# Disclaimer: I didn't write this module from weaviate.auth import AuthApiKey from weaviate.collections.classes.internal import (MetadataReturn, QueryReturn, MetadataQuery) import weaviate from weaviate.classes.config import Property from weaviate.classes.query import Filter from weaviate.config import ConnectionConfig from openai import OpenAI from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer from typing import Any from torch import cuda from tqdm import tqdm import time import os from dataclasses import dataclass class WeaviateWCS: ''' A python native Weaviate Client class that encapsulates Weaviate functionalities in one object. Several convenience methods are added for ease of use. Args ---- api_key: str The API key for the Weaviate Cloud Service (WCS) instance. https://console.weaviate.cloud/dashboard endpoint: str The url endpoint for the Weaviate Cloud Service instance. model_name_or_path: str='sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2' The name or path of the SentenceTransformer model to use for vector search. Will also support OpenAI text-embedding-ada-002 model. This param enables the use of most leading models on MTEB Leaderboard: https://huggingface.co/spaces/mteb/leaderboard openai_api_key: str=None The API key for the OpenAI API. Only required if using OpenAI text-embedding-ada-002 model. ''' def __init__(self, endpoint: str=None, api_key: str=None, model_name_or_path: str='sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2', embedded: bool=False, openai_api_key: str=None, skip_init_checks: bool=False, **kwargs ): self.endpoint = endpoint if embedded: self._client = weaviate.connect_to_embedded(**kwargs) else: auth_config = AuthApiKey(api_key=api_key) self._client = weaviate.connect_to_wcs(cluster_url=endpoint, auth_credentials=auth_config, skip_init_checks=skip_init_checks) self.model_name_or_path = model_name_or_path self._openai_model = False if self.model_name_or_path == 'text-embedding-ada-002': if not openai_api_key: raise ValueError(f'OpenAI API key must be provided to use this model: {self.model_name_or_path}') self.model = OpenAI(api_key=openai_api_key) self._openai_model = True else: self.model = SentenceTransformer(self.model_name_or_path) if self.model_name_or_path else None self.return_properties = ['guest', 'title', 'summary', 'content', 'video_id', 'doc_id', 'episode_url', 'thumbnail_url'] def _connect(self) -> None: ''' Connects to Weaviate instance. ''' if not self._client.is_connected(): self._client.connect() def create_collection(self, collection_name: str, properties: list[Property], description: str=None, **kwargs ) -> None: ''' Creates a collection (index) on the Weaviate instance. Args ---- collection_name: str Name of the collection to create. properties: list[Property] List of properties to add to data objects in the collection. description: str=None User-defined description of the collection. ''' self._connect() if self._client.collections.exists(collection_name): print(f'Collection "{collection_name}" already exists') return else: try: self._client.collections.create(name=collection_name, properties=properties, description=description, **kwargs) print(f'Collection "{collection_name}" created') except Exception as e: print(f'Error creating collection, due to: {e}') self._client.close() return def show_all_collections(self, detailed: bool=False, max_details: bool=False ) -> list[str] | dict: ''' Shows all available collections(indexes) on the Weaviate cluster. By default will only return list of collection names. Otherwise, increasing details about each collection can be returned. ''' self._connect() collections = self._client.collections.list_all(simple=not max_details) self._client.close() if not detailed and not max_details: return list(collections.keys()) else: if not any(collections): print('No collections found on host') return collections def show_collection_config(self, collection_name: str) -> ConnectionConfig: ''' Shows all information of a specific collection. ''' self._connect() if self._client.collections.exists(collection_name): collection = self.show_all_collections(max_details=True)[collection_name] self._client.close() return collection else: print(f'Collection "{collection_name}" not found on host') def show_collection_properties(self, collection_name: str) -> dict | str: ''' Shows all properties of a collection (index) on the Weaviate instance. ''' self._connect() if self._client.collections.exists(collection_name): collection = self.show_all_collections(max_details=True)[collection_name] self._client.close() return collection.properties else: print(f'Collection "{collection_name}" not found on host') def delete_collection(self, collection_name: str) -> str: ''' Deletes a collection (index) on the Weaviate instance, if it exists. ''' self._connect() if self._client.collections.exists(collection_name): try: self._client.collections.delete(collection_name) self._client.close() print(f'Collection "{collection_name}" deleted') except Exception as e: print(f'Error deleting collection, due to: {e}') else: print(f'Collection "{collection_name}" not found on host') def get_doc_count(self, collection_name: str) -> str: ''' Returns the number of documents in a collection. ''' self._connect() if self._client.collections.exists(collection_name): collection = self._client.collections.get(collection_name) aggregate = collection.aggregate.over_all() total_count = aggregate.total_count print(f'Found {total_count} documents in collection "{collection_name}"') return total_count else: print(f'Collection "{collection_name}" not found on host') def format_response(self, response: QueryReturn, ) -> list[dict]: ''' Formats json response from Weaviate into a list of dictionaries. Expands _additional fields if present into top-level dictionary. ''' results = [{**o.properties, **self._get_meta(o.metadata)} for o in response.objects] return results def _get_meta(self, metadata: MetadataReturn): ''' Extracts metadata from MetadataQuery object if meta exists. ''' temp_dict = metadata.__dict__ return {k:v for k,v in temp_dict.items() if v} def keyword_search(self, request: str, collection_name: str, query_properties: list[str]=['content'], limit: int=10, filter: Filter=None, return_properties: list[str]=None, return_raw: bool=False ) -> dict | list[dict]: ''' Executes Keyword (BM25) search. Args ---- request: str User query. collection_name: str Collection (index) to search. query_properties: list[str] list of properties to search across. limit: int=10 Number of results to return. where_filter: dict=None Property filter to apply to search results. return_properties: list[str]=None list of properties to return in response. If None, returns self.return_properties. return_raw: bool=False If True, returns raw response from Weaviate. ''' self._connect() return_properties = return_properties if return_properties else self.return_properties collection = self._client.collections.get(collection_name) response = collection.query.bm25(query=request, query_properties=query_properties, limit=limit, filters=filter, return_metadata=MetadataQuery(score=True), return_properties=return_properties) # response = response.with_where(where_filter).do() if where_filter else response.do() if return_raw: return response else: return self.format_response(response) def vector_search(self, request: str, collection_name: str, limit: int=10, return_properties: list[str]=None, filter: Filter=None, return_raw: bool=False, device: str='cuda:0' if cuda.is_available() else 'cpu' ) -> dict | list[dict]: ''' Executes vector search using embedding model defined on instantiation of WeaviateClient instance. Args ---- request: str User query. collection_name: str Collection (index) to search. limit: int=10 Number of results to return. return_properties: list[str]=None list of properties to return in response. If None, returns all properties. return_raw: bool=False If True, returns raw response from Weaviate. device: str Device to use for encoding query. ''' self._connect() return_properties = return_properties if return_properties else self.return_properties query_vector = self._create_query_vector(request, device=device) collection = self._client.collections.get(collection_name) response = collection.query.near_vector(near_vector=query_vector, limit=limit, filters=filter, return_metadata=MetadataQuery(distance=True), return_properties=return_properties) # response = response.with_where(where_filter).do() if where_filter else response.do() if return_raw: return response else: return self.format_response(response) def _create_query_vector(self, query: str, device: str) -> list[float]: ''' Creates embedding vector from text query. ''' return self.get_openai_embedding(query) if self._openai_model else self.model.encode(query, device=device).tolist() def get_openai_embedding(self, query: str) -> list[float]: ''' Gets embedding from OpenAI API for query. ''' embedding = self.model.embeddings.create(input=query, model='text-embedding-ada-002').model_dump() if embedding: return embedding['data'][0]['embedding'] else: raise ValueError(f'No embedding found for query: {query}') def hybrid_search(self, request: str, collection_name: str, query_properties: list[str]=['content'], alpha: float=0.5, limit: int=10, filter: Filter=None, return_properties: list[str]=None, return_raw: bool=False, device: str='cuda:0' if cuda.is_available() else 'cpu' ) -> dict | list[dict]: ''' Executes Hybrid (Keyword + Vector) search. Args ---- request: str User query. collection_name: str Collection (index) to search. query_properties: list[str] list of properties to search across (using BM25) alpha: float=0.5 Weighting factor for BM25 and Vector search. alpha can be any number from 0 to 1, defaulting to 0.5: alpha = 0 executes a pure keyword search method (BM25) alpha = 0.5 weighs the BM25 and vector methods evenly alpha = 1 executes a pure vector search method limit: int=10 Number of results to return. filter: Filter=None Property filter to apply to search results. return_properties: list[str]=None list of properties to return in response. If None, returns all properties. return_raw: bool=False If True, returns raw response from Weaviate. ''' self._connect() print("We are connected to Weaviate") return_properties = return_properties if return_properties else self.return_properties query_vector = self._create_query_vector(request, device=device) print("After query vector") collection = self._client.collections.get(collection_name) print("Just before query") response = collection.query.hybrid(query=request, query_properties=query_properties, filters=filter, vector=query_vector, alpha=alpha, limit=limit, return_metadata=MetadataQuery(score=True, distance=True), return_properties=return_properties) print("After Weaviate response") if return_raw: return response else: return self.format_response(response) class WeaviateIndexer: def __init__(self, client: WeaviateWCS ): ''' Class designed to batch index documents into Weaviate. Instantiating this class will automatically configure the Weaviate batch client. ''' self._client = client._client def _connect(self): ''' Connects to Weaviate instance. ''' if not self._client.is_connected(): self._client.connect() def create_collection(self, collection_name: str, properties: list[Property], description: str=None, **kwargs ) -> str: ''' Creates a collection (index) on the Weaviate instance. ''' if collection_name.find('-') != -1: raise ValueError('Collection name cannot contain hyphens') try: self._connect() self._client.collections.create(name=collection_name, description=description, properties=properties, **kwargs ) if self._client.collections.exists(collection_name): print(f'Collection "{collection_name}" created') else: print(f'Collection not found at the moment, try again later') self._client.close() except Exception as e: print(f'Error creating collection, due to: {e}') def batch_index_data(self, data: list[dict], collection_name: str, error_threshold: float=0.01, vector_property: str='content_embedding', unique_id_field: str='doc_id', properties: list[Property]=None, collection_description: str=None, **kwargs ) -> dict: ''' Batch function for fast indexing of data onto Weaviate cluster. Args ---- data: list[dict] List of dictionaries where each dictionary represents a document. collection_name: str Name of the collection to index data into. error_threshold: float=0.01 Threshold for error rate during batch upload. This value is a percentage of the total data that the end user is willing to tolerate as errors. If the error rate exceeds this threshold, the batch job will be aborted. vector_property: str='content_embedding' Name of the property that contains the vector representation of the document. unique_id_field: str='doc_id' Name of the unique identifier field in the document. properties: list[Property]=None List of properties to create the collection with. Required if collection does not exist. collection_description: str=None Description of the collection. Optional parameter. Returns ------- dict Dictionary containing error information if any with the following keys: ['num_errors', 'error_messages', 'doc_ids'] ''' self._connect() if not self._client.collections.exists(collection_name): print(f'Collection "{collection_name}" not found on host, creating Collection first...') if properties is None: raise ValueError(f'Tried to create Collection <{collection_name}> but no properties were provided.') self.create_collection(collection_name=collection_name, properties=properties, description=collection_description, **kwargs) self._client.close() self._connect() error_threshold_size = int(len(data) * error_threshold) collection = self._client.collections.get(collection_name) start = time.perf_counter() completed_job = True with collection.batch.dynamic() as batch: for doc in tqdm(data): batch.add_object(properties={k:v for k,v in doc.items() if k != vector_property}, vector=doc[vector_property]) if batch.number_errors > error_threshold_size: print('Upload errors exceed error_threshold...') completed_job = False break end = time.perf_counter() - start print(f'Processing finished in {round(end/60, 2)} minutes.') failed_objects = collection.batch.failed_objects if any(failed_objects): error_messages = [obj.message for obj in failed_objects] doc_ids = [obj.object_.properties.get(unique_id_field, 'Not Found') for obj in failed_objects] else: error_messages, doc_ids = [], [] error_object = {'num_errors':batch.number_errors, 'error_messages': error_messages, 'doc_ids': doc_ids} if not completed_job: print(f'Batch job failed. Review errors using these keys: {list(error_object.keys())}') return error_object if batch.number_errors > 0: print(f'Batch job completed with {batch.number_errors} errors. Review errors using these keys: {list(error_object.keys())}') else: print('Batch job completed with zero errors.') return error_object @dataclass class SearchFilter(Filter): ''' Simplified interface for constructing a Filter object. Args ---- property : str Property to filter on. query_value : str Query value to filter on. ''' property: str query_value: str def exact_match(self): return self.by_property(self.property).equal(self.query_value) def fuzzy_match(self): return self.by_property(self.property).like(f'*{self.query_value}*') def get_weaviate_client(endpoint: str=os.getenv('FINRAG_WEAVIATE_ENDPOINT'), api_key: str=os.getenv('FINRAG_WEAVIATE_API_KEY'), model_name_or_path: str='sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2', embedded: bool=False, openai_api_key: str=None, skip_init_checks: bool=False, **kwargs ) -> WeaviateWCS: return WeaviateWCS(endpoint, api_key, model_name_or_path, embedded, openai_api_key, skip_init_checks, **kwargs)