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* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#pragma once
#include <climits>
#include <cstring>
#include <functional>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <ostream>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <tuple>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "onnx/common/common.h"
#include "onnx/common/constants.h"
#include "onnx/defs/shape_inference.h"
namespace ONNX_NAMESPACE {
struct FunctionBodyBuildContext {
virtual const AttributeProto* getAttribute(const std::string& name) const = 0;
virtual bool hasInput(int inputIndex) const = 0;
virtual bool hasOutput(int inputIndex) const = 0;
// getInputType(i) should return null for missing optional inputs, or if
// type-inference could not infer the input-type (erroneous model).
virtual const TypeProto* getInputType(int inputIndex) const = 0;
virtual ~FunctionBodyBuildContext() {}
struct FunctionBodyBuildContextImpl : public FunctionBodyBuildContext {
// Input_types: use a default TypeProto for missing types. We use a different convention
// here (from FunctionBodyBuildContext) to simplify python interoperability.
// The default value for input_types is included only for backward compatibility.
// It can be used for functions that do not depend on the type-context, but
// will not be sufficient for functions that do use the type-context.
FunctionBodyBuildContextImpl(const NodeProto& node_proto, const std::vector<TypeProto>& input_types = {})
: node_proto_(node_proto), input_types_(input_types) {
for (auto& attr : node_proto.attribute()) {
attributesByName_[attr.name()] = &attr;
const AttributeProto* getAttribute(const std::string& name) const override {
auto iter = attributesByName_.find(name);
if (iter == attributesByName_.end()) {
return nullptr;
} else {
return iter->second;
bool hasInput(int inputIndex) const override {
if (inputIndex >= node_proto_.input_size())
return false;
return node_proto_.input(inputIndex) != "";
bool hasOutput(int inputIndex) const override {
if (inputIndex >= node_proto_.output_size())
return false;
return node_proto_.output(inputIndex) != "";
const TypeProto* getInputType(int inputIndex) const override {
if (inputIndex < 0)
return nullptr;
size_t j = static_cast<size_t>(inputIndex);
if (j >= input_types_.size())
return nullptr;
// Convert default value (no variant set) into null.
if (input_types_[j].value_case() == TypeProto::ValueCase::VALUE_NOT_SET)
return nullptr;
return &input_types_[j];
std::unordered_map<std::string, const AttributeProto*> attributesByName_;
NodeProto node_proto_;
std::vector<TypeProto> input_types_;
using FunctionBodyQueryFunction = std::function<bool(FunctionBodyBuildContext&)>;
class OpSchema;
using ContextDependentFunctionBodyBuilder =
std::function<bool(const FunctionBodyBuildContext&, const OpSchema&, FunctionProto&)>;
class SchemaError final : public std::runtime_error {
using std::runtime_error::runtime_error;
SchemaError(const std::string& message) : std::runtime_error(message) {}
const char* what() const noexcept override {
if (!expanded_message_.empty()) {
return expanded_message_.c_str();
return std::runtime_error::what();
void AppendContext(const std::string& context) {
expanded_message_ = ONNX_NAMESPACE::MakeString(std::runtime_error::what(), "\n\n==> Context: ", context);
std::string expanded_message_;
#define fail_schema(...) ONNX_THROW_EX(ONNX_NAMESPACE::SchemaError(ONNX_NAMESPACE::MakeString(__VA_ARGS__)));
using OperatorSetVersion = int;
using DataTypeSet = std::unordered_set<DataType>;
// Type constraint map. Key is type string. Value is data type set and
// description.
using TypeConstraintMap = std::unordered_map<std::string, std::pair<DataTypeSet, std::string>>;
* @brief A class to record the schema of an op.
* OpSchema records the common interface of an op specified by its name.
* To register an OpSchema, one can use the macro ONNX_OPERATOR_SCHEMA(name) and
* then append the various functions in the class. For example, for an op
* that takes in two inputs, one output, and the first input and output
* could be in-place, can be written as
* .NumInputs(2).NumOutputs(1).AllowConsumed({{0, 0}});
* To manufacture methods that may be used to register an OpSchema
* non-statically, the following may be used:
* ONNX_OPERATOR_SET_SCHEMA(name, version, OpSchema()
* .NumInputs(2).NumOutputs(1).AllowConsumed({{0, 0}}));
class OpSchema final {
static constexpr int kUninitializedSinceVersion = -1;
// Formal parameter options.
enum FormalParameterOption : uint8_t {
// The formal parameter is single and not optional.
// Number of supplied actual parameters must be 1.
Single = 0,
// The formal parameter is single and optional.
// Number of supplied actual parameters may be 0 or 1.
Optional = 1,
// The formal parameter is variadic.
// Number of supplied actual parameters must be N or more, where
// the minimum value N is indicated separately (default value 1).
Variadic = 2,
enum DifferentiationCategory : uint8_t {
// Whether this formal parameter is differentiable or not cannot
// be statically determined. It also covers variadic formal
// parameters which contain both of differentiable and
// non-differentiable variables.
Unknown = 0,
// This formal parameter is differentiable. That is, this formal
// parameter can be differentiable input of Gradient operator.
Differentiable = 1,
// This formal parameter is not differentiable. That is, this formal
// parameter can not be differentiable input of Gradient operator.
NonDifferentiable = 2
// Formal parameter represenation, including input/output name, typeStr,
// description, and type constraints.
class FormalParameter final {
// Constructor.
FormalParameter() = default;
explicit FormalParameter(
std::string name,
DataTypeSet allowed_type_set,
std::string type_str,
const std::string& description,
FormalParameterOption param_option = Single,
bool is_homogeneous = true,
int min_arity = 1,
DifferentiationCategory differentiation_category = Unknown)
: name_(std::move(name)),
differentiation_category_(differentiation_category) {
explicit FormalParameter(
std::string name,
const std::string& description,
std::string type_str,
FormalParameterOption param_option = Single,
bool is_homogeneous = true,
int min_arity = 1,
DifferentiationCategory differentiation_category = Unknown)
: name_(std::move(name)),
differentiation_category_(differentiation_category) {
// Get formal parameter name.
const std::string& GetName() const;
// Get allowed data types.
const DataTypeSet& GetTypes() const;
// Get formal parameter type string.
const std::string& GetTypeStr() const;
// Get formal parameter description.
const std::string& GetDescription() const;
// Get the parameter option, it could be Single, Optional or Variadic.
FormalParameterOption GetOption() const;
// Get whether a variadic parameter requires all to be of same type
bool GetIsHomogeneous() const;
// Get minimum arity. Applicable only in the Variadic case.
int GetMinArity() const;
// Get the differentiation property of this formal parameter.
DifferentiationCategory GetDifferentiationCategory() const;
friend class OpSchema;
DataTypeSet& MutableTypes();
// Formal parameter name.
std::string name_;
// A set of data types supported for <*this> formal parameter.
// It should contain at least one element if this formal parameter is good.
DataTypeSet type_set_;
// The <parameter type> string specified when registring an op.
// It could be a supported data type or a type constraint key, which
// maps to a set of supported data types.
std::string type_str_;
// Formal parameter description.
std::string description_;
// Formal parameter option.
FormalParameterOption param_option_;
// For variadic parameters, a flag indicating if all parameters must be of
// same type
bool is_homogeneous_;
// Minimum number of parameters expected. Applicable only for Variadic.
int min_arity_;
// True if this parameter can be an differentiable inputs of Gradient.
// Otherwise, using this parameter as an differentiable inputs of Gradient
// is prohibited.
DifferentiationCategory differentiation_category_;
enum class SupportType : uint8_t {
COMMON, // Supported by all frameworks that support this IR.
EXPERIMENTAL, // This OP is experimental and can be changed or removed in
// the future.
OpSchema() : OpSchema("unknown", "unknown", 0) {}
OpSchema(std::string name, std::string file, int line)
: name_(std::move(name)), file_(std::move(file)), line_(line), support_(SupportType::COMMON) {}
* @brief Returns the file that the op schema is registered from.
const std::string& file() const {
return file_;
* @brief Returns the line in file that the op schema is registered from.
int line() const {
return line_;
* @brief Returns the support level of the op schema.
SupportType support_level() const {
return support_;
* @brief Returns the docstring of the op schema.
const char* doc() const {
return doc_.empty() ? nullptr : doc_.c_str();
// Check if input and output types fall into valid set and match each other
void CheckInputOutputType(struct InferenceContext&) const;
* @brief Verifies if a NodeProto matches the pattern specified in
* the schema.
void Verify(const NodeProto& node) const;
// Functions to set the property of the operator schemas.
// Sets the number of inputs, either a fixed number or a min and a max.
* The earliest operator set version which this operator was
* present in. If an operator has had no BC-breaking changes,
* this is simply the first operator set the operator was a member
* of; if it has had BC-breaking changes, then for the semantics
* /as described/ in the OpSchema entry, this version describes
* the operator set which introduced the BC-breaking change.
* For example, suppose op Foo was added in v3, and had a BC-breaking
* change in v6. Then there will be an op schema entry for Foo with
* SinceVersion(3), and another, updated op schema entry for Foo
* with SinceVersion(6).
OpSchema& SinceVersion(OperatorSetVersion n); // aka int
* Marks this op as deprecated as of it's since_version. This will cause the
* Schema() lookup functions to return nullptr when the version is in the
* deprecated range.
OpSchema& Deprecate();
bool Deprecated() const {
return deprecated_;
* @brief Input could be one of the values specified in allowed_input_nums.
OpSchema& NumInputs(std::set<int> allowed_input_nums);
* @brief Output could be one of the values specified in allowed_output_nums.
OpSchema& NumOutputs(std::set<int> allowed_output_nums);
// Shape Inference
// Note that signatures are defined to allow for forward-declaring
// any structs used from ir.h
OpSchema& TypeAndShapeInferenceFunction(InferenceFunction inferenceFunction);
InferenceFunction GetTypeAndShapeInferenceFunction() const {
return tensor_inference_function_ ? tensor_inference_function_ : dummyInferenceFunction;
OpSchema& PartialDataPropagationFunction(DataPropagationFunction dataProgationFunction);
DataPropagationFunction GetDataPropagationFunction() const {
return data_propagation_function_ ? data_propagation_function_ : dummyDataPropagationFunction;
// Set the support level for the op schema.
OpSchema& SetSupportLevel(SupportType supportType);
// Functions to do documentation for the operator schema.
// This may be disabled to save memory.
OpSchema& SetDoc(const char* doc) {
return *this;
OpSchema& SetDoc(const std::string& doc) {
doc_ = doc;
return *this;
// Functions to specify name for the operator schema.
OpSchema& SetName(const char* name);
OpSchema& SetName(std::string name);
// Functions to specify code location for the operator schema.
OpSchema& SetLocation(const char* file, int line);
OpSchema& SetLocation(std::string file, int line);
// Functions to specify domain for the operator schema.
// Default domain value (ONNX_DOMAIN) means it's ONNX domain.
OpSchema& SetDomain(const char* domain);
OpSchema& SetDomain(std::string domain);
struct Attribute final {
Attribute(std::string name_, std::string description_, AttributeProto::AttributeType type_, bool required_)
: name(std::move(name_)),
default_value() {}
Attribute(std::string name_, std::string description_, AttributeProto default_value_)
: name(std::move(name_)),
default_value(std::move(default_value_)) {}
const std::string name;
const std::string description;
AttributeProto::AttributeType type;
bool required;
AttributeProto default_value;
OpSchema& Attr(Attribute attr);
// Register "optional" attribute with default value.
OpSchema& Attr( \
std::string name, std::string description, AttributeProto::AttributeType type, const TypeName& defaultValue); \
/* non-STL wrapper to reduce binary size */ \
OpSchema& Attr( \
const char* name, const char* description, AttributeProto::AttributeType type, const TypeName& defaultValue); \
OpSchema& Attr( \
std::string name, \
std::string description, \
AttributeProto::AttributeType type, \
const std::vector<TypeName>& defaultValue);
OpSchema& Attr(
std::string name,
std::string description,
std::string conditionExplanation,
AttributeProto::AttributeType attr_type);
// Register "required" attribute without default value.
OpSchema& Attr(std::string name, std::string description, AttributeProto::AttributeType type, bool required = true);
// Non-STL wrapper to reduce binary size
OpSchema& Attr(const char* name, const char* description, AttributeProto::AttributeType type, bool required = true);
OpSchema& AllowUncheckedAttributes();
// Type constraint.
struct TypeConstraintParam final {
std::string type_param_str_,
std::vector<std::string> allowed_type_strs_,
std::string description_)
: type_param_str(std::move(type_param_str_)),
description(std::move(description_)) {}
// Type parameter string, for example, "T", "T1", etc.
std::string type_param_str;
// Allowed type strings for <*this> type parameter, for example,
// "tensor(float)".
std::vector<std::string> allowed_type_strs;
// Type parameter description.
std::string description;
// Grammar for type strings used in Input(), Output().
// <type> ::= <data_type> |
// tensor(<data_type>) |
// seq(<type>) |
// map(<data_type>, <type>) |
// <type_parameter>
// <data_type> :: = float | int32 | string | bool | uint8
// | int8 | uint16 | int16 | int64 | float16 | double
// <type_parameter> ::= any type parameter string, say "T".
// NOTE: 1) <type_parameter> will always be together with a type constraints
// specification.
// 2) <type> ::= <data_type> means the data is scalar (zero dimension).
// Example:
// .Input(0, "input_a", "the first input", "T")
// .Input(1, "input_b", "the second input", "T")
// .Output(0, "sum", "the sum of two numbers", "T")
// .TypeConstraint("T", {"float", "double", "int32"}, "allowed data types for
// sum."))
// Optional = true means that the input might have empty input value
// (represented as "") in the graph even though the later inputs have values.
// It's useful for complex situation when there are several independent
// optional inputs.
OpSchema& Input(int n, FormalParameter formal_parameter);
OpSchema& Input(
int n,
std::string name,
const std::string& description,
std::string type_str,
FormalParameterOption param_option = Single,
bool is_homogeneous = true,
int min_arity = 1,
DifferentiationCategory differentiation_category = Unknown);
// Non-STL wrapper to reduce binary size
OpSchema& Input(
int n,
const char* name,
const char* description,
const char* type_str,
FormalParameterOption param_option = Single,
bool is_homogeneous = true,
int min_arity = 1,
DifferentiationCategory differentiation_category = Unknown);
OpSchema& Output(int n, FormalParameter formal_parameter);
OpSchema& Output(
int n,
std::string name,
const std::string& description,
std::string type_str,
FormalParameterOption param_option = Single,
bool is_homogeneous = true,
int min_arity = 1,
DifferentiationCategory differentiation_category = Unknown);
// Non-STL wrapper to reduce binary size
OpSchema& Output(
int n,
const char* name,
const char* description,
const char* type_str,
FormalParameterOption param_option = Single,
bool is_homogeneous = true,
int min_arity = 1,
DifferentiationCategory differentiation_category = Unknown);
OpSchema& TypeConstraint(std::string type_str, std::vector<std::string> constraints, std::string description);
// Non-STL wrapper to reduce binary size
TypeConstraint(const char* type_str, std::initializer_list<const char*> constraints, const char* description);
// Convenience members for types
// All high-precision numeric types.
static const std::vector<std::string>& numeric_types_for_math_reduction_ir10() {
return numeric_types_for_math_reduction_ir9();
static const std::vector<std::string>& numeric_types_for_math_reduction_ir9() {
static const std::vector<std::string> numeric_types_for_math_reduction_ir9 = {
return numeric_types_for_math_reduction_ir9;
static const std::vector<std::string>& numeric_types_for_math_reduction_ir4() {
static const std::vector<std::string> numeric_types_for_math_reduction_ir4 = {
return numeric_types_for_math_reduction_ir4;
static const std::vector<std::string>& numeric_types_for_math_reduction() {
static const std::vector<std::string> numeric_types_for_math_reduction = {
return numeric_types_for_math_reduction;
static const std::vector<std::string>& all_numeric_types_ir10() {
static const std::vector<std::string> all_numeric_types_ir10 = {
return all_numeric_types_ir10;
static const std::vector<std::string>& all_numeric_types_ir9() {
static const std::vector<std::string> all_numeric_types_ir9 = {
return all_numeric_types_ir9;
static const std::vector<std::string>& all_numeric_types_ir4() {
static const std::vector<std::string> all_numeric_types_ir4 = {
return all_numeric_types_ir4;
static const std::vector<std::string>& all_numeric_types() {
static const std::vector<std::string> all_numeric_types = {
return all_numeric_types;
static const std::vector<std::string>& all_numeric_sequence_types() {
static const std::vector<std::string> all_numeric_sequence_types = {
return all_numeric_sequence_types;
static const std::vector<std::string>& all_tensor_types() {
static const std::vector<std::string> all_tensor_types = {
return all_tensor_types;
static const std::vector<std::string>& all_tensor_types_ir4() {
static const std::vector<std::string> all_tensor_types_ir4 = {
return all_tensor_types_ir4;
static const std::vector<std::string>& all_float_types_ir4() {
static const std::vector<std::string> all_float_types_ir4 = {
"tensor(bfloat16)", "tensor(float16)", "tensor(float)", "tensor(double)"};
return all_float_types_ir4;
static const std::vector<std::string>& all_float_types_ir9() {
static const std::vector<std::string> all_float_types_ir9 = {
return all_float_types_ir9;
static const std::vector<std::string>& all_float_types_ir10() {
return all_float_types_ir9();
static const std::vector<std::string>& all_tensor_types_ir9() {
static const std::vector<std::string> all_tensor_types_ir9 = {
"tensor(uint8)", "tensor(uint16)", "tensor(uint32)", "tensor(uint64)",
"tensor(int8)", "tensor(int16)", "tensor(int32)", "tensor(int64)",
"tensor(bfloat16)", "tensor(float16)", "tensor(float)", "tensor(double)",
"tensor(string)", "tensor(bool)", "tensor(complex64)", "tensor(complex128)",
"tensor(float8e4m3fn)", "tensor(float8e4m3fnuz)", "tensor(float8e5m2)", "tensor(float8e5m2fnuz)"};
return all_tensor_types_ir9;
static const std::vector<std::string>& all_tensor_types_ir10() {
static const std::vector<std::string> all_tensor_types_ir10 = {
"tensor(uint8)", "tensor(uint16)", "tensor(uint32)",
"tensor(uint64)", "tensor(int8)", "tensor(int16)",
"tensor(int32)", "tensor(int64)", "tensor(bfloat16)",
"tensor(float16)", "tensor(float)", "tensor(double)",
"tensor(string)", "tensor(bool)", "tensor(complex64)",
"tensor(complex128)", "tensor(float8e4m3fn)", "tensor(float8e4m3fnuz)",
"tensor(float8e5m2)", "tensor(float8e5m2fnuz)", "tensor(uint4)",
return all_tensor_types_ir10;
static const std::vector<std::string>& all_tensor_sequence_types() {
static const std::vector<std::string> all_tensor_sequence_types = {
return all_tensor_sequence_types;
static const std::vector<std::string>& all_tensor_sequence_types_ir4() {
static const std::vector<std::string> all_tensor_sequence_types_ir4 = {
return all_tensor_sequence_types_ir4;
static const std::vector<std::string>& all_tensor_sequence_types_ir9() {
static const std::vector<std::string> all_tensor_sequence_types_ir9 = {
"seq(tensor(uint8))", "seq(tensor(uint16))", "seq(tensor(uint32))",
"seq(tensor(uint64))", "seq(tensor(int8))", "seq(tensor(int16))",
"seq(tensor(int32))", "seq(tensor(int64))", "seq(tensor(bfloat16))",
"seq(tensor(float16))", "seq(tensor(float))", "seq(tensor(double))",
"seq(tensor(string))", "seq(tensor(bool))", "seq(tensor(complex64))",
"seq(tensor(complex128))", "seq(tensor(float8e4m3fn))", "seq(tensor(float8e4m3fnuz))",
"seq(tensor(float8e5m2))", "seq(tensor(float8e5m2fnuz))"};
return all_tensor_sequence_types_ir9;
static const std::vector<std::string>& all_tensor_sequence_types_ir10() {
static const std::vector<std::string> all_tensor_sequence_types_ir10 = {
"seq(tensor(uint8))", "seq(tensor(uint16))", "seq(tensor(uint32))",
"seq(tensor(uint64))", "seq(tensor(int8))", "seq(tensor(int16))",
"seq(tensor(int32))", "seq(tensor(int64))", "seq(tensor(bfloat16))",
"seq(tensor(float16))", "seq(tensor(float))", "seq(tensor(double))",
"seq(tensor(string))", "seq(tensor(bool))", "seq(tensor(complex64))",
"seq(tensor(complex128))", "seq(tensor(float8e4m3fn))", "seq(tensor(float8e4m3fnuz))",
"seq(tensor(float8e5m2))", "seq(tensor(float8e5m2fnuz))", "seq(tensor(uint4))",
return all_tensor_sequence_types_ir10;
static const std::vector<std::string>& all_optional_types() {
static const std::vector<std::string> all_optional_types = {
"optional(seq(tensor(uint8)))", "optional(seq(tensor(uint16)))", "optional(seq(tensor(uint32)))",
"optional(seq(tensor(uint64)))", "optional(seq(tensor(int8)))", "optional(seq(tensor(int16)))",
"optional(seq(tensor(int32)))", "optional(seq(tensor(int64)))", "optional(seq(tensor(float16)))",
"optional(seq(tensor(float)))", "optional(seq(tensor(double)))", "optional(seq(tensor(string)))",
"optional(seq(tensor(bool)))", "optional(seq(tensor(complex64)))", "optional(seq(tensor(complex128)))",
"optional(tensor(uint8))", "optional(tensor(uint16))", "optional(tensor(uint32))",
"optional(tensor(uint64))", "optional(tensor(int8))", "optional(tensor(int16))",
"optional(tensor(int32))", "optional(tensor(int64))", "optional(tensor(float16))",
"optional(tensor(float))", "optional(tensor(double))", "optional(tensor(string))",
"optional(tensor(bool))", "optional(tensor(complex64))", "optional(tensor(complex128))"};
return all_optional_types;
static const std::vector<std::string>& all_optional_types_ir4() {
static const std::vector<std::string> all_optional_types = {
"optional(seq(tensor(uint8)))", "optional(seq(tensor(uint16)))", "optional(seq(tensor(uint32)))",
"optional(seq(tensor(uint64)))", "optional(seq(tensor(int8)))", "optional(seq(tensor(int16)))",
"optional(seq(tensor(int32)))", "optional(seq(tensor(int64)))", "optional(seq(tensor(bfloat16)))",
"optional(seq(tensor(float16)))", "optional(seq(tensor(float)))", "optional(seq(tensor(double)))",
"optional(seq(tensor(string)))", "optional(seq(tensor(bool)))", "optional(seq(tensor(complex64)))",
"optional(seq(tensor(complex128)))", "optional(tensor(uint8))", "optional(tensor(uint16))",
"optional(tensor(uint32))", "optional(tensor(uint64))", "optional(tensor(int8))",
"optional(tensor(int16))", "optional(tensor(int32))", "optional(tensor(int64))",
"optional(tensor(bfloat16))", "optional(tensor(float16))", "optional(tensor(float))",
"optional(tensor(double))", "optional(tensor(string))", "optional(tensor(bool))",
"optional(tensor(complex64))", "optional(tensor(complex128))"};
return all_optional_types;
static const std::vector<std::string>& all_optional_types_ir9() {
static const std::vector<std::string> all_optional_types = {
"optional(seq(tensor(uint8)))", "optional(seq(tensor(uint16)))", "optional(seq(tensor(uint32)))",
"optional(seq(tensor(uint64)))", "optional(seq(tensor(int8)))", "optional(seq(tensor(int16)))",
"optional(seq(tensor(int32)))", "optional(seq(tensor(int64)))", "optional(seq(tensor(bfloat16)))",
"optional(seq(tensor(float16)))", "optional(seq(tensor(float)))", "optional(seq(tensor(double)))",
"optional(seq(tensor(string)))", "optional(seq(tensor(bool)))", "optional(seq(tensor(complex64)))",
"optional(seq(tensor(complex128)))", "optional(tensor(uint8))", "optional(tensor(uint16))",
"optional(tensor(uint32))", "optional(tensor(uint64))", "optional(tensor(int8))",
"optional(tensor(int16))", "optional(tensor(int32))", "optional(tensor(int64))",
"optional(tensor(bfloat16))", "optional(tensor(float16))", "optional(tensor(float))",
"optional(tensor(double))", "optional(tensor(string))", "optional(tensor(bool))",
"optional(tensor(complex64))", "optional(tensor(complex128))", "optional(tensor(float8e4m3fn))",
"optional(tensor(float8e4m3fnuz))", "optional(tensor(float8e5m2))", "optional(tensor(float8e5m2fnuz))"};
return all_optional_types;
static const std::vector<std::string>& all_optional_types_ir10() {
static const std::vector<std::string> all_optional_types = {
"optional(seq(tensor(uint8)))", "optional(seq(tensor(uint16)))", "optional(seq(tensor(uint32)))",
"optional(seq(tensor(uint64)))", "optional(seq(tensor(int8)))", "optional(seq(tensor(int16)))",
"optional(seq(tensor(int32)))", "optional(seq(tensor(int64)))", "optional(seq(tensor(bfloat16)))",
"optional(seq(tensor(float16)))", "optional(seq(tensor(float)))", "optional(seq(tensor(double)))",
"optional(seq(tensor(string)))", "optional(seq(tensor(bool)))", "optional(seq(tensor(complex64)))",
"optional(seq(tensor(complex128)))", "optional(tensor(uint8))", "optional(tensor(uint16))",
"optional(tensor(uint32))", "optional(tensor(uint64))", "optional(tensor(int8))",
"optional(tensor(int16))", "optional(tensor(int32))", "optional(tensor(int64))",
"optional(tensor(bfloat16))", "optional(tensor(float16))", "optional(tensor(float))",
"optional(tensor(double))", "optional(tensor(string))", "optional(tensor(bool))",
"optional(tensor(complex64))", "optional(tensor(complex128))", "optional(tensor(float8e4m3fn))",
"optional(tensor(float8e4m3fnuz))", "optional(tensor(float8e5m2))", "optional(tensor(float8e5m2fnuz))",
"optional(tensor(uint4))", "optional(tensor(int4))"};
return all_optional_types;
// Calls the passed function with `this` as an argument. Useful for
// adding docs for temlated/macro ops.
OpSchema& FillUsing(const std::function<void(OpSchema&)>& populator);
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const OpSchema& schema);
const std::string& domain() const {
return domain_;
const std::map<std::string, Attribute>& attributes() const {
return attributes_;
// Get input formal parameters.
const std::vector<FormalParameter>& inputs() const {
return inputs_;
// Get output formal parameters.
const std::vector<FormalParameter>& outputs() const {
return outputs_;
const std::vector<TypeConstraintParam>& typeConstraintParams() const {
return type_constraint_params_;
const TypeConstraintMap& typeConstraintMap() const {
return type_constraints_;
const std::string& Name() const {
return name_;
OperatorSetVersion SinceVersion() const {
return since_version_;
int since_version() const {
return since_version_;
bool deprecated() const {
return deprecated_;
int min_input() const {
return min_input_;
int max_input() const {
return max_input_;
int min_output() const {
return min_output_;
int max_output() const {
return max_output_;
bool has_type_and_shape_inference_function() const {
return tensor_inference_function_ ? true : false;
bool has_data_propagation_function() const {
return data_propagation_function_ ? true : false;
std::vector<int> function_opset_versions() const {
std::vector<int> opset_versions;
std::map<int, std::shared_ptr<FunctionProto>>::const_iterator it = opset_version_to_function_body_.cbegin();
for (; it != opset_version_to_function_body_.cend(); ++it) {
return opset_versions;
bool HasFunction() const {
return !opset_version_to_function_body_.empty();
OpSchema& FunctionBody(const std::vector<NodeProto>& func_nodes, int opset_version = kUninitializedSinceVersion);
OpSchema& FunctionBody(
const std::vector<NodeProto>& func_nodes,
const std::vector<OperatorSetIdProto>& opsets,
int opset_version = kUninitializedSinceVersion);
OpSchema& FunctionBody(const char* func_body, int opset_version = kUninitializedSinceVersion);
// since_version_ of an OpSchema tells the last opset version when an op is defined.
// When the op's definition is changed, a new OpSchema (of the same op_type) is created
// with a newer since_version_, reflecting the opset version at the time of change.
// For a function op, operators used to define its function body may change
// while there is no change to the function op definition itself.
// When this happens, mutiple function bodies are provided, each for a specific opset version.
// Take LogSoftmax for example. Its latest opset version is 13.
// In LogSoftmax's function body, ReduceMax (with since_version_ 1, 11, 12, 18) is used.
// When a model containing LogSoftmax with opset_import version within 13 to 17 is loaded, function body
// with opset_version 13 is used for inlining.
// When the same model but opset_import version 18 is loaded, function body
// with opset_version 18 is used for inlining.
// Clearly function body for opset_import version 13 will not work
// in a model with opset_import version 18 because the function body make worng use of ReduceMax(18).
// Inside GetFunction we ensure that ops being used to construct a function body do not endure such
// issue.
const FunctionProto* GetFunction(
int requested_opset_version = OpSchema::kUninitializedSinceVersion,
bool validate = false) const;
std::vector<int> context_dependent_function_opset_versions() const {
std::vector<int> opset_versions;
std::map<int, ContextDependentFunctionBodyBuilder>::const_iterator it = opset_version_to_function_builder_.cbegin();
for (; it != opset_version_to_function_builder_.cend(); ++it) {
return opset_versions;
bool HasContextDependentFunction() const {
return !opset_version_to_function_builder_.empty();
bool HasContextDependentFunctionWithOpsetVersion(int opset_version) const {
return opset_version_to_function_builder_.find(opset_version) != opset_version_to_function_builder_.end();
OpSchema& SetContextDependentFunctionBodyBuilder(
int opset_version = kUninitializedSinceVersion);
bool BuildContextDependentFunction(
const FunctionBodyBuildContext& ctx,
FunctionProto& function_proto,
int requested_opset_version = OpSchema::kUninitializedSinceVersion) const;
// Verifies that the schema is valid and all specifications are compatible.
// It will also parse all type strings specified for inputs/outputs into valid
// TypeProto and create global unique string pointer as the DataType for
// efficiency.
void Finalize();
// Build function with information stored in opschema
void BuildFunction(FunctionProto& function_body) const;
void ParseAndSetTypes(
/*out*/ std::vector<OpSchema::FormalParameter>* formalParameters);
bool ValidateReferencedOpsInFuncton(
const FunctionProto* function,
int requested_opset_version,
int function_since_version,
std::set<std::string>* updated_ops = nullptr) const;
void UpdateFunctionProtoOpsetImportVersion(FunctionProto& function_proto, int opset_version) const;
std::string name_;
std::string file_;
std::string doc_;
// Default domain value ("") means it's ONNX domain.
std::string domain_ = ONNX_DOMAIN;
std::map<std::string, Attribute> attributes_{};
bool allows_unchecked_attributes_ = false;
std::vector<FormalParameter> inputs_;
std::vector<FormalParameter> outputs_;
std::vector<TypeConstraintParam> type_constraint_params_;
TypeConstraintMap type_constraints_;
int line_ = 0;
SupportType support_;
int min_input_ = 0;
int max_input_ = 0;
int min_output_ = 0;
int max_output_ = 0;
// The default is a little goofy, since it is never what you want
OperatorSetVersion since_version_ = kUninitializedSinceVersion;
bool deprecated_{};
std::function<bool(int)> num_inputs_allowed_ = [](int) { return true; };
std::function<bool(int)> num_outputs_allowed_ = [](int) { return true; };
InferenceFunction tensor_inference_function_;
DataPropagationFunction data_propagation_function_;
std::map<int, std::shared_ptr<FunctionProto>> opset_version_to_function_body_;
std::map<int, ContextDependentFunctionBodyBuilder> opset_version_to_function_builder_;
// Map type to store operator schemas. The format is,
// <OpName, <Domain, <OperatorSetVersion, OpSchema>>>.
using OpName_Domain_Version_Schema_Map =
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::unordered_map<std::string, std::map<OperatorSetVersion, OpSchema>>>;
class ISchemaRegistry {
virtual ~ISchemaRegistry() = default;
virtual const OpSchema*
GetSchema(const std::string& key, const int maxInclusiveVersion, const std::string& domain = ONNX_DOMAIN) const = 0;
* @brief A registry to hold all the operator schemas.
class OpSchemaRegistry final : public ISchemaRegistry {
// A singleton class to store domain to min/max op_set version map, as well as
// domain to last-release op_set version map.
class DomainToVersionRange final {
DomainToVersionRange() {
// Increase the highest version when you make BC-breaking changes to the
// operator schema on specific domain. Update the lowest version when it's
// determined to remove too old version history.
map_[ONNX_DOMAIN] = std::make_pair(1, 21);
map_[AI_ONNX_ML_DOMAIN] = std::make_pair(1, 5);
map_[AI_ONNX_TRAINING_DOMAIN] = std::make_pair(1, 1);
// ONNX's preview domain contains operators subject to change, so
// versining is not meaningful and that domain should have only one
// version.
map_[AI_ONNX_PREVIEW_TRAINING_DOMAIN] = std::make_pair(1, 1);
// Version corresponding last release of ONNX. Update this to match with
// the max version above in a *release* version of ONNX. But in other
// versions, the max version may be ahead of the last-release-version.
last_release_version_map_[ONNX_DOMAIN] = 21;
last_release_version_map_[AI_ONNX_ML_DOMAIN] = 5;
last_release_version_map_[AI_ONNX_TRAINING_DOMAIN] = 1;
last_release_version_map_[AI_ONNX_PREVIEW_TRAINING_DOMAIN] = 1;
const std::unordered_map<std::string, std::pair<int, int>>& Map() const {
return map_;
const std::unordered_map<std::string, int>& LastReleaseVersionMap() const {
return last_release_version_map_;
// Add customized domain to min/max version.
// Onnx partners are able to use onnx operator schema api to
// register customized op in their own domain.
// Can optionally specify last_release_version (to make it similar to
// standard ONNX domains as above). Custom-domains are free to interpret
// this as appropriate (that is, as relative to releases of custom-domain
// as opposed to ONNX releases).
AddDomainToVersion(const std::string& domain, int min_version, int max_version, int last_release_version = -1) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
if (map_.count(domain) != 0) {
std::stringstream err;
err << "Trying to add a domain to DomainToVersion map, but the domain is already exist with version range ("
<< map_.at(domain).first << ", " << map_.at(domain).second << "). domain: \"" << domain << "\""
<< std::endl;
if (last_release_version_map_.count(domain) != 0) {
std::stringstream err;
err << "Trying to add a domain to LastReleaseVersion map, but the domain is already exist with last version: "
<< last_release_version_map_.at(domain) << ", domain: \"" << domain << "\"" << std::endl;
map_[domain] = std::make_pair(min_version, max_version);
// If a last-release-version is not explicitly specified, use max as
// last-release-version.
if (last_release_version == -1) {
last_release_version = max_version;
last_release_version_map_[domain] = last_release_version;
UpdateDomainToVersion(const std::string& domain, int min_version, int max_version, int last_release_version = -1) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
if (map_.count(domain) == 0) {
std::stringstream err;
err << "Trying to update a domain in DomainToVersion map, but the domain has not been add. domain: \"" << domain
<< "\"" << std::endl;
if (last_release_version_map_.count(domain) == 0) {
std::stringstream err;
err << "Trying to update a domain in LastReleaseVersion map, but the domain has not been add. domain: \""
<< domain << "\"" << std::endl;
map_.at(domain).first = min_version;
map_.at(domain).second = max_version;
// Correspond to `AddDomainToVersion`
if (last_release_version == -1) {
last_release_version = max_version;
last_release_version_map_.at(domain) = last_release_version;
static DomainToVersionRange& Instance();
// Key: domain. Value: <lowest version, highest version> pair.
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::pair<int, int>> map_;
// Key: domain. Value: most recent release opset version. Note that
// the highest opset version may be ahead of the most recent release's opset
// version.
std::unordered_map<std::string, int> last_release_version_map_;
std::mutex mutex_;
class OpSchemaRegisterOnce final {
// Export to cpp custom register macro
OpSchemaRegisterOnce(OpSchema op_schema, int opset_version_to_load = 0, bool fail_duplicate_schema = true) {
OpSchemaRegisterNoExcept(std::move(op_schema), opset_version_to_load, fail_duplicate_schema);
static void
OpSchemaRegisterNoExcept(OpSchema&& op_schema, int opset_version_to_load = 0, bool fail_duplicate_schema = true) {
OpSchemaRegisterImpl(std::move(op_schema), opset_version_to_load, fail_duplicate_schema);
ONNX_CATCH(const std::exception& e) {
ONNX_HANDLE_EXCEPTION([&]() { std::cerr << "Schema error: " << e.what() << std::endl; });
static void
OpSchemaRegisterImpl(OpSchema&& op_schema, int opset_version_to_load = 0, bool fail_duplicate_schema = true) {
auto& m = GetMapWithoutEnsuringRegistration();
auto& op_name = op_schema.Name();
auto& op_domain = op_schema.domain();
auto& schema_ver_map = m[op_name][op_domain];
auto ver = op_schema.SinceVersion();
if (OpSchema::kUninitializedSinceVersion == ver) {
ver = op_schema.SinceVersion();
// Stops because the exact opset_version is registered
if (schema_ver_map.count(ver)) {
if (fail_duplicate_schema) {
const auto& schema = schema_ver_map[ver];
std::stringstream err;
err << "Trying to register schema with name " << op_name << " (domain: " << op_domain << " version: " << ver
<< ") from file " << op_schema.file() << " line " << op_schema.line()
<< ", but it is already registered from file " << schema.file() << " line " << schema.line() << std::endl;
if (opset_version_to_load != 0) {
// Stops because the opset_version is higher than opset_version_to_load
if (ver > opset_version_to_load) {
// Stops because a later version is registered within target opset version
if (!schema_ver_map.empty()) {
int max_registered_ver_le_target = GetMaxRegisteredVerWithinTarget(schema_ver_map, opset_version_to_load);
if (max_registered_ver_le_target >= ver) {
CheckDomainAndVersionToRegister(op_schema, op_name, op_domain);
schema_ver_map.insert(std::pair<int, OpSchema&&>(ver, std::move(op_schema)));
// Gets the maximum version from given map that is less or equal to target version
static int GetMaxRegisteredVerWithinTarget(const std::map<OperatorSetVersion, OpSchema>& m, int target_ver) {
// std::map is sorted on key
// reverse iterator returns the largest element keyed on the integer version
for (auto&& it = m.rbegin(); it != m.rend(); it++) {
const auto& registered_ver = it->first;
if (registered_ver <= target_ver) {
return registered_ver;
return -1;
static void CheckDomainAndVersionToRegister(
const OpSchema& op_schema,
const std::string& op_name,
const std::string& op_domain) {
auto ver_range_map = DomainToVersionRange::Instance().Map();
auto ver_range_it = ver_range_map.find(op_domain);
auto ver = op_schema.SinceVersion();
if (ver_range_it == ver_range_map.end()) {
std::stringstream err;
err << "Trying to register schema with name " << op_name << " (domain: " << op_domain << " version: " << ver
<< ") from file " << op_schema.file() << " line " << op_schema.line() << ", but its domain is not"
<< " known by the checker." << std::endl;
auto lower_bound_incl = ver_range_it->second.first;
auto upper_bound_incl = ver_range_it->second.second;
if (!(lower_bound_incl <= ver && upper_bound_incl >= ver)) {
std::stringstream err;
err << "Trying to register schema with name " << op_name << " (domain: " << op_domain << " version: " << ver
<< ") from file " << op_schema.file() << " line " << op_schema.line() << ", but its version is not "
<< "in the inclusive range [" << lower_bound_incl << ", " << upper_bound_incl
<< "] (usually, this means you "
<< "bumped the operator version but "
<< "forgot to update the version range in DomainToVersionRange "
<< "in onnx/defs/schema.h)." << std::endl;
static void
OpSchemaDeregister(const std::string& op_type, const int version, const std::string& domain = ONNX_DOMAIN) {
auto& schema_map = GetMapWithoutEnsuringRegistration();
if (schema_map.count(op_type) && schema_map[op_type].count(domain) && schema_map[op_type][domain].count(version)) {
} else {
std::stringstream err;
err << "Attempting to deregister an unregistered schema with name: " << op_type << " domain: " << domain
<< " version: " << version << std::endl;
// Deregister all ONNX opset schemas from domain
// Domain with default value ONNX_DOMAIN means ONNX.
static void OpSchemaDeregisterAll(const std::string& domain = ONNX_DOMAIN) {
auto& schema_map = GetMapWithoutEnsuringRegistration();
// schema_map stores operator schemas in the format of
// <OpName, <Domain, <OperatorSetVersion, OpSchema>>>
for (auto&& schema_map_pair : schema_map) {
auto& domain_map = schema_map_pair.second;
if (domain_map.count(domain)) {
auto& opset_version_schema_map = domain_map[domain];
// Invalidates ver-schema pairs and frees memory, leaving m[op_name][op_domain] empty
// Return the latest schema for an operator in specified domain.
// Domain with default value ONNX_DOMAIN means ONNX.
static const OpSchema* Schema(const std::string& key, const std::string& domain = ONNX_DOMAIN) {
auto& m = map();
if (m.count(key) && m[key].count(domain)) {
const auto& schema_ver_map = m[key][domain];
if (!schema_ver_map.empty()) {
return &m[key][domain].rbegin()->second;
return nullptr;
// Return the schema with biggest version, which is not greater than specified
// <maxInclusiveVersion> in specified domain. Domain with default value
static const OpSchema*
Schema(const std::string& key, const int maxInclusiveVersion, const std::string& domain = ONNX_DOMAIN) {
auto& m = map();
if (m.count(key) && m[key].count(domain)) {
const auto& schema_ver_map = m[key][domain];
if (!schema_ver_map.empty()) {
auto pos = m[key][domain].lower_bound(maxInclusiveVersion);
if (m[key][domain].begin() == pos && pos->first > maxInclusiveVersion) {
// All versions are greater than specified version.
return nullptr;
if (m[key][domain].end() == pos || pos->first > maxInclusiveVersion) {
// All versions are less than specified version, or,
// The <pos> version is greater than specified version.
// Schema with exact version as specified one exists.
return &(pos->second);
return nullptr;
static OpSchemaRegistry* Instance();
const OpSchema* GetSchema(
const std::string& key,
const int maxInclusiveVersion,
const std::string& domain = ONNX_DOMAIN) const override {
return Schema(key, maxInclusiveVersion, domain);
static void SetLoadedSchemaVersion(int target_version) {
loaded_schema_version = target_version;
static int GetLoadedSchemaVersion() {
return loaded_schema_version;
// OpSchemaRegistry should not need to be instantiated except statically
// within this class
OpSchemaRegistry() = default;
* @brief Returns the underlying string to OpSchema map.
* You should not manually manipulate the map object returned. Instead, use
* the macros defined such as ONNX_OPERATOR_SET_SCHEMA to register your
* operator schema.
* We wrap it inside a function to avoid the static initialization order
* fiasco.
static OpName_Domain_Version_Schema_Map& GetMapWithoutEnsuringRegistration();
static OpName_Domain_Version_Schema_Map& map();
static int loaded_schema_version;
static const std::vector<OpSchema> get_all_schemas_with_history() {
std::vector<OpSchema> r;
for (auto& x : map()) {
for (auto& y : x.second) {
for (auto& z : y.second) {
return r;
static const std::vector<OpSchema> get_all_schemas() {
std::vector<OpSchema> r;
for (auto& x : map()) {
for (auto& y : x.second) {
auto& version2schema = y.second;
if (!version2schema.empty()) {
return r;
void RegisterSchema(
const OpSchema& schema,
int opset_version_to_load = 0,
bool fail_duplicate_schema = true,
bool fail_with_exception = false);
void RegisterSchema(
OpSchema&& schema,
int opset_version_to_load = 0,
bool fail_duplicate_schema = true,
bool fail_with_exception = false);
void DeregisterSchema(const std::string& op_type, int version, const std::string& domain);
// Registers the latest opset schema before opset_version_to_load
// By default opset_version_to_load=0 means it will register all versions
template <class T>
void RegisterOpSetSchema(int opset_version_to_load = 0, bool fail_duplicate_schema = true) {
T::ForEachSchema([opset_version_to_load, fail_duplicate_schema](OpSchema&& schema) {
RegisterSchema(std::move(schema), opset_version_to_load, fail_duplicate_schema);
// Forward declaration for the non-specialized GetOpSchema method. This
// enforces a consistent signature on functions that query individual schema,
// which are defined as specializations of this function.
template <typename T>
OpSchema GetOpSchema();
#define ONNX_OPERATOR_SET_SCHEMA(name, ver, impl) ONNX_OPERATOR_SET_SCHEMA_EX(name, Onnx, ONNX_DOMAIN, ver, true, impl)
#define ONNX_ML_OPERATOR_SET_SCHEMA(name, ver, impl) \
#define ONNX_TRAINING_OPERATOR_SET_SCHEMA(name, ver, impl) \
// Defines specialization of GetOpSchema for a class whose name is determined
// based on a convention using name, domain, and version. Operator schema are
// normally included in operator sets and registered in OpSchemaRegistry::map().
// In this case, callers should set dbg_included_in_static_opset to true. This
// assists with runtime validation in DEBUG builds ensuring the intended set
// of operator schema is registered.
#define ONNX_OPERATOR_SET_SCHEMA_EX(name, domain, domain_str, ver, dbg_included_in_static_opset, impl) \
class ONNX_OPERATOR_SET_SCHEMA_CLASS_NAME(domain, ver, name); \
template <> \
OpSchema GetOpSchema<ONNX_OPERATOR_SET_SCHEMA_CLASS_NAME(domain, ver, name)>() { \
return impl.SetName(#name).SetDomain(domain_str).SinceVersion(ver).SetLocation(__FILE__, __LINE__); \
} \
size_t dbg_count_check_##name##_##domain##_ver##ver = \
(dbg_included_in_static_opset) ? ONNX_DBG_INCREMENT_COUNT_IN_OPSETS() : 0;
#ifdef NDEBUG
#define ONNX_DBG_INCREMENT_COUNT_IN_OPSETS() DbgOperatorSetTracker::Instance().IncrementCount()
#define ONNX_DBG_GET_COUNT_IN_OPSETS() DbgOperatorSetTracker::Instance().GetCount()
class DbgOperatorSetTracker {
static DbgOperatorSetTracker& Instance();
size_t IncrementCount() {
return ++count_;
size_t GetCount() const {
return count_;
size_t count_ = 0;
// Naming convention for operator schema classes
#define ONNX_OPERATOR_SET_SCHEMA_CLASS_NAME(domain, ver, name) name##_##domain##_ver##ver
// Naming convention for preview operator schema classes
// Helper function
size_t ReplaceAll(std::string& s, const char* from, const char* to);
#ifdef __GNUC__
#define ONNX_UNUSED __attribute__((__unused__))
// Legacy macros to register schema at static initialization
#define ONNX_OPERATOR_SCHEMA_UNIQ(Counter, name) \
static ONNX_NAMESPACE::OpSchemaRegistry::OpSchemaRegisterOnce(op_schema_register_once##name##Counter) ONNX_UNUSED = \
OpSchema(#name, __FILE__, __LINE__)
// Helper function
size_t ReplaceAll(std::string& s, const char* from, const char* to);
inline std::string GenerateOptionalArgumentsDoc() {
return "This operator has **optional** inputs/outputs. "
"See [the doc](IR.md) for more details about the representation of "
"optional arguments. An empty string may be used in the place of "
"an actual argument's name to indicate a missing argument. "
"Trailing optional arguments (those not followed by an argument "
"that is present) may also be simply omitted.\n";
inline std::string GenerateBroadcastingDocMul() {
return "This operator supports **multidirectional (i.e., Numpy-style) broadcasting**;"
" for more details please check [the doc](Broadcasting.md).";
inline std::string GenerateBroadcastingDocUni(const char* from, const char* to) {
std::string ret = "This operator supports **unidirectional broadcasting** (";
ret = ret + from + " should be unidirectional broadcastable to " + to +
" for more details please check [the doc](Broadcasting.md).";
return ret;
* Macros for setting operator documentation
* Use this macro for simple SetDoc() calls that generate documentation
* directly. This is the macro to use in almost all cases.
* Sample usage guidelines:
* const char* doc_str = "foo";
* SetDoc(GET_OP_DOC_STR(doc_str))
std::string(BitShift_ver11_doc) + GenerateBroadcastingDocMul()))
#define GET_OP_DOC_STR(doc_str) (doc_str)
#define GET_OP_DOC_STR(doc_str) ("")
* Use this macro when the documentation needs to be populated in some
* complicated way like string substitutions, etc before calling SetDoc.
* Sample usage guidelines:
std::string doc;
doc = R"DOC(
Returns the tensor resulted from performing the `{name}` logical operation
elementwise on the input tensors `A` and `B` (with Numpy-style broadcasting
ReplaceAll(doc, "{name}", name);
doc, "{broadcast_doc}", GenerateBroadcastingDocMul().c_str()););
#define POPULATE_OP_DOC_STR(DocPopulatorCode) \
do { \
DocPopulatorCode \
} while (0)
#define POPULATE_OP_DOC_STR(DocPopulatorCode)
} // namespace ONNX_NAMESPACE