FlightSure / src /
William Parker
Publish Space.
This module contains functions to fetch weather data from the OpenWeather API and parse the data.
Author: William Parker
import os
import pickle
from datetime import datetime, timezone
from typing import List, Tuple
import pytz
import requests
# Constants
with open(
os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "helpers", "airport_coordinates.pickle"),
) as f:
airport_codes_with_coordinates: List[Tuple[str, float, float]] = pickle.load(f)
with open(
os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "helpers", "airport_timezones.pickle"),
) as f:
airport_codes_with_timezones: List[Tuple[str, str]] = pickle.load(f)
# Private functions
def _get_lat_lon(airport_code: str) -> Tuple[float, float]:
Get the latitude and longitude of an airport from the airport code.
airport_code (str): The airport code.
Tuple[float, float]: The latitude and longitude of the airport.
for tup in airport_codes_with_coordinates:
if tup[0] == airport_code:
return tup[1], tup[2]
raise ValueError(
f"Airport '{airport_code}' not found in airport_codes_with_coordinates"
def _closest_forecast(open_weather_data: dict, scheduled_time: datetime, airport: str):
Get the closest weather forecast by time to the scheduled time of
the flight from the list of forecasts in the OpenWeather API response.
open_weather_data (dict): The OpenWeather API response.
scheduled_time (datetime): The scheduled time of the flight.
airport (str): The airport code.
dict: The closest weather forecast.
forecasts: List[dict] = open_weather_data["list"]
airport_timezone_str: str
for tup in airport_codes_with_timezones:
if tup[0] == airport:
airport_timezone_str = tup[1]
airport_timezone = pytz.timezone(airport_timezone_str)
for forecast in forecasts:
utc_datetime = datetime.fromtimestamp(forecast["dt"], tz=timezone.utc)
forecast["date_time"] = utc_datetime.replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc).astimezone(
scheduled_time_localized = airport_timezone.localize(scheduled_time)
closest_forecast = min(
forecasts, key=lambda x: abs(x["date_time"] - scheduled_time_localized)
return closest_forecast
def get_weather(airport: str, scheduled_time: datetime, api_key: str):
Connects to the OpenWeather API and fetches the weather forecast for the given airport and time.
airport (str): The airport code.
scheduled_time (datetime): The scheduled time of the flight.
api_key (str): The OpenWeather API key.
dict: The weather forecast data.
lat, lon = _get_lat_lon(airport)
url = f"{lat}&lon={lon}&appid={api_key}&units=imperial"
response = requests.get(url, timeout=5)
if response.status_code == 200:
data = response.json()
return _closest_forecast(data, scheduled_time, airport)
raise ValueError(f"OpenWeather response Code: {response.status_code}")
def parse_weather(weather_data: dict) -> dict[str, List[float]]:
Get the relevant weather data from the OpenWeather API response's forecast.
weather_data (dict): A single forecast from the OpenWeather API.
dict[str, float]: The parsed weather data.
prediction_dict = {}
prediction_dict["Temperature"] = [weather_data["main"]["temp"]]
prediction_dict["Altimeter_Pressure"] = [weather_data["main"]["pressure"]]
prediction_dict["Visibility"] = [weather_data["visibility"]]
prediction_dict["Wind_Speed"] = [weather_data["wind"]["speed"]]
if "rain" in weather_data and "3h" in weather_data["rain"]:
prediction_dict["Precipitation"] = [weather_data["rain"]["3h"] / 3]
prediction_dict["Precipitation"] = [0]
return prediction_dict