# Hugging Face Hack import subprocess import os dotnet_check_command = "dotnet --list-sdks" dotnet_install_commands = [ "wget https://dot.net/v1/dotnet-install.sh -O dotnet-install.sh", "chmod +x ./dotnet-install.sh", "./dotnet-install.sh --version latest" ] try: print(subprocess.check_output(dotnet_check_command, shell=True)) except: print(os.environ["PATH"]) print("Try to install .net dependency") for command in dotnet_install_commands: os.system(command) os.environ["PATH"] += os.pathsep + "/home/user/.dotnet" print(os.environ["PATH"]) os.system(dotnet_check_command) # print(subprocess.check_output("dotnet -list-sdk")) import gradio as gr # Setup Python.Net from pythonnet import load load("coreclr", runtime_config="lib/JTSParser.runtimeconfig.json") import clr from System import Reflection import os lib_path = os.path.abspath("lib/JTSParser.dll") Reflection.Assembly.LoadFile(lib_path) import YYZ.JTS.NB # App import numpy as np import plotly.graph_objects as go import math def dock(x, limit): x1 = math.floor(x) yield x1 x2 = min(math.ceil(x), limit) if x2 != x1: yield x2 default_path = "JTS_assets/ridge.map" with gr.Blocks(analytics_enabled=False) as demo: with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(scale=1): file_input = gr.File(default_path, label="Map File (NB or CWB)", file_types=[".map"]) labels_checkbox = gr.Checkbox(True, label="Labels") labels_size_threshold_number = gr.Number(0, label="Label Size Threshold", info="1 => Tactical, 2 => Normal, 3 => Important") # with gr.Row(): with gr.Accordion("Roads"): with gr.Row(): path_checkbox = gr.Checkbox(label="Path") road_checkbox = gr.Checkbox(label="Road") pike_checkbox = gr.Checkbox(True, label="Pike") railway_checkbox = gr.Checkbox(True, label="Railway") with gr.Row(): road_offset_number = gr.Number(0.3, label="Road Offset") elevation_scale_number = gr.Number(0.1, label="Elevation Scale") plot_button = gr.Button("Plot") with gr.Column(scale=2): output_plot = gr.Plot() def plot(data): with open(data[file_input].name) as f: map_str = f.read() map_file = YYZ.JTS.NB.MapFile.Parse(map_str) graph = YYZ.JTS.NB.InfantryColumnGraph.FromMapFile(map_file) height_mat = np.empty([map_file.Height, map_file.Width]) for i in range(map_file.Height): for j in range(map_file.Width): height_mat[i,j] = graph.HexMat[i, j].Height surface = go.Surface( x = np.arange(map_file.Width), y = np.arange(map_file.Height), z = height_mat ) gl = [] road_offset = data[road_offset_number] road_items = [ (YYZ.JTS.NB.RoadType.Path, path_checkbox, 'gray'), (YYZ.JTS.NB.RoadType.Road, road_checkbox, 'green'), (YYZ.JTS.NB.RoadType.Pike, pike_checkbox, 'pink'), (YYZ.JTS.NB.RoadType.Railway, railway_checkbox, 'black') ] for road_type, checkbox, color in road_items: if data[checkbox]: for road in graph.SimplifyRoad(road_type): x_line = [] y_line = [] z_line = [] for node in road: x_line.append(node.X) y_line.append(node.Y) z_line.append(node.Height + road_offset) g = go.Scatter3d( x=x_line, y=y_line, z=z_line, line=dict( color=color, width=2 ) ) gl.append(g) fig = go.Figure([surface] + gl) scene = { "aspectratio": {"x": 1, "y": 1, "z": data[elevation_scale_number]}, 'yaxis': {'autorange': 'reversed'}, } if data[labels_checkbox]: labels_x = [] labels_y = [] labels_z = [] labels_text = [] for label in map_file.Labels: if label.Size >= data[labels_size_threshold_number]: max_height = -1 x = label.X y = label.Y for dx in dock(x, map_file.Width-1): for dy in dock(y, map_file.Height-1): max_height = max(max_height, map_file.HeightMap[dy, dx]) labels_x.append(x) labels_y.append(y) labels_z.append(max_height) labels_text.append(label.Name) scene["annotations"] = [ dict( showarrow=False, x=x, y=y, z=z, text=text, xanchor="left", xshift=10, opacity=0.7, bgcolor="white" ) for x, y, z, text in zip(labels_x, labels_y, labels_z, labels_text) ] fig.update_layout(scene=scene, showlegend=False) return {output_plot: fig} plot_button.click(plot, {file_input, labels_checkbox, labels_size_threshold_number, path_checkbox, road_checkbox, pike_checkbox, railway_checkbox, elevation_scale_number, road_offset_number}, {output_plot}) # plot_button.click(lambda data: {output_img: test()}, {file_input, path_checkbox, road_checkbox, pike_checkbox, plot_button}, {output_img}) if __name__ == "__main__": demo.launch()