', -0.05270337286765425), (', ', 0.02698700075961824), ('and ', 0.020122335237829247), ('bland ', -0.20554719939354982), ('food', 0.05225584855179477), ('.', -0.020826217962166993), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Pizza was average at best, service was horrible.'} [('', 0.0), ('Pizza ', -0.061607757437741384), ('was ', -0.023083017482349533), ('average ', -0.08790039913765213), ('at ', -0.1312600851415482), ('best', 0.26381710880014), (', ', 0.03344290358654689), ('service ', -0.06732578081300744), ('was ', -0.02940991955165373), ('horrible', -0.14246553206976387), ('.', -0.056773983531456906), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'I hated my pizza. Would not go back'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', 0.025974280972150154), ('hated ', -0.18698717391089303), ('my ', 0.011441721238952596), ('pizza', -0.023473075561923906), ('. ', 0.017310642229858786), ('Would ', -0.0771995440700266), ('not ', -0.14618533406974166), ('go ', 0.11955043919806485), ('back', -0.02625548631112906), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'best library ever...clean, good programs, pretty inside, and the cafe~!'} [('', 2.403557300567627e-05), ('best ', 0.19818215817213058), ('library ', 0.0374334454536438), ('ever', 0.03864618390798569), ('.', -0.015052363276481628), ('.', -0.014447726309299469), ('.', -0.014316625893115997), ('clean', 0.0058107786811888214), (', ', 0.008839796390384435), ('good ', 0.06781958188706388), ('programs', -0.0033288958404834074), (', ', 0.003276900326212247), ('pretty ', 0.03118195462351044), ('inside', 0.0510771864404281), (', ', -0.0051459774064521), ('and ', -0.009704603254795075), ('the ', 0.022202258440665902), ('cafe', 0.026230560592375697), ('~', 0.05811753901652992), ('!', 0.032218328304588796), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'shrimp & grits = delicious!'} [('', 0.0), ('shrimp ', -0.1141840498894453), ('& ', 0.10842291824519634), ('grit', 0.010136298835277557), ('s ', 0.06533647328615189), ('= ', -0.16092034569010139), ('delicious', 0.6189690544269979), ('!', 0.19564644247293472), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Friendly service good thon crust pep n sausage'} [('', 0.0), ('Friendly ', 0.3522368944250047), ('service ', -0.009266128414310515), ('good ', 0.5075897752540186), ('tho', -0.019271984871011227), ('n ', -0.016294004337396473), ('crust ', -0.013979645154904574), ('pep ', -0.023400431673508137), ('n ', -0.01998098159674555), ('sausage', -0.04864998289849609), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Officially my new munchie spot'} [('', 0.0), ('Officially ', 0.24669795902445912), ('my ', 0.09233643591869622), ('new ', 0.18479147960897535), ('mu', -0.1771779286209494), ('nch', -0.032555304234847426), ('ie ', -0.12568338867276907), ('spot', -0.11917494144290686), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'They are closed, the building is for sale...'} [('', 0.0), ('They ', 0.007484239125915337), ('are ', -0.011855681161250686), ('closed', -0.050183565963379806), (', ', -0.0003128382522845641), ('the ', 0.01375941659352975), ('building ', -0.03747608264529845), ('is ', 0.012166873882961227), ('for ', 0.051117929640895454), ('sale', -0.1784030711351079), ('.', -0.031124996399739757), ('.', -0.05978645628783852), ('.', -0.08076323405839503), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Hair. In. Food........Next.'} [('', 0.0), ('Hair', 0.09621493052691221), ('. ', 0.06263836566358805), ('In', 0.12083421926945448), ('. ', -0.08969166595488787), ('Food', 0.15701430989429355), ('.', 0.18449880043044686), ('.', -0.013420111499726772), ('.', -0.04359604511409998), ('.', -0.028754140832461417), ('.', -0.021200405317358673), ('.', -0.02970826788805425), ('.', -0.024674161104485393), ('.', -0.042564806528389454), ('Next', -0.04275826853699982), ('.', -0.03291583782993257), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great for when you have beer adhd.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.8732863012701273), ('for ', -0.015077803749591112), ('when ', -0.018945846240967512), ('you ', 0.12893821904435754), ('have ', -0.051464756950736046), ('beer ', -0.02121374709531665), ('ad', -0.1674169923644513), ('hd', 0.07744123064912856), ('.', -0.09275167481973767), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Pastrami is yum!'} [('', 0.0), ('Past', -0.3629270060919225), ('ram', -0.056802505161613226), ('i ', -0.059099928475916386), ('is ', 0.03471378539688885), ('yu', 0.07096736261155456), ('m', -0.05720336886588484), ('!', 0.19928902480751276), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Greatest fast fresh burgers, great fries'} [('', 0.0), ('Greatest ', 0.20171218179166317), ('fast ', 0.06387412454932928), ('fresh ', 0.13148134108632803), ('burger', -0.09174067480489612), ('s', 0.030670407693833113), (', ', 0.037999652326107025), ('great ', 0.4038744103163481), ('fries', -0.048687590286135674), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'There is no better meal within 10 miles.'} [('', 0.0), ('There ', -0.0373572789831087), ('is ', -0.004863994021434337), ('no ', -0.10383838700363412), ('better ', -0.09246461739530787), ('meal ', -0.043057351489551365), ('within ', 0.10980732343159616), ('10 ', -0.017463655065512285), ('miles', -0.05808606228674762), ('.', -0.03226562973577529), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'I picked up my finished pieces (see pics)!!'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', -0.07167012663558125), ('picked ', -0.19920189448748715), ('up ', 0.30957185200531967), ('my ', 0.01295520516578108), ('finished ', -0.008256193599663675), ('pieces ', 0.12468995689414442), ('(', 0.029245710815303028), ('see ', 0.15074900214676745), ('pic', -0.07785075025458355), ('s', -0.12865175785555039), (')', 0.06562851328635588), ('!', 0.2491461883764714), ('!', 0.007770761847496033), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'my favorite market'} [('', 0.0), ('my ', 0.17949214577674866), ('favorite ', 0.36525384336709976), ('market', -0.06924361735582352), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Dude.'} [('', 0.0), ('Dude', 0.1264624297618866), ('.', 0.12877514958381653), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Yumm BBQ'} [('', 0.0), ('Yu', 0.31764250341802835), ('mm ', 0.02507601212710142), ('BB', -0.6275533549487591), ('Q', 0.10747676342725754), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Your standard smokehouse food. Food was good!'} [('', 0.0), ('Your ', 0.07379625737667084), ('standard ', -0.07680119201540947), ('smoke', -0.1276380263734609), ('house ', 0.0005008822772651911), ('food', 0.06930703949183226), ('. ', 0.016805363819003105), ('Food ', 0.014932566788047552), ('was ', -0.07143749063834548), ('good', 0.6687748357653618), ('!', 0.12861977890133858), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'expensive coffee...but nice and hot at least....'} [('', 0.0), ('expensive ', -0.057120026904158294), ('coffee', 0.01598834607284516), ('.', 0.011701563373208046), ('.', -0.015431180596351624), ('.', -0.012967993505299091), ('but ', -0.03470317702158354), ('nice ', 0.4162267007341143), ('and ', 0.04738188558258116), ('hot ', 0.2107418845043867), ('at ', 0.14081233564502327), ('least', -0.04408545194019098), ('.', 0.012194328475743532), ('.', -0.045132772997021675), ('.', -0.032492583617568016), ('.', -0.045975394546985626), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Standard sushi for Phoenix.'} [('', 0.0), ('Standard ', -0.2394852079451084), ('su', -0.14227702841162682), ('shi ', 0.0138002410531044), ('for ', 0.14478550106287003), ('Phoenix', 0.00744645856320858), ('.', -0.05323156528174877), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': "Happy hour from 5-6:30? What's the point?!"} [('', 0.0), ('Happy ', 0.8049791738740169), ('hour ', -0.022008879983332008), ('from ', 0.02720431052148342), ('5', -0.011181494395714253), ('-', 0.00397419513319619), ('6', -0.004884414418484084), (':', 0.0027775063063018024), ('30', -0.034607098539709114), ('? ', -0.09119985194411129), ('What', -0.03789359622169286), ("'", 0.004565707640722394), ('s ', 0.006076966994442046), ('the ', 0.021351519913878292), ('point', -0.07367587584303692), ('?', -0.1993783483048901), ('!', 0.08080749213695526), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good standard sushi'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.5014854818582535), ('standard ', -0.09847581386566162), ('su', -0.017886996269226074), ('shi', 0.20136137306690216), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'SooOoo hard to find good sushi in Scottsdale.'} [('', 0.0), ('Soo', -0.09340109578806732), ('Oo', -0.010040357470643357), ('o ', 0.006867706990306033), ('hard ', -0.4014785739782383), ('to ', 0.08713931246165885), ('find ', -0.157956493583697), ('good ', 0.3043203754514252), ('su', -0.035062459979599225), ('shi ', -0.020831558531426708), ('in ', -0.0479395921829564), ('Scott', 0.07846482020431722), ('sdale', -0.0707327390100545), ('.', -0.029445780575770186), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Management is awful. I do not recommend this place.'} [('', 0.0), ('Management ', -0.03145774362201337), ('is ', 0.011496222912683152), ('awful', -0.13784160010982305), ('. ', -0.015799530927324668), ('I ', 0.015057864140544552), ('do ', -0.018036168563412502), ('not ', -0.4955972038587788), ('recommend ', 0.21511585897678742), ('this ', 0.09836488067594473), ('place', 0.059284825383656425), ('.', -0.032528601004742086), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'This place sucks!'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', 0.12283132439188194), ('place ', 0.08167651299299905), ('sucks', -0.8932001599096111), ('!', 0.27679134014761075), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'cheap price for great food'} [('', 0.0), ('cheap ', -0.5435319077805616), ('price ', -0.0005698943423340097), ('for ', -0.11993499343225267), ('great ', 0.17522433819249272), ('food', 0.1592204953194596), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good food for the price.....A lot of food!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.22977097146213055), ('food ', 0.11859598336741328), ('for ', 0.021089273039251566), ('the ', -0.010703944601118565), ('price', -0.03481265576556325), ('.', -0.0019079656340181828), ('.', -0.02137058600783348), ('.', -0.023389000445604324), ('.', -0.023974583484232426), ('.', -0.02083053719252348), ('A ', 0.1418904786114581), ('lot ', 0.1406882072915323), ('of ', -0.04329962556948885), ('food', 0.10096458002226427), ('!', -0.003771989606320858), ('!', -0.017264358699321747), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Yes. Not even a question.'} [('', 0.0), ('Yes', 0.5308113270439208), ('. ', 0.2806471041403711), ('Not ', -0.33754896887694485), ('even ', 0.09034171924577095), ('a ', 0.1213308890000917), ('question', -0.09000994375674054), ('.', 0.040563451359048486), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Simply the best ever.'} [('', 0.0), ('Simply ', 0.32953590154647827), ('the ', 0.05823247879743576), ('best ', 0.18804126232862473), ('ever', 0.1330852061510086), ('.', -0.044883519411087036), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Awesome happy hour!'} [('', 0.0), ('Awesome ', 0.15470413118600845), ('happy ', 0.10759587213397026), ('hour', 0.04711976274847984), ('!', 0.27716733515262604), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'The best beef pho in Montreal!!!!!! always my favourite!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.012419173493981361), ('best ', 0.38886007480323315), ('beef ', -0.04685645550489426), ('ph', -0.06273735640570521), ('o ', 0.007689379621297121), ('in ', 0.005694021238014102), ('Montreal', 0.014828492188826203), ('!', -0.03509885258972645), ('!', -0.029607567936182022), ('!', -0.02953663095831871), ('!', 0.002352025592699647), ('!', 0.003702679881826043), ('! ', -0.0010831947438418865), ('always ', 0.09082713652945434), ('my ', 0.06808031012381738), ('favourite', 0.17637088585955402), ('!', 0.011885800957679748), ('!', 0.0007018513046205044), ('!', -0.03477075695991516), ('', -3.166496753692627e-06)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Awesome bar food. Great staff. Good beer selection.'} [('', 0.0), ('Awesome ', 0.20245391130447388), ('bar ', -0.03354602586477995), ('food', 0.006174745969474316), ('. ', -0.00783238559961319), ('Great ', 0.138511398807168), ('staff', 0.033344341441988945), ('. ', -0.00479995459318161), ('Good ', 0.3957614013925195), ('beer ', -0.03354922030121088), ('selection', 0.0051763057708740234), ('.', -0.03564688563346863), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Goofy owner/manager.'} [('', 0.0), ('Goofy ', 0.3256835639476776), ('owner', 0.16138633713126183), ('/', 0.04813011363148689), ('manager', 0.16488532721996307), ('.', -0.04352518916130066), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "Not impressed, Salsarita's was so much better."} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', -0.5608154850342544), ('impressed', 0.17109352319675963), (', ', 0.22414514093543403), ('Salsa', 0.03004737569062854), ('rita', -0.08569234513925039), ("'", 0.13506651062562014), ('s ', 0.17264420212814002), ('was ', -0.05587191952326975), ('so ', 0.0724318053562456), ('much ', 0.20979454251028073), ('better', 0.07579433003957092), ('.', 0.15147943399642827), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'This place is **CLOSED**.'} [('', 0.0), ('This ', 0.07810749486088753), ('place ', 0.11246686987578869), ('is ', 0.08486094884574413), ('*', 0.054983941838145256), ('*', 0.06767395883798599), ('CLOSED', -0.0668631250737235), ('*', 0.25736967369448394), ('*', 0.17088941950351), ('.', -0.05120858922600746), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Aspires to mediocrity'} [('', 0.0), ('As', 0.08960198727800162), ('pire', 0.20351261880932725), ('s ', 0.018712003336986527), ('to ', 0.07558371068444103), ('med', -0.38186866557225585), ('io', -0.08446124801412225), ('cr', -0.01825850160093978), ('ity', -0.11681001161923632), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Delishhhh... blueberry crepes w/cream cheese!'} [('', 0.0), ('Del', -0.05284291380667128), ('ish', -0.12564962371834554), ('hh', -0.01415819293470122), ('h', -0.003216641169274226), ('.', -0.033806932042352855), ('.', -0.020795802061911672), ('. ', -0.022865603386890143), ('blue', -0.006826304504647851), ('berry ', -0.00034348552580922844), ('cr', -0.030139742985678217), ('ep', -0.006926827815671762), ('es ', 0.002501908647051702), ('w', -0.05890527376323007), ('/', -0.009351314482046291), ('cream ', -0.020973967300960794), ('cheese', -0.10603425346198492), ('!', 0.054636301822029054), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Love this place. Very small delicious portions'} [('', 0.0), ('Love ', 0.24213412404060364), ('this ', 0.049788983538746834), ('place', 0.013943908736109734), ('. ', 0.05878043174743652), ('Very ', -0.013008102774620056), ('small ', -0.026392992585897446), ('delicious ', 0.40321668796241283), ('portions', 0.000831378623843193), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great crepes. Many options.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.36033904552459717), ('cr', -0.03538682730868459), ('ep', 0.02049122704192996), ('es', 0.04221051651984453), ('. ', 0.09854419529438019), ('Many ', 0.19162672013044357), ('options', 0.11257054656744003), ('.', -0.06374864280223846), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'never really cared for waffles until i found this place.'} [('', 0.0), ('never ', -0.3922201783134369), ('really ', -0.11816713018924929), ('cared ', 0.0875008365183021), ('for ', 0.02764061319612665), ('wa', -0.07949204653414199), ('ffle', -0.01388505935392459), ('s ', 0.028134410687925993), ('until ', -0.20728804320424388), ('i ', 0.04621190811485576), ('found ', 0.11035085819821688), ('this ', 0.14619915357252466), ('place', 0.04228121023334097), ('.', -0.04462643191072857), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Been here once but I would definitely go back.'} [('', 0.0), ('Been ', -0.01775691658258438), ('here ', -0.1427438324317336), ('once ', -0.18837700877338648), ('but ', -0.12714480701833963), ('I ', 0.1931336901616305), ('would ', -0.06989400717429817), ('definitely ', 0.4617966131918365), ('go ', 0.19331661371688824), ('back', -0.1580938069964759), ('.', 0.020430442411452532), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "Some of the best Asian food I've had."} [('', 0.0), ('Some ', 0.0027141831815242767), ('of ', 0.0232457066886127), ('the ', 0.028640736360102892), ('best ', 0.23695390485227108), ('Asian ', 0.10509105212986469), ('food ', 0.075133316218853), ('I', 0.13634577672928572), ("'", -0.00058730598539114), ('ve ', -0.03985470999032259), ('had', 0.10626284126192331), ('.', -0.007898584008216858), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Glorious, utter glory.'} [('', 0.0), ('Glorious', 0.21290921419858932), (', ', 0.119400255382061), ('utter ', -0.06881716544739902), ('glory', 0.4226928025018424), ('.', -0.022142544388771057), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Commercial art. Fine for decorating.'} [('', 0.0), ('Commercial ', -0.27299965312704444), ('art', 0.14168703695759177), ('. ', 0.11015497148036957), ('Fine ', 0.695425265468657), ('for ', 0.0001515345647931099), ('decor', 0.21841160021722317), ('ating', -0.1292116753757), ('.', -0.03507883846759796), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Service is way too slow.'} [('', 0.0), ('Service ', 0.1248030870265211), ('is ', -0.009649500880186679), ('way ', 0.16722573134393315), ('too ', -0.25173343296410167), ('slow', -0.2513889544388803), ('.', -0.0877908140028012), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Like every other Bass Pro Shop lol'} [('', 0.0), ('Like ', 0.03854478360153735), ('every ', 0.18460234126541764), ('other ', 0.13899087451864034), ('Bass ', -0.014206735766492784), ('Pro ', 0.0888068355852738), ('Shop ', -0.18765246425755322), ('lo', -0.21824665274471045), ('l', -0.18899898324161768), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Just ok....convenient.'} [('', 0.0), ('Just ', 0.0058300793170928955), ('ok', 0.46145015209913254), ('.', 0.04373721033334732), ('.', -0.04497931897640228), ('.', -0.022395595908164978), ('.', 0.18964935094118118), ('convenient', 0.15652678534388542), ('.', -0.0611470527946949), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'is now ***closed***'} [('', 0.0), ('is ', -0.006901636719703674), ('now ', -0.0007108822464942932), ('*', 0.0433482900261879), ('*', 0.13063994143158197), ('*', 0.12266200687736273), ('closed', 0.15633418085053563), ('*', 0.1895304205827415), ('*', 0.04447643272578716), ('*', 0.03255143202841282), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'I really loved their bean and cheese burrito. Yum!'} [('', 0.0), ('I ', -0.0019622957333922386), ('really ', 0.17208739899797365), ('loved ', 0.643770441703964), ('their ', -0.00917365204077214), ('bean ', -0.014935455401428044), ('and ', 0.02393321506679058), ('cheese ', -0.11306497047189623), ('burr', -0.08194777392782271), ('ito', 0.005369188846088946), ('. ', 0.030131847830489278), ('Yu', -0.01794684398919344), ('m', -0.0709147984161973), ('!', 0.04389524273574352), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Fresh amazing and fabulous food!!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Fresh ', 0.1279373848810792), ('amazing ', 0.12898314837366343), ('and ', 0.07359394244849682), ('fabulous ', 0.2284904350526631), ('food', 0.06629925174638629), ('!', 0.0357038676738739), ('!', 0.028682410717010498), ('!', 0.03960481286048889), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Food is amazing.'} [('', 0.0), ('Food ', 0.3012455850839615), ('is ', 0.01869126409292221), ('amazing', 0.3110346421599388), ('.', -0.044375211000442505), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Great Tacos, I love the 4 Taco lunch special.'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.23690865188837051), ('Ta', 0.04929081816226244), ('cos', 0.030338655225932598), (', ', -0.024641454219818115), ('I ', 0.04217476584017277), ('love ', 0.270831985399127), ('the ', -0.011626442894339561), ('4 ', -0.014157379046082497), ('Ta', 0.05937800416722894), ('co ', -0.011268966365605593), ('lunch ', -0.026175184175372124), ('special', 0.04818538576364517), ('.', -0.0398419052362442), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Really good authentic food. Fast service and good prices.'} [('', 0.0), ('Really ', 0.0825006440281868), ('good ', 0.12681349809281528), ('authentic ', 0.12116498569957912), ('food', 0.019857230130583048), ('. ', -0.015695199370384216), ('Fast ', 0.09956547105684876), ('service ', 0.0053982301615178585), ('and ', 0.05543212965130806), ('good ', 0.22410649061203003), ('prices', -0.03737182170152664), ('.', -0.01572199910879135), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Was pretty good!'} [('', 0.0), ('Was ', -0.23521089367568493), ('pretty ', 0.2640069266781211), ('good', 0.2805958976969123), ('!', 0.27717025578022003), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Always great tacos and XX amber.'} [('', 0.0), ('Always ', 0.12824466824531555), ('great ', 0.3629092052578926), ('ta', 0.10320958122611046), ('cos ', 0.06061286851763725), ('and ', 0.07228738069534302), ('XX ', -0.018555447459220886), ('amber', 0.024460915476083755), ('.', -0.0040113069117069244), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "Two stars because employees aren't nice, food is okay"} [('', 0.0), ('Two ', -0.06580661026964663), ('stars ', 0.14341296075144783), ('because ', 0.023647985100978985), ('employees ', -0.03836916540603852), ('aren', -0.0872700650797924), ("'", -0.05184461637691129), ('t ', -0.25078867594857), ('nice', -0.010412784144136822), (', ', 0.16424673206711304), ('food ', 0.07215427397750318), ('is ', 0.1325540456455201), ('okay', 0.5955108520574868), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'A very friendly vet clinic in a convenient location!'} [('', 0.0), ('A ', 0.05761703848838806), ('very ', 0.017440320923924446), ('friendly ', 0.28599205426871777), ('vet ', -0.05212845839560032), ('clinic ', 0.033741723746061325), ('in ', -0.06729411613196135), ('a ', 0.18662348482757807), ('convenient ', 0.047359714983031154), ('location', 0.2204969257581979), ('!', -0.03346598707139492), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Always packed. Suuuuuper straight. Very very very loud. Tasty food.'} [('', 0.0), ('Always ', 0.08536563639063388), ('packed', 0.2792945505352691), ('. ', 0.003227322129532695), ('Su', 0.0025930578995030373), ('u', -0.010487279592780396), ('u', -0.019947350025177002), ('u', -0.040439957519993186), ('up', 0.03272873011883348), ('er ', -0.028467716299928725), ('straight', -0.031905052019283175), ('. ', -0.017307936446741223), ('Very ', 0.0017033950425684452), ('very ', 0.009369611274451017), ('very ', 0.00532696396112442), ('loud', -0.07464181818068027), ('. ', -0.03835945948958397), ('Ta', 0.2656946439528838), ('sty ', 0.09623201272916049), ('food', 0.005590458866208792), ('.', -0.013660119846463203), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Scotch eggs, yum!'} [('', 0.0), ('Scotch ', -0.35316501173656434), ('eggs', -0.26428856037091464), (', ', 0.17128853942267597), ('yu', -0.03179416828788817), ('m', -0.03456291905604303), ('!', 0.20907866209745407), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'They have new ownership and the service/quality has gone downhill.'} [('', 0.0), ('They ', 0.03879398404023959), ('have ', 0.05369851005889359), ('new ', -0.01465122834633803), ('ownership ', 0.028048320418747608), ('and ', 0.04212913665287488), ('the ', -0.010151835432225198), ('service', -0.06549059109875088), ('/', -0.009605886010831455), ('quality ', 0.22153986390367209), ('has ', -0.10705312576874348), ('gone ', -0.1977873560522312), ('downhill', -0.2997810189217489), ('.', -0.06984431554701587), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'D-'} [('', 0.0), ('D', 0.12262994050979614), ('-', 0.07287454605102539), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Service was decent, sushi was ok.'} [('', 0.0), ('Service ', -0.011848459020256996), ('was ', -0.04706208733841777), ('decent', 0.3495317897759378), (', ', 0.06620573252439499), ('su', -0.022447121795266867), ('shi ', 0.03680669469758868), ('was ', 0.02898256853222847), ('ok', 0.3399136122316122), ('.', -0.027240175753831863), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': "Great tea but you'll pay for what you get."} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.5956227807328105), ('tea ', -0.007826936431229115), ('but ', -0.08257547579705715), ('you', 0.1858700520824641), ("'", 0.024627228965982795), ('ll ', 0.11793989525176585), ('pay ', -0.4266326210927218), ('for ', 0.012180311605334282), ('what ', 0.0580546073615551), ('you ', 0.26965370564721525), ('get', -0.047496686456725), ('.', -0.07609643135219812), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "Best latte in town. 'nuff said."} [('', 0.0), ('Best ', 0.6779833058826625), ('la', -0.12271876283921301), ('tte ', -0.14015585859306157), ('in ', 0.08440354093909264), ('town', 0.07833602465689182), ('. ', 0.17634065262973309), ("'", -0.049542567459866405), ('nu', -0.0624943709699437), ('ff ', -0.043673569220118225), ('said', 0.11046789190731943), ('.', -0.0445984594989568), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'AS OF 1/3/12. This restaurant is closed.'} [('', 0.0), ('AS ', -0.02124484736850718), ('OF ', -0.0026045745398732834), ('1', -0.021023031920776702), ('/', -0.02895905869991111), ('3', -0.015977142213159823), ('/', -0.03381789706509153), ('12', -0.00039109677345550153), ('. ', -0.009083421515242662), ('This ', 0.0742583165083488), ('restaurant ', 0.06096438991880859), ('is ', -0.007206711885373807), ('closed', -0.33726372950695804), ('.', -0.0473144320276333), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'delicious, good DJ tonight'} [('', 0.0), ('delicious', 0.21274156123399734), (', ', 0.11929944902658463), ('good ', 0.12518662586808205), ('DJ ', 0.07061593607068062), ('tonight', 0.13619374483823776), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': "Great food. Incredibly friendly service. Can't wait to go back."} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.1582559496164322), ('food', 0.058479007333517075), ('. ', 0.016784723848104477), ('Incredibly ', 0.03131193161243573), ('friendly ', 0.3105105388094671), ('service', -0.11694322421681136), ('. ', 0.007802125066518784), ('Can', -0.02986742655048147), ("'", -0.03433071804465726), ('t ', 0.1355661965208128), ('wait ', 0.023548889526864514), ('to ', 0.08297625763225369), ('go ', 0.03208345570601523), ('back', -0.07469180779298767), ('.', -0.033904930925928056), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': "Bland food \\nOver-priced\\nDon't need to say more"} [('', 0.0), ('Bland ', -0.3539294637630519), ('food ', 0.12727660012205888), ('\\', 0.031982745213099406), ('nOv', -0.020639018181100255), ('er', -0.03755230262868281), ('-', -0.022548688810275053), ('priced', -0.04563826203047938), ('\\', -0.039114765995691414), ('n', -0.04388374761583691), ('Don', -0.04913752680477046), ("'", -0.00979830409414717), ('t ', 0.05528259316997719), ('need ', 0.03137937388237333), ('to ', 0.010737668988440419), ('say ', -0.08553377029238618), ('more', 0.0033331409431411885), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Nice sized Gyro and tasty fries'} [('', 0.0), ('Nice ', 0.1857544146478176), ('sized ', 0.005874466150999069), ('G', 0.042968785390257835), ('yr', 0.0486030001193285), ('o ', 0.07366344332695007), ('and ', 0.03469698876142502), ('ta', 0.15346196526661515), ('sty ', 0.20587973529472947), ('fries', -0.03798216301947832), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Seafood Tower!'} [('', 0.0), ('Seafood ', -0.020059362053871155), ('Tower', 0.22161976993083954), ('!', 0.2687130868434906), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Loved this place. Everything was good!'} [('', 0.0), ('Loved ', 0.24272628873586655), ('this ', 0.04945998825132847), ('place', 0.01362953893840313), ('. ', 0.058793991804122925), ('Everything ', 0.06671436643227935), ('was ', -0.055921883787959814), ('good', 0.3340315483510494), ('!', 0.019847705960273743), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'One star for service. That is about it.'} [('', 0.0), ('One ', -0.047718387097120285), ('star ', 0.1879037090111524), ('for ', 0.19661727268248796), ('service', -0.011824704939499497), ('. ', 0.023973509669303894), ('That ', 0.004687109030783176), ('is ', 0.13601703848689795), ('about ', -0.05493902787566185), ('it', 0.3076631873846054), ('.', -0.048787932842969894), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'awesome wings'} [('', 0.0), ('awesome ', 0.13702085614204407), ('wings', 0.13612237572669983), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'the hummus was meh, but the gyro was good.'} [('', 0.0), ('the ', -0.04946866142563522), ('hum', -0.029682021937333047), ('mus ', -0.03405026951804757), ('was ', 0.0005008914740756154), ('me', 0.008019645814783871), ('h', 0.004746258840896189), (', ', -0.10109119419939816), ('but ', -0.09061558498069644), ('the ', -0.016571039566770196), ('g', 0.004792082880157977), ('yr', 0.0138362807338126), ('o ', 0.017060372163541615), ('was ', -0.023490342951845378), ('good', 0.8856946783489548), ('.', -0.02220199187286198), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Not my fave but id go back.'} [('', 0.0), ('Not ', -0.22744352076551877), ('my ', 0.05674814563826658), ('fa', 0.04114658691105433), ('ve ', 0.01600771796074696), ('but ', 0.08631935802986845), ('id ', -0.19245280598897807), ('go ', 0.05934580457414995), ('back', -0.0790175532365538), ('.', 0.044760474156646524), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Who knew healthy food could be so tasty too!'} [('', 0.0), ('Who ', -0.17017201939597726), ('knew ', 0.025396816665306687), ('healthy ', 0.16205330402590334), ('food ', 0.048164243809878826), ('could ', -0.057184040546417236), ('be ', 0.015909005887806416), ('so ', -0.0017544589936733246), ('ta', 0.28984878514893353), ('sty ', 0.1991690476424992), ('too', -0.0886558850761503), ('!', 0.24090790003538132), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Only one thing I can say for this place GROSS.'} [('', 0.0), ('Only ', -0.14848828887079435), ('one ', -0.05224816730878956), ('thing ', -0.09239572255319217), ('I ', 0.051006397401579306), ('can ', -0.00401401481940411), ('say ', 0.03970947088691901), ('for ', 0.04346849278317677), ('this ', 0.08296768130458076), ('place ', 0.05714589596755104), ('GROSS', -0.2745900981572049), ('.', -0.03611949260084657), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Excellent humus, good service, enjoyed the fish tacos.'} [('', 0.0), ('Excellent ', 0.20863796837511472), ('hum', -0.040783506687148474), ('us', -0.0009977033914765343), (', ', -0.013341225683689117), ('good ', 0.1920529860071838), ('service', -0.028769760858267546), (', ', -0.008672963827848434), ('enjoyed ', 0.36232658475637436), ('the ', -0.01179224718362093), ('fish ', -0.08839479368180037), ('ta', 0.04896823316812515), ('cos', 0.020434942096471786), ('.', -0.030272532254457474), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Kale salad'} [('', 0.0), ('Ka', -0.019158456474542618), ('le ', -0.017176542431116104), ('salad', -0.3161931112408638), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Overpriced veggie. Not fulfilling. food was meh!'} [('', 0.0), ('Over', -0.12322925802254758), ('pr', -0.045342437659201096), ('ice', -0.025080883597183856), ('d ', 0.023935425388117437), ('ve', -0.00283813022178947), ('gg', -0.01721624252422771), ('ie', -0.016037358223911724), ('. ', -0.018452939486451214), ('Not ', -0.21169283802737482), ('fulfilling', -0.002501964947441593), ('. ', 0.08054265443934128), ('food ', -0.010486023620615015), ('was ', -0.04389172230185068), ('me', 0.02111623653672723), ('h', -0.031224122948515287), ('!', -0.025377496931469068), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'total dive bar.... paper plates, over-cooked food, yucky.....'} [('', 0.00021757852809969335), ('total ', -0.018929967968142593), ('dive ', -0.09502917244972195), ('bar', -0.0151911854831269), ('.', -0.015860435631475413), ('.', -0.00955563158155807), ('.', -0.011118752214921793), ('. ', -0.01598477692702242), ('paper ', -0.026329574322517146), ('plates', -0.008969297285148059), (', ', -0.011477705485958722), ('over', -0.09499812671301697), ('-', -0.020814825658726478), ('cooked ', 0.019876217261389682), ('food', 0.013182538382443454), (', ', 0.00046551126397389455), ('yu', -0.026693427715751266), ('cky', -0.04699416308600727), ('.', -0.014776912618496377), ('.', -0.03028371089991803), ('.', -0.01946755403575177), ('.', -0.023036696928708505), ('.', -0.024652970503666438), ('', -6.745524297002703e-05)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great Thai Food with Good Price'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.17707711458206177), ('Thai ', 0.04552272707223892), ('Food ', 0.12324761599302292), ('with ', 0.09399927407503128), ('Good ', 0.2609924003481865), ('Price', -0.009728938341140747), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great pad thai. Always fast servive!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.3548471685498953), ('pad ', -0.0409583211876452), ('thai', 0.029888317454606295), ('. ', 0.0038862377405166626), ('Always ', 0.06793877854943275), ('fast ', 0.10562457144260406), ('ser', 0.006620722822844982), ('vi', 0.16309767682105303), ('ve', 0.0072141773998737335), ('!', -0.0012915655970573425), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Great selection! Great ice cream!'} [('', 0.0), ('Great ', 0.16307616978883743), ('selection', 0.04471852630376816), ('! ', 0.15392109751701355), ('Great ', 0.2943121651187539), ('ice ', 0.02015459816902876), ('cream', 0.020307507365942), ('!', 0.02693842351436615), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Tasty!'} [('', 0.0), ('Ta', 0.26712095737457275), ('sty', -0.02566090226173401), ('!', 0.23543229699134827), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Good Food, Nice People.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.14068148285150528), ('Food', 0.12067914754152298), (', ', 0.08422644436359406), ('Nice ', 0.28586858324706554), ('People', 0.08621337823569775), ('.', -0.026538219302892685), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Chicken sandwich was barf on a bun.'} [('', 0.0), ('Chicken ', -0.06515140971168876), ('sandwich ', -0.047391378902830184), ('was ', -0.0076437186216935515), ('bar', -0.016947375261224806), ('f ', -0.03379384649451822), ('on ', -0.013644220234709792), ('a ', 0.042267809869372286), ('bun', -0.10559242460294627), ('.', -0.028746958123520017), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 0, 'text': 'Sub par food. Slow service'} [('', 0.0), ('Sub ', -0.16731744106073165), ('par ', 0.000996703167402302), ('food', 0.13310580792858673), ('. ', 0.13034978830546606), ('Slow ', -0.4582966799644055), ('service', 0.05294222575321328), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Really good food, but A bit pricey for a hamburger.'} [('', 0.0), ('Really ', 0.057095836848020554), ('good ', 0.2358699282631278), ('food', 0.06637239921838045), (', ', -0.016993969678878784), ('but ', -0.06673105200752616), ('A ', 0.10261493059806526), ('bit ', 0.013534490950405598), ('price', 0.13214052346302196), ('y ', 0.16781912749866024), ('for ', -0.0069668489741161466), ('a ', 0.007052947883494198), ('hamburger', -0.05060811247676611), ('.', -0.033588068559765816), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Always good!!'} [('', 0.0), ('Always ', 0.077549297362566), ('good', 0.08241449669003487), ('!', 0.1494464948773384), ('!', 0.2771673947572708), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Been here twice! Not bad for a quick meal.'} [('', 0.0), ('Been ', -0.005031518638134003), ('here ', -0.00047676428221166134), ('twice', 0.046867200871929526), ('! ', 0.07118040323257446), ('Not ', 0.3449467023820034), ('bad ', 0.30578321274515474), ('for ', -0.17022011522203684), ('a ', 0.050668361596763134), ('quick ', -0.11236638389527798), ('meal', 0.10978796519339085), ('.', 0.013064172118902206), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 3, 'text': 'Yummy..:-) love everything we have tried.'} [('', 0.0), ('Yu', 0.08286065747961402), ('mmy', 0.04546280624344945), ('.', 0.10412479005753994), ('.', -0.0645748395472765), (':', -0.04116731742396951), ('-', -0.005760653410106897), (') ', -0.022945036180317402), ('love ', 0.27612892631441355), ('everything ', 0.07366819959133863), ('we ', 0.10756383603438735), ('have ', 0.19975154427811503), ('tried', -0.08483382035046816), ('.', -0.06080210953950882), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'Awesome place,fast,cheap,clean, and delicious.'} [('', 0.0), ('Awesome ', 0.21994213107973337), ('place', 0.06236234214156866), (',', 0.05381620675325394), ('fast', 0.023446628027159022), (',', 0.023431679986970266), ('cheap', -0.19180745396442944), (',', 0.011552652424143162), ('clean', 0.06731764342112001), (', ', 0.04353446346067358), ('and ', -0.026655487716197968), ('delicious', 0.36584888212382793), ('.', -0.02548474632203579), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 1, 'text': 'Good service, very mediocre steak, sides and dessert.'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.47539467246679123), ('service', 0.07739640220825095), (', ', 0.10486228205263615), ('very ', -0.009713188752357382), ('med', -0.1842139190648595), ('io', -0.049892590404851944), ('cre ', -0.09684629230832797), ('steak', -0.012825844773033168), (', ', 0.014110026131675113), ('sides ', -0.00395052507519722), ('and ', 0.062230173498392105), ('dessert', 0.21298057585954666), ('.', 0.018619008362293243), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'The food and service were good. I would return.'} [('', 0.0), ('The ', -0.011693645734339952), ('food ', 0.1440714173950255), ('and ', 0.14447001740336418), ('service ', -0.1163295223377645), ('were ', -0.08656695066019893), ('good', 0.4833323787897825), ('. ', 0.21630065981298685), ('I ', -0.04194371262565255), ('would ', 0.060423559974879026), ('return', -0.08164277952164412), ('.', -0.04451463557779789), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 2, 'text': 'Good food....sorry but I love Nirvana II more'} [('', 0.0), ('Good ', 0.2667474281042814), ('food', 0.06601589359343052), ('.', -0.01731518656015396), ('.', -0.005569307133555412), ('.', -0.031230608001351357), ('.', -0.0216914564371109), ('sorry ', -0.16526203331159195), ('but ', 0.09743135197641095), ('I ', 0.06693482118134852), ('love ', 0.37018018947856035), ('Nirvana ', -0.012289407852222212), ('II ', 0.0020728719973703846), ('more', -0.006828490179032087), ('', 0.0)] {'label': 4, 'text': 'U can order bibimbap for vegetarian :) awesome!'} [('', 0.0), ('U ', -0.025772277731448412), ('can ', -0.0034144798410125077), ('order ', -0.010584282863419503), ('bi', -0.024351754342205822), ('bi', -0.0228140203980729), ('mba', 0.005860685603693128), ('p ', -0.016224529361352324), ('for ', -0.027176933479495347), ('vegetarian ', -0.03581842442508787), (':', -0.010319565888494253), (') ', -0.007381887175142765), ('awesome', 0.7954315235838294), ('!', -0.009289353154599667), ('', 0.0)]