.PHONY: style quality # make sure to test the local checkout in scripts and not the pre-installed one (don't use quotes!) export PYTHONPATH = src # For later, when we have correct path - and we will likely have to ignore venv folders. check_dirs := examples tests src utils style: python -m black --line-length 119 --target-version py39 . python -m isort . quality: python -m black --check --line-length 119 --target-version py39 . python -m isort --check-only . python -m flake8 --max-line-length 119 . # Release stuff pre-release: python utils/release.py pre-patch: python utils/release.py --patch post-release: python utils/release.py --post_release post-patch: python utils/release.py --post_release --patch #wheels: # python setup.py bdist_wheel && python setup.py sdist # #wheels_clean: # rm -rf build && rm -rf dist # #pypi_upload: # python -m pip install twine # twine upload dist/* -r pypi # #pypi_test_upload: # python -m pip install twine # twine upload dist/* -r pypitest --repository-url=https://test.pypi.org/legacy/