from import ChatPrompt from grazie.api.client.endpoints import GrazieApiGatewayUrls from grazie.api.client.gateway import GrazieApiGatewayClient, GrazieAgent, AuthType from grazie.api.client.profiles import LLMProfile from tqdm import tqdm import config import hf_data_loader client = GrazieApiGatewayClient( grazie_agent=GrazieAgent(name="commit-rewriting-summary-generation", version="dev"), url=GrazieApiGatewayUrls.STAGING, auth_type=AuthType.SERVICE, grazie_jwt_token=config.GRAZIE_API_JWT_TOKEN ) def build_prompt(reference, diff): return f"""A software developer uses a LLM to generate commit messages. They generated a commit message for the following source code changes: START OF THE SOURCE CODE CHANGES {diff} END OF THE SOURCE CODE CHANGES After generating the commit message the developer understands that it is not perfect. After making dome changes, they come up with an edited version of the message. Here is this edited message: START OF THE COMMIT MESSAGE {reference} END OF THE COMMIT MESSAGE Your task is to print the initial, LLM-generated commit message. Print only the initial commit message's text after the token "OUTPUT". OUTPUT""" def generate_prompt_for_row(row): reference = row['reference'] diff = row['mods'] return build_prompt(reference, diff) def generate_initial_msg(prompt): commit_msg = chat=ChatPrompt() .add_system("You are a helpful assistant.") .add_user(prompt), profile=LLMProfile("gpt-4-1106-preview") ).content return commit_msg def generate_synthetic_dataset(): df = hf_data_loader.load_full_commit_dataset_as_pandas() df['initial_msg_prompt'] = df.apply(generate_prompt_for_row, axis=1) initial_messages_pred = [] for i, prompt in enumerate(tqdm(df['initial_msg_prompt'])): output = None if i < 5: while output is None: try: output = generate_initial_msg(prompt) except: pass initial_messages_pred.append(output if output is not None else "TBA") df['initial_msg_pred'] = initial_messages_pred df.to_csv(config.SYNTHETIC_DATASET_ARTIFACT) if __name__ == '__main__': generate_synthetic_dataset()