import numpy as np | |
def get_lidar_transform(config, split): | |
transform_list = [] | |
if config['rotate']: | |
transform_list.append(RandomRotateAligned()) | |
if config['flip']: | |
transform_list.append(RandomFlip()) | |
return Compose(transform_list) if len(transform_list) > 0 and split == 'train' else None | |
def get_camera_transform(config, split): | |
# import open_clip | |
# transform = open_clip.image_transform((224, 224), split == 'train', resize_longest_max=True) | |
# TODO | |
transform = None | |
return transform | |
def get_anno_transform(config, split): | |
if config['keypoint_drop'] and split == 'train': | |
drop_range = config['keypoint_drop_range'] if 'keypoint_drop_range' in config else (5, 60) | |
transform = RandomKeypointDrop(drop_range) | |
else: | |
transform = None | |
return transform | |
class Compose(object): | |
def __init__(self, transforms): | |
self.transforms = transforms | |
def __call__(self, pcd, pcd1=None): | |
for t in self.transforms: | |
pcd, pcd1 = t(pcd, pcd1) | |
return pcd, pcd1 | |
class RandomFlip(object): | |
def __init__(self, p=1.): | |
self.p = p | |
def __call__(self, coord, coord1=None): | |
if np.random.rand() < self.p: | |
if np.random.rand() < 0.5: | |
coord[:, 0] = -coord[:, 0] | |
if coord1 is not None: | |
coord1[:, 0] = -coord1[:, 0] | |
if np.random.rand() < 0.5: | |
coord[:, 1] = -coord[:, 1] | |
if coord1 is not None: | |
coord1[:, 1] = -coord1[:, 1] | |
return coord, coord1 | |
class RandomRotateAligned(object): | |
def __init__(self, rot=np.pi / 4, p=1.): | |
self.rot = rot | |
self.p = p | |
def __call__(self, coord, coord1=None): | |
if np.random.rand() < self.p: | |
angle_z = np.random.uniform(-self.rot, self.rot) | |
cos_z, sin_z = np.cos(angle_z), np.sin(angle_z) | |
R = np.array([[cos_z, -sin_z, 0], [sin_z, cos_z, 0], [0, 0, 1]]) | |
coord =, R) | |
if coord1 is not None: | |
coord1 =, R) | |
return coord, coord1 | |
class RandomKeypointDrop(object): | |
def __init__(self, num_range=(5, 60), p=.5): | |
self.num_range = num_range | |
self.p = p | |
def __call__(self, center, category=None): | |
if np.random.rand() < self.p: | |
num = len(center) | |
if num > self.num_range[0]: | |
num_kept = np.random.randint(self.num_range[0], min(self.num_range[1], num)) | |
idx_kept = np.random.choice(num, num_kept, replace=False) | |
center, category = center[idx_kept], category[idx_kept] | |
return center, category | |
# class ResizeMaxSize(object): | |
# def __init__(self, max_size, interpolation=InterpolationMode.BICUBIC, fn='max', fill=0): | |
# super().__init__() | |
# if not isinstance(max_size, int): | |
# raise TypeError(f"Size should be int. Got {type(max_size)}") | |
# self.max_size = max_size | |
# self.interpolation = interpolation | |
# self.fn = min if fn == 'min' else min | |
# self.fill = fill | |
# | |
# def forward(self, img): | |
# width, height = img.size | |
# scale = self.max_size / float(max(height, width)) | |
# if scale != 1.0: | |
# new_size = tuple(round(dim * scale) for dim in (height, width)) | |
# img = F.resize(img, new_size, self.interpolation) | |
# pad_h = self.max_size - new_size[0] | |
# pad_w = self.max_size - new_size[1] | |
# img = F.pad(img, padding=[pad_w//2, pad_h//2, pad_w - pad_w//2, pad_h - pad_h//2], fill=self.fill) | |
# return img | |