import pandas as pd from tqdm import tqdm import config import generate_annotated_diffs import statistics from api_wrappers import grazie_wrapper from generation_steps import examples GENERATION_MULTIPLIER = 3 REL_DELETIONS_THRESHOLD = 0.75 GENERATION_ATTEMPTS = 3 def build_prompt(prediction, diff): return f"""A LLM generated a commit message for the following source code changes: START OF THE SOURCE CODE CHANGES {diff} END OF THE SOURCE CODE CHANGES Here is the message the LLM generated: START OF THE COMMIT MESSAGE {prediction} END OF THE COMMIT MESSAGE This generated message is not perfect. Your task is to rewrite and improve it. You have to simulate a human software developer who manually rewrites the LLM-generated commit message, so the message you print must share some fragments with the generated message. Your message should be concise. Follow the Conventional Commits guidelines. Here are some examples of what you should output: START OF THE EXAMPLES LIST {examples.EXAMPLES_START_TO_END} END OF THE EXAMPLES LIST Print only the improved commit message's text after the token "OUTPUT". OUTPUT""" def generate_end_msg(start_msg, diff): prompt = build_prompt(prediction=start_msg, diff=diff) results = [] for i in range(GENERATION_ATTEMPTS): end_msg_pred = grazie_wrapper.generate_for_prompt(prompt) stats = statistics.get_statistics(start_msg=start_msg, end_msg=end_msg_pred, annotated_msg=generate_annotated_diffs.get_annotated_diff(start_msg, end_msg_pred)) if stats["deletions"] < REL_DELETIONS_THRESHOLD: return end_msg_pred else: results.append((stats["deletions"], end_msg_pred)) results.sort() return results[0][1] COLS_TO_KEEP = ["hash", "repo", "commit_msg_start", "mods", "session", "end_to_start"] def print_config(): print(f"NUMBER OF EXAMPLES PER PROMPT = {examples.N_EXAMPLES}") print(f"GENERATION_MULTIPLIER = {GENERATION_MULTIPLIER}") print(f"REL_DELETIONS_THRESHOLD = {REL_DELETIONS_THRESHOLD}") print(f"GENERATION_ATTEMPTS = {GENERATION_ATTEMPTS}") def transform(df): print(f"Start -> send synthesis:") print_config() df['start_to_end'] = False generated_data = { "commit_msg_end": [] } for col in COLS_TO_KEEP: generated_data[col] = [] for _, row in tqdm(df.iterrows(), total=len(df)): for i in range(GENERATION_MULTIPLIER): commit_msg_end_pred = generate_end_msg(start_msg=row["commit_msg_start"], diff=row["mods"]) generated_data["commit_msg_end"].append(commit_msg_end_pred) for col in COLS_TO_KEEP: generated_data[col].append(row[col]) generated_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(generated_data) generated_df['start_to_end'] = True result = pd.concat([df, generated_df], ignore_index=True) result.to_csv(config.START_TO_END_ARTIFACT) print("Done") return result def main(): df = pd.read_csv(config.END_TO_START_ARTIFACT, index_col=[0]) transform(df) if __name__ == '__main__': main()