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from dataclasses import dataclass
import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg as la
from scipy.signal import find_peaks
from math import ceil
def thin_points(point_list, dmin=10, voxel_size=(1,1,1)):
Remove points within a specified distance of each other, retaining the point with the highest intensity.
- point_list (list of tuples): Each tuple contains:
- x (list of float): 3D coordinates of the point.
- intensity (float): The intensity value of the point.
- idx (int): A unique identifier or index for the point.
- dmin (float, optional): Minimum distance between points. Points closer than this threshold will be thinned. Defaults to 10.
- list of int: A list containing indices of the removed points.
- The function uses the L2 norm (Euclidean distance) to compute the distance between points.
- When two points are within `dmin` distance, the point with the lower intensity is removed.
removed_points = []
for i in range(len(point_list)):
if point_list[i][2] in removed_points:
for j in range(len(point_list)):
if i==j:
if point_list[j][2] in removed_points:
d = (np.array(point_list[i][0]) - np.array(point_list[j][0]))*np.array(voxel_size)
d = la.norm(d)
if d<dmin:
hi = point_list[i][1]
hj = point_list[j][1]
if hi<hj:
return removed_points
class CellData(object):
"""Represents data related to a single cell.
pathdata_list (list): A list of PathData objects representing the various paths associated with the cell.
pathdata_list: list
class PathData(object):
"""Represents data related to a specific path in the cell.
This dataclass encapsulates information about the peaks,
the defining points, the fluorescence values, and the path length of a specific path.
Attributes: peaks (list): List of peaks in the path (indicies of positions in points, o_hei10).
points (list): List of points defining the path.
o_hei10 (list): List of (unnormalized) fluorescence intensity values along the path
SC_length (float): Length of the path.
peaks: list
points: list
o_hei10: list
SC_length: float
def find_peaks2(v, distance=5, prominence=0.5):
Find peaks in a 1D array with extended boundary handling.
The function pads the input array at both ends to handle boundary peaks. It then identifies peaks in the extended array
and maps them back to the original input array.
- v (numpy.ndarray): 1D input array in which to find peaks.
- distance (int, optional): Minimum number of array elements that separate two peaks. Defaults to 5.
- prominence (float, optional): Minimum prominence required for a peak to be identified. Defaults to 0.5.
- list of int: List containing the indices of the identified peaks in the original input array.
- dict: Information about the properties of the identified peaks (as returned by scipy.signal.find_peaks).
pad = int(ceil(distance))+1
v_ext = np.concatenate([np.ones((pad,), dtype=v.dtype)*np.min(v), v, np.ones((pad,), dtype=v.dtype)*np.min(v)])
assert(len(v_ext) == len(v)+2*pad)
peaks, _ = find_peaks(v_ext, distance=distance, prominence=prominence)
peaks = peaks - pad
n_peaks = []
for i in peaks:
if 0<=i<len(v):
raise Exception
return n_peaks, _
def process_cell_traces(all_paths, path_lengths, measured_trace_fluorescence):
Process traces of cells to extract peak information and organize the data.
The function normalizes fluorescence data, finds peaks, refines peak information,
removes unwanted peaks that might be due to close proximity of bright peaks from
other paths, and organizes all the information into a structured data format.
all_paths (list of list of tuples): A list containing paths, where each path is
represented as a list of 3D coordinate tuples.
path_lengths (list of float): List of path lengths corresponding to the provided paths.
measured_trace_fluorescence (list of list of float): A list containing fluorescence
data corresponding to each path point.
CellData: An object containing organized peak and path data for a given cell.
- The function assumes that each path and its corresponding length and fluorescence data
are positioned at the same index in their respective lists.
cell_peaks = []
for points, path_length, o_hei10 in zip(all_paths, path_lengths, measured_trace_fluorescence):
# For peak determination normalize each trace to have mean zero and s.d. 1
hei10_normalized = (o_hei10 - np.mean(o_hei10))/np.std(o_hei10)
# Find peaks - these will be further refined later
p,_ = find_peaks2(hei10_normalized, distance=5, prominence=0.5*np.std(hei10_normalized))
peaks = np.array(p, dtype=np.int32)
# Store peak data - using original values, not normalized ones
peak_mean_heights = [ o_hei10[u] for u in peaks ]
peak_points = [ points[u] for u in peaks ]
cell_peaks.append((peaks, peak_points, peak_mean_heights))
# Eliminate peaks which have another larger peak nearby (in 3D space, on any chromosome).
# This aims to remove small peaks in the mean intensity generated when an SC passes close
# to a bright peak on another SC - this is nearby in space, but brighter.
to_thin = []
for k in range(len(cell_peaks)):
for u in range(len(cell_peaks[k][0])):
to_thin.append((cell_peaks[k][1][u], cell_peaks[k][2][u], (k, u)))
# Exclude any peak with a nearby brighter peak (on any SC)
removed_points = thin_points(to_thin)
# Clean up and remove these peaks
new_cell_peaks = []
for k in range(len(cell_peaks)):
cc = []
pp = cell_peaks[k][0]
for u in range(len(pp)):
if (k,u) not in removed_points:
cell_peaks = new_cell_peaks
pd_list = []
# Save peak positions, absolute HEI10 intensities, and length for each SC
for k in range(len(all_paths)):
points, o_hei10 = all_paths[k], measured_trace_fluorescence[k]
peaks = cell_peaks[k]
pd = PathData(peaks=peaks, points=points, o_hei10=o_hei10, SC_length=path_lengths[k])
cd = CellData(pathdata_list=pd_list)
return cd
alpha_max = 0.4
# Criterion used for identifying peak as a CO - normalized (with mean and s.d.)
# hei10 levels being above 0.4 time maximum peak level
def pc(pos, v, alpha=alpha_max):
Identify and return positions where values in the array `v` exceed a certain threshold.
The threshold is computed as `alpha` times the maximum value in `v`.
- pos (numpy.ndarray): Array of positions.
- v (numpy.ndarray): 1D array of values, e.g., intensities.
- alpha (float, optional): A scaling factor for the threshold. Defaults to `alpha_max`.
- numpy.ndarray: Array of positions where corresponding values in `v` exceed the threshold.
idx = (v>=alpha*np.max(v))
return np.array(pos[idx])
def analyse_celldata(cell_data, config):
Analyse the provided cell data to extract focus-related information.
cd (CellData): An instance of the CellData class containing path data information.
config (dictionary): Configuration dictionary containing 'peak_threshold' and 'threshold_type'
'peak_threshold' (float) - threshold for calling peaks as foci
'threshold_type' (str) = 'per-trace', 'per-foci'
tuple: A tuple containing three lists:
- foci_rel_intensity (list): List of relative intensities for the detected foci.
- foci_pos (list): List of absolute positions of the detected foci.
- foci_pos_index (list): List of indices of the detected foci.
foci_abs_intensity = []
foci_pos = []
foci_pos_index = []
trace_median_intensities = []
trace_thresholds = []
peak_threshold = config['peak_threshold']
threshold_type = config['threshold_type']
if threshold_type == 'per-trace':
Call extracted peaks as foci if intensity - trace_mean > peak_threshold * (trace_max_foci_intensity - trace_mean)
for path_data in cell_data.pathdata_list:
peaks = np.array(path_data.peaks, dtype=np.int32)
# Normalize extracted fluorescent intensities by subtracting mean (and dividing
# by standard deviation - note that the latter should have no effect on the results).
h = np.array(path_data.o_hei10)
h = h - np.mean(h)
h = h/np.std(h)
# Extract peaks according to criterion
sig_peak_idx = pc(peaks, h[peaks], peak_threshold)
trace_thresholds.append((1-peak_threshold)*np.mean(path_data.o_hei10) + peak_threshold*np.max(np.array(path_data.o_hei10)[peaks]))
pos_abs = (sig_peak_idx/len(path_data.points))*path_data.SC_length
elif threshold_type == 'per-cell':
Call extracted peaks as foci if intensity - trace_mean > peak_threshold * max(intensity - trace_mean)
max_cell_intensity = float("-inf")
for path_data in cell_data.pathdata_list:
# Normalize extracted fluorescent intensities by subtracting mean (and dividing
# by standard deviation - note that the latter should have no effect on the results).
h = np.array(path_data.o_hei10)
h = h - np.mean(h)
max_cell_intensity = max(max_cell_intensity, np.max(h))
for path_data in cell_data.pathdata_list:
peaks = np.array(path_data.peaks, dtype=np.int32)
# Normalize extracted fluorescent intensities by subtracting mean (and dividing
# by standard deviation - note that the latter should have no effect on the results).
h = np.array(path_data.o_hei10)
h = h - np.mean(h)
sig_peak_idx = peaks[h[peaks]>peak_threshold*max_cell_intensity]
trace_thresholds.append(np.mean(path_data.o_hei10) + peak_threshold*max_cell_intensity)
pos_abs = (sig_peak_idx/len(path_data.points))*path_data.SC_length
raise NotImplementedError
return foci_abs_intensity, foci_pos, foci_pos_index, trace_median_intensities, trace_thresholds
def analyse_traces(all_paths, path_lengths, measured_trace_fluorescence, config):
cd = process_cell_traces(all_paths, path_lengths, measured_trace_fluorescence)
return analyse_celldata(cd, config)