import streamlit as st import albumentations as A from utils import ( load_augmentations_config, get_params_string ) from visuals import ( show_transform_control, select_image, show_credentials, show_docstring, ) # show title st.title("Demo of Albumentations transforms") # select image image = select_image(path_to_images="images") # load the config augmentations = load_augmentations_config("configs/augmentations.json") # select a transformation transform_name = st.sidebar.selectbox( "Select a transformation:", sorted(list(augmentations.keys())) ) # select the params values param_values = show_transform_control(augmentations[transform_name]) # apply the transformation to the image transform = getattr(A, transform_name)(**param_values) augmented_image = transform(image=image)["image"] # show the params passed st.text("Params passed:" + get_params_string(param_values)) st.text("Press R to update") # show the images st.image( [image, augmented_image], caption=["Original image", "Transformed image"], width=320, ) # print additional info show_docstring(transform) show_credentials()