import torch import gradio as gr from gtts import gTTS from transformers import pipeline from transformers import GPT2LMHeadModel, GPT2Tokenizer css = """ #input {background-color: #FFCCCB} """ # Utility Functions flatten = lambda l: [item for sublist in l for item in sublist] def to_data(x): return def to_var(x): if not torch.is_tensor(x): x = torch.Tensor(x) return x def clear(): return None,[],[] def append(text, history,dialog_hx,personas): history.append([text,None]) history , audio,dialog_hx= bot.respond(history,dialog_hx,personas) return history, audio, None,dialog_hx class AI_Companion: """ Class that Implements AI Companion. """ def __init__(self, asr = "openai/whisper-tiny", chatbot = "af1tang/personaGPT"): """ Create an Instance of the Companion. Parameters: asr: Huggingface ASR Model Card. Default: openai/whisper-tiny chatbot: Huggingface Conversational Model Card. Default: af1tang/personaGPT """ self.device = torch.device('cpu') self.asr = pipeline("automatic-speech-recognition",model = asr,device= -1 if self.device == "cpu" else 0) self.model = GPT2LMHeadModel.from_pretrained(chatbot).to(self.device) self.tokenizer = GPT2Tokenizer.from_pretrained(chatbot) self.personas=[] self.sett={ "do_sample":True, "top_k":10, "top_p":0.92, "max_length":1000, } def listen(self, audio, history): """ Convert Speech to Text. Parameters: audio: Audio Filepath history: Chat History Returns: history : history with recognized text appended Audio : empty gradio component to clear gradio voice input """ text = self.asr(audio)["text"] history.append([text,None]) return history , None def add_fact(self,audio,personas,msg): ''' Add fact to Persona. Takes in Audio, converts it into text and adds it to the facts list. Parameters: audio : audio of the spoken fact ''' if audio is not None: text=self.asr(audio) personas.append(text['text']+self.tokenizer.eos_token) else: personas.append(msg+self.tokenizer.eos_token) return None,personas,None def respond(self, history,dialog_hx,personas,**kwargs): """ Generates Response to User Input. Parameters: history: Chat History Returns: history: history with response appended audio: audio of the spoken response """ person = self.tokenizer.encode(''.join(['<|p2|>'] + personas + ['<|sep|>'] + ['<|start|>'])) user_inp= self.tokenizer.encode(history[-1][0]+self.tokenizer.eos_token) dialog_hx.append(user_inp) bot_input_ids = to_var([person + flatten(dialog_hx)]).long() with torch.no_grad(): full_msg = self.model.generate(bot_input_ids, repetition_penalty=1.4, top_k = 10, top_p = 0.92, max_new_tokens = 256, num_beams=2, pad_token_id = self.tokenizer.eos_token_id) response = to_data(full_msg.detach()[0])[bot_input_ids.shape[-1]:] dialog_hx.append(response) history[-1][1] = self.tokenizer.decode(response, skip_special_tokens=True) self.speak(history[-1][1]) return history, "out.mp3",dialog_hx def talk(self, audio, history,dialog_hx,personas,text): if audio is not None: history, _ = self.listen(audio, history) else: history.append([text,None]) history, audio,dialog_hx = self.respond(history,dialog_hx,personas) return history, None, audio,dialog_hx,None def speak(self, text): """ Speaks the given text using gTTS, Parameters: text: text to be spoken """ tts = gTTS(text, lang='en')'out.mp3') # Initialize AI Companion bot = AI_Companion() personas=[] for i in ['I\'m a 19 year old girl','I study at IIT Indore','I am an easy-going and fun loving person','I love to swim','I am friendly, nice ,fun and kind','I am studious and get good grades']: response = i+ bot.tokenizer.eos_token personas.append(response) # Create the Interface with gr.Blocks() as demo: dialog_hx=gr.State([]) personas=gr.State(personas) chatbot = gr.Chatbot([], elem_id = "chatbot").style(height = 300) audio = gr.Audio(source = "microphone", type = "filepath", label = "Input") msg = gr.Textbox() audio1 = gr.Audio(type = "filepath", label = "Output",elem_id="input") with gr.Row(): b1 = gr.Button("Submit") b2 = gr.Button("Clear") b3= gr.Button("Add Fact"), [audio, chatbot,dialog_hx,personas,msg], [chatbot, audio, audio1,dialog_hx,msg]) msg.submit(append, [msg, chatbot,dialog_hx,personas], [chatbot, audio1, msg,dialog_hx]), [] , [audio,chatbot,dialog_hx]), [audio,personas,msg], [audio,personas,msg]) demo.launch(share=True)