Kabilash10's picture
Update app.py
2b0de04 verified
import streamlit as st
import PyPDF2
import re
import nltk
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize
from nltk.corpus import wordnet
import requests
from typing import Optional
import pandas as pd
from sqlalchemy import create_engine, Column, Integer, String, Float
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
import json
import openai # Import OpenAI
# Initialize NLTK resources
def download_nltk_resources():
resources = {
'punkt': 'tokenizers/punkt',
'averaged_perceptron_tagger': 'taggers/averaged_perceptron_tagger',
'wordnet': 'corpora/wordnet',
'stopwords': 'corpora/stopwords'
for package, resource in resources.items():
except LookupError:
# Ensure spaCy model is downloaded
import spacy
nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")
except OSError:
nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")
# Database setup
Base = declarative_base()
class ResumeScore(Base):
__tablename__ = 'resume_scores'
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
resume_name = Column(String)
score = Column(Float)
skills = Column(String)
certifications = Column(String)
experience_years = Column(Float)
education_level = Column(String)
summary = Column(String)
# Create engine and session
engine = create_engine('sqlite:///resumes.db')
Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
session = Session()
# Custom CSS to enhance UI
def set_custom_css():
.stProgress .st-bo {
background-color: #f0f2f6;
.stProgress .st-bp {
background: linear-gradient(to right, #4CAF50, #8BC34A);
.skill-tag {
display: inline-block;
padding: 5px 10px;
""", unsafe_allow_html=True)
def get_docparser_data(file, api_key, parser_id) -> Optional[dict]:
# First, upload the document
upload_url = f"https://api.docparser.com/v1/document/upload/{parser_id}"
# Create proper headers with base64 encoded API key
import base64
auth_string = base64.b64encode(f"{api_key}:".encode()).decode()
headers = {
'Authorization': f'Basic {auth_string}'
# Prepare the file for upload
files = {
'file': (file.name, file, 'application/pdf')
# Upload document
upload_response = requests.post(
# Get document ID from upload response
upload_data = upload_response.json()
# Extract document ID from the correct response format
document_id = upload_data.get('id')
if not document_id:
st.error("Failed to get document ID from upload response")
return None
# Wait a moment for processing
import time
time.sleep(3) # Increased wait time to ensure document is processed
# Get parsed results
results_url = f"https://api.docparser.com/v1/results/{parser_id}/{document_id}"
results_response = requests.get(
# Handle results
results_data = results_response.json()
if isinstance(results_data, list) and len(results_data) > 0:
# Map the fields according to your Docparser parser configuration
result = results_data[0] # Get the first result
parsed_data = {
'name': result.get('name', result.get('full_name', 'Unknown')),
'email': result.get('email', 'Unknown'),
'phone': result.get('phone', result.get('phone_number', 'Unknown')),
'skills': result.get('skills', []),
'certifications': result.get('certifications', []),
'experience_years': float(result.get('experience_years', 0)),
'degree': result.get('degree', result.get('education_degree', 'Not specified')),
'institution': result.get('institution', result.get('university', 'Not specified')),
'year': result.get('year', result.get('graduation_year', 'Not specified')),
'summary': result.get('summary', result.get('profile_summary', 'No summary available')),
'projects': result.get('projects', [])
# Convert skills from string to list if needed
if isinstance(parsed_data['skills'], str):
parsed_data['skills'] = [skill.strip() for skill in parsed_data['skills'].split(',')]
# Convert certifications from string to list if needed
if isinstance(parsed_data['certifications'], str):
parsed_data['certifications'] = [cert.strip() for cert in parsed_data['certifications'].split(',')]
return parsed_data
st.error(f"No parsed data received from Docparser: {results_data}")
return None
except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as http_err:
st.error(f"HTTP error occurred: {http_err}")
if hasattr(http_err, 'response') and http_err.response is not None:
st.error(f"Response content: {http_err.response.content}")
except json.JSONDecodeError as json_err:
st.error(f"JSON decode error: {json_err}")
st.error("Raw response content: " + str(upload_response.content if 'upload_response' in locals() else 'No response'))
except Exception as e:
st.error(f"Error fetching data from Docparser: {e}")
st.error(f"Upload data: {upload_data if 'upload_data' in locals() else 'No upload data'}")
st.error(f"Results data: {results_data if 'results_data' in locals() else 'No results data'}")
return None
def get_openai_data(file, openai_key: str) -> Optional[dict]:
openai.api_key = openai_key
file_content = file.read()
response = openai.Completion.create(
prompt=f"Extract and analyze the resume content: {file_content}",
return response.choices[0].text
except Exception as e:
st.error(f"Error fetching data from OpenAI: {e}")
return None
def calculate_weighted_score(skills, certifications, experience_years, education_level, projects, skill_weight, certification_weight, experience_weight, education_weight, project_weight):
skill_score = min(len(skills) * 15, 100)
certification_score = min(len(certifications) * 20, 100)
experience_score = min(experience_years * 15, 100)
education_score = 100 if education_level else 0
project_score = min(len(projects) * 10, 100) # Assuming each project contributes 10 points
total_score = (
skill_score * skill_weight +
certification_score * certification_weight +
experience_score * experience_weight +
education_score * education_weight +
project_score * project_weight
return round(min(total_score, 100), 2)
def process_resume(file, job_description, filename, parser_choice, openai_key=None, api_key=None, parser_id=None, skill_weight=0.9, certification_weight=0.05, experience_weight=0.03, education_weight=0.02, project_weight=0.1):
if parser_choice == "Docparser":
data = get_docparser_data(file, api_key, parser_id)
elif parser_choice == "OpenAI":
data = get_openai_data(file, openai_key)
st.error("Invalid parser choice")
return None
if not data:
st.warning(f"Failed to extract data from the resume {filename}")
return None
# Extract fields from the response
personal_details = {
'name': data.get('name', 'Unknown'),
'email': data.get('email', 'Unknown'),
'phone': data.get('phone', 'Unknown')
education = {
'degree': data.get('degree', 'Not specified'),
'institution': data.get('institution', 'Not specified'),
'year': data.get('year', 'Not specified')
experience_years = data.get('experience_years', 0)
# Ensure certifications, skills, and projects are lists of strings
certifications = [cert if isinstance(cert, str) else str(cert) for cert in data.get('certifications', [])]
skills = [skill if isinstance(skill, str) else str(skill) for skill in data.get('skills', [])]
projects = [project if isinstance(project, str) else str(project) for project in data.get('projects', [])] # Assuming 'projects' is a key in the data
summary = data.get('summary', 'No summary available')
# Calculate weighted score
weighted_score = calculate_weighted_score(
skills, certifications, experience_years, education.get('degree', 'Not specified'), projects,
skill_weight, certification_weight, experience_weight, education_weight, project_weight
resume_name = filename or personal_details.get('name', 'Unknown')
skills_str = ', '.join(skills)
certifications_str = ', '.join(certifications)
projects_str = ', '.join(projects)
resume_score = ResumeScore(
education_level=education.get('degree', 'Not specified'),
result = {
'name': resume_name,
'score': weighted_score,
'personal_details': personal_details,
'education': education,
'experience': {'total_years': experience_years},
'certifications': certifications,
'skills': skills,
'projects': projects, # Include projects in the result
'summary': summary
return result
except Exception as e:
st.error(f"Error processing the resume {filename}: {e}")
return None
def process_resumes(files, job_description, parser_choice, openai_key=None, api_key=None, parser_id=None, skill_weight=0.9, certification_weight=0.05, experience_weight=0.03, education_weight=0.02, project_weight=0.1):
scores = []
processed_count = 0
if not files:
st.warning("No PDF files uploaded")
return []
total_files = len(files)
progress_bar = st.progress(0)
for index, file in enumerate(files):
result = process_resume(file, job_description, file.name, parser_choice, openai_key, api_key, parser_id, skill_weight, certification_weight, experience_weight, education_weight, project_weight)
if result:
processed_count += 1
progress = (index + 1) / total_files
st.success(f"Successfully processed {processed_count} resumes")
return scores
except Exception as e:
st.error(f"Error processing resumes: {e}")
return []
def display_results(result):
with st.expander(f"📄 {result.get('name', 'Unknown')} - Match: {result['score']}%"):
st.write(f"### Overall Match Score: {result['score']}%")
st.write("### Skills Found:")
if result['skills']:
for skill in result['skills']:
st.markdown(f"- {skill}")
st.markdown("No skills found.")
st.write("### Certifications:")
if result['certifications']:
for cert in result['certifications']:
st.markdown(f"- {cert}")
st.markdown("No certifications found.")
st.write(f"### Total Years of Experience: {result['experience'].get('total_years', 0)}")
st.write("### Education:")
degree = result['education'].get('degree', 'Not specified')
st.markdown(f"- Degree: {degree}")
if st.button(f"View Detailed Analysis ({result.get('name', 'Unknown')})", key=f"view_{result.get('name', 'default')}"):
st.write("#### Resume Summary:")
def view_scores():
st.header("Stored Resume Scores")
resumes = session.query(ResumeScore).order_by(ResumeScore.score.desc()).all()
if resumes:
data = []
for idx, resume in enumerate(resumes, start=1):
# Attempt to parse skills and certifications as JSON
skills = json.loads(resume.skills)
certifications = json.loads(resume.certifications)
# Extract values if they are in JSON format
skills_str = ', '.join([skill['key_0'] for skill in skills]) if isinstance(skills, list) else resume.skills
certifications_str = ', '.join([cert['key_0'] for cert in certifications]) if isinstance(certifications, list) else resume.certifications
except json.JSONDecodeError:
# If parsing fails, treat them as plain strings
skills_str = resume.skills
certifications_str = resume.certifications
'S.No': idx,
'Name': resume.resume_name,
'Score': resume.score,
'Skills': skills_str,
'Certifications': certifications_str,
'Experience (Years)': resume.experience_years,
'Education': resume.education_level,
'Projects': resume.summary
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
df_display = df[['S.No', 'Name', 'Score', 'Skills', 'Certifications', 'Experience (Years)', 'Education', 'Projects']]
# Define a threshold for best-fit resumes
threshold = 50
best_fits = df[df['Score'] >= threshold]
# Display all resumes
st.subheader("All Resumes")
for index, row in df_display.iterrows():
with st.container():
col1, col2, col3 = st.columns([3, 1, 1])
with col1:
st.write(f"**{row['Name']}** (Score: {row['Score']}%)")
st.write(f"Skills: {row['Skills']}")
st.write(f"Experience: {row['Experience (Years)']} years")
with col2:
if st.button(f"View Details", key=f"view_{index}"):
st.write(f"### Analysis Report")
st.write(f"Skills: {row['Skills']}")
st.write(f"Certifications: {row['Certifications']}")
st.write(f"Experience: {row['Experience (Years)']} years")
st.write(f"Education: {row['Education']}")
st.write(f"Projects: {row['Projects']}")
with col3:
if st.button(f"Delete", key=f"delete_{index}"):
resume_to_delete = session.query(ResumeScore).filter_by(resume_name=row['Name']).first()
if resume_to_delete:
st.success(f"Deleted {row['Name']}")
st.rerun() # Use st.rerun() instead of experimental_set_query_params
# Display best-fit resumes
if not best_fits.empty:
st.subheader("Best Fit Resumes")
for index, row in best_fits.iterrows():
with st.container():
col1, col2, col3 = st.columns([3, 1, 1])
with col1:
st.write(f"**{row['Name']}** (Score: {row['Score']}%)")
st.write(f"Skills: {row['Skills']}")
st.write(f"Experience: {row['Experience (Years)']} years")
with col2:
if st.button(f"View Details", key=f"view_best_{index}"):
st.write(f"### Analysis Report")
st.write(f"Skills: {row['Skills']}")
st.write(f"Certifications: {row['Certifications']}")
st.write(f"Experience: {row['Experience (Years)']} years")
st.write(f"Education: {row['Education']}")
st.write(f"Projects: {row['Projects']}")
with col3:
if st.button(f"Delete", key=f"delete_best_{index}"):
resume_to_delete = session.query(ResumeScore).filter_by(resume_name=row['Name']).first()
if resume_to_delete:
st.success(f"Deleted {row['Name']}")
st.rerun() # Use st.rerun() instead of experimental_set_query_params
st.write("No resume scores available.")
def main():
st.title("Resume Analyzer")
menu = ["Home", "View Scores"]
choice = st.sidebar.selectbox("Menu", menu)
if choice == "Home":
analysis_type = st.selectbox("Select Analysis Type:", ["Single Resume", "Folder Upload"])
method_choice = st.selectbox("Select Method:", ["Use LLM", "Use Field Extraction"])
openai_key = None # Initialize openai_key
if method_choice == "Use LLM":
openai_key = st.text_input("Enter OpenAI API Key:", type="password")
parser_choice = "OpenAI"
parser_choice = "Docparser" # Only Docparser is available for field extraction
api_key = st.text_input("Enter Docparser API Key:", type="password")
parser_id = st.text_input("Enter Docparser Parser ID:")
job_description = st.text_area("Enter job description:", height=150, placeholder="Paste job description here...", key="job_desc")
# Configure weights
st.sidebar.header("Configure Weights")
skill_weight = st.sidebar.slider("Skill Weight", 0.0, 1.0, 0.9)
certification_weight = st.sidebar.slider("Certification Weight", 0.0, 1.0, 0.05)
experience_weight = st.sidebar.slider("Experience Weight", 0.0, 1.0, 0.03)
education_weight = st.sidebar.slider("Education Weight", 0.0, 1.0, 0.02)
project_weight = st.sidebar.slider("Project Weight", 0.0, 1.0, 0.1) # New slider for project weight
if analysis_type == "Single Resume":
uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Upload a resume PDF file", type="pdf")
if st.button("Analyze Resume"):
if not uploaded_file:
st.error("Please upload a resume PDF file")
if not job_description:
st.error("Please enter a job description")
if method_choice == "Use LLM" and not openai_key:
st.error("Please enter the OpenAI API key")
if method_choice == "Use Field Extraction" and (not api_key or not parser_id):
st.error("Please enter the Docparser API key and Parser ID")
with st.spinner("Processing resume..."):
result = process_resume(uploaded_file, job_description, uploaded_file.name, parser_choice, openai_key, api_key, parser_id, skill_weight, certification_weight, experience_weight, education_weight, project_weight)
if result:
st.success("Analysis complete!")
st.warning("Failed to process the resume.")
elif analysis_type == "Folder Upload":
uploaded_files = st.file_uploader("Upload multiple resume PDF files", type="pdf", accept_multiple_files=True)
if st.button("Analyze Resumes"):
if not uploaded_files:
st.error("Please upload resume PDF files")
if not job_description:
st.error("Please enter a job description")
if method_choice == "Use LLM" and not openai_key:
st.error("Please enter the OpenAI API key")
if method_choice == "Use Field Extraction" and (not api_key or not parser_id):
st.error("Please enter the Docparser API key and Parser ID")
with st.spinner("Processing resumes..."):
scores = process_resumes(uploaded_files, job_description, parser_choice, openai_key, api_key, parser_id, skill_weight, certification_weight, experience_weight, education_weight, project_weight)
if scores:
st.success("Analysis complete!")
for result in scores:
st.warning("No valid resumes found to process")
with st.expander("ℹ️ How to use"):
1. Select the analysis type: Single Resume or Folder Upload.
2. Choose the method: Use LLM or Use Field Extraction.
3. If using LLM, enter the OpenAI API key.
4. If using Field Extraction, enter the Docparser API key and Parser ID.
5. Upload a resume PDF file or multiple files.
6. Paste the job description.
7. Configure the weights for skills, certifications, experience, education, and projects.
8. Click 'Analyze' to start processing.
9. View the match score and extracted information.
10. Click 'View Detailed Analysis' to see the summary and more details.
elif choice == "View Scores":
if __name__ == "__main__":