bullet_angles = { "NINGUNO": { "description": "Generate the bullet without any specific angle", "style": "direct and natural", "keywords": ["clear", "direct", "simple", "natural"] }, "CURIOSIDAD": { "description": "Create a bullet that generates intrigue and sparks reader curiosity", "style": "mysterious and provocative", "keywords": ["intriguing", "mysterious", "fascinating", "revealing"] }, "CASI IMPOSIBLE": { "description": "Generate a bullet that seems hard to believe but not impossible", "style": "surprising but credible", "keywords": ["incredible", "surprising", "unexpected", "revolutionary"] }, "AUTORIDAD": { "description": "Include expert references or credibility-building data", "style": "professional and backed", "keywords": ["expert", "proven", "scientific", "endorsed"] }, "CONTRASTE": { "description": "Create a bullet that contrasts opposing ideas", "style": "comparative and revealing", "keywords": ["contrast", "difference", "transformation", "change"] }, "DOLOR FÍSICO": { "description": "Focus the bullet on solving physical pain or discomfort", "style": "empathetic and solution-oriented", "keywords": ["relief", "wellness", "comfort", "health"] }, "DOLOR PSICOLÓGICO": { "description": "Focus the bullet on solving emotional pain or discomfort", "style": "understanding and healing", "keywords": ["peace", "security", "confidence", "relief"] }, "BENEFICIO DIRECTO": { "description": "Present the benefit in a clear and direct way", "style": "direct and specific", "keywords": ["benefit", "result", "achievement", "improvement"] }, "ERROR COMÚN": { "description": "Point out a common mistake that the audience should avoid", "style": "educational and preventive", "keywords": ["mistake", "correction", "improvement", "solution"] }, "90% SOLUCIÓN": { "description": "Reveal most of the solution while maintaining an element of mystery", "style": "revealing but intriguing", "keywords": ["solution", "secret", "discovery", "method"] }, "NINGUNO": { "description": "Natural response without specific tone adjustments", "style": "direct and simple", "keywords": ["clear", "direct", "simple", "natural"], "result": "Standard benefit presentation" }, "PROFESIONAL": { "description": "Formal and business-oriented tone", "style": "formal and strategic", "keywords": ["professional", "strategic", "effective", "measurable"], "result": "Business-focused benefit statement" }, "HUMOR": { "description": "Fun and light-hearted tone", "style": "casual and entertaining", "keywords": ["funny", "playful", "relaxed", "informal"], "result": "Entertaining benefit with humor" }, "SARCASMO": { "description": "Witty and clever tone", "style": "ironic but friendly", "keywords": ["ironic", "witty", "clever", "provocative"], "result": "Clever benefit with subtle irony" }, "CREATIVO": { "description": "Imaginative and original tone", "style": "innovative and unique", "keywords": ["creative", "original", "imaginative", "artistic"], "result": "Uniquely crafted benefit statement" }, "EMOCIONAL": { "description": "Empathetic and moving tone", "style": "close and personal", "keywords": ["emotional", "sincere", "inspiring", "touching"], "result": "Emotionally resonant benefit" } }