File,Class Name,Function Name,Description | |,GorillaFileSystem,pwd(),"Return the current working directory path. | |
Returns: | |
• current_working_directory (str): The current working directory path | |
" | |,GorillaFileSystem,ls(a: bool),"List the contents of the current directory. | |
Args: | |
• a (bool): Show hidden files and directories | |
Returns: | |
• current_directory_content (list): A list of the contents of the specified directory | |
" | |,GorillaFileSystem,cd(folder: str),"Change the current working directory to the specified folder. | |
Args: | |
• folder (str): The folder of the directory to change to | |
Returns: | |
• current_working_directory (str): The new current working directory path | |
" | |,GorillaFileSystem,mkdir(dir_name: str),"Create a new directory in the current directory. | |
Args: | |
• dir_name (str): The name of the new directory at current directory | |
Returns: | |
• error (dict): None if successful, or error message if directory already exists | |
" | |,GorillaFileSystem,touch(file_name: str),"Create a new file in the current directory. | |
Args: | |
• file_name (str): The name of the new file in the current directory | |
Returns: | |
• error (dict): None if successful, or error message if file already exists | |
" | |,GorillaFileSystem,"echo(content: str, file_name: str)","Write content to a file at current directory or display it in the terminal. | |
Args: | |
• content (str): The content to write or display | |
• file_name (str): The name of the file at current directory to write the content to | |
Returns: | |
• terminal_output (str): The content if no file name is provided, or None if written to file | |
" | |,GorillaFileSystem,cat(file_name: str),"Display the contents of a file from currrent directory. | |
Args: | |
• file_name (str): The name of the file from current directory to display | |
Returns: | |
• file_content (str): The content of the file | |
" | |,GorillaFileSystem,find(path: str),"Find any file or directories under specific path that contain name in its file name.This method searches for files and directories within a specified path that matchthe given name. If no name is provided, it returns all files and directoriesin the specified path and its subdirectories. | |
Args: | |
• path (str): The directory path to start the search | |
" | |,GorillaFileSystem,"wc(file_name: str, mode: str)","Count the number of lines, words, and characters in a file from current directory. | |
Args: | |
• file_name (str): Name of the file of current directory to perform wc operation on | |
• mode (str): Mode of operation ('l' for lines, 'w' for words, 'c' for characters) | |
" | |,GorillaFileSystem,sort(file_name: str),"Sort the contents of a file line by line. | |
Args: | |
• file_name (str): The name of the file appeared at current directory to sort | |
Returns: | |
• sorted_content (str): The sorted content of the file | |
" | |,GorillaFileSystem,"grep(file_name: str, pattern: str)","Search for lines in a file at current directory that contain the specified pattern. | |
Args: | |
• file_name (str): The name of the file to search | |
• pattern (str): The pattern to search for | |
Returns: | |
• matching_lines (list): Lines that match the pattern | |
" | |,GorillaFileSystem,"xargs(command: str, file_name: str)","Execute a command with arguments read from a file or standard input. | |
Args: | |
• command (str): The command to execute with arguments | |
• file_name (str): The file containing arguments | |
Returns: | |
• output (str): The result of the command execution | |
" | |,GorillaFileSystem,du(human_readable: bool),"Estimate the disk usage of a directory and its contents. | |
Args: | |
• human_readable (bool): If True, returns the size in human-readable format (e | |
Returns: | |
• disk_usage (str): The estimated disk usage | |
" | |,GorillaFileSystem,"tail(file_name: str, lines: int)","Display the last part of a file. | |
Args: | |
• file_name (str): The name of the file to display | |
• lines (int): The number of lines to display from the end of the file | |
Returns: | |
• last_lines (str): The last part of the file | |
" | |,GorillaFileSystem,"diff(file_name1: str, file_name2: str)","Compare two files line by line at the current directory. | |
Args: | |
• file_name1 (str): The name of the first file in current directory | |
• file_name2 (str): The name of the second file in current directorry | |
Returns: | |
• diff_lines (str): The differences between the two files | |
" | |,GorillaFileSystem,"mv(source: str, destination: str)","Move a file or directory from one location to another. so | |
Args: | |
• source (str): Source name of the file or directory to move | |
• destination (str): The destination name to move the file or directory to | |
Returns: | |
• result (str): The result of the move operation | |
" | |,GorillaFileSystem,rm(file_name: str),"Remove a file or directory. | |
Args: | |
• file_name (str): The name of the file or directory to remove | |
Returns: | |
• result (str): The result of the remove operation | |
" | |,GorillaFileSystem,rmdir(dir_name: str),"Remove a directory at current directory. | |
Args: | |
• dir_name (str): The name of the directory to remove | |
Returns: | |
• result (str): The result of the remove operation | |
" | |,GorillaFileSystem,"cp(source: str, destination: str)","Copy a file or directory from one location to another.If the destination is a directory, the source file or directory will be copied into the destination directory.Both source and destination must be local to the current directory. | |
Args: | |
• source (str): The name of the file or directory to copy | |
• destination (str): The destination anem to copy the file or directory to | |
Returns: | |
• result (str): The result of the copy operation or an error message if the operation fails | |
" | |,MathAPI,"logarithm(value: float, base: float, precision: int)","Compute the logarithm of a number with adjustable precision using mpmath. | |
Args: | |
• value (float): The number to compute the logarithm of | |
• base (float): The base of the logarithm | |
• precision (int): Desired precision for the result | |
" | |,MathAPI,mean(),"Calculate the mean of a list of numbers. | |
Returns: | |
• result (float): Mean of the numbers | |
" | |,MathAPI,standard_deviation(),"Calculate the standard deviation of a list of numbers. | |
Returns: | |
• result (float): Standard deviation of the numbers | |
" | |,MathAPI,"si_unit_conversion(value: float, unit_in: str, unit_out: str)","Convert a value from one SI unit to another. | |
Args: | |
• value (float): Value to be converted | |
• unit_in (str): Unit of the input value | |
• unit_out (str): Unit to convert the value to | |
Returns: | |
• result (float): Converted value in the new unit | |
" | |,MathAPI,"imperial_si_conversion(value: float, unit_in: str, unit_out: str)","Convert a value between imperial and SI units. | |
Args: | |
• value (float): Value to be converted | |
• unit_in (str): Unit of the input value | |
• unit_out (str): Unit to convert the value to | |
Returns: | |
• result (float): Converted value in the new unit | |
" | |,MathAPI,"add(a: float, b: float)","Add two numbers. | |
Args: | |
• a (float): First number | |
• b (float): Second number | |
Returns: | |
• result (float): Sum of the two numbers | |
" | |,MathAPI,"subtract(a: float, b: float)","Subtract one number from another. | |
Args: | |
• a (float): Number to subtract from | |
• b (float): Number to subtract | |
Returns: | |
• result (float): Difference between the two numbers | |
" | |,MathAPI,"multiply(a: float, b: float)","Multiply two numbers. | |
Args: | |
• a (float): First number | |
• b (float): Second number | |
Returns: | |
• result (float): Product of the two numbers | |
" | |,MathAPI,"divide(a: float, b: float)","Divide one number by another. | |
Args: | |
• a (float): Numerator | |
• b (float): Denominator | |
Returns: | |
• result (float): Quotient of the division | |
" | |,MathAPI,"power(base: float, exponent: float)","Raise a number to a power. | |
Args: | |
• base (float): The base number | |
• exponent (float): The exponent | |
Returns: | |
• result (float): The base raised to the power of the exponent | |
" | |,MathAPI,"square_root(number: float, precision: int)","Calculate the square root of a number with adjustable precision using the decimal module. | |
Args: | |
• number (float): The number to calculate the square root of | |
• precision (int): Desired precision for the result | |
" | |,MathAPI,absolute_value(number: float),"Calculate the absolute value of a number. | |
Args: | |
• number (float): The number to calculate the absolute value of | |
Returns: | |
• result (float): The absolute value of the number | |
" | |,MathAPI,"round_number(number: float, decimal_places: int)","Round a number to a specified number of decimal places. | |
Args: | |
• number (float): The number to round | |
• decimal_places (int): The number of decimal places to round to | |
Returns: | |
• result (float): The rounded number | |
" | |,MathAPI,"percentage(part: float, whole: float)","Calculate the percentage of a part relative to a whole. | |
Args: | |
• part (float): The part value | |
• whole (float): The whole value | |
Returns: | |
• result (float): The percentage of the part relative to the whole | |
" | |,MathAPI,min_value(),"Find the minimum value in a list of numbers. | |
Returns: | |
• result (float): The minimum value in the list | |
" | |,MathAPI,max_value(),"Find the maximum value in a list of numbers. | |
Returns: | |
• result (float): The maximum value in the list | |
" | |,MathAPI,sum_values(),"Calculate the sum of a list of numbers. | |
Returns: | |
• result (float): The sum of all numbers in the list | |
" | |,MessageAPI,generate_id,"No description provided. | |
" | |,MessageAPI,list_users(),"List all users in the workspace. | |
" | |,MessageAPI,get_user_id(user: str),"Get user ID from user name. | |
Args: | |
• user (str): User name of the user | |
" | |,MessageAPI,login(user_id: str),"Log in a user with the given user ID. | |
Args: | |
• user_id (str): User ID of the user to log in | |
Returns: | |
• login_status (bool): True if login was successful, False otherwise | |
• message (str): A message describing the result of the login attempt | |
" | |,MessageAPI,"send_message(sender_id: str, receiver_id: str, message: str)","Send a message to a user. | |
Args: | |
• sender_id (str): User ID of the user sending the message | |
• receiver_id (str): User ID of the user to send the message to | |
• message (str): Message to be sent | |
Returns: | |
• sent_status (bool): True if the message was sent successfully, False otherwise | |
• message_id (int): ID of the sent message | |
• message (str): A message describing the result of the send attempt | |
" | |,MessageAPI,"delete_message(sender_id: str, receiver_id: str, message_id: int)","Delete a message sent to a user. | |
Args: | |
• sender_id (str): User ID of the user sending the message | |
• receiver_id (str): User ID of the user to send the message to | |
• message_id (int): ID of the message to be deleted | |
Returns: | |
• deleted_status (bool): True if the message was deleted successfully, False otherwise | |
• message_id (int): ID of the deleted message | |
• message (str): A message describing the result of the deletion attempt | |
" | |,MessageAPI,view_messages_received(),"View all messages sent to the current user. | |
" | |,MessageAPI,view_messages_sent(),"View all historical messages sent by the current user. | |
" | |,MessageAPI,add_contact(user_name: str),"Add a contact to the workspace. | |
Args: | |
• user_name (str): User name of contact to be added | |
Returns: | |
• added_status (bool): True if the contact was added successfully, False otherwise | |
• user_id (str): User ID of the added contact | |
• message (str): A message describing the result of the addition attempt | |
" | |,MessageAPI,search_messages(keyword: str),"Search for messages containing a specific keyword. | |
Args: | |
• keyword (str): The keyword to search for in messages | |
Returns: | |
• sender_id (str): The ID of the user who sent the message | |
• receiver_id (str): The ID of the user who received the message | |
" | |,MessageAPI,"get_message_stats(sent_count: int, received_count: int, total_contacts: int)","Get statistics about messages for the current user. | |
Args: | |
• sent_count (int): Number of messages sent by the current user | |
• received_count (int): Number of messages received by the current user | |
• total_contacts (int): Total number of contacts the user has interacted with | |
" | |,TwitterAPI,"authenticate(username: str, password: str)","Authenticate a user with username and password. | |
Args: | |
• username (str): Username of the user | |
• password (str): Password of the user | |
Returns: | |
• authentication_status (bool): True if authenticated, False otherwise | |
" | |,TwitterAPI,post_tweet(content: str),"Post a tweet for the authenticated user. | |
Args: | |
• content (str): Content of the tweet | |
Returns: | |
• id (int): ID of the posted tweet | |
• username (str): Username of the poster | |
• content (str): Content of the tweet | |
" | |,TwitterAPI,retweet(tweet_id: int),"Retweet a tweet for the authenticated user. | |
Args: | |
• tweet_id (int): ID of the tweet to retweet | |
Returns: | |
• retweet_status (str): Status of the retweet action | |
" | |,TwitterAPI,"comment(tweet_id: int, comment_content: str)","Comment on a tweet for the authenticated user. | |
Args: | |
• tweet_id (int): ID of the tweet to comment on | |
• comment_content (str): Content of the comment | |
Returns: | |
• comment_status (str): Status of the comment action | |
" | |,TwitterAPI,mention(tweet_id: int),"Mention specified users in a tweet. | |
Args: | |
• tweet_id (int): ID of the tweet where users are mentioned | |
Returns: | |
• mention_status (str): Status of the mention action | |
" | |,TwitterAPI,follow_user(username_to_follow: str),"Follow a user for the authenticated user. | |
Args: | |
• username_to_follow (str): Username of the user to follow | |
Returns: | |
• follow_status (bool): True if followed, False if already following | |
" | |,TwitterAPI,list_all_following(),"List all users that the authenticated user is following. | |
" | |,TwitterAPI,unfollow_user(username_to_unfollow: str),"Unfollow a user for the authenticated user. | |
Args: | |
• username_to_unfollow (str): Username of the user to unfollow | |
Returns: | |
• unfollow_status (bool): True if unfollowed, False if not following | |
" | |,TwitterAPI,get_tweet(tweet_id: int),"Retrieve a specific tweet. | |
Args: | |
• tweet_id (int): ID of the tweet to retrieve | |
Returns: | |
• id (int): ID of the retrieved tweet | |
• username (str): Username of the tweet's author | |
• content (str): Content of the tweet | |
" | |,TwitterAPI,get_user_tweets(username: str),"Retrieve all tweets from a specific user. | |
Args: | |
• username (str): Username of the user whose tweets to retrieve | |
" | |,TwitterAPI,search_tweets(keyword: str),"Search for tweets containing a specific keyword. | |
Args: | |
• keyword (str): Keyword to search for in tweets | |
" | |,TwitterAPI,get_tweet_comments(tweet_id: int),"Retrieve all comments for a specific tweet. | |
Args: | |
• tweet_id (int): ID of the tweet to retrieve comments for | |
" | |,TwitterAPI,get_user_stats(username: str),"Get statistics for a specific user. | |
Args: | |
• username (str): Username of the user to get statistics for | |
Returns: | |
• tweet_count (int): Number of tweets posted by the user | |
• following_count (int): Number of users the specified user is following | |
• retweet_count (int): Number of retweets made by the user | |
" | |,TicketAPI,"create_ticket(title: str, description: str, priority: int)","Create a ticket in the system and queue it. | |
Args: | |
• title (str): Title of the ticket | |
• description (str): Description of the ticket | |
• priority (int): Priority of the ticket, from 1 to 5 | |
Returns: | |
• id (int): Unique identifier of the ticket | |
• title (str): Title of the ticket | |
• description (str): Description of the ticket | |
• status (str): Current status of the ticket | |
• priority (int): Priority level of the ticket | |
" | |,TicketAPI,get_ticket(ticket_id: int),"Get a specific ticket by its ID. | |
Args: | |
• ticket_id (int): ID of the ticket to retrieve | |
Returns: | |
• id (int): Unique identifier of the ticket | |
• title (str): Title of the ticket | |
• description (str): Description of the ticket | |
• status (str): Current status of the ticket | |
• priority (int): Priority level of the ticket | |
• created_by (str): Username of the ticket creator | |
" | |,TicketAPI,close_ticket(ticket_id: int),"Close a ticket. | |
Args: | |
• ticket_id (int): ID of the ticket to be closed | |
Returns: | |
• status (str): Status of the close operation | |
" | |,TicketAPI,"resolve_ticket(ticket_id: int, resolution: str)","Resolve a ticket with a resolution. | |
Args: | |
• ticket_id (int): ID of the ticket to be resolved | |
• resolution (str): Resolution details for the ticket | |
Returns: | |
• status (str): Status of the resolve operation | |
" | |,TicketAPI,edit_ticket(ticket_id: int),"Modify the details of an existing ticket. | |
Args: | |
• ticket_id (int): ID of the ticket to be changed | |
Returns: | |
• status (str): Status of the update operation | |
" | |,TicketAPI,find_ticket(ticket_id: int),"Find a ticket by its ID. | |
Args: | |
• ticket_id (int): ID of the ticket to find | |
" | |,TicketAPI,"login(username: str, password: str)","Authenticate a user. | |
Args: | |
• username (str): Username of the user | |
• password (str): Password of the user | |
Returns: | |
• success (bool): True if login was successful, False otherwise | |
" | |,TicketAPI,logout(success: bool),"Log out the current user. | |
Args: | |
• success (bool): True if logout was successful, False otherwise | |
" | |,TicketAPI,get_user_tickets(),"Get all tickets created by the current user, optionally filtered by status. | |
" | |,TradingBot,get_current_time(current_time: str),"Get the current time. | |
Args: | |
• current_time (str): Current time in HH:MM AM/PM format | |
" | |,TradingBot,update_market_status(current_time_str: str),"Update the market status based on the current time. | |
Args: | |
• current_time_str (str): Current time in HH:MM AM/PM format | |
Returns: | |
• status (str): Status of the market ('Open' or 'Closed') | |
" | |,TradingBot,get_symbol_by_name(name: str),"Get the symbol of a stock by company name. | |
Args: | |
• name (str): Name of the company | |
Returns: | |
• symbol (str): Symbol of the stock or ""Stock not found"" if not available | |
" | |,TradingBot,get_stock_info(symbol: str),"Get the details of a stock. | |
Args: | |
• symbol (str): Symbol that uniquely identifies the stock | |
Returns: | |
• price (float): Current price of the stock | |
• percent_change (float): Percentage change in stock price | |
• volume (float): Trading volume of the stock | |
• MA5 (float): 5-day Moving Average of the stock | |
• MA20 (float): 20-day Moving Average of the stock | |
" | |,TradingBot,get_order_details(order_id: int),"Get the details of an order. | |
Args: | |
• order_id (int): ID of the order | |
Returns: | |
• symbol (str): Symbol of the stock in the order | |
• price (float): Price at which the order was placed | |
• num_shares (int): Number of shares in the order | |
• status (str): Current status of the order | |
" | |,TradingBot,cancel_order(order_id: int),"Cancel an order. | |
Args: | |
• order_id (int): ID of the order to cancel | |
Returns: | |
• order_id (int): ID of the cancelled order | |
• status (str): New status of the order after cancellation attempt | |
" | |,TradingBot,"place_order(order_type: str, symbol: str, price: float, amount: int)","Place an order. | |
Args: | |
• order_type (str): Type of the order (Buy/Sell) | |
• symbol (str): Symbol of the stock to trade | |
• price (float): Price at which to place the order | |
• amount (int): Number of shares to trade | |
Returns: | |
• order_id (int): ID of the newly placed order | |
• order_type (str): Type of the order (Buy/Sell) | |
• status (str): Initial status of the order | |
• price (float): Price at which the order was placed | |
• amount (int): Number of shares in the order | |
" | |,TradingBot,"make_transaction(account_id: int, xact_type: str, amount: float)","Make a deposit or withdrawal based on specified amount. | |
Args: | |
• account_id (int): ID of the account | |
• xact_type (str): Transaction type (deposit or withdrawal) | |
• amount (float): Amount to deposit or withdraw | |
Returns: | |
• status (str): Status of the transaction | |
• new_balance (float): Updated account balance after the transaction | |
" | |,TradingBot,"get_account_info(account_id: int, balance: float, binding_card: int)","Get account information. | |
Args: | |
• account_id (int): ID of the account | |
• balance (float): Current balance of the account | |
• binding_card (int): Card number associated with the account | |
" | |,TradingBot,"login(username: str, password: str)","Handle user login. | |
Args: | |
• username (str): Username for authentication | |
• password (str): Password for authentication | |
Returns: | |
• status (str): Login status message | |
" | |,TradingBot,logout(status: str),"Handle user logout. | |
Args: | |
• status (str): Logout status message | |
" | |,TradingBot,fund_account(amount: float),"Fund the account with the specified amount. | |
Args: | |
• amount (float): Amount to fund the account with | |
Returns: | |
• status (str): Status of the funding operation | |
• new_balance (float): Updated account balance after funding | |
" | |,TradingBot,add_stock_to_watchlist(symbol: str),"Add a stock to the watchlist. | |
Args: | |
• symbol (str): Symbol of the stock to add | |
Returns: | |
• status (str): Status of the addition operation | |
" | |,TradingBot,remove_stock_from_watchlist(symbol: str),"Remove a stock from the watchlist. | |
Args: | |
• symbol (str): Symbol of the stock to remove | |
Returns: | |
• status (str): Status of the removal operation | |
" | |,TradingBot,get_watchlist(),"Get the watchlist. | |
" | |,TradingBot,get_transaction_history(),"Get the transaction history within a specified date range. | |
" | |,TradingBot,"update_stock_price(symbol: str, new_price: float)","Update the price of a stock. | |
Args: | |
• symbol (str): Symbol of the stock to update | |
• new_price (float): New price of the stock | |
Returns: | |
• symbol (str): Symbol of the updated stock | |
• old_price (float): Previous price of the stock | |
• new_price (float): Updated price of the stock | |
" | |,TradingBot,get_available_stocks(sector: str),"Get a list of stock symbols in the given sector. | |
Args: | |
• sector (str): The sector to retrieve stocks from (e | |
" | |,TradingBot,"filter_stocks_by_price(min_price: float, max_price: float)","Filter stocks based on a price range. | |
Args: | |
• min_price (float): Minimum stock price | |
• max_price (float): Maximum stock price | |
" | |,TradingBot,add_to_watchlist(),"Add a list of stocks to the watchlist. | |
" | |,TradingBot,notify_price_change(threshold: float),"Notify if there is a significant price change in the stocks. | |
Args: | |
• threshold (float): Percentage change threshold to trigger a notification | |
" | |,TravelAPI,"authenticate(client_id: str, user_first_name: str)","Authenticate the user with the travel API | |
Args: | |
• client_id (str): Required The client applications client_id supplied by App Management client_secret (str): Required The client applications client_secret supplied by App Management refresh_token (str): Required The refresh token obtained from the initial authentication grant_type (str): Required The grant type of the authentication request | |
• user_first_name (str): Required The first name of the user user_last_name (str): Required The last name of the user | |
Returns: | |
• expires_in (int): The number of time it can use until the access token expires access_token (str): The access token to be used in the Authorization header of future requests token_type (str): The type of token scope (str): The scope of the token | |
" | |,TravelAPI,get_budget_fiscal_year(),"Get the budget fiscal year | |
" | |,TravelAPI,register_credit_card(access_token: str),"Register a credit card | |
Args: | |
• access_token (str): Required The access token obtained from the authenticate method card_number (str): Required The credit card number expiration_date (str): Required The expiration date of the credit card in the format MM/YYYY cardholder_name (str): Required The name of the cardholder card_verification_number (int): Required The card verification number | |
Returns: | |
• card_id (str): The ID of the registered credit card | |
" | |,TravelAPI,get_flight_cost(travel_from: str),"Get the cost of a flight in USD based on date, location, and class | |
Args: | |
• travel_from (str): Required The location the travel is from travel_to (str): Required The location the travel is to travel_date (str): Required The date of the travel in the format YYYY-MM-DD travel_class (str): Required The class of the travel | |
Returns: | |
• travel_cost (float): The cost of the travel | |
" | |,TravelAPI,get_credit_card_balance(access_token: str),"Get the balance of a credit card | |
Args: | |
• access_token (str): Required The access token obtained from the authenticate card_id (str): Required The ID of the credit card | |
Returns: | |
• card_balance (float): The balance of the credit card | |
" | |,TravelAPI,book_flight(access_token: str),"Book a flight given the travel information. From and To should be the airport codes in the IATA format. | |
Args: | |
• access_token (str): Required The access token obtained from the authenticate card_id (str): Required The ID of the credit card to use for the booking travel_date (str): Required The date of the travel in the format YYYY-MM-DD travel_from (str): Required The location the travel is from travel_to (str): Required The location the travel is to travel_class (str): Required The class of the travel travel_cost (float): Required The cost of the travel | |
Returns: | |
• booking_id (str): The ID of the booking transaction_id (str): The ID of the transaction booking_status (bool): The status of the booking, True if successful, False if failed error (str): The error message if the booking failed | |
" | |,TravelAPI,retrieve_invoice(access_token: str),"Retrieve the invoice for a booking | |
Args: | |
• access_token (str): Required The access token obtained from the authenticate booking_id (Optional[str]): Optional The ID of the booking insurance_id (Optional[str]): Optional The ID of the insurance | |
Returns: | |
• invoice (dict): The invoice for the booking error (str): The error message if the booking was not found | |
" | |,TravelAPI,list_all_airports(),"List all available airports | |
" | |,TravelAPI,cancel_booking(access_token: str),"Cancel a booking | |
Args: | |
• access_token (str): Required The access token obtained from the authenticate booking_id (str): Required The ID of the booking | |
Returns: | |
• cancel_status (bool): The status of the cancellation, True if successful, False if failed error (str): The error message if the cancellation failed | |
" | |,TravelAPI,compute_exchange_rate(base_currency: str),"Compute the exchange rate between two currencies | |
Args: | |
• base_currency (str): Required The base currency target_currency (str): Required The target currency value (float): Required The value to convert | |
Returns: | |
• exchanged_value (float): The value after the exchange | |
" | |,TravelAPI,verify_traveler_information(first_name: str),"Verify the traveler information | |
Args: | |
• first_name (str): Required The first name of the traveler last_name (str): Required The last name of the traveler date_of_birth (str): Required The date of birth of the traveler in the format YYYY-MM-DD passport_number (str): Required The passport number of the traveler | |
Returns: | |
• verification_status (bool): The status of the verification, True if successful, False if failed verification_failure (str): The reason for the verification failure | |
" | |,TravelAPI,set_budget_limit(access_token: str),"Set the budget limit for the user | |
Args: | |
• access_token (str): Required The access token obtained from the authenticate budget_limit (float): Required The budget limit to set in USD | |
Returns: | |
• budget_limit (float): The budget limit set in USD | |
" | |,TravelAPI,get_nearest_airport_by_city(location: str),"Get the nearest airport to a location | |
Args: | |
• location (str): Required The location to find the nearest airport to | |
Returns: | |
• nearest_airport (str): The nearest airport to the location | |
" | |,TravelAPI,purchase_insurance(access_token: str),"Purchase insurance | |
Args: | |
• access_token (str): Required The access token obtained from the authenticate insurance_type (str): Required The type of insurance to purchase insurance_cost (float): Required The cost of the insurance booking_id (str): Required The ID of the booking credit_card_id (str): Required The ID of the credit card to use for the | |
Returns: | |
• insurance_id (str): The ID of the insurance insurance_status (bool): The status of the insurance purchase, True if successful, False if failed error (str): The error message if the insurance purchase failed | |
" | |,TravelAPI,contact_customer_support(booking_id: str),"Contact customer support | |
Args: | |
• booking_id (str): Required The ID of the booking message (str): Required The message to send to customer support | |
Returns: | |
• customer_support_message (str): The message from customer support | |
" | |,TravelAPI,get_all_credit_cards(),"Get all registered credit cards | |
" | |,VehicleControlAPI,startEngine(ignitionMode: str),"Starts the engine of the vehicle. | |
Args: | |
• ignitionMode (str): The ignition mode of the vehicle | |
Returns: | |
• engineState (str): The state of the engine | |
• fuelLevel (float): The fuel level of the vehicle in gallons | |
• batteryVoltage (float): The battery voltage of the vehicle in volts | |
" | |,VehicleControlAPI,fillFuelTank(fuelAmount: float),"Fills the fuel tank of the vehicle. The fuel tank can hold up to 50 gallons. | |
Args: | |
• fuelAmount (float): The amount of fuel to fill in gallons | |
Returns: | |
• fuelLevel (float): The fuel level of the vehicle in gallons | |
" | |,VehicleControlAPI,lockDoors(unlock: bool),"Locks the doors of the vehicle. | |
Args: | |
• unlock (bool): True if the doors are to be unlocked, False otherwise | |
Returns: | |
• lockStatus (str): The status of the lock | |
• remainingUnlockedDoors (int): The number of remaining unlocked doors | |
" | |,VehicleControlAPI,"adjustClimateControl(temperature: float, unit: str, fanSpeed: int, mode: str)","Adjusts the climate control of the vehicle. | |
Args: | |
• temperature (float): The temperature to set in degree | |
• unit (str): The unit of temperature | |
• fanSpeed (int): The fan speed to set from 0 to 100 | |
• mode (str): The climate mode to set | |
Returns: | |
• currentTemperature (float): The current temperature set in degree Celsius | |
• climateMode (str): The current climate mode set | |
• humidityLevel (float): The humidity level in percentage | |
" | |,VehicleControlAPI,get_outside_temperature_from_google(outsideTemperature: float),"Gets the outside temperature. | |
Args: | |
• outsideTemperature (float): The outside temperature in degree Celsius | |
" | |,VehicleControlAPI,get_outside_temperature_from_weather_com(outsideTemperature: float),"Gets the outside temperature. | |
Args: | |
• outsideTemperature (float): The outside temperature in degree Celsius | |
" | |,VehicleControlAPI,setHeadlights(mode: str),"Sets the headlights of the vehicle. | |
Args: | |
• mode (str): The mode of the headlights | |
Returns: | |
• headlightStatus (str): The status of the headlights | |
" | |,VehicleControlAPI,displayCarStatus(option: str),"Displays the status of the vehicle based on the provided display option. | |
Args: | |
• option (str): The option to display | |
Returns: | |
• status (dict): The status of the vehicle based on the option | |
" | |,VehicleControlAPI,activateParkingBrake(mode: str),"Activates the parking brake of the vehicle. | |
Args: | |
• mode (str): The mode to set | |
Returns: | |
• brakeStatus (str): The status of the brake | |
• brakeForce (float): The force applied to the brake in Newtons | |
• slopeAngle (float): The slope angle in degrees | |
" | |,VehicleControlAPI,"setCruiseControl(speed: float, activate: bool, distanceToNextVehicle: float)","Sets the cruise control of the vehicle. | |
Args: | |
• speed (float): The speed to set in m/h | |
• activate (bool): True to activate the cruise control, False to deactivate | |
• distanceToNextVehicle (float): The distance to the next vehicle in meters | |
Returns: | |
• cruiseStatus (str): The status of the cruise control | |
• currentSpeed (float): The current speed of the vehicle in km/h | |
• distanceToNextVehicle (float): The distance to the next vehicle in meters | |
" | |,VehicleControlAPI,get_current_speed(currentSpeed: float),"Gets the current speed of the vehicle. | |
Args: | |
• currentSpeed (float): The current speed of the vehicle in km/h | |
" | |,VehicleControlAPI,display_log(),"Displays the log messages. | |
" | |,VehicleControlAPI,estimate_drive_feasibility_by_mileage(distance: float),"Estimates the milage of the vehicle given the distance needed to drive. | |
Args: | |
• distance (float): The distance to travel in miles | |
Returns: | |
• canDrive (bool): True if the vehicle can drive the distance, False otherwise | |
" | |,VehicleControlAPI,liter_to_gallon(liter: float),"Converts the liter to gallon. | |
Args: | |
• liter (float): The amount of liter to convert | |
Returns: | |
• gallon (float): The amount of gallon converted | |
" | |,VehicleControlAPI,gallon_to_liter(gallon: float),"Converts the gallon to liter. | |
Args: | |
• gallon (float): The amount of gallon to convert | |
Returns: | |
• liter (float): The amount of liter converted | |
" | |,VehicleControlAPI,"estimate_distance(cityA: str, cityB: str)","Estimates the distance between two cities. | |
Args: | |
• cityA (str): The zipcode of the first city | |
• cityB (str): The zipcode of the second city | |
Returns: | |
• distance (float): The distance between the two cities in km | |
" | |,VehicleControlAPI,get_zipcode_based_on_city(city: str),"Gets the zipcode based on the city. | |
Args: | |
• city (str): The name of the city | |
Returns: | |
• zipcode (str): The zipcode of the city | |
" | |,VehicleControlAPI,set_navigation(destination: str),"Navigates to the destination. | |
Args: | |
• destination (str): The destination to navigate in the format of street, city, state | |
Returns: | |
• status (dict): The status of the navigation | |
" | |,VehicleControlAPI,check_tire_pressure(tirePressure: dict),"Checks the tire pressure of the vehicle. | |
Args: | |
• tirePressure (dict): The tire pressure of the vehicle | |
" | |,VehicleControlAPI,find_nearest_tire_shop(shopLocation: str),"Finds the nearest tire shop. | |
Args: | |
• shopLocation (str): The location of the nearest tire shop | |
" | |