Anythinhllm / Dockerfile
Kaballas's picture
Update Dockerfile
68a431f verified
## Use the official SQLite Web image as the base image
## Set environment variables
#ENV STORAGE_DIR="/data/storage"
## Expose the server port
## Set the working directory
#WORKDIR /data
# Create the storage directory and set permissions
#RUN mkdir -p ${STORAGE_DIR} && chmod -R 777 ${STORAGE_DIR}
# Command to run SQLite Web using the correct option for specifying the database file
#CMD sqlite_web --host= --port=${SERVER_PORT} ${SQLITE_DATABASE}
FROM mintplexlabs/anythingllm:render
USER root
# Create storage directory and link
RUN mkdir -p /data/storage
RUN ln -s /data/storage /storage
# Switch to user for AnythingLLM
USER anythingllm
# Set environment variables for storage and server port
ENV STORAGE_DIR="/data/storage"
USER anythingllm
#Set the entry point to run the script and the main application
ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/bash","/usr/local/bin/"]