from weaviate import Client, AuthApiKey from dataclasses import dataclass from openai import OpenAI from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer from typing import List, Union, Callable from torch import cuda from tqdm import tqdm import time class WeaviateClient(Client): ''' A python native Weaviate Client class that encapsulates Weaviate functionalities in one object. Several convenience methods are added for ease of use. Args ---- api_key: str The API key for the Weaviate Cloud Service (WCS) instance. endpoint: str The url endpoint for the Weaviate Cloud Service instance. model_name_or_path: str='sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2' The name or path of the SentenceTransformer model to use for vector search. Will also support OpenAI text-embedding-ada-002 model. This param enables the use of most leading models on MTEB Leaderboard: openai_api_key: str=None The API key for the OpenAI API. Only required if using OpenAI text-embedding-ada-002 model. ''' def __init__(self, api_key: str, endpoint: str, model_name_or_path: str='sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2', openai_api_key: str=None, **kwargs ): auth_config = AuthApiKey(api_key=api_key) super().__init__(auth_client_secret=auth_config, url=endpoint, **kwargs) self.model_name_or_path = model_name_or_path self.openai_model = False if self.model_name_or_path == 'text-embedding-ada-002': if not openai_api_key: raise ValueError(f'OpenAI API key must be provided to use this model: {self.model_name_or_path}') self.model = OpenAI(api_key=openai_api_key) self.openai_model = True else: self.model = SentenceTransformer(self.model_name_or_path) if self.model_name_or_path else None self.display_properties = ['title', 'video_id', 'length', 'thumbnail_url', 'views', 'episode_url', \ 'doc_id', 'guest', 'content'] # 'playlist_id', 'channel_id', 'author' def show_classes(self) -> Union[List[dict], str]: ''' Shows all available classes (indexes) on the Weaviate instance. ''' classes = self.cluster.get_nodes_status()[0]['shards'] if classes: return [d['class'] for d in classes] else: return "No classes found on cluster." def show_class_info(self) -> Union[List[dict], str]: ''' Shows all information related to the classes (indexes) on the Weaviate instance. ''' classes = self.cluster.get_nodes_status()[0]['shards'] if classes: return [d for d in classes] else: return "No classes found on cluster." def show_class_properties(self, class_name: str) -> Union[dict, str]: ''' Shows all properties of a class (index) on the Weaviate instance. ''' classes = self.schema.get() if classes: all_classes = classes['classes'] for d in all_classes: if d['class'] == class_name: return d['properties'] return f'Class "{class_name}" not found on host' return f'No Classes found on host' def show_class_config(self, class_name: str) -> Union[dict, str]: ''' Shows all configuration of a class (index) on the Weaviate instance. ''' classes = self.schema.get() if classes: all_classes = classes['classes'] for d in all_classes: if d['class'] == class_name: return d return f'Class "{class_name}" not found on host' return f'No Classes found on host' def delete_class(self, class_name: str) -> str: ''' Deletes a class (index) on the Weaviate instance, if it exists. ''' available = self._check_class_avialability(class_name) if isinstance(available, bool): if available: self.schema.delete_class(class_name) not_deleted = self._check_class_avialability(class_name) if isinstance(not_deleted, bool): if not_deleted: return f'Class "{class_name}" was not deleted. Try again.' else: return f'Class "{class_name}" deleted' return f'Class "{class_name}" deleted and there are no longer any classes on host' return f'Class "{class_name}" not found on host' return available def _check_class_avialability(self, class_name: str) -> Union[bool, str]: ''' Checks if a class (index) exists on the Weaviate instance. ''' classes = self.schema.get() if classes: all_classes = classes['classes'] for d in all_classes: if d['class'] == class_name: return True return False else: return f'No Classes found on host' def format_response(self, response: dict, class_name: str ) -> List[dict]: ''' Formats json response from Weaviate into a list of dictionaries. Expands _additional fields if present into top-level dictionary. ''' if response.get('errors'): return response['errors'][0]['message'] results = [] hits = response['data']['Get'][class_name] for d in hits: temp = {k:v for k,v in d.items() if k != '_additional'} if d.get('_additional'): for key in d['_additional']: temp[key] = d['_additional'][key] results.append(temp) return results def update_ef_value(self, class_name: str, ef_value: int) -> str: ''' Updates ef_value for a class (index) on the Weaviate instance. ''' self.schema.update_config(class_name=class_name, config={'vectorIndexConfig': {'ef': ef_value}}) print(f'ef_value updated to {ef_value} for class {class_name}') return self.show_class_config(class_name)['vectorIndexConfig'] def keyword_search(self, request: str, class_name: str, properties: List[str]=['content'], limit: int=10, where_filter: dict=None, display_properties: List[str]=None, return_raw: bool=False) -> Union[dict, List[dict]]: ''' Executes Keyword (BM25) search. Args ---- query: str User query. class_name: str Class (index) to search. properties: List[str] List of properties to search across. limit: int=10 Number of results to return. display_properties: List[str]=None List of properties to return in response. If None, returns all properties. return_raw: bool=False If True, returns raw response from Weaviate. ''' display_properties = display_properties if display_properties else self.display_properties response = (self.query .get(class_name, display_properties) .with_bm25(query=request, properties=properties) .with_additional(['score', "id"]) .with_limit(limit) ) response = response.with_where(where_filter).do() if where_filter else if return_raw: return response else: return self.format_response(response, class_name) def vector_search(self, request: str, class_name: str, limit: int=10, where_filter: dict=None, display_properties: List[str]=None, return_raw: bool=False, device: str='cuda:0' if cuda.is_available() else 'cpu' ) -> Union[dict, List[dict]]: ''' Executes vector search using embedding model defined on instantiation of WeaviateClient instance. Args ---- query: str User query. class_name: str Class (index) to search. limit: int=10 Number of results to return. display_properties: List[str]=None List of properties to return in response. If None, returns all properties. return_raw: bool=False If True, returns raw response from Weaviate. ''' display_properties = display_properties if display_properties else self.display_properties query_vector = self._create_query_vector(request, device=device) response = ( self.query .get(class_name, display_properties) .with_near_vector({"vector": query_vector}) .with_limit(limit) .with_additional(['distance']) ) response = response.with_where(where_filter).do() if where_filter else if return_raw: return response else: return self.format_response(response, class_name) def _create_query_vector(self, query: str, device: str) -> List[float]: ''' Creates embedding vector from text query. ''' return self.get_openai_embedding(query) if self.openai_model else self.model.encode(query, device=device).tolist() def get_openai_embedding(self, query: str) -> List[float]: ''' Gets embedding from OpenAI API for query. ''' embedding = self.model.embeddings.create(input=query, model='text-embedding-ada-002').model_dump() if embedding: return embedding['data'][0]['embedding'] else: raise ValueError(f'No embedding found for query: {query}') def hybrid_search(self, request: str, class_name: str, properties: List[str]=['content'], alpha: float=0.5, limit: int=10, where_filter: dict=None, display_properties: List[str]=None, return_raw: bool=False, device: str='cuda:0' if cuda.is_available() else 'cpu' ) -> Union[dict, List[dict]]: ''' Executes Hybrid (BM25 + Vector) search. Args ---- query: str User query. class_name: str Class (index) to search. properties: List[str] List of properties to search across (using BM25) alpha: float=0.5 Weighting factor for BM25 and Vector search. alpha can be any number from 0 to 1, defaulting to 0.5: alpha = 0 executes a pure keyword search method (BM25) alpha = 0.5 weighs the BM25 and vector methods evenly alpha = 1 executes a pure vector search method limit: int=10 Number of results to return. display_properties: List[str]=None List of properties to return in response. If None, returns all properties. return_raw: bool=False If True, returns raw response from Weaviate. ''' display_properties = display_properties if display_properties else self.display_properties query_vector = self._create_query_vector(request, device=device) response = ( self.query .get(class_name, display_properties) .with_hybrid(query=request, alpha=alpha, vector=query_vector, properties=properties, fusion_type='relativeScoreFusion') #hard coded option for now .with_additional(["score", "explainScore"]) .with_limit(limit) ) response = response.with_where(where_filter).do() if where_filter else if return_raw: return response else: return self.format_response(response, class_name) class WeaviateIndexer: def __init__(self, client: WeaviateClient, batch_size: int=150, num_workers: int=4, dynamic: bool=True, creation_time: int=5, timeout_retries: int=3, connection_error_retries: int=3, callback: Callable=None, ): ''' Class designed to batch index documents into Weaviate. Instantiating this class will automatically configure the Weaviate batch client. ''' self._client = client self._callback = callback if callback else self._default_callback self._client.batch.configure(batch_size=batch_size, num_workers=num_workers, dynamic=dynamic, creation_time=creation_time, timeout_retries=timeout_retries, connection_error_retries=connection_error_retries, callback=self._callback ) def _default_callback(self, results: dict): """ Check batch results for errors. Parameters ---------- results : dict The Weaviate batch creation return value. """ if results is not None: for result in results: if "result" in result and "errors" in result["result"]: if "error" in result["result"]["errors"]: print(result["result"]) def batch_index_data(self, data: List[dict], class_name: str, vector_property: str='content_embedding' ) -> None: ''' Batch function for fast indexing of data onto Weaviate cluster. This method assumes that self._client.batch is already configured. ''' start = time.perf_counter() with self._client.batch as batch: for d in tqdm(data): #define single document properties = {k:v for k,v in d.items() if k != vector_property} try: #add data object to batch batch.add_data_object( data_object=properties, class_name=class_name, vector=d[vector_property] ) except Exception as e: print(e) continue end = time.perf_counter() - start print(f'Batch job completed in {round(end/60, 2)} minutes.') # class_info = self._client.show_class_info() class_info = self._client.schema.get()['classes'] print(class_info) for i, c in enumerate(class_info): if c['class'] == class_name: print(class_info[i]) self._client.batch.shutdown() @dataclass class WhereFilter: ''' Simplified interface for constructing a WhereFilter object. Args ---- path: List[str] List of properties to filter on. operator: str Operator to use for filtering. Options: ['And', 'Or', 'Equal', 'NotEqual', 'GreaterThan', 'GreaterThanEqual', 'LessThan', 'LessThanEqual', 'Like', 'WithinGeoRange', 'IsNull', 'ContainsAny', 'ContainsAll'] value[dataType]: Union[int, bool, str, float, datetime] Value to filter on. The dataType suffix must match the data type of the property being filtered on. At least and only one value type must be provided. ''' path: List[str] operator: str valueInt: int=None valueBoolean: bool=None valueText: str=None valueNumber: float=None valueDate = None def post_init(self): operators = ['And', 'Or', 'Equal', 'NotEqual','GreaterThan', 'GreaterThanEqual', 'LessThan',\ 'LessThanEqual', 'Like', 'WithinGeoRange', 'IsNull', 'ContainsAny', 'ContainsAll'] if self.operator not in operators: raise ValueError(f'operator must be one of: {operators}, got {self.operator}') values = [self.valueInt, self.valueBoolean, self.valueText, self.valueNumber, self.valueDate] if not any(values): raise ValueError('At least one value must be provided.') if len(values) > 1: raise ValueError('At most one value can be provided.') def todict(self): return {k:v for k,v in self.__dict__.items() if v is not None}