import streamlit as st |
from PIL import Image |
import textwrap |
import google.generativeai as genai |
import os |
from PyPDF2 import PdfReader |
def to_markdown(text): |
text = text.replace('•', ' *') |
return textwrap.indent(text, '> ', predicate=lambda _: True) |
def generate_gemini_content(prompt, model_name='gemini-pro-vision', image=None): |
model = genai.GenerativeModel(model_name) |
if not image: |
st.warning("Por favor, agrega una imagen para usar el modelo gemini-pro-vision.") |
return None |
response = model.generate_content([prompt, image]) |
return response |
def extract_text_from_pdf(pdf_path): |
text = "" |
with open(pdf_path, 'rb') as file: |
pdf_reader = PdfReader(file) |
num_pages = len(pdf_reader.pages) |
for page_num in range(num_pages): |
page = pdf_reader.pages[page_num] |
text += page.extract_text() |
return text |
def process_pdfs_in_folder(folder_path): |
pdf_texts = {} |
for filename in os.listdir(folder_path): |
if filename.endswith(".pdf"): |
pdf_path = os.path.join(folder_path, filename) |
text = extract_text_from_pdf(pdf_path) |
pdf_texts[filename] = text |
return pdf_texts |
def get_reference_response(): |
return "Lo siento, no puedo proporcionar una respuesta específica, pero aquí hay información de referencia relevante." |
def main(): |
st.set_page_config(page_title="MAX Chatbot - INIF", page_icon="🤖") |
genai.configure(api_key='AIzaSyA4k6JoFNZsf8L1ixLMMRjEMoBPns5SHZk') |
st.title("MAX Chatbot - INIF") |
st.sidebar.title("Configuración de MAX Chatbot") |
inif_api_key = 'AIzaSyA4k6JoFNZsf8L1ixLMMRjEMoBPns5SHZk' |
genai.configure(api_key=inif_api_key) |
select_model = st.sidebar.selectbox("Selecciona el modelo", ["gemini-pro", "gemini-pro-vision"]) |
chat = genai.GenerativeModel(select_model).start_chat(history=[]) |
def get_response(messages): |
response = chat.send_message(messages, stream=True) |
return response |
if "messages" not in st.session_state: |
st.session_state["messages"] = [] |
messages = st.session_state["messages"] |
current_directory = os.getcwd() |
pdf_texts = process_pdfs_in_folder(current_directory) |
inif_context = ( |
"I am an informative data analyst chatbot named MAX, working for the National Institute of Fraud Research and Prevention (INIF), dedicated to fraud prevention and mitigation." |
" If you have questions related to fraud or prevention, feel free to ask. For inquiries about other topics, I'll redirect you to the fraud prevention context." |
"\n\nContact Information for INIF:" |
"\nPhone: +57 317 638 94 71" |
"\nEmail: atencionalcliente@inif.com.co" |
"\n\nOur Mission:" |
"\nTo be the most reliable engine of knowledge, research, and information in Colombia, capable of preventing and combating fraud through synergy between our team and companies." |
"\n\nOur Vision:" |
"\nTo lead the construction of a more honest culture, allowing us to progress as a society." |
) |
for pdf_name, pdf_text in pdf_texts.items(): |
inif_context += f"\n\n**{pdf_name}**:\n{pdf_text}" |
if messages: |
for message in messages: |
role, parts = message.values() |
if role.lower() == "user": |
st.markdown(f"Tú: {parts[0]}") |
elif role.lower() == "model": |
st.markdown(f"Assistant: {to_markdown(parts[0])}") |
user_input = st.text_area("Tú:") |
user_input_with_context = f"{user_input}\n\n{inif_context}" |
image_file = None |
if select_model == 'gemini-pro-vision': |
image_file = st.file_uploader("Sube una imagen (si aplica):", type=["jpg", "jpeg", "png"]) |
if image_file: |
st.image(image_file, caption="Imagen subida", use_column_width=True) |
if st.button("Enviar / Generar Contenido"): |
if user_input: |
messages.append({"role": "user", "parts": [user_input]}) |
if select_model == 'gemini-pro-vision': |
if not image_file: |
st.warning("Por favor, proporciona una imagen para el modelo gemini-pro-vision.") |
else: |
image = Image.open(image_file) |
response = generate_gemini_content(user_input_with_context, model_name=select_model, image=image) |
if response: |
if response.candidates: |
parts = response.candidates[0].content.parts |
generated_text = parts[0].text if parts else get_reference_response() |
st.markdown(f"Assistant: {to_markdown(generated_text)}") |
messages.append({"role": "model", "parts": [generated_text]}) |
else: |
st.markdown(f"Assistant: {to_markdown(get_reference_response())}") |
messages.append({"role": "model", "parts": [get_reference_response()]}) |
else: |
response = get_response(user_input_with_context) |
res_text = "" |
for chunk in response: |
res_text += chunk.text |
if not res_text.strip(): |
st.markdown(f"Assistant: {to_markdown(get_reference_response())}") |
messages.append({"role": "model", "parts": [get_reference_response()]}) |
else: |
st.markdown(f"Assistant: {to_markdown(res_text)}") |
messages.append({"role": "model", "parts": [res_text]}) |
st.session_state["messages"] = messages |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
main() |