tts-export / Dockerfile
HirCoir's picture
Update Dockerfile
8270162 verified
FROM debian:11
# Agrega un usuario no root
RUN useradd -m -u 1000 app
# Establece el directorio de trabajo dentro del contenedor
WORKDIR /home/app
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
python3 \
python3-pip \
python3-venv \
git espeak-ng
RUN git clone
RUN pip install -q cython>=0.29.0 espeak-phonemizer>=1.1.0 librosa>=0.9.2 numpy>=1.19.0 pytorch-lightning~=1.7.0 torch~=1.11.0
RUN pip install -q onnx onnxruntime
RUN pip install -q torchtext==0.12.0
WORKDIR /home/app/piper/src/python
RUN bash
RUN pip install -q torchaudio==0.11.0 torchmetrics==0.11.4
RUN pip install --upgrade gdown
RUN apt install -y zip unzip wget curl
RUN mkdir models
# Install Flask and other required packages
RUN pip install flask flask-socketio flask-apscheduler huggingface_hub
# Copy the application files
WORKDIR /home/app
RUN mkdir templates
COPY index.html ./templates/
# Set environment variable for Flask
# Run the Flask app with SocketIO
CMD ["python3", "-u", ""]