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from __future__ import annotations
from functools import partial
from importlib.metadata import entry_points
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Generic, cast
from typing_extensions import TypeAliasType, TypeIs, TypeVar
from altair.utils.deprecation import deprecated_warn
from types import TracebackType
T = TypeVar("T")
R = TypeVar("R")
Plugin = TypeAliasType("Plugin", Callable[..., R], type_params=(R,))
PluginT = TypeVar("PluginT", bound=Plugin[Any])
IsPlugin = Callable[[object], TypeIs[Plugin[Any]]]
def _is_type(tp: type[T], /) -> Callable[[object], TypeIs[type[T]]]:
Converts a type to guard function.
Added for compatibility with original `PluginRegistry` default.
def func(obj: object, /) -> TypeIs[type[T]]:
return isinstance(obj, tp)
return func
class NoSuchEntryPoint(Exception):
def __init__(self, group, name):
self.group = group
self.name = name
def __str__(self):
return f"No {self.name!r} entry point found in group {self.group!r}"
class PluginEnabler:
Context manager for enabling plugins.
This object lets you use enable() as a context manager to
temporarily enable a given plugin::
with plugins.enable("name"):
do_something() # 'name' plugin temporarily enabled
# plugins back to original state
def __init__(self, registry: PluginRegistry, name: str, **options):
self.registry: PluginRegistry = registry
self.name: str = name
self.options: dict[str, Any] = options
self.original_state: dict[str, Any] = registry._get_state()
self.registry._enable(name, **options)
def __enter__(self) -> PluginEnabler:
return self
def __exit__(self, typ: type, value: Exception, traceback: TracebackType) -> None:
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"{self.registry.__class__.__name__}.enable({self.name!r})"
class PluginRegistry(Generic[PluginT, R]):
A registry for plugins.
This is a plugin registry that allows plugins to be loaded/registered
in two ways:
1. Through an explicit call to ``.register(name, value)``.
2. By looking for other Python packages that are installed and provide
a setuptools entry point group.
When you create an instance of this class, provide the name of the
entry point group to use::
reg = PluginRegister("my_entrypoint_group")
# this is a mapping of name to error message to allow custom error messages
# in case an entrypoint is not found
entrypoint_err_messages: dict[str, str] = {}
# global settings is a key-value mapping of settings that are stored globally
# in the registry rather than passed to the plugins
_global_settings: dict[str, Any] = {}
def __init__(
self, entry_point_group: str = "", plugin_type: IsPlugin = callable
) -> None:
Create a PluginRegistry for a named entry point group.
entry_point_group: str
The name of the entry point group.
A type narrowing function that will optionally be used for runtime
type checking loaded plugins.
self.entry_point_group: str = entry_point_group
self.plugin_type: IsPlugin
if plugin_type is not callable and isinstance(plugin_type, type):
msg = (
f"Pass a callable `TypeIs` function to `plugin_type` instead.\n"
f"See also:\n"
deprecated_warn(msg, version="5.4.0")
self.plugin_type = cast(IsPlugin, _is_type(plugin_type))
self.plugin_type = plugin_type
self._active: Plugin[R] | None = None
self._active_name: str = ""
self._plugins: dict[str, PluginT] = {}
self._options: dict[str, Any] = {}
self._global_settings: dict[str, Any] = self.__class__._global_settings.copy()
def register(self, name: str, value: PluginT | None) -> PluginT | None:
Register a plugin by name and value.
This method is used for explicit registration of a plugin and shouldn't be
used to manage entry point managed plugins, which are auto-loaded.
name: str
The name of the plugin.
value: PluginType or None
The actual plugin object to register or None to unregister that plugin.
plugin: PluginType or None
The plugin that was registered or unregistered.
if value is None:
return self._plugins.pop(name, None)
elif self.plugin_type(value):
self._plugins[name] = value
return value
msg = f"{type(value).__name__!r} is not compatible with {type(self).__name__!r}"
raise TypeError(msg)
def names(self) -> list[str]:
"""List the names of the registered and entry points plugins."""
exts = list(self._plugins.keys())
e_points = importlib_metadata_get(self.entry_point_group)
more_exts = [ep.name for ep in e_points]
return sorted(set(exts))
def _get_state(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Return a dictionary representing the current state of the registry."""
return {
"_active": self._active,
"_active_name": self._active_name,
"_plugins": self._plugins.copy(),
"_options": self._options.copy(),
"_global_settings": self._global_settings.copy(),
def _set_state(self, state: dict[str, Any]) -> None:
"""Reset the state of the registry."""
assert set(state.keys()) == {
for key, val in state.items():
setattr(self, key, val)
def _enable(self, name: str, **options) -> None:
if name not in self._plugins:
(ep,) = (
for ep in importlib_metadata_get(self.entry_point_group)
if ep.name == name
except ValueError as err:
if name in self.entrypoint_err_messages:
raise ValueError(self.entrypoint_err_messages[name]) from err
raise NoSuchEntryPoint(self.entry_point_group, name) from err
value = cast(PluginT, ep.load())
self.register(name, value)
self._active_name = name
self._active = self._plugins[name]
for key in set(options.keys()) & set(self._global_settings.keys()):
self._global_settings[key] = options.pop(key)
self._options = options
def enable(self, name: str | None = None, **options) -> PluginEnabler:
Enable a plugin by name.
This can be either called directly, or used as a context manager.
name : string (optional)
The name of the plugin to enable. If not specified, then use the
current active name.
**options :
Any additional parameters will be passed to the plugin as keyword
An object that allows enable() to be used as a context manager
if name is None:
name = self.active
return PluginEnabler(self, name, **options)
def active(self) -> str:
"""Return the name of the currently active plugin."""
return self._active_name
def options(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Return the current options dictionary."""
return self._options
def get(self) -> partial[R] | Plugin[R] | None:
"""Return the currently active plugin."""
if (func := self._active) and self.plugin_type(func):
return partial(func, **self._options) if self._options else func
elif self._active is not None:
msg = (
f"{type(self).__name__!r} requires all plugins to be callable objects, "
f"but {type(self._active).__name__!r} is not callable."
raise TypeError(msg)
# NOTE: The `None` return is implicit, but `mypy` isn't satisfied
# - `ruff` will factor out explicit `None` return
# - `pyright` has no issue
raise NotImplementedError
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"{type(self).__name__}(active={self.active!r}, registered={self.names()!r})"
def importlib_metadata_get(group):
ep = entry_points()
# 'select' was introduced in Python 3.10 and 'get' got deprecated
# We don't check for Python version here as by checking with hasattr we
# also get compatibility with the importlib_metadata package which had a different
# deprecation cycle for 'get'
if hasattr(ep, "select"):
return ep.select(group=group) # pyright: ignore
return ep.get(group, [])