"""Contains the implementation of generator described in StyleGAN3. |
Compared to that of StyleGAN2, the generator in StyleGAN3 controls the frequency |
flow along with the convolutional layers growing. |
Paper: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2106.12423.pdf |
Official implementation: https://github.com/NVlabs/stylegan3 |
""" |
import numpy as np |
import scipy.signal |
import torch |
import torch.nn as nn |
import torch.nn.functional as F |
from third_party.stylegan3_official_ops import bias_act |
from third_party.stylegan3_official_ops import filtered_lrelu |
from third_party.stylegan3_official_ops import conv2d_gradfix |
from .utils.ops import all_gather |
__all__ = ['StyleGAN3Generator'] |
_RESOLUTIONS_ALLOWED = [8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024] |
class StyleGAN3Generator(nn.Module): |
"""Defines the generator network in StyleGAN3. |
NOTE: The synthesized images are with `RGB` channel order and pixel range |
[-1, 1]. |
Settings for the mapping network: |
(1) z_dim: Dimension of the input latent space, Z. (default: 512) |
(2) w_dim: Dimension of the output latent space, W. (default: 512) |
(3) repeat_w: Repeat w-code for different layers. (default: True) |
(4) normalize_z: Whether to normalize the z-code. (default: True) |
(5) mapping_layers: Number of layers of the mapping network. (default: 2) |
(6) mapping_fmaps: Number of hidden channels of the mapping network. |
(default: 512) |
(7) mapping_lr_mul: Learning rate multiplier for the mapping network. |
(default: 0.01) |
Settings for conditional generation: |
(1) label_dim: Dimension of the additional label for conditional generation. |
In one-hot conditioning case, it is equal to the number of classes. If |
set to 0, conditioning training will be disabled. (default: 0) |
(2) embedding_dim: Dimension of the embedding space, if needed. |
(default: 512) |
(3) embedding_bias: Whether to add bias to embedding learning. |
(default: True) |
(4) embedding_lr_mul: Learning rate multiplier for the embedding learning. |
(default: 1.0) |
(5) normalize_embedding: Whether to normalize the embedding. (default: True) |
(6) normalize_embedding_latent: Whether to normalize the embedding together |
with the latent. (default: False) |
Settings for the synthesis network: |
(1) resolution: The resolution of the output image. (default: -1) |
(2) image_channels: Number of channels of the output image. (default: 3) |
(3) final_tanh: Whether to use `tanh` to control the final pixel range. |
(default: False) |
(4) output_scale: Factor to scaling the output image. (default: 0.25) |
(5) num_layers: Number of synthesis layers, excluding the first positional |
encoding layer and the last ToRGB layer. (default: 14) |
(6) num_critical: Number of synthesis layers with critical sampling. These |
layers are always set as top (with highest resolution) ones. |
(7) fmaps_base: Factor to control number of feature maps for each layer. |
(default: 32 << 10) |
(8) fmaps_max: Maximum number of feature maps in each layer. (default: 512) |
(9) kernel_size: Size of convolutional kernels. (default: 1) |
(10) conv_clamp: A threshold to clamp the output of convolution layers to |
avoid overflow under FP16 training. (default: None) |
(11) first_cutoff: Cutoff frequency of the first layer. (default: 2) |
(12) first_stopband: Stopband of the first layer. (default: 2 ** 2.1) |
(13) last_stopband_rel: Stopband of the last layer, relative to the last |
cutoff, which is `resolution / 2`. Concretely, `last_stopband` will be |
equal to `resolution / 2 * last_stopband_rel`. (default: 2 ** 0.3) |
(14) margin_size: Size of margin for each feature map. (default: 10) |
(15) filter_size: Size of filter for upsampling and downsampling around the |
activation. (default: 6) |
(16) act_upsampling: Factor used to upsample the feature map before |
activation for anti-aliasing. (default: 2) |
(17) use_radial_filter: Whether to use radial filter for downsampling after |
the activation. (default: False) |
(18) eps: A small value to avoid divide overflow. (default: 1e-8) |
Runtime settings: |
(1) w_moving_decay: Decay factor for updating `w_avg`, which is used for |
training only. Set `None` to disable. (default: 0.998) |
(2) sync_w_avg: Synchronizing the stats of `w_avg` across replicas. If set |
as `True`, the stats will be more accurate, yet the speed maybe a little |
bit slower. (default: False) |
(3) style_mixing_prob: Probability to perform style mixing as a training |
regularization. Set `None` to disable. (default: None) |
(4) trunc_psi: Truncation psi, set `None` to disable. (default: None) |
(5) trunc_layers: Number of layers to perform truncation. (default: None) |
(6) magnitude_moving_decay: Decay factor for updating `magnitude_ema` in |
each `SynthesisLayer`, which is used for training only. Set `None` to |
disable. (default: 0.999) |
(7) update_ema: Whether to update `w_avg` in the `MappingNetwork` and |
`magnitude_ema` in each `SynthesisLayer`. This field only takes effect |
in `training` model. (default: False) |
(8) fp16_res: Layers at resolution higher than (or equal to) this field will |
use `float16` precision for computation. This is merely used for |
acceleration. If set as `None`, all layers will use `float32` by |
default. (default: None) |
(9) impl: Implementation mode of some particular ops, e.g., `filtering`, |
`bias_act`, etc. `cuda` means using the official CUDA implementation |
from StyleGAN3, while `ref` means using the native PyTorch ops. |
(default: `cuda`) |
""" |
def __init__(self, |
z_dim=512, |
w_dim=512, |
repeat_w=True, |
normalize_z=True, |
mapping_layers=2, |
mapping_fmaps=512, |
mapping_lr_mul=0.01, |
label_dim=0, |
embedding_dim=512, |
embedding_bias=True, |
embedding_lr_mul=1.0, |
normalize_embedding=True, |
normalize_embedding_latent=False, |
resolution=-1, |
image_channels=3, |
final_tanh=False, |
output_scale=0.25, |
num_layers=14, |
num_critical=2, |
fmaps_base=32 << 10, |
fmaps_max=512, |
kernel_size=1, |
conv_clamp=256, |
first_cutoff=2, |
first_stopband=2 ** 2.1, |
last_stopband_rel=2 ** 0.3, |
margin_size=10, |
filter_size=6, |
act_upsampling=2, |
use_radial_filter=False, |
eps=1e-8): |
"""Initializes with basic settings.""" |
super().__init__() |
if resolution not in _RESOLUTIONS_ALLOWED: |
raise ValueError(f'Invalid resolution: `{resolution}`!\n' |
f'Resolutions allowed: {_RESOLUTIONS_ALLOWED}.') |
self.z_dim = z_dim |
self.w_dim = w_dim |
self.repeat_w = repeat_w |
self.normalize_z = normalize_z |
self.mapping_layers = mapping_layers |
self.mapping_fmaps = mapping_fmaps |
self.mapping_lr_mul = mapping_lr_mul |
self.label_dim = label_dim |
self.embedding_dim = embedding_dim |
self.embedding_bias = embedding_bias |
self.embedding_lr_mul = embedding_lr_mul |
self.normalize_embedding = normalize_embedding |
self.normalize_embedding_latent = normalize_embedding_latent |
self.resolution = resolution |
self.image_channels = image_channels |
self.final_tanh = final_tanh |
self.output_scale = output_scale |
self.num_layers = num_layers + 2 |
self.num_critical = num_critical |
self.fmaps_base = fmaps_base |
self.fmaps_max = fmaps_max |
self.kernel_size = kernel_size |
self.conv_clamp = conv_clamp |
self.first_cutoff = first_cutoff |
self.first_stopband = first_stopband |
self.last_stopband_rel = last_stopband_rel |
self.margin_size = margin_size |
self.filter_size = filter_size |
self.act_upsampling = act_upsampling |
self.use_radial_filter = use_radial_filter |
self.eps = eps |
self.latent_dim = (z_dim,) |
self.mapping = MappingNetwork( |
input_dim=z_dim, |
output_dim=w_dim, |
num_outputs=self.num_layers, |
repeat_output=repeat_w, |
normalize_input=normalize_z, |
num_layers=mapping_layers, |
hidden_dim=mapping_fmaps, |
lr_mul=mapping_lr_mul, |
label_dim=label_dim, |
embedding_dim=embedding_dim, |
embedding_bias=embedding_bias, |
embedding_lr_mul=embedding_lr_mul, |
normalize_embedding=normalize_embedding, |
normalize_embedding_latent=normalize_embedding_latent, |
eps=eps) |
if self.repeat_w: |
self.register_buffer('w_avg', torch.zeros(w_dim)) |
else: |
self.register_buffer('w_avg', torch.zeros(self.num_layers * w_dim)) |
self.synthesis = SynthesisNetwork(resolution=resolution, |
w_dim=w_dim, |
image_channels=image_channels, |
final_tanh=final_tanh, |
output_scale=output_scale, |
num_layers=num_layers, |
num_critical=num_critical, |
fmaps_base=fmaps_base, |
fmaps_max=fmaps_max, |
kernel_size=kernel_size, |
conv_clamp=conv_clamp, |
first_cutoff=first_cutoff, |
first_stopband=first_stopband, |
last_stopband_rel=last_stopband_rel, |
margin_size=margin_size, |
filter_size=filter_size, |
act_upsampling=act_upsampling, |
use_radial_filter=use_radial_filter, |
eps=eps) |
self.var_mapping = {'w_avg': 'mapping.w_avg'} |
for key, val in self.mapping.var_mapping.items(): |
self.var_mapping[f'mapping.{key}'] = f'mapping.{val}' |
for key, val in self.synthesis.var_mapping.items(): |
self.var_mapping[f'synthesis.{key}'] = f'synthesis.{val}' |
def set_space_of_latent(self, space_of_latent): |
"""Sets the space to which the latent code belong. |
See `SynthesisNetwork` for more details. |
""" |
self.synthesis.set_space_of_latent(space_of_latent) |
def forward(self, |
z, |
label=None, |
w_moving_decay=0.998, |
sync_w_avg=False, |
style_mixing_prob=None, |
trunc_psi=None, |
trunc_layers=None, |
magnitude_moving_decay=0.999, |
update_ema=False, |
fp16_res=None, |
impl='cuda'): |
"""Connects mapping network and synthesis network. |
This forward function will also update the average `w_code`, perform |
style mixing as a training regularizer, and do truncation trick, which |
is specially designed for inference. |
Concretely, the truncation trick acts as follows: |
For layers in range [0, truncation_layers), the truncated w-code is |
computed as |
w_new = w_avg + (w - w_avg) * truncation_psi |
To disable truncation, please set |
(1) truncation_psi = 1.0 (None) OR |
(2) truncation_layers = 0 (None) |
""" |
mapping_results = self.mapping(z, label, impl=impl) |
w = mapping_results['w'] |
if self.training and update_ema and w_moving_decay is not None: |
if sync_w_avg: |
batch_w_avg = all_gather(w.detach()).mean(dim=0) |
else: |
batch_w_avg = w.detach().mean(dim=0) |
self.w_avg.copy_(batch_w_avg.lerp(self.w_avg, w_moving_decay)) |
wp = mapping_results.pop('wp') |
if self.training and style_mixing_prob is not None: |
if np.random.uniform() < style_mixing_prob: |
new_z = torch.randn_like(z) |
new_wp = self.mapping(new_z, label, impl=impl)['wp'] |
mixing_cutoff = np.random.randint(1, self.num_layers) |
wp[:, mixing_cutoff:] = new_wp[:, mixing_cutoff:] |
if not self.training: |
trunc_psi = 1.0 if trunc_psi is None else trunc_psi |
trunc_layers = 0 if trunc_layers is None else trunc_layers |
if trunc_psi < 1.0 and trunc_layers > 0: |
w_avg = self.w_avg.reshape(1, -1, self.w_dim)[:, :trunc_layers] |
wp[:, :trunc_layers] = w_avg.lerp( |
wp[:, :trunc_layers], trunc_psi) |
synthesis_results = self.synthesis( |
wp, |
magnitude_moving_decay=magnitude_moving_decay, |
update_ema=update_ema, |
fp16_res=fp16_res, |
impl=impl) |
return {**mapping_results, **synthesis_results} |
class MappingNetwork(nn.Module): |
"""Implements the latent space mapping network. |
Basically, this network executes several dense layers in sequence, and the |
label embedding if needed. |
""" |
def __init__(self, |
input_dim, |
output_dim, |
num_outputs, |
repeat_output, |
normalize_input, |
num_layers, |
hidden_dim, |
lr_mul, |
label_dim, |
embedding_dim, |
embedding_bias, |
embedding_lr_mul, |
normalize_embedding, |
normalize_embedding_latent, |
eps): |
super().__init__() |
self.input_dim = input_dim |
self.output_dim = output_dim |
self.num_outputs = num_outputs |
self.repeat_output = repeat_output |
self.normalize_input = normalize_input |
self.num_layers = num_layers |
self.hidden_dim = hidden_dim |
self.lr_mul = lr_mul |
self.label_dim = label_dim |
self.embedding_dim = embedding_dim |
self.embedding_bias = embedding_bias |
self.embedding_lr_mul = embedding_lr_mul |
self.normalize_embedding = normalize_embedding |
self.normalize_embedding_latent = normalize_embedding_latent |
self.eps = eps |
self.var_mapping = {} |
self.norm = PixelNormLayer(dim=1, eps=eps) |
if self.label_dim > 0: |
input_dim = input_dim + embedding_dim |
self.embedding = DenseLayer(in_channels=label_dim, |
out_channels=embedding_dim, |
init_weight_std=1.0, |
add_bias=embedding_bias, |
init_bias=0.0, |
lr_mul=embedding_lr_mul, |
activation_type='linear') |
self.var_mapping['embedding.weight'] = 'embed.weight' |
if self.embedding_bias: |
self.var_mapping['embedding.bias'] = 'embed.bias' |
if num_outputs is not None and not repeat_output: |
output_dim = output_dim * num_outputs |
for i in range(num_layers): |
in_channels = (input_dim if i == 0 else hidden_dim) |
out_channels = (output_dim if i == (num_layers - 1) else hidden_dim) |
self.add_module(f'dense{i}', |
DenseLayer(in_channels=in_channels, |
out_channels=out_channels, |
init_weight_std=1.0, |
add_bias=True, |
init_bias=0.0, |
lr_mul=lr_mul, |
activation_type='lrelu')) |
self.var_mapping[f'dense{i}.weight'] = f'fc{i}.weight' |
self.var_mapping[f'dense{i}.bias'] = f'fc{i}.bias' |
def forward(self, z, label=None, impl='cuda'): |
if z.ndim != 2 or z.shape[1] != self.input_dim: |
raise ValueError(f'Input latent code should be with shape ' |
f'[batch_size, input_dim], where ' |
f'`input_dim` equals to {self.input_dim}!\n' |
f'But `{z.shape}` is received!') |
if self.normalize_input: |
z = self.norm(z) |
if self.label_dim > 0: |
if label is None: |
raise ValueError(f'Model requires an additional label ' |
f'(with dimension {self.label_dim}) as input, ' |
f'but no label is received!') |
if label.ndim != 2 or label.shape != (z.shape[0], self.label_dim): |
raise ValueError(f'Input label should be with shape ' |
f'[batch_size, label_dim], where ' |
f'`batch_size` equals to that of ' |
f'latent codes ({z.shape[0]}) and ' |
f'`label_dim` equals to {self.label_dim}!\n' |
f'But `{label.shape}` is received!') |
label = label.to(dtype=torch.float32) |
embedding = self.embedding(label, impl=impl) |
if self.normalize_embedding: |
embedding = self.norm(embedding) |
w = torch.cat((z, embedding), dim=1) |
else: |
w = z |
if self.label_dim > 0 and self.normalize_embedding_latent: |
w = self.norm(w) |
for i in range(self.num_layers): |
w = getattr(self, f'dense{i}')(w, impl=impl) |
wp = None |
if self.num_outputs is not None: |
if self.repeat_output: |
wp = w.unsqueeze(1).repeat((1, self.num_outputs, 1)) |
else: |
wp = w.reshape(-1, self.num_outputs, self.output_dim) |
results = { |
'z': z, |
'label': label, |
'w': w, |
'wp': wp, |
} |
if self.label_dim > 0: |
results['embedding'] = embedding |
return results |
class SynthesisNetwork(nn.Module): |
"""Implements the image synthesis network. |
Basically, this network executes several convolutional layers in sequence. |
""" |
def __init__(self, |
resolution, |
w_dim, |
image_channels, |
final_tanh, |
output_scale, |
num_layers, |
num_critical, |
fmaps_base, |
fmaps_max, |
kernel_size, |
conv_clamp, |
first_cutoff, |
first_stopband, |
last_stopband_rel, |
margin_size, |
filter_size, |
act_upsampling, |
use_radial_filter, |
eps): |
super().__init__() |
self.resolution = resolution |
self.w_dim = w_dim |
self.image_channels = image_channels |
self.final_tanh = final_tanh |
self.output_scale = output_scale |
self.num_layers = num_layers |
self.num_critical = num_critical |
self.fmaps_base = fmaps_base |
self.fmaps_max = fmaps_max |
self.kernel_size = kernel_size |
self.conv_clamp = conv_clamp |
self.first_cutoff = first_cutoff |
self.first_stopband = first_stopband |
self.last_stopband_rel = last_stopband_rel |
self.margin_size = margin_size |
self.filter_size = filter_size |
self.act_upsampling = act_upsampling |
self.use_radial_filter = use_radial_filter |
self.eps = eps |
self.var_mapping = {} |
last_cutoff = resolution / 2 |
last_stopband = last_cutoff * last_stopband_rel |
layer_indices = np.arange(num_layers + 1) |
exponents = np.minimum(layer_indices / (num_layers - num_critical), 1) |
cutoffs = first_cutoff * (last_cutoff / first_cutoff) ** exponents |
stopbands = ( |
first_stopband * (last_stopband / first_stopband) ** exponents) |
sampling_rates = np.exp2(np.ceil(np.log2( |
np.minimum(stopbands * 2, self.resolution)))) |
sampling_rates = np.int64(sampling_rates) |
half_widths = np.maximum(stopbands, sampling_rates / 2) - cutoffs |
sizes = sampling_rates + margin_size * 2 |
sizes[-2:] = resolution |
sizes = np.int64(sizes) |
channels = np.rint(np.minimum((fmaps_base / 2) / cutoffs, fmaps_max)) |
channels[-1] = image_channels |
channels = np.int64(channels) |
self.cutoffs = cutoffs |
self.stopbands = stopbands |
self.sampling_rates = sampling_rates |
self.half_widths = half_widths |
self.sizes = sizes |
self.channels = channels |
self.early_layer = InputLayer(w_dim=w_dim, |
channels=channels[0], |
size=sizes[0], |
sampling_rate=sampling_rates[0], |
cutoff=cutoffs[0]) |
self.var_mapping['early_layer.weight'] = 'input.weight' |
self.var_mapping['early_layer.affine.weight'] = 'input.affine.weight' |
self.var_mapping['early_layer.affine.bias'] = 'input.affine.bias' |
self.var_mapping['early_layer.transform'] = 'input.transform' |
self.var_mapping['early_layer.frequency'] = 'input.freqs' |
self.var_mapping['early_layer.phase'] = 'input.phases' |
for idx in range(num_layers + 1): |
if idx < num_layers: |
kernel_size = self.kernel_size |
demodulate = True |
act_upsampling = self.act_upsampling |
else: |
kernel_size = 1 |
demodulate = False |
act_upsampling = 1 |
if idx < num_layers - num_critical: |
use_radial_filter = self.use_radial_filter |
else: |
use_radial_filter = False |
prev_idx = max(idx - 1, 0) |
layer_name = f'layer{idx}' |
official_layer_name = f'L{idx}_{sizes[idx]}_{channels[idx]}' |
self.add_module( |
layer_name, |
SynthesisLayer(in_channels=channels[prev_idx], |
out_channels=channels[idx], |
w_dim=w_dim, |
kernel_size=kernel_size, |
demodulate=demodulate, |
eps=eps, |
conv_clamp=conv_clamp, |
in_size=sizes[prev_idx], |
out_size=sizes[idx], |
in_sampling_rate=sampling_rates[prev_idx], |
out_sampling_rate=sampling_rates[idx], |
in_cutoff=cutoffs[prev_idx], |
out_cutoff=cutoffs[idx], |
in_half_width=half_widths[prev_idx], |
out_half_width=half_widths[idx], |
filter_size=filter_size, |
use_radial_filter=use_radial_filter, |
act_upsampling=act_upsampling)) |
self.var_mapping[f'{layer_name}.magnitude_ema'] = ( |
f'{official_layer_name}.magnitude_ema') |
self.var_mapping[f'{layer_name}.conv.weight'] = ( |
f'{official_layer_name}.weight') |
self.var_mapping[f'{layer_name}.conv.style.weight'] = ( |
f'{official_layer_name}.affine.weight') |
self.var_mapping[f'{layer_name}.conv.style.bias'] = ( |
f'{official_layer_name}.affine.bias') |
self.var_mapping[f'{layer_name}.filter.bias'] = ( |
f'{official_layer_name}.bias') |
if idx < num_layers: |
self.var_mapping[f'{layer_name}.filter.up_filter'] = ( |
f'{official_layer_name}.up_filter') |
self.var_mapping[f'{layer_name}.filter.down_filter'] = ( |
f'{official_layer_name}.down_filter') |
def set_space_of_latent(self, space_of_latent): |
"""Sets the space to which the latent code belong. |
This function is particularly used for choosing how to inject the latent |
code into the convolutional layers. The original generator will take a |
W-Space code and apply it for style modulation after an affine |
transformation. But, sometimes, it may need to directly feed an already |
affine-transformed code into the convolutional layer, e.g., when |
training an encoder for GAN inversion. We term the transformed space as |
Style Space (or Y-Space). This function is designed to tell the |
convolutional layers how to use the input code. |
Args: |
space_of_latent: The space to which the latent code belong. Case |
insensitive. Support `W` and `Y`. |
""" |
space_of_latent = space_of_latent.upper() |
for module in self.modules(): |
if isinstance(module, ModulateConvLayer): |
setattr(module, 'space_of_latent', space_of_latent) |
def forward(self, |
wp, |
magnitude_moving_decay=0.999, |
update_ema=False, |
fp16_res=None, |
impl='cuda'): |
results = {'wp': wp} |
x = self.early_layer(wp[:, 0]) |
for idx, sampling_rate in enumerate(self.sampling_rates): |
if fp16_res is not None and sampling_rate >= fp16_res: |
x = x.to(torch.float16) |
layer = getattr(self, f'layer{idx}') |
x, style = layer(x, wp[:, idx + 1], |
magnitude_moving_decay=magnitude_moving_decay, |
update_ema=update_ema, |
impl=impl) |
results[f'style{idx}'] = style |
if self.output_scale != 1: |
x = x * self.output_scale |
x = x.to(torch.float32) |
if self.final_tanh: |
x = torch.tanh(x) |
results['image'] = x |
return results |
class PixelNormLayer(nn.Module): |
"""Implements pixel-wise feature vector normalization layer.""" |
def __init__(self, dim, eps): |
super().__init__() |
self.dim = dim |
self.eps = eps |
def extra_repr(self): |
return f'dim={self.dim}, epsilon={self.eps}' |
def forward(self, x): |
scale = (x.square().mean(dim=self.dim, keepdim=True) + self.eps).rsqrt() |
return x * scale |
class InputLayer(nn.Module): |
"""Implements the input layer with positional encoding. |
Basically, this block outputs a feature map with shape |
`(channels, size, size)` based on the coordinate information. |
`sampling_rate` and `cutoff` are used to control the coordinate range and |
strength respectively. |
For a low-pass filter, `cutoff` is the same as the `bandwidth`. |
The initial frequency of the starting feature map is controlled by the |
positional encoding `sin(2 * pi * x)`, where |
`x = trans(coord) * frequency + phase`. We would like to introduce rich |
information (i.e. frequencies), but keep all frequencies lower than |
stopband, which is `sampling_rate / 2`. |
Besides, this layer also supports learning a transformation from the latent |
code w, and providing a customized transformation for inference. Please |
use the buffer `transform`. |
NOTE: `size` is different from `sampling_rate`. `sampling_rate` is the |
actual size of the current stage, which determines the maximum frequency |
that the feature maps can hold. `size` is the actual height and width of the |
current feature map, including the extended border. |
""" |
def __init__(self, w_dim, channels, size, sampling_rate, cutoff): |
super().__init__() |
self.w_dim = w_dim |
self.channels = channels |
self.size = size |
self.sampling_rate = sampling_rate |
self.cutoff = cutoff |
theta = torch.eye(2, 3) |
theta[0, 0] = 0.5 / sampling_rate * size |
theta[1, 1] = 0.5 / sampling_rate * size |
grid = F.affine_grid(theta=theta.unsqueeze(0), |
size=(1, 1, size, size), |
align_corners=False) |
self.register_buffer('grid', grid) |
frequency = torch.randn(channels, 2) |
radius = frequency.square().sum(dim=1, keepdim=True).sqrt() |
frequency = frequency / (radius * radius.square().exp().pow(0.25)) |
frequency = frequency * cutoff |
self.register_buffer('frequency', frequency) |
phase = torch.rand(channels) - 0.5 |
self.register_buffer('phase', phase) |
self.affine = DenseLayer(in_channels=w_dim, |
out_channels=4, |
init_weight_std=0.0, |
add_bias=True, |
init_bias=(1, 0, 0, 0), |
lr_mul=1.0, |
activation_type='linear') |
self.register_buffer('transform', torch.eye(3)) |
self.weight = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(channels, channels)) |
self.weight_scale = 1 / np.sqrt(channels) |
def extra_repr(self): |
return (f'channels={self.channels}, ' |
f'size={self.size}, ' |
f'sampling_rate={self.sampling_rate}, ' |
f'cutoff={self.cutoff:.3f}, ') |
def forward(self, w): |
batch = w.shape[0] |
transformation_factor = self.affine(w) |
_norm = transformation_factor[:, :2].norm(dim=1, keepdim=True) |
transformation_factor = transformation_factor / _norm |
rotation = torch.eye(3, device=w.device).unsqueeze(0) |
rotation = rotation.repeat((batch, 1, 1)) |
rotation[:, 0, 0] = transformation_factor[:, 0] |
rotation[:, 0, 1] = -transformation_factor[:, 1] |
rotation[:, 1, 0] = transformation_factor[:, 1] |
rotation[:, 1, 1] = transformation_factor[:, 0] |
translation = torch.eye(3, device=w.device).unsqueeze(0) |
translation = translation.repeat((batch, 1, 1)) |
translation[:, 0, 2] = -transformation_factor[:, 2] |
translation[:, 1, 2] = -transformation_factor[:, 3] |
transform = rotation @ translation @ self.transform.unsqueeze(0) |
frequency = self.frequency.unsqueeze(0) @ transform[:, :2, :2] |
phase = self.frequency.unsqueeze(0) @ transform[:, :2, 2:] |
phase = phase.squeeze(2) + self.phase.unsqueeze(0) |
x = self.grid |
x = x.unsqueeze(3) |
x = x @ frequency.transpose(1, 2).unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(2) |
x = x.squeeze(3) |
x = x + phase.unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(2) |
x = torch.sin(2 * np.pi * x) |
frequency_norm = frequency.norm(dim=2) |
stopband = self.sampling_rate / 2 |
factor = (frequency_norm - self.cutoff) / (stopband - self.cutoff) |
amplitude = (1 - factor).clamp(0, 1) |
x = x * amplitude.unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(2) |
weight = self.weight * self.weight_scale |
x = x @ weight.t() |
return x.permute(0, 3, 1, 2).contiguous() |
class SynthesisLayer(nn.Module): |
"""Implements the synthesis layer. |
Each synthesis layer (including ToRGB layer) consists of a |
`ModulateConvLayer` and a `FilteringActLayer`. Besides, this layer will |
trace the magnitude (norm) of the input feature map, and update the |
statistic with `magnitude_moving_decay`. |
""" |
def __init__(self, |
in_channels, |
out_channels, |
w_dim, |
kernel_size, |
demodulate, |
eps, |
conv_clamp, |
in_size, |
out_size, |
in_sampling_rate, |
out_sampling_rate, |
in_cutoff, |
out_cutoff, |
in_half_width, |
out_half_width, |
filter_size, |
use_radial_filter, |
act_upsampling): |
"""Initializes with layer settings. |
Args: |
in_channels: Number of channels of the input tensor. |
out_channels: Number of channels of the output tensor. |
w_dim: Dimension of W space for style modulation. |
kernel_size: Size of the convolutional kernels. |
demodulate: Whether to perform style demodulation. |
eps: A small value to avoid divide overflow. |
conv_clamp: A threshold to clamp the output of convolution layers to |
avoid overflow under FP16 training. |
in_size: Size of the input feature map, i.e., height and width. |
out_size: Size of the output feature map, i.e., height and width. |
in_sampling_rate: Sampling rate of the input feature map. Different |
from `in_size` that includes extended border, this field |
controls the actual maximum frequency that can be represented |
by the feature map. |
out_sampling_rate: Sampling rate of the output feature map. |
in_cutoff: Cutoff frequency of the input feature map. |
out_cutoff: Cutoff frequency of the output feature map. |
in_half_width: Half-width of the transition band of the input |
feature map. |
out_half_width: Half-width of the transition band of the output |
feature map. |
filter_size: Size of the filter used in this layer. |
use_radial_filter: Whether to use radial filter. |
act_upsampling: Upsampling factor used before the activation. |
`1` means do not wrap upsampling and downsampling around the |
activation. |
""" |
super().__init__() |
self.in_channels = in_channels |
self.out_channels = out_channels |
self.w_dim = w_dim |
self.kernel_size = kernel_size |
self.demodulate = demodulate |
self.eps = eps |
self.conv_clamp = conv_clamp |
self.in_size = in_size |
self.out_size = out_size |
self.in_sampling_rate = in_sampling_rate |
self.out_sampling_rate = out_sampling_rate |
self.in_cutoff = in_cutoff |
self.out_cutoff = out_cutoff |
self.in_half_width = in_half_width |
self.out_half_width = out_half_width |
self.filter_size = filter_size |
self.use_radial_filter = use_radial_filter |
self.act_upsampling = act_upsampling |
self.conv = ModulateConvLayer(in_channels=in_channels, |
out_channels=out_channels, |
w_dim=w_dim, |
kernel_size=kernel_size, |
demodulate=demodulate, |
eps=eps) |
self.register_buffer('magnitude_ema', torch.ones(())) |
self.filter = FilteringActLayer(out_channels=out_channels, |
in_size=in_size, |
out_size=out_size, |
in_sampling_rate=in_sampling_rate, |
out_sampling_rate=out_sampling_rate, |
in_cutoff=in_cutoff, |
out_cutoff=out_cutoff, |
in_half_width=in_half_width, |
out_half_width=out_half_width, |
filter_size=filter_size, |
use_radial_filter=use_radial_filter, |
conv_padding=self.conv.padding, |
act_upsampling=act_upsampling) |
def extra_repr(self): |
return f'conv_clamp={self.conv_clamp}' |
def forward(self, |
x, |
w, |
magnitude_moving_decay=0.999, |
update_ema=False, |
impl='cuda'): |
if self.training and update_ema and magnitude_moving_decay is not None: |
magnitude = x.detach().to(torch.float32).square().mean() |
self.magnitude_ema.copy_( |
magnitude.lerp(self.magnitude_ema, magnitude_moving_decay)) |
input_gain = self.magnitude_ema.rsqrt() |
x, style = self.conv(x, w, gain=input_gain, impl=impl) |
if self.act_upsampling > 1: |
x = self.filter(x, np.sqrt(2), 0.2, self.conv_clamp, impl=impl) |
else: |
x = self.filter(x, 1, 1, self.conv_clamp, impl=impl) |
return x, style |
class ModulateConvLayer(nn.Module): |
"""Implements the convolutional layer with style modulation. |
Different from the one introduced in StyleGAN2, this layer has following |
changes: |
(1) fusing `conv` and `style modulation` into one op by default |
(2) NOT adding a noise onto the output feature map. |
(3) NOT activating the feature map, which is moved to `FilteringActLayer`. |
""" |
def __init__(self, |
in_channels, |
out_channels, |
w_dim, |
kernel_size, |
demodulate, |
eps): |
"""Initializes with layer settings. |
Args: |
in_channels: Number of channels of the input tensor. |
out_channels: Number of channels of the output tensor. |
w_dim: Dimension of W space for style modulation. |
kernel_size: Size of the convolutional kernels. |
demodulate: Whether to perform style demodulation. |
eps: A small value to avoid divide overflow. |
""" |
super().__init__() |
self.in_channels = in_channels |
self.out_channels = out_channels |
self.w_dim = w_dim |
self.kernel_size = kernel_size |
self.demodulate = demodulate |
self.eps = eps |
self.space_of_latent = 'W' |
weight_shape = (out_channels, in_channels, kernel_size, kernel_size) |
self.weight = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(*weight_shape)) |
self.wscale = 1.0 / np.sqrt(kernel_size * kernel_size * in_channels) |
self.padding = kernel_size - 1 |
self.style = DenseLayer(in_channels=w_dim, |
out_channels=in_channels, |
init_weight_std=1.0, |
add_bias=True, |
init_bias=1.0, |
lr_mul=1.0, |
activation_type='linear') |
def extra_repr(self): |
return (f'in_ch={self.in_channels}, ' |
f'out_ch={self.out_channels}, ' |
f'ksize={self.kernel_size}, ' |
f'demodulate={self.demodulate}') |
def forward_style(self, w, impl='cuda'): |
"""Gets style code from the given input. |
More specifically, if the input is from W-Space, it will be projected by |
an affine transformation. If it is from the Style Space (Y-Space), no |
operation is required. |
NOTE: For codes from Y-Space, we use slicing to make sure the dimension |
is correct, in case that the code is padded before fed into this layer. |
""" |
space_of_latent = self.space_of_latent.upper() |
if space_of_latent == 'W': |
if w.ndim != 2 or w.shape[1] != self.w_dim: |
raise ValueError(f'The input tensor should be with shape ' |
f'[batch_size, w_dim], where ' |
f'`w_dim` equals to {self.w_dim}!\n' |
f'But `{w.shape}` is received!') |
style = self.style(w, impl=impl) |
elif space_of_latent == 'Y': |
if w.ndim != 2 or w.shape[1] < self.in_channels: |
raise ValueError(f'The input tensor should be with shape ' |
f'[batch_size, y_dim], where ' |
f'`y_dim` equals to {self.in_channels}!\n' |
f'But `{w.shape}` is received!') |
style = w[:, :self.in_channels] |
else: |
raise NotImplementedError(f'Not implemented `space_of_latent`: ' |
f'`{space_of_latent}`!') |
return style |
def forward(self, x, w, gain=None, impl='cuda'): |
dtype = x.dtype |
N, C, H, W = x.shape |
style = self.forward_style(w, impl=impl) |
if not self.demodulate: |
_style = style * self.wscale |
else: |
_style = style |
weight = self.weight |
out_ch, in_ch, kh, kw = weight.shape |
assert in_ch == C |
if self.demodulate: |
weight = (weight * |
weight.square().mean(dim=(1, 2, 3), keepdim=True).rsqrt()) |
_style = _style * _style.square().mean().rsqrt() |
weight = weight.unsqueeze(0) |
weight = weight * _style.reshape(N, 1, in_ch, 1, 1) |
if self.demodulate: |
decoef = (weight.square().sum(dim=(2, 3, 4)) + self.eps).rsqrt() |
weight = weight * decoef.reshape(N, out_ch, 1, 1, 1) |
if gain is not None: |
gain = gain.expand(N, in_ch) |
weight = weight * gain.reshape(N, 1, in_ch, 1, 1) |
x = x.reshape(1, N * in_ch, H, W) |
w = weight.reshape(N * out_ch, in_ch, kh, kw).to(dtype) |
x = conv2d_gradfix.conv2d( |
x, w, padding=self.padding, groups=N, impl=impl) |
x = x.reshape(N, out_ch, x.shape[2], x.shape[3]) |
assert x.dtype == dtype |
assert style.dtype == torch.float32 |
return x, style |
class FilteringActLayer(nn.Module): |
"""Implements the activation, wrapped with upsampling and downsampling. |
Basically, this layer executes the following operations in order: |
(1) Apply bias. |
(2) Upsample the feature map to increase sampling rate. |
(3) Apply non-linearity as activation. |
(4) Downsample the feature map to target size. |
This layer is mostly borrowed from the official implementation: |
https://github.com/NVlabs/stylegan3/blob/main/training/networks_stylegan3.py |
""" |
def __init__(self, |
out_channels, |
in_size, |
out_size, |
in_sampling_rate, |
out_sampling_rate, |
in_cutoff, |
out_cutoff, |
in_half_width, |
out_half_width, |
filter_size, |
use_radial_filter, |
conv_padding, |
act_upsampling): |
"""Initializes with layer settings. |
Args: |
out_channels: Number of output channels, which is used for `bias`. |
in_size: Size of the input feature map, i.e., height and width. |
out_size: Size of the output feature map, i.e., height and width. |
in_sampling_rate: Sampling rate of the input feature map. Different |
from `in_size` that includes extended border, this field |
controls the actual maximum frequency that can be represented |
by the feature map. |
out_sampling_rate: Sampling rate of the output feature map. |
in_cutoff: Cutoff frequency of the input feature map. |
out_cutoff: Cutoff frequency of the output feature map. |
in_half_width: Half-width of the transition band of the input |
feature map. |
out_half_width: Half-width of the transition band of the output |
feature map. |
filter_size: Size of the filter used in this layer. |
use_radial_filter: Whether to use radial filter. |
conv_padding: The padding used in the previous convolutional layer. |
act_upsampling: Upsampling factor used before the activation. |
`1` means do not wrap upsampling and downsampling around the |
activation. |
""" |
super().__init__() |
self.out_channels = out_channels |
self.in_size = in_size |
self.out_size = out_size |
self.in_sampling_rate = in_sampling_rate |
self.out_sampling_rate = out_sampling_rate |
self.in_cutoff = in_cutoff |
self.out_cutoff = out_cutoff |
self.in_half_width = in_half_width |
self.out_half_width = out_half_width |
self.filter_size = filter_size |
self.use_radial_filter = use_radial_filter |
self.conv_padding = conv_padding |
self.act_upsampling = act_upsampling |
self.bias = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(out_channels)) |
temp_sampling_rate = max(in_sampling_rate, out_sampling_rate) |
temp_sampling_rate = temp_sampling_rate * act_upsampling |
up_factor = int(np.rint(temp_sampling_rate / in_sampling_rate)) |
assert in_sampling_rate * up_factor == temp_sampling_rate |
if up_factor > 1: |
self.up_factor = up_factor |
self.up_taps = filter_size * up_factor |
else: |
self.up_factor = 1 |
self.up_taps = 1 |
self.register_buffer( |
'up_filter', |
self.design_lowpass_filter(numtaps=self.up_taps, |
cutoff=in_cutoff, |
width=in_half_width * 2, |
fs=temp_sampling_rate, |
radial=False)) |
down_factor = int(np.rint(temp_sampling_rate / out_sampling_rate)) |
assert out_sampling_rate * down_factor == temp_sampling_rate |
if down_factor > 1: |
self.down_factor = down_factor |
self.down_taps = filter_size * down_factor |
else: |
self.down_factor = 1 |
self.down_taps = 1 |
self.register_buffer( |
'down_filter', |
self.design_lowpass_filter(numtaps=self.down_taps, |
cutoff=out_cutoff, |
width=out_half_width * 2, |
fs=temp_sampling_rate, |
radial=use_radial_filter)) |
pad_total = (out_size - 1) * self.down_factor + 1 |
pad_total = pad_total - (in_size + conv_padding) * self.up_factor |
pad_total = pad_total + self.up_taps + self.down_taps - 2 |
pad_lo = (pad_total + self.up_factor) // 2 |
pad_hi = pad_total - pad_lo |
self.padding = list(map(int, (pad_lo, pad_hi, pad_lo, pad_hi))) |
def extra_repr(self): |
return (f'in_size={self.in_size}, ' |
f'out_size={self.out_size}, ' |
f'in_srate={self.in_sampling_rate}, ' |
f'out_srate={self.out_sampling_rate}, ' |
f'in_cutoff={self.in_cutoff:.3f}, ' |
f'out_cutoff={self.out_cutoff:.3f}, ' |
f'in_half_width={self.in_half_width:.3f}, ' |
f'out_half_width={self.out_half_width:.3f}, ' |
f'up_factor={self.up_factor}, ' |
f'up_taps={self.up_taps}, ' |
f'down_factor={self.down_factor}, ' |
f'down_taps={self.down_taps}, ' |
f'filter_size={self.filter_size}, ' |
f'radial_filter={self.use_radial_filter}, ' |
f'conv_padding={self.conv_padding}, ' |
f'act_upsampling={self.act_upsampling}') |
@staticmethod |
def design_lowpass_filter(numtaps, cutoff, width, fs, radial=False): |
"""Designs a low-pass filter. |
Args: |
numtaps: Length of the filter (number of coefficients, i.e., the |
filter order + 1). |
cutoff: Cutoff frequency of the output filter. |
width: Width of the transition region. |
fs: Sampling frequency. |
radial: Whether to use radially symmetric jinc-based filter. |
(default: False) |
""" |
if numtaps == 1: |
return None |
assert numtaps > 1 |
if not radial: |
f = scipy.signal.firwin(numtaps=numtaps, |
cutoff=cutoff, |
width=width, |
fs=fs) |
else: |
x = (np.arange(numtaps) - (numtaps - 1) / 2) / fs |
r = np.hypot(*np.meshgrid(x, x)) |
f = scipy.special.j1(2 * cutoff * (np.pi * r)) / (np.pi * r) |
beta = scipy.signal.kaiser_beta( |
scipy.signal.kaiser_atten(numtaps, width / (fs / 2))) |
w = np.kaiser(numtaps, beta) |
f = f * np.outer(w, w) |
f = f / np.sum(f) |
return torch.as_tensor(f, dtype=torch.float32) |
def forward(self, x, gain, slope, clamp, impl='cuda'): |
dtype = x.dtype |
x = filtered_lrelu.filtered_lrelu(x=x, |
fu=self.up_filter, |
fd=self.down_filter, |
b=self.bias.to(dtype), |
up=self.up_factor, |
down=self.down_factor, |
padding=self.padding, |
gain=gain, |
slope=slope, |
clamp=clamp, |
impl=impl) |
assert x.dtype == dtype |
return x |
class DenseLayer(nn.Module): |
"""Implements the dense layer.""" |
def __init__(self, |
in_channels, |
out_channels, |
init_weight_std, |
add_bias, |
init_bias, |
lr_mul, |
activation_type): |
"""Initializes with layer settings. |
Args: |
in_channels: Number of channels of the input tensor. |
out_channels: Number of channels of the output tensor. |
init_weight_std: The initial standard deviation of weight. |
add_bias: Whether to add bias onto the fully-connected result. |
init_bias: The initial bias value before training. |
lr_mul: Learning multiplier for both weight and bias. |
activation_type: Type of activation. |
""" |
super().__init__() |
self.in_channels = in_channels |
self.out_channels = out_channels |
self.init_weight_std = init_weight_std |
self.add_bias = add_bias |
self.init_bias = init_bias |
self.lr_mul = lr_mul |
self.activation_type = activation_type |
weight_shape = (out_channels, in_channels) |
self.weight = nn.Parameter( |
torch.randn(*weight_shape) * init_weight_std / lr_mul) |
self.wscale = lr_mul / np.sqrt(in_channels) |
if add_bias: |
init_bias = np.float32(np.float32(init_bias) / lr_mul) |
if isinstance(init_bias, np.float32): |
self.bias = nn.Parameter(torch.full([out_channels], init_bias)) |
else: |
assert isinstance(init_bias, np.ndarray) |
self.bias = nn.Parameter(torch.from_numpy(init_bias)) |
self.bscale = lr_mul |
else: |
self.bias = None |
def extra_repr(self): |
return (f'in_ch={self.in_channels}, ' |
f'out_ch={self.out_channels}, ' |
f'init_weight_std={self.init_weight_std}, ' |
f'bias={self.add_bias}, ' |
f'init_bias={self.init_bias}, ' |
f'lr_mul={self.lr_mul:.3f}, ' |
f'act={self.activation_type}') |
def forward(self, x, impl='cuda'): |
dtype = x.dtype |
if x.ndim != 2: |
x = x.flatten(start_dim=1) |
weight = self.weight.to(dtype) * self.wscale |
bias = None |
if self.bias is not None: |
bias = self.bias.to(dtype) |
if self.bscale != 1.0: |
bias = bias * self.bscale |
if self.activation_type == 'linear' and bias is not None: |
x = torch.addmm(bias.unsqueeze(0), x, weight.t()) |
else: |
x = x.matmul(weight.t()) |
x = bias_act.bias_act(x, bias, act=self.activation_type, impl=impl) |
assert x.dtype == dtype |
return x |