# """ # This module defines a Gradio-based web application for the Semantrix game. The application allows users to play the game in either Spanish or English, using different embedding models for word similarity. # Modules: # gradio: Used for creating the web interface. # json: Used for loading configuration files. # game: Contains the Semantrix class for game logic. # File Paths: # config_file_path: Path to the configuration file. # logo_path: Path to the logo image. # logo_win_path: Path to the winning logo image. # Functions: # convert_to_markdown_centered(text): # Converts text to a centered markdown format for displaying game history and last attempt. # reset(difficulty, lang, model): # Resets the game state based on the selected difficulty, language, and model. # change(state, inp): # Changes the game state by incrementing the state variable. # update(state, radio, inp, hint): # Updates the game state and UI components based on the current state and user inputs. # Gradio Components: # demo: The main Gradio Blocks component that contains the entire UI layout. # header: A Markdown component for displaying the game header. # state: A State component for tracking the current game state. # difficulty: A State component for tracking the difficulty level. # hint: A State component for tracking if a hint is provided. # img: An Image component for displaying the game logo. # ranking: A Markdown component for displaying the ranking. # out: A Textbox component for displaying game messages. # hint_out: A Textbox component for displaying hints. # radio: A Radio component for user selections. # inp: A Textbox component for user input. # but: A Button component for several actions. # give_up: A Button component for giving up. # reload: A Button component for reloading the game. # model: A Dropdown component for selecting the embedding model. # lang: A Dropdown component for selecting the language. # Events: # inp.submit: Triggers the change function on input submission. # but.click: Triggers the change function on button click. # give_up.click: Triggers the change function on give up button click. # radio.input: Triggers the change function on radio input. # reload.click: Triggers the reset function on reload button click. # demo.load: Triggers the reset function on demo load. # lang[0].select: Triggers the reset function on language selection. # model[0].select: Triggers the reset function on model selection. # state.change: Triggers the update function on state change. # Main: # Launches the Gradio application if the script is run as the main module. # """ import gradio as gr import json from datetime import datetime, date from game import Semantrix, Model_class from huggingface_hub import CommitScheduler import os import logging # Configure logging logging.basicConfig( level=logging.INFO, format="%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s" ) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # File paths for configuration and images base_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) config_file_path = os.path.join(base_path, "config/lang.json") logo_path = os.path.join(base_path, "config/images/logo.png") logo_win_path = os.path.join(base_path, "config/images/logo_win.gif") condition_config_path = os.path.join(base_path, "config/condition.json") data_path = os.path.join(base_path, "data") plays_path = os.path.join(data_path, "plays") condition_name = "condition_2" # Dynamically determine the condition name based on the folder name # folder_name = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) # condition = folder_name.split("_")[-1][-1] # condition_name = "condition_" + condition with open(condition_config_path, "r") as file: condition_config = json.load(file) model = condition_config[condition_name]["model"] hints_enabled = condition_config[condition_name]["hints"] # Loading the configuration file with open(config_file_path, "r") as file: Config_full = json.load(file) scheduler = CommitScheduler( repo_id="Jsevisal/semantrix_data_" + condition_name[-1], repo_type="dataset", folder_path=plays_path, path_in_repo="data", every=10, ) lang = 0 # Language configuration flag (0 for Spanish, 1 for English) # Setting the configuration based on the language flag if lang == 1: Config = Config_full["ENG"]["Game"] Menu = Config_full["ENG"]["Menu"] else: Config = Config_full["SPA"]["Game"] Menu = Config_full["SPA"]["Menu"] # Function to convert text to centered markdown format def convert_to_markdown_centered(text): lines = text.strip().split("\n") if not lines: return "" last_attempt = lines[0] history_attempts = lines[2:12] markdown = '
\n\n' markdown += "## " + Menu["Best_tries"] + "\n" markdown += "\n" markdown += " \n" markdown += " \n" markdown += " \n" markdown += " \n" markdown += " \n" for line in history_attempts: items = eval(line.strip()) markdown += " \n" markdown += f" \n" markdown += f" \n" markdown += f" \n" markdown += " \n" markdown += "
" + Menu["N_try"] + "" + Menu["Word"] + "" + Menu["Score"] + "
\n\n" last_items = eval(last_attempt) markdown += f"## " + Menu["Last_try"] + "\n" markdown += ( f"**{last_items[0]}:** {last_items[1]} - " + Menu["Score"] + f": {last_items[2]}\n\n" ) markdown += "---\n\n" markdown += "
" return markdown # with gr.Blocks( theme="ocean", ) as demo: # Initializing state variables to manage the internal state of the application state = gr.State(-1) # State variable to track the current game state difficulty = gr.State(-1) # State variable to track the difficulty level hint = gr.State(False) # State variable to track if the hint is provided secret_word_used = gr.BrowserState( 0 ) # State variable to track the number of secret words used # Initializing the game using the Semantrix class with default parameters game_instances = {} sessions_to_remove = {} cooldown_time = 120 # Time in seconds to remove the session from the game_instances model_class = Model_class(lang=0, model_type=model) # Creating a Markdown component to display the header header = gr.Markdown( """

""" + Menu["Header"] + """

""" ) # Function to reset the game def reset(reload, request: gr.Request): global Config, game, Menu, model, lang # Declare global variables to modify them within the function if reload: game_instances[request.session_hash] = Semantrix( lang=0, model_type=model, session_hash=request.session_hash ) game_instances[request.session_hash].reset_game() # Reset the game state logger.info("New session detected: %s", request.session_hash) logger.info("Game instances: %s", game_instances) # Define the initial output components for the UI output = [ -1, gr.Textbox(visible=False), gr.Textbox(visible=False), gr.Image(logo_path, visible=True, interactive=False), gr.Button(Menu["Start"], visible=True, variant="secondary"), gr.Radio(visible=False), gr.Textbox(visible=False), gr.Button(visible=False), gr.Markdown( """

""" + Menu["Header"] + """

""" ), gr.Button(visible=False), ] # Return the initial output components return output def remove_game_instance(timer_tick=False, request: gr.Request | None = None): request = None if timer_tick else request if request is not None: logger.info("Session on inactivity timer: %s", request.session_hash) sessions_to_remove[request.session_hash] = datetime.now() if len(sessions_to_remove.items()) > 0: for session_hash, timestamp in list(sessions_to_remove.items()): if (datetime.now() - timestamp).seconds > cooldown_time: del sessions_to_remove[session_hash] session_id = game_instances[session_hash].get_session_id() del game_instances[session_hash] # Delete ranking file if it exists ranking_file = os.path.join( data_path, f"rankings/ranking_{session_hash}.txt" ) if os.path.exists(ranking_file): os.remove(ranking_file) # Delete plays files if it exists session_files = [ f for f in os.listdir(plays_path) if f.startswith(session_id) ] for file_name in session_files: with open(os.path.join(plays_path, file_name), "r") as file: os.remove(os.path.join(plays_path, file_name)) logger.info("Deleted session: %s", session_hash) # Function to change the state of the game def change(state, inp): # Increment the state by 1 state = state + 1 # Return the updated state and input component return [state, inp] # Function to update the game state based on the current state of the game def update(state, radio, inp, hint, secret_word_used, request: gr.Request): global difficulty, hints_enabled # Define the difficulty state dif_state = 3 # Initialize the output component list with the current state state_int = state output = [state] if request.session_hash in sessions_to_remove: sessions_to_remove.pop(request.session_hash) logger.info("Session saved: %s", request.session_hash) # Define UI components for the initial state if state_int == -1: output.extend( [ gr.Button(Menu["Start"], visible=True), gr.Radio(label="", visible=False), gr.Textbox( Config[list(Config.keys())[state_int]], visible=False, label="" ), gr.Button(Menu["Give_up"], visible=False), gr.Textbox(visible=False), gr.Image(interactive=False, visible=True), gr.Textbox(visible=False), gr.Button(visible=False), gr.Markdown(visible=False), gr.Button(visible=False), secret_word_used, ] ) # Define UI components for the first state, ask the user if they want to know the rules elif state_int == 1: output.extend( [ gr.Button(visible=False), gr.Radio( [Menu["Yes"], Menu["No"]], value=None, label="", visible=True ), gr.Textbox( Config[list(Config.keys())[state_int]], visible=True, label="" ), gr.Button(Menu["Give_up"], visible=False), gr.Textbox(visible=False), gr.Image(interactive=False, visible=False), gr.Textbox(visible=False), gr.Button(visible=False), gr.Markdown(visible=False), gr.Button(visible=False), secret_word_used, ] ) # Define UI components for the second state, Depending on the answer, show the rules or keep going elif state_int == 2: if radio == Menu["No"]: output = [ dif_state, gr.Button("Introducir", visible=True), gr.Radio(visible=False), gr.Textbox( Config[list(Config.keys())[state_int]], visible=True, label="" ), gr.Button(Menu["Give_up"], visible=False), gr.Textbox(visible=False), gr.Image(interactive=False, visible=False), gr.Textbox(visible=False), gr.Button(visible=False), gr.Markdown(visible=False), gr.Button(visible=False), secret_word_used, ] else: output.extend( [ gr.Button(Menu["Next"], visible=True), gr.Radio(visible=False), gr.Textbox( Config[list(Config.keys())[state_int]], visible=True, label="", ), gr.Button(Menu["Give_up"], visible=False), gr.Textbox(visible=False), gr.Image(interactive=False, visible=False), gr.Textbox(visible=False), gr.Button(visible=False), gr.Markdown(visible=False), gr.Button(visible=False), secret_word_used, ] ) # Define UI components for the difficulty state, ask the user to select the difficulty level elif state_int == dif_state: output.extend( [ gr.Button(Menu["Start"], visible=True, variant="primary"), gr.Radio(visible=False), gr.Textbox( Config[list(Config.keys())[state_int]], visible=True, label="" ), gr.Button(Menu["Give_up"], visible=False), gr.Textbox(visible=False), gr.Image(interactive=False, visible=False), gr.Textbox(visible=False), gr.Button(visible=False), gr.Markdown(visible=False), gr.Button(visible=False), secret_word_used, ] ) # Define UI components for the difficulty state + 2, play the game based on the selected difficulty level and prepare the game for the word guessing elif state_int == dif_state + 1: game_instances[request.session_hash].prepare_game( secret_word_used, 2 if hints_enabled else 4 ) output.extend( [ gr.Button(Menu["Send"], visible=True, variant="primary"), gr.Radio(label="", visible=False), gr.Textbox(visible=False, label=""), gr.Button(visible=False, variant="stop"), gr.Textbox( value="", visible=True, autofocus=True, placeholder=Menu["New_word"], ), gr.Image(interactive=False, visible=False), gr.Textbox(visible=False), gr.Button(visible=False), gr.Markdown(visible=False), gr.Button(visible=False), secret_word_used + 1, ] ) # Define UI components for the state greater than the difficulty state + 2, play the game and provide feedback based on the user input elif state_int > dif_state + 1: # Send the user input to the game and get the feedback from the game feed = game_instances[request.session_hash].play_game(inp, model_class) # Check if the feedback contains the ranking information and process it feedback_trim = feed.split("[rank]") if len(feedback_trim) > 1: ranking_vis = True ranking_md = convert_to_markdown_centered(feedback_trim[1]) else: ranking_vis = False ranking_md = "" # Check if the feedback contains a hint, win, or lose message feedback = feedback_trim[0].split("[hint]") win = feedback_trim[0].split("[win]") lose = feedback_trim[0].split("[lose]") # Check if the feedback contains a hint message if len(feedback) > 1: hint = True hint_out = feedback[1] feedback = feedback[0] else: hint = False feedback = feedback[0] # Check if the feedback contains a win or lose message and process it if len(win) > 1 or len(lose) > 1: # Check if the user won the game won = True if len(win) > 1 else False # Get the curiosity message from the game curiosity = game_instances[request.session_hash].curiosity() # Define the output components for the win or lose state output.extend( [ gr.Button(Menu["Send"], visible=False, variant="primary"), gr.Radio(label="", visible=False), gr.Textbox(win[1] if won else lose[1], visible=True, label=""), gr.Button(visible=False, variant="stop"), gr.Textbox( value="", visible=False, placeholder=Menu["New_word"] ), gr.Image( logo_win_path if won else logo_path, interactive=False, visible=True, ), gr.Textbox(curiosity, visible=True, label=Menu["Curiosity"]), gr.Button(Menu["Play_again"], variant="primary", visible=True), gr.Markdown(visible=False), gr.Button(visible=True), secret_word_used, ] ) return output # Define the output components for the feedback and keep playing output.extend( [ gr.Button(Menu["Send"], visible=True, variant="primary"), gr.Radio(label="", visible=False), gr.Textbox(feedback, visible=True, label=""), gr.Button(visible=True, variant="stop"), gr.Textbox(value="", visible=True, placeholder=Menu["New_word"]), gr.Image(logo_path, interactive=False, visible=False), gr.Textbox(hint_out if hint else "", visible=hint, label="Pista"), gr.Button(visible=False), gr.Markdown(ranking_md, visible=ranking_vis), gr.Button(visible=False), secret_word_used, ] ) # Define UI components for the rest of the states, state for showing basic text to the user else: output.extend( [ gr.Button(Menu["Next"], visible=True), gr.Radio(label="", visible=False), gr.Textbox( Config[list(Config.keys())[state_int]], visible=True, label="" ), gr.Button("Pista", visible=False), gr.Textbox(visible=False), gr.Image(interactive=False, visible=False), gr.Textbox(visible=False), gr.Button(visible=False), gr.Markdown(visible=False), gr.Button(visible=False), secret_word_used, ] ) # Return the output components return output def commit_data(request: gr.Request): session_id = game_instances[request.session_hash].get_session_id() session_files = [f for f in os.listdir(plays_path) if f.startswith(session_id)] combined_data = [] for file_name in session_files: with open(os.path.join(plays_path, file_name), "r") as file: combined_data.append(json.load(file)) os.remove(os.path.join(plays_path, file_name)) combined_file_path = os.path.join(plays_path, f"{session_id}.json") with open(combined_file_path, "w") as combined_file: json.dump(combined_data, combined_file, indent=4) scheduler.push_to_hub() if os.path.exists(combined_file_path): os.remove(combined_file_path) return [ gr.Button(visible=False), gr.Textbox(visible=False), gr.Textbox(visible=False), gr.Button( "Rellenar cuestionario", variant="primary", link="https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdGkCMsjk4r5Zvm1hZuebbPRK5LVc_aivbb8e9WrblX_yTHvg/viewform?usp=pp_url&entry.1459162177=" + session_id, visible=True, ), ] # Define the UI layout for the gam img = gr.Image(logo_path, height=430, interactive=False, visible=True) ranking = gr.Markdown(visible=False) with gr.Row(): out = gr.Textbox(visible=False, placeholder=Config[list(Config.keys())[0]]) hint_out = gr.Textbox(visible=False) radio = gr.Radio(visible=False) with gr.Row(): inp = gr.Textbox(visible=False, interactive=True, label="") but = gr.Button(Menu["Start"]) give_up = gr.Button("Pista", visible=False) reload = gr.Button(Menu["Play_again"], visible=False) finish = gr.Button( "Terminar", variant="stop", # link="https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd0z8nI4hhOSR83yPIw_bR3KkSt25Lsq0ZXG1pZnkldeoceqA/viewform?usp=pp_url&entry.327829192=Condici%C3%B3n+1", visible=False, ) timer_delete = gr.Timer(value=30) # Define the UI events for the game # Define events that trigger the game state change timer_delete.tick(remove_game_instance, inputs=[gr.State(True)]) inp.submit( change, inputs=[state, inp], outputs=[state, inp], concurrency_limit=5, ) but.click( change, inputs=[state, inp], outputs=[state, inp], concurrency_limit=5, ) give_up.click( change, inputs=[ state, gr.Textbox("give_up", visible=False, interactive=True, label=""), ], outputs=[state, inp], concurrency_limit=5, ) radio.input( change, inputs=[state, inp], outputs=[state, inp], concurrency_limit=5, ) finish.click( commit_data, outputs=[reload, out, hint_out, finish] ) # Define events that trigger the game reset reload.click( reset, inputs=[gr.State(False)], outputs=[state, out, inp, img, but, radio, hint_out, reload, header, finish], ) demo.load( reset, inputs=[gr.State(True)], outputs=[state, out, inp, img, but, radio, hint_out, reload, header, finish], ) demo.unload(remove_game_instance) # Define events that trigger the game state update state.change( update, inputs=[state, radio, inp, hint, secret_word_used], outputs=[ state, but, radio, out, give_up, inp, img, hint_out, reload, ranking, finish, secret_word_used, ], ) if __name__ == "__main__": demo.launch(debug=True)