[ { "page": 1, "text": " \n \nExelsys easyHR \nAdministration User Guide \nSystem Version 10 \n \n\u00a9 2022 Exelsys Ltd, Version 10 \n27 September 2022 \n \n \n \n \n \n \n", "images": [ "static/output_images/page_1_img_1.png" ] }, { "page": 2, "text": "Exelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n \n \nExelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n2 \n \n \nGeneral ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 4 \nObjective ............................................................................................................................................................................. 4 \nAudience ............................................................................................................................................................................. 4 \nOverview .................................................................................................................................................................................. 5 \nIntroduction ....................................................................................................................................................................... 5 \nGeneral Use Guidelines ...................................................................................................................................................... 6 \nThe User Interface ................................................................................................................................................................ 6 \nThe Menu and Work Content Areas ......................................................................................................................... 6 \nThe central widgets area ............................................................................................................................................... 6 \nPermissions on public favourites ............................................................................................................................... 11 \nForms styles used in the system .............................................................................................................................. 14 \nFiltering \u2013 Finding the information you need ..................................................................................................... 18 \nMultilanguage capability ............................................................................................................................................ 19 \nPrinting Reports ............................................................................................................................................................. 20 \nDataLoader ....................................................................................................................................................................... 21 \nMass Mailer ...................................................................................................................................................................... 24 \nUsing the Exelsys Support feature ............................................................................................................................... 26 \nEmployee Management .............................................................................................................................................. 29 \nSalary Update Worksheet ........................................................................................................................................... 32 \nCreating a user account .............................................................................................................................................. 34 \nTerminating Employees ............................................................................................................................................... 36 \nRehiring Former Employees ...................................................................................................................................... 37 \nForce Delete Employee records ............................................................................................................................... 37 \nAbsence Management ................................................................................................................................................. 39 \nEntitlement based on Previous Employment ........................................................................................................ 51 \nEntering Employee Entitlement Adjustments ..................................................................................................... 52 \nAdministration (Application Setup) ............................................................................................................................. 54 \nHR Base calendars ......................................................................................................................................................... 54 \nDepartments (Organisational Units) ....................................................................................................................... 55 \nLocations ........................................................................................................................................................................... 56 \nEmployee Contract Types ........................................................................................................................................... 56 \nJob Descriptions ............................................................................................................................................................. 57 \n", "images": [] }, { "page": 3, "text": "Exelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n \n \nExelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n3 \nReference Values (Code Descriptions)................................................................................................................... 58 \nBusiness Entity Parameters ........................................................................................................................................ 59 \nPrinting Reports ............................................................................................................................................................. 60 \nUser Management .............................................................................................................................................................. 61 \nMass User Creator ......................................................................................................................................................... 61 \nView Active Users .......................................................................................................................................................... 62 \nSecurity Profiles .............................................................................................................................................................. 63 \nUsers Access Log ........................................................................................................................................................... 65 \nAudit Trail Setup ............................................................................................................................................................ 65 \nAudit ................................................................................................................................................................................... 66 \nUser Access Log Report .............................................................................................................................................. 67 \nAudit Trail Report .......................................................................................................................................................... 67 \n \n \n \n \n \n", "images": [] }, { "page": 4, "text": "Exelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n \n \nExelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n4 \nGeneral \n \nObjective \n \nThe objective of this guide is to provide a reference manual for EasyHR Administrators. \n \nAudience \nThis user guide is aimed at administrators of the system. \n \n", "images": [] }, { "page": 5, "text": "Exelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n \n \nExelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n5 \nOverview \nIntroduction \nExelsys easyHR helps you effectively manage your workforce, the most important asset in \nyour organisation. \n \nIt is a comprehensive system that helps you to efficiently and effectively direct and manage \nyour daily HR functions and helps you get the job done with minimal effort. \n \nIt enables collaboration and reduces administrative overhead in the company, allowing \nimproved productivity and reduced costs. \n \n\u2022 \nSingle web-based system that helps you improve productivity and empower employees \n\u2022 \nAdvanced, reliable, secure environment \n\u2022 \nBased on Microsoft Azure \n \n \n \n \n \n", "images": [] }, { "page": 6, "text": "Exelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n \n \nExelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n6 \nGeneral Use Guidelines \nThe User Interface \nThe Menu and Work Content Areas \n \nThe system has adopted the latest concepts in User Experience and User Interface and the \nidea of the new version is to provide more User Friendly and more Intuitive Application. \nIt uses the \u201cMaterial UI\u201d look-and-feel but at the same time, using the theme selector, it \nallows the user to select other styles like the Apple UI, the current Exelsys UI Standard and/or \nother styles. \n \n \n \nThe central widgets area \n \nAfter the user logs in, a dashboard is presented. The aim is to present the user with easy \naccess to information and processes the user can do all from one screen, without having to \nnavigate to many different forms. \n \nThe central area is populated by widgets that provide the user with high-level information \nand also allows the user to carry out commonly used functions. The number of widgets \nshown will depend on what the user\u2019s company has in their license and what access rights \nhave been granted to the user\u2019s role(s). In easyHR we have the following widgets: \n \nLeave and Absences Widget \n \nThis shows the current absence balance and what has been used. It also allows the user to \nquickly submit an absence request. \n", "images": [ "static/output_images/page_6_img_1.png" ] }, { "page": 7, "text": "Exelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n \n \nExelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n7 \n \n\u2022 \nClick on the view balances to show the balances of the various causes of absence. \n\u2022 \nClick on Absence Requests to view your absence request history and status. \n\u2022 \nClick on to submit an absence \n \nTraining and Development Widget \n \nThis shows the number of upcoming courses and allows the user to view the user\u2019s training \nhistory and development plan needs. \n\u2022 \nClick on the Training History to view the training courses attended or planned \n\u2022 \nClick on the Development Needs to view the current recorded development needs \n\u2022 \nClick on the button to view available courses and submit a request \nto attend. \n\u2022 \n \nPersonal & Work Information \n \nThis Widget provides access to several different groups of personal data but as yet none of \nthese is available. \n \nCelebrations \n \nList the employees with upcoming work anniversaries, birthdays, and name days (for \ncountries using this functionality). \n \nJoiners / Leavers \n \nJoiners/Leavers list the people who joined or left the company within the last 30 days or \nthose who will be joining or leaving. \n \n \n \n", "images": [] }, { "page": 8, "text": "Exelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n \n \nExelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n8 \nThe Toolbar \n \n \n \n \nEditing Text Fields \nThere are several ways to edit a field. At any point before leaving the field, pressing Esc will \nreturn the original value. \nUse the mouse to place the cursor at any location in the field. The tab key will take you from \nthrough the fields of a form in sequence. \n \nNumber Fields \nNumber fields are formatted according to the user\u2019s culture. You can change your culture \nusing the User Preferences dialog window as described above. \nUser Settings\nLogout: By selecting this button the user will logout from the system\nBusiness Entity: Shows the Business Entity in which the user has log in\nLanguage: The advanced multi-language capability allows each user to communicate with the system in his/her \nown language. Select the language of your choice from the Language dropdown list. \nTheme and Color Scheme: You can select a different colouring scheme by choosing one of the available themes: \nMaterial UI, iOS, Triton and Neptune.\nThe default theme is Material UI and with the material theme it is also possible to select a different Colour \nScheme. \nWorking Date: A lot of information is shown in relation to the working date. By default the working date is set to \nthe calendar date but you can change it to any past or future date. This can be quite useful if you want to see \nbalances using a specific date other than today\u2019s date. For example you might want to use a different date end of \nyear to see the balances as these were at that point or in a similar way enter a future date to check the balances \nin the future based on the current entries in the system.\nUser Preferences: Change your preferences with this icon.\nSet new password: Use this to change your password\nMy Support Tickets: Select if you want to enter a support ticket. This is only available to Administrators and \nrequests are handled based on their submitted priority. \nUsing the browser buttons to go back and forward: The users can use the back and forward browser buttons to \nmove between forms that have been previously loaded.\nSelect this button to add a record\nSelect this button to Refresh\nThe Filter button. You can use filters to have a list grid display only certain employees, courses, vacancies,\napplicants or other records. Click on this button to enter filter criteria. \n The Export button. Click to select the format to export the records selected.\nEntity functions button. Depending on whether you are using the Employees, or Vacancies form you will get a list \nof available functions related to that form, such as Audit Trail, Email History etc.\n", "images": [ "static/output_images/page_8_img_1.png", "static/output_images/page_8_img_2.png", "static/output_images/page_8_img_3.png", "static/output_images/page_8_img_4.png", "static/output_images/page_8_img_5.png", "static/output_images/page_8_img_6.png", "static/output_images/page_8_img_7.png" ] }, { "page": 9, "text": "Exelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n \n \nExelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n9 \nEntering Dates and Times \n \n \nDates are entered according to the Culture you have selected in the User Preferences \nwindow. If for example you have selected United States you will need to enter dates in \nmm/dd/yyyy or if you selected United Kingdom then you will need to enter dates in \ndd/mm/yyyy. If the date entered is not correct it will be underlined in red. Alternatively you \ncan use the date picker to select a date. \n \nDate/time fields \u2013 You can also enter a date and time in a single field in some windows in the \nprogram. In these fields you should enter the date and time separated by a space. If you only \nenter a date, the program will automatically add its own default based on the form being \nused. \n \nTime must be entered in hours and minutes with two digits each, for example 16:45. \n \n \n", "images": [ "static/output_images/page_9_img_1.png" ] }, { "page": 10, "text": "Exelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n \n \nExelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n10\nThe menu appears vertically on the left. It can be \nexpanded by clicking on the hamburger icon or you can \njust move the mouse over the menu icons to get it to \nshow the sub-menu system functions \n \nHowever, in this new version you do not need to navigate \nthrough the menus to find the form you need to use. You \ncan easily type in the search box, the name of the form \nand the system will list all forms that contain the text \nentered as shown below. \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nIn the left panel you can see the details of the employee being viewed, in this case John\u2019s \ndetails. Further below on the left you can see the current user\u2019s direct reports. \n \nIn the right panel, from top to bottom, the user can see call to action Notifications, in the \nsame way that they currently appear in the current Version 7. \n \n \n \nThe Favourites Menu \n \nBelow the Call-to-Action Notifications are the Favourites. You can also view your Favourite \nItems by selecting the yellow star which can be found next to the Search Box. \n \n \n", "images": [ "static/output_images/page_10_img_1.png", "static/output_images/page_10_img_2.png", "static/output_images/page_10_img_3.png" ] }, { "page": 11, "text": "Exelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n \n \nExelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n11\n \n \n \nHow to set up a favourites menu to allow your users to easily access their most used forms! \n \nThis can be easily done by choosing the yellow star next to the Search Box to open the \nFavourites menu. Then select the plus sign which can be found on the right corner of the \nFavourites panel to open the \u201cAdd to Favourites\u201d form. Start typing in the \u201cForm\u201d field, the \nname of the functionality you would like to add to the Favourites menu and the system will \nlist all forms that contain the text entered as shown below. Select the one you wish and then \nthis functionality will be added on your Favourites menu. You may even add external links \nand create your own personalized menu. \n \n \n \n \n \n \nPermissions on public favourites \nAdministrators have the right to add Public favourites however these items \nare restricted based on the role permission of each user. \n \n", "images": [ "static/output_images/page_11_img_1.jpeg", "static/output_images/page_11_img_2.png", "static/output_images/page_11_img_3.png" ] }, { "page": 12, "text": "Exelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n \n \nExelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n12\n \nSo if for example I add the form 'My Approvals and Notifications\u2019 as \na public favourite it will only be seen by users who have access to \nthis form. This gives the possibility to administrators to set up an \ninitial favourites menu for their users while giving them \nthe flexibility to add any additional items they have access to from \ntheir menu. \n \n \n \n \nAdditional Actions \nIf at any point you wish to remove any icons from the favourites \nyou can easily select the Yellow Star to open the Favourites menu \nand then select the Favourite form you wish to remove and select \nthe \u201cBin\u201d icon. \n \n \n \n \nAlternative way to add or remove a form from Favourites menu \n \nAccess a form and select the yellow star that can be found on the \nleft corner of the screen to add this form to your Favourites. \n \nIn case you wish to remove this form from the Favourites menu, \nthen re-select the yellow star on the upper left side of the form. \n \n \nVisualise Employee Data with Quick Charts \n \nQuick Charts provide a single, corporate scorecard for an at-a-glance overview of your entire \nHuman Capital. No more hunting around for information from multiple reports and sources. \nDashboards give your organization a complete picture of the health of your business in a \none-page snapshot featuring benchmarks and critical corporate metrics and data. \nEach admin user can have user defined graphs which can be saved and retrieved when \nrequired. The Show Chart option are available from the Ellipsis menu (the three vertical dots \nfound on the top right of the screen) as shown below \n \n", "images": [ "static/output_images/page_12_img_1.png", "static/output_images/page_12_img_2.png", "static/output_images/page_12_img_3.png" ] }, { "page": 13, "text": "Exelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n \n \nExelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n13\n \n \nYou can define the criteria and the presentation type from the available options. \n \n \n \n \n \nYou can save, download or refresh the chart by selecting the related buttons found on the \nupper level of the chart. Select the option \u201cGet Saved Chart\u201d after selecting one of the \norganizational units to display the related statistics for the selected units. Use the open file \nicon to view a list of saved charts. \n \n \n", "images": [ "static/output_images/page_13_img_1.jpeg", "static/output_images/page_13_img_2.png", "static/output_images/page_13_img_3.png" ] }, { "page": 14, "text": "Exelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n \n \nExelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n14\nForms styles used in the system \nThere are two types of forms the \u201cSimple Grid Style\u201d forms and the \u201cGrids with an Edit \nForms\u201d. \n \nThe Simple Grid Style form \n \nOnly a few of the existing forms are Simple Grid forms and information is usually displayed in \nlists as shown below and allow in grid editing much like a spreadsheet. \n \n \n \nManaging rows in the Simple Grid Form \nTo enter a new record in the Simple Grid Form, click on the add new record icon (+). A new \nrow is created, allowing the user to enter data as in a spreadsheet. You can enter as many \nrows as needed and then click on the \u21c3 symbol to save the data in the database. \n \n \n \n \nTo edit an existing row, either select the required \nrow and double-click it or select it and then select \nEdit from the \u201cSelected Items Menu Actions\u201d as \nshown on the right. To save the amendments, \nclick on the \u21c3 symbol. \n \nTo delete one or more rows select them by \nclicking the leftmost box of each row and then select Delete from the \u201cSelected Items Menu \nActions\u201d. \n \n", "images": [ "static/output_images/page_14_img_1.png", "static/output_images/page_14_img_2.png", "static/output_images/page_14_img_3.png" ] }, { "page": 15, "text": "Exelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n \n \nExelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n15\nGrids with an edit form \n \nThese are the most used forms within the application. They consist of a grid like the simple \nforms described above, but when it comes to creating new records or editing existing \nrecords, an edit form is used, to accommodate the larger number of fields and extra \nvalidation that may be required. \n \n \n \n \nManaging rows in a Grids with an edit form \n \nTo add a new record, click on the Add (+) record icon and this will open up the edit form \nwhere the data for the new record needs to be entered. \n \n \n \n \nTo edit a record either click on the hyperlink of each record or select the required record and \nthen select Edit from the toolbar as in the case of the simple grid. \n \nSome forms like Employee Absences may have more than one hyperlinks. The primary \nhyperlink that allows editing of the record is the one on the field which identifies that record. \nIn the case of Employee Absences it is the Document No. The other hyperlink in this case is \non the Cause of Absence. If the user has the right permission the user can access the related \ncause of absence and make changes. \n \n", "images": [ "static/output_images/page_15_img_1.png", "static/output_images/page_15_img_2.png" ] }, { "page": 16, "text": "Exelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n \n \nExelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n16\nAdditional form functionality \nSome forms provide additional form level functionality. In the current version this is accessed \nthrough the Functions button. In the new user interface these are accessed by the three \nvertical dots icon shown below. \n \n \nDocuments Section \nThe documents tab shows a list of the documents attached on the employee, absence \nrequest or any other record. To see a document select the required document line and click \nthe View button and the document will be opened on your screen as shown below. There is \nalso the option to download the document on your pc using the program associated with the \nextension of the document i.e. if the document ends in .doc or .docx it will be opened in \nMicrosoft Word. If it has an extension .pdf it will be opened in Adobe Acrobat Reader. \nAdditionally, documents can be sent via email or be Shared as links. \n \n \n \n \n", "images": [ "static/output_images/page_16_img_1.png", "static/output_images/page_16_img_2.png", "static/output_images/page_16_img_3.png" ] }, { "page": 17, "text": "Exelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n \n \nExelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n17\n \n \nDocuments can be uploaded by using the Add (+) record icon and this will open the \u201cAdd \nDocument\u201d form in which documents can be added or dragged and dropped. \n \n \n \n \nClick on the Add (+) record icon to select a document from your hard drive to upload and \nthen enter a description for the document. \n \nInstead of a document you may also alternatively enter a URL pointing to a document which \nmay be on another computer or system. This can be another website, a document on a \nMicrosoft SharePoint Portal or a document on Google Documents. \nNotes \nThe notes tab can be found under Work section and is used to enter text for different entities \nin the system in a free text style. Text is entered in the Rich Text Editor box which allows the \nuse normal text formatting functions. \n \n \n \n \n", "images": [ "static/output_images/page_17_img_1.png", "static/output_images/page_17_img_2.png" ] }, { "page": 18, "text": "Exelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n \n \nExelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n18\nFiltering \u2013 Finding the information you need \n \nSimple Filtering \nYou can easily filter the records appearing on the grid by using the Filter from the column \noptions shown below. \nEntering \u201cJo\u201d will result in the following list with records containing the letters you have types \nand filtering is done as you type. \n \n \n \nYou can also sort the grid in ascending/descending sequency of the field, select the columns \nto appear, and group the data using the selected column. \n \nAdvanced filtering \nAdvanced filtering is activated by using the funnel filter icon on \nthe grid toolbar. \n \nAfter the form is loaded click on the filter icon. Advanced \nfiltering operates on the records in the entire database and is \nnot restricted to what has been loaded in the grid. \n \nA pop-up box, which allows the selection of a filter and then applying it, will appear. Any \nnumber of filters can be added and then applied. Enter your selections and click on . \n \n", "images": [ "static/output_images/page_18_img_1.png", "static/output_images/page_18_img_2.png" ] }, { "page": 19, "text": "Exelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n \n \nExelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n19\n \n \nTo add more filters, select the plus sign on the left corner of your screen. In this way more \nfilters can be added as required. \n \n \nMultilanguage capability \n \nExelsys HCM can work with any one of the available languages. Select \nthe language of your choice from the Language dropdown. If you \nwant to permanently change the language the system interacts with \nyou, click on the User Preferences toolbar icon and change your \npreferred language. \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nOK to Email \u2013 User Preferences form \nIndicates when a user will be notified in cases of sending email notifications through the \nMass Mailer function. If the box is not enabled, then mass mailer will not send email \nnotification to this user. Please note that this refers to email notifications addressed to Login \nUsers. Usually email notifications within Exelsys are sent using the employee emails. \n \n", "images": [ "static/output_images/page_19_img_1.png", "static/output_images/page_19_img_2.png", "static/output_images/page_19_img_3.png" ] }, { "page": 20, "text": "Exelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n \n \nExelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n20\n \n \nTranslate Descriptions and Names \nIn addition, for most entities in the system that have either a name or a description field you \nwill be able to enter the description in any other language by selecting \u201cTranslate \nDescription\u201d from the \u201cSelected Items Menu Actions\u201d and entering the additional description \nin the pop-up window as shown below. \n \n \n \nExporting Data \nExelsys allows you to export the contents of any list to Excel, Word, \nPDF, XML or CSV. \nClick on the Export function \n from the toolbar menu as shown on \nthe right and select the export format. Ensure that your browser allows \npop-ups otherwise you will not be able to receive the results of the \nexport. The exported file is compressed in a zip file before it is \ndelivered. \n \nPrinting Reports \nThe system provides a large \nnumber of standard reports. All \nreports are prepared after the user \nenters options and filtering criteria \non the Report Request dialog form \nas shown below. \nThe reports are generated based \non user input in the Report Request \ndialog. The Report Request dialog \nform has three sections Options, \nFilter and Sort Order. \n \nReport output is shown in a \nseparate paper-paginated page \nand can either be printed or \nexported in excel or pdf formats. \n \n", "images": [ "static/output_images/page_20_img_1.png", "static/output_images/page_20_img_2.png", "static/output_images/page_20_img_3.png", "static/output_images/page_20_img_4.png" ] }, { "page": 21, "text": "Exelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n \n \nExelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n21\nNote: Ensure that your browser allows pop-ups \nReports can be exported using the export tool shown on the toolbar area of the report. \n \n \n \nDataLoader \n \nDataloader helps you easily import most of the information required in order to implement a \nfull HR system. \n \nIt is available to all users which have the HR Administrator system role and is found under the \nAdministration menu under the Application Support folder. \n \nEach form available is found under the field Import To and it can be downloaded from the \nsystem as indicated below \n \n \n", "images": [ "static/output_images/page_21_img_1.png", "static/output_images/page_21_img_2.png" ] }, { "page": 22, "text": "Exelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n \n \nExelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n22\n \n \n \nIf this is not the first time you have uploaded the file, the system will update the existing lines \nand import the new ones. It will not delete any records that are not define in the new file \n \nPartial Upload \nTo update a specific number of fields using the Dataloader you \nmust choose the update field and DELETE all columns which you \ndo not wish to update from the template. For example, an \nexisting company has now changed the work email addresses \nand you need to update all the employee records with this new \ninformation. \n \nYou can use the template for the form you need to update, in this \ncase, Employee template, but instead of using all the columns of \nthe standard template, remove everything, leaving only the ones \nyou need to update (e.g WorkEmail) and the reference code, in \nthis case, the EmployeeCode. In most templates, the reference \ncolumn is the Employee code or in other cases the form's related \ncode. (i,e position code, training course code etc.) \n \nOn the Settings page (2nd step on the Dataloader) make sure to \nmark the Partial Update Records \n \n \nImportant Note \n \nEmployee Absence (and Position assignments tables - applicable only for Exelsys HCM) cannot \nbe updated! In case there is the need to correct the initial entries please consult your assigned partner \nor make additional adjustment entries instead. \n", "images": [ "static/output_images/page_22_img_1.png", "static/output_images/page_22_img_2.png" ] }, { "page": 23, "text": "Exelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n \n \nExelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n23\n \nUploading an updated file will override whatever manual changes have been done directly through the \nUI by the HR Administrator or any other user with similar access and permissions to these tables. \nOn this stage the tool will map the Available with the imported fields. If you are using a \ntemplate with different heading, you need to map it correctly i.e WorkEmail could be \nlabelled as email. \n \n \n \nDefault Value \n \nYou can use this field to set a default value for all records in your file even if this field was left \nblank. For example if the Currency or NationalityCode is common for all employees you are \nimporting you may use the Default field to set this value instead of defining it within the \ntemplate. \n \nFor example you can set the employees\u2019 contract type code to a default value i.e 001 and \nprovided that this code exist as an entry in the Contract types (i.e. Code 001 = General Full \nTime Contract), then all employees will be assigned to General Full time as this has been set \nup in contract types. \n \n \nNB: Always make sure to load any additionally required information included in the current \nspreadsheet prior to each upload. i.e Load Job Descriptions BEFORE uploading Positions \ntemplate which requires the Job Description Code. \n \n \n \n", "images": [ "static/output_images/page_23_img_1.png" ] }, { "page": 24, "text": "Exelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n \n \nExelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n24\nMass Mailer \nMass Mailer tool allows the administrator to send email notifications to a number of \nemployees, applicants, contacts etc. Using customised email templates, you can create \ngeneral email notifications for various instances which can be then send through Mass Mailer. \nFor example, you can create a general interview notification for Training Course Participants \nthat have been booked for a specific course and send it through Mass Mailer by selecting the \ncriteria as shown below. \n \n \n \nImportant Note: By pressing the \u201cSend\u201d button the system \nwill notify you of the number of recipients that match the \nselected criteria. If you agree with the result you can go ahead \nand send the notification. \n \nUsing the keywords available on each email template (type) means that the notifications can \ninclude specific related information such as the employee\u2019s name, the approver\u2019s name, date \nof request, Location etc as indicated below \n", "images": [ "static/output_images/page_24_img_1.png", "static/output_images/page_24_img_2.png" ] }, { "page": 25, "text": "Exelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n \n \nExelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n25\n \n \n \n \n", "images": [ "static/output_images/page_25_img_1.png" ] }, { "page": 26, "text": "Exelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n \n \nExelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n26\nUsing the Exelsys Support feature \n \nExelsys Support feature allows you to directly report any \nissues or suggest any future enhancements that could be \nimplemented in our future releases. The ticket will be \nsubmitted, and a notification email will be send directly to \nus to investigate further. This allows us to automate the \nprocess and provide a better support to our clients and \npartners. \nIf required, we will provide feedback and change the \nstatus of the support tickets accordingly until it has been \nresolved. For any updates regarding your ticket, you will \nreceive an email notification stating the current status of \nthe ticket and/or any possible responses provided by \nExelsys. \n \nTo add a support ticket, select \u201cMy Support Tickets\u201d from \nthe user preferences as shown below. \n \n \nThis feature is only available to admins and any requests are handled based on their \nsubmitted priority. \n \n \n \n", "images": [ "static/output_images/page_26_img_1.png", "static/output_images/page_26_img_2.png" ] }, { "page": 27, "text": "Exelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n \n \nExelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n27\nID \nThe number of the support ticket \u2013 Generated automatically after submission. \n \nDescription \nEnter a short description name for the submitted ticket \n \nGeneral \nThe General Tab includes the following fields to enable us to categorize the issue based on \nits Object ID and the reported priority. \n \nReported Priority \nChoose the priority of the reported problem \n \nProblem Details \nUse this tab to describe the details of the reported problem \n \nResolution \nThis tab is placed under the Problem Details field and shows all the response history related \nwith the specific ticket. For every response you will also receive email notifications requesting \nyour feedback. Clicking again on the Support link you will be able to see all the support \ntickets you have submitted and provide your answers and or/clarifications for the selected \nticket. \n \nProblem Category \nSelect the most appropriate category based on the nature of the issue i.e. Enhancement \nRequest, Support Request, e.t.c.. \n \nObject ID \nSelect from the dropdown list the form that the support ticket is related to \n \nDocuments Section \nAdd any additional documents using the create button as shown below. A new form will be \nloaded to allow you to add a number of documents. Once you select all the documents you \nwould like to upload press the \u2018Play\u201d button under the Upload Progress\u2019 column. \nBefore the upload you have also the possibility to edit the name of the file as well as define a \ndocument folder specifically for this purpose. \n \n", "images": [] }, { "page": 28, "text": "Exelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n \n \nExelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n28\n \n \n \n \nOnce you submit a support ticket the Exelsys Support team will automatically receive an \nemail notification with the details you have listed and if necessary, will post a response to \nyou. \n \nAny responses will be received on the email address associated with your user account but \ncan also be found on the actual support ticket for your reference. \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n", "images": [ "static/output_images/page_28_img_1.png", "static/output_images/page_28_img_2.png" ] }, { "page": 29, "text": "Exelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n \n \nExelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n29\nEmployee Management \n Creating new employee record \nTo create a new employee first you must select the \u201cAdd\u201d button from the toolbar \n \n \n \n \n \n \nHere you can add the core details of the employee such as First and Last Name, Employment \nDate, Birth Date, Organisational Unit and Location. \n \n \n \n", "images": [ "static/output_images/page_29_img_1.jpeg", "static/output_images/page_29_img_2.png", "static/output_images/page_29_img_3.png" ] }, { "page": 30, "text": "Exelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n \n \nExelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n30\n \n \nCommunication details which are mandatory for sending notifications to employees can be \nadded under the Work Tab. \n \n \n \n \nClassification details should be added under the Work Tab, to record the grade, contract type \nand reporting manager and the related Calendar that needs to be assigned to each \nemployee. \n \n", "images": [ "static/output_images/page_30_img_1.png", "static/output_images/page_30_img_2.png" ] }, { "page": 31, "text": "Exelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n \n \nExelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n31\n \n \n \n \n", "images": [ "static/output_images/page_31_img_1.png" ] }, { "page": 32, "text": "Exelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n \n \nExelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n32\nSalary Update Worksheet \n \nThis form is used for updating employee salaries. Salaries can be entered individually, or they \ncan be generated for all employees or selected departments by applying an increase on the \ncurrent salary. \n \n \n \n \nAfter generating, you can make changes on \nindividual employee salaries by editing the \nindividual entries. \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nYou can generate new salaries for the whole or part of \nthe company by using the \u201cGenerate Salaries Increases\u201d \noption found under the Ellipsis menu (the three vertical \ndots found on the top right of the screen) \n \nHere you can select the salary change based on the \nfollowing options: \n \nEffective Date: The date which the new salary is going to be affected. \nIncrease by: You can either select to use a percentage of which the salary will change based \non the previous salary (if any) for example 20% or you can select Increase By Amount and \ntype in the actual value in your own currency i.e. 500. \n", "images": [ "static/output_images/page_32_img_1.jpeg", "static/output_images/page_32_img_2.png", "static/output_images/page_32_img_3.png" ] }, { "page": 33, "text": "Exelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n \n \nExelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n33\n \nChoose your rounding method: Available options (Up/ Down/ Nearest) \nUsing the Filters below you have the possibility to make mass salary updates based on one of \nthe following filters: \n \nFor example, you may want to apply salary updates only to the employees of a selected \ndepartment or grade and/or contract type by 20%. To do that you need to define these \ncriteria on the filters section as shown below. \n \n \n \n \n \n", "images": [ "static/output_images/page_33_img_1.png" ] }, { "page": 34, "text": "Exelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n \n \nExelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n34\nCreating a user account \nTo create a user account, select the related employee and then from the \u201cSelected Items \nMenu Actions\u201d found on the toolbar, select the Create Login function. \n \n \n \n \n \nThen the Create Login User form will open which allows you to select the System User Role, \nThe Status and the way that the Username will be. \n \n \n \nAs this form allows only one role to be set at the time of creation you will additionally need \nto use the Edit User Account function or go to the \u201cUsers\u201d form to Add/Remove Roles from \nthe Roles tab, if it is needed. Simply drag and drop from the Available Roles section to the \nAssigned Roles. \n \nAs easyHR only provides HR Administration role and HR Mobile Access roles, this will not be \nrequired. \n \n \n \n", "images": [ "static/output_images/page_34_img_1.jpeg", "static/output_images/page_34_img_2.png" ] }, { "page": 35, "text": "Exelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n \n \nExelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n35\nThe most common roles for easyHR are the HR Mobile \nAccess / easyHR Admin or any related user defined \nroles created specifically for your organisation. Using this \nform your also allowed to change the user\u2019s Status, set \nthe Sensitivity Level Access and define the associated \nRoles. \n \n \nOn creating the user Login the system will send an \nautomatic email notification to the employee informing \nthe employee of their login details and inviting the \nemployee to connect. \n \n \n \n \n \nThe email can be resent if required by selecting the function Send Email from the Selected \nItems Menu Actions and selecting the template New User as shown below. \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n", "images": [ "static/output_images/page_35_img_1.png", "static/output_images/page_35_img_2.png" ] }, { "page": 36, "text": "Exelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n \n \nExelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n36\nTerminating Employees \n \nSelect the Employee name you need to terminate and then select the Employee Termination \nfunction under the \u201cSelected Items Menu Actions\" \n \n \nWrite any termination details you need to record for this \nemployee and save the record. This will save the file in the \nterminated list of employees and can only be viewed by \nselecting the Terminated tab as explained further below. \n \nThis action is automatically deactivating their associated User \naccount (if applicable) by setting the status to Inactive and \ntherefore preventing the associated user from logging into \nthe HR system. \n \n \n \nImportant Note: Changing the status of an employee from Active to Terminated DOES \nNOT properly terminate the employee record. It simply transfers the record to the terminated \nlist. However, any related details are not recorded, and the related user account associated \nwith this employee remains active. \n \n \nTermination details added \nhere are stored under the \nClassification tab of the \nTerminated employee record. \n \n \nFinding Terminated Employees \nTo find terminated employees \nselect the Terminated tab on \nthe Employees form. You can \nswitch between Active, \nTerminated and view All \nemployees. \n \n \n \n \n", "images": [ "static/output_images/page_36_img_1.png", "static/output_images/page_36_img_2.png", "static/output_images/page_36_img_3.png" ] }, { "page": 37, "text": "Exelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n \n \nExelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n37\nRehiring Former Employees \n \nAt times you might need to rehire some former employees which have been laid off either \ndue to financial situations or due to wrong decision making. Regardless the reason for taking \nthis decision, rehiring former employees can be a cost and time efficient process. \n \nSince the Rehire functionality does not exists in easyHR, a workaround to rehire an employee \nwho was in the company's employment and was previously terminated is to follow the below \nsteps in order to rehire an employee: \n \nGo to the Employees list and from the Functions menu select \u201cShow Terminated\u201d. \nOpen the record of the employee which you want to rehire and change the status from \nTerminated to Active and also then set the new Employment Date. \n \nThen open the rehired employee\u2019s record under the Active tab which can be found on the \ntoolbar and on Work tab - Classification Tab, at the \u201cLogin Code\u201d field select \u201cNon-Selected\u201d \nand then click Save. Refresh your page and then proceed with creating a new Login as \nexplained above. \n \n \n \n \nForce Delete Employee records \n \nAt times there is the need to delete employee records due to wrong or inadequate \ninformation or due to duplications resulting from different HR Administrators or even from \nmultiple entries imported through spreadsheets. \n \nSince employee records however hold all the related and required employee information \nneeded from the system to function properly, employee records cannot simply be deleted \nonce created since they hold mandatory fields and connect all employee information from \ndifferent forms e.g Salary, Training, Absences records etc. \n \n", "images": [ "static/output_images/page_37_img_1.png" ] }, { "page": 38, "text": "Exelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n \n \nExelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n38\nIf you need to delete an employee record you must first terminate the employee and then \nuse the Force Delete function as explained in more detail further below: \n \n1. First you need to use Employee Termination. Since the record is wrong, you are not \nactually terminating the actual employee but the specific record. \n2. Select a reason for termination \n3. Once terminated find the related record from the \u201cTerminated\u201d tab employees view \non the toolbar menu \n \n \n4. Open the related employee record and use the Force Delete functionality found under \nthe Actions menu as shown below to Force Delete the record \n \n5. Return to the Active Employees list by selecting the \u201cActive\u201d Tab on the toolbar \n \n \n", "images": [ "static/output_images/page_38_img_1.png", "static/output_images/page_38_img_2.png" ] }, { "page": 39, "text": "Exelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n \n \nExelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n39\nAbsence Management \nCauses of Absence \n \nAny number of different absence categories can be defined (e.g. Public Holiday, Annual \nLeave, Army Service, Maternity, Sick Leave, etc). However, to minimise implementation in \neasyHR, all the standard absence types are defined and offer them \u201cout of the box\u201d. \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nFor each Cause of Absence, you can define the general rules that govern its behaviour as \nfollows: \n \nLocation \nYou can define a cause of absence with specific \nsettings per location. \nCalculation Type \n \nDecreasing: Annual holidays or any other type with \ndefined entitlement days and subject to decreasing \nbalance \nIncreasing: Other types of leave that are not subject \nto any entitlement days. The calculation of this type \nis increasing with a starting balance 0. Any days \ntaken will appear with decreasing value. \nApportioned (Accrual Basis): Subject to a defined \nentitlement which is accrued per month or days \nworked as defined on the parameter \n\u201cApportionedAbsenceCauseCalcPeriod\u201d \nEnd Year \nDefine the date to be considered as end of the \nholiday year. \nCarried Forward \nPercentage \n \nApplies only if it is of type \u201cDecreasing\u201d. What \npercentage of any remaining balance can be carried \nforward to the following year. \n \n", "images": [ "static/output_images/page_39_img_1.png" ] }, { "page": 40, "text": "Exelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n \n \nExelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n40\nYearly Ceiling \nThis is the absolute number (in the base unit of \nmeasure that the user can carry forward from one \nyear to the next. \nCarried Forward \nCeiling \n \nApplies only if it is of type \u201cDecreasing\u201d. This is \nmaximum (cumulative of all years) that can be \ncarried forward to the following year. \nDays to Count \nSelect Working or Calendar for the cause of absence. \nI.e. you can choose to count days as calendar days or \nas working days. \nBalance Expires on \nThis is used in the case that leave carried forward \nexpires on a certain date if not taken. This is not \nautomatic but you need to run a special function \n\u201cAbsence Expiration Adjustment\u201d in order to achieve \nthis. In this process you define the day to use, to \ncalculate the leave taken up to that date and \nwill create adjustment records for the remaining \navailable balance which needs to be cleared from the \nemployee\u2019s leave balance. \nInterface with Payroll Define if the specific type of leave will be interfaced \nwith the payroll. This is dependent on the specific \ninterface connector for a given payroll system and \nhow it uses it. \nEffective date \nSet the date for which the type will be effective. \nExpiry date \nLeave this blank or enter NULL unless you want the \nspecific type to be removed from the available leave \ntypes. \nMinimum Quantity \nSet any minimum value you want to impose to \nemployees at the time they enter an absence request \nMaximum Quantity \nSet the maximum value that employees can enter at \nthe time of entering their request. \nUse of Self-Service \nSelect this to make the type available on self-service. \nIf not selected the type will not be available on the \nemployee\u2019s available list and only administrators will \nbe able to enter leave requests for that type. \nUse in Bradford \nFactor \nSelect if you want the system to include absences \nwith this cause of absence to be included in the \nBradford factor calculation. \nUse Reason Code \nIn case you want to allow the employee to select a \nspecific reason at the time of leave. Reason codes \nare not specific per type and therefore all reasons \ndefined will be available for any types of leave you \nmark to use reason codes. \n \n", "images": [] }, { "page": 41, "text": "Exelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n \n \nExelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n41\n \nThe information held in Causes of Absence is used in conjunction with Employee Absence \nAllowances to determine the absence balances of an employee. \nAbsence Entitlements \n \nIn this form the user can define by \u201cCause of Absence\u201d and Year, the quantity entitled. This is \nusually defined only for \u201cDecreasing\u201d type of absences such as Vacations. The quantity of \nleave entitled is defined by the combination of Cause of Absence, Year, Object type and \nQuantity. \n \n \n \nObject type can be set to \u201cAll\u201d, \u201cContract Type\u201d, \u201cPosition\u201d, \u201cGrade\u201d or a specific \u201cEmployee\u201d. \nUsing these values the user can define the entitled leave of a specific department, grade or \nposition. If the user selects the special object type \u201cAll\u201d, this denotes that this entitlement will \napply to all employees. Otherwise, it will only be applied to the specific object selected. If the \nobject \u201cDepartment\u201d is selected, you will also need to select from the next dropdown list the \nspecific department you wish to apply this entitlement. \n \nWhen calculating the entitled days for an employee the system works from the more general \nto the more specific level. Therefore, to determine the actual quantity an employee is \nentitled, the system first tries to find an entry for the specific Employee. If no entry exists, it \nwill move up to Position, Grade, Contract Type and then to the general rule for \u201cAll\u201d type. If \nno such entry exists, then the quantity allowed will be set to zero. \n \nIf an entry is made for a specific year the same information will be used for all subsequent \nyears until a new record is specified. This means to you do not need to create new Absence \nEntitlement records every year if things remain the same. \n \n \n", "images": [ "static/output_images/page_41_img_1.png" ] }, { "page": 42, "text": "Exelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n \n \nExelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n42\nApproval Rules and Routings \nApproval Routings \nThis form is used to create the different routings you want to implement in the system. \nWhether these differentiations are due to a certain grouping or a type of leave you must \nalways create the desired routings and then assign them accordingly from the Approval Rules \nform. \n \nTo create a routing, you first create a new record (+) \nThe system will open a new line on the left window of the form to allow you to enter a \ndescription. Note that there is a minimum of 8 characters. \nFor easyHR the routings are maintained by your Exelsys Partner. \n \n \n \nSpecial Routings \nAuto Approval: The routing sequence needs to be left blank. In this case any requests \nfollowing this routing will be automatically approved. \nInformation Only: Information only routing need to consist only of Information only type of \nroutings which in this case the system will use the Auto-approval logic but will also send the \nnotifications as defined under this routing. \n \nApproval Rules \nUse this form to define the different rules you want to apply for specific units, grades, type of \nrequest etc. \n \n", "images": [ "static/output_images/page_42_img_1.png" ] }, { "page": 43, "text": "Exelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n \n \nExelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n43\n \n \nEmployee entitlements entered here will be applied annually. If entitlements should occur \nonly for a specific period (yearly period) should be entered under the Employee Absences \nform. \n \nRecall Functionality \nIn some cases, after having your request approved, you may change your plans and you may \nwish to recall it. This can be done provided that the request has not been \u201cCompleted\u201d. \n\u201cCompleted\u201d means that it has updated the permanent leave records and this happens after \nthe absence request \u201cTo Date\u201d. \n \nThere are three different methods to recall a request, which are controlled by the Business \nEntity Parameter \u201cRecallSendsOnlyMail\u201d \n \nRecallSendsOnlyMail = False \nThis action will send an email to the last approver informing them that the employee has \nrecalled their initial request. The status of the request will change to \u201cEntered\u201d, to allow \nemployees to make any required changes and resubmit it as usual. \n \nRecallSendsOnlyMail = True \nThe recall will simply generate an email to the last approver requesting them to recall the \nrequest. The status of the request will not change and will remain with the same status as it \nwas prior to the recall. In order for the manager to perform this action they will need to have \nthe role Manage Absence Requests or similar access to the form Manage Absence Requests. \n \n", "images": [ "static/output_images/page_43_img_1.png" ] }, { "page": 44, "text": "Exelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n \n \nExelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n44\nRecallSendsOnlyMail = WithApprovalTransaction \nThe recall request follows an approval flow as this has been defined through the Approval \nRules and Routings and therefore it requires at least one approval rule for the new type of \ntransactions \u201cRecallRequest\u201d. When a request is recalled by an employee it will triggers a \nRecall Request Notification to the manager to Approve or Reject the recall in the say way as \nthey approve or reject a normal request. \n \nIn easyHR, Recall functionality can be done only by an HR Administrator. To \u201cRecall\u201d an \nabsence request: \n \nThe HR Administrator should select the record that needs to be recalled and from the \n\u201cSelected Items Menu Actions\u201d use \u201cRecall Absence Request\u201d. This action will automatically \nsend a recall request notification to your manager for approval. \n \nYou can only recall requests with Completion Status Open. If the status is Closed then the HR \ndepartment can Cancel the request. \n \n \n \nThe Recall Reason Comments window can be used to record the reason for your recall as \nshown below. Click OK to save the comments and send the recall request to your manager. \n \n \n \n \nDouble click on the request to see the status of the recall as shown here: \n \n \nRequest Status: Records the status of the request. (Submitted/Approved/Rejected) \nCompletion Status: Records the completion status of your request (Open /Closed/ \nCancelled) \nOpen: All Approved requests with dates prior to the current working date or Rejected Leaves \n", "images": [ "static/output_images/page_44_img_1.png", "static/output_images/page_44_img_2.png" ] }, { "page": 45, "text": "Exelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n \n \nExelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n45\nClosed: All Approved requests with dates after the current working date \nCancelled: Requests that have been either previously Closed but not been taken and HR has \ncancelled it or have been recalled and the recall request has been approved by the manager \ntherefore initial request was cancelled. \nRecall Status: Records the initial status of the recall (Requested/Approved/Rejected) \nA related email like the absence requests will be sent to your manager for approving the \nrecall \n \n \n \nRecall Approved: If the Recall request is Approved the status of the Recall Status will change \nto Recall Approved, and Completion Status to Cancelled and balances will revert to their \noriginal status prior to this request. \n \n \nImportant Note: \n In case you want to submit a new absence, you will need to submit a new absence request \nwith the correct information as the specific one will remain in the system for auditing \npurposes. \n \nRecall Rejected: If the recall has been rejected then the Request Status of the request will \nremain the same as it was prior to the recall (Submitted/ Approved) and a rejection email will \nbe sent to the employee that the recall has been rejected. The reject action will be recorded \nunder the Recalled Status as shown here. \n \n \n \n \n \n \nIn this case the manager will need to approve or reject the original absence request as it was \nsubmitted prior to this recall request. \n \n \n \n \n \n", "images": [ "static/output_images/page_45_img_1.png", "static/output_images/page_45_img_2.png" ] }, { "page": 46, "text": "Exelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n \n \nExelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n46\n \nCancel Requests \n \nAs an administrator you might also need to manually cancel request due to some unplanned \nchanges. To manually cancel a request, select it from the Manage Absence Request form and \nthen select from the \u201cSelected Items Menu Actions\u201d the Cancel Requests\u201d function. Any units \nassociated with this request will be cancelled and the balance will change accordingly. \n \n \n \nManage Absence Requests \nThis form is used for managing absence requests \nand is usually granted to HR Administrators and \nmanagers who need to manage their team\u2019s \nabsences. \n \nAn employee who has been granted access to this \nform will be able to manage only records of the \nemployees that report to them within their \ndepartment or any other assigned department \ngranted to them through the Departmental Access \ntab found under the Employee\u2019s classification \ndetails. In addition, anyone with IsAdmin rights will \nbe able to see the full list of employees despite any \nother restrictions. \n \n \n \nYou can use Manage Absence Requests to: \n\u2022 \nCheck the status of a request entered by an employee \n\u2022 \nSubmit an Absence Request on behalf of another employee who may not have access \nto a computer \n\u2022 \nApprove a request on behalf of another approver in the case that the usual approver \nis not in a position to have access to a computer to approve the request, because of \nillness, being stuck in travelling etc. \n \n", "images": [ "static/output_images/page_46_img_1.png", "static/output_images/page_46_img_2.png" ] }, { "page": 47, "text": "Exelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n \n \nExelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n47\nBusiness Parameters related to Entitlement \nIn addition to the general Absence Entitlements table there are also additional parameters \nthat could be configured to further control these entitlements. \n \nApportionEntitledAbsenceOnlyforFirstYear \nThis parameter controls whether the apportioned value will be effective until the end of the \ncalendar year or until the 1-year anniversary from the employment date. \n \nIf set to True = there will be apportion of entitlement from the date of employment until the \nend of the calendar year. For example, if someone was employed on the 20th July 2011 he will \nbe entitled only a % of days until December 2011. His full entitlement will start Jan 2012 \nIf set to False = the apportion period will be from the date to employment up until the same \ndate next year i.e., if hired in July 2011 he will be entitled the % any days until the end of July \n2012. His full entitlement will start August 2012 \n \nNote that whatever the case this is only applicable for 1st year of employment and is also \nlinked with the following parameter \n \nApportionEntitledAbsence \nThis parameter controls whether the entitlement will be apportioned or not and has effect on \nthe year of employment. It does not affect entitled absences of subsequent years whatever its \nvalue. \n \nIf set to True, the entitlement will be a % of the overall entitlement for that year based on the \ndate of employment \ni.e. \nIf the Absence Entitlements were set to 18 and the employee was employed on the 20th of \nJuly 2022, the entitlement will be calculated as 8.14 days based on the following formula. \n \n \n \nStandard Entitlement (Defined in Absence Entitlements) / Count of days in year * Count \nof days from employment date to end of year. \n \nStandard annual leave 18 /365*(164+1) = 8.14 [164 = Days between 20/07/2022 -\n31/12/2022] \n", "images": [ "static/output_images/page_47_img_1.png" ] }, { "page": 48, "text": "Exelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n \n \nExelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n48\n \nNote that 1 day is added for correction purposes which based on the above calculation does \nnot include the 31.12.2022 \n \n \n \nIf the full entitlement for that year needs to be given the BE parameters \nApportionEntitledAbsence and ApportionEntitledAbsenceOnlyforFirstYear need to be \nset to False \n \n \n \nAfter setting the above parameters to False the new entitlement now appears as 18 which is \nthe full entitlement based on the table Absence Allowances. \n \n \n \nNow if this person was employed 5 years ago according to the absence entitlements above \nhe should be entitled 22. \n \nTo check this, you can change the employment date accordingly and see how the entitlement \nchanges based on the configuration set. \n \n", "images": [ "static/output_images/page_48_img_1.png", "static/output_images/page_48_img_2.png", "static/output_images/page_48_img_3.png" ] }, { "page": 49, "text": "Exelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n \n \nExelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n49\n \n \nThe entitlement will change accordingly based on the configuration that after 5 years of \nservice the entitlement increases to 22 days. \n \n \n \n \nThe 10 shown under B/F is the number of days allowed to transfer from one year to the \nnext as this has been configured under the specific Causes of Absence \n \nEntitledAbsenceUsesStartOfYear (to calculate Years of Service) \n \n \n \nThis parameter relates to the way the system calculates the years of service to give \nentitlement to an employee. \n \nIf this is set to True it will consider the entitlement based on the year it was employed. For \nexample, if a person was employed on the 20/11/2017 the system will calculate 5 years of \nservice even though we have not yet reached November \n \n \n \n \n", "images": [ "static/output_images/page_49_img_1.png", "static/output_images/page_49_img_2.png", "static/output_images/page_49_img_3.png" ] }, { "page": 50, "text": "Exelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n \n \nExelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n50\n \n \n \nIf set to False, the system will calculate 4 until it reaches the month of actual employment \n \n \n \nImportant Note: \n \nIf therefore you want to give the full entitlement to employees based on the year and not the \ndate they have been employed, please use the parameter explained in point 2 and remember \nthat both point 1 and 2 parameters will need to be set to false for this to work. \n \n \n \nThe \u201cYears of Service\u201d field allows you to specify different allowances for different years of \nservice. In the example above we have for 2022: \n \nYears of Service \nEntitled \n0 \n18 \n5 \n22 \n10 \n25 \n \nThis means that an employee with more than 10 years of service is entitled 25 days, more \nthan 5 years of service 22 days and others with years of service between 0 and 5 will be \nentitled 18 days. \nYearsOfServiceCalcMethod \nUse this parameter combined with parameter EntitledAbsenceUsesStartOfYear = True, to \ndefine how the system will calculate the years of service to change the entitlement as defined \nunder the Absence Allowances table. \n \n \n", "images": [ "static/output_images/page_50_img_1.png", "static/output_images/page_50_img_2.png", "static/output_images/page_50_img_3.png", "static/output_images/page_50_img_4.png" ] }, { "page": 51, "text": "Exelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n \n \nExelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n51\n \n \nSet the value to Year2Year to give the entitlement at the beginning of the year which there is \na change of entitlement or ExactDates to change the entitlement on the exact date of \nemployment \n \n \nEntitlement based on Previous Employment \nTo set the entitlement calculation based on previous employment experience the following \nneed to be configured. \n \n1) Absence Rule by Location \nDefine for which location you need to calculate the previous years of employment and \nunder the tab Absence Rule state which fields need to be included in the calculation \n(Previous/ Other Previous Employment) \nFor example the Greek legislation states that the employee\u2019s entitlement needs to take \ninto consideration any previous employment if the total previous years of service \nexceeds 12 years or if the employee has completed 10 years of service with the current \nemployer. \nTo set this up the up the related parameters need to be configured. \n2) Select \u2018Consider Prev Employment\u2019 and set the threshold to 12, in this case, which is the \ntotal years of service. \n \n \n \n", "images": [ "static/output_images/page_51_img_1.png" ] }, { "page": 52, "text": "Exelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n \n \nExelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n52\n1) On the Absence Entitlements form you also need to specify the different entitlement \nrules that should apply for the years of service within your current company \n \n \n \nFor example all employees are allowed to take 21 days but those who have \ncompleted 5 years are allowed an additional day and those that have completed 9 \nyears are entitled to take 25 days. \nThis example could also apply to an organisation which does not take into account \nany previous years of employment since this table is directly connected to the field \n\u2018Years of service\u2019 found under the Employee\u2019s \u2018General\u2019 tab which is automatically \ncalculated based on the employment date set. \nOn the Absence Entitlements table define the entitlement rules as these apply to \nyour organisation based on the years of service and/or the type of leave for a \nspecific grade or department etc. as previously described under the \u2018Absence \nAllowances\u2019 section. \n \nEntering Employee Entitlement Adjustments \n \nSometimes there is the need to make specific adjustments based on the current year \nwithout affecting the standard rules which have been configured for your company. For \nexample even though the rule says that the total standard entitlement is 21 days there \nmight be the need to increase or decrease ones entitlement for this current year based \non a specific arrangement made. \n \nBy using the Transaction Type \u2018Entitlement\u2019 in Employee Absence form you can change \nEntitlements for specific employees as required. \n \nBelow there are a few cases you might need to use these adjustments \n \nScenario 1 \u2013 Some employees for whatever reasons may have deviations from the \nstandard rule defined in Absence Allowances but this is only valid for a specific year. \nOne way to handle this is to enter a specific record for that employee in Absence \nAllowances, but you will need to enter new record the following year as the system \ngoes by the last record entered. \n \nAnother way is to enter in Employee Absences an Entitlement record to adjust the \nperson\u2019s entitlement only for that year as shown in the screenshots below. \n \nScenario 2 \u2013 You may want to enter Entitlement records in the initial phase upload \nseparately from the Used records. The Transaction Type will be added to the data \nloader in a few days. \n \n", "images": [ "static/output_images/page_52_img_1.png" ] }, { "page": 53, "text": "Exelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n \n \nExelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n53\nScenario 3 \u2013 A company may have so many exceptions, changing each year that \ndifferent Entitlements need to be defined each year. In case there is many entries the \neasiest thing is to load them using the related Employee Absences spreadsheet with \nAbsence Type Entitlement. \n \n \n \n \nUsing the same logic more adjustments can be made to absence records. For example, \nthere might be the need to adjust someone\u2019s balance by changing their used days or \nchanging someone\u2019s brought forward balance from 3 to 2 days etc. \n \nImportant Note regarding BF adjustments: Changing BF balance is also subject to \nthe rules defined in the system so for example if the rule is set to 5 days this is the \nmaximum, they can carry forward, so any adjustments need to be below 5 days in order \nfor the adjustment to be effective. In addition, BF adjustments dates must always be set \nto the last day of the holiday year e.g., 31/12 \n \n", "images": [ "static/output_images/page_53_img_1.png" ] }, { "page": 54, "text": "Exelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n \n \nExelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n54\nAdministration (Application Setup) \nHR Base calendars \n(Entering entries manually or through spreadsheets) \n \nHR Base Calendars are found under the Admin / Application Setup folder as most of \nthe below items and can be defined based on the location or even the working \nschedules of employees. Each country should have a specific defined calendar to note \nthe public annual holidays (Annual), the Non-Recurring holidays such as Easter \nholidays and any weekly non-working days. \n \n \n \nIn addition, the working days can also be defined along with the working hours that \namount for each day. \n \nIn case you are using Hours as your Base Unit of Measure, you also need to define the \nspecific working hours for each day as two separate records so that the system will \nexclude from the calculation the lunch break. An example of this setup can be seen \nbelow \n \n \n \n", "images": [ "static/output_images/page_54_img_1.jpeg", "static/output_images/page_54_img_2.png" ] }, { "page": 55, "text": "Exelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n \n \nExelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n55\nBy defining the above entries, the system will exclude the hours between the break 13:00 to \n14:00 if we add a request for Tuesday from 12:00 to 15:00 the system will only deduct 2 hours as \nthere is a one-hour break between the two defined records. \n \nTo add a new calendar simply click on the upper section and type in a description e.g \nUK calendar. Once this is saved you can define the different entries that should exists \nfor this calendar on the area below. Alternatively, you can define these entries on the \nrelated spreadsheet and use the below function to add upload it. \n \n \n \n \nTo download the template, use the Upload tool on the section below. The entries \nshould be formatted in the same way as they appear on the screen. \n \n \n \n \n \nDepartments (Organisational Units) \n \n", "images": [ "static/output_images/page_55_img_1.png", "static/output_images/page_55_img_2.png" ] }, { "page": 56, "text": "Exelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n \n \nExelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n56\nDepartments can be defined using the Organisational Units form under Administration/ \nApplication Setup/Organisational Units. \n \n \n \n \nEvery new department will need to have a unique description and code. \n \nImportant Note: Organizational Units can also be imported using the Dataloader tool. If \nthere is a new structure in the organisation it is better to upload these changes instead of \nadding them manually. If there is a restructure in the company and some departments are \nnow obsolete you must use the end date field to record this information since departments \ncannot be deleted as there are other forms within the system that connect to them such as \nPositions. In such cases for example new positions will need to be added based on the new \nstructure in order to keep the history of the Employee\u2019s Position assignments. \n \nLocations \nLocations can be defined under Applications Setup folder and you can specify the Country, \nTime zone, Culture and HR Base Calendar for each location. \n \n \n \nThese settings will be used in case these are not already defined on the employee\u2019s/ user\u2019s \nprofile. \n \nEmployee Contract Types \nEmployee Contract Types are defined under Administration/Application Setup and can \ninclude Salary and other related information such as weekly working hours, daily working \nhours, salary type as well as the Formula used for Monthly type salaries. Options include x12, \nx12.5, x13, x13.5, x14 and 14.5 for Monthly type salaries. This will be used to calculate the \nAnnual Gross Salary of employees with a defined contract type, otherwise the system will use \nthe standard formula as defined under the related BE parameter \n", "images": [ "static/output_images/page_56_img_1.png", "static/output_images/page_56_img_2.png" ] }, { "page": 57, "text": "Exelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n \n \nExelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n57\nAnnualSalaryIsXtimesMonthly. This can be set ByContractType or by defining the value e.g \n12. \n \n \n \n \n \nJob Descriptions \nJob Descriptions are titles used to describe the different positions used within the \norganisation. This Job description is also available throughout different reports and other \nforms which include filtering criteria. \nJob Descriptions can be created under Admin/ Application Setup/ Employee Job Description \nor can be alternatively imported using Data Loader. \n \n", "images": [ "static/output_images/page_57_img_1.png", "static/output_images/page_57_img_2.png" ] }, { "page": 58, "text": "Exelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n \n \nExelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n58\n \n \n \n \n \nReference Values (Code Descriptions) \nReference Values are all the user defined field descriptions that can be created. Every \ncompany/entity can define these codes according to their needs and requirements. \nCodes found here are related to the following forms and fields: \n \n\u2022 \nEmployee Management (Payroll Company, Statistical Code, Education Level, \nEmployee Grade, Work Permit Type, Relative Code, Article Code, Employee Inactivity \nCode, Benefit Periodicity, Language Proficiency, Employee Termination Codes) \n\u2022 \nAbsence Management (Absence Reason Code) \n\u2022 \nPositions Management (HR Organisation Version) \n\u2022 \nTraining Management (Course Subject, Course Category) \n\u2022 \nEvent Management (Event Category) \n\u2022 \nRecruitment Management (Occupation, Industry Sector, Language Proficiency, \nVacancy Stage, Vacancy Category) \n\u2022 \nDocument Management (Document Category) \n \n \n \n", "images": [ "static/output_images/page_58_img_1.png", "static/output_images/page_58_img_2.png" ] }, { "page": 59, "text": "Exelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n \n \nExelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n59\nBusiness Entity Parameters \nThis form includes all the Business Parameters that control the system. There are different \ngroups which divide the parameters into different categories by system functional area. Most \nof these parameters are configured based on True/False values but there is a number of \nothers that require different values as advised in the parameter description. \n \nAs this is long list of more than 500 parameters you can use the filtering tool to navigate \nthrough the different parameters and find the one of interest to you. \n \n \n", "images": [ "static/output_images/page_59_img_1.png" ] }, { "page": 60, "text": "Exelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n \n \nExelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n60\n \nPrinting Reports \n \nThe system provides a large number of standard reports. All reports are prepared after \nthe user enters options and filtering criteria on the Report Request dialog form as \nshown below. \nThe reports are generated based on user input in the Report Request dialog. The \nReport Request dialog form has three sections Options, Filtering Criteria and Sorting \nfields. \n \n \n \nReport output is shown in a separate paper-paginated page and can either be printed or \nexported in excel, word or pdf formats. \n \n \n", "images": [ "static/output_images/page_60_img_1.png", "static/output_images/page_60_img_2.png" ] }, { "page": 61, "text": "Exelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n \n \nExelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n61\nUser Management \nMass User Creator \nAn Administrator can use the Mass User Creator to create a number of users based on their \nOrganisational Unit, Location and Position. This is extremely convenient at the start-up where \na number of users are required to be created at once. \n \n \n \n \n \nOrganisational Unit \nChoose for which department you want to create user accounts for. \nLocation \nChoose the location for which you want to create user accounts for. \nPosition \nChoose the user\u2019s position which you want to create users accounts for. \nSystem User Role \nSelect one of the roles defined from the system or other users from the dropdown list \n", "images": [ "static/output_images/page_61_img_1.png", "static/output_images/page_61_img_2.png" ] }, { "page": 62, "text": "Exelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n \n \nExelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n62\nStatus \nSelect the status that you want the users to have once created. Available options include \nActive, Pending, Inactive, Blocked. \nCreate username from \nChoose the format you want the system to use in order to create the logins for each user \naccount. Available options include Employee Code, Payroll No, Identity Card No, Work \nEmail, Windows Login, FirstName.LastName, F.Lastname \nResult to Email \nIf you want the users to be informed by email for their user account creation select this box. \nAdditionally, the related email template will need to be defined as well as assigned from the \nfollowing Business Entity Parameters \u201cNew user Account\u201d. \n \n \n \n \nView Active Users \nThis form allows the Administrator to view all the active users together with the Last IP \nAddress Used and the duration. Here the administrator has the possibility to kill a session if \nneeded and send an email to users informing them of any updates related with their user \nlogin or even reset their password if need to. \n \n \n \nTo change a user\u2019s password, open the user form in edit mode and under Personal tab set \nthe new password. \nNote: This functionality is also accessible directly from the Employees form, by selecting the \nLogin Code of an employee. \n \n \n", "images": [ "static/output_images/page_62_img_1.png", "static/output_images/page_62_img_2.png", "static/output_images/page_62_img_3.png" ] }, { "page": 63, "text": "Exelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n \n \nExelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n63\n \n \n \n(Note that a Security Profile needs to be set before setting a new password.) \n \nSecurity Profiles \n \nSecurity profiles form has been developed as a further security measure for the company\u2019s \nusers. There can be unlimited number of security profiles which enables the administrator to \nhave much more control over its users based on their assigned security profiles. The \nrecommended values are automatically displayed on each field. \n \n \n \n \n", "images": [ "static/output_images/page_63_img_1.png", "static/output_images/page_63_img_2.png" ] }, { "page": 64, "text": "Exelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n \n \nExelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n64\n \nProfiles can be defined with the following values: \nPassword Change \nDefine the number of days that the user\u2019s password will expire and will need to be changed. \nPassword Number to Compare \nThe number defines the last passwords that have already been used and prevents the user \nfrom re-entering the same password again. \nMax No Login Attempts \nDefines the maximum number of login attempts before the user is locked out of the system. \nBad Login Lockout Time \nThe time that the user is going to be locked out as measured in minutes. \nMin Password Length \nSet the minimum password in character length. \nMin No Special Characters \nSet the number of special characters required for a new password. \nMin No Upper Case \nSet the number of upper case characters (capital letters) required for a new password. \nMin No Lower Case \nSet the number of lower case characters (small letters) required for a new password. \nMin No Numeric \nSet the number of numeric characters required for a new password. \n \n Once a security profile is set it can be easily assigned to all existing users using the function \n\u2018Apply to all Users\u2019. \n \n", "images": [] }, { "page": 65, "text": "Exelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n \n \nExelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n65\n \n \nTo set a standard profile for all the new users go to \u2018My Company Subscription Details\u2019 and \nselect it under the Preferences section. \n \n \n \n \nUsers Access Log \nIn this form the administrator can view the Access log for each user with details relating to \nthe session\u2019s IP\u2019s address and date. \n \n \n \n \nAudit Trail Setup \nThis is where the administrator can set up the audit trail. All the fields and forms can be \nfound here and the user can select for which forms there should be audit trail for. \n \n", "images": [ "static/output_images/page_65_img_1.png", "static/output_images/page_65_img_2.png", "static/output_images/page_65_img_3.png" ] }, { "page": 66, "text": "Exelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n \n \nExelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n66\n \n \nWe suggest that you do not maintain audit trail for all the tables but only for the ones that \nmatter for your business entity. E.g. Employees, Applicants etc. \n \nYou can also define the retention days using the parameter \u201cAuditRetentionPeriod\u201d. \n \nAudit \nAudit keeps track of all the updates and changes that users make to the data. It records for \neach table and field the old value before the change and the new value after the change and \nthe user that executed the action. \n \n \n \n", "images": [ "static/output_images/page_66_img_1.png", "static/output_images/page_66_img_2.png" ] }, { "page": 67, "text": "Exelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n \n \nExelsys easyHR Administration User Guide \n67\nUser Access Log Report \nThe report gives you an insight over the forms and menus accessed by user recording the \nactions along with time and I.P address details. \n \n \n \n \nAudit Trail Report \n \nThis report lets the Administrator trail the actions of users, based on certain tables, fields, \ndates and specifically by user login. \n \nThis is very helpful when you want to trace actions of certain tables or users. \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n", "images": [ "static/output_images/page_67_img_1.png", "static/output_images/page_67_img_2.png" ] } ]