I added buttons
Browse files
@@ -28,19 +28,32 @@ def guess():
28 |
st.session_state.max_attempts = 5
29 |
30 |
st.write(f"Here's the description for the person: {', '.join(st.session_state.description)}")
31 |
32 |
guess = st.text_input("Who Do You Think It Is??")
33 |
34 |
35 |
st.success(f"CONGRATULATIONS!!! YOU GUESSED IT CORRECTLY! IT IS {st.session_state.chosen_name}")
36 |
st.stop() # Stop the app after a correct guess
37 |
38 |
39 |
st.warning("That's Not Correct. Please Try Again.")
40 |
41 |
st.error(f"Sorry, You're Out Of Attempts. The Correct Answer Was {st.session_state.chosen_name}")
42 |
st.stop() # Stop the app after the game ends
43 |
44 |
st.session_state.attempts += 1
45 |
46 |
28 |
st.session_state.max_attempts = 5
29 |
30 |
st.write(f"Here's the description for the person: {', '.join(st.session_state.description)}")
31 |
32 |
a, b = st.columns(2)
33 |
guess = st.text_input("Who Do You Think It Is??")
34 |
submit = a.button("submit")
35 |
clear = b.button("clear")
36 |
37 |
if submit:
38 |
if guess.lower() == st.session_state.chosen_name.lower():
39 |
st.success(f"CONGRATULATIONS!!! YOU GUESSED IT CORRECTLY! IT IS {st.session_state.chosen_name}")
40 |
st.stop() # Stop the app after a correct guess
41 |
42 |
if st.session_state.attempts < st.session_state.max_attempts - 1:
43 |
st.warning("That's Not Correct. Please Try Again.")
44 |
45 |
st.error(f"Sorry, You're Out Of Attempts. The Correct Answer Was {st.session_state.chosen_name}")
46 |
st.stop() # Stop the app after the game ends
47 |
48 |
if clear:
49 |
del st.session_state.choosen_name
50 |
del st.session_state.description
51 |
del st.session_state.attempts
52 |
53 |
54 |
55 |
st.session_state.attempts += 1
56 |
57 |
58 |
59 |