import os.path import gradio as gr import numpy as np import asyncio import shutil import src.control.control as control """ ================================== A. Component part ================================== """ with gr.Blocks() as gptdoc: with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): pass with gr.Column(scale=10): gr.Markdown("# GPTdoc") gr.Markdown ("Master your sources when generating your documents") gr.Markdown("### 1. You define the plan of your document ") gr.Markdown("### 2. You select the sources for the text generation: from public unkown sources," " from wikipedia, or from your own files") gr.Markdown("### 3. You launch the text generation and, when it is ready, " "you can download the generated text") gr.Markdown("\n\n\n") """ 1. input docs components """ gr.Markdown("# 1. Define the plan of your document") f = open('data/usage.txt', 'r') usage = input_text = gr.Textbox( label="enter your text", lines=25, max_lines=25, interactive=True, elem_classes="selected_", placeholder=usage, ) with gr.Row(): upload_btn = gr.UploadButton(type='file') example1 = gr.Button("One task example") example2 = gr.Button("Several tasks example") """ 2. source components """ gr.Markdown("# 2. Choose the sources for the document generation") with gr.Column(visible=True, variant='panel') as select_col: gr.Markdown("### Select the sources") source_radio = gr.Radio( choices=["Unknown sources", "My own sources"], label="", value="Unknown sources", visible=True, ) with gr.Column(visible=False, variant='panel') as db_col: gr.Markdown("### My sources") db_list_comp = gr.CheckboxGroup( label="Current content", info="These documents are currently your sources. Unselect the documents you don't want to be taken" "into account when generating the document", visible=True, interactive=True, ) with gr.Row(): db_reset_btn = gr.Button("Reset the sources", visible=False).style(full_width=False, size="sm") db_add_doc_btn = gr.Button("Add new documents", visible=True).style(full_width=False, size="sm") with gr.Column(visible=False, variant="panel") as add_col: gr.Markdown("### Add new documents ") with gr.Tab("From Wikipedia"): wiki_fetch_btn = gr.Button("Search for Wikipedia pages", visible=True), size="sm") wiki_list_comp = gr.CheckboxGroup( label="Select the wiki pages", info="The selected pages can be added to sources", visible=False, interactive=True, ) wiki_add_to_db_btn = gr.Button("Add selection to sources", visible=False), size="sm") with gr.Tab("From disk"): my_files_list_comp = gr.Files( label="Upload own documents", info="Your selected documents provide the content for generating the output document", visible=True, ) my_files_add_to_db_btn = gr.Button("Add files to sources", visible=False), size="sm") add_close_btn = gr.Button("Close").style(size='sm', full_width=False) """ 3. Generate (and inspect the document) """ gr.Markdown("# 3. Generate the document") generate_btn = gr.Button("Generate", interactive=True) output_text = gr.Textbox( label="Generated document", value="", lines=25, max_lines=25, interactive=False, ) generated_file = gr.File( interactive=False, visible=False, ) with gr.Column(): pass """ ================================== B. Logic part ================================== """ """ B.1 Input text """ def upload_input_file(file_): return upload_file( def upload_example_file(btn, input_id_): filename = "onetask_example.txt" if btn == "One task example" else "long_example.txt" long_id = control.get_long_id(input_id_) os.mkdir('tmp_input/' + long_id) copypath = 'tmp_input/' + long_id + '/' + filename shutil.copy("data/" + filename, copypath) update_ = upload_file(copypath) update_[input_id] = gr.update(value=long_id) return update_ def upload_file(filename): f_ = open(filename, "r") input_text_ = update_ = { input_text: gr.update(value=input_text_) } return update_ input_id = gr.State(-1) upload_btn.upload(upload_input_file, inputs=[upload_btn], outputs=[input_text]), inputs=[example1, input_id], outputs=[input_text, input_id]), inputs=[example2, input_id], outputs=[input_text, input_id]) """ -------------------- B.2 Logic for sources -------------------- """ def source1_fn(source_, db_collection_): """ Allows to choose the sources for the doc generation """ if source_ == "My own sources": long_id = control.get_long_id(db_collection_) update_ = { db_collection_var: long_id, db_col: gr.update(visible=True), } else: update_ = { db_col: gr.update(visible=False), } return update_ def source2_fn(db_collection_): """ Allows to choose the sources for the doc generation """ long_id = control.get_long_id(db_collection_) control.get_or_create_collection(long_id) def db_reset_fn(wiki_source_, db_collection_): """ resets the source db """ coll = control.get_or_create_collection(db_collection_) control.reset_collection(coll) wiki_to_add_not_empty = 0 < len(wiki_source_) update_ = { wiki_db_var: [], my_files_db_var: [], db_reset_btn: gr.update(visible=False), db_list_comp: gr.update(value=[], choices=[]), wiki_list_comp: gr.update(value=wiki_source_, choices=wiki_source_), wiki_add_to_db_btn: gr.update(visible=wiki_to_add_not_empty), } return update_ def db_add_doc_fn(): """ opens the component which allows to add new own files or wiki to the source db """ update_ = { db_add_doc_btn: gr.update(visible=False), add_col: gr.update(visible=True), } return update_ def add_close_fn(): """ close the component which allows to add new own files or wiki to the source db """ update_ = { db_add_doc_btn: gr.update(visible=True), add_col: gr.update(visible=False), } return update_ def wiki_fetch1_fn(): """ fetch the wikifiles interesting for solving the tasks as defined in the input doc """ update_ = { wiki_list_comp: gr.update(visible=True), } return update_ def wiki_fetch2_fn(wiki_db_files_, input_text_): """ fetch the wikifiles interesting for solving the tasks as defined in the input doc """ wiki_interesting_files = control.wiki_fetch(input_text_) wiki_files = [wiki for wiki in wiki_interesting_files if wiki not in wiki_db_files_] update_ = { wiki_list_comp: gr.update(visible=True, value=wiki_files, choices=wiki_files), wiki_add_to_db_btn: gr.update(visible=True), wiki_source_var: wiki_interesting_files, } return update_ async def wiki_add_to_db_fn(wiki_list_, wiki_source_, wiki_db_, db_list_, db_collection_): """ adds the wikipages to the db source """ wiki_to_add = [wiki for wiki in wiki_list_ if wiki not in wiki_db_] db_list_ += wiki_to_add wiki_db_ += wiki_to_add wiki_source_remaining = [wiki for wiki in wiki_source_ if wiki not in wiki_db_] tasks = [control.wiki_upload_and_store(wiki, db_collection_) for wiki in wiki_to_add] await asyncio.gather(*tasks) db_not_empty = 0 < len(db_list_) wiki_to_add_not_empty = 0 < len(wiki_source_remaining) update_ = { wiki_db_var: wiki_db_, wiki_list_comp: gr.update(value=wiki_source_remaining, choices=wiki_source_remaining), wiki_add_to_db_btn: gr.update(visible=wiki_to_add_not_empty), db_list_comp: gr.update( visible=True, value=db_list_, choices=db_list_, label="Database content"), db_reset_btn: gr.update(visible=db_not_empty), generate_btn: gr.update(visible=True, interactive=db_not_empty), } return update_ def my_files_list_fn(my_files_list_): update_ = { my_files_add_to_db_btn: gr.update(visible=bool(my_files_list_)) } return update_ async def my_files_add_to_db_fn(my_files_list_, my_files_db_, db_list_): """ adds the files to the db source """ my_files_to_add = [ for fi in my_files_list_ if not in my_files_db_] tasks = [control.my_files_upload_and_store(f_name) for f_name in my_files_to_add] await asyncio.gather(*tasks) my_files_to_add = [os.path.basename(f_name) for f_name in my_files_to_add] my_files_db_ += my_files_to_add db_list_ += my_files_to_add update_ = { my_files_list_comp: gr.update(value=None), my_files_add_to_db_btn: gr.update(visible=False), my_files_db_var: gr.update(value=my_files_db_), generate_btn: gr.update(interactive=True), db_reset_btn: gr.update(visible=True), db_list_comp: gr.update( visible=True, value=db_list_, choices=db_list_, label="Database content"), } return update_ wiki_source_var: [str] = gr.State([]) # list of wikipage titles of interest for the input text tasks wiki_db_var: [str] = gr.State([]) # list of wiki document titles in the db (as seen from the UI) my_files_db_var: [str] = gr.State([]) # list of titles of the files uploaded in the db (as seen from the UI) db_collection_var: str = gr.State(-1) # name of the collection of documents sources in the db source_radio\ .change(source1_fn, inputs=[source_radio, db_collection_var], outputs=[db_col, db_collection_var])\ .then(source2_fn, inputs=[db_collection_var], outputs=[]), inputs=[], outputs=[db_add_doc_btn, add_col]), inputs=[], outputs=[db_add_doc_btn, add_col]) wiki_fetch_btn\ .click(wiki_fetch1_fn, inputs=[], outputs=[wiki_list_comp])\ .then(wiki_fetch2_fn, inputs=[wiki_db_var, input_text], outputs=[wiki_list_comp, wiki_source_var, wiki_add_to_db_btn]), inputs=[wiki_list_comp, wiki_source_var, wiki_db_var, db_list_comp, db_collection_var], outputs=[db_list_comp, wiki_list_comp, wiki_db_var, generate_btn, wiki_add_to_db_btn, db_reset_btn]) my_files_list_comp.change(my_files_list_fn, inputs=[my_files_list_comp], outputs=[my_files_add_to_db_btn]), inputs=[my_files_list_comp, my_files_db_var, db_list_comp], outputs=[my_files_add_to_db_btn, my_files_list_comp, my_files_db_var, db_reset_btn, generate_btn, db_list_comp]), inputs=[wiki_source_var, db_collection_var], outputs=[wiki_db_var, my_files_db_var, db_list_comp, db_reset_btn, db_add_doc_btn, wiki_list_comp, wiki_add_to_db_btn]) """ -------------------- B.3 Logic for generation -------------------- """ def generate_fn(input_text_, source_, db_collection_, db_list_): """ generates the final text starting from the input text and the source : either "public" or private = from documents stored in the collection in the db """ rand_dir_path = "./" + str(np.random.randint(1000)) os.mkdir(rand_dir_path) fpath = rand_dir_path + "/generated_text.txt" f_ = open(fpath, "w") if source_ == "Unknown sources": output_text_ = control.generate_doc_from_gpt(input_text_) else: coll = db_collection_ output_text_ = control.generate_doc_from_db(input_txt=input_text_, collection_name=coll, from_files=db_list_) f_.write(output_text_) update_ = { output_text: gr.update(value=output_text_), generated_file: gr.update(visible=True,, } return update_, inputs=[input_text, source_radio, db_collection_var, db_list_comp], outputs=[output_text, generated_file]) """ ================================== Launch ================================== """ gptdoc.queue().launch()