from fastapi import FastAPI # from transformers import pipeline from txtai.embeddings import Embeddings from txtai.pipeline import Extractor from langchain.document_loaders import WebBaseLoader from langchain.text_splitter import RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter from langchain import HuggingFaceHub from langchain.prompts import PromptTemplate from langchain.chains import LLMChain from txtai.embeddings import Embeddings from txtai.pipeline import Extractor import pandas as pd import sqlite3 import os # NOTE - we configure docs_url to serve the interactive Docs at the root path # of the app. This way, we can use the docs as a landing page for the app on Spaces. app = FastAPI(docs_url="/") # app = FastAPI() # pipe = pipeline("text2text-generation", model="google/flan-t5-small") # @app.get("/generate") # def generate(text: str): # """ # Using the text2text-generation pipeline from `transformers`, generate text # from the given input text. The model used is `google/flan-t5-small`, which # can be found [here]( # """ # output = pipe(text) # return {"output": output[0]["generated_text"]} def load_embeddings( domain: str = "", db_present: bool = True, path: str = "sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2", index_name: str = "index", ): # Create embeddings model with content support embeddings = Embeddings({"path": path, "content": True}) # if Vector DB is not present if not db_present: return embeddings else: if domain == "": embeddings.load(index_name) # change this later else: print(3) embeddings.load(f"{index_name}/{domain}") return embeddings def _check_if_db_exists(db_path: str) -> bool: return os.path.exists(db_path) def _text_splitter(doc): text_splitter = RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter( chunk_size=500, chunk_overlap=50, length_function=len, ) return text_splitter.transform_documents(doc) def _load_docs(path: str): load_doc = WebBaseLoader(path).load() doc = _text_splitter(load_doc) return doc def _stream(dataset, limit, index: int = 0): for row in dataset: yield (index, row.page_content, None) index += 1 if index >= limit: break def _max_index_id(path): db = sqlite3.connect(path) table = "sections" df = pd.read_sql_query(f"select * from {table}", db) return {"max_index": df["indexid"].max()} def _upsert_docs(doc, embeddings, vector_doc_path: str, db_present: bool): print(vector_doc_path) if db_present: print(1) max_index = _max_index_id(f"{vector_doc_path}/documents") print(max_index) embeddings.upsert(_stream(doc, 500, max_index["max_index"])) print("Embeddings done!!") print("Embeddings done - 1!!") else: print(2) embeddings.index(_stream(doc, 500, 0)) max_index = _max_index_id(f"{vector_doc_path}/documents") print(max_index) # check # max_index = _max_index_id(f"{vector_doc_path}/documents") # print(max_index) return max_index # def prompt(question): # return f"""Answer the following question using only the context below. Say 'no answer' when the question can't be answered. # Question: {question} # Context: """ # def search(query, question=None): # # Default question to query if empty # if not question: # question = query # return extractor([("answer", query, prompt(question), False)])[0][1] # @app.get("/rag") # def rag(question: str): # # question = "what is the document about?" # answer = search(question) # # print(question, answer) # return {answer} # @app.get("/index") # def get_url_file_path(url_path: str): # embeddings = load_embeddings() # doc = _load_docs(url_path) # embeddings, max_index = _upsert_docs(doc, embeddings) # return max_index @app.get("/index/{domain}/") def get_domain_file_path(domain: str, file_path: str): print(domain, file_path) print(os.getcwd()) bool_value = _check_if_db_exists(db_path=f"{os.getcwd()}/index/{domain}/documents") print(bool_value) if bool_value: embeddings = load_embeddings(domain=domain, db_present=bool_value) print(embeddings) doc = _load_docs(file_path) max_index = _upsert_docs( doc=doc, embeddings=embeddings, vector_doc_path=f"{os.getcwd()}/index/{domain}", db_present=bool_value, ) # print("-------") else: embeddings = load_embeddings(domain=domain, db_present=bool_value) doc = _load_docs(file_path) max_index = _upsert_docs( doc=doc, embeddings=embeddings, vector_doc_path=f"{os.getcwd()}/index/{domain}", db_present=bool_value, ) # print("Final - output : ", max_index) return "Executed Successfully!!" def _check_if_db_exists(db_path: str) -> bool: return os.path.exists(db_path) def _load_embeddings_from_db( db_present: bool, domain: str, path: str = "sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2", ): # Create embeddings model with content support embeddings = Embeddings({"path": path, "content": True}) # if Vector DB is not present if not db_present: return embeddings else: if domain == "": embeddings.load("index") # change this later else: print(3) embeddings.load(f"{os.getcwd()}/index/{domain}/documents") return embeddings def _prompt(question): return f"""Answer the following question using only the context below. Say 'no answer' when the question can't be answered. Question: {question} Context: """ def _search(query, extractor, question=None): # Default question to query if empty if not question: question = query # template = f"""Answer the following question using only the context below. Say 'no answer' when the question can't be answered. # Question: {question} # Context: """ # prompt = PromptTemplate(template=template, input_variables=["question"]) # llm_chain = LLMChain(prompt=prompt, llm=extractor) # return {"question": question, "answer":} return extractor([("answer", query, _prompt(question), False)])[0][1] @app.get("/rag") def rag(domain: str, question: str): db_exists = _check_if_db_exists(db_path=f"{os.getcwd()}/index/{domain}/documents") print(db_exists) # if db_exists: embeddings = _load_embeddings_from_db(db_exists, domain) # Create extractor instance extractor = Extractor(embeddings, "google/flan-t5-base") # llm = HuggingFaceHub( # repo_id="google/flan-t5-xxl", # model_kwargs={"temperature": 1, "max_length": 1000000}, # ) # else: answer = _search(question, extractor) return {"question": question, "answer": answer}