import streamlit as st import csv st.set_page_config(page_title="Reassuring Parables") st.title("Reassuring Parables generator - by Allen Roush") st.caption("Find me on Linkedin:") st.image("") st.caption("From") # instantiate from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM # load (supports t5, mt5, byT5 models) #model.from_pretrained("t5","t5-base") source_text = ["Computers will never", "Computers will never", "Computers will never", "Computers will never", "Computers will never", "Computers will never", "Computers will never", "Computers will never", "Computers will never", "Computers will never", "Computers will never", "Computers will never", "Computers will never", "Computers will never", "Computers will never",] target_text = ["Computers will never understand a sonnet", "Computers will never enjoy a salad", "Computers will never know how to love", "Computers will never know how to smell", "Computers will never have a sense of being", "Computers will never feel", "Computers will never appreciate art", "Computers will never have good manners", "Computers will never understand god", "Computers will never solve the halting problem", "Computers will never be conscious", "Computers will never prove that they aren't P-zombies", "Computers will never replace the human brain", "Computers will never write better reassuring parables than humans" "Computers will never replace humans"] #full_df = pd.DataFrame(list(zip(source_text, target_text)), columns = ["source_text", "target_text"]) #print(full_df) #train_df, eval_df = train_test_split(full_df, test_size = 0.2) def train_model(): model.train(train_df=train_df, # pandas dataframe with 2 columns: source_text & target_text eval_df=eval_df, # pandas dataframe with 2 columns: source_text & target_text source_max_token_len = 512, target_max_token_len = 128, batch_size = 1, max_epochs = 4, use_gpu = True, outputdir = "/home/lain/lain/CX_DB8/outputs", early_stopping_patience_epochs = 0, precision = 32 ) #train_model() # load trained T5 model with st.spinner("Please wait while the model loads:"): tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("Hellisotherpeople/T5_Reassuring_Parables") model = AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM.from_pretrained("Hellisotherpeople/T5_Reassuring_Parables") form = st.sidebar.form("choose_settings") form.header("Main Settings") number_of_parables = form.number_input("Select how many reassuring parables you want to generate", value = 100, max_value = 1000) max_length_of_parable = form.number_input("What's the max length of the parable?", value = 20, max_value = 128) min_length_of_parable = form.number_input("What's the min length of the parable?", value = 0, max_value = max_length_of_parable) top_k = form.number_input("What value of K should we use for Top-K sampling? Set to zero to disable", value = 50) form.caption("In Top-K sampling, the K most likely next words are filtered and the probability mass is redistributed among only those K next words. ") top_p = form.number_input("What value of P should we use for Top-p sampling? Set to zero to disable", value = 0.95, max_value = 1.0, min_value = 0.0) form.caption("Top-p sampling chooses from the smallest possible set of words whose cumulative probability exceeds the probability p. The probability mass is then redistributed among this set of words.") temperature = form.number_input("How spicy/interesting do we want our models output to be", value = 1.05, min_value = 0.0) form.caption("Setting this higher decreases the likelihood of high probability words and increases the likelihood of low probability (and presumably more interesting) words") form.caption("For more details on what these settings mean, see here:") form.form_submit_button("Generate some Reassuring Parables!") #seed_value = st.sidebar.number_input("Select a seed value - change this to get different output", 42) ## Doesn't work :( input_ids = tokenizer.encode("Computers will never", return_tensors='pt') sample_outputs = model.generate( input_ids, do_sample=True, max_length=max_length_of_parable, min_length=min_length_of_parable, top_k=top_k, top_p=top_p, num_return_sequences=number_of_parables, temperature=temperature ) with st.spinner("Generating Reassuring Parables"): #pl.seed_everything(seed_value) list_of_parables = [] for i, sample_output in enumerate(sample_outputs): list_of_parables.append(tokenizer.decode(sample_output, skip_special_tokens=True)) st.write(list_of_parables)